Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-13, Page 2_4 memo 'EXL Y_ -SIGNA.L.' THE SEMI-Wl- in olack, but in An Afficti Incident. Aepj ore in the, new . arrangements, and -tb at many mut- carving-knife, commands siliencie oil pain of w hirling the. f eecy snow into almost impust- do -the crimps, dealets not oyments, some of tbem perh6ps In" gQg th content have rea o men. flesih, know this. After the ar- ellectu, al thak., shyt workman- call. tedrigs of their dis ched head - instant d4ath, and delivery r h:er -cash 'ittid I ble drift3 with h buried fbnc�tt, 6d rendered whitb llu t tN-- id London. d On. Sunday., the I Ith jast..#, D, ri-vill beyond tire lines Yestei-eve Joyous spiri 9, arid in &im,at it is not 6r .1bise i enjoyEpents that qui- ei —[London Cormopen jewels. It is our attenuated thiet woo insin- I locomotio -of ifie quqs—tio—ii, exeeptl�rlv' to there is, -a with with you have becom youngest child of Mr. Win. Campbell, of 4hW A n bi t .0 twe-vin 8tarvallum and efilietment,*Ith it bounty lis trim arrayed, I sallkd forth p rich, 9nd -do you think I it is once of Toronto Globe;ii u-ttes himiell under . beds, 0!culks' behiiid 'Adelaide fur a dushingTrOmetiade. tow I- E, XC'elsior- stamp. The oti.tbe side ol 'tile- qulistillent, nod srorse 11 g, a doctrine that can poisi go down, -either.' counters*. -dives into tills, --or tuake.4-pra, bIv of peoillo -of thl nt. aged- 11 months. meat , a ere. Ah I what-stratris oCm igic vowe swell the with the burly bl ck in Ak lEasliMANAN's HVXQR.­i The late t * . is US A w hich need nut be named h r a a ith �i -the sallow' mil or, oors.i.chtiielles in' tl �e evenim-were almost -deserted, articles of commarce- artayed Lit sh-op-d 44 . . - T fie Only proteeduli we have against -this cord. of youthful lieidd, as one - fteads -.the 11ift"t he, w o is so much pobjer tban Yo h 11 must blarquisof Waterford was. in the habit of but. sar ey tl e, thin - forthe femptationpf the credulous p:W,011h conaregrations, would SSW A-* a. alluot reach is - in- walkg of flishion with v be .!2—. ,ubstain -from i hiA even b, I - e uxuries* w A corpulent .burglar is as druch ouivii t Vkc.-V, wbich the 1, V C. autyby his sid .18 riding in the se�ond-jffiss carria es: -10f the have heard u 1, 6rWeat prayer to -*the, &1mighty 11cr, S;emed to t6p -poveitycan achieve,- and". ZI, on for the theccitiduct, tidvi�e and example of our own Ada. witlia.gralte-bewit6ii -fidry feet; air( turned to.vli�w inere sake rat roa Is Tidal. rse I 'r., 1864 e 0 it -�Such -a cou and W5 little 6- be * feare(F as was Valstiaw zat, as d -in' h' GODER A)ff; I liad. tbe�e'n :1eadi passer- and satisfactiin of woikinlir Ad -11 r, people. -We shoulil, out. be cheat El 'ut of th6 �wi , the. G. At --rand wnat juAcem,in over yet ,gave 01 highly disgusted the- -proprietors,, an rp1% -4ng street thrille4 a dAying thetmWes, very d I us sailing grandly up. K vessel ne-a age -1 di It ? pected t little -ti country III Sue 1 nchorites of old hat si that momerilt a -bo lid ginnw of our ow c6 to a depredator as bulky as a bul th"! %0W. Gii, SXITH.7Aq* Fathers aukl'n' iflei aK.e i�vin'� my heartwith, o'dorraid 6 for my, Ibild-uffec thditood things of tbe world.? they resolved to euie- the marq n -ail,] manrter�­ --ev -tin, *ai bat In'r y %V Of his eceentri -city. Ac&. A, Corpulence,. we., mairtt" iA ilie outward sign. ravel ' itli the ra-i',, sea C M a I Wo the -not. OnIv of & crood-constailti6n. hat of inward MISS 3 t -b r I lie -loss or dan ge r of �ona - whose, s1ran r, tions! unieen, beating -Quie -to, mystic rustlia'ar smoker, the tobacco mitiftifacttired "said �rdiiigly,, 4k e- a Ifts' critic Witidin of inow-on Like 11-ution.- t. hie, D.rAuS11&-- i 1-a;ma Miwht bey Rod ought to roi -3 -Of her wa line. Suddenly toy in this country is as infetior1to the f6rei rectittrJe and. virtue.-Black-wood's-AIa- .0 ;1, n as , on6 oceaision-,.as be was AttiTig, in a siecondii. tered, ps,if iho3ked fly some great the.wine.made fkota the produce 'of oiir gar, -cla rsigoed --tris sell ouer L Pallon,'. own -ed - Y' -those fad"'rs' and'mothers' bread,und ready charmer fal Z we 1he =dt se th.�t the 0 Zine- le e (arid need may be at, afly- ill, svbile the all-titlisli ( f her- feaurres seemed dent would be to g ; 89 ai,riage; -a sweep,who bad -previously !)tir toTtAnlar, qdancilkor Leona -rd, -w 1.11.0' if trejed; b oadclareit or �uqgundyin was rate -pa -c 06 been in a thitd'elags. co4altimenti yera or this Town) hse�n f o a 'and t6t'Capt- time)- to defend thle osacred- soil: Of'u, -my linnost soul to'ehill.; lightly on m ard!l the moath"ut the _6 in wines.. It'J dence n your ability som ilaTs-ut &uthampt in, onqoiseur is I to. disell n anxi tear -.- invited outand. placed* by thi inirquis's 1137ke propeoy west it land:- %lid illeir she languished Otis tru6that Ahe. enormous.-dafyi amouritingiir d Spe, me some. cases to 1500 per eel, I t immedial4y. t t, the_d�tiez of the office --of our Chief Mails. �r w�nt up -by land.fpr the purptlse of fatlier'91=6 arid thOr 0tv and. I ( ried, i e O1VR It is- bar --to, ose one, yed- alcoonce more 112fdarliug Ada�t 11 on Alle forelwn' -Ad.e. "V Oil sav . creign' Elis brilihip I lrirl��;idg-'her �o thil port -Tompted by' the inatirylikethiss* -TIre.haakneyed trrU'islU' of what's the -matter, diar." Metfiought! her mitigated t: -and purchased orespe mawfacturd, tr_s�s been lately ir a first-class ticket; on -de- trate, d etf6llr re46m that yaq will the faiiii wind t,041- the N� B.F� the Captain cast the 1)oet Ifecolnes a proverb sow.:-- rentleforin grew leg,s&r, b� the eollapse of. not to the extent of bringing it within the Pivering which to. -him. th clerik laughed, allow yoarself to be put in, nomitisitob. -at I 40 0 e. her (Own, as tr -each-of' the working 'ftA - I know 'hDw he si fie I it) 6-emblingaceents -on. iar about 11. o�clock -8 1 looic Sarilay 'morn, as if thecompaby had gained - i victory C approa hing election of Mayor i sudwe ple* Assis I. A.:stout yednia-Efry-the,country's pridel: 110"Ve, ury skelelon is d6'W'ti!'Y 0 th if the wo strous is suiirvestioa'� f -is ki rd in 13 -it Lo 00 U -Our heart -and we will use all arid, struck.cat boldly._fpr Go ericIr. All I d rd Wateiford quied VIlen ollee.th6y're�g be supw treturned to 1yo one, call riel 'eyes y support keputtition. lor the train,.gave,the firs lawfuland fio 0 n6us --to, jiecurie Tor W I Ki of 111066 who set -up A G:MERIMUG; IT. DIX 11, 1864- 'ent %yell for some hours, buC when oX n 7 unthropy by Snubbing him iihtnever -be plied Phil � t7clash tid.ket to the a- rable -rdiij`e, - tlii. Find � IuIW ominou.4!y few swee'p,,.gravely escorted im t6 his -.place- ca, a AX�-VVAR. atteuillts-to enjoy himself, arid I must of etifra s.Mayqr�efec of Go4 -TA is 6ou *.h-.- to find in -the duty of a chi:Wian, '_TRE-AYfkR.0 �momelits, an't--ilien te-ter'CifiC g�le came I .:,of honor and then regam-d hif; own,place. Mat, mily. be, iustilied� ih deficing the. course be prepared t6 await; t6-comiaven. . I - - - �7 T06 yoa, J am de - a ames Watson Rabt Booth t right do-wa u?6n the little vessa, fici treance. af to the-plezi that our own�. I'a n carriage, from whr.-h GREAT: CONFiAGRATION. m the .- 'Xiker's and 1 spilling I;te?s sacred the ieco- d-dass P6uGHkEFPsiNV Dec 10.-A heavy s i io" peol - -it they had cheap tob�ec e D C McKay Tbos X Daney 4is. ";fr )le, . .,.I, her ii -the teetli,." as sailors streni in defence of Sovereign, or'soil, or 0, would�sxt- tho proprietors li'ver agailf sought to re - 0 to "John See*miller 'he I storm- corrimuniged Iasi night, and, ceas Geome &AsCason elf, -or one's:home U rimse e -en ine. es is. not in the Rritish natl4re We are tu- 6 John Beat A BRICK BLOCK'CONSU-31�D I I Orate -themselves. in it -as the Girtha�s do. - It� a ;n - 1) t to do othe a4citit 10 o'clock this ihoruing. move hh% Georze Ford y cry timber quiver with the s thxw than irr self-dbfence- to do sc� for a. forei n h i sue C as Rob ason - Sam] Slo E. reret very in . uch at tv ]le- active, and. energetic such a retty bird, grandma, saida shock. The �ituation was critical oli.ough to of snow feil. it is our-dit nower-to do Sp. foe mere p this is sot PAMADELP111A,-Dec.... 10.-A-1eavy til.. submit t That' -a lh' snow enorm4us arid U Jame., Addison JohnCarsoni lipal the stobaqst-heart. Aulded to t a force IvIlich it is -i-ydae'a duty-tocdo his IiitLeboy- Yas� replied. the olu dame; arid be Iho &teg a fir� eve Slavey'. That 11111termittiliff 44. . to record to -day. the ular d f� storm. commenced. her.). at. one o'clock. thia Tex Mclotosh -partia ea, be'.,it lawl`ully.to�sed th' I ei 4CC4 of the whid. ' d driving sno i it cross 8 consum!ttofi of.' tob W, wa. lat -t I r sons at] Aaosi, is a type of a lazy. neter.cries. - ThaVa becituse -he is never n- morinutr arid closed-abbut day-liglit. unenergretic.people, wh6 would have showed George N Davis Thos Andrewo mor6destructive1n, its e&cts tha any i AS 1121, UcGrepr widee their charge- are cajoled or tricked washed, rejoined the youriggster- Jobn-'Adains -0 Sinclair feared as Lit t Nyw-YokFD�c.1-0 A,heavy snow stor m Day in some o' riad in A;ad i stru,� r!ed on manfully, Suddenly av'-d' iivith- or enticed into doin­---' Having seen much of- here a*t at early'llour-this morn the tende her way if Raleigl, crielt foryears. 0::�- What is that do b the that has occa ei omended arkin, cr, t askada WNIddleton Elijah Moore, it done` tire- Bench felt it a- &tv to say so -had not found the ni%rcotic weed for thel— dandy, whose boots were more "Poolished than'.Wm H od It, Wag lfrrst� obserx-ect b6ult half past '12' (,uf a no'ta.of warnin - a portion of 'the.steer- in't?. %rid continued til, - about:_--ien, when it B1 CktpOO&S Magdzi 6 all who and l ne. much as a warinti., t, bear, . - h all1its conseqhences. a Age . -T. . . turned to rain wit his ideas Why, replied. a bystander. be J.0 McIntosh win Now who may,thinl5 proper on the subject. . A. cause he Sees aooth r p4ppy. In you th6morning" the liwer 1)art-of'�Lhkstore I Zave way,. at appa-zatu d the.n� for a eMilledeville c-owdspouderit of' e r bo&s. .. H6ry B611 Jap Thompson to;the wise -inay be. su&ient to pilt IIT of mr. *.-E, Grace W61, Str it he'l hoiLewid-a hw�f tire- vess2l wws*dr1rUng at trusta Cnstitutipr4alist Yankeet E_xaimsiv AM) DAii,.%r. BURGLA .-The q were told that _otherdaya Thos McCleneghan Arthur Cut , a.- . the on their pard, -no number of words! widay evening te un- Enera of tlie:elemo4, The dam -l -e- being thein Thnes of N y flames must- haVe broken. oat were admiraffly cliot6l and appointed,elich ,0 iii= I W Thos Hogg efitIvinan being rather badlywoff for in GnPrSOa _n Satul.day nigh . 0 will do od with -the, Foi- bra� t or.Sunday orning last la t, the vessel.' loan had rorlafli of ammunitioa, �Vbila-. - he law temnix-arily, wpared 0. pens, sAt `downto write with -a headache. : -Ij John Porter Robert Durne at . s w4s, -1 ssrs. It. &-E. �Urtin,. bar- obs.erved,­*becadie theirA.; _AJ eat fbal" in ii.mortar arid � he. wiii. still.- be one." t office of _% e her course.. She . arrived of., -ial ith- pai but a ,eat Neil lvt�Kinaorx -aln put upon, their %�a.,,Utls mitained f xed inatei w n8ters, corne is, wo believe, a tifirl p ohn Craig d to those areivi ee r- e 1 46 thnbref6refic7eto-therner­ r of Kitic and James streetsi was, � - 0 - as M. -L bat nowi� Wi Lit wi,)ns,for forty days had entered . � 0. � � a .*.. . . .. 1. 1 . , . A Helmer W -J o. stint. R. been saiing of -quills. John Hanter Goderlaixabitithalf-o 00 P. itiof tire horrible civil wurratrin so clos6 to us by- ome unknown party or parties, alarm' was given _w.U_ '-Jonathan prepared and thpv uSure'd for nothin(Y. -ebeq ` for-S6,000F,'payable to bearer' A Lefroy A F Bush 0 aad a Lie daaei whs iticre ed' lot our; and oite Ili Wily?.- A schoolboy having good-naturedly s a huridred fold.- it is anotharls quarrel, t I XAsaviixi Dee. I 0, -The situatio�i Of McDonald. - GeorZe Wilson - - - f - I -with'$1,000 in greenbacks a 0. '-Sluk,,.)1r.- Grace�s'clerk, in a most pre- - ' - - " (, together and assisted a other. in it diffl' 171111a les- -inissin the . Er atrairs rentaifis-unchan-ed. Ili front: oFthe 'ed- - - effer Why J H Williams- Itely i To. attgnint ru whiZ we hav�& neither xi,hi nor inclination cult ci#he in and ar. �bstraeted . f�om* the sot'? carious position. The fire had. sh Vim to interfere bi.n. we put forth' tire rning small amount of silver,' was angrily, itsk �by his tea Mirk Whi d uo t()'2-a'clbck Villiam Andrews row entraed4as- sure destmetioa, arid � thle' -1-th corps not a shot P -O'Deg6 safe. The saf h4d been securely' did vouN�ork his lesson -T Tolessenhiswo-rk moth as we can this locked.on I is. 1vin-_SO 'a" Iv -that no cruidin I John Mitchel Jacob Seegmiller -stood sin .1 is eveuintr. Owitlg a the alippert state -of Saturda by.Mr. 51artirij who remained in the. -wit ha vie%v- to abat6 �s out from egress do wri stairsi and li� th- - - 0 y wasthe relly.- oW %v. dr' 0 -1 Lrynhy l0 may be stated which it ipossibl to move Robt McKay John XcLiod iible. - Jti;t their ever," half stifled with s ke at il Up how . the ,round the men fill oflit:e rather- late; and this morningi when he PRICTTY' LATE. -A dr the' i but"o-ne I'll a thous'atid. . Ali old. mail went aliken fe"flZot-out Johnstone Grahm -3 brokd for a- rao'meiit, aml the Ii ht on to Saritiaw to- Lind hat had becofne: --bf two abou want to opeti, it, he'found the door, aijar and :-of his- calettlatioii, and. was dc John bixon. izin� window calling for hel k ladder, cloul, in the p- Deserfbrs who come- in -say ibat- the Con- John Shaw Norman McLeod sitis.'f his R4 %Y93 informed that they. had the. lock quinjur d, a model. key havi evi- street, when the b6lls -ro ' ed him by their was pKDcurja wi-th as little aeliy ai F bank w Visi6le. -'seizitig-his opportu� 0 . 0 nus n bedin used,- is one of Aer- riniing for fire-!-Xiue,: ten, -eleven, tuel or da:slied in, ndtivitlrstarid- a - re John Macdonald Th ederates have strortz'Antrenchnients *with 2 dently Joseph artin �Geotige Gaham e'off etiptoyed in some.-woric at an- 0 ­ - --of rows of cheiveaux a. freze, *ith w.i re Ve . ve, 0111146 DiXon as awired .this byt the rin.'s, and as the.manufaan 'rs . ep models thirtben3. fourteen., cried:he,, well, if this n possibl&, -,bi which 1r. made his Francisco. H 1w il ever kneir it I Jumes McDnjuld. Edward Twi in- the- impoisibillty pf saein�; the pier -I m6neyout of tbem-. stretch6d,arouud t6 strm�*,the.a then ofthdiri keysi�a person acquainted with the later than 1 es 6 ei, T ed c p h6 -ball -Arg was at. that time rho ll�d =4 inst6a 1, of Col G 8 Fred Marsh WMcKaj very primp M Froni his t, roug--b knowledge of the- harbor He finds they -.ire - both'- mercenaries, Inivinz, -numbers migift by a little ingenuity; become �'l r . . 0 ... 0 Y I 8:jp-�The edito of tU-31itcholl Advocate ition wal j(y dompletely..-within the 'P�yreit of the- �johllsorl courtild der, he 44Lh.eolored-'ia- , - Huzh Ki Thos MeNeif posse 1.he k.-lew abo t Where.' to find .the entrace-., beeir sold by this_-crim�-oue..Of the most sspd tif one and-thus�,gain air easy mode than ki Mr R gulfrolland; -of Ellice, for a pre, Albert Frank T F Videan me� farjir�y, has received ufw-the General Com- of ace"ess to: the rdnienis of the safe. inlhdevourin- -element that it wai fo.And 1 e, ryty�*-geese and a bacr Aaron XcBrien anti. by orrei .-,obd fortune Ahe r ill sarel In( -aise for theunLinner tiot-likely, how It is seat of a small pbrkb 0 nia6dimr. tile iiiahe -McBriea s late'of',SotiThatilpton, arid th-e- old, timn's gray ever,thatthi.sWas the meRiis' of oatmel I" �wh Jas - 7 re- d erP. ey. aa possible ta,save -1 a V. I as the' fearfal p s of thc-: in-whi&- he f It, his trcio a ait Mill Creek -I munificence would aye it with the litnited-Jilean jur b _PAI Huss Station, No -2. at.b. - and. N iiair are couring ' lown w.ith'sorrow' to- the adoi)ted:.by �he robbersf as. they evid6tit-ly- se'tDr Johnsonerazy. itobert 0 McBrien E Roberwon ie �ot a sinile r s worth, we night; we cav well itang'ne how ezkch sailor's' were zrave�, Ave;shou, ld useall moral, influence' tent on seCtiTing- the- money- therrin t to lihe cheque, Iri in No roporl has 'yet -.'been heard from the Mr�Ma&'s safe, to�ethe' An sh.':an wasrected bya lad -rot . John Batea, AzS Stewwt -ratitil-le as he prevent this spirit of adven' -natural to r ivit rich went down the, river, Y' _d piy forimi-0 _�Seats. in. lieve Hi_ Gr� ce' cick of 1- bear . t bound.1 and nee man. boats wl large-sizi to secure At. ein 'into wrong.- ester h T neither aving'-beei; locked up loni and -LW tac iieho ner-.:2de onee more intostiaoth tire youn from leadi ill the sta kis . -_ i - 02 , . - as this a tmo_ I t _s' 'M MONAT11". - gojds w" saved` Ilonvy ill lia p. 0 . I alEhow-A-there -were Several. handred:7dollar.s ze as she wanted com&rtaible. room in TO WATSON, Esq., and Seyeatjr- ldisp Dec. 11. - The -fellow ireturtiedandisid: ITe _ect,are RK at it, that he 1�ias.saved atr-4 by a iiidiog� .4The Vilt water., d Augubta- irr�.a c t'the 4th §,iys:­Th­61act tlis't' -looked arid naa'Lrht save tbe specified amount tion, was, it s be -appare�kit ash box this - bo6%y was entirely -over. - oe -others; 00a Me grea -terriptaii9iis., but'theyi,ill epay, dii- i -or miracle paid f two seats ve tou' d me o - tut as -1 Al. honorf3the bmve Captain r't� 0 - . I aysTicir a c' ursb leaves at home. Thereis c9uldn'tget.but o�e'.for the inside of the i ae.ntlemen,- ar teaclied'Miflen. Settles taken. ' - - I � the -adjoinin-buildings must be lavloli�d 1 en w lb. bro _il -d-.-r iain-A the e.,�portation Lit . TNTO� clue atati m ight I- -I;- Patton into to V hagoveranwiit Or has been -obtained, VhilA coach question thaa its, s towards I to-oh.thether-fo the utside. on' Sunday niz;ht in th_­ face --our -Tor he power of payent of the che4tte hias been st pped.- m he rain.- H-jintreal. on roderien H rboi Ice of Is, it -in 0 -bP The iatteris; nOt lik-e'� lorib, wh' I�rge and respectable -requisition requextin$ rotae,'ho%�ever, is yet to 011PI.I11XT1xY Lord _N 9 was the* Westi which was only ercted I -9i at to� expurtation to rest here, C- G t His" - I .. low storms we have heGu r t before a egg, of and ol tie severest Fos ter's Pd vance, toth6li with. very- corpwen ohe's er.' become a. cautbilitt'o ior the Ofliee of '-the v'ev-r wiflie"Ss(d'I Suciely the par -a act--m-one of.m.-ni of war --men fit -to fiallt Lilly- . cate e v - evere sicka said At sUmmer, took fire an.l. harried t,) iendin- u si,,; s me to indi that" he to his physician itfter I Sir, X . 4ar ob!iged te In!' darr"I'r -,ever attempted. on the bttles, frhysical;y; but -who ca:�,nul fiaht Wt! for, intrducin'r sdmi te'ller, hzisLng )St - V -pcted togleet SoermRni but -the -latter' i'tiled Adult-erated Vaildies -"Injurious Con- to You eold ae ayor f he Town.f Goderich fGr -the Finlayl the eoubt.4 me 10 lic xecord we have ground ' . I battles ofany :b WU V. Iwo thy of t4e. pubi to*cine to iim.e. No L�dint-is­ to be, gined quaintudi.-es. Wh6 my lord ? itiquir. in," -year; after ue-deliberation, I vs should %-e i briely Hine; to escapewith.the few;artieles i al I re;oiaett-erjullv inirally.ur d, a ill U taken Our Oat:I Ali both morally by the of Gralimsvifl ek It - WLS to ed d r. AIV ribis reRlied his lorAship, tordialI7 consent abd lace myself a% your amongs US XC hdve" 1i I , eipent4 firom' Au tusia* to Sa- 4c for-waliv, ears 'until _T,G- Lie Consumers of cinsdies A seivice, trustinAst when A ioua tarts, o',r Oak!' whic sa. The. �au 1I, 'thei d cat O"e, wh, h I --have n ie ofelothing,hecoull fastily snat if. hve do a Is lie not, war:, thho' -0 e day wbith is tho. I -tie watch:u1null anbe,.Jibatin.s�m ge tin -shop of liall. wowd I -ace saviluo h4t 1. lar, the. R4; -at the itik fast app.. achina, shall have arri vied that Pit .. �:: h sit lo everr -sea i n cy. b 0 rendered BI: Ps famous o. -as be. -would use Port -116yal 'as a se� (;011fectioners' Dgreat arid siball have e iter, d St Dvis caught aboat t6* 'same 4 � 1 11 wo r6 concurned in this crimpiu,;_ er -I,. wera areto be battled Y .4�enumm-1iwomn letely will not be found wanti .-cw Wid -eed t6v-t4e ultli�iaie objict Of OTY T4re­&1ass,s_.of trinti ire ein-, �dftd. theri'prae lai ely i ibi ABrsis-q he adultertiOA Of What at OLi. triumph -lie of savall r ss' tie, -terrible d anct the. I(tmost that.'could, �e do ad oveir.- 1his campaigni, tile cim) �nuh or lookin- at a G -P e' on whichlig -San ability to vo e fo-waid in nd ace =1 at -Prov perhatis, Cha� F time were saccharine pmparadors, b t. _Pl 1;6e. r e ton would I - it write-. Franc; Free Prew was being priqted, of. o t d be IJ 'go Wiiii oil. Otis earthly sub-. looked -up fit -the laed -6 f was to.ave, as -mueh: as possib" Tisk -are now nandepart of deletLri head of the P. -611i but molest * a battfe�. before Savani, with oniy.t'dP- sup- oinces; Ire do -not know how 'far �ifie Con - plies lie h"Is i o hall secure 108 as ri I co -00 rolf ffil OUNTY.- COURT' AD. 49ART2 e wil. fli-a arid in the most �-arnest nianner inquired, -the the. ds% before A tJ,.-;ards.the*, 'It tj make ill i o WEI-andi of rrab Tim 1 arid tile -i hill, w tos Your most obedieUt.Se . rV!_ L4_ r r, n arid ithis par , 'the codiary,., P preparatti But 6,_�re is'G c1a;;s of pe-ple' ut it hai leaked Quite a hig� namber 5 RIS SION S. his b. that will, bu G raharnsvi le arid 6UL these -vil vieW 61Lliese the paypem? Be them the things they call, -it �Ad be -.11 every. it is 4 Wt r t R Wt at in mariv places confectionet use eN-. stoves and, smaJ1 wares were con0yed. t6l s .. tll� a U, "Ou Lit Th -a Court� were op-.nuJ today.C-1 -lay, 7. Way El i,.�. (-Ydatel' Holy Mom of Mosesl doestbe- jesj iro 111.atpr what f�i.nts lie thay. rake, lie will er. ihe stre&t bat de- aire sorry to say-Ahat' A)i* the ely as ds�hstittrte fur s�u' ra" a- Yarlicees 'ke, abuse:,, .'aud blackSuardL nT 'Foiter ii at door -Ca p- 11�1, -the Wt jud U 'ER11;e w hick is k nown urider the - xtme,bi in' -mativ o I' SA.J the -ereat bulk of -the splendid- stool- in- who� b other by madhineryY terre ILE cost to the, trianulac'turtr as jush-'re-turried from a her h' ra' it and a -bait per porindi ;ind ls t on-, cot theishop,'�'together_with the whole of'the- very coo rcuit -There was but -easily -led Who' 1*13;Vdil ii,-Ve Laat I a)ol:iL_ .07 VffV IGAmT. y M _ri B, -A womlip is confined in agaol -u�cd Ili cot,, -tiogers ttehill- chat, F and I'm presildi..,,. u-Caiready I tht�y am only work that i's prom . . .......... proprietor's valuable tools, was destr�y.ed. fair atterra tried �of. m3gl . str . tes aid Jurvine' ca I Xielli(yall ged, rwith bigamr. v 911M Ell is"2d thein. be warned that the ca R) "Pall Woi sue...'as. almo.�.ds, The V#4rJd says: :snow slie, manied a inan and bad six chilaren, -and 00DUMA1,A0. GA0116 *Thenee-thefire spreaas.till farther East- notwithstaq� ing the snow a 'fts which have adftji�etnurits. arid, blatidishments of 1hG6 and carra%mys. Ili manyista� the nearly one thbusand was-1--tiawidow. -Th� she in ' tied anol-her at en 31 B..dor -it - i - taat at .1 war, -d _1 to the JaWL'OT ice of, _U rendered the roads almoA.iopasable at some l'ivho in4tr6o thern. to llea% e"Cana la are m6i-elv P-oi -will. beAlltil, olr� -exa mination man. y nultio'ns-bl, paper -1110:1 without orle- dollar. He went awa to woric, and when & pie the Saulp e -don, and ihe building f)rmerly beca.' d- f thd serpent. ouscien Iel5tt1VOAhird% of�these Decem er 9th, 1864. -places. If havinep -to come feom as far- o' ille s"Ime 0 C, confections -are com. be -of ,O*.Id oii real money.. ',j pay- RIF pain home f�urr'd his -wife with a tio'Us*and ioya' men canniot be. too camful' Ro one-third only being'sucrar- HF, UNDERSIGNED vWited Abis Gail Sotrth�mp�pl 1. suits ind money ev"er new husbarid. Presentllyhe left ier third. %Yg,e:�_Jeeiail Y h r, 31orrow,. whiah ��re,: lik�- the. Tto-day And found it i I ail parts- In e"_ a e fr Whic-li s put Oil -outside to IlInke them &p - I nuir-a-d or Jli onfier. d i the rebellion on., witness s, itatill behooves tbem. to obstruct i usY 11 2 pear as genuinei Tfie chidk is also intro'duced kusbard and arafreds, fourth - e. She left., _1tJL OU e"' 11, here st others. leveled nd. a hP a 6�y of te'I iul i e p6int of marrying a fifth at orden. lived, how "with the �l d yout. Jai re, W1011S. 00..0�10. uad tile sum, wa, him a' d wasn th, 13erce the ereetion, of rl,�s in their own i aln a! waeAte vL-.y nto -w6t is called rolled or poured Fw* County Buildii, tit tire StiadeStIODS-Of Mr. Tuitpector wure, the 111'reinen during ak'this time 7' found to Voi trafis�& more, -than one, wlie.n.she was -arrested. Her three for- Colin n*ergsi rS cWiversation. regarding - the pro ty.__ ith the aid. of loca be 'trea _ur.(l,.-r 91titelfice I Lit, and e3ri-dii ;4 arid it LiVill be towid pearedill.eurt a�uainst ber. vidlug of 'iiuita�ble_locic�p. -1, � &Jutile our presetIL-uniount of businesi� sakenlors ap al p iti-cians of. he issi;)�e itidulgence ccasistenfly v�ith The membeis of oi. I were pro fly..- on andl Take' moranas Of fbMer Vie* MP 0 t Latl� Pedd-in I w4h.all iii, 0; - . it tile stoniach titis' contained in the me also, W carry the ivO; .i of Southern hieb-ted- ncrine bw- �anfor­ �ton these.'re-41aftns- for. the intruce-at, lyllkisimpervious to�the eastrid fluid, and have hotbee crimpiled with. This isamattor (relt us esence e of too much conisequetkee, agnitude of.�,& evil, to SiLf� keepinW of thc7 priwnersj D it-fea- C results- in inflato, Scotland, thia amotruinent isbot f he olucom �p- tire -U4 PaIDS1 1; , e olleo. tuna� it was faunTeamt -the valves were fe w in an 7elcarn fro"the-Greenock- Ad-, the groun.cl with theic c they have suc�eedcd-so far.' A tre3s to,th,.- fl,"Ures some not 6U d its pr but- the nost i,pri Jit may-, throu-41 it to o' a hijbirtilley,as -these -i o f th 'in, 41most d M. be erected-in.-thrit place td the late Mr; John- -e -br frati, inprisul1r: or u It out- !%!;al currevev haff'reached. -n ase Galt, theemineut novelist arid atab It is d o r mn & be .0 - whic rt-= a tin- so ti-ler 1,h- make theso 1, n :te -ir lc� ''arid as to ke it USLIesi, ;ame Yli) Lind ending in the develop if afid '�catv Ent t of dise, ed. or. look roads and w gounty tdwn. . The Chai which may produce death; 'Adultera ed atea also that the 11,&. Mr. Galt aryd bis: The iiecessity of a suitable Z-Artlaflut for an gret hi&zr, 1i,>weve-,, iho ngiae. .%vas -Ot ritia-li wits never-interided that -nne beither collir., . 'I, At A 0. . _­ Ji��.i � ca a- be _J�te&je�d in a very Ca conlatit . simple manner. br�the!,, of rreed, out io� ch med 'Jury to the rollowin eflect 'ed rtoe. ed fi r but otliy�l the-� flospital bus been pointed out by The .001 id tim-! 63 nada. have ag r vcty G& Toba'c4o Eg�okii;ig in Englawl and� YakeLL wine glass or alurnbler-und halt fillit own ofs p"'. widai- for ard we knuw -as niucii W.,plioposed to Phviician. By the PUIJI�g -prisazie:sAn the, apprecrition' for te complim pure water. roaitit It' in savm_g Ksy's Block, in ihe ijail you- w1il'-flud t.' t, e watar a Sus be paid by the people- of Greenock to their 11on between Iwo chambers on the siw* ebance of acluitttil:'as a-ly- 01, sh,lu.d 'b,�, 31L. Oa vl�i 1wr puljl�hed betum'AriaI by 11 pectedco 111 floor an upartmat whicl Iniffilte and fir theAii lifectia . It Will O�iisolve In, fbw fatber's.memory, to coutribut4i -the pedestal- 9 0 tone x t o this in ietme-nt is airerat minutes. S ho aid it be adul te- raed, there -will f1lorl Gnelph, Gwda West, which -was foun-1 .purpose is aiathibie,, but I cannot thillk of which this. 4caiasituat'ed. At-oneti�. s of tPeT are UlCarice 1-c a stances tha, a' u 11 pri8on diat." T e. ie thoucfit for -ce'riarin. that the old $t prevent i ill gnal used imtU somle list thm i1LOrdi vite smukiw, I which be founfi'tittlie.buttom.ot-the-gl"s a I reconimending.it to' be ,Wo eavY ed the late X r. Galt. �ny influetiet it may- have on'the further ebange vrould'-be made' For lusitauce# of T()urs 6 wbie'substince. This iz the chal 1i wilich -is them here. Some e -insane Much has - *-ny was non est for the ne*xt three m6 a, and on any others that occur tQ y-ou� ss beeas'aid: '3'ou-&t6e!%I)ropyie�yot'usin,'vtfie I .. r . . I . f , . . . 11, �carries'away sy I Fitich of the workiw, -.ill but indi' olluble. into -the partment is it*&. 0 promlivy -laid before.the Coung., Council tri heatt the -door leading bat thanks, to exot ns- of -the -tgaol 43 a lu, &tic -El JIVATRAX.-A green, good- -nough least, the CIO It tilust, be- Used as _pJWel".Of the Getman ple.-­ I�eliuld 'Lit th- It FI,L. Dox till tb a�yium� Tuesday, and 41so before 'tile ectitive,.and- e stron -and sepure -e the bUS Of Sbit -such ai reecj�e the 'utifortunaWs . I I - . - nattired money makingt up-country"Jonit-ban, - vr� Alto.1therunsaf4ji iwd Ow firemen, and other:hard work -era an a staiiiain that grave pen onage exaiminly Your, will no doll 11 udo WS are r 'th a V4 bi receiieAu'eco'sidera.tiou. Wi AXed flotr-of the wall wj�,Cb who a a placed thefe W1 lew to the saf6ty e a- fe�roiioiiiab�, Her Husband.' who said everithi.ngy diiiilyt got 1hino we were spare milluiely arid slowly As if he Ovid" *0 sounarg inea brick all, higw -tickt:t an strud" upa ar(rain -Immedistwy froint" d oftlie s,lvei awriofthe.public. Upon the had ne'veri seei:i�uch. t, thin,., b re d k h for matrim e Gaoler's Ara -efo -his" 08 rom, tb r [From the C go 1. untr w, TriWift I that calamity. proper cortif cates- of i6e Medical rxuatifiers'' lea, the pirties agreed- I oft _.tetisibie tLitiction., for. which bis government employ a co .y.justice tb6 windows which mikes the roOfn U orwhom.th gaolurgreon is oue", they -will, be 'ean Me A. man trained. Fratik Spifidier,'iesidi ig on to perfam, the ceremony. : The worthy squ!re ro WSW pA Ir'ni, is -to, transact the btlsin6ss of. his. de- use without mtki fbe -neacusI s4teration0' re wed to as E.U. . . I . t The losses ustained will vary with, tho ylum if the asylum is ready., P. commenced by remarking.ttat it was -custom- in, hew f . _L Bull'kerstreet three doordjroin Halstead pantalint, i but 4e hasa p�riuiary duty abs irb- ta.re.ceivp ti:em. : But it produced . the death of. his wilb under the. ary bit SU011 60CASiOns to becrin with it d rzoom athountsof. -insurance efected oa "the 4e- Sonfetimes ll;4ppens The al mail steamship Canada which ing the better pirt of I is attertion �,arid - capi It ill e-_ _ L not- room; � - raol ray -and of - thw, all -ces morning b t lid. believed he-. �that th6r' and,. �s the cliarae followhi"'circumst Yesterd , 4y u would omit that. After' -tie tilass confined in a of X' Insa eveial hese Val toll - you. -and he ta, eve _p -ep-ing vs -z- machinery n '*hie to ufg-e li tive baildioggs and their. edate'uts. Mr. -sur,#on can ey were 4it breakfast, the willd ob.. he k ot was tied he a d it wM customary te and to be ILI *pp ICAU006 for spec Ahe, 26th and fli" ry jeft.Liver ool.at a.1mon 0 PiP6 Lf hiz .-Ke K4 pains. r Vi 0 N6 It 0 Arid preservin ta ty-J8, almost admissi, on luttisome of the LUXIAt W- "0004 Blak4 loses a two story buildin- next ensioWn a the. 21th -of I r its vio Ii s ved lid' husband -go tq-the tea-pot and Pit in. the matterii-�-`& often oi;cur -ill- Que vember I rd6r-' er t crive the couple some. ad ce. but he believid con5equence of th officers 6f the asylum adt something into- it. . She thouht nothing. of tnat he -would dinit ilini also; It was custom- ttitutiomi bein iaetiU a b. s serious apiece a angirleer w r as The Provin*1heseum Blocl, Mr.'Gordou.saved, all his law hodks always havi If a- vacant place ready. I wi f k th,t it.at the -time, and- drank the tea to. kin the hide but- he- would omit th ar ilved'at� lfalltfax �ut_G to*day wit gill takin,,-eharLre.oftigmtll"s----.-u�line. .-It-is at� o6c4pieato tboir fullest capacity, �M, osto, and pape*,* ana his safe i�. all, T47 L the* surgeon, Dr.;� 37 Halifa-i and _B n passenaers.-�-� wise.. The ceremony beingve e h recom Pill ou to cunsult an ohiect of' the:deepagi anxiety and apbre. way., pre- like 2 fet6les a0d one made Of that cbm hi k Ofulng to. Ut Hej however, hurried,�i -by t;lldili,, thA he was lin.- t9o',gre g -the 8 f4ire the 0 It "le, presput. and the de , ned WNW S", essrs..Story & Davis will lose somewhere MPD '011clys"On The'L steamship -City. of Hainehester, *bm. 'h,-nsiun as well ks of trouble arid showd it at haste to than taking a I*lg it a customary t -but.' I belie mit -pm 'ley be zt�ioyodtooccmi nee - - -1 Squire. * " -and firamin�-- your presentment on.the-suhject w it fur breakfast. - Saon'-a1fter drinkialr.the said, to -61 4 e mag. to the *Sh -about $2000 over aad above an- insura p ar�ly da b1plee, there is. rib du, iii life so important as eriff to renew his 'Awi"Qu A" prisoners, and your'- opiTli taken -violenip! strate five agIlars of these NLew.Yorkw, reached JAver ool a _S1600., on as _to stpolied that of restorin- it' teaj Mrs. Spindler was 4) they. may,, if ib 11r. Grace is we -befieve,. be laid. 6etoie the Cua6ty r T a Out to e. po S t that., them can Council- the mo aing f t1 25th. h Persi .. With lus-eirod kin. with grea ain, vomiting an(lvonvuf�io more fitting abode tan -this Vol at "Onoe. 1 vi,ta,:ity ic sdw ;.. is e. - he 0 t 7 n s meetit ofthis.dAy week. Uy insfare - and thd B; arrivedat :Queenstown on the venimy i)f 'trennely rare. Tille-gentlemati smoker takes Durin I forenoou.a v 6 near by Tbe. undersigned is informed by gh*49 prettv.- ft; d' Cnk �of at it wein A -GaBiT So AR's.-Thd Buffalo Fost says 7 There IS �i pris-itter cha�rgred' eat n. Dari with aron, e h, I ng the n e h th.! a his ci ir afte'r' bee kfa it or aft r dinneri and -is - . L i They hm e in Anisterda, 'last she was thei areat scare in, 1ontreal will. lose 'on - of its treasures.. and. anothb� with forgefy, but these must re -L t e 25 -The L don '416.be' sayi that er. ittie4iij went to the "a got- and drall ardeied from Scotland. It as tygr done "and so -the wor 'Ing man- with his ilie. R . I then U no '-dwelling-and sh-6p waslarainfor ' as 0 p me ot the tea, in.d was likbw.iseL- Soon taken MY -the si7ei,niwever wre ord Lyofis- hu'not rigigned bitt isab' So' rbt. The good vill,agers were :Ur. Saturday ni- at the iucon�. L Outi Much Ubilsenso 149'talk d about the perniciouse startled with celliat -w baud of inlelli _n n ibis informadon it would 136 UdwimbW U re, Was L IM -ties that Mitt. S�iudldr thenj-u ected' that 3he- defer resorti furnitu ventence of their 6main' s to health of stu I believe nglotbe -VW0f pamod* bot consumed, but . prison trutii fro 0 eave .00 sp rebel .raiders f encamped on to return.. months' h rom Csil!;. the asiizes,, unless. admitted o The was poisonedi cChdrelateil the circumstances M a ubmit the sub V4 of in '4 0%; practised. rooder'pitely does no - ject.to the Bo& ace ws. - Jackioris far few 'miles -north of the--$ pitehe& intol, the stfeet, and: -considcra�ly .other ewes vrbere prisoners - are 'committed ount of ill health. The, ID aily to her neiihbor,'-who - i mediateiv-took -the thattu some coottiLut Us it is be villaxei-iim-,iaud -the-matial5iieturerot, bankers, nd. elicial. bo will probably be &ble to Tecomisia" damage& -- Arid some * I iere. partits are, oil bail -for jhy tea -put and the etriamilig -tea i;vay. when Joek mofe- Maw to tte jail pir"M *w e -in an editorial on'the proposed arthing.6f, But no one Will lhave� a. face to stand up arid - k6d- ers were awakenedroin- their slam - like offeace such as larceny, call be disposed -cam - radlock can be. iThi rsank -or it IV ood smok4i 16r. fola-te'en 8 ndler e home �ti& Wered.her i opened fbr the slaives'in the South doubts if it say o gfire tiers, ond se, were!: taken to proteer their arge rse-sttuling t n -being. ia its old stand, stre -t wi . 11 be boos of the day He M of here.. 0 e is & ch for ho it to'him, which afe reTused to do. he or very. millue wheh'he The undersirned WOU101 Duem in, the time e. air: 65tic-e w" ich we have heard of remarkab7y' done, bU_t is satified with the- mere Pro- is. not either L qsI1 ap- or 6 aCempted toaAmit frtitn her by force, -but property. - -The report, gre*;,out of the -Oftion, in thes unties..' 'If your businesli like our fiousy tho thif a bandiravelling gipsi.eil had-eficamped In our next we may be in a position, to 9e - C& posafas air earnest -of the approachin,� eiid friend there,. she resiated.:*ihd -succeeded -in gettitigg,aw-ty, that whenever 'poaiwe largre, it tat be said in extenuatiorl'of* there"held a [in soinSIR hit. Drv.'AcAliiste'r,w'".dalled.aiid fouild furveral arid burne4 accord g I further pard the Aiid yin he add his ptactice'might. give. a wit -should bi done by �We_;pr0OnU&,, acti, that yo- ir juri CRIAM, aal in'the meantime e f toAheir custom, the effer-ts of, the daw both of the War. and of the evil sad eurs -to -be those a erri)r mom toUve bwn. tomfaftW sdiction embraces a latilrer to our legislators �; do a t e symptoms.- An must crave the. indulgarice of our readers fdr arid much ore poot6". ood tura to prod eed by min. district than any o4ich generated it., is stated that the -workina mah of f ritain. The Ger era poison, and on. examinin- thi. -contents traction of they,w Privies; VW1 t* the "ac . . . . . - L . 1% the ocirm of several articles and local ite mis, other GrundJury 4its-to "be assembled' man Wit to e-oqtain large qu!Ln. the Floridi on her seizure. at 'Bahia was I tUeChR lie,. t h ed in twe aid IU- AW'Z0*1 f _Y� e tl�itheotea;� �otif pedsaiii aai�th ov!A,he indul but about a yjwr S e &bout -4 ofelock IIthe from mokes like a gentle- nw V -The e tended for. this iss�ey the -proXiMity of S! h and doei n .4arily ihow an it tt, � 60 mcleh of it, yet Lie nece$ icrea takinn',pntirbly. by surprise ever thing on I t diem -is Y . M. I . - a tiiirible'fire, b6id, 1)n� subje6t'to which attention should 4orilati -died. Spindler, tidin r that he had 6,. we know crimi boaid was, secured by - the 'captors --and 'Bail by reason of the heal)uess with him of Offeaive., �nd the CleAU1111 -of lun *a 11� - d2 -C ap e. I I .- - # A.- NEW ASSORTM-ENT excuse a:inon, the- papers ih -tit bien detectedi attempted to make his es cient, be pai is modil of -paying constables.- -fh s hei�escapes.'the filthy very trotbWome.- of go -A tobacco.: -io _- theL *cI osesv was muc: ituporta haperintendeut"Tartlew4s quickly noti.: Their j;6ted deletePious piiietices by 'which our work- bpy of sm 13 yftM Of Udl -1 Aacdau are:sub informationwbichitis. 'idmayimplioate rutinyj the fe ndt too7mu se evare. ch, delay fied. aAd officer Miller, of his detective staff peopre to-, e the r -Quepayffientp',as the'� au-coullis go ei, aph expensiveartiale boa trial for some pew kes place the indetWiledo arrepl;, arid'he w taken a t to i"I for a-pificials of hia rank in active -6 theBrittili worktuall IAft vESSEL- 01 ifte SEAS o ar. pla, Pho ogr have to go 1i bed to audited, arid nu ipthy a_nd-a�id in-fvor of-th3 Confed-- tic 0' O'clock iihee'vehill'o.' icommitts urchaseaL his to df -the. 'Coarse� must been -o'harged Qth At"hug :of a p I 6414W- fe4it �f CaPt. Hu Mcq�ee�r -extra Alow uce t be made - for �e it stra erates. The Lonon 'Daily. News' pab- -pun.,eut, arid ac id kit d. What a confirmed_ but not proacuted, n Vho 60nes. a vessirl­ upigence; .4 d the.consequence _is.. th 0 Mto_ Goderia- dr- at 6 11' lishes a letterficim Prof. doldwin Stdiih,�:smdkpr in' despalviiii I t not be induced to do T�V 1�ED.R1VJC1L8oA11 -A *Xr kV1DZA.-:-Thb in tifii. I -a .0 Warm -Or regityn t Wis dariln- n L cotj d be peril- -Australians have fought, a success I battle merey if his sentence were &r -4furhar ae a 41 in an awfitkenow stables a *0 -a either' luke dated Boston, Nov. 9, on. the Presidential to dt a ftl us 0 church -NervUes, &C. their tha'nk andefteudan�,ero" flices,�.f rainst'iransporiation. Mr, Caiidivell : h storm. ous to P�eaict; 6U Ln t ould be A straii indeed 6�4, yearsin-the-Reformatoq ifthe whicbt.iev being, well-awar election. He eitolls,the tranquility -with yielded to the Pressure whi drawn to I& ew�. that. would.drive the R va rch had been" t -Crown Attomer Wa Earsue their, -bad- avocatidirs ith. thomore which the contest. *as and rian orthePrUBF he G 'to gubm br h to, bear upon. him, -arid he ��rill—.early I, this desirable Wjea ,wjki& bel &VI- oderich exit, prou'aly boast of seam en sett reatir vain r it to the Bng pigtail. - Noihillop is LARGE probab r. Chances Of success.— session," en'dbavor to o sin A STOCX 07 3300X8. oldnesi.and 1odksin :' fo. evidences of 'the -tyranny ad bffeusiVe to a flean., amokers th bt tained. .9 in Te e tam -the saltiest of ocean, "in Whetherany better-systein can, be adopied -of thd majority. He'conld scarcely' c6n- be sanction -of ww� veli to of old 'balf-co tilted. bbacco - yet the poor Parliament- to -a .scheme -for SUITABLIC. TOX, If economy) so well skilt or b f0'r_ you io sugg�st and th') 6 MY& Time and a ain It ey Le-i"la- ce ve. the'nation in* -Ah 'midst- of. a- great in �ld pipe to - aye .041 he eoni�leie abandonment of our - penut iet, conMied dal nxi. er. a r e gal 03'Qf 'the by 4e,C, r mper t mas Presents iij , ' kily place them on t flements-in Australia. -It is atis it would fk- brought t4eirremels into port wh C-0- id en it seem;- political struggle more te' ate on newlsuppl# lest. hai anduld nab to -the. Christ mdendgnd till 1fi impouibli One -kindii offence is s '-prevaentin-the 'sts thai ih6t taive:made' -or nspeetful of each other 'a rights.. He lose,& littleof the truio'he 116 paid so dear for 44-Tthin "Composed -Of' 6' redit of the coloni insomerezu forok, ag' country- which may well 060upy a little of up t6ir winds to prevent the iliflux of Eirm. *rliWn 40i -0ott0- bq arid iron,.- I- - UPO& - sorbs lit.throu rh that aboal to ive i - fbr� Th.-tr he bed sheets tenticiii as well Big reards -.the defeicii 'of ihe Democrats as a, burs. - The � abotal- wation the short, 6tittyj whi�h lets tit the 8 lish crlminal& into regions -which ought i� ce, number of t1w beds froqk� tow to Avg.' Haron, �nd more thauo-neet has it, be" - I -at escape mo J U V NIU An TOY� B00IM-1 re= ' ten', -from dancrer of both, Ameilea 1.1194 . en our hot, and. barah,and -with it gives an ocasto held Aacred.:to h-one'st,labor.. Meanwhileo blankets— vrIWA one bjdf the ==Ur Sip men into foreign gr4 - nal duly to, record their gallantry in iushing �a -d in endle"Tariety' &t.1he iqto. serVf � o t3dtter to:w ch atilt con a and Englan 4SJU Of. theL Oil - Zilel[i ice tinue as mocrats i6ald, t of tobweqo-�a, rank, poison. quesdon.. watill Mmainss � lVh-.. e we to.do uffice. widt sh"t&—the Hn 4aveg t6 res, 0 'dwd, The W, he W reckQ and is rather iait the indre"ei conirar ttithe have. itdoptied a. strong eign. Me L times w ar conVieta.? L A� writer- in the Star, "say cut the shiPw M: _y for olicy-, par- The pirpr fellofv;aould. Uke Ali ith- SIONAL OFFIG& and more reign 6io �raa L of the but never l6ve, we h qlistmeut Ad4')L-contrury to the ticulaily gainst 'En - T ch wild*and Ae.iiii tobacco. (if the to weer Uu* lovir Ake r44lit' *br .146 Giin.7 trougly dr -res that some,'Iho�saads of them eard of as, a -be found lodera, . c. 13th, IN4. VX 1jwA,of neil;h (T De fiOiMa olant Set jh� he Thumb,,4ife and-i-dite hadbeen received Germris withbuf so mu hinjury io his'healtb_� hould bd-emplbyed i6 the quatruction,of read im b6uiing nations,%coutrary io t 3heets in Un walt thow. 'S 6f & b P 9 order ot owe'ra in the nei b. uroad bet*een Canada,-4sadtheilUd Riter,& The bath & t5sWm jwrd� *W4*4* by -the -Prince and U U OHM Puforaled -CAPt- X-irraj XdGrager- n borit atosi 4n at, the Marlboro Ho ind-poliq 6,driv people toicirdid.and t- D,, Is, it ki- expressly contrary, - n , 'M I . - V id bi�jo 0 of Wales. - bir."Spooner, for. tlement. This is a suggestion. which is likel some time. The qwkrsi Stm&Y night. W4 while. we landel 'Otay. to IS a enily.eiijoy.nients—they.dii.,r�Ae.the4pe, tites.to theirown'l6vel, and proinote vie- on tion ot *6 t wlawAtif Canadaas laid ..tomeetwith favorable copsideration' V6. or F e. t wiiesond-clAs TeacberLf the �atta4 W �fep our toft sizes here- bi Mr. Justice nian-V years part of our Government,- if di No. ro,WJnishipp? A* dov�n at the I �AL Ahe'well-known -Protestant Warm Hagartl is both'an 'evilehearted 'and prac- gaaaa; bas fio wan to b laor to the. expyeIi Ord is ind ldad;r in the_Ho� - 4 Sil"106; if 'M4, bave we r e use of Oommons is dead. b* o -u ome eWemo nce to press -hard on III(, ebeaR luxuries of the o Jection t - r9V 8 a of Good ref..'rear4S required A"re'"O" Tor that they are levy. on on your Pa Aurp i. calia to Xbe, ro As it 'k f POW M7 I t 9 he lord Ma ablim hadbeen.giv-- ficirsokith' rf.would throw consider-, 'Wit.' GRAMM, Sedly Lem is�nowor or instractions the-4overamentas c6aimuniii' T ofD Tug It tFeUtY-Ge PAM knowledge poor. T-efl wit Attornies and others.— ina, A -banquet to, the. Lord Lieutenant able light upon thi expedien �aVOW4 bfg L,.to Propm for. wkumed a fiercer SUQW Storm thaUL tUt )f ing a tat on themseltes p6n4wastinx money on- ey Pf the . mew Port Albert. Dec; W46M All rV11114 There is. a I a of e'v4di-igtfie law sti ie ias to �me tlI4 f6f some -le Mi6j. -sot o w o in A -speech bord 'to e aft to _1"t- Durraa-thi forenooa,. fulift Itpony- ., e whaw is only valluel6s 'but pernicious — omaloo the 4pAllog of=,* hallm th ajd i0% 4ona-eyety day. Men* are 10 MAY HE FRIL—Cami linto-tho py into sat& 0 ed h P ee ,qui 9'ed 6 a ti $I lab 'd Why, what'.else.are w'eAll"doing eveel.dara'f umentmigh t usefally,, 0,' the suba-riber lots 5 and 6, 3rd to Un oubted recovery and-progressofIre- -come the ImWist G $irch broonot 2U*W# SAC shm thasnow fell hitid oatensit 1 for mere work �iii th eMPILOY _t 'L Ing L on at ire 0, k- *a U No ealistmea or prop -gs es -con- r rich tp. ut the Zklt of N'�'rL log, *-ra a for the -quiett-T enough,, an'd I y e States` land'. an'd flisastrous r -fives?' Wh ' is it 64 we li aid bi olivict-labor at �its disposal in we . Siva no. n 0 we lute e tog: a place nuect around th� En-lish oast. causing I J — . . - 1W, I_ ;4 1 � t�me i ofiftan and lht shcO- 4L ec4 le 'loss of R Whi Preatl T. J_011M that is done 4(ter; be arrival ti emident I a ti� joj"d ja tb*L 0 , oltals to enlist take nt- in life? you constructing road -6 kudsoils, Bay heifer Theo r9spect ofsplended steig it, here. for if h s in' th IraV but I - thtk &fWrU as WY in wind-shi Territo.ries. ife on this)s J Amoveher t th ' D pot, x place. of s4 le No'steps.can numerous wrecks, - by y is.!glF of 1 add that the' *to 4, - . - r I - - the S, W, ^14 hegrwargo blow If great who each tokes good. port: Company' Ser areA laret wit wt Im !.Aon ii* life.. - - a d is f Oty ath6r dilsatisfied ivilik the,ir'financiali �cisition- under I pi�ergat this an- rt. �r or to hyi0suilkiiii6's