Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-21, Page 1low.. PROBLEM. --What two nurnbprs are they xxiiF CINSULI'El) ci, ro 10 A.H., whose sum difference, quotient d product :�Irve'-Irt.xt door an make together, 1836 ? 10: 1 Tailor, A colourect girl named Mary E. Chaois has been sent to the Blichigan Stativpo -GODERICH c., &,%, G 0 D term of ten'yL-ars for setting, fir'e- tb 114 fit. P IRRICII, C. %V. i 3:40-1 y 0 MVEDA ploye?s house four different times. Two L-Assorte-d ho men, says The Cobourn Sun, were clipp. %', -i 1: U t i E 0 N, (Late _P 11 y S I C -liu, %)Ing on Lot No. 26, lit con. Hamikon. [on Howw Surgeoll, Kmazmlon TuesdAy last, when a failing tree killed onii. of WIMT tjrFc&--.At Arthurl_� Hoard.lig [loust, A ND HIT -R -ON AND BkUCE ALDVERTIS ERS W. (them, named Wm; Walker. We clip the following Ircrm the St. Lot is U1 )1r. Democrat of the I It h itst., and bog to I- "'Ic 'LF -TO' "The Greatest Possible Good to ihe Grailest Possible Nitmber." %TE OF STAN , Y- C11 -N X H U W.T. COX,E litor aud Proprietor, nur contemporary what it- -menus; P4t -�'k,..! RON Road. (Alr.Thv,,-aites'.%ft)ruierl$tore Rb na. Brifish subject. relebsed from Gi J111v 1, 162. .67ticless- Such aa� on tal-in "the oath 0 � ii1legiance."t ekties, Craps, MR. A. WORTHINGTON9 The Daniffies Wrormer learns that in �11 186 pas of Beverley liquor $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD4 GODERICH, C..W., ThEUSIMN MARCH I -VOL. 3. -i -NO 57 Paris procu d PHYbICIAN, SURGEON, &e., will at- - tan be Lend, particularly. to diseases ol-ard surgical without muc b-trolifile, the J!lw mtl*ing -sell theap, folo operatioa.- upoa the eve. erly enfor-ced. 'Pk-liliOns are being circiit itoWICIL VILLAG s. bec. 15. 1862., 1*4-4-1 v 4. Ated for signatyre,' Vt aving t e Cotin,11 1-3 IT A MW �o allow licenses io be_,01inted se Iiinnerl U_ Busilless Directorno 1.4, C1,4AGERY ITIE1 13' shicss AB he �rovn!t# Ira 1_ge�wlfs. IN. THE MATTER OF PARTITION A correspindplIt say. -I fhat in- i A.TTORNEY-AT- Of Halto -the -Dunkin TvVipershco Aqt1 0_A&M.LSTER AN 0 IWURANCE. BE TIFEEIV - t -tile 404'ra B( Law; aiul Soheitor-ini-Ch�ncery County T-Zhine, Mawchant Tailor, TM 114 stliellyVilfe ' reed.somurb�o...Ibal ­anber,kc. Al�g -SQUARE. n -Bt DRUGS,'- D]RTTG-'S- 'I PATRICK KEN-N-FDY N Y-.-; D X A N VrUWrrAttorItey,Goder,d'h. ailadaWessl. utrice 0-11-11ISSIONER. IN THE CO RT OF iu .&ODgRICH, ollbe taver Bin Oakville c . . i - - MA I vl4n.4.0 Queen's mch,,Convey -VESTERN ASSUftNNCE-XO1_IPANY,. -yett miks Lots �of-,;- AND- -erlif*, vs *n acknowiledkInenio d vitry kept of Farni and'To ale; ar-. euth)si Will H' If �hAS JUST- RECEIVED A 6 Briti,,afx.Atnerie"aAs.�aranceC-ot.fipanl-; en - b ell -de 0 ulial. ofi�ing Alcohol. A. - 4ortv Eieshavmfg-.�itsroisal' or _,4rin- to pureliase fe HEVItY COWFER ElYND3112; ANXI) OTHE'REL ease, setutfull pait.citilars. rL CO-Nvgy- 'w"I p, Officesjorouto. -Marine, Fire aad Li Insurgnees, eflectedonfavora6leterms.' Lai -So & ell -Assorted 9�9 B.G,-,iivo.N1s,LaW Chain - R3 K OF Tueilky, one of -the �Caplsi of-- a *Olutl TO 771P, 16-ATORABLEi, T11 737 UDGES 0 C Its. tetr bers. A, YxtNT;ag�am -*loped with- A lstbr Ire& L SEO R$.SOLECITO' Y_ _"Goderi(�h. Nov. 24., 1 S611- E hni�nhle'petition of the'above nalt tilat tow, Anapioceded Office or P vilieie The nuptia kn9t vaff Uid. Wil� ivt RISTEI fric I lhc� Ste Kennedy H iirndma -VI "Sage V Or- TI1E00URT0FCHAPCRRy:_ JOH' HALDAN, Jr., -Act.' 4 COXXERCIA H.X ned er ro Ot F..UT ATID INT XX'A6 W of xeter. in' Pull t. V. Detlor,\-. on,Goderich., and queen Street X C> 3E:L tile (otamy of 11--ro --anil Province Capt in. ur 0 10:13 S ofQanada, Provincial'Land 8 or -.0eixerh GODE i EAST STREET a4w, Rearmn The MontrelGazette 6"tateriliat a',new asiollows: 0, . 1-2:23 su 'an 1. Hmy .11 vAdman,'I"Ite a(Lu eis'on �in the And a varietv of L, incy Articles, Su* ch a comofire bus been 1UrneI out -Qf ittlie GG k A.S K, f, -=O. Com ny 'Witt, rrHE U.N E U -:Z wqrkishopa 'in tbat -city DERSV4, 13EG - incerely P e d i tiiA Town.ship of Colhorae, in tll�e untv bt Hn- Id Tri;nlr Rsilway A thaak hiz- triedtL, fid th-e- travellinx piibiie f roti -and Province atores�. th, tim of Shirts,'Collars,- Neckties, Ca was I e e hws . Fs teen mi tre are rnpidjy ApprioachiOg RRISTE H. T -LAW generattv ior the ver', b4era b;,q kleath the owner, of the-- fee im-)le ol'Lot§ F IRE AND TLIFR triotaries Pu West Street, Goder. enoyedfior thL, pa.;tlime: Vents, and wottid. re- and Lali-e Road E the sHme abops. -NN%ichlie i grepred to. ell Cheil for c -troaage 10:1 'pectlitilly their: pt tbwll,&hip 61-Colliornei in the County --of Huron P nz inan in Massochusetts -bne appli il A alid Province afWesaid, and -o half t will be found Font, wrti-T fa fdr The bat partihi-lar. f lot N umber-) voi front ot-Al aiflapd 'rei ruler has b,�efi-thotouzhlv repat ed,a'4d. CAPITA! TWO MILL ON :DOLLARS G LE B_ 4A EENSING'CH -T AU GIST DISME EMIS & "D f tll� east, riv to -A d. Af 'b J-OLIX DONOGII, Gt;eiien. Oct. 12. !864. 'W12 dauLAer. The fitther-,coneenud mnd sAff west ofNorth %t et,- !*I -the towrij Of Goderich, - 1TTORNRY. SOLTCITOR -00'. JDcaleri-niand nipotterall A.-xg nut It ted F -a n f1s iin Act 2i dI 3 0 0.0, 0 6therwise.krowd at running win futir hun- as the youltIr wan was ahobt lo leave 1 el(?wn p W 01,Uoderiell. I -feel -bound for tell presence A'nd the - *a!d Henry Hyntillian wA.,z -lilewise at, you. air, That sl even-li�niipered wc Anhual-Income EXCeeds $2,500,000. —DUN.LOP Croderielt Sep s%k7 G I r,'N U 1-N E- D 1>, U_ G S dred and nitietVilg re.e'6f] 11 1 GarnerotKin-ifo Street.,Goderich- 9.4 HUGH tis the� ni -the time of his io-me fee ew -i6beritan'Ve of lots litimlk-rs n rao u;ad.'- -tile LOTTrES2 I -lair root1i..vtr1d lBruigilep; 9 1 and eleVen 'In* the�eizlith Western Notaries, go. Oince 3fe urances efl�cted -at OfC hwilp of C :�?A TES cougisteat With safetv. .,Division, ofthersaid town�. 'o P-1OVrtTE1 TOR. PAINTS, OILS, -COLOU PrE 17 saidHenryRA-11dinande rt�Tthislire `2 tPiplorm the,inhabilatits of C. cier' 'BrsT'P-L'AcE -71-Ty,lbay Cariitfoiner, West St�eet, GoIterich. 9.42 WILSON THE e on. all that he -under Be tillove is niost 2.zThe has RE31OVED to the shop W" MMILAND ROT El GODERICH C&etn teals, Perfumer.V, rJP lin eis al W -B11TSTER9, -ATTORNEYS-AT-LA F situated allinfille-nineteeinh tiav of-pepwrliber in XX. f4adon, eminence 120 feet Life Insurance 'Ample _011 or Vbi�+ appeam to-lieveibeeb- I Y# HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES (be year of0ur.Lord One Eiglit'linn- Jk. TTORNRY-AT­L.XW SOLTMOR IN ailrdLake Hrro'n;�ai)uii Ore-nards, Garjellsand -1 -ind Forii-Four, havin- firit d'1v nia�.e and 0 Ilson s c. ur a P q-1 t nd wbi it 11 X Ghincerj,, Notary Publwr Goavt�yancer, Rural Walk.4 attached. Boartf.$1 BOUS XND BA TE LOWER TILLV P01 and 'te%lam t in writing ellis -al Boris Goder. Matta We, -t. oihce_oa� leabsur a. cents. 'v15ul0v1v FICE A. ures - f it lowing, t hat Jk It XK IM �r, -f3 u_�Ln im Tit one day recentl RiA� 25 CARDENSEE" &C 1j10ST_E.VCrL1SH OF1 which ii Ili die words a`W fi- -heouth side -of Wst 1,4treet,tli on. Lung a tman rode th se D ID, irddoor?rom the is toa,, Hear%, o'Luiiderbt Orde-r-Rfram Medira! meiii punettiallv attentfe,11 in th' he has a large supply Pf - C5 I the 111) tTZiurt-Hi)usPe Sz4uaie. ecow ni London 6=M tin d a turkii at Lovest 1% rail., got 1�p a qaarter Losses- Proi4t1.y:- Settled..- Without -Provihee OrUpper Canada. do Ilia -find ptiblizli A 21 -15 abo-otinglS ganderTinTlInjo- a N.B. Prescriltions ca-re-fti-11v dis rid Ifn in d perism. : - ; I t I .. I - 9 -eferell I . . . . . . " � this mv last will wid tesfarnent.4� d tTV D A Y S.7, 3M 0 lr;� E L R 0 - to a Board of Directors Eolih eb FIL WIN ER "ODS! --Har r and preaching, by a IN TO `F W- SOLICIT 4q appoh-0 my dear Wife Atidnsta y -ir -guard wards rah a foof rate fo -applejack all rivai _W.RQX'ET.ER_'_ ZTCHER9� Hyndman v sole exe6iitrix and to inn Very suitablo for the Goderitch Trade. X T ?,_J Y-AT-L.A 0114N et bth (31ARLES FL whii1i hi d rom o ujr childr n,ad f do Irreby direct thatin tile it; ready -to sell at- and as ifbatwis not eouch, C, If on the Gitivel Road runnin- 111 Co2s Tssiluare he 1bage first place mv executrix do -provide lor'lliep:iy. Par's lWayl the Courf, afterlositilg1itr Gode6!h.1NTaV% 1,964. -W15, LIGHT -IGHT"! LIGHT 1 livent otan niv j-' and in lbe next plave THE LOWEST CA's SIX PRICE- sinded"pokg6r, ana w�lljpjn here it leads�otr to Wroieter, and. any onif tra,!�- awii I dehis I . single h Money U Lend, on Re3l. Pro*rty. --thatshe to ll;ake A�Su:iiIb!e'prtwhsi Jor niv deqr I�lin- lo h - --"' I 9 - , . . --h Hvnilman, eqi I t f6r saying --he didti't ujilderstafid t e'- _Shade� C4oc�din_-, . itish and 1e: cautile mother,:Mrs. Rara o the life 'Un3erich, OM. l8th, IS64 - i . Beltnvre:� Walkertm Southampton. 13 — . 4 went It ch Vis iluitv of. X50sterline. renounced P ii1y'llivar Out and helped to. ly Insuranec 'Co., 11UCK &COA'L OILS.4a::_ -JTT'OR'.% �SGLTCIT0F,&e._ G6nc ranypace-i-P.-iflatd- llfer� nt'-of thi, rarm-of Gor tireetica,.wi. tindaccommo­o 11-0 go a Olin for 1 - teah Lar, rd C' Vtoctr, Wesist- entra' -XICU dation'sue I V a at let let let ti �s he oi I' ex-peeL.-ao find at firAt el let tv of Arr n Scot "e 'TEAM ICA NGINE s 1,�AU�U*g Fluid, Lam Oils.- 11 land, S ace First Doorfiest of 'Ot -e. in -Mr. G hambers.. hit it tiy tier a lid we to J ohn IL31 r Hyndinan, citvhotelstn all re�-Pects. Tic ordon'sLawC P iat ' tinsgownouW. Esquire., to illy de"ar wife on con ition 4 her XR SCIESCu.-A contraband Vor Sale bv AN D, IIAND _�uve� f r how til onilbounds In litiruit of ICE ALWAYS ON, JOHN, HXLDAN.� Jr.. reiiouti(-iti�rlici�iglitotlowe�. .1 1 or.he - - fugitives For. HIS swl2-lvr of Colborne, Western Division, Wall itslmier'unto yiiiti'. why you iisw gw- -or 10 j;Grod rich.J.;kn. 09" - _0 XL IER.-- f A160rel% . _- .1 � . -RDA fire the Jol.4 o. 1, 2b3, LR -k -e road eo.-Zt� township . - I F. J.0 N. rwh,G. W. 0Ifice--(,.RABR1i.L*iEW M_ fdrniture� plate, books, lirien,fiarining W Ing pole and hop about twenty fqetj krout-F Fri6nds 'stock,- cattle and of which FORSALP, -four or five tUri You do dis 11,11AL-ke r-'roxg. L RIM 19 C, X - -R r, THR BLTLDgI%G$ COVEMA LENGTH OF vitay on I he %ame a-- I he time of in v &ath ;�all pitit trodarich. Au_-u:it 27th, ;864. S . W103W31 c1her pr,61,ertv, u heter real or. periotia 1, 1 direct �yoti ligbf *'hr1j41` eme'vel"0141,141ft 9oney to-Len*Cl, A, ]RUNDILED M FIFTY FE to be etinalivAiVided among my children, share.' hat yo - heels. mske,�Aid 0en C Apply to Ar 11 re begiiie4th the said ley lose dar s"pfl, juii4f V uey gqj XT MAT -To R 0 BERMPLSON _d. ahl-e. and �-jve an . " I a qha _i1n C H ARLE S DAYS, lots No. L -2 -S3.. -Lake Ro W. E. C-:RACV',i r asonable. terms.. Apply to ad East, v, i; h the lidus, 9 4 e 0 uVs- 611 flit". �TTGRNEY. SO LIGITOR &c OFFI-CI w4ls*l a kn dn", ancl brm G)d rich; Nov.71h. 1864. ebt dey tor. w46-1. Prorie -sfnd thereon kil6r the deat of mv dear C- W. Wife to elde�t .Zon. v ar pepper into Jai dik--& -L. DOYLE, ebee, chee, thee. imd d&171 vl[5,�wn,51y Inv dear B power of dividing among.bur childrea c4v.,n;n ereftit I :1.ite I., _10telicall U..W wife the proper the furnittit. O.W0_. &c., UC as chemaythttIL NOTICES dpZa can do dat dsjy.'� rabb*s new Bla-ek. Uameyon I- -%vciod. of which she the li e rent and re erve to Illy-" -'.illy �h lid to Godetitib, 9 t h� Jan 1865. w5O lyi elt the right by any writin -c - Goderielt and Oil.: g. tin er� a add codicils tty this'my lam will and -or LL those indebted to John S N the' kA* -:H�Wbpeldon. D I- Y. ELIVV H hi to Inako; special bequests as may appear to me hrom time to Jaw_itt%e&,iwh' Iargestan(l belqtCoui A late of the Villacr, of St. Helena, in the are amusin enough - I A 6. 1;m, ICKS, piietor. T ritn. iLotef -in-AVe-tern Canada.ani ereo': Townsbi wondin 10341119 W-111610121 1 chaiges -its - i;lerate.-as any.4-i-Alse- Wawannosh, -ain-�abi be et my hill& it 'Eunder-sto-li in,%litcht;fl. St,O-e-Proprietor.- Good glat)[mg fr c rwise, aie, fa plirase -to je viZu-47 ninelecntt�of Julie debtor, by book a6 ount or othe 0, herwise 11215 amusing As An -Y k 100 Horsez��' Hohe, -a N 4c for Ill e, on: IVI A UFACTURER Carrialre, RIF LEc'99 _SHOI-�GUNSJ 11 0 _R tia-andAlexander Do las. hereby notified not to pay lh� same my farm ervants_ ineinNer to met.- ntly 1: S ilxyrs, than into this -office. Mi. SpaYk of Witness. 409or M -AT -UW, SOLICITOR IN-- OF AL_ 1; IND, My Rigried) YNDMAN1. 14-14 -% Kirkwall Ind JOHN. 31AICDO'. ALT)_ 4q W, The reaffcied sviiui�ter OW -B !OLAS, areas. e, rNoderiebt. on Yh,."id tat,- Hep-ry Hvndintin -had eleven' lhero&isi Sheriffs y fg�w"% GODERIGH. (f LWFj - , 1 - . ng -um etitioner Patrick 14n I -- Sheri --0-haaceryl-Conveyancer.. &a., lfralke-lb B t of Brtte� AUX DO' 001dreft, nmelv : -Your p 25ib Feb, 1865, ill �)ifitfi peel rman�gave otit -o Frbderick Proudfoot, IV SUCH AS.__r aA the aid' Heny owper -iciating clorl t P _6fal In en flv�d na n, of Springsidei. We.M. KiliricTe. in Ayr. 3araphrase, wVich ertai Sores, Lounae, -Be e,w es irA'%_CXK, iV(rrAXV PC4ULIC'kk_c. 7/7 MARBLEWORKS' variety. Wirdrobes, Mook,Gases. Alitira shire.in that part ofthe.Kinadotgof Great BiRfith Occasion so aptly Ual and Irela-tid called Scofland,N)ar.g Cardlinti Hvnd- )e -Hind uhivorsally won and figat� 'Tim quinewmimipigtinm oileiTables, Wash tands., Gnairs,- man%,. nlan.ofihe saine plare, f-pinster. 1 -tat livi Bang ore r W.; _-C. T R -E VtN malli me pmee,.spiaster,.Elizatelli Alu'ry- LEA- Cen�iir fables, Dini Tablevs,- gre�kfast T and a FOR.� -SALIE Ail kLtsds her a -17iiiiinair. of"he saiiie place, spin--ler. and Anlis 'in fit 46Iec nd - fwbwt* 4GINF.ER AND PROV V7 fX�D' ftnilrerd, in the 1VIL E* L-01114a.-Hynditian, ol'the town Ot, .In oi P&M and Provineeforesaidi spinster,- JLU1R,.N ,-% -" 3 -x MADE VO� OR &I-gustit., Harriet Williams [to nerly Avigula r. Offift -arid kesidenicej. �a A Goticefc... -V1511 -so mail - the child pf Promptlyatendedlo UPHOLSTERYonallit BYL " anl- tile WIe Ral wee, !f9rriet1tyndm, Is -doomid to eii1eAmi i -a br �7 61 the same plave, John Hyiiadjujan,df 0 teft E xelgir. I n the - Coll il ly of littro AND NG, 6 9 ft - (-j,orZe William kov UNID io FOW9 1, --61- idin,�rin stralia. orNt�w.Zeiland;'wilo are. Mr. R, reqneettully invites all ex -in oi rw -Ail,. alias 'all of age, and RoNer, Blair 11yuglinah-And Arthur 01114. not -nade of1hi! bciet'ilid e a ,%tock- Warrantt;d I. 'lie Opposit the mirket. ce 1v ngin) a alip deceased. O'Groat'4,ouivaL e, and besat.sfied before lot andat- it1v'redu d price -i. and coin Pao 4. TheIgaid lite Henry Hyndniah; �-_ft hini,sur- neard viving your velitiontirand the saifj 11'el)TV C -1ndS ina done-.' OW_ All 1, of re.r on most Laud 4-ent an(f Conveyancer, K -t To -Ab T li,31bts, Tabl ads o.,- Farmer5�s Pro.- Ain't. d4i" IV~,*, _P3 Cordwowl and all- 1. i3er H yndina n. 31ana -able HVifdr"nn, Elizabeth bla-v Hynd nan, A�nna, eason. terms To 3,�- &;" : . _11_ . -Un e duce taken :aa: Hynamill, Atmm�ta: Hatrit t. Williams� et. OU Witrertloni 6n Egin-Stre' Goderieb, A.umatit 2n.. W94 SW_ Augusta Goderieh i March 24t nerly Harriet Hvnd Tian] John d I ijrLRn,Georg6- William Ing, 'RICF, C!X *0 W. i= - "I aitet done imott Wer. ARCHITECTi r1V .1 -1 IF, 'IFIGATION-; of .9t;,Td-: e---. heiresee%-af-kow �gnd :J�is wid ff We 1, whit.�arejb WNDOX fill ber?", ViA9P0'0L L'% --Aljgt'lst 0 Ll -it narriet -Elizabeth HvildillIth, %%lW �;7 w i r e A.Up ima neat attdcorreetst�:Ic' t T11 10 "m Offitie at the flarw Auct tw I has a clAinx for 46we'r out or Ifie said lands, -1 r= skaid v 4M-C>3n1kX3 i fsw ft U Street. Goderich. and wbo . is -, intended to - be and is WQ.ULD particotaly glisw the ti�ntion of I "ide A party to this 110jher E)JOUSE in, 'Pelilion.: -and X2,000,000, St�t; Acett H1111 What I wldp YbW whaff st-ttlers -,on their.Lauds - and .,.others) fou XTAL Czyttal .$5,671,72?.- . .-- - L Ilyndman and Arthur HyRitulan, who havii since AN-U� . - T icit."vap_. !t7� rhakinik better -DEPARTME GABURE WAR the _St ute 23 V 'h ME _L i AL W, - . , - mehousand ei�gfit bundred and- prbvision for flitipunisbuitnt-by title and iln- -a In t ej,ear� BrIttahla Life. AssuTanct- (to. of Lohdon. #god if 4, fi6r-Axibeiabovenimed Hi.nryCo*per Hyllcl-lpnsatifnentofperstjngstpalincTimber*� -ato -totii LAND ACENT, Parli -aiataky _'Agen. i murved fr" amv X3rket Square, Goderich. W Biadiwat%A ap in paidta the CAn6da, Company Va ba b - at - f'bf :-And- the CANADA Q'ifPANY -heieby -co rsa dvo-1 aires -a to 430]0 '09L rP, TIE undersi- Vbl pointe Z-ni( havfr C himselfandtheothei -wtei n ic isC at- ny erson Mt;qUitA x0he xfnt rwititth kh"*. reQ4(t&C�LJXTa.t-C—.atT. Wednesdlayfrom 'bit ro-inedtable offer Fifty Dollars to be a TS -BU, WITH- THE,. t ' Az9b tforth�- above hie Law of thesaid late Henry i �rndinad; the.11alaneeL f WeijL4�"_ 4j L 'AS - -q rpp himie, his father Wb a 611 rive riuch in r ,w e t D Qompatiies.i p rpra rea t o- accep tin th Firei-ndu oi the -.mont pps -nuvIW wi fleven'. in the eighth "concesson, to the con-viition of any erson -or.perapns; adjL- Grown Lands- aad other do;mrru`aeti sonit his fihlir, tue-baw Ta f '- - Fis.- -Liter-,sks,atmoderatfrttte.soloremium.. nine..ien and L aventio _(INS Tak-b�­Out Pater-ts for -Ol - ' 0 f & ]EEAZLEHURSTS. partmoill Wegern. Division 4 of. the. said tow ship. Lan& of. ing i cowlido:wror. wh .1 Of Private Bills durmg-_ttit A. i of C stealinwTimber rrom any. the ILT19 Draft ttkes chorzt ]mg in lo Did I not for.Parlies re -1-11 di-itb Julills.t. tb59 borne, whereupon the sE .4 Company the saicl Canada C' pinpany. (L. -WAILL _ion, k execut It LD� 'r a. orlsewhere. ed conveyances a to-tue said. boe Ae vorlr' 4. MACDOXA 17-mereallad YL (THE LD� mmission X�r6hntsg, THX.�COUXLT Aiietioll & Go OLD ST IN 11enTy'Couper Hyndman and.thc.-4id other co- Agentt. DON I beirsand co-heire.14ses-at-111W, and b�, they you W1 GOR are entitterd to all ther a6wementioned as Goderich, 25th Febly, 1866. -011wertC G9DERICIEE FATMI-If G KILL __D Alt hi, en el -lenalits.in commoneach teingoatitled to an equal of per QhIi*AW1 roe �,jw roporti t h ere fo 1 t aid fitiory Cowper Hyndrman is. a 'QAtX9o(1todseh0RGnM,. Horses-. Wagggoivf, 11he' Elstaie of saidlate HenT) idr.by he -Briti6h u�&]R L S fSKG FR 0 a ount, o pa HYndman in reipea of -the, amount-. J�J,' ;att-he mart, evely Saturilay at 1100a, VIZ Atuntiow *d tw M6 -.-We " flanirupt Srtwk. Parm ana nasnw on ?land a conr!pjetel Anin ai-Aforesald to the said - the R' ada t4in frllE�L SUBSC BE, GS TO IRT i YIS TIIEL.OIVDC)NqIVAELTJqRll*�REV'IXW� BER F 0 RM Ware any. (C6naerfttive.) e WL apprai4ed, debts cAle ro 2iw_ Cteil� landfordle. theialia It% of the Cauntiea� ef Huron assorttiieiij�ot Purn itdre, 7.*Bvdead,po11.b.-%ring dateAb T11 EMBURGIFTHEYM -since at h -a still-Alaaufacturing, a 9 red tro X- E S T 6 TH E &T September oili� thoumid, eig it. htiW 8T Comm Budgille" 4,_Xeevte&- nkgrtgager-filreeloud, house tented. Division And -flrliceth nd ha (if THE WE, XIN04TUR 1*ilesat the Brigitch Aue T Qahanda�nula sity�jour itall exiiented -by 41- said Raby Tilli. N0113U BRITISH RENIMW orth, every -Thursday. -CbUr& 1tWWM2rl.&`1Ir4 Free - - - f ­ Williams and--Augu-ta 1arfiet lliams� tile, .CAJ*Xtfr Sa"r AMP < H -1 In �.DLACKANrOdD AND bropliht befuM, h e Hair Interest Oft --aid Augusta arrii illniii, AILLS FUM lid, PS* Sof. _-Rur ausg,'Tablei, -ANNING lands with the _ACIE Vr was chh-.g a of tht.afore, aid the Cane and Wool-sph dhitirs. Gift ouTding In wenty J3 of se -Re.wollid pa�ftknl, draw atteluton, pavulat of te su of six hundred hu& to his and dollar aad-�jnterest to S muel Street Fli! ThL 'at from. a ter, of na"d ritaicaKtititti, -wito -a ki� �eo)*W, ICEVED-AUCT IONEER; lrkyFJIRL�fiq� lie will warrant them to free %Vhe own of Sir atiord N the CouRty- of Perth who tfiepric , idtaresAu." to, iiho� &c.. Pumps maAF to -or er,' L comitry -or Furort- -Sales fit vill 45, cock If -Home --Manufaeft !e ofre er-nea4y al ye and _age or coun.tt,,, I oaf Imported I !he t largelyfil6reased-40jr.are oladvike -a-minju 'a) an W -is in canseq re a rty to this a& warraht IlenlLe the. of madeL ' pa) their terms as follows ed. - ATO petition. 4 r IRM actor There'are on 7 other debt a L di'llie 0 WEST WE, GOD191aCIT, as alwars Oh. and enTonlete Rs� 4e iditreef _43ex. -a,14 Cam5riiz Rpaif. mid flenry, [Unditimn., no , r arrthm an Pol t ,or or a 6 f I rhereoi* ..... $4.01) per asinutar Aujftw 'addlety sprtmeifit of COFFINS. Also, HIgARSES r -ittle -Ma irneans, itpiii-rilefition ndt esaidother Filrank ofthe' Ll JSEDLAUCTION lor HURON eXt door lVeSt If StOtfts�' `T9 HIRE. Xtso,a-e co e ForaryT ft -!ex punctuilty attended 1:6. -itt fio-rthe %Rle oflargaft9s -premium -he flevie ott i-aiala of tlii �baid fat 44o vet -KINDS -Or Frwjythree A" or U jp�r L�nibevand� 06rdw 6cid taken Henry-Hiodinan c6rL b sur"lo and patent t'LTL has Aevei' ILL rled4&Vi out etth nP6. 0.. e, For all fouraftlic- Riviews IP -00 L00 stadion to farm ofthesa C FtitBlarikwoodfs failed to give- getiv:rals�tu era 'F;ho' WATUHES' CLO KS -AND- JEWEMY ebancrefor-FurytU prori, ig� id lisvemcedthem. 9. Tho Said vb6fnises are 116 a great -Oxtent-011- pot- BlOckwoodflind one ftide W2 OTI derich. 27th Oct "1863 '7� EP.A.1RED 0-i 811OTLN ClEr Qo IDOMkD' productive in theii prei6eitt-state and iboyennot, ftevevks Jiie-kWood aW-lb*,e of. the MarrantedL.. tliantilaCOUSly p4rutionw. & ....... est -it 3!). e onveniently or a, ('.FRXX k -AL _Irn the'�b i Style - r&_ jJ_ AGENT 4ril,9- 2ad. IP64.� NT ntaggrotim for 'and it is neces�-;-q r AL90t A GOOD ASSORT-31FA , -?' '%* o"m Conveva.n terested �ry for the' support and Yft- vqftw&b"�� 0jrce, Broad 4,0.nd 'ther Oil jk�UWj er� 'aces willternam h -l2id -late- SaL*crjhersjn1hiBn --iPran & DAVI U0141&-Plftled Se 1". Watebes naintenance Of your petitioner and I at4a* 61 jtk� tsa,yw for Eft�k_ all NIANITF A PloIf%h,4L and C bt every e- epresentei �014 proceeds divided beti ed ey 0 f lGx, anit She T JPetor DEALERS� IN &,0-9 Sze- Ti Henry Vyad-.v should 1* 110"t eftpnce :C0 eift and Vwf TOO' h !s twenty- air.! four an TURERS -AND deL Caftatantlyon hanit and %rarranteii to:b' mist ICE oiieen hild-,ippli dr citch Review toeovor Ike Xotes and veriptiatt opper fixotnion refunded. the�beuefit I C- W-� I :, Dopot Gi.rt.h: July, 27th. 18091 wid-Whilefirarlyall., MWness of any - lond theg; -e*t V- 616ilkdrawe inprico Or, rMuced 'in tize ticse. indebtedto Al;. hit the ia d- eivaprompt. attentlom, -, 11) T r-hesdid A th 0eeds laid to au benefit of�t�a p"iej geiierally lxith­�zve shallontinue to give fe4li"01 c(pp" 041vsqsx GOA noter book ace-ou t2yord.f plefise interested iberehi. I -What AU tin 121 _.AL -be Midhisabire W4 'A I L 0 R I NG ndthat4oar petitioner vnny� ansWowhimwilltrec L -4 'AlL Tof -"-coat Oft Ltnaps, Iro CO o, Such xalr� -&d_r,6fdW eo pro_ _PeUn nodleal$in iflia Jqtaltry, In. n. - p Alliftal &,fn�up-r to Ili ex- TTLE, And t "'6051# of Suitt md" g Pe "am* Flew WORKS erk-orass. itags and.Sheepakins !aken r andclieut nW thie. aiai�*-itickoia or, I deedingx anbelwo6ellAolielto y be pafd out, Com mit ofthi4r*m -edifiak. mlik* gpid wpuld be kind:r 4 49 Thi at -the - - I - _ change. AWIlb 100 preniiiiin *bGgt $Itap * 10 0 rs rae J4J-,Afi&iha P li. _dd' to -this �jwjtt E*1'UR.XS HPq MOST SIX d t at- fnopej' offic Ug­htheusel �he fact that.we ugskeowlitinnialps Uh Xmid Z R E T H AN Kf tthesaid or on ring.encouragement herhAS N be,' lit -coul it ell. Publishers fir early- alieets mid t�gh -h& g6V_#J r Inn y nmd the�verk flatte to ir A Ai mineaced business -in Gode- ar er naily Jew & receityed %ineot lie co _Pe i er my lulle _ejgqy o execute over -42 01fe-half -0 t. rm t6tlitheiftle -welit've aloped L%SJ& rkh, not being ablia t altmiltepremmokile renzisail, W_*1 0 �And idwe WAINTUerl(Aw *9 -resdin ablk 'Yoe Serkw Vol DWAR1fijt,�'L _g a) -Vol 0 vi&4& W-CiL lbeentirelyj d by �*w 408e the orders brought t un season;having r_Wiff.eVer PMY. �, - L - -0, - 3i 'ph, williamfian now 4ecured facilitte Foir'Sgae r �J-Rlt in B.' &-)a.,or everr dwription. aud It.. Agent DivisfotC AL ted The hitormattitAwasPe&dk" taAhiencil9jisdois 0' StYte ef"aorkaiiiii6ify. flurnished an C, -pourts Conveyanzers, _T_ lx�ftther incres"41han dinifitiAed by� the - .!Ilctps� thet r pnn )1* werontva W ith udwe..th -CON tow on our Civil A. TRAIM Anit lit th 8fl V - short notice, I is, aud k.TAA4LJM d* rents" Made for ash. -*in h" ft lase lowest Pr 'Callyi.01 00 80si ss Ixt s! Q�- 200-1 -SS A R _01a all will, ium and AT. acorhkis "a BIRL written, be- rAid iuW studied -with. xd%motnge ]B but first-class tradesmen. tvM etra-dAind owif- at 40(t4we �-ebarge*1nra*"9r'raftt afid,emploviaLt saw,� b - llAll- letterf on' And A-, licilieves his-eXpW'encer 84'Otitter it INCH "Elit, sanW ps-itt nsee TWIG "Ji, ition, d if�. . 0WOrs 0 ondin "OnClu lite ProviTIM, Kcairled on PZTI rour lUivi0v% w 10& alt hie", extens t W1 _N,ed I& the new suist -Af is" --n han&aind k d ilifety an supce *�Wnied.- Theillove ed w!il pr Ilyrfii,t_, A'QUANTITY in been � 4' - -, Alm 8;i* 13101kel *t1eaaf&e c$wk in theforen— P r L I i r r, , -be An thn" JrAgiipgi, itw=- j"t Ete) Ctitti. NO-TIFUL -ESTA ffft SAMri )Ilfgh,- SeStilind, he fearless! -jaw Of the Principal 19slablislitma we I(F 40tirts, (ficalth. peirwit6ing) so 10,19 as Hiliall oum Clinton, Harper J�f P _y TE �'fj Stitil" Wit t&oyr and dayfrid bat he may -&0X" diiIiarning pdbliC4 4fE(lbibur JFk HMMT, conAknee. to �XA= 0 a 88swwl V.17 W�t.", IaRAJ b* Tobh rpuliv-_ 'a Aftfor litewo=L-by 1-1 Nh' IL%!b"k of thii-RiverAtaitfitud etfie intending qaelis�, , � - - T" r P I'll 4 (1j0T= q �� PAXZ'L_'_ 100 P__ -0 LZOSARDSCOTT r M I Hal I dfittil lit the eatabjiibi�ente alt6tbei bisttst '%Vjllia at bis, 4 qu Alievottee.. T#)MR10 0 Moftt*l. Ift iffordet I orft &W A&reia apall mentIn A 01W;:%rP r !T-..Ilr efod aricb, Pedem J_ 2.41"DOX-E 4484f 4* �!W