Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-18, Page 2e 4tron ;q4Ignia. GODERIC if. C. W. NOV. 18, 1864. TIM CONFEDERATION. - Already its is remarked that while other countries are being revolutionizedbye- the sword, a Revolutien, a peaceftti • thus far effeetaal has- been effecteil..it • _ condition of :the Amerieaa vinees. -We are Prepared to accept „ heartfelt thankcultiees ell • that has done tewardS Wading up the eletnen British resources and-BrittSh feelin . . this oentirient into a grand uniett,w every -lover of Me_ ceatitry must pray ultimate in a firmly-eetablished Nat e.eisterice. We enust-feld thet the Re ' tion: initiated is cens.Ntaat with a hisel ilizalion-Und a higher 'Christianity, be must reserve our Deant or deiiiht • til the lustobjctiotr isedisposed or and last difficulty tided Over.- _Po the -re ing mind it is evident that a great s hasyet ter* performed- before the Nation of the..NOeth in fully leun uperi it career, and we Must not f`eitil "prised if,. einee the Coafteleratioe sch hag been eltvidged, a good deal of the • timeeectiooal jealotreee, and sectional Indica should be 'thrown into the dis sion which ts sure to ensue. The Lo Canadians are not, it would appeare gether satisfled'with the arrengemenie - posed. They tr.eatbie foretbeir local' in tutioas, becausethey fear that the gen Goveradent bailie-, a oreet acceeeien purely Britieli members mity eaereise pewer of :veto in such a manner as to lif,y the action of its local legielatare Hence. the oppogition of 3Ir. Potion,: of the ablest men_ia loiwer:Canatlii, ha what must be set down as elegant balder dash.- But Is it possible for a condi writer to give a true, picture of Londo Society, as witnessedi by thoughtful fre- quenters of Balgravian saloons,. without laying before his 'readers a great dealof exalted nonsense, and the polished chit chat .which in such cfreles stands in place of both wit and wistlino ? The best course is always to rePresent such_society just as it is we find. it,which Lotidon Society certainly see doesFor sale at this office. . e Pro. GIMItet131As's:-„At AGAZINE.-Tirc Con - with tents of the Noiemb' r number are . The been BriAtot Church Co gress; 1 Belieie in Le of 011 hich will ional volu- e'te iv- tvune the fleet- vork New cited, stue eme old- pre- cus- ever lto- pro- Tnal of Muller. , The Loudon papers of October 28 and -29 a contain very full reports of the proceedings at the trial of Muller, for the niurder of Mr. Briggs, which commenced at the Central Crtminal Cour, on. Thurklay, Oct. 27. The Tidies. of Friday, says: - the Comintinien'of Sarnts ; Our Bishops and I.)eatts.; The 0 ever %Yemen - of the Family ;:. In the Autunin Twilight; Penny Readings! ; . Garden Recreations; - A Re- - r gitnn Domini;- The Bird's Nest; . The Milesttiiie's of Life; _ Dilettante Science and. Philosophy Made Easy. 'Cliewett & Co-, Toronto; . T. J. Igborhouio Gode- rich-,• - , .-- . ,• . . IIARP.Ert for De ember 'has_been laid . , upon our tablc. by gr. Moorhouse. -: We _yoke this Negating chiefly because, by -settle means, .(fair We hope). it 'gets. hold Of end publishess fipin month. to month some of the- best and newest _works .,iif the English -novelists. ITU present number contains:the openin.4. Chapters of a -hew tale, by Wilkie Collins, besidesa cOntinua-, Oen of Dickens' Sto'rere and other intereiV ing matter:- For s: le:at the iWgita? office L . . , Book Stbre. •r - • SAID ON bIIMPTOWN. sti- ed' 10 A.' 3i -Our tty has been throwii .. of into intense eicitem iit. toeity-by the ap- the' -pearance '211itside the harbor of a piratical' iul- ‘trott--elael. ColOnel,Skulli-nasher has organ- ,- ized- a hotiie-guard f sixty Men and -17.' nue boys, and we hope o keep the enemy off ck- till four retquients- ere from the east;-;; ber Seentugs are pa liefrol ditOe melted with c'es ;glens; aed. if the iroli-Clad approaches she ter Will be -knocked 1 to ' everiesting atoms. . . , . . s Cal, The town is in a se' te of great :therm. er - 2..ti. u., ----The It.' n -clad is tirtkiticr Si- 1.- 4 0 _ 0 l': - nals, no doubt. to ettpperheads : on -shore.- Tr:titers are. in our Midet. . The pirate has a fnost devili411 leo. li".. . Sliie Is iqtppo,sed . to at be the /lire Heinl. e'etti• 1919"thilf 'lines: P4.F` u- Chased by the:Con etleeates to prey upoe S Upon. our ebillm. ere . ..ii. usinds4s is -sasPeri.- I "Q;_., ded ittul '11 the belis..tireeinging feriouelys of 1 All the-seloonA, ttr deipited; !old - things ,, i ,ee - - wear a very gloomy _aspect. . Every ni e,*.1 look at if-lte Wouhl sell liit.life dearly. CO - ed as be will he by a considerable num oftlie Fr-Orich neenhers, whose apprelt Ken ofeoming evil will perhape be grea than their confidcnce in the *pond sagacity Of 3Ir.. Cartier. - Front: Upp . Canada, ne L. r ee:rtain rani Whigs th may at any moaneat'break out tato. eiole opposition to ties Confederation echte Or certiiin portions of if. • We believe th if Upper C1tnatEt esittreI .of Itepresi.: tation i'eintlation with evesard te. local athtirs witl.out having to pay t • dearly, for the. whiette. a Vaet majority its populethete.artil lee in for the (ler heart eaeti, but it cannot be coneeel that people beein eek qaestions, whi • must be ensWeeed to their seti;factitea • they ban support the selteme in its entir • ty., The easy Ueeerameof will be bast! upon theRepteLlieen prieciple. We he a.lready of Pederatien, a Senat..., Power veto, &e. theni if the democrat Clement is to be :t1p011 strongi Wily is -it, people ask, that ale attempt in be uncle to rush the'' new constitatio . •through -the different kgislaturee witho an appeal of any 'kind being made to th people who are.to he governed under it We do not eternal/el tbat there should be general diesoluttert of the present Ifouse of:Perlizzatent, but we -do. not; on the othe hand, accept' a -s peereetly satisfactory . tb • explanations (if the-Vnite as to. there hein no neeeseity for the voice of the peepl being heerd excepting through the existin •Paxlininents. e We all know that not• representative in either Of the Colo: niaj ParIiameats was electedivith a view to his support of or opposition to 'the propose'd -Confetlerney. . Why, then, ex- pect Us to be satisfied with the argument that "the:Present Legisletares have ex- • actly as much leg -11 power to dell With tile matter a..e new. ones Woald here:" rs As we remerked before, the Coztlition -,Government need la:tie yetne little fear that the people of C:tnatla are opposed Cone federatioa- in the abatrect , But let is remember= that the scheme hag beea only seen*; until . recently; as -through a- glass darkly. Thepeopte are, tow -e -days; very sensitivenhbet their rights, 'and may 3fat come to deMiud e'eree loudly to be allowed . . - -to expresa their nun la the question - The change isa. Sweeping one, Bevolti- tiore feet, and, in. our opinion, it would :be neither more nor less that just th let those who are expected to bear the respone kbilitles Of national existence Say through Itepular Tote whether they consider their interests hedrd around by the proper oonstitntional safegoardse Saeh an ei- -pressicui of opinion could. he had withoitt a. dissolution, of, the. Parliaments--; lay) metelt better•than lifthat means, for We know by w.cperirce that people may he Safely titlEited to vote yea or nay, when. it wonld•be impesSibk-lo brink; them:,to vote for oppming Candidates on' test question without the interv4tiou of party feeling or sectional prejudice. If a 'Vote suckas we deem n'ecessary we's called for it Would probably bre* up the reticence that has hitherto marked the aCtion of the delegates and leicl;to a thorough- discussion, which IVettId, let ne,bope, result:in a feeling et satisfaction and confidence that cannot be too thoreTugh„ if our new nation is to be pleated ia the afectiOnkor &gill 'United and happy peoPle, . - r,..! -.... 3 r. K. -.The t?igs_ have drawn up in e liate.of 1..iattic 'ea.(' it, re alitit to attitele the t.t atonstere ;May lieaven help the right. ee al; We h. Old our breitt4 to catch. the fi-ist boom ee of attilierY. , ' 4.111111114..., NEW BOOKS - LONDON 8001EPT.--Vird Ste -trio debtea Messrs,. Chewett Co.; of Toronto, for the current number of this splendid monthly. The illistrattons are superb, and.** worth the, prtce asked for the book, to persona Who can appre. eigeperfection ilk the art of wood-engriv. ing;_.. Although some of the 'reading mat- ter is solid enough, * great deal of it is 4 P. ht. It was tio iron-cled• at all only, a -se W laden with salt and alarmed by twee men eta a nieeer, cook. The tugs deserv4 honorable • mention in hiatory for approiiching ivhat ever,ybody supposed nvaS an iron:clad swarming with ferocious -pirates. She had sprang a leak and. was, signaling with a dirty table -cloth ter•help. We aillthought it was the black-- fiag, certain. 5 P. .3L -A Ball will be eiveu to night in honor of the great -occasion e Excite, Ment has subsided. . Europian News. NewtYone. e.'tev. 15. - The steamship Liverpool .onalie ethe via e .fith, •arrived here. this s_no newe of the.Saxonia. n the sinds below. Liver - 0, with -a small thence of shape. The Canadian ut line is withdrawn during ton of commercial trade.' Australasian, fro • Qleenstowu oir inorniag. There The Jura retisams. pool broken t saving her in a fertnighdy. antic, • the present depre It is stated that. ,he steamer Lauret, -which recently lefe Liverpool with , a. large nuinb.er of men, arms, andatemenition On board,- had trinsferred thesanie to a large screw stenmeir off Maderia, -loch is suppe4ed to be the New Alabaina. . his iteanier _then sailed-. in. the direction Of Berej da. The Morning Star adinitsithat if thet faets.are as 'stated, , a great 7•breachofinterna .'enal law was soaunitted in the seizure of the Merida, but.seys the matter- eests. with the brr mitten government, . It 'is.. .not qiiestioned Ibat iigland can touch sit, even with the longest diplomatie .pele. ' The eteatuer ' Satram eta- left -Soatleamptoe .On Nov. lad. The ichniond correspondent Of the Loridoa ill Writing Oct. 8th, gives a gloomy metere- the confederate -positien. It; sap Lee's er is &most worn out, - There was nearly *pardc at Riehtnend when Grant -threetenedan attackou the 29th September, ai Lee had only is handful 'of 'men -to resist it. ge. efetnint if Shirman establishes hiniself in Georgia;' there .ill he ,.reasciii ..for _apprehen- sion about 4iChipond daring winter, the like of which hers neverOxested before. , It is re- ported that Deintyn De L'Iltors ' volt' retire i . from. the y'renettadlinistry, and he Succeeded by pewee De La Tour D'Ativeruge. The Bank of France had reduced its rittofdis count to 7 per ?sent. Weekly . returns show increased emit. One and one-third_ mdlions francs. Beerseriateady, 446 95c.' Spain had sent an ultintatain to ,Pern by &nen. Pareja. If full .satisfaction is not even a Spitnieh aqua:lion is Once to itelz_e-the *public and destroy her fleet. The -success of the allies • at Japan is, COnfietned.- The .faits were - „„ ,. , hard ,. . opened atter tiro() gays ng nag. All the batteries : were ,destroyed. Loss slight. Breadstuff* Marketslow for ,all • articles, and withoet clia:pge of prices since Tuesday. ._ . - ;Venue Novi 4, -The replete Of the -orti ...• inittee on the bpi for the transfer Of the capi- tal to Floronestates :that the pi-Ina/pal oh. ject of ,thescOn ention was to Put an end to Preach occup.it *on °Moine. . The coMmittee recoinmeed.th . adoption e of the 'bill- The Minister of Finance announced a .•reduction of laity millians in public expenditure_ of Which forty-two inilliens-le the naval depart- ment additional taxes! to be laid on tobacco'. and 1544., The! king . luta Spontaneously ro tiounced 3,00010001 of .his chit list. '. Since the in morable ti fat of CeurvOisier for the murd,i of Lord William Russell, in •June, 1840, o. .that. of Willem Painter for. the tnueder of Mr. COok, in . May, 1865, no occasien ofjhe kiud hue exiiited a greeter degree of ptrbiic interest throuehout the metrecills, or Indeed,throtiehout the country at !Aviv. The.hpplicationit to the -Sheriffs to be admitted w thia the precitteteof the court dining the trell have beennumerous- and. eirgeot -almost ;humid prezedent, end as early. as eight . o'clo e: eesterflity inoreing the ap, preaches to ttJ Were besieged by an excited erowd eager te obtain. admissien. The num- ber kept increasing as the morning advanced, and until langafter the court had beeu filled, and all chance of gettitig within hearing of the d p rovet.ling,s. 1 as at An end. i At 1110at • net. more than 30 _ people can .be conveniently I sated within the Sessimis-house, including 4udgeentd jer, members Of the bar, witnesses in weithig, an the offieers of the Court, :Gil this. eccasion few additional seats had been itnpreeieed in dd coFiters of the building, and -that- was all i at the Sherifs had it inetbeit- iiewrer to do- n the way of aceonimodating those who we lied .to. be present at the trial By a consider te arrangement the r.epiesenta- tives.of flee p es were admitted 'heti:we say one else, and • n additional number of Seats had beet.: prO ided expressly. for them. .. : A few n2in tes befere ten o'clock_ Lord -..ChielBarini ellock and Mr, Beron, Martin entered the genii, • preceded.. by . the-.. Ltird Meyor (Alde men Lewrence), and other Civic dignitaries,' e Ito ware their -official robes.. On .- the bench, at: ong others!Were.taron Thierry, -- Mr. Itnebuek X Pe Sir George. Bowyer, M. 'Pe Mr: Gree one XeColonel. Wilson Patten, M. P.,: Sir WilliannFraser, M. Pe Mr. Beres- ford Hope, 3 rs„ Holland (a , daughter of Sir Charles Trev iyan)e and Mr, Holland. Them were also sot e pf the relatives orthe deceased llre'ilge-se. ib33judge having. taken their* seats, - the ., 0 . . . prisoner wee phiced at the tetr.e He is a shad and -slightly-' lade .yOungeneneelmost boyish iirappearitne , and with light brown -hair, He 311ta neatly diessed in a pima, -bretvn- colored morning eoa , which he Wore bIlttQaeti WI the C1101. His reatinee.wae quiet,' self-possessed and eespeetful. For some 'time at first his ceuntenattee was:pale,but at lengtli assumed what appeared to be its neutral .hue. While the jury- were ting impennelled he. stood .in trbet of the- oek, takieg comparatively little interest in tl c proceeding,s. ' He avae. in ...no way abashed at the gaieewhieh. was -turned hiin (earn tilf dirCetions, and kept :look- ; . i . ae.toisattl titench with a modest expression or comiteneece, eurnieg neithet _.- to the right no:. to Li& left-. fie -.listened AV:1.11 -1ti.1.1CL1 .ap- )arept anxielty and iutereet to the openine '..'eeeh ot the Solicitor-Geeeride Which :lasted In hour. Ile. was a:lowed to ei, elitiost from he hegiiesing, aodhe iMeuently colinnUnica ed veldt hisoliciterAiy wrieiti„; and y werdl. 4:mouth. Tewm ds- the (Anse of the day he ' .iecanie gni teed and excited at tunes, imtl ., eeeteirer tie trent of the' dock feewieetly to Leteessernieli ili-s solicitor:. .... pre ceue el fox:the Cetwn :were the,Selicie r General e;ir ItAert Colliee),31r. Sereeeeitat el'et.itere, 31:. ' flannel", ; 3Ir. Gilfonf 'a -a .,:',... B-4a..'.ey iaeteeeta. hy 31r. Greenwood; C.. 9:10 i-til;:.1- SOHeit!IrS to - the Treasurhin reoteand ly Mr, ttodasoa and -31r..Podard, ern tit- see e .departinetie • Oa the-. other. tad 'the pr -oiler- was deferided by 31re Se'ilgt. erry, Me leteief and Me. Bes.;ey,iiestrueted, Me. Idea d, eelteitor, Of Baseieebell sti.eet. tit ia .pr of gu vo be t h cu ele me tua pre the to an 31 Aver e ,prisont! dieted fer ,the Ciere of Arreigns,addi:eseitig sek.17-Prititz 31ulter, you etre that vote on the tlth efJuly,in the ..• esent. yeai, did teemireusly, maheiouslyiand your malice aforethaught, hill *and -murder Oint.tS Higgs. Are you &illy. or not 1 iity? . - . - , The Pris iteetsPeakiiig in a JO 'tone' of ieej--:" (let °nifty!? „ Mr. ilev ry7The pripuer ,iS.an alien, _I liev.eee . - Mr. Serg,eant•Parry-e-Yes, hut 'on behalf of . e prisOner I have to say witlese:ehis full.con- - rrence,. a eted to 11. For' the rk.ei seii ssion fo prisoner would claire his right as aa alien hetried by a mixed -jury of Englistunen d foteigeers: , , - ' A juiy having been impanneled, The Soreitor-tleneral opened. the ease in a ech filling more than three columns of the 'limes.' . The evt the rental -part of Fri - On. Satu the. jury, returned a was Setae d at los owe desire, that he has O tried by a juryof twelie English- . oment tins intimation caused it sation (hart, the .preyailing itn- some tithe past having been that spe enee for the prosecution- occupied der- of the day, and the greater ay. . da ,as has alreadybeen announced, ler'having heard the, w hole -rase, • verdict of "Guilty," and Muller. cod to be .hung - • , (Er the $cening Standard.) ' Ttr hen 3 eller hedfinished the _few sentences he addre ed toile court cat Saturday after. noon, he . as coedueted by a eimple of geld- -era, and t Bowed by Mr, aones„ the G.wernor of Newga e, -through a subterranean passage. leadinge the cant mimed cW1., For the first few momenta' after e was taken out. of the &Mk his eineanorTiv Sthat of one who did nofftilly. .ealize his awfulposition; he seemed in a state .fdmistupor.• He did not speak a word, a d it was not till some time after he had been-. lodged in ;his celi that any ' very great ehoge iu his conduc took place. .Froin the moment: the verdict iv s,detivered, his _pallor, -h afterseatds passed away in a t eounteea ce became set • withit death like- wic paroxysin Oftears, to Which 1ie gave vent some after reaching his veil. ' This grief cote tinged On him ter Some considerable- timeibut it Seemed subsegaently to restore h • wonted compesure, whichlle has since preser ed with a bewail g humility. 1 He afterwards of a slig t refreshment, arid lay down t rtreosok t; but did not. sleep much through the nig t----. He *rose eariy yesterday morning,. and, - cording to custom, attended divine service .a the prison. chapet, He appeared deeply a sorbed itt the exh-ortations of the reverend chaplain and .Titherwise conducted hianielf with an.tr that bespoke a deep sense of his u m *perde' end, This morning he was , visited by the Sheriffs, Who communicated to binethe fact that his execution was -fixed for this day fortnight, namely,' Monday the lith of Noveihber. He-recoved the awful mes- sage - asif he fully expected iti-but made great elfonts to suppress the4nwardontotion 'Which it necess rily created. . He, has neyer.--ence referred to the entee.inany way whatever. . The Gerutan Legal Protection Society in London I are preparing a inetnorial to the Crowe itt_behalf of Mailer, on the ground of not bein satisfied with the evidence. ' ' ' ..- ..........-....._........_e - A - eitemozamer usssaat, ON '13ANADA.,- „, t ,... -, The DASOX Record- ailierta that 'General Joe Hooker, Sometime; called "Fightine -Joe,' Medea speech to•the greet unwashed in De - trait the other nights: in which he expressed himself as being more - in favor - of hooding Canada with.109,000 men at his ,back, - than. being cooped up in Detroit, watehing.elections. The renientbrance of Chaneelloreville, airmen tbroughl,Northerti telegraphic ' accounts, j has liestinied the phase of vietory;and he evidently :Wigs to earn-Onothir Wreath -of laurel to adore his victor's brow. The crowd applaud- ed every reference p the invasions/. Canada's and sew ed to look forward to itaa, a forgone I coact on., . . Meeting 02 ot the ;mperors. , The Paris corresponden of the London Tillie, writes on the 20th It. te- • "The Emperor Napoleonarrived at Nice at eight o'clock the evepin before last. Elia Majesty was received an the railway station by M. Gavial,. the Pei feeeknd entering an open .carraige wit4e thee 1. nctionary, Vice Minimal Jurien de 141 Gliaviere and - Gen. Fieury, passed through 'tit -el -town at a foot pace, amid the loudest acclOmatioes trona the persons assembled.- The f mperor was re- deived. at the foot of the grand staircase of the Prefecture by the Gete mil Coinnuteding the department, the Playbr. of -Nice and' Underlie Otevini. After the dinner, which. in the town, Whiehewas ken rally illuininateti. It oceopied but a khorCtijne, his Mujesty. ac- comer:died by Generai:Fi nry, took a walk ptoceed to the Vida keillioe, when the Eine li At tea o'eloek yesterday In rning the Empe. ror received elm Counpil - ellen"' and. the Municipality of Nice, te'id vas prepaiing to, peror Alexander Cann' in i uniform, accom pained by the persons '.1' hs suite, to -pay 4 visit inorderto exnrein hi thanks for the visit -to the finaperor of* th ` French. The Emperor Alexander wishedto wake the first kind. reeeptioti girien itimis in France. At half poet ten the Einperortliopoleon "visited in his turn. the Emperor and Belpre:is of Russia. He afterwarde to k a walk in 1 the town, and was everywhe received with acclimiatien. At riciois t Giro sovereigns reviewed . the troops of th garrison. ' Ile rain coming on preven(ed tile projected visit to Villefraiiche, where tthe Russian squadron and the French imperial ya ht, the Aigle, are at lowlier- . The Erapero . Napoleon dined with their Majesties Of _Rhasia, and in the evening thee was.a -gaud representation at the Italian. theatte.." ; ' " " ',' . , . . The Date-LterthattiQuestum. , DRAFT OF IMF.. PC „we • Irtr4rr. BETIvERN TIIE OERMANS AND DENitAltK. . The treqty of .peace betw en Denmark and the two'great Gernitaa Pow, rs.has been eon- ., eluded ate/far as all esseutiel poiuts are eoi. cerned: t was,Thought Ott it would be °di efilly signed October ' 23,_diue some special questions! .s.ach as that reffrring to the Port settionof Demxiark at Haniburg, are not yet settled ethtreaty of -perici; w1 differ -1;nt little fr at the prelitnietiries alseady executed at Vi pita. coilforinity.with articles two-.. of - di 'preliminaries, the .Tutlahd Enclaves in the S hies wig • territory, situa ed to the south of th southern limit of the di triet of Ribe, and 'ceded by Denmark to tlfe German Powers, have been exchaneed ,ae; inst, a portion of Northern Schleswig. • . "'he new,frontier of Sch eseig will be ffged to the -north-of the town .ot chrietiansfeld ; on the east it descends to the mall or Stendeinp, in Order .that the eastern ele of Schleswi:r• kvluch-it Pit'sess-A .Ontinany, -woiLd be -a continual ibeeate to the isil lid of Peneu, may reitetie with Den:nark.• ,The reditribution. of t /debts contracted on acriount of the Dant inourtechy have. een settled in accordance with the basis laid down in article three of t e preliminartes,"--e be teidistribetion of 'St; te property. whiehr 3Wai-not imitieeed in the Jirelimitimies, had also-teken place, whereby ehe duchies will le- eelveen sune et' about' 8,3 lieu of about 14,0o,9, 0 00 ha've' had the right to reel. • Kieg Chriettan.• has is 9,000 melees: in •which they wauld .iin. wed .the following sister of the prisoner, was attending the bar deceased roused prisoner to give him a treat deceused treated and paid for the drinks; prisoner then told deceased he must go out of the house, as he was raising a disturbance; did not see any disturbance; a candle was burnieg in the bar; deceased would not go out; a young man came in whose name 1 don't know. and deceased treated him ; pris- oner ordered them both out; young man went out, and deceased followed and brought nim back; sayineehe should remain until be left himself; wheri they would go home to. ; this' was about 3 o'clock; - prisoner and deceased then sat down on a bench and culled each (Aber liars.; prisoner again ordered deceased out, and 'twisted - on hia leavfiee; deceased got angle' acid threw prisoner down ; . it was now eunitng &right; deceased kicked prisonertwicein the face; parties ;ben got outside, and prisoner, deceased, Nancy and 3fe,G4yun were fighting ; tliey .all returned iuto the room except deceased, who walked' up and down the road ; hisshirt was tora-off, end he went over to Growled Mid got a coat; retermag he stood on the road opposite 'house, When prisoner ordered hiin ass ExTRAORDINAAT, ROIMSKY FitoN A CHILD. - On Thursdey of last week, a girl about thirteen Years of' age, the daughter of one of self most respectable owns people, was sent out with some money in bills' to make sundry purchases, in the market among other places. On her way she mopped to change the bine, and arriving at -the market, she went to the bitek of idle bunding te count the proceeds. - Wallet so -occupied afellow of forbidding as. peet approached her from behind, threw a handkerchief over 'her Vend, and compelled her by means of threets to hand him over the .trioney. . By his language and acttons he so terrifiettlie.poorgirl, as to obtain a -com- plete-mastery over her. The robbery effected, he ordered her to .go direct to -the railway sta tient over The cemmon, and buy a half ticket for Torento, for which he gave her the .inoneyf and to nuke sure that she did so, he dogged. her footsteps all the way. Among the people on the olatforMehe saw her undo,. but the infinence exerted' by the villain who kept plose at her heels ail So great that she dared not approach him; but bought it ticket th---e and. took nee place in the ears. Tbe Wee/ - followed her cm board, -and kept her in view until the train yeah) motion, ,when he jumped off. *At Berlin a woman came en board, wp:i 'noticed the distress of the poor girl, aed learn-. ing.from her the particulars of the outrage of which she had been made the victim, pro- cured lodgings for her in Toronto, and on the following day assisted her in- finding her cousin, who lives in the city, and by when) she was subsequently -returned to .her parents. The girl minutely describes the man, and states that he hasn mit across the nose; and that he has no Middle finger on his lot hand.. A shoemaker on the tramp, with all these pe- culiarities, had been seen about the town ,tor. some days previously: and was known- to hare left by the Buffalo antiLake Huron west on Friday, before these facts came out. Efforts near the door prisoner told -him' "to go as ay for Gods sake 11. Deceased bald nothing 5. prisoner then went ter the gait; when he returned to the door, seeing. deceased on the road, he said, "You're alerigh, as you are on the road ;" he then put the gun back be- hind the bar, and dared the deceased to come into his house; deceased then came to the door -step, and prisoner -again got the gun, telling deceased te go away or he would shoot him; deceased said "you wouldn't shoot nie prisoner fired and deceased fell deed ; jeseph and Thomas. MeNab, McConnell, Mt: - Glynn, MeDertnott and myself, were pteseut et the time. • Ilia Lordship charged tbe _jUree.going over the evidence, reviewing _the ease ;a eiery. light, atid layiug down, the . lew clearly fully. The pity retired at 8:30 p. 4' remairtedin their room nut!' one o'cloc .m. As the long,. weary hours passed away, the prisoner in the dock sestina more une-isy than during the trial.- At length. the officer in charge: of the jury annonneed that they were ready with their Verdict. , His Lordship - took his seat; counsel surroended the table appropriated to their use; andthejury catered the court room, and -took 'their seats.. Solemn silence prevailedattong three hundrea spectators, who crowded the body of the Court. - The prisoner glanced quickly from the Jury - to the Judge, and evinced More anxiety than - he had done at any -previous time during his lengthened' trial. The . clerk of the Crown asked, "Gentlemen of the Jurye are you ready with your verdict r, Yee could have heard the tieking d watches all Around, so painfully still was every otic, as . the fetal word tiUILTY fell from the lips of the fore, men. - Guilty of `murder was the veidiet of ;he jury. In repleeto his Lordship% question, as to Whether be had anything to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced upon hint, -the prisoner replied, '". Very lime but he supposed it would not be of any us e did not Made the -judge or jury ; they d done their duty. He thanked his counsel r their efforts on his behalf.- - The evidence every .oile but his sieter had been false ire mast every particular, and henee lhe vet, et." • " His Lordship, evidently V'eey Much moved, iefly -addressed the prisoner. ge could ld ont no hoees of parden. A jury of his ie .prisoner's) coutarynien lieu, after a refill and patieut trial, found him guilty of c heinous crime of murder, and it wii.s /1012. painful duty to p.rotiounce the Sontatice of' law. His - Lordship, having yet on 'the etc. cap, Said :--e" The sentenee Or the art upon you, Robert Fitmegae, is, that is no* be taken from whence yoti Came d there be COltlined Until the 10th, day ok mary edict, when you will be removed t piece olexecdtione and there hanged by and 4-te been nide to arrest him, hut hitherto hey without avait-Stratford Beacon. k STRANGE ADVENTURES OF A SCITooNER.- 14e sehooner Marie Victoria. from -Mon- treat, with a cargo of coal oil, shortly after her ptlot. had left her off Bic, on-lastnionday week, struck a reef *frocks eastward of that island and sank in ten feet of .water. While she e.as sinking; so horrified were the crew, that a flag of distress.was it once eaised, and In a few minutes they' weresafely lahen °Eby a schcioner hound to fauebee, The very sten eidefloated the vessel, and singular to Say, she drifted to Father Point, where she under- went aslieht repair and is now on her'seay for this point.= Quebec Mercury. - • . abliertiStintlitS. ewer. gat adverlinsoult, To. ZeN DETLeit, SIR, We the undersierned Electors of the town- oft-oderiehi having WE confidence la your integrity and hnsinese qualifications, respectfully eequest that iess will allow youFself tie be Dominated as tale dictate for the Mayoralty of the said TOMS for thePyear 186.5f and in -ease you eneeW-of this requision, we hereby.pledge oursebranne use 'every lawfameans tosecure°your etke- tion, • M C Cameron ' Thos:13 VanEvery• Amos Mania -' Robl.Gibbons . , ,i.,Ity0.1hilVini:trin, Ca:r lenoweniosise WB S;yemooxur je •George Aeheson. • j 13 Gerd= . John Stevetta '- 13 -Trainor Oeorge Jessup jjaitionaeels 1‘:410:11Sot .11 • I• RVelinliryantwA4r1tilisur_ ' William Wallace .Chatles Wells John Dialogli •Jacob Bedard Joseph Sherlock • W T Hays_ 1 hos 0 MeLeati? : Robert Smith Bwiltincimica;e .• , .La.OhLearlievstslito. bedews • J • R Bull-ear:imam el John Hedger • M McPherson. jw..471eiasinailiVfiti:right -George Cox Gevin Struthers W E -Clegg ' . .Johnny . -2:i - Bell .Alfred Collins Henry D Thom* - A P McLean - 'Ames Cants Limit 0 Mottic Martin Amen, Chas E Aechinala sins McK. Bree.ltemidge- J M Shepherd Henry nottent E .tv C iffe d Jemes Broolut • D4.-cistitruicharn Henry Metcdennolt G M Treating': William Eden James Rent k puxten C G Benton William Kyle jr A W J Johnston• - James' Hollister Henry Coleriek 31'i' C Treleaien - - -e----e-n---- Harry Reid_ Hetny Dodd • - Ira 'Lewis ' Janies Martin • 1:D Frazerssincw r Joint Mackenzie' . . D Ferguson :esorGgeolairtit,lze• •Jackson Whit. D Biaek . Michael*Moratt E Resler Isaac I? Toms Peter_Griggs Donald Cumu3ings William Eaylor SAnutel Platt • , • Jelin McDonald 11 1) Cameron . , James McDonald' - Charles Fletcher Alexander -Smith Thomas Andrews Zebu Hunter Roht Stewart . 3iatihew Bobertsog. 1:3J ups finuoechka: Ilan • A Chisholm • .4AbrahamFraser Smith - --- I4TD:aail nt 7cie!cisNlii eleewi ditdo n H -Ir Spilsbury .. James McLean. ., Samuel Baliantine James MeMalioni, Neil McLean• Stephen Bali Wifliate Sindere - "Sohn Hilliard CB MeLean •John M'Calfunt Martin 31eLellan • Colin Sinclair . E,L Johnston William Robertseit Denald -Campbell George Baleen . TAI14-.:N. OTT. Og= Don.. Afeljenald . James Bissett Jantes clarke • MAT Wright Eric Mavkay , ' W .ti Snvitge, IIHE - MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OP- Paniel flortiga Zoltu Pas -IMOD .1- - the Township al Coderich intend passing a Fred .a Mann , William Bray . By -Law for o mag upthe read runningbetween „Lots 41 and , fia.y.ficd Concession Georee McKenzie James Passmori .,- 'John Stewart George V Eilwood - Township of Goderich Rowland Savage Thomas Bally The said Roadileseribed as Ibilows viz; ' Com- 0 V Stewart - , Peter Barry • 4iL).--qr OJE_. -rs ER EBY-GI VEN that B. gairk,of4; ode - 11.. rich, eonfectioaer, has this day .asggned alt his 'Estate and Creels -to the undersigned Jim the general benefit 01 area-111mi., without ptefereace. e• t11 creditors et this estate are re_questea to send ther claims to proc:ematiee to the Deiti-haleet . More peitceful relationefreve now elmervemi th ed atid the neefority :among you can -retain to. 41a your bernee„ 1. have felielaved your bonoriihn, Vti enterpfise an .sett m it h . jo. AV:bether eget; batting the. ,eletneuts"duil le the harsh winter all eeason, Whether.in _battle against the enetuies 'la' . . ehe .01, the colliery, you have keys &hewn eotne age and endurauce. r saming your peace- fuleriupatious retain yo r affection tor your king and couraey, fad for he flag Mider which you have fought ; and sr\ ulttduty again .call you to arias for the defente of the &Uteri:tad hasten- wherever you may be, to : assemble round the old Dannehr Brave sons of Denmark, I send talon' I ofileers, subordi ,nates, and ;ilea alike, my royal greeting and -hearty thituks for the, f thtill readiness with wiiich you !Ave fuIfied ocuHeReluistyr.r- As R. , - „...__•.............4....14. . The lenians.: c ---• ,,-.„ .: The audacity of these 4ebellious inclividtials seeins to have no limit: 1Nut only have they paroled' Abe streets arnied, with Murderous weapons, alarmed all,loYlif.end peace -loving citizens, and cleated it furore generally, but .they now seek to inne e the public mind against them to 4 gieete _ extent than ever by demanding froin the city uthornies the menu of the murderous pikes ' ,eund iti the pusses- sion. of, and takett..from,fone; of - their number by the pence. . , ..We stated a few -days tag° that Ts rumour emein circulation through' the city to . the ere fecethat'MCGuire, after' is discharge by the. of, the pikes found in his house. -Very few tc. Police Magistrate, linteeded .bringing an ad. tioa tegainse the emboli es for. the - recovery persons placeclanyreliabee on the rumour, as it was not thouebeth4eany men,. or body of men, wood be.so'foolish as to bring upon themselves -further exHiereit of their rebel - lima and unlawful Organization, -by pttompt- itig ina court of law to irecosier the unlawhit weapons taaeu fromthegn iby. Ole aethaiiiies of the -city,. The liumohrs . have, however, now assuined a tan-ibiel form, and can no oaht. Yesterday af cDoWell, the officer ho ' seized the pikes served with it law - longer be a matter: of _ter -noon Sergeant1;ajor in charge of the public. iteMcGuire's house, wai yer s letter. informing Ihios that untess the pikes were at once retufned to McGuire an action would be _comteetleed agaiest bim. for the recovery of theta. MeDowen cannot, of Course,. comply with the demand even if he -Wishes tp do sof welch ,he dues not, as the weapons arein the. hand of The authodties of thP eny, by whom no dclubt they will be re- tained till the law crimp lathemeo hand them over to those who Clai them as. their pro- perty; * • Set -peat -Major Me owell, on .receiving the letter containing th modest dernand, at once .handed it over , the authotities, and betweentheinand thel Feuians the matter now rests. In 'all probability the Policeanitnissiogers will hay§ a Meeting- to cousid- e the subject, tot as the pikes are held by the .001w6htie.es .tht, he/ Attie otnh ew i11paries.beli°rrocue:brat eLairlOrbin tl THE.OPS URDER. IN.SENTENCKD TOME BANGED. • Tins An extrao Fog gives &report etthe trial_at e Victoria Fall Assizes; of Robert Fitmega charged with tite murder of John Finnega on the 21therene last, by discharging the c ntebtS of a gun at his per. seta - The prison r on being arraigned,' pleaded "not guilty.' Hon:Sidney Smith,: Q. C.. and GO S. Pat_ non, Esq., appeared on behalf of the Cro the priscner Was defended by M C. C; erconeq. Eleetor Cameron, 0; B. Order n A. Hard, E.sqs. A. nuMber Of-ritaesseir wer examined. l'he main facts of the case tate in the following . evidence given by • PA,TRiCK O'Knert, .worn.e.-Went. to pris- oner's about darn.; w sober ; new:deceas- ed ; there wh I reach the place; number piellent ; the first, thin• I heard W Eli deceased -asking I for a treat.; risoner was lying asleep oa a bench at the we; it was about two o'clock; • : Nancy Yin ogee the neck until you_ are dead, and may- God have mere). on your sent The prisoner was then /emoted, and the „e• .Corirt. adjourned..: _ s Interesting Items, A. woman weighing 600 pounds and wearing a bloemerhat., is the latest sensation in New York.. - (13- On Sunday night the people of San dusky, Ohio, had a scare. Sixteen Cana- dians, very suspicious 'ill ppearanee, were arresied for fear they might ;aid. • (de The 30tteRegiment t Montreal is un- der order to be ready for i mediate action to prevent lawless bectusions a ross the borders, which seen] to be feared b the military ae- thornies in that city. - Spain isrushingwildly into the Hero. peatt markets to try to borrow money' on her treasury bond at a rate which will involve an " annual sacrifice of at least between per cent, merely to carry out her schemes against -the tedependenee of -St; Domingo and Peru. _ Kr A yoting lady advertises in the Cleve. lau Platadeater fur a young -gentleman to • - act as an amanuensis. 'Ea- inust be able to wilie in cypher; and when mit engaged,- he. will be expected to read. poetry with feeling, conVerse with ease, and he able to play crib.bage and backgetnnion.. He must expect to be kisssd. when -she is pleased, and cuffed which she is not, but as her temper is Ito knowledged to be geed, there will be more kissing thaaenffing. There is a good chance for seine ad*enture loviae gentleman. Oe The city of flo.ochow, . fell into - theentuds cif the Imperialists on the 28th Aug- ust. The rebels were rapidly sinking in the dude Ot Aniiery which heralded Inc approech of the tall of Nanking. Rice Was scarce, - ha actual Starvation had not as yet set neon* serious svaptewas that of .hreivood„ of which there was not a- particle to be found. Deserted tenses bad been pulled down and coifing burned, and a general impression me veiled that the city could not laid oat much longer, supplies of eve -y kind were cut of. At -length thesgarrison retired, without beat of diem, through a pass in the Den hill into the Province of Kiang -R. • -1)eseir or Joint ,LegeH,---John Leech, the Celefirated caricaturist ot Punch . dead. - Ile became couueeted .with Punch almost immediately after ns establishment, and very soon brought !newt( into .notice by his hu tuorousithistrations for th! serial. He his fromaimet0 time published collections of his pictorial contribittions in it8 columns, of which three volume* have appeared, entitled "Pictures of Life and Chantcter from the Portfolio Of Mr. Punch." He has also nut-, tratedeeveral of Albeit Smith's. 'novels, the 44 Cov_aic 14E1°4- of England,"; dm, and has published under his own name °I The Rising Generation,: a aeries of twelve •drewings on stene," and other- works. He WaS horn in London in 181G, and at itt6 tweet his de cease, therefor, had reached onky his forty. eighth year. •• • • INeasAss, AND I/Betz:ass Wza- prrArl METRoDbffs.---!-The last Christian Guardian, contains the following statistics of the increase and decrease - of - members . , . in- the several districts enumerated, as follows : .4 -Increase .11i/don; 497; quelph. 86; Owen- Sound, 166; Barrie, 25; Belleville, 69; Kingston,. 25; Brockville, 65; Ottawa, '51; Pontiac, 30; Quebec, 25; Stanstead, 14; !Oren and Superior, 81. Decrease:Xoronto, 43; nautili -on; 44:; Niagara, 97; Brantford, 598; Chat- ham, 24: 3sanderich, 373; :Whitby, 249; OnbOtitrg„ 188; Peterborough, 132; Perth; 69; Montreal, 24. : • a • JAMES SMAILL. • - Asslirace. uoderieh, got. 17th, 1664.• • ow24-n DB. F.' DELWBAUGII. E IOUS' P111-3 1C14x,, OF • • freta "[usu. BE IN nit: FOLLOWING PLACES V ' in the mentit of• 40Ia 11111177-10 ME•SEW .11112:: • • 0 4 .• Seaforthy-Strongia Hotel, November 22d, '23rd Varna,-i-Turnet's -• ‘‘ • 24th Eavtield, Stage ' • 2eth teoilerietie-Eriush -Exchange " 2eth & 2*th Crintce:--1.)linton Betel " 29th WHERE HE CAN BE OON$ULTID .• on ill forms of lingering •Disease,. is.rovember ltal,d864 meeting at the rorth-weeterlY Steibe of lot 42, :thence- Aotith fifteen degrees eighteen enmities east on easterly Innit -or road anotvancefsixty chains eighty links to the Bite -field river--thenee westerly. itown streatnon bank °fund river,thence one enam; thence north fifteed degrees eighteen minutes, west sixty chains eighty links to -conces- sion read, thence north afventy-tour degrees_ 42 'minutes east ou limit ot • said mid. one chain to the place of beginning, centatning by admeasure- meet abt,aeres and thirteen perches of land., Trite Cript.1 - JOUN SHAW, , David Agates - George Ruhiball Edmund IC Land D Shannon • Wm ifyilop H B O'Connor , Robert Hyslop John Butler •-William Gtotlitter Peter O'Rourke Hugh Sudiner L Wstson D Cameron j Williams B Wilson - enee H Dunlop A Lichfold Thee MeOlenegliart • DOnald McKay _ 'Townsbipaterk.. ; - „ Township ofeerieerich. W.Bmgham Alexander Orem • ?...Altivember loth, is64. 4 W43 -4t aseeen Theseus John paha= . Edward B Templeton John White Daniel MeCague Rows& john MentertonWm Kamera m Thoas Healy• John Gillmore Loeblan Campbell Oharlesierguaort Antal Hays John Aaron Leturge Ilazlehurst Li -0 Butterworth William Seymour Themes Hood • Samuel- Bark R BartonJWIio E Graham Leonard Peek John Ralph' • • Alexander 13elt Edvintrd C Watson James Banteisatus QTRAYED'intrethe premises of the sueseriberf lel about the 25th Of August lest,a COW about yearti old, White and zed. with .,tirtiirett horns. 'I he o wner is requested to prove property, pay expeniesand.mite her sway. • • Wat, FINLAY- - ••- Cott.11), Lot Ashfitki, Nov. -16, 1664. •• . 43*31 STRAYED from the Maitland Flats? this Fail, a White Steer four years old, a piece but ot the 14Wer part °leach ear, elude- brown on one side of face. Any person giving informationthat will lead to hit reeovery willhesuitablyrewarded. Lote6, 9th eon., Colborne. November ietb, 1861. ;wawa JOHN MORRIS, _ Teacher Wanted two a.Ns.ietTEif501-;,,,,N.:1__.rat-e_ Iasi ,fie-tichoeeeyfe:to's-csa.60T: Good referenda, required. Address,' post-paid TOWINTS11.1r. Or :-O01•4011/1.E. .1 --. R. SPENCE. - - Gode. riot. Nov. 16th.. 1864. -w43 3t 41110NArcistiKAssozPT 003. LEDGE/IS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, - MINUTE BOOKS, MEMORANDUM 4111f,, PASS ROOKS! NW IN STOCK AND WILT, XX OFFEitED _ • CHEAP FOX CASH° I the$igniul Office. °ma Arlutv,swilf In Eyety Size & Styleiat low Prices • A LARdE STOCK OP - Envelopes- and Writing Paper! - itstrsollaeliZsett.ale and remit, „et LOWEST .T. -J. MOORITOUSE. •Gederieli, Noy...1041864.. • TAO, To itOBT. GIB• BONS, Es, and onehiu� • tired and eighty-ive others, Muteicipist '- Electors of the townat Goderick Gentlemei ••Your requisition, so(Jorgely and respectably signed, reached ale litre thW morning, and in compliance tbeittwitit I bar _ to say, that although 1 had rescara tot*** altogether from.11unieloal pohticu, .tiguana refusejo comply with -yout-veqnsat, fad, tfierefons, Owe inyselfat -youi disposal. doin aol assure -you that if elected,:with gad to all important questions affeedag* finances of the tOwn, including that -of the Market,. shill be zaided entirely la say &s- ot -conduct hy the voice of* asiOriti Municipal Electors of the town. gentlerneuft 'With Id best reepec44 •- Your ohdsitt serft, JOBS _ ifith, 1864. - • NOTICE. A LL noteilead accounts dos: thottadaskimm. L1 must be 11 of e ifSi 41/theraneetbey niil le places ins* 4Orlictio Vint. . 0. Y.. ederich; 1864.