Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-13, Page 1VALLEY& r
AL jhk�
+ p I
N' I Tils winter, and the seltool boy'a PSWM
Are mddei thaij it lobster's clawm;
As tbo' oid Birch tried all his canesso
wa� U C
To heat them softer than his brainm
G ()I)- And -so severeiv pinched his earses
A His, fids are glued -with frozen teanw, -
i So that be can't g-aze on the skiesess
I Or opei, en
r" In jpl- her of his eyeaf is,
AIN 4 To watch the wb ite buif-biddess stumpme, -
N: UF i Urr That leave hit, sicips all oter lum an
C - 1'. And from his vwtj and conjiude*s shissiles
i Peel off %hole eurlittir flakes of skinum
--st Poss�b13 G:)od to the Greatest Possible Number." As home he trots vilth smothered crieaea�
Tiie Great.
%i.. T. COX, Editor and �Iroprietor.
His slip -shod vboea with open tiews
1 Are fadW C40jtl AS 1hough the Sol
ere critm
med with,anow. -or all in holesesi:
iZ. k
50 -EIZ, �!A-\ 1
:I, N, a 4, S"relp able to hold al, his h
P He suiveliniggeu, 04
'And m skrit hism( lber rub bis' s&s
i Or place Idw oii the %-arui hiiait4.stoneses
IN fir 'HUGH DUN TS BOOK Tfl; -al I the cold Ito Itit Ilia bonetu. -
11511! ni'vortal. .
enera:ot." W, in VIC
7 - _ !The Fashion Magazine for the World Tke Aw York ZeraiA- Reymwea,
EGS to -inform the inhabitants of G*baericL 1 A
v,: V %7b c�0 I ii British America Insurance Co IDRUIGS'I DRUGS - I B-tnat he'lias REMOVED to the shop unddr That, peniient shee4, th N
H,*o �L L., t Iry -
E 1,13 0NININ,-ZION1,11 IN Till." COT"ItT OF
C e? 1.111-M. - WIVe 'ke.
Chief 0a-,.!oTornrito. -'ine Arti4.and Fashions. The 1P I law Tork'Her-
ILESDAY. T ITEIIATURE -1 'D tible 'zda,ii'
et'l.11 iilli I Wit 1 liar-, inost7nifignifietfnt',RteelLngralin;,rs. a 4 reeeivtcdu ajust
I'try me�wl -1,q, ittr Sale, Astion at
to pumpast, icture. Gallmy the haror of the Neir Yoi* *�ld-. lt a
i" 'A S I it "T0 R X 1Y -A1'- Flo
E. John FOP -,h on -Plates, Critcliet knittin 1��ttinjrh
B P,
-as�- broiderk es lor,the Toilet, lor the Varlor, P,
-a_ -,bat he I lid -had supportea lit
e%, 4 -m:, -QU &njm, -ben. Zveqihing,
thelluflisu, and the*Ktt( jn %7
V1 141 E 'up iothe�vtlac-
a C�-Inrz flum-r ZAM '"E DEPARTMEN7 e;ft complete UdvlaBook..., I
Act t ma
VV4ttresse l*aJaric supply ill,
I lots, -and vien hy the mo i IsAw -a tre
i7OUSE. I - -
nit vill-I I
-C IYMY-E Ja*uranceQ Ell fell at.Low. to Thetadylls Va"rite for"35 yearss; ous ji�. 0,�r fled - him in int Wficle of
S- been e, -to compa -.vrith iL
'FILL ANI ittid G0084! jAnspatin;w*,tbuse. For -this I L Uct
lo Magazine U a V I
"Ore ! - ;I. - - - - r -0
ti - - - - - - - 'Z , q - - _ -- . , - z -
-.4 4 V.W-'� C>, Z -F ' M
. 4 3 on't umi villainous
None.attempt it.
E J: ('4Z - a ioatirich -j E; C F; rp-r S flav n is administered
GOD L.I()H,. Goderici C -V. I IsO. Al2.,j er), suitable for th,;� C �par-idth The Rerald'z
EAST: TS T EET V de._ which
jo ready to sell at., (4 0: P
j by the. World 4 ifie 5ih instant
IN 2.URANT 1 Jar every deparlin-ent 01 a lioulebold- Thei;e
rr-11 OE(;" mrivereh- to e worth the price of the Bvok. Abooel i "I lieXwald gay� y ! terdat, in itRzttark
-Y. efithem)i with l'XM,(;ejj. N jUiltrAltir
h..o- k 11 --(11-: ('0311 -AN Cottages (no otber M Rjra z&.e gir elleristic ji,
Feet Mile x f -
I., � n 1 1X. A11 'RICE. 'alone ar
-tree ILI!, tmvei;111� pi0ith, C- 14 Al
en( :43nderich W,;7 1 diagrams, Drawing Lessons, for the ybung -
; Oct.. I$th, 1864.
Court 10 liwi -of its muci j&u4 inana W
an ca j Anotherspecialtvwth Oodev. Drizinalmll-io,
p' tjo not proppse ttlel*
w- NTariliv. Fire d Lae Initurai-ic t
tali :�-APRIL r ontroriatru.
r. J, P,. �L))tjib g!b LaW EMIST DRUGGIST NEW!- T11tol worn on usok -the aasawlta of a j* e Orions
d- 1111�1)r.tpitr tenim. ah -S-A a -wear.. 'Oth' -big'
18PENSINg CH' e bubserittet�.;to Cha-. t 11 ic; but th p r WL not
t-;: liar. 'a on iso wenuntao
*61, it Wire the ittores., Gardening for oil so iiiany aceoisnu,
. ..... y bealervu,andlinporteirol. r i culiarity with Giode�. Fa -b- it t; jej
.. . 7 - 1T A xD A' 3 r. -t pe ft; us us for its ineonsisfeney and lack of
ta I'A, 'Anothe
J C I q -N L
ioushom A. T. SwwartA� Co'� 9f. -k"ew princile, calmot biama2e the reputation dT a
F. ST Lill 14 FENT I York-, -.the mai nm're mercha ;.appear'jA-t,W,y
oitanding ai�d vittlie. But tWo
D U U.- C
i the only Xagazine U&I -bar. I frow the-cetebrated Bi odie.ol'.New York� sup to plun-ge Me knife WaLal-.
1 warston wile
film ME L1V1:At-P00L- & 'LONDON -erf-u=eit1,. .. - - W. .. ',t
Bunfie - ea in MI.T llt�der the fifth riiT-Vin easinenicidwri!
JOH-N,-A*DA- S' is. v gwe more tit i Vear than I L
......... .. f h L
11ail. 0 "%-astl 13rusher.-T. I I alivther blag*zine. Ir fa(!t, the -B 6
t". 1. ot�h., and Book j1y i:perfidious sheet i4b * ',m hiLs been
enablet every Judy lo,be-"r own boassJ-in"` often Lung ariur
:T- .14 R(t l -Aw announee to his patirct
U� er- I
Acrit dF �d i td his neel, in dfteitful ar.
rAidati B
I . ! . PAINTS,01L-i, COLORS,j)YE HTUMk, the -public generalf., that lie jhals Opell0ld -a 1.
-it(! two ilt I esses, elwes the attention .6f Ilse --=uhhW14
t -c"t t"t ,lull
T Y s,.'� I A V,. 110 USE & 0 A.TTLE IiIEDICINDS! TAILOEMG.,ES A)f Demoorsis' -who. b4tow their. patronage i)n -
V4,. A Ath"ssof Moss 1-a'raeudarm s and time�servissg sheet. -which
Sid, 3-1
'bad a printriple ra to 'eti
CARDEN SEEDS, -&C., &b. on WMA
I writes for Godey eseh month, amd lor not,,other
I ha�Tllr es st X O.'s, StoTe mesived its tateer by an isifigniams- Also
W t -,ne t bor to Mr �C
Nfedilial merkpisnetu illyattesidetlib
triagazine. W4',fiave also rctantedaliur old and
--aisortinent of
A. TS H 0 T E'L a i Lowest Trae 131 ires. With a verlt nice . I of levvits, sich-imail al;a priceif exemptin
T %%N F% A T--!.,*- W.� 1 N 3) and Avorite contrilmtors.
Scriptions care y
Fiie fulh, dis-1 its Aianders; which It-ps cateredoenr
N.B.-Pimsician's Pre ft
T Cotapa
t: --eiv -s k, CorritI)t t-rolwits-shy - *bow editor I-= amn
A -Lit at judevatt riat PAS Cauatia 1. , I AS Ag- e r. I Goderi'h.-Jan.16,1658. 4 hor' hipped in Ilm I:eeta ft vcp
-z-. ated RW�d -funnm or thp Bew fit orin top
suitable f
iits, I 2n2E
6H YIS -LADYS BOOK fOR 186.5.1 rjy for assy other mtode of emithra
I'GODE' baseand. di
te� all y orse trav-,
w a e rt, A. XO FAIL AND WD lion-,. whose , columns "ve -alwitys
(.Provt wAick the, cat., he no Drztim.
hich he is*prepred to inake up in: fir. t
with 9 ntriWdry; and whose-a4t6 thm
The following are the Ladv-'sBuok ?Ppfi
C tsW. 1"ITUR UN WaFke.-rt�n,.8outhnmpLcja stvle- and very eltep, for CASH.- A splendid eilem e Ile
for M5, At present' wt will teceiv mot -ratio Uthe f at t 44 its p0jitical'tistorv.
f we nr nsslti6 tr this base attackit wri
to 11�&e at jillti C asice which -will depend w4f
o", a V I'l t:tat fir.d -lie iit
I c �bljcQ- ttl a6
0 mp 0 jcl- o Due 1l0liWwfil be uoue fes-turt
ROC LL OILS llowsian else I Proclaim th-st it is tim
Burnmg 7hiid, Lamj Oils...
-S upon the Jirive..ofpaper.
(Ine copy- oine year most hollow slid jv'r4,le like
Xoney to Lend on Rca Pzsp 0 VERCO sheWi iliat ever
brought disgrace �pou he profession of
irkably cheap. wo, otte year
IC A AND L7F Fo -bV oi,fine texture and�rema
r Si6- T
N AbA I hree izopies ontr year 7M
F. r ORDA k ............
:IL A, v'CARIT-AL-TWO MIL-LiON. - DOLLARS., -.11 1 Four copies,! one year
Groderich. Jan. 17. - I I -it bestowed
fit" iends - Fiifet-opi.",ottei-ear.and,anvxlra�eopy for xhi*e esis
W. -Tru 0 40 r U Ao. thf.'person iending Ilie lub,mak- insincete.1 -�i t Fiids r hand. 5. Of), 0-.1
4*10;;;tiv Z �F!' A 00
eeither iciise to flatt�r *itb virois *dulatian
I Ing six copies 14.00
-bite in a bi-is' -oros
3 sending the* club,
-In fbr a higher mid Mel- him jo soon im lie k in
ion, LudidW
H!) Ftrn FEET n, tal'Ine'nift'p- EX �-:*),'2.500-000, the per&
0-F LANDS. ND "d
-ing.inne copies .0 7
T Irtak
A Ef
-one yew l5rivate 1 e betaken ind iu whilch Ah
leven co.pies r,.and 4n. extrar
to the person seatling the'
.co aft3e Of h6nor isner bad a p4ace.
..-ted at .1 11
making twelve copies
11ot bove eIut)s,,S2.W each ajournal wboge edhor"would be venerable
rADIA dditions to aiii; of the a
rf!1; the STEAMER CAW N
Ity. -subscriber. Gcidiy�gl,adyls Rook'arld AfthuPs ti.Tbi-ilt-aisif'bis-4chaincterbt:dnotex"ti
Life Insurance -Ample See -111'
ti4orne-Milgazine*111 be each one t -Vith -Wbkb
SWill ran as follows for. 1he batanct- of ilies., intaw
f tte 'season 'b0- ..W.e hrmt., sso club *11h T
Pr This jj tile 17R f 42V receipt of $4
4,D 17 77, 2nY vus inds contemphiliggray Im his vw,
jolherl%lagazijiCorNeuspaper. Thembilevinust
a=eq* ar.-1 -lit' ratiety and entiflia between the retpoetil"
=r of j all be- sent at one
it i e i -able years and xornof b inoTid kpor
a r
-t & 1--Ivlctf�c . 4 . Xine -at -t!�;j 24 crents -a�dditionatfbrvacls
Leaving Goilefichfor rdine subsc. I.Le 3 t,Wasinp V�- -who is a partails in tU
Frompt'll ' 9fled VV ith, out subscriber, Addrew. community wimm
Ilk lif
14,7 psMetil-Ith* mot �Tj one pw1f ey
Refereno'. -to a. BoarEol AND
7 N..E. Corner .5ixth. slid Chestisig �,i reei*, hall tuutwd till to abstain, As a gene? rutes
from any. :mention of -the Rmid inAesii
ART S FIX!I.0 -15th is
NoThe ind,
N -en, beir scribable im
w 16,
TC W. ll ;�E e c 'which fill its frothy -raltimuss Save i oft otkia!�s
IT :;N-orth-i Briti A inrtiW - 1' 34til
s=used, Zfte�er d6w=4 we Am
:In�urandc Co. treated The paper as "dety trWs its
. 1 .9. S`
R-- GD)
farbeamw mum w" vre- couM noi-wallow"
'its 20th
-TR L E:A VE in HE ITINESS is-Abolit tornterM
derick Frouffb0t, W N 011it -Alr. C tubi�r
IV U-IAb C NADIAN - ATE yearms a -candidalli far pablic ilivoibb t);t COUrtell same i3rinciolest-with vrbich it sefwat-itfialm and Idiamelle-0 I
E' NT-, T V. 33vt thit; GinbW
T I G at a. tit
F LAM JOL- ALDA, beingiofi
A isruish, giwl rqading maner, ilnmis�gled -have felt -constrained to evime inthis mi.
W I G - A111A C
T with sectariairl;itterneo orartystnfei..
�Gofj `6, OetA'r 13 !-wl, 1V 'Starct from our usual prattlec"
a-kenthe First PrizeS The I Containe Ili
RET"NUM SAM, DAY Vy telegraph; sussisti;Mtsof newsfrom Canseiani,
e latest news
rit sel�terd arti-
f*c V1 -0fl li IT -1Q+ held* n paisen
-n - B 'ish andAmerica'
-ASSU R-1 I T THE Ii U L ffie leading! I&
Lf-� a,�Za-as; liter ales an currentevents, fr6in,
V A trial firr mr'suva in tile niV
= -, - . - - 12�63* live!- oth -ro of1he world.
ors, anu ai �tu at tire I
E Ili . .7tjoti . field I - n im-ni'lo a, *%�eptemher! The Commercial of Q ep A Aftw W"
:t/-- epartment co in pri sea rellahle ge ijabelft;,
2;.d -es current, re'vievirs; o -Ili a -
LEAVING 0101 OR prit I e an rkers. and. 1- 0 a vl�we b him wm
122 -f und dead
Y- ill A � � �O� P! iti field nd rl�we
. . N . . .. . .1 intelligence. - - -1
T L�:lniourw 11 U%klajUe to u, at the -pit. Mork, which was identifi6d aa 'Iselong*
Ll -e- ak
Befart- ttT1 139
Tombsi "Pable- -* ;�" - ie dep'aTtusent of Family Redi containx a
it) another laborer. e
London nf
4 4111- copious election o jnstfucfivx� arld"intereadi ing.
matter, tales, PoLqry, &-a. atted jqm the
TH: COLON1 1`1 �LIF` ASSU those daTs iminfidisitely w.
'Valsable A&tcultnrid and 11ortl6ulturat!i
--,-e TVVO�vqtar- - anns -at tlie D. 1;1jele. laborer, and asked him if he bad bwa
I CL; arecopi fromlimetollme..
auee-. Wilit ".W - + , S M I
NEXT 41 Z-0=13 field on ap.
-EP meff fo
lizve bucii. tGr th Redue He asA
GO X Y t �as. many sswXhi No They smrebeAtis house, 4� "d A
The A(Kertisifig d pan
VAN "Co.,
M, ZER 4, -to the head,== vrW
and impottint advertisement,. but admits- none ;.Pjijcb orl, belonigi�
-immoral orinjurionstend"o Astainsdof N.'Wilptin it. A-g*utlieviisked
W0 N-0 A Y
-- I .. . . ' .'thi 6ekf- "a J�,
The �Carjadsan MRssei3ger.-Irontainin4rz-a&IeL- I -
tion ofth-e best end shatter bf.the I. -him if be had.
2501-a r anti.. !T 4,Witaess,1 is pub4hed 01 D E? 4 A L it, r -a s �Np the mime anwer. They. marelmd f
-a m rrect Ins-nector of A_, n.cies A. Pe
It is.,dt-
at and foundome lijoOdy'vothisufm1w
P7 :Wlt,one copy gratis to a t-lub-of ten. his bed,
3LO voted Lto Reb-ion.:W. r Hj� wasut mpoii his Idul. Theam wout to
ta.. Fo nd P
01 Rates V to. alitv, Education, Children"s
!'-Otto amia ninceand AgricisLiture; -and.e"-
-D� r kS 1 laikk -Spare,
they AMM
BS Ea, 'Agen 1hir juU theymuld Dot agree
d _4enipe
sequently. is allowied, to e
ZI nd, 180 -.e r�e 1, lih ugb 1h n1 . .& to wart, and the jud,�,e took
D U 7 LL�. 31 R
October 6ih 1864. -wil
t us them the ;indisputable ftf
T R W1 S o doubt he thouthvivere suMi4mut to
L,:L--!e ta L�41jD AGEN rat -De�
-RYe DA-jlv Witnevis, V per'sasnum. hats- anyliody. viz , !be lindin;r ofAlie Ar'hfi()&-
r IS T
t mxaer�ehi. on 'gue?i-
f b the -de f4b- 4. d
,&at SC -p-trt!utqt---, Tlikklou?,Pa - it, , of This ii the. Modireal W Q
uexl.!* at tua ihour 0
same-Absturiliat it has
$2 *'W $1 pers"um. 1he prowees huw, siell as tl* bluw�r -
ima the aiffmveq� of I* 4"d
u rV 10;e�'.Uesf.aj rolit be si6e"a
M'T. XOntg PLANL Al -ILL -1
Canadluk clallies under the -bed. The tvilew vu
T 0 M. S ID X & E ArZ T, - 7 ger, 25cis.
for eleven 'of the juryri
Do'.0ftsand' tMA Aff
jwelfth s aj�asi slier'
tood d repamed
'Onecopy gralis in each llaq for a' elub to faim tke jury o an Adverse
ould-alflixed Club bq sent, vn ot Leallbast we, because thev couldwillgrao,
'.aod the -man ucqt 4ite,of�WheMU4.1
Auation & Ca wii* 13! -e dim;
Papers AvillbeforWitrdedgratipto th -value
r -r
or one-tenth of'remittance.
A&I naxt Dzia�-, to evidenuse, Appailectly ow- V"4"W:
J01MMIDD033ald &,Co., I -a
I All cusimmic Lions to be addremed ter Won-
-w yeasitfter this siny
COURT MUSE DDERICH- -treat Witness, or duare. h ular
)O'U L A, UW the jad!
CO3 131P. NBW
(TEM.-OLMST YN THE -ING lien+ ad varilaie are now prepard
!�Jtrth XV MAI -r long the was
14-1. jj7 -him how it was 1b4t
FaT111 jr extent4 Front thei oWpav
'WAR -Irl
0 -:- - , with the ob He tool" of
f:. -e ta-scit "d to, take in orders
tioll Of- AirreiicIin curiEi and" Ur based to An,
A buij;,, warkmesT, and a tu case ritiltd. - Th- jurymso rejAW t1w
*drew e, and having experienced
lirre nd ielect tdti crin it maf�rial at
AMD) to D. GORDON, 11, first-el"s r, thev ilatier Ili ves ifthe juage would not toll astjrbody until -tfter
aze s'alFar cilin "iYd. of machineri omsei
t7l ILL d -prier.,. is Ito - do a
or?4-15i of areativ rtth ce Kel ailed W hat ithey iiasdo ir
tat- Brillen opr�' in a skillful N 0 T 1c,
n!AT F,7TLF4'5.- -the - "ree4 I,% -utyman eankiand4l"
ma and l. be c a peted wi,th Mi and the j
-ke isturderer. Ev said. he lowid ihe
C>C1 W-C>3?15.
it. hl )ii of the Townshlp�of$tau be w= -t
UNDERTAKER, "Der' crwc>
Y/L Saar attr�zai'e. tro oja revsaUe. ter=s AND atinda! --
C n aL tiw ri. r I unicipal Ejfxt(
'Do. Montgo lie s risla attention to
17 olicits pfkrlic
IttanufRetures Itua Asantr held+ in the SAoql House, Vittilai q1- wan stakling, eiever in Mil Ewid
.-iiiitu, 4=04*4 novv�on banif i coffiplete Fartieiihavig IeYwill he
or Fi;iMsture, a reroolits, qLh 4 -01Wv
the 1W ZstaWsk*tfyztsii Cdnvda. THtjRSj)Xy the 2 ny.(yj The murdeird mie.s lijk-jift
su"g #lamber j^ Le'idie's :a (1 et t his Wa.
Urod -5 - ersQa*.: for -assortmen �rork would do wel to mied; he ttuel,
r If
ton, -ingot st b* assd Ittj -ae W=tjo jnsjW
R a jor the ULL
ai I -rece het-ide whether or mot Law 4SI
eelvtd "10
T, R,1YFrEI..D EST STRZETIl' GODEWC371, LXST '0 wwg B.7 -to AST. that the WdW4 was
T 3EVd.
W11r-il Are 4eas thim ha!f of Ehtr fo rricei; opted
%i�e a! MV ej&* 11L hii W-lork axrm 11sit t"M fiek, =4 3"n
t I .. I , i I -Tables, -'Be stead r, flitbiter. from 6. DO A
�G. us pwArds cjerk, stuley. p0m, =u. in a
GO urien d a. - Ylguantlwoli - i I , i ..
9cautifull;pperl4trus. on Vulcavl�td-
IFIncuev.�, - . I d
5 00 - -fiv1d AliNo4r. 1964. UandherclsK md-Ad *4 Jw
anne and WoqJ,seateil Chairs, Crilt 'Stouldiar SASETOOIRS*
RM Bai 2 knee, untiedlis
ALD, and Lookitiz -Cilasesjn variet. of zid to e*w and r4eve Isim. Wh9a
Partial sehsnfone loollit
L aa,* it al od- 1 00
forraigg sucli a kind AeL * *ftglit piftiNy
P alld IMPOrt6d 11 -p came UcIreft his 2114301�1111 mind A4 ff
Gold Filling ... ... 'DS -ON HAND
A T,.L KINT c4ulltv
on. one- of 1he Uzitf
INF-opg pq on hand camislete qS: fiflings ill p rti fj;�'Wtiais. of mat"Wer- S
PE "n&rs`
...... -oftheTow"hiparstimley in The
D. hits a1w. wtpo `-lie) OT �0 im ift 4-4 P4 -the A -Am VAO
fithe in hab-itait-R Cunties urliuron weth s-irtfient of Also, HEARS.E91 E;- and Bruee,ifrovinoe �01 Cassildii, 1wretW down� hurriedly kfi him, by Ins -e
!o,-YrarbTs Commission lierbhants 1 �
i - -and bas A
S 'Pawder"S'. G; 'Ths t". Toothels That a Miff up ille wrong piwisfork., uad Il his
TO RTRE - offooth in tarms orthe Vnlp�rasite l3nice that he I * stiii, aaafictur nl.
'CW Act of lb64,
itsiber-of his
eng ft it r� 4T To entOrs & �to detetsraw Whether w not 1he
A on katul a -and CordWo"dL -%kjan� I L Dro,-w-. ToothRokpts, strequirrd. v Joehiude When the pan'gol h*ML he
A.- of at witt of Fien- AO ]1311101imng t:5- in ex- Etberand-lChk4oforno 91, red w the said
Pf char -z rhar-e fo e
IN. 1� A r t C I ifin eeth are to trip
_ST OR e forStipaiture.
ity win adtspf�uAdqr suilbont
is issued our of -tier MILLS lie -tool- off and iWAs
IN itiserted. 'ftarriv. rat I ti mid eth Zrfor'
-C*uTt VV2 r Aaid Af4 the B Lww Wing *IUA - W
Gode7ich. 2-thOct-h 1563. '041t.
Pw k, W hU'Y- fjjQjy WM J* V_j"
"asid Bracv, ad- c lariv Zw Attention to his hereby Prj;s=Ly-4-ir;&joPfjon, tC"W
6111111d wit; airiiiitt;�eintii-rcE�-*�ldeatfrox'it W
- : . 'The A401 Alad a4A 9 son
pmj*pside to �r nitted remat By-lAfiir of Uouble to. get lift kindlil It leettlies iberefr-,Jil by trie p� to alort-
4W "d
-Caj,4�'. Coe.' e, wiinr - - L 1. 1 . P 1 S
and warr-fittd- 4&-, e- pinxilsitshed) Ilrithiss ihe Township.
wood k -$I lineider. olisaley, �ffierelsy to save ia riteftle. A lcxxiop�
-n -Wngt WICAIN. a Bw underatithanty 'andfibir A* -
3w, County of H4uwjs, nise *1 the United'Couislio* 01,
Av.t suee Q Usher- Brantford; 14M Jonts.�Wle
t I I A 1, 12 sad I -mL- ST F. A. 13*1 e
-F D DBILERS U, 1).. G. jVjffiout, Md9tineW
4 Astiaxto UL Ink= 'IF 'and Ca6ling a Ue I
T, ploj htt s of e�rerrde- 'I AL '1).. "arich; AcZar MAL
encli, fortaking
hatintira 3 M. HAM
G. Queen!'; 1�. in, a li, '.1%L D-
T* C he �4' zid�n� for fht� saletdf I lk digan's Premium pper and et rij aM9 V)7wntf as W;pz"-
.-ver yet the St De-poL; West Sttee�-, GodertchJ`... nis *w-tsbler "1116461111114"Wiment
ttnj; p w -b I ve "t Z ateAl � V 'J.B.Meachai I obw field % D.- D. IS.- B itaford W.
ard-0 10 Ain
A lbaugh DO
VOWE -Hr"W1 'me Mint W= "WAitnew arthaam
Hundred "d S:xtvfbbr..
ftsica) W131FILT."
., ( By 'D
)D & aW over 30 admir Elemim r,", as a Sm 0fic --&T IL �11, 13iq h!,ve ust-A them
R A N U- C 0 I, �Xl
q.. God'
tnps,, c Goaer:cb April
FOZ'ffrilp-lat �aud, - Ir Lfiad tt $9 fwnmbfpaq�� row
Miss, n iss -rich. ltjl� A 2�= COM -
'AT Be - - ff -.1de
Ace"lits ir*ihmted. of any Lurid en Per, �4= fta stem. - Thete
fliM Wja M=re possipt 9tteall-Cill.
artmept.2n, liand &6p. 25ev card 'in MA Ar, tm Wk q( 0w I
r." bo- jmde to rows,
sot* 29A
19 bew
NG krodllmich. 1�ec, 4. IM, 74&�=
E' 11:115L&I" 4GRNT11" 3)eb='"M- icide. &illom he*
D� 'A. AT -0 0- N
W Leave for bar. 1% is yaw 1--sx,
fj KSVn "eemed tT thesubscr
X.7 flw purchase 4a -SW -Woiiim of bo'bents"W et 4 wkh *e Syr"&
'the limmisesot. Geo�. tbe VA*e bf Ki benlig f,6r pur-1
Grvmc psoffitivand, _TAVI, To
jit.- Ivralm Ptuts,,&cof everr di
r Mat ripti(M a" -how �ofa PaNic Zembesety. IT'*,e Poselsam msm for the eau -soft of 60 011c"ON
who Is
it�da,.(,*oaua3wiamer.lortit*�ixt4, A"vitsia � IV returned ft= furnished on: yle. of viorlzmanship.
ring eiii-(who Is It
4 -Uhlasuar
er, 'Teals D
will be [0 -short aotiize' and at The red
*01 tbAl jW -e-mAxA: of' Bindingand Zelllemlllw� a T, Aesk with 1"01161M swv A ta philis 'lpha With AJarg SALE in ZOUPOW attitched. fornel3evniem 0171%lie"Mit bx&
tjGV *1111on
3N W -1 ade jasils, into :I - - - - - -
Dee& llwt,- iir�aro topurnish auk- EL.. ecTa4t� :The.bwne -to pro" yeady'an the ;Fmfy ia
"$ M film, her "&y. Amm Ibm hofs
jis&= Ni r Allprepaidraw tauj�Majea ji ver mutoheap.
at reitAubit. ties Haaq'ino' Ite -er JMWASY MEN
'j torial), L atu r.i&n , 1P
wers stad dw jZ7 !s �Yithund wim. low of jandary
all Ouds-sizeanil StvJf - - U
AUROMIL16S ilDvsi�psf -mom
Appl-T ta ly, W)US
in L Well thesfio no, W. -74, OPLAM.
All kindtof
W41SWI9. Oct0be
r Ist.
RAW e Wpilijv*fter (Ch&W
Zetaxier 7th, n".