The Blyth Standard, 1943-04-21, Page 1VOLUME 17 - NO. 37.
Makes Supreme Sacrifice Pilot -Officer Bertram
Elliott Killed In Action
OBITUARY 1 Musical Concert Was Col. George Drew In Iluron
1lluch Enjoyed County Tour
Mary Jane Logan
'\Ir. and Airs. J. II. It. ISl11o11, of The death o!'carred in the Clinton
IlIyt11, received a telegram 111 hi \1'ed- hoqpilitl this 11'01Inesday, April 2151, Victory Loan Speach By G. H. Jeffer Spoke At Wingham Tuesday Night.
nesduy morning. which contained the of Mary Jane L.ngan, h1 her 77.111ton, of Clinton, Was Very Timely.
sad news that their son, 1'ilot•Offie!'t' Iypar• Shp h .d hero a patient in the —_ __
Harry Bertram Elliott, had been killed Clinton hospital for the past three John Hanna Is Appointed Progres•
in action (,verseaS, i \ fall house greet d the Musical r
weeks, and death war.; due to (1 limo. I efve-conservative Candidate In Hu.
The telegram merely staled that lie condition. Concert. staged by NIiss Elizabeth ron•Bruce Convention At Wingham
hurl been killed hi action on Jlou(i(ty. The lab! Miss Logatc was hurt In Mill, A.T.C.Ni„ and !midis of lir. On Tuesday.
ther particulars would follow. occupied by John Fairservice, sin,
April I;IItt, and Ilial a letter with ter Nlc.a'rfs 'I'otwitship, on the farm now surrounding schools its which she k
musical instructor. Schools particlpat•
inti in flip concert were Myth Public
The news of ills Oa tit vac; a pro•
found shocic to his family, as tvell 1!t;
the entire community. It is the first.
local casualty in the present conflict.
In his till year, 1kertrnut was the
, youngest son of Air. ;and \Irs. J. II. It.
Elliott. Ile 11'1I6 horn in tiIyth in Ia_'tl at
tended Public and Continuation school
here, following' which he attended
Clinton Collegiate. Ile finished his
PILOT -OFFICER BERTRAM ELLIOTT cducullun with ;t business coast) al
\1'e,tervelt University, London. Dur -
who was killed in action on Monday, Ing the early part of into he secured
April 19th, Ills parents :ir. and a position with the Northern Empire
Mrs, J. II. It. Elliott. received the sad :tiiues. at Empire, Northern Ontario,
Stows by telegram on Wednesday In July, I;Ho, lin •'tllisted in the
(morning. 'Bertram was in his 22nd R,C.,1.1', at Port Arthur, and asked
dear, and the youngest of a family of for a transfer nearer home. Hollow.
five, ing that he was stationed at London,
'Toronto, Kingston, and then at ih'ant-
watt a daughter of the late Java',;
Logout and .\nary Jane I(n(ix. During
her entire iifr-time slit) had resided
in this district, and took up residence
in Myth about tell years ago.
She is survived by three brothers
and two sister, John Logan, Brussels;
\Wesley Logan, \1'iunipeg; 11'nt. A.
Logan, Myth; Mrs, S, IL Gotwwill,
I.onQou, and \lrs, P:en•id Laidlaw,
Tho remains are resting at the
horde of her brother, William Logan,
front whose residence -a Private run -
oral Service will he held on Friday,
April 2:1'd, at 2.:;o p.m. Itov. A. Sin-
clair, pastor of the Itnited ('hurc•h, of
which (;he was a member, will conduct
the service. Interment, will lake
place in Myth Union Cemetery,
Col. George I)r!'w. provincial pro.�'chnol, C.S.S. No. II, hast \1'aww'.uu)s11 '
No' i2, 1 tt grc;>ive ('onservative Leader, souk,'
and ilnllell; .8.S'.!t the 'Broil Bruce Pro:ore -ive Cole
and 1lorris; 5.5. No. 5, Nlorris; and s,l'vatiw'( Rally in 1\'iugh;un on '1'11(:
the Auburn Public School. day evening, at which .\Ir. John \V.
Following is the program: :1lanua, Winpltni merchant was named
party candidate in the provincial 1't.•i 1,
Blyth Junior Room: I Col. I:r( `v has C,1111 1111'1 d ;t flu', e !lay I
Miss \largaret Grieve, teacher. tour of the (tiding, where it is vary
2 choruses by grades I and " lhely a I:y•(I(ctiou still be held in the
choris•>s by bo}',; of (trades 3 and •1 near future.;
choruses by girls and boys of grade:;' Declaring that personal oh:scrv.!tiou.s who on Tuesday r,'ceited the n.)uttlta-
and \veil .sub;tauiated r, 'port; led ctiun as ('uaservalftr (';u!diiate fur
3 (11111 1; "Rose songs, by girls of
Grades 3 and 1. Nlarguerile (lull, Eve- hint lo believe that field crop prodder the Riding of Huron -Bruce. Nt•. Il:ut
syn Morris, Mary Morrill, taking solo lion would be sharply reduced in in i2, no, is a prominent \1'inghtuq merchant.
dcsplic the Dominion Governnteut's
Paris; a minuet bye fete of the pupas 1)len I'ur a "u per cent increase ocer
in costnn.'.
1 U,S,S. No. 11, East Wawanosh and
Hullett, Miss A. Toll, Teacher.
ford, where he was on the clerical
staff for same mouths, Desiring A Selo by Shirley
Easter Exam, Results Room
more activity he asked to 1(e shifted Silllillel'I'rC�Vln w...0:, the only pupil of
1 Blyth Public School Into n more active roll, and he retort put in an appearnce.
Following is the report of the se- ed to Toronto where he took his pre- The death occurred at the home of
coni term tests given In Room 1, liminary training in flying, and then his mph( ,w, \1'11,. 'I'reww•ie, IIlh con. U.S,S. No. 12, Hullett and Morris
Blyth Public School: twerp on to Lorette, Quohee„ where he cession, Mullett. on Monday, April 19, Mrs. B. Hall, Teacher.
graduated as a Sergeant•Nav'igator. of Samuel 'I'rewlu, Ile was in his Two choruses by all the pupils; a
Grade IV,
It tuns while he ryas home onCut lough 5l;lh 3 (11.
Marguerite Hall 9.(.3. that he received the good news that The late Ur. 1'rcwwin n son of Two
anuilt by ChBrigham and JackJackat'lIe.stra song by seven
\Lary \torritt 95.1, he lead been commissioned as a I'iIot, \Wil►lun '1'rewwin and Mary 'Taylor, boy,; a duet by Lloyd and Nine Tay
Iton Philp 93.2. Officer. '('his was in October, 10.12, Was horn i» I15I10I'11(! 'I'oWaSl(lP. When tor.
l.olralee Hamilton 93and at the conclusion of his furlough a lad, he moved withhis parents to
Douglas Ktlpctlriek 93,he left for the earl coapt, The next 1lnilett Township. Following lhq S. S. No, 5, Morris
1)ouglas \\'htltnere 89. colltmttttie.ation his parents had from completion of his education for the Miss Golly, Teacher,
Gerald Lyddiat S:, hint was a cable saying that he had Ministry he departed for the United
arrived safely Overseas. (States where he foliowwel his chosen', Two choru506 by all p0;)ils; two
d:w.clyn Morris SI,
Donald Cartwright S0. Cf a quiet, unassuming manner, he profession for tieveral year 1. \\ ltilc Quids by Uonuu 1'aaccunp and Bernard
Joan Korniclr 71i. was very popular with old and young ie rte Stator ice married miss H:t Ha Cummings; song and dance. by Don -
Ellin Nelhery 73, alike, During his school day.s he had Jefferson, who predee ,used 111111 tv0n no, Vallean11), Muriel Anderson, Audrey
George Hamm 70. always applied himself to his worst, ty-three Years ago, Two ;aqui, \Pillion t\11(101'sonn and Amy Smith; solo. by
Ithe;t McNeil 55, and he tools it great interest in local
and Carlisle, also pr,ai(('cas0(1 him. Donna \';tucctutp.
'Bernice \ICN'all, not present for sports, particularly hockey and base- For 1110 past. Several years lie has
tests. ball. Keen regret k heitg expressed resided in this distrii:t, part of the
cit his early demise, and lite bereaved 1lime with his neck hews, Mr, Ilencert
Grade III, fancily have the heartfelt sympathy of Dexter, and finally With MIr. \Viilt.nit Five choruses; ,solo,
Brock Voddet 9.1. ;til, 'Treww'ie, where ice died, Knight.
Eticanor Brown SG. Surviving, besides his parents, are Mr, Tretviu was the last of a family
David Slone!), S. three brolIters, Sub -(.tent. \V. A. El- of thirteen, and is survived by s11ver-
`2 , al nephews and nieces, among whom Miss E. Beacom, Teacher.
(';u'nmu MacLonald lion, wt'it�h the liuyctl Canadian Navy;
11,eiveely \\'opace 73. Fronk, and Gordon, and Mrs. Lloyd lore Ilet'hert Dexter, 111Y1 11; 11:11.1)111
Kennel]] llanull (1T,. \Velllatifer, (ll'ertr11de), at home. Dexter, Drien,stoue; \Val.• 'l'rewit, on
‘Lois Augustine 5S, the old homestead in Hallett; \Irs.
Ted, It01(1, Iltlllelt; Nil's, John \\'ut-
Grade II, License Plate Found Hoe, McKillop; Mrs. Alice Pardo,
(thea (tall 9G. Chatham; Vicdot' 'I'reww'1», Chatham;
Falconer. She
her school to
Auburn School
Mr. Harris. Teacher.
by Jack \ic-
Auburn Country Schcol
\t', Sandy Patterson 1'000111IY p(clt (\Irs, Hosena Vickers, Detroit, \Waller
Annie Morrill P5.
Barbara Kllpatricl( 93.
.1 toward 'Coit 91.
Rodney ('ook 73.
Domed Armstrong 67.
Douglas \IeN,ail (17,
Melly Tait GP),
Lyn Volc,es, not present for tests
Grade I.
Janis ,\torritt.
Betty NIac1)ottalld.
Fart Ilenlley.
Gordon l.ydiatt.
Murray Hamm.
Nlargaret 14), Grieve, teacher.
cd up tt trailer license
plate bearing .011(1 Clarence 'I'rewwln in the \Vest;
the number 11742'l', The plate was!\it's. Hied 'Poll Jr., East Wawanosh;
picked up on 1lte Boundary west of (has. Stewart, Mrs. '('hos. Adams,
Illyth. \VIII Ulu owner please call Iltlllelt; Nit's. ,lode Vincent, Godcrfclt,
for it. A private service was held from the
On Tuesday We were handed a light residence of \Winfant 'I'rewin, on \Ved•
lagging chain' which \vas found neat' nesday afternoon at 2 1).111. Rev. A.
the school. It is also waiting here Sinclair, of the Blyth United Church,
conducted the services, and interment
for the owner.
Rev, P. H. Streeter, L.TIt., Rector.
Easter Day, April 25111, 1943.
Iloly Communion: 5.311 a.m.
Sunday School: 10.30 tan s
Evensong and Sermon: 7,311 p.m.
Good Friday, Divine Service, 11 amt.
was made in Burns cemetery.
Pallbearers were, Ilc1'hert and Har-
old Dexter, ('lens. S'lcwearl, \1'nm. Tre-
Win, Fred 'Poll Jr., and John Watson,
--- V
$300.00 In War Stamps Sold
Since Last September
Mr. J. A. Gray informed us on
Tuesday that leis Room in the Myth
Public School had just passed the
$300,00 objective its their sale of \Vac
Savings Stamps,
It Will be remembered that the roost
first received recognition front the
County Organization When they led
all Huron County Schools in the sale.
of Stamps, and they were theft asked
to lead off a radio program which
hats since been carried on weekly by
the different schools, and no doubt
has served as a stimulus to .the sale
of War Savings Stomps throughout.
the County. Once again we congratu-
late teacher and pupils on their splen-
did and sustained efforts.
hast year, Col, Dr(ww urged that no
Ihne he Lost in appealing for firm,
wwell•orgatized direction of the indus-
"Front all sides i have heard reports
of l'arnt.5 that twill not be cultivated
this year because of manpower short•
age and general lade of confidence fu
the marketing situation,' lie said. "Few
expected that the time would come in
Canada of a food shortage. But we
are not facing an incidental shortage,
it is ;t shortage that threatens to by -
-come greater 11.8 time goer on.'
A solution to the Warne problem
alight to found in the organization of
!county war agriculture committees
patterned on the sante principle of
similar committees in Great Britain,
he added. The British committees,
decentralized from the British food
ministry and vested with broad pow-
ors, had boosted agricultural produc-
tion from 12 million acres 1111(100 cul-
tivation in 1939 to 19 Million acres in
'Ph se committees have broad 1)0ww•-
ers over the manpower situation, be -
Mg able to defer call-up and recall
experienced farmers from the arratd
forces and war industries,' ('ol. Drew
continued. "Such committees have
established faith and confidence In
Plvth Red Cross
The following donation was recpi.v.
cd from the Community. School Con-
For ('hiticse Relief $'1''.�,"
It. I' I I 1 Ll', 'I're;is.
This colrnnl Is dedicated to those
who may wish to mala 1180 of it tr)
commemorate some passing event in
the lives of their relatives and
friends, such as Birthdays, Wedding
Anniversaries, or any other events
that our readers may think worthy of
11010, Y'ou are asked to use this col -
limn. We think it would be a fine
gesture on your part to show your In-
terest in your friends.
Birthday greetings to Doreen Aug-
ustin)) Who celebrated her .:rd birth•
day on Easter Monday, April 2Gt1t. _
Congratnlatiens to Donald Johnston
who celebrates his 12th birthday on
:April _Ith.
l'ongratulatiotls to Murray (kook,
who celebrates his _'ttd birthday on
April 25th.
Hive choruses; three Rhythm band lagricttlture and have given that basic
Congratulations to \t's. Clarence
numbers; quartette; solo by \lant
e industry an appeal, to young people K011y wwho celebrated her birthday on
who will be returning from the war, touching on the Onlot lo -Quebec Wedtresday .\pril 21 st.
Blyth Senior Room Power agreement he said, "there
Mr. Gray, Teacher. might as well have been no Ontario Congrattulations to Aliss Isabell
I L''islature at all for all our Mcmht'i' Thtiell who celeo')ru(ed her birthday on
'Two choruses by girls and boys of filen tv 0f the exchange of Power tines
apr(I 101,11.the Senior room; eight patriotic cher tetwveen the two provinces. We gave
uses, a flag was displayed as each ('ungratnlatinns to \lips Violet
song was sung, representing eight atway power sites in ;tl'ea8 whrre man}
imluslries could be developed. MemThu011 Will) celchrut0s Bel' birthday 011
United Nations; n chop' consisting of bars of the Chi)posilion opposed the April "';rd,
it ('011 voices front seven different
class counts closed by singing "('leas• agreenteit because WO believe there
ant Are Thy Courts', and "C'hri:t the' will be a great expansion in this pro
vlace after the war. But long terra
I:ord is Risen.'
leases of valuable power sites to pri-
vate Qiobec interests in exchange for
Mr. Jefferson Speaks On Behalf Of inferior sites robbed the province of
a great asset'
t'orthcoming Victory Loan Drive.
Col. Drew reiterated his remarks of
Prior to the I'tuai ()lionises, \1r. Les- his afternoon's meeting at Godcrich
Ile 11111)0011, local Chairman for the when Ite staled that it flat commercial
forthcoming Dominion Fourth Victory rale for hydro power Would benefit.
Loan Drive. introduced (1. IL Jotter- sn11111er municipalities by bringing
' son, Principal of the Clinton Public them new industries. Decentralization
I resbyterian W. M. S. School, who brought a very forceful of industry tvotld thus solve housing
The W.M.S. of the Myth Presby- and timely message to the large amt. problems and result in a healthier life
torten (Murch held it's 14:aster 'Plank- 1.1ce, on the urgency of supporting for the Canadian factory worker.
te1111Offering nceet (tel lin the Church base- the conning Victory Loan Campaign, Accompanied by Dr. C. 11(11)1)5 Taylor
meet on Saturday, April 17, with the Which opens on April 2111 I1, Conservative candidate for South Hu-
ron, (bl. Drove visited SOa.fonth, (lin-
chair. V (cachet end pupils, for their fine ef• ton, Godcrich and Wingham during
There were also visitors from Ault- feats on and
stage. No one rkfine
w bet- 'Tuesday. stopping off at smaller Congratulations to \t s, Harry Slur
UNITED CHURCH places. (ly, Auburn. who (0101(ral.:1 her birth-
cie and the IJeitud and Anglican So ler than he, how notch 100014 was nee- cietes, Special Easter Services On the platform Wer,. Mayor .1. clay on April 12'01.
t sset'y to produce such a Show.
A welcome Was extended to Mrs. (food Friday S P. Al, Preparatory 11a try Crawford,11(1f \\'ingham, Elston
A. O. Thomson, alio gave n very Service. 'Ho referred to the quota which had Cardiff. M.P. for North Huron. Mr. l'ongratulelimis to \I r, Fred Plaet•
ilmely 'RotaEaster message on e e11 Vino 10:15: Sunday School. peon allotted to lilytlt in the forth -4
.1 Dr, Taylor and Robert Bow- zer who celebrated his birthday 011
Mil -
and the liranahc!a), Short readings r; coming l.nau Drice, it is the largest! April 6th, r
11:1 The Guarantee of Immortal- man.
by Miss Livingstone and Nits. Laugh- ity, quota the Village hits yet had to strive . A native and life-long resident of Co» t:attlutious to Mrs, Charles Mi( -
lin were given, Mrs. Thomson also Baptismal and Communion Services. for, but he felt positive that the eit- I1\•{»giant, NIr. Hanna Won the candid lion, .lnhurn, Who celebrated her bitllt-
1itt 'erd with a solo. 4tts. Sinclair z()ns of Myth Would Ito1 let the boys attire by acclamation Wnen Norman day on April 13th.
7 I , \t.: Christ lives Forevermore. ►
111 the Services' down, If the people 11'ade withdrew upon nomination.
read the Scripture lesson end the, dos- Special Plaster numbers by the
V do not loan their money voluntarily, H7ari{er, N. 11. Strong also withdrew
Congratulations to NI r, and Mrs.
ing ht\dyer was give.» by Mrs. Streeter. Choir, 1110(1 the GovOrnnteall will Inc. forced
Nlrs. Fred Somers of 'Chuutins, told from the . William '1'hucll, who celebrated their
of the new 1're5bytprlut Church re to resort to even heavier taxation, or weedding anniversary on Wednesday,
coldly opened mut the progress that to other means of raising sufficient April 2lst.
1)tte 10 the eeokitiency of the fund.S to finance the War ('(fart to a
is 1)01111; made. In Canada, Weather, Sli;s Margaret Cowan's Sale,
Successful conclusion. The money must Engagement Announced('uugratnLltious t o 'Mrs. \\'es1eY
A social hour was spent at the w111611 was to have b0ett' held last lie secured, and it was up to Myth to
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ila101(1 Phillips, of Kccbui0 who celebrated her birth
close Easter Services next Lord's Day
,S'atlurdny afternoon was postponed un-' produce thcir'share, which. he believe 1',IytIt, annnuuce the engagement of
l(lay on 'Tuesday, \nril "0th. 11rs.
V Auburn Sunday School 10 A. NI. 1 '
ill this Saturday, Apr(( '--'nth, When it cd Was lh0 lowest 2)1018 81/11011 for any their daughter. Doreen Lucille. to 'Mr. Kcclulic is in recelpi of a lovely Fou
Several local Masons attended Lon- Worship 11 A. M. will be Held at lite residenc'e' 'urban municipality in the l"Ounty.
desboro lodge Meeting on Tuesday Slmith's 11111_ Sunday School 2 1'. M. } !Jelin William Medd. Son of N1 r. and cptct of Snapdragon and hiffo(1i(s, a
V . Nir. J. lanlsden, Assistant Organiz- Nit Janus M. Medd, of Hallett Town- birthday 1 fi "14(.1,1 her ,Son, Trooper
evening, when the D:D.0.11. for North \\'or ilitp 3 P. \i.
00, showed slides of different war sh;,'. 'tate marriage Will take place in Ft Kt•chnie. on Active .:swipe
Iluron, J. R. N1ciCay, of Kincardine Service Illyth 7.30 P. Ni,
Made his officktl visit. Dr, A. 0. Thomson, Minister. BUY VICTORY BONDS! 8CCitIS, which were also very tietely. jSolltt.lttblr. I::ttt:wwbcre in England.
('oitgralulations to \tater Douglas
\Vltituur0, who celebrates his 1)111
birthday, on Saturday. April '211h.
Congratulations to NH's. Robert.
Blake, who celebrated her birthday on
\\'ednosday, .\pril 2161.
('ongratulations to Mrs. Sarni Daer,
who celebrated her birthday on April
('ongrattiatiuns to Jean lCirkeonnell
of Salt ford, who ctIt)'.!ratcd her birth-
day on .\pril t;lh.
Congratulations to 31rs. Andrew
who celebrated her birth-
day on .April 121h.
Sale Postponed
Gordon Ross is one of the
hardest -headed men in the Cana-
dian Parliament. Ile manages to
operate tut orange grove in Cali-
fornia, a large wheat farm near
ftlooee ,taw and the hu;iness of an
acti a parliameneir an, Lust year
Mr. Rees bee•:.. e convinced that
An.. . tc:t would he short of vege-
ta' ells, a,, 1-e is , ;let up all the
eu. cr seed he could find and
r(t' . c :genie.; e -t sin le
cru of s;;n.1.t, ci h.y n•ero
pr. . and ti' y 1': o•, ided use-
ful r "
\',er Sun
r c tn,. ht.; esti-
at . to he C. e ,•,)t ii which one
tin . -L: 1f lu sun do. :ind
en the farm, is the
e'eht Hired nisei done by
u ., hi; ttiie, and a riot:.
--- Pei Thorn.:_r1 1?sa::101er
e.isrun huh,'•eve wore escort-
ed eek to their ha e after a
ea 1 by Norv.e.:6an fi;htel' glance
,e.! by a New Zealand wing com-
mander. That's the kind of
Lee a. of Nations that means
eoe tithing.
—Windsor Star
The .\ xis in Tunisia have in
front of them the British, tho
Americans curl the French, above
them the British and American
air fleet and behind them the
''sue 1ledil1r a)t(nn and, the Bri-
tish Navy,
—Port Arthur New•s•C'huihiele
Air Marshal hilly Bishop is still
ergiug a 'healthy hatred" of the
'axis. Ile doesn't :cent to think
that the "This hurts me more
;ban it tie's you" attitude is
--fault Ste. Marie Star
A settee :.f humor may he do -
fined as that which saves a girl
I11 slacks from teeing Into hys-
terics at sight of a 1t',IS snapshot
of her t t tt'r• in kni:kers,
---Boston Globe
We should quit worrying about
Russia quitting and dropping be-
hind until we catch up with Rua-
----IBrandon Sun
If you must hoard, concentrate
on accumulating war savings cer-
Ships Used To Be
Launched By Men
Launching a ship with cham-
pagne means nru e than swinging
a bottle against a steel prow, To
prevent splinters from flying into
the face of the lady who says "I
christen thee Tuscaloosa," bite
bottle is "neared in a mesh holder.
Provision is also made for a sixty -
foot strip of red, white and blue
bunting woven to keep its shape
after the bottle has been smashed.
Preparation of the bottle takes
Shout five hours.
The whole ccretnony elates from
a time when a launching was at-
tended with human sncrifice, With
e. decline in bloodthirstiness red
wide was used — symbolic blood,
At first the wine was drunk in a
toast and the cup flung after the
ship. Champagne was introduced
simply bemuse it was more ex-
pensive. Once upon a time Wren
(priests In very early times) al-
ways launched ghips. In the nine-
teenth century women took their
23 U -Boats Lost
In Month Of March
An underground German radio
etatiott said last week that Ger•
many lost six submarines during
March in the Atlantic or Medi-
terranean and that 17 additional
U-boats did not return to lase
xrtd are regarded as lost.
The broadcast said nine others
were damaged but made port and
11 were damaged slightly. In all,
1,0311 crew ntentbere were dead,
missing or possibly prieoner•s,
March lns',a exceeded February,
the broaelca.;t said.
Near cat•,+tructir'n etill le ahead
of IJ -boat losses, according to the
radio, bur only a little and Allied
dpfenre 'l^aPri'eq at'8 ittlproviruf.
It's Double Summer
Time In Britain
Great Britain last week went
en double summer time until Aug,
15 to take advantage of the early
The cirrose ..Sweeps the black-
out by an hour.
The to -v Orli! puts (;teat Britt -
sin Six h eu; < ahead of s•n+tern
war time in the United States.
rah wings taken off and tied beneath the transport, this British
P-40 Warhawk fits snugly. inside a giant Douglas C-47 Skytrain 8o111o•
where in Africa. Tho P-40 was being flown to a base for repairs.
THE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events
Bombings Alone Cannot Bring
War To Successful Conclusion
That they most ditfieult period
of tho war is stili in the indef•
inite future and that the victory
may not be won until 1911.1915, or
perhaps, later, probably stem 'from
the increa1ng off"direness of the
Nazi L' -boat campei,, tt, If tho Allies
cannot deliver men and supplies
to the fighting fronts they cannot.
win the, war, If their already haz-
ardous Supply lines were disrupted
for any long period of time it
would be most difficult and, per-
haps, impossible for theta to
launch their -officially promised as-
saults ou Europe this year. '1'110
Neste have the ability to get up
off the floor rte they did on the
Southern front in itussta and their
is the feeling In some quarters
that the Russians may have over-
exerted themselves In their great
offensive. There is also the pos-
sibility that the Luftwaffe is not
dead, but Is merely playing pos-
Step -Up Air Assaults
Yet, the Nazis can be defeated
under water as wall as on the land
and in the air, The Allies were
tato la tackling the submarine
problem in earnest but the ulecuts
for cuuihating it aro becoming
available, The so-called "rim -of -the -
wheel" thesis that bombings from
bases In Britain, North Africa, the
Middle East and Russia could be
decisive has gained strength in
official quarters.
Ititu-of•lhe•wheel ad v o c a t o
would step up tho current air as -
satins on Gentian industry and
transport to twelve 1,000 -plane
raids per month. They hold that
when ani such raids had hecu naclo,
victory would be g Slide the Ai1103'
The rim-of-lie—wheel theory is
strengthened, rather than weak.
ened, by the fact that its pro.
ponetts do not hold that air bomb-
ings alone can bring the war to
a successful conclusion. 'After the
rim -of -the -wheel has been mule
secure, after Germany has been
contained, after rho air attacks
have been brought to a proper in-
tensity front all sides, then will
be the time to equip our land
forces for a concerted push
against a tottering German Arne.
ture, Itassiat troops from Russia,
British and American troops from
Lhe Middle East land bridge, 13ri•
tisk, American and french troops
from the Gibraltar bridge, British
and American troupe swarming at
last over tiro Channel—these are
the baud ntovemeuta which can
administer the coup do grace, The
Gino for it will bo after our cont•
bitted air power has cut the hub
out of tho wheel." This appears
to be the current plan of attack.
Advance Notice
An interesting proposal Is that
bombing seltedules be announced
by radio a week in advance, When
By Fred Neher
P /4=i4:e
y sc:..e16::1:, 1) ,..;Lt! You're passed your driver's test!!"'
- .. . . =„c.e= ..n
the bombers leave their bases
their I ikeulf twuul l he ;uuu)unM)d
also. 'Thus, it Is argued, industries
in 0 scare (0' More of r tries would
0u paralyzed. The theory donton-
st'a cnnttrl, wire It appeat'a
lutrathr• jccaniitied, fur the Nurts' ab-
ility lu fight off hunhcrs.
Where Is The Luftwaffe?
in view of the ._ clear -rut and
mounting air supul'lority of the
United Nations in the European
and African theatres, mid in view
also of the success of the Russian
11'htler offensive, one certainly is
entitled to ask what has become
of the taunted alight of the Ger-
man air artn. Prom time to time
there tie reports of great reserves
of giant botnhere In the Reich:
limiters capable of making the
7,000 -mile round trip flight front
tho arare:,l available European
fields to our own Atlantic shores
with a bomb load, In this connec-
tion some figures of distance are
highly significant, since range Is
a balancing factor against load,
It is only 9110 miles from Berlin
to Vyastna, only 230 from Smo-
lensk to Aloscow, 550 from Greve°
to Tunisia, 350 front Naples to
Bizerte, 140 from Cagliari to that
Tunisian atronghold and ninety
miles from Sicily to the same port.
From Pirie to London is only 220
stiles. If the Flying Fortresses and
Liberators turd the it, A. I'','s Lan -
casters and S1irliugs have boon
abin to stake the devastating raids
from Great Britain on Gorman
cities --it is 580 air attics from
London to Berlin --why have not
rho German bombers of this re-
puted armada struck in reprisal
on Great Britain, laid waste Mos-
cow, or turned the whale tide in
Tunisia from the nearby spt•fng-
beards of Italy and Greece?
Does It Exist?
Preston:111ly the answer is to be
found in several factors, In the
first plate, nue may question the
existence of any such fleet. Fail-
ure to nee it when the tido of free -
dont iS running so heavily against
the Axes in the air on each of the
several vital fronts sorely puts a
large Interrogation point against
its reality, Secondly, shortage in
both gnittity and quality of fuel
nod lubricant:; may make full use
of existing aircraft by tho Ger-
mans impu•+siblc:, 'Thirdly, the con-
stant attrition of bout pilots and
pirates of the Luftwaffe may have
depleted necessary fighter pro -
Welton for such bombers as are
available to a point. when they can-
not safely be risked. It is probable
that all thee() factors eater Into
the mystery of Germany's pro-
gressively developing comparative
weakness in tho air,
"Sitting Ducks"
Now, of all times, it wuold bo
foolish to underestimate tit e
strength of the enemy. Ho may
have cards up his sleeve which
will prove dangerous indeed, In-
creasingly it appears, however,
that limiting factors as to produc-
tion, design and certain accessory
weaknesses of the German combat
air arta are contributing to the
mounting odds In favor of the Un-
ited Nations in the sides. Russian
courage and 1)100d have shown
that tho dread l'an.ers were not
invincible. 1n the harsh, broken
country of North Africa the Stukas
have been described as "sitting
ducks" and have fallen prey to
the Lightnings and the 1Varhawka,
the Al'Lichens and the Alarauel•rs
in at eve,rinct•uasing hag. It Ito -
gine to appear that the betucd.tled
Goering has missed his greatest
chance. The failure t.o date of the
vaunted Luftwaffe to rescue Rom-
mel and to strike back blow for
ruinous blow on IiritKain is per-
haps the most heartening current
aspect of the war,
British Armies Will
Take Sure Revenge
British armies have already in
this war done a great deal inure
fighting ting than Is apt to ho recog-
tlzed, siva' The Navy (Loudon).
They have had sad and serious
rovereee --(hart because the dice
were 100,101 impossibly against
them, and sometimes because per-
t'ormence fell short of neeption.
But the British armies whicic be-
gan tvitlt tho small highly trained
expeditionary force which fought
Ha way out of Dunkirk and went
on wit.'t the iusutlicicntly trained
eonting'nts which did their
daunedca1 In Norway, tiro now a
great and formidable power,
They will, we aro convinced,
take it sure and ample revenge
for all the setbacks which they
have suet ed,
REG'LAR FELLERS—He's Stuck with 'Em
�(' iILL PuT PA5re.
ON1.t4.5t STAMOS
, AN' PASTE r tui IN MY
, Snit)? ALBUM.
-rtes Is q GOOD\
PLACt tu6Hr tit0.E!
WIiLRt5 Tsar
f .
ONL! 1 HAD Vete (.1
my NAND ONt'f
''fide S(AN'S AGOG
:Around a table In a crowded
shabby roust in it I'olialt city,
once thriving and proud of Its
place in the march of civilization
and progress, but noW shattered
and in decay, a little group hall
gathered to eat together the Pias•
tor breakfast. Compared 11Ith that
steal In days of peace, this was a
pour parody, Itut by indomitable
endeavor, pooling of resources,
and Ingenuity, colon tt had been
provided to serve its symbole of
the traditional Polish Easter fare.
The assembled (Mal pally, mostly
women, on this out slending Palish
fancily holiday, we -re mere keenly
aware than on ordinary days of
the tragedies Ih:'t had befallen,
and of loved noes they \you'd never
see again, lint on title oecaston
t.ltcy had, as it were, resolved In
put away sorrowful thoughts Mid
smile and talk of other Gimes
And for tt time things \vent woll
• • •
Then a young wotuatt who had
suffered recent loss found the
strain too great and broke Into
weeping. C'onversatlon hushed In an elderly woman rose
from her place, laid her hand upon
the girl's shaking shoulder and
standing erect, In n voice without
a tremor addressed her:
"Do not weep, 'Today, the Day
of the Resurrection, Is not a day
for tears, Remember the w'orda
of the Lord, ilis assurance that He
would rise again. And Ho diel rise,
and we -are celebrating Ills reser:
rection, as so many have celebrat-
ed it before us, and will celebrate
it after us, Don't weep; fur Po-
land will rise again. And then
the martyrdom of your dear ones
will be enslu'ined and live forever
in the memory of the nation, and
God and our dear cetltttt'y will
comfort yea."
• •
\Vitt] that the speaker walked
slowly hack to her chair at the
end of the table. But the subbing
ceased and the voices that took
Op the interrupted c'onvereatioit
were strong tvitlt a reassured faith
and confidence, strong In the
knowlec)po that what has never
perished must of a certainty rise
"And 1t seemed," said the guest
who related this incident, "as If
tho roots had suddenly been filled
with sunshine."
Fog Is No Longer
Hazard To 1' i;?rs
Research in aviation to further
the t,ar Wort has iron:ht ntu ty
new mit alters in the indi'itry, in-
cluding an 1'101 r tuts
the clintinetion of the 1:'1 ;t,ds of
Hind flying tht'o: ah fog, etch at
night, says : resident 1 enc" t It.
Breech of the Bendie tvi 'on
le divide ell no details st hitt,
that "then;! ,ietelopn eats are SO
hrcad in the rune of ti cir appli-
cation for 1. ilila'y purpoeve that
I cannot hint to you hoe tit's has
been accomplished,
'11 can tell you that it is no
longer experimental, and I can
give you positive nsstu•ancr t:'ttt
fog, even at night, will jo'n Iho
long list of weather hazards con-
quered by man in his desire to fly.
",\Ian's genius has added an-
other great invention to the long
list of engineering advances that
now assures the airline pilot, re-
gardless of actual weather condi-
tions, n ceiling and visibility un-
Sir Edward Beatty
1Vii.h his ontployeee hi, rela-
tions were the finest, 115)e The
Ottawa Journal, 'Utter() was the
clay, telling his great heart, slam
Grant 11(111 brought him a list of
workers to bo laid off. It was a
cold wintry day. "hl. W.," its they
called hint, looked at the list, then
turned to a twindow to gaze out ttt
tt blizzard that ivas raging. ,111 he
said was:
„'Phis is a helluva day to L•t teen
out, Grant. Let's forget it.''
Thus Edward Beatty, spot l 00111,
h11111a tittriull, philautltt•OP!i', rail.
sv,ty builder; In heart and nett! a
big Canadian, '1'o him, to a!i his
kind, our country and FaiipS' owe
much. May tt•o keep lose and
honor his memory,
, Tugs Go to Sea by Rail
WREN ships go down to the sea by
rail a difficult transportation problem
is involved. A record in rail transport
has been set by operating oilicers of
the Canadian National Railways in
the recent successful movement of
two large tugs, built far inland, to
the seaboard.
"Ward" and "Watch," terms as-
sociated with security and .guardian-
ship, are the names of these tugs.
'They were transferred from their
native element in Georgian Bay
waters over the lines of the National
System to att East Coast seaport
where they are now engaged in war
work. 'These 60 -foot overall tugs
were built at Owen Sound, given
their trials there, taken from the
water and swung on board Ilat cars
to begin a railway journey of more
than 1,300 miles.
'rhat sounds simple but a tug
cannot be knocked dozen or folded
up, particularly in this instance
where the steel hulls are welded.
}[eight and breadth of the hull
provided material for a lot of operat-
ing headaches which lasted from
Owen Sound to the Atlantic. Placed
on iter side on a flatcar the top of the
Iead was 18 feet, 9 inches above the
top of the rail. 'The actual beast of
the tug is 11 feet 6 inches so that
when loaded on the car the hull
projected two feet beyond the car
edge on one side, the awkward posi-
tion being due to the necessity for
establishing a safe centro of gravity.
Overhang constitutes a problem on
any part of a railway and particularly
so at curves. It was necessary for tine
National System engineering depart-
ment to check the plan of every
bridge between the terminal points,
a big task when carried out over
1,300 utiles. Some clearances were of
the scantiest, the smallest being
barely one inch from the top of the
load at a point where a highway
crossed over the railway.
The side overhang was a Nigger
problem than lite height and it was
necessary to arrange for every train
in which this load was included to
stove at restricted speed when the
second track was t•aeatt. The entire
transportation involved a series of
carefully planned movements.
The transportation was carried out
successfully and "Ward" and
"Watch" are noa' in salt water
performing their tasks of moving
barges is the Canadian National
lighterage service which daily handles
great quantities of supplies and war
material taken from the rail terminal
and transferred to ships carrying
vital cargoes for the United Nations.
Dip got) Do
----^—�'?r•5a�.r �" i1-25
t the t„i-day dispel sal side at STnr)thanl, Strathmore fled() Non-
pareil cost Harry Hays of Calgary 111,275.
Western Holsteins
Sold At Markham
Herd of C.P,R, Supply
Farms, Alberta, Realizes
One tlnn(1t'e(1 and forty•ono Hol-
stein -Friesian (-attic from the t',
P. It. supply farms at Strathmore,
Alberta, were sold at 1larkhant
April )2 and 13 for the snm of
Cattlemen from every 1'ru\:nee
hi 1'an:14111, as ,veil as btlyert; f:'u:n
1110 Ignited 'States, crowded the
canopied tent 1.r( 1 11 11 an 1110 Fair
Gr;uIds, fo hill for the I;1'1111,41;
t1111440rmrlr0 x01110,
1'110 1,111*) 444134 uffi':!1111y 1)111 1114/
by 000•(.0 (', ,larks"n.
Ont., president of rho Ilei: -t1. n-
b'r;, ..:,to Associtillnn, ,:ud inn tri, f
env( homy before (no sale vein•
mei red a pie,i•ti'alion on behalf
of 1lot te}n bre' d(:rs of Edstio n for their groat (work in
dev:';aping; Strathmore ilol;le.lir,
wills luado by I;,:ern M, ('Ir nun;•,
Wer •ally of the I lulsteiu-Frir:.i;l
As •ia1;011, In John 11(1';Ilio)!,
111;' titll0Ildrlli of 1) 'ril'llltllr(' for
tin, (.' 1'H, lu \Costern Canada, and
J. ,\rtIiiir Hay, farm mans , r at
St: di a 1)10e,
4, ndell 33 1(11:'1 at;o todem.l-
Iltl. et that dairying could be
r10o ant suceessf )lly In \\'(s101'11
01111. d1(, 1.110 5111111 11110111 herd has
mad( a magnificent conlributi,t)
to ilp;!culture and to Ito develop -
312C HI of the Iloislein breed
rambling- :he proverbial
011( 1' t is a ellllplt' pr'ul)lelll (1u111-
partd 'titin the 1:451. of eepal':(:il:4
cop;'•( r, line 1110 s.tcci lilac alt :ul
1)1l\, li typifier 40 the twiny rr
lullillg from hullet•l:.aking oilers•
tlor.s :11 :\murie:: 1 IIIt0ILtlo)1°.
plant , Tho difficulty is u ilew
pnc, caused ly the decision of (Le
US. Army's Ordnance D. n;n't-
niont to change over from bullet,
jackets, made entirely of soft
bras-, to brass -,1411 steel jacket':,
&knee Service s:1\ 5,
A modern bullet i; 0 relati\c1y
complex affair. instead of the
olmplc solid leaden :.lug 11,•011 i1
11th(:' v.ars, high -velocity rifles
like the Garand and the Spring-
field cleomnd a bullet, with a hard
jacket, filled 4vith n lead•autinlony
alloy to give it weight and hal-
ance. A copper -zinc alloy that
amounts to a soft: i)1'ass (11
sally, ''gilding metal") has been
used, Strap from jacket -making
opex't:ens \vitt this metal can
shpiy- be melted down and ro-
But for economy's s;:dtc, it was
decided to use a steel jacket coal -
td 44'ilh only about 20 percent of
its weight in the gilding -metal
alloy. In the scrap, the steel is
still firmly stuck to tho alloy and
it becomes a chemical jot to
separate them. it is decidedly
worth doing for the scrap produc-
tion is now estimated at nearly
20,000 tons a month.
The problem has been met by
the use of a common Solvent, cup-
ric alllnlonium carbonate, already
used by some copper producers on
ore and commercial scrap,
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Harness Supplies.
We sell our goods only through
your local Stnco Leather
Goods dealer. The goods are
right, and so are our prices,
We manufacture in our fac-
tories — Harness, Horse Col-
lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Man -
k• Leather Travelling
iF a n d eea1.r
gtp ^ C
Trade bfarked Goods, and yyou
get satisfaction. Made only by:
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
tllrolivhoot caned, and 1)1 1:Ilit1'4l
'rhe famous herd, has (von more
than 910) lt(,l', reeurds, }11011111.
ing 1WU 1,001) and 1,1011 pound fat
records and 30 of from 800 to 900-
puun'is of fat. The greater proper•
tion of 11114 records n•as 111udo
under normal conditions, One of
smelt reeord•hol(iil1 ''hws, Strnth-
1)10re R 0:t Nina, \Villi a record
of Imre 1111111 yen !11)!111'6 of butter-
fat 10 0 year, 1) 415 purchased by
\'.AI. Iluticrli;ld, }lr'"'lif'rl, N.i.
1lirilest price '! 1111 first da}•
W85 llrn',I;;IIt by 5;:':,'hlioro Lenore
111!111. Ilrlre•ye'u`oi'I 114111',1111 Or of
11)l011l \'011 111410'0 Sir 111-4i1) , for
R'lli(•'I ,1..1M '•4:0. 10111 by Arin.
341111110 1:;.11110(:- o.` !Irnmplon aft-
er ,.1i' 1141,1111: :,,It".I.�J A, S.
tee e! Vii• ILI, ('a 1, '!'lo sire wits
111)41;4' ! I,' \'', ,I. 1,V140,1 of .\llistoi
V:. ,:11111 v:,.. ')I. ]::51.;( in-
dit;,l;0ll 11:1(11•( :1t ;hl 10Ie, I01iiug;
14 Lead of ('11111 ', 1): •;n(Inl;; , pair
of loll • 1111 n,;! Mini 1'
2101 1.1 oil,
.lrn;,lrong; Broth.. •; ;1101 took
Sir, 1 same Kut,:, \l'1.\\•lutea 411.
5.1,11.,-1, Arthur t; uf'li);aii of
H';ll:-,t:lA ria 01, :1 ; ,r,l11)1no •p
,'eat,) ' x'4:14;) 01 ;1.0..0, and till
iwo \ ear -old Strathmore I) a 15)'
Vrini :! 111311..9,,1.1 all 1110 iltd of
S1uit!1)1: von MI l'111 n! \\-oudsto k,
011x.-,110 o1' .'tir•, 3;,11; en's purehas•
es fe4\' uuimaln )1.'t t):It:u'io, .1l-
togerner purchased 11o1 -
steins, one Pali' going to 1';rsklun
Smith ()' :,1(p1n.ti )4(t, \,l'., find
two g(":44)1 lu 411, N, (1' Ilrnn5wlck
lfolsl('0 1'101,
Value Of Tourist
Traffic To Canada
Past•War Period Offers Op-
portunity To Hotel Men
Sidle of the ill.ncf:1.4 that 41'111
£rri•U1• 1'1 (.0I(;;:011:'!' 111(' 44,0'
w( 1'4' ::1'11'1:: It to ; he ;;t i(')Iti(;t ul
nl041 .>''r:0i\•,...; 1111 .'44 '' l'1 ily
11', \ el'nult 1';4111,•, 11 1411'1 10:-
1:111-e 11140 or 1.140 . "4,( 1:4: riot :'
to tra\el, .\]r, ('ard: : i:;nif:cant-
ly pointed out. ill;,' (:1:1:1,1;4 ;s 011
tLe ii,' l Ouse cru: --x14(1 and will
be 1,.11.!.11 1' b('11,'::: 11'0'0 411( ro:,5-
t11 ail (x(41';, 11(2101 hold 111 :1 hulel nu•4: pr. p:;111 l'or a
to train for
Ag.n 16.30 (111litary exempt)
Sub,. l' 10 ' allowance given while
in training; as follows:
Single Alen and All ,,'omen, 59,00
per week, Married Alen, $13:00
weekly, Glenda of families outside
110010tull get $5.00 extra)
10 -Week courses are provided at
the Hamilton 'Technical Institute
,Machine Shop work' men or women
Welding; (Arc, Gas)men or women
Power BewlnK Machine - women
Drafting - - - men or women
Industrial Cheluistry, amen 1.r woolen
Graduates of these courses are in
great demand at good wages
Write, Phone or Apply to
Director of War Emergency,
Hamilton Technical tnstitule,
Hamilton, Ontario
Days, 14. Evening's, Monday
minion -Provincial War
rtnergeney l'rogrumtne
vast inc7'('711e in tourist business.
. e 0
11'0 are nil familiar with the
vahut at' the tourist. lr:;fti,: to the
1)nnliniull in normal 104(0, (lie
of the re: -elution, arllyt(:1 )y the
hotel nl('11 opened tvitl) the sL(1)-
inent: "'tourist, e:;;l,'n(littu'c.s con-
stituted the 14:'.;4 impultant e':; (l)
item in (!,1'l:llta'o letl:Hive ii 1111,'!•-
natinn;:l heinre lite
vat'," 0111 0(:Ile(I 11,:14 „1401 ti,e
'4:10 "I.1 I'. t, l'
i 1 ! to C.: ;1n eyed U:'. :role.:!:.1
•1'(' tit' 1! ' tom. I (!-
11'1 r
n 4:11' t :',
, •
Ioti1's,, !:c 111 1: „1 ! , ., 1'!-
711":i!71i1't'l.y ,
1141:111 :t 'lll''i'"':at,1111,
servile 0r tram -11,1'1:d 111, boost:
of which remains in the country
to. be "sold" again.
This is an interesting commen-
tary on the nature of tourist. busi-
11e01 lied its value as a continuing
asset. We should plan now to take
full advantage of the wider oppor-
tunity the post -w111' period will
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
1. '1'o 44140111 should a wedding
gift be ad,li•ersed?
2. When no entertainment fol-
lows a dinner, how late should n
guest feel. ;irk ilegeil to le0tain?
3, Is it 1111 right to effect little
l latinl ri'•nlS mud peri.11i;rit'(.' of
4, ist,'1 it 0.I' 01 Noce for 0)11
person to 141\V8) 1 monopolize f 110
conversation, tuid try to do all 1140
5, Is 11;(' 11,1.1', 1;0111 10 11111(' 41!1
vcgctahll•(4 front 14:0 (limn'', plate
when 0:11 ing”
0. Is \',11441' -1:1. „1114 col":• of
)taper pe(n)is''-ii'1,. 'ler r:,u'r0\int.,,
AIIFx'P ra
1. 'fo the !sire', ,:\•1.11 lhomch
WO may 0'0, know ;ler 01er):'4(:aily,
111111 111041.1 14 0(!,t 415 4,11011
bible niter the weddint, invitation
Is 0erei\ed 2. .Nn! Eitel' than
QI)Ven o'clock, (i, No; avoid
then(, since they 01'0 aS Lad AN
11ffectat.inms in matn:er. 1. Yes,
Sic ICidt(•r Raleigh said, "Speak -
lug much i; a sicn ()f vanity; for
he that ;s lavish in words is a rug••
earl) in decd." 5. Yes, all vege-
tables exo 01:), t!:l' few which are
taken in the fingers should be
eaten with the fork. 11. \\'1,ilo or
ivory )1::14 he )14,('41,
How Can I ? ?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How x:431 1 n:;,kr ma:•hrd pc-
littnes lipid. and fluffy?
A, not 11110, 0'111011 a little at
8 111111', µb1)1 1 0.1liltl' pal:1100,
\4'111 11:1}1(• 11 0 lili:t. and fluffy,
Beat, (h. L.;. ''Ad], the mill:.
Q, 11'44 , .,.4 I 1)01''4; onion
odor fro!:) 10(0. and
A. 141:r 11 „r.(1 '!r the utrn4,:i4,.
(.hen scut,( y, ,' 1) cenn 11)1 }ail, anti
!,lace flood ''0 1 h '10';' until 11,,'
.1111, is i,:00 . 51':41:( "rte:,. ti: 'I'
Q. iluw 1.L,. 1 1' 41:01'0 (110:. 1111'1
dirt h''ln 0!:11001 i lu'1 :'
A. IIsi' 1) 114!10 t,ll•11, titin. on 11
soft 1'!o)1:, 10:134 will leave 0 :tic(.
gloss '11 1:,.' 11;41'0.
Q, How cal 1 01 a (x"61-(1
li')'ing )(1l11
A. 0n) ia;g'le wo: :s iu fill
the parr \' ith 1ot. 44::11•' tr which 11
10a5p00nf4(1 11)' 44011J(44 5('111
000]) pow(1(,' has "en al!,irll, :\1 -
low to hod for a fr4v
empty, rind rinse,
Q, llo.v ran 1 341:100 tet\
bloods )0ttor ?
\, When )'':,4rti:lg, 1-4400) 11,'05
1'(1)1 the 1'1,444 north 04)'! Snlltll and
they 14111 idoole far Letter than
when 1.(111 en,t. and 14054.
Linotype Operators and Coin-
' positors apply to your nearest
11nlployment. and Selective Ser-
vice Office. ]11':11'11 'I'O 1'11,1:
No. 1106'5.
AfRelieves distress from MONTHLY'
Lydia E. Ptnkbam's Vegetable
Compound not only helps relieve
to monthly pain but also week, nerv-
ous feelings -due to monthly func-
tional dleturbnncee.It helps build up
resistance nitnlnst distress of "dial -
cult dols." Made In Canada.
Have You Heard?
Pureed to put on his brakes
sud(1enly, the ,fiver of the sports
ear found it shouting crabwise
((r0:,v the rood, just missing a
14.0)) Il, 1 10 ((11' it stopped.
:p strolled a pnli('enlan.
he I ei,ur ,ed geni:illy,
'pod 1,01 a 1,:'.'' .:'I th('ru, Kir."
', 4,;444, .II 11,1•, n1 .144141', '.4.08 the
)a . , ty 1;', ;.;, ''this 1' :ty is my
"1r, e: '"1 he do.:ler (aid at
onc0 t'•..:1 1 ,:`_,'Ilyd a rt;.ou-
la. 1, I I. ',i he nn..,•(I to 100
4. v 1.. ,
1 ) 4 • , ,. 11 , 4 - • .1)1
"( !, i 1 .1 1 ,0i
i,u 1 , 11,'1 el AA y' , ,, 41,1011-
"ls 'oil de jud:;e of repro -
",'yell, I am the proluttc judge,
if that is what you mean."
"Yassuh, das'sit, All 'spects.
Well, 411istuh Judge, it's like din
Dinh husbai' has done died de-
tested, and lef' me with '1
little infidels, and Ah wants to
be appointed as de
Mrs, Style: "1 want a hat,
but it must be in the latest
Shopman: "Kindly take a
chair lnndant, and wait a few
minutes, the fashion it just
changing." '
"Your methods of cultivation
oro hopelessly out of date," said
the youthful agricultural eollege
graduate to tilt: old 11)';1), r. "Why
)'d he nstnni'hed if ell',: go, even
ten pound', of app1) s from that
"Sr, v,uul•i 1," 11';,1:,,1 the
lamer, "It's a pt fir ire, "
Hillbilly drama:
"Ye better move 3111( foot
paw; yer alandin' on a live
"Which foot, maw?"
"Why (1,,'14't )00U 14(1\'('1'11::0?"
(34111 111e Iepresentat:\'e of a
hew:,pap( 1' Of 0 ((114)1 44 Lo owned
u small business in a provincial
"It. don't Teale a Haul any
time," was the reply. "1 adver-
tised once last sun1lnir and the
10!l1((laenclf 144(41 1 w}t8 ki'pt AO
hUsy 1 di(1n't Have time to Ifo
fishing the whole seas(1!)."
Big Madre' gasket
Nee t_Qd' For Army
Whoa 1 ho I). 1l. Army goes to
market, thea' are 0(4(11(1 of the
(hil'l's It hoe!' ) hl 1(!1011.
Ahuu! I;,...;)11,,,,:),.1,1,11411,1,11
M ) 1'19 uP 3'0411 a flay
11.0.1 to b" 1014 0• sed. or 0110011
(u I(': 41 I-11'!) ,111 ,,1'r (ICI! and a
1.1 lru'.tn1!'; ,1 ,t,r , ,e' compared
i:;t tl ; 1,,o' ;•', ;:,,t,, a chili;;n
„41:,1 !(,14111 1, .3
11'1; ! n!' 't",le 1 110 1041:, 040 1'1:1'(.!1:3
1(1' "1 11(11141:1 w.]! 11!:4140 a 11110 of
1(:1141 alba',, a, I,1i. 011 1110 Eolith e
Mole Ilt'il(lin,'. The bill 01(1110.3 to
$2.750,000 a day.
The least pnpuhlr food le spin -
eel); next is oysters,
For sl!IpmPl t oaerseas, a tun of
ea.n'uts can ho reduced to 190
pounds by new methods of dehy-
dration, and a pound of dehydrated
1101111o0/1 feeds 25 men.
Germans Extend
Slave Labor Laws
Allied Government 00110ces to
London re1101'1 11 3oceitll}- that (ler-
01811 •'0»IpUL:0:•y la11er to WO 111440
been extended to include all Women
ill ;01 the oceupil.1 ''0(1nU•114.
M,lm: ncenlonl 't the ('0014 1.p-
I!11a (,P f'mnrh 0000 t4 fo:' Ge; ratan
labor (.1 1'11('4' 4',r- 1)0(108 '1•S i, ;o
is j; I1, -
5)1) ) 1111 0 1 . ,., 1'.::, LL's and
(ieel'lllail ('Oil:lll0: 6. a In tithe; 1,£1.
11..11:( ;lave x0''0!4 e'! 0:'(111` :n tako
1relita!n: ry sill i,• ),4,(:',1 the ir,1:e1
enrolment of t1 0(!(:!, 110. 1.'11.4.034
014'1 file 1)01011 ;,00.1:1 )Iv 41: ' the
lirO 8f10 0 ' 1,
All 1Vulllell :11 (lin;-, ' .1:I1,II,1G
bet Weell the :Ig1.11 of 17 0101 15 ;:r0
being regi.. telr,l a :11 t;;,.,:. '„1.'i
01)0)14 any pre' ),,:,r' :rpt: ie1 r4- in
Alarried wun!en are lnolut ed, bat
exp'4 taut. mothers and those Ra111
\ery 5111011 children are exce!rterl.
Ages 211 ; eal's and o\ 1.r; Harried; Physically fit; at least 5' tl” iti
stocking foot; 1 0 lbs.; of good character and ,'air education.
7'o he 11414:18)10 for ;Ili1'001111)('nt illl!1lelhtttely, t till'"1'•41 clothing
Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office
Refer to File RO.591
,14.1:.\ rs. 44 .1.V1.1:1)
Roll your owri:orsI
go for C jd ' ;
A Hod River cart in filo old d::,'3
of the West was something to
hang on to... Old-timors will irl)
you that once you try Ogden's,
you'll stay with it because it's A
roll -your -owner's dream — a
distinctivo blend of choicer, riper
tobaccos. Try it today.
Ogden's quality for pipe smokers,
too, In Ogden's Cut Plug
Ar: oder shutting 301011 shape
and ;1'Is.11tess '44!;; l41011:Ion!s in
Gr'r:nanv '0 mobilize moil? men into
the a"In•: and w„)' 141(!.4: •1:(•41 also
was: h( ing' 154('110:1 'o :110 occu-
pied 1' I:1: ':es and its al pl:oatlon
ie tF11r,di:111' 10:';Il_1.7:1 1) 1:Zeel10•
hlu4akir., ;t. was reprIlli,:,
Mechanically•minded youths to
train in Aircraft Engineering
with pay.
Mechanics with automobile ex-
Apply nearest
Employment & Selective
Service Office
Refer to RO 700
Fl E Wit,' TISE
1,4( 410-( N'' ,1.,111' 0 n, h to
1o:1 lie Ili I.1.` : '01:',
3041 1:,1 11,1 .1. '
04 r ,l, t 4 11111(t 1f
Int';(•(' . (4. ..1. '.4 ,VIII
total :41 4( 0,-
1'1,1,111 :,':• ''0 '.1::.41'4, 1.0.11'0-
1114 lel: • .i'
11.1111 (11!(.111
1:1'1;1:1(04 'I: 1:'.44'.1 \! ,,11'14,
al.) peel:, . , hr, ,1 4,1(•11
1(`t, all • rad 1
01. 4111
i,4' 0. TI ': ,\1'! .0.'111 111:141' 111:-
41' n! le :1 for
0,.11IS. 41,: ,•,: d,(0:, ( 44,1:11•'t
0%cl'. 'rh:' , + ,111 (, , d „11
Zhu hull, . :he 0),.1'1 ,:., 11.
4'111:(1,,,, o 4(,u '„ - I ((1111
of :, ("u;:: \oit 441,1 :, the
�hi,•!t, n j':1 ,:.c. 1 r l,. j.1CAt
14' :p to 1 :: 1.,'' !011 Putile
Pi thd
111:0 1 444 1444' .':II, (1 ' „ (1)1-
suulPt(,.u. 1., ('4)1 'i„ h:• .40 ell
t r r' 11 ' 1(400
1110,,,1-t1 F ,4 1i 1 0.10x`. .\I-., tor_
1)34 4111(1 „ , :• poll, 4•. .1-I) 101'
nal• 10x' 1' 4l1( :1101 in( -
(1011n (4l 1• );1.'t 1
('hlrk II., t '0 r'1.:: 0,1'x• o, (' 1-
Y1,', (),t..;
I: A ('0;..::' 'f (1 I' !I (1 1; 0
'4!:,-!e ( r'• ' 1. ,t to it. . •41:,,(1,
lint x ith ,•4. • 4 month) ,.:d 111,10
font 14) t a', a I:•, ,1 r 0 , : (1(11)4
(14(00' I:,:,4 11411111.•(' ,! 0„ t l :
I'. 1 x1101(( 1, 14, 0:1411, (411,01114y
sur 0/110011 04,rnetr. )'Ccs 1141;1
poultry :,:.::0, ,(-
maintain ;moll, health u•,11, these
Haul ;shill.: 3 �odv 111,1 11., 1: 111e any
DI( 11111. 1:1:43 10,1,'(,1.;), 1,1'1 ,10011
;Q., Ila11111''0',
nl:I:M AN ) 111:1; 1•:(11 II'411:\'t'
i0l11.)) 1044 ,'1011 1 (1(1 110118,
Sup( ra Ex' :• tot, Fel''' - etc.
1, S. Shier, 9,5 10!fftrlh .4v•:nue,
1,:,ndun, lh'
FOOT 1.11.41
FAl1M1•)0 A 11'11' 11.1i.41 '1 •treys
offensive i dor Instantly, 45e
battle, (tt:awa agent, I(10lnan
drug( slut,, 031 (44•,4,
.11111,11S I'lllt S,41 )4
1•AR71E 1;1,:1111111.1 IS 111'1,11S, l{A1N-
bow collection, 2 doz, 51,10 de-
livered. JCnyper's Bulbs, 1L•ltrlc,
P.(`. We 4r"0" the 1,,a( 111.0',
POI! SA1,11
1110l,CIJ V(..)I(R0111111: II CI A 1t k,
and POWs, front two months up.
Ire, and ,'ants bred from the
'vet Adv'ar.,•ed Registered breed -
ng. One choice Clyedale Still -
on; one 11a"kney Stallion, Coi-
1 e dog pure heeler:, two fe-
males, eight months working'.
Herbert .1. Miller, Keene, Ont.
t'1''`l'CLE 1'AIFi'S 1'51:I1 ANIi NEW,
Frontes, (it e0s etc. \411l accept
fir bur for 1'ASll. Ladles' Bicycle
end 'i'i'"'rle ports, 1111)- rundl-
11104e, 41. 1.111.01s, 374 t:4:,:face
street, Ottawa,
0; \01.0 ,'04113 1111(1111: ISLAND
Reds, 1:011.1.ition Qunlit), EGGS
for bet'hilig:. (;roup one $8.00 for
1f-.- 33.. n fur 30---37,00 for se.
111:11 I:ri' e after April 15th.
',.1,1:1d•.1: ,4 7.0 ,o. \\"hitl,y, net,
ISSUE No. 17-43
I'IS11lit 1 1 41)4 4.1 1,I
n) pr.
10 !11110 .. . •
11 ',I r.:
t'l0 41
1'0111 • 1: . '1.1y., t;(;:. .`,114101,
1.. ,41••111(14, 1)•
' F(LI V. 111:It 111 l'LA \'I •
0,11'..•. • Inlet. 0-
,4 1 (t' ! •41)•.:43'
111 11.1' • 1 (l'1.—:' .l :'
7. 1(,11 ;:•' '. I';I I,1„
,':1!!'11,:1 Wt.., • Ir10' 1.1 d(-
41', ,l :nth,
111 1:1:0, ,. 1 I,I:1,\1\(t
1,11 ,\\41111',(. NI:1:110
(11(,114: '.4 110.11411::'0 141)!(' to 11
1,1' I:folio:oho 14'0 fire glad to
a;I-wet your ,!)I": Crus. Depart,
111":1t 11, 1,1r6e4':I Llyo \torics
1,1n(:r11, 7411 1 ,..41. Street, '1' i•
I'Alt11 1 lift 1.11,1:
10-.4''111: 1 .1L11 'I; ;I I:, ONE
oho. from .4 . !'.:,0 (lar., 011
)11;' 14'.1 l y 1
:4) 11 1' I'
1: I1. ,, 1, ,4
i7.''' 1':\1411, ; •t .\`'11)•:5 1'(41;:;_
r :.'t, tour), .11 !1.1,10..'.1, : (,e
44 is .11. 1:)')(•111 :1.1 {:!,:;'. I.L, ''11:-
,4.0' Poll., it ,ie
P. 1„ 10 i 10 ll; ,'. :', !1',, d,
h ",t, ,,ft \4' :!. c 1, (!'
111111:0111.1 p. ,v ,
no4,: 'rr, 64\'d t, 'I 4!:,014.
1:1,,1111111,1 s 114 1,111
(;(,.41':(Ii,l'8 114 1,• -
111':dl'0t,1, ')Iii ,
11.1MDR 1:s1I\(; S4'11041,
L I•: A It N 11.111:! )I11:Fo!N1; 4'111;
!tom:risen met 11,1 inform t:i4n
on :1quest
li •ierl,:;n's 11:11x1((- in4 lead.
('1:14, 437 .4 e('n"e !0:t!, 'Forma.,
11);1,1' 44 IN 1101
k '0(;l,l; 410N \1'.1N'CI:I' .)0 )'11,4.1'
4111/1)(P('1! dair (,u,') Apel)', 4.;
gn0 (g4 :alit 14 .,}:tom. Iv 4410,
0111!11,, 1).13, :, 1:::(01,•4
14:4\"1'1:1) 1(I:I,iAI;i,1•: \4''0,1:\N (1(111
11.0, 1 work and il' :r cooking
1(1 Private home In Tot onto. roe'1
home, liberal (tuunes, (_':i) three
to fnntlll'. Ver 1„'.d 414(5'4”. l'rr,
{laid to Toronto. 44 rite fully Post
Office Rex ,,;1;, '1',,;on'o.
F1\'1•: POUNDS t)-\ Illi (.1001' $:.'0,
Five 00011034 Virginia end Burley
Leat for pipe $',re: Face 1'000(141
Virginia Leat Cigarette Tobacco
12.05. Postpaid. Natural Leaf To-
bacco ('o., Ieaminetam Il1110 ie.
NA.'l'(.'1tl•:'8 l3EMla(I1:S. i'CI.A'r
1'ile Torture with Palo Balsam.
Money back guarantee $1.10.
Artlu•ite and Rheumatism train
qutekly relieved with lreenatene
and ,Lemon. One months treat-
ment 51.00. Indian Remedies, Box
113, Vancouver.
1'l"S I:\('1'1,1,1:N'1', 11(011, It100I'LTS
after taping 1((1,:11'•+ 11i lids) ter
Ithcttmati'' f':,iur
:And "41(1 ItIF,
1du11u's 1'rugre ;'35 Elgin,
Ottawa. I'ostpaiti 311'0,
of'1't.ltt 1'11 INVU\'1'01414
AN (J1'1'ER TO (1V11111' I:i4l.:NTu'It
14101 of !ctr:Woos nod 11:') 41fe:•
motion I ens ft, e, The Rami-s:y,
Co., Itero:ter,.d Pay et 0!:,;rue's,
273 Rani; Street, '114,(0'1,
Patent Soto: aura, 1':0taulls1(e,3
1190; 14 11,14 4ve.t, 'Toronto,
13uv!,Ict of !:Iforinatle.n en 1r-
qucs+t•--- -�__
PATI.;:vr`. 1\1) '('It01)11 S1hIt11"
INVl::.'i'('10.1 I. 1111)1:1.\ 11.4'1; Lei
how ;.• 4': ' nn, 1.1;. 1,. 13gt 1•-
Tor, ,11. !' „s:he.l , 441 f1..: 43'
ye:: r.-,
1'1;1(111\ AL
WO1:i,l,'s 1, i:1:,\'rr:s'1" ('
cryF) n;ii:.1 i, 1 : , S, ,:
Plrth.j:+r and 1 1, I'1( 1,\ 5
tt ,141
gun (' 4'' 1-1, 4'
coo:, 14 •,n 1'' , .
4117 I .. ! .1., ,:r.
1'1: 1,4'1'!, 1), \1 n't\e.
111; 0 1'1:.\'""(,'.11, 01 11,1' 1144:•
1, , .1 I
11, ,, .,, 1!• . 1' 44 ,4, r
fr, 1 ':'• 1, 1, ':t ',.1) 1 ,e; ,r ..
11, i' L,iR 11
s, .! '111 rt I1 11: 1: ,1
141,41 I), I,'' (', ((1
Pi1tor(tult 11'111
1'01 Ileal, 1(81)), u, 111111
Bei) erttl 1y Slam
Any b r: S t 4P, >(1:0 1;101 pet recto,
developed 411,1 printed rot r,nty .04',
Stint eine 11lty and Ns: 4101vi,e
5(1(11:41:): '!.
ion J, 1'," '((t,.
Itiii:t SIA'I'IC
1'19111,1: 0111; TALK IN.; AI.01 '0
the good od results 1'1 001 (1(11(' 1;
L)t\1.r'N 11.1(4101- for linetimat''
Pain: 1,1:0 N. tn:lis. ;,,:d 1(t
10111 '11(4 1'!)11 5:;1,. :i:f 1:1(;1!
Ott' 14;1. 1'4.41111:1 !lite,
BRl'1'I�R .'1(Lt1\4(04 ANL' 1014-
14(411 ''I('rt'':(Is, 3 4aim r Neu-
toumlLu,,l 110131 Panni,,, used, tet
gpplir:,uts se041n); 4':, 11011, 3,)
FOR SAI,I;—AN 00141,1: ';AS',(LI\E
Traction 1(ti.
he 30 H.I.t1( belt,
clutch 11111' ), price S:tst,"1•, Apply,
to (1141110, Jvhn I'. 11411, Bancroft,
used, for all makes of tractors.
Genet I,1 Auto and '!Tactor Supply,
12 b'icdl:rtch St., Kitchener, Out.
icioctostectetatttclovittottoctecctomtatct4actocivoccilitctoctoctoctoctoccoctctocti OBITUARY AUCTION SALE
IS:the G. 11'Iiil'11'oo(I Of Farm Stock and imptementc.
Lul 11 (''Onyyl;dull 1 L \ltl illuil
Elliott insurance Agency
J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
I Office Phone jot,
111'. Isaac NIar\vuud, agtt S:i. died at
I LI miles tw st 0f \\'thou, nn 'fnI'sttty.
iv hi,; IIultt'lt 'I')\tt1 hip rr.;idt'ncr, Ih'' n
A :April -Illi, at 1,1.^nclnyli:
K Nth ,'once.<sion of Hallett, on Sunday'iI' \'I"I''11t: 1 1'urhanl cow, -, ye•sur•,
R April I,sth, In his S:h•d year,
fresh; Durham cow, duo in Sept., II
PI ; 11r. \I,n•wvru(1 w'as a sun of the Dat
yours 0111; Durham row, s year., Ohl.
da ,101tit ldarwuod and Alice lirt'cnit'y, Il't'sh; 11,10,,,,,,cow•, 7 yt',u',i 0111, fresh.
A,11111 was knit in I';,Lst \VIIWaiuitih. near I)urh,un t'o11', s p.m..: o111, due in tit l.;
614nmy<I rook, 1It' lived ill East Wawa- I) heifer, glut' in dine; Holstein
l'hono 12 or 110. g no:h until 1 was farty•ticvcn years; of cow, fresh s ,,,,,,,,s uitl; ,; ylttull; t 11
ti age, 111o1wln Which in' moved onto wci;; '1 Fall calves.
y�, `1 t.�i`31c,',).3'',XliDil'i; l`D.1alai,'3i�loi`,.it`d1`D,21`.�i`.a 1 Ile 1luall liI1'y', 11'ilel'e Ill' I't'sldt•it for
EN"hl dl~13.y:.s7c,�d7�'^J.�,�1�7<'1.3,'.-'',a�l�lc�l..�l.: a "'i �''� � <�
No writing. No money orders.
No bother. Just call or phone,
100% live delivery guaranteed.
111;1115 furls : utv, due in Alay;
eleven year, before removing to the yell< : n\\'-, till; time of „de.
11Th coney>,j in Where Ile spent lh' 11;\t'IMNN':It\' ` tont 1111 hey Mart•;.,
r1 mainit:•; !trimly -three years til' his
\t. lila in 11ei•I•nwell Me: returnedbinder, in gond repair; 1 7 fool Ala.:-
lil In I!lo,S he married •Altu•lha
Intro\ after spcndiit. the \winter s, y'l hulls lis h(uder, in good r1 pair; tiili
in � 1
til, w to 'survives kiln, '(here was no delivery rah•\; pi -loot dump rake; I::
Toronto. I tamlly.
1, N,ixun creed drill; 13 hoe No>..OI
;•eycl drill; I 3•1 \v.Igun trod ritrlc; 111'•
COI 1'11 lint; c'rt tin senor,' tor; 7111
1111. ca1;;t0ity, \with motor ttlt,t ''led, in
perfect condition; 11a'a1'y parr;; ',tot
\I r. an11 \I vs. Ih•ow'n of Clinton, ! Ie;i11es his Wife, lie is .sto.vhed by
spent Suretac \with Alr. tutil Alr:'''.lour sisters, Alrs. rh;unlh'y, St. Aligns.
`11 \tart Johnston. line; Airs. Itohh,
Lull<u0w; Ain:. Fitz.
\li;:. Alargaret N,s" it( ha; return"t1 gera'vl. Kincardine; and 1Ir.5. \\';n1•
hent,' from 'rowan..
'sky, ('limon.
Air'.\\'ill 51rnnt;h:ln, (foul rich, will' Fnraw
1 service, ere held from the
AI r. and At'.. T. 1Lu+`sort' Int'
,1. 5. \'tit llrtw Funeral 1' Irlo'; on 'I'II ';
'1110,0 allynd:ng the I't't !) •ti Intl day „ilei a 11111, April 20411, at p.m.
al Itru' els welt'. Mlrs, .\Ihert ('ante. Rev. :1. E. Alenzies, porton• of the
hell, \11 \\'i::lti int , Airs. Fred Toll; D,onnesbiro lhlil.•i1 Church, conducted
Miss \\'iuuil I'anrpbell' Itoe service,;, which \were largely at•
Alis Doreen Vincent has :;ectired a�fended. 1'ttil"::arer5 were, Sidney
position in the (tank In ltlyth, housing, Joseph Yunghlutt, Ilarold
\r ISprumg, Willis Alounlain, \\'In. (rovier
land Albert Elco. Interutcut wits mule
The 1.;tlIts of \\'estfi' Id ,net on AI r. ,Incl, :\rntst'ong spent the tweel<-
\\'e lett i,Iy morning lrning in the haseno'at end \\Atli hit; potents, Alr, and ;Mrs.
et the United (.'hnrch toll conlpfl ted David .1nm-trnng.
In the Union Cemetery.
Harvey Sheffield
I Ited l.);; 1luilt-. R1'11 lr1. ; ;''wins; l Air. and Air,. John Vincent of Code- Mr. Harvey Sheffield passed away
was gt\011 out. The Ialifes servetl rich \vele Sunday visitors with• at his home in St. Catharines on
a lot Lucie Dinner. :\ collection was 1ti\es here• tiumlay, April IStit, hl his •17611 year.
taken to cover expense`'\uotlu'c Ringo and I);uu'e w;.; held l It' was <l son of the late \V. J. anti
in the I'nrc1;11'rs 11'111 un I'hursd,Iy Alts. Sheffield, formerly of \\Ingllant.
The F'1 ,ter Thant; Offeri'lg; meeting Dcceiwed w•as an officer on some of
of itt \V. ..\i. 5, w:t; held 011 \1'odues• night, \then there was a good ativn-
dauce. Cnrnl prir,cl; were git 1'n for the the ship, plying the great seas, \\'hen
11,y afternoon. At'<. .1, I.. Alcl'owell I
Ringo w'Itich Awa; enjoyed the tirtit the war brolce out, his services were
in charge. .\ splendid i•:;,,ter pro
p.n't of the evening. :lrtlnu s l)rch' s- sought, and he Was au,tigned to the
routine was enjoy, d, including Inc 1 Corvettes to carry food and supplies
1 'a.firt,'I' "tithe the Crown.' The 'tea furnished the music for dancing.
1 rus<.to Britain, and the stricken countries,
I0;irnusi\e program in the Jit<:ioual,y, The prizes for hi It score made fur a
series of five\ochres. held during the Like all trite woolen, Ane loved the
Alumthl\. 1 re;ulin „Th.,HI'ue1 \water, going tlu•ough the danger zones
\Vay' and a duel 'Iw Alr:, \Tilt \V:thttli winter, were given out ;old \sere Won'
by lir,. .Alex. 1'olnit; and llcrbcrt on so many trip.~ of mercy. Ills health
and Alis Tamp ''ll. Airs. Howard1was impaired and late in fhc' ball he
Catmint II presided at the phino. Dur I \1'11°•elcr. wny as inv<ilided home. Ills friends hop- alime; 1
pn'ilt l' ur\w; Fleury \walkitg pin\v, al•
111; ht new; 5 t of 1)(11(11 sleigh•;, 110,.‘shin. in:;; ('liuton Panning mill; :',t',1
pin; quantity of stifle;; 11;111' set 01
(1011111e harno>0' set shl-le harness.
1 Ilt)l'S,E1 ,t) :\R'Plt'1.1':5 - Lary,,'
wash stand; Small wash stand; utak
rocking chair; Armchair; llatvciuized
wac7h tub; Spring -type ro:I(Imi; chair;
Daisy churn,
Itert Anderson, Proprietor,
Harold Jackson, .1uclionecr, :;7•I,
Of Farre Stock and Implements.
:VI'. itu'old Jacl;nu has 1 ceivi;l
Instructions to sell by public auction.
on \\'edmestloy, April -�, at I ovine%
on the sill concl';si)m of Mullett, 1 I -I
miles south laid 11:; cast of Lutules•
1l'1:(HMIs--Alatch' d lc tin of .man';,
and It years, brown color; Hay gelding,
9 years old.
('.1'1"1'..'1';---2 Durhamcows due .ince
of sale; Jersey;, well bred, freshen-
ed. I years old; :t Jersey cows, litre
lug the hostel :4 porint pl;tn ; 4,...1.1,I he .\ peri meeting of the \\ omens ; ed for on early recovery, Ful n few years old;
trade for the Mission ltale and twill. Institute was held ;it the home of freshen last of
i days before his death his condition
Alr;, Roland Vincent vis chosen us Mrs. T. 11. Johnston, Ilelgray.t. with 11 Jersey hel,lerti 1
became serious and lie passed peace
delegate to go to Hrus;e1; I'r'Thyltt'. a good attendance present. Airs, E. fully away, thus, fills e';liulahle fain- year old; young
;di 1,0 'i'nc,;l.ty. TI, . 'Piaui: ()timing Ander,:on, the .'resident, conducted 114' have given two sons to the cause
Imp;"uenis-- I Ala:�“ey-titers; 11ied
u ,; 1(1 ,a by Mrs. Normal,Mclktw•1,11, tlet nn'elitg. The sleeting was open 'ler; i n1 iWer; I hayrake; I rulliv \I.m'
of freedom,
11,aces w•1•re rt•a11 drool the boys twin) ed in the 11tina1 w iy. 11i;tates of the I Deceased w;v; a member of Alalt-aud ceder; ,'"1 c;e;'l ions harrows; l,unl
have received Foxe'; Iron) the ladies, previous meeting was adopted ;ted I roller; wagon and hayrick; pair )f
land 1 edge, LO.O,h'., \\•toptiam. sm..
1115'; Minnie Snell of Loudon, is vis ; t'1 usurers t port given, hive little
sleighs, nearly new; I runner tired
vice ,was held at \\'ingihanl on 'Mes-
hing 6
itin;; with Al r. and Airs, .1. i,, Al c• girls, Donna Anderson, Catherine' tiny, the nunr11cr; of the Sin'tcly at
1'.1wc11. 1l\yatiig, Alarjorie and Alarlcne Alac• tended in a body, and were assisted
Eenzi; and Alining! ('ool< song a coil- itt the service by Rev. 1 A. ('entree,
\\•c are very glad to ri lmrt that pie of song+, which were much enjoy• of Sl. Catharines, o friend of the
tittle Alis.: tonna \1'alden who has ted. The Secretary gave a summary
b1 en a patient in a I 'taloa I le+:pil•tt, 0f I1l:• years \cork \whtch included do• ' fatuity.
1 family plot at
Iris returned 10 her Feint. Her many nations to the School Fab', Red ('los;
Jeccased \vas a nephew of
friends are hcpittg tar her full recov• and Federated \\',I. for sugar for jam.
A. Cille:•glie,
heifer Ile; h;'ned
I ,1erscy heifer
/1;1111, Young
year old; 1
due I0
~leer, I
interment was made tit the
I .111. 1 all I Yi I YI 1 X11.,, 1Y .,all I
TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 8 p.m.
Musical Numbers, Moving Pictures.
Speaker: Rev. R. P. 1). Herford. Admission Free
We have a lovely Assortment.
Call and See Them. 5c to 25c
Remember to write to your friends ---We have
Writing Paper at IOc, 15c and 25c. Envelopes at
is and 1Oc. Both Linen and Kid Finish.
Onion Skin Writing Paper 15c and 25c Pad
Picture Binding, 'Thumb Tacks, 'aper Clips and
Hangers, Marking Tags and String Tags.
R� thday Gifts
If in need of a gift for a young boy or girl' we
have a very nice range of Games and Toys.
A Complete Line of School Books and Supplies
Always On Hand.
The Standard Book Store
of Itlylh, who upended
buggy; 1 cutter; I set dotil;le 11
'lens; 1 cream separator, Lister, hit,'
bearings, I;r0 Ih. rapacity, alum ;! it tw
root pnlper; .straw rultct; : ;Irity'bt;.
out fit.
l'urdson tractor in Al condition.
the funeral. Charles, Proprietor.
. , and so we laid hint in his little Harold Jac!ison, Auctioneer. :17-I.
bed; with sure and certain hope to
meet again on the Resurrection Alorm.
Moven meetings were hold during' the
year al each of which there was an
interesting loll (';ill. 7(1uric and an
oiddrens, also had a few demonstra-
tions, Afore arrangements were trade
in rrgard to a banquet in M;1y, held b1•
, the Federation of Agriculture in \\'a•
w•anosh, The Goll Coll Was responded
to tvith the paling of fees, IAIrs. It, J, your disticl unit, requires ICu )len t0
Join. The Reserve
Artillery Now
Your District Batt:ry The 99111 Needs
100 Men At Once
Alen of this district, ,juin up in '11:1,
It).i( ewe Army. 'l'be f'itlh Haltt'ry,
7(Ia.eRGenzie conducted the election of bring it up to strength. '1'.hcre is no
officers for the coming year and the more htci't' t!tg service than the ar
re.sull was all officeoi were returned'tillery and the ;19111 has on hand all
for alllotu••r yell., The 1111'elillg' Wits bile eiitltiin''nt I112.:T`.'.3.t0 for this int.
closed and lunch was served by the Portant work,
h0sicsr;, assisted by Mis, .1. 1\101 III and I 111 you cannot go ;olive you c;nl go
31rs. 11, AIcC'reat, Reserve, '1'o lie eligible rot' the 9)111
Ei:<ier I),Iy, April 25l h. 1 10I (tom. Reserve Harkey a man midst belong
mullion and Scrnunl fm Trinity Church to nue of seven age group;: 17 and
at 2,30 p.m. (food Friday April 23,
DIvine Service at 2,30 p,itt.
Atmut 110 of the neighbours were
do l.ghtfolly entertained at the home
of i\1r• and Airs. Daniell AlcGow,m on
Friday evening,
'1t•. and •11rs. C. 11. Coupes and
Alatbel, visited Mr. and Ale;. R. C. Mc-
Gowan on Sunday, Air. and Airs, Fred
held and daughters, of Varna. visited
them on ItIouday,
11rs, Frank Afar:Mall attended the
\i'onten's Alissionary Branch meeting
held at 1Jru.ssel.5 on Tuesday,
Mrs. Quinn and Edward, Airs. Bailie
and children, spent Sunday with Air.
and Airs• 1lcmry Hunking, of Mullett,
The 1'`at•nt Foram met at the home lir ed arise.; to fa'.<c its place 1n ,ht'
of Mr. and :Airs. Norman Radford on
Monday evening,
IS years of age, single men 1:) to t
\years, ' married ,nen r+l to 50 yells,
(Treat \\tar veterans up to ;', year.;
(these four are open to men of cote
gorses A, I1, and (', all men 17 to ".e
years In category (', those who have
;received Active Army p0tIponemenl
land those wvho have been called and
been rejected for Active service.
You Should Believe In The Reserve
1. The 111'scrve gives an opportunity
to all \vim cannot go active to do
something definite for their country
2, The Ite:'erwe gives yonlly; under the
'callable age a training that IIui,
Ih 'til in (in advantageous position
when t''ey are called later,
.3, '1'hc Itcserve must he ready it' (1 1'
Easter ilay, April "I•-Ith. holy Com -
amnion and Sermon at 10.30 a.m. in
Sl. Mlarlcr: Church. Good Friday, A1pr.
2'1, Divine Service in St. Marks Church
at s p.m.
!field for Home Defence of C'auad:t
1'It can happen here.'
4. The lie:erve has We,puar; (Intl equip
taunt and is trained to use Hum.
5, The R('s(i'we is made up of serious,
busy then who arc willing to saet•i-
flee time and energy miller present
0. 'file Reserve offers you a Chance to
•feel better li'ltyoically through exec
else and mentally' fltrouglt knowing
you arc hc1iiug.
7, 'file Reserve Is entirely voluntary,
Ateminership fir it is a real demo -
11. 1. 1. I I a \; ry it t Jud
1•1' 11 1' ,I' I 11 till Itt' la ,1
wee1, n n ,, lu ni, i'1
ci. ;1 1 III 1 \1111(1'
to e\ el' :'),
11 tori r f twill 10 lett\\. ,111hu1:. 11
uuuly . nuuucr 1111'11 M 11:11', Wail Ila it
appearlu0 e.
'rho' hurl lu l 01'0111111
tt itt rnticll Ic„III 1 toll t rid 11'1'1 ,1
111 n11I \I r. :.nut; ,'nd 11uch I''r.'
till aluun:l 1111 •ins 1111' .j 111.
Ncxl 5010113' which is Faster the
Stto,l;ll :, 1111 1 will unit \vtllt III 1 .;
111111' ...1•rt telt..\ itecia1 to 1Inr.1 Ili•rt
11111 ne :111 I i •1, r I'tI•ea11l 11111 011
I\\1 It ' \ulil0 111111 repel eating the
I1\1'I\. •I, c;ttl, , The Junior choir twit)
1014\ yh1"0 01 lb.. In11•i:,11 pro:•ntim
Tile Set't'tc1' still he al in u't,lucic.
.lir. Plot:. \1.1\111011111 and thirsty 01
Stratton] vi i'1 :1 1111 :.-101rlay n1 1111'
home 0i I'r1u1L 1.uIt lit:in oil the i lilt
Airs. \\ In. ilnnl,ing wit ited iiewcrul
la -.1 \':1 t.,nd IIti 1w.'ek 111 the
Mote of 111 r {t;,u' hl1 r, Alrs. 1:yn. iritis\'.
\Its At ....met \lannill ; 11:1- r1•tura'd
�h01ur h,n
hilt,: spent I he pa..I • ix tVt't' i
\'1111 11 l
1'1 'fr11:1111u.
All, , 1 id-, \\'e. ;i 11 111 1111' nil ,furl u„
Ihro\\a from ler 1 hetet\ l;I
Frit! !y, the re,ali is a :ewer ly injure l
'lea arts :t (online her to the louts
AI r. al'1 Al r: 1':• ,1. ('raw'I'0rd have
colt 1t t0 ih1 7l,ulnioa farm to re:1110,
Mr, I, Aliirtvu:.1 ttIto fur ;utn1'
Lon11'd uu the 1''111 curet' -ion til
I Hall. u, \wt' .i n;' I: lode. h0ru, (lie]
;mot.. h.. sn1;11 my 101 501(11(\. .\prjl I'•Ih.
I'h1 11u1eral
1V1:, tela Inuit .I. F. ('11•'1-
Iet\'s nnderta'iin: parlor 0n Tae.-d:1y
. fternuon. It i of in l'niutt ('int levy,
11311, Il1•v .1. E. oflictltell.
I'1 ;•eased hal he 11 very 'moldy for
tutu\ lint... 111' lett.- ;I lwll'e In 111o111'It
IIs lujtlo..-
a u111'1er 1.;' \\' \, 1a11je at•
teadea I'Ie 11nr.•n 1'resliylt•1•ial hells at
We ;ire ' Orr\ 111 r 'aur, that Air.;.
\\'nl• Lyon j; n 1g at :III tv1'll. \\'y hope
:he \till .0.1:, ii1;'r'1\e to hi filth.
II ;1 c11I1;1 heir 't house, h:11h.
hili) ..11 ,1 \t,11er. I'urn,tye, hy,l' 1,
;111 1 11 I•. 1 ! fruit; ;11-1) ewe! hint,
Igen hung 111:: pen, colony hoot -e. 1111
\\ill Iiydlu, Good re':t:0n for selling;.
It, H. (many\, Itox 30, phone 7s, i lyitt
Wednesday, .April 21,19x13,
civcIDa ,. ,,
You can tako your tat drip.
Pings, scrap fat and bones to
your meat dealer. Ho will
tray you the established prico
for the dripping and tho
scrap fat. If you wish, you
can turn ibis money over to
your local Voluntary Salvago
Committee or Ilcq istorod Local
War Charity, or -
You can donate your fat drip.
ping, \crap fat and bones to
your local Voluntary Salvago
C:ontmilteo if they collect
thorn in your community, or-
iYou can continuo to place out
your Fats and hones for col-
lection by your Street Clean-
ing Department whore such
a system. is in effect. sr 436
M,11011,1 DILA I I'1Y111UM
I Liiilat 1iiY:AJi+attli ilii f1
ass the Buck
UP with the
,r 7.
If You Can't Go Active .. .
You CAN Go Reserve!
Allis applies to hien not subject to call between.
the ages of
17 to 50
or \Atilt) ca1111Ut ;;U Active Army O1' have received
national (lefel'lnellt,
You Have No Excuse Now!
summer Cainp 'Training is not compulsory if you
al'C` ill a vital industry or a key position where your
absence would hamper Illaxi11111111 production or
service in Canada's all-out Altar effort.
Let's Jon Up OW
and Train to Keep Canada Free.
(ti. t al?y (lily or Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Evenings at the Armouries, Widlghani.
or see Lieut. (Dr.) Yokes, Blyth.
Weditiidny, April 21, 194fa`r TI STANDARD
PUT g;
11T.44++++++?:44+444.44+41.41444 I years ago Wllell he suffered a slight I he (distinction of being A tl'I11f1'iI old-Ir.{r,-.,(:'»'»'::'>'.y'»»• {$IQtQtt�t�'.(JrCtG .t4atyfKld��'1CW1P�' 1l tCIGIG{:16RIi � +{C�' 'w'c{°{e''!€,':.{t'{e I•:.' !'':.'»':'_",.»'»,",w,":'{�{%r;•,,,•„•r��
g111 r, r, r, ,. r,
_ __EE____. �.__E ....RE �(5 i' ItO/l' Y I I'IL(A 11tk,, CAPI I•II',A 1111. REGENT Til Ii�A'1'Itli
est married couple buUl In year); owl I•,
i i I i \, horn Til, + '•` CLINTON. GODERlCH, - _ F,EAFUItTri.
WINQHAM-ONTARIO, 1 Ile was the on of \Iargoret Pear lcnhth of 11-s 11.11(1, n ' I . • , r,
111'1'11 1111' II1.'il1'15' 1415 5'1',11•~ III 1111111' rut tj
TWO SIio111Vs Sat. Night >•. cork and Robert Asquith who ram(( Id
l4) Canada from Dalton, 1'ork)llile a ()age on the snail cion l .\nll,llu
Thurs,, Fri., Bat. April. 22.23.24 �, Inalu .4tr1c1. 'I'10y +suu111 111411' { !� �,,
Robert Taylor, di•lan Donlevy r• century ago with ctcvl'rul small dill ' 1•,
bIlitid their diamond Jubilil' in a 'n
Charles Laughton In drou. 'They first .5ettl. bl the. (;ore �,1
bee of Obis year,
�� , ' T of 'Toronto, later miving lo 1IIHItt (1,1
Stall(] By For Action' township and purmhnsed the Pear In 111,111 len hr was a I;a11 i •t, I1, 111.', ,
IA naval guru 1,I 0114 action (1u a ,� farm south of l.ondesboro where Air, I:, I, 1' I', 11 11 In"0r Wool In w•ar•loru
it uleuth{n of the 1)0,1 d of dy:u'nn-. ;,)
r ' dyHlruy('r• f'' As( ulth was born Januar 8th, 15rit,I' Il :I,I . 'I'I, �I•Ih1'r !hey outwit
f" I Y Ill 01111cs hl' was 11 l'nn.ti0rt:ni+r. 1I,
r ALSO NEWS, r I Il',,• 1;1•r1111MS.
�;Matlnee Sat, afternoon at 2.30 p, m,_'� 1 Aa a hey Alfred Asquith attended was the last license in.spl'1'lor for \\•e),r , r+
" r•• S.S. No. 9 Ilulletl, and Clinton high IPnron, to which position he ++as :Ip" •., _....__.. _..
,- Mon Tuee Wed, April 26 27.28 i with his
N .W PLAYING: Pal O'Brien and
NOW PAYING; Humphrey Bogart
I11ii'1 f.)nnl„vy In. -------.-------.-- ---
T{vu YEARS IN TRINIDAD Mondry, Tuesday, Wednesday
Murrl.ry, Tucsdlly, Wednesday Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth and
(,!ager t1 gers, Cary Grant and Adolphe Menlo((.
Walter Slezak, lira's hni:"n l)" I',f1',11- 1,011, -ii -,1
''1 \iii• l i1';III 1, 100.1.1 and tl rol•Illyl' !11411 111:11ir Iii- hit. ;1 II'!II1'
iii-tirl d lu-i,;11.
You Were Never Lovelier
?! 4)11('1' �'l)t)Ii A Honeymoon Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Thur.:lay, Friday, Saturday `�:111t FORCE"
' w se tool Ile come to Aitbnrn w l r I s
t`" Ginger Rogers, Ray MIIIand In r-,- lwidowed niolher in ISM) and opened ,)c,seph \1'hltniy In I!1),;,,
r_ or and the Mucor' 1
,, The Mdj 'i 'started packing and exporting green
; by one (laughter, IIPrU•udP, )1r.
:.A top note) comedy In which ilia !apples, At thls time all the shipping O, \icllvcync of Itow•Inlln+01P cool on •
'ger Rogers par4Hr4 herself off us a:; had to be teamed to Illyth, a distance
young() ter,
minled by the government of Sir
Aulurns first butcher shop. Ile later
Resides his wide+r, he is : 1(l
Tho retinal .1(t•,,, 1,1‘ a I'..'hl, 1
;-:I , 1' 1)!I• [, 11 lI 1ititi, with destiny I''urlr,, 1-, th, \1.11y IIIA'. 11011 11
41'111 t' 1,u n I ;Iy that rented PIP world. gall•lul rl, \, Ill 11 \\n01,h1'1 Buil.
A SUPERB WAR DRAMA! John Garfield, Go; Young,
IIu•nl,',rey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman Harry Carey and Ccc•rje Tobias.
Paul Picnr^ire, Peter Lorre and .---
Conrad Veidt, COMING: The All-Star Sensation:
::how, Some Fight . . . With E. how Some Fight . . . With
luf six 11111(14. baler Mr. Asquith began son, ('hlu'I1s I':. A.01,11111, of :luhnru; 1,
two granddlulghlPl's Irul t ighl ,,Nall
ALSO CANADA CARRIES ON. �� manufacturing evaporated apples turd 1140four of whom are In active
I, r
-4..{.4.44++++,:i.:444.1.4.-0-4444-4...iI senior par'tner' of the firm, A, AH• I
quill( and Son, who 1)l one lin(! otter-\'ir.t:,I'y Bonds For Ammunition, Victory Bonds For Ammunition. Victory t:(:n,ls r(.'• lllr•r'oltion.
tiled plan 1,S at Alvin:don, I4omdeshoro The funeral was largely intended r'� _ V _ �,31Di��� ����� �� ��l�t2t�,�1 lalNl_, ;2, . "° `.(,-,., r„_• r-,",_._....,_._,_._,..._,...-,_. _._,..._...,-.,_,..a':;e, 5�
is ,
NOW PLAYI1IG; Pot O'Brien in:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan
Janet Blair.
,14111}' 1,w 1(l .\Irl•
1 rI'0" u11u 1)l
'1'I ,
"Pride l)1' The Yankees"
TI'ur';01iy, Fi eiay, S,Iturday
Ralph Ri(Ilara: ort. Deborah Kerr
and til 'v\'illi;,ln:;
II giri li',� ;I II 111,,111 . Inn all
.lull II IIi41+II•' I..I !I '..,11 111,1-;11'i
„,r111,,, .1,l- i': N I ; I',' } tS',
COM(�JG: i-Iomphr; y Bur art in:
Show Sonic F l,ht . . . W 4111
Auburn Pioneer Passes
The Ip.��slng of Alfred Asquith at
1114 residence In Auburn marks
loss of u. son of a pioneer family of
1lnlIett township after compiritliv•
ely short Muesli, Mr. Asquith had
enjoyed c�'cellcnt health up until two
1111(1 AlvInitoll, Ont. 1\',hell' the grist 011 Sunday afternoon ;11 1111' Milli I
111111 here was destroyed by fire in churoit. Itev. A. E. 511 „ t' of III'' FOR SALE FOR SALE
1110:1 he storied a flour and feed bust. Baptist church conducted the service.
Hess which ho coutlnued until his The palllhearers were \Villlaut .1. .' Lily (11 III',Iwrr',; Child's \Vlol1,'1
\ ylrllllg ,I+1", ,l1)"' to 1 ilea\' \Ley l (I;1 Ilei !, .1'. 1 y,,;,!..-- 0111.
rcliromcnt t3 years ago. Thomson, Alfred liullinson I:re;,irl lei. \'Iply.In Ilu'u'11 \\'.II:,1,,"1:1:1)10 11, 1. • !n a .\l:l; - 'I -•:))-(1!nilhiii
On October '2, IS'S3 Ile was married 1'1111111)sI':q,itlalin hall, Juimr•; Roh,•rl" ituvi'in'• Chair. .\pply at UR' RPrto"ry, ,:I•'-, 111)Ili. I. 1)l; :: :,I > fla 11, I1dill'
l0 Me. Mary ityc, Up to the time of his Iso(( and (;corgc Itailhy. There were ' 111• _ ---.-..-- ill 1,11.111 1111111; 11.1111 1,111 11.11 h 1:
1.15`111, mil;
r , y, ,' :.1'1 '101.' I' 11111!}
passing, Mr. -and Hies, Asquith enjoyed many heatiful floral nitwit's. j 11'JN 1)I'JIt;S IYANr I }'JI)
In 'I'nrr;luri. I ',1,,,11.11;1;, Nu... 1hun '
'1'I{INI1WA1 , will l ." r1•I' 11Y Ih 1:; 1,, 1115':1,1. •.
undyr;,iguid unlit 111.111.. (n \Inn11lly,
• +' Fr•
\ }:
One of these days a man will call on you
to talk to you about saving money. The
caller will be one of your neighbors, or a
man from your nearest town who is
likely well known to you.
He is asking you to save money when he
asks you to buy a Victory Bond. He is not
asking you to give money to anybody or
You save money when you buy a Victory
Bond . , . and you lend your money to
Canada to help win the war. The money
you save is yours. You will get it back
later on, and have it to do anything you
wish with it. And Canada will pay you
3 % interest on your savings every year
until the loan is paid back to you.
This is something that every man should
do now and then,
You will see how you are getting along by
comparing savings with earnings. It's
what you save that counts.
Perhaps you will say you saved all you
could. Did you? Remember you are
asking yourself questions. You are not
getting figures to show anyone but your-
self. Can you figure out how you can
save more?
A sure way to save money is to save it in
small sums -as you get it. Victory Bonds
-which can be paid for in small instal-
ments covering a six -months' period -
provide a convenient method of carrying
out a savings programme. Your Victory
Bond salesman will tell you all particulars.
A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to
repay in cash the full face value of the Bond til the time stipulated,
with half -yearly interest at the rote of 3per annum until maturity.
A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada. The entire
resources of the Dominion stand behind it. Canada has been issuing
bonds for 75 years, and has never fuilcd to pay every dollar of
principal and interest.
A Victory Bond is an asset more :cattily converted into enol than
any other security,
National War Finance (ommittee
.\Illy 11, 1.11; f'ur 1i11• fol p vin_ (111 11
1 1111111; to LP 1'11'111 11 e111 111111 111111rut111
1)S of the I•:11_1neer, 1G•pnrt' 111,... „f ;he I•:-1411 1)l tl
\1'11,~(1\ \IlUreil'al Ilr;rin - (1111.0 !
1:111• :\l1\and, ruri'l1. \\ill -,11 h':
porno, if \I;Iin 1'; 1111, I•,liurll' 11 your I'u:•lir .\u, rnu. ;l1, iii. ,nnl), hilly o:
age ;;N;:s 1'u. Yards.
EX }';(l l'4) kb' .1.'.141':
'nit...), 1 ,1 1!1, !In, 1:4};111 h ('uurc
I';I) Ing \Illnirilr,ll 111';11!1- (lp n p Ir-
-1,111 111. 1111 T111\11'1111/ of )1111111, 1111
111111 .\I;(in I;r.iin, 1'`1110.11,11 Y:1111111:1' 11'11111 L15, .\la5 511(., I:II,,
'I'1'.\ I .:1k; \rilI af;e h)' 1'1•)•1,1',1 ,I int
a (onsid(rabl( annelid o; '1'111' Ilr:un-
ago at the ul{pl•r +')i ; of ' 11,-,• 111 anis.
hour ,,i i p.u1., 11,1 i Ii;nxiilg:
II(,1;- 1.. licit' 11,e- , l.i y0;trs
('.1'1" 1'1,1: I r ('1111'. IMilian).
a:, •II ; I 11;11 „ r 1 y, .l1(, old'. I
\11111(11 I•I1r(*l1, 1111' ill 111,1,•111 11f Ili" 11'1111" 111 Her. _ y, J1•1 old; " 111.111!'
Contract Price 01' each Ilr;lin IIIII>I ar"111;111, 01„110,1 11i11; I 11:1111 call. :;
company each 'I'on,l1•r. tin 1;;111 •
Plans null sin rine llilnis ((lay 111' I I\II'I:I:t;l:�' I \!;1 -, 5'•Ilarris 1,111
„ren far 0:111 (11111 al lily lI, rltl II1% 1(11 r, 7 1!. rut: \I <-I)-I1,,„Hs I•er,t
[Ice, l.oadcs.horo, (hit. rhili, I: 111, ; \I;1• yliwits cultivator
I.mrt,st or any 'i'ludrr nut n rI'.•: tier 1;; IIn,!!1: 111)' 1,.;0101, 1')•11-t R \\'nod;
Ily acerpi(1.
I,I'1-r, I: 111:01•. Ile I ,\ \\'mud; Ilny
(111, \\.-11 II Bull' r:t,•l; \\':Igor;
Clerk, Londcsboro, Ontario, 1(11:11; h:u•rete-. 1 "rlinu; Ilyering
37-2,111• I; 111111, .I :111 P.,ii harvester; :'
furrow N'il1!.111'= plow; -iTlgll'•tlll•ru',v
POSTPONED ; witIldir4 plow: : rilltl"r: tt 110,•1 111111'w;
L` 'tire of ,Iriah� 11'4111 lunl,s ;uul helslyr,:
AUCTION I,A I11'J I Illy 1',Ihy; I,1,.' II Ia! ; _' l:tllnin2, 111111114,
Of Residential Property and ;i tt \\4111 11;1:;1 r: Ilnnt pnl11, r; 1inggy
Household Effects. !;'1111 ('c;(1• r; Illy furl. rule! and put-
"rsii;ncnl ,lac bionic r h;I: I•,,. Icy ; `111 1•1I:1 -cin
1rn11,;.,; ('lilIO a 1001;
1114+111 inl�lrnrlinn>: I'rum lir I•;\ec•u•
I'1 re;0r, tiyt (1l' s1n10 ,
tor:; of the Palate of, .\I•gnet Putt•- :u,In Il .; 11r1,1\;II ('elan( tie.p(n;ilnr,
an, I)eryrsed, I0 sell I,y p11llie a�u•liun
\u. 1:; \1'hifII)try,>. 1l Irnrss and
1:111 riSiih111y, 1'runrn,ltlt :will ficin;: tihn+'yt.; 01111
1511111111her, 111y111, rnnunPnrinl: ill ",
Teal 5,11!11 ^.11,1441 flats 411111 ; acIis.
SATURDAY, APRIL 24TH, 1943 r: 111'clrrum
the following r,nnl,<, 111411 1,:1 11) ; a)•'
rn111 1,111,: S"i of loin" (111 clove
long ladder,; +sllrlln reit+; :Incl u+, u; 1 01111 Sewing nmlhinr,
11'111 holders; pair 1)l' Ur llys; ptrcl':
tiiu,;1 r; ll'0in; Itooni chairs; in
rnlli 1111,141'•; 1 I,I Ihr1• !'until•: plain
of luulbcl'; I'10+t'or ,land; crnss'11I1 lur1.,•rr; I;;.l 1141111 curd; hir01111'al
r::(w; bu111i1lw; la++'ll tplet+'1'r; n;IiIS:
1;11 ly;; 1101 1)"o 1,11,1.
; I:\Iensh,u
a 111,1 0;u11yltlrr luols, nlallyl�, stiff'"• , 1:111111; : 1rnt1•r full"=: 1 o11,lbl"�;
plains, 1111. ; gilyden IOoI,; :Intl g:1) Aril I l'llin•:I ,a!Iiut.1 ; 1'1,;uul, (1d11 lrnuui;
f Irullurl'; u1t lux; ;grin t ,lily;
�:.' I'lottl r pi 11, . ,II-; 1 .\\loin:Orr rag,
c1( window sal,h with g1,a:<,; _ sturlil ,II\Int.,• 11'unlru y; ('111,1 of I11'illt'I'1'ti;
tt•iuduws; 1017111 t+'aslling nurrllt11,,; _,
tubs and wringer; sllnit:lry 11111,'1: 1 ,11011 Linoleum. 111\ I1) re,�1; L'nndlP of
hydru,rnl suilys; lellruoni rorin•I's: I
: 11(1111 111:1•, 5l li r: \Il;c(11
co\'nr1d hrdru0w bo\o;; I luilet :1.1::1(11:111111:11'1.111:e5 \111411,'; I,alu1.:; ' 'Tennis;
gels; 1 ((hill tt•nodyn I,':ill; .1 hell• lo1'rylot of otaos
room lamps; 1; small lahll's; Illiolz-,`rulers; 51.1 irons: , :11111 ulhor
wan & Co. Squire pian,; 1 :•1'1100; j Irliyll•s; rrrrrn 1';I1)1,n;lyd: \Vcishine
;l occasional 11114141114; large twir!u'r
\i rico 11:11,1; 'I'lu1'r door o:ihinll;
c1:1h; lalgl IralhPr rurhl'; Hal Sc irilfl(.r s11;rlllings;
1111,11; mrlguzlne earl,; liwing ro1,111 I'orll \]'1111 .\ 1'111.1), l0 1111) (If
luhly; 2. tool rluuls; I;u•gr rhila cal•
1"u>P IIIIy; I Iron
'111'1; oval dining laid() and s:x (hiii!1l TERMS; CASH.
;erwtu,g Inhle; ()pen 11001; vase; clay ('117•i-1,'na "011111. l- \erulrix.
bd; bde 1;111 nd ter able lands; 1I•,ruld Jay!i 10, .\uo1I,lhy.r. 36'3'hall Mahlerigand111niirrnat I; fltower p1d(ti;
Ills; kitchen glass clipboard; (xlen-
;►on table and six 'dictum chairs; WI1 1,1.'1M 11.11Oltltlrl" l•
.\\(nlilsl(r rug, N feel by I0 treed; 1'011 LICENSED AUCTIONEER,
gol('unl r1)" fh tial by 11 fent; armchair; 1titlh0u roel;cr; h:li,iug cabin. Slieeinli,im.) ill Vara' 11111 I Iins, hold
et; Quebec cook stove: Singer sew-
ing machine in lxelilHnl lundi11,11i t,iron: rd fir bit ('""Illy of 1lurnm•
('ir'pct i401111r; i( I'1ty looks; ()FOS Unaslnal,lr friers, :11(11 F;ilil;l'(llinn
1i11tit' 411 10 (511 (;u;!riintr111.
1 11 j;u•Ilin,'rr: ruuhin`;
11111111 1114; dishy,; rnrI( 1,l-; pilloaS 1""r in'I1rnl;Ililnl, ( lc., \\rile or phony
and cushions: ph-turle;; ,I 111114; 1ro1 h,• \1'illl;nn 11. ?torrill, Ihon0, R1's111l11cy
and slant,, ;1)(d olhor articles leo 11'!; Shull t. 111).111.
numerous to mention.
1'11111 twin )11110 he offered for sale„
lIAlRUl,l) .1 A( S:ION
sObJerl 11) a 111„rrwy 1)`.d, 111:111111444• Licensed Auctioneer.
0110 rlsidrnlial 1ropl'rly, comprising tip()liolii<l in Farm and Household
1.4114 :'.,, 21; allit 27. Ce(ittlli'S ti'Irvey, 5;111'14.
Itlytll, o1) ivitic'h is 1:itunte.. tt Imine I,iveli ell in Huron and I'nrllt
1!;) starry dwelling in good 141;111` 1)'r ('ennuis. 1'114111, 1,ia.<01aatt; 141(1114
repair: 111411 0 frau((' stain. (101 ion guar;nllerd.
\lal•garel Colvint. 3. II. it. I;tlioll, ! I'11r information. 1.10., %rile or phone
?:xcell tors. Harold .1arl:eon. ILI'. \n. 1, Seaforth,
\\'tm, )101111 1, .1nelionver. ,t !Phone i 1111;11,1.
.�,�i��.��o{Gt4'�ilul'obti,.�l.q,y,.., y,.,,y1.i'cti'Stu �(."a{v1�a1"oar i.1..' -y .. , .... v c .a .".'U"' {n'�'u'S'utn`i•".
Dead and Disabled Animals
: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, (Vlcct.
174)134+iAlliNANi+iiDs,M71,1DMDMMaiDIX%Di9iDa i9t NDi9ia.:.MaIDIir,l;a)4;i7.71ARa1
i h ,, t1 '1; gunners chalked up a ,
f1', I,,c.u:;; o,(' tlsa tr:o oi' Marl/ 11I tank
;u;.• 1'1'. lu:,r, ,1,1 tl
I'1 41101‘ 1',
.. , o : ' c4--4 .1144-44+4-4-4.4 • 4. .. ,. 1- 1 4 -a,-• .r .
Announcer ... "Sinclair Lewis
wrote a book called "1t Can't
Happen Here"—but a great many
things that seemed fantastic tour
years ago are now actualities.
Suppose for instance, you were
sitting at home with a friend, lis-
tening to your radio, when
SOUND EFFECT .. Dance Music
U.1) in volume teen cut . . . anti
the voice of an Announcer: We
Interrupt this programme to bring
you a special bulletin , , . "JAP-
ANESE TROOPS }]A\•1': 1,•\x1) -
OF HRITIS1l ('OLU11111A" . .
FOR 1'U I,'I'l l l•:1: DETAILS KEEP
'Then; followed a brie' convel'-
tation 1)t t\vlen tt':o mtIl a11(1 tht'
incident ::e: t'one)u1?cd 1,;' the
announcer in , . 1'e;. we'd
ll feel 1 ke Pill if it 1111) 1::1ppun
here—\\1:'d1 , tint to ,?e;e±l,l tlii<
Canada of
\V0 ha11. 1 ?le '!( 111 1) prevent
it, is to Le ;1',,:t enough to
coul'a;,t' ':.e dtttl111)t, ';,,11 1;:11 d0
your part ', t nli,ting in Canada's
Ilrsel'\e :11'1!1; J1111G1it(•.
51111; \'.',1 • :11 i,;111 t11l_ 101•11t
\\-hi0h o1'11111'3 11 0111(1 N•1Lati1111
follon•in : i,-n:ui;ast from ('4111;
Jast \\cpL,, .\ppa:eptly F01110 lis-
teners l.ear'il',' ill first part of
the minute and a half dramatic
hpot djtir:t wait :or the end. They
rustled 10 ,'onclu 1"Ils , . . and
also f(�t' :their telephones
There is room for argument a:, to
whether or not such 1,1t)1l l \1st-,
are in)od p•yrilo;o!y. 1'h(' incid-
ent; hu\ve\ p0. revealed one inter-
esting point. 111:l'. Many people
ww?1e1, f:Ire i 1111 what they ue.
:,r „ enit'r\111.1'
rush(,; to ' .'u• 1eh'ph,l:,e: ,- 1:10
slid 1114' ,, , ; turn they li:ld! oven
110;e:1 !i\
to I. In ,,) ' ,a.! 11,., ±.•,
would i e liclicrative
311i� lea\: 11;1 110•>11)10 11`1(11.0111
faei1itil' .1>, 11\ tl!u , ere
17111p' . !ef(' 't 11,
1[(st );'Io t,..r(l_ beat :a'1•1
innonur i3 :t ''11.. h
those U:i''S p1 efior; \'Cl•!. ,1,',1 01 -
lief from t!ie more rid"
of world .1..i s 111, 1 (11;.(11 .011. O1:'
1)111110 \v1irre S1n1(i:i'
;' ,3)11 .;,lic1' :Ii
a ilnlc ,;•'j,1'
a stellar lilac' in el,`c r:ainll•l ±0
400)111, 1:1ts sti'1)arl.ntly
(listuri,!r.,r <t.1len;eats h1111 .\lit 1.
has let it i'e knt,'.vn in radio Hrclt-
that 1.(' is c+mt:lnplatine
the air 1e. f- ',oast li niontilis tool
is 1:o1 Iii, iW''"t1 1(+ sal' ',1't:r•, 11e
will roto;...
In his
fray` , , ' 1 ;,i), gO1l;g t" 11110 (t
rest. I've ',0011 '1 radio for 01 1011
years and now I'm 1 o i3(f to sit
back iu,,i relax for a .,,!tie . , .
To til' 11' (:1•a4'e Indio list611,:1 a
)calf li(,',1 \8.11'13'' show Et1,';1 411,
P'l'od :1 j1, ; 1,' ( Ills 011.1'; l,;n-
day r'• ',lay snul.'1 a 111',
easy L,. t?t:rt pantiles o`
entertain once
it would 1,r 11,1: e' o opinie0
clow t, : ,•ret;ltolis !:0111; ('1'f
'wort: K.) int,. the 1'relr:.:a1;on of
tach n ,; '_ t;,n.i''r. I'a, !c ',\': , !(
there 1111,x' (1011' oj.,°,',
11:.'1 tiro ira'It
,1(i( I,1' , _::i;,li-!'1' ••t; li. to suit
Sue: t :' F, 5 :cit ''!'.illy" are
riutply no: ,.' dia\•,•n 11(1 of 0
hat. A 1.rifhu„1• s?"e1 of :L
t.ipe rt110,._e111• :1: 11'8.1 1.' e -1
/30111(';1!1:, - lip 1(1 (104 1)1' s!X full
113)11111)1 a}> of %tritiw.: ..: i
parat.:el!• I�(l collie :1' 31,•: hl•
rehearsal. From one 5uudtlV pt"-
granime 1" :(Nett,(0 it's a (.1(31(10
grind L ;„ 1(11 most he snn'3-
wirlic,l '1):111': other per -until ap-
pear).rtel tholes. 11 is rumoured
that f•'rol .‘Ilea ;iii ,witch to
Ilnfly\':o(i for a \Idle. Here's
hoping the Lire of the 0(•1'(111 \rill
not ;1rc\('it las return l” the air -
1031 yes next fall, \', e reed all the
Food ',lever 1'l:(t': p1(>vihll these
0t11('I'lv!i'0 '111111 ,;311'\111'(' liay
The (•3n:olia11 Broadcasting
Coypu: ;It ion 1tF ',0311 105 the private
ptat ions announce appropriate
programmes for the Ea>tcr sea-
son. Ili l)U11hout Easter S'nniny
Fperiai re11U1ous Fer\ices will be
broadcast by the (TX including
a horning pre-cntalion of the
`els Test,nnlnt 0tory of the
Resurteet ion. Easter 5'iri lay af-
ternoon 111 part will he devoted
to n rendition of \'or11 Ilcguiet
present1r1 hy the well known
31'endelssohn choir and the To-
ronto Symphony Orchestra, 'Phis
program will he carried by both
the C.I3,('. network and Station
CF1111, Toronto. (11,1111 in add;•'
tion to the Sl1111l e Services an-
nounced for Faster Sunday com-
mencing at li min, to 111 1.010110V a
special ren,iltil,l1 of the "Cruci-
fixion" (;0011 I'utluy ±noI1iinN' sit
By \\'a;: of contra--ts, c hltl3
.00W OffPl's 1'4411 'biter,:±1t and in-
teresting lna>iral hroaticiods on
Saturday eVl'11i4•s, (10.0, `e0eu-
(11e in hlut', 1;(11,1 1'0.13 eon S,:;O
and 9 p.m. feature; the chanting
voice and 1"±' onn?it y' „f pat
Bailey' i(1 Wtit,li::r and ''Acid .,)11\311
airs, with ill : •ic '.:1:111'• Ili\' dire(' -
1i011 of L: F" -ter. The other
programme 1 oct11 et 0 i PIP)
and 10.45 1,.11 , 1±:tro,it11'il,g lien
Louis an al..: 11:11 I100(;1 (,11)1'1•\
\1'lio 1011311 a '0 0t. 11,d 4:1',,1
distinctiwt 1' .1l0,1(1)1 :.crelell,-
'ie'1 to 111k 1'
Tho (IN1111 ;.'irt of
white atltI l:,3' al ler;.' ;;rl,(iu(1 iggs
L day for :l 10181 of 113311 iltan
0.008,000 n y.110.
German Car -las
Two Front Ends
An eight -wheeled German scout
esu' with two front ends—it. has a
driver aft 1144 3(()J all forward and
can speed ahead O1' in 1'0311150 At
1001'0 than (0 utiles an hour—•3V11
111 the military loot taken by
'United States forces in tltelr
est push.
.1nel' being repaired, the hIav-
ily n:worl'1 recut car and cap -
111±e11 light German 11(111,1 were
to use on tha battlefield with the
1\11111 s':(1' of the Americans paint-
ed 0',,-1 t!le (;ertn;(ll )110111ing .
Brass Trinkets May
Go Into Melting Pot
Tim Unit,,1 Slate( \\::t• Produc-
tion; 110,10'1 is ;vying to avoid tt,
l ul 110) !l,1te 10 carr: 11 capper,
;131,1 11'011,:0 c(d1('(11011 01101.
31:1.c': 1,11',)1 (il" rountt'yll 1101111
i 'lo t1! 131 would lne0n getting
0;11 1'11 ±1'i', i:cls, 610d11,rieks, eon -
3011i.0 and n'1laine111 that. ace„nl-
uL,, 1.11 'lee 111 4.1410 lur,n1'hni(l,
Its t\c:l 11 1(;d , in•t01n ro,113 :Intl the
111(••(1 tl'e111 110.1 ,1.11 110,l1her-
OFt0NT0 }T 3'rloNS
IrTtP 5(00, •'(31, ^4tu''k
KCI. 5560, '•00 11,lik
U.S. NET33(1tliti
wh-,'A '' N.t 11(d 11031
WJZ, k,130. Blue '1701c
WA13C (1'it,s.) SP,I;
WOR (1135 `c.) 711,k
CANADIAN '•1'-3•ri0SIs
I''08 Owe', 3d. 1.1ri'1c
KO(' }(:i 11ei 1)0,,0
1M1, Ilan:!tti,l; 7!ill(
tl.ICTI3 141. ,'.: I11. 1
I'C11' \I1,,;tre•:1 01 )1
'CIL tit,rt11 I11,y 1'...3.1.-
::3' k
C^ ti. ,l
J ,�
K\VS li•,1'r', 1,.11 • :It .,1
CN) ('ht,thrtu G:ion
C1''PI, 141 1:,; 1.
1'\11:5 1'ctcrl,t,1
1 ,v, .'1'.l'I to
101;1'11 hurl•!;,,
31 11.114 1101110.`'1
31'1,30• ,'111111,(,: t
\1'1;1' 11>ro (111
01 ,1 3 l'1o1,1211 1
\' 1;11',1 '(11
11.1.1.", liufft,„1
111,1: 111(01,,1,1
\t'lil,\0 Bur: pit)
...HOWL' 1t AOi1
111.13 1:n/111'11,1 1.11m
(1St' Enu1and 9.5Fre
(0511 Engtrl.t1 1L7Gm
1;1(1 England 11.5(1)11
England 17.79m
t;SI' Engln(id 16.3I Hl
EA It 41,1, 1'1 Il. (Sol
11:1:; Itte sal 9.(411
14t:.t 1C( 'au
I'1t1, 011,...., 95.+11:11
10,'.311 1 1. , 1', '2 7 11
300101. h'. roue (1,8'0
11' 0 1'L Ito' ten 1',;.15m
By William
Ate NiG0OS-
(('1 1)43 6', NE, EER\'(i ',C.
2$38 B.C.
fel -IV)".r;(.:
-• .
- 6-17 t
o 0
LOOK t1OOo.” ,ad s
N.."" 'iIohhant pang.
POP -----Pertinent Pop
I �
May '2
John 21
PRINTED TEXT, John 21:15-24
GOLI)EN 'II:XT.—Greater Iovo
hath no man than this, that a man
lay down his life for his frientlA.
John 1 ,:t:
;,1et.iJry Ver: c: U 1' 131 tllaalis
111;1(1 Jt :.10,1,11; 101' 110 is good.
TI,_: E_ .:i:. I:J IN 1'(:i SEYtII.G
(;;, .,
. u ,It 0 ;1,3u ,1111:,,-11 11.,
can 1(1 Joint, 1 ,;'.t. 1„1111
1110 11101'O than \hest'; Ile with
unto 1111(1, yea, Lord; 111011 kt:uw-
est that 1 love thee, 110 with
unto hint, Feed my lambs.” Thcro
was a time, not many day's be -
fort this, when Peter was boast-
ing of bow loyal he was to the
Lord Jesus, but all of his boast-
ing proved wain and empty. Christ
wants to know front 1'eter'ti own
lips whether Peter really and
truly 11033 10005 the Lord and
I'nter's Grief
''11e with to hits again tho
second tune, Simon, son of John,
lowest thou me? !lo with unto
hint, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that
I love thee. 11e stith unto hint,
tend my sheep, Ile with unto hint
the third time, Simon, son of
John, loves) thou me" Peter 11'115
grieved beetnlse 110 >si,1 11111)) ltinl
the thiel! 13010, 1.ovt ot. thou nn'"
And he said unto i1j(0, Lord, thou
knlo000t all thinos; thou kn)w('st
that, 1 love Hilo. Je=u; Stith
unto 13131, 4ced niy Sheep,"
The address of the Lord, 1110 011
repeated, recalls the (1(1t word,
addressed to It. fete,' 0:11 Ile
rtc1 13(11) the ...trn(uue ('e!ll'ar.
(Pi ter 3. The three nue-tion;
could not. but recall Pitt twee
(ienials; sold the 100111 01' tills bait
quer) on could not ;hot vividly
bring back the thought u) the
ladoro of (.130(01 devotion of the
1)101111-113 01 111111, 50 fete,• 301(0
grit'\ ('11 1101 0111: that t lee 11111'> -
tion \vas put tl11(1(1, hut, that this
third time the pint,'e 1311< chang-
ed; that the ouestion \v':(s not
only put once Brain, but at the
13811111 (11110 put so 111+ 10 1'111110 a
doullt. whether 113' 1011111 indeed
rightly claire that modified love
\vhich he had 1 r fe,sed. His )11'ief
lay in the deep 111'1.0 that such a
doullt alight 1';(11 uc slr_r;0esled 1,1,
paw eve i •,3e
the ; t, n .f .t. le 8t 1111'
same time 111331rounded, 11en
11130111 reasonably distrust his ill'(1.
fes>iou of sincerity after his fall,
but he appealed to the Lord using
the words 'thou hnhocsl.'
Prophecy of Suffering,
"Vee'ny', 00111;.•. t tat' 111110 thee,
when thou \vast, young. thou gird•
est thyself, and 13ttlke(?,t. \\I nfl0 )'
thou woullie>t : 1.111 when thou
shalt he old, thio. skull stleteil
Porth thy 11:uui>, :1n,1 another shall
gird thee. 0(1 rally thee. %vijther
thou wouldlt not. ",.;ow
ilii'; he
bpt.kc', finn1151113; l,3' 1311:11 man-
ner of death lie should elorify
1;0,1. And \when. 111 had spoken
this, Ile o-ai111 lu;Io hien, folio\:'
Inc." This solemn 10011lecy of
,;ufferiut; is clo-ejy connected
\viii the joy of 1) 0 and restora-
tion, in on' way or another it.
(3311 Aur, 1 �I0 thus with 00(')::
true ,li ..'il,le (.1 our Saviour. 'To
each of ns without, exception IIo
will n:•>011 some cross to boat'
for 11jn1; to each 113 wi?I say, In
ono way or another, '1f you love
31e, set -,e ilc; and you shall suf-
feo fol. 113.'
I'('Ier's Responsibility
"1'01('1•, 1111.1 11131' nihil\, secth
the d1ejp11 \311,)1(1 .'esus loved fol-
(o101r1;f: who a':1( leaned hack on
his )creast 111 the supper, and said,
Lord, '1,11(1 is 110 that boirnycih
thee'! Peter therefore seeing hien
smith to Je3.13', Lord, and whet
shall 111is man d(11 Jesus Saila
unto hint, If 1 \311) that he tarry
till i come, what is that, to thee:'
)0111 l:„ thou 1111'."
\\ hat needs to be c±uplla,ized
in (3 1' Lord's 11(1041' is that Ho
tells Peter that John's course of
life and his dt' i ln0 are matters
with '(•'1:i,•i1 Petty has 111 need to
com'(rn himself, 11 (led inns n
different career for Joint that is
not Peter's concern, t, Pete)' P1111 -
self i, an individual \\ith a direct
respnnsiilility to (;ods and he ))lust
decide his eo111.11 of action as n
per -anal Mattel' hot\ooen Cod and
himself, The words hove n tibia.
1a' application to us all. Every
course of notion which presents
itself to us must b1 decided upon
directly by ourselves, our con-
science and God,
Jesus' Will Made Clear
1"Phis saying therefore went.
forth among the brethren, that
that discll)le should not die; yet
Jesus said not unto him, that he
lisould not die; but, If I \vitt that
he tarry till I come, what, is that
to thee')),
(110' ,.L(lu Peter \was st,t,.alty
crucified in the year G 1, was the
prup.l1.5 spuk('1) hy ,1, s. s con-
cerning his martyrdom 1,11y and
pvslli\ely 11 .erl•too,l . o jth
John -- the event t'.o"l'I fjna!ly
make (.'lea. 1,-I
t'. 11 ('o11:. , .. , I; :
' tore,
1(e:1115 1(1• (' 11' 11,1,1
((0)(( all it, ,, ,.1i 1111 •i4 11 (J,1,' ,l`
the Lord i;ii,'sc3) ,.111 11,11.,0 111111)1
what itis 333(1 conccrilin ; 101111 is,
In 1 etcr's case, Jesus 01011o:nced
an actual prophecy; in .10)111'5 he
decl:ned a prophecy, and left
John's career and end wholly in
the secrecy of Ills will,
A Courageous retcr
"This is the disciple that bear-
oth witness of these things, and
wrote these things: and we know
that his witness is tone."
Peter did not Pclow that he had
conte to one of the great crises of
his life, and that 1'1'o111 this time
on he would he 0)1 alfnt;'ether dif-
ferent, mall, 110 had heard the
Lord entrust to hint a more sol-
emn task than ever the Lord had
previously designated as his life
work, Ile had even heard that
day that he was to die 11 martyr,
crucified as the Lord had been
crucified for hint. From telt; tint'
on we I,, loth] a ('Oura,2'cou5 Peter
in place of the (103l d1;: one of a
fen• 'ia;:: ;;.40.
Air -Sea Rescues
Narlonl planet,
11(1(1111:3 E' oat Britain, aro shot up
over 0o"t't11'null 13 (0)10, die fliers
know (int their ch111,00 Of ('(1(1(11'
l5 301011 11 they can 1:11(il the Ae11
110110 11 11111(1 out or .'tushing. in
300(1.1:•: around England the Air
Bea 1?e— ; e Service, n•tth Its vpeody
embalm:co boats rind Ipecially
e(lilipped Plant's, 113(0 4tlleti 11101'0
than 1.11113 13(3' ('react since 194o,
I Depicted state,
511 has many
-- mines.
9 Cubic meters,
11 1)1aeui'd.
13 Altitude
(abbr. ),
15 Perched,
16 Grccl, god
of hocks,
18 An agent,
20 Abdicilte.
21 Principal.
22 Drunl':cn
24 French river,
25 Domestic
26 Endures,
27 Suffix.
28 Skill.
29 Persian
priestly caste,
81 Intersect.
39 Hindu queen,
35 Surrender.
37 I-Iostelrler'.
38 Garden shrub,
42 Let fall.
43 Babylonian
"Guys Like These"
Veteran Joe and Sergeant Jean
Were splitting' a quart it; the snug
Oi(1 Joe was telling of seventeen,
When he lost his leg in the red
In walke(1 n
And 111111011 for a drink of 00111(4')'
13 1(',
Je;ul'Sn,cltere(I and grinned: ;no's
cold ('yes strayed
To the Lei ;,;::1:t13 nesse, W11.111 bo -
01111 to fade.
Incl with eyes Ms
li ;,k 111 the 10. 1.t1)' 1 10013111 11: Jolt
1\111'0 lits f::rro'.od face, he" 111)1
"1I i'' ain't no ui;I :-sup, no, :' .r};,,
;:enio 1.1, he'll Stand iu t1,'.• Ion -
on 1'0 row."
Me, said ,toe, I take my In n'
Like lots of the Inds, but ; aen
The 1: an wino doesn't 15 not jual
And nluyhc he's better, so lon't
you jeer.
This f;'uy Montgomery's no man's
Ile's hard as 1)11)151, and bravo and
He lives his life by 1111 inn rule,
.1n' he's got a Kick like an army
Ever hear (1f this Bo1101ing hloku
\\'ho 1118113' (1 Hosehe's piano 1(13)1
\\•hen guys like these don't dried(
013 11(11(0
'J'heir ru41le of lifo is no nutlt'8
---(1(1(1'3(1 Al. Wright,
Destroyer Escorts
'fho 1'lli1,aI 51:1!1,11 .'\ . ,(c' ttly
announced tial 18u1100no or tO
sleek, sun',ly 11111e w.1'•hips, n1en
to be olhp111aellle0 ;'y a1. least
2(0 more, say's Ne\3s\\, 1 1;. ,\t'r(15
I)1 111, 1•11 l'01'l l ties 1(13'1 'i' 1)1'11;
1111;; we'.'1 ,'Itt'1:110u1t1
Sl0051l' t-teort•,, Each ,M„ ! $';,,anis
00u anti 0011111 111 1,:;!': In roar
llloll'llr II;I 00111:':1'41 to ' 'no nit,lit.!IH
fol' 11 toslt',ly't'1') 'tile 111';'4 film•
sial job \l:(( 10 (111 1 nl,'rfh:ult
ship con111315,
Answer to Previous 'Puzzle
1.11.15 _I IAM�D'A�V: I IS
!E C„f
NON ? R!L)iM.v -NI'AM
E D +ii> ;5YOIU± ;A!L;15 PA
ftj J4 .C1T';1,. P U'R L
gSAWE'`t 1v1�Atr,,:yEL
DIE BT ,,�,P E A b; B4O0'N
EDIT) 014711'oNf
god of the sky
44 Courtesy title,
45 Beverage.
47 Adherent of
48 Pertaining
to the Alps.
50 lituns.
52,53 Its capital
1 Speaks.
2 Symbol for
3 AltIc'r tree.
4 ',Mind.
611oN' kiln,
7 Lieutenant
19 Foil:, tP follow
suit ,11 card
21 A I,.'errs o!
the 1:11.poral
bode 1 €kind
23 \\'(:. t..
2.6 V1'111;: )
291.111 ;,( .1 food.
30 11.1:.
32 CI y. 3.,11ine
(111' ':::(•e,
33Ec(r '.:a(ks•.
31::ati•'•,'. inlet.
30 Do : limen\
of 1'(':i:lic
3811331, :lone
8 Leave. 40 Circic r,1l t,
9 Incline, 41 Two. 1 Alto
10 Perceive. rir,c'lct ,
11 Greek letter, 44 ocher,
12 Shower.', 46 Nev.! Zealand
13 Paid publicity ratite, hir(1,
(1)1.). 49 Part:'.:,
17 Compa s point 51 All 1131,1,
�F-6 7
? ric. -Jaw'
Z. 30
31 32
36 -
"45 1 44
5C' 51
8 -5
10. 14100
Ctnada's HousoldieN hnnv' that custards ;and Nano-
In,111;;'9,(1111ckly:tntle;isIl;, made with pure, high quality
Gadd Corn St,u'ch, :u(' a delight with any luncheon
or dinner menu.
AttIi;rim: whenC-044th :0 2 urs•dto'1:,1tRight l+=_'r-- ''t"i
t.; l'r,l ltlgllt", these (Tell ...1; (1,... ....:t; v.ill pr4,'re a , .t --`---,l 0
Cvilcoinc. :Ld,ht rnl to th me rlta n h,n'i.i 1,,Itutl.11'.y
fl,:: li 1ti)u.Il 1'0x1, for I'1•n; ,; (:Iny,,Iit;n. F(,lIJty
Ca;•,.Lt', F. Rules for 1; ..I!'.il an 1 fila
A pr 1uct of tl e CANADA STARCH COMPANY, Limited
I!1.T'aledSi"1dttY�SSL .r r'ilt i.�JyW CiJLYwl�Yqulleyui•.a..iii .y(..d Ut•1111.4
Percival Christopher Wren
For 1''lyjo ()t'fice( John Vero -
Vaughan, the (lay began as nil.
I olthi(4in.tly' as most others, tin
new, that, there \vie; trouble
:''yund the Frontier was \vetrule,
I\C1'I Ilino' to rualor, the ;rook!,
new; of ,which had been iuought
a tl;ln'lrrint) fakir Inlowii to
• drift British orrice!: a- Ghulam
Nyder ,tits of the kind that not
D Tong ago could Holy" have L1,•ol,
ued Ivy ,urh drastic :I oasure a-
of a bri,.;;I1(•, of all arm-.
Put '.t•i,;at formerly ne(•(-,itatell
;Le en!illo;naent of 1;,neral;, Thi•
''sh regiments, Aper Ie:;iolen;s,
•Iluadr0n< of Ilem;a1 I:u!cer< and
!:ri1j:11 r,;talry, Il;tltlrie u' field
ami t11o1111t:ti11 it r(Illl'I'.i, lit'•
utinuel!; • of sappers and miners,
4- Si',I,01 Corp, and the Itoyal
I my Ser,ii(' Corp:, 1!1'1 1" 1111•It-
t:oll !Lim -antis of camels and
ale 4411
:Ind a hurtle of c;(lnit
ft,lloav•r sidle! s, 4yces and ser -
,.ants, , ottd nuwallay; i,1' dealt
tlh lIV .( dozen yotmg 1114'11 441111
:( I0(11' i100'e11 airplane.;•
111 :1 1"',: 4.1(1011 NI \ twill-seal('1'
ichti10'-01114, 11111 1111,y abunt
1144(4 w„' kVA 1111 :waterers, fit-
. 'IL! detonators to the 14(41(1111, of
' ;di 11 r:,•O machine cat:Co:41 eight,
Thr ,alttocers hat 111:4: completel
it v.'Irh, into the co digits
tile young men ((1(o (4(4:1-
'!'lyy, •':erred the rsutler- tei111
d I!.0 young 1)14-11 who renliell
r'Ilnil!g; dntl'11 from rot. air, L1
ase (1h.'. 1onling down 11-0111 1111
:e011nt110,1, harried an 1 styli 1111
Ding;'• I!:'(;e In','aahiu;; 1114. 1'11'
ilritannica ail 1111. 10'11 Ile peace
1l11 110I'der,
1lvi!I; adjusted I;(4 .;les 01111
rness ,1101 Set 1.1011 into the1! 1'0,-
(crit( .;,'ups, the P1101, ta:;i-d the
11(14111(11 into the Position fur tai;-
i!tg' oft', 0101 ;it n signal from the
! ad1h, lilt. engines roared, Ile
machine- tool' off, :1101 Ivy in 111
c:'cnt circle: gained height suf-
ficient for crossing• the many
miles of lofty lnotlnliiins which I:ty
i:etvveen Fel 1 llunzaun and Sured
lint, the .stronghold of the notor-
ious Tinging' llad,ji :toil his ever
turbulent find iv:11111;e sect.
1'0 ] lyinc Officer John Vere-
Vatig11un• the extreme 4o111 of the
'noruing w•as the chief 10001'I11.
ISSUE No. 17-43
Today, there's a little white tablet
that's making a lot of difference ...
to woolen throughout the whole
British Isles. A recent British
Government survey showed up
these facts: that women, till over
Britain, aro counting on Aspirin
tablets as one of the three most
helpful drug items for maintaining
health and morale.
Now that hundreds of thousand:;
of women are working in war plants,
doing Bleu's jobs in the factories,
there's no time to "give in” to
headache, neuritic, or neuralgic
pain. So when distress first starts
women reach into their pocket-
books, and take the tablet they
know they can trust.
Aspirin has helped millions. It's
quick, etl'eetive, dependable .. .
one of the safest analgesics known.
So be sure you have Aspirin. It costs
less than 10 a tablet in the economy
bottle. Aspirin is made itt Canada,
and "Aspirin" is the trademark of
The Bayer Company, Limited. If
you don't see the Bayer cross on each
tablet you're not getting Aspirin.
1';Ve0t1114' tau:. fanljliar and
usual; and at present his only
duty ars gunner was to keep a
sharp lookout and Islam !lis pilot
of any chaulge in the formation
of the flight a11(1 of any signals
Blade by its leader.
A11 was as usual until, a hun-
dred miles from 1101110 and at.
1100100 0h0111:;uul feel, a most un -
11(41t111 1110rning 01011 101111C 1111, en-
countered. 0 fog white and dense,
and of It blanketing thickness
worthy of London itself, And
looming' 11(010 it and t!uou4h the
fringe of it were the peaks of the
mighty l,ushg;ai chain of moun-
tain ranges, As the machine dig.
appeared into 1.10 fog: Vere -
Vaughan, already hall' I'ozen,
cursed, 1\'hy lead 110 joined the
air Force':
11:'hat a lite! \T'hu'd he an air -
mom': 'Thank Cud Tommy Lucke
'.vas .such :! great lad at the soy.
stick! 1)1:e of the (hest pilots
ever. Still, it another machine
barged into 111111, of al mountain
gut up and til him, what good
would his skill he :'
The fog thinned, a speak oc-
curred, and far below the !,round
was dimly visible, They were
through the mountain 1:(140 111111
flying over 0 0:1411 1rau'1 of loyal
country. And also t'.u';; were
John \'ire -Vaughan t;roancd ill
spirit, That almost eerlainly,
meant that there were five wr00ks
behind thein; that in five steep-
shled ravines lay five tangled
masses of fabric and Inacltincry;
five tangled 1110004 of flesh and
blood and bone. Anil the hest
one could hope for them was 11101
death had 11011 insLuataneous.
Nulla, 'Tonllny 11' a s diving
sharply, !lid 111 know exactly
where he was" Or art:: 111' going
della to
1(111.0I;ne40 Illi; country
pretty well, hal .. .
:1 quarter of an hour
latter. \4r(-Vlulghan saw ;1 1111.,
fort 01' fortified village on a pla-
teau. Evidently 'Pommy recog-
nized the place. 1'14, that was
it, ur h1 would not have dropped
to a thousand fret and turned.
Now for business. .
Fuer tines the ulat:ltint) flew
across the plateau, 011 0n0111 000a -
(410n (propping' a 00111110 of getups.
'1'11111 the ei:C111 explosions would
cause 11111011 loss of lit•' was ex-
tr0nally jnlprohahle, as the Pathan
Villagers would long ago have
11 fat• their can's; uo•i (1111114111
h11110outh-proof dugouts 0111011 1(011i1'-
ed no digging, 11001) in the solid
:rock of the sides of the 1'10:04
that flanko.t the plateau near the
village 1.011.
That was all to the good. One
did not cant women tool children
to surfer for the deeds of their
outlaw -raider husbands, '011( X0.4.
sons 11101 4.rothel•s,
1411• for 11ht' fog there ttu11'1(1
have bee( forty -light bombs iit-
toad of (11;1111, for carrying, oast
the work of destruction and teach -
1:1g 1111 Singing 1Iadji of Soled
11(11 that limps Were changed and
methods improved -- from the
point of view' of his enemies,
any rate.
The fourth trip and the ehdith
explosion. . . .
And what, now': \Voehl 'l'o>oioy
try to fly Intel; through that ripz,
trusting: to hip wonderful luck .11(44
skill once again? Not 1111 skill
vats going to be match good on70
they (very into that stifling all-
enveloping wrist again. Like a
blind mach trying to rut headlong
through n trackless forest of
trees. 'They'd certainly share the
fate of the other five planes on
the return journey. '1 hose five
— and the ten nen u•ho -- it
didn't bear thinking of.
Hullo! \\'hat 40844 !hot'.
01' so
There 11114 a ragged volley of
rifle tiro from below, ap(oral hal.
1e1, slriki1tt the 4(111110.
1lid the beggars know that 1110
machine only. ('111010(1 eight bond's
and had dropped them all At
any rate, they had evidently
swarmed out from their caves,
dugouts and hiding places (111(101'
the great boulders, on the ex•
plosion of the last bou111.
Good, 'I'll(' 11'4.=un 4011111 he
driven home 1(101 the outlaw's
taught that there wills danger to
more than their watch tower.; and
walls it' they came out into 1Ile
'I hey'd forgotten 1114 Machine
11111, 01' 1)0111110` 114(1 0411110.1(11 of
the fn,'t that the 41(;1111'' bird that
laid the cxplusive e0';s carried
sac b a t l!intr.
the}'e (11(11111(1:! flashed
Ihrn':g'll hi; Mind Vero -Vaughan
ro:;,• in iris sent, seized the gun
rine of his 1.owi1 and ltlanl'((l at
his pilot.
flood tied! 41'hat was Tommy
11oii,o? Tommy 41;1(4 sinking down,
Its it ',von', ill his cockpit. Tommy
-was collapsing, 1:!1',ing, and sway-
ing;' in his sept and harness. And
Tommy was bleeding copiously.
Tommy had been hit. llis heatl
was nodding,'. \Vas he dead? No,
.For .suddenly he had pulled the
,joy stick hack and put 1110 nose
of the machine up, But he was
badly wounded. C'oul(1 In' last
out to gel. honk?? What would
he the best tiling to d0': Nati ile
bolter clinch across and . . .:'
Suddenly \'er1-Vauglian's heart
seemed to x1(1111 still, his 1110od
to free'/.e in his 0(1111, 114 h(' real.
ized That the nl:IChilli. was 11111 of
((((1101, ilial 1'01. 110 rc;150I1 it Was
hawking with terrific snddennes,
and steepue0$ so 111a1 the rigging
thrub!md like harp ;strings, vi-
brated and .strained as if every-
lhin1• must conk adrift.
Anil then it fell, spinning;
spinning; dizzily, like a \(pining
deryi :h,
Just as the ground .seemed to
rush up ;(1 V,re-\'inn lrlo to strike
with !hideous impact, the machine
a1140,'red sticl;0 and helm, :Ind
i111011 with a horrible jarring;
411,1111 r, 0)441(led it -ell', swooped
fnrt41(1(1 and 1(111:10 to climb.
And as \'err-\'0ttg;h:ul (111'10 0
thankful breath of relief and felt
as if his heart had resumed its
beati(414 new danger loomed
ahead, :rummy w :1 .4 steering
straight for the fog-idankeled
.1gain 'Pommy lurched side -
,lays, his heals falling forward on
his 1•liest. )tut he pulled himself
Iog;rt101' once more. .1nd about
time too, a: the machine, swift
and strai',ilt as an arru\r, flew to•
ward: the mist tl4rou411 '.1111411 Ilow
loonl0'Ij the 1.11-t wall of a onion-
For the list time Tumany's
!,late :out caro' up from beneath
the ='.•, II'Ii1:1;' waters 111' l•ethe,
peeled 11110(341! the : ;:jf)lV closing
mists of death. Ile raised his
head, opened his eye', grasped the
control tulunln and changed the
an1411' of the plate's direetiun in
time to prevent. it head-on crash;
changed it so that the angle of
1110 0irp11tlle's (.1111111 111)110St coin-
cided with that of the mountain-
side, so that as he died, the nerve-
less eye :1(1(1 hand and foot ceased
to function, the crash t01a5 more
that of a terrific landings that
sends the machine hounding and
bouncing to its .final somersault,
than that crash vvIiich drives it in
- --.._ -
By Gordon L. Smith
e.4 ,1111• W
. 41 151 fy
!lig Croppers for Gardens
Much will depend (444(1, the 10-
1atli0( 1(1111 size of the ye; staple
1110(1 11 aS to 11;1• ,lopg; in
it. I1' tin;:, say 11' than ,,-,n feet
square, the( a!111('rilie :,11(1.,1'
conemitratine ol, 1110:, osgeta1'dt.s
which (1iv0 the Ili; 04.1 ::''! 1 per
40;':. Thi, meal:. small, ((imp;u'1
thing; like eaulut-, 1' t , lettuce
beans, spinach, orion , 1,01i ,h,
With the first it(!,,>, , ten 1:: feet
of row, If 14ivell
in the way of t i,iu,:,,, cultiva-
tion, and 41(11:ttl_ ',.ul,.4,01' and
I'crl11i7,e1', .=1100111 produce newly
good 141(11114 for t110 (';til'-si%111 fa-'
lolly. And as the 4,4.1s can be,
spaced 0 mere foot apart, as stall
plot will 1(01 at lot of coop.
The slaked tomatoes will tale
up more room, They should be
1S inches apart in the role, but
ono 'holt should groat a big basket
o1' tomatoes, and if all side shoots
are nipped riff and the plant tied
loosely to a six-foot stake it will
ripen the fruit surprisingly early.
It doesn't pay In 440;1 bulky
things like potatoes in the tiny
00)101able garden, and at winter's
supply of cau'rot-, 0(11011., 10414,
should not be attempted.
Corn and pea; 111110 0p a lot of
r00111 I)tlt because the;; (11'11 ((141')'
so tasty as when taken rig111 0111
of the garden at the bark door,
solu'tjntes even city gardeners try
to squeeze theta in.
Garden corn should be gruw•r1
in bill, 01)0(41 to to I) inches
apart. To supply the .,111111! fa
1(1111' ;tl. least. 0 dozen hills of curl;
are necessary, lu:(1 front 10 t1) GO
feet of row 01' pea,.
'1'tk! three (110st important fac-
tors in successful transplanting
are moisture, shade and the ex-
clusion of air from the foots,
Whether the thing to he trals.
platted i; u tiny, young shoot
front the next row or 0 fifteen
foot maple, experts stress the
i ihle, they say, transplanting
should be (Ione nu a dull day or
evening. Soak with water around
the roots and press the soil firm -
points mentioned. It' at 11!1 pos-
sible, tool especially with big
plaints, shruls and trees, regular
01111 11(000 Watering are advisable,
at least until July, with nursery
Moving a plant 1, something'
like an operation for at 1)004104
being, and the larger the specimen
the more necessary 11;0 attention.
WVilh 'hrttbl,c'ry and trees, often
main routs are cut :1(111 the shock
is severe, Some 1001;-110 in the
Way of (quickly 1101111)1h1,' commer-
cial fertilizer will help at this
time, merely 11 pinch for small
tl(in084 11110 tomato plants or
asters, and perhaps up to a couple
of handfuls for shrubs and trees.
one final and tremendous impact
to utter splintering smash and
complete disintegration and de-
(Continued Next 1Veek)
fly ,�•,�.. \''`, :?. �"•: '_, iV:h
:,owning, noon of night, what could be sweeter than the hea,, ,,,y
aroma of All -Bran Maple .Syrup Muffins perfuming the stir that wends
its way from the kitchen. 'l'he recipe slakes its debut just in time
to ring in a new run of maple syrup. You will find these muffins
kind to your ration cards and Very appealing to your palate.
AII•Bran Maple Syrup Muffins
1 cup flout'
2 teaspoons baking powder
% teaspoon salt
1.4 teaspoon soda
2 tablespoons shortening
cup maple syrup
1 egg
!a cup mill;
1 cap All -Bran
Beat shortening and syrup together; add egg and beat well. Add
milk and A11-I1ran; let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Sift
dry, ingredients together; add to first mixture stirring only until flour
(lisappcars, hill greased muffin pans two-thirds full and bake in a
moderately hot oven (100°F.) about tri Minutes.
Yield: S muffins (21,i inches in diameter).
AII•Bran Sugarless Muffins
2 tablespoons shortening ati cup milk
cup sugar' 1 cup flour
1 egg ?c. teaspoon salt
1 cup All-llran 2!c teaspoon', baking;' powder
Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg and sheat well.
Stir in sill -11101 and milk; let soak until most of moisture is taken tap.
Sift flour with salt and baking powder; add to first mixture and stir
only until dour disappears. Fill greased 0(1111in pans two-thirds
fall 11)0! bake in moderately 1101 04l'll (4011 'F.) about 110 minters.
\'11111: s large muffins Cl inches in diameter) or 1'2 small ntuf-
fin� 12' 1 i0chrs in diameter).
'2 cup 0000 syrup nlay he used instead of sugar if
milk i, reduced to Is. cup.
Every Canadian Moine Should Have the
Over 225 World Famous Songs and Choruses
maminr,tllis 1111' w(,r(I to dc•;crillc this rcrlarkall)l( .0 O
volunB . 1 t is (,11)01 music size, and has 221 page:; of
the W(,rlcl'o choice1o,ngs- truly a mammothcollt•ction. . bus 124
the book contains
kosc 01 No Man's Lund
1t•I,crr Ur, 10, (a•, 0r'un 4ieret
'I hr Star Spanl:led runner
O, Canada!
Ave Maim (ItaclaUmn,v1)
The Lo .t ('hold
Sly 1.,,..
1 he Old 11ugg.''I (•r,ot
1 be• s=trange: of (,alike
J, 1n I'rrl
1.1 ( 14'41.1, ha
sat, Luna (lien ;n the Twilight)
'Volg., Boat 1i„n4
When Love is kind
Iloilo. o❑ the kaase
0 l,e 0.u,d flay'.) On
Down by The Old 111i11 Stream
11ain't Want to Play in Your Yard
i'(u Alw:,y3 Chasing Rainbows
1;.1: -K -Racy
iteaut lul 1lraven (laellto Undo)
cradle Song (Watkins)
1)reanl oa Love (Liebestraum)
1 Love You Truly
I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby
Ju.;t A•lyrar;in' For You
'shot Cain' Bread
Who it Sylt•l4.?
Beam aul Dreamer
11 steam Id Jeanie with the fight
lr"tvu Ilair, etc., etc.
Voice, Piano, Guitar
Thi.; wonderful hook 1..1,,lrlythin;; sopa in,bl between it. covers --gars from the
great operas, concert songs, recital number,, patriotic and tsar songs, sacred souga,
songs from the sunny ('Doth, Stephen Poster', immortal comp"siti)ns, negro spirit•
pals, children'a 50111:+, 11011.01,, love son,-.; s, 411111:; and Christmas carols. The book
also contain; a chni1:t. srh tti0n of the twit popular sone choruses of the past quay
ter ceutu;0. T11„ I-••0lui';itc piano 141tinge an• by Hugo Prey, world renownod
editor a),,' :.It.uh,'I; \Nell printed 00 good 1+10 r --;o 1. !•' :II r'.n, :,•, of great
soogs—the oe i j 1. I,u't'c!lul.; Yalu • ,11 SI (1 + • '••. '
193 forge Si., Dept. CN Toronto
Send... . 5+10(; Book
for which 1 I ' close
\ 01.
Your Easter Dinner
1•:act week it scents lust a little
more difficult to prepare anything
ill new meat, for company or our
seasonal restivitie(4. 1towyvet•, I
think almost everyone is ,akin'.'
0 very sensible attitude. If v•I
tits' requested to 1-1(11 food for " :I
arn(1(1 forces aunt our allies 11.,,
hell) to 1:1,4011 the cud of this bt'-
rible turmoil, then 1(•t os be about
Will; 11:is in mind I am writing
you about your I';asl(1- dinner. It
is simple mut 1 hope within the
limits of everyone's rationing.
Easter Dinner
1;(11;41 llnnh !tai u. Sauce
Potato Rolls --- Pickled Beets
Spinach with hams -cooked egg
Salad of spring greens --endive,
cress. onions, radish and lettuce
Orange bluff
Ile\ct'ugt of Choice
11tun baked, boiled or broiled
has always been a Canadian favor-
ite, 10 -cause of its flavor told
juiciness. \Ve are fortunata to.
day in having a number of new
processes of curing awl smoking
which adds a new 'est to haul and
adds a now' tenderness, juiciness
and sweetness. The new processed
hunts really do not require the
soaking before cooking, but if you
wish soak one -halt hour in cola
Give your 101111 a long slow
linking, allowing 25 minutes for
each pound, Fifteen minutes be-
fore serving;' remove the rind and
spread with a coatiut; of brows:
sugar (t cup), 1 teaspoon of
mustard and 1 t.ea'sp0on ginger.
If you wish insert cloves diagon-
ally anti return to the oven for 15
minutes. '1'11(' tcnlaiudcr of the
ham may be used in ninny inter-
esting Way, during the week,—u
sandwich fill, ham croquettes, otc.
Raisin Sau.e
11 cup raisins
1 cup water
4 or 5 clove.
'i cup Drown sugar or corn
1 teaspoon cort;;tattat
teaspoon salt
Few grains popper
1 tablespoon butler
1 tablespoon 11nwn juice,
1 teaspoon of (4(111(: Meat sauce,
Cover raisins with water, ado
the cloves and simmer for 1.0 min-
utes. Remove the cloves. Ad(i
sugar, cornstarch, salt and pep-
per mixe.l together. Stir until
slightly 1]ilkenc1 and add remain-
ing ingredients.
Potato Rolla
Boil the potatac< iu the usual
way for inte,lkd potato0s, \i"hen
01111 1(1a,4.h01 add butter,
lr;'1„ salt and pepper; heat, being
rm.,' all lumps are removed.
!lave the hake board ready coy•
er!'d with rolled crisp cornflakes.
SI'.ope potato,, into rolls about
two inches in length dotting the
etas into the rolled cornflakes,
in tows on a Tightly greased
!;ing sheet. ifeat iu 14 moiler -
He oven Ito. 21) minute- before
The Potat0e, will 111111 011(1 roll
1,(41.01' if c00icd off to it tempera -
tore a little le;; than lukewarm.
Orange Fluff
11hics)ooas lenlo)1 ,juice
1 teaspoon glared orange
2,:t cup orange juice
1 tablespoons sugar
2 egg. yolks
egg white
.1 teaspoon 14(latin0
!, cup cold Water
Mix 10111011 juice, rind, orange
juice, sugar and beaten ('44 yolk,
If you like a jelly not too firm,
but of a creamy consistency, fill
up the two-thirds full cup of
orange ,juicy with water. Cook
over boiling water stirring con-
stantly, until mixture thickens.
Add gelatine soaked in cold water.
Chill until mixture thickens slight -
1y. Fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites. file into serving dishes
and chill. Pour servings.
111x11 Chambers nelson((•+ personal
letters from Interc4ted readers. She
Is pleased to repel ye suggestions
on miles for Iter column, and Is
relays ready to listen to 'our "pe(
perces." Ilequcsls for recipes or
speel al Menus are In order. Address
your leper. to .'Miss Sadie H.
Chamber., ^a W'esl Adelaide Sl.,
'Torun,,,." Send N(an1ped melt-nd.
dressed cn.elop(' It aou 441(41* a
Improve Your Health
by Correcting Sluggish
This Way is Swift, Economical
Few conditions can 4(10014 your health
faster than disordered kidneys and
inflamed bladder. \O((r hack ;wilco
miserably. \'ou have restless nights. You
suffer leg cianlps and nceurtatio pains.
%Then 1hc10 things happen your kidneys
need help in filtering put acids and
p0140noud wa,te4 til•lt tete ml!)ctruining
your health.
Give th,`h, t(,is help— '; 11, 11)—with
GOLD \ll{D.11, Haarlem Oil capsules.
GOLI) MED.1i, Capsule contain
accurately 11(4stucd amount, 0f Un-
original and genuine 111 aticln Vil (Dutch
Diops+. Von will be 4ratcntlly surprised
at the may they lelieee 11.eggod kidneys
and irritated bladtlet.
Go to y,+ur (11m;gist ne(t and got a 4111
box. 13e sure (011 ask for Gl al 1.) MEL -1.11.
Haarlem oil 1 .)04ul01. 7
Pak/ 8.
1p(10ewRe1eI6ICICIIetCKKI tlaulClalii(beisMiai4lagtOtlIC ICItet reliCOs CIkf'{1(41{ 10009
3: I
Mien's Work Shoes $2.98 to $5.00
Growing Girls' Oxfords
Women's Arch Shoes
Children's Shoes - Oxfords - Strap
$1.98 to $3,50
,$2.9S to $5.110
- Ili lace Boots.
Olive MGIIi
1 woodcock,
0.3 1 Flt.Sgt. Norman Sinclair,
»� i
\Ins• James Morrill vis'tcd over the
week-eud tvitlt friends fn 1lantiltu11.
Mr, and \Ins, C. 1Itsk, Airs, A. oke,
of 'Toronto visited ore1 the weekend
at tht' home of MI', George Sloan.
A. McIntyre of Clinton
S ittn•tlay
with Miss Josephine
ill • unto, spun( the wec'It•end
• 11011.
of Tor -
at hit: home
Miss \'eronica Morris of Iitehener,
\Iiss Itay mm.ik of Imndun, t•i,:ited
thrix parents, \Ir, and Mrs, \\'. 1".
\(orris;, over the weeli•oud.
"Health is a vital dynamic thing contributing to Victory
... a proper diet ... a matter of national concern."
—Prime Minister Alrrckenzie King
, (4 A. t ..,.
QY:L�ua � are:, , ,.rte. .i':Y,.s��ta
, {r;�iya�'';�e::'i.ft �:i'�Af�d::�.v:i�iXa:i,lf'', �h;nu�,a,a.
Soy Bean, Whole Wheat
and 1Vhite Bread,
Also Buns, Bread,
Pies, takes and
1Vodding Cakes a Specialty.
Doherty Bros.
Accetylene and Electric
Wel(ling A Specialty.
Agents For international -
Harvester Parts & Supplies
White Rose Gas and Oil
Car Painting, and Repairing
Anti -Freeze.
Our Government realizes the importance of nutrition
for health, as an aid to Victory. Government surveys
show that the diet of many Canadians is deficient. This
is not necessarily because people eat too little food,
but rather because they eat the wrong kind of food.
That's why it is every Canadian women's duty to
know and apply the basic rules of Nutrition. And that's
why we offer you an easy way to plan meals that will
feed your family well ... in at useful•.•.
new booklet,"Eat-to-Work-to-\Vin".
So do your part! Learn how to
bring new health and vitality to your
family! Get your copy of "Eat -to.
Work -to -Win", NOW!
Send for your copy today!
Sponsored by
in the interests of nutrition and health
as an aid to Victory.
to the Citizens of Huron County
ON 11'IONDAY, APRIL 26'1'11, AT 8 A.M.
To getyourFREEcopyof
"Eat -to -Work -to -Win",'
just send your name
and address, clearly
printed, to "Nutrition
for Victory," Box 600,
Toronto, Canada.
('i'he nutritional statements in
"Eat -lo-II•'•Wm" are
amnia bletoN4:,itiorsSerritet,
Department of Pensions and
't National ilea/th, Ottawa,
for the Canadian Nutrition
.*.•• * ♦4 Ou•.,•"•.,...... • • 0 :.,•,:•0••41
t• 'I'
•!: See My Large Display :t; - - -..
\ins, 11'illfam Blair of licilgra 'e, was S; •}• al,' "` +'r I' �"' '
:=.Sunorh .t -
a nest over the week end with \Ins. ••
.oa Pr�•�
Wed nesclay, Apri121,19t13.
Now is the time to overcome that "tired spring
feeling" by taking one of' the following tonics:
Burdock Blood Bitters, Davis & Lawl;ence r1'onic,
Ny:11 Blood Purifier, Wampole's Extract Cod Liv-
er, Nyil Celery Nervine, Wampole's Phospho-Leci-
thin or Creophos each $1,00 Bottle
Brighten the home with ne\v Wallpaper. Full
range of papers at various prices and large variety
of patterns, Buy early while stocks are complete.
No\V is the time to busy Mothoci(les and Disin-
fectants for Spring "l -louse Cleaning." We have in
stock Moth Balls, Muth Flakes, Paracide, Sapho,
Larve`, Lysol, Creoline, Chloride of Lime, Etc.
R. D. PHILP, Phm. B.
I ... a III. .11! 4., 1• 4:I1. 1 11. , .., . • , 1, 1 " .
ti..• I1,1
t1 atytV W (ytN'�•'.itY W tYtY' V Mit,�,M'Nt(atq"a'�'Y,tq+4�t•.Yt�1'�1�"Ut•1M''4`•si�il'i1tW`4'A`UKi'41��i1 Ot�'.,I�W�i1T�
Lining -Roomy Furniture
New Styles in Chesterfield Suites, upholstered
in high grade, durable fabrics, Spying -filled
throughout, at Attractive Prices.
Suring -filled Sofa 13eds and Studio Lounges,
tailored in Attractit/e Coverings, at Moderate
Prices. End 'fables, Book Cases, Coffee Tables,
La:fps, Magazine Racks and Other Odd Living-
Roonl Pieces, help to make ,your home more com-
fortable and enjoyable,
A call \\rill convince you of the many excellent
Values we i1'C offering.
Home 1''':rnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 — Funeral Director,
11 kl
:2,2t`. -'a;: z.,',, idi:.'io.Di �aDan'iDivi:312°31st..'t`3thi.i`�r`mr.4Iih:',I Dai`naa,InZi2;1.1?1DiMariegai'd'INDIN
Those who attended the Seventeenth
:1111111111 \feeling of the Huron I'reisby-
teriai of the United ('lurch, held at
Farm Forum Meeting Farm Forum Meets flltl'1)11'1It, Loi:; Robinson, of Toro!).
The No. In l:.tst 11'atv1no.. It Parol ( Farm Forum Grout) Nu. 1, monis, to, spent the week -end with her Pal'.
Forum no't at. lite --home of lir. an(1mils, Mr. and :\Ins, It, II, Robinson,
owl in the school holm, on Mondap
)11',A. Norman Ra(ifnld un Muuday night with :Ni tires nt. .After li,dening ('.pl. Jue Newman of :Moncton, N!Il„
evening, •! I in :spite of the had
weather, Ciere were 12 present.
Mr. Lorne \\'11:1 gave an addre;s
on "; cii't '•e and 'i'he Fiu'nt,' which
was very utticlt enjoyed.
G:totes were enjoyed and lunch
was t;eryid.
The next meeting. will he on may
17th at the home of \ir. and \irs. t'al-
ycrt Falconer. The recreation will be
in charge of Me.isrs. Orval 'McGowan
and .Marlin Ural' y.
to the ('Itl. broadcast, a program of is vi. iting at the henna of Mr, and
music and reagin; S was enjoyed. \1r,;. .1. II, I'hilli)',M,
Mr. .I. ('. Shearer, trier, .\gricultural Re-
p r.i, n(;ttive for Ilnrou county, was' Alts. Bury ,Mc('ool
the guest speaker for the evening. Ile tart., has hcen visiting with friends
t it a very hmllful address; on the in the district till IS wee((,
of Itroohlin,
i'rttduilinu ttI' Food i❑ ('a11adlt.
our. Gordon Augustine, of S.
A hearty vote of thanks was ten- Canadian Driving and \I. School,
dmred our Semretary, .\Ins. T. IhnuLa.S. \\'audstueie, tv(Iti with hie; fiunily for
for her very ifl'ici nt services during the weekend.
the past season. 'Pili.; concludes our
meetings until the fall se.;sion.
The Battlefront
depends on
The Homefront
will you deny yourself a little more to provide
the necessities for our Armed Services.
Huron County's quota is $33,0.10,000.00.
You can help by investing in Fourth Victory
Loan 3 percent bonds in two ways.
1. By investing all the cash you have at home and
i;l the bank.
2. By investing cart of the money you will have
coming in over the next six months. "
When you purchase Victory Bonds you buy
(This ad. Inserted by the Huron County National War Finance
Committee in the interest of the Fourth Victory Loan).
I'te. Harold C. \\'ig'ittuutlt of itiu'fie-
field ('attrp, l'htgston, spent Sunday,
with his parents, ;11t. and Mrs. Rubs.
\It•. and Mrs. \Vestey Stacl(housc
and daughter, Kva, of llrueelfleld spent
Saturday at the house of 111. anil Mrs.
Robert \\'ig'lrUnau,
Mr. and .Ir;. C. L. Burnside, of
(ioderich, visited with the latter's
mother, \les, A. M. ('olclough, on Sun-
Sig. P. (1. Amen!, lt.C.N.V,It., New-
t, fc,tuldland, is spending a few days vis-
iting at the home of his grandfather,
Mr. George !Ikons.
jAl r, and \i w. ('.
Brant ford, t,peut the
' the latter's parents,
Jannis Richmond.
Montgomery of
wed( -end with
Mr. and Alm.
S}4111. Carman \l(tn1'it1, 1(.('.N.\'.11„
has returned to Halifax. after spt'ud-
in; ; days leave vi.:siling relative's
and friends in Myth and Brussels.
Brussels, on Tuesday, April 211th were
M 16 M. II. Milne, Mrs. I1. Kh•k1'ty,
11 i's. A. M. Colclough, Mrs. \\'m.
Jenkins, Mrs. 1\'m. Logan, Airs Les•
Ne ililborn and Mrs. Frank Marshall.
(toss '1'httell has heli uto',-
e1 to bite \\'est ('ottst, a►ul ('pl. Sant
J11uell is now stationed in Charlotte-
town, I'.I:.1. Ifolh boys are ,Sons Of
din, and Attu. 11'nn. 'I'ltuell, of Myth.
Air. and Airs. I' 'red Sonu••rs have
returned to their house in 'Timmins,
after an enjoyable holiday with the
Iadie•; parents, NII, and 31 e;. If, Ile1•
Nit's. Anne Campbell i5 a patient itt
Bcn!Itil)• your hone for thl• dnra•:.I
Alton. No other I'urais1ing:s in your"'
`I,ttonu' equal 1111 value of \\'ttlipap(°r.:.:.„
,t, Papers marked Slitw•orthy are"
•t•espocially treat.,d to re,;isl fading. ,•
t, 111.Iy I sur -gen ;i complete change:,
.t•af scenery tor the hums' through;
'41110 medium of pleittiing \\'tllpi1pers.,•
4,.IALI.,1610:eJ-1.-I 1,i..ii i I .�I, ,1 X1.1
:ED1111 CR.EIMIrI'ON'S :
De,orator's Shoppe.
;;Located Oppo.its Kernick's Grocery.'
i ,+.0.0•.4
4.4. 4.4.444. 4.4.4.•:.!
In IIonour of Mr. W. rl'huell
to be held in Memorial Mall
Wed. Evening, April 25th.
Sponsorecl by the Council, Fire Dept.,
Hydro Commission and Town Officials
Admission Free.
Euchre and Ci' kiiioIe
• J
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG — Proprietor
Morris Council Meeting
The Morris 'I'otvnsship Council tact
on :April 12, in the township hall, tyi!ih
ail ill • Inuwbers present. The Reeve
'1'111' initiate; of the last meeting
stere read and ttdcpttd 011 motion o4'
\1'111. Speir and James \l:chie,
Moved hy 1'. It. ('oultes, seconded
11) \1'11t, ir, that a grant of $15,00
1.e given to the Salvation Army for
fescue work, Canted.
\laved by 11.It'vey .lohttston, 141!(101111.
cd hy .inures \Iiehir, that the tender
cl' Harry \\'1)11mi:tto and Spalding 1'eo,
I11 s.ul.ply, crit dt and deliver gravel
for ;Itis per cubic yard he accepted.
('.r'riL tI•
L:15; Municipal 1\'ofld, su'pplits
I'.tily l'uuuulrcial Now.;, advertising,
11.70; General Ilor'pital, Ftratford,
Airs, Annie Ne11tety, IrC.00; (intario
I lc: pilaf, \Voodsloel(, 31. II. Phelan
$.1)5.l111; Fred i,(tgan, after'car'e 7.00;
Alf,;. George Gross, relief $1':1,011; Sal-
vation Army, resctre wort( 115.00,
George C. \Iallht, Clerk,
Mailing List Corrected
Our mailing lists have been brought
up to (late this week, look at your
ktbel and stake sure it shows tiu
right date.
Another word to those in at'l'erll':s.
Hue to newsprint shortages, the time
loved by C. It, ('oulles, seconded Its fast approaching when we may
I,y James Michie, that the meeting have to strike out names in t'rero's
adjourn to utt t again on \lily 10, in order to supply our steadily grow -
l:03, at I p.m. Carried. ling list of new subscriber's, Please
The fullewin.A ttcconuts were paid: 'tray up, we need you, turd want you
\'. 11tgham Advance-Thu(4i advertising to remain a subscriber,
Sponsored by the 9th Line Willing i tCIC. 'Euro',..M'Cts' rw'f;';;tCtr',tt tCtClattZt4t&lltlt; ICICIZta)GICICIVOC(QICI+z tilldtttlQtttetatetew
In Memorial IIall, Blyth
po P'hone 156 for Prompt Delivery:
V Sweet Mixed Pickles per bottle 13c, and 30c
Worker's War Auxiliary. I
Mon., Apr. 2b
Admission: Adults, 335c•
Children 1"c•
i':d,,vard Ilo:Ise is vi;•iting wiP'1
mother tlti; well;, Ile is 1101111•
frons his post on III. East ('oast.
AL's. \\'nt. 110unet1 It;td 111:' 111i;ful-
111W to fall down her cellar' ,;lei:
the Clinton hospital, where she will this week, arid as it rt cull i s a pat icuT
'undergo an operation this Thursday in Cie Clinton IloQpital, 11'1 have not
+ 'SW bespeak for her a (speedy recon
been advised of the extent of h•"•
cry. injuries.
Ready -Cut Macaroni 13c and 15c
Eggwiieat Noodles 15c
Peaches 1Sc, 2 for 35c
Dill Pickles 25c
Serviettes, white and assorted colors 15c
New,' Old and Medium Cheese.
Gold Fleece Pot Cleaner 10c
Oxo Cubes and Fluid Oxo.
Minute Tapioca 13c, 2 for 25c
it,l(ing'Bran 3 and 5 lb. bags
Oranges per dozen tl0c, 50c and 60c
Dutch Set Onions, Grape Fruit, Bananas
ti;20Vtntak r.karlatl'il4rr4112 tit$ rt, DatktDrn'.$t"riDt$tbal;ltDtkaatAl efili tabtlblatiltDat;>t- i
Tomatoes, Celery, Carrots, Head Lettuce.