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The Blyth Standard, 1944-10-04, Page 1
VOLUi111'i :5 - NO. 07. WEDDINGS 4 4 4 411 IInll,•11 '1 .111 111)), 1\:VIII", 1 \1. 111) 1- \1,!111,4'.„'i 1111 4'444/, 11 1 nui;:1”, �.t('(,;111 - ;�i('1titN1 '11,1. \'11 , .; 11411:4 r :.,14141 1'1:1,1 'I Iii, Sunda'., 4 )11:111er 1'.111, .\nrlil'11 Ioul 114.1 (;4.,I,}:, I.. \4.111 11,14' 111411„1 111, (',ln;l'll,rl 1.1,.'111, :11111 ' 111171'11• via; \\ 111\,111 .11 I •1' I. '1111 \-1 '1 1:,11111 »I 111, S1. l 1111!1; 1 Ill 1 .'n ,!1. I n 14'44.1 ar\ 54.,411,4. 111111 I,,' lcld at I1)" in !n,n!i.l'.t' \1,147111,. 4'11114' 11cr'' 4114 land 1'1 111 41 I'tc Il.0 1111' Ill „! ,t '111 ,1 1'"11 '1.1' 11\' I,, t ' ! . I • ! •Il, 14) fit 11ou 1 111\I �, ! I rl c,h111'i 14.11 ( 11'ri 11, III) III, a1 I•11, 11,11.1, ;:n 4'n in niarri,IL1, 1)' 11''! 411,1 \\H,4441411,;414. 114 "i NII • It .114 1 t 11,1•, 1•\ l'i:III,, 1. ,, ,,,.� ,,. ,• "4'd ;11''11 "1' r'I ; !1'.1,11 r ,in, ;11141 7...14 ;,,III. N,4. \\111•on I,f \\'iltl' father, ,1'14•, a ,Irc,t-11.14 t! dr4.s, of Auld 4\ 1, ,r' , i -: ',!1. beet 11!4.n Ile ! h 1\ i�IlUu ill, a, he a:1144.!1 114411., \\ hen 1':11114 11,'! " . \ la) A. I 3.111 '!.t' r ! 11 111111' I "III 111 "111'•1 si» 11;1',. \1141-11, �I,in4':t!1 I,Iti ' •Ill',, and cal rich ,I n'u'n 1..4111 11'1;11 'I 311' 1 It 1/, !I 1"11• ,1111'',. 111,•,' n 1111 1 1.11111\ LH"' •`;:; Ill \I r. nn l '111.11,1.11• Id .`;' I n., 111111 - I)\ t!4. rll„i'. :111 I Nil.. ~1:1411,'\' ~1111 111 11,1 111141 'i 1 "f Itriar, Ilio to^,,. !\' .1 IBI••111-, li ,, I I 1 I'Illlllll,e4. 1'4.1:1 1111 111, .,\\11'11111'. how, N. II I , • .0 '. tll 11: ,1, \'' il• l lIt ii j 1' 11111 I„ ^411»i•t 1,14. the !1111.14111 , till, \\ .41t,111!,11 1)\' her ,',tel• 1':11\111,, 1111n e” !aunt,. 11: i11r If, lit a'r,\al. I i, 11,:4 `.Ir \111 1',11. 1,'•:11 \,;u•.,' haw I;Ilii, •\1. 1 ,'!I. 1'' 1 . \ 1 '''11 of ! u'r\Irr, ar41 My'. 111,1'1'1 Irl 111111,, ,11111- � 11 hu 11''f, ;1 Ilft'„ 11.1 1111,1,1' I', Ill' 4'I'l'1,1' 1 Prllate \111 111111,111 SII"I 111'1 I, 1141, III 1,1 tor the eyeio'I4 and ,arlie l a 111111!!Iel of 1111111' I\111:1, ( allalll 14!1 ti.,oc111114r 1'01, air! 11,1' 111,4'••. \1'11':'11: rite 1.\'1':1, nil',, of lit 11a, Loon 4 „111111,''I l , 111.1, (II"I. TItINI rY ANGLICAN Cl1URCIl the )rid', in a froel; 1'11 "hitt, ,roil.', l'.y. 1',111 h"•;•it,ll, ;1111 lap r 1 1444.:.' Itcv. P, 1-1. Streeter, L.'1h•, Rector. ,Is Ily 11"4‘4'i t 1'1. T!,• 1111111;1 \k a, ;It ~1111.4 111'1 4,1;1. 'I SII, I'll!, tended by Ili, hr' Ihir, \\'4',ley Neil. Il;u„Id I, r' r\in., .4 •, mine, r .,f 11, llarve•t Festival the 1\,''!,1)11;, nn1>ir 1111, 111.14:d I)\ '1 11;1\, „'lV,r, in France. in t1)' i"'111 Sunday School 111.15 ;1.141. 11i •. 11,''111 \I;,c(;r1,i,,'r. Hut lug the 1'11 a 14.4,'4; 41 )11111'I ,!11111 ;trim, 11'11 l'. \1114, chalky' in time. ,Tgiinq 1,i (h" regi,tyr \Ir,. A. I':. ;11'1 1'\'r., '11„•1.4., hope, :In„r1!\ that \Ioriine 1'1•:114.. and .,'r411''n 11.15;1,141. \I1 Ilii,, •,llr; "Ilrr,nl•,.” 11„ 1,',rni,,'.,nt d1,:1lili!\ \1 1411. '11'!4 Net for 11 ill offI' Tat,, "I he 41''1 1114)” lull""e'I at 11 hi)11 1111, I '!,% \\ Il;llt,'•;,n (•1,1'•ted 1,4 4 )rip,,, VA(' in;' Pray( r and S'l mon, 7..411. !ri'I,'', mother recH;.t'I, ",arinl' ;l :Ire-, 4444 \I,!rill 3rd, 101).1. Luer 1,:111 .11'11 "ills 1 Iii" r,,I 1'1 (' , I, 1'1'111 on Sat - I he ice .1. \\'. I )''n;ll'I•nn, l' 'i'I 1r of pack 1 rept' t1 T111 a 4.,:r,;IL',' 111 \1111- the No\ al Canadian (lr'Inali e 1 "r; . a , -' '•I 1, \111111 members 11 I.III'IiC„11' "III 11111'Gll,. ;11111' ItniterII\' 1',,4',. I11'llher „f l li,ll'I'I,'ll'! 1 al.i! I1,1111111»il, 11 !I"• �,li,:,ti :! \11141' r.'tilnrtin;r• 4t • the 1411.41111 a„14.1"1), 1,4"'14,11 in nN11 1eedin; l)\)4'.);4, on 11,1\ 1'111, Hi 1. the •lerrett T❑", ,1! 1114.1+„ yl, 'Tor 111o. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN. \l urnin,f I'ra1) ;old ~,,!141114 in til. 111111 steer 141111 ;I corsI,LI 111 1111114.1 fly . I'' 1111" 1114'; IIT, ;,; rival Ill I.uf !:rill h, \1 I !n•11,•1, h:41'IJ,!Il In \\ 1111,11- I I \1;111k, i 1114,,! 14,'11 ~14141)1} at III 1.141. rl"{',• pi,tl'll t» 111, �tll (ana,li,n1 Ini:)nlr\ 111,14, 11111,,` in Ir41r 11;1•;rllin;; the 1)ride clio,e a , 1tl'iea'14 1\"r1; •111 4. 1141 4,1 , n,:'!,• Il,r,a.l"1 lea, all \411" 111.1.11;, in time. I, ,,1111'1 TRINITY CI!111tCH, BELGRAVE black I;lil'red ,u1l. The collide \kill r,- .1rd 1)141 inn. III!;'Ir '1' ),I'' ! 1,':.,, I;'�h,l'I'!1. 1.1111:1111.11111 1111' 1,1411111 Ian" near I\II'IC-' 1 l 11111'1141 111 France ,,ii Jul; 11111. ,;,', ! 11"';111. 1'11114. I'.\4.11,.,llI4 ;III ! •t'I'III„II in 'I 11"111' ( Int,, h 141 xt ~11141)14' ;11. at _.4.1tun. The boat h, \\as un 1I''"l."d al ll'1 Il,,li I.' lir ;4,! i111n1' I t''n;1)d lolul- 1In11Lin':, and +s�.r,rw • LYTH STANDAR B1,Y 1'II, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, 0(11. '1, 191.I. Subscription Kates ,$1.50 in Advance; $2.0I) in the U.S.A. I'o)'mer .Ins[ Wawanosh AMONG 'TIL (111UKC11ES' Neal - Beacom 1 Pte. Harold Wig'htman Native .A t'id('nt `Jictim\I die i»nn' 1 i till !ride', 14,u'4.nt,, \\, cleaned 1101111' I RESBY I'ERIAN CHURCH 1•'1', 4)'11 1!', 1,111,' "1'" '1"11,11 111' \k1, \I r. \1'llli,un .`,i' 1 „:I 4.4.1"1 t! , !.4''' \11..','.1 ! 1 ),!,141 ~'141'1',, 1!1' ",1, the \onn ;,,t ,1';1)1 111 1'''1, I,i't.,i 44Itr, \1'.1 \. \1;14'11 .1,144 1r ,Ili 11:''1 t! 111 11'.':11, Ill „In 11 the !at,' \II. and Mr,. lane; til(.kl alt ' 11, I I l' , 11,• !'I i" :1.�1 .I,•. 'dd. 1111' \111!, 111',14,,! Iy' ' Ir;Ill Nyi'I, 1'1'4 !,'c1 ;t' ' l 1)'L: (Pit. 11 111'_;IItiI' '11:- The ,un,lru ' I I'I' 111 1,11 c, ';I •• \.1111 4 N1 ,, ( .;'11. I'4':III .\141'1, ! ti,ll\ ellion .\,1411 4, , "I 1 • 1. \, 11, •' ,1 r'1 \`„1- ;1 ( )r:Ill,, tllll'll awl a flk' rn r ” 1!11 \11 • I ', id-, 141,:111 r ,.i t!1, I'l.l''1. I,nirlll,. ;11111 "'a, 1),111)„141,1„I 1 ! , 1.1 .l !'' an:4 41.14 ;I kat,.! 1\.111 I'I, ti,lll':111"II .\I' - Mtn: ;!r,. : In ! 4..,11 4-,' 1 ,1 halm Hill I•u,r . I !'.4'11.. `',.1 i" r, 1.'' .\,I', actl'•I a, !) 1 I;1.III .After a 11' '':i„ j' ,1'11' :11 1','' S 11• ;trill 1111 '1 the Il 1;';'1' r„111'1,' 1.'41 1 11• OIl;mea ,nl'I "t',1 !• 4,1- (''!'14 Haut'. The tral''lllll 11'1 „ 1,l' 11 111'1 "4.44!,1 \void r",Ilan, 1,.1'4 II.,:'i 11 ,4 1 '1'111\' "ill 1e id,' i 11'4 ii, l,Iot, t 1. t:u•i1', Results OI' Public School Field Da -1' Snorts I ill• I:II,'I, 111,! ! I,,, !•;, 141'x' 11' I , 11 ' 1," i. ,'.II:I !.i ' I, 1 1,'it:u,,, n'! 1, ill tlti JI"11- ill' \\i111t''1 G rlti, II, 12 mid 1:1 .'n'll!„ 11 :Ir Irl .•I 1\.1111", I1 .i ,u . I ,"I )Milt-t"I,, 1 .11,,.1 1!,:1!1 „'! 1.' II . Ir:ll \'' '1," .\11'11' \ `I''ta' II. I m h alt'! Him! Irina \\:;11,, 4! , :11, 14.,1'4.1 '1'1111,11. :,l 11;! ;11 1. 11" 1 11',!1' 11. 1„1,4-1,'n, 14',',,, !, 1. .': ;111; I, ,111 ' 11 , ±' 1. L,Ihcl T11u4.11. 1,1114.1 \\,Ill,,,. 1 Ht II: '11,,,,,1 I :1"' ! 'I 11.14'!1. It 1,, I \', 1! ,' , >!i ' !' \ Pi.:! 1'' . \t, 1).1,11- 1 !14:1 \\,11!,"1 ,1,,,:: rt4r, \'ill,\ -'! a ! Winners: 1-1. It:,:,l 1',.11!:1 e. 21 1, 111,1-: _'n'. -.,11 el '11.tie.1, 22 11 .1111'•: 11,'1, )1.444 tilreet,r, 111 Boys, 11, 12 and 13: 'War AIEXdii1ry .�IC'1 1411 1,'I Il,;nu1, 11114.1 The \\ ,u• \ l;• a :11 1 14: t ;11 111 I t. l',. Str\Car•t', 'UI ,,1'11. 2(I111, "'illi :4 ,11111 ,I1, -II'lil"' 114',' Illlll'ral W''I'l', atlt 1411(1 1111• •. '!'!Il' I'i, • i \ I ! .. I) !Inn, :114 1 I', I .11.•\ ;in!. Mr. \I, I;1iy4r, 1)11,' 11'11 I „\'', 1l, I,li Lii,,1 1!1• 11 IImil. i. ", \Il,. Cie 11th"' \ •.1'1111 :1!1,1 ,'11, 11114- uI'clin}, 4.11'1 1'1141• 11,•1 111,1'1, for II;' 11!1- Il'1, Ir. ,l"'11" �. (lire arlI1ili4... 'Hi, ~"411111' 11,1, ,1:1„ ,'! i !, \I r. and "dr . 'T!1"11,:1. l ' lerlon, Ilan 1)1'1' 4 ,'"!' :111,! I, 'Ill;. "!11 I" ,'11 • \I I'-. l X1'.'1'(l' ( .II!I'I.411, 441 ( I'illl:ll'ly, (.11 f'r carp ( 1.141:'1, I,''! :1 tit 1. '; ,14'1,:1 and \11',. 1;. 1 14111Th, '111 \\•inthrol!. in 1111111 (111'1 )'iia 1\11' II t!I. I'1•III"—,---\�---•--- groul, 4\ ill 4.1111ri:lin :11, :'11'14 1 1,11:!1 11,0 ;11('('011(1 F1i'ti1.-Al(1 (()llrse grl•:ttt•,l ~44",,11 1114111) 1.1 , ;out! O1'!;in izcd \4er(. 111111),1) 1111. 114,11 1\, 11, r„111114'1"I "11 \ l"nr-4. I'I 11.•11 Alt) "'ill runllncnre herd I.c,nl (•• In 1111• 4.4runlg h, others, in 111, N"•I 1'r •.. I o 1414. 111 'Ilu's\' san11, 11(.1141)1) Tilt: 1114 Icr I'a'.,rtlt yea l 111,.11' 1. '-Itl:. .',!1 1 t!{r, r o,t' 1years, The 111. � l in, 4.1:11:; 11, !„11; I' 11,1;1, 11111 " 41111 "1.111,1 1111 ('''IIIII;; 11141111, .' lc held at \li,, 1•:. \I ill.. \Ir•,. ''',\.I t ,''i ,'., 1111' 1111-1.1 444 ,tlrI11 1,1(.4,1' I(.avc Next Sand;1\•, 11441141. 5111, there "'ill 111, a,si rte I h•, \11 Prot,,, I I"114 roan , 11'11'114•- 11 it/1 1'r. 11»11 1, •I '' I1'hinc \\'„,d- be no c\'"nin1: sere let:, 1)4'1 :114,1, 441 Ill, 111 ser\ 111'1 I't'I''1 ,!:Ill":i' .it the e! ' 111 1"' 1. 1111 111• , ' :U1 I L,r1't,. ,111'cial ,t'rvic1, III thc I'rl•bt,ytl'riall \' and :\nclican Churches. Mr, 1'!1:1 1 i'• 1; ' 11 tic„ entertain- .\ :.I,rrial I'!itIIk•,givim Hay ti1,rvicc Mr, \.`;in,!,lir a11(111c,1 tl'' :In'ti11 4'11 Illy 1,111!'. ' 1111' 4.',111 and "111, and11i11 le 111"1(1 ill the l'Iile,l ('1;11rch at Ihrv' N, 1 (t',1„ 101111. ",r, 1!1111114'1) on 11,15. a11c1 '11. 1 ~1414,11; Sch''ol at 111.15. 1 I;u(.,t, "(.r, present from Tlrunto, head] near It;,11'11x, Fran, 4., 111,!,'! .;,Ill, 7 it, hilt 11-1', 1,,,1. IL11nn;• 1('larl;,un, I.i,tnlcrl, 1'111"1, .\t\\n1,11,;during "I1" I);r' had 1)„'I the -erne '.i I I;Illuli .; Ilr„a,' •111111'1,_ 1t„11,11,) 1„hll- BLY'1'H UNITED CI'IURCEI I'. ,'tor, ilea 1111, I:irhton, ti,hrin'fill,, (Torre fighting, but all "a, 111:4.1 111, > I s(„n, 13 1't, 3 in., II:11John-ton. .1141111 \ ('4 I.n1;, rnn;:r1,l,ation, attended %irh'll, .\rva, ('lintnti and ItcictM 'ave, ay Pit'. \Vinlllnrlrl 1:111'1"'1, 1.11c I';;llt-' 5111th"r1'c. the nni:yrs Ily •er\'icc, last Sunday. — _f---- in;; 1)y that Inn, Ila \111114-`, 111"41,1 a 1'• n ' innu:;n� . 11, 1'' ;111'1 jun';,- 1)"11:11'1 �I, '1 N1,1'. I. :\. Itrook, a I''•rulrr 141111411.1 `'I WILLING WORKERS MET 1 Sldcralle 'li,l,:llr, inland. .\lrl44.t ini-: t11nt.;'•11, '.; 11. 11 in., IIIII John ,1:0', 1)"11141,,"1) "x,(.111 Ill 41)4.1,(., (.,' The I nl'lial,ly :Iltcr I;+u'lint, th,v \44.1. , 1: c;11 - The 44111 Linc Nlorri, \Villins \Yorker �(i1 r"' .1111'1: ;r:4.. choir \1'11, 15;54(4) by \Ir. (;corgi' '' t" a ,i'llt "hill 11':t, h"111 1111111;11 Itrant,m, ~,4144.1,1 Ili '1'4414411144, awl hi, 41 met :It the home of \1r. K. Taylor 11441 Itnul.ni; 1111 11 juin;'—I)„14,11'1 ,I'.lul- so!44s \ert•e greatly appruci.11,d. 111 thel"1111)1(.1„I 2 1)11'11,, It "'its also (l,ridt'41 l,.;,1 tawl hey wiltl:'r,,,IIIthIt ,111111,'1 illy 111'";1 ^ton, hill I+i!ul'1'1n. I)4.r'I; til'1!artl morning \II•. 1111111(11 ,,1!11'1 114•, 1111.4.11• 11) II„I'I ;! 1'.tleill'P and Dance 111 the 111 411'.1114 1a�'1 )1:'111,-I)'14A1•' 111,!111• \I (.Inori;ll Hall (1u October '(4th. ..' st n, 1111 i „111,1'1, 1 i,1r.;, 1 14414111. of three \azi llan(.s. I lis ,tin In I�r;un':• ,(Ila,, "The Lord', l'1•;I1'l'i', I ,t'l Nllls''11' \1 ,I, 111t particularly l'xl'Itlll11 ,1, h, 11,1, ~11441 t 'llt ---! I '11:11,1 I"!111.1"'I, )l I! , „�. .•n Shell- -- -\' hy Dirk,, 1111) 111 II Lila, a 1, A T for the 1114,,1 'alt hark of the fielllilt;: 11!11 1,3111^In, 1;,�,r'' 1Loom. EAST WAWANOSI-1 1i11,51 111, 1 1:tt l race-- 111. 1,.11 ! I„!Ill,)„II. 11'11 \I r 1, 11. \11111)1,11 of Sa:,k:tI"l It is Jerry Bomb Rctponsible For Wound 1„Iln,ton, I )rl ,'k SI 11111. thr lncctiil'. ,creires ;1l 11' 14•;111 ;11,1 4'1111.,1':111'.1 nn Sunday ;11,1 41 •1,14.11 1111! „•1l•l al 'Fiends. ...14.4444.....1.11. \'is1Un1; 111, 1114,111, NII,. L. C. \l1(,u4vat' ,\, a 1.1111. 11•, :alit 11'411 1'' sot all it1 I),1s11-11.'11,,1,1 l,lnl-1'111, ;t,toil, I„1114 `l, 11111 1111n - and \I r. \Ic(i':11';tn. Ilc made the tri;, ;In orchard, or 5)111, 1111”" that afforded , )Ih4111,(.. as far , \Ialt',n hY "1 r;nU-("11111 la Air some ,ort of cl'ni,1. alinent from 1.14''141\' stun, I.inc,, and enjoyed the trip. air actio I, Ina "n the night that He. 1),'11;11'1 144!114 toll. •111 1,, lit.; 1111 \lis, HAT': \\'at,l of \Vint1!an1 spent \Vi,ghtnrul 1\15 "4411141)(1), 1111'111111 ":I 14111u,ton, _''1 1)4411111 II,,Ir,:, Il,ulnn, 3 \144141)14' "'ill: 1)(.r 1)1,"141' ' stationed in lla open. fust a. 111"\4 p 1444., R,V. 11141 \Ir,, Piro )k of I1(4115 )11 \'Ts- ",'rt' I,rcl,;grin'' for 111,1), a 141111, \;t/T Girls, 8, 9 and 10: 01'11 \I'• 114,1 \Irs. R. \I4'(;"\Val 4411 Llan, appeared overhead,' 41111 IlvI!l: Sunday' slra.1glt at 1114111, let 100,1, a 1)onll,, Stan Ti'I,1 In oad pimp 1 ,I 'rl,l s t,- 11'11X11 explode. in the camp.,. \V'nndintlorin', '4 it. 2 in., \I :rv' \I"I rll1, 1114-a.; 1\Ic\ail. seven, ,tulnlIg tltnt I'tc. \\'itklt tntn 1 inn'n1; Lr, a1) 1'1,1411 1'11"r;M S-1 1:1 rtlnl:ltl.ly 11'4 one \Vas killi'1. Thi, R action t'.)nl: 11'1;!cc a1'nit 641' 11111,', j11,t!'c, 12 ft. ', in., Nin',: \I,\111, \la' -1' \I orris t. 11'44141 Caen, Iiiinin,, 111 'l', Ste:, and junll'-1;1 :ri,1 That ended hi^ action in France. II, �TI'llorl"t11-1111' \I",;111, \I,u- l\as ta;,c11 to a (.'In4dian ClearanceSttti''n un the beach. 1\ here tre tical 1;11,ltc 111, 1!1. 1111,,,4„1,' ,, 1'11.'1! --- hila \I r.' ,,ll, attention \V4, ('1111, 1111) later 111"11 t„' hospital in I linAtnd. 1.,.:, \'I:'.i,l i::l ISI„ria *114.111"I l,,. Praise; Blood Plasma 1 `1t 1I.n'• -- 4 ;l''rlII Sihtlln•l,y, Inn, \lorlitt, 11,!1! ",1 it, 111111. "(Inc 111111,1; 4'1111 can't sty too much 1),1. h - N)4. t \Ir\,III, 11,11 4 \1"r: 1111, 4!44111" ,aid He.\\'i;lt111411, "i, 1111,1(;I„ri,l Si!rtlorl't. "underfnl "ork 11 mere \• !cin1; don)' I Winners: the supply of !1''1 l'l;oula. II' ', (;ord 511111"1111', _1 " lI"'1111,: 111',,4 I'a1)':'I !_'4'n for it I 1411111111 not h, lot', l Mc Nall, 14 11,,1114-; \I,Ir, \Iori ill. 1') today,” i larold had ti u 114,114 ion• 111;11 points. 44,4-41.044t 4LW”, 4- \ Into One Pocket—Sure! but OUT of the other Each of us is both consumer and producer. A s a producer each of us would like to get MORE money for our goods or services. As a consumer each of us wants the costs of living kept down. fiut we can't (lave it both ways. As long us goods are scarce and money plentiful, prices have to be controlled or they'd jump sky high. If prices are to be kept down, then costs of production including salaries, wages and raw materials must also be controlled. 0:30 PC.-LrlOri Can Start It ! When any one of us:— • offers to pay more than legal prices;' O cisks higher returns for his services ; e asks higher prices for his goods. ,-1• > He helps start a chain that forces every one else to do the same and nobody is betl.r off. .��_ •_ ..=�T A 3t LaiArt,..�`_.L ..:'I ., • r;•.. THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA TO EMPHASIZE THE IMPORTANCE .--, OF ..........,....G .,,R...E.. R.S.. ,.. THE COST .. .,..,..r NOW, Akin DEFLATION LATER. he r,'nn•nlhcrs, ;111,1 1111141• ' 111'(4. that he 1111'"• nothing alntit. Boys, 8. 9 and 10: 1 S1;1"111'-'' ! '.1'! illll41l---1.,IHII,111 Lls• IIc al>o had 111"11 l,ral,t• 1441• t11c 1'114 1(111114 Nrd (i''.'., \4111 It, i, 4141- 1)onal'I, 1' ft. ; in., I:all \\'tiitii,l'I, h"n, enc I;r(.at 14141!. anlon,l; t1114'!4'\. 44441.- P11111). SIMS. ' III ;11111; -- l ,11'11:141 \LIe- lle had high praise for 4114. '.pll'ndi'l 11»1;1111, I1 tt. 10 in., ):Irl \\"11ititchl, medical scrvi»t' 1),'1111' rcndrrl'k to 1)'nela. I\ill'atrill., N'allmletl 111111 (/1'1'1',4 I, II11411111, 11„l'. •lr;' and 111'!11' : I) 'III, - 11)', I,'rtllll;ltl' las Is: ilp ltt'I,1., 23 it. 5 in., I 1;1 514114, o11 otlt,')o\. 11 111- 11(1111(41 111!) 4411f11'111• 1),(V 1rir:41 tIiisin 1•,4!11-', 1\111111111 III.'II 1111111'- (,1!111,111 \IJ,- nnnlit\•. 111, sa1)' Hurt I':IIi 'tt. 'Ted ,1)»14111), 111111 \\'hil11'11,I, 161”. 111.11' ll('nder ;11141 1 ',:n \\'i(lllnctn.•I'!Iru',1in11 .4411111'.1--( ;11114,111 \Li 14»:,- (1111' hi, 1T11,111.t 1111111, "a, I,, I:ILI, 14 )1, 11' 1'11, \1 IIT)111,1'1 11;(1(411 4(1144.).. pote"rinl 6,14I1tiUn. ''f t1), 5,'l' ca1r,--':al I"1\‘'\IIlllItnId, \1.111,41' N.A.F4 ;Ind »..ticaniiu11 neck' 4111 I1;111111, 14.,ncLI, \IrNall. their ho111hitu: 'u,. The Irrr\ 11,11.!; --Karl \\ hit li,l'1, 1'.44111.111' - Plan,':., Ion' outnumbered, „1414 ,Arlo,: (4' I 11»11,11,1, 1)„11(41,1. !ail;':Iri,l„ at nTclt. Winners: Al the tittle he ‘Vas in II".I'i1:ll in ( •u Ilan 1!;1111 111111141. 2.1 11 jut.: K111.1 1':14'-'1,111'1, I!4' I;ct•Inatt 11117/ 11»111411. "4.,1, \\Intf],LI, 11 It int', 1)oi,l,l. I\111'al- at 111411' I'ra11, ;14111 s('\cral 11(1114)1 i!„I 1'1"11, 7 '4)111(5. a ,111',;(1 d"l 1111'' 1,,)111 lir 1„•1)1111. Gil'la, 7 years 1111(1 under: lir r('ldill ,creed that hi, hip" rot 111,1 h•- Its' 'Hee J,'ll'1.tol.It, 1'4 \Ll' - thrill \4Is hi. arrival hack. in Canada. 1)(mah1, inn:. 111\•111. and In' i^ 411) happy to he hot),', 511141114 1,14'.111 j1111111--Nolte- Donald, \'1„nn,' \I4'\1111, tun, 111\all. Il,t'II1 lr,nl hap,s�-I):' 11att''n, 1''irst Prize At lielg'rave Ilett\ \I trllnn.:I'I. Irl !Ir 111411' \. SehOO1 11111 llnnlul_ the 1,q)r—Itr(Iy \11(.1)111,11'1, S.S. No. 5,\I ort i:, aro t44 he roil_ lltrnicc 1"Int'.t,m, Irene 111111.1', 1_ralul:ltcd on 1Villning fiat Prize 1)1111 It„ol: rare--!1,th' \14x1)""1111, 111"11, nni.,n clor11. ;1t I1l'll;r,11t ~"1!44441 \lattnn, ltrrli,'• l,)hnston. Fait. \1!1,11' 1'1,ti4al 114.1 ",Ili. "114.1,' ~ark rare --.'1114, \Ir\all, Porn's \lorris and \Vim in'.h srll""I, 1144141_ 1,111,tnn, Inn(' 1lullev. petc,l. \li•s I:. \I ill, \1;11 1 j1 ,tt;'cr- \Vinncrs: 4,51x, \Ir, \1"\X11441, teacher. 111th' llacl),.l'alll, '1 111111x; llern11r, — V — lu!I'l,t"n, 13 I"'int,; luny PTE. WALLACE BOWEN Pints. \VO(1NDED IN ACTION Boss, 7 years and under: 11 r,. 111,,1 Itr"rn received ".'r,! 111 11,141411• \Vay'nl' nth, 11,)1,114 • la 1 111,l: that her son, t'tc. "\Vary" t iall'r,t1!I1, \\ 1'11'!111 11 ':4 11.1'1 lcln 1Vnt1!!d(d in action it, 5t,111•I! !''''lad jinn!,- 111141414\ ('hill 111:;un•r. I•hc telegram "a. the I^tai�nt4.1,, hilt- 1'' tor. 1)1 1111i. \\'a\•llnutl!• "1 ", and 1;44.• 1144 inllic)t'ot of till• 1 ' r "1 , 1'1 .11 b Icy-linlnll' 1 111 1'1, nature or seri n1,11's; of !is "oui11S. 4Coetinccd on !''1 4) a_ SUBMARINE'S WEAPON 1 Weapon used by `ublllaritie.s. T Answer to Previous Puzzle CIA N'E 1 E L A CIR, QUO}R'1OPTtH'Y� 1All'�E tub N!!S Transactions. A C1E T\U 13 Protective PiAf© M A cavcring• EiRT R 14 Fastens. 15 Negative, 17 Lubricates, A M 18 Refuse. q1S S A 19 Part of ' be," 4S1P 20 Pleasant, 0 22 Workers. 23 Part of the body. 24 American 40 Desire. Indians. 41 Plural 26 Registered pronuui'. nut's° (abbr.)• 42 That thing ' Like. CILIOUT EP AM R N,1 S i A' v,TH ORE ,1 7 To toughen. 8 Agricultural exhibits. 9 Son (Fr.). F 10 Collectively. 5-.P,±‘,„ 11 Exists, A M T_ 12 Specimen. DARE NE. 16 Grains. D©15't1DE 19 Atmospheres- -A tut 5 T 21 :Affirmative,. 23 Color, W�1fn1 25 Sanctified W�i}JI person. ll�d C!flEl9 28 Ruminate. S 1i Still. S 30 5 S E S 31 Article. 51 Measure of 34 Supple. weight. 35 Placed. 36 Conjuction. 52 Less aged. 37 Criticize, 53 Finish. 38 Robber on the VERTICAL high seas. 1 A language. 41 To push. 2 Sun god. 43 Claw, 3 For, 45 Signal bell. 4 Eject. 46 Loan, 5 Grief. 48 Cooking 8 Shakespeare- utensil, an character. 50 Greek letter. ',o' '1 la 1 2, t e. 44 Assist, 28 CJIll s. 45 High army ringlets. officer. Composition. 31 Plural of this. 47 North Dakota 32 Id est (abbr.), (abbr.). 33 Pronoun. 48 Seed vessels. 34 Slope. 49 Beverage. 39 Pitchers, 50 Fruit. I Iz 3 4 '5 CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe "When my wife opens her mouth to give me a lecture l just say she closes it!" `close it please' — and THIS ARMY Iti "Olsi ei.a1,y I. The M.rh I411, C.• sAws .r••►•W M Ilei,. Crim. 4•rrM4 MOPSY byGIADYS PACKER U1'414, TWO t3ARS , IS YOUR SOY- FRIEND, A CAPTAIN • I SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith tOPR tI W Vit[ INC TALI .44 "Mein Gott' Canadians again." MUTT AND JEFF 1 Go'r AGOOD JoB! THE PLACE 1'M WORKINGFOR t5 NOLektN13 A DANCE! ITS AGoaD CHANCE FoR M9 To GET ACQUAINTED! It FUNNY BUSINESS 4 By N,ershberge' ,, I11/11/1 li�l��i �j�:11 :Oil 'u11/t,`It,r1,4 1114t14/1 11 1 • .4th•+., , d I1t11111f,i11.11:(1311,'1 1111)1�'Pt't .. ��'Erll� hlrrly l F �� 1ililt�/ • ^9;%l, jlli,rttt ,11��/'',,,,,{... ►'r't tyirL1�' tlpl .‘1,111"1111;1:14.1; � OPR-1941 RY NEA9iCt,IHC,��'ta. RIC. U.'S. ►AT, dIRr 1�?•'_ rl1 spotter!". "Frankly, I think he's been trained to be an airplane Seems That Mutt Got Some Kind Of A Break At That GOOD G0JA1 DO You KHoVI GLAD J.P.,OtaBoSS ISN'T HERE TorttGHT. HE'S AN OLD SOURPLISS F MERE EVER AS ONE! By BUD FISHER THANK GOODNESS o TIIATI T.0.4 ACP LL S. MT.�/• "She hasn't been any good since the boy joined the Army-- thing she'll point is that old tree where they used to the'only stop and rest." HOLD EVERYTHING 9449 044 tlY l to t 94C t 4 11.O U. R PAT. 4 "Having pipe dreams again, eh?" THE SPORTING THING HOBBY SOU_ADI Ian) cru` "It's just a hobby." REG'LAR FELLERS --A High Deal r.3UST A MINUTE, MY FINE- EATHERED PIGEON -- WHAT'S YOUR Gout' PRICE. Opt APPLES -OH -A -STICK? cERTAINY NOW, WHAT PRICE. IS THAT YOU'VE GOT MARKED THERE? x50 WHAT, ER . BUSTED TIIROWR 1 CB.ILIN', AN' IF 1 KNOW ANYTHING IT MEANS FIFTY YEARS IN'1N'UINK! By GENE BYRNES POP --Tactful Pop Avoids a Battle 010 YOU GALLBAD A — HEADED PARROT 01 WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT By J. MILLAR WATT ►J0THING! C vE TRIED EVERY r1�tNO I You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Vend "SAT E ALAD WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Night Sight Inhaling the smoke of even one elgarette, the Aero Medical Asso- ciation of the United States was told recently, impairs the keen eye - tight needed at night by military fifes. The sight loss is due to carbon monoxide from the burning tip. This loss is not likely to be noticed in normal life, nor does it have any known bad effects on health, But the impairment Is Important to night -fighting aviators working at the threshold of vision, the point where they can just barely discern enemies or objectives. Until the discovery was reported ft had not been believed the carbon monoxide in a single smoke could affect vision. Investigation allowed that inhal- ing three cigarettes is equivalent to the lose of vision which conies a4 about 8,000 -feet altitude, The loss of sight sensitivity at Ibis height doesn't bother air pas- sengers. But it is so important in war to avoid the slight change that :military aviators at night breathe pure oxygen from the ground up, She oxygen being a complete antit- dote. 1n other experiments, they found That the glucose front a high sugar diet partly overcomes the sight ini- painnent which is caused by the low oxygen of altitude. An Older London Coming To Light Even amid the horrors of air skids and robot bomb attacks, now believed to be virtually over, some aid pointe of interest are coming lo light in London, say's The Brant- ford Expositor. On several oc- essions, German explosives have torn craters which have exposed forgotten relics of the great city's past. At one place two bastions and part of an ancient Roman wall have been revealed, together with some masonry ordered by Alfred the Great. Foundations of buildings destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 have Mao been literally brought into view again. To say that history le buried beneath Londons' pave- ments is no mere figure of speech. National Fire Prevention Week The official proclamation making October 8-14 National Fire Pre- vention Week urges that all fart: buildings and their surroundings be carefully inspected and all fire hazards remedied. Check chimneys for loose bricks, the electric wmring In house and barn, the metal sheer back of the stove, and other possi- ble fire hazards. King George Awards Military Decorations All military decorations are awarded by King George VI, says the Windsor Star, From time to time it is mentioned that the Can- adian Government or some Can- adian general has bestowed the Military Cross or the Military Me- dal on this or that soldier. Or, a sailor or airman has been given a decoration. These decorations may be recom- mended by a general or by the Dominion Government, but it is the King who gives the awards. No one else has the power to make the fi- nal decisions, UNDER NAZI GUNS Garman bayonets and barbed wire surrounded Analienborg Palace, Copenhagen, home of Denmark's King Christian X, above, and the royal family, following pitched battle between Danish police and German troops. $last Precautions Commenting on the effects blast precautions have had on English civilian life, a London correspon- dent writes. "There can hardly be a home in Southern England which has not recently rearranged its furniture with a view to safety from blast, rather than decorative appearance. 1Cc have also become quite ex- pert at the technique of lying down, \vherevcr 11'e may be, in moments of clanger. There is real- ly an art in doing this effectively, as you must not lie flat, but sup- ported just off the ground by el- bows and knees, lest the blast tre- mors through the earth do unmen- tionable things to your interior. Blast is a serious subject of dis- cussion and study- nowadays, COUNCIL OF WAR ON GOTHIC LINE In this farm house it full view of the enemy Major-General Chris Vokes of the First Canadian Corps in Italy and a Canadian Brigadier make plans to drive out Nazis who have pinned down Canadians by heavy mortar and artillery fre. The action was about a mile west of the town of Riccione. UNRRA -What It Is, What It Does An Explanation by the Mon- treal Gazette of What UNRRA Stands For and How It Functions UNRRA is first of all an inter- national organization, dedicated to the task of bringing prompt aid and relief to the people - all the people -- of countries liberated by the armies of the United Nations In this war. This help includes the provision of food, clothing and shelter, aid in the prevention of disease and pestilence, the return of prisoners and exiles to their homes, assist- ance in the resumption of urgently needed agricultural and industrial production and the restoration of essential public services, What Is Unrra? It is a practical organization based on the practical knowledge that there can be no secure peace, ao fruits of victory for the victors, Ind the people of these countries an be restored to normal and self-sustaining existence. UNRRA is temporary in tune - tion. It ceases to be with the eoly- Ing of relief and rehabilitation problems in liberated territories, UNRRA does not supply aid free, Any liberated nation whose Government is in position to pay In foreign exchange must pay for all supplies distributed. How Is Unrra Financed? Many people ask 'flow is UN- RRA financed?" The answer is simple. Funds consist of contributions from each member country of 1 percent. of hs national income for the year ending June 30, 1043, The United States contribution is 11,350,000,- 000. Great Britain's is $320,000,- 000. Canada's is $77,000,000. Be- sides this all member countries contribute, in proportion, to admi- nistrative expenses as they arise, The total sum to be contributed, for what is calculated to be the entire relief period, is (2,000,000,- 000, How Is Unrra Set Up? Others ask: "How Is UNRRA set up?" That is simple also. It is a council consisting of one member from each of the 44 na- tions, This council decides policies, meets twice a year; is meeting now 1st Montreal, Who Does Actual Work? Who does the actual work - the real relief? That is done by Field Missions, consisting of permanent, salaried officials under a chief officer who has broad powers and is respon- sible to the director general, Such a mission (600 people) is now in Cairo preparing to :move into the Balkans a: soon as the military authorities say the word, UNRRA does not operate in ex - enemy countries at the moment. According to its constitution It ALL NIGHT TOSSING AROUND : Tonight will it make you feel breathless and unothery-e-using awful bloat and wake. fulness? Unlock this Orb( bloat by open- ing up tonAtipation and releasing "Locked - In gag. Slow digestion may keep bowels blocked for days. Muleeney'a n'WELI. opens ep bowels, aids digestion and releases via Makes you feel tine and ready for restful sleep, Try Mulveney's a'w'ELI. medicine tonight and see what It will do for you. Order Targe ':-Diner bottle, from tour druggist Oda). 5 BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS if your hack aches or it you have disturbed sleep, burning or sniarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes, When the kidneys slow up, wastes 'aollect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help -and there le.a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain cares fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Dross You will find their action fast and effective. Be eureyou get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops -packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. $ 4Relleves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -due to monthly func- tional dlsturbances.It helps build up residence against distress of "dtlil- rult days." Made In Canada. BOIS. o A� - Y , Porhices of Mecca relieve pain, brine out cores, hub quickly, no seer. 15e, 35e, 50e, 11.00. "MECCA" OINTMENT Orders -In -Council A reteut snnry by the Canadian Institute of Public ()pinion reveals the di nu bin,: fact that only twenty -tvo percent of Canadians know what a an order -in -council Is . . . It is part of the British and 1'„n., :i:r' parliamentary system that the t,oternor-in-ouncil, 1.5., the (vt rnmcnt of the (lay, may meet rn;(rgent neressitie; during the long rec'e'ss between sessions of Parham( n• with an order -In - conned le has the force and effect of la'.':. Traditionally, the principle involved %vat, eventually ratified by statute. may operate only in liberated coun- tries. it may decide during this present session to operate In u- rinous' countries - in Italy or Germany, 'There is some disagree- ment about this subject among the delegate but officials are con- fident that a solution will be worked out. UNRRA operates only at the request of the military during the military period of liberating a country, After the military peripd ft is at the request of and in agree- ment with the national authorities of liberated countries. It procures its supplies through the appropriate agencies of Its member nations, It gets its food, for instance, like everyone else through the Combined Food boards. Philosophy of Unrra The constitution of UNRRA says that it must carry out its relief and rehabilitation program without discrimination of any kind. Its philosophy has been sum- mued up by Director -General Lehman who said: "The guiding light of UNRRA must be the prin- ciple of helping people to help themselves." Easy to roll, delightful - to smoke FINE [UT CIGARETTE TOBACCO marisamantsamammassii Have You Heard? STUFFY NOSE? "Nature," explained the lecturer, "always tries to make compensa- tion, For instance, 1f a man loses an eye, the sight of the other be - MOM stronger, and if he goes deaf In one tar the hearing of the other becomes acuter, and so on." "Sure?" said Pat, to his neigh- bor, "an' of believe he's right, for olive noticed that when a man has t 'bort leg the other is always longer." -o- "Why has Helen broken off her engagement to her R.A.F, friend?" "She found his plans for mar- riage were all In the air." -0- In answer to a German's "Heil, Hitler!" a Dutchman replied, "Heil, Rembrandt! Hcil, Rembrandt!" "What do yet mean?" asked the German, "Well", aaid, the Dutchman, "ht's our best painter." ACCOUNTANTS A AUDI'T'ORS COMPLETE MONTHILY SERVICE, small businesses our specialty, All Government reports prepared, Brett & Company, 8 Wellington East, Toronto. IIIIY CHICKS WE 1L1\'1'l FOR IMMEDIATE DE- ltvery pullets, laying and ready - to -lay, and also a limited quan- tity of dayolds, These should be ordered now, to avoid disappoint- ment. It will help It you also let us have your November require- ments as noon as possible. Fall Service Bulletin ready -have you received yours or would you Ilke one sent to a friend? Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS 1IAHI(ED ROCICS, NEW Hampshlres, White Leghorns, Hy- brids and other breeds 18 weeks of age and older, Send for 1945 Chick I'riee filet and be sure of your clucks when you want them. Top Notch Chlekeries, Guelph, Ontario. 400 BARRED ROCICS PULLETS, some Leghorns, three morithe old, sell cm exchange for other poul- try, Zammit Bros., 5 Kane Ave., Toronto. PULLETS 19 \\'1.EKS TO LAYING, Barred ltocks, White Leghorn., New Hampshires, hybrids. Free catalogue. Not too noon to be thinking about your 1945 chichi, Send for pricelist today. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, i)YEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTIIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. \Ve are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment li, Parker's Dye Work. Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ATTENTION FARMERS! OIIDEItS 'TAKEN FOR SHEAF Loader attachments for Corn Binders for 1945 delivery. Place your order now. For further In- tornmtk-n write Peter J. Selp, Gads 14111, Ont. FOR SALT: ELI L"1'ItiU M0TU11S, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; h e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 I)uffrrlu St.. '1'.uront, "FAIRWAY" IT t:l.E.\NS!- \S 1'1' \VAXES!- :1S IT PULISIIES! Quirk l:fftelant Floor 'fool! tana- ditut 1'nlCIlt. \Inh•rinl, 1vorkma nship, guaranteu1. 1'111 directions with each "ratt•,tn}," only f5.7;, es Press paid, t'.U,I). 4(3 Gerrard Street, Toronto, . MANI'T'OBA Hbal1:FU1{D BREED- ers' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned here. fortis at auction, October 17th, Provincial Exhibition Fair Grounds, Brandon, Manitol a. For catalogue write J. It. Bell, Live Stock Commissioner, Legislative Buildings, Winnipeg, 1Ianitobn, ANGORA ll.\ltlil'1'S, FI1011 I1N- related, ptditeed prize stock, 19.00 pair, 112.Uo trio, breeding age; yowmger ()Iles nvnilnble. Writryfor pr •,. ltr,x 161; Grafton Cent. ENGI,ISl1 SPRINGER S1'ANI1':1. pups, registered. from a Canadian strain of excellent blood liner, I'rice 13s each. F. R. Hayward, Terga Nova, Newfoundland. FOIL SAi.1:-1'IlE\ILIN'S HOUNDS thoroughbred, seven only. Guar- anteed to hunt. Order promptly. }). W. 1•'remlin, Isar ?liver. REGISTERED 1'OiNTI;It, FEMALE, 9 months old, white with black ears tickut best hunting stock. Ready to train. 166. A. 25. Lear - mouth 1211 Mrrci!er St., Shawini- gan Falls, P.Q. ARMY BOOTS NFIVLY RECONDITIONED BOUTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition. 13.25 delivered. Money - hack guarantee. State size, retrad :money order. Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. ?'Olt SALE REGISTERED OXFORD Down Hams, one two years, one Yearling, also Ilam Lambs, reas- t.nable prier. Carl Gillandere. 11.11. No. 2, Harrow. 1(811 SA1.11 JOHN BURR I10IIIZONTAL MILL, turret lathe with auto drive and motor. Madison bearing grinder, 8 buffers, sheet metal roll form- ers, 92 used Caliper thread gauges, N.F.N,S, and D.S.P. with setting plug gauges free fit go and not go. Contact. F. C. Martin, 72 Stafford St. AD, 8427, Toronto. WA'rls'it POWER, SAW MILL, Grlet Mill and dwelling. Good lumber and feed business, reason for selling Ill health. Spring oc- cupation. Bole 172, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING - FINEST leather and harneaa preservative. Slipit also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. BREEDING TURKEYS - WAGON Wheel B,B, Bronze weighing up to 18 lbs. at six rnonthe. Parent stock personally selected from special =tinge in U.S. by ex- perts. Thousands of guaranteed range blyde to select from, raised without loss. The secret of success out loss. The secret of success lies In reliable foundation stock. Your selection now from our stock should pay big dividends. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moore- field, Ont. CARLOTS OF COLTS, FAR\? AND hush horses for sale, Write, T. E. Murphy, Chaplin, Seek. STRONG, YEAR-OLD RASPBERRY canes. Taylor, Latham varieties, 10e each, River View Gardens, Kitchener, Ont. Men's Handkerchiefs 10c ea. WRITE FOR FREE LiST ON ALL dry goods, flannelette end emelt- wares. I'art time agents wanted. Orders over 12,00 sent postpaid. Goode stalsfnctory or money re- funded. LAWLANi) & LLAT INC. \%'holeanle ltetnll 119 Mount Royal E., Dept. \t'1' Montreal EARN, FOR SALE 193 ACRES, 1 111LE WEST OF Kitchener 1 I In i t e, Kitchener - Stratford highway. Charles W. Moser, it,11. 4, Kitchener. 150 ACRE TARSI 1'011 SALE. 7- room(d house, furnnce, hank barn, implement shed, hen house, garage, two wells. running. water, 15 acres hardwood, 20 acres mix- ed timber, SDredith English. 11.11. No. 3, I-MA.1on, Ont. HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can• ada's finest and largest echoots Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Illoor Street. Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, ilnmtlton. and 74 Rideau Street. (lltnwn. L E A R N 11AIItDRES:SING 1'111: Robertson :method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 51!MICA I. READ '1'ITIS--1 \'i t(1' SUFFERER of Rhtutuatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. \lun- ro's Drug Store. 135 I?lgtn. Ot- tawa. Postpaid 91.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-henith in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out 1f this is your trouble? Interesting par. ticuinrs-Free! \trite Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 9 BA11MEEiCA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. NEl'IlITIC PUNS? HERE'S HOW to relieve that pain , take Fermol Rheumatic' Arthritic fain Tablets. At your druggist's of send 01.00 today and receive one month's supply postpaid. Formol Distributors, BoN 712, London. Ont. DIXON'S 1110\IEDY-FOR NEI'll• itis and Tthe tmatie Pains. Thous- ands satisfied. Munro's Dru: Store, 331 Elgin. ()Usti,. paid 11.00. 3 Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE In each nostril. Feel dogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing pasauges come dear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adult3 and children. 50c -all druggists. NSTRQLIN'st1GlattO for common ordinary sore Ehroat: 0°61 aur p- 9 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. I30DDINGTON BUYS, melte, exchanges musical Irs'ru- mente, 111 Church, Toronto 1. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your Rime properly developed and printed 1 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 133 REPRINTS 8 for 28c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and rervtce you dilate* by rending your films to iMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto. i'ERSO:IAL BIDE WHAT YOUR HANDW.IT- Ing reveal/ and Instructions how to read cards, 11. Madam U r.lgh, Sub Station 98, Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTON'HAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solleltors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest, STASIS'S • AUCTION SALE, LiSTING B,N,A., Br, Colonials, Foreign, etc, S,S50 tote; wholesale, retell; catalogue free now. N. Begin, Box 126, S'a- tion B, Quebec. IlE1,1' WANTED EXPERIENCED MAItItIED MAN for Dairy Farm, separate house, wood and milk. Steady employ- ment, wages to putt. Apply to F. C. McLennan, Lancaster, Ont. WANTED WANTED 'PO BUY, BUSII LANDS or Farms containing bush lands. suitable to cut furniture lumber. Write ilogdon & Gross Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED, RELIABLE TAIlML::S. who have feed and facilitic_ to fatten young cattle for 01:ml;(^t, for fixed price per pound of gain In weights. Owner will sup; 1y meal, or part grain, If accessary, on account contract. Nearer To- ronto the better. Write fui:y. W. l'ost Office, Box 576, Torut'.o. WAN'T'ED TO BUY: Ai.L KINDS CP hard wood and soft wood loos also small quantity bolts. Wr-a Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE HAY IN t':Mii ).\D 1.01'5 1'o11 prompt scattered shipin.-11.. Write ilugh \1, Scott ,l' and Grain Dealers, 411 'lS:Ii St., \iontroal I, P.Q. iIO'I'I:I.S M'ANTED DO YOU \VAN'r To SI':IJ. YOUlt. hotel:' We specialize in the sale of hotels and hnvo :many custern- ere desirous of purchasing. if you will write or phone 1 will arrange to inspect your ho:el. Bert \\'elr & Son, 156,t Dorlay Street. London, Ont. LICENSED HOTEL WANTED SMALL. M l'i-:iIN 1.1t'1;NS1:D 11 )- tel, good equipnient, g alba m," and furnishings, complete det.r'.i and photograph fust letter. Principals 0013 -good cash pa- - ment-hy private purchaser. It 173, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. At:EN'1'S WANTED GAS SAVER, PATENTED, PRO'.• en, guaranteed, Fits all motera. If you have other full time em- ployment, write for proof, aget.:Y. proposition. Victory Mfg. Cc:t- pony, Cornwall, Ontario, AN OLD ESTABLISHED HATC:T- ery wants agents to eert",0 localities In Canada to sell chicae In your spore time. The commis- sion is good -and the chicks art well and favourably know o. Write for full details Box 1:1, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Y'AC.E 4. THE STANDARD • `Ire(Inesda\., October .1, 19.11 ,-.-.r .•• 11;11 r♦. J. ••1111;, ••. ♦:. ••• ••. •, •, ••• r;♦ r• ••, •;• ••. 4. ••• ♦•• •,.fit♦•• ••♦ ♦(.I • 1111.• ,11•,,,,,11, ••, ••11•,,11• 11;11 zICCIVCC►�tgtOCCLIPMCtrrKKI(10001C1VORtCt V(161(ItZK1CtIKKtlOCKICK1CK1C1E1CtC1(41 � \I r. ;111.1 NI c. \\'ill. I,II.!. „f .\t;llltrn, 11(11'(111 0„„ia 1' or New Loit„ ..t. Elliott insurance Agency Nlr. Plane I,.(, \Ir . I r, 11,11,1), IS '_',!1 �U,111111 Jo i het,nl,1, \I I�- It. \\ Ill'.IIIW ', ui ,; / I P.,. \t \ II, 1 , ,. i ',I \\ ilit.h.Ini 1- , BL�'1'lI-- ON'1'• fi \VIII, Cii.t'1 yi• .u,l \\Illi ie an,l NII, jp \\III. (;ndll'1 ;In11 nllic!' friend-. a ,Int 1II ,'�, !:',.'I "I Ihr . 11111\ til''.'., III,':' �l \Ir. ,u1.1 Nit,. l hole, Smith. \Ir, 1'''n• \\ t'I \\-1 IeI1 I'rt,l \\,11",11 ,1: a: .i ;i 1"'"""r\ 11'" 'I' \ 'ce-1 hail." 11 :, y INSURE N01�" ANI) 131�� :1SSLIRED. and \Ir, \Itl\iil kohl', Ilttel,de,i the .• 1tn I. II LI 1,t,,d. I1nd,11rh: II. t � n tunrr,ll � I; �,ttlir',t� of their ,n.t, th. ,• � \la, 1 , ,u.. \\ r1::,1.,in . 1"'1•e11 II, \\ n'.nl. ?• ' Car - 1''11'1' - Life - Sickness - Aeeitle'ut, ,,•e \II, •i,,',lu 1lliyrr I.i IIrIt 4 �' mi.. ;t: ,l \Ir. (ienr);e \\•i,�lit111;tn and 111.11—' 1 . I . 1 r.1.''.utd. I\.1', 1 !:tit 'n: ;:, \ ,' 1 ,laualitnr. \i.itr,l nl Snnda\ \\I!h MI' \\V. 1.. \\ll !c. Se,tlnith: Dr A. i(. (4)111011 Elliott Loi., 14..11. 111111, 11!;11 Residence Phone 1S or 140, A \\, I. ( .nut i .n tit Lurk''", , q,``qq "CSO. tU, RT,ES�Y LAND SERVICE"♦eqt�e� }.t�.�, qM ./�� liWiXneti Di�dlaA21.3l�t.'AV.N.W:re..V inil3f.fn J1 DaDi J.J. �I �✓.ra16tJ,Den1+..JIP.:iJt1:O:4Di ia1Dt J. iT_, R. Elliott. (knee Phone 101. �s, , ke.mit gne - ,It the 11, m' ni Nit.. l"„ r.,l,t ., (1 dl'rleii, 1• 14 ,un! \Ir•. \I„nr1rc Iln,nt:ul \\ cc,. \Ir rhairnl,ut t 11.1' pnhlirity r nlnl:t'.. r,. Neale I” 111. ni licllt'ctlie. Mr and \\ . \ \t.l' 1.e „f (1 'tick irlt head - ,111'1 \II,. 1'In; .tn NleNichol of \\,I11, 11, t, e ;'..\'nil tic e''nlniittec. The :Hill 1'It'. I I,II'"id IIn•,han .'i l.,'tl,i 11.,I t;: il'I'1tI','' 11 1',l"1'ti e, :Ilitl,tlet' 1111 Iii,h"- ' .\, \I„ri;m ;1;p1 II. Stnr'h, le-Ileeti\r!y '!4 11:011' rlr ;'t 1 •i'!c .1 and In•, •i,lent ,.i `. the iItirnn l tont l'01( l'ati,'11 of .\',r:- ,, I Congratu'au •u, to \1r,. 1.1 '.ir ILal' rttltur': k. j. lLuc tun, Ic;,re entiu Iaie,h 1'1 sttrllti'rd. \\ 11,, cth•br,ued her illy \\a; ticl'\irr• t'uni toe I lur,nl l nI birthday ut Sei,teniher 27th. Dead and Disabled Animas REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones : Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTi). ' .. • 1 I HI .1 . -1 1 .1. 16 .1 . .1 . • ,6 1 ,, I I 1 1, 611 . .. 11.1 11 1 11.11 ,. , .11 , 1 1 HURON GIULL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLEN:1' FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. 1 Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG -- Proprietor .t ,. n 1 1.,.1 , L., .1 .1. CONGRATULATIONS mit tee, anal Ilro,c NIathl ., cnnnte 1 1 n 'ruui•1t n, t, I. N.C. Ilcn'nn • at;t ielt.1 )11;11 I'1 ''l e -t 111;11111'. (• 'Rall, '1f ( l'�ttralla, ;ill \ll>. C,.\\ ;ilt, 1 •J I ' 11.1''' \',t.,l''. 1'•.lit "1 1111 t• , it \\''':' ;1. ni �trat:nrd. \\h 1 celebrated their I th NVeild'im. .\111111 r'i••ary ,,It Saluda..., •`'tri e;, 111 1 ""kr1c11, 1' :1".1.i1 "I"— i 1. .. ._• ;rptcnllrl•r anal. .ti thlr n,ni1,'1:;1t. 11. 1. Valid,' 3: i- a:rtin the r',1iei nruanii' r, t\ ith I, .\. • - l nn.'r:nnL•tt,nll, t,' \Ir�. (;,.,,r,,,,. ' 1 Ilil,•,lrn ;1- ,1'. 1. 1,1lit 1.t',' 111/1'1' ;III',, • ; • 44 ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • • • ♦ • ♦ • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • i•,..u•.•.r`.in•u....n.•,ru.r•r•,••S d..;.:•0•i.rp••♦.r..0:. ,♦...•u� •• ��••r.4:4 iu u0•,..r,•u.r,..•••♦ , (til\';Ili �`I•, \\i!.1 itit'i11';Itl'- Ilei' hi; tllli;t\. � • • . • • • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • • • • • • • • •• ♦ • • ♦ • •• r ♦ • . ♦ • • . • • ♦. 1 nil 1 )e(n16el' /til \I1•• (",I'/ ;s `t'i i•etal t'. 1 113111ET: :!' (1.. 1,a.1,66.1...6 1 4.0 1.1,6. 6.1.014 .1.61.66 ,1...1 1,41.31dMM 1.11 • 1 I l_nngrattllatl'11• to Mr, (leurt!e (".'\t'- I 11'e ,111'1,1 1 Huron Connie I; L, ' Hock I I 1 r,tilt,ttO 1,1 �,,,, ,((11`1) 1 ile C:lii` ;,lira• caitlpal;;lt \\iii boot an of "I"at i• t r.< \t hn rrlehratrl hi, � hl en ;wile, 1,; birthday Int \\'ednc,day, (.)ctnher -]1h. ii Nein, of 1111air traiiiil ,clln•,I,). ()ctnbe'. '$r11, I Liberh of North Huron A meeting to nominate a candidate to contest the riding in the next Federal Election, will he held in the TOWN iiAILL, WING HAM, ON hnesday9 ' eta 121 1944 al 1.30 o'clock P.M. Our guest speaker on this occasionwill he GEORGE WOOD Esq., M.P. FOR BRAN''' RIDING. . All Liberals and friends i11 this; disllriet should hear this outstanding' speaker. '1'111; NOit'I'II IIITIION tS BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. W. C. A'FFRIDGE,Sccretary, A. A. At-.EXANDER, President 64 64 .• •_• :t: •i. 11_11 1; '• PUBLIC SCHOOL SPORTS L.CPL. CLIFFORD CARTER l '.n in,1e,1 from pa c ] 1 WOUNDED IN ITALY Jimmy- lh,tltnet,, Jack Tyre•ntait, NIr. and Nil-. John Carter of .\nhurn Innlpiti', til: rope --1 tennis \\'ay- received word last Friday that their rnnnth, dilly r,;,ter. hobby L'arttirh, 1..1p1. 1liifnr,l lartrr hail received II...kr,'',— Il' bb\ liar\\ irk; \\"ctt- "li,t,illt "unit \\hile ,crying itt Italy nit glcll (.r 1111, !tenni, \Va\'niontli. 'September 111. `act: t 1, c dill'; Fo,ter, hobby Iktr- . \ ick, Hentti- \\"ayninnth, Winners: `VESTI''IELD Henri, \\•ar.nl,artb, lr, point hilly The V. P. 1'. held their meeting on ]',,.t(.r. 11 ','lint• ; l;nilly liartvick. 1(t \\'ednc,,lay evcninp with 211 lire etit. 1lnintr. ;The meeting \\a, led by \lil,lrcd Thornton, Scripture le„on t1 a, read ,by \lillh•cil Carter. Prayer, Itcv, Ii. Soell, tint Shirley l allfurd, Topic, iNltu•ray \lelJrtvcll. ,Niter the \I spall 'benediction til• cterlinn of officer, \t;l,, held and the President for the coming ear i. Pearl J,uuic-tilt ; Vice. I're,i- Associated with The Atlas Insurance 'lent, 1.,11;11.1 T;ly 1, lr; 'l're;curer, 11;1 Company, London, England. I'aylur; Secreta u y, EddieIayl r; (hoop,, 1, (;ra'.•luc \Icl)n\\ull; 11, ANNUITIES lis (2nuk; III, llinr;t\• Niel) '\tell; I\'. Eileen Taylor; \”, Cowden Nli.• I•:ta Staek!I'1n,,' ni Ilru mi I1. visited Thtti',11ay \lith Ni r. \\ deans NIcD...'tvell, NIr. and Mr,. 1'll:nll, Smith, Mr., G. R. AUGUSTINE REIT ESENT1NG '1'IIIi MON'CRE:1,L LIFE "THE FRIENDLY COMPANY" LiFE PENSIONS WIL14:.'1d H,111ORRI'I'T LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in F'arrn and Household Pales. Licensed for the County of Huron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Cuarant.ee(1. For in'format,on, etc., write or phone 11Cillialn II, \lorritt, phone, Residence F3; Shop 4, Blyth. 4 4•tf. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer, Specialist in Farm and Household bales, Licensed In Buren and Count -les. Prices reasonable; lfaction guaranteed. For Infortnatlon, etc., write or phos! (Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seaforti. Rhone 14r661, Perth satts CEILINGS THE FIFTH WALL OF EVERY ROOM, Thr• ceiling, which is usually larger titan any singlet wall. should hr' considcrcrl as a fifth wall. 'Thus when planning the deeoratinn for a room it. ki just as important to `e- lect a correct ceiling paper as it is -to choose the proper wall decora- tion. Tour preference may favour one of contrasting colour. Don't be afraid that a "('olonr-Ilanneil„ reont will extend your itudget, To rratlire this y u can readily do so by seeing' ter.' samples —over :,00 ,n pick from. THE OLD SUNWORTHY LINE Sorry to .ay, there are NO NE\\• i':\'l"!'!:it\S thi, year, helm! the ,attic the last three years. F.\ cry- home with them. 'hint- in the lin'' d Dre„ratinit. \n�J \f r. and NI r,. .\Ival NlcDnaell at special time for app'pintutcitts, — J' cul remember, i stip. to ve 11, that = tI tilled the fttncr;ll nn Snnd'1y I.f the tough jnl, of taking riff \\'allpaper, - hatter'; c' thin, the bite Mr. harry s * • i Mr. and \frt. iin\tard ('antohell and fancily vi.ltcd nr Sunday with \Ir, andFe em pREsT tris. A. E. Johnston. Mr. and Mr:. Frani: ilarhnurn and children, of 11en,a11, \\ ere t;nc,t. Phone 37.26. LONDESBORO Sunday at the home of Mr. and \[r$. I, 1.. \IrDutyel! \\et'c Lt ndnn t ,it'.1ts on 1:rid•n•, \I r,. \\Till. \liller and Ruth of Gide- rich ,pent a iety da \ s last thek tt itit \Ir. and \l r,. 1onee; (anl'.h\ll. \I r. \Vin. \I'. D:1ty, Ii, Nit , St ael:hnu-e, \l i,'cs NI iIlh'ed 'I•hot n'11n, and Nla\iae hall tn,.'tnrcd to Kitchener in: Friday 'where \li,,es \lilllrell 'thorn ton an I Nla'iti Ilalt have secured juin. i,s lean Nl'Dntvcll entertained a number of her girl friend, at a tea and for the cvinin, nn •Clark' day. The Sacrament Service vas nha'rv'•d in the \\'.''tfield Church on Sunday.. \l a the infat't t\v'in ,nn, . i \Ir. and Air,. David (;aril, Arnold Thoma, 1 and \\'alter \\'illiatit ttct•e ha;ltir.ell, al -1. I)nr1 thy \laric, In- fant daughter of \I r. and Nlr,, 1•:d);ar Mowatt, :\ n:is,innau'y program \vas given at the '1i -en ,e• ism of the Sun- day Sc11^oi. .\ duct was riven by \lrs. i;ntcr,ntt 16,ilgcr and l .\tthrey 'Poll. T eadinp, 1'11;crta \l '\'ittie. Duet, l',Ihth and d itivcnrinlvtt Cook. Solo, \\ innilte l Campbell. .\ splendid ad- rlre„ was given by \Ir:•..\ltert Camp - loll, in her usual efficient manner and was greatly enjoyed by all. \Ir, and \1r,. Leonard ('n'1r Nit-. and NIrs. 101aud Vincent, vi'tttd nn - Sunday with \I r. ;and \I r. labct•f 1iilev of Hulk:1t 'I'nanship. \'i>itnrs at the It me of \fr. and NIT'S. Will. (;, \•it'r oil Stut'l,t)' wet e, ° Ni r. and \lrs. Nlurvin (;m•ier a11•1 daughter, and ];illy C:dd\vell of Myth. \i r. and Mr,. Char!e, .\n,tay and family of t;''''rich. It behtl; NI r,. (;uvil'r', birthday. 1 emit- lt'I'at'' 11. alit extended. \1r. and \ir-. Pitari. \lather, and babe. (,f f.ttrk.int',, vi i'rrl tit �m'11 n with \fr, and \[rs. Earl \Vizhtinan. \I r. and Mr,. henry Nlati'-r. retnan.'I \\'m. Walden. • on , \Ir.,. \\'til. lllair til lielt;ravc, ,pent file \\ ye:, cud \til'I M I'ctt,. discovering are women their loyal, patriotic money to lend to Canada, Y to save to lend to overmoney homes, all new waysprovides In the tnixe . • ' there 1 of Canadians mount CO ed he a little saved new way$ and 1psaved the • Small sums from millions out but country. A littlefor the �ti r $CC1T1 a• small sum t0 you, Canada to help pay tnay ever $when totalled up' your country Canada needs Y billions lend to 5 ,dollars, anti for borrowing is to 1' that you may make need Dunt and dimes lend. Canada's tllatll,efore. The am ditties and dandled more make personal way' pennies ever Canadian Can save that every rc.EvcryCanadianmustle lend, and you in a l • for your dollar t and in e ictory Bonds will be r$ you want to buy thing Y borne . . ,tu greater now thaneverd invest in V• � over, �a on a new ave an war is o� cash Money you s when the to pay will have cash, flout no�v You arecloing`'`it too. Y° things you borne i, t,� ~ --.1),-,r. •}}a i_: 3' 1:��:r pay on a new car. 8 • wa r. 7.56 NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Weclnesday, October •I, 10.44. ro4. ,:.; ,,;y 4. I;LY 1.11 RED CROSS LYCEUM tl'1iEA'1T1tE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. TWO Sho,�vs Sat. Night 'I'h.•s,, 1'ti„ Sat., Oct.. 5.6.7 —SPECIAL. '4 Wall Disney's feature length cartoon "SNOW WHITE AND r, THE SEVEN DWARFS" }()The lir-( feature leis t�l (,irlIlIlu I1,, HIT l,•n'• ,.t ST lo. 20.1i. I',aruluLul>' pre• t'nt , Illi f.'1, \ tab t'1 1" 1hi,c 1'11111 111'1;1111 l�tlint`, \\'leu 111' in I.•Ce and iii prllll r, ,, till wailed their particular city 11) u ;'wirhed Ilnirn, and the roll br,llill' I 1,11;11•.1' IIT, (11 Illy til yen 11\a111, ALSO "SHORT' SUBJEC'1'3" t' Matin:e Sat, Afternoon -2.30 p.m.,; Mmc., 'I'urs,, Wcd.Oct, 9.10.11 YI y, Dana Andrews, Richard Conte in "'(•III: PURPLE HEART' hie of the lit",t ,;lecUn•ulal fc'it•.I.' •1,11 nn'11r,i.'n1'I au:li n: r ha.. re - I.0 Illt' \\,ii .0201in' li ,;all I t t l'I\ t'-0+ . t I . renrd ul•U'nt li 'ni iron the .\dutini,. =�brrint'Ir; tie�luuenl in Illi• I -inure.,=, Ir;It„l, ,.i the I: t;ltr t'I tllr L,IIe I;Inlr., .\I St) "S11(W I til'CII•1( ,I'i” g1 644'.i4u0,1.,0•;u:,J,u;,4.,i,.4•:,•4.i,,4.4uu;.4„:,4w1: 1(11 11.1111, 111 ,I'll I1\ 1'1111111• ;IIICIIt111 ;II Illl' I .I "it III',\III'.' ,I' It It' I:. .0 1' :1111 III" C, \\ 1'n(lll,1,1 II 1\1 Ir 11,11'l 'I.h 'n ti'H1111111r: 1,1111 L.011i, fl e l n. r. '('HANKS '1;1 \VI' \I 'I,I !II •' t" t ',PH'. . 1'111, ;Il•prt• t; flJl11111 '" int ,lIIicribil- \\1111 rt'•p ...11• Lot 36, Con. 3, East i; ill 1" nlll' ;Iupr'i LI,I \t rel; It.r 1111111, of ;11 1 III. ,I I';', the 1;. r • TITE STANDARD i - PAGE 5: Al)MINISTRA1'ORS' AUCTION SALE Of Calt'e, Sheep and Implements ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13'1'1-1 'I Ii' Ii.11lr'i•ien '1 ;Int llnriri I.,1 . ru- t Iron, Itc \Thlon tr16„r, of the I':•late of the 1.Ite .I,1111e. T. \\i1s"n 1t' •ill 11y pu111i1 ,uu'inn a WaWnlrts. 1' 1Iiw;I�i' ADMINISTRATORS' AUCTION SALE Of Vulvae and Farm Property SATURDAY, OCi'OBER TiTII I)ON NY131'- 00K Thr \\•al' \\','rl\er, tut 1 0.1 I•ni-11.1. L;r ill 1."1, tan' ill rill Valli of Tot 2t,. a 111111,'„II ;i Ilir b,lle it \Ir.. 11..1(.1- III thr1.11!1 (illl•t'•-.Inil („TIC mile 11'1,1 1,1 fer,n ;ul pacLetl 11'1\1, for all” c flint I;lith, the .\11)nnti I".;Irl) t t the this \ it'inll\ \1.111 ;tri ,eryini' Vere 1,. 'I'' tt n,hllt ,'t I Iu11(•tt, t uapri,i l t 5t1 ac- ( uit),.ttnhl'tIill- are r).t''11,I In \II„ 1,l',, more 01• It',.. Ills. 1;111,1 i, tvalrrc•d Alli' (ballall',C \t!tn t\1,11 Ilea pr:/1' Ill 111' .I ,1,1'111^ t'Irik, ;11111 utl tilt.' 111'l•Illl,C, , the `I t11 .1. v, 1•;I1 ,il'l 1' 'Ill:Wti'ion in I, •itnat." a il';: nal' barn approximately u 'nnl cli ,Il \\ill I''ilrl;lte ti, 11""I I ;lit. 't 1'x40'. 1'1 nt• 1 nrle t t \Yin.;ll.nli ‘‘..1- a I :\l," (hire t', .II It offered for ,ale, recent \\c' 1\ 1,1 )tot•••t \title her friend,, at the sant'' time and pliit, that very 'tle••irlhli d\vttIin;;, siulate 1 11 the north - Mr. .\I,'\ .\11th -r ,Ill ii '1 ill'tuitl, 1, Iwt' I ,Tilt'(' of t\illi; and \till streets, in the Mole 1.f \Ir. ;Intl \It' . Ih, \ilLt of Itl\111 This tiv'illiii is Bert 1 h('1u1,, to ;till „tht'r 'IIB line la 1' ,t„ -e)' frame. The land cillpris- frielltls. i'. ,,.'t•-'lll.trl,'r ;tire, and !here i, a nom, Mrs. •bone, Craig i, ,pe'ul'no• a con '\yell an'I dont; tt;u•,ti:i on the tn1' i i,es. \'.111 al•ti be offered for COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BLYTII unuenl it' f tit ,i 11,,', : I'. \I.,, 1 t (Inutile ,• 11;11111,st I, dl i l t, the till \tiny): banks; ttlieetb;u'ri\\; .ct nililile ells; 'set tat mv;t li \t:lliitItirtr�; nim' \Irl'ir- nlirk-1)'irimt (lay r11:e; hay rack, Ili frit I"nit, nett'; pea harvester; bait, and sacks; Stick of limber, Duch Paul, 54 ft. Intl.:, 12 in. square; Stick of fun- ; bcr, lo'l; 11a:n, 51, ft. lull::, 12 in. ('.\T I I.!': --I Itr,lv.\ '•tier,: 5 butcher sti'l'l',; 2 \'i;lrlitlt; ,ti'll's. 1' Sults':I': 2 Lim. ; 3I ewes; 111 ye;tr• 4 lint; t'a'rs; ::1 ran lambs ; 35 Iambs. Ttusc ;I:i ;Ill 1 )xtird Slit., It, i 1 \I PI, l': \I 12, .Iii; : ' \';,I;;"n ' tv;l';tan i boxes; 2 ,ii '•lrit ll:,; itr;t\cl It"x; flat I rack; sb•ii;i, \t•itli ,tic,; rayl\; bihniy; ' cutters; i)t'v'rintit Miner, (1 -fl. cut; 1.d plow; No 13 (miry plown; '; ,u•tol sit', Itlm\v; set 5 genion Ilarru\tw,; dil"- crat; \I. -1I, inliitattir; International IIID' 1'tall''r; set ,lit , le harm. , i • , _ ' plc of Ileus,, tv'itll member,. if bar f,inl• ( 111e etlttir in 1 itt. 11. ale, \Ir. 1inset;l \\'.111;tee petit the \\ et end t'ith tical(n'Ih friend., 'PERMS CASII. 111th I'ruitt'1th,, \\ ill be >"11 ,tiltjet•t stluarr; 5 co -d of cedar; 23 hens; forks; ropes; chain,; and outer article., tun nnrtttlou.; In mention, The farm trill ;dsu be offered for sale. TERMS CASH. (;enri;i i' Fussell \\•ikon, .\dnunis- strttor,. l ha" 1,l lath -on, :lnetiinrcr. 117-2. to a R'•serve John tS \1'illi.uu Ilcffi' ii, :\tltninl,- strators. \\ illi;tni 11..` I urnitl, .\uctioncer. 117-1. nnouncement of change in Spirits Ration EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2nd, '1944 COMMI?NCING October 2nd, 1944, and until further notice, every individual permit holder will be permitted to purchase monthly one bottle of spirits (25 or 26 ounces) or two half bottles as available. As a result of the restrictions imposed by the Dominion Government under the Wartime Alcoholic Beverages Order P.C.11374,t was necessary to reduce the monthly ration of spirits to 13 ounces to assure adequate supplies of spirits until the end of the year. In increasing the ration it should be explained to the public that unless the restrictions imposed by the Dominion Government are removed a sitnilar restric- tion will be necessary again next year, although the Board, except for the Dominion Restriction, would be able to make available for distribution stocks of spirits in excess of the present ration. In any event, however, the ration becoming effective on October 2nd can be maintained throughout the winter months, so it is hoped that the public will co-operate by not buying in excess of actual requirements. OCTOBER 2, 1944 ROXY THEATRE,THEATRE,CLINTON. NOW ('LAYING: "Follow 'The Boys" to al! our far-flung fighting 1•tont, Mon., Tucs, Wed, Dual Features "LADY, LE'T'S DANCE" .\ il,ld and 1!1':1 not 1 t It;ll that \ it'll l itt Iui:ll in \tttlr Ii•t to al! tulle thrills. Jantes Ellison, Frick and Frock, Iucd Wit ter Catlett, ADDED ATTRACTION: A sena,• Coital musical comedy: "SO'S YOUR UNCLE” Thursday, Friday, Saturday "SNOW WEII'I'E AND THE SEVEN DWARFS” I lit '1'i bat 1 Ii enrlt,tnl yin again II.. I"v,lble, laughable lull char- acter, ut,t;l the Loin hi wake hr IT11•. \\,lit 1),vny', fltllnir"Inr triumph! COMING: "Action In Araha" and "Salutos Amigos", CAPITAL 'hI-IEA'I'RE - REGENT THEATRE GODERICH. SEA -FORTH. NOW PLAYING: "Action In Ara - ha" and "Saludes Amigos". Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Eddie Cantor, George Murphy and Joan Davis I'lu, it 1 n, of dal' 1'n'.' .111,1 el«t\ r"II',tlll int: shoe, 1.1 In'ta • "SHOW BUSINESS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Susanna Foster, Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan, with Lilian Gish, Richard Dix, Count Basic's Orch- estra, B::rale Minevitch and his ras- cals in the (lit musical "TOP MAN" COMING: Bing Crosby in "GOING MY WAY" Mat,: Sat. and Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat,: Sat. and Ilolidays at 2.33 p m, FOR SALE \ lett 11unrhe, of Ni. 1 ,Iliuitlrs. \pply 1, (1. , •1utu,tinc, 111)1 Ili 1)7.1P. LOST NOW PLAYING "Uncertain Glory” and "W! i i Savage." Mon., 'l'uc.:,,, Wed, In Technicolor Danny I:fcyt', Dinah Shore and Dana Andrews 11'',1'1 t tt "I 1,tl' itt t'. Ibt cri;tt t"1111,. 11 1 , 1 Ir -it lit .r .It"\t. "Lit' IN ARMS" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Clare Trevor, Albert Dekker and Barry Sullivan. I t 11111: Illi '(rant';II'1 tl,r' if .1 i'.11 the all' To .111 "THE WOMAN OF THE TOWN" COMING "NORTH STAR” wit!. Anne Baxter, Mat.: Sat, and Holidays rt ?.30 p.m, 1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7TH ('111111;, i1a,'Ill:; ;it 2 p.11l. I)a;h blotto loIitttu ttl,nrh, \011 \Ir.. I). I' ,,,,11;•' II;a, Horn !„I 1111 %i1,1,11'. 1'1111!,'1' pli;l,e enittttiilllil';Ill' Illl,b'L,t,nitl ;lilt•:("tliir It, ,' 11 111' ;r!Itt!tt' \till, tiLuldard ollice. Reward is offer- ;ruction ;it h'•1, rc,itl'' ti , Ilial le. tit , ed. 07-1, 111yttl, the f"II"\\int: plenlbd l ue if 1tt u•cil"til Turf torr and i.itt', t, "Newt"robe" iTian ,, (Tem 11:1111 ;Intl chair, in : i1111 c„n,!iUin ; 1111Li'-t' 1,- '(111 fecdcl• rattle, all site,, extl';t 111 c111ir; -' end 1;11/1i,; Ia1,It'.t/rue Itu;1111y, nut til, dc;i. Number ni'r,ick; ui-li::bl lawn; floor Lula;,; jar- .1,11T1lcrefttnt bulls, priced riittit. dingier ,t;tnd; \,•ilt,'n rug, ')'xln',•'; ,i\•. Sp)s, Sl'()\\ , Ii;lldtt'in apple, rca,in- tr;11 scam t• t'.iit,; library table; hall able eft tree,. Clinton, Fc_dcr Cattle — Winter Apples. lanlis P. \Bill, P.R. 1, tree; hall runner and ,()tall Fn:, to phone 8 -hell, Scatortlt. 117-011. match; , lock ; •'inion-t'n, to ,'.\ten i"ta i;Vele; bolter , t Nina c;,1:11)tnrt Lei ; curt,tins ; 't '1\n,'ti''. 'Three table, e;t'.t and 1'1t i -i,; _'1,'rl,tc;l,3 hilt'- n"1,';I of 1 limon, ;It -' ''clic,,. („n \1•t, ,riI'ritlt',; 3 lllattre•,-c,; ., ft';it,ht'r 3 _' 'wash l lin; T'f int' il't\,'ititt c;tivT-at tout, I:I;tare„1,s; st;old,; ,and ;Wont 13 !'()te)-, 1 stall! calf re,t'ly 2 c11,,t, l,1 alt;oven; 2 cane -,eaten '' chair,; 3 p''rforated--catid t!t lir ; fl,r svrvlve, tianl (t iii' dally it t, \\t'!I. w ickrr rockt'r ; 3 ricking chairs:: 11 11rl,len. \1'. I: (1'Nt il..1uit; ttccr (il':illt t'1'. \I NN, Ilroi,rlctir, small tally's ; se\tint machine, N1 \\• — 11'illianl'•; Ctngol-nnt rut;, n'xI))l,', 1 kc Fie,l l inn', \liniriI for Healthy Ill'\y; ( ,I;i,tt)lt'tllal rug, i .2x')'; stretcher; (ow, and Ilii;,, ,\icxallder I'•itg commode; eleittie \annuli rlt'atlr'r; (flailing, Lomb bon,. 1)lltari”, electric rangettc; I:itchcn atilt -it ; kitchen range (coal ); verandah chi's; HOUSE FOR SALE small cabunet; kitchen table; •1 chairs; ,).enol ,"lit, !,rick tbtetliuit on i)in- cotich; •!i,he ; bedding;; 2 toilet sit,; 1i'v stilet, 111\th; I':,1ui11'etl \\itll '- ttbccl ; roasting pan; b, i!cr; 1,i1ri bath anal 1,l' cu'irity; lull site garden tools; haltd cultivator; ,it'p !t;t• etltvttt, goiTTI I llrlaaet. ; (lot and odd ladder' tvatcr a;t,tair, and ,ITT‘ n, a'r'il in the .11111 other articles lull numerous ll, basement. (1„11l1 ear;ittl' and hell house mention. n the prru:i,i ti', number ii fruit TERMS: CASH ;till ;1 g"1.i! g;u•drn. For particu- •i Ili, i, an UYceptionatly ).t ' l lit 1'I lar, \\rile \\'. II. I�„u, 'i'hornd;ilc, On- Ilousehil,l I?fl'e'et,, t:at•iu, before October 15th. t1-1-•tp. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO Vidor T. Goggin CHIEF COMMISSIONER NOTICE '('here will he no more :11111: Deliveries on Sunday I'ol- Io\vini October 1st. I)['R«'AR!)S DAIRY FOR SALE I,irl'- witl',1 t.t.l'.',lir 1211,11 1,1)' tat \11 -.Ill. .,,,. ( nt' 1, CAR FOR SALE 1931 i'It tr"lit c'•npe. itt t'"utl ,toeli- tion mce: titi',aity, ;lit I "ill tier,. ,\p - Id} t" \1';Ili;l r' N'tcll, 1,,1n, 1111'.„r .t'1 11, 111 th, tit' AUCTION SALE Pae It` rd `1't,1111"1,11• it' \Io1111a', Ortihcr ''all, ;:t Lot 1,1, ('in. 3, 111111'1t Mrs, D. Floiily, Prot •rift re's. \\'illi.un 11. \lorritt, .\nctioncer. ,I..\. Gray, Clerk. ' NOTICE I ;int a real mechanic in the ;art of nl;ll:ing \•lobo:, an'I also in repair \y"1,1: Tui sante. R. S. l iintiuit, No. 4 .\.( ).5., City Airport, l.oudou, Ont. 1)t' -111. NOTICE Court Of Revision I'hr Cour, it Iit•i,itl of the nunit loll 1.1 t11e \•illage of 1111th for tui year 11)44, •,'ill be held in the 111\•ttt \It moria) Hail in \Iontlay, Octibcr It'th, 11)44, at the hour of 5 pan, .\ll appeal, intl.( be in the hand, of the ('ler!: not later than Satrday, October 1-Ith, 11144. 07•'. (;OI:I)ON E:I.1,1OT1', (:'tire:. EDITII CREIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE L cated Opposite Kernick's Grocery PHONE 158, BLYTLI. 110 \Dan• alibi 1, fail to breed: Finn's Sttpcl' \I inert d,'c, the j"b..\lcxander I't g (i:'adlti t, I."IIdr,11oro, Ontario. Ili a'i it c;tiv'i, lir pll:, scour? Finn's S. I':. S. 'T;itil'•t\ stip then,. Alexander I:g'r I;r;l'!i:at Lindu.b.'t•o, Ontario. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK at Lct 37, Conccssicn 3, East Wawanosh ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10TH c, nnncnt^ng; :Ii 1.30 p.ul., the following; • 11))16i1S. -I':tv !Hire. CA] '1'I.t•:--iPt to c itt, 5 year, 1.111, due in \Ia\ ; Rad cow, 5 years old, (Inc in February; Roan cow, 3 'car.., old, Just fn:sin nctl : I:,'an c„W, li years , 111, jn,t bre 1 ; .\ucd cow ; Rid cow, 1, year ell,, lit in 1 n' i ; I tireforlt cow, with calf at foot, date itt \larch ; Steer, 2 years old : 4 Yearlings; n (.:,Ives; Re.g- 1isicrcal Shorthorn ball. I't(;s•—�o\\. with litter of n pigs. TERMS—CASH. \11,,, 1. (jIttttlt, 1' rilllrictrl's,, 1 I iv 'l't I,tCltsi.n, .\uctioncrr. Ot, 2. Are \l,tlr Ilics stiff, scurfy, and pale: t'sc Inti, -Pix - it fixes 'cot, Alexander I•:tv i irt'lini;, l.onde,Iiro, ()ilia' i1.. AUCTION SALE HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS AND POULTRY ''I, tinct'„fun 13, null. n h11wn,llip, 2 mile, west of Myth, anti 3 mile, nirt11-west of 1 -init.-Toro, nu THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH ;It 1 1'.mthe I ,I"\tLeg : IIOR�i S: 11',1,1\ mare, ') year, 1.111: boy gcltlint , 1t) \ nU• old, ; Eery hor,i, I ” i; years it(l. I1)1t'TS : St,w with litter of 'I It,ta -to -wean• 21) ,ht.;ti in Oct. it'r, I'1)l'I."1 R1 5 1'e:u-o1,1 htnl,. 15i) ltarre i I:ocl\ pu'It: 1.a' ir.t,. l \11'4'1 I:: It 1,'\t:, nail,\int:. and it' calf: 15 i„tt-, 1)Inh:un a'tti Ilcrtf•t'I. with cal\ e, b\ ,illi: l'tlrct,rctl lit t'- lird buil. ninth- „1,1; prineei 311 yc;lrl-nt� t'„\\,: III _-�eaa-,1111 ,fir,,: . and '-yc,tr•,'I,I is; 15 ) ctrl n' steer,, 1It•ref"el1•, _It rcarlin'; steer - and brit;;,; _'ii ,print calve, '1•hi,e .ire a c!'iicc 1 ' t f 1)urhant and 1 iia': f'sr,l Cattle. TFRMS CASH. \\':1,11:T It"t\„tt, Proprietor. Harold lacl\:on. .lection:'. r. 1)7-1. TAKING A LEAF FROM NAZIS' BOOK Miles 0 50 Helder Amsterdans The Hague Rottetdom North Sea Emdgn o • Groningen Oldenburg. Harlingen i Bremen Allies crash through Belgium in• to Netherlands, Airborne Army lands behind German lines to spearhead swing around Klev., flanking Siegfried Line. Other Allied armies attack line from Aachen to Bclfort Gap. NETH. •:riunster o`re o *Hamm :` •Dortmund • • Eisen GERMANY Coloyno *Slogan a Marburg Neuwied Koblenz i; ' ` Rtifms . Argonno forest FRANCE Moine .; I u'fi!ii?li!!i,!!1`i 1111 liMannheim! • q iii 4;i!'•!•}!i!! :H car ue kit en: iKorlsrufie'- lit ' Germans pierce French = frontier defenses May 15, 1940, swing southward, flanking Maginot Lino, Other Nazi troops cross Rhino at Mulhouse while third German force attacks near Saarbrucken SWITZERLAND By their sensational breakthrough near Sedan, Germans in 1940 demonstrated to the world the uselessness of "wall" fortifications such as France's vaunted Maginot Line, They simply flanked it with an end run and poured down behind the line, leaving the French looking pretty silly, with their big guns all pointed the wrong way. Only ones who didn't stem to learn the lesson were the Germans themselves, who put their faith in the Siegfried Line and the Rhine fortifications, only to have the Allies flank them near Kleve, and get into position for an end run drive behind the fortified lines into the great Ruhr Valley industrial area, Map above shows similarity of German operation against Maginot Line and how Allies worked same trick on them. DECORATED Maj. -Gen. G. G. Simonds, C. B. E., D. S. 0,, commander of 2nd Cana- dian Corps, has been made a Com- panion of the Order of the Bath, Canadian Defence Headquarters has announced. AMBASSADOR Charles Sawyer, above, former Democratic National Committee- man from Ohio and former lieu- tenant -governor of Ohio, has been chosen by President Roosevelt as United States ambassador to Bel- gium. CANADIANS TAKE BLANKENBERGHE After more than a quarter of a Century Canadian troops are again fighting the Germans on the soil of Flanders—and winning. Top picture shows men of a Canadian regiment entering the Belgian town of Blankenberghe, following closely on the heels of the rttreating Hun. Cenrte picture gives a general Ida of the Nazi defences which faced the Canadians in their drive through Belgium. This line of forts was located on the beach road ,leading into the town of Blankenberghe and lower shows citizens of the town, liberated by the Canadians, swarming over a Canadian armoured car as it halted in the main street. Belgians show their joy at being again free of the Nazi heel. CAPTURED FRENCH AMMUNITION IN BELGIUM :. It was a pleasure to these lads to work on this fatigue party. They are piling captured French am- munition the Hun never used in his hasty retreat in Belgium. Piling this 155 mm ammunition are Gun- ner R. D. Whyte, Victoria, B. C. and Gnr. G. E. MacDonald, Frankford, Ont. JAP SHIP GETS DEATH BLOW The unusually close view of a Jap sub -chaser, above, shows the 100 - foot craft listing sharply as a 500 -pound bomb from an lith Air Force Mitchell bomber plunges into the sea at its side, Moments later, the delayed -action fuse, which gives plane time to escape blast of its own missiles, detonated the bomb, which sank the ship. Action took place off tip of Paramushiro Island, Japan's North Pacific air- sea base. RIGHT SMACK INTO BELGIUM Here's that picture again—of a Yank who didn't miss the buss when his outfit rolled into a city liberated from the Germans. This one's from Liege, and shows a comely blonde Belgian lass giving a pleas- ant welcome to the soldier. Sufferers of Painful SIM"-SGet Quickelie!! Just a Few Drops Relieve Stuffiness . Make Breathing Easier .. Give You Comfort It's grand how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal passages—gives sinuses a chance to drain. Results are so good because Va-tro-nol is specialized medication that works right where trouble is—to re- lieve painful congestion and make breathing easier. Try it—put a few drops each nos- tril—follow VANTRO•NOL directions in folder. HAY FOOT The ancient marching theme of Army rookies, "Hay -Foot, Straw - Foot," has new meaning for thio Allied soldier ever since he acquired the straw boots he wears in the photo above. The old footgear was part of equipment left b'*. hind by fleeing Germans some- where in France. Relieve Neuritis.., Neuralgia Pain Aspirin Eases Pain Almost Immediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly! Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate, And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus; you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective; above all, dependable. That's wlsy Canadians have come to rely on thl, famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis: So protect yourself from needless' sniserty. Just get a box of genuia , Aspinn at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Don of 12 now Ile Economy Bottle of 24. now 21h Family size of 100. " now 7h AsP IRIN Th. Bayer cross on each IabhI tis year Iu rrntes that les Aspirin PAGE 8. L. 1100110(XtebtitC1CKICICICICIVCICVCICteI4VGKIttCtCICCICIGKIEtEKKICCItelttGKICICICICILCICTI frnE STANDARD .• .-••c_.______a PERSONAL INTEREST 1 •\t'. I , •I., Nuil.,1... H Titr,,nt 13 A .' Fa 111 I]it Viev!,elld 11 1111 111-. i$ .N1r. and '.\ 1 r• 1. 11111eili4e. h' NH-, V dri '.\lilue 11,1, ii•turneil limn,. iii ;titer ii-tinit ;II 1.'1.11111,1 ;ilii ( -:: ellildi.CIIIS 11()Se, i'141.011 i.111(1 ‘V001 25C to 75c 11. \\ HI, •,,, I LI, ,,,,, .1, -,, • m... 1,..,, L•11. r.,1 • luldren's Golf Hose, elastic tp o59c A A Sul.,,...,, thN.C.N.V I:.. The !will.. 1 .130'S' \\Tool '11rotisersi er,. 'hl ;Ire giadilati- .A. Quecul, , l_ri'l11' \\700I I HaliketS , , . , . „ . • .... ..... lb:K.11 $-1.51.1 l'utiet,iii, lv.,,H,,n, ,, . \ i-itinu at the :', .(3(') 1VInte Hzumelette per ,vard2.2e pi' 4 !, !ill' I,: NI I'. ,111•1 ,\ 1! c. Til ... . n 1,,...,..1.. iii.. of 11nirie1it, .111;1.. It'GO011 aSS011illIelli. SIIOPS, 111111111PS & 1)%11111/ell PrOOIS, A i- • , : I e Hi'tf•irlHigh %yid' hi, (mil- .: . ill ' • ,ill: iti hi er. N!r. l.e.,r.itc 1 l,irlit,.. N11,-,..1 tua, 1,i1ii vi..ii,a1 with mr., . _ '1 iq \.,1,-, 1 ,i,,..1 ,,, .,1 Stiimill,. ovur the rd,,,, :ikiel)n;,1,1 i, (1, i,1,,, .,*.t.' ti • , ,,i her father, NIr. ,t'• Ui* 1 Ilriln., ;I Itt'r 111l. it:110111 ;WC'. IV.:V,.1,Z.e:.',Di:.%'.2.'.ninni5"1:4...,i,;')iWN7,4Ntair.1%:?i , ,(1, r.i di Ihe 1 .iti,.n :",1,11'..iui il Till' • I and inter Needs Olive c 1 1 1 j, NI Ilcii ilutt tat returned lime • i • S Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. I'lease 1)elivery Orders EaiIv ..11ornitig 1)eliry ve. Nor(li of I)insley Street. mid 11r... 1r1te 1:rniley, and .1fternoon 1)elivery, South of l)insley Street. ihc 1)elivery Orders - $1.00 or Over. v \h. Lird. SIllti:,1)1)EL) 2 I'kgs, 25c RCI) ROSE COFFEE PER LB. 47c Ai ti 11.r and NIr-. Jack Staplen e. tertain- 111rHilt•r 1.1. yild• Smiirday cr. ' CORN SYRUI) 2 LB. ANI) 5 LB. PAILS holliair NIr. Pollard's OXYD01.„ CHIPS°, LUX A H. Toronto ha, SUNLIGHT SOAP , •il 11 i',11(1`, it.1;1 jVCS 111 MATCHES Ili and Semi,: ill, \\ . „ PAULA SIJGAlt SI113 14 • • 1. Sa.,k , 7 • 11r. 16.11,1rd Scutt. RUBBER 1:1PlGS, SEALE:1(3, METAL RINGS ei ll,1 r la -t ‘veek MEDIU111 . .\ ! Sirt,lerreek ha, cum - mewed lier trainimt oil tlit. NO. 1 ‘viii-rE HONEY -. 2 LB. GLASS JARS, 4 L13. PAILS rtil PEAS, wArrCL ,R ASS. 011 11r, and NIr-. 1.edie Haight -di mid tooia:',i3'.*.?4W,);'iDiN:Y.rii2airdt):=XAX4',Q2,',W.7r.Di::,,',..:1'.3i1W2riX.teiiii!;/Dt'2,121MiniDeZiND'eliti. I II:114211 Ohne, (If Striit- •• \\ 1I I1 let -iter, lr 1'701, ;old N1r.,. Alf Iii , soot. 11r. a.,1,1 r•. Fred r, NIr. A Nir,. I MOLT , ;in I Mr. and Nil,. ,all, il Imnon, Mr. PER PKG. 25:: 3 BARS 20c 3 BOXES 23c 39c ',1043111,•111, `1)C.11 the \‘,ek-tii11it 11111C „ . . . - - parent-, Mr. and 111; iy Mr. and NI r-. 1:-11.1"1 •Mr-. 1'. 1 1. Streeter ha, returne 1 Frjli\ it SHIler ilk. Fel Mit'd 11 11 IIIIR 1 iit :1 vkit 11 siincov, litr p,,r, • 1., NI r. \\••!,. (ire- [iliti ile uiiliiie -veal \\T.]. — — HuLLErvp Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding .A Specialty. Agents For International- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Hollyman s BAKERY BREAD, CAKES, PIES and BUNS, .ALWAYS ON HAND Confectionery and Tobaccos. PHONE - Vo dens BAKERY, WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IMME-MAI)11.1 CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. r. and ir,. tiC \\ 1 :Hid Ii-'. , V.'111 ;Ind 1.,1 ril iiIi •\H% \l r. 1 ti 111.itlit- , inan kJ I 1Vednesday. October 4, 19-14. • ID • 1, II•1,, I 4I , I AM NO LONGER AGENTS FOR ARMITAGE'S URI' CLEANERS. ALL PERSONS HAVING GARMENTS AT MY PLACE ARE ASK ED TO CALL FOR SAME AT ONCE. R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20. • ION .11 4.0 , 6. ..111ME.6., • I jcik1 I w • , , laggingtriNSEIT"Patall.2611M,2011111.111/11i ,1111111MISION. tir r \i 1 1 1.,Y i • re \ 11 n1 i reli HP returned (vigil the . 1 111141111111101111111.0111111M111111111111 oo uites Many heautirul Suites and Odd Pieces in the latest styles are displayed on our floors zuld ztre !wing offered Ltt llioderate Prices, An Attractive Walnut,‘:',uite in the popular Waterfall Style is displayed in our window this weelc. We offer a nice -.,election Sinunow; Steel Buds, Mattresses zuld Kagless lied Sm.ings ztt popu- lar prices. A cap will IR.:, you of 111(.‘ many excellent valtv2s we are orfering, Dame Phon 7 and 8 runerat Director, 0.464 • 1•4•;16.11•Ell ALM 1 4.11,1 11,11,ININICIERSIVAIU141•, 4,1 1, to rgialnalW2151111, .11 • 1...1 mi 4, .4 .1 •I1•4 al 011,1 '114 I M ' 1.,Irter \Vc-t Wiere W.• ti,:•1:11111.; Ill y fil!e; Sat- Fair ii Fri(hy. Slit. :Mi. • Czens of Ontario havre e sponded splendidly in support I of necessary restrictions in ore the use of electricity, ncon- venience from "dim out" conditions, clarkened stvvinw lly accepclos and partly lighted streets have been patrioticated in order to save power for the toolof vlso co s ictory, The additional voluntary savings of power by Ontario people an. tribuied substantially to the victories in Europe. Your Hydro, which had the responsibility of carrying out the code!, of the Dominion Power Controller in Ontario, is grateful for the co-operation of Hydro users. One trying 005e of the war is passing. Now, onserving and concentrating our efforis for final viby cmay took ctory, we abundant forward with confidence to an early day when power will be available for peacetimn be used 10 e use. The added strength that we hove built for war can thebring greater light and safety to more Ontariofin our streets and homes, - end take over innumerable tasks on arms, homes, Plan now to take full advantage, after victory, of dant electrthe ay ddocl leisure, convenience and safety that anicitcan and industrbu ies. bring to you, 4.4 THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER - COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ONT RIO F RMERS THIS is an appeal to THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing I Plants of Ontario, which process and ship your livestock for export, ARE SERIOUSLY SHORT OF MEN, Every available Farmer of Ontario is urged to offer his services for employment in one of the Packing Plants in this province as soon as the essential work of the farm is completed. OVER 1,000 men are required to start in the month of September alone. Good hourly wages will be paid. Transportation to the plant will he provici,:d. Assistance will be given in arranging board and room. With full staffs, the Packing Plants of Canada have ample capacity to handle even the tremendously increased numbers of cattle, sheep and swine, which Canadian farmers have ready for market this year. When operating to capacity the Packing Plants can keep the market cleared and livestock can be slaughtered, processed and shipped at its most profitable time, when it is at its market peak. Thus, losses which occur when animals are held beyond the peak — through additional feeding costs, through falling away from peak condition and through the danger to price structures when supply threatens to exceed demand — are avoided. Last year several hundred Ontario fanners volunteered for work in the plants in processing their own products and protecting their own interests. Production for export this year has increased by 40%. Available man -power has shrunk by 28%, The Ontario Farm Service Force, in conjunction with Employment and Selective Service has undertaken the task of raising sufficient help from Ontario Fanners to keep Packing Plants operating to capacity this year. This department of the Ontario government's Department of Agriculture feels that this.extension of its service is as vitally important to the interests of the farmers of this prov- ince as anything it has yet undertaken. The need of rneat as a primary essential food to our Allied Armies, to the pcupli: of Great Britain and to the starving millions in countries being liberated by our victorious armies, is the basic consideration. In addition, effici:-.mt operation iii the processing and marketing of livestock is necessary in protecting the greatest export market ever opened to Canadian farmers, Your services are needed from NOW Witil5priuri, If you carinal devote tLat full period of time, a month or more will be of cReal assislonco. OMR YOUR SERVICES AS Soo:. AS POSSIFLE. 11 you cannot go lo work at once, call or wrlle, stating that you will come, and at what dote you will be available. Remember you will bo serving your own best interests as well as playing a vital patriotic part in serving your country, • for full information or offering your services, apply in person, phone or write to your nearest office of EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE or write to THE ONTA7:0 FAM SERVICE FORCE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO Pub!isheci :IrAu:ht:rity of WP -450 LtDrIflION-PPOVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUT1 -- AGRICULTURE — LABOUR — EDUCATICII