The Blyth Standard, 1943-07-14, Page 1HE VOLUME 17 - NO. ,19. 1 LYT Blyth Municipal Council 12th Of July Celebration Was Gala Event. 'I'll,' regular monthly meeting of the Aiuut fpal Council ot 111 Corporation of Blyth \•a; held on July ;111 will] ]teen+' 3101%01 duel Councillors, Dex• Over 60 District Lodges March, While ter, \\'right, Balaton, 111111 Scrimgeour of Spectators Look On preset) ilinulca 111 last regnttar Ineeling of STANDAR I3LY'1`II, ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, JULY 1,1, 191'1. June ;til r(.(111 and rlul'irni'( In 111+1• Speaking Was Of A High Order. tion o1' councillor-, Balloon and \\'t•ig ht. Carried. 1 ,i ;nil11 nt from the Board of 'Thousand; ofspecla(ura, including many Pruni Blyth aid I)ist•icl, 1111ed 'Jinn,• 0.a; pre, eat (tool requested 0 (loua1 inn, the st'OL1 ( of \\'ingham on •Alunday to Alovid by ('oaueillttra \\'right and i\ten ono of ilio Iurger,t Orange 11c.ticr 1 11;1 1 the l'our,cil lite a grata "w;tlils" hill in \'inglunn in 111(111y, of $I "+n.t to the I:eard of 'Prado for 3'1':u's. proces;iuu, uwrr a mile in eNp,'n,e;, Parried, ].oath, proem:Mai from Iho \\Ingham Airs. 1 ani,1iUi'Wa,+I presented hot, 'Public School to the 'T'own Pork, Led by the, \\Ingham ('ilizeu.;' bund and 'the two traditional 1i'hite horse", tvitlt tvo-11u'ntbers of Blyth Lodge, Robert \\';Msec and Louis Middy, atop, (la lunge.; participated between (eludes of rain which fail d 1) disrupt the spirit of the Orangemen cotunr:nun•- tiling the 25:1111 anniversary of the .Rattle of Iho Boyne, 'Traffic was at a sdand;till and every available space teas Pilled \villi speclati rti, 'I lie :•pedal speal.I r for the occasion report ':I., 'I',•rasurer to Iho Council. iloved by Councillor; Irttinh,n ;End L`exier, tlt,tt the Coquet! ext, all tt vote of Ihaall; lu 3Irs. Ilut\;n'( for her re- port, Carried, \101011 11v t'nnncillors \\'right and De\Ier, (hal th lipid, reply to Iliu'ris• ter Pu lllield's I,'ll,'r Ito: \\'illialn ,llhnstou Drain, refusing liability and e.plainia(; the r 1nation as discussed by the Council. Carried. Moved 1,y- Councillor) Dexter and ficrfutg'.cour. Ihat :'I leiter of ;;yuhputhy. \as Ito. \'()r. lire, .I, \\'. ('ar;en, 0! it )•1.11 .Tics. Jane ; \fall ;nal family. London, fast (Irand Alasicr of Ontario C'nrri 'sl. I \\'est, Air, Corson complimented the Ultc+! 11 y' Councillors Dexter and County of Huron, slaying Ibis di,lrie1 \\'rit„nil. Hutt ('uustatle ('owan Ito at. • \\`I; one of ilio must outstanding In Canada, Said Alr, (.'arson: ,'No other lotted In gut In \1'iu: haat on July I'', t haste since the Rattle of the Boyne a special conslablo, Carried, Bills And Accounts A, Barr, la; our and ivy of mower (1:u•. Pohl rty, salary for Jane,. John 1'olt;ut, salary for June, , , Geo. Laurence, L•tbnur 0. :ink's, truck hie 1':Ilitt I'.;. :\tl ,'nt y, insnranee ]ilytit Tel. 'y:, idiom, rental 1\last,o \'illi, Priv.tt hospital re inoti ear Airs. 'Phos, Elliott, re indigent„ :has been so rich in t•esults as this we couttienu;a'ale today. 110 havo never 'i"_. °•,; ' 'asked 1101' R'pecilll favor of 011y tity- .l:,,un eminent, all we seelc.is e'ptol rights; for u,oll all. Our task is to defeat the forces 111_' of vit. Work Together j;;-).111 I "'To fight this tear succes.;fully we ta,nnt .utast mak ourselves war hilt; every available 111au1, \\Innen and child must work together unitedly producing cv• ry available resoaro. and resolve to no et unflinchingly whatever blow may fall. We have nun 010111' sue• ccs=es in the war to nate, continue to i.1:5 1.1111 \Vil,•ih •Icy, re In•it^cut 21,101 '1! . 'Phos, I?Ilion, le loll eat10,10 itelief . I2_.co Aline( by ('nunciMurs \\'r'it Ito uul go forward ht Iho hope and confideheo 1` 11,E Ihnt a,'c'nnlls as tent he pa 4(i. that ultimate Victory will 1 ours. Cau 1'X;1, , Should ..we tail, whicit we shall not, 110';01 1,v rinitt,,iiiors Rainton nod time Orangemen \\ami l nal have the Strinl:; ,,111•, th;tt (1.1.% write \\'ork• privilege of such at occasion as this." man':; ('ontpensanou imam in respect lir. ]:arson attacked bitterly those to rate: and cnlera",+' for t'irc(tr'1t ttho favor the union of Canada and atoll ;Ili ulh,'r enlplstyi'es of lite ow.the 1'tiite(I Slate;. "Resolve to ltr a persona. (';u•ri al. wv(Ihy ('anittlian ;inti be prone] to bo 1111,+1 hy' Councillors nexler and Part of the British Empire," he urged, Baboon (hut a,' (u now a,i,iourll, I "1 Ito not agree with the Ottawa t'nt'ni.d, litu•duu I?hint], Clerk. a:lntintst•at'.+ on in Sono' reaped, \Vhy r•hotild the French la(iguagt' have any lion', ciisid: ration than the E11gli.;h To t ttocalmlary and why should the people 13(;b 1�o\Vllla11 to BBrOa(lcilst. If I. ii •c• ha the .,pedal pct liege:; lid,;, t'ulttnnn II' Bru.; Is, a loading that \\o fail to receive? Prink.( lllet'• l'igat•;• in Huron County Council, and attire in french should lie kept within one t4 the best known men in the di it- their own province.” Het, will ;.pel(li t\cr ('KNX, \\'iugham, The gue.;lion of a new' flag to (;rico nett 1,1 Hay cicalae;, .14 milk, Ito khc place of the Union Jack \vas tub. 'i:1;', ur:;in+: pabii( support of the surd, staled Air, ('arson, "3lay we a:; "Siam)) tut the 1'-L'oat" campaign lh•an,,,,Jtien uphold our flag, It is the now in 1111! I. F.:1. best 11 the world and pray to God II (111 1 til;ty ctehiug; 1101, this series of 11r0:'.1ra 1)4 0.a:. .noose] d as 0 round to 1,1e disco :fon II' this depth ch ii:.' 'l til•,ti; 0, by 1lcsst's, 1't'aulc 1lctW.:oh. 1 MM;titman of the \Vat' Scorings Nlanp Commitee, ('. I':, liilchi ell:dr- um of title 1\'t; 'halo Merchiul.; ('0111- tnit(ec.,(0111 1lt'rn:u1 ('opelahn, chair - 1,1' lite Publicity ('ulntniilec.'. A \•('ty atter :1.'1'. t,l<citssilll Alas pro- f:4,0(.1 l•e- s• i,(eI of th,' method by w'hic'h the pal lie can actually hay sp,'dfic detail eh n: , to be for ;ed on Li -limits with \vitt never give Way to ]mother. Sonne arc dissatisfied \•ilk our National An- them: let uta as Protestants stand be- hind Ike old traditions and behind Dur King and country." "\\'boo yon go lu the polls on :\ug• sang• 0 splendid solo last Sunday at list. •1, elect ti man' who will [trait:et the morning service. our schools," stated Lite speaker. "11'ith Next Sunday, ,luny ISIh, (hero rc;;ards to taxes on our Orange polis be 110 evening srrice. We n'ror a5ke,l for a rebule as sonic' Sunday School at 1(1.15 organizations are doing. \\'hen you '11°1.11111g Service at 11,1,'", s(+. 1111 top -to -date Orange Lodge h(tild• iltg 111 (t rural ct'lltl•t' y'o11 can count on Due to unavoidable causes, the B'I,yth Cemetery I;oar(i is put to extra expense in taking care of the Cemetery. A11 lothold- ers (except those who have paid for Per- petual Care) are earnc'stl,y J•equested to pay thea' share of upkeep \'hick i5 $'1,00 per plot, per year, to showers. ion was Rev. E. 0. Gallagher. Alayor .I, 11, Crawford glove the address of welcome. Awards for the best. dressed lodges were given 10,01' ladles lodge of \Val• kerto11, and the punkt forest oleo's lodge. , Other event.; were cancelled due to rain, 3lasic for the day was supplied by \\Ingham ('11izens Ihuil and I,ncknity Kittle Band. Lodge:; were Present. from \\'est and ('eit•e I1(Ille, 5011111 Unroll, North and South Perth. Special service was bold at the cenotaph at Itl a.m. when a \•reallt was placed. THANK YOU, I\'. N. WCalson, C'hairman', John Doerr, 5r,, Fred 'foil, Sr, VIMMMIM Leslie 11ilborn, Secietary•Treac;urer, 1,I0yd Antler, ('at'etaker, ,. '1. ('h'ai.rman for 1110 occas- 0 Centralia Air Port Pipers Give Brief Demonstration Five memlbers of the ('ent•alh( Ah' !Port Pipe Band, took in the Twelfth or 3111y G(101,1111 boo in \\ Ingham on Alontl ty, The boys had the 1111ernoon off, and s:0 grabbed their Pipes mud hitch -hiked to \\'ingham, whey.' they put on a bit of a show for 1lie large crow(, They were stranded In Myth for a brio]' spell on their way home, and were kind enough to play a few aelccliou while wailing for a ride on to Centralia, One of the group was a wdl•h'uown Clinton young 10111, Bill "\\'eery" 31mtc11, sou' of Mr. and Mrs. Prod Match of Clinton. The C'enit'alia Pip;' Band is olio of the outstanding lianas of the IU,!, 3,10. 'Tiley now have will 17 Pipers, with accompanying drum- mers, 'They were one of the feature and the altraetion•s al the Lions frolic in Sea - forth this \\'ednosday night. • . YOUR LOCAL PAPER 1. Legion Cigarettes Are ARRIVES OVERSEAS Appreciate(] i 11 r, and 'Mrs, 11'1n, Lyon of Thorm- 't'he folto('ing' ackuowledgen,,iilt to (lay', ftt'uu'rly of Myth, have revolved appt'Halton of i cigarettes, has h+','u i'tvoi'd Thal, their son, Pilot -Officer Jet'.- 1'''\rd by 111', N. \\', 'liner, Seer,. nett) Lyon, has arrivIed safely Over- tary•Treasurer of the Clinton Branch (F,aa, Engai;'enlent Announced. lIr, and Airs, George Carter, of 11111- let1, announce the engagement of their only (laughter, ltery'I ilarjory, to Wat- son Gordon held, younger soil (11' All', David Itetd, and the late Airs• held, of Mallett, V . BIRTHS SCOTT— 111 Al orris Township on Thursday, July 1lh, to Air, and Alt's. Laurie Scutt, a son, Pooalt ,lames. \V,\LS11-111 Clinton I'nhlic 1lospital, on ilouday. July :,t It, to Mr. and Airs. Ben, waist), a son, v . TRINITY AINGLICAN CHURCH Rev, P. H. Streeter, L,TIi,, Rector. 4th Sunday after Trinity, July 18, 1943 Sunday School, 10,311 x,111, Evensong. and St't'nion, 7.;111 • The Rev. Al. f. Oldham, hector of Brussels, will ol'firinto and preach. Itlerces4Ion ; l Evict' on l't'Iday lit the Church at 1,15 p,111. ---V— i3LYTH UNITED CHURCH Alfas Luella 'Taylor, of Seaforth, Iheir its :ge; atiacleal, and of the it that the people of that community very 1;' ;sing lived that the public .011 industrious and o cilurclt going tial ti i pal a greater wallop •behiml ]]cepa," [hi : Iutplrtahl pin e of the war effort. In closing 11 r, Payson urged that ----\'^ — every Orangemen seek equal rights %for all and special privileges for none. A. 11111+.'IA L, E. Cardiff Speaks, The r:'„alar muu,lhly meeting of the Second speaker orbs 1,, E. Cardiff, 11'outai's .\s'icialilm of the United 3!.I'. for North 1101'011, who spoke 011 Choy; 11 0.a.: held on 'I'tu' slay after- ,unity, unity of pt:rposc and action. nn.m. July 1'ltih. wish the ('resident, Every available dollar oul:side living, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Services Next Lord's Day, Blyth Sunday Schcol la ami, \1'orship, 11 a.m. Smith's 11i11 Sunday School 2 p.m. Worship 3 p.m. Auburn Sunday School 10 am, \\'ol•ship 7.110 p.111, Willing `Yorkers Met. The 11t11 Lille Willing Workers suet twice during the mouth of Jon., 111 tiro home of 'Airs. John Fattservice and liiss Annie Laidlaw. Two quilts were finished tit each nu'etlug, '1'\•11 of 1110 tops were &matted by Miss ,Laidlaw, of thy' Canattan Legion, The ack• nowletgcnicnts ;11'e all front local boys who are on to•t1•1) set'\'iee (iv''tetts The Clinton Ilranell of the ('ancoti,tn I•s'gion sy,st,'tnatic'ttlly •.ertds cigarettes to all boys ()vers,;ts throughout the tii'lrtct, a tine wort), which Is c.t't'atly appreciated: ' ; -HT1 •r, t1 'Ileac !'mends: Receive,] your kind gift of fogs today, and ju:u in the nick of time, i was plumb out, 1 want to Bilotti ()telt tt and everyone of the member; of your Club, end the other Club:, that ((redoing a great job of keeping the boys happy, • Thanks a ,111111011, LAC, fair. -cruet•, 11, 5. lievelv'it ('Ig;n'etie ye.;fel'n0y, 'I'haulks very mach they are very Minch appreciated, \\'c ol'o ha ring beautifni weather here right now, Hope to go on leave soon, Pte, \\', 1':, Denney, Just to say that I received above parcel and 1 want you to know that I really appreciate them very much, so many thank and good Tuck to all the members of your branch. I remain yourts very sincerely, 'i'hanle's very PERSONAL INTEREST 11r, and Mrs, George Jackson, of • \\'tmghmnl, visit, d at the honkie of Mr. jam' \n•s. ,1, .\. Cowan on \Vcdnesday. Altar .10y Cowan of \\'inghanl, visit• ,d (1'HIt 1:1,'tinor and 31x:1, JItery Brow le las( tvteit, I Airs, ltout,'dge and daughter, of IFanit Sle, \larie, are visiting with the former's sister, Al r,. I, 1Vallace, and Air. \Valise'', Alt, and 't's, Roy Brock and daugh- ter, of Richton, \miter tt•ith their friends, Airs, (1, 1t, A.. 'hie and family on Monday, Master Chary', Jenkins of St, C'atlt- (trines• 1s spending his holidays with lis aunt, 'Mrs, George Hetherington of klaevale, 31's, Donald Jenkins, and baby Bar- bara, of SI, C'atharines, are spending a couple of weeks t1'itlt Mfrs, Jenkins and Mrs. Shipley. "Air, \'esley Bowen of Royal Oak, Alich., and Ilrs, i'red Bowen, of Code - rich, have been visiting wit11 Airs, 1100.011, Mr, and lfrc. Lewis Rouse, and child, of fort Erie were recent visitors wino the fornher's mother, Airs. Annie (Rouse, \It's, 10, Short and family, of Si are visiting her mother, Mrs, 13. Plc. if, Browne. Taylor, and Mr, Taylor and Mr, and Airs, freeman Tenney. Airs, 'Milligan and son, of Toronto, ('e spending some holidays with her mother, Airs, It, Johnston, and Mr. Johnston, 11iss Jean McIntyre and Miss Wen - dor]' of Clinton, Miss 1u'g'aret Tantb- lye, of Loidesboro, visited with Miss JOseph1to \Voon0(1(11 on Wednesday. Airs. ,loin Taylor of Ingersoll, is 1)tvu' Sits: Received your cigardtt•s bolitlay'ing hitt her mother, Mrs, 13. quite semi tin, ago but was 1;0 busy''I'ayltr, and Air, Taylor, also witlt her 1 coaldl('t get time 10 write anything. 1'i'othcr, \t', Freeman Tuiniey, and Thanks very much for re11 oiiihci•iitg n Mrs' 'Tonne)'- 100 with cigarettes. 'Yours 'Truly, 'Mess I'M, ('hat•les Parsons; and Cordon pie, H. Harrington, Jenkins, of St. Catharines, were in attendance al the funeral of 31r. ;Ta,S. 'Watt, held from the l'niic(1 Church cigarettes 0. 1C, '1'Ihatlks1'last Friday. 11rs, John Craig Sr„ anti grand - N trio,, :d;Ingluers, Al argmre!. and Joy0 Craig, IvIsi10d tit' fornter'c; cousins, 11r, and 31rs. Arthur Gardiner, Thames ]toad, 11111011 for the cigaret• les. They ore greatly appreciated, 11, Leslie. Thanks a 31illiou, C, 5. Al, 11e\'all. Received a trillion, Pte. J, N, Dear 31r. 3lIlt'r and legion: Out 011 t'shm'nc, your lltsl. parc.,i of, Rev, A. Sinclair and \it'. R. 0, Me- sm01cc1s arrlyeil and you know 1101 my Gowan attended the induction set'vice al Donnybrook on July Silt, The 'Min- k)), as 1 was out. 'Thanking all yon I inter, Rev, ilarold Snell, was inducted a million times. 'I remain. • Illi libel] \EIS wren '1'pr. R. J. Elliott, and welcomed by a gond reprerenta- lion of the throe congregations, 1t', ('bowies Colo, of London, Is Dein' friends; Thanks circ so nnu h combiningbnsine,s Wit 11 pleasure this for the cigarel(0c;, They are very Week, Ile is visiting with his mother much oprprciu(cd• Best of luck to all. there, and al the sante time travelling; iloward 'fait. Jhroog'h this area in the advancement of 1h:' product he represents'. The local Orange Lodge paraded through town on Monday morning, Receiving cigarettes quite concis• .lust prior for their departure to attend icntly, 'Many thanliN for lime. the Celebration of the Ciloi'lons Twelfh Spr, tiefflolt' in \\'ingham. The native were treated *--+ to the music of the fife and drum. We are pleased to report that. 'lies 1'h;ullchlg you again for the last par- I';1111'tetoalfe, who has been It patient cel of cigarettes; that•l recdyed on ht an Ottawa hospital of some time. June Silt. four Friend in Arhus, Inas recovered to the point where she 1'pr. ,lint Thompson. was permitted to leave the hospital o11 �--� Sunday. She is expected home on Fri - Dear Sir: Beg to acknowledge 300 day, cigarettes just received, and wish to I Visitors on Sunday of the ]home ot thank the legion' very much for same, lt', and ;Airs, John AI,-Cralgr were, 1 certainly appreciate your kindness Mt's. Craig's and hiss Iva Switzer'd i0 ate, Thanking you again 1 remain 'Aster, MN. Will Denhanl and family, Yours very truly, Ronald, . Jean and Lavona, also her ('pi. E. N. \'. Johnston. tmirried daughter, \ii•, and Mrs. Cltflf. 'Vance and family, A hearty welcome to all. ,,_\. _, Mrs. Harold I'Itillip•,, presiding. cxpcares should be used to prosecuteRev. A. 0, Thomson, MIrister. Mrs. Haughton Injured. Re\. .\, Sinclair conducted the fun - '1'1' tot' '1' .;, ol:eucn by repealing the \•or, 11.' declared. Because Indus- : , CONGRATULATIONS oral of the late William Dougall at V . 1\'e arc' sorry to 1.1>nrf, ]loot A1r:1. the 1 ord..; fray;r in unison, i\linttte; try has redoubled its output and the ]]cuss]] on Thursday. July Silt, and Jlaughtom, mother of firs. Frank Rog- Congratulations to Miss Doreen \'n- of int.' former meeting were read and -farmers have not relaxed their pro•' also attended the funeral of Mr. Alex- tptl love,I. abm a Ener of aciotow- (halloo of foodstuffs, we continue to Successful Music Students enson, of Myth, met with a painful ('cut who celebrated her birthday ou't,,,der Inz'ram, of TTOnsall on Tuesday 1c,Ig,.nom( for symip:utity sent, 1e11j0y our freedom, said At', Cardiff. ('ongrat11111ms are due Aforgaret accident at the Rogerson home last Wednesday, July 1Jth, sof this week, Those two men were Th- ti, Astir! r _,tve a -good report, ''If our soldiers had been supplied and Carman Craig, son and (laughter ,w -eek, When she fell while descending including three member • fee~ Ai,, with the necessities'of life, the „tins, of Alr, and Airs, Jolni Al. Craig, in the. stairs. She suffered Hoary pain- (iras',\, clnvenor of Hower and Vis- (Ammunition and tank;, we would he pawing with honours, their "'Third pioneers of the community and both Congratulations to Mrs, Frank Whit- e 2, were members of the United Church - fol cut~ (toil bruises, and is confined more, who 01101)1)10(1 her hirthda,r Pin:: Plnnilt,e. rc;u•i0d June col- tinder the slavery of the Ilan today,,' (]rade” Exam from .the Toronto ('on• to her bed under the care of a doctor. on Sunday, July 11th, Don't look for 1110 old red paint an lc:•Itcn, :, c. oIs, ' boxes, 2 small do- he declared. "Patriotism means blood Fervatory et Alusic, in Clinton, ']'hey Airs. Houghton recently celebrated --'--- the front of the Standard office bttild- 11it ;t 9 11011(0 i0'ot flott';:rs, 1 spit- shed e1 0 sacrifice, Our soldier boys 'ate ImPils 0f Miss Velma \\'heePer, of her 071 It birthday. (ong'ratulations t0 Capt. C• 1), and ling any more, Since ]1st wee]: it has putily and c1n,t'rinlali ns cards, love given their all, what are we do Belgrayc, V �t 1�i11•lhiek, who olserved to'ir�hcon replaced with a rico coat of 11111 wedding; anniversary 011 Friday, brown and creast, which 1tndonbtedly panic] • of Surday rca;ling to ciml sus ing who have the comfort; of home —^��, \Vet weather has greatly retordecl July 'Ith, is a gr0al improvemt_ 1. lir. llaxtel• sent out, and 9 calls made during the life?" y haying operations in this community ,r,_,- ilc:lrt'e applied the brash, and ore Dion( h. I Ret'. George 3loore, of Listowel, and Jack McElroy, of the Royal Canna- th ring the past week, The Fall Wheat congratulations to .]anis 'Mecca, , un(erstand that there are several Tho meeting wit brought to tt c'loseRev, 5, 31. Scott, past county •1 ystcr, T ian Navy, Toronto, spent the wick -end Its ripening fast a tad 1003' be ready to ; 0..1•;> celebrates her 7411 birthday on buOness fro,,L; just waiting for Ma by repealing the Jlizpall llcucdictiun.,i of Victoria were unable to speak due with his parents, fent before the haying is over: Ftitlay-, July 16th, igentl0 touch, ' - i A. HIS MAJESTY VISITS NORTH AFRICA .Arriving in North Africa to visit the 1st and Sth Armies, the Royal Navy and Air Force, His Jlajesty the King i, shown here lenV- nig the airfield in which his plane landed, in company with General Eisenhower, Commander -in -Chief of Allied Forces. His Majesty also visited the United States Armies and Air force and the French Army in .Africa, He invested General Eisenhower with the insignia of n Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. Modern Etiquette By Roberta I.ee 1. \Vim: are the duties of the maid of honor witilr the t'• ren1Ony le taking place? 2. Should the water glasses be filled before the guests are sum- moned to the table for luncheon? 3. \\'hen addres:ng an envelope CAP BRUSH" 40 ROOSi APPtICAiOR 1c ldt Dee sed leather mites aul: cur "Cott -finish" Roost Appl'cator roil ass ti:e 1(112 etre( pth a,'it Lott .a • out itis cr n "fila,& Leat re " ties plecty of re. 'tree atrenetb dad Etre ', t.p-0re.bn' ttninove it .<oronda,I'y Tile "Cop Iiru::," nae no t ri;tle.s Lu sbnhrb and wa,te liquid,h, nee maces your latae of a:ack Ler.f s0"go f.ut tines us tu. krr isrliridart bird treatment crop lathe testi:art two tn'te. be - tow the cent Leith"Catienrusll"kilts 1t,nedp rim. A drop on Pack of slid.' recta kills head lice. Sold by Dealers • Everywhere STOPPED IX a ✓iffq •or Money Bark FM quick relief from Whirl: ofe sema.pimple'ath• late'' foot, wale*, ace bias, rubes "Mother elter Halts' pawed skin trouble*, use fan•artin1, coolinj, sath septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Creepiest),. ca. Soothes kritatton and quickly stops lotto*�e. n.3Se trial bottle pro,ea It, oot back. Aelt !aw aro en today fa (x mD.D.D. PRESCIUI'17ON. /Relieves distress from MOHTHLYN FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings-' ue to monthly funo- tlonal disturbances, It helps build up resistance against distress of "d1131- ' days." Made In Canada, SIDE GLANCES to a girl or a Woman is it all right to addre s it "glary Jones"? 4. Is it all right to address the envelope ..of a letter to a man t1'lthout using the title "Mr."? 5, Should gifts, that are brought to a birthday party, be opened immediately, or left until after the party?. 6. Is it all right to stack the dishes when clearing the table? ANS\\'ERS 1. She stluulS nearest the bride, takes her bouquet or prayer -book while the ring is put on, returning there at the proper time, and granges the bride's train when she 1.0,215 from the altar, 2, Yes, the glasses are filled and the butter is placed on the plates. 3. No. Cao ".Mi. -..s" before her name, no Matter how young bite is, 4, No; "Mr,•' must be used, 5. Ealh gift should be opened at once. 6, No; the 1a_rsuu who is clear- ing the table should take no more than ono plate in each hand, at a time. The young roan was rather shy, and after site had thrown her arms around Min and kissed him for bringing bey a bouquet of flowers be jumped up and grabbed his hat. "Ob, don't go," she said, as be made for the door, "1 didn't menu to offend you." "Ob, I'm not offended," he re- plied. "I'm going for more flow- ers," MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PULS S For Painful end Delay/ Period:, Extra Strength, $4,00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) 'fait0:'1'O NSW By Galbraith MPR 19A 2 e .EA 5EPYICE. INCT, M. 888.0.5. PAT. OFF. //-/0 "Now you can't complain and be patriotic -they said anything not used for six months was scrap, so 1 turned in all your hammers, screwdrivers and other )vols!" Have You Heard. Mr. McPherson gave some ad• vice 10 hlb wife When they were expecting filo-lids to len. "Just mind, Jeanne," he 52114), 'la put the sugar•tongs in the basin, nn' not a spoon." "Hut we 121220 no lump sugar In the hour('." silo expostulated, "We've (oily granulated." "I 12:25 mi12l1in' that!" sa}d h1c• 1'11(•11-(10. -o- Ycuthful Fr.ther-Our baby Is beginning to recite "Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wcot?" Neighbor -Anti he's only 8 mcnths old; Father -Weil. he doesn't say nil It vet, but he's clot as far ss the "Ban, baa." l•,( , . :1-:;:.l rt cited „The o. r' 111MHiur' 'i'hen cacti pupil to draw from l.;_ 1-,r 1.. r lata;':,.,:t ;un a pie- tllre ('1. 1'1} ;;,•alis 1tu1is, of 1!:' til W' lit 10 1'. ark at 011''1•. I.'12 (,1,e ;.1t10 111)0w hl sitat• c 1, 1,2.,1 1-,t 1'•1:2'11 2111 'r} 1215 hemi. what Is it : ask. ed :he 2' 111 11. ria ittn, du 1'ou want us to ,i;;t'V „ ;tt 2: of a rotl)tor7" "We shill be glad," 1'Grote the firth to the Ministry of La- bour, "if you can assist us In retaining thls man for a little longer. He is the only man left In the firm, and he le • carrying on with fifteen girls." • EGGS WANTED SHIP DIRECT TO DOMINION .'1'0121:'2 I.1911'1'1•:D 11 Solihull St., Toronto 11'g'd Grading Station No, 0159 1111.21E''l' 1'RI:NAILINII 1fAIllii':'1' PRICES PA ID CASES 111:'I'U11NE1) FREE CAil1;FI'L GRADING AND PRO ti 1'T It1:MIT'1'ANCI: AVE PAT A 1'211;1111')1 1'(211 !'2)1'1,7'211' 1'•A101 111111"1'Ll' FItI:SII LARGE hid.,a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE AlEN•I'S 4 y Al:'1'13 lIDILE5-IJs1•:D USED CARS 1\'IT11 GOOD TIRES, 810 05 first. 1lnunt Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Vonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. 'telephone Ill', 21S1. AC'1'0 ►'Alt'I'S NEW AND USE!) I'Alt'l'S F011 ALL makes of cars and trucks, Com- plete automobile machine ahep service, General Auto Supply, 12 -Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario, IIA111' CiIICICS kiYBRIDS 1'Utt EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview I) arms, St. Marys, Ontario, DEMAND FOlt CHICIKENS AND eggs "gone active" for the dura- tion, 11 you work It right you'll find raising chickens for meat and eggs this year the best "cuslt prop" move you ever made. '1'u "work it right" you should sten more chicks right away and k'.ep starting additional batches as fast as your feed supply, space and help will permit, 1'oJ' a fifth of a century Tweddle Chick Hat- oheries have been helping Cana- dian poultrymen to make money. -mostly in much less lay'oruble market condltlons than now, Get Tweddle Chicks and you'll get the right start. Prompt delivery on many pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Free catalogue and pries flet, Ttveddic Chick Hatcherlee, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER L'IRAY SUMMER CRICKS new, Hatchery operating till end July, Started Leghorn pullets, delivery July 15th; day olds from then to end month, Fee your poultry house, works to muxl- mulll capacity this fall mid for S.S. Nu. 9 Holland, Ont. r 112:SINL''ss OI'l'UR'l'U\1'1'IEs SPLENDID ]1CSINESS UI'I'OI(TL'N- 1ty. Genet ul More with building, stock and lot. Fifteen thousand, Easy terms. Apply Uox 16.2, Wel- land, Ont. IIII,Ls FOR SALE, POI( SALE - SEVERAL, strata - horn bulls of serviceable age from heavy production dams. It. D. Hunter, Exeter, Olt, 111'' 11 LAND 1VANTED, WANTED - I;t'S11 LAND, TEN acres up, within 100 miles of To- ronto, 01 will consider cheap farm with bush on it. Gordon Bartholulnln-, 363 Scarboro Road, Toronto. CATTLE. REGISTERED DIAL, - PURPOSE Shot thorn bulb, s'rvlceuble uge anti yuungcr cur (:ale. Also year- ling end two-year-old heifers, sate due this fall. Several from recorded duets. Good type. Ac- credited, negative. Alain Alder- men, Route 4, 118111llull. 110GS A FERRETS GREYHOUNDS, TRAINED, RACING or Hunting. Beagles, Ferrets. Write Al Schacht, 473E Riverside Drive, Riverside., Ontario. DYEING sk CLI.ANIN(. HAVE YOU AN1"1'111NG NEEDS dyeing or cleftoi f IVi'lte to 08 for information. IVe are glad to ausn'er your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye lVorke Limited, i'1 Y"age Street, To- ronto. ISSUE No. 29-43 AT MARTINIQUE Vice Admiral John H. Hooter Admiral Georges Robert U. S, Vice Admiral John H. Hoover is meeting Vichy's Ad- miral Georges Hobert at Mar - Unique to bring the French island and nearby Guadeloupe under United Nations authority. Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, brans out cores, heals quickly, no :car, 25c, 35c, 50c, 51.00. +n I .11, nW 2.111;,.,'1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FEA'1'I11;IRS WANTED 1V1LL I'AY THE FOLLU\\'I.' ,1 prices for Goose and Dude IeaUl- ers: Goose feathers, 680 Ib.; 1)1':12 Leathers, 46c II). Canada Comfort- er Co. Limited, i3L Dundas Ft. East, 'Toronto, Ont. 1'tIIMS FOR SALE TWO FARMS Fult SALE, GU0(2 land, good buildings, well writer - ed, eomo wood on both. ('lose to town. Each 200 ac're's. W. 11. Mill- ing, Nupalce, Ontario, 12.12. G. NUO'r HALM DAUMJ.E1CA FOOT HALM destroys offensive odor Inetantty, '15c bottle. Ottawa agent, Delman Drug Store, Ottawa, HAIR GOODS Only firm In Canada menufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu• lays. H'urrie's IIAIR GOODS 158 forage St., Toronto, Ontnrlo HAIR GOODS W I U 5, TOUI'ES, TRANSFOItM- atlons, Bwltchee, Curie and all Gtypes of finest quality' IIair oods. Write for illustrated eat- aloguc, Toronto Human /lair Supply Co., 128 Ilathurst Street. Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE: Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes, Robertson'e Ualydresaiug Aced - ems, 197 Avenue )load, Toronto, MEDICAL, WANTED-EVEl1V SU1"1"1:IRER O1'' Rheumatic I'ulns or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Mlunro's 1N ug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, NI:Its):S 22':\N'l'I:1, O1tAD1:.\'1-I. tilt 1'NU1:ltlIII \nL'- ate 1201/405 for genera) fluty, 8 - hour duty and half day' a week. Apply, giving full particulars. Sup'•liut(ndeut, M'.nir,riu1 11orpl- h0il, histo%; 1:1. (U LS :1\I) (1111..2.0 SE. TItAr"1'Olt OIVNI;Its SENT) FOR our n(!n• 1913 uric( Ilst on nits 1211(1 2110(25'', t'o•Oper;ttiVe ((21 ('om{r'ny, 33 70 Dumb); St. Toronto. I'Ell(()N.11. "Do You Know" TIIA1' Me -sing Persons t.2 rtificutes, nuttily petards ere found by the aid of 13scun•Vat)1210n, Standard Gene:duelst of long ex• perienee. 'Thousands nt recurd.5 021 file at Studio, 1159 1larien Ave., ►Vindour, Out, Ft':ul'::tier, English, American. Satisfied clients insti- tutes my reference. UI,t'Ells, SORES, 1:(.;ZEM,\, AND other shin ailnlr 1115 successfully treated by my ointments, healing while you wink, Special hot wea- ther true talent -m' , sire +•e51. $1,1102 2102) trill "(121111':2: you. Write Noise 11. 'fucker, );irks 111innip+O. PATENTS I''E'I'III' IL�'fO\Ii,\1.'111 K t'OMI'ANY Patent Oollciturs r:steenrnen iSuo; 14 King 00001, 'I'utur.tr, llnu:clef of 12(2ululaII(J0 on re• Quest. How Can 1 ? Hy Anne Ashley ' Q, 1lnw can 1 koe )l 11201216 out 02 Ill fur coat? A. Moths 15111 not bother fur if tt le plentifully aprinhled with pep- per, or tobacco, which leaves no unpleasant odor and can easily he shaken out before wearing, A few whole cloves added will also help. Q. How can 1 prevent soreness when using a sunburn salve? A. Before spreading the salve on sni)burn stand the Jar or lube 111 harm water and tho salve will soften, It 11.111 be easy to apply and 11'11) not irritate the sunburn, Q, Ilow can 1 remove nllid0W? A. \lillieW can be removed with sour milli, then plarhlg the article 111 the sun, Q, How can 1 remove rust froth iron articles? A. '1'o remove rust from a large surface such as n stove or kettle, 'rub first 11)12 kerosene and 11110 with steel 11'uol tuuistened with thieved oil, Or, dip the oiled steel wool 1n powdered pumire ,vol rub. Q. 11011' can 1 have smooth legs without shaving them'' A. If yon Insist upon removing tho hair from the legs, instead of using a safety razor try using the fhlrst gr;ulu of sandpaper. Queen Mary Plans To Operate Factory Queen Mary will operate her own victory factory on the estate where she has lived since early Jn the n'ar, She will personally supervise assembling of electrical parts in buildings converted from carpen- ters' and wheelwrights' shops, The Queen Mother decided upon Roll your owners! Go fpr Ogden's 02,1 ' denlo(rats" (Mon nave their drivels a ro(t111t But they fount) Co,,sula- lion in Ogden's the ari ,toast of cigarette tobaccos. -a disl ln'o blond of theicor, r'ipl't' tobaccos, smooth as a k::tui1'; wrist. Not just anotherlorl•,tur,u, I'ut Ogden's. Try it toda;. Ogden's quality for pipe smulierr, foo, in Ogden's Cut Plat this lis tt further perri'nnl 2:2121221. bution 10 war wort( ;,Iti•r (107.ells of factories, \\'hen she discloieu the :,lint to 2000)011 of' 2t nearby \11111g•!4 t av- ernl Volunteered to help, M02n- hers of her household alp""' plan to participate, Classic Sturgeon Gold Mines LIMITED AN OUTS'fANDINC. MINE DEVELOPMENT Tremendous tonnages have already been proten by diamond drilling. Further diamond drilling planned, Full Particulars On R':quest BLACKBURN & COMPANY 330 BAY STREET • • TORONTO, ONT. Telephone WA 'erley 0252 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFil.:l.) ADVERTISEMENTS 1'l1U'l'OG1101,11t' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, !lain, or 111111 HAVE YOUR SNAPS' Delivered by Mall Any 0 or 8 exposure film perte1Uy developed and printed fur only 20e, Suprema quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Tol;utu 1'i201'UGIIAI'HHY "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ..." That's what a customer at Outre- mont, Que., writes. Ile adds: ".Soule of my friends aelted Ina where 1 sent my pictures to bo developed and printed. I told then), 'send your rolls to Star Sunpehot Services and they dld, They, too, are now reg- ular customers of Star Snapshot 8ervlce," Any Size )toll -6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED ANI1 PRIN'1'L''I1 '160 Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters ao much inure When " efiaps" are enclosed, Mall your next roll to Star Snap- shot Servlee fora trial order. You will get quality prints, with finer detail -at lowoet cost, And you will get the most prompt mall service obtainable In keeping with quality work. Star Snapeliot Fernee oper- ates Canada's biggest and beet equipped photo fInlshllg studio, 8 1110U?'14:U ENLARGEMENTS '..15e Size 4 x 6" In 1308uliful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1 lJ, Penial 'rerruinil A, 'l'or011141 Print youl"0anle and address plainly on till orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints from each tlegaUce. ltc•. Write 2e each. Montreal Photo, 1W. Box 100, Station 10, ,Montreal, 11 21111I'I'S RA13L'1T23, N li 1V Z 13 A LAN 1) Whites, Imported, thoroughbred stuck. All correspondence ons- 1t'rr0d. Robinson's, 312 Riverdale, Riverside, Ontario. 11.111111'1'5 it GUINEA PIGS RAID ilTS AND GUINEA 1'11_;5 Iwught and sold. LI. Farris, 90 Walnut 1.2(2001, St. Thomas, Ont, ItII1:CIIA'l'IU l':11NS. FIII:I'1' JUICES -THE PRINCIPAL. ingredients in 1)ixun's I(cmelly for Jth€umatle 1'alns, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's brut; Store, 3:I5 Elgin, Ottawa. 51:1111Ell 11 E501tT (IRAN INN - NIAGARA -C/N -THE Lake, Ontario: good roams, ex- cellctt food, ideal location. Swim, golf, ride u1 just loaf. 'Telephone 2.0. STA .M PS 1101121VIST2, COI.I,I:C'1'UIOS, SWAP - tiers, Agents, and all those who wIsh 0) receive our Big Mail Free. shit one I'ustcarJ with your 1):(121(1 1(1112 nddn'ss kJ; .101121'5 hMail service, flus 0-:18, Areal].) Ruil,2 110, (,'(mesa Pay, 21,1',112_ . Canada. . ADVER'T'ISEMENTS sCIt.11' %%A\'t'ED 111.1 III(' 1' .11.1 t;l(.\1'112'. 111»2;21-, r;lgr', tu,11.1«il,':'• 1121.) ;2(221 6i Atet.1) 2'121110;10 , •-'b•,.1 x'.,(2,1120 2311'01;1. '('(121111(11, .4.)). ;01:1, •'I'AnI'S 1.1O1t C'0),LECi't') 2011 AllXI:Ir \Vl)I;LI1 \\101;, :'c '2'12 .2('t'i''>10) rlpptit'ohl'. 1J, '.croft', •11122. Pity Ilan Acr'nn, JI ,Ir1vl, '1'21.IC'I'Ilt PARTS TRACTOR PARTS N 1': 1V AND, used, for all mul2r.o of `trnrlora, Gcuorul Auto and ')factor Supply, 1) Frederick St„ leitchoucr, (Int. 'l'Illb:s F1)21 S.1L1•: TIRES TIRES TIRES N'1' DAVE :1 0.\1111 E FELL•: 2'1'IUN ut Fuad used p.sa'etlgot' c.tr mid truck tire+. Available to 0112:11)1• buyers. \lost. sizes. Alount Plena. 1111 31utul's, 032 Jlt, 1'Icasar'. Rd,, 'r'urouto, '1'.0l'EWO11M STOMACH AND '1'11It1?AD WORMS often ere 111e 08(250 of 111 -health in humans all ages, No ono Irl• Mune: IVIIy not find out if Oils Is your trouble? lntrrestlnl; par. 1ieulars-Free1 Write A1u1v^riey's Remedies, Specialists, 'l'urcutt 11, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED IV:\N'l'1;U, LJUALIF1E1) L'lll'J'L:S• taut teuehcr 1'20' Hand field 601too1, dutil, to eulwuenee 11202, 19.13, 50111')' 41930, apply, stating qualifications and asperl- e1ce lo IV, ,1, Moody, Ser.: quo,- '('r':usurer, statdficl,l School arca, 111g' hake, 1'110'1' 115T.\ N'1' '1' 13 A it.: 11 L It w:ulltd fur 0.8, No. 9 14'l1nud State. Salary and r2unlifi'' (tions, Ditties to eununelcu u1 t3s'' Int al' S -i tonlbcr' 1\'rite glt11a tele• 2,h„rl,- nulubet' 20 1':I01ut's 11011111,011, iec1'ut(tl'y TI'c-' .111 el', 12 1t. Nu, 1 Rcncelcy, Unt. 1:X 1'EItI I:No 1:D 1' 110'1' }: 23'1' _1 29 '1' t,;t'Imr for I'ublie 1)11111,: rouuneticing' Sept, :011 urs' $1,200, Refer' net.: 21- 1'.111'0I! from present. or factory iti,re.otul'. 11"11115 Illaney, Sccret:ay, LK,ue. 1(112. \\'AN'L'EII - .1SSIS'r:1N'1' '1'i':.1t:11- r•2 fur Sparta 0' lltili'I'112(11 School. \\'rile stating itte.".iflca- tiuns and salary to 1:111111 ('0'h• - mei, :part((, Olt. U.S.S. NO. 1i, \1'1;23'1' \VA\V.1`.u,11, r(•'tuirrs t,';Icher cenimeneln'; ;,('p• t, tnbt•r first, Slate qualifi'•''.luhn :Ind s:Illlry to 11(2:1,1 Sal oul, sok.: etary, .ltlburn 12.11, 3, TEA CIIEI1- \VAN'I'ED - I'i1;2311'- ''L11.=s Iuarblr for 1.23, No. 13 tn111- 10'42. Duties comm. nee 23• I'(l'lll.• her. .41115 l4l1t10g 2-1)1:2.5 21,0(2 r,cc. lsrtn:st .1. Li aria, hr,'1210, 1)111, \\'.1N'1'1 )) F' •11 1,6 Ito d, l'rolesLwt lcach"r. :1',) al's ;1,10(1. IDOties 1u ounun,•nce :-.212111iiiI'r. Shit: 1100I(2wal11:: 10 \\'illi:ons, ll:tt':1l19', ('111• hl'I.1,1' (]t'.tLIFIEI) I'1tO'l'ES'I'.2 (ceclmr sur 23.5. No. 1'2, Os(uede. Duties continence S0lllelllllel. 1p. ply matitg 10pericnr', 502.1'9' 2.2- perlcri to Iluhert fl or. rr;lo- I;'l'y-'i'I'n�Ilrtl', 11I111,1nQ, 1)111. '2,0IINS ANI) \1'OI)I.I,IiN itArie 11.\,'11IN1: .1X1) HAND RN( -1-1 1;,1(1 nu 113'' Ib., p.e.rpnl(l. lye 111 t' •„Ilea t n<e, l'Ieollri ton ►Vuollcll ,\lily, FIcstlerton, LCT COUGHS UP A GENERAL SHERMAN . Out of an armored 1,C'1' (Landing Craft: Tank) comes an American-made Genet al tiberman tulle . ated by British crew as Allied forces train for invasion with manoeuvres on the North African coast. .........s$.-.-.-......... _______ RADIO REPORTER ate FROST 1' evclal years, re.,earch en- gine(:- have been busy working to t1 - over ways and means of rennet or eliminating the harsh, dis{e:..ant noises which conte Iron. 1. radio receiver when the wehr r Ulan goes on the ram- pape. '\'hey have been seeking also to find methods whereby "niar • wade" noises, caused by tr•t+lir f.,emcee, electric motors, violet ray machines and the like coup. •i.e. reduced to a minimum. Aker four years ago radio en- ginett: were successful in de- v'elnl,i:,g a form of transmission and it•eeption known as FM, fre- quemy modulation, and this in- nevat;en was making consider- able 1•:ogress when the war cone aloni. and prevented its being put to lir;.tical purpose. As a matter of ',merest CFRB, 'Toronto, had InstJ,l:cd 8 special FM transmitter at it, Moor Street studios in To- ront(, and was broadcasting its usuni programs over this equip - nit It antil about two years ago, when the engineer who was re- sprns.ti:e for its operation was caller. by the Government to as- s nu. special duties associated wit}. vartinne radio location work. Rr l u: is 011 reception from this 1'M ':ansntitter by the few radio funs sxho had acquired the FM recce .ng sets indicated that sta- ti; 1, entirely conspicuous by its a:oerre. The station signal carte in :t1.r, without any interference 01. 1!te• part of natural or man- made static. J ust recently a large erg:.1..28111m announced that they hat; evolved a method of elinl- irurlil.g static, through the means of a:: appliance which can be in- coti,l.rated with your present radio set, While these develop- ments of wartime research will not i•0 released to the general paten until Victory is. won . . it ir• :ertain that radio reception of 1.1,e future will be of the noise- lesr variety. You will be able to tun( n distant stations without nay of that sharp, unpleasant cra.t sting which is not only Bard or, the ears, hut which frequently distorts the signal itself. An the 1'U L))ngs of war die down, the drat eedam noises in your radio re(' .ver will also disappear, pro- 11t11r,g you acquire the necessary cul 7;.:nent. t n'io radio audiences are tt: ,,..0d of enjoyable music on Sat:...-.iay afternoons during the v:,nlrr :season for the next three year::. News has just come to ban,: that the Columbia Broad- cast:t;!_• System has signed the Ph:i;,:ielphia Orchestra on an ex- ciu:,'ve three-year contract to pro- vide musical entertainment from (Metter 2 tq April 30 for the next thee( winter seasons, CFRB be - in} 1:1e Columbia outlet fon' On- tarir, we suggest you keep that Octiitx:r date in hind and tune it, for music you w'iIl really en - very Saturday afternoon the:— Iter between 1 and 2 p.m. -:teeing to "Just Mary" has hc. t ole a Sunday afternoon habit nonny children throughout Canada, but like many other people at this time of year, Mary is l,<:ng to take a vacation. How - eve], there's a treat in store for t11C oullgstet'S just the salute. At 1.1:: p.nl, on Sunday afternoons the c, bout the summer, a delight- ful little variety program entitled " . t,lling All Children" will bring to 1:,c airwaves music from \'alt ltisr.ey film cartoons, children's pec:i. and recorded children's .c.r C. • A: .trother popular feminine per- tor:city who is leaving the air- waves for a brief vacation is Monica Mugan, whose 10.45 amt. Monday through Friday broad- casts keep Ontario listeners up to date 011 current events of a social and general nature, After a trip to her home town of Winnipeg, Miss Mugan will renew her radio column of the air on Monday, August J. A program with an active serv- ice atmosphere originates at No. 1 Manning Depot, Toronto, every Thursday evening at 8.05 p.nn. over the CBC network. GailMere- dith, well-known songstress, will act as hostess for the airmen in this series of "Swing for the Services" programs . . the lads themselves will lend their voices to the music. Archbishop Of York Commends Bombing Approval of the Allied stra- tegy of bombing Germany's indus- trial cities was voiced by the Archbishop of York recently in a diocesan leaflet in which he replied to his countrymen who have protested against the devas- tating attacks. "However much we deplore the sufferings of the civilian popula- tion and the destruction of their homes, we must continue to use our superiority in the air as a means of ending the war as speedily as possible," the Arch- bishop declared, "It is 8 lesser evil to bomb war - loving Germany than to sacrifice the lives of thousands of our own fellow countrymen who long for peace and to delay the hour of liberation for millions now held in slavery." Menus Made Up For Allied Nations Dr. Louise Stanley is staking sure that the food we ship abroad i3 not only nourishing, but tempt- ing to foreign tastes, says The American Magazine, For 10 years chief of the Agriculture Depart- ment's Bureau of Home Econom- ics, Dr. Stanley's new job is to advise the United States Govern- ment what menus to serve to our millions of fillies. She has had to learn the favorite dishes of the whole world. For the Russians she recommended a dehydrated borsch from the U. S., and a buckwheat mixture that's made into kasha. She okays oats fon' Russia, but vetoes them for .Africa, where natives look on oats as animal fodder. While leaking up global market lists, Dr. Stan- ley also does her own shopping and cooking. Time Wasted An old shepherd, a member of the Houle Guard in Wiltshire, was up all one night at the time of the expected invasion attempt. When the news Caine through that he could knock off, he said: "Baill't 'e111 coming, sir?" "Not this time," was the reply, the old fellow said, "just what I thought. There bain't no depend- ence to be put on those Germans. Here I've been up all night hang- ing about for nutltin'," la HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured U. S. national figure, ---- 14 Mountain nymphs. 16 Lowing. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON July 25 BIBLE TEACHINGS ON THE COST OF DRINKING Deuteronomy 21 : 18.21 ; Proverbs 23 : 20, 21; 1 Corinthians 6 : 9.11. GOLDEN TEXT—Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not In• herit the kingdom of God? I Cor- inthians ( : 9. Memory Verse: hor 'Thou, ford, art good, and runty to forgive. Psalm 81i: THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time—The rival instructions of Moses were -11 in 1 105 11.C.; the Ituol; of ;erhi was written probably about Dino 11.('.; the First Epistle to the Corinthians was penned by Paul .1.1), 58 or 59. Place --Wo do not know exactly where the (took of Deuteronomy was written, but 1t may have iu.':n not far from Mount Nola), east of tho Jordan; the (took of Proverbs was probably written 111 derns- alone; i'aul wrote this Epistle from Ephesu1. Israel's Law "And all the then of his city shall stone him to death with stones: so shalt thou put away Iho evil from the midst of thee; and all Israel shall hear, and foar." It should be clearly recognized that the power of parents over their children (Exod. 21 : 7; Gen. 31 : 15), oven to putting them to death, which prevailed in early Israel also to this degree (Gen, 38 : 24), Is hero enforced told controllod by public authority. in looking at this severe law, ono should be reminded of God's purpose for Israel among the 11 tlons, which demanded severe log- Islation, Laws may greatly vary, for the stone crime or nnisdeuneau• or, from day to day, and under varying circumstances. Thus, e.g., It is not a crime for a man to fall asleep over his work, though it Is very bad forth, and lio may get dismissed fon' It;—but ho cannot U, S, NATIONAL FIGURE Answer to Previous Puzzle DJT 05ET ESE AVE AT1 : � FLAT I N; gDORIT TR ILYEGG ERIE 17 Short cape H E L_P S A N worn by Pope. o V A D. U I I CN11).s 18 Amid, S M U S A G 20 Tile kiln, ' —`L E M 0 N' G S ®E T A- 21 Learning. LINEN ' GAB •(:� A R E 22 Elevates. ANTS ' 1- M A N O ' ANI L 24 Ripped. YES M'� S (� T • M 25 Symbol for erbium. 50 Tendency. 26 Treasurer 54 Solar disk (abbe,). (Egypt.). 28 Articles 66 Sultan's 30 Size of shot. decree. 31 Pronoun, 58 Circle part. 32 Boat paddles, 59 Ammonia 34 Above, substance, 85 Railroad 60 He figured in (abbr.). a. —,-- 86 —$6 ,About. investigation 88 Entire: of the movies. 10 Lag behind. 55 Tooth of a 40 Hodgepodge. 62 Appliance 11 Thousand fork. 3Acetyl (abbr.) for opening. (prefix). 57 Entomology 46 Typo measure 63 Began. 1.2 Inactive. (abbr.), 46 East (Fr.). 84 Fitness. 13 Herons, 69 Fit. 47 Symbol for VERTICAL 16 Narrow inlet. 61 Symbol for didymium. 1 Made of wool. 18 Symbol for tellurium. 48 Male parent,. 2 Mistake, methyl. 62 Opera (abbr,). 3 At, 4 Letter of Hebrew alphabet. 5 City in Holland. ,q11 19 Doctor (abbe',) 23 Raged. 27 Kingdom, 29 Rabbits, 31 Mineral spring 33 Call for help at sea, 37 Malayan animal (p1,). 39 He is a popular --- in politics. 41 Plant part. 42 Diggers of coal. 44 Proofreader's mark, 47 Dunes. 49 South American rodent. 6 Lone Scout 51 (symbtt (abbr.). (symbol), 52 Unit of energy 8 I am (conte'.), 53 North Caro - 9 Parcel of land. ling (abbr.). I 2, 3 14 17 21 25 q. S 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 1122 •26 27 3,1 18 ' 19 20 23 24 25 29 =32 35 1136 40 41 '46 1147 51 52 53 1154 55 059 !61 43 44 48 49 56 60 63 6 58 11164 POP—Maybe Pop's Allergic WHY ARE YOU PULLING - YOUR I3APPOW ALONG itelcased hp The ROI S, uqiiate. 111c 1 27 THIS CURIOUS WORLD SIR HU8ERr By William Ferguson 1 VISITED THE 13y OOG .SLED, ,o,/iE/=-E.A V.E AND S J8,44AR//V T. 1,1. REG U. 9. PAT. WO, (jr-IY WOULDN'T A MAN ON MARS SPEAK OF "THE MOUND 9.3 COPR. 1941 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. .JIMMY BOSTON RED SOX• BASEBALL PLAYER, DREW S/X STIQA/S/-/T BASES ON BALLS I IN A GAME WITH ST.LOUIl JUNE iE' 193e.. rti1610\ rtr • r ANSWER: Because Mars has two moons. NEXT: Skinning the rabbit. bo sent to prison. However, It 1s Et crime, punishable by death, for a man to fall asleep while on sem try duty in w•ar. The circumstanc- es determiine the severity of the penalty. Israel was to ,be kept a clean, pure, priestly nation, to boar witness to the holiness of God among the nations of the earth, and this holy calling greatly enhanced the seriousness of traits• gressious and iniquities. The Same God It is marvelous to think that it is the saute God who speaks and acts in Deuteronomy 21 and In Luke 15; but how different the action! How different the style! Under the Law, the father is gall• od upon to lay hold of his son and bring hint forth to be stoned. Un- der grace, the father runs to meet the returning son, falls on his neck and kisses hftn; has the fat• ted calf killed for him, and makes the house ,ring with the joy that fills his own heart at getting back the poor wandering spendthrift le Deuteronomy tae see the land of God, in righteous government, es - muting judgment upon the rebel. Mous; In Luke we see the heart of God pouring Itself out In ten- derness upon the poor repentant one, giving hint the assurance that It Is t113 own deep joy to get back 11Is lost ones. Habitual Orunkeness "Be not among winebibbers, among gluttonous enters of flesh: for the drunkard and the glutton shalt comp to poverty; and drows- iness will clothe a man with rags." Gluttonous eating is hero put in the sante category with drunken - Ems. There are people who de- nounce any kind of intoxicating drinking who at the same time are really gluttonous in their eating. One is as bad as the other, Two reasons are given why we should avoid the company of those indulging in this manner. In the first place, such men are swiftly running toward a state of poverty, and secondly, because they must, by the laws of human nature be frequently overcome with a spirit of drowsiness which prevents them from enthusiastically entering into their daily work. In some strange way God has established certain economic laws on earth which allow the people of the earth to mance a decent liv- ing, whereby the necessities of life can be provided. But 111111ons of people who have had an adequate income, and could have been coin - Portable, have found themselves finally in abject poverty because of the drain that a thirst for 11- quor makes upon their income. Right In God's Sight ''Or how ye not that the un- righteous shall not inherit the kingdom of Cod? tlo not deceived: WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS PUSH114G HIS neither fornicators, nor Idolatera, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men, nor thieves, not• covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the king- dom of God." Righteousness is that which is right In the sight of Cod; tuu•iglueousness is that w111011 Is wrong In the sight of Gull. Au unrighteous man is a man who is not living right, and that includes all those. whom Paul now 11c•gins specifically to desig- nate. In the midst of this dreadful catalogue, is the one word which cul): eras our lesson—drunkards. There seems to bo today a sort of fceliu,2 that there is something just a little smart about getting drunk, and that we must not he too harsh on those who indulge In alruholic liquors. Our text says (hat such men will not eater Into the Itingdom of God, and it says we ought not, to be deceived In drinking they will. Is not this our d:urgor today, In this very point, that we are being deceived into thinking that after all drunken- ness is just a weakness which we must not too severely criticizer 'I'Ite Apostle Paul, by the inspir- ation of the Iloly Spirit, says It will shut sten out of the kingdom of heaven. Covered With Righteousness "And such were some of you: but ye were washed, but ye were sanctified, but ye were justified in the name of the. Lord Jesum Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." \\'ith regard to the throe terms — washed, sanctified, juatl• fied—they may be taken to ort• press the sante idea under differ. ent aspects. That idea is that they had been converted, or completely changed. They had put off the old man and put on the new man. Their stns had been washed away; considered as pollution, they had been purged or purified; consider• ed as guilt, they had been cover- ed ovened with the righteousness of God (Rout. 1 : 17). No [natter what the past has been, there is a way open for tor- givoness aid cleansing, for delta. 00an)c0 and redemption, through the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever we have been, we need no longer he; whatever he the chains of the past, Christ can break thein to- day; whatever the shame and stain of the years gone by', purity and holiness may mark our lite beginuing with Ihls very hour, and there is no man so sunk In sin, no man so long in gin, but that he cannot be w•aslrod, and sanctl. fled, and justified this very day. Brazil produced 501,000,000 pounds of starch from ita native minudloca root in the last year. By J. MILLAR WATT 'GOS I'M FED Up WITH THE SIGHT OF Ir a Page 1. " KKKKKKKKKKKKK aria CIKICICKtetCtOMICK di hi 11 J6 mt lv di d6 Elliott Insurance Agency J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOWT AND BE ASSURED. CAR—FIRE—LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. BLYTH -- ONT. Residence Thong 12 or 140, Office Phone 104. • "COURTESY AND SERVICE" r1Nll0li4044,1411,1941941Dd11a1)M911f 404t3(;Ai1109019413aalatatoti9lala+a.::4)471f a N9t PHIL OS1FER OF LAZY MEADOWS (by Harry J. Boyle) It's funny the way peopl. look at the same thing and see such llif: :eat things. 1 goes.` it all goes I act; to that old saying a Oat llie fellow who looked at lite jail tt•fndoty and saw snarl and the otherrepo\\• looked out and saw the mud. We're all the sane ))• wase. . . wh_lh(,1 we're hal j y or not khcther we have trouble or no troubles ... all these are what intim Li -Ice us when we look at the sant things. Mrs, Phil and 1 went for a ride on one of those passAger beak the lost time we trent to the lake, Of course she doesn't like boats but it had been such a warm day that she was game for anything that would get us away from the infernal heat. it was just dusk and a'i-out all you could see of the sun was a reflection al'ove the water. The lights came twinkling on all over the town. It looked as somebody had scattered an euonuous handful of stars all over the htll'sidc' in very orll:rly G'ahion. There wen, rows of the sante kind of stars propped up along the docks that ran away out into the lake. The breeze cam( leaping up oyp'• the prow of the slew, old bell IIKe chilly gremlin out fur a frolic. Every- 0112 very0112 stood with thea; face.; to the coolness sort of feeling the heat of the day dissipate from themselves. Little boats were scooting aro Ind the water like illuminated water -bugs anti a big freight:r stood aloof and lone• some lake at the docks. You could almost imagine that Isle 1`1; hoar wit' wishing it could shed it's bulk and get in on the frolie. 1''rotn 11)111 '1i 211' up behind the town searchlights started combing the sky with long silvery finger.,, An air•plali- darted back a•.ti foil', a; llrsive as a 111Mh instil finally the stabbing fingers located It and traced it's outline a;atr)it the night sky. Darkness hail come on. accentuating the tea!". of the cool, calm night. 1 Ica. 1 two, young lovers whisper- ing and unashamedly 11: te:::(l, They were vowing to ne•'er i1r:;et the scene. I I chow! them. An olil coupl'2 wilt mind in a stcamer blanket w:re sitting there q'ticily an 1 dna liv she said. "Retne'u''r'r that nicht at Ni'l- gare Faris')" Itis hand groped rot. hers and lir said, "It was j1)•-1 IIIc• this." .\ lerivy-set man stood shivering on t he d.ek and said. ' L-. Ca go hel';w• \yhere it's warm. This (Netted roil gets me dow'n." .\ crab'rd voice a. - sailed the Tittle sailor with the query, ''Can't we go any faster than 1115?.• A Mini •41 unit led in the halt' dirtiness and comps:rine(I b:ttcrly al.out the lac'; of lig:its. This was nature at iter 'i e.4. Dark rtes„ blotted oet the sgaalor of tri wetcrf ont and diiw a shrnul of vel• vet over it all. Then to snake the scene complete she studded the shroud with twin'i4ing diamot:di and )tau ad- ded lights that were intended to he practical int which fitted into the scene in a perfect way. Train some- where up the harbor a little boat hoot• (d deris:vely at the big one and the steady lapping of the, w•aye_j against u it b(''' and the the wake swishing cf ., seemed to )'lend with the chug -chug of the 'rents engines. it wa? 11 perfect flight but we didn't. all see it the sante way. AUBURN Holy Communion and Semon in St. Mark's Church, next Sunday at 1 a.m, Miss Betty Stratighan of Toronto. i visiting at the home of Mr. and ,1115:;. K. Dawson. Mrs. Norman Allen and sister, Mrs. I•oncil raj daughter, Sylvia, of (lode - rich, t'isih_d recently with Mr. and Mrs. )laitland Alton. ..11r. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson and Fon, Cuugla:s, of Copper Cliff, Mrs. Kitchen and daughter, Jane, of carnia, with )Ir. and i\1rs. .1. J. Robertson. Mr -s. Edmund King has accepted a position as teacher at St. Augustine school for the next term. Miss Jean Mugford has accepted a position in Godertch. Miss Zeta Munro is taking a course at Western University at London. the course being in preparation for a posi- ,lion as laboratory as-sistant In clu'nti;• try \vitli the p'oly'mer ('urpurutiun of Sarnia. I Miss Grace \\'ilsou, Coe'Ar.we is \i:5 iting with )lr. and )Ir.:. 'I'lunnas son. \Irs. \\'ilsou and 1 ashy having returned to their home ;coni Cu.ler:;'b hospital. )1 r, and \I1 Vivian \\'a:- onto, with ,lo:l \Vaguer who is se. iously ill at the brine cl' his sis'or. ,\liss Bale \Vaguer. )1r. and 1 . \1 •s John (I 1 ,11, a ul Mis, frank ('onllcr, 'of \\'hila lurch visited 011 Sunday With Frank Raithby, )Ir, arta Airs. Hugh Bennett, fort M. THE STANDARD .\lht'rl, )1r. and )Irs, Darold Nichol and other friends. sun, of Seafo:th, visited \x1111 Mr, i )Ia;lers II Mill and Latu'rure and )Irs, .Iola \\'flson 011 Sunday.. 3 :\t'. ;nal Airs. play I'i idne el Lind 11, pt rat the weelt•end with the latter's parents, )Ir, and )It's, S1 iilluy Johns- ton, )Ir. and )Irs, Andrew l' iliieeuuell and Goalie, of i 1!U \\ 1111 )t•, soul 11 rs. S. 1 free, IVESTIt'IE1,1) lir. and )Irs. \,'ale hell. of Itel• \'illy. 11r, \\', II. \\'ilsun, of 1%ung,uuum, Mrs. 11• )ILI,Nichol, of \\'alton, were \v1'1•:; Basi edests at the hurtle of ,lir, and )Irs. \1', 1', Campbell. and Mrs. )lau:•jce Bosnian. \1r, and )lrs, Jame; Alc41 111, Kath- ; Se\ r11 prim this vicinity attended Teen, of Clinton, viper guests on Sun the Orange Celebration at \\'inghrlm on slay at the Ilona) of )Ir, and )Irs, 11. Monday, Vincent. i'ilut-t';lice ,• ( ('rnzi. r. of 1.:'ud.•n i lir, and Airs, \V, .\. Cfunp"r'll, Uou who received his \Vings and Coln:111s- it'd, Mr, \\'. II, C'anlp'n'll, visited on •:ioa un hriday, and his mother, )Irs. ;' manly aftertwlua with )t'. fad )Ira, \\'rat. ('rortel•, visited on Sunday at \V'. is. crozier of the homy of Mr. and )1r71, \V. \ u;:ulbel' 1111nI the \\'estl'irld ,\p• 1 ell. (1I1111e11t alieuded the inau(1lfuu ,u'% Mr. al..;')Irs. I.Ilnyd \\'alien and lit vice at 1'onny'hrook on 'I'hnrsdlly ev•', 11e Donna, we London visitors thio ening for the 11 \y pastor, Rev. Ila. ld week,.'l Donna was ha further Snell, ev, \fcl'l'rna, of Romannon treatment at the children's hospital. addrl veil the )sinister, and Iter, Sin- t )Iiss )linnie Snell, who has spt'u1 Blair, of Myth, addressed the people, l'anlphl'll are holidaying \\rill their grandparent., Air. and ,Mrs, .\, E. Johnston of \\'est \\*a\yanosh. i ,)lash'. Donald Cowan o f Illylh spent Inst \\'eek at the home ut Mr. - 'and Jars. tla wilt )1cl)owell. :\lissr,; 1.111ua aud :\nitl.y \\'ah;h of 1Ieusnll ;pout Sundry With )Ir, find Mrs, A, l:, \\'fish, )liss )lilllred Cook of Belgrave is visiting her cousin, Ruth Cook, Al r. and )t:, )linen .1 100)11 of 111.010M 1 vis) 11I 01) MI 11111 ' \\•ills Mr, Hnllll' \yeel(s Neill 'Toronto friends is A solo was rendered by )t's. 1I', Jel'- visiting her sist-r, Mrs, ,I, I,. AlePt yell frivol), of I )nunyhroolc, es e J 1Ve(lnes(la , .Tultir 11, 1943, 0 ect OFEICIAY. PROGRESSIVE CONSEln,ATI V IES c NDIDATE HURON and ''RU6'E TO Ontario Legislature ON July 3rd, an all day organization Ineeting of I'rogressdvc Clmservl1 Ve Party candidates and officials from all over the Province, held at the loyal York IIntel, list cited wit h rising eatlius(,(nl to highly con'inu•tive and inspiring addles: front the Provincial Leader, George 1)rew, \Ir. Dr'IV presenter) a series of pledges to the people of the Province ---each rine of which was tlnanimously applauded, '1•h1' pledges, twenty-two in number,• constitute the platform upon \\hich the p'rogressiv'e Conset•v.tliye Party enters the general election. 1t \vas that programme Which the Leader announced to the public in his radio address last Thursday night. 1\1r. Drew said; #70, 1. \\'e will maintain Rrili h Institution c and stiengthrn the I;ritish partnership by every meant within the constitutional p)wet of the tan eminent of Onl:uiu. 2. \i'c will at rill times work in ctTectivc co-npr1,10(m ivith the I)onlininn tioVet5. I/11111 t and with all other govr?nine tithes in Canasta in all ;irtivilies which trill assist in the prosection of the war to a snuesslnl eon,Insion, and in establishing a sound Lal as of s1, sat security, health insmanl e and plder)ln in their old age fat all our prnpb•. At the same time we will nisi0 that the couatitutinnal 11(11115 01 ihr people of Ontat 10 be pre:rrsed. and that the (;oiern• merit of Ontario exrrrise lull control of its own l'lovincial affairs. 3, The farms, the factories, the mines, the )()rests, and pert,onl services whif ton - slit ute on•slitute the five major grwps rat employment will be :imputed by appropriate leg; dal ion in their etinris to Increase employment at good oilers. In Burl• lir;'I of employment 15);ifjrinal initiative will be encuuta)5ed and hurl work rewnrlc(I by picturing taxes and removing bureaucratic restriction,. 4. Farming will be organized In ceery county under committees of outstanding farmers who will he gi)en authority to plan pr,xhietiin and regulate the plotessjn; 1)111 disltibutinn of their output. Ch. a' -e bonds, eteanlrrics, milk rlistr:hut)ls, cruor)) p11- di.1, markets, gond mit matketnte mgani- zaii',ns will be motel the rvp, l n:ion 4,1 )51 - standing fainters in ('11)11 lane of piuilm.tiun, WILL TAKE OVER STOCK YARDS FU• k valla will be taken over by the (,m enuncnt all .peri) d a' a public Iv owned e711r rp)1sr1 so that spiv of ntio1 aud manipulation may be stopped .and fair pries a:'m:•d. \ confeienle will he railed imnteilialrly of leading (.11111r,: 11,1111 OW wh)le I')), 11)111 to .15.1.1 in dt.dning (Pei 11 r plans for the organization of rood production. 6. Legislatirm will i.c hitt"lu rd assuring the w)rketc and ,'nnptrayerc )I 01))5 I'ri)Vim c ihr tares( and 7110.1 ar1\,111, rd law, gntern- ing 1,1)1)3 pri. ••'c I"Iln51515 an inquiry to to, mete:taken unnu,o,iid) oy a come it leg rat at least 15 members to he known a5 the Ontario Labor PelatIons Committee, 11pm1 whish there will be equip tepresentatjun ut labor, employers, and the general public.. !Co ngnizing at the outset the right to proper and enforceable Iegi:lat1un reg;u'ling 1"lir1- tisc bargaining, this committee will he 3•kerl to examine the Law: dealing with labor relations in "the? commies and dial) for 1)nlarto an act wilt, h will r.,tahh,h that "The programme \\•hick the Progressive Conserva- tive Party in Ontario undertakes to put III lri effect is based upon theconvirl1)11 that under a steam; governs the \rest resources and producing c•aparjt y of this Province can 1133(1re emplri)•11101(1 fund good \l'al,t's for all tvhn will tvnrk and security for those who find thenlsel\•es unab10 to \vork because of sickness, unemployment, ph)' i1;11 disability rig old alae. II is based upon the belief that the spiritual full material welfare of our people, now and in he Int tire, coli lie hest assured under British democratic inslitWinus • and within the British partnership, The Progressive Cunselvat ive Party tinderlakes to put the following programme into effect its the Province of Ontario, -two Poctt basis of justice, co-opctalion and resron- sibidity which is so necessary for the welfare and security of all our people. 6. The mining industry will he assisted in every way possible and pia. ed ander the direction of a \sinister with pnartieal knowledge of training. The tax bunirn will be lightened and there will be a mot,' equitable distribution of the tax between the different taxing bodies. :\ larger shape of the taxes will go 10 the Provincial and \tnnilipal trca5ut)es. All resuictivc mea- sures which deny prospectors and nthrts the inducement to find and develop new alining properties will be repealed and every encouragement will be given to geologists and prospis•tnts to discover new mineral areas. Every practical 31,1sure pec• Bible will be adopted to expand this meat basic industry so that it 'nay otter the widest opportunities for employment when our anted forces are demobilized. LONG-TERM FOREST POLICY 7. Our vast finest genomes, which under proper aalutinjstratfun ate capable of orat- ing employment fat hu5d0•ds 111 thousands of new workers, will 6e placer under the control of an ()math) Forest 1te5)nlecs Commission which will operate andel long - tem policies of ronset531111), relntestntj)0 and soil control. Immediately intet its tot illation it will review• all exiting rnn- tracts and will cancel those which have dis',noel of gt(at lows of forest iesourccs without proper consideration. 8. An Ontario Ilousing Comnlvsdon will be cleated to plan a great housing ptiumi rat (hr,nlglanut the whole I'nn'inee for the purpose of creating employment in the putrid of mluljustnnent and ,at the same time brine to an end the uns1ti'f,ltor y housing conditions in many puts ul ()Minim SCHOOL TAXES TO BE CUT 9. 'rheic will be a sweeping tevj 1inu of our whole s) stem of teal estate taxation sur 111.11 the owning ant itnptoveinem )f homes and farm land, whir It ate the vers Inundation )f our Swirly, will 1101 be lliscnmaged by ex, ('5cj5c taxation. Asan initial Step in that direction the l'rovin' iel Government will as:umc at least 50 per cent of the school (:axes now charged against teal estate. It j5, howevet, to be clearly understood that this change will not affect the authority of the local' school boat ds. 10. Our educational 5)50111 will be com- pletely rcvisel 50 that every child in this 1'tovin(c will have an opportunity to he educated to the full extent of their 1101151 capacity, no nutter where they live Lir what aMMe the financial circumstances of their parents may hr, \'tralinnal tr.Iining wilt his made a murk nun( impul1,lnt putt of the soh of work, so that children may be plrp: ted to cant a lining by martic,l vocational in,uutlion. 'etc impel Lint live of our ter het; in each community will be fully re(ugnind, 11. Steps \viii be taken In assure that (Weil' child is given the greatest possible oppor- tunity to fair lily with a healthy h'uly and 1)1)11). I lr;duh tu',l:no's willbr rstah!r:hr,l s) that medical, dental and other health pro, (thin will all.e available to a1 12. Stela: will be taken immediately to metro.,LlunS for gnat public midis taking, w41i In wn wilt et employment in the prhj)d of icadjustment immediately aftct the teat. TO REVAMP HYDRO 13. The Ilydro-1{lectlit. Tower ('omnis•ion x111 br trmnvrd from p)litil l (onttol. Recognizing that the publicly owned IItaitmP.h't!tic resonl e1 of this I'mvitce belong to all gun people, there will he an immediate adjr0tnl til "f the hates for eircuic rnetgy upon a )11.1 and r'In11a)1Ie h❑ -1•. 1 he service charge in tn,ll arra: 1011 hr tenIsved. Power 55'111 he extended to fat of with full recognition of the un 1 that food prluhlI1i"n in war •j5 hardly less es -(inial to our success thin the militia), (1101 L 14. fleas will be made for land reclamation tht)5gtlunt the Pros int e, so that all an'as w'h3. h t an b,' brought into production wall be 17111y developed. 'rbs:e plans \viii l e Malted immediately, Lot the a.1md t e.clopment 1) nnet i 1d the ❑teas 51-111 be (locoed so that they an be placed undo yete,1 n; organization, in the 153sod of t1'adies)mr't. 'phis mill 'pen wide nppnt- luuiiira tut immediate r'nIpioynient when the war it over. rid will also idle tovel)ans and then famine: the Chan: 0 11 50tte 1n Org,Injzrvl g')rpt jut 111l,l 51)u3e their c()' tannic 31Yutily can be assured. 15. 'Taxation will be reduced and efficiency of Covet unrnt inetr.nse,l by the elimination of all I'to1 i111 iul demo mum( and sen 5, es 5'hi, It MO, ate iii) -r 01 the 1))nninton (10'.r•inment and ate 11)1 ur1, -13?v lilt Olt! 11111IP t:.' ,1 111 Ving cult• 5(l111lIUil;al 1581115. 16. An efficient and permanent civil service sy51'nn wit) immediately be put )nln (Heel whi, h 3'111 pt)tecl cis i1 5('1)11)115 1.1..111 1101ilival di:lui.:,l or inte!lereur, tiros 1 1 reasIng admimslretive (•I01 limey by giv- ing to all Ijcl servants a tit eater some of segurity 1111)1 pride jar their work. 17. All l.'i Illation will he repealed which denies any individual the tight to. derend his person and ptuprlt' bcfutc the rands, - OLD AGE PENSIONS 18. There will In, an immediate inetease In mothers' tdlow•anes and 01.1 -age pelmas in keeping with the him eased 1'1141 of living. 'I herr mill be an immediate repe.1? 111 the shameful piivlslon that old people who have a 110111( of their atvu, \O doh they have established by their savings ltnaughout long Yeats, must Itisnose of that home beink they will be granted the very limited ;allov- •un'1: which they nuc entitled to ttv'cive. 111 futnne the 13111 people who have played their pm l so well in making this great I'tnvin,c what it is today nulst not be titled to poi? tgage their home, before they (.111 receive their small pensions, 19. Adequate supplies at reasonable prices of furl, milk and other basic necessities will be assailed by caeclivr' nrrtanization and adminIstalice control. Ite(ureettatives of labor, 5(13 ul inganIzall)n5, and the con- suming public scall be appointed to all boluds dealing with these mallets. 20. Men and women who have served In the ,ruled lune; 5)111 be assured 111Mtn y in the pnhlic service and 'protection in their employment.. 21. Ombng the war those who ate In nuli- tat y 5115il e will be given legal pnrle lion 3)5 117151 the economic cnnseinte lr es of l twit' set vice. In all ca:es where the ability of Oliva, in nnlltaly set vice and their depen- dents to meet their financial obligations hate been 5uuer1.ldy reduced by such set%ite, effective legal plotectjun will be given u,tiin't seiznc of propelty tor arrears of to;,':, f'rlelti(e of instalment Coaltarts, cancellation of life iism;tlt c poli, 11'5 11(1 In $ln,l)I )i 1, lila Rtllents 1nr Utt'e'r Ieg,It pturmlings (ul dl'hts ineuncd brmtC entering ntilitiu1 501irc, Mid oiler cnabat- IIl:=it)5 financial nbrgatIons. Thee pm - visions, toi' i'vct, will he sulject In the 1751)l)'s5 conliliml this those able to pay will not be pet milted to evade their obliga- tions by tlni5 device, and that just plolectj'n will be nssultv1 h 11IStltrns under 51111)1111 fund enrolee pinrr•dulc hetotr the court. Thi1 does nal provide for 1,lurcllti"n of obligations, but timely 1cictment %vitt' justice to :ill onceine,I. SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN 22. A tehtbilitation and social security committee will be dpp)inlyd iuunedialllY tvit!t 111s1111"ti)511 lo (hall plans which will 0111117 5)1151 srcutity for all our people, and :tam provide fur the rehabilitation and (unplug meta rat the members of our alined ton 5i and munition w•ol kers after the weir. VOTE AUGUST 4 FSR THE Published by Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario r George Drew as 1 know him By George W. James Editor Cunndian .talesman Bowmanville, Ontario An (h(,) in Ino( in, sail oh, lion is In be held )n \ e;,r-1 (he tomtit. A duly now tall 110,31 11,, wcckl)' i3r`71• 111.31 i; 1) mats,• ki stn 10 )cadrt5 awl n•:i11 •nl soul, Ism 1 51'.) invohr,l, \Ion• 111:111.1, 111.11, and 15113113 j111p�a1..1,l01 d cd1111 ,4 sur ;aware -t''r l ar,lt. haul 55')51335, 15)1.11 1) 11! 1111;, w•." ,'m• 5170111 r m 111)3,) ' , 1 )51,,15) w',)t to kno55)1111.1 hi nl; al. ,31t 1h ,r tl hn lead Ism nal tie, :"011 11) 1^k their' tillpvu •tl, I'•nea arm! r„ulL,yeI cls ,1) the c,nnpolgn II)i,;htrn•, will hr (1' int swillintIIli' pie-inIht1'Ioil, ,•. rho time I5 not) ,111/01 !lint' 1) . .1 :'•1111'. thine•, v:ith„rat 1,411' 1) 11iIr, ah,art finalities of Ieadei.hip. Pet ental history G a fail ( 1 111 pl„•prrljyo pet flat 151 111 1' Lel us the) inoohle (;,,ore., A, 1)s), I1,11rt 1,1 1111' 1'e ^;n' leo ('nn native Patty of the Taxmen 01 0511(11), Itis eolith a1 opp5ne) n lase Putrid to pi, t i n e (. •age I U Iw• 11114)1 ;loot 111d 5 i - i 31a)', 1-11,1,5 of lis who 'sive cons. 0) 1.,1101y G/eigr •nS man t) 111,1), 1,111 .1111)' that Ile hr; 5•14o11, 514 imlerdl \i.;i'n ul 11•d)n11d and pear tical character. Ile ha.) demons( that e131 sir r he marled e(Itt ) lift, 1111)0 111.1111•. 11i: 1,113.11 'n•o searching., ;old Octln htdi, tIl 7103 hays want th1• ult n1,1r l»sI t of 1111)1!tyins11 1 s'er. hot Ito folrc,1 r, n1 lite 0-111t:.( turn ihry 1131' ' Illtalt 1n disp,u,tgr ;11).1 intimidate loin. Ili. cout14I1e leaf• Ir=stn:, soil d1 ;, tlie,1 t) lntll h.ae cnnlptllch• di•aiine! ;III )rip„nt'nl3 tt110 dare mr•rl 111711 upon legItinmlo 11111 nt5rt't 051111 1-. Gentle 1)1155' i Ino and foremost n Canadian, sit 11' t and st1ong rind the bra the Rills -11 connection. Ile i.4 d9 vans of ...fr.Itis 11,nll- f.1ther tt'13 a 'wen!, 11 1 nada', fns? p.uliamrnt;)1711 (•untedrrttinn, Gouge \vas :n1 oat. 151 in taw Gulp!' Insane ty at ll 511. of .ag,', tli:hvl at nal', )I111131.11: i5 I')td, 51,1(1 $evetely wounder in 151h, Spent many month, in nlil(:115' hospitals. George 1 lune, oat -151 p3tbli, life in bis noisye oils', I;71rlpli. ns 1)11 aldlIln3t ;Ind al l') tar aide 111,115)115 of that city, Iii; ;nhniui:t;ttve exp.: 11 15 1 began 1.111,' anal Ila; , )n• (ithIlyd Iir)IZt to hi: pm:)nt p 1 ?. (1111 a71 5mr1',v )f Ou, 11011 in, 111 1'nrHameln ;n311 ador "1 tlla Oppl:iti ni, It110 In. has gone far hr•slnl ILII. Holding the view that public 10)' demands the 5t 11(•11 Itt ' ill'' I nosMaster, (,ro1g,• 1 Urn has Itarllrd thtran(h)ut llulada has r-ilbli;hell 5(1111 contacts tout p1t,onally t"ntrd IIn• I1,l1llli Ides cluing Ihr 111 1-1.111. war, F1,•inq, seeking and obtriling vittl inhuma- tion alit, 1 M 1 ,mala amt Ilie flume. )rat-Lunluu; r. 1)'I.I, 1 111nt while over las lie made 1' 1i•; d sly evhaii'live (1511th y i11 , alai• gimme and h5rn,it.• p1 ,1111, Isla. \) other puhiir n,an 5n (:u'.'i I f e 'i iniu,I 1 drrpty 111) thi71.r:1! 5111 tnrsli)n. Public Oh,1.i)1 ;111 1',In,11I,nt 1111 13 5h. 11,I hr . p1, int, ht(,I for the wtit1mc4 :111'1 r .m h1' 1 Geleee IIt tv, •it c hi • 1.1 Item I:hitain, Inn, IIi1 c Ihr I' --'111 anal future )1 l'o1.ut.1n .m.11 ul'n1•. Ilr- II.Isiu'quite'I'Oil 11till ):1.1:..11ott' aud 55 3)t! 5l.',; 1,n 1'.ol,ola's greatest, yet unld m•he, ted in• duslry. Them j, ph'a-nit hide .11 in trtng 51•ttling rat 111171 utan w•1"SC lifelliclos1t:r 11)' sh;aped slcadtty toward statesmanship, Wednesday, truly 14, 1943, •!•0{ r4...:•4..•.4. r...M.44+44 ..u.4.i LYCEUM iI'IIEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night ;Thuro,, tri., Sat.,-' July 16.16.17�< SPECIAL Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, ft: .Ray Milland, Eddie Bracken In': "Star Spangled Rhythm" •:1;( aII .Iter cu t in nn enlerlalnhng�l' i m usicl1 comedy. �_; Also "SHORT SUBJECTS" Cr .Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30 p. m.* ''Mon., Tues., Wcd., July 19.20.21;1;' r• Charley Boyer, Rita Hayworth, '_' Ginger Rogers, In 3. r' : I _. V. "'Tales On Manhattan" '.1. , .:;.:;.1'multi aln(Ted production with3. ten stars in five stories. !_' ALSO; "SHORT SUBJECTS" ._. Ni' i .:.:11:..0..4 :..:.:. •:u:..:..:+.:••:..:u..0::iO• •:.14. 'Assistant 'feather Engaged. The lilylr S,'heol I'otu'd has engaged Aitss Natalie 1leruuun(, of Alontreal, as Assistant 'fetcher in the Myth Continuation .'cheol, to flit the ascan. cy, calmed by the 1.,,;i1 nalien of 111kta AIai Jory George. 1 d,r 1 East Wawanosh Council Connell met on July 8th with all the members present, Minutes of the last meeting wm'e read and approved. The Clerk reported on' co•rtx4ponticnce with the Health Department regarding tite two unused cmnoterlea in the Town - 61111) now in a deplorable- condition, The Cemetery Act providing that in Reports received from creamery in- cases such as these the Altuhlcipallty structors of the Dairy Branch of the bec:omea 6010 owner with the appoint- Ontario Delxtrtment of Agriculture matt of trustee's In connection there- indicate that the peak of butter pro. ,wllh, Council will meet with interest- duction throughout the Province was ed parties in connection with West• (reached during the third week of June, field cemetery before next meeting and that a decline in production may nig nts It is ox• ! now be expected, although this is not peeled will be mode regarding this likely to be substantial, All section. matte•. A contract was entered into of the Province report that thepeak Mr, Gibson, representative of has now been passed, although with the General Accident Insurance Com• pastures 1'11 excellent condition, the de - pally, whereby Road insurance and In- cline isnot expected to be continuous, ansae° on Road Equipment now car- An interesting feature of the report is that the appeal to producers to aim at higher testing cream has brought excellent results, A statement from one creamery shows that from teats of 115 patrons' cream, token at random, the average butterfat test was E;�7.5 per (tent before the appeal and 34.9 per cent after its distribution. Despite the onto exceptionally hot week in June and the gathering of cream three timers in two weeks In- stead of the former twice a w.ek pick- up, the quality of cream received at the creameries showed a slight im- provement compared with the same month a year ago, Tho report for the Toronto Group States that with the hotter market holding more or less steady, thee has been' no change in cream prices during the month of Jane. Indications tare that more outlying creameries aro shipping their second grade cream to the larger creameries for churning, There is vary little demand for under - grade 9iutter. f'i► THE STANDARD ` Pin 8. • Peak Of Butter Production Has Now Been Passed Campaign for Higher Testing Cream Haa Produced Good Results. hen further arrau cmc tied with Lloyds will be assun>Ied by the above mentioned company at a considerable reduction in Premium rates. A number of accounts amounting to $06490 all for Itoads were passed and paid, After which Council set. Monday August 91,1t as tittle for next meeting. A. Porterfield, Clerk. Hon. Farquhar Oliver • MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS ANI) WELFARE. . WILL ADDRESS A PUBLIC MEETING AT WINGHAM Town Hall, on Wednesday, July 21st at 2.30 p.m•) IN THE INTERESTS OF Hugh Hill LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR Duron -Bruce Everybody Welcome Prolatex Rubber-SavingSystem EXCLUSIVE 'TANK -DIP PROCESS. I'rola lex is a penetrant --it liaK none of the characteristics of paint or ordinary brush -applied so-called preservatives, The I'rotalex Lose, Iil1e rulxhcr, Is a vegetable product—soya benn nil. WW1 it are compounded a number of materials valued for 111 it ruher-atving qualities, It leavers no "shine" on the tire— instead, it r0. 11)1 es tine soft carbon -black "now rubber appearance." Get your tires Prolatcxed every -5000 miles, or six months, which ct er toms t'irst at White Rose Service Station 1..: Je IL.. 11 .1. , m. 4 Ma, ,, i; 11 • LONDSEBORO, ONTARIO, milara LONDESBORO Mrs. Murdock Ross is visiting her daughter and son at Toronto and Clarkston. Mrs. Mary Sampson, of Palmerston, is spending a few days with Ma's, Jen- nie Lyon and other friends, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Throop of Chi - cage, are holidaying at the home of their sister, Miss E. Maine, Miss Cnandle•s is visiting with her sister and family. Mrs, R. N. Alexttttr. der. AU'. McAllister and fancily of Clin- ton, have moved to the White Rose 'Service Station here, which was va- cated by Gordon Radford. Mrs. F. Wood visited with her sis- ter, Mrs, James Roberton, Auburn, on Monday. BELGRAVE Morning Prayer and Sermon next Sunday in Trinity Church at 11,30 am. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs, George •sport the week -end with Red Bray, Lake Iburot, Mrs, Howard and daughter, Mia', Johnston', and, sons, of Brantford, are visiting Airs, A. Quinn, and Edward. Mrs, Routledge and daughter, of 'Sault Sto, Marie,' visited her aunt, Mrs, Quinn, on Monday. I. Word received from Car. Janice Walsh, status that he was leaving the Pacific Ooast on Wednesday for his furlough at punto, McGowan friends at •Ray Dobbyn, of London, spent the weekend with his parents, Alr, and Mrs, Cecil T. Dobbyn, 1 sdileteedilfeds Now you can be sure your family gets good nutrition. Follow the 63 varied menus in this Free booklet: I Iere's the book you have been waiting for... the practical way to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! You simply follow the menus planned for you, confident that you arc serving meals as healthful as they are appealing. This is in important part of your war effort! For proper food is vital to health, and therefor to all-out production. Yet Government surveys show that 60 per cent of Canadians fall short of good nu- trition, even though seemingly well-fed. So learn the way to meals that are as healthful as they are ap- pctizingl Send for your • r copy of "Eat -to -Work - to -Win" now/ Valuable . Authoritative SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY Just send your name and address, clearly printed, to "Nutrition for Victory", Box 600, Toronto, Canada Sponsored by TIIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of' nuuldon and health as an aid to Victory. *rbc wwtrltionat statements in "Eat. to • Werh • to -Win" are acceptable to Nestritien Servka, Departo,mt of Pin. tient and National Health, Ottawa, for tbeCanadianNeetri• Sim Programme. 01144.1Wt4't W4K fQKKK tQ:trIINSttte CKttll:tt t4tt icciet;t0c 11'CKKI iii til.tPettiiIGKKiIiiti9.�,iK.tt�i ttiti�..tGi Wtetexai-i-ti'i.W. 0414 POW PLAYING; "Blondie Goes to College" & "South Of Tahiti," 1111J1111rr11, �tiPIT L 'TH'L'�TIIE REG'ENT 'i'i. Ct.'NTP N. ODERICH,_ . SEAFORTij. NOW PLAYING; Paulette Goddard Now Playing; Sonja Henle In in "THE CRYSTAL BALL" "ICELAND" i v y • r, i e Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Springtime In The Rockies Love, romance, song and (11111(•(, against the beautiful backdrop of the Canadian Rockies, Betty Grable and John Payne, with the music of Harry James and his orchestra, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sonja Henle, John Payne, Jack 0 kl Bressart, e, Felix 8r ssart, Osa Masson. The comedy ilueen of the blade, greets the Marines when they land i11 "ICELANI)" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Noel Coward, ,John Mills and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Bernard Miles. Walter Huston, Errol Flynn and Sellout does a pirinrr whl tb( Ann Sheridan pt'ai e (11' all dr;11nalir• critics. '1'1.11 n thrilling story of Norway Stich 11 filet is ;11111 its voarI teous struggle for freedom "In Which We Serve" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gere Tiernay, John Sutton, Preston Foster, A roaring advel,turo drama ptn•i(ell with action and romantic int r• Hide<. "'l'hlul(ler Birds" COMING: Betty Grable In "FOOTLIGHT SERENADE" "Edge Of Larkness" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Grant Taylor and Betty Bryant romantic military drama feat.ur- int; the (,slllnits of Attu; cavalry' - men "FORTY '1'IIOtTSAND 1lOREl-EN" COMING: Anne Shirley In, "THE POWERS GIRL" NOTE: Aeature picture is showy, twice each .npighht,Yccyomymeyn�cgingy,,g7[..30.. Mat, Wed. S�agte& Holidayse�at 3gP,M. Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 3�PP,M..�y�j Ittkla OiD11 21TI T1)2)12ailhmI�DiZiNdiN2INDMDIC1�DINDICIDID12IOI fi N7vi Di 31:?121i D,..'+,:�, ,Lie f.;:2 �:•;2 , .'f<.?:..',wi...:•?;: 1CinD17.:1'1V111katill WILLIAM H. MORRITT LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing In Earth and llohscholl' Sales. Licensed for the County of iluron. Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed, For indo•tnation, etc., write or phone William ii, Mm•ritt, phone, Residence 93; Shop 4, Blyth. 4.4•tf, HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer. Specialist in Farm and Itousehold Sales. Licensed in Iiu•on and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis fiction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth, L'4hono 14r661. LOST 33 cotton sacks, between Calvert Falconers and Ilovatt's Sideroad, on the Auburn Road, lost on Tuesday af- ternoon. They were for ]ted ('rose- purposes, Finder plleaSe notify MI'S. Jack Creighton, phone 1S-13, Blyth, .19.1. FOR SALE 2 Mowers, Now idea and Prost & Woo(1, both 6 foot cut, one brluul new. Apply to Donald MuKeuzie, phone 11- 12, Blyth. •19.1. FOR SALE 6 pigs, seven weeks old; 7 pigs five weeks old. Apply to Charles Nichol- son, phone 31.14, Blyth, 49.2. W.M.S. MEETING ' The Woman's Missionary Society met on Ttdetsday, July 1 3th. The meet- ing opened by singing, "Faith of our Fathers.'' Psalm 1.1S was read re- sponsively, anti Dr. Annie Ross led In prayer, The treasurer reported that we had oxce1c led our allocation for the quar- ter. Mrs. Jenkins, the Baby Band Super- intendent, thou took charge. • "The (Church's One })'ountlation," was sting. t"Churches in Captivity," was the topic, Psalm 46 was read responsively, atter which Mrs'. Jlenkitns led in prayer, Stories from holland, Germany and ,Norway were read by Mrs, W. Mills, Mrs, Pollard, Airs, Pett•s, and Mitt. Jenkins, "I waited for the Lord my God," was sung and Mrs. Jenkin.; read - a letter .from our Moderator. Mr. Slate', who has been. on a visit to Scotland, and strongly advises that 'till's divisions to the church must be discarded, Mrs. Oster gave an interesting Christian Stewardship reading, "How lovely is Thy Dwelling Place," was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated In unison. Lunch was served on ibe lawn at which 1111e( Baby Band and their moth- ers were special guests, Mission Band Met. The Mission 1'tan(1 of Loving Service held their regular meeting r:n Satur- day, July lOth, with an atteudanee of '6. After n work period, the meeting opened by alt retreating the Members' Purpose. Mrs. Marshall told a story, "Molly and tier Clft Box,". During the 11'oship Period, Shirley Falconer read a passage, Ann Jeanette read the story of Zaccheus. The birthday song was sung for three members. The President and Secretary then took their places. The minutes were read and approved, the treasurer, I'1'erne Pollard, gave a report for the quarter, Irene Howatt, Temperance Herald, read a story about General Bernard 'Montgomery, entpha.li.itt ;(rn•tnli the rolling world." that he neither smokes aur drinks The too( ling (1o'e11 \t'llh Airs, 1ranl(li1 Balaton gate 111 • story. ""Three Sisters" little Italia) girl., ul I'ricnllsltip I'r;(ycr, ',Canada. All went together to the church , >Ir lawn, where the Friendship Circle we-; si-ter, formed and all sang, "Touch lath l< bury, • y_.,.--0 11)e World ('. '1', Uuhbyn is visiting her 11r>, A, N, 1)ohbyn, of New• SOLDIER of the SOIL TIHS year the Canadian Farmer urgently needs help. Ile needs your help to produce tine food so necessary for victory. Many thousands of farm tt'orkcrs are serving in the Forces, so that the farmer —the Soldier of the Soil—is shorthanded, hut shorthanded as he is, he is called upon to produce more food than ever before. Food is one of the most powerful weapons of war. Grains, bacon, dairy pro• ducts, eggs, beef, fruit, vegetables—FOOL) to feed our armies, our allies and our people we must have. W11AT CAN Y'OU DO? You may be it school teacher, student, business or professional man, an office or store clerk—no 'natter what you are, if yon have a few hours, days, weeks, or mouths of free time this summer, you can do your country and the farmer a great and patriotic service by helping out on the farm. You may bo inexperienced, but you still can help. You will find work on the furan healthy and congenial. It will give you the satisfaction of feeling that you have brought Victory nearer. What }roll . should do NOW! Consult any special local committee or offlee%,: established to deal with farm labour place- ments in your city or town; or Write the Director of the Dotninion•Pro In• Bial Farm Labour Program at the Capital of your provincel or Get in touch with your nearest Employment _ Nand Selective Service Office, • i IIM ii NIGH 4i OT 1112 ° oma IIUMPIIREY MITCHELL ,111ntater of Labour A, MaeN1IM tRA Director, ?rational Sclet:tiro Scrota W-1) tOtattl6+CtebinalICI1Ct21Ctel(tVetet :t0C114141e1Std;tCteXCIVC14t€'4tv'e;4"41CtelICIVele114141( Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 501.31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA; LTD. 1 . •j --j>__- --- s_- -- TOUGHER THAN PICKING A WINNER l'u;in: h racing. g faun.', refusing to he stopped by skimpy transportation facilities, travel to New- nutrhet on bicycles, They face tougher problem pi,'king steel steeds from jumbled pile parked outside course than piclang winners among blooded tines. THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events German Armies Have Started Third Offensive Against Russia A spe_rnl radio communique from :Moscow announces that the German armies have started a third offensive against Russia. :1s was the case la=t summer, the new assault, .ay The New York Times, has been launched along the winding 200 -mile front from Orel, some 200 miles south of \1o,cow, t0 Belgorod. just north of Kharkov, where both sides have been concentrating troops for some time. The Moscow commu- nique leave., no doubt that it is a major effort, into which the enemy has thrown "large forces of tanks and infantry, supported by a considerable number of planes." 1943 Strategy Therewith, the strategy of this year of 1913 has been decided. The .allied victory in Tunisia and the mounting air bombardment appear to have delayed the Ger- mans, anti the delay may still prove vital, as in the two years past. But neither Tunisia, nor the air war, nor the necessity of providing for an Allied invasion from the west, have apparently been able to cripple Germany, and her generally defensive posi- tion has not prevented her from launch nig an eastern offensive after all. In fact, as Hanson Bald- win ponits out, she appears even to have been able to reinforce Italy to a point which gave Mus- solini the courage and the brass to answer Allied invitations to surrender with the boast that his answer will be cannon fire. German Objective? What the real German purpose and objective in this latest of- fensive aro remain to be seen. In the first offensive of 1941 it was Moscow; in the offensive. of last year it %vas Stalingrad and the oil of the Caucasus. Since the failure of both these efforts, it has been suggested that any Ger- man offensive on a similar scale had become impossible, and that if the Germans did undertake another one it would be more or loss a token offensive for the political effect on Germany's satellites and the world, The Red Army may well reduce it to such. But the German concentration of some 200 German, plus 20 to 40 satellite divisions and a large part of the German air strength In Russia, might well be Hitler's last desperate bid for victory. Second Front Appeal All this gives new point to the renewed Russian appeals for a second front on the Continent. It also provides the Allies with an opportunity. If, as the Russian communique indicates, the Ger- mans have really engaged them- selves in a major offensive in the east, they will find it difficult to .witch any reinforcements from the east to the west. To the ex- tent that our military situation permits, this is clearly the time to strike at other points. Russia may be counted upon to fight with the same courage as here- tofore. But Russia alone is incap- able of defeating Germany. The one strategy that will defeat Ger- many is the strategy she dreads —namely, a real two -front war. If that strategy can be made ef- fective by the Allies the new German offensive tvill indeed be the last one. Anniversary in China Six years ago last week there was a skirmish between Chinese and Japanese troops at a bridge outside Peiping. It was the be- ginning of a war that was to devastate a large part of China, the beginning, too, of a war that was to lead directly- to Pearl harbor. When the insensate rul- ers of Japan set out on their mad adventure in North China they decreed war and ruin for all Eastern Asia — and, by all the portents now discernible, for Japan as well. Four Years Alone For more than four years China bore alone the scourge of fascist -militarist barbarity in its peculiar and vicious Japanese form. Whatever may be Japan's course in the future, It cannot for generations expunge from men's mileis the memory of the most 1. honorat le wear ever fought by a nation. That which l:urusu symbolizes for the Allies was mild compared to what has been perpetrated in China, where loot, mass slaughter, rape and the poisoning opium den have been the normal procedure and the mark of .Japanese occupation. For more than four of the six years the worl' looked on as if it were no concern of its own, as if only two remote alien Asi- atic peoples were involved. \ye cleaved so close to legal neutral- ity that we opened our arsenals of production to both sides, which meant in effect to Japan alone, for China had neither the money nor the means of transportation to benefit. While legally correct, it is now clear that politically it was folly, We armed Japan against ourselves as well an Chinn. China Held Out The Chinese would not fight, the knowledgable said, The Chi- nese could not fight, the experts said. Japan would consolidate its victories in six months and the Chinese, congenitally divided among themselves, would accept the inevitable. Six months pass- ed, then 12, then 24, Tho Chinese did not accept. Periodically there were renewed rumors of Chinese defeatism, of internal breaking up, of imminent cessation of war on terms that meant surrender. Anti China held out: not only held out, but bled more and more of Japan's troops and Japan's resources. Yes, We Hove No What has New Guinea got that we haven't? Bananas. Take a look at that luscious pile toted by Rei Boga, one of the lads from down under. OTTAWA REPORTS That Control of Prices Hatt Saved Canadians $350.000,000 In Living Costs During 1942. %Vhen the history of this war comes to be written, ono of the major wonders to be recorded is the way in which the Canadian people, nnacenstonaal to eronoutic controls and restriction;, buckled down to a new rationed and price -controlled economy. Not Horny of us understood alt the implications and objectives ot it and many of us grumbled, but the fact is that In mid -1913 the free and liberty -loving people ot the Dominion are starching along in self-disciplinod fashion with au experiment in controlled living which Prime, Minister Mackenzie Kng described at its outset as, "hitherto untried by the will and consent of any free people any. where." M • • Ono of the most interesting dis• cussions to date in tho present session of Parliament is Finance Minister James 1,, llsley's exposi- tion of results front the operation of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, a vast now organization net up to operate the price controls. Ho calculated that control of prices had saved the Canadian buying public $350,000,000 in living costs during 1942, and, should prices remain stabilized through- out 1911, an additional $560,000- 000 will be saved. In arriving at these figures the Minister based his calculations upon present prices, as held down by tho various "ceilings," and an compared with the prices of com- modities which prevailed through• out a corresponding poriod of the last war, when prices were un- checked. P • • Reviewing the history of price control in Canada, the h'inanoe Minister admitted that oven in the government there v'a- no one at the outset who could be entirely confident that a general price cell• ing was the right answer to threat• ened inflation. But the govern- ment, he said, did recognize the "terrible consequences" that in- flation would have for the Cana- dian economy, both during and after the war, and was determined to prevent. it if ct all possible. * 1 • The decision, he told the Cana• dian people, had been justified. If there hall ben compromise or de- lay Canada would be faced with "an extremely contused and well- nigh uncontrollable situation....... The best evidence as to what would have happened is to be Lound here in Canada. We have only to obervo the eagerness with which scarce goods are purchased when they appear on the store shelves; we have only to follow the action of prices of the few commodities which for various reasons it was necessary to take out front under the ceiling; we have only to watch the scramble for housing accommodation in con- gested areas: iso have only to ex• perionce the difficulties of socur• Ing transportation by rail or bus to realize how quickly prices and rents would have soared if at the time when shortages began to be folt we had not taken steps to control virtually all prices at levels then prevailing. HIDDEN TREASUP,E Modern version of the ,;.11 who's well off. 110 has five tons or coal iu the cellar and a sack of pole toes. —\\ inil sor Star. REG'LAR FELLERS -Perilous Times VOICE OF THE PRESS IN THE DAILY FIELD Tho News -Journal of 'Mansfield, Ohio, reflects that "time was when throw bushels of potatoes were ex- changed for a year's subscription to the tannin's' weekly ue\Spaper„ and adds, "1 lilt right now the New York Times would probably be itt- terrsted in such a proposition." What's more the 'Times world not bo alone in that class, —Brantford Expositor. ()— BANK STAFFS SERVE it Is estimated that out of 14,- 433 experieuctal loon In the service of Canada's chartered banks, more than 5,000 have joined the armed forces, That explains why women are now so numerous in banks, and it also explains why it is not always possible for those banks to give a continuation of their pro - war typo of service. —Brockville Recorder & Times. —0— FOR THE ITALIANS No matter how anxious the Ital- tans may be to get out of the war, they can't gel out of it until they got what's coming to theist for getting into it! —Ottawa Citizen. TOO GOOD TO LAST Wartime has made some of the SU 1111110r Styles so sensible they probably won't hest long. •--Kitchener ltocord, —0 -- THOSE SCOTTISH JOKES A Scottish woman writes to the press complaining of jokes agalnst Scots and says the Scots are weary 1 u11o:cmi it w+ i L .0 .1. I fl i .I 1 1 INFORMATION;! On a company owning 2,15( acres in of the famous Sleep Rock Iron Country, ADJOINING STNI-:1) ROCK IRON MINI.'S U. S. S'I'llil. AND SUI3SIDiARII:S l3Ll'I'Ii.iR 13R0"I'IIL:RS OF MINNIiSO'I'A the heart This issue is actively trailed onsite nulrket. We believe it has excellent speculative 13RUhI"I'-MAKING POSSIl3ILI'H S A 1 x 5" map showing location with Inform- . lion Bulletin available on request. Send for it TODAY. _ •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-4- T•4 4 4 4 *-4 4 4 11-411-4-11-11-110-11-11.--•-• Hudson Securities, 45 Richmond Street West, TORONTO, CANADA Please send me the map and Information Bulletin on the above Company. Name 1'1.11.\st: l'IIIN'1' 1'Ul;lt NA;1t19 .AN ADDRESS CLI1Attl,Y of them, \Ve don't believe it, Tho man we know who best enjoys a joke, whether against his race or not, is a Scotsman—and there are lots more like him. —Guelph Mercury. NOT MUCH OF A PRIZE? we're told that the meek will Inherit the earth. But it may not be much of a prize after thu ag- gressive have finished with it. —Owen Sound Sun Times, zye Cui•aese f,o s,t of it first 11 THOUSANDS of years ago, the Chinese used a form of gunpowder—a flaming chemical of defence dumped over battle• tnents upon an invading enemy. And from this age-old beginning has evolved smokeless powder made from high - proof alcohol. Like the airplane, it has done much to further the progress of mankind—but in evil hands it has meant tyranny and enslavement. As the tempo of this war for liberty increases and our armed forces in all parts of the world swing to the offensive, more smokeless powder for our shells, bombs, depth charges and torpedoes it a vital necessity. And because we have vast.fields of grain and the facilities to convert them into high•proof alcohol, the United Nations shall have an overwhelming superiority of fire-power to pulverize the enemy into unconditional surrender. Thus, China's primitive powder of defence has finally developed into the weapon to drive tyranny forever from this earth. In a way, it is the hand of ancient China reaching out in defence of free men everywhere. Alcohol fur War is also used in the manufacture of Synthetic Rubber, Drugs and hled:cities, Photographic Alin, Lacquers and Varnishes, (hawing Inks, Compasses and other Navigation Instruments, Plastics,' Shatterproof Glass and many other products. Every Seagram plant et Canada ant the United States is engaged .100q in the production of high -proof Alcohol for War. THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM By GENE BYRNES 11_ TI P.j. 11 fl r., OT , .V' ON THE THREAD LINE BUSY WOMEN come to the \sorklooms in hundreds to sen' ditty, hags, hospital garments, refugee clothing."\Vhen there's , ' c a good deal 1 u dr on In l(, don. a lot1 ,r, getting a head start in the day," say's Emily Allen, bo iiicrs girl (left)."Kellogu'1% Corn Flakes are my favourite at breakfast time or i::tbtinle." Yes, Kellogg's Corn Flakcsare thefavouritc ivanrverwhclming majority of Canadian homer. They're rl.ady to eat in 30 seconds, leave no pots and pans to wash. Economical, too. Get some tomorrow, Two convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. TO THE HILT By Percival Christopher Wren ClI:\I''I'I':It VIII "'Then which way did he go?" asked (tad \lah0nuned With appar• 'rlt' irml(vanri. of the 1111 1v0 Of. 1.1'1.11. "IIB neat to Kushgar," (tae the t rompt reply. ":111. that's Lel11.i.. \1'ith bow many :'" ''Ahsobllt•ly ;dont,. except Mc a 1'1 ((,Int. ;1 l:1rghfz, lfe knight four dot(keys•„ "\VIlere shall I look fir hien in Ca,ligar 'Try the Vane' Ili',;\'," said lite ahsalcal. 11: '('here. eh T' Amin silence fel), preguani and 11 n,e. Soddenly (;111 \iahoaul'tl raid in English: "Ila you sp..aI; D!, 11..11, .11,,bn'ram ( I'll\ "(late I lint 11.1',11 for }1'u's ill ('aleulta. Il'Itii, 1,31101.e. Titian and 1'1 has1•ar. S11hib?" r'pli'd 111(1 nli• 0,(1(.11 in eN4, ll, ut 1':11141i:.h. "Vet•', well, then. you'll ti, able to believe no, \Viten I t, II yon that I tin 0 Ilritish officer. If not. ash, 141,y tlaesatil11t: you 1'10., - "Sahli), I \(1101,1 not doukl. 11 minute ago I did nal dutb1 (bat ),(111 weer a 1'.1111;111-" 'Nov 1(t u:; speak with siicle 1oInme," (iul \Iahnlnine,l eolith). gra. "'fell me things of intern." "What sort of things, Sa`tib?" "Conte. ooiin. You lino\', '!'ell the .bolt IIs' 1111( road that eo(1„= out of llnssiil in the direction id I;ashgar; the truth abitul the Tor• 'Mils, and whether the I(l1 shawls 111'0 really organizing t!os0 l(i(g• htz int() 1)111 uierahle cavalry 1 i utell ts. \VII() really rules here, the I'ru(inri.l (tovernnlrnt or \ins• row?„ , And 011 these lines the toa(',l- 11at1on proceeded a little more pals• ily until suddenly (MI \lahonunid observed, "Yes) 1hal talllcs o nth 1113' information. Now then. about hint. \11hcry has he gone?'. "By the ninety'•and•uIIe names of Allah and by the heard of the ISSUE No. 29-43 C Prophet on Wlionl he peace, 1 swear to you, Sahib, 1 ltnnw no morn than 111111 he set out 1)11 the 11sliga1' road moulted on it pure bred Badakshant mare, a bay with 1111(•4 White socks, his servant rid- ing a half bred Kabull mare, a l'lea•hitten grey, long-eared, e,We• necked dud somewhat goose rimm- ed, Ile had four w,ll•laden• deme keys." ".Ind \1.1111 looked at't"r the Boit• keys?" ".111-\l'glian and three '1'ungai<." ".1041 1(11(1 looked after the .1f- gli.in and Ilse three 'fungous' "There Was a pair of '!'11•)11• ('bines', halt' castes." "()h, our numbers are _ro\(iug. You 'are stiro there w,(st't a squad. roil u( 1'ossaks?" This aksal:AI snlile,l 1111,1 \\.u;. gl, d depreratiug hands, "I'm I0l1- fu; you the truth." S1:1 101)." he \villi ;1 111)1" of gt•itle renlu!1- str:11n•, . ".\iml 101111 \ver,' you telling too 1, fore?" inquired (MI \lahonune:l, "Now go on remembering,. and t, 11 toe e(''(yt llillg you 1a11 fennel!! her: \•herr h„ >:at3ed, \'!un) he (i ilpd, with Whoa ht' talked. any• thin;: \v11 11.11 may be ''Iterating and helpful to ole -- and I(1 yon. ly to 114!0 you :thin:: the road to l ,thus, ,'h :' .\ud the. :;nd ;lh ;lkal. ilnva;;;lly at the thn,lghl I1it':,iwl rouble; :tl'•eady eche, I'ro\(Iled in deep a.s,he strove to reill'•ilh.'r, or 10 ta(c)t, iuterosl',tig 11e1oils 111 lilt' sort (10sh'i 11 by his \hsh ii . Pot' 1 e- pees :11' I -(:'u hetiel than roubb•s, and both are a(reptable in IIII! hauls :11111 bnra:n•s of Ki liob, 4 M I .\pparently the only lfvi tg things ill the illimitable spite), of that Bowling ventral Asian desert, (;ul \laho)n)cd and Shore Kilian cauup• ed that night beside the aueiElIt if almost iuvislhle track that loads, front ICharkaud to I:ashgln'. 1;111 \lahommod sat huddled hu his luslitel n beside the embers of the fire. Shore Khan, \'rappped from head to loot in a dirty sheet that h(y day Was sash, shawl, or girdle, '• lay stark and stiff ;Is a corpse. 'I'Iie shroudlike suggestion of the sheet was increased by the fact that it 111(1130 ,'1 en his face and Ilaiids. The housewives of Canada, ever anxious to provide attractive and nourishing meals for their families, are "Housoldicr's". They have learned that delightful desserts, made easily and at little cost with Canada Corn Starch, are a Welcome addition to meals pre- pared in accordance With Canada's Food Rules. They know the high quality of Canada Corn Starch ensures fine, smooth results. Follow Canada's Food Rules for Health and Fitness. CORN CAN' DASTARCH A product of the CANADA STARCH COMPANY, lrmited atit NCB A ((doer Idea, mused (MI Ma) homined. Ot)hununed, It must he 501110 bah. (tnseions symbolism. '1'11',1(1 aro certainly no (;011111 or protection against the hitter Wind ill that thin 011111111 coVoring. Allat3•- ing 011 the 1101 sand of the, deep• est ctllley of '1'al1laniakanl, ur 111 1.1 (.1(.011 111011%;11111 fl t'1 ell till Pa111 irs, lying on ground so frozi'1 111a1 it. 1(as practically ire, Shell. Khan':; ills of going to bed stiffs In cull himself in that cotton 3111! li)1e a wit( rpIllar in a einiu u. \' 11, so Ion; is he re: -tell and sl. ;ouudly the intliI11I Iello'.t'. Bill ever 111;111 in need )t' it friend Moro finer, truer friend Mian ('1,•11- ;I d \\'eidover hall in this t•',•se- poy, of bir111, hr' ',ding, rare, caste and 1r) ed so diametrically differ. t 111 Immo his o\vu; this P:IIi1,u1, once his servant, now his 111((111 hroth,•r? Ile ((ass more ti1111 .1 brio 1101', he \Va:: 1111; 1rleutl. Not only friend, 1;1!111(;11 0;,111 411 ,11 i1, but hod;; ::ertaa1, I'• laliut 1•, (,,001111,^_, ;0111 his st11.t 11:1):11:r 11101 , ('.0'('4'1111 4,1111;( lItI11, , ;npporl, 1,iter.111}', lily!'', \'a., nothing t11:11 silo Fe 1:11.10 i(1,;",1 1 1 1111 1111' 111111, ',('111 111 the ci1`oi.; ()i !Ii< llt,'; Illy; rather, 111'::Jilli•i:; \'4th that, for he ((1111!11 Ihinl, n;•i• iii of O. \1'11' w"15 1 Surely 1 e't • y Inot 111 13 beeau:l' WIIcn he, Cul \lahuln:ul':I, haul been Captain itirh;u•d \fend• over (1' NaIi'•'• Horse, ' e ( I l flus 11 ,i ti., 0001 S,ur, , life 1111;th 01 at trooper, e lafti t,s . hill been saved by his squadron lender. Ile liked to think that Sherd Eldon had liven really at• melted to Ilius before that. Por it had bee) nothing, 311rcly a inat• tea' of pulling up when he s,tw Sherd Khan crash anis roll lIhr a shot rabbit, Iltling the uuconseious 1111111, carrying him to his own horse and 'reciting off the nearest Islahsuds with his revolver, scram)). ling 01) helhld the tvonnded elan and, by the greatest good 111(11:, getting away under heavy fire, "1"es, he liked to think (hat Sheri) unfaltering, nngrlalg• inr, tinlinlltcd devotion was not due to that episode only. 1uy\Vay, there it was. Short: lain 11;111 prayed IM bo taken 0011 hila as his hatinai Wheal his tai11 \'as seconded from the regi- mens, the regiment that lie ltd never seen again. And when the crush pante, ((h, n tlio Well•huilt edifice of his career roll about 111111 in ruins and he ;le) rhea that dealll Was fat' hft, 11nu1 the life that had tnrne)1 so suddenly to (lust and ashes, it bald 1p:ell Shore Khan, ;old Sherr Khan alone, Who had saved biro; 1110 only man or ((Manu, :I1/p;11'011113', in Illy, 11Imlt1 world \'hu 111111, the holy (111;111) \ hu 11311 stow' Ily hint ;0111 311111; to Min. And 'hila he 11:10 derided lila' there (0115 110 1(13(1 that hp (.01111 laky, nothing It':It bu ',0,1111 do, It had bel11 shore l:lian (vim 'I:111 111101(11 111111 11110 111111 11111 111= 1., •.t MOM fl; Shap Kh;nl wliu 11.01 s;,id: "1.0 1113' 10.01)le hp illy my country thy country. 1113' 111110•, thy home. (:Mac and he a (';:1!i;:;(." unconsciously implying. ":10(1 1:o,( could man live hiller?" Anil it 111d loon ;I (111(111 i',(att, geed life upon 1i1111 road --:1;0:1'1 front the 'I'hiug ever 110:•4.111 in his mind even when he slept. Ile had not been unhappy, and at 411111'3 hod fora spa',,' enjoyed Ere to the full, leading a hard life among hard 11011 as a nulnnht1i- ppr, al Irihrsntan, 11 resp'ctp41 1)',111• h( r 0f the hardiest, freest, mu• -t independent and tinct (molly in the world, :10,1 then the awful and palm' - gettable 'Thing that had liappc:!'(1 to hint, The 'Thing , , (Continued Next Week) Ontario Cattle Win At Brandon Show Ontario exhibitors scored high in the cattle division at the Mani- toba Provincial Exhibition in Brandon last ';eek, Many prize ribbons were taken by the en- tries of 1'', 11, Deacon & Son, Unionville, Ont,, and John Gard - house of Weston, Ont. 1(1 the shorthorn division. Guardhouse plated Glenburn Goldcup as reserve grand cham- pion brill, Killarney Itcvclanta, 01111(1 by 11, h, 'hing, N0 "i'11114111, 11101., (vas the g\\rasand chatnl- lon pion, A Deacon entry' Won the junior championship for bulls, with Guardhouse taking reserve junior. Sunhill Mayflower, entered by W. E, Parker & Son, Waterford, Ont., captured the award for ),(rand champion cow. The Deacons took reserve ribbons, Ox Blood Used In Transfusions Discovery of a method of using hydrolized ox blood in place of human blood in transfusions for human benigs was reported re- cently to the Brazilian Academy of Medicine. The method was Rdeveloped ns a result of resaerclt to find a more abundant E111d less expensive supply of plasma for increasing wartime needs, TABLE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBEFIS Wsrt:'nc Canning. Sono' ((„•11'; 110(1 I told you about I'm, bulletins. lVhI'h (1.4'1(1 Luing i• -u(,I Ily the Ilep;u•tnlell 111 Agril'11ltn,r, 111 (11! ta,1, prep:\•( -1 by I110 Ilousl'hold Itis ouiullc 114'• parluieiIl .1113' 0,10 111,13 hale flus„ 1111 110:111' ill 1111311111' by ariliul; and it f 0110 lot• t11e ,111)j: (.1 111 IVitil h N1,11 ar' i:ul re. !' ,I. I lou-, iu11J hut• letin iiN. :n culitl'•d. •'\Vartinie fanning," is \'ell :1:1111 (1(111)1' for, Iter:, .u'c ::nine of the !0:3 point:- (1(101 I:Ih bnl)elin. "Iham) canning I.(1,,• • on 11'.1' import.iOir' ill w:Irt:me, olid h ,I pn: '11(11• (1 I',,nadal per. i':hahle traits and v, getabli 1:'1(101,! be , limed for ore 1111'(111"11 (illi 1111• 'r, roll r. „411 0:1111' to ,1\uill any o •1,. el 3(11:.11 or 1'1,111, 0•\11.1 caur :-walla 1) • 1 1,ea In 11,J1,1(0 Ili• 1.4 c tint; and r),:•i,,' s •:(, n in Ifo, t,nlletin 11:''I,:Ired , ti;-'i:llly I'111 V:11'I11no e.n11l;ll :, 11 1111• '•( '11 ::'!,• be:,lflilr'1' )11,1y feel I oil'' d' nt 114 'cocci,— Int r, •'111 Safe Cann'ng. "11 fol, 1 products :1'. 1,01 'II their 1(11111,11 -111,' 010.1 of 10, Ill 1.1'nil 111 a few 11;1; '; -(11111' 11'1 a fete 11010'; iWh).; 11) I0'' growth 011 tt',,ir s1114ale ur in their tis-:nl; o 1 , o• \4,(.I., Iff bactrri;l 110 111111 I ,, destroyed s '•I h such organising can :lad the entrauo'e 01 these organ. isms presented, the fiodil can he kept in good condition indefinitely, Therefore, successful canning d,s .pends nn destroying all 011(10s- eopic lift) by using sufficient beat fur the proper length of thin :11111 11y nsillg itir•tight containers which protect from m -infection. Tho aim in canning 11.11113 anll vegetables is 10 assure this result n'11i1(1 preserv- ing natural shape, color .111(1 fresh 11iu'01', Sal'0 ranniug depends on strict, allenthm Io eery step in the process. "\\'lien canning fresh fruits and vegetables, the fresher they art: the h tier Will Ito 1110 tin• is11011 llro(luct ;1101 the smaller the ',handl of failure, Por the best re, stilts V(.ge:ables should he canned within a feW hula's of gathering. Spoilage of Canned Goods, "Improper sterilization .1011 seal- ing of canned fruits and (e_,1; - A SLIM TWO-PIECER Pattern .11''3 is a(aliatIllc only in women's sizes 34, 3(1, 38, 10, 42 11.1 and 46. Size 36 require:; 3'.2 yards 35 -inch f'abr'ic, Send 'l'WEN'I'Y PEN'I'S ( 20e) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted 1 for this Anne Adams pattern to Room 1'i 1, 73 Adelaide St. \Vest, Toronto, Write plainly size, name. address, style num- ber. How YOUNG CANADIANS CAN, HELP TO. WIN THE WAR HERE ARE YOUR USED MEDICINE BOiTIES,CIIRIS THANK YOU,MRS JONES 181 BOY SCOUTS ARE COURTING T111(1 FOR TOE MILITARY R0SPITAIS AND DISPENSARIES GEE CNRIS,WE MUSTN'T FORGET OUR MONEY FORTOE CNINS•UP FUND BEFORE WE GATOCAMP YOU'RE RIGHT P111' EETSGETBUSY TOMORROW A.M. MR FEG:tR,CAN WE DELIVER 1011 SURE CANONS - YOUR POKERS TO EARN SOME MOO THF 5(0)10 ARE DOING 40) 01-CNIIS•UP FUND? ITS TO RE LP A GRAND WAk JOB IN BPa1111(00(51,110'lt111N'81110ED' . ,. T111500:0 731 COMMANDO SCOUTING WE HAD TODAY SURE 15 GREAT $TUFF '1uiY i 1F11v`'t You BIT - 1(011114010144., IS E0UND101IELPANY FELLOW Woo WAsr rot SERE PIS COUNTRY j tall,•, m:ly res,111 in 1110 iollo't'iug 1\'i113 of l,oilai•:•: 3tnultt, ferl11eli• tali0u 11:01 bacterial spoilage (flat 110)rii_1, In 1111( case of 010111(1 if it 14 detected soon enough the growth may he 1',!0(1(0 11 from the SIII'f;U e, the eentenis (1f the seal! 1• brought to the boiling point :11111 the fruit 117,11 noun, 11iat'•Iy. 11'hcn 14114.31 yeast t'orldi'ntilthin Occurs the 0011inc of the fruit 01111 additional sugar generally make:: it palatable.. 11'ith bacterial spoil age, 0i!ieh 11,ua113 takes the torn» of wlutt is known as "flat souring, Ito gals. is formed blit the content< of the •paler can develop a soon' or runcd odor .1101 IIs• lirtutd f - ,1 tl' l';111y l'!I1)11y. Size of Container, It any `i;::1 of hartt'1'ial spoilage is dr:ectt:d the '1)th•e sll:iler should 11,1 01i:•c;tr•lIed without 1031 - in;:. a lox !1 :' 11111( he present which are '31rc1110ly poiuui0ns. 4:(00:)in, r:, should be ut' a size. 1(1 s'tlit the 111,0s of the household so that 110' content' niay be coin smile! ,!a):•fly after opening, eller'\: t d,-tr:hu1':1 1011 111111 141lui1- a o 111d ('('111•. "It is 1, \vise pl'e r:ultint to buil (31111 (1 \eeetahles gently 1 n :0 least tett minutes anter they are removed 1'10111 the 7r tit r o•• c:ln. This 41( s not fat ply 1(1x1 they must he (0:1',11 bot. 11'11, 1, 111•• te4,'abie4 are 1•rlliiretl fur ::11l:;,ik. t•1;., 1'ley may be set ai-ide1(14,.4. 1,11;11;, and 1111111 I lie- feue 11-t .. -II 1.s ('n:rn,Drrs 441.1V1111 11. nersunttl letters from interested rt'ndt'tw, she is ['framed 111 11'11'111 suggestions too tunics for her ealitinn, and In ttimom rend:. to lOitt'u to .411111' "Dol Dentes." ncyorv1N for revives or sprt'lal mows ore in order. .1ddresN Sour letters to "31hs 511110 11. ('hnmbers, 73 (('csl .t I'laldc NI„ Toronto," <rn,l stool toed self-ad- drt'ssed trt elope If Sou \\ (*di reply. Don't Throw Any Old Socks Away 1Don't throw out your husband's or your son's old socks, even when they seem darned and mend- ed to death, They can he made into ((arm, colorful afghans, First, dip all the socks you have on hand in gentle, fine -fa brie suds that "won't shrink Woolens," rinse, and dry thoroughly, Then cut off the feet said the ribbed tops, (ut it up the centre, and you have a piece of material about eight inches squat.- When you have a quantity of these squares .)11ected, featherstitch then) to- gether, and embroider 1, :stall decoration in the centre of each square, 11' you have enough socks, do a back for the afghan in the ,tutu Way. If not, a lining' of .ante kind will add extra (''.11111th, 'These warm a1.01zins are particularly appreciated in such service- as the:', of the aline s(cepers. Heat Treatment By Short Waves When a doctor treats your ach- ing joint by short-wave therapy you hold your hand or your foot in a111 electric field. Short-wave radio waves heat the joint, ai1nost Wit 1111111 yotlI• being aware of it, An egg 0111 be held in the hand and cooked in this; way. Now the same pi•int.'iple hs being 0i plied to treat machine part. 00(4 ply- wood. Uther uses of short waves include the heat tretaulleu: of tobacco without removing it tl•0111 the hogshead and the I(flli; of insects in grains and cereals. coup Eft 111. , t 1. , 1014 44 FINE VIRGINIA CIGARETTES 1,f4 (Plpopeus r rl) That's right! You can make 44 standard cigarettes from every package of MACDONALD'S FINE CUT TOBACCO—"Bright Virginia", the finest you can buy. 44 cigarettes cost only 19c, plus cigarette papers. Start enjoying these smoother smokes to•day—you'll welcome their mildness and you'll appreciate the money you save. LARGE PACKAGE 10 INCLUDING TAX INVEST WHAT YOU SAVE IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS :rl (: Dresses and Blouses ( Ladies Crepe Dresses $2.95 t() $11.00 Martha Washington Prints $1.98 to $2.-19 Children's Print Dresses $1,00 to $3,00 }}s; et Misses' Print Victory Blouses $1.00 _; Misses' Chiffon Blouses (long sleeve) x+2.95 t .?. i:. .1. n• Fairs,?.)) a.1amt2,9; .:.,`e.8r3.rwoe...):-.0,D( :cn-a.:?,1".2ND,;pa13(8amapi7(21l'aiD)a..3i Olive McGill 7� THE STANDARD ..11111.4 g 1 .4ertsmon ihi gt i. tVee1ren1 at his Roup' bore, Ai \irs. HartyItrolyal 1111)1 dcluf htr'I, Soy Bean, Whole Wheat AEleanor, are yisitiig \\'ingham frimul;. nll(1 WhiteBread. ai• 1\I and ms, Roue%, of \litch(11, A Buns, Bread, ,f..ite(I 1vith Airs, \lticalf on Sunday, Mr;. \\'oi. (irit1'tn of Stratford \i1;- Pies, Calces and a'ilir d 1(''r •-istr'r, \Irs.:1, Marr this lye)li. g \I;I�;c;' Iti n. Philp r: turned home MI Wecl(ling Cakes a Specialty. iiSunda)• i"113. an el .inya'iI(' lyerk at the 11 r, Hollyman's BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. \1'iliiain Jlukin;, of (11111, spent ti Pitted Church Ftli ii t r 3.3 ('rnickshanl; • Miller, wedding in �� ham la `9l \Irs. It. Johnston attended the fun - (al of the late Elmer Ilackllvell of \Talton. \1x11, Cert lett Illlil' all 11)1111 1114' r, 1111 <.o Everyday Necessities Photograph Albums, Variety of Styles, 20c to $2.50 Greetings Cards for All Occasions,.... 5c and 10c' Cartons, for Overseas Shipping 10c Waterman's and Skrip Ink (the best) 15c Writing Tablets from 10e to 25c Envelopes, Kid and Linen Finish 10c Blue Lined Envelopes 5c Blank Counter Check Books 10c, 3 for 25c Mucilage, Glue, Airplane Glue, andAirplanes. Juvenile Novels, a good variety -18c We have a beautiful line of Wal.ernlen's Pen and Pencil Sets, guaranteed. Also Eclipse Pens and Pen^il' ' • A splendid Pen for School Chil- dren at 151.15. Also Airflow and Eclipse Pencils' Big Little Book; for boys and girls 25c The Standard Book Store 10.0~~04.01~0~~.0,0 rs. .\I' 333.111 Ile uric .• it nil 11i3- s I 'I \!' (. I :rollly an 1 \lario I.ydiall lig JI. ('arr. 'I'r,ronto, are ) ,t. 4t. it ;n•4' ‘i. ilio!; 1111 it ) randuullher, \Irs. ('wit.. , t, . Al. . It .1.111. \Tightman. \. I•y(1 .. 1. it's Time For A Change 13..:01 \\', 113311(111, frog(•• V1• - 1'. a:rt'ya,lte c;tudhl':rte Ir,: Iluron'Prn3.4'. h'.; thus far in hi; cur r 111.1,Itved tl1" 1.0,31-aep11 (,i hi; I, Ohm'. 11i3; lather 1113.,'111 a. councillor' rr•1 (1141'; of \Tingham and Jell!' ha: 11;311 a •'nlil.u' ex- pllilace• li n•dng been on t1( r 1 :non I'c;' eight ).e,:l3.;- •five a mayor. 1 Ft' Ills father hit ,V:ulle 1: ha, h on lived i(1 111'3 dirty:ct au: fro. ';lxty• Ihr14' yr;ll the n me Ila11aa ha: 111111:1 •):1'' niic elf nierc11• 1:i •11 -.ie:: to \\'lurid:un. lin•:f• l;•r< 1.taugc,l touch sine• r'. ' 4 :3.1)' (1%1)'11.1 3.i .loth went 'h the 1.01(' r and egg ( 111e )t(a'r;tl 11101')', 11: • e' 1.3. rieu: 1' ill this rur.11 ;u'ea 111' s well e nIippl'd 111111 t : 0: Icr11.1)11141 the problems.; (,f th111 m(3. :113..1 he 111 Well n , :n•c that ,V4' m3.,;l have a '1'.1) l0• :; "71'1(1111 1111! to 1111.1 3.r II 111:3.• ;•r:'ily ill 1111- district ( 1' 1111inieI(. 1 (7111:('((1, W ORTHWHILE OBJECTIVES 1. .1 sgn^r) (It (1 f;;' the fa1lH)l1. \Vhn in 111)' opinion, halo 11:11( ha cam 3, It• ,lu=trnctlon pr•granl fe•llo,vin;; the ,VIII. 1) 1(11.1..,(1' equal i;'•I; for the farmer, 1•.133 tic I.i;:h;.; and Pn,vr r nn 3.'3.3.3.) fal1)1 at re (.):1,1111(1 rates. I. :1 live 11,0)4 •'atm (11) ;lir)• for ()nitwit). It) tirl of farm 1 :1(11113. rhortagr, 1'1 ling on firm prl1r,r1' '•1-) l p• lm•.ty. 7.\1: •" nton(y rit platin) for 11• f011(1(1' an,I -7(1'11 ":Ir -int -s Ulan. 411114' and pr: 11'111 s, ','In (.f giving ole r. tfrncd melt the reale ih•'y 11Psvl' Vl' after the W:I7•, simpler s: t1'Itl of r•aticain; a(Imi(1!stl;Itinn . . . loss coupon; and i, it t•^,e, 1''. Float oppm•tun'ty for the rural and (111111111 illvel'cr in 1111, mallt r,; , 4' : 'ration, health ;111(1 hn;inc a. 11.:1 13e111r price for the produce of the Lonnier': 1:11..n and 111,;11103.. 12. I'l'ttt't higli,vays and bridge. 111. 11is run given an _ mai r pr,l•ttluity with the city lad to r11u- ratr''ll. to a 1''t"' I that will isive Tr P141t''1 above plr'Igcs. 1 pr):ui':e to the t•'.3t of my ability to carry out the JOHN W. HANNA Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Ir. ;II11 Mt's, I:itehet: r l»innigan Accetylene and Electric 4(0)1 daughter, Sandra, were Sunday vi:Revs with \I''. and \Ir;. Art (Barr. Welding A Specialty. \!r, a::,l Mrs. Howard 11'illcin. u mid fancily, spoilt Sunday with11 r, and 1 Agents F"oi' International- )lhi. A. Marr. \111111)1' Cary Ross of (0)14'3.(4'1( Visit - 4'11 hi g;11111111101 11P1', 15!3.11, II. 11111(110(1, White Rose Gas and Oil Iasi mph. Car Painting, and Repairing Harvester Parts & Supplies Mt, lyan Ililborn, of Stratford spent the lv0c't-end al the home of his par - mils, :1r. and \les, Leslie 1lilhorn, \I •11. (',Ile and daughter, Katherine. of Toronto, are visiting with the for- m is sister, mks mar). ',mine, \ll�s Innis \Iorritt spell la t1 lvee'c a t 1l( ' ;sue, a of her (grandmother, .\Irs. \la.rshall, of \Tallon. \lis; \1'ilma \\'atsnu, ;11peryisor o1' \\'orf ('n1( Pack of Iitrhener, i„ attend- ing (';unp .\haustic at (mall. Alt'. and \I1';. llo1111t ('ole, of Tor- onto, etre' visiting the 1011111111 mother, Mrs. .1, T. ('ole, Alit;. II. It. Hayward of Scotia, On- tario, visited with Air, and 5lorach over 4he heck -end, Pte. Donald J113kir and 1110. .lint itoyd, of Lnadon, spent the tye 1!c -cud at 11(0 for:ner's holm), ,1. Jermyn, of .11it)It)11, spent \Irr,dsly and 1113. ,ll(y, with the Iter, \. and Airs1, Sinclair, \I r, 1':;tner Pollard, and \1i;, Fritz - ley, act ompanild by the lalto3.'s p.u•- cnt<, Jnr. and Ales. Dred Centl.nor, al I'ashW:'od, visited in i;tu•ford on HAIL day. Mit. I!ai sura i<ilpatriri: rvlurne1 Immo 1'r1:m the Clinton I'11'•lic 1lo;pi. nal Ihl.- \\':•dor 41111) et 11111)!, alter lr:ly- ing her tnusi'; renwV"'l 011 Tuesday, Jack it'mna'(; (1t' th11 'Thomas, spent a happy lylek-Ind with 111:; unc!:',14 0011 an `: s. Jack is a roan, of \i1', Hugh Somers, \I'inl,ipr„ and is mor of .;. Ve11 nephows to 1ho SoI•- � 1110. FIREMEN'S BINGO! The Blyth Fire Department will sponsor a Bingo this Saturday night in The Memorial Hall, They will also spon:'or another B1ngo on Saturday, July 24th. Or, cf the fcitures of the Bingo will be Flannelette Blankets. They have secured a quantity for both Anti -Freeze. Vodden's BAKERY. WIZEN IN NEED 0I', BREAD, BUNS, PIES, II0111E-11'IADE CAKE OR COOKIES. REMEMBER "'1'11E I10111E BAKERY" I • le 11.1 I buil Wednesday, July 14, 1943, 1, L1 1 11. 1111 111 DANA 1111 IIY,11I11• , 1W.r. 1• Insecticides and Sprays We list below some of the Sprays and insecti- cides needed now to combat the insects, flies, Etc. 1)arley's Shoo -Fly Cattle Spray pct' .$1:00 Sapho for Moths bot(le, 35c 11y-0-Cide, for Household Flies, 8 oz, 20c, 16 oz. 35c Larvex, for Moths per bottle 85e Paris Green hall' lb, 29c, 1 lb. 50e Arsenate of Lead 1 Ib. 20c, 5 lbs. 90c Wood's Moth Blocks 10c and 25c, Itavok Moth Crystals ' 1 lb, ,19c R. D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRtiGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'Ai'I;R—PIIONE 2D. 1.1 .H. 1 I.1.-1,.od1.1.. .u,-, 1 u, . iiia 1. W1r:4.„ 4•..•,,,, ,. .1_,1.1:111•wl. .�, 1 i k��te�t�1C+�!r;1�1C�'C'4'4�5�'ye113.�;1~'t'y'�'+a'�'�1:1�'i;t4t�iNt�'yt�'�'€'t..iY,,•�'y _"_.:' ;' ;'•:'v'r�'(",1CSV 'fah ten minutes to -night to 1nspc:et. the Spring. and Mattress you sleet) on, then Collie to our Store and compare \\'hat, you are using \Pith our \vide selection of Box -type, steel slat and ('(1)le Bed Springs, Luxurious Inner, spring Marshall Sleep Units and Felt 11'Iattresses, LACK OF SLEEP MAY Be the FAULT of your Bed Gp 4g bf basting grained Walnut -finished St(71'. Meds, \VIliCI1 \VO are offering at attractive prices. 1 DO II. T. VODDEN. .h h W h 1f •. q p. p F •. et .a t• • 1(,,11.1( •+, F r.. ,... ,. ,. .. •• .. ,•..• t+ .v�•"� _- I'b,'j1F,aic4}i,o, i 16fr`}J'.ala,.:,.�ir�,2v,aiot..ir.1.�w:4uii�iuiclitcl/1.-,a,..,utrl�,c1,�.-v,.^Is..>„-,.,,. ,•;,,�i(,;i ,..,o. J. S. 1 Ilome Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director. 0:..:11:4•1:• .;.0.' 10..4•.•1•.,......••.•.1.11.144 •,••.:., .. •1111 •1111 1 T. See My Large Display ilunworthy 4. WaHaper • lea ;tify your home tor the (turst•., •'!on. No other I'u'nishing'st in your:: :• nmtnr equal the value of \1'allpapel:4, "apI Is nl'.trk)d 5 inworthy 11r)•” 1: especially Irc',lt d l0 11141111 fading. •, M Iy I su(ge.t a complete )Hang 4'=1 4.01' (>cen.'ry fur the 1(01114' thr0ugh'. ,••1(1 meant' ul pleicsiug 1\'alipapers,:, =E1)11111 CRE1G1rrON'S llecc)ratec's Shopp^. 4 :3:Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery PHONE 158, BLYTH, 114• .10 ,1.41:41:..•.1•.1•.1.:4444:41:14:4 •$I, .:..•..•.0;,:{.:4•:.:10. 144 •4•14• Capt. and \1r.. ('• I:, Toll, allyl holly daughter, ,till, of Iain: stun, ore visit - Bingos, The proceed:, will be donated . log this 4‘1 !c with 1'(1at1Vcs in t1(' to war work, 11(•in(I)•. .I 1 11.1 .1 ■ 4. 1 u . , 11.1.11. 41 I. dr, .1 1,1 ., 1, 1 ,1 •1 HURON GRILL 13LYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD. GOOD SERVICE. Meals at All Hours. 1 _ FRANK GONG am Proprietor 1111 111 1 I LI .1.. 111 •1, 1 .I-, ,au . 1.1.... ,111,,0, 1 ..N.bl 11 t?)Iii 'obi' ICi'Cle'.pa'n'CTMItetiUCiti'%'€Vrf.'C.1.",Ifi'$,'MTi3..i=t'Vkalti'i'C-MlCT4Igkftttln ' STUART RO!1NSQN A Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. op Blue Ribbon Coffee l.'s. 51c Blue Ribbon Coffee half's 28c Blue Ribbon Tea, bulk 01' ini`:cd 38c I'''s Cocoa 1's, per lb. 35c 4'i ry 4, Cowan's Cocoa i's, .per lb. 27c Blue Ribbon Cocoa l's, per lb. 28c ov Quick Macaroni per package 15c 0 King Bug Killer 25c and 50c it Grape Nut Flakes per pkg. 10c 111111 17c A A AP 116 as o,' Charm, per pkg. 10c Cleans Everything and will A. not injure skin or fabrics. - Rinso per pkg. 10c, 25c, and 50c • I' urniture Creme, cleans and polishes 10 20c In.;. 1(14(1 741r Roof. R1'unielc,, of; \I1, 1111,1 Mrs,I'd. Taylor of 51raL• Oranges per dozen ;Oc, 10c and 50c 11oultlon, 110)1 their grau(lsotf, 11113.01)1 ford, visited ((1111 the ,\('111-c11d Wdtlt CABBAGE, CA ItIt•OTS, TOMATOES. woods, visited their cousin, n1'5..1°1111 their pati• nts, 111r, and \13. :. ' . Taylor, 1 1aik;IDIDI;her;st;1 Antal ttli I1P11i/D1I13r)+?tkt)r)t,,941'Cralg br., last (sect, Home an F� ' wners Share these 70 Mns Between April 1, 1935. and 'March 31. 1913, direct financial benefits to municipal tax- payers front the ()Mario Liberal Government totalled $70,513,033.05. Here are the Savings for Taxpayers of HURON andjj :I.3 t�!, Municipal Subsidy :1160,525.23 King's 1-iig'hway 758,082.( Township and County Roads.. 322, 5 15.50 II'lothers' \11owtinces 202,863.0() Old Age Pensions and Pensions I'or 131ind 198.116.00 Indigents in Sanatoria 101,631.00 $ti 2,013,1.15.4.> 'I'(yTA 1, Every !lector in IhiA rioting has a direct and Vital interest ill maintaining the Nixon Administration's policy of ever-increasing relict' for nuwicipalitics from lax burdens. Keep Nixon at the Wheel for Progress and Unity VOTE Li iwr, 4th ISSUED BY THE ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Elect HILL For Huron -Bruce POW land nlr, and 1103, 1,4':3lie 1111703u,