Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-08-05, Page 3ere into omen is housand and ser t it baa' suggest ormants is not ill tor. ons. redacts lee= . tag M.; the r beiferr neatest e bee m a - " The Silken Cats." Y I The Moral Aspect of the Times. A tate number of Notes and Queriel hives ! The followin the foilawing account of the •• is a ye31,v sac! picture, but I Iiifketrny alas ! we fear it is too trop: t.'at." The water says :- •• Tl.e story has been so long current that it has become a proe;e,b-" as quarrelsome as the Kilkenny cats" --two of the cats in wLich city are said to have fought so long and tnrients•y that naught was found ot them but t o tails ! This is inani:estly an Irish exag- geration ; and wl•en our readers shall have learned the true anecdote connected with the two cats, they Aill naderstand why only two tails were found, the unfortunate owners havtns fled in terror from the scene of their own mutilation. I am happy in being able to state that neither Ireland nor Kilkenny is at all disgraced bythe take place in Kikenny, buts which. mighch t have t;.ken place in any other place iu the known world. "During the rebellion which occnrrrd in • Ireland in 179S,. (or perhaps in I$03), Kil- kenny wasgarrisoned by a regiment of Iles- sian soldiers, whose custom it was - to tie to ;ether in ire of their barrack -rooms two swats by tbeirrespeetive tails, and then ° to throw then face to face, across a line gener- ally used fee drying clothes. The eats naturally became infuriated, and se each other in. the abdomen, until de sued to one or both of thane ecd term their st fferinr s; The officers of the were ultimately -made aecjn:c rated with barbareetacts.of cruelty, and they to put'ae end to. them and pox:`sb the . • dere Ala : order to effect this pure *officer was oared to inspect each daily, and _to'report to tile, comma officer what state Lt' found t>!icm in. Vrnel soldiers determined not to los daily torture of the wretched cats, ge employed one of their comrades ta- ttle approach of the +otfcerf ? order th eats might be liberated and take refu - f ightbefore the visit of the: officer to scene of their torture. " On one occasion the :rlook out "The present times hid lei- to be distiti- t.►aished preeminently as a• period' of crime, The progress awl the prevalence of:even the grossest forms of wickedness, iu 'different places and among divers classes, are facts frightful to observe, and more frightful to 'ondar• Every newspaper is laden with the, records of such; Dishonesty, licentiousness, violence, murder -they do not meet us as excelitior•a1 cases i they make the staple of the news of the day, they Load and datken the columns of all journals; till one trembles almost- to take up the morning pare:els afiriid to have it read in the family, and lays it down THE SEMI- �PEE�LY SIGNAL. MONEY TO LEIVD! IMPROVED r • ��... AT 7 PER CENT, ON AT 7 1'ER 0EN`T, ov IMPROVED FARMS. Apply to , - D. SHADE GOADING, Solicitor, %Vest Street, office over R. Booth's Dry Good'Store. • Gcderr_cb,June 9th.1864. ewiil-w20-tf - wit a sense of heart•siekness,a sadden AT O TT .;+ Ye ing unpre , ion of the ineffectiveness of -our means of public, moral, and religious instruc- ^~� SUbi ,ot slog and u�tate,tits advIay l " tion a keen apprehension of what is to be bo R L ��fidlE without delay tot h expected in the future. • lwrrower. .Apply to " hie the not the rich and luxurious alone ► S aA W. & SINeLAIB. among Whom such: evidence of viciousness abounds: R ie not those who are avowedly wordy and godless in their life. Mechanics, merchants, farmers, teachers, physicians, lawyers:, ministers of the Gospel,, men high. in social rants and oI: ` • ratched t well as men,. thepypung not uenee only but thema ed, ath en- flu well-nigh equal ane ure . the ninated I cultivated as well as the coarse=allsaeemned $to corps be stmt. with the foul contagioai,atid suddenly these to break out; with the v.,e and hateful leprosy PR resolved of sin. • t• p Y� offend- "'Net crimes of dielTesty alotie are Com- BY YIRT ase, an iron, but Lha mord AU4TIO% SALE OF VAL1JABLB roma of. pdin tip e the see eralt y lin er o wivers, - et husbands; children# of the most confiding g and at%c= nate friends, a horrible tustfaliiess,the most The. IIagrant-and fiendish violation of faith -all its common. as the blossomiea of frees; n d' are coming tube spoken of as familiarly. wateh and frequently, and with nearly.ns . little .ap tot the parent concern as are the most ordinaryand ase in trivial facts." Y. Independetrt.: the -- tnan•:r One of the rebel prisoners at - Point Look- -attempted .attempted to escape, Iast week, in a day singular manner. He procured; an empty the meat baud, and managed to get it: in the ens- bay with the idea of cleaning it. - This was im- observed.: by the guards and no .particular rack, .notiee.takenofit. He managed to get it out f the , in the bay with his head within the barrel, .. d t bat, as tate would have it, after he drifted some distance in the baY, where the waves, the barrel turned'aud.he was drowned, • heglected his duty, and the officer of the wag testaascending the • stairs while miserable cats were. undergoing theirmf t tnary torture. One of `soldiers m,-edirately seized a sword from the arm - and with a single Wow divided the tails.o tiro cats- The eats: of course eaca pe tbroetah- the epee windows of the room[,which was entered almost immediately - afterwards: by the other, Who inquired what was the cause of the two•bleeding cat`s tails being suspended onthe clothes line, and was told in reply, that two' cats had been fighting in the room ; that it waif fount impossible to seperate them; that they had fought sodespe_ rattily thatt they had devouref each other up; with the exctption'of their two tails; which mays have: satisfied Capt. Schummelirettle,bdt wouldnot have deluded • any person but a beery. Prussian." Gold anti Greenbacks- • An enthusiastie admirer or the .Administ tion was lathe city the othePday. The obj of his visit was to exchange his greenba, for a variety of family use and consumpt Fiadiug prices considerably above leis 'vie he demanded an explanation, and Was farmed that the high prices ofgoods result from the advance- ofgoa - ,fie, replied th be -could=n't see what the advance of gold` h to- der with the price. of ear, goods, especial s s he didn't propose to pay gold for them k ve gotthe-gennine Government motley t;t pay for them,' says' he, 'end 1 dowant be swindled. • • Ile -was told that the market was ;overne h-gol � y and that the plods were marked n to meet the depreciation of greenbacks. `»' preerattiott ot greenbacks!' thundcre thecustomer, ia,dienantly r 'you can't fool ni with no such copperhead lie as that 1 Gar eminent Money goes (loiter. for dollare iit' far; its jn t as good as gold 1 It eras explained to hits; that nottritlistand mg the nominal par value of the g reenbae - eloltar, yetit required nearly three of there t - purchase one dollar in gold, and than it - we becar the greenbacks Were really- woe little Over gime-third their face, and yet by law made receivable at par," that. made- high prices a necessity, But it was all in vain; h couieiri`t see it, and so expressed himself Smith, whet wts.prese:it, and who is a'•way reads to undertake a hopeles.3 'ease, drew a gold .L,!lar`fraro tiis,pockets.and-attempted to a:.,Crninate the. subject with a gractical illus- - •- tr: t:en : Sas he, 'my fF ict;dt hi=re is a dollar cold, a::rI to convince you that your. green moa^ dolar is depreciated, I wilt- show that You c, -a,, buy more than twice as Much ccffee With it as you can with a greenback, dottt=r.' • - iofcanrsse you can !' ieplied the incorrig- if le tit - riser r 'and that's where the swindle alE••a clanged. copperhead c nspi�raey. /fere is edollar that Government is pledged to redeem, . and yet. I can't buy half a solidi - c.,fFee with it aswith a cols; dollar that no body's responsible for, aandthatt'fl never' be redeems d anal'?" Smith caved, and 'ttirned reporter for the press. --Dayton, Ohio,, Transcr pe. • ra-. ect cks ion m+rs,' in ed at ad ly Eto to d d e s L- s° h. e 3 = Mr. Roebuck, in the debate in: -tie . House of Gotum,ons, vat the.« th instant, told the &I - anecdote :--`°•Some moiitbsago,when at Vienna, I talked with an illustrious states- man there about this: matter of Denmark,und I said tohi:ire'How can you, an Austrian )Minister, take a lead in this crusade 'for na. tionalities r Had young- recollection of Hun- Maryl ofTransylvania, of -floheniiii, and of aly?' (Hear). He looked at me and said; what yaw say is true,, hat the Germans have gone mad.' Arid he added, '1 will °tell you . asaying that we have. . When a Frenchntait. -- goes marl we say he•:leccotnes mischievous ,• when a Geeitin-goes read he becomes silty,' I bowed to him, and said, 'Sir, I think upon the present oceae on Germany has succeeded in cerabinie2 both characters " (Laug bter.). f4c „neerettica I''o s#'r."Two office= • OT 14: in the 4th con. :ofthe tewns iip of wounded tz the4lmatle et thine 2`Otla b f Stanley, in the County of Huron,: con.", tinting toe screw, More or fess, having -consider ablee ertminw tivereou...--teruaa liberal. , :`HE ;%J AR1U TS-.. • GoDnnted, ri..:5th, 1864., Fall fY e 'h at,- ... :$00:o . Q- -0:95. Spring do..........7..... '0:78 t'.. '0;80 Oats, , . a0:45 Marley - 0:60 (a 0:65 ftay,. 11 ton - _ 4:00 ccs 10.04 Woof washed! Ib .. .. 0:00 t 0:33�i. e ` Fens - _ • 0:40 • ( 0:45 Pork - • _ E. , Stek 4:50. 4:75 Lambs...:.......--- . .. t 3:0,0 4 4:00 fur6i,• 2.00 0•00 e-,, each . . - 0:45 (g. 0:60 til eese, do ; - 0:30 0:45 `'i iickens, '.pair 0:20 a 0:00- : 'ticks, : da 0:00. _(ei3 6:25 [Ides.(ogreene . - 3.50 :L 0:00 teeter _: . • 8:00 ( 0:12i FL' int rie3 ........, .. a:00 1.50 Vt god. , - _ 32 00-- I'%Ct,*s , .. tai 0:00 Nies 10:08. t 0:10 - Currents. 0:06 ®, 0:07 Red " - 0:05.- t 0:06 Green Pies; per bush. - 0:50; (c 0:00 - TORE T0- RENT ON Eilit Stteet,near the Square• ..:;t"i» For-terms,dc., apply atLog n's. sats ',.` treit)c Moo/ Factory Office. to the sub scriber. T FI O S..LO GA N. .Goderich August 2nd, 1864.- w27 -4t RIFLES). . RIOT . GINS' n►Is:Totits &c., &c.. SALE A. -ND IVIADE TO ORDER,BY d. ell NI' '11013 Ii Opposite the -Market. Alt kinds of -repairing done- on: most reasonable. terms...telt -- c Cxodericb, August `:finds 1864. _ sw94 Mist Macdonoghts s -IOOL Will be: re -opened on the '20tf of 4ug53t, tioderich,Jnly28th, Met • aw94-td 01V.HOTE.L, J; J`. WRIGHT, Proprietor; T HE SUBSCRIBER 1 having the man- agement cftins First-cla. ,Hoteletrtists,. by attention to 'business and moderate charges, to secstre a share o€rapport from bit ofct friends and patrons: God'evichf•Jule 27tb,1864 sw94-2tw27 2t -. A Good. Parte : �._ . .� • Petersha tt ory Vit,, were home on Friday by the grit Zoete.--Whet, the train_ neared Oswego, noel! dressed lady- accompanied by *child and it gentleman, entered the car and too* seats in front ofthera„ As . the offce•s talked over the recent engagement at Peters. harg,; informed each other of the acquain- teneel who had . frtlles, 'Dee remarked t-- was Oaptairr Warwick, of the 109th New: York, as brave a fellow u ever live ii. was shot through the head and-utstantly The lady imutedietely sprang from lee -seat, and throwing up. her bands exclaim- ' :--rc Oh don't slay that he was my has - 4:414 ps and huratkinto an agony of tears:-- ., :wes tate firstintelligence she= had' re:= 'aired of her husband's death. The third nethber was Itis,; avid- 'the gentleman his' dat ear 'brother; There. in during he teat of the journey t' &sum valst-Dtmr Wnioowa:--A. tetter 'a the Londoa Tentee ttayat t-ic There eon be **doubt ofihe beneficlat erects to health of nftweetettiliunieation atnigbt of the air ofilwalesJ This pmg room --with the external .lir. Seems :0 be mare and more pressed 'outhe minds *Caw, public,. in oppot tine to oldego of no quality oft; Asir. Irarertremberto hue read :aa tarmac a few years bask of tate . testimony 1°f a l e tiemou *dimmed in year„ +are believ *clergyman., who attributed his bealtk and esti e gi_aroom w leas . From my eatrlieIt ler div r could, slept with nry led - window partially open, and ham cuul early • beet• of t :;R o AppInto D. SHADE ,GOODOTG, tie lied Cetintiettof .1110' iterttie drawee of 0141 Karoivarld:Threci. ALS, Facia, issued mit &Her -. TO Wit: Majesty's .Oeurt of Queen's Beach and tome directed against the Jana a Dank ot montre-41 have seized_ and taken in .exetution all the. right, tete mid 'interest pi' the saki -detendant he *mato the 'south halVetfof iota cit the.Township of Mores. i ithe'county olio, r014: .containing 1Wo. Mildred acres; with ,the huiltinits thereon erected I which lanee and tette, mental shalt otter far.** it myeatece in the - Court klettre,iii the Town of Coderiele on Tuts - day; the Eleventh day- et -October: nextea the hour _ p .iviILL O PERFTIES,.. lE otpowers of sato contained. in aertaui Mortgages, `which rtiilt'he produced ate the Sale; on . . friday-it12thday ofAugus!1 8:64, Al 7riaetce o'clock, ;For* • ttio$u, - � iron lilotel... Iv til i TOWN ` _ OF - GQDRRIc =.sQ we). 2. Valuable:1,11II property in CuIrass Part of th North halves f :I and 15 ;n the Sixth Cuncessi:o,t of the '/'own ship of Culross,, County of Bruce, adjoining the %Tillage c f Teeswater, containing sixty- three acres. ppfie . rood . and - fur perches of land, more or _less, on which are, erected a frame Grist !!:ill, a'frame Saw MB!, and a frame -Dn el hog -house. LOT NO.: . T nproved Farm in *reenock. Lot Yo. 3Q in. the First Concession south of iiia Dar ham Road,in the Township of•Oreep ock,County of Bruce, ndioining the Villageof Riversdale, containing fifty acres of lased, more or leis.;=of which about sixteen acres are cleared.' There are erected on. the property a log Dcvelling:house, a mall frame building, end_a fraise barn, • • • p L 1V1 Nit ti One•tenth� of the purchase Money to be pith; down , for belance . terms will be . made known at the $ale. - For further pariiculara: apply- to •. ` JONASAPJONES, cage Sul,, Masonic hall, ?.'oronlo ,. G.-:r1I.;TRU A* . .[ . Auctioneer. - Jelly ;l6th,.1SF4. - - wrrtd r -.z, cal CD int pri OlITGAG! E oP NDER and by virtue or a Power of Sale . contained in it Mortgage Made by :nom &miners, of the -Township of Araerancieb, of tEe first parte/Elizabeth Summers, 'his wife, of the Second part, and John. MeHardy, of the Townalvp of Morns, gentlenten,..of she third pat;f1 default having been made in the due payment thereof; will be -sold ot the Aue- lion Alert of MESSRS. THOMSON AND 11A,ZLEHURST, Kingston Street; Gederioh, PT 'TUESDAY% 16th DAY OF AUGUST $Tmcr, at 1.2 alcdoele, noon, the following property,- vizel East hair of Lot Nnall?er Thirty-eight, in the first coneeseicie Wawat nosh, eontainm4 100. acres of lend 111011) or less. Deed under Power of Sale. Fail par - I -lenient can be had hi -applying to the Soli - Juin; 1:2:14t:-vdt77 -Elitentbootanresorivethidotionm Divlieceu of water. iwigRentirrilegell--41;114•1- For TettifiresaP1444°J 29tk- Aoki, 1v19-114 Solicitor for Ifortagee. - Goderieh, July 5titi 1864, w23 JOHN _FAIR 4'00. • IIA 'now Or'FmEri TU • ST Ot Spring and Summer D y: Goods, COI(PtijSING ALL TB NOVELTIES Or TOE BISON. They would call particular att neon .,ti, . tests oto_ i4r of- dL0fil43_AND T EEDS of *bleb Spy teem rt bettera ;sort entthis sea- son :hon usual; and which. havit g added a WLO1 IN DEPAl{{ MENT�s Iv their business, they are prepafed to make up io first-class stele. _ - • Cbrtler of Market 'Square and eat street. Goderichr April 2601. 1804: aria • gip NEWS FIJI OUR F.4111111S. BOOTS AND SHOES I 200 'Pairs M res Kip Sobourg _flib.oes, 1" a Da g -‘ Calf isbotp, [Congress Mi es' Calf Boot* Vir then"s Call 13004 100 200 200 200 D. Kat s5114110 OF -OUB STOCK OF FOR CA.Sli. DRY 000 As it is NTIRE S S AND- 0149001 oar intention to clear otit our OK OF ISE FIRST Or SEPTEIRFA - The rentoial•Ofa stock of Hardy/ re will be cleared out either in whole OMNI OR 13.00101M, raiz? DOOR TO incToataii&T114 -Gummi lAyeQexi PRINTER. AND 11001Sfttft. Ipin.rp:r:igtira::eisdirs71:1tolt3eals and Beton Dealer is window Papers. School -Books, prPlioePeurrsidnveto larateder"tfion trar71117.;thacrartfliatice„Yl. 'b111:4:eiarltet:thesellatlowill liee. Jolt, Textra0C441nrotenohatrY.7,8101:::ealkl:atei*Rnuenr;e:::PPletoritb.hratittwillt. 'I"1:. - - ; '': item kilerit Itioui tapers ti .. The -tersest and most ecrinple dock of Roost .Paptni Itt'rile Cutatty, -among which wilt be rectal some beessiiir kW.- Berme been bought regyfh foie' . • y are (Awed in lite publiaat great. twill:WC Olio to g 1 i ?if . iiititit been bought verc favorably is ibe anierieren and the,- are orercdst prices *learnt se lose .alt the east• who Venn= ones. and elate is loreihsot lower; Ain't .0 any -city book-otore in -Canada, Job Printing! Zob ltrinttniti generally. where they have to make boili ends .imeet kr - charging exalt price4 en few mt prSer ib .ipairs 181; AA, Rlosstity mire frtihfir,ento tieviii;slinueped trims tnehmwsliverilonst pte eteehlezitoo,mi . Victoria Street Cliatati. hifart eclat the old 4-Couricrs0 Jab Office. -olf - Int Clinton, in altar -er time, slicapet mid heifer every soar; mit Sheriff's Sale of Landii. - kbenor wt:Clo:whaslildoitinsbaot rs.litee:rittieniiteroi..itrA4teesizz=ee, sad , Boron and Bruce, J.) Fled Facies isenad eat b9 rnentsof Emanuel N. Diary, -at the curt 004 _ Huron District Braiding Society I I ihave maim - and taken In ill*eentiot an the right, Ws 'emil interest oi the said -defendant in a .0-10 Let iimm. Ping day or ildientbernext, at Dar bier- et av s.,peottocit;,nnottJo,g_t)N. sher:,X4ii fiallitatilii,.. -: 'Sheriff's Office, Ciodetich, i Goderibb 14th June 11364. • TB NOW ozzar: (*ars WHOLE STOCit OF LARGE 'LOT 0 Groceries in Axe COURT HOUSE SQUARE, DERICII AVING taken advantage of th deprecia- tion ot American curieney and twehosed A very lerge mid select mock of dental terial, at greatly Wueed pricee, noW preps! to do all weirk pettammg to the profession Manner, and at priers not to. be corn ed with in Dr. Montgomery solicits particular anion to the l'olloWing LIST OP 111:10 By Womb are less than MU of the former 'cell ; Beautiful Upper Setts, on Vulcanized, Double " Partial setts ofone tooth... 1 14 'For each additional -tooth.; Beautiful Gold Fillings - Other fillings in proportion. • AiMpply of Tooth Powdensieunt Washes, Drops, Tooth Soave, /cc . IlWarg on hand. Edict and Chloroform administers& when 11. B. -Wo- charge forestracthig when lee IsSerted. Parties not wishing the old met can hare artificial teeth inserted Over them. cs L exit forlftbat CHECKERED S Goderich, June 14th, 1864. 8 cps; ,for Cash. - 61011,11,11, AT OLD PRIG N ts, Loudon Ale aind_Porterii, IVIARK'T SQUARE HR• . SUBSCRIBER WOULD , INTIMATE THAT RAS REMO*ED HIS Toothache are tett*. Aelerenro are Penni to rich ; J. C. Usher. Brantford r M. Jones. eta.' York; don', 11. L. Bunter, ht. A. Toronto .1. Bi h, Bruce. nOW14 sour where he will be happy to receive h OnderiCh. June Ifith, 1864. OE:STO.R 3fr,...'hfcAlliater, on the JILL= 8411AZZ, or THE ..‘-szalritt 1-.omczy it GE STOOK ,41,10 4011.11 1010 CIXAMWeinete 44111;21.11Z1 - IOa: receit ed and for sale 14% SILERTTIPS BALE pr IAN United Cotinitei of Die virtne of..*- Writ 1.-hompeon, 1 hare seised and take* in easee; limn and Bence, LI, Tenditioni zniacisteadi -out ofkler heenveyes comity tomtit Counties ofeWroa end Brom metier' against the lands and temententleofd and dohii Deanne et the mit -or - Me harlot iota) an the Wet* comesewit if tenement/EA-shall offer forimia at- thit'oysoliuhsr.te,to.erflitiOrtieto:sueosee,ocit,eirint;t1GodthhepueerlOiyWntricau,IttirfneriOfisomieor4Lic: alt.. tlay the sixteenth day of Angsat AS*. At 2001 Ally, 111114. ' tIOTICE to Dane job* QaisIcaill 1143:11311A.NT to am order madein Shia Atilt la -dated the sixteenth -dity the creditors of" tbe late I the Town of Gavial, it. fin who died otter ebont 22nd_ .day 1854, are in person or by their grelidetittial foie before the twenty -firth Airy of A to comets and pi•Cfre-their at my chambers lit the %we ot otherwise they will be peressettoll from all benefit under the mild owler.‘. Satur4ayttig 21111- andadjudicating Ara 41.0 aslant. 1864. 864,_at tan tif tfie ruci.loeterliftt- the fotneent:' I'-;648:11'it;itoreell.frartiteri,304,444.41.04 Usted at Goderieli {hit sixth diy 34 It AC it WiTMAKE- -RHPEIVADOIT4:. litottliVae • 4,1 fr .0toderichl Juli 5, 18.