Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-09-08, Page 4mn V, LAZ: 1 ­ - -,:! 4 7' 7— F, -S 4 1 W E. E K 1, -7 F , NA 1 r r LE, LAM 'Iti, Of awExhit! .0 sul .-GODERIC11 , coolib". Of Dite In JBY rtloic of a writ of am . e.,M .7 Hn,12'.0.oult es r so atated out, FARM,$'] OCK, PI The pwyment,--of $1 IH 'a 'lles il I,owil, ', -j"of-Her Maiegtfs: Count oE Ault -Wit: of ]let -Majesty!s, ' y 'V X.INUFA Tl:u , -OF TI E (!.Ot7NT)r to tile Socit'tly r T t6 ;el olat I thelrn!t4 Dun Couniy.UocrI or the United countiex of Huron Me Irn& couriid -C 11AX seril;tious to be paid on jr befbvit- the 28the TI ON -CA At L t70DT.I)61EJ WAR AGhICULTIM.M. ttOS!IZTV... . colil- , I . - . ." . , !­ ; . 1, .­; 01 Uri -ON aild, liltell ltle ju*petsotifso paying 11; ol. -direc4ed againct A- All, ------- 1,.: and Bruce. andic, me `dgainst the l8ads; And t6 i a.T.ect -'as" es, 0 41c,* Donnesile .41r - "CK30 iff and timerillects of"Willihat Box at the suit ofcag- EPchibjtj n ofHois -in ari)r 6i* UW ; J! I 5 r lit -it: -'.BM X nienw-br "Witlidn"N, DO"Dia aridM1,110, Blugm- Im, 30 xo I : I Dolores, Itriplements, &W. , VIIII he-hQld ill­' pal tor Willis. and Oeorge MO It 4 pa!lies filir UX oiawvn ,cin THU ESDAYatill FRIDAY; lich , fbo vf. T! the lailtwillund t"tarri of. ibesaid,deflIcAlinta'In ;iil oid),s -it 'eutitied t6cOmPal:6. -C All 'Willinnimcco. .11, 1 havoiseizild and ulkcal'in Esocunuo all the have lbeein the. bona.h4e. I$G3.' stunk exhibited shall '1n­c;,Ar.' deceasLalt I.havotmAlized! and taliell in X -%caution Lotil Numbers. Xwerify eigahj_ AdAL TwentM the 1?i aild, 18th S1221113NIBLIt. P Mor Qtn& 111,111th. Deforti ii all therigin, the said derendant -Vbffi W coneeMbn - 17 It towns a thv S prouinums.wUW tl wdrdod L'l*Op6L;t)' Of the. dxhille 1 0 Ike li - M11 I A brimM of land and in,ibe Ott0`es1IiWcIes- n!!qlkt v I" T in Od. to that eertain parce W14p, Brant.Anithe e 'kpdh6p'(- by 1116, WlibiWi'o. huntlFed nqcs.)ivPrq-o lm­ Kb sall It n Fit y al j0lond -AW Office in the, 4c 'to of ments it sh:i1bollor, HORSES. In or ouse, in,00 o l ! 4. 2nd 7iics '9 :d ie Tbro d more &A P! fni? d o 0 Hig to andeast or tbe Lont­ dJQIq ; -,'bdst 2' id Jilly" t$2 'ith, i'us It 4 ii 24 Inimedurel V, a' . Court 4;. t 'it -1. 1 'ro `,14":, -".)A, lijeCiamillIs Pdz7 t1i'T Vat',F-pirill day 2em. r 3rd. best 2:00 e;l , the Sea is I Years ol,l wli:.recelv i;iord 1, 1,2 Road in thet'villftgo, in 09 6 V 60 3rd. ft' LOO'yeacs' exhilA66n; HE @uKoril-er would announce to the public f&*ter,in IiLst `- ofw;g!i iz;, J "J"t niumbermventeelipathe 'the hgvr b TweWort4c, tk inxl , 'it: iva do A-zoi 3rd do IAQ i lit'ist -M:; ofilMifirst ' I wot Harim Iffidt'BeikV tlitil)-Ae) Mtlii'ttilll fidiid All ..-M Siurvey; being part afLO clock A.: I orstorincession or(fie *said township Of teuilmer- wits, eat rritig filly $2, 211d do 1:06'-. boist eai-liv 11 ilot bc;t to ortler Cdrrin5", Wagonsj Har Q which la6dsand tenements -1 iliall-oll' zloar Triff H. &-.I to*.;, &c,, which willbc.sol cheap tor"sh Or to more, than one liter, ii I or the saill *11). . ! a. -, 11 ME 4GI E- Wo I K -,'z lh I A, (ZN or kcldinj),`, r 2od best 1.00;' best it !05- e. myoffice, in-tlie'CouAll'u in the' to It* of 6L ni 8:- 6L 1W 'en cu -s of grain,'ffuit, e-evi, -4 F.., d'dellught: horse flowin gvuli. .1. . . .1 :',JOB i. Goderidth; on Tuesdity, P atl,, 2nd 63-01) 3,44o rp"k. It ty mnth day 01 i ' 2 d d J 'CIVA, e eanit at tviwp-­01111 est spatt carr ag lowed 6 sh6w On. ,;a f wel ii, Goder;ch. rrr peting for two difforent- prizea-lAt.t w49. -6m POQTt3! AIL Ft'uits fi )vets And- egeta. , 1. .1111, '­ 1, 1 - ­ .7 A. H. 9' B-, Sher, p 26 Strec noon.. OX"3rd do 2-.00. ATTLE. rl T1 IC JDY virtue-ofa Wntof'VJM 1%leb had :'I - Ivs cxhiiiitt in; -. -, I q-. I . hjlj 'have d ulugNs ;I itsjxelyand` abiMct f ri9t -,5a-JMF101ffhU &,()r 9P Detnify 1pherifr. 2 RR! : . 1 0 TacimsIssued-outof'Rer 111ol, mestiti Ma."k9fac. VK County can oil sberIff's offices Gcid J-I h, b60 years old hei $2 '2nd do - 1. 5 0, 3" bitor 8.,-Al KD to' OUnuic".1 U himla Uri 4: lotl.o pin' -'h - r it, 1 SO 54, 2`Hd best 3 00 prOdillit f I M do - best I year'old heit'Vi- S2; '26,1 do juiq (including Laintis, l Iork) ajid.All linDle: onv BR)&,en, Of d to, ii 160 V ifsol In -Ji ac. 14, fl, W 3 TO 13 I.iO 3rddd 100- ii6iI'l'oke 3 yValis Oid mukhave batien antlulf- and, toner %eptsoli a, pertion 6flimi?1hilhigskin, I 2ild'do"'i 00' dc L. (J.0 besIt tureildurin-'the ydii Uziited'Qouutie 61 ir!ue,c! two wr ­ , t'" ba WIFddetiliblt tFe4i;-;b 3id . . I. I I I, 7., dgc-111,ulq class in which he a6i.. ­ued out, on4AWe-cT.--&,e sa4derinditat, ih ana -t M ke 2 yca.rs ol sreers-:$2, 2 da"I".5,0, Z, sball at 25, "A J5 d tt its a In In Witroin to the -7 Pt if T,v Do bA- Demimi, of' Wx`.44, ',unti Court oi' the United ' al 3 A 3,d y be at! vIr: o Her'MaieSEV4 1.0:0 i* best ilated. -2 f a tor- .10 Huron and Bruce BFv F auitedpreuiilmlsloffi -,) an&q -d -iftir- $3, 2:i -;Hill the I owrinifit best lfatt6d. or Commofi Plehs all Cc And to me di,eefed p.d7lot, firtieleg euamotl " t Agt d pricic W ,dc 'cow, hL 66211 have tlic tl,',5wer " it C ountfis 6f York hatr-Peel V bull ca -nived vdlh1be ih,ih' b 4're's+16isil ti&tw ;Ww ce-lir ge 's ass d Aho. A 4 t "Ilb on SIPS t.,se'zJ-,a Ve lit -e 1.2a, E , ­ , , I PIP I .. -I.-H& -.010. the. abserlde of'cdn ROWAN Nb[St r x4c W beat 3,00, .3ed do,2 iiijafiy oftho 2nd' bost'l-( - rli.; , ' V iiiiiing the ljolils a ten 8('2.610; 3,.a do im ; b Id tenernen',s of 11I[Mcolm A -'best. %Qirc emit, te, ll vlird hI It 'kA rking oxen $4,'20 W a 'N best vOke iielesas'they,rnay a 4 , : ,': ", best 1,I), iiiija r, worthy. 4,0 , aled,c 'I I -it, yV, M 'I I tock4or' "ficles esintinea-be of. t I the- follow;, ®r P- es; or'if.thb 9 .1i.,run As follows,;uatil, fu tller noticei bove Pulimbd de ed ant in an Wi paping, -- Wdo lolls in the teiin 61 Bll yficlllj in lbe,lOwnslIjpc( est:- agbd raml:2 2n( -Q, 1, 4 It . in 1he Cb.rn ofllilii6d, aec6rd;hr to a Of th lneininnis 'Wreat er )jie xttilig.`, . , . I I I itilev, , - .. I . '$2, 2od do - diseteitiollus. N.imole woithIi?; I" B s P): 3 r'd (10' i"'i'VI-jor v,`s will' exercise their she 3 150, pla -6sed It lamb LENESIi.AGDERIGH ----,,+OR - I F ? I ''. . 1 1 I I . 1 ­.,p S"'. (pen o F tV, they i cohu rnedn J.. Max niz I L6& iliercordravM by, T. c NumbeA )',tc',774'Zinclusive)iotE &TT03 -0) having 7Mmk - Y -M Lost mence,t eir- ut -'4iij3,1,i 3 -2n 3 do, at,12 O'cloci : I,, tll 612 F, H.,615 0,06 Z, 6,17 D * lots Aand 5 Bials! da f&; gab; htid, Is - 1 on thei 'a ls d n&3Lbk,, Bayfield tre, V in block Torrace; E19m. ERY s,',,.yr6r.k done .ib A, kc -an a , dr I Place, Coh6a&O oll I site b 2nd do 1.00 i b,-st ewe none but I ei I hiibitors- 6 `ioi ay, TUeSd astings of ots--lotBon' mi-rladev 4 ub. lair, ;I:`0; I ortlerl, Also; al be illowed, inside the Hall Y" Qnclui;ve), rb IiLst pair falitell d rt natice.. T4AI6`i­ lots ritilub8ni I'tQ-J-, rib 6 ) "Lld it( - -hatever during, the Ju ,cs' nA, ay k f r witthers $2, 2nd do 1,50 ' 3id do 1.00'. any: poison i Cameron i6 t,fidjsii Jbi reserve bounded by Lid- -. 19 I ll " ."I - 6 01& Z ,, 4' i) U d cifffrit of F eri PIGS judieatibns ',13; Anyl .crsbh infringin -o u V­!n derdah,, Charlepand Jane stre6tsils. 5 acres,l- issuceout at yer 'prived of ­y 'JU11L1XSdjEQV, Ett, 7 A -M (10 2' d ' rt- f I t 14 '" th , Bnyfield Rolla in it of Best lt" Iar ge bi eed 61 2A iWds 3, 4, 6, 7, S9,tshuUl b dd C '0 'boarcsu,all-,brecd 83 2nd do 2.00-: 'be t pi:Lmium, whatever hat -t ey AILlit, Other! antild, Pip e; B66q -F, Ivilsfitip, orGoder1c,4'. ISO pork lot, nilmaller. 1, PAlwiys on - to ffini5h' Vradfl Bib", st a to 1 '13 1 olicit In) inspeIdtion I reltiagin t6wrislopofGoderiollno. b " sow waic, be'entitic tIle'most 20,pr Of our' atook b f6re, u 9 c6n. C, Iormorlv in the a n acres ­'m w­ lar -e breed $,i,:2nd do:2.00; Lst Of prices f6r cash, or'or ap- in'the town of C der;Vh, coh&W 10 Tilikets bf d 1616i .""tholoWegf5eld, n6roVe "IfIlIbi /,st,al[A76ied,$3, 2nd do 2,0a. Pric s oif,,A&Flio a SAUGEEINt ERICH, - Tq e less lands and a ihere,-ns­wL rl 9 more it House L Cl.(;'L VrJq a a er din of the j)eJe an abolve'sows the ff)k6;on t I o . the. Ekbib I itiorr Rcio M -,.MAY be Kid 66'i d'ill'ki' ds-of'produdb.tal uinexe ange. o W Pis i, so av, erich ct ppti tit a tes W39 itiwfi OCF4"41 let 18G3,,one,or more of, the Se&cti 'T esday al - V ,s to or MOIlday be sl id I -F01 LiLTRY.' eis eutitlin boldir to a sitl,,lc admission ' Pod ;4zk of ' " - - J -8 -and touS!y.lgfBM"7. he to AT,4 o1c. and :Fndaw, at 7,A.31. R. in ihito7rh -7 U,--, 4 bN f6leAlile 'ifshi rant Best pair barnyard -Ticketsentitlia-'the Dek; neon. whieliIJIMIH[Hid nementir, r @V e xhib Callin-at, ineaftline,ilfiverlturolland Pt. MACDONALD'r I rf-Housii in'the"rown, pair iarg& brdea $().M 2, d do ,drllision At ally me dowing - ;the . E it I ion 511: 4 t-bti;,Twqfit)"fbUrt day pt" b sfpair baul tluu -,QO. 15; 2ud:do LOc.; 2-55 . L . -1 7 'f ­ Pollocki Deputy bluerill. riff's Office, Godericb; e - , 2nd dp felt July 31,']S(53 1, SARNIA 'N 27 best Out geese f4r '01 4il 2od do, 75o 186.3. ADERICH; E IV E S if ([ucks $1; best pair nt OF INTEFINNI d r anA,-reiUig '5ame. evcning, leav-: -entities or nd do. 75 besi ptiir Sherlff% Sale of Lands.. 15; 2nd -do 50c to ke Evqy. lVeduesday Onling, P11, A 0 40C. I)Y virtue of a w4it of Ven C 0 MY ANTl DA:IRY PRODljCE- ditioni Exponasiand Fi& Huron and Bi ueo4 .9 eA TTOJ "Towit- NANEVERY4 RVINIBALL. Is,corn in ear $2; 2nd.do .5:11, Ti Ficias issued, out of I Best 2, bushel Initter $2 Ot vt14 ME 0. 4 Ma Y. (;Olulty 0 4 3 ROINTOCO.L'Ll dst eUrfofLthe Un ountif -best. 5lbs freill Goderi6h. TKE TO 171 the'Lands and.leneaeh-S- ol Vane", D.W er- -alt.buttitr to. me (Inect, ill uroh And B,up 1.50, 3rd do: 1. best 20lbs do; 1 00 - est25 lbs JON'. .00, ITUT John ai .,r 61 V. 2nd do ­2 -,#AIL AT HIS IN ST James Baird Atd. nfidc,r Baird. and heDun GREAT WEST been a d to to BRYANT, ST RATTO N re CRO1. Tob, . .1 ..it, li esii $2, 2nd do 1.50, 3,d do 1.00. liws A i To Rio Lands Aod Ro 0, uominere;al Collidges, N,w YoekPI ­AN6 TO -it a! rX in e A i rm Cz gal n q t" A a zr-f. 61711c.said.defro antli C. ra ; BrooLl ,n;.)?bjId(l@0baq, Albo'liv., Tiby, Bestacire crier Si; Lu;.4, torner of Lot Thirty one, nce !a EIL avediii 0' LI:50i,b6st-acrc, 0: 'life ------ C. IV. of Kincon &1044 '13, 2n`d 'so 1 .1 e tit est nips 83 hil do '2:0 -pofdfoes in tlieL tC -st 1, . I L The' objeot. a.' these olle-es' ',,;a intlari to o -9 § XIND `ly of hrcce,- cIintainiog"by admensurbaielit ql-'00 3rd A 150. e acie car! lkomi coun OP CANADA' Men and,L I I allies drY rf6d. ad'do 2- 00. 3rd do'i:,00 ;.best :','do NI two acres and',li-fiall'of load', more or less' 'loge I LLL - I ", :00,. out, I in5traVfio6:a awIr sic, :;jai "of, ei "with the Stcam:A lill and Machine- y thiireori M P'ROVLED -FREIGHT L LIN E 2.d (10 IM Spence -iim awhiehlaa& and tenements I sliall otrerfarmule Parties for. the - abOv at the, penmanship, C:Iorresp tlence, &c., 'and i6 3t lbeeduattiHouseithe'tow—fG ments I bbill'c' in the t Jay: office in' AP Doelp- Vill ea rauce:: ee, o tbeinr.6c any departuicatr ittev nHV li T 1IL required to PAY [I CHE oa Tuesday'llbe Twenly-second do of aORJ*S , : , , .7 1 1 ; 'L 0 'cents. MONTRFAL&T on.mosf,roaeL W. k 9'7 NTERNMlJIA.TE,-,P All Liniis ofrefidi' September nextl at'the houi -of Twelvd y TIra ;.i If'?, ir.da will entitle the ON LLAK ONTAR UFACTURE de li. Al. , , . clock, 110011. W` t oria e, lermii; y JOHN AL to c and even.ng. . I I L L . I L 5 v & PQ;XQC!C eri J10putyg her, cliarge.". Y$ XACDO l Betit.homeungdo 63, 2na do 1,010F 'lidditional' I- i W, t liSuitions,iin the,Greai'Wastern RailwaY the, Vilion, Und Qaf _,,:Ie r Sberill; H. BI besi $J, 2 1 2: d -50 BuffaN andLa e Micro Railiony fAMESE bet 10 yards fambet $9 2n lietrerit ano W2 1 es pair'blankefs: 2* Milzoav)ree, gichiga'nVe - intiid;, Yo QOl:, If qii eu enclosing OF -Bay., v, CO q -he Above an P n i1aEr1IFrS SAL S toivnzQ. Jr,; 1, 16V; q4 vis- V beAll wool and home -spun.. Biannual antiblan icts must; u --mounte(1--carringti -hafne s GRE',X11, NM;TVRN RAILWAY C0111 -ANY 811d '--'7 United Count and ill harnetts S2., 2od 1-00 beat doliblesett farm and relia4le I TO Wit - of, Her -Maie'. 7'd ount race, 2na 1'.Oa best.gentleinan',§,! addte.$1;50; Courtol the iiiiiall Coo ntiw ofHoro . Tre ROWARE STORE' RotAL MAIL'T GH LINE J he bk"YEXCLUSMAA WAQq a DliLrMENTS T.MkCYA-MIS LINE i metim 01 r1m.dis Wialker, at the out 0 all e colition I axleree lam di r in -T . -1/ t, her wagon BM -ani) 'Fu ITM 111111111,18T Nuff-I all the right.. title ohd v n, list the limits of the County of Huron,iri n er.. AN in COW. aut,Ju and to Lot, purn er, 0- best Wooden do do $1 C. ) rxeSerVed told met up, wthe mosizantral i posit ion. Hirt- gin, MrS lS63S4,'2nd3.0 oOs,nd . -OO.ir -A 3 2nd 2 00,; GEORGE CHAFFEY V Q'i ."C IOL, _bit aid 'TO lo sst iTon P on, fhAir abetweel' COMMUNICATION d in a a till C 6, 1 Jy ix ru a.h $3-.`00 2nd 2,001;. bcSt For .. I I - beslt wooden plo, 1, 11 ' . r:h L,L 7' 15 1 r I - -- Loispu­bern is a r $3 2ucr2:00 best else moix,MEAL and Gl,j E5XERN A ne Countio(Huiouir' 61so fton oahorse-cultivato, MILTON, t R40,119c[I rodiale, d' WAY WHAF atTIA, P best woO.T pill so in iron. I lilair arroly It teneinents,litiall-one I bsthe Tonn of oil 5 * on figid 2nd 7 tel uh dy a Courinou, $3; 21nd 2:,00 best ir qe;ww best fanning in--- of toc-C10,1z, licon, X HTU I fiarr js 0, 2nd: 210 -Wi*h 7", -Windstn' - Sarnin 2hd iny offieeNiti i le f Li4mdon,, Chathain, Utt Wave oft Ar,,n t` Milwoul -2:00 -2nd' lis 0 . rse JOIHNL 'Woode field roller T ulstfifl ,-, Cincinn. affid 4r(1 llg,jyj rill Citielit 9P 'Lo tier '$ 2Hd po r.ocsi, fiepuly, Sheiiff. .1M 2nd,2:00 bes rill se Sigirof*,M6 pa &Oql. be t turnip 2. 1 il -1-0.0 Rates at -Fre I L6 -,v. and 16 tr-. 0111 -Fill wR" & :CO. erthin b aiiy other Route. a I:,00 best E igh GARDLIN 1-00,; bet 6 Q63 , 2nd, ' or partcu-il'is4pplir attheOffi6c; in Ar ixtlir ars, or o,. _n.ck l,r6JHm f0j-re1icving ch li, at a d, rea;qr combined, $5, 2nd: 4:00 bc Y'virtne ch above Lines of Steatite bcg to.ih aim ib. p4lific tiIit e WY 'ES7 Co 'B.Fieri Facia,; issued Out United Coli tIviriue,ioF, &,Writ,ot at B 2nd IM, W,1101.i ALE Agent, Great Western Railway. ofillree wkifs of be roll Tulportant Faimily Mr, House Sili:ai- and,lio., Parties takina first premiums for any oft Ilumre 11118SLon rIil street, of Her Alujestk Court. or ereceive a JI On crich. Tho, will all Wit vAl 1and 6 suit Enron anchiBruce, 1`110S. SWIS YARD orift of the Coulltv ConifirtHiPleds, Viatinty C 'Waterloo,and C nty Court of thcnited Cann- Waterloop and to me dt- their piemitini irr, AIII t'lreaV 4. Sketl" Ra d Miling - , I FOR -and4eheffieriti0flames fiIompriseng:.. -ties, of Hurbn a ip Bruce; and to'llie directod recteda judges. I - U`k TRODUCT tin D,,ST,OMA-Q 07), ijqltI1li5 the, Lauds and Tenerhouts of.faines Bur, sojtieM lb ,at 'the ftiC7!d werf in LT teetion of a:PP143 soat tbe. lo_t 9t Ot leg Bar lron. all -Ize,-z P Iflam; Ds 4ndj cstion: Biliou affeiitions, ,Pal'pitalion h Oil hd nalilejI L Ulu -s- 6ach $3,; 21u1'2-.()0,,.3rd El.ogogdam B a nd -1 ro it tty- Chat nd,m( reSfL of lbesIdd z 4 E than 9 varleties, 5 0 '130 'e C fh6 WAffr, .'Oils a!nd Paiot and ta n,m x c6, 91 ID 'nip. III Inds, 6 offielied for'. ol H[pa"dricbe, Pil6s;4aundicxi,and all Iith;ir 'zncr6V-o-ttnf­Wsd3D 'einilii , best 6 'named varieties 5 Of eseh $2, D. -a,te 0tpsion,qiM P 3id IA M best itamed. colle tloll'Of ands; Spudes"Ind to &Lot,Nine g nIt, ere an,opelnarjet 4 p)iysit: q icqtiir % I: Tt ft sion of the oning.29 05"isitisaivision T -Rl 'L ?M , 16 second -Concession , ' ' - ­ -' I­ :Cozl,.0 a e:in, donee to nvShot eio sjorl 14i Lot letter, Vcst Xhamed Sl ViVem- &E TENT31.­` ONLY oq 61 aid [c6ninininglilly 9,,r ; Lbt nd Lbi,Mifi :.Lvjp a;.- J;b -, 'L 46I.In anti -plate f-pears uamed $0 50 best narned Fitleefi.iii,th6 ightheoiCeesstofi,oI the township yltbeia venarne III H. M- all.;" 'in nal" 10 er "John, tli)p best tlessi thau oaliities I N .0 TAIN RIC, qg Ly.acj . colle ti6n'of tuins no , 00'; OF. THE if C6iriqk;:pmi _for i i6o,Lot,27 ofeach $2, 2nd ltiillli. 3rd, 1` exit Mum 'llurniid and totsfta -d 2Sin tfiL33rd,,,;a,hi .hllhndkF,n'hd,t h6M6191;iyellofrei lWit &T -of, ty6*to v.ns[iip,,cif.14ra t "in -06iih3foi 6 Go&L ties Or Vdr'y ]keason6ble Terms oil 'SE O)IEY C"ll Oi — L - I B h UR A named '$1:'5 17 be W`Y;Hg No NCE IN cd:dhFbIIV alir0i; Jall in tte' enob,'on Titesdal , the Thjird dgy 4 1`1 0:50 containing -135. 149; in the At the '50c; iiii plate of plums named us. I 11.9,12p, BEING XE Y PA], BEE county d hall rth c of,Ui u&e;1J*hj6h Lands sin to 13 nameaL co,.f ctioni of, rapei ite fbrfial&4; or hallotlertursil9jilt fiPy'lliffieL in the Court Mui ruce. Niji Equal A1111flual, 1111SWMellItS, ltiwthnnswei l,,r 86 ng energy ro hli n next, at the hour v -tween Knicardme au& Walkerioni. situate y -Iiaii4Ws 3 clusters of, each $1:50, 2 . he "flir e Dekiiptlk Thifs. illagli ili J,'on, lite, nuiln in ifie7Townofqbaeri h-on.riieW ytlicT*, n os %, 2aIL 50c:;.hest J, per cent. fourlir (Tay, '4.ovei best rlitc.qltk j appI ad N 'ith.iRterest at 6 heal dwact ion fo,the'Stdaiach, 0 of ,; t I y name( collectiork. of peac es" not less than 4, NilACT" County Town rw 1,sk q 91(1 t -,r elve Iii'the olbckP Poon. -0 0 -riotteiii 6 of Ae ide P Tif4haai e ry ipj &d.iii n I r 0 I h.4-.g'l e, AACDONALD. iU oh12, 2nd 1.ii0i3rd 1::00; best V, Everythiii- that should be kept -Air,nit,-In "the "rown ofllciiai 3, in the Villnge of4ivers- -e 1he.e6-4icLenM;wuh nauseous Cozier Oil,' By S'Pa' O`&I Deputy, or, fllplate of do named w t48,-49,'50, 51,52 and 5 0 - - 1 -11. OHLofdabliastibtli thafi 43 dole, aJbo.7baAd.76PWeiA;,lIide OlTjOtoiria -Strel 1, 011111 -7 at con 0 notes, .',Gode ic ss Goderich. Mill in Alnes 41r6aWWdi Sherll 1, con., 50 acre W .h'il. - be 9' ,[3est nainedep Is in the!r6W,4 !pA '51 gncardifi6 ,C.64;&of Bruce.-: i Soath, i s in lit n- ...;.oduced it jin, met l4th Augaiit' . 1663., .1-56, pra I. -(1,) - ' - b J I I - . I Colintlep'lPf v'arikies $2, 2nd, i best L 16 theKith oribe Dot-' 90 n 2 con:; 100-fteres, Lit 1, 211 .3d cn 400 li&es o"lig,pedicitiesal a good' and plt asaiitpb, a 1-:60 -, host named .ol- G ASH -FOR W -00L, Soutb*121 I., - than 6 Far 'pdarty of, Bill of d L of the Dan) not lei taining o6eeluaiier of. anSheiK s S tti,06 fRoies'.(BI`4 con., 100 Acres: Iov Noi.h A,20,in 41. UE M' t United qO Bruce 01 and Icii nd file, Lot. 15 6 fi4 8 Derhard Road P Y adit dn a etie J aWrit of Fi6f orth ores; r idtor, avis ilj contaim.ug 50' acresi infWgib -ClnHnyCSiHt orfliti -ietics ver- Hun -T , ;hp of ;KInedrdiri 'ro Wit:' of 1:50, 3rd I-OOL; best cri: orJand 'biiiWfigs1ll rqpn I .. And 16 aodj" againam lbe'Liarids siod' iotiies .62, 26d A.T T IIA Lin 4h con.; 100coa , A' Ell, trade f -name 6 I- r - it ibe f verbenas 25 owfh"6N h 2L3 it 4h Cou'l on 211, 2nd it 6 named,.. vai . . - , , , L " 1 , , " - ­ W -QB air -7 G04efieh, V061"Y "Injoli oaeach, partially It H uionidnif Brucei:and'to me at nStreet I - .t liiss tb.H 4, iu 31 and'22 on est side 0 Lauds and tenementil, ofSterdi Lots 4n "L;, all SHF FPS- e Al: of cted agaibii IN lIP' Thi Pon intbeaw, EIF s att suit', OfCastr NVAllis analie.rRe ill, ies,4 : Vl.= . 13 -diid 1kade,' of w- and, is parlicituarse ecti6n notjeis the T6wn'og Kiavatd;6e re h co cession oftbe to 2 I n relurni j"thanks tQL It acres e ach, cot Lots2. 3'and 4 100 the 1_00% be 5t' * pply to ad customeml6ro.ii liberal so Ort agGREY: t 5 u metit ol'Villudih,wetlannall -d' acd I hmi tk ohfanuflie"iiiiiiR but,rijbL4" WOUIJL be' o 26 in; 8t*eon­.`­10"C.e.,, ne- OF V Im and tT,me direct" a a, ayolS-ppm r - nez i op V ". -1 - . Znd (in I) a d in flu- c to siate P rM i *I a*,'$&, "'bes collection ofasters$l - alt' ei . Godcric 50 2nd vzirictics Sl: , io colleetibo o(annuals (bitionisj uarn4d. at in -2n& 50c - best k­iee :ve Lois 0,aerbs.,each, inents et at the, 'suit pi, e W01 the cl nno6ni of T _.aere loirn43ituee aw w 11 Lotal,31 ancQ1 50 2nd V50 - 'blist colieetio It o parents, _,V W- Lot,26 in,8 01ii ao es p -nib 'rft ifi'tho Poumtv of 86up6 'which -14nds ely il ast of the L6hdodRo $I'-- besCeollectiolix O*f balsan Parties. g7th.ir woii Y UU ftV 100 acres enii :0i196 a ZU 4,% J2 '127 Xo _J e - 1 to i I ining'lly t,id'1:00 ,,bgf'flor t,ora metiturdesi,,n Lots E. 14 a in' 63 situat;uq t UsNorne in' the f Wtltr, e able,i'cdmittisditi- , toexecute'etders right;IvIltli. county of Huw ,,.cents admeasureute' -2;d,50c SeorrbS abo F6 hntjjfieas, at Two-fifillsovil aere-oMand,'bethe sainew -cock It -Lot Z12 in A'i& 0 L% 1, p fail m -gettin I L;ots 33 nd, f.ifi!;tl d W21 -for'sale'armpollice in f nided the ine. day n time toearrv'home with Jeciion cifstocks 61, best'. collection 0 te to the' vil tge & Eightl d ' beingfiart.,of lignial Lot number Eighteen ew rS are offered for' v hod D thZ or tar them' the firstoofie-, _ lbest' bAnd b qOket. $1 ih cash PIIE',4'BOVE 1I i or cloLh -&Pt on "ierlsonable Rrms. Tinmediateiv ng -an W o6l; i-ree And number Aetv nine 1, ainst] 0 Unllc&Cplijflj j ' from b E 2nd 1-00 -hereby cautioned a met 41 Ne eria' to 'i of December ncxt, ilie,lfour of U-Usborue, aforeWd'; S3MLIFF.?S or 1:50, - nd 4ociuetofqu ::50, The higiie ;. i a`r6i V'n )WNSH ioacrqs. And the, Public, are O)INMAGDONAM 01 W 11v J, e !E we 11 , Best collecti6ii 's -M 10.4-zpr tres- Apply to CIIA 1. S Mccl,1,1 1 ouGARDEN rD.DE R, Huroa an i5jm air L_ z me ofrU I'D -U,0646es riamed- na leg e OWII D '11 vl6n- 1 6 Courrofule; 41THOU 'Mi0i A _00. w 'the rai; A13- GALT IESQ., Or tla i HH, or to t landiiandtone.- Oet; ­ Feach $2. 2n under so -eat my- office -in -the ats I shall, after lor .0 pi tffi bh ',tcfeslofiLnyvar.iWiy n i O.'aI cc half'bus el potw -_7 Toronto.. I F. Coo Al?oucv of6odellich, itm'Tues; _J ,7P quash namtId dAy.-vr SdpleaAPer:next,,.ar K: bes -41 2nd t-6-guminer s7 qs1--.Oy- -0 -01 nui aeam U winter sc In "$J` 2dd- h" mlt d SALE Cl a a 7-si -be'.-t -12 A DA7 "I TEL HO h 7 United Counties ot ue .0 a. writ ofS IS and T9 Ist Ran -I5 South or Vur. or limb Huron and Bruce; Fied Ffcias issued out Bv onthan oapp yr o ham Roa , S,,POLL Joe Wit iT Q, Irk 4Ailpiphus -LOT- On tW22 -zels $1 i d -2yid 7,5c:; ,best 12,b,bod beeti $l X d; Aa MW 21, Ili 1PI VM9 a -or I ---n r biIiit 12 man -el win T -john 84 s*e& twnijr g LOT No. 71 Ist Range, Sout him R jid, GodVimi.h. Ma w5mt 1nd 50e&i,b pt c grin i ue . u w M, ­ jij I (j' a aid the Heogar of uron, c w I I P. A ed'uto j,blist LOT orero an hill ,Soatk Vitale, a. crewo -an oinqe a, T.pistair., ranylrieq le- Huron and Bruce, '-U'Fieri acials itisu he said Deftaididt -in ion 0 and cars, Our SE tU -b LOT,jG;I Sth q9c'es On LN114S.,f &N ' On: tqpy't hF, h t to Alqlp iLan04P.", solornon or gt own 0 main-thdroughfae-, in ihe IWii THE FRONT SVA T*eculor,of. ! bat wil ofmonailai ay oi. IV IF COUP exiii in, Gairditer and, 'bert -M. Gairdner. Execui6ri; l pu Iordon, d M It 00 mla"' eSlAhd 50M e;ei be ZIO.L 'C.lborne , i -§W NO, LLING H6:6' a try and, e b, st 'K &i6jor. talilli use s,f 2nd beit t4r. a6j4 the ed otit ghiiinbiIi 4R 50c - beA Oiel o66bi"W, ,LbTS N6. 38,ankal fill, -f, I riiht, 9 2 And to'Loi iiiim B, in the towcohi 0 ;best., 3 lnusk, inkelons spitapfMilmloilit OlPidilrL h d and;9, ON -testainent T§ gms G.R. ILLAGE- - Of .,4qN 1, DIR E;' :--jor ACDONALDir in and to Lof"No 7 V -id; the last p 00% MI Aitceaji lkiinde. Coutor6n, 11 have ia% a- 1. d 2 90' -io as and takenj '- 6fitionall'the light, title and 2er'y.inL::jllI J;10 2k' 4be. rik, Pp 7 Tt4ms, easy-One-faurth i'71 4;eF RV 9. Fb X, C wn oraji'the balance A i: adbreidlint Sheriff's nbroidiir -$I--l-2nd, - best embroider' 405 dauttal iAmCalmkn1a;,E-TT .7 inL'silk 75, y T.= ty afliurou, OntairihIg ten Is ;136rol,"More, 0; -4L,lenementa r e Vot IS"LHEIIEBY G big W I shall offer fo 4 on which landhIr J FiNj Ohn days from tbV4 OPQ PILIM vourt P, e in or I!i!OM 4 L4 r' 71unlrofZwelib ofth;rOlockin ?Py office in tbd p HeAseIg tlIJjt6W , Or o" rich,, on Tuesday: the Frid day of Dece 'I Zed, 2Q -1,2,0001 906 best 3,plur woolen ,spft , tl O, AextP at the V 0 i-&%! pro 'd 4 M e a e k a se T 'T bLst JOHN MACDONALD 1:00 8 pair, S CRIB 0 yel-, fbir Cabindt Mu PLl n articill H; UIW &R, hiIA' ucrbd; ,b TavernL in DAVISU irn t1:50,, 211 L Elf ,oifld T Jilin th t beilials redoved to -the .0 wax frai- SI:50, 2nd, ZWilliano,"Coinei VOT.Locii," formerly,occupied by Mr. J. Fiji 4pp!y (Pzs ARLES Ti n '16tbS M; I'lleriff"s Offi '201 G oderieb rs WILLIAM-ROOKLIDG t g (M-1 W- P ri,- T' GoDIcil' 6 A gl I gowers $1, 26,150C