The Blyth Standard, 1946-09-11, Page 1VOLUME 57 - NO. 02. East `Ya\yanosh Servicemen '1'o Get Certificates A $75.00 War Saving Certificate Will Be Forwarded To Each Member '1'111. 1,'ll w ut1 i• the I: -t of name, of thud.. \1111 semi! in the :\coned frill the 'Do\ blip f East \\'att:ulo,lt. 1 \\'ar Sa'inc, l l rtificate value of ...';'25h0, i, Ming for\;u'dc.l to each member. If lu\lever, there art. any 11111„ion •, please communicate \'ith th,' (dal; of the '1'1\11 10p, Rcdnm,nd, I;e.gr.lye, 1'. (1., a, ,Iron a; 11s,i1le. Nlargarct :\ilhcn. LYT - ST s NDAR BLl"t'II, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11. 1916. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Local Legion Branch At- Local I4a(1v On Sta1'1' OI' • lllvth Municipal Council '1'1Owinl,r'Match Will I'ro\'ide• 'V, 1.ll;11.'I'IN(► tended `VII1Q'hillil Sel'y1CC' (�hll(ll'eI1'S Al(1 SOCletl' Ili r(L^1101 111111111! mm uting "f Ile 1'll'llt\' O1 Illlllgl'}' I l( 1\' '1111 n' Ili !owe held 111111 'fhe IlIyt11 Ilrancll of Illy Ciimidi.o. -- Mimi, ipal Council '1t the C rpolatl(1n (;01111)etltl)l'ti� reg' ILtr mu, 1:1!..; n \Itnl(11i,11 11,111 last Le:1"111 turned ollt in good number, for Miss Clare McGowan Takes Position ,1f ,„ III Ila, held on Septenili. r '(Ills It \;, Napoleon woo, ,t n^moll• r 111 l !1111 „1;1.,, t\!Il. ,In attendance I d 5. the /one 111 I )t nnllcad ,service held in As Social Worker \ell Pe, ee I;,;Hton and (,.nn, illor- ,,,,',11"-, ,,1'1). •tilt• 11 1114 1111 111'1,'. marl Le 1 Ino 111.2 Ills bn,ni, , 1„ 1 loll IIIc pr; ,i- 1 1,.1;,;,,,,,n, \\11'1,111 I„1111 pad:, on �nmday. II„1'+1,.;111, 111,!d1.0 ;ut'l 1111:tfmld !,I+ ;,,n it t.nl:.(,'I. "11 \,1p 11 'u doln't:'old, pru,entu,l a pt„I,•,t t+, be .,'nt lu S,y0i•tl III(1m•attd people \11111-„•,I fl. T. I:UWARDS, RETIRING SUf ut. II,,ln 111,11 all ,1r1,,. n,•t,'1(1 1l.,' r,'•,'ull1t!ic NIJIi',,t'r 1'i .\ gyri, 1111111, ;I;;,Most Illi, 111.1 drumhead-(ly:('e 1e1,1 ,:n:” I:RIN'1'ENQEN'1', IIONOURF.Q 1111111:,, of 1,1,1 I. ioilar nl1.ctirgl of 111, 1 snake 1 ;t ,'entll",11. but 111. dnl.1!1 `1 ml ;'Ir a;,ulbel t;111 Ic\il,l (,' the 1111. In ginning, of the war. III(' „'I'- - .\11}!11,1 _1th. 11';1,1 ;111,1 t"InIhh'tllyd ,,ti Illll•a11 that ;- 1t ,1. 1rl'1' 111'l't',,:Ir7, 1" -,•,' ((11,;1110(1'111 11hi, ll \\ al, ,42.,11c11 b\• al - vice \,i• und(r t!•,y au-pic/, of it ne NH-, ('lair .1..(;,.\\ an, of 1.,h,th,'';1<nloti(1n of Council! rs 11'llitfiu!d and t., it t!1 .1 an ;111111 11l'7 -I 111. \\ ell f1d: III^ t ;111 pr, -int, loos of the Canadian Lcg;ion, Il.I:.S.i,. 1'1',11 ;o!dcd 1(1 the -tali ,1i illC101/1•Ilolly man. tarried. Ihe (Hine, tion ll''twcuu Napoli...0C-, 1lii' Secretary, NI I.-. :\• h)ler, re- 11./ard, to 40. \decal, "f tt\,, 1111.11'• Aid tio,i"t\' at (; "l''ri,h. and \a', formed the parade Ilion the p''1. ''onnu01ecd icr tomtit, 1111 S'.'h'. ti'I. \Ir11"ty;�ll i, 0 ot''''In°t,' ,."':;11 Legions represented( T. 1h'bIt\u1 supplies (I\\.cre l'x1'lltr \ l !lI1;u'1. 11 rI:1•r. ,Nur,. \I. l'(laf,'l -n1.-J. ll. I'hil!i!1,, repair, - II('I0111, (; derich, Clinton, Se.lfor(li, cte'ls Nil. 11. T. !'.11\t';Ir11,, \,.b 1 1• r1.- 1)111111 p ts (\• Rlllll•r Co., sicnintr, a,-mill!ntcndent, and NI rsE. . lore u"fillnipun nt 111 11,-1.1,, I.i,to\tcl, l Alnlrtshtn, !)r \ HI1lp,"Il continue, ;1 u,' -0 r ', (;111. 1' '. Illy, (*ii., rent ND-. f:,l\\aril-, the retirinv superi„- ((11"11 Stull-, freilllt te111!l'lit, \•a, honoured by tit.' 11,,;11'1 George 1...1o\I'ellc(0 lillulir \\'nl. 'I hn1.11, .\ugtlst s''ury . .I;111 c„mmnit' e1 under the chairul;,n I:a, 111 , I t t 11,.11!. of director, of the society al :1 "'i,ll l Ile suns (1I ,�1111g1'll \a, all"('ated to (•\ening in ,h, home of ml. ,u.'1 \11',.1,.1. .\. l'o\'an, .\ttgn,l salary Soils, k 1111,1 \\i'liaw- of 1':.,\titer. ?1,11111 on I'rid,t . N! r I:'l. ElliottIn,.:\ enc)', insurance r l k0') 1 I'. •, 111.1 It \t ill 11e the Lol, , .'f 1111- I th building, 111101, \\ loll tllc rider that A II. 1 ( \\' In-til•Its \.'old like t'1 \lost' 1 Ily (olln('lll r, \,111111'11 ;111,1 r"11 ( „potty \,.11" \l ill le able to 1,1('1"l,le the (1111111' 1\01,1, hall gi\en IS )cars' etlr.,:'1' -t'• 1111. ;11.111.1 to 1111. pr 1/1,c111, \t1- 11„11'1 11111.1.1111'11the 1.11(1111111s1 11' to hr nscd ser\ice \\'hitfield, that account, a., read he paid. Carried.II•.mo\, lint herr i, the proposition. Pols In the kitchen \\lulu 'I' I;Itchen i, n A, \I. lobe''t,o, seer,tar • of tIc 1 , ,oc,' t1', I,11d of the adv'an •, - 11111(11 :\ letter received and read front the 1 ;u'1' ficin; a -ked for the catering 01 read. 1,11 tic ,taco, n, cons r ng, extended the lunch on Ile four (lags of the III- '1lr trey-urrr, Nlr-. \V. J. Ivens, re- v lIconic to 111 members of Zone 1(1, during \Ir. Eduard, term of "ills•..' Illytll .\gricthtu•al Societ\. requesting 1100 the 1' tnicil be requested 1 , urn- ' •• rnatl 'Ital, and the tender \\ ill 111 ed ported a balance trout 1 :th "1 Jule and rryiewcd the history 1'i t'•1. heal ' The 1,1'(,.1:;1111 l\';1, under the ,llprl'- I I I to include the 11'all•p"I'l;llloll •,I the cat( t III:, �IO!._'1) \\ ILII All "tll,l;llllllll; • "I',,;III!/;111111. Ile 01,11 ,11111 II"11'm1e l" 1'1111' Moore police prott'('tion ;Is (•1111,Id- t si 'n "f Rev. \1'. A. Ileerrof t, chap.... I Much directly to the 111111 011 ' ;u'' crc'lit "i �7 'll. lain, \Vin(;lalit Legion. De\'otilm;,I NI r, I':,h\;ud ' untiring rotor's in le. crablr damage la; lPell done to the agricultural competing in the plo\'ing 111;0011. Of It \vas decided to rater for the Lion, eser;'i,e, \\ eel enndmetcd by Rct'. Jam: half „f '11,'11 pri1,,diaii „shim, est. Rel ,cine Anel buildings. course, ever\v,,,(, rc;llizc, ow calcrin•1` -uppers ;rt their last meeting each luscph Jule , 111 1111;;11 of Ills• , 'r i, ty. Nloyed le ('ounrill rs \\'lillicld and i . t ' month, and emit nano'., were chosen, J;I+'.e, and R'1'. \\'. .', 11;1.1, 1'111 NI.(:. ( i,rc,'nlyd jr.NI':dward; 1\1'.11 ,Im 1.11.1. 1lollynlan, teat in view of the Icttu'i' I ii. 110 tl 1: not (1' situ, It thing ,t111 1111havl`tt111 n.0 A 1)11, :I;'pear on 1111. roll, \!1111 i, Pte. F. \V. \' 1(111 II , R.(..\ . I. -. received front the Itlytl .\grilulturttl \\a, tnc,ented \\ill ;1 gilt b\ 'i'r'I 1.1,11' a fe\v of the rationed c. nlluoditie•, such I t(1 lc the method to he u•ed for se• Soci,'ly, a1111 Illllllerolls other r,1111- C'rciglllon of List -wet f.;l di,ting;uislc,l — as butter, meat, and, t(,"si11l\, ,u ;lt. service. r 111;11111,, 111,1 the 1:1111 of Police h' �'leetlllg IIeI(1 I o Arrange 1111 lunch committee realize, that Ili ins!rnctcd to take 0 more vig"r11Is ar- I'hc ,peel,) ser;d:1.r \v1. IIIc_ I'r1' 1(,01' Rent IZOOIn Ci1111'CISS tion in dealing Vito tie-' offendru•s prl1lcnl of rlti.'ned good, and the ill- :\ meeting (11 captain, and canvas- and if satisfact 'ry results are 1101 oh- Fnllowing,� the ser\^ccs at the taro:, if not tic ono\, ,tuntllinc hooch that sets for the lortc.,lning lest I:"ont tabled in this \'a\•, no! Council intend the parade moved to the rrnotapll ,. lace, anyone who docs any catering;. 111'jrrt 111 held in the \Icnntrial Hall to tal:c drastic action, as the Council \\here Rcy, Jack James 1108 in charge \\'tile \r rayl promise anything, the un I'ri,kty evening, with a splendid k delrrntined to clear this situation During the recent 11\' a zone wreath rnnnniltcc IS endeavouring- to sec if turnout of canfa,ser, fr11111 the 01111- up. Carried. w'as placed h\• 11. S. 'fnrucr, pas! zone it isn't p 8,11111. for special dispensation nntnity'. NI 0\.(.(1 by Councillors \'o(I'Icn and commander and nmy present srrrltat'y. Ur. Rodd, Chairman of 1111. Rest it ti that ne do 111111' adjourn. to le made to take care of these Last fest and I:eyrille \vert. so:nt Igd I,\ I;uglar ,latus, l,'hert,. „,l/r. Conmlullt'e, tad charge of Ile ('arrirtl. —(;orlon I'.Ilioll, Clerk. 131118 and Accounts i+ 'r 011‘.,11«':'c'• scrub' 111111 tole 1!141, 111- ;t"111,( -111• 11,(,I 111-t 11 ,,1'!' 1', "'1111' 11111 tc111;111„u;11 I'1„\\i;l:' \1;111.11, 11'!11111 i- ,I'' rt 1'�In,(' "'. b'+ tt 1,1111l111:',” and the ,•51) 11111111 1011 ,11 th,' 11, rt .\ that .\ir fort '' , ," - 11 ill to hell in \I, uul rial Ifall, 11 11,'1„11,1 Ih. 1(1. 1r" 011,1 I), i- girt,, 1)•t+ober 111th ;ural 1Ill and i• n„t rx- 177.� I evident , . . they 11(1111 II It -i he \\'I L' (I'I i\+l} for Ir,tilnte member.. d! .\r,l Ibe Iee'I'ng f t'Ir t 11;'(11 \!r. \. \\. K\I' t\;Iltc,l 1,11 the meet - 5 1111 I 1, '1 + r +, I +' „ 1 1 1 est 51) ;or, in tilt• 11111 "\ is I(1rt' \I.Itrh'” i- ' 'n.' ill Ill Mt 14. ( pr 1 i -1tte ,IIIIto problem 1'1 the 11110111 i'v,11t, .Ind IliuiIU'!I hltillell tot \I1'ill- Ilct•hert Ile I.rllill; Ilorald I;o.tu;ut; i 1,,!,, l l rr',,t"n, 11(1\111.1, 111\111, I.ueh- Ito\' Bentley. 1111\1•, Kittcardille, 'I iv, rt. n, and \Viu::- (vr'I l ;IIIIIPIg; Getrt' '1'. (oll I'll'; 11;1111. 'land, wen' present 11'(1111 I.ltl'1.- 1tt tl 1 .11:; Kenneth t',tlnp11c11, 11,1\, I.i,lo\cl, Clinton, hint;udinr and 1111 \1'ingl;un Cit len•' Rand. 1 lcr)t- Mg the parade \a, Major cringlon, \1.11,1?., heal! of the 00th I;a1'erv. The I'1 csidcnt of the \\'ingltam Leg; • \V \\' \ t I I lc;tll I:cli,,on Falconer ; Ste \';,Ile Lison. Orton (;ra'n ; Nobel t ( sot ler, \\'allace Mutton, 1loward Iron; \\'illi,lnt'ruin; Rich ard ir\1'in. I.ht\1! John -ton; Elliott Johnston; Maitland Johnston. Harold l�crr; Ilett I\eclutic; Frank Kcchnie, Ruth Leggatt. 'I Minas \l 'rti-on; Hai old Mason; Ro)' Mugford; Earle Mugford; 1110 iit-11miuc\', Gordon Nettcry, 1?d\ard Oxley, Clifford Put•don; henry Pattison, 1:o\• Robinson; \\•illian Railhl\•; Nor - ata)) Rodger; Leslie Dollit'r. Borden Scott; Robert Smolt; Joseph St. \la'1' l 1l\'mond 5t. ui ti -1'; Ra- pha(.l St. \l;u'ie, John 'Taylor; '1'honna, 'ftonip•on; James '1 Itotnp,on ; \'a'd 'Thant', 11 ; Sam Thonip>ott. lav Vincent; Clare \'iu''cnt, Ivan \\'iglUmtn; James \\'al,ll; ford \Val,lt. ---V Former Resident Dies In London NI rs. Catharine 'Teresa (Kelly) NIc- Caughev died suddenly at her resi- dency, 359 Central avenue, I'I•i(lay. morning. She 1ya, 11,,111 in Illyth 73 years ago, and at one time her hits- 1 upon to have this measure cleared band, \Villi;Int F. \Icl'aughcy, operat- away, .\ report of J. I'. McCallum of ed the Commercial hotel here, leaving d;ton;lge, to 0 flock of sleep by dogs in 1919 for London, Nits. f'c('au(;hcy \a, presented and 1 rdered paid. \'as 0 member 1,1 St. Peter's (•11then- 11.y -law No, 8, 19•1(1, setting; the rales cal, the Altar Society and the Con- 1 of taxation for county, totyttslip and fraternity of the Ille,sed Sacs' i ut ul. I gemcrtl school rate was read the first ler husband predeceased her six 1, and second time, and are as follow,: years ago, l'omtt\•, b mills; township, 3 milli. Surviving are t\'o daughters, Sister school,, 3,5 "tills; Federation of :\gt'i- NI. Baptista, of tit. J seen', Order, culture, 1-5 "till. Motion by ('omicil- Leantington, 1111.1 Loretta Nlc('a!Ighc)., lois NItlowcll and Mack, that I;\' -Law Reg;•\., London; three sorts, Jack No, 8 be given third reading and pas- NleCamghcy, London; Dan AttCaugltcy sett. Carried. (Judie(' City; and Frani: NIcC'aug11'y,l Re-ve .1. I). Ittccrcft called to the St. Johns, l',(l.; tt110 sisters, Sisterattention of the Council that it \•as Mary, of St. Joseph's Order, London,' pos-ihle to have a c•'aclt on plowing, and Nlrs. 1'. Aiming, Sarnia, 011d one in,t•uct those interested in preparation brother, Daniel Kelly, L'nduu. for the international. :\ meeting to The funeral was held from the 1.1. C. he lurid at the (lerl:'s office on Sept. Nillittt swottlt ant! Sots funeral home . 911, \•as arranged to make plans for NI( "'lay morning, and requiems high holding demonstrations at an early mass \'as sung iit St. Peter's Cathed- date. rat at') o'clock. Interment was made Mr. Marvin \lcl)utcell, to\•msllip as - V meeting, and outlined the scheme f r riii,ilg the necessary ,1,(1,1.1111, which FA/1St ,va\vanosll Council it is c,timlated \ill be require,, to fill. The 'limn:dlip of 1'la,t \Vawa„c;sl, ance the project, 1111 also passed but Council ttct \•itll all member, present, the 11('1.1.„ary forms to the captain;, on September 3r11, Reeve 1. 1), 1101'- advising theta to complete the r task ('roll presiding, The tllitltttes of the f1, ,1(111 as possible. I'igltr:Itg it pre\'ions meeting \'ere read ;Ind ae. it1 round figures, if three hundred pco- proved. (ontplaints were recorded of plc contributed x;10,(0 each, the ncces- live stock at large on the to\'n,ltilt sac\' amount tt told he rai,e+l. road,. Immediate steps were decided .\t the concltt,ion of the meeting a splendid lunch, prepared by \Ir. and ,\It's. Prank: 11ullvntan, \vas served. NIr, Prato: \larslctll moved a vote of thanks to Nlr. and Nits. II( Hyman for the lunch, and Ni r. N, K\'It mov- ed a vote of thanks to Dr. I I, (1(1 G r itis leadership and lard wort:, 11110 far in the Rest l:otltn Project. (anv'as,cr, trill be calling through- out the community during this \veel: and next. in St. Peter's Cemetery. V I-Itu'oll County Scholarship To Be Awarded The Huron County Council has es- tablished a Huron County Scholarship to he awarded annually gra boy \ton eaters the Ontario .\grietrltural Col- lege. '1 he ,chttla'ship is to be awarded ' to 0 boy who in Itis seeon,lary school course has shown proficient.). in Iii,' ,Indies, and qualifies of leadership. This scholarship replaces the tiit,sey Sch-larship. The Conttnittee has awarded the scholarship this year to .1. Allison Nlnrgan, son of .\. \V. Nlorgau, 1.'s - borne Township. Allison ;!ttendcd 1•:x- eter high School, and in 1043 enlisted in the Rn\';tl Canadian Air Force, \•here in his training a, a \\'ircicss Air -(summer he showed narked ;tldlay. Ile received It's wings and the rank of sergeant itt December 194.1. lie vol- unteered for service in the Pacific, and completed his advanced training just prior to V -J 1)01•. On his release from the :\ir Force, he entered the Institute of Veterans' R'-cSlalllitllllellt ;,nd 1 - V Training in 'Toronto to complete his A POTATO ODDITY secondary school cducati 11. .\1181111 Nit-. Fred Peckitt, of l.ondeshoro, is has enrolled at the (3.:\,C., and begins re0Ponsibl' for supplying The Stand - his course this term, a,(1 with this \eck's oddity, and in resenting it he remarked that he MISSION BAND TO MEET had never heard of a similar growth 'rite Mission (land of Loving Ser- before, and wondered if anyone else vice will hold their September meet- had. The item under discussion is 0 ing on Saturday, September l•itli. 1?v-'Immalo set which was planted last ,1.•s. I•, discussed with Council the Westfield I1'a(ll's From \V.O.A.A, Softball Picture MONKTON TAKES SEMI-FINAL ROUND IN TWO -STRAIGHT ,\lonkton p"o\cd that their first win against \Vest field in the semi-final round was no fluke, when Inst 'Thurs- day night, on the \lottl:ton diamond, they repeated the do,1' only 111111.1' so. Quite ;, number of \Vestficld fans, and ser procedure in complying tyilii a few from Itlyth, Bitty their favour- pr. the :\see,<nunt chance -oyer, Section Iles ;111,11.1 a 23 to 3 shellacking-, to pass right out of the softball picture. 58 Assessment Act, as amended this \T; , provides that every 111111 ripalll) The general conccnsus of opinion of is to have an asscs,ment prepared hent' -tot\'” Lon, tvh1 t \yere present, this year on wltici 19.17 taxes are to ler 11 10 that the umpiring was a bit Off • (',Ileal', hitt, then again, so 11;10 the I'lle Oat: stated that the \\';u \\'estfield team, so that 'with the unr- S;lying, Certificates \eerr ready for sided score, A -I umpiring 11oul'l have nailing to those \'fin had served in 1111. 111;110 little difference. From a spectator stand -point ,\riled Forces in rerog;nition el set.- vices faithfully given, \\'e,tficld teats lacked zip, and on the The following accounts were ordered to he paid; hank of ('ommer ee, \\'. S. Certificates, $1200.; S. ,'ruhnstou, 8111(11 claim, $22.(10; 1 F. .\IcCallttnt, sheep valuer services, $2.70; 5. \Ielturncy. salary, $142,03; C. McIturney, brush- ing and cable, $15.011; \V. Thicll, \•irk 1.`I like e Mullett 'I'o\vnship Council The regular meeting of the 11111ctt 'I'own,lie Council was held in the Community 11011, i, tndc,ioro, Septem- ber 511, 111.10, at 7.31) p. in. The Reeve and all member, of the Council being present. The minute, of the last re- gular meeting August ith, \\ ere read. MOTIONS ily \\'. R. Jewitt and \\•nt. J, Dtic, that the minutes of August 8th, 194(,, to adopted a, corrected. Carried. It\' \\'nt. J. Dale and \V. R. Jewitt, That we pass a Ity-I.aw for the Levy of 1-5 of 1 mill for the Federation of Agriculture. Lost, :\ntntcndtttent to \lotion by George C. Brown and J. Ira Rapson, that we give a (.;rant of ;'(''(1011 to the Federa- tion of Agriculture, instead of adding 1-5 of 1 still on 'faxes. Carried. Ily J. Ira l:apson and George C. Brown, that we extend the Engineers time on the Ilranch (1')1 of the Kin - burn Swamp Drain and the Dodds \Iain Drain, Carried. Ily \VIII. J. Dale and J. Ira l:apson, that we pass 0 11). -Law accreting the 1'),hi Assessment Roll for 1')•17. Carried. Illy \Vnt. I. Dale and I. Ira Raesnn, that the ace(1u,lls as presented be Paid. Carried. nrimg catrr,.rs this year, The special program tt'a., in charge I,f \I r,. Drell l:Itticdgc, Convenor' of Ili.,totic;tl l u-c:u'ch, \\ ho combined it pith i;randni. tttr's Day, and present- ed 0 very fine program. Mrs, Alice I";otcutt read a tribute to \\'omen', In•titltr, and ;t plea that it', member, ,lo\' 1d1111ncss :11111 tolerance for the 110\1 tar brides, ,Ito mt,t}' bet lonely coupon,. and home -lel:, Naturally, anyone \1111 tidies 0111 such Sadie ('uniing and \ors, Nlary ;1 job, r consider, putting in a hill for •1'0\ 1111 contributed a harmonica duct the 1 1, will require a 1.1.11,1111 amount and responded \ill a well-deserved of information 1111111 w'1. \i!I Uy to encore They \\ ere accompanied by ‘71101.1/”. It will he necessary to figure \Ir,. Fred Souu•rs, of Timmins. 1111 the supplying of approximately '111 NIrs. ('ctts read Gain Green', hunt- Innchc, per day. the lunches should or'nt, artirlr, "1'itaulin, from a blue 11e sub,tantl tl, but not fancy. tI -It Iced gad " telling of early school iIlthVirhe, and a quart "1 "til!: ,Ltv•, \hen sulphur and nu,lasses pro- lould. be 1111. bask, 1)i 1.1111,1., any. yidcd all tic ,prolog tonic necessary. thing el -e that you nlighl add to this \Its. (unling and \Irs. AlcC;tlluut \oul,l he appreciated, out the plain s:ttu , "l;randhttltcr's flu 1.k' ycty \velli c I,id,'ration i,, as \•e 101.1' said, that , Nic.. 11. IL,I! };;eve an informal tall: the 11111111 le substantial. 1'1111ing nn "'1'111, lanada of Our," lased 111 giycs a nn;ut an appetite! the tip she ;uld \I r. hall, \larguelite ]n flaring your lid for this e tori„„ and I:hea, tool; :t few \reeks ago, to it i, emphasized by 1111 committee 111,1 . tic 111' -toric cities of Ottawa, 'floret' you list what the lunch will co11-1•1 "f, I:i\'cr,, ( utrbcc city an,l Montreal, ,h1. and \that Ile cost would le, inchud;ng dcseritte I the bot,utical gardens at t•amsportation of the lunch ,lirrrlly t,t \11.1;111 University, the finest in the ole nun taking; part in the crnnp(Iili„tt i world, ,Ind \Vulf's love thiel they al- the lore i, the clt;uncc for lac branch, ' ,o vi,itc(I• of the Women's Institute to bolster ul, I he roll wit- ;tusuercd I,\• a memory the fund, of that branch, by pLnillg 101,0 front your school reader and their lid to do the catering f r the provided many laugh,, Mien ono\• one. 1'110 Intrrnaliona) Plowing \1,1111, line w;s repeated and the rest suddenly which is to he held at the Port .\Merl forgotten. Air Port, 'Tuesday, \\'edtic,(Iay, 'foam's- Prize, wcrc a\arvled to, \ors. A. 1x1 and I'rida\', Ortuler 15111, Ititll, th�el Iugtl for the oldest grumlumither lith ;1111 18111. \ddrtss your bids l•• ;Intl for laving; tic greatest number of '10 ('hairncut of the Flinch Committee, great gruulrllildren, to Nlts. \Vnt. \Ir. Rulanll \Villisuns, Exeter, Ontario. "I'1utell for Icing the youngest grand- - mother, to \Irs, Alice Ea\cett for hal ing the most grandchildren, NI rs, U +'I.e(iR•AV1 I'hmuas Elliott \•as the tallest grand - Illy \V. It. Ic\itt and \\'In, J. Dal', School rr•opcurd (111 'fucsda\' with that \'' d0 now adjourn. 1'arrit'd. Mi”11;11 NI 1tI1ild of 1;11881.18 The next regular meeting 111 the Ilul- c,nnnu'ue lug her third year as teacher lett 'I'o\yn,lip Council lyill be held in Itrtr, 511011 0111,118 started 1111.11' edu- cational the Community hall, L udrshur"' O1. career, 1''11.,11 r \Vii 1t, Icon tuber 7tt, 1941i, at 1.3(1 in the afternoon' \\',11>h, Lois look, Freddie took. ACCOUNTS Florence Bacon, I'ranl:ie 1laltaliat and Dont. Road \lachiu' Co., grader Junior I'cng,tlly. The number on the repairs $35.17 roll \'as rased to 42 for the terns, Provincial 'treas. insulin .. 3,53 Nliss Edith \Ittlenn;lglt.tn returned .\. \Vevntoutlt, grader repair, . .1.7.1 to her school at Itrucclield. the .\• llrnnsdon, grader repair and \ti's Barbara Nlicitie returned to . 24,ll' 111"\1.1 , ... other hand \i:tlkton, from the oat boy David I?wan, grader repair . 3.01) on, \cru right on the't toes. '1'11e fast County of Huron, snow plough 3.t4,d4 pitches of 'homily Jardine were met (-;surge Radford, bulldozer - .--'(131).(Nl solidly by the NIonktcn hatters, and Gordon Radford, gas and oil ..- 113105 No of them drove out long home Johnston Crawford, ditching 1.8'1 rots, with Wren , u bases. They field- \Imrray NIc1"ngal, ditching .....-.. '.111 champions, and good Frank: Longman, ditching Sol their 11 in. \\'illi;un Dunking, ditching . '.4J teams ;te now left in the \\'illiatn tarter•, Road Sttpt .._7'.45 running, Motd:tom, Grand I;end and i1100111 Beacom, culvert .... . . 1.(10 I\cat1•. Grand Ilcnd has drawn a I%ehrrt Riley, brushing 4.01) bye in the finals, \hilt \lonktnn and ; Itct•t l loggart, eul•..'•'t (1.80 lac;tiy will fight it out for the right George W. Cowan, itcctls ......---. 24.30 to enter the final round. A. \Veyn:l troth, grader operator .. 115.50 Softball, which has created so mutt George W. (o\•atl, Clct•k. interest in this community (luring the --- sutmntct•, i, note over, and in spite of BLYTH UNITED CHURCH the fact that none of the lccal teams September 15tht, made the finals, they did provide some 10 :15 : Sunday School. fine smuttier evening entertainment for 11 :15:. ,'\\'hat Christ taught about a large number of fats, • Ii the Future Life." • y _ I 7 0.01.: ',Vont Own \Veil." ATTENDED FUNERAL i 'Tole anniversary of the church \'ill \I r. and Nlrs. C. T. Dehl\'n, and be held on (lctoher 13111. value for on culverts, $(1.30; h, 'I'houtpson, cut I'hrce Zing weeds, $5?II; C. Punkin, repairing tank, 50c; A. NI, Crawford, tiro for grader, 454.9(1; \\'cstccl Products, signs, $7.661. Council adjourned to meet on Octo- ber 1st. --I2. 1:. REDMOND, Clerk cryotre requested to he present. .\ny- one having their talent money really'. please bring it along. Ray, attended the funeral on \Vedtt's- day, of Mrs. Stanley (ascadden, o1 spring. The set took life itself, and Darrow, \rhu passed a'ay suddenly. grew to a fairly respectable potato, \Irs. Cascaddeu was 0 niece of Mr. although a little on the flat side. Doltb\•n, Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupon, now due art' !ttl'1Pr R1S to R21 ; sugar -Preserve, Sl to 524 an;; Meat Q1 to Q4. 1lensall school. \Irs. Joshua \Valsh is under the doctor's care ;it present. ,\lis, Dorothy Mason is a patient in \\'inghant ho•pit;tl where sly had her appendix rimmed on Thursday night. \\-c wish icr a speed). recovery. On \Linda\' morning James Gullies \'file dri\in0 on the •ith 1,onces,iott of \lorris ground 0 balloon by the side of the road \'hictl was released near Chi- cago and 0 card attached to be rc'- turncd to .\ddison, III. It had been 017.:crcd in a balloon race. Nfr. and Nits. hoc \'will and \Ir. and \Irs. \\'ul. \IeNlurrty left on Tuesday to visit relatives at Carleton Place. latiott hooks \very distributed here on Noonday afternoon \with Rr1•. l;. 11 Dunlop in charge, assisted by \1r,. C \\'ade, Nirs. I', 11. \\'Iticler and Nliss 1'lorcncc Cook, v PERSONAL INTEREST \Ir. David liar, of Vane.''-nycr, visited his nicer, \Irs. J. I1. R Elliott, (!"ring the week. \Ir. and \irs. George 12. \icGee. of 5, 1111,, 'sited on NI outlay with INet'. A. and Nlrs, Sinclair, mother and \Irs. 1', C, McGowan the shortest. The concluding; item on the interesting program was a skit by titclvc grand - 10 tier,, ".\ Quilting Ilex'', staged by a fictitious \\'"nu'n's Institntc of ivitich \Its. Snubber', 1 Nlrs, Fawcett) was pre,idcnt. \Irs. 'Tatters (tile late NIr5, Sadie limning) vice-president; Mrs. \\'anderlu,t, I Mr,. McCallum); NI r,. Yellett (\ors..\. Stead), who \\ as quite deaf, used an car trumpet and always nmol' the wrong reply; Nit's, Maloney I \Irs. Petls) a fast (miller who \vas really fast ; Nlrt. Cluthl)v (Mrs. Mary Taylor) a gossip, and who knew all the answers; \Irs. Struliit (Mrs, Col- cloighl a terrible quitter; ,Urs. 'rhumb nail ( Mrs. Fear) ; Mr,. 'Tightwad (NI rs 1:utledgel; and Alts. Askit (Mrs. hell) brought their ca per rags along to se\', Mrs. Canting and \Irs. McCallum favoured with another duel, \' Picture Show To -Night (Thursday) 1)nc to the annual hall Fair con- cert in the Nfentorial hall, Wednesday evening. the picture show, "Junior Prone" and ,,west of the Alamo., ad- vertise,l for that date, will be held to- night (Thursday). Henceforth these short's will he dello every Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs, T, II. Sherrill and 111111111. P I1t .1 few clays at the home f ' ! r,. Shot tilt's parents, Rev. A. and Airs. Sinclair. REAM RE OF THE SEA 131' George E. Walsh SYNOPSIS l 11 tl"i'hlt Ills 'tenet usk flick 11,,,001 the n ' •.l: :111J the prospects any floats;on, Disk tell:: hum that there is little chance tin• l,• ;.,e. ..t :.1;11,111nrd Dick 1ee.111.1 the radio �.I1, '1111 fives the position. "The I: rraJor L'anl(! \\'e can be there 111 11( 111,111'0," exctuilnv Inset( llur- L>, rho tn:i 10. 1(Icic quickly realizes 1'h It he trust matte himself valuable if he wished to save his lite. Ile to know of some smug - )41. 1 irwols altnehed to a float toe( r the wreela, CHAPTER IV ile (ringed, allowing time for the information to sink in the oth- er' Iran,;, oed then tton: e t .8111• ly: "It's an old trick, of course— old a, smuggling—but it generally wort:;. I had 'cul ready to chuck through the porthole when we reached the Jersey coast—expected to get the signal some dart: night trete ,1 ti. lorieett. via t, e.; it' Captain 'feet was glaring at hint v,itlt greedy eyes, his flat nostrils dilatted to their full expansion. The mottled complexion of his face changed like the shifting of a cha- meleon. "\\ hen the steamer struck," add- ed Dick lightly, glancing seaward, "Ins first thought was of those pre- cious gents. If left in the state- room they'd go down tvith the steamer. If chucked out in time there was a chance to salvage then(. So" nodding, "1 let 'em go." "\\'here was this?" asked Tucu, stru,gling to •tppear calm. 'Tear the Roncador Rani::" Dick laughed. a bit insolently, and shrugged his shoulders. "1 won't tell von, captain," Dick con- tinued quietly, "unless \e can conte to some sort of ;t bargain." "\\'hat bargain y' want?" asked the other slowly, checking his an- ger. "flail interest—no, three quar- ters. You should be satisfied \vith that." ,'.111' if not:" "lou don't get auto thing. If 1'11, killed or found mi,sing suddenly the lee,c' l ' for the fi=L'e "\\'c could find the float by cruisin' ,u-ound " replied the Carib, smiling craftily. Oick laughed al^air, "Not in a year of Sundays,' Its replied. "You don't think I'd make that float so alybody'd spot it, and pick it up? I'm too old at the ; ' I .I you ten chances, captain, if you were within fifty feet of it. \\'hy, a float that looks like a fish or bird or even a jelly -fish could pass you a dozen times vith'tt exciting your suspicion. Diel' ci ! e 1i':, swallowed now, hr,ok, sinker and line. Captain Tucu became sudden- ly amiable. 11c grinned good-na- turedly. "\\'c'll go shares," he said. ''Is it a bargain:" "Sure, it you play straight—one- quarter to you, and the rest to me —no double-crossing." "Never double-crossed a friend," ryas the purring reply, "Conic in the cabin an' talk about it. Mebbe we get those jewels afore night." Captain Tucu and his crew of Caribs had little in their favor to encourage one. to take a long voy- age with them, especially through the tropical seas (:here life at best is one endless strugrlc against be- ing parboiled on decic or suffocated below. The lugger wag an old boat, Smart Girls Always Carry Paradol in their Handbags They know that Paradol will re- lieve them quickly of headaches and other discomforts, as well as help to check colds. One girl writes,—"Until I used Paradol every month I suffered al- most unbearable pains. It is the most quickly effective relief I have ever used and there is no disagreeable after effect." L For' Quick Relief of Pain never built for comfort, and in the course of time she had gathcted such a variety of odors from any cargoes that the reeking filth was nauseating to a white men, which, with the in:ole(IJate ventilation be- low, trade the t'ccks on the hottest • day preferable to the cabin or the crew's quarters. The only livable spot was under the canvas awning shielding a part of the after deck. 11ere !)ick Jordan lolled to recu- perate frtm his et,nausting. expos- ure in the water, sharing the nar- row spar with half -naked Carib', Later that day one of the Caribs forward called ,Ittention to some- thing 'o the horzon. 'Tucu seized a pair et old sea -glasses and in- spected it in silence for a few nto- ments. Then handing than (0 Black Burley, he grunted: "\',(hat d'ye make o' it?" The nate gave a1 sh rt ,(suint, and exc.!, inted: "A scli000er •— wrecked!" "Yes, it's a derelict. \\'e can pick her up before dark." Dick, listening and watching, drew a sigh of relief. It they had discovered a floating derelict, they would sail out of their course to overhaul her. That would give him a respite of a few hours, or per- haps another night and day Ile heard with pleasure the or- ders to alter the course of the lug- ger to bring her In direct line with the derelict, Captain Tucu and Black Burley were aroused to keen excitement, A derelict on the high sea might mean touch to thio if abandoned (tastily by her crew, the pickings might bt of great value. There was the cargo to consider, if not wa- ter -soaked and ruined; and the per- sonal belongings of the cren and officers if in the excitement of leaving they had not taken them away. Finally, there was always the possibility of salvaging the hull, and towing it into some port to sell to the hieiitst bidder, if the origin.t1 otyocrs didn'take a stiff offer for it. Altogether, it was not an un- profitable business. It paid some- times better than out and out pira- cy. .\t such times the set scaven- gers kept strictly within the lava's. 'Choy knew the laws of sea salvage by heart. When the derelict 1,ually ;is::tnt- cd defintte shape to toe naked eye, Dick became ahsorbel in studying it, forgetting his oven t,.ublcs for a time in speculating on tI0 cause of the disaster. 11e found himself sympathizing with the c'ptai't and crew of the ill-fated craft, and when they drew nearer and saw the evidences of a hard battle with the elotrcrts he grew sed. t il. It had been three masts, but ,nil-, one stood intact. The blain truck had gone by the board, carrying c!o.vn .1 in tile crash (are mo, o1 toe mizzen mast. The tangled rigging and sail, as a result of this acci- dent, resembled a collapsed balloon that had become the playtkine of the wind. Shreds of canvas y;h.p- ped in the breeze, and the nig, matin - sail and topsails would occa•:on Il- ly fill and puff up, The tot .tr(1 utast w'as intact, standing upright, refusing to tend or break under the pall of the oth- ers. The hull was tether low in the water, but not more than would be the case if she were heavily laden. $he was not waterlogged; neither was she battered end broken be- low decks. \lost of the dans gc seemed to he in the sails and rig- ging. This fact had not escaped the keen eyes of the skipper of the lug- ger, and the nearer they approach- ed the more promising appeared the prize they had picked up. Then carte a sudden guttural t iy from one of the crew, followed by wild gesticulations and a pointing hand. There, standing in the rig- ging, waving and noddine at them, was an old man, hatless and near- ly shirtless, with bushy whiskers flopping ftp and dart n in the breeze. At first they c(.uld heat no sounds coating front his bps, but tvith a slight change in the wind the voice carried to them. For the most part it scented like the wild, incoherent gibberish of one demented. "Ahoy there, mates!" it called. "What ship is that? Don't recognize her! Never mind, come aboard! '1 his is' the Betty of New London—sound of timber and fast of heels—tl)akin' twenty knots an'hour. Conte aboard if y'can catch us! 'I'htow Inc line while I tuff her—quick now'(" Tucu and Black Burley stared at the man in silence. Then they glanced at each other and, reading each other's thoughts, nodded. (To he continued) ISSUE 37-!946 SEZ WHO? . , . SEZ ME! SORA -A -A -AM ! Ready, year-old Rhode Island Red rooster and Scooter, 8 -months old terrier, took an instant dislike to each other when they first met as chick and pup. and have maintained the feud ever since. They yap insults at each other and have a fight every time they meet. Ill top photo, they square off, Scooter barking, Ready looking his grim meanest, Lower photo shows the usual end of their brawls, with Scooter taking it on the lam after the rooster has sunk his spurs in his hind end. Animals are pets of Frances Nixon, of Fabens, Tex, CIIIIONICLES of GINGER FAIIM If I had the energy—and the ability—I could sit clown right here and now, and compose an ode "To the Old Model A." How many tittles our old faithful has come to the rescue I wouldn't know, but she's at it again. Daughter and friend Bert were coming for the holiday week -end "if the car didn't act tip again". Apparently it slid, so they didn't— if you get what I mean. Now it is Sunday and 13ob and niece Joy are away after them, chugging along the road with the old Model A. • * * Almost I dread the day tyllen we mast part with her—not that we expect to yet because chances of getting anything better arc still pretty diet—but eventually we may get a chance on a car that %vitt, no doubt, he more respectable in ap• pcarance but less reliable in action. In the meantime although she con- tinues to run, old faithful develops a fresh squeak every day or so. New squeaks can be rather dis- concerting until you find out whore they come from. You get ustnl to the old ones—you know just which ones belong to the fender, the tvindow, the starter or the clutch. And when the other half of the front scat wobbles around you don't get alarmed because you know it is just because one par- ticular bolt has slipped out again, and also you know just about where it will have rolled to so con- sequently there is never any tr)ullc in finding it. 41 p On cool, daunp days if you y, ant to start out in a hurry and the motor splutters and stalls, you know all you have to do is tut n the choke a little t1100e and there's never a ck.uht in the world you'll get wherever it is you natal to go —and 1neyhc you will pals1, and not exactly envy, a streamlined job or two on the road --being towel in for repairs! Yes, an old car is lite an old friend, you get to know her limits as well at:; 1101. virtues—and a:10 for them, Get another can' and it takes time to learn both, ,\nyway while stool strikes are in progress and t;(,od cars are just something t.) dream about 1 guess we shall continue to be very thankful for our, own \\'allying Id1111110--:Jodcl .\ specialty. is i' As to than we had a visitor the other day \vho arrived in a horse• drawn buggy --so we are still one jump ahead. Another clay we had a visitor who evidently didn't be- lieve in the modern trend towards mechanization. Ile said he hadn't got hydro and didn't want it . there wasn't anyone that he knew of that was any better off fur hav• ing ill 1 don't know whether it made any difference but Partner certainly' tried to convince him that electrification on farms was tvorth every cent that it costs. And "theta's my sentiments too". If only every farmer's wife could en- joy its advantages before hard work had taken its toil of her health and strength. I ant quite sure there are very few women %vho would say "they wouldn't have hydro if they had the chance", By Gwendoline P. Clarke . . • Of course hydro has its disad- vantages too—I'll admit that—but then you have to allow for them. Last 'Thursday for instance, I was just nicely started canning a bushel of tomatoes when the power went off—and staved off all the morn- ing, It was a nuisance but still 1 wasn't stuck and didn't have to light the fire because I had the oil - stove to fall back on, If I had electric stoves and (tot plates in every room I would still hang on to my oil -stove. The big problem now is to always remember to have a few gallons of coal -oil in the house. Unless it is in constant use that is the easiest thing in the world to forget. * t• * \Veil, the holiday is over—the 'I'oroittoniaus are back to their re- spective jobs. Bob is away to the tractor. Partner and I are carry- ing on as usual and Joy has not yet conte to life again, I imagine our idea of a holiday yesterday would have struck some people as rather queer. A ratan came along to do some work in the stable so Partner and 13ob were helping him, 'l'hc girls and 1 did a gig %cashing and ironing. Bert painted the kitchen ceiling. And yet we all had a good time with lots of fun going on while tvc were working. 1 aright also add that at supper time we wound ftp with a really heated discussion over strikes and the labour situation in general, And no 0110 changed his of her views ars a re,ttlt1 A Prayer This is a prayer said 10 have been found in Lancashire, England, on the wall of an old inn: Give its. 1-ord, a bit 0' stns. A hit 0' work and a hit o' fun; (live us all, in the struggle and splutter, Our daily bread and a bit o' butter; (live us health, our keep to make, An' 0 hit to spare for poor folks' 111111'. Give us sense, for we're some of us duffers, An' a heart to feel for all that suffers. Give us, too, at bit of song. An' a title, and a hook to help its along, An' give us our share o' sorrow's lesson That we ntay prove how grief's a blcssiit'• Give us, Lord, a (•haute to be Otto goodly best, brave, wise and free, Otto goodly best for ourself and others, -!'ill all men learn to live as broth- ers. 11 e• rs sy ONLYr DRUGSTORES TABLE TALKSS, The Pickle Shelf I.ar11 o1 the deer lc( hits v, loch follow c.tll.e for tomatoes, either ted or (teen. The t hili Sauce i; and t wit Relish should be made right away while t fpr tomatoes are at their hest, I+tit 1110 Green "Postale Chow -Chow ntay be left until a little latter. l; bili Sauce is .10 w.o ! that cern though one hatch lakes almost half the extra two pounds of sugar allowed pet persue, it is well tt•,+t111 using the sugar for this purpose. The same might be said about the Green Tomato Chow -Chow 0, hick, inci .dentally, is an excellent way of making good tt;c of these tomatoes in the gat den which refuse to ripen, Chili Sauce 1 tablespoon whole cloves 3 tablaapoons whole allspice 1 gallon chopped, skinned ripe tomatoes (8 lbs.) 2/ cups chopped, peeled onions (6 medium) 2/ cups chopped, seeded grain or sweet red peppers (6 medium) 1,y cups sugar 2 tablespoons salt 4 cups blended pickling vin gar Tie spices in cheesecloth bag. Combine with remaining ingredi- ents in saucepan. Cook, uncovered, 2/ to 3 hours, or tilttil quite thick, stirring frequently. Remove spice bag. Pour into sterilized sealers or jars and seal, Yield: about 6 pints. Corn Relish 6 cups corn (cut from cob) 4 cups coarsely chopped cu• cutnber 4 cups coarsely chopped ripe tomatoes 4 cups coarsely chopped celary 1 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup chopped sweet red pep- pca, 4 cups chopped white onions 3 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons mustard 1 tablespoon tutneric 4 cups pickling vinegar 2/ cups brown sugar Mix ingredients well. Simmer uncovered, until thickened . . . about 50 minutes, stirring fre- quently. Yield: about 8 pints. Green Tomato Chow -Chow 30 medium green tomatoes (7A, pounds) 6 large onions cup salt 1 tabic:;goon mustard seed 1 tablespoon whole allspice 1 tablespoon celery seed 1 tablespoon whole cloves 1 tablespoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon palpercorns / lernon 2 sweet red peppers cups brown sugar 3 cups blended pickling vinegar Slice tomatoes and onions thinly and place in a crock or l namel vessel in alternate layers with the salt. Let stand ovot'night. In the morning, drain thoroughly, rinse in cold water and drain well again. Tia all spices loosely in a cheese- cloth bag; slice lemon thinly; re- move stem and seeds from peppers and slice thinly. Add spice bag and -sugar to vinegar, bring to boiling point, then add tomato's, onions, lemon and peppers. Cook for 111 hour, stirring gently to prevent sticking. Remove spice bag and pack pickles in hot, sterilized jars; cool and sail. Yield: about 5 pints. 1) "Don'ts" For Safety From Lightning In an (belt ical slot in do noth• inti tthich exposes you ti) unneces- sary i u1ger from liglttnilt , ad- vi,cs the 1'eterborough I?xantitter, 1)o not go st%inuning, nor take a 1:110, for in -111100, for water is an excellent (onductot of rlrclt!t'ily. I)o not stand in (tont of a fire• lilac(, for lighlnine quite often sweeps down t lunanrv:. ILrtt t 01011(1 under a tree nor neat one, for neve are often -truck, and lightning i; likely to run along the ground loon a tree, 0tribi(t(t any- thing in it; pant. Don't ,land un- der an middle, for the (nttl shaft i; 0 conductor, Bring Your Bread This discreet notice to patrons appears in a popular Soho, London, restaurant: "In virtu of the 11(•10' rationing orders, customers %visiting to have bread with their meal 100 advised to bring their own with them. ()tlt• erwisc we shall be obliged to cut (Mit One course if we supply bread oursclve,." itegulations provide (batt a meal may not exceed three courses — soup, fish or meal and sweet. If bread is served, another course Hurst be foregone, anio .nu .m.,.6 You 11'III ICnit(y Sln)tng Al The Ste Regis Hotel '1'11111) \'1'11 • Every Hoorn 11'1111 1111111 Kho%%er and 'Telephone t! Ingle, 52,51) up— Double, $3.50 up • Cool! food Dining turd pour- ing Nightly SlrerIourne 01 l'urllon Tel. ILA. .1)05 ,o Ihi HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Used to be Bilious and Constipated But Happy Days Here Again Since Relief was Found Bilious attacks, headaches and constipa• lion made life a burden to I his mother of ton children. Then she started on n simple plan which she has never regret led. For ten years, the "little morning dose" of Itruschon has helped to keep her well, as age tolls in this let ter: --- "I have put my faith in Kruschcn Salts for at least ten years. I used to suffer with nasty bilious spells, head- aches and constipation. 1 wish 1 had taken Krnschen sooner. I ant 46 years old and have had len children. Thanks to my little morning dose of Krnschen am free from constipation and 1 feel lino."—(Mrs.) C. I1., Coventry. It is reasonable to ask why this woman's headaches, constipation and biliousness were so happily relieved by Kruscheu. The answer is that Kruschcn is trade up of six minerals or ends and when you take Kruschcn regularly for a while, your stomach, liver, kidneys and your digestion are benefited. And that- -as you know—is 11 big help in keeping regular and feeling fit. All druggists have Kruschcn Sells: price 25e and 75c. Try them yourself and lake just enough to suit you as a morning close. "No no, Carrymorel You were supposed to rescue Miss Aloor —not the crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "Sorry, Mr, De Bill—but when I saw these malty -rich, sweet -as -a -nut Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes floating around out there, I guess I got carried away!" "Well put 'eat down over here near me. I could do with some of those carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; iron for the blood; and other food essentials." "It's the two grains in Grape -Nuts Flakes that gift you all that goodness. Wheat and malted barley are skilfully blended, baked and then toasted for golden crispness, tempting flavor and easy digestion." "Let's re -take this scene quick and get home for a couple of bowlfulsl" JUST IN FUN lI Real Ones "1),1111111!, if you ro;ury inc I'll ealisfy y our : nlallt •t \VIOics." And v;hat 11:1 ton 11„I,tt.c to the about the Lig tint Changchale Throughout the t t1'ling un al, neither had tpol,ut. rut as soon as the dishes had Leen t reared away and they were seated before the (ire, the husband's face lost sonic of its hardnt 's. "y ou know, deal," Ile said, breaking the long silence. "I've liven thinking over our argument." "11'ell!" she snapped, tvithout looking up from her sewing. "1't s, dear, I've decided to agree with you after all," lir said meekly. "'That won't be any gond," she sniffed. "it•e changed my mind." All With "11" American \Vontan ito English Lady) __.,what a large family you have, Mrs, Jones." English lady—"Vt s'in and the funniest thing is that all the names begin with a haitch, There's Or - ace, Erhert, Enry, Ugh, Ubert, Ar - old, Arrictt and Etty -- all except the last (ne, and we had her nam- ed Mabee." Fishy Mrs. Young, passing the fish- monger whilst out shopping, stop- ped 10 mala a complaint. "Those soles f bought from you yesterday, Mr. Jones, were not fresh." "Well, ma'am," answered Mr. Jones, "that's your fault, not mine. I've offered them to you every day this week, and you could've 'ad them on Monday if you'de liked. Missing Fixture "Where's your rear light?" de- manded the traffic cop, The drive climbed down from his cab and walked to the back of his truck, Ile peered in all direc- tions for a second or two, and then stood scratching his head. "Well, what about it?" demand- ed tine , cop, extracting his note- book, "1 (Immo. 1 bad 8—" "Now, you can't tell me that tale", remarked the officer, grim- ly. "Anybody can see you haven't had a light there because there's no bracket." "Yes," said the driver, "but look here.—" "No good making excuses," Faid the cop. "You've no light and that's that," "'That's not what I'm worrying about," answered the driver sad- ly. "\Vhat I'd like to know is— where in the world is my trailer?" Single Thought Tim: "What was the cause of the collision at that corner today?" Jinn: "Two motorists after the sante pedestrian." Suspicious Guest A prosperous but frugal Irish- man stopped for a while at a cer- tain famous New York hotel, where accommodations are splen- did but expensive beyond all im- agination. "Pat," remarked a friend, "1 sup- pose you are enjoying the advan- tages of this wonderful place to the limit. sly the way, do you put your shoes outside your door at night to be blacked?" "Ilegorra, no," replied the genial Irishman, "1'01 afraid they'll gild 'cot!" The Genius "I)ad, it says here that certain ratan was a financial genius. What docs that mean?" "'.Chat he could earn money faster than his fancily could spend it." Modern Father had decided that he 11111st administer a stern lecture to his six-year-old son. The boy had been naughty, but did not scent to appreciate the fact and it was with sonic reluctance that the parent un- dertook a scolding. Ile spoke judiciously but sev- erely; he recounted the lad's mis- deeds, and explained the whys and wherefores of his solemn rebuke, while his wife sat by, duly im- pressed. Finally, when the father paused for breath and incidentally to hear the culprits acknowledgment of er- tor, the lad, his face beaming with admiration, turned to itis mother and said: "Mother, isn't father in- teresting?" Sort of Handicap "Those new people across the road scent very devoted," said Mrs. Jones to the newspaper which hid her husband. A rustle of the sheet was all the reply she got, but she was used to that. "Every time he goes out he kisses her, and goes on throwing kisses all down the road. Edward, why don't you (10 that?" "Me?" snorted the man behind the news. "I don't know herr" C! ;) SSTOWN By Roland Coe r,, ; ,het # •f' 'M fi toeaolid"W New. r'la,ero) (1 • A6 "How'd you ever find THiS spot, Fred? The fish jump up and grab the flies I keep stuck in my hat!” HE MEANS WELL 60 16 1!a '_)J 11r.I4 a,a la, By Gluyas Williams 6-0-44 `oA.,OJ 60 // A NELPFt)I• HO5DRND WONDER`:) To PO NE)41 WHEN, IN CARRYIN6 A 51AC 1< Cr D151 -1E' 01101I1E PANTRY, Hf F111D51i1)5Elf ON ONE 51DE Of '1r1E BYTE AND WHICH 15 WED6EDOVilE fB� A VARIE Y OIG F�HOl 5EH 117 oBSCI5 '1tiA1 F1AVE ,I RRE0 LOOSE fROM Witty One of John's best friends had died, so he called on the widow to express his sympathy. "Jiro and I were friends," he said. "Isn't there something I could have a memento of hint?" She raised her velvety, brown eyes, which a few seconds before had been wet with rears, "Ilow would I do?" she mur- mured, Too Safe One morning R young clerk re- ported to his chief that he had lost the key of the safe, so he could not get at the important books and documents. "Belt 1 gave you a duplicate key," said the chief. "You haven't lost that as well, I suppose?" "No, sir, I know where that is." "Well, then, you can open the safe." "Please, sir, 1 thought 1 night lose the duplicate key, so I put it in the safer" POP—Pass the Duck I LOST A TEN DOLLAR BILL • Sweet and cool in any Pipe 11 CANADA'S STANDARD'PIPE TOBACCO r VOICE OF THE PRESS Could lie Criminal \'. 1' l It. c Lainu.ut I)ull,tltl t;or- dr u I a tiro n1 l that a high stage p•tlUin xlll iotrol the end of trice I i it in t aoi, 11a. It would he rnu.11,tl if 2r, pc',, lit of I an,lian ttorb:ris trete r1 u.ILlr for put - tint' the S pt rr , It into a 1 h like that. V: laul`.11 i. .',t11)1(11-lir\I1w'. Prices Involved 1',,i nu i5 sa: s.tles of fr( -b fruit air bring rfirrteil I,y the shortage of sugar for pre.ertinp, and com- plain that "1(1 pounds isn't enough." Some people, even at this date, sant to have difficulty in getting the idea that there is a world shortage of sugar and will be for some time conic, and that bewail- ing, the fact will not make a particle of improvement. Also, it may have occurred to the o!lective- observer that the priers )lira li,tvr something to 110 with the sales! --Ur;uitford I(xpositnt. Surplus Cargo it is said that a lot of cities would progress faster if a lot of their citizens would take a ship and when in rili(I-ocean, jump over hoard. --Chatham News. D'J'EVER? When Genius Gots 'l'o Work itlr ...i.tltr 11.1'n.ltnn puce said to au t;, .u,atr frit n11: "Men give toe um t rrtlit for 1 brit a auLjt t t nl 11,0111 1 study it tn,fr•uiidly', li,ry anti night it is be fore 11.1. 1 rsplr•ir it III all its bc,ir- ing 1.; 11111d 1, 1 ours pervaded teith it Then the ( fL,rts which 1 nlal,r the people arc please(' to call the !nuts of g(nins. It is the fruit o1 1.,I r “n(1 thomd't !.ut.lr 11,ucagement. School. for 11ushands 1 Lt Illinois St.tte Fair is con - dm ling a conking achool for scar Lri11i,. hila -one have registered frt.ni England, Australia, Ireland, %\';i1( - and Drench \lorocco. Since the fair is taking care of the bride education, we shall limit t nr 1.11'1 rfitIrts to the edu- cation of their ttn,b•Inds. Iles is it. kit what she too12'1 and pretend to 1:1:' it, even if it kills you. It really NY, (11'1, and you will live hilt pity t tt r sftrr. -- Chicago Daily News, Start Early The t 1(t Inclchair has something to do with deterring criminals, but tree proper place to start is in the high chair. — Guelph :Ilei :nry. 1 We Hope What v,ith the human life -span increasing steadily, the time may eventually come when a person may live long enough to reach the age of ills( retion. I.lichen( r Peeord. Where Income Leads A tart.'( r incowe !rads to every- body indulging in that fine old America(, practice of "keeping up tvith the Joneses", --Minneapolis Star loninal. Shoermtcers To Strike? Refus;,1 of the U. S. Office of Price Admini-tration to decontrol or raise price ceilings on Irides, leather and footwear means, the industry says, that 250,(10(1 shoe workers in the country will he out of work by the end of the month. The manufacturers say they cannot carry on at present prices. — St. Thomas Times -Journal. Sold by all Druggists -25c. 35c (tube), 50c and $1.00 • BOY/THE OLD 8U5 CAN STILL TRAVEL./ 1 )'EVER PILE THE FAMILY INTO THE CAR FOf2A NICE SUNDAY DRIVE' ... f AND WHEN YOU HIT THE NIGH WAY you CET THE, URGE TO.STEP ON I'r'a 8OTdOSTA5 Wks CLIPPING ALONG AT 60 NEVER ACAIN! I'VE NAC' MY LESON/ WE MIGHT ALL HAVE BEEN KILLED You GET A FLAT AND ONLY MIRACLE SAVES YoU FROM DiSASTER. -- I1fj, / :-b .� .III .• ; ill` as. 01J'EVER DECIDE RIGHT THERE ANO THEN THAT CAREFUL DRIVING' IS A VIRTUE ? ALL WEIVE HAD HANDED IN IS 'THIS ONE DOLLAR BILL I • I'LL TAKE THAT ON ACCOUNT 6-1AW BREWERY By J. MILLAR WATT 'atoned by The (1,II S,ndicate, Inc.). J=" I REG'LAR FELLERS—Who Said Sleep? LEAVE THAT THERE! LEAVE THAT THERE' HEY)MOM! DO YOU KNOW WHAT PINHEADS UI -ATO?. li'S ALL RIGHT, PUDDINHEAD-- I TOLD HIM. HE COULD TAKE. A TOY ID BED WITH HIM.' YOU MADN"V ORTER DONE -14teit' MOM! A POPE• LIKE, 14IM DONT KNOW WHERE •Y' PRAW TH' LINE!. By GENE BYRNES our' PAGE 4. ADVANCE NOTICE 44. • Ontario Royal Commission On Forestry PUBLIC IIEARINGS \\•IJI 1' l :\S pursuant to the Public Irticiries \ct, Chapter 1') of the Revised Statute of Ontario 1'137, Nlajor General 1l\\.It'd Ken- nedy was appointed a Commissioner to investigate, inquire into and report upon the forest resources of Ontario and their rtrsertation. management anti beneficial utilir,+tion for all purposes, inl.:,l lig the r relation to ,•ther basic industries, particularly farming, and their re- lation to recreation, soil conservation, and \vatcr\\a\s an 1 water powers - ICH IS IIi?l:F.111' (i1\ I•:\ that, after having completed field investigations ttith his staff, the Commissioner prep'•r' to hold public hearing; in acc.rtlaucc tvith the folliming tentative schedule: - Sault Ste. Marie Pert Arthur ... Kenora Fort Frances -. Geraldton London Cochrane North Bay Pembroke Ottawa ... Tcronto 28.29 Oct. I. 2 Nov. 5- 6 " 8- 9 12-13 18.19 25.26 28.29 2. 3 Dec. 5. 6. 7 " 9.10.11 " tt 11 11 NOTi11'IS F1'It'I IIPI: (;I\T\ 'ell \'l all persons, a••ot• ation3, or group, desiring to slake representations or ;•r) sett\ cv lit nee t.t the Contnli,,it' 1 will have an op; •rtunity of doing •o at any one of th . above hearing.. \\'hile the prc•enlation of ,.nal evidence nndcr oath is permissible, it is 'trengly urged that snhntis-inns take the fora; of written briefs, as to the form of tohich the Conunis•i n'• counsel will give any assistance that may be required. :\Il briefs or oral evidence pre•etttt•d .11 the public hearings \till be given proper conidcration by the Connni sion in the preparation of its report and recnnnnendati us. In order to facilitate the \cork of the l'onsui-si, n, it i• rr•+lur.trd that brief, be forwarded to The Secretary, Ont, rl» loyal Commis -ion on Fcrestry, :\dntitistration Building, I.rn.; Itranrh Small \r'tt• Plant, Toronto 14, to reach the office f the (otnitlt•• X 11 at le;t•1 one month before the hearing at v;tneh their consideration is desire 1. \\', 11. 1 11•:\\' S() \, Secretary. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the re idt'ncc of '1 h^nlas Ta: lir, Dinsley Street, Myth, 011 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14T11 trig rcfrigerat.•r; barman\1 sctv:n niarlline, cabinet • suite; 2 tabic•: chest of drawer.: shite enamel kit:hen range; chill's t\ riling desk ; file r lamps ; a nuutbe:• cf (hairs, including arm chairs and rocking chair• ; rugs ; and nmilt.1,11. commencing at 2 o'clock, as fallow, : other article-. Chesterfield suite; c'nuhinati,ll TER MS CASH tyriting desk and 1)r,7k case; 2 china In case of rain -.ale \rill be postponed cabinets; buffet; Eureka electric va- t:nc week. cumin cleaner; \' ustinghouoe electric Thos. 1f. Taylor, Proprietor. NI, washing ntaciiine; \Ve tinghouse ele_• \1 ilrant Nlt,rr:tt, .\uttiotecr. 1)'-1. cy tyle : bedroom THE STANDARD Wednesday, Sot. 11, 1916. -- BLY I'1I TilEATRE MEMORIAL HALL. Ronald Coleman Madeleine Carroll IN Prisoner of Z ALSO Travelogue and Cartoon ► IN NIEi1IORIAIII 11 \\ IS Int 1,6,4: rims r\ f our 1H' I' I!aitc\. \tbo died Se;trtnbcr 1:111, 111.17. \\'e do not need a special d +y To Kling 111111 back to tuind, The tl,t`v, t\e do not ,peal, of ltitn .\re vet \ liar 1 to rind. -Sall\ missed b\ \lothcr ,all i),+d. 02-1 p. 1\'El)N E`DAY, sEP11. I S 8:30 P.M. 1 I iIELP WANTED - FEM\LE \\'anted, 2 girls f r restaurant work. • Steady cntplotmem, .I8 Moir \\eel: with hoard. .\pity The I�1,iy (ir:IL Clinton. Nlt•. Iai�.11)e'h I.\0.I, Mrs. \\' I! out. UI-? Lon, \I r•. (loth, le• \\ at• 'n and \Ir. anal Mrs. (till hili\ spent Nlnnday FOR SALE LOST ltlarh .turn, iron\ Lot .1l. i nt 1 !, \Irl llop 'I'tttt n'lr.p, \lay In' identified 1)r ho'• ip left car. .\pply, lioldic Co dont, ltt•ucrticl,l, phone Clinton t,:i;;. (11-! LONDESBOR() with \Ir•. T. Saint, 11 in Palmerston. I.:n g "whet, , I soft \y oil tree tops. Mt'. and Mr-. Frank Roberton, 141- :\;1p1\ to II. I.. Sturdy, phone 42r9 lie and lout, Scafortlt, tHted the 1.11- Ill,ti+. 112-21). tens part•Itt•, \Ir. and \Ir- John Nott. - • soommey 11ni I 1 in � , on Sunday. RADIO FOR SALE 1 Pottery radio, \\'estin.,bousc, in \liss Nl;u\• C;ddtrell, London, •pent good condition. Apply to lib til the wed: end at home. Standard, phone til. (1'-111. \I r. and \I rs. Relit I., bb sl est Sun- I - - - - - --------"----- day \\ 7th the I,tt:ti'. sister. \Ir-. Il,u"-\\ill \I 3111111141, Bail and June. It 1)nrnin, N!r-. Harry holt is visiting her Mr-. 1). !':er•lakc, I':xeter. Mr... '1. It �! 1- Chime.) ti,:ttd her j Nli- ! itit! en l ounghlutt, Clinton, i -ti r, 41-t \t eel; • , -pi nt Snnd,l\ r 7th lu r p;u•cut,, Mr. NIr•. Dallis I!nn'er of (den Rock. ;Ind I. \'ntim,bhnt. NC" Irr•c\,'s visiting riot 1111. noer.j \"i.itor• Mill) \Ir. and Nlrs. 1.. Nlc- Blyth Radio service RADIO SETS AND SUPPLIES - RECORD PLAYERS. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES -Up to 4,000 plays for $1.00 Equip your Radio for Playing Records • Enjoy 'Their Richness of Tone I,.1 11..1 ...., RADIO REPAIRING -All Makes and 'Types. Now is the time to think cf having your set put right .tjr your favourite fall and winter programs. .4. .1 I BATTERIES -All Types; Aerial Kits and Repair Parts; Tubes. GLENN KECHNIE kitl Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. NIr. and \Irs. Lloyd Steuart visited tine selections. 'I'Ite Church was with .,\It's. \\'. 1.1 ,11 on Sunday. 11)cantiinll\ decorated with g!aii , mum, Mrs. John '1amlhlyn, \Ir. and NIrs and aster:. I iasis 'I'autbl\n, Jae': and \!ar,'u•ct.\Ir. and Mr-. J. Il. Sho1)b1 0l: left yisted with Nit's, \\. 'I;nmhlyn and Nlrs.'t n \Vtalne•da\ to spent a couple of (i. Cook. (\tcrl„ tyitll their sou and hi. \rite, Nlr. Nli,se, Beth and Elva rimier Well! and Nlrs. Lorne Shobbrool:, Osharia. home on Sunday. I Visitor• o\ Nlr. and Nlr•. Robert \Miss 1:.iNlals and Nlr. \\'silage of 'rorrsend on Sunday \\ere, \It•. asd Itbtll, vsited 'brit \!r. ;Ind SII"'. J. \!r>. Irani: I. the and Nliss Iconic .\1'III,U'nllg 1,11 Slllld;l\• , ('o\t'all, lil•alltlt0 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,\!t Sidney I.ansing..+oul \I r. Pam -in' \:Ill and \Its. \\'. (ir;ty or Sunday The 1.,udt'shorn l'nited Church held .\Ilett. S;tnliay \1'11"r' "11 11 NI 11. and Nlr'. S.',t,te. \l r. and Mrs. NI;t'htls. Palmer- I.ut•in.; t\ re Nlr, and \Ir•. ILu 11 their .\nniyer`ar •errirr, nn Sunday. \Ir. \\'illi• (duvet', it Detroit, vddted '1"11.het. and MI.' Swyer Nlatht'rs key. S. Nlatltcrs of 'I'orott , %a, the with NIr. and N!rs. hnbert \'unngbltttt Adam-. and Jean of Clinton, and \Ir !and f;lntily 't'omt'it„. llcrb T'art's, and Lt,lail of Buries On ' Thr \lis i n It;+n,! trill meet Suno'ay guest prcecber. In the morning he and \I r. and \It's. Mountain 1 prcarhed (non the text in \latit. I',. 18, this wick. trio m. mini; at ten o'clock in the b,,setnrnt and in the evening he preached et', m Nlr. and \Ir,, Ocorge Watt and lam- Sun(lay yisitnrs inti\ \Ir. and \irs. 11 t' 1 tnte'i. \\r r old !ikr all the 1st Peter 5 111,111 ‘tore yrry ;11)10 ily visited oitb \!r. and Nlrs. ('baric‘ Allyn Sbadde!: \t rte. \Ir, and \Mrs. 1.. tnrntbcr• out. \\'e art going to •itld' •crnton•. 'I he choir, with '\li•s Iiiia \•,,,I,101 on Sunday. \\';111,.,,111,\Ii••v' Lupi, Dori; and I:\' ',Wont the children of India• 11,0th NI ills, of Blyth, as organist, ren- NIr. and Mrs. Len Sbnbhrook and el\n \\'alktnn, \lis• I1: opts, and Nlr.' 'I'Itc \\'. .\• trill bold Uteri. IllnitthlP I ilered two splendid anthem,, and in the Douglas, visited nidi Nlr. and \It's. P. !WA, of Munro, Nlrs. .\. !ergtson muting Septettber 18, in the basement evening the Blyth C)uarlete sang two lobs Pipe on Sunday. ani! Patsy (fail, of l \Yen S,nnul. of the Church. The hostesses are, 5tttr!at• visitors with \Ir•. \! it't r•ct Nlanniug \‘ ere, dr. an'I \Its. Herb • Mrs. U. Carter, \1 r•. I?. I lesk, Mrs. 1.. -•-- - -- 51;ibbro,l:, and Mrs. Sidney :ridge. ,\ohms, NIr. and \Ir-. Per- Mrs. J. Knox, \\'ingb;un. i, NI aliniltg, 'limon. NI r. and \I r•. \Irs. \\' Nlonntain. Lan siV• • •.;..•.,•.o, o..ov..•,.•.••..;•.•..o•or..o•e.o,•.••..o.•..••.o.•.o..•.r..•. o....•,.•....•..•.,.,•..••,•..o.•..•..•..o.o.o.•.;. visiting .t. ,.• .t. :: :, :: :• :• :• :• :♦ :, :♦ :♦ :• :• : : :: At the Blyth Memorial Hall - 8.30 P.M. : :♦ :. :, :• :: THE PROVINCE OF PROMISE ... ONTARIO'S growing gold ... her largest cash crop . . ♦ is tobacco. Its twenty-year development, from nothing to really - something, has been due almost entirely to the phenomenal increase in flue -cured tobacco -the most valuable 1.1 the three types grown here. The others are hurley and dark -leaf. This year, a fourth type. cigar leaf -one thousand acres of it -opens rich, new Ontario possibilities. 'Tobacco is a delicate plant and a demanding one, needing utmost watchfulness and even handmade encouragement during its complicated cure. Its cultivation means back -breaking, short -season cork with high rewards for all concerned. Puhiithed by THE BREWING iNni'STRY (ONTARIO) A CORNER ON TOBACCO The annual Ontario Ivnduetiott of 1nhaeen is abo'1l 97.00 11.000 pounds -- its value around $3(1,000.000. In the 5111111111 ('51 corner of the province, some 90.000 acres are planted to it and the. Ontario crop represents nine -tenths of the I)ontiuinn yield. 11.;''% of this is high•crade 1! e•enred-the 1ess•care- fullt•.Ireated burley and dark -leaf staking up the rest. .1t is an industry in which a fete experts pre. pare the, scene for a sudden inrush by thousands of tvorkers in the crucial liar. Vest weeks. Community P!ctures Presents for lour Movie Entertainment Double Feature Program "CRAZY KNIGHTS"- Starr:ng Billy Gilbert, Shetnp Howard and Maxie Rosenbloom. ALSO "SONG OI', TiHE RANGE" --- starring Radic's Western Champ, You'd(' Wakcly, with Jchnny Bond and his Red River Valley Boys. Saturday, Sept. l4th Adults, 35c; Children 18c (Tax Included.) Community Pictures will hring the best in Moving Picture Entertain• ment Every Saturday Night - Satne Time, Sante Place. i• t. .• a♦ ♦4 i. a, :• :• ., s, K• K• a• a• .• 44 WII•!!!•NNN••N! TIN•I•..#4.4 Mt ....t•IIVN•INNNNN" L NTED THREE DOl1'IESTICS FOR THE HURON COUNTY HOME, CLINTON, ON'I'ARIO. 1 Salary $75.00 per month, With board and lodging, to parties capable of filling the position. For information regarding duties, etc. please con- tact Mrs. M. E. Jacobs, Mgr. and Matron at the County Home. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. NNlMII•NNNIINIINIIIIllNIINI.NIlINN4IIINI I.•,I. +•4a....♦244.4.44N1(',•I,••8.4 44+48.444,44. 4.4:44.44+.044,0 a1••,•4.8♦♦8,.•,•♦••I•♦i,.4.4.4. :44 •t, .• • a• t 414 :t1 BOX 293 Farmers, Attention: PO ER SPRAYF'G 1laving purchased a complete power spraying unit, I ant now in a position to execute efficiently and speedily, all types of power spray- ing such as : Orchard Spraying, Weed Control Warble Ply and White_ washing. Agent for J. K. CrAng and Co (chemical division) for Rotenon (Warble Fly Control), DDT Animal and Fly Spray, also effective in potato and turnip spraying; 2-4-D Weed Killer. Karnolcum Disinfec- tant for use in stable and poultry house. Up-to-date Whitewashing Equipment. :i: Edward W. Elliott CLINTON. PHONE 233, :• :• .i. .14 ._, ♦ IVY edllesd aY, Sept, 11, 19M VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND GROCERIES Crown Jars, Zinc and Rub- ber Rings, I'arowax, I1'iem- ha Seals, Certo, Certo Cry- stals, Jelly Maker, Pickling Spices, White Wine Vine- gar and Cider Vinegar. 11Ien's Work Shirts, Over- alls, Work Pants and Work Boots; Men's and boys Ties and Braces, STEWART'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stork, Implements, Har- ness, Grain and Feed, awl Household Goods, at Lot It,, l'oti, 8, Ilnllrll, ' utiles north of Clint n 1 No. -I High- way) and _'s utile: cart or 1 1--4 doles solidi of Ltuulcbort, (\o. .1 Highway) and 2'2 mile, east, nn FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27T1 -I at 1 p.m. sharp, I I ).S.'I .1 the follossin.g IIORSF,S 'leant t.f bas mare.. 11) years old; Ira mar, ,, ) e Its of I; b•1\• mare, irisin,; 3 year,; bon: f ll), ruing 2 years ; bay gelding, I sear old. The above -mem' n.;(1 Iior-e- hate six straight cent es of t'lydt , ;utI were eligible trot rcgist at on ; 1 t'neral pur- pose mare, h year- of 1, \sill work single ur tlt:ublc ( •citable horse for a mail route). (-'.\T"I'I.I':: Roan Durham cot, scars old, due Nov. 3rd: \shite Dur- ham c; -m•, 5 year, old, Clue Nov. 'ltll ; roan I)lrhatu cote, 5 )ears old, re- cently freshened': rout Durham curt, (, • aged, recently ir: -lieu: I ; red Durham cont, 8 sears ttl/l, do Der. 18111; red 11111!1,111 tun, '( se,,i. 1/1. doe Jan. Illi; loan 1)iuil,n lo 11/ seal, old, Wig I, I,. A lli ; i /1 I )tu h,lni nett, '( It!,Ise \Ln .:; r ;,n Durham cuss., . ),;lir old, due Alar. ,in; roan Durli;un t •t,,'1 tears old, due \Lit' li; I eel I Jnr!i;1ni t .•w, (, yr,o , due \lar. 1; .i steers, rising Teat,; .1 heifers, ri,itla 2 )car; 2 svarI i tt ,leer.; )ear - lin:: heifer; 8 -prim; ,:sive t, I,;t,. 5 t1, ,n!li, „Id; 8 pigs, 1 months old ; 5 pigs, 212 months old; 2 months old. I'O11.'111' -- :tl 1 tt,n-oliI hybrid ht n ;n,•e.x X \\ Lite le tlnn n ; cockerels, 3:2 month, old; 11 l'ecan duck,: colons 11 a r 12'x11'; brooder 'NI I'I.I':.\I I':N'I'ti-- \I -II. Issuer, h ft. rut; \I.-11. 'floss er, (,-It. rut. Nath pea Inti t ester ;1'1,l(hluent ; \I. -I I. 2 -row scuffles, \sith ht an puller attachment: \I. -II. ,i -inch steel fain; \sanon, near- ly nett ) and I(, -it. flat rack; cultivator; 1/tering 10 -It. hay rake: Deering 11 -,lice drill; \laxssell hay bailer; Cork-hntt '-fnrrots plate; \n. 4 Verity walking plow ; 2 -drum wnotl- en roller; 8-ineli 1 e•,ot :rain grind- er; l' Ionian strain fuller; \0. 12 1)e - Laval cl•citltl set✓IraiI'r; (, 11.1'. engine tburn, Incl oil); root pithier ; harrow cart; mind turnip --inset:: tehecl lar- rott; bloclt and tackle; ,t•t slings; numerous forks, shovels, chains, svl if- fletlee,, nrrhloke,, tools, rte. 11.\ It \ I'.SS --- Set double breeching harm--; set plow harness; hair brid- le,; single bridle awl breast collar; 1 II r,e cellar,. t I .11\ AND ll?I•:I)---.\p;iroxitnatt'- Is 35 ten mire I hay; :tp;,ro\inlatrl)' 1211) lin,. mixed grain; bac feetI bean: IIO1'SI?II(1I,l) C.( )(11)8 --- I'hi,nnla 5 -tithe batters ratlo; hearty tea -)ting machine; \It:Clary', range; coal oil ,toes ; 1 tai,, churn ; buillt: bed anti ,;icings; 2 .Ire--er, and \sash stands; 2 couches; 2 I;intern, -aid lamps; nnt- eton- other art eh,. TERMS CASH. leserve ;I, lroprit't'n• ha, sold Iii• farm. Charles \\'. Stewart, I'ro;,rietur. I':iIN;11 11'. I•:It utt, .\nctionccr•, 02-2. As a farmer, you know that anyone who thinks he can learn the involved science of good farming "in one short easy lesson" is just fooling himself. But many things look easy when you know very little about them,, Adequate electric wiring, for instance. When it comes to wiring your farm, don't be fooled because it looks easy. You may think the Smith boy could do it "because he's so handy;" but you'll save plenty of future regrets if you get an expert on the job from the start. You'll find (particularly if you watch the electrician wire your farm) that it is a job for quite a skilled tradesman. Start off by getting the best man you can, to do the best and most complete wiring job for all your immediate and future needs. It is easier to add to your electrical equipment as you want to IF YOU START RIGHT with ADEQUATE WIRING. THE STANDARD ' GROCERIES ._. CANNING SUPPLIES Certo, Certo Crystals, Fruit Pak, Spices, Vinegar, Fruit Jals, Rubber Ring Zinc Rings. Sandwich Spreads, Sahid Dress'ng, Olives, Canned Meats, Kraft Dinner, Pudding Powders, Chicken Hatldie and Sardines, Tcbaccos, Cured Meats, Cereals, Pioneer Feeds, Shur Gain Feeds We Expect to Iiave a Good Quota of Short Goods This Saturday. A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. UIS'l'1tI13U'I'OR I�'Ult - — v Polarise, 1Iarvelube, Mobiloil, and Essolube MOTOR OILS. PHONE, BLYTH 68. LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR- 1IV11'1�IIIAL 011„ Lid. - Clearing. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery and a Few Household Effects WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH .\t Lot 7, Concession 8, Morris '1 own - ship, 1!1 stiles north of Illyth, and 11,.; utiles cast. 11) )I'SI'S -1 bay gelding, 10 years old; 1 bay gelding, 12 years old. C.\'I'T'LI? - Dnrtauts and Herefords —1 Durham cow, 8 year; oll, brrtt July 8th; 1 Ilcrcford hcifcr, ,i years old, freshened July 24th; 1 'Durham cow, 8 year's old, bred July 3; 1 Ilcrc- ford heifer, 3 years old, bred May 1(,tlt ; 1 Hereford cow, 5 years old, bred \I ay 13th; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old, bred August 34th ; 1 Durlant cost', 9 years old, supposed to freshen Nov. 16th ; 1 Hereford cow, 6 ye's old, bred \lay 25th ; 1 Hereford heifer, 3 years old, supposed to freshen Nov - 16; 3 Hereford steers, 2 years old, about 1,0)))) Ihs.; 2 Hereford steers, 1 year old; 1 Hereford heifer, I!_ years n1(1; 1 Durham heifer, 1 year old; -1 Ilcrcford heifers, 1 year old; 1 Here- ford steer, 1)) mouths old; 3 Hereford spring calves; 2 Hereford young cal- ve,. 1I( iS-7 young pigs, weaned 4 weeks; brood sav, with 11 young pigs, ready to wean; young; 50w, bred 3 weeks; 1 sow, carrying second litter, bred August 15th, I \I I'I.F.\I ENTS—•1' til ber-tied) wag- on, with 2 extra steel wheels ; hay rack, 16 ft. long, with half rack; In- ternational hay loader, in gond repair; \Ic(_'nrmicic-Deering side rake, nearly new ; Deering mower. ()-ft. cut; \Ic- ('orntick-Daring hinder, 7 -ft, cut, in gon'I rcpa:r; Massey -I Ivris' fertilizer drill, 11 -'hoc; International manure spreader; Deering cultivator; disk; set n -section harrow's, tvitlt stretchers; 1 -furrowed riding plow, (luchee sulky; No. 21 Flurry walking; plow; wooden troller; 10 t pulpa; 2 steel -tired httg- gic,; set scales, 1201) lbs,; small pig crate; set hent•It sleighs with bunk; cutter scufflex; sap pan, 10 feet long; (,ll sap pails and sillies; ))claval cream separator, 600 Ib. capacity; set brass mounted leant harness, in good repair; horse collars; set single harness ; pair horse blankets, new ; grinding stone; fanning mill. 1'OUI,'l'RV :\NII E(IUII'MEN'I' — 1411 Plymouth Rock pullets, 41; months old, Roe breed; 125 roosters, 4Vr months 01(1; Colony house, 10'x10'. wired for electric brooder; electric brooder, 5(0 capacity; Buckeye coal burner brooder stove ; 2 range cr'ltps ; water fountains and feeders; compres- sed air sprayer; tt•Ilifflntrecs; neck yokes; forks; shovels. \ few household effects, and other articles lou numerous to men- tion. many TERMS CASH. No Reserve as the Farm is Sold. J. Leslie Fear, R.R. 2, Myth, Prop. Harold Jackson, :\uctionecr, E. 1'. Chesney, Clerk. 01-3. 1 ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON. NOW i'LAYING: "TANGIER" will Maria Montez. Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday "KITTY" — Adult Entertainment, .\n elth, rate. romantic drama of most romantic eia tell, the -Intl of ;I Nail\ti ti, ht and s," ial glor). Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland and Constance Collier. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Veronica Lake, Sonny Tufts and Joan Caulfield. \loan n;- of hum air, pathos and tragedy floni the live, of those u,cu in tit-' skillful hands rest - the ht itlth of a nation. "MISS SUSIE SLAGLE'S" ‘41177 - PAGE 5' CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH, NOW PLAYING: Bob Hope as: "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE" Mon., Tues., Wed., Two Features Eddie Bracken, Veronica Lake and Albert Dekker. ))silt i';t !;111 It chick f,111 t;f tal- ent. 1 snit int blue- ,I,;I•cr. "HOLD THAT BLONDE" William Gargan, Nancy Kelly and Ed. Gargan 1111-1:11. "FOLLOW THAT WOMAN" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gale Storm, Phil Regan and George Cleveland r HI; i,, ire ,1a1 , „I 111, 'tut -esti /)surer- f. r ;, e,t1 ,nnl l,,,i,it,l.„u; tale o1 the lint( ties "SUNBONNET SUE” COMINGTAIan Ladd in:!— COMING: Rita Hayworth as: "THE BLUE DAHLIA" "GILDA" Adult Entertainment. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p,m. Mat., Wed.. Sat., Holidays 2.30 N1 1N 14P -4'11141.41111/1N 1111111.'1 REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH. NOW PLAYING: "People Aro Funny", with Art 1•inkletler, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman and Flora Robson. in full "1 tint cohri the ,renin hack- pt,onnd, ;or ftaitlre f ilii: >Niepiti tit of the \\'e -t. "THE VIRGINIAN" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Myrna Loy, Don Anieche and Bobby Driscoll. IC- drama and romance presented in perfection by a superlative cast. "SO GOES MY LOVE" COMING: Fred MacMurray in: "PARDON MY PAST" pm Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m, 1 ,'•t.0'•1•.I'•fi'• ••',.•'1•.r..1.4W(`•1.+++'.'1"1'++++1. 41+++++++++++++++++4.++++.7 00•i�'•i"i•'i'i i J..� •t ?.�• �. �..1•.�..�..�.+1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Fartn Stock, implements and Household Effects TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH toile East of Londcsboro, Ilullctt Township, at 1 1'. \I., the following: HORSES—flay horse, ') years old Bay team, 8 years old. CAT"i'l.E-111ack cow, 6 year's old, due March 21st; Roan cow, 8 years old, due June 1st; ]flack cow, 4 years old, due June 1st; Durham cow, 4 years old, due April 13; Red cow, 8 years ATTENTION! ::WE HAVE ON HAND— MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. DRILL TUBES. :_• ' PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. X ,t• =:A.W. P. Smiths: PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32,. 444* 4044 44 MO. 444. 444 +.i.4.44 4444:.x•.1••444.44 4++4•441 old, slur .\pril 13; Jersey cow; 3 ,prim; rakes. I \I I'l,l' \I 1':\'1 S — \la„a'y-I larris !lay loader; \Irises-Ilarris manure' spreader; fanning still; harrow-; tur- nip drill; 2 riding plows : N;Ilhin'; plow; harrow cart ; seed drill; num nt ; r 'l ptilper ; straw pipes; 2 tt-at;ons ; sleighs; hay rick; gravel box; wagon box; Renfrew creast separator; rake; cutter ; harness and collars; forks; shovels; chains; etc, IIOt'SI';IIOI,I) h:hlE.Cr8— 13ri- tiaua cool: stove; 2 coal oil stoves; or- gan; washing ntttcttIne; crib; 2 beds, mattress and spring's; bedroom suite; 2 hanging lamps ; gasoline lamp. TERMS CASH FARM IS SOLD \Its. \Iabel Riley, I'roprictre Harrold Jackson, :\uctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 02-2. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK At Lot 42, Concession 5, East \\'a- wallosh, 011 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH at 1 p.m., as follows: 2 ntilch cost's; 8 head yotlig cattle; 125 New 1LanipshirexSttssex pullets, 4 months old; 50 hogs'; 1,800 bus. mixed grain; quantity of hay. hull line of farm machinery. TERMS CASH. Elmer Stoaldey, Proprietor, \last. Gaynor, Auctioneer. 01.2p. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and implements, :\t Lot 23, Concession 11), Ilullctt Twp. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TI1 at 1 p.m., the following: CATTLE—Durham cote, 4 years old; Hereford cow, 5 years old; Durham aged cow; Jersey aged cow ;:part J er- uy c.w, 3 years old; Durham heifer, rising 3 years, bred ; 4 Durham steer's, ' years old; 2 ,leers, 1 year old; heifers, 1 year old; 4 Durham spring calves; 3 spring part Hereford calves. PIGS -8 sows, bred; sort• Leith lit- ter; 2 litters, weaned. POULTRY -75 pullets, 12 weeks old at time of sale, IM I'I.E \I ENT S — Massey -Harris binder, 0 foot cut ; \IcCornticl: mower. 5 foot cut; \laxw•cll hay loader; Mas- sey -Harris side delivery rake; Mas- sey-1ltu•riss sulky rake; steel roller; 2 -section spring -tooth cultivator; har- rows; 3lsection drag harrows; 11-110e seed drill; riding plots ; Bain wagon; low wick wagon (nearly new) ; wagon Iv x; hay rack; John Deer manure spreader; fanning mill; set scales, (01) lbs.; gang plow; disc int -throw, 14 plate; hay fot•k; ltay fork car; hay fork rope, 18(1 feet, new; pulpa; 5 sling topes and fork; cutting box; bag truck; set sleighs; cutter; snuffler: steel tired btt'; r ' ; t•nhtu'r tired buggy • set single harness; rope; p. Cry stret- cher: w•itifflctrecs; neck yokes; forks; shovels; logging chains; \Ic('orntiek cream separator ; gas engin', 3 -horse putter; hay knife; chicken brooders; large sugar kettle. Quantity lumber, 1" and '"; quan- tity cedar posts. IIOl'SEI101.1) EFFECTS — Kit- chen cupboard; kitchen tables and chair;; sideboard; 3 -piece bedroom suite; mahogany table; cherry table; dishes; sealers; toilet set. TERMS CASH. John Scott, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, ,\uctioncer, 01-2. 7, LYCEUM THEATRE '':cWINGHAM—ONTARIO. ; A ATKINSON'S ,. Two Shows Sat. Night -- f t - Show -tart, regularly at (' 1. M. .... . POOL ROOM. ,t, s ntday at 7:45 P.M. tis :t. ;•_. t' .. •..( hang's in tittle tt ill be noted 1)(`11)W4:•t' :f SMOKER'S SUNDRIES : ... Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 12-13-14 = ,•; ;,; (SPECIAL) .t:rTOhil.000S, Cigarettes, Pop,?. "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" X and Other Sundries. Kathryn Grayson, June Allyson r' ' 's •i ''' r= :'01)en all nay and c'; �'ning..:: Jimmy Durante. ., ,t, .Two shows each nigh), 7.30 and 9.30:. �4I\Zaln Street. Blyth.•' \II ab ,uta !1o,tott girl Ilhn ,hurl;, ',her f,tuti!s lit' p' 1 forlllillg' 111 ;t:, Ito\ser1 \Uric 11;t11 to c;un enough'' 4,,,,,v 10 (scudo' ;tn o;,era ,incer.a, T, \Tat : Saturday afternoon at 2.30. ••• M4 Mon„ Tues,, Wed., Sept. 16.17-18' .. "LOVE LE'T'TERS" w Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten ., ,•.' ,\ p,ycllolugical drama, t.', " ..:••:H:.4.•:.4.4. •� 4.•:.•:• •:,..:.•:••:•.:.•:.•:••:••:•.:. 4.4..,;..:i ALSO CISTERN & STOCK PUMPS. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. BUILDING MATERIALS. Estimates Freely Given On Any of the Above. L. M, Scrimgeour AND SON. Phone 36, Blyth. P.O. Box 71 FOR SALE Black winter coat, stink trite. size - 12; blue stet, size 12; navy blur shorty coat, site 12, Apply to phone 101), ,Itlytll. 0'-1. PULLETS FOR SALE 13(1 pullets, cross between Rock and Leg;horn, starting to lay ; 125 pullets - IRocks and Sussex. Ilisback, phone 18-8, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT L)ce; ed Iuctionecr For Huron Has returned from service ttith the ht)y;tl Canadian Air Force, and will be nutinuing his former occupation. Corm' ponlence promptly an: wercil Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge modulate and satisfacti ,n Guaranteed. CHARLES F. I)AI,I: LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 8pecialiiittt; in Ition and Ilnn chnl,l dale,. S,itislartion (luat'atteed on All Sales. F r information phone Clinton, or write R.R. No. 4, Clinton. 5);- lop, W111N11N11N 111111N11 N******? • Income Tax Returns, Bookkeeping Financial Statements for Farmers, Business Men, Professional Men, Garage Operators, and otheits. Arthur Fraser Telephone: Exeter 17. P.O. Box No. 118 Tetnporary Office at the hoose o[ the late Dr. 11. K. liyndinan, Huron Street, Exeter. 1 NJ•N11• ..r..N..Nr.N+NN•N.N...,.. Frank's Bakery PHONE 3S, BLYTH, ONT. Come in and try our fresh home- made 13t•cad, Cheslcy Rolls, Dough. Nuts, Scones and B'ratt Mnffins, But. ter Tarts, Cookies, Date T.oav'es, a3 well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange Cakes. •'ti'ply 10 ens. TIIE McKILLOP I1'IUTUAL Blyth. 01-2, FIRE INSURANCE CO. GOODISON FEED HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers MIXER 3 President, F. Itic(iregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, 500 LB. LB. CAPACITY y hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and i\lan- ager, \I. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors \\'. R. At•chih:tld, Scaforth; Frank' McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Bron(I oot. ( Three 3 -Way Pumps and rn- hohltr;ell'. J. Chret.artha,rthardClinton; 13John t One Stock Plllllj). i.. \)alone, Seaforth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alcxatticr, \\'alton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Iltucefield; R. t1cl'crcher, llublin; J. F. Procter, llrodhagen; George A. \\raft, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be protnply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices, 31 AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders . to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury-Bissel Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. II. MORRITT DEALER - Phone 4 and 93, .• • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. PICTURE'S PACKED WITH PLENTY PICKLES Precocious Johnny Panepinto perches precariously upon as pretty a parole of pickles as Pueblo, Colo., ;>ickle propagt.tors ever have perceived. Prodigious 500 -bushel production was picked from two -acre pickle patch presided over by young Panepinto's proud -as -Punch papa. YANK WARSHIPS TOUR TROUBLED WATERS Pictured tied up at a Lisbon, Portugal, dock is the USS Little Rock, one of the group of U.S. warships participating in combined Mediter- ranean training cruise and good -will visit to Greek ports. Moscow saw significance in fact the visit coincided with USSR's demand for a hand in control of Dardanelles. ARCTIC PORT MAY PROVE STRATEGIC INDIA CHIiNA Pcttamo is Finlord's "back door" to the Arctic Con end during the war, Ger- man planes brscd there attacked Allied convoys bound for the nearby Russian port of Murmansk, The warns Gulf Stream keeps Petsamo's harbor open all winter. The Petsomo region, smaller than Con• " U. S. S. R. necticut, contains rich Cenadian•owned copper and nickel mines, Moscow Archangel U. S. S. R. SIBERIA NORWAY GREAT ,,, ♦ /BRITAIN Gp�fS/ ce F`.Cl 0/4 � ,�: 4 ]ICELAND AR ''.CAP 1'u rl,d)KA Atlantic Ocean Alcan Ffipl,cra: Hudson Bay • i rccit;c Ocean San Francisco 111 getting Finland's Petsamo region, under the proposed peace treaty, Russia would receive an ice -free port on the Arctic Ocean. But those who think in terms of the new aerial geography see her also getting a potential air base nearer to the western hemisphere than any other Soviet area except the desolate tip of Siberia. Map above shows how, over the newly important Arctic route, a 4300 - mile flight -arc would take in the northern tier of Important U.S. industrial areas from Seattle to Pittsburgh, and cut the Alcan Highway. Highlights of the News lJruon, hip Owners Sign fact :111 a;:tc,'tn, lit 1i;1:iu,ll l 1 tlic threat of .1 second t ill et I ,il.t s snit,(' and pun idmy; :c S,atleitu lit of Illi• st,uuen's dispute until Ile- ce•tullt r, to I Ila'. leen signed by 1'reitluit 1',11 tiullis•ut Ill flit l a(lian tir,uucn', 1 'mon and rt 111 e• scntali\c < of the l ,ui,tt!a Ste,u.hip 1.incs, the Patterson Steamship Lines and the Sat Ma and Colonial Steamship Companies. All other Great 1.alc operator, either air ,oly have sinned contracts with the union lir have ii'.niiied tht it mien. thin of doing so. Soviet Claim "The Soviet people and their armed forces" defeated japan, Pre- mier Stalin said in a \'-1 Da_v an- niversary Order of the 1)ay that nlatle no mention of the United States or any other nation repre- sented at the signing of the sur- render on the li,S.S, \Iissintri. POSED . . . AND `CANDID' This is the latest picture of the British royal family, posed recently in the gardens of Windsor astle. Kneeling next to the queen is Princess Elizabeth, while Prircess Margaret Rose stands beside the king. A few moments later . . ... someone this informal made a joking remark and the photograher snapped picture of King George and Princess Elizabeth laughing heartily. WORLD'S LARGEST `FLYING WINDMILL' World's largest, and first twin -engined helicopter, is the United States Navy's XHJD-1, pictured in test flight at the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation's plant, St. Louis, Mo. Grcrcc 'l'o Recall King Ilii Gut]. 011.1ior m11100'. at Ached•• anni iIIll 'il that intontlllt11 but &&'itch+rite 1rtnrr1, in 11) 1,0.1 tvicek's plebiscite '11( 0111 that the it electorate had voCtll ap- proximo( ly three to ont. to rt t;lll Bing (&conte 11 (tofu Mile in Britain and resirnr Hint to 11, throne. Ror the ,IU -year old 1111,0,1 I the victory spelled his st cond recti:) from t'\ile, ()listed by the establilt- incnl of a republic in I!ttt 1 fallacy ing a miliIoIy, coup, George n gain ed Itis crown in ltt;t;t \Slim hr ttotl ail over \\helloing 111,1 il'1ly itl .1 plebiscite. Ile fled the country in 111.1) \virtu it Iva oyer -run by the 1 erntan,, New York 'Truckers Strike In .New York a wage and hour dispute between American Feder- ation of I.al>or Union "Truck Drivers and three major trucking concerns brought idleness, union spokesmen said, to 10,0uo work- ers and a threat of food shortages in some parts of greater Ncw York City. A. and P., one of the largest food store chains in the city, said "no food is being delivered to our stores." Mayor O'Dwyer of New York and union officials agreed on an emergency plan to deliver essential items such as nicdiciue and pc rish- able foods in the event of a work stoppage. Blockade Runner Captured A British destroyer intercepted a blockade-runner with 1,000 illegal Jewish immigrants off Tel Aviv, Palestine, and captured it after a gun fight. Stalin's Five -Year Plans A report prepared by the Library of Congress declared that Premier Stalin had inaugurated a series of special five-year plats designed to build by 111;0 a Russian military machine second to none as a guar- antee against "all possible acci- dents." The study emphasized that Russia meant to match United States military potential and has given higltsct priority to the devel- opment of atomic weapons. Sonic hope-13ut Not Much 'the ti',tnty-one defend,ulis at iht Nutt 1111,trl' \t ;u coni,, 11i•11 tunic the V. 11 114 stand to 111.11.1' a fin;tl Il1r;t a tllr trial elide 1. The fotn'r hru, hnu n o1 Ado!! I litter will lit;tr 11 is fele ptt•i11,u11, cd pt I' levt It of the .`.,lit 1, .lits t el 11 in final 111r,c. t •.pt 1 t I,I he li„ut ted, dr(ctlu' alt )111\ id. ')•brae--Seh,i ht. Volt Nemalh and Von 1'apt n - 1 \pet t rl menu. Six --I lot nil?, harder, Jodi, Von Schirach, Ft :out Su'I'i, her still "have hope MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL 1271 11. W PETRIE CO L'I•D 147 Front St t1' — '1 orlon to 11111 R s1?I•I,' 1 1. uLIwG41 LI.I.o UAin.,.11i ...11.11- SAFES Protect wuu 110.110. and (L1'.11 from VIII IC nod 11111;1'1?S (1r hove n .Ire nod type o1 Soft. or (0uI,Inet, (or an) portion('. 1'1411 114• of write for privet,. ell., to )Len( R' J.&J.TAYLOW LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1415 I'rnot "1 1;, I "r 111111 I,:klit IIlAtll•Il 1�15G HARNESS & C()LLAttS 11'urniers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staeo Harness Supplies We sell 0111 woods only 111rw:I'1, your local Since lent her Goods dealer The y!oorl. arc right, and no art out lir 1, es We -' anufatturf, in out inc turies — Harness Horst, Col Mfrs, Sweat Pads, Horse loan kets, and Leather ')'rat (''line Goods. Insist un Stnco )tram'. Trade 1Llrked Goods, and N. .1 9't satrfartion Matte (1It. by SAMUEL TREES CO., L•I U WRIT E FOR CA 1 ALOGUI- 12 Wellington St E.. 1 ornnt, at-. 6III . 4l, hi. r.r. MITitIUMELISCI7r3.3121ti111M11b' i0lcd.ttYL)1211BR MI:95 S'Stlr!11 . Invest id Funds Investment experience over a long period of years has shown that the prompt La1- ployment of idle funds is ad 'isallle and avoids loss of interest. To assist investors in the selection of suitable securities to meet their individ- ual requirements, we have prepared a September list of Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation bonds and shares. Yields from 2.6O% to 4,75(7(1 are included. Copy of the September Securities list furnished upon request. - 36 King Street Nest _ 'Toronto 1 NV (H1d, G11iidy & Company Telephone: ELgin 4321 Limited Whole reheat con- tains muscle - building proteins, energy-iving carbohydrates, and other vital elements you need, Kellogg's All -Wheat is Cana- dian whole wheat. .4IY�xa ..11 L,.. i.14li1.4. 11,. ,, ._., ,I I.N i. LII I'.i altltial, NOW, MORE THAN EVER, one of Canad s _important foods! Busy housewives everywhere are on the alert for suggestions that will help them save time and effort. Thousands depend on Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for quick snacks anytime! A11 -Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, All -Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumbles are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. SAVE TIME...SAVE FUEL...SAVE FOOD! lw C1assifed Advertisirig 11.181 11111'I(.r Il' %III Ail, 1 01 \'I'I\1; It\ a,. •, 0 I, .1.1.11}' for .I,I,t,l.' tt,L,l-.., 1.111•!! 111',1! I'.111lt) 1(1 1 i„ I .. 0. t, t0 1.11111 : u: t 1.0 ]et u 0 I,: t, your o1 der oou I:101st 111'0 t' n 110111'd "11111.1.: of stn:• .I i�,�1• for IMHO n„I1:i1 J,•In- or. 11-,ftlici Ble John N. lliooiltl 1 . II:,t. it1'I\l ' 1)1'I'111t'I'1'\1'I'll':s ACCOUNTING BY MAiL A I ' tv .ill I,t, 11, i n method 1',t uyer- cnnul^ art }our b"uIeep11g and accouht;LI. {,Ioblenl:, guht,•r,l, 1:- to Accotin1111g It)' Mail I;i,lly place all their • d,•t; it . I)1 . , cnsh t'uuchcrr, pall to of •1'r• payroll pal ticlll:0'.; etc„ ill ut I 11-;ohlte: ,• I enyolnpo rind In:I,i 1., l i,"Ili any to our office. 11. 1• a Powi11 we sI•nd you n runt• MIL ly of your htl-Int,s transavtioas, uu'c a )• r, 1',1' on t1•qu,.tit, we fur- tglsh you wHi 0 Chrriplete r•tatement Of your affairs, %vitt (omplete•In- oonu1 Bo, :0•I yh e, Nen 1, fBrit it and contidentlnl service, to 111 hustuess then !!'hose annual tu'uover does tint require the aer%i1, v of a tun -thus account- ant. 1;arae, r, Grocery, Drug, Dry - goods, Ilurdw•lu•e, Plumbing, 1)oc- tors, Dentists, ale, Von ran safely hand I, c, r• your nreauntI(lg head- aches to ACCOUNTING BY MAIL Room 21, :1 i:ing; Sl, 1:,, 'Toronto, Write for Information and low monthly f1(, s. DYEING .1N11 CLEANING I(:41'h 1 O1' %N) TIIIN(1 NI•:I:lS dyeing or cleaning',' \Ville to its for 1nfr,rnu1111,1, \1'11 aro glad to on- lays!• lour questions. Department 11, I';ukrl's 11y, Works I,Imltnd, 791 \'1100• Street, Toronto, Omarl°, T:I,1:(: I'111C,11. EQUIPMENT NEW ' CYCI,O1111" LIMITING plants ,powered by !Briggs & Strat- ton gas engines. A. C. or 1), C. 350 to 25e0 watt. British gns and Diesel engt1101 from 1:!i to 200 h. p. sta- tionary or nutrino type. Air, tank, radiator or hopper cooled, Large Mork. of three phase motors, From e to,•k t.,l.'. or D.C. Welding mach- ines, electrodes and nccessorlen, New gas engine driven portable self -priming centrifugal pumopn 7000 gal.. per hour, Total weight 90 lbs. operates 5 hours ono gallon $155,o41, farmers, lumber and fish- ing Industry — In most 0(1001 — tax and duty exempt, Write for prices to Alliance Electric Works l.lnllted, Noah!:!! -- Toronto -- ifalifax — Rourn — Winnipeg. 1,11 11 SALT: ER .P.tNIELS, it1:Gls'I'I:I1- eil, rhn1 nils!! (hem. ( ;tiara nteed, Cnu111 to', 11 or farm soles: dogs do better th' Ie, Breeders. 'Perms and w'1( frit )tot how, 11'rite llnppytnnn, Box IIII. 711 .\dehthie \1'., Toronto. CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE 1•:nsy to tui:,), low rest. Sell blocks, build house, barn, etc„ econonlicnl- ly. Tree details, Mastetyn'int Co„ Toronto 1.1, Ontario, CI1011'1: REGISTERED BEAGLE Hound Pups and Springer Spaniel in season. Promptly shipped, Peter Putter, Burford, Ont. ('hone 280. ('1111'IC 11.1'1'('1I1{ItY, MI'EC'iALLY hunt, in'ulated brick. GO x 22, Lot 2;,I x 33. 2 Buckeye Setting Unite and lluekeye 1lotchery. Capacity 42010, also 4 Janneswny Setting Units, capacity 10800, business con- nection coast to enlist, location highway 81, Sacrifice price $8500, terms. I':mphell iteral Estate, lilt, ii1,I:1;TIt1U 11O'r011s NEW, IiSICD bought, Bold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dutforin St„ Toronto, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS 00 CYct.I;, NEW 1 HORSEPOWER and up, 3 phase, 220 & 650 volte. Immediate delivery. Early delivery of 25 cycle. Wilbury Products Ltd., 300 Main, Toronto. MACiIINi: AND 1VELDING SHOP In Northern Ontario growing town, !u113' equipped with 5 lathes, 3 drill presses, shaper, grinder, miller, etc., contained In fireproof building; also 3 electric welding machines and 2 acetylenes: growing bushneee, steady Income, now has 20 em- ployees: bargain for quick sale, ]lox 108, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 3101)i:I, II ,IOIIN DE1:11E'17RAC'11011. First class condition with now Pneu- matic tires. Douglas Cleland, Lis- towel, Ontario. i'E'1'ALED MAIDEN iiAiR l0E1{N, 20e. plant postpaid; other choice Ferns, linuse Plants, etc. Free list, Alien Nursery, Chute Pnnet, Que. — 6,000 PULLETS — 6000 ileatly-to-Lay Pullets, also several thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, tinder the most ideal conditions. Cenci for !'rice List and (till particulars. — OIL BURNERS — New pot hype oll brooders, new pot typo range burners and heaters. Prnntnt dellvery or honk for later. T.A1C1:V1l \0' POULTRY FARM, \VEIN 111105., Exeter, Ontario. 'REGISTERED ltIU)WN SWISS lIerd Mr sale, 51 head, one ball two years, 21 milk cows, 8 two year old heifers, bred, 11 yearling, 6 heifer etllves, 5 hull calves. Sun-O-Vni Form, 20578 T.nke5hnre Road, hale rl'1'rfe, Quebec. Eighteen utiles troll! Montreal, SIII;R1' s1S'1'1' 11r•:GTS'I'1?R1;1) ';01"I'lII)0OVN sheep, 1':w -es and iambs. All or part. A, Appel, Route 4, Brantford, (Int. Ti:.tM O1` 11.1Y 'MARES, 'TWINS, 0 years old, !yell:!! 1.000 pound4 each. Apply A. Banks, 221 !bent St. T)ur-• lington, Ont. Pox 53. TIRES \Ve are 000111001(0d at the present of good used trade-in tires (gtmrnn• teed to he In excellent shape) 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TiRE, corn. Queen & Fork Sts. HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST MODI'RN EQUIPPED Till11 SHOP FARM FOiE SALE 200 ACI(IIS IN NOR'1'11UMI111:11- land district. 140 acres sultable tor mixed farming. 60 acres bush and pasture. Uric!t house and frame burn. 42 SL Paul St. West, St Cath. nettles. Ontario. 101) .tl'I1ER, ('1'111'1\ AIt1Ad, GOOD buildings, well drained, Hydro in- stalled, good !cells, 1 utile from town, schools, rburehes, creamery; with or without stock and imple- ments. Apply to Eugene Ouellette, 11.I0. 1, Alexandria, Ont. !' 11!11 1'011 ',.%L1: . I'.\1;'•1„ I;l:AI'I:1i. A!...•;1)1!111, 1'i 11,1,.• Io:,l of 11'iu1.ox. I;ullln.;,, n! ,hro1W fur only luttu. 1:II or, )catty p;1yoiclile, tano•,II ,1 {, , .lou, Apply :its 11, l,uu.•,.,,1, 1y11e1: or, 1'. 1'1 1111,,, I;1( 1 E 1,11,•, 11111(1 A.11) ).li',IN ('.11(11 11' t 01. .0)11: 1,11111\I.\(; holt .1 1011111 II1 1 11 6';'lu on \Lon Highway with toil: contract we have one it the In• l 1'urul:{ In this dlstrlct Uu111 h;u'u i11111 Iu,11) Ienl:le, Barite 111111' ,.Ir 1:',x.11,: •1.101 imploln,•nt slit .1. ;,,o1 1'41'!;1( 1%to fatuity honor With pree-111,• water 031;t0nl In hug:,' and tarn. This I Itis runalsts of 110 lure!•:! 01• light ,•lay loam raid would hu Idem hit' 110110ing 111(1(10 1;111111'9. I'nur well •, ' hlrlcell end lurx.ey pen., silo and about 25 Inked ap- ple tree i, II 1"111 he bought 1111113' with the w'h,'1t told oats in the g:rinar , S5 lou: of hay In burn, 7 1101',•s of corn, 00,1„ limn enough (o fill silo. Stock and all I11lpleniente for the price of $18,000.00, (honer for the past 30 yearn retiring end has priced for quick sale, 1f 1101 interests you 01,11(1 111 11 1(1 see 1)1 for further particulars and terms. 11'in. It. Garrow, 51 Queen Street, St, t'athartnes, opposite 'I'olephone 21;10. Evenings, 01', 11. !richer, 1't. t'al ntlele 138. II.0l I) Mt ESSI NO "0II(DIt1:SSING '1'1111 itobertson method Information en request regarding classes. Robert- aon's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. 111:1.1' WAN'rED W.1N'l'I:I1—Itul"S AND ELDERLY teen, Mea.lownwunt Farms, New- castle, Ont, !PANTED — 111.:AVY 9'Y1'1: LAO- ourers to work in Tannery. Good wages, steady work, Apply The C. S [Lyman Company Limited, Lon- don, Ontario. MEDICAL NAZI 11I:'s HELI'—DIXON'S REM. tidy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thousands praising It. Munro'■ Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa - Postpaid $1.00, Gu4)I) ill,:sO1,1TIIoN — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Retn- elly, Munro's Drug Store, 335 191- gon, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 3)t'Sil'.t1, iNS'I'ItUMi'N'I'S Iritl:D A 1111DDINO'1'Un BUTS sells, exchanges muslcal Inetru- ment%, 111 Church, Toronto h s11 tilt,1 , INSTRUMENTS 10OIt sale: violins, guitars, banjos, man- dolins, clarinets, saxophones, cor- nets, trumpets, accordions, drums, etc. write toe prices, Export t•e- pairs done also. WIII buy. Trader accepted. !Musical Supplies, Fork !River, Man, OI'I'Ult'I'UNI'I'it:s leott wont RN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI10OL Great Opportunity, Learn Ilalydressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call. MARVEL IIAJRDR1+JSSING SCItoors 358 Bloot• St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Icing St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETIiiOIISTONiIAUGII & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890' 14 King west, 'Toronto, Booklet of Information on request, 1')!U'l'OGRAPIHY 1011.115 DEVE1,O1'IRD 25 CISN'I'S. Guaranteed ono day service No waiting. Bay Photo Service, North Bay, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 1IXI'OSU1116 ROLLS 25c, REPRINTS 8 for 25c. FiN1:ST ENLARGING SERVICE. You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can got all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to 1)) iwtltA 1, 1'l1O'r0 S181IV1C1* Station 1, Toronto. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Prtu\11"T MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll — 6 or 8 Exposutes, DEVELOPED AND PRIN'1'18I) 26c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts I1, largements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian walnut or Block Ehony finish frames, 511c nnch. 1f enlarge• meal coloured,79c each. Reprints (!lade Prom lout Negatives 3c, Each I)I1I"r. Al • STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 111)1 110, 1'orl l)rflee A, 'Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly. si'1:('iAI. OFFI':l( 1:NI,.1111;I1311;N'rs %1'1'1'11 each 6-8 exposure roll fol• 25r. Re- prints 3c. Fast efficient guaranteed work. Crystal Photo Service, 1500 Dundas \!'est, Toronto. l b:AI'III:Its WANTED KASIHAHOWIE — I'llO'I'I':NI'AN'1' teacher with permanent first or second class certificate and several years experience wanted for S. S. No. 1 Kashnbowte; salary $1,350.110 per annum; enrolment 10. Apply lo' A, Ilollushead, Sec., S. S. No. 1. [Cas• shn bowie, Ontario I'RO'I'I:S'r.IN'l', QUALIFIED 011 academic, for SS, 1, llenwood, Tent- Isknnting, Ontario; salary $1,200; duties commence Sept, 3rd. Phone Liskeard 3:118. Mrs. Emily Ratty, Secy.-Trcns., Thornloe, Ontario, 11. 1, WANTiED SHORT STORIES, POETRY, Hil- mar wonted for magazine publica- tion. Literary Mosta(', Box 193, Guelph. Ontario. FOR nil' OWN HOME 1 AM 1,0011- ing for a pan. of Dresden figures or Dresden candelabra and Dresden miniatures. I will pay generously It you can oblige. Please write to Mrs. Lawrence Saunders, 323 Wal- mer !toad, Toronto, Ontario. l'Ai(M WANTED, ONiE IHUND1tiED acres, east of Toronto, electricity, stream. Fall possession, Give full I particulars. David Ilowe, Highland Creek, Ontario. SOME OF 5,500,000 PEOPLE TRANSPORTED BY NAVY The U.S. Navy is completing one of the greatest peacetime passenger -carrying operations in history, involving 5,500,000 men, women and children. They include Japanese prisoners of war, demilitarized personnel and displaced Chinese and Koreans who are being repatriated in Navy amphibious craft, Liberty ships and former Jap warships. A total of 4,226,477 Japs have already been moved. Photo above shows Japanese nationals and their belongings at Shanghai, awaiting embarkation for their homeland, SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") . Historians say that one of the earliest of all recorded pieces of writing is is the fume of a letter front a father to a son, some four or five thousand +y'ears ago, in which the old gent grouses most bitterly about the terrible way in which everything has deteriorated since the days when Ile was young. When we first read about this an- cient document — or maybe it was a piece of baked tile — the thought carte to our mind that the father was probably a sports writer by trade, * * 5 Fol• there is (10 easier — or more common — method of filling up a sports column than for the writer to start c0tllpatiug the present with the past, invariably giving the lat- ter about ninety per cent the best of it. This is, by tile way, an espc- ciaily easy writing mood to fall into on mornings when said writer has failed to observe the family curfew the night previous, and wakes ftp to find the breakfast stone cold and the missus lust the reverse, * * * 1'o hear us tell it — for we, per- sonally, have been guilty of plenty of that sort of stuff — in the days of our youth all the hockey players were Fred Taylor's or Eddie Shore's, the baseball pastures were studded with Cobb's, Ruth's and Crawfords, every fight was a mix- ture of battle, murder and sudden death, and the sports customer in- variably got at least a hundred and fifty cents worth of action for every dollar he pushed through a box- office window. * * * All of which is, of course, nothing hut a lot of plain and simple malar- key, Confidentially, there was just as great a percentage of boxing bouts that smelled 011t the joint — of baseball games that seemed to drag on for ever — of hockey matches where the sounding of the final gong w'as the most stimulat- ing event of the evening — then as now. Naturally, we know that this is all rank heresy, and enough to call down upon us the (lire wrath of the Sports Writers Union, but it's a fact just the same. Take off the rose-colored cheaters we all nfir This find medicine is tory effective to relieve pain, nervous distress and weak, tired feelings, of "certain days"—when duo to female functional monthly die - t1 This Ur ntnces, 1 s is some. thing worth trying! LYDIA E. PINIKNAIN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND How to Conat RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should he extracted by the kidney,. If kidney, fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids—help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 FOR THAT COAD RUBIN... IS' ▪ UE 37-1946 wear when looking at the past, and this stands out clear and distinct; the only reason why there are more mediocre -to -rotten sports events today than there were yesterday is exactly the same reason why the black cows ate more than the white ones. '!'here are a lot more of theta. * * * We turn up 0111' noses and pat- ronizingly sneer at the pushovers that are bring fed to Joe Louis, and talk of the brave days when Jack Dempsey' was such a devastating whirlwind, But we forget, or care- fully overlook, the period when the same Mr, Dempsey was doing his alleged "comeback" and, in slightly less than a year, took on some 175 opponents, knocking otit over a hundred of them. It is true that these were not billed as title fights; but there were two good reasons for this, One was that Dempsey didn't have a title to stake; and the other, that the fight promoters of that era were not quite so hot — or perhaps it should be quite so skilful — on the scent of the ulti- mate dollar as they are nowadays. But it seems to us that there must have been at least a few who could be termed pushovers among those 175 — one or two anyway, And as for those Dempsey beat while he was champion — Billy Miske, Bill Brennan, Georges Carpentier, Tont Gibbons and Luis Firpo — they don't seem to tower too colossally over Joe Louis's opponents, now do they? « * * \Ve could go down the line and stake similar comparisons in many lines. 'Prue, we don't personally be- lieve that today's hockey is as good as that of ten years ago — principally because of certain fidd- ling with the rules, But, as com- pared with the average hockey game of a quarter-century ago, the average gauze of 19.16 is far more actionfull and exciting; and if we have no players to stack up along- side of, say, the like of Howie Mo- renz or Dutch Nighbor today — wcll, just how Many did we have to match them when they were at tops? * * * Otte sport, in particular, has im- proved out of all reason, at least from the standpoint of the spectat- or, That is Canadian football. \\'e can well recall the grave head - shakings anti grins forebodings over the introduction of that new- fangled Yankee abomination, the forward pass — the predictions that it would he the ruination, no- thing less, of our grand old Autumn sport But the fact of the matter is that the forward pass opened ftp 0111' game, and made it more color- ful and interesting to watch, in a manner undreamed of (veil b% its warmilest advocate. * (: * '!'here are incident., of !bygone football, of course, that will always stick out in memory as vividly as a sore thumb — pictures of tough tAcifeP yolicre? You can't feel your best if your kidneys aren't working normally. Gin Pills help git•e relief from Backache, Rheumatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggish kid- neys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills on a satisfaction -or -money -hack basis. Get a package today—use proves their merit. Regular tire, 40 Pills Economy cixe, 60 Pills (1n ibe U.S.A. ,sih forGino Pill)) Uranium Ore Found At Krupps Three-grtartcrs of a tun of Iran• iunl ore found at ICrupps devastated factory at Essen has been shipped to the (' 1it:ll (Kingdom. It was known that uranium ox- ide had hero used in .Krupps for experimental work on producing specially hard steel for projectile noses, and the search for the ore has been going on for some time. It was found under the ruins of a store shed which had been blasted by heavy bombs. The ore was confiscated tinder the clause of the Potsdam agree- ment which forbids German posses- sion of such metals. War Gas Destroyed Landing craft filled with 3,000 tons of poison gas, part of Japan's huge secret stock, was' sunk by British occupation forces, In all, 17,000 tons of gases will be destroy- ed, The ship was towed 150 miles to sea and blown up by charges fixed below the waterline. Another load will be sunk soon. and ready operators like Sntirle Lawson or Lionel Conacher leav- ing a trail of prostrate opponents strayed along their pltinging path — of Pep Leadley and Red Bat - stone eeling their way down a field without a hand being laid on them — of Hughie Gall getting off re- turn kicks with what seemed like eight or ten of the enemy clinging to him — of these and many more. But, you may take it from us dear reader, apart from standouts like then! — and they were few and far between — football of those dear, dead days beyond recall was tnost- ly a pretty drab affair, and don't let any of us oldsters convince you otherwise. Much as we hate to ad- mit it, we fear that if they served up that old tw'o-bucks-and-a-kick stuff to you today, you would walk right out on it promptly. And be quite justified in doing so, at that. Erosion By Wind and Water Steals Millions of Acres Canada, From East to West, Is Suffering Irreparable Loss I Vial, dl,,tc .I, lion i; Bet..11.-1 to t 1.‘1. 1111fLois of :1l ley Ii Cart - id! !.n !:1111 lion] ruination In• wind ,Intl % o,:. 01,,. i 'u, the 1:1,;;1! clank „1 1 _nada •.r in it, \11 nfh(y I . '111.1. \; it!urt t h of 0',et ; ray, 1.0S1 \\'o t, I1:ot,• ale esni, n.1 s of I'reil,tialtle 1., , 11 11111• il,' it slat,- 'a1!11 0nle's the e."thj it to t;•) in for v,illc,s c'lltnlc (lops, It i, two. toy a Ilii; effort a-im„ all n:, , t.f .•l:, 11.'11 ' 11, .• ,111d lllt','t1:11) 0' 1he 1.,,;.l;.tlion of 111' would 1:1, int Ic;1 I nolo 16•, million a1„and the % ,t1' IG:,II to s"nievitere :Iilont :.',:'(IiI million. Thai Inca!<, if 0 t cl yunr i, to hate three 11,.;110 a '!;,y, ;1n ;olditional drain 1,11 tarlll land (if 1,: I11iI,11'lll,llltl),nln) I:1, ,1. 1111 of every 01111110)slop of g!I;till-, 1,':'e- t;tl,1c.,, Ines!!,!:, fodder, and ,11, the other thing', t%111111 00:1 Filmic (0 imin;l dirt. \ct in 1911 t acre 111110 than i,1(1r nlillinn ;erre, of abandoned 1;11111; in tl:r it(01110 pruvillees, all 001 cage will!!, :It 1110 long -tint(' 1l V''ra:;c t•icitl of 10.6 1Lusl0•Is per acre, might produce G'l,1Cu,0U0 hip-hels of wheat .1 year if the Land had been saved "While the tragic hi,tury of a few decades has focused attention on sections of the Canadian \\'est, the need for preservation and res- toration of crop -growing soil in !':astern Canada is also pressing,” the lank states. "The 'Garden 1'rut•iuce' is being washed ;assay, little by little. Workmen had to go through On feet of thud to reach a solid foundation for bridge piers at l_harlotetown, 'mud' which was once the fertile topsoil of crop - growing acres. "in New Brunswick, it is report- ed that one week of high water in the St. John River carries clown as much silt as 0001)1(1 cover more than :1,000 acres to a depth of one inch. "Ontario is affected because not only are good agrricultmral lands being swept array, adding new de- vastation to the abandoned lauds which should never have been opened to agriculture, but the rivers are being spoiled because silt injures the chances of breeding and feeding fish, Quebec has set aside a ten-year fund of $10,000,000 to be spent on approved schemes of land utilization. High Death Rate On U. S. Farms The National Safety Council statistics show that some 15,000 people lose their lives in farm ac- cidents annually in the United States and approximately 1.500,000 are injured in mishaps. It is es- timated that there are 8,100,000 farts workers in the nation; with a death rate of 53 per 100,000, this pats agriculture fourth in the death rates of the six major industrial groups. In addition, farm fires cause an annual loss of about $100,- 000,000, or 20 per cent. of the na- tional annual fire loss. WAR SURPLUS MATERIALS We Are Dismantling Aircraft All Over Canada And All Parts of Same Are For Sale at a Mere Fraction ot Original Cost. 96 & 106 GAL ALUMINUM TANKS suitable oil otOragc. etc. Each BLIND PLYING PANELS, complete with Gyro, Artificial Horizon, Turn and 13ank In- dic,ltor, Rate of Climb Airspeed and Altimeter Earn MOTOR - DRIVEN LIGHT C ABLE WINCHES. oiterated from a 12 -Volt !latter!. $75.00 Each THE FAMOUS P-8 AIRCRAFT COMPASS with adjust- alde I;ridd rig, luminous throughout, complete with correc- tion hox. Original cost about $375, Each .11.D11 N1',\I 121'El.. TANKS, 35 gallon capacity. Each $20.00 Directional $75.00 $18.00 $7.00 12 -VOLT GENERATORS, suitable for ligliting, plating or Wray be adapted for light arc welding $15.00 I':acli AIRCRAFT CONTROL COLUMNS with plastic steering wheel, easily adapted to boats for rudder control, Each... .... . ... .. , , . . 4.95 x 3V2 PNEUMATIC AIRPLANE TAIL cat: he used in the manufacture of single wheel trailers. Complete with shock strut. Each LANDING LAMPS, suitable for all types of $3.50 lighting, 12 volt, Each Ab1METERS, precision built, showing amps on one side $3.50 and 110 l:rtssing a 1)11!1011 will give storage hatter!' voltage on the other side, luminous dial. I?act WOODEN AIRCRAFT PROPELLERS, sward craft finish excellent ornament or war relic $5.00 1?act 1100 x 12 AIRPLANE MAIN WHEELS, complete with tires, tubes and axles, these are almost new. Suitable for farm wagons or heavy duty trailers, Each $35.00 ALUMINUM BUCKET SEATS, sponge rubber scat cushion, these may he bolted to the floor Each AIRCRAFT HORNS, adaptable for 12 -volt system of marine craft. Each L. WRITE TO Supreme Machinery Co. 164 KING ST. E. — TORONTO $7.00 WHEELS $20.00 $8.00 .t PAGE 8 S - ▪ 1 {S. NIMMitlimmiletwayeastwomcwomatcyclextontsstorwincloctictuociammas Back to School Boys and Girls Camp Shoes. Boys and Girls Running Shoes. Sweaters, Trousers, Dresses, Rain Coats, Shirts For All Sizes. Olive McGill 0 1/601111011.14/ f1194111s tNiiitANDI3OM)));r4AANSaDt1IMNIIDlfiDatIPPilbits11*Dilei , $141` !'1Ff!•i"i.44.1.1p'1•'i'M'j..j'+4 4.i.4. o + , •i••••1 +. 4.4.44+ .:•. 4..:00: ;' .' 1♦..,.•,•.\ t; - Superior is -- FOOD STORES -- Campbell's Vegetable Soup .. Chicken Haddie Fry's Cocca ..._... Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea Pretzel Sticks . Pimento Stuffed Olives .. .. Jiffy Whip - Chan Wax Max No Rub . "Spic and Span" Half Lb. Tin 19c, Half 2 tins 21c 31c 1 Lb, Tin 31c Lh. Pkg. 39c Per Pkg. 22c 6 Oz. Jar 35c 18c 1 1.b. Tin 59c Per Bar 05r. Per Pkg, 25c CANNING SUPPLIES AND PICKLING SPICES. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 •: •.I •: •- i •S• • •: THE STANDARD Wednesday, Sent, 11, 1916, ' ! - PERSONAI, INTEREST Doherty Bros. I I, 11,(11old(r.-Smut da}, Set':. 11313 is the Ila' \ o01 proem e ne\\ t1;a- II' l]onhook.,hook.,1 in Itl� th-- hour•, 11 .. fl Ill.. _' to o, and 7 to 3) p.m. I4. and \Ir•. E. C. \\Alf( rd visited \\ith Mrs. \\'ightivan, ;cull \Ir• I). \le- 1in11,In ;311(1 fil(((l!\ on Friday. 'limy lot on S.ttlltd,(\ nI ;r11111, on their hack to t'hina, after a furl milt in I IL3da. \I i•• (I rr \Ictiult;tn Ila• contnccnc- e,l her new duties as a•si•t;nu to the superintendent of the Children', Aid Sot let\ Ili Huron County, which of - fire is -ituatcd at Godcricll. Iles' ne\w position \\ ill till.(' her all n\cr the county. \Ir. John I'aice I( ft Saturday for Camiose, Albert... to a,•ist in harvest- ing the cr, I. in that district. \I r. and \lr•. John \foreland of Ncw;Iih, N. I.. are wi•itin:: with \It. and \Irs. Flank (tell, and other rela- tives in the \icinity. \I r. an I \Its. \V 11 \I tcl:en,ic an 1 \lath I,tiiahcth .\Ileo, of \\ ere visitors \\ 011 \li•se, 1•:Il;t l icf fron la -t Sunday. \ i•'tor• last \\ eel; at the home of \Ir. and Mr,. \\'ali\r \la•on \\ tire, (truce Itro\\II, \liehigan; \lis• ('lo\\, I�inrard:nr : \1 i„ Showers, \\'inghant ; \Ir. and \I r•. Stc\\art and fancily, of 1.11chno\w, \Ir,.:\. Sellars, Ilarro\w, and \I r. and \1r, Cecil Falconer. ND. Gordon \I;t•(n -pent last \\ 011 his e tist1, NH's. Hill, of. ro1\. \I r. \\aper Mason \\a• a London \i -it r on Saturday I.tick now, Date and llar- • \Ir•. D. Hourly. 1.1 \\'indsur, i, vis- iting \\ith \I r.. .\. I.yddiatt, and otll- •- er friend, in the community. 3,. \I r. \\'. N. \\'at•on kit on Saturday for ;in ('sten led visit in \\'('stern Can - .t• a(la. A \I r. awl \I r-. S. Nlather-;, o1 Palm - ,to yrs., n, I\ vv. Siephen \lather-, of Tor- 'r•;4.,,1;.1••prbd••1••A•1•++++•1••1+.144.0(' M i••f••i♦+0e:••:•*.�••�••0.+.::•4.4;;:.0.�•d•P••:•.:,J•4•44 (lto. \\ ere l';11l1'I• II(1 Sunday ;,t the I I home of \Irs. F. Metcalf. - l ------V ;All lk '('ruck Leaves Road Check the Following: The Date• EVERY DAY. The Place- SPEIRAN'S HARDWARE. Services - Your FALL HARWARE NEEDS SUPPLIED Presto Cookers, Plexiglass Bathroom Fixtures, Horse Blankets, Roofing Paper, Pyrex Kitchen Ware, Stove Piping, Poultry Netting, Belt Lacing, Forks and Shovels, Speiran's Hardware BLYTH WESTFIELD " Several \fr. and Mrs. Handsuore of Sarnia, the :Nfr. and Mrs. Mundy of \\'inghanc, visited on Sunday with \ir. and \Irs. Jack Buchanan. Nfr. and Nirs. Douglas \lackint,:'sh of Kitchener, visited over the week- end with \1 r. and \ir,. Marin \lc- Do\velt. is atten(.rng Gcnc rtl Council at \1,111- \tr. and \irs. Gordon Smith and treal. Barbara and \1r. Gordon \irl)o\welll \lir•('; \I;Il,aret \1'ightutan :1114 \were week -end guest, at the home of (;rare Henry are a-,' 'iu', with the :\tr. and \Irs. John Gear of Kitchener.I fruit ;'eking at the (amp at Jordan Mr. and \irs. Norman NIrDowell 'and children were Niagara visitors over the week -end. r1 \\'hilc travelfn..i o:t the 12111 c -nres- sign of East \\•a\wauli,li (01 Sunday, J;(111,-- 1' 'rce, the driver of \Ir. \Val - ter \la•on's nt lk track, •l':1 I,11 aha' ,lot on the come—ion, ;lightly dant. agin_ the truck. \Irs. \Bison \, 31it;. :Ihint at the time, but fortunately neith- _, er •'u I,r the (lriv\r \were injured. The truck \was carryintt a 1, all of he\• it m the til\th Farmer's Co. Operative Cheese Factory. -; Ret. alar Legion Meeting. 'I1lleSday, Sent. 17t11 REEVE BAINTON TO BE GUEST SPEAKER This i, to remind all clInrcrnc l Ilia' the rc:;nlat• meeting of Illy th Branch t No. d'II, Canadian Leuion, \will be held in the NI ent+ Tial 11,11 nn 'I'tu•day, = Se"tc!uhcr 17th. at 8 11.ChI'I;. 'I'h1 tcatnrc of the evening \('ill hr an address by l..e;•we 1'. 'I. Rainton. .1 Ile it i, !WPC(' that \wti \\•ill have GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welling A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies While Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. •AJJNJJIJJJJ 4••••4/4 ...... NN**, JI 1 A. L. COIF R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN t GODERICH . ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience IN ill be at R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE BLYTH, ONTARIO. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. TELEPHONE 20 R. D. RHILP'S DRUG STORE FOR APPOINTMENTS. IBI JJNJJJJNNJJNNJ 1:4~44NNJJ _ 11 ..._.__ 111 3'1 and rcire•lt1111•I11• atter the' from this \ic'n;;y atten'c,l meeting. If ;111; «11(• feels he can brine \nn;wcr-ars Services at the Bap. a parrcl 11f •and\\irhns, plea,(' do so ; tist Church, .\nh tris. on Sunday. a- they \\ ill he appreciated. Rev, Cox, of Iter ie. \was in charge t old attendance of all members is _ of tin: service a; \Vestficld (01 Stu1•'a urgently requested and outside voter-' as krv. 11. Snclt had the .\nnivers;u-c an- will he service at fort :\lbert. 1111 Sunday, September 13th. hc\•. Hoge; of Sea - forth, \will be in charge, a• Ikev. Sn(I! St.ti:n in the Ni e4ar;i D:•'rict. Nfr. and Mrs. Elmer McDougal and 11111,1,E1"11 fancily of Galt, visited on Monday \with Messrs. 1ingh NIillar, til''u l:arter,1 fiord, n \lctirr.or, -1 : 1 Lei'Ict• and Att. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. tint I;unicunt have motored \1'cst to, Mr. and Mrs. Manse' Cool: and fans- help in the harvest fields. fly of Colborne Township, visited 131 \I r, and \I r•. I hn NI el m;dd of Sunday with Mr. and \Irs. Emerson, \\ spent Smulay \w't'1 \I r, Rodger. \Irs. George Garter. \Irs. K. Cameron of Lucke \\', spent Iles. \Vin. Connell of Clinton, b a few day; with her brother, \I r. \Vitt. I returned home niter spendiu a \we \[('Dowell' l with \I r.. \Vat. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Carter and fans - On Saturday 1\'113. (.;trier ily attended the funeral on Sunday of \irs. Gorden, of Sea forth. Miss Ruth Stokes of Goierich, spent the week -end with Miss Ilam(' \Night- TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH man, 13th Sunday after Trinity Mr. and and Mrs. Clarence Cox vis- 10 a. in.: Morning Prayer and Ser - !ted on Saturday with Mr. and \irs. mon "The Character of Jesus". Donald Sprung, cf Mullett Township. 11 a. 111.: Sunday School. \ 1,' tt(11••, the poultry at (;c-rgeto\wu fall 1'a'r. UNINSURED ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY \welcl1Ine,1 as guests. EDITII CREIUITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. .11 11 . IM 1C 1I .II 1.11.1. • Accidents happen in flash. If you are not in• Fared, repayment may cost you your home, your ravings or months of income. Let us explain Pilot Autotnobile insurance to you. It costs so little. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks . in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. BERNARD HALL, PHONE 122. BLYTH. SPECIAL TI -IIS WEEK. h'RESI-I ANTI) CURIE) MEATS. A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. Delivery, Wednesday and Saturday. N. McCallum Butcher. i. 11 IIY IIIA. I I I ••I Phone 10, Blyth, 1 1.• 1 11 New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN• NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wile Variety of Prices. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. • PAINTS AND ENAMELS • OF FiRST QUALITY. ••• F. C. PREST Phone 37.20, I I,. 116,0 Y01.I Y.1 LOUDESBORO BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'I'IIE HOME i3AKERY" H. T. VODDEN. 1 11 1 1.. . 1. II1Y1 _.. 1. .. Baby Supplies We carry a full line of baby supplies. Guard the health of your "Pride and Joy". Baby Powder Baby Oil Infantol . Dextri Maltose .. Pablum Electric Bettie Warmer Lysol, 35c and 65c, Bettie Funnel, 25c. Twin Tips 28c and 55c 59c and $1.10 90c and $3,00 05c _ .... _ _ ... 45c $3.95 Glycerin Suppositories, '35c Oil Percomorphmn 75c 25c R D.PHILP,Fhm.B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PRONE 2P. . I 1 � u, . 11 Y. • . ■ , I , I b .1•1.• I . • 10 II . ,- Y. 'l ktitti tCiQ C)Q)C1C+etar4til4d)C)&tCt4 Get414141Kt4tetett414114k:tzsaact&tCtQtcrttc'ztat4tfK)G)E4 r, ' LOUNGE FURNITURE We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour Covers, they are built to last a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. J. S. hellew Home Furnisher Phones 7 and 8 — Funerat Director. 0>17145'+)t?t,1;);1 1)314t10);DllhDiDiDiDADIDDt1b242e :,;;4ND tfa3 iD a'11DiDi21D101),t2intltdi)));Da 1•H •1•♦••• •• 1••1••••H . o•,♦•,•, ••• ••1 •••.•• ••, 1•••••J•11•„•• ••• 1.1 ,•, I•. ••1.:1. , ••• 11 ••. I.1 ••• ••• ••� ••• o,. •.;, .•..•..t ••, ••, .•, .•.1. 1 ••• ••..;11 . •: •: HURON RILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. l=: .21 .tJ EXCELLENT 1'001) - GOOD SERVICE ;£, ,Y tt .t • Meals at All Hours. . t: , FRANK GONG — Proprietor ti ' .•••o••.••.♦.4.4.•oo.•v••.o••••••• o'.4.•;.•••c„ o•O•;• ;.••.o.o♦•••o••••o••,.g yoo.•.••••o•••o•••.••.•o ,,••••o••.•;•o.4.•••••••• _. PERSON AL INTEREST \I r. and \irs. Frani: Smith, Mr. ant NI... Frank Smith Jr., and daughter .'.nn, \1-. J. Gcddc-, \Ir. and Nits. J. \\'. N'• tcalf and \liss Joyce, of Lon- don, Mrs. i1. 11. NIeicalf of Ottawa, were wi: icor. at the home of Mrs. F. \(('teat' 'u Sunday. \li<, EtIa `Jetcalf of Ottawa, is vis- iting her mother, \Irs.• F. NIetcal1. -v CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Ruth Marie Noble, \\lin will celebrate her 1st birth - a, 1 11 1 I '. I. , II J 1 .111 1 , 1 1 1 1.1 I.,.r 11 "School Days” Scribblers, Exercise Books, Note Books, Pens, Pencils and Rulers - All Big Value. A Few Lunch Boxes - At Wendy's 5c 90 $1.A0 Store 1 1. , II .1. 1 1 • 1 1,,9...1 1. •I Isi I.Y. , , . .. I 1 1 .11 YI.O.. 111..1.01 114 I 1 Y 11 TO SAVE YOU WORRY 11'' you ttre worrying about management of property, planning the disposition of your estate, the building or purchase of a home, of ilimilnr problencs, herhnp:: Itis et"' relieve you of some of your 00111(1 and help you decide soma of the perplexing points about your future plans. 1Ve offer 0complete (rust service, some phase of \which may be n roil Itch) to you. Nhay we discuss your problems \\•illi you? No obligation, of course. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 35 years In Business K ,• . -KKK 1041tl(tEttfteltb ltIVAI VIC14NIXIC161C1Rt4Kt tCt61CtCKtCtOCKKtfICXettt[Rt Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life • Sickness - Accident. J. 1I. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 day on Wednesday, September tSth. COURTESY AND SERVICE. bfili31DiS;aiNN)MD.at2if15illaD r2) w.riN hit;3121%,34DIADi5id,M21%Di5t212i21DIDt7.2* iDID1 Congratulations to Jimmy Fisher of Colborne '1•ownsllip, who celebrated ti< TRiNITY CHURCH, BELCRAVE 9th birthday on Thursday, September 11,3(1 a. in.: Morning Prayer and 5th, I Sermon. ST. MARK'S, AUBURN 7.15 p. 01. : Sunday School. 8 p. 111: Evening Prayer, -�a