The Blyth Standard, 1945-11-07, Page 1THEE a LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 56 - NO. 11, BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. NOV. 7, 1915. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Huron County Soars Through To A New Loan Record Rev. Harold Snell Addresses Lions Meeting Rink Taken Over For Winter BOYS' ANI) (GIRLS' BAND READY FOR PRACTICE Two New Members Inducted Into Club kcv Harold Snell, of Auburn, \\u:; guest speaker at the Myth Liles Chub meeting 1111;.1 , r 'Tuesday evening, in the \Icnt,ir:al Hall A g4.uf attendance o1 (,ions, and several guest, were present The President, Lion Dan i hpd,l, was in the chair :\ delicious supper was sery(,l by the members of \Ir, I\ilp:,trick', group of 1 the \\' .\ of the United Church, and \I rs hilpaurirl: teccive(i he thanks of the Club through the President, for the splendid ctfort put forth by iter Group Several appropriate songs were hung by the Club, with i.ion 'Tauter Stan Sibthurpc leading The troll Call was responded to in the usual manner Pte (Bun) Flail Welcomed Home I'hc I'resirient addre„4.'I a f1 V words of welt, me to Plc Bernard t (Bun) hall, who was the guest of the Club for the cycling Bun 1,;i' just recently relurt,td from Overseas after almost six year, c,crvicc •111 replying lite Hall stated that if Strange Noises If you hear strange noise; emir sting from 4ari, u, house, aront d limn during the evening or after fou' o'dock, or ('yen early in the meriting, you can rest assure(( that it, i, ,.11111• boy or girl trying out their new band 1 'strltlu•nl Don't be di: curbed if it's your neighbours boy (r girl 'I'itink 4.l having to live in the same house ,,ttll a bolster. ems boy — and a ba,; horn Ile )sive, a "discordant Hat", the ~log runs under the couch, the ttife plugs her ears with her fingers, the old roan Ih•o\•, a look Of cotl;tcrnatioI 111 hi,. off -spring, and finding' 110 ether retreat, 4x)'11,(', himself, and hind; up in the p, I hail, or hack at ‘yore: This is the case in over t\•enty Illytlt !nme, at the present lithe -- all because the Illytlt (.ions decided to sponsor a boys and )girls band But wait until Johnny or' Jennie ut:tkc their first march down 1114. avenue Pa and \la Neill he ready to take a share of lel(' crekit then, while Johnny bloat; his top riff trying to redeem himself for tiro agony Ire nt:.de 1llent endure dur- ing his hoot's of practice Royal Black Preceptory Ban(ruet Here Blyth Municipal Council The regular monthly meeting ,if the 011 I"riday evening of l;ut week, the Nitwicil;t) Council of the (.:urpuration members of 111yth Royal Black Pre.- of 1111 village of 1;1)•111 was 1111(1 011 (.01,101.)• :Old ()ranee Lodge, their wives \londay night, November 5th, with ;Incl families ;utd guest,, to the 11111111111 l eeve \lorrit1 and l C,nulcillor. Ker - of • oyer 'ow hmulrc(I, sat d0\v11 to a nick 111(1 V0dticn Present splen lid turkey• dinner in the coinnwl- ntlte, t0f last regular 11111ng of icy Hall, 1111th Uct\liobrr Ist, :Hui special 11111101)4 of Please Note .\iter ;till justice had been (line In October 15th, 1';45, read and confirmed, It W 111(1 be grca11)' appreciated if the ,upper, and the tables 111)111(1�on 114(,1; ,n of (.1 tuuci!lar' licralrk 3;:01 ,Ill 4. the r, to the 111) di Public I.ib- a\vay, a!1 excellemi program teas put 1 \'addeI Carried ear) \14(4(111 r4. frail from changing Lilt - on con,i,•.iug of addresses by Eight 1 .\ deleglItioll of Messrs 111 1? FIli• It l,,.,k, during 1Veduc•da), and on 1Vorshit,inul, Si- Knight, J:tnte, \Vor- and J 11 !'hill;(,: !14(111 the lllyth 1.i'ns 'Him -airy a,rt'itt,;, Thi, i• the 1111, 01 1.,011,1 ,,I. (;rand \Ia,t1I of the LC1111) waited on the Cotn:cil to :,e., whati peak t,t.h hours in The Standardu' Royal I11:tck h:'ti)hts of Ontario \Vest :4(1311 cmculs 113(1,1 he made for l.Oifir(., 311(1 1+11;1) ++1 d„ n t +t 'Lit Might \1'„r,hit fol lir() ilirmingham, of holding of an evening ,,l entertaintnr" t to intpo,e a '} imposition o4( 1111 Toronto, Grand \easier of the larval and to detrrn t'lc the farm 4(t' rue"/411;- 1 sutocribers, it would he a )neat re - Orange Lodge al Ontario \\'1st, light tion 4(i the se:t•ice' „1 the III)•th I(4.- lief for u, n •. to be bothered Isa'I.- \Vorshipinl Ile,. Joseph Carson, Past turned Service Personnel ing b,,,pi:s 0n these day. (;raid luster of Ontario \Ve,t, and I Moved by Councillors hernick and \1'e are sire that subscribers l.0 Rey :\11!1111 Sinclair, of 1111t!t !'hese i\'oddeu that a Special \lectins; of the !h(' laiwary Hill to-nperate in this ad(Ire,,e, \etre 1 :1111 interspersed by i Cottrell rell be called by the l ea,ve in the 11131111 (.;bear) hours on other (la), en oyal,lc music rendered by the Utz- , near future to sec what arrangement; still be as u•n:d, ft•,mu the tittle we ter•1lrnce Orchestra; readings by \Ir, could be made l l this neuter Carried open in tits morning 1111111 \ye close r I'intiit;:ut, mf 1)mmgann0ti, autl \•oral \II 1. ( 1 In P \3;111! un the Corin- at night Duets by \li,ses \\'allace and Phillips `il ;ts a rcpresrntaliyc .front 1111 i114111 of BlythVictory loan Committee requesting :\t the cfo,e, sit.. Kt (marks Stew- the use o1 the municipal fire truck with Buy Bonds - Or Else art, 41)111(14' \la,le(,f 114(11,11, was cal -a driver and some of the firemen for Blyth Still Sets The Pace, And What A Pace It Is L1i)rary Subscribers Short Musical Program Following a ruling set down recently everyone was :1s glad to see him home by 1111 President, that 114,11 connnitte( as he was to he 1101114., 111111 he was sure everyone nits very happy "\\'hen take charge of the program in their turn a, meeting nights rolled around, you are a\•ay for one Christmas, N"It, re:uains of the late \Irs Douglass think, well I'll be home for next Christ-; the :\1tendance Counnittec were re- , \lurri;nn were laid to rest i:1 1111 Blyth :.Potnsible for the program un 'Tuesday mass 114(1 when that rolls around aim Cemetery on 'Thursday after- . The President turned the you still aren't home, ;and finally six of moon, November 1st Nunlral ser nutting over to Lon 'Tanner Stan Sib-: t them roll aro n:d before you finally vices were con0octcd at her late resi- thnrpe, who called on Lions Norms Pct home, it's a mighty funs,~ time ; Bence at 2:30, with Rev Arthur Siin- I'te Hall was very sincere in his re- i Garrett and Ilei! (tray for a duet num, ([101, Pastor of the Plyth l'Iitcd het• 'They ;ant; very sweetly, "\\'lien Church, in charj e marks, and thanked the Club for their You and 1 \Vert' Voting \laggtt largely attended by hospitality 1 1'hc !littera! v:a; Lion titan then introduced the num friend; 3111 relatives from many any diffrr- New Members inducted (Ihers of the "Jungle Juice” 1134(1(1, (.tans The Club had the extreme pleasure (tsar Dohaclly, Ilrve McCallum, Bert enc points, soul ;t pr fusion of 113131 of welcoming Iwo Inure new members ( ire)•, and heti \\'hitulot•e 'These Lions into the i.,Id 7'11e key J I. 11 Ilender_ 143411• th.ir interpretation of Jungle son and :d r Frank I lollvnran, were Juice Music, or what they tom idcrccl .1•:tsl:cr, Slu;u t 1,, 1 ; ati, \1'illianl \tor cal(((l to the front :dolt with their 41011111 be the reaction u! jun);I4. jn'cr rill, :\ \\'!' Smith, Baillie Parrott and sponsors, :and 1.:' it (lord Elliott, chair= on the human body Lion (.tar (111\e at , t, \\'a t\\ 011 111a II of the \Icmhershic Committee,, 11111111 how nn the violin, Lion Bert 111;111(1; and relatives were present read theta the Lions Objectives, t•ol_ rattled dein hones, :111,1 how be did it, !rent \I, u,nt F'lal11 :\)'I', Ca)uga, lowing which they were officially we!, all)) Lion Ilart•e and Ken proved Ihcir \\'iugham, Clinton, Godcrich, I?zeta, coiled by the President Thee were 11111,g 4' 1p l •icy 4.n the ilarn;orlica \lis, (.0111.11111 111)(1 Brussels thin li i,ted atop at chair fon„ spicae) ' F.lizahctlt \l ill,, :\ 'r C M, accumpan- %elide the Club members sae); "Tor led at the piano—the tunes, "0 Sus- \r They are Jolly (food Fellows", f(•llow- j:unah", ,and 'Golden Slippers" for an big \•bleb they were accorded a hearty I encut'e \V4. '11(4141 mat forget In ex- Damage To Mail Li.-,„,,R,„„.{plc<s our sin4,ete.gratitude to Nits Gat'- • • Boys and Girls Band Under Way ifiell Doherty, llarj1ric and i.ois, \•h" Boxes) Criminal The President rcpc'rted that the unt,t ha..." silt (erect untold miser) "It Offence Linos L'oy, :1:11 (;;rl; Band had 611310• ! three •Iiff,•rent night?', as the members Fire 'Truck Will Herald Last Chance To Buy Bonds On Saturday Afternoon 1111(11 1 1,I :ty has crashed through 0,tit e,u1) 4310in (11I00l1I Nimtlt \ ;(tory I. ,re ( 1,)411)113' ('IlairnruI, Kc4• \\' .\ I1 (4(r, n ;.1111, unced the news cm „day l he minimum objective of 1,226,:0(1 b;((: been reached, and pas- sed, rutty (la) , before the Loan ('los( 1! 114(11 n (:ntnty was the 1 in District. , O to ext co! it's objective The Comite had 105 percent of it', quota 141111/,111 \'r,•dne,01a\'s ,ales 11ci11g re- porle(l 1),) 1,1 >;i 11014,01111 ttas the chal- lenge of the County Chairman, and he believed the Comity would better this figure 1,; the time the Loan closed Sat- urday night GREAT NEWS Sa t l'.i", the last da) of 1111' Ninth Nur' i\yle i, known throughout the -\11 this tt,I great nen•., to every 10(1 on, and he highly commended all 11,01(1-Inlyin:e tit , ea of 114(11,11 County. \'ice ry Lu:ttt country for hi, ability a' a go,(d bond (hose alto had t,tk('n 11111 in the pro- loved\by t_nunr.illors \'odd 'u and salesman, and he receives his just due, ;rut I„ Ch1 r 1'x111; of Blyth it meant graunnu', mining a he;u't) yule 1,1 (10111 all 3101 sundry, high and to++ ,buckling down to h '1,1 their lead at the thanks to the sane: also to the lactic; liernirk that 111e fire truck, as r4.-!� quested, be put at the disposal of the 1\'1 wonder :, we have in -covered the top of Ihr heat;;, a 113(1 \11;111 4\4. have Isar their shay: 31 preparing, Nt such a myth \'iclur} Lean Committee secret of his Persuasive power .\t a hell sing" the uptnin1 day of the Loan forenclid dinner and Sir ht \Vailare' meeting4(l the lucid Victory Loan i 1'" .h ,w you what we mean, here supPlring the tint turkey Cairricd , \Icssrs George Ptadlord and Bert ;Committee on ;!4(11(13) afterno„ l.1 one .Ire \Ve(hne,d,ty', figures as released The vmeeting was then brought 11 a , of the committee discoecrecl Meek- hid- ,fro( l (1,11111) lleadrluarters at Cocicricll (easier, a; a delegation from 1111 1,1)1;1 1clusc b) th( National :luthcnt, 11111 - lions Club, waited an the Cr?4(4(1;1 and (1111 under the tail of his coat - not a District Quota Subscribed P C one ;111;11; they had : pen`s a must en- bottle 4(t Scotch - but a holster•, and in I , requested the Connell to turn over 1111' 111\ 111 6-1 IrJ0 11_,1(1111 175 juy:tblc ct'emt•g \Innici rtl kin(: to the Chub for this this holster was: something, \e didn't moo!) .--- 9..-,-_ I /.1111;1 flay \1' Lti,( () 21 1,21;0 1),, winter, with the Corporation supplying open it to sec, httt it certainly tit the 1•: \\'awano,h 97,1NN) 150,85(1 155 MI'S. Douglas Morrison the motor and hydro for the rine: holster, and full. like a revolver !Exciter ';61,00.) '9795(1 142 I,ilid'TO Rest Mewed by Councillors Kernick and ( \V4. can von() for •Nury's capability !trusses(; 1OLiNO 111,401) 131, V,udden that 1114. Council give 1111 run- in handling a gun, as he demlonstratt`•'l l \\' \Va'nos11 97((10 1'-4!610 128 uing of the Munidpal Rink to the. a few year, hack in a ban(. hall -up, (;odrrich •1"1)1'11;;)0 149,850 121 Blyth Lions Club, as requested, with hut we don't fry a moment suggest he \\'iughant '05,((00 35,5110 1_p3 the Lion; Club to receive all revenue , w 111 use it 11, :,ell howls) even though ' C'olh •1111-9,i,IN10 115,150 123 from the rink, 311(1 with the Genes e;n-the i; always out 'gunning"' for that 4.x- ti.ea for(h _ -. - - 2') O6) '80,-[00 133 lieu supplying- the hydra and a motor Ira bond 1113'. 41111 kccp 111)th (pm Clirt,,n ....... --. 249.11(10 ?98;:100 1211 for the rink pinup Carried top, 3113 help s finish at the head 0l (Mullett .. 1.42,1'11'1 ]70,111) 119 Communications pack in Canada s 's nth \";114(1) Loan I t'slorne . _ 1.42,000 152,750 107 A communication received and read \ 11el 'I, Ilan 1? 142,N)0 117,'50 1(13 front \1iss \I 11 11;1111, Secretary of INSTALLS SNOOKER TABLE 111,4s\;111 314,0,1 320,450 102 the Blyth \Ienwriai I1a11 i/oard, r4.- \Ir Jack Atkinson has installed a new tlode1ich . -(105,000 522,800 86 tribute, testified l4( the esteem in questing (111 Cc to sec that prop- sn('okct• table in his pool room 'I.111' ' Stephen \\" ._ 03,0',0 76,510 82 lyllll'h the deceased lady 41114 held er police pratediatn be given to I:eep new addition i, proving quite an set- 1(;rey - . 167,0(X) 137,'00 82 "i'he pallbearers 44ere, Messrs .1 11 order in the llall an all occasions of 1•acti n to his Patrons, and it also adds Stanley .-.. 1.4-10110 115,201) 80 Concerts, Dances, Ete greatlyto the set-up of his up -to -,!ate •Turnberry 105,000 55,000 78 \11,11(1 by Councillors Kcrluck and burl 130111 I headline - 77 Percent of time gone Vodden that the matter of a Special V ----- ,2Icl<illop . _. 142,060 10.4,600 73 Constable 1/1 left 0111.h all members of• \lorris ..... 133 0110 95,950 72 the Council be present Carried Sunsliine Sisters Slephcn E _93,1100 01,550 (� \loves by Councillors Keroid: and I'uckrr,unith 1',0110 921)50 64 \'1,(1(1111 that Illaw \0 8, 19}5, as now Held Banquet.,.\shfiel'l _.. I-18,00195000 61read three times in open Council, 'I'h1 Sunshi, e Sisters and members Air Schov1,.-- 5(,5(10 181,15(1 320 authorizing the Myth \lunicipai 'fele- of the Women's Institute held their' phone Systems l4( invest $1003 in the Conlhinc(1 a''G,500 1,5G(tIN)0 108 annual banquet in the Memorial Dominion of Canada Ninth Victory' 1114!! About 50 1(01,011; sat clown 1,, I Practically anyone of these nnnti0i- Luan, be finally passed Carried I c!:1l. ;1l., served by the (mild of 'frill- [(1111(105 could 1111,1)1 a last-minute drive Bills and Accounts that would put 1111111 rn1 lop, and 11 is it)• chore;n The tables were beautiful- It nits ,1,11::,11 they will he 3;1111!11, for 1l)yth hydro Cont, 44cigl1 scale, •3 CO f)' decorated in Hallowe'en color; and I I )' (ilvth Hydro Cert, ptunp house.... 3 75'Ihr (11111111 delicious and abundant just 1111(1 4(l the nand invaded their hone to A warning notice has been posted b) 131)111 hydro Com, street lights 315 G5 Salurda)•aft(tnron the fire trncl: \iii gotten uudcr way with a membership 11111 g hollow•~.'- dinner ash ,rt budne„ of 31114(11(1 twenty-five lnsuumcnts practice Thr 4(1x1 11111111111 on the the 1'0st Office llePat tmtcnt respecting: Myth Hydro Con), shod lights 3 UU' period w;n,�condurted h the ,resident, I 1(191.the tett n gin ing lite signal that had ;dread)* beat handed cut This I'rogran1 tet, a trio by Lion, Irvine the wilful da o:aging 4.f 114(131 \i of your last opportunity10(411has conte to buy } Doherty Bros, +. (pairs & supplies 10 0') \Irs 1, .11 Scrintgrour, during which was dome at a.n organization meeting \Valiac•e, 11-•-•1.1: Ilnll)nn;u1 and Stan Bozcs, Street Letter Boxes, and any c {' 9th Victory Loan hands, art 3 percent Sihthor ,c They were t laud(•41, but 011111• receptacles for the deposit of George \I4.\all, asses..0) 194 and it was decided to hold regular nlectiugs of the baud \Iondae aft erno ,n, what t ' IH' 1 ( 1 • - ..-_... -_ ......... 78 20 in Ni cntorial I hit so malty !Inv mum_ i t\'hcn you hear the siren gel in touch 4.x ,cus1.; the organizer, Mr kobin:u11, of Lon- Lion Tamer Strut passed the hncl: h)' mailable matte) The wilful desU'uctlau I wit(; you: salesman or basher 3l. once again 4.:.!!i ;g on the 311111411' Juin( haul, 4(r damaging 4.t' such property is an 4(f- Mr; Louise 1)u:\yard, treastu•cr's !hers hay,; berm added to the roll it i din, was me :;t, and Pi4,k(d the 100111- ga salary for 1945._ ... ............... _'110 OU impossible to 400)001 holding 111(11 't yon 1,:11(11'1 already bought to the burs of the baud i Illi, tints the. number was 1,111.1111 111111 under 1111 Criminal Curie 4.l Can Gurdon Elliott,clerks salary for limit, don't fail tod .o 011 Saturday 1 Dundee" wills lion (tar at the piano, ads, punishable by imprisonment _ ings in bonne; '1'111 president also ex- Srter;0 of Ilw tiro• 4.n in full dress Lions Will Operate The Rink , 1)40 .... 200 ('0 ll1-ilt1,1 tltc S11ll 4(e Sister" idea, !,ions 1Ltc\c and Ken t n the 1111,4(111 or 1 I o:.tnrut(r .\ 11 'Tasker has had re- 11' G \I4.\all, selectin •2 (111 { will arco,npany the fire engine Tion George Radford, Chairman of gats, and Lion Bert with the holies ports of such infractions 4 the law 111 g jurors ltyhich hats been (111;1(1 on for lice ! the Rink C'. ntntittee reported that he Phis completed 1110 musical 01)0')) this 1011;\1)', where holes have been: l lIpI1 I'honnsrnp tile ill 20 +.tat•;, and stressed how 11111(11 110(11 OUR SLOGAN - A NINTH VICTORY and 1 1(1 1;111 'I'a51:11 had approached I 1 ,4(111111(1 in 1113;1 boxes, 111,113111)' b}': hubet•t Baited, labour 1 8) llittl(511nq it is when id11111104 arc ( LOAN BOND IN EVERY HOUSE 0C ihr Prrgraa, 11 1 I131)1h Standard, Printing, allyl 7(I 39 kept secret The secretary called the 'SIGN YOUR NAME FOR VICTORY' the Council wall a rink proposit1 11 some Passing hunter, with for the want: Archie Sonner.n (1;1111;11 '(1-' 38 M Rev Harold Snell 6 - - roll, which the members answered h)" I r \1114,11 had mut with the approval of i of something more constructive l4( 1,c -i \ the latter The result is that the lion; ,,, ,.\111 11 Morrito, selecting jurors. 2 (i0 revealing their identities and told how I'hc I atsulcut 13(1111 an lion �ornt copy his mind, has taken a "put shut' INSTALLING SEMI SELF-SERVICE Club will operate the rink durin • the t Count) of Huron, 11 indigent 20 '5 they had been remembered (luring the I g Garrett to introduce the speaker 1.;4(11 'al suntconr.s 114(1;1 box This is not un1) , SYSTEM IN STORE Dr I) C; I(odd, re indigent 23 75 year Judging by the surprised ejacu- caming \toter season, with 1111 Cuutt \,)rut remarked that when he was destructive, but creates a real 1131.;4((11 , Dr I) G 11add, r1 indigent . ! OU lations and nnrrrIul(ut, the secrets had \Ir .\1,11:14((1 1(1111'11: has been busily til supplying a motor for the Pump, •teaching at Na 10 ]lullett, 1:(y Snell for the rural rail ranter, wino in (tis _ engaged dining the past week rentod- an•I als:1 1111 Indra, the Lion; to take , C L Morrison, 100 gals gas....-__-. 3(i ('0 been 41111 kept Names were then )' i was otic ,pl hip 'most adrPt students Ile ihaslc, may 131;.1 himself on the jagged t\'m '1'114(111, Ottobcr salar}-...--. 45 0U drawn for another yule clling the interior of his grocery store any Profits, and also iv sustain any could 1)111 11 him with ease physically 101111'1' r t a h h to the box, 311.1 tzar Mr Kc 111141 is installing a semi self - los; financially { his 1134(11 lour :\ Lowan, Ortohur Salary__till 0'1 Mrs .\rlefta hear, district director, s ,at that time, bit \1111;(1 not telt In the Moses Ilollzh.tner, labor 3' O'J,l1tiI charge of a shirt program sou 1st service system, and has (aid a new In this ,aunt connection l,i• ❑ Scree 'thought row lion Norm gan•e a brief Anyone causing damage of the above )-iubt rt I lirou�, labour 34 40 hardwood floor, and has re-1(1corated tart' \ory byte read a letter front sketch of Air Smell', life, which was mentioned nature, do so with the rise:; 11g of a contest, harmonica ducts by Ort Stubbs, hire 4(1 truck - Ot,\les S Canning and \Irs .mart, Taylor, lthl int11;or of the store The change Tory Gregg, 11'imghaut, reyut: ting a of interest to rhos( present Mr Snell of being prosecuted to the fullest ex -.George Lawrence, 1: !o . r 23 CO . ,will not only be a greater convenience repesen1)1140 !Iota Myth at an organ- is 11 ' stranger it! 131t-Ih, and his Pecs- tout of the los ` �aceampanlcd by \Its R D Philp at the { ;ration :ncclin to he hold at C'li\� \' l,t(hard Scott, labour 5 ti)i[4)1IlU, 4010 1nI 1)14.011 by \Irs 11 Phil -'t4( his customers, 114(1 will says many h (Tee, at stir uectiu•g, and in any atPar 14(1111 Cole, labour 14 8�, • extra steps for himself and staff this 'I'ht'sday afternoon and ct•enintg, irps icy, is altyays cur) welcoune MAY HAVE DISCOVERED PEARLS \loved by Councillors \'olden and I �-•--- presumably on the subject of hockey i :1 Pleasing feature of the evening for 1110 coming whiter 1,;4(11 Gar Uu I 1(tcr ani:vwitdO lIL Lion Norm's (as IN CAN OF MUSCLES IKe111111 t!tat :•,:(amts as 103(1 he Paid 14.,1; the Presentation 0f ;t sill: utuhrrlla BIRTHS heti) w\; dcle);atc1) to attend the 4.y- he Put i1) 13(1111 !111\11) introduction, All. Glen n 'Tasker may have discovered L'trried ;ill 1111;1 e1111 to llrs l:nnrrsott Ii(1\\•:11:1)—S A john h Iroward, RCN ifr Snell proceeded with :4(t address 5(44) 1! ,mall Pearls, although at the \loved C0111"1lot•s \'1,(1(1111 and her- , \\'right, \Vito is leaving 131) th to male \ k, and \les Ilutyatd (tree (1[1113 ening meeting i g Present Hutment it is merely s1ppost her 111,1111 in \Icalord with her father, Bryan) are s leo "(I announce the 1'he President announced a lance to that capticalyd his audicnee, taking utck that we d•. now adjourn Carried be 1111(1 111 the Memorial Ilan this Fri as the key to itis 1'11111115 that portion tion, as he has not yet had the oppor- (,ordsu i:Iliolt, Clerk 1(11 e Cool. \irs 1\' Jnhn5lom first arrival of their son, Bryan John, at clay evening of a hymn, "Land of Our 11:r;h, \\'e \unity to have -them appraised .._______v________ -v�� �lyi1('-Pr(sidcut, read an address exPres- Victoria Hospital, London, on Thutrs- Pledge t9 Thee; Iliad, Heart and Baud Muscles are apparently a scat food PRESBYTERiAN ANNIVERSARY ,sing apprcciaticn of the Institute to day, November 1st, 19.45 Asked To Buy More Bonds 'Through the Years To Ile" It was similar to oysters, and after the can SERVICES Nies Wright's willingness to help out V 3 Lion Secretary Nory Kyle gave the also rem..mhcred by many as a memory Icul been accord, (filen was examining The Anniversary Services of O(d Sl at all tintr< 34(1(1 regret at her rirp;lrturc numbers a little Pep talk on bonds, test that most people struggled with one of them, ; nd discovered about a Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be \Ps J S C'hellety second vice-president, ATTENDED FUNERAL asking the members to da their utmost during their public school years \ft• !tall dozcit objects that very drlinitcly,hcld this Sunda), \4(1111111 lith, with nn: do the presentation Irs 11114(1'Smith atttended 1110 to help Myth hold it's kw) in the Pres- ISncll gave the \yorls a ucw• rimming rescntbl( Pearl: Isle key Mr Stewart 4(t GOderich in I ycr;til gams of bingo, in charge of iftuural 4.f 'u • 13111.1 in lacy, Mr David ent Loam His slogan 4vas fur every -,t4( Club lumbers„ turning at intervals Lcl's hepe th(y ar'e awl valuable charge at both services\lis \Voodeock and Mrs F kutledge, G �:nith, of the Gth Tine of \[orris Member to buy ;Mother bond (Continued on page 4) one's at that! I Service at 11 A JI and 7:30 Y \I I w4.. e enjoyed Tt:wnst.tip on Tuesday, Oct 1 er 30th FORMER SPANISH RULER r HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted former •Spanish ruler, Queen —. She sold her — to aid Columbus. ;4 Tranquil. 15 Abstract being 17 Earn. 18 Weight allowance. 19 Exist, 20 Upon. 22 Crippled. 23 Senior (abbr.) 24 Verify. 26 Harbor. 28 Epistle (abbr.) 29 Chief (Sp.). 30 Id est (abbr.). 81 Thrusts. 84 Hang down. 88 Mineral rock, 89 Reverential fear. 40 Confine, 44 Sacrifice: 4.6 Billiard stick, 47 West Africa. (abbr.), 48 International Answer to Previous Puzzle � Il LNI!E R D4AV _I_SL S T E;A!L.IS IE,L A T EE�R 51T ATITN _TENET AF?MSI EIt'IER Fii RAB I TACTO' STUN EF GNI�?S �AV�S 6ASES ATE SI}-,EETERES_ wA4RE P I iROlOSIT_9,N_E AEieGEST ACER SrtO DIA!5 ^_IE TEAT jBLAME R'E:NITE1R M'OrRASS� REE DISI] SHiARE` language. —, the 50 Sorrow. explorer. 52 Liquid VERTICAL measure. 1 Devotees, 54 Music note. 2 Celestial body, 56 Execute the 3 Atmosphere, commands of. 4 Whiten. • 58 Perform. 5 Cloth measure 59 Half an em. 6 Sly glance. 60 Auto warning 7 Any. device. Type measure. 82 Body of troops 10 Wallow. 64 Motor coach. 11 Period of time 66 Honey and 12 Citrus fruit. .mulberry juice 13 Stair part. 87 Placid. 16 Soak up. 68 She helped 19 Bedroom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 I$ 15 • 16 :ti I9 ;'-`4,.-.20 24 25 v,J 76 29 9 i ■ furniture (p1.) 21 Nogative. 25 Compete, 27 Clear. 31 Ilawaiian food 32 Footed vase. 33 Batching group. 35 Dolt. 3613e in debt, 37 Through. 41 Reproduction, 42 Regret. 43 Necessity, 44 Possess. 45 Measure of depth of water 48 Fabulous birds. 49 Music instrument, 51 Head (slang), 52 Spanish dollar, 53 Within. 54 Wife (Ger.). 55 Emmets. 57 Make a mistake. 61 Sphere. 63 Symbol for tin 65 Upper Canada (abbr.). 66 Greek letter; 9 l0 II 12 13 Z`! 31"'32 38 40 35 36 37 46 57 ""' a59 C�.59 62 63 :+54 65 67 68 1 53 mierq' �5 Y'4CO 61 7;.. 66 •'Yr: HOME -TOWN ECHOES By C. Kessler ONLYQ,M-TOA CUSTOMER— 1 tVAUT ONE 'FOR EVER! R9i T/ s gNG�GFMgNT t'N(S,) ONLY oNE fi z,'Ib0 TO A - CUSTOMER Nay-/-*".cD Hold Everything 65 MPS, 1711 £' IPU eLAvIHa IPA 7. M. PM. U ! PAT, M. "My uncle Bent It for my parole day I" THE SPORTING THING "Run me down the street a couple of biac41 ... It'e raining outl" SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith trr+on_a.uar�lu SIUMOL AIMI.t 11..140. "There's no doubt about the war being over—two custom;.: s just talked back to me?" MOPSY Ly6LApYS PARKEll /VLL , IF YOU'RE GOING TO STAY THERE, WOULD YOU NItiD OPEN– ING YOUR MOUTH ? MUTT AND JEFF— HEY,Youl THIS Is A HoLDUPt BE OUIET AND GIMME THE DOUGH! This Curious World By I' er^ruSn:1 tot, i 4 i (E(E h. L., CONTAINS •\1CUT AS A1UCH 0Z: al Fitt. IN W//./T.er /-NS IN SU/VIMs':?,' 13UT IN VviNTE:F . THE MOISTUL: IS NOT SfQP_r_ ED IN • THE CELLS, our IN .S'.c'.ACL:'s' THE CELLS. W ES 18 GTRONC- ER. THAN 7/NG../A" QR A.STEE'L V1/4•Z OF THE SAME SIZE. COPR. 1441 H5' NEA '.EFVI V. INC. 7. M. PEG. U. 5. I'AT. (71. O tmesotro- lt,s .1`. IF You HEARD A MAN MENTION dA/L)-"S 6'4'i S"1'ADOW BA/UOS, AND A O/AMOND R/NG, WHAT Wol1LD 1223/ HE Be TALKING ABoca ? ANSWER: An eclipse of the sun, Each of these terms describes phenomenon that occurs at such a time. LIFE'S LIKE THAT �.�rE I,r 1 o cr,;i,1.i.J N•e.� 1'-.l MAT NURAT ! MD. By Fred Neher %. 7./2.44 "Give hire your regular check-up, doctor, and I'll be back td pick him up after I do my shopping." Barney Baruch Has Nothing on Jeff as a Financier TWo WINDOWS WHAT CNA MEAN, TWO.WINDOWSTOTHE TO YOUR RIGHT? GIMME THAT RIGHT. CORRY,, SIR! THIS tOTRE RECEIVING TELLERS WINDOW! .,1••/ By BUD FISHER PAYING TELLER TWo WINDOWS To LAGT THE RIGHT! POP—While Authority Sleeps e . . { THE WHOLE OF THE WEEK I LOOK FORWARD. TO THE SUNDAY AFTERNOON NAP I THOUGHT YOU NEVERFORTY WINKS ? • • '1,1611- By J. MILLAR WATT —BUT THE SERGEANT DOES � 1 LR.leased by The Bell Bradkate, 1aG.1 REG'LAR FELLERS—The Rookie tl LINE UP, MEN ! WE'LL HAVE OUR FIRST DRILL THI5 MORNING/ JUST A SECOND, MARSHAL! 1 GOTTA GET SUMPN'IMPORTANT. CGENRIL DUFFY; WE DON'T ALLOW KIDDIN' IN THIS ARMY WHATGHA WEARIN' THAT THING FOR ? C\ By GENE BYRNES i AINT KIDDIN, MARSHAL! n I'LL TAKE IT OFF WHEN YOU HOLLER"' RIGHT FACE!" r- fire ( /7' ert Ir.. 11 1 P., ... 4.97/ FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Acute Cafrr4I Instantly relief from catarrhal misery starts to come when you put a few drops of VicksVa-tro-not in each nos- tril Va-tro-nolisso effective... results are so good , . , because it (1) reduces swollen membranes, (2) soothes irri• tation, (3) helps clear away congestion...and thus flakes breathing easier. Many catarrh sufferers say it's the best relief they've found. You, too, will like the way it works! Try itl Just a foss drops foal richt Work Is where trouble MKS VAIN- Have a too• Have You Heard? Man (addressing women) — "1 don't know why God makes wo• mon so beautiful and yet so , , . Women (countering)— ''Ile makes us boautiful so you lore us, and makes us dumb so we love you." Husband: "You roust think automobiles grow on trees," Wife: "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants." "I was u fool when I married you," said sirs. Iiruwuleigh, angri- ly. "Yes, darling, but I was in love and didn't notice it," replied her husband. A mandate, wrote a school. girl recently, Is an appoint- ment a girl makes with a fel- low, 'If a bee sat on a nettle, Now here's what nuzzles me— Would that bee sting the nottte, Or the nettle sting the gee? Orange Powder A company has been formed to manufacture orange powder from Florida oranges, says Marketing. A daily output of 6,000 pounds ot dehydrated juice is expected from the now • plant which will be in production next spring, The ad- dition of water to the powder makes the product substantially Indistinguishable from fresh or- ange juice in appearance and vita• min content, It is claimed, Londonderry naval base, one of the headquarters of the war against the U-boat, is to become an anti- submarine school, HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates r $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C,N.R, STATION CHECK POUR COLD THIS WAY 1 Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! COLD getting you down? Follow the Instantine 1 -tablet -way to fast relief from the 'miserable, dragged -out "achy" feeling often associated with colds, It generally takes only one Instan- tine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from cold suffering. You see, these fast -acting, prescription -type Instantine tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain; lessening dis- comfort. Instantine's scientific' com- bination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring you effective relief: 1. Ease pain and discomfort. 2. Prolong relief from discomfort. 3. Offset "depressed feeling." Give mild, stimulating "lift," Try Instantine— chances are you will never again go back to slower -acting preparations for relief of cold discom- fort. Rely on Instantine, too, for relief whenever you suffer from headache or muscular ache or pail}. All drugstores have Instantine. tisfanfine 12 Tablets 250—about 20 a dose East, Effective Relief from Simple Pain .1 ;t • tl NOBEL WINNER Sir Alexandr,- Fleming, above, and two of his British associates have been awarded 1945 prizes in physiology and medicine by the Nobel Committee for discovery of penicillin. Tho 64 -year-old Scot- tish scientist insists he discovered magic drug by accident, Sir Loin Henry VIII, a large eater, was once so pleased with u particular cut of beef that he asked what its name was, relates the Now York Time Magazine. "Loin, Sire," he was told. "In future it shall have a more honorable title," Henry re- torted and, drawing his sword, he conferred knighthood on it, de- claring: "Arise, Sir Loin." Titus "sirloin" of beef got its name. Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Hero Is the chance for every per- son 1n Canada suffering from sore, Itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost of tho treatment it you are not satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hem -Rohl and uee as directed. Hem -Bold Is an intern- al tneutment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results nro quick- ly noticed Itching and soreness aro relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment Is continued the sore, painful pile tumors heal over Nays Ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy, Get a bottle of I-ietn- Rold today and see for yourself what an easy, pleasant way this le to rid yourself of your pile misery, NO'ri>a The eponeor of thin notice la n reliable firm, doing huMineee In Carmen for over 20 yenta. It you nre troubled with sore, Itching, pnlutlrl piles. Ilenr-Itohl nruat help you qulekly or the emnll purehnee mitre will he glndiy refunded. When your BACK ACHES... Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action, When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dia. turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—uee Dodd'a Kidney Pies. Time.tested popular, safe, non•habit-form• ing. Demand Dodd'a Kidney Pills, in the blue box with the red band. Sold everywhere. ili CfH!tEa✓!%E CKED % ITCH -or Mone Bac y k For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other 1tclrinngg conditions, use pare, cooling, medicated, Salad D. D. D, PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cnhus 'ntense Itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. • HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pilo Remedy No, 1 Is for Protruding Blending Piles, and is sold in Tubo, with pipe, Tor internal application. Price 76c, Ahern me Remedy No. 2 is for External Itehing Pjlea, Sold in Jar, and is for external use only. Price 600, order by number from your Druggist. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MiSERY Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one ot the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkhant's Compound helps nature( Follow label directions, 7'ry alt OC� Canitl ona COMPWMD TIMBER WORKERS NEEDED NOW Timb.tr-rich Canada is lumber -short, Lack of labour in lum- ber camps is hamstringing reconstruction and housing programs Servicemen who value comradeship and good health are obtaining discharges to work in the woods, but officials state the demand for lumbermen is as urgoit as the increasing demand for building materials and pulpwood, ItAIIl' ('HICKS 1'ULLi';TS 1'UltI i1REEDS AND hybrid emeses 14 weeks up to laying. 1"all hatched chleks hooked to order Free catalogue and price Ilst, Tweddlo Chick Hatch- eries I.!nsIted, Fergus, Ontario, 1Vb;'V1: 1)AYOL1) CIJICICS FOR Prompt shipment — White Sussex, New iiampshlre, Barred Rock, 11'yandottts, Austrolorps, cross breeds, A fete started. Bray Hat- ehery, 130 John N. IL•snsllton, Ont, T\VENT V -ON 1; YEARS EXI'ER- fenve in poultry breeding are yours for the asking! Just write for the 'ihweddie entnlogue to -day. It will tell you how you can In- erense your productivity by stock - Ing with healthy, usky Tweddle Government Approved chicles. Briefly the Tweddle system is this — blood tested breeders of proved livability and productivity are selected. The chicks hatched under the finest conditions, All chicks are carefully Inspected and any weaklings aro culled before shipment, Result you aro assured of a live, hardy, shipment of fine chicks. Cash In on Europe's large market to -day , . the Tweddle way, Write for free catalogue and prices tit once. Also free range pullets for immediate de- livery, Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, SUCCESSFrrr, POULTRY RAISERS turn to Top Notch. Top Notch chicks nro filling poultry houses wherever profits aro being sought after. The name Top Notch has come to symbolize Increased pro- fits to enterprisinrc poultry rats - ere bernuse Top Notch ehlcks are profitnhle ehicks, The Top Notch system of breeding Includes the most up to date methods of pre- selection and handling that re- sult in high standard Govern- ment Approved chicks, When baying chicks choose the name you can trust — buy Top Notch. An early shipment of Top Notch chleks will get you off to it fly- ing stnrt In the European egg end poultry meat mnrket. Don't delay write for our free ca- talogue to -day, Also laying and ready to lay pallets for immediate delivery. Ton Notch Chtckerles, Guelph, Ontario, 25 FREE CHICKS OUIR BABY CTITCICS ARE THE progeny of Foundation end Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from le to 25c. All gunrnnteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Melt 1Intcherles, 13r1 - tannin Heights, Ont. IT W1LT. PAY YOU TO FiLL YOUR pens with good laying or ready to lay pullets now. We can give Immediate delivery on many pure breeds rind hybrid crosses, Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Top Notch Chickerlos, Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY rE YOU ARE TIIINICTNG OF SET. - ling your Business or Property, largo or emelt and want good re - suite, consult this office, 30 years experience In selling all kinds of property, for further Informntlon write. George Lawton, 709 Ouel- lette Ave„ Windsor, Ont. 11USiNES' (IPPOi1TUNTTIES $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE TN 850.00 monthly Bond draw, Other prtzea Details on receipt, Shares 81.00 each or 8 for 85,00. Send for s}rnres to St, Cntlrnrines Optimist Club, Box 445-1I., St. Catherine', Ontnrin $10,000 HOME BT11LT ANY\VTIBRE TN CANADA to winner's specifications, or 310.000 in cosh will he awnrded Welty winner. Also chance on 5100 monthly draw, Winner 1s still eligible tor house draw In December. All proceeds for child- ren's welfare. Tickets 81. each - 12 for $10, Mall remittance to Sud- bury Elwnnls flub, Box. 53 DYEING ANi) CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information, \Ve nre glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment II. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. F1111 SALE PIANOS, A LiMiTED NUMBER OF our amn11 new pianos will soon he available. Write for circular. Orders executed In turn tie re- ceived. Fnetory Mason and Mach Limited, 642 ICing St. West, To- ronto. Fill SALE GASOLINE,: 1:N(;INI•:S, NEW ltrlggs and Stratton air-cooled. Most modern engine built. i.ow cost. Write for descriptive fold- ers anll prlees. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. FOX JdJJtl:, GUARANTEED WITH free instructions, 52.00 for 2 ounce bottle. Cash with order, John \fnson, R. It, 4, Lansdowne, Ont. PA 1111 POLAR (JUICER PUPPIES, registered, Bernard Dining, 23 Nelson St,, 13owmanvllle, Ont, PEPS AND LANG HAIRED KIT - tens wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's, 1821 St. Antoine, Montreal, FOlt SALE REGISTERED DOR- et ewes and rams, unrelnt.'d V, Bartlett, 11. No. 2, Canfield, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Salo: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 510.00 each. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont, BAILED HAY FOR SALE, TiMO- tlty 13room Grass, Red Top Mix- ture and Upland. For particulars write J, Firman, Meuse, Mani- toba, REGISTERED COLLIE, PUPS SA- ble and white ten weeks old ren- sonable. It, Horton, Scarboro Bluffs, Ont, ELECTRIC MOTORS NE\\', USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd, 2326 7)ufferin St. Tor- onto, 1''011 SALE (ROUEN DIJCICS PRIZE, stock ducks 53.00, drakes 54.00, Archin Rugg, RI, Ifespeler, On- tario, , • STEERTNG \VIIEEI. SPINNERS, special heavy duty for tractors, $1,25 postpaid. Ivan Martin, Sl. Jacob's, Ontario. SU1i1'LIJS FILES A COMPLETE SET OF 50 ASSORT - ed files; from 0"-14"; including flat, half round, round, square, etc,; rough and smooth; tit a clearing price of $8 delivered. Re- cupetools and Metals Limited, 1212 Aldred Building, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE, GENERAI, STORE, dwelling attached, Hydro, bath- room, screened -!n booth on store verandah, 2 double -deck modern poultry houses, capacity 700 lay- ers; 2 RA, gas pumps, good gar- den land, on 33 scenic highway, 3 miles east of Glonora Ferry, big tourist drive In summer, over 52,- 000.00 net Income 1944; $16,000. cash for property, invoice prices for goods, Apply R. J. Allison, Adolphustown, Ont. STORE WINDOW PRICE TICKETS Ready for your individual prices. Write for samptee. Kelly Print - Ing, 124 Wellington Street West. Toronto, DAN KELLER EQUIPMENT LIMITED BayCit s Y gas shovel, 518 yard with baekhoe, drngltne, fatrlends and tlon, darn bucket, Bay City 314 swing 318 yard shovel with backhoe only. Good condl- Fordson 314 swing 318 yard crawler type gas shovel. Fordson Universal model A 314 swing 318 yard crawler type Ras livershovyel, with skeleton trnller for same. Rebuilt. Located to Tor- onto. Ready for Immediate de- . Industrial Brownholst quipped with 65 foot crane boom, one yard than bucket, In A-1 condition. Located near Toronto. General shovel. New 1938. Excellent condition, P & H model 150, >.S yard shovel and an Irrdtternrttlonglic.nl 1'20, equipped with Ger Wood bulidozer. Internntlonnl TD14 diesel tractor with Bucyrus -Erie nneledorer. Internntlonnl TD9 with Bucyrus - Erle bullgrnder. Caterpillar 1)7. New 1938. Equipped with T.iPlant-Chonte nngledozer. Two Caterpillar diesel model D4 trnetors with TatPlnnt-Choate hy- draulic nnrrlednzers. New 1942. flood condltlon. f nterpillar D6 tractor with Le Tournenu engledozer. New 1941. Caterpillar model 80 gasoline-pow- tlon. ered bulldozer. First-elnss condi- Caterpillar model 15 tractor only. Nice condition, Caterplllnr 65 gas tractor with La- r lnnt .ionto bulldozer Caterplllnr 1)4 1941 model mobl• louder, 314 yard dlrrgtng bucket and nngledozer. Rebuilt. New winches to At Caterpillar D2. D4 and D8. 832 Illoop Street west, Toronto 8, Ontario VOICE OF THE PRESS "Legs Is Legs" Schoolboy writing answers to anatomy test: Your legs is what It you ain't got two pretty good ones you can't get to first base, and neither can yaw' sister, —Dunnville Chronicle HERE'S THE POiNT With all the striving toward higher pay' and shorter Lours, it may be necessary to draw a dis- tinction. Everybody wants env ployntent, but dues everybody want to work? Eantsas City Star SIMPLE ISN'T IT? "Don't worry about butter," says 8 faolish contemporary. "You can make it from grass. All you need Is a cow and a churn." — Sl. Thomas Times -Journal. Wishful Thinking Hermann Goering is said to be spending much time studying the Bible. "When the devil was sick, the devil a saint would he," — Ottawa Citizen Too Cosy An apartment is it place where you start to turn off the radio and you find you've been listening to tho neighbor's. —1)unw-ich Chronicle. T'-tlt)iS FOR SALE 05 -ACR[; FARM, 'l'\VI'. 01'' NOT'TA- wasagn, st, mile from town of Stayncr, good 2 -story dwelling, barn with cement foundnttnn, fresh water in both; 54,000, Mrs. Gorge Orr, Creemore, Ont. 180 ACRES, GOOD MAPLE BUSH, with or without machinery, cheap Box 471, Smith Falls, Oat, FIF'T'Y .1 CRE POULTRY FARM, 5 acres Lush, extra good buildings, good water, poultry and equip- ment included $2250 cash. Apply 1\'. Gallagher, Morganston, Ont. 13 ACRES NEAR BOWMANViLLE, god bearing orchard, poultry hooses for 2,000 birds, barns, silo, Price 57500. Terms: more land nvallnble complete bathroom, furnace, hydro, 10 miles from Oshawa, possession arranged, M. L. Clemens, 1.11. 0, Rnwntnnville, Ontario. 11Ali1I)itl:SSIN(; LEARN 11. 1ItDR1:SSi NG THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue bond, Toronto. 111EL1' WAN'I'I:i) IIOUSEiCEEi'ER, WIDOWER, 50 Canadian, Protestant. Nice farm home close to Kitchener. No smoking or drinking. State age, wages, children welcome, Box G0,' 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. H0USEIC[1[ll'h;R, AC'I'l l'i:, IIE- litable woman as housekeeper for Laron home, vicinity of Toronto, child welcome. Box 61, 73 Adel- aide \\'., 'Toronto. LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages. Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 Adelaide W., apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office, Order No, 1, MiEI)ICAL BAUALEEKA FOOT BALM DE- etroys offensive odor instantly. 45c, bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, NEW ItAIR GROWTH, OR YOUR money back. That Is the guaran- tee behind "Luxul", the amazing formula for eliminating dandruff, boldness, falling and thinning hair, 51.50 end 52.75 at all drug- gists — or direct from Luxut Products, Windsor, Ont. PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Muuro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottnwn. GET READY FOR WINTER, Build up your resistance with Merrllls System Tonic Tablets. Canndlan favorite for forty' years, From your druggist or postpaid 51.00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Silverbtrch Ave. Toron- to, Ontario. STOMACH AND TIIREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health In humnns, all ages, No one im- mune! Why not find out 11 this is your trouble ,interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Spccinllsts, Toronto 8. DO YOrf DREAD THE COMING of bedtime because you choke up with Asthma? .AZO Tablets taken before retiring relieve the bron- chial eondltlon and you steep peacefully, free from coughing and wheezing. 51.00 postpaid. Money bark guarnntee If lnetrur- tions followed. John Campbell, 131 Keewatin, Toronto 12, DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER - sr of Rheunratle Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. PHOTOflfAMHO TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed, 1 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICP/ You may not get all the flims you want this year, but you can Ret all the quality and servlee you desire by sending your films t,. IMPERIAT. PiHOTO SERViCE Station 1, Toronto kl Sweet and cool in any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO Corn jr the only crop plant that can be grown from Canada to the southeee tip of South America - YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness in Maxwell house Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean i5 roasted thoroughly —all through! 111111•110.11'1I'It1 CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Christmas Cards you can get—cards that your friends will treasure — particularly friends on active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cards with pictures printed on —and envelopes for mailing—till for G9c. Order early, (2 1'holoe 00 Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE aux 121), foetal Terminal A, 'Toronto A customer at Lerwick, N.S., writes us: "1 received the benutlful Christ- mas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and 1 want you to know how pleased 1 nm with your wonderful work rind prompt service. 1 will he a reenter custom- er of Star Snapshot Service from now on." Any Size 11ol1-6 or 8 Exposures, D1S1'141,0I'I:D AND PRINTED 25e 3 MOUN'l'I:I) ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4" x G" in Beautiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed I:nlurgenaenta 4" a G", on Ivory tint mounts, In frames 7" x 9", Burnished Gold or Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 69c; Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. if enlargement coloured 79e. a1 USICA L 1;VSTi1 UN I:N'TS ['RED A, i3ODDiNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, III Church, Toronto 2, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIIOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MAi1\'EL HAIRDRESSING SCi1001.5 358 1:1.0011 W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL READING 10e. Contains your lucicy days, When to plant and harvest by moon's phanos, etc. Send birth date. Lau- rentian Specialties. St. Laurent Montreal, 9, Quo, PATENTS CET}1ERSTONHAUGH dr COMPANY Patent Solicltore, Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest RANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry. Get our prices before you Beit. Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO PHONE JU. 9339 BUYER, Atm, TED BOWLER HARDWARE BUSINESS WANTED, state stock, turnover, any neces- sary particulars confidential. Box 69, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULL- ete all ages and breeds, Iitgh prices pnld Apply Box No. 51, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, MATCHING EGGS WANTED FOR 1946 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtested tree of charge under Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium paid, For full details, write Box 39, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, BETWEEN NOW ANI) LATE Spring, White Birch Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up top. Must be fresh cut, free of doze 'and large limb knots, Also interested In Poplar and Basswood Bolts, 6" and tip top, 48" long. If you can attply In carlots, write for our quotations. Keenan Woodenware Limited, Owen Sound, Ontnrlo, LOGS: BASSWOOD B E E C H, Birch, Elm, Maple, also Poplar and White Birch Bolts. good prices. Write to The Oakville Basket Co. Ltd., Oakville, Ont, ISSUE 45-1941 PAGE 4. THE STANDARD Wednesday', Nov. 7, 1915, I, ; 0 0 LONDESBORO ' 1 Rev. B. II. Farr Appointed Elliott-.•• lnstirance \ genc3, I I ,!r all( ,Ir, Win' \lcl)1)na►d. lain-' TO Goderich Church • 1 I, ,, wt., \I r „it . \Irs R1'bcrt Fair- . Rev Ik.vel. y I I Farr, II A; I.'I'h. BLYT1-I-- ONT. .1,er\ie12 r INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Eire - Life - Sickness - Accident. l.un11,I ,, Lr, dal of Rte \I II II hart•, Nils, Edith \lorc of Fnrest, \with sold ,-n .if i�1e 'f 11 I ares Illi Front x; \Ir anal NI rs t'larcncc Crawford i 11r ant! \I r- P \I,tw ing and g! Iltr\\,ltt, t_ intoe, and Nit; and \Irs it R ! NI,1nnm„ (ia:i a',d Jtluc, w ith : \I,it-gat-et NIan:ling pi:Ile will c Atilhet his first scrwicc in bis 6. 1 \I r and NI?, .\h hadforil ;mil 1111CIt nen t Int ge on \„wcntber _'Gill 14 i \\ 1:11 Hi,. ';. iti.n t;: lurid' , \I r Fa• r spwI;e at St Paull, Church A 11r and \l t s 11•mts l i,'vicr and Mrs here in S 't'tet.lber .\n h norary cap- •D111ihDtDt9tDi9t219;9191.”t91Aet91919th19,NDaan)1D1ht9191h1D19t31NaiNhth)4191ht91DaD.NDINNDtDt I I•:l iabcth 1,.,,..,. with \Ir and mi., \\• lai:l, he cnlist..d with the tluii!ailio, ._ • -. . 11 !.).m, •fh'trl,tl:,1c service in MI, and was stationed at ! \Irs Charles 1\'10-.911 spent Illy neck l arriefie'd. n'':tr I\ii(1,lnli IIe i, a end i:• L')'1doi gr; l(l Ltc 01 I dII I'nll l olll'ge, Lrlld011 . 1 \I r a I+I \I r \\ il! \\ alder visite I \\ r 11'(lenin \I r and Mrs(Georgy' II r:. i:i 11 :ti!.,rburg, le received hi, \\illi \Ir ul'I NI rs \\ill 1 d!t • 1 .\ebur • \Iot)u to the \( ill:tc yarly etlnc:(tic i 1 l (\ill and hin(at- on Sunda) \lis, \I •try l:l!11\wcfl, London, ,bent dine >rhool lair graduating from 1 \Ir an I \Ir. I.lo) 111.tldln (11,1 chi- the \Neck -end with her parents, Mr Stratft:rtl Normal Sclo 1, University of 1 t1ren \\tie Suli Lu Vi,,! .r, \\ith \irs and \!rs Ruhett Caltl\\cll Ra(hr( 1'Joni' 1 f .\tnir'.un ' \Irs li• ..x 1,f \lack!in, Sack, i, visit- I A — 1 \Irs \1 Tim: Ia.'ir wi rot , t S.:11'1,1- in her sister, \I rs k Sha !die]; a thiel; burr i'n his wo,cr and I'i; old - \Ir and Mrs Iol( No 1):111rctl !'ill( "a' taped all \\ith ,rote \\i:!; 11r, 1, Inn Tests f 111)'.11 11 spent Stnt day aiterwon till the latter', brother,1)i:ICI:, friction lap(' III, clothes;atilt\I r an l \I r • \\'.11:1 t t'o, h r died on Mr I tarn: 1•onugblutt and NI rs Pott . looksd klie uno,1 fanner hest ,nit and frit nib in Ciintti and Ill)tb on San -bluff it bciug his bilthd:ty his tic was a little left ,.f centre show - (la) \1r• \I •,i earl t l l n rin>tton ac ifl^ a c:'ll:u halloo companied them to l.h. I n to ,et.the' \Ir and \I r. Herb Peters, Iloteard and Lorne', of Kincardine, and \lis; I \\'hat's more he knew kir id g, and ladies' ,i.tcr. 'Air. lean Kt clinic, \\ h ' that ni:mlr nn' quite hopeful ;u It is , t t' there Icssie lune, f Paisley, spent Sunday I I ful about is a patient in 1 : , with \Ir and Mrs S;dnr) Lansing 111:11' orgy izatien \Ir [ed.(' h•'''2cr tit St t•atlt.tri'u•a \Irs Harry I .yon, \I c and \Irs Bert H. R. Elliott, Gordon Elliott Ottico Phone 104. Residence Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" street, Iia- been appointed rector of \Ir, St (i:oroe', 1"lurch,(it ;l'rich .1n- 11.111ntluncnlc t \w:: 0011' at Loud.1 on \Irs Saturday b) •.1r(hbi-hep C .1 Seag.'r SUNWOI TIIY Walipapers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LASTINGLY BEAUTIFUL PRICES ARE RIGHT ALSO PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to ..ctP Pant Smc I SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. $ • $ F. Co 'PREST Phone 37.26. L011DESSORO - WESTI IELD ,. ., -1: 1 I. L.I I '4 . , slum! the \veil: 1 (1 \N a! Ili, broth(r. \Irl or.11n is ';sees and \Irs Rotl,,t' Lobb, \Ir an I \Ir: Arthur Kyr-tal: I?xcter, '\Ir a11,1 NI rs l'arl (;aunt rf . I Dor .h \Ic\ n i Clinton o t t t t I it n Lucknrw, \Ir :id \Irs Harry 1nrnin,spent the week -end \\Gill her payin<• Mrs l•:uuncrsial Desk. \Ir and \Irs toe NI; and \Its 11 in \I(\ittie Lyon awl Mr a„d \Irs Fred Lobb ,pent Sunday afternoon with \Ir a"d -\Ir, Stanley 1.ym, it bring \Irs II i.yon'• RATION COUPON DUE DATES i1)tln birthday Coupons n '\w w;di I are sugar dr) to \Ir and \I r.: l.lntncr''',n \ ipord ant! butter ll. to 1'8. preserve- 3,; +,,, ;; \largare', :\twl od, suet \Irs Ilrenner, and PI to 1'1'1, meat \Il to \l 11) Ethyl. \Ii• Bill Beacom, of Listowel. 'oitli \Ir and \!:s \\• Beacom I I Y I II 1 1 II. You may have laughed at the man whb built a boat in his basement and had to jack up his house to get if out; but it is just as important to plan ahead when you wire for Hydro. Avoid the costly mistake of wiring for lighting only. No matter how modestly you start to use electric power, you will want to add a motor here, a light there and an appliance some place else as time goes on. Plan for such additions from the start. An electric circuit can carry safely the amount of power it is designed for. You can't run an electric range off a light socket. You can't even extend a lighting wire to serve too many lights, and expect satisfaction. Have adequate wiring designed for the load when you wire the first time. A qualified electrician can plan and do your wiring satisfactorily and over a period of time save you much money and trouble. r� The profitable way to start to use Hydro is to equip the production units first .. . the barn, poultry house, dairy, etc. Let the extra profits from these first installations help to pay for added electrical conveniences later, The ".\int \',.ell” \li,siun Circle ‘will meet at \Irs S Lansing's home f :r the'r nl:: ti g un Tuesday evening, 1 November 13ti: '1 hr \1•ontcn's :\s'e(iatio i will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 13tH at 2:311 n'clocl: in the � basement i.f the church \Irs Lercine Ilallanty:'c of Toronto, will be the 1 guest speaker Ilei' Topic \will he "Kit- !Chen Kit- !(hen Sht.r•t Cuts" and the iniportaoc1 of giving time and thought to new pro- jects in the }acme and community All the ladle; are invited to attend CONI I? and rinrt your neighbor and enjoy a social half 110111 avid a cup of tea after the meeting 'Ile members of the I,.'ndcsb:rr r Sunday School put on a splendid Tem- perance l rngr: irinc last Sunday morn- ! ing at the close of the Sunday School hour, u•:d.'r tit' direction of \i r, Bert Shohbrool:, and the Superintendent, \Ir Charles Stewart \Ir and \Irs lien Stewart and \las- tcr \lalc'lut of \Icliillop, spent Sun- day at th; honk of the former's par- ents, \1r and \Irs Charles Ste\art PHiL OSIPHER OF LAZY MEADOWS (liy Harry J. Royle) ! I was in (Quebec at the unfcrcncc ou Food and Agriculture The ‘work was pretty well caught tip here at the farm and when those fellows asked ate if I would like to go along and sort of sit in for the `.arnncrs, I made tip my mind to go \\'c'\'e been hearing so much about these United Nations meetings that I thought it would he a good experience and for that matter, probably the only chance I'll have 1t \was \\•ell \worth it hoe 0012 thing after tlir e \weeks in Quebec secinit the pc^plc from all over the \\orld in attchdaucc, I'01 pretty well conv'incg l that the folks were trying to do a real job in regards to this whole business of food, the farmer and agriculture Somehow or other you ,couldn't help but have that feeling Food liar the key to a lot of this old \votlds ,rouble., and if they ever ptit it on the prober basis, they've got a good f.in:tdatiun lai'I for other things The man wilt; impressed ire a .great - dcal was this Yellow Sir John itoyd- Orr 'I'itat's a pretty imposing nam: and yoti w iuid naturally expect the sort of cello\\• \wc often stake fun of, with big estates, a title, an interest in politics and not kn:wing flinch about hardship \Veli, sir, Sir John lloyd-Orr i; just a plain fanner like yon and tic There's nnthitig stuffy about hint and he's a, plain as you could possibly find anywhere In the first place he has just been appointed Director -General of this new organization of hr- 1 and :\gricuiture 'I.hat's a big job and he's going to be pretty busy at it i met him in the hall otic day and he sp ;ke and what's more he stopped to chat The first thing he asked me was whether l was a farmer or not I told him yes and he ducked me ints his room and locked the door and started firing questions at me about farming i,1 Canada i found out that he has a fared in Scotland and 1 noticed other things 1lis hands are big and rough from hard work Ile has unruly grey-white hair and big shaggy eyebrows that point out like horns Ife's a Glasgow tna11 with , Western Outset.(, awl llttrt)n College opportolnll\' to wake these three facltl- Fttl!, `\\ Iltg II', nl'dlll 111011 Ill' st'rwt';l i ties, head. 111':11•!. and 11:11111, conlnt for parishes in Iloe•,ill, Dorchester, (il,t-'0lad in Illi, tr nlrlr.1 \\1)1111 0 to -day \\•loth and Ilt1nm):n .\t the time of 'I•llc prui)!ents of \\a• \eery great, but his enlistment he \\ as at St I).nid's Inarw \\rrc nus beginning to realize Church, Lonlolt'that the probit ii: tri pea. e. and It, \\ EAST WAIVANOSI-I to I11:1i11tl1i11 i1, t\(rt' r\i'll ltd )111'r So much depends al the present tithe lilt \I is, Shirley Radford entertained a number of her friends to a birthday party tri Friday night .\ delightful birthday' supper has screed .\n enjoyable hallow e'en Darty was; hell) at No lo school last 1\'e Incsday night :\ (milt was drawn I .r, the lucky \winuct• being \I rs Agues Radford of Illyt1 :\ (lance was In 111 \Ir and \Irs Erni ltill, .\nna and Doris, \Ir and \Ir, Harry Reid, of \•dela. \•i.,itcd with \Ir and \Irs R C 3!c(;o\wai nn titu'11a` — y RED CROSS DONATIONS .1 Erten 1 (Girls' \1•a• .1t'x liary 3 0:4 103 57 Rev. Harold Snell t( ltinn(d from page 11 from the script'. s41c of life, t.) inter - this spersc his remarks tw'tl some very ant - using jukes "\1'e have a wonderful Ito\\• \\c, of the pi.v,1•'1t t:rnt rati n, Ihcse three ml,tin faculties If they are not put \\.•cl\, li'd ma) 1 irlti\•e u,, lint the \tt"ltd never \sill" Reli.;- iousl)• the .1leaher remarked. that the urge to 'n' 6011 t nth (i 1 t\,ts present in every illdiwilir,al ll( s!n,l;e of the life of Alfred S\\itzer, the sun of a (ierutan uli .isltr, ‘‘lin hail Slane l it'arccr as a musician, and became one of the best i Ic felt the urge for a higher calling, tntt'rt ,! the ministry and also studied i"rdi. i c 1)urinq the a• 1 hail continued to operate a fouiple'd hospital thlc I himself throughflu; he h:ul reeei\ed frill' his musical cf torts 11,in 11.• t (tial• moved loved a vote of thanks to \Ir Snell for his stile' lilt address, 1k hid) \was heartily endorsed by the member., of the 11th' The meting closed \Nall the Roar SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS '""•"• 885' 1945 a Twain came 674;tte \Vhen, on November 7, 1885, the last spike was driven linking the rails of the Canadian Pacific hail. way, developments only dreamed of that day were • to follow. Soon ships flying the red and white Canadian Pacific house flag were plying the Pacific ... then the Atlantic: There followed a chain of hotels , . , resorts and lodges ... coastal and inland steamships ... express and tele- graph services—the whole forming an all -Canadian system stretching more than half way round the world. - In 1939, this vast system was dedicated to the win- ning of the war. Since then the Company's rail lines alone have handled more than 128 billion ton miles of freight—and 11 billion passenger miles. All ocean steamships have been on active service—many have gone down fighting. Now the Canadian Pacific faces the future. Plans have been completed for the construction of new, im- proved locomotives and coaches ... sleeping cars ... parlour cars ... diners; for the renovation of stations and hotels; and for the building of a new fleet of ocean vessels. In a world at peace the Canadian Pacific will do its part in providing modern, efficient transportation by land and sea, Canadian ex,. aa._ ifica Lions 4' e((neavy, Nov. `71, 1915, • '1'IIE IIO1ME PAPER :1n old ucln 11:1, reading ,the ] It'luc-to\vu paper t)1 a Tittle place 1st Huron Crs„.11y 111,,1 Ile h,, in't Sccn Inc moan\ \t';sr , but I1: 1 Tool; 1110 paper. ,(:aching it eag, rly For trews of old time friends four 11111_ shorts, it's printing Smudged and 1''srrel, And yet the old folk real it, 111'rd fol 11'01.11 They're living '1t the c ,1x1 and all they I,u1 11' I, ha, l; ,here in a land I'1 \\'in•I and That's \\ 'ay Idyl• stand the told, For blood roll., 111111 ;111(1 ,111;;'.:7.11 Iche:l ),111'*( 1111 ft, 111r,\. eollldt'r And nod' they : it :onong the blunnlie;; f 1,,lvrrs in sold) conlf)l vel the ,nunn'yr Drag by, and Ilt're i, 11,,111111' touch to do, NATIONAL FILM BOARD MOTION PICTUR ES In Belgrave Forester's Hall, on ll't idav, November 9111 at 5:15 1' \I in wain':, riga 11 itll the I:.1 t \1'allan-. h 1 o,l11,hip ;\nnnal \I,'cting Also Showing at the Auburn School at 2 P Ni in the afternoon -SHOWING - FLIGHT SIX SALMON RUN (Colcurcd) TOSCANI N I VICTORY LOAN FILMS Canadian Screen Magazine No 2 OBITUARY George iI, iiadlev There ;1;1x-(11 a11•ay ;It 1 i;llt I'tbhl' I Iospital on Friday, 1 )etobcr 11111, No balking 11'111'11 v' II 11"1\' ,' 111; Int' Il1n (leoc.'t• I I I;adlel' in his ,_'1111 ye•II' \I 1• You buy the blcal, jn,t never 1111 11.141 been employed in 1111' tOuk \11'11311'11 Mid 1\ill-sttt \I ill, ;It 1lcspyl- To passing !t 11g, Inn); 11(1(11', \Oh .t Irl' until a ,111'rt time before hi; death \\'e dish expre•s our sincere IThe fti"eral „*lire \\ s conducted thank, 1,1 th•' friend:, relatives and by I vertu'I \III?1vin:( of the li'llt neighbour, f r their many acts of Intl the roiled Church from tirey's Funeral 1;in'lnes• ,1l\\,t during our sudden and I'arl'.r on T'ue.r4ly. October 31st In - sad bereavement slily, green in the mouth of trrlllCllt In 1les-'eler Cemetery I .1I,o our tl.,nk. I I lU 1111 ,t' 141111 ,1'111 Surviving t.. luourn his I ss are Mil fl'ral trinities ,o'd loaned ear;, and to toson, ;mol a tt„ut;htcr, Harold, of Ile:-'Ibe Rev .\rtilnr Sinclair for his kind- Ipeler, I.' rue 1)i I;lyth, and \Irs l' •1' less in condllrl ng the service Heaven ring, N rllll, Galt ; ;J -o survivinit are one i - -\l l' I )I;llgla \I "* *1x.111, \I r, Diana :\erns, the Ian then' dui;ics nod their brother, .\rinn Hadley, of Regina, and ( wan, 1,'rutlly oral Mary 11-11s head, , six ,grandchildren \I r, liadlcy pre - Arid 11"1(1 c,•nnmuniom in Ihti1 ,anal Ir 'I cd inial xix years ago beds _ ST ANDREW'S W M S THE STANDARD -1 -•�' PAGE 5 GROCERIES SA'I1IJRUAY SPECIALS Old Dutch Cleanser 10c Old English Wax Paste ,'17c1 Old English No -Rubbing '17c - SALMON - One small fin (if desired) with each order. Raisins, Almonds,Cut Citron Peel FI'rzen Salmon Sun ked and Fresh Filletn Pioneer Feeds - Shur -Gain Feeds A. L. KERNICK ROX _ Y THEATRE, CAPI'T'AL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON_, GODERICH. SEAFORTrt. NOW PLAYING: Alas► Ladd and NOW PLAYING: Phil Harris in: Loretta Young in: ' I "I LOVE A BAND LEADER" NOW; "RAINBOW ISLAND" with "AND NOW T'0 -MORROW" Mcnday, Tuesday, Wednesday "BOWERY TO BROADWAY" The rise f1,,,•1 rag, to riches of two sb111vn1,11 who first dere 111111'* riv,d; bus k,tet became 11af tnt•rs 011 1 l ro4111 a 1 Maria Mcntez, Jack Oakic and Susanna Foster Thursday, Friday, Saturday • Bud ABBOTT and Lou COSTELLO with Alan Curtis and Rita Johnson lone the It., ,ccken on a \li,sissipp. dhowboat in "THE NAUGHTY NINETIES" COMING: "NOB HILL" In Technicolor Egg Grading Staticn - Lecker Storage ' Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2.30 p,m.Mat., Wed„ Sat,, Holidays 2.30 pm I Matinees Sat. & liolida; a' 2.`_9 p.m, Doto:hy Lamour Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Vercnica Lake, Sonny 'Tufts and Susanna Foster, Donald O'Connor, Eddie Bracken T'urhan Bey illetl 11'1111 11411,1x• ;141)1 lulghtcr, tt \With ;1 11,1,''1'11' „i plpul,u fast-pat;d u•Illry of breezyI Il Iu.11<rl, in :1 *1141,,11. 14114x1,.11 t utcrt;lintnt'nt "BRING ON THE GIRLS" In xt Thursday, Friday, Saturday Jcan Ft ntairo, George Brent Dennis O'Keefe a _;ory run dill ren:clll1er, a 1„ 111111'11 'ry that 11'i11 illea,ur;,hly cxtrcire dual tort our 1111ntgl+t, 11141 111 "BOWERY TO BROADWAY" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts bl'undint: Pm try 11181• ;1 dhih I;;IIg 1111 Sonny tom) Illill."11'e1s. "'THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" "HERE COMES THE WAVES" COMING: "TILL WE MEET COMING: "THE ENCHANTED AGAIN" with Ray Milland COT "PAGE" with Dorothy McGuire WE DELIVER - PHONE 39 Card O1 Thanks 'i'In'y I''ye Ihri' little 1;:;rdct m•ay '1' h e lawn \lay The tree, f1:1111 out, greet the staring And all the holy bells of Iikt• brit e• 4.#lttl#INIIN•###N4•11,fN#IN11*111 ♦1I ******I1/I****,' cryhl dy welemm' Please mote ;he change of night from NI (Aida). to.Tuesday IN MEMORIAM '1'A\'LOR-In loving aleatory of Ben- jamin 'Taylor, who passed away two years ago, \ 'vemober 5th, 1913 --Always r, membered by his \Vile and 1taught cr FOR SALE Ilarn .hx5t) .Apply to Lco Phone 13-1 1, Illy 111 The \1 \I S ,.f Old St Andrew's FOR SALE f+0,..:“:“1":":.+04.04.4":":":":":":••: -.I..1“:•.• I .":• 4•,,.1..;.*:. ,..,.;, ,..,. ,,.y ":"**. .t', , ,..;'4 LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM-ONTARIO. ATKII441SON'S. Two Shows Sat. Night _ ''' Thurs, Fri, Sat, November POOL ItOOIII• SPECIAL rt. g. ,t; ?. Van Jc h (son Lauritz Melchior X 'S' , .� •• bpson, 5!110hla.lt SSUNDRIES .. t 1 1 .= Tobaccos, Cigarettes,1'o1), ' W I be thrill 1)t' 11111,1* and knlghtcr ik._ _.4 and Other Sundries. =;Open all day and evening. : >:�;Main Street. Blyth. __: ,Matirce, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30.:, ,t, Crol1y11, ' by �. _ • •, • •••: ♦ • .,,: •.•• •.1'•.,0••.11,.:.OJ •. r 11-I)1' iMrn, 'Tues, Wed, Novetnher ll -13.14., ;' ,,; Robert Walker, Hedy Lamarr, ' June Allyson in I i• "HER HIGHNESS AND THE li you are I,.nely, tlritc L'ox 32• street, ' «1 BELLBOY" Clarhstnn, \Yash Scntl staml, Apply i i, fhc ,tory of a 181111 fol and Ioncly 10_31):i, friar,',;, d'i'n fall, in rove 111111 an"' American newspaper (man ;1111 (Deers» 1.1 e'. (l ►tctinnccr For 11141'1411 ANNOUNCEMENT r, h' :\I''crlca 111 gleet llinl ' t ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" ilas ctnrued froul service (1'1111 tllc Presto Cookors now available Re- 'i :;••0•; •:.,:..;0.:.•:.•;.•;.•0.: •;..;•0•,0•;�.4•;�r;,•:••:..;..;,.;..;i 1\11\•;11 1 :111::(11L1 :\Ir 1'nrCl', alld \1'1)1 3)C dare your time in evoking fitly percent, *'winning his former occupation, phone 24, l;lyth llubbyn's Hardware , 1'•'rrelumd nee promptly an..wer '1 InIIIIle,liate arraugenl„nts rats be made. 11 -Ip Esther Williams in "THRILL OF A ROMANCE" in color) Po :I, tom; ttchmie tour um-lcal ,,there dill he tivo shod's each night .1 •tt 7':,;1 and 11:3)) 1' \l Yet \viten the little old holt* paper 1 NINE WILD GEESE iN ONE Desirable , I I esbyter i;nl Church are holding their ! I roperly on Ufnslcy crimes CATCH 1 November ell;etiug in the church on known as the Moody Property They gloat about it, all the tiny' (Junius s 1larrcy \I et ',Illnln created *elite a \Wednesday, \olcmber 14tH at 2•?: All the new;, they gather 1111 like lair till, \Ve:IiIt, lay :Ifterroun when he 1' \I Hie guc-t speakers \rill be \lis$ \Ilse*', 8111'1 I flr, 11• itt,) I wit 111111 live 11111 geese in Nlatheo. an',l Miss \Ic_\rthur, field sec - Pour "Ver all the paragraphs and hold the bark of his truck 1larvey, a•c1ut- rt•taries of the I'tovinci;tl \\' M S, who The sheets aside and tall; \d(11 eye'; 1p;111:et1 I,y the I r( 1181•tl11 S11cll of arc speaking at the different centres aglow !Anhui', .tet; t'n a ,hocti" expedition ', of the 1'resbytery Of dear old neighbours 1)l' the 1,,111; a.go ' early \Wcdn,day in -riling Along the \very cordial invitation is extended I'or 1'1•(1.1' 11111) le 8 pel•`ollal tillll I I:tl,t' IIIC1' *;111 11111' a Ia 111 gt't',t', and 10 all ill',se They 1111"11 the folk;, and sir the (-Ili- nine the t11'o of them, brought down ring, nine \I r tine{', tool; foto', awl \1 r \1c - Small hells within their heart,, for they Callum five \s ice 'h 01 11114 The \u 11) I:;ta \\'ala:nu, h harm Cin see V 1'1runl held their meeting at the brine The face; of gild ne'ghl»ai', tenderly MISSION BAND SUPPER of Mr and \Ir, 1.) \ICl\etizie on Mon - And though they go their lonely hays WELL PATRONIZED day night 1.1111 an attendance of 30 apart 'The \Ii.,,iolt I1;t''d of 1. wing Service Next meeting will be held next Tues - Still they are members of a ;mall Io1'11 held :I very •ute(ssfnl• sale 1'f Ivork day night, November 13, at the honk of heart-Amtylnoue and solver en Saturday, November Mr and \1rs 1)an )lallahan \Irs 3rd in the h;,seuteut of the l'nitc'I Clarence Johnslcm has the five minute Church Thr 1 roceed., f1' nn both sale , r'pecch and recreation is in charge of TRY A CLASSIFIED AD, 25 CEN'I'S .m(1 ,nailer : uu'ented to ;'1.33 I Ilert fear and Calvert Falconer L'v- who can attend \' FARM FORUM MEETING V --, 111, fft•gtdmi,.1.11...ilt i, ,n!(.,, a„�,., -� J1,1 .i ind n I..! 1,' 't , ,i r li 1. S. I tl I . II ;st E1 R- 1 ) Marketing Scheme for Ontario, under the Farm Products Control Act, has been submitted to the Farm Products Control Board by the Ontario Hog Producers Association. Before the Board will consider recom- mending the scheme, it must be satisfied that a fair representation of the Hog Producers are in Favour of its adoption. In order to obtain the recorded views of the Producers, a vote by ballot is being taken on the question "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS MARKETING SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCE IN ONTARIO?" your aca�cc�sU, ,��rt31i`►'• 11,•x� 13.SLL Mricultural Office, Clinton, Ont• y..,� t.:;nti;p, s TO ALL HOG PRODUCERS IN HURON 17 ='? Only Hog Producers who 11 (77I (\ arc registered for the purr t � \7,,s \1 pose with their own County `1. Agricul 1-1-\ tural Representative I \Y":-.7 will be entitled to vote on \ the scheme. All Hog Pro- ducers are therefore urged to register at once by mail or in person at their County Agricultural Rep- scntative's office in order to be eligible to vote. When registering by mail, please forward name, address and township. 4 s11t�y1 f \-• 1 J A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held at See Bottom of Advt. At this meeting the scheme 1) will be explained fully and questions answered. Ballots will be supplied at the meeting to producers who have registered, so that they may vote then, Registra- tions will be accepted at the meeting and also for ten days after it, All producers who are registered will receive ballots, either at the Agricultural Represent- ative's office, at the meeting or by mail. Copies of the proposed scheme may be secured at the Agri- cultural Representative's office or at the public meeting, All ballots must. be returned to the Agricultural Repre. sentative before December 8, 1945, • • Any Ballots, received after that date will not be recorded, awes ALL HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND THE MEETING 1N THEIR AREA -- AND TO VOTEI C. F. PERKIN CHAIRMAN Belgrave-830 P.M, Mon,, Nov. 12 to Leslie 1!ilboru EDWARD W. ELLIOTT NOTICE i am a 'ailaule for Radio Repair \\'ark Goo:1 stock of parts of hand Satisfaction guaranteed Glenn I\ech- tic, phone I65, Myth 11 -Ip FOR SALE • 8 yearling cattle, Durham Apply to David Craig, phone 13-7, Myth RR 2 11-1 FOR SALE 6 Yorkshire Chunks Apply to Cleat Galbraith, phone 66 Blyth 1 1-2p FOR SALE Spring and lull Wheat Apply to Jack 131ake, phone 17-14 lilytlt 11-1-p TO LET 3 heifers and 2 cows, due to freshen in the spring, to let on shares; For Sale -1 logy truck fare wagon, nearly new Apply la Arthur Ward, phone 16-0, Myth 11-1p FOR SALE 6 cord hard maple furnace wood; 8 Durham steers, around 950 lbs each Apply to Torrance Dundas, Myth, RR 2, photic 13-15, Myth 11-1 FOR SALE Lady's black boucle coat, with brown fur' trims, size 18, in good condition Apply at the Standard Office FOR SALE 1 hot air heater for car, pair 1937 Ford slip cove:s; 2 driving spot lights; pair (109-1ti tire chains; all in good con- dition; other articles as well Apply at Standard Office • 1 1 -Ip DANCE Sponsored by the Myth Lions Club in the Memorial hall, Myth, Friday night, November 9th Everyone d'el- conte 11-1 AUCTION SALE APARTMENTS FOR SALE Four apartments in Illyth, tvill he sold seperate or as a w11olr, 10511 each, excepting the south one, S,i)l) For terms apply to john Clark, -1 Ontario street, Apt 5, Stratford 1(1-3 NOTICE Voters' List, 1945, Township of East Wawanosls, County of Huron \O'1'IC1'. is hereby given that 1 have complied tvitli Section 8 of the \'titers' Lists .\ct, and that 1 have posted up at 111y office, lot 29, concession 5, East \\'a vanosh, on the 29th day of October, 1945, the, list n'; all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at the Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters u take ilnnediat,' proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law The last clay for appeal being the 19th( day of November, 1945 Dated at illy office this 29111 day of October, 1945 R R REDMOND, CLERK 10-2 Tt wnshi , of East \\'awattosh Regular Meeting, Blyth 1.O.O.F No 366 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH Regular meeting, for the transaction of General Business All brethren re- quested to be present W H Morritt, W G McNeil, .\oble Grand Rec-Scc'y NOTICE Voters' List, 1945, Municipality Of The Of Household Furniture and Numerous Village of Blyth, County of Huron Work Shop Articles in Walton, oil WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH at 1:30PM NOTICE is hereby given that i have complied with Section Sof the Voters' Lists .\ct, and that 1 have posted tip at my office, in the Village of Myth, 6 oak dining room chairs; cream ,n the 26111 day of October, 1945; the bedspread and sprigs, with dresser to list of all persons entitled to vote in match; Whitt» bedspread and springs; the said \Iunacipality, at the municipal 2 spring mattresses; dressing table; elections, and that such list remains oak bedstead tcith springs; (old) bed- there for iuspcctium stead and springs; large wall mirror, And 1 hereby call upon all voters to with creams borer; buffet mirror; wall take immmediate proceedings to have any mirror 2 wash stands; library table; errors or omissions corrected accordilig and othc: business requiring the atten- oak rocking chair; odd ch;:ire ; 2 small to 1a11' upholstered chairs; oilcloth rug, 7'x34/2'; I Dated at my office this 2trfh day of oilcloth runner yard; couch; kit- Octobe 194; 't chcn sideboard (white) ; large table GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk hump (electric): sanitary commode, 10-3 (ioderich, Onlat io with pipes; 2 sewing machines (pos- sibly); pictures; curtains; pillows; dishes; pots .tad pans; gas barrels; gas pumps; garden hose; chains; tools; horse blankets; good cutter rube; forks; blow torch; shovels; tool kite; buggy; halters; rug; oil cans; cattle markers , post bole digger; vise; Other articles too numerous to men- tion f„r Sale, late at '1'llc Standard Office, o by calling l'honc 203, Clinton. Charge ntudclalc and satisfaction Guaranteed. G. R. AUGUS'TINE R1'.1'RESEN'l'ING TiHE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, Loudon, England. LIFE - PENSIONS - ANNUITIES WILLIAM II. MO1tR1TT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farms and IIouseholrL Sales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Treasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Por information, etc„ write or phone William H. Morritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth, Frank's Bakery PHONE 3S. BLY'1'I-I, ONT. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY Everything Homemade 1-IAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist In Farm and Household Sales, Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; aatis taction guaranteed. Por Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jack(;ott, RR. No. 4, Seatortlt, Phone 1414161 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL NO'T'ICE The next meeting of the Huron ,County Council dill be held in the 1 Council Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing on Tuesday, Novem- ber ovelll- ber 13th at 2 p lit All accounts, notices of deputations tion of C'.nu1:A should he in the hand: of the County Clerk not later than 1 Saturday, November 10th N W MILLER, County Clerk 10-2 TERMS -CASH \Trs Bert Anderson, Proprietress Lew Rowland, Auctioneer 11-1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50x31; Seafortti, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO, of CANADA, LTD. N A>,CRACKER IT'S THAT COUNTS CBI PARTY PUP Yes, it's always a "jam session" when Junior finds the Christie's Premium Soda Crackers! Serve them often with soups, salads, beverages ... the name "Christie's" means fine flavour and perfect baking. Chri iies 'sculls A dog's life isn't so bad for the pup parked in cop's cap, above, after touring New York cafes with a soldier and civilian who ''liber- ated" liber- ated" him by tossing a crate through a pet shop window. The threa were going from bar to bar when police showed up. The "liberators" face a burglary charge, although only the pup was taken from the shop, WITH DODGERS Jackie Robinson, all-round Negro athlete and recent shortstop of the Kansas City Monarchs (a Negro team) has been signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers to play for the Montreal Royals, Brooklyn's In- ternational League farm club. Robinson, who was discharged from the Army with rank of Lieutenant, is tho first Negro play- er ever admitted to organized base- ball. SAFES Protect your HOOKS ono from rum and TUUIEVI:!.. 11 e hare a size and type of Sate, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit as, or write for veleeu, etc. to Dept. W. J.scJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TOkONTO SAFE WORKS 143 IL'ront St, E., Toront'• Established lase Fortune Found In Jap Coop Allies Discover Fortune In Dia- monds American searchers have found fortunes in diamonds, platinum, gold and silver tvhich Japanese admirals and generals had cached In secluded areas --but never were able to remove from the country because the war ended sen abrupt - 1y, General NfacArthur's headquar- ters disclosed that one party dis- covered "a fabulous fortune in dia- monds" in a chicken coop atop a Establish Canadian Affiliate of Crosby Research Foundation J. 11. Fitzgerald D'Are► Jones J. Ii, Fitzgerald, well-known Canadian merchandising and adver- tising man, is president of the newly established Commonwealth Industrial Enterprises Limited, Toronto, Canadian affiliate of Crosby Research Foundation Inc. of Hollywood, California. ll'Arcy Jones of the IIollywood Foundation Is In Canada relative to the establishment of the new Canadian company and will be n director, Within the next six months Commonwealth Industrial Enterprises Ltd. expect to Introduce some fifty new Crosby projects ranging all the way from heavy industrial equipment to articles for household use to the Canadian market. Their products or patents will be licensed for manufacture, distribution, import or export to Canadian business concerns. All products will bear the Crosby trade mark • mountain 160 miles north of 'To- kyo. In another instance a pack- age resembling a packet of ham- burger yielded 8,000 karats of dia- monds. No estimates of the value of the loot have been made, Eleven crates of platinum were discovered beside the chicken coop. The Japanese admirals' aides gni& ed Americans to the cache, "The trip up the mountain in a. pouring rain with those Japanese was one of the most fantastic things that can he Imagined," said (;apt, 1.. R. Ward, Interlaken, N.J., who led the party, "It took all day and we got to the little farm at 10:;10 at night, We were nut by the best dressed Japanese in that Part of the counry. 11c wore a pin stripe suit, two tune shoes, a'suap- py tie and a fiat vhitc shirt. lie said he was a caretaker, but he simply was guarding that stuff for those admirals," t.t. Col. Enunannal Franklin, Rockville Center; N.Y. 110anee offi- cer at MacArthnr's headquarters, sa'i'd: "id1\'e are finding fortunes in caves all the way from 100.10 :;oo utiles from 'Tokyo. "I believe Japanese army and navy officials got this gold in China and elsewhere and did not tell the proper government agen- cies about it." 1luilion has been turned up in homes, colleges, a professor's ware- house olid nondescript shucks. Plots of unguarded ground also yielded tvealth, Coughs are dangerous If neglected Qet Relief Usually.., QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH COUGH SYRUP AT ALL DRUGGISTS 25e LD -1 ORIGINATORS Or TIIE POPULAR HOSTESS serves Maxwell House ... the superbly flavored coffee -blend with all the stimulating goodness of fine Latin-American cof- fees. When you buy coffee, say "Maxwell House". HARNESS & COLLARS Partners Attention — Consult your nearest harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local StacoLeather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so art our prices We manufacture in our fac torics — Harness Horse Cot lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Ulan• kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staeo Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only hp • SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto _A ii,l,tlh.GIYGi IILGi III IJLI IJh,III.Vaatiagans You. Will Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel '1'OItON'T(l pp Every flown with hall,, Shower and 'Telephone. i Single, 82.50 up — tlooble, sa.rio tip. O Good Fdod, Dining and Dane - lag nightly. Sherbourne lit Carlton Tel. 11A, 4136 ' :L'.IIY. L f illi Men who think of tomorrow GUARD AGAINST INFLATION Today! Old Man Inflation stands just around the corner ready to snatch at your pay envelope and short-change you in return. It happened after 1918, and it can happen again. It's strange but true that the only ones who can save us from inflation—excessively high prices -- are ourselves. It's spending those extra dollars that bids up prices on everything that's still scarce. And once started, inflation spreads like a forest fire to everything we use or consume. So let's fight the temptation to spend unne- cessarily. Let's put every extra dollar into Victory Bonds and hold onto the Bonds we . already have. Think of tomorrow ... and you'll agree the thing to do is not to cash Victory Bonds but to go and buy more! THE ROUSE OF SEAGRAM SALAN TES DARK IIGIITN1NG gy HELEN TOPPING MILLER CIIAPTEIt V Instantly, old Iiughey extricated himself from the confusion of his bedding, Itis sunken, dead -black eyes began to gleam. 310 clawed at Gary's arm, jerked him inside, and slammed the door, "Don't lot none of them folks around hear you," he warned, "Set down. Yeh, I got a map, But I'm keeling it, What you want witlt It?" "I'nt atudying the structures around hero. Thought maybe you'd let me look at your map. Know this country pretty well, do you?" "Know it?" shrilled the old man, lulling out a drawer from a lop- sided chest and fumbling feverish- ly in il. "I know every fold and fault and sand in it. Walked every foot of it. Son, you can look at my snap, but there ain't no ell under this county, not a drop." * * * Ilo straightened, brought out a packet carefully wrapped in oil- cloth and secured with a tightly knotted shoestring. Slowly, al- most reverently, ho untied a doz- en knots. A roll et slippery maps slid out, uncurled themselves, gtcasc-spotted and faded. " Got 'cm all here." Old Hughey dropped on a stool and spread the soiled sheets over his knees, "Hero she is. Look a' here." He traced with u long and filthy ring - entail, ')'here she. lays , ..there's the Sabine uplift—where they found the blg pool—and over hero there ain't nothing. Lithe and salt water, I tell you." With, swift, trained vision Gary studied the tn:lp. It was an oil print, ho noted twenty years old, There was an uplift—but to the north of it a fault --and on the edge of that—hie breath began to quick- en a little. "Thanks, Mr. Fothergill," Ho handed the trap hack. "1-Iere—buy yourself some tobacco. You're MANY TI-IANKS go to Wives and mothers who serve Maxwell House! Yes, Canadian families love the delicious, satisfying flavor of this superb blend of Latin-American coffees. ASPIRIN 'EASES NEURITIC, NEURALGIC PAIN FAST! You get pain relief fast when you use Aspirin because it starts to go to work almost immediately. To see that this Is so, Just drop an Aspirin tablet in water. What you'll see is what happens in your stomach—the tablet starts disintegrating within two eecondst That's why Aspirin stops neuritic, neuralgic pain so quickly. Get Aspirin today.The"Bayer" cross on each tablet is your guarantee that it's Aspirin) Aspirnw NOW—NeLow Prices! Pocket box of 12s .... only 18e Economy bottle of 24 .. only 29e Family size of 100 • . . only 79c ISSUE 45-1945 quite sure there's no oil under these structures?" e "Shake yourself well," advised Adelaide as lio went hack to the car. "I got the cold shivers when he grabbed you. I was sitting here wondering If 1 ought to go yell for the police." * * "Ile's got the map—but its an old edition, I'll have to write for a new one, I guess." "But that will take days --let's telegraph, can't we?" "If 1 sent a wire somebody would start talking," he said, "You can't bide oil—or even a suspicion that there night be oil." "Gary Tallman—you did see eonsething on that map! You're trying to be mysterious and ob. scure, but I can see right through you. You've got red spots in both cheeks." "Fever," ho said, "I've been with you for hours, How do you expect ane to keep my temperature down?" H'e're going straight home to tell Dad," "I wouldn't want to raise any false ho_.es,,, "Dad could hire a geologist," "A survey costs money, too, The bug oil companies keep their own crew's, but an independent owner would have to take his own Maks." "Oliver works for a big oll com- pany." - "11r sells leases. Ile doesn't know anything about production. If there were any heftcatiens that there's oil under your place, Kim- ball woald w:utt your father to sell out to somebody," ".\:{ 1 he'it want all the credit, and grab it, too. And probably half the stoney. I wouldn't trust Oliver an inch. Don't say a word, Gary, when Oliver is around." * Gary agreed promptly because ho did not like Oliver, either, "I hope nobody conies in tonight —then we can tell Dad and Moth- er," .Adelaide ran on oxcitedty. "And you can advise Dad what to do. Olt, Gary—suppose we did get millions of dollars—" she was breathless and her eyes were like two hot, burning stars. "Now don't say a word," he warned, as they whirled through the gate and around the drive, missing the windmill by tho thick- ness of a coat of paint. "Gary, could you draw a sketch of that map? You could, couldn't you?" "I guess 1 could, I could get it down in a rough way." "You go up and do that right away, before dinner, And I'll fix up some way to introduce the sub- ject." Late, when she had time to thunk about it, Mona Leo remem- bered the look on Harvey's face when Adelaide said abrubtly, "Now, Gary—now let's tell them!" * * * For a minute Harvey's face darkened. Gary was a nice boy, but they had had fine plans for Adelaide which did not include a marriage to any young ell man out of a job. That was In Harvey's face at fires, And then, when Gary spread out the sheet of paper with the rough sketch he had drawn on the table, Harvey's face changed again. "What's all this?" he asked gruffly. Adelaide drew a deep breath and was tense and her eyes snap- ped sparks, "0I1—on our land! Gary thinks maybe he's found oil!" It was then that Harvey became a stranger to Mona Lee, • ('1'o Be Continued) CIIRONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke We have just come hack from the County Ploughing match. \'e were all there — Partner, the two boys and myself. It was a glorious day, fine and warul, the first day in years that it hasn't rained, or been cold and rough for this big county event. It was also the first time I had ever gone to a plough- ing match and I found it well worth the trip. The boys went early in the fore- noon, Partner and I followed soon after dinner — just in time to sec the big bull -dozer at work. And how it worked! What was a bull- dozer doing at a ploughing match, did you ask? Well, you see this af- fair was more than a ploughing match — thanks to enterprising men within the county. It was also a demonstration and exhibition of labour saving machinery, and, while a hull -dozer can hardly he classed as a necessary piece of equipment on a hundred acres, yet there are many such farms where a bull -dozer could be put to good use — thus the demonstration, the idea being that a group of farmers might find enough work between them to bring a bell -dozer in to work for therm, ♦ * * On this particular farm where the match was held the machinery was lined up in pasture field. In the field there was a huge stump from which an elm tree had recent- ly been felled. It isn't necessary for me to tell you the work involv- ed in prying a green stump from Its moorings. No doubt you have seen the Wren on your farm work- ing with picks, shovels, axes and even dynamite for days at a time. Bust on this stump the bull -dozer went to work. It gouged out the dirt from around the stump; it cut through its confining roots; it groaned and whined against the resisting fibres, while a ring of men, women and boys looked on in breathless expectancy. "Ry' Jininy, that there stump will lake some moving," one fellow said, "Just watch — it'll do it," said another. Fascinated I formed my way to the front of the ring and from this vantage point I noticed that at first the stump was as solid and de- fiant as a rock, And then, slowly but surely it started giving a lit- tle. Cance the time when it 81111(1- dered from the impact of the huge steel monster and then gratluaily gave way before its repeated on- slaughts. Finally the crowd could see the battle of mechanism against nature was just about won, Two or three more gigantic shoves and the great root was pushed over and NAVY SUIT Believe it or not, Joy Hardy wears a reconverted WREN'a uniform. All that happened to the uniform was an addition of fancy, dark blue braid and the removal of the three additional buttons which gave it double-breasted style. The original fine tailoring of the uniform is retained. Helps (heck (olds Quickly Yon can often check a cold quickly if you follow these instructions. Just as soon as you feel the cold com- ing on and experience headache, pains in the back or limbs, soreness through the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good big drink of hot lemonade or ginger tea and go to bed. The Paradol affords alsnost immed- iate relief front the pains and aches and helps you to get off to sleep. The dose may be repeated, if necessary, accord- ing to the directions. If there is sore- ness of the throat, gargle with two Paradol tablets dissolved in water. Just try Paradol the next time you have a cold and wo believe that you will be well pleased. Paradol does not disap- point. r . . a driven unresisting away from the soil which had held it for so many years. Bob was particularly interested in this demonstration because he had seen hull -dozers at work so often in British Columbia and used to write and tell us about them. Also he had wished several times this fall that he had had one around here for an hour or two. IIe has been ploughing partly cleared vir- gin land up in our bush and has been having one sweet time, what with stumps, trees and boulders. Ire would come in at noon some- times and say, "What I couldn't do with a hull -dozer up in that field!" * * * There was also a demonstration 011 ditching today with the bull- dozer pulling a huge grader. That was interesting too. Then there was a power chain saw in operation which we couldn't see at all for the crowd. If only some of the offi- cials had been there forcing the crowd to forst a larger ring then everyone would have had a chance to see what was going on, Another thing that claimed our attention was a tractor pulling about every implement used on a farm at one time. * * * And the ploughing? 01) ycs, there was ploughing — lots of it —and it all looked grand to ate. In fact I don't know how the judges could come to a decision when there seemed so little to choose be- tween all those ridges of well- turned sods, gleaming moistly in the warns autumn sun. I heard Partner and another farmer argu- ing about the respective merits of team and tractor ploughing with Partner all in favour of the latter. No doubt tractor plo.t,'hine is more practical in this day and age but I had a sneaking preference for those team ploughed ridges with crowns so even they Haight have been measured with a foot -rule. * * * So th :t was our County Plough- ing match. And, ladies, when the next one rolls along, just forget there's washing to de and climb in the old jalopy along with the rest of the family and have a day out with the men, it's a wise woman who interests herself in what in- terests her men and you will find a ploughing match, be it county or provincial, quite worthy of your consideration. "Methodist" Preferred A flight officer wanted to buy some war bonds at the war fin- ance office in Lawrenceville, I11., and was asked in what denomina- tion he'd like to have them, "Me- thodist," he replied, Daily Air Service London 'to Vienna 1t.A.F, Mosquitoes are now staking daily runs between Lon- don and Vienna In just over two and one half hours reports) the 13 BC correspondent in Vienna, Ile adds that London morning news- papers are now arriving in the Austrian capital by 11 a.m. This service is being operated by Brit- ish Transport Command. The matters. of the Mosquito are now working en a peace time version which is stated to be specially suitable for world-wide operation and moderate size airports, It will carry eight to eleven passengers and have a cruising speed of 160 miles per hour. Ex -Servicewomen Want Own Homes The girls in khaki and blue have their hearts set on a home of their own rather than a career, it would scent. The re-establishment credit of 85% of the girls discharged from the services up to the end of Aug- ust, a sum totalling $79,670 has been used to buy furniture and household equipment. None of the girls has yet used her credit to purchase a business. 'Let Us Bind Up The Nation's Wounds' The principal purpose of the Ninth Loan is to pay for bringing our fighting men home and put- ting theta on their feet in civilian life, say's the Peterborough Exam- iner. Particularly appropriate to this lotus are these words of Abra- ham Lincoln: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as (nod gives us to see the right, let us finish the work wo are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among our- selves and with all nations." Let tis undertake the Loan in this spirit and malte it at least as much a success as those which have gone before it, POULTRY WANTED Send us your vIPekens, geese and turkeys. (Must be dressed.) "lllghe=t prices paid." QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto FOR PERFECT RESULTS ON ALL FABRICS usFl�Lt.. �FABRICintex GUARANTEED TO DYE CELANESE, 45.4 NYLON AND ALL MIXTURES 0c PAGE 8 y - THE STANDARD Wednesday, Nov, 7,19'15, ,,, ,.,,.,,,,.,,vorogiaigtow, PERSONAL INTEREST Rev 1)r and N1rs 'i'hulnson of Grand SPECIALS 95e Children's Hose 19c to )_ Ladies' Cotton Hose rye Ladies' Lisle Hose 29c to 1$1.00 • Men's Heavy Wool Trousers $5.95 and $6.95 • Heavy Wool Breeches $5.95 and $6.75 RUBBERS and SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Olive McGill 1 l:i\el, N S, visited at the Somers hunk NIr an 1 Mrs I. 1I illcy and tanlil , • of \\'alten, we're visitors on Sunday with Nlr and \Irs 11 Mulley • Nlrs Alice I'a\\ccil left on \\'eilnes- Ila\• for Toronto, to visit her daughters, Nlrs I., el.yer and Nliss Gladys Nlrs Morris of I1lytlt visited many friends and relatives in Detroit and Nl ichigan last \rel: Nlrs Robert \lc(ice of Toronto is visiting with h.•r sun, \Ir Jack NIcliee, and \Ir; \IcGce Nlastcr (iur-lt'n l:aithhy of London spent the week -end \yitll Master Ken- neth Jnlntston • Nlrs tlarere, Johnston and Nliss Ulna \\ ere Loudon visitors last 'I'hurs- yt tltty 3t10t)t *M MINithtN ANk2oitit?tANNDilliMalatIcanDiNkailliNI x301) 243ti9rDtIhNitPi Nlrs P McCaffrey, NIr 1\' Stratton, and son, Jackie of 1)etr. it, spent the • ♦ ♦ ♦ 6• +4 ♦+♦ ♦,• ♦ • ,+♦ +♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ "Tek-l';aI int thl 11°111u of Mr;corgi' i44444444:444444+++++++++44+++++++44++++++4 .+14441110+010+013110•,,41.1,111 •1+T •••11 ♦, 1♦♦•• 1,1♦•♦• •+ 1 •1♦♦1 +1 ♦1 11 1 11 1♦,1 ♦11 • ••1♦♦1 •♦ ♦♦11♦H ♦1,11 ••/•I♦11♦•♦ ♦1♦11,11,h Ilirons f• L STUART itO BIN s ON NII• .\Ii1it f 1 .\111''1'., C:11 Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of Dinsley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - X1.00 or Over. Ill' Chicken Haddie 35c Neilson's Cocoa, half Ib. 19c Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tin 10c Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c Tea Bisk Kraft Dinner Red Rose Coffee 35c 20c per lb. 45c Oranges, Lemons and Grape Fruit. •: iful ::,1, NIr 1 t_' I'o\\•nty of Ayr, \\ere •: recent \\ eek -enc! visit, rs with NIr and :_: Mrs Nt l lenry ani' NIr.: Norman Colclough, Nlrs Allan Lard.r and son, Clayton, of (ioderich, \were visit n•s \vith Nl rs .\ NI t'olelou.h ou S:urlay N1rs Robert Nlacl) 'nald and Nliss •t• 14 •_• \\';Inia of Sort- a, and Nliss .\udrey 1x1 •t• hltltl'rt,1):1, al,n of Sarnia, sp:l1t over :t: the week -end v, ith NI rs Logan =• I NIr and Mrs Herbert Crawford, and daughter, Sandra, and Nliss petty . • Crawford, of L' nh)n, spent the \vee•':- ;; en \\ iti\ NIr and NI rs James Claw- '• ford • Mrs 11 E. Shr•rt h•ts received her di.- :• charge from the RCAF and is visiting her parent,, Nir and \Irs 1{ Leggett, before leaving to join her husband in .1. the United Statt \h• and NIr, 1\'ill:url Nletcalf and 'aughter,Jo) e4. t f Lund n, NI iss Birch :f of llamil•on, Miss E Nlctcalf of Lon- .. 1♦y/• dun, visited on Sunday with \Irs t `ee+- 4....t.4.-'o•+•o.4.4.•T i+dam♦•':+4I:•+r4*+4111• .+1.4 :11:H1. 1• 1*111x1+:H1111.11H 4.0e4. \Il'te,lll Nllss I'. NTt'tealt reunified for a 1 ngrr visit :t4 Extra Special Back Alley 1 NIr l:adf"rd's aggre•sivc business ab - News ility has long been recognized by those who know him The co-'lu•ration t f Arc the citizens of "Sk-Dunk Alley" tl,u who inhabit "51;-I lank" alley was ever getting uppish h1 else you do'l't1•\st. Ill 're :Ilr :'rt': t 111:111 in this pro- All• and Nh•s Earl Gaunt of I.ncknow, know where "Sk-T)tt k" A1'cy is, it's 'Jed Those who didn't In any work, NIr and \Irs 1Iarry Durum of ('on - the stretch of lanerray behind the tele- cheered lustily frothe side -line., lin- stance \h and MrsEiiicrsun Iles':, and phone °ff'ce. running through 13 the elu'ling NIr= Philp, \Irs 'Tasker, back of George Radtord's headquarters \\'hitntre, and your, truly \\'it During the I llttll It,• t hl t , nl, l I NIrs NT irtha '.yon of Londe'loro, NIr and NIr Vert Lobb, NIr and NI rs I'red Lobb,ul (;uderich Township, Nf r and Nlrs .\rtbcr 1\l'I' ltd<e f Exeter, \Irs 11 :t tat week the alley hal, ie\\ nn)re been a 'live of irdnstry Archie Som. \\•.rlser. 1'ke Iter;. I)el and Glen, the ers was in the -e with his big ditcher, Job will be finished this \\cel: -end, and digging a glitch from Radford's barn "SkDunk" alley will once nl're settle right through to his dwelling on Dins- down to normalcy Icy street Nfr Radford has set up a n \' large prc'•surc system over his drilled. 'well aatl i• rendering a real service to . all Alley inhabitants (Inca ling the store Congratulatit n• to NIi•s \\'ilnla keepers), l•v putting in a pipe line Staples ,v11. -i celebrated her birth lav through the (basement of the stores so on Sunday, November 4111 ' - that everyontiib e in the block from . ••tgr:ll'l,, atkln•: to \lacer l.onald thorpe's barber shop to The Standard '1'unney, who celebrated his 3rd birth. Office, will have hard water, on tap day on Nlonday, November 5111 CONGRATULATIONS Alr and \Irs Joe Lyon of Ilnllett, vis- ited at the horny of NIr and N1rs St:ul- ley Lyon on Sunday, it being the os - casino f Nlrs Nlartha I.yoa's 79th birthday Trltmray - (weary Parker Street l'nitcd C'nireh parson- age, Sarnia, was the scene of a pretty: wedding on Saturday, October 30, al four o'clock, Io'' the marriage ut Nliss Nlary Ellen Geary, youngest daughter, nt \Irs Nlary Susan Geary, 30? Nlax- .w•cll strc:'t, and John Eric Nlurray, 115 'north NI itton street, youngest soli of Mrs \\•illiatn Johnston, of Itlyth; On - Besides running the pipe line In hitt I (' 11 r,liJllat`,115 to Nliss Nlyrtio Marin, and the late \\'illiatu Nlurray of c•w•n residence, the resi e:'cc,0f NIr R f) \\'bite, of Galt, \\h,• celebrated her \\•altos The Rev ,I N Gould officiated Philp also on Dinsley street, is connect- birthday on Sunday, November •1111 The b' i le :vas charming in- tt gold ed into the System, and both NIr Philp; C'ongratslatiot's to Master Peter tvu'1l dress, p1inccss lines, with velvet and Nir Radford already have the wat- Dawson, who celebrates his 111111 birth- Itrim and hrotvn accessories, and cor- er turned on day on Thursday, November 8th 11 4444-.'•f•4.1 44444• .'A••T11+++4444N'rl't~:1•;•+114+4.1iN:.1:,+1/4 4.4.11♦,+44+:/+.•;.1 444.111♦ 44. M is 4.4 f iY 1,3 1(3 _♦ 1• `' 44 .44 44 414 The Gift That Lasts The Year 'Round PLAN NOW TO SEND "THE STANI)ARI)" AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT. We are ready to send "The STANDARD" anywhere in Canada or the United States, as a lasting Christmas Gift from you to any friend, or member of the family. In Canada the yearly subscription rate is $ 1.50 per year, 3c an is- sue, in the United States $2.00 per year. No other gift will bring the thoughts of those far way hack to the home town so often. Subscrib- ers away from home refer to each issue of The STANDARD as the weekly letter from home. We like to think of it as just that. You can help in this respect very materially by reporting to us your weekly doings - had you visitors, did you visit - any freaks of nature you may have encountered - tip us off to the right source for presentations, etc. CHRISTMAS ORDERS, either renewals or new ones, will be received any time now, and a suit- able carr.' of greeting sent with the first issue at Christmas time. TI4TCHRISTMAS GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STANDARD-'I'11E YEAR-ROUND GIFT. 41 Shopping Days from Christmas DROP IN AND SEE OUR CHRISTMAS NOVEL- TIES AND TOYS - ALSO OUR CHOICE SELEC- TION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, CHRISTMAS WRAP, SEALS, AND DECORATIONS. Believe it or not - There is Only '11 Mole Shopping Days Before Christmas. ♦4 1t ,t, :_: 4x4 ._. 4. 4• :, 44 44, :+ .. +. 44 .+ 414 .t1 41, ._+ 4 1=♦, 4.4 .. '2•NIr, John Eric NI array, the former k:missNta:•y Ellen (ictu•y, was guest of :_:penin', r reecull), at several s:Icial gatli- 4 ,rings She 4'.'di entertained at a tea 4' tt the home c; Tier sister• -in -Taw, NI rs • Norman Geary, when she was presented .. •vith various i:itdien utensils: at a !nis- :-' tllaneou, shover at the h me of Mrs :: Iltscph Needham: a miscellaneous •. howcr given I:v Nlrs 11 Symington acrd' - - sage of orchids, while Nh•s O Barrett, sister of the bride, a, bridesmaid, \vas lovely in a turquoise wool tlress a d cl rsage of Talisman rose, \\'illianl NI clellar, 110'•, south Brock street, as- sisted the bridegroom as best Ulan For her daughter's wedding NTrs Geary chose a hack crepe dress with a corsage of re,d rose, Folli wing the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of NIr and Mrs \ (Gary, brother and •istel•-iii-law f the bride, for the im- mediate i- tiediate family, where the Bride's table \vas centred with a three -tiered \red - ding cake, flanked by ivy ry tapers in ;ih•er canlelabra 'i'he routes were astcfully dein-irate-I with pink and white musts '1 he young couple left 0:1 a h tncynn on to prints cast, and on their return they will reside at 150 north Brock strret Btide Is Showered Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WIZEN 1N NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES RE11'IEMBER "TIIE 1IOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN, Keep Blyth In The Lead BUY VICTORY BONDS R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PHONE 20. )QKIVI✓ttICICie)4l` tttC)41CtC141441C4141414110Cle etet011 St:.a\WMICtCi +e)CCCKIC)C)CKr 2 !:111 411.14114.14. ++4:4 410:44:1:4•1444O4:44:41:4111 •i 4'• • A. L. COLE ♦> R.O. • OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN : • GODERICH - ONTARIO, :: :: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,:: With 25 Years Experience \v;ll be at ;1 R. D. Philp's Drug Store :: BLYTH, ONTARIO NEXT VISIT •_• >. A ,• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st•=• I 1 1 M FROM 2 TO 6 P,M. TELEPHONE 20 : R. D. PHILP'S DRUG STORE > I : FOR APPOINTMENTS. S 44 ••:• •:4+444444+ ++44 •1.1:1 4411, ♦:. 1.111•444+•.4+44 ) t ) ) iButcher. SPECIAL This Week UNRATIONED MEATS DUCKS AND CHICKENS. PRO] PT DELIVERY Living -Room Furniture - We are offering Several New Design's in Ches- teirfield Suites and Occasional Chairs - upholstered in the latest fabrics at most Moderate Prices, A wide selection of End Tables, Mirrors, Has- socks, Living -Room 'fables, Wall Brackets, Coffee 'fables and Other Odd Living -Room Pieces, which hell) to make your home more comfortable and en- joyable. A call Will convince you of the many excellent values \we are offering. J. as Chllew Home Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 -- Funerat Director. V 'iit2l,Dai)2litiiThlailltit10411471.^tit3*iiP AINDarntitat'iiDiraiDaiDtit2t51ai2+,,dtIVAil2tAPi3tt.li ., dV 11.1. , .I,1 I01 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++4440 H • • 4, • • • FRANK GONG Proprietor HURON •GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. 1 ;i i* try :tt Wednesday and Saturday. '1.11.11•.••11.1 1111 N•1 ••.••11.1 ••11111♦11'. 1.1111111 i 1111111+11+11.11.1111 •.1•.1.1111+111•. •♦11•• 1.1111 I♦. 11+11.1411.1 •1.11. 4.4.444.444.4.i4-4 H. Phone 10 cCallum Phone 10, Blyth. EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. Y P U MEETING • ,Irs \\•iliialn :di:Kellar at a presenta- tion by the s'aff yf Itr \\n's Sil::i TheUnited Church Young People's • .ihoppe, of IN Mich the bride is a former S, cicty met in the C:tirch basement 1 ntclnhl'r, ft'r v,Ilich Mrs Nlurray ex- Nlcnday ni;;ht with twenty-one present ;_4 pressed her appreciation NIr and NI rs ' The meeting was opened by singing 't' Nlurray were hon .red at a presentation hymn number ?it It was decided to 4.4 • at the home of Ir and Nlrs Nelson have a special programme on November Nloure, during which a social evening ?(i for the boys rod girls returning from " was enjoyed the Scrcitc. A cuuuuitice of Enid Brigham, Andy Kyle, Joyce Rath, Mar- i fission Band To Meet garct Nlarshall and Bill Cowan was 11- y; The Mission Hand of Loving Service pointed to look after the programme ;;* will hold their regular meeting on Sat- ' The in-eting was then turned over to 3 urday, Viventhlr 10th, at 3 o'cdt,ck Dorothy NieGec. and the social cr)nlnnit- 34 Children are asked to bring scissors tee for the remainder of the evening 'i' and subscription fur World Friends, which was spent in games Lunchwas which is lSc pc: year, also their Bean served after which the meeting close! `by singing God Save The King AMONG THE CHURCHES Illi Il : "P'it 0:1 the Whole ,\ri nr" TRINi'I'Y CHURCH, BELGRAVE 1:15 1' NI : Sunday School 2:30 1' NI : Evening Prayer and Ser- mon ST MARK'S CIiURCI'l, AUBURN 1(1 .\ NI : Sunday Scho.,1 Opening 1(1:3l) .\ NI : Morning Prayer and Sermon PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Anniversary Services 11 :\ NI and 7:.:0 P Nt Rev Rirhtt;t! Stewart, 01 Gttdcrich, (Special Speaker S the choir :4 :4 44 ;____44444 ,44: • - Money Special music by BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 11 10:15 -Sunday School 11 :15-.\rnist'ce Day Service - Burns W. M. ;,. Meeting; '1'Ile October meeting of the (turn; 1 This will commemorate the close i f 11 Nt S w tis held at the Munn' of NI r the two \\'ol•ld \\'ars \'len with NIr- Nlc\'ittie presiding The 1 7 P NI --Service withdrawn because ',meeting ' Tit'nct! with llyntn lt97, ful- of the .\nnivcrsary ;n the Presbyterian 110wed h\ ptaycr After tilt, bn;ines•, Church the offering ',\:is received The Rol TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH ?-nth Sir day :\iter 'Trinity RENII';NAZI::\NCI? I):\1' mundville \Irs. Ernest En 'x, leader of 9 .'\ NI: holy C'omnnulion ((;roup 3, read the chapter from the 10 A NI : Sunday School new Study hook The meeting closed 7:30 P NI : I':\ening Prayer and Ser- with llyntn n-11: j Call was answei ed by 31 NI rs Nle\'ittli Iread the Scripture, then I;:a•c an ac- count of the Sectional meeting at E.,,- 44+44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 ++:11: + y1+114.11•:111.++.:1111+::+r:11 .i: ;t+ 2, 3' • :: 4: :: •: •: •: 4: •: •1 •: 44'4 4:4 44x4 .4 44 .4 .' .4 .. 1;4 :1 VISIT Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store AND SEE TIIE MANY LOVELY GIFTS AND I-IOUSEIIOLD ARTICLES. We have the "Short" Piece You Have Been Looking For. 'f0 SERVE YOU WILL BE OUR PLEASURE :• :4 :: 't4 ♦14 _+ 1t• t• 4• ;4 ,• 414 .4 :4 4, '.4 41 14 .4 +1 ✓! " i`:4+. .44♦1 1.44.4441.44- ...:4.Oi41,4i.41x,•i,.44.10.4444%Oi44+.•11-4i41!444•.4i,-+i•Oi.yi4i+. •i•Vi i4!♦C .4.1+ 1