Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-21, Page 40
.13A I,
2� -§N
7 "--
G NA. -L.
bhbfl1F,6_,SAi6,4 ti Sh4ig s's al df.,Tands,7
nds; S e
ounlieso )-D vin-rae^161 ",;a ',Wrjj till
rjerl raclus-Asued out Huron and. Bruce _D Fieri Facing issuedoull,
Her Xajestj,?s,Pc0**y
OU�N �Of a %'
t 6: 0111
7 7
:!to -1. 11
'T Her
AW RE - 11. V
lll� oxiiij. of Aije4ty'a oun�y
i -A E 11
-UniiiA Conntier,ofAu* an(I.Birdeci; -ton ana�
I � , _: court,,ofthe County of Welling ildm di -I
-06urt of tile
T H I,
a to me directed against tile Land, aintI:16ne-
an recteld,11gainst the Linds.and ienententis
2 ffibate df -3 aseph'33iic of"Sainuel suit of,Firtincit, Reff, -1 balye�
or file said acInahn flip afig to -all 11661!
wr the suit
'all IlIc,right..tIIIe:�pnd interc, al
oe..L-ol'�nxiiiiber,-tw�ntv-�nine, on the norjk?lWe�oj
faac, �,G 0 0 S b ac c. a and 1aken,inXxecmjon,a1I lbe'rii
la.;BmaYtaklin.-in �Execution
IN TH -c sof the said deknd; f1crat,
still an, and to� LO rtl6en;'in the ficII
A b,-.f.wnshipof Briltit, the Durban) Road rniheta*nskjp��f;Bra
coneestioll, -1011 Ahe
IS a I,
Hod*q;,in filti-four acres, inore MalctIlandr,anct.
in the c___ QB C, containing Illy acres. 3 Ing
A401 l�ifids�can,d,ten�meiit-4�l'�halI E aBterly side -of the River%Saugeofi,�
0 to,
ffice;ni �t
L -X ZL 0- T C31l X'7 t q ties -,It. ltIghleeinth enementsishall�o
It , '-Ire 1700,64
e. I-- tile Town of Godbrieli,ou:Tues-
_Zt! ACl i6 (ay orAugust n atJ le I
I I our of7welve ofthe Co
. . . . . . . . . . ... d a�a Ih-y E I c,,,,
Pit) le
GIGA119.TORE:OF F CHE; noon clo,k,-noon.
"r.uld mipiinrf�e to the LD 0, el"ll 0 Il OBN
T' -of' H tirona that'he �IIIIS oil hand N MACDONA
W Har-
-Wes 141111-11. 111d.
Striiet. G I Sherifl' H
oderich. -e to-onler Carria-res,; ag?llsj
jqjd will junk
6, H. �,R
cap If"
tt�ash at
Trcsh, I ster$ Qj1isTEAM,XNG IN E�W:011.1 B� S.,Pou�ocx,Dc,fmtv$berifl,
rs, t ;c.; rows, �,lllell��wilj be Sjlach� ii)t
ali�ays bit haud.! 3A
JOHN I- 1�3
& C
Of th 'Large.ftd Ock
gn, NIS1010RE 401. .0
N.W114 Victoria Streef, 436jer m '0
w4f)Am, ns NDS
Apri E 0
4-- g
H. GAR af t e
11 INER Co. Lo,it's 'E. I. . I * "I I .
Y tile of a, Writ at Twidue of
611 C ""ies a',
�c t aAd Fluffill Fibrfi med out
14 0 B to
bile tnat they tt:X�N,opitrwdta H Facts.,: is, Biruce.
bog�to infortajam
Of, He4 Majusty'S County
OL tflia�rr Mul X, S, uron and Bru M2jeStIrl, C6,mty' court a..
2 0 APRE Cirz ay wid Sa&'SAw- ]i les of 1; ` -' I *Buron , -ind Bruce
Coiimtiers� of
WKO,LE ALE & RETAIL eel tile United - race
_t. Court, ofthe Utijted.C6 ' ant
6d'agam9t, the Lands; and lenc and
\A and io.7medir&t to, directed -against the. 14ads
tbe�pghX,.trt!p �fia,-Xj, one H Grant aiiZEdward-j�athwell,'I It Beiiied 'and
in toLot:m6tiber T�fepty- taken in Executi 6 all the right, title and intcrest
seteutea,Stook aier�stat the,said Del
the'publib arei imdred:and
of� the said Lots,' or iies Yl /,0.7, Xll
liiip� Iiml')c'r fn oftbe'Said_b�fbndanx, in -and to part Of LorNo.
,4, - - -erie�,. They wit
gqs, I L. 11 ft, taken in �Executiiofiall, Nevin and Bouert Morrison, ntAti-suit,ofTbanim,
171 -1 5 1
LOTS. are offered fei� �sale,
Tin, A 'n inentsofJohn fj,�Iqin -and' tenements of' David 'NeY.ln, Anarew
House,Squnru,(;od �,�ELe fhe,�tnt of� RobertG6y-.
Irt 5n i �111
hcap;atid� oil remondble - termp�- If
hereby. cautioned a.
four, in the.T1110 Ainleyville in the County at
�n the'stime; as any pa�tie4 offendirig. 2� -Huron;Iwlth-tfte�j tillaingstiner
-X`,,of, -eon ; -Which -Lands
di, it Ti5lirmiltip
Barl ran. al I BI Ze,:, ass; ssltl6 Q jj> I I qe., in'thefirst-concession,ofiliq
an tenements!Ji,;sna1I
neiv of �I.aie in flie'County of Huron au4
Hoop and Bond JF1111 Drocceded .li undee, the
Oil, iind 7aints, Town of',Goderich� on, f C d I lid which -illay'be kn6wii and a,,_
Phnadn Plate; p. XXXVIIi. whidlimakes the Couri Housi?, in the Iian all
q , I "-,:
Statute 2'X Vic I Ca the-t4efilly-filliVilay-ol August, nextj at cribed,as 1611"
'Tin Plate iainee, 61
Steatb�ail kinds;, 2 chains on a 66iirsti. North y
Coloi� -the steilling. or destroying of timber punish an Sit N cl�ck. nool OWS *. 661fifilenCillil ZL the d
V_ no 'the
S ERA ORS,` IND __ hour ��f:T�vrclvc'bl t e. -West froin the, ,,, nine.
abieb� inx�risoiimein in the 00m MA.CDO minutes
;Sol. r6r
7 '(1, mon'ths. For ticulars as to saleo bodSaws, Sb6rifl'H. 4 Said -.Lot-; thence South eighty1de fortfintin.
GunS a lid, Pistok; � i, , `.'JOHN _NALD
f land iii-eastdif
y,Aiijre .1
-Anvill, andi�eaping Machines, W
7 -1 inaber, app y to By S, I�O�tr.oqap, Deputy She
�J Sherill"s Offied,Godpeicb, thence-North'itme degrees thirty fiiirm!!rlX-fi
C�ITTMAWJL w.1 6 n: links;
aw, grees
-71 ri
.,I Ith Be?1.1w's CHAULL P
�HaN6 Nails- '�SQ' otie chiiin reNientee e e te
EJOPSi &G., th fie 0 Iii. I
made, and Blacksmiths' w oil ne
Pres $ed Nall, me brass Casi at and substantia manner r e -h I
Cut Ntals; degrees forty minutes; 'East ith e 4761 xteZ
OF. LA 's, jor the, "Itilince
ND and a lialf,firilt Londqp� Road;
OR, L ABI� f any description mai ork d `e in �IX South" nine deg-ree" tbinv minutesXmit one chadn,
ON`it., J. 13..�GORDC
Glade b
1863 t,wa3-6 -MBERICH Cl:; Casti trs a le'to orde'r. '10soj'all hinds of inac inery.
wrouili v I:
repciredzbn shot rb stock� of fie
v Al tjnotibc. '-A lar, seveotcco.ljnksj�to 'theplace ofl� Inni
. I I - 1, 1 �, , : -, E)Y virtue of two w"'s 0 Why h�measuremeiitpnc ra @ aAw
4., cw
r A United CountioB`btf��) at;
I; -Every D B., Fieri-Facias issu6d.out milier of hana:with'the buildi th en
S 1461f Ri &var _o( ese mining
ANV I= Huf�qn and Brucej Lands and Tefienienti lihall-btfli* T, ' all
NG, ,- f STOVESi: , 1.1it— __'Hj.jMAjeStyIsCounty�.Court
... FOR COD! U- PAR _h 0 T.
L I er ors e
r patterns of the ab'�ive firik, bt,-ihe U� '6j"Huitial'and iBralde'and
ijeo:Com�ies a MY ffice,in the Court House; id-i1eITb*n,os
a sl6n Iiiia goniand Pipei�6xbs� As on the -Lands and i6fieffients of �.n, T u :t0yuibe Twenty-.eigLth.�.a�y as
Alw K ttlds g
r d,:..:%vc 'Nv6a`1d solicit tarme, treat agairilkir
-be suit ofJoho tit
'Lreryth�n & th a rould be -�Pt- nI That deirdl�le, detached first-class FROM `;5 UPWARDS oft 6 0 till inspeefion., our stock before, purchasing
L k I a 1!��r of fijh&BlXc0ij�Ahj,ElijAh, Bacoh at � t ly
.9to , 1 11 11 1 Al . . . lifick res, idence, 'known as HEADSTONES I elseX e e re. �hj the ab6ve at the loliect remutierative 1 prices for ewb, o,T or ap- , lle.\t, . . -
re. Bruu;1'have'seizedatial takenAnExecutiou all noon.
-JjGliderflth.� 41h N wen 1, r, ll�bi e
41, 1, 1 1 1 d -interest at thesaid dej�udanls in
,1- :4:11111 144. rov -inds of produ 6,taken,in: exchange.
Godericli. 1661. 'e it t4i r p,:�Oopper, �n it 1 111 the right title.'afid JOHN MAUDUNALD
d, h apd,t;.Lots.hufiibqi� Eighteen, And - Nifigteen in
S, 77
e:on the-CambriaRoat ,wit t NV39 ofibeSsionSobill ofthe Durhant It6ad:m.
Situat Co7tirt House., is ode
rec l,,:.,dila,, valk I of the tile. f1rSLc By S. Pow.o6K, Deputy Sheri
or -a niedleal ot'other pr6fiessiplial' Ili t. -Io. rubir 6CBrant ajid:,c6unty' of Bruce� Sherill Is Officc,.Godcrich,.
iiij., "�ip SHERIFF'S SALROF LA"S. wrilich 1�&iiag-and te . nements I shall WWI for sak!'at
IOWA0�"e 24th April,1863. 131".
turnis. 'Tile houlie cot and, -ood iny ciffibc:ifi,the P
N'TO U IT Vill be",old otf the moSrreasiiijable
itairis 12 roams
-a hirge -,at lbitied Conrities of Y tile 6f`TwoW.hls ol'u rich, oil Tuesday the-Ei-liteentlit day of August
Y, ri'Facias issued 614 next, at lh�_llour of,TVWIV��Ofthe efock,noon. SH OF
r,S�4aulc- 0iitlic"I'l dell,� a tate, Binh I , and Bruce, (BFv.,n`
- N ,
b Id e
Ti4e and I tacil)S'10 e hO n 5uppi -oup ERIF-FIS �Iliub C LIM
wmer. 'kilo %Nrilole in thorow-rh repair. Fu TO wit�: Of Her majesty s C !y 'JOHNa
7 of
FOR TTEEII N*lTr IW Coort of -.7;[. '4o Vnited:Counti 'Y wilt of
titer particular,�.,atn bc,o�b County of Middlbeiei aid
�aiued, Courl orow
leas, andi to inc. direcic' - the 4 a cic eri urOa a ruc�, ier�
66' '1
e Common P a against -
be ib
Lands and tenements which. were of Joseph it er - r. ty
Coujj filie United on ro
-.At th�, timi� a ,!1�31thN 18 eel
-&--BRUCE. 1,
ff MON 0
Go,lelich.,16th ilitivarv.,IR4. EI%6ry'dedeased. fhis,deaih_i 4y: 63.
a bAnd§6f,Wilham,J3s@er mintsEralocok,all 9 -and,. me, -eted' ne-
y �kq
'�p IF1 T W . singular tile aiid'�-�61iiat vid
o 136C, C,., tels,- logi Is
of,: jose�ll. in
Atij'� death S,-, W
-:�i I j � Sheriff IS S 16'of Lanfiisi
tt,� I �, - andr Credits which; wera r on
I r I -:01it goods
t -IS INSTITUTION, lo(T F time d-'
I%t 171
il' Flo -8 4 at&d'in the 71T,,�han dece
"I'�Sitti.111 Colif :� H - ' ssery toled at' the
i 'ji Thwaoi has just-bLenadded led �dfiteatatei,I At 'the suits ofAaoipbus - ah'in an t' all 8 ar At -
T Am- �United Counties� f a in All
- J Z to 6KYAR'Yj'9i`R�,TT0N,& CO'S., chubi Of dreWs and Joseph Essery-tho,younger, 1 -have, -146ion.aAd-Brud�,�J)-Fiici�s�ii�ued, out ofHi-r d
-Me day 11 th 10 U.' GjWUSE r, .141
A GOODDwl�LLJN, To wit,;,, ?S� 6XII'l
I I eyon
GODERIGH� 'INE9� ST lie r,� Commercial Uollages; established�� in N�.w York,, s6iz�jdaxidlAkcnjn ridant in an& tll'e Unit IV C y ll�iiurt of I till
flaloi' an4 interelit,ofthe above tiamed,defe tin ce o anad%.conmi it,
execution tite �rIgni;_,jitle j
maisrucp and to. fin )to
its tt� O,Pqftnp�§O; Nron'l
61il b jsjou 'Court. iht;r,6u.hfiire,1ru the Bioaklyril Philadelphia, �lbaoy, Troy, Du
ruddirce ed. against the Lands,andlenertients pf and,r �Ifhe
Clevehind, Detroitl Chica60 -and St. Louis. to Lot Ntirittlor EleVefi ifilhe third cone mreufenqtup� hit
u-neni I
-1 Gunn, Ilhave in
U INGA�,N , 0 Ihijrqugh and\ practical conta.ining one b6fidirinIficires of Iiind more or lei -s Be'
It A.* VILL�GEWJINCARDINE. The object j of these olleges-ts,to-impart to� tile Townsh[p orUsboritie-in the County 61 Huron JRa .me Ing
if , yotinig:Ivien. Etna Ladacs Freedy, it of-Sanin.
on. oluirt. -6 d And t
fth'd said delep Ant, in
C, -WI
rit all the ritclil'-title Liit�'Sikieeii (Ir6) fin i e rrml.-c0p. U the.
ID _ortun�ty. a Lot N urn- Township of Stanley on file Lonaoh -a
instruction in �Book-kuepihg; ComnItereifil I Law, whichrLands interest . I tisf'Afiglei '6f i*'
-Thir (neesslon at I le
wis in Conanitirvial nt, shall offur fbr�salie at "IV office in, bet Keep, inAlietHiRtillinth a gaanijig;at the.Nortli
NKI - %W'As d'
_qp 0a
10.: Thursday, 20th, at 10 h g -it ge'-ta any kind of' _a and tencnI6 � I,
A. �I. 1311 ip.fB*0i5drC -RoRas and
all n Ihe town, of Goa6ricli.: oni .'tbWnsb
le_folifth aoWtl thein f6r any del) licy, �inay "torld day a) ,Sept�m )er
I - - .4fintyof"Bruce, with the
t -tfill d the b Pi6ifianship, I.Correspon d. to fit iheCourt afid.BaViteld'
\!-ofl� 1) vislon, Cow, I intallilents. artuient,of,buiiiness t Tuesd'a�thu',' T.Wtmt waer
Terni, I buililinglathercoarrec , which Iands:an&lep��w ],at (16).;,fhence Sobtbi Eighiy degrees, T
next;. At the hour at. 'Welve of tile block,
choose, poam..' ments Fshall'.; tiffilir f4i sidle 'At my (jilice -ill tre, lIIjnuteS,,West;,*Ej bt Jwb�'ian - d:;1r.Ty.eXXty*,Ur",,
Toes- 6 )�i136.qeMcai0i
'i -Law he.Xomw, of0bilerich, on
—A L i3O= Y7 Sch rships issued in Canada will enttt 0:ilie . : � ) - -
q;4, NTOIZ, FrU y,_2rst, a dav he 'I ninth day bf S&ptembcr nixtl- at N Ft 3 1 ad
CLI Weslt.�'9�e rods And Iweniy-jour,j&n_
on hand and for Sale about G student to complete his course iK Any, colle,;� at' hour ol`Tw� ve -�T.00n; Licks - thence'Northeig y d
Sherifr, H.,
1 tile h I d ra,, withobt additional th oftbeclock
Zn&'I]i ViSIjOP. COT
%S,,. POLLOCIii Delinfy b nst; e 1,111 ran
i�;;jQday And evening. I JOHN MACDONALD, tites, Z 8, an Tvnentk*�!r'A, 0
tflt�ay,`221�d, At 10 M. riff Is Offj�e, Goderich,, Rheriff, H. &,,'J -aroad4odbe
HAJ OFILMER JAMES,E..DAYj�Ataisip -idiFAL. flia.,London- oadl;,thepce alone,=
"it thw CO4-: 21 By S. P ... �C�1111)cputvsllerlfr. fbegiiinmg�,�qIliiW_VjW
1200 Ft And,
c�, l7th June
Suitabj� for Cabillet WOk fili aB Lot No. I Anil flia-soulb Part'ok.Ut
Sion court. ii�d
U D: r -2
ge"'o f
ej- 9-C tati�,-ueatidCjrc6l�r,eiielo,�]6g, SherifI
.0 T lit'Judd, 180. w _t of The'Villa
TesdaT, 25.6 A0 Address BlItYkWi, $TRIL i .4 clz,co.. Sheriff,"s $,Ale of Unft"
-AINLEYVILLR Fat 1G.& ply (FOS ' t Pat to
;Z�'which Land8'and
i q.; WILLIA11`kOOKL1`DGE;SENR- Toronto,J alnl� I. Ib( .3, w48 -1v
I I - L' 'll for iale at :-.I
Vb5iollit, 43 YMrme"ofawrit'n I jiVendltiolii offe
U iled.1-Int IiW-1
r RIV I,4th D wn, icardine C the,'To % it of Gode;ichnit Tuesday Ih6 Tireaky
B �j
4 Thurt ay, thh,�at.,10 A.,Zd, eighth day ofJbly text, at the hot
W., XETBR, SI-L,E I e-( f
�,l it of TNelve
UIrti6d!Ctifi.tie�oC noon.
Zcv I, R24 ALE
CoAnty Ctlur,4
T v
e County of Huron; mid toxie'directed against thd 1-B_ oj�- Ec,i OF.�,,
I huAds inkof aticA.outofHerMajesty,�s
_&ceutioiL all the
TO wit Sh
I lidin Cafr; I
1863: Court, of QLebiii�
ri, e.. it
CUS �,qmp FL HE following Lands are q, fie r ed _fo.r . ��al _. e Oil iono 1611 in in The gikinit t1k la" , s'an I
% rp.0ift kGHTY A 3 IS'11. - T. very A.tbel 6
THE -Lm 30 c
I . L . . . ! advanta, g�obs'terins: at at dis.� �e Gode
D Ii A D .1 T 0 0 RDE R, X,o
6F 0 ell i 0
C irt :,2�thf)ffiil 3 63 -
a cra
7-4 iilfity4fii,� '. 11 �
Lots' 7 8- & 9 J at,t e.suit, it a Shefiff Is
Tuesday 15th, at 10 -A. 31. TENTH :-ONLY Lands.,.
ONE c��j -who. I Sit! 6f
a insoal, Zed
fil ji fill ce 0111X
r O1?:TIfE
12t B A; al( 0�rig I, ill-
Xi�keqj!�. S United Cofinijc4 of) jDiY vikili-e f
't A,W: Maitla C n, E I C;� I I � . 1, X�cu!k -,a nwnt,of -a--
1 u.svid n ant. in a
chain-,- the, Hurtin-And. Bruck. J) 'ditioni"Expairlas,
nd u
-COMM6 teKBA ofthe aid Defei d1N
-day, 17thi alt 10 PUFMIASE.310MY IN CASH AT T119 01F, PURCHISH; Zli F, � - -61A a er
bad allowat MI ed
BSDALEj hints,
a disitince a C'l- TQ,wh acl6k iiiiii An
0 1 T%fa li,.I MajeSiV's Comily C
8 - jh Di CIt eap. 'Apply, to pp site t ic rk AND FlaALANCS ch �el.p.�'Land t0fijf�0f'tjIpVojiAt
T H g, at' It, An
U! may
]ISjou, Court. %Vesn,'a distance briix chains un& twent
Ihn4ij- t j"B: X;�Ahj Soutliefilbourid ,berdcB6ejbW.jls f6ilowat-Corm . neacia liiij�brtafid -to in� directed -Rgathst'libil' "Z;
7- Equa -one Diaks from
M; d.T MERON, All ki , nds'of tho't reas -Sine S'� 16 ce f. sidWrond,betw6en hit I w a pint dilitant one chain, seventy tene ments BititlIril'
d'll", on' P
WALKERTON, ISaturdaY, 19th, 1.0 A
Solicitor, .47. u. inemasteriv Angie of Said Lot, and on� a course�
-interest at 6 Southerr, botindaryi'a disimimof-t Ne c $oXith ihirty.`degr�es West,- thenc& Southihirt�_ 'aid,
&L., Godeii( Wit. RutherforilITY
w I,,Sw- on e ferilin - S. it . It -Ijer,cen e all'tbe,jight,'tifli tereist df�the .8 4,
th 111i v1siou. Court. -
I an -eight and -i quarter in u�d--,
Gad -Wti,J: uary 1,%2. 5 .6 of b0iiining, containing -
tainin a me
a a.. e,
0" plac, egiiinin tinksa theud;'Nofth thirty degr�es E94t; one Ap" an
degrees West' ant! chain Oy lo'Lbi riilnfibeir'Thj��iWL)k*
-,.TueEdf%y,`22hdjat1 A-M;� Acick two Rood. aud'sixt.on,
, l, T( W- iindtin i cessi
FAISLEY R, 6Fthetb ip.� at AUrzieladid
NSHIF] OF MORRI aporp or less.; *hich landa'and-lin is or 5Ir'
-BLE L office in'the, I r . "d a quarter 1inkS5 thence t e e unt ru,
sale at my office in'the, C At -"I 'k 'it Ella,, cnie.16hpui.fifivv�ci"& �e, coiltdinilk'16
VALUk.: A.NDS to ofoo& Y�,
9th jD V11-.1on Court.
n 1 0
st con.; 5,0,acres, a'. ��lk lie 'Nortaltairty; egreez viliPh lan S, and'ielle entsl snail tit
-PT ;Wednesday, ��dat South �.7 a quarter'LlriM, to the place of beginning R
tit the hour Ban -in the -Court ou -in, 0
Cori '100 �6uatainipg_thrc5
M 1
-SOUTHMI bor 93alo South 8 in-Ist! ban.-; 60 acres,, st;Qondession Ily 0 e
3- f L berThirty,Fir, -Tuesdair the 'enty th ay,ofj
JOHM� M mo �i
South Ifin 2d It. 13
Acres, -
By S.T0161,OCK. Dtipntyfilherifr.
21 in 3d c6n.,'.100.acres acres,
-,; k6owIp,-'as -Tark LotsNas.
-60PER, ON, le
,t at the houi of elve
q i&uth L
ifioie'�Ie less
L .,, * -i
29th Jline� 180 - � - - -' i
20 '6f.,H��)�,h�y.'anaCoutit'�:bf,Htiron. and:jita'Y' i� . �6 ,
J.; H. & B. I . . I � I I - Hays Suriey� at the',Vjlhltre�
in 4h cod., 100'�qibs. Sheriff )a office.:.Xioderich,.J, Z'14� 10 and. Iul mane
T OTSI&and20lin De
h 267 North 21 in con 0,0 fteres, dws: cilifitheii6ing Northr By, St. Pod_,Locat, De
'described as'1611
ourts _j s1lip of, Goderichi contanking toget . er i6
Idi'Coilciiiision oftbe'Town
at the,
. he
-el North" erly'Angid ofilial s'did'Lot' tfietice- South Sixty
in Bruce will take
23 in 4 call acres.
I (Is- Acres. The above lotifare,iinuated on the Gra%
22nd Juti I
Ion'tbat has -been ma 'a - thence South
"r notiok of the alte�# �,iield, and abuttinj� bit J,nke Hurou., -AVe hill].
Road to Ba, sjitr.Irr%!sAIM OF LANDS, djiteles,
�d 'And -land of good TOWNSHIP OF->HOIVICK: thirty dejreesjW�it or -ght,and
of the dfiys� �jreaq� Advertised,, afid on iihich Th*-arew�ll Ttiub6 the,
wift be .,qXaliiV." Vqu&trterLihIg:;,
no 6uits but causes y tile of,Tfi�ee"�Ktili Sheriff,!S,saie�,iIlit L
ther;iv�id bt�. a Birds and F rf, oted AnIllialsr -iiacb. United CciundeSaf"
'Huron�and!Brttue;�� Vo3jeri-Tacipsi i�sue
0 Lots 2 3 -and 4 in 15th con.i 1�9,,46m thirty de
d, I" L WIDDER, 1.10 eof.a W&Wfien r
calle-id on, orjt.�e days men last -one chain ty-�e 6arier Lit
ti I one ES ' - . 11 . . . flb� -1 so
a i containnif efie ne ere
q eril oil oft
or Landi mqre,or J�ssl.
In T)WNSH h 0 M a`T`B'racq,' I Ffic?4 issu�q -outt;
"Tuivit- but�61�Her, Majeet lig, C f Y virtu
lithe most Natural po.916911' , - , ;, r I
P, I t �Y: 6(06" fiTheasan d;Cqunty�
ed, 0 rde,. 'Cash pl�ilfbir all kindlof Wall slid rim� I? r OF GRE c
wiili'tlicl� Inklings A a
Certiflo -enter At bfr McINTOSH'S-Li" 1- 6,26 n Ist com,', 10,0.aer which tenenrjeaf�
true bopyi a� Z
t - -Hurctii iind Brucelan
Vb(inities of It Gil -
an 4uron.and'Bruce
recor�, pursuant a at��;y 0 ds and UnitedUOUntleSpi
Statute sintin. afraihisf,tli� Viiinds7a6d of1br r6r`�Bfilb ffice1dthe. Court Hoi]tsei in . *41 a
10aereieuchjrd ThutnasZ,VanEveryaifil, e . wenly-
.*LIZ&RS tin t'� thj on �TueSfl 6 T "tedlagainittheLandsand tenementsof
�d o'th'e
" . , I I � DAN �OTIC nd 35 iq 4� con., 10(4cres each, 6&t,,afthe�suas of The �B 0
Lot. Ip -.
'Hog e" a iui ith day of4uly;ne.�t'at
urqn all
d Bruce. .2 ni n �69 the hour Of TiQviyo
Clerkoftl�_ epee H S.�HLRERY ElliiIAI:clh:�PTI& and.Jith McConnell Ziecitifors 61 the laitW!"
100,�fi L " L r L . I �. 16 " the,clockliw6fi. . . I . -
32.1in'S &0"1, lalieft in', xceutj( ri AlliIiia M�Conbelldeeiasid. we
Oflilitie Ofth -ofthereace, ',,','rqppin�lat_ L M L . . I - I the saiddefendantL In 'a !I Xaj :a MACDONALD - I - , _r . 1- - . �Z - 1� "' . - _ . . .1.1 _ 4
'a. RA at-. )n all,t A
ljj�jjjof iW
�utIilcdl one
daiki two year old,�Mar CEL) L'
__jt0aXL 10 --t- se,ji9fanatakietrin- xcewilt
e pg 1�y-]. 'a
�'and'aybarlii M "il 34 n con,;. 100 acties.eacb. I
1863.. itsy divitlion in this %lowilohip. le L lid 11,
oi G�dericn, -kittli j July, ON TJLF 0 AVEL ROADj E B_ ifid interest cf the'S-id'
t h will R 'AY, OLLO(
ei ast,:, r nor, i I r � � J_ . ", I
0 Orit By Ujjj:L S
qwner'Wrequesied ka.trtliffemllf I efill� reat Wes- ir a beriff.
R �with 0 tain HOW ;ther 06, nd it 41 S P I jhos� cortaiii,parcels or traels
8 Shetifill e�;Iljtufate. in ffill � township- Of VjUrinj"Lifit
T!he I, okheir is eaqueked! to 56'acres., thereon, iljril�le '7, �ton,,j Ina th APriI.;,R&j' �6ounlj�'of lintronj conildining �by adifienifilr&hin C
hirwian thaiibehal a.'r 43 intrl Villa��' or �Safithairiillii
be sold under the provision of- the Tilii"Aip, By- _JTO� N�Hip'o T BE Ry i16(t 'h'Strecti, , (
_�.H.�TEAM WROXMTER,, _WOLIFohr, North Rig wily, fouitsores odle'ri6fil
PA�.jamag" 4,:Ifike the, api-' r, in rctumln�- that -3ilihil ofan acre 617 -Lain
prove PrqP0 pt �belrlij Lots -Nnia� y
A, k.) tyL, Two
rf OR- WOOL -e- Is& Lpt7 Nq, lginq,; it.,
iks to we
J� �la ihe 1�_b".Illlet
:r b ob,BriiX A
an IOL t I e
C se.� WaS. 1,11, She s �Lje '0
Inals away,', T 4 r8 orty.-minet"Ampli
&T TEF ceperi _takc$thISOpPDrtunfiy of ar,
of 'the 'Villftge
I Pound the )wner, rownjllip'� Or "I"geen, in Ift SW Wr't� a' 16ing part of'Origbia In-
OiiAS Bru6c; which Lindsatia teneamidta-1,
6-allvwhilt�;IIS hn� 0 CHART,ES.1 IDDER, s(l., 'Twelve in iliti,Thirriteiiiiih Vbficisil5n`61-111116 'djAtejyad)oIhIIIg_jo and bastolthelic, on, 115
�Q:dpoifhipp1_.* V -Gvdu�iu h' I -WeIRIL Q6li6eAsion;add,L6ts- Nimit,, lev 6 lid, f ar' " -
�ADI""HO OVER." st'a of' Exeter,
18 man I li�n, the public'generally, Y
31,.Con. 6, NVaivandsh. KI149� W allociS aCCOAXIII( Shall, iliffii�r, ountitok 11 1 Lot annobir;fth 6
r _ . I 'TH e Fadi"1ASaed'4ii"t
of.the faiet that Lis house no -
y t1he triborrifei -aloreWd d
tily Sth, 6 ourt., finst, concessibm of
�Gqlftri dation iltfjri�r to� H majestyls"Coalint.
& WO61- ractory-ii J .4 8 3 L 2 t/te. Co7otty, and-thcre. at my, office ih,� the U Uurb6'ailA'Bt
. L i . Tarot T6Wpolor 'To Wjt,:, L
Wn3 iieh, on L Tuesday I e tweritk-iiiih (;Oil' 0 ill illptlawiately.adjoinin.'s
trii, e
fore that by a-'proper'-Fittefitiblii to busiriesill, the Unitied Co nties of Huron And.&
Shart of. day ofAugust nexttut the hour -of Tweiii-617the It of nee, -��d'Eig'6f-Andrew:buftt-.':)[LL, xeter,
SIGNMENT" heWill still mcrii the et. patronage hitherto 2 MID it
-;q. to biis NOTIC and1to mediraciedag tene.
Wi " Stirgessi at the,�Smt ofJbhn
ROF AS minst tile Lands; Mid -
be in returning than no'stlige-man,or other k, lation. McConnel Is 'urvey., pl,
�10 I r" I ; � it A. JO
custome OTICE IS REBY'GIVEN that Ja%es' rorted individi Al p
cr� 'beit6wed upon h me -N of itilliarn I
Lei H]M. 1ki6bONA
-T VE 'uh r-1 I r jib. an ., , , . 11 11 ":� ` -' Sheriff number an L d4dd tdeib-
n -6u into the ll�hc,- FOLLOWING -1 FRAPE Wtidematil thfive reizediand taken Ili J xecution bo"I township,,afilivsai&; which�A
Cl, Vpart extcn�0 HE ii(tvi!�ted,jndivid 6ils6'fidle� E
�'fojhlrrf in the h,
ass of 011SITown �ns- iiiatle an ailsignoi tit t at JEAS a tile pill ie N% bether you go -to ky roxeler all the rightititl�tjjjia in't6reSt'of the said defeud- met& I Bfi4II after Jbir sale at my.. 01
blafiullact�ring,h isilless, would, beg,to State that
Spared in fln-
se not in i at
)�i' h BY& POILLOCK,'DepUt Sheriff.
tile undersignedi'for �:ir ni,t,.becu use n t,ouly,is his ]ion C I an n6mberiS . Twenty Eight and
. l "A -911eyiinth POp*si0u'Or the dav the Twenty7fallittli'd
IS h , Court House; iritfie towmi
n (tilfs Beason) , 5erifPioffibe;:Gcde`a
nd expense hag. 'Llee ni red T 'of-Septembet pf
a7fiarCelaSs Order; and buying tbq,�qleffrofilirfcreditu ;I% AllvpArtiesite itors I It t 2 -1 also, by any'rond that tt�av- S
-,,Up eYthilij in' ti 'I "Town, Ili, ot, ipramto 1H6, Gbfint�..of. E ce, h& hourof Twiliti6f,*11it.100ek-� no
in, Its; -wishing�16'librab'under !X� lf�q- II, " 7�7�
or l4iref `�,Ijjvellers, going to, Bel Ire on
9 111 1 . . I I
engaged the servi experienced, workmen, lie Ind 11-Dovs I
LqiidS,aad ibfiIiifiie6ii4`sb:iI1 6ffiir-�Ibr'�ale
Ate ju.oxecnt&�orderalo k�itoh; &c., will f
),so ItIt nano ON
... ........
f fTl be Able eiiit�.h In jr6yel road, About a
Ph-, Micitor, Tili
% 'i4SL�ln�g, in all its v61- '�IifW?T0RAAN K'HAYS. 1, . , I .., -4 SALE OF, LA at'mi;offio'6�,iatlieco�iilto�se;,,i6 the Towri v
leS,-*aIl1 . re, ' 'a -ti�s,-indebtM,t�irs�aid:Jaifi�s� Mciss.irt� W eter; and "Oribli (ifitA,tiesilaf,ibe�
at nfh* 561 afid,all pir vond the finiz hoa!d painting t�, ro?i , S
p a, Reasonable,,.TenA
the !c10
Will' Itiont fliff In. gettla'; 'he'r woolL BqjIcSted1to call tit lhe,aiIove Office and Settle. their nin$xpe, aceorninodation tin, a hearty 2 ck Bii'S.YOLLOCKI DCPUtySh0rZ
% 'xelcome at Any hourof, dilty or night virttie"vf,,-a $Vrjl.��of
"'Aff(A Ind Same' &Y, In. it me to cArrfli6dic'*flb j��biiifitg'WifhVut Our stab- AfTnit�e0djXpoikitties Pt,,L Sbeiifl"s Office; iatiaerich ' I'?
126., 1 ]&�poani:dfid H N, MACE) 0 WA LI w22
at - - noon.
J. S8VGqILLER, toiltmodlo6iAn7th.e county '(cft� Wit,
Huraivand.15ruce 23 June,11863. 5
J. I,& 6TS m 117; 118, 11% i2d, j35 Mfil"' the 'of
"flillini.- 1� I �' 11 1 � j- ' .4� risip of.,Riversdalcl�,in the U
Assignee hot w -of Ahe 9 1- TorWit: t ff*jj� B.,
. g: Villa - and -two wrilia rierilFa�iiii;
Will 'bii'�aid e, illa main issued onj of Hej, djestyls,,-Countffoltirt of"thiii Is
if er nd By,
hig�cisi�.4kej. lIrice bf Bruc&j.. Thj$�L ge, is" situnteti on the 4
A 1. Bol�
see R . �71
ih�, _F - road llcMeel ruce, a
ty oi good,"claar, W,661i"ifte --jRet6iah��4 i lunclird'ine and t'Wslk Will tile United CountieS of Huron and 5
��-Clotfi-".O, ton,. N ew,
provid in- Sulailler his fishing County _BFuCc, �j directed inst jite-Laifids,and emen.
a 0
firomb S HERI F F! S SA 1,Z OF, 1L' AM 8 -L 36hXLapai, it tbiiiiiiiit,bf illia ft�Facias issued outpl�.Rer
. I , I l6t_-Number 46, side o, Mechanic,;
-THOKA9:10GAN; -., - _ 11 1 .1, , r. -_ " ' - L_,. . I L S
L . h ft1r.n and jmie,eq . I 4,;ourt
V; We ve 'Cot D!y of
it Of'
United countipsfor: A t� TU9 a LAND S,.' Ad: �zl
CHARLES DAYS' A it T.wn of Kinba,dille, and Lvt,34',17 F Rance and tilitielfl- nee, a To
P Ki
V 'cpriet�
-10 alla - iii, -the �Liotjsau,A 'teieniefit $1-tif
it, 6 : — , -1 -:11.1c�Xorla�,11recti
west'Blue It er�� A
'bull a
ty,ol.'Bruce;., fait, tjIs
�to"N0 suetf, out -of, Her Majesty's me directed kmst,
n at KinCardjne� C 61s Nuinbeft'�,,;
God4r,ch. Mills, Sth Mar,.1l
'4�;119,1 -52 anif53,in the tillage �01��Afive
and taken in'Exeetittidn" ,
-LANJ)Z. and:
Tl.,tuc of twdWrils
-E OF H North ofth6 Dur' :In thelftelindlooncesm 4 A d out,
_U otli� pmberi3,4; 5i odIthe, stal
lid, , -B%ri�Faqiasl� -Zxecuition-alvithei
I I b I t1i rl'thla-, cob nty'�fdl tri.11dir M�jesty,,,j Qaunty, 'fif&djo4�jR.
he Village of Kineardine,
of �a
W nd
ell, Wlth'jlie�l�,uildiu,
fi tt?n, It, -led �ngainst. the Lands-afid tine 'fisbip
y- DR. it 6
uarter,6f an' drid-acires�6fiLandij --blunilkir Fall e
170firli'.01 Ahp;j, nited['��ouhties-ot kkurolpandBrucclq Lot
' zs there6n,
acre,of nd ca e -�T v ane:, free the JOCV
6NNImid and
out o(Her Kaie*tyls County. tile Diirhantltoad�'and lot j,�6t�'2(jXnfiQj'j7wenty- our it the
To *it Alio LQ , liandS-1,1
I ' 6E. 8,;k�ttiimMcDqimkIaud �M'illi&Ouriels, 'with-lihe 11iiiiiiiii3gs.thereon-4rected:, Whi6lsp.
t e rth fthe-Durnam Road, ,. mcilt&( -, I L I - __ I--. - -
%bf Water - iind to, me- dk-� .0. 0 �al Rull6jtj call. slaill
00 dep in tliti, third cbpcI*IC;,�qQilTt�W
Idouri, Of the Coul I 1 25 fahzi.sbilA4 wiiiiaiii�"Biid"iTidiaiiief�.J;irii&i6ie mlifits I's offier forsa waILV,?,. on
ill" ap& andAent To, contaluill ay(ljj#Ex$iSultiolX, heiigyfl� an a, the r(iiiii,
wash p of Kincardatel 9 50' acres - taininginte, uhdied.*iiLi&�%)fjand,:ni6�etbril��-1- Oj� 0
Block, lave whi'cfi lav& and tenements 1: shall. offer filir AW
pb -itle,aniiinte t,T�ikSAaid!qe!SqAn!j,;!� an�0�4
ySie. t
tlio,j IIt,, U16 --I rect in InVadit-e in'tiviT6-6t HWsgj�i_fiZ(cT6*i Gd it rlmnt�� 1A7,enIyzejgat ana 1.7.ern; e ve ofthe cloc4j Itclott
n:hxecql1&.j@I, "Ah I an �ixon,Westsideo,iZue li� p
X el
y rol�
ng efillti,cone
66iii. : . in t e elev 'of, I ru�5, colitaln'2
ofLq,fiumber. tirtet F ticulans apply -rwej, 6,9 M
e I lie i _OWP VAday,`bf..AuFus! of- the, towns I
t� Mleiidanrj,1n.;ao Ship: s", Kincardine.. T at
said, n, jn�.tho,Fotirt- of,13 !Ind County_; ruq.o,��, q )ill onei
to 0, OX
-10andsan i
NVawliIIOl`H]I B;6r6ittich; ifitirre or kt,�_
Melt La
I teenth concessiorug. IRA: LEW beadjed
ITIV I L Oort� ,
jV1Z.e.1ht"h"e --1-1- whie
FA Brant, in th!4�cqqntv B
Y�q�h half T v.e,,Qi,xn
fille township:ot, -K
q, AC IP UQA,�,
iii th&cdunt��'�If Harbri, excepting fhereQut ments Tshalfoffi; i .
A (Ifffin ",
dcrich,, �11, ji;�pst*ff,, H�',jj, rmin=k '011c, pr'sale at riv, offidt in't
'arcofLOtmanber-1, the town,of U.Qd a the.
In SIX Court, Bp -I e-
atr the hour- oll� wn ;,m r6irfi ofGode
, ! " ., d6y'tWT*eJiit'V,`Y0h-aAy of, Sep t
ter I -part at 13in 14.concestonj 4Jffice;'G&1erichjjj:'
236 bdi�da!it�� 3;,con, Sheriff?s Olffice vph),
on otiJ2 Tw'�nty-,
#einber�n tI
fthe c ocI,,i',iooA-., IOY
�Lbf";iPjfi i�knb*,eaeh i-ccre, sold)res�,- ftheclook, no
MaY4,7th, 863. 15
iijinjidderendant, It S'SAZE
Pective f, y e cure. fdlse:a� of the DONAL D
ngh.Mil er,. J.oh%i �Iti of'
I b t4elibavi- to Hanm
s r & 13. i OTICE-IS HEREBYGIVEN that I.
I �j , - . - - , eri B.
le at e! 0115(� a".
iuh;� a 'lleft
YL OLL _1�:,
the toWn'Of Sherifl'lsbiWbc;�dk-i ridtiesti ia,� d6is�ialtectiotfs, apitation�: I. �r�I.7 uud`]�ruce,, -FieiiI"Facift _Wd
a iall offer for sa Y. , _ . ., jff. _VI�11. �'_. - Il I - , f��!ze,, t e,, IRIFFI&A, OW-1AND.1 Unitedl�0untiiOl i
': D' III B &s: of account 6t-,
Pat ;
'IF tipiece'and John M-L'R�id VLACH, Sh-:4 H K!
cement, I B lid N olBy�yirlfj
Oc Sim I B S
.X .- . . . L r,f,. Z� n I . . , -1. 1-,
offi — ' ' - ' ' M I to wit out%,
i� 13 'a
e9i#1 as ivenesS,
_Court OfLIhb IT:d OUD I
under.�; an,lexecu
tbe�.Bo t72-1
'ertqh� on Til6sdalyL: -embe'r Ioffila�.i `1 wels, lgiclk agains s i .863 f County, lied.
the Third d qf-N o,6 T� a this'.Wwfi
'SUP� of
w_- ol�thiclvckj'noon,
nei e'aliftelie.1
5ile Jaundice, d6id All 6ther-cases .J�B`17-enWfauias Lqsued�',ptd
thia'suit "of J
Itw ere an openi g g ME'DF-M-AND -BOi'at Ibe)smVqTW
U CA "Bk -of Wjllinji�
B. 1 _q
jlnd,Brucc�andlo me AireciW
OHM Af A.CDON" D y'slz: fs'.felludre.1 Gito. Jessup., L All"I ere q Huron. and T,� ofor eril aje
parlics are I; ere _Lrs,� 4
'itliit ivith-anyiitberthantj�er' ,,,ATo*it-. I St
,h tiiine&,Ii�,ainst Be _eImledylitintifeBof
fr; ' , _ _I,#_ .,_ _ A cr d
eg 'r
aitdtS�rne, iMgi�,� '14 'thelItLi hi6rittiflWitLiamlifeC000b
-B Y -S. POT;LOCK, DeFilty pip :.1olIfFf IXIad eF
-vl ge tor,WiIIis.and_-,GeOrg
A"O'l u jo, �i 'ihiiasi will mid:
rjer, tit
4 it ro
ajemy- x; urt ti� Ue- P&ut 1X,;"m1gA' Hur-on--difid-i ru� In"
_F_ ed I heir bottis for amount h f -i fill v �
t _a
ments, of, Ueorgtivrea seized itha n7
wn §'_-,;NQ.KER'GU,RY of. their fieedjliat_§I�
fliriceff�f& tit. my hands, will� Deflor S ,Hill
be'held respdEgibl4T6r severAl mount MZL
certain, -eel ortract'ol-�R_
Men, �-P '911 aii" in in
title interest of, the Cijljrt.� aftbe I United Cdhitties�,_�I'gq pa; a
F� 4 ijf&U u�, led agalp in ie
mei OR AM Y 0 S RUG., thi righil
70'C I " 7 1
into U-itielsan
Bruce afiff.tomealree - at'L tbe� contamang, W1
I imilementsi-lBr I wa -McC be'
jOHY MA in tile V I, a d ken in 66
A age ak_j'!rft %,cvotmells,;� r%e
M( ta
irit - 'in
T CLAS& ff PALAWLE,.�':.,
joiiiiii -ta�7ati3ie6t,-,dT-
keri �or eflildig Sheriff"izi Offlce,� Uoder� , 'b tin
it Mwpll answer I i e C i"L' oncessio" zin:the-
r Of an.L r Oil
TORN; DAV� d_ Ij , at4� to.�n AtU - re, nergy '20th A ar' (I LSr
�ey, Ing f 'ot?i r,Nvent"14
-a help -ivin";'e' 8
-1 0' containing Ofic. quart acrel.,nalor6-drT aDove;nawwt!�,and 'to Lot Nuinbe' __ a rto,
of P
dM'! It Ito
-the sprit,
f he Itl ""t A to the Stomach, AlsolLot�,No;xhi, 1�_ W0411ty, of��Bruc( Aid tolitashij) 01"UMP
1p, �V= first'.634" on �Iifihc.
ccor., & Village, cd"Bl�ffie; �-.,ibfitaini a" ieii 911!Fjor�0*1
'fjdq wliich,lands and Aene-' whiCILL and$ teneu,,f.110
oil am on In e 9,4, -to -the taste, 11 re
. .. ... .:on �r,, xery�pleaSdfit, - rd -lefif,fity, -tie.0 it. -,Ili -the'(3 'th
ni, It This . - % `9
0 Surv�yjfi,theLSAX
me 16th. Medicine �bln TWO,,,COLTS LOST. ork,,716�tth�of aw
- L I_ ,gl ' i�, rj, meein dil, iny.Iomee, vu,",
'Whic dn 8 A e
wcb4� '. pol - wilit tlioS
build he ilt" elp�ali6,wllo mfpffid�,?n .4 'R R.
fits I qbb ' , ' , anditencireintaIksbAll, , f4!L
must become vcq d efAebl 0111,Tllesdlil Alle, Tii ay Ihe,Tiiiibl�P
v, -.`.nufie.Gouri:House,� -6-W *nWftEftisedu�,Ctist xp'al a r;ofi Barrel— itit, thejawn of.Goilleficligicin t Y. Goilerictf, 'on IV
I hall 61her,loti'Sale atjay office U plif*nd I'
the Court Rouse _W "bur. at,the
V y oot _litefifibertie�Kti at the 1i Se�
in the 'row , it of Cluderichl; qu,-,Tue�,4Krlhe�, havc� 0, 89 tlbmibbr�n a 1:3
fle-On t 0 face and left hind J' Tuesda thj; Eleventh day'of Afigast njitxt� at.the -
ld';; ;both inares. per oil
I& tol awe v '� plockilitooM,
A iidtired,A�� has,mei'� Any lon; hour'o Twelve'6fillidLolocWtilooh."' T�11
F. pp�,, ' el-_"""" aea"of
he erd. as: eeRjOr ,a i '1101
to I. t,' -g
11. 1� B Sh
133, POLLOCK;'DePill3t Z�IICT'
'By qo c teveputy crifli Shcriff's 'Difice
. ...... THOMA6 SSOP, 5; It oL ' I
.,.or wa h.4b6d.ajja�piemljt-pIIyBjc., vribier-will iio�gaitably iewai0e4*.` Sher i4p�
with g at -S6 JbHX��MA DONALD
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