The Blyth Standard, 1943-03-31, Page 1TIDE p LATH STA
Mr. And Mrs. Charles Riehl
Mark 50th Wedding
James Laidlaw
Get Your Dollars Ready For Canada's
Fourth Victory Loan Drive,
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Machan, Tho community was shocked on
1St Concession of East Wawanosh, was IThunsday morning, March 25th, to
the scene of a verypleasing event, learn that Mr, James Laidlaw, a life- C;tizens of Huron County—the op• nun Secretary. After a discussion and
when their parents. Mr, and, Mrs. 'long resident of this community had (ming of the Fourth Victory Loan is recreation, a pot luck
Charles Riehl of Blyth, celebrated passed away vory suddenly at his rapidly drawing near. A (Trento(,, ;served by the ladies.
their 50th wedding anniversary in the home ori Mnsley street, Mr. Laidfary Job faces us, It can only be (8111(1 'Tile liuta decided to
midst of their entire family of nine Wad not been in the. beet of health, and through to a succes>,ful conclusion by ,meet figs
children, with the exception of Gnr, during tlio week prior to his death had !the co•operat.ton of every citizen. The
Wm. now serving with the spent much of the time in bedwrIlow• I lluron County General Canvas Mee -
Canadian Army Overseas, lever, Thursday morning he arose, and live for the Fourth Victory Loan will
atiter breakfast, lay clown on the couch undoubtedly be in exceas of the
pile regularVann I'aruur meeting of
for a rest, Mro. Laidlaw was chratt1ng 'amount raised on the Third Victory S.S. No, i, Morris, stet at the
with him, and momentarily turned her ,Wall. (horse on llonday night. with :12' pies -
back, when she «gain turned her at' 11'0 wish to paint out that the mini ent. After the broadcast a lively tis
tendon' to hien, she was astounded to
mum o'hJect(vc for ,his loan is $1.1011,• cession 1 was held. Miss K•1!h u'in'
see that he had passed away. Death 000,000 and the amount raised on the McDonald ga1.e an address oa nntri
was due to a heart attack, Ile was' '1'Itld \'iotor'y 14mn from all som'ce.i tion, and a social hour was spout in
In his 71(11 year. Was $991,000,000. We must raise more 001testii and games. A pot luck sup.
'Many evidences of keen regret have than the minimummuminimumobjective. ll r. ' pcI' was served.been exprerl3ed at air, Lai(lla'w's limey has asked us to raise at least
'stt'titlen Passing, He was a citizen $1;1,-,0,000,000.
highly -desirable to any community,
and held in esteem by a large circle Ji r, Ilsley has asked that. individual
of relatives and friends, Although he subscribers buy a total of $;100,000,000 llienr6;hip and more sociability, and
T1ie balance of the money will be lhelped to get the tommunity out; of
The 1',111 Linc Radio Farm Forum. of
h:'arit \\'irwanh,h, leas hem at the Jowl,of mi... and Mts. \loIvllio 'Taylor, oith
37 present. A vote of 1118111(5 was ex-
tended to )Its, Stanley Cook, the I'or-
The home was beautifully decorated
in gold and white, and the bride and
grooms table was centred witlh a three -
tiered wedding cake, and a large bas-
ket of spring flowers.
Sapper was served from 5 to 3, the
first liable consisting of the bride and
groom and their faintly, as follows:
Mrs. Albert ilaggitt. Carrie, of Blyth;
Mrs. Alfred Machan, Elizabeth, of Fast
\\'awano»h; Mrs. Jack Glousher.
Sophia, of G!oderich; Mrs, John Sell-
ing, Goderleh; Mr, George Riehl, fort
Erie; lla'. Albert Riehl, Saltford; Mr.
Ii,tnitl Riehl, lI , \\'iltred Riehl, followed closely political and municl ft's hinter rut.
raised from the Special \;tales — 111
Win ham• pal dovelopeanent», he had no desire 51(,8110(1 Companies, Financial Corpora (D1( April Nil, there will be 11 ape.
Por public office, Ills greatest Joy'
After »upper was served the bride lions, and individuals capable of par- 181 meeting at 1110 school when Mr
'and groom wero brought forward and ,was 1115 home, and that of doing little chasing $5,000 or more, I J . C. Shearer will address the mei
helpful chores for his neighbours. Ila
preen tlo with many gifts and con -
was a great favourite with the young The Province of Ontario, the richest. ing• Everybody welcome•
gt",orge1a011» by their 01(10»t 510- folk of his neighbourhood, and many 'in tho Dominion, has always provided i
George, who acted as Master of Core- r~
of thorn will carry has kindly influence approximately 50 percent of the total
monies, masking an appropriate speech to Mullett ToWn.=hip Farm itaaio
, through life with tlhenn, amount raised Ir the Dominion bots(
to mark(, the occasion'. The, gifts con- Forum held the last meeting of the
af, Laidia.w was a sou of the late from General Canvass and Special
silted of a beautiful rango from sons Season on Monday night at the home of
Names, The Province of Ontario will '
and daughter, a teL kettle and day .Robert Irtidlaw and N:upheulfa 11(1(1(,(1• \t•. and acre. i':dward Oougan, w•ica
Ito was born in Morris Township, and therefore likely be asked to raise. in
bed, mattress and cover, from grand- 4I present. After the radio broadcast
children and great graudchlldrerl; a ,spent his entire lifetime in the stir- general canvass, $'1'50,000,000, it short programme and community
beautiful basket of flowers front then rounding community, In 1;(2(1 he mar The Province of Ontario raised, itr singing was enjoyed by all.
son, Cur, Wm. Riehl. grandsons, Or- -tied Ada Odell. of London. following General Canvass on the Third Victory
val Selling. it.C,O,C,, Gordon (Roush-willwhich they teak up residence In Blyth. Loan M8,000.000and likely be
er, all Overseas, and grandson, Engin I Besides his wife, he le survived by asked to raise $:'30,(100,000 this tame'
eer George H'aggitt, De"cert. N.5,, and two brothers, Thoanas, Morias 'Town Tho citizens of lltu•on Comity will
Sgt.dr.Atualol llarry Gibbons, T.ontg ship, and John, of Let( Angeles. Cal, bo asked to aecept_t11011• share of this
Branch, Canada, and a lovely linoleuatTwo sisters predeceased him, 1 all out war effort. We Must succeed,
rug from friends and relatives and Mr. Laidlaw was a devout member We have sufficient motley to oversell.
Blyth School Board Meet
T;.,' t' 'xlLlr Helaine of the L'lytl
rrL 1 1:ort w1(- Held !u the .\i(•mor-
'11c'1v101' - 11111)lll'll i l! !!;III. !'rillay ;,v,:ing at 1'. \i.
A very prelty \VI lima wa= - dente- \%!!i! !he fellutvita; 'Tru 'e !11.(,•1.111:
1ze(1 111 Illi' 1'!ytll 1.811 1 1 1181'4 ILall \\'. Mill:, 11. \!'1.,:'0)•, (:.eiallta
�'11111Jay a'1'itmtil, t ; 0'('11;0!(, ((111'!1 and1\. \"1111111(11!•,
huppee was 101111 Ilil11urn, It.\ tan 111.1 r ui \Ir, •1'111• ulilla10'- 01 Iii,• Ir!•er:011,, r('h llu
land all <. Le,int Hilburn. Of I;lyt!I. llee! il:4) (n1
conlinn0 !11'11•,1• united in marriage in I'-(inunl,l Itt'.,ti1,1 of I'rn 1.e' .1 nmh d5011
()lice a onturing the Taylor. of \II', ;Ind \! r A 1(11
ul uu t l' iKhlnu.
Taylor, al o u! ISIyt11. '1 4 edietc;lr; ('' 1)1! were pr''-
11 to and .,0.1 !r•'1 pall Ila 10(,,11011 uC
I'Itc cl'rr Irony \t;' • P1'1401'110 11 I1}
I'1' -11'1- \Irl':Lay .tit!
the 11('1•..1..illcl1111'. ill the Peel ;1
1.l!: n 111,- !:.,110' -\g1 lleY•
churele ,1.1 - 1 gay 111 curate ns n( tithe
(arualiors and s( Ip!ra;':ua. iu-
clic(, \v;!:, a. -s! -11'I in t1t: (('(1 ,1(y Ile
11 I:;thin ,,!I. !(,ronin
11e1•. 1<. \I!!' it 11. h••ol!, r -in La 11 \ I. K'r1:i h 1'1111111, I
of 111' 1(1h11•,r• um.(co-Awl li Ir:itv 1;' i,uud• u.
1:111•, 1t!\'n 111 u1. :tri:r r• Ir; !1 111 I.nl1
t1'(11'1, 11 11w):' Ir -11'.11`; _1,111 ul 118111,1' �I1 (Ilrtil';I' 1. ". 1\ illg•
white x,111•; I' (011(1(,' 111111 ,1% ''11'1( 1'' (•, 11
..•Till. i'';4.1'!' t 1 I..,
iI('(t'illll' ,41111 11x;' 111:•''i' I'.�r ked ! '11 \11 '\;ti!,411 1'•r !rxrUi .- 1'11' 1'11!1111.
'The group decided i', ' meetings 11 1(I ileal a 11'1(,1. s!lapd 11;4111. rhe
been very successful during the win- ......
ter, 1.t, they have created grealr'r vied an arm t 4.i r. 11 r,.•'• . '1'11x' ('. T. tai: !I\'1(..\r, •r ur
maid of honr, .\ll-, 1':110.1 '1' (ylur, 01 alt.-. F. liaintl u. I. ,Inx lit
i<1t hen((,. woe' grae0l'4'I ;:u1vn of :.i'1((, 1,W-rnr:fun
pipit French ::1101.1' an 1 , Aril; 1 whit:. I:Iy;ll - : 1:') lrll.
calm:'gals. The to l - u,it. 11 •
... \111\ed !r •Fed ' \Irl':!Inv, =e(Otide(t
Jill (r! "I'''ll 'e \\ h.!IIIx 1' ;111(1 (,!1'1'1.11 111:1'
.After tho presentation' of gifts Mrs.
\i'illiam 1-htggltt, of Auiburn, gave a
plemIng and humronous reading, and
song) suitable for the ocoaelon wero
sung. after which Mr. Riehl thanked
all for the many glifts.
Some games of Bingo were played
in aid of the Red ('rets which were
managed by )lr. and Mr;. Harvey
\\'ells, and realized i'0 00, with than'';
due to the members of the F'otuurl and
visitors of the evening,
of the Blyth United Church, and fol• scribe any objective given us,
Tire evening W11.8 (10sed Willi lunch
land God Save the King, and hopes of
lowing' brief private services at the The citizens of 1luron Comity will
home, a public service was held in continuing. again in another a( ascii.
be asked to buy more 13onds, Our
the church on Sunday afternoon, at objective will he up—not down. C70 I
2,30 o'clock, The auditorium was—.,
must and can exceed any objective by
crowded with sorrowing fiends andFARM FORUM LEDGER
a wide margin. Ilack The Attack.
relatives, and the Rev. A. Sinclair,Tic weekly series of 1.110 Willett
Those present from far and near pastor of the church, spoke in glowing —" V— —'
Boundary closes 11'iUh thmeeting
terms of the high qualities of the de which ark's the round dozen of twelve
wero 11x, henry Mehl, of London; ceased, A laugher testimonial of the Spring Is Here! meetings since the New \': u.
Mr. Jack Riehl, Dublin; lir, and :MI's, esteem( In which he was held, was a The weather has been marvelous
Joseph Riehl, M,oncrief; Mr. and These gatherings were lima In..truc-
profusion of many beautiful floral tri- this week. Practically all our Bum•
Mrs, el>as, Pusholberg and family, of butes. 'lira. G. 0. Bradley '(an the mel br(18 are once 11 1(In in oto ulidatitive, educational find sociable, and
Brodhagen; Mr. and Mrs. Ilan. Riehl solo. "The City Four Squ:1 e,'' accent and the stat has been shining w1111 1 eul(rng front the angle of «-unin 1 - Montreal, the bride going away in (t
of Goderlch, and friends and neigh- 1ty life, they have been n real as; et to 1lcigo 0081. with sgnirrcl collar and
ponied by air, A, 1'.. Cook, such great strength, that it makes one
1>ors. There were about 130 present The pallbearers were, A'bsolant Tay feel like getting out of the old red ithe people of 1.11:.; dislrL'I, helping to bream a(cessaries. They will reside
and Mr, and bars. Riehl have twenty -relieve the boredom of an o ,ac •w Irie
v tor, Themes Kelly, Robert Watt, hole flannels. This time of year alwaysstreet, Stratford.
nine grandchildren and seven greet1loug, n'oary
W111 lel'. Although the
:' l0 .liber( I
ext Powell, Lorne Webb, and J. ll, ilia the same effect on us. We often 1
gnandlchlldreu, !weathcr was not always favour• mo. --\
Watson. Interment was made in wonder if we're just plain lazy, or if
The evening was (hent in playing B1i Un -ton Cemetery, it effects everyone the 588110—bat vie 1110 Members, who must have some of
cards and (lancing, and lunch was the pioneer spirit still uptermo:s1.,
' Friends from a distance, 'attending always get the yearning to get away
served and all joined in singing, For somewhere and just lie around, with braved theltl cold and storms to attend
The 1(.:o Joll Good 1'cllows, nod the the funeral were. lir. John Moore, Mil- these get togv:hers and derived belie -
ton; Y nothing to think about, iuul uotlling .
National Anthem. ton; 1581101 Moore, Georgetown; 11ar►'Y fits from the warmth and lordliness
to worry about, It's loo bad that lot' human (0111^
Ziegler, Guelph; lits. 0. D' Leith; Lig contact with one .ut,t11�r.
+—'--V towel; Miss Euphemia Steinhoff, Lon- 1l0op10 have to grow (1p, The lids
and Flt. -Lieut. aHyl Nam. Leslie are the lucky ones Phis lime of 1118 '1'0 1111 those 1111(1 noted as bust null
Word Received Of Death Of Na,itei, s1.. Catharines; Mrs. Douglas, year, hostess, ami also those ,who 1.1(11( their
Former Blyth Resident .Stanley Township. and Mrs. Duncan \, part as
convenors, we would .11; to
Laidlaw, Guelph, say a big thank yon. Our leader 111(1
1.11s3 Kate Ileftron is In receipt ofW, I. Mtllig Postponed his wife, 11x, and lies, ileerg 1 Walt.
a telogramt from lies. Blount, of I)e V-- CC!deserve a special word of pais.' for
•i nii
troll, „ Informing her of the Owing to illness, the W. I. meet- (;o capably organizing this ere ip. and
death of her motile(,, Mrs. C. J. Rad- Anniversary Marked htg has been peotpolled from 1111.; planning the meetings so cfflehntly.
datz, t. Crrectingis to Mr. and Mrs, Darold Thursday until next Thursday, April Each one has been a real success and
:lila, Itadletz, formerly Ida Isar:'} foster, who celahrated their seventh Stle and will be hold at the home of to them we also say thank you indeed,
J1rs. A. Barr. your efforts have been very w• 11.11•
frock of heaven 11111,, 11. i'11 ! 4;(1; '1' ,II
taffeta with sw'eellu•cu'l n -Jilin., and
long full skirt (.f 1(l 1. Mt•r flow(,! ,
were pini( carnal' 11('4 1,1111' 1<:11',.!1
ltt'hell, ah'0 of 1114 11rid1 Genual.
w11; a 11'11!1;'1111' flu•,1v01' i;!1'l ill 1
of peach 1aff11:1 ;UPI 811(' 1,8 'I'd 1.l
umeguy of pink carnation, and for
gt't•me aot.;. 111., ,1. I,. MI'!''(';1 of
Toronto, was 10=t man aid the 1:11
ext; w000 \Ir. Ivan Hilburn null Mr.
A. J. (fray. Miss Belly Ann \litehell,
Gocdelis, \I:r11., pl ' r ! t! , «
1(11(810 ;rnd \Ir=. 1; 11 '
the soloist, we:u'ing a navy !tae 011•
retable with silver the fur 'and 4
of 1 l,•s, She > 1;1 • ..(, I' 0':'
The reception (vas; held 111 the
church hall, the bride's nto!h'r (,0010•
ing in a (tweet r:;'.v'I a 'r .. ' l 1!
Taylor, mnth'r of t'',, •
assisted in a ire;5 of black printe'1
sill( crepe. They holt (1—""
of Johanna 11111 ro r '1"' 1,•••;1x,'
table \vas prettily (1''••'r,e,1 in
and white and \Its, J. A. (;ray
ed. ','Ile brit';:o.,u1's gift to t:1
bride \was a wrist watch.
Later Mr. ;and \Its. 'Taylor left for
•Stew'art, was born In Blyth, at daugh• yved(liu'g anniversary, Sa'ttu'day, March
ter of lite late Mr. and •Mrs. George 27th. The Management and Staff of
Stewart. She was organ'at an the the Ccawmercial ll'otel gathered to (lo
Presbyterian Church here, and was a 1 thea) honour, and after a sccial hour
music teacher, graduating from the and refreshments, presented them
Tcroi l;o Conservatory' of Music, She ..with a walnut end talble,
carried but her profession extensively V
here 13, -:;ore moving to Detroit, teach-
ing chlld•em from Clinton to Wingharn, Great Rush For Gasoline
She. I(dt here for Detroit w:hero she
married C. J. ltad;latz, who predece'as• As Old Books Expire
ed her last October. "Fill her up to the neck,' was the
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. good word at local gasoline stations
Blount, and a son, Stewart Itaddatz, today ('Wednesday) as the last day
0th of Detroit. Tien grandchildren for use of the old ration books (brew
and 3 brothers, Theme's Stewart, of to a close. From early morning bust•
Tcront'o, and Andrew Stewart, of Vic- ness was brisk as everyone made sure
toria, 11,C, Alfred Stewart, Vancouver, the automobile got what may be it's
also survive. last good long drink, From now on,
The funeral will be held front the under the new, aul tighter, gasoline
hccne of her daughter, Mrs. Blount, on rationing, car owners will count their
Friday afternoon, April 2nd.. tickets and dole theca out so 86 to
Many old friends here will learn of have enough to last the year through,
her death with regret: - Of course it is expected that many
.. I will get Special Ration Boosts. but no
!one knows how generous Mr. Cottrelio
BLYTH RED CROSS and his staff will be.
1 Local stations were sold out of ga's
The following donation was receiv by noon, and had to call to their dis•
•ed during the month of March: tributingl centres for a fresh supply.
Miss E. Metcalfe $1.00 Undoubtedly at would be one of the
We have sent to Headquarters for biggest business days for gasoline
Russian Relief $12.00, stations throughout the country, since
R. Philp, Treasurer' rationing came into effect.
Sunday, Aprll •ith.
10,1'5: Sunday School.
11.,15: Sacred Things,
7 p,ni.: Saved from the \\'reek,
--V- .
Rev, P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector'
April 4, 1943, Fourth Sunday in Lent.
Sunday School: 10 a.m.
_Holy Comnuuttou and Sermon: 14
'Intelresslon Service 4,45 p.m.. at
the Rectory on Friday.
In Canada,
Services Next Lord's Day:
Knox Church, Auburn, 11 a.m.
Carlow, at 3 p.m.
St, Andrews, Blyth, 7.30 p.nt.
Minister: Dr, A, 0, Thomson.
The ladies on the \\'est Iionudary
are to he congratulated ott the largo
number of quilts which they completed
for the Red Cross. 'l'lu'ough their
untiring efforts 111 th'r; worst we feel
that many homeless people will be
made more comfortable,
1:1;,.,1 ;11. (1;. .1. ('008) ns '1'r.l
1.1):1 (1;18 1•IIT I1'I::.
.\ !:I 4!:,111 1.r;!- p:! , .11 1 y
\\'!I!uu'•. a'!(1 c'. i_hinn 11);11 11:(noxi
•" I1I .\1.(111 111 .1,.,..11-' fx'•
iunrulaiite again -1 Sear1.01 ver far
(,1111111 'hiIJr1•n wife,•' nee'',::ury. (-0,1
to ':r s 1w' :(.; Germ rly.
!'n 1)14 ti ,!I of
a n 11 ..\1 1.101'•(1 t• , boa 1.• I :r:)'' l e:1 ' 11
(1'111.1 of \! i • I:!'.. '!,1. ! !'
Renin Lot( f r I' ` li , ''n '.
\I1 tin; a'Itnu,.t., 1
Tru -1.e„: t1.•,I;,„ •
i d C• , ' 1'?1 .l
TIP, (11111(,''.!1” (' . 'i! a Ha; 1'1 (111
lied ('e0;. 1''• „ , .
during the p'
10 1111-1 (1.e 1.'4'
scriptiuns up 10
F'i ipl''ll) WI' :1!
ll:trgrt•et :1:11 iRh!e:t 11::11
\nty 'foil
V. \l. !1.'.,r
lint• 'Toll
1.1;101 t'aIilw'lI . ..
\1••.. 11. r'. ,1,':r.:',in .. '.(•
(:'raid M'ffron 1 ,(lu
IIo\\' About. Half I-laiday?
\\'11a' do 1.h' 111! Ili merchants inlet);
As 1 Lati' Wounded
thou: a' Out the half holiday and open
tine :uggcstiou \wait he
A; 11811.11 bt•u'.:c o'er the dis:aut hili, to ,1.:!y op - 11 1\''lin '' lay afternoon;
A (1•os8 stood outlined, stark and ,till: ;1111 evenia and '!.',se 'Thursday
Implanted firmly in the sod. terllnnn, 1111.; ha1'i11 only one v;vm
It Imre aloft the Son of Cot.iuig11t each w'r;;, The problem r:hould
L loo, Pit:4se 1 through (:ot!!;ern:me, be 101110,; 1(r, 1 .
lint gentle hands dire01 (1 ale,
.\u(1 kindly voice', low and
lige(, on my slow .alio weary feet. co�1CiI:t1TUI,A 11ONS
And when my pith seemed hart (1141
There'amr to me in distant son, c'oncr'.ndations to \lr:. 1., (1. \til -
Those voices, blended with a -mile,
ler, (if C0111'ri'1!. \who Will 'elebrate
\Vhich bade me stop and re:l ,1 11'hil0.
her birthday on Thursday. .\prii Isi.
At last i reached a sunlit hell.
(','(1"_r.:u1(1101e: to \Its. a, at, tee.
And \rendered by wietse haul ane
will ,olon)gh, who will cell 'Irate her 'iirtilday
1 111(1 emerged: then turned to ,8" ou Tuesday. ,\prii
A Red Cross nurse smile di:w'n at me.
('ongratola:ions lo :1;aster \C.tyne
1'111 :ill 1'0 011.+1 In ('heists ag uty Jackson. \Clio celebrated his 1t11 b:rth-
ile breathed a prayer to God that we. day (1! '1'ul::1l.1y, \lareh
In life''; dark hour, 111!011( by our 81.1; j
slave loving ,!ands. our steps to s;uid•'. Congratulations to 11r. aid Mrs.
Faye tlould \1010111. \\'filum 11!):ritt, who celebra'' their
And now, my friends, let's bid adieu :;',rd tvedi;ing anaiwer:.:ary 011 Saturday
To each other [o1.• a (while,
Lei's all keep brave and do our bit PURCHASES PROPE' T'!
And don't forget to smile.
'Tis true, we sometimes all grow Bred 11r, h:Qw!rd Miller, who last 1* ill
(11f the many tasks ahead, purchased the Herbert 1ievter prop''•
' Itut keep right Orin ant you (('111 f:n'd ty on the corner of llol'1'1 : stir:'! (1(d
That life is not so bad. the B'oun'dary, h^' peryh •• c 1
So may we wish you all good leek Fraser property, o'• t'"' "'
In the months that are to 0(1(110,
Keep smiling, patient. happy. , —
\\'ilh your face turned towards the Jnln' T't'- ^IR FOR"',"
Mrs. B. Anderson was given a vote
of thanks for editing the threo edi-
tions of the Farm Tatum 1 r.1 -.•r.
Arrives Overseas
3116. 0. 0, Bradley received a cable
on Sunday stating that her Insband,
Pilot,Officer G. 0. Bradley, hail ar-
rived safely In Britain,
Mr. 1.1 )yd ".•h,,,'. i'.1.
roped in 1.1,,• 11 . ' • C .
11!01, 11 at Tor oto.
let del a
\!nil ;hit
('ongratnintiens to \Its. Tait •(,rho
celebrate: her birthday ant \\'cdneimlay,
\larch ::i>t.
('(n?ratulat1on. to !liss Olive ('r8t,,
-who eelebrIt'< 11"r 1'.r".:1lay en \nr 1
•1ih. Sorry :he ha,: not 0011 well
5!1100 ('hr!' -'11'1,, 0'•' 101,0 sir' will
conn h ot;1 it:
1irlh(IOy cat 1.11 ,,. '•,i •:1 1 ;,
•1•'1.. ,1,.,. ..•,
lir. 1. I's Mond
sora t,; Beattie. Pis' ., who cell `rates
BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 11 birthday on Fr'elay..AI.11 l'ud,
(:il•Is i:1 Englan.1 ?mol the spotter, helgiii L e
"We aim the guns. and the men load and fire th cul."
April 11
Mark 9:2.8; 2 Peter 1:16-18
GOLDEN TEXT.—There came•
a vo:cc out of the cloud, This is
my beloved Son: hear ye him,
:Mark :1:7.
Memory Verse: God , . , loved
us, and ,ell) iii., Son. 1 John -1:10.
Time. --.•1010011, A.D. 29,
Place. --- Not specifically lesi--
tutted, imt ni lou0tedl}' Mount
Hermon, far north in Palestine,
The Transfiguration
"An., :liter six 1tay.>, Jesus tak-
eth with hint Peter, and Janus,
and John, Anil hrineeth then}
up into a high mountain apart by
thenlseit es. Anil he was trans-
figul'ed 1idere them." The word
here tral.sfi u'id is the Greek
word 011t00 0rpho0, from which
conics our word Inetai torphis, The
root of this word morphoo means
to mold into a form, so that the
compound word, which here ap-
pears, !leans to change the
form of, to alter. It is found re-
ferring to our own transformation,
which is spiritual land not physi-
cal as the Lord's) in 2 Corinthians
3:18, sed Romans ] 2:2, The 1`ord
does not simply Illean an external
change, but an actual inner and
external ;!:aline,
"And his garments beramc
tell)Ilt, exceeding whit 0, so as n0
fuller on earth can whiten them."
When the disciples looked at the
countenance of Jesus they looked
at a refulgence as brilliant and
dazzling as the sun itself. And
this extended to His entire form,
for His very garments had the
translt:wenr whiteness of pure
Peter's Proposal
"And ti.e're nppea:•cu :into them
Elijah with Moses: and they w1r'r.
talking with Jesus. And Peter
answered) and sa it h to ,lest,,;,
Rabbi, it is good for us to be
here: and let as mnkc three taber-
nacleP; one for thee, and one for
/loses, and one for 1:1ljah. For
he knew not what to answer; for
they became sore afraid." Peter
and his fellows were so taken
with what they saw that they de-
sired to abide on the mount with
Jesus and the saints. When the
apostle Peter speaks of taber-
nacle;, he means those little
booths or huts such as were con-
structed for the Feast of Taber-
nacles, made out of branches ot
trees or bushes,
The Voice From Heaven
"And there carne n cloud over-
shadowing then!: and there came
n voice nut of the cloud, This is
my beloved Son: hear ye him,"
The essential difference between
this voile and that which was
heard at t he baptism, is the
phrase, 'Hear ye hill.' The words
are from I.JOuterontllny 8:15, 19,
and scent to i,l sugou-,ted by the
nppuur"r,ce of \\Gres, '1b1 Prophet
like unto \loses is identified with
the 1-1,H!,t, the beloved or elect
, :iar, .tae +0 X10-:(
The Co:::ins; of tllc Lord
Gillp' nut follow ccun-
ningly.i3' , ise,l 1 p ;1Lie.,." The ex-
pressi'+n iivrees with the calm de-
clarat on •-'1' St. Paul (2 t'ol•,
2:17) that they, the apostles-,
were not as the many who falsi-
fied )n' misrepresented the Word
of God.
"When we made known anti,
you the power and conning of our
Lord Jesus Christ." Alany schol-
ars believe that the word 'cont.
ing' refers to the first advent of
our Lord but probably 'the cont
ing' here, as in every ether pas.
sage_ of the New Testament fn
which the ward n3': u1,, k the sec-
ond advent, not the first.
Holy Ground
"Fm• lc received from God the
Father honor and glory, Ashen
there lar: Lorne such a voice to
hint by the Mlajetie Glory, This
is my beloved Son. in whorl 1 am
well piia.ell: and Ihiq voice w3'
our:elves hr ;11"1 1)01 nu nut of
heaven, %Owl) we were with 111111
in the holy mount."
1Ve learn here why the apostles
were taken with Jesus to witness
His transfiguration, Just. before
that event we find I Mats. 10:2 1 ;
\lark 8:31; Luke 9:22) it reword-
ed that Jesus had begun to shut'
unto His disciples how Ile must
suffer and die at Jerusalem, '1'o
Peter, who, as at other titins, was
the 11101 )Jiiere of the re,•t, such
a declaration was naceeptable;
but at his expression o1' displeas.
ore he met the rebuke, 'Get thee
behind ale. ,ratan.' Ile, and the
rest lvith him, felt no doubt that
such it death as Jesus Lad :po'sen
of would he, humanly speaking,
the ruin of their hopes. Now
these three representatives of the
apostolic band behold "loses ono
Elias appearing' in glory, and
Christ glorified more than they;
and the subject of which they
spoke was the very death of which
they had so disliked to hear; the
decease which He was about to
accomplish in Jerusalem 1Luke 0:
31). The verb which the evange-
list uses tells 1,1' the fulfillment
of a prescribed course, and thus
Peter was taught, and the rest
with him, to speak of that death
afterwards as he does in his for-
mer letter. 'Christ was vel'iiy
foreordained' to this redeeming
1 imaginary
6 It contains
the -- or
sun's path,
12 Commanded,
13 Radical.
15 Over (contr.),
16 Race end.
17 River.
18 Upright shaft,
20 Sea eagle,
21 ]\Tale offspring
22 Collection of
facts, 92 Plu:a1
23 Half an cm. (abbr.).
24 Structural
units. 43 Radio bulbs,
30 Courtesy title, 45 Provided,
92 More 47 Herb.
fastidious. 50 Snia11 island,
23 To prosper, 51 About,
39 God of sky, 53 Knot,
Denoting 54 To vex,
87 Keystones,
40 Perfumes.
41 Trapped.
work 'before tho foundation ot
the world,' They heard that Ho
who was to die was the very Son
of God. (sod's voice had been
heard there attesting the divinity
of their Lord atnd\laster; the
place whereon they had thus Mood
was for evermore holy ground,
All The King's Men
And Horses To Help
ill the King's horses and all
the hint's rneu aro to he used in
hriugine in thL year's harvest. 011
1110 li'Iyal r -1;0e al. 1\'indsu.•, 2i)
miles west of London,
Many extras acres have been
put under cultivation at Windsor,
and there \'ill be plenty of work
for the horses, including the fa-
mous Windsor grays which drew
the golden coach in the Corona-
tion of George VI in 1 93 7,
There also will he work for
members of the Royal staff, Who
at the King's express wish this
year will "lend a hand" in the
Only two horses remain in the
Royal stables at Buckingham
Palace, and they are helpin; to
save gasoline by drawing the
brougham in which the King's
messengers ride,
Answer to Previous fuzz
10 PIi,A TIE 0
A Rn
• E
55 Glade.
fit 11 has ----.
signs or
57 It slows the.
paths of the
2 Genus of
3 College
4 Unoccupied,
5 Blasphemes.
8 Stiff colla!'. 48 Poem.
7 Credit (abbr.) 49 Snaky )lel},
8 Musical note, 51 Fr'uit,
A Italian river, 52 Male.
10 Tissue,
11 Persia.
14 Huge wild
16 Its third sign.
19 Its second
25 To reject.
26 Acidity,
27 God of
28 Street car.
29 Fabulous bird!,
30 Wise,
31Not alible.
33 Cessation of
36 iinkccicd,
37 Part of foot,
38,Ancient god,
39 Either.
41 Observes.
42 To gasp.
44 To tattle.
4612 inches
POP—As Always
Roll Up Your
Sleeves And Dig
"Metter 001110 out in the sunshine
and 1100 vegetables" say iiritish
gardeners "than lvilil In a, queue
aur thein and then flail the shop
sold out."
This year ('meelfanS 1170 Nein ;
usl{ud by the ,\grtcullaral 5upplles
Ilaard of Ilse l),i iuiou 1),yaarinll'n1
of Asrieniture to "route out in Lho
Runshine and hue." Family ;Ind
Community vegetable gardens aro
going t0 he 1111' fa:;citnahle Iain,;
time to sl;n't
I'; . )1031 r:.., .11 ,+ :•1 :: - : ll-
i i - a„ .,. 1 1;111:11,,
tlwt there only be du lielli; ut
sup;Ilyilll; nl:n•!ttia wall fro-, 11 1
tables, profs at a distance, Com-
mercial growers are faced with
a labor shortage that Ivill In litany
cases prevent their expanding to
take 00111 of increased neons, \101.0
vegetables 010 needed for ship-
ment nvci';c:I S, by 1•:133' of the de -
113'd rut ion
e•1lydrution pl;ult:. The vs)letahle
sued supply is better this year and
the essential tools for 1101110 gard-
ening, raker, hues, d(ggiug•I'orlcs
and spades are also available, as
are 'fertilizers, In connnunity gar-
dens and among neighbors larger
tools can be shared,
Community Potato Gardens
Advice as to crops, fertilizer and
care of gardens will be available
locally. Regarding crops,-- t it 0
Gol•cr11nteut ni thnrilirs advise that
potatoes aro best grown is coan-
numity gardens where proper a(-
t(1111io11 eau be given (0 spl,(ying
of dusting, but '0niatoes,
onions, beans, peas, corn. cab-
bage, lettuce, spinach, and swiss
chard are all suitable for either
home or cnnnn mils hardens.
The more vegetables 111a1 1110
grown in bonie, and community
gardens this year, the 001(1' Can-
ada )sill be able to treed her arm-
ed forces and 103' allies.
Let's all got ready, toll up our
sleeves and dig for Victory,
A unique feature of the re-
cently observed Boy Scout. Week
was the plant adopted by the Ot-
tawa Normal School. Student
teachers during that week were
Instructed to give a history of
the birth and the growth of the
Scout Movement to their classes.
t • •
John H, Price of Quebec,
member of the Canadian General
Council of the 13oy Scouts .4sso-
elation is a prisoner of war in
Hong Kong.
• •
Col. C. G. M. Grier, head of
Canada's new Royal Canadian
Army Cadets was one of Canada's
first Boy Scouts. Long before the
liovement sons officially inaugur-
ated in Canada, Col, Grier nil n
group of his boyhood friends
formed themselves Into a Scout
patrol and carried on. They cos.
responded directly with the Foun-
der, Lord Baden-Powell who cour-
teously answered all their en-
quiries. That was In 1908, the
year Scouting was stated in
Great Britain,
• •
His Grace the Archbishop of
Canterbury, Primate of the
Church of England has become a
member of the General Council
of the Boy Scouts Association In
Great Britain,
• , •
Two British Boy Scouts have
been awarded the Victoria Cross
in the present conflict, the An-
nual Report of Imperial Head-
quarters of the 13oy Scouts Asso-
ciation reveals,
Despite the fact, that 15 Boy
Scout 'Troop headquarters were
destroyed by enemy bombing,
Boy Scouts of Norwich, England,
have just completed the shipment
of their 1,000111 ton of lvaste-
• • •
From a Fleet. :\ii' Ann pilot:
"You would nner believe the
number of Scouting activities
which cone into our 100101nrr.
111';11111, t:it �,rl' 'I ,iia1!'11ese
HILs '. 3'i ' .. t Hi,: : .\:I'
:. 1' :111. to lino
l:r.l t; 131:1_ :•,111 '!\'ice, . The
inslrt'et''1' as e l me 11' 111:111 00011
a ieniitun Ili 1111• navy. 1 ,,:1' 10(1
In be 0010 to an0wer, 'No chief,
but 1 was a Boy 1- n t.
.411411110G.1.2...12.0. AVIMBITNIIMZSICSO
,.,111:.1. u,1'
I►-N-.-t•-a-.-IM �-�-F-. ta.•Hi-•-3' • • • t 0-•-* • • •-•
-•-• •••-•-•
On Sunday, March 21s1, \Titus
Minister IVinston Churchill used
the world wide facilities of radio
t0 give 5(1110 indication of his
1'151(11 of 11 dost 5:111 future, in-
cluded in his comment 50010 sev-
eral considerations particularly
of interest to 1.11,00 who listened
to his speech in rural Canada and
1110 United State,;. Said the Brit -
hill Prime ,111111.<.ler . "Inuring
the will. , , . the position of the
farmer has been improved , .
1 hope to see 0 vigorous rev! tt1 of
healthy village life on the 1(:s,>'
til h:p:her wages and of )iii(illl'ii.I
hnur,Iu::' ...And ++I'.::t tail!; 1,; •J
ha,l ... .1,u10 1.1' I n ..'•111011 :',i..'
eine,.0 and '.1'ii' t . 10 1':111.11 v;il;
soon be added 101111,1011, litre in
the country and on the land ought
to compete in attractiveness with
life in the great cities, . ,"
• •
1Viroless, or as we 11110\' it
better in Canada, radio, undoulil•
edly has matte it tremendous con-
tribution to the enjoyment of liv-
ing in the rural sections and shall
town,~ of the hun}illion, lniprovc-
ments in the design and capacity
of radio receivers in recent years
have made possible the bringing
of news, education and entertain-
ment directly into the most re-
mote houses and settlements in
the backwoods of cililir.ation, Anil
now Ali.. Churchill promise,; tint
televaion will 00011 11110 vogue
shortly after the war is ov01.
He might also have promised a
new type of radio recei ) r ha -(1d
upon research in the field of
what is known as "frcyucury mo-
dulation." But, for the fact that
'tsar Inc, diverted the eno)gic., of
radio technicians and nlanufactur.
ITS 11110 spheres Which 10 50 1
direct relation to the military
struggle, frequency modulation
and television would 11)101y have
been with us now, Frequency nlo-
dulntion employs tl n3':5 teelulilluc
In broadcasting and receiving
which virtually eliminates all in-
torference from static and nth( r
forms of electrical distortion ,
It elliS out the crtickIing, 1'hist-
ling and other noises which
111100 ink.) !milted the enjoyment
of ;mini Irreption in the past
when the \•e:tiller h:14 10)'11 un-
(nv>ii'ahle or there has 1100'11 in-
terference from nearby electrical
transformers, power lines n1)11
other equipment, I'te(Inesey 111(1-
dulalion therefore, will be the
thing of the future,
r •
1'elevi>ion even heron, the nut-
hrr'ltic of war \n; an ace'o.n,lished
.1111 'nn.
1',11.0!' I:.,; i:l?1 ni I' I: '.. ' 11 ,•.!Ilett
1110;ILA ti that, it 0: ; 110110. (08-
0)10 to ti i)10'alit u': in;;• p rt 'res,
outdoor si'1rl earn) !:Illi studio
programme; 5011i00 00011 he re-
ceived with re:reliaable clearness
at a distance of about 25 miles
i'ronl the huge i),II.C, television
10ansul11ter at the Alexandra
Palace in London. .Use in Ber-
lin he (005 liven an oaptrlunity
10 See the ntlVOlnre wllicll 1111 boon
made 111 Germany 10 thus 11CW
branch of radio, JI Great Britain
the 8,11,1', was transmit( ing morn.,
ing. and evening programmes for
the benefit of those who hail
treated themselves to the luxury
of a television receiver. A com-
bined radio receiver, television
screen and phon0::raph player
could be purl'h:Oed in the British
capital :tt 0 0,10. from ,;2200 up,
:\s ,tree a ; Le ts01. 0 00e1, Edo_
vision is likely 111 inv:lde Nclrlh
:1101'1'1(1;1 till it broad :3';,!e,
:\ 1111 we I: now lein'elit a small
farm flout t Japanese. Ile tool;
.l over luck, -,Itrel; till 1 11:10)'01, I11 -
dolling ;1 horse.
No\' the Haan is in 8 dither,
The 10151 does 1101 undorsland
1•:nl!'lis!t and our friend hoes not
110(0 wh(they 11 would he rosier
i'or iiiml 1.1 ',lawn J11p:110sl' o' (eac))
the 11e0 -e 1:113 li>1 .
\Vind:zor Star
0IIONTO d'l'A'I'IO\'l
irRn 8e0k, clay. 7400
KC% rsok, t�rl\' 10100
WEA}' N,13.C. Red (:60k
WJ7., N.B.C. Blue 7700
WABC (C.1i.S.) 5600
OR (14.13.S.) 11011
FOS Owen 3d,
ICGC Hamilton
MI, Hamilton
gift St, cath.
FC}' Montreal
FCH North Bay
JCS Stratford
K\YS Kingston
'CO ,hithani
FPL London
' !'ICA(` \Monti., 10 %Il;
11103''11 ll ,lt, 3'l, ,1 101,1i
(`1C 1 ') (1111010
CK(On Tln,rliIU: 11,11;
CH'S() i4urlbur}' 7:.11 11
I31C1'I' iirantford ::�^Ic
(`1(111' \1'i1;d"13' 111(11
CKNX 55lagll:,u1 '26k
CHEM 1'1)03'1.'•11. 1 11
1',5, h'1•a'I'IONo
111'.11}i (11(11110 1:11'.0
\1'11,151 Itediesi(r i a Sal(
11'1,11' (`itcll:nat1 701)1(
SVG0 ;,'hirl'ctl111!' 511.0
\1'1111\i ('hlcapo
\VBEN Buffalo 931111
WOR Buffalo 50'0
1VIC1411- Buffalo 1;521ik
WJR Detroit 76.0
411011T 11
1;51: l:noI,wd
'a5, i:i1111,(11r(
1;F11 Enp111u)
1:N1: I;u 11011
1;:+1; l:tl;lanr!
I:rl' I:14;11111(1
1:.t}, SP:tin
11,1'; }{tear -is
ItNI: L'ussie
1'1:1'3 11;,-1.11
1;1;.-5 til hen..
51','A(1 1'1111i,.
111'IiX N. York
11 Itl'I, il,lstull
,1. 5101
a 1,.:t:l m
By William
✓UNE\ /003
JUNE, /923
....A./NEI /92S
...A../Ng. /932
./M'VE, /90/.
4,.13 tSI .0 c.;:: f:� �,.^,l,'G ' 1
ANSWER: enc cin1racteli:::d 0y4;:13'1u told fi3hting
NEXT: 'What bird cannot fob/ its wings?
with the
A pure, wholesome sweet
that's always a treat
If your grocer is temporarily
out of stock, this delicious
Syrup is worth waiting for.
At present the demand sni ne-
titnes exceeds the much larger
quantity now being produced,
because many thousands of
Canadian housewives have
joined the great host of
'Crown Brand' users,
a product of ,,5'7
Making Of V.C.
A Family Affair
Hes Been Made By Same.
Family Since Crimean War
I'.,'uty \ frtnri:t ('In Ih,u"; ever
heel! ;ova riled (mites from :n ,liet
101111 j,'wclt is shop h! th.i
End of London, reklte'; 'I'le' Lott.
don Listener. l'an'd !randy notice
It to the ordimiry tee,
call((' al 1be honkotllt'r's ;
dour or \valked out of tilt• old
"pub" ,iu"l 0%1T the read, lint it
t t1111 little 511011 111;11 Iht' 110.1•
Mall every unit• and a:.,tin brings a
letter marked 0.11..11.5.- ,lust the
sort of tette,. you'll \write to your
miler and say you (wanted unuthe'•
l it•OV sins e 1ho t'rintt•,ul 11',1• tl:e_
ntal(ing of \'.('.'s hag beim itt the
hands of the ;;;Iran Gamily, Hist
the founder of the jesoder', siwp,
then Ili, son. and now his ::grand-
As :.non as lit ihe ,err ice i tt if i
ltavt decided that 1 \'.(', i, 10 he
awarded, a 1('11'1' is s,•t(1 to the
Iflllc 1t'is'Ir's shop, lis just an
ordin;u'y type tl letter saying
"Please supply one \',('.", giving
the roan's name and milli for the
inscription, and telling hint where
to sent) the acem nt, -\ few (lays
later, the medal is delivl,rr,t In
service It atlinoirtcrs by special
messenger, and Then everything is
ready for the presentation,
More than 2,000,000 seals an.
nuttily navigatd: !1,000 miles from
the Southern ('alil'urnia coast to
the Bering Sen,
Afrd'r uast rnskint`relief for
Here's a bargain to
get today! A really
quick way to ease
headaches, neuritic
pain, neuralgia, and
painful discomfort of
colds that thousands
of Canadians are
recommending , . .
Aspirin ... now priced for less than
one cent a tablet! Yes, real Aspirin,
one of the fastest reliefs from pain
ever known ... now only 981 for
100 tablets!
So hurry! Get Aspirin—in the
special economy bottle—at your
druggist's today. Hours of welcome
relief may thus cost but a few
pennies. Anyone can afford it.
WARNING! Be sure it's Aspirin
Aspirin is made in Canada and is the
trademark of The Bayer Company,
Ltd. If every tablet is not stamped
"Bayer" in the form
of a cross, it is NOT
Aspirin. And don't
let anybody tell you
it is.
l' I I,\ I''I' I'; It
On tviuged fret, fenny rucod
tn\urtl the afire. :111 around
her lights were beginning to pop
into windows, hastily (tressed
householders poured out of their
homes, and soon It stream of pen•
plc was rushing to the scene.
The hirltlow'tt hire Department
had speedily roused itself, She
hoard the siren as the engine sped
along Central avenue, It seemed
to her that hours had passed he•
fere she renebed the Courier of.
She starched the faces at the
scene of the fire. An eternity
ended when she ;Inv ,lint --safe,
"Thank heaven,," she said, fer-
vently, `''I'luutk heaven ,Jinn's 111
Ills face was a study in hitter
anger. His lips tt•t're tight, his
head hunched lots between hi•t
broad shoulders. ,lint's fists were
tin lightly clenched that his
Intuckles showed white. Penny
pressed hack tears. 'Then :rger
overwhelmed all (,thee emotions,
She shared Jim's bitterness,
She %walked oyer to hint, luolu'd
up into his eyes, She offered him
comfort without saying a word.
"Let's go, fenny," Inc said,
finally. They pushed their way
through the crowd, toward Jinn's
var. PeollY shivered, despite the
warmth of the night, ,fins peeled
off his toat and tvrappetl it
around her shoulders.
"'Phis is it, Petiiiv," Jim said,
"Castro hit, asked for a show_
down. He'll loom he's been in
a fight before Pin finished."
"Please, ,lion," she pleaded.
"Please, for my sake, don't do
nnything• you'll re:uret. I know
what you're thitlhint;', 1 know
Castro has it canting to hint,
'!'here :'tc (1111(1' \vIvi 1)01)'1
spoil it nun,"
smile was hitter. '`.1 let
of proud( ltaw( tried appeasement.
It dutsn't wort(. You rant talk
peace with a guy \elle bus II t:un
stuck ill your rii15, This is war,
Penny. It's time lo give Castro
the only kind of treatment ht. un-
"I lino \v, Jim," she said. "1
feel the same way, Castro is go-
ing' to get just the kind of treat-
ment hr's entitled la, I,iso'n to
me, Jim, 1 want you to hear my
phut, now',"
Rapidly, the %surds tumbling
swiftly out, she presented her
idea to ,lint, As he listened, she
Iv:itched the chancing light in his
"fenny," he enthused, "you're
a genius. Boy! Wait until they
sec Dur paper this (seek, Your
stunt twill wink! \VIny, Castro has
(walked right into our arum,,"
1'lxciicd1y, he plainly(' will' hen.
By Anne Adams
One of the smartest of the
popular two-piece styles is this
good-looking Anne Adams Pat-
tern, .1335. It's trim, well-t'ut,
YOUNG! The short or long-
sleeved jacket may be trimmed
with top -stitching for style em-
phasis. The skirt Inas nice case
in two pleats at either side -front.
Try striped or plaid cotton fabric.
Pattern 1335 is available in
misses' sizes 12, LI, 16, 1 s , 20.
Size .16 takes ;lr's yard; 35 -inch.
Serol twenty cents 120e) in
coins (stamps cauuu)t he accepted)
for this Anne Adnins pallet n to
Room -121, 73 Adelaide St. West,
Toronto. Write plainly size,
(tame, address and style number.
"First, we have to see how
much damage has leen done of
the plant. If we can't print our-
selves, I'll take the Courier into
the city. I have a friend who'll Imo
tickled pink to help me nut. I'll
get Lou tlaclhutald lined up, This
1) 5('11111011((1 !"
,lint couldn't stay depressed
after that,
"I'11 take you helms fenny, 1'uu
need suun' i'c.<t. leal1 while 1'Il
Cheek in with the fire deportment.
Resides, I'll have to get a story
on the fire. l want to find witty.)
ey0-wiUu'sw's, f 'pipe no one tra.v
hurt. \ lot of windows sacro
smashed by the blast,"
That was like Jim, Ile had al•
ready forgotten his own losses in
the excitement of getting' tt story
and in the worry' over losses that
others might have suffered.
"Please take care of yourself,
Jing," she said, "\'uu need some
rest, too, and tomorrow is going
to he an especially tough (lays"
"Don't worry about rue, fenny.
1 thrive on this sort of thing,"
dint replied, "L'5';idt';, every hour
1 work tonight brings lite that
much closer to settliitti accounts
with ('aslro."
His brake; squealed as he tor-
tured them to a stop in front of
Penny'; door.
"Good night," he said, "I)on't
worry :(bout :anything, I'll see you
in the morning."
"(Inod night, ,liar," ,he said,
reluctantly, "'Puke it easy,,'
(buffet, except fur the sounds ot
activity in the mill yards, had
already descended over hirltlu\ytt.
She heard the distant foghorn
voice of the diesel -engined lint_
diet as it rounded the Ihend,
Penny knew tial if Jlidge had
returned 0 licit would be shining
in the winder, She knew that
\Iidc•c would have Louth to say
and many questions to :1511. She
was glad the house was (holt,
:\t the door, she stopped, listen-
ing. She thought sltc heard the
!:tint sound of I'nntsteps, speeding
lightly ;away, She sensed, rather
tltnu 5att, :t 51:itln,. ('acting awyay,
Fumbling. for her key, i'cnny
at f irst didnt ,see the note tacked
on the door. %\'hen she slid notice
the ragged slip of paper, a chill
tushed through her.
Cautiously, she unfolded the
nte5;tg(:. In hits red Tetters, hastily
scribbled, Castro Itnd delivered Ins
"Stitt tap ---or else. 'fake :1 tip
from do Leave tutwu tonight,"
11'hert fenny :arrived at the
1'ouiiet' office 'text mmorning', Jim
w•as in overalls. The sun filtered
through the broken hascnnent
„Hello, Penny," Jilt greeted
happily. `'Watch your step there.
Some of the nails are pretty
"(;oat! morning, .lint," Penny
un,tweretl, as cheerfully as she
coul,l, heals before she had de-
termined that no note of anxiety
would penetrate her voice.
"1'110 damage isn't as btu! as 1
thought it would be." said Jim,
"The office got the worst of it,
it'll take more than a bomb to
blow up that old press, And out.
linotypc has, gone through worse
than a little fire. The boys \yore
down as soon as the firemen would
let them in. 1\'e have most. of
the flies, (lea !led 111) already."
Penny looked over the damaged
room critically• Desks and cotta•
tet' were Shattered splinters,
Ilu•nctl patper, snaked With water
and chemicals \yore piled in a
corner, ceiling high, Site won-
dered if the odor would over leave
the building,
„You can't walk here today,
Jinn," she observed.
"\Vc don't have to," he ans-
wered cheerily. "\\'e ho'e a real
office now. 'The hank is going to
let us use their conference room,
It's a lucky tiling ('antro didn't
pick Thursday for his little game.
We'll have plenty of time to clean
up before we go to press,,'
''Jim, Penny said, "I know I'll
just be iu your way today. 1)o
you mind if I take the day off?"
"I was just going to suggest
that myself," said .1int. "Go ottt
and have 0 good tine'. We'll be
ready for work by tomorrow."
11'hru fenny reached street
level, she noticed two sten, ap.
parenlly absorbed in conversation,
at the opposite curler. They paid
no attention to her,
They waited until she waved to
the bus driver to stop. Then they
dropped their cigarettes and
walked away, She knew they
w'uuld report to Castro that she
had left 1irktown.
Penny slopped briefly at the
Kirk estate, She luxuriated in a
cool shower, dressed, and guided
the ,ondster to 0 patkinc' space
in front of the building which
housed the offices of ,101t11atI tlI
and .tones, architects.
('Iru•lit' Jones welcomed her dr-
lightedly. He cleared a space for
her In sit down. 'Then he swamp..
cd her 'vitll t!r.nrings and pl:nls
and blueprints.
„When can Y .,1 sim•t at1 =:tl
cues;r,tt tine?” !NI Y 11 lids
1''l'onturrutw," he said.
A few weeks ago se published
in this column 'toasts bused on
lute -cost tnt'als, 'These were sent
out by the ('auadian lied Grass
Society in the cautpale1 against
(guile a number of peuplr (1011;
there Ile tau nuut} "st:urhw"
dishes in the I lets t., 'I'Ite first
answer to this is that unfortun-
ately the cheapest. meals are al.
ways the meals contaiiiing more
starch. For example, --potatoes,
)uacaraui, oatmeal, etc, Second-
ly', let 1111 utld fur those who feel
they c:ttu:nt (digest so notch starch,
that rationing has reduced thu
sugar intake, 'Therefore 3t8r0111l4
may be increesetl to ba'uutct• the
Red Cabbage Salad
Eat more green salala This
spring weather we all have a
hunkering for more .,mads and
fruits. These need not be the
most expensive, 1 had (Icier
1111(15' a salad from 0.'d cabbage
but this (veep I tasted one of
these and 1 think the "red" adds
quite a zest to the flavor and then
remember -- color for vitamin,!
Spanish onion; are very good now
--add a fear slices and ring's to
your salad. have you ever hied
orange and onion ring- with your
favorite salad dressing':
Rambling on about sa itel dee;;.
Ings, --.reduce the cost of literal
and untkc your own, 1t i.; alto:/,•
11114 lu rue how n)1o1y people buy
ready wade salad dre.osine•, Dere
i; a recipe 1'ot' a salad ,h'esi!u_'
fur those who require 0 re ideie(
(het. 'Then, loo, the 1(1ieerai oil
has many points in its favor. Some
ft el the taste of the mineral oil
(would he unpleasant, .lust forget
this. Remember it is to tclesn
Intl try it,
Mineral -Oil Salad Dressing
.1 egg
'i cup mineral nil
11,C 1t':tspnons dry nor (slid
:'t teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sag:tt
I tablespoon corn syrup
1 'y cups mineral oil
tablespoons lepton juice
1 tablespoon mall (the purest)
If desired add a little lnnl:Ito
catsup 01 sante Sana•, which
flavor you particularly like,
Into a bowl (he sure it 0 well
chiller!) beat the egg until very
thick and light. (limitedly add
the ' 1 crap oil, bcutin:: well after
each addition. Alis the mustard,
salt, seem. :and syrup; add to the
egg mixture arta heat in well.
Gradually heat in the 1 74 cups of
mineral nil :and, 115 the mixture
thickens, alternate the addition of
the oil with additions of lemon
juice and vinegar, 'Then add the
l'lavot•ing sauce if desired. Store
dressing closely covered tot' serv-
ing, For non -reducers it may he
thinned with cream.
Try this on the red cabbage
salad with the addition of some
chopped celery and onion and see
if your family does not say sunt•
Some Simple Desserts
So tunny speak of desserts
these days and the difficulty of
preparing t.hent. I hope you have
not forgotten about the prunes
and dried fruits, soaked for a
couple of days without, boiling,
'You will find them very 14.000
without the addition of sugar.
For those \•hit wish to keep
assay from starches, some very
wholesome desserts can be made
out of the humble ,iunket tablet.
Add cocoa or fruit to the bottom
of the cup before adding the
junket. These require no starch
for thickening, They add to yout
necessary- milk intake and are in-
expensive. The custards with just
milk and eggs, either Moiled or
baked, can have the fruit addi-
tions :Ind are better than the pre-
pared pudding powders, if nutri-
tion i; uppermost in your mind.
Did you ever add just n little
red ,idly to the top o1' your
junkets and custards:' It's tt zest-
ful touch,
"Go ahead," fenny ordered,
"(let started,"
"W'e're all set le go," Charlie
Jones told her. "'Tomorrow morn-
ing the steam shovels will be ou
the ,rob, iloy, have 1 got work to
do! I'll telephone the contractor;
"I'd better get out of here be-
fore 1'tn run down.' Panty
laughed. "You really move when
yott gt't. going."
"Yell Ill'(," ht' answered.
“We'‘ -t.‘ been waiting for your sig-
`ext, Penny did some shopping.
The first speech site had ever
made front u public platform was
scheduled for Friday night, She
needed an appropriate dress. And
while she was at it, site might Os
well ht,wr a new' Ital, she decided.
After that, and ltutch, she felt
better, .111 inviting theatre of-
fered relaxation, She enjoyed Ler-
self completely. To keep Castro
guessing, she decided to spend the
night at the estate. SLr would
have 0 surprise in store for him
Friday night,
tt'untinued Next 1Vcck)
The Gospel Witness
Published weekly for the propagation of the Faith once for
all delivcted to the saints, and for the defense of the pr!nci•
plcs of the Protest:wt Reformation. T. T, Shields, Editor.
a yr lir, told to Nett subscribers, free, the hook,
"Behind the Dictators" — by Dr, 1.. N, Lehmann, former
Roman Catholic priest.; a scholarly description of the wort: of
the Papacy in war-torn Europe and Asia. Special 110(1 offer,
39 issues (9 months) for $1.00, without hook,
Twenty-first your of publication, Each issue rnntuin,
stent}graphicall, reported :st•rn,oti preached by 1)r. Shields from
Jarvis Street Pulpit. llluil this atdvestistenent with name and
•tddrs, for free sample copy (•oultmining verhattioi report of
Dr. Shields' address, Feb, 28th, replying to Premier King and
other critics in Dominion Parliament, Feb, 23rd, Contains also
analysis of "Religious Aspect of Sirois Report --a Symptom of
present 'trends in Canadian Life" and other important tu'tiole-.
(Yell May neglect It 11 you postpone until tatntt•Inw, ('ttt 111,
out It t! (nail today.)
130 Gerrard Street East - Toronto 2, Canada
By Gordon L, Smith
The Right Tools
The right tools will save much
labour. But they should he in
firsl•class working. order, 'Thi,
means that hoes, spade, ,...ceders,
spuddet:,, etc., should be sharp
and clean. .111 old file will do
the trick,•nuu)\vvis !Lust he
kept in the stone condition if they
are to (10 neat work and trot pull
grass out by the rout; at !cave bits
:\ little hand -drawn cultivator
will help speed the work iu u
Fair-si ed piston, (chile a vatted
hoe will soon pay` for itself in
labour saved, it' one goes iu roe
0 large supply of vettct:tides. For
getting under bot{( flowers into
vegetables and for milling- 1!;e
tweeds under shrubbery, a Jure
;u t,
Dutch hoe is one of the it ost losse
fol implements. 'there are (tiffet-
ent sized rakes and different
width of hots,
Planting Groups
Flowers anal weg et.thle.. divide
themselves into three general
planting groups -- hardy, semi -
hardy and tender. In the seed
catalogues and on the packets
these are the general descriptions
used, and this information pro-
vides the key to platting time in
any part of the 1)omiuion.
The first group can be put in
,lust as soon Its the soil is fit to
work, this means when one can
get out and dig without raising
any mud. Soil l'it for working or
planting should crumble, not pack
into a ball, the experts point out.
Among the very hardy are spin•
acs, lettuce, rudislt and peas, etc.,
among the vegetables, and most
of the puppies, cosmos, hatehelar
buttons and sweet peas, among
the .flower,. Late frost will not
hurt these things. !'usually the
sooner they are planted the bet-
In the semi -hardy line, vege-
tables and flower; which will
stand a light frost or two, would
he carrots, beets, peas, potatoes
11101 t'or'n in the vegetable line,
and zinnias, calendula,, catlliopsis
in the flowers.
'I'he tender plant, are those
which wilt not stout any frost
at all, If up above ground when
the night suddenly turns cold and
the mercury falls below 32 de-
grees, then only a miracle will
save therm front blackening. In
this delicate line there are the
lit c 1 o 1's, cucumbers, peppers,
pumpkins, tomatoes, among the
vegetables, and gladiolus, dahlias,
cantles, in flowers.
Treat Vitamin C
With Loving Care
This Valuable Property Is
Very Easily Destroyed
"If you don't take care of your
vitamins, they eaii't lake care of
This statement is particularly
tt'uc of , itamin C, which is the
most easily destroyed of all the
members of the vitamin fancily.
It is also the most difficult vita-
min to get in adequate amounts
during the winter time it' citrus
fruits are not aVailable,
Telnmatoes, C1111110(1 (1' 111 juice,
are next best to citrus fruits as u
source. Potatoes, cabbage and
turnips can ln'ovide substantial
amount of this important vitamin
if they're given a chance. Pre-
pare then( improperly and they
may he practically worthless as
sources of vitamin C.
Baking or boiling pot:dots in
the skin helps retain vitamin C.
('ah!tagc and turnip; should be
served raw often but should not
be cut up until shot tly before
The us( of closely cot(Jed pans
for conkitl, means that les., water
is necessary and there is less de -
struction of viWtnins hccause air
is excluded.
I'artiy u•e,t ties of tomatoes or
juice should les kept covered unit
cold and the rest used Its soon as
Citrus fttt is should not be cut
up or have their juice stlueczett
until just before using,
Soda sLuuld never be used iti
cooking' tegetablcs,
A Ride Round The
'1'0 the tintinnabulations
Of the tuneful tauthouritte
Jlcives Alnrrllu, ling of (:akeland,
11'ith his da(telltcr \larettrin5'.
\\'itb hila rifles Prince Plum of
\turd tt'd on his sugar steed;
Ife's to (wed the. fair Sultana,
Itau(hter of the hail( of Seed.
By his side :stalks tall lladeit'a,
Small meringues the trumpet...
:11•p!e dumplings roll berme hint,
I'.u',: and biscuits bark :old bound.
list behind the verdant citrons
Lies a troop of potted prawns;
See then( dash from out their
Wet the tessellated lawns.
yak :1 cry of "('ekes tut 0000!"
See the cakes withstand their
11 hie. Prince Pluto Sultana seizes,
:\n:i, in spite of coughs and
Lear- her through rho Atlantis
'l'o lis home on Almond lock.
Pink Elephants
(itiorge "Jimmy" Smith, the
Da11.i5 publicist., says Saturday
I les iew of Literature, relays lho
story of the old Texas drunkard
t\ lot saw so many pink elephants
th:It he hired a hall and put up a
5111. "25c to See the Zoo." A
c. I, tIe of customers resented lho
filet that they saw nothing but
lour hare wvalls, and swore out a
complaint. The sheriff took the
warrant and set out to snake the
at rest. The old boy feuded Ids
jus out front under his counter.
the sheriff took three snifters—
and paid hint 100t) .for a half in.
teres( in his show.
Bounty On Bears
Saves Quebec Sheep
A report of the provincial min-
ister of agriculture, announces
that there were 5.13,600 sheep on
Quebec 1'au'nms in 1912, an increase
of more than 10,000 from 19.11,
Exports increased by more than
10,000 head, Solite 2,000 raised
sheep, took advantage of the gov-
ernment's low -scale 'wives and
bought some 0,000 lambs.
.Ravages to flocks were It's,ened,
mainly due to government boun-
ties of :+.111,.115 for more than
3,000 bears,
'British 'Sailors
Society' t
125th Anniversary
105 ','Homes' from keine""
`maintained in all ;parts''
:Of „the world •''
';_t5nstain;this ^great work for our"
Merchant• Marines '' •`
Send'Gifts to •
Dominion;- Secretary
Alberta' ;'Avenoe;'Toronto
';Information gladly.' supplied
I,,•en:n'ti 11w15ibl,• 1inh-
1,•r liar Ilium Ittl fol
1!,07. 1nforttt tion
n ,l r, •,111(1(1 1. tion'+
,Ari-ti,',t 11''•1'- nil
;,,au,.t or SI•:N1,
110 m,rri:11 11101 t, ittt
:111 tlirerti'5-, 1'nm-
HI01I Vrtl"• t''i1 t' of
111 1,1,11, 1'11.
5. 1). aro:NAM), .4 idle 5'.
noon t,5'. - Toronto, ttntarlu
ISSUE No. 14-43
pie +17 -M„
Elliott 1nsuraice Agency
J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott
( Ottico Phone l u 1, Resideuco .'hone 12 or 140.
111Aitiltat ND4)41)arli2ailt2tl4A211010)tiftthDaiD alliDaaiD iDtlam1)121) 3rir$r7t?rIND4
(by llarry J. troy le)
Aliss lth(d,i Go1ier of London. \lith
her parents.
31i fere \'onngbintt, lr.;\\'illi:rm•
�_.. and little (•.11'ol, with 31r. ;oil 3lrr. I.
lIrs. Chapman of Toronto ;hid \Ir
and \Irs. I). Rrhorloc of ('lark 011
with their mother, 31rs. 31. Itmi
\liss Dorothy Little, 'Toronto, \villi
her mother, Mrs. It. 't'ow'n=001
'.1r. and Airs. ,I. I, .\wde and Irlllr.i
of \\'ood;%Delo, with )Ir. and )lrs. .1.
310 and \Irs. Breen, London. with
31r. our% )Irs. 1;riftith.
; 31r. and 1 31rs. .1. Nutt in S, afort1
31r Fred frost is home after spend-
ing 1l o \•il1)r in Brantford.
.\. baby i, born ... it crow's and
develops and .soon it's 0 child, 1'011
keep on regarding it as a b,thy until
one day s,.:uethicg hal pens which
Makes you realize that ti change ha.;
tak n place, This sudden realization
can conte in Various ways. )line hap•
pened this wee';.
3Irs. Phil went 1)0)' for a few day;
to see her folks and she took Patricia
Ann with her. The first day it didn't
matter 1e15 cloth 1.0(.;11151, I was .0
busy with ' eeiltg that tit y got ;may
alright and that our ewes \very looked 31r. ;11111 )1;=\V, Ihil'fi111 have r0
iler with their late lan;c :; that l firmed 1101111' fromBrampton, 1111:10\.tilt into 111, hoes- rot my ;011 a bite I
they (.;pent the winter.
of supper and honied into bed in an 31r and Nip:. (1, C;II'illrn and family
1\haust(1: 1(t of shell. Next morn•'
1110 1110.icg 10 (.'rnmarty.
in,g it \•11< .1 ditferent thing.
The 10001 Iced (Toss have report 1
First of ;1!! I hail tot'g.tttt n to ''ti raising %err $",In, DI their $1,'1u oltjee
fat, alar 1l 'loci ;1: I when 1 woke up
the ii:_ht was 5101 'luting 111 the heti•
room wing ;1. ;11;.1 1t was almost eight
0'010(11. .\ty' first i;npnl•e wit.; to
(hide 311 .. 1'1111 a 1 it .'b Int not setting
114 clo,k 001 then the silence of the
house 1110110 moo 1(111zc rhat I Ills all
111011e. I•:Veryllling W;:, so still. 'I'h010
and a .Die
get me wit of h; re". '1:m silence %vas
aline.•' c rr s .e. It 5(1m. d 111 settle
down on 50.1 .. . harsh -like. I didn't
\vont to got out 01 bed.
The h;Iwling of the old 10d cow
1110(10 m. cc :11e 10 the realization how•
ever c11t the LU'VS were Wailillg 10
10 14.,:. watered and milked. 'I'h.' toys
and the bo k, 011 talc ;)fa seemed al -
111044 as oppressive as the dirty dishes
en the t0P11e. k was warns outside
but the house seemed weal: and weedy
and a few t: 'o I111y ha•;ied cif slit
c; Of 1 r. a1 fill( : tat 105 3110.11. I
cjuldn't help but 111111 of 3105. Phil
mal,,in g 111 ' warm porridge and Pats
rit.ia :tua •::fter dallying \v:, h the d',;t.
suddenly sporting to a finish and
triumphantly holding up the bowl :11111
s tyin..;. It; .l'.ly, I f'.nish(cl it all
11!1 nice, '
.\t 11' .. 111(00 was 1111 )Irs. Phil 1,-,43,
'with '111e dinner di. -hes. 'There was
110 g'a1d,:n haired youngster at the
window, nese eimu:Iged against the
gl•iss and waving frantic illy to attract
attention as soon as I started up the
lane\V1I5. I'iu'i(ia Ann \.:isn't (hero
t•1 b4;{ to 1.,' allowed to feed Cattle.
No one wanted n11 to 1a1(0 time out
to go out 1)111 in;pt c.: tile ha' y chick•
ccs in the broorlu' house.
Thy radio sound(. 1 that niOlt as if
no customary 1;3114111g 01 the crib
sa} Mg, "Conte on Daddy.
tive..\li (;,mati0115 lla\'e 1101 yet l;'.;1
Sunday, April I1 will he communion
and beginning then the s0\':0es wil'
start at 111 o'clock instead cf the usua'
time 01 lu.:10
The 1101tllly meeting of the It;d
Cross was 111 Id in the Ilall with Pre;
dent, 3115, 11. lirunsdon, presiding
\vitt ;111 attendance 01 ;to.
The meeting opened by singing
"The 31aple Leaf" followed by the
Lord's Prayer.
Letters \vele read from 11. (toss. 1)
Sprung, .1. Sprue, T. Fothergill. E
Garrett and N. Radford thanking Red
(:foss t'or ('hris11114 parols also fro 1
L. Caldwell and \\', 11oggait for 11nitt
ed good.;.
Another large carton of 1110115, wo
mens and children:; clothing was 1101;
nowledg, t1 by the Navy League o'
Canada. A large carton of woatcn•
and (1111,:rc'u; clothing \v116 50111 tr
the Russian Relief. \Vo with to thand
all who contributed so gincrously tc
these cartol:"
.\ letter was read rci::ta'ding the sal
Vage hut this was left with Ili,' adr'is
miry Hoard.
'1)n you want to do snincthing fot
our women in l'nitorm? They are in
need of toilet article; so we are hold
Ing a sho'w'er of the I'ollowin; articl:
at our next meeting: soap; tooth
1011511; tooth paste or powder; laund-
ry soap or soap flake-; cold cream if
small .!ars are put Inside wash cloth:i I ;
hair net;; klcenex; combs; tape lines
face powder: lipsticks; hair pins;
1)91 by p:1(.; safety phis: stadLlit pin 4.
it were laonting out ;n an empty fleas( bring or 5)11(1 you coeh ita-
house. 'I'h re was no o1i cr: %ling up 1101.
on my knee to g0'' her head in the 1 It was (ccided to hold a Lingo on
road of the most iuler4 ring re t:i1iig 111 T110'day eight, 31:u'ch 30,
the paper. Na one walltc(t ole to tell \1',; 11. Ac: •m; wls appointed
her what • :u' pleuro; m ni't. There Assistant Secretary and 'I'rFasnrer.
was no one to (now over the conies 1 In regard to appeal f8r ".lam For
and no one to 1;0 wrapp•(1 into a pair 13t'ita•in" Fund. it was decided to eon -
of Esti^nl,l; 011'1 Holo•,% into hod. And trihmute
so 11 w. 111 11111:1 1110 night they cline\\'ork committee for 31uy: Airs.
3trs, 1'1111 wa. 1111041 \I
nntl gl til to g01 born,'. Patricia Ann 11 rice-% t5 were. sold on a basket of ,
groceries donated I; \Irs. h. 'I'aurhly'n ! Toren of Toronto, were Sunday' .ds
yoked in with 1;1;14 pur;e 111 haul and g" y' itots with AI r. and 310;..11b1,I,' ('1nlil';
F014n1111) lnail4 an in,p)etion of her inc:cy' ticket gong 1'I Alis; 11. �ha(1-I Janie.; )Io('rca of 'Toronto%, with hi;
1)0rtk; 1:1; 1 1.fy, Pa^u 5.100' caate 110 1) (110k. Proceeds $_.1''1' 141110111-, Itched mid 3105. 310'r0a.
t, \11,•;' ! '.0- )'tong in the (111(1' 'Ih' fellow\imp (1"""Il llo lh'`s \Irs..1. .\, 10'0uduu has rc•tarc'1
and 11b;' 0 g';l00•01 venlig \• •n (11 in money: 311s. 1t 1'unghlul, 3h•s. Alco- IM1111, al'tcr spending the winter %\ .h
Place (I' :I car.4 anti 1 hall' year old zit;. 311'5. C1.1 11'11(.0 ('ru'.vtorrl. her si 100. Al r.;, \\'. Bryant. near Itlytb,
c=ai.l. ••h. 1 .•;Idy 1 r; 1'10 (((1 (1111) T1"' 1',11':1•'110 !1';:pin:, r4111i1' 1 31iss Ferrol Higgins of Galt, spent
gild to se4' you 114 tin." have 00011 r0rei.ctl Un• \''i cek .;"cat
the we;!1-en1 with her parer.'I;.
1 u'a- 0:.lulfu:Iude'1
owl y'1,= 44' I1 rounln111. 510.111.0 !'tl!' \1r. ani% Alts. Alex. I'ult(IIIclll 0004
tl;It( (01(10, ul•'ns gloves; I ulteruadi'.'e ceps vroom. Vi. -Hors uilh 311.. and 3105.
pair plain sox; :; turtle -r el( sweatei'io' Hobert .'Dwell L'ly 110.
--___1-- - - turtle neck tuck'!ns; ;; ;ter() Daps; I Alt. and Airs, John Sinclair of Stray
Spring; Meeting Of Huron ,`' pair mitts; 1 scarf. 'ford visited with 310, and 31 Ds, It.
Quilt Donations:
Holstein Breeders Club I 31ec're;1
J top; pieced by Airs U. Carter Al r. Jael1 Armstrong 0l' Brampton
\rt\ing, uo 111; have been made to from Red Cross Pitches, quilted ,11 'with his p:1.ents, 31r. and 'Mrs, I).
11",111 the S:11•in" lllect'll.i of the Huron .\14111 I1leetilig. 1 top tlullatt'd lty 11 os. Alii .strong,
]101511 it; Pi( '.:i's' Cab in the Agri- Tom Adams quilted at April meeting, 1 I'hc Voting Peoples' Society 1111,1 hi
cultural roar(' Roo:). Cltnl;:i, on 1 top from 31rs. Charlie \'oddon; 1 top
the basement of the church 011 I'rhlay
'Thu's(•.y. .':0.11 !0th, at 2 I'. 3i. Tit" from 3lrs Nott and 311•;. Ai: Ross: evening. George 3lichio coil.:'%011
Al It is I)r. \V, It. Graham, quilts front 31rs. Ton) Little: :, quilt ; lh0 meeting. The Scripture lesson
Polling -h. 1, t 10''red h ad of the from !turns. war; i ad by !':.sic ('00'1. George
1'0ulh•y 1!' :t!.. O.AA'. Guelph). Prof. \\'e arc, nna'de to acltnowled tt' 50111'1 ,Iohu.i.on 1001 in prayer. The group
Graham ;; welh:•:nawn throughout of the quilts ars 110 11111110 was attached. deckled to get up a enc. -act play ht
(101ori0 at farm gatherings. 11114 Ines-, collee..tion $°,.1:,. 3144ting the near future.' A paper, enticed.
;g4 will be on "Feeding' and no eau=ed by singing (sod Save the King ''•lieiug One's Best.' was given 1)5 1:11•
doubt Ir.' will bring the latest icfor- 1 ---V-- - 1
4th 31eClenarha0. Barbara 31ichie
111111;011 on flow to overcome the pro
trim shortage'. The 3larclt meeting of the Iielgr've 1The meeting closed with the 3lizp•,h
\.'Dull you kindly pass the word 1(101 Cross Society was hell in the Benediction.
arum% to all dairy' men to bk. on hand \\'orkrooms on Friday afternoon with Palsy An'ler4on, of Brussels, visited
as this should be a really worthwhile C. R. Co'lltes the pre.;:dent in charge. with 311'. and 311.s. J. G. Anderson on
:fleeting. The Meeting was opened with a hymn Sunday.
Don't forget the date, place and and prayer. The rnlnutes of the pre- LAC. Douglgas M. Carr of the Min.
time. April Sth. Clinton, at 2 P. N. vious meeting were adalited. Airs. ton Radio School visited at the 11,.-::e
January Thaw
Dark 'Twain said "Thea' Is a grc:lt Ileal of talk ^bout the wtalher,
but there is not much 0110 can do about it,"
I)nrMg the year.; I lived in Myth one %%•Dull a1'„1051 1:0 convinced
there %%'010 filo ti1,aso11s, tra,nt0y Spri11g, Saintlier, :,utunn, \Violet'
mill the January' Thaw. Very often, how, ver, it \''ould happen that
the 511011' King arid ,lack Fo';t would combine their forels and the
,1 in 1301'5 '.'haw would fall 40 make its appearance at \vial \vas consul -
(led the proper time. Once and a %virile it would ,'140 drip February
at, 1 it would he in March In fore Jac%( frost wo.11,1 lot it out of his
grip. It may he that lh: ; early thaw 'i.; sem :thiel ti,to the Boar 11101
the i.rcnndhcg that 0010' out of their whit( r quarters to see if there
is anti sign of Spring being Just arfucd 1110 corner. However there
\1;1; 1011111 to b; 0 thaw. r;unnetinte, and when it did (,.cur the cree%
would lo' :.',\.Mee to Pour or five I:no's its notnial to,idh1loi 0e1 it \.'as
00110 a sight 10.401' the water rushing under the budge on Queen
A1 ler :1 tial' dill lak” 141:1:•' lh1 re g'.'uc;ally W.15 (1"fr'eze up",
111; 1 this 100:111( gond 1 kuting. Al the time referred to the ('re: k me -
midi veil from the Grist 31111 to the (21104'% ,rest I1;i11ge, it cert:duly
slid a I1 take a :.:might 00110.(.1 and this 1:0 1!an of the 11100 mos 1110
110:0% place for s:.,.Uing, and 0\ ;Ty r' 0y 1'Anday (x.c,lletl1 creryou'
of the younger people would 401'•0 ;'dvantio:1' of :01, spot I that WAS .•1•
ft 11'11. 1l' It should happen th„t there w•r,; a fine t,inonli:'lr':. night a
gnat crowd would b0 „n hat:.l. 1'. curt.'!nly' was excellent fun, and It
null ( Very::I e 1.ntld el'l)ly and 1 ccryoee had a ,fah• of skate.;.
One wo:tld really \yonder where the (.%tan's all came from. 'I'h re
0101' All 11ind; an: couittlolS 1,1 sh. us. 'I'h: rr Dere the \\'ooden
Sk:,:cs that 110(1 0 steel b1a1;0 and with the steel r,0rncd up in an 't-
utu 1 0 5, mi circle at the toe, ,in the heel there w1 5 ,1 501)10 and 11';
51(01• would I e "scrc\voli' in10 the heel of the l o,1',; and tIt'
same .11th, and 111011 ..;',01111; 1.1 Itt 4 a:l were u';ed at Wo heel and too to
make them i1c.tre.
in ;Mother kind 01' s!'atis a 911:%10 'sits ft: -011011 11 1114 11001 1(t' the
s110e, a IMO) un Ih1, heel of the skate wa.; pat 111 the pl tic at right
• and turned around to I'll the hoot, a 1,14 strap was all that was
l,l ;sary to hold the skates in pl Ice.
.\Iyeee who was the proud 1405.=cs<0r of 0 pa:r r I' \'„1,14 plat '1
:gin: 40010s was greatly envied as they were ,i;. 1 , 1 1104 10-1
word, and required no 5'.:':. the spring did the tt,''. If :nlyou0 op -
11, 1. :I \v','It 0:0;ties attached to the shoes, \Voll Ih;11 .lost t 11;.14
t1,: mach, and I can only remember
111010111 111ricty.
0114 tic Iwo 1 a11l•4 01 This '0'1y
It did not mak0 V01.5 1110011 ltffcrnm(0 wL:ll kind ,:I' >' tt 's 0110 hid
I,;ug as they \vete s;:1)105. and so front 111) Br dgl to the (hist AI III
the Ply mind Girls w•u'.tld s1ha1, up and down and 0;,ch one having the
time 1 l' his and her limo and 0:1011 wishing the Ire, r•) up would
a month ;o that. the ('un could continue,
Thr re usually' was some ice that "a ; ;.:u tinier 10;111 the usher
park 011! •01; was pruu:;ttl:1 Ly those who did 1i',10' ;kallt,p the tint-
s% Indic;; Iigurc skater weas Johnny Kelly IJ. 11. Kily cf the Gudori.'tt
1'ul:Rc l'tilitiest and the younger boys an l gill' ; \• ,.aid stand ;wound
\'u chin;; 111:11 do the figure eight and 1110 grape .11,1, and wondering
if they would Over he able to skate lilts ,1 :1^lt 1Cylly.
('n many ()1(1(1' ons the (buys \.0:lid or;.'nizc O',arty 111 :':ase to
the side road a mile and 0 (mailer %.o:i 'f the \'illa,0. Inn tidal:y un i
Hit ;t. Juun:; 561110 nu0 would get 011 a thin iia <,t 0'1, and ;ft they well:I
go. 'I'0: only ll111401 Won the unfortunate one \•cold 100ci)4' was that
it was, fisheln111l's luck, and all in the d:tyo fll.
%Vednesdav, M"rch 31, 19.13
,, . ;�� Tei di 11741<Ya. ; vl
We have a lovely Assortment.
Call and See Them. 5c to 25c
Remember to write to your friends ---We have
Writing Paper at lOc, 15c and 25c. Envelopes at
5c and 10c. Both Linen and Kid Finish.
Onion Skin Writing Paper 15c and 25c Pad
Picture Binding, Thumb Tacks, Paper Clips and
Ilaiigcrt;, Marking Tags and String Tags.
Birthday Gifts
If in need of a gilt for a young boy or girl' we
have a very nice range of Gaines and Toys.
A Complete Line of School Books and Supplies
Always On Hand.
the Standard Dock Store
1 nny'0) rl • wl ; e 141% .0 .11:111%' s %)140%5•
11 1 1 ‘1%1
�t they telcphou4
14"11 I.';,.II 1!1 0' son, Sgt. Heiman
\\ ho has just returned Lout
,H ; , 'I. ('llantney 01111:141
1.1.0 :a, I .:1li-lt It( ,.;11101(1 at
\\ roll mir three years tie. :1t pre;,'nl
b 1 0.1 ,t 11 1:1y 1 Ave w:lli his wife
....n %%as fr; ;in .•l. 31ar: ,%rut 111::. ;t
I f .u• ('jil.Irul w 1. hive heel) 1:.•
10'; ;1 \\'int!.- u•. I1•' \'i;l visit ill par-
while he is 00 leave,
fa.. ;i,. 11•111'r: \.ho are tnakir.t;
'11: I,' : y:'.111 in this district re;;:11
1',. t the run of sip has been
w. 11111- 11 is 110140;, after' 1110 heavy
1. 'a 011 'I'uos.Lty, that it \ill b;' tour.'
1111. r t .
Jean Suitt, of Parkhill. 1isit:d
111' \V,v•I( lad \vitt! 31r. ;M1 Alts.
11. ,I. Scott.
dr. .1 11.11; ; Ita:tillty' reeciV0d 10111101
:.; ''11• a 111,01111 ago when to \•as
1 1;1•1 0y a to .': 0' 111 the f.lrnt uI' 111,(
;, lilt n I' :illlhy, 1:f 111111('1. The
i';'.urr (1 10.111 \0 ; removed by ailtb;t•
I mer I'runl tit0 fir:11 10 11:; Itemto in
Thi. 1 tllu\•inp a11old(t: Ilse t�nu'ral
1 t 3t'. ,Dimes I •1',11:1• In 141 11 Dc
J:,'. and 3115. I0h:;:ar I..l\%'.ol),
Ai:. tool Ali's. E. I'hllli;t.;, 30 ;.
(1 ; 'uId)'. air. ;hid .110.:, 11:110( 1
A' .111. Al n. an: 310.;. Harry :''urdy.
1'';•i•:.oft 1'.111. 31r. and 310;. %'Marl.•:.
:\t one time there 1';• ; a brick yard 111,11• the (1anadlan National
Station and \ehctt lite clay lad 110.'11 1014011 oat. guile a de;tre,.-don '.00;
11 !'t and this dcpre's.!on 1:1,01110 quite a. I:on,L The ..,no\\• would 5001,•
' e cleared 1'rcnt the ice that would fo:m 0nd \voile the 11ea \•!.I
limited it 10,011;011 5.010 s''ating. At c her Flues 111,' sial. would 0'
fir,11 11 part ci the ere.!i att,1 while it was ;;Is.: limited ;t gore
ct :tsidt ra010 pluasuro. Luring 0everal wilt%.• the c,ld .\gri:' itur,tl
11.111 would '1'1, 00111):1 by (401110 cnl0111111 ,11i, citiir;l, Ito group floor
would be 11;00110.1 and ).cry'oily would en`ay' the ch'ing, to i':;loon
s'c:'ting. Al rare inteiVa'ls 0 C'arniv'al would be held and the Brass
Pond would 1 e on hand. This of course was 0 re01 event,
Cu rhe witch' there w,".; not a great aa'I rf 1='(alIng I•ut it secnu'd
Cant every 41(10 had skates ut;l 1101yone s'..11)d vol hitihlst adva stag'
1 ;s lal(0n et what there V, 4.
No doubt 1110 best skating was du'ing 0 lueez.• up alter 0 that.
and 1,vini i1' the January thaw \'as •ainr,what d0.•oy' 1 it world y\enh1-
allyy arri;o and that was 1110 signal for every 003' and girl to sharpen.
(10 11. s'0::1 ; an:l he ready for 1110 fun that was certain to t )110 place
and \viten the creel; would 110 swoll;ln st'V5"lal limes its 1(1111 5120,
A. 3la)nimg reported that three cul '01 111; tootle and aunt, .\Ir. and .\Irs.
ergency units had been purtlhased ani 110ben \\':ghtintin on S,aturdl3',
1 ;1111;
are now avanable is case of occident Pte. Harold C. \1'!•;htolo r. I' Torrlil.
1' 311. aol 11 r,, 11001 Uaer, It. J.
,ur epidemic'. An afghan was donated to spent the Week curl wllh his var.\!0. :110;1 )Ir,, ('1;0 le= Ituberlsou of
to the Society 1,y the I1)l1;rtVO \1'0• 0(10. 310. '11111 .\Irs. Hob '1 \1'ii;htman, t I, 0:011. \i Bed on Sunday \vlth 311,44
nteu's lestitlte and it \';t; decided to IIo1y ('ommmuni.m and Set moll in U'a'0.
include it with quills to be 5hil.pJ:1 to Trinity l'hurch next Sunday, al 2.3,1 31;•. 1'1' I, 51;0 :11. ,u or 1 l u•
'Toronto Headquarters. Although the p.m, 1; 1;101,. leis 1 ea confined Io his hod
canvass for the earn.' 'l n for fund; Is �' I w !0 a ht 1; ai;,i:eu',
not completed the objective for this 310. :1111 310 . Gordon C00;1,,
10%inch Which 1.145 $1,1 �.'I has 00011
li n 1;101 1;, ,•.1 Id, of forgo with
reached. The Into 1.111g 0105etd %with lh„ 1':\'cnsol)g and sermon in Si. %lark'.; . 3lr.. \\'•(,0110" .\,alveus,
Notional Acthclll. ('hunch 110 \l Sunday. al i."u 14.111. I 111•1 an11 10 . 11. .1. Phillips, 3105.
1(o Andersen of thy 11,('.A.I'„ 'I"he pultli0 and continuation x00•,010 C. .\. Howson wi:11 31r, and Airs, 11.
1latnilten. speet the \'eck•end at his !have re.,tinte(1 the old time of n1ne .1, 11, 1'1111)00111' '10 :0I ship,
house herr !('cluck for opening, hiring Illy w;u \Ii;s N01ly 11 :,1, has returned to
'3 'l gblut, Mfrs 31'015101, 3l1's. Shaddic:t ter ntnntho school mi 0 \
AI r. and Airs. l'. 11. ('unlles and I yu4;l .II In;1�l a, f .' :1l rt •tl 1t f1 :• 1'i>•il;eg her parents,
of travelling and I1rs. Boll. abet, of \\'inghaln, mind Airs• ,I, \\'.
I;EL(iRA VF 1 read a poem %entitled. "Psalm of Life.'
It ., l;• \\'. 1'1l 30:4. Rosy,
and .3I rs, Ii.:•bert ('ha,nut'y of 3!:•, and 31; s. I1:,513' .\oder,sun and 1
lIrs. Th; :nits Moyle 0t 1.uckucw, were
re cc .:,;tors with AIiss Margaret
IC ing.
Aliss Madeline 1'o onghlut is visiting
with .31r. aur; IIrs, ('arl 1'unn7,01ut at.
1! :atilt/n.
Alis; 31.u'jor!e Ai thur cf Tceswalar,
with her no then. 310;. John Arthur,
over the \.o:kooud.
,\Ir. ant Mfrs. Harold Nicholson and
daughter, Karen, of (;alt, were week
1101 .is:lurs with 311•, and 1lrs, J.
31rs. Jur( 1111.111 '1'.tyl.ii has returned
111,1111' froth 1 011(1011.
)11'.;, Cite:ler 'I'.lyior, 1)onald and
Loris, of St. Helens, 001 31 Inlay of
1'4.:1 Al010., vis:io l wilt 111 1 11::0
1' c rguscn and Mrs. 111 ;nc•he 1 h1111pa.
ordinary Seaman Ile 11 Il. F.heppard
cf the Royal (''.In tcllti Navy, 1s enjoy
the; a leave with 1110 p.trent:;, 310. and
1115, \\'. 11. Sh,'; 1' 111
31 r. aid 31's, \VIII: in . 11 .:'•len
with 310, and Airs, 1i,.r: `: jll, Stitt
An ideal authorized investment
for individuals, companies, ceme-
tery boards, executors and other
Hundreds of women enlist in "Nutrition for Victory" Drive ..
bring health and stamina to families ... especially war workers!
5g1(d for your '/
T Mit coy
is !let You Warks./
at "1.01 -to -send y",r
Yltn"r M luso addTt" .�
arae an Ind' to
ole°Try prin
Sox 600,1or ont 0,
You too, can play an irnportant part in this vital
national need. Health and stamina are needed
now for Victory ... always for full happiness.
Government surveys reveal that even those who
can afford the best are often ill -fed, according
to the standards of true nutrition. Here is an
Opportunity of learning an easy and interesting
\'r;ly to improve your family's health, through
better nutrition . , . an opportunity of getting your
copy of the booklet "Eat -to -Work -to -Win", at
absolutely uo cost.
So don't delay ! Send for your
FRET; cony NOW !
4:('I'/,r a"h•ili„ r dalnuerrlt irr 'Cal-to-II"orkdn-ir'in"are aarplable
to Nut, ,li,u ' u. l),•iuulra,'•1 ti Portions end National Health,
Orta,, jo, l,,r nth -4,11.1u Nutrition Programme.)
Sp/minted by
in t'.•: interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory.
Wednesday, March 31, 190 TIE SUNWARD Page 5
' IN ..J....--• . • • ,-.4.04.1•Laa.4.*111,44.11...1.1.46 .46
11.... 014+44 4.41.44 .4 4 4 ++.44.443A4l; 4\11. . and I 1.8 Noilinali IcDowell i
4. IlAriOtEMVIII/EATRE ,* were London' visitors on Thursday. i
The Red Cross Itl(titocidtextlitqtatOtildittiinCidt14141019(94041.111041K9011(ifitC1KiNtEt{111LCICCRTICICIGICtrgizie.1::v.T.'":':'.'
IT and mrs. Frank /wham 41 11(1 (In Honor of the Present Red Cross
TWO Shom's Sat. Night l""111Y. Slt"14 with Mr. and Mits, Drive.)
't1•• '
fM••• so/ timmlibm•••••••=a......
A little scarlet emblem
4.4' W. \Vablen over the wceleend.
On a field of snowy white--
Thurs., Fri., Sat, Apr, 1.2.3 re. Mr. and MN. Elwin Toylor In (lode -
SPECIAL tk rich on' londay,
. Its valor and Rs might?
But who will judge the measure of
Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne, In : Mr. and M18, Frank Camlibell.
"My Sister Eileen," Misn 1Vinnifred and Mr. Douglas
'I .. Campbell were London visitors on
1 The amusing slory of two girin he; And floats wherever people live
i New 'York rt Monday.
el - In (ii)' summer breeze,
ro ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS t': Sgt. Roy Bentley and Miss Hazel
ei p. m, ti Ben'tley, London, visited recently Iv-1th The wounded (all 11. ldessed,
Matineve Sat. afternoon at 2,30
r t,i; their parents, ir. and Mrs, It, Dent- And the sick and maimed and old
ti Mon., Tues., Wed. April 5-64 ?'r loY, Bend trembling lips in agony
r4 Kathryn Grayson, Van Heflin, In T. 1 Mr. and MN. Mansel Cook, Frances To kiss each iiiiiiting roid,
"Seven Sweethearts" ',`' lienneth, of ileitmiller. with Mr. 'flu) honreless lift their weary eyes
It braves the tier('ost battleground,
It salln the seven seas,
A comedy with music,
•,,,, and INIrs. Leonard Cook. on Sunday. I Above a hombed-out street,
1: 1
i.4 • I Rev. and 'MN. Hugh Wilson, Niiss
:. , And see in it a blessed home
ri '• Ruth and :\laster John Wilson, Brus-1 Their diro Hood to moot.
:rd• '1 ()els, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roland -,
.ii,-1.e....•-•-.F.•.4,-.:41.4.-xxx.p.4-44;,:t A little homemade 8081.101 cross,
ir4-4*-*K4*-414.• ':•*•• •• ' • • • • • Vincent on Saturday.
NOW PLAYING: The Tuttles Of NOW PLAYING: Pat O'Brien in:
• Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Dorothy Lamour
Ginger Rogers, Cary Grant,
▪ Three of your favourite stars go to , Walter Siezak,
• town via the land of the Jez, ),
I resent the dramatic story of two
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
"Wings For the Eagle,"
Uncle Slam has heroes on the fight- Pat O'Brien, Janet Blair and
Brian Donlevy
Ing front, hut heroic, too, ore tho
of ivo di -1
men fighting the battle of ...1.1,1sleala°(11 ‘licking t(::,;11(‘; lot:n(1k Goes To college9
• Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan, 11( in.
111 a rib -Lusting comedy. fidventuroli,-; newlyweds
"The Road To Morocco" 'Once Upon a Honeymoon
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Thuroday, Friday, Saturday
NOW I)LAVii.,(: (1.-v...Morrdy
Moo . , 1-4 attires
Jcri Han, 1101,a zoo .1
Prtk. Lorre.
FOb ", r kAtil,f..111s;
"IN V ISI 1;1,F, At; 'I"'
,--"Sat.Dmible FiII
Penny S.ogletoo, Arthur Lake
and Larry Siirims
111 •
I Ch ,r'e i S,..;1-ett, Wandi McKay
Jack Carson, George Tobias '
Two Yanks In Trinadad' ' and '""en ""Ydt"' ''''' I"
i "1?-yni il.liolipd I'vtror 1
So often frayed and torn, Priv
iC0.%.1 ING: veron:ca Lake In:
• Reeve Raymond Redmond paid COMING: Pride Of The Yankees..1
\\Ingham a visit on Tuesday.
Circling the world on ships and wing,s, ''' THE G' ,''.(..';' VEY
COMING: Ginger Rogers and Cary
Grant in: Once Upon a Honeymoon
Mat.: Sat, & Holidays at 3
11ULLETT and mrs. Will Walden with Mr. And ever proudly 1)0)110, Mat,: Wed., Sat.. Holidays, 3 p.m.
Mat.; Sot. arid Hol 3 p.m.
The symbol of our Christian. faith
On Tuesday afternoon, thirteen Ift- i and Mrs. Sid MeClinchey of Auburn,
In love and mercy blolivs-
diet( on the Silt and ilth of Hullett, met I 011 SilmlaY.
Mi'. and Mrs. will mn•vittle, Misses God keep it •flying, brave and white, Army Plans To Fix Men 1 Clearing Auction Sale
at tho home of Mrs. George Carter I
and quilted three quilts for the Red Morjorie and Roberta. vinited Mr1Vberever suffering goes,
. and Who Were Medically Unfit Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Mr. 11, McVittie, Goderich on Mon , -•,,ct...i. I At the farm of Mrs. Eillia (..iwan.
Under a 110W plan now in operation
Cross. A. pot-lucksupper was after
wards enjoyed.
On Thurnday afternoon', the 8a1110
group met at the home of Mrs, 010/6.
Anderson and again (101110(1 three
quilts for .the ite(I Cross. All enjoyed
the delicious lunch served by the
Conntance members,
111 rs. 1). II, M-cKenzie of Intcknow,
spent several days at the home of her
parents, Air. and :\Irs. 'Wm, Carter.
On Sunday, Mrs. Oarter accompanied
and Mrs. leKenzie to their home..
On Thursday, Mr. I lugh Campbell
of Walton, visited at the. home of Mr.
and Mrs, George Carter,
Mr, and Mrs. Elinor Unlit and son,
Donald. of Clinton, are visiting at the
home of Mrs, Selina Riley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Mrs.
Walter Cook. MIS. Atm mnpowell,
M1'14. Norman Radford, were London
visitors this week,
Mr. Itay Vincent left on Monday
for Calgary to join his unit of the
11.C.A.V, Ills many friends wish him
1110 very hest of everything.
and Charlie Lee and fam-
ily of Clintonwith Mr, and Mrs. 5,
Johnston on Sunday.
Mr. and it.f, Alfred Nesbitt visited
Goderielt on Monday.
The Farm Forum was held 111 the
basement of the United Church (nr
Aion(lay night, with 111)0111 80 present.
Adler tho discussion Reeve Raymond
Redmond gave a talk on "Sugar For
C11.111111%,' which Waif very interesting
to the housewives, and instinctive. to
Owing to load conditions. 111013 was all. There was a short programane,
a very small congregation at the Uni- including tt piano duet by Miss Phyllis
led Church on Sunday. Rev. Rose
preached a very Impressive sermon on
'Our Daily Bread.' The choir favored
with a number.
and Arnold Cook; a reading hy Mr.
Jade Buchanan; a viciin solo by Mr,
Harvey Mcl)owell, and community
'singing, with Miss Winnifred Camp
11)' Ca"" 1""s previously rejected East \l'awanosh, Quarter milt. 1.'aini
bell at the piano. led by Marvin Me.
bY the ActilY because ef IAIYAcal (le• of Auhurn, on Friday, .111:11 9th. :II I
I )(melt. The ladies served lunch, It
fects may now enlist for active set.- Eastern Daylight Tiin •
was decided to hold monthly Forums
vice. Appli.oints to the Army during 111 e Spring an (1 Summer1 !OR horse: lilac',
ing from remediable defects will be
months. The next meeting will 1)
(He, 4),,,.
11,411' of Lot ('10)-;- (1 1. 1,)
1 11;,•'11
accepted, cured by operations 01' treat. P.1.TTI.E-- Regis! cr,.d I'; -.p (OW
held itt. t110 home of Reeve Redmond , No 11 PM, 5 year- old, ireshen in
Melt! 11111 l'ecelVe full Army pay anti '
some time in April. January, due Nov. lo; yr. -hire
allowances. The Directorate 01 year; old. dueflay ":1 iircy cow
,Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Adam's, of col smile" specifically ikts hernia 3 ;':n ()Id, 100 oct. ; Pur hrcil
Londeshoro spent \\'‘ailnesday with nod varicose veins wilicti have Iwpn NM', 3 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. In`red '1 oll. responsible for miany rejections to ill calf: Itcg."1" r""..
No. 31,1 1712, ycill'ti (11(1, (1I1('
N1I'S. Gordon. IcfClinchey entertain- date. Additionally, applicants pre -
27111; Red cow. 5 years 0111, due in
ed a number of lad1e8 at a quilting, vio118ly rejected because of vision or may; Shorthorn h,.!),,,11,
when a quilt was quilted for the hearing are advised that standards 11 months old; Calf, fi mantli
Mrs. John .\leClinchey who is over ties, Shortsighted men will be sup- P1(18-5 S"1", (lit'' 111 S"w'
P0111111 their Calf,
sionary Rale. This quilt was made by hove been revised to 2 months Mil.
%t1, pigs, 4 wecli” nld fit lima of
SO, Mrs, MCClinchey does her own 11110d With Army glosses, the :in -
work, and attends to her garden and nouncement 811.1.d. Canada.
still finds time to sew and help oth- Roved, is the first nation to
ers. She should, be an example for policy of enlisting men into
younger women to follow. Forget self before treatment.
and you'll have Mane too,
(1 YEAR) and
For Both
and Magazines
GROUP "A" -Select One
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STREET OR R.R. PROV. •••••••••••
it is be.
adopt the
the Army
GRAIN--ano hos. Cartier oafs, fit
for seed; 200 bus. Cartier oats. 1 -011 -
ed for t4e41.
I NI PLEA' InINTS, ETC. Ma-•ey-Ilar
Hs binder; 111-20 1111PI'llation 11 I4:0,1,0*,
Tile Health of Canadians, both Min- (this track»r has done very 111 1 le
In ((11(1 and without the .1rined Forces, is tom work, and is in good condition 1;
receiving close attention these dayi. Stiff -tooth tract" cultivator; Ca'''
tractor plow, new; :\las4ey.1 hirris ralie
Itrigidier G. B. Chisholm, chairman n
early nolv; Hay Ine.pler; )I )o':', 6 -ft,
of the 1308(11of Director of Medical Ha,
Servies (Army), has announced a sot, Tutihope-And.2rson walking p1 08: e!
\Ty of the nulical facilities of the roller; lassey-Ilarris fertiliser dr:il;
Bain wagon, nearly new; flay rae'.
Armcd Foreos in conjunction with
nearly new, with ciliding"din:nt•
mcdieal services of the 1.:cpartmiput International manure $pre (de)-; Sel
of Pensions and National Health. The sloop sleighs, with flat ':n'k:
surveys are under the °Junction of a smith tools; Forge and bt'w':
committee of civil' 10 and service and anvil, etc.; 27-11. straw 1)1
pipes; Cement mixer; Ste -I ston,
phyisicians and are part of the nation- boat; Sprayer and barrel; Tr,eto
al health slIcveY IlY hitch: Six -section harrow stretcher;
the CanadianMedical Procuieutent ii -section Piumontl 111111M's; 5:t
and Assignment Board. sey-Harris discs; Small ele:.trie mot-
I,or; Half barrel lime sulphur; Port-
land cutter, nearly now• •
Emery grInciPr. '
tile;ox; c 8
50 11)11(2..1i.. a:4,111-1
truck; Set single harnesq; 1,
harnris; Feed hopper for pigs; ;10 lh
("an Gun Grease; 10 -gal. nictor
Jack screw, 3 ton; Set sockrt wr(n.
ehes; Set Vamdium steel wrenches;
Set of Dies; Model A Ford Sedan, in
good 6hape; 1Vindows; Quantity of
used inch 1-mher and seantl'ne,: 2
18(1111 posts, 6111111 by 6-ineh I v
I feet; NVor1( f‘hop and garae,,
;and other articles too nunirroun In
Heading the civilian and rvice
physicians board is A. E. Archer
of Lamont. Alta., president of the
Canadian )I N111811 Association. "T110
separate survey of governmen: ser-
vices,' Br. Archer said, "16 part of
the tfation-wide inventory of all health
facilities and 1)C (83)11101 to ascertain
hew they may best be distributed to
meet the neetbi cf the people.'
You can take your fat drip-
pings, scrap fat and bones to
your meat dealer. He will
pay you the established price
for the dripping and the
scrap fat. If you wish, you
can turn this money over to
your local Voluntary Salvage
War Charity, or -
You can donate your fat drip-
ping, scrap fat and bones to
your leral Voluntary Salvage
Committee if they collect
them in your community, or -
You can continue to place out
your Fats and Bones for col-
lecltcn by your Street Clean-
ing Department where such
It system is in effect.
sr 434
Everything to he sold without Reserve
Mrs. Edna Cowan, Proprietres,.
• ••m•Lorabfelnomtir.a•C40•4411•404
1 I 1I.11•1;•'
14., 1 , "
• 4,1",•
." 1 III II
...11 •
.111,11 111 1).
Gkr..1.1rro Tcwnship
(4,1 ,d m 11:414. I ,
11,44)1 (4111-, 1,, 'CM. ;iv"
of -114011' (1)) 1:0111:1:- th,
trill con', -..001 '1 « 11p
Myth, )
4‘,'• rr
'Go' li!,• 1: 1 • of .1‘.1111;
11)4 14,1 ,,t): 4,411. ill
the t',) inly 4); 1.
4,1, \v‘,10 di) '1 0,, 0.. "1 11. day
liefore that d 1,. .. 1 1 "'" 1;•
f.11 111:.
Patril 1,1yl1i day of
3)010 11,
.1. 1 1.
• Pl:. :11.
1 n- 44:anvil.
1 Ittrolt1 ,111(1)0)11, A tietionear lie 1-0,01,, 1', ,
Auction Sale
‘l r '1
;:f:•, , i 4
On No. 4 iligsht‘t,,h1):n,02M
lyIles South of -
mmoat_ tvw
consisting of the tollrming,:
GO'lliSIES- One tram of grey Geld-
ings, 5 and 7 years old; One good
Driving mare, 1 years old.
CATTLE -4 cows. fresh; 5 Inniferi.
in calf; 2 Hereford bulls; I Iffirlfain
bull; .15 steers, 790 to are 11)s. The.,0
are good quality Ilereford and 1)11101111
steetA; 25 yearling Heifers and
Steers; 11 yearling Holstein heifers: 1;
young Calves,
PIGS -5 Sows, (the in April;
Pigs, Weaners ond to tell 11:4,
Positively No Reserve.
Georg() C. lkowell. Proprietor.
Darold Jackson, .\actislii
Bray Chicks are real money-
makers. I can prove it. Place
your otder here. I 00(-, live de-
livcry guaranteed.
A. L. Kiii-iNIGK
TIT(1 I Al .41 CKSON
Licensed Aucti..
spoebli-1 4,n0I
Remember to send your friends an Liven •d 1 ;11'11
Flister Greeting Card. \Ve have them
at suitabi prices, and they are la\ oiy
oardei. Priced from 2:)c.
now while 'the stock Is complete. The
Standard Office.
C11111111e-,. r. 4,
l'or pliono
-0. NJ. 1,,
Dead and Disabled Ais 1
,,---,.ry 1,7y,mpTi.y.
Telephones: Atwood, 50i-31; Seaforth, 17, Collect. )
.. . .
F. G.Y«V•M�. k..
...r (t It..\.h. flyers in Tunisia attempt to board a 'least of that
cau.e1 >ecmq to 1t !,ettiut; 10• ilii; a laugh oat .\f it as anybody,
Considering; tete tact that for
20 years !,.fore this tear, the
shipyards of Canada had not
launched a siu;rl( sea ;;tint; yrs•
,el, it most be recognize 1, 200
think, that they have dune Ix•
reptiontlly \cell .since itt pru,lue.
ing a 011111(111 tons of ocean -,mint(
cargo ships and 30o n:l::u craft
to escort tool protect them.
--1-lrockville 1lecorder and 'Pines
Liquor buyers lutist now show
their national regi,tt'ation certifi-
cates, So, after all, those
lions of of dollars weren't ..pent just
to find out if you coulee milk a
---Huntingdlun Gleaner
The .1s -lour work week in the
t'. S. still eaves them 1'_'1) (tour:;
to write that letter to .IIF -hour
week soldier boy.
—Guelph 1lereury
Wartime sewing has brought a
tremendous sale of yard good;.
Victory planting will do likewise.
--Sherbrooke Iteeot'(l
'that plague of 1los(tnitoes oyer
Berlin caught Goering with his
.screens down and no swatter.
---Ottawa Citizen
Penguins Climb
Up Hill To Die
Dr. lt, t', \iurphy, (uratot' of
tie American Museum of Natural
History, vouches fur talo folloly-
At South Georgia isnano he ob-
Nerv'ed that he almost never found
the dead bodies. of fuli•gro)%m p011 -
loins. One day he discovered the
reason. At the summit of a long
',111 he canto upon a little trans-
parent lake {mined entirely of
;now water, amt( around the mar -
:;in stood several .sickly looking
penguins, silent and drooping,
toemitigly exhausted hy the long
1111th front the beach to the top of
-he hill.
"1 don't know wily," ',ail he,
"hut the air .seemed oppressed
traeeiy, 1 walked to the
(ig•e of the pool and looked into
itt, translucent depth. On the cold
blue hotton: with their flipper.;
outsiret'shed ,nett ltunlireds, pos.
siitly thou -Patois. of dean penguins
:hat had nutde the last weary
:11111, ii, t'1"„'.: this peaceful ;;pot,
They lay face up, their breasts re.
fleeting glemrs of light from the
rlarl; r 1vat.'i' "
Germans Pile Up
Debt To Russians
1\hal'k, v, Russia's. f',ntlih Pitt,
111 22 In (it!'iert.'1 hard.. lei months.
.11 (tine of ridit'.ire it 'p:i.i 1 110p-
1.:L'ttiot1 of 1,bltn,f0ltl, \\l.•n re.
takim a f1':'.• !: n , , ,ol:dtlon
,; a; 300,000.
cdcruuulr lr•d deported 1')(•118(1
aide Ion Hr.:zero a' sm., _s, had
•arril .1' on mass 1'u 11'(1 022, hang -
rot's and : tar\ation, wit '0 1 lotint�,
trslanyil,g and ot}tt.v •,(' actin(. 111
1 11111 11(:1' that ;,:(1111,1 uaitl; a :11.1V -
look like. a civilized i,r,r.;•oil.
hum,. in tit• air t: for
'Flie 31111,11111 •(;u' i..,I., \\erg
;,;'1.111 emaciated, otf feting.,
ill yir:tit + n•' ' ,Inti bolt;tail v.
ThnitS-ands of 111(h,s chlldreri
r.:a'led the stt,•uts, like litt o tali•
The ::tory of h(iarko': '.n: the
Sti ly Or Rubes and of ..':et•al
ether title .
The(iern:an= are piling up ti
de',t and t'*;e It l'=ians are going
to )',•(nand Dial it he li(Imid;dcd.
1're'11ier Malin Lie( :1ir1 that the
iI..1 .1r01:, rroanized 10 defend
tl'•. homeland, will be till avenging.
.1 ,Feat many guilty ii:di:itl'I:lis
i1 Germany should he Riving
tl:oe,g'ht to the easiest way out,
strange land of
THE WAR • WEEK — Connuentar', on (;urrent (events
We Must Win War Before We Can
Make Definite Plans For Peace
I'riulc tliul.,tcr ('hurchit1's ilua-
(lay 111'u:1,112; :t h.t- 11;'11 1.1 1011 new
1111}11'i11;•, 10 1110 fll,l•111atiil t 00c1•
111011011 of planning iing aur a hotter
ttt^.d, says the New Volk 'finless,
such planking now claims the :it•
te•nliuu of :ill Governments and
Itilt1t(•''llt1, 11'1\;11•' 01-4;111 1:::•11i011'4
tltruuch0ut the (00:111. ;uta o;p1-
e11111) in tllis cul nary, I•:vrn (liber
i, prop (ring to pool t I .' a new.
"elia to,1 •" for it -now \ i:urope " in
which th,• sand: ta'ton' aro to 110
left some ieientity put 1111 they
combine t\ilk the .1:(l:• in 1 (11111•
loon bulwark a„aiti t communism.
Churchill's :,p. cat i, the most de -
1.0111(1 alt] most authtrieati\e 111 !-
list' pronounc' 111ent of the po,t•
1011• wnr1.1 >.0 far, and in il; inter.
nation..1 riper . t mb.),E,.., pet •
suitably, idea- 11111th .lttthouy
1:,11'n k now. lire,clitl•;o to the
American Govt.; 11111010.
Mr, l'lnnchill hint,••it 2(:11112,
that 10.11 plant:ill-i toast not 1111111
us front urs ti:'=1 :and foremost
task of winning ti: • war. .111d he
likewise W;11'11-, (1111I "a(1thin:; e111141
het 11101•(' fu011.,11 ;11 stage alt iii
(u ilium;)' lulu duLli!s owl try to
p1oseribe the ('\illi gr'ollpings ,t
states, 0'' lay (town precise 010•
chinery for their cooperation or,
Mill more to 111'411.' afloat t•ro11-
tier8," \Pith t111•s0 admonitions
every sensible per:Atii will itgrc(,
Nothing Iris dune more 11;0( to the
cause of telt faired Nations than
the recent arguments about Rus•
sit', post -nets' 110111 11-.
Refuses To Make Promises
The world in general and the
United Slates ill particular owes
0 'debt of gratitude lo 1Viu,tun
Churchill for this bro;mI'ast• cunt•
nt(22nts the Detroit Tree Press, Not
because ut 1011111 he slid but his
US MODERNS. % :7:,...;
/;"%,,,•;%-•W:./ ;i2 , ';. \
uuutlI'' of .)yin:; it. '!'hero Waa
A dtrtci 1111 11(.:,s 1%11 11'11 .'huald
t•,t:[blis11 11 14210 tum' for int(r•
national discussions. There tvaii
candor even to shut he (tit( nut
say ; tor. not mire 'lid he inentiult
('Minn itt pnst•aar 1111.-, '(Telt
avoidance in itself is of v.l;t tit;•
n ific:ulee.
"I'llere is 11 left.. siting ,:1•nn'at of
bluutioiss idiom ('llurchiil's speech.
it spolic as ion 1.:m.tli,lltuun tool(•
iu,1; after tl:e iuter(•I': (0 tin, Bri-
tish Empire \01111 an hone• -t illi•
into of intelligent s1 II'i-Isle,.,; that
what i^ gumd rot the British ('um.
Inuuw(alth of Natiuu, should alto
he gold for the rest of iho world,
-Nothing \1(1(1l(! be cosi' 1 for ane
Ih,ul to 111;1 lir ally 11 1111111e of
pl'1tlli,1' )1111 il('; ;Ill iltltllt"li.lte 1 '
:-pu11sr 111 (11,'1111 1110112 211111 4101v•
ing niti.1e " 1.0 declared. 110 rt-
fu:;ed, he said. "1,1 tlltltc promises
It it Inn i re.:•st1 to 1)111 Ito r tai v
rant be p, 41)1'1111,d cir not , [
only ii 11 to do Iny dory by ill..
w'Iwh 111:1-, ut the nation ,ld the
Ilritish Empire."
No glittering ,geueraili• - about
"hour I 1 t rdoms" for all mankind
(leryw01.0e, No defiiitc itt t'attt
al all. only ;1 plow Unit the Hellish
people In prepared ler "situations
which 122•o likely to occu „
A Council of Nations
Ile rnLCests "its an idea" an
agre,uleIlt among the 1111bsh Elie
Aire, the (wiled States :sol Russia
for the eventual estahlt.;hmeal of
a 1,eaguc ut Nations with ic(Lh, n
possible inte•rlt:itional army; the
ct'ealiuu itt I':Ilrupo of a eunuch of
ualioi,, 1V1 11 (terntany incbnled,
:0111 tin sutalicr nations (1rg.uliz•
ing, within the• conu(il. leagues
of their (1)011,
lint not until flitter i; heal0u
By Fred Neher
teopr ,)lt Ilea. by Frit Neder)
,'April fool!!"
Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs
'it1' it04.z
1110(11'1 ,n 0 1110:1,1 un, 111„ an too
mush of (1111' 1nnr; Ihtn (t ill enure
111e 0111)1itelllty 11 "11111tir 11 111')1
d1'eI;s'attoil." 11 -lit:.t - - dirt(
there lie ,t similar cunei! of As.
121111 1101,111. 1: 2(111111 ,:re•III 111111
he i1 11 ( s the 1'11111 (I Stairs in
110 hlrlop.•'n toumcil, 1%11 111 1.1111-
,111eral1011 of our own 11'eslertl
1euit.•1,heir „council."
Ito,d1i2 .11' Ilriti.h
pus,ei,ions "of 11111th Ice ;u•,. Ir11y•
tors in every port 01 the ;lobe.,'
Naturally, that la k• s in 111:tht and
territories in the (tient, The so are
problems to he taken 1111 later
when .1111.;11 i; heut''u and au As•
t111ir (.01111111 is I•rc:ted. Ito makes
no meiotic', Mat I1titain ,1111 111,1
sit in that council a., "trustee" of
11' 0 e 11111it1 possessions.
Nothiu_' is said ;shout Itll .,la's
(1)1111 to huller territory tvhirh
would swallow Ilse•' of the little
trprhli;, creal,d 111 \'ersatlles.
'1'11110 are mailers, lie empties,
which 1111h1 be (alien up after
Ilitler (•I u,lyd.
The Rock of Freedom
Thr majesty of Ills concept is his
111(11t u( nu 0110 proud,,••, Iter)'
he bay's ill )'flirt i,•, ((herr 111•Ilatll
stands, the 1'11-11 of human fro(..
(loin, tis be sees it, the savior of
It is not difficult 10 't0 bu,tulss
%v'it11 a 111111 when you 1110)1(' wltl're
hu 1,11111122, And so iI 1; 20tl11 tut•
huts, The world need, well hon- ultl.raures to cleanse it of tett
clouds or 1'nu,liunalisut awl dream•
world fantasies, It \sued appear
oh\tuus that l'hurchitl :(1111 :twilit
too in complete ugreoment 111111
m in:lianieilly --in fact. proudly- -
is looliiug )ilei the iateri• t, of
his own people,
This i1': not 1111(2 (11,11 (2hnrchill
11011; the \112(1 of a bre ,o new
100x111, 1'1'20 lulu of uu1•1etn times;
have sound) I u 11(1 pet spiritttal
note 011 the thing._ to he ;loped tor,
Hut his hopes do not run away
lvith his unit, r-tatolin: (0 the
hash practicality of the world in
\\•itch \ve live, Throughout all he
-ays there t; the refrain: "I 10122
Hid angle the htn;;'s First Minister
to 1hint late the Fmptr(
Ninety 110'ul 11 tae 1 01 rchill
home (
0• e 0 n =,11111 It iutt eerh 1111, I'nl
in which he laid 01(1\'(1 the ground
1:(11( fur in lU;I-\Cal' 1(21 110011. I1
wi,ri ;1 Iatglllli tl(t pl'f�+• tet ltlUll of
the hope; of 111( 1)l IIPII•---clear,
colic , understandable.
By Elizabeth Seifert
When a strange old beautiful
Woman ('(1)1('22 to a ((1)1a11 town for
an extended stay, there's hound
to be excitement, ,Iust why, for
instance, (lid she decide to conte
to Cantrell, where she apparently
didn't know a soul:' 11'as she a
nurse, since she was sc quick
and efficient in emergencies?
1\'uuld something develop out of
her friendship with the town'[;
most eligible bachelor? \Vas she
really married? I)id anything lie
behind her association with the
unpopular Doctor French?
Dozens of unanswered (lues-
tion0 flew around the little town
as tongues wagged and heads
nodded. Not until tt woman was
murdered by an overdose of drugs
did the mystery of the visitor be-
gin to unravel.
A Certain Doctor French.
By Elisabeth Scifcrt . , , Dodd,
Mead & Company ... Price $3.00.
These Are Things
You' Cannot Do
in the rurrt'nt print of that very
stint, distinguished iveekly, The
San Francisco .'argonaut, there ap-
peared eight points 11111th this
tuuuU'y at this tante might well
ponder, say's The Ottawa .lournal.
1. You cannot hriig about pros-
perity by discouraging thrift.
2, Von 01110101 :arottgthen the
weak by weakening the strung,
3. You cannot help small men
by tearing down big mens
4. You cannot help the poor hy
destroying the rich.
5. Yon cannot lilt the wage-
earner 11y pulling dow( the wage -
f,. You cannot establish sound
security 011 hol'towecl money.
7. You cannot build character
and courage by tering away a
titan's initiative tun' iadl p1tdencc.
8. You cannot help itch perntll-
urntly hy doing for thea( what
they tuuld and should 'lo for them-
"A verra sad accident"
FROM l'tI' COMVORTS FUND MO3! Stt/a. Ti1ty ACCt0Ei.1T ✓f) ,...,�,,;
Women of the United Nations In War
,(moot; 1'1 cent arrivals in Britain
aro Mos, Elizabeth Kisiel and her
two daughters, Jttt)il,:l and Wanda.
They have traveled through Ilus•
sit, Persia, the Middle East and
rmut'1 Africa --- to join the Polis((
Itc1ure Iho i‘ al. 110.;. Kirte1 own.
cd a cafe lu lit I ttlisli own at
1'iln:t. Her daughters attended a
Intal school. Now all three are
serving in the same I'ulislt
unit, training to be radio uptruinrs
and looking forward to the day
when the cleft in \'1111(1 will he
open again-- with 0 spatial wel-
come for Ih itish and .11111.1 jean
11ghting Frenchmen 11110 cannot
speak English but 11'at11 to send
(dors to I?nglish friends are for.
Iunal( in having llit'helo, n IN•
yeas' -old dunces ul 11 1.01111011 1211111,
10 tvril1 I'ur (II Pill.
"It helps to ens' their lunelirte:1s
a little, and it's 111y contrihutiun
to international goodwill," \lichele
This Frenchwoman braved the
English Channel in a pctrolloss
motor 11011 221/011 after the German
invasion. Iter mother, with whout
she escaped, opened it club to 1,11(1•
don for men serving W11 11 the
Fighting French.
1,:ist year the club was damaged
in 011 air raid and had to close 1121
doors, but the damage 11'1, 1.1•ent•
tally repaired and Michele, 1112•
Iween show's, still translII(-•• 1,.1.
lets for the Tories.
A thousand t'zicl) women tare
t:u(Itrgoiug military training in the
1'•S.S.R, prepatat(11'y 10 intoning
anti-itirrralt guns and searchlight.
dations, They 01 a1' battle dress
and steel helmets, and have the
)11110 pay as Czech ;uliHers,
Ales( of Into women have escaped
from occupied ('zelio-Slovakia to
evade foced Jabot in German plants
and factories, preferring the lot
of a refugoo to steer Ice in the (ler.
110111 tear machine.
Man)' of (hero reached 1tus;tiu
after months of wandering; other:[
arrived tvil.l► ('well soldiers re.
treatlug !toil Poland.
U. S. Uses IP3 ci°72
Route To Russia
Russian Ships Carry Lend -
Lease Cargoes Without In.
tcrference From Jap tin
There aro some odd thing:; in
This twat, says Ilio Ottawa Jouriml.
Thus Washington dt.lclo^es oft t -
tally that Japan permits itis::la
ship., with lend-lease cargoes to be
used against her Axis partner
((tenuity) to sail unmolested across
the Pacific and past Japan's back
dour to Itussia. The shills go from
Sia h'r:nu'tsco 10 It port on the
coast of Siberia.
This may or may not Indic:leo
some secret IIittlP1'i l 111)11llg be•
tweet Japan and lel s.,i11; it (e1•
thinly doesn't tell of loo ('1110 co-
operation bet10(1(1 Japan mitt G,'r•
Last year WO used io hoar of
Japan preparing to 11lark Itis I:1
through Siherilt. 1V'' hilar nolltin;
of It now, despite that .101)1111 must
!MVP 11 big army ayallable, met
that the use of that army against
Russia would he unite 0 Wlndl•I11
for Berman)'. (*featly, there's
snlllellling w'I'Ong somewhere.
\Vhalever that -otullhhlg 11,
there is 10111')' t1itn the ((111e Io 11.
If Japan refuses to 01Iac1(
now, and lel supplies for P,1;,::lit
g,.t It, her hack tenor, will Russia
let us use 1'lIiuvn,tok to drop
boutbs all 'Tokyo??
°wo stein eri
to be void
On April ' 12 and 13, the C.P.R.'s Strath-
more herd will be auctioned at Markham,
Ont., 22 miles Northeast of Toronto on
Highway No. 7 or by C.P.R. to Peter-
168 Pure Bred Holsteins — 8 Bulls —
80 Cows in Milk — 20 Bred Heifers
— 60 Heifer Calves
After more than 30 ycat• of constructive breeding, this out.
standing Holstein herd is being dispersed, The purpose for
which it was founded is now being served by (0011y other
In its long history, Strathmore (Holsteins have made more than
000 11.0.1', records, of which two were over 1,000 lbs, of butter
fat. The highest was 1,111 lbs, and at least 30 were between
800 and 1,000 lbs, of' Mutter fat.
Strathmore Holsteins are outstanding from a type standpoint.
In the past 13 years, cattle bred at this Southern A11(0rt11 dairy
ranch have produced 8 All-American w'inner's and 11 Iteset•ve
All-American;, Many of these great producers and showring
(winner.; will he sold 11t Markham.
Winner of the Coveted Holstein -Friesian Association's
Master Breeders Shield.
Constructive Line Breeding Program Eased on Bulls from
Colony Farm, B.C.
Remarkable for Longevity and Persistent Milk
Brilliant Record of Consistent Breeding, Normal Calving
and Absence of Mastitis and Udder Troubles.
Over 1150 of the heifer: on sale have been vaccinated against
llang's 0110);e and are now negative. Every animal offered
will have pastil a negative blood test within 30 days of the sale.
J. McCulloch, Supt. J. Art Hay, Mgr.
C.P. Ft. Supply Farm
By Gurney, (Australia)
1 MAO M. EARS COVERED 141114 A '
1 �J
George C. Kenney, in coimmnud of Ame iclul Air Forces in the South-
west Pacific, directed one of the most decisive operations of the war
in the crushing defeat of a 22 -ship Japanese convoy olY the coast of
New Guinea. Lieut. Gen, Henry 11, Arnold, commanding general,
Army Air Force:), in n statement said: "in rltt:etting and eliminating
the enemy where he was most vulnerable and before 11e had time
to get Bet, (it'll, Kenney utilized the striking power of his air force
to the fullest mlvnntage. The bomber crews and tighter pilots who
disregarded bad wenther and comparatively dose enemy air bases
carried out their missions in the highest traditions of the Air Forces.
Gen, Kenney is a native of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Ile attended
Tlassachuo-'(tts institute of 'Technology and 81 the outbreak of the
'World War enlisted nu n flying cadet. Ile entered the front Zine
service early in 11)114. 11e Was awarded the Distinguished Service
Cross for extraordinary heroism in action against superior enemy
fo'cee neer Janlrtz, France, Ile also was aw'nrded the Silver Star
for bravery. After the w'ar he was commissioned in the regular Army
and seved tri 0ngh all the grades. Ile was given command of Allied
Air Fore's in the Southwest 1'ticific in September 11)42.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Leo
1. If one were introducing a
t''0111:11 to the president or ruler
of some country, shouldn't she he
presented to hint?
2. When a Haul 811(1 a girl are
dancing, and another Maul Wish OS
In "cut in," is it permissible for
either the girl or her portlier to
1011)5e ?
3. Would file rents 1/r. suffici-
ent to tip for a fifty -cent meals
1, What ie the proper w'ity to
ul:e 8 finger bow17
G, Is it necessary for a w'eck-
end guest to arrive exactly at the
time spc'ificd by rho hostess':
6, Is it good form for person
to talk at length about his health?
1, Yes; in such n case, the
Woman Is presented to the man,
2. It is extremely rudo tl, do so,
and very embarrassing to the
other elan, 3, No. Ten per cent
is all right when the mount is
more than a d,ller, but tel rents
is emisi(Iered the minimum tip for
n )ileal. Otherwise, it Pr better
not l(1 give any, 1. Dip the fin-
gers of one hand at n tints, not
both together, into the \voter,
then try them with the napkin
on the knees, h. Yes. ile should
be neither early nor late in his
arrival. 6. No, Thin is very
tiresome to the persons Who must
listen and show interest.
Modern China began when Sun
Ynt Sen in 1911 overthrew the
last Manchu emperor.
Out into splice for his first
jump goes a British paratroop
Irainee to plunge earthward for a
moment of suspense, then the
Antic line trailing behind him
snaps taut and pulls open his
Snow on the ground now means
bread and •n1i111 on the table be-
fore next lvinter's snow begins to
fall, says Science Service, For
winter wheat and other fall -sown
grains depend on snow now for
protection against the cold and
drying winds of winter, and they
will depend on the grater from the
thaw fol' most of their growth in
spring, If they get a good start
on that in Into March and during
April, a very little rain in 7duy
will suffice to make the crop that
will be harvested in July. Simil-
arly, snow makes the early hay
crop and the spring pastures, on
which our milk supply depends to
a large extent.
Snow' is 8. major source of the
water that few of us ever even
think about, except \veather men
and agricultural scientists; what
is known as subsoil water, This
ix the moisture well below plow
level, on which trees and h,1) les
depend, and the deeper -reaching
runts of maturing crops. Corn
roots, for example, go down from
three to five feet; alfnlfn roots
as much as 20, And it is this
moisture reserve that they depend
Water that trickles down
through partly melted snow dur-
ing occasional winter warm spells
is an especially good means for
replenishing this sleeper deposit
on which crops may draw later
on, Such melt -water cannot run
off very well; there is nowhere
for it to go but down.
How much water it takes to
make a bumper crop is vividly
brought out in a calculation of-
fered by J, 13. Kinser, of the U. S.
Weather Bureau. Comparing the
excess of water that fell in the
abundant crop year of 1942 with
the scanty fall during the desper-
ate drought of 1034, he said:
"If it lvefc possible to load this
excess wtltel' 011 super -trains of
100 tank cars, each carrying 100
tons of w'iter, rind transport them
over a supcl'-l'llill'ua(I at the rate
of two trains a minute around the
clock without missing a single
schedule, it would require more
Gem 100 years to complete the
Have You Heard?
He'd waited patiently at the
post office r,,unter for nl;any 11)itl-
utea while the te,'o as,i lards rnn-
won -
"Her e\el,iltg r!o;1k was n won-
der," said 11M 1/1011111'; "it w'11'.
1211111) rdFnd with fox for, and Iv.(lo
sleeves „I' ',rimed IJrient:II
'!'hen the \vole) t'.1rne11, Stop-
ping on the rnut,ter, the cost ori ei
"1 tvo0'ler if you could ) r .ide
n' r i'h it slurp in royal
with 111 rinrutell ,'r.'er ;111 coin,''
tu'1 ;.trv! .. t? ),• ;il 11:'11•:.
Hatch In Floor
Of New I.J. S. Tanks
The latest M-•1 and JI -ii Ameri-
can tanks nre designed with a
floor hatch which is not only use-
ful ns a means of removing
wounded, hut as on exit fur unin-
jured crew members in case the
armored mmachine is overturned
during combat,
Approximately $600,000 n year
was spent by Louis XVI, of
France for buttons, which he col-
For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimple, 0)5-
letis foot, scale, scabies, fishes and other externally
baud skin trouble, use world•bmo u, coding, ante
septie, liquid moors. D. lteseriptiso. OreaeeleR,
sialnleas, Soothes irritation sod quickly stops iaten!
rP Axit
your dri,et today 1.0. DRESCR back.
"1t'a a itt1.• of liar
Ionic, dear,"
"Oil, that's very- nils of
you, darling."
"Yes, I want you to give
it to your typist et the office;
her hair is coming out rather
badly on your coat."
The thrifty wife hot persuaded
her husllanll to buy a small cask
of beer instead of going each ere•
ning to the local pub,
When he had drunk the first
glass his wife said, "Now, John,
lad, you can reckon you've Fayed
a penny,"
"You're right, lass," replied
John. "I'll draw another one esti
make it twopence we've Saved. At
this rate I'll soon be nide to boy
thee a for coat."
A !1lancheeter furniture
store which had received a se•
vere shaking from Nazi
bombe bore the following no•
Ilut you ought to see our
Berlin branch,
After being engaged to a girl
for 'leveret years, Mitcpherson
eallle to the conclusion that she
would not make a suitai+le wife,
and decided to break off the en-
He found, however, that she
had grown fatter with the passing
of time end that it was impossible
to remove the ring. So he is
marrying her at Easter.
Brown: If you had $20 in
your pocket right now, how
would you feel?
Hawkins: l'd think I had
someone else's trousers on,
Weight Per Basket
Of Various Fruits
Table of Weights Helps To
Solve Canning Problem
Many housewives who propose
to can considerable fruit this year
have informed local Ration
Bonnie that their task of comput-
ing the necessary amount of sugar
required would be simplified if
they knew the number of pounds
per basket of the various fruits,
They point nut, for example, that
If they "do down" nn eleven -
quart basket of cherries, the Ra-
tion Administration of the War-
time Prices rind Trade hoard will
allow them a half a pound of
sugar for each pound of fruit,
Therefore, the question is "what
1a the weight of an eleven -quart
basket of cherries?"
r • *
P. W. Hodgetts, Director of the
Fruit Branch, Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture, In providing
the required answers for Ontario
fruits, stresses that the weights
liven below are average rather
than definite and may vary with
varieties, alze of fruit, height of
larger fruits in the basket, etc.
However, the information, it is
believed, will be of considerable
value to housewives who must fill
in their application blanks for
canning sugar Mound in their
new ration book) ttnd forward to
their nearest Local Ration Board
not Inter than April 15,
• 5 R
Here are the swung(' weights
of fruits per basket: Strawberries,
quart, 20 0nnees; raspberries,
WOMEN (yrs- ia)
If yyou're cross, restless, NERVOUS-
aufter hot flashes, dizziness -caused
by this period In a woman's life -
try Lydta E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Mode especially for
women. Hundreds of thousands re-
markably helped. Follow label direc-
tions. Made In Canada,
qua!'), 1!2 minces; c:1P1'I'ies, 8 -
quart bnaket, 71/2 pounds; 11 -
quart 1211.41('1, 1G pound.; black
('urrants, (;-quart basket, 8
pounds; red clll•I•al:1s, f-tillal't ba8-
kct, 7 pounds; goo'e•lr,•1'ries, 6 -
quart ha k,•I, h pounds; plums, 0-
minrt basket, ti puundk; I1 -quart
basket, ll; pounds; mono, bushel,
60 pounds; l;•tln:u't )Iasket, 14
pounds; 11 -quart basket, 1l;
pounds; peaches, bushel, 45
pounds; I;-IIIl ri biedtel, flat, ii
pounds; 4;.11uart haskct, heaped,
12 pounds; I1.1!uart basket, flat,
16 pounds; .'rap,,;, l; -'Fad, bris-
ket, 71 moulds; 1 )-(luau's h:t';:et,
1.1 pone.!:; ;,'lids, I,,r,I, loose,
1.111 pound> ; 121; bel, 1 1 1,1) 1111S;
1111.1!•1 pr. 1,
r!.) �l� .1 .
By Aline Ashley
Q, 111)\1' e;u1 l remove varnish
from fabrics?
A. Saturate the fabric with
turpentine, rub between the
hands, and sponge with alcohol
or ehlor,fl.rm.
Q. ilue; rain I utili'c left over
A. Try mixing the left -over as-
paragus with celery, pickle relish,
and salad dressing, and serving on
lettuce. Or combine it with left-
over ham or veal and serve in a
cream sauce on toast or buttered
toasted rolls,
Q. How can i remove mull
stains from black silk?
A, After removing the surface
soil, rub the spots with n cut po-
+ato. The potato leaves a starchy
deposit ran he brushed off
when dry,
Q, Ho;': can 1 lluvc' a smoothly
ironed 1'.I:•l;,re when there are
garment ?
A, Ire:, tine Batton part of a
g::rn;ent flee down on 11 Turkish
rows), (:1,11 .1,0 space; between
the teotto::1 will be nice: and
er c,-oth,
Q, Hol', can 1 clean a hair
brush t'r,o: o.;wh1y 7
A. Dis-o1re two tablespoons of
to ):alts , ,,1),u l..l, lite 1 Le
bristles of the brush up and Yuan
in this mixture, being careful not
to wet the back of all, brush.
Rinse well in warns water, then in
colli water to harden the bristles
told keep them from discoloring.
Hang In the open air to dry,
brisllel; dOwnwa!'d_
Britain's "Make Do
And Mend" Drive
"1 myself have sworn a solemn
oath not to buy a new' Coit of
elOthes 111; Folli tie the war lasts,"
de,aa) od 1111 h Haiku!, presilfent of
the Board of 'I':'ade, In oprnlug a
"(''11111t-}', '''1•,111une" 1';)1111111,011
at 1'ha :llg t':'1 ', 1.011,1011.
"\\'') 12)02' (111 ',1e.1' till' 110111x11
510 already 1,(1..!-.1,.:,1-1 and go on
wearing 111(111 '11;1!) they !jowly
0,1111101 I,1) \) 1,1'14 ;III}' 1011g''r " !le
sold, ".Mori' (2)1(14 in you. socks
'r'ea'l more h0nlbs 08 Uel:natty."
Denluustratiug Ills idea was the
central (wore r,f the exhihitdon-
e huge hand holding one clothing
coupon, wills the following words
beneath It:
„One coupons saved,000 worby evkerser}'-
ono woulduld release 8
and 5,000 tons of raw material,
err .i anti r
'fhe, ex lig! or;.rl,ized by the
board of 'I'r:ul+, i= b':i;; rc;1r,::i10•
ell In 31 sures in ut!o'r Ih illrll
cities, and a ,ulaller verslnn is
120111(1 till(r1) 11 411 1,511 faetot'il'd. 1) 111
part of Ole Board of 't'rade's "11:iko
Do and Mond" Caulpaign, launched
last fall to 1118110 the public con-
acioly Uf :'"' Ills!. ihroa11 1)1 value
to he ;:,allied limo old elulhe.y,
The Robinson Family
The exhibition does .this Joh
with a pte111:'' el ory of t.h, "Rub-
inson" fanlih .- father, mother, two
girls and two boys, 'They aro think-
ing of buying new clothes, but Um
mother says she will manage all
their coupons :Ind will rank
through t.he.`r old riot hes first i1'
see 15181 ran he ;,;1e11(1 or ''0•
no1:n c11.
Instead of Toying n sli;), Ilia+
mothe3 makes one from a1 ON
ntmmer dress. .Another +Ira's be•
comes a new• blouse, 111)10 an old
Whiter roar 15 mud into n skirt.
Phe lop of an old dress and an
old skirt snake a at.W spring dress.
("alhe)•'e trousers cut down make
a pair for the younger buy; and the
girl gets a sleeping suit out
of an old pair of his pyjamas. She
also gets a coat and hat made
from al old flannel Jacket which
her older brother !tae outgrown.
nleo popular purebreds, Complete
Ilat, all ages. Fairview Forme,
81. Marys, Ontario.
l3Ji V001'S V 0 A L 1 T 1' C1IIX.
quality 1(t reasonable prices,
Free catalogue, immediate deliv-
ery, Produced from our own
Wood -tested sloe k. Guywood
Farm, Mount Hamilton,
Ratting odd luta from extra large
hatches; yeti may find just what
you went ('.livesecond choice
when ordering), On hard are
some heuwy breed started cock-
erels (tine fur the lutcr lean meat
markets) and 'started pullets,
Bray Butchery, 190 John N.,
Harnillon, Ont.
E hi'1 T 1; 1t ''HICK 5'1'ARTE D
carder -that'. the N'It}' to better
profits. Canada. needs food! Pa-
triotism and profit gu together
when yeti etal'1 your 00a2u)1 with
bolter chicks-Tweddle chleke
slay be y our answer this your,
'they' gnu 3 „•u a 011(11 c 1)t ,Il the
popular ))I.oda and elu,., breeds.
They are 1;eve!wood Approved
from hluoti-te Led brccderri-prov-
eu fast -6 r,.)1'crr, heavy -layers,
healthy' stuck, Send for the
Tweddle catalogue and price list,
t'rulpt delivery vu Barred 'Rieke,
White Legi(urus and many of our
other pure breads end hybrid
or0(10ee. Sell,! for 1,00 bat -guilt
pricer 011 3, J, 4 and 6 week-old
11savY breed cuekeruls. Prompt
delivery up many purebrecde and
hybrid crows, Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont,
STRAINS- Chicks- Ial'gu Lay
horny, Rocks, Rede Australorps,
Sussex, Leghorn stocks Sussex
Reds from Banded and blood -
tooted breeders, Livability guar-
for wrecking,Factory', Mine
equipment, Bridges, Dredging
Equipment for Salvage. 'Taylor's
Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford,
CU\\'S 1'Oit 54.\LI:
B 1,1 l \ 1; U) 1,u,'1.U1\' 1)1.R1 WE,
have a low purebred registered
fully accredited cuw'e for sale,
high testers and excellent pro-
ducers. L.uoh them over and take
your own chulue, Uolnlrfartn,
R.1t, I, Whitby, Uut, •
FU 11'l 1111,31
I3ALMEE1;1:A LUUT UAL«\' deatroYs
u l te'll.itl'u e'l Jl IIIBt„Ilt ly', 160
bottle. (Jud it a, III'1-111 I ',(,mall
11!11,1 ,l": ,' 1 1111111;1
I'1111 N.11,l:
,'li1011•; \'Ili), IIIItl: Ili' AitF,
1111,1 Su)a fr.,ln 111)1.0':,.1111'1'111,101111'4
leo n !,Ill$ up.
Sur, ,"111 I1,Ins hr, ,i 11•,1)1 1.121111t;
best Ad1.,In
d l;egi.;l,rr,) breed-
ing, 1)Lc choice 1'lys.lal, Stal-
lI,,1n; um; Ilackne • Stallion. 1'ol-
llo dot; pulls 812,01, tau te-
nlnlea, a I011 n(0m1hv working.
Herbert J. Miller, hems, 1)11L
cash sale Stook and implements.
Premium 1Inl)lons for Nineteen
Porthy-Three, ('urtp-''uur and
Fort' -five. J. 1;. falconer, Dub-
lin, Ontario.
AlcC010II('li-I)EERi0G 1U-20'TItAC-
tor, llebuilt, new gmernnlee,
18,000. J. 11. Mcl'2)11, 34 Hayfield
Street, Berrie, r)nU,l•i.,.
1'L'RS, Ill I)l S, '5'0U1,
Bills' L5 \'UL`R 111111::5, 1'URti,
Wool, llorsehalr. Top prices,
prompt returns, Pe:l9nlan k
Goldberg, 110 front Street, East.
Toronto. 1;0) crunlent Licensed
11'ool Grading Station So, 22,
)IAt'11 YOU AN 1111I,NI) N111115
dve)ug or cleau)nrt? Wille to 0l'
tor information. Ile are glad 10
naaw'er yew questions. Ueparl•
meth 11, )'11rher's Uye \Vurke
Limned. ;el 1'on5e S1 eel, '1'o
Et5IIEli 1' l'Ull BALI;
ery for vale. Ideal location. prov-
en fishing ,;rounds, Will sell
euuipmcn' „paretely. Roy Stiller,
bow hank s, 1)ntnrlo,
Itobertson method, Information
on request regarding classes.
Robertson's llairdreeeing Acad-
emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto,
\VAN'rE0, volt 1'A11M-MARRIED
maul. fine brit k house; School
40 rods; Calming Factory on next
property; on Asphalt highway;
near large '!'own. S. Edgar Mas-
ten, Bloomfield, Ont.
old, Hnel/eel• and Thoroughbred
crows, suitable for riding or
driving. I.1:1;.'. Prop., R. 2, Sarnln,
['ERE N1)11)' '' 1, Y D 115 1'r A LE
mals, for . r;corge 11'utson,
Lrour'rd, Ont.
nullhlncry, Gilbert C. Storey
Machinery Company, 2t SI, Albnne
Street, '1'urontu, Ontario.
MANGLL Registered No. 1 Germ-
ination 26% In 1 days. Special
Eroding process assures even
sowing, uniform stand heavy
yield, Absolutely peak value, best
mantel buy, 76c Ib.; 1 or over
70c Ib. prepaid. Ralph Moore
Sons, 1'iox 126 Norwich, Ontario.
edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neu-
rltle. Thousands praisingR.Munro's Drug Store 131 lgin,
Ottawa. Poetpald 11,00,
1)u 0e looking fur n genuine
),,:11112 tonic, laxative and
blood purifier - one w hie h
etrengthens, peps up 811(1 im-
proves hldnep, liver 111111 hovel
action -one which 10111 Kid In cor-
recting etomneh and digestive
upsets, removes pimples mut
hlackhenls-one which will even
smooth out the kinks and give
quick relief t.1 rheumatic 8.'1(05
tool palm". ''uslnn,ers say IMO
Nu -Tone herbs will do this and
oven more, :•1',) we err 5.110 11)
111n8e It so eno)' for you to ob-
tain two pa,'llages to prove their
uterine for yours. if the( y,.q e,ul-
,,.,t ,,1,1 1- Il ut1.
..',Y.\I• (11 1.1
11 , ..
full . u)'
111illi, trealul. 1.1 fol.
411>t ,te h• •., , 1 ,n"'. 'ries ,r1 try
1., 0 c1,,r.. pit
are 111011"1:, ;e,,. 11,11 your order
1'x1'1'1:11 11'1'1'1,1' ('t)\I I'.555'
1e1; QM-' I) 55' e$1. '1'1)111"1"
NAT) llh5 111:111;1 a11)S. 1'111;:11'
Pile Torture with I'nlul;t I:11lsan6
11onoy l,; , It guarantee 81.00.
Arlhrlts and I;heumntlaln Iain
ouiel.le 11 O. v..1 with Ilrr, nalone
811(1 Lemon, (l1),' month: treat-
ment 11.1)0. 1 IlvTne,li. Ile\
11N. Cl,Ileo1v'er.
OiY'tat I'O 1N51525 1'1)It5
List Inventions and hull nitor-
mat)on sent free. The (Ramsay
Co., Registered Patent Attorneys,
273 Brink Street, Ottawa, ca nada,
l'I•:TIII:It5'I'u\14,11 ';11 re t'V\II',1N1'
Patent Soneitore Est,rbUenee
1890; 14 gine 11 err, Toronto
110o:Elel et 1(1re rnl:,t ion on re.
'IrS'I's sots. ,' 1 \- 1:17'1' ' ':1:11
iilee new 31, tl"o boy "),1 .••1(18
%m1 ,:0 T,no,:u: ,L ltetitl)1;ng
CO. Ltd., Bono eta.
Christ. Wonderful hook sent free.
Megiddo tlls ion, Rochester, New
The !feat, Rain, - or Hall
Delivered by Mall
Any a or 8 exposuro film perfectly,
developed and printed for only 26c.
Supreme quality and fast serrles
Station J, Tot 'oto
atives 3c each, hnlargements
size 6 x 7, 16c; ti x 10, 20e. Prompt
stall service. foto _Fleisher's, 479
J,t.rvle St., Toronto.
.'t'I'1:\'l'y is 'I'IttUI: SIAltKS
EGE11'1'UN 11, CASE, 11EULSTDR131)
lil,ite'd Stater, Canadian, 11118ah
Patent t 1'.J( 2203. L'ouklet grafts.
lsstabllohet1 over 10113' yell's. 82
Ualeuni Avenue, Torouto.
inform/atom breeding, housing,
clipping, IIIu'kctiug; Angora rab-
bits. A, 11. Klas_cu, Box 4, ltoe-
enfeld, Mau.
mutterer of Rheumatic Yalu or,
Neuritis ehuuld try Dixon's Ile-
edy. Munro's Drug Store, 195
Elgin, Uttewa, Postpaid 11.00,
P0036.up-real bargain. !Jerked
roduct', Company, 633 College
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Dnrtons Pony Hooch, Nokomle,
sTriClo I'tlll
SINGLE ('031(1 1010111.7 ISLAND
11edo, Exhibit ion quality,
1;G(;5 volt HATCHING
Group 1: $1L1 ,1 for 15; 15,81) for 3G;
17.00 for 5(. croup 2: 0811 price
1)t (;roup I),,e. 1f111nton & S011,
\V1)))l )' 1)111:,11,'.
'l'ECII\It'.1.1, 111(111(8
FREE 1'.\'I'.ttl,t;l'I:'I'I:C11`il-
cnl hock, 1'1r 1)10 practirnl mal
or !Iglu, cr. I •onollioo-.1%')d,: stall
.I, I v; 1U:1h 1'11l1 C.
1' ,, '1.• '' 1.'•l ,' '1'110
I;'.• ......... 1.. I.I \1',
'1 it %t"1'tar\ t.\'.i\►:
1't)i: 11,1: \\ • ''1,1: '2.1e"l.l\l:
'Mat ti..I, , l:cl'.• 1.e 11 I'. ell 1'e11,
clot, 1, 1'11;1. y • 1') t, ,• 5 +n.. .'trot)'
to 'w c'1, ,L.h•: 1' 10..), i::,1), elft,
i'l IIIsris 1 1,I)1)I,t:�
TI'I1EI:Y ,l1111)I,g5, 311 C1':N1'8
each, delivered. ,101111 5\. 15')1,1,
1:+ La,; dr•)vnc .11 e., London, Ont.
TRACTOR 1'.111'1'5
TIIAl7'I'UIR )(TS \ 1J 11' AND
used. ler all m,kee @l tractors.
0,0,111 auto ,Ind '1'roetor Supply,
1')u(1er.0l; St., I:itirhencr. tint.
- 511;111'11.\\ili5►:
11.11(1151'A 1(14. 1'1.1'111:1 Nr;, Ill ,Fc -
teica1, E t.1),. 111nkrupt and
(lisr,•ntinne.l t,'•'ks bought far
11 11. Ta ) I..r'r \J, rrll:Indlse, 4.0
Colborne, lir ntf,•1d.
The skin of a three-year-old
male seal is the lialst valuable for
ISSUE No. 14-43
l ••
• ..._.-_
Men's Work Shoes $2.98 to 55.00
Growing Girls' Oxfords $1.98 to $3.50
Women's Arch Shoes $2.9S to $5.00
Children's Shoes - Oxfords - Strap = Iii lace Boots.
Olive McGiII
\Irs. G. D. Leith of I,Isto\wel. visit.
(ti h(I ower 111 wcelteud.
Mr. Robert Somers of London spent
14 here.
Al•. and \Irs, \I. Kilpatrick o1' tit.
A Thomas. wfsltcd with AI':. C. n,11 l'll
patricli and fancily on \Vednesday.
k; friends will he intent\ited to learn
the week -end at his home In Blyth,
The .Alisies \Ict'Irll,uul have moved
to the home of Nil's, 'Phomas Elliott
I'It.Sgt, Norman Sinclair. of Toros•
111. -pent the week•emd a1 his honk
��tia t��rSr�c��t:t"I;rI�.2,`r,Sat?r�t;>12t�t�t9tB,9�t�r�IDI�r2r�t�r�I�t r)rPr3t Mat?r (:r �r rel l?t 1li it \\'il•r.tn1•(liticer Ernie R0ltinson
i; now stationed at 'Trenton,
Auburn and District
\\'t are proud 10 present for our reatl.'r• a list of .\itburn, \\'eslfield,
St.:\uptstine : oys. ;end some of \\•hick wet.' former residents of th(r•e dis•
This list is as complete ms it is pus•i' Ie far ns to pruenre at the press•
out time. No doubt there arc (nl!ss'0ns.:Ind we would be ltd to know of
thymi. :) that they m!y he added to the
$iClltn. Kenneth Scop.
1'•pl, Everett 1'01110blutl.
Sgt. \\'illia,nl II. 'I'homrpsnu.
Private Stewart 1went.
Private Eldon 1'0llllgtlat.
1 .1('..1, I<eiul Arthur.
s,.i t. 1 l .0 o!d .\soli" .
I.s\('. Alauricc >IcAlilliou,
Private I)otiglas \Ie.lillion,
Private Stanley Ball.
Private Albert Cuvier.
Pri\ate Elmer Schultz.
Private ('Pita: S.'hultz.
Private George Stiatlgham.
Sgt. Janus Huston,
.\C. Ivan \\'!ghlmmn.
Trooper Russell Thompson.
Sgt. Byron iteid.
('pl. Roy Bentley.
('pi. it. J. ('raig.
LAC. Stanley \le all.
Aircraftsman Lloyd 3lcLarty.
It. \\'eir.
Private 1{a1 \lugfurd.
1'ri(1. 1t Charles Breathe,
'Private \\'ilbert Lawlor,
Flying-Cfficer Eugene Dobie.
Atrera11sntan ilarry Arthur.
('pl. Norman Rodger.
Private Harold Bosnian.
Private .lack Bosnian.
Private ('lil'to'd Curter.
,11'. Les, Itutlget•.
\I itis Enpherilia Steinhoff of London
\ t ott it friends here over the \week•
Soy Bean, Whole Wheat
and White Bread.
Also Buns, Bread,
Pies, Cakes and
Honey -Dipped Doughnuts.
Wodding Cakes a Specialty,
Doherty Bros.
Accetylene and Electric
Welding A Specialty.
11r. and Alt's. l'reennan 'Tussey and
baby arc comfortably s(t11e,1 in the Agents For Illternatl(1llid-
Iluchstep Property.
31r. Jame.; h't,n, ul'
I.lirport visited over the
his home.
I : 1..1. 1 Y1 I •I
Wednesday, March al, 1943,
.I 1111VI 111.
SIT) h (; TONICS --
Nov; is the time to overcome that "tired spring
f('fYlin,':" hy ticking one of the following tonics:
I;lll'(It('l; Blood 13itters, Davis & Lawrence Tonic,
:<,\ 111 1.1(1(1(1 Purifier, \V iiul)ule's Extract Cod Liv-
er, Nvil celery Nervine, Wanlpole's Phospho-Leci-
thin of (1reophos each $1.00 Bottle
WA 1,LPA l'ER---
BI'ighten the 1101ne With new Wallpaper, Full
of papers at various prices and large variety
of patterns. Buy early while stocks are.complete.
Now is tilt time to buy \Iothocides and Disin-
f( rtmo s for Spring '`House Cleaning." We have in
;Loi l; loth Balls, Moth Flakes, Paracide, Sapho,
I.arvex, Lysol, Creolinc, Chloride of Lime, Etc.
R. D. PHILP, Phm. B.
...,I��_ .�,I,. . M , .,
Harvester Parts & Supplies ,,+'+�,..'.;'�'•'.- K';'�%•(2.c!tz 'icer;zwcpc's.,+41.7eiSta"tczt zidtttctwortt(iti8+ocuttocti+ coccir
Sky Harbor 1Vhite Hose Gaand Oil I
weclt•end at : �
Car Painting, ;i'
d Repairing'CAN BE DONE!
Anti-Freeze. �;
Vodden's t,
\lrs, Swanson of \Vinghanl visited
with \I r. fund Urs.
J bites 11t1is 011
Mr. 'Terence 'I'ierncty of 'Toronto.
spent the \veeli-end at the home of
his mother, \I r-. J. 11. 'I'lcrnay.
\Irs. 1\'nl, l'. Laidlaw vi.,ilod for a
AUBURN BOYS IN THE NAVY: 1't w days last \wec'c at the home of iter
sou. Robs rl Laidlaw, at' \Vinghamt.
0. 'fel, J. Stewart Ferguson.
Ord. Stun.
Reid II. Sheppard. j Signaller ('arncau
Ord. Sion. Elvin \1'ighlncun, V.I1., of Newfoundland, 1,4 home on a
Jac!; Iiemnette.
.\\\'. 2 .lean Huston,
2, day furlough.
Miss .\nno Phillips of Gadshill visit•
1i1 over the \veth•end \vith her parcel::
Air. a11:1 Airs. Harold Phillips,
Sorry to report Mr. 1tober1 \Vigbt•
Private Lloyd John -Inn \vas hull' ratan is not enjoying the bust of health
earthly discharged on account of 111 al present.
I'Iight•Lieut. William I,. Craig.
Sgt. Joseph I11.01'11y.
_nd•I,ieit . Lruu•a Wagner,
Private Sans 'Thompson,
('11. Mel. Craig.
Norman Boyle.
Private 1:art Lecldy.
Nursing Sister 0l10e
of Donnybrook.
S'gt. I Lerman ('hanuney.
Alt's, Cordon Elliott and son John,
visited with .\Ir.s, Ialiutt's parents in
Goderich over the \wC1k•ou(1.
\liss Annie Laidlaw of Clinton, and
Nit'. Ito ern Laidlaw of \\'inghatn. vis
'ted with the former's sister,
Rixon Stalker on Sunday.
\lis, Eileen Robinson returned 1101111.
'on S•alurday after tierce w•cel;n' holt'
d:tys spent at ICitchener and Port
Mrs. I)auglas, of Stanley Township,
Jet'fersun, and Airs. Duncan Laidlaw•, of Guelph,
are visiting \vith their sister, 31rs.
James Laidlaw.
Allred Ninih:ul.
YOUR illunicipal Officials Fooled
By Wood Shortage
'fierce days bu:'ore Christmas last.
year the town clerk of a sur.til muni-
eipality in eastern Canada advised a
tirvorntnt at officer that his council
1\0.:d do nothing about fh'cw•ood be-
cause they foresaw no shortage. bast
lnonlll, the same town clerk wrote
thin;: "The fuel situation is becoming
;:cute, It is going to be desperate.
The office In \which Illi: town clerk
works faces the 111x111 sheet of 1110
1 village., hiring the wholewinter, he
From Mrs. Jim Armstrong
E. D. Smith & Sons, Ltd.
Former East Wawanosh
Resident Dies In Clinton
said that he had seem only two loans
01 firew'cod pass by.
1'.niiel Itueger died Saturda lecotding In the
('1i1,.o11 hospital after an illness.: of
:11ree wee:'s front pneumonia. Ale
was a lifelong resident of Duron
county. a son of the late \Ir. ;nut
Rut ger and \w,ts born
\larch .'I 1s;::. in FAA \\•awauosh.
when' he Also spent his boyhood clays.
la 1 '0 i he harried Eliza Griffin.
They made their home on the 1ittil
concession. Co(;erich to\vm ship. \viler;?
Airs. Rueger died in 11'21(. Ile con-
tinued faint work until two years auto
since \\1ten he resiaed \vith his faintly
alternatt ly. Ile WIIs \It'Ihudist and
later Un',ted church in religion.
There s olive one son, \\'illiatn. on
the !eon( At(.ul l.trm. l nth concession
Godes ic!n to\wmshiI) one dautglnter.
\Irs. .\I hi• ' .,If( rd. Clinton, and .,ix
graudchildr a. .1 brother. Ctto, of
au an'(no\en address; a sister. Mrs.
John 1 ' Ir. Grand fortes, North l a•
1 to, . a h of 5i-11 r. Airs, I1, 1'.
Itiu:r, \\'ihh sit. .s1(., 0:50 survive.
The Punt ral 104'4 place on 'I'ne.sday.
at :n p. in. fr..n the Beattie I'un-
er.11 Gime, w•ht're Rev. .\. Sinclair.
Illy th. 0 fol :iter p Ist(.r 01 1110 llultne:,-
41110 (11(1:•x. and Rec. \\'. 'Inger:,
1 rico' of the c1um•ch. conducted the
service. Interment took place in
Clinton cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Fred
Ira Merrill, \Viifred
Robert Thompson, Ilerbert
and Ilarvey 3IcCariney,
Al r. and \Irs. Leslie \IcElroy, of
Toronto visited over the week -end at
the home of the former': brother. 3l'.
and Mrs. I I, 31 cEl•oy.
Miss Alice, \\'atson, who has been
spending the past couple of month',
with 111<111tl'ord friends, has .returned
10 her home,
Al's, John Bailie is a patient in the
('Iintcm Hospital, having undergone a
A(ri:)11: 011(1.111011 last week. \\'c
trust her recovery will be speedy and
Rev. .1. Sinclair and Mr. Thomas
Kernielc attended the funeral of 31r.
Daniel Rueger. in Clinton, on 'Tuesday
afternoon. \Ir. Itueger lived in (lode -
rich Township.
\'is•itors over Sunday with 3l•. and
Mrs. Ren. 'Taylor were, Mr. l.t vren,.e
Department of Patterson, of Ingersoll, 31r, Glenn
ALntitioms and Supply, the shortage oi' 'I'mutey of Ingersoll, 31rs. John Taylor
firewood is general throughout most of of tneen-oll.
Canada. and is likely to become trill- .
cal next winter. Mrs. G. J. Baths \vho has been vis-
iting at the house of her mother. Mr:.
l loast holders in each community
could lactic it 11'.'01' with (heir neigh -
hasit. T10rnay, t;ln' 1111) p:st two w•celcs,
ha, t•et used to tier 001110 in North
fors, and shoild ask the municiptl
council to Blake a rapid stn'vey, alio
take immediate action to ,gee that I Rev, and Mrs, P. II. Streeter, and
enough wood Is cut ,illi pile,l now for daughter, Jean, were visitors in Ayl•
use next winter. The situation i:, 11)01' last friday and Saturday. the
serious and action Itltl5t be taken to- guests of former I'ar ;hioners, Mr.
day! ar.:1 Airs. John \Vilson.
Mr. (1. 11. But't's of Toronto, was
in Myth on business for a few clays
this week, and visited \with hie broth-
Electrical Storni Monday
The first severe electriratl storm of \I's, B.u'r 4is11ed with her sister, Mr's.
the season was witnessed during the Fw•an. ill Clintons
1.r, .\I'.Arthur Darr, and Mrs. Btu -i'.
I arty hours of 31011day morning. The
heavy downpour of rain, was accom•
palled by severe lightning and thun-
der. The rain was most benefickil.
a5 it helped 000' inater`.ally to ('tear
away much of the remaining snow and
ice, The village street
it r e
Meat To Be Rationed
An announcement on \Vednesday'
evening from Ottawa was to the effect
that the rationing of meal would coin -
almost menc•e around the fh•.st part of May. I \it's. \\'ml. itlair, who is assisting al
clear, and soon the breshiug•up pro- i
The proposed allowance is lw.-D the hotue of \Ir.;. \Vilson. 5110nt the
pounds per person, per 100014, \\eek end with Mr. and 31'.5. 11 tgl.
Mrs. Jack Creighton report:; that �L'lair, lith concession.
their dwelling 011 the Auburn road wit, The average consumption of ureal i5
almost a victim of lightning. Follow.e`'timllted at 2l pounds per week.Air;. Wilson is able to be up and
around a little.
ing a very ,severe flash of lightning
Biggins, flames were seen to spring from thol y -V \Ir. and 31 re. George 31t'(k\wttu
Jenkins . radio and telephone. however, no at near miss, such ais they have iu spent Monday wibh the fornieo''
(damage resulted. It may have been lbombing raids in the war zones, father, Mr.. \\"tu, AleGowau, of Lon
H. T. 'i'ODDEN.
i u.? ••..•. r*. ,...4. J. ,,0 •....:. 0.....? 0.? .b.,0.,. ?to:. rt. •0 4:. ,' i,•.•• •
•j• .,_.sSee My Large Display 't'
.t. ;t;
Beautify your bene for the dura.•.
1411011. No other fu'nishht:_r; 111 y0111..1 s
"lonte crptal the 031110
„' rapers nrirlild Samw•ortlty ;u'e•i
".especially trc01:11 to resist fading. ,i I
DI ty I sus -gest a e•uurplele eh:ulg(.to i
..,c as en( ry 1 0 the home through
Ile mledium of pleasing Wallpapers.
I)ecorator's Shoppe. ._.
:;Located Opposite Kernick's Grocery+•
To -day's task is to extend our efforts to the
cull thi(t we may \Vitt a C0111plete and conclusive
V'ic'tory. We can all (10 ]much to further this thought
1C(( ►ting present restrictions and inconven-
i(nces in the proper spirit,
Although these restrictions have made it int-
; 1:'), ;idle to maintain normal stocks and delivery
'he(hlles \\'e can assure our customers that Chel-
1c\\'':; lli;,'ll stallllar(is of value will 1)e maintained.
it Yw� p y tly p b g p ,y ,y,ytly,y,y
.rl..l.•... '.,•. ... ....,..r....r.'r�. r'. r' iii;✓1'.�ar11�.'i✓.L..'vlA l�ta�'..,JiL.�la lutG�G•lr•'IJI�tB1�lOtJti111�101D(Y111Y(i�✓��
Home t'',rnisher
e Chellew
Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director.
=•�h ,,.. Y..•..111 I.71III11 II. I.. ..i• II .. 1 .I . 1
Meals .at All Hours.
FRANK GONG -- Proprietor
Ireland Acushla
El's not. �o.pron(1 1 amt of heir' Irish
any more,
\\'Ilk theta 110311tens of the Axis
s(ltimtim' slyly at our shore
,\rad us a shakin' in our shoe'; and
slliw01111' with k..1 r:
\\'lteu the Irish are afraid to light.
there's sotnethin' mighty (layer,
Fin not so very old In, self, but I
remiutber \veli
How we fought the Boer, in .\Erica
and g twe the diwils Ilell,
And 11-' \la•jesly Victoria, deapile
her aging year:. I Mrs, Normal
Caine all the way In 1'ublin
thunk 0.11' Fusiliers.
The World's News Seen Through
An itrlcr(raliu,al Dail)' Newspaper
is Truthful -Constructive -Unbiased -Free from Sensational.
ism - Editorials Arc Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make
the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the I -tome.
The Christian Science Publishing Society
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 n Month.
Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ,$2.60 a 1''ear,
Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents.
Radford was a Lon
10 ' 1011 visitor 011 Tuesday.
And what 11 dirty larropin' we gale I
old Kaiser Bill:
\\'e Made 0 critelied pot of him and t
his iron German will.
Faith, history reveals the Irish \Vero.
in ivory \war.
And al\ways on tilt' winmlm' ride, if
it's worth figltlin' for.
,111, 31r. Etc Valera, ye have col our
heart 111 two!
Let North and South together show
again lV1Iltt 4w. e:nl lin,
Sine, clear old 11•el•and's son:; ('(1)11)1
end this bloody, hoiliu' strife.
For I':ghtin' to an 1I'1 anis i; hall'
his tiler! y life.
('haus Ate Ale('uy.
cess will p'lt them in fine order.
The road 40.15 opened on Tuesday
for (rtes.
\\'e regret to report that 31r. Fred
AI'. (1: (1•1:I' ('Eerier spent the week'Poll Sr., is not 111 the best of health
nal present•
in 'I'uromto,
•7�tc.,..�,�,,,,,.•r: y'ori!y":'.'4•.'•$'w'i?;k,'tP,','tv'P,Batu'.•'�'tG:tC;wtElKt�'tftP,�'i?i7�t�i ot�l.;t�t{�t&tt:t�t6t�tQtQt^t
I'hone 156 for Prompt Delivery.
Egg\1 heat Noodle Soup
lca(ly-Cut. [i'lacaroni .
Carden Seeds
per pkg. 5c and 10c
C:ltsup per bottle 15c, 20c and 23c
Ptlddillg Powders 4 flavours, Sc, 3 for 23c
Macaroni With Cream Sauce and Cheese 12c
('harm ('leaner (will not injure hands or
Fabrics) per box 10c
('harm Castile Soap 5c, 6 for 25c
ii h;'' iiiy Brand Molasses, Imperial pint 17c
is i) !'icicles v 25c
i7 Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Celery, Carrots,
Lettuce, Cooking Onions.
ti>iti+ilfl?twagh.vtiri'dtt`i , , , . , ,. , , , , 'r , • tllh1t71