The Blyth Standard, 1944-02-16, Page 1TIDE ; LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 19 -'NO. 27. BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 1941. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance: '2.00 to U.S.A. Rev. Dr. And Mrs. Ross Junior Red Cross Entertain !Rehabilitation Meeting Mark 50th Anniversary Mothers At School Monday, February 21st. February 1•t1th, (St. Valentine's Day) The pupils of the Junior Room of All organizations and societies are was a very important anniversary j the Myth Public School, entertained asked to not(' the fact that a Rehab - date for the Itev, llr, R. W. )lois, and 'their ntohers at the February meeting ilitation meeting which has to do with Mrs Ross, for on that day they cele - of the Junior Red Cross on Monday the rehabilitation of local toys now brated the Fiftieth Anniversary of afternoon, (St Valentine's Day,) their wedding. A programme suitable to St. \'glen - The important event was celebrated tine's Day was presented, Katherine in the Armed Services, will Le held in the Aleulorial 11all on Monday night, Fobruary 21st, at 8 o'clo.tk, for the Number From IIere Give Blyth United Church Blood At Winghanl Clinic Annual ))Meeting Somotvhcre in the neighbourhood The annual meeting of the Myth East. t\'it\\'anos l ('(tune\ Th..I':;1•I \\'1),,;c n'u,, : 111 11e1gralt, ol, 'I :, •- ! ly 1 1 '1 -'il Of twenty citizen ma(Ir the trip tot'nited ('sures Was held in 111) b...6,- w'in11 all 11, n „1 r, I 1\'ingham this 1\'ednc,day to donut( ! p)1' 1'11). 1):a I h, t ! 11; I- im(en( on tho 1'v: uic,g of \Ve:tlerday, Mood at the \\'ingham Blood Donors ins. .11r .\I, 11)11:1!,.: 1,; ,11' I'ebrua'y ,(111, with th,. Ilatstur, l(•'y. Clinic ed (Ail k. pro f,•n , ;I I,:1,(:,.:: „i ( ;ft :\. Sinclair presiding. Notahlc, ❑ul'alg the eout•ibut"I's The sleeting w•as opened by •,i11,'1iig \vire 1'1. ,1. Cartwright, who eoI t ib' the hymn "1 Need Thee Every 11 n•„ fittingly with their son and daughter, 'Addle, the President was In the purpose of organizing for dhlt; impor- uled for the fifth time, and his next I"faith of Our father.;" and ..\\''hat a T In Toronto, at the home of LAC, , J. chair, The programme opened withitant. post-war work, contribution will entitle him to a 1•rtend \Vo Ilavu in Jesus." '1'110 F., and Mrs, Itoss, Besides their son a chorus by the school. Then followed I Societies and Organizations are ask- silver button, also Miss Josetatiue'Scl.iptll(.0 Lesson read was 1st ('or.: i ; recitations by Anita \Vrigh1, Leona ed to appoint delegations, 01' at 1aast tt'oodCJck, who was given 0 button laafter w•111(11 Rev. Sincla!r 10)1 y' in pra Cook, Rhea hall and Barbara K.41- a ropresentltive, to be present at In recognition Of her fourth contrite'. pat•ick. Piano solos were played by this important organization meeting. tion, Annie MorrItt, Barbara I((lpa:tricit I It is the duty of the community to here are the list of contributors It11ea hall and Janis Morritt, do all in our power to aid 1n this from this district who contributed Sccrc'v'y. \llmutes Of last year.; Tho girls of Grades ti and i11 sang rehabilitation. program for our boys, at W'edn0sday's Clinic, with the annual meetin were r''''1 " 0 '1 and 1)p "God Bless the Little Wild Things," as, and when, they return from battle number oP times they have contilr,lt' proved. Reports 0f orgo1115+iron., A duct sung by Janis Morrltt and fronts, ed following in brackets: were revie•w,,'1, (lr. Philp gave the Beverley Wallace, and n duet by See that your organizations Is re Iaulitor'.; rr ,ort and 1I r. Ililboru re Betty Tait and Douglas McNall wore presented, Edwin Cartwright l:,l ; Ted I:asl i (3); \1'illinm Bell I1); Gerald Iluffron Ported for the hoard of '['rustce; nut much enjoyed Jack Kyle sap very and his wife, their daughter. Mrs, Douglas Read and grand -daughter, Miss Betty Read of Ottawa, were also present, Although he wad born In East Wat- vanosh Township, Dr, Rosa has been away from this district for many years. Ile and Mrs. (toss returned to live with other members of the fans• ily last ymar, following hili retirement from the ministry, For many years Ih•, Ross was ono of tho outstanding ministers of the Presbyterian Church, Ile is a sola of the late Thomas !toss and Elizabeth Rodger, EtirI \Vawanosh residents, Fifty years ago he married Esther Burns of Toronto, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs G. Ferrier Burns, The union was blessed with two chil- dren, a son and daughter. Dr, Ross attended 'Toronto liniver' sity, later taking a post -graduate course in Germany. lie entered the PresbyterianMinistery in 1893, and his first charge was at Glencoe. Other charges were Guelph, Fort Massey Presbyterian Church, Halifax, Knox Presbyterian Church Guelph. Ile was also associated with Rev. Dr. D. C. McGregor in First St. Andrew's Uni- ted Church, London, and finally until his retirement, with Rev, Dr, McTag- gart at St, Columba United Church, Toronto. (Recently Mt', and Mrs. Daniel Mc- Cowan purchased a beautiful home on Dlnsley street, Blyth and with the exception of one brother Jim, who passed on in Vancouver two years ago, the fancily are all together, They are ltev, Dr. R. W. Ross, Dr, Annie Ross, formerly of the O.A.C. anti MacDonald Institute; 1)r. John Ross, 0,11E., 0 former deputy minister of Education of Alberta, and Mrs. Daniel McGowan, We feel sure that a host of friends will join with tis in extending hearty congratulations to 1)r, and Mrs. Ross, er, \lr. Irvine \\'illl'ua was elected Sec- retary and .lire;. E. Pollard, 1'r'' s c g :l iioar4 of Stewuds, lies, 11', \1111 nicely a solo "Stow Look! and Lis -1 (2) ; Raymond Criffitha (21; Leonard , ^' Toronto t., I:•rl)1;Iy lax 111,!:.p our ('2'); Jack Thompson (2); Shane ('0sail the lbws) Rcpo1.t in the 0103,11'0 ten! Carman Macdonald played n East Wawanosh Red Cross Cookkahalt (2); Thorold \'olden 11); (fits, (;rasl'y. pleasing number on the guitar, Group Hold Euchre Alert Gray (1); Bert Beacons (2); Mr. P. Marshall moved, and Nr. Tasker ,-econded, that the report, be (allot Rnd(ly. mill 1,,,', 1; .1 1,1 1,•1' \vas I', :r1 1: 1,, v, 111!1 ('+nulfy ('1(111 -.1 t.„ ,,.• ba 0r 110 roue \' , ;! 1,, I`„ of 1.13) \1'811 an),ll, iii 1!11• 1! '111 nj 111(11• ('lees, 11,1' !ul1 .11••'. 1 1)11');1 111, 11•1 lel vra - I' all 11',1;11 I'i,•Id, th:,l;in+• '!I, ),,1,1)11 :,11,1 10,33. chip efiir!al, 1' 11',•;r fl 1x:11 ..11, 1!' :,1111 ile it many, 1 halo, 1,I her :n Iler et ('1,1'1'!-'.0%nd1'Lre I'', (,111 tl'e (111!:1r, (,IltalI I fluid 1:1, 1,1 .1 - :11. ,11, .\-rnrla'lult 1Ir ;:111',1; ManicIp.,;111• Derrrtmelt, i `,'.i, :,Ilei ;Ill,l,lc The pupils of Grade IV presented Franklin Bainton 111; \tea, harry a short dialogue entitled "The Wise The S.S. No. 10 East Wawanosh , Reel Cross Group held a very Browne 111) ; :Mrs, Eva Taman (1) ; adepte:l, Carried. Men of Gothalm," A oollect(on Was , I ful Euchre and Croleinole en 'Thursday Mrs, Wesley Taman (2); M rs, Wm. taken amounting to $3,69, , Creigillon (1) ; .hiss Josephine Wood- After two Valentine Songs the five !night, when a good crowd turnedout postmen David Wretch, Raymond yield In McGowan's School House, Mrs, Howard Campbell (..1; Douglas aatton, Donald Armstrong, Kenneth Campbell (2); Norman McDowell (2), The amount of $19, 0 was taken in }laanm and Kidney Cook dist•Ulttte(l at the door, and the proceeds from a the large collection of Valentines, to enjoy the social time which was cock (4); flower(' CtU)11).bell (2); ' pair of crochet pot holders on which '♦ira, Jim Merritt moved a vote of tickets were sold, netted $O.35. They appreciation to Miss Grieve 011(1 Miss wore won by Airs. winter Meani, Mills and the pupils and the pleasant Prizes winners were as follows: hour tante to a close with the singing , Euchre: Men's, Orville McGowan; of the National Anthem and repeat- Laaie•;, Earl Caldwell (playing as a lug the Evening Prayer. lady); Consolation, Mi's, William Fear. .-- a-, I Crokinole: Lladie.s, Mrs. Fred Toll, Jr. high; Shirley Radford, consolation; Morris Township Council Alen: Stcnwart Toll high; Stanley Glousher, low, The Council met on February 14, 1041, in the Township Hall with all the members present. The Reelve presided, The minutes of the last meeting w'•C4•e read and adopted on motion of During the evening a short program of songs and drills, put on by tine school children, was enjoyed. Mr. Aubrey Toll was the soloil;t of the evening, --- *P --r , OBITUARY Miss Annie Laidlaw Friends and relatives were shocked on Saturday morning when it Wats learned that Miss Annie Laidlaw had parsed suddenly away at her 11(1010 on rho 9th Concession of Morris Town- ship, I\ 11E6 Laidlaw was preparing ,bt'eakfast-ailout 8 a.m., when she was 'suddenly stricken wall a heart attack. ]`p until that time she had teen in her usual health. The deceased lady was in her 71st year. James Michie and \Villiatn Spell, Moved by Charles Couites, seconded Che late MISSLaidlaw was a dough - Moved of Robert 11. Laidlaw by Harvey' Johnston, that the Laidlaw mail Chrfe lepra McCallum, who canoe to :Morris Superintendent. and Item) gent to the Good Roads Convention to be Township as 1)101100) set!1(as from held in Toronto on February tr, and Halton County. They were among 2.1 and that tate membership fee of the very earliest settlers in the town- ship. Deceased was born on the farm $5,00 bra pakL—Ca1•ried. Moved by Charles Coulter, seconded on which .he diel. For many years by Harvey Johnston, that the audit she kept house for her' two brother,;, ors report be accepted.—Carried. Joint and )'inlay, Moved by Harvey Johnston, second The invited guest;; are Members of hiss Laidlaw was a lnclllbOI' of the ed by James .Michie, that the road the Bridge Club, of which Mrs, may 1111th 1)reshyteritul Church, and had accounts, as presented by the /toad' Is an original utc111''(r, A feature of been active in (lunch work, also slie wart active in the wort( of the 91It Line Willing \Vorkers, wlikli is an affiliate of the Blyth Itett Pros.. Society, She wns highly respected for her alerting qualities. Surviving are two htrothers, ,lolul and )'inlay, both on the heni('.stead. Three brothers, .1ndre'w, Duncan and James, and two sisters, S1:3an and Mary, predeceased her, Funeral service were held from her late residence, lot 1'I, Concession 1) of Morris Township, on Saturday after- noon, February 121h. at 2 o'clock. Rev, Hugh Jack, Pastor of the Soa• forth Presbyterian Church, officiated. d'allhearll•s were Itchen S:tort•ee(1, }toaert• Mel)onald, \1'illlauu 111ak'e, \Viliiani Brown, Alfred 1taggitl, and Kenneth 'Taylor. Interment 0116 Made in Myth l'uion Cemetery, Friends from 0 distance attending the funeral were, \irs, Duuc.ul Laid- law, and Mr. and Mrs, ilarvey Zeigler, and son of Guelph, 3!•3, Ge.ar):.i Oiver, and 3l ruses Mary and )'lora 31c('allu.nt of \\'Ingham, and other friends turd relatives from intahediote point;. v Bridge Club Honours Mrs. V. M. Bray Miss Mary :Mlino'enteItaincd a num- ber of ladies at her home on Friday night in honour of Mrs. V. M. 13ray, who will shortly be leaving town to join her husband who is with the Bank of Commerce in Kitchener. Superintendent, be paid.--Carrio:I , Mission Band Meeting Moved hy Charles Coubtes, second 0(1 by Harvey Johnston, that, the clerk advertise for tender:. for crushing and delivering approximately MO yards of gravel,—Carried, Moved by James (Mettle, seconded by Wan. Speir, that the mooting ad- journ to meet again on March 13, 1944 at 1 P.M. Carried, The following accounts were paid: Hall gave the Call to Worship, after ,Ontario Good Roads I Assoc\ • Robert Charter had placed the Wor I ation (t\IentUershl t Fee) .. $5,C0ship Centre. Mary Kyle road Scrip - Municipal World, Subscriptions $9.00 ture, and 1), A, Me(Kettzle ledin pray I Stratford General Ifbspital 0r, While the offering was being re (Mrs. A. Nethery) $9.00 celive:1 In a large beautifully decoraeed A'lexctncira Marine and Genet al heart s'hapr'l box, mato by Mildred; Hospital, Goderlch (Mrs, Charter, the children sang "We'll A. Nethery) $12,00 • bring Him hearts that love 11111 ,, , Municipal World (Supplies) , , $113,04 The Birthday Song was sung for''Tas, '\McFa.dzean (Bonds, Treas- three nleatubera, and the money was nn'cn and Tax Collector) , , $!14.;10 dropped In a news daisy decorated Brussels, Morris Grey Birthday Box made by D. A. McKen- i Tcldlhoue System 91 10 C1has, Johnston (auditor) ,,$25,00 • (Itobt. 316K,i(tnon (auditor and The nthntues were; read and approv a5postage$27.7.5 c'd. Shirley Falconer read some let-IGeorge Gross (relief) ..,,$•1,104 ters from World Friends, having re - Crawford Crawford (ALQ H,) Dirs, $'', 0.00 seised quite a number, also snap - John Ciaig (B',O,H.) shots. Mks Clare McGowan told a emu John wheeler 01 11.) starry of et Mexican Mtsstonary. Any, George Marlin (I1,0,1,) fees not yet handed In are to be brought to Mat `h meeting, Thirty- two hirtytwo children wore reported, who had not missed more than three meetings during 1943, 10 of these having per- fect attendance. Now Work-bookls were distributed, and MIothers are asked to co-operate, by helping children's care and safe -keeping of these books. After the Valentine mall had been distributed, each child received a heart -shaped cookie, The 'meeting closed by all repeating the "World Friendship Prayer." • V . The 3lIssion Band of Loving Ser- vice held their regular meeting on Saturday, February .112, with 01 pres- ent. Alder the children had posted their Valentines at the beautiful Post Office prepared by Miss Lockio, and with Fano Pollard • acting as post mistress, the meeting opened with the Member's Pu'Tose. Marguerite Blyth United Church Sunday, February 20th, 10.10: Sunday School, ,11,16 Subject: "The Little Outlaw," 7 pan,: "The Empty H'ous'e," $3.00 $3.00 $3,00 George Martin, Clerk. Fine Ice At The Rink Skating enthusiast; are enjoying fine sportat the rink these nights. One of the best sheets of ice of the winter is naw available. 1t is hoped that before the season is over another event such as the recent Ice Carnival will be staged, but if any organization intends sponsoring such an event they should de it now bcf')re the present wintry weather breaks. The youth of the town have been utilizing every opportunity. Several hockey games have been staged be- tween Londesboro and Blyth, There Is a game tonight. It's not too late to gel Uto skates out and take a turn on the ice, the evening 'was the costumes of a number of the pests, some being gowned in the styles that were pre- valent when the bridge club was formed, others attired in apparel of the gay nineties. A sumptuous dinner was served by the hostess. The table du orations were h1 red and white, with valen- tines for place cards. Following the dinner the guest of honour was led to the living room along the trail of a string of hearts, W1tich were all suitable inscribed. There htscriptions she was obliged to )read, MIT. It, D. Philp read aux address In which !'egret was ioipressed by all at 3108. Bay's removal, 311.;s Mary ! Milne presented the guest of 1lono(r with a hand Lug and an over -night 0060. Purchases Property 31r, Harvey MoC'allunt leas purchas- ed from AIr, J. C. Ile fron the prop- erty formerly occupied by Miss Olive McGill on Queen Street, - and will very shortly move his butcher shop from It's present silo into the now location, Two More Local Boys Home From Overseas A large crowd of citizens, 1tenj' i 'by iteeve \Vm. H. Merritt, met the , evening bus on Tuesday to welcome home two more of our local boys who have arrived back from Overseas. 1'lte two. boy's were Cur. Earl Craig, son of 31rs, \Vat. Craig. of Morris Township, and Tpt•. 331(11 Blake, Trinity Anglican Church Rev, P. H. Streeter, L;Th„ Rector. i'ebrunry 20th, i1(14, Quinquagesima Sunday School 11 a,nl. Divine Service 12 neon, Wounded In Action llr.;. Gertrude A. Short. of Strath.. ; white fox and brown nccasspries. (111 \\.'e 11,110 11 toy receiveda telegram from Ottawa.1 their return. the groom will return c0nuuunicat1 n 111:0 stating that her lnisband L. -Cpl. Ilari-y to his nail of D3.bert, N.S. and the whit'', of 1."1"(10". iu . bride to Ili 1)01113. in \\'ingham. Fsib>cript1111+ , Short, has been wa.,::d''1 In action, ...Please fill,! ,'111'!0 ,i 111.111y for 1':' Staltlard. \t•'r 111•,! l'.'war(i !n ing it every 11 \day nl :11nhl10, 11.11 ' 11111)1 al \, ry line 3) 11(1e1' r'1 1:11' \1.11' i .. easy 011 (11111. I;. ar11s 11 (3 'ryone, It was moves by 31r. F. Marsh 111 (111(1 secot, led by llr. Philp, that the following Steward; he re. -elected Afessrs. L. I lilborn, I. \Valitice. I'raulc 110111 and George Jahrston. C:arri"d. air. I,. llilhorn m•,ved. and \Ir. 'rasher secondc:l, that \t•. It. 11, Philp an I Mr. 5, (.'sinew Le re- appointed as auditors. Carried. It 3V83 ui0we(1 by 3lr. R. It. )'hilt,. and seconded by llr•. 'casket. that the election of new Elders be left to the Session. Carried. 31rs, 11. \Viglitiu 11 moved, and 'Mrs. \\'nt, \tills s(00111e1, a \'1111' of thanks to Itew, and 31rs, Sinclair. Carried. 3Ir, Tasker moved, and 31 I•. I,. Ilii - born seconded, that the 111) ling be adjourned, ('arried. ]rev. Sinclair pro1,0nnc('11 the Bene- diction, 11•(111 11,1 ('. t' 'I'.' a, (I1 'r will( '11 ;,i 1r• 01 I1'• . 11 1 a (c.,111- 1, and fr1 :n 13: purchase of \'ic;:ry P.m.!, 1'.r r't!i:'=' np r >,•r1 e 1'11.'1. r,l, l',11 11;",I Mr. s, (1, 1:111'1'1 of ill-. 1..01101:; 1)00111, 1., n,1,1n 1)'I I.: 1 t1o. ( ;,n' arling 11.1 ,.•):111'.1, oil', p1'rs1.1'l1! ':. 110:'11;;3 I.'1' `1110'.1 arms. 111,1n11111:•1 :i , ;1'1,1 e•"llll"Il 'pruml,ell t11 cit'.' 11, matter c.li,•f';I eon -id 1 r!1,': .\ 11,)1101 1( ,',':I;1 I',I,I:. 1)11(1 I{'.1 ,t lin 1 13110 11.1, Victr,l'y Iton11- - ,'11 a' a -:1! 1-f c. 101'1' 1;:']I , r''03 1 1. , .';Ili:ell 3),)'' cal' .1.1e(1. The •a111,.10,'. t,,) 1 ••e;,, p:, 0111'11 illy )'rams 'I'homp -,,)1 7.'1: 131112, 1111' 1 '• tat 1., 1' i"1. 1i11' 1!' f" t,, hr' <7,11,111: 3\11 11 the 1^. p111311 0 in 1111• .=1111,' WEDDINGS period twilit', I i of 511111) T_ ! in 1111111 w'as 11-011 in the' p111.1.113-0 11f \'iclory 1101111.,1 I, ;.1 in; a 1,01:,111•,' at• Scott Orvisj of t 1:, 1' 1. , I I, 1'.11 '1'1:1- I', 1011'! w•;1: ;11-yepl•'ll ull 1111,111'11 lconncille:'n 111.11':, ;11111 1 !,•"I -o.. '1'110 rinu)( 1,1 11••:11'0 I h.. uflir(3 „f 1 1• r, ;1',111 ,!'01,.)1)0 !' mot, d, '1'11(.1.1' 1).1.e 1100 n'rniu,rtinnr f,•,• tho luL:111(111. 11', :,I !Ir o1) 10'11. '.l I((1 (.01111c0/". 1i. ;'1', •:11 1{+`•'o 11r.r. I(•r'011. 101'1 Ira 'n ::11 It1 1111011:1 ,I:1 I111101011 11' 1 (10''111,1) !,Irll,)1 11 :1'(11 111ack. 'file 1:11t1' Oerri•'.!, (roman's,!• \ \ery pretty wedding foul, 11130: at 1 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon 1'e)•ua(t'y lutlt at the home ul' Mr. 0111 airs. Uejrge Orvi:, when their (laugh- ter Velma \lay, became the bride ul' Andrew Stephen Scott, I'•('. son of 3lrs, Alex Scott and the late Alex. Scott of lilyth. Ret', \V. A, 111" croft performed the ceren,ny a 'aid a setting of candelabras Willi g1Jw•tlg tapers, fragrant spring 1'11(31- Itai:e1'I- 01 1elioe f 111• ,1111' 1111:111'11' ( rs and palms, The bride, \'110 was laud Raymo nl li '!ll(,':ui w'as diel' r 1 given in marriage by' her (3)110'1' 3101'1' l'lel'Ie•I'1'e.l'11 )',')' 0f III., municipality a fluor length gown of white satin 3! '.' 11 by mns-ill') 13';ac!e (,1,,1 made on princess line.; \'ilh sweet- liubertsoa, 1 hat ;1 month'. salary heart neckline :111(1 long „leewei taper- 111)1(1 to tit,' , -71111' 01' 1110 1:11- ( 1"1' - ing over the wrist. 11(') finger-tip 50il't'ea:u11'r. trialed, \•as caught to a halo of orange :\ lel 1• r 80,13 i!le a.:e:$•nr, 31, . blossoms. She c'ar'ried a shower -murvrn 11)1'„(0e11 11';i112. frr a 1.;11 bouquet of carnations and fern, The in hi; c•.31;(('3' w1) ),';111 and on n:;11101 !bride was atteud('d by her sister, of ('ocn.eill.or_ 1'1„ 1)11 11,,1) MI's. L(tugllleall, who wore a floor a $10 raise 13315 _") 11 '11. length gown of minuet blue crepe and The en11,•(•1,1'' r 'pOOIOd that carried 0 white prayer book. I.11t0' (:13es of $1 s:012 \'ere ,031 1:13 tar,1- ,raau Laughleau, nie01 (if iln' 10.4 10 was flower girl and \'ore a long dress of pink net and carried a pnre- ing and his time fel r ,11.!.•:! )) w 1- ex 'oiu:l lu 1111 :'1 1 1)ylaly No. 1011 \vas )rend an,l gay of sweet pea',. lt0rs (1rli,. 1 'brother of the bride was best man. 1ls,,cd confirming 1'.10 n1-Iro nu ;1 11. It. Redmond 0,, ,•,-h-t,•(, The guests \cern received by the bride's mother, who wore a I1y,,-pi,..e,ltb0 nnnlirip;lily, irl. in the sit. of the treit,u'1'1' t?,, eb/'1111, , w'•' ' blue f'r'ock with corsage or roes and the groom's mother wlo, wore a I 'na brown trod:x 1(11(1 (001:813)' of ruses. l 1111uCl'tnr7il Ill.11.i,nn'n1',1 :\ ilei' a w•edlliltg luncheon, 31r, and \let' \Irltlli I1 ') ' ''•r! 311x. Seott loci for (her honeymoon. I the bride travelling in a 111.0w11 silk '.jersey dress over w'hicli she 101'0t F , • , Lt !brown needlepoint cent trimmed with 1 ltlllll\ ttlti ► i ()ill 111 '1 11:.,1111 011 11:0 1,111 .11T. \(r , SI. ;111''1; 37 11111 b, Mrs, Short was formerly Gertrude Tune)', daughter of :Ira. Benjamin Taylor, of Blyth. LONDESBORO The hondesboro Red C'ro'ss (ire holding their Bingo this Friday night February 1811t in the Community 113111. \\'e would like 10 ('•00 a good atten- dance. llen- (1011(•e, A Pot Luck Supper was held at the home of 3lrs. John Henry Shu',brook's on Monday. 'There was a good atten- dance, and the proceeds amounted to $2v,0U, The groom is a brother of 31•s John 1'\airservic(' of Blyth, Another Successful Event For The Red Cross 10.41141•-•••••.. .\ls„ w' I'I "Ill '1 a (`,(Ilti(Illll°:•.t!i, 111 In spite of 11+? fact Ih:u the we.ithe)' iron+ .\lir: tl;n';:a!'et ('ew'al) 0f Pl'a:I- wls most 11':-'agrcen111', the Red ('r.•:: cion• \tau. \t;: c:1w'an charged IN itingo and Dance held im the Memorial :that her lcitcl 133)5 11.11 for pni,licati0n Hall on Priday night 11(3 11 tinaurial bat she s• at 14011 )•)''eons.; 0) c'1':'1'y' success. Following is the rc-111's' (IIIc. 6111 (11(1)111 Total Receipts flOs.7,0 Ibnt sh1 1c enjoying 1,00:1 health, and Expenses Proceeds 1313.:,1; nis., That '1('•3 103 ' hail a lovely win - $1 1,94 1(.'. 0111(..11 the :ante as we Irv' bad R, 1' j), Treaetp'cain ()Marto, fr,00A4,§ The Pick of Tobacco WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Snake Bite Kit One of the most IIIgenloos uses to which plastics have been put is In the snake bite kit, army issue io American servicemen fighting kn the tropics, relates the Financial Poet. Snake bite is a seri :;:ci:ace to men fighting in these regions, and quick measures have to be taken It the victim's life is to be saved. Main require:nein is to sack the Yenotn iron: the 1ymol: capil!ariee of the person ''bitten by a p..isonous reptile, if death or scrit:, illnc:s fa to be averted. The U. S. ;slur NIruit:l Corps has provided American, tri:'; men with a i)arlly snake bite kit, small and compact, and con:„h:ing ma- terials for quick treat:i:et.t. In it In a tourniquet, ha:,::; gee, in•linr and ammonia capsules. is a plastic tale which is rlttslprvof Er.'! Ovate: - tight. There is also a 5n:all knife for opening the wooed, and a pump to surf; the ve::'_al from it 'The (hire;, t\'1. o:igieel:y made of alutinu:,1, %v1ic!i ',was a great Improvement over the r:'21•er bulb auction lige::;, fc,rn;%=!y ;:sti, 'When aluminum b5- ca::,e scarce, the pump was re-Ill'>ag,t:c•', in plan:i,, which has prover'. sop erinr to aluminum, The thin tVaii; of the el: m:num pump herr, q; ,.- easily, the de• etroving its elf tt'litcne,s. t e Great wt:. i , . t rnolding tl.r rll'ir C: the skit, 1 J'•S/ e The new double defence against colds, grippe end bronchitis 13 to build Immunity with VilaVax-a small tasteless capsule combining COLD VACCINE plus VITAMINS II catching cold, take VltaYox to reduce severity and speed recovery. W you've Inst had a told, take V1taVax lo overcome fatigue and Increase vitality. Fee scleniUicareal utions against future c Ids, grippe and bronchkis, protect al the fal.Ay 1tIMt1 VttaVax Copalles. Only $1.50 for erne la two months average requirements. Ash yogi, druggist, or for deloW wale lo-- lbrberfs Illologkal Laboratory, Toronto START TODAY VITAVAX COIR VACCINE pba VITAMINS If Back Aches HeIpKidneys Do you feel older than you are or 01((5-05- item (letting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous- iiu, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Rains, Burning, t or frequent passages? If s(n, remem- that your Kidneys are vital to your th and that these symptoms may be due le Kidney and Bladder troubles -In auch Um Cye et usually gives prompt and oy- su relief by helping the Kidneys clean E, poisonous excess acids at d wastes. You Vseverything to gain and nothing to lose trying eyelet. The Iron clad money -back epeement assures a refund of your money to return of empty package unless fully eatlafled. Don't de- lay. Get Cyatet ass -text from your Idle W5-. 1'ssan druggist today. c stex ,Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound not uuly help; relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feellnes-due to monthly lune - Ronal distm hauces. It helps buildup resistance ac:alnst cltstrest of "diffi- cult days;." Made 11( Canada. 11/4 ve '!'here are 11 C,Jlnpo::cuts in the complete set, each of which "r-u:st be a perfect fit in its matching part." The pump also had to be designed so It c01:!d bt' taken apart quite easily in the field, cleaned and then reasstn:blcti. The pump, ac described in Mo- dern Plastic, is "very ingenious me- chanically, as it will maintain a constant suctilm sithout continual pumping." One. of the tests to which it was suhliccted inaladed lifting a 4 -Ib, v. -eight by the wae:lotnt created and ht,i(.iug it susiuulcd for some time ;without actit;ti:lg the plunger, How Can l ? ? By Anne Ashley I I Il„r, b1;0::I,! i+rt1•i:,:l \',C l be s ,t.1c11 A, Make a sods of purr, flukes .,n+l %farm 1',ater. iqucewe the gar- ment in the slid•, changing life ha- ter Iretpl'nii3, Rinse thoroughly, adding a fen' soap flakes to the last ria-ing. Spread out flak, to dry, tttrttine the garment \r hen one side i• dry, 1owV can 1 inter' vc the fie- vor 1(f apple 5;tI11'r: :1, Add a few drop of lemon juice, lhie addition will be a great intpnrvt mein if the apples hal e a flat talc. 1,.). How can 1 remove ink irl'nl .t piece of line(: that has been in the l:uul,Jr) and returned with a moldier nit it? :1, Appl; a satur:,ttd solution of cyanide of potassium with K camel's lair orusll. \Cash in ):old water immediately eftcr the )nark is removed. Q. blow an I take good arc of fur,; .1, :1 fur u ill collect dust and dirt just the sante as any ether artille of apparel, and it should be brushed, combed and ai: ed oc- casionally, Q. 'low can I remove blood stains iron: garments? A, Hold the stained material under col11 running water and then launder in the usual manner. U.S.S, SARATOGA'S LATEST PORTRAIT The photo above is the latest of the mighty U.S. aircraft carrier Saratoga, veteran of many Southwest Pacific battles with the Japs and probably a unit of the world's greatest concentration of carriers which provided bombardment and air cover for invasion of the Marshall Is• lands, Photo taken from plane whose tail appears in foreground, Have You Heard? A little girl t\.'s tal<rt: to ti:e Zoo by her father, Th ': stood before A lion's cage and the father ex- plained how fierce and strung lions were and hog,; they would attack and devour human brings, The little girl looked thonRitt- fully at the (Bon. Then she said: "Daddy, if it got out of the cage and ate you up, what number bus would I have to take to get home?" Bomb Loader: "That's fun- ny, when I told him my nick- name he started to run." Bombardier: "What's your nickname?" Bomb Loader: "Butterfin- gers -why?" Having told ail his Eric:;ds that he was going to retire, Sandy ex- cited some comment 1) r'antinuingt to catch the sole to tha Cit', At last one of them tackled hilts. "(Here, Sandy," i:e sr,id, "didn't you tell us that yoti had retired?" "Ay, and I have." replied Sandy; "but i ntiist t\'i,tr: colt ;p' ticket, }'e ken. Employer (interviewing ap- plicant for job): "Know any- thing about electricity?" "Yes, Sir.'' "What's an armature?" `A chap who boxes for nothing!" Oldtinter: "is year n: rr.r'i life one grand sweet song?" Newly Keil: "Well, shire our ba'y's been born it's more like nn opera, full ofg rand marcher, v,ith loud calls for the tut!:c: ever; night." This thought I think I think Is not my thought, But the thought Of one Who thought I ought To think his thought. Many Downed Air Crews Are Rescued A ICC•.^dlTl _...t! C'. r \V.Fitch, South Pacific air commander, says it's almost unt.'r'ieval.de ho', many of his downed n :e5-, have been res- cued after hating: the Japanese over Rabaul, .':e',; Britain. He reported 'recently that more than 80 percr nt of the per-nnnel forced to land at sea have been {'irked ftp t;rt': rls.ued, fTe said the total .:a\ bnri 1,fitn) t::.h!. Wild Animals Plague Norway litenee, eiv(e, wolverine s and foxes have staged such a comeback in Norway during; the hast three fears that they have become a plague to the Norwegian fanners. Stripped of their firearms by Nazi order, the Norwegians arc unable to combat the pests, \VoIve:, for- merly confined to northern Nor- way, have spread southward, One Gudbandel fanner recently lost 85 sheep in a single night, iimmommoggegemismnamoll NOW... GIVES YOU A SUPER -REMEDY Buckley's g love Von Buckley's Mixture Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. Nosv Bachley's gives you one of Canada's most highly medicated, fastest acting ruts. Yes llucklry's Stainless \1'hitc Ruhisdifferent-better, Itrubsinquicker -penetrates deeper -relieves pain faster. Try it for your own or baby's chest cold, or for stiff, sure muscles, tired hurtling feet, and over 30 other common es eryday aches and ailments. It must give relief faster than any rub you have ever used or money hack. Price 30c. and 50c. at all drug stores. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It yuu we trouol:d x'!th Itching plies to teeth! eurene:.s, du out delay treatment and run the Ile' of letting lhls condition be.:w e Chronic,. Any itching or sr,r•e;!es, •,r painful ease- :): ; ,! stool Is r I:.urn'! warning and pruper treatment 8119U o.,1 he ee.ured et uncle. Por this purpose get a package of llem•Jtuld frurn any druggf�t and use as dlrt;cted. This formula which Is used Internally Is a small, easy to take Whitt, will quickly relieve the 12:11ng uud soreness End aid to healing the sure tender sputa. I ein-ituid Is pleasant to 1130, is highly recunuueud^d and It +eemd the hcigtl0 of fully for any one to risk a painful and chrome pile condition when sir:h a fine remedy may be had at euro a smell Cost, if you try llem-Rufd and aro rot entirely pleased with the results, your drugg;pt will glarJ'y rt 14! 1. sour money. Defies Jap Guns To Get Butterflies P11,1rinac 1st's \late R.'!n'rt `1ul Man of stn1111.1\ n N V., iiu,l, 1{"::- gaiiivillc islan,l a ",\III place -- for catching hut) 2fI i,, \1'itli a net LI•hi,41e'1! frtua a 6,1, 1(1. -Unita h':d out, clic ;una- tcur en! rnne,lo4 i-? ,(swills his Alar(' 11.1111 Cll1 Oleti CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS 61111:.\1 .UI,.s1:1,1-: 31 511,'11, wl'I:11,. Mixed andI'nllet:. R. L'o1'Ic , 1 145-. N. Ilanitl,. CII', :I, 1V, 1,1 g• 11'5-1( 130, 211', .\ 1.5-' ed1 1 hatch- ery, till lit '"etltr., +l„t'ernlnt•nt handl o tool hood ust.11, An y's lI:,I, 1i, 5-y, , 'lat5-1,2'1, 11110, W1': HAVE 5'I'.\lt'I'1:t> ('11tt'Ns, iutllerluti' 41011'ry. 1rd.'!" sur .411"411,1 1.0 in Leghorn pullet, 1"r your future k6 r. to;tri'' ts, 5-,1 0'. (Bray 11.Irrh- 41,4 1:19 John X„ 1 l:Hilt"t,, (Int, li.l lt1:l:1' JiiI'liS .11'11 1,.511111; 1':ngrsh \VIiite Leg horns. ,111 ln) v hlo0dtest cd, herd la 11,5. and uxtot quality Rocks mixed I4',t'e. 11'1121! Dm; horns !nixed 12..1, 1'ul- Jets 26c. Iturk 1:00It1'rel9 1101. 4c, March i5-, 1'rerlir roc's 1'uulU'y. Piton, 1t!dgel'\wn, Vet, Yl'lll l'I:I,I:Ililt 11'111'1'1'; LEI:11011N 1111:11 l'A Y A1111,111 11.1111 1'1111-'1(S Ti11s STRAIN l.y A. !'1t.1C'r11.A1., pruren egg --producing type, with twenty -lief.! 3('2.1'9 of steady production 'melt of them, They will pay well for good keep lttl(I vire. '1'hls Is curtain, bucausu they are dot0; 11110 01( oto' 0011 0110 of of 1:n11041 :I In ret';) egg•pro- (tueing farms. You get exactly thu same breed, strata mil grade ns vt'e mise for ourselves, 1''Tul- try llnrnl;entent hornbook "High Pay Ability" 5. nt 1'141';E on re - attest, tic) our 11100 tIS.t, \V' n(1• vise early orders. SPItlC2E. I,1:ItTfl h_11t1( int 1TED. 1Jox 35011, 13ranttord, Ontario, TIVEl)P1.11 OPl.^1':IiS ,51.i, T1111 popular h1',.li•--lout he eurlyl Ttwcddlr 11 )rhe;'ies offer !locks, Leghoros Red,<• -,ill the proven breed:: and c:1 s 1,o.e.i : nil Oo\'- erunu•nt A1Prow rd front bleud- teslol breeders til:,'. provtd their inb„rn husl;lt0 t, I,5- ,(flims,:; 011'1 productive y1(;llitl, 9, That's thn kind of chicks 111:,t will give you every 1100I)In0:0 55)11 you ''ot'h tip .Nath \whit trill probably be the ))(hest dennind for chicks n meat and eggs in t'1111:10111 lilt - tory, Fend for '1'wt )1l: catalogue and pri'elist now, Also ready to any rind laying pll!letr: fc±' lln- Mediat,• deliw'e:r,', ')'11 tddltr ('hide Iiuteh,:Vie, Limited, J'eth4)s, $TA1:T1:U 1'I:1.Li:TS, B.\1;RED }locks, 1 week old, 23 cents; trerlt, 7C cenl°. White I.r'eh'?: 1 week old, 20 (-ent..: 2 weeks old, 3') cents. 17ehrtl,u3 nl.'1 \Inrrh pull.. is only. 4'nrIelor If''l:cl y, I1rltannla 1Ieighti, 1111. FLL'f1'11E1: I1I1:I1,I,Et"N P.\\IOi'S Aust'aiian SVh!te 1..>;horn 12th' ehlchs, nearly as ;n'ge ns P1u'- red Sleeks, will ;ay 3 cue., to theft 1, earn I11rt 1' 11.'50, \V„r1(1'r record Layers 1(t cu!IU,,i, llr•rl'iced front y2:, per 1(1u to 1 This will be it record y, -;n' in chicle., Book early for ,i,tistr3• when wanted, Over 2'0 inti alga -r ;;!t) yen!. were returned, :odd out. A deposit w\ ill book your 01' - der, Delivery ti to 1 ((:bold. 1Vrlto 160 Bank Sr., (221,0 . }'11:.11)1' TO LAY .1N17 1,:11'1\r; 1VLIt' Leghorn pull.:', n' reas- onable prices for nnndlatl' de- liver}'. Also 1lor: 1l 1:01:k,i Hybrids, F:'te ,m alogur, .\lsu day old chicks for Inunellinte de- livery. Twaddle Chick 13;)(chor- ies Limited(, 1'erguei, Onl:trlu. fi0\'ieItNAlENT Al'1'1'JVED, blood -tested chicks from llig'h Productive ...trains. Ten 'rhoueaunt ehlchs ttvaihibl,, wieldy. Immed- iate delivery en day-old and started chicks. Gay wood harm, Mount Ilanli't+ lt. POUL'I'RY•KEEI'I:1t5, TIE SERE: of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this coming Ccaton. Goal ahleke mean good hens and more eggs, Immediate delivery' on day- old chicks. SVrito for 1,`144 cat- aloque and prlees on our Gov- ernment Approved chicks. .MONK - TON POCLTRY FAItMS, arouk- ton, Ontario. TOO LATE', - T110 i.A'I'E NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT DID laid "too late," Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar hooks your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Briton - Ma Heights, Onl. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE 5 I It 19 D 13A11111.D Rock. 1(r 55'hlto 1,ccllnnls and Pure Christie New Itautpshlres re- niov,,s all chance, Our prlrc, 15-' \'ory IOW. 51/'6111 d!ra:aunt until h61. 1501. Ketll,'\ti•Il harms, E7,•,1r• e. 1111. 1111,1, FOR S.% LID F'OR 5.51.1•:-I1sa0:1'11:11 111'1.1., k mow Its olct, i:rutntnel breed- ing, 1'.11. '1','0,:41. loud color markings and flesh. Part!ruln)'=, Oshiuu" Imran. 11un-!'ie1d, 1)111, II 1'1'1i' EX 11111111.1N 3x1 \1.11:1i1•:'I: '1'11'1: \l:uum„III Pelta! n n ,I I:oueu ducks, 1'1:1k,.:;, !:'.bolo Ducks 31,10', \Va1t' r (;r;,!', 1unl,w 1111, 1111, 11(151I:S'I'il' 111.21,1' 1V.1 \'1'1•:D G1111, 1/II 11'11\I.1N 1VA\'5-1.11 1" )!) honk in country, wish children. All modern ennteIi,•r,e,•s; t1' ',cashing. $45-:.(1! net: mond(. IIan1- III'n, blit. District. I:nx 22, 7:1 .5) Mid.. \5'., '1'oru0l10. 1)1 111:11: .5 4 :1.1': O A\I\ � (IAVI': 1'111 A351'1)1,\l' Nl•:I;I4u dyeing or ciea11nt7 IV rue to us for Informatio(, 5\'e are glad to answer 3'our questions. l)epurt• meal it, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge St!net, To. rolto. 1:1.1:C'1'I(IUA 1, i:It111I'JI I21N'I' ELECTRIC \lU'I'UliS, N1':\V, USED, bought, :01,1, rebuilt; h e 1 1 s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric company Lid„ 2212'1 I.lullrrlu 51., Toronto. 1:111. C.t'1'l1,\,11, LEARN MORSE CODE AT HOME Sen.1i1r20 5-''' it'il, p:aelir' 1(11 aUlulnalir. '1'clellr\ ur'•hntem. ,icutl for details aul'l I s Wont Illy rental ., t . I'. Ll (�' 11(. .5-1 :: Ili •,'I '11 I ti II 11:11 ! 5-((021 Ltd., Dept, 15'„ ..9 1'4,1_, 52., Toronto, 1 I 11/l IIA1,1 1 1JAt'.111:1r;1tA rutil ,;.5l,.l1 1e:•••11 sr)." uftea,lv(1 .Mut :n-l.uf 2), 1:11 Mit tie 4.)1.1,41 .1 _elft 4,•11111,1 I11'llg; s1•11 ;1 411 e ,w a FA1151 I:111'1,01 ill:\'I' ww 1\ 11:11 :1\111J:• In. I;1, 121:1:1; 111.,1., 1., 11:11 1,.' .•11 -10 . .: 1, I,: .111 2, . ,. t+1.1. time ptn',uing; his fa v.' itc ltuhb}, !Veil to vt itllin r::ncc + . J,II'anr.e puns, A \I,triuc coniln,t (,,t re ;l,,tl'Ir11t wrote thus 0i 1'1:111,::1, i -t', .\1ote Shultimo to a friend: "One of the .`.trai111-. 111111);, I've seen on lion oiu\'illc 1'. ,;s a camouflage -clad w,lrrio;, 1((t ) is - ed, wallowing through a swamp, clnt•ing htltterillt•. 1'.51111 I 11.21,1' 11 .5 \'I'I•:1I EXI'EIII1':X4'1211 \I:1111411?li MAN, 1'lllt 1:11111, yt';ll'11' employment, !loll+e ilrunI 4,11 vi leg es, 51:11' tool(}', 1'4'1 •1(r,'. II. 11.11. 51, 1'111 II:, 5-,110•+, 1' A 11 \I 1: !1, 1:SI'l:l:lh;\I'I:I+, ho'', ; :1 1(1 lime( ,-,, it nil tu•'ep, 111.1111,'5-1 1101, 1II'1' 14 II - 1111t', 11)+4„3 11.1211 triter 1'211rtn, .51,ILu 2(211)0. -� .- 1.2.5110s 45 WANT '1'11 REST I''Alt\I, 2I 2',) iSCt'r`:, ht' 0011011011000 f:trliel, 1111y W1101'0 rrunl I)tIIllot 12411 h, Atri'}t', 1111s 21, 73 -tri-kilelu 1\., 1\'ANTED, 'I'\VU 111'X1)121211 At'Itb: [non, With 1(r without equip. /1101/ I. Itto'galn--l''tsh, 131(\ -73-Adrinldu 1\'., 'room to, .-_-. 1'A11.115 V011 SAI,I: 13(014 1''A 111IS 1'c 111 5,51,E 1\'1'1'12 )cl;tht ;c 'n I.:Ike \tusk"Il:l, neat' 111.1+. 155 \t1. ilIei rom .l Venue, l'urunlu, 1'A 1211 FOR S,\1.1'1-'.:1NS1S'l'IN('1 of 1JJ'+ pyres, with or without sleek and nlut'hlner3'. :apply to J, \V, Fraser, Alaxyilte, (nt, IONS At_lt12 LANI), 3t,IOI) IIOt'S1:, burn, F:bruit', 4treri1)o3=o and equipment. Box 1112 \Vingh:n. VAI.I'A111.1; 1•'A 1111 1X \1'A'1'I2I11,01) t:011 111 for 011 consisting of 414 u':Pero lnt'liding 12 acres cedar swamp, 32 ucre.3 hardwood bush, :i acres orchard, 101 11.111 1111 udder culIIV:Itloli, Sit11..1ed 1.1 )IIIc.; irom 11'11torim., 3 11121e.s 110111 J21(rheum.; 11.5-1,1(1( bel' k house, large haul( 1.':1111, 2 lml- plontrt sheds, a1.=r, .'quipped with hydro, Por full 1':'rti,:1(l;ars 11113' 2.1 'Iry 1'. 1,:auff'_1', 11.1(, No. 3, SVattl'1 ,, (ail), .\1,:131':, 1;-1111\I 11,11'51:, Rulld;leg;-5,1111 r.5-1 fl"' pact., Ilydtu 1,111) \\'offer In 0.1) hui1,1- lugs. On lit. iltea y ritli , , Ter'ol- to 'I' went)* \files. 111 1':.1'11 rea- son file .:,le. 11, II. h:ill., Il mond 11i11. D.111is' 1'.11'315, 1,11\1' 15 -1.'5 -41 --.mall dutvrt 110,3 lin its, 50111' equipped, 114):• 111phell, Alt, I:rydgrs. GRAIN holt S.% 1,1; ASSQ1t'1'1211) 22.5111.41.11,5 V1' 11,5 11. meal, ground sheat, )whole 01114 1111(1 11(3.2' 4111(11;4 for sale, C'arl;td only. The .141:9 I:rnlu 1ompiuly, J:oard of '11:1:,1': Build- inF, Montreal. c 111:1.1' 1VA,1I'1:11 GENERA 3. J''al11 1:1':51111:\'1'1.11, Flinn, $i1 doll,.ra month. Five whim, s from train and !'Itur':h, Fele refunded. \Vrlto to \Irs, Oes,-h, Source 11„wl, S!rnthntor', 4ut:bl r. 11.41111)1)1•:SSING S4:1141OL L 61 A 11 N 1.1 Al it DRESSING '1'11YJ Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Jtobortnr,n'9 Hairdressing Acad- 0my, 137 Avenuo hood. Toronto, 1 1.5 11 \'1:” I)II 11%S1\'1: ELI s'i'r 11.5113.1:55 1U1t1•:55I NI:-- 2:11c•rt leather and 11arn'9a an'e- eerVlitiwe, 511414 also her many household 11909 22,1 111 et most grocery, hardware and chitin atone:, .t pl'uduot of 1.lu3-ds Lat.:- 01.0u! Ips, Toronto. 11,1111 GOODS HAIR GOODS \5e !minutactitre the finest hair /feuds cyte Produced for Inco and women, Natural in appearance, Tonnes for )nen $40.011 up. hull transformations for ladles 11;5.)U up, T11121 SS'. T. PEM13ER S'T'ORES LIMITED 129 Yong() 5t., Toronto, ()Mario 0I"F'Elt '10 INVESTORS AN OFFER '1'U EVERY INVENTOR Llat of Inventions and full toter. nlutlu l sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 IJtull( StreetOttawa, Canada, 1•'1:'1'111Its'rUN1iA cull Ji COMPANY Paten( Solicitors, Lstubllshled 18911; 14 fang West, Toronto, Rookie! of Inrurmation on re. ,Ina 15-1 1'110'11(1,14415-111 PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Senn yule• flim lulls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Aay 511,: 11'11-1i 1(l' 5 I2\Pulwr&, 1)I',Cltl,t)PEI) ANL) PRI 25c '25c A t:u4• 011,' 1(t 11"rwIcIt, N.5,, \wt'I119 "1 wont y011 N, 111101y huts' Ideas':d I hill with 3011' 10'nd'1- I'M wort. :old prompt. sort's'•"" \\'e h: \e • 11.17 letters from ;ill uc,•r •2:111• edit. 1,:1 I l G (',111'; N'1' S T fur 25e 1041" 111 1::1s,.1 \!omits, SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING ANu CuLut<LNG L Il:l l •1 ,, I 1xI I- , vl 1 1 11 vl 11(15-4 I 11111 ,11 'I" \, Ill 1.;0111, 711 w1')� I:II I'; 1.,• 011,11 44;unul 1(r I:lack I•:1n13 112511 fl';1111•':, :,;i4 eaell, 0111:11140111( 11 :vnlul'',I, lac c«0'11, STAR SNAtebhOT SERVICE lies, IY21, 111(.,1;11 Cei1111lei .t, 1.'' 0Ilt,. Pont Your Nam.. 3114 .5=1,)111;3 'nattily on .111 Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS To I\tr4l:lA1, 5-11 1,r.\I,IT1, 401'1 ,re 00,1 1011 Isla...mu, exposure 11114' tae; 1,'lrints J fat 21`n•. Jeal,. rias Photo Se•t'w tee, Sta- tion J, '1''1'rl11 11(. 31121I)I1„!.1I, OAS. 1:1I 'I'1I1'. 1l,:le..t7' 11' 1'1't'11- 1110 e'•'/.(1111, 14..1 5-(-, :2e1.•, and 11, t '*',19,- e ill out dl ;111Pu1nt y 01(. 141(1, 1'..1i1el-s ler1ee,1u r1.1i1y I.. this, 4' 1 ill0e:: "411(1(5-(0=s '1(!1.11'01 5-c• 1.r 111) .,. „t ]loll :I1101" 111, y M;1.% 1,•.,t tree•. 51.11" 1.01 tar. 1'14ts It. 1"1(0:,\;1 t;,1 5-111 1:., ,•stn 11111:1 11 1'111 1'.11\ " i'I;•tV),.t I,I;.rlr,l),-- I:\ 1:425 ' 1, r "1 It111 molnar I'ai1:0 1(1 .\"111111 , '1nu1111 10 3 1120 11' 1(1 n! .21(5-1(,(., 1'11_ :sr „5-c, 1,55: 1.:1:s si:l'hl:t:- e1 1:11' lilrtlir 1';1( r:. �,-Itl- 0;'+ .,1•'1110 15-3 I1, lose,'• ,I:+10.•+11, 31.n,,, 11'111. 1) 1;1415- -1, "1\11,n 1 saww hint I : t' ,.• •:11': ,g 5101 t di,L:nrc Lcllinll 1 Lr line 'li1.ns:ain\i11: is a ,:'.4'i I,L,' e for but lel alar• ' he told 1,1' 1{5-,.', • 1:2 11 '((('rays here, '1011' - 5-;l' t w„ll 11.111' '00 11'0111 111 I,,,,. ,. l'hr gtallrfruit \\a I,r''1;'11 is l''lllriel,t by the Spaniard, in the Pith 1') 11111)3, • 11,1'1"1141;SSI,S 11(41 s.l1,1: X1':1V 51'11(X•.: \lAT'l'llESS $111.9'1 --1)t'livel rd It t•1( 1,, 3011 1 0(11 •51. hia non, fes, I.:oly brand new. ,lust what 3uil 11:150 ht.cn ","hail for, Thoroughly -111941111,•11 1ux- II1'lull, 111;1ttl't's`t"t tet h011.1'r 11111l- )ty nt lowrr,t delrvr1',•1l pt Ire, S1 tltil....tom goal:tweed 1'r money hurl.. 51((1111 re+ tia113 rate row, ral dun a1s oil 005-13 one, 5)4111111,1'. 111 1110,(11 1 tv, 0h, I! 3 nU 1,010. 1111110,1;Ucly, .\II ,l/....:, tatty Ilam the ''Ill ret01l'I' :1(1,! , cud 1 emir. 0,10 1 to 55 11111,1•::,.11,1: le111, Ct„ !'t'lt)21 in \1u'ket tit., 'Corolla, MA1,!1 11121,!' A Jt Soil A S 1, 1:11'1211:N )guull milker i1111 1011111,=1' 1, 4;1014 Lege, tin liUtlt(lily, tt11! lett ICtire5. Apply J, Jer;ey\ 1lIt, Otltrtr'do. .11.51,1; 11 ELI, 11',►\'I'h:ll .SI.\Intl Ell 11:1X, 121X1'(:12131.4'1211?, for 1rui1 Elwin, house, lights, milk supplied. Fruit and 902;0• tables in 41.'11. Slate age, fant- lly, wages, Ilive r'Ier'n1:es, ,1p• 1113' 11', 1'. \i0ltl'r:1011, Il11. S+. cant:trim s NI'IIs1:111' S'I'll('I( F 1111 1; - 1311.11)131 NI'It51.1113' catalogue, 1'1111 line • f 111111r 1.1'g, art-nb; 11" \V4'1 out; 5hruha; 1''rynlials; 5)t', t': •tts.,i; 11 o 0 e 0; 1 4.0.14rl1.l0-liint4ln,,': .\urseries, L'ow':uuun'illr, t}n1u'i Il,t'I'S 1 "1'.11:`I'II':Il" 1013 51:12111AT,1;, ,bold., I, extl't s'1nlph. i1 : hu, our station, hags lice, I:. 110'•• :Arthur, 'Minim :•lona, t1: ' "E1.1.1,1 II Christ", 'Megiddo Y. PERSON A 1, 4)11 I XU 111:1"0It"' %coml. rt 411 10'1( (i.e.!, \lieeiun, 110e110.1tr l., rel 1.'1'111 1,01T POULTRY GRIT 5„111,10 „1' 1n,11111l3 .1ri:'ly,1:, t'tl'an1,'d 1:linim:On c2, -fly oyster •,11•'2,' ' n: int' "51120., „” t5- hit.' Pi11'' al le l !111' 111'11(( 11(91 161.111; ,11111 111". •4121 I, tytllahlu milt,,((:ttely ,I; 1,114;: 111 1113 'lu^11111ty, r:rml,l's 21141 DEALERS WANTED 5115 1112112111 01'1'1'1.1 t'I1 1,111 4'5-1:11 bSS, Uelurhul,'r�tir„ linntren' tit I1'1'1\t, r.t'rt'IIr:. QUILTING PATCHES I'1t1131 111+;I1 11)1.51'(: 4,0,11 'I/1g 111,11' 4: ,; 13, $2...0 po•tni:,; ,n in+h•d. ,' 5-u: - in4 4 5 2 121, (2 a ?. 11 :rot ill, for i„ i, 112.• 1! , 251--o ,', 11111:(!,' 1 1.41' 1::412. ! . ='iii ,.'', r 1111411'cl:'• i„:h, -. LI II Ir .:I!'. , `-(.::dill t Si.' .. Tor. Its 1111I'r'” rill( stir ..11,1: .1 ;3,,•1( :loll ,5 11 fur h' in. l' :-. 11, len lard; 11.A. , .11... .i I'D1111'1:1211:D .\\4;11:.55- - XI: • Ja1' (I 1i1, k o,d dot • 11 age, I'ine..l !.twain fur 911{ttr'. Sat3: t1''t!'n 4411 a f,•,• 1 11'4, 1:, \lo"l1( y, 1,1)6, rt' Ontario, 2111151; 111:1'.oIli 1'.5 3l'N STOVE REPAIR PARTS 15'1. 0.511125' .5 1'1\II'I,I21'1'121 I,IN: of stove pall". Specify I.; n„• al .1 nunlhrr 111,1 n hal 111'1dr,l. t\ 01.0 hnt'n 1.0011•11liunell st„t, nil 111'1 L e s, 1?1111uirit's r„ I•„1(1•'!, Lakeshore 51 Uwe, •119 flue' ,• 1110,', Toronto, STI)! 1:5 STOVES $12.95 CLEARANCE stew LY lane (i1',\It• 813104) •011l, 5014411 t'ntta};, 4 141, oven, $12.95. Outdo .' cool. stoves, $19.54; east rluk (-tutl•'4, 0-1141, 119,50; en:un'llyd 225 211111112/4' leen or reservoir, $5,!)l1 extra, hate 1110116 runt', onallelle'1, 11o1,1 11311)1,1' stove, 5-11;,1 of rw'r1otl, large 4' ire tux and 0t , n, ti larke 1dz, stetl hotly , enamel • 1„41 wV)u'ut11g oven and t'""atoll', special $311.50. Send motley order, W1 akeshoro Stove, 4:19 1411r01 est, `rorontu, SEWING 5l.t1''lll\i:S SEWING MACHINES $8,95 X12155' \\'ILLI.\!5 111'RA\'\IONDS, uprlcht models, with iw•o drarv- ers, $11,95, Latest models, $1 1,95. 1\1lli:1ms, liuyniondy, baton's ,It'ut,heads, with 2 drawer:, $17,!15, Dater models *03)34 4 .i ra\V'ra. $2+1.21:1. Shear's upright, $12.115; later models, $I!.9:), 5ltlgcr (ir'n- 111'2d1 tt'Itlt " '11':110 e5-',', your ,'(linte round n5- lone; "hurtles, $25295; ialtr ittmlel, wish •1 ,11:1%\ (TS, $::'Ifs”. singer Rand )I04!line” without cover 111.:1?; with cove'( find lock. :tit; !17 ('11)3 14 'x1^t $LOU. .511 01,45 '-ut'ril i,+he'.! nuu'lliuev 145-” 5-4•-eon,)!tt(un'd 111 ant' 1ualrltlnu ,11011 'full arc' 01):oa010r.1 tit ho 111 110:1 tt•urltin0 rendition, 501111 nuu''3' order ;1 Full, u - $ .lJ 4 tle• p,':'ti halnne.' 1'13;tble 'n 11'lIV- l',\N.1))IAN 51.'\\'I\'1; 31.1- ''11INN C(k, 117 I:hn 51., '1'4emit 0. ''1 \1111.111 11I:S01t'1'c riot SAI.1, I' 1 (1(111: .11tIX5 \XD ('1YI"I'AI;I•,h, near 111)11 1121 bake. Muskoka, ter "1(l,.. 1;15 1larph'I' tut .\Vsllll', '1'0• TA 1'1,31 JSt S'1'U\IAt'II .INI) 'I'1I111:AO 1t'1/11111i 0((11'1 are the cau30 of III•hellth in hutuuls all ayes, 1\'0 ot!e Im- murtel \Vhy 1104 rant) out it title t9 yu111 (l vllhlo? Interesting, aar- ticulars-tercel 11'r Ile Slut \eney'n I:' ilcdie., Specialists Torno(u J, 1)11?. '1'11.11'1'U:1tst 11'11L! . ht IX - 1.111',)'!'!: '1' It A 101,`' aith to 05'11( :Intl "'.(tura 111th fur TO ares It1141 hour:'}' y{1:t 5-'11) bis,' a tt,.nd'rlul hir'imr'< '1•i'-ttlific 1•etuv-t, al'•t _Unit • ' 1; • t.:2) it.:0.11 ..'2 all 31,11 ss to es, I. 1''.') 3+1 4",'oil' a success! ill irI111•'!'. wit '11c l': tLt ) 1 t t'1. today ti-,• 11 IS 3:41.11. II,1tt 10 11:11. •1.2 stet 15-:11,;. 111.l1 410 :el:il,r11 =.••i:: ,1'-11.11 !11' 1:1116 , 1. 110 lure:, 111111,11'1'- „ot .110Ii,•it,t,. No het t• 2' ':1t' 0. men., could 't !wide 5-.,,w' !h • t !his. Smut!. f v 1 pa, 1'. '12, 1. -•11'1.111 1, 1111)1, ;11 .1 ,, 1'1.. T11.11'1'11:11,0 S I 1'1'1.1 Es s \\I)1\I. 14.3'.513)':5: 1510, I • •tie' 1,, -:2 5, 24, tux ' :,u" • ..w 1 $! 1, , ,a,,,:, n t,v, g,:.i,l. lmo.,o li. !'ill 12 2 f11.1.u, 1: , ''1! Pruritis —Intense Itching Relieved quickly by this Medicinal Ointment There ern wo forms of itching whirl' are espeeially dist reasing, Firat prurit lit vulvae— from which only women suffer and rewind fit lb rectum front !idea, pin worms or Varielm veins, Tim camps of 1)711 li theme forms of intone(' itching aro often difficult, to locale hut what you do vant, at once, is relief from the severe and depressing itching, Then let Dr, Chase's OIN'FNIENT help you for it hrings relief almost us quickly 774 applied. Chico used it will always 1)0 kept hand for quick use when the need urimet, 00 CLS, U box. Economy uizu jar $2,00, Dr. Chase's Ointment THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events Ships of United States Fleet Ride At Anchor In Japanese Harbor The aoir in the Pacific la, t eel; entered a new phase. Gathering enormous forces, including the largest fleet the world has evCr aceii, the .,11itericans struck at and tvon Japanese territory for the first time. Ships of the United States Pacific Fleet rode at anchor in a Japanese 11,71.110r, the New, York Times, The victory was gained at thein Atoll in the heart of the )tar.sliall Islands. This direct as• 'atilt, cracking Japan's main outer shield of defenses, brought to full Scale the offensive tvhich has been So long in preparation and which In its preliminary stages has meant long, hard battles on the outer fringes of Japan's conquests, Strike For High Stake invading the Marshalls, the Navy was striking for the highest stake yet in Pacific strategy, Japan holding the islands tinder mandate. piece \\'orld 1‘'ar I, had made thenr into air and sea bases and knit them into her reat scheme for war, About 2,150 miles from Tokyo, they flank the sea road to Hawaii and may have been the rendezvous for (Ii C fleet which at- tacked Pearl Harbour, They also flank the route to the Solomons, In American hands they will flank the Japanese positions in the Caro - lines, due west, where the great bases of Truk and Ponape are ma- jor bastions, "Softening Up" That the attack on the :\farslialls was coining could hardly have liven tis doubt to the Japanese, Long- range Army and Navy planes had been bombarding the islands stead- ily since mid-November, a campaign stepped up through January. It was "softening up" on a scale greater thau the Pacific had ever sem before, Shipping, shore defenses, docks, rummays, seaplane ramps, hangars, fuel and ainnomition dumps and gun positions were blasted day a fier day, l'or \ vo days before 1 [-hour came, carrier planes, long•range bombers 811(1 heavy units of the fleet subjected the islands to a Staggering bombardment. The Fleet Moves In 'Clic invasion came in the form of R great two-pronged amid: from north and south, Carriers, the largest and newest battleships, transports, cargo skips, tankers, landing craft for mid inlan. try—a total estimated as at least 2,000,000 toils —had been drawn from the mainland of the Stales and from every large Paci- fic base, When the landing forces swept ashore they encountered stiff resist- ance at some points, but it was limited to small-arins fire. Artil- lery had apparently been blasted out of existeuce. Not one enemy plane was sighted during the ap- proach to the islands or during the Invasion. Continuous bombard- ment of airfields throughout the Marslial Is kept doe 11 the 'threat of aerial counter-attacle, \VItat WilS gained was of first importance. I:wajalein Atoll is the !argot in the Marsh:ills, in fact the largest in the world, At IUs northeast corner arc Rol nini Namur islands, linked by at tidal strip and a catisevay. 011 Rol was "OLD BILL" New-fanglee field telephone device but the same "Old Bill," It has been a great growi g season in Italy as Capt, Perry Cadegan of . Glace Bay, N.S. (the man behind the moustache) can testify. the largest Japanese airfield In this area, lt was captured in four hours. \Vinning Kwajalein knock- ed out the keystone of the J141140031 strticture in the :\farshalls, Battle for Japan Up to the present the Japanese Navy has been the principal 1111)1. 1,1011 on the full development of our amphibious strength. But with the taking oi Kwajalein, we are reaching the point at tvhich it can be effectively neutralized; either Japan will have to risk it in battle or it will sink, like the German Fleet after Jutland, into 5trategic impotence, In the Pacific, the battle of the remote outposts is beginning at last to give way to the battle for Japan, And the Pacific is still only one side of the equa- tion; for all this says nothing as to what may be preparing in India and the Bay of Bengal, Japan Itself Attacked J.ast week United States naval forces, for the first time, steamed within shelling range of Japan it- self and bombarded l'aramushiro, at the extreme northeastern end of the Ittrile Island chain. Paraintishiro is not a part of Japanese conquest, It always iota been ,1 apanese soil. It is Japan itself, It has been reached and hit now—not only by long-range bom- bers, but also by American surface vessels, It is nearly a thousand miles north of the main, thickly in- habited parts of the Japanese Ar- chipelago. But it is Japan, '1'lle Japanese Fleet is no longer able to defend its own home islands front our naval forays. 1Vliat does it 1110811, this unex- pected and only twenty-ininute- long attack 01 luralitt Point? \Vas it just an isolated hit-and-run af- fair designed to befuddle an enemy at a time when he has reason to be looking for blows from the South and Fast; or was it the prelude to an al 10111 drive, even possibly landings on this farthest North of the Japanese bases? 'Idle \Vat. Lords of Tok,a) will pander this one carefully, for it might be either. It is no 'secret that the United States has been building tip Northern bases, inchol- hig, no doubt, substantial improve- ments to the Aleutians, The memory 15 said to be at its best between the ages of 11 and 1-1, OTTAWA REPORTS That Present Coupon Value of Maple Syrup Is At Rate of One Coupon Per Quart Vatuhilifi 1170 wr:Ither 74ittt§-3$-yrup 5 are begin- ningo7j6 av(ail) about 7,r7);Iireti for the (mining season. 1118V. a 11:15 U11111;1.! 111111111C 11J ITP,111 011 that Jul 01111 Oik 11111:11I(PlitY 111,1'," 1;111.11e71, ;01611:0 Trafli !Hard 11111111 111:u 1.r0111.1C- er3 1,11, t 'Iill1. fr,011 their cus- tonier‘. 'The r.de, noiy: in i,,rcr, 5 one coupon as quart, ( In ouneesi, or lour coupons a gallon. Come the first (4 1 1111e, oIIen 1 1,c main mark- eting Peri,41 over, the value will revert to 1:1 o1111005 per commit. The coupon value of maple sugar, note two pounds per coupon, 1011 remain in effect throughout the year, Gummed slieeta for pasting tip coupons are available at local ration board 11(1015 This 5085071s prices per gallon for maple. syrup set by Wartime l'rices and Trade Board (producer to ecui,unier, including c(ntainer) zat.: Canada fancy $1l.1O, f'attade light isa,ia, Canada medium V.O0, Canada dark t1, (*amok ungrad- ed # Farm families who have 1101 11 3 cd their preserves coupons will be able to use theie to obtain extra canning sugar w 11 e 11 summer comes 'round (at the rate of one hall pound for each coupon), In addition to the ten pound5 calming sugar allotted as last year, The first of this latter amount will be available June I, and is olitained through surrender of tett cou- pons 111 the pre,,ent ration book, • I,ast month's mild weather sent egg production soaring in all parts of Canada accordiug to a report of the Special Products Board which buya for British contract purposes. Up to January 22 the total number of cars offered to the lIoard 10115 281 compared with 121 for the same period last year. All provinces shared in the increase, w * 0(1 selecting hatching eggs, Dr, S. S, Munro, Poultry 1)ivision, Central Experimental Farm, Ot- tawa, advises, hDou't incubate eggs weighing less than t 1 01111CCS or more than :(;?,'; 01111009 a dozen, Pullets hatched from the smaller eggs will tend to lay small eggs while large eggs will not hatch well on the average, Eggs with sound strong shells should be chosen," • * Fight (Iowa that urge to start indoor seeding that CO11103 with 1 Ile arrival of 1 11C first seed cat- alogue, About six to eight weeks before plants are set out in the field is about right time for sowing indoor seeds, accordim to agri- cultural experts, Further advice is to choose only the hest seed of recommt mled varieties, * * Since May 1 of last year, sub- sidies 00 dairy products paid to milk producers throughout Can- ada have totalled approximately $'!,1,000,000, Dr. A. E. Richards, Secretary of the Agricultural 100(1 Poard announced recently' at the annual meeting of tli Dairy Farm- crs of Canada. Ife 51141011 that dis- tributors and manufacturers acting as agents fur the government 10 making claim for 1110 subsidy and di,tributing the subsidy payments to their iirothiccr patrons are not paid for this service except for in - Sufferers if inful Mane Get Quicj( Relief! Just a Few Drops Relieve Stuffiness . . Make Breathing Easier . . Give You Comfort 1101 ol It's grand how Nicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal passages—gives sinuses n chance to drain. Results are so good because Va-tro-nol is specialized medication that works right where trouble is—to rein co lieve painful congestion and make breathing easier, 11111 WI—follow directions in folder, Try it --put n few drops up each nos- vA 11104NOL REG'LAR FELLERS -A Family Affair /SEE THIS GIRL COMN' DOWN s‘ THE STREET? THAT'S JESSIE MS coy- HER FATHER OWNS THE CANDY STORE WHERE )0U GET FOURTEEN JELLY BEAN5 roR A CENT I I —00KrIght by Karsh, Ottawa. FIRST PORTRAIT OF 1111. KING by a Canadian photographer is this camera study by Yousuf Kush of Ottawa, reflecting the quiet, graceful courage and resolute strength of His Majesty, a spirit which throughout the war has been a symbol of hope and encouragement to the peoples of the British Empire. It is one of a series of photos of war leaders of the United Nations made by Mr. Karsh during his recent visit to British Isles. The King is wearing for the first time, on his sleeve, the insignia of the Fleet Air Arm. direct compensation insofar as the subsidy, has maintained or increas- ed their volume of business, The whole program has been carried out without adding to the prewar executive staff of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, Asked 111 the House of (Aninons If he has received any request from Britain to increase Canadian exports of butter, Don, 3, G. Gar- diner stated, 'Last year 'we shipp- ed from this country to Great Britain since the beginning of the war, (7,000,000 pounds), The ship• meta was not made as a result of any intention on our part, or any desire expressed previously by the British Ciovernment. Our present position is that Britain desires all the cheese she eau get from (an- ada, and has expressed no desire that we 5111)111(1 take any milk from cheese production in order to pro- duce a supply of lilitter for her. Our present intention is to fol- low her wishes in that regard, ard to produce as 1110011 cheese as pos. Ode," Gyros Help to Keep Planes on Course Electrically•driven gyroscopic flight instruments help keep air- planes on their courses tinder con- ditions so confusing that pilots "might fly in circles and not real- ize it," the ,11111CliCall institute of Electrical Engiink r was told J801. 27. Describing the working of the gyroscopes, Albert 1 fansen, Jr., of the 1 'wilco? Electric Company, explained: "Any pitch, roll or yaw-- that lengthwise or cros,wise tilt or turn—produces an electric signal in the automatic pilot. This signal i9 amplified and couverted into mechanical power which moves elevators, ailerons and rudder to bring the airplane hack to its correct attitude and conre." VOICE OF THE PRESS )VERDOSE OF NICOTINE Reporting the theft of a large quantity of tobacco at Siincoe, The St, 'l'hoinas Times -Journal says the thieves must have "puff- ed" quite a bit in varying it away. On the contrary, we understand they used a plug to pull it, When lie lit out they just stood by and watched his smoke, Or are we pipe -dreaming? --Ottatta Citizen, —0— THEY WON'T CIIANGE Tokyo announces that the Japa- nese policy on the treatment of prisoners will not change. No Inc expected it would. After all, a polecat retains the smell through life, unless it is sabjected to a surgical operatita1.--Windsor Star, —0— BETTER NOT TO KNOW "Animals do think," asserts The St. Thomas Times -Journal, in that ease, one wonders rather appre- hensively what they inust think of some human beines.--Brantford Expositor, SILENCE OF IGNORANCE If folks refrained front talking about thiugs they do not under- stand, the oppressive silence of this world of ours would become insufferable. --Kitchener Record, —o -- WILL BE NO TERMS Goehbels says peace terms will never he discussed in Berlin. No, they will be settled in some small towa where there is still a good hotel, ---Brandon S1111, CAN'T BE WRONG A Canadian in Italy has learned to forecast their weather; if the tops of the mountains are visible it is going to rain, 1011011 they are in- t isible it is raining. — Quebec Chroitiele-Telegraph. YOU GOT A NAWFUL GALL—TIPPIN YOUR HAT TO A GIRL AN' YOU 1 ..1.,..ONT EVEN KNOW HER' 1•1:, It r. 1:14, Ai ,ro.1..1 Don't Worry About That Little "If" If your efforts are criticized you must have done something worth. while, If someone calls you a fool, 01 into silence and meditation, if. might be right, 11 1110 world laughs at you, laugh right back, It's as funny as yot are. If you have tried tc do some- thing and failed, you are vastly better off than if you had tried nothing and succeeded, — "The lint)," Boston. 'FOLDUP' BOAT Photos above show half-size, rough model of new assault boat developed by Travelodge Cor- poration, Lynchburg, Va., makers of pre -fabricated housing. Folded as in top photo, six of the new boats would occupy space on mother ship taken by one of as- sault boats now in use, Trans- formation from flattened package tc navigable boat takes three min- utes, with no bolting necessary. By GENE BYRNES BUT MY BROTHER HER,AW THIS 15 HIS HAT! TIM STANDARD mtatmexteictocatellciatvcimixamictetwatautaitettirmtecomince PHIL osIFER Elliott Insurance Agency oF.LAaKA'T OWS (by harry J. 110Y10) BATII -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire Life - Sickness - Accident, BLYTH •-- ONTARIO. J. N, R. Elliott. Office Phone 104. Gordon Elliott Resldencu Phone 12 or 1.10, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" ?I.h:fetes:laialalaa.,aalalilaaalatalatilD,D, ?,aatalB,maar,,,Npi A WEEKLY EDITOR LOOKS i1T The outlaw of I any AlcAtlows has Perhaps, 1 bctil r expla'n Ttealty i, the tierce 0111 matron r it lir=.poo: it'le for tale cat fainly 1'u..0 1 our farm. She changes her afl'ecliun; quite ra•pil.ly so It's rather 111"1X0:t t.l (Iticrulll.c Jn,I alio the 1,111:1,: 111'.. f111' Ilse I'eSpel'IICe g1•llll!'s 111 Bili I:S. 11'0 can't putts'.?)ly keep all the kit- tens mound the place that Tabby l,1. !cn1' possible 1.1 sh:p gr1 t:'1. amnuII' 5i'111, us w'i111, 111111y are gi1011 11".1y 10' wt t :a (101)1' 'CO anal to ; II n:1114: 1001 (1)1(1 are cllntinaled, 1:1 1,1.101 a2 ' in 111 ': b': w•1 ..01 11 11,1i; to re. ('Very 5rcuud or .Till group i:; 1 I itl 'u lirve T :ren:, heir nth ,. Put in %1':111 111 Very strut.; per,'u:l.tl;l)', till II c.n• s :11 he:t.) 1.i tu:r.'Inenls ;t 1;11' ay w:15 :'sc Janes. 1 r..ul Ilse lu Pu :cru (.''nada far Baal lrc:u lh.: time he %vas big enough to 1).:11 w',.un.l 1 `': .', thi) rev:1...0 n;ivrin,11t by' hhns0:t he was In troth.:. It 11. w•t''•teni Cana ' I 1.` (nail(' 0 pll'.lr I: ;, .taritil 11':11 a pasri:::i for l'iIIIiJ.I. ; (1 •.c1.; neat, int,) t!.: milk ..,;sr Ihrot.ph a ..::21; + I( ,ening at the I,.tck and t'rr ;111.; I:Ie 'cream pitcher. 11'0 s: , , v1 that I a' ' 10 I'1 .1:1x5, cic.: 1)11' he discovered :I way I.; g I Iwo th .\y- collard' ('olle:e re; art''ecllar out; war was 11:1;001 %vl:. n he ' ay c c . ' ha('( 1' _'1:11 c:• c :toner- i wet I w•1) Jars et per, a 0% d ..1.a%• :'r Letters From Overseas Ill r0 are :1(11) it Ire letters reedy -'hotting tats y,.n• will see 11 well over. by the '1'ha1(1( )n 1 111;..111, IOC 1110 l,arcil ti'rl .'cuss s1)c11.11y, ht 111/1/1.0. 1111,1 10:Shi1.; yua 111! Iho be:t, fur 111/10; recei('r,l 11n'lug the .'ours s:t_er,ly, ,lack 110 ,1!Ihut. 11111'011 Cln•i s t 1(u, s 1' f f Irl .111 (Ic11:11r+. BEL(1UAVE .\ few lines 11 e\pr:..; my 111anles lllsw .Iran to the Myth 10.11 (iii,v for 1h. very ritcnt 111;' 0,4 ell of .1 txith 11,,(1e1100 "H. ( 1111.4 1las parcel rcc, lyes n few here, ray; befl,xe Christmas day, In good pie, \0r,, llllrhell %'1 :l1'd with re- shape and containing ;o 1111)11y articl:s Iatlycs here. at ;1 11.1 1 ; r, (1y llpprcclatoil u('_'0I A euchre ur:l dunce w•,1: h: hl 111 1111x. 1 ;up;e;-e w'e should 114) Clank Ilse district tell taint p.:,; le who help lu n:Jkc Ihl -e pvetIs p:, .,:e 111111:2 with the 1'010 1111 w• 11; n:) grnpra:'s'.y given by 111' cenunilt: a an 1 (1('11.'.0 Si) to all, litany t:11221' 1, :1111 h; l w!,11c= 1 ;r b (Ills and ha:1pine.;.; in 11 15 Ne11' 1'1.1x Una \'i dory .'ear, 1 huge. t.hu I'ure4::.r's 11.111 on Thu:: lay cv- cnlr:;, 1'rizl'; I'.;1' hl;,,h ,'.•.,re w r' %von by 1I1',. ( It. (bu1t:.4 and 11''x. bet•) Whetter. I lir y prizes (y>n! 11 Mss (111100 (; 11' , 11r11 V0.11 111 (!r by. 'Alas,' I'or dia.:a; (v:(; fern's!„'d by 111 \T".; c,,.:1,. tea and r( meats were sc, lII 1 1:t a lunch 001111. ter. I The Ale ; II S, au,l Puir nt'r:ln.; 1.1111.; 51110111%1Y,1 w•a.v hell in the I'ur 11er'5 11111, 0:11,4, (101(1.111 („ where 1.1.1.'4 ha 1 died, clue to 111V• ries off tinc h:tur:n14 shell'. + 11 g reecit: 1 ex.a 1 ice doses 01 iron 110 di . ;t pr;'c.1 far civet.. %1'e 'h ;' 0g.vi1I lh.pe;clinn of 011, , kear 1'1i"nds: A word 1: 1' hanks for1JtL1L.anti w•1. 1.11111!;ill he 11111 gent, fa "(1I. h:e ;, ;•Psora' ; r. !n1.„ a nnt the Then 1:110 u::Jr.,inr I •a1• h!nl 1 1110 Inv::y ('hris.ul;r; box. I1:0ex part of 1!ay In the \1'c'. t, a little 1'011:1(;; u;) the I;un'0ay In IIIc horn. I e rtatnl)' np;n'eriltle yule• collier in in the 1•:.11 101:1 the 1)(10'1J , un l Ila' (1()1 001'11 1!11. Rud Ile was a pretty tale size 10' then I1 I (•cuss is lulu;; fur 5a many of us aver )10 11) 111 gis th'se iha1ing :hinting he had one ear chewed ol'f land his 1'.1" ;•111(1.1 l2) c01l)lIo i'. pl'operly, 0Will:4bet's. white Silky Iron) fur was torn tad BY JIM GREENBLAT ilo wail; shortage; the '11 who In)0111 goug(',l hy l alch mark,;, ,lu pore:aa e sant' 11011 spring shout 1 had been away on 111 lir:) 1)l" 11!5 \\'eleemea by the 1'...11:11 anal Par had w•ilhulll delay, and It is twee i• hen 11 pet !:Ica 1'111. 1.10 rrre;,1 a) pl %vls. ' ('uurt for the fit ' time on I'c'e:miry.)'lsry t'1 naive 0 plrnil from the 11'.•1.. \Ire III.;' 14111 t'a1(1 111 sii,ly he might I:1•.r• I'rien.ls: 1 wish lo thaw); you I'r:rc; and 'Trade l'oara1 bore rif:1 0) 1 bot oat 10,51 were In 1st, Chic) Justicu Itinfrrl said the I '< Scartiug Mani; early enough in the %11111. One mm'1.!fl 1 h:ar;i :an 0111' 11:11. fu:::'. "u.::hl bring ne'.y rcL: 'Is:lu" by :•.plying seed hulours iu tioush:s; llet%VI':n the i1: I:vl' :al cad hen in the orchard ;rotting up (1 t 0.low 1 arcs or hJ !se:h-i Is Important, rible ra:Itu '', \\'hen 1 at rived 011 1'110 the state %\ (0::,11(1 (..1:1(..1:1for (level 11. and as a rule from 5,5 to clgill 10,111; 1)1'11::.1 of 1,1 ,( ruac.;)' 1 ut ;urn .pall seem. nt' he was lolling baby chicken.:, once by the !tench at I Par"., .'1'111 Prier 11) 1111;1 w11' n '''11211 1)1:1111 1 can 1 tried to corner h: n all that day : Swedish .1111.'1 ::1. to ('111:1:11 111!1 ha; be set out in the 1101(1 w•111 be 0110)11 11 was no use, Finally 11. load ul I lick Says the expert at Central 1.2x- yh::1 from a shot -;;un . _nt hitt scud no hcadquv'ters In Otta%ya ether t:aan' Ie;iulrn,arl Farm, Ctta11a1. . . Tile 0001117 at the (';nation L.rnrirr, . ' ding ace; 5; into pa:! Jr( field SCO:: m Still in the' ' 11:,1 stage-. 11..1: •a1 00000 \\';111'111:' 1'0,5:1 Corporati•nl ha; re -c; tut 111 terror. 1 11.15 ,urn 1'1.11 0:1. llrblishcd (.0111.01 control over .;h'i 00111,% cal (0 ;al 022nd actor 001102 11111, NI' lir wink( i1 was x020111 neva:0:1 I)y the recon '.0:ion r 21(m11111 is a u;r::1)11111 111 al of p;'alue5 Iran 1 i,l(ru prrI Ile t. 'line: tp main howev ! Ute Ila:11011 urea;, s.I:nillu' to That prelail• zoological 1:arc'.'n for Ottawa. Rt' 00. II.n; while lulu,; nae 1'!1ar.; ing in 111.1,2, Carload lot.!; w:11 be di - cans( I!1'y w•1 re fel! it,l last se. 5!011 on heard 0 rachet upstairs, 11 seem .I 0. '0 (1 to duficicr.2y areas and a111ocut- tUe (11101(1 0:11111201.1I0111 in the as lir a (:07.011 full-grown cuts wcr> L I 'r 'a: on and ' R:l'.'1't t (d by the fucd;; officer. o: lot al retire. hc1(111, a reu1(i an, They were wail 31•.ltatiye, at point of delivtry, .'air, Sou:1)l t '1(1(1 ((101. re from Al -in; and ',creaming ;001 1'11.11110 1 wc.lt 11(1'10, b:t..ht 10:11. %%•iVPS along this ., k iup to 52e w1110 was Bring on. Tabby time 1)111:1ing c'.nn1!ttce of the l A little of this and that: 11(:; t•ic- 111111 her (:'test family, added by I louse %yill w'orlt on simplifying a11.I tions on certain 1111,:acs used for 0•)11,1- \lues(:' 1 and llullser 11 (0(1.e (;,,in at , spee•(lit; up businc ;. .. The 11:011• e1. ' fin2:hiug nlatarials like ca':.'112et ,les -at ,lame.: in great style. Ile wis tion.; C p:0'1'110111 plans buying `) locks, I:.1dicelts have been liflrd, and bleeding and scratched but (1211 game. buses In the United Stale; I'ur reale this now a;1p1'r; to glycerine as w•1.'.► 11'he1( I seri('::: (it t1)1. ;(enc 11 1:11 Ip es;in''11 t'at.yortaIJnn service:;,', . , It 1.; announced that all troop:; in a hurry. with t1eIiv,r:(3 likely for 1911 u' tarty who moved into ICi;kat last AtlJ';tsl are Ir. a has b_cu 1)2(11 011 410(0,11 a l:1.1 The fain'• +t staryet 1:41(.'( in ('.nulla \ atonalS:i:c• uccaslous slues then. Every kl:o vn, a 111'.:0 111,1.71.1 :I,1,(11J,(}alo 210)! Serv0'e 1'('11'''110IL1, 3.1r,rri. un• Thu: (!03 art '111 011 w:Ia 1 5112 ;II al• I1u(iance, ,1, S. I'rnctPr, Ih I't'lri (lent, was in shad's, '1.110 enc:'lion of officers (0214 , (0.1; I1:, hy Lyle Ilop- 101' 111(1 ,I, ti, 1': ,::e)' (0: 1 ('1 1IeoL;'l Ih•(s'd0nl and lir:. ('Vru4 Sc„:t so7- ('011113,'I'rra;r,rcr. 1':rpctur,1 were alto appointed for ca.:a school ..'.110!1. ,1 committee 10 5e:n)(' r-'p.clal prints al- so al:poll:1i 41. I:lyine S.'r%ice 111 Triuily next Solidity at _.^:I p.m. Written specially for the weekly new,popn of Canatli Sincerely, dark lle' all, au1'udc(I, codes there.; trouble. Inc 11.15 hr( 1'110 for your ('cry useful 11,)0,1'1 rrr ive.l 011 lune . '), '1'114, ('njoyr (I very mat It and (('e1.1 1a way in nal' (uunt:y a IIIpl)y one. II.:IItn•; y1,11 arc n:.L to curry on (01111 3.0)0 100(1 w':11di in the year 1' 1.1, I remain, held Successl'ul Sale were .111-, Samuel 111:1(1:.1 held a Very In a recent it t :r to his moU,tor, ion; successful Auct'on \\'wits;- Tpr. Arnold Rowes wishes to thank this day aft rr..un. \1', 11, 3.larr111 of the Red Cross of 11101 fur I112:r much Wednesday, Feb, 16, 1644, +++++4++++++++++ 1'1414++ + 114 NtF • LYCEUM T -IEATRE ; WU GHAM-ON'TA Ibl Two Shows Sat. Night ./ i1 >r :4 Thurs. Frl. Sat„ Feb. 17 18 19 Errol Flynn, Julie Bishcp Helmut Dantine In ::'NORTHERN PURSUIT ele >•A0.41111111'c )•\•r.,.':ng 1 11E0110 a 111!!•)1, • MI; 111111; cf 11 1111.1.110F3 la the Z: /screen's gallant t': ate to the e :II'earlc:.l, few 0110.0 11100ls.m rings ,';tlu•ollt.) 111. ('anad:an \.,a'thwest,,-; ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" "Matln:e Sat, Afternoon -2,30 p.m.7: Mon. Tues. Wcd,, Feb, 2I 22 23 >1 Frank Morgan, Jean Ro,yers In >/ 't' "A Stranger In Town" ,1,.111) Tice and !Attic; in a small,: $: 10w•n ale 501 10 ri;h's by a >. (151101' front 11'asllln;lou. J. ALSO "SHORT SUBJECTS" :l 1:1111 11H 11 H I I H:144 .;t 411:H1111/ 1:H:4It;N EAST WAWANOSI'I \Vi are glad to rep )rt that 3.11G, Plied 'Poll Sr, is recovering 11JIlowIng 0 rather 111g11ty 11111055, Inspector J. I1, l i1I20ud made 111) inspection of the lural si haul las, w•eels. :1I a hell Cross meeting at the home of 'AIN, 1 ran'.) Marshall 4Ill)s Wednesday 11 tlxn0r,ll two (lulus were quilted. A colltell(in of $', n -i was taken. It was deckle l to stake a donation of $:5.110 Io Iho Myth R•e:I (foss, Next quilting will be held 101 the home of Mrs, Leslie Jolr0,,totl on 31arch 1st, Thanks Red Cross I;m', 1':!ntl'r 1'0::112. .1 Secr('al'y t''1y111 111 :I ('roe convey lily sincere ap;)zee a tion and thanks to ill' u1umrlers for the lovely parcel .%'IIIc!. I receive, here 1:'sl before ('21004110 t . 11 an ly- rll In I'rsi cics:l r:nc:';'un, i 0011 1155:111.0 you Cot. cowl; Is (Vere 02ry much apt .'e, luted by toe. Again thanking you, I 111) 1'0015 truly', Ser. I';ter Brown. *+* Dear J:: ;o: Received the lov:dy ':Iristln.t.s pack.tge O,1C, Every'(hin; whit a soldier 114111'5 1'.ly 10 0:11 lir •prl(•:I 211• some 11(10• prerido that aril civilla Its who a gray 1'111101011 and once hack 111 the ;needs. I 5111.0 1.11 1' yunr 1. hush I taw hint :.lall•.ing a 14.;111111 ('01) 1015. 3.101205 a person harpy to ,;et )sit, \\•hen we're boiling 'sap In the thin,•; l'ro:n brine at Chrl:11115 time, 12 51'11• .',' •`, can't L0 11 1)y the ((Tr( required to chance ihelr orcu•pa- EOminion C'; crvatury in (111',(01) ((•1111 tions for more important %y; r .lobs will i.s teles' " lel:; only I 10111. 0ventlally he lack in thuir origlnll spring he'll slink up 111 the night a11.11 Su I \•lull to thunk you and 1111:)- •' you (an 5ce his eyes pe;ving oat from r + ,11..1 1f 111ey 1011111 110 do Si), The l 11. 1Lalh 1021' of lesthan ._d s * a Lush 111 you. If you go a%v(y' and 1 g,ie-:s things have (h:100:'.l a lot Il('1 00 the 5112111y )lour c.peu he'll crec,1 Per 1,1.1411 (110:02121 soldiers during the 'I'In'cuniont the nation, In a largo lip and 5te,)I part of th; lunch float bcrs of lied Cross. ottc,al taa,.u•ur s.3-;11 ,:21 nt th 1 Mid- 1111011;01' (11 centres, 1..000115 are co- the :•hell'. iteran('.(1, 2111 14.111 1 1111 ,1, (''ria(' c,,0atieg with the ea:walI,onlat c:nt•1 1'e•derda rt' 1 I t tl:an :111„} ,,1..,115 say, 1.1 llep,iine ;' Iwo 111.1'1.111 ,.1 the little veno,• :a; ! I , iv, x, i : ne•I. Thc.t' are au,r1g the little th104s yo:t d 21't 110.1' 11111(11 a' out ;n the ilii!; 21urr0 of war. R1):' 1:ly' movie 1 ;g-u:;:s were in Ottawa 1 1 p0•.r:ew' "Aloft:In ' ('111.1('" for T;;J:u 1'. .I. 1t.lcke1tzic. Actin; Yrrsirl'_71.t, ?'.:,',1101 Itl.;_111:'11 Coun- cil, 011d (.ruff at the National I(oscarch bnlldir I, i las; are a 1:;111 1 c 'tdy for the g.,la prcnll•.rc (I Co, gr -a2 fills in LItawa thi 111:1:11'1, :01are, of I y' too l.11g when 11'011:' 011 by (he 1'ivHon C. Von- to the s011)11. I found white fin' 111• c2' 01 12..0115.., I';';::1:lmcnl of pen '10113 1) Cie the floor %vit11 au 0:vislcnal 211.1 Ilo11111, 11) ca:-':alche\;111, fur splatter of 1110021, 'Tublly lucked up I0 la:.:e, the ,lupi:r Calunber of ('0111• from ((11001 a'('[ w'c s 0111•.;It,; , lute' 11101T:, 1.111 1 ; n:.lay aff:l'a!lons iS of kittens and 1 saw n t•: t :200 on the l socrcIa 'y, Clylh spur-lit:11I'ng the ,'tack and orgaoir side of her head. Alouser 10' fir:: A ft linos to thank you for your ing crInmiltecs cvery\'here. (111110'ca111' 0111; looking partly p01012011. lovely p0"011 which arrived quite safe r!:(•a facts of (11: tend -hie s:our.;c' The cat family at Lazy llc21duws alai In good order, I have enJoy;d \it:ch c1h't5 cverywh110 111'0 Piing 1oc:e0(1 very 1100111111:1I, '!'lien 1 1:1.01'1! )very 1111 c; 11. It 111; Very k:011 and 20 he IA -ought into the open, In 111 way a, grin; ;e cf Je'se ,12(11115 su:u'cfn; thoughtful of yu.I to rciiioii :c1. me. never 111.ore attnupted. 11(1d it is 001)• along the pass'agcnvay In front of the \Ve had a very busy time over the ell the cold, stork light 01' 1)01 !!.111' vows, The outlaw is back and so ;holiday, 11'0 haul II children's will prove the old allag(, ('sa1 "Pre000 there's bound to he trouble for r:yt:al ata cme.' (lays, 111 sir. +' 1 It 'I, :, many deaths, 1001 people 100Ing awry, warn, to vI,0 you old A 11tp;)y New .'car. Yours truly, from "1\'1111y 13ow•311", that ('rest: (101) i'; better 111 ' c; .n'> .. 1:00c ,' 1 .111.1)) and 11 ' ('11n:1- y_______ d., 21 1 oro \\'211er 1111; 0' :I. ('1111(11 i .\ hraf summary of some of the IS now' 1110 11.011(1'5 1)2.1;('51 producer 0: most potent. features (11 the Janie; 1 RADIO FARM FORUMS 1(11:1111, \'.'e )., lye 11(01 a1 mince I:Io, radium, :o (1a, are ("11(tally 12,r(2( 11 1)! ^11;:1 on It':constxucti111 1(111(1 lit 1 The S.S. \o. 1J lust \\'aw•a110 ;i 1%ere el' 11110 :Ind a [10(01111 biscuit ' to Cie Curb. •. The gay.:t'i:n•ut s 10 11011:0. of Cotillions. incl'td(-; Ili: 1 farm 0ruw \a5 held (it the 11°.11°1111:1 a dt';1l 1..f lemo:,a,ie, l.;ery 'roily thud a gr:ul(I time, Most of the toys I m is pity 10;:1 had aiotit ' 1000 of them, I :tad six hundred of then) to cater for 111 refrc$hal1'tt5, It didn't lake fltcni long 1 1 crit (V:lat I had for lend'.ng i s 1,:111' to the p:e,tierc.,sn2:-e.t11011 (1111! 120('1')'pri%'::e cater -lot 3.11. and llrs, C';atence John tun ..'alter I'.! :,11 10''1 111 remei ') 1 i)1 prise he en0001 1,10 to 111c1r,p a long' !with on a:tenr:ince of 1:5, The 11101! were 11Ade by onr cwt men hero and for hi.; L:';) in patting over Canadian raa1;e progra111:ne of :(141111 c: glend1• bast and dimly -Ion was oil "The R r- they 11 111 at good Joh 1.,f them. Pict•.1y 1 ,,1015. Un'; 11111 the rero,,o!tion that ►a110ur' ,, 11 all Irving tp c ith up on Fcme of 'al Youth i 1 , sic 01".rt hc. 1 l;av Ih11s a 0'1.11;11:10•:; slake in the nation -;tan iuteai.ting l'i(e minute nal'; (,n nay letter,: 00(01 al tcnu'my. I'hc Rr;'u2( 100.1; the !loping y n ore all well and again fats and oils. A soci.tl h::n1. 1%•c , Thi x11;1101 he:,, f.I• lin" post w11t', Iller:i. ( t' coo '11111rr.i' al".' tax. ('(!n- thanking you all for file good w'or'n spout in playing fling() after (011':11 1'ntler Orel, r 11 1'e 11'11 lb" 1'1'11':111- I•;.. and bit of dicer c:1 send cls, t Is d I_nea to 2 _.ritl ccnst;mpllon Y lunch was served. 111)11(1 01 1.11 aur 1.100 1101: 11.01 1101 1.) )'2ottld he ab.uulu1(0d a.' (130.1 115 pts -I Ne'11 week 1110 111;111ug w•i1! he holo `•.1ue0rclY, extend a5=i 100:0 to pr0tin 211 go'- ;+11110 at the enrl 01 the \'tu' but the Howard Tait. at the home ot lir, 111 Airs. 1 olt0r 0rn'2:en: ; to pt'p up 093(017!:0`11'.p eta1(11!((e feels That price conlr'0, AleGilI. llr=. Frank lltt'shall will trlt!nia . 1'b'., (;051:11.1 les rc1)140= ;arc %%0:13- ;11. 1'0111c, 01 them, will be needed 111 the give the five 111itttte lupi:, Every-113Iy1h lied ('roe;, in' lir. ;11.,;. 1'.1111 y, 1102004-- t.ran;:t'ou poriod. 'fliey I::ink whoa', burly w•elewne. Imo' Sir or 3.ladani: Hy, el' curl-a,''v and trade Irni.;l5, :\n sheik.. he mall 11 tr12 trade conn)^d• -y It ccrlalnly %V,1s a pleasure to VC - 00/1/11.011 101.1 is defined as: '1 person icy thxuughott the world and that celve the hi; C'hrl tinas parcel from l'he ifulktt Boundary 11:0111) Folium at t 1111 , I , y.,l,., who 1110(1. 11110 a there should Le promotion for in- , w•'as held al the home of lir, and the I,ly1.,l Rc l Crus+, .and II Is appre• wI' ,t, .1 00111," ;I (('1(11 111 1 m"iny''r ureaa'c 1 cxtlurt of ('ana(11an W11011 elan 1, fur Which 1 wish to ;Icy' lhalt'u:< 2,4 11-':`''.11a '.,.':I Ira.lc 1.l Iniril g ;1 , .51. 111 s, A1.0111.'•' 1'(1111; With 1.i p0e5e111, ar..l it tooduc new nlarkcls fu1 After the broadcast on "The 'Oral 1" 13' 11111:'1. 1 %vas pretty small when 111:11'14.21 r,; l.' O ho'.:•.' cur,'i^1..:1. • fat 111 l.:;dusty 5101:11! be (102010001,• 111 ;;t 011.1 "Ili' 1 pr )vi 115 i Youth Piol Ault '1 OISPll "tun \ left lyf 1 I ut 1 ( 111 have sent? 111.1 ccs' -u'.h on utilization thereof then 1101(1 followed by progrt'asivc t11011.urles cf it 1021 of the peopl> llr!,_r of practical 01p Acne(' dey(IOpcd, It is 1'u•:ge4ed that Iho,i•1 1, there. 1\', all lank to r 1'.11,,..'1 arely. a1u I c:;rhes, 1.1111(•11 %vas served, 1 tee II11C'.I 1 011'11''(: ,Il fol 1 training of 11.,,0 11 111('11 at yt'0l' ill11.101 Year Mg ('hri'•' mils mail, Such I'''rs:,u." 1:o,. theh \ext am -cm, %1(1 he held al the the 11('11 five years, and 0 Lumitiotl ITho :.sr' S, hanakerclli:f: and shoe the 1. ,(11111100 fowl a 01101) benne of 11x. John 'Taylor. h.v:ry-' r ore: t Act to t'xtr;ud turcc;t re:;:au'ch bully \•elcvnu'. tu1 n IP. ,il 2.`e5 r 1131 10 go 0111101 2111'11 and ninaaenlen', Visioned Is creation lace ; are very 0(1(101, and the soup sardines, Christ•:11a; emote, and cho:.o- $_':•.'. 1, h; t iul lat'r fiscal 3•:111; Is of a NatIon,.l Levc:opmoiit I3oord to t:, .u' tai .' : to a million dollar.; 'r r ,•-, hrtr' bars (lure thlugs 11.0 don't see very en-ordingte co10truc.l„n •px3J!'c!n. 'TheS.S.SNo. 1 Jlorris F;0'n) Forint) ('l' (.n, ant II(at w•,15 p1•eIty 01ce 111 y. tr. S i ah;.' tends I 11011: fir al,.l many other Illings give us m' 1 at the home of lir. and Mrs. ;r 'n1. use to puf ht their coffee lint yonl..g fo!r., is the ide0 behind it all. 'a llccting glimpse of ((1111 may be •lobo McNichol. Follulltng the Rur- tion, 1101 it 115101 great. 1 aftt'r this war. Sem;: of the features cast 1' 1tenIber1 discussed "The 12 11r-1 Al prc:; nl 1 am s 1111)001 111 the 1'.72:1 help me and I'll help yoa. may not he itnplemente:l, but we're al 1'011111 Problem." l'rogressi'o country and it i.• tier:.0 stiles to the .liar,:',io:c; k. Supply reveal; that the making a start 11010 by planning and euchre w•.1, r,lIJoyl'd• Lunch i'a:s Village, 'hc%('eher there are 100130 temporary restrictions on the delivery thinking, LSS people in the conrmuttiticc, eerv(K!, and a social hour spent, places. of ecal have bent vus'pendM1 in the --In the smaller spheres ot things Next meeting will be held at 1110 Things look a lut bolter for l'in rola' W0slern provinces. It hes Le- ore doing. Sch;,01 Ifouse, Everyone w•r,lrriiir.. ',Mics than they did last year-hvrtia i I11ytit (1' t,; the .fur I (ullaer. Ili 1 111 114111 appreciated ('hl:.;:111:(s box, ✓ Yi THE OPEN DOOR Tk* BETTER LIVING! TO ELECTRIFY YOUR FARM A New low Hydro rates make the use of electricity on the farm more economical than ever. This money -saving, labour-saving power plays many roles on the farm besides providing safe, convenient, eye -saving light. Hydro pumps the water for house and barn. It provides a continuous, abundant supply of hot water. It cooks the meals, preserves the food washes the clothes, It can milk the cows and cool the milk. It can grind the feed for cattle and poultry. It can saw the wood, run the fanning mill, fill the silo, lift the hay info the loft. Electric brooders help to increase egg and chicken production. Hydro provides effi- cient help for the farm ,1 1 and it costs but a few cents a day. At present, due to necessary wartime restrictions, the construction of rural lines is limited. New services however will be considered provided these services meet with the approval of Government controlling bodies. See your local Hydro superintendent about an electrification program on your farm. He can advise you on rates and procedure. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER 'COMMISSION OF .ONTARIO Wednesday, Feb, 16, 1944, WESTI('IELD The Fano Fo'unl net lit the home cf Mr, and Airs, \VIlliann AleVittie, with 35 present, After listening to the Broadcast, over (ill.., 111 which the \Ve8tliell Forum was mentioned in having 011t6ta1ldiilg points, groups were formed end "The !lural Youth Problem" \vas discussed, A five min- ute talk an "Life on the Farm" was given by one of the members of the Forum which took the form of a letter asking advice about farming, and the reply Is as follows: Dear Oousin Rufus: Your letter of recent date In which you state your intentions of giving up your job in the city to try your loci( at fanning, re• celved yeoterday. I can assure you it Is a pleasure for me to give any in- formation I can as to what you may expect to run up against when you change your occupation. You state that you have 1 ecenie Fr) tired of your present Job that y;::1 can bear it no longer, that the weeks as they pass have become an 0(11 less rnlnld of mon- otony, and 4hat there is no hole of attaining enor;;11 money to keep you in your old age. I gather from the tone of your lc!ter that in 6(1110 Man- lier you have the Idea that life on the farm( Is just one grand, sweet song — a place where no ills eau 1e1011 its -- where the birds sing sweetly all clay long,, and the sky Is always blue. A place where the fanners balk foss: grows larger and larger and there are few financial \°mica, Now my dear Rufus, i would like to correct your impression. (suite trout, life on the farm has many coin:mina- dolls, \Ve have plenty of fires(( air and exercise, 80111•0t'.mes too much of both —wholesome food and of course, when it is grown o11 the farm it cost„ you nothing. We also have the joy of keeping farm accounts, it really gives one a thrill at the end of the year to find that your receipts exceed )'o•.I1' expenditures by $18.•17 cents. That is one side Of the picture. i must now proceed to inform you that life on the farm is made up of many and varied experiences. Perhaps at some time you may have ., II 1 I I. ►J feud some of Sandy 1^raser',; letters, (ill I might say Iit'rc that Sandy was to good Scotch 'Milos In one of his letters he slated that It would not 1,e gnid fir the human facie gin we had all month sailing, that we must learn to (ale(; the bitter with the sweet, to hear with the disappo:ut- mems as well as the things that uplift and encourage us, ale further said—•It is the knocks and the jolts, the losses and disappointments of life that matte for us strong 01111 noble ohmmeters. So now, deal' (tofu,;, I will endeav- or to show you what Sandy meant by the kno(11s and jolts and (li.sappoint- men: Suppore you move onto,,your farm before Maple Syrup making. You have ','l ".ours cf haw nice 1t must be to bring home five or 40.11 gallons of that grand commodity called ?lttple Elyrup, accordingly You get out your porn, pails and ap110:3 and proceed to 111eb•u sli, You tap the tree.;, gather tine sap and proceed to bull it down. 11'he11 it Is finished you tape off the Pan, slain your syrup into pails, and with visions of the great forthcomin'; fea: t you p1011 up the palls and pro - THE STANDARD • lust the corn ie in aold you leave the, 141C141414K14t4111Ciftic41i tCK1414 111g1CtCISt;ttiCRBICIVO4! KICK NMI , K t r, rr-1 t(, nal«re. 111 a few days the ROXY'' I� TRE, Ct�I 'I L +H'E`A�1'RP3 GL'iF1'PN. 11DER1Cli, turn conies up beautifully and you feel quite secure, 11th Alas, a frock of NOW PLAYING; Dorothy Lamour NOW PLAYING: Bob Hope in: hungry cu'ows have et it (1)98134(14 on i in "Beyond The Blue Horizon" that corn Held. In the tarty in 11'11111:; 1 Technicolor. ! Mon, Tues. Wed. Dual Features Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday hours they get i1( their dirty work mud , ) Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins on find to your dismay that a can i Brian Aherne, Merle Oberon andMonty Woolley and Gracie Fields )' )' Y and Gig Young Carl Esmond blank part of )uul• f(e)d \sill le' )Luse ahnl du(1ger 111(81 in t11i; fa;- Preset.( a great \Varner Brothers' Prove that matrinioey i. c, r ,,i blanc and bare for that seas',u at ; ciuutiuh d'auta of Nor\va(y. ut1I8CI 013, a grand story o[ instdttalon, for ilii. I,i1101 Friendship (Inst. But you (111,;1 not enmilail', "First Comes Courage' '0[ 1) ACQUAINTANCE,' because talk i; just era tern incident ADDED ATTRACTION: Fredric 111 th( process of charade building. ' March and Veronica Lake in: Thurs. Fri. Sat. Two Features Well, baying tltne arrive;, and you "I MARRIED A WITCH" Guy Kibbee, Gloria Warrenn and Helen Parrish, tell a lilting tale of cul tint Mee f;elal of clover. 'Che ; Thursday, Friday, Saturday melody and fun. weather 1s all shut (30(11(1 he beim( '; (`Behind The Rising Sun" "Cinderella SwingsIt" � and you feel glumly elated of being i Japan 1111111atskel. The first Peal George and Tom Conway 1:.10 11 get that t':eld atll store.I away ! in813'ht into our Pacific (limo'. 1'(1- . bring aSaunders a of the Cponway in goad shape. Then you cat field ; pleasant but compelling! 1 ;S1L'11111 No. \1'31011 it is wady to raMargo and Tom 'Neal, at you J "The Falcon's er Broth19go bark the lane to bogie operations, J, Carrot Naish and Robert Ryan. °' COMING; DESTINATION TOKYO COMING: Dennis Morgan In: COMING: Nelson Eddy In: and as you proceed you couuu:rnt on .; "THE DESERT SONG" "PHliNTOM OF THE OPERA" with Cary Grant. haw wonderfully �,;tee( !s the 81(1(311 • of new mown hay. Suddenly you Mat.; Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M, Matinees Sat. & Holiday( r.t 3 P.M. ig rea1ixe that the day is tend.bly hot IDNNIDIh,)12tDt2MDtDa9tM17aDaD12aht9tA1)11011in71AtDtNDIDi4t3t)1)1D1•l11Dt;»)t)til)rDID1719u1tD1inlIn71t001,1h41D1DID1DID4111/ZaZINDI;31Aa;a,etraiD121 "LET'S FACE IT" Pan 5, + r 11111414100401P404100440404Plgtel REGENT THEATRE B EigMl0 FWd. NOW PLAYING: Edw. G. Robin• son in "DESTROYER" "HOLY MATRIMONY" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Johnny Welsmuller, June Capret and Ann Nolan Take us into the jungle for another thrilling adventure with the apeman "TARZAN TRIUMPIIS" 1 1 i and sultry, '1'hel'e is a stillne in i—! - •. •• —> +' the air, 1'ou glance around and for a dirty bourn threshing. But experience is the best teucher.1 CARD OF THANKS away in the west you sere a small (lau•I(1'ou get along fairly \w1,11 until it So i would suggest that if you wish i 11'0 taku this means of t hal,llimg (3101111. Ina few 1111011es it ha<, t;ro\til Is time to hove supper, when you 10 get the full benefit of the thing.'our fricmdS and neighbour.; fur Iheir :considerably forgerand i,laehs' and discover that you are not hungO \rh:: h yon can surely I0aa•n from ex• i13lulness and sympathy 111 our ben a\ .. recd homeward, Half way out of the you hear a 1'11n1.hl0, 11 c0al(33 on (1141• bush you catch your toe on a hidden 0r and faster with each eu0re0dirg snag, you lunge forward on your face minute. B)• this time you have 111101'- 0nd your precious syrup returns to the col to the wa•.'i11 and are inakiing ail earth from whence it cane, attempt to get a load on before tdle 01a,t there are still seven cows to 1'ou say this must be one of Sault' eternn breaks. But alas, you remain milk and a lot of hungry calves and i'raser's character builders, 1Ve11, the! Ii the field too long and you and pigs to Peed before you can hit the rest of the A1npi(3 Syrup 9e09011 pa(rse:l your 101u1 arriv-zt at 111e barn Dior- hay, You finally complete, the chores by without mishap. ()uglily drenched. The rest of your --wash up and are ready for bed. Ily Seeding time arrive.., lb's too passed field 01 hay hu; suddenly lout its this time the threshing dirt, hots done seveet 111'0,1110 and also half of its it's work. Your stomach feels as 1:y W1010111 ally lnconvcneience, exUpl• ins the time when you treat. the grain nutrient valor. !though it contained aball of lead, 0 wah ceresa11 to 11141 the smut and you Harvest time arrives. you have a nal dating feeling comes ow'0a' you, nearly (till yourself, and also the time real 11(((01 crop and ae you proceed( then the chill; begin to riut5•e up aid when you have carefully prepared a witil the cutting a sense of real sat- down your spine. and you chill and fifteen acre field t0 sow next day. Isfactiom steals over yom ii(3re are shake, and shape and o11)1 until 111e 1'ou go out hi the morning to (501', go the frits of your labor all 111 a plaster almost loosens* on 111e wall. a few round-', all at 03111(3 something week or two it (till l:e garne'rta in After rolling and tossing for a long snaps. 1'011 11111111011 in the middle of Then' threshing time conies, a neigh- tint(:°, you finally (trop off to sleep 1110 field and rush to town for repairs bot down 111e road is threshing to. and dream of the coming morrow. only to be told (Nye haven't got it, 'morrow and of course. asks for a Next in line comes ,silo filling. This "1' will be along in a couple cf days). hand. ')'his neighbour for 60111,3 reit. Is one of the jobs when men can Then along conies corn planting son has 113:94eeted to treat his grain, show what a good healthy appe111(0 time. 1'ou spend a lot of time and and as a consequence, his er.alt 18 can do. The pu111pl(il pies do surely anergy on 111e corn field, you are very i;adly (1nxi-ons to have a bumps' crop. One managed that will surpass your neigi:rbors, at thi_iles: Needless to say you are in Ilon't feel very well you say. 'Theo(, l; rien:'e, Just plan to spend the 11091 are still two hour; to go. At (3193 five or ten years of your life "l)a\\'u the days work ',Ads and you proceed (.n homeward, but c,n<cloal of the fact ")'our loving Cou=in, Restos." A social time, was repent after which lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the hour., of Mr. and firs. Howard Campbell. 'Pile social activ- ities will duke the form of a musical contest between the ladies and gelds. l314'. Albert Stein of Craik, Sask., visit.el with 31r. a1d Mrs. Maurice Boman 1014 week, Alr, \Vesley Stackhouse, hiss 1'va of 13rucefield, visited recently with Air. and Airs. \Villiam AlcDowell. Mr, and 'Mrs, J, L, 'McDowell and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith and children, visited on Saturday with Air. and Airs, Bert 'Vincent of Bel - .grave. .\Ir, and Alre. Amor; Ball and (toxic the tarn" infested with smut. IIB also catch grilef at these corn bees. Moen to grow a Imerwi' crop of the clays are warns and dry all goes well, but it. So happens that occas- ionally the weather (111111 sends along r 1 I. r 1 II 1. i1...,' ,l Ia (lice fall of (4110w' a11(I what full it 4' Jim } HIRE YOUR CHOICE READ/NG ATNEWLOW PRICES This Newspaper 1 Yr., And Any Magazine Listed Both for Price Shown • All Magazines Aro for , One Year ) • [] Maclean's (24 issues) 52.25 [] Canadian Home Journal 2.00 [1 Chatelaine 2.00 [] National Home Monthly2.00 [] Family Herald & Weekly 200 Star [1 New World (Illustrated) 2.00 [1 *The Farmer's Magazine (4 yrs.)* 2.00 [] Rod & Gun 2.00 [] The Farmer's Advocate 200 (3 yrs.) [] Canadian Poultry 2.00 Review [] Canada Poultryman 2.00 [] True Story 2.25 [] American Home 2,25 [1 Sports Afield 2.60 [] Outdoors 2.60 [] Magazine Digest 3.50 [] Red Book •4.00 [] Open Road for boys 2,50 (] American Girl 2.50 [] Parent's Magazine 3.00 [1 Christian Herald 3.00 [] Popular Mechanics 3.60 [] Popular Science 3.40 [1 Etude (Music) 3.50 [] Science Digest 3.95 [] Child Life - 3.50 [] Better Cooking & 4.00 Homemaking [1 The Woman 2.60 [] Outdoor Life 2.75 1 Gentlemen: 1 enclose S . 1 have marked the Due to existing conditions subscrib- ers should allow eight weeks belore expecting first copies of nlagazlnes. I Offers Fully Guaranteed ,STREET OR R.R. pROV. 1_ MI= ••=1., 4.....• mow_ __ Through special arrangements with the magazine publishers we offer the finest farm and fiction magazines—in combination with our newspaper --at prices that simply cannot be dupii• cated elsewhere! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection today! This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Three Famous Magazines For both newspaper and magazines [1 Maclean's (24 issues) 1 yr [1 Canadian Home Journal 1 yr. [1 Chatelaine 1 yr• [1 National Homo 1 yr. Monthly [1 Family Herald & [] Canada Poultryman .. 1 yr. Weekly Star 1 yr. [] American Fruit 1 yr. [] New World (Illust'd) 1 yr. Grower This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Three Famous Magazines For both newspaper $*25 and magazines GROUP "A"—SELECT ONE GROUP "B"—SELECT TWO $9.75 (1 *Farmer's Magazine' 4 yrs. [1 Rod & Gun 1 yr. [] The Farmer's Advocate [] Canadian Poultry Review 2 yrs. 1 yr. [] American Home 1 yr. [] True Story 1 yr. [] Magazine Digest .... 6 mos. [] Photoplay—Movie 1 yr. Mirror [1 Christian Herald .... 9 mos. [] American Girl 1 yr. [] Sports Afield 1 yr. (1 Parent's Msgazine •. 9 mos. f.] Outdoors 1 yr. [] Open Road for Boys, 1 yr. [] Flower Grower 1 yr. *NOTE: [] Maclean's (24 issues) 1 yr. [] Canadian Home 1 yr. Journal [] Chatelaine 1 yr. [] National Home 1 yr. Monthly . [1 Family Herald & Weekly Star. ..•1 yr. [1 New World (Illust d) 1 vr. [1 *Farmer's Magazine' 41yys. [] Rod & Gun ..... [] The Farmer's Advocate 2 yrs. [] Canadian Poultry 1 yr. Review [1 Canada Poultryman1 yr. [] American Fruit 1 yr. Grower Farmer's ,Magazine sent to farm addresses In Eastern Canaria ONLY. Check magazines desired anti enclose with coupon. •' I offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper. o 1 NAME I POST OFFICE 1s hugging an armful of corn that has. been well soaked with( snow. al(1 the temperature (dropping lower aid lower• went in the dearth of our sister. Annie Laidlaw; also to those who sent flowers and loaned their cars. —Sister and 1(1•ntlie' a. CARD OF THANKS wish to thank all th_.., who tau kindly remembered n1e \ilii card, and flowers during 111)' 00111h:einem in the Clinton Hospital. Airs. 1.11 1i,• F: a . FOR SALE ('(leap for Ca h: extension dinfi, table; 4 chairs; library table and chairs; child's table and 2 chairs; hat rack; 811(11 heater; book ca.Se. Applt Mrs. V. 3t, Bray, 27-313. Tenders For Crushing Township Of Hullett of Auburn visited' on Wednesday with TENDERS will be received by the Mr. aid Ates. Nol'lllall McDowell. Township or (dollen, up to 3 p.111., AIr, and firs. Emerson Rodger at- Monday, March t;th for c•u:1;11g and tended the Graduation! exercises at balling' approximately 7,0110 yard, of 1)unuv1111' o11 Friday, when 1.: 1C, fma,\e1 where required 011 the roads Leslie Rodger received his Wing,;. ,of the Township. 31r. and Mrs. Al. Bosnian visited All material to In mixed to the recently with 311;. and 3109. Meredith satisfaction of the Superintendent in Young of Londesboro. !charge and to go through a three - 3l', and ;qrs. Norman McDowell quarts' inch screen. )'rice to ter visited on Saturday with air. and quoted at a flat rate per yard, When silo fr(((og is completed you For further information apply to begin to think 81)0111 your fall plow- Mrs. Carl Deal's of \\'mgllam. Mfrs. dog, But your good \vile reminds 1)staldesdo1 rammed hone with \\'illiam Carie', Road Superi11ttn,ler.t. theun, A marked cheque for $'200'110 11111-1. you than you mast pick the apples be- accompany each Tender. fore the winds and t'rast have done We are pleased to hear that Altos.JAMES W. McC00L, their \vo11, So 0;:m (lay you spend Elwin'Taylor is slowly improving af• Clerk, Londesboro, Ont, picking apples. The day passes with- ler her Sudden serious illness last 0111 incident until you ascend the '1111ur;-Any. 31iss ("artless of Morris - ladder to gather in a particularly trice Town ,1111) is in attendance. bunch of Spys, as the bac-ket is being me and Airs, Al, Bosnlau We`e filled, and your thoughts aro of senile, guests recently at the home of Air. incident whiell happened last year in and Mrs, Duncan McNichol of Wal - the city, suddenly one of the ladder ton, rungs- on which you are standing 311', and Mrs. Gordon Smith and snap in two and you and the basket Barbara of Gode'ich visited on Sun- • made a rapid descent to the ground clay with Air, and Mrs, J. L. Mc - Mint this tine your escape serious in- 1 o\vell. jua'y as 1110 only part of you that is 'rlie Y. P. meeting on Wednesday !.hurt is yor dignity. night tools the form of a social eV- , I" ext morning you take the plow out (Illlg when the young people of of the shed, put on a sharp share, Auburn and Donnybrook were enter - !hitch tip the team and Loan You• 13)3310(1. Lunch was served at the plowing. This is one of the Jobs close of the social activities. which gives you plenty of time for The Mission 13and met on Sunday meditation. You are plowing a 40 afternoon with 14 present. Tho rod stretch, taking pails to make a i meeting was led by Cecil Campbell. real good jab. Your furrows arca 1 Scripture lesson was read by Frank - straight and even, and as you plod lin Campbell, Readings were given patiently back and forth, a feeling by 1•ot'ntt Buchanan and Lloyd 31c - of happiness and contenUnemt steals j Do\\°0'11• Mrs. Norman McDowell and over you. At six o'clock you un1111011 . Air. Iloward Campbell each tole( a and proceed homeward, th11(11ing of story to the cinildr'en. the linos, "The plowman homeward All'. and Al•sl 1lowad Oannpbell, wends his weary way., Yes you are Air. Douglas Campbell. were recent tired but that is not a surpri;.hlg fact guests of Air, and Mrs. 11, Stone - as you have walked 15 m1le,( during house of Codcerich. 1110 day and have plowed 11,_• acres or ; Congratulations are extended to 10 miles to the acre. You put your LAC Leslie Rodbe' who received his horses away end proceed to the house 'Commission as Pilot Officer. for supper. But disaster is dogging Ex -Reeve Raymond Redmond re your foot steps, turned home from Toronto on Mon - Your flock of sheep have come in day to fill the vacancy of Clerk and USE THE STANDARD TO ADVE4. from the pasture and the lord of the Treasurer of Nast \1'a\\�attos11, caused TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, commonlyflock, conolly called Billy, suddenly by the death of the late Air, Alex appears around the straw stack andPorterfield, OR FOR SALE. decides to put a little More pep to your stride. Ile backs °`' a few feet' HAROLD JACKSON WILLIAM H. AIORRIT'C bra003 himself and collies at you with all the ferocity of a llussiattLicensed Auctioneer. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. tank, You suddenly find yourself Specialist in Farm and Household Specializing in Farm and Househoi: flouting' through space, When you Sales, bales. finally 001110 tn, 1•11., old Billy has Licensed in Huron and Perth Licensed for the County of Duro. disappeared, and you t1ti..h. "Whet n Counties. Prices reasonable; eats Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction grand climax to an honest. clays fiction guaranteed. Guaranteed. work," Then slipper over, and the For information, etc., write or phone For information, etc., write or phone chores clone, you retire. As you lay Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4, Seaforth. William H. \iorritt, phone, Residence your head 011 the pillow, your phone 141'661, 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4 -4 -if. thoughts once more revert to your plowing. You have 34 acres to plow "f1Ct41C100,11 00114tN414141CIC1lc1C1041 1141(1 111414t•14(1000:11Cleietc" yet 10 miles to the acre. Yes, that's it, \wild the cOnlIOl•ting thought that you have .lust a mere :1.0 tulles of 3 patient plodding ahead of you. and the plowing will be completed, you go to sleep. 3 i Now dear cousi11, 1 have enumerated ., to you a few of tl1 o thing; which ,t happen' on the farm from time to blue. This is uol a fan tehtie picture. amedieediationatatiosetiogeorseeedeinedetspoween'mal eer el,, Sales Books at the but Counter Booty !nide to cost no ordinary ihre WOrmilentiriiid be phased to 'Ica owl of istreitilams WOW ORDERS TAKEN FOR PRINTED CHECK BOOKS SOLD AT THE STANDARD OFFICE BLANKS 10c each, 3 For 25c. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, C.alcct. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. STORM DESTROYS SUPPLY DUMPS Storm aftermath. Mr, Churchill has commented on the bad weath- er experienced on the Eighth Army front, Here is one evidence of it. Storm that swept the eastern coast destroyed large supply dumps along the shore, Hundreds of petrol tins were at the mercy of the Adriatic. 1 RADIO REPORTER 1'osthe .iii,;est da:. time audience of any Canadian radio program belongs to "They fell eouducted by t lairs 11:,Mace. Claire in private life is just as charming and vi\acious a personal- ity as she is on the radio; her charm b.. ing gull' matched by her modesty, She v. as tiie first Can- adian woa,an tc, fly the :Atlantic as a pasrngcr, Site has travelled extensively in Canada's north country, :.:.d is w ell liked by her collcagm , in the lira "Irastiug itt- dustty. CLAIRE WALLACE C laire's a pretty smart girl, one example being that some years ago before the war, site and I were both assigned by our respective radio stations to cover the arrival of n lighter than airship In Toron- to, They landed at a flying field outside Toronto and made arrange- ments to take the visiting press and radio :nen up for a trial flight. Your columnist, v:ho Is in excess of 200 pounds, \vas among the six who won seats on the balloon for the first flight, Apparently too much weight -vas allowed aboard and coming in over the fence the balloon tore o{f its tail assembly. Claire, who had drawn the second flight, w113 waiting on the Found and when your commentator got off the balloon he gave Claire a tit of ribbing that due to the dam- age to the tail of the balloon, there would be. no further {lying that morning. That a:t::'ttoon \\e were. assigned o the Island airport to describe the arrival of the balloon at that point. It 'vas supposed to be ar- riving vvith only the crc\v, but vrheu it landed at the Island air- port a h nes. lady stepped front the balloon, ;itt guessed it. Cla',re had remained v;tit the ship until it was fixed rind had wangled herself a private rise the rest of the way into 'r r: tto and, as a ma tier of fact, she -.s And u;, with the beat story of all of us who had leen WINGED VICTORY Bombs (bottom of photo) from this RAF plane form a symbolic "V -for -Victory" ars they plunge toward enemy installations on the Rome -Pescara road in Italy. By AL LEARY assigned to cover the balloon's ar- rival. "They Tell Me" is sponsored. by the National War Finance Cont- rnittee and is carried by every ra- dio station in Canada, It is heard over CKCL Mondays through Fri- days from 4.16-4,30 p.nt. Claire has an Intense personal Interest in the war inasmuch as her husband Is serving witlt the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps on otte of Canada's coasts, and her son Is serving in the Navy. • • • Fran!cie Sinatra, the current rave of the "bobby sock brigade", Is in the doghouse according to Trade publications and reports coming out of Hollywood. Frankle's publicity has gone to his head and he Is getting to be rather a diffi- cult young nun to handle. The United State. Arany Is going to ban Sinatra's broadcast disc., un- less the young fetus who whinny and whine every time Frankie steps to the microphone shup up, The Arniy feels that the fighting tnan wouldn't like this kind of nonsense. • • • Beside the National Hockey League games the largest sports coverage In Canada are those of the Gillette Boxing bout., Bill Comm, who works with Don Dunphy, le one of New York's hest known sports writers and sometimes wt think that Corum's between rounds and other colour Is much more Interesting than Don Dunphy's blow by blow descrip- tion. No reflection on Dunphy, who does an excellent workman- like Job, but he I. stili not well enough known to the majority of Canadian sports facts to rank with the top commentators in Canada, but he will one of these days. Gillette fights are carried on a coast to coast Canadian network and by CKCL most Friday nights it 10.00 P,M, EWT. The Book Shell The Alice Bradley Menu -Cook -Book By The Principal of Miss Farmer's School of Cookery. This menu -cook -book is far more than a cook -book, for it includes seasonal menus for every day in the year, shopping lists to guide your marketing week by week, and hundreds of tempting new recipes --with explicit directions. Miss Bradley's ttnenus show imagination as well as dietetic balance. She suggests how even the simplest foods can be made appetite -teasing and delicious, and stow they should be chosen for their energy -giving qualities and their suitability to the season. In fact, itt this hook she gives you the sante expert help in cooking and menu -planning that has made her school so famous. The Alice Bradley Menu -Cook - Book • , By The Principal of Miss Farmer's School of Cookery, Inc The Macmillan Com- pany of Canada , • . Price $2.75. Although they may look exactly alike, two blocks of ice may record different temperatures. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FEBRUARY 27 JESUS PRESENTS HIMSELF SAYS THE MESSIAH Mark 11:1-10, 15.18, GOLDEN TEXT—Again the high priest asked hint, and saith unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I ant, Mark t I:at-tt•:. MEMORY VERSE — We .. are helpers, 2 Corinthians t::1.1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time -- 'I'Ite triumphal entry and the brief visit to the temple took place on Sunday, .April 2, A.D. 30. The cursiit of the fig tree occurred the next day, Mon- day. All the rest of the events rec- orded in this lesson occurred on Tuesday of that week, Place — The triumphal entry 't, curred on the western slope of the Mount of Olives, The scenes in the temple, of course, occurred in the temple area, The rest of the events in this lesson occurred In o:' very near to the city of 1 eru- salent. Entry Into Jerusalem Jerusalem , , . and straightway he Jerusalem .. , and straightaway Inc will send hint back hither." The owner of the ass, as a faithful and dutiful servant of the Lord, would straightway comply with Christ's request. The true servant of Christ is ever ready and willing to do the Lord's will, "And they went away, and found a colt tied at the door without in the open street; and they loose hitn." It needed faith and courage on the part of the disciples to do their Lord's bidding, but they im- plicitly believed His word and acted upon it. Christ's Word Effective "And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? And they said unto them even as Jesus had said: And they let then, go," The own- ers would he surprised to see the apostles loosing the colt but 'they let then go.' By that action they admitted the right of the Lord to have first claim upon their prop- erty. The disciples did not make up any explanation of their own in loosing the colt. It was Christ's word they spoke, not their owtt, and they found it effective at once. Too often, we fail in *Christian service because we give too much time to what others say, and too little to what Christ says, It Is IIis word that sten need; it 13 Itis word which alone is effective with men, The King of the Jews "And they bring the colt unto Jesus, and cast on him their gar- ments; and he sat upon him." The disciples cast their garments upon the colt, both as a saddle, and to render Hint royal homage. Christ mounted the colt that He Wright enter the Holy City as the King of the Jews. "And many spread their gar- ments upon the way; and others branches, which they had cut front the fields." Many catching the enthusiasm of the moment, spread their garments, in place of tapes- try or webs of cloth, along the way where Jesus would pass, Oth- ers took branches from palm trees and strewed then in the way, From this act the day has received the popular name of I'alut Sun- day, Hosanna in the Highest "And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, hos- anna; Blessed is he that cometh in the moue of the Lord, Blessed is the kingdom that cometh, the Idtigdon of our father David; hos- anna in the highest," The people hail Ilius joyfully as their prom- ised king. Our Saviour passes on, meek and grave, It is a scene of triumph, but Ile knows He is even now drawing nigh to Calvary, Cleansing of the Temple "And they conic to Jerusalem... for they feared hint, for all the tr.ttttitude was astonished at his teachings," having cleared tl.e market, Jesus began to teach the people who had assembled. After chal- lenging their authority in the Tem- ple, and thus belittling tltent be- fore the people, the chief priests felt the time had come fur action. Ii the influence of Jesus of Na- zareth increased, their material in- taests would suffer, '1'o rebuke POP --Pop's Too Sensitive ORTONA A SHAMBLES WHEN CANADIANS MARCHED IN Furious fighting for Ortona in Italy left the city in utter ruin and a large number of casualties with it. At the left is a scene when the slugging match was over, A Canadian tank rumbles into the main square. The shell -pocked buildings indicate the tempo of the battle. A western Canadian unit of infantrymen are shown (at right) marching into rubble -piled streets after the Hun had departed. CIII{ONICLES of GINGEN FARM Signs of the times. That k what I thought as 1 went for the mail this morning. Yon see in the little time that it took me to walk from the house to the road and back again, six planes trent over toy head, all itt different directions. Mit never a car did 1 see at all, .More planes in the air than cars on the road --isn't that something? I wonder hot\ it will be after the war --1 mean, will there be more planes and less cars, of more cars and less planes; Naturally planes \will be in greater demand for commercial use but I suppose, unless they develop some kind of aerial "flivver" you and I will stilt be quite content to roll along on the road -- and think ourselves mighty lucky at that, having pas- sed through a period of not being ahle to roll along just when we felt like it, * • • Recently I wondered whether our car was doomed o be laid up for the duration. You see one day Partner and I were going to town and as we started Partner said I had better drive easy as I had a tit e that looked as If it might blow out any time, (I have told you that Partner absolutely refuses to drive a car, haven't I?) That may have been good advise—it is bet- ter to be safe titan sorry, especially where a car is concerned — but it certainly didn't add to my coin - fort. I knew I should have tried my luck at getting a couple of new tires, but what with one thing and another I had put it off. Now I was really driven to it, 'i'he ap- plication was sent away, And I waited, and waited, and waited! I:ach passing clay increased my uneasiness, I heard rumors of applications being turned down; of government regulations being tigh- tened up—and I can tell you that shabby old '30 of ours began to look like a million dollars. And then after three weeks the permit cause through. I think when we get tires 1 shall trim them up with pink bows just to celebrate. • * * Did I her' someone say—"Olt yes, a farmer gets all the breaks. Just let use try for new tires and see how far I would get." Well, I can understand your viewpoint — it ,oust seem pretty tough to you \vhcn you profitably Leel that a car i; just as necessary to you as to the farmer. But yet, you are get- ting along without it, aren't you? Whereas the farmer—well, a car is as necessary to him now as any of his field iutp;eutents. Take our car for instance: it hardly ever goes to town without bringing hack a hunched of bran, shorts, chop or laying -stash. It tai.es in eggs and chickens, grain to be them in the very place where they ruled was an un pardet'a1le offence mid Jesus mast be destroyed. It came to this: either Jesus must die or their power be o 'erthroivn, The difficulty was, flow cou&L Eley effect their end? They saw that the commit people fav, rel him, and were intcre: ted in His ...tch- ing. This made then afr :t1 to in- terfere with hint open} (com- pare Mk. 14:2). HASN'T CHA JGED A�C1SINCE 94 iJU By Gwendollne P. Clarke • • • • 0 chopped, and sometimes it is piled high with Red Cross sewing, knit- ting and quilts. It takes people to and from the station, it gets repairs and does the weekly shopping, It goes to church and to meetings; it calls at every farm in the district whenever a Red Cross drive 1 on, and occ'assiottalty, yes, very oc- cas.ionally, it does take us to a show, Olt yes, and once in while it goes to the city when shopping becomes a Vital necessity. Bttt never, since gas rationing, has it used up all the coupons to which it is entitled. \Ve apply for the lowest category on which we think 'WI' can manage—and then try to ttse less. When we have orders for boiling fowl it is my Job to pick out birds that are not laying. Experts tell you that if you look for this and that you can always tell if a hird is laying or not, 'Well, if I follow all the rules and pick a bird that definitely shouldn't he laying I generally find—too late—that she was all set to lay eggs for the rest of her natural life. So now 1 ignore the experts. Instead I stand quietly inside the pen and watch the biddies, What 1 watch for I can't tell you, but there is something about the look of a hen that tells the whether she 1 laying or not. 'rake that one yesterday— by all the rules she should have been laying, but 1 didn't think she looked as if she were. So Partner killed her—amt she wasn't. Was I glad I was right: Second sight? Olt, 1 don't think sr. Just hen - sight, I guess. Australia's new wheat crop is es- timated at 07,000,000 bushels com- pared with 156,000,001 a year ago. Sixty per cent of the workers in British Royal Ordnance factories are women, ■ LAND OF "THE WHITE RAJAH" • iIORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 11 The sun, 1 Depleted M A D Oland country. 7It is under the protection of the, ---,, 13 Era. A S 14 Silkworm. 15 Short -napped fabric. 16 Foot part. 17.Easy bounding! H gait, I S E lt) Bar by R O estoppel. 21 Prison 30 Pronoun, compartment, 40 Twist out of 22 Fish, shape. 23 Theater sign 43 The heart VERTICAL (abbr.). (Egypt. myth,) 24 Common level, 45 Mountain of 1 Wages. 25 Indian Larissa, 2 Since. princess. Greece. 3 Complainer. 27 Symbol for 48 Pope's triple 4 Us. selenium. crown, 5 Unit of 28 Knight of the 40 Exchange measure, Elephant premium, 0 Touched with (abbr.). 50 Diligent, the lips, 30 Ignoble. 51 Danish 32 Gave forth, ' chieftain, 34 Inflamed, 53 Any. 36 Sleeping 54 Suffix, vision. 57 Symbol for 38 One who tones cerium, A E lw I T V t N O F F 12 Aided, 'R 1 ; Q V E 18 Magistrate of A T S K I�,S R R E NE E` 20 Transaction "TUB —�—(abbr.). I� EMU$ 2IHut. ESE € B_s 26 Military A R S E U GD' assistants. SITmum= � s g B 27 Descendants P E A g I�II NO S,L Y of Shen. A N Y; D E 20 Neditwion• spaper e R I G L .: HELP 31 Harem, L ALL 33 Father. 35 Folding bed. 37 Predicament. 30 Russian peasant, 41 Misdemeanor. 42 Either. 44 It is a part of the island of 80Its•cap'tal is 59 Toward, 46 Pointed mass of ice in a broken glaciell 47 Be ill. 52 God of the 7 Sir Charles _sky (myth,), i3 its Rajah" 53 Perform, "White Ra J 55 Symbol ,for 8 Knock, lithium, 9 Exists, 56 Giant king of. 10 Repeat. ' Bastian, A LITTLE MORE BODY AND NOT QUIT SO MUCH NECK in.,,. u.a"..,,... t,:•, By J. MILLAR WATT 9-2 l TABLE TALKS .. J Muflins 0111 help keep you rental:, Dy eating several every day, and drinking plenty of water, you can get at constipation duo to lack of dietary "bulk"! I1 thls is your trouble, try Kellogg's All -Bran Muffins 1 tablespoons ori eup unit: h enin iftot Ion? sort lents I1 t n r Ni cup sugar " teanpnt n reit. egg 21,y 1111,14"nr 1:1.1 h;g 1 cup Kcllogg'e pewter All -Ursa Zlemul shortening and sugar thorough - i; add egg and beat well. Stir in 111 -Bran and milk; let soak until most 01 moisture is taken up. Slit flour with sunt and baking powder. Add to first mixture and stir only until flour dis- appears, Fill greased muthn pans lw'o- thlr'ds full and bake in moderately hot oven (400°F,) about 30 nminutes.Vleld: 0 largo muffins. ALL -BRAN Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada When Mom's Down When Mother is under the weather, Our household conics sort of unglued! You know what I mean. It's easily seem We're all in an unpleasant mood. Pop struggles downstairs in py- jamas Anf fixes the furnace and lights. The teakettle fire. You'd simply expire To see Father put things to rights. He turne on the light in our bed- room And says, "Mother's staying in bed; She's not feeling good," Then it's understood We have to get brcakfaft, Inttc„d, There's no cheery talk at the table; We have to prepare our tnvi. lunch And pack it for school, sect rt.ir.g to rule; We're not an exuberant bias b. When tifothcr is under the \veit:her There's no one checks t:!e..:: necks and such; And nothing seems right tither morning or night; I'm glad she's not sick very much. —Casual, in Chicago Tribune, Khaki rayon stockings for "`walking out" are being issued Members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, it has been announe- ad at National Defence Headquar- ters, Phonograph Records Thousands of popular dance • selections to choose troth, Also Automatic Phonographs available tor Rent. Write for particular?. Vigneux Bros. Automatic Phonographs >oo BAY ST., TORONTO SADIE B. CHAMBERS Requests Ilrrt': hoping; these "regi;est recipe • u•llt he -.Feint and the result, appcbrving. Bran Carrot Pudding 4 cult ~hurt milli' 1 cup brim n 2 egg` 1l; cups grated r.,lv cart ids cup alt bran 1' cups sifted flour teaspoon nutmeg 13-, teaspoon haling powder tedspoon halt 34 cup mill: 1 teaspoon lemon extract ]!lend shortening and sugar to- gether thir until Ili Add fluffy. Al 1 the un- neaten egg tohes, beating well after each addition, Stir in carrots antlall-bran. Sift flour and other dry ingredients, stirring into batter alternately whit the milk, Add flavoring; fold in the stiffy beaten egg whites. !take in a greased baking{ pan for one hoot' in nl„tlerate oven, .•erre tvith orange saucy. Orange Sauce cup sugar 3 table,poous sifted flour teaspoon salt 1!; cupk hoi1n g water 3 tablespoons grated carrot 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons lento)! juice 2 tablespoons butter Mix sugar, flour and salt to- gether. Add water slowly, stirring constantly, Add carrot, juices and butter, took over hot water until thickened and flour is cooked, about 20 minutes. kri s hot on pud- ding. Carrot Custard Pie t'aok three or four carrots in as little water as possible. Ruh thrwui;h a course sieve and use 1 cupful of mixture. Any left over could he used in meat patties, etc. To 1 cup of sieved carrot add 1 scant cup of ruga r, 2 or 3 eggs, 1 cu;, of milk, 1 teaspoon allspice, pinch of ginger, '`, teaspoon salt, tcaispt,on vanilla, Pour into pastry lined plate and gake in mod,. rate oven until done. Mincemeat Pudding 1 cup mint:eniratt 1t' our 2 teat -pooh baking powder resin,.lee salt '. cup butter ,yup sugar 1 egg :'; sup milk Grease six muffin pans, Put a spoonful of mincemeat in each, Sift flour; measure, and sift with baking powder and salt. Cream butter; blend in sugar. Add egg and beat until the mixture is light, Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk, Add vanilla, 'Turn into pans over the mincemeat and and bake in moderate oven for about 30 minutes. Remove from pans and serve hot, mincemeat side up, with a pudding sauce, Sties Chambers neleonme personal lettere from Interested renders. She is pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, and le always ready to listen to your "pet peel es," Requests for recipes or special menus aro In order. Address your lettere to "Miss Smile 11, Chambers, 73 Nest Adelaide St., Toronto." Send stamped selt-nd- dreamed envelope If you wish a reply. QUICK RELIEF FOR COUGHS -COLDS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA WHOOPING COUGH CATARRHAL ASTHMA SIMPLE SORE THROAT DON'T DELAY - BUY A BOTTLE TODAY! CHILDREN LOVE VENO'S CHAPTER XVII SYNOPSIS By I:4 VICTOR ROSSEAU Dave Bruce, out of a job, arrives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross-I3ar ranch, Curran, the foreman, promises hint o job if he can break a horse called Black Dawn. When he succeeds, ho discovers Curran expected the horse to kill him. A girl named Lois rides up, angry with Dave for breaking ''her" horse, She re- fuses to speak to Dave even when he uses his savings to pay off the mortgage on the small ranch she shares with her foster father, a man named Hooker. But when Hooker is shot and Dave is charged with murder, Lois saves him from being lynched. Wounded, s h e guides him to a mountain cave where she thinks they will be safe from Curran and the sherif's posse. Meanwhile, a quarrel between Fer- ris and Judge Lonergan reveals that Ferris had killed his partner, Blane Rowland, many years before. Lonergan ushered Ferris out into the street, closed the door, and strode briskly in the direction of the courthouse, outside which a knot of men was already twilling. Ferris gut on his horse and rode slowly back toward his ranch, tak- DAW N easy in the Inuikhialse after his night's rills. And ". hen they reached the office, he 'a : !, "(,ur- rul, 1 : 10.n . u I and :;;e haven't pulled !::griller as t+,ril ;t5 v.e weight have tl'oue. 1'in in ,1 ;ant now. NIa)be u• tato could het together." * ('urran's r, us nankin ed. "I nev- er here pill no ill ieelin5, Mr. Ferris," he at,snrred. ''curse I Ludt yob didn't rxactlt like Judge Lonergan's Inn tin' me in here, but 1 done my best for }tare spread," "Lonergan's got ins by the throat," said the rauchinan bitterly, and re, rami( d their eon s e: -ation of that morning. ging. "But so far as I understood, y'.Ih've kept up the mortgage in- t'rest," s:id Curran, "And the mortgage has got another eighteen months to run." "Damn hint, he's got something tut me!" exploded Ferris. "Some- thing that happened before I came into the valley, that he could put MC behind bars for. 1fe's ainmin' lo treat me the way he was goin' to treat old Hooker, when he's cleaned up on my ranch, how long d'you think your job will last?" "Yeah, 1 been thinkin' about that myself," Curran confessed. Perri, ached the question that he "Yoh afu'l—ain't oryln', girl ing the opposite direction till he got clear of the town. Suddenly blind rage filled Ferris' heart. And, according to the na- ture of the ratan, it did not shote Itself upon his face, which became. a mask. Stupidly, blindly tryiltg to find reality in this new confus- Ion, Ferris rode back toward his ranch house with It sudden resolu- tion formed. Weak, irresolute, he was follow- ing the traditional line of least re- sistance in seeking a confidant. And Curran, the foreman, was the man he sought. IIe was throwing himself upon the mercy of the ratan between 1010111 and himself there bad been undeclared enmity ever since Lonergan made Curran fore- man of the Cross -Bar outfit. "Want to sec you in the office,' he told Curran, who was taking it Smart Capelet 781 ,ANY &;t ;heeler Priorities on fuel have made ospelets ride the crest of fashion. When the furnace burns low throw this woolly bit of crocheted warmth about your chilly shoulders. Look pretty as only a capelet can make you look. The puff and knot stitch ate quick to do. Pattern 761 con- tains directions for capeiet. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept, Roont 421, 73 Adelaide St, West, 'Toronto. Write plainly Pat- tern number, your na ne alttl Addrem - hl:rl ask( i Lonergan: "\Vliy was Lonergan to interested in that Mocker gi:I * e Curran grinned. "\last folks think she's his daughter," he said, "Don't bear no resemblance to him, of course, but she may take arter her mother. I never seen Mrs. Hooker; she died before t, conte here." e heard that story, but I don't believe it: "You think the sheriff will get Bruce anti that girl`" he asked in the meanwhile. "I dunno," said Curran. "Lois Ifooker, she knows the mountains like that herd of broncs she trails arter her, If they got enough food, they kin hide up till all int'rest in the affair has died out, so far as the sheriff's concerned. But I'll tell yult something, I'm goin' to git !mer." Curran knew itis man. "I dunno what Lonergan's got on yult, Fer- ris," he said, "but I ain't trnstin' that feller further than I kin see him. And I guess there's plenty of folks in Mescal who wouldn't cry their eyes out if anything happened to him." M * The rancltutan's eyes met Cur- ran's, "You mean—you mean -1" he stammered, "I could do with a share in the Cross -Bar," said Curran bluntly, "I ain't the kind who'd ride yult down the way Lonergan's !loin'. And what I had 011 you, you'd have on nuc, I guess. A third share's all I'd ask," "Suppose ---,appose Mane Row- land ever came back?" the ranch - man quavered. "Ile's still half - owner. 1f he hadn't made that mad break when he thought the Cross - Bar was guilt' stmlarsh- "Yuh needn't worry about him," grinned Curran, "Ice won't cone back. First place, he'd he facia' a long tcrwt in the pen, anti second place, he'd have to make restitu- tion of that money stole, which re- presents punt• nigh half the t alue of the ranch." "What's your proposal?" "I ain't wakin' none, Ferris. It cone front you. I was only sayin', :nobody's goin' to lay roses on his grave," "When — how — what's your plan?" whispered Ferris, spilling a trail of whisky otcr the floor as he WAKE UP 'VITALITY %%HOT BREAKFAST Nature stored more of the great growtb and vitality element—protein—in whole grain oatmeal—than in any other natural cereal you can serve your family! Today, with less meat protein available, your family needs this extra vitality protection of Quaker Oats more than ever 1 Quaker Oats 1s so outstanding that it cons tains nine out of eleven food elements short in many present day dieul Serve delicious Quaker Oats daily Children simply love Quaker Oat,. It's so smart to protect your family's health and vitality by serving the one best cereal when so many other foods tae rationed: QUAKER OATS tried to refill his drink, "Just leave it to me, and I'l1 keep yult posted, Ferris," answered Curran, "I've got to give Lonergan his answer within the next two days," the ranchman protested. "Stall hint off," said the foreman, "String hint along a day or two more, and if he insists tell hint to go plumb to hell, All you need to do is keep a stiff top lip. I'm glad you and me had this talk. It clears up things consid'rable. Yulm won't see much of use the next day or two, because I'll be on a lone wolf hunt in the mountains. But I'll let yult know when the trap's sprung." He went alit of the office, reeling slightly, humming a song. Ferris watched him with new, dawning hope. (Continued Next Week) The Sunflower As A Grain Crop Two Outstanding Varieties Developed By Canadian Plant Breeders Interest in the sunflower as a grain crop caiue about largely be- cause of the shortage of edible vegetable oils in Canada soon after the outbreak of the present war, states Dr. T, M, Stevenson, Dominion Ag-ostoiogist. Central Experimental Earn!, Ottawa, The ensilage varieties which were tall growing and late matur- ing, were not suited as a grain crop in most areas. 1lowever, other types were availalbe. Can- adian plant breeders had, some years prior to the outbreak of war, recognized the possibility of using the sunflower as a grain crop, chiefly :is a source of vege- table oil, They set about to de- velop varieties suitable for grain production on a large scale. They decider! first of all that such varieties must be semi -dwarf in habit of growth and early matur- ing so that they could be harvest- ed satisfactorily by ordinary farm machinery. Furthermore, the new varieties had to meet certain standards of perfection respecting ofd content and oil quality. Two Outstanding Varieties The two outstanding varieities which resulted from that work are "Sunrise" and "Mennonite", Ap- proximately 30,000 acres of these varieties were grown for grain in the prairie provinces in 1943. It is estimated that this crop will yield over 1gl'i million pounds of seed. This crop is capable of providing .6 million pounds of high quality edible oil and more than 2,250 tons of excellent, high protein oil meal suitable for stock feel]. Tn addition there will be an abundance of seed available to enable us to meet the +0,1o3 acre objective set for 10.14. The develo,anent and produc- tion of sunflo ;yrs for grain con- stitutes another worthwhile con- tribution fruit agriculture to the war effort. Men of Canadian Navy Given Praise A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty. paid tribute recent- ly to the nen of the Royal Cana- dian Navy: "Remarkable expansion of Cana- dian naval and air forces engaged to the Battle of the Atlantic, and their skilful deployment and gal- lant handling in appalling weather conditions have been important factors in the United Nations' ef- e The Qualc.t Oats Company of Canada IJmttt4 fot to get the measure of the U-boat," he said. I'fe added the R.C,N, now pro- vides more than two-fifths of the ocean-going escorts in the North Atlantic, while the R,C,A.F, has undertaken one-quarter • of the operations against i -'-boats in that theatre. Many Canadians are also serv- ing in the Royal Navy and the R.A.F,, he said. The R,C.N,'s man- potver-strength now approaches tl at of the Royal Navy in peace- time. He enumerated the many dec- orations awarded Canadian Navy men and added that Canada and the United Kingdonm now were mainly responsible for the control and protection of the gre.tt North- ern Atlantic convoys. On the east roast of England millions of tons of cartlt are wash- ed away by the sea every year. MISTER BIG! He looks pretty small alongside Ruth Nunley, 6 ft, 1 in., 254 pounds. He's Johnny Houston, 4 it. 4 in,, 120 sounds. Both work at Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co., Evansville, Ind, FORovegS , iD5 YOU CAN'T BEAT BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE Skin Eruptions 11're Is n storm, it:dtlIoss, 1).:110 tra ti lig : 5trating ant kept ie oil that hrilmg:'s speedy relief from the itching al.ti d1s'ontfort. Not only docs this healing antl°- eptic oil promote rapid and healthy, healing in open sores and tteunda but boils Putt rinmple ulcers ar also relieved. In shin affcotions the. itching c r Eczema Is quickly stopped. 1'iutplt.' —skin eruptions dry up and scala oft in a very few days. Thu sritoo is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Itheuum, Itching 'Tues and Feet Told other inflammatory skin disorders. l'ou ran obtain yluonc's Etneralti 011 In the original bottle good drugstore. Satisfat'tion guar- anteed of mein y back, Eczema Itch Sfopped In 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and cause Itch - Ing, Cracking Eczema -like Rash, Peeling, Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Foot Itch and other skin blemishes. The new treatment Nixoderm stops the itching in 7 minutes and goes right to work curbinr the germs and should quickly help maks your skin clearer, softer, smoother and more attractive—la fact Nixoderm must satisfy you completely or you get your money back on return of empty package. Get Nixoderm from your druggist today—see hos' fast it. works and how much better you look. Tl:a money -back trial offer protects you. ITC STOPPED in a di!!y •or Money Back For quiet. relit/front itching of enema, pimples, alb. Tetesfoot, a•sle+.•,ahie..nichesandother' mt.—mall! sea+rd •Liu tn:abin, u.e foal -seting, ri+ding, anti. septi,'. laquad I1. 1)• I) Prew'ription. Gres+elem atainlr... ,.the-initat6m and quicllt flop• iutenae Itching. 3;venalt atlepro. P.it eruurne. hm'k.A+k tour druggi.l tod,r fur t).1) 1). rt11 sl.Iilt'tl0,5. ISSUE 6-1044 Palo 8. THE STANDARD P+tK1111151 t (410 cwl4 440C141010(8E100{\incl lElcl fc1a10C14la C141141wnet0010Ciil i :2• Vit•, .1. t:• Avoid C�lds by Wearing Good footwear WE CAN SUPPLY ALL THE FAMILY WITH SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBER 1300'1'S, AND GALOSHES, Olive McGiII ersOf Ali'.;. Bray spent the \we:1;•0111 \w:111 K hr; hu.:.tori, \'. AI. (tray', 01 Kitchener. \It's. ICcnnttn 'Taylor and \It's. \\'m. 1ti Cucl;orliur are :-pending ❑ frw l;.tys in 'Toronto. .1,.o `,L•trh,; and da'tt::iter, to Carole, i.ill'd sur a week w:Ih li It dv .;lstcrAli's. 11..1. Can:et',)n, brussels. d3 , N .1. t' \Vetheral of 11\11'3 l'orvett "11.1!11 wi it( II hl- aunt. :Nilo, .\I- rl • Pert Brigham. da' Ai Ja(1, \lc'.;ill of the R,C'.:\.h, is w!; 1i ilio 1\ ith his parcel ,, \!r. and \I; s. o? \\'o1lingtou \IcCill, "Johnny Has The 'Fin" Remember that we have a fine Assortment of Games that will help to while away the horn's while "Johnny is sick with the 'flu, Waxed Paper handy -package 10c Waxed Paper in rolls, boxed for handiness, tear off what ycu want, 50 feet 20c: 100 feet 35c POCKET-SIZE MAGAZIN ES 25c and 39c These are complete books with 250 and 300 pages, by popular authors, splendid for sending Overseas. PANDA PADS---'Ve have again be able to secure a limited quantity of the Popular Panda Pads. 'Phis pad consists of 200 pages, letter size, and a splendid quality paper. Sante Price - 29c. PICTURES ---A lovely assortment of Pictures - 35c. GREETING CARDS --- For A11 Occasions - Get Well, Sympathy, Baby Congratulation, Wedding :\Ilnifel'sary, Wedding Congratulation, Wedding Gift and Shower Gift Cards, Always on I-Iand. HAN-DEE EMBOSSED TOWELS 15c WRITING PAPER Pads, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c Envelopes, Linen and Kid Finish pkg. 10e Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 5c ASplendid Assortment of Ganges, and a Few Toys, Suitable for Gifts for Children. Paint Books, Story Books, and Cut -Outs. A Fine Assortment of Photograph Albums. Also Your Headquarters for Magazines. The .Standard Book Store I. 1,1110 ,101. 1 .I,,...1 , 11,1.1 ,I► 11. 610 . ,.,.11 .. I, awl OWde 1.1.111„ Hua \'!-11.'1 11 it'illls here, HUR GRILL Air, anti \It's. It, .1. Sc lit r: cAted word from (heir sou, I'rilate Kenneth Gunner Reg, :Argent Of Boller!, N. S. is s!'1'n:Mg hi; Plrlou-)h \wtt'a itis parrots, \l1.. and Mr.. lied \It's. I v 1ri:rg1':l111• vi ited iu 1 ILI. (1,1111 a11'1 11! ) \%;; II her son,, :\111::a\ d l'Iifford, and their 1'aali!ic; in '('ills .\burg. ohertz/ Bros. GAIt'1t;E, Acetylene and Electric 'Wielding ,A Slle,ialty. Agents For Iii!c '' a'.1onal- Ilal've:'+i."1' Parts ;!:: Slljlplle:+ White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Pa:n'ill';' and ep'liring. Wednesday, Fob, a6, 044. LEARANCE SALE Of Discontinued and Discoulored Packages AT IIALF PRICE OR LESS. Twink Dyes 5c per package Bon Kora Regular $1.GO, Clearing 50c Gallagher's Kidney Remedy Regular 1.25, Cleating 50c Gallagher's Cough Syrup Regular 50c, Clearing 25c •Merciton Mouth Wash Regular $1.00, Clearing 5Cc Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup 35c • Me•Me-Cho Regular $1.00, Clearing 50c Nuxatcd Iron Regular $1.0O3 Clearing 50o Cascaras Regular 50c, Clearing 25c Inner -Clean Herb Laxative Regular 5Cc, Clearing 25c Crouchman's Fungo Salve Regular 50c, Clearing 25c Crouchman's Cough Syrup 25c Ferrozonc Tonic Tabs Regular 50c, Clearing 25c K 1 ,. PtiILP, Phm. B. .'I.1. l.), ,UNIJUIES, 1VALLI'AI'ER—PRONE 2P. covassammesiosseasominer Iy,telcl..7.:14.';ty...1`«i1Z11e(Gt6lele 4141 eielelt11:td01114al~le'. RXIICIMPVcIa a►euteaaf4l M til:ln('he Wil -a. of,.., 1 1 l iti 1 r to th ,,,r" 'i� " � Radford � ed -Room SIliIAO I. I''I! spent the rico even( with to mother I tp Aft,. \\lilt; , ;Ind si: ter \It's. I;et'I' t •p:�s I t' np CI .:4 , 111 BLUE SKIES ANI) BLUL CEal,.. (S -'ii, tp ,... Have ycu ever U ie -I a Mu:.CO.. op in('? - If nct, you rave mi3a, ,i ecl Ip :,most pleasing ars ciccorati.c effect • 4 Not only Llue, but yellow, pin 1 , ,:,3re^n or rrau'.c oily be t. s,.‘1 11th:.yp ':•:`ual cffc•t \,I.:•n 11 (I an a c-n::'r1 > �t�`ra.tt1g r.'•.ade t) y:iir v'rII. You . Ip ':. •'ill be (I& ghte•I with the charm.* lif f'hia idea prcd.'ccs. .t. :. cf A Ecl'th Cre'g`,t:n ilii; Le only too,' t \' =harry t) sky/ lou tt'.e:c effact3. :. i,+ CONGRATULATIONS a; .•. ��jir *. r t` ,1...r ,. ,,•w a,, Rogerson, 1t'hu crleb:at0(I her I;:rthd^y ?�E) , �.1 ...it / , [ Oil ' ,,;I,j 1,4 on Friday. Fc:'raary' flab. ;t; I)eeorat(Ir's Stvrinr.. .i• b, '�.. .f if Chenew * + ., ,t,Located Cppocit2. Kernicl;'s Grecery•t• 4f t1. C. ngratulatiun; to Master Jim Chat. '2 Pi-IONE 15:', E.,LY T FI. ,, i '�_r: • .1> a,., mors wao celebrated his :h birthday 1,;, ,,.;,,,,. ;,•: :„:,•.,:, ; .,,.,:..:; Home tarnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. on \Vodues:d.ly, February 1 ':h, 11 a.awv�uaa.•1,.�wa,:vm.a7.•mvs,wec.e.w••aw�. ,,21D1%17ei:11,3:`.,1.i'ln'i'2i2i2s2a1Dt.Dial`VEDIiii�1°.iiDarlitl�'i)M24`ln�t`DiZiDtl2tiiTh7i/010 1201/0al \I r. and \It's. I'runit li'.diott of Tor- onto, spent the t~'ir'i-•:1(1 with the fur:per's parson, \Ir. and \1rs. .I. I1. ll. Elliott. 1 1 r. an I \It's. l'lil'f tir•ri•og.'u:n', !Joy( Jean and Janie... and \Ir. and \Ir Murray Scriulge.atr and da•Igli- ter I"'nue, of 'I'i!l,:(u!'tli AI r, air.« Mrs. It. ,I. (' ii t.on, \111'y and Alin.- ] ay, (I' Pru 1.'..1, s p;111 the \weak.ead with .\Ir. and .'err, I., Scritr!;.,our. >> ('i -ii' ratulatinns I o \I r,,. Prank Several Beautiful Suites in the lates Styles are displayed on our floors and are being offered at Money -Saving Prices. An attractive Walnut Suite in the Popular Water- fall Style, is displayed in our Window this week. Our line of Simmons Steel Beds, Marshall Spring Filled Sleep Units, Layer Felt Mattresses and Sta- Y oung Sagless Bed Springs, is Complete. You must call and inspect this display to realize tl.e moderation of our prices. congratulations to Mr... Ah. lda;gita who ( lr'Irate.l her 5'Ith birthday 1..n Erich, . FI+)runny 1st11. ('nng l';II'il:ll h.ni (:\voce \Ito ('011.blated hi; birthday on 'Thursday. February * ) \10'. (;clrge 1;: n l 1!1;11. Congratulations to \lit I'ohl ily who celebrated her I:,;h day on un Saturday, Fibrita 'y 12111. AUBURN 1lo1 • (',:nununio:; and Ferman in Mark's Church ni'xt Sunday ;II a.111. r. anti \Ir::, Iiusse1l Keyes and ~* ' I''nlily ti.l Air. and Airs, ,\1!X114'11 wt -licit c11 t'un' ly ;;t It) home of Air, ('red \Ir. ((Hsieh King of Ise:;(lan, sp'ut Ihl_ we '.-1.011 \title 111= \tile and fain'Iv. of l:.u:;:an ft61'14 v ( BAKERY. WHEN IN M.'El) OF PRE:\ D, I3I'NS, PIES, IIOMiti-M. DE C.) KE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE E 1) :j F,• BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN I3LY'TH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG anlig Proprietor Igni ,11 .11. .1 , • 1 1 1 11 .. . . .61.1.• II 111 , 11 Prolniilent Cl'nton Ilan, .1. P. Stlep,;'ard, I3uried 11, . it (11 :1,1 1'. {) i1:(1 all.7., :(1'y i' I1. ('1111 I' ('1,11 1!1,01111 1.-11 :Im ';I ill- %%ell In: 1cn ;old Linn, ill( lull- nen :lir. Shtii:ird d:•e1 in the Clinton i1 ;);tel it. 1 is '.:rd year. I1I' 11:11 hl - 0 «Hifi:- • 1 111 t• pita!, for the Pa -t t!lnt \1'' e''`;. 11,'ee'; 1 1111(11 was n L;t.1ii,r in law of Alr 1 (' :11'11 11?;i1 t' lily it. Air. �'hol ''a''d \wa s a son of th ' I it,. '1'11'.1 is ,t,ard and l: -t) . , 1 t,l 'r 11 3.1' ,.lyd, all I 11: :; 1,1:'11 nd. 1' 1 11 1 11 ;'l'•h Tttwr '„i• ,. twi! al -l( s11, nt iI•ly11-.T.1 an 1 !:ear-' 1 111 !in ! I C4/1/1'/I • .1, \;•1 111'1'- 11, :r - 1 him in 11111'. 'l'bii farm. I r l :s!:'.:•t \•11!11• 1:1 (; .1.l' 1.;.'h Town. ' 11 1), all 1.11, r (Tine to flint 1' lc. F11' •11 110 n:)• : 1;1 y,1;. ; lie > a tion• mill c; or: tl,.' in the ; 1l(• ploy r f t::.' late .fames Fair, an I late : condo:'t (I a retail grocery 111 1).u'tnr:• hip wilt his sister, the late Kati Shcp{:ard. :After years in melon he had lived retired for the past In years. urviving are twn r.ou!;, Wynyard 1 5c::;t who I'; serving in Italy. The litter \w1as only .:1 2 \reek:: ('mint and 1'riv.It ' S.cutt slid that he had sec: my met Private Cita( in:. ('111110- : my, son of -Air. and Alt's. Ito;,c:l Chimney. ' herd (';nig received word on Alun• • (sat Hut his broth((. (;;nmol• l'arl Craig, ha; rc'arl,cd to Canada aft 't• spending 1:1 In•:nth; i:1. Em -land. Five 41. Intitl:, 11'1'1'1' 1,;'f11t ill husi)it;it, (;11:1- ner ('t'a'g was in li' lotiug 1:loci di Iv- ' I rs 11;1(1 I!II' ti -u(' 1wet,t uwel' .1 1-I to 11 1.h 1.:1111'11. Clinton, and ('11.0. Norman ! 11 oll,:11,', nn'nt with the i'1 salt th it \I 111. re!`. 0':1 . Cr lig r sired a I roll (1'.101,, ,I -1'l(' i r. \Ir. It. \I r. .1 Hu - Et! y, .1. (. ''o 1; r.' t'hathrnl. Ilull''tt, ot;tcrirnci'd a 1't1w ln\il,•: .1 1' 1.:I ;•;','Id• a luuiuin !t' t'rul.., inv... and 111'1 (do ,1 ma. y •'1' ):, !.• iunhnlin tau 1 1acl( degree. For I11(ttI, ' i'0 was 11 tory of the local lodgr, Alurpby I.. (1.1.. No. 111, an 1 hail on 1-:Vi'i:l H '. r aril(!: 1,.,)re,i 111001 1It ioll.e at 111:111,1 1-1141, Ige ril1iu III' \vas gilt o lu a;aiu''nt in the ludci)(11 lens Onl'.i. of I ,re . ill \VL1(.1l he Nis') AI 5.•1•:e;•,i't. Ile \I,, I1 ('l(1 .'stat .r iu ; rl!ti«:,, and Call d ( hnrch 1 rclig!on. Ou i l' h', oat. -tai: lin; t :!• ( n+,; \was 1!is ac(•tn'.tt,' 11_wiry I f 'Is 111 1 (, :i' 1, p iinea1, la,n:i •- 1,111 and 01' L'0aI Ii•l )1.y. Tile Lolly re tell at till' ball (\ fun( nal ho.oe ant; the funeral was hell on Monday frim \V -sh'y \\ilii; 1 -nits-( ("(:!reit. \h !e 5 ,'wi 1' w:a.; : )nllurf;11 by (Rev. A 1.ati' at ..aa p.m. Inter - went 1114 1103111' in Clinton r:' r2110y. The pallbeart1s were mi \hers et Alurphy l.jyal (;ran_••' Lodge, Airs. Colclougit was in attendance at the funeral. Ili 11114 1(1s, 11'10'11 he att.( 11111/11 to slide down from the hay rout• io ill ' d tiro and hi, (loth.1 4 (.a:lebl '1:1 :I 11.l'1 (.1 the 11.1) of tip, granary. Mr. ((.till; )y wit: lu'Id in mid-air. Percy \'in.•'ut. a iiOi_'1h•nn'ing farm( r. ;111pp, 11 d to 1'011 ' into the 1 •Irn and he rode: ;ed Mr. Itaithhy 1101)1 h't, tut- .nlfnrtal)le position. All ; Jn-hna :\ileo, Collimate 1. ‘vii- ! Ilii) receiv. 11 painful in'ln•i •1:1. I', 11 down !,.ails a' 11"r !loin'' `:le ...aught her rh.lit arm un 11 11111 •t -'t the \vi iiol 11 :0:4t;1t111 11 stilt -!l(.<. Tlr' tln 110 again iia :I:' it; •.; p 'llr- once in tht; 1i' ,1:•11•1. N ' :1 :-c110"1. 1(':;IeU• Awns 1141 ' Hl( .\I Imlay 011 ace011111 of the teacher• Alr 1!11 It Itrr.11!t11 being ill with the I'I'I. I'1 :\mare Victory ['tub rpalsored 0 val. 11:'.n1• dance on lun(1•ty night in the Fare:iter'.; (loll. \ v'ry lar;c crowd nasi ded \vitt) persons cr.'ntn: from (;.xlerich, I lyill, Landis' oro. \\'abkerburu. 1.11clim'' and the sat. - rounding community. 'i'iffin's er- rhostra of Langside provided th-' nlu•sic. and the square (lances were ' nujlerl off by John hell. he -en active carrying on his trade Ills ct FIREMEN'S ANNUAL ;1,!rp,uler, IL' r,ccivcd a sewer(- : h: el; ;;::;I inti. 1 i(.; when he fell from OLD TIME DANCE u schuoi 1, )1 wlucb he tt'as shingling 011 It - 1'12 11:11 twa!eh t'esuRt'.1 in In Memorial I-Iall, Blyth c. h. 1•am on a::;ttr.m:,1•r o «the FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 18th ta: d1::ar1.'il man was the s:,n of the late Alt, and \Ir;, \Villi:un McKnight of Nile, (:nttu'iu. Un June 11;. 1:11)0, MUSic By to Mary Steele and 1 THE HURON RAMBLERS 1';11• four yc:n'< they madded at Nile, )Mario, then staved to :1 'Anvil, Mr. Alc.liuigilt \t a; a nn'tnber of the For - 1 ,fors. .\nlnn'n. awl was identified I'r. 'tytcr'an «'lurch. Ile is stlr\'dwcd t'v Ili, twifc; 0114' 500 Earl of !.\ Minn: one daughter, Realha, Mg's. i.luyd Feraason, Clinton; two broth Come and Bring the Family, Lunch Free, Admission 50c Dancing, 9 p.in. to 1.30 a.m . Half proceeds for the Legion la'n( of C,)derich; \\'intent of I _��► g� 9 Nib..., two 1.i -ler Sarah, Airs. Charlet; 1 i S 1'hry: tai, It. gin 1; Jlattie, Mrs, \1'il• 3ACT COMEDY PLAY linin Nrnll, Itos'nn'II• dash,; 'Six g':an:l 'ellildl'l11 and 1"11 great g;andehildr:'n. "READY-MAI)E FAMILY” 1'h, I'unen,l t1s held on Saturday at p.m. from the family re.i:dere , Interni:nt will be Inane in 1)unganuan ceuletery. I3AKERY BIaEAI), C }1KI,�;`;, PIES and 13UNS, ALWAYS ON IIAN1) Confectionery and Tobaccos, PHONE 38 - I31,YTI-I- -.a,nwn>r1•14.144•vwur•• The (lour t(10t0i :1•1'; \\ I I'1' Clinton Business Sold Air. Ne!..;It 'I'ren'Iu'tita of Clinton, who has s.ne•:e stlllly operated a poul- try business for the past twenty years cold his husiics: to Mr. Clarence Livermore, a (';soler employee of \Ir. Kirl;conol I1 and Ito' i rt Tutu I rctvarlha's anti for the part ttvo years nbana;or .!' 1112 C11c.,ley branch T11'. ;u1. lbs' II•ap dlunr; of (':made 1' :; kers; L'.tl. Ile is the --r,1 of Thy. Edith I iwel i110re, Clinton urs 1t)" Late \-roil 1 ivei'more, who at Isle time of his death was reeve of (Tinton. e:o11' illi \Posit •d b, 1,1 ' ( Intl 11, -h. hers 11111 1;1•1'• 11111 1 •; 11 1' II 1!: Of 1;otI •'i: -h. 1'1211,10 \\11I (e,1111 '2.11;‘, Airs. 11.)1,1 1.l I'll« n r ;1 -11 .\a.;1. •w 1;:1r1:1.onal.r. 'Lit II"I! 1t 11 •ate , Sponsored by Group 3of the W.A. of Blyth United Church, and put on by the Walton Young People. In Blyth Memorial Hall FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 at 8.15 p.m. MRS, G. BRADLEY, SOLOIST. Admisslon 3Ec; Ch!Idren 22c. 21.1-2 Son Wounded Ove:essiu Mr, and Mrs, Charles l.'awrie of "111''se'r, rnceive(1 word that their only son, Pte. hverett Charl(3, of (113 British Sth Army was twice tl'o in lea in action in Italy, first on Dec !ni)er I 1 th when he refused to give tip fi,ght in„ and next on January 112 when Ito recciwcd more serious injuries. I'.r the i 1'11-,10 111 11 11'. .i1.:1 :1111 "14. I.,It., 1 1'.,: cl'1 1 nu nI'.. . 'file Ila aAIll , I'. ' 1 Ili,«. 1:11 online d 111,1t 11111: all {' a ''0 were paid 1!te prof. 1 . 11:11 1 .11; Ii 1 , 1.1 ,. Al ns. Wesley 1:4;1(101;'•!h.. Cc. ..0111 eon \ I Ile •, itt:n lair 'e 1 1 a. ,l'it'ter (lanae -:l! b.. h. 1 1 irk tl! Ai 1: • 't. I. I', 1!'1.. All'. � Please Phone Delivery Orders Early. I, Delivery, elivery, North of Dinsley Street. air! .111.. ni'I .,•,I \" illi I o . n1. 14r 1, ip Afternoon Delivery, South of Dinsley Street. Delivery Orders - $1,00 or Over. i\f i1 1,7k:t6'tia".',!4111'Olgtt'*VCCWOZ'Cif.'(,tC4KN;QKtgiCt 441144411 (CtiRt$(4titat6 4414 i• i yp 111 11 1.i S et UART ROBINSON Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. „I.1 \.t.:, to Al 11 : 1'r 1:,:. it ") ., ill 11 111'1'; 1' I' `• 1, ; ! al (Il AI' .%day 1 \1 Ho?. it 1:' Iii 1, iotl '1111 1• 1 11 11. Hi( 'll=\t nr,- 11 nh tea: ' -rwe'I. .\ 1, .,,11: ' 1• ,ti 1117 dl1 ,1'11 '1 1 11• : ing tea elft (.1 Ali-:• 1'„ llualau;l .\1101. Ai: , l' aic \\a: ter' t1'('i111('11t or 111 (ny C,itl 11)1' 111 JO: dJ rd ) N'G'-iT 1bath cl,Il1(I fl ;in h ).r r d 'bone early Thursday 1111 a o^ \w!'1 :1 .1•,1111 i 1% 11 Meki1it'tt d!rd Pt 11 0 1:11•• i . .\'t In'n tp fol 101011;4 an illres, of Iv.(1 :old a half tit yoarF. Pre\ i'olAy Ur. \1 knight hal Kraft Dinner 20c. Eggweat Noodles .15c (rade Fruit each 5c Ilct Chocolate , 5c, 6 for 25c Red River Cereal and Old York , . ..:25c Ault Jemima Pancake and Buckwheat Flour Olive, Stuffed, 30c and 15c. Olives Plain 30c Robin Hood and Purity Flour. GRIT AND SHELL MAKER Green Label and Canada 'Dry Ginger Ale. SATURDAY --- Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage, Carrots, Radishes and Tomatoes, �,;nitDt�t�n]t�FAI?t�tbtil`rlitit.