Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-21, Page 18 gwg
M 14 ;
m ',-g
_N I Wr
ere asworthiess'88. a worn-ou Larment?
Mrect or it w! even the son-tif the forestigi-dws wise with,
13m, experience of years, Memory Joija his.
elbow and,the ghosts of betrayedwarri6ra
wom, hi in to isp ion.' g.
-"r_3P. A'. Wlcr)oulzall heitte"Ier-I pled�,6 my solentir word,
that no'hand but mine biblifted. tigainst
-arid then only wheo you shall have Said,
hit i,,31,
7 Nortit Strect, next' door you;
cc on L
'I &lit ready.. strike Is it enoughi O'waiy,
or ccorRev.:1Ar.,Erwobd.' 100
oil of,Alabamori' '
re should I -you I -What'
pleasure will youthave in my ea I i or -%ibat
-And w1lerefo 'd
1J -y
Ir shall 1,-bave in vo�rs?' Another' drop -
E �-S be added-toiber great�ocean of-mvis-
L itructi, C. NV.,,, .1 3-,40- IV.
RUGERL�:A-D only
U' OYANID �B- 1, En
AND w,
-SI. -0.! A-lew-triore atoms of dust will return
In I ive
ist. -What,will this in
TRGl-,',0NT &c.. (.Late
-Y C. TA L
P, 11 S_r
ter? Whi) will'be Settlir off� Who wl
7 WIT. 1?Topki$or. Thei Gr6atild Po§sibf6 Good to ffie�Greate t P s in� step ligliter?-. Who w,
X, k(ji�or. aillia' s os. ible dr.
hir6the easier or
feei h It the, wi
itiore room (I
eIth 9,
a L
'Ira 1,eN%-xK.
*Thereis a rolp of�eiernaltriah:* b
a at.vom,
1863 VOL" L -i lrav�ejiistsaidj' the boiderer gnsiveree, ifi-ii.
County .1 ae A,qt tle 'red nirirr%,�
1i taw;. An' torte mrich milder.
Art,, e
er�wr, rn v,Godt�ieh.�,R�nadaXV� lilts a boull, capable 'of thoucht: bat metbinks-"
-[on, vi4n4o 77=7!!7
�,n Colfrt I l;e _C A.. I=t 'Ilia 11101-81S aje.dra'A;rn at'a 8'�tal;g6 InUalient - I
bor d
�had- to molye t ie stern heart of the wal-
d, ior
I I �11. lit of the morali6i., 4
MEW,;. SOLICITORS, -A il )`oa chair-' d
T.TLOR- 1PIM wIlhite trial e ',in
a me
7. BO
Tl' R"auncli THE -CHILDREY tire Greatt:
11 ner�,,Vc.; Goderich,.G. "r. t, 5. r
jou�go to,. angem Co.
-7 0. F T
TZE H'PROVWNCIAL_:� spifit mal,
es t
o -he
f t
loind.? Your', taunt briftgr� hirik -the:warnoT
rpHANKFUL TO E -FRIE' Ou sciew;
Offices, -L theL S I I - . r .. . I - . I. -
H It ;Ds r net.
TI e a mall
D UGS U QS I �kot Tia J A . TALE OF KENT!It�V� vifhout a ault 15o he
7 DR, ll -h it�_ T. �;Jor of file SHIl"change. tile
B ;iorc or ssura iny
A'" Cal
-blood of, the clierokee H6 did but'lest vour.
j.�V:4ktlor Son dodcricb�, .117 X their- past liberal support rLdd`tak& this
Queen Streef. CHARTE R XIIII.
nature e_oflbr,� of a natural thoug
roet I A. - cirtiffic.,- 7 raliv� thrit,�fie.liaSrresuiaed:tlre LOCKW0OP�oXTliEJRAII`,.
atid n6oLrprated ��hich visits at'seasous
pl� ik-ing,,, Bisliess. _bo�aom Lta the Xasiex of Ei& givdome-
mea mo.
'rdi opportialitv it) inform rt.eui andl le' public gone
S.SI ,Kin tdbi�. A. D. 1825, milift -M C (Co Miu6d.).
�y�ind, Dress
another half hour of eXis�tcrlCib-' and, I will
c Notaies Pubac,i Sie., Wc3t Stree IN ALL I Is BILANCIIES.�- ..oil tile airi., powero lnvwmi
GODERICH EVERK wibet�yo�,breast to, breast and- stre�gth;
ARRISTERS." ATTOM GALPIT L All, 0*0 0 -slid Friday 61Ftoings P .411 ti-eir-th. You shall feel tl f'
or sup- ouL
Gode, XT .00. -lid le
C>.'3L t was Ildw twilip-lit. reparatip,
h. - vill of tlie. Train itorn: Buffalo, br..Bay. Cify arid sqtUrwi-he Aklbo, c)�
4 (So Straw,ponnets,and Ha'ts Cleaned an&Alter �: -1 1 .1
e ol 8, H, ,, ed: East Siiginay. it �iiing fb'rward, but,, II& 'tile), f
o R yn 1 . , % per had bee I,
INVESTED INTANADA' $40'6'0001 inthe'latibsifashiiin: Also-Fblt ats'dean- 1, spej&d.. Nibveifail put hispji�to the
were so _7*
SOLICITOR IN led- and altered to look'as,g ld,rotiovl6s5.�� ome
]EX'.ELI 1'. - . I oQ as new. _g�odud and remaitiL i� I _'
43 EL. ANAI ul �. CHAPTER. -XV.
�kiiiib,bvilcr� . Leave East; Sajinaw� :oil �Ionday -and time 5 while Nolan core'uIly drew -t' d'brands
A szo Officel Market $quite; ftsnUEN(IF.—Victoria St., opposite t1w Planing
8"Pner�o4k`ili oil Str'"t, G.6derich. j9:42 MilVi arid next door to the M T�ursdav afternoons, and arrive in Goderich'irlL arid fa,rots froro the hi -e, that had- Jbi,'wn kin- A C
MONTREAL, -AMES 'i�Xlor rU,6,
g5t PLACE blA
"I'lie. sduu6 they
Train'forBuff1plo. died for Cool T
N, B.—Two' Appl�oritide; Wanted. )ly im t1lifelor iing purposes;
Apr railseei turnedt ie'ce
nde tow�rd th� &,ot.
ForFroicht,ir' asSagq, (having stiyerior nc
nwdiately. -e in r
P led hcard w�ci . the (it rection, b
19PENSING GHEM MOOT God ;w5l-31n coinmbdad�)ns),,apply to,�uflnlo L. i. R. Co., , L I Wil". , �it, LLoC�.wo L lie wbere the boMerer was standiii-',�-`ifleupecf
TERS, XTTORNEYS-AT.LAW; 0 crich, 27th Feb.��D563., d od',',u]1vaiic`�&jU they loyrlrd' I r,U �I-
nARRTS, 'oderich �or all e ingry strokes 'of the
&c� Ofi TN TENDING. Assurers xtre,rct,pectfully request Ut'G hitn' nderth g .
rospectus. stealt iy ma He reaclied 'the. h
I.J..'Notarig. C' rli�e Mc� malerirr,andimporteroit . pe . rul&L 'Clicrokee. 4he'hero-spi-it:%v:ismi tv,wit Ili
oavtvancers I uner described
bank,, crouchedL low, arr, ithe
whereft r,t vvil f6undlibut every advantage', ML ton— the redds�, arid;
JL 'ed -to t this Company's . P 1 .1 L �R &
sw70 ast $agillaW, Proprieto
Consistent with security; I ffer strained his eyes up t e stream.,:1
-- — ----- ---- - --- E Tire fib't paddle 4,eut aud 7 wi
so ed
his stern gr`a
e rates of PremiUrrs; cliarged ire ow, while
dark objetit was visible, whicb,r rapidly, tire
X Y' -.%.T-L W SOLICITOR IN nuses declared, will ben r comparison with tire I iborilere'r, awaited Iiiiii ��lilrulv.
ATTORi, E� In., ricar, proved toLbe.a canori,.' ' �i,fi5are',waS
"ited by: ady of the ther'leaIi
JE*ttir Uooth, &lid Wall, 33ruslitek!.1 L. I .. . b L , , ; r I 'light c
tXL Chaucer%-. Notary P;l1blic.. Cofiv�tv�ncer, th", Frd,4ts allo GLODERICH"' vessel toachedtheL bank. The. ludiatir sprang
- / ill(! lhft oil'
Caunda_-We, offices.. - seated the Sf6JtU,L . Urging
P. , out ailddf,e�v it after Ili,
Sircet, third door'froni the, artienfinr attention is also dlre�itxl-to aA'e4uiI -d by reveated' sti7okcs. Be o6�[-ved it i, .],t'
-AL.vTs, Oil.',', 60LORS, VYEATUFP�S, will�be safe ibere--�shou VOU =.�aj ti�.�r
"hition adopted, by this Couloany,:,as- tot' let y yet?swiflly
S�'lc of WL 71 able, tt�gu 'T -e�t as'lt glided Aui I
LEATHE MANUFA'U _,O�R'Y:, with inlet
surrithitler. value of relinquished Policies. h � sinootil arid,. gh�sy surf�I:4. :�jli kept sa�. 1ockwpod, 6-nificaritiv.
iation, can be up, lit e �Dbliotboust. e� aster.O&L
T 1 CARDEN SEEDS.'&C. &C.." once W lie I
to AND lore, a circurps ance -es you.
i -ho will Jell. I know
-1 -N ES S
r O,RSE I CA.TTLE11EDICI 'e I I L cl.,se to the opliosife,:Isl ti i ZloudAy, .4h: 1,
'.kT-L'XfV� �O . LICi ed I unders Lock�yuod re,rretied. As irarj�;e:feel_ Lifdonlyh
rs] -Line
basr�n ha
un(W nd a. iII,;,c, ; upon him 5 , that it e,�*u if active
OR-, fl.-Pcpl"� th
A"TchatoocivyN reference to lHeadiz Office.., Leitthbr,&Fm4dba` $t6ke ,Tlip I- h xhod,dirs. I know , �hy my life unith
iniserilble. I knoxv it �e 1. Nushkal. 1 k
iist,st.:- Onder.-fron allyatt'andeko, to is eyes. ,
R. B� REYNOLDS foTo� seeo�edfamilimr' b He c�ould
i m�lhcal men pun�to
Goderich, C. iidel 6f E e �0-3rn t gS
-s * vr!�,129 trq �rw III ocal �flie re&blobd't' .i tac:e..-
w 16 r-, ir.Dgrkliotel- - , , Agent -Godeiieb. ASSJORTME'NT no -�`h' Trg'ilse6i.,J IV4&a . o V.
fe o m I:$ ]PrMrIptlonS CarclUlly dol_ Tile' memory - f the white'girl
z ' "`c _ , I LAROE sociate it � jt I shou
P all .1s. upon you.
I�B y w -pose'! i1is course,was cer- o
se as his present put
-Sfiade GI -6' p �a_ A -by Think ofher - think -of ber well -. it tuay be
h FIREL last iiL
tainly toi�ard LFort Waldron, arid 'a�9�4ted'
00, IMS tb ine L d
-6.. -GODE- CE, e she will- well in your imagine.
�A TTo.RNZY, the current he could lr�adh ii 1)ef6re oftri-niuIrl tion.
Upstairs %)ralsonls He ha'l I Ibel the blood:,ofiny Tethers.
SL il-such was� his wish.,
�lL F. is of, Gore District Mutual Pit e I ittairance corn�fiy; eddil ��H D 0,0 ) ',I . . - L
wit rill -n ydv-
WA Ilt Door Iwest AS RS A,sfroug sl�irit is, stirring
eirtrianic; "d`CdtSsS" Tlrc�birchefi iessel was s000'oppo§ife. The s e vou
LIGHT t LIGHTI LIGHT PrRenix In%unmce.,To'mPauy, Harrill d'; C.p;t.I,, trees k -time to '.'ging, you cut
I wil I giv to r ' 6 '.1
song,- Bud _to* look a"fardwell the ilgii
hatiging,'over th,� - water.- -t
7 river ivas,iot %vid6 aiAbat sp6t,'b�ai/&
firlIvincial ffisamuce Compamy. of Cana i C"allit 11 e �hiidc[16.
D mqou!'
S AN. mar,;in of'shodow f�r oxtv toward: th
-iYouder-farther dowfl.the riverl". said Ilia
arv-.P -OH
7.itor in Chitricerv.- Not ub.. Roe &EOAL�
" I . . ./' -, L
Ax`,5EE, Eve yLtliin requiredin4he Building Line "8,,,9 a dow,b4flibl], aneasurl. p
d Ft Mks taXen.l.l. the molit favorable bo�-derer;' -and, tbCo added, riling back- to
;Ije_ OFFics-ia, Crabb..s New�BIZak, Goaerle�j 'tutiob of tbe-borderer,-*ho hoped. to-Tuji
lernisu,�Ihic .1laxt, ofli-A.
'Offe-,market square. matter otKis'identity
$q'' !E'dn�g. FJU4 3�*p P4 T.,&J; SEMMILUR. the spot';�Jlel'e lie had left.his yoftip
beyond doubti.
,,HORACE HOR I :, I illy friends are there. We 11 giq,beyoud,
'-For Sale b, (Jitlderi�.IIAOIhA 'L Dril.1861. -O.YT Havin,, greatly enlarged the facilities' could command it nearer, vie . w` their it
F JORDAN. -.ufactUry, now keell.conbtatitIv,�n hand anjildian 'guide an ro eilb �A�
7' n canoei It
Jan. 17; IR159. e w a ti t r
1 -will- lead. the w w.- I ?ear"noi a.
sure- ut e w
.3 ilo
SEAS0NED\.` LUMBE , R, Y, 'lie- lvai ild
�PCRCHITECT9� The Fire ajid:,L: e - is e t a it was
Build- bl w ft�om'behlnd,' Said'!
t sl)rle- sneer,
C is or- er b
er quot A e
p 6f 'd :miseries. WaB �onscioas: of an'Llji,te�se -Tiailse'
-ATIONS of ill litied t ll� i ion it as i 5's
in d Z&E� c KERI
PLA� t up in a -Reat and'cor
I (F . S T 0 C. K picion brow,lit 11 1
the Ilion All
Chief 011ie 1�
etion ltlart� King ver afi�id,'
e- ver ool. was 'ite
trect . .. Goderich.' every mription Including wbi Cheiokee -"and not to be " odtdorfiI ri�oi
'000 sterifirt minimity. waved Lockwood bee an
Denae In CalitAl 93L,000i Ibli-DAIN PbSTS s .... Own to himsel
V jiVXBALL I . - _9
U %
ed fr lio,his self-respect. e, at na ceded him ivithout appareut doilibi,'u'r Juir
MLLMRY. C A�N,�U) A.- 13 K A N C 1-1. 6 ali md lei P :t �J
ALL I[MS OF 'TEW A-TH, FLOORING move down.ih'"tream, wit the (I t at
I - Si%rn-e, race of:,lie'lugsl' cxdfaimled the�
ftle on
Fol, S 6 bet
the light "dshade w 1. , I F I
-bbrdereri` - 'Sing6la.
Cilaiimen--rWit., Mol.soN, 'ESQ. (President view- �'bat the hist lit rQ uce ta.�
:, , _ , Aii)YALL OTHER
3 TP L '7' 'S 'a of,the-ree s t re c e I e re y, Sold h- barbarity.'
Dr,"Fus'lN.. Moll4onls Bank.)
is lh� different races
DAVID TORRANCE, Esq., G' DO RD ready ear of the Indian. e rr�i e I 'The wave. of ell or(,-,
�Floa Salt-, Pork,WhiSkI(,roAI,Umb'r*�, Ti6XAS.KAY, Esq. PLANIN WE To 0 MR.
H 'ny-TiromAs, Esq.�, be', tfiifferent. I1611uA,tbe.voiceofmyiiatui-eiand
I�N ; . . L _ '' ".1 ulem in t e, iliter.1
orapprovittl credit.' IntheAeniherlmdFiridirip laddle held inotio 'face Tollowt
he voice ofhis.' T
o the-
Efli�cted at.Low Rates. Swre'they Keep, together with the'ab&vi articles'' ` Wli. E. GRACE, borderer wisely. re
,K0. RUMBALL /Ipsu in . aloe S, ent. swa .� the pale
Proprictor� ing ofa bush' or -,the veilesit ration IiCa w1i Ile man I w L asgiven the love, 6f�&old, and- to-
-TH.*.. B �VA Cith oWrr�Mallllfi[Clilie, a large and we ; 11 stil�ct h A pril 2StIr, 4w67*13 twi;, wo red flili love oftcrer et the'-firBt1gb'backL
ed stock o IS6 its. L
Agents. Gl*rl(m
old have, betrayed, the presence of
r Goderiell..C. W.. July 7 1862. LIU Pdlent. Ca -nbes 1 of the er tire iiig �vater,,whcre gold istoinedi,aiicl
ff.Skiits, -Mo C�'o, g t(
Co some living tiring I ibli'acute 'Be
LIAM - ' I -th of his,
I L 111V ov
rro�fn,Godt, EnairzellidCoui� so itary voyager.
S.ezl,C , I' , . ., leavethelatler,to, e quiet enjoyment
VERY -PESGRIPTrON OF REPAIR— L . . � 0, tbeLi , Lfoiests.' � 1. , . � " ' L *if7 ' ,
Patetif Splits, e,
essel glided ggiently:.on with no P
b6Of ' to th
E . iNGdone 'and warranteL Jewelleiv made British Imirlea 4ni�riuM Coo 77777777 . 7 Tire v uig�Still iiialiror 'That edrinot'be. Thiajandi&laffe
WedId -6 Con'L 1 11 : . ,I . Add -)tber Leathers, besides; a large -supp 7 'o US it had r6c�ivcdi .8
A DI:N, G and G.CneralL'Agents, 25 St 16 order ing 11 ings of in� ovvnt�RL It. - "
Oflice� ��
lband;,al lheo.d standl,"iesit.doorto otbe� shor in obedience to' a-, slig,w.16otidb Tace$.,
LININClAN SINDINC i-kiNfl. uEG-4 RED STORE Jdthe paddl I e from the wit . ry fidian. I oc � f"Tia-false. Clciudyshyl: There
-ents L ft$� sale, stantly &pr for both
Fot It Ia. stieet;,,Nrtnttreal� Af
Butter, Pork, and Genc�' 19 G ''L 'k
C, 1Wbeat, Rour, the Sz'lltRotfice. 000 /1 -HEY. HAVE AL'
r0roceries, him thrdii�h`the yet a country -h for botbtbei�&
-xriLProduce.-,7Ais;6 for the Purchasell P.Pit4ai 0 ot ad
�Cern 'tC
- G, - - 1 "4 - ood thrust his.,rifle before wi e enou
qrockery and -g
Hardwarc�,, /Xac W 36 XAtket. :Sql reeds, srid'raisin,, his head Sighted 4ting the'
-crimpin in . W at country o
ugre, . .
on LISI sw29 4 ly: JtT. a4d �Boto; was
made barrel. �At that m6medt h _ is. purpose
c_k& exist, fibi can it be found. beneath Ile suit,
............ I - naur I shoes E I fie cted at Low Rate - ing p ,
OIL JVails.�� deadly and would
Zhu-. and Ir have proyed fiatela6UNtless retorted TritilSeii, eiieigetieill��,
Oiibvery;de:qcriptiot b6d, t6d This i's no-timll to com at a prejudice- so,
AL Et P 71 1 &.1 gether with ��to the tiocturnal'voyager, lied -It- not
aj of to
Wft _K Q� :_ - : .1 1 �, ? - , r t1b..t . '� r �,
VANEVERY & RUMB,, 4 16i Lo
dark fbr ad6urate�hhni The cle criihSioned deeply seated, in the u4nda of your p6op le,
H6&KEr, I . . t - gave
HE- ]3L 'Gtiderich. C. W,.4uly 7, 1862., n24 by a vain endeavor'to over, his Sliject Here is the�glade I spolld of�!
Led ;on -an -1 KH 0 L�l l< opp6itui The Cher,
most pleasantlVL si(Ua 003K43,1N-DINQ`.L IT, A RTICLESr" V, i'ity foi refle�jioli.L He:begerl1:to,fear
above overlooking tile Harbor,' :)kee paused and ca . st a� searchiag
12fleet. high, la,
iheir sior
Rqnefie,i - - liatiibe was e:.psit of la4�
crattlence CC I - dio�i tb l6ok'aiound:
grira Little 11dron Gardens� and.. t,on the 21farket 3 res
d Orchards, The whites, were at war with tfiB .1iodiare it, "Tis a fitiia,� plsitid,' be _,O
fi^ ING made, errangemenT pectrultv "requested before llrirebfl�ej
Raral Walks �tiacb�5. Board $1-pleiday; single 8 with- Mr. D.� INSURANCE me L tie Said.'
d M h. a
s; vl5ulOvly MeGREGOR, Book -binder 211 anufae- �elsewhere. wai.t�ue;� but did that fact,jus-ity imiw side aretbe fore ts-that delight �)iiay,'eye�, - fill
(wh6 ba$ lately - returned trp� I ESTERN A�917RXLNCr C i Mavp. 1 861: the other -the kliding
iiiing Stationer
lyin� iniumbush, and s��ying one,'i wh6
of Binding'and- BritiShAmeriCaLAsitiraitce Co ne
�ersonall harm.
11bilad, his with a Jarge ldo& o Cloudy-
'v;l I ed'. y no
I 'L am prepared to Furnish blank- �.Marine,,Firc and Lit -cs kno ge h4d hmlt�dLjllere i� I baver fisbed yondei.
ip rial);L Offices;f6rCnt6. a rapt him
]BRIT iMCHANGIE, Ifier ara believe , it was -kra'own to y,)u'hQw -tbeJ-hdi';LU
Books ofali kinds. SIZe andLidVlell with'and with. efleoted on favorable tLrtnb bL L jQH.NHALl4xJr. 4fi a's he d rai Iseer; rhe hadt on sky4t canat t�be
E' aper W 8.�Xo business 'can attended: to'during 'loves-hiSL cowltry. His hunting groun s,,�me- f'i
-himsef- ffieudly,. to. d
m: c> RM N! 311 otitPrInted'ffe#din at. en per 7con c.he a certain timei showerit
I - I $, L . -
.�r( ' 5 Ill ofattendande at, G raaaulne�Sebool� siblibie Billy LWhiteIL__ �Shouldllerepityliiim by White
It' 'T 3ritoprices., houi
Iffolik SquAre, All kinds ofBinding-w J.V -
no I L Q., I his'eyes.
�t giving satisiraction will Go6ricli, Noyt.' ell I 'Ic -17,
a, ibullet through, hiii bodjj�. The willbreak When.he ls'dri4n !awz�y.' _,Ab_re,-
Ile repaired free ofellarge.
5 R!T'lSo JxSURANCE COMPANY ri e t graVeii W I
1i B -frorn hiii-grasp.; he4elt,powerless to, 'veres the here repose n pea6�fiir
'TL H Nowni ell
']),,RAUT�' 3��Opri�tOr. sw46iv2] JUHNBL E /,j, 11 _ L. / - I
into -arrang
having entered. hartin abamon.'�And`how_codid �slumbrer the ashes offris fatheis'� T e anc
ION T Where It attot
till E LIVEMPOOL� tl:ta son of Al
4-. 1 F F I Vs U U." N C k G o 'Ufter staiW-, moun a -old, m(ini,have,
IlleTce6tile fnbu'ran,,6(�oarpa,ly ofli6n AOXTEAS
USE lias.-beert re- heJullfil his niission,l 'bat d are',sacred spots. or
7 tS FiRST�QLXSS,HO compapybecaine incorporated with �Iit.l Itai chieftam�
by the letter od of his,daritier sort.' 'other such-land;iiii
`a6d' rendeti.-d Mo .1 -no.
vated l, itig, his'lland8iii the blo ? said thereis -the,.w_or1d_
cently thoroughly mno LSTABLISHED North British. Notice
D fill, is beretby given that
r coniodious west of
c? -tg 's -,bus,7
C�Paol,� The duty which� he had undeftakejoL'.� forbade: fit was aull �s our, own. istuerning, country. �J 04�
42,000,000, S wilrut fulture tralleact
inited Companic a owe.
'lit' er � ic, nalnI 'very blood
-Thionto. and umv&ers andcustomers,maydepend .. . - L.RILt , _ - - ' - 'Voleth Britiali'an
ktLEC AQEN.C,.y �$5,671,7211`.. netS d I' , of tire a tbe. act;, He shr, ok" too,;, inore'a�oii more hire ;iven us life.. 'IV
�.0 e 'most cirrellir[ att�ndance, U. IlTiija7lit'd J143"ra"CeL Cot , Valt?l. el L
ie'ihought of aying one wbo! ilvas'im: ;'iw6ur veinal and we will.give"Lit biacki befortr 4,4
'F -T &T 4INESS WITH lie conscious ofthe presence of a'fbe. If, -is we�,vill leave it,.. Yes, Cloudy4ky,,ithis�eaitb, L
Pon receivi66, ill rJ_ R"d�: N, 0 T N from tl
eveiy:delicacy -and luxury-. which tile in Rod OR HANS VON, OF RU. RrI a
2 AC of r ondon. - - -T0 B TE
N EX -our motberi 11
sallsont affbrd,�- arid at Moderate charg DFPAaTmEr4Ts'
,u Criers a nipst'desirable EM T J
holis NORTH BRITISH'Al 4ERVAN' Lndtwri- will return again 16 ]ter
'ceh,I:gflI Y. situated. this ould iueei this proirirl*savage On Snore nand is' I " �[h.
re, I e q e,
_oeation for 'fi�tvellers end men..of business; and rVUE,under�igned77viiig beeneppointea ""4. Y "S.'' K'I RK' hand, on-rearial. terms,-heshould like� to' boSom, isiber thrill retv'rait 'befo
JL-' - AgellitfOrthe i -able ompany. to -doLUS -robbers.: CfQudyS�y,
�ither pains nor'expedse -B BS: bdie. hiAly resbtib Vi and 1ife Iusurance. C
the Propril;toFwiR_spare lie
G! I We A play
I rGS TO l, that he -wiiih him ille haii�r game�of life suit and axe of the - w Ile
5 eilaphatiCaliy, "AT iilo=., tiorth Fire�ad - N OT NCr
.22 Compapiesilpreperet1to a6ccp
'jkS,Llitmoderitte I cnte�sol,pre In J�CojpoRjkT.V�D'by ATOYAL &HAR s now, 'received his death. : Thi's i'dea.1ledfisd and inflained, his Iseer is' reil!dY�'
tomake his Guest B Ila,
July Ist. IS(32. r'y ium Tzr� -
-to; his,Ieet�
hi I I 'ieL nati�� hreWL'aowa'rbjSliun,, and
get'.' c Wit I ...
A. LA. ROSS 1A,, The Cherokee f
I Standini, ereiiii, .and putting�hiis 1".Rand to lantinll,: himself fifirr
p ily'. before' th� 16rde'rer.,
L TABLI i SHED, 1809.1
i0AL I COA Jt I I �w
Vo C. 'L -I -AS OPENED AN OFFICE, IN QUE-, W, INTEX STOCKI ealled L 6' �th6L Cherokee in dreiv hill knifefrom
r-, his Mouth L he its sheath.
with, ]�J Z2,00, V 11 sell at - ' : I I I . @8 "1 wrill 136t hurr-y'
ere , Pa CAPITAfl-.. 900.�O .7 '. - the, resousiidb�, of
LX orC, for'the.tiwisaction oftlusirress, of �: -. cle . I will give"you,timer
ti" r"iding in Upper Cinadkit.or�ellseiwb hich he wi!� 1% IDT, ar . t6ne.' YOU
v.bice fell ti�anquilly upon tho, 7,qp Bw , e torl
11 G, 175. h
FLR 10 E. ratii�nt;pepiuriikenls. PLUM client -sonar. acc;rdiugAo,�tbir
oVP yotor� death
A:L t I d Called:. �cu4dioua of wiirriors;' - returned
11. 1
`0 Vlc�e-'presid en & same time pie
ellliaw \ 1, . . I I . L . Gr6afly Rodub6d,Matts
k IN .0
A"j, aa�olt e cournatini6itiuna andressed, tt�..Bot' I �0' :or RUBERGul K; T.
��16jVcst Ze,Qu6becI,,*dI�rCdei-Ima` "Trailisse'r-11 ciug his n e_upon the'
Itre., . . TnE�1liOSTI�tIBLE'7111I T Indian ]at dq*h his,yaddle� so ttiqk'� fzroun& and depositing his Oowdjt�'ll
les b t . h 0 MIPS .7
r4w,- d' d an
Oidifrertlltvarlet' attention. Ora- CT
and "DID
mzlzer 1�q :ter PC ins desiroas -EAUL or STAUI
)ffteuring Patents for L
Way. L, 1� 'L _ r
or having clarras ofan� vern.
on oft e Cherokee 1: If.
uiriax any information obtainable at you arib,,n6iavow�:
Sinithillo' Ia ment, or req Ilead-Office : . . L. - h
V. THE. b, __6 1 ' L .6� L be
r EW RUIT'll up �i e it. -
'�Iluffl LIT H6. N
y,kind against the Po PLUMS'ER, es
E�rlilrllhd den
ve atfas. ard, listen a m Iss, 'or.' that'�
64TRINCES STREET There willP be time enoug
their busirre�-thligently. attended to by -a Resident rs�CRE ..,- _, 'L den, 'when your knife lilts elt
-Not Cuirailts;,. Turkey an'd, Other Figs - ie*and.nation.yoti;hef6
rGratesaiwav*S9reeP!4r;i1 A� -the ex NA( LIT
Foilmidry e, Gi I ., . d Layer Ra�ins, wh f,
Stov r 1. ds or other Public Officals may he toment to the white men
th� Crown Lan
Z�Coa'for, ljdh , I Bear dff.o�l siime1h:ia1-
5t.ove$o iiensr and:1666nVeiractice,of 'retieli JlIrtuue�, in' jars; �Or �J. W ho, speaks 9 What
zent, without r
h - Lake; and, Says ying%. bird,.'of the 'a
',Coal, below the W -lit
-an ron
ears of invention takenotit. bh4. ..- I
Nessrs. -- � L ' - �, 1" "L Lanioiii,and- Cit ni tll�.bo]rdere�-
arelious---rica rest t e. be, 6j.��sitc the Wir �Rote - /L _ L, ' -, , p I .
olliCaiii'Buili G b1i a Journey to' Q"" I, strike'lint once: re
5l.teiv.C�upied,by , �. t, I L' ' .1 . . I
(3 W w3O-lvr Canzida,G ke&fs ;�8JS. �I*tii6rlds; lan'd that blow cuts
was this iight arm,, 0
�P, magm me th, so" pf"liamon, -that
�iind, Bra
pan er.
v iveoroni all -ri ion L f��Tolllli' �Al Es zil, % Nuts - - kS laid- Eagl
-ES-I! g, -plumelow.'
1,.Ilt�orr Quebecil sept .., 30; IS62. tX�HAiWE',�Mokre HAL roi6e o - f"I"railseer.floated overthe sbolt the dbai� song
lurrications t�Fough i ilie, suppressed yet dibfiant,:gi6WH6f:ih
ZAID, T liwo. q. 1 e
riis it lfe,,and fears not ..,,�TiBialssl r,
jOrdinar tie e w 0 Be
-conv y�nce oferild ort bottwater' the I= of a bilaspting yoaug chietewhoiie iivistj.6 that-Ee lives,. but conquered
�fhrtbe iDiree n:.
'P )k
J h' _b d
Hotels and L. C. 4J
iaildinW. Ite4itielica fitted up wit bL , .. 7 . .�,%J'L P. smo Un. a . pyt an -as I e-
ul _y _m.�.To' him,,Trailseer is �as a bov, -or
I parts of Dwelflin'i;�Hobses, Tit E Hoix�'Louui,CIEN�rb-
844,ees�. 9thi-ch6eks: pro'�hliui
fo hi . _ . .. h
rt" tiont'. altirider willow toth
ANIN not a- man!',, returned the
LAND ACENT., MI -Ub P� I` . , . I . L ; bordem eL,fU I gro%
e filerchunt�', , . . L
ing. I y
Qxviu I)AvIv-0N-A sl, RankLM* IHo6h I Lremer ilirexbilivof Cloudisky;
MWJ�et G*C1e#01j* ali&" Zin:,L
Ia ALL KINDS. th Ii, Icni
y,from. 4 1 a. in ;,I 'n lCueral nZer �.064. ;[�, Ober a la how
iiii;; �_4 . 491.
Wedne, It 9
h Door, Z]idL arldl.lookedtsiernly-- t is-ania 'oniq, v
e US -of a, inaiden it has;nti: power oraely,face!was now.likliltv, and
o GenerilAgents for , alla".
Wash uUGALL x,. A g
w, of
M U 1 soid of'a''wairlo'n home ari4ov. on thi -give
3 , V_ the�vtiice
'o startle
i t An eheiny','carry.. teiroi; to,Lthe�' ;e
iShould ibe:X9ster Life you. the
&JgV�JQQp0j Rollers, V H, utkb GO
CoMPRISING,1� a man. viceor Lockwoc nto
attire oV �wo least iny;body i
001 labot 1:86086, ;d,
'We will seei:anon, w ci,w a, woman �ohder wuteisi. Pay, e.
-:.'---7 ' - L , I . -1 - and -y" si�id�
r, rilosetsi- _T�warrkay�' �o'iau -rifle will
D- Pin- -alu
ire, spa �troa e.
J6hn WDO
& g who is, a wrirribr.'_ _,Y�rrr lif� has 'this ni trit
ING COM bra Monedo that tilesou
-imiliti , - whereillesouls.6fbisooplis 41welL. 'B6tJ. , _fduntaiiiWhe;ic6it,'f1ov�edI place )my
41be Q
r el tell -M sCaLtre6, with edytaCe tokWa "ll ft
iindRA&da4 tD]nCn ey
INsURAm,10ES�e(li at�',tlae .10WEST RATP5 I qtivris, L �Squckqlrgsl been m_ffiyL power.: '1�,Ctlrrld. "And shouldit b
r04 " i, ." d! � *F� apau.,.. i,.the
bzve':deirl 'the.'wjJi_oJ 'ibeL�b
responding tojhl"he
jw pri�aicd tj� tadte:iii�brderi of Prvmiuna;CF�T h ggart 0ii-itof Tlails6er to ihe.f�r�iifflan4s Yof;ee
i;tkNh&fMak6' U 16 ker W
Joug.,experience ell
to any �xt
Ent' :_Ja i
having xperienced icorned los4y itt'unsuipeciing
nc eRaS Y�, , ''I 'hand stri e in i e tlarlc� lik
surrouith6g, Country,, that be,huz Arst-clati0eA dfulac nery"' f Alf, e
rie �that thjycaa� do'lli 0 'RAM . .. ..... 4 lbdges ofinype6ple.,
annoul _,h � � 1-1 the Montreal, burns are' Y� body again
e to -the inhibitants of "6�� Board Jfireeti)rll, tralf
k thiemy
soffered you to.
Rol . DRIAULI 'ble'"on late YL o
and at Were grus, the,ireache us Che 7fie CherQke�: hesitated an
D, t
on h ep en
ria ow lie:
,ij tbej� Soul of tClhn �SLY
a e
tr 'r4w.", epriRzo or ;Mks tR,. waterin usltka I Arid
C)o . C . Oirra Yet&, for the
ace, gi
This ComPauyj cc ad tell, I e re
'tO 'cri�Wifdbab&. /Th mbinesthe sntem.o
enter; living sifetyWe. 4"Large
W.dst S @qP4 .,Pvoderich, 0 A-
Ify whiclirwater can llta�efelvated rook a Joining St
f Xrttzca T
A-compli�te-assortinenLof-Fur�itureof.,eve'ry-de itiiz,cau� F In bi hhle�,Nui s.ino�'manual,tlabour,' jQjt�e witii.�beI, al6n�capablq offore ivill await herlit, I e�., ternal',huntin
AsanvEstatuislill- __ sdlwactm�aasc I! re -il. tue fil, --hatelfet
scription, such as of to r�: , I ro V jtig.6iiiiali-iiind.thitsaords a ��ilitiesand� rigers e 6led-on'i1b biiu6e� 6(his'
Xork.l�p d'do, wel ad.,mrflij ';,w a steddk stream f of wat�r,t oy, its IN ARGE. Y&RIETY AND CIIEAPL.�� ti - -tr in
_ , , a., " , .. ! t 'when. Cl
'Burelusi 2' . . .-
Cu'dysky talked with.&vbite I�rl on' The cou'man
eluding request -fie :font e -,
thrttni�ght -the Itowl'bf the -Chi6kasa�,� r's
Bed§f - ' q-'!- �: ; .�' I . L' I
-s 6' n a" rop'thtilybar roun canje� pittifentli 6ff6jed by'
Cliail _,] r W �dvjahtat;"'??� 1�jnv� L . , �; , I L . le, � :; " L d f o"'ne
ir --whea
`uaITy:afteR hiny kifelAssur
-c like `Ubl.w.' It iii
geB eir
__M=Fas�' &c7� 'he was terrible, and'ibe kn his arm; ani affecied him, ofbr, A. moment like
a ek
'taL deadly sic -ness. What wa�'Autlit -19 6is
.ThQatibscribekbegis to Iqlara-
-to ordim oil, the slikii notici�
rifity o'l ttid6r ill
e,. ru
1 tei allso aliy�( 16 &t,of Dove -Eye, th�. ace,�ofthi'Cheiokee2
4 Eilq-i , J 11 .1.111111- . t�_
farported.' Fu a S e pak!@p&ioffbfPr6fit$'c1 (,old' hav ' itti
iti'lids fnen:18: Rloudyisky, dead ut:I
.y6unE, brave'of the'
h27' .�,Jj,j r1l Tru , 5f". 4
'end ib.�ptiblb� &gefiti lined-,
' ' 66autif1hl?iT0i,m%: 'Is ihe.:Briu1;of,
lid is Ayour hOur'lias" 61
n: infe�ioi: 6. the
for the Company for me
9A thWbq�bai§ been :appoin axely,
31o&H61019th Rov. odeiich and vicinity�a J1Aiei,-A0
par -
now ready to re�iv& I aul� and,Jedril,,greatifess m -t e, race-�.yolr.des-- to his cb�bl� and"iliestrentith to 44!irm,-� ...
zi't 13;1, rders and to giveTull h Lockwood,'hriskily, as
:k ti6ula,,�tas t6�iiltcs, and�any Reudali!!s, blatitelFs and Henneay in w
Al3i U was
N,UAk th-FACT RE y an
-x� . 11�_. "", 'L , � L - � bed' his adversar
AI�IA - way be requir
stliv641PI uklixiindi'Cinitings eve P to commence
iiMpronig, in;., d pewu HXHALDAN, §ub�,A an
P -Y . , - � I L I ' L . L- : �j'IvS 1 La youreariC. drew bee
tirit'§trect (j6denefi. :L _ _. � 1 .1 1 662L,
% , '" "'t ra '
Allu a . ........ I)6t Peimartlws� ( -'Ae bi - 2211ty :T r
-ed r, - _ , ;� , I Bn'SL
S''o other infdraration illat! W. -I': Wines,` S.lidsoi Rd:!
M. 5.. i, S964y.�-4 D1611 dipliiPi., Gin. at ivaste w6r1s;' hold Treilseer.
fd� hi ' b. ;
Uld:Sheet 1roa;W gell!t-] [Btiotli'k OIIIA'ooi, Atif wtii6djind- bottle Old' )e,towa t is a ore I I
Jalaaica��r ma. �:Danlop'�SLSCOt6h" _Mmrpby!p gladerww will. meetAn o co L_31116
fav, aSa�w.-'Cloudjsli 'e't 9
d r�, a 11 upon-th
on S�Sat tb
Xije�o;, jild �ihe "W
IrV,HE dubseri�erlbeg4tla inftirml tmike& rk I - " - e.
tbeJohesil 01�qA.ters& BuU t earesurrounded. se
; By
Toc -1 iQv�jwjji ir ex� quis ed she 1� remain ylw
d" 'f" 6j'
JIi%ron an ir 1'4 a49", -bus esand.heartbesoun 0 m
. , I I Brissr, i
!L',: fiatrts-�ofthe Counties tire- wolf afid_-ihe-.irrBir* AbZj 4par tlt� van -
Ott swayiu;,. of
A .
-1 -be, is �Stil],Afaq)lfidliri
mIlls,upod-th a ., leaves;'
sr,of hii§,SU06it10irihi- Vailsiilli,wessi fleniiii mrimen a
t.. 4Then oUjL duel,ends-,L but slioul we 40
., a _ L, . ' ;, a , _ .
-wo T,
oil :IA6d why, sliduld I trust your Bill.- I pie ge my w9r, to Ineet
8 "N
7bas the
than atid,
S:w 73 Z!.�jt
0rd, il ' T. MggIRE�L
-=-Q, Wt IG �O ITO PAT ld 9. Wil"
LIPERALDISCOL. �we-,,611.mee"g
is ING n
etor. This 11 the i GR,,00ERlES rr'detieiiv�La ?
e to oid �6. Man, `Hotel',in,�WeAerlll "a' bee
64ia - ' - . pe "ifinAw'!; ou EVERYR,
Wf;ez& frdis Vsts;' '7E-R1X-S '- ', ' '� ; ir people ire near. L k I
Aicialsir;fArs,w--itteation, ito.bleXi �_u�_ ;4, ituded iliawhitd, it d1l "re�ji6d
11� r 160�mlou Yot
stUountry, wood.
$9eklie eliess ramps mad
Tsee ydnde",thi cur ing. %.y.�trjqr
ii,thread,ofsmoke I'
f, KE'PT A36. FOR SA. im�will not lie. � You
W1 bar Htillsc �hroui��l�h'�.treei:'Io�tbe,Cberokee
J" !Id u r il�6 oou WPM - -1 v st. rein, ve pri your wisie.bef6r. many z oons'�' havo
it, idgp 11tA114 owe uncrati,
in i e!
a on
it at a foul illatlieshwdthroiv�bii lif, ii` I You she o
actor 11 feel the atiscer,
ViLitabria'Rv We he �rj pldj� .-7-i h�rkbtf S�qu PC arm. f Ir.
--DOD w
Remember the Pldc9*, I
j od rich, Ablus 30
A 0
P'O:, 0 '_R�