The Blyth Standard, 1944-12-20, Page 1VOLUME 55 • NO, 18, • LYTH STANDAR OBITUARY HURON HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' MRS, WILLIAM R. PHILLIPS CLUB ANNUAL MEETING Mary :1rnl;iron:;, wife of the laic The Animal \}seting, of the Hiroo \\'illi;un R. I'aillil,s, passed away un :the Ontario 1lrcedcrs' Club teas held in Tuesdaymn,rn;ng, December 191h,atI the Ontario ;street United Church, the home of her daughter, NI Is. J. , Clinton, on Tuesday, December 12th, 11a•disly, fnllu%v,ig a brie( ilbless• }with approximately 100 present. The late air; Phillips was burn al \Ir, 11'. I., 11'1tytc, Vice -President of \'augIlanl, near Toronto, and %•as the Ole Club acted as Chairman in the ab - eldest daughter of the lale Jane; and Iscnce of the 1'res;dcnt, Mr, Lennard Sarah Armstrong, of Blyth, formerly of Laming; of \Tallon, I)nnnyl,rouk. Forty-nine years ago,) The guest speaker was the Rev. NI r. January 7th, past, she nutrrie'l \fillant , Burton, %vhn gave an appropriate a1'}• Phillips, of Dn,;lop, ,ear I;odtn•ich, for- }dress on post 1\gar Reconstruction mcrly of Devonshire, England. To this from the Economic ;incl Moral point of union was horn two daughters, \frs. (view, 11'illiant llotvcs, and Mrs, Jack liar - dist v, both of Itlyth, ,Also surviving are two grand• children, Eris Kelsey, Blyth, and .lack Bowes, Ingersoll. 'I'hc late ale. and airs, Phillips carte to Myth 41 years ago. \I r. Phillips predeceased her 17 years ago, February 27111, \frs, Phillips was a member of the United Church, and passed away in her 70th year. Funeral services will he held at her late residence at 2 1'.NL, on Friday, tlrceinber 22nd. Interment Id be mauls ip Cation Cemetery, !cc,•Bdr. Borden Cook of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is enjoying a ('itristnnas furlough %vitt' his wife and daughter, and mother, i%1rs, Jasper Cook, A moment's silence %'8s'ohscrveil for the buys who have paid Ole supreme sacrifice and %ehu are serving i11 Ole forces today. '1'hc head table was introduced by \I r. \Villin \'anligmond, !.truce and If urr;1'y Roy, who represented the 1lol Mehl Calf Club at the competition held at Guelph tvere guests at the din- ner. 'l'hc Secretary, \I r, Mune Chilton, reviewed the ;.ctivities of the club for the year, I'Ite .\rntstrong Booking Studios %villi five ntcmhers present provided a very appropriate program, •\ vote of tita'iks was tendered to the speaker and to the ladies of the On- tario Street United Church who pro - ;111(1 vided the dinner by \Vit. Sparks. other relatives in and around illyth, \' • PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. MEET Card Of Thanks Mrs. 11, Herrington kindly opened Nilo and Airs, Simon \Ic1'itlic de- her Ironic last Saturday afternoon for sire to express (heir sincere apprecia- the animal meeting of the Presbyterian tion to tile family, relatives, aid the W. \f. S. i?xcellent reports Of the host of ft iced •, who extended so many years work ware given Its. the Secre- kind gestures on the occasion of their tart', sh.r.ving that the Society' had ex- 50tlt %wedding anniversary celebration. seeder} their allocation. '1'Ite Gifts, Cards, Telephone Ca.'Is, Following is the list of officers for Personal Calls, amid 'Telegrams, were the coning year: President, \Iiss A, all greatly appreciated, and helped Al, 'Poll; 1st Vice, airs, W. Shortrced; make Ihz clay tile that will always be Secretary, \Irs. 1V. \lorritt ; 'l'reasur- rcntembcred. cr, \Irs. 13. Herrington; Press Secre- - ----- tar', 'Mrs. Laughlin. In Memoriam GA R N I SS -111 loving memory of dear wife and mother, Mrs. George Garniss, who passed away one year ago, December loth, 1943, "Ever remembered by, husband and sons.'' —George Garniss, Harvey and Leslie, 18-I!'. a NOTICE The President, then briefly rcv:ewcd the Study hook covering the work on the Bhcl field in India. , A trot luck supper was then enjoyed by all and a hearty vote of thank ten- dered to the hostesses, 11rs, 1lcrringg- tos and Miss 1lcConnell, BLYTH ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1941. A MESSAGE OF THANKS '}'his is the first opportunity i have had to express my apprecia- tion to all the good friends and re- latives who were so kind and thoughtful ('mri;g my forced holi- day in the (Initial Hospital, 1 %vish to thank all diose who k;ndl) remembered Inc @•it.#t carr}s, fluwot•s, and other gifts, and by calling personally at the hospital for a orae( visit. I also wish to thank I)r. Rodd, I)r, Addi,or, and Dr. Oakes fur their interest 011 my behalf, and also wish expressly to thank the nursing stall of the Clinton Public 1lospital for their many kindnesses 10 no:. 1 also %vish to thank all those who sem;' boxes of fruit, in- cluding the local 1(J O I, and A. J . and A.M. Ledges. }'articularly do I wish to thank NI r. J. 11. R Elliott for his valued assistance in regards to the publica- tion of The Standard during ut)' absence. \Vithout his able assis- tance ,1 would have been impossible for \I rs, 1V1iin metre to connote pub- lication for she two weeks I was ;absent, and Iris ready willingness to assume certain re: ponsib'li'.ics list- ed quite a load from 1'e Editor's shoulders while I was ;Tway. I %vish also to thank those who were good ,uc.ngh to wait fur Joh Printing until such time as I am again ;,hle to really get hack into lite harness; some of these people waited at considerable in.unven- icnce to themselves, and this h"y- alty.is greatly appreciated. 1 also wish to thank tlic adver- tisers who were placed at a con- siderable disadvantage just at the most important time of the year. Their kindly co-operation is great- ly ap, rccia1ed Although I aan far from being 100 percent yet, I hope 311 the course cf the next two weeks to get hack into shape, so that 1 w'll be able to carry on in the usual man- ner. Again thanking everyone, and wishing everyone A 1'ery alcrry Christmas, —The Editor, v JUNIOR FARMERS MEET Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. A MERRY CHRISTMAS ESTEEMED HULLETT COUPLE " NEW TEACHER HIRED FOR FROM OUR ADVERTISERS. MARK 50TH ANNIVERSARY. PUBLIC SCHOOL ) Duc In the ctubility of the editor to \Ir. and aIrs, Simon ale\'illi(, es- '1•11e ;tpp111'31 on of \Irs• Myna 11oa•- carry on during the past two weeks }teemed resideuls of Mullett'fowo.,!(ip, aril, formerly lis Myna 1h'y;ol,, of in the usual manner, it has been 1111- l,.ci veil the ,511111;utnivers;try of their l,r,,sel,, was accepted by the Idylls possible to attend to change of all- wedding on 'lifts/lay, December frill. 5c11_' l Board, for the position of In- vertiselnents, and to give The Stand- ()is Saturday, December loth, a host lei -mediate teacher in the Myth Pub - aril the Christmas appearance of for- of friend, \sere given the opportunity lir School, lies salary will be $120.1.00. Hier years, It has also been impossible to pay their respects, when a public airs. Howard ,till couitnence her dit- to change advertisements so that }hey Ireleption %vas held at the horse of les at the bcgInhIIng of Ihr' school might ca'r)' the Christmas alessage of their d;n;htcr, \frs, Leu 11'att. \lany term, fnll.%%lll the Christmas yaca- our advertisers. For this reason We take this oppor- friends ,•allcd and were received at the thin. door by airs. 1Vatt, and in turn timid- I Lighting fixture, will have to be in - Wilily to extcad to the citizens of this ed over to another daughter, airs. ,Net- stalled is; the room. and sonic new conimnunmty, on behalf of our adverti- (sou Lear, who ushered than into the scats pur leocd. These additions still crs, Heartiest Season's (;reetings, and dining room where they acre served be II;oI drlring the ('hri31111;r., v,rca- the sincere hope That your Christmas (teal, the %;titers being Misses Ilulert ti yet. will he a very m tern• nue. Lear and Phyllis, Shepherd, and a bap- alts. 11owa r' liar been with her I1y time was spent talking over ((1 l isles"l in N to Scotia, MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCILtittle,• \1r. Jaases .',lorritt Ivan, the surce,s- \lorris Township Council met on the Prior ' , this public reception a fait- ,1111 applicants for the position of care- 15thDec.Hnhe" in the Township hall, 11) gathering was held at 1.31, 'he" 1"h", a varanr4 which was '11154)1 Redone. with all members present, the Reeve presiding. The :Mottos; of the last Htcet:ns.* the event of 5(1 years ago was partially Illhe resignation of Ms. re-enacted. Mass Phyllis Shepherd play air. Nlorritt was chosen front ed "here comes the bride" and their phrants, ,It ;in mooed salary of 7o0.01, were rea1 :111,1 edoptcd nu 11106111 of grand-daoghter, Jessie Watt, ushered 1 L duties will commence at the be - Janes Nlichle and Charles Coultes, the couple ;too the drawing roost, ginning of the t.ew ye.•r. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seumdcrl I%hIeh wai suitably decorated %hill 'V' • - b \Vin. S ,eir, that the clerk write to yellow slrcantcr :and gold c;umdlrs. 1f is r Y ! Jca1n 11c1'•ntic and lune Lear ,re- Engagement AnncUnCCd 'I'urnherry Township Council asking 515 g 11 r. aunt 'Iles. 11'. r;. 11;nr(`ro,tic, them to pay for snow plowing of road 'ell. -ell thew 114th ;I l'"'41 of 'untnts 11 i.nrhno'.v, 1ti,!t In ;uni:=unrc the cn• behalf 1 f the ','and-chil h•en. 'Their so11 from 131ucvale to lllucvalc station. gaeem nl of their eldest daughter, Carried. air, Kellam, Mc\ittie, made Om pre- \Iasi' .Anna, to .1ul,rer to 'Jolt, eldest scnt,tion of a lovely studio couch, on son of Mr. ani: Iles. Fres! 'fall, Myth, Nlovcd by 1laryey Johnston, second 'cd by James Michie, that road hills as behalf of the fancily, This gestnr., was the marriage to tache place the end of presented by Road Superintcndcttt,,l>e ;ably responded to by a verbal arlu(ow- Ikrrn(hrr, paid, Carried. ecl,uctnent of thanks by air. \Ic\•ittic, c +l[oycrl by Chas, Coupes, seconded by on behalf of NIrs. air\'ittie, and all Walton Present sang "Pur 'I'hcv arc Jolly Gor,tl RPTION Jas, llichic, that 1\altou I.ibrar) be Fellows." al r. ;111'1 a1:11-7:(::41( h0n Fingland of Lon - given a grant of .$5,00, Carried. Moved by Chas, Coolies, seconded In the even ng flintier was served to debar,' ;.ill bIto,ne 10 their friends by }Iarvcy Johnston, that the, nicer 511 guests, ;hong whom were three of ion the orcasnf their 1)ia mond) \'ved- the origloal w•cddingg party of 5(1 years sling .\on vet'o 1 1Vcdncsday. 27th int adjourn, to }deet again on Januar)' h h rt'tnhrr from 3 to 6 u'nloc'k in Isle 8th, 1945, at 10 n,nt. Carried, ago, Nlrs, Rubcrt Caldwell, Mr, (;eo. The following; accounts were paid: Moon, both of I.ondesboro, and \I r. afters ,nn and front 7 to 9 o'clock in County of I]��on, taxes $16,641.27 William 120w11, of Millen. Others the evening. 2,597,13 who were present at the wedding, aol L 7740'g who were unable to he present for this \\'.11.TON 12.1,0 occasion were, Nhiss Jean Hamilton, •1'he death ocrmrcd early Sunday 1((1:352.:(00)1 07,1()'llr. i:oitcrt Caldwell, Loncicshoro, \Irs, morning of 11r. Albert Travis, in his 45.0 i hlmglt Ramsay, 11 aftnn, and two sin• 72nd yea:, For some time he had been 65.00 tees of Mrs. Nlcl'ittfe, \Irs. 1', Kerr, Biu failing health a"IIICd in e he the past 65A.)�Toronto, and \Irs. James \loon, Stcv- few days he 4485 • seriuHsly ill• 11 r, 11 Brussels 'Telephone Myth Telephone McKillop Telephone Cecil \Vhcelcr, salary Jas; Michie, salary Chas. Coultes, salary Harvey Johnston, salary ..... .- cnsei c, and two brothers, Duncan 1Vm. Spcir, salary 65.07 T •ra%•is operated the chopping mill in Nelson Higgins, salary as and 'I'hontas Juhnslun, 1V;IIton, The \\Talton, coming here from Palmerston table %vas laid with a lace cloth, do '1'rcasurcr, Relief Officer, nine years ago. Surviving are his !School Attendance Officer, curated with gold candles, and centred wife, one daughter, Nirs, N1cCullough, with a three-storey wedding cake, dc - Fin, Statement, postage, etc; 313.00 of Ifalrriston, and four 50115, Kenneth, c•uratcd 11111 gold leaves• .\ toast 10 George NI artin, salary, pos'age ;Port Elggin ; Harvey, Toronto, Herbert, An enlhu:'iaslic meeting of t lI e , Ole bride aid groom of 50 years ago . Drains, Commissions 3S_ 8l.ond, n, and Ralph, a home. CONGRATULATIONS was proposed by \1'r, James NleCool, Rl tli and district Junior Farmers was .Ivan McArtcr, rtreiaking---15.1)1 lomeral services were held from the Congratulations to Nlrs. \\'m. Con of Loncicshoro, and responded to by held in the Nlemorial Hall, on caretaking 13Iack Bros„ .1 yearling steer family residence, 'Tuesday afternoon, 280111 \f1'. NleVittie. Nlr. George alcVittie, ;it L311, conducted by Rey, C. Hazel - .5 of of Loudesboro, proposed the toast to "The Bing," wood, of the \\tattoo United C'hin'ch, N1r. and \Irs NhcVittic were the re- i"")1 pn'cccdcd to I alnmcrst Im where in" 0,87 ,termcnl !vas made iu the 1'alnlerston (42,87 cipicnts of ratan) lovely gifts, messaggcs Cemctcrv. 93,59 of congratulations, telegrams, and tele- airs. Ste%tarl linntphries and little 636 phone calls. Mr.\icVittfc is a Char- 'snit. l;ubhy, hove returned home after ter lfennber of Myth', Nu. 3(;', so'°11' a week with air, and NIrs. and three ntcnthers of the Lodge, Nf es 8601 11. In, 1Valsh, Hamilton, minghant who celebrates her 81st birth clay, December 14th, with about 25 killedby dr.gs ..__ .....-..... RE CHRISTMAS MILK DELIVERY clay on Wednesday, December '37111. I Junior Farmers present in spite of the WallaceAga, valuating (ccs During the Christmas week -end I Congratulations to Billy and 1)1)11118 bad roads, , regular milk deliveries will he made on Go%%•, Auburn, Ont., who celebrate their Brussels Post, printing con - regular B. Matheson, Agricultural Rrpre- tract and extra work Saturday and Smiths., bol no delivery 10th birl.hde3s, Dilly's on December 2l, se:Native, cntlincd the purpose of the Lights I 1 1 IT.E.P.C., \Vatlon St, Ligh s will he made on Monday, Christmas and Donna's 1)cccutbcr 25. Det', Patrons will please secure their _V__1'-__ Junior Farmer organization and 1oin1 llelgrevc Street Lights • cd out several projects which may be Dept, of health, Insulin -_ necessary supply for 1lortday during BLYTH UNITED CHURCH undertaken, 1 I e also stated of the A, 11, Erskine, fees for col - the Sunday morning delivery. 11'ishing our Patrons a alert's. Christ- flits1\'bite Gift Service last Sunday interest taken in the Junior Farmers lectingr tax(, Ilnt5 and 8 happy New Year. 'tight 11'815 very well attended iu spite work ou the part of the County Council Village of Ilrusscls, I)i%•. Court DURWARD'S DAIRY. of the condition of the roads. The and the Fcdcraton of Agriculture. Harold Sellersfixing line fence - -, service . teas condoled by Mr. Lcslic Nilo Archie Young, Blyth, acted ars on ToWnsh!p farms APPLICATIONS WANTED I-lilhorn, Superintendent of the Sunday Chairman for the election of officers \Warwick Bros. labour on Kin,; For this position of 5ccrc'ary-'1'rcas_ School, 'l'hc Scripture Lesson was which resulted a1' fellows: and 1'uill idr.h neer of the I'o%4ns!ni{, Scho,l Area read by :Indy Kyle, A large choir of President, Laois Phelan, 1.313111; Vice- John NlcGill, inspecting d'•ain Board Of hest 11'attaunsh. Infornut_ !young people sang a number of Christ- President, Roy \1c\'ittie, Myth; Secre- i-iowick Fire ins. Co., ins tion regarding duties 1083 be obtained Imas Carols, and also a vera' approp- tart', Edward East, Auburn; Treasurer, \Velton Library, grant ...._o from any member of the ]]card. Salary riatc anthem. Other contributions George Nesbitt, Blyth; 1)irectors, \tor- Jesse Wheeler, refund of dog is $275. per ant'um. All applicationswcrc: IZceit 11011, Jack 'I'yrentan;'Iris, \Val!ace Bell, Myth; East 1Vawa- tax,. must be .0 the. bends of the ChairmanStory, Enid Ihigham; 1?xercise, N1rs.lmush, Maurice ll;Illahen, Blyth; Hid- Jack Kenneth Sherrie, refund of of the Bu r t, \l1', Frank 'fhnntpsult, Falconer's Class, Address, Rev„ A. lett, Billy Young, ])13th; Auditors, dog tax ..._ R.N. 5, 11'i'gh:un, 1111 later thanSinclair; Song, "The Gift," NIrs, Stewart Johnston, Myth, Rcss Taylor, George 1l attimi, ilradlcy; Legend of Cathay, Shirley Belgravc, — T ---- o'clock, J;1nnl-y 2n1, 1945, - -, _ Falconer, llany 11'hiSe (lifts were Bruce Roy, ; unior Farmer Rcpresen- the•n presented by representatives of lative to the Federation meeting held • i )ears old. NH'. Raymond IZednond visited at 'They were married on December Nth, 11'ar 111 Sccial Club in Stretford las W.STFIELD 111.110 srs, • 1. A, Gray, (;, R. 1)obhyn, and G. R. Augustine, called during the af- ternoon, to prr,•sent him with a suit • able gift. air, Ntcvittie has been for 1110 many years closely associated with ;,11) municipal matters in Millet( illet( 'Township being assessor of the Township for \Irs. J. Patterson, Seaforth, is iling her daughter, Nlrs, 11', C. Ben- nett, NI r, and Mrs. Herbert Travis, of T.ond.un spent the week -cud at their homeshere, and attended the funeral .. I of NI r. '}gravis fat her of NI r, Herbert' 5.IIU many years, Both are members of T'r8%fs. Burns' United Church, and Mrs. Nlc- 2.T0 Vittie has been an active worker in \hiss Edith If; rkwell, Stratford, spent the \\'.ai.S„ and other SucirUrs the week -end at her home here. 2,03 Clerk, Mr. \lc\'illf^ was burn 77 years ago, Nlaster Jack Quinn, young son of a son of the late Sinton Nlc\'ittic and air, and airs. Pat Quinn, was the Janet 11'atcrs. N(rs, 1fc1'ittte %alto is proud and lucky Winner of "Tin) Tim", a daughter of the lac '}'hos. Johnston the little pony which was given away incl Jessie Buchanan, is 0by the Perth County \'oceans (1Vorld MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the Num- cacti class. (rccest•tly m 1orottto, atud also prrsidcttt the hoot'_ of \Irs. I'urscll of Seaforllt 1894, by the Rev. Forrest, of \Talton• Friday r:cniug. Next Smithy, December 24th, Spec- of the Clinton Junior Farmers spoke irmation for R.ecve, and Foto' Colin- 1 un 'l'Inlrsda), The ceremony took place on the 17111 —r — intuition Christmas Services will he held -briefly on his trip to Toronto, J, 13. cillors, to wire the Township of ,\tor- NI r, and \tis. Gcnrge \1'igh:nuut 8nd concession of Grey township. [mine. HOME FROM OVERSEAS cis '1's, t , the year 1945 will be held at and the choir will render special Matheson outlined work which was Alberta visited on Saturday' with 31rs, diately following their marriage they Christmas Music. taping; place in Pastries lnnproventetlt, l'ilircns ;vete on il1tul 11 meet the the Township hall, herein, at 1..,30 Cameron of Luckuow, took up residcncc 011 the farm now noon titin on 'I'ncsd;l,, to welcome. p.m. to 1,40 p.m., 011 Friday, December11.15: ' \tiodl`e10Scli0oth Inn." l. Stewart Johnston, of Blyth is taking NI rs. Joe Pursell of Clareshohn, AI- occupied by their son, Kelland, on the home Sgt Glenn Kechnie, son of 11 r. 22nd, 1914, and if demanded an elec- e this as a tope for discussion a their he.rta, visited last weep with her uncles 12th concession of 1Tullctt. 15 years ',old afro. Sem I;echnic, who is spend_ tion will be ucli de Monday, y, 7 pan.; "Tire Meaning of the First next toze'.ing which is to he held on the r Jahn- Christmas Message to the Shepherds," second 'fhursday in each month. The air, 1.. Redmond. ago they moved to the old Nly\girths int a ,t(I-,lay Christmas furlough with ary 1st, 1)45. Niro John Gear of Kitchener, spent homestead 011 the 11th concession, Itis parents in Myth. Executive are anxious to have any I'll( uoiun was blessed with n family 'GEORGE MARTIN, Sunday ill his mother, \Irs. 'Phomas Glenn, who is with the 1..(..\.F„ 18-1, IZARTIN, Officer. Junior Farmers interested in this kind Geer, of five children, four of whom are ( (110 four of work to come out to their regular invent O%•erca' in septcmher, paw, Mr, aid \Irs. Lloyd Nvat,tcn were living., one sun, Kelland; Jessie, \i,, ' years and two months ago. T1s is very Notice To Creditors monthly meetings, r London visit ?1's on Monday, their Leu 1Va!t; Olive, Nlrs. Nelson Lear. happy to be home and nut's the town IN THE ESTATE of Thomas Henry Kernick, Late of the Village of Myth, in the Courtly cf Huron, Deceased. All persons }laving claims against the Estate of the above deceased arc re- quired to file the sante with the under- signed Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 601 day of January, 1945. A.D., after which date the assets will ANNUAL SHORT COURSE The Amnia! Sho-t Course will be held in Guelph at the Ontario Agricul- tural College on January. 1st to 6111, Courses will be given in Farm Me - daughter, Dolma, who has been a mt.- all of 1lutlet(; and Janet, airs. Junes `looks notch the same as when he left. FARM FORUM MEETING tient in the Children's 11 Oaf, at Scott, Toronto One son, Duncan. \• chattiest, Animal husbandry, Agric111_ The Live 1Vne Farm Forum group London, re ((Inlet! home with (hent. (died 8 years ago. Thew are also 12 tore, horticulture, Col.operation and met on NIonday night at tine home of Mrs, Norman Radford was a London -and-children. airs, Scott of Toren- Morris 'I'o%vn.lnp will hold Nfunicipal Marketing, l[1', and ,Iles. Clarence Crawford with visitor on \sonde), to, was the only members of the int- Nominations this Friday afternoon. lir, and airs. Alva McDowell, Nlr.mediate fancily not 111(1! to be present The entire cost of the course to the 27 111 attendance. The discussion "\Thal students is$?.00 per week. Several the Fornn's say about farming" was and Mrs. 11'nt. Nle\girlie, Roy and for the occasion. boys are taking advantage of this( carried on followed by a contest then 1Dorothy attended the 5011t Wedding an -I Both 11r, and Nlrs. Ntc\'ittie are en- course.carol singing under the leadership of niversary of Mr. and airs, Simon Me- joying rcasolcably good health. air. be distributed ,;amongst the garlics en i Application Wray be secured from Dr. !the convenors, lir. and Nlrs, George ,Vittie, of Ilullett .Township. The cele-' alcvitlie demonstrated this fact h,' tilled thereto, havng regard en'y to (1. I. Christie„ President, Ontari.) Ag- I Powell, after which ltntch was served, Itration was h,'ld at the home rf their performing hi: favourite dance, an old the claims of which notice shall have ricuhura1 College, Guelph, or the Ag -1 The next meeting is to be hcl'I Jan- daughter, Nlr. and Ntrs, Leo \Yatt of time Jersey, arcnmpmicd by Itis (laugh- MEETS TUESDAY EVENING, been ,given, nary 8th 8t the honme of \l1'. and 31rs, Ilullett 'fo%snsl;il'• ter, Nlrs. Leo \\'art NOVEMBER 28TH. - ricultural Representative, Clinton, 1)ATEI) at \\gingham, this 19th clay 1Stanlc3 Lyon with NI r. and N1rs. Stan- \ vers. \ferry Christmas 16 everyone. ;\ host of friend throughout this I'be prescnx „f ill otrrnhers are re - of December A.l),, 19.14, �� t nested, S,c Icy Lyon as convenors. V c nnnnnlity will join with The Stand - J. ! 'chat business, J. 111:\IZT.le1' C1Z:\.\\'FORD, 1\ging- Just Christmas Shopping Days —v— Miss .\lice Gillespie is visiting with arcs in extending heartiest rougratlla- G R. Attgttstine, haul, Ontario, Solicitor fur the said Left Before Christmas. Du that fast IWO A.F. ,C A.M. Iostallalion of her sister in SI. Catharines during tit:. r its, and the sincere wish that they Recordings Sccrctary, Estate, 18-3. minute shopping now, officers on 111cdttcsday, December 27111. (Christmas holidays, Ins y he spared nrntj' more 118T'' years .,•••..IgR'rf•t'; r$••:- 4rrq• •M�•,•++'' M»•1•t t together. _ "LETITIA" MAKES MAIDEN VOYAGE y: The newly commissioned Canadian hospital ship "Letitia" arrived at a British port recently, to load her first complement of wounded, repatriated and returning services personnel. Picture at top shows Sgt. William Cox, Woodlawn, Ont., Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit cameraman, wounded while "shooting" newsreel pictures at Falaise, with Nurse M. Mcllwaine, Halifax, N. S. on the staff of the "Letitia". Bottom picture shows the new hospitial ship tied up to her dock in a British port. The ship has alr-conditioned wards, two operating rooms, an X-ray theater and every convenience of a modern hospital, Christmas Obligations hen the cold comes in De- c; mber All the feathered folk remember, SI'r'.oe and haulm each invite Yen to make their Christmas 1,1ight, Set' ' \ver disks from harvest bins, Dumplings made of suet skins, Fi4s and curr.ints pips and seeds \\ e1 ,d like to molten beads, Coo, :nut shells, pudding stuffed, Dainty scraps in boxes cuffed, All sh aid deck their Chirstntas trees. For icy blasts in wintry sprees Of peppery sleet and wicked gusts Snatch and spoil their meager (runts. Ruffled sparrows, small and gay, Rest beneath the Christ Child's .;'.way. No man dare deny them gifts, To case the scourge of Arctic drifts, So each and all must fashion cakes For \wild birds, as the Yuletide breaks, —F. B. M. Collie! in Our Uunlb 1La:9. British `Balloon Girls' Given Ground Jobs Three hundred British "balloon girls" have a new ground' job. They are to look after bomb -damage re- pairmen instead of barrage balloons. From hauling "blimps" they go to cook pies, cut sandwiches, and make beds for the men, who, iron dawn to (Lusk, an engaged in a race with the \\'inter rains. Plumbers, glaziers, carpenters, and bricklayers for whom they will car come from the farthest corners of Britain to patch Lon- don's damaged houses. Some of them are working a 60- hcau' wed-. They live in hostels hastily prepared for thein by the Women's Volunta y Services. When the Ministry of Labor ap- pca'.ed for airwomen volunteers for work in these hostels they had nt,re offers than they could cope with. Successful candidates get residential jobs as housekeepers, cooks, waitresses, maids, and cleaners. They are released from the air force for three months to be , me temporary civilians with wages front $9 to $24 a week. The lute is an ancient stringed musical instrument derived from the Arabs, `Invisible' Hitler The Stockholm Aftontidningen said In an article reported recently to the Office of War Information that posters appeared in the streets of Berlin Nov. 28 declaring: "The more the enemy shows himself, the more invisible becomes the Fuhrer (Hitler)." BREENATONE Health Salts Positively Does Relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism Painful, awullen joints reduced no ntn(ter how long you Iu vo muttered. One menthe ■upply 61.00 poetpnld from INDIAN REMEDIES, Box 118, Vnncouver, B.C. Here's Speedy Relief For Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Your feet may be so swullen and Inflamed that you thlnlc you can't go another step. Your shoes may feel ae if they are cutting right into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the pain and torture: you'd give anything to get relief, Two or three applications of Moone'e Emerald 011. and In a few minutes the pain and soreness dis- appears. No mutter how discout'aged you have been, If you have not tried Emerald 011 then you have some- thing to learn. net a bottle today at all druggists. Headache Nothing is moredepres. sing than headaches... Why Lambly'p will give instant relief, Lambly's is good forcer- . ache, toothache, pains in/ beck, stomach, bowels. PIXY 1 e quickly relle%w soreness, still neck and other ailments caused by exposure to weather conditions Aches and pains disappear with one application • 001110 (10181.80 11111119 0111. Ik 1 Is, A bei ere V : 4 HEADACHE POWDERS_ Is WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM We recommend the immediate purchase of LOBANOR Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability) NOW DIAMOND DRILLING ON No. 1 Property — Shebandowan Lake, adjoining Bandolac Gold Mines Ltd. to the West. No. 2 and S Properties lie astride Destor-Porcupine Fault, west of Beattie Gold Mines Limited. To -day's Price 30c Per Share Full Particulars Upon Request Purchase Through Your Bank or Your Broker, or LOBANOR GOLD MINES LIMITED Suite 318, 331 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. WA. 6276 WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Plastics Such terms as "synthetic resin" and "lots -pressure lamination" may not mean much to the average citizen; but they are going to mean a lot in his daily life after the war, says The Chicago News, One of the hig chemical com- panies announces that it has deve- loped a new synthetic resin plastic capable of being molded under low- pressure Lamination process into articles of virtually any size or shape. Up to now, mass production of molded plastics has been re- stricted to relatively small objects —radio cobinets, intrunu'nt hous- ings, handle knots, trimmings and small sheets, tubes and shapes. Under the new system a fabric sore, tailored to the proper shape, is Impregnated with the plastic, AGENTS WANTED YEN AND WOMEN IN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed products on a pert tine basis. Very attractive proposition, Par- ticulars, Nines Pamphlet, Cat- tle ue FREE on request: FAM- ' ILEX, 1600 Delorlmter, Montreal. AN ULI) ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents In cer- tain localities In Canada to take orders tor chicke to your spare time. The commission is good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known, Write for full details Box No, 18:1, 72 Adelaide W., Toronto. 11.1111' CHICKS 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVER 5' ORDER OF 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 100 f: ee chicks ,(our choice), Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred (tock pul- lets 21995 per 100. White Rock Pullets 021.95 per 100, Brown leg - horn Pullets 224.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. 21,00 books your order, balance C.U.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent IIntch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, 13RED TO 1,:11', EAYIN(1 ANI) ready to lay pullets for inned- iato delivery. Barred Recite, New Ilantpshlres, White 1 seehorns, Hy - bride, Also booking orders fur day eld 'hleks. '1'wield ie Chick ltatelieries Limited, Fergus, Ont. BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY BREEDER UU\ 1•:I;NMENT banded and blood -tested, Avoid dlsupiwin1ne,lt by ordering your elticica early. Write fur 1946 prices, and catalogue containing. the propel brooding and methods used In reusing bettet poultry, MONKTON POULTRY FARMS sionetun, out, $1,00 11001eS 1'UUIt UllDlal ORU1110 YULE 1945 ClIlesi.s NOW, and nut be dlsuppolt led. Al, chicks are tram butuunited test- ed stock, and Iruul 2; uz. esl;e er better, purred !lochs nixed 212.uU per 100, While Legilurus mixed $11.0u per 100. Burred Huck Pullets 21J,Uu 1,51 105, while Leghorn Pullets 1..,0U per 100, wh:tu !looks uu.ccu Z1u,UU Per loll, white )tuck Pullets 624.00 eel lUu, Brown leg murud nuxed .,.t,u per 1u0, liruwtl hull! 1,1.,,•.!11 $24,00 ped 101). 115 if ual'altlee 100'4 Ilse ueilwel•y, balance paid 0.0,1). \Maple City Hatchery, Ci+uthunt, Ontario, BAltltl'16 11001 , NEW 11,1M1'- ehlre, white Lee Hurn u11d Hybrid Pullets fur llnulediatu dutivury. Also booking ordure tor 1'946 duces. elou ,.t:talueite. Top Notch Chncicerics, .;uelpu, Onlap 0, EGGS ANI) \11;1'1' ARi•E THE 'I'WU cash suurcee ot pule try income, gut 0111' culcudar and prtccltut and learn why uUt' high egg ree- urd, largo bodied birds mil slake Inure money tor you. Blg !tock Farm, \Mlle Recites, 001, Box W. ES'I'l\MA'l'1: 011 COUNT THE white beans in u Crutwn imperial Quart Jar, Scud ue your eOCimate uud you have a chance of w inning 11).50. Send for complete detutle U( this coolest uud also ask ler early order and early bunking priculist. 10 you n tort better clicks •— for greater 11utils—uud ul cuurbu you du—'I'weddle Chicke will be your choice. \Vliy? Because fur 111 years Twaddle Hatcheries have coneist- untly dune everything' possible to eatunuard your interests. head about the suceces our 1144 cue- tulneta had•%;Ith Tweddle chicks. LouY u can have the tame enc- u cuss, Send Aur catalogue,' contest folder and prieuliat today. Also luytug and 1 eudy to lay pulletu fur immediate delivery. '1'weddle Chick Butcheries Limited, Fergus, Untnriu, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AN0 100 A1tE GUARANTEED 1) yuur chtcice fur 11051 epi int; when you want them, hatted !tuck mixed 211.00 per 100, white leg - hut ns mixed $11.UU per 100, Bur- red Muck Pullets $19.00 per 100, white leg !turn pullets 222.00 per 100. heavy Breed (;itis. 26.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckle. ;emu per Hutt. All clucica hatched Hum 26 oz. e ,;.•, ea better end Duni apoctal lu.,tett !locks, Guilt affixed DUU'i'o lis '3 deflect y. SLUM books yuur oroer, balance C.U.L. Rainbow Hatchery, Cltutham, Ontario, DU A. 11011'E10 JOB -1111,1' HOLD our markets, hold our markets— that's the thing: !low can that be done:' Letter quality le a "must" in the poultry industry. Top Notch chickens can help you do a better job. They are 511 f r o m Government Approved bloodtested breeders that have been doing a good job for our customers fur years. !lead what our customers have to flay about Top Notch Chicks. You can have money by placing your circlet early. Send for early booking price list and catalogue. Also' lay- ing and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch chic kcries, Guelph, Ontario. 2e) FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Cunadu, Order now. Prices for mixed baby clucks, males and females: Bat• red Rocks, $12.00 tier hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leg hurtle, $13.00. Pullet prices: Be rt ed Rocks, $19.00; White Leg home. $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00, Brown Lee:horns, 221.00. 23 free chicks, our choice, will be ;;foul for each 200 mixed chicks order• ed and 26 free chicks for tech 100 day old pullets urd•rell Goddard Chick Iiat"hery, Rti , tennla Heights, Ontario. A Christmas Carol Everywhere — everywhere, Chris- tmas tonight! Christmas in lands of the Fir tree and 1,ilc, Clu'istit;ts in lands of the Palet tree and vine, C1lristulas \\ here snow peaks stand solemn and white, Christmas where corn fields lie sunny and bright. Everywhere, everywhere, (•hrietnlas tonight. --Phillips Brooke under heat and pressure, staking possible three-dimensional molds of bathtubs luggage, boats, fur- niture, wall panels, automobile fenders, or trailor bodies. Transparent pasties will preserve the color and pattern of the fabrics. Colored plastics will prcvitle a wide ranl'e of permanent finishes, Ceramics, wood and metal will face the competition of a nen' and highly flexible material. 11.I11Y CHICKS BRITISH LIBERATE EINDHOVEN Picture shows a scene in 'Holland as Brcn carrying British troops made their way forward in the big advance) from the Bcligian border through Holland to Eit.dhoven, • carriers and "Ducks" ALL SIGNS I'OlN'r TO HEAVY spring ordering of chicks, no our 1) Wee le to order now. If yon have the right equipment take delivery January -February an get the early order discount. Get In tour)) with us for prince Some pullets. Reny Hatchery, 190 John N., iI intilton, Ont, DYEING & CLEANING IIAV17 YOU ANV'l'IIINO NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 1'onge Street, To- ronto, 1(111 5.111'1 El,00'I'it10 MO'l'UIts, N1:\V, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt c, pulleys, brushes, Alien Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto, CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for stile, $1,15 per pound, Postage prepaid. Mc elution's Or,'hard, Cedar Springs, Ont. WINDSOR TURRET LATHE FOR SALE, "1;t -)NCH CAPACITY, now operating, 650 Runnymede, Toronto. REGISTERED 131 AGLE PUPS, springer spaniels, a 11 ages, promptly' shipped; 60 young reg- istered Southdown ewes, • good crvic'e rams. i'eter Porter, Bur- ford, Thune 2SO. AI11D.\l.ES, DUS'1'ONS, 0001.1ES, Wire 1''ux, Cockeye. Dulnutione, many uthots, 4323 St. Dominique, \Ii t !rein, P.Q. laiS'I'UN TER 111l:lt—REGIS'1'E1tED Slide, six months old. Apply Wll- I10in l'unlon, 11,lt, 2, Tllleonburg, 0' N111 SPANIELS, Nl111.5', 011010E PUP- piee, blaelts, reds, part! colored, champion blood lines. Shipped on approve Pt. Watson, 1 lowlck, (Luc. 0,11111101 I; It 116 10 PL1'1'11E8, tied tgteed, 9 weeks. Mlsu M. Le.- lunde, 1354 Torrance, Montreal. 01:I;5IAAN :11E1'lllll(D MALE 1'UP- Wes Hum 3-5 months, Champion- ship stuck, Heine of 1944 (fraud Visit Tnnuualar Kennels, 1.1 )111, 1,\•, Ontario. dui 1'1,\',1:1;.\NI.INS REGISTERED real oeultiee. Ducal kennels, 2378 Slc,ghen Rd, Sub 15, Sandwich J1:I;se;Y LI.I.I.J F1tO\1 SILVER Sham! leans, by our AA Senior Silo Edgutey Standard Noble n.ad, cluestllid very good, by the sileer Sicilia Stre, Brampton Je(ler's St;idard 2nd. Iteaaultably, priced. \ aughai Acres 1.ttulted, 11.11. 2, Jlttptu, Lint. F11.11 111•:1;J S'PE 1(11) SII(../ItT110ItN bulls, 9 to 12 ununlhs, $100 and up. 1, U. Jackson, lltu•ristun, Ont. 1'11111011(1110 ANGORAS $8.00, NU pedigruu ;5.0U. Airs, Alex Birley, 11,1t, 2 Paris. 1'l.'ltl'.L'1RED DUCKS, DRAKES, large beautiful ltuuena, 26,00 trio $2.15 each; Indian ltuuters $4,00 trio, $1.50 e u c It. Jacobson's, Beatty, Susk, FOIL SALE PU10161116E0 'rUU- lutise Oeeso bred frum show stuck either sex $S.00, 1t. 11, pickle, 11,11, 2, Tavistuck, OMario, BROWN FERRETS, SURE iIUNT- ers, young 1110108 $5.UU, young rutulca 2G.U yearlings 7 00. Armstrong Bros., 11.1(. 1, Palle, 0110, 110(1151'1110111) YORKSHIRES 111011 quality, eervlceable boars, either sex, live mouths, bred and upon autws, seven weeks either sex, Earl Quinn, Metcalfe, Ontario. TWO CARLOADS, WELL BROKEN Draft horses, 1'erchet•uns, Bel- giane, 4 to 7 years old, weighing 1000 to 1700 lits. Apply !fuss L. Matlock, pox 29, Gurlltz, Sask. POULTRY GRITS I3UY CANADIAN 0161,1'S Aale SAVE 25% and produce better eggs, \1'u have available fur tuunediate shipment iti eu•luad lots ur lees, white soluuble (JS% Calcium, Carbonate 11 1111 white inaulttable (over 99% Silica), Agents want- ed. Write fur pekes and buutp- Ics. STINSON REEB SUPPLY CO., LTD. 558.5 I)elerimiet' Ave., Montreal, true. 44 ACRES BLACK. SAND, (1000 land, (Juod building, $3,600. halt cash. Mike Kricfalusiu, 10.It. 6, Tilbury North. SAW TER & \IASSEY, 25 11.p. steam engine, good running condition. P.O. IJox 386, Smiths Falls, Ont. SNOW 1'LU11G11, V type with side wing, mounted on White Truck. Richter 'Truck & Auto l'arts, 874 Welling ton St. Alontreal, Que. l'.AS'l'Ult 1: 311 \'1'U RES—AI.FAI.I A ALtALIrA SEED—ONT. GROWN DON'T \WAIT. UltDE1t N U W. Quantity limited, secure your re- quirements while it lusts, ot htudy, adaptable home grown seed ut high purity and germ- ination, !mei lively the best seed we have ever offered. Fancy No. 1 Government graded seed 37e per pound delivered; samples on request. Also hybrid seed corn, pastel ti mixtures, registered oats, bee !is rind pens. We supplied the Uuter1', I',pertinent of Ag recut - l'1!1. 1111:in_ 1911 with special r• „t, r reeds. Apply to: t': I: I:t 'I. I:ux 103. Chatham, FOR '.11,1: COMPLETE S.1\V\lll.1,, 10 TO 15 - thousand capacity, randy to go, Steam trilobite power -edger, cut- off, etc, \V111 ronstder part rash, pert lumber, ('ontncl 11. V. Zim- merman,Mnnae-.er, et Pinewood, Ontr+rlo, or write Pennington Lumber co. (e'enndn) I,td., Rt•n- e:11)0nnd, \\'Isronsltt. 100 ACRES. C1.AY LOAM, EENT! e 15 mires bush, good drainage, two etorcy hrtek house, 2 harns, good ~voter and roads, 3 mtlen from 'Vest 1,nrne, (;and market for en eh (tope. Price 76,5110, Dlsenunt for rn(h. Box 1911, 73 Adel:dile St. W„ Toronto HOTEL .SNI) 13 1,.1100 ('OTTAO08 on 5 Were point on Lake St. Louie, 15 miles west of Montroel. Un - tumid bargain, exceptional terms of 1010. Send for illustrated de- nrrlptive cireuinr, Montreal Loan and Mortgage Co,, 275 St. James St., Montreal. BREi:DER TURKEYS, NA MIA - am et And genuine broadhrensted bronze from government tested stock. Males up to 26 and 30 lbs. December delivery. Glendon McDonell, (lreenfield. Ont. FOR S,\LE—CLYDESDAT.Pi 0161.D) - Ing end filly rising 8 to 4 years. Apply John A, Wallace, R.R. 2, St. Poul',, Ont, FARM MAC'iiINiERY FANNING 5111.1, (RL.TNE) SEED Grader, Fennel's highly nserm- mend, nslo screening. Kline Mnnli- farturing, Rax 124 Weston, Ont. 113114 volt SALE $12.000-,-100 Acim FARM, ntt:lgn sit et ed oNo.8 II frl Way near Prllntyrn, Ont, Tiled led nbout every 4 rods to lake. buildings and very gond soil. .Apply to Box 2, Gleneoe, Ont. 175 ACRE FARM, 6 MILES FROM Exeter, sandy loomall tinder cutllvntion, no waste 1011, nhttnd- anee water, 70 acres Fell Wheat, Patric house, hydro telephone, ba tilted horn 70 by 411, 2 concrete etlos, poultry }mune 60 by 40, three floor,, capacity 4,000 'ey- ing hens, tool shed, 1 acre or- chard. Price $12,000, Apply tot W. E. Reid, Box 108, Chatham, Ontarin, 11,1111 DRESSING LEARN TTATItDRESSING THE Robertson method. Tntormntlon on request true tiding clnssee. Robertson's Hairdressing Arad- emy, 137 Avenue Ttoad, Toronto. 11518 0001)8 Only firm to 00nndn manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair gooda exclusively. \Write us for particu- lars. 1V1I1'r1:'S 11 AIR GOODS 2118 ''range St., 'Toronto, Ontario 31USICAi. INSTR031ENTS • FAIN) A. 1101)1)IN(1'lON BUYS, sells, exchanges mu(lcnl Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. 11ACIIINI:ItI' IIIII'AIIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE 5110I' W(11110 ELI:c'rIt10 AN I) ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSIIINGS MADE LIKE NEW BY THE NEW ME'T'AL SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 11I:DICAI. BAU\119EKA FUU'r BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, STOMACH AND 'l'IIIREAD WORMS often aro the cause of III -health in humans, till ages. No one im- mune! \Vhy not find out It this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulvcney'e Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, liver trouble, depressed head- ache, quickly relieved with Pig - Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig -Lax, 2&c at Druggists. N:ATt'ItE'S HELI'—DIXON'S ltl:M- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising it. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. It l0EIINATONE HEALTH SALTS positively dues relieve Arthritis and ltheuraatism. Painful, swol- len joints reduced no natter how long you have suffered. Months supply $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, B.C. GOOD RESOLUTIONS — EVERY sufferer of Itheumntic I'nins or Neuritis should try Dixon's Item - 0d3'. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES Colt 11'011EN BE A IIAIRDIZESSI:R JOIN ('A N.1 DA'S 1.1:1111N(i S1'11OD Great Opportunity• Learn ILtlr- dreesing Plonsnnt dignified Wufeemlote hood wages, thousands euee i fel. Merril grnduntr+. Amerlain's erre feet seq. tem, 1111111r/00d eat (Inline free. Write or call M:111001. 11AI lltinESSING S(' H OO i,S 858 B1A100 10., TUI(ONTO Branch re: 41 141n! St. Ilnmlltnn, & 74 !Menu 5 (''rr t rltt,'n^, 1' 0' ' I : N'I'" FT':Til1:Rti'I'ONliAl'O11 ,. r'O\tl'ANY 1'11 tent Solleltor•s Este hlI hes 1890: 14 1(1 11g \\'er1, Toronto. Ttonlclet of Inform r+tIon on re- quest. "1TT,1JAl1 Christ," Megiddo N. 0. • ('0 M 1'e 0 11E1.'1;101 wonderful honk tree, Mieelon, ltorhester 11, PHOTO(rltP TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed end i OR 8 EX1'OprSlt)Iinted E ROLES 25c REPRINTS 8 tor 250 IriN1:ST ENI,A1tOINO S1'llt\'1('ll You rimy not get all the 011 ms you wont this year, but you can get all the quality end sere! or you desire by sending your Mime to IMPERIAL PHOTO Slal1'I(1C Station J. Toronto A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND iios'r 3VIstii:' run TI(RI N1:1V 1'1::111 A 111 EXTENDED 'I'(1 YOU 110 'fill! 31AN,50I131ENT ,1\i) 1;311'1,0YI:0v 01' THE STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Cattndu's largest photo finishing studio does the finest work obtain. able — and tit the lowest cost. (let best results from your cnmern by, sending your films here for doe ♦eloping and print Mg. (2un111y work rind prompt sere ice 15 neion od you. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE no,: 121), Poeta! Terminal A,'l'orunts Praising Star Snnpshote Service, a customer lit Windsor, Ontario, writes: "I suppose 1t Is hard to give your usual quick sere ice with Mel1) so hard to get, but as long as you turn out the fine pictures you send me, I for one, will think they're well worth welting for—If i have to welt." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 10xposurye, Di:V1:IMI'I':11 AN1) I'IIIX'I'ED 25e 8 Mot NT ENI..1110I1MIIN'I'S 25. Size 4 x 6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts, Tou can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a :,mall additional charge. Framed L•'nhtrgenteute 4" x 6", on ivory tint Mounts, In trainer 7"x9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian 'Walnut or 111aek !;bony finish 59c; It enlargement coloured 79c. Print your wane acid address plain- ly en ell oclers. s'I'A311'S WANTED, 01.1) C.5 NA1)1AN Stamps on envelopas also %vitt buy collections of Canadian Stamps at good prices. Write now to K. C. Vizznrd, Jeweller, 5511111111(3', Ontario, S'I'.11I I'S! AC.\UTAN STA \ll' CO., BOX 68, Masson, Qu(, Free.Set 4 Lct . dor,I)awin Comm, to purchasers of our 3Uc, 1(11) different pocket, requesting approvals. Post free. 110 1' STA M1' COLLECTIONS -- beet time to sell—good prices paid, Send In for offer. Alen fine H temps on approval. Yorks Stamps, Tenni tu 1. Tit ,5I'I'I;It5' SI'I'I'I.1165 N11501,1' "INVENTED Al1TOMATIC Snare 'crap." The simplest find fastest trap, ttnybod)' can make it In 10 minutes, can set snare 3 times size of ordinary sets, cue use any kind of wire. Excel- lent fur snow sets. Guaranteed will catch tory suspicious nuimnl from hear to weasel. $1.00 for Wen and Instruction Peter Zep- tnig, Waltham, Quebec. WAN'1'111) 1114111 EST 1'11101;5 I'A1U FOR RAW Purrs, 11obh10 Skins, Ginseng and Golden Seal, Satisfaction guar- anteed. Ship to Heller and Fra- leigh, 147 Harrison Street, To- ronto. WANTED PUPPIES, A1.50 GROWN dugs, ICetutels, 1631 Queen Dist, Toronto. TIM Rl111 L0TS, CEDAR FOR posts, vine and Spruce for lumlby cr. Send complete details to a Al. White, 10.10. 2, St. Thomas, Ontario. NUitSES WANTED • REGISTERED NURSE, $90 P19 month, room and board Inolude $80 graduate nurse per moat room and board Included. App1 , Waterford Private Hoeptta Waterford, Ont. GENERAL DUTY GRADUATa Reg. Nurses, 10 hour day, 6 day, weelc; niternnting eervlce—da or night; $90.00 monthly wit mnintonnnre. Cornwall Genera Hospital, Cornwall, Ont. ISSUE 52 — 1844 Hollywood's manpower shortage was a break for actress Virginia Engels. She's pictured at left, above, as her blond, blue-eyed dimple -checked self, and at right as she appears playing the part of the long-haired, bewhiskered old gent who bounces down a flight of stairs during a hot battle scene in the new western "San Antonio," GETTING CHOW — THE HARD WAY +F+ Two French boys are shown climbing over the wreckage of a rail- way bridge on the Moselle river to recover food supplies from rail- road cars which were on the span when it was destroyed by Ger- mans retreating before Allied forces. CONGRATULATIONS ... BOTH WAYS SHAKE 'EM UP? Cpl. E. O'Connor, Toronto, had just been promoted to full corporal. General 11. 1). G. Crerar, Commanding the First Canadian Army, had just been promoted a full General, The two meet at Canadian field headquarters in Holland, and congratulations are in order. NEW APPOINTMENT Major General Charles Philip Fen- wick, M.C., 63, who has been ap- pointed as Director General of Medical Services and promoted from the rank of brigadier. General Fenwick has been Director of over- seas as Deputy Me- dical Services at headquarters of the First Canadian Army in North Western Europe, He will arrive shortly to take over his new duties. He was born h, St. John's New- foundland and educated at the University of London, England. Von Ribbentrop Seyss•Inquart German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, long at odds with Heinrich Himmler, may soon be discharged, according to Berlin reports. His successor may be Arthur Seyss•Inquart, German Governor of The Netherlands. by stayin FOR HOTELS Modern, Fireproof, Conrcnientil located, tall Parking OS !aw as 5,50 no higher thansr' per person FOR MAP or FOLDER, wrA. FRO HMS CD Montreal $25040 $39 per person, hto' higher! 400 lovely rooms with ra TWENTY FOR THE TWENTIETH U. a,S.R CHINA • LOYANG Sept. 26 NANI(ING Noy, H Nov, 20 y, HUNGKING'V' ft HANK7 July 7 INDIA SASEBO I '.....,.... July 7 SHANGHAI Nov. 11 Nov. 20 NAGASAK Aug, 10 APAN TOKYO NOP. 24 Nov. 27 Nov, 29 Doc, OMURA July 7 Oct, 25 Nov. 11 Nov. 20 • BONIN IS. MARIANAS IS. SA! PAN a ion FORMOSA N LUZON PHILIPPINES EYTE S MINDANAO Celebes Sea 'GUAM . CAROLINE ISLANDS PALAU Pacific Oc SUMATRA"iii.. NEW WNW; PALEMBANG Aug, 10 ST I N Di'E S When B-29 Superfortresses of the 20th Air Force churia, on Dec, 7, they were blasting the 20th operations last spring. The map above shows tho than one city was hit in a single mission, there dropped bombs on Mullen, in southern Man - Jap -held city since these aerial giants began combat 20 cities, with dates of raids. Because often more were 35 actual bombings, over a period of 19 days. acC toj)'lc.'n With the advent of Christmas this year, these words hold for us an added significance: "Peace to then of good will I" • over. We are fighting that the spirit of Christmas shall endure. And we rejoice that this Christmas brings with it the def- inite promise of freedom for all mankind. WE Canadians, whether we fight in the factory or on the farm --in industry or in the armed services, wish peace on earth to men of good will the world THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM ara�+�sFaali 7taw?t3 <,a�si9+ Ii PAO 8, THE STANDARD .,,IVOCOCIVOCCICIRXICKIOCKICICKIVCCIsKiCteVCCKKMI6tCldtelEeCcCK Fall and Winter Needs Children's Hose, cotton and 1\001 , , . . Children's Gulf Huse, elastic top Boys' Wool Trousers Grey Wool Blankets ..2'5e to 75c 5()c $2.95 each .$•-1.50 36" White Flannelette , . 1.... per yar(I 22c A A A Good assortment Shoes, Rubbers & Rubber hoots. ' A s••, •$44 +-4- H+4H++++++++,; +J•,;.,1,+Ii DohertyBros. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO, 4• GARAGE, Two Shows Sat. Night Sat , Dcc, 21-22723 LAUREL & HARDY �. ''THE DANCING MASTERS" =Iter+' i• nhr lint I.aurt•I ,\• Ilard for::: ;h uu unit'. 'Titre arc the tvp'cal tn.tti I he� the olll tittle coca- ' Agents Igor International- " teat 1ue;l nue driterle•. Inn ,lural. :: ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" , Harvester Parts & Supplies :'1'111 rt' a ill int• a r l I•:I: \I.\'f l I:I{•=• " } ;'Ileruoon ;II '.3') 1'.\I. X White Rose Gas and Oil, I Ili, ;u;Inner i, f,;r chiltlreu only. .t• Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Mon„ 'ru:s., We;1„ Dec. 23.2u-27 J. Car Painting and Repairing. ;• Jt, RcJ 5kcl;cn, Erther Wilranrs, in 4. ,2 "BATHING BEAUTY" .t. Fi \ Ictal c li. ��_,ne and ''cGiII � •t. ur nnt,iral ualn ;c ,tun -;F t, Vim: rli•I,Iit of .tin eem; in waltz) °liner. -I'hr rnntr;l,tinl; rhytliin' of 3. D ani a121?1'..oi haat,,.?.-, ;N;Ii:l r.-/ina.'r..y',?r3:.19;:;13Z,anaDID,V?tan?4.N1';VMPIDi x11 trey ,shit, a, ,1 Na it'r cutot hiiiii:r _____ - •:'t! -Lige for tm4rh t+t Clic' Cute he- . r:, i4. s+++:.,40...8.,4.4 r•.:„4.4.:.;.�:..;.i...;. rS.:::.,:r:u:a..,.4.::„;..-0.'rr.,:,.'r.4h:,:,.:..:,.:r:..:a:, , C1\1'1'11 !111• colt( l‘• •>1'II{�r',it' {'f :: ................. .... . ,..... Red Skrl'o,i, 't' STUART RO ALSO "SHORT SUBJECT” —Dcet.mFer 28.129.30..,.—... •,2• Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. Morning Delivery. North of 1)insley Street. Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1.00 or Over• NEW DEAL 2 PKGS. PEP TUMBLER FREE. Super Suds Thrift Soap Fla Neilson's Cocoa Red Rose Coffee per es large h i. 11). 19e; Lihhy's Prepared 11Iu4tard Limburger Cheese, Soda Biscuits, White Beans, /� / Cabbage, Celery, Lettuce, Grapes. /,O r•„••HO:.o,.•.,,,.;.••r,;,:,,.••o..•,.:,:,.o:,.•.:.:,.•..•a,;.;..•..•.,•...:r.o:•, ,:,.•,:r:r.;,.•.:..;.o..•r, ,'•'', •,:r,•,,. I •1 I. , I.. III, 1. 11.1 Iu :I ..Y.I:II • ,.,i . Ills 22c :erne• �, 29c ). -15c per jar 10c SPECIAL 'HOME IN INDIANA” The mans&ement of the 1_yccum:4: rl:ea're witshrs to a itcnd Season's•= .?. Grect'ngs to it's patrons and friends? 't1e arc quit,' coI1i'!eut i11is will he (lie In 1 Clr i,tina, t+e will be llhli) et1 to ',Ia.; 1 take this , i,,Intttnit} to con_ .`r,ttttl t'.r lour ti, c ett ,+:t the ,pkndid star}; r 'rt arc ,i,in for the horn away d a 11'1.111 bra no, ani, a}-„ to wish elle' acrd 7 a t cry \list•\ Chri,tnct, and a Ilap- _; ,y New `, oo i 1 venni ,:. 1. THANKS • RED CROSS FOR CHRISTMAS PARCEL Myth l . iI Cr. ,< Society. I)car i rand \I env than,,:., f, r the grand l'tiri,una, parcel I receiv -d a few days ;r -;u, Our hest: from honer nines, took so g;•'+orl to un, especially at thin I•:tcr rern' ,I; 111,' t car. Not only 11,1 the content, provide nl;uly a nlidni_Ilt ,uaek, hot also Lri hack tit 1u�ilt. ,Ii :br•r at I n:e who ;ore c ,ntinindir re• inund,cri;l it That in it>cli .Meaux ,o re -p ctfn ly, I:. i;. i'lcuder, Vodden's BAKERY. 1VIIENIN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER G HOME BAKE H. T. VODDEN. "'•I' . .IA..II 1. CEILINGS THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, ' The gelling, which Is u:;nally- Fra n k's B a ke r lort;r lh;ul any sin}'In wnll, ,brut,,,, - .,, a cuusidrrrd ns a fifth Lyall. 'Thus 'when planning the drroration for a P110N1 alb. i3I,1"1'I-I, ON'[', I :moot II It; just. as Important to tic- ,; :lett a cog;'n^l ceiling paper as 11 IN -10 cbou=e the proper Lyall clrcnrit• ..i Tion. \'our preference may fervour i ,one et contrasting colour. Pon'l .:he afraid that. a "('olomr•I'Iannerl" :room tv;ll extend your Midget, To Trenliv.o this you can readily Ino so i by stent, my rumples --- over 500 ,to p:cli from. PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, BUNS, COFFEE CAKES. FRESH EVERY DAY well here, and Everything Homemade the Dark�ress Out�j� world are coming of again, shining �e liehts of the warm glow of comfosymbolst and cheof er. new One by one, tie Int with a caring as brigl't the darkness of the night victory. of war, lights aassuvaltce of of the gloom of an proclaimed the birth hope • .. a Dope born so the lights sa tr (ice and cars ago the Star of Bethlehem Two thousand years hope to the world ' comes out of ave n a Peace that of Christ and g este • • • strength to heralds of Promise of a new and better lite. s now as gives p in our hearts new faith and our part to suffering and g awakento lit,, as aw os we hold clear • •; sin shine brightly May this Christen country again on Earth, ht for the things in every Spirit of continue to fig when the lights reign the Sp hasten the bout the world and throughout „ ONTARIO to Men • COMMISSION OF Goodwillto POWER THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC _ ..�.-" _ THE OLD SUNWORTHY LiNE 1 WEDNESDAY, DEC, 20, 1044, 1 WALLPAPER Our stuck of Wallpaper is now fairly complete. Prices range from 121,e per single roll and upward. We have a limited quantity of small room lots to be cleaned. STOCK SUPPLIES Full range of Royal Purple and I)r. I3e11's _ Stock Supplies are on hand. We also have Cooper's Dri hil and Stock Cod Liver Oil available. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20,' ICV41 t 11CletatetGt4l.410 Id13tebat4tGK4:1414181CICICItet3 01181, v4ttit441e1Gtete eitC414343et¢t3KKR Living -Room Furniture New Styles in Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs upholstered in latest Fabrics aLMost Attractive Price . look Cases, Hassocks, End 'fables, Mirrors. Tri -light and 'fable Lamps Make Ideal Christmas Gifts. A Call will convince you of the Many Excellent Values We arc Offering. Home Furnisher — Phoneys 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. Pa IN)ildiDi2tDtD NXtt8nD17n21Dt212tDIBIXXbnDtBt3rANDIXXXDID Xorb`nD►2nXXVA3tat2tD XIdstDt� Sorry In xav, Nitre are xo NE\V- I'.\'1" I I•:INS this year, being; the = '!' :•' .sante the last IncIreyears. I:yvey- tiling in the line of Decorating. ;No •: ;spec al time for appointments, —'1 :and remember. I specialize in that = ,. .lough job of taking off \Vallpaper, o *+r -i• F. C. CREST Phone 37-26. I ,a. . i .4. I I .L1 I I .II • I .. .l . r a4 e I 1 . I 4111111 HURON GRILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT lr'001). GOOD SERVICE. Meals at -All Hours. va fp LOiIDESBORO ! FRANK GONG — Proprietor f. I . '•:r,:a „:a,:a,44 r:a,�r,�, r�a,� �r,�r,�a.�r,�„�r,• ,�r,:rr:.,�.,�r,�r r�,r�,.�r,:r r�r,:r,�r.�,:a,:„:r,:s r�r,0.•. a:, r:a r:a r�.,�a.�a•�,+�4 dr +44+41. 'stCIC VCCKICICKIG1C1GK1CtGtC VSICCI6KICZKICKWICICiCKIKKtGVOCCICICICKIVCtCIVOCKV Elliott liisuraiice Agency � u BLYTH ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Eire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. 1I, R. Elliott, Offlen Phone 104, Gordon Elliott Residence. Phone 12 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" Tired Homes" The call, of your home have a tvav of becoming tiled, ju,t as people d1,, There is nothir' so refreshing fn. the.,r 'tired" ,galls a, n:•a' tvallpapers. Visit I':,lith ('i i1;1itt'tt's I)ccorat n•'s A • Shoppe ;Uhl, s(':' 11-w she can rcfre;h a il your home with "Swim,' thy" or ' NI:1xi- A1nun" \\'allpaper:s, tllII, bringin►,' rcliei Av to yonrsrlf, during your !wire hour., iu ei)i .,D13n^).,:42,;41212,:i?,`Al;or1;,4d12is1.sr>13iD,31312,3121Dn2DakintD12il?aDt3INDt21Dt21Dt20124)iDiat)t tlte,r Dead and Disobleal Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY, 'Telephones: Atwood, 5(431; Seaford', 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, I.rl'1). EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE Located Oppos'te Kernick'a Grocery Sboppe open Saturdays 1 to Ill ,'clock, Other hoots by appointment. PHONE 158, BLYTH, Try A Classified Ad. •I•INIINININN•PIN NIIIIIII•NI INNNfNHIOP. ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT THEATRE-- CLINTAN. GODERICH. SEAFORT'•t. Now: Dick Powell and Lirda Dar- N w P•a•in;: 'M'nca•nee;:e." and NOW PLAYING: "Three Rusrian ncll in "It Happened To-Morrcw•' "Herry /a'r'ch Hsu its A Hruse" Girls", & "Vi -tory Thrcugh Air Power." P,tor.day, Tuesday, Wednesday Moud'y, Tuesday, Wt dneaday Christmas Attraction Cat m.71 Mirarda Drn Amec'.te and "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE' Williant Benrix Ileirltete untrdere:I bt'rli-s buried t.I It's a swirling, the cellar ;seen everyone in the hon .c Ttchillcol n medley as nutty as a 1' fruit cake scene; it f niu 1, r'e rimers: and Tali lit Monday, Tuea.ay, Wednesday Wafer I3-ennan, June Haver and Jean Cra'n. griul ,nhj(Nl, 1,..' 1it,Ilyu•nud II 's "GREENWICH ViLLAGE" I'r•rscnCmg the rc;U•'s nual popular turns -1 it ii,tn a funfest that ).utt `_- -' -- film, , slut). of ween who train the nma not ut'ss T.n r,day, 1'r'day, Saturday pncet•x, Cary Grant, P,i;rilla Lane and Frank Capra's 'HOME IN INDIANA" Raymond Massey, "ARSENIC AND OLD LACE" -- —` Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Fr:day, Saturday ,Ins and Marin Jordan and •A t'o'nedy of errors and oniissioui• F.ed is M-rc't a -d Al -res Sm:th li'al Win love you ' is 1'n' Eugene Pallette t~ I • ! . G:ve a bei li:Un; tii.itiv ization based I•hc Fnted radio (cant, fibber ;Ind "Use \larder!" on the rover -life of America's Molly, gra to \\'adbingtrn to tcli the Ctry Grrnt Raymond Mtesty and 1 nu st fatuous humorist. Se,latc bow 1'1 handl the tzar Petr Lorre 1 "MARK TWAIN" "HEAVENLY DAYS" Coming: "BRIDE BY MISTAKF." Cn, kr: dune Haver inI COMING: 'Arren'c rn3 01.1 Lace". Alan Martial, and Lzra'ne Dig "HUSH EYES ARE SMILING" Matinee:: Sat. and Christmas and Mat.: Saand Holidays at 2.30 m. New Year's Day at 2.30 P.M. I t. Ma`.: Sat. ani Hsi at 2 3) p m. p The nt:Urt.,enlc'nt an.l sl:lff of 111,,above thea ccs tt 'tih their many at cons a Nlerry Christmas ;lid a New Year that will brim! (race and Victory. MN+NfNI1tNNNNNNNIJNItN11NIrN1/N1/I,INd4 "IIN•1144NNNIY,O INIt trlll•I•IWIIM