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The Blyth Standard, 1943-08-04, Page 1
VOLUiME 17 - NO. 52. IHUG11 HILI, L r 1 Sl;11ol:11'il 111 Iter ill Muton• 13Ile •1 tvho c ttl t , vii to d t'. al. lsiy f h Council Meeting LYTH STANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1943, YOUR LOCAL PAPER -John Hanna's Majority 129 Over Liberal, Hugh Hill DR. HOBBS TAYLOR DEFEATS BENSON TUCKEY IN S, HURON Hannals Majority In Blyth Was 15, Jchn Manna, prominent \Winghaan citizen, triumphed over Hugh 11111, 1.411- erul, ;111c1 henry Lantz. C.C,F., in the Provincial IJIections held this 11'odnes• day, August •Ith, Mr. Hanna's majority over his near• est opponent, 11ugh 11(11, was 110 votes. Almost as soon as returns started coining in, \Ir, Hanna went into the lead, and although 11r. 11111 gave hint it close taa:e all the way, victory could not be denied Ittnt. The C.C.F. candi. (tat-, Air, Lantz. although beaten, made a splendid.showing, particularly in his home district, thus testifying to his popularity, In Huron, Dr, Robbs Taylor, Con- servative Candidate, won over Menson Turley, Liberal, and Wm. Ostreicher, (.C.1'., by a majority of 159, The I.ih" ral Government, headed by '1'11,' re;cni•:u' nnonliiiy in e''in_ of the Hon. 11. C. Nixon was headed tor de• ,Qllylli .\Innicilial t' u u it of the Cor- feat at the time this article was writ - Vol al l rit•Volali ', el' 1'41 II 1111:i belie ntt 'Tues -lien I\Vedttesday:V:';il), At that time day e';uin;, :1111 n.'•1 ;:lel, with Reeve .Progressive Conservatives had °;0 ("Morrill. 'and 1' i t 'illorii l texler. ,members elected, and were leading in 111i;,b;, I:ainloa and : eri,o' my fres- 15 other Ridings. The C.C,I','s had cut. l'.I NIcanbers elected, and w.erc leading f Minn: of last regular meeting o in 10 other Seats. The Liberals had July iii, i:;, r( lel ate' tuedirmed on elected 10 Seats, anoti n til('out;eillur \1':i;,ht lord 1\'inghanl really ,tvhoeped it up for Cahoon. carried, ' their'hontc•town candidate, when over 2.1.100 people gathered in (the streets to honour Mr. Manna. Mr, }canna addres- sed the radio audience over UICNX, as (lid the defeated candidates, llugh hill and Henry Lantz, An cstImated 715 percent of the local vote turned out, and gave John Manna, a nta.iority of 15. :Although 'interes't !gamin viiia Hospital. re indig- t,l :,1.11) during the campaignfailed to reach any great degree of height, when the Dr. K. \I;u'lean, r(' indigent s,09 time for voting came, Interest grad- , - 111113' pcppc(I up, ,,.IA I.\Int 1 ,1 by •('u:u,cillni 1\\'rig b1, Matt c. m iiunieatiun trent \1'orhur.tn'= CimpeietaiHa to hill over tegmla lie\ter 111111 uttlil Ili. nett a 'led, Rills and Accour;s: DIY! It I 1 y tiro ('Una int issintt, I'uiic 1 ('hutch 131)111 IIy11ru ('nunni'• °rn, illyth 1lydrn ('annnis ion, I'uuln III,tI.,e .7,5 Co. of Enron. re itl,ll •. et ... 11.35 ilts'ii'allt'e: , . :i'2,'�� Garfield I'aherty, ':11. for .hill IJ.tt11 John .\. c,:\\ at. sal. for July.. x0.110 11'n1. 1.oiiau. titin:: Bitty 5n A. \1 1'. (lith, i lien' eonliaabli• 2.1)0 IA. I'. I' our and tiH. of 111 1' 1 1' . . . • .. .. . : I . It n Tit':,. 'I'. I''lliull, re in li,.e nl pun) illicic ;:e'11, Iabm11. 1 .(1•5i (Rohl! on'. Store, salt coal oil .5:; Celli 1' . 12.0n \Ic';e;l 1 y ('onpcillnrs Dexter ;Intl \\'riyiit That account, a:; read he paid. Curie i. Aleve I by (.0010.111 (0's I'e\ter Hud 13:1i1,;e'i: 1101 w• do IP, \\• adjourn, eCa 'r 1 i'1 (:(triton I?Iiint I, ('left riiO1'ris 'S'o\\'nsilit) Cow Doing Full Share n f. t aim. on the third cone <:en r. More'; tcwildtip, It t a cow• winch I: doing (veil to help iJt Can't .t'; 1'0 al musket ion programs. 1Wilhin ibe last 12 months slit, has hit to two pairs all given Ili of will( h are aIive nail nt 1\VMS, Quint; well, IRON. II. C. NIXON Le;td('r of Dr: though though rc-t'1t•otid his (:ovcrnttu'It Liberal Party. Al- in itis own ]tiding, went dotvti to defeat. The vote by Polls was as. follows: Polling Sub•Division No. 1 1111111tH, iii, 11111, Irl, Lantz, 23. Polling Sub•Divison 1 I i11111at,... 11. 11111, 50, Lantz, 21. Majority for Mr. 1Iantta, 1'5, 'More were three spoiled ballots In' the two Polls. • LIEU'('. -COL. GEORGE DREW Who on Wednesday, August 1Ut, led his Party, the Progressiv"-CoIser. vatives, to Victory in the Ontario Elee-tions. :Borth the (tidings of Ilu•on, and Huron -Bruce, elected I','oge;sive-Con-set'vallves, 1)r. Robbs 'Taylor, and John 1y. I lanma, War Auxiliary Met Swine Club Elect Officers A nt^t'ling of the Myth Swine Club w•aS held in Blyth on 'Tuesday, .1,Igust :i -d, for the purpose of electing offi- cers for the ensuing year. The meeting was under the guidance of lir. Simon Ilallahan, and officers elected were els follows: 11 was mtoved, and carried, That President: Alvin 1'luttk('lt, Ai-hurn. $28,80 proceeds of last dance hp sent. \'ice. -fres.: Arnold Falconer, 1hlytlt. to Chinese Relief. and $,-o,nO to Secretary: Ken. 11ci:onild, Myth. No, 2, Queen'sFund, free Pyesis. There was a good ;ill' tlelaltre of It was decided to discontinue the members, and all showed a great in - The Girls' \Vat' Auxiliary nut at Elizabeth Mills on 'Tuesday evening, August 3rd, Mrs. Dorothy Stewart, Vice•Pt'cesident, gave out iced Cross sewing, and knitted articles were handed in to 11rs. Jean (fray. AMONG THE CHURCHES TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rcv. P. H. Streeter, LTh., Rector August 8, 1943. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 14:30 A.M. Itcv, L. V. Pocock. of Ilespeler. will officiate, • V— BLYTH UNITED CHURCH ,Next. Sunday Amgust '9, Rev. A. Simi:'ir will conduct the., services Morning and Evening. 10:15: Sunday School; 111:!1.5: Subject, Daniel, A man -greatly beloved. 7 1'.M,: Subject, Shutting the Gate. v PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Services Next Lord's Day. Myth Sunday School 10 a.tn. \Vore>)tip 11 a.m. 1 The Daily Vacation Bible School Demonstration and Awards during Blyth service. , Smith's 11111 Sunday School 2 p.m. Worship 3 p.m. Auburn Sunday School 10 a.m, Worship 7,30 p.nt, Daily Vacation Bible School at the Auburn Service. A hearty welcome to all, Rcv. A, 0. Thomson, Minister v WEDDINGS meetings until the fall term. teresit in their work, Splendid ability .was shown by the boy's in the ntnn- V---�— agetnent of the i nr.'ding. '('hose tires- ent were as follows: Canadian .Iain For England i Jade Crawford, Maurice I lallahan, dial [Hulking, Alvin Plunkett, Bruce Falconer, Arnold Falconer, ICrn Brig- ham, Harold Gross, Ken. 31nBouald. V The following is one of hundreds of letters that have conte to the (led Cross Society from the recipients of the 4)2,77'5 four -pound tins of jinn sent to England last year by the Women's Institutes and Canadian lied Cross Society. These iritis come front Montes t'or Ea'acues, Babies' Hostels, Children's Nurseries, hospitals and Convalescent Irotites all over England. COL. DREW WILL ASSUME PREMIERSHIP .Late returns from Ontario's war- time election indicated that LL -Col. George A. Brew. Progressive (Thum.- vutive leader, will he called to the gage at part-time employment (luring premiership, succeeding lion, Harry the school year, ,so long as it does mot \\',V,S., Food Dept., C, Nixon. (interfere with theirteaching hours. 35 Stoney SL, Nottingham. While the election resulted in a stale I'1)ut'Ing vacation teachers are rucour• Dear Madam: 1 cannot toll you holy nulla, with no single party obtaining a "aged 10 take other high priority work. Monday, August 01h. thankful we are for this generous and majority in the Legislature, Col. Drew (halt generally speaking and apart from wonderful gift. You would need to seemedcertain to head the bigge;t in• �'cmploymeut in agriculture, teacher; see these children's laceS, at the sight'dividull group of members, with close anus( secure Selective Service permits of a normal portion of jam, instead to 10 of the 90 seats, tbefore entering employment. Teach - of a very st01)1y spread which our \Ve,tern Cntario, considered a' Lib- ''s will not require permits to engage ration allows us. real stronghold, provided more twin .at wort( In thein own profession. its Shan't', of upsets and surprises ill The Vett' regulation defines (l tea. yesterday's provincial election as the :elle!' as any person will teaches or avalanche of anti-government votes ,'instructs In a school, college or tint - sent down to defeat Nixon Cabinet. 't''etsity 'Arrangements Completed For Red Cross Frolic • Donations For Refreshment Booth Urgently Needed. Final arrangements no. the Gala Iced Cross Frolic to be held on the 11;tin Str,I rt, Illylh, on the evening of Thursday, .\ttgnst 12th, were made ;It the Iced ('toss meeting on Tuesday, afternoon. A lull nvt'ning's eatertaiumu'nt is Mantic(' for all those who tilt ttd. There will be a large Bingo Rooth with a loud speaking sy ;tem. and splendid prizes are assured for iii.; 1'cat'tt'c icth'actinn. :\Ise the re twill 1 ' tunny uthei' gaates n1' shill, and chance. :\ popular spot will lie the Fortune 'felling liooth. outdo(); dancing on a good dance floor \111 be the rutin attraction for the younger people, Basic will be supplied by McDov, 'II'.; Orcio,str t. Tho Society is anticipating difficul- ty In securing supplies for the re• freshet, :lit booth, and in view of this they art, seeking contribution; of sandwiches, pie ;nd sugar, and any- thing else that aright he ::ni(;ibl ' for (l refreshment booth. II' the usual roireshmcnt booth supplies are not available, (which is highly probable, it is planned to make 1Ir. booth inure of a homemade variety. with coffee, pie, sandwiches, and atythhlg else suitable, that citizens care to tumid - JOHN W. HANNA 'imminent \\'iugham Alert Fant, who (won out oter the Liberal Candidate, Hugh hill, and tip. ('.('.i'. Candidate, Henry Lantz, by a majority of I'M, llaptismal Service .1t an inieresiing ceremony held in S1. \lark's I';e•i,h on the I;t' t Sunday in July. the ileo. 1', II. Streeter of;fici- ale ti at the lial,tism of the following children: t;eurge Eldon Jones, on of 'Air, awl 31r ('hit les E. Junes of Colborne bale. (.'ontribillton; to this booth are 1'I'olwn hip: Je:in Illizabeth Kirlconuell erg: ally deeded, so pian now what and Ilarnld \Vitt. ICiricoineil, children you tau skate to help , of Alf. and 3Ir . .11ith•ew• W. Ktrkcon- Renu'nt'ter the date, 'Thursday ening, August 12th. nilly, Lila Evelyn, Edna Luella and v I :h n Mart;) D;u'r. children 01' Mr, and \I is. John .1. Daer. .\I r. and \Ifs. Bert l'eachers Status Detailed Edward ram., presented theh' child "'l'he general intention of Selectivelren alit. \lacy Isabel, Ross Samuel Semitic Regulations, its applying to and Edward ('hale;. teachers", according to \1r. A. J. ew- Hell; Also Imbert Ilettry, Edith llof- The Rector and his slaughter were Schnurr, tutelage; of the local Employ• entertained for supper at the home ntetnt and Selective Service office, "is ut' 31r. and Mrs. ',nu Baer after the Ito retain teachers at their protect;ion l:aptisti of the children of 1\1r, and during the school year, and to make firs. Kitkcunm 11, 31r. and Mrs, John the best possible use of their services 3. I:aer and Alt.. and Mrs, Bort Daer, during vacation," An enjoyable time was had by all, Air. Sehnert. said there Wright be some misunderstanding among teach- ers its to their (status under Selective Service Civilian Regulations, Ile ex - plaints(' this statue in this Way: illy Order in Council of Jute 17, 19.1:1, teachers were brought under Selective' Service, Previously they had been exempt in so far as entploy- nu'nt ;it their profession Is concern - led. Now a teacher must continue at the leaching prnl'e,,'c,ion during the school year, and can only leave to take other lull -time eutploj'tttent. ex• rept in the agricultural industry, un- der permit from Selective Service. It is not the intention to authorize tea- chers to leave the profession, where Filch services as teachers are needed. Teachers may still jttht the armed forces without permit, or they may en- CONGRATULA'T'IONS ('ongratulations to Aiarlyn iCechtie who ct'lc'n'ates her :al birthday on August ielh. Cottgcttnkations to Mr. Harvey Muir ley twlmo celebrates his birthday on Au- gust 7th, Congratulations to Ken. Scott, of 211 Strathmore Ave., Toronto, who celebrates his ;illi birthday on August 5t it, Congratulations to Shirley Falconer who celebrates her 10th iftInlay on Thursday, August Slit. Congratulations to Ur. Charles Nich- olson, who celebrates Itis birthday' on I only wislt the good folk in Canada who make these gifts possible could see these children. I always tell the children where these things come from, and although some of them are so small they all say "Thank you Canada." 'Our very grateful thanks, Yours faithfully. (Signal) E, ,I, Anna(;. V Red Cross Donation Contribution for Greek Relief from a group of junior girls $2.00 R. Philp, Treasurer. v--r— Ven, Archdeacon 1':. Naughton. of M'l 1.1)R•UM—AlacCORd{[NIDAd_th; At 'Springfield, 111,, Rev, Reginald Haugh, the. \V.R.C.N.S. Chapel, Ottawa, on' i ton, of Barrie, Mrs. Bert Clement, of Frida;,', July 23rd, 1943, Major 11V. E. i Toronto, and Mrs. Chas. 'McNeil, of llcldrtun. C.D.C. 11.Q., to Nursing ,Toronto, are visiting at the home of Sister Kathleen MacCorkindale, ' Mr. and Mrs. 1''. A. Rogerson, being youngest daughter of the late J. 1-1.1called home owing to the serious 111 - and Mrs. MacCorkindale, of Owen ness of their mother, Urs. Ilaugrton, Sound. The bride is a sister ofwho, we are very sorry' to report, 1s Mrs. I1, D. Philp, of Blyth. 'v�e'ry low. ministers along with the rank and file, Toppled out of office were such Lib - trot carried on for gain. v -- Letter Of Appreciation erne lenders as Hon. P. \l. Dewun, i lr Alinister of Agriculture; Mott. ,lames 0 Blyth Red Cross Clark, Speaker in he lust. Legislature, The following letter was rec�'ived who lost to \Vindsot'-Sandwich to th,e recently by the Myth Red ('toss, from C.C.F. Warrant Officer V„\. Rutherford, on A coalition Gnvernunrrtl of soma Active Service with the RAY. in lip kind sccined the probable solution to (11.1a. The latter is in apprec'iattou of the problem created ;_y voting ht ta parcel sent to him, which apparently Wednesday's election, 'There 1s a urns greatly' appreciat.('d, and arrival Coalition of Liberals and Progressive in good order: Conserwaliver in British Columbia, India, June .1th, 1:1.13 with the C.C.F. os official opposition. Blyth (led Cross. "Dear Friends: 1 have rest ived your Those, w•110 officiated at the Polls in . tttost welcome parcel w•bitch you no Blyth on Wednesday were: 1'ollhtg Doubt were wondering if 1 had receit'• Sub -Divi iott No. 1, Jami'' 1)enholnl, cd, but being as mail service is a hit Returning officer; Mrs. MnnCamp- slow it was about 7 months on the way, but witS apprecIated immensclt•, SO 1, oybehalf of myself, and all oth- er boys Overseas, give our thanks and appreciation of lout. lcimliers in send- ing us these parcels. 1'it11111(1Itg y'elil again, 1 l'x111(1111, Sincerely. V, A, RUTHERFORD." bell, Urs. Glousher. \ifs. 1lerrington, 11. l)exier, Sam Creighton, A. 1101011- E011, 10bh1- Bon. Polling Sub -Division No, ': 1.1. Cartwright, 1letnr$ing Oaicer, Mrs. Harold Phillips, Mrs. F. Oster. \\'n►. ,rreighton, Moses Il.oltzhauer and (leo• (iai'iiiss. Congratulations to .\ubrcy 31nNicltol who celebrated his 1irthd(1y on Fri- day. July :loth, Congratulations to Arlene Richmond who celebrates her rah birthday cot Thursday, August 51 h. BENSON W. TUCKEY 1.ib'eral candidate in the Riding of Huron. twh" wart defeated by 1h'. Ito,lbs Tit, :.(:, Prow(. ssive-Conscrya tivc, int \Wcducsdity's election. Mess() • e From Montgomery yollb that they ad Re, 1,4 t would say: we well lie a employment, cls: ba you( rink whatever may HUNTING $ THE ' To each one of L AND GOOD GOOD LUCK A NOF ITALY HOSE COD ITR fS Gen. Sir Bernard L, Montgomery, now leading his British Eighth Army against the Axis in Sicily, im. spired his troops with the pre -invasion message whose concluding words are shown here. He is pictured donning a sweater just before renewing battle with Axis forcers. How Can l ? ? By Anne Ashley. Q.—How can i chin matting? A.—Wipe off the matting with a cloth wrung from salt and water, end it will prevent it from turn- ing yellow. Q,—How can I protect the lower !Wert of the stalls In the basement? A.—When painting the base- ment floor, let the paint extend about tern inches above the floor. This will be a protection to the lighter colored walls when the floor is hopped. Q.—How can I easily cut f:'(sh bread? A.—Pass the blade, of the, bread knife through n flame to heat it, and there will be no difllro)ty in Gutting fre1-h bread, Q.-11ow can I destroy earth- worms in the soil of a potted plant? A.—Pitt a teatsponful of cam- phor in a quart of water and sprinkle the+ soil with this while It is dry. Q. -1 -low can 1 prevent curtains from blowing out of the window and becoming soiled? A.—By using lead dress -weights. These weights can be covered with material the same color as the curtains, then slipped into the bot- tom hems of the curtains. Using about five weights In each heal will make the, curtain hang even- ly. \regotable production In Britain has been raised from the pre-war figure of 2,500,000 tons to 4,000,- 000 ,000;000 tons. VATICAN WILL BE SPARED BOMBS Allied bombers are attacking by daylight in their precision rrobing of Rome to avoid hitting the Vatican City. Here is the rt.: of St. Peter's and, immediately in front of it, the Piazza Pietro. Most military targets. in Rome are at least three miles om these Vatican buildings. FUNNY BUSINESS OPERATING ROOM CAMP HOSPITAL N0.2 . 1940 85 HE . SERVICE "I don't care if it is appendicitis, out conte your tonsils— the sergeant says you talk to much!" STOP iTCNHBtRa h For Quick rellet from itching of Insect bites, heal rash, athlete's foot, eczema and other externally caused skin troubles, use Last -acting, cooling, and. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Creaselea% stainless. Soothes irritation and Quickly stops Memo Ito hlag. 35c trial bottle proves It, or money back. Ask your druggist today for 0, 0, D. PRESCRIPTION. DAS MaHy BIRDS ':t•. 4 TIMIS WITH••'Dlaci C A P Ileaf4o BRUSH ROOST APPLICATOR No paint -brush bristles to absorb and waste "Black Leaf 40"—Our "Cap -Brush" roost applicator spreads it thinner, and snore evenly. Makes "Black Leaf 40" go four times as far—and still gives effective results. "BLACK LEAF 40" Applied to the roosts with the "Cap -Brush", kills Tice and feather mitts—is easy to use —costs extremely little. For individual bird treatment a drop placed in feathers two inches below the vent kills body lice—a drop on the back of hirds'necks kills head lice. Apply with "Cap• Brush." Sold by Dealers Everywhere CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A U'I'UM 0111LEn—Us1:D USI•:\) CARS %VITA UOOD TJ1t1:S, Sce us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Cur Lot et 2+140 \rouge Street; (lead Office, 632 Mount Pleasant (toad, 'I'o• ronto. Telephone 1IY. 2181, AU'i'O PAIt'I'S NEW AND USED PARTS FUR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop to rvice. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontallo. 11.1111- CHICKS 1)05"1' IIESI'I'A'PE to write us for late summer and fall chicks, as there will he some hatching to take care of such orders. Order new also for September end Oc- tober , hicks. illay Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont. W I: CAN S'I'iLL SUPPLY Y011 with a limited number of day- old and started chicks, two and three ttecics of age for immed- iate delivery. Also older pullets from eight weeps up to 21 weeks. Pool; your order now for fall Initch, d day-old chicks. Free cat- alogue. '1'tvcddle Chick 1.Intcher- les Limited, Fergus, Outerine • W 111'1'1: LEGlHOlt\ 1'l1JJ.l;'1'S, TW() weeks 2tie, 3 weeks 25e, 4 weeks 'car. [:uddartl (:hick llalcheries, Rritnnnia Heights, Ont. & CLEANING HAVE YUU ANYTILIN(i NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. 1Ve• are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment II, Porker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. l'19ATIIIoRtS WANTED WiLL PAY THE FOLLOWING prices for (loose and Duck feath- ers: Goose feathers, 68c lb.; Duck feathers, 48c Ib. Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundee St, Last, Toronto, Ont. i'Olt SALE THIRESiIING OUTFIT FOR SALE. licit Separator, (tamely engine. Apply to 1. G. Battler, Platte - vine, Ontario. DUE '1'O LABOR CONDITIONS 1VE ate forced to dispose of 103 or more of our registered Palomino and Tennessee Walking horses including pleasure horses. brood snares, stallions, yearlings and suckling colts of grand champion blood lines. Send for our descrip- tive price list,—FISHI•:11 I'ALOM- IN(.l 1'AII3IS, Souderton, I'ennsyl- vau!a, 8051E 1'HOlC1•: YOUNG Its•:G1STER- ed Vol (:shire sows just bred, and some choice young Registered boats (thou t. ready for service. Edgar Dennis, 11.11. 2, Aurora, Ont. .BI,.U'KSM1'I'1I, 11"001)11'ORIi ANI) gt per:11 reprdr shop, house and lot, food falrning district. G. T. Itcdburn, Tect•water. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee By Robertta Lee, 1.--ls 11 really essential that there be a wedding rehear.al? 2, --;should all the nun stand at the table until 1)11 the women rare sealed? 3. ---is it proper for n ratan to wear a tvristI)t li ttlilt full over ning dress? 1, -i)) it never t- r' 111111 a 1111111 t)'ho Is 1r:1v1'11i11p alone, 1/!-.O the 111'v11X "Mr." when registering at a hotel? 5._ \T", 1, a\ lug the dinner 111110 to Saner, t111;1t should one do uit11 hi>, nankin? 6. is It tit rrs:::tt\ that n nu11) rise when he is heli!. hllledired to (Mather ratan? Answers. 1 \\'Milo nut u' ,,en11a1 -'It is far in Iter to have 1t rehe;11's;ll Than to have any embarrassing blunder occur during the cell, awn)'. 2-1-o, 3--•-.o; he should carry a pocket Ivalch, 4-- No; he should recipe(• 11(4 Julul 0. Green, New Fork. 5 -Leave the napkin unfolded by Ihn side 01 the lila! 0. 6 --Yes. Britain Will Draft Youths For Mines British boys from 10 to 18 years of ago must be drafted for work In English coal mines to boost the lagging production of coal for the nation's fuet•hnugry n'lu' Indus- tries, Ernest Bevin, minister e,f labor, told the Blackpool Mine Workers Federations last week. Pleading with the federation not to "raise a political storm" over the issue. Bevil' said it was ur- gent that 30,000 to 00,000 youths LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City DeIiv ry SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) !Ai 11.,a,11, 116Nlo,ii'a,eLiY..1w Ah lnlloula li.11..(11u1.,.l1, M1DDLENSAGE< WOMEN (, ;a) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -- suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands le- markably helped, Follow label direc- tions, Made In Canada, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS GOUT IIAL91 13AUN11•:1•:1(A FOOT L'ALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, 0U1:1, N 0011 WANTED MAI'Li;, 11110'11 A N 1) MINE]) cordwood. 1eIrst or second grow, it. Also Alillwood. State full particu- lars ;tud lowest prices. Walter 8[•hiess, 19 \teliu4u St., 'Toronto, iHAI1tI)It1:SSING SCHOOL L19 A It N HAIRDRESSING 't'H1? Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, ltobertson'e Hairdressing Aead• elny, 137 Avenue (toad, Toronto. MACHINERY FOlt SALE-1 —1 ADVANCE-11U5IELY 011 full, operates on fuel oll. Mounted on traction 1)11cels and grousers. Good condition. Immed- iate delivery, King Paving Co, Ltd„ (lox 311, Oakville, Ont. 11E1)ICA I, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 110ni$1) the Torment of I)ry Eczema, Rashes and Weeping Skin Troubles, Post's Eczema e;l1ve 11'111 Sot Disappoint you. itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, Acus, Ringworm, Pimples end Athlete's Loot will respond readily to this sttrtnless, odor- less ointment, )•cgardtcsit of how stubborn or hopeless they tnay seen(. PRICE $1.00 Prlt JAi{ Sent post free on receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St, 1:., Turner or Logan TURUNTO 11:1)It'AI, fever from Rheumatic tains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- g'!n, Otta we, $1.1,0 1'ostp;tid. NURSES WANTED. GRADUATE 01t UNDEILGRADU- ate nurses fes general duty, 8• hour duty and half day a week. Apply, giving full particular's. Superintendent, Memorial hospi- tal, Listowel, GREAT NEED FOR GRADUATE nurses, ,Mission Hospital, 511511- Saskatchewan and Indian Residential School, Manitoba. Experienced practical nurse with references would be considered for sultan School. Apply Candidate Sec. Presbyterian Women's Mission Society, 100 Adelaide St. \Vest, Toronto. UII,S AND GREASE. TRACTOR OWNERS SEND . FOR our new 1943 price list on oils end grease. Co -Operative Oil Con1Pnny, 3570 Dundas St. W., Toronto. It's ami/o!. c00%. sweet smoke be ca1l6s1 up. 1le ih tlosi'd that al• though 47,000 miners have return- ed to the pits front other higher - paid Jobs, the nunibl r of miners has fallen to 690,000, Ile estimat- ed the absolute minimum nredrll to keel) production at the neces- sary' level at. 720,000 to 7611,00e, "Heretofore boys reaching the (Int!i ity0 h;lVo LI.1:. ;:i\on Iit( !r choice of going into tin arnica forces or into the alines, but Merin said that yo far only 3,d0u have taken mining Jobs in prrterence to ; o -reals a-11:1;1th Lht8 011ur ;+rad Professor; ,',')•rat Is the most potent Pc 'c',"l" Student: "f.r ; •rpla drop and you're or_ ff'+f ;aJT. Its •• r` . ' ., . ^ tom'• c`' .,'> j We'Il Bet ou a Million • .. that someday You'll say We Were Right! But some day may be too late . , . thercfe:rc vie suggest that you read the little booklet we bale preparted that tells you the TRUTH about l'l ,' r t; and Mining Investments. You'll agree after roti Lave rt,'ad it ... that it will prove to be an in• valuable guide in your future purchases of r1,:1.'r,g equities. If you are seriously interested in tLc future of Canadian Mining this hook will 1'' not to you FREE of charge. ~ — — CLIP COUPON AND MAIL — — — — — SHERWOOD & CLARKE -- Prospectors and INvelope'rn . 427 Wilson Building - 73 Adelaide St. Weft, Toronto Natne Address ,Judie- . i..,,,..--•4u11h,G4rsJ," yy„ -" ; "•'.•u,;±l':,1dz:L f e xa.r ., CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS niii:i?.MA'1'IC PAINS Tttl 11' — t:1't:lt1' SUFFERER of Rheumatic 1'1)1)1.' or Neuritis 811001(1 try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's 1)rug Store, 3a5 Elgin, Ot- tawa. $1.00 1‘stpaid. 1'110'1'OGItA I'll l' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Ileal, Hain, or 111,11 HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall. Any 5 or 8 exposure Min pet feetly developed and printed for only 26c. Supremo qunllty and fast service guulnoteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Cot; oto "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE .. . That's IV11115 a customer at Uutre- mont, Clue., tvrites, He adds: "Soule of my friends asked me tvhere 1 sent my Pictures to bo developed and printed. I told them, 'bend your rolls to Star Snapshot Scrslee, and they did, They, too, are now reg- ular customers of Star snapshot scrvleed' Any Size Rolf —6'or 8 Expo: tires, DEVELOPED AND ',HINTED 25e Boys 11101 girls of active service enjoy letters so much more when ' "snaps" are enclosed. Mall your next role to Slur snap - allot Service for a trill order. You will get quality prints, with fitter detail—at lowest cost. And you will get the most prompt mall service obtainable In 'seeping with quality work. Star snapshot Sert lee oper- ates Canada's biggest and best equipped photo finishing studio. 3 MOUN'F3:D E\I,AHDEH1:N'P5 23e Size 4 x 6" Bautiful Easel 6fottntsIne . You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a 8101111 udditiunal charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE pox 1211, Postal '1'erulluu1 A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly on all orders, )r FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints (1',01) each 11014,11)) e. Re- prints 2c eaten. Muntreu1 Photo, P,U. 13ux I60, Stolon J', 81 ontreaI. Tit AC'I Olt PAIN'S rl(Ae:'rUlc VA lf'1'a N t; \Y AND used, lot all makes ut tractors Liebe! al AtItu and t'ructui Supply, 13 Frederick at., Kitchener. tint, l'AI'1;fU11,11 • STU\IACYI AN I'llIREAD \\'UIIMS often ate the cause of ill-lienilfl in Muttons all ages. No one Im- ntule! Why nut find out it tills is your trouble? 1111,1 e long I;, r• ((ethics—Free! Write Nltit veney's Remedies, Specialists, 'Toronto 3, Ont. 'I'011.11lt) 6 -POUND 5.1311'1,1: I'.\''IC.\1:I: 5'11{- 510ta, )torts}. Y,;ulnl: r ':ud 1'01or It af tobacco '1 ilh I„•t1,. 4 :11111 Harrel inn, $3 put t ':101. IMO,v.•11 Toloteeu Exchont:r, Ruth t..14 1)1)1 TEACHERS WANTED 1911)'1'I•:S'1'.1N'1' '1' 1: A 1' 11 1: It 1):) bed 101 5.5. 51.111•, Solar}' , u1d 1111,11.!1,,1111.:•-• 1111111 s to ,•111)111, u r est the ' t of S.,plcnlh.'r. \1'llh 1O110111; 11un)h,•r t[I 1'h1u1.s 1lc1111kon, Scrr, t:1,, fret\ u), r, 1; 1t. No, 1 I1,IIiel,,y, (tat. 11'.1':'1'I;U — .\5-15't'AN'r 'f1;Ai 'll- er fat' Sp.u•1;t 12o1: 0 (11li•v1 School, 1Vrituahnt; quahfil.[- Huns and salclry' to Gra at Piet, - Sparta, Ont. BETHANY ; 15'.1N11:1 I'i; )t '':.';'- Blot teacher for I'Wilt: ticht„1 Utiou lout en, 1•"wa: hip f :,\titters, County el I lut!latn. 1 . 1![ (1 to commence Sep tem b••r lir• t. Apply, stating to tine:Ito and .alury expected, to tie Is, Secretary, Dcthtiny, 11.11. No. lin Lark). l'110'C1•:S'TAN'I' '11.11.'11111 S.S. No. 1; Day, Santry $1,11110, 11 Irilpils. .\ppiy Jacob 31. Gttgc- 1.101, 11, No, 3, Zurich, Ont. QUALIFIED 'I'1:.\+'ItEIt VON 5.5. No. 12 lanett, t. r, ,'apalde 1f 1( telling English and e'rett['h, salary 41,0111). ,I. Y. I;dirr, tiec. 1'rc;t•„ Dathouii0 81111s, 1nit. l t•Al,i'II:I) t'RU'I'1•:s'1'.1NT T1 5('11. 1 r, Itura1 School Salto•;• x111 Nlpissl)g District. State age 11:.ti experienve. I)uti, sr. nuuru,:e S, tem 010. \pply \Vol.l;nlh- crglcn, tint, 11'.\NTL:II A 1;1L1N,;i':\1, 1';;;;SI'IJ. \Knelt h tulle 1, veto,: for 1') 01. - (0)11 01001, •hoot. .\pp:y It. v. _then 5, !kid, .,•,t5 Mentrrale • 111`:r)RN'1(: I, S.S. No. 1, sot,llnw"r:11 nl:'l Il:.rl)1:11) tlistriet of Kellet 1. ;hare sit )0I3 expected: 11111il1 I cul,1- 1111 nee Sept. 1ir't. ',it'): to I: /,oernle, 81.1'r\ 11 )), 1'1•:111 '1 'I'1its - t 1 )ilIorw iv, I)t,). t;l'.11,11'11•:1) t't0('t't i :\S't' 'i'cnch- 1 r for 5.5. No, 1`or.. 1011)) ('0111113.. 11;11;1 s' •r0)1t11[•I;, e S, Id. 1, 1913. .lpply s.rntin. qua si- fi.•:Ition u)1(1 >: 1.,I3 111 .'it's, 11. \1' \Illfurd, S, (1' 1 Ilan•; u, 11111. ' \h )N{:'f1'll.l,ls, 051'.: I'r,t••sit t aehrr tt•antr'I ,,,t' 5.5, :;u. I''111•(1111.1' and 1.1101.3:1)0,,shin 1)i trirt Salory imoot, et,robin.),tt lit. .5 poly :1t liner 1e, 11:11 0t J'11. er, .\((tlle( t'lllc, Do. 1'I'RI;1'5; I'Itll'I'1:,'.'1'.1\•)• h',ch, r tor S.S. No.\\', 1:11,1i1tri \ ellin,lln 1'1iu111, tin., • 010, - Dirt Fermi, „Il min.:. 1011ii. SIN rt Selltcnlhl r .1 oho Rennie, 11.11. :I Fer;;us. 11.1(11(5',) +)14 1,\111:, tl1'.14.)i1t'I) leacher wanted ter 5,5. :;1. lit Raglan. Salary 4110e, .\p!,;: slat- ing Ilualif(rnliln rand '\)1,•i i[•et e 10 .5501ur C. 1;, ori. t., .8;• •I eta r), Ilnrdwood 1,.1 lie, 1mt. 1V.,N'I'1:1', 1..5111' '1'1:.1['11!;:1 11115 Pro) e:L'u11 s'•houl, film ' 1,..• 111„ or new,. 0, Tien , segs boils Nlpis.sing. .\pply .5. 1)utt2,- ln, 11Jf. 1, 11,11,, t‘ ,it,, 1.11;), :1t .$1,1100. , I;I11'111'I"I', UN'1'. 1'1'1.1,11' 1„wires tear((' r ),o Tani, r r,1on, cr:ul, 1 11 2,,,1:)1m,hi' .Hi: p- Ielnhel. 5:Ilat,i x;,110'1'1 .I)'..t 1111,10 $10,1,1111, 11. 15". 11. , ,11, 11,),1, .;APS LEFT 'EM file � .,p helma't.;, many with bullet •.c:, and Jap horse aro tivar i,e ty t'nr Chinese on \'n i iz• `rout,• SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON AUGUST 15 Gori Provides For His People— Exodus 16, 17 Print(u Text --give us this flay mu. ,1a!- ':.read. \latlhew 11:11. Wir,•n(,r; Verse--fvnry good gift aro( r•.• perfect gift is from ((',u• • , , ',lite; down from the Fath- er. .Lon. I: 17. THC LESSON IN ITS SETTING T 1(oc... 1;45 li.l'. Pi,e c.- '1 he \\)ldernes .of Sin, e;. ,Ite •:1•-w1:11 side of the Red Sea, Olt 1!( '(: } to \I(ttnt Sinai. Some of Ito ; '- res mentioned In our be -H10 le net yet !well dettnite• ly f.,cc s Promise To Israel ".( rut ,'• .ejeah aptake unto Mose.., I ..;150 heard the murmur - children of Israel: bp( al( , :.!•1 them, saying, At even ye :dial.: (ad flesh, and in the an e:niul r shall he filled with br :•1; .,1 tl ye shall know that 1 an: .1i Ii h yon' (lod,'i Once ag.,i11 Ir.e Lord' speaks to 'loses, iel;lot: lint that through this ex. Ire: ic.uoe ..r enjoying (hod's homily the leer 1:(cs should know that U)1 vr, ire Lord their (hod. '1'I10 in :titetiro of 11i.. people Is a 1•riru; ry :•',jert with (hod, Ile has gl: atvl Dont n t wltlt reason, and Ito e.;.(1Ix to he served with the 011. and the will. It i:. ru:.;,iler,t ;oat every event 111 His (1 1.101es w::1l thein is a step in the 111c (! -I4 their spiritual train - in.. • 1.11 .• uta) to pass at even, ti;,,: the •.,;,mils came up, 01111 cov- et. oyer. ,! 11,e e: op; and in the morohtg• He do L.y :mind ahont the camp." An • rt: ,'.dinary flight of quails 1' the camp. It Is a not l'h, entnf '! uc('ut't'ene that, wheal w, a! ted, ;hese birds droop a1111 5 t'ic 1•..,:: for rest, so as to ho e,a ll; r ; , he(I will' sticks, and ev. int, (auo'1(- by the haunt. The tuft. 111:: to ;.:osision chiefly lay in 111, e,.0:.:n'dinary number, the se,,, 0) 1) ; . arrival, 111111 1110 pe. (Maar (;;Ainstances under which ihwse (I:;:lis carne. P,,asha For The Hungry "ant •vuon the dew (haat lay g;uer. ilp, behold, upon the face of the "v'dorness a small round t1, a•, :, iJ as the hoarfrost on the erotic:'.. And when the children of Note' .-aw it, they said one 10 another, What. is it? for they knew not what 1' was. And Moses said 11110 1 hent. It is rho bread which Jt•itovat' ',nth given y'ou to eat." 'J'I,cre i:: a; natural substance with avl:i(h )Lis manna is compared, it js n (I••i,.a-it front the air which falls it: trees, stones, grass, etc., NM it; c,(•nertlly thick and sticky 1ileo lion(~. but snider certain cif. cuu,stan•es is concreted into small glanuinr :,lasses. It is collected by the Ara'•s mid eaten with their 1111100'.1.0((1 cakes as condiment, 11 140 flir yt -01111)108 the manna that It routes with the dew; it is never found in 11 rgo quantities and it (101::1 net fall for more than two months in the year. But the man- na ,a1' seeri,wre is generally regard. 011 ms a miraculous substance and nut a 1.'m'al product. Creed and Unbelief "'pais is 1110 thing which Je. hc•vab haat) commanded. (lather ye o1' 11 every 110111 according to his er,t11,_; an oiler 1 head, 110- (1: m g :,r the number of your per - 80111. +'mall ye take it, every man for 1i.•411 that are in his tent. .\ud the c (,i1(1'•in of Israel dhl. so, and gatLere4l sonic more, Solite less, .1111 when they measured it with an 'oo(r, he that gathered notch had netting over, and lin that gotio,' 1 little had no lack; they gait( rc11, every man according to his. •.rating." • :+:o r,1:u (- is to Ito accumulated. 11 v. s 10 vain that any one dis- o1''wd 11,is (Otulnand. That which 15.f• ret t rvecl till the second day hctor( rotten. Tills in itself was ntbar:11i0(1s, as tiro natural Manua kept 1oa a. considca'able tine. If a Iar'. (1'(181011 (;0(1 for tomorrow, he A Farm Wife Chats To Women by Gwendollns P. Clirke How many chortles do you Sup. polo Ihoro are In an ordinary six. quart haskot? W course you have never tried 10 c11111 them, have you -011d nor 11;180 1 --hut still, take 0 gu•+ss, 01111 then f wilt tell you why 1 ash, 1'ou see, w0 had a basket of cherries left down town at the home of 0 lrlend and when 1 called for them 1 found 1hoy' were al - really pilled. Now wasn't that a g ,nal snrprfse? 'I'ltls friend lives alone mei It may have been cur• f) ,11 v; I don't know bol a. she pitted the cherri)s she counted rh1,0), and , .. hero (eines 1110 auHw'er . , , there :vitro eleven hundred and fifty cherries in that one IlasIcet. ('alt you believ.s it? n now, it you have an elven quart basket of cherries in front of you to pif will tt make tate 15001; any easier, do you think, to realize that probably appruximate- �' two thousand cherries will slip and slide through your juicy fin. gets before the job 1s done? And here ii anothor thought. If there aro two thousand cherries In au eleven quart basket how many cherries would there be on an average tree? It's a silly qucstiort of course, but still it docs maks you realize how, as always, ti's thio little things that count. One cherry, and then another (sherry, and so on, and so forth, and soon a basket. Is filled to the lop, • . • .1 nil so it i5 with our day's work. Perhas 110 job 111 Itself 13 very big but yet one after another rho tasks aro done until by the end or no, day win renllze we hare put in a good many hours of solid work ---0(1 just jolts that make no our ordinary 1101110 lire—gelling meals, leashing dishes, bathing the baby, kissing the humps to tnalce turn) well; Ironing, sweeping, dusting, shopping, hoeing, fording elrinkeis and gathering eggs, and, I hope, somewhere in among these multiple chores lhoro has also been limo for Iled Cross knitting and serving. :;vett In the busiest day there should still he 11nte for war work. I say "war work" for want of it hotter dcscriplion. Personally I do would he content to slop collecting when he had filled Iris Omer, tempt. Ing 08 tho easily gathered abund. • would be Greed a unbelief antro vt 11 1 al 1 u would 111081(11el'tl(10 then as 110W, under 1 110 guise of prudent fore, - sight. Only he who absolutely trust NI God to provide for hint would eat up his portion, :and ilo 1101811 at night with a quiet 1)0011, knowing that Ile who had fed hint would 10ed. Water From The Rock "And lite people thirsted there for water; and the people mur- mured against \loses, and said, "Wherefore 101st thou brought 118 111) 0111 of Egypt, to kill Its and our children and 0110 cattle wi111 thirst?" Instead of asking ,:loses to pray to (hod for relief, they be- gan In murmur and (ontplatilt again, as Iho~ had, previously (lone., naturally provoking Moses. '1'his time Moses Is driven to ask the Lord what he is to do. "And Moses cried unto Jehovah, -saying, \\'hut shall I do unto 1118 people? they are almost ready to 810110 oto, And Jchi)vah said unto Moses, Pass on before the people, and take with then of the elders of Israel; and thy roti, wherewith thou sm0tcst the river, take In thy hand, and go. •IBehold, I will stand hoforo thee there upon alto rook In Iloreb; and thou shalt smile the rock, and there shall conte water otit of it, that the people may think. And Moses did so In the sight of the elders of Is- rael." s- rael." The abundant provision of water for a thirsty people, and tho klug- ing of it near to theta, speaks of (hod's supply of wator of lifo In Christ. It is the bringing of sal- vation 11001. to sinful mon and w'o• Wren in Christ through Isis Moto Mg- death for them. As from tho smitten rock tho water flowed abundantly and satisfied the crav- ings rawIngs of the people, even so front Christ, smitten at the cross, the wafter of life, as salvation flows abundantly to satisfy the crat'ings' and 1hh•st of Iteat'1a, 'Whosoever driuketht of this water shall never thirst.' not think that war work should be considered as something apart front Dor ordinary work ---as sumo• thing that we will do when we get around to it. I think we should rogard It as port of our ,lay's work; a1 something that must be 11(1110 ere the sun go'+s down --or way 1),. after (los 51111 goes dowtl. There is still 10 niuelt need for all Ili sexing and hitting win (:111 do. 1f ono of 11)1)51 pour 1lttlo heeled out children should room to your floor—frightrwed, ragged, hungry and homeless how gladly you would tape trot• in; how (oleic: ly you would gel good nocn•i'tilg food; ler,v fra ntic:illy you would search the houso over for suitable clothe.;; :1111 I1o'.v gently you would try to reassure the terror•strichun child (hat with you she would be sale—that you would take care of her. 1m I not right? 1 am sure I am, I know every woman who roads this column would open her '110art to any little homeless child —if she wore to see hor. Alt, but there's the rub. Wo cannot often see the onus for Whom we work —or for whom we should work. Ilut we have imagination and we can also it. And it w0 do, war will (suite naturally heroine part of our daily round, • • • 11'e1l, I bav1 just. cone from the field where i have been helping Partner to assemble the binder ready for cutting. I1 was so long since 1 had helped with this job that 1 had forgotten all the little things there were to dm—lo nip wind the w110e1; to balance Ileo binder while Partner 111(1 this thing and that; to put a holt in here anti a hook on there, and so matey other little job.; heron) the hinder is ready for action. finally len were all ready to go and lvhen Panner started cutting I followed f110 hinder to retrieve the first rely of sheaves, Which ore always thrown into the, standing grain 111111 11110: be moved ',aura 00 second 00011(1 Is cul, Some of then) were light, hut most of (hent were heavy, :and quite as 1110011 as I wanted to lift, so, when we 0)1110 to the end of the round I was glad when Partner said: "\Voll, 1 guess that is all I need you for this time." Tapping a typewriter is a lot easier than struggling with a Ilitrht'orlc. * • * :11111 how is the election corning aloe,:; in your district.? Interest scents to he pretty dead around hero, 1 1uu 1101 1110 least hit excited about it myself hut, when August 1 0011108, I'll be out to vote, If Iso don't do our part then we have no come -back if the government doesn't. do what suits 01. Don't forget, freedom to think and vote the way win pleas() 15 0110 of rho thiug;s 1011' 111011 aro fighting for. So, countrywomen everywhere, let ua bio to the polls on August 4, And of course 1(0 '8111111 all, cast our solo for the right party! CANADIAN CHIEF Maj -Gen, G. G. Simonds, 10, is commander of the Cana(lian Army's Irirst Division now spear- heading advances on the central front in Sicily. POP—The Height of Soilnthing or Other DO YOU THINbt HE'S CAPABLE OP DECEIVING ANYO1'J I • VATICAN CITY - SPARED BY ALLIED BOMBS The air view above shows the city of Route, with the ancient, wooed Vatican City outliner: and some of its famou.s buildings and historic monuments indicated by numbers. They are (1) The Pope's Palace, which includes the fumed Sistine and Pauline chapels, with their pricele:.; treasures of paint- ings and sculpture. (2) The Vatican Museum of paintings. (3) Vatican Gardens, w'hol'e popes walked during period when they were confined to the \'atican State. (4) The Uhservatory, one of the most im- portant in the astronomical world, (5) Vatican radio station. (6) Governor's Palace. (7) St. Peter's, with its circular plaza adjoining it, (8) Railroad, with Vatican station just inside_ the wall separating the Vatican City ft•orn 11010e proper. RADIO REPORTER _X FROST h'or 0 number of years the Axis governments dominated the radio waves of the Jledilerranean, hong before the British Broadcast - lag Corporation was aroused to eouulor-anion, German and hal- Jan short waeo was pounding eat Axis propaganda) in the native longues of the tribes of Northern Africa and the Middle East, :'5011 1.1)11 ora of practically unlhalleng- ed Nazi and t'asci81 propaganda came into heing long before the vvar started. The united Natfo11 only 11ega11 10 will Iho war or radio propaganda in the Mediterranean whew, following the landing of United Nations troops in french Not't1::vest .lfrica, they look (011• trol of Radio Algiers. from that lingo on, as the saying goes, they have really gone 10 town with ;t barrage of united Nations prop.• g01ula directed to the peoples of the Mediterranean tura in numer- ous Iangu110154, .ltll(an and Miro- peau). Moreover Radio .\Igiers has supplied rho "Underground" press of Europe with truthful war infor- mation and encouragement. to hang on tilt t11 their hour of liberation arrives, supplementing thereby the short wave broadcasts direet- 0d to the occupied countries from London 01111 \1'ashhngton. • • • Tho United Nations radio propa- gan(la to Italy nus suppleuu'11ted by the dropping of pamphlets by ahrraft telling; the people when 1.0 listen, I1tlll 011 what walvelengl11 111111 11180 culphasizing the appeals of th•inle .1111istor 11'111ston ('hurchill and the president of the United Slates to Italian citizens to oust. 11 Duce, It was not until our fighting forces horded on Ital. Ian soil that they realized the power of the propaganda ('l1lcli had preceded Iho military, naval and air assault. In many parts of Sicily rho 110pl110re Was onl to welcome the United Nations sol. diors. Signil'iotlt1 also tr(s the request of a general of the Ital. lan Army, who together with an officer of the Italian Navy asked their captors to arrange to broad- cast their names over the 11•13.C. so that their flu11illos would know they were prisoners, :and th('r+hy safe. • • • A rather 011111sfug tucidetit 0011108 front Nazi occupied hol- land where an order was rocetatly issued by the German authorities confiscating all radio receiving sets. When it was learned that 111on1bers of the Dutch Nazi party alight, upon application, bo allow• ed to keep their radios, there was quite a rush of Hollanders to join the Dutch Nazis . , , temporary Itad10-Nazis, as they are descrih0,1 by the Goscrntitettt of holland in exile. 1 • 1 The announcement has just been made that ,Judith Evelyn, lira ul:vuy Dramatic, star of tho play ".Angel Street" 1s to take neer 1110 currently popular Colum- bia feature, "\litdeleine Carroll ma(1s,'' heard Monday through Friday 5.00 to 5.15 p.111. over 'Toronto, It will then be called ••.IuditIt Evelyn heads," Many of her friends 111 0011/010 Ivill 0enn1111bcr Judith Evelyn w110) in her early days In radio she was heard in many (bora(• ter parts over Toronto station'. '1'i at of course, was before Judith '.alt :he big lights of iirmldway. 1 a Non' aro prouder of the $uccesseb of 30(1i1h Evelyn than her par - outs, 311'. at111 311•s:' Les Small- wood, of 1'•'rtll, Ont0110, • • • Eilisl11(11 l'luh5 001'0;3 ('.taade in recent year.) :have made 1s nighty fine rontrlblttii,n to social welfare projects which fnfiu011eo Dm lives of (':Median and 11111dsh youngsters. 1Cnsn,en in many parts of Canada, tllctr wives the ef'. ;. and the numerous tri n'fs of good fellowship which theca club- represent will weleot m the 1:I,ewia1 broadcast of tho Kitlstnon National ('ouvenlion, which will ;(o a :1 over the National Network of the ('It(; Saturday, .1agu11 7, tr 1 p.111. SONG BiRD HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1,3 Pictured g UL EIL A N T'L IEjRS 11.3_1U L K TE AS Etii:D ;':'BOO'S T ERN?;'60A NIAT A H.0 SEPARATEDDS RU T E S D I T ORAS`' T 4ULL D�-E_R WAP i©ICANTO i T E,R . 0 E1.K 'P►E E N NOR- C L GR 'GREA s typ 11,E NEE DS singer. 10 Argue, 14 Flower, 15 Sweet substance. 16 Melody, 17 Toothlike, 19 Music note, 20 Relate. 21 Monster. 22 Redact. 24 Rug, 27 Seta upright, O U T D O O� 31 Beverage. 32 Wed. 55 North Amer - 36 Part of mouth. ice (chic:): 37 Sun. 56 Guided. 38 Tree. 57 Eager. 39 Winglike part, 58 Bury, 40 At tick, 611 Sound. 41 Wired 61 Goddess of instrument. growing 45 Snare. vegetation. 46 Spring VERTICAL holiday. 1 Young goat, 48 Id est (abbr.), 2 Exist. 49 Short article. 3 Metal, 51 Avenue 4 Bar by (ebb[,), estoppel 52 Conceited. (late). 1 12' 3 14I 171 Z4 zs 126 31 37 40 46 4 5 6 7 i5 18 21 A 11 R-0 N1:5 5M 141E E_ Y H UR T 5:AIr.1 B • r 35 Ukulele (abbr.). 41 Obtain. 42 Conciliatory, 43 Streams. 44 Requirement,, 47 Color. 8 Far (comb, 50 Hair on form). animal's neck. 9 Cluster of 51 Toward the stars in the lee. constellation 52 Brewing Taurus. vessel. 10 Metallic 53 Since. product. 54 Electrified 11 Mineral rock. particle. 12 Petroleum. 59 Transpose 13Talis (abbr.). (abbr.). ■ 1 18 Moping, 23 Anger. 24 Social divisiotl system of, India. 25 Iiawaiian greeting. 26 Relish. 28 Tribe. 29 Baked clay. 30 Quarrel, 33 Cooking vessel 34 Grain. 5 Man's garments, 6 Style. 7 \Vithin, 8 9 IO11 12 13- 16 28 29 30 1 y► N0! •4 NOBODY 8SLI EVES, A WORD FRE SAYS larlraera t7 :110 hell aynnca•. tncJ– By J. MILLAR WATT • Page 4. _ 4' la. — - 1-1800. KKK141llat KR14001101410110000 004104110€41441i10(100C141411(K1C1CI 4tCICt6KO Elliott insurance Agency t Y BLYTH-- ONT. R A A IlailaiDiD/NPi)(: (Dik ailikaa12t: ADIDiDt21)(14)0 71)(01)(D13(Oa2.4i71D,21 (ilIDtDlarID t*( J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT, Office Phone 101, Residence 1'llouo 19 or 140, "COURTESY AND SERVICE" • /yeti think- I'm sitting down."- Ile got .A LETTER T0 THE ,sm 111.001 he lint Inc to digging tren'h- GANG BACK (iI H011IE 05• :\ little while later he passed 1 ant all,' of those fellows vIio is making the World sate for Ileinuc• racy. I fought and fought ---but I had to go anyway. I was called in Class ".\". The next time I Want to he in ('lass "11". It here when they go and 11 here when they (.1. 110. 1 1'. u( .0 c1' W10'11 I registered. 1 Ivent up to the desk and the guy in charge wit.; my mil;emmn, 11)' aid, "\\'hat's your mune?" I said, "Volt know my nme." Ile lu:'ked, -What's your mune?" So I told hila, "August Child." ile said "Are you alien:"' "No," I ,;aid, "I feel fine," Ilu asked ale where 1 \vas horn and 1 SAtd, "Pittsburgh." 'Then he asked me, -When did you first see the light of day?' 1 ;aid. -when WO moved 10 I'hiladrlphia," 'Then lie asked ale haw oh; 1 was. So 1 told him, "kwon• ty-three the first of September, 'but he said, "The first of September you'll he in China, and that will he the last of Augu;t," A Vet..rimu'y started to examine me. 1 -le asked me If I ever had tate measles, •:l•,:(lII:oX, S1(hnt Vitus dance, and did I ever take fits. 1 said, "No, only when I stay in the saloon too long," '1'11.:n he said, "Can you see all right ?" I said, "Sure, hat I'll he cockeyed tonight if 1 li: ss." The l::)cto' said he had examine(i ahout 1 14,0 1 men, and that 1 wa.; the most perfect physical wreck he had ever seen. 'Then he h1/tided me a carol, Then 1 went to camp. and suit!. "I:on't throw that there." I said, "Where ala to put it??" Ile said, "Dig hole to put it there." 113' that time 1 Was pretty toad, 50 another guy named Jones, and my- iself, drank a quart of whiskey. Fin- ally Jones acted "•1 funny 1 rou 110l11 1)( lit 1100101' and told him that Jones • Was going 1)11101. Ile 04ked me it' Jones saw pink elephants, I said, "No, they're there hut he doesn't see then)!" Three (lays lat. r WO Sailed for Aus- tralia. Marching tluw'u•-to• the pier I had some had Inch. I had a ser- geant that stuttered, and it tools him so long to say "Malt," that 97 of us marched overboard. They pulled tis out and lined us up. and the Captain came along and said, "fall in." I said, "I've 1)410 in." I Was 011 the hoar.'.. -.1 days and was seasick 211 day's. Nothing going down and everything coaling up. I leaned 'over the rail all the time. 111 Ili:' middle of one of my hest leanings. the Captain rusl((I u0 awl said, "What company are you in?" I said, "I'm all by myself." Ile asked if the ih'igadier MIS up yet, and 1 said, "If i swallowed it, it's up." 'Palk al and dumb people! 1 raid to one of the fellows, "I guess we dropped anchor," and li said, "1 knew they'd lose it, it's been hanging overboard ever since we left San ('laws "A' 1'ra11ei5(0." 1 guess they I \\'e had a lift';•oat drill. When the didn't thiol- 1 Would live lung—the bcx0t was being lowered ova;' the side lirst fellow 1 saw wrote on my curd "Flying Corps." I went a little further and •surae guy said "Loo!- what the Vinci blew I..." I saki, "wind 10(11.ng —the Draft i; doing it." O71 th second Horning they put these clothes on me. What an out. lit! Soon as you are in them you think you can fight anybody! They have two sizes, too small and 100 big. The pants are so tight I can't sit down. The boot ; are so hig 1 turned aro1:1 (1 thief. times and the y didn't c' ••'1 move. What a raincoat they gave me—it strained the rain. 1 pa.sc:; an officer all Bruised up in a fancy hell and all that stuff. Ila said, "Didn't you notice my uniform when you passed toe?" I said, "Yes' what are you kicking about? Look what they gave ate," Everything \vas crazy, 11' you were a livery hand, you were in the 31t -di - cal Department. 1 ;ow a guy with a wooden leg, and a5:ie,l bran what the 1101' dirt up 1 go11(g another of the ship, it sprite(' some of the Men out roto the Water. a 101 only the Second i.deud0na11 and rly;elf we(' left in the boat. The Lieutenant gave orders to pull•jhe men out of the water by the hair of their heads, i . was struggling with them wit( a 0110 fellow 1•ith a bald (lead Jells, "Ifi11 1(10 0111!" 1 Said, "tie down x11(1 collie up the right way'." "Well. welanded in Australia. We were sent to the trenches immediate- ly. After three nights in the t'_nch- es, the cannons started to four, and the ,.shells started to pass. 1 \Vas shal•'ing with patriotism. 1 tried to glide bclald 0 tree, but there wasn't ((lough trees tor the officers, The Captain came around and said. "Five autl we go over the trip," 1 said "I would like a f'urloug'h," Ile said, "Haven't you got any red blood in your Veins?" 1 said, "Yes, hut I. 41011'1 want to see it." Then he 06{4( 0 me whi l•1' 1 would want to go. 011(1 1 said, "Any where it's nice and warm:•' was doing in the 00.11y. Ile 511.,!, Ile told ale where to go: - 'I'm going to 111,1111potato0242" — ------------- - r r THE STANDARD Londesboro • the 13th Concession of Hullett - and Blyth J, S. MacKINNON, ,\ community 01)1041 In any ItiiirX1 I4 a 1('r)' great asset, ;11111 11 ;011.,3 < 'i pea -t11 that such a 11•frit e\i0.'s in the ahoVemn'nli0ned lo-. cattily,. It' It Tea .\leeting, or sunt( sorijl affair las tatting place in C)(n- desh,lro, representatives from Illylh World e,ele(all• he on hand, 14101 if the gathering 1'a; h;l( in I!dyth ;1 110,011 Irmo 1.u1,(1041oro would 1011:11 it •:a !pint of being !00.,001, It Was an most. tiding 10141 for tit 1113 11 Toys When the ,1410X,.. Das(hall ( 11)11 wont(' engage the (land \'10gcn and drive to 1.0101; shot() and runepete 1\1111 the .1((11101' 1e0111 110. 10 a::d after the ganc' the h0mr 1(1101 Would tr1111 the visitors 10 s;i,per,at John 11(11 4 111/11'1, 4:11(1 when a ret 11011 inatclh \vas pb2ye11, the Illy ,11 1 ()3'6 ,081(1 do dolt' hest to Win the game and Ihc'n give the 1' .+itol'.; 0 good time, 11u.(lt e(p101. :\s 1 r..rtenthei. Conder•' 01;(,111 the Maio intersection was Air, Riehaid Adams Store and across (111 street 041(41,0111 and 'Taylor's G; 11e001 Store, this business W1) ; later talon over by W. I,, (Mini Ale. It alw'ay„ seemed That these two busbies, houses perl'lrlu 1 a real s( nice to tho ('omnitntity. I understand 31:. R. N.Alexander (111111'; on hosin1.4s tin a new hufldhngt 00 111;' 5110 Iormerly oeeu;'i(il 1.y 31'. Alum.. (nd 310, .1415, \v. \1-•(001 101st, in 0 4101• h-lilllin::l is whew 110. (Inhibit(' was for S3 nuuly Je;r;. :6411Th 01' Ile ;Vi( general ;tar.,;. ule:.tion ; 3t'. \1'ooclman (•(.:1111101;11 .t 'Tailoring eSt(Ldf lnu'ol and Geo:go Newlon had a Ita'n.: s fauperiel. — John Itrtlnsdon ,l'• San supplied the farmers iiNeds• aa s fa>;'; ,grit or!t tral inlpl(men'; Were cottc•crncil •:u.d 11r. Voun,, Ieoked after the lI' alth of the district. John I.asham \Vas one of the mama' \v011 known citv.(15 and had a very large (hide of ac' Ituum'au'08 ill 1110 111010 0rea. .lust south of the Village was Jointly 3100,001 fa:'m and line horses appears to have Lean a 11.111!0(1n in the 310500 fatuity. .North of LUIIdl,;lita'O Was 1he hunloSte:td of I 11 111104 family and the Lyon's lived in this locality. \\'hen the 11;li ('n:cessiou of Hallett was :01'''014(1 to, i1 uggesl- ,'d the head. this is not technically correct, ,;s the laud k Ile' l'onLes;ton, hal in 111, case of „The 1 ;II IC it Was t+.' road that crept into (11)04 mind. It was a!„va:'s a good road, and equalled the train gr ivel road before the highway was lllilt. The \yin fling of the gala hnl0ver. 1'100 of the 31411:1 itc:r.l 111:11), Well for W'1) 1'010111(4 lived i'1c'Inrlin;; SOI 041",11 :\1(11)(:1, John Henry 0111 the (1011 rs, Wel=ter;, and ('raw. fords, (11-1 ut the present h'gh\I'ay Were the 'I'auli,lyn5, ('n-nm,0(1, Leary, \\'.m. 5andel,004, the (frays, .111:Int b: Cutis, Ilrigliaar; and Ilruvis. 1tirther oast 1.141 Ili. \\'alts, th” 31i11; and 1'a•ry Kelly, a:4 well as the '1',1ke1'.4. further south were the :\10011',1 and the 111(1;16, the IlerringlonS, the Ilezz. iw•(Ods, am: the fair,;,,rvicc• \\'hen one thinks of the g:uvi 00.014, 111' liolne; a1111 (aril 11)111- t( gs, as Well IS the Splendidly cultivated Ila I , 11 1s (10:1' 1fn1 if 11 finer rural community can to found in th:' I'roviue, 1)l' Onlurio, It 1s howe\ 1'r, ncl 10 he Wondered at \\•11(11 one Clinks id' tin (81011es that 001111)01;ed 1110 district, That a community spirit exist; may to a considerable (Xt;'111 I"(4 (011(0;1 10 the rn0110111S 01' 'I'le I;Iylh SL•41t'I;1)'d. fir 3r.u" the news a101 1)rinc'pal eVentS of 1.01111esbwro ;Intl (he I:I11 nave been well re• cartel an(i in this 1'1 -pert The Stanrin 11 has •huwo a great deal of enterprise in giving the "home 011"2;", and doubtless ilii; is ap;lre• 101(10. It is •;1 trail 01 11umi:111 1011(1(1 Ihalt any 0"enl Ihul one has 111• tended and may l' milt familiar with the (1,'01111), still it is 011113 ; re;tliig to 500 a report of Ito event in print, To many of the r( aided.; of ''I'll I1(11", Elylh 1'a; the m:1'h0t, town and Vrllen they felt the time Ino 111(1 a11:V(d they would make their new home in the Village. daring th. Iwo years 1 made my home in 1.,0(1410, Eigland, fl 1":Is t'"1)' privilege to meet man; Canadian,. fr.na ((11ferent earls of Ili( Condition. hug there was only ane per1(.n from 1:11 "old 1;:m:' 1'I�• Ir!ct," a1111 that p0051.11 was Not man Sa1100, •011 I'.umt The 1 3111 ('on - cession. The a.heve ttu:ughls were prompted 1.y' a lel'er that appeared in The Sland:u'(I 11111101.date of ,lune :Ind. from 310.s. ;lunua1 Iluyd of 'POLI .lo, Olio, and who ;0 4(110 111(1,' was It re.,id• 1)l r!' lr0de81101'a I':0m her I1ttei, and 11110 „many 0111, 1. persons, mace away, 31rs, 110111 (e:,, fu 101(11 1011 Ile I'a1me1 110111e ([51.101 1!0'0:1;•11 tie iu'llium ..f "The 1113''11 Standard." In the 51110/ i;: -;uv Dion/ was also a leper to the editor from It. 11. 1 11;11D Carter of As,;h:ibol4, 5as14. it 11.4 • u i 11::;1(1(4 for 011' Io lea' in- direelly f1'o111 11, 11., 11101 to say how well 1 0110(101,-0 1113 father and mother, 31r, and 3Irs. Arthur Carter, as 31,11 as h',; sister, 1'7,Va and 1.I>:zia Having digressed somewhat in tlhe two last paragraphs, as it tainly is a tar (all from 'Tal=10, Ohio, to :\ss;'nii•(ip, 541510, hut as one trave0r; in different palls of ('arr.la a; 1(11 as in other Countries I 111. lieve it is not any exaggeration to say that 11 is (:f i(nit to find 8 finer c111uInlity than that which comprises 120,0:'.15 oro, the lath ('1(110 <. cion of Illtll(11 1(11(1 the Village of I'ly'ih, I Five 0'011101- and we went over the e.it lit Ohio. are with 3t', and 310.;. wander around the building but the I landed 111 (amp with $,:,."n. i11 tcp. Ten ih011'and Japs came at us. „ J buildings, 1041 minute: I W';5 broke. 1 n w r 1'1,., 110111 as ily., 1). Vaulted corridors seemed l0 hiss i,.,,. a,..:v .,l ,,, ,,,., ( 64111' S.) many Irl ,. 1`_': 0; \t' and 311' Peter Scott and (laugh thus lin:T'in" familiar figures. P 1 11„1;a11; Talc • 1 , 48 a a1' Iglll•e$. 10' - think 1 started the war' 0111' Cap- ter, Owen, 111th 310. and Mrs, ,1. S. liamelt is usually (roto of 11.1., No matter what I did [ I 14,;1(1, Cul ilii; Went broke. Something \vel:'. wrung even in cards. One time I got 0 Kings and 1 was afO.t!•1 to hot. .1 good thing I (11(111',' t:le fello,• 110'1 1') 111' Incl 0 ace,;, finally, 1 said, "'This is a (rex:'-.'1 lair, yelled, "fire a; will," but 111idn't Scott 011(1 other relatives in East \\'4• time only adjourned because the war know any of their mune,. i guess ,',nosh. aright 41101: Rale a hu.ry•up roll to church In the fellow behind ale thought I Was 'I'her0 will he no "\\'ill", he fired his gal and :;hot min United Church 011 in tl' ('Xcitentelt. On the way to the hospital I asked a fellow where 1)01101' gone " 011(1 the fel' they were taking me. Ile 401(1, "You're law 1)e'.' to 110 5111(1, " 11183111g (going to the morgue." I said. "There's pinochle." Olh. it was nice! five below z' '0 (1n; ulo!uiI1g 141(1 they called us mil for an underwear in ,elution. Vou tall, (''"r s(••'ier)! Red flannels, 11,\'.i`.'s tall kinds) —the 1'111011 Suit 1 1111.1 (01 w•• ild It 'Tiny (latento. 'Th" 1.10411 81011 told me to stand up. I Said, "1 101 r 1, this muder\Veur mui-cs WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in farm and Ito lschnl,! Eales. Licensed for the County of Huron Itea501101le Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1''or information. etc., write 01' phone \l'illian I1. Jlotritt, phone, Residence 1'1; :'h !, 1, Illyth. 4 4-tf IIAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer, 11 (u',stalee, 1'110 not (lead." Ile se' I, "111 down, Sou! I'1' you Want to make a liar out of the doctor?" Knox convene m(miuv'1. .\t the hotel San - (lay' It dep•a'ling 31,1', said: "There'.; 1.e111y no connection Iletw.en Pallia• 01001 adjourning and shortly after, Mussolini 1'c signing." Sunday, ::5 the an- nual holiday is being 01.;411'1 d. The next Sunday the 'i 1,;de-\' IIid,I_/ ('lass will conduct the service.; in beth Pel - grave and ilricl4 churches, and the Vo:tug I'( o;alc' will have charge 011 August 2.:11(1, P v, Pocock, a former 1te1(0r in Vin111ly 41 pretty inn .e come along 'Trinity Anglican church, i; taking and said, "Move ever," (;;i, what charge of the service; in 11114 church 41111 1 saying? ? ? ? 'That's """111c'l during the Month when Rev. P. 11. story, So long for n'1)'. Streeter is on Vacatur, \'out's sincerely. Next Sunday Divine Se:vi(0 in 'Prin. :1 SOi1iLI'. ity Church at 7:3.l 1'.31. The 1113'. I. V. Pocock, of 11:'1peler„ w:ll officiate. V A WEEKLY EI)ITOR LOOKS AT O'T'TAWA BEL(v1RAVE 31r. and 311..4. George 1lclienzie and dainghter, Patricia, are :;p:tiding their holiday; with 1t•s. It, 0. and Louise By Jim Greenblat, 31(.1Nenzie. 'There \vas a dynamic, expellant air 3Iis. It. .1, 310Ki(•nzle, Marl( 1)e ;1101 about the (louse el' ('ouunous late S 0' the fainter. 110. Ilsley \who piloted 6141410th, ilrs. C. II, \Wade and Ti in, 01.a03• night as 10110101 '.; Waited for 0.0 hill t1:ouehl 11 unWiSe at this limp al !truce lk'orh. Iia exodus to the Senate (hamh:'r to to re-epea fundamental i -ales of \\-,;- A Jack .\r;nsLong, It,('.:\.I'., ('011- bear Royal assent given to hill; pr. 1- (ern debt problems. and just couldn't India, spent the \V,! c!( -en( at his home sell. They were just Iik�' youngster; See eye 10 ('3'e with ;11'' three -pro. Isere. 'at sclu:ol getting ready for summ"'r \•inc•e p1011 for permanent (1011 legi1l(• ?kiss Norul-1 N1lticry 11110 has spent holidays, gleefully sang song.; in vary- lion, s:netltiug 0.1(1111 110 other 'coon. the pa -t 1111 her:4;; w'llh relatives here ing 01101),; front tenor to pram 10 try 110,;. Ile stressed courts haft. pow- * * * As the eit•l of the 5, 461,111 flickered into view, the mills of 1'u'liamcnt started to grind faster hug got caught in the whirl of some long distance de- bate, (Inc subjo:'I \Vas the funnel's ("'re(:t:rs Arran,;enleul Art, n 1011 bringing 3lanito:•a info the •;351110 of farm debt legislation with her 1w0 si ;ter provinces. Highlights: 1,111(11• hug elate of Slay I, 1935 stay,;. If t\vo- thh'ds of a farneer'S de.',ts 11ole incur• red before that (late. he may. 5111- ad- justment on all his debt 4, even 111060 incln'r0(1 01100, 0p30s1t100 110'1111111'6 from the \Viceit tool- the stand that legi.18ti111 didn't go lar enough for 11.48 1')turne11 to lice hon • in 1lainil. 1.0,60. They all trooped to the 5enota 1'r Specialist in Farm and Household tun. I and he nal Chi f ,lust'ce Sir Lyman 1 Sales. I Rev.. P. 1t, aid 311'1. 10.'0'0! :u')' Duff give a -sent. soon returi ;'0 Ira I Grist f •ont the Ikon e: 0110101om 1,1cen ed 111 1(11'on and Perth spel:dins their Vacation at Ottawa hear 311'. Kii,g move adjournment nu- members also 10011 ((nsid(r(hb' 1111,. Counties. Prices reasonable; satin with relatives. 111 January 27, 1!111, ending 1( :41x in ;n front ,sling for lifting of 0(14 1 lotion guaranteed. I ,lames 3i('Crea of Toronto, spent the month session. 3101nher:; 1 coke Off, I 1 an against ('o(lununists in Canada For information, etc,, write or plione week -end with his parents, Robert party lines Vanished while Ihry .'hook and Jehovah Witnesses. Aliii-s(er o Harold Jackson, 11.1t, No, 4, Seatorth, and Mrs. 31cCrea, hands. said good-byes, 1116411(1 desks. 10,-1100 c( I "„( said to do so in - Phone 14r661, to ,;lay foreclosure. *** Mrs. Louis ilayes and childr 11 of Sunday I hatched the usual visitors Volved an order by 00vernor,in-Chun• nil; he 1115o pointed out that a rec'onl- itimpl ttlon by 0 1),1•Ifaun'n1;u'y com- mittee 11161 session had not been im- plemented 13' 1111101i1y (louse vole. :\s to \\'ilia ;se; he Said in 1'iell' of certain evidence 1144' i'el'Ogllillon would he 11 detriment to the war 11f• fort , , . A special cmnunitlee of 21 1ncinhl,r, named to scrutinize \1'111' ex- penditures . , ,'I"111'Iher study of the draft health insurance bill by- the I'nnlinion and provinces, l'eenlnnlend• ('11 in filial report ((1' 51(01111 Security Cervi llittee, 14 * • I :\ percentage of Army personnel frem operational units and depots In (':(nada may he detailed up to :1n day,;, With provision for (Xt(u(;ion, to help with the 11 101.051 and help roliowe nlnnpowvr shortage in agli(ulture the men hill ''eneffl from extra pay from the far00 1' employer , . , further details Will he available in your own huhu' front, I'he in:po0lanl .\gricnllural ('om• Cr tar 1 .1 final report; in the (House, 111ain -r(rontlm'ml:llions stint. mal iz011, 1 Bing: Consider advisability of raying farm storage on grain. , \\'bother 10 bonus marketed dairy hotter and if eg1; 1;110010 be sold by weight , , . Ih41 precautions should be (104en by the 310111 !twin! to keep live cattle prices In proper relationship to h:ref 04100058 I'lnor prices and 0150 1t H10asl11'' het 1011 hog price; to pro. deem. and price of products by the !00-15-4,or committee thought I' 111110 ,;Inaul(I gel more information on 1)001;.141 1)1 1'r •0110111 fn p..Odn0lug new 1•:1.11 t jos of farm products. . . asked higher priority for essential farm erin111w'ul, The need of encouraging more production (0 essential foods 1\'a; 1101'1. Intlo'latlt, too, Wati 14'' conuu(i);(IOIlun for a -11.41' (dwelt o11 :du'ead of ceiling prices of feed grains and prices paid by 11-10 stock. feeders in Il,('., I:u 1(011 * * * flog ('alts! to coast you've argued this; hat Ibe Notional ltc,;tarch Coun- cil t-iltIcti n report in the Ilonse that 1.110;0 ii a (Tilly;•1'.,v tiutlerial for hl• MI Arial use; the lluaulity of it which could Le 41.111 (would tont 'ibute In only a sm':111 \\•ay (0 the solution of our s(rpl is problem. The ('purl sh0w•4 1101 100/0 yields alcohol at gals. to the bushel. At 311 cool; (fl, \\'11).1 a I,a 41e1, 10001101 would cost ;2c gallon. In normal times, however, 1110141 •sc:1 mmk15 111143' 1)t 27,0 a gal, • * \\'theft..... 111Itrin” the a \f \'1'5 i th(' Wednesday, August '1, 1913, ,. 11011id 1'00111 a rihhon 31,2 hullos wid0 1 fivo 1111106 41('00:, Canada, ('olor Ichange�s in the ration hook: gregreycev- e1', green for telt and coffee, red for 1 s11gar, pm: pie for 1011101', meat brown, land -I spare series. They Irl( ns thata elan 11ould need to live 1111111 ho is 12(100 yelu•5 old if ho started t'ounlbig coupons C'am;dians spend, at the rate of •11101) 1)00 working day, 113' 1110 way, tyour :lugust. 14110 Sophrutier canning 'coupons are usable now, merchln t:4 halving been authorized 141 honour them ahead of date, * * + while It is definitely good In'wa Ilial a 11011' farm nmtcllJmery oldorderIn• Icrea,;es quotas, it should be remota. that you won't get much Ilene. fit from it until the crop year of 111.1.1 1 for obvious reasons, becar61 tunny of the items can't be completed until late fall. \\'ith allotment to ones as needed, machines will be increased to tonnage equal to 77 percent, yr the 1340.11 output, that of repairs I50 per cent. The total will be 011 percent of 1the average weight of machines pro. duce! In the basic period, * * * Any of you full -,5 who visit Ottawa should really make 11 a point to wan- der over to Parliament buildings iu the lowering eventide, and sit on ono of the benches of the, broad and beau- liful 1141114 facing the b •ildings. SIl. lionette of the stately (louse of Com- mons with the 011(1 windows lighted up, gleaning like 11 ship at sea; Ilio irregular shape and shires 01 the East. \\'est blocks, make..; an unforget- table picture against the darkeningdarkeningshly. Just sit there fora while, 1'00'11 be glad you did, + * + withincreased raising (0' livestock poultry in Eastern Canada 4(3 against 1111 indicated Short ;;rain crop, the doplu•tlncut of a;;ri0'dture 1(77(0 has set up a subsidy on 11 sliding scale for eastern farmers to buy western feed grain for storage again,) next winter's feeding needs. It starts witha 3 cent subsidy per bushel for grains bought in July, 21c,• cents In August receding 1,_ cent eachmonth to a sub - 'tidy of 1,1, cent per bushel in Decum• her, * * + \\'hen it is realized 111:0 0111•(' • ala - dial producers have got the jolt 11118 year of supplying !15 perceul of Greatitrilait's bacon requirement.; l0 10;011. 11x111 their d oz., weekly rotten, 11 mu. plha5i•res the tt'umeudotis war .1(.'( n ing done on the farms from o-1 :n t0 11, li','re�lur;ul. North Atlantic or the ocean, To hit this high ma :: in 11'11 Ale 'thus, 10:11' lad 111 the Royal ('x0•'1011115 (brit a grUItor 3lrc0::la,'e of adian Navy f; going to see 011 board hog.; offered for slaughter in l' /9111.a.ship each we(14 from nolo 041, at least i will have to be diverted for ^xport, one current up•lo•date movie with his It won't reduce the amount (0 pork for favourite screen slat: fn.; have i owcouumers much, htsev already I (.;;;;.%;;1'.g..:111-ii )(rg:uefzcd 11(1(4 laby the asur cuouliagtt po;ll1 or (' mull 1'» ',4( n Navy hila Smci"13' lancet!, mostly fresh and smoked I eiug * * The Condition Bureau of Statist it's while "11cwiu-4 that bile cost 01' living index went 1)p a 11111e from 115,1 to 1114,:, in June, says the physical vol- ume of business, climbing sharply 'inoe war broke Ott, ,;hewed signs of levelling of in that month, 1'041 might be interested, house- , w•iV(';. The other day at the ('rices !Marti infortnalioa hrunoll 1 had n look devoted 'at the new ('141101 10011 3'01) will be:eal'thy nature. 'Each month a \\•ee'ily 140tlillg between :August 2(.2'14, 'Twelve 1 newspaper editor will be given smwo million are briar; printed, weighingi oto address a newsy little letter 10 ono 27:1 Ions, enough 10 011 nine box cars of the home (owners in sank,' remote Piled singly they Would :each 11 miles place on the continent, with all the in the air and their 111 million pages spice and gossip of the peiiod, used now. Last year our 8hii'ment3 of bacon and Rant 10 the 01,1 Laud 11,4 5,213,5111 ewl, in money * * + The editors of "Wring -4" (nag tzino of the Royal Canadian Air fore'', tell no they're starling a 10'11• idea which should go over big with the bads and hussies in blues hailing front (01104, Villages and fn0111,4, to "home town A page ,will he 110,'5" of an '' 1Y Feed Grains for Live Stock and Poultry If you require a loan to purchase fccd grains we invite you to discuss your requirements with our local Manager. THE CANADIANBANK OF COMMERCE 229 Branches in Ontario 630 Wednesday, August tit t'i..I' '. x4 .•.••„••.••.0,0.•.x0,•.xx,•, x•. xO r•. 1'O xi x•, x•„•.:•. r• ,..•1'..•..•.•.•••,,.a i►r+ .r .••0• •r u •r r•lu n r•;. r r r r •r0,;. , r Or •;r r r r u r i,Jl,i11111 Mrs, CuomoI''. 1'11110l0, LYCEUM '9'IIEATRE d:11 All,. Harold Nlr 1.n► -en and (laugh. -• 1,,1', Jaren, who have lived 111 Galt for WINGHAM-ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night Thurs., Fri., Sat, Aug. 5-6-7 SPECIAL Betty THE STANDARD IT pale 5, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Icict{(qtCt4eetcigtoctuctC111614C(Ct4i414KIC1CtCkt410(4cq141u 141144tIQ►431?CKtGt6RItGIGi4cRtEkItC1C1CIGIOCI 1G1 1(tc1CIGIm1C1C1C1C10CIGIstCrlattoVetCki ROXY'1116ATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE - REGENT THEATRE CLINTAN• GODERICH. SEAFORTH. )Radford over the we -1( -end, At r, an(1 Mrs, Bert \'luteol, Itel• 'r • asst two years• have moved to grave, were \I'eslficld visitors on Sun 1.111 L. t:e .aloe t)1' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. \\'it.'day, son Harold Nicholson having johtcd • i the 81.111y' atI Within. r• Grablc, John Payne, in {.I Aliso ,lean A. 5(011, Parkhill, 81141 •,.Alildred Scott, I1.N., Stratford, with parents, A1r. and Mrs, Russell Bentley i Springtime in the Roci ics;;l?i1'. trod Mr;. It. .1. Scot!. Iow0r the weekend, Leading Aircraftsman Stanley Mk- I ;Mr, and Mrs. \VIII .1leVitt!e were J • Nall, Dunnville, has received harvest. (;a(1oral) visitors on \Vednesday when, li m.'.1 Ileave and Is at J)I1Mut assisting 111`; they visited Al r, Iiwnry M('Vlltl, who V - ,t,, I,nenis, Mr. and Airs, 'Thomas 111c. has been very 111. 1 ;1; Nall.I \\ e are sorry to report that Little ,hi; Air, and Airs, \\'ililanl e1t•tnstrongiMiss Dorms N1'11 Iden is on lite sink I. and daughter Lois, 'Toronto, with Mi's• dist, AVe hope she Is very Hoon flet ._. AI;11.13 Arnlst•ong, (sunny self again. lir, 111)(1 Alrs• Robert. 13m:hener, Iilchener, with Air, and Airs. Charles ;call. Sgt. ('lure Vincent, 'Three lovers, Que., with his brother, 111 r, Norman 'Vincent, and Mrs. Villee111. Sgt. )toy Bentley, Loudon, with his .\ musical in lechnieolor ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30 p. Men., Tues., Wed, Aug. 0.10.11 Loretta Young, Alan Ladd, in "CHIN A" A Girdling story of Ih1 Orient. ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS Pte. Jimmy Walsh, who has spent a two -weeks' furlough at the 110111(1 of his •t• parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Walsh, hos returned to Vanc0uvor, 11,(', AUBURN Morning I'rayer.laml Sermon in SI. Mark's ('.w•ch at Sunday. The Rev, 1u:1 .\.\I, next L. \'. 1,0(. 0(.1( of Ilespeler, will officiate, 11r. Donald I(o$:, (ioderflli, his moth. Airs, Dred Ross. 1\1r. I'}Iasi• l ellai r ;t 71.1ter I.•I. elite Kellar +with friends tit \\'hilby. Alis:• Lucille Kollar also spending a Vacation 111 \\'oodsloc•k, WESTFIELD -. 'fill \Vi'slfi(ld United Church Sun. day School held lhelr annual picnic on the shore of the Maitland River in Air. Earl \V1ghl.nuul'H lovely grove on with 'Tuesday afternoon. A very.enjoyable time was had by all. The,. young pc uple enjoyed a good lively game of ball. Then rac;es for everyone, and 'games, 'There Willi, Of course, a great ul al of social intercourse among the Fru(' See.'s with Mr. and \II's. Ka•yes 3)1(101' folk, and lastly, but far from of Mil•'hell,least, came the supper that the ladlr,4 \1'illi,lm II. Thompson has accepted Iso generously provided, and was par- least, a position 011 the farm of At. and of to the limit. Jack Buchanan Mrs, John Flick whore the i; assisting was voted the "Hest of Tea Makers." with harvesting, TJwcryone enjoyed themselves to the Norman .\latch. Calgary, with his I full, and felt 11 was so good to be able !»other, Mrs, ,lambs Athicll. I to en.1oy this 11111111111 event 111 0111' Al 1,-; Isobel RullIl 400 has relhnnr1 Howell life, even in wartime, and the boys who are away in our Armed to 'Toronto after Visiting .e1 parents, Mr, an l Mrs. All'rr11Rnlliu.;c.tl, hurc('H, wwere not forgotten, but were Belgrawe this wweek, Mrs. :\lex, shit w, Aiinico, with Alr. missed. \Ve hope by next year the ( Miss Helena Gwynn is the proud war will b0 over, and they will be !possessor of a diploma from the 'Bible' coulter on Saturday. and Mrs, It, .1. Phillips. 1 W:''11us Ina happy re -union, 1 Al r, ani Mrs, William Coate11- 'School 1101(1 lost week at Auburn hi I Mr, 1uii1 Mi's. Lorre Shobbrook 1111(1 A large 1111111',03' from here attended Knox Presbyterian Chn13. 11114101' til( i':aby, of Oshawa, visited hi•.i cousin, troll, Sergeant Ro':ert ,I. Craig, St.I Thonul,; 'laid Miss Belly I"alrswr\•Irc the races at Gode3'ich on Monday. supervision of Di. Thomson. Con- .Airs. Norman Radford. Blyth, \with Mr, and M3•s, Maitland Visitors: Ald-;s M, Smith, Brussels,gratllation's, Helena, Rev. and Airs, Elston, of ih'igdeu, Allen. w\illi Al r. and Mrs., Melvin Taylor; who have spent their Holidays at the Miss Florence Patterson, 'Toronto, Mrs. \\'m. Straughan, Goderlch, with USE THE STANDARD TO ADVER. home of their cousin, Mrs. James Wil - with 3081 p111110 \V:r 11% M1', 1)11(1 Mrs 'Tommy Jardine; Mr. TISE ANY ARTICLE LOST, son, returned home on Tuesday, Airs, Steven<nn, Clinton. with 1t'. I and 'Al 1-8, Lorne Shobbrook and babe. OR FOR SALE. \\'e are glad to report Alts. \Vm. , Cow is improving after her recent operation in \Vingham Il0spital, On SrInllay, Itev. 1larold Snell, preached a. stirring Hermon on "Vig- ilance." This text was "and the Door Wa.s Shill." MIHs AiIII nl0 Snell left on Monday for London wlu:re 811(w4J (5- tlblained g NOW PLAYING: Alice Faye in: "HELLO, FRISCO, HELLO" Technicolor. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Gene, Tierney, Preston Foster. John Sutton and Jack Holt From the I'nlirvl Nations they rums', w'Inging their way to free - thin and a Lett,, r world. "11I-IT.JN I)ERBIRi)S" IN TECHNICOLOR. Thursday, Friday, Saturday "The Crystal Ball" A laughable, lovable romance, with a dash of mystery tos+rd in Ray Milland, Paulette Goddard. Gladys George, Virginia Field, COMING: "SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT" NOW: Loretta Young in: NOW "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" Mon., Tues., Wed, Two Features Don Ameche, Janet Blair and Jack Oakie Cole Porter's music Is just one of the il'itlures in tills musical extravaganza Something to Shout About William Gargan, Margaret Lindsay ar,:l Gilbert Roland In '`Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen" Thursday, Frid.ay,Saturday, Raymond Massey, Humphrey Bogart and Alan Hale glorify 1113 unsung cou•ag(, the silent service of the leen of the t'I(rchant marine. Action in the North _ Atlantic" COMING: "A Haunting We -Will Go" and "Revielle Meets Beverly." George Formby in: "ON THE BEAT." Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Alice Faye. John Payne, Jack Oakie and Lyrn Bari, 1 lilting. 'Technicolor, noi,,icul cocktail. served ++1111 old ballad,; awl new talent. "Hello, Frisco. Hello" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Monty Wooley, Roddy McDowell, and Ann Baxter tell the thrilling Flory of a limey• u11•Ilt sb1•I.liord 001 his flock of Young 33111n11r..rs. E PIED PIPER" 1181•} 'Martin and Dick Powell in. "il.\I'P1' Gil I.I'('K\ " Mat, Wed. Sat & Holidays at 3 P.M.Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 3 P.M. (4 iii)mgimpat)12012121)iS1)t2i2t3i3t131 )01).,)022t2a21212wlaiDaN R 2i 131 I I 1dia, I cJl , la.o,;3,"e, , Ie,u,?,c, ,2( idt'rt2iitbc 3 i CSipi t EAST WAWANOSI-I a position. Air, Leslie Johnston spent a few "Neighbour -Picnics" have been the days with friends at \\'imisor. order of the (lay, and (ioderich seems I Miss Mildred Charter Is 'spending to be, the favourite spot for many 'a week at the summer school at Gude- people of this community the past 'rich. week, A11 report a good time. I 'Alasler Murray Reil! of Ilullell, Miss Roberta A1eVitie has r?•tt'ned Iced his cousin, Hobert Marshall. 'home after. spending several day.; Air. l.;slk Johnston had the nlisfor- 'witlh 31r, and Mrs. \V, Currey, (lode- 'Noe to have a horse killed by light - rich, ialing (luring the severe electric storm Air. John Geer, of Kitchener, was Monday night. a Westfield visitor on Sunday. Allister Billie Stevens who spent the 31r. 1111(1 Airs, Jack Garr;.bell, A1k;s past month. with Air, and Airs. G. Audrey and Master inonald, Aylmer, Charts' returned to Toronto on 'Tues• visited on Sunday wvith 31r. and Mrs. day. Albert \\Talali. Aliss Edna Walsh and Audrey of .111 1118 Violet Cook is holidaying I1. Illetsall spent Friday with 31r, and \1s- :31 1's, A. \yam , Gunner .I. I',. \Valsh left for van. ..I 111C- i•Nr, THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and THREE GREAT MAGAZINES For Both Newspaper and Magazines $3.10 GROUP "A" -Select One 11 Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr [] True Story Magazine 1 Yr [1 Photoplay-Movie Mirror 1 Yr [ 1 Woman's Home Comp. 1 Yr [1 Sports Afield 1 Yr (] Magazine Digest 6 Mos. [ 1 Fact Digest 1 Yr [] American Homo 1 Yr []'Parent's Magazine 6 Mos [1 Open Road for Boys 1 Yr [1 The Woman 1 Yr [] Science & Discovery 1 Yr [] Liberty (Weekly) 1 Yr. [] Silver Screen 1 Yr. [] Screenland 1 Yr. [] Flower Grower 1 Yr. [] American Girl 1 Yr. r• GROUP "B" -Select Two [] Maclean's (24 Issues) 1 Yr. [] Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr (] Chatelaine 1 Yr [] National Home Monthly1Yr. (] Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr [] *Farmer's Magazine 2 Yrs. [] Canadian Horticulture & Home 1 Yr. [] Click (Picture Mthly.)1 Yr. [] Canadian Poultry Rev. 1 Yr [3 Rod & Gun in Canada1 Yr. (] American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. SAVE MONEY! Enjoy the finest magazines while saving tires and gas. Only through this news- paper can you get such big reading bargains. Pick your favorites and mail coupon to us TODAY. THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Year) and Your Choice THREE POPULAR MAGAZINES For Both $2.50 Newspaper and Magazines [] Maclean's (24 Issues) 1 Yr. [] Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. (] Chatelaine 1 Yr. [] National Home Monthly 1 Yr. [) Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr. (] *Farmer's Magazine )Yrs. [] Canadian Horticulture & Home 1 Yr. [] Click (Picture Monthly) 1 Yr. [] American Fruit Grower1 Yr. t1 Canadian Poultry Rev 1 Yr. (] Rod & Gun In Canada1 Yr. [] American Oirl $ Moa. *Farmer's Magazine sent only to farm addressee in Eastern Canada. COUPON THIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR) and ANY MAGAZINES LISTED ice. Shown All Magazines Are For 1 Year [] Maclean's (24 issues) $2.00 (] Canadian Home Journal2.00 ['Chatelaine 2.00 (] National Home Monthly2.00 ()Family Herald & Weekly Star 2.00 (] New World (illustrated), 2.00 (1 *Farmer's Magazine (2 years) 1.75 (] Click (Picture Monthly)2.00 (] Canadian Horticulture 175 & Home [] Canadian Poultry Review 2.00 [] Rod & Gun In Canada [] True Story Magazine (] Woman's Home Comp. (] Sports Afield [] Liberty (Weekly) f] Magazine Digest [] Silver Screen [] Screenland () Look (] American 'Home -[] Parent's Magazine [] Christian ,Herald [] Open Road for Boys (1 American Girl [] Red Book ()American Magazine (] Collier's Weekly ()Child Life ()Canadian Woman [] Flower Grower 2.00 2.25 ,,,, 2.25 2.25 2.50 ,,, 3.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 2.25 3.00 3.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.25 3.50 2.50 FILL IN AND MAIL TO THIS NEWSPAPER TODAY Check magazines destted and enclose with coupon. Gentiement I enclose $ Please send me the offer checked, with a year's subscription to your paper. NAME POST OFFICE w STREET OR R.R. ,,mow PROV. Sorry to hear At', Walter M1c(lowtm W118 11 13.1,11 to Goderich Hot -Thal Tile:, by Airs, \\'. 1". Campbell; solos were day with a bad attack of quin;ey. (given by Kathleen Matson, Betty Rod - Mrs. \\'an. Radford spent a 1'ew da)S'ger, Lobs Campbell, \134- Stanley at the hone of her grandiaughter. (;0013; duet by June Alc('linchvy, JOVice 'Airs. 11. I. Squill', little 5,Illy 'Taylor, of comber, were week•eud .guests al thele 110111(1 of At•. and .\lrs. \\'. 1 . ('ant) bl. All Al. Sm!Ih, of lirue,lls, 1; ing her sister, 31r.;. AlelVin Taylor, and ' other friends. Air. and Mrs. II,,rl \'inc nit, Harold Vincent, of BelgraVe, with and Airs. .1, 1.. Alcl';,nell. Guests 00 Sunday at the house of A1r, and \II's, Earl \Vightman w1r1: Mr, and 31r.4, Norman \\'ighl01:111. Tarr sy and Bob, of \Vellat,d: Air. and Alts. Leslie \\'ightnun, laid children, Ann and John Harvey, of 101. Concession Air. Mr. of East \\'a.wvaunsh. miss Hattie Gallagher of Lncln,ow Is visiting at the home of her niece, Airs. Earl \Vight11an. • air. and Airs. \Vin. 31v1)owell visited 011 Sunday with Air, and 'Mrs. .1. 111 - lough of Dungannon. Miss 1111110 \\'ight.man 1s attending Gt Is' ('a,np at the Summer School grounds, north of (loderii•I> this week. The 31ission Band met on \\'wines• day afternoon and entertain'd the \Vestfleld \\',3l,S, and the Auburn 3Hssion Band. The leader, Airs. flow. arid Campbell. was in charge. '1'111• Scripture lesson, !Ilsl Psalm, was read try Mos. NO11111111 M0l10\well. Prayer Mrs. \\lin . ilint 011l, Queen's F>,tnd Thanked For Mobile Canteens The chairman of 1(1" Queen',; Can- adiluh I''uud has received the following letter from R. Austin Pilkington, ,LI'., honorary treasurer of the National Y. .3).C. A. \\'ar Service Fund, London, England, In his letter of thanks for the Ino. bile canteens donated by the Fund, for the use of victims needing aid as lite result of the enemy's wart:u'e, Taylor: headings, by Hattie \Vighl- mean and Jimmy Buchanan; story by Airs. Nortuan Radford, .\n whirls; was given by Airs. Ki,lcby, of \Vallon, who is the Presbyterial Mission Band President. After the closing hymn and li'tlediction. hold) was served. Airs, Hattie Hyde, of \\'est I.oc',&, Alberta. 3315 a recent guest at the horse of Al r: and Airs. Earl \Vlghtnlau. V . Airmen Ill Competition 'Draw Large Crowd A Targe crowd lined the north and Mr. 1'ilkingtou writes: south piens at (luderich on Saturday "At the sheeting of our \ria' Finer -'afternoon to witness tie swimming gency Conuuitteo held today, we me- t for the northern groat) chanlpion- heard with very real pleasure of a gift skip held atthe harbour under the of 1000 hottildi sent by Iler 3Lljesty i 3 biles,; of No, :til Air Navigation the Queen d oar National 1'.AL('.A. ,Sr.hool, Royal Air Force, fort Albert \Vat* Service bund. 'Phis Is a mast ,by the Bind permission of Group ('ap• generous and helpful donation, and laid It, I,. ('rt)finn, we propos- allocating the I1:00 pound officer commanding the station. towards the provision of one, or if The rials coulc;thlg groups c;unn 1101;81111e l.\w'o, nh0bile ca.ntrens, witch The the airports at fort Albert, 5)3)' will b,e available when necessary 1(1 Harbor and Clinton. The final results assist civilians needing aid as the gave port Alb:'rt sl points, and when result of the W81', the contests were over, At s, ('teflon, "We un00('51 110 that 111(‘ Queen's wild of the officer commanding, gray, gift represents a part of 1t sum which iucsly presented the station swimming iia: been most generously put at iter trophy, a handsome silver cup, whir. db::p oral by Ibe Queen's ('anadhin wa.s reeeIV,rd by I tying Officer hund, and our 11111111;14 are duo lo ail well• officer in charge Of station swim• who have mod0 this gift possd1l1'. ming. , "\\'o want you as chilil'Ihhall of the Flying Officer Petty, station (<port8 Queen's C'tiiidlan 1''111l(L, 10 he assured officer, at fort AIhert, stated that it of our \Vur Emergency C'onniiIttee's very real (111(1ks." V WESTFIELD is hoped to have anol11e1' meet in the near future at London belw•i'cn the airports of western (.maria stationed !tit fort Alpert, Sky Harbor, Clinton, I('entralia, St. Thomas, Aylmer, Fingal IAir. \V. 11, Campbell 1; visiting at Icuu1 Crumlin. the home of Ills daughter, Mrs. \V. p, Port Albert tenni will also compete Crozier, and Air. Crozier, of Crewe. Ih1 an open door swimming meet at A1is3 ,lean Campbell of Sky liarl>our Sunnysid0, Toronto, for the No, 1 Al,' 1'011 i; spending this week wonITrnlning Command championship in her parents, Air, and Airs, w, A•.w•b1(11 till stations 111 0n1"r10 will cola• Pete. 1'771;to:Tv e1' 1I. E. King of Sky Harbour from the (living ho31A 01st) n•ott 1110 1100111 1111 of flu' crt)wv1, a. he secured first place in the ..vont. All the diving contest- ants dipped. sinner -milted and Back• dived into lip• wat( t• with lithe graco Th:' performance of Squadron Lead- ' and case. FOR SALE Pod. \\"ay S;Iglcss Spring and ANttt- ress, good condition. .Apply to Alrs, .11111 ('aulp!n ll, Blyth, FOR SALE is -foot Al. I1. Ilion -r, in good Shat)', .Apply .\. D. Alnrri.'um, i :. 8I, Myth. 'l'ENI)ERS WANTED EN it!{I(S for the Contract o1' 'building two .ridges in the 'I'uww•nship iof Aloins 1111 until 2 p.in., :August Uth, The nae 1.11.14.. is to 111 built on ('oncessioi 8. u111 Ibe other 011 the ('entre 5fderoad, b :I (1 11(1 10, The I1idges an, to Lo of cement structure, reiIh(l'(•ed \\Atli steel. For I'11111s and Specifications see the Road SupIrint.'ndent, I 111880 ('in•iie. The lowest or (lily termer not nec- essarily accepted. 1383111 ('uncrss1011e GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK, 11.11, No. 4. Brussels, 51-2. Haase - Murray :\ quiet wedding \\as solemnized at AlclCillop manse when Rev. \V. J. Pal - tan united in marriage 3largaret Joan, youngest daughter of Ate;. Murray, \\'alhon, and the hue Alexander Alta - ray, to (:len Haase, only son of 1\11, and Airs. E, Haase, \\'Inthrop. The bride wore a street length dross of robin's egg blue :sheer with white ac- cesorics and a corsage of Better Time; rose;. They were attended by Alr. and Airs. Eai'l Nott, Clinton. it 1 I II .II , III FOR SALE! WE HAVE THE STOCK 10 Mowers. 5 Dump Rakes. 2 Side Rakes. 3 Hay Loaders. 6 Wagons. 20 Grain Binders. 7 Tractors. 8 Tractor Plows. 3 Corn Scufflers. 3 Corn Binders. 3 Corn Blowers. 9 Cultivators. 2 Lard Rollers, 18 Used Cars. 100 OTHER ARTICLES TOO Numerous to list, BUY WHILE STOCK IS AVAILABLE! SUPERIOR MOTORS MARK ROGERS & SON PALMERS'I'ON i• . ..I ism Campbell. Mr. W. 1''. Can';•'•^til 'Q treating his )louse to a coat of paint. 1311', \\'m. McDowell. 31r. W. 1'', Campbell attended the board meeting,race 001eri1(4 the .1.. yeu•d 51 retch on Thursday evening from the \V st- three times to complete Ilie course. I"ly111g ()Meer Lothian w•as given it big hand by the 01.0w•(1 w'11"11 110 fin- ished [(3 41 itt the 101 yards fret, style field appointment. 311'. and Mrs. J. Buchanan attended the Manse Com- mittee meeting the sante evening. Mrs. Alice Tyernlan is visiting at the home of her cousin, Ali'. Prank '1'1311rbly'I) of 1.onl(I.boro. , Masters Victor and Cecil Campbell are spending a few day.; with their grandparents, A1r. and 1.1rs. A. 1':. Johnston, of \Vest \Vaw•anosh. Airs. Sackrider is visiting her sister. Mr.s. Fred \V. Cook, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs,- J. E. Ford, Mr, and ,,gtvetatocteteteletetCt6 mtocto41GIetetivoG'GeglCtmi !CIC' teloct mcctowcto rCtC Dead and Disabled Animals f REMOVED PROMPTLY. . Telephones: Atwood, 50x31; Seaforth, i5, Coact. DARLING and CO. of CA -NADA, LTD. 6. V1. $111Dt it tit 144$1?ti *FLIal>iDtA11121$120WaIDI r I 1(:( STREET SCENE IN SICILY Sicilian., young and old—some with ''balcony seats"--tut'n out to watch the Tanks march through a rapture i ;own on toad to victory in Sicily. Side By Side With War Effort All In Britain Plan For Peace And The Nation's Health Improves By Sidney Herniblow Side by sit tvitlt Bri(ai!'s aught} luau' effort, there is being evoite.d a blueprint for the coming years s of peace. .\nil while iiritain as a nation makes plans for the post -rig tory era, the individual ap• prene.L i, not being overlooked. One .stall instance of this is to he found in the fact that 130, Ono of London's war workers aro, even now, devotiva their scanty leisure hours to studies :It the Evening Institutes. _Among other things they are learning_ arts and crafts, agricul- ture and nursing, elementary Bled• kine and languages —to fit them. selves for future careers when there is no further treed to en• gage in munition -making and civil tlet' r. •0 duties. A New Electric Age \Clile they follow their studies, Various organisations announce their plans for a post-war 13ritaiu. The )British Electrical Industr;., for cxanoplo, has Hoary things iu mind :o improve the Monte life of the people. They include: Lamps that will give the home two-and•a•half times the present illumination at no greater con- sumption of current than now; ill• visible heating of room, Dont the walls; "rationalised" wiring instal• ikons, with all meters, matin t )itthe•a and fuse, in ono tv;hl1 0 i,illet I:ontatiling itlt'•1't-hal,"-r• a 51e ;uses that even a child c.,n handle in safety; radio direct from the mains; and refrigerators with- in )'trach of the ftnlily with eyell the low. -it Income. Home -Made Clothes Jlc,lntvltle, problems of clothing and food continue to engage the attention of Britain's home front. Economy is the order of the day, both to sate raw materials and shipping space, and to provide money- for the war chest. In this, the women play a kart. Ing part. A. new tendency, just re• realed, is to cut out the purchase If ready•made clothing, and to aluy, instead, material from which Mottles can be shade at home. Tho development fa particularly no. ticcalle in London. The increase in retail sales of dress materials In 'May was three per cent. over the :ales in May last year, and that followed a trend which has been steadily upward in recent taonths. Sa,iF,s of dress materials by one ;Wondun store have increased by a third in the past year, and eight out of every tint women customers ask for pattern and dressmaking Inshuctlult booklets 01 the sauna Frock From Garden Seat Ingenuity knoll's no hounds «lien it ''enlea to women's 1,war-tiltle fashions, Consider the chillies dis- played at a. Ifoute Front Exhibi- tion in Manchester this week: A check coat•frock made from a fifty- year•old fishing suit, a dressing gown designed from travellers' samples, and a hous0 frock that WAS once the MI a garden seat. The clothes had been matte by pupils of the city's Evening School of Economy. Types of Toys Limited Even children's toys came with- in the scope of war rationalisation. To avoid waste of labour and ata- tcriais there will be five main type's of toys available it Britain ilex' Christmas. They will be: Dolls, soft plush toys including stuffed animals and the like, wood- en engines and trucks, model air- craft and Indoor games. The maximum controlled price after •October 1 will be 243.5d, re- tail, '1'llis will mesa Ut.tt snore COM ly tc1va that have not `aeon sold by that date will be ;sr, Into storage until after the. war. More Vegetables Grown Total wan' is changing Britain's eating habits and for the first time the value of vegetables i3 fully apprecia rd. People have improv- ed nnproved their methods of cooking and, better still, have learned to eat a wide variety of vegetahl,'s raw, to obtain the maximum amount of vitamins and mineral salts which a(('4 so often lost In careless cook- ing. 1b meet the increased demand, Loaners, market gardeners and the people themselves, are growing more vegetables than evert before. The total national production of vegetables has grown from three million to four million tons a year. Maternal Mortality Falls flow dors change of dict nffert Cie health and general wcll•heing of Britain's people? 1.;'t the figures speak fen• them- scly, s. ib-Itain's birth rate in this tie: t quarter of this year wts the hi:hest recorded for 15 yearns. In 11)42 both infant and' maternal mortality rates were at new low levels, The infant mortality rate of 49 per thousand live births \vas the lowest on record. In the fourth year of tv ars moth- ers and children are heii,t pro• vided with more health -giving foods than they were in the habit of tak- ing for themselves in pears -fiats. And (01 top of all this both moth - era and children are drinking con• siderably more milk- ill to they drank in hcacc-tinlr+. Expectant Mother and Baby Still another concession for ex- pectant mothers is announced (Ida week. From July 25 the expectant mother will be entitled to two ra- tion hooks, the second, a modified C111141'8 110011, will enable her to obtain supplies of food additional to her normal adult rations—this, of course, before baby comes. Under this new plats the expect- ant mother will he entitled to 0 priority supply of seven pint.; or milk a week• plus her normal non- priority supply. She will set bice as many eggs, a ration awl a half of meat, 0(101(es as they are avail- able and orange juice and eo,1 liv- er oil compound. Between date of landing in North Attica and the middle of play British troops smoked 450,- 000,000 cigarettes and ale 9,000,- 000 bars of chocolate. Simco) April 1 st 2,500,000 British ;iirgra)hs were dealt with, 25,000 bags of mail were received from Britain. Subs Spend. Third Of Time Submerged I3ri1Is11 submarines on opera- tions lurk beneath the water about four months out or twelve, accord- ing to Commander lien Bryant, one of the Navy's aces, About three-fifths of the year were spent on patrol, he said, "but generally suhtuarine c'rew's are happy as the day is long. 'I'hoy spend their spare time in childish games, Ludo and cribbng.- main- ly„ "'l'hore is plenty of laughter," he told a 1if3C audience. "Few of ua would swap Out' jot for any other. And from 0 commanding officer's point of view in tracking down and heating up the enemy at his doorstep we 'Ijoy what 13 to uv the finest sport in tho world. High Vitamin Value Of Canadian Flour l'onsions lliuistrr 31ackenzio said last welds in the house or Commons. 11 waS Ihe opinion of filo highest nutritional experts in Britain that high (.110111111 ('ala• dian flour made fioul natural wheat has a finer nutritive value than any flour into which extra vitamin is introduced synthetical- ly. Ile said be would uta lie sur- prised 10 see the United Kitr4itom and United States "reverting,' to tho Canadian -type flour. SNOOZE TO SICILY Forty winks before invasion are caught by this Sicily -bound Al- lied paratrooper who, like his comrades, remained calm and re- laxed until signal for action was g'iv'en, R.EG'LAR FELLERS—The Expert DON'T WORRY! 1 KNOW WHERE WE CAN GET IT CLEANED IN A MINUTE.! HELP ME ROLL IT UP; 7 VOICE OF THE PRESS BLACK MARKET CATS tfr) w'as a• dealer Int 010 black market. Ito had been selling rab- 111(3, One day ho was discovered trying to sell rabbits with long tails. It turned out the rabbits h td been eats. That la one of rho risks you take when you buy black market pleat In any country, —Windsor Star. RAKISH BURGLAR 1louseholdor reported to Ilse police that a tall, thin burglar, w•hont lie had encountered in his garden, struck him n violent. blow nu t110 hoed. Tho constable solved the mystery and captured the as- sailant by stepping on the rake too. —Owen Sound Sun -finless --o— DIFFERENT NOW til There was a time when a tiro • was worn out if the tread had dia. appeared. Now they ere 110t aband- one(' until the air begins to show through. ---Peterborough Examiner. "WOPPING UP" WOPS Canadian soldiers In Sicily were supplied with books teaching Ital. -Ian conversational phrases. Did they explain that, "wopping up" means mopping up• in English? ---Woodstock Sentinel -Review, —0— MENTAL JOURNEY HARD It is 110w.p0ssibl0 to travel from Ottawa to Moscow In three days. Physically, of course; the mental journey still takes a little longer than that. Peterborough Examiner, MAY BE SO We'll probably forgive the on• tinny -not because wo are right- eous, but because wo lack the mor- al backbone to stay interested, alert and toilet. --Victoria 'Times. FANCY PA IN SHORTS Rosh, route to think of It, what a lot of darning !tight be saved, 1f they painted socks on Ira and little Willie, too. —Roston herald. The Book Shell COMBINED OPERATIONS The Official Story of the Com- mandos with a foreword by Vice - Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations This is an astonishing, absolute- ly absorbing account of the ac- complishments of those picked ml's from the Royal Navy, the British Army, and the )loyal Mr Puree, who work with U.S. hang- er.; and 01 hers of the United Na- tions in what is known officially as ('onthtuc'tl Operations—or, more popularly, Zile Commandos. So far 0s po,sil)le, without giving aid to Ilse enemy, it is the complete story of the Commandos since the very hegiuniug of their activities, 101Ih tenting with the experimental attacks on Norwegian islands, and proceeding with more ambitious attempts on tate Continent, in quick succession follow highly drn- niette accounts of the ass;utlt on southern Italy, the evacuation of ('role, Om defeat of the French in Syria. the daring penetration of the enemy's lint in Libya—culmin- ating in the suspelisefpl stalking of Rouuurl's headquarters -stile as- sault on St. Nazaire, the capture of Madagascar, the I)ieppe raid,' the invasion of North Africa, The hook is utterly without heroics, and yet Is all heroism. The reader marvels at the terrible efficiency, the terrible simplicity, the terrible courage, and the awe- some nonchalance of the British Royal Navy and Army and It.A,F, men who partici( ate hi these raids. Combined Operations , The Macmillan Company of Canada. , . "'Hee $2.00 There are approximately 1,100 ntenihers of the \Vomcut's Timber Corps in Scotland. They are fell- ing, cross -catling, working at saw- mills and driving tractors and lor- ries. t DON'T KNOW WHERE OUR FAMBLY WOULD BE IF IT WASNY FOR MY MEMORY I-27 British Version "Tile superiority of itritish air crows Is largely due to the fart that the Gorman crew' do tiol train as a unit." Scene: Aboard a .luniter.t Ivor England. "Now, Hans, you din' tartletspot and I der honibereli will drop and der hautghelm make." "Not so, Karl 3rhnlelh'nhorsl-- you de target spot ;tad 1 der bang - holm will nnalce. You !lade her banghelni on Friday." "Yon are (t Sehweinhtmnd.,r "lhul you aro eta meanie cal!" Third ("oleo (hastily): "Neither of you wiil Iter Istu beim nhaLo — se.e? horanse ler sergeant der bonlhhrini In der plate f:u':;eltll31 to pill tins." • Royal Navy Tugs Tho world's largest toss are now being built for the Royal Navy in shipyards In Belicht, sov- oral already being in commissou, They can tow over Tong dslatices anything up to a battleship or giant passenger liner, and In ton- nage they are almost equal t0 a medium-sized destroyer. One re- cently towed a ship of 7,000 tons for 1,400 miles. At the outbreak of war, Britain had 25,000 tractors for agricultural work; today there are 125,000 In 1100. WHY, OF COURSE Six-shooter at the hip and mi 1• tary bearing readily identifi is this figure on the sands of Sici y as American Lieut. -Gen, George S. Patton. SPIRIT OF CANADA Flt, Sgt. Geo. Calver (left) lost both legs in a raid over Cologne when flak struck his four engine bomber, damaging the landing gear and tail, Calvet' and his crew were able to bring the bomber back safely.' On being fitted for artificial legs George asked that they be foto' inches longer. They compromised by giving hint an addition- al inch. Exactly six months to the day, following his mishap, Flight Sergeant Calver and Air Marshall Bishop made 0 public appearance at De 11aviland Aircraft and thanked the workers for tho `excel- lent job they were doing. Flight Sergi ('alvei hopes to get back into action soon, LIFE'S LIKE THAT !// ;i1RS, PIPS DIARY /i By Fred Neher /;: //- , FJ e; "1,11 be frank, officer SURE! I'LL REMOVE BOTH THE PAINT AN' THE RUG WID A BLOWTORCH IF YE WANT IT THAT WAY 11µ1n1.11, I uII)Ird 4,,, .11111,0d) 1'd rather not have a ticket." By GENE BYRNES AUTO PAINTING ir TAGTO' VOM WE REMOVE Opo 1'A\sC BY 0 040- Digt N,ESNOD 01 1 i AQ C e ht nnv Ail rt1A11 r///S 804011.57 COOP 50 CRISP AND GOOD /5JI57 HHF WAY "•: TO START THIDAi;� 1( 70 79E HILT By Percival Christopher Wren CIf:\1"I'lsl) XW1' "Are you a renegade so c ;bit• te:rcd against 1ho government and army which have kicked you out with Ignominy that y011 Have re- nounced your country and gone native 1.0111plr trly. 011rc and fol• all?" asked Ha Wiz'''. "veil," !(plb d ‘Wendover. "And you are not prepared to assist the sol toles of your moue try?" "No." "Ah!" And this that the land that lay along the arm of of the 4 1,11ir was raised. 'There was a sudden swift movement and \Vend• ever (who had once experienei (I that sensation) felt as if he had brim shot. But the paid was worse, r •,eructating, unbearable. .111Wsl Ills screamed, and only with the J ealesf effort )calf stifled the cry that wits reseed from hint by tin' ridden agony, ito tried to spring to his fell, 51111 in the art of rising rra'eiyed a stunning blow from the g'iant's huge fist, 0)14) a kick that for a minute prostrated him. "Sil up," said Itailitrin. (laspillg for breath. 11'estin\es 11:111 pulled himself together and with a great effort had continued 11) sit up, "Now i full going 114 ask you thos0 questions again . . . Ar, 3ott it 1'(•111,1 Ser\ ire agent eul• ph)yi'd and paid by the British Covernme!t to spy lcere3" "1 ane col." replied 11'4ndover through clenched teeth. Again llaililzin raised his ham), and again the gigantic soldier ?Renck with all his strength. • • • This time \Wendover managed to receive the blow without rt cry, and wondered if the pain and allock were less by ('eas(411 of 111e numbing effect of the first blow. "Arcs you a renegade so embit- tered against the government and army who have kicked you out with ignominy that you have re• uounced your country and gone native completely, once and for all?" ".•. • Yes" replied \Vendover. "Ah!" breathed liailifzin, and the hand did not rise. "Now then, Air. Renegade, have you not only done that, but have 2.a SENDS 1,000 "BRITISH CONSOLS", "LEGION'', "MACDONALD'S MENTHOL', "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" Cigarettes to any single Military Address Overseas tlioldters In the Canadian Army OVERS 1 and CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES (Portpaid). Mall Order and Remittance tor—. OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT W. C. MACDONALD INC. P.O. Box 1929, Place d'Armes, Montreal, Canada 11b0eareublacl loony change to Government Reeulaeoee S'E.NDTI S;,TH;B;EST ISSUE No. 31-43 C (IIISPIEg QJ j1. I,41. 1.,,,u- -Z� f�•. you . also heroine the enemy of your own country'?" "No," replied Wendover, and as the arm began its languid notion Iron) the horizontal to lir, perpei• Menhir, shbut1(1 ",No! No! Don't , . . Don't"— as the third blow fell, 1Veirlover, dazed, giddy, what is known as "puich•drunk," as well as halt' insane with pain and '1Vrath, stared like a trapped ani- mal at ills captor. "Now I'll ash you that last quos• lion again . , , Are you prepared to assist an 111('1111' of your coun- try?" Itailitziu's hand moved slightly. 1 1018!" mrd \1'oidover quickly, "1 thought you would," 51111(41 1{ailitz)n. "I thought 1 should be able to dance you see w•)sdoil--08 W1'11 as f«.1 it ;1)!d taste It, eh, \\'1'nd0V4'1'' 1'011 nevl'r thought you'd feel the knout on your bark, did you, when perior ('aptain Wendo\er of Na• pier's 110x8)'?" yen were the sit - \VIM! was Itail(tr.in sayin;;? ;old the nolo who will make money out of smuggling p11115 to 10' 11se(1 ag.lin$t his own 'temple, will mann' looney 001 of supplying information about his own people. Now then. supposing 1 .gate you your choice hidwe:'n hein.g ilogged to death n'ith that 'ebip- not 11011 11 duzcn ronlfOrt• able lit 111' outs like this, bel strung up and eat to ribbons by two ex• perk until you die -1)r, 011 tlit, other hand. all 01'011 utast+ Ill l'1.0• 1111' job than gun -running:'" \\'endteyer had stored stupidly at the fare that he would have given his 80111 for the power to (•mash. "\\'oil, speak up. ('i1 offering you a chance t0 work under too as a 80(1(0 8)t•v110 agent. \V)I) you d0 it • res. "And first of all, will you go to the Singing liadji of Sited lot and help hint capture Gillrazm Fort?" "1.(.s" "1'0)l will, eh? Alt! V0u'yo trav- eled a long way since you were Adjutant of Napier's Horse, hav- en') you? 'Traveled :I long way strive 1 Inst saw you. To he quite frank 1 shouldn't have remember ed you, recognized you, but for your cleverness in dressing up as a British officer, 1)0 you still pre- tend you don't remember ale?" "\'1,•s, 1 )lean no, I don't. 1 can't—" "Cast your mind hark to 8 re- ception at the Russian Embassy In London once when you were borne on leave. Do you remember 0 do at the India Office when the Russian Ambassador and his staff were Invited, and a levee at the French lnnbassy when the Rus- sian military attache, . ." Ali! That, was It. Of course, Ot course, 1Vhnt was It this fellow had called himself then? He had a title in those days. Prince or Count Somebody or other. 1le had forgotten his name. Why, and of course he had met hint at. Sybil's. But why did the man hate hint so? \Vhy had he treated him like this? Hast he something personal. Sybil? Surely not, * * "Remember? I doubt if you will ever forget. me again by the time I've done with you. Great man in those days, weren't yon? Didn't think you would ever kneel to ale. '1'o me, who knelt, yes, knelt, to Sybil 1`fonikes—end • was refused. Refused for you. You! Look at you." So that was it, was i1? But what did lie mean—refused for 'him? Sybil Ffoulkes had never really been In love with him, Richard 1Von(1))0cr, nor he with her. They had never been engaged, What did the fool meats—refused for him? "Well, I'll look in and see you again tomorrow and bring Paulo% 1n ruse you aro still in any doubt as to what you had better do -- and in rase, I an in any doubt 08 10 whether I will have Sou really flogged or not." And au the )eat clay Itailit-in had again tonne to the roll rind demanded an imnledialo 011511'11' as to whether he writs prepared freely soul frankly and 1vh010 heartedly to take service under Ihn Russian )Military Intelligence Impartment concerned lt'ilt) ('1.n• Iran Asia, Afghani -tan ,nal ludic, 111. would loader 111 be ficwi.,'d to deal'. "11.,1 ,Iso tviliinp 10 1,1 absolutely (10015) 1) d f,lithtul spy in Igo Itu•sian land)))! :leo Service, and tenting to 110 011 you tall to help the Irus.1i;ulh in e1ery w,ly again') Ih1' Itrilish'"' \\'endocer moistened My lips. "i',luiov!„ "1'I'•-'" riled \Ceudevcr. "1 .40) " "Ah! And If 1 dray,. 1))l a dwril• lnl•nt in %vide)) you renewal. l• ,,114)4' Itritioh nationality cud :dloei;uu-o amI detl,lre yourself to hr a Il:lid ar,rnl o1' Isiah, 0 1)43 in the let'• si011 ;)1,1,4)'1 Serie'. yl),)')) '•''511 it. (.1)?" '1•(.,:, (Tied \1'111)!0\11 "1,.•., I'll sign it." • • "Alt! I've no doubt you would. And whaf mould your signature be worth? Ila you think I'd trust you, you treacherous double trait• or? False to y 1 n• ow)) country? Then you'd be false to us. Before you die you are going 10 do 0 little more teaching, J se 0 11111e more lnfol'ivai)on, but this cell twill be your classroom and 1 will he the class. And you'll tell me absolute• ly everything you Itnow about both the British and the Pathan sides of the Border. "Oh. you are going to have a great Iiute hero, friend Wendover, 011(1 going (1) 004 very useful—While you last. hi point of fact, you may that quite 0 long tinge 1f I feel you :1)n really doing your utmost to give me every satisfaction. For 0 shut. I'm going to give you pencil and paper, and you are going to do the hest you eau ---tic best you can, lniid, my dear 1\'endover —to sketch the interior of the forts at Laudlli Kota! and Ali \lasjid, just to show 115 what y01) rad (0) III I111 line; :old as pm have been stationed in both of thele, you ought to he quite us1•IU1. .\nyaay. you'll got a 4)40)11) t 10:7.5i11:2. if y'01) are nut." • ()no (1,1y---- it twin:: 11011;11 for B,lil• Mill to torment and nurture his vision al (440 in 1110 11111.11)11, av Often as at t.w) i1) the aftc'410wu--- the door of the cell was thrust open and a i'Ithan \vas Ihroa'u into the roost. ((0 lonhl^I alh- enllr. .liter examining the 1.111 as 0 rat might its trip, cursing under his ht'cath and inn'o1cin; .11!;11!, squalled on his heels and glowered in si101100, haw•k1d anti spat. ))g:bt• ed a blddi, blew clouds of acrid stinking smi)ke and Igen addressed Wendover in a harsh 11111) croak - in voice, speaking guttural fust• 11). Very clever inder•1. adnlilted TABLE TALS G.AY AND PRACTICAL This flattering basquc frock is pretty in cotton with gay, con- trasting' banding, Anne Adams Pattern 4'142 is adorable all in one color, loo. Perfect for those informal afternoons, or shopping. I':asy-t0-matte! Skirt and sleeve trim is optional. Pattern 14.12 is available only in plisses' sizes 12, 14, 3(1, IS and 20. Size iti requires 311i yards 35 -inch fabric, 3' yards contrast banding, and 3'ri yards sic -sac. Send 'l'1VEN'1'1' CENTS (2011) in coins (stamps cannot be ae- cepted) for this Anne Adams pat- tern to Room •121, 73 Adelaide it. \Vest, 'I'0ronto. \\'rite plainly 41%0, moue, address, style num- ber, \V)ndover to himself. ylo, t credit- able and convincing. lint. just the striking of the match had spoilt the show for this particular anthem:v, inasmuch as it had shwa') on the man's 11_1(1 (vegan ;1 tiny thickening of 1111' 1(41.11)'11. a 501'1 of 1.0101 le8s spot that 40,4`4 01111051 like n ti11y bllhlll', and that \\'cndovl-r Inu'w 01113' lou t4111. 'l'iu' )tan was ItailOsi0 atld but for 1hot alino:=t nunotir('uble (y)' blemish he would have deceived him lamipistely. (Continue(' Next Week) supplies for i'rencit civilians in North Africa and for re.:u'ming the 1'h1'!Irh army .there have tot,\llcll 250,000 tons, SADIE B. CHAMBERS More About Wartime Cunning As there have been 50 many requests for elle following timetable from the Department, of Agriculture's pamphlet on "Wartime Canning'" 1 am giving it for the column this w'00)4. TIME TABLE FOR VEGETABLES Pressure sterilization is recommended for non-acid vegetables. When vegetables are sterilized in the boiling water bath, it is preferable to use pint containers. 'lime of Sterilization 1foiling Vegetables ('rrpar11liou Water Setatn Bath Pressure ASPARAGUS—Wash, tie in uniform bundles, stain) upright in 2 inches of water. Boil 4 minutes. Pack hot, add '.z tsp, salt to each pint scaler, fi1) with boiling water 2 40 10 BEANS, string or wax—Wash, string, cut, in desired lengths. Cover with water, bring to boiling point, boil 4 minutes. Pack hot, add ?ii tsp. salt to each pint sealer. Fill with boiling water 3 40 15 BEETS—wash and cut off tops 2 inches „hove beet. ]foil 15 minute:. Cold dip, remove skins, pack, add ',)i (sp. stilt to a pint sealer. Fill 4vith boiling w'ate'r 111, 40 15 CARROTS—Lse only very young carrots. Wash and boil 5 minutes. Cold dip—slip off skins, pack, add 1,1i tsp. salt to pint scaler. Fill with boiling water 2 40 15 CAULIFLOWER—Wash, break into florets Drop into salty water. Let stand hour, cover with water, bring to boiling, drain, pack sealers, add tsp. salt to a pint sealer. Fill with boiling water .. COIIN, whole kernel—Cut corn from cobs Cover with boiling water and bring to boiling point. fill sealers, covering corn with boiling' liquid, add '.re tsp. salt to a pint sealer 3 60 15 CHARD, SPINACH or other greens—Wash carefully, steals 5 minutes, pack in sealers, add ',z tsp. salt to it pint sealer, fill with boiling water 3 (10 15 MUSHROOMS—Wash mid trim, large ones may be cut in pieces. Blanch 5 minutes. Cold dip very quickly. Pack, allow 'li tsp. salt to a pint sealer, fill with boiling water • 3 CO 15 PEAS—Use only young, tender peas. Shell and wash. Cover with water and bring to boil, pack, add 1.,t tsp. salt to a pint sealer, fill with boiling water. Intermittent sterilization may be used for peas, allowing 1 hour on each of 3 successvie days if water bath is used 3 (10 15 SWEET GREEN or RED PEPPER (pimientos) --Wash, remove seeds, boil 3 minutes, cold dip. Remove skins, pack, allow 1 tsp. salt to a pint sealer, cover with boiling water ?; 30 15 PUMPKIN—Cut in pieces, remove seed and mem- brane, peel, steam until tender, mash, pack 3 C0 15 TOMATOES—Scald and peel, pack in sealers, cover with tomato juice made from irregular very large or broken tomatoes cut in small pieces, cooked over slow fire for 5 minutes. Strain. Allow 'ji tsp. salt to a pint sealer . L2 15 05 Tomatoes may be pence 1.(1 in the ovc•) (275' F.1 Pints, 35 minutes -- Q:nu'ts, 45 minutes. 1 30 10 Glaciers Provide Canadian Ports The slash 0s have come to Cle• oda'0 aid in providing, tidewater points behind the Alaskan Pan- handle—the portion of Alaska lvhleb stretches south alongside British ('nllunbia. \\Then tic boundary lino between the ('luclr)ndlo 11)111 (';nada was; settled), Ihn: line went around each bay to 1.011 .11 no point Hill (411111• dine land tom it the 80a. )lowevor, since How 50u))' of the glaciers have ulo\1'1 batic and '•!1.!wr,(.4 the row 11)14(4. At Ileo J,ointr', hays ion 5tr0te11 11) 10) 44 11411 1111(11111101M, Lilly, 111• (')11lum !1 Ado( (11.1(1,411 l'( .1. Wash New Cover For ironing If yo,4'.) u•in; a p1)'' of 111),,' Inateri:ll 1w 14)0)44' '111 (resi00.lo,15'1 cuter. lit foil. pia put it (,l!. (0,1111 it oto )luw,u'lily in Melt Duds UV.-) glee the 0.11:1':1 v;0111." U'hvr1i-c the tah1:1 amll 14-0x111 readily with 1151'. 1!11 i1:' et +113, 1)11) :,111 1.+ , 1),114)• exlr'' }14';1! iters+ for iroiia:; 110;1)14. Sleeve -Board Can Be Made At Horne I'hc cry, has poll( a) fur •' ,,h• al,lr dre�:rs, Bu' Iht Woe, u1,11, drr•shr;;, the more ,sone, and somehow tie sleeve : .001 shoulders (0' ,11.1,11-4 - 111'1'' ; '•''''11) to look right unless a slee', i1.: a al. \Thal (111 you do '' 7')14 h;(1'rn'l a sleeve -beard :1' uta eati't lh d 0111. ;n Ho slot's' ':'o solution is easy ).,,1 a 4)) u) a 11rk,711 towel. (toll 11.' • ',10 l0 111105 41) that t'4) 10)0, . u11 till, (1) : No, In e. t :I ,• 1.a i ' ' iu8 rill i;lto the "111,'., , til) o it' 1)r on ':11,'.1, lnl,u',I. IT ''.1,4),• folly ,111)) (s 1,,I)• .,.I.} be (,!or,;'.,Ir H11.111" ; ! )- h 1 !,.' .11-441 Rolled Oatmeal Cookies !I- .‘;ft flour; io':l?ure. Sift, toselhei with corn stn1ch Laking baking 1,o\Cdel' and ;air% ( sift 3 time:- ). )'1'1'a111 sh01'tt'!1:'1, a1111 -:' ol- ua11y blend in brown sugar and corn -yrup. Add silted dry e11t,. slo vly and Work 11110 creamed mixture, Add roiled oats ,. '.•'r- (tately with sour milk. Chill dough for several hours. (toll 0U', aid cut, with cookie cutter into desired shapes. Place on a grease.. '11)4) and hake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) for 12 to 1,; '.tn- ufcs. Serve plain or pelt, together in pair., with favorite f:;' 04. YIELD: Approximately 3 dozen cookies about 2'' in dia" `•' r. \'AIIIA'I'ON: C'hill in oblen5 shape; slice with sharp ::"'f1,. .1 cup sifted pastry flour 1...1 cup brown sugar ( firmly ' , ':c- 3 tablespoons BENSON'S Olt ed) CANADA CORN STARCH 114 c aup C'II01\'N BRAND C.:•:N 4 teaspoon baking soda SVRL1I' 1 teaspoon baking powder '2 teaspoon salt 1 cup rolled oats (1;ncooke' 14 cup shorteliing. 2 tablespoons sour ;milt (If corn syrup is tealpora) ily unavailable, replace the e,:.arl- tity with 's cup sugar.) v •s •r a —m 1 , % METAL ROOFING R, --- sit •� 1 1.r ." , '0• woe., v..— • WELL CURBING HAY CARRIERS 50111115/' e e . the results of PEDIAR Research during wartime will be evident in New and Better "Metal -Built" Products In counlion with other manufacturers across Canada, our job today iR to produce for war to our fullest capacity. Steel is on the critical list and it3 use for civilian requirements is subject to rigid restrictions. This makes it diffi- cult for us to carry on our business in 11 normal way. Despite the wartime limitations which affect mater;rtls, the present need for planning is imperative. So the work of our Research Department goes on and when the Victory parades are over, our customers will be supplied with the most modern and improved de:.igus of Metal Roofing and Barn and Stable Equipment, made to the Pedlar high standard of quality. PR -443 Page $, :7 ....................................1 P' 1i Dresses and Blouses ::J,9 Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 to $6,00 do rt: Martha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2.19 4. ' Children's Print Dresses $1.00 to $3.00 Misses' -Print Victory Blouses $1.00 Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) $2.95 • motitia,),),Thp, i,,?,D,2,r,),N),stat),?,i31at1ai`J,aN,o,8,121 i),m20.r9l1,),D42laaaatt have been visiting at the home of his isiwwwwwwwwww tuolb r, lar.;. S, Itud.li, of Ilulletl. 11r, 111111 Jars. Jath: Scott and son, Olive McGill • THE STANDARD erwsonl liiss Beaty ('antpbell of 'Toronto, split the \\'eelc•cnd 111111 her mother, A ll.'s, .\nu ('iunpbell, and brother l'!;u•.'. gI I;.\C, Barrie llol':Iroy, of Halifax, K I A. in spending his furlough with his A parents, 11r. and1lrr;, II, 11u1':Iroy, dI 1liss ('lett 11'alsou, R.N., of 'I'orou• fi to is visiting at the home of her p;'• IenIs, \V. N. and alt's. \\'alsotl, di R' A( Mrs. A. I. 11c('ull, of 'Toronto, is A;spending a couple of w•eehls with her t3 .:inter, lir:. \\'m. GGibsoti, Air. and Airs, Earl Itntleil of Detroit PUBLIC SCHOOL 1EXT BOOKS Our supply of Public School Text Books have arrived, and are now really for sale :--- If you desire any Public School Text Books not listed below, please inform us of them at once, and avoid disappointment at the last moment. The kinds you want may be difficult to procure: --- Primer, Mary` John and Peter; Grades, 1, 2, 3, 4: 5, 6, 7 and 8 Readers. Arithmetics: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6. Grade 7 English Practice, Grade 8 English Practice, Spellers: Book 1 and 2. Musson's Concise English Dictionary, 25c. The Highroad's English Dictionary, 50c. The Standard Book Store of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of 11r, ;ld '.Ates. John Eair:ervice. ll.'s. S. Ittdeli iv ePen(liig a row 'days this \vee!. with Ili lids in Lon- don, J1astel' 1011110111 .1011110011 is holiday ing 1\1t11 his t.ou6in, (Burdon Itradiliaw of Jantcsto\\•n. ('pl. George and 011,4, \\'egg of Clin' 1011, spent the \veck•cnd \\ilh lir, and Airs. Joe Shaddlck. Air, and Airs. 1I, E. Crich and fam• ily of London :pent Sunday \vlih 011r. and Mrs. Joe Shaddick, 11r. and Airs. Roy, and sun, I'e'rr of Mullett, visited with 11r. and Air;. \\', II. Alorritt on Sunday, Air, \V. Russell and nary Ann 011.• hibhon, of \\Ingham, called on llissd.s l' Ile and Ella Ileffrou on 'l'llesd'y. ,Alis; Norah Reardon, of Sintcoo, was guest at the 'tome of 1)r, and Airs, llaelcau, last week. I'll. `''Rt, Norman Sinclair. of Ottawa, is spending a \\Teti's furlough at his home here, T. �Ioily�:�a�a's BAKERY ANI) CONFECTIONERY. Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Bread, Pies, Cakes and Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Accetylene and Electric Welling A Specialty. Agents For International- Ilarvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting, and Repairing BINDER TWINE Vod .,, en's, BAKERY. WIIEN IN NEED 01.E BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES. REMEMBER "TI -IE IIOME B.AKERY" R. T. VODDEN. 11r. and \Ins. ('Iatvorlh' of London.. _. accompanied by Airs, \\'ilford Reid and daughter, \villa, also of London,'PERSONAL INTI:ItES'1. were guests PLItSONAL INTEREST .lack .\l.'laruy, Royal Canadian Navy; has returned to 'Toronto, after Airs. P. Richards was a Toronto vis. spending an enjoy.•nlule furlough with iter last week. 'his parents, lar. and Mrs. 11, 11cElroy. hiss Alaureen llorritt I. vkitingi 10 ('comp Porde!' \\• d here )w i.; st:itio11. 1111.11h'icuuls in (tor:i•' a'e1s week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Morris of 'I'o• at present. romto, called on 111=,ser; Kate and Ella I .\I`+s Jlarion Mason, of Scaforth, Ilc�l'ro11, and other friends on Satin'- 1 Air. and All's. II. Bosman, Airs. .\l• was a weeh,end visitor at the home tiny. in -rt Lloyd, Airs. Richard Lloyd and of Al I's. Ann Campbell, with her ' ''ANSA; Dorothy, 110yd, of \1'ingham, friend, Ali Betty Campbell. ,lits. foster AI. Stark and 1.00, I'`c•s• were visitor., with Air. and Airs, ,1. 'ti'. ,1r., of L'ouluu, are visiting the \\111, dills during the week, 1Ir, a' 1 2111';, I.;'slie ililburn visited fornter's parents, Lr, and Airs. K. Air. and lir,;, J, .1. Campbell, :\utlt'ry and 1)onald, of Aylmer, Air, and Air::, Air. I<Einielli 1lac•Ieau of London Ted Rice, of SL Veletas, spent the has returned after spending his,va:a• weekend with lar;. E.'Taylor and Mrs. ll r• Horace Ro'ledge of Toronto, (Aon w•itlt his parents, Or, and lir,;. , \V. Taylor, " who has hr :. visiting his pare.uts. 11r, Maclean. and Mrs. F. D. Rutledge, has returned to Toronto. o11 Sunday, of Jars, I{:ahert \fight nnit I,ieul. l'e 1 Rutledge and wile, \•is• ited his parent •, 111, and Mrs. P, 11. Rutledge, recently. Ile has retnrurd \\'ith Ihclr daugi er, and son-in•law, Maclean, ll r. and Airs, Ed. Taylor and sou Ivan, I in stratiord, over the week -end. Mr. Leslie Rutledge who ha; ,j:ist completed a Business Course in Torun - Sister 'Al. Assumption, formerly IAIr, foul Jars, \veslt.y Rath, Of 110,1'•nary Healy', and 51401' M. Nativity, row, Mrs. I :tail D' xler of Slratfmll, lointerly I ;:repo Ilcaly, vi:•ItI'd last spew the week -end with Jar, and Alts. brother, lt•, and Airs, I', ter Healy, week at the home of their parents, and 'I'. II. Edwards. • to, is spending a few days with his , and I'.:u'l Ilealy. parents, Mr, and Jigs. D. ltutl-,Ig:. I lar,, Bell Sacrider and Airs;. Rob -rt • 1Cighhuan spout Tuesday at Bruce- I lar. Juci; 0lorritt has returned to 11r• I::d Ur;, \Vatter Sholdice, offield with 111'. and Aar \\'.sI'ey Slick• Toronto after spentlit,g two creeks tic• St. Catharines called on Alis. 1':. Tay- .cation tit his hone here, Ile was ae- lot and all's, \V, Ta2110 00 Sunday al'- ;house. conlpanied by his brother, Donald. ternoon, on (heir wiy to fort Elgin.' Mrs. Hyde who ha; spent the pmt who will spend a few days viilting in week in III•ucefield returned to town. Toronto and Hamilton, Rev. A, and 11:s. turlah' spout the \.eek caul in Sarnia. W110altended tau' \'oca; uncle and aunt, Air, t ,d Mrs. C'larell':e tionitl School in the 13lyth i'reshyter- The Itcv, 1.• \', rocock and family' fan Church, last wcck, held a picnic. in of Ill' 'soca,,, are occupying the Rectory the .Auburn Church gro'i ds on Alen. this Month, and will he responsihl! day afternoon, A oto;l enjoyable time for Services in the Parish do^ing the \was spelt( playing game.:, alter twhie•h A1i.'; Viola (Bradshaw, of Jauteslown spending 'un0e holiday; with her Johnston. itis•, viola 1'oui:g. of Dungannon. and lllss Eunice !toy, o'f Ilullet1, spent Sunday visiting with hiss Alai': n llorritt. Rector's absence, Air. I'ocnci1 is a refresh 0011s were served at former hector of Blyth. I Ma 11,1e. 1\110111 20• w'.re prr:sent. Ready -Made Menus for 21 Days Tempting ... Convenient ... Nutritionally Right! IT'S easy to serve healthful meals, ifyou follow the tinkly menus in "Eat- to -Work- to - Win"*. Sound, practical, intereEting — tis clever new'booklet docs all the difficult, time - taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. I'lever was it more important that you pro- vide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now—to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the"can't•go•wrong"way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat -to -Work -to - Win". Mail the coupon today! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. YGUC3 FEE. Timety..Intoresting... helpful! Lel this origi- nal new booklet bring boiler health to your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! *Thr Nutritional statrrnrnra In "I•:nt- to-Wotk-to-w-In•' are nrrrprnble to Nutrition S"rvlr, s, I )rpnrtmrnt lir Mt - slims and National 1lr: (th, Ottawa, for the C'nnarllau Nutrition Programme, "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", BOX GOO, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send mc my FREE copy of"Eat•to-Work-to-Win". Nam.. Addre, City Profs -t J 11r. ;'lid lar=, Bert Nutt of ilr:iti'o:''l visited over the \vice:r-' 1111 and Airs, N. 1', Garrett. ,I a u.,,. ..1 . 111 , , I illi{ I h.1., 6. . Wednesd 8Y, August 'l, 1913, 11 I,. IIi-ri.l C.4 W,., Y a,•VNi Insecticides and Sprays 1Ve list Iu'1ow some of the Sprays and Insecti- cides needed now to combat the insects, .flies, Etc, 1)arley's Shoo-hly Cattle Spray pr'r gal. $1.00 Sapho for Moths bottle, 35c Fly -0 -Gide, for II(rusehold blies, 8 oz. 20c, 16 oz. 35c 1 arvex, for Moths per bottle 85c Paris (green hall' Ih. 29e, 1 lb. 50c Arsenate of Lead lib. 20c, i lbs. 90c Wood's Moth Blocks 10c and 25c Ilavok Moth Crystals 1 lb. •19c R. D. PHILP, Phm. f3. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 11'AI,I,I'APER—PIIONE 2P. ..a....4,. Qt3Ji"CSlS1D.c Iy 1. aJar,' • .t,. l oi,�. \ :.! SS7e3_r wry. y +at':•:'„�iti'.., �, ;•'., , ...tot vr�, �,n,�t�.fntm�, ^.om"n..,,-„: ^•.:.r:.': r• a- t• LACK OF SLEEP 1.1 MAY Be the FAULT of your Bed os hs 11'1 1,? i:, 4f i,1 ua ut �If7 rF.I1.e ten minutes to -night to inspcet the Kilning an(l Mattress you sleep 011, then come 10 our Store and compare \\'hat you al'e using with our wide selection of Box -type, steel slat and Calle Bed il) 21'1111;;;. Luxurious Inner )!;ring Marshall ;' i('('l1 Units an(1 Felt Mattresses, Lasting .grained Walnut -finished Steell llfds, which we are offering at attl'a'tl\'e price;,„ 6 o? -•. _ ' 3 l+ Home 1":rnisher — Phones 7 110(1 8 — Irunerai 1)irector, tri 1 1-1,. , - r. R',, ,r. . 1�, ...ry.h n.r., o-ro tv.ea.e M n.[s r n n ,. w t....... n . . .2._.• _. _ iJ�w,idi,.i,slc•,r,d„i••r�.,.,_.�,�,.>ia�ia',.,,,auw�lda1<,�i.-1l''..iic,�c',iia,....]..%,.:�c,s.t',..,:.�,�1.''.cic;`.�TcJi QII'(lllll('IL II, willl .I dell.. ilei C' of illlpl'UxI $;•:“:":":":"8":":.,:”:":":":":":":":":":":"1”:0,....i, •' 1l i'• ._. t with inlat.ly t:'� pl',eent in Streets anti t r•t• ,nee My Lang e I)islllay •. perct.ul to t=