Semi Weekly Signal, 1863-07-10, Page 2gi� In . . . . . . . . . . . . : V .7 Wt W'i W � Fh- Om wls�­o 4, q 11, 'arid I'll Vring IF is. agency to a sudaell His. pos ition is eve� worse stragg rs- a the' mlei 6 have's prqqirt Be s., , is $;f retreat thatm 'li�e '0�e ep utonce1. idal and'viblent 0 n an -n aneed rid.' The. I imitli`C� my -sex forbi4s,me to soenk, than it Was -�w d 'in? -bon-1.traitishe h h ` e -away. with him. could noiltak, nt last m1e was at -Williams. e Ia-vlrgini� a -It .1 -is ri I o . . A6.1' Y'i . to -row. :He MV 6, in .,,boon, a culi., wat t t h niana ulance. o d c -air,, re ?�42.nte �1 e've e.of the little I r, infan , were I Ili v ?Araouage, 01i"'flid _,6 eycaLd. Philiells, solemrily�. in 11qP , age." the South,� as cvery intell.i. - ai�ditiias feared, at:WqS4iqg alhat eral battle will be d elivered. -moi lly. lit i6 pieces wit �40un and ,, I . :. , I � 0 r; 1 a i e eir w to ',I - .- 9 172, , .. 41. e nii of v. �Wmt Of. M -I'm glad (in it F rejoined Neverfitil,bluntly.. I � - . i t, Ilk 'IT -hem. thativishes to can. floi,get tl,�wrespect o1lie-feminire mce;--but-tlwir-persiflage 0 - b �port, person 16, aware neeroa are n t thl' - 71 era�ed' aiide front their market. valad but- :po 'te.,ind he would succeed" in� getting -across the. tomao. not1withstafiffin the -het-ht. of Pe�w to B 0ONSBOR0 1,..�9th. �iebels'were drawn Up,'iri line 0 f mustdie.. A 'grea, and magnificent!' store bf this fightis the splendid.use otariffleiy. Though Ia t e it t na", %t e We rtat�t 6, re j- thdij d rtat�t 6, re i believe -'a e deipe a da, U.-hier." 7 willbe:inct with scorn. - Id whi black chi --en row UV'Ltoe�thiar. g the st and. - diiiiiaid keadc,w* as in': pur- re at ' bat a� �p age 'ten miles fle'�tbls Our line, of 1battle.* :61y- a mile An. -.I half long., �almcisi'-ev ` battery� tion t, araer, to hev6 untar t t thecouraige:-w to w hi h load ' and. detested. ft 4bbiit[56nMW. rE"r -ton- Bill- lies' so 11 affivmed �ill 11 barilet. 1! addqd, &uveftti 1. ii�timate, lo�� - iuldei --the,sialic associat suit by yay, . of Frederick', and, General C h dowii the Ournberl and ouc xii6rnia; .1 road to.�Hilgiirstow ro''ll n. f m erp9a,thia) yet cry beil6tiging to the- Army Of 'the: Potomac was:' more or Te,4 was morivit, ' - ; - aint. &.sOMe Yd6f fioqi i�irtly-�at front tji ''rare waszomin Valley'. Should a en it would 'tit It �nded down:toWard S Fro t ey exte engit er , ged. ! The'eneraj. also used art ul 'y. ­ I - FIC'FIRE A T.39 "' DR"' Wbi-� ]Er,:'G our i- canic, everybody knows it,aud thiay're-a Ili 1 ful ��ijejtii�-J on�.iiccoun'66fit- Lt;gic i 16gic aid ingtarrees: are riot' where stront, .1 �nttacli�qents are, tornied bciw.eCIIL it lent, Ii as� lie niust be shoiri of go hard with Ian, but we would be'at all the Pot omac-p r� the viciniiy- of 1 Bakers - largely, but, not to near ii;o:great an exterit'as *wdidi., -�rom- thisthey s(iffiared Immenselyy w6re- -was- ji,the eri6: . s who C line M�A,e#fbrward: hi ti uui&Jn'ffiauy�, place blind to handeolliliet. . I . ;, �-Y .-�,'Oculht. and.Ailtri�t Wil spies. is spie&. 'is Ala�tbr Hiptly 'And Kirtin'l-li-A 'I y , 'd. iqe,- .,whites;de'1iCaie arid refined whilst the adult flip a ill la cs,Wr� they be� ammur tition, -not surprised iflie g4og with wha t 'O.aS left h V- h , of�his a ' irginia 8 Ore. rmy,�ucross to t e -owing q' riB4 its if, The are thr , . the'vicinity of. F airp ay and probably will a 1)" th leftp clinniaer ryi� ��Y Ill hat w ieve e 16Bt no artillery, umess:it,7as two ..or three 'disabled pieqps, 1. rajcd'f6r niifi uteL� 1,11is -aittillery,'a' nswered, b7oari;y played up6i�:our columns with -fright, The , 7-tAe it. Ritles'and Reds kins 1, Xetorte gugh especially '-,Uquifast at To spec,u ate, upoii the, l6is,bf IF ee army is ur attire spy ituo �,r despe- :t await 6' h 111 wood6rful we did Oug it �as very, noL tat restiii,,yetibej, 4id not waver. .-bat. ile -was,in"' I � contested.fo�-a this waY... even 3 , I hi -slily; IV aldron, was At theineiition of: -the perceptibly embarrass6d. seldom it -�vcr repugnance q piresenceof amecaror.,'.., 1:,ow, who will decidedly premature.' i- .1,ce hi'd taij.-battle 'may bei aipeow,� within 't we U d4s 0 r forctis.7are so, - disposed now L L. CROUXSE tune;. atat, a mbiii4bt when -it seemed' blematical.wbich Bid' Id * tbe)vicioiy, gain GRADUATE'Ole THE- ALLOPATHY` A scheou of= cine, L Can la of- - -Proyltle-Q loi�nthltth of Bans te dW Logicis riot persiflag� and persiflage is not �a§seit bi�jic, as�ertcd 1�hiletia, confititnity., at iii�'not entirely difte nt�iri --- IL the North6in' tes .0 the i8th,-We learn, 'Get . I . b:n ated'hi� 'forces at Villiazu�por% 0 Contr I 'n miay'.:occui - at any. our. flat a co lis o h Vibur' Phday's Batt'le" at Get 9 a, reinfbirce.ment 4 f 4 ved-4ad4ere forme JA line at such it podtidn 4s: to enfilade the Cab- -26&-fortilerly a iltudent eye infirmer.y. Oculiit, Hamilfo, R&6bnigh,; &ANP& wsa,g6l 6 Ilan it aNr i ew �11. . so I- Stick to facki..' N6w England an� - - ca i t generally., Caving. this i -mai S� of w Sid hich otirthe North e of the Potom BATTLE�OF TRUR 6 1 k `army correspot "ki. L. i,. keir'dli rident e 5, of.the New York,fieraid, jivei'sotne'furtbtir my'And,tench him A-, iast; the futility, of his ' '- -ut4 effbitts arid confused,- hii DhiordiartdJt� 'VVILL V -II SIT GOIXERICAr :4]Procramatiofis and.'Britis spieB'is what, I I -up their (prdtty Ing Fediiralia to turn., ses he' was, unable th , 'erosi` with the ain ::THE P�y ' inforinationeorcerning the'battle of'Friday, 'w Me iet�eai6d,',and at- 111o'elock'th6 �296, DAY 'OF FAOH JKONTJJ�', -1 1ji I'd, 'sayitif'l.was t o-sta I at the despise; and d.of the'. iner asing - haiteii to windwar body, of hi's �or Owina t� a sudden rise. York Fhe$ (Spetnal,despatch to the 'Ne T4 .1 q last ali, Ge t3 sbtirg. battle ceas'dd, and', i9e stillness of death'!ensa- :6u, -2 ed. his-Biledee, inued mitil AR AT V K, I S HOTEL, I p�in t of the ibanriet for it the. next ininate. I've 9iiher a rigli'vpr ii or I haven't, We' find' I f at the I of black � uintives,: let us. Igo), k in'the river. He toc Ik: cv6y pr6canii on to stienklien his and. if his am- BATTLE r �;EAR,01. G, enn., =YrS�BU 'HE MQONLIGHT BATTLE, riELD. � : 'in 1'. At,this, in �eni'rih'Kriebel urtill'7 f 'It Y'P a rAiatitig aroung -Disc esies drh�'iyic itildEar trea'teami6fe c I easralt,, 4�; cross eyes �tiiijbtened i -'in ba.%ie. Vg ei&er the -11111its of my sex Or it '41 W'� fin&it is., subj�ct iu art- -uti itarian senw� and, as ver Allcq'.uestion, dob� the fugritive O'i whate' position maiiijon has liot.Q.-e.hauBted, his brave ViaB althn6r6, FAday 'July'.3. i�'Biybi6idisoaielies-ip,�arding, the d W ri h -4 t on t e: ttifr6m. Bear. Gettysburg,. he d ay. points, in a circle, -our ownf began a ternific �' �coueedtrated "fire'ou 'add � fTia eyes inimirtea. HewiM also triavult diseaseifLori chronic 8e Here-�Nvas�. all 'exhibition of in -ofurldiiyi of th6u'�htlittle,.short of,astoanding,hnd furnish- els� he may be terthed find 'a 'general -will OW e In ill sh Sent desperate'fig J is, 'R Ate]en, IV nesdayi bh�je, hardly pgpirrient-on ad ii-truoi id('ai Of. iJiagnitu& Ili thii evening,, ft6r the rn�on hud It was, t risen, 'v6r the 6ttla'.field. -old' I looked.6 )I Was hel as 1 -have Ceinetery Hill, whi6 d prev stated,-bAlleXleventh andSetx�ad 'iously see -ret chamci�r. C onatilt tion r y go, rec-4fricil eret "d ell -conifid tial-. Htiaa-Okice--�vPadlF, -where t it f es I or a woman .8 3.pe%v6rfu1 argunten I lingess to affor him work- C1 Be of attack'. The probability 16 has -by this time crossed,in- conveyed it, and, character,- nov� hadAwo day,,,: I Bad swirt ' f othe'r battle fields- men mangled' 11 corp's `Che flo6k 6 61 h igegns,,ii, ic .not ten h arkenedthe sky b minutes :14-S a.ove, he may be coftsulj@&'� �Zin.all­daytexcejpt on the l0th� l4th,24ths 17th k right, A persol We a is a spy'or he- ;sn't. 4 sny. W answer No And that too at a line be'inost ever, th to Vir-inia. Th at- once accomplishpd,� of'Wedn fb, 'W us e4uployed.1y the First and and nd torn - bodies`witb out. heads. and 7be:g-awithnuiybi;iiiis,tiufiKiI limbl6s;� 'tingo�els. previowIl w "d less d6iiselhal ihd&odk oflitirriblemis- er 6. 28ih and, 29th 0 _;aaCh month� .2ca LOST, find. he - is--rpersi flap and -'proclamations to the conlri -notwithstutidilil. -IVomentlaVer ary, when labor tilight be stipfosedU 16 aeinind. Willin-'dS Sambo is::6 ii�, oik he old ga dratiplis 'will t me of defensive OP JEleventh Corps, with varyingauc�ess44 finalli. Vcin� Obliged 6 thit back, 'before here an am o Strue pai�way,.'here a lek, visible % ihia.,dty ifissure of a r�ck Bile's ,that noiv,'irist6l �'d of Bailinj haiinleisly above desceni &d,up'�'a- ba� positi4a., r Tiae" A*t7. 'str0n i minds or they haven't. I could,narile, the tit' ibut,will* find,,that sote� of'em-have.' 'information at ulosi Anything, he fi a s."cver�- avenue y , f tion. be played.to tbe en lie rea y true Vi. It �o 11' -!that: o �c S- seerna" greatly superior, numbs Is'.''.' This g ttarachi., morning. there were--str?n p some Ong. since deM; some dymg.- Here -'on ill. battle field one,sees t1le dreadYcalities of moitibere.irasthicklivith: shot midshelh The sthr�a broki upaa.i4 so suddenly that'so Idlers , rain(i� sa'it begganifroui to.have, CORAL NECKLACE� saigtoseta. 0 .Lighthousti: tree;.ilietween I I � r (, , � . e in All ­and -ourt Home. 'N , - Within a f6w, days I!ve* licerd fron 'hoilties. thht. is lv�ll cale 1 voracious.'a�t cIosed up b y a.system 6 . protec which 'ther tFi, 'leaveihim but one alternative 1. , P furg b -S at I itst fallen after a heroic dc- tions of sit early ell,�agemCilt �Wltll t evnemy day in foriej bda�s the I"aud no 'wojeL� away ar. ave'siebri,in, the,pfisttwo, years 13 bat -1- e details. of, the battle." I forget th offi cers-who'.19ped. 1, 1 'eii tentB,or from lazy siestas on t e grass- th i7( i1liair a' �a t -d! '06 Monday the 1 d , v 6 in --I er..v­inbFiew etton-!"Zg. oue'fii�- tutu.' 1ye're lut to�give one a.p r f6r, thirty 7 so Id to the; By-.itishers piec�s. of. sit. 'spettakel I' asbin'.ton,- in Ne, starve or W.ist.: IaW W American eiIiiiiiation) Thiagarrison,was-parole'll.' What! 'Of effect ill is will have upon the fate .-the po I Kj I ti,ve,e . xhibiti, oa,, wffs'made by theenelliy wle" be �an to think that ul :perhaps -th4ra wo rs 0 fi never forget - the.�horro' fL the batile rr' "The Vete'-strickeir M` i4aing with'moital 1 , . woun- an )me..With eig et d �dieai s,c gars' bitween - th; Some *iih pieces.of fo ad in' heir 1hL r tee It lit' 'Co cil i. pn".r % %J A TOESt ver. Mouria�ul vciairned the redoubtable 'Yes and truly t: -pr giingsb�, who; it now appear- Tork (the cianfroof -in B or- in Ciucinnatt" in Detroit,., uffa. a e Are lievolution. rem ini-to b scien,but we �firnlly.'60%nvi d that it IS too soon-f6r be iita immcdiate battle after all.: ] W a were 'hardIf i&n.'condition togive battle, as a our, liosipitila were -scattered about' mis. ly, buses, barhsj�i,,fiavines-in ' cellaRiablip in. h 'the most. be- found fingers an one utlleasta'�a paleyount; Uqr- I I .. ­ania-witha� 'niature of in Ini fro ennsylv tal voice of Obel ed,.bad bLen.,.1axing a oleasaut can -ence ljoinilrr.room. t p for the purpose g�niied. riot.� are, , go U drivin- the tched ne-roes fr61n the Noj�thernsympathizers to glory over th e s 0.9 'on badrot.be en -made, Giiiii. Moade' !Thai,in S i oil the gri:iubd.-a I 2o �'arrlvei nti I I.. " . . 1 1* . Availdble placeslhafqtirild. heltur6d.. Qinshellaa rid. the.surishine.'. l) Milb Directo'r h issiste'r in his halidg;- ibatseemed mor& -meet 0 an artis6`�" than 'a muAkibt t grasp , - I UST RECEIEVED and far Sale, ii. Car loatf h Philensirf a�n, at . wit -ic It show 'The' pious,Lodoi IF ab�ndantl) r of wre t I . 1 0-1 1 0. ' , , L 'reat docks and Streets,'.. arld; in 'the � g reduction cfthe South� lnt6`thc1,P6Iafid: or. unniau the 4racrica'u: '�e`ontlnent.� Clock in t a morning; The positipi,.of66'r - fiareei:�Aer the, figbt,�'of Wednesdity was toi edicaf of it id corps, aidedi I by . . G I,- Inspec' issel ting Surgeons, tuade� - U, Ones, as, 6irses' 'N ' shrie , h - - f, r H E aue , &W. �01 Perlold of, and WAtl intilicinselves,about f at the Market House, lie 9 Potniqe&, Apply, S. SWANEL� 'that -the-d&vil (1wellet h 'ill-the,children ot:inea. al,f; Itseems.,that, Nye Ill e sold to "our enemics and 6 are cultlil:4 as�tricts systematic- e orts of Man�'a fierce battle has yetto be fail 'P the eadtwird and.southwaid of Ge'ttyi buri, tht baltimore,Pikc,-ih Taney the' bQat airangcineirts� ttcy- could fbr- the, komidrt f* the wounded. Regimqhta j. ,r. Ili, hopel ess agciiiy.'1i1 The : cards'. of ences, suiv 10. itw. N!"On ;1o, Oma ON , - - Ml k they only to come an td 'e. .1: .., 1 -�bavax d IT6 tuke�us-wpul&­be�un ezZsy matter;;if -.Nye made 16' dispel the :dark'cloud whic It - ' -- to &erspr6d 1he land. Think I, efdre. tlie'ip'cople'of the confed6ife StaleS .., 'mb co6ring e t own ads,.an - ' g, nearly- 111 ­th the, ldtief­'. d still liein wi The eons- a I cotirde lent a babd'- in ills wound d 1 4 , ­ - 'i it amputations. scattered -by. explosion, fiew,in s�liriteis. throuAthe torn I up, in; were all like yo(i retortedfhe-farester7 with um ihipaiiiint jesturs. io threaten S f the riot in,Buffajor oil 2Uonday last, -A be prepare to succu to the hu- -will d millatia- faie which.awaiis them if erdsh� para e the" -round on the -right and centre y�is:excej-, lent. i�r def6risi'viyoursoseS. 'ressingn �T F LOSSES. ' "'," ' "a t6d;, bliaded'A4 g me nj.' d, Yes of,huriin an- th ougli the.brudelb of the trb6 an among -' ' ' 'fi% 0, 'by� The door of the -cabirit �Nras tfirowr�opea by. h n; ro,­ aded to madness - § at: alw1lite M ­ � ­ - ' . the heel of'a-military dcspq�ism., 0 IF our'extrethe i left the groull w, d Sl off,until t e ton. " ' " '41`hedoss� in; the rst ay a,' -lit of this :fi� 6 lk ll� -- - - ' fo '" i '- t a grave-stones,o - a ceme ery a show Of �t rut ExDM ivill be, receiive� Wi T­.-M.ck;iy,,E, fo.'j'Clairniiia..'of the ��rd of Nolan, whose. face, was red' and excited. 'Gentl6men.�t1iiii:re-is a -mea Chi- of the, se t-, fort -and t man. It was -.,a wrong sic , perhaps. an in- 'J" tif". t I a Ilas i y, hc� eat th t ed under ?pp posi washo'hhih6l� t4an,the enem�'s. The -ri?und ill'feonto? our line� *as A level open country, P co -11 d "d k b' Th v'y in 7i4 we e. ! e I. woun e a,:_. 'cad get o� n s at-�# Jhe JoBtruction iirash6ti�`.ceaseleB.,sly. bi h:Seemett,a)6a6-7FJ6v.Oted, to A* .0 de ill -clear.in ready all its unseeltereil Schoof T rustees, 7 U. t b 'tiers IV, the limits ofifie all are Dorta�nt InFiia wanted thereo imp, ess.,� excusable one, ut ag of the mob whi.ch,.:endcav hellish sav Cry L VERY� AT EST, intei -posed here arid fliers wi& an circh' ard or' . cry small tract f tim 0i, gen By oak�, di W`n.lost.10A, The. Seventeenth Uhit�d�gtat6sliifaiiiry,al6fi6',Iost O#ic ers. "d . , was . p 1 i.fire.begau­ a �eti within five minuiei after ill -, p P F& tb e -Erection arid Extensive of the staicaw 'Letils-olsatil'Neverfail. Judith Ltianced anxiously'at'Lerkvv�od'NI -ho 'to iexteri black-, Ia 4he toted rifnitte' every � barbarity WIlk:N TV t away. itil the tm&rbrush -eu uriu� the D day 6 portion ofther troo 0 0 uFri aymorningi eat Mf-lri�iii regim' 'ia�ini;�i��do�ly3O�ffic'ers,.a�d.m-en alFtald. of the Central School, dad forrepairs to the Floor he ent�ie work to be;be comple., ore the 24ib -pr6xi to on 0 erf mannga�"te,be thela"sit t6, leavei the. cabily... He spoke to her, as -he lin�,er�d. It 0 ir. the country.of the ftCA do" the- city'? Can it s cuttin , illiat. led to the and gasbittr of a' M Ac� -D Speciat i9p,09teh ps-threw. up breastworks' %P,�2,rla :and%,au abbailtis. Gre tt leadquarters,were' at, in old, haii 0, 0,11 the - r.1, n., *Stcifilie missing ai6 .64 b s9pp9sBd,,o ve pen Thms and Specificatio appyiCartdion to�,rhe a fialmlaa. �o er of the Board. Cheroldes, �e voa�. before I g;.' i n' rOr. inupeen. -driisse- poor 09 T .. ytow-wroad, fin media 6 t I r mt, of the E6arfW-Artia4y, Struggle.' IL Ili'REYNOLDS _ heaVV ffiai� L HAmsio 'rind6'w &;ximht. _I Owe )'Oil -10ome 6 my IN -,your 'request, Des too. much to,deny ides a ud amp" Sam's-'? it niko�n—the:kickin st in- of.anoth er mittithe-fell,scrisel6ss to t C' T6. the Semi-Wcakl� Signal. 1. 1 ur me wasmo t regu ar iti-shapia Indeed 'the'eentre pr9tf-4 C, Ili toward if 6' eni5 mt;yi�-, 6 ` Brid io- constant'duntionad- . �. I I ay morn Ing W88,17 Turned, ag this timelmaiilly­6h Office,of the Secretary :CW,,riqh, -Tilly lot4, 2k Eave lcommunfmtious to make, %Vb'ell are. a,- d 'fayed. But, indeed, fear ready too long, e You W know all,before ICan have :in oppor- E. biive confideage -to ids .�in tb&' bottom ofAlie cani T1 usar 1�6 r th wqt bitter -tears over Une e am s- THErCONFEDER &TE WOUND - AND SPOILS ACROS S NG.At: gAY. - B uB to, 0 form at most 'the, two sid&- Ora angle- -Betbi re auudoivn­:� G&i. MeBaes head. quarters prove -to. be 4he-,: (Atest �place on the -right., , r Int ill'about one p. in., which 9a A� d d t the ene4 made anot -er'flifl4l attack, 'aiid a -a -s Q rS 6d pv& the* 1p Of I.; during whiCh UeS ,a.V ast, o in�he��-in��diam4bter.,by�l�tUilr N CE -tunfty tosp�ak*ithyou Cab and pray do*nfal of"the the 6aiilefield,1io-fii as reless' ill 11' Ing VFaS- second g,T.eat -battle- w ought The 0 -,r . ... in you r4afe. Z 'ip';, accurse&7 institution. Where are' those,, 'i wee eat ping eyep uiaw,? Lei the breialtr ANOTHER, BATTLE. ANU1CIP.LTED.- TH N NEWS FROM -9�FA0­'fUP;' rO LASTF Cone arned" �Geil Hciwa�'oCcunl, wi is corps, eam on a hill, cemetry tfie,r s4th of aif6irifile,z than' th e- di rpfi, 0 hrti cry ght.d war.' th measurement f4 damag d the -itandin- Or ops,: 0 but, -fortuiiakly,'thb�:b6lt,tmvelrse.dI by the ;� - "A L mw 'j, Ur afiesh, for,misdry ha Veen heapiad upon �NfGHT. �Gettysburg. Ca -iiiii storm was a very narrow one. ' ILL'be reftlyc W V e -y,.and. curse� upon Curse mrs i prune tramp a andMen care ess y J.d - - ti; Fro . . ( Ro k ��ould,b - -T, - � C a seen I . � ' "!I ' gpr, 'iiij - 'for W t5ri4be'parvilf the'31imidi I 'Coun Z M a Yarj;j�ly�let��.. L : :, the4emains of, the Aead. - ,F,,1FromzJ this hill blidutiffil"Vi6v could be a fair vatti�i- I � . L " , ­ , " ina 1 its erei fury,.-the'-infaritry df the othe'q 6 'enguked,,,fb.11&wed by ric, qww P� On M0 "liT" ties 6fHUrOlk 4W fifill -the U. ited all oej A RI)KRIGH,- CN. JULY' WS :TTERWAR N IV to�'T rjb?&?Ze )L r ,, F,� Fr6l� the lit tittiy 0 th. r andasoofag d I portl 00 'all at* tL' line ofbattle. forces: bad been. co neen. trated dn-Tuesd4y-nig&t,'save the IFi 811 fth h enqua3i:,9611 Mlsed at eyeri. point. .01fr Men fdar, Men fdar, Men fd -dl Men on I y C- ell _Ma8C ar WI wl ani if.i t "Id, 1' dagh&­ 2 0 of.tbe niostibirilliani.an pleasan� days tie q -"ne:iD- dodeiich. town'shil-pi,,; passed for ar Ong. tit Untfl the 221idlnstanto T�r the fu p ------ ---------- -r KEETING OF PAILIAKEN T. W t0day aijarv,arnount�of6tir E gYve Up space to-N6kbem accouuts:�6f the �Irederry Intelli--ence"haS ju�t:beiait receive Can,- ruing :Ihevtivaity -,-fight iofycstejday�jeat LC fbirritei.uniVoU4 Sixth corps., -2h uriagLt e �iorniri�,iraud�jbcr­tatter soon a '61 r ­ n 66n-­,-� They.Zere all masse&� immediutialy behind im efu' impctui6 ty bit a h' td fall. back ..".,)a 'a 'yAth`6ver*, 11 ' I t- was lnien�e y hilf`when�� two '4 inSt'r iNraB.Thursd;%j, the '2n' it' was outhe� occasion of'a pic,�mc " ORUBBING, RAW GRAVELLING. NG9., Ig Le 'ate. ri�orm gislatur lit�Qcttys a ter frerae�dous battles b A dingL� o�f ' iprie* ir�a�%defailbd re� the '6�6 UUYL p; . iviihparf ofStuart's f,�� orces suppo "by-' Illf hrifry which, tookLU p� It ourcentre.- irilietherbr no it - was�Geft-. Meade's ifilten. it Man hatt'fq hllur�S eC frer "it MOB- A -`n- s. ower.cc;61ed the'at .. phere, b6t 'not the airdar . of , 'a .. ae. troopSor the ;its 140. ID. Mi,j tbeiteacherarid"tmil OtS. Carfipbell,, thi t�iaebi0, bi whom the inhahii7t 44V n." ,%,I BUILDING" CUUMTS 4, ti6tiincs early' i me�et for aispat C of -.aaCounts �iwh� I ff o --pti iSKdd o �So :I s it itiou ition in'the,'�.00&L s6ath 4 the, IF to attack,f,`tauiioi'say,,but h tic e e s haphy rocity sgva.6� fe of the unyielding fee.- - eve tants entertain a strang regard, appears ry. -Ang ij� flier 12th or 13th.: Al-, ps 'ssiblC� �1hFi 4pearas faVoiab e as p.o to in", �eeiesista Own. Aftefa'de r in ricer on If dy�,fbr fc;r rea' ir�ber e & a I * r The dny1" become ilull. -Skit hing was 1 ;��rar Wea'p uld Btitte kin. way capable6fexectiting, her ddtics,;,!Jtf,4eF 'd'fi -- On -the line o , Food'Ib6tween 26_a42j;",j ft - 'the towoihw-ay., "though the Season chosen is riot the.hest-that' 4'ected, be -believi& oarrrea"In d;bi", in C 'their part� th' id,- Gir e arriv to en. eilifid. 'towards UItdd the shar ps eaters M. B the, of�.belfreys zof�, ihe drehe's l§Sttery4l,,7ifth Unit6d�St teg"artiltiary,. , , , -arejuni tininess ,and kindness,, t%Q� quali. T hL. Profiles, SpeA clition 'and Fomr�'-of.Tender.. QV - �Ihe�vffice of 'Ifiti subsbri -may seep,al could have -baen s( 'tpactincin the�irst, egra p atch nii, Yes ia it gallant Charge 1i' ' , L . '6f !sweple�- ell awayr at officers and. artil ep d, I kpo*a LieuL, 4'eapitSin W ii, Watson 'di ' S:0 i-titaltery; ties,61outil a site the 22nd diLy �of:y L� a Isia Ju Ideas one;, as�.1 IS Ig YL ee n d t d table that our -nation al atabri slioaU gross eia�6T46.' S�` 'es ion '10 L had� en-:rria ­vvith believe that -:DAr.'IM'� be �th: M -air: oar men the ichi disti �;uishiid itelt pairticu arly-apqn thb groun, 'Obarrijust,opposite 1eryL]i6i"jd8.. '.It Ny b as y apsharps eater in.a. Wadswort 'ill iBionj portituan ingi,althowilifbelonigi�9 to ihe Fift corps,,� ai&d.tira�L orps in its fj�ijarc tie ip#Iintrin the selcicted"for. the- pi6-nic- wds,,the,b-6dutifu I . � fill ad betwitierl�th­ grdve'StL the jilinction � e to e "1863. in du6 jrdr&.7 TfidT tie -,t-Theti- fii'Anijhi­rth'ubo wtiik-%willrba v I p g, e, , va stated in the q.. I ­,. - ille saffed'upoathe -best ssible*basis� a 'rid -once.: Itis ­beliiived that onp,-,ofthe - ­ �. -teiTifi6,losgin:killed,��i"le-;fst 2,0,000 ofhis I IS -Qf hii"gang fak6n.!' 11 ry, rivingr OCCUpjkd by the'rebel infa t d' 1 thtim fr�ra the- a feat alinesi Unpre�,"both,le-s-bei(INViihe yes- 40 ay;thlat Ca�t� Stev ng,bf4he:Fifth, I Batt&y�-got hit. �'-AVul let passe through p , Bit , , 'Comin�,'&Yiawith _ f -heL . W 'h b s. gaping, area on t e, artery, t Tnade-ItItdohot th,in& Gth' conces'sion� with the. Bu 6eld Y r , qJ)osi -and r. 1 i3vinston!s- farm'; -un&as-','-,:� 'sbift-� 9how&j Rav-6 falleri ec Ar Y guiad) L�' _�BX. Ist will Sieps' io be take. by the. 31inistry- en Trl No �Suchi IN -,The� , a �'aild woods i I g tie a van6ici`:bf' cedented, b*nsia knee, i�fiietiu`g a,Bevere,. balot Iiiiierous Nir und. thegun& ad, to..be abandoAci& It w' as shbirt'live su�pdrtin d' infantry" -e lately" co p fields ari&woadj'�b 1y,hhe Birr,tnindiii.,� ad 6ti 121 County Surveyor for, Marl Fi�al'ruce,- Suivevor's 4'. f -be to test the :relative �sttength b parties"Ilravoc1c g "is inflicted upon', ill P d6i4 reels inflintryrjrva� v'r6­6' "" dedd;pountry. '6 "', At 3 �l o:CTjdkj'dB n; Meade had[, received � �..f ffineatt6urrinacp tOj himjirf',the�bc- S�, Uqtly G,'Brib,� 'Id 6LI& Guafd;, iefiLlPeopIci, ��(,Ahe bal te 'ra�h4L their gayest attire'�, J..',About olckickS.I.S." clint6a"Sili July, 1M., — :Ro'u' in refereu to which i Say ee q:, erS, cpataeded, by the most firfludnt al memb was. near, y,, that' "��q�qjiipaj as gre�a seainii&� f 'm,bay.L so '�ytfiiiiclf. and, s91ar to ­ at upei, e qtqcs ",OC'. firSf; to' chosen 1 50 100 liet --thiivt[I6 reblels'-were c6ricentratifig tlieir 'th,­:r tp,,bia� rj.r,,, . e ­ ingit em;, Upon tha..�cilptor6 a'd an ret�ok'the, guns. a most dagbin4' iljallf:�littlia A,.' and bri ir -general' major �eiiChotby --irited,' and'.No. S libuB�, 'all Mr,; Jewit! Went �iu 'With. that ihe 31rinist ry ,Ije�)dnddubted)y droW killed, e dir secup;,un Fart taprOteotion-of,the'inirin cible - 6uld 'not haver- ple 'Lieut. -i ased-, r b- -.. fljga�fiyi a.' d pra9d4sisli,tqt,.esitk, 6 of"theoppositiour press 'be iiOasi derable maj , , -the eae at cquall Y, with ill Our Trhird��eorjm. rine lumledi'ately, Tells? waitsou, WAr thanjfid-�r�uewed�o ess 0 s au� 'as" aded, by,41i6w,:Ba�114d;-A -tit i - rid -`11, 341 sustained I; y,,a on' 7 '6ttical' This i being, Si h er, �6ff.thii*remain:�'r'qf. is, arM y -a&i.harvi-g-ChVi,Xeade!s s 0, Se- addition of.abioj& ;p,priso neri. Tener al k a6duetheried on., tl�i eiiil�� co -b seritto 'its support; 'ar, d, sever�l' "elli) , his 10 t p a ma e a a races. a. oo them k 'Up r;l the children,,auttiafteniardii r the ults;: kt e of' t R� V mportant point hol)e-'and'belic�' e the fiewr Ir'i - 'Sound aridyiapi o ow with ------ fbir�' nn,-- any, ., 7, i.tti6i CYti;iBIOUS reported killed, d4he one& persoii�-:Iiuid droie obfjj�;�e �,-qn '. r ; � ­,�,�aiesL 6 iea F'om tlip.maerve bein--� bloa- &,Out and. lace in positiow. ro o t it 'tofal,r S; ! �'L . r, ey, rprap)qe,,iR'thJi Qattoft�p dounbT speaker culogi Rev. zed the, fine flavor o -t a 1. - � I � -P, ` " �E rL, efideavdrto, Carry out a policy of, V� dabl�, roe al 041m oaaiblq�: i�jA­ _ _ 'I. _�� :. � � t em, at cast 31 t about'. _C�Cloek P. in. enemy. seat ,r. �, It is impossiblerlo, give bur tatal I osse4., teil,, anot er,�who,,5 Id Man 11' JlS,an.-, a. cpantryl A - -muke & -re t, the, same tirtic en- trenchinexiti. li�tia . I - - �. I L ­. -"post 'and solber:i�view ofithe-poAtic New, prisoners pass? ou,, -ibbo thr h Frredci- Ili �Arst complimen Y 6'aalY6 b It will be severat'da b6for&ibe'numbier Cad ys be�ac�urately'kuowd. _trhe &g1jeot bftbiai;' bjg4lydel d was ingemers, an a 'third speaker th6ag&L je� ti, to', the, app lea on r Private or. lwul.B iuS,"!,FlAer- . ry ln�SUC _,a demvbr to pla�e theL Coun t h �rigt& 'gilft- ick': on�rthe r w-a-y'1b B imore to'd ny", his filij Shelia iallini�Lirncoiaforru Gen. ;a , , r. a. . L 'r ca c a ell qqarters.,­,, Irroin't JaL -h hbuif8rih J -have gn of the Fifth in, ed,,, i SeCon none eve"he'ivituess'ed ,e,:TcepfoMa exe naive pri vil e&� Maig 'dW,',df in it organ atibn a tion. w a it ith reaar& ttat no emergency. which -hay;' uhrortu- mary,,w 0 Nye :to, b� 1, tfiiai ,has yet appeared,imNortherri-oprilrW who ill are several ers. of ille '6'Clach '6'Clo&'occu d.by:' all -odds 66'most kgagements,yei'Aril sainguinaryrel alLiadAnAhe annals ofthe ;�Sr,. corisiderin du'rn-� its shortir in the fill��44?8�reU, T kin ba`itile.' , f a in� this 'the -P Into Be. ftli, Whole inhiddivil'neig b6i an& �reachers do not -often go asirdy, diiiti�� OftAble blesse" �IPL 'Ja, . . ."I L., �' , i � . =s.� tie c6ituit);-thatif 'good 00i6ra :f& C ornmer6alorother"" "fit a Ing suTv i arit*5` 11W oFfor dc-'ifig"In �t ten I)& 'to 0 'et Biately.. ariSe.WL11I�find, as in -a,stittiii Oi i�A`is n fiiehtS , of -Foteta�C'iS' ews rom t e,Upperr More jj6n�:r The artille ry attach whieh'� - iraid, made �'havel6on�drsW;',btw toss�ctirm t' be' 'e twenty houaritill kiJlcd,., ki 'Coo 'IngL wsure ia 6x for. Z � good' wife, no 1,h er y 0 rig ts or.ptq a erpa e t�'! _Ife� h JeM. L T FC�Srgrr$ An _.Oft I e-tlMeSL throii-h-' % s :in I: at ;be jh� yland; will : L� . al eat ocitain 'eneouraging.. Itr'S in' that1ee by 66"eneirly- on the. 16fi "d nir, L d e,� was, wo,0 mde4 Fhri Bn 6 �d Xing "iiheAdig� n iny'r't j&'�q t & upp,gent emun-,yidedl,� f6w to go to 8 dr require Ki out, thev the.? present- tim'd�'mbcte prld, �X, -wfthout q omlaous�ind any-desire.to. r1ttomp- fully Mada,known tOL the:p4blic for; ; days -to Came. There is agame�o ex�itingl be li� llfbb-brotLMA to �bait-ie 6 flil Sid ftlh'� n is 1 ..River under 'g rest Aisadvautiiges.:" the L a 'f d Vance, 0 pidlyfolloIiicil'b�? his -inian. -i-TheThii-&-corpw rec ei�cd ffie� 'attack; ten Cbo1nc8S.L.-'­',Tb at, 'down at thirty thouBand.. We have'al, pri�ione6 -than ill tl-�' a y,", an are! !gtffis-ind 'g ined b. I quej Afterr ll,mple,j aBitee- done to the 'eatililei:,Mr. J(ZWit,L'onL was f ll1J&Lf6lIawi �Rtfliis-dftlii Ing'L cW-nad Legis --ALS�iam I blf-"Xq§PCC-1 �hitih ari�AliApd ig od "M p kroph ecy, we.chnnot help ariticipatim, inup ;,t,,," to" rcd-tud,*t--iW. rative mpori"the"m tary 4 Seerlaahed4haf-he has only ui�naged .,,,,rebels Nkdegfq�tur an c,.­an(1kCptL May* 6"'lberFivi at ion. This 'tate' -usi utA By ave ceit" gyic� eBs� to b b -s�rid -wit Lund lartiiarlwhose aapi�" E Be na, id We t Two MON W, qaFet;Q-V-gYve THSf the ii cu ion (cleatl]Kai;a7:= ppli -,�koj&�Jtrau �p( �rh�ip$ n theL I . Iffliether wc,.ruay� e- df f b f. a, time. sarily be: secret. fo I I * , q;e a 't worin his to'r cross his. ded and,, part bf L oltimns,m th. -direct n d h, fi support, w ic wasquicklygi�er`LLL theL Fififi I ou-ht� -I here X'Aist-of S 6 hud&bd n th6,kt1ledaud iiqu d 11� I 1i . I I - ­ Lr .1 n ed of go �,AO"Its'p"�,� -effi air-. ciefitj6r6jwaird�poifited toi�actasq �6f, :8 Ci D jeet), irithei ate uture6, involved iw t�:e.bieWin�_.ii6il�IeS.,itL,.-M� V, L,sh�rp "w 00i, f)ar.ber u A11P N -be Ltjl rune if thid 41Vju, CiW Uq, �sIlqlis�,,haviug.� so Tar'"'known- no' bridg­e�' uinber-�`Of. bo� 6en�id Corps. i,, Tbe division �6fr,: , , r. em-, arnes-'being siahtto'thi ri�bt, and-- f e 1. a, C I , ", , , . ther, '1 IlLcorrp&,�r', : 1 1 miiu;� tbilti�', Air, 1BWortli , iieir.73!iJ 'W'b6ir. 'VeCappin'and*,M�',B6n�,da-,�h,, L( -1 lelivered dbbi "I is ndW4 e _uTIQr ;aj If uva news iry`:�- lAeiFin t 'he to say, but itilLwe believe An, T h gairictk6w�being,p ye i, u. e mea- . . I -- - ' .- . , C, -sin bata-llargc.'�.n Mende h4sbeen to�, 4rrjok�Ljfor a- yresi' Its; to t1fe,le `wi rese,irb. atateWnt �f.Prisoncrs­ " -, _f �; r lesse 0 biajr,� ­ '�itfij addN�st;66,' wo -o *hi& wqpq "No 10, 1 'r the Chu dren-617' and,'V�i.Old li$ te �ee --co the Ji -t4f en n 1p� th 0 L a C 5 u hn iprMe by A. �d! en td, eirounmwelt Mr � I sures ink' thenit.'biustGetterail 'h, el;�,cc Of. 6,bt,,, th r 7 fectl fdaYful,�-` The hall pnow-, e, -per the-enientiyaie marked:byaimiibrmity*L calcu-� f 1;. �Bang Some P,ee&_o f House Theito Kh preprationr is -&-beK.Pfc- :i, tic when. & eri,ge, iral. h,4 ce 0 sing L is art.i cry, The -The arifikii eiigajed-, dack,06i crat ve"�y 6 0 . f cir War'O tb,enfo�ce I ty.1 - I I.- � L,,L ­­­ , G' "In't e" rist-plade, a entire a 'v- i�O ea. 1,143 EMW I both achdol Hvip OrLandi7� OdL Save-ith6 -Qieem'! A� TODD CU. C11C. , privarBiu- t --of War. �,We ttu.�t thati bduceisa 31 Messurer I tr ilitary" W Cerro vp So, at s�$jM gay tO �Orate, C",_ awrgqiF�-?, -�st last deddlifitg1i6t; ri orre� th a 0. fi 'Ged." tLed% -maskeiiy-V'a§ iteressant; avi he iidi More loader �batilis,�- can hele" h b- ortWfroaq, the ffbfiia huudredaiidtwca$y'j Th I-'­M�T!' P cnllnf at - iy!­!" lebdi" FAZdn4,, *61 tA i -bsscd tbiin`00' h ki',o "lt*my. ­:�! �L' ate.tothe Wan r jif ts r bUr, 'DeNFVa % 1, ;p art.,, 'p 'hing.-16ibril ageristoWn to AVIlligms, �iioise, critabes.7i1z oi6r, but oyt�!,ti;BetOth I - ita -�Avefi,�iq, uhT� the �Wfdrf. Tbejmeu�,*. p �' A"!, ari,` PAWI)g.gi�iitel - UCB7 DO Clk. -,if Pit Bii I' ill be' f6und: read' L X �qadian peop e w x­�an �c iary portipit oifthe� willing to bear p' 6" c� a' Seen ts�to�b6,thrnj 1k 6�Buinsiaelat�Fred- er m _'qj)little( ls,armyiupon,�, asses" 1-1 1 . f 'and -in antr dfartillery-ry�an wasrrepu _'Mrea es cing h` _pdrt'-:A&­Gcn,., d b t .6 to to,; marel. from 'i&�nsboro`L� On. two "�ds Clans G. lip, r, d, I ch�iilj brinir 'Bu ell carvy I � ­ 7:11 � . . ealt urm ofinen, �and idree! our line back . ' Ca� -T'Cto'�Plis' g ­A recall. lawl! It our army� they would, eas4 Ill I 'j",Bal6bdie,antf'Phil ' take,,, Rfilllgt�pn adel� BayfieldBiussi �Biii3d; ilioj�' tied L luirg�l it ' ' 6 1 - , ` I - .1 1 ng.,to, t e pldasulbS 0 �in �, " '. ­ ­: . . . L . �q ��: , -Wtiahm '130 �011,y Oarl wards k'b" our wTh iir`.�Fillint'�blutns p ialind New Yorkand-Bostori if they Chose, -, 'bi -riot -w14h �ffiZ, alloyed li,%po n r e. an w ell 'L Ti. EI 4. ta c,'Z , , L Merely aliteuipw forho CL _Its quo, Out telc�rraph is� alrvad-V- four m ile S - li,6�, -4dva , ­­' .11, covered, ' - the s IV s 'it -glory -over'11TWOver, agam.-!r WI 'The 13-hornia col6fsfl reafter, !Pr ying ­ . , ", " ' - iiid:ihel iWNhdFj.t'ee of ttIe'LrjOUtl1ora'CbafdjJ; not�seen ig 'a tire L CL evenin'gr 'apilre, for L oule. highly. "ratille kitilatf hi,,Ve Jailer, VP :X-Jilipti'Mided-onti dark 'twlio :yo; i blitMitre't, 61t THE -T BLICKS�-M THERIJ, 'STAT.ES.� 4 '11 succo6ded iOi 4 andAu, dit- yond L 0 Be usborO�r�Our�. nee bellill at: -tbitpoilit.� 9 Srior arce in, niihibei 8 t gn�, 'werd yertrap dis osid ene 'id; �ko acknow1peig ed. Thes a romises,. adr! Kfifift6fliu 617fulfilffitnit.They, W 111� I _. P. '�4 �j r ­ anti alearfing � bay h -iftem, y�e f.1t of the.clbst�a,,Rrida evening-, -OP,c6arsi�' -.tjL re' on out on -i -a bodf o FTC 'to'.riedeeal b" qu em, or e lie 0 HMO, �AaSbeianthe'iot f the,fiiii6ziblej ihis, pe, to Moe, itroductimt1o" ft ofitliZ zbattl&f ield their Pitilul ,4 4as a. crue �eppm-niffi" th'AW, P .,qa OUChqS�,jltiw�'at cam a rc�, 6ther-foreeS.ill'arposition. enabling the all to er pproa t1apkr of Pea., Lea-, -Should� -rebels a', vaneing., 1! dill ur 0 dispollitiouB were eii6aiy fhb� un& more, up ga'antvaeratai Thb'e&resVdfidbfit df`thdNe* 'York W-�rlj: -the -batt .7 -hii.6ulariar -pioi aio� aw, bebalL -7, p3lmer is,zeq" I*. )u itk',Jti� 'jiffing . ..... a in New. we via 'V"'h iihasjidter suffegod. 'd RUT to 'eq, he d. croii iW river;,,14s ie pee in ek- At half-puatg- wryltinget 6 -` one Man Corte ndeut', ,th 'tei W ADAM-HO'OT d as- Bring So Se'Ker­y I ormer d N' t ;h I "t pas we Ycats�SIPOC jj��attl��ia-hdtte rivelihoti& a rid r r W .1,qfe ep e, Rlp ,pp mestimi,-.: 14­a4via their pananui I . - h f this -r a latter*.ert nbyrthe�iffliceirnb Art the a& fa Ai;e -of t] -;iiiC6r16iis ahay 134 6aBrof""I -,­­�� . - I fol h, _an, owing - 'f " - 'inthe g, by a pidej rightle, df,shialli and b rne from ryr�*� that 'I'll. the field. XheUju 'gOL�"S� 1 - ecame- necessary, -and i.t, �,waa per;, putattomr. III apd.moAt,�pgalN(O( h 93as-rr- , �Was Oe� 0 -..dtr , - maddened by thd,l 00 P ;. -Pn� . W P ty 4a _to th �&w : York,tici ho -weiklfiiarcl�,dden d1his :July 6 ill, q - 31tlOU 111, e It III 6ft Ora 7 &a t�s thaa Be no D eMIS 'Frei oSe 't� t re ft Ii bi hat -tri '4� I tr �1­ �: ­ ' " ' ''.Ship Th fGe I s., Meade andborich-alre A, A beihig taikeil off T hea# &,r 6­­tii� rn t t t r e am h post q VS rlyn-I.m., gn' p g evenii# %Wd'IMA' d fire-% sgiaia, '4he. d .0 �k .(I U (lie ftwe!S�brutal' taskmaster f theiSoutherw ­­ideil'- adjLrRT a y ;gn- I Fir "t -h 44,A=A­ "ga 7'e 6k ijapi y� entrau9g,,,Jn,,Tqq%LO e.j gotic 01 r. 01' ro h Th, 'p -'a 'IaL: aS e, ,or twS I I we ard-.� 1� -beli6v &,,, r� if -�ir,­,T ­­ --- ­ X1 ­r be well rhaps to-stal &MIN - , are -here. lo� 'T Of wfih i< . titiong4its-0,WL0 PC gl ten. -t Wl QC ayger I W" Q t ­ at- taMe Ora ev; end ffiam` byif&�& -h a C li" te' f baked as,boafdCrs;iUd-.q -n-laar-thi"s narii, ,a 0a Horhce: Greeleyj the -IUJ070io� 044 A , , I � ­. , � ! � " Plgat* ws1b4ij, --fibrit-Wayneiboro, ahow thata- ed�, e h F.- r I ralt"di'li eOC 76, Br'fi' with �(ItBaparauou­�agqzafil��%ldi�j� ma us -rP ­­ I '' L �, Kola ­ ; 'T 6atuat6il by asiticere'desure-,W enekt slive iaciai-:or'�t least that the A 'W� 6_preVear e . and Coach's;fokbes, It *Ubdiftebilleurd -Z'brt - -6 " Ir";.1 Poiiio qe'sl� i n 6 hi -31B the od c yj n d sulAenly gtyo andinyiJkliamung Mth� -ipitimbed _Yel T -0fli- 1 �e lit �Jf 9 `W 'I"'' UZ t. and 11,9t- ­ �­, 1,111 -�t�- �tiie%§aulto 'Wits, ID ad, 11,-M "�and;136iher,!,� tg� tsi�R �kilfiikked th", t- W is a '3v ell oil ThWrid- "'W't"li ET ARNO W f-cesVb6Nst�1 1 f� r j;6b@6jj to' ;Va�tcb Move 104k-,O�,ib p r S*i ;iiiW vil mirdai't1weil _ " - ii d fi� Bnu N lrow W 1 21 re live. t 7'J 4fTJ, -1 .... .... Fous;4 a' cj" 61' -a- ok coh it be `31, eral,notp Q%i-n'�fitV6j rof 'One ­ . h­ Whom" a �OVvaerCan Nan�- 1, is t0l,� 'N"ft A1W7:tR,'9W,-! FIRM-. ib Qij rV red r6ents tiud-githcri OgaupplleS., qkiie % pianktan ��u i I W, receive themm4q,ati � R envelope .-thif ranki, J JgddliVdrera, with w, L ' ­­ r Peter Bro 'Georg I L 1. 1 R vto to'l forrt4jitad %rertisement. th of­q&�Ahd dbvid -ing U e mo & j Ci 0 Law- .,are,8 tar e loved to be ffirt4dedt. t IF, a that--plinit.-, 'erim fit We"'fiR W01 -lit A M- b haa4PW WW' I ted his 79th, 91 - , T &TOWN 0 �a 0- 16 % ; "', -', - " '' fire' JiU, o pr,4eV.eUZjth upow� I, kh Atifi�.Avents.,ara a to ta a place� a p � "i, htlt"96`�P. 61!"4V4ts6W0.J4U 70329� tit iia, Syri 3 tr�, e, 'w a "jl� Y draitg7 oUji g er -IDA h .... . .. .... he�d for., near y a quarter of,�d L 7 wtddsIY4 !on: PNFP� S,r ­ 4 . ;T * -bat-� Shadowy niversalXrotheV -J�eantifhl. . tied1di;iwaAh�u*�Ibhbl y,10y,6qw"r.P:- 1 r- `M�A . _ ),Z er_ 1 i 1� t - -,� �,Tgb&hil�160n "a -iikti &mi, C-rear.­Thqamc�seq, #file ad f" � , - -- - - " X0 a, -TtArtiry ­­ A , r b -To- qgnR ent cimneete With the lit bh j �,� _7"- J& C �"L� iblit", bi e �pu ejourn 01 d fire S' 'JilM Barrift2 but a qs., alas 'tiii J,.t C, � "* _I ooly., holdin out to "-'Ites 'I Qjrk'eTj�"ipi&ir�% at U) 02 active 1 opera o- Ct ft ghir ofqjdt� ��' kth6. i�4 24 be lfiwiw, %mto� it�rri Be ves, _a1u%n gUJIF arn, as, i ur agm -[39�5 11RC P. sal�4111* 'a fiabo a 1� ­ I e-.0witer,cau TIT, TEE lifiiii Y Pitt AMM ort S­!KTuFem­ 9'baSe &a ben t8:6f�'an"U16 Pratt d thd1areirinj �iil RN0 449 01 OrM are J e,' "fe M af, pkq�, r182 dr. �7,wq 1. . -.�' - , ( , Mr -pq ve,: p", in,, �Jjt�ef Q Neade1d the . ..... �i BwvvrU % -Thid"thebry'SOUn wu U 0 ii- formed ill IN N N r',yd fin �'6 irt ­rtffii­� e' -f 'in ffhl� App F)UI 0 B. in=; tic s9179- V ' , t411-- gif tii'$ .S:Y,. - t O�J� $gas 10 'on�-thc` TO 4I0vqria.,jft 4 ;9wa CYaSSIa. ' ' ' ' '­ -pp visite some 1?oYyU90BS,u t Or, ligb�L'iind Carl be4 lgerla!�P.alr wi�nei ter f , ­Ln, t rrible $eroeik%�,�dt, e.11 P n "IROB, o piedj)y Gam, "ryiL,,�Ba : F Dy ad� '[U jR'� fell baCk'a-, ­ short-, :,befo!n tjapjdj'1'..,'jR _.to j�6:advaaC6'te ' ­24ar,­ aja -wldVe� - N twu a poSiuva r ­ -*-­--'-':'Vaj1j�"ffijCJrL iis aft Geim' Meade -6 e eat -it ft 'prcper� A- Y" I �J 14"W ;at" -tin �thkti;hd w 9 W .. l"Ur "t. ti 11 en 1 kff leV nor elu CeSU'r -0 sAiffiWi ti net, Th d P ked, Cheated and, ayum cMMUP Z,;FgMJ*Jq sk. f and, fir Mg getter prDpatT m!S!-'1 iii6ily4coven [twu ';ad4hat'he:,svas,,b Nflilis, .1 Ln e�� arr­­,� exl�c t4a receiie. e�mploymeut- kiiCfair i� rd6 notIleat s n U �rtan-� _,tr�� C �t ai� led oi&r, t is on ra 0 ligh the ground.': re br6t fui,frolu ho was "trad tho body of rrenl3we u Of t 050. 6 asJ pprct?��ajluelegi P - , - r, ", " '- . "' L on B64a Vi p <