The Blyth Standard, 1945-06-27, Page 1T VOLUME 55 - NO.115. LYTH STANDAR 13LYTII, ONTARIO, WE1)NESILAY, JUNE 27, 1915. Subscription Itates ;1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. LIONS CLUB START PLANS FOR AUGUST FROLIC AT LEAST $350.00 TO BE Past Masters Night Meld County Library Books In Blyth Lodge 'l'o Change Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan GIVEN IN PRIZES 1'I t 11;1,' ttill dg .I , d .\ .N1., ur,e; ,' ,vitt' ht,,,lti hrlung :, to lilt' Nii'hl at Ill \ ill L „Ise .\.►., and .\.\I., , ► 1111'',:; Como- Library .\s, ei;llinil Obseive 25th Anniversary Ni.,311,1. .\n txccitent attendance \\a-it',i11 pkca:r 11:1Vt' thein hill in the 1.11,- rl corded, inrle,ting several visitors, vary not Ener than Illi, coming is: i l -t ;ul'1 pink and whit,' !,cultic; TWO MANY ACTIVITIES ia' II all oft'ces \tyre filled \\ills I'a,t day, Inn" 29th. After a son lapse, PUPILS 1'AY TRIBUTE TO :' orated the b,nue of Jlr. soul \Irs, \t iter,, \\ 11(1 Lal\ charpe of the c\'cu-'tilts• to ill: 1,1!,c—, ;old filially i•t'igta- PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS •thole, 1 11iit, on the 8111 rnntc',t a of The act1\•Illt•, arolliit! town are get-ittl','s entire lll',,ceedtllgs, \lull'\\ Iillllttl- lii\ 01 \lt-s lost' Aitken, the hooks \lurrl, 1Ww11'!'Ip !hi, 'lllul',day after- ] In be titiiIic, and tho,r who ;nosed the txcnli,liiir;\lion of the 'I'b't I'wi!I sinal\\ he changed, flea i sive u, 'I he p.lp'I, „f tllie ►il\tit I'nblit' 11 Jule 'title, the ocra'ion icing; t..- Mg In hall up with them all lust in I D&)lrce of \la,oury, The Past \las- t' t'i co-opera:ion by ha\i",g these *:'11t111 a-'utiii','li in the `tnit,r Class Caro: sI; \er \\ chiding .\inli\'cls;u•v, o„l.; det..,. .\ typical example 01 tell; 't'1• 1' t' i i!Il'lll•l'1 Cl', 1\nl'tll\' u1 their books 111 not \veli'\' than1'1'tla \', • Room oil 111 cuss\ ,1111th afternoon l"•nl to en 1 111' •It1:1t• '9.: . 1', 211, \II•> \IarL'tl•t•i occurred 0it I Ill^11,11' I,Ig1,L To start ball h,and the w, I'll was exemplified 111 i •---\�—r I„\ 1 'lion111Urit';11 l,l',,.-;I'il!I!, e"II !-11` 1 1iti! 1, of Clinton, 11 a united 11, !mir- th,. I",'ylll!1}; till thl'I'l' 11';1;a league ;t manner that 11'11, instruct.] \-t. IU the i -mins 11:1,1 -c :allot ,'y the student,.t' ,:I, to .1!1111,', Ph, las, of \torris ► U1tt1 preset t „Itircl, and uu usher,, and l Attell(lillg It('habllitati0ll ! 1, r t'i' snipe\ t the senior Class i; , in .'t. I ',el,!t'- t lnn'rh, ('Iiniur. —,•11,11 ):;nae. 'then following this;, roc iho,: who bel"111 to fraternal glean\' euj,, ed 1,3 ;1l1 l,ry,yut, C;ouvelltiO11 In London 1!,11;!il' r .. o,!r ofthey iapupil,st !I\it tw;ls til il!'l t t.loul'I, file 1'." I'. I. \Ii( trthy, CHIC,. thl'ft' \C;1• illi' 0i1i1 C''I1•'ti „1 IIIc 1,; !de, of I!el:it il• 11 Fellows ( \\'. 1,1 1, l I:Irk, Salle\, • who i, a I ! nu'cling at ti 'loch, and at 9 o'clock; u'tnlber of Ext ter Lodge, and \\Iso has ! \Ir, lis R. :\t.su,tini i; the r)'prc- hot da} is piddle school, a, tiny hall '1', \ Ilene 1e•i,le i in \\orris since About the li':sl topic that r,,nle ul I set \alive from the Blylll l ei thilit;ltio:l their I';ntr- .... ;hat time 'Alii 't Illi\' a 1'; 1.1.1,H-t- iert i' i'l'l\' p:,•.:tl ! ;,,! discussion 1\;,, the L; n. titan field, I there \.1, the sl,ccl;tl Meet': g of the fell enjoying b did;..; there, k milt' l outuiltii, atter, i lti the lcllabilita The beans bare het'! planted, ;cm ;I;i1"n, ('i,lb, which lasted until atter traiisport.'tl:lloadl.1 the l',xetcrbreak- I.tinsel\soul on their \eau's w,rl;. r'' rc'tl"tit,. \I r. and \I r,. 1'htttr, 1 1'1 ii ('1111\ellll,,il ill 1. iittu11, 1tii tl;ly, 1)Itrin,2. isle enl!i',t• 1'1 telt' itr );rani ...aye tIt t'lllb!I't'll, \lall'y 8111► lands, ;awn ;Is din' cote up all Lion, aft ex- 11 sits, On toe, of Illi, there \\'as Ilei•:\ to Idyll for thr ulccli:Ig. ,\Iso\\ cdnc>!Lly tiled '1 itttr d;l\, i tlli, ,l,l-o1 IC fast 'tweed's night on NI on- ntsent ,vas kt. \\', ►fro, lame. '\eil;ul, i student. t"oh ;nlw,ulase,o1 the or \• It, are loth at b"nhy, 1 . 1.1 t Sint tied:. \I r. Harold Phillip,. to- ' dal\ III{111, wtli:'t, was ;t 1',311 affair. 'of Willett Iso,;Ct', Rt. \\, Into. Nell- , \'1`1„11 I„ Iloll,'i;r Illelt' ll'al'llt'1'�, int ul (,lee -1, pl'r •. \hill i,,l' till!, bappl' nt'l'ai- cm t'tl um til, was unable to ;mewl' '1 bis \\'':dntsday night the bions have at. had the honour of presenting three \'.thou\, \I r,. I1 tii'd ;u,tl \li-, (;ti:.r, i.'it ;u'c, li.. 11• I. 101 11 Loudon. ti' clean !p the boulevard in (rm t of of the ue\.cr brethren, \\-ho had re_ ,due to the fact that by i, extent g; his Itnuc hl'Ided in their resignations, and 'Ir. and airs. \\', .\. Lath", and Louis, oil Pie. Phil Phillips home from 1)tlt .1'! be inat'i11s the end of this \\ eel,. Dublin: and \I: mol \Irs. Leo I. Crot1• l'9,.. ',call Feld , n I)'n,lir, alter \Yawn ft.:\ea their Degree,, with their \lasimic •c;,, an}' day. a strong ticleg;.ticn are obligated to'apron,, and fol',,1cing the presentation, \ti„ 1 :'rte 4,111 NH'II,'\\;u'd were \1i, ;u11 ithii. \neon ; the ,peak:r, \\'ill In. l'ol• i ri sinte'I with partms i'tt•, by ilk( \I r. and \I,', Phelan avis\ be at \'sit the \Vita:ham Lions Frolic.:\n- delivered them a very instructive n,i- t, h'oi'st t Drew, Premier o Ontario, I,I,It11, „t their respective i',,,,!1!,, \\ it Iti i�e t„ their' friends this afternoon ,,thee- 12 or 1 ot,! ocl: trig, lye editor sits (Ire,s tn. it', significance. Mose re - I1'', one out on a chair in front o1 the et i\'iitg their \t;l,t,llic Aprons were 1:11 type machine, assisted by his \vice, Itros. Stuart Durwa•d, Ray Dobbytn, Ilrowto' read tilt foll"w\'ins address, and V 1:11111 12, ,'r 1, or maybe 2 :\•\I. .\ud'tuul Harvey \ItCnlluni. 'Hit' ThirdI'Icn\'r: liainU ti made the pre cuts\ II,.w the lawn bow ling season is oh, I 1 ), gl•t't• wit, conferred on litho, ("A - r- evil'' mid there is a tour::alnent in \\•inghatt dull .\ugnstine. i to -111 Trott- night (ThursdaY). MY, riot\• ,\, the ct•cnil'1 was very \;at•111, :t•I- iti' like those tournaments, ams most dresses were cut 10 a minimum. '1'tvu of Iln' same sats till lie there. On of the If.xetcr trelhren were asked for '111, of illi`, it load I"Istat i tiii' to laky ,1 ll'\t' 11'"1'tl,, U'tl' u1 titetil Ilt'lilg a for - ;11 the horsy races itt Stratford \\'ell. I;'I'r member of ►tiyth Lodge, \•, \\', le, day afternoon, 'There', nothing that ►fro. \\', \\', 'Taman, Ili, rcnuu•hs wet.; '11 can t:link of scheduled for Friday greatly enjo\•ell, as he recalled illy fact r Salnr•ht\ night, but there'll probably that be 'wealth' a member of Idyll 1,0 a co:width ." meeting of the Lions I oder' in the you• 1808. Ile had net. - !dub to arrange for the Frolic. On top , i' regretted his derision, and addressed 'f Illi, throw in the \v'oid; in the gar' ;, felt rcncuks to the newer members. the A Special Meeting of the Illyth Lions (Tub t‘ as held in, I'11l",dal' i.cuinn for the purl, ,se of arrnlgii.t for the Lions Annual Irl Lc Linn President, 1)r. llodd pre ;tied. :1 Frush I,r,'jrrl i something, entit'e- lv 111„•.: ul tell' ill''Ili!irr',, ;1:1,1 1( tvits tell that t'nit'•itl•t';Ibit' d1,i11-sl 'it ucce'sary. The meeting it oh the' form of a rouu'I-tabic cleat, and else pre 'cut :•\t rt •sell Ihtir freely. e.e!'\'- \ ii' \\', prrted to set tin In. out and halt the 2 ;itrt' plot shining. In fact, the Lion: inttii;'Ia,1ie that thy\• could Lit \\-ail for 1'' • heal, to yen,: tip, butt a notion by Lions Bill \\'also:! at 1 \\'itiint„re, sem them roaring dm.n to the In tii'vtirtl in front of the bran Itch\ nu \\'citncstl;tt' &suing, Belli rales, silo\ els, scythes, al,d I;1\Cu nww•- els, in clr,ul up the street along the front of the tush, \t lite hist rtgular uteetiit of tilt' Chtha minion \',a, Massed to the effect that only one tn't't'ug ht' loll during the month of ...nit- and .\!,gust. .\tter e't,sitler;t!!le discussion it \1'a; felt that this !notion should be tesi'iudt'd, all this was Belt L\' a !notion of Lions Nnrlt, 1; \:Tett and (,t'nt')!i' I.it'ns Inert 'fags;cr and Billy I'+y Il;dlahan p' i' pts\• moved a t1,,tion that out' regular meetings he held dm - .1 111Y ur- ,1111\' alt\ .\,tgl•t, onlittil,t the sup- per, :Ind the nu•ctitis to start tit ti p.m. This Ittn;l„n carried unanimously.. Li 'n Stan, ('Itcllcw• reported for the an ;icem tp:ol\ inti' address. l'!vtinor -Anil ,'t e,l•u.: ('I'lltl: slay). Decoration Services Well Attended many people teen's pr:,ett at the It I: , , t,t't't.'. !I•y ii this tittle of ,'ars Illi' w'oudtrs \there ;I lot of the 1'rolir Coulnlit't \.lit'h met with the ft ll„ w, get the time to open Ilp shop lied ('ro,: cxectttiv'e last \\-eek, stilt- '11 all. in); that tett Rtd ('cos. ladies decider) On top of this Nor.. Pyle usually to dispense \\hilt' their t'I'u,lr in favour Bled, time (early in the illorning) to 11 the Lions. A vote of \hunts to the Red Cross Society \.a, ttn,.ed by Lion, lief,. \t tnitunr•, and Stan. ('ht'llew, and the Secretary \\-as :n,iructcd to send them all al'kttn\\'lt'dgtitleltl of that\\;, from the Chili. ,\ great dell of discuss' It on the coning Frolic to 'I, place, and a tenta- tive date ti August 1(,th, was set for the Frolic, subject to pl'c\'a6111.g ion (Wiens, and the a1lr .\-al of the \\'i!g- I';trtt Club, who, tit count, will he help- ing to tttttineer our tit -,t t roti'. It was nub \.(..1 lit. Lionn, F1•;1..1; Balls- ton and Norm Garrett, that \\t, N. ad'ott to the Frolic Lun- t I' I t f Lions ►!e recalled int: nates of some of the members of those (lass, and said Pc did not sec one of theta present at this meeting. \\', Ill•o. I)igll;ut, ;Ii,o of Exeter, Ilsu !tare a tet\' brief remarks, al d \\', ►fro, \\'bitmorc, in his capacity 'Hy tip a bottletard, and probably hoc :t', ruling \lastrr, expressed lei, appre ;nnlebotly else': gat•dcn bcf're brcat:- elation to the fast \tasters for their fast. -efforts, and also thanked the !' xcter --\V brethren, and Bro. Neilans for attend- in-:. The evening w'll', ,nil;thly closed Statettietit O1� Winter's v'III the serving of refreshments, ;u.tl SI)011, 1'11111(1 a social hour. L'ro, \'oddcu catered in Ifni' the benefit of those who may be Ili, usual gond manner. ;untested in tilt di:pet-sal of the pub- 1.1"'”'finite the different offices for lie ,port,' fund, instigate! during the the evell'ns were its follows: ';I,t \\inter sea,ent, ;old to \eller\\ the \\'.\I,: \\hut', Bro. Nortnati (;anrett. pui,l r resptndtt; very Thecal\\•, the f, I- .\\'.: \\hors tiro. Irvine \\'allat't'. liming 'ice 'mit of the Receipts at.tl I.\\'.: \\',''t•. Bro. I. II. I�. Elliott, Di,bttt'>cnlc'ris 1:, pnbl!>hl'tl: S.I).: \\'or, IInt, George Itrut.n. I.D.; \\•nr. Bro. Havey liruta., iti'•:'p�s l.(;.: \\'1'I'. lti•o, I\Ithl'rt Newcombe, I utas Subscriptions - . y1il).5!) ' Chaplain: \ • \\'..'I•, dit•o, Gordon 1'.1- u±il cc, w uc t uW1. consists o I'll. 'o Ilrussct, game, net ... _'.1(1 holt. S'ai,. Chellcw', ;Is Chairman; \la't,, Lill, 311 \\'ingilanl (;attic -. 705 'Henry, Kett, \\'Iiitltore, Itt'rt (;ray, and Fb, o lltn,v'I, (;sone ... 7.113 Bill \\'arson, win have power to add ire', \\ ingrain (lame _.. - .-. 7•I0 all inentbers of the Club. ---- After much discussion en the amount $110,111 of looney to be spent, and ti t' prize; to he offered for the 1)t•aw, Lions Bert I)i';lurst'lu'nts '.Tasker and 1'1;,1l; Ilaitttnn moved that Ian, 15 I?ntr\• Fcc \\.0„\..1.... $5.110 at least 1'3511,110 he spent in prizes, Fch, 7 Hockey Stich; 7.93 Lion Pre—Admit 1 sods\ appnitticd \,inn ]tits; Rent, \\•iigliam ....... 1113 Frani; i i'&'inat to he Dance Chairman felt, 20 Got,g, hoes:c\• lunches .- 4.30 v' with power to pawl; his own committee. Fcb. 22 Rant: kent, ltlyth, Lions Inert Gray and Norm, C;ai'rcit ? ig.ttues 111.11,; Avert; appointed as ;mditors. t'u'b, 20 hockey Slicks 5.11,1 The('nnmtttl'il\• -Betterment Com-Gnttg Hockey lunches -,7.•I(; lnitlte, plus Lion (;curse \!rX di. were \lar. 5 (till Craig, transportation 5,011 appolt,ict) to \\';Ill ,`11 the ('liana\' at (returned to chili) their next t•t');ular mectitg, in cornice- \,Ian•. \\', '1lnull (light) .. .73 tion with fixing up the Ball Park, \lar. 21 11.:\. \\'ilson (crests)._ 7.5) `--V Mar. 23 \Icitzie:. and I.cc ',03 IVI�r)DINGS (int iiyn of lunch after game) 11IcGowa11•Cald\veil Il':rt ("ray Int' refereeing.__ 2.00 Sem-Hart.: \\'nr, i;ro. Frank Elliott, Poul' from 'Toronto on holidays. Steward; I\t, \\'"r•, Bro. I\. 1), 1'11111). Treasurer: \\or. Bro. ('has. Salter, Tyler: Bro. I. S. Chcllt'w. .\Iso assisting in the Dyt;rec work were I t, \\'nr. lira, l:, 1), Philp, \\''or, Bro. 11,uotd Phillips, and \\'or. llri,, Iohll S. Scott. t 111'1101 bawl; at ;t (l0ntiiot,) The Inarria'tic w•;tS sotcntlizctt 011 CI it'll. ';dame iu bank 57.06 Tuesday aftcrtun:t at the parsonage of 'Victoria Street l'nitcd Clutch, C;odc- $110,10 rich, of I':IL•1 \lay C'ald\.cll and Or- ville .\Icxan'Ic1 \It(;nw:u„ bets; cf---\'--- 1'cst \\'at':annslt 'Township. The cert.- mon); \VAS performed by Iter. L. If. AGRICUL'1'U RAI, SOCIETY WILL runner, Il..\. RAFFLE FINE HEIFER The bride wore a street length (rod; The Myth :\gr'ctititral Society have ti heaven bine with white accessories. purchased from \Ir, \\'illi;un Lung, of The mali''11 el honor, \Irs, Florence (-Colborne Township, an exceptionally Gladys Luld\vell, wits wTaring ;l fio'ur- ii"e, ;u.tl well-bred year-old holstein ed jersey drys; with white hat and hiller, • ii which they intend selling gloves. John Ralph C:tldt.cll wasraffle tickets. gtornustnat,. After a short trip \1t.' I'hi, hcif yr's vteeinafcd ;Ind ;Leered- tt'd \lrs. \Ie(;nw'au will reside in I?ast ilt'(1, and as \Ir. bong has on: of the 1 fi'Icst dairy herds-. in Ontario, she STOPPED STARLINGS STEALING PLANTS 'I'hc \\'ingharlt .\,I\•ance-'fent:s can'- t iet the ffullat, int itch this \.eel: : "Last week we published an article 1u which the editor (if the iilyttt Stand- ard told how the shillings had pulled t ;it his tomato plants. .\ reader plum - the office to say that he had had a similar experience. 'l'w'0 year; ago he planted a box of tomato plants in the t,'ening and by 11) o'clock the next It;ort,iug ±itcy \erre gone. Ile has not lost a plant lint one since *ghat lints as Pc dusts the plants lightly \\-ith bus; killer as he plants them." Editor's Nile—For the benefit of nut readers we Wright mention that Ave !'tallied our totnatoe: tltn'c times, and ,int cabbages twice. Before we planted the last time, 'Airs. Neistnt Lca• phoned us to Ica its of the hug I;ilh'r system, and \\•c hppliet! it, awl so far it has worked. Apparently you can fool a Starling, or in this case, can .on. W. I. TO MEET \•!tion ('coletir\• nn Sunday evening to attend the annual Dreor;Ilion Scrvict, \1r, Colin 1'' elan'1 had charge of the see tic, and 1 Continuation School Pupils Ill ''I, 1 )ltiti io, June 27, 1'1.15 Honour1)epal'ting Teacher Deal• \lis• Co !eve, and Mrs. 1lowar'i' ,'Illy student ; of the Myth Cnntintt \i'e, \our pupil., have learned 'withri-' •ti School ;i•inlblell in the class , ',et that when this school tern! is fin - :,.,,in in, Wtv1; e -day afternoon to him - delivered the address. ' i-\se(l. \ou will 1; longer be our teuchci'•our \lis, Nat Ilii' Herman:, -who lav \\•c would lik'•I: to have had you stat - Th ,e asseln!Iled listened to \I r, howled ;1 her res'snation, and left out t'- tut 11,, ;nit ,kilt•&' this is not suing 10'.\\ r11111',d't1' alll'IIIVWII for hl'1' h*rllll; in Finitt int auldre',s aitcnti.ely, and juin h its wr \n 1,11 to lake til', 01)1)1,11111111 ' t" Cil in Illy singing of suitable hymns, t „tow\ a, 11!,11 \'ull.,itl't", ;11111 It;lt,i'!Ilt'. it, \'111' The vemetery ground, presented al Paul \\'alson tear the address, and I,i\\ an•rtnnllliiic`' I•, tits d \\'at•,'u and Ji'ht, Pollard !lade tet\ fine apie,ual,rr, :old was the ,nil \\'e twit that we could not let you go, presettlttlt 't of a table )anti, 10 \w'ilhtilll4101\'ill in ,Wilk: stn;Ill waw' our ;.`,l',s Ileus;ul., win replied suitably. ;i t tteiatlnit of thett'rviet'S !I I' mow'invi, the address: that \•o! !la \-t, r:t,lcred on our behalf. Dear \lis, Herman:: It was indeed lour kindness all ihoughll'nll,c,s to- wan much regret that we learned that Card, Its NaCl' aroused widen\ us a feel- \1ni dt'l'Ll.tl to discontinue teaching Ill in:: of love andresicet for you. \1't' Illy singing of the h\ nuts, rt• school. 1'\'t' have enjoyed your t ill ny.rr tors, t tilt. fact that y 'it ner`' I rrscnce anima; u; and ass: you to for - to.; alwa\', inlerrstcd in our welfare both _o , the tines when why have annoyed ',I and out of scLnol, andwhen wi' grow \'ou. \\ r w'',l. your success in your Mullett School Iias Fine tip, \et' will lush lac'�\\'il. pride up''n ,eve pW.i'Ion at llal.rluil;, la: it!Wi Ili til;., you weert' our teacher, ltt'CO1'(l \Vt. ask \you to accept this gift as a \\'r ass: you to please torsi.: the Nu. ti School, llllilClt '►u1\'11,11111, of ,:I,;ht iulCelt WI our iippreclation for the Plitt', 1\'11!'t, \.e caused yon tvtti •\ ;1111 1.11 , and inspiration you have been toe trLich .',I i's, Allen Shadd'cl; is the i 1 tt' tilde, and to accept this small gift PH 1'llt li.C•S. Pupils.to ;cher•, has a tine record, both as to as a token of out respect and affection, ser. ;iL'lit\' in Icarnil s, and s a, regards their Poll„wing On_ sun:,�er vacation l 4• y''tl, atl'1 ap!t•ciiat'on of \our !n w•;u• :f fort dl uring the past year. ao,3., Hs i tem:a,; will take up her siring et forts. \lay it l: ;1 plca,a"t r lin:, tutee, at The pupil, have purchased r'1t,3.i0 ;it t I 1 Havetocl; ata salary remembrance of dal\, spent i11 Myth „t Iti!11),Ii1) per 1'h';11', \\'ar Stamps from last September until \'abler School. lune, and tip , until Faster there were 110 l ler ',coition itiou a; Continuation Schon) Bignell: Her here will he take! by Miss poi els on the roll, \t 1':aster the all _.hint, pupil, of the Junior assn inlet'- t (enhance \t -as boosted to 24. 'There ..larg area C. Cut11nine, of Elmv,1\:• t,, diate I tionis, lilyth Public School t, ere five pupil in the I? \trance• Class _..____.V—...___ \t the ,title t'nu' the pupils of the Illi, .eat', a1,d all \.:rt' successful 011t P1case til\'e US \Toler ti I T •I I I i t!trauce Class presented their teacher, j, ct of domes ta\nuralli coflntttnl. i 1 Ill' soldiers g:'a.t',, kith of the last w':;:r, as will as tett' present tear, «vi'i'i' ;'ti lily decorated with flag,. 1':. Cu ,1;, lead charge of the, nnsi- ,11 portion of 'lu' program, and It'd flu' 1'Iyer iu 1'he bride i; a daughter of \ii', and •1,0111(1 have a wonderful future a, re- N1rc. Joit'l Cal'Itecll, ;,ltd the groom iiia!;1rttt null; production, at,ll for breed- The \\'.,tittu's institute wilt meet at a Sell of \Ir. and \Ire, Alex. \IcGn«'at, ins purposes, the (tome of Mrs. A. t.y!diatt (Ai bolls cf Ease \\-;n.anosli. This heifer' will be known in the fu_ Thursday, duly 5ti1. Ret'. R. :\. Mae' Cotgratitiatinto; and hest wishes are 1111 c as ”\l iss Myth", an! the lues:y Connell, l'rtsh\'tcl•i;ut nlil,istcr, of Aub - extended by a host of friends in this ticket will be drawn ;It the Myth Fall urn, will he 111; guest speaker, taking community. Fair on September 13th, a• his suuject, "Citizenship," their year's w't ;. These pupils \\'c e, I Gordon NIcHot•gall Lois \\hood Iran_ i \. lar It', \\'is:t a g'it it, appreciation ;school Reports c,.> t.\'un, 'fhclnta Shuhhrook, and of hi; eitort, rn oleic behalf during We \whin\ appreciate very much the a•'y Uettzies tilt past four yea's, Accompanying the c operatiit ,,i the teachers in the Congratulations to teacher and pull- 1'•ilt was the lt•Ilowing address: e„Itllltuutl'y. This 1, the t'ild of the 1', for their full' 11'ul'1;. til, Ont., Jeune 27, 1915• :'hoot term, and school rclt1rt, are t)cin \I!', (;:a.\•: it is with mingled ',cry interesting- reading for the pub- -----�' !tit linp> of gladness and regret that we 1'e, \\'c would , i:prcriate it very notch ' ' si ' Exams. ''1\' gold -l\ l' ,t your pupils this after- if tete le'at'hers of the different suh,s'ds Results Of lull. C noon. \\'i' would lilac you to know would girt. us ;I copy of their report, so In Intermediate Room that we do appt.eciaie your kindt,css that we may i'ttt,lislt it in our columns I31yt11 Public School and understanding through the -ea's ! in the .cry near future. Y"11 hay'.lalgll! Its, 1'i 'how You w t' — V Following is the result of written are not r,nLrat' tut we ask you to ac - tests in mucic in the intermediate clpl 111is little gilt, \with out thank,. `V(! 1'ol'gOt rlthe 1)llet 1 tui of til; Myth Public School: In reporting the regular mating of ('lass .\—hhca Ilan, .\nn \L'rritt, Signed, theLions last week, we inadvertently I,ulis \loni'itt, Kant \\'hittitld, Itrorl< - hula \\';Ileac:. Stti!'Ic\ l'11'llips, Hon_jt it ittcd one of the most important it M \'t dden, Carlen cDonald, Eleanor ;:id Johnston, \I;u\ K\'Ir, lean Ctrl 'e1,! „f c.cnins's ,log± uu, I, v;rigllt, It'll lo�'nston,'Isabel Thud'. I the \11tr- i • Illowne, Raymond \stilton, Itch\' �en!!\ \.ion 1'residcmt 11"(Iand lion ii ti,ald lotut,lon read the ad,lrh'>s '.;, en'tai'' K\lt were quite worried alid the prestl:tat'on was nnadeShirley Phillip., by I' I;.b mt the musical end of the program. 1 t'a're the meeting they approachedSuitable replies were made ty \Ir. I1o01 'tauter Sian. Sibtht'rpe regarding Gloria Sihthirpc, Rhea \tt,\ 1!, Ixitt (:1•;t\•, MI”(Intl tilt\ \ti's. llnw'arit,','this tattler, at d Ill:\' were assured that Il;ututt, (no-t`xpressen their apprec'at'on to, the Hatter would be attended in, Con - Class C—R:dph ilodd, Jack K\lc, ti t pupils for their kindness. is,.,iu:litl\', (luring the ern!'' of the pro - Lois .\it tustitie, b'i'tty 'fait, Douglas \ (ct i brig, Lion 'Tamer Slat. called nut \ii Nall, Donald Armstrong, l'.tntna SUCCESSFUL ENTRANCE on the two official,, lion Nor\•, ;In,l \leterna, Eleanor1)cttnarias, Rost' PUPILS Linn Donald, for a duct. They re - Eleanor \\'hitflrld. Istonded quite readily with the old Ltv- :. Teacher. The following pupils of the Myth nth. 'Pack l'p Your 'Troubles lt. \' t'a;llir Srlulol 1111tc 'cru succcssfui in Your 01(!tit Bae...' tt.e'r Entrance Examinations, on the \\ c c,u1't imagine just how such an 1Val' i\tixiliar�' I-I:lre 1 ;t i, of delve\• ; ears work: important feature missed vim lllt'tllory IiitlE Ilill lo'n,ston, Shiley Phillips, Isa- wl,l± we \.err to;tkiug the right up, and JO1'al)le Evening Lel T11ue11, and Irina \\'allay:. \ti' ha,tcu to give it lite puhlicily The (;th'i's \\'at• Auxiliary held their Congratulations art. extended to these rl' hie dcseicc' lundet threat of a it last meeting of the season t'11 \\•t'1- indent: on thtir success. heavy fine). light\• evening, Jttut ?Oth, The side — V \' Ivo t1„tttictcd the most work during -, Vie last term were treated to a ,lint' I TAKES CONTINUATION SCHOOL Sc TO $1.011 STORE COMING by the losing dr, and lunch wa- ,erv- POSITION TO i1LYTH \i r. Edward \\'endorf, of Clinton, :d at the thole of \1';s lila \Ii1 i \',att.l \Ir, 1;cnrgc Co\t'an, .'t ll:t',tli. who 1 .. i, acrd Inc store l• •ty used by Small )gifts «ire given to \lugs iter-'! :• . lrcn 1'r'nc1 ,:d of the fuss!'; Swi t titan; and \li,s (sieve, who are lr;l.-I .1 I 11.05.1 and 1\ill open out with a t,. rt' fur Illi' 1 Il,t year, Ila, t'r;ignt't rotnpletc tine o; 5t' 'Tt) :1.(11) iood<. hlc ins town, in appreciation of the work', , sect tt ,1 ,osition'lt Ilse Ilw11 ,til Col tLe\' have done for the Auxiliary dor-I i It''l to ;Ll\: t1', stncl: complete by ins the pass yc;year.ii ration School. August 1st. 1)"Wald. Class It--11arhara I' ilpatt ire:, 1)a.id Slotach, 1ic.crlt• \\'atlace, Bernice Nle - Nail, Billy it:u•w'ick, 1I t v ted 'Tait, HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U. S. official, NJson P Evil. 90 Rough lava. 11 Comp,, . lacutt 12 Lion. 14 Tap lightly. 15 Skill. 18 Auricle. I8 Beret. 20 Coal residue, 2) Girl's name. 22 Medical doctors (abbr'.). 23 Employ. 24 Winding device. 28 Threes, in cards, 27 Dry, 28 Pointed shaft. 30 Rigid. Al Member of Indo-Chinese tribe. 32 Atmosphere. 33 ignited. 36 More ill- tempered. 40 Mineral rocks. 4) Earth goddess U. S. OFFICIAL Answer to Precious Purrle 1517%1.1. ,,O1E �'JrE E3 E RL 1; I:1 ., Cur !; C'A L L EITIA P,E,S Oar! (abbr.). _17'ArJ Di I D 1AIN I 1 hl A L ,T CID • �JAii iv±M. 1 A(61-51(,./SE CE T'T�_�I rA lim�o 01 T� `I I c T I IRiE ritUL11 , lB L E.7. E�pis05 41.; ERIE 3 RIL AT�TAICKERS `EIR 3 NEST AS'T'CiP .P4 TIO TIAL SL ANLT I CSr 'APL ES Ell RE RYE`S f1S SrE E ,S of the Khonds. nier- 3 42 Sun god. 43 Palm lily, 45 Fish eggs. 47 Like. 48 Greek letter. 50 Five and five. 53 Part of fish. 54 Inquire. 55 Age. 57 lnternationul language 58 Alternating current (abbr.). 59 Before American 9 Re -lilt tit , f ancient Media. 5 1',Irthest down 71'1, :ide,.n. 9 1.1t11c 0 Bind. 2 He is concerned with U. S. relations with 1.a t i n ------. 3 Golf term. 4 Angry, 35 Musical note, i clations. 3 VERTICAL 1Instead, 3 7 Sodium (symbol). 8 Obliterate. 2 Alleged force. 39 Chance, 3 Diamond 44 Pronoun, weight. 46 Upon. 4 One who eats 49 Circle part. 5 Foe. 51 Make a f Conducts, mistake. 7 Cloth measure 52 Slight 1A -AV. 8 Come back, 53 Winnow, 9 Lower in 54 Arrive grade. (abbr. t, 13 Desert 56 Account of (prefix). ‘v'atering spot (abbr.). CO Ile is — of 14 Biazilian state 59 Italian river. 3._ . 4, 6. 17 8 7e 21 vt, 22 ).-:.;:'.} 23 e 77 i3Z s 8 Iq ,28 133 34 3;51 .40 .36 42' 4 i46 49 55 60 4-6 ' 47 l4` 0 51 52 a. CROSSTOWN • 54 27 By Roland Coe ;4 z• • c elt{emember—this beachhead is not to be extended beyond the dont gate, or your theatre of operations will be limited strictly to your own room for the rest of the day!" HOLD EVERYTHING V4NVI !'( 1J a �6N.v1 . MN D, N[. r. .f, IMC 1 M IlIC. U f P,* I'm through with llarry; he vicars a wig—say, did you see my eyelashes any place?" 'THE SPORTING THING Seems Like Yesterday NO, LADY, WE HAS NO ALARM ?" CI.CCKS, R ue45ER eN4T14tAIG CAPS, COFFr PDrs DR BOBBY Pv.Js', IP Mod WANT A Ft4M S,ANp )ic 4 -AO A CUP DF COFFEE TfiY THE R1:SraurzANT NE?cT Ik702/ �I AOY By C. Kessler PRESCRIPTION< FILLD PLl%Ji,L,1LI ffA 1 4(lev VNEN 1NEY WERE CALLED APOTHECARY SHOPS. SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPP. 19.9 BY NEA SUMMING. T. M. REG V S PAT, OFF. "Why, Dad, this surely can't be the big place you recalling as the old swimmin' hole!" have been MUTT AND JEFF— Showing That The More WAITER: Do YoU KNOW -MERE ARE RAISINS IN MY l RICE PUDDING? Olt, ARE THOSE 2 RAISINS, SIR? yet! NOW, tF You DdN'-r MIND, I ORDERED RICE PUDDING WITHOUT RAISINS! LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neper tor t r ri s01; *-0", • ..w�iy "1).1*- <C 1401, f t "Pop, 1 don't know why you had to marry such a SENSITIVE woman?!!" • THIS CURIOUS WORLD By Vrlliiaii Ferguson HAV CARREIED 250 -LB, LOADS FROM TUNIS 70 TRIPOLI, A DISTANCE OF 600NaeS, IN FOUR l�AYsi -77=-77-`,( }'1-'. CQPN. 1941 BY NCA SCFYICr. INC. tie i( Gil! jii),'jr IN SA' LINA, KAP.:SAS, 1HERO.' ACONTRACTINCU O. CA1LL-CD Grp PIANIST'S WORK Is ALL PLAY,' Say MRS. V I<NAPP, HARRISON, N.Y. AND pAULINE ANFADcR, ERONA/ MISSISSIPPI. You Argue The Less You Get! 14ERE You ARE, SIR! oNE RICE PUDDING WITFIOUT RAISINS! /WAITER, YOU Ct4AR6ED ME TEN CENTS Too Wolf-- ISN'T TN4RE SoME MISTAKE? MY OLD I, yE. COL I_rc,E. ` Y LL! tip 'L`,•P T.M NEC U.S. TAT. OF By BUD FISHER -*MAT EXTRA DIME 15 FoR PICKIN' THE RAISINS GUT of YoUR RICE PUDDING! POP—Rather You Than Me! — THAT TOWEL YOU GAVE ME WAS SCALDING I,t HOT I � \ ( SORRY/ SIR, /COULDN'//� BUTT HOLr'IS D `A/\ IT ANY LONGER " I (Acwow) ty TAD MI Nynd:cele, Dc.� REG'LAR FELLERS—A Military Genius SOLDIERS, ! THINK WE ORTER MARCH IMMEDIATELY AN' ATTACK THE. GAS -HOUSE ARMY/ SPEAWN' AS A EXPERIENCED GENRIL I SAY NO! IT WOULD COST U5 AT LEAST TWENNY CENTS WHICI4 WE HAVEN'T GOT ,II ,I� to r''stoo .47010r �, 111.‘;4110111.111'4 • 444 ;,�-t 'yam • By J. MILLAR WATT /,,4t4! v IS` 1/4 (FOR THE LOVA MIKE' WHY SHOULD IT COST US MONEY TO ATTACK THE ENEMY ? WEkE -1, NOT GONNA BRIBE 'EM! S By GENE BYRNES MU DO/1'T UNNASTAN.! WE'LL NEED THAT DOUCit-I FOR CARFARE IN CASE WE RAPTA RETREAT. ;%L fli to 71/1 'd 7 MOROCCO FACES FAMINE a y 'o .29£ ...nN4r. ?h, •P4••• s'fD,�SXar. ay . • Latreme poverty is a noticeable characteristic of life in Morocco. This market at t typical of the shabbiness of this region. Even the barest nhtainable, Grayson reports, THE COMMANDO LEAP place and its people necessities of food and clothing are A mmando leap is performed by Lou Royon as she learns to take het place in a shovel brigade and shovel out ditches to prevent the spie.d of raging forest fires, Instructions for the students also inikdes the fighting of forest fires when there's no regulation equip. merit available. GERMAN WACS Getman WACs sit on ammunition boxes awaiting transport to quarters in captured Nazi military academy. They are some of great masses taken by Allies in march forward, MONUMENT TO NAZI INFAMY. The sign above, studied by a British soldier at the entrance to the notsrious Belsen concentration camp, Germany, tells its own story. A similar sign, in German, was erected nearby. 1.111. AT HITLER'S HIDEOUT Honeymooning with her husbat d Lieut. David Palowsky, at the Eagle's Nest, Hitler's hideout near Berchtesgaden, is the former Betty Ann Goit of Philadelphia. She met her husband -to -be on a transport going to Europe last year. Y RECUPERATING VETERAN Battle -scarred aircraft carrier USS Franklin take its place along with other damaged vessels in Brooklyn Navy Yard as repair gets under way, The whole flight deck has been removeed and work is in progress on the hangar deck, The !light deck will be rebuilt as quickly as possible so the warrior vessel can continue its service in the Pacific, SUPERFORTS KAYO KOBE WITH INCENDIARIES Thousands upon thousands of incendiary bombs cascade down upon the commercial dock area of Kobe, Japan's sixth largest city. The city, like other Nippon war centers put to the torch by Superfort raids, was already under the impact of fierce fire raids. i,. t i ` •S '� ',r tit ,`„ r . t 3 a " n. ., 'H eN w:"...:,.' „..r. 1�.f.,,..t. j''•a ii ' ' Qt• � %,,,..;,..7:**,,,,,,,, ;Y 4 1,./1 , - '" iR f` t : i 1.1 t o2..} t .. ,,..-,•-;,-;.y.:.,,,,,.: Ili rt j, .} -1+^j .• ..1 .1 :i.. �! ,,» 'y :,7:tilti.,�r. 'M. M :" •'k' '�:.`''t i•:.ir = a.l ..Aa76,t. e"NIa ai�. �p~'.r ; i"1.,..L„.,:.c.;woL.L....<:.` :.i LS, 'x:.::wa.1...:..,..,. 15t'+�r'F�.ii,��yea 13 0j `i »t' gi., � �..,....w,a•�� �. � �1ll!3�"�•: iA',1,1,. �, 1T.,„ °l g gyp':Ott `" °: >, � nt 3'�e �$ �Aa..r.., ,set., 1*p >U' •.t4.4 D •�xi..J.`•t 4..i .A...,. Nety Itniltlin:; t'hihin•n'+ Il s pit.tl, 't''r!nt t. Title hospital building, erected In 1892, Is over crowded and inadequate. This Space Is Contributed On Behalf Of For seventy years, The Hospital for Sick Children has been saving Ontario's little ones from the doom of a crippled future. Today, it has a waiting list of 200. More room, more equipment, better facilities for treatment and research, are urgently needed. Can these little ones count on YOU? Send your donation today to 67 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO TAE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN $6,000,000 wilding Fund PAG1 4. illt11011111111111111111111. I , I' I r I' 1 . 11! 1 • o.,.. AO THE STANDARD t pt'Ia ;(retool and tinker with rnlctllin that lived, rep,Iil ing iA' the I be I I"\with (tier OM) udder the di rcitI'n of \Il'..\rnold I•:arl, I't trll,r i rt .11 I pits 11:,1 l t\c: hat f I.tht'1• lttc,c: tcif a progr:lnt of high ;I\, 1,., II l ; od.1 place. The I'nw •t. 'ta,lllre all I'1'I'GI\ t'wening in Huff's •I in c,rr' ,' j,', \\ it it the 11 nit and t.i,'hIc :Intl jam are ;II\t,t\, worth ,n, :ng at. hi tl„' , lhtl c„rnrr \\e ha \.e p lalut•s • . . Hitler the o,e, to do for the early pili t , 1 the \\ inter that• art' WALTON :Elliott Insurance Agency BLITH—ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. ii Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. A H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott ki. ,I,,Ieinel te,l t,lkeil ,nl n Otflco Phone 104, Residence Phone 12 or 140, fi 11 t(the (if of A 1'11 in wcr\' earl\' -Pi int; • • . "COURTESY AND SERVICE” li ;,I,I,Ie, a:ul and in a kir rd t+itll ear- -..0 DehND1111tInhla?tli)tklaDt9+D1)412121).DIDiBtInDaihti7.NDIDai3t373(2i?iDi2tDiND1Di"at(2ipoiN2a s ' • ! , -lit \wcd ;1\t t\. Pavel; the hill of herrn and maple boot, stored at "ne end of the aline G. R. AUGUSTINE REM SEN11NG THE MONTREAL LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" Associated with The Atlas Insurance Company, London, England. LIFE • PENSIONS • ANNUITIES For information, etc., write or phos' Hind Pick it n1 . \\ t h.nt "cc". t I t Harold Jackson, It.11. No, 4, Seafortf. ; barrel ,'; a, ride that get; a nit, a- the ul.,ntlis go by - The \vill3 arc 'die uni:,g white at the Lice' sed Auctioneer her Iluron n'nnu'nt with a fresh root of ;\hitcwa h. iw'I suns by Mr. i.. 11'. 1?c111111 .ihert' nal \Irs. Gird It Ita'liord, ;old _Humid., BACK FROM OVERSEAS her day ;Ibnu1 an ext:ib1 hi 11 of p psi Tic a d., a ileum look and a cleat ,tire 11 ;a: it Litt in the Confirmation Has returned from service with the tt•ae farm basics. The fells\ Nutting , Cass. Royal Canadian :\ir Force, and twill he I arch to ;in: \\'Ir !r pluses t'tit. article w,t, c mlpkliming about the HAROLI) JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer, Specialist in faint and household Sales. Licensed In Iluron anti Counties. ('rices reasonable; fiction guaranteed, Perth salts t'idted Church. The Atoll' consists of voice, made up chiefly of the pu- pil., of \\'r ,xcter and Fords\ ick Con- C1,0.16.111 'on- t lttt ttinu School-, and rani; many rendered uunticrt, intcr,per,cd with violin solo. and piano number, by NIT, feel, also pia o duets and trios b\: members I f the choir. Lunch \was si rved by Duffs l'nitcd Church choir' to the visiting artists, ( )cute I erov. 1 gathered at \\'alton's for use n the iurtiacc ,cent, to give g lir".park nn friday evening to \tit- ctrtalll Irllrit nl ,nllit'l!Illlt. 10 the fitter• Lt'„ :1 ,I'll hall gattlt' plated bet\vecti It i, another -mill • .. that Aral , yo , 1 \\ :ugh:nu and \Vahan. The score Iva, smell of su,I-rand \\ ;nub illi favour of \Vitt,gllaut. !'bi't'e , butter in a crock on 1!11' rel- I Several from the village anti' I led for special .\l t bole and Confirmation .Im•ce, llru',cl,, \\ith Mr. and 1I1,. J. il.lr f11'or and a caul of cream \waiting ! Pipe, for thin cream truck driver In enllle Ill, ,l'I'1'U'e 111 til• Jnitll's .\Itglicalt 111turclt, I'.0„el,, on Senday cvcuing• The all- 11r. ;nil `.l1.•. Lorne llunhitti and the;s \\';I, give, by \iost Rev, ('. A. llarjorie, with 11 r. and NI1 . itt11,; S; ager, \1..\., D.D., .\rrllbi,ll' p df I iu_ lil\'tll. roup llcttvpolit,ln f (lt,tario, r\ so'n \Ir• and 11rs. Albert Radford, 11r. LONI)ESBORO William Govier, John Snell, I': 1. and Leonard Youngblutt, Jack Webster;I,1,1 Buster Johnston, were at Port Col - borne and Niagara Falls on Strobl \ 111'• Frank Halls i, in 'Toronto \ i Ili, d:ttlphtut, Mrs. lan Smith. Mrs. Charles, Watson awl Dern, \\ ;ill 1Ir. and \Irl. Lill l:ilcy, (iodcriclt. 11r. and 111,• 1. Nott \tilh 11t, ti l Mrs. G. \\'cstbrook, t indct i, b. 11 r,. 1\i!I;un Leon ;mil 11i • kirk twitlt \Irl..\• ;Mulcts 'ti, in I:xctcr. Mrs. lay. I i her with friend, in Galt, I,eontiol \rchandianit sputa the weer: -end in London ttitlt his nista, I':tint, 11r, and 11rs 1.1t,\'t! \leek a11,1 g,,,l, a small b,l ,tl t I1 I rheas Itr(itil, i. EDWARD W . ELLIOTT I Wednesday, June 27, 19.15, CH CII 0•C NC BLYTII UNITED CIIURCII lul\ 1,1 IILI Sunday rh til. The tit' i, n \\ui! utr, t ;It II Incl:, i P.11.: "The .\,uric” 'I In le." Tit 1' CHURCH, BLY'l'H l cv. J. L. I1. Ilcttller5o11, I3.A•, L.'I'h, Rector, 11„11.iniun Ilily Sitllnl.1\ .\ fie!. "[tinily 111, (nnnunniol, and Scr- Trinity Church, 13elgr,%ve 2,31: I'.11.: Hort I•:wcn .amts St, Mark'x Church, Auburn Scrt i, e »,i;,ir,lt\u tot li;tll's l cnu. t r\ Se; vice. ttitlt f1leII(I, it. Sl. l'atialilti' . t;: 1, hired ('h.1;,iJe, of Itl\Iii, Pie, 11r,. B. Peck, with NI r. awl 1I1 - 1.':Ile, I..tt ,l,'.i•o:n, 'awl 1..\t'. hcith .\r.- \ir,. Buchanan of SI1;Itfnrd, lfrs• continuing his former occupation. I (i1.;lspin t1'tcr 11 -ell to have a won ;Naylor, tlylnr, ..I kerbs, ter, are spending ;1 Robert Peek, \arra• ;•u1., .\nears, ;it ant -ng, rcrcnl art It 11 designs. it ,real, a, if rheic city chaps \who were de iI sing the hon e• had tterfnl cellar:I: her d'art'. In :t 1'4'. fe\t (lay; \with relatives here. NII'. and Ni r,, \\"nl. 1lannm::, tail ,back in t anal!„ ti i, ,\ eel; from .,vcr'- rwerlooked one thing. \1'llilr they ran- i „c1 napier I,Ir reli:u ,telt, ,he !t•ul i \i1.• anti \its. \\•ti. \\'iilttntson.:uttl anti huts, ttitlt 11r, and \l1.,..\, Lick_ I tt\ ;ire expected to their re- •! ertive 1i ales sho,tlt. 1'i, lIr, ...Ill.' kin11 \lith a nip tw ruin: , \I r. and \D;. . ar1; \\'illisunsot., of hart, Porter's Hill. \ I I II'It'I I Il Correspondence promptly answered Inunediate arrangements can he made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. 1111 rattn on 'un lou,,., t; t : '' i vinegar awl they had a britticnc;s bt;htcd b\. the sits and a lot of titer 1 rampton, and 11r. \Vill Verities or Charge moderate and sats(;tcti'n about blast Ilia! was erupt goon '(Tinton, \lith 1Ir. and Mrs. .\Iffreil Guaranteed, Incw ideas they completely overt okctt (,r;;ndpa nils :1 grtal wan Int experl- lallurtl. the cello•. Incnta„t iib rider and \•;u•ntu, ton- 1 511,-ti.l. \\'. l'. Her.nrlt, 'I'orontn, 1 agrcc wit's the tweeter. .\ farm ,oclintlti, tltat\\lt tom ;I;tll'lt'll'.tttt „1' ,Istat the tweeh-end at Inti i'mu' hcrc, WILLIAM II. IIIORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ionic )u,t tutt cont;dete \t'ltbntlu a cc!. lbukrnccrrir> ;and cern rhubarb. Some \I rt• 11oo11y Holland i, a patient in lar. In this \\ flit, new world that~roll 1lcnun'i:t Ito; ital, Specializing in Farm and llousehohf ci it turn .11 nut to have ;Own', the I Seaiorlll, I' Bales. tin advertisentutt, tell tt, ;lb tit ttr li, , f I tial iligll Ic,t t,olinr !hey I g; I,ning ntl,ierg,':,c an appendicitis opera_ Ina\• h\ t;truin switches that re- t'•L' in airpl;lut,. "Those \\ ere the tion. Licensed for the County of Iluron. gttlatc the temperature and all that . . • Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction gto11 cxl,rrnuent; and tnandp;t aav' 11 r. and \I r, ('rotby Guaranteed. bat we must bice cellars. .1 cellar i' tilt\:t\', il\n1g !'igll when at exl't'i'i funily, Foriltwicll, with just ahou: the most important thin; it meat turned out \\ ell. 11. Anderson. For tntforntation, etc., write or phone die wcr1,1. A farm lion•: cellar i, a place of William H. \lorritt, phone, Residence On thc•c h„t (la\s of ,ununer, the coolness in ununertinu'. In 03; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4.tf cool. sanct'!ar; of a cellar is something nintertinn' when the twind, „re howl- " :; x'rsnn taut trails liw: ft•I'. Go do\tn PHIL OSIPHER OF I •ng outside it's a good plate to visit, ' Miss Arlie li;al of Mullett ,pent the !Its reline sirup and Icer that dumpish,the einper,tture is never too tram but,:eek earl with Mildred lharter• LAZY MEADOWS (.,c.1 :lir and the clean, restful smell of it gives you .1 comforting feeling In j ('on, r•t;ulati •1,'. to \liss Shirley Rad - the earth that semis to cling :wound a look at the fon,; and 11ns stored ford. ( n chtainirg her i.tttrance to High crIlar. \Viten the sun get, a hit too (around. l'es, tic must ttiit try to ab- ~chat I. I was reading in a r.cwspaper the lunch for you, there', t othing like an , 1 sh farm rcli,trs, 111•. an•I 111.,• J. I I. tihobbrook of S •therol and \ir. and \Irs. \r — EAST \VA11TANOSr'f 1R\• harry J. I3•ov e) I.onde'lniro ,hent Sunday with 11r. 1 . 1.4, I ibI . Y . , I 11 Mrs. N. handfeed. It ',s Radford u spent Stitt ny at his It Inc. The Big Four Victory Special THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) AND THREE GREAT MAGAZINES! For Both Newspaper And Magazines GROUP A: SELECT ONE: [] Maclean's (24 Issues) .. 1 Yr. [] Liberty (52 Issues) 1 Yr. [] Magazine Digest 6 Mos. [] PhotoplayMovie Mirror 1 Yr. [] Empire Digest 6 Mos. [] American Giri .. 1 Yr, [] Christian Herald 9 Mos. (] Canadian Farmer— (Ukrainian Weekly) 1 Yr. (] Inside Detective 1 Yr. [] American Home 1 Yr• [] Flying Aces 12 Nos. [] Parents' Magazine.,9 Mos. GROUP B: SELECT TWO: (1 Chatelaine 1 Yr, <z [] National Home Mthly1 Yr. [1 New World— (Illustrated) 1 Yr. [1 The Farmer Advocate 2 Yr. 11 American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. [] Breeder's Gazette (American) 1 Yr, (1 Farmer's Magazine'.. 4 Yr. (] Canada Poultryman 1 Yr. [1 Canadian Silver Fox and Fur . 1 Yr, [1 Canadian Poultry Review 1 Yr. *NOTE: Farmer's Magazine sent to Farm addresses in Eastern Canada ONLY. •.1.V&' : ` v,„, NEW LOW PRICESI J1 ii$4.0 ine't'fsted.and'This Ve paper; 'Bbt)r,,d Price Shown [1 Maclean's (24 issues) ....52.25 [] National Home Monthly 2.00 [] Chatelaine 2.00 [1 New World (Illust'd) 2.00 (1 Liberty 2.50 [1 Canada Poultryman 2.00 [1 American Home 2.25 [] Outdoors 3.00 [1 Magazine Digest 3.45 [1 Red Book 4.00 () American Girl 2.60 [1 Empire Digest 3.45 [1 Parents' Magazine 3.00 [1 Christian Herald 3.00 [] Canadian Farmer (Ukrainian) 2.75 [] The Farmer's Advocate (3 ors.) 2,00 [] Child Life 3.75 [1 Farmer's Magazine. (4 yrs.) 2.00 [] Etude (Music) 3.50 ri Hygeia (Health) 3,50 [1 Silver Screen 2,95 [J Screenland 2.95 [] Flower Grower 2.95 [1 Reader's Digest x.85 [] Better Homes & Gardens (2 yrs.) 3.10 [] Correct English (12 nos.) 4.00 [] forum & Column Review 3.50 [] Nature (10 nos.) 3.50 [1 Open Road for Boys 2,95 [] Flying Aces 2.95 [] Science Illust'd (12 nos.) 3.95 [1 Sports Afield 2.95 [1 Travel 4,95 f ] The Woman 2,50 [] Your Life 3.95 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES 1 YEAR, UNLESS TERM SHOWN Yt, ,j fiorna h'a/Jgq/ The Super Economy Offer This Newspaper (1Yr.) AND 1 UUR CROI(,E OF 'THREE BIG MAGAZINES ALL FOUR FOR ONLY '235 [] Maclean's (24 issues) 1 Yr. ()National Home Monthty1 Yr ()Chatelaine 1 Yr. (] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr. 4 Yr. 1 Yr, 2 Yr. 1 Yr, [1 Farmer's Magazine' ()American Prult Grower [] The Farmer's Advocate [] Canada Poultryman (1 Canadian Silver Fox and Fur 1 Yr. (]Canadian Poultry Review 1 Yr. [] Breeder's Gazette 1 Yr. NAME.._....._ (American). Check magazines desired and enclose with coupon. Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the offer checked - with a year's subscription to your paper. A'• • # 4 ' 4ismodi 1119 • - IJP ii •••• .»,...n.....n.•».•n••.n STREET. OR R.R. POSTOFFICE PR OV .»„•»»»»»».».».w. AUBURN Mr, and 11's• John l etinc'Iv al '•tlt Iia\•, 11r. Harvey 11c(;ec , of w; 1.111 11,1\', formerly of Anhui t , NH's. • 1't ter li' .\t n, t f lilvIh, vi,itcd tvith 11 r. and 11rs. \lait!it"tl .\Ilia un 'I'ues''ay. S^t•-11 Tier I laroll J., and Mr., .\1'en of ('mder•ich, t,tt nt the \week -earl with 11r. an 1 1I 1.s. ,'l aid:inti :\llin, PRESIDING 01'7.1;t ENTRANCE CLASSES The Se,t'or Room of the Iilwtll Piddle rhonl h ,til on \\'cdnt•sdav, and the I'rinci;';tl. J. A. Gray, \\ ill preside over i:n'ranee (! i es ficin: held this Ing. sd:r and I r'da\• it Hut t ittti,•n. 't he 111yin Cnnt'nualion School :tiro rinsed on \\'cdncsd:ty, and the Prin- cipal, N. P. (tat reit, will pl'csi le over l:menace (tastes in the Myth Public School n Thin silly and Itridav, v JUDGE J. A, JACKSON, RETIRING PRAC'T'ISED HERE 40 YEARS AGO III^ i.rtlthridge 1lcrald announces the !'r,i'tt ttion as district court judgt there of Juke J.:\. J;tcl:son, who is a ttalivc of I':gntondville, where be \Nits horn .n l:t 5. i tt tgc Jackson \vill ht remembered by older resident, of Itlyth ;t he pr,1: ti-ctl law her 41) years ago. Ile married a Myth girl, \lits Sarab I•:ntigi, daughter of John G. i tttigh \tL,o a1 ince time conducted the Coin ttttrcial Hotel here. judge Jackson's mother \vas horn it 11iddlcscx Conray, of I.nglislt stock Her tuairlcn moor was \\'augh and til \`,'auglls i•peraied one of the earl: grist malls near London. (hieof til• many aunts of Judge Jackson was ' t't',,n•Id•tughtct• of l:nl• , sawed as coultuander-in-chief c \\'illiant Lyon 1!'tu•kenzie's force i ''he rebellion of 1137-311. \\'ilk thi f,uuil\ hicl;uro•unl "Stoney or "Stone ;tall” la: ksr•n n t his Tater 'varsity day cants n the seem., the fifth child in Ifar'; of seven. :111 uncle of the judge, n:'s i:. lackst i. became al i .>.pcch::• ;•f tits North \Vest \Iountc, (Police, and \wai at 11:rt \lacicod, :Uta i!'1 114 1, year of the f ;t'i'ling of tit gest. Ile ,lied at the age of 95 in the e ist. tuh;e I;ti I ol, explains that he is tilt t',it d t LI; st judge in Canada in point of rw;rc, Chief J•r:icc Harvey of :\lhcr- ,1.1 and Chief Justi'•c Brown of Saskal• t•11••\\an placing first and second. Judge \\as married in Calgary in Itt)) lo \Ii;s Sarah I•:rtligll, at,d they t\vo children: \irs. hirci Jackson 1\,'apace, a dattgiter, wile of Major \\'• 1`,'allarr, naw• taking special training Hi' Palo .Niro, Calif., and a son, James L Jackson, a practising lawyer in Vali couver. \I r. all 11 rs. 11. Shobbrook, '111,1111a and 1I11:•.el, ',lith 11r. add 11rt. I rc,l Verities, 1'lil,tou. Mr. and Mrs. 11 1louutain, 131R'1'Ii5 1” I\\ I•:I.i.--I 1 l lintl.a Public I lo,l,'iutl• 'l!tti .:la\' June :I'th, l0 1Ir. and 11v..1d r”, l i reit, Pout. 11, the gift of a and \Ira• I':. 1 .sling and family, 'p.n.. Sunday in 1;n,lerieli. I'hc nt 'nthl\ meeting, of the ked Cross twi'I bt held , 'i'Itur.tlav', July 51h, at 2.311 in Ihr ('onntnn,ily I Lill. ('t it'I..1.1:,s - I;t \\'in:,ikon IIs pilaf, un `•atnnl:l\ It111c ',1rd• to 111'. an I \lt•,. I. h. Conti,. for gift of ;1 daughter, tint 11 ari.. ..'oeo.•.:oe.,4.;.,•••,••..•,.•,.••,.•,••„•„••.•.,•..•.oe°o .•„•,.•„•.;.•'.•4.•4,••,•4.•4,•4,•,.,, ,,• i,. •„4,1.14..4,.4.,4,.•' When you wire your farm for the filst time, make sure that the job is designed to take care of present and future needs. That is the economical way .. . the only way to get your full money's worth and to profit as you should from Hydro service. Electric wiring, like a horse, can be efficient and safe only when adequate for the heaviest Toad it may have to carry. The safe way is to have wiring done by a com- petent electrician. He may advise a little extra first - cost for heavier wire and more outlets and switches but he will save you time, trouble and the expense of re -wiring later an. No matter what appliancestand motors you start with, you will be -wanting to add more electrical money -savers, work -savers and conveniences as time goes on. You can do that, if you start right with adequate wiring. Your Hydro Rural Superintendent will gl ,:dly advise you as to good general wiring practice. His advice and a competent electrical contractor to do the job will be your best assurance of set'';:ic(:'tors. Wednesday, June 27, 1915, TIIE STANDARD - PAGE 5 1.i; ;. ;.1;11;1,;..,.; I Tea! hcr lionuured Prior _; LYCEUM `l'IIILATItE ;t:, WINGHAM-ONTARIO, Ljt ►� t l Night 1.11'0 Shlh\vs Sat. Night ''' t u ; iii 'I'hurs,, Fri•, Sal , June 21;-29-30 .; t.1; Laird Crcga , 1 inda Da!iicll t' , t• Gc, rite Sanders in d i'''1 I,n' 1\, II I !I' teach( r. \lie• t.• "IIANG)VEIt S(Ur\ll:" • 1 (illi i, nit.. I:.., rt,I}'n, I t , tab,: to,. \1) a;l .i/lW.! tubi f,l,e11l,11!I,.' ,1' u,l,t:. I , r dn!r'- al „n' 1111 r ,ell .•I I„Il'n\1Ii • . , •t ,111(111 .I II \\1111 ;i I•'\,' ,i, Ilan ie. I' IIIII,iii'I' \,n,II 11th p,•I'I„'I 1111'11 :' V. ,111,1 \t"111," .1li,1 l'',' di ' i ! '- rj1ALSO "SHORT SUIBJECTSlilll '' '' 1'\,'111 :' '1 ' , .,u,l ,l-11ali 1! „Ir ;'r"- • a£Matin,:r, Saturday aftcrnocn, at 2 30\ •- '.,h \\ ,I• .III' \„I. "it 11 \II'. .•.,'fll"'ll ,, \\ .11,1i, ,I, C,:.,irinali, •The 1'1.„. run '1'O 1)ei)itl•tlll•('. t Cu- St', Li 1 C.S.S. I' til ,11 :1111;I I, J; ,til, 1111 ,it ! 1111 „l1 I ri,Ln 11111!. 1„ ;. Mon.. 'I'utF., \VC:I., July 2.3-.1 „ i, tc,1 , i r din rci-l;tu nt,, and r', il'I.CIAL I1.1 ical miill.le'i•. (,grim: I!1, 1,r _,r;uu , .•, 13ub Iii• c, Virginia Mayo, in .' • 1 1:.1,'i u•ti i "yr'. "111'1 d ou i":. .1 1;'1'1-1E I'IIHJCESS ail the 1'11 i\FL i!\\ \\„1'I . \I:.. II;Illahal. \\ ll,, Ict- • \ \\l,l,iin.i. h it Jct.' at Ills' 1' it1111 \, I, h I I I 111,, „1 , „'n, II u1..-. h.: n „n Ow „'1.,'„1 L aril for 1'� \ line,, I '>• 1.1 ;i lul'i. 1 I :: , „'' .rill-ili'ii'l I't .. ,,,he 8,'121 Ili. i. ':.'ll ,,:1 11:,' 1,It,1-(IIT :t t I''!ll't 11 It;ii',"Il;l::. , I.•'Ild.',bi,lu, \(!Irl, Ihr Might \\,n der, ,lir \Vould al1\:n tri -11 !min.', - I her d,lt- a- iI 1.i 11 ;lull \toll l ,II','.,1! • •l:,,1., in 11111 11l'i,ir Iii Illy .„1rl:tulil\ in 1111 ntc.',.111 nndt'rt,ll„n:t i.1. t'., 1•u f „1 1111' 111„1 I. 1211, 1'1,1y ;n ;I !,' !min.",t ; 1a,'• in 2111' ,1.h"„1 \\a, !I1' `Meld rcc1111\\ 'n t tilt' \I inical I .-tiv',II in Ih'1;'r:n r. , ''i of the „nt-l,ililin.'. ac- ;11'li !I;urut, ;,!t;linr,l It\ till. -riot ,1 ; t ♦ -, 1 t, d, ,nil ;I tc'v into\ t 1 LII' t• U1111 hr to a c!„ i. MARRIAGES KE\ S-SNELL it 1 I, r CC MSO "$1 -!ORT St) 13.1 !,,.\t' \li 1' ,nh11r ill 1111 >. !M. ! on i„I t!1. I,,l't { \lar`, ,1!111 i�•..;..;..;.1:1 1;..;. 1:11:1 1:4 1: 'i •; ;110.;1141.;1;. 01 0.1111.:' 1 I I !:!ta R1'!,, ll,,iiglltl'r „I \\'illi,uu Snell ♦ ;lull the ' W1;11'ri I:'t' I" (2111. (i ell,1, \\'t1, -t1.'' s I. Me. and \I. It. I1. I';.1, of Varna. Rc\. .\. !'. .\, .`111'11/1t' uitiri,ltcd. 2112, Itrltll• tit ,!It'll' \CI!itl• \\1111 111,1 rjr � ', ! l„!hcr 'Irr•,rd in .1 t\\„- 1\�t•11n1d; 11111'I;iliti 1111.••,1211, 11' 11 i„1.r;lt;l7 :,! I!r.1r Ile' „t ,Wintrd n,l\y rrilic and •!11'.'�,' 11218th. '11,! Ilt•ia'.i ;til••, \I I.' 11111'1.-yLang• „, ;r -'r ,:id 1;111- the 1,1'1,10, \`a, ,''111!'111 1111 ;I 111 M1111'1111\ 11- d,.2211 - ;r mair ,II „I hurt, r, l\ .1.f. ;ill l 'i1,t'llihlt' 1! 1l l',!,11!I;' t'tl, l' ,W1.1'nllndid b\ 11„11 ROX Y THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE. REGI N'1' TH-EATRE SEAFORTH. CLINTON. I GODERICH. NOW PLAYING: Rosalind Ruttu�scll NOW ('LAI INC.: Donald O'Connor in: 'ROUGHLY SPEAKING" i and 11c0;y Ryan i••• "t', di i 11 I.1 I ! "'1'1IF. MERRY MONOIIANS_ Mcnday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday "TOGE'I'HEit AGAIN" \'lt 1111„ !', I,, ,. :! \t!!, 1. a \i\t I'.:Icl,li,ii 811,1„1t Lilt. ,1 ,1,1!11 11,.1\ 11,11, Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer and Char!cs Coburn, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 13ud Ahh;,I t, I_au Costello and Phil S1:ilalny's all -girl crclteslra Ri,i'In,'. ICI III'. .r 11 hl', tilt „'1' iii Inn ICI-. !.I', II 1e the rale;,u-. "11ERE COME THE CO -EUS" Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Deanna Utnhin, Rchert Paige and Akin Tamiroff. 11, • 1,u:Mir and "CAN'T HELI' SINGING'' •Thursday, Friday, Saturday Robert Lcwery, Jean Parker and i3ill Henry, , 1111 I! ! „, ', :It,,: 11 l:'..,;1• "21':11: NAVY WAY" COMING: "Ilr.nt,over Square" and COMING: ';1.:•n a But The Lonely 'The Navy Way" Heart." "'"'"'"'""'''''''""''''''''''"•"'"'"'"1 1 ., Iter, 1\11;11 i r I ' i:, ,111 tthrr' Matirecs Sat & Holidays at 2,30 rml. Mat., \Vcd„ Sat,, 1-lolidays 2,30 pin \ITES 11141 il.;1,D'" II. Mr. \\ .,1-]1 !Ills Cane,' ot, Si' • 1 ; n 1 I,ih1 ii :1.'I, 11ll ' I'•.;,1.l'-,1 .1 ,curl•' \li ,-.1. .. I( ",..1.1 I I,'. ' ,i' 'I I t 11.11 ,1 ',,i, ;,t it,' „11,1 , I It ,t'I' i 11. id' the iit (.'llllihrll ,1 I Ili a I, ,t „,l I 1"I„l II.; ., 8111 1\,1.l i1 1„; Illt'1" din. mate-, ;it .\Inc,lililiu I'.11I.. ;111,1 \i, C, !! I, Ill' III '•1' 1'I'.' -t I!I „'I lhr 1,,Irllt'ldal' Mc ..I'. 11,u; , ..1 .' viii 1 ;, 1.,i„,,, ' 1 1211 ! 1 •, a,,„',I. Ile %.,i 111.,1 tll,it hill imulili aril 11„I, WI 1,1. I t., I. Iii,(. t, 11 11,,1ur 11,, Ilia rl',11.•1' \',1',11 ;1 II,';illti(llt 1G1rt ltf lair \reel.• 1'i c e.,tinio !,! , leanly i., ;111,1 that •1 he V. 1' ,1 „11 \\'i .:tit 'Iii, ,1t 11- 111" 1' 11„ 111 '('!tic 110r0, riiIIIVI• 111411 ;tilt i1:, toil! ,1 C I d .1111 ::'!'u!„ • T111' 1,11,1- 1:11 of 1'1,11 Plc (',airman 1111" called ram,: \t la 11! • ,';,I' i „1 1'.i!, 1'11 •1',11.1 'r „1 \Iii, I? Leet Craig, \\ hit \'.;1, Ow 'FIT 1,tpic N:I, "'\ I. 11,1?. 1'1,i\ , •.1 111,1;1 t' al lend Illi' „'itis ,1, life,• ri'Ien 1',It1 •rr'1':tie, 11:1. 1..1!11 h_', ,I,1, \11'. 11il'i2 ,I' k, ,ti 11111 Many (':'!,lir 'Ti\l.,l•. 1.;i! ,,,l.titic• \\ ire ,',iir';r, •i ee I Ikon ;Itlrllle:l. \\'lien C 1,i\'l'll. 1:e :WI I, led Ill,1 1h, ,1111101 \\;I, )IiI \Ir. and \Ir . '\, ll.l.ln 1 . 11.1' aril Pili' }; on 1,10:1:-, ,lull it Ila, hccn iWl- :\!i,.. luycc, 1 1 1 Ii' t„„ , \\c1.,' 1',,',•1, ,'nil , 111,1 until 1' ,o, it 11:1, nivel Li•ick(il, t•'•c• t, .11 the !: iitc 1 \I I. ,init \I t,, II 11\1,1.'„ in.1,1t1„I, awl many tither FINNIGAN-FOWLER \\ 1', (a111ihc!I. i'-1,1•-\ cmcw, 1,a1c h,eil ;t,l,lc,l. .\Iso I t,• II:.1•„ltl 1' ',Han ,.f 1.,,u,t,,i; .t,c111 is I1i,1 „n '1,1.:.' Mr. Marti, Cni.i-Ity and .\t I/init:; im n Cnitcd Church, 11111 21111)111.11 And 1Bl1'th r111e(1 la,! 11'1,1; it 111' Ili ;';.1.,l,:•. Mr, and \I1.. 1',,1tcr, ,'f Sal. ia, and 11any (ith- r'tiiiling look Mari of Mrll,a \lar\'1 111 Soft1)1111 1.eitj;'lte \'1,, \lanriil it„.n1:11. 11!1" hail Itccil f n•nu'r tell iced. 1.ah,11, 1:,'11'1cr, „iiy d;ilehtir I'1 \Ir.l Nil. ;111:1 My . \\,Ill., Ii,t\i L. \11.1.' .\• the lir• ct', in call. to ;I cl .0 \Il•s• ;,nil Mrs, U„W;tiil Finder, ti, Roy \\i1 11vo ':;!nit, Il;u'c 1,1'11 lira id In 11.111 12.22:,'''', Dart, a11,1 hater, ui Stratford, \\;11.11 C,illid \H.., l'utt!tur ti, 1110 !runt. 11;1111 1'ttiitigiii,, third ,1111 til \II•, ;111,1 \\i•tct'it Ill,1,11to .\dinette .\„'iI111„I1 \Ir:,, 1. Harr': I:n of li d, rill, \\,•1.c \Ir,. Smell rca'I Illi I•„?lu\linc inkier,,: ",1!••• Itir'iitril I'i'luigan, of \\'1,1 \\.;i- ,Irl„111 ':eta:;1, V 111'11 cls the tcanl; };,,-I, un Suu'L1\ ;I! !1111 Lour ..i NI ti \\auoslt, of .\tlhllrtt, Itlttll, and \\'c•tiivt,l. The I I,:Ir \I l'„uL', r:- rit'It, i, that .\nhln-n and Illy th ;tic ant Mr,. \\. \. ) i t t t'!1. The bride 18.14 given' i1 ill trri:l};1 by \I r, tonin \Ir II',, L1• l';un'1b,'ll an.: I! i, aith , nC1•rc r,gl'tt that \e1. her ! twit for lir t I:ac.• v:ith a trio carp. . , . father. Vac Bridal Chorus f1.om1 (1ne people „t till, Section, :tml v m1. ( 111 \l,tinlay i vfining, unc 1111, the 1(111, ilio lal,ctia Snell, \'i 112 •1 „11.1. 11,,,11-I, i1a1'c Ic;ul,cd of your pending I i'hcl,grin \t•:t lllayitl by \I r,, R. .1. \tl)ii \ leant opened the schedule in 111, \vuet.-1.1,1 t•, it ll \I r. ;0,1 \I r-. Akin I!, I ;u tnrc Crum oar nlii►,t,-;unl su we Phillip,, ,•f .\I,htir1. The hridc tv„1.r 11, 1.l 1' „f \\ili•i„'r. I 1 flour Icngtll 12(1\1 of \thin Hivvi \11111 it ,,..\ to, \\u,'m t.lcy \V„n the };dull quite \I r,. P. Ta\ 1 r. \I1.-, S. T.,\ I„r, of 11;11 calht r ill heti 1111, cVrnin;; to ex- I' ,Wilily h\• a ,1..';'t• of 1,2 to `, At the '1.11" 1„ Hi ;I tittle ,,i that rcl'ril i,•ig ! I1i'Vc, ;11,1 s \vccthiatt t.i ckliuv, III \III, \li•, •ti"11;1 \Icl\1•ti/ie, „1 Limp- t- ;111: I„Ilg Ilu\1'Illg Citi ,11 N'!tl'e 1'1.1 (bit (1 the 1.c ...11.iti.tti it innings the 1 11ur,u: Ihi I';,•l four }'ear; That ynm ! ,i„1., \1,1, lied S-1111, and an extra in - 1,1', lillr, tisitc'I 1'u ~WWII;'\ 8\11.1 \I r. caught i1 a halo of ill'\Vers, S,tc t^u'- na: e ,1,11:1; 1•I 0111' `1.11,',11 ,01111th 1'111 ' 11111)4 1\'a, rl'1p.InCd t,, break 1110 tie. It 111,1. \I r,. .1. I:. \\al•ll. Iriid a :,htt\ter houllnct of carnations, �'i "1,11 \rl't' \\illi' 111' )4,\'111 1 11 \1111' time tu\'I'll 1 111)4 111.':", 11',;11� Til' .\IIhi11'll ;L, lh,y \I r• and \Ir,. Carl Ilial and 121Et;ti• cu.: a„i,t;uu'i 1.'r 1110 henvfit til all,,!iiy of tit, \•allay, hoof;u'tli;t awl firm,, h, Ili of 11 it t ti ll, vi,itc,1 1,11 Snmd;l\' \11111 U', altieI . \lies I',rnr .\\tun, .,j s''orrd 1 rime,, ,tail Itt\'t!t \1,1., Renin ;old. \\, 1\ alit toll t1, kion\ that 11 ha, „role„ in their 11;111. .11. the inning. «1111 \11', ;u111 \l r,. \„rnl;til \lent„\', ell I iiltitit \\a, I,rille,ul;till, go\Vn„I in ' I cct ,Ice;,t\ a1l,riii;ticd. 1'•tur plcas- \Irs. ILool.,, of'f„'.t\;11.!, i. 1i,itin, 1.'1,1'1 111,)4111 ah;tr ,lu'cr aril rarryilig1 t vintu1 rood Iiitrhil;, by \\inion, 1111( II''.. 1`1 I.,nll;dltc Iia, \1,111 1111' 111,1, (vrtttlt- Ll r It;til;;ilttr, 11 r,. \lanrir, 111.111 in. ruse,g,i: of 211(,'1 pea,, ru.t•, alit nil\• 1.i;u ted i,'1. .\Winn•n, ;i t t cc,lltleti it'illl '1 „ fri,u'I, i:, '.hi, \ Trinity of r„In�sc 2111 ,Tri r'Innldr,t t :,It \\ hat i, tu• Io,,, . . the •c,lllty, I,iltle Sandra I'iuii1' iii, I L\t'cticlt fil ldrll,, tt;'1i .11. the v1,itors ----�'•----- „ 111011111' il,l' C;Illi, ;111,1 ,1) \1'l' •lel li 1212,' ,11 till• 1,11,ICgr,„,,,l, \\'a, III;\t':r t•,,,k a .1111' -frill read in Illi `l•ct,lt,l Im- 1 ant a'crc n,t'rr head„- thrtit i1 h\ \Ir, ;u„I Mr,. 1. \i, l'i,mh„ and (i. - g ('OnG1 T 1111, g,) \\,..1(...(1 ill \vllit, and parrying ,! IniiW,t„n, of Ctlgrn'r, ,ane t\\„ ;tit ittl'11Ult.&TIO S ' •i, i1 \\i'!littu ytt,t itimlil.li!I future i r.,'.,ca\•. \I;1 -(c1. Keith hiunic;ul, ,int the ,-;.Inti. Thi heir I1 8'111 could I ,• tur'I'I i -c )"r ly ,ilk \\'itll \t dire 11,- 111, "f •l,,rr,l 11,1,1 blc, Ili!\_; ll,:,;t. l,ll NOW PTA). TNG: Gary Cooper as: 'CASANOVA BROWN" Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Rita Hayworth, Lee Bowman and Janet Blair. 111,• ' .!r ,1 a fir I1 tLv TO-NIGII'I ANI) EVERY NIGHT Thursday, Friday, Saturday Faye Emerson, Helmut Dantine and Raymond Massey, 1" 1 ,,, ,1 11'; 1, .1-1141. 1111 "Ilo'I'EL BERLIN" COMING: "\Vingtcl Victory" Moss Hart. Matinees Sal. & flolic ,:; ,t _ 10 p,nl, Future Gaines 2- \tit 'I: II ;,1 \\ l :Int Itt, tele- an,i rur,;i tv Iii I Irl';tn! r,,.,•,, u: 1111' ;11 \:Il, 11. 1•;1,1. I,II, r ;wit rink •trcaun r•.• I1, .\ Ian I:c\ ,, `,Ionh,al, brother iii the \'- I Attention Lor !!;Itili the hlitl' dontt a • 111,1 1111„ .\ rlrcl,tn 11 as PURCHr\SE5 FAST' -BRED PACER♦ 110",, ,II ),1 •i\' • R•,,, III',IWnt-t ♦ nil lati'r at ;iv home ill 1111 hridi', I', 1708 SALE t t. - 1'11, 11,:1,1 iltr 11 '' .t' -I \1 1,' II/1e, •I, I. •,cin,, ',1'111 „•.11 and 1 ,mall bro\t W (tat 1 MI, II' 'r' ,' .1. \',i?I ha" i,llhcr. 1'11, bridal r„1;,11' It'It cur I ter- - trimmed \\Ith 1\i etc, and \turn' lllalltl- l \\. 1 1,1., 1 11;.111 11 ', Ihi li ids traveling in 1111''1\ o'ri„•,1.ic-. .\ iter a 1\rd,li':: trip :1,.11) \I" 1': 1 of S!r,lti„r! il,i\'.t'rctt •illi t! ith matching coat ;it'll r„ Niagara 11.111, lluffalo and ulhir 1'., 1.l n', ui,! L\ Tit;l- tt int in. I'I;II'I. ai 1.l', •.,ell ,. 1" 2111 illi h,11t1,1• C„lil,li tt ill rt sine , lI ; , . „1 !11;111\ f.1.1 111 , t . ;l' .1 11,11. Ilan, tl( :;1.•to,n5 i;i't, in \I,'r'i, "hhii,.l, 111 i t 11,1,'. r, "�cl,titilhcr \I' WOOD'S MACHINE MILKERS, WOOD'S MILK COOLERS, ♦ } t WOOD'S LLEurRIC FENCES, WOOD'S ELECTRIC GRINDERS. { Please Contact your Local Agent Thi \\ inin'l \\t, ,kir-1i thv 11th George Watt \I 'tri,, me; ;it the h„Inc of \Ir I\l nncth t .1:1 "' „1 I' after- HUNE 40'•7, , 11 .\ 121!1 8 :uclnht t , and 1 Vi il''r I''•, .ret, 21.11 t hilli• \Vert lliltc.l. I llu\\ 1111 the 10,1 The", i„n lnnrh t';1• ,cl'V:d anti the Ili vilift! rlo••r,l 11e i•,:stating the !!.tial', Prayer in 1111,"n. \1 \t Inc lin.; dill le „n 111\' -lea al 1121 holm. ..f NI s. I tart',\' lir .\ t nl,ivvt'tr\' ,cl'tire• \\cru 111 Id in Anyone Desiring Fartu Electri- cal Equipment, such as: - 111 a !171,11, 1 , 2.118' a!- , the I'i;, I id'1i .I;,,1, • '11! 111.1 �.,a' i.,l• •lrnnlll. N. - WILLING ' - WILLING WORKERS MEET WOOD'S ELECTRO -PAIL 1 WATER HEATERS, 1'::i1; (*lilted (Merl, Ea,' \\'.1 \\ '1 Sun,l'1..'• (Cr\. ,I. 1\'. Steuart. 1',1,1„1. �I the I.1rl.n.,12' l'nilyd Church cult- IWrtiil the nlotWinc set' \ict. In Ili: c\'- t nig...! Rive I !. Silt11, „( .luhurn, \1 r ,1'cak11i. Tin rc}:ulat• choir t .istc,l to \!i-• Juni Ri,I!. 1.i.., 1th,r,',cl Wit‘' I;,tlt, take Mutt, 11''1,! 8th t r,I,hratt,l her nth birthday \` ;t rutin of out• „tc,nl file) ,11, (:1 11111'1;,y, Jinn. 2,11 It. \t, it -1; \„lt 1 1 ;tiit'itt tliv c gift-, tit In. ( 'lit;1,111t1,t;lull- to \I I', :111,1 \lis• ;1 rltttiiidi1• i'1 lit' 11:t, ,punt ;1111111)_; us. lance, I'ulLml r,lto still celebrate their 51,1 t .I „11 htltlllf of Ihi ratipa}'c1., tIlli. pupil, ;.i't! Iil, (I �.S, Nit ,1, I'.;lit \\ itv t- , 1 Congratulation- 1., \Ir.,. R. 11. Ruh- 111.,11 and \turd•, i1., •,til, \1 iso ct tell -A(11 her hi: thin it on-I1i111a 1 I;illallan, ltine '{til, ti;Irjut•ic 1(ht.,t hit• l'1nt}rllulati n. to \Ir•..(i„1.11',1.\u':-! \Ir,. il,n1 1I.111;t,at and I\vnneth 1,1111 \v;l( celebrated hie birthday u1 John doll per„Wled her \Vith a chenille 'Inc,d.,y, Tri,. 27111. l l d ,11t't .I.I x111 a teapot. ( oitgratiil't11 ',• In \I I'. 1"1• I•tlllt,t-ii Miss ('nllhel•, Ihitlt.;lt t;il<t'll b\• 'ii1•- \vh•1 celebrated hi, hit'Ihd;,t nn \\ rd I';; (, ,11 ikc \•I 1•y fittingly, saying that 1,:..•dav, June -ith. 1111 iit;ttt,r tio1C far from the Section ONTARIO Hours of Work and Vacation with Puy Act 1M4 NOTICE VACATION CREDIT - CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Eniployrnent Period JULY 1, 1944, TO JUNE 30, 1945 0 VACATION PAY STAMP BOOI{S Employees in the Construction Industry holding Vacation Pay Stamp Books con- taining Vacation Credit Stamps for the 1944-45 employment period may pre- sent their books on or after June 30, 1945, to any CANADIAN CHARTERED BAN({ or to any Provincial Savings Office and upon proper identification shall receive the cash equivalent of the stamps contained therein. Employees should apply for new Vacation Pay Stamp Books, now available, for the employ- ment period July 1st, 1945, to Jane 30th, 1946. INDUSTRY AND LABOUR BOARD Hon. Charles Daley Minister ct Lubout Onturio - IIY 1 the lil'ldl','ll"tlll, 8011, •111 \1';1> Itt 1111'111 111 1111' milli but .\11- 1'C;Ii't'I'. lllrbt'I'I I'i ttittam, hl'.11ht'I' til 1111'11 were nutt. he ,Ivilli,l III, victory, the hridcgruunl, was hr,t ratan. \It,,rs, Ihc Auburn !.nils alio Ir tout a I,,te I\tnncth llcnry, til I'Ic,herl„t!, and pitcher t.t the Hamm' in the 1111 inning, (i •rd,'n I'innig;nl went usher. The ;;t• \\'i1,,1r1• btcat lit tttak,n. Acctird- ccreninlly \1';t, t,c1' ntn1'll h\' Pi:V. i 111 tett 11101 ltllmt 1 \'irktt'r,un, pa,tln• of )1„ ,,..,;,„„1„11 Tart-, \tt nntltr,t,lnil just rectntle 1'111,'1 Church, as, steel by Rev, liar_ i eltascd ;ruts 1111 .\rined Str\ ices. This 1III ~1111, pa•tur of .\1h1rn United (•!,ouch, \\'no al,„ ,;Ing ;1 ,o11, .\ re - r, pliun •.l';1, held i1 the chnrrh parlor f11r (15 guc'ts• \Ir. and ilei. Finnigan lust thr..•c inni'ig of the }'.tune. ft ;tftir\varll, fora horcviii s n t11 21'11' lice-u;ts-.\uhirn: tit, tilt, t; J. 111111, 1 '11111•, 1111' bride \\Tal•ing for \\ It,ull and Tans, 11; \11111.1•, s,.; Brad - traveling a smolt green \void suit \t ith nock, 'n:l ; Mt Clinchcy, 1st ; 1lcadh•, %!tie litttc hr' \\'n hat tvitll green ft tvt'r,, If ; Craig, cf ; .\rnl:not,,, if ; ;!1111 lirtt,111 '.It'tl'ascries. [poll thein' ,1111, Jl•ll, r,IWrn ill; \' \\it• reside upon the brill,- 111\111 -Gray, Ib; .\u,lk Nyle, 1.f; Tuu- iro, 1121 Ln ni ill \\'Cit \\•:itv t 'she h,,y had plenty ol, the hall, and al- though Itlyth ,•'orcin I run off hint, he eta, m,•;,r im g:"at difficulty during the WARWICK • YUILL An arch of l Vl'i'grct'I ,, 11„1!1 tvlllt'll !ler, 11; I'u,ter 1.i; I)olierty 311: \liner, If; \, I:\•I,, c: Lee, ss; barter, 1.f. and relitVing '1'111itt' in the 1111 "m the l•ntpire. ; .\t 1111 'Late, Dill 1•;;ts stispemilcil ;t \elute \ecdlling 11111,1 \Ilhut'n; 011 tilt. has...!.. KettSlaplc,, cHtir; \ticker 1uckimg chair, like nese; t :lcirctcd by ,t \\'math o\V f tigclia, anti ];12 1111 I ' h•ulk,tl , itlt ha•kits of peonies, ,hired • \ ! !Int; mat !line ;rill \\ ringer; ,,liking chair,; sit of iron,, ()tau], ailing, too no'Wrrous to Mention, . Home•Rendered BLYTH, ON's', COMING! THE ANNUAL SUPPER of the HORTICULTURAL SOCIE'T'Y will hr held in the MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH, on til,- ;Illtrnl,t'n of SATURDAY, JULY 7TH 'ittI int ,c1.\1';t Ir„III 5 1u {•,ill I',\1., MENU: .111,1\t -1'1 tt, Whitelirr,trl, EXECUTORS' SALE 111„111 I;rc,t11, Tt:lm,It„r•, '1',•I, OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS r,n1l,'rrt' ;,11,1 t t ,ll:c (Team. ;It tit, lauu's \\•,ti1. 'THERE WILL BE A FLOWER I)insley Street, Illyth, u1t SHOW IN CONNECTION. \,inli,•i,'', ; .\d,dChildren, , -111c; .'1)l• SATURDAY, JUNE 30'11-1i 'nnu. nein: at 2 It.\1., the ft,ll,laime : Cli."terfilld; -' t;lsy clmiits: _' \\ick,, t'llillr, ; () 111111' g 1.1'1111 chair,; dining F rank s Bakery 1'I,, III table: n nthen chairs; iilirt'ul•; idrhoar-I,; kitihcn t;ilii : 2 ,1,1 PHONE 3S. 131,YT1-I, ONT. rads; \\rilinc dein: cast; 1'iiturt, ; ,cit ing 111a - c' int; Carl'et ,i11c11er; bra„ hr.l, with i\ ,'rt' ilre.sei' and \\ it,11 ,t;lull ; iron teed; hill-Im„II ,trite; 11 isle stand; rug 1'.12'; 1,111111 hitihim rami; �1libit F1,LSl-I EtrEItY. 1/11.Y.!:r;,tvr: lir;\tet , vlit t Bill cln,rt; dotter, ,Il,;lmlit.• if coal awl cold'; Everyt ng Homemade t ll:;llltlt\' „i ti nil Ii auk, 11- i d: 1;11\'11 PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. r biter: t.ihrary table; leather \lol•ri< n' try cVrl,ing til :11d snol\hall made an effective setting1)tr'i a goo,\ crotid 1.121 the tuartiaec of \lat'c Edith1'uill, tons tvtrc again at the park to ser d:lughlt1. of1(,11111 1'uill, \\'C,tfield and 1118th hook up in a real tight straggle. The final score \\ as TERMS CASH. „f Morris 'lT(anship and James I�cn \Val•\vick, 11 to 'I fur Illyth, but the \\•ttiicl,l \1 illianl \1(01!11, .\uctioltcer, and the 1111 111'1 t'gr \\'ar\\irl; of (irr\•'Ir;un niadr a real hill in ilu' last f then I. 1L R. 1•:1t(tt, Roht. \\•alt, l?xecu- 'I'ot\1,hi;t, held on Saturday-, Juni 1tl, �a:nth, \\'hc1 they Ilia,', il'the bases, and It •II-'. ;:l Illrl'1' o'C1.'tis, ;ll Ills 11(1110 111 tilt 1 1,10 ti i till ;111 ate of Tieing the score. bride's parent,. R1.\•• li. 11 Dunlop of hi lit the first :1' itlnil,g \\'cstfiitd t, \ t;lhhshcd a I run lead, \1111111 lo1'kri1 THE BELGRAVE RED CROSS Knox limited Church, l,clgrave, oifi- SOCIETY IS HOLDING '1'11E112 eared, The attendat t, \vire \lies 1.110 a shot•( time like enough to \\ in. ''trtlt \'mill if 1larris1'!,, si•ter of the 111,1 in the third inning the Illy ill i`n`s (Annual Entertainment bride ;III, I1';lttlr tii lilt and grit to \Il'lli1Ur11 for I I \I r, Eloyvl \\';u \eick of c ac,, hi ,thcr I,1. the groom!. The wevillg 11 hits and three walks, to score 8 run,. ',IN FORESTER'S HALL, $ELGIIAVL' ? u:n,ii' w11+ played iiy' Miss Latera \•mill, 1 \Iilhttvtl \Vas relieved in the .Ith 111- on the welling Of ' 11.;11I2,- by licit old speed merchant, Ton!- 1 • :,ter of the hrilit. 1 ti '1 hr hridc, ,iv,n in nlart•iag(, by het' I1:y .iariline, awl •I '1 nmty- held Itlylh t'' r iday, June 29th father, was beccnlingly attired in a 111lt run, for the lvtit ii:idrr of the ;11 ~1,111 pan. I BOLOGNA, \VEINERS, SAUSAGE l ilitot• (tit 111 gi wit of white shirr geot•- ''''t 11 \\bile Ili. \\'cslfi,l 1 l;nl, grad- i THE PLAY A GOOD SELEC'I'lON OF )4,110, \\ill, thrid bodice, sweetheart 'I"illy closed 1111 ga;i, !itt ti Iii 'I'mn111')- 1 "HERE COMES CHARLIE" ! ti COOKED MEATS. irt'I,I111C ,11111 ((lig, • 1u iii t ll ,Ire\'l',• 't hl' stilled ,111 tor' Ill.i111111 (tit 1111.111, ;111,1 v• :11 be presented civ Seal. rtli ',cultic, 1.1111 skirt bad inserts of Chentilla la.•,', Ittchtd seen s:"1.112 iniliil,ts, tieing re- itfttr \thick time trill he ,l;n'c11g and Ili McCallum Iivtil by tilei, Cartel' nt tyi, :\\ ::;11. 1111)4(. The dt;o\iug twill he nladt for, lopped 11'1111 a hcadil,g of sheer, llt•r the Nide Certificates. Fngirtip veil \\;1, caught t\ith hrai'Ictl The tra11, are gradually t•om!dltt'i Refreshment Booth on the Grounds. 'Min rihL'„n and lily of the valley, She into shape, and beton the schrtlult i \(1utis,i, m 35,1. and _'tit; carried a bouquet of (letter Time ro,c.:, ion: srntt real sn;ll'lit 11;111 1\111 It IILIy- The hridr•nlaid's i(is1 a'as of whit,. ed, The Myth tianl \\ as changed -True ftn'1' length \vil!1 yoke of l'hen_1,oni•tvli;tt for this cane, as the follow - t111;1 1'11.1', 11'at itt t1t1t1"lb and long 111)4 i111e-I11i will ',how; -,'drat sa•h caught in a large Inn\• She I \\•estfield-?I. \lel)o\tell, 11 1(111 311; I c:u ricd 1'ali,n!an roses. A. Cook, ss; 1 Snell, If ; Tum 1 al•dine, I'oll.'\ting Ow ceremony a wedding •ir,l and p; A. Smell, Cf; It• 'Taylor and upper ads scut t' to :111.'111 I 'rty hill ('.u•tir,'h; 11• \lel)'\tell. 111; lior- cilids, it,tluditig the bride'< grand -I don NIc1l,1\V(.11, i'f; (i. \Icl)ow ell, ,'. rt;itlrr an 1 ! best,; from l)tlgrn•t, I Myth-Coran•, 111; .\tici:l•on, 'II; Fos- Itl'n'tl,, lrtrgt:s, and \Vrixtter, 'Th(` I ter, cf ; Ti mnty, p; I)itherty, 31u: 1.:\1'', putts •\\ ere received by the brick'.'(; \linnet•, 1ff; 'I'vlcman, ss: l'llillip,, ii; n other dressed in a printed sill: jersey Carter, relitviit 'l'nnnev lit the 8th. (1'•('a with corsage of yello\v roses and 1 LARD BY THE SINGLE POUND OR BRING YOUR OWN CROCK 15c PER LB. OUR OWN HOME SUGAR -CURED Smoked Side bacon 45c PER LB. Cnlpir:s, at the plate, Frill Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth. d -l- . .. ,•••. ti.., Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Coilect. DARLING and CO. of CANt'.D.1, LTD. ha: I) t t \Clue('r put ;l ,,worn -Hut heating 1),:,,'nll'c'r probably vou prontia-',1 th.-A Cl \ttl'-l1l'.(:1.:\ Furll• ,i`. , , , 11f ;1 C, tale (.1)11,,1i!i1n0e,1 lir Healing !"nit. Uctter see your Clare tlel .tt 1)n,e anti get your or.l r in early. '('here are stilt ricins shortages of men unit nl.tteri,tl�. sevete strain 00 S\'.ileifi. 1. a s t yourself a HECI ZFVRNCE aateaom/to,►rti7 '*t11fns:,Wa1. 1.(4J11.wJ I4.1,116 7J iihOW,J1,11di Iain British Food Ration Is Reduced Again 1_,,:. 1. 1. Lle\tcllin, Minister of announced that the bacon ratio;. for Britons twill be reduced. from. :,.u1' ounce, a necit to three our.- -. 1!•' a:so said the domestic ra- tion ' f oils and fats will be re - #l, '• by one ounce, a \\Telt dur- nu, tittr suinnier months, cutting the .,king lit ration from two n:... to one. TI:e soap ration ie to be re - &iced for the time being by one- eiea.lt: , except f,11. babies and young cit lir- u. T:ie Food NI Mister also an- nom- ,'cd a cut in the number of points available for canned treat, from 24 to 20 from the beginning of the next ration period. He said he l:r,;,ed to maintain the current cit'. se raitnn of two Ounces a 1t^e 1'.e \Jini.,try explained that GcrlJ.an prisoners' rations were heinc pared in deference to the general feeling of the public that these captives \vert being overfed. The cx;crt reduction applied to the i ern)an4, however, is still being work; d out, •flee need for tighter food ration- ing was traced to the fact that the :iteration of Europe created unexpectedly heavy demands on the v nrid fools supply. Swastika Unter Al1es The Swastika still lies across the plain highway of the Inver- ness and Perth road at ICingussle, It was laid there on V -E Day eo that ;all traffic would pass over it. -- Sunday Empire News (11ian- chrcter). DEMAND HIS TRIAL Syrians have asked that French Gen. Paul Beyttet above, be tried as a war criminal for alleged responsibility for recent bloody fighting between the French and Syrians. They also branded Gen, Oliva Roget a "war eritninal." Last Patrol Flown By Coastal Command The R.A.F. Coastal Command flew its last patrol of the war with the abandonment of aerial escort for Allied shipping in the Euro- pean theatre of operations. Since Sept. 8, 1039, the Coastal Cournand has had at least ont plane in the tvIiere in its ranged from the Baltic to altar, GOOD SHOT air every day some - vast territory which Iceland, Norway and the Armes and Gib - Smoke rises from damaged stern of 2,500 -ton Jap cargo ship after Mitchell bomber scored direet hit. Vessel awaits second attack. Ship is one of six enemy cargo and escort craft sunk or damaged ;n surprise attack off Shimshu Island. FAMILY OFFERS HEARTFELT PRAYER Mrs. J. C. Privett, Blytheville, Ark., and her eight children pray hi the bedroom of their new home for Pvt. J. C, Privett, the father, who lost his life in Luxembourg last January. The fam- ily, left with slim funds and forced to live in a crowded four - room house, moved into their two-story, 10 -room, $10,000 home after an appeal for funds brought donations from civilians and Arany men stationed throughout the world. a IL411Y CIIIUIC5 Rol'iC X Li:utit)itNS $11.75, AUS- tra Whites $12.51. Shipped ('.0,1). anywhere by: Wlllowit ale ('h(e1c- ery, Newt0nbrook, Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS EARNED li01'ICS 12e, I,1:(;it(IItN Pullets 22e, Burred Roel. Pullets 211e, 1 eghorns tare Barron strain, Rocks are 0.133.S, Breeding, and all breeders are blood -tested. 11, Cockerels (o sax weeks old also Leghorn Pullets eight weeks old, fully feathered and roosting. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar hooks your order now, Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. YI:.11t AI''I'I:R YEAR — SUPPLY - Mg the 0:1111e eustoulers with Top Notch chicks Is proof of satis- faction, At no time, in history has tho poultrymen been Assured 01 greater. more steady Markets than to -day. Prices of a few breeds for ,luno anti July de- livery. White Leghorn=. Barred Rock(' X 1\'bite Leghorns. Audra 1Vhlles 9.15; Barred hocks, New llanlpshirc's, Now 1Tanipshtre X Barred Itucks 9.95; Assorted Light and Medium breeds 8.45: Assort- ed henvics 8.1)5. Pullets: 1\'hlle Leghorn', Barred ltoelc X White L0ghorus, Anstra Whites 19.45; Barred Bucks, New Hampshire X Barred Iloilo 18.95, New Hemp - shires 17.95. Assorted 14ht find Medium Breeds 17.95; Assorted ]Heavies 14.95. Cockir.'ts: \VIdte Leghorns 1.50; Barred Rocks, New 1fampsllir' X Barred Rocks 10.05, New Ilan1Pshires 9.95. Assorted Heavies 9,95, \Vhlte Leghorn X Barred Rocks 4.50. 2 week old add 80, 3 week old add 11e, 4 \vent( old add 160. Send for eotnplete Price lis(, also 8 week old and older free range pullets. 'Pop Notch ('ll(ckettes, Guelph, (Int, VICTORY CHICK SALE FOR JUNE ANi) JUI.1' !3AiRRED Rock Mixed 10c, Barred hock Pullets 16e, White Leghorn mixed 9e, White Leghorn Pullets 20e, White Rork Mixed 15c, Brown Leghorn Pullets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatrllerles Ltd., Britannia Heights. Ont. S'T.1itTED ('lll('1C BARGAINS, 2, 3, 4 week olds In tunny popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses 1n non -sexed, pullets and Pocket. - els. Immediate deliver('. Also day 01(10 and eight weelc old pullets up to Laying. Free catalogue. Tweddlo Chlelc Hatnceries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. R.11511 (01ICIC5 AT LESS ('OST now—anti have them ready for profitable 1''111 markets, Green pasture feed Is vital for growing chicks --1'11(9 dowel on commerc- ial feed. Here is a real opportun- ity for big or small poultry rais- ers to reap extra profits—extra profits too by haying Tweddle ("hicks that are from Government Approved hloodt0810(1 breeders. ]?e wise buy selentlflcally pro- duced Tw0Qdle 'hicks — n name familiar to poultrymen In Can- ada for over 20 yenrs. Send for 411(1ticrd truly price list for day old, two week old, three week old and 4 week olds In all popu- lar breeds. Also free range, pul- lets right weeks of age and older. 'ltwed,lle Chick IT tteherles TInlitrd, Fergus, Ontario. WI': t'.\N 101\1: J1JLY-All)1I'ST DE - livery chicks, If ordered now. Also Jule, limited quantity start- ed. Ask fur list, Bray Il:ltchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, 2 9Vl:1:IC. 01.1) STAlt'1'141) ('i1ICK bargains while they Inst for Im- mediate delivery Barred Rocks, New Iltrnpshire X 'Barred Rocha nun -sexed 15.9.1, pullets 22.95, cockerels 16.95. Mite Leghorn, Barrett Reek X \V11110 Leghorns, Utvire \1'hitos: Pullets 25.95, As- sorted (0d 1lo: vies non -sexed 11.95, .punct, 25.95, roclierels 15.95. As- sorted Medium and Light Breeds: Pullets 2:1,95. 3 week old odd 5c, 4 week old add 10r. Also day old ('111'09 al rock 00(10111 prices, Send for complete price Inst. Top Xotch t'hi1•IcOries, Guelph, (Int. 1)V 141 N(. ANI) ELEANING HAVE 1'Uu ANY'TIIINO 14ENDs dyeing w cleaning? 1Vrtte to us for hlformatlon. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 0. Parker's Dye 1Vorks Limited. 791 Tonga Street, To• rnnto 10,1103I 00.11'111\I'Jtl' 14011 SAI,N THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN I.I. 1'I't"1'1':h 1'U SIS':1'l'll boo rd or any mower. Will replace help usually needed to fork hay behind mower in heavy crops. Also (0(0 time, as there is no clogging e,1 knife u1' 11(1(10 gun rd. 011111antcrd satisfaction. 37.59 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole Mfgr. and 1 distributor for Cnnndn 111111 U.8. LOCAL SPARE '01911: AGi1NTS \VAN1'1,11). A. ARIBIC, I1l1t''I'0L. II IJ It1. 32.50 r,OOIIISON ST1:1':I, THRESH - 01% 1'1(0e(' 1)1tarl1uu(111s, !dowel, grain elevator, hall beaO'- iu is throughout, roller bearings ort road (0110010, ready to go to work. Also 18-36 Hart Parr U'ac- I,tt in fir) curs shape, on steel. P:.iw^u'd I:wart, Iloilon, 1) 11. PE1111.9 MII,ICI?It5 ANI) 811P- Pltc 1, 1•'. ihln tldsun, Juyceville, Ont. uT INTERN .\'010NAI, C091 - Moe, Complete I'iek-up ole. 5 01'9 old, good c'u1111111(IL one elima� powtr unit just rebored. New pistons :11(1 ('Ings, 85 1t.P. Ito) 11'hitw011, Binhrook, Ontario. \1.\NSI:\' iLAltltt8 till SUI'EIt '1'1V1N poser tractor on rubber, prac- tically new, or 91udel C Case on steel in .\1 condition, Alvit1 (;rucr, (111)101 1 'It Station, Que. 1'O11 SAL1C SAW9III,1. AND 13071 91ANIII'AC- (tu•ing 1)11111, and quantity of lumber for sale, plant manufac- tured fish sholc9 Inst year; pow- elcd h)' 2 steam engines, has electricity; located on railway -i(1ing, village of Ilnlihurton. colonial Tiux and Lumber Co., Box 32, llalihurton, Ont. 1 IIA\'E TEN GOOD FARMS FOR sale, ranging in price from three to twelve thousand dollars. For particulars, apply Jas, Donohue, Donohue Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE, SUCCESSFUL CREAM- cry and dairy business In pro• tires:deo Ottawa Valley 'gown, owner retiring on account of ill - health, price right, Icor further particulars apply to Box 95, 72 Adelaide W., Toronto, BUSiNHSS FOR SALE, FARM MA- chinery, other articles and mach- inery, largo lot and buildings with high moving beam and blocks for wrecking and loading. Suitable tnachinery for repaiing. Two minutes' walk to largo ('toren, banks and postofftce. Particulars given, W. E. Rutledge, Newmarket. Ont. Gltl?,\T !)ANE POPS F011 SAL1O. Champion Bloodlines, excellent brooding stork or show pros- pects, Iden! pot and protector. John Pearson, Lakeview P.O., Ont. 11E1;i5'I'I:RU:o SiiIJ:TLAND SHEEP dog (miniature collie) pups for sale. 1711 Montan(' Ave., Niagara Falls, Ontario. REMNANTS 15 '11O 20 I'ARISS, 1.1NEAi, MLAS- ure $1.98, consists 314 lbs. un- bleached cotton, cushion covers, railc(lpe m10(011nl, flannelette, woollens. 0'.0.1)., postage extra. Refund if unsatisfactory. Publex Sales, 377 Parliament, Toronto, U11E51:i. ENGINES — COMPLi:TIO: P1)80 Internntlonni 80 Horse- power, 4 years old: 1)7700 Cnler- pillnr 70 HI'; D4(100 Caterpillar 00 IIP, 2 years old; 111)14 Inter- national 68 1]P; P1340 inter- national 50 HP, Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg. FOIt SALE \'161SOT 13" BALL 1,0 ring grinder dlreet driven 301 H,]', tnotor first 011399 eon(11• tion. Apply .1. A. Eager, Kenlpt- vilie, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: delta, pill. lays, brushes, Allen Electric Com• pony Lid., 2320 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy Instead of fat, GUARANTEED HARMLESS ► *composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drastic. diet. 91,0101's Homily 31.00 pot:timid Dominion Herb Distributors 1.123 S1. 1,alxrence 111rd., Montreal 1'AIIMc 11111 SALE 50-A('IlE FARM, iN 111111014 county, hank barn, pig pen, ('11110'11 house, imtplement shed, 7 -roomed emote house. For fur- ther information write !lox 20, Langstaff, Ont, 72 ACRES, TL11,1" 9111,11 OFF HIG11- way 28, 0 miles north Port ]lope, Basement barn, frame house. 10 acres bush, stream. M. Harper, (1.11. 4, ('ob011rg. FARM 9'011 5.11.1;-193 A('R1:5 I mile west of ICitcheuer Iltnits on ICilrhener-Stratford h 1 g w 1) y, Charles iV. Moser, It.lt, 4, 1CRc11- eler, Ont. HAIRDRESSING L E A 11 N iHAIIR:MIIIISSING '('ills Bober son method. informnlion on request (egnrd(ng classes. itubertson's Ilnildresstng Acnd• en(y, 137 Avenue !toad, Toronto You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL V1111l►N'1'O • Every Ituntn cvlth Huth, Show. et and telephone, • single, 65.511 ap— Iluubie, 6:1.60 up. • Good Food, Dining end Ikone' Ing Nightly Sherbourne al Carlton Tel RA 4133 ofInsect STOPITCOH artRaslt (nick! Stell lttldng et ul,e( l bites, heat 01)11, rru•uut, hives, piatplrt, 0,alr;,swMrti,:cthletes toot old other exteunlly c9 0(1 91.111 1roul.l'i. I;tr (11040-:u't(llg, 0oolhtng, tnniselttic• 0 D. D. PRESCRIPTION. (,ma,e1e04, 8( 01)1c>; 11.11 Napa 1) your nua'v 1.11 1:. fond dnlgriit olo,0a D.D. D, PRESCRIPTION. J ' Nerers a SENSIBLE way x to relieve MONTHLY EMALE PMN Lydia i.. Pinkham's\'egctnbl'Compound not on y helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, higlls1rung feelings—when clue to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this put' - pose. Pmlthatn'sCompound helps ordure! Follow 1)1(01 directions.Try it! VEGETABLE Alija6 (/-On Jta4 t4 COMI'OUNO 11101I(' 11, STOMACH ANO '!'11111'11) 11'0)10\15 often are the cause of III -health In humans, 1111 ages. No one int• mtn101 1Vhy not find out if (his Is your trouble? Interesting par• Oculars—Free! Write 911(1(eney's Remedies, Specialists, 'Toronto 3. e1' of Rheuntn)I' 1',11(1) 11' Ncu(.• 1114 should it)' 111\11'+ itentt•11y, Jlunru's Drug Store, 335 1':1011, ('11111!, Postpaid 81.00. BAP Sih:1 KA FOOT 11411,2(1 D1:- slroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Oltnwn agent, I)euman Drug Store, Ottawa, lll(;IIi\' 101'o('O\1\ll•:NitEll —l':1'1:1'V sufferer of IthemnallI i'nins or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. bfunro's Drug' S1 ore,. :1:15 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, CHIROPRACTOR Ii. 9. SIMONSON, CI(1P,01'i;ACT(IR, 23 Moor Street East, Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. sato! tltys 9 tt.tn, to 1 p,nl. 0l'PO)1TTINiTt1( \•Olt 'WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCiiOOL Great Opportunity, Learn HHairdressingg Pleasant diknlfied profession, gond wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, Atnerien's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write nr call \iARVEL i1AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR \V„ TORONTO Brooches: 44 ]Ging St. Hnmliton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. IIUSiCAL iNS'I'HUIIiCNTS FILED A, BODDINGTON 13UYB, sella, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, 'Toronto 2. I'ATIIN'I'S FETIIERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King \Vest, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PROPERTIES VAN'PED TO BUY W11 RAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken farms, market gardens. town or village houses 1n all parts of tho Province. Send full particulars In confidence at once --we, make no charge unless we, erll. I'owell rind Company, 5 St. Clair East, Toronto, PHOTOGRAPHY "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS ", and the prompt manner 1n which you return work Is greatly appl•cciated." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26c Don't rislc losing pictures. Send your filo) rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND • FINEST STUDIO Get Letter Pictures at Lower Cost. Prompt malt service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album IVilh Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING ANI) COLORING Enlargements 4 x 0" in beautiful easel mounts, 8 for 25e. Premed, on Ivory tinted mals, 7 x 0", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish fames, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79e each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired, Tho process requires the work of skilled artists, but the C001. 15 reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want clone and wot will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your riltne properly devetopcd and printed 6 010 I1 EXPOSURE RULES 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST I0NLARI1181; 114119'ICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire Ivy sending your (time to IMI'6IIt1Al P110111 v1:It%l('It Station J, Toronto Queen Mother Back In London Home Queen NI ,try rei10ned Irit'o+iy 1) her I.ttndon Inc tt tllarllr t • rough Itch(;' after it,' 41y six 9•c(ri' reridl'l( ' It lladnlina,l ul, Woo: ti• lir. \ ,11111 cro(( 1 , livered 1', ( Jnrr;t \.1„tl1; r 1, .'!11' t; ri0e.1 I1,, car, ,111 I ,he o at e 1 t \111110 •d h;unl in .111,uc v i, d::1,41'1 ,1, til •. v (;moot, tenni', 'tic coital 111114. t!uecli, 11,,, 11448 lit is ; :1 the II„tut .11 her It,", r, l!u' 11,, e„ ,0 11» 00'111, ,I'., e :swot.vn' 1.13(1, THE BEST 'j rAlf TMA'; ILL FLIES —a 10e package of WILSON'S FLY PAC; will Lill more du) lhau `:5A() wrrth of a^ outer fly killer! The (11 4(1uahle way t t- 65yenro. Use WILSON'S FLY PADS I'1 ,1 'I'17.1('llE11S 1'. A1'I•l:1) Ith:h)I)1'1" 1' 1:111,1 I R1'. '11111 lei t f'L1 '1'1' i, llrl:, ,th.•ll: rock 1),l',• In 1M,• tir11u01. 1', u• .pal 1:t4 -1 li 11 1) coat •V. 'r., 1:11 )' 01.. 1 n c'1r, 51.51,11 I'BI:I'I'I;(;,. Ituuul Boors tit „I, • 1 to L 10141x,•, S:,In1'y 1'l,::+t„ n )4.'11- A 1 • dle.,n Jtp1)1(4:II1111, 1,. I:. U. 1111:11.'. 1'07"r, I'I:I)I)I'1"I, 111,1. \\'ANTI:II — '1'11.0 11 1. .5 1.1 1'' 1 1. 1) 1,':1, h, 1, rm. 91.1>,o 'I'ott11-,,.0 511111 910:1. Itu1,ul1-I I;1 1111) count 1, No. 2 71,. \111111'0 01.:'1 and No. 5 Hal 11', (;loll ne••1 1'11 1111•,1 (('10(114, 'rr110. 1111:,-16, riot, t tilt s'tl:u'$ •1,1511. onali1oatI„n. A. 91, I;:UM>holtote, 11,•: Mon, Old. Ti'::11'111:1; \1'.\N'I'I:I1 1''O1; 14,5, 7, 1. 4, (('(4 •11(1) 111 u,1 )\then. 1,:rn , colo ('oonit'. Slilicenc,llcricne(', art anti p010 0 t,utnhrr In ,It' 99', lit:tettat, Seetet ity. 11,1 Spun1,:J. Ual, 1:it:1NT l' 1 ; f. 01II,1'S SOl''I'll 11.' Brut( lord. Espct 1, +e cd tom. Proi,,,I:tnt. IaA1'h, t. S.S. ,1(, 1, 111 t11trord 'i'1P. 14,I m9 $I,511.e1 ;;tate '(l)0llflcoliolr., aLn firm.,. 11,1),•1 tor. Person 11 appltrati,m prrf.•111,1 If p„-.Ibic. Ihmd'n KelInin, Ser -'I't e t .. 10.0. No, ”, Brantford, (MI. 10)1059:1' -- '1'I:A1'lll:tl \VAN'I'l:t) (Protestant. preferred) to leach grade 6 (u ln, inclusive (senior room), and net :1s principal of It. 2-t volll s,'ho,$I Iyl(p11 l,llQtlti t'4 t(}}•11�'• veal„111t., icrin r11111ue11elilg ;ten- tunlher, 1915, snlnry $1.3110. Apply, :101408 quallfiealions, In (Myst, Phyllis c lavti u, Dorset, Ont. Ii'(1103' CLASS 'i'l4,5('111:1t WANT• ed for 14.5. No. 12 1'11zroy, 1)IUiea to commence Sep(,tember 4, 1941. Apply slating sitlaiy nhd exper• 1011,0 to C. it. ('ampbcil, Seey treasurer, Fitzroy 1larbour, Ont. IC19N'P CO. Ti':A('l11:It WAN'rlan for 5.5. No. 15, Dover Twsp, Snl• ors' $1100.00. Apply et0ting (mall• (tractions and salary expected to Adelard 'I'etreaull, P. IT. No. 2, Itoor line, Ont. 111:11'' WA'('1'1:11 STRONG, ABLE WOMEN 101)1. general housework, 360 - $90 month, bed, hoard. Curls, young women for summer resort, pay according ago ability, Married couple, man, toy, gnrde.n farm. Mfrs. Boyd, Cnrlabad Springs, Out No est:IC1':EI0411 1'010 P1107103 - tont, motherless haute In country. All rin00nlet1008. 'lawn 0011001 ago (1hildren. Box 37, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, A(JTOSI)Tt11,91 111111( i'r:ItS A N D Painters, experienced on !('pole work, highest rate of pay, 48 hour week, hest worlcing eonditlotts. Apply nearest Selective Servlca Office. ('It 2925. EXPERIENCE!) 91AN TO 111d1.P on 100 neve kronor farm. Dlliking mnrhine, Teamster preferred Will pay 385.00 per month. Bolton 1170. Harold Tomlinson, Nashville, Ontario. WANTED SiNGI,i1 MAN FOR. GEN- ernl farm work, Steady job (00 right 111/11. No milking, Reef enl(to. Apply l'ntterdnle Farm, Woodbridge, R.R. 3. Phone 46 11 4. 11'AN'I'ED TWENTY -1'l VE 7'O ()N10 I(1JN• tired (wren MOM two hundred ropes Toronto. Must be situated on Enke nr River• Buildings int• material. Box 31, 7:1 Adelaide \V.. Toronto. 1101151:KP:1:1'1911 WANTED ON Farm 2 miles from 'I'Ilisnnburg, All city conveniences. 2 children. 2 [dolts. (fond wages. J. A. I\tc• Cabe, Tillsonburg, Ont., SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPI.1('.\'\'IONS N0\\' BEING CON- sldered, 110m of admission Sep• tember 41h, 1915. 1 010ntlonnl re- - qulremcnts Junior 91: trlrulnlion. Itentu00ra ion lifter prellminnry terns, 310.00 to 312.00 per month. BUC'ICWHEAT WANTED. 1,197 ('41 know what you have. hest prices paid. Fnlrbank Feed Cornpamy, Ltd., 2335 1)urrerin St.. 'Toronto. WANTED 'I'O Yllltf'l1:1Sh: 1't'i.. lets, rill breeds from 8 weeks up to laying'. Good prices paid. APnII, to Roc 34, 73 Adelaide 1V., 7b. ronin. WE BUY hundreds of Herbs. L'oois, thine!, Berries, Mowers (.eaves. etc. PRICES HIGHER NOW Write tor 001 list Dominion Herb Distributors 14'3 St I.n,rrence 1(Ird., Mentrem) ISSUE 211-1946 Would you give 95 cents To be relieved of piles? Then fry this time -proven treatment Few people escape the discomfort mud often keen distress, which accompanies piles or hemorrhoids. 'Ile itching is at times almost unbearable but fortunately can he relieved quickly by the application of Dr, Chases OINT- MENT. Sinew Piles aro often caused by constipa- tion and consequent straining, Dr. Chase's KIDNEY LIVER PILLS are recommend- ed tis a means of relieving the constipation and helping to remove the cause of piles. In tho meantime you can depend on Dr. Chase's OIN'1'METI'1' to relieve the itching almost immediately it is applied. For over fifty years this medicinal Ointment has had an enviable reputation for the quick relief of itching piles. Why not ask your druggist for Dr. Chase's OiNT1\IENT at once and prove to your own satisfaction that it stands without a rival us a quick relief from itching caused by piles. Ointment 60 els. Pills 36 cts. LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM CHAPTER VII They went into the roost where a Id1011 while ago all had beet' so gay, so bright, so merry. It scented empty now, haunted by shadows, b' some ',Mister presence. The black reticule still lay on the dress- er where madame had left it. Ito- • sine, by standing on tiptoe, could move it a little and straighten the picture. The light was dimmer now. But there in its bright metal frame was the handsome smiling face, its (:yes fixed upon them. Pol Martin gazed at it and slow - 1y his lips parted. Ilis fingers tightened on hers. He stared long. He could not seem to tear his eyes from that thin, smiling face. "Toll Tell mc, Pol." Rosine's voice was urgent. "Yes — yes!" he whispered. "I would knowhint anywhere. I could never forget. It was thus he smiled the day he ran from Bon llontme'a cottage. Ile ware the uniform of one of the Luftwaffe then. But it Is he." * "Yea. 1 knew. 1 taw it before the party started. 1 could not eat k, thinking of it. I could feel him As shrilling as a first beau, this • youthful -minded frock and hat, Pat- tern 4700. Frost it with white eye- let garnished with ribbons. Any schoolgirl can make it for herself. Pattern 4700 comes in Teen Age sizes 10, 12, 14, 10, Size 12, frock, takes 2/ yards 30 -inch material. Send twenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot he ncceptcd) for this pattern to Room 921, 73 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly size, name, neldress, style number. HAIR GOODS We carry n Inrge variety ::f the finest human hair goods, speclaltzing in made-to-order goods, gents' wigs and tou- pees, ladles' trnnsform- alions, bob tvIes, front faeces, switches, etc. White's Hair Goods 'las %(m*: .'I'.. '1'1111ONTO I1\'1'. A MOSQUITO lays eggs in stagnant water to hatch into a swarm of dis- ease carriers, Fly-Tox, sold everywhere, in- stantly destroys this menace. Get a large bottle today. ISSUE 20-1948 smiling there behind ate. But what could his picture he doing herr ? 1\'hn can lit' br ?" "I do not know. \Ve shall ask Corinne or 1;rsner, \\re shall not speak." "No, we must not .:peak. These are good people, all of thein. They do not know that the (Icy it ie amongst theta." "But Roper promised to kill this one --- and Roger is strong. He wears a cross the King gave him for being bray( l -es, Roger VV ill kill this one surely." And they stole away, out of that loom, away froth the picture of Alichcl Fabrc that smiled at them in the twilight. 1 t was the day following the coating of the little English eVa- cutcs who were to find a houhe at Philihcrt, Al cridcl knocked at nta- dante's door to show the old lady a letter Rudolph had received from the bureau in charge of the little guests. Atcrid(1 entered when ma - dame's rich voice called "Fn1rez1" from the inter room. "1 shall be not in a minute -- ah, it is you, 31eridel." The door to' ler bedroom was open. "Make yourself comfortable, child." * • Al cridcl did not hear, The mein became space and the moment eternity. Rapt, heart still, she stare(i at the picture of 31ichel Fabrc and slowly walked toward it as if drawn to it by sum ?nighty, invi- sible threat, She had forgotten everything in the wonder of find- ing hint again. She reached out and touched the photograpl.. She pick- ed it up and looked at it, studying every lineament of the fine young face, realizing (low true, how mi- nutely perfect, had been her mind's image — the thick brows, the cleft chin, the .strong wide mouth, the broad forehead and aquiline nose. ewer. Madame had been standing be- tide her for moments, watching her, the glad look in her eyes, the way her young breast rose and fell. And madame was old and wise at the world and she had known love and thug recognized instantly what she saw in Alcridel's face, "1-1 am sorry. madame, I for- got myself. This than—may I ask —who is he?" "An insolent, defiant, ungrateful young scamp," said madame, smil- ing fondly at the picture. "IIe is Roger's brother my nephew, Mi- chel Fabrc, We call hint Alike." "Rogrr's brother— Afichel—" "1)o you know kiln, Princess?" Al cridcl nodded. Slowly she put the picture 'lack in its place. "I met hits once in Gratzen, shortly before the war broke out." "And lie made lave to you, 1'11 wager." * * • Aleridcl looked g1.vely 11110 the bright black eyes, and for a mo- ment did not speak. Then she said, "Not—not as (111 expects love to he made—' Madame chuckled. "Ah, 1 know. It was in the way he looked at you, in the tvaV' he said things more than in what he said; in the way he held that proud red head of his and the Ivey his eyes. danced. Is it not so?" Kgs ---yes, it is so" "'('hat was 31 idol." "1 !id he—nlahe love to many?" "1 thing not. But manly loved (tint. Ile didn't rare, Ile always \emit 11 to he free free of his teach- ers, of those who w.ruld interfere with his life --t es. even of me. See here—what he \rote an the hack of this picture." Aladame AI hid took the photo from its franc and showed the boldly scrambled lines to 3leridel, who shaped the words with her lips— "A better friend thin love have they For none to mar or mend, That have themselves to friend." "I don't knee that any love could hold hint," continued madame, "\\•haat was he doing alien you saw hint:" (To B( Contiuucd) MOTHER'S LETTER READ AT GRAVE In La Cambe cemetery, France, where many of those killed in the Normandy invasion are hurled, Madame Blanche Chapelle, left, and her daughter, Helene, kneel at the grave of James Simonian of New York State while the girl reads a letter from the soldier's mothere, The mother asked Helene to read it over the grave. The soldier was killed in D -Day fighting. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. May the bride groom nail some of the weddi:' ; invitations to his intimate circle of friends? 2. Is it considered good manners to crook the little finger when lifting a glass or le coffee cup? 8. \Vhiclt one should enter first when s anther and daughter are entering an automobile? 4. 1\' hat should one do when in a group of persons, either sitting or standing, and it is necessary to turn one's back t(ne anis limolier person: L. Is it in goo,' form to la) too or three spoon:: crosswise above each dinner plate? 6. 1s it all right for a wum;,n to present a letter of introduction personally: ANSWERS 1. No; all the invitations should bo mailed from the bride's honu'. The bride's fiance should of course furnish a list of his rela- tives and friends to whom he wishes invitation sent. 2. This is merely affectation. 8, The mother. 4. Apologize, always. t, No; this ryas 411 old custom, but is out-of- date. 0. No; a nom has this psi' il- eye, but not a woman. Churchill Opens Election Campaign Prime Minister Fires First Shot On Village Green I walked to the end 01 the road where I live, strolled over to our village green, passed under a row of . chestnut trees which are the chief foundation of our local pride, and saw in front of the \Vorking Men's Club, a small crowd of a couple of hundred people, includ- ing a large number of children un- der 10, surrounding a tiny motor- car from which an elderly gentle- man was staking a speech, writes Harold Hobson in '1'hc' Christian Science Monitor. Coining closer I observed that this Pickwickian gentleman was Prince Minister \Kinston Churchill engaged in opening the Conserva- tive Party's electoral campaign in what has been described as the most important election in British history. If this description is true, :nobo- dy would have guessed it from the casual, informal appearance of Mr. Churchill at Woodford. No Pageantry Ann 111 i s who are daz?led by the pageantry of state openings of Parliament and state visits of the King and Queen would have been astonished, ate the total lack of ceremony' attending the Prime Mi- nister's first shot in the election battle. There nest 110 (Lips, no parades as in Nazi Germany, no special presidential train res in America; only 11 stoutish gentleman holding in his IialId a high -crowned hat that would have struck the inhabit- ants of the Ark as old-fashioned, addressing a few halting words, in a gentle shower of rain, to an audience of housewives out on a morning of shopping This, of course, doe sn't (mean any sant of enthusiasm for Mr. Churchill --- it is Int rely tltc inex- plicable Finnish way of doing thing,. How Can i ? By Anne Ashley Q. flow an 1 prevent the crack- ing of enanu led sal1f1itns.' A, i'lace new enameled sauce- pans in a vessel of warn' water, allow it to conte to a boil, dram cool, and they will last 11111111 long- er than ordinarily helot either cracking or burning. Q. flow can I polish gilt frames? A. Al is and beat the whites of three eggs with one-third this quantity Iby' weight) of javelle water. Paint the gilt franks with this solution. Q. How can from the hands and keep them in good condition? A. Instead of using soap on the hands, use a small cup of paste, composed of vinegar and corn- meal. Q. (low can I keep paint brush- es in good condition? A. A used paint brush should be washed in turpentine or gasoline, followed by a soap auul water, pre- ferably naptha soap. hitise in clear water and press the bristles into shape. Q. 'low can 1 remove rust spots from nickel plate? A. ('over the mist spots with oil or grease and let it remain for two or titre(' days, and then rub tho- roughly with ammonia, and polish. 1 it move stains Though ultra -violet light doe's not puilure the fens:diem of light, it can produce blindness. Grapefruit Souffle Pie :; t.Lc>peor1sbutte r or margarine I Lilli pool) grated orange rind ;t tablespoons flour 1 cup grapefruit scctione ;• teaspoon salt 1..1 cul grapefruit juice +.j clip mill: I i cup sugar 2 eggs, separated!; teaspoon Vanilla Prepare pastry she 11; prick lightly w ith a fork. Bake in hot (Ven 1l tl F) s to 10 minutes to set crust. Melt butter over low heart; add flour and salt and stir until smooth. Add milk slowly, stirring constantly; cook until thick. Cool slightly. Pleat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored; slowly add conked mixture. Add orange rind, grapefruit suctions and juice, sugar and flavoring. hold in stiffly beaten egg whites. ('our into pastry shell and hake in slow oven G;00` h i clout 1 hoer. \'ield: One t' -inch pie. All -Bran Pastry Shell 2 1a111e.sponns A11 -Bran 14 teaspoon salt 1.'t cup sifted flour ?4 (snp shortening 2 tablcspcins cold water (more or less) Crush All -Bran into fine crumbs; mix with flour and salt. Cut in shortcning. Add water. a little at a time, until dough is moist enough to hold together. Roll out 00 lightly floured hoard to about one-eighth inch in thickness, Fit into pie pan; thrim edges. Quality You'll Enjoy D TEA CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM We have been seeing the 11orld1 We have been on two trips since I wrote last Week. One was a visit- ing and business trip ----mostly busi- ness --the otfur was a sight-seeing occasion. Partner and I ss 1111 to Guelph last Friday and that busy little city was about as busy as we ever 8466 it. \V he we Visited with friends just above the College we discovrrcd the reason --and 1 suppose vie should have known it all along. It was sonic kind of 'Farmer's 1)13' at the Coll( gc and it appeared as if otos' of the far- mer; and the ir families for miles around had mob ed ju and take n over the College lock, stuck and barrel. lint we didn't Fro in. At the time we went by it was nearly five o'clock and at five e'rluck a farmer's failing is to tutu reluc- tantly to thoughts of home --to cows that need milking and to poultry that wants Reding. So we had an rat -and -nil cup of tea with our friends and after admiring their chickens and garde ns, and what we coud see of the ir crops, we made tracks for home, our faith- ful old Lizzie chugging along, con- tentedly parting because we Were on a down -grade neatly :Ill the way ham(. Over the week -cad 1)anyllter and friend Bert VVere here and it was they who took us 00 a sig,ht- sceng trip. For a long time Par- tner had leen s,anling to sec again the Shad Ilam at Fergus. So that's where we went. But we found it had been re-nanni d 'in( e we 5raVe it lo iurc.t Duty it is 'the Grand River 1)an1' which semis quit, appropriate since it is the Grund r which it controls. By any name it is a marvellous piece of cneineeiing and we 1' worth taking a1 little time and to silde to see•, i'ersoually i shall have 11 a1son to rununibur oar visit to 1111 Grand River Dann for several drys. Pott see after lonl(ing at everything from the 1( e s 1 of tli' lridj e we naturally wanted to size things up from he leo\. But going all the way around looked like a long way to walk so we tried taking a 'short cut' down the shale rock ( inhank- nhent. It was a short cut in dis- tenct but ve rtainly not in time. Believe hie, it was smite feat. i de- clare that that bank gut steeper and longer with every step \se took and the footing was particularly treacherous. \Ye finally made it, of course, hot today 1 am so stiff it nay joint. it is 'rally- painful t(U 1)1011. Front 1 (rgn; we went on to the Rocks at ':lura. For Partner and 1, it was a case of 'Elora lc - visited". I.t('n at that we found several little walks and look -outs that we had missed before, parti- cularly that of an island rock which stands in the middle of a water- fall. It Ovals 1)aughter's first visit ihow•ever, and, knowing her wander- ing propensities—which Slit' pro- 1,ably inherits from her. mother -1 don't suppose. there w", very 1111'(11 By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • that the ntisi,ed. 11't had our :II rich with us and because. it lies!: r to rain the car \Vas oar picnic pn,':nd, which didn't seem to make all. dif- ference to the ( went 11:1,1 e;,se with which our lunch w: - dis- patches'. Conning honk 1.y 65 a1) of \. , 7 11iphway and Il(n across ass's vv finished um journey Ly Vi -it - in,' a young mother and her Sos. e - weeks old baby. :'Aurally for quite a little while the V, owe:- indulged we: -indulged in baby worship -:.mile the men sat around outside cussing crop,, w Allier lend 1 ns, mill( co 61 s and other nontda::s af- fairs dear to tu,t'cnline heart- and (tom whish we wo nen full: :wile - fit --but I night add to wl:ic'., vie also contribute our share of ..ork and Very. Fiery Calling Cards Dropped On Japan 'I he Chemical ical \\'arfare c to. icc discloe• 1 not long apo that ;zoos:"... fee •1'cr- foe tresses are dropping at :east four types of i11( 11 diary bol:.' - oft Japan and that research i- tomer wily to develop more fiery c,llinig card. Two of the bombs, ;Treed f';ol- ing synthetic lava formed tv iel- lied gasoline, powdered irshim, liquid liquid asphalt a,i.d ot! :' in- gredients. (Inc is the 31-7e; car "(;.,,e," bomb, a too -pounder, which s;,it- tcrs (:Iva it.to corners 1(11(1 thcr out-of•the-way- places. The other is the tclllllill(d 31 -74, c ;i::' oed with 11 mecllnni<m that t; r iwvs gobs of horning lava for di o :ores of toen1V-five yards, The two other iVpt s of 1o albs are the too -pound At -d; aril the six -pound NI -WI elft ter. 'i l e 3f- .1 , packed with jcllir(1 gas.:iiee in a thin wall, is capable of scattt: , in.g clunks of fire for distances of f.,rty yau'd,. The Al -119 is made tr of bond. cli"ters scatterul by a tinge fuse releasing a show(? of fire sticks. HOVEL 1VIETROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 cep NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION DipYrnfrn,#f —that a 101 package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than $5.00 worth of any other fly killer!!! Grocery, Drug, Hardware and General Stores sell and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. Not just for breakfast —but These days Kellogg's cereals are more important in our Canadian diet than ever before. 'They're easy to digest, appetizing anytime! A satisfying main dish for breakfast, a welcome change for lunch, between -meal snacks. Add flavour to ]eft -overs too! PAGE 8 IIIIVIDIPAWARatIvemactmcwitwocteltutvemattetatvorettactoctoottatatettactilce SHOES FOR SPRING Women's Arch Shoes $2.95 - $5.95 Women's Suede Pump x+3,95 Children's Oxfords $1.79 - `+2.95 Boys' Work Shoes x+2.75 - $:1.50 Men's Dress Oxfords $2.95 - $7.00 A Good Stock of Wheeling Yarn on Iland. Olive McGill THE STANDARD Doherty Bros. crown S . ' GARAGE. 1100 11111m.• I Sall Sgt, I':(ava Leslie Toronto, is •;1ru(lit - a frw, l,i v, thi, week with g lir ;w It ,lr, >.Irs. N. I.t'tlit.. B \Ir•. H1\\(I :1 ,l cot S;Iturd;ly in Lj1n- A,; I',1,..,,,.. ,1,.',i1c \ i,itcd Fel' ,i..tcr. \\ II„ R! i• %cry M. Ili \I r,. (i. \\•. 1 unni.',ghani, llelgr;lwe, 4 w,;1, ;I .silnlia\ visitor \\ith \1r, and h NIi.o..\. L'arr. AMi., Santini Finnigan, of \\'est \\'a- fi \t;lli•',h, .lu'nl a few days last \\ eel; v,itil he; gr;ull!parent,, \Ir. and Nit's. \. Il;u'r. A \I.li"r C. D. I'i1; atr'icl< reported to A. L1m11,1!, 1111 Monday after spending, his • i. -1L1} furloughti . \\ith his wife and Intb litBUhhtlot,RalogtNN)INDINN)11Dt10))1 lbiANDINNNIgr2r2t411Diti B:bttNNWiDariDihM \Ir,, Chale- (;rash•. \•cited a few P4•414+++4.4.0:40++++:.+00 �..�,+�•�..♦0.�..�..�.•.:•+4:44.4.4+.�..b.,a•�u,40,4r,.44.,r•00,.............0.......:•.:00.4 •,4 •,. 1111`., I;1+1 \\'l'!'I. wit 11 111• 11eIil•. \I11`. {p :_, Cecil .\rn' •trong, of '1 1 rnll.11c. _ \Ir. and \Ir.• Ileo Quinn •,f Guelph A 1.1r: vi,iiilit4 withMr,. .\. Oridol, .: Dr. a111,1 \Ir,, hu,s of Hideo sllcnt ., Phone 156 for Prompt I)elivery. Sun,law with \Ir. ;11!11 \Ir•. \\:i!li.n \ •=4 Lockerline, al .1 ,,trending the 1lecora.. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. .:„ t'"n Service, :11 the Ciiil'n t.•enletery. . , 'i' hr11i un Stnula� evening. Morning Delivery, North of I)insley Street. :=:I \ i.itll,, during the \;eeh with \Irs. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. °: Phoebe I'a} I,n• „ere, \Irs; \l anion \I c - Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. 11,,,d and Nil- Delon fmgli,, of G.1/le- :4 rich: \I 1', \ I''t 1'I' 1'.1!Il'1'.1n1, ;11111 111< 4••OPu004410.4 y toe 4. 0.4 • yte..0.....-. .,. !♦♦.,.♦•••♦♦, ••4001••♦♦•♦♦♦•• ;a ': utill'1'. \I 1'`..\. Emerson I.II11g,lde, and '' 4' 1VIaca1'Uill l lbs. for 25C :lis. •Tena \Irl;en/ie. Rice L COLE lbs. for 2i)C ._• 1 \I r. I inlay \Ir(iu\\an of O>h:l\\ a A. A A wi,ite,i 'wet: the vnik-end with \Ir. ;.; Lux Flakes per pkg. ?5c„Il \I Ins. vc\. \lc(i11\\:111.• R.O.._. Rinso per pkg. 25c \It•. and \Ir.• Frank kWat, of 1'o- :' OPTOME'T'RIST and OPTICIAN •t I' I' GODERICH - ONTARIO, �. I'I'I n1, ;11'e .11e1 t III'_ ;l \\'l't'I< 11111(1;1\. ♦. Jiffy Pie Crust 25c t'ith the i"I'll r', Pirelli-. J. 11• R. and i; Eyes Exanr.ncd and Glasses Fitted, '=' Red Rose Coffee, per ib. •15c Pali It1• and the latter', lmrct'. :j: With 25 Years Ext:cricncc 4: Lal Grange Tea hal!' lb, pkg.15e :_: �'l1. and Mrs. R. \I. 1'crh, 'ta Ile' \\;II he at 4' y •_ 'I' 1\wn,h;;1. ._, y :_: t' •t R. IL i hila s Drug' Stole ._, Tomato Soup 1O( �= I \I r. an \Ir'. I. 11. R. I:;lilltt, \I •_; BLY'1'H, ONTARIO X • :11111 Mr,. 1,"I'lil'll Elliott, and family, ya •. Shredded Wheat 2 plcgs. for 25e ._. NEXT VISIT 4=4 =, i a"d \I r,. I.I ,� „ Wet limier, were 1:it- ;: 4. x.:444:444.4.4,4,4..49•:.4.4•.,•:.0/1 00 ;, ,. I,•;,4/1.,•4;.,4,. +•4,/14. •;. ,.4•;. 44 444.44:;.1111cncr ;1n11 \\'.1tc:1 a vi:,:t1.1r.' 1111 1::'• :_: WEDNESDAY, JULY 11TH X day. 'i' FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. 'i 111 \Ir,. 1. If. N. VIliott, ND,. Lloyd !:i' TELEPIIONE 2) •_' Mr. and \Irs. Leslie Ual;glicsh and I \irs. Fled Somers, of '1'inlnl:n,, i \\ citlatifer, at d I. Frank Elli.ltt arc 11 R, 0, PH LP's DRUG STORE X daughters, Jat.ice and Diane, of Strat- visiting at tI home of her parents. ,l,l•ndirg :1 fel Illy, tl1i, \veeh with 1;=; F.:R APPOINTMENTS. 2; foul, visited Sunday with the tatter's 1 :in. am! \Irs. lin Herrington, am( other \.h•.. \\'. .\. Elliott at her r,ltta.gy at•_• i rl r4. oe*.:.04:, +''...:.. ''14.; 4.0 •i 4y4.:•;••:•4.4+4.4•.;. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan.; rclatiwcs. \\'a.;l, a o\arh. STUART ROBINSON 1 1 > I , Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, 110i1IE•IIADE CAKE OR COOKIES RE11IEMBER "TUE E 1101111E BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. .1.1 J . 1 44, 111.1111 . 4.1 0 II I 1 1. 1., 1111 r 11 1,1.1 ..1.11.111 i 1,4.114, . 1 . T H E C A N A D I A N W A Y O F L i F e e 1 1 Roast Beef on Sundays. THE SUNDAY ROAST - week- ends in the country - the old family jalopy - these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things every man overseas has been fighting for, They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, when our fighting man comes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need - never buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or price control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country -the country he fought for - will start on that uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! P::ces will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along., . and never quirte catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy -perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop -look at Greece today! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So. let's all make sure our soldier's dollar -- when he gets back --will buy a dollar's worth of goods! We can't give hack to him his lost years or his lost youth. But, if zee keep up the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living .. , the Canadian way of life. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. ■ ■ Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: •By observing rationing and avoiding black 111 leets in any shape or form. By respecting pr:ce controls and other anti•inIlliion measures, and re- training from careless and unnt.ccs nary buying. I will not buy two where one wi11 do, nor will 1 buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stomps, supporting tax- ation, and abiding by all such measures which vwi11 lower the cost of living and Whelp keep pi ices uta normal l;•vcl. 1 +1.,..i 119 .1 \Vednesdao., June 27, 1915, . I 1 1 1 .11.1 .11 I SICK ROOM SUPPLIES BELOW ARE LIS'T'ED A FEW OF 'I'IIL•' SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR 'l'IIE SiCK ROOM: - LYSOL, CLINICAL THERMOMETER, ICE BAGS, HOT WATER BOTTLE, BED PAN) A'T'OMIZERS, DOUCHE CAN AND FI'T'TINGS, DEODORIZERS, CLEANSING TISSUES, DISINFECTAN'T'S, DOUCHE CANS, RUBPER 'TUBINGS, R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'AI'l;R-PIIONE 20, Living -Room Furniture We are offering many New llesigns in ('he;tter- field Suites, Studio Lounges, Soft! lle(1s, Auld Occas- ional Chairs, upholstered in tllc latest fabrics at 1)01)lllar prices. Tri -light lamps, End Tal)ies, Magazine Backs; Coffce '1'ahles, ...nd other odd Living -Room Pieces, hell) to . lake foto' Hoole i1Tu1'e Comfortable and Enjoyable. 4 rf r, r, r, r, e e A call will convince you of the many excellent . values We are offering. J. S. ` helle name Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. al 4U'dt-dtltidl..!'i`aa1.`aipsi'�iiitmi�i}ii.'i7si`d'ia'Y1i7o1J.`rJV`�3).`'is�i��lc`•fr?ti..)1`rjt4'hel:.1."..iai::i t:''ii:i�..•1`�'iel.:'i�`Ir'i:'t`.t\t�h�t'�idi 1 1 1. , o 1.11. . .1,1 14 d1. 11, 4i 1..11..x6 n pill 114Y,Irl 111.0 .1 111. u 1 111 11 141.4.14114••4.••.44..••.4.••..:•••••..4.••,••..:..•„•,.4.•:/1•:0/10 •,:, :,•.•4,�,••„•. ••. ,•„',4:,44,:.,.; ,. �,.:;•••.:4••.•4,.•„4444,•44••.•:•1 4 • : HURON fiiRILI. BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLEN1 FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG mit Proprietor • : •: 4, ,j ...141••.,,1.11411.11••14.141•••.••••.141440044.4:4••,,44.414'11411'14,4 ••441•,,. •,,'4,44.4•••• ,••, /1/144141;.1'•••. •'• .14.1.114, Edith Creighton's Decorator's Shop PHONE 158. BLYTll, ONTARIO. PERSONAL INTEREST \l aster Gerald and \liss Loi, .\ug- ustinc spent a c,4uplc of day, with \I r. and \Irs. George Cowan. 'Fr. hill Cowan silent the week -end in London a1.(1 Ilens;lll, \Irs. \\'. J.:\rmstrong, of Sault tile. \lal'ic, who spent last week with her sister, \Irs• James Gibson, spent a few t';1vs in London tihc MIS :tcc1)1nl1;1111 I to Cordon by NM. and \Irs. (;ih.'!1.. Mrs. Gordon Augustine spent a few days i1. Toronto last week, returning !Anne on Saturday with \Ir..-\ugustine. \1r, James Newcombe of Newark, N.J., is visiting hi, brother, \Ir. hoht. Yaw:011 hc, and \It's. Newcombe, also 1-thcr relatives and friends. \Iis Nata'ic Mentions left on \Ved- nc,d:ty for her home in Ottawa. 'i'he Myth Tot nip Plaut have receiv- r.1 ackno\\dedgenient:; of thank, from tllc following local Incn overseas, for cigarette, received from the employees :Intl nl:ulal;eul:'t1t : Howard 'I':lit, Jamie 54115, 1 •. lil•:1r1111t,t'r, Gorden ('t';lit:, \liss .,iargaret Cowan of ltrandol,. 411,, is spcn(li11g a month's holiday ;1; the 1?,t,t. \i itis covin visited her `'''i1 other friei ds in L'1\t11. 11rs. \\'at - brother; \ir. \\* alter Cowan and fain- 111 cntcrl.rinet' a number of ladies to of Detroit, awl is 110\' Visiting her a Fringe party 111 honour of :. _ Cosv- cuusins, \Ir. aid Mrs. \V. N. \Valsot, roll on 'I'nesda\' evening. A.4111 4' 4u. 1, .1.111.1111.14,11S• 11.0 0/1414..,- 01 SUN WOR'1'i-1 dippers ARE INEXPENSIVE LUXURIOUSLY DESIGNED LAS'T'INGLY BEAUTIFUL plums ARE RIGHT ALSO 1pAINTS AND ENAMELS OF QUALITY RIDSMEL to St -p Pa'nt Sorel SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY. F. C. PREST • Phone 37.26, LOIIDESBORO •