Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-13, Page 3E George 0. ot his VH,Esq., 11 'onfi 4-zsch-arge properly our Chief Mai;lq- K-st that you."wiil at, the �;Cr; and we p1qdgw all we wliluso�l Z.i szcure iour derilzh '4-t �uo eZry L 4- EeNeif Y. acc, a, Ire requeti g tba ens t%e dav` whiqh ir in a d G. SMITH[ Y S iiGN Ali. THE SEMI -WEEK] 7-7= --------- - MAN.—Mr. A. C. 3P IV I AT4W Aaat;sr OF A WIDSOR P eit cone TRNER Sheley, of Windsor, recently sent to ew FergusoiY MONEY MONEY I ON THE OF THE York for a suppty of cartridges tor his own "D WAN -TED -TWELVE THOU�.%­-N useiandtbe manufacturers, thinkino the GOING EXIST. IRISH UNION HARMONIC PIPES Dollars ; and it i.9 hoped that theiRate- IF, -taut discovery, communi- THE COURT HOUSE ON M be pleased to make up that U00unt GoING wEST. vernment. who ordered the EVIC-9 13th INSI!., forthwith and oblige i 2 In P.111� cated wish th- yl,'9 � - a -SEW dep. 9 a m. M xed 1 had made an im-not IN. payers wl OF TITE 10,40 a M 4 sg ESDAV LASCOW HOU Arr 4.30 p in, arrest the party who shoud vall for them. TU A. McK-,kli '-d-led for the goudzi in Pelr6it, colle( When Shelpy e STED BY MATEURS. he was rre-bt-A and takpn befoe the Provo st �I (jodericb, DecemWr 6th,18G-1. but DOORS OPEN AT 7 O'CLOCK 1. marshal tur examination un Monday; HL 1UNTIES cou-xClf, ior the Unard when the case was stated in cotipt.the frivo.'ty Concert to commence at 8. -- Tcollntic% W Do KERR9 JU*9 & Me apparentj tli:tt ghelf-v t)f the cliante was so -Essex TICKET81 ............... 250ts 11U IILO Nl A' -N I I UC E Ey'KNING AT THE- cou ,,T - was at oncedischar-ed from cus tody. r the Record. HorsE.-We hope that, notwithstandin, December Gth? 1861. sw28-td RT RGOTI, GODERICY.9 Mr. Ferguson weather, 'nd a - cou Co-,t;ERT TIEN% V&- Cbildren Half Price. -V.-A a JIST ON Pt - a good house. uch credW is due AVE witl have LADIES' AND CENTS' the JArti'ltiry far 1juttireor off their drill Tuesday the 20th day of Decembllr next le, n of well known taleut will REQUISITION THEIR STOCX Hi TRADE TO gent, . me 1). IT. T11TCH111 Several Fj- A E L CountLes' Clkw-Huron & Bruce. assist. OF To oq v I 1) ETLOR, ESQ-, V" R -IT OvgRSHOE S' I Counties-' Plerul-4 Offi e. I 'Umted C anadian Alhande for the Sup. I j � - w44 -3t Till IS FA 0 E OLD STAND AT DUNI,I,L3�ls. 260 Nov �1664. p I ressioll- of the iquor TriZe. We the undersianed vanicipa� W ffl� RE THEY WILL BE OST HAPPY TO Tt�jhe Ednotot the ffurou:�igntl. TOLL- GATES h' having-fuli tors of the town of 6oderic NOT-I'GtE IS HE PtEBY G rENT cations, respec e inton in your columns to say to ail Met. DY ilie, medium oC DzAr. Stft,-Wiit you allow me firrough conbdence in your interity nd busiiiess HAT qualifi tfully requ st that yot; k I CU and: a ma Vt 00 iitvd as a can- ablic; opi will ailow Yourself to be nornir tbLoss who desire to aroaae F 08 M T UE M— A (4 their seyeraCtiei?,libourhoods in: favor of A -he said,- Town didate f6r,the. MayoTalty of t A-8. S1 A fbr'.the v -ar 1865; and in c 11 Tha Tempe - muce A . et: of that the e -case -you ae el)t of r ay- be obta ttiizf.reqt�ision, we..hefeby pledg,e ourselves -to .4 re your e ea- W E zervices�ofod 'Lecturers M ined b -v ID id) i , - i - 'I li�f K Aii6tion., makiw* jLjn early application to the Coutivi 'use -every. lawful means to secu the Al I lizin . eL-i stating, th-e District to bt- visited, I I Tnt tion, Iof the Lectarng V�OR and the time t e services Robt Gib%ous 0 *7 - e r, 7 XcKeuziL DE�RJCII, -No��mer 2.5t&,. 1 ,c-64,- -k, nt woulf be required It .1 in e4ch em OF GOD"ERIGH OF- F�UBLIO !XSTRUC- TOWN Thos B VanEV-4�-ry. nBOARD meet Youm respectful' t, TH' - t6ri the Cuunt� of Huron wilt TION e J� XVILLE' SearelarY.' M C Cameron- John Fair in th Ir r 111am Robinson, CT"d brich 3� Great St. ames- Strept, u t, R' in, 0 ith,1864. �;. .. . . . hud�' `0 Geortre Acheso -Cour 00 Montreal, Dec. U �-D -W -T Cox 0 T. Was Uex4jider Or - eat w Temper- Commenclizur ut ihe Lea'Oe J D Gordon John StevenC' A f Ae ILI) 0 orge William Artbu X RXMIM DISPOSE 01! �.L�Mxa& mes. Thomsour. r UA MGDETE 'Se your Imt Jamesf. Smaill L-'Henry'Wells William Walla e Chatle% Well Mi. when c %JJ36 . - . . I I histnt" 6oth days at teh 6�1 TO I observe t livere! late. T1 28ti A-�.4 -9 B,Tr' nor -Ge Jeialip Thu sdal Wei a� mi Weekly I IL ATES I D 0 ih DAYS'Orl-.�DECEUBE �hj;, in a speeca del ly b I IN LARGE OF -CRO r. inultubet I pre k 1. Jac 11 31r., James, jji' u: John DLuoch ob, Bedfoid- idates. for Licerses to telcL. will. then. eand CES CON 112. ha dr.tunitv, of bein SIDERABLY� BELO Vir-AWYTIEWNT aume-upo ve an opt' a tho su�jeat of.prohthitio, he Iff Tf1ERTOA47MF,Qf THL T Joseph Sherlook -'W T A T PRt -of th sir1r.,g to te 'to, -Sb t Those wishing. Fitst or -L would attention ose de VU I 'd s- rat Indiatti COVI M— pu cha. -abafe.- hiek a** ES ce't cited Ale-vandor theli(irea�an we JRON. cLea -Swi -call the r a I lius C M if Robert ith .4nd Second'. Clas's on con sists of pera!, Sirt -11 Runeiman Roblertsod -chiefsagexa pleio.ftem N -.C.harles Thur-sday.. of the I-Injius" mentionedlabitually. eschew- n f Pul -id-. R' ere apheradn candid, ies wi! I have. to -present c'ertifleates of ratir"' I think their' names were M ed. �l fire v Gldt'e c7' William -G Le - wid imination., in S 'the BaLyfield X0a �� theMilt Ra n Before I e I r'admittedfo.ab SIT PLI well worthy t strikea. iGatei,onAP.Londdn.Roid; 2(lates�o ot M311C41m, I;ui reaRy i rtb and - Yrometer Road— ; edb a o J Rundiman ao6d inoral character, ya c.ergyman Gates 94 thia� Seaf peae, me as amething, new ta hear.that the c= 4 Qatez, Ott Clinton -and Win- ham Poad and- jam,� or Justice -of the --AND A QUAN7TITY OF 3 Mill -Jcjh:i Heder perance- man. L It' d.w ar. Gaes on tbd Usborfie R6 d ier of Dariiii ,rug a lem 2 certificates grante prior to Deceml)er. William Wright—, Ged Cox. 4- - Th a w arately- for the by- a on -of, the Tt.A ir. ea atin(r frcrn,the Gaviin Strut4ers� Cletra .1862, Were dar e1led bj6p - L e -Board ppskd in Decem Of lagr�e and "TONE and otker celebrated translators' of the a ese.G'tei Mbesolds�o WE oluti --SEM cient authoM -as ypu, are doubtless awae. term 6f One ye. - ch-Le0se ar, in eary 11 -Thomas t tea holdin5r such -were -require . t, Alexantlees charac- first, of Ja, H d ),-Pre- _d4plore.the blemisli upon uary The ren tor be paid H Curwi -r ther with: P happy- addiction to ly iaslalments-� to CbLa CouiitF. Trea j e tL h -A pjet� Stock o We publish no "ted xnaW . in monih, u, If! -ter causeti by his in di#n Inny Bail r re exatnivation in ,ust To, f oENE ALe ol A fred Colli' s it t emselves fo" - 71 f. in -the r�daetto- of our p6ces, but kenne.V sof the grossest description. Unde GREAT BAIR-0-41INS -s It P NL:Lean Jmes Cd lins U r last, - but as a n iinber of tvachet oldhiT' acted the' f.)Ot� r6vel. 0. f h - tbe5e certi6cates fa' ed Win to appear, tiofice- aI solvent freeliolders sedur, OM 11 Li-wis-C, �Ioore.. -OUR ELVES ot Each pureh-iser wil h t arms twa 'is th refore bpr�y crive that all -such cerii from wE e n -CALL &EXAMIN 0 as Ienerally marlered his bo'61A frie d DRY -d*' 'd -dat Chu$ E. Arc'iit,a,d Ja 'McK atlast led -in the nil st, of a shameful do- I Cer -:&,.�te will have- to be, produce -th -cates - are cf DO P at It vOld' id tbo.se ND -r 1 7 G' detieh, IN b=ch! I sboeld like fery mucli to know 3 )I.Sli.ioliard Han. 11oiton them. if flucy wish. U emitillcue tv 0 time of ale� whet,,er Mr. Dickson has found out by Tlie.(!ou;itr resqtve� the i lit of D0 �ave� some 8tracho rp -ry to present heuiaelvcslfor' 'intemperance of- teaus that the alleged oad bv their call enterin'- on t &examinatiun.- wi i r d Jame& �Brooks e7sueW.additioui; CL I T� i G t4ose Ali auder iias one of -nxyth�.whicll:ztrae-tt-.)rs.(L-tidserv.tiiis.t(y-:!idlI eX iometimes, ere an �Py may SeE fit, at� a n Y, 'm �ep itico tfie -must caretully ;` d r&-*, )�j ts jjs� th e G A Truemau Secretary. S n 0 H ti FAIR'& C081 -rd December, Wi I some friend e '.0 J,opt historical records"" 1. G Bento Jam Lt 0 Ir KV -f,,or r to e ec arairce 'OfL_ f d fri t a speeAk cle the' : , Godedc' -"n rnnes souve the plult-; I he Owe -iit -44 S."Id s---; fict. tile, f"-- 11 B irto a maze a it IT 0118 and James 40, 1i X orcsenL large stock of D y REA�DY-;MA DEk �CLOTIIINO, wil! i'r uring the qcnry Cole'rick W- C Treleaven . . ve-Ave k;s � � to e --tiz-from this (aw. 30ta Y -W Dbdd November --- wallow a Quebec' pppert ALL- -J --V.art; -I AT TM. AzlI; i We th erstind" that P- fc,t Lewis alrbE:k n OF TEN' CENT, as com!Keted the ro"if ualmy: 7-0 h 011-ki rates.,?f T614 to be re- D. F r4ier tty v: -.w 4# a late n O..X ALL V:a4 cejvc(i (it the sarlerat �1)tl G;.�JteSL Within j D4- E -MOVED FA meez of Literari and Risiql�cal ocle S AT the it�iluiiiv af flurlon Gco J, ks jte� CA -PURCHA E -h the rg attle on -! ,i on the cimt: d -J D vte, e9rpe it is exped­ept. Black to.,I-IVE D0Tb!,I?,8. o collect cer- or,�,( tain rate 8 -oaer 14 I U to iukve been out of Lie ladie or W a of Toll at th� evei-al, ael Morita as a r�e -it si I ver, oa hich they wal E'li only allow,,�even pe Court, the -9ammy turael wa to be that. OtI -O'f Huron on the S 11"ifl- to, the C6nty Strange, tp sar. alti&oi e C r T' a, undarsizatl individu Qf the museullue ; th,) Ctkuty -ttuads w thesai'd CountV to Donald Cumin William Kaylor. so ,jond an O;-portun ity., lar I case wag evitltintyi:-d -Iheq�zpeues 0 mahm" V, oins- -:ON SAL--� P F -OR ASH I al itilin - - nakirk EA gepder! `114`-Aucum ad repuft .;' - . . . a I . :1-1 I - ST"rx-FILLI - � - tintact when ft came iut.� IV.. bum "as*.q Pus- the P'att johri."IeD id ADVAINTAG ULS. ru.liu, I -it the -atter-' 11'1) Cameron .-C. h. t CRIBERS Uvw hearly, tompietea-66ir he-eTor,-* ena-, Th -of a sci ORTMENt Or, I nw. hViag,- wftb, byl - I :tt I at the bezinninf, son, does q6t usually A. CHOICE ASS . FALL AND WINTF hcunselueatiy P ; Mentio red rates Of Toll b pa-ra :1c es Fl6tch�r ]IF, -,SUBS Toll.Gitte upon e, aluiost ivf orthetra#eiva: have been,� rises owa that the -deception- Paust eomp y urtleleneemay f arid ev rna. . . . . * � rer Tho Andrews Co rN er pres nt TSTOOK, w1iieh' Tfiere e. In Uounty-of 11drop, and th-� v -spec f I- I by the old' embalmers with tW! P OC W 0 n '2 li,164. aw67' ( 'S iz seetn3 trieki in the tvae, even among the'. ji., A;At ets re hereh, authonsed to ask-, Vv)bt'Stewart -a6 MAI uber 51. !G�dericli, 06 My OD _Go P Ti"D I 4 s )I -,h )f the celel)rfi, d at enob tinte'of Jus Bitelm.ulart 11 to' rzecei�ed a largesuppIv t the,. St excel- u s -a idt Readi sul a d d 0 X� rArt3 in paper-ie�'erred, 10 jj&�,sitjgr �-UL*h tr tl*,1111011 ti ­eI T he editor of tire Quebec.' I'ere �;Ve(t. howe er$ a t Uals-and ruvided iVY jiARD WARA cloes not seem to be aw;ire tat i jt`ct - Inspector Ferres or- Gt, SHELF ANDELE U'Wrty.,i that -t -le .1 . N ' I r a m n U La"to., , u. n, it' be mummiei 4re iifactured silall et -1 r b.ab WL S anill itravelleri. in hroij 'h thit, s,�n.,� tj av 6 R 1) S.-)ilsburr re �rs supplied afichole- nd P:w% ..C� &'funn­er a. Coffntry to rices. Y M meas �d-apted -by ent: late I For evcmr ae;f (i otherw' 6. rC3 ABE CL -an, tile striu;.mat sZ i I . , I - , .a er -a a RU bemt, five CP I itfthe preS=t t1m,! almost -im-; by 6ne hu,:ie, � .. r. o r the TO AXIt V rd'-. It. is pence. M for - Z* whabject th ent i d- w- such vehiole. to p,nny. WS ALMANAdfor1865 esubr IcLellati. Cofin Sinclair. ihiiem cou d have. ha in' �-& uI bV the Gxaol; C �v&'y horsd and rid- 0 peu",e -r my Wiliam AX"11111'9111 Sanders 0- qe mum n. .-CAN� u, POSSMIc.to ubtaitia, 1e, ve tl C 1i ry, , , e,anci 'S6 Or en L�f r, Withi. 24 hours afw BO T 4 CQMPLETE IN ed- by-niuim every. 11--jr3p, tW6, no IS NO a -t!-.e seco::dl in E.; .Ic;t .Pl nald QmAeil - Cfeo M YMTOCK of the eel 4z zbe used. f4r, evev:v. heW:ol-neut leattle, .two p ce ',e J wri-liv at thinL- of& ta par6hase ar, aeA StatinnerLV3 'story Doiutld. ill -I ames Bissqtt Fajxc'� Coods. I until some, ,ry seore ofs,hi�e i rr swine. or. whch had.a Ion- kiad,eaeft 6f- lit Eric N] tw ay wo pew t,- :e ha`f-P-!nu7. wraing isce11aneous, Book taa4e. For instanceii ei to. it, but none, a purchaser wxitb6i of th�mf found �bat their hundreil over and papell't Felt Rat& A& all I bad beei zi, made aware - t Danic I Ladi nt apartment is not', in -me, I or every one i le edR -111 W Blanki -Book mummies had alt been, made at a modein! aboye four thousa' d -1, kii a lca4cd, the baf-s- of tho, draw e. piUCiiIarjV to �atteptioq to tWtr stocL of DXV &09=1 and the, Partin. Ge Jaws, Passaiore� They wish mummy mitnufauory, .�y - . - that' ifie -severv-1 -.3atelceepers. within Geor,,e V Eilwood` f1i he' debtant hnS6wart ` - se sai -e reb iwhoris-,d and re- fie Perh)dical�lr OANNOT mll 81WASM To tte Uhurekwardeus ja ThLa Dioce a gazineso FOR quALITY AN -:'to ree 't e '�hom s Barry D PRICE ask an o;er fr m ANP 0 e ch. and. 'Rowland Savag the I Huron., 0 -O!t T)"S T Peter Barry m itt$uIlfwalld iiiLtliroi,�-htl!e.-ieve�il-T-011- (�pStewart. jfPWSPAPERS. SUPPLIED '; I everyprN CLOTHING is: Ott CQ -HADE tes�%vithin-thp -County G AND The.4EADY under tke' Daid A dams - eorge Barry av, my o 3ect in e rses, 6eat cattie, or other- nieo e b- 0 r prigorjerS DxArt. BREtHItEX.,--I addres3�voti 0 loint, will b c!e4. ho Edmund R_ of theife gae!4; impx-es.-ion, th suhject ti��Tolt thea�fiv -tioned Georg P rni .11�slop - TU ost Fashionable It an(i jo use all lawful- ffiea ujL for the recov�ry -indly� feceived- Best nd m for the and rig4tly understood. Yo e" Ilop - t jsj uIng of will have in r idiLthe impressive pas Of ihe iar'ne. . -1,13 O'Con ipr eollecti Gardiner niT MIJUAINTON ROK STORD 1W wu 9C. -8UPr,,Rj0F. QUALITY. UsVil -toralletteys addressed to. BA johriTutler lit imporuA. gene Churchwird6nsf on ADTI�S' FV S OF C jr. There are Cunty Surveyor. Peter "O'Rourke'' Hit,rh Giidinerl rV019GE, LAVCoe - K. former ocedsions, - by. -otii esteemed Bishop, J� L. '0 - . I . A. - WilS61 ece r 4. It1u.- that khra Christmas oT P, linton, LWW on D Gamerou -Clinton Boolz r Ory of the Couty Survey es, Offir N. C ats eaw here At que art WOUR D Sth, 18, L ov rn�ber 2nd. 18b 2r watiom severa tirre- J H Wiltiams Lco gations tkrougbout thediocese tis appl Lickf old - 00ablea td se Weare -to, goma should berprezented'LoL, their respe Ire pas. 1:1 Dunlop removed 1* A --U aince. meeting boic ship the Bishop expressed his views. relative f Edwin in-hain hn Pridhitm. t there- be no error YT it Ulf, It"i jusped t d be advisable to to the gratifying indications' indness -Edward B Tem' Jobri. White Ifferchant, _Tp st.the EMPORT letbn wn 01 the hain N4-- AT PPIC-ES W t UCA- V-,' B i 4- Alex;L der -G z1.LFLbL2-jA H at "once. I I - , 'Jan III ld"Mc.Kay tor4- usaget I raity, observe, -practi'sed in tht Thos NeCleue., b reels - AN r Ilis d TITION er dioceses ofthe.Pr6y Nt 0 T doors h"e bem tu $Y GIVEs , he Townslup7t T of the k Aliluicloal 4. yr 0111 X h -T DO.not forget to WiL, Daniel McCar Pa oks� and liberality of our people khich S I Hill] 'f dt- AVA uclrdoua- ley lbe held in RICH, of InspectGrsi, ttle, 29th dAy In M�4cnara - SQUARE. --Go Z BEIt has received -a rarge as- which, without, being i a --Io( rih El FD A ment of t 'k, a to-. John McPherson . ; taking ot"a t 014- 1k. he at John Gillinore RAS'JUST REC burdensome tywin, L . . .. mas He y dit individual. mem de,-iog­%vh�ther or not the ' 0C ta ionif w Id eince, and' By Law Is T110 sort t '0 -P al rly Orted i,; -etors. NV, Jk Harrison ptirposes thaa 84.1 pardettla t Iy s -.ch eat Well-, Hirrison L criegatiou�i will be of material use adop ed- I .1 arge - bers, o . n. N SSON-, Charles Fernson. STOCK 01F4 in every oepartm�nt Of Lite; ature� which I wil t Iochlan Campbell ouerve ia ="X- to the ClergT. I fi4 . .1 Johm,arnes MER disposeofur ounts and n P1 DOW, �abtent Bishorin DiLyfie �-r., jg-m6s quys ; - - - 0. heir etatom rs Owing soc oteg .114 I y -we "Op" wishis I mate t t forel.that the tolut, - e of tho , 'I of bur EX y nsistjPROMPT PAYMEY TjA0jWjA0V *LOW.pRIGES the wish thit work ct The arst, . I . R Hazleb tQ this. matter will meet with- due respe 7A L thf of equiiit1011l H C Butto ji-lia Seymour r*oith -W F4 ancl thow Chu i0ens,, -y represent; copy 'FULI, SUPPLY OF been committed im rc*w -urk: 0 p B 7 A priies, they, Am. Sabb of presene,4.- tbia off ItL�a counties --of Huroh R Bartow and, they am, now ortorysuct othqr aeus- f Hurd, I j,olie of the Uni -itd a. vriewolk ancY Artleles,suc."i, Le be 9upp bl 1 lada. hereoi req�iire. E Gfaham' -.qunt�tpal Electors t Samuel B will best, judge or the, -most- approprite way rinHE tiQer.4irned-qualifi �d � hoinas Hood JL Ofdj&1roivnshtpof-SLan1ey,in ih� 'County �w Elliott' ith School:ana- Jave onard Peck froniL tbem �r ry tomed gifts. to their-Pasto Province of 04, r;tte$ islow, as can ssi y, ortlie VaiperanceL taken in ter ns Alexander Bell at patUT That a P01 !he Frbvfnce. 'y Of them W ire foc f I 'John Ralph cere desi raternal gym -whether or not he, James With SILL Act.- of -104, d�terrni t the eat on. Runciman, pal I or O . . Edward G Wats quilified municipal-; gal Vs. Ist our. brothren' clerical andlay, and &MOOS atithoftly a J R Wheeldon 9 he -ement Ptju n d for e n fo re Wbich he is prepered �sell Cheap fbi To for 0, antity4- at. pm God miy grant us a happy Ity will'am nder . ­ . . I parties requifin a qu 'Lam tbilowitig. which we. MIS - first yer that Lu I is, 14 of said Am the By )losied Lord hereby propw tor thpi t 7*12 C4, hj� eeit�b orht nativity of our I r 11. ption, to w) Oeriq�hj 1�ept. 26.' III :sq.,. -aind. one hun- 'GlA45tien. (Jet. 39 1�864 Wateh mein The sale - fltoxicating quc 19* To ROBT, GIBBONS, E Ing of my dear 0 re. i&t_ �Fnbji �Aud: Sviour Jesus Che re-, is the oresent By -La. dred and'ei-lity-five. others, Municipal plied sber.L. idired his r;fLicenw-4 therefor- I. is brAof sup YED trom the -subserf er Aboullbe 4 in, cow jilip of stanle"i Electors of Ahe town tWo yeoywiAd pas 11 40 :0 �rohioftede,withiri the ns ok Groderich gpv 'W there I Oge o. bem, Tri 41 a. IQVW F16fooku- LoWgst It' gounty e G&ntleM A' L S� solte all whit j tW6 the illyll N tbink it would be youri faithfully in tfie. "O., --,Whuron, one Of e Init ounti�s ST!e*p=er-l&sL1bur8te91s- 4 17 e wd TS HEILE1 iier, bos tWis sit a or 4 fluron itad Bruce,, 'under uthoritr an4r for ea- S dRy CMAS.. 0. Bfto�wr, et. of 1864, -F0 T. i.mooft SA h e face�- ihe other bas a W11110 OPOL JL A Sp"L OF, forcemeat Ofthe Tempera -is, mized red and white.. �rhey. 'to .6. ets The unden 'odartoliv le Adjaiinistering the Dioem. SI aloirl' IT the f4&th JD W20 on hj5FA4at0xn4,e 41AWn to hit eoft Commissar Hand is 14th day of AN61MM- re, I Witfie,-s out Ign tters 4g4 W. �YOU laition, Ito ja�gjly V20 ­jr N Ov. 29th, 1864. are atl'branded with the horm ay vem 'GOOD WOUB WoWd 18647 Lo One Tfiotisp�ad E.ghL lj,�ratom & edap id -b _r in the year of our A Lendou" Deca, 5th, be r G - 13ORSE91, -greiloque re this in, aIN 1 ;A3= and resp6etably.signed. reiched me he V -ill be I t;indi4 *Ord tame,4 ther aWfmd 10 ntor, col4m o0d e . ticho -will paid to Abel RAW* SPECK-MAN's 'A gbod-endorsed r Ir trouWv ekauiine$16 werb�� rewith I beg e!fice, God IT IN Many& or:LuT a30 other Bleetpri. t6orningt and in cosairlancethg taken in pavotelite W Am Air 1XCIDZX over cloum tl* was obout ILLIA14 DUII Luther drew near the door which ItIcl, - WILLIA31 SEYMOU14 (30 that-alibough-1 hadresol*od to retire I Cannot 40 F%yt Dangfinnan L. 0- 17th- 18W romote A rag 00A i4otor 'N V. j,511j, is" I - - a- t* sAwit him into -this presence -of'his luft,es Oi. . . sw2i - - anicIpIal politics oderiqns - I W C with J-0 IN ESSON, altogether from.k w4fW f4T p Diet of Worms -he met he" of hl"S.' refuse to 0 r fase the ds- -4t rk omply, wiih your roquest, isudi Ir*, Ote ..tanley. I &4 6w w44 isposal. In. owto sv# -therefore, lace my ��orwe of Gr6 berj� what tout ye ater A T at it 5W at I* jutr# The.evit 'trk,& =MbW Wodd OW A D RRIVER OW r C * 4f tIN'-Subsciberp lot 4,- 10111 4-00-s ti.e. aWut th02( er,. Te Owner A wotAd ig[g* 4eft c9eilih. .4 tiM of the Frenb� arn2y, drove. it T milja.f�qjn G and Whitt cow ASS sbout'twO' i brown of selfiers on tho Aeld of Povia, and 4hen T711 d tQL all important qu -1 0- oirue, w.. 1. 3 FOR T Ith.octobe, doin_ so I' Qrejoit that e." ,Qeirm-w laulqti�iietN bent, the kni3e with his -if elected h OTS five and'six in'the Vil 0 ri eftions affeed jinship of' COW DS and ruan heif C inclu L, tha. - I- Apply* tO be pvmed frontbe t of the own an&., ske by balruf de finaneex of the t "19 J�, vill pLe"e prove Pro 4pen - . - Ifit Ticino,, awl itt a gnat Measure IT& Z4110i my- line Goderiebl. ake'1hemgW0LY:-, ­ L 1 I d eiitirely in. 1t7 par ie -04 in ebtedlo thib'Estaft ot the 'of tho I 3 *464f 'TH Gooesi , e -nide - 1andtunsold, �vill­be a, Aptivity ofthe� Kitig-of France.- -1-d L a, ?,,-balance of cow I- shil' I be I t At eiiiiii ice -of majority &Oeinber 50, for sale Ott TI& old, got* by. nbte, or I - b.T tht- v0 offered, i"47 040rad-W for ra4 seeing Wher paw, topped A. LE, tile JoR, ot qonduct nesh . ' '- -L" Mboj to iind shaking his* head, same pal Blector; of FOUMD& O' alpe. into the tw 015; U LUft 1*rCWJ*_n1V W 4*W him an the abouldert the Wqn- to tie thl othemis� are requeste , - se y - frojil -the whorifift ta. tb*t 3thed irr mzny'battloo� uA _r Wi-ned, or the' kyL COW. -I ed thO ANN 9.- 7th Von with. the n ITEL STRAY Ilk A b1w immediaiely itmed aw - - -guhsariber, -1 �oa 1A, vaWtO04, 4,ohki, poor 1noilk I thou: art 'now going to in. - of an 'w C , of. the -6ot 3 r L UntS. W-illbepl--a the hi� ]DkOEMBEP, NEXT, $1 iV.,Df z4gderich about fbe vod at Sfibsciiber. -, Wamull reaL and w ure 'Caw ij;�4 I be MW* S C6taberllad 0 -or- any captains -all atiliquiidated alj_LWfijte veiflie bick with small. q�for u Ott hqur� aSt --old ftl;ff, h ildbif�rzt;anj, ihan I t;- 0 October 1, HEL WS& Jai* viso b collection, d John%. 7' Wjth,.'Wghe wirly �j m Go4ene -4 jk thi blood a-gainst the es to of the sai iu'tbg�To, ,of isatef Qur attles.- rr =110=01" But if the cauw is.jint,. jm4 thou wt, iure of t lie she queSted $0 PV p g�vi spa. 'dr- w de�&45ed- UP 4r-ai A propeay� 31xpenc__ iona tCj tfte I-our.bbd.!!st1$er1e.tL tft itAed bi it, ga forwar4, ia "God's asine, and- fimr nc� such ormaLionAu-Shall bt 1�10 AAQ mum rV Xatj� noble brouar *0t not rargAe a4d 0 iiei + _;hft A t - e rewa 1"4 ng. W dAdIllas [MR ..07 V. DETV? Cry -SheriTs Officey rxOdOWhl t id b of the f D, 4 %-4f4d Xf 00th Nov -11861. *Dd, tribite of realidt y Cw�,.S. - pw the courag mau a& aboTo oftheaW'. - 'Itffethat w46 3t sword to the a- or raleth W suirit. thav Ulm BOWE I 7V ards rarr I tw w of a 16v in I I 111111111 I Nil I I I I =j