The Semi-Weekly Signal, 1862-12-19, Page 2% 'T V N A E EK L Y.. JHE S E Ki the. inults of the glorious vi-juO of T t2_ 'jI,wq, but the of letters,, Ono fro Jameg Me M. XTT HE' AIM oftipowerful fbe' it was a dehr oil too, and thA that proviso, be mailL, injotting Of money spei t1y the rq, y Theircountryto6n I odld hear Mr. Brown, To TIRE NICIPA.L p f` 30. years. attack the'South- lielwotIld"do ti ithip- it CLI. t the _N we it, the Tolls., 11cf, to Gravel 116a wisli:,$ int4f6rc with t1re,failiv a p - to r ji Kingston, a ngton, a p yslolftn 0 Or ,,,rth q,6mowhtir 'bet" dCoin.. 'd i ot obtai' jus ice fte- practi6e; wrother fi:nji -D.'D.'Cabin X - hois neiih r 'bol or ko The fo*,144irz pe, -and ink'slictch if P.:iIn" him loses -lot f -it" ` Fainamith Vu.,j -olis Adiscusslou arotic 1011 10 "son, the Pyeu ior,i 15 alld.20,00.0,oftlre brayc8t of h' th liminwr `I all t ley wantcg wasIto 11 t ELECTO" -6;uIterellin, 4 "'ron", jut wro -is bit ifilliresse 1IpqII D; of, plilec; Stili mfo,ther. frow V. Ile rep-, OF TH F TOWV OF,, Dritinjdask, night,1 ihisAira -It W:LS it mistake- which- reStitpu-itiffil which 1,0-111011"y tu' be usid-on boundary [)Tr. D.] NN led it Ito; d filthilwss '86 b illiantly is it gilded'. c o. 11. B'r I'lL fi( Uld, btrexpell 0 k Covcrnlu( that 'the Railway' C. Ouse, I T all resents it Of lJord Palihirmtoo tlic Premier' it linesisho nt Z i"ICe J, c makle: in, pr zshig Burnside: to take air d' d I I I.. . ... I I . I evacuated tbeirT considered -acqu liilulost trce<lilt ss io, on ie,'r ceeived an- eiiii1valdrit'for' testifying tha(Ult - to thirori6s'altriost its monstrous as s(j iie'ol'big "I h 'it ain e speak Few itir I'lle 1-011,t\ Lit- If d.,by 31r. 119dgi is -6condedby. or many years, -;4 of the riv r. . t jZiellinknid ova a'bor` , " . I . ': ' " i -' t It (" I llirvg oll, tbi3y. consf a'Nv : 1 0 .111) P , one 'but -it was"dOn tliir ox , bifi t 7 1 - penal artillery.was-the first. ve ever 'so In oil is gt:inced thron * v,I ivils tr,llco with Dr. 11 the d r-wity, of I hc Britis U on,nions ible cauirtry-it,Ny,'u, . ; a In ista ie I, -I That owaing, penal 0 617 -silly ti,easul: 4 I dismiss .11r. 3le on. aivl,cai 'i d penal ,I or 11 & nOt boOntered tit tioa one of ffie most Vicre wax Roure- I ll;b`!Y Otld (I -last 6f tho3iffaritt. il: i'klse cdc (117" :T-hcI rb In could 'only al"ay , III. . . for' ic %% 'di!s a dl slika to GENTLEMEN y T a -pe , I '. -oahl to t4c'b;tdn6ns-iof'tlI0 roil js:`aild the. low. without-cacr6 entai 8 utrr, cot.) " I Ack"I , &I'm . it so --uniniarli it was -j I 14116 -actitioners in Fhing ?"n ly after dW I - [rite f ",prove( 6 rci.. S d 0, to 1, have Just-! c t4iss.Z- it aliClAlls fi cet d and- pi bc . 11 c 011t. -Y 'Yslci:lll L ecau t, I in pl-icos of' -rail t4cfact I watter.'o yus-1 Mg/t,#iitr3, n informed. flat,' it) the J., fain.parties ale indui riinusly- circuldling-tba ,.eredthembi; ntu; to tba sufl'. tli6 ve-oran Viscoullt.jea, juily b,,& iwyor "1 .1 it 48 1) 1 Ilin any ;fif -1 W IS -ovincc.. . t t(it a c leap - goVe. usuny damage. ily, as 1 lo r Clio p:qillont,'of 'dear'_67w- nd th: -y, .por to, lfl time bere -the Dr 'Iive'd a., numbo of bmor intend eetx each tl Q teall'ur "L" "i I 'Z -71t 240Y be"-a,very 'As _!avc. cros , T- I Tl ili d owntract, btual `Iiidl le do not , li s,,6n ii" I I I " ! . .- I I IIIL our of 7:C '.1nd tice.,to extend aet-that People hal: V-Itftlall y 6(i' d it neitie'r i - ---1-j--- 1. - 11' .ctg rf' . el,ltl_ -as a,Cuutlidate! for the uffioe'of i, kti-1 Iiiii s it -rori u C4 till tlld 25th Ilay., of ularehing -do wn*St. j A"l, P ud _'y Fl., &u Ily--, conic U.6 be ar"Uniont 'cal`8 Colnes,ilic, most fiattIonlig.-t6stilub.- ore t e 6111Y 11 V ffer myself -ire re remoi 'wiih a Vl, Oi ana _nlic t v -i Ou _1 , , .. I " ,noill, - nsuiqg year. bridj)ea tlii next. 161 . I!Th6ieb. I 1, 11 - and Sp"amartiis lla yo.rlfor Mcmb ers to r Grim In coaUli6§0i giihied by T ofstridetim to 'this: fll ' -NoAll lla4 c luc,tho bo"desf boxi... and: it, :C III' Southo-liersoit], onserval .0"AlIC6 wheel I bcg distinctly. to,.contradict tbat report 0iir C ain*t 011dill" t le'lictition, Q i s,.'br4.VC ns ; . - n-1- . I n, 6 RE Vrl! MAN TOUJAN. I. el TITE was impossibl"640-se6 wil, 0 1 c to society' I ofib river lity "to -;,with tllp,Q, .yern- Brown ini 4 inj ah.tict it-' ther' Ire tile Iily, neccssar 'to r in you that .:ala no.t fit P91 i vEugl. nd I , forl&n h6p6s that her tr a and o eport and to infor e 'ret,ins al -a- Y iiian -of them 1 wave,provew -t i0111,01V to, )loved by Wal c r,That-ilic War- ofkiloNvIriespectabi it not be si en,' present prefmrcd iod( sert those whoo threfir he , v6uth, Clud.,vith his gallau air ana giiceful public oilic als mpossibility in a 'gov " " 'Ii 0r; , . I . e:dondPy,,rcinbhstrafi , . 7- y years after wspirited,o6ntcit, eiecfea.ji r -of twiscI1.111" : t : p 11 -.11thi - to potiti)w the Govei I - -it! ji tv. CC r ihis oib,, - -nor CI'le"nilinber of-.solne forty, fpy.: 0 orrienta nift, to biitlflflde, andwhoagaiui on.twosubge.141 vornpral ilm"Rli ofdhind, Ism looks. a s,')rt to tic roll ' A VC 01Y I In P. i ar'be,requisted. er view... H1011t; dilLsaying -that' xvii -dir L' Rndm- He. in said Flosscss ai It- is-droadful-'to, iu4id qUent deeasions, limiaimousIr electo me"to" N lii d that Sebastopo ? U Yxi, d 'the, i;;i6el7arn Y 16arrr, 1131 Cap. Gdn6r;d in Coiincilid have the. lands courk if the Dr. had Ji.ot'.bei!r,n attack Ilse we 8hould hay tiled publishin-vift, iv ice.. 'iflink is ar6re valilable than G C.Lrj kailitaullil.861 al Inirch "rs. cr - the same oi,T \ , that freedom from stupeNill­ Prit"cil) c -i d tG,a fu. Mr.. otlor was like the dq i`n the ina 6 deel i . . - ain, in the field,. 6re srl make white. )I*11011 you r n6 ssitge oil tllrpl V ar,,rue with a alley Gcqtlr-men jara ag .5pTo'c' Dec a 1 - i , -it julr t 6 - all a ver- -a Ttirnoqn when I took pa "WA irri 0 politici the 6a f, , . .. : to 'ani a e 0 S 0 U the sepre -bor Ou1Tb6Il­-piiid wh ed iveyou an.opport t t th , 11 f 1he wouldticit ier improi*0 the liat , . t.- .. 1. -an goin" tr I- , . -ith., is It the-Illasies N ni ri'viii. lr tr ',ityg y6u are Allovea T)y Alf..Ad sho.60 tiscil matter of jus Lee, we, -'W fit "ith, anismi;.'soc. by M r. ic't qt be donoL b 6 in,' on agairnitt e,lindofco is --deiiVed froin -th4r t,.UC fahh!ill hi till- oil the tiny, steanlf oiit I hadj -for 6 in The pronouncifili fbi- or a u r or.su SUN oil art: t a bil 11jr, - l Vas-fuolishnoi.to: , it -for 'I hhvd ..T)arsced as, you ,c ief Officer. daunted En.,Iish pluck. This is ;,-quali6 o Madici h;it ,my i Ullezpcll( e 0 1. :1 in 341h so s ha'L be it d6iol nn sincii 'if thli'town do- take bonor to b'e: II:ttj"jj . ttlatr ;0111011 'I)i' o 41 Ind QJaYS0110 -iQL ftr, il.inst c cu ...... J hav collilm- Ao--ally io ,1181,i ti. of pcaki it,, f6,r I rnisc;lf. T e( 'd r opoi it n- to Nvirlii n' C6111pall) it' ItaS 18 allu'do I es,,lic placed to sU by t1i not illi'l 111011 to "fact lie-doeg nut1csifaW for 'it moment to d, j I;ut I ilf.ted 1 h, d no time for. iidilber 4arin S I Iand abvnvs lit 5 roln "'I'll sired'it So in ich. As fbr ic, :in ty 6. length for-I)iub- voted. 1,6 Your, o d'l roVi'I be." s w. i.wd:Vf ifit 6i': tvqr-' bo( d tion ., ; . tell youtl y is af tire .0in' OF _tIlaf : - qMos64 'Ta the credit -h8lip . p . t1dughtq) l-ItI0n,. ,my, perspit. interested -can, see 'Ke a yvity left her wburf ut'Kindiri-' pol­iiician of' said tovi tit W:,' or;as uracdGx6oIoycxpro­i%*e- " ' _ r , , . n ` 'I * ,or' atbrlard. - . The. Z A MFE R,,Q K e r n , but a hundr(d acre..s o sucli-Isarris nre- c.x'll6u'dc4 Dil town liutils l so:, C6 uqy ' 11101,11 at"tI is office., i4dlrjc, Very goou after 'Goderich Dee '1811 3862, sw3 o' Se 0 sofi. snow and v&, wortllle 8 ."'round of lift c U aljd ile: skids has it' --Sla% trry is its baclibone"" in I E c V villit-e Ie-housv belief ir, ikowntile coast-.', I3rigI;tcncd b t aore w" ri ed at Inver- wh&ii:h6 one , . I '' e Ill. -Village of in-, -is 'f the -N,. untZii new shaft volunteer Xoveiulal'it X abaft remier "Pain" CnCts not thrit the I, [,in- bar licni %.ih Ib,, till, III,. Ifil. B -iaw furliccrising antlL t,,gulatin. I il. , Detlo r,s rid ii was tl ;tll r of hurou the wind I i lvgo bi I I i .. . ` " - r chor.- York - of the An.r li-S:ucou race. had'beer I - 11-110.1od B. N -as deem6d V: it s . . 66`nvenkirt Llnle s he wind STO -6 within t le A '41 RE good Sou0!duNv:i mutton, mid' dtinks: it ­hillg is t6_W bought man for in a ivial th6, , Y. . " "" diiie., d, as -'he Hawkers, & I niE6.Countics Vut.­, od Ea-kigh bet,ran . . I m 11 ) In' whit, In( 'This wotild ,i L ECQUERED ai6mr, Dire to. e, is pr oioiiii bhK : . ., I .. .3 -d 186, RL, '6C 4011a tl . oil ;,ro,,Doc. .1 . , . I . was read It T u- 3sed tWtr fqi k L etr Rd ofierred. IFe IiEld ult-traly stated t rat it was, not in shifted to; the wes f The only teula;kable 'Fc,6 'h' :easaui in the pride -with I'liiell- uI,gcI%,6s to inconsistencies,- John A.IcLa Esq are - it hair a 6t S'Z`ae !it" -1 I , I , , fficiris: Of.t e ff 0 W wo, 1 .c(! o H' . . it to do anything 4)ceri' risked -to each '': eir tirrus'and skV', -;Tliem ;'Oes ou anilin, P tbing aihong the pag;6nrers or Xarket'S4 pass 'kill rrppellte Old every Evil) 1provetlicuts iiiido. oil -set lorth eport.of', Mr. L. S., ob. il',d power... f tliu ow ')' i ` the'ukra abolitionist w& boat was a generally go d" -, t home beis rile 'deli-or,111 btav _ .. . - , : :. , - ! b:ucc. 6,1: Ahe, in ,ia:!in 'fhe carryin,r ofit., the poliq :' t I , VA Ite III thj ha bor while it wits no e w d T.hitietilia. 11 iv tllc%South A)f w1l, t jn their Ullf-jitanat6h by- 8' 1 O'clock tb 'h Jli4 the so'cial circle woman nrid chi i it , Y, d 4 desirous e -d eireulik all -bull' came f -Du rliaiu Road. T liiiy r wl the llnnc c cho 'spartcil the ains., was,sorry Mr. _,%Y!hILeKIViCa Ur chaiwed and om­aa blood' -for & beiliq whorn be'woftld 'not sit. hands! He (I t it inoie passable ifilir"it drmcrly.' was— 6,66 1 usk y' Crr I co.u`pc rfri'lo 11 11 you CIP r all a goc&deal; i thesou Ire ]so, tune-IJII IV- i1lQ 'I'll it' tht t-,) nbltill with", .whtiin' 'be: aily other go i6culall-shouid oppoi6 amove- D Tjul thrilk a4thitt" can VY 0 q if :Ilie gi U ' ation of 0 In. the cor;dii the- t *6'Id . .1 . , I, tile geutl( Cnan he in ii carelesi-ffiomerl men . t llike t I s, -Kiilcaidinu - 1. . I ... bel admikistrutive deptirt. u '. 'lot 1 T rrcd. I 11V ijt ly . ., . . It o 111 -1.- Please pnsu t vicith cru htlr6ld of -the uger s far 3 ev of li -ht bq.4tide Nvli6i`n in fact -he hates 0 1 -'it' was disa- o C& ald esolv rCStS of.SO 000 people.L friends i rid let ine merit he is dcsj,uiic`1ti,d s :: hat: I TIO ed', 400 He could for a arritu'ent brook -Ile inte: i's tru greelible to;h6I& on "or to let viol u $Oil 61, e eni vf t' Ved ivith one or' file aw -ors, -stux at Invel-11111.0117 lQr , I eir Ivun .120 sr-plitiot cok.rrat to., the very uentre, -Of his oly By-4 .Iy r'espe b. Thb com rsation then, too, a motc , perz Yo "or lot, or cutrol. Heis Irou %,all[ it, the' k 011N McNIURRICU. ik-water in lbc'sImp'o of a' st.&tic pier' utercuill probablv no;w be a' two iugle prl:Judices hre[ 'There" 'n c a ch iVould have made the lja a 51 e t r, Ivil,l' being, 'icou hilice IV th the above, p it printed for di t fig' c A=- 7 ).,)t permit &uwHng Irl'arny pa"t, of his magi Mlt` S. -it H iVle to'] mukd.Siiiu, eieu or . . . . . . . _s public ineetin- wag held in the Ton III of and it wits m1poss d 0- *11 o W all v'o luacr,of In-, tie aien t, to w ri to air W Ile. L 'line We -biiieve -o iut winter 4riarters; d hove in.-- ith a steel"pen. An By -L:4 I, altcrlrlg of -road in Kincardine, J -c. 131th, 18G,2. fur the special eN 11 the liftlo hal miles tl P rsonally, bc,;hila notbiir e to I I - I - I., I'll - Anav On, a while Comp:111y of Irolunteers, v the frdedfbr T arnberry iv s read -aild ddfk rrcd in the;. "would n4 be'l'ik,-iY' to alin' .. I : I , _N clum- -pose u rgisi IN, rare 1ce.,Leions, e6aills"d it) . : pul m -ueilon a' ­i Z,icllees and w lose; f6r.the raihva -The'ren1twas had C1'rou'­&.ri­ht:of Not. . n n hi, besi- f I- o m all but.ordin.l. 1* have 0,. 1 ccrf, itic Pt tke' coast. - hm in,,­ Ijoen ounced'by Y meantime all'i Lill P rnl d s -ic ive, rates it oil A ic v sse 8 In fJhnic- resti Ab tit 10'Vclock a, sed, struek t e' calbitl7 'b 'press of l ie 'Coat tining, and ; ia" T hhad' bills from the 10 at ville. o'lis% !n-dZ6 ITELU fi)VIbe lh,lt Eltll oen- iticridd t "On- iurned o cr the sio 'e! blow 6ut t 6 lar f5, un - which hc Ila I an lil `ter6;f and whi A Iliu. Satton Bs .; Reev belik, Jastened-th'o'b6nches; and I ree or four T B The has but. . -o the Conaway, sec.' by.)Ir. A Y'livited to take the (I sua,sinim',, ho. COU, _NCII,.: fr. ei in 01 ied to the I ailway, lhair Ile 'Walker. That, lar ro air tran 1, tllb,4feW 0. i lle6-, fl water in tl;e;cabifi: ri.wasibitlerl clAimed for: -veey'E -h mn ano -e rig tefied, reu; I ts of' glory of the 6iCi R011"C71"S worst. he li:i Is and )er of ratepay-, wei the'r( sburce- of' i arrim and influential, huml algo ZIVC it -11cd aild- runk.,. thou"Irt"It was.all up:) 0 11 L They 'J?6ni Nvet feet' amp tilis. id the i me Will .'Sutton,_Egq ', ' :k'Cless- an' auxietv _F1-, (,Lnuil mot'at hall . 'past tonthe Wardep 0;1. 0 ti appuinted. s wit Sunr," -Loaf Pallilet,fwl le's CIO I,g;tl Oft. ta-KC51 eel Rgaii s lands hold IJ`Y the "G n r ci-3.'ilud others rigisenibled Cit any early It uli6r,& 'iInria-. His Wifo letalos i cut . th6 T su iadl! d ad' d non-rosid n Y, . Conami), said hc clusiCILI-ed: it a clotlie , cold, sea -sic gta Obyslcirs_nd, spiritual vhlcll IjtI`11& I., : , ", I I . . NOT It AICAOT and tl e oUcei[ in I t -Mr; tunatelyy holvevei-, day-ligi m suc:11- ilatelited hind'sis ho C its Opinion; Ivas ullo 0 he,chair, and like to her lord; ni)d -is. aid, 1w he :puce of nr In arrea oll- gracdul job, Illoat'cs of read -and 11 iihit P: the ist d would bewalltin , in MC.' McLuv, eiciiior Alle Soldi r§ at lbe trilling Of Fort Suinter of -)1q.n"t C;irri d. Ders and Taseito,ting hiieness. to be no me"Cl a. seuge 'of howor ir. J-1 Y; I . L ' - I I I t I holl'ody' w'as hurt." _R K t1t_ ''0 adjunct to her Lusb1id,'sosucce! , ,it least remonstrate. of' the -fill- TO & R-0 _U,`NQiI, -_ hs r lq%-q.d by _711r hlq-: iFid carried 'dij 161: PLned the, Inbe Day had-scareely da,vn6d- shafts , 1hat 'so i%;bcn tbe -­ R.EGS X 'e I Men, 'That the Clerklbd in trti(ted to qn( a copy The War(e,n beim,".1isked to expri ss 'his b`Vstalill_ ils for c in.7 tlp,salll _-r ­v rd to go " has now Teceiv ca his 'it d'dead -elul rQtitiQi1g of mill his: ,. aso -all I e . ofitheengine.broke. and ihaw ,v 0 e So% or, Importance , g. U. d I 'ro- Aind so'g -in -pu )Iicity H Iy the %vin'd- k -to ceriaiwiloc Kqyrza Hurou Railroad reaa and refer -re to tire Proper cow,''of the 11111"Itcs Of, thi i` C611ccii to each views oil I s, u jectf sat t int. scale tv. 0, wiizi new dent.' app 0 ..Sent to lj'aj P_- -stood "I -by the Pad hiodei:ared-a '.-Ifitle tho g,h, there wris a Jbr-GeiCera-y ­O:C l a"o, 1 wits Ir C andei WIN, 11t sr" GKII, lrlltlece . in the outit ',B .1 to all. am WINTER AIR ,ANCZMENT.. e ch he at and, rhe Rtdllay Co hail ica.. Paill"AciAlacs Esq., 661 rbo:v4 the - - Oljow_ henvysweli, but owiug retire lightness of the come run t.ter d'. he gkill ot Ahe:daptain' who L I ' rk of tht -JCLCRnoRi 'of, rei, 63 atiorr, L' th C wbich'%vas abiy' scc nd'e by Valley CIV "IlliA I"! bbilt-10" on1lam- will',sel?: !ja Whi &Irtui fruiz I Ica 11 bo res'll 1hy ble uod t , I, NI 1-4. ers at Ing i r e cc the at I. I m .1 -.; S i w sq. Alid. lol p6l'Wd by 13 all I t Ci le x Yesisrs ']lot' dy, u i 'D rchcster 3fored l5y lifr Detlor. 'Seconded 7 11.001. V. "Ir ! &i:ik ., . - -Ciiin - . 1 11 ba --becn-ai the IV Y . t ice rneean,rs4oi%V4en the I . . d ' l all, nighti, -e strLided :G.r Redudqd ftUall' _1 D Ltizi Cold. 11: 1 Reid. .1 11 ." e of five be. 'oil 12 as ninitte wdese, mls,- 'coi GODFZICJE 1 0.00.'k. he IMONIX D '11its stienj -I sclec I t It., P:a'uthoritieg. li ld the Corpotialion" I qovQ 'by'Piruil,M ,innei;j secondeq jjy. kii&x j oii i,, 'Villout any 1CLI2 16.4,2 M. had, bed. ed the arb,itr4tor:,for..that oring, Thdtl -,I 01Y 7 1-2 4' ley, a-ARK7. HEY town hil).011 the Divkioa- of Nict-1 illivrtv pointed to,draft, pc i[on t I.Lo did t agree. s6on alter 'ilfcy boli.ght th _ Shaw, 1hatthis.., catin.regretstia. 1hello" hap L 'an th o,4fis Ex no 0 v, )u nd it'good iirghr. i .' , J F incii' -cmerlc 'of a light of c 'Id Ildron. lency iII;C I 'I 'ScindL X ., WTrp right to'.tbe 'Harbor, arid, -It d(! cmcd it-expLdictit t and exposure JL.L Uall."Biddulph f o'ui the !O.Urreil, rd(juds trd; Iii Can John 31cMu'ri 01114y (I fl tlko G, -How brave's09". There,o not,@ t was amming.to, ayer %a . certain, Le L 0 oil rich :11m I -b . or. to tfen culitrei'd io 'Town had I ig)it to IN., 'dit6r of 6e Kincardine Vmjjttron people abo4rd Valetifig, M. I .-an lleiid'arid fyIed. M L hilns Ifin cbirmlul7iption with Ir :Johi c R:iiWin1;, P 1,av, the h N rii aitef i tey word oil shore. the ur erflere Cufxang-, TurkeyandlotherNigg,i "mligi,b 5 22 C nty Mr. Ddlor i n th( iqattcratall. TlieTown%then we_ lilb i r&dei-Lueeto th6or­aniy.jjIidoofa 1'6onfess'to',bayin 'Lee6-- i 11,4f btdned ' .: . awis, on, P baps", French runes, in jars; r- Letter fiom Ira L sq,1, Guiernmefit 'ible Att, ovided - -e-as ; - a 15 ang td I t; fis ruetio.'i of of k rq,s inte C W 1 d Li` ! - t Iuost, :9 %vith cvia"t! sue. indired were all' 3oss ii Li ioucii t -h I, olnuti 6, -c.rnpan)" in this Vn" oil floard,, eice i.;er All I Captain an engin ar. - 16 : dj iliere arl Lernon,,rmd, CltFon' CLINTON -1,itorricy, ,is - bp. Nvi,th a 8 M poti the: w6und cesis To We 0 r e re it ce, wo u o n Ile e r .......... ge, as "t a Clouit-Hond, in- decordan' some 'imporian= d- I datirer,ig, al ge, thouggb,,no*.dou room in the.. cc thpiqlbro a -v ODERIGH 4735 ofCatuldian.6d`ilradri rlilsi l " 6 f 00111I)a tiY­ exce d 1461) fad, klmondi, _. I , oug -Oufl& "on;" tea S.fi, dit; 'Intli incli t I, cir C.I. Yiden nagniti ventdred'io bring iii, ti e: motion j list TCa&- Filbert-aO Brit; ­ 'With t, e tatdtL Ralcired to fle -Illert 1 - notlt gethcritrrj)j - I ; , - ''. " Id Id d d huil'­erareh or s -rich s7tl Xb caft trial Pointing to 'we a Ifsheil theAuty of the flnrbor oil ne above resvidrion i ua tbirik, co all arnpan 'camtot1fol I , . 1. P_ tain. Ut thore - ge, ar(med that iv..) fliis si.dc oftdieLake for that. pun N1 to bravery. 'Itlis .er by Mt:ssi ki,Lay ' Ritstall, aud on ral v 0.1 ir e -t c hrirbor, slitl , 1, after Nnid`brcakf ited taken Ci nap. thuiL RepoWof Bay, E uL -Plic , R I ds ii I iasrilucli as it was apablic-highWny 1) G_ -ilt, an' soon' be afteit, bS-tli pa - startling lif .: cilr, takcu' overhm, ( 4 1; 4 G e ' Go'crnin ii t6'i rik' p6gii. :13ci the .use rq, e wf qr&al'ly it" L did'befbie; iuld,Iinia it "\I o with & bekle grate Gravel i to l'i litsoule I'll thel'pro gcrit .."of the 1161d , , , * L - - acts, 1. 1 s12fit 6filbose. old,%yoods in the ging to'llie publ* I c, Tilotion ;as then pjit by the chair- thr6u­h6ut!t'h'e -CiJuntr-'in w .1 ktry'carne tiie.iiiii'lWay ( 6.1 cb to It was lon. It Ii C icl Lcrally,ti d Ile- the Nld%r Y it n luait t th'd, iind: the: house 'diVi ad itiurky niorning,.-and.my tramp tfir iw tlieL ALL, KI -NDS.,' d tainctlI the P.,use now coml.aine of. The 'tire, astated that sam, r right td-nrunt ff ).iosi repaig rne f d' -; ,rdpairs' Nvould ,U thnt the Qovdrinner ft ba tIl)Qo the Sa Cvhq i the motion was:Icelared to 'he inolLat filverhy"Cill ­ . ! , OPERIG11; C-. W. DEC%, j 9 . 180-, Co.' h'ad ;ii er' it,' 5646 that they intended to euFried: f" annoyance; It IV a Speculating 66mpa 3- f6r,99 yed-rg'for 0 Ina cluired fit the Spring, 1cfen-6d to -Gravel t' to e Oil, Of.'O ycorp a itppl , tP'the fickt, Parliamen far an The eveiii b til: _CED,-' ng idill far advance the ui-4dt I bl,-* ,I leiiol itdr- litld'the ex k C .7- Ron om. ar c e meet. MV _'H, I)LIg d C th; considerati C b I, . - : warined,ouc.'slilo6d. If Inssed loon : such a, bar or- e le c_.'jii5thi -18621.: -III blb them to- a toll: oil III_ Cbor; b -The: Leas 7 i -; "in I sp c 0 r f ig :0 e. od "he I. ought it, mi, t 1,6.. oil ' e he jV_'A k a r B mr, oe jje _' ii)jilrusaal Ediioriai Saiura rjand hts arrd,NJeasu re's re- bp of' h b - 6- , , . 5H- L , . . - , I "I "I'S' In' c t WL P A S ORNVi`r Sj'j \ d G or 'had be -kzaa -.G Inin _a, . ue arid, Tirinkily,' t" mm d , 'd 7 on red i , people.ivere V a nte`r,,* Ve Co.c. Im llif ` 3 Ilia. icatIons, ari;.4 r9w..c : U." erpineut t in -ev"n' me.o­ efI P .y to say' In -4 10 the on . P f risever4 co 0 ported to the f`01161N t Q some, satisfactory. -.froau Aspiiiwall to the Ping"trey' iS11,R: Gen;r.1 of.Militia, Xpec-ifi the Government' tolake-.netion - .7 t.. uprin'l- straggh arrangemen with the 11ail -,illwr PoivelfEsq.; 'hiid -Av i . %.A­ . the (nit a ofthiis! issue. n.ti' ' 1rom Nfr..'Mu_1:fy, the Del;utv, Adjutant 24tL'pvc an acc6mii' fa fcarful storrn at Hys CJ"'-COPOusi, ' -, c 0 Ile bad yisit id the. birgirl , trees of T M. S., S.4 ron, 29M PI on the,relloA I 4r o slip ird :parliamentary thatplace.' hvl3rii I odurIL-cif Mr D Alor'i.yas,L ca'rricd, forwardc&a letter tollis friend, C. B s Esq., wentIishore v;;ith7,qI.,d0lD,000 iwspecie, all f ",I 'L j LL: R o n si e tfre- lagc,mecting of Id, of lots conlini'am . The Railo;ay company :he. when on,n:-.)011( 11=11 the C'U ties ne jjjy---Nir,.Tru. n sGreat,Sa it 1), tell; tljc c rice for,hill).6 p!, e efflitient "'hich. was,, llblvc 4, i:be6vered after the zub d couldnof b : L injured by the ro- Vav -ale.' Thii,British br ,_L "i3oli-L ;L 4fthe,grain,v Icl uentica­.in that Nvotlil take ;I. a( . as sucie" Couueil'. 'Ile, % sglad to see thatmer-- was nttllie ag fbllows:- .M srs. Col a% sidence,ofthe" I _N._D %,yesterday_w quit large c 0 (Yi aisin ,a Gotnpany:f Messrs. Shawi McInnes; upo IL hant s illy,were getting a superior _bdeaenSe th 11 '. re- vur" hin *enT `gliofd `T1 - me''ricani` I taow "'e' Wh D(,.t! or, G illies and the I,Valxdor . r; 'd ' - I a 1 1, * house, sho, nmbei o'f.mecii=zc' 'bought'lots,: ner', scifidib-ofthel6irso dy and l3rown ce, in -celpt of sai papets, Can. r b ara.all her am or -war - Bai d 01 , Cig vt8sQd the, which. h will build'next summer. hoped ccivcd arl e(juivalent in frQxp,,th Yh tt sda wj ,6ai ,he eY vcrd , llilla, Srlhe:pc­f oie, and found' -I,; ihi 0 T -7 qujnity 0 .4ridze" near ba0h -6N% n &ek L arnnam hd-belka d,_ din; r '!stress' And f6 lint, 01 BACCOS 44 -jajn6 jitue W1 d wrpn 110. diffietilty in gerii il,, tire i mbcr, Canada 6mpaby.-f r,al Jminutios:o - Posierd e d. hoisted, gi,fiajS - 0 .Ld r boats. very, p and 'the pitfiers are erif to headqu rte, f6 eyhade end- r 1% 1 ay renti'lin be"giveh lo-nigt 6 to'discovjdy and. I c:xpose. ` lie Ead>scized - P, tiLtio , 6j 6, rh6reLw"S iii't)'O"dblarlt in the po ­tlie life- IN L TARIE A. Diluter wi Thd Gqvic rnqnt :had 14GR TY-'AND,QAEA` present\ Co. a aiust, the in 1 1 , I , I .:, - - - - - '-wit! - r I"te belongin" th n ardner' approva boat -of thJ1110ce .'' Qleen`= d' thewalrae. and Mriyor, theparticudarsof L -an . it : L . I God: arethe, Queq7l;: 6ar i thltt:shb, Crdald not possibly -o alon- he\thoi 116, entered info. sp"IOF, 'of Weights and*316.suZs . he had th Dec l5th i862 Ba of w ile the sciz d.seyetiillwvftil weiAtS be6auSeLlthey had L idc. 'The Ainei whichwill appear i pur neit. ivho forzetiriu -ivith.-31r. Campbell Ki -dine, ican Consul tbe i'engrrg 'A 7 a e. t le C19111i were recitio§tin -7 eX 'he z great deal, of - ' 0 - the arrangcmc.t withi tf .6. hn of t - s true nlace trrr ve him III to con it,i'nipbd by hhul'L people the' , do soille- not b and thilt, while attealpt, . I h - " ., be fiist 0 J 0, R- 11ourit For I t C #:fy--Town tro ulik thi a peop e wcrq 41% icir torq . lie, exp MPTED S ;I( 6n Sundity, th but it' t e mrantl me, t fficer ofthe ressed Su'7 e 41 The ate to. the ±.E' 'IDE.L Avon which h6dib6cri.*,wrecked; 'Mr Dix for; thc,.harbor; 'adeeju --6cld 'come ther nsL. a: in n nailac ,Wm;-Lit,t iV lar as Hdrori­and il.'said he believe'd Sau". do' wants of the, trade of the phice. zirt ith i 11-ected a ct "w!4 13ntigh targ,'iv o took IU' a] Itir fAdamso prise fhat they a thtnw tlie ray., I t . f,L . ' r _ ,WojS. a, At j d nces* 1ps'arlap 1 IiUbbjerjS also burst as r e,,,,, nil aa t Uty It Ise ir the tjbivnsrhip of .1N.orris, -:at -ieded hisd"* * veral-insta' eated. 14feired to the Sj,eciri iii S " ' * I to 611, tee. re 1 111 "in ueen'sl' boat and T=121 had.exed ds 7 C wits surely aj matter effei tirig fhe inter '66 c"' etil Oil (;ftb e same ehar-acter Air erl'can 'biig ial!d kill- was tempted 'to commit suicide by - cut ng his bottle.,- Wi6es S. -here was, it p A T.1 1. - _ - - L , LL : ris 0. -and he thioitt-with a. iAim>:He suceb6ded in "Baifibrid-e" ,as brought ashore. -Subs 7A' rnteA ;"M F _vh, &7&6w of * X " .941.21115 r Gairdacr&Co-hii'd bdcn:cn`agt`d­.forA 0 wi'th boa Gj .fheL indemd ls 'i N6.!L J84 of,,tfic wbole n Cry mllbe ILO*f Bayfielil. ir o) 'Pemarti -i, I§P7, e are requeste to statcth: rc.dC`,Z..:5)1 ,iL Ca 1. beny. -,,beKuiIli' it the I 41id of great :moinen, involvqd ,aprin- arewlittention tothe-greatnuntheir ofpci ons q' Booth's 'Old Tom, in wobdand',botiIe,,'.'Q1d7 fd this" -wi rid quentfy, t;e storm abate . and the gniall. arms, Jama . ic a . Runt..' Du -'a' b, e andju 11 st cc at iall Saunder"9' 'to be.pot.tbrough t 6, pa r. t ainst diple Of equity adfi beho cd takqi`oy sl pipe Biitiin ,' a nl p Plablic Examination of thc'G oderich 'Cc had nevii;r'h a diiom'plaint made ag jd The' IngpZct6r had itful'-ash I not, ammunition, sav4 5 . but ii is. fliral_'S h "ke place 'c them by'thd pc6pie.' 9 c'ohildcr 'the Clinton. (Great larr_bler.). ut . ibrtuhately 'Aid' P6teen and 66W.Whig&f ool will 1a in 316 l:14. tllfLa'gl oral -G6 &rmiaen t the wreck' WilOie and Wednesday. next: . arent . tol&triem th -thin'. t1ley Id do ioncharlyof the principdLirrierles., 'Dr. anyattempt in de to'ie liir be .), I he C the 1101, ii.,nioti6tr of Mr. Purvis, seconded, by ki ; "elf -are of,the whold Count, Vlieti the at- "Bajnbndg ' S'Instaned I a to havc1 keudi 'ofA to in 0 c s er6v canre.asihore C MY - L 7 ivas to'-sainni;t an,,I ilidy -hi- big I c., feJr - -' ) f, I )Ivtd that the, NV'arddri be I rftchard, of Bly Jie quickly in' are requested attend. hoped ib Y. would do i thi KirLny, it ' was' I es( 'was the seemed GO U t pay Cul 'euoug 'hi h instrudbe t titiol th i shainefuL, state isorder.' _:(H . "-'- F16C S- e ouncii I t , Ulicil tendance and c ged the wound -fl, -a -thimrsEves, , itiflicting that a , , If , _. , ­ . I , 3 pro er remonstrance w r d p The), foil -lit arricing par, Z-1 ma 6. t Ion the nuf6rWilate man -several d's afid'itttilcked 'the be' for payinent.o. money -dueL the effects of V _C end. it. wa.5 Ilie st 'lie t9aunders) could P. hen Z timc s on, litiir,) Iri:fitet': he co si whjb L AXOT EFR WTtR l 6(1 _that every 0 tivil E E E lie" dpr _G X 6fUc s6f,ilieplii 6,'whd'ba, e deiii n the: I t in ifre' oullty of '13ruce 0 d '1!uC4 . It has. n I ow pr t y well recovered. He * I I " I 'L . , _ . , -K JEIY.: A -FOR, 4SAVE do' He,: -Iia(I; 'gone so ar as, to say 'harbor on Lake'Hur*o deinande-droonsid- - over i is arrest f them-. i, L ti of s v as Saict an enthus e _A ncrican. General 'however a number of flboIiic -were in! 4airdatir's Crown Lands to. five years, with a limitation laboring under grjDat, ment l ;At the very In mtive eration -'itt the : hands f 66:Government. Of interest' r 6Ck ri omrie the other day "Go,ahead boys, we re I , - to conneir e, gfi re -th a e, th at "I"*. depres i6n;from''Whi*1 it is" :he, peop e G Elide '1862 - bar an There, wag. mu SI,6uld6omo-thei 't.o,be.6hdated. rally. COX mriking "History ch "otlidi pi g 'tfa in I on min, nations we're b6co mo'rd.aii more li-b- 'th -and ;J e Teru jk h T.T:fAl now.w.e ave W. G. Walker, seconded I : 1 Such a carial in t 11r. Adamso 6 the follow - al -in 1=iae -to III= T PtJ4 Pit. gi er their vicwiwith 7&., dt th 1' Cl-tbatl it isinexpernent n seeut auoth;ri. chapterfinishe While -the i g. . o ceircour. bry in ISTM; in- gent emen werIa,appomted.orr a com- wa7 I I -ick' S ifint the townships' f Howick. and 'Ctin cing OP., L ID, 41 S L . V , ,7 mad' agernent oftrade, to be li ed elf from thL4 resiIectivP ipns were e the e should bel sepatato sturfidoruspreparat b' d'not be the firSt to.tA­6 APL2. 1 AV E S, strn_--Iei -the who e co, Counties fur tlie pwpose of being taken into- it ii that Canada -,v' 6ni bu A NtW STACF OF 11tine, and fiti the late, I untry T *eChAk ifF40fJO MM -q tbedugpd lathcr .,":Whit wigh t' a retro, rcssive did: not 0 the pl opo gedL County: 6 Palinerstoti, seeirred,tolhold itlibreath.-in suspense - It,' Ekile"S'Notes in ch that,ohr ieprescritaiivirebe instructedto carry 'ustice d( cloud lowered, and nothing was j see any inj nie to. the itailw y Co. out "'oil in -the*. In ter ' Canada the * j the viefts of this Cou NEW volume ofibm Copular,4o to Mail chrrilir between' 'on- oil ih. first of Sarma - It ' s. put em abl; Letter froni.th Irlsp c or, he aid not desire to sd them tppei, divesfed. ong, ig the PI CeL -OOKS cilukli lt,d inpilr, "A. -or the occasion -to Messri. WiLikirr and Fisher spoli 00h '. - 1, giti a -but if; the terms a4ain'st Ithe pi ,6 'oged change X., F. L 0 V E'R ID GLE tAyh SERV4CES m iLskin.ihat the L f Y, piiVilego P1 qt.L Could t BYL im, tvej- number lf3f uilefbl uifor- "corminoe the beh;lder that a1eddly'-stru.-- 0 'an _jeg don 2ind lintorit allowed i6 pass th oug ' vas cOrr Ontiniiedufbur -next -principle i hat illie G6vernmetit cq.wl , gle'would take pl=6 on, the bariks of the, ad 7 thev gittdstwice fbronc'farci .-ref. to G R. should 6 1'. Tttrpp e t in-j)a pp j for C t e 6 sid r =ests of the. pebillti e e th in _7- t ffli H6TCild L e Rappahannock "L' 'The Twzei th 'a COL. v4s qual' d pa ridm,paitineiits. 'gdn'rallyr,' all i dir power Co r r- S.p a UZI r,11,C r -. , -11, " I L - L' _'", - ' 0 e I r c%,I66 Ctiti-r.r marat- 1 1: . . : I L 11 -and ,to Ove 'Vel to ihe Tii6v*, all 6xpre se thei do eS e.' 11 ;1 . I r conviction Suitable fdr d d tovinship Clerk. 4,,El- the reqi u_ ni , K _ 1 1 t' I t tw miles'li 1 ttei frorn the ared facilities f tradiii- theri: he dc, e0evve an or e -'s t t at ]as *e Howick VILLAGE . I , 'L , . . L. . . a , el I hiiii Inc when tha - '6' . 1 ---.1 G t time or' 'I g'the b4dges E 15thDec.,1862. (ONTINLIEb.) I, I M.. 19, - Fp V=P.r new tho drttyr of the 13,6vernmen T j :i_ Vli J _Q EAU$ ,14 Fir C e ;werc ider , s considered ji nins,hudluvelific v, 91 !1111CC l the Eloia 'aud Situ, aw 6' assume it. the r,a t re ro?Io tgna q-, like -in haAo s thereby 1 E i4 r OV t7le -OU 3` 1 P theYederals, the, , syffan of old" ecii I' Coad wcr t i" -,des'- 'pit It rwheirmum. 'S SAIR'01" IA"8, -to come (Iowa wit , -0- athilost 1111possi e Kircuriiii L . st- te afid that George Brown; sp o;iince would be bene tte DritaSrit e, in be- said the i&le Pit. evpted Richniond; "that - I - " , L, , , . t 'half af* Mr. McMlirri h !Au'-, cr ml i'le,J,, ounue o Atlantic with L 0 ed_i It Cal virtue or Two _Co rrcil-,bad resolved to initke 'necessi 'y 6f6n6Cii­ Up onsider 'rous h to agik a li tle mornitig;- J th c I" On t Was :to put. Monbpol -the Iia or, at l e. 7PSe. '6ve UlOdc piotest, that, i iito, niorVini'ditiorif, E.V the R' beldoim. We only -,iettri". id I Ile 6( daiig iri t to extreme it se id 4" L nts; ' of tia ads room in your columns day beior no. , htiwevi ge -to d Acorrespundeut of a conteinporary'over t dur- si -papers, that the-ragn d buttorriuls To Wit - a-nj.'.Vfve, Wiini Vj rjej', Fit, thidi, th du y.ofthd County Council do 'so. of- it h of John McLav, of the Com tojjjvealj&; etas issued tiui of, ii i Majesty's Court of"Quetill's e 11Y cympany,,an It 6reford,. e hopell, the- ou ar;ln6n, of H6, On: raoti(int OfjL (lot the:,Cbuncil ula nt u, m6tio, fled (in iJnnecii6ri J&'itha fevi3irldicd rjl ivi %.,) ofjo:jePhL W.J -"jand bf, W. e ere we :an circumvent thqm: act,:Cuitis. 4ho'is one OT thb;e gentlethtin, thrituftli -7 " , Ir. - Gillics, gi & by e, brtai, -the. did not. sk 'the Suit 4 . "O C V kL gry 0 Pogo to they - c6mmitice ironsi iin ' f -k w* h jn: Ilaj- last, for any P. :e a g'O . CSSrS it - proirpring my arre a like. rrtithirq 'of ljjm . I . I . I G., iid - iit woiild be unfair MNIr. Whitehe d sai d. Burag * crossed Va'dn tumvente b.that n6vier exist6d,'used,`appdreiitIj; all him a6han CindoChdries the$& Valcaiin whetlar W . idder.'Executom ofA6 latiitivilftind testairrient journals.ofiviinvivir ye iiany: diiem, of int6e it 'lab Babin n BroccIbii6k, ik,illai endeavo 'to fake ,,illc har, bor,, out of:the xecutrix;1 James U, Stir. s were. su4n ill,his h ihfoh h tlre columns of- I j- sa%ty_=4 poeian Co i4pier, i'iri morning, a ter, as was we abse I ng and Gillieg was appoilited tO.c6ligider. the hands ofthe iiipan, f dun th -summer, andauray'' as true,orfalse'indo trine',,, vas full'6t.";L6 6r Wifici'jate A'Ickaroder 'SU jeer. serried massE in: air other Y -Tar u as, he attacked the Jureme,profcsg iOuiil ngth' h- ffil. Z an bj k ti ....... -d"' it hrr.4'the Olegr [low 'He spok6 at"Veaflb' espo: ie power ffilbig Leners'Firent or thpy had spei va 14 sumIli 'itg aph. wires tim, ed an tirlty. it lit Yis vlF 17 4. lad avoided.paity- linps- 'he ap dCiloqd"to titto and in crest ofrth we, For 1 er BRUCE GRAV El L ROADS—- tany years ; back -the 'the SoUtli 'haI(,'df-jtat 3 Udn', -51 D.'R'1L . free oirapplzctiuou;­ L , 1 fhe ItisheAthestory'of'hisbritydry; ut, im seemirigiJ proventient. iofipplliil yj imotlagAidit the*'pd6 .16';,6f 3id6e'iiieiier,,etic:luii,,uag e- , Townshipbi Bt ant;, oiit4iniri,--,Z5,Acr s; p don vn; curemy- vji j It He was,1658 ddritinciatoir I'V61 more than eyenteoti, Years,= connection -wit Ih6d rar i dil4idatea arevarto satenutic -Aineficall, iffid they fe q4l), "t L: Xoved by.31r. Sutton':: See. 'by harbor hail been ii I such a, in J;UC29 fit tire ISt CdjjCe $jonL;,jN. D. wai cGmpeIIed,,:ud4er.­c'Ovei 6f tlL Pand all powei fai, It cmitai6ing heati.ii, is not, P -W IMP, mittee of-sey IGO . . il m: 'en s 81"'IL bi' at, St. Lawronce Hal I .'25 acrcs; ]lot 24 33 Imorisly"7 to ta,in his ac 40 containing '50 CiCtd$; Assize -irl;which, ri gn Ily' I when I he in the', UvconceCiIsi n, N.,D. ro a o rn en be bal- state that fi*iis uId 4 " " vbbdj tb j.jijro d4ne'IVSjfiejj ' ' b k er Tha ly tins fie' to aD- 6r. Mechanics Instifine -16ro"n'tt, , o'n.- a t, 3 1, Ist 64ec$Siojj'L 'S -No charge,is made eL 0 r AdVIS -an proach 'Oecasion-v You,couId,,,have,,heard apih, Cl,- ,in 1 t a_j p ering d it. 31r.,I)e the 'P'e---:D lt. .cont of"' usio the= ly l4ed- for the uiposa of 6dinsid, 7 Ilg:ulv le, A 'L of Lots 26' 2 -w hIv1Ilt1`o":amaX6 IN .,in river. hat was ab ipok, me'( f1the leading journalti,of tlie'PrI5. vious ouvj fj" L,b, . I ' ""' 'I " L hear;d' ar'4 2sp t 60ficesig nopo.y broughtabout by vi jea my e dr6p ,w ile if, -wa s ini; , , . . . ., - * 'CWilt Wig,=401 aIXZM.-, it "AR;, wW'.dtleagt. go 'twas ie olm­nai -a, scheme- hoodL of "a mo speak ad contiessioti,' 'UeresL; n p 9 part ros lie T ­.L 1 for. krilveiii.g, 0 o,r , oner'E 'r Messrs.-,McKeIlAr and The SciCillifie A' irld McKenzie tlierpi Cif;Lpt-301fi. int cohoqsqi p a. illeful th 'ieadin- roads' in ' ' -3 C Jury whichwas influeLda the ovaims R-i.,contru !CIE;, j6Ujj jfli'thlira ; Arithe heavy riiEes;):nkt they no yep,pur, on. I.fraL OcCasion nutice ­ adon. luleNq- "11.1 40.4i -1 'kind ;'B' oveC1 ',I P41100,4i - _0,i; d; Ali, uireation , all recall of- MC016 u. 't the rind'In You, cula say-15ecirge, rown is orre-i o nty of.,,_'bjjje6. W.hi6h Lan_ds suit -S oq lip rfinbad I.,, 27' e I a 1 7 'evening. T-rhiiy weir aiti A! _nde&;'an:, Ahen, we rovmgsojne 0 . I, qq%y And'of-wbich d e'dwarl4iti,illis gianf f ­26aercs; pi Of Lciti4l, i p_, Ti ' !*"fiP"` sioq of, eftemitry itrir giveu in he hd,.Qo'. ofBrti66, ar"'ied. gommlt- anything I 'i Thtirhor'.b 'In facro, air In tire township of Ila a notice, was most'gross y or th 'S tpqt T it pageriter are not in, fact, ,which, repiesell -Itis but ju'sti 'llat big6te I I r son Brant'ind 13 , L 1 4 a :,Ift ol 'for all'vibsselsj m; my,. Coto' me t le. True';' But" lie -is n face the th u hif pubIbIheiij oi wo L e fol",eb "Ji!ffie' tee was, declaxed,,,ko COnSist "Of 31essis., free ti YL6 i .. I- 'd 'Cs r eli r av se "J U- -ftiffdT e u­­ neVe 'some ouimnahi"Sh6uld notice c ri Clint 'great., Ir minces mattisril.L information pertudililfg-joll7e Sutton- .1 the'sarrei 9 rieyL Fisher Goderich but.for .100 , "'t 11 r.. Conaway a4qq A uwn,o ;lj 0 'ThjSLjagtdi8aqterMits6 f, w uld ',be thre; GcWie'case as. One Wiidiable part of his, e'ne".' tlle Sqei: ..is of CljIIWdCCh,.miId iiii -will-al3ti:tetnnd iiijbi, hr and , P- , ti ran C ond day of December fie. f, ai S .ieplifiq AM11i -.niv,-hich ho'brimill.n th, terfible It'd apion a inalicious prosecu ion, 'mics._- itch mtm%nre, ue4edL in the fall f] fLi ".V6:6frth.g ', lg k,',4 k,)p.,! t, , , '... owl -ii'2 I.. 455/14 n- wei-lit- the improve e P.: won d be time Crag 1 e iifily,'q tain from E -Z oull. e 'kLD t ;i, ef Hk. tIj­j1 V7 USOL -L " `V"I be f'jifid'dilie 4jol 4be, J. 310orh6 Ham- hdn heav eL re.wi s6d,youa feL hav(stio re on lfag uGt the, jo I in L . .- I I ­Ndtib however bravc; It. toLcomplain,v HIC M2 6DON. 2 dh: What Actig'., from enou y,rategwer . , I 7-L ! `ht :befbre4q4viiiig the Countyl of GIC S6ientific Antericari st _ilfthe ifilp.V.ements in ngri- preseniel )be' libell6d-my'couniry over sincethe 'L impo, 41ich i iraij 'iliFlnitve the 66ct-of L the' '60 , D p LL a t' cliw e1I1giIh,;%mv,d!uiI 'jjjjtg'ieart under suh a fear; - In ird z' Hibbe4squ o,, Dunda mentroment of evolution ?, ,But tb, _j3y:S.:P6;.L ii ;.She,ifr. t To'Cato subscriben,t-2 -tq' Ono- A -Ian & Quick,, S. )lcGrc­or,- c, cannotg ut my,eves'l Cog rpriat; sun settingip.1 0 11 jaki I'C 4` nl b, - Ion ton: P, M" igtakei- :i has 'hi'ill.the ruatter;Larld t :fact J I In- Mr. Detlorsii ahe was'su ' d t6" pinion rig IC16%ifie,G1, b" DollarLj"r four monnis;L"L es­-mistakcig "mista es, Mr.4Witeh'cia"d ittki _gjjeh a V16w' of.the G:' IrR .,WRte "Var_" , arti. fiist'or.Jdnuai and f - Tj--. in vit U r to Ut k 0 C he 'woola gii 'qk the South' t"i '-irl4rreb t, 'raatj dr. He,(Mr. wildicilI thein; :'to in ir,.rcspe yours, htfiis!6ixny- artbfthd oantry;" '\. ,;,, k frbi4: -me.,: not Brown­ Wer6`1 rd" cv, others, received and &Xcusei fit's apparent egotism, it , ! O _ I t114 ii L le OL cl6j,t . . o, P= 7 ;,able ; ", "Jilit . J i-fifIilt_ To-,- 6 1 J)10 ds Fe t e." TOSTPONEAIENT.` F.g-offica Brain;* - t Uf k0r 7 -no ,,,SuF. j.liquactled j.0 ' ifth6 The'abo ,& seconded rest q.i ii ui sorews were put.onj 49 kupprnumerics - win -one eye, Thurilddy Cow# attiar,forhubscription& Came, YL; 4qoI6 erg the U aat . V" i wit nod sprire.ftm, -N.', Y. ue, 18th', uu t. TiibUhe1ud;th6, other. as when 6 j - Utigide Uri go] urge uld've, too Cwiio.abwl raw 11rovinchiCAAcri, jh ' -, ., L " - \ , t'glimico t 217CS V it ws# a We woful raiitake'whie t - the ediiiiiat an tbe:pcorlortl h Burn- y P., pkqpt, that. p rti&L ing o.i:in&j [I atigh I it wo Lricoct for iGriilo f ? O_ Tf;o abov sale-- is further postpone a. iii the fi e N)a S-tafute llibo ho exempt Trom, td L Iked it 0 tile arge amoun I ce parrying U corn-'. are a num' or kees in Toroirlto - or Sco c inicini d until,Wed.' a I who bave all nc s&'Y the 28th fi huary, 1863. Row, V. Y. A0 t 00 : 0. rubllshoa,,37,raili