Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-11-10, Page 2eN
� wl� RsIMIM
A NEW SILVEIr J)Ol.I.Aa.-'fjlP"
'1160h th;lL th(i trealits Tile Chicago Bridge Catas!rophe. I - . l'ondan'
whe'lle'll he�stlf with I lie dochil Gtoo
in theiloiid rock, and is no -bore 1,�ss than which lead (,lie 0 -doubt I CI is i,olcllaill�d fc
even! -e to be con�idcred as annulled,_ 'i i says it 0
B�xtsh Silverhollarfor Odoniat lrse,thgi��
- 7 Itirg tic at hoine in -o. der to obtain hits had much. of 1815 at up. -p,ole
lii;tididd fect tvide At .1veillu:,y Of.Christiall preaching Front tlie,CInclig. Tintics, N(lnbiir 5.)
olupetence, und this too while �!Vey,ar`d tile all,,[' and ci Illy f. et clLep. rfidiow uAive. It oil condition that Fran&c arid Hinfland will ( a
ei of I lie fol tr&ss 'it widells, to y poss altack. front The c;xcuTstanaes of- the accident are value to be, prol-ah'), -4s. Gd., illSo that it 4
two cf�vt oil tile cruel and pc marrantee ber from %it,
advi-ed by those Wit have V and 4inlis clencatli the 'Initturie� wits ill tile
iniddlecil Jlily that the'liven IS took
0 gone to diStitut littodl
briefly, as follows :-A few minutes before 3 would be usVI-M61- 1�aglish circulation. .1
I. fjer'�.Codivjllat- )f One hundred arid plaeti, Illealcomit Of Wh' 11 JILS just rt Lie .,d jju.qsia.
hinds to romaia whera they'ato and let 81'0p� F, 'art P -ell aiven 'Count Rechberi, o'jIodk oil Tuesday afternoon a hard, of fit
o- I the inain us. )r Same tim! Relvi. it 0def whu,,bas L Wss has,
-as be
III" Iv fcet. , Two hahtionsjus fi .1 u'lood a -riven over the brilI6
'Ory has i illicit, -prol6olillg it front upproaell by It ng the leadrj, 'veil cattle I% -in�g -AV e regptt,,
%Veil CUOU1111 111011C." I", l COfflitry �e KINGSTolt.
10,1863. t sixiy-oftliern had not yc� crossed , an say that desettion from tile -arli.1011 Of.K* )rLight.
I' tile nlaIC4,tentSj arid. vel -y disl,i�lctly to ul"a0l'sland that l-, I lji;�EIITIOV AT
su"pected of hA :tied solr� -s not in ally a C Injeall to a6ceJi� tile c Abori wl� 4
(10DERIC11, C. W., viog, i stig a doc is
its jraw-��Iclts, Call-ida IIaS its lonu, Gold it Ic'.1 ible I:rolls-fivii. All the appcl�-ntlllelll- w to is aior.og to roose tuality f a tug, having ill tow two-ve�sels, came steam- being
settle. he as, JAI tri-ardws, had b!t�n c:id * . . . Q war. "It ent than it should be�.
T winter illid its Occasional Stillititer ftro,-Its, I I lie sante paper says that on 010 1 oth i'Ist. ing 4�wn the river' The lbrid e -tender, lip- &Sd'�'.r have &,,r -ted' their colors
I �.;
pl;fiellsive of a, Coll isi on, und toZLIIY urmann- within very short time- Eeight. Men row JK
S L c wa� a:'- tit 11 It �, al'�! ?JLilt tit it ef.maoriLs tit t ni,n -iglibo flood ufAutltl rid
Em.i Itussell forwhriled It note to t5t. Peters -
GOLD IN CANAWI.. but it caunut be denied tl,at in till �gri- is of ad
_Ii-solorla le"Cl . not ol" [110,1tils, It. r(!h(�Jfjurj. h is ol.)je(!t was to wase a gene -d;:;g to the view b4 the occasion though'the engine oftlie
or. r: oftlic northern tribes, Tiatticularly burg, slating, that acco, 141lh ri��;iuleul, did Six �M,n from the,
every side ol�the. rocky 114
cultural pohit- of' viow it is i,,urp-isSed by it s: Lull fiad',been, pro;nptly roveiiiLd �l con,iing-
-;ikc ratio, whose coacti-y the Enlllisli ifabi-fTet tile 1-5, so - lost) �.young rs
Wailiatoo . V. w.,11 - I noy .1 �Lrt'j ry, -3uldie g
is hien Shaved down I)LIow
4 'S i 1), ILI ic wor u. t y se., ion.or 11o:iind in to swin,
Tim r�cimt --old discoveries oulltl ic I lier hard s � So, that there is not a is to Aucida. d, arid their I,Y a sudden faras th-cy relate tor tile pos 5 sh�btl' colniniallced fr. the bridre ion News. ood
I Sicily ilielron'structure Moved on its.pi
ivaft ri,--, W the hop `1: 1 , donsidered canecIled. Fire yet, -day a
there District li-tvc Init te t �ttlers. — ----------
9 developing the rest) it r Ill"ItItInIQ that May not hi.
tbat, in addition, to the mines I enieivloui bittteriii�. � Such I tile 11111V i accordance wiTh -Ifilt a its unu-
I it ilT`st Z16L AvIliell lie Cont'(It'niplated - ut it had turned twerity feet
in l3ent to 6XI.el lie SL to lty Rnsi'llil"alLst be
-ill -i-*LtL d lit,
Soil` ispatch is worded 1, d , ower(:611y did,it bear: for a tim
the cablucts sual bill
thii. rlo,b:e. stron-rho:d which is rising o lot was �is eye i-cl. tile Ero�ps, of P, irk aildi le -1,11.1
Covore,l� gria -ell;:% , t oil] the cattle, rushing
a I Yet iLiS [)ill fjowdver, tile it a
. I andjeup tile fo'jul' ati�_l O"Il�iflol�ill 'ChUrbOUT1. . S.;Kcl
tit of copp_�r, tile ..'Ll at. the :saillo rillw "I'. �yal,sr ,.-r . �` r:' vi,,ws al,eadly coniniumeat6d Ili Lden. 13 1 �Clinzpn iloughing Yatc'X -
ntinfony, &C., rdreallwai., ler of'sunia whit inell )it flle� NVIOt-LIs I i t� I . 1, . . I'l it, hall . I . . - I
Cotfillitli'm opposile Tile U %'V The plau,,bing match lit contlectitor.
ri .1 In virfue. w. e it' ,voral stron', I ty IV' It d I linalicho Joes-nat believe forw id to I a - i-ds,th6� north end; broke iti twain -at -riculiura: Society toolf�
to dis
C.Lilada might possess ell gold -a- ds. h' is' the] Only �' t�uc lb:tsis f0i rotti v.-hic"ll are to; pro- �ja jr�ilcjj� wit - front %be Tw.aoaki d6trict, ibi6 61intoit Bi ell A
it ime that F.rancelw�il f"llow tI.0 exilinple Set Ly thd S,�i bi arid the ends of the bridge fell
dis i 41 inced. n(A. trouble, ivet llle�sillillo� hal�or' of Wevillouth Bay. here they It t.l.beeu 'watellio6- 6� dand. -htip� Ijuve. done so vviih it treiniandous crrisb� P I ,
dil very ;'Would : - - I - I Twelve- persons Plucton the firm of Mr. Shipley, Clinto
National groatir
Sarno respect . such olied native, nnd,io-c ai-4,tioiTs were Much! for En,� She might, pot z;
of vast benefit to the Provinca.. ;. N, a its this 11la-Ilitwork rearLd in the spirit of I 'b note of; and' itty'cattle,were at once precipitat*ed into
be Iou,,h the"gold-fields of. tit Vi uticipatitig the oULb,,-ea1j".i y a moveniciat had L 'Lod y -last. . The day wits mostrunfavorable,
0 pliiist? -D,,,s it ,sneak (-I' I-Inglani'S hopP 01 -11 -it drizzli g rim having continued to,fall durilli - _0
ills W;LikatOi& WI11IC:'thiS ity. The' plbl�gblrfen arid
.�I�&,substancF. We believe, Ims fit(, Illsee courts; or% even it such It lat-q)-b-cimi :the" �ater, Or hurlrd viol6ritly amida the
te. ch
I So -C-haudiare 9LIOUI&W�11 Otitui' worth- hidj:l I �Prance -N,7o it ti -lis tak Fr;111'1�c 411 '6gland , tire m R Sons killed.., th�.lin.till men
le4j by d E er: iing wyc: Six per
�tj 'rillii-di, be,,na.the stru,,,gle by 'ialicii so
us't'll:it hentatil Seeming I, deadly -i
aillity e ime.ofit,'
ch tow;ir( s the aliv'are"elilent ofcivili2�a- a anrmals�mast have bad a hard C art
-ely s�itrce. The,
ho'l- it, tw�. settlets, it ri ace soeciritciri were ciimpiirati�
sirti-y'le' is ,oiii on --that every dock I I
&cistid sudlr� powerFul' irifla- lattl1i ' "I called , cabi ri6t of; Lo�rdon. ha�'i;ot ilisilitd1upoll uli'e
1u,vQd eye ry s
t!on. or ex colony S�Az- I;rary, about t%%a�ity - ari as from Auckland. ribsciiLL oCall C'xpxS:iioi,:i otct: C -oil Tuesday iii- between the field was not -at dll ndapted-to the
I ii�) falt;J)"LlIctl, evwly ilymm. pur.
for it
once over tire affait'S'017 inankind is gold. illy. �9110_4ntlrdera eharac.ter.1 id I Vto'cloek, a lock - b6in-very ur b
is'but another Uis wits oll tl th� 11 . , ien�e7,:'in the even,.thesod cinli
no Itith of e �A decree h I, xing three as e,
oil I Iiii unfortunate menj who wel as licen i�sirCd eing,
but real ontes ro r, supr t rs fel I Lip
citing tint er,- 161le 'thern. iir,cif vice- Uun&il Of
Arawn fr al its, a -e . ney, ill aff'!ct-, Itu l�llb`rs to" tile 'edutrary, no.twitlistanc - iim'c,�,!' b
flia i lustrati'u'lts t'l a -named James Data/, was,se-
Leaving there &LbW I rut a * I Ili 0 "1 �. � S P h and the gmss lon,, ndl
rid haelied-theit" audib pt-esidents, Wt�..c A "d i Ir -lock which be wa fhought that 'u betteir
v iiii-lit be' f' L " d. itly, rowne itri a, ran; It We�rcially fieldi
O� Oldies d3VS 'ft 'tcr allescort slate.
in fit not-
acco it rt Suniter ice, -or.,no ves, cin' ilia 'n' thbo atinpittilid the boat the� &bulij lit 6
:ing the fiso-ofancientfiations-' 4e Ing,'Ut late" b with't a"'11jr,t'-didtance of the, ill. Dr� I Tout CrAU, -le, Oiraitilt cif attendirig, adjoining ilia bridge. rn ig ba�yebeshiecci but we-dcubt
on the clas, vas attacLvd IterttStre6i Wbe thdr,lock-tetid the
or I- -I�ftorvd T 'C:k. iUSTRATED _N 'W8,' aule plue 2Viln�Tcir Rome: Tli-,�: Kill,, of bd lloilelles r,, hid to him at 12Vclock he saw inte e3ts �f ille �Sbtciei�. M�'. tile foth
5116res of the %vietturn for proud deflaii a to thei . I'litlys Ni6lidav, and
ad to see, is Ini�prclvlog in %fteri ilild 'it heri(I not,be: said f1iiii both Visifud NJ' Droltyli'de oil' Italy Pr�sidcnt of die
d pound' ;is I wl�tks a furious bo'111- whi6l, lve, ,qe Ill his. Rat in ilid,will And, n(,t,finding, bim,at effic ent ana '§ebtlemi amz.
a moment to what ;old "discoverie;y hav� a it p!e'ivere,1 at 3he will be pro, efit' rin�,Wecliicischiy at, Ithu'i,uvielv his'pos" s a 0OUL,madei' and-lilsbodly
�A ar"(linwitti 1 1( till I ite , I by -'its' lic-'roic arll�. �,inay -be obtained from, -Mr. v.irroneut� and pc��, e� reli wis a Socie 'ban I S �l i"
I . 'be rig
accomplished. in ourown'day� especially as b var on, a SCIL e, di -red.- tit. Cutheritits Jouiriah. weal akirglihings,as a ant as 98SI.
rices propai�lng or arfri� 0111itris Lliii �V iscov�
Eniperor will, l5voside,
we may t�brcb I y ar �'arris r, ave nijiucrotis ire- Roorilouse. 'tic lij�st military I noy,ment �wiis inlide., fiv; 0-o Th U J:Sda, , �'Tbe
A. _)0jJj.' , � - L 2� L ' - -h'
- __.: ..... . .
Ii,.tt1c. le ' , bi ill 0 1. a plob,-hin vei*;!tbe Ion. f
cabi L
we think riLve tit it pretty, -ancti flat corryol '01
I , . S, t'iliere lias 'oil.: Ca'tncl-6�., Ni-ith 500inell, ad, a ruin er.o . Of- ers sut ow to, tin -f
armis I s diiiieator: of tjie" Nlish -=-OnTbursday Ivan
.'correct the 'question we- prolpbsq. ports of s i111-, V I F, W1. Leonard the fiativars, whi) �tcifho'nn,nbe.-i Or, ltl� �14. O'CCURTIEN U
xe . , r. , oo e tell
_�o Ver 'ser able Ciedit Fone er,had een`-arr(
n -stialled vh-ile&r. a
a all remember the " Y lig for some Scott & CO.: r� ill (�ollsiifel 5 ?Stedli n par ast 7�6oumns4as%isitinti Mr. Jo- 11 inner a
briefly tii� ton"S'ider. W b N Y. for sac at t to Sigiial as sons, a 'whe:�,, in t e-ple- Ore 0 It e 11 t e
I kill. jtnakimr�, it Ist-t -at arid tronsported s6ol f Sir. Pa.,
-cries-in do With re-ard 'to easan tie weather'was dite forgpt;� n,;
The f? I Im . . - t
. ii� at. 6.; �y fav�rabre fltilr,��:3ihitro. one o
Magical effect of the gold disco% Office bookstore. Ave Lyle d�aly reccivod. thc.�'rcaj� 1.
',tt, and. di4e.ndi, Siberia.- I feffo�vpf -c. or six yea�s;'�yent VI
sing t -- -�.Iie prizes, -were r a as* fol-,
Islit. the oppb
locuirthit. Lucy cert -inn 1,051110 -a. iir tile -is licirsti, and having
Calffornia-how a once barren -it ast6 ''be- t Va � *hi�itllc Advices:,from-Wa w S in, rciL'd the' Doctriii
-quarter. If �y�ihad fOrtihed to r8a, len.:
o nurhb�r. for tl late the fr I Jj�y Y
It- arn ck in
)file �dlulig flotel. -oke out in the tax depart, coin ajoci nehr,.tI ea him in the
be Rappaliantfock, 1�, given �wjtjr IjjjLi9.i)r ria, iesepfcc de Nille. lit
ca�nia,asjtr�were in :a day the cmutre of a' arhi!cs,on contains several 1, ry. artidlcs� of -reat
itera dulf' , -
friticturin-the sk ve argL�of agd
'ad to tae'Wai iaW it t .6 CI.ASi 1, 0" r eiAteen ve
6elletra, Tile' Froui trrcllt�of -it(: buiilling,ot) Sauda),. %1 6 fore lead above' tire left
IS Worth. I;Ct' 'tl'ose SWal OW It a% 611 Conquie4 of' Ifill1ily to AHCtllillnl� S present, li;hO archIV - ey.e I 6'pr6sin a portioi -ls!, Ohn S�Ikeld, 63; 20d
teerningpopulatlon�-h6w great Cities zt'rdsc� whut it pro-, offib4ds .%ver a d part an'd i of the bone-' irCitil' plouK To 'i
ems to Ili cbeecifuti
du 3firtin,
NO )tie Vviiii, prescrit- �Aeit, i1it accident occur.: Alex.' McDonal 52 - 2�rd, Alcx��
-i entire, w to C�.tkl� id i Tieient ill no other racht is' buryt wu-
iuddenly, oil the-fai' away slopes of tit Xcxi�o;l w1liellthe reviewer, consi ers, lit The.
'tr ordinary re )Ut t brother. Tho.4gh ti'�t
it x Ildrid. of civilizati6lit llativ�$7 however,
IINGT�N, r6la
Pacific�arid how1n.-two or,threL years,tho respects, tllo� most -6 "a of!Aaar,dr, we are hapny,to le�arn-be ss ii.m,Cverl cighteen -Years. of iu�e-
d lt-1 lat Ves. I This
-tile �\Txe tomlll,�
shman. iii:Fo�,arid.
-.State grew. US. n an ab a an ')&'are dialleaWd with considerable lo, 0 nan ocit Y.-A10242it, plou-bs---Isf, 26drew Griiarr,43,12n�
lariell as its sisters Upon information receive f age is trea"ed, i d Eiecuti. o,
terda� Lacirmu, ill-! i\and GIll at v c d'vento. our . I hlli� is 'rClirressl6g, 4uvorabl
�IviisS the ollly�mli�tnry m;t wLid `g�drr $2- -Sid, William Hobson
-it S -'d �Tlic criticisin of place up to ill
.1 c d6p,�Lur`Ii (if ifie mail; hUt the EIX '72litnel"
antic Coast, unph�alltilcd as. was t wir r Gp cr _-'k, oniprolidiisive manner'
ALI fy hft%'� -is sf, foi. a dete� ra�add 'stru "'le V instiv. Oct. 'Ith.
vlgi�ltiool. th, sine(
an a cdfltury.� 'Jd Inced to It cir- prepariati6nil rat Ig m,
arp art riot- very � A %bo Ualned %Nri ILI inin Allrer� ouq�phs.
in jiLogress. is- Co ls I roll.
ritoll"', �T
inwc�know that the s6ries. of I tit- Tj ey to Rcs�srs, 4�',Lios LL was" ts�of. tile Revere 'lstt&SteN4�t McDoi
prosperity, in ore tit AVI\40`w.�In Buffiilo
in,, jilo ri dit win., uC�LhLc arfiiy� Tile llit,2;ld fil 0 C. :ASSLTji.-m--U.u8cr 18years-irob pl bal
art lign' let' papers; uri&, )I acle Fwindr , , -all $3 2nd Win. Wise,
Th In".. The oil 6.7, a
A -ps� J6,rinin-, - the left w 0 -d ht I i,.c p� ni Oil thel I St Septerfibe'ri nig Issince, two gu
arid 3; 1 fit y cot ;.1 . I I �oniy
commencad ljjldcr� �Nj,, tO. Kei-, erviiias, oil Shakespeare,: thZi h re Sprott,- f��arins wit i tin a tiority equril to a'. gotinto L a, g it in i
C ;a�vcst� .4 $2.' , - I ,
port�2nt gold discovdries whi hat'
d Ili,, xhib,t SS 11-- ITrider,18'vears-wood plou,;hg.
o, d, Yllea. tIlLiri hi %vin" rc;,cIi',d III(,- 7the-inothert-ouritir. laillern on I)din;, NsiiiIt,dN0iich- was and. was thrown - CLA
ell Frei;, -h; :�%ceddCd Treaty of for hay. 'El ol tebAr-sfriieping. recall
0 aw t b IS J �tl whi h- �v; . ision Tit in oil L a of�tfio:stn�l or, II'le 2nd C thd
jarti6ularly I at in�, beet; tin ;rbl�ide,l He. w Ist, D. cDon -d J, F.
in 1.847 sprt:�d.�t llustralia. That cini- Oak the 11 Viciana.: Poll�nd, w1hiciiL if, thicatened with forej, j:wouid c�
ijutitite tile Criti' I lied tit tire pl,Iir!c. 'station, It(,,! wits f,und 0
a r 'llani k clicilly was 9 gli It, Se7 by t)ie other, 'oiLt., of the' witid'w. as M aid, 85i 21 Dale) �1,-
nent mai f6�tctl, , holding this si Ins Hut 'or and niilitht.,� ot"r tbif�pr�vhlce of �ic])Cd tip in u slinse less condition -and is not 3rd, Whi. Wise,,
J�'jt alld , I I COy6L I�l-
a'bf Science' Sir"1164nri ra to be in�pos �essioti of, Li '116 liell'iroll 6r willi,il.
rlosicl 19, life C
nitAciafe baq al-lilwo eal you audit, ounted,alrea y. to,4�000 lnjen�: e State
n r -Tit S'L L I Cl ay, S Auchli a -1 1. 'these. C rmW fb
although., he had over vi�itcd iv(,r; Cto� ljtl,�o Mirok I hiskey washbe.cause
Cllisor�i i.Lractpr,, _Ti L ded via c�pected til r( r. W msi e ofth h r
redoullis b�iliks clil-c'ach Sid I - ' rUlly aiined. '- 'j -hp e IS P. i st."Mallent Leo! 'I., I .. art a frad;ig.
'Ausin d Tubingen School. 'Cori teuiporaryL it6ra-; I -rehades ar( ',- dead
11 11 . I L L r ' ' 'Corps 01 C1'%Va ry to L a y alll_. 'e Matte I( L Ae i Id, t6e -he
'Oftlld I L 1 1. h' 'Ji wai: 66 la
Alid, demonstrated that it quiz,It be Iti oli, Ily in.itnollesits rdlich itilly- IOU iin,, Wag. well 'executed
It t, a"t lahrrinaiiwr or�ordh,aiy Had, irclumstatic an
-an 8sd,,wickacl.�anerid and storined
T -is 'lly ST Ntil AT
III! Utl
61 ., Nc%v Pnly�Tsv�fis� ix Wi ' I Ne fthe ploughmen w. t
leations. as to ' mtore 'favorable, t
an auriferous regiciii Following up d I c'-Rovidws-of Now Publi iloved. as equal -to A6 'trus
are prospe. wn to'tbe oneseviiral. w` oftiaLinir a'fielq-,. duperior-iii, anything that
it ,,.eaj gallitalo-V al f 1)"d aboIj
till illlL,eflj6sj�v' (!till it er. lie' pt oucr,.Alger k
improiin Upon tile, splendid speout ittions wit , ;,o ill. , '' 7-1 which tit. C
0 of -wari �vbicli has so- ;"� , -
11 slau�hwe aria taltill-, till. d ;end o;i,tliL event of.this at C'�jJUCSlal;([ on,Wediids6y, from 31atlill-L) reports lbeen seen in throll.- ouraer.
am 1 .1 OCTIAS 0
boldt he advanced the theory thit, m�`�c ! - _
of L I itteit. trom 'thei a spai--. Pen�aacbscd Of' 1)01116� Cape Augueball, a as, a
s( em. .. ; - - , _ antil tiothing shot6d I -VeHlance
p _;_ long in triacea it,', 1 on SLdpt.:,2nd; yff, h
6'rope ra"OUS L eff"i iv , C and tire r in
'116 ad to ma!to ill ioder.the sui of the, po
from -pole to pole,' almostj on either %Khali. Gen. French reached� 1�vllv'S -Vol tuarded ll�, a boat f the:
-St'jtjo:,. L" lice. 1,�isv �Iear. jjfi�yas iniprisofied lot
rilj&i" IlL r, * of
:601 vietorp completet -ds, pril Vanderbilt I whic:hInfoi.mod"ibe �aptain
disti-ibutLd Seditious p'a,_a _�Co
the slopes' of -the Pacific - were vast
fort. fo lontreal It Ili teers were in the� ne'ihw
-orw -L,. division it) 11oll, MI 1). 10.11. r arid i lied lot r the Nuho at priva
ihe.,itneiny tit,
_at jjjj� 0 1
-6610 ion fbr- p,ok till this S (jen. I' was arrr,sted�.Irnd putji6 d
'gold -fields, and that. fromLits Ill . ioise mtdratd The Polish Revo ilti it tenaihz.. this year 11
VeStel.dI n . _�aelo c' 1- o pcesundill'i youll", -trion to joijr in surg borho6d.
C It posi, L,,telliar �wllo has-been ent
J* V�fclr
tiou in" ar'ry8te i its yea One
'or' I
SO Ly Hurt.
mation tile continent Of Australia sh as to b rin�, balics. %�'lis ai�a'
ould 11 hastUy,t0ol _Cent. 'i
lery lo ljeal� Ce iridi,,poscd, i Cc,
il;)tun'theni a I I Lond6q, �jTnjjj._L po�j,) Lace 01,the re'lulatio 'AftCV)rY'OF, iliC The
rid proc
his ar-fil �Fr. oin Me non-u'Merv; ns piesciribed Bak
lic�pqrt:je 6�. S abqequen events ` 1. 111,14,fturns, wL ',3 'duty paid Oil 0
thpm.'wit�i marked-LfIbet, riot only -`tClsC � . - LL , Of' ille s,,igia When Now' Orfeni�, 1�ee� says t greaf
ul�ily favor ' E - - 1p for,
of Sii Roderick' e&�to'sh, . 41,500 i'alluns . I i not, rt:� Uf.'LC- lin conscqy1lice �'L f.l 11 State hat there is F�
v kill4i, i0ar# lion ill tj�' x L, - - 186:1,. .1 . I, 'I , ' ri,�,ihe Sugar p1laritati Ong ,
to the hitest'iti'lid1ligence from
it AcdoZag
pro ed the,-corre&ness LVer. but throwitrit, th-ern q sea ty f Ii b
ag trit I� and 1)&foie thc�, 001; f
P oland the 'insur e cohtiiiiies %to gain
s i: ai 1, i tioll
gold in ilie into utier confusion, theill Ivildiv, IL
�e discoveries 'of ill. L �� r, i LQ � A or. It
thecl TI . � 1. .6 'r!)011 3, ' 'L L' ' Lli thatjilih�d made' Q s estimated 'that in Placluentrines parish HE advertiser offers for slife the Enit_
deneral Fj' -564ALITY p;ii 556,40 ZLIIOI1S in'the .more espec* ""'Lss" Bayfield diwaship
d groun r6 is want
n : half of Lot No.M L7
th6 loss of'vlid'�Iante owin. Itto thij T
thus indicated by-tfie finger Of sc�licncc� nitid takint; ma iY pl:1, rich $35, d ally in 'the p:
aFman unii-llo;v to hiliall'. who". nlet'
pl- a
vanta� I;Otltier� I u lat r
6,, iinnitedia
jacc�it to the Galician' f a hint in th'e 614veet and. aave him a :orde� Eir of I -s or �4oderleh,,' S9 acre
0 r
did.not- slur- I'm -first Six �Tnnn&s of-ist, V, s 8 iti with 40 61ciredarid
foliciwing' up the 'ild to b'r,," '11' b6ire' than teu-�o' fifteen
th-ew V�`O�Jjt division of, the- 3rd c�)rps, Corti- paid oil 2.106,' piA 3 irl_tIle coutit reached, us of an s iS ,it - ea 8, 8 ori Si chopped Tire land is good, and wrill jti.�
rivall6d. 'in, richness, if 'tht than yeisterday an tic -,o 111,
if beri�d
nilis 1-35 68 611 ixty tfel pi eparcd ithe gren;;deit in -316ssr�:'
first. six ato t, _,5135, encounter ejIwliez aL body ge`nO and d 'that, hall watered.. Good li)g 'baru� small"I
of - California. Ini 'ride cross t;:e rivu! of insur, Evailsl'fac ory, aw it was W and good bearing -orebaild. ' Will 'bij�1.01
s, tffioi6 madiately, ma A by Gen. . T 1; S -�,S uPons i 11' - six -molit �Of lo "hed 6 rroe _alL
Tur tire day 1, 2,956 1 the fi 4t Si X _mOut hill
I I . 1 4 -sfan� troops in tile p4iiltinaie of' lAidw 8� ever a fell, Nv6re Iiiiis illy 8 be liber
he -seekers to.the wGich eudir I his; opprittio* ns _2 I liould w di. The1ticbrinlind in. cricap and on teritris. For particulars ap-
there was a rush of fort I a L R6 On i
i- laorain,,.he 'dossed Lhc_rivvrwitb ji -m�i I. Which, though -tile fbrmcr_,vei�c taken by sur- 1i ecd t tit vnk'iio%vn'per$Olj,-I Nvould q r sit is a ngliish jlll he'prentiscs to
I , lie rio a i the, reason the �E
I r t h -reat �Vaj t for, th T Lit) pl�CQS.'_ Ili its As::th they were not it:
very ow years, der ot'll'S CnalluallL -ere- ailed ll,�� the ilithi, Sic their o, -ith
culirsi to-�ay hi o
�nevr.El Ddrado, arid, In os�- - - Cerl. at JO IN ELLIOTT.
0�.par'tlo'llt to , 16� 'whil'Wi�a �be'�rovinde o(WaIna,L' wheie �.'tbe 'older, -refused 'to tell L to, as r cc a -3ir
English citiesanif to n Em.,lish civili�zrC, General Sddlwickliad previously el' the Brigade co , .11:111lit!6 -dlegs, at L Nov. 6ty, 15153,-' are
S, -hicl cancli ates :for 66io- mmerej I.viiise!s,' but 6 W4 -,P-53�*Itw.
tile twit re,',L�la(ions`under d rog it
irstitatiol Idek this ou, "I "IS Supreme, Nye likewise leaut 11. .
tion, an B.-ifish ni took pertua- 11, . arid at nine 0 1: i' ns in Service batfl�lions of� , the.`mil'itia .1 uld'ilepinan W)i§ had br6red ilie g1renade.4. o n esiege cities, consequently there Was
d Is li:kd, formed a" junctiot'i 'arid- hold IIoth llass 9 tho.u� ictory lit lined by',a- ;uad'-A1`-;er_-uiIt� of ill: 6ol hing e6i England to gain by. he
" �j r ad . bouit gi
n 'he.eneiny., after' thell"
mot hose -are win 1, -the river r1h;iv cuter scllools,�,f Irrition, JvIlellL eSt The courtAndrtial f.� lettlin- t th, NOTICE TO'CIEEOPPERS
T St.,, . . I L -
nent a golden.soi. s 'f re F grena&s1" being � fully
b, who does not think si�r aratiori. 61
tly ., I .
lj�h they 'ofbavin- frow,
table iristrtilces, of tllq� Won far to �fight, p .Fa
urstri-cl by our'vic(ori- ad'. rlificatell'of qual.ification"wilL _ ant with h saerchial charati w.121 of' t I puLl.p ose for t�l rV HE subscribir is degirOUSL
crit I I It
derful �(IfVat, we It ii6 ho tee L) in. So,ar �-"'o,,i.';;-'Cotton Arriving. in consilic
0 no L ' - I ol,1114 caudidat's trom-6610orninarid. -ord in ILI N� the b.-Lt:le or,l` d r' " )0 to 80acreii -clearea and lenced,.on loiYo.- "Ta
_y�tIlreW'th(iinsLIvlis into the 'l-Larel
QU'rfli�lICS that' Ille s%v
,yhs a in werd,'itltic I ed and soni6lecid
varies -of. -the i Some ant of �ihe` S. . -h6ol. borelre..thcy� can reteive �jjvc been ' ej UltiCS, WjLfj illlto: 'loss:. Of JL
effect of extenswe Lseo
ri'ver in their. ell'urts tic Q %V hibh, t all , civil 17 -lits- and tri be sboi� ' 'Tire alit (junniiiies at'ruiro from points on t e
esliape b ' 10.11$theo6.o�Stanley,:&I.'.nii'�1 fjorn Bayfield j, P
iiny wi:re kilielbyo�,- proiRution. or. rt,)pointineut. Field offlcers� bales and l0nilesfrom Set
-1 shinir surments have lice: li�set'th it the succLsslul- �Ifississippl� i Over ineteen hundred if, the persodlmderiak�
1'il, (list." It jS'intorell'in" to note werc� drcrv�ncd al: d ht aL6,, s�ewm,, sii,jtlimce �as carried 'out- ()It, the'. jcljo�vjog White R;V
-th6 further developernont ofthO Humboldt- 'i f.nt,rY- lip, i er, arrived there. vAgrk to have
alutit It lve firdt:dlrls4 "Cerli I i e�istancd they have' Len enjdbltid3� to offer to rtoca Memphis,and, ing suclie - - i Of the Juni1lbr i V1
ussilm over'llu 1. in 'oil Satuiday. C.
'!In fort her particula
in th-dL order a I we S.Iem�a�-
20 tl�e artillc�j'ihe 'Confederates hall, Oft raGility-to drill a. ba,ttitilon Jn tile.,, field arid j term ol'years to bilagread Upon alvpa3,m�nt.
the It
Fourib'L - neq.Bluti-l3 oil
most more
Miirehison theory this,side was caphirria. L it !�. repura-cl to 6� 'that they' have acquit �d ucquuiintatic�.' vith ible. iiappl.06 t6e uridiir� I ig
(Bayficirfp. o.)
covqriias, call -on the- Pact- ' -guns. Tllal� vvh�)Ie c Cirri olle,'nai b;itt;LliOil L6u6my.' Second der JI)yji W
- - " � - L �L , - f 6 - -, 1�lll Ili . 911crica Yiiirk-lawyers had.. m.�G]13686F, Mci)ONAJj).
-reat I _ - - '
of '61 ced
a- -fell w�rc C,ompd!Ied -C e- on rn St ei-were'pla
gold dis Iyvell I -tificates.wil e iaq'iU'riod,1r_4- -otlic. :1ri thd,civR'�� . ar a omi, A,-Ci3u� , Id: Of New.
mbia- -T jaii into our r offi�" " I , it S ,� iii
fic. Coast) is Britisli 00i he populata-11,111 lckdld�vir`, '�lJuft jdcdiltly: : *,hen,the
COM', r - mit a
1116 -6ve in-otl4c CHEM I
r be It Sol
n tasty. P " ' -S,LSJl�6%V ef Vellow, near Y� ._�tanIeyj;Fpv.L$j,
ave ri I L Cill ia,�- llhility'I:6 command in baitalion if d ..... .. di 'the,Jud,�e ordered;
to titcoat., in,great straits. but if War as Oihit;L"
Wiry exte si. d,
is knowd n' v�e; Nor ai drill; andu drill a Company driII.L,
a pared with rh_64 e in �W:jich the Nie round Pit tv�elvc and' Zi ",a uAody OfA6
Goa. Bufa
�rd's it- Sulphu, andi '191 WRY
e, to nny tie -tile St a d 'a at. save men "llilp'blited. A fin -on each
N", tificate,ivi'll he'aiven a, d hey r iied 0 it. t a hey naa is of '*I U All
inde;ed it seems to;bc lidtit6d only b Springs to cover the ri.lit flank several miles
I I.. __ I r.- as I
I I - lie sord a 4mently' _n 0
Y t t1i �tatioij, and Ge itistuirecii The ---Softhei States were 'echiog a
lot �drfecili drtll�,d is it liny y tire 111� M0130Y with. them,, Iqaa-
-stal snow of . the -Arti i o t abeVe �Ile -.�ppahwino if$. .
arid K- d,L arid a borms
leter fravcll�ng expenses will'ba pal -ere tomp ad 0 JOIN'. At- a qua,- ed the Ili: L I ARM of, 1,00 acres of land. 55 -miles from
ragg Ill, aIL:lbk a russed 11soat ';ODEIZJJL�j�, �0��cres cleared, w:Ith good
c; �upon rcceivia., cert blorka&d.�uij itblii 0 , . L . , L 'jl� amod'ji.
ificate.. oprol 't V,t( tlieV'l ier'- iind on get- roads let�ding. Ill O'L Time�will b6 sivenfor ti�,
it extends into'the adjoini g ite tates r wit, resources TU
-�N �!o_ j�ppc;,ntmonjS",vjJJ� notions a, ter,t( Va :f'tL
o &finite ' to flil from thtii a
:lrd to c,wer.the le bejnade in the' voln-iteor i I distal d the'liouse they h
arge,ponlon -I t e putq hase mon Fortfirr.
'Following 0 lion offhi:ir_�,'iaions had been roveiv. - equipmellt-,riteessary. fi�rL the' piodi-ious it'!;,' 'GuLlln TUrAT,.LTJInl: Citi�iago 'Trii thi:iparticniars _Ujpllly� lojBGG
territories. form L , , force until the c;mclillatt;s� 'have obLilited CC,- I - apped it at- tire rcs�iilcm c;f6nL_,Anna Rob- SI% bu
4iay 1 .1 - a UP. aruites,they were' oblipil 0, tile r I WI 11bthey- ivero talkill_ and laughing a
-noon. f' 1.
-d to -%th eacan�,�� after to -'seud int'
we bt�ve ex1co which is believed e ty If, ;' -
It ii--ates-from aBoard of Examiners to S It ofa somewhat singular, Solicitor, ll�odrrjtili, orjo
poss of gold, 11oilLijil: . tire Ra;lPaliarvicielc � uo&r cover o IV WN; SE Co.
poiiit�d showiew their ..coin, field But, on'tha otb'c rlc),jthe jeopld of tri. -fT 'case iii'�tb�t of tli6 - People .6tilli. _,co
j to austible fields. 'the ifiglit,moved-A i ilie di.ectiun of Culpep. r YM01
.66 South %ydie� pal ibCtIV' unhampered, in thei A w obriyed her wis noisi-s. Nehemi" , Hodge, hid ct il fo
a. b blit oce Stooped] te Novem
inancl.7- Glub �Iife; I r alf;� ber�lbb'3.
rluador, Pe Pei, and tile advilint of�pu'r. force Supposed to endeavors to raise warlike-ex0editions-by any one . , - - I ., �*'
-California, �;ew Gran ;add,`E rU, L, '' h * , , L, ., - .1 . 9:1 It 1
.,vitl W the l,r rid arid" of' ea, . UI., 1�- Ay Ipp e with ])a
Ito va�ilry,cros3qa all,] reached Brandv-Stati opposition tin t air own territory; dild anS. fernal, in'tLehitio. . Bit io
forTerra del Fuego all. posse�s- oil 'The W smogs connect ng
I d n it a It Site then An and',
'an so oil� %%'hot,. , a van CL sit. ar' of'St. Domin;o.- vrore enabitid to. carry their deii;,ns 'info c.x(- haulm, a�d to vl�', 1, Lr
r thii mdr towards it lim an ;,�� A between' the'parties,
;till, Our f " &jest `1 '' i ];a 'vlirr� L, ha existe these
jell of the -ion n withoUtL fddr.6 in ilLldn. L Ut-la U,4 --r
ing depo�ittg more or.. ass r B ST,R-,1.YED �SH
lie him. L 'I then't I a well -6 alt�irwards abandoned rstand-f
diltire umnb,�r,of pristihers vil�en by:both ;, mirmirde
a:jd �'Icnell_is L Wow tilic�vdd, (vii et rtes ondence ofthe Londoir'Tiin".) 'tio way.. -but rj
b -tiont Or those whoL atfd�
�old_ So it would 4ens. Sedt,�ick and th� � �'i - Some 'two .0 9M I he b&L �-r, wAng
eivilizer and corruptor, pica ' 1 . r inggs arosej"and local proceedings werd,' F
b '18,)6, reiiii,ned-aiLd rely more haulm -at her. adopt triFmailimigh,side, one ewe Slit both
-ere far 411� cc I ill" 'H'd"i conceived the idea
hardly. The Spaniards are likely to , hive a, �goctil to subvert t 0 establibliellf-alithOrity iN i and- ih,j� sh6rL: a a ,a, I appears, ru
at� �e#Ccp� to a The- woriai I "ell L r nark oil' sid&. - I fiformation lii,iaia
of t!4ifig Whijilile by an infernalma. s!
aOhed,.by I[Qtf6j*St� j)oUjjn;,O tua`b '_'Polandi like. theL.Southern fol I ow-hig c'n e 6f &Iji.11dt�
tO-sh6w that with. ififf6rilat. -,.
�c easy it t� too wall hir Ours,
back the popu It. iiale rliu- galll�lniqstre
tattrient and island. W. Confederacy was
tion every cp -7 etter state -of inind -fo ply warne ;1081:�M.d HAIJ�DY
P 'ifid Claea t,0ld_fl . I njitf6ll t il,-.,farmirri n. led G. Col�; e was d
the, wide ae T1 -its he "Or. Naval*ana ttiaii� according to last. a quills'. thvy. at: I) CIOSt., blockade. v% ith the 4;xccj)- pall�'; 6filli �an�dr.W,. all . o1bor
hhtlL - . Cc - l k III in J� anonymous. letter, -,&rid 20tfi7con _',--c _41*3tTsr
T it, instead 6inin,, U �%Vlfh'hialsirilc the bvel -w
I*ause -of the outcropping 0 the rd. The bxplo.
f now ill. tion, that tile drityN61' inaintiiining !Was Coll
d -bjfh6 'established GOV� Ill ACtIn a severe,%vound'witha - it�jn(r��66!
nne. ofbelng,dlsea�rgc L , , r ' i, . - 'r
auri ro6" x - ad to , �i� d hill io�due.� little,' but was SALE -th'
gbqu�btl� on bis,pa.
si v P, box came to ha
W'he6 tire ropubli wits a which, I ", ITUR
rian?"' 6r.mation, -,*hieh-iA slic �had;, b b Ill to tile th
reciplo vere ernment,devok-cif 1poll tile neutral Powers no , ou rou,�
I I that it,A,49 d6ne:fo hal'.
N _We, Ma t," COPIOUS 'd?nl'�"oasof house wit I It
go Queen IsiLle: JOt off'li� at �a safe distance and' then.
AF.E-,v irionths a at-. Feel i ii- " hiniself
;one, according to -'the teachings, of"geo 6- tit 0 6 11. try S Ft. rlcrc tontonfis ere examined
of ill,. Doni. all as w c %yerc to parrfy� Wevidence,
extra Atlantic to LtTS y the'LL111,1111,11ous'. v6slic ' ; 116Wd"t t One Oft] be;'11�g 414 lie -and ry pre�bnrtiia an
r n reason Wi by whom the kindo; wits urrchioded� 'Prussia -
lct� 6orn an.:-Itirtic c n d _Austria,cut oft, thli-'ic suppli, Ili ll�' A LOT AND WEtL FR�ISMV
yj) u -a manner it d I U67 Fred, Via, a ad tire Gi Ju er 'house 'wit �8
CSP4 1 i.j_ I'Le 'hrsu tfotoassault With, intent-tomurd �ro
laying pon tile,. Navit. I and 'Colollial 11lici:11ZIS to I
-in s as t6 -favor the to tile Poli$ll� insur,,ents 11objoyl' arld said, ict hobsb,.Noi. 549', a,' 'll
0 tile
ij. afltlr years 'of 'k""jin, there Was�'rlo,Dfi(;t 6f L P6:iSh'terr tory mull..'- The woma blirts their oms, way
icb,� veins, of, goR.' 'Ifo n ill so-ii4lipensable ind mia�ll VIN: near the
bare of r s'viliell'I'lley'still chcrishi.�( p'ursti, "lindli,
re "al L - ind 'a jury. -was sw ii,i It i ILI
w. other-,t4a I Tried �6 ain�t El6d,,e
Mal I ai -or,
P6,we filtration aad iy viscissitudes; towards hichiliL insdi-en't.4 coald 6411 ifirdr, own, or noli .'H . I in to
Distr1cf; but, .,r ofB!itain. ',..Tile same writer gives nes,, who .,to
,(Ia- may p;�ceed yitfi, hig,ti; Appl)
.have. its 8iluri al
an in the'lieL 6f,runninr away,' foll' over ]real, -,DAVJD LAWSON -Jr.
ast c ipl� in,which they could uniUblested or -all'
the I it LuiBetr 6 that-�alaitblp I)Ciri6d L;j0.'ftl6IhCr COUntL Ili It -tiliay so, dee '�I-r6a tin
according the kurchis'oa-�chool- or gool- f � L' A— ' L -
tic its t, I).( fell U� iiim� a)ill US
to find very, iblciahtl bom�, '6r ll;�yini7 quitted. - The,trans. uxped'; o a e ear 3yed rri,�alllst tile derl
l-vette �ev t �Yejl�� lr�oj' , , , --- - � -- * , .:
TQhensiv& article, rL I - .. 11 1 _ W i learn' that:' n t
"0 wh" �d the ssian, oyernmen .71. '116tit, t to
ozists we need -not- exp p,irits ofjoy %vith tell they recaive _g
-a- c,,Lption;- or 'd�, _S�=' did riot refusercx. 'Open her ihdse�dis�dvantages, the--ingurre tion has a 'Was WE
Fit I
uA L ihe- 'insurgents naiii naiii 6diAlanicia Danic;s, whoovai ill* bad
say' aterial suecesscsj� still U JL L"& - is p
der,`� ran iiito-thu Street !Fr her"n
Cherbourin4 Toulon �afid-ihc'vast pi�o- fruit ad from acr, is. only aqua ho a ies of
to at '-dooiya� s- 0
I i . e cribes the erfu A t'
�greitt �ext� le 'a , d I;. d Upace� and Iliho kille byidior\ CLch' 'on Wednesday �12'Sth
East ot.., �j uuder_tl�e`rl-at,6� ",A ��c r araii,by Ke natne,of th INIcirrow-
foul, �, ills�,,4ndiLjl,� 91, a lice to night, arid is thou a rege
_,ihn_,, lic a C
cut �..Lrls .0 -odi-al children so I on- as;
Rocky INIOU 0 not'secured it tho time, b -vvas�attractc`a by t
ntaing. F(irther ddv�dlcpe- 'Ert",a -I; I on it CONVE.Av ANCING
tied by Ilic inst., y,a t ing al. He rcs�i&
d %irdt d It fall to"'ather. I],,, scluesing. v,
Oil �'rnment wstui;, it
meats ill co tit arnf. the 'C ("lit! Ilia' in of the Mexican Poo-ple,on learn!,,,, �the -oppose to �Afut
haudiere d" q E
gres mcIido by Franc u he 'constructl' af O� , .,' Saw 6 went e I'm: tcwa�rttow
a that they.* ave,to'liave ad s,,
All, th I
rie M 0 1, rds 11 IS UN.I)ERSICNED will' draw Arieds
a resNiance'i" is i , C toWK 'from Japan itates and nt1end�t6qbls-.*r*r;
1� tile. -'ll.' filir'ilioir Lnit, i'can -be ti� per. ize it Itself Offidial" tie
of iron-alad vessels;:and a o points out 016,11 - , '.7
Om up, �but Coll d ii�ot, do so,
tothe]� 4allallul arid till(] mortgages exe-
are s ewhat astrayin: their concilasitins, I as after pied tu get I that in the aita& destruction of at It
y pr 4�hat t1le'scientific ar:m' in L_,
effbrts�'miidc. by, Napo n to graspt, Colo., 6e, cau'e.of. Lit" %vo�i erful;chan a wldtih,ha� 'to Itrillill" �tleiijutei;�. dtion0the same; ieridt, lbr rog. I c
_hot 1W 41, - i h f '.1916d'tind � fZ116wild'- rates, viz
inalo-ital ari umenfatiorrL come oxer omiligo I asse rid jill", in a dould t. � God have there), K�goseh�- ..the t
car I - t I
crime, - I The man'di�tid DdedS
Whatevoi djf�r6neals of opil 39 Wounri aptains oslin. and'Wil-
but'we f nhJ1 after the manner f at tile (loyer ent of"the p, liavds� 'hav� �Soojuartd,
'is -too dnde4 L 'allmit of a a' L o Lit
beat] olade .1 f�a,.lic L usa.6f:,the otter w1licb, Isr r; m,ty exist amo ntz� I ILI r aspect J, Morliages . . . . . . ..
wolf 'fo It', I ' mot-w6rJV
Bdtaiii. Bu;t -�dinittin-A�thatlias hiriv a v el Pci as, Ward Is had xocei� -d 'a wout'&�i ill
r'ror. ' the Cha U�dleie -old-fields : . -1 . - . -ii I. 'Jr. Iowa -hich had pe�e-'
e -place to ill(, �olitoy whidh-wo�ld he�pursued by t'of 'the ri-lit'side N� ISC w Ggirries.,
grave f Donting� spon'tilicousl heir hands therLdocuments at cifea1v 3.
-done by*France-in the way, ofn�val prepa- lintard, liver. :fl�e' rigllili ear tva
may -indeed, : under systematic. -man and she inu-5,,have -nowa' wha . ivas, d6lal National- :Gove 8hP"IdjVUI1'1Uu;td`iy f no o c leud- 01
it, I I I L �, I ' , George- Tfion, JOHN GALT,,.
hL li a: Point U ILle 1
It t le vered,,
me to Yield -a moderate return it L, � I I I .. " , 'I It,
ntl be 1�11& 0 bolkl, be 1 infinitiely penetrate livCra, it a' cotla 'has
nL Us T call exiit i
itiori't c -writer CXPFC )at who 'he C all,ed hot, conditi fre prottetriump ant,r tL iveapon:
d age r' ssiis wils 1;dice tl to do6b Ig , /_ �j� _ 0 L
is -xCh a - 6 in Goddirich, ? .' .,
I i ieucs'ioti the irdek 'and
StiIj-tfitLintajhs�hdF.proud position :8tale for the ILO r of beiu� ra! it Snall OfullyLth al'toly. rl,l it I L . ub -160n&d. is a i
- d,*h, � L L: ' .1 ' �rabla to I'll(- ruld-to which'they aid at pres,, - 1p wrist,
f6r the. amount of ca ital investeili: - , 1, jL _�' ", - , L� f divided t e carotid I
milids e
li a s "are"Sta,
f I or-thc: r,4i i g, rom
Ll cut obli, -6 s�bdiiE l3v�`ii� admitting ille TO LEND
p CY a- ish�, viceroy.
dk t aj Site 0,600 u �X MONEY
x� in o t icl�scas Was nkA, chop �d d 11 2e or 109 009, inel
do not astonish the* world by 'their ricl;. reason to suspect t itit after it d I rgeri
_.Iilja�j fjU,,d1.S ty re L all but a 71) A fiand in,,, f as toA a amotinf-of-X5 0 ol,
ILCS as I- t ;l2irie.vdtion. to cither be (!it , 1 N improvedfarms at K,perccnti,�,U`g� a Jew
nise at least. five, 1,4 liany, , �pfln truth of I_ U
ndss, an 'for this -r&sunL is� fill e, 77! it
y was no so I Lie or so letral Stairs agal Ist nmept yllic 'as' toiled- ro at in and --(,0 0 '.
c as ivais -a gove at 0,,F. �n town rope y.
a T
-;ii her �re Tho,�rcpar hundred dgu
thtlitrib ueirAy a nan i now Ili
1prasCCate the search for precious', stuff." �Uppose�� so that. It- panigh guyernmen �Liverylattemptatdisroveryor suppicssloll,. U. 0 RD ON.
ISOfL - - - Custody. 11t appears..that the-illiceased, wlijo
cou" r I oil that I � VOle would scarcely h6sitaidto prelareven The'Afoutreal Gazdle -is atizious to lear 5181 poUq y
'y_` - _
tiol Britafirto protect oat milra-
its. was t4e;dupe at :onteals;ain
under ' ropier -Governmental restrietio, L . , r L(�- ' . . o' hoiv intach has beetle
ird; :811cli'll o - Qverament to i -newspapers
p itic i th`� d -ers. till It, it rally, I ie pani: deSpotsal iii�qout 40 yeat4s, or agcj 1vas, pinsfinciffe xReaded up
time',c s s us �s6H]Jed . S on
o'nsilleito re.tor'. td1lin il a omarbuebf ri,ilks of VY I be- ministers w d -NEIFERn�
takirj� -denies ir:a ri;Lu, I d I flat h&, hald t i to t (ill to d (1, %vri�h
et , ttiie 1 1,
"lected id d LIT ow Lakin— oer hiell :RAY
-,.Z, If -dame Nature,has no. Pat we have' only to* look, atacti to krl-,� ib'� jAejperpdt!raiacrtdwaid,, i lie: p6goner,- Budded ad thit' Co�Lli.
inam io
sit immense Au'antities' of' gold uti the, at. , ri-hind-is,tIihlkih;;; P64' six ye�ra ShL. lie 1 ir tt6v mi:ist indeed t4u.-geSI8:,,t 4:'thc:�,ybble,� questio
fr n
t9L a ommittee of
h "Id b" f 'd
jell]; folr�tlje last ae�!Craat' Rclberii� is -a sin,�kl"�vciman, and of ve'ry excit- into 5 premises'; of the, sulige-iber,
S U C a e""�,L d
Sons a -e th"a [he
S C A*4E
0 1 consequence a iv arnt Ina r e 0
doorij thus - depri of tr tile f' ilielf
ill �A,jun`&tgin4, war with L
vin- 4ieir he� 11) ng aNe.-,_qfs1�6sititi�n; �ii Easthalf 'fl 'III, 9th�a6n,'.%Vawaao,, �in
Sdr far. -o
Do f the, gums. of A last,s-rdiT.Heirer, c�oimag
iniciads,lin for IteiiiIijfiselLve PROGRESS' Slimiarjokes havc-)e h or, A J
no, t� 4d, with sworidi�nd . r (," " r ..
Sol Jana- �siegci the 10:6tani 'enera in the li,�w ave been pai,d,. since'the ir ulders�,Juilfof
a rea I with rid as '6L be (18STION. hi ige
Vilege o gritiving I eri workshops P-0351811 r Ir Ong 0
eRy, ric 'he ba�tiisk r I "'LL' ion, �,ito.eac 'newspi k w i
d' ree
id.�trbek tai tlieir,ut - L -d ip6tr in the 'Priovirlee 16 ite spot on forchead
prr f d I' lit I e
-not repine. of St.L Domingo for b �l ays, hd pughe F and. flan
dimis should Tile be* t
Ili as o nqui W t
to-;-, irli6tam��ftlm illi��d'cller n �their audacity to so 'li� force hit 1011OWIr ng d Irom. lot arivertising;, all meani lei the e r `rhc owner is re
W- -recol, _Y
ava� Lhe -telegram as ve aOVN:EIjj,X A�TVR OF IVAT.glt��A Young belinstitatea.- e
that which lies about a foot bolovrrtheLsur� 11 -wit _-f earchip xpengesand talke,
S, (try, who diad.,bleen
Alle, Ru ian codsu -at in London -
fa d t tire j)jd ii*6videnee capitulate 3 tli.�t niui store a
_g it s;, the e
cc of cur fi..e soil; and we linfe abundant 'LT"'lority. A n this i4,no: ,ienei more Salo- actoryit , will �botd:th&friend UVEN,
ve have ofher tru'P feeling.; The- Suildia- of' its�elliefs, rl� 1 5 DAN;� ON
ace of the."t h Oil flier GLyrinSt. a deia6lithent �vcrto of
0 . epternhei, ' k: S ", V a it(: lits� torLubout a year,L -the -6vocabine - Is, of which Mr. StiblIfield Mae. r. Lit, IM i .
po en. e"i" d a d ilte Cryshishybadd in the f' S _ r.
-evide illeit 'that perseveri Uew� furtificitioirs for hlet.�r r6, land ilis` � n e Said t 'i �L I . J�L_ � , t 11wolamosh, No 4
ill: a nti iri 31 Of.' thiS COuiliy abolait the 'd 6'aaIU'haS'.1ceUL pt
largement all L 'ittrenithb�nir Of.,jhe Lt-th ativeGen a -ermer- �y.wayor whet,,
dustry in: our grigat AturiculturitIl mi' d a oi-10) ate r. sty,n,oyieruMel!itofLubIiU. 'The-.' r. Tire reason �of this -was
lie old :tie: 11
ell with them :',Vibh ill d UtS lost tin t_ e,p . y i . c �gurios:ty yon t is'subject..
farices, Ltell ill isume st-iry'd it una 6t) Ward 0
f - profoUnd'L 111 �, -e 0 he hundi41diIt:dia'Iaqa, e 61 tit, iizi� over him, an 0
-certitin war 'In dist SJanish G overno c` hall-. taken 'tc L hs 'ships
meets, with. a. -more ;rUst.- 'iPlytilltalh tj�,ai a _lrh prreeent oppo i-
ofWounddd, afi&68�iirisoaers . Lit ,rest, of and bedan'se 'he, had , bbe6mn? a lunatic.. He' t,o sent
h me a ou-ILV to, be for h lition 'a. 6,
Merit "a'
d7 -way Lu-ish pa7 was , 6 Id st
MM itted; btitbminge,to, hisbecom.
thai'a native chief,-iiained,Pa&h� -o,- had bee 1e
fom '' IvUS'Upt Inc ose-CO me 11��for-rlAima'after
ban. bi 'counted upon by thousands tvhto Tlie mout of"Ahe 'thin 'IS fhout;bt to b mative prcivisibnA ;,oye It � nif� -bair bandt.wilis ad' e. Gazelle's propoj�JrL or for Sc
Lp __ 1 11 c '6striblished itself in Sari Ja7 �,� ind, firl the L stiiiycdrby�a dathe'll werna; ' I hlp� iiderichj, -;kfplkimi
-rich di-rins so � 1 , e.toWl,paiid the'officti W 0 -fi - 1� --
seek their f6rittimes in'the Gawolin;
d th�
-,St. , d t
L'O;tSmimth.rand Gos. publi 0 BIoN A vice,- from 'te L I , S urg state,
a -a P � _b ing veryl-weak, the �acl foh;sicum., threctea pit news IU75jappyto
pers� ivrile. Around he till earn cate..
�J, LWO,: ajVi ion -�wecfio exe�rcisd -, fif ',tk Wag 'riot, eSS jima HT�GH. DAV��)SdX--
Spaniiifdg S MitelfIrIEF 'd at,
_turown an hnriiejise� 'giM a Or given to sen , i that,he shoull1'he at a *6 497. of thiSLamount, howev t;fsa . � '.L '
tbrts.�` We i ay 6f Chon *39*ft
w , an I -dra-goon's-iiTt? Pqla�il opdh,mr�,�'ndfrinjlie corridor a 6'
"ur& a: Iiiiindrea acre -i,b which- OUld ,0 tOL' show that If 'n'
d the P�cific slop � Every, young 'Tan port �sh(, L Inis: o�rdeisbave -b S S I
6ogen he'ad of tile I
-at- we L OL
hna4a who. can s k - Of in faniry
-&a. ladd- mal - to ..-Work With- it bciitiig�i, Eri.�hinc[ vi:ews it in theff:ijit o rt� ltesiStal
"..1ot of hid barbed the! art overw1nilmi W' fori6e. were,pal previous
r- Eleven' pi to the expulsion of the
ever 'ed rided twireinforce At a qUarterpast.7 yo�Cj6ckr yesterday Coalition franatroffibel From -wbid hit follo-w-'s VAIU
petua meriace. a �n j �Aj -1 I .
nee ated
Ii -as, �ko�v .Offc it'st. jaFc.; ' Bla �k g , #0
To'- the proud challenig .1 �;,r,: C as tillsiare'a,be c4uip- lyaS_;ivenAldS bi'dakfest, tvIlle-lit' lill i'lilf the 86 497- whic
lr6.. and Sr .1 * _
deRhn Ri�,ht'ollp,4_ p
we assured tba:t -'his claim -1,combat efii;�ed bi he I ative-troopS -these
. Ji has s(kintrik a stdrdy j d aak
mill, h wdre
le d` It e to it on her nearest ar, anish�- earrison, W riot he hat -ii Ii ruitily.:r AS. S6_66:ag"b, -fast "is if
�.aqtt1ura oat worth ss, an in case: e site zhom,- she has r imd It ;-ell --;to s hisijes�r, PXrovineial Secretarj
-.three days, -AdvicesT-ora,*arsary State'truit. at
1,,:to �n7i a n' ie tildredand rinc., __O illial ininistrstion not more than
Is. r6rtunate Orion a, "IMb lh�lter of th� Chaij rel lf'yM jnj�i6 or nded i or the corri� ill, Reio`iiii,ad
list over, e wait perinal
aCint, "Cher. wour'., tionades of2o�iA ,
six . Ceded to afri' your MaP._ YOU, WI f fafty'killed aurk flyti'luindred arid" are'to be � ais' dor� . 'A. 4hort'.iime after �fo'Sad' finisliddi1ds tj�ugt�tji tit tbd GdZelite ,
i tix tr 'L I mis�sed inim6diatelyll Stationed on .-the fron' breakfast
So, therh con Zy lipacessitia 3i -,In t a f
ifoinial acres I him if h Wishes jal perce I ve ded of the f6viner,. and pr�.tiil the Cook weirr jLL'iutu.�tho'; 66r:18 d I -veil h bi
01, ortwar its juvesti alion�- Quebec, (,)Uj'jj-j Of or�koi, -
bunrLm d 'f'- he
an projecting rom t
for ll� - an& fro in ist :him, �uir.y'.' WilifMorris; 'App to
_06 nUM&r .:at :the -an ad
tjL�_ little iSJUr of -a ask; � I I
A - Santa A hint" i�h l, at , , r, ",(
ve bi ,a ' Wittlaw. '4f is -assertea�:tbat tile-. Russian
Fanuary 66jtjfLeinpl�iiiyed is dish,ispok'e to him,
UPOnL Is property, Jev� upon 'the' of,.Eligltind, Portland. _good%qpiritS, .:'_j
I I N I L.L , , td'd rot. 6, mexica, as. HOillisNeredi in. n
US Lo hi& at low:tide �6cdifies, tile . %,
. � L ':, f w ainsu al alid'l' lantruagi i4 to be 'L It I f
red soir beneath the. fiw- inch a ipe L' 8 - employed in'futurej FRALICK, Morris,,
,Nlarifull . __ , . t t, e- is,qla,e'rwe A cWinimitbsiiffer.
.On z acted.for 1 11 _ , , -j L l , �t�
Psil Bank, 'acts of n f �Irm - I Pelarid. _ _L �' ' _ � ' ia- 'ftinVral- once-rer'fiark�
Uristir n1ti Ch the Freh�h,fal foi I
6onubict-d with the 66i e fe
ILI. r
f., o ibe'.w n ujis �f AZ6r -11�1, -Orl! L
A- . . L, " nitind him all ri,�bt_,
161 �,by um-�-q the sa, "a F w.4
a- iithir's -onitivat eL"OSStstant turn rey 'wait in to See 4,�pj, G�tORG ,M,0'KS, `orfthip�lsas,
libliv ridge of shial;le- tfla 'un es' long. I . 1 11; 1 4, . edl- 'eWbiin the m5hister ktipt
11.1 .. . I . - The'Russiau iiiiern 15
'extirdm6'arTrith of"t ment. has annulled all him"and, r, �btit:� when 'the t'sal in, 163,
�1 his island, t6bki no. was. aYd iii'llinistrit; . IT by servanti tb,r dejc6ased,'_ab4 I
soil pl4ugh. - way. old tnayL' be the,:i "" ' '- Wr _ I , , a a," conuali 'aii& reduded�tliein to ti,e praver,
In this Illy, IS-11"'little"61a ter 61 hu _ - quar-
it . I Istr - I I "I . L
Qto 'We,-mr�ixili -13 tho
his M edilihire, and was im,_about 66 -ht
obtained and with ;thq.� blpAlu_� Or coi�� Tht-'Outbieik in'N terly e It, ifremefits. .
heatirigi I
him h
It,' -rb;m(�L strdrb y to a ew Z( aaartcL 641i. d6gAiii' M N-, --
-Na at a fboi6td quite
odell r L'. cable Twd tion gelidarae�rbave been It i� I r break jut;L6 r.
ln,r,, pe apg;, & ace brfen dea bo
L 0
k 'these remarks,
a', IS praying o.
ixty I f, '- 4 1 L e, ginning, It
a 1p T Met,, ut., 36 ti Inc qstiti� &t tk
"Zen - ha� been,; I coukla'x, helJl;vioridQr1ngwbo 6L
tmeit and domestic, Wq height, aiiij It L if in Warsaiy. jrj�a -largel tub of WiLlihis heri& A WE
a -e ilr' roffijl�e London 4; water, . - 6.__ a q Or t. C7ZrTbero," __be
t , 1 ' ,
Of Oat'. It s,hangi 4 mirris Or wa
_'u, IS it, to
;' '6 .1 ' ' ' 'jor. L, Tlio"Vienna G Critirespondeht
scrs�s. ; ThW a ; t a ultrm"
because thbi eilld.i itifi JJ6dL ottom or the, tub_iind: . is le,
id; _ � . 11 � I - r' , L ' - L r . ver _,jars,
t.' ..Oii. the r We!-ba�-e announce,Lvery bid f--- - ;-k' - ' '
rl� ballad ta dara.f
'ihe:�,a I �- V'ts- iiiielf"up fro the Side, agli 't_.dird r, fit, an -s v e -o opp's Irt wss'6ihibit, .13t Ytsaris'ald;Lbas
� Ili - " - . , .. ' - Jr7 Says - Ili orddr�: to meet A e err6rieo new dark :6jv, barge
h b6im. adveritse&at
I^ tUiru gidii-i i IF IM in the 'news f,6',rn-.,Ne%v Zealaiid.:' The� 1, 9 sero. us -S, 'Lead, .
r 'd, d6runer atterson4sis noti a tile ediat the rUaj*.t;- thititigh-hpad bjlkj�bas, not, n
Wnr _igilp -F, �, "L On we . clitamed in r -now
"I I . -, \ - I L -ell questioa of hoop. to keep i1e, rit
u, the'Nortfili.m.- IsNnd Jas � fitit to
., ro are Can be' r6 it, AV
bay-41most, i )fsotnejournSh;,,, �re:��lare authoriib d of -oc6r
a. perpchdi ulat'
to ......
iiiej eri�sibld. On all forth:in open revoit, an, we ar "' . Va. Its keh6r�j adicip. b6
�if - , . 1, t � 1 .-111 to dechii;fli�t th rencel.and he iminediately summoned ajury,,, ar& atiatIlledtortlija botioni
qlate Lo -ihd -E'�bsbl'lliely iha ar ice 4-aill,
agneu tardl anylsolate action on the, parrof thethridd�. o,hav�ng, ,,ar Lheevidencei'gave A ye" i.
rl�l own wm(
"'I' - ting
0 a: n ') oneo -�Z :�
il;�vi - ' ' , 'j
haunt - : - t, �w I, eexcee mg!y a
jjfej Siaj4�j� � V� jb has biieri i�61iitdd.,�v b. at War. The country about AL-ird la d
h pioweis iWthe'Rilish qdestioml dict ito the eff�Iit ffia;t�thd` detceased
jjl,t6 tllr_,t",b I re, 116 "�ri S
r :to beL j;Zoi r,,,t,, _ _I _ -
617"a 6 S as
3i 'he COLL ier du, Dinnanche says _:ol It �i hi, 1 deitill �b� acci&ntal!r, fill ern JV 6
h' af6. t1otbell .,e to 'thich'inakes the d,, dftch th- �a�-Iiegt Settled arid mosf,flou rishin,r di 'T Caine to t, V b
tirmindous cbadrd, i ll,
fort. 'TLC ts.rd US' bad it - biu�,yl in: tie tit . .... s�irt the _-'stret.
-V Ore without the ioil--and L� allut L
trli:� of, the, islands; is thili scene Co
ria n ns ente
� 7-�
and d
ent n
, \sid,
lice g
_I I
Is"'! a
c, en�.m
11--y' 27th Oct cril