Semi Weekly Signal, 1864-03-01, Page 3Flan & THE SHAKSPEREAN hEADINGS. Draft Stt:?At..—To assist m paying; off the dr bt incurred by the congregation of St Geer- ge'6Church, in the erection of the Rectory, now nearly completed, -Mr. Griffin, pias, with his usual gcodavature, consented to give a reading from the Merchant of Venice. I have had the pleasure to hear Mr: Griffin ?bad this'sameplay, and it appeared to me 'that lits'general conception of the characters, but more especially that of the Jew, was re- matkably accurate. IIis re•+deiing of the Whole play exhibited a highly appreciative and cultivated taste. 'Add to this a fine goodly presence and a rich sonorous voice, over which he has perfect mastery, and you " wiI1 thea readily believe that the inhabitants of this town have a 'rich treat in store for. them on Thursday:evening next- A Lo es os'-CuAEEsrfAne.. Tnosa MAIL. ' we hay e received sev= ;rap letter! from township clerks urging us to hurry on. the Assessment Rolls. -A,11 ire can say is, that they were mailed in the Goderich post office •iicarly a inontli ago l' and; we-Tiave'the assura=ce - of the officials that they were dispatched at once In the name of wonder,then,,how could such large parcels go estray when: they were' most carefully made up and sent away by our own hands. It is really too bad ,that in a matter of such 'great public importance a complaint of this kind has to be made. If -some coniitry '.postmasters werelook- ed after a little it would not be amiss. As it is now, the parcel post ' into the new townships is untrustworthy lo the last de s gree. • ' - EGMONDVILLE. y' The inspection, of our schools' here took puce on the 25th ult-.before John Nairn L..S., in presence of the Trustees and a • -lame number of . friends. ''Miss -Hanna's Division: was. examined - in the forenoon; and the improvement ryas very y Striking.: It was. evident -that she had been mos painstakingainstaking and successful-' 'In the afternoon the advanced' classes under Mr. Gerona were fully examined.. All the exercises displayedthe clever and ex- perienced teacher,'. but the mutual ques- tioning in "ancient and, modern History by a large class was particularly goof?- There was: also very correct :parsing in a large class, and; man. • ines imens of writing. ] P� At the conclusion' of the forenoon and 'af- ternoon examinations, Mr -Nairn delivered addresses: upon the advantages to the .scho- lar of Determination and Pereevereace, and also upon the -Powers of Mind.. BIBLE SOCIETY ,3ILE1a G. The Annual' Meeting of .the Goder�ich ', _ Branch -Bible Society was held imSt. drew's Church:, last er'ening. The atten- dance was.good. The chair was taken ,by, .T. V. Detlor Esq, the president.. After: the preliminary devotional exercises, the Chairman- made a few suitable" practical 'remarks r arding the objeet of the, -meet. ing, and the Report was read by the Rev_•' Mr Mackid.' The statement"read by -.the Treasurer and. Depository was -very inter esting, but. owing to anoversightin chttr_- b'ing: sales of books from the Tract Soc'y, it was re -committed to the committee to make • the, -necessary :corrections: From whatwe could gather, it appears that the receipts ftii-.the yar• were large, amount- ingg to 4369 38, and the subscription and collections$71: 94. The meeting was then addr_essed,by the, • :Rev. Mr_ lire: 18 moving' the adoption' o'r the .Sec'ys Report. $e made some forth ble.remarks on the necessity of every one doing ;their utmost to forward this . good cause: Rev:: Mr McCappin, in seconding, spoke at lengthand urged the :dutyof ev- 'cry christian'in this -work - -., } r: Brookman, agentof the Rev_ii Society, then addressed the meeting. -He " spoke in a clear and luminous manner Of • the means and instrumentalitiesat work, which, through the blessing. of God were doing so much :good, and gave a most in teresting account of the operation of the _ t British and F re Bible Society in for- eign lands. The New 'York -Post raises 'the. question' whether General Humphrey `Marshall, who weighs 600 pounds,is fit Foran ofcet of light GOOD FOE EARACHE.— Mr Ephraim B1ackwer,.Munford, N. Y., writes: 'Mrs. S: A. Allen's World's. Hair Restorer and 'Zvlo- balsamum have slopped my hair from falling,, aswellas relieved ma of violent turns • of headache, with, which I haveloug been afflicted Sola by drugggists.eeeryw-here. Depot, 193 Greenwich at:, Y. THE MARKETS. .— Gonsiuca,MarchIst'1864. S, -Spring' do ..-0:73 Vats,, 0:00. $iarley' 0 60 Ian 1 x11' Wheat 0:86 _ a 0:88. Wool Vita _ _ 0:32 • Peas r 0:40 Pork. ---;; , 4.50- Boers,'_ 3:00 i'aities, esti . 0:457: t .tickers, * pair 0:25 Iraeki, • do 0:40 IEdes (green) .. a. -` 5:00 Carrots 11 bash. .. .. '0:25 Tttrnipa• 0x123; Issuer 0:127i: Potatoes 0.45' �►ood__ .._ 200 a 0:73 035. • 0:65 7:50 0:35 0`45 4:75' 4.00 060 045. -0.30 O50 0:00 0:00 0:15, 0.15` 0:50 0:00: MONEY ,TO LEND �y unprnvedthriet-ati$ percent; a'qo a few - hundred pooeda,on town property: , Jr $,.' GORDQ*I. THE SEMI- WEEKLY SIGNAL. THOS, RODDY & CO nAv, OPHNED, CORNER Of PARSONS' BLOCK ! _A_ ., FULL .STOOK IN • �OCERIES, Glassware and -Cutlery ! WINES, BRANDIES, G1NS, AND. HISKEYS►. FOR,' MEDI CAI AND FAMILY USES1' HOTELS SUPPLIED I LIBERAL TERMS And for V4RIE•f1^ OF GOODS the Stock IS U\BURP ASSED_ • FARMERS; COME 'AND SEE 113•' -bought Coal Oil; Burning',,Fluid ,,Fluid'. and' Lam s"' Pte. Coder, h} Fcbruary1 i 1564.'. sw43 • ...:NOl ICE. QEALED TENDERS 1GILI, BE RECEIG IAJ7 ed by•the. County Surveyor,'on the part of the 'Muntctleal Council for the United Cour ties ,of and 'Bruce, until • TUESDAY, 15th"MARC11' 1,864 For the follou,no toot -k, viz : KEEPING IN REPAIR _FROM 3 to 5 YEARS, OO MILES OF OF GfiRVEL' ROAD COUNTY OF HURON THE WORK O TO BE ". Let : in Sections! And the gras-4 supplied'at,a certain price per coni- • -The subscriber don't bind him- self to accept -the lowest -or ;any tender. Specifications and form` of Tender ma yy be, Keen at the office of the subscriber in'CL1N- TON, from the • 1st to • the 14t11 --day - `of March, 1864. (Sign d) A. BAY, ' County Surveyor. County Surveyors Ofiee, - Clinton, 17Th Feb., 186 t. w4=3t,c GREAT SALE IMPORTANT NOTICE: ,On Tuesday - the 8th of -March AND FoTtllIort ING THE VALUABb'•E Sc, .VARIED <STOCK ' '02' HEATHFIELD ,* CO DUNDAS STREET, LONDON,_ .. COnstatt'.G OF Drugs, Chemicals, Oils Perfumery. S P_1 C E'.S PATENT, MEDICINES comprisingover t;000 pots, WILL BE SOLD ;BY PUBLIC AUCTION,. To suit both wholesale and Retail purchasers This is well worthy the attention sof both Town and Country Merchants: 10Tc, Le of v 42t Fut therparticulars and Catalogues shortly. B- A. MITCHELL, ) EDWD. ADAMS,} ' Asrignees, (By 1 w Attorney,A. Claghonc)- London. ,Feb. I5, 18b4.- aw49-td LUMBER ! PINE R. AR ,�L, ITC , HEahand :SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ON T " A LARGE QUANTITY OF. GOOD PINE LU_ NB E of Different - Size LENGTHS'., - QITAT-ArrI•ES ,ro PURCHASERS ; _ wHIGH WILL DS SOLD 1/ CSEAP FOR CASH, ALL ORDERS b ' a. .Promt. of �• tlpY At ended t iN111 .... AND "LIIMBBR : • % Desired ! Delivered on - the Cars, if WALLACE &PARE. - ,• 'Mitchell, February tSth,'1864, v3ew47.3tm:," a FARIVI FOR SALE T OT $, Con. A, Tdwnship of ilfowich; - mile from Wroxeter, on . • THE GRAVEL ROAD. Log house and barn, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to -F. W. THOMAS, Esq., B. M. Goderich, Feb. 21, 1864. • wiisw5l-1f • FOR SALE - THE DWELLING HOUSE and premises avpresert occupied by W and 13. Say:noun Esgs.. on • WEST STREET, with baleen acre of lurid attached. :Apply 'to F. W. THOMAS, Esq. 'B -'M.' Coderic h. Feb 26;1864. -wSsw51-if JOHN. FAIR &-C O. Ori Monday, uric •.25th Instant, &PEN AT GREAT REDUCTION- IN ',PRICES: Whole. of their Remaining -:[Stock ! ! Of Winter Dry Goode; and Clothier, 1'( ORDI<11 TO Make. Rom for Spr1n'r Impdrtattons: Goderich, 19th January,1862 •'""; IMPORTANTAT-AUCTION -SALE - HURON HOTEL, GODEBICH, - - ('EVALUABLE Hausehold Furniture ,. HORSES; SLEIGHS; Carriagesh' :Bar Fixtures,: &c, G. X. TRUEMAN HAS received: instructions from the-proprie- .tor, Mr. >J;`J.Wright.'(who is retiring from the Hotel business) to sell by Auction the. whole of his valuable Household Furniture ! &c., at the ` HURON HOTEL, GODERICH, ox <,• , TUESDAY' 15th MARCH; :I864 • AND FOLLOWP.tO• DAYS •:Commencing each day at 117A M. Com'ristus in part:, Dining Tables,, Side Tables : Carpet's, "Cntre Tables, Bedsteads, Feather Bed, Matti -asses, Clock's, Bedding Sones Lounges " A large quantity of chairs of vanops"kinds. Looki. lass's Toilet Tables, Toilet Setts, Wash rands,= • Crockery; and:,Glassware, Pitchers, Conking Stoves'•:and utensils, Box, Stoves and.--stove"•piping,-• Chandeliers and Lamps, . Cutlery and Tableware, Kitchen. Furniture. BIR TURES .COMPLETE !- With'sundry other articles too numerous to Mention. A :HANDSOME TWO -HORSE: CAB! 1 li>; h donble:sleigh, one span ofsnperior carriage horses, one double sett "silver mount- ed harness, one settatngle,;do, kc &e. , y This -is an excellent opportunity for. hotel. keepers and -others, an the. furniture IS nearly new, and in good condition. TERMS: mOF SALE: . 911 sores under $20 cash v abovethat'antn and,under.$100,btee, , months credit:: . Alt ; 'urea,over$100,t;'stamanths;ereditallowed by a urniahingeahefactorycndorsed !rete: G M. TRUEMAN,' c Auctioneer., Gaderic1x Feb. btS, 186f..' r►2•td FRESH TIAS,. EX. `LILY!" GREAT. PU'RCHASED,'`AT THE CARGO SALE ` IN 'PLO TR TEIE SUBSCRIBERS offer for Sale the Contents of over eighty packages Fresh Teas purchased for us .and -selected with great careby"GEORc1E KEaa, Esq., now for over thirty -years in the trade, and who,- we speak advisedly, as: a judge or Teas, Whether as regards- make,; quality 'or value, has -perhaps' no -superior , la. 'Western Canada — . We Ba -se our Claims ' - s ®Public. Fav 01 FOR, SALE OF OCRTEAS'UPON • TS: These Teas have been: purchased at- •confessedlythebest DI rket,,vizFirst.band holders and n on the best; terms offered to the: Canadian Merchants.,[, - These Teas have been selected by a person of great experience,'; without costaia'a� the Subscribers one cent ft:m expense .attending : sale, commission; or else, freight only' excepted.] THIRDLY: These Teas being imported direct from the Celestial; Empire to Montreal, all danger of adulteration -vanishes., forwhatever the quality when., it left China it remains .the F-OU1 TH-LY:_ - In view of our determination of building up an an exclusivelycash business ' it is manifestly to our advantage to' -be, as reasonable in our charges as possible; therefore, J & JI SEEGYELLER, TANNERS! DEALERS IY EEATHER, FIS ®IGS GODERICH, C. . 1 February 12, 1S64, - - aw47w9 D A R s_. YAIITf S de•irous- of obtaining First. Class Cedar 1or:Fenc:ng and Building purposes can be supplied in anyquant ty 'and -'on rcusuuable terms, by applying. to' J W. ELLIOTT. Goderich Feb.. 1015, 1864. w2 thit,ATMENT ot'-Cnows' LANDS, Quebec, Jirntuzry,22nd,'18.64. OTICB is hereby giventhat His Excel .legcy the Governor Generalhas been pleased t0 appoint 'Joni CAttai LL, Eery., Agent for .t.'se settlement of the But Free 8• Grant Road, and:foi'the sale' of Public Lands in the Townships, of Chandos, Anstruther.and ,KOT FOUND' AD AIIA SMITH, Merchant,Taior, ]IIARxt1 Se,UAit7E;t;GODgB C.R, bttsj'uscrweived a large and wbll-assort- ed.stock of,;"1.1 - FAIL INT RR C-OODE; And a varxtt ot_Yancy Artists, sych aa. Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Caps0 �rr, Ste.,'' &c. tt lileli hes prepared: to sell •Cheap ibt . Caoh Coderich,Sept 18, 1863. wtft; F Amp CY'3 :LIFE Dep' 0 - '°STOI EW,,A%L" ARSON? THE SOUTHERN WAR P1i;L'L.1 D, of aicittsuou . - AT BHTLEB:S. =N-402 Godey's, 'Leslie's, and Peterson's, ' for October, all, received 4 T BUTLER' - Cardiff; ni the Conray of Peterborough, U. C. Mo Carroll's address for' the present is North Dottro Post Office, • • s„ 6t•prl, OT 1 C E. R JOHN HAMILTON, Merebant,}of; i Scsforth and Beln�re, and IsIr Janes Hnun:-merd:snt,roi Lcatoi•th,' on .the 1': th 'JANLJAIIY 1864, made an as.igmncnt tit tbe.r reabano persmial property, books of aocoii ,1, ' fp73 . SUBSCRII?'ER'..; BEGS �•Q_ STA.FF,:� no s &e., to the under igncd, air the bne&t of - thatltavino. 1 • n rnll their: Creditor,.:.w•bo are requested to seed in ;;/� sold his;Stotk sn------ ';to ',their.' claims; gniust the E;tete to' tr!-Jam 'h.- G "F STrnAUT,andgotA to':retite froto +g 5.. t. Brown; business, havingupwai'ds(o[-$Z0,0'OO scattered (Signed) " :: over the Country, would ,respactttlly. request J. BfOWD,.Hamilton,all t nse rn pleeither hyioteor.Bok ROBT. GOVETLOCh, acconut to call.and settle immetliat.e1, then Assignees . ,Harpurhey, wise they will be.handed-to his attorney for collection. After this notice, dies .0. : ut In reference tothe above the -a siauceslcost a `ae 'theinse.ves"o Naafis JOHN 'to S7 F,WXWT : o erre , e xtiar'y, I Irreferenee to the above,R b (3C:1;Baitw- say that•they Have_ on .hand an 1131 theauhscriii'r on i1 e: 26th m.t:,:a•note O .band -for $i5 .o drnicit byi Andrew Hughes" nnd'Win Corrigan sillieot of) ho:-Mtllaior' jieyrcr datedTcrstl•atcr, °CIAcr.Mb' f3 dna monthsattetdate :, st,' { J UHNT FITZWILt.IAMB. Jamin %22,1664. "1\ilep4 rr 3...... av523t • RY PUBLIC" :AUCTION, G a h Isth r b eb4 ° WILL- 'BE�UND , >l ERSDL9 . - a et'Seatorth,.: 'f.. AnT,voula d g /'� - OnW®d,<iel3tia `2nd.'of Il+IARCH 'are: a •yn ' K:E R R, r. & `,ro �, r tet I g lame ad-it%ons to .the. former 9 stock consisting of Dy' Goodsi . a8' aids > � _e Clothing, Harwure, Crocker v, Groceries; tic, which will be gold"nt greatly' reduced_ rates... They hope by strict attention to' business an$ moderate prices to merit ;a eohtiu» ante' of their predecessors patronage. " 11. & G. Goderich, Feb. 19, 1864: ;.w4s$9 :' WE:CANNOT NOR WY WE Goderich 20th Novi.; 186S. L o� Q WE ljAPE JVBT RECEIVED.; A FRhSH LOT .OF FRUITS,, ''NUTS, 'SUGARS, PICKLES AND with a general aesoftment of Groeeries•of the best•quality, whih reasonable prices D.: KERR, Jr. . "Goderich.20thNov, 1863: SAUCES, will be sold at very &Co Market : uare,- oderic THE SUBSCRII3ERHAS JUST RLCLRLD �INTER STOCK OF: GROCERIES, LIQ -QRS a%s &c., bought at the BEST MARXL TS,.`comprising Froin '50ets ' .en I• Full t. TOBACCO a ASor.tm From l5ets• CO1IJESa' Rio, Java, Laguira aud'.Ceylon, Fresh; Roasted and Ground, NEWY ]FRU ' 'S 14. R'.. lssyers,'Sultana'and ValentiaRatsius, Tetras -Currants, Fige,Pranes, Lc. NUB'S - SLoi 6Imondd Ttlber€s-Brazil and,new English to Walnuts. F �.. ,•; ie •`n o: and`Rennanits.Brsnd s..in Wooil and Bottlr:San•• gangs , Ma`r'tell e" �Jn1es.,Robt k G .,. . _ ... -„ , tdeman's old Pore` ;Duff Gordon,�s and Pemartids Sherries, ±DeKayper'a,• Holland's pad -Booths Old Tom Gin,:01'd Jamaica Rum, Scotch, Irish and other Whiskies, Ginger Wine, °LOCHFINE HERRIA G:IN , K • No 1 Mackerel in kit,•Table Cod Fish,• &e. Sauces, Spices, Lobsters and Salmon in cans Sardines, kc Everything in at'nloon. li.i number forty one tan the`'. Wests de; elf 31A 'street, in the , t VILLAGE'of SEAFC)liTI-I New'Frame:'S'tore S>; Dwelling theregn Seaforth, Feb. 15th, 1663..-,; w4 -Imo IS :AGAIN REPLENISHED WI' .r . ...... ..� �. Invite Farmers, Mechanics, the Ladies, and all-, persons „jn--search of bargains, to call: and inspect theireery=Targe Ah stock of Fi. and ;WIN-, - TER GOODS, cotnprls ng , EMEEMMEENOIONEB 11 E, TJF BTJSINrS83 Cottons, Dress Uoods i Ma titles S bawls, Ladies' '- Ilan I1urs. t, Boots- and `Shoes. meady Made rig ars, F eat, Tobaccos 'toffees, Co s . offee Rices, ict5 Paints, .><ls 0.. _y Their Stock of DRY GOODS Will be found very ° eomplete, and 'larger' than any heretofore imported: The DRESS GOODS are worthy of special -attention., '.Having; purchased a large lot of TOBACCO, they are enable, to sell a good article at 25cts. per -pound. 1 t'.intimate th t_ all . = c. "The subscribers wish ilius ear o dol ata' Accounts 'are expected p .. punctually-. to be aid early and in full. To = tsnstaa their credit,, and to•enable them to sell for` small rofits, ,.the. arrne co P. . elle, to insist onimmed ate_ a �ment. Y - JOHN O. 'DETLO: GODERICH 25th- Sept.,18E3. ..t w12 .Keptandsold atthe .LOWEST PRI C E. C r r ti h CASH FOR -1 •NTITY OF -WOOL Ar D S EEPSKIN 'S r. • �orte ` 'sari P , e ant £or.L9;Bd'.CT S Loridoii Al , OD`SRtCB, :Deccmb'er l8thl `1863, -;$AVE1BEM,OVEDTO:THE ' oME & $ a` k`" d� 1�C Store form�rl9 ;oceugie , by �` .. � . , a: P:A.R.�ONS . SLO4251--C, . . iu �c 'the .hava r: Where nadditto"ft "to'their .usaal'hea, suppip of Drd�s, PatentiMedic es, _,, ,.7 • ' nn hand a lure stoc t of I C U . L T -U: R:_A: L.. - S. EE D S Imported directly from one of the oldest' and Moat relrable houses in Glasgow,' Scotland THEE HAFEAL, sb 1EEIVED A $O Ofi P FEE R T0 CC .• Whielt they r,niteiat;vetylow.?prics. 'A1.so, 1 Gtlq+y , NIR'+ $; MAX -Qtr.:), FOL.-Iiedieal anti Fatniiy alta • w-v15a25 til 9 ' 1863r'� Jl? GUbER ,)3, A.p ,