The Blyth Standard, 1947-05-07, Page 1LYTH TH -. - VOLUME 57 - NO.. 35 AN AR BLYTH, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1947. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Ratepayers To Discuss Waterworks At Public meeting, May 27 Salary Schedule Adopted By High School Area Board The regular meeting of the Clinton high School Arca Board was held in the ('Hilton Collegiate on the evening of Alay oth, :\ salary sell,• !ole for the teaching staff was a looted. The schedule provides for a minimum salary of ti 2).1.10 per annum with annual in- creases of +109.00 until a maximum of $30".).0) for female leachers a n d $33(111.09 fcr stale teachers is reached. The pin eh,ising (on',nittee was auth- orized to secure all necessary equip- ment for the Consnereial !'purse. of Study. The membership of the trans- portation c !solace was increaser!, The Hct of Alrs• moan, F. ICinlcy. ; Local EggGrading StationI oca ><ra nig 23rd Annual Young People's Catches 15 Inch Trout 13eputatian Discusses Water Under New Ownership Convention Held At Walton d,tif:tt(u'able weather conditionsWorks With Town Council have not loom conducive to good A business change of interest In the The regular monthly meeting of the Otte Lord, one world", was the trout fishing in this district since community will he effecter) un Min- , theine of the 23rd annual convention the season opened, hence the lack Al unix ilial Council ti the Corporation day, May 1201, \when Mr, L'ordeii' of young people's sucictic of lluron of mud fishing ,torus. of Myth was held in the Council Public Invited 11T0 Attend Cook will assume ownership of A. l.• 1'rceh}'tcr>' of the United Church' In order to keep the morale „j Phan;1)cr, 00 Monday nit' ' ,May 5th, Kernick's Egg Gradin{, Station. Mr. of Canada.• l'hc convention was held Iual fishermen a{,, Air. Ria: ! a ith Reeve Baboon, and Councillors Clinton Cadet Inspection Cook will continue to operate the bust- Wednesday night at Duff's United I Vincent, an ardent trout fisherman, Radford, Rolinsci and Watson ores - The annual Cadet Inspection of Hess along the sante lines as his pre Church, \Nalfon. reeled in a 13 inch trout last Fri- The the students of Clinton Col1ez fate decessor. , hese, 1larui(I Sucll of Auburn, who: day, ail r n Alun lay came home fie minutes of the last regular will be held on the evening of A business arrangement has also spoke on the convention them, said: with a 15 inch beauty. R1r. \'in- meeting of April 7th, 19.7, and special Wednesday, \lay 14th, at 7.0(1 p.nn., been worked out so that Mr, Cook twill I' li we are to have {,ease it is nem- cent left nothing for granted. 'I'1)(. meeting of April 31, 1947, read and D.S.T. The buys and girls will continue grocery deliveries for Mr. sary th;tt we place our faith iu unc t'litor measured the 13 inchcr, :ant confirmed on Motion of Councillors give a display of marching and ICernick who will continne with the Lord. We must have only one [.ort Gerd s Elliott measured the 15 R:odford and Robinson. Carried• gymnastic ability. The inspection other branches of the business, the' in our wort 1," Ie. Letter received and read from the ,will be held at the Community grocery store. and the cold storage. l Registration for the convention Ise•' Conte on you fishermen, \hu r:ui Ontario Cancer Treatment and Re - 1';•k, Clinton, and in case of un- Borden is a native of 131yth, and gan at 4:45 p.m. Proceedings began better this mark? search Foundation Campaign, request - favourable weather enoditots, it needs 00 introduction to the people ,i with a tors'.iip service conducted by 1 ---v ------ ing a grant from the Corporation. will he transferred to the Colle- ,his community. Every since Nit.. Ker members of 1\'altun 1'.1',5., including r ,, Communication filed. elate. I'hc Board and Staff ex- nick purchased the business, 14 years Elva Sholdicc, Marjorie 1lackwell, Lions Boys And Girls Band Mnvel 1y Councilors Watson and w cumntittce is n p\\ composed tend a cordal invitation to the ago, he has been a valued member of Phyllis Cottrill and Airs. U. Lawless. To Stage First Spring Robinson that the matter ,.f a grant N. \V. 'll e\wartha as chair- general public, particularly to the the staff, with one interruption when . 'I'be business session was conducted Concert,May26th t., Clinton I luspital Board be left over \lar,hall, I . 'I'anthlyn, 1?. Ale- parents of present and prospective he joined the Canadian Army in Feb- by .I)intglas Lawless, president of the to the next regular meeting. Car aid I. \\'. Crich. students to atteiiiT'?his inspection. roar}, 1942, and served for(out years.' Young People's Societies of the Pres- The openingspr,n{ concert by ser - ll'..( ricd. _-. e.. ----- ---v~-,• Immediately upon his return to civil b}'te y• Supper was served in the Myth Lions Boys and Girls Band will Bilk and Accounts: LONI)+ Arrangements Completed life he resumed his former torics• basen ent of the church to I50 (l((e_ he presented (torn the stage of for Victor Falconer. lumber .. 80 00 rSI3ORO + p Borden has a wide knowledge of thcl gates.Memorial Hall, Monday night, \lay Doherty Bru fire true!: ser Mrs. W. Tamblyn l+ imm ediate.y after supper a 15- ,. and Mr. Gary i of Lions Rummage Sale business he is assuming and he i; a minute period of Houle appreciation ..\,tit• \icing 15 95 Cook of Toronto, motored up to the •The Project Connn;ttec of the Lions welcome addition to the business cir-, was, conducted by Miss Lois appreciation The evening promises to he one of Myth hydro Cont., -•t'ig11 •scales 2 (kl village last Friday, and Mrs. 'I'antl,lyn ('1111), \with Inert Gray as convenor, met cle of Blyth.and ,lion hall of \\'inkdiaitt, !outstanding musical entertainment for ll1}th hydro Coin., !stoop house 2 (Y) is remaining,. for a short time. 'at the Elliott Insurance Agency of -I We bespeak for him the tvhole- ,.,. all lovers of music throughout this lilytiv hydro Coni., rink ........... 923 1 Officers of the Presbytery Y. I . S..' . Aliss Margaret 'I':nbly0 of London, lice on Tuesday night, to complete hearted support of the district which for 1)47-48 are: President, D. Law; district. A. C. Robinson, Bandmaster, l;lvth Hydro Com., decd 2(X) spent Sunday with her p;enls• plans for the Rummage Sale, which his business win serve. , is planning a fine program of solos, Myth hydro Cont., street 23044 , less; Walton; 1st vice-president, Rus - Mrs, Lloyd Pipe entertained a few 1 oi!I he held on Saturday afternoon, , 2duets, band numbers, and special Hunt R. D. Philp, filing fire exlin friends last Tuesday ;!(tern .on. \_`___t,._.,. sell lurhrigly, \\'inghani; 2nd vice -Ma}- 17th. Donations of articles are hers Iq l,ond.nl ;trusts. guisher ...... . _._.....-i30 (trill for the AI fission Circle was quilt -president, Florence Aiken, Clinton I I asked for, and a house-to-house col - ed ('hose who heard the hand in their Olyth Standard, printing, advtg. ZG 63 ed :tnd a pot luck supper er \was served..Piano Recital Was Largely secretary, Elva Sholrlice, Walton ; { John Bailie, labour . -._ ...... i i I Irction will he manic by the Lions on treasurer, Dan 'oun blutt, Auburn, rehearsal on Monday night, marvelled. -. 4 00 Mr. and Airs. Cooling and daughter, 'Thursday afternoon, \fay 15th, Al Attended And Greatly {' at the reit arkab: progress urine i,}• 11 lento. Gloushcr, sawing wood4 00 Dorothy, of Kitchener, spent the week Conveners are 1 felon Sawtell o ! the buys and I end with AI r. and Mrs. "ale Vincent. tdvcrtisentent on page four of this Enjoyed Wroxeter, Margaret McE.w•en, of girls. Their (Jpening ►ho A. Co\an, April salary--80 00 I issue gives full particulars, Brucefield,June Marsh of Blyth, and spring concert will he a revelation to \\'uv. 'I'huell, :\],nil salary 00 Mother's Day service will to okay- The co-operation of the residents of The Piano Recital, presented last ) those who have heard thein on lino.- I Cluster Benninger, cortin; wool' 700 ed next Sunday morning. \ mother tWednesday night, under the direction Marion Rundle of Exeter, this community is asked for in this Ina vllation of die new officers was ions occasions. 1 ill McElroy, work on highway, 1 95 and daughter choir will furnish the i'rnjecl. Used articles, as well as new of Miss Elizabeth M ills, :\,'1'.C.AL, in Our band will 'stake it's first out -of -1I:, Scr tt, labour -.- 5 00 the basement of the Mlentorial 1Ih11, conducted by R(\. Harold Snell. A , music and there will also be a Ila{,tis- ones, will he accepted with thanks, ! t: \n ai pcararce 00 the night of May 1 R. Scott, labour on highway..-. 10 75 mal service. j Part of the proceeds of this Sale was largely attended by an apprecia- display of Chinese handwork and col- , _1th, wht'n they have hoer inviter) 1o; E. Rouse, labour -....._. _20 50 A reception was held (o AI r. :and will be donated to alleviate the hard- tree audience, Pupils of Miss Alills lural objects was presented by hew. participate in a Tattoo at \1'ittgh;uu. Mrs. Rill Radford, at the home of AI r, who took part in the recital \vert': Joan E. R. Stanway and four members of 5, Lu nisi er, work on highway 16 00 ships of the floc.dcd people of Great A, C. Robinson is planning ;111 out j S. Benninger, labour 19 00 Albert Radford, IIuIIcU, on Friday Britain. Whitfield, Frances ]I°Ilyntan, Olive Lrucefit'ld Y.P.S.ISAl r. Stanway ex -standing Band Tattoo for Blyth later i'',ar\cy I•ethcrland,labo ,'April salary2000 coveting 24th April. :\ pleasant even- ' \Vilson, Donna llaggitt, Irene Iluliey, plained the exhibits, drawing on his on in the summer. { For full particulars read the page 4 C. E. Morrison, 165 gals,. gas 59 40 ing was spent, and they were presented :itve•tist'nteilt. Donna Jean Sihthor•pe, Robert Char- experiences while sev\in; as a this ;Activit} at Ihc Lions Park rnt tic NI eyed b\• Councillors Robinson and with an end table and reading lam,,. __________o...._ ter, las Griffiths,Jack 'I'yreman, sionery in China• news haul shell, and the park gates, 15 Radford that accounts as read be paid. AI r. H. Schcntz, a College Student, Claire 'Taylor, Carol I'yrcntct, Beth hoped for in the very Herr future, Carried. of 'Toronto, preached a very intones- MASONIC LODGE WELCOMES Powell, Eileen Cunningham, Donna sive Temperance sermon I:st Sunda} D.D.G.M. GORDON GIBSON TemperanceRichmond, Betty Sturdy, Dennis \\'cy- School Board Meeting ,,r \lowed by Councillors Radford and t Mr. Gordon Gibson, District Deputy mouth, G(cu cc Baiuton,Jeanne u1?is- The regular meeting of the Blyth SCOUT PAPER DRIVE NETS $49.65 Watson the account of L. Scrim- mlorning. )' - Grand Master of the Masonic District out, Marion Taylor, Laura 11 ay Let 11.-- Scho.d Board was held in the School 'The Boy Scouts sold their scrap pap- t,Ceour & Son in amount of $43,65 be PROPERTY SOLD of North Huron, paid his official visit 1 crland, June Letherland, sl ac 'Taylor, at 8:15 p.m. on April 30th, with Trus- er last week, and the net return for laid over for further inquiry. Carried. Mr. Harvey McCallum has sold to Blyth Lodge 00 Alonday night. and Carl Whitfield, netts, tees :Armstrong, Sims, I1odd, Philp and their efforts was $49.65. NI (wed by Councillors Radford and Block F, formerly Blyth Estate, cats- as is always the case, the evening cats -was Brock Vodden, lona Griffiths, lune \ttgustire, present. A considerable ;amount of pacer was Robins m that the Corporation give prising 11) acres, to Mr. Stewart John- one of profit and pleasure for all who Foster, Christena Cunningham, Rose I Minutes of last regular meeting ;and left over from this collection and the Myth .Agricultural Society a grant stun. The Block is situated at the attended. Marie Whit field, \l argaret Jackson, specja1 mieeting passed on motion of another collection will be Made Sat- of $75.00 for the year 1947. Carried. north -cast extremity of the town. AI r. George AIcNall, WorshipfulDuct, Isocaine Hamilton, Marguerite irustces Philp and Augustine. urday, May 17th, to secure enough Moved by Councillors Watson and -` J Al aster of Blyth Lodge, presided dur- HallVocal numbers included, Jack I tfr. Gray and Miss Fleming were for another truck load. Save your Robinson that the location of the Blyth AUBURN ing the evening. 11 . any distinguished Kyle, Gloria Sibthorpe, Jean McDonald re -hired for the coming year, M rs, waste paper for the Scouts. Dire hall be on the cornier of Mill and Miss Ivan Campbell of Kitchener, guests \were present, among thembe- Marg.erite ]Tall, Jack '1'yrenau, Carol Kechuie tendered her resignation, _-___v_ - 1)insle} Streets, and that the scale with Mr, ;and 'Mrs. Albert C`usphell, , ing four Past D.D.G.M,'s, Visitors T}reman, Can Griffiths, Claire 'Taylor, I which was accepted with regret. 511'illllri111g Sei15011 Oj)elled house be included in this building. AI r, and Alrs, Charles McNeil of To- were present from Mullett, \Vroxeter, Mac Taylor, Donna Jean Sibthorpe, 1'he Secretary was instructed to ad- On May1St Carried. Robinsonout° with Air, and \les, Cl arles E. and Brussels lodges. Addresses were Ilcth Powell, Glcn}cc Rainton ltiinnc t;('rtise for a teacher in The Blyth Alr,\cd by Councillors I\)nd Asquith. I given by Al r. Gibson, and several oth- r Standard, il 7'hc (lube and Alail, to The swimming season was offic- Radford that by-law No. 4, 1947, to RI iss Irt'id :\'sderson of Str"tfurd \\ asbas, Joanne 1-{o,gins, Chorus fall} opened in this community on cr visiting and local members, numbers, Grades 5, fi, 7, 8• fill the vacancy created by Alts, provide for expenditures on roads and with M r. and Mrs• William T. hnhis- I Before the gathering dispersed fie-Kechnic's resignatiunt, May the 1st, \when Derek Slorach streets, as now read three times in Car- on, i lici°us refreshments were enjoyed h ^ Atiss hills presided at the recital, ;lrllrurn,ment moved iy I )r, I Codd r[ Myth, and John Peckitt, of open council be finally passed. Car- } and the various numbers were inter- Lowlesboro took their first dip at Congratulations to M r. and \Irs. all, spersed with appropriate remarks by . and J. Sims• the data in the Londcsburo river. ricd. William Weber who Ala} 1st, cele t,_ I B. Hall, Secretary. Moved by Councillors Radford and Iter. orated (.,i years of wedded ded I ic. -- v--- Watson that the Corporation sell to BELGRAVE ...______v___ 1 A1iss Edna Longman, of London, Quick Action Averts Serious the Count}• of Huron the old village twit \Irs. George F. Vunghlut and I'llt' liclgrave Women's Institute AMONG THE CHURCHES ' fire engine, complete, for the stem of 1 sponsored a play ".Aunt Betsy Beats WESTFIELD - Farm I)weIIiIIg I+ ire fire 10. Carried. Airs, thinking. TRINITY CHURCH' BLYTH I'ht' ,Band" last Wednesday night in Mr, and Mrs. Douglas oQuick action on the part of Mrs, (' Mr. and Alrs, Lent \larch spent the the Forester's Hall. The was pre- Complicit Fifth Sunday After Easter Mach:m, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alo\ed by Councillors Radford and week -end with M r. and Alrs• Hebert playand children, Mr. and Mrs. GordonJ' Rubinson that the Corporation offer settled by a group of Young People Snell, visited on Sunda} with A1r. and 11 a.m. Sunday School. Creighton, neighbours, ver} probably ,lingric,t' of Knox United Church, Brussels, and 12 noun : Morning Prayer and Ser- s;avt'-1 the tarn home of Mr. and Mrs, j by public auction buildings and' lad- lteg. Carter of Port. Elgin, spent the A[rs. Jasper Atcllricn, of Godericin• (hers-, as formerly advertised for sale, there was a Very good attendance. Attss Phyllis Cook and Aiiss Pearl Hoot• Charles Machan just before noon Fri- wcek cud here. {le was accomp;tliit'(l on Saturday, May 17th, 1947, at 3 I'ht' players took their parts well and Janmieson spent the week -end with the 7:31! p.m.: Evening Prayer and Ser- clay, \Irs. Machan discovered the back to Port Elgin b} his father, Jo- o'clock in the afternoon, and that an seplt Carter, and his aunt, ,Miss Sadie 1 all enjoyed the evenings program, latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, nu,n. fire in the attic, over the kitchen,! tisentent be placed in the Blyth 1 Donna Anderson and Marjorie Mc- Jamieson, of Ashfield. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE Slit' w•as alone with the children at Carter, who will spent tllc summer at J Standard of the pariculars of sale. Pott Elgin. ! Ilsenz:e favored with piano numbers The Hydro was titrmed 011 last week -' p.m.: Sunday School• the time. •She immediately phoned':'.. and \Irs. Dunlop led community sing -at the borne of Aft. and \fns. \\'alter 2 :45 p. r1.: Evening Prayer and Ser- the Creighton home, and s1r. and Mrs. Carried. 'Mr, ;and Mrs. Edgar Laws. -ti and :\ deputation of Messrs. A. Taylor, Alrs, Oliver Anderson attend.:1 1101nig between acts• Mrs. J. M. Coultes Cook, and in the \Vest field School. 11011. Creightuu responded hurriedly. To - F. . '('yreuau, L. Whitfield, and William ac.Tcn;;'nied at the piano. Several of the 1'ouug Pen plc at- ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN gethiel with M r;, Machan they were funeral of Earl Downs in Toronto on!'l'huell, waited on the council and re- A1°oda}. AI r, Downs was the only sou Alts. W. Smith and Sheila of Kit- tended the annual 1'. P. Presbyterial 9:45 ..a.m. Sunday Sch.,ol. able to extinguish the blaze with fire chemo•, with her mother, Mrs, W. J, 10:30 a.m. 1101y Communion and extinguishers, quested the Corporation to consider of Mr, and \Irs. Win. Downs, also,at Walton on \\ Wednesday. some action on the project of a \'il- Cole,Sermon. I Damage was confined to smoke and' ' resicfcnts of Toronto. Death was 1 Mr. and Alis, Aiclhorn Cox, of I 1lage water system, and that the coon - caused from a heart attach. AI r, and Mrs. G. G. Wheeler and Goderich visited on Thursday with Ihc smouldering of a few clothes, discuss the Deur gc of London, with relatives here. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH cul call a public uieetini, to Friends !uxl relatives hail ;t pleasant ) Mr. and Mrs. ('licence C ,x. --------- project project in view of the condition of the On Friday night a goodly nuumber I „ Sunday, May 1101. NINTH\ ANNIVER.,nRY visit from Sgt. E. J. 1'cungblu! (Jac! Mr, Elwin \\'ightman attended theVillage water stains. last week. Ile returned from overseas n[ 1'rirnd< and relatives gathered in 1 young People's Anniversary at Bruce- Special Mother's Day Services, \Vit11 this issue The Standard marks I'oreste's 1Call to \welcome anew The morning service will be at 1l Moved by Councillors Radford and +, it's ninth year of publication under dct' weeks ago, Jac as he was better field on Sunday evening. I Watson that a Public Aleeting of Rate known here hula well, but after 8 In de, rebel, AI r, and Alrs, Stanley Airs, Stanley CooI- \Irs• \\'m. Afc o'eF ek \chcu ;t combined service of the present ownership. After we tool: 11'pper, n1\Vle\weds, were entertained, r•the Sunda} School and congregation ins in \lay, 1938, from the I payers 1)0 held in the Blyth Memorial years absence he saw nam) changes. Vittie attended the Presbyterial at neer the rein Hail on Tuesday, May 2701, at 8 \LcI)o well's Orchestra furnished the will be held. The program for \loth- late A. \V. Robinson the first pnbii- I , Ile joined the army Septcutber 1939, Exeter recent!}, Ii o'clock 1 .M„ to discuss the project of overseas \i h the First 1)i_ 1 lntisc for dancing. hollowing hmch Mr, and fibs, Elwin 'Taylor, Miss er's Dat• \vitt be curried out, The `(;,tion was made on May 11th. In spirt' a Village \\'iter System, in view of and went with . the young couple were invited to the choir will consist of mothers, and they c ! h1)• I and Afr, hc(dic 'i'a• i°r, visited of shortcomings, and mistakes, we're the request from the deputation to the Vision of the Sigs. in December, U39, I 1 Ile served in Sicily, Italy and also in hlatfurni Mien C. l.. Coultes in a few on Sunday with \fns, Josie Snell of will give sl erial nunibcrs. Alemhcrs still on the go. Council. Carried, \cords extended best \wishes on behalf Stratford, and Alr, and Alts. Lorne r'f \ht' School will take part. Also Alnvcd b} Councillors Watson and the l?.ir.ppcan countries. llc has ;cv of those present and presented theta Snell, of Mitchell. Miss lla "Ta}dor of there will be a service for Baptism, i ,{ v Radford that motion of July 2nd, 194Ci, ceived his discharge and has purch`'s \cith a purse of Hmey. Stanley thank- I 7 p.m.: : Rev. George Wylie, 8,:1., united Church 1V. 1. 7 . 011 ed a garage business in Shedden near I Stratford returned with them, selling Lot No. 5 in Block F. to Mr, ed the gatheiug for their good will. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith and B.1,, of Oakville, \\•ill conduct the sets 5L Thomas, His many friends here A number of the pupils in the cpm- vice, The Pulpit Supply Cuntniittce Monday, May 12th ]Carper Kelsey, be withdarwn, as no wish bin eery success in his new family visited on Sunday with Mr. and The Cnited Church W.M.S. meet- action was taken b ]tint to complete mmmity are taking part in the Music I have arras, ed this service and it is ing will he held in the basement of agreement. Carried. business. \\ chile here Al r, and Mrs. I files. Sam Sweeney of Brussels. ,, . g Festival at Goderich this week. Air, Stan. Able of St, '1'houts, Miss Very important that ev,:•. • rly at- ( i Thomas NIcr'all ente•ta1•1(1 ;a number (! tend. the church on Monday, Alay 12th, con- • Moved by Councillors Radford and of ,iac's overseas gals, and i Ver)' Jean Campbell, of Kitchener, visite 1 rlencing at 8 p.m. There will he pie- Robinson, that we do now adjourn, en- joyable evening was had by all. Willing `Workers Met ion Sunday with Mr. ;aid Mrs. Kenneth tures, and a talk on Labrador,ill by Mrs, Carried. Gordon Elliott, Clerk. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist 'The monthly meeting of the Willing Campbell. , D. G. ]lurid. Church held their uray meeting at the Workers of the 9th Line, Morris, wasAir. and Mrs. John Gear and Atari- CONGIt A i'UI,ATIONS Entertainments Well hone of Mrs. C. A. Howson, with the held at the hone of Mrs, William lyn of Kitchener, vis'ted on Sunday t oii:'i'itul:,t'ots to George RlcDon- President, Airs. Howson, in charge. Corkerline, where 9 members met and with Mr. and Airs. J. 1.. McDowell.algl, who relebr•,ted his birthday on Red Cross Notes Patronized Mrs, R. J. Phillips presided at the quilted one quilt. After the quilt was I Miss Gwen Cook of Toronto spent Monday. May Sth, As the Lions are snaking a clothing Week -end entertainments in Blyth ,fano. l'he Devotional Period was finished the annual meeting was held, Sunday with her parents, Al r. and Congratulate ns to Jean Aie1)on:tld, clrivc in the near future, the Riot -Cross were well patronized. i 11'1(1 !will celebrate her birthday on are joining with tient, so anyone wish- On Friday night a fine crowd attend - taken by Mrs. C. C. Anderson and !when the following officers were elect- bits. Stanley Cook. ung to donate clothin • it will he Very ed the Lions dance, when Frankie Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Prayer w•,rs cd for the coating }ear: Saturdac, M:tt• 111th, 1 F.. offered by Mrs. Wilfred Vcsterfelt. President: Mrs. Lorne Badley. Father Dies C""granulations to Master Winston notch appreciated. Banks' popular orchestra provided the A Salo was rendered by \fns. Gordon \'ice l'residcnt, Nits. H, G`.bbons, 1)wieht Gibs -0, who celebrated Itis 1 t; Anyone having Red Cr'ss sensing music, i C \ r i\ru b\• St'cret;u y, Mrs. \\'. Cnckerline. Miss Agnes Fleming received the birthday on Tuesday, May nth, finished will they please grin; it to The following nigh'. Saturday, a ca - Taylor, and read ng. \ e c { Mrs. bred Ross and \les. Thomas ony.og ,-o i mince, Mrs. IV. Brown, sad Mew's of the death of her father I Congratulations to Marjorie Cooly the \\orkruuuts by Saturday, \lay 10th, pacit> audience was on ;.:;,,;I to hear Mr. Johnston. The topic w•a3 given by Mrs. \V. act:(:cline. I Ion Monday morning. She inmm'i•atc- ct NL2nd,,,tclt, •vd•o celebrates her 2nd as 'ye are packing on that date. .the CI:\\ Barn Dance as it wasMrs. Glen Raithby, Rev. C. C. Ander- I The collection amounted to $2.35. • ly left for her home in ort El _q 1n, 1 birthday 00 May 13th. I ,,nation; are still being received broadcast from the stage of the Mem- son gave a short talk and dismissed The next meeting will he held at During her absence Mrs, B. Ifall is Congratll.atjnns to Ronald Fcdw'ar; far he Red Cross Campaign for fonds, nrial Hall. 1'..c concert was followed the meeting with prayer. Lunch wasthehome of Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, on in charge of the Junior Room of the Dohhyn, who celebrates his 1st birth_ 1'(c; :e leave your donations with Mr. by .c dance in the hall hay ^n!, open served and a Su.ial time enjoyed. May 13th, I ublic School. I i'oy on Friday. Alay')01. 11, fill at the tele;,hruc nf['ce. )again tate :dance f',_ r v, •t: .rt wiled. e• JUST IN FUN A Runaway The captain of a Steamer took on two hands — cue a Kitkc,i1dy Man without a wt ;,ten character, the other a man froth Dundee pos- sessed of abundant documentary tvi'ntnce as to his honesty, . They had not been long at sea win n they et:co:.Altered rough reedier, and th' Dundee elan, when clns,ing t11t deck tvith a bucket in Ilk hand, w;s sncpt ov- erboard. The Kirkcaldy roan sought out the call,:.:n. "Ilac ye mind yon men front Dunt ce," he said, "t1c.t ye engag- ed w" the tine cha ce," said the i;tt'l..:r.. "What of tt.." "plc's x1\a' tai' l i:t:;i t." Wats the• tcply. Idcritised "I've called ti r a ; rcti address - cd to dr. Sa:;:11" the loan an- nounced in the viii,Te viii,;'post office. h 'ave 'cr•" rct,llill the post. Ina.. tr. "till! lio v uo Oi knot\' 'cc are "Mr. Smith: ' have a lo.'':; at this," the may ;111(:et-ed. t;thi,,;7 out a photo- gratill of it, "I bac locks like rue doesn't it:" ".\h, so it de," an -w er( d the pn'• 1:t.ister, viral banded evt: the Animal Craclaers �t✓� "ile happened to fly by . during the badminton battle,l Repair Only A bride had four umbrellas given to her as wedding presents, and decided she would change one of Mem, the gift ci a Scots friend, for a walking -slick for her hus- band, She took the umbrella to the shop whence it canrc, and asked that it might be changed. The as- sistant said she was afraid it could not be done. "But why?" asked the bride. "fhe name of your shop is one the laheL ' "Yes," said the assistant. "But that's a label for re-covering." Crippled The beggar carried a large label marked "Crippled", and the kind old lady was so touched that she dropped a dime into his tin. A few minutes later she vas sur- prised and annoyed to see him hurrying down the street, walking quite normally, \\'hen she challenged hint about his claim 10 be crippled, he replied smoothly: "Madam, it is, also! pos- sible to be crippled in other sense than the physical one. I happen to he crippled in a purely financial sett' c.' Pretty Steep '1 t:c evacuees were billeted an the top floor of r. hotel. Coating out of their bedroom they. search- ed etcrywherc kr a staircase, but toile; fwd notlfin,: but a dark lift rha•t The gate was open, so Liz stepdeel forward, llcr friend peer- ed ',ut into the dari•;ncss ."1011 all right, Liz:'' she called. "\'1s" came n feeble reply. 'Bu't mind the first slc•i,: it ain't al:.: steep 'un:" Keeps Them Healthy Airs. Brown and \frs, Smith were 'discussing the difficulties of mar- ried life. "1'nn always very careful," said Mrs. Smith, "to send the children Out of the room, in fact out of the ,house, when I have a quarrel with my husband." "Bless the little dears," said Mrs. Brown, "they look so healthy spending cn much time in the open air," Grandma's Answer Grandma was telling the family about her day in town, "I met such a pleasant young man in the train," site said, "Ile offered to give "le the winner of the Derby." "And did he,?" one a,ked eagerly. "Of course not, my dear," she replied. "I had to tell !tin» that the chickens take up all the garden and Neve no room for a horse." HOMEMADE FARM MACHINERY Planes in 1950 Even before construction tvork begins on Britain's series of 13rab- azon airliners, designers and en- gineers in the United I:ingdom are already suggesting their successors for "sonic time in the 'fifties'," The plane of the next decade, accord- ing to the experts' composite ideas, will be tailless, shaped like an ar- rowhead, capable of a speed of G00 miles per hour at 50,000 fret alti- tude, and will have a ranee of miles. Clouds and Weather It is not enough to look at the barometer and also note the direc- tion of the w•itcl in order to pre- dict the weather. Cloud formatiott5 must aslo be studied. This was emphasircvl by Prof. George, 11. Jumble, director of Afcfiill Observatory in a recent ad- dress, Shepherds and sailors from time immemorial have set great store on knowledge of cloud formations, while nearly all weather lore is about clouds, the weatherman point- edcd out. Clouds, he said, probably tell more about weather than any other single clement. What Science is Doing Arthritis Opening a campaign for $2,500,- 000 with which to co-ordinate and extend study of the causes, preven- tion and treatment of arthritis, Dr, Thomas Parran, surgeon -general of the United States, produced some challenging statistics, says The New York Sun, 'J'he rheumatoid diseases affect at least one person in every 20 in the United States, he reported. A national health survey 10 years ago revealed that 7,000,000 persons were suffering fl'oin these diseases — "nitre than the number sniering from heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis and diabetes com- bined." lie estimated that each year more than 117„000,000 than -days are lost from work, school or other activities because of arthritis, that its victims most frequently are In the prime of life when their econo- nomic responsibilities are greatest. Ile further told his audience that although arthritis is one of the old- est known human diseases, it is one of the least understood and most neglected, Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most crippling and pain- ful of ailments, and even if its vic- tims are not completely incapacitat- ed, their efficiency is lowered by nagging aches, REG'LAR FELLERS—Full Size Problem BROTHER DUFFY PUT )TH' MASCOT I -H5 OWN HOUSE'; EFORE. WE START) . MEETI,C 1.1.0D AO .A feature of the recent plowing match, held at Port Arthur, Ont, was a large collection of home-made farm machinery. Tl:e whole display was proof of the inventive genius of the Canadian farmer, Every one of the invented pieces worked well, and some of the farm machinery had been taken right off the job on the farm to be brought to the match and would go straight back to work afterward. Top picture shows a power leader built by W. J, Alexander, of Hensall, while picture (centre) is a close-up of the winch for the loader, This drive unit utilizes an old automobile rear - axle and employs the differen- tial braking principle to provide control, This is a good example of a clean simple adaptation of a commonly available unit. The garden tractor at lower left was made by Ken Campbell, Sea - forth, out of spare parts lying about the farm, and n shall gas motor. No Canadian Butter Exported It ,las been reported frequently that Canada has exported import- ant quantities of butter to the United Kingdon,. That is not cor- rect, stated J. F. Singleton, Asso- ciate Director, 'Marketing Service, Dairy Products, Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture, and Chair- man, Dairy Products Board, in a recent address. No butter, he said, had been exported to the United Kingdon,, although no doubt rela- tively small quantities of Canadian butter have been provided for Ships' stores, and those would be classified as exports to the coun- tries to which the ships were sail- ing. '1' o t a 1 quotas established amounted to 5.G million pounds, of which 8 million pounds was "cooking" butter of such lone qual- ity that there was 00 market for the product in Canada, Quotas of "table" butter totalled 2.6 million pounds. The quantity exported will amount t0 ab0111 1.7 per cent of total production of creamery and dairy butler. Save The Fingers An easy way to pick up broken glass to prevent scratched fingers and feet is to take a piece of fresh bread and wad it into a ball and use in a blotting fashion, ICE OF THE P r,r ESS Keeping Pupils Warm 1\'t• may appreciate Ilritain's cur - relit furl ,1;iiirultics tvbcn we read heir srltool in London have ht, n ordered not to start lire; tulle.: the temperature Llll, below 511 dr,rees and that raikil' air c t cry hour ;re suet`e ted a, an ;Cid to 0;u•ntth. - Ittol l,l•llle 1'roril,'r ;Old .`true. What's The Usc? From an article givinl!, ,Illtici to amateur carpenter,,, tr, learn that "a nail (Irk c easier ii riddle) on cake of so,n1 " Ye-, but what nail.' And further than that, where do ttr r'It the soap? \li,111 as w. 11 1111 11-. to l,,tt hotter on its - 1111;I\v,I ]lave \Vronr, Slant l':,vitae, who think their t'ran,1- children once them a ,lent nt lit ir.g have the wrong skint on hie, \\ ought to handle the sod so that rho c who ,i -me ;Iftrr n• can IaaLr a lit ire'. toil! hr l ;:rnu r'> .\,Ivor ,tc. Double Precaution '1'h, re 'lave 111 ,many c'.net slops of opinion in :\inet :r;lo 1' 0 papers that John i., i.citi •hound be tlrov:n into jail. It 1- not boo much to ,ay that 11 1, rr k',r; ,• 1,,1rt of Canadian opinion e t !qtr ' bit sentiment with the ate, tohncni that the l:,} ; should be Ihn,nn a'.ray. Met The "Flnonomis•t" The pa,sion for fancy mom., 1. spreading 10 Eitel nml. .\ Sit'-( chimney ,ivc,1, now rills ltitn,t li a "flnononli-t" and pastil more per chimney. l:olonntoe ilr�rn::1. Highly Favorable l lot\' 111;1111 farther. r,';tli:t: 1'e greatly favored they air in their complete control oy, r their r, ll- ing a,'rc- of land, their, to do with as they vi<h;' It is 11',1 Ilius i:; many otl',t r 1:0141. ---t tt•, t :11• Too Bad Itcing tilt caution; or ton r, 1G- 1css err tt}o anything i< too had. I� ino ton 111tig-Standard. Many Birds Spend Winter In Ontario While many of, our feathered friends have taken themselves south with the approach of chilly weather that dors not mean that the birds have all gone. To )many a bird Ontario is practically tropi- cal, Daring late Autumn and \Vin - ter we may observe birds which we rannot sec at any other season of the year, .Among these birds are the fa- miliar tines such as the slaty grey junco, sometimes called the black snowbird. You'll know hint at once by the white feather at either side of his tail. In company with tree sparrows, also down lot the winter, the juncoes feast on weed seals that remain above the snow level. Snow buntings too whirl up front fields of weed seeds like a flock of snow'f'lakes by the wind, The l3oliemian waxwing is a jaunty fellow in grey and brown and yellow, with blobs of red 00 each wing, like drops of sealing wax, The servlet berries of the mountain ash are his favorite snack. Ile is a little smaller than a robin, as are the Pine Grosbeaks and the Evening Grosbeaks, also 1Vinter guests, 'fhe fine Grosbeak is rosy red in colour, and you'll sec him searching out the seeds of the ash tree, 'l'Ite Evening Grosbeak is a dashing fellow in canary colors. Ile prefers the seeds of the Manitoba maple, or box cider. The Northern Shrike, with the black mask over his eyes, may be a desperado, but he's not all bad. Alice form the greater part of his food, tic hangs them of a thorn or barbed wire fence until his lunch hour comes, accounting for his name the "butcher bird". Subsidies And Taxes 1n starakin;, 'nom y out of it in :ututili r. dura I", ��:•Itr ar':tin l t u! : idle , tett suh-idv nt, rely one pot 10 t and puts ', seii;ir ,\ 1., ---t ;in But Never To You A t...ily rood 1, t won afar:.. . to apply to :,an,007 hnor.• • 1 tt,,11t,• (llronirl,-'1 t I, Advance Of Science :\ti a Itonounr full :lit fret 1(1,•,11,, o rtar• t%it,. di rut l t, 11. -- 1 )11at1;1 bili; 0 Targets And Ifopcs tait•rt for bowing in t'alia i,1 •tu),o(ti homes within the nr�i fits \'tars, 11 i't'„i'lr vonld only lit 111 ta'i'l i.' 101' the irSt five ct•t rytliinp trnul,l l , I;t ik� •doer, St:,r, CABINET CHANGES 1:cn. I: -c i:_ Ci..,aon Hon, Colin Gibson Hon, Paul Martin A three-way shuffle affecting the Welfare, National Defence and Department of Secretary of State was announced by Prinle Minister W. L, Mackenzie King, Hon, Brooke Claxton, K.C„ minister of national health and welfare becomes the new nn:nistet' of national defence, in charge of all three services, army, navy and air force, Hon. Paul Martin, K.C., secre- tary of state, becomes minister of health and welfare. Hon, Colin Gibson, minister of national defence for air, becomes secretary of state. By GENE BYRNES '1 ' THPi?S .-1141 WORST, OF HAVIN' A'BAINT. 6ERNAiZD FOR A MASCOT, i -L. HE TAKES UP '_'1O) MUCH ROOM! Classified Advertising 11.1111' 1'111( IiS P1 1,1.1:1's 1 Olt I ll11l•:DI.tTI: 1)1:. llvt ry, All tlt;es Drote 1ti %\'t'i'lts to 1:•111,1.4' 1.t re:1:-olrthle pIie . ()Hier •:t miry•. .tine d:,)• "111 (hlrl;,t (tor inn))) 1117111) d,•IIvrl> I"Hee untalugue. '1't•p N.,t1 h trill, i,, ie:, Guelph, h, un• 1 1,,, .1111;111 11'I'I'II 1't„11, d 1:111,,1 1-11; i.hs, 1V. h',\r 111..111 for unnu1111te della- f•?: .1:1/111,,11 - 1',•htu'tr1 rhlr6� rho old h1• ..1111.1.1 1.1111. I:Ia> Ilnl• 1 L I::�� .I,.hn ` It still, u,, (int. lift 11'll\ It ,1\'I". 1' .1 N 1111 .t N I,ct . she 1,'ed them din tog the muth, ;old i:, going 10 rel 114, 111. \\'111 }. II 14,' 1,•:1,1)' 10 rupply t h, 1.1 ' 'i'tt, or, \ 11.11111. 1 _„ price ulll 1iI'I3' 117','t':111 U'„Itt 7114„1.t .lily 1>1, 11i; to ,11.1.11:,1 0;1,, 11111 ;I t,Ulllll3'III:; I1 lu Illlllte tL, 10,0.1 t'ou1 hl; bili, 11;11,1 havt• 1..•1c, 11He1, ut' .\ 1, 1 1' 1111,: th:1 1'i\ tl title h. itt fat nn•r- :11e pr•p.11 ung L,•t'. t1, :kat their 1,111.,1,` t„ I11eel •1I �r 1`1.11 Ilillil 1'1'1; pl'l i',• 111:11'- our 1,141,14: i:; ,1:11111:11 3' 1.1.11 1'1411.1.3. 1. 11 krill telt uttl)t no,nei' 1%1111 ,::rl>' h:(tehed 141. G', but 3n11 will %.1 111.1„t' it )'1 i1 14113 1111'111 111 .1:111o:1,} n1,1 nob- • :111' uIlil:ll;t,ed :,t -',,u, t n lime 10' de.liw'. I'Ien rnL'I- 1, - II,•. .\I`•1 ia} t1.:; ;Intl ,1'1.113 1” 1ty pull, tr for n,mn•di:lle deltvrlt, '1'1'1' Noir!' Cho hero•.•, 1;11..11.11, Inn• BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS l'cs, that Is what nil ItaInbow Chick buyers aro saying when they buy Rainbow Chicles. All breeders aro 100 percent ('tee from pullurutn. Order 3'oir chicks now dtlect from this nit and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorn', $12.00 per 31.0. Pullets $24.00, lintred Rock Mixed $12,00 per 100. Pullets 021.00. White Rocic Mixed $15,00 per 100, Pullets $25.00, drown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets 025.00, Leghorn -Rock Mixed $122.00 per 100. Pullets $25,00. Red - Rock Hybrid $12.0(1 per 100. Pullets 021.00, Spe• cial prices on cockerels guarantee 160 percent live delivery to your stt,tIon. 01.00 down, balance C.U.U. Rainbow hatchery, Chatham. Ou• Carlo, 1'11.1,1•:'1'1' "'Holt I,14 1t'I:I:ICi To 1:,yittg for itnrnedlle delivery, hill tip your pens, eggs are In big de- mand and at gond mires. Free eat:, Ingot., Also flay old rhieks for 1nt►nedinte delt'erv. 'r veddle ('l ivIr lrt.t,'hcrles 1,Inlited, 1'crgus, on- tl,llu, It.lR111a1 HOCKS .t 11'I11'PI: hrG. horns, ltahy Chiclts' t'uaada sp- Iu,n•es three grades: 1st. 11.0.1'. Chu 'Ics,2i d, 11.0.1'. Sired Chleks. lied, ;Approved Chicks. We sell the first ttto pradt.t Breeding stork pull- (lrum tested. (':111 \vrlto or phone 1:lttery's Poultry Parol, 1'h•kcr[ng, (Int, 11 22, 1:le SUSSEX X ILIMI'511111ES 13e DI10IC '.01)11 0111)1)11 NOW FOlt SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices, ,tlixcrl Chicks 131, 1'111• )et'i 23c, Cox 7c, Leghorn X !lamp• shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c, All breeders pulloram tested tinder Gov- ernment approval. Order now to in - delivery when required, 13on• I:le's Chick hatchery, (lox 256, El- more, tint, 0111)1;11 '1'1\'I;UULI. C111('1►S NOW for the 1;117 season. ity ordering pule you trill be sure of having the chi, hi you want on the day you 1t:tt,t them .. and itt the best price too! If the • price goes up, tho old 11x1, e• %vitt apply to your early or - (let. if prices drop before delivery, volt pay only the lower prices. /1'v...d111e Approved chicks are all flout 1'ullurmn tested stock of ptnved livability and productivity. I;et 1:113' popular breeds or cross 1.1 ...cis, 1'c\ed or straight. rout, 100 PH, , lit live delivery guaranteed. S,11,1 now for our interesting lu- lortrl.tivi free catalogue and prlee- llst. Also laying and ready to lay, polios for Immedi:lte delivery. '.1' I (Idle ('hies: 1lalrheriei Limited, 1', taus, Unturio, BABY CHICK BUYERS 11y ORD11111N( YOUR 11)17 11.111Y (_'111 It Hort, you guarantee yourself d,:lit'u'y ditto and also obtain an e::r1y order discount, Wo offer you thieks from breeders government 1,:t1,tled attd pollution tested, \\'rite for 1947 prIve list anti catalogue, 11o11)aon 1'oult'y Farms, Alonkton, (11,tllrlo, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Joli- ette, Que., says about ot(r. chicks: April au, 1940—"'r'ho 208 chicks re- ceived in splendid condition, not one dead and only ono (lied since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks 1 ever received and I have been handling chicks for over 40 years," Order 110W Lind get the best, )lore are our prices, Barred Rock Mixed, $12,110; I'ullets, $21.00; white Leg- horn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.00; White !lock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, $27.uo; Brown Leghorn Mixed, $14.1,0; Pullets, $25,00; Hybrids Rick -Red Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $21.1,1: Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix- ed, 012.00; Pullets, $25,00, You also pet free chicks, Goddard Chick Hut• :h(ry, Britannia Heights, Ont, It01,1,1'll'00D 1,I:(IIOItNS 7'1115 1EAR (1111' III(II EGG 1'110 - dui tion with Hollywood Ieghorns. 'l'he strain with Improved livability atttd high floe': pt'odurtioo Write for , itr'ulnr and Prep calendar, Big 1;14.I: Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, 100 CHICKS FREE SV!th every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our chc:'e). Marred (lock Pullets $21.135. White Rock Pullets $26,95, White Leghorn Pullets $24,95, Hrowo Leghorn Pullets 025.05; iced• Ruck Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn - Rock Hybrids, $25,95, All chlelcs sold aro from bloodtested stock: back by high pedigreed stock. $1,011 books you corder, Balance C.O.1), Gur.rantecd Delivery liens Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario ('110 k 1))'1'111114, DON'T 01155 1'1'. 1947 calendar, twelve pages, till eo colors, thirty Must" allots. Tells how to succeed with Fisher chicks. Free on request, l 1. lit r Or- chards, Freeman, Ont. 1)0'I:ING A,111 Ci.EANIA'(: 11A1 ): 1'01i A:11 THING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning:' Write to tis fur information. 11'e are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 7111 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontavto, FARM FOR SALE 150 .tl'I1I'ES, ('LAC LOAM, NO. 2 Highway between ['ort Hope and Cobuurg. Excellent buildings with all conveniences, woods 11110 Et l•r 1 m — orelia'd lmnutdinte Dos - se, '.(11. Long 11ros.—)tort Pope, 75 ACRES 1111;.11, FOR COUNTRY 110111:, market golden of dairy tarns, to 3011e14 not thetas% of Oshawa, stone house, large barn, fruit tees, strerun running through properly. Must be seen to be appreciated. Int- plements and stork optional. Mrs. (len, l:1ddle, 11.11. 1, I0tial.l:tlletl P,C1. 1'OR SA1.1”. A1,1, 10'1"1'IIN 111'11,1' I'A'I'1'1I1:5, 1'U ihing designs in w•ashntle 001 - too prints, Bright rainbow colors. 11,•(111.11 01:lt;tntt•„d. 1 lit', $1,31, The Uonn' 11:111 1.,11, r lluu>c I;eg'd., vt. t thain 1't., Montreal. 1'I' S'I'I I), Itl:(;I►'I'I:Itl:I) 11I,11'Ii oud I (t 1:1,',1111 ,eon hound I'Ief,HClio; 1.::l 1,•1,,,1 to 1.. Ed - 1% Aid L'oberl••"4, 11,41114;, nut. It 1It1• It1 11).11:s 1 1, h I N 1. -11'.11111 , 1,b',II -, 1;1, 1.», [Hilt -:'r,•"1.r, 10r , -111 1,. u•.., ,1'.,t I' ,111.01' JI, I, ,i', I, .1 i,", 1 - 1.11 `II041•1:.1, 14,1,11:1: 111:, ti.`, 110)1 '1110 11 h, 11, .11, 1' ,,nil 11, fo(,- ,I-, 'lir 11111111 it hilt) 111111• rit))) I:17 •7 14n11,,-), 111 :-, 111::,n'1 1114141ls. 111 „111,•1• 1:1tr: 1(1 (wild of M-1(.(1:( It,t11 11,1 1', , 1.(1'1 11u11 - 1L(; ? t . 1,n1,1(m, (11.1 11001i 1.1;T ON 11011 '1'1) '1'1N 111 , I:111 1, •In1. I,• tl lu•r 114 one '1':I fel, Ile\ \'l1, V. ttp14, \I;n1 11111,11 1(11 5 011 \'I'r:lt 1'.11 011'1' 1:•,11. Tendo, ed bolo a ittke In Ih,t 11 ;1111110'''', 10111 net'; .r,1. 1.1.111', the Ire, 1''1'11,•1. 1, the 11'r:1110'1% The t t': ho.,t t" h1• bad, prices delivered :1t your r:,iltt:,3 station, freight ellrirees 11.1:1111, 111e•r"d Salmon 'I'ruul, 3 1:,:e p,•r pound; 1tres:•ed \\•1111,4 1;0, per 11,11111; 11re sed 11It '1111,1' Pi lm, .1 • , 1,,q••r pound; I ull Illil'iricel et, ;:;h: lel' pull 1111. Order; fur I110 pound lots oil}' ar- cepted. 1'1.'-11 with order, 1tentpsey, Flirt 1"Io11, Jl:tnituha, ENGLISH 111 1,1,1)01. 1'11'1'105 111' who tuitions Imported sire "llhydlan Roger'." !'rice front $77 ftp, wired orders t evolve preference. .1. B. I:hnrlton, 37 ('ort 5t., L'raatford, 1)10. 1"1,1111'1:11 11['1,115 1''1)11 INl)11Olt growing, Gladiolus, 6 for 81,10; Dutch hyacinths, 4 for $1,10; Ro- man Hyacinths, 8 for $1,10; Piper \\'bite Nerctsses, 10 for 01,10; Snow- drops, 21 for $1,10; Crocus, 21 for $1.1e, Growing instructions enclos- ed, barge bulba, postpaid, 1Cuyper'e Bulbs, 1[atr.ir, L'.0 1 IL,I1'O 1'',11,1, A 1'1;11- PIII:AS- :+its left, and some bantams, and black rockets, 10, Hodder, I''Icsher- tun, out, 0%i"01)1) 11111, 1„13111s, 11111':1) 1620. registered, Also older elves, Dor- sets, New Zealand 1'orricdales. 1Uerstead, Sturgeon Falls, 5'rla1'AIt'I' 110Itsda'1,11'I'IJtS, 1(11- pot•s for ('Iiputasler—pules sharp- ened. Locksmiths. shaker's Sharp- ening 1t'urks, 273 !lank Sl., Ottawa, Ont. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -In titres (guar- anteed to be 111 excellent shape), 600 x 16 $5,00 Al' orders shipped 1',0.D, special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm 'Praetor Tires. BEACON T110I1 corner Queen and York Sis,, 11A131!1. 'ON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S 011)141' MODERN 11111:11'1'111) TI111: 141101' WIGGLE FISH ANI) MAG. 'tette Pups. "Wiggle h 1 s h HwIIl19 madly about lashing his brilliant colored body like the riglltingest Bass ever, self winding, no springs to break, Everyone from baby to grandpa loves him, price 50e, Ifotsy & Totsy the Merry Magnetic Pups,. Dogggone fun for Old and Young. You can make em dance, Jump, whirl and wriggle. People go wild about them. Price 50c, Also Jitterbug 60c, Roy Sales Co., l3ox 1081 11'., \\'Innipeg, Man, 11A111D111:SSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING '1'1110 Robertson method. lnfottnatlon on request regarding classes. Robert- son's hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue !toad, Tolont, 111:1,1' 11'AN'I'I:D Al'AN'1'111, 1(1:1,11111,1) 0111)1)1,1; - aged woman for (Doctor's home in 1,"ndon. Our. Who 11.1)1(10 prefer good comfortable home to high wages, \1'illlug to assist \Pitt, light housework, Private room and bath, No children. tux 125, 73 Adelnlde W., Toronto. 01A11) 11'AN'l'I:D 1)11110D1:1'I'I;1,1•, 1"oto of children. $tis monthly. Ap- ply ltox 280, Prescott, Out, 11011s1:1C1JOr1;ll, 3111)1)1.01 - AGED, working mat's home, country town; 1 child; full charge. ilicbard Baehr, *Whitney, Ont, 011;II('AI, 1'l"S I'IIOVI:N — 1:01:111• SI'1''1^Elt- et' of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should t•3' Dixon's Remedy. Mutt- 1•o's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wa, l'oslpalt $1,00, 1BEESLEI''S II1'I"1`I:ItS, 111111IIAt, Tonic, removes the cause of vari- cose, ulcers, neuritis and nervous- ness, Mi's, T. Van Camp, manufac- turer, 398 Eglinton Avenue E., To- ronto 12, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Danish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin Doubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap. point you, Aching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot will respond readily to tlils stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR lend Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 839 Queen SI 1; Corner of Logan 'rolonto. SA'I'ISI"1' YOURSELF — EVER l' sufferer of Rheum:tile Pains or Nelll'11l4 should try Dhnn's Remedy 1lnnru's Drug Store, 3371 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00, TREAT YOURSELF A'I' 1103111 with electro -magnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vali- cote Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- lets from Coopellettedics, Yonge Street, Toronto. MUSICAL 1NSTl(I'M1,N'I'S FRISI) A. 11011DIN0'1'ON BUCs, Hells, exchanges musical instru- ments, I11 Church, Toronto 2. 01'1'1111'1'1' 3,I'I'l1114 1'011 000)114N 13E A IIAIRDRESSIiR JOiN ('.0N.01).1'14 I,L.1111NI; St'l1O01. Great Opportunity Lev it Hairdressing PIeasent dignified profession, gond wages, thousands successful, Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys• tem, illustrated catalogue free. Write or Poll AfARVI I. HAIRDRESSING SC1l00I,S 358 Moor St, \1'., Toronto L'ranrhes 41 Icing St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. HIGH AND DRY Very much on the rocks is I1 MS Sultburn, Britielt Ininaweeper. It was tossed up on rugged Devon- shire coast like pieces of drit1wood by recent gales which roared ftp English Channel, Britain Produces Revolutionary Car '(•here was a good Ileal of talk before the end tit the war that revolutionary designs of automo- biles would be put on the market 14 soon as the I11aIlllfact000l's had reconverted their plants, comments the St. Thomas "rimes -journal. But the cars of today are substan- tially the same as the cars of 1939, and indications are that the ears of 1917 swill not show much differ- enc e, 11utvcter, a British factory has conte out \vitt something original enough to be called revolutionary, and it is said to have excited great interest among :\nlcricati and other foreign buyers. This car, to which the name "Black Prince" has been given, has no (.1111011 and no gear- shift. The main controls are simply the steering wheel, an accelerator pedal and a brake pedal. '1'o start the cal' all that is necessary is to release the brake and press a button, To stop the car the driver simply eases the pressure on the accelera- tor pedal and applies the brake, The forw'ord and reverse switch is operated only when the cal' is standing still. The body is built entirely of alu- minum, all one unit, shielding the passenger accommodation, the en- gine and radiator, 1111'1"1:1t TO IN 1' I:N'1`OIt5 AN OFFER '1'O EVERY INVENTOR Lint of Inventions and full infor• matlon sent free. The Ittttnsny Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Dank Street, Ottawa, Canada PATENTS 11'1:'l'tl1.ItS'1'ONACGII R COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King \\'est, 'Toronto. Booklet of information on request, PERSON AI, 1.11,1.1.111 COMING 1(111"0 1(10 Christ," Wonderful book free. Ate. glddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y. I' I l0'l'II I: IL\ 1' 111 IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR 111.111 1t01'ND FAST SI!ItV- ice and fine quality work will please you. 1"or satisfaction try imperial, 6 or 8 exposure films developed 'incl printed aur. 1M1'1:1t1.AI, 1'11O'1'O 8113t1 -ICE 811111011 1, 'Tel'0ll10, COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mall Service, work guarana teed, 25e per roll. Reprints 3c each. 5 x 7 coloured In %olio mount, 75c, 13ox 6, Postal Station U. 'Toronto, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Sire Ito11-0 or h Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2:1e a 010U\TED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4 x 6" In \':asci mounts, (land Colored mid Framed 1:nhu'gements at special pi ices D1:1"1', 0t STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE no. 1.11, Post Otflce A, 'I urual0 Print Name and Address Plainly, '1'11AI'1'INI: MINI: - 1"0.1 - 11'1)1,1" '1'101 'I'I'!It', trap tor bounty year round with nest gland scent system stoney can buy, lhu•liculal s free, A E. Fisher, [fox 420, Uagury, Albet1(1 WANTED 001.\1'1:1) '1'0 111'1" 'I'llal:'l'lllt AN l' mance, good small grain thresher, self-propelled eontbine, one -wily disc Albert lloustot, 60 Emma St., Cha than ISSU E 52-1946 SPOTS or SPORTS' Iiv FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") (Thee again it', the season when all properly con,ciention, spurts writers, n'rart' and worn from tlt('ir arduous labor of sitting and flog- ging a defenseless typewriter with two or more calloused fingers, are wont to 1 nose from their labors to cast a rearward glance into the abyss of memory—this for the put*• pose of dashing out to the long- suffering customers their recol- lections, if any, of outstanding events in the year just past. Not wishing to make any break in such a time-honored custom — besides, it's as good a way as any of filling space when ideas are more than normally scarce—here are jttst a few of the 1 11111g we personally re- call. 0 First, there was that supreme shock of surprise ole received while listening to a broadcast of a \\'orld Series baseball game. The micro- plionc-maestro had just said, in tones of deepest emotion, "\\'e now pause for a message of Vital impor- tance to every man" or some such, and we Were sitting there wonder- ing what in the world was to follow. And it turned out to be—of all things!—a plug for the sponsor's product! It had something to do w'itll whiskers and shaving, if we are not mistaken; and we can remember saying to ottnself in amazement, "\\'ell, well, well, what w'on't those radio folks be thinking up next'" Another stunning jolt we got— a welcome one this tine --was that memorable evening When Primo (.'amara somehow managed to struggle through to Victory in his Toronto wrestling bout with that ever -dangerous opponent whose name, unfortunately, we have for the moment forgotten. \\'e knew, of course, that big Satchel Fret had just turned in an epoch-mak- ing string of fifty—or maybe it Was a hundred and fifty—consecu- tive triumphs without a single loss, 1\'( realized that, as a richly -pro- ductive drawing -card, Primo's ag- ing bones were constantly — and quite properly — being given the same tender care a chicken -fancier bestows on a setting of prize - strain eggs. Still somehow or oth- er, we couldn't help hating fears and forbodings that something un- toward might occur, that right here in the Queen City Camera's al- most -unbelievable record aright r0• ccive a disgraceful Idol. 1000—Stn'- prise! Surprise! — nothing of the sort happened; and you can well imagine our glad feeling of relief when the terrible ordeal was over. * '('hen, we recall, there vas that hurt, dazed expression which be- came observable on the pans of loyal 'Toronto hockey fans last Spring when 00 began to realize slowly and reluctantly, that the playoff, were about to take place without our pets being included, \lost of us had the idea that there was something itt the league con- stitution forbidding any such out- rage — a rule that the playoffs couldn't he legal and official with- out our Maple Leafs in there. It shouldn't happen to a dog, yet there it oras happening to tis; and although there teas some tall: of demanding a recount, like they do after an election in which the vot- ers betray their sacred trust, noth- ing came of it; and some of us have scarcely recutcre(I from the experience yet, Again there was the shock — both personal and to many of our readers — over what happened In the Fast -\\'est football final, We had, immediately prior to that event, published a column lauding Joe 1'1'01 as just about the great- est football player we had ever seen. Sonic of our followers, know- ing flow our doing anything of that sort almost invariabl!' acts as a "Kiss of Death" on the athlete concerned fully expected to see Mr. Nrol afflicted with a bad fit of the fumbles, or falling flat on Iris Frances at 0 crucial 0i0100111 and presenting the game to the Westerners, But he stood tip no- bly, (h'aw'ing from a friend of ours the remark, 'That Krol must be even better than rated if he can stand for you going overboard about hint in print, and still coni• through." :\ surprise, of a slightly milder variety it is true, but .still a sur- prise, was n'heu the 'Toronto Base- ball management, after a season that could hardly he described as a hilarious success, promptly made the startling announcement that next year they intend to do a lot of rebuilding and leave no stone unturned in their efforts to give the fans a team really worth root- ing for. 'i'hat's the sort of stuff that puts new life into the veins of true-blue baseball addicts, and we wonder that nobody ever thought of something of the kind before. Anyway, we are putting the clipping away with some of our most -cherished sports souvenirs, right alongside the $:! dollar ticket on that 100 -to -1 shot that led all the way to the head of the stretch, and which would undoubtedly have won if the jockey hadn't got so careless, or the horse hadn't run out of gas, or if all the others had happened to drop stone (lead in the run for the wire, \Vt. could, of count, go 011 and on with these thrilling memories of outstanding 19417 sports happen- ings; but, remembering that this is supposed to be the 3035011 of good- will to melt, including readers, we shall give you a break and kindly desist, only adding a little feed - box information as to the real rea- son for the sudden calling -off of the coal strike. \\'hen Mr, Lewis heard that it was going to inter- fere with the National I[ockey League schedule, he realized that the public Will stand for just so 0111011, and that there are some things too sacred for even a labor leader to tamper with. So Ilappy New Year—and remember it's less than five months till Woodbine opens, so better start saving. Britons Warned To Work Harder To Produce More In the sharp Warning tvhicll the L'riti,!t government has isucd to Lahtr in that t,utntry it must work harder ;Int) produce inure if it \ia1t1, gI cater ,.111'1:1 benefits is a i,',-ul. 1111' ll:t ;11;11 111(11)' Other i,n,l,, r a' .,1.'111 '1 he cu' York in tau itv flu: tri 't s or. the 1111,1', 1!1111.1' of 1, „I 1.1'1'14 ret rlltl\' have I,.•,1. L11.in:' thin:;, much t"t;ier 11:.14 I. foo‘ tl r \'.;:r. 11:1, tt!Ith,tlht- lll' ;11, ik pal l lr ,111 l\er tve;11'1- 11i -. .Mier 11'e 111'11!ltitit'rat pro- d;!,1: r0- d . 1: ,It ,', 1.,1„•r ,lid dol ir.tr Ilse \'.(r it er,t' feel that it .,1'11 has r.uned a In',.,:1':ing ;,ell. 1,,114.1' the fin ::.''', it Il;,c tried to ee tv! •IIsi it .1,11141 1.i:( 11111,1!1. t'r1,;ltrr Ill .t: 11_1 11.'11c•- 111;01 them. l' 1 tlul i,el: n l 111(• i"un Inllain I,:,- conic int;t•,tiltn that es eat ill 11,t,,lit;,10111 lit! th:s feeling has u1;,nifr-tett it -1,1.: that there has e been purge.; (11 Close vrho felt there should he treater rev. :ads with I1,.- pi,lllnt t:un. + * I If it were 11u..ihlt' 11101 here 10 reconcile these ttvo things it woad he in Great Britain. Here tailor has its otvn government, (•onlnlittell to a socialistic program or affording to the individual the maximum in comfort and protection front cradle to grave. And it has found out that ‘while it ovottld lite to put its \corkers on a forty -hour week, and in various other 10ays make things easier for them, it is living in a highly competitive 00001(1, one go- verned not by visions of the more abundant life but by immutable economic laws. Perhaps in the atomic future it will be possible to provide in thirty, or even In twenty, hours a week all the goods a country nee.ls to maintain its own economy and its standing in the world. But that is something that Hurst be deter- mined by production oP those goods. GRAVE WARNING With serious mien, Bernard M. Baruch addresses UN Atomic Energy Commission at Lake Suc- cess, N.Y., warning against delay in outlawing atomic warfare. He urged adoption of his plan for con- trol of atomic energy. Paint Job When painting of enamelling over Varnished wood, be sure to rub down the entire surface first With steel wool or fine sandpaper. A high quality ground coat should be applied bettore finishing with one or two coats of the surface paint or enamel. CHECKED c� C , iwa✓iffy or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's (oot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure. cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts end quickly calms Intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. MUTT AND JEFF— JEFF MUST BELONG TO THE MUTUAL VISITING SOCIETY By BUD FISHER MUTT, I JUST 1 BIG BILLER?. HELLO, JEFF! GOT A BILL WHY DON'T Now ARE' FROM THE YoU GO SEE YOU FEELING2 DOR BOUTf SEVEOCTNTEENFoR NIM (T?A 1`D OLL ARS. NoTSoGooD, WRAT'S 'DOC. I JUST IT FOR, GOT YOUR DOC? BILL FOR SEVENTEEN DOLLA' - I WREN You WERE / OH,TNAT'S ALL 'RIGHT! SICK I MADE FIVE HERE'S THE1''WO DOLLARS VISITS AT $3 A FOR MEDICINE,DOC! I'LL VISIT THATk$15 AND COME AND VISIT YOU a ,$2 IS FOR MEDICINE! AND PAY BACK THE VISITS! PACE 4, t f MOTHER'S DAY Remember Mother on Mother's 1)ay - May 11th. We have a beautiful selection of Mother's 1)ay Cards Priced from 5c to 25c. PLAY BALL!!--- Is the Cry of the Season! We have a good stock of Reach's Official Softballs We also have Reach's Cheaper Makes. Reach's Hardballs, Wright & Ditson Tennis Balls, CAP GUNS AND CAPS FOR TIIE KIDS. SOMETHING NEW--Scripto Mechanical Pencils! The world's most popular eversharp -- 110c. The Blyth Standard TEE STANDARD _ HOW ABOUT THAT DECORATOR'S JOB? ••• - WHETHER WALLPAPER OR PAINT — IT WILL PAY YOU. INQUIRE AS TO STYLE AND COLOUR FOR THAT PAR- TICULAR JOB. WHETHER INSIDE OR OUT. F. C. PREST ' .N..I.N.....I. ~4..#44.#######." Phone 37.26, LOIIDESBORO i - Spray and Brush Painting Sunworthy Wallpaper Paicts and Enamels. � ,�. . a . - M...NNNNN.NW.N..•.....WI .1.1..11 ,.,.. . MUNICIPAL NOTICE!,' Ratepayers Public Meeting A public meeting of the Ratepayers of the Cor- poration of the Village of Blyth will be held in the Blyth Memorial Hall commencing at 8:30 P.M., on Tuesday, ay 27th for the purpose of discussing the Project of a Village Water System. Ratepayers are requested to Attend this Meeting. 35-3. --Corporation of Blyth, Gordon Elliott, Clerk. h e e For Prompt and Courteous Service, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Leave your shoes at HARRIS & PHILLIPS AGENT FOR Pollock Shoe Repair ,i I WINGHAM - ONT. A. L COTE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Exan:ined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience NiceThicks Centre I Try a S1 l Itt*'.• 4H1HiNi+:H1"74-04/1i4+0.4 4.•1Hi40++44 04.4 .8.4.4.•+ 1.....48 +48`... XH044* Lions Rummage Auction Sale The Blyth Lions Club are sponsoring a Rum- mage Auction Sale in the Memorial Hall on Sat., May 17 Sale to commence at 2 o'clock D.S.T. COLLECTION DATE— i Slice of SUGAR -CURET) HA11'I For Frying. Steaks Roasts, Boils. Bacon, Sausage and Cooked Meats. H. McCaIIum Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. Deliveries Wednesday and Saturday. •,,.,...... ..................111.....1.,.-.-,-,-.-.111.1.,., NOTICE TO FARMERS GODERICH ELEVATOR REFUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE The refund from the Goderich Elevator an I "Transit Co., Lim- ited, of overcharges ges male on grain loaded in hat;, during the perit,d of .\u_',t 16, 1'143 to June 1945, i, now held in trust by the Federation of .\griculture of Huron County f.,r dis:ribution. A11 farmers and feeders in the County tth , asst,nted this over- charge nraty secure refunds by furnishing .,roofs as to grain i urchast 1 on tshich overcharges utero paid. .\ slier l of pens I•, cur., i, the tuttnshi;l secured front tary. Itt agreement ‘with the (lode - rich Flevat r an I \\'.P.T.IL., the unc?a:na,l residue may be used f n junior Farmer organ zation, in the County. :\nvcne wishing to do s.) nmy assign, that• claims for this purpose. All claims nt;t he matte ‘within thirty days of the above notice to \\'. Roy, 1.nd .,holo, Seeret•try- T easurer of Iluron Comity Fed- crati n of :\griculture. ,\e_; Iluron Lawny farmers who i;ut,'ta,ctl grain from Bruce County deriders, should present their claims to Bruce Cnnnty. Fedcrati n ( f .\gr:culiure. 35-L. explanation as to hying sent out to nits and may he your kcal secrc- I 1 1Vednsday, May 7, 19117: Business Announcement--- Coininencing Monday, May 121h, I will assume the ownership of A. L. Kernick's Egg Grading Sta- tion. In doing this I respectfully solicit a continuance cif the patronage enjoyed by my predecessor, Mr. Remick. My truck will he on the road every week clay, but Thursday. Your business will he appreciated. I will continue to deliver groceries for Mi'. Kernick. 11 CO Egg Grading Station. Telephone 39, .Blyth. / N • 1 ♦ I /HNT • H•H .. H H•.. H•. off H•. ••, • ., H•..... • .. H H H H . ;., ...:..•1..11.•* $ /, 4H•H•.1 {.•.. • 4 + 4 11.•U.� FOR SALE 2 young Sit ,rtliorn hulls of service- able age; also herd sire. Apply to George Mann, R.R. No. 4, Clinton, phone 21r$01, Clinton. 34-2l, TENDERS WANTED SEALE') 'T'ENDER'S will be R- S ceived by the undersigned for the in - 1 stalling uf. pump, pressure system, tank, etc., at the Myth Public School. Particulars of the above may be ub- S tained from the Secretary. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by noun, :.Iay 27t11, 1947. ! Lowest or only tender n. t necessar- ily ac'. wilted. $ 34.2. BERNARD HALL, Secretary. CARD OF THANKS i ‘wish to thank lay neighbours and friends for kindly remembering Inc with cards and flowers, ‘chile 1 pas a patient in the Clinton Hospital. 35-1p. —Mrs. Leslie Fear. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express appreciation to Mr. and \Irs. Jack Creighton for help rendered during a fire emergency at my house o11 Friday. Their prompt action no doubt averted a serious fire. 35-1p. —Charles Machan • I wish to thank my many friends . and neighbours for kindnc.'s shown M me, also fur cards and gifts sent Inc '44.° during my recent illness. They were all greatly ap;.rcciated. 351p, —Thomas E. Kelly. HORSE SOR SALE A black marc, 3 years old, weighs about 1400 lbs. Apply to Albert flun- king, R. R. 1 Auburn, phone 38-26, • Blyth. 35-1p. FOR SALE 2 young York sots, due to farrow in '" May; young Durham bull, ready for service. Apply to Geo, Colclough, No, 4 Highway, l!i miles north of Clin- ton. 35 -Ip. GARDEN PLOWING AND ASH REMOVING Anyone desiring any of the above spring work -done, please contact Nor- man Gowing (care Robert Turvcy) Blyth. 35-11p. CARD OF THANKS I1 M ,t, . 1t, 1t• a In view of the above sale the Lions are appeal- ing to the people of Blyth and community for dona- tions to be offered for sale. A door-to-door collec- tion will be made in the Village on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 15TH Rural contributors are asked to bring their dona- tions to town. ARTICLES REQUIRED --- Clothing, Furniture, Fruit and Preserves, Baking, Garden Tools and Farm Implements, Boots and Shoes -- anything Oat is saleable will be appreciated. Remember the Collection Date - Thursday, May 15. Part of Proceeds for British Flood Relief Fund. YOUR CO-OPERATION will be APPRECIATED. WEATHER BACKWARD i on all the aspects of an early Decent - Impatient farmers and gardeners her day. Wet weather during the Inst }'sewed with feelings of tnkgivings the week has halted all see:ling operations, Weather on \Vcdne,day nrbrning. and fanners are I.:tthtfully disappoint - Snow ,rotted everyone as they ell and disgusted. Seeding in this dis- .peeked front their bedroom wind(tt,,, trict is just nicely tauter %toy. and it HI all morning and part of the \'er' tour s.ardeir. have afternoon, mel ink aim' :t as rapidiy cd. :1 FOR SALE Chesterfield and chair to 'latch, " brown mohair; combination book case so and writing desk in solid oak, in good :. condition. Apply to I(irs, F. Oster, 35-1. :44 t PASTURE LAND WANTED Blyth, Ont. .11 Pasture land wanted for 4 or 5 head of yearling cattle; also for sale Irish • Cobbled Potatoes, grown front founda- ; t.ntl stock last year. Apply \Vitt, Russ, • 26-15 131yth. 35-1 i▪ t FOR SALE . . Quantity of feed tatrnips. Apply to f Joseph Shaddick, phone 26-5, Myth. •! .44.14-444+1.41144+441$4.*:+4 - 41*.4i I TEACHER WANTED IS COLD AND 35-1. as it fell. \Vednesday's weather took Protestant teacher, for S.S. No. 8, H,ullett• situated between Blyth and Londcsboro, of No. 4 Highway. ily- dro in school. 1)utie s to continence September, 1947. Apply stating' qual- ifications, experience ?nd salary to Stanley Lyon, Secretary -Treasurer. k.R. Nu. 1. Auburn, 'Telephone 31r17, • NOTICE TO BICYCLE OWNERS TAKE NO'T'ICE that under instruc- tions fro' the Council of the Corpora- tion of the, Village . f Myth, Chief of Police Cowan is instructed to prose- cute any person or persons riling bi- cycles on the sidewalks within the Corporal in. By-law No. 8, 1896, provides as fol- low(,;-- "That ol- lo (,:-- '1'h.at any person or Wrsnats found riding his or her bicycle on any of the 1 sidewalks in the Village of Blyth be subject to a fine of from $1.00 to $5.00 upon conviction thereof, before one 01 more Justices of the Peace in and for the C.r'luty of Baron, and Province of Ontario, and in default of payment of such fine to be imprisoned according Ito the laws laid down in the Statutes." Th" High way Traffic Act provides as follows: ' "Section 39, Sub -section 13, which reads as f (lows: 'No person riding on a bicycle designed for carry'ng one person only ,than carry any other per- son thereon."' Any person, or persons, violating this provision of the Act shall he pen- alized, on conviction, as set firth in the Highway Traffic Act. 34.2. BY ORDER OF COUNCIL Confederation Life Association, which I represent, has Month- ly Income Policies for sale. These policies provide a guaranteed monthly income at retirement age. At your request I shall be glad to explain the details of a policy that will best suit your requirements. Before you insure, consult Confederation Life • •4 .. :4 `4 ,41 :1 :: FOR SALE •• 1• • By Public Auction• • Ily instruction of the Municipal Council of the :: Village of Myth the following' property will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction at the BLVIII 1'IEMORIAL HALL, ON Saturday, May 17, 1947 1I• .?I 1•, .SI 1• .t• 35-2. Corporation of Blyth, Gordon Elliott, Clerk. •� at the hour of 3 p.m., that is to say --- 1 steel garage 12' x 16'. 1 frame o1' matched lumber building 123 ' x Both in Excellent Condition. Also 2 30 -foot ladders. + �4+411:H��11�1+ 41++1�1 •*•N:11�11�H�/ 1�••�11�� •�11�11� 1�H�N�11�H�1 H: 1:H..•..•"*011 ++4..4+ +•t1444 gtzWilatigagatitagagigaisiiitaikatablimidaisa Byt 'r,: adio Service NEW RADIOS IN STOCK Sparton Radio Phono Combination (electric) 109,95 - Sparton Mantel (electric) 54.95 l Stewart Warner Mantel (electric) 49,95 Stewart Warner Mantel, white plastic (elec.) 32.45 Astra Mantel (electric) 49.50 Rogers (used battery - nearly new) complete with new batteries 35,00 JUST IN -- BEATTY VACUUM CLEANER with all accessories $99.50. RADIO REPAIRING - ALL MAKES - Also Electric Fences, Batteries, Aerials, Appliances GLENN. KECHME 1 Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. i .... II J 1 . 1..1111A I1 11.1 10.11 1 lI .111 1 111-1 111 141111. 11 1, .1 111 1111. Ia4.1ry > .. r10 r 111+ 11 1 •.. I, LI 11.11.,11.,111 • , 1.1 1 • 11.,11 I • 1•i,• 111 1,11 .14.1-1 14,1,1 , Ikill 1 Painling ecorating Lowe Brothers Paints - Sunworthy Wallpapers MATERIAL SUPPLIED WHOLE HOUSE interior decorating a SPECIALTY No Job 'loo Large. No Distance Too Great. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE. Speak well in advance of the time you wish Decorating Done. EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. 11 . 1.,1., w1'. 1,11.x1 1•l.u. .1u. 1 114.1,: 1. 4..11 41. 1 1 •1 .4,. 11111 11•.ILI 111 IUI.J 41.1, 11111, ., ., 1 (1,1 . .. I , 1:11:N:H:H�1:{1:II:H:H:H:1.� 1�11�H�1411�H�H�H�11�11�N*N�H�11�H�11�H�11�H�H�H�11�•1�{411�1 �N�11�11�H�11�11�N�H*{1�H�f�f1�H�H'H�1t 4+5 1tf .ti Association• HEAD OFFICE TORONTO G. R. DOBBYN - Blyth - Representative • 1•. X HURON G1LL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE '4; Meals at All Hours. t FRANK GONG �- Proprietor c :;.;I.+1 -..44+.i+ 4-4.H44.44 44•1- r' 4•: i•4.1F i i••INiNAS{+ 4-444. -444.1:•- 2• - •I4t 1VecInes(lay, 11ay 7, 19117: NOW VALA 242-6 and 4.12-6 pply Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTH. ' w .w. - - - - -•0 44r 4144... - lyt Electric Shop PLACE Y UR OR R` ER NOW! hor Westinghouse, Easy and Coffield Washing Machines and Refrigerators. We will do our utmost to supply your requirements. A Complete Line of Electrical Appliances. WILLIAM THUELL • PROP. TELEPHONE 5 AND 99, BLYTH. Elliott i Agency / BLYTH-- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. VI II" *1St Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. Office Phone 104. Alliott Residence Phone, _. Silt*" 2 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, hAnaiii at2t'nalliDa t2tWh312i`diADIDtlIMD/iBt2i.` 13t21st1tit`ai9a`+tt`it2tDat-XDi)il4)4.10i11iels t 1 THE STANDARD a) �+BOXY THEATRE /) .. NN N...... ••••#••••/•••••••••••• legilar ntvc•ing to be held Tuesday, \lay 13th, at 8 p.ug. .\ II brethren re- quested to be pre!, Att. H. McCallum, .1, Stewart, Noble (;rand Rec-Scc'y 1 1 ..:Liu II.rll 1 1 1 1 1 RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now i;,•111I arc sugar -pre- serves 531, to S50, butter 1135 to 1150. On \lay 15 1'I to 1•5 will become valid fur the purchase ,,f fisc pounds of can- ning sugar. If sugar i, n. t required 1'I to 1.5 may be well for preserves. SPECIAL Just Arrived -1 pairs flip Rubber -)loots-Just in time for trout season, Harris & Phillips, Blyth. 35-1 FOR SALE A quantity of Green Mountain seed potatoes. Apply to Torrance Dundas, phone 13-15, Illyth. 35-1. FOR SALE C.C.M. man's bicycle, :Apply to Borden Cook, Illyth. 35.2p, FOR SALE Ajax Oats, seed or feed, at feed price. Apply to D. \IrKenzie, phone 11r12, i;lyth. 35 Ip. FOR SALE 1 "Airtight" heater, 1 bird cage and stand. \rause, Illyth. (wood erly) ; :\pply at the 35-11). FOR SALE 3 -burner coal oil stove; gasoline laurp and gasoline lantern, in good working order ; vacuum hard -washing machine, with wooden tub, and good wringer ; a new No. 3 churn; gasoline iron. Apply to Mrs. Walter Cook, telephone 10-12, Illyth. 35-1, FOR SALE Electric washing machine ( Easy Va- cuum Cup),. in good running order, price $50.00; also Raymond sewing machine, good condition, price $20.00. Apply to \\'. \I. 1lcnry, phone 150, Blyth, 35-1. 4, 't• •t4 .4 4, 4 4 4 4. >1 .t4 Z4 HARRIS & PHILLIPS "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. a: 1''04t'44hf4,` 4 4.44H4.4,4 444444-4.4 44.41.4..4.444+44 414,.4H`4H44j.14.-44'i+7Hi4344i.'•i_.8.447 - • s We have on haled at present a 9 -foot stiff - toothed cultivator, used, pricesd for quick sale. Rubber -tired Farm Wagons; Milking Ma- chines; Cream Separators; Electric and Tractor - Driven Grain Grinders. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES. ELECTRIC & ACCTYLENE WELDING. All Work Done on a Guaranteed Basis. STEWART J i HNSTON • For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth co• it?. 1 , ti G9 This eek We are receiving a large shipment of Men's Dress Shirts this week, all colours and sizes. Come in and order yours NOW, and we will phone you when they come in. - Also coming in is a fine assortment of Women's and Children's Summer Shoes. COME 1N AND SEE AND COMPARE. We are Often the Cheapest, but Always the Best. 1 .- 'F 4, >4 44 >4 :, >4 4, >, >4 >4 :1 >4 k 4.4 >4 44 >4 >4 4.4 >4 1 44 I\ • Don't let one disastrous fire wipe out the results of years of labour. Let us study your property, estimate the protection you need, and write a Pilot Insurance Policy to give you adequate protection. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Flouter, Burg- lary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance, BERNARD HALL REPRESENTING Phone 122, BLYTH 1 Carmen Miranda with Harry James Ginger Rogers, Burgess Meredith Ginger Rc•gers, David Niven and and Phil Silvers Burgess Meredil{t and David Niven Fifty ;lol:e her Warne ll svhisper' In a musical shots' stuffed \s;alt var- felling the story of famous Dolly lint entied her love with all their icty and first-class entertainment \laths '11, her loves, her intrigues hearts, the •tory of Ante''ic:t's ..N •-#1 PAGE 5 .N.N,rM.. ' CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. I _ BEAFORTi•f. Now Playing: May 8, 9, 10, Ran- Now Playtg, May 8, 9, 10, Robert Now Playing, May 8, 9, 10, Barbara I'r:Iph Scott in 'Badman's Territory' Mon., Tues., Wcd., May, 12, 13, 14 Jnnc Haver, George Montgomery and Vivian Blaine :\ grand treat 1,f gay tune, and tilorious Techuic.dur, bursting with eight great s In,;; hits "THREE LITTLE GIRLS j N B LU,F1' Young in "LADY LUCK" I Hale_ in "LADY LUCK" Mon., Tues., Wed., May 12, 13, 14 Mon., Tues., Wed., IVIay 12, 13, 14 Jeanne Crain, Cornet Wilde and Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter and Linda Darnell, Walter Brennan, I Gene Tierney Constance Bennett, Dorothy Gish 1The sensational story of a titan's :\ Jerome Kern musical, done in search fur faith, by \V, Somerset Technicolor, adapted from the novel \laughant, ;1 screen -treat yno trust hy :1lbert I?. lull.nut miss! "CENTENNIAL SMER" "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 15, 16, 17 Vivian B11:na, Pe •ry Como and T{tura,, Fri., Sat., May 15, 16, 17 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mai• 15, 16, 17 "1F I'M LUCKY" I nd her triumph, LL" "MAGNIFICENT DOLL" _-�... "MAGNIrICENT DO COMING: "DARK MIRROR" Coming: May 19, 20, 21, 'Centennial Adult Entertainment Coming: Carmen Miranda in Summer" In Technicolor. "IF 1'M it1CK1' 4 Matinees Sat, & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed.. Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Holidays a. 2.30 p,m. r....1.•JN..N..NN.N.N..N....NN...♦NN ..N.#N'••r►.M.1Nd.N.NHN..1Nf 4,•••~01/04,../•••.••••••N.N...�� F ,44.:44.4.4;..• 9 .$ .t..: 44.:..:4.414,.444:44.4,4444;H.4.;.; LYCIEUM THEATRE s; WINGHAM-ONTARIO. 4 Two Shows Sat. Night • OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR SALE , Out1.oard motors, ESSO GASOLINE MARVELUBE MOTOR OIL �; f AND GREASE ,,Two shows each Pictures subject to change " w'ithuut notice, night -7.30 and Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p,m.4 g tES NAFTEL l Changes in tinge will be noted bclowT AGENT FOR -- IMPERIAL OIL, Ltd. GROCERIES ':Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 8, 9, 10•" c. Ralston'!' 144 Wm. Elliott "THE PLAINSMAN AND THE LADY" Vera Jt Mon., Tues., Wed., May 12, 13, 14 (SPECIAL) "MARGIE" PLEASE NOTICE Jeanne Crain, Alan Young f I have disposed of my Egg Grading 'r H;.4�H.4-.4.- .4H:..44.-4,-+:44 .•:+.0:. �.4.-j4 Branch of my business to Mr. Bordet Cock, and I wish to thank customers'"'"'f'"""m_ "#+' for their loyal patronage in the past.' • In doing this I also bespeak a con- tinuance of this same support for my' successor. Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Beans, Car- rots, Beets, Pears and Plums. Canned Meats. Cern Syrup, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Starches and Soaps, Matches. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. � Clutch Sets, Bulk Seed, Peas & Corn. Poultry Feed and Concentrates Calf Meal, DURWARD'S ICE CREAM ALWAYS ON HArD. A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER -PHONE 39. 16 1 ,.1,..nc1,. 11.611.11.64.61 1.31111 11.11 Dance in the LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL on the night of Fri. May 16 Sponsored by the Blyth Jr. Farmers MUSIC by FERRIERS ORCHESTRA Dancing front 10 until 2. Adinission at Popular Prices Lunch Available. Your Patre j age Will Be Appreciated. EVERYBODY WELCOME. 35-2, X11.11, 1.4.11 _.. a1 .11104,1111111131, D,... 411 11111 . TEACHER WANTED Illyth Public School, Huron County, requires q.alificd female teacher tor intermediate Grades, three-room school. \liniment salary $1,500. Apply stating experience, qualifica- tions and name of last inspector. Applications received until slay 12th. Duties to commence September 2nd. Apply Bernard hall, Myth, Ontario. 35-1. NA 1 CEMETERY NOTICE There will be a Public Meeting of the Blyth Union Cemetery Board on Wednesday, May 14th, in the Memorial Hall, Blyth, All those interested are invited to attend. A number of improvements are planned for the cemetery this year, and it is hoped that some new equipment may be purchased. 'This means that a large amount of money will be needed. Out of respect for those who leave passed on, the Board asks that each person who is in a:::errs with dues, please make an effort to bring these up to date on or before May 31st. If you have any enquiries to snake or wish to pay your fees, please contact the Secretary, Mr. Glenn Kechnie, at his store. The rates are as follows --- Yearly - $1. per year or $25. for permanent upkeep . There are a number of half lots for sale and if anyone wishes to purchase one, he can also see the Secretary, 11Ir. Kechnie. W. N. Watson, Chairman; Leonard IIcNa, John Doerr, Trustees; Glenn Kechnie, Sec'y-Treasurer. -1 Real Estate Agency BLYTIi. Our Agency has the following property listed for sale; 4 60 acre farm within 1 mile of the \Tillage of 1310It ; two-storey instil ])rick -clad dwelling, 20x36 and 14x 14; fraise barn 50x70, steel and shingle roof, cement stabling; hen house 30x14; windmill and 2 good swells; water supply in the barn; 20 acres allowed, 8 acres new seed- ing. Sell farm, or farm including st;Ick and implements complete. Al- most immediate possession. 11/2 storey franc dwelling on the south side of Dinslcy Street, Myth; One-eighth acre of land, hydro, well. 2 storey stucco clad dwelling on Dinslcy Street, Myth. Immediate possession. 142 acre tarns ideally situated on iii;t hway 4. On this farm is situate a frame dwelling 33x28, hot water heating with two baths. Barn frame 9008 with wing 32x60, stone ,tabling with water in stables; drive shed 28x60 metal; milk house tranlc 10x11); chicken house 20x18; silo 13x40 cement. This property is now operated as a dairy farm with handsome annual return, West Vic, lot 39, concession 5, East \\'awanosh, c:mprising 100 acres. On the premises is situate 11/2 storey s frame dwelling 26x28 on•stone wall; frame barn 48x70 of stone founda- tion with water in barn; frame drive shed 20x60; frame pig pen 20x20. The land is clay loans particularly y suitable for grain or hay crops. 1 An ideal building lot for residen- tial purposes, comprising one - t eighth acre of land situate on the • n-rth side of Dinslcy Street, less than a block from the maul inter- scotion of the village. ' A number of other dwellings and farms listed. •Particulars on appli- cation. FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME Blown l:ockwool applied to walls and ceilings of homes save fuel with more comfort and fire protection. Our truck is in the district now. For free estimate and terms phone 136 Blyth, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Avenue, London. 33-10. FOR SALE Fully \lodern Insulated ]Irick 1lonte, Apply J. 11. Phillips, phone 44, lilyth, Ontario. 34-3p. TWEDDLE QUALITY CHICKS Special price, 6 week old pallets, New iIantps., New Hants X Barred Rocks; bight Sussex, Rlac.k Austra- lorps, $39.95; Day-old chickens always on Maud. Apply to M rs. James Arnl- stong, phone 179, Blyth. 35-1. I FOR SALE I1 1 frantc barn, on the former Masoti property, Myth; Also a corner lot, a desirable location for building. Apply \V. J. Clark, \\'ingham. 35-3p. ti71n,50, immediate portation prepaid. Inc and Hardware, brawl new, 1 11.1'. delivery. 'l'rals- ('hri.,tian's E 'c - Oshawa, Ontario• 34-6, WANTED TEACHER I'r teslant teacher wanted for rural Public ticl:rn,l its Village of Constance, 5.5. No. 3, Ilullctt T i,,• Moron County. \ludcrn equipped brick school house. Duties to commence `eptenl- her 1st. State experience, qualifica- tions and salary expected. Apply to C. \'. Dale, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 1, Clinton, Ontario, phone Seaf.•rth 841r5. 33-t f. 111 11 6111 , _1. .11 6,. 11 1 I 'GENERAL TRUCKING _ 7 The hest in trucking service al- 1 - ways at 10111' immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured, Rates Reasonable. 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed. .1. II. CAMPBELL For the present phone 70c9, - l3ruscsls. 13-tf. 11 1 .11 1.1 1 . Farriers Attention! Spring is just around the corner, and the spring rush of cultivation and seeding will he here. We now have three tactor outfits and are now taking orders for spring seeding. Give us your order early and we will he better enabled to do your work on time. MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario 1:4.1.444":444-4.-0.:04.4144.444W441 44.4144.44-TT'4-- 4441 1 SCOTT'S POOL ROOM. If I:;SMOKER'S SUNDRIES.; ;;Tobaccos, Cigarettes, _ and Other Sundries. X 34 41• 4=4 .4. 1 .4 3; .L 140:44:"M444:44++:484:444 +4+44+4":4 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; \rice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, 13rod- hagen ; Secretary-Treasttrer and Man- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank 'McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot Scaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John I.. \1 alone, Scaforth; John 1I. s[cEw- ing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; S. 1I. \Whitmore, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, RR. 2, Go erich. Agents John E. Pepper, Bruccfield; R. F. McKerchcr, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, lirodhagcn ; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be pronlpIY attended to by applications to any of the above named officers ndtlr.esscd to their respective post of- fices. Dead and Disabled Annuals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. Vseg-aoad TEA BAGS Conven.e.elte TIASIIJ .3 ., E OF THE SEA By George E. Walsh CHAPTER XIX Dick's hand reached for his own pistol, and than dropped limply to his side. Captain Tucu had lis• armed him svlien he was made a prisoner, and Dick hadn't found any substitute weapons. Were there snore firearms aboard the Betty? Probably not; Captain 'Inco had robbed the schooner of every weapon he could lay his hands on, With a groan at his impotence, he turned hack to the beach. The Caribs were attacking again. I he C'arihs were checked attain by a volley of stone;. and ttithdrett• after that to a sate distance, wild Burley and Tncu held a consult:,. tion. Diel; struggled to his fret, a little bewildered and uncertain what course to pursue. 'Cher(' tvere six white morn, now that Pettigrew had been killed, and a dozen Caribs at- tacking them, an even disposition of forces, perhaps if they had been equally equipped for battle — for one white Ulan could ordinarily handle two Carib—hut armed with pistols that their enemies lacked the black Wren had the advantage. They could pick off their enemies leisurely without running any risk from flying stones, and in the end conquer through their superior weapons, Bravery dirt not count much as a factor in such a battle. f * ► The sight of lien I) ing there on the sand, treacherously shot by the Caribs, suddenly changed Dick's whole attitude; he felt sorry for and forgave hint for much of what he had condemned in the past. I len vas human; he had a heart; lie was brave and fearless; be would not at talk a maul front behind, and shoot Ilius in the back, "Manus '1'ucu!" he exploded, "tic's a devil'. 1'I1 get hint yet for Hen'; sake!„ it was a queer reason for arous- ing Hint to a fighting mood; or per- haps it was the age-old instinct to rally to the white man's side, when those of another color had him at his mercy more than any sympa- thy for Ilan Pettgrew•. Ifen was merely a symbol of the eternal struggle. "Captain Bedford may have pis- tols or rifles that'l'ucu overlooked," Uick reasoned. -With two or three we could rout the Caribs." Animated by this thought, he turned and began scrambling down the rocks, scarring iris hands and knees and nearly losing his balance once or twice through careless haste. 'lose sats hint coating, and waved to hint; Dick gave no heed to her until he stood on the deck, hot, flushed, and panting: "Captain 'I ucu's gang's on the other side of the island!" he an- nounced abruptly. # * f Rose recoiled and turned death- ly white, but Captain Bedford's face set in hard lines without a trace of fear in it. "Then we must get ready fur theta," the said grimly. "Did they see ye?" "No, but I saw them." 'J'he old skipper nodded. ' Can ye shoot'" "Yes, if I had anything to shoot with. Tucu disarmed toe, and took every weapon off the schooner." "Did he?" The skipper's face was wreathed in a crafty smile. "I reckon now," he added a moment ' later, "he overlooked some of 'em." Dick turned eagerly to hint. 'You have more.' he asked jerkily. "\fehbe he found 'eel," ,vas the grunting reply, ''but I don't think so. 1 hid 'ant fur sick things as mutiny an' hoarding parties. We'll see." Leading the v. ay into the cabin, with Dick and Rose eagerly follow- ing, he began prying up a section of the floor. After loosening a few boards he lifted nut a small chest hidden underneath, which, when opened, disclosed a treasure more precious to Dick than the gold tak- en front the submarine. It consist- ed of halt' a dozen brand-new pistols of modern pattern, auto- matics of a deadly type, tvith ant - munition enough to feed then for a considerable time, With a little cry of delight, Dick seized them and began stuffing them in his pockets, 'Ye ain't leas in' none fur me," protested the skipper. "Ye ain't figgerin' on wiping out Captain 'l'ocu's crew alone. Be ye-:" Dick laughed, the tension broken, and thea in a fat'; words told them what he had discoverer( on the other side of the Mand. Rose's eyes widened and darkened, and her face flushed with excitement; but Cap- tain Bedford merely nodded and grunted. "We could do it alone" he mur- mured finally, ''hut ntebbee it would be better to get down to the sail- ors, an' let 'em have some sort of fun. Reckon they'd enjoy it." "Wes," nodded Did:. "\'e Hurst have nearly enough gluts for all. \\'e Hoist hurry." They started up the companion, but they clinched over the side of the schooner to get ashore Rose suddenly protested. * 1 'Aren't you going to help 01C ashore ,Diel;:" -No," he replied gravely, "you Must .stay on the Betty, \Ve'll conte back to you." She sniffed and tossed her head in the air. "If father's going I'ut going too," she answered. 1)ick started to protest further, but Cajltain Bedford nudged hint. "\o tine 1rguiu'," he whispered. "I've spoilt her. She always has her \With a smile she acknowledged this doubtful compliment, and climbed down to the mass of wreckage. I)ich somewhat unwill- ingly extended a hand and helped her ashore. \When they reached the summit of the cliff, the situation below was not changed. The Caribs were still at a safe distance, shooting occa- sionally at the breastwork behind which the tvlhite men teere crouch- ed. "Their bullets went wide of the mark, which induced Captain Bed- ford to remark, '')'e can't never teach a Carib to shoot straight. 'Tain't born in 'em. Reckon we'll show 'ant how .to do it." s + : Dick had been scanning the rocks helots with a careful estimate of the danger ahead. The shipwrecked men had reached the supper part of the beach, and it \vas possible to get within a hundred feet of thein without exposing their bodies by following closely a ridge of outcropping boulders. \\'hen he in- dicated this to Captain Bedford, the old skipper nodded, and waited for hint to lead. The Caribs had their attention directed upon the breastwork of their enemies, and, not expecting danger from above, they never once raised their eyes to the sum- mit of the cliff. This more than any skill on their part enabled the three to creep stealthily clown the ridge until close to the hiding place of the sailors. (Pouching there for a moment they considered the next move. Between tocol and the breastwork was an open stretch of flat sand. To cross this they had to expose their bodies to the cross fire of the Caribs. "I'11 go first," Dicl; whispered. "No, wait a minute," replied the skipper. "Likely's not diem sailors will take ye for a flaukiu' party an' land a ton of stones on yer head. \\•e got to let 'enc know we're friends." "How can we do it without alarming the ( arihs?" "Reckon we can't. But it's got to be done." Suddenly, without warning of Id; intentions, the skipper raised his voice without exposing his head: ":\boy, there, shipmates! Look aloft! Keep them stuns for the en- emy. an' don't shy any of 'eel aft! \We're coming to help yc." (1'o Be Continued! DUI:E'S DAUGHTER WEDS Woodstock, England, ancestral home of the Marl boroughs, was all agog when London's society folk flocked to attend the wedding of Lady Caroline S pencer-Churchill, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, to Maj. Hugo Waterhouse. The woman at left, above, used her bicycle and a con- venient tree to get a better glimpse. One of the bridesmaids was Mary Churchill, center, daughter of the wartime prime minister, who will soon be a bride herself. The bride and groom are pictured, left, leaving historic St, Mary Magdalene Church after the ceremony. Modern Baby Goes A -visiting The modern baby is an exacting little person. She's a gadabout too, but whether she travels by plane, train, or motor she can he nice to have around. It's all a matter of routine and camaraderie with her parent•, says The Chi ist'an Science \I 101101'. Sally's visit showed inc 11015' this can he accomplished. She arrived by car on a Saturday, having slept or cooed in her bassinet in the back seat during most of the fot'-hour drive, She came into the house followed by the bassinet that her parents stood on its legs in the living room. Also from the car came Sally's own suitcase of clothes and toys, and a hamper contain- ing her food, During the nicht Sally slept in the bassinet in an upstairs bedroom. In the morning she giggled with her mother while she bathed in a tvaslt basin. The rest of the time gall}' spent in the living room, sleeping in her bed or wiggling on her play rug on the floor. \\'c were not asked to keep quiet and none of the fun of the visit was spoiled by the little five - months -old lady. She was quite happy because she was one of the household group, yet she hail her own routine and her mother with no fuss or apologies s:n', that noth- ing jogged her out of it. \When Sally grows up she won't be able to live her own life while visiting, lint I'm store she \rill be courteous and well-mannered be- cause her mother taught her to he a perfect guest at the age of file months'. Sugar Known Since 325 BC To the average Iran sugar- is sugar. but to the chemist it is "stt- crose"—:list one of over a hun- dred sugars with which he is fa- miliar. :\1l are numbers of the chemical group called "sacchar- ides". The saccharides, in turn, belong to the still larger group of carbohydrates. Well-known sugars in addition to sitero,e include lac- tose or milk sugar (generally pre- pared from goat's milk) dextrose or corn sugar, and Maltose or malt sugar, states the New York 'l'intes. Probably the first mention of sugar in history can found in the records of Nearehus, an admiral who accompanied Alexander the Great on an expedition dow: the Indus River in :t2.3 B.C. Ile said the patty discovered "honey -bear• ing reeds", By the seventh century sugar was known throughout the Orient and a hundred years later it was being refined by a process con- trived by the Egyptians. litany historians hold that Marco Polo introduced sugar to Europe. Sugar first seemed to have taken on the aspect of big business when an Italian inventor of the Middle Ages was awarded the equivalent of More than $100,000 for perfect- ing a method of Making sugar loaves. Sugar by any name is still not the stveetest substance known to elan. Saccharin, for Instance, is 200 to 700 times as sweet as cane sugar. 'Then there is Pcryllartine, which is some 2,000 times as sweet as sugar. But if its real sweetness you're after consider 1-n-propoxy- 2 atnina-I-nitro-benzene, which is the atomic age's gilt to your sweet tooth. Developed during the twar, the tiniest pinch on the tom -,rte can still be tasted half an hour later. Music Everywhere Can't you hear the bells a -ringing In the wind and in the rain, In the rustling in the treetops, In a field of ripening grain. In the meadows, where the fairies And the elves are wont to play, In the :mow upon the Mountains, in the dawning of each day. In the whispers of love's message, In the Brooks that laugh and sing, In the dancing of the moonbeams, In a bird on outstretched wing. In the tushing of the rivers, In the perfume of a rose, In the friends who give 115 courage, In a baby's sweet repose, In the laughter of young children, 111 the pattering of their feet, In x fragrant old-world garden, Lt two lives, as one, complete' :\II the world is full of music! if you listen, you will hear Symphonies of God's Creation, 1'o- cry moment of each year. 11. (*.leave, What's new? Pattern 4911 with four brand-new flattering features! A diagonal button -sweep! A modi- fied dolman sleeve! A longer, flared peplum; a slim, straight skirt'. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit, Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4911 comes in sizes 12, 14, 11), 13, 20. Size 16 takes yards 39 -inch fabric, Send T\\'E\'.I'Y C'E\'('S (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to room 421, 7:1 Adelaide Street \Vest, 'To- ronto. Print plainly S1'/.E, NAME, .\I4I11lh.SS, STYLE NUMBER. Proper Posture Posture is important in relation 10 health. So, rousidcr your back- bone. Don't slump in your chair as though it were a bed. Straighten it;'. whenct cr you find yourself becoming stooped or slouchy. 11 your spine is straight, your intern- al organs have a better chance to wort: in uncramned quarters. ISSUE 52-1946 THE BOOKSHELF Return to Jalna 13y Mazo de la Roche In this tenth book of the \VItite- oaks saga, :hiss de la Roche pieces together a nett/ pattern with ef- fortless skill, bringing the old house back to turbulent life after the bleak years of ttte war. It is 1913 when the story opens with the return of young Maurice from Cousin Dermot's its Ireland and we see Jalna through his youthful critical eves. 'Then Finch comes back froth a concert tour, Piers is released ft'otn Germany in an ex- change of tear prisoners, young Adeline arrives back: front school to rush her beloved stables, and Colonel Kenny \\'Ititeoak, the mas- ter of Jahta, comes back from the war. The huge fancily, with its under- current of quarrels and loyalties, lives for its again itt this delightful book, Miss tie la Roche's touch is as sure and the charm of Iter style as compelling as ever. Return to Jalna . . . By Mazo de la Roche . . . The Macmillan Company of Canada ... Price $3,00. Stained Cups If dishes must stand before washing, be sure to empty and rinse out coffee and tea caps. Otherwise, these beverages ntay leave a dark stain that is hard to 1f a cup becomes so stained that soap and water will not remove the discoloration, rub with a moist cloth dipped in baking soda. Do not scour china or pottery. IIard rubbing and cleaning powders may cause color or gilt to fade and damage the smooth finish. Chipped or cracked dishes or those w'itlt the glaze off are not sanitary, however they are wash- ed. Wash and handle with care to prevent suck damage. Sunday School Lesson Paul Claims The World For Christ Acts 9:15; 19:21; 23:11; 28:28-3t, Romans 1:0-1G; 15:22-24, Golden 'Fest. -1 ant debtor both to the Gleel.s and to the barbari- an,: holh to the \vise, and to the Paul's Programmne 'I lie 11111,1 I ro. laun,'r for Taut a..i. di\ Ito !t dh ignited for, him at hr tt, c'Ir.', toted. Lod Lid Lo-er, ti ::t, an apostle t t the Gentili.. anal cl- t .:Haslet rtes-rlll:rl to his ..till I.ii nn n, the I ierl 1 ,11115 1'It';t' pll t.. ,- 1,, re- boil fields aail fl i. l: l• in •,nlnln I ;nope I \l:i( rdol!i.1 ;old .1t haia), (',!Illicit trill to Irl;! -,1..1.1. ,till ,iftern-a 1 "I tit t ;Il -o Tom•' God Stands by Paul 1 „til s promise to st..ild 1)1' I',tttl r.t, revealed to hint at ; vote of gr1',lt discouragement for Paul's trip to )(au -akin was featured by the outcry of a !nob and I!I sub• setpu'nt arrest. The Lord declared th.lt Paul's tesintuny at Ieru,alent must be duplicated at the \olid', capital, It Lune. Paul was de.irous nl' i r: tttiiinl( an evangelistic and 'missionary cant- paign pwou\•cold-aide in scopelat anti serild ice.be 1Ii: heart wa'I set upon Christ for the world and the world for Christ. The Power of God Paul would grout all :ten to- gether and not divide them as the Jest's into ''Ictus and Gentiles," nor with the (:recta; into ''(lrceka and Barbarians," nor tvitlt the in- tellectual; into r'a'ise and untcise" Ile was therefore teatly to preach the gospel in the capital city of the empire will' all its racial and religious admixture. Though Route was the tttigldy mistress of the world, Paul world in her midst be unashamed of the gospel, for it contained a greater power than Ronie could ever boast --"The power of God unto salva- tion" of sottl to all eternity. And that power is available to everyone who believes on Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, the offer cooling to the Jew first in point of time, but extending also and immediate- ly to the Gentiles on exactly the .ante terms. Norway's Reindeer Norway's reindeer herd: were 21(;,:i destroyed by the (terlllanl during occupancy but are now teaching normal 123,0110 head again. '.ado III 19611IA ❑4,11I,di11u,1idLldiir.4,11611. ,IidJ 1 ou 51111 I:nlo)- Slaying Al The SL Regis Hotel TORONTO • lair)' Room 11'1111 Ruth Shot,'Telephone • Single, 63,:,11 tip— Double, $at.n0 up • (:ono 1'nod, Dining and Mike - lug Nightly Sherbourne tit Carlton ret. lt.t. .1131 1100315 11 I' A1''TIFC1.1.5' FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OI'I', — C.N.1t. S'TA'TION WANTED All Kinds 01 Dressed Poultry (TOP PRICES FOR TOP BIRDS) Joseph Cooper Limited Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Avenue, Toronto 6 (We do custom grading) It Makes You So Much Better The Vitamin 61 Tonic Extensively used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic „ fatigue, and exhaustion of the ADO 60 cts nervous system. Economy size, $1.50 Feel Aluolums Dr. Chase's Nerve Food CIIRONICLES OF Giln Milli By Gwcndolinc P. A Happy New 'Year to you all +-and of course I wish you a very happy time on this New \'car's Day itself, To me New Year's Day always seems not so much the beginning of a new year as the wind -tip of the Christmas season — or in some cases the grand finale, de - ending upon how you 'Observe it, have noticed that Canadians of 1'.nglish extraction make more of Christmas than New Year's where- to to those of Scottish descent New Year's scents to he the main cele- ' bration. (Plea ,e note: i said "Canadians of cnglish extraction"—and by in- ference, Canadians of Scottish de- scent—not English or Scotch Can- adians, We are note Canadian zens with 110 handles attached, In fact, unless for specific reasons -- As 111 the instance I have given -- no farther information is necessary, Of course we may still be proud of our origin but it need not de- tract in any \ray from our pride In speaking of ourselves as Can- adians). * • * But Lark to our topic — the observance of a brand new year, To the children it is a time of mixed emotions. The glorious per- iod of expectancy k over. The mysterious parcels have divulged their secrets; a few tears have been shed over dolls or toys that could not st;utd up to the demand made upon them; the hustle -bustle of holiday preparations are a thing of the past; Christmas decorations are beginning to look like "has- beens''; all that is left of tine Christ- mas and New Year turkeys are Ole bones in the stock -pot, and worst Of all—to the children, come. Visions of an almost immediate return to bench and desk al the sclool- house. As one small person was heard to observe—"If only Christ- mas would last forever'" l't:t for grownups—well, I sup- pose we all indulge in optimistic feelings about the New Year — every new year for that matter -- and hope it will be the best we haVe ever known, Sometimes we have been right, so--wito knotvs— wc may .be right again, '(.'his may he the best year the world Inas ever known. At any rate, we can hope, can't we? "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." Some day when we are all sufficiently disinterested to hope for the right things, something may really conte of it, Yon 1,00w•, I was thinking the a Clarke other d,c dhot\ thar.hfttl we s1 rmld be for the (5 ay in wlli,a some things are arr.uuod for our bene- fit. Time, for instar c. imagine hole tiring it would he if Time were not(lit id' d into y(;ns, nuanths and days -- in which case there would never be a Nen' Year's Day at all. We say, "It is a lune; Lane that has no turning" but just drink what a Iona year it would he that had no ending. Time, endless time, stretching out to Eternity, But instead of that the have our calendar of days, weeks, and months. "Every clay is a fresh be- ginning" and then, as we reach the dawn of a new year, we theor- etically start life again \vitt n clean sheet, with new ambition, enthusi- asm and inspiration, 1\'e look to the future; the work and worriorr of yesterday belong to the past. 11'c may possibly think to our- setres—"111 1940 we certainly had our troubles but 1047 will surely bring us better luck," Well, who knows, even those now living with "ill -laws" may even find a place to call their owns And what a break that would be — that Is un- less the necessity of depending on the older folk has become too much of a habit already. And on the farms what happens? \Veil, at the first of the year there are empty pens which the farmer and his family view with the great- est satisfaction, Pens that formerly housed turkeys, geese or chickens, sometimes all three. Now, after providing endless wort; for their owners they have gone the way of all farm bird flesh, and, in their place there is money to pay taxes, to pay the feed bill—which, I can assure you, is usually terrific — but for all that there Is also a little to spare to start things moving again ler another year. * It's great life — this gate of farthing. We work from dawn to dark to get our poultry away, of- ten Vowing under our nrcatlt that it will he the last we will ever raise — and then in a few short weeks WC start all over again, But then we have to live, don't we? And let nue whisper this in your ear: You and I know, don't we, that once we have learnt to take it on the chin; farming is really a wonderful way to• make a living. Supposing we think that over for the new year. Don't let us feel sorry for ourselves — let tis rather pity the other fellow•. 'Bye! Once again—lfappy New Year, Everybody. Beginning Next Week AN EXCLUSIVE WEEKLY FEATURE Teen.Town Topics Newsy chatter of people and happenings that are of interest to young people By BARRY MURKAR Screen Actor a HORIZONTAL cloth 1,6 Pictured 58 Tree film actor 59 Diminutive 9 Before of Daniel 10 Company 60 He has (ab.) appeared in 11 Fish eggs many — 12 Light brown 13 Soldiers' meal 15 Short sleep ,17Make a mistake 18 Vanquished ones 20 Knock 22 One (Scot.) VERTICAL 1 Rip 2 Vase 3 Musical note 4 High cards 5 Organ of ' smell 6 British (ab.) 7 Division of i Ammer to Jli o R NP_ 1-10 EAR' STiEAM Prwinu, Pussle NBEC.4G�-� NEST,%., I A WESw;ADM, NROBE t.".,:1-3E__{?FLAX RE EiSTANLEY ;'rr'ASSE _- ER..= K. A L ria _'idHORNBECK MARTS ELI D SNA I L s -',NN I MiROD —D I S' T 117E';' SER SN ' CER I SESS --15E-6T—i 16 Portion 37 Following 17 Dine 38 Observe 18 Boy 94 Push 19 Droop 96 Rough lava 21 American 47 News notice poet 48 Sport 23 Transmits 99 Forenoon 25 Farm yields (ab.) 28 Standard of 50 Provides with 23 South geological value weapons America (ab.) time 30 Mimic 52 Age 24 Alternating 812 months 33 Torrid current (ab.) 12 Three in cards 34 Operatic solo 26 lnternatio»al 13 Missouri (ab.) 35 Affirmative language 19 Senior (ab.) 36 Possess 27 Classified 29 Part of furnace 31 Any 32 Opera (ab.) 33 Sturdy 36 Unlocks 39 Either 40 Southeast (ab.) 41 West Saxon (ab.) 42 Electrical engineer (ab.) 43 Point 45 South Pacific island 43 50 Hatchet 51 Exist 53 Small particle 54 Skill 55 Native met :1 159 b7 Measure of 2 4 iC 5 14 54 Beverage 56 Half -em 58 East Indies (ab.) 6 7 8 11 ZI �31 33 39 39 39 51 OA - seas. 40 Lig 7745 'lb 5/',;' 5;, 53 sse 55 56 57 35 47 48 3bY 37 38 ; E A s THE STANDARD N1111111,1111111011.10.- . PERSONAL INTEREST fhe Pulpt Spy Cmittee have rriiged fr Rev. George \\'lic, 1.\., 11.D„ of Oakville, to take the evennin the Mtli united ChurchJOnext Sunday. The committee isnxous that everyne be preent t�5Bear \I r. \\'ylic. (hrles Sunlcrcock, Blyth, \Ir. and \Ir. Ie,;. (dollar, of \\inanl, s.Charles \\'aymuuth of Stratrd, mtored to \\'indst.r on Sat- urday to attend the tvediling of .\nnabulk'Barbra \wayinouth. r,. \\illi;un Bell returned homeSatuday after spending the pat tweeks at 11cnall and Guelph. \Irs. 1.. 0. \I filler of (rihntSunlith \Ir\\I YeS! We Have Them! ALL READY FOR SPRING. Men's Work Shoes •$3.95,$-1,50, $5 Boys' Work Shoes $2,95, $3.` Boys' Oil -Finished Rain Coats with (raps Sizes 6 year's to 14 y'ear's. Men's Top Coats $16.95 Women's and Children's Plastic Rain Coats. Men's, Women's and Children Rubbers at Special Prices. y. Olive McGill Doherty Bro. GARAGE. 1 Household Supplies And Wednesday, May 7, 1947: ..—.` .. _ - - .-101. .—She---fY.11■1111 Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES _ SIZE 600x16. 'Mrs, \\'. Technic is visiting her AI daughter, \Irs. Fred Chapple, \Ir. 1ltdrhnr,li, I Chapple, and family, of Iippcn. \Ir. and \Irs. Lawrc•ce Greco, of , \Ir. Ralph \woad, of 'Toronto, for- 1� \\'iwti;'cg, Mau., returned last \1'e1- nicrly Flight-I.ictitenant with the R.C. t li �Emyr Myr&;t';)l)lDt 12121)01Dtss�t�,10,,m3,2011101314/31,130Dt011121xxl,•�) ; nestday after visiting with \Ir,• lame, :\.It. on the west coast, visited with Logan, Mrs. \\•In. Logan, and \Ir. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sundercucl: on \Irs. I.. \strut. I'nusday. it,44,4NIHOJN♦444• .. 00.••.44444. 4.441:. 4. :.••40N:.4:444 0:0:41:4+ •:u•. J. 444:4•••J. 4:4 o,, 1 \I r. \\ • 111. (11.a i;; gi,r o f \\ i 11 i 111'11'11', __ • i• 1 up FOOD STORES -- SPECIALS -- Campbell's Mushroom Soup 10 oz. tin Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. for Spic and Span per pkg. Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, Orange Label hf ib. Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag Royal York Spread or Slice Cheese hf lb. pkg. Davis Gelatine .. Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix ._ Quaker Muffets S.O.S. Pads V-8 Vegetable Juice "THIS IS PINEAPPLE WEEK" FRESH FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Garden Seeds, Dutch Setts, Multipliers and Bulk Seeds PIONEER AND LIFETERiA FEEDS. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 �•Ii�1�♦_♦N♦ ♦1••H�1�•••N•1 ♦•11.44.4441 H�1 ••H•114.4•�1.•.r•H•H•.I,�H•H�H�•�1�•1•H••1•H•H••••N4f H••1••.•H•H�N�114.•1 •♦H41�H•� . •••,♦•0• ........ ..•. ............. •... , em 1-1c 23c 22c 44c 47e per pkg. 19c 2 pkgs. 25: per pkg. 10c per pkg. 14c 20 oz. tin 16c .rs visited relatives and friend; of Illyth BRUSSELS COUNCIL MAY BUY FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Brussels village council attended a I ciuipnu•nt dem 'nitration at \wo, dstrck on \\re Inesday after- noon. :\II 'numbers were impressed by the u'f ciency of the machines which they sate in action, and it is more than likely that an im•to-date machine will be acquired for Brussels in the near future. last t'•uek-coil. • \Irs. I.. \\'ik, \fir. and \Irs. II. Bur- s. ger, of Stratford, visited \Irs. F. Prat and \Irs. E. I. Crawford, on Sunda. • .f. \Ir. and •\Irs. Leslie Dalglii'sh and " daughters, Janice and Diane, \Ir. and ('rimin, Gregg and Dun Ilan- • non, of Stratford, spent Sunday with \Ir• and \Irs. 1 '.'rge Cowan. and :: \I r. and \1r•;, lull t'otv:ui. :• :4 • • • • ♦. •_. ._• 3f, ♦_ ♦. ♦i. 114 Special Young People's Social In the United Church Basement, on Tuesday Evening, May 13th Interesting program planned, to be followed by a novel arrangement for a delicious lunch. Everyone Welcome, Come and Bring a Friend. We Specialize In Home -Made Baking Of All Kinds. FRANK'S NOME BAKERY Seeds: Seeds: RENNIE'S AND STEELE BRIGGS' GARDEN SEEDS NO. 1 DUTCH SETS AND MULTIPLIERS. RENNiE'S TURNIP, MANGEL, and LAWN GRASS SEED. TREAT YOUR SEED GRAiN WITH CERESAN GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GILCHRIST'S CAKES, BUNS, DOUGHNUTS, DATE LOAVES AND JELLY ROLLS. It's New! Safe! Sure! Economical! PROTECT YOUR WOOLLENS WITH MOTH -DED The Marvelous New Moth Killer. Coatains S percent D.O.T. Kills moths and moth larvae. .One thorough spraying lasts for months. Every drop effective -• Contains ino water. Spray your Closet Walls, and Floors, Storage Chests and Drawers, Blankets, Ruga and Up- holstered furinituse. ONLY 39c FOR 16 OZ. BOTTLE. NEWTON YARN -2 -ply, yellow, pink, sand, apricot, lilac, grey, lime green. light and dark green, light, royal and navy blue, scarlet, cardinel, black and brown. Also 3 -ply grey. Men's Work Shirts, Work Pant;,,Overalls, Work Socks, Light and Braces and Ties, Cork and Felt insoles, Mci's and Boys' Work Boots. Stewarts General Store Blyth Phone No. 9 We Deliver • Eddie started f la '4, today! yr�:p FF rt+l•�"' THE MA N A G E R of the furniture factory in Eddie's town landed a big order. It meant he had h', buy a lot of extra lumber, increase his payroll, • LOCAL STUDENTS 'DOING WELL AT GODERICH FESTIVAPURCHASES NEW PACERS L. The Goderich Music Festival i; in 1 `les:.'s. W. G. McNall and Lloyd 1 full sw,ng, and glowing reports have , Turvcy have purchased racy h' ro.. bcCn;re crted on the work of local and the cuthu.:iasni of the pa ',1 vt•tr /AS!!!• gft•'Cnly, \ rt'r1'I'l t f thn tl':Il' :41111 be renewed as c,,-,,, as 111e Irn ,1 ..tier'swill be carried next v,cel:• track dries enough for workout:. Ile lora no time in putting the. whole thing up to the manager of his local hank. Together they worked out how much money he would need to take care of wages and other costs until he delivered the goods. "Then, with the hacking of bis hank, he got 11) work on the order. ♦ • . And that's were Eddie crone in. Ile was put on the payroll—given his first chance to learn a trade. Bight 110W he's on his waw home to tell .Mom and Dad how touch he likes his new job: SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK Mothocides PARACIDE (MOTH CRYSTALS) LARVEX MOTH TOX SAPHO . LYSOL CREOLIN . CHLORIDE OF LIME . SAPHO PEST PAINT .. FORMALDEHYDE MOTH BLOCKS 49c 83c 49c 35c 35c AND 65c 25c AND 75c . 15c 25c 35c 10c AND 25c R U. PHILP, Phm. B. DRI.'GS, SUNDRIES, WALLi'AI'ER--PHONE 20. 4404��1.w:,.kt...4i::kta:rK4't4�..tY. ,,,a,c4v..:tc,G,,,,, V:<iii{iK'R..K:+w�k......'�'44,1,:t v9 One -Third of Your Life ;i V IS Spent In Be♦ s. 41N 41 Thus the importance of having your hed equip- ped with a comfortable Mattress and Spring. Take ten minutes to -night to inspect the Spring 1 and Mattress you sleep on, then come to our store 141 and compare what y(tu are using with 0111' wide ff selection of Bos type, Steel Slat and Cable Bed Springs. Luxurious Spring -Filled Mattresses, and Lasting Steel Beds. which we are offering at attractive prices. ®� Home Furnisher — l'hones 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director. V Did' 1I3trtt`�;♦dii<7'aiDtInni:/iND.D10*.shim}Sill212'i+Dr21a.IDiZt2i-.71.diol'di`Jl�iDiMaailliDIeM-'1`•li!ms,"4•y �twfsw�w•.,.. _ .._. nit , . ilml, Ylrl.-1.1•i•L,•li �� d d.IrW n• m -..N.1 IL \n 111 iKW.IYI.4•..n.• r ....411111.4...0 :•,00 Speiran's Hard are PHONE 24. BI.Y'1'11. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. Rubberlike Floor Runner. Sash Cord. Stickfast Wallpaper Paste. Oster Heavy Duty Animal Clippers. Cistern Pumps. Verandah Gates. TI -IE MODERN Toy- FLIGHT 9 I+ormerly $15.25 NOW ONLY... 7.5 Your DeLaval sl'ealer Milking Machines, Creast Separators, Coolers • . W4,4•44-lf4.4•4.4PNI..t.`Y*I4,114I.44•1N4.414,4441,I4`4,4P4,N..Jt.e84 #e#J##•.t.N...#i dread - Cakes - Pastry Have our elivery Call at Your Door 1 I, .d! ... t,13 Ji . II .Lu1114, 1 ■I1. I,J... 41.1..1..••:r.4.II ., 111114I{ 1111441.11•IM1,14,�,.U,, 14..L,,41 .11LLJ • The HOME BA ERY II. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario `MMMMM4.4..4•MM4•4..M 4W#J, 4•44...MMNr4•1.NMAP*4...NN...IhNH� H 1 Housecleaning and Painting This is the time of year for all good housewives to assert their rights. We only await your instruc- tions to start ,that Painting ,Job - either inside or outside. Phone 56 Blyth, for Estimates. We are Specialists in the Painting Business. TAIT & HIRONS ri !ephone 56, Blyth ' Decorators DAL:, PRACTICE picker. Get the cid arm t•'-,1 k I E 'rine <<110 eau ithv ball is invit- oiled up and ural' ca out. 'Who know; rel to the bill diamond for a ork out I you may surprise yourself by ntakin� every night from n •,v until a'team is the team.