Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-29, Page 1,e om.
Bad End of an Heir to an Earld'
The London Daily Teley�qj& says:—
The heir to the Earldom of Wicklow late.
ly died in Ireland, at 24, Dolphin's Bam
�41 Lane, Porto Bello. Dolphin's Barn Lane,
is a slum, and number 24 in that regiort is'
106 of an order better [understood than design.
ated, kept by- one Mary Lloyd, whose i.9ecount of the demise of Captsin W. H.
T TI, is likely to rcceive. Mary -Lloyd tells her
r Y - I I oward is all the epitaph his noble nalne
wa I 16fillon
cir-1, R -Aa Vil�.!i'� title simply. From New Abbey,Ki . � I
mily, the capt.
where he had a wife and fa
7 "The Greatest rossible Good to t113 Grdatestrossible Ifuniber." catue to.her establishmentsick to Jeath.
R I NG etor.
III- W. T.1 ,11d Fropri -was burned with drink, tUs
His stomach
noble scion's, and his body *oru to pieew
with debiuchery, and so,� by the instinet
J 0 J-5. 1 of the iife lie liv�a,be came to the old haunt -
-,DERICII, C. W TUESDAY, NOV. 1864 )VOL. 3.--N
T S I X CE R F. T H A'S KR 1Z.
4 enetn-wzemept he bait 'r N: N� -JN A G J todie. 'llhe treatment his disease re-
:-A-'� -6-1- in Gode,-
L ceived was simple also: when beeaRed for
��.ewe f%er otte-hall a _r __7 --- f
�'!I- XQ' Itell'Gonr; having, I %"� . I - : whiskey lie bad it, and when be called of;
tat, tit t Or -'IT f 1.- 7 j �:r, - I I & 166 -1. 60DEY'S LADY'S BOOK
T Dt ad-thattoo. andthen more
DR.A-W�)"A. _. brandy he h..
1 0 1 tj 11: Lot^ 7
)HY"111 5 1111. 11T C I L I
whiskey; the intuatcs of ibe place had a
The Fashion Magazine fbir the'Worl d prollessional regard for Billy and showed it
lass htgasively
1 1, tz-11. `11' 1 ft"I v. in thLs fw-bion._ After a day or two of
t omrl K 1,
-y -'Britisli Imerica R1 __S1
M T S -hiong, The 'ety - his voice got
!r%!-c"ass D C HATURE, Fine Arls.and Fas such Mgim"nd koiii
ki g . NEW_
e Co. DRUGS, '30, 1
nost ninsr'irit-ent Steel En-iravings. Double
-'%IVT ezWe W* n
Cutter i; x% x 1, 4, xv i %-N, C. Mv'. Notecr'nni. ciiiff oirwc—' L7E
I ' weuk4r. and his face -clianged so that Ihd
earr.eif orr. (,t* I mr Un-] en- Fashion -Plates,�- Toilet, for the rarior sending,
Z V\ P . l,roidery, Articles lot womeo *ere toficich a idoctor.;,
rnN1cd 10 ill W1, rt, Ni pro.' 10.).000. STEAMER "CAKADIA11
al: *t)-ays') . . . ! the.Buidoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in
Lmer--.ana ha�lng beew B` Wj 04 'Billy 0j eked and thib they 'blibod him
v1s Book.'
�,ua: F-.q:a.1'-!;sbinents irt -.t..-,:"!.%`lt-'L. filet, to make a coinpfi&te Lad
gW ill run as follows for the balanceof flie-1
li� A R DE e- food -with
...... . t10 take a Pitt] 5W
Ali* tOt a N
seasox�: firith sueh inducement his -stomach
The La:dy's Favorite for 35 years
'BE R lniurant-" Effi2eted at-Lomv Etates.
001! -E N IN, h n abre I.O.CoMpOt t. 84eunber6d at it ;as Chrilaollber 1�6ifh des-
�L SE with i
t -j i' [agazitie aRbe 4
-hof rdin I
Goderic or Ki0a -0 attenapt it. e6bes,ra �,zimilar ca,�Fe; �iivd naore d
rint was
n2! 3[j Leaviii
XA 1Z I g
1- A N,:, -e:13;0 it; 7
tocrat btaa
-01 -1-Is VjW_C1MUPW91 admit &1 orecf, till't e a DA0
T" G)D" --,' tv 7. VSQ2,. 4�
f R "' (S:u(,-eeSsoTto1L. .
jff. rC ci,'crieh. C. W, J
--Zlravv S, 141 tl,�-2f tl�-, _L1 - . HeynIqs)
;L An ramble i;f _n
his rzj�o!ch- 6b -hu'libifn of
f Dr -i e�eu- dinia -nC of.'a household These
itme �9'
' iie are worth the pi -lice ot"the Book. Model'
-so. innocerii even its
A. 11 Ea t
:__ - - - . I - %
frams, Orauing son
I 75i S _&U XR? A 11Y 0 C04ages (ifo other
-th itothin,
Ain -azine gives 1hem), with reen fields
P T O'N ! - - I
Jor th -8irJijh-Ti'.s elia -�-tut fancying hit
_Jje"1rX �ov"XK% dial
Kes s e voting
Court Holc$e re 0 at the tap of
1:X r S'4a .1 G div ie7� 4altywith (tridev- Joriglual 11 a- public, ouse a pving
-idt FTERY -A . -, -ijuespublish 0!d
r0i- lil.� Anftber.spe,( b
wou 41. re -
I wor(h SSA year,.. Othe� tapa --ly bibulous -,orders. Bj-Q-�je
-Br:,isli 1-10, d mtVorn-out music; lint the subscriveis to Gt4cey reeke'
& canie the struggle. �tnd the Tattle In,
let inf�_O!_ t K-111 Pat
-,tit-he*i,re the 1jint!i
die fi.�uoibrr pectiliarity-with 14odey. Fa,li- lary Lloydi who had
Itful ()ui! i it -�11 r. J, jil. Grarpo-.N7s Law_'Ciriain� - 4 '
W.i, v'. i the throat; and, 3
iolp, fjorn. -Alessrv. A. Z StewarLt 4, Co.. of New
MoRda,'Wednesdayznd L ldq, L11 S
03N T, l.,:
i'JA (y 1!,.
tll� 411pirterl,l'
ever -e�u am fin die before, -could- not
Work,-ttie milljofiitir�,ti)�reli'ant.,-.ap,�ear in n
i Jk ui . - I . .. - . . I . . -
- . : .. j -r .1 . . 1 .11 . (11 N T--. D. 1-*,vj U G Uagazine, Lliat.basilliell!, so 'Fatzhitlas
i I 'I' ) ), j� Jr A
-AT- 0 Pr,�i jj.�T T
the onlyl what it mearit. But it meant the h-
':�7_ 1 - I A 0
-�&'oni the celjebrali�d Btodie.ol 'ew Y 'rk. Jad;e'
ot -some end of a'bad lifb; it mettift, a 000l
13,innets. We give indri 0011c a year than..
It. It., fact, Me adVs Vodk going
J100tilj, mutt N. ail rusae,.%. every lady to te -hero*ji bowi.�'t maker.
eiiablet of a Dolp1jin's Barn, and ffom the attett-
odrom. the t�ndtrnew
i.aked to G
Avirr_ 0loon. ttions of itswiotelied barem; it ineant-a
cc A707je !13 cc patli I-'
iE CIL- C 1VU owl) 11
U 0 W, MP4 &Y El gentleman by birt. and breeding pulled,
12 le'et PP d y his o* miserable, -thoice --of x
tee in r. Law Chambe
Nk t month+ -and lorno-In e.r ell
0 &Q I h - career to die upon the co.0 of it c6urte-
00MRIGH rites for -0 odev.ea
lea7i g4he dctomu�d the, eoronees
-r Pe.1, inagazill r
\V� hii-ve also. retilitted all on old and. Zan, 0
Ordersfrom. ibal men pun;vtually attende0to ontributors. j:aiy to inform us that th nee I
ite ic
< ie care
4.wj 27 1 v r IOU'
Tit there w,.;a s-roi6 with drink gu.d Twaich
Iptions carefully RAIS' OF
. I 'and r6ady'.Tor death Vithout the
I.' I ery,
Goderiell.Jan. M. 1868. JIL 'GOOEY'S LAWS- 800K,
A Ml� FOR 18-66 41
'0 7 . - - ist
.149 'Do�% - R 0 tX. F_- 71 �E FL (F -Aiehihee can1e2z4riDevjat- V as anaq of unlimited vhi s -ch co.
Film 1,1FX 7N
Thefollowil, -.m% of the Ladvls-B ok
il, T! LIGHT g are tfie let Story *1th a Xoral.
at,tlie followitiz Due.notice wiv be gir6n
M 0 N.: D A,Yt
cxplil C;��
for 1865, AL'Oresent,*e wilhe�eiv,
oAT ntioll
C 0 if -we are oljligedload�anee,-41uch %-jlldqen d A younc, intin who W1911
'Y -LA11". OTL.�%
upen tne prive of I)apc;r. 7- y) met with the follow-
faiiialffil �e
h. 6 C
W., Is -A suranee. CO. of F to voulli, ja
'00 One &Ypy,i oil.e year $3. in, invident. 6tie.of his vi
7 copip-81 500 Reing-invited -to the parlor to await the
Fluid, Lairtpiwi. � 9
3.0' C)� one y
Tw Car
-e il b hree-copies, om, year 7-00 ludy's 4pji'earati�e, he rutertained himielf as
Fo a e. y
-ople-S, VANEVERY & RUMBALL, .-Fourt
N'- be§t he might for some tisne, and was becom-
C' -.,p c Five,eopje,-R,orie-)'(�ir,andli'n extra copy
not h. nd F� J10RDA
50 ode i' 1, sw63-wI1 a hitte girl
T Goderich, Jari� 11, i
C r ch. Octobe tt,'the person sending tbe club jnak-w very we.
rdt�. 1. .1 , about five f f b 117 fe-lili Um-:
at it
14.'00 jerrs old ipped in and begeu a von on
Z.-: verW
d ail extra with him,;
coples one year, an
Copy to. sending the� eh
�1,can Aways tell" said sW, (whenyott-w-Ir.
-ing jiine� copies, 0
T inak
DENTIS 6 ar. and An extrit.
leven coples ne yp
(P tell it 'TV Fl U R I N Gi ng os, 27.50
to the pinson seadin -I he e 'Yott canT he replied, land -1how 46
o g0mery,
T- V_ nt
Fir Additions toany of1he aboe
Why, when you'are going. o he herf
Ladi,�s 1look ild Arthur's
ubcriber. Cy
SUPOICAL- 0'- - I . -1 � _t . be,&,his to sing anti get good; isjw gtv
I-Io'me M Tea tmke and fie and anyi
ogazini-'siill he .4nt,�"ch one, r, on amd she,
A.,% r; 4 `4 50 nY sin We hae. no chiliWill, a o sweetly -when I speak to Iter -she
Tr The monev must
F� F in 25tli ex% spaper,,
one lime for anv Club. abscritier., m ust send 24 vents daditionalfiry here all the mite -then I would hate 4s good
ofb stinie so pjeasant.'i.. I wish you would. all
a 13 12,!A 7V rip 1 2� jr -
time. - But 4olcn�you gADff-sibler is not 41ood.
su ess
A� wgiy�
:.y LTG P161. She gets inad, and' if I Imk her for �ajOung
k 1% i "OUr 'C -SQUABE, '30DERIGH
--------- -7 iT E WSE X. E. C&norixth and Chestnut A she siaps and bangs me ri�.,�t aboui�
us a poser for.ibe younr it6to
PhilAdelphl Iis
Nov. I bill 1864.- IF, oulsand childre tel I jhe Atudi
nas-or 2- -Pala-
aken d, e dern
,atr. L - - I . . li� And takin hisiat he 14 and reiarned
:Var. hsed'
tion of Anierican erienevanil pnrd.
it wo�lliv tyr t:l,. -ja at
no more there.
�du�ed -now prepive'd to do all
and L&tusesj a",0v othe iq �a q, -,
In. i*cfo?
RE, SONS, All. .4NG NE ZXU=t
Ii;.. ri 0
Wit i-vr M oYrf f 11, For Ra "e. p
et. Ag
:'St, Paul-Stre j, D. L G K aid not to! b& c m - vied with iii 9PA a AND
U Zj As the earth. mi Tilore ully sud
a W occlipled by. inan,.many vareties f-wid, ant-
Pwfeiree. Dr. IvIontgon
is plirticulat, attentioll-to
17"iun'3 --the following
%v,, mals are likely W be ome, jextinct. *!Thom
. I . B
N PAT E h b d itt former ages at;a no
T -T T ug -only As lossils and so
I of 111P orintr prices
RM less 'than fill'
ff- IMF JG A P, N ES _U1Pk>W ry
WM SE WI% itte-em. to'be passipgg into. the I;aw*
2, 2 4'. wr 4L Apply to
f S vus, ou
Dodo uAd the no IpMr
5 Do ljP-.Vhrdii:, -7 . found
Itu'blier. froin it 1rizes
eii W. E. G-:RACFj. Hayetak 0 F*
t. Exe.-er. 00 ie wi, or 'oubl Tor; 711. 1864. alive� TJ ter Goderic Is w4lsw19 Zealand, it last disappeaiihiF.
AL EXtllj�ITIOX held
'foTl T'
D -D. OW ff LIFE -ASR RAM o, 00
t 1.50 .11 THE PR( fbN
00 .9
Alontreal,6epieniber J4tli,. Ibth� 16th, 2.11 Audother great apes, 4&ppdjW:W Im owing
17(ir ev� rollil -tooth.."
AS D and also at Itie I
17tjl, I hb3, the same cituslPy As well as t
-lion and t*xr, once
JL Bea beld in 1Mi)495t6n, $epterillier
a% w4 ilti� B � he beavaq otter,
50 wolf a'nd lox. - The
ond otlier:riflimv; in propurliolii* 23rd, and 2$tb and 25tb, I b63'. I riz�s -8 0 b sy now
I t a.) numeroxis in'PalstifteatidAt *a
22 1
cQ-auter wo-re also aiwTtled ja us. iit -the L a . 4
-of Parliament." lihilar 6
IT 1"XiftLeling t�vlb ............. 25 - .
unknown tho
je.. Thd --O&PUA4 probabIr.
nto in
Proviiieial Exhibitr6n' jeld'in Tor _1�62,and
-e, �Uji xhibitii)n -held -at London in. �3M4 0-W3C-Vr-K oner bcomeextinc4being-pumued jd14
. .... A (jr1lin XN i teg, Toothaelle
will so
1.9 ICIE at the Piov 6al B.
_1D 0=
Drap.c. IOU?
slau.:htercil- i9t; for sport ilone, �6r its
Ether and UldoTofiorai 1111ninji4tered ww llcq d
�n 'been Gi.e ly Rediteed- 1 ca -0.' 20 T 0 V) X T U -S T 111. EE TURQN TO- N -L - ..t . 1.
0 H, ITSOT5 13� 'n t bar, b ivory alidus flesh so ih
T. t�-, old -elh exitaet eu Prices lar it
1,i,a;;;ent% &c. may be
ig�eried. Pani -s tint Wllycall h4re artificial teeth hisertkil over ih(; rh, r 11, I -D L NVT
W it wil-,
giu�dens and mettagenes., I linQ in
tap ivit ttut
1 z
r 3 lias,too many voilits, and. see&
too much food -4
nin Refarinces am' kh�4 Per! nitted,
'r4 SKITH tVi;her. joll,.s, )Ni -w York i -
I L E A V E N -AT A011.
XAUJa �Djktjn tU
Y W. It. linie a couph
A C11 -010E. A.$S -OF A- 8
G o d� &MI C I 'CID UN-00IDABU1 ot 'our ill
4 n. . . ......... tA ag TSIA"M
EN T Ea t -Side, I rke
joined in tlikholy WediookbM-Thm
Di-&,&antford- W.
G�oderlchi NOV* 27. ISO MW25%,z
fre(tilent that. zte:co�din- to. th(l J - b d niuk Just, two doggs, which ftloweil
J; Me
)ontdd,,,, Esq..
FOR 865'
41L. proVele against -1 he iru. D..!,T(?fijnt0 ; .1, baiidsof
ofEnglish : ' DURIES' .1 Kqij W: - se emour! 1te Apqctato Moriii,
J. Fair, W
EVI,;ftV_1 VVL I
q q 3 ':V. De E q *a Xm to C30 .
OXX P 9! JVE.lS IN- .1 .,Lewi 'Esq.,,Gode� G atelsome rat poison which was in.
K, flar s , - e I :
a suppl. tende
Chewed Qdrme y
',LY BY C, halt ay t Ju Receiv otthe celebrated
C05S ri S
-C G May 23rd. I T died in leis tiniehan Ulkes to v fto tlfw-
account. Thegropwauiaa&
ROAD-- RIVER,- OR 'i Al L 1' -F 1� ring, The ladkowith a nimbleuess sitonishl
Ah -a d
CFO to beho!d Jesped tbe cummutrioii -m
Jr.1- su"lied 'a WA61& eff -0t out o, 11to hubelky Wit -oar
untry Store �ere their oil to
r way as be
rn or lnthe'B.04, 4ra ,
4() csr� . OU ot'hers *crambled 1hei
W-0 %- c 0, 1 D P - * P
Lfn;:�q A X& 4GrJC>X313W'PL31 - -
PAD MARC And a z:-, -or- at Holili, WAR
ets US
inay bv! proVided against by taking. out a lr%ey Sash, Do'. ,.qwd LYTO _-ARWVZ,,THK could and, t6i thtir exit. thr04t 1114 IV"-
inthis Qompany�
'CobsideiaW*xcitement 4=46AW Attho
0 r.. It V W
-i:; , ��; s t , C W. suffli.
GO th weekly." timi-, tlidge preseptbelievii;g AW 40W to be
.46 obtained EXANAOXOr
it 0 ;4 cage ofd sab.lement.can. FA [4W�
�g,i. . mad; but �so soon as the cause -of "rAftth
11rice -We -
was made known, tbe-ofdinal- quiftVas r"_
A John McDonald &-Co, I tored, andhe c6rern.ony #roVwkW-fwjthou$
Agent, C
It's, 4 on. .__ - - : � .
oil, 1 arch 22-d. Ise
ichoot Books.
Two pomonswho had n6t seen a-" ot
11VFa tory,arenowpreparc.dw a inorddrs'
-7 tony extent. - Front tfieir long expeirience in the
OUN . Ty. --d -anda et
in aDine time, -m
VVELLIERY __r 'businebs� and having experienee workifien., liv'riting Papers, the o W
ther�ho' be did. Tba ol7rcep
C T I U L B F I EJ.D_, first-cla&sset of-marlimery..
A-4 V,-unty -if flarom Sa�es ia vil'agi, or cointiq Wall Papers, he ivadvor 1, jLud W puuned ifoas, floy
that, tlieyvan do've
T_ W D, A C omp ON theyllattertheniselytii; wel _Iied tb&t
N V F Ft - tDAY urail 'GO - ce C ny Do
ounvt _v ililoY.Wt $0 laxi n eich otber.
4T)tat is- frobd new�, io&41-*04 Ow Ldy next hwmag. Asirmi Establislimentft P ell a ied- a
3 UND RT tit Ma we Fie
T 0 - . . - �Wt goy
lil'y Ic KERt.- yloo&
ErXf.%TpjA r AND LIFE Ali 00dical
uz, 0� FIRE
I 0D]MC11 e'yenfy-� 37111ur;Gro-venor Street, Southampton. 6awrda. 'Fartiethavi Z1 e
acturep. aria 'a
'*cLuth.aj u is arerooms,
d a-bornplete buld do to "That is ud.,
Maiial' s -n �r �nh xork
eift oi Furnit
DOLLARS,.�- assoilm' NEWSPAPE-R3 OUT -
NDot so i-er bdd eltherfor I
1 7 udus thou-
CIK X_ -j WEST STREFJT ��JG 0 FRI -AND saiidolla"i'S ivish her.'
7 Is on li-sta0ettme to 60nxtatt ul.ated T, it Ic hand, z$5 000,0100. 1hereisal
D A I W. TIO X EE it. fo r 1-1 UR62N
T JC NJ. so any qUWfitity'.0," 'Ili!- that mokes it well 1%44k.'
0onnecting - . 47'To-t 'k to
and j�cs gales puntually attended to. vim TaIll
W56-lyro. fas BiireAlis e B4 iteads,
N 0 WIXINGS --cii a It"Ac. a sho
an Crilt Muldibg SASYN't DOORS -a dW 4
- mad, Annua, Exe 4i $1,500,000. So tunnel i
E ixa done a;14 -�jzirrarlted-'AiwellerN
to order. 'WeMit -myz o wn- ce eon -
ma drety o.
of - T
i't 5 s!,, . - and oil 41M
Cane & Wo,
wav at 6-tratfora, QaSSis, i1i f, f ITIRE.G.LINT0120
oorto UME -4 a' ed -at thd Zl� 16t was bA m!
VAWEVE1%Y &IONBALL o -d Staflvd,'41-11 if thurance� e eat
so- w-'ejIber *r I jolatu-wm for
_4-�q D
_an - . __ a 19 K RAT -r sistent. with safety. r I
ielolrw � 110me ON H
nle Is -
D. a Pat cloitor-A& r nt of UO R NUS A 11 =AIV So traw. the iiimeymid, Ww boojw biArmA
�?,mEs 1, 0 Iry
Yu �dlders
Carpenters.&Bi a in eXr
0 0::�-Lu`tnber an ord a0d, I tako
MOST OFFICE -5. Lt 1 1
-0 HIRR d 0 liv PH)
Lif 111911rallCe —A YUIL
sion-Yerchants - I 1p, thica the **p owt =s.! -
Clintoh Book Rote
11way at Twiffw m ro
WM1UtTqSt' -ate
aT To.' indeed, mtwt
'Without chanize fo:r Fiirniture. -IdoWn 4"insured
'glettled *D iNut so grot X U -so, 1**M --y*q fo j my
Ca.. 1863.' SCOUNT FOW THEIR- WORL wife was Ourned willi jW
'C Pron�ptiv
Losses W21
VA X e -V h 3`7 Godprich- 17tho
-ir . L LIBERAL 01
k) A.M.... 11 .40 T ef6rencc-*t6aBo0d.0fD etofsw... B06764131NDIK
rox'WIr -10
iffARLE-S PLETGHIER� G01MRIC TERMS). OX- T -D, GQZJ�7- iorregoodeftee
IV' 14.1 11q Rt X'ORkGOR, Boo injer ina- ifevurac- of the'lAndon Tftiii Dr *96111bean te&
th,lortakitig tiom� =-let be -CA -SH.
r "it" _bjj r n M
kX G rin Qtj, n's 13enc Without Distbw f. (V��o etair 04 (to
........ 4.2a Om
LA -10f erii _aVq .. - __7 A . - - . . .
'14jrr jr -an
xvit IF
p1lita, --Jpbia with e Atick of',Binilin
-Aeniemberthepl'oe� terial), I anipi�jmred touyniA riaAk.;
ry The m4t
4biesf ;neu
Birnmrs. tng 311571, Bwki ds *jth and Witu- tiall, Trijibmin, i1i _C"X&1 DArcy
1AT r
&Per yeaeo. is a nienniiie, abe 016a� ad, 'Dip
161)tt 1civine. TO -IftFO-1.111 out Pritited Headings, at i�ji Pei
12S,J, J)t every Ion#
0 'a" tria 'iVAudovei,
T. 0 F A L` 41
.......... sc i T_ �4 1
coo. Con Pthe,06011ties offfijron than Toront W_�%yi&Kov AWSR *SHY
7%T 1 . 1* BrUeeLfilat lie 1 * lil� -on W
6 '�& !Z X.WJ0 doc, TB 16AVita-04-0 ot
rank Ju.) AM ...... 1&4&. A Reg and Ca:jjill A ving'-sf. 1110i ill Nr he ms* in �fitror of jkevo
*tilireyan ber, ke. an( - stilLimliura ring, amilins Hkindso Cinji4nolgi
Im� -are, a
Peterson's for _".171ptlott. in, ct;ppelr and She�i fron W
436i, 1 4 Latei
h h aid a it u inlier t 18 ots, for Fale; par� apfley"Iq Le. s I i e's and (+otl�rje, 'of his bi'repaireJ free ofebarge.
Vrow'4 L 2 pot, We A
to parch 1*46.w2l
.. .. .... r. all GRIVID
br-,mte, octooe the Stov Ue he t&4 vitst Avetksi�nVdwllbw wais
el. fiz I&F� f
Ncw fA W
4.10 -Air ]BUTI" S. SM KIA NIN
Oki t.e1114-4.7 L OIL MILVA PUMP&I
-9 flie subser; ler -�firftf
:jaw I'S I ; abouilb,
to can b4 -,L ho found
..... . ... OW I ron, C6p.-' -d tention 'to 'vpwhr��r lad. four Stairalwo vens old POK, betook Iii
1, pa 'W LT - - le li4ei�y hii iought.L-i-1 Oil Lainpst ONNE _- - .4; free, Wheat slit
not adtfob"Pe" routo Deb For S ale.. -,there is one all whjW Aem With
the iber bas a a, 4nd A *a
per, gril'SS maid r of
i white tacit
DE PART -NEW 0 "178,703MSTONRI, flhcet nd- wlifte. TheV JMpCjjs1#uprejb*q;
I a #"fiewtb 'Ssgn� eheim� �&cl _.T�Mpj j, e fd orde
a aw 14r%49� '
atg, cock
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31`0 while Vot oa the
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a Wuh every ro- thesubser-ber a
-'*IFFEI' Iereived7 AN �e 'r a, iastreet flw4s, &.c,.o otgy A nn and -are all br#nded w1i -. tbe Jettcrs
t"" j or escnpti
Will i. V4 is %%iortn or Uebentureq of I/Ow -ft., I . - . L ibe liorm! _&nrrerson finding A=' anof Ukiar
purch, -furnished on thn AWCds'hW -the
U- iA44- .
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LStvillbi by for - - W^ A man 614
A� E;L ism, tw co
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or (,he, Vur- U44 &ajjjhria R 1W lag wortflo-meortatlieftA4
of I _:_ .. tH -h
bein; f LAW. d themin, ntri
liamentax y -Agent; .1 illa_,,Pe short notfC6, auL tit lbe loWest P6000, AtAftwificing
anj arif Othat Par the TU -in de for eRh.'
Liberal redtiction a 1, W11 be- paid loi-,beir troullile.
i, tery. The De Yom GLQ4erje
a 49n'4 Priemium, jqi*t r -4A lwixf, Shia inftjilim ehase ofa Publi IjIlited lgent
t.) 2OLh Jannitry, 14. and have AL50i-1
yet -0
are payable an t.] ud is d
.01 _1, hic4ybas.never 'Ail, OBOE Ji of wwbiw
A antl ndulit ITTESDID T 0a to Frawre Am
red Isatisfaction., �a farme" -be
WITII T119 I - ry. Mid July in -an be proau from Lb'e- fiLl e ive go ats &a. thay to_894110 -
09 aays of anua C it' rolt 13111100 T)VATOR, W
*m"tolekw: My
vearliton thti I btq di WAwx6osbp
dety to wt *%Q, XdT erowil falvfs asil, (4her Governinent De- halid U*4 thj!niq
DD -
a04 ycar� Ira L
T4ke_4 otift-PAlvts- ror Invenitons.— _; $—AT V0
ON,1eeve. 06UUt3t AttOr,
Bill, -ur(d,- ib* d %t ra r$W" Poderich - SerltembOr 29tb) 106k.
for Parties. rasliliJiq iW gjncgrdine �arch'fth, 18.64
:M.", t
406;;Wt m W_�
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