The Blyth Standard, 1942-07-15, Page 1THE LYTH ANDAR VOLUME 16 - NO, '19, DANK NITE WINNERS \\'bolie r:; tit la I 141 t !c'.; 1%1.151 \V r' ;Is tI1111\vs: Ili1114 Nilo OBITUARY Airs, W„1, '(Turnbull I3LYTII, ONTARIO, WEI) N ES! )A Y, .1(' LY 15, 1912, The Bass Are llitin>.;` N('11. 1)ri1'c' Ful. \\ill• u ay (h' N 1111 n1.?," U1.:her,• Si11'llig's Stillild)s O1gruticatiol MccUmg Hcl(I In Clin- liut,,,m and Ain. 'i 'ai, ,I' I W , 4 ,'nl'IAl,, $-..1111 Alb--; 1,. (',,r,, :1 4t..iior in '1'111' 1!1 .1111 )'1•'111, 11 lid '1'11111. •(1;n' ton Last Thursc,oy Night. ;',1'11114'1111II ;11'1' .,111.1; 11:. III III) 1'' • ' •\n 1.;' 44441.Iljnll II('elil4l 4444, .4 44 'lit Intl, al IIIc 1111110 Air. al,a AI.':=. Ili 1a, 111111.111 .1111)• :III. 1.l .11.'.:..',I. J. '('(1..11 1141, 1111'4 I: lung, r r I;' ;111'1 114 ,Intl• I., 111•!.', ..1,,0111:1,„ 0, 11,• 11 \\':;;111 111,111. (lull. nu 110'1. of .111. A. .AI 1;,4'11. of AI(1t111a)' elelling 1"1"1,.1 ill 1"11 hitt \1',1' ti)4jag. ,;';1101•. 1)11,1 1't'.1I:111'.-, (iin--.\Ir. I. ('nllin:un. 1114'111, IN 111 r 111111 tit )I Jr. ell - Air,. N. 1'41ulinl_. •III.' IW' Ali,. 'I'nnnh;,ll had b., a \4111.. I10,1,1iu ('Iiu11n I,I -! "I'"1411111-,:lay;la) $" th 1."111•1."111• 1w:!ultes, \\Then we a-1 '1 UI in e len rill, (het 111:,1 said ('ley Ile her daeg1,:c1. f $1.01 11)1.'11 :\11.,,i, V. 1\'. ('4011, Itu4• re,-. diol: withn' 1.1110 nl);Ill. 41.1111 4 1,11 -0111,,141. 1r,,nl of ;',111(1 11)11, and the I ,,(her 111 me;, ,14- utlly 31c1'illir, Airs, W. .1. Bryant. titre', mot 11,111 1(110:.4' I.il•1.1, in III' 11,11;1 1.,l 1.y m!1111.1(11)114' nl =1), li- inl) !heal 11:11111.1 crus. ;ell Co :r ', ill •. !'(441)!1! Se!iullr., ,!;ulll's Iludl;4'll, ~.11.;1.11 ''"nlunulit) 11111 learned of h,'1. death 1)11, 1 prl"1111. aeeurllin to 11: ,sr,. Netvemithe, 1111; 1'Ullllll:ll1.e 10,10,1110: 1,,r. ;11'„ , '4;111 1:141,0•011.444(11 1.311.' I, I1l,llllle111 ab,,u( Ill) ba:;; I1.,(; 4tora;y I4.4111 ju Ib,. .\t;rir'11!nral 111,1.,, a! ,I, :1, 111.1))' u•ai Ilse 01Ticjen1 11;1;• All'. -1. I'nru', IIII': 1 brut; 411.:0 11:1(1 1, ,III hu,1e . 111.1;(11; s.nl11' , rill 111 11'1. t I 1'ete111nflil ; 1111. the i 41,ing. 'burn in 11nlari 1 in the early part of ('lint 111 \lith .I. II. \',111(11.41,1',•;•. ;4. tisilerman siii:ill it as a pr,': 1";i: i 1 .!t( e;141se Ili v2,,10 prize had no; theIasi 1.1.111111.4•. ;1111 144• 41 o11 (111' form141:(4(4/ I`, 1n111 lu Beep Aber fj;110;1111'11 ;1441y. Aily„ leen claimed the previous tvrel;, in the Il 11.11:- 1u(1 01.111111 :ail. 141 41. 1;(11 ,1111 us ;1111, one of Ihr 11-11 le 10 1. .I. A11.11111.184'. 1(114' .1) (hell' 1141',' I\4.r eNlrl $1.,,1 prizes la;l 1'11111 • Lill. Ilei 111;1111: 11 M ane n;l • A',1:)' 1'11'1 I1:1.1 ) . ,• !1!• 1 1.1)414111 (h1' m1110r any x411; ", 111, I; �;I1111'11;13'. '('Ills 11'11! 11,11 IR' GII' I'll," •!;IIII' 1%Ill 111111, ;111,1 ;111111.1'•11'• (111 1111 1,1 1 , 1 ( N 1 1+1 1;1 11;141 to gel I rut 111'1' ,IIII( In help 1:11:1 111114', t. '' Il 1..1,11:(1, by III•' eil'Ihr ; (illy; S;11111.1111', 1(011'11'0r, Ili all 11•(41'; '1;11' II1111'1':II "1'1111' It'. ; 111'111 on 11' the 41':I I' I;II;IW'lll;; 1,1;111 Ullll Ilii il, I. II, Sn 1111(1 :•S. ul 'I'1r11111. (1111, tial)tl'lla)', al 010' r1,III-4, a1 1 1'rinl•11. )';IIII(1llit;Il ill ll;rrti1'IIkI' 411.1'(' giv,-II by 1;,: '0I! 111 4`(•01 ,14'I:I (11` Inn 1;4110,, ,1.1'1.1 rluinn'd• �).uu,l ul;l'l1 r jut (11111`11 V'e:1 ;1111' !let, ILnl;h ,1;irk, 1;' Si 1f trill, 1.(1 11111•!• ; —_ V', L, \1114'11', I;,'ne,;ll S,II : I, j,. \t ;it-1,ti 111111 .town f4 (44, 11. 1 1,1::::::,' 14x1., ,1';111,1 1,111;1. organizer. Ota, slit,. la! '1'1111111:'''' Pitt i' r, 1.11,11, 4 :\ Ir. .lu 'i" '} 11;1,1:«•gi c'loulel. 11'11 1,'111 ,,1•;11; r for the (lay, lelcliraiiuu the ;II Illi' 111,•, IIII.. YOUR LOCAL PAPER, ;\1issinn Band 1\Iects 11,aru'e ('r()1►'fl Attend Cele - 1 I .I � .111,11• nl'�ntlll}' nl1'1•!inlc „f li(• � I)1'iltl(1i1 At 1.UC1(IlU1i' \11 1111 I!.in l 1);1- 1i' 111 1414 Sal 111.1111)' 111) th �. 14.1, ;mendedh tale I.. 1) of ,1i11'r(('11114, .only 11111. trio' Int', iiut',' 11,(Illy I'e11'1'4'alion at I.41c14nu11' on Sol' 1411.11 (11' ,III I'rin•IIIll 1.111' 1b'lll11t•1..' II I'l l'I {', ;(4411 ;I 1'1.1111"11'11 ('I'll\1111 Of 111,11141) P'4,u ;110 I',•,I,•1• \',•I•` lir.. Mar 111•„p11• 1('I'e (11 hand for the annual hail 1,11.1 II, ,-I,,4)' 41! 111,' 1;,:1111 `11 11' (,1.,111,• \\';(Ili. 'I'hirly 1u111;1'.< 1014 pull 1;0111 ;11411 Ile' 1111. 11111:1:•111'11.111I11•,lell jn the (11)1.011'• comprising some roil) 1 11- I4•'ile;'ly !',sglll Illi O1'rlpllll',• 111111 I)I•:illgellll'n ;11111 it 1001. 111,' 111"I,r'' Mott AI 11'1 1.1.11 111;11,'). Mie:',,I !II'liV 1• 1'11. ;In hour to 14;1;s ;1 gjlell 1.,.,,.,. Alei Linc. 111,. I.0cley'• little adopted The Fo11o4vjug lodges 0arriod 111 Ih1, r'llja,'-,' F'i,1. .1 I,1.;e11ifnl ,(nil! u;) ,11.1/1 I+ t dr'4 olI lotige. Aiith'rlt•}', d'1I11',•,I 111' Ah •s 1 Ir1,11.• In ill) \l 1`•1'111 111.1 til')=.`ed ' lodge. Clinton: 1''11111. '1",!('4114',111111 101 /Hi 41'1('1` 1,111,.•! (II;IIIh1'1ll;tlt pl'i' 'III, 'I'llnllltt tnl:elet 114' 1h1' hi r,-11. 111•: 141111„•rt. age \r, 1,IIIIna(It11,11; hg•sl file, 11'1114' 1.1,11.(1', 1 !h, 1 i1 fur Ile (;1•;111 Lntit:, I;l:'_',•:' I1,Ir,' (111:1.111. 1111! !,1141• jn 'flit\"(\, ilarim•y (1rn 1,4i414,,,, and 11`i!Inl(a 114 4itvl 1.11 the 4 'rti11'. ;1 ' i.l.'ll by Ker. A. Sin: Inir, ul Iht' 111)-1 1'0;11.(1 t'lun'rl(, ilullett Resi(lent t 11)41', 1'111;111141.„ ,I''' ig-; 11, 1, !',ll'- .. -'••' , „” ' '"' " •"' 1.,1.,11,:i:_; •.' 1)11 _i ,',_Illi ;omit (''''1 l'4' u- '',1• Ilaitt' of 1!11' RIe'lil Ite-tn11U11 i','reelltiN'e_ sons, ' 11111 n;ano's: Fronk hjul:lorill All:, Al.u'slulll. The children 1 111 111 .\,,,..,, .\lir,' Ili, ger-on n ; ;114:; a very ;1.p \ lift. -11.11g rrsltieuc of 1111111, '1',14,1) noyto,. All. S;11111(lers p1),•1 ;•11:tying 4 '1(1141 ' 11 1111• • 11';11!enu'nl (.f I)•', ilj,• The fullutl''ag Ls 1111' li of officers (':Ila Allisall'. i ('h;liiinl11 for 1111, various dj,.l,t1.i; ' i' 1)111 t!(1. \I'lrlti friend ?!ill I1.;l}1.r, 111!) 1:, ;It t4” 111::111 of his si Ter, Ail'<, _ ,t tort fo!' ('0011nlg 0114 and st1Imltllg tut' 141111 Hero re p0n.,1 ;11. 1'01' 1I1+' Ile:;l1 V! h'1"11'' cud 41'111:41., 11.11111 e 11'. 11,11'1) 11,1 11'1', 1y4, 1 444 1 s•'o•14'', in Ili; in the 11,444(4 are: II. 1'. \I ti 1 e;t i '10 1111'(! 1'0101's, •\\'hat (4) need today;1(c I;n'nn he'll 111 1114',1, en ,Ing} 1111: •11111 l', 511111 1)1)111111'11 1(4' luner)I, \v '114 I „Gill, year. A sun 111' (In, 1811 Ir'ul \\'Ill;111m. 'I'In•n'oer;•y, 1'a,l \\'o 1v a.- 'sold JIr. S;1111)!1 , "Is freedom 1f I'res(tirnl; \t'. II, 1{)1111, Stratford. her deugltll'r Ali to„1.111) 'I','r.'ull( nosh. 111144X14; Ei11',1. I101%1111u, 11rus•GON(,ItIiTUI S Gus ice ;nl<l. 31111;:1) 1 .\L�r C ,:141 he i �AT-ION, ;peer11 fw• I l u) ('aua(1jtns, ((IIID' 111111 \•11'''•i'.r,.;,: (114.,4;;) 1114 us, Eli” Tits 14,N., ul '1'•1(0114(; 1(,x!;;'11 1'141:41_, ((I'4 148; 1;,1:11 In Willi lottoiship, .1;11y tl, 1111.1.1; and 11404'1 I, II. Rin nue huullred pl1.41111 1 O( lrali0n in Secretary: .101114 (4 Ili, Ellice 'I'\1 I. 111.(1114., the 1114' 11111.' 11'1'1 1f 111(4 1;)111•' ! " 1:1,11, tulb'r4411, .\s(1 1 111, ('011)011) '!'!his 1'01111111 is d4d(rleJ (0 those i 1,�', I. lie nl 11.1.1):! .1 n1.; 1'Inl)'14 141, Ih1 1,1.1041• "flier' \1'111), 411 14;111 ;If I'rr:t.;nn'r: George 1, 4 "II III'ntd. 114 44(111 I; 4 11'):4 \1'144;Inn;} ;ail! I(14't1i It. 1;. \viol may 511,;11 In 111;1140 use of it t,1. s,, ;11111 hi,- IInj14..\1:'ll:e ,Intl they faimull 111 1lnll1'lL el I; I•::. 1)1. Ihjs• \4;1 a; e world of Peace. toiler The 11.14 )r•:'eulive j; as I'n110u";: I'•)n1.,:0g all' h(:, 14..), ;11111 .1!rs. Id11s. ,,, Jinllen, til 1111.,1,, \Irl<Illul, 'I'url4,l• r0nuu0nturnt) 51.11110 4.14'. ug 411111. in Inn (11, 1111 he 1.r• u1..! 811, 1' Ilio \+i'( ! home 1•'1111!:1141- 111)1 a 11;1111') ('Ir (1141' 1'4);111)01: (1)011;) 1'Aris, Ellice11'11. 111,1), ;111 of 1'ranl10.tl, Ill;(„ ;011,! Al'-.; 111,1111 hl 11'.4, shill 11111 1111X1,; Iii ('1)11((1(11,11, Ihn lt4rs of their rel;)Ih'es 111!1 4111111: i11)41 10 111(1 10;1. You could- \'jee-I.:es.: N ninon Ff;ht'r, 111111.,'. 1 \\'hinge 1';111111 1.1' 'I'1r11h,t1: u' ; 1 the hxeder, Ileusall, /111X;11, Il, ,, J. ('. - !)',1•00s, sn4h ;is Iiirt1111l '4, 11111111,11E t 1'11)1') 4)II\(\e 011) (laughter, Airs. Annlvorsaries, nr any other )\)nit 1111 1111)' ;t 11+11 (11.'111.4 this 4,111.; \5111), an 51.1)L1',4 Grurg' Lev), "14811„vl. 111(1114 1411 the Ill•;. :1. .\I. anti Al r.,S,hearor, Clinton,otierich 'I'ut4lis'hip,! 0nt100k fur 0114 111)11 111111. \\'11,1! 14111 Haruki ruki .w.1111•;, 1.:11:1) -'. oto, 4 , l that our readers luny think \1p)ab•y of 11'1.4'., 1111,: \\'. 1'. 1(j)111. s11);(11•111,11, 1,1411', 1 11.111144, 11 11!! :144; N.0.:111:1,grnndrfilld; throe h:'u'!;rrs, V'ill'a:4, and St111 ('3 All 1114 district chair• (1 e e 1111.(1(1)11 1)1141.11lis 1)1)1.1 Surely ant the Cue In ;h) uucerluinty 111 Ih1' flour. ,4111, i; ;II per 1'111 nlusin 4 iu 111' 1 ;1 111'11 gale addre„1,, 1x„)p4 ill,. ('(1111(1' note, You are asked to Il,.e 1•111s 001 renin anuditl(1ns, Cud help us 111 s4e Ilull1 , Louis, ('1( 11lr.4, ;u:;; ('L,:1.1- 1111111• 1\'0 think It (4011141 be a fine; and the 41111(1811111; tOilch wily arise. (Iles hr:•.1,;j1.:1!, 014 ('1(11ee ''4., Toronto; 1)1.11 11111 55 1', 1)i;1'n, and fur his 111'4 of 1'1)1 (',)ILurn); 145.) list 11 )11..4. 1;)s!In'e 0!4 3'01(4' (111'1 to 811(114 )'0111' In Ila 11 ,.111)1, 11111. 1111)'1 1.140141 entpl0ynu'nt 1111. 11,11 •'',n I,f the next 1.111111110 \yas Ronald :1. 11)1(4 1111 the 11.,11111; in trial 11 r, R, N. ('1.)1)11 of I:xcll'I' 14))11 they 111.141.41 V'e 1)114411) t0 close 11')11=1:11.1 Lnn11esl uru, and l;1.:. •I, ('. rrresf Irl 141r friends, left to the 411'4'!;11.11 Of the 1,'44 ('x'11!' 1(01101,' ('n., 'l'oruutu, (King's 511)1',Raorord, i,puk', ) 111) 1'11111 to rr'\'uluti0nar)' 1111'11. The Me. !I \vas 411 1.-1\t 1md h)' Ilia fem- Harold 118(11'), of '(Toronto, .\Ir, and C .1s far as tee I4n0\v no !ural u(gaie (sow: •lnlalaons In Joni, A1ol rhl(• corm of the Orange Order Ls (c1. 1x11111 lie 1;4:1 "core Of (11 taus in (hl' 8;11, Alrs, Kenzie Frlanr, or 1'.l(11)) ( ;1 1 31 r. ,:,4'111. Ilan I'rr !,)Irrtul :1441 1%1(11111 has been app11nlet, lint in ;111 1)111 111) 1111)1 h,'1. 1;111 (1irlhtn)', nn a 1)1(1)! ('ano141. V'1. ;v' ed serlices 14)1.) nal only in I'(l 110ti. ;u: I Ali:,) I`.Ilr- !l:, 1111(.1 1111 I'al (;ler l'naeti ('hutch in reliltinn• 'I'll Prohahlli(y some 01 mintme11ls to , I 1 .filly 111th. 1111111(1011 uu t(.1,1"111111111,115;1'11.1t1 h 114:1 ul 0 in Ansi nl11 and in nr1'al 11ler-(1.11. 111111al (vas 1101(1 ('rem I:1) hoot) 1f l't cant'ahS the 1)404! 14111 he 10 1Ii'0111- I•r•r 1h1ljty in North :\11'114, The P lllhl'arers nl•r), 11”;.;r. 11) 11, da14• like, 11) s. ;(dams, '11(14' !tt5 all '4• 14(11 1 4, 5' other ,14411 has ;1 1.1011 - Tilt. 11'110 1 t1111an, \\'1111,,1 lot ,111, al '.;{u 0.4;:1.,14, "thyin lm11111 url;nulr:,1(00 whin, 1101; ;1i:1111;11'1 I'In' Lill' henry 1(1)111 1111,1111 111)'crud, al • 1111 1(1.4. .1. "tilts It . s1 1111! in \C81erl:'o ('00111)• uh0ul 1x;121 SlInr(r1ed, ((145 '1'011, It1,!lert (';11(4 11 ) tiil'I'0rnnl (1II:Is1.;- ill 4 Mork, GI' Ih) I. onlesboro Fulled ('bort �1. 111'1111-' 1141 Rallis "'Ili` ; Myth, il «stolid lie of great malarial and (Liter Iuovell In FllhcO •rO\vn"hi„ (1111 his :un, :\rc1111., 1''!n;'.''r b,,4':: 51.'rc 8' 441)1, 8 lirorerinlr' 1415 1'11'1114011 111 10.001 1`•12. ('!en'Il4 I,h,hl, 1.0-,111"111 cl I!oilllll Iluyle, IP.trrld 31:,tit.', Ucn;,;c' 'v, 14tO11l \41)! rear 11,11 Cordon (1,11441 !I. Ic.y, I',u'u' I.iue, 11131 II 111' 111 -any ye 1: i, a grandson I of the ('10111er. 1'Iioi'!•", 'Held ;1111 his The rem ill% were (;1141.11 Ily nm(ur children and grandchildren lire m 1s1• lo the sixth line 1.r 111(1,'4', near l4' to 1!(;' 1`1,111 1141,1 su1'luulding 111:- Churchill, \)here. ,Alis. Tory' 1111 was; trio. Lot; to rt,.( in the t.'mily plot, I4'01 I1I'1::(1(1 P'iatr' sol\, 1111-;n:1111111'11 1,3' Alls:'1 ship, (Gell;'•I:1 (lovher, 1!al .1 nn' til :111:14', ui (.'1110)111 111111 0!' 1}11' ('lantnn (11811:. ,1111 10'1,.11; t\It!I the Fru 1111'4111(1 1111. W. A'I. S. 1'1EET Mrs, John (.'rich W. A. MEET 1:)4s(ilatico sown Ihrsr n00ti ;,1.11;1. hl is limy, 111 \vurl4 usually 1111s 011 1 11 ":hunl11ers of the fi'w, (4110, ;141 Will stick to our cnlnnr4. I refuse ('0ugratll,lions to ,lir, .1a Ines 410 „hint! to any ;Ham ordal power: \1'hlsutl, I?asl V'1tlanosh, who cele• 1411(1.1 141 Heed is liberty, The ()lichee rale; Ir; birthd:Iy on .1 illy '211(11. member); certainly have their say in I'lrl1;un'dl. \\ ',hat ;,111111 our ('roles- ('cnio,oIlulnlinns to Aliss 1,111,1141 'Pay- I;tnl members:' Are Ihe)' asleep 011 111:1 lar. who cel)hr;le(1 1101. hirt101ii y 011 111)1 L s'u•s at sLike:' '1'111 rnnsrri)rti'm Ill) I::l h. i:<uc.; 1s ,11(141 (1111' of the questions 11.111(•1 is causing disnnily. ;(11h1u1;h, only Ino glad lo Ila the(( l'nngralnlltljnn.; 111 111.. ,10111 ('011111.. The ('h11icl of Itonte will neve). rule The regular 1114)111111y meeting 1I the share, tr•0) t}I if ,111.1 pobli4 may be• 1-•1'0' \y1" rell•I,rall's hi. nd bh.:htia) 1\'<u ail's Ase(1elatun 1;t` the 111,;1:( come rilsgrttnt)d ii the same un .11114 '2111,114(14 country. \\'o shall 1101 he (10111111. , 1'hurt 'II, ,414'1 held on 'I'Iicsd.ry x11.1' -;appears at the 11001, every lint)' 1, 481151sT141141 1111 Is In be ti(1ul, (',41144:at11ati0ns In 31rs. Frani; \\'hit• 111010, 44 Ilnlnt•s•. (I(,', 4411 , celeh).4140)h the 110111;141 Catholic church is granted? The late \V, .1. felts deservedNo. '\Vhy should Ihe)• 110 given (lie ` her I I,' Il;la)` lin Itu4day, July I Ilh. lunch of the Noon, due any past stir• ,ptefere11ce^ 1 sey Quebec is not as cess ul \\'n1. Savings ('t'rtil'ica0 — ;loyal to ('1)111)111) ;is 0111)1.1(1 (01. the sink pie reason rho ('hunch of 1101110 (Ionian. ;ties 1 hem.” Tho 6(14;lt•e1r '41'11101 11110S1 11111 111111 noon, July 1'1111. I'rc (1)11 01, AI,':;. \C:1. (ham 311Ils, presided, 1171)''4" maws AI1ssiol•u•y Society (1f 1140;. ,lulu) ('(411, lurinl'rly 11111,1) Aleeliug uIn'nell by rho;in;4 113'1,11 Itlylh ('(tile;) (',!IIn'cl: met 111) 'I'41e''da)'• .1:111' 1';110 dirt( u4) 'I')I 'S)h I), in 11111. ''('ante 1'1. 'I'h;nllc,ful 1'1.1111 1'(1111),,, ,y 1111114, 11as IIIc I'I•utoslattf 1' 11,1411 for Ilse prit'Ilegl'14 only 1 blit, P;le nn'1'iug \\:1.s 1.(11'1111 ;^:,,l 4'1.;11., al (he 11.111,1 01 11(.4 n,!4'rt', The 1 )orris prayer a;as Ihcn repeal -all 1)411)s herr in 1111.111, 110 4411.!1411 t , by the 1)13111n, "In ('141'-1 '('here j; n11 AII:;. .\Ihrr1 S'Iul' 111.1111, I ',nil. ,111',, In unison. 'I'!te nrintiles n!' the forul'I unci':1il11gl)', ;1011 wjtlinnl any 1.1.111111, Ne ' ViiO' ITill'hotii' Ai1'port !`'.1st u1. \1'1.. ,", 111'.11)‘\ 1,11 1'y prayer by 44i(h ,111.111 : lie hell 1 ern 1;'.:(!114; 1' .l• uu ('ting were read and a f4'rIt'I 1. � 1'r4linil. in t'1cl, (10111)' tames ;ht 111: 1 '!`he Ti.,,,isuter, Alt's. \\'. .L 111,11 . own expense, to try 11)111 I(e41) 111) I Started fu: 111 r ,11)111 l'r,ti;; 518'; 1;unle,l In Phil- !1111. 1,101! 4,l' Trolly!, !ramp;., owliparod She was a wangling' 1411 the hit ' ,lobo gave a 111,11 report. 111.:<. H 11111 I oil (04140 114 (11 \\,,11,raced:;; 4'111,,'1- I The cont 41) c1 for 1110 groundn•orh Ile, S:; •(ety, \Ira. ,11,4(1.14•; then tu,llt s,, h" , ; in Ili: 4 ''1X1( s111tt 1)11.111.+1111,' has \11th (lu'huiu's ruualhnl.iutt calor tinder 11811 and Sarah I aha ( 1(811 and 14;1.; lir; favoured 411th a beautiful salt, man in In hunt of the pn ,tic, i o charge cl' oho S eclaI Jlc,•liii,; for 'I'll" h i -it near .\111111.1 in Ih rip!')'' I�';!1- "(111\1 111 '('his I',;1.)'„ fire. "1\'e have ;1 11,011 11.11)141. en was lural chairman dl the lithe 114 b'; 111.11 ntyar111'11 In the Santiy 1'1111 I''.1l,)' rand, and I,n'.r ,\I;:'1 'r.;. "111)1( !curl, 1;\`Ill) yea. ;1.•o she marls:, 41 Ales, 4 t;irlus 11r;lshy, Cut44 1)11 0i l i 11.14+:-1 1(41.1 11,trh1n' V'u:ks• it 418'4 "1.'11,41 1110111 roll here in Uttlariu'4( 1111. y 111.:)111, 1)111 ;is lax as i; 141111111' 1111 have, 1\•• lt' should this he •r" )!r. Sand - 310 Phe s'1 ides of .1, ,;r;" \44; sun•:• IJr to 1'11)411 who 11X,; in 1:':!", They f1 !n51er and \'isiling l'unun1"^e, re- "11111s'''i (las 1,,,)11 appo0411,i1. ;i0 1 1111 1 11(111 118ernonn. 'bac. St•11;11u)'0 Ilcpimg 118'4 ftum 1 ,1,,In. dors cl0shh> remark's tray tt1 1,43110( lite 11,1'1 I';h illegh In 'h'41r.,rrs1111'`,hi 111111( (4 1,'11 $l,'J rnllectla11 !'u1. ,Itn10, :I 1!' 1111.1.1. i, 111)1111. ,4111 4411,111 rare ~1111 luc,llyd ,lore miles su:411'4 l ('111(1114 Alt's. Jenkins I141 111 1),II\ (111011 Ute)• ret1(1 (1 110'1 Io1r'.1 10 (414es, .1 (l0ualiully, 141 1'1)11111111s 111's1)! hath. pray 0a).neslli !'u1. 1Xergt' ! 111 uu41)rtdk) (1111 ml' 11)1' burden of 111 L'ntirrich, one 11,111. south of No. (11.1)1, (, 11,11 1(1.1.11;.!4 rerit)ul 101 ltlhjlh ,1111 lie the help of G(1d emerge ('111:gun, They had no faulty, I'loolets, .+ sympathy ;n141 ,,n,;rtitta•,canvassin;g, they Wright le:l\•e their Itte11ney, poem, "11'.41. :\t5 11" 'Moil 1•:'1 AI ;r- I lino curds, cal ung Burin 111) moue 11 1 ! 11';1(1111 1;1.11.14 \rm;lrnug and from This terrible conflict. The Rapp) ti41r4h1;nn are tluc" h di hors. Jidi) g ham), with I I;e,'10 \\', I I. AlOt)'itt' 1111)111 1411 any nation 1lrpontis entirely 1':11111, J!iltirrd (':Iui11 114,1 Juan Ko t 1)14,1 i calls 111;1(14,2 11)1 1(10)'s 14 111 cout)• toad corn.. 1':'141111 1! ill, (iud( rich: \\'11 nom !;;Ill— on the home hacl4grunnd. ll' you hale 1.•'t 4 1.1 ;, ".Ir? Loves the 1.11111 11111 4' was In nu;hl to n close by .1111ss3011 511'1.1' prese111 (n 'I'hursdu3 l'g;(ilti:1.u,' :\ 1.1.1)11111„ ;mimed, "'1'111 inn :11 It iud, '1•1101.s.: 111',1,, and :\cru; i ac •unity and )1-operalioe lit the home Hall, .14huiii also 11141.41 skiers, \11.51 singing the National Anthem' 1�1'On - 14ei11' lie -Union tftern11nn \4111'11 the I'ir=1 11.1111111 5\;)s, 4'111 11840 ;1 11'41)• 1 . 411, Ni 14 \1 .11'11." Ilia; 1111111 I y ;qrs. I;, hruLen. \11111 11I 11111.00 ('011nt)•',• Till. ;110(0;11 I,)'nn and (,ear 111..1'11' \Ir. Saumler4, (11!1)1' 10 )tis 1;)114, in• ton 4181 114111 Ihji 4'0:1. 111 !hr holm. or ('led ma(hinery, !d!' Io'tloe of the ,,. 0"xsnlhun 1411 11:'ll4\;)y emisirliclioll, Ir'dhc,'11 31)'. Fre,( Polson, of '!'urmoo, Music I itt)iI Suerestit•lll Jot, Lyon, 0n I(1 1:11h eon •1 .,;(0/1 0f (111(1.141. s1h,n1 revisor of the Toronto111411011 1151dship, wilt 011'1, Ina pre... is to he used on this Mb. The I0Iai 111,111 \\'lis m, 01' Anbntn, passe'(\ cuntracl price for this ini41 1!' 44)0• hoard of I•:duca.tion. 1101. 1':, fl, Gm. Grade \'111 1'1:1110, 11' the '1.01.011 10 ('011•'e1l('41.x1.,ion as in 1111 neighborhood or 11)11111., of \\'inwham. 1141, brand 11)(1114' 4ser5at115 of Alnsle, with honours. S:t1. 1'1:0 eu0rnuln 448'4 s(1r1 ! i0 4;11111, c4 4(1laan of 1(14 111 11(1 In Ibis 1)11(1,1,,o.• 4 I I",,r.no• 011(1 spurly, 1111111)' 1110 dI1'eclj'n 11' the . 'earnestly look 1414(01141 place lit a ('11)'41; 1111 5(4('11 The 1110' airdrome as toin,an 1)114 tlm' ger( 1 11 111'1)1111' 01.111'1. I„ eunru'lltuls, spar!;' eutumlilee, roti -(=tang of lien.' I, 41114 11.1.11111. unity and n151,hys spell: I i I Ir) lu Nu. (! I .1-.'1 .ti, l' I4) liars 11tH')`, Stanley Lynn, Harold11Lu111, ih0 truth. "1)411' country is greet: ouP !va•I, ,1h(4•11 is (n (110 ptnris4 of he. 1)4 '1,11) Iheu ,mice\\ 111 a 14041 hall Orange 11(11t'r is great, 1,1,1'44 wa141' (1m• 1111)1111, alter which vim Iti1'tt hart a 1'100!• nig (1111(1(011 an c:p:cit)', The 10'45' 111'111 is evpoeiell to be really in lute obedience and fait11 great. V'e nucvl boll 1;,11,1'September, 11 (40111111.1s(),.; -14411 acres learn Ute Ir! of ((,•111 together.' said Races: allreting file farm.:. Some cr11s 1111. speaker. "1\'1. nrnst hale a 111)1. '1 years and nailer, Palsy 11rsi Ike:: end (14811010044 altitude ,1411)1.11 our 4(11! hale to I.,' 11r'stI•m)•ed. I.0•tce In ('1111111 ceu1clery. The pall 111..:, 4(4Cu(chc1n, a son, Peter Alio,. -girls, 11 10 !1 years. \'ret !,yon: buys,, Ipenple, 11' our foreign elements fail lwarors 44(11 he 1 , Hall, 111, l lu45 1111 In:w, gl;uulson of Rut, 1111(1 Mrs, 11'. 11 to 11 141)1, , 1,111., 1,)111: 4411.11, 141I„ 1 y to like our foil. Canada and what.. Moak ('rich, Percy (111,hin+;s, Ernest ('rich, I. Abele:tn. forete'1' of 111)-111, 12, Grace lady!): 11)1s, 1)1 to h_, !)1111. one Bland fuscud Ihe(n 11;)014 l0 ,1)'11. N0(nha1 \\'1.1;;111 and 1\'iliiant ('ric:lt, Ilesk: girls, 1:1 to 111, Velma I leslc: Hi 1i i(ll' 1101\'l'1'c'(i hn111 1 it(1s.r Lel illller It t', (hem.' ' 11,111111. rare. (':Ida 1\'alsln; 111.414!1" lie- 44s of the 114.-")'011, •• 1101 lilacs ;Ind delphinium, wick LBllinli\4 50as wi'II repr)'4enled tr,111 rare, Ilru 1(111')' ;tui! )(1'14• .11114 (41ley: . A'Ii1tiU11S Ii11jUy S>I)Icllfh(l ; 11111411 Ihr rooms 04 111:1 '4parluus the pla.ff111'ut by Ill) (1).1's,'ure of it4n Evening r h'Iching the slapper, 114454) Cuti+'I': 11111111 el' ales. .1, 11, l'enthind well, 11011)1 ministers. 110v, 4'. Il. \Icl5onald Evening mystery person. Fern \1'otson: bean llastel'nll) tircuralrti, mode a (110:44' ;w(1 Iles, .l. 1\'. Ni1'a;u t. past 411111,4' ,C�� \Irl:nbets 0f 11I)tl3 L,atige, :1.1', /l' A. goes.lug r11titesl, (:Ida \\'alsult' for the di4pt;ty of trolls. master. Alt', A1(.11011;11(1th 1(1 stated, "e 31., and v.loitors from other Imti44e•;, j l'ol10411ug this, everyone sal down 1114 :Icing scan and gifts of her elder d;fnlgling. (l1. age (Order stands 1111011 1111 open �411'03(1 ;I ter)• 111eaF;i111 1`1'('11111'• last -(o a huu;lleun; supper, 1)111.1. 1,•1,11.11 n .,� T�. :II Al;,1.f.;Irl, \4hnsr marriage to I:;'n1.;l hunk. 111. IliLlr. Thal k (1141 re;tson �� Friday, ,41111 (hey cnterl;liucd a 1111111-1.1.111., (141111.1).1, and 110 ,,,, )lin_ n"1101ru'd 5(84 a pleasing sura;)] 44•'4411)' the Orange ()eder has g111r ahead • her of hrc,fhreu (runt 51111ord Lodge. \vas conducted \lith the 1'011ntying 1111• cut )odor. The guests. \41111 11111,111.1.• in tie )last and 14 ill continue In 111 so ' hi'ing t'i'e evening the' deg;1.o (emu 001's elected: 11 :I' nut (1114', 44)1.e received at the in 1111 I'nan'e.' The 41108(4rr appealed from Stratton" conferred the 31.31. 11e- I're;iden4, :\11. Taylor. 1,13111,• (,m1. by Ales. ('rnllund ;141 her niece,: 1111 3unnl people in pal (;1111 1111.+,. Ne.t Suntiay, ,1111)' !!!Ili, there will tee, and many interesting and 10- \'iee•1'res'ident: Eminersln Ilisl;, g 31rs. Melvin .i. (teed, Dungannon. The read (heir ltibles and stressed the need lions-0,mi and gifts from 11:Is 041 :141 411111.111 a1lc1111ance. "\l5rr 4101.0 friend'- (n Sutilhan1(1lon and I)tug;ut• 11110 rlhnruhe: '411 empty a44 they fire In - 11,111 wort' displa,ell 113 1111' sister of I(my. i'rupll hove forgotten God not( t!!e bride -elect, \lass ('hare Pentland, 1ihi' ell)' \1.;t)• Ii+,Kuin' 4'iefm•)' for tho Toronto, and her !411 si<t,'r;-in•1a11, i0:\1Ile, is for us to sacrifice, pray fee\•. 3!rs. Frank Pentland and Ales. \VII. e11t(y 1111 get 1ac14 l0 God in repent - Fred I'I'nt1011,1. '1'114' (huhu:: 1.1,'411 tab- 1,unce and then victory will come,' oald 11' 41'.Is NIt:a1'1i\e14 !aid \1111!4 rlolh, 4 -311.. 3icl)una1(L ".Never 1..:, !'ler(' been chi •., and 1.1.) SItI/1.11)0111144 11 1111. 4.14 4141)• w11 oil pv1110 kiiets' so little of the bei •'-to-he, Tho guests a'4se111)11.111w\-I1rd of God,' incidents Fere given- itt in 'lie )'('\tang -1.4111,. where tee 1(4'4 111(5 1 1.1)141) \404' )111111 (141(111 4411.1 -en by Ali's. i4. McDonald, , (continued 011 page e) Airs' \\'1.4!1(n1811. an "In 11 ))Iit'ham" a I'ot1 11 t4'-;, 1fi11c.rly, A11I111111 ('tatter fav0111.e4l u; •1• (1. 1;;!i,ln:�s, Ilnllr,4I 'Inl4nship, 111.1. with a !!u, "'1'114.4 Is 11)' Iat11el''1 11)4111 \\'4i,,'ltl, I11.•4e bine, Underich Intln't''1, 811;1 Ah -s. V'1. \\111.1,'." "Is l�':41 lu \;tlnr.�'.' 44av 1.1.1;1 h)• Ali's. Jen: :i• •, The poem, "11'hcro 1,1•,11111;4 or)). a 5m11e l';',1;111 4, ' 14.1.; given by 31;11'- j Al l's. ('111.11 110; \114'",lis1 1)34(1 after - gal 01 3i411,1141I1, Airs, 3e11141ns r. ad 11'•' 'ward ['lilted Clonseh In religion 111.1 1181111'; 1.f :hi. "'4 I'.fhy 14.:1111 Alemr:l'rs 45.8-1 t 111...1 'c; 1'' the \4(med', 11.1:,1• 31L,4100 ((,'0,1 Emblem hymn 55us sung irulieus of Ontario sire; t I'ull.d by 3!1!1114.1 ('1111.1:'1., .104tH 1<1,11111444 uti:l (411111.411, ('llntr:i, 3'(11 „n:..! 3lars!':1, I The I•,nler:11 11111 he 114'111 !1•.,m 11er I There 4111' 4',4 Pa' -v (laud; in ('an- r4'),1111'nre, 1 'axe slre4t. Clinton, on 41)'1 \11111 21,12:1 member; uud (hese' '1111;11.-da3. Service ;It 1111' home 11)11 have tnnlrihuted $-(,U,:0,1" t0 Alis.;1011 1!44111111, will he routinely(' by the A1(4'1.11'11 1,;(1N - In I 1311111ton, on 31'0114, ",11111s 1 ,,)1u; 114," was sling iter G. (i 1111• 1011 111(411111.111 14ill lake July Iu1I, to 111,•,Sg1, \\', I:, 1111,1 I31R'I'IIS and Airs, Jenkins closed the meeting 1,•1111 prayer, Carlow Lady Is 89 11 0114111 Beth, 011 Carlow, celr,- U;u.tc,l her Stith hirthil.ry 014 hrtQay. 31.wy old friend„ and neighbors cal- led dining lite day and offere11 4.1111• 1:41'411'11811an ; and 110,1'1 t1'Is'hes for 1111111)' more happy birthdays. \ors. 111111 re - cc" 4411 matt)' gifts owl (0(i't1;. 31i 1\'. 11. 1',:'411, l?;,.ketch, received the gnu ;I \1111:, In,: mother, and Airs, (`ave !',an served tell•eshirei's. NI the went• 1141; 1..f 1(11' 1::1114' were present f gr idle (1.441:=:110, \i1.;, II.aI lives \41'h ler son \'4'i,111 -,m, 1111 1'111444':; good 13LYTH UNITED CHURCH he no 1'1v'udnl ser\ n''' S111111.1.10' ad(II'e';ses• 11111' Itsleued (u, Lnlidcil eu. 'lin, morning service will be cum 1. '('he 1511111 closed 51'1'Ut nheniIiur of Serrrlary: 81 Ih 1441(111, 1.1111, storo. dueled by 1(44. \1', A. I:retnncr, of Sea ;1111 local S11c•irly serving rpll'udid 1.r• Spurts' 1'ununiare; Air;. 1.11.111 limbs health, 11;:10(, her own work around toe in41h' i'I4s11ltenls, ling. Alts. 1.011. S11010,1.00'4. Londe, - house. bort,, Airs. (trshelde:;tun. Clinton; 1'r(- grant (.m101)111 et.. Ales. :111. T('a)l'e, TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Bingo Netted $3L07 Ali's. Nelsen I.v:1r, 1114'111, 1!4x..4111111 Last Satuiohi nights :\.1.11,3 1111111 Null. Lonti,'slo )'n: ref,', -11 0 r l"1 ,- Rev, P. H. Streeter, L.Th., Rector ,miner..4t,e !.yon. Jelin N•111. Londe';- The (8141 \\Taw anoslt Furst Vorlon July 111, 111.12. 1141 Sun. after 'I'rinlly. wetted lite Iced tiros,:Society $:1LOT,'burn. '1'11e picnic is to he 111'111 111.1, 14111 111(01 4)1 111)4 1101110 (1f Air. and Airs. Smithy School -, 10.30 ;t.tu. •The money will be used to buy cigar - year al the home of;ltu'.,rrt Smith, ,flex Alctowan, on llondny evening, !only Communion anti Sermon—i,;;0 ,'ales andRI4loc0 for the boys l)4er- 31Goderich 'I'u1\u•Itip. J« l4' 21'111, Everybody welcome, 11',31, (seas, Farm Forum To Meet. .a_ 1; _z:,_, ....-....t,- ..• SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 29 CAIN AND ABEL: A CONTRAST Genesis 4 PRINTED TEXT Genesis 4:1.15 GOLDEN TEXT. — By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he had witness borne to hint that he was right. eons. Ilrllt•,,n'a 11:4, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. - We do not kuoty n•hen these events took place, bit at least it '.t ouid he 125 years after the et'e cine of tt'.an (.+eo Gen. 5:31. Place. -We do not know where these e.-..Fts took place, though, of course, :t was somewhere in the 1tesepot:nl:1: n valley, '\•'acre iation toga.. Cain and Abel 1. ''.1H1 the mat knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, anti -aid, I have gotten a ratan with. the help of Jehovah. 2(a). _\I: t again she bare his brother ahe1. °1 b 1. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground," The ono mother chooses the more peaceful and emotional, the other the more active, occupation. The pastoral lite seems always to have been heli in higher esteem than the agricultural among the He- brews. But the agricultural suc- ceeds the pastoral in the order of civi1izatiun. Two Offerings 3, "And in process of time it cants to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an of- fering unto Jehovah. 1. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And Jehovah had respect unto Abel and to his of- fering: 5. but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect." The key for unlocking the mean- ing of this entire passage le found in Hebrews 11:4, where we are told that, 'Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacri- fice than Cain, through which he had witness borne to hint that he was righteous, God bearing wit - nese in respect of his gifts; and ohrough it he being dead yet speaketlt.' What seems to be im- plied is that Cain's offering was an act of mere homage; Abel's embodied a sense of sin, an act of contrition, a plea for pardon. Cain's Anger 5(b). "And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. We have here no spirit of enquiry, no sell -examination, no prayer be God for light or pardon clearly allowing that Cain was far from a right state of mind, ti. "And Jehovah said ualo Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why le thy countenance fallen? 7. 11 thou doeet well, shall It not be lifted up? and If thou doset not well, sin coucheth at the door; and unto thee shall be its desire; but do thou rule over it." This dread warning to Cain, expressed in the mildest and plainest terms, to a standing lesson written fore the learning of all mankind, Let him who is in the wrong retract at once, and return to God with humble acknowledgment of Itis own guilt, and unreserved sub- mission to the moroy of his Maker; for to him who perseveres is sin there can he no hope or help. The First Murder R. "And Cain told Abel. And It came to pass, when they were is the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him." One of the striking tea. tures of this incident is the rapidity with which small sins gen- erate great ones. When Cain went in tho joy of harvest and offered his first fruits no thought could be further from his mind than murder. it may have conte as suddenly on himself as on the unsuspecting Abel, but the .germ was in hint. familiarity with evil thought ripens us for evil action; and a moment of passion, an hour's loss of self-control, a tempting occasion may hurry 03 into irremediable evil. The Divine Interrogation i(a). "And Jehovah said unto Cain, where is Abel thy brother'." Here is a question fitted to go straight to the murderer's con- science. Some of us go so far as to have silenced the voice within; but, for the most part, it speaks immediately after we have grati- fied our inclinations veront•ly. 9( b). "And he said, 1 know; not: ata 1 my brother's keeper? And he said, what hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto 111e from the ground." The cry was a demand for the punishment of the murderer. The Divine Condemnation 11. "And now. cursed art thou from the ground which hath op - *tied its mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; 12. When thou tiniest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee its strength; a fugitive and a wanderer shalt thou he in the earth." Cain had polluted man's habitation, and now, when he ACTION ALOFT Hurtling high above sand dune, U. S. Coast Guardsman, bayonet bared, stages bit of realistic action against imaginary foe. (Official U. S. Coast Guard photo,) tilled the soil, it would resist hilt, as an enemy, by refusing `to yield unto hint her strength;' for the future his struggle with the con- dlttons of life will be still harder. The Merciful Protection 13. "And Cain said unto Je- hovah, My *punishment is greater than I can bear. 14. Behold, thou haat driven me out this day from the face of the ground; and from Thy face shall I be hid; and 1 shall be a fugitive and a wan. deter in the earth; and It will tone to pass, that whosoever find- eth me will slay hie. 16, And Jehovah said unto him, Therefore whosoever alayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And Jehovah appointed a sign for Cain, lest any finding hint should smite him." Anyone who killed Cain would be visited more severely than Cain as being guilty not alone of homicide, but of transgressing the divine command- ment which said that Cain was to lira. Junior's Hobby Pays Dividends '('hat litter of balsa shavings and tissue paper with which Jun- ior has cluttered his bedroom over the years, those gashes he has pert In the top of his work table with discarded razor blades have turned out to be highly praise- worthy manifestations, American youth's pre -occupation with model aircraft now permits it to make a teen -ago contribution to the training of our armed forces. Here in Detroit—and tho program to being conducted on a nationwide scale—youngaters have contribu- ted to the Navy 1,000 precisely sealed model planes highly valu- able in training amen to identify ships in flight and to estimate ranges. Peace is a matter of people and how they live rather than of pasta and how they are written. THiS CURIOUS WORLD A WE -LEC 'ED ALC..(aAToR. / I INHABITANT OF ST AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, ALLIGAMR FAR" By William Ferguson 1 ./ SURVEYS SHOW THAT TNh'EE OUT OF -FIVE WIVES GO ALONG WHEN THFJR HUSBANDS BUV stirs. COPR. 919 sr NEA SCt'110E. INS. J 1114.11111.41101..... CDLJ J N G WHICH MONTHS 15 IT SAFE -TO 9 EAT OYSTERS e ANSWER: With modern refrigeration, oysters are edible every month of the year, but they are not at their best in quality nncl flavor during the spawning season, which comes in the months spelled without the letter "r." NEXT: Snakes that still show signs of legs, POP --Now Run, Pop! ;;'s\ THE COLONEL SAID X SHOULD t3E IN THE- ,� ;> MOVIES,POP Germans Plan To Exterminate Jews T1:.' l;crr,lan hate n.a•>:u•red at Io:r,t 1,01)0,1100 Jen•- in h:tm'ope the. tree hr;:ul, sp"Itcsnten fur the N,'orltl ,newish Congress :aid recently. The perseeuliun has been par- ticularly severe 111 the conquered countries of East Europe, the spokesmen added. Poland, I,at• Oa. Lithuania and itunt:ulia have s,rft'ered greatly. They said that probably 700,- 000 ,gcn•s had been hil!rd in l,itll- u,nia and i eland, 125,000 in nu - mania, 200,000 in Russia and 100,000 in the rest of Europe. Thee tirti111; were Selected front EI rape's pre-war Jewish popula- tion of 0,000,000 to 7,000,01)0. The .laughter is part of the Nazis' proclaimed policy that "physical externtil.atiun of the Jew must from now on he the aim of Germany and her allies", the spekes1nen :aid. Norse In Red Army Nearly 500 Norwegian volun. teens, who escaped through Fin- land and over the sea to Russia, are fighting with Soviet wary on the Arctic front, the BRC quoted the Norwegian 'Telegraph Agency as saying recently. Scouting Wolf Cubs of the 1st Harling. tun (Middlesex) Wolf Cub pack gathered in nearly $250 for the local Warship \Veek by showing in the foyer of a movie theatre a miniature model representation of a Nazi attack on a convoy, The scene included a submarine halt' submerged, a destroyer in the act of droppings a depth charge and a German plane crashing into the sea, Every detail was complete, to rung ladders for the ship bridges and the lifeboat equip- ment. • . • A tribute to the practical value of Boy Scout training paid by Col. R. G. Whitelaw, Director of Military Training, included the statement that among boy, cern. ing up for military training, those who have been Boy Scouts stand out, Wrote Col, Whitelaw in a recent letter to Mr. John A. Stiles, Executive Chief Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association, "The development of character, cour- age and sense of responsibility produced through your lectures and practical application of wood- craft, camping, swimming, navi- gation and handicrafts of various sorts, all add up to a total which stakes the Boy Scout stand out far ahead of the average boy who has not had the advantage of this training." V • • Splendid service was given by the Boy Scouts of Norwich, Eng- land, during and following the ferocious raids of the Nazis on that ancient city. The boys' fearless carrying -on in spite of dive bombing and fires won u1t- stinted admiration. They ran messages, fought incendiary bombs, rendered first aid, and assisted in countless other ways. After the blitz, they distributed special notices to the population, guided people to rest centres, re- united families, and for inquiring soldiers and sailors secured infor- mation of families in wrecked areas. They salvaged and removed the furniture by vans and Scout trek - carts, helped at emergency food centres, and prepared meals over fires 111 open spaces. They as- sisted with feeding arrangements for police, firemen and rescue workers from outside places, and guided the helper's to desired points. In addition, they looked after hundreds of injured dogs :m.'1 cats, Incidentally several of the Scout troops lost their own meeting places and all their scout- ing equipment. One troop lost out-of-town headquarters, a build- ing of concrete and wood built entirely by the boys over a period of several years. facing the heap of rubble, one of the Scouts in- quired of his district commission- er, "When do we start. rebuilding. Skipper"," The Archbishop of Canterbury tanks immediately after the Royal peers as the fit st peer of the realm. YOU WOULD f3E A GR CAT' IT, MA ! RADIO IIEPORTEII DIALING WITH DAVE: \(,try Sihipp, tali, tvIIlotvy hlundn tvho piny:, the rule of philandering Henry's most constant sweetheart on "The Aldrich Family" did a switch on the old story of It girl seeking a c:weer in Ilollyttood. She is n haute of the cinema city, but ree nEy deserted her home for New fork, and is now one of the, busiest actresses along radio row, Mary was graduated from I.os :\ugeles City College where she majored in dranult115 and ateppld from the classroom to the network broadcasting stu- dios. During the last year slat played leads opposite such exact• ing stars as Orson \Velbes, Charles Boyer, Robert Young and others, In New fork, Miss Shipp won over stiff competition fur the role of Kathleen Anderson on "'I'lte Aldrich Fancily" and performed so well that author Clifford Gold- smith decided to stake Kathleen a more frequent visitor in the cast. It may be vacation time for some folks, but it's just double duty timo for Meredith Wilson. Not that he doesn't like it, for the tireless NRC West Coast con. duetor and composer has always had a busy schedule. Taking over, with his orchestra, the important "Fibber McGee and Holly" spot for 13 weeks with the "America Sings" show, is just one iteral on the Wilson agenda. He also con- tinues as musical director of Fanny Brice — Frank Morgan show. and to add to all this, during his spew' tiara, Met:adail ‘Vilma peas bit parade song;; rn the popular ‘cin, and 301111 rias. 3ie4 ill the nliliutut war -lime CC'tt of ludn;;. 1101 utast recent ;mecca' is "Sung of Steel," a great and rtlighty melody dedicated to Litt) nlcn in the war factories the mitt - try over. hear it sung by Thomas L. Thomas, famous Wclah bari- tone, from CKOC in Hamilton some nfternoon during the It 31J Concert )gall Show Notes from Here and There In rho cast of "'1'hesc Wa Loge," suuutler replacement. for Eddie Cantor, are. Francis X. Bu: hntlut, matinee idol of silent filth days, and Richard Crom- well, also of the cinema city! Victor Borg, Danish comic, has tt new contract on the ilia 1,'t•hy show( Dosinah Shore, the south's great song -bird, is mending free plat- ters of her "I can't give you any- thing but love" to service camps around the globe. \Vhen the Al Pearce show va- cationed on July 2nd, Tenon? Dorsey took over Gail Laughton,. swing harpist on the show! Lend an ear this Sunday t i Academy Award --- CICOC, f.tI$ p.11.! bight, amusing ---• excel- lent 4lllnttter dramatic fare! The tloseow radio reported '.'.150 illegal newspapers now are being published end circulated in Nor- way. OUR RADIO LOG T RONTO STATIONS Qt i11) $OOlt, OUL 740k C1(01, egok, t71BY 1010k U.S. Ng'1'WORKS WRAP N.H.C. Rea 600k WJy. N.B.C. male 770k WABO (C.D.S.) 8804 WOR (at.H.t.) 710k CANADIAN S'!['ATIUNS CVOS Ogren 9e. 1400k CICOC IYamlitek 1180k UUUMI. 1lelniltea 008k CI(Th Mt. Cath. 1230k CFO/. Moatreal 000k NON) ortk •q 1att1QQk�k ur GoadQ1 (v�1630 Attei0 19 C.1 ens ti, M. 14DOk CICAO Slontreul 730k CJtCI. ICI kaod 1.. 500k CKC Waterloo 1400k 01(110 Ottawa I310k CKGH Timmins 1 ITOk CKNO Sudbury 700k 01(1'1) llra,.ttord 1380k CICT.W Muds or 900k CI(N.t Wtp+ bnw 1.30k U.S. STATIONS WRIIR Hnitalo 1:140k WHAM Rochester 11110k Hti.W Cincinnati 700k WOY Schenectady 910k 1(J)$3 I'Ittsbareth 1020k W 4f CbIu*6 78k NV R n natio Itvk W w 1 at1A1• makW JR De roll 780k SIYIIIT W 4V GSU England W.31ra OsC Faslane 11.8tirn 0811 1:oglnad 11.76w OS1'' PInglsod 11.thlos 051.Iluglnod 16.14* 08(1 England IT.7044 (181' Vineland I3.3tm IIS\' lInglead 17ttlm 10A11 9pala DASis, RAO Spain 11.80m RAN Ilusula 1780at ItNIC Itusa S 17.O0a1 1tV1/e florae 16.19a. WOE*. Schenectady 16.83m wCA taus. 16.6/a WINO Ionto* 10.16m Wbn Yetis 11.ei. NOTED SINGER HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 19 Company IPictured UJQtH M' S (abbr.). prima donna. JY,A. I R13 By way of. W IE T Ja� 20 She is a N T S with American 14 Hauled. opera lovers. 15 Baking drab. �— Ka N N N 5 I IL WY1) 22 Leverage. 16 Imitation gem. X10 ��Ip M S T �U 24 Verbal. 18 Five plus five. � �L �� Z `'6 Dyeing appa- SHA'VE R�T00[i), y rattle. 28 Kind of cheese! 1 19 Mohammedan ruler. ZO L1 E S F L�f�N 21 Inducements. OAR N A I N �' P 2-q 80 To afTinn. 23 Grist. 0 RA PO A - Y 1-'4,_,.e, 32 Ragas. 25 Spore masses. 0 G 6 If F E A 5. 33 Opposed to 26 Average R LIS M I 1\1T S' closed. (abbr.). A M I C • ►WJE R 37 Palanquho. 27 Before. ' 40 Knife. 29 Lixivium. positions. 5 Cry of inquiry 42 Data. 30 Since. 51 Note in scale. 6 Most trimly 43 Stair. 31 Semidtameters 52 Cry of sorrow. neat. 44 Part of n 33 Above. 34 Burdened. 7 Blood -sucking window. 34 Blaze of fire. 55 Young of insect. 45 While. 35 Fairy. sheep. 8 Spring fasting 46 Branches. 36 To darn. 57 Her native season. 48 Distant. 38 Noun ending. land. 9 Paid publicity. 50 Stir. 39 Pound (abbr.) 58 She 13 a noted 10 To endure. 51 Obese. 41 Portico. Wagnerian ll Plants. 52Form of "e." 43 Extent of — star. 12 Black bird. 53 Southwest reach, VERTICAL '1G She has a'rich (abbr.). 46 Musical note. 2Bugle plant. --- voice. 55 Musical note., 47 Preposition. 3 To scratch. 17 Soothing 3G Bcforr3.Christi 49 Musical con- 4 Satiates, npplications. (abbr.). , r 16 Z 3 4 15 6 (7 13 SIµ r 17 ®IN 1 19 10 11 iZ 15 zo 23 ZI 34 52 I 63 54 55 56 57 By J. MILLAR WATT DO YOU YES! YOUR GNIN IS REALLY A DOUBLE THINK FEATURE! 1 50 • 21 - JAM wo j' '1'housnnds e' Canada's war workers start their (lay with two NBbiu a Shredded wheat and milk every morning. It's made from Ho', Irholu wheat, includ- ing all the bran, nminelals, and w•Lent germ. It's ready to rat, —ready to give you all the nour- ishment and food energy of pure is hole syh( at. 1':at Nabisco Shieddrd Wheat, t1/4it11 milk, every morning. It will ht Ip Ire( p you active and on the job curry day( THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. N;aenrn Fulls, Canuda SERIAL STORY WANT -AD ROMANCE BY TOM HORNER 1HE STORY: Over job -socking •«'ant ads pretty Kay Donovan curets jobless super -salesman Ted Andrews on a park bench. Through want ads she is located i)y lawyers MacLeod, Goldberg mind Flynn, friends of her late Inventor -father, who tell her she bar inherited $428.85, his factory, &Incl a million cans of all-purpose :Wondrosoap, the product he was staking with his chemist, Hans fitadt, now in Texas, at the time di his death. Kay ignores their a1dvire to liquidate her holdings, determines to go ahead with her !father's plans even though she ekes not understand them. An- drews becomes sales manager of the company in exchange for a quarter interest in it, sends the Troduct off to a rousing start. hings are running smoothly— Kay sharing her room at the fac- tory with Mary Marshall, her Ur TV secretary, whose first move (a fo make them more liveable by aching an old washstand that had belonged to Kays father—when vomplaints come in that Wondro soap cleans too well, eating holes In clothing and paint off cars. CIIAP'I'1' l V Nc/1C1S; ALL PURCHASERS OF WONbItOSOAP — A chemical reaction over which the manu- facturer had no control has made the recently sold \VON- 1)ROSOAP unsuitable for use. hease return your can of WON1)1ZOSO A1' to the store where it vas purchased and ,your money will he refunded. Ted tossed the paper in front of Kay. "'('here, that should do the trick. We've gotto get those rains of Wondrosonp back before the damage gets too great. Alay- hr that ad will bring them in," Kay read it slowly. ''What did the advertising manager In the paper say when you tolyl hint?" • "Ile raised almighty—He was a bit perturbed," Ted amended. "Said that the paper took our advertising in good faith that the cleaner had been thoroughly test- ed and ryas entirely harmless and was all that we said it was. When Flynn assured him that we would make good all dunnages lie agreed to run this ad. But Wondrosoap is deed, killed. 11 committed stli. chic." Itay nodded, "I know il. Some- thing went wrong. Do you sup- pose (lad never tested it? 'Those labels on the con—" "I don't know, IVe're in for a bit of trouble from the federal government, too, Flynn tells ole. But that's his worry. I've got plenty of my own." "1 don't know where we're go- ing to get enough 0100('y'," Kay said, "Refund on 2500 carts of Wondrosoap at 50 cents a can is $1250. Each dealer will keep the profit he made for goodwill. We're out ,just $500 and that's nut coylnting anything for da. nines." c• As it happened, the damages were not as great IIS they had been expected. 'Z'ed's plan to have each person who received a free rain sign for it made it easy to check up on 1500 purchasers --if sitting patiently at the tele- phone for eight hours n day) driv- ing all over town and listening to complaints can be called easy. The dealers were glad to co- operate when Kay and ;Alar, CHAMPION PLOWMEN TAKE TRIP BY PLANE The Salada 'feat Company's Championship class at the International Plowing Match held near Peterborough last Fall brought together top rank horse plowmen from all parts of the Province. Elmer Armstrong of St. Pauls (right), Gold Medallist, and Marshall Deans, Paris (left), Silver Medallist, accompanied by W. C. Barrie of (;alt, are Ween ready to board a plane commencing the valuable trip that was offered as first and second prizes. Time being an important factor to agriculturists, they elected to travel by air and within nine days they visited such points as Winnipeg, Portage La Prairie, Regina, Van- couver and Lethbridge. One of the highlights of their ,journey was the stop off at Portage La Prairie where they participated in the Manitoba Provincial Plowing Match, June 24th. At experimental stations they visited and at meetings they attended, they were afforded the opportunity of exchanging and 'studying new ideas, particularly labour-saving devices and other aids to greater efficiency on the farm. The trip was arranged by Mr. J. A. Carroll, Manager of the Ontario Plowlncn's Association. Plowing Matches which are conducted by local branches through- out the country, play an important part in the production of food for war, for they encourage the better plowing and cultivation of the land so essential for maximum production. SUMMER DAYS ARE PICNIC DAYS 117 BARBARA 11. BROOKS 11'ith Hie open road calling to hikers and cyclists, tnrluttlt'rior meals are the order of the day, and that means picnics. The iuldier home on furlough will enjoy a picnic home -parked s.lylr, Its a change 11'001 cantle rnlions. Picnic lunches fall into two groups, the kind that is rooked on the spot over all upon fire, lulu 1 kind that's packaged at hone all ready to rat. 1'01 the packed lunch, sandwiches are the primary consideration. Itut for health'• and variety's. Fake that's just the beginning. plum' -canned tomato juice i,: wonderful for just .;unit uCru<utns. Deviled 1102E nlsn perk Ili) the S11111•Ins iunrh. For dessert, nothing hits the spot quite as well as Neste fruit - juicy oratwes; ripe cher- ries; sweet, juice -filled pear.- and apples. 'there roust be a home- made cookie or two to go with it, too for nibbling along the was.. Everyone adores the crisp, crunchy cereal hind, especially when it is rich with peanut butler, as in this new' recipe for peanut butter qu:ues. allikirk fillings 1111' ;,rldum I00de from written recipes. They are a blend of the ruck'.; ingenuity and whatever 114.1. refrigerator holds. 11' roast beef was tlit piece de resistance the night before, take the Ic ft oyer heel', ',hop it rine, season it with IVoreestershire sauce and a dash of hul'.-e-radish, and spread between tun pieces of hrnad. Do the .,ant' with longue. Lando, on the other hand, calls for less :itis'' treatment. Ale•ro:y ~lice it, chop some of the that, went with it the day before, and add a Thinly sliced piece of onion soul 11 sprig of water ores,. Should there he pork in the icebox, spread chopped .sweet pickle over 0t, and add salad dressing and lettuce. A change in bread does nma^ir b'il'k:, scilla-andwiches, too. If the bread is hnluemadr, hotter alone is almost enough filling. Here is a recipe for an unusual tett bread made with curie flan•', Spread (cid) cream cheese, It makes a super, super sandwich: Corn Flake. 'fen Bread 2 cups Curti fluke., I tablespoon .<ugitr I 1.cake compressedyeast I leaspoult salt 1 cup milk 1 is tablespoons melted-hortening cup, (about) flour 11011 corn flakes into very dine (Tombs, t'runulle yea: -t• into a bowl. Scald milk. and cool to lukewarm temperature; add to yeast, stirring until yeast is dissolved, .Add sugar, salt, shortening and half the flour; heart until smooth. Combine corn flake crumbs with remaining flour and add to dough, mixing well. 'Turn onto floured board and knead until smooth. ('lace dough in greased howl, brush with nleltcd fat, cover, set in 8 warm place and let rise until double in bulk. Punch down and .shape into loaf. l'lace in greased loaf pain and brush with melted fats Cover and let rise. again until double in hulk. (take in moderately hot oven (125°F.) 15 minutes, reduce heat to :175°I'. and hale about '15 minutes longer. field: I loaf 1.1 x 8 -inch pan). Peanut Butter Squares 'a cup huller 1:. cup pe1ulut hillier 'i pound 111arshntalIOWs 1 package oven -popped race (about 21/2 dozen) cereal (52) oz.) Cook hurter and marshmallows in double boiler. Add peanut butter; heat thoroughly to (blend. Put Oven -popped rice cereal in large buttered bowl and porn' on marshmallow mixture, stirring briskly. Press into shallow buttered pans. (rut into squares when cool. Yield: 32 squares (2--- as X 8 -inch pains,, aoug•ht their help. 'fele girls ex• ;dallied in detail how Kay had inherited the business, how they had taken it for granted that Tim Donovan would never have made Wondrosoap without testing. it fully, and how each dealer would be allowed to keep his profit pro- vided the Wondrosoap was re- turned The dealers were nice about it all. ft was two weeks before tin, warehouse had its full quota of s million cans of Wondrosoap again. Flynn ('ante out to sec Kay and Ted, "Pm buying into this company, if you'll let 111e," he said. "I'll take care of all the costs and damages for a fourth interest." Kay refused. "1 won't let you give me this money. I'll sell the factory, sell the land. We'll pay out. And we'll dump the Won- drosoap in the river. You're aw- fully sweet, Alike, but I can't let you do this for 010," "It's not. myself alone," Flynn ' told her. "MacLeod and Goldberg b1'c in IJ) this, too, The first is uying in. "Listen to ole, child, 1 knew your dad, better than anyone else. 'fine Donovan may have made a lot of mistakes, but he would never have Made one like this, Pm sure of that. I'01 not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Tins, "The damages won't be as big as you thought they would be. My car was the only one hurt, thank heaven, and we'll write that off. The rest is principally cloth- ing. We've got a signed release from every person w•ho bought a can of the stuff—they signed it when they got their money back --and anyone who had a claim has been paid in full. It cost tl2. about. '2000. We got off 110)3'." "But, Alike--" "We're not finished. We're in- corporating this company You, Kay, as president and principal stockholder, will keep 51 shares. Ted will hold 25, and MacLeod, Goldberg and Flynn will get 21," "But we'll never be able to sell the stuff. now," Ted put in, gloom- ily. "The market has 1(11(1((1. The product. i5 no good. We're whipped. Kay's got the right idea. Sell the plant, dump the stuff in the drink." A 5 ! Flynn ttailed until Ti el w•as finished. He could sec that Kay agreed with the boy, "A 11 (1gh1,'' Alike began, "you've all had your say now•. You're ready t0 quit without a battle. "Listen to ole for just a min- ute. 'I'Ihis stuff will 01(811 You've proved that. It will take the paint off metal clean e') a whistle. YOU can 1001; at nay ear if you doubt that, "SO 1011at? If you haven't gut an all-purpose cleaner, you have got n cleaner for Metal. Sell it on that basis. 'There still is a Market for a cleaner like that:" Ted's grin returned. "Say! You're richt! 1 nele'' thought of that angle." Kay .lightened moon ea!tau'ily, then her 4:15)11(11 teturnct'. "It tui'allt so'),." -tae it tt,1i210d. "But huts (...11 tic be 4e t'1.gt it won't oat right through the metal? We don't even know what's in it." Flynn had thought of that, too, "You'll have to hire a chemist, let him try it out, thoroughly, this time," he advised. "When w(1 know all there is to know about this cleaner 'Tint invented, we'll sell it again under a differ- ent name." ile turned to Ted. "'That will be your job, young maul. "Meanwhile wet)) pay the hills and the chemist's salary until we get on a paying basis. 'That's just part payment for our interest." hay shook )ter head, "You're all being grand to ate, but I c'an't take it," she said. "Ted is giving all his time to this job when he alight be drawing good pay with a business that is not doomed before it starts. You and Mi', MacLeod and Air, Gold- berg are doing this, not because you have any hope of saving Wondrosoap, but because you feel sorry for ate. "1'111 licked, and 1 know when to quit. 1 can't ase( you to go in on a losing proposition. I'll moil - gage this factory and site, hire the. chemist Its you say, Alike, but I'll do it alone. 'Then, if it fails again,, 1'II be the 01113. one to take, a loss." "1'm sticking with you, Kay." Ted sounded determined. "Thanks, Ted, but I can't pct you. l'11 pay you $.1000, salary and goodwill, for your quarter interest in Wondrosoap. 1'11 pay the other bills, too, Mike. Will you ar)•anee the mortgage?" they art.,.ed for hours. Flynn was a ten'se'd ill as ('0artl•1(001, but. it took ;all his mastery to con- vince this .iia! ,girl that he ((1l1 1101 being charitable, that it was a sound business proposition bas- ed on his faith in 'print I)onnvaul'a. ability. Ted used all his salesuman!.hip trying to . t 11 Ile t• on the idea. ('hey finally compromised. Kay gate in, with limitations. Under Out new• arrangement they were to hire the chemist as Alike had suggested, find out all they c011141 about AVondrosoap. Then, at the end of a month all expense; would he totaled, and if the product wit:( st.ill a failure the factory w•ouid he veld. :Any' pril'its 111111 re' nlained would be divide 1 alter 'Peds salary ryas paid. "'The goycrnnu'l,1 is looking for it new site for a powder plaint," Flynn said. "114. could sell thein this ode, and we'll get more than the 15(100 we promised you at first. The building alone is worth more than that. \Cell come out on top, child, if you'll ,iu;t give us a little tinge." .i Ted lingered behind alter Flynn had gond' to start his can'. He held Kay's hands tightly. "I'll stay with you just as long as you'll let nmc, Kay," he whis- pered. "'This is more than just g► business proposition with ole. Don't you understand, honey?" hay smile 1 up at him. "I un- derstand, 'I'cd. rut it., still st'lcl- ly 111211 es"." (l'ont ir.ue:l Next Week) 1Lt housewiles ul Canada arc the "Housoldicrs" -the 4 it( hens the "Hunk Frust". )•uu (.ul 1(000 by practicing t(elll"Iny 1G your Indica. • r Delightful desserts can still he served to the family—rich, nourish- ing custards, and blanc manges made easily and at little cost with Canada Corn Starch. Use Crown Brand Syrup to 522(0 sugar. It's delicious as a sauce on desserts, on pancakes or with cereals, and is a wonderful sw'ecr- ener for use in cooking and baking. FREE: Slid tet tin' rut. 11,41'1— to rate Sagotr", ('1)2:1y 2,1 Ip Addrebe n qui rt III Do : .,I -11., r ,,,;,,da . ,.. 1'o Hume Service, 911 N'I 110,0a. t. di, L., i .r,,nt. . CROWN B SYRUP Ctz CANADA CORN Mitch 5 % The CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED How to Conserve TEA ANP COFFEE I-Iere is a gram( mealtime beverage with a (leiicious, robust flavor all its own. Instantly made in the cup —.VERY ECONOMICAL. POSTU BRAND 4 oz. size makes 50 cups, 8 oz, size makes 100 cups. POSTUM A CIaIAI YIVIRAGI -//tca!J n boatels e 9/1ahe4 /00 Gap,' 1'212 M//1 INITANIIT 104 TNI tut lTii Y7 01I. 7.Y 111 a \ TABLE TALKS By SADIE B. CHAMBERS Honey Recipes 1 have many requests this week for recipes for honey as 11 substi- tute for sugar. :And why not? Never in our lifetime have we ever 1learl•d such discussions on sugar rationing and now, that you all have your 11111011 cards, you will be trying to use then( to the best advantage. 1)o not he dis- couraged nor anxious for with careful cooking and no waste 1 believe you will find little change. After all we have been promised sugar for canning. Most of us ('at far too many carbohydrates anyway, We are told that, along with our neigh- bors to the South of us, we are "a starch poisoned race" auto sugar being the other carbohy- drate we may be able to say much about it too. Certainly those who find they must have sugar, and several lumps of it, in tea and coffee and heaps on their cereals and "what not" are going to find they will feel much better in health and more able to perform the many tasks for "King. land Country" which we are al. going to be. called upon to do. 1 hope you will find these re• cipcs some help; they conte (rant the 1)epal'lnlent of Agriculture laboratory at Ottawa. Honey Oatmeal Cookies with Date Filling cup butter '4 cup honey 1 egg 11 Culls flute' 1 cull tine oatmeal teaspoon still twlsp)on almond rho, ',ring 1:1 teaspoon soda Prean) butter, hone y and egg well. Add silted dry ingredient:, and flavoring. ('hill, roll and cut with a cookie culler, Bake in a hot oven 7 to S minutes 1)11ti1 at delicate brown. As soon as the Cookies are cold, spread with date filling and put 100,1 1101'. Honey Orange Custard 2 eggs :t tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons honey 1 cup mill( 2 tablespoons water '`r teaspoon salt Juice amt grated rind of 1 orange Beat egg yolks, add grated orange rind, Make 11 smooth pate of flour, water and honey. l'nnl- 1)1)1e with (ggg yolk egg mixture. Beat egg• yolks stiff, :old mill: to yolk mixture and fold in whit, s. Oven poach for 45 12(51215 a: 275 to ;:(10' 10. Honey Muffins 1 cup graham flour ')i cup white. flour 54 cup 110110' 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 egg !"e eup butter b tea; poops baking powder Mix and sift dry ingredients; add still: gradually, egg well beaten, honey and melted butter. Bake in a moderate oven in but- tered gem pans for 25 minutes, Honey Orange and Carrot Marmalade Take six medium sized sweet navel oranges (skins only) and put through a meat grinder using tho fine knife. '1'o this acid an equal amount of carrot prepared in the sante way. To each cup of the combined ingredients add two cups o1' water and soak over night. Simmer for tWO hours; remove from the stove and add the grated rind and juice of six lemons, Let stand overnight again and simmer until a good jelly test is obtained, 'fo each cup of the pulp mixture add 1 cup of honey and 1: cop of sugar. Boil to 222`F,; let cool slightly and pour into sterilized jaws. :All honey may be used instead of part sugar but n akes a sweeter marmalade. make a jelly test strain off one tablespoon of liquid from the pulp mixture; let it cool; add one tablespoon of alcohol; mix and let stand fora few minutes. A thick jelly like substance will form if* the mixture has had enough sinunerinc. ISSUE 29—'42 • Page 4. 6MK ctottvet4KtetteclattoecutKKK ciatitRKK ciocc mutteKKKKKKKtootto uswo J. H. R. Elliott. Gordon Elliott INSURE NOW! AND I3E ASSURED. g 1 Elliott Insurance Agency1 CAR—FIRE--LIFE—SICKNESS—ACCIDENT. I3LYTH-- ONT. Ottico Phone 104. Residonee ''hone 12 or 140, t "COURTESY AND SERVICE" li il 64111:t1Ptiil,a4/)IktiEdc3ririr111Dt?c3t)440E)944401)lir 1DIND44NatbiDtDi NNIti ADI 1s THE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE .i YOU EVER HAD so hit anti run methods her'. Your eye.; are thoroughly examin• ed arta you are told the truth lax int thele. If glasses are no.;e;. sary, you get tale finest quality at the lowest prices. Twenty -IIA .years experience in Optometry is ' day. •your guarantee of Si(lsNoti0f1 , ''.)gilt Taylor, of Sotltha111p1011, Foil of 11r. and Mri. Frederick Taylor, of Nile, died in Kincardine Iliospital. Ile In Willows Drug Store, Blyth, underwent a tonsil operation in the hospital and a hemorrhage followed and despite all medical Efforts he passed away. 'He was in 114 :.'Sth year and was a finisher in the Hep. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST worth Furniture factory at Southamp- ton. Ile i; survived by his wife and _Appointments with Mr. Willows two young sons, aged four and two years, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 'T'ay'lor, of Nile; three Bis- _ Mels, alf is Wilda Taylor, Granton; llreltel of Ilepw•l i" L I,SI� ER 3 , Park of l luwota• girls to hustle home, down a dusty country road for the evening chores. , and theft for himself he .wanted that blessed feeling of lh'cdn's: 1 II Can almost he a comfort at the ('1111 of a hard day'. 1 wouldn't 111' surprised to tier Jud- son back on that farm some of Ihcse days: Holy Mark's AUBURN Communion and Sermon in St. Church at 10 a.m. next 51111• R. A. Reid, R.O. THE STANDARD 71 roik Wednesday, July 15, 1913, Here's Great News For "- ou! WETTLAUFER'S ARE Going Out of starting Thursday, Jul =: 16 OFFERING SENSATIONAL PRICES ON Dry Goods, Men's Wear, Shoes Wall Paper, China> WETTLAUF STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING I'HI 1 OF LAZY MEADOWS tr.E l t alt.. lien t ;pm); also four heather;, Stan of H"11t (by Harry .1. Boyle) Mon; Raymond, of Welland; Stewart had Phew kind of days during lg ite j and Bernard, 0f Nile. 1113 tunerai Day Of Liberation Coming! Record Chick Production past two or •three years, people have For France rut 11;1 tb,' Ill I"_ hull fiery .,-1,11, a was held In Sontih;unhlon. or R vva; .lu.,t after diner wilco ;h,' Ir'ate hill Reid, Kitcheucr, vi�itc l , become ecettitomet1 to thinking in IuUll of 2'.4.1'.11:•11;:i'':": gr:ull 11 l hit l,- w, r, car drove iu the l ((((0 1 '. It 11), Jull J 14)111- of dollar.; rather than in pen n lc ;111 is dropped on I`rute1 yes. i ton Cailry, a young 111;{,1 we know I pen - with his wife, and •1(r. and ales, Scut- ' nies and dimes, l n(ler the first 1111• 1111"1"":" rr;'rrsl rats an in lrrdny 011 the ewe of Pastille ray, fart1 1 aw'lur. • 1 d�orelgu 5c;•retary' :\11111011)• 1(den told cre:e'r, t 1 HI per real in tit- j1 t'i eery well a1 Lazy Meadows. Ile used 1'8131 of .1 budget. such as we have just live yl us. I'll(' numhr'r lei/floret Mr. and 1fr Reg. Fidler, Cod^riclr the French po; 1113 that Iirilai(1 is . 10 live over on the 'Twelfth Cbnces• find, there i1; a common tendency for 1,011 in lir 11 ;.! I.1;i: t1 (' 1 1 u,'.lii Irl . townSlup, with 11r. .111(1 Mrs, lh0108:, ,celebrating I'lnure.t indep"ndenr' slum but never seemed to be very in men and women to keep on thinking in Pilo. A1cN:111. '1)!3' "111 the hope and eorl;linty t11..(1)1..1i at (crested in the farm. In fact we woe=' } ,nate Utley Pall, ex, N,'R,, ,in terms r:'f dollars, \\'e hurriedly re. ho 111 ra.iuu 1'r0nl the lyraluli: o1' .,im:111•,1 not the least bit surprised when 1)1 S'r 'I'` view the large items of our personal 1 with his parents, 31r. and 11rs, Antos the present will he accomplished.' moved into the village and '.started ' budget, such as rent, food and cloth - selling it:''vnrance. Ile wanted an ens• Hall. ing, and can see no possibility of cut Ills message 8150 was read on the Private Marl Craig, Iiittllener, vis !IR('. 1'renclr's }engram I011igh1 ler way c1) living awl it bigger' car and tlll'g down on thee(' 11U'.lj0r 11('111`1. \\'t' Iltcd w'it'h 31r, and 111•;. Bert Craig. "C1) that dal' u1)' li!u'retion, 11 r., I?d- all that, forgot 10 Bert Cunningham,[0111' VE'/.{1' Old `'Olt , I•('ll)C11U•ICr that 1'01' centuries 1've 01 (11 wandered if Judson watt rl';tcl< substantial savings have been ((1 "said, "we know that we and Ilse happy at his new work. That's way of ale. and lies, Verne Cunningham, bllllt up through unceasing vigilance 'Peelle 0f Prance will 81"111 h,e broth; of Cull:orae '1owushi'p, l'ec(7lve;l injur er,; in arms, sort cf Valli, d around 8118 didn't t o les in a fall while play'in g in the barn `alahtst the uarclEs upending 0!' 511101' out to the field right a,wt,y to start b pieces of silver, The teen and w'o• "J111 )110hile the people of Itritain in ".t the haying again. T kind of 7'111 some other children, 1)r. ]3, (', men who will budget every cent of pray for that day and prepare Thr:u- \\'Eir, of Auburn, gave first aid and thou lir: during the next solves fur 11 as ardenly as you flu. thought that ,fed to had sclnethl'g year and took hilt to Co:lerich 11013)1181 where dor wE know that lir 11(4)111(' u1)' un Ills mind. ltd sad en ele edge of 0)10 will the letand" and tallerli about a whole pinch each penny, nickel, an X-ray revelled .t broken 11•;ht arm dime and quarter before spending If, 1'tau to and the peoples u1)' lhituin au1 e above. the elbow, ile was later re hos a((1 • Bland silo by side with and the I•^w� tax("; ...and the incur• lot 01 -11'-'11 <, It wc• the war . ,---1peudin, squall change only after n1(41ecd 10 his home, cuntnro11 purpose animal( 0 by a coin- , weighing the valve to be rerelwed :111:,; Amelia31cdlwafn with friend.; on ideal,' ;Ince 1;: ..s 1. Ile started tolling me against the value of that change to 1)u Clinton.31r. Eden addressed the French ".:,out his home and the fine, new our country .{ t war,—will always have ('':rparal Robert .1 Craig, S. Tin people nut Duly 11s fricuds but as Kitchen they have in it and of the nal• money left over for \1';11 Sawiu g:c vantage there was for We children m" visited over the w'ec'lt•end with Stamp,, \Vas b(V'Ings Certificates and :\'lies. and told them that in the Ills parents, 11r. and Mr:;, W. J. Craig, past two years, they had proved in being able to go to 1'3111)01 141thutlt 1 Victory Loan bonds, i 11r. 8'1;1 Mi -s. C'at •I 1"0unl11alu't, of themselves faithful Allies try conitln- hat'111;: 10 walk for a mild to 110 so. IFa.milton. and 111, and lies. Percy Wog the struggle against the ruin - Js seemed to me that Jud =•:)n 1V1 1.1 trying to iil"ke explanations for his 1'3'.laungblut and Sams, fouglaa and 1'.1)'• t101) enemy, ;way of liranl. 1 wasn't arguing but , ()Aland. whI ited over the weelc•end "Pott have Droved 1 youi s13lwes .1111('.; with Mr. ant 1 1'4. ,loin F. 1'o; O'11710t,In adversity, hi days whiell have been he was. Ile was trying to impress lir, and Mrs. Cordon I'obit: and eon's, me that he enjoyed living in the vit. Injured While Haying. dark far us and darker ,;till 1(1, you. \\'illiant and Gerald, of Fergus, visit- I "Tutt have maintained unfaltering lags. Ile w',u1t n a to see the many ed with air, and 1Irs, \Varner An- .111 ulfortullate acc(tellt happened Ihostility towards the invader and yon a:war a;;c+ there are in a s:1 -called on E1301duy afteruoutt at the farm or drew:.lblss ,Audrey rt turned with thehave refused to glare any confidence white•r,)1:ar .tub. 1 just at a11c! list ,1:'111 r (3nrily for a v!s't. !Harold \\'alsh, during haying opera• it1 poi ltic•tatls whom the Germans erred to him. I tio115, when A•h, Bacon, a neighbour 1 31r. awl Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor have 'lave imposed 111)011 you, tree have BELGRAVE 1'11 never know what there was in• , '(0)1(111), with him, was hdclted by a gide nal tba pr,.ul )ted to say, 'furl. returned from London ant, were ac ,proved better I rEnch11u,n Than they. 1hoose, •JIr, Bacon, who was kicked 111 .companicd by 11r, and Mr{, Lloyd R. —_ son, are yo 1 as happy in the villa,—, the face by the 'horse, fell against Rattooy, who spent the weekend hero, Gcilel'd! R111c5 I OP as you were 1 acic 00 the old home• stones, which further injured his head, ' ' i' \Its, F'ran'c \\'0ods, 1 onde: 1.1'0, with stead on the Twelfth 1 0th( ession'."' , Mr. and alis, James Rbbcrlon. \led(eel aid vats summoned and the 1' ceiling Voting figs It 1.m1 of rltutl''1 h'.nl. II" I001713l al' air. and 11 r;. Kr 'es and finally, r.f unconscious ratan was removed to There are eight r lit, r1), y general rale.; fur g rets in the face and thea 11itc'lrll, with 11r, and 31r3, Fred \\'iighant hospital, ills condition re- • feeding young pigs: (1i heed three Fat there as if he were thim'(ing f0, a long lime. .lfter what scented like Ser:, a long !111)13 110 said, "'Iliac' -s what i, ' -.- • has continued to show Improvement, changes of rations .Slowly; ('1) Real• tethering me right naw,"/ Mr. David Armstrong and Jane spent i'e that the breeding pig is an out - Jud •un : "rte,: tall 'nu again, Just I etlily Watchers Needed a I'ew day's in Kitchener. oi'•doors animal: I,-11 Aipproxhim Ie Jike a f••l:rlw• who has been a7•a3• frr,ul '111' fir ,t reaction of 0)11,1' (':ulatlialt IIrs. Harmon 31-11-cliell of Rothsay outdoor conditions in the farrowing home for ;t lupe time and then 111•'1315 citizen,; to 111•. 1lslcy's drastic new ..,pent a few day.; with relative.; here, and feeding pen; that is, supply 1're,:11 8n old I.:er 1. ll 08'- 1)11(1) ? a -111 biolge1 was to reach a hasty conch's- 31iss 31rl'Ile Yuill has accepted a air, light, drainage, and, ('hove all, (•110)11')11 •' to hear 11111 te11i'~; 81.0)1( lull (hat after pay(11g Illure8Sed 111• piodriun in lltu'ristoa Public Scheel avoid draughts and dluntlntesu: (ti) flit, rl''fereet thin"?_ ,that took place ('(:011 taxes and compulsory sarin117, (where she will lcachcr Grades :1 and it, Alake ('x(')13!5(' a 113!1))(' factor with when he wa< the "farm':')" in place they would have no more money left i Jack Ad0(51)0rg of Dram; ton and every class and age of breeding pig; of t11 '1iliag' hur•111e-, man." 10 buy \\;(r Savings Celttifiraiea 11 110 Gibson Ann.:irelig of New Ilalu'aurg, (7) For economy and health. see that I1 • -'8.8('11 telling about In, old \'fctary Loan Rend`. spent the tveelound at their home, green feed, pasture, roots, and well - 111u." ;11(11 h •w he would like to fix No 0110 wi11 ecru'e the Mill i';tcr of here.il curet' roughage are pert of the ra- h up ... p 0 in a new kitelo'n for hi•, finance for having failod to11 ice 11 'Iv Iasi lace the one he built in the i Kenneth Wheeler who hes ,joined 'lion, particularly for breeding sf0rle; l'an:Ath''s current war problem gun -flip I1.C,,\.F., left on 31o11tay to report (S) l{e111e111b1r that the pig is a poor village. He Canned on fencing off e,tly before the pruple of Canada. a -t manning fool, Lachine, ;patient and especially difficult to the lawn a'd lies ping It ne it ar 1 6 (2uchec, I i Ile reported that w•e would have to !)cat, Strive tu,clitninate the cal;hEs green ...null 0f how he would like collect al out four Hilton dollars t' I •3liss Ferrol Higgins will take up her teaching Julie? in September at Galt of disease, rather than cure it. to (1(1(111 111(7 bark twenty-five acres. ('81131 on (111111134 the fiscal year, 1113 hither T11fornlat)o) 00 11113 s11b,11: t Ile alts I ' t'tt; a.lro)1t the good said that even with the inerc;r:ell ((11010 she will have eh.uge c, 1' Grade ;, s '1 there w on II'1e old farm. Ile In one of rhe city s:hools, 'w•11I be f0•nnl in the \\'ante(' Produr- Uokes, he aut.lcil "led olay a' net fru) lion Special Pamphlet, No. :1, "'Tile 1.'8•'' !eel 0n about an 0111 tell hen (11cy 11111110/1 d' 1tars revenue from taxes,. The lural boys sponsored n dance on 'Feeding u1)' Swine.' and No. ;t1) "('r, 1:=1 '1 1" h:(ve that always used to and that the other half of the year'; rriday evening 1' aid of the el'garelte .: bug_ Find for the bus Overseas. Ad'lhur's 1eutton 1!onEtyn 1 o -so' in Young „� r � 'y in 'he driving sited war bill would have to come from y , „ t 1(.�, whish Wray be obtained by . , , . the leaky tvaier-)'(I•gll In the voluntary purchases of certificate; Orchestra furnished the music and a '(twritiug the Nublicity and l;xlEtlaielt 1(811)•)1,• 1 and the way the p'.gs used and 'rands, good time wits enjoyed by tho.;e pr(':;- Divlsdwl, D01101001.lleplu•Ilnrnl 111' 11) hest'! fur 1(14' nlud(13 spot besido 11, 31r. Ilsley was rr•t8onably sure of r'tIt, .Agriculture, Ottawa, en het ,:ay; in the summer -t'i'ne. 'iris ground e.iu'n he laid his new• plan I Gordon Nethery,'son of Mr. and airs, The I' tin fact wr; that Judson before nil, 1Iou5e o1 Coulnlon 11^ 1'. Nethery of \\'awanosh, has cab':'(I warted 11: get back 00 the furor. Ile knew Ill It the large sunt of two hit• his safe arrival in England. wa: leve. �ne fol' all the little thins lion dollars to be raised thioegh (he, 311'5. Nell Me('rca, who 11", heel, '1 Men, Women Over'40 !'tat- nsc,l to make up his living out sale of Canadian securities will be Patient at Queen .5lexandrla l/(spitstl, (herr, fie saw all the things that he available. And he also recognized 11y'l'an, for scene time, has returned to eo111d hate nolle in the day" when his -that that ationey w-1 11 be avalkt1,Je only 1'11 1101)1(' 61 1!r. and Mrs. ItOe11 Me - thoughts wet a occupied with how he if each indtvllua.l dues his ('hare in Crra in the village. ('0111(1 get. an "cagy" job in the village. 'cutting down his private spending to Holy Communion tool Sermon In (lo wanted quiet evenings in place o! is bare minimum. Trinity Anglican Church, Sunday next parties , , . he wanted his boys and in days of easy money, and we have at li.;;:l a.m. maimed cacrious until Sunday afternoon dim; 0011y; 1:11 Never feed more than when he regained consciousness, and the pig will clean 1191; I;1) Hake all Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? , linea weak. rundown, exhausted condition make yet feel tagged out. old? Try eatrec. (8)10(1na grnrral tordc., atlmalanta, often needed after 30 or 40, Supplies Iron, calcium, I.ho,phorus, vitamin Ht. Helps you get normal per, vim, vitality, In- troductory sire Ostrex Tonle pep. only 35e, Fur Rale et all Ford drug stores everywhere. . la milli, n, ;1101 1107. 1:11' 1101li0n'7 lel 1.1 I:, I'l'l' 1' t1):11 !II'II I,'','! ,sliest til r!Ilek I,) pr.1t for I,,,. the I , 3.! -..1 en (11 ill -;1 /' ;i.linrll 1. ;.tu-r, 4;; .1lhrrl:t. 0,7!l,: 1'I ,(1r11' \1,,11 ' 11-!1•1" 1,1;,'... 1111':1;'!,1 1',.;11. 0 11rl !, • \, Prue ,;".‘..!1'.;.1) 1111 1'i ,l, • I:Iw„i.1 I Lull r• IJiTI,ER r11Oi-;(' ''Cues instead of butter.” So the Nazis have 01111s! \Ve must catch up • .. and 1)eat. them. They tortured people to 11111 L(' thein save. We must Favi' Willingly. So it's til) I(► 1(5, each one of us, to econo- mize of' our O'.VIt free will • .. to economize 111(1 buy Wal' Savings Stamps so that .\'e can outstrip our enemies with planes and tanks and 81115 3111(1 !;hips ... 5o that our soldiers may 1►e better equipped than the enemy they bac(' to conquer. Women 111ust. hell) 1)y economizing in the hitch(',), by patching and (iarfling, by shopping carefully and cutting out waste. 1\lalce up your mind /tote to kitty one, two, life 01' more War Savings Stamps every week. You ('Qit. You must! Buy iI-or Sarirtg.v Stumps ,front hanks, post offices, telephone offices, depart m I store:., druggists. grocers, tobacconists, hoof, stores and other retail sturey. National War Finance Committee 13.0 Wednesday, July 9.1, 1•g .. .. tile:LY,CIE [1,11'1 q1` 111; A'I'I{ E ,1' WINGI{AM-ONTARIO. 1, 'I'll'() Sli0111'S Silt, Night. ;1; ;l; Thurs.,Fri,, Sat, -July It,•17.1H •i' '(;Ronald Rearan, Olympc Uradra i'I'1' ,t, •t, , II1tcl'11i1t1011it) S(jllall1'011 ,1, ,t, ;f, A :,rii•:ring drllnl:I 111 the li•'ru,', t ,_. ..I' 1111' ;lir- •1, • Also News and Cartoon '_: t? Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2,30 p,m.,h •1 •t 1, Mon„ Tues., Wed, ---July 20.21.22 ;1; ;t; Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre 'f ,i, and Mary Astor in ,1, 't, •t' ,1, "The �\1a1tesc Falcon " ,1. t, 4.1'hr \!.I' , 1''.11:' :II ' 1)rll; 11,•:11h,i, lm• 111.11,1 It lir own 11 ;11:1 11;tn)',,'1• ,i, lu Ih .r 11'11', want if. ,t, ;1, :. ALSO CARTOON •_, 1,'.:,: :1111',:,: '.,',',:.:,:,,,,,u' ',:u,, 11,11,, . . 114,'4,,.. ,,, .,",,,,',,;.1)y,,;.,, 14ON11Ii1,SiRO( () '1.111' Joy Inr1'lilll; ul' IIl1• \\. \I. was 11,'1.1 at (11„ I'•al..:rni:.• Jill T1011..- 11:0 1;1,1 tsitll 1:5 ;''1 11111 Ir f; It .I Ihr \1!'•!'ru Ili- :11.11 Pans) and Baby li,tn,l. 11• ,•'• 01)1'111•,1 trill' Ilse I'r: till 111 i,, i•l int 1'IIIItiI':In Ira: sung, 1.1111111.1:1 1y ;lir Lord' Prayer iu ani' -un. 'lily' 11111111(, n; 111;1 Inti; till:; at;Ic It iii 1.y ;hi. la,y, also Ih:nth yon card:, The w.,rd for 11011 1';111 1 n' '1ai1;l. .\I hasllie 1•,t :g• 111::',Ilst Ittr, lift); 1'r emir in,itnl 01 til.' •I'anlhly'n, pres'dinu. The ll i n I'.tu,l ga'e all Ilse pr 'gram. i (I.. \Voest ),es• ':I: Billy Puts•. an, a :e' it tti u; lh1.ri• were ;rho In ,5t1•atll''lllnl I;11,'.s, all.: 1 it:I,I, Ile. I,3' the girls nit'' II 1.01.'1; by .1 ll 111 :,her: ,Lt elle I'a(d. L'el1 111 1.g 1 '11''•11 1:11 I!1 ' efts rine. The ,\' inual A;iihenl w sung an 1 ,lel ;in; el'11-, :I. The rl n 011.1 0: ler on: I.n'0 r1 ; PEP TALK IN EGYPT )sell, :11' l.ati,:, .I. i., Aue'uriieck ra.lee a elk) ;i1 i:1.1 a,', tlel'` 11 ,.g.; 1 i ,10a1 1,.e i'.il' .Il which 1110 hits been toul'i:,g, ,i e 11'vil 5L"ce taklllg all. .:.',;le , ,..11a11ti U1 til':,1LIi . I'4:111.1 :\I'u'y.:\llChlldeck'Y encouraging; ;tratcg;j, l:,:r it ocll :\Ili.reen terve., to t'hi'ck the drive of lionuue:: Axis .ltlad(:s. V u l C 6 PRESS AN AMAZING MAN What tin amazing man is. Churchill! Here he is over in Washington again conferring with ILA President of the United States, Sixty-eight years of age, carry- ing the tremendous reeponsibili- gea of an Empire, with its arm linked into other countries of the world, and yet he seems to cross! Ibe Atlantic with the daring spirit at an early Viking! How many poraons, much younger, could live up to such a schedule as !1,s mat go through constantly': —Kingston \\'hig-Standard —o— PRONOUNCING "RATION" Speaking of rationing, there seems to be some difference ei sidulon about its pronunciation. The dictionary allows both the long and short "a," but since the military have always used the 'sort ''a" that gets the prefer - duce, which makes it pronounce "rsehoning," rather than ray- slhoning." Anyhow it seems ap- ropriate, considering the sub- joet, that the "a" should be short. —Brantford Expositor NAZI MOTTOES In 1940 German propaganda uroelaimed, "We have won." In 1941 the motto was: "We shall win." In this year of 1942 it bee been again changed, to read: "We must win." Anyone trying Asn express in a nutshell the de- velopment of German public re - cation to war events could do no worse than to remember this ser- o of mottoes. --St. Catharines Standard !NICE FELLOWST HOSE HUNS A German U-boat commander, who used to be consul at New Orleans, torpedoed an American ship, and when the survivors bad taken to a small boat he told them to row a certain direction to land. The Bailors, knowing their Huns, rowed in the opposite di- ltrnetion—and came to shore safe- ly. playful fellows, those Ouzel --Ottawa Journal --o- --Windsor Star —0— PERSONAL INTEREST lilverybody seems to know orseugh arithmetic to figure out wh is coming to him, —Kitchener Record, —o— BUDGET EDITORIAL OUCH •--St, Thomas Times -Journal Little Cheap Guns For Second Front ihritair. is producing a £2 sub- machine gun to arm saboteurs and patriots expected to help the Allies open a second front in 'Europe, it was disclosed recently. The weapon, which looks like n dime -store version of the Tommy gun, can shoot nine -milli- metre German, Italian and French ammunition and has been tested in commando raids en the French freest, The gun is regarded as highly useful fur ';hock troops and home guards, but its cheapness, mili- tary experts point out, makes it on ideal weapon for big-sc'a:e dis- tribution to saboteurs. Fitted with a magazine holding A4 rounds, the gun can fire at the rate of more than 500 rounds n minute, is effective up to 200 Yards and has a useful life of score than 5,000 rounds. Eight magazines go with each gun and when loaded they weigh only eight pounds. The guns will be easy to sow in occupied coun- tries by parachute or by meg- The g,lu is called the ''Sten," a word used to conceal its de- signers real names. One Hoyal Ordnance fa,•1(ly is producing them at. the rate of tic ee a min- ute. Cituerrs , 1..'V1 MAtIRiC[: r) )P \VIN ll rfilAT; A Weekly Column About This and That in Our Canadian Army When 1 cause home from the last war I heard a lot of grousing about some fellows who had spent the wag' yeai'F w'or'king ,n m1U111- tione plants. It wasn't the sol - 'hen who complained—they simp- ly said: "Lucky stiff, that's what I would have done if 1 had Into tiny sense"—it was the older civ- ilians. They seemed to feel it was wrong for some people to have earned "high wages' while ethers did the fighting. Just who should fight and who should stay at home is u hard problem—and one that is really solved only by those who volun- teer. No columnist is in a position to make a forthright statement on the subject because he cannot know all the circumstances that lead to an individual's decision, Neither, 1 suspect, can anyone be arbitrary on the subject. But we can all wonder. And this is the sort of thing that makes us wonder. A few day' ago Paul V. McNutt, federal security administrator in the Un- ited States, said to an audience at a meeting of the Americas Medical Association that the G1). iced States needs 3,000 doctors every month for the Army anti Navy. He said: "There i' an apparent leek of interest on the part of your profession to volunteer be- eause of reluctance to give up private income for army pay." That was a strong statement, but McNutt is not noted for with- holding his punches, e c)vi;i11L don't need doe - tors us badly as will the soldiers when the 'tug battles gut under way. For a tummy -ache or a brukei leg we can wait a few minutes or hours if the civilian doctors have to spread their tal- ents over more of us, But s shell -torn soldier can't wait. 11t there should not be enough doc- tors in the Army to give prompt attention to badly wounded men because too many stayed home to look after us it would be a trag- edy. Perhaps we ask too much at our medical men. We take it far granted that they will come M whatever hour of the day air night we call; we take it equa'lIg for granted that they will con* whether we have a record of pay - mg our bills or not; and we aisp take it for granted that they will give quite a bit of their time to free clinics. The Army needs doctors. So does the Air Force, This year quite a number of young men finished training and new ahinglea will be cropping up all over the Dominion. Let's hope that a good percentage of these shingles will take the forst of pips on the shoulders or rings around the cuffs -1'd hate to think of 1,l Canadian public man making aj speech like that of Paul McN'uit, It all gives one very furious* to think! What are we doing to he along the successful pro,eoutt� of the war? LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "We'll have to let her go. , . . Customers fall in love with her and can't eat! !" REG'LAR FELLERS—A Sad Case STOP YOUR CRYING'', I'M SURPRISED TO SEE A BIG BOY LIKE YOU CR'(IN(j / Are we feeling that because there is nothing spectneuter ww can do that the little things are not Ivorth while:' \\'c do, some- times, and it's too had, That old saying, "Mony a sheltie sucks a muddy," was never more true than when applied to the work of the individual citizen in a Nar. Take this businese of voluntary rationing, for example. \'uu've heard people say, "We only drank two cups of tett before it was rationed. Even if we do cut down to only Ono how much shipping space will that save?" It will save very little -- but, multiply that one cup by 13,000,000 and 500 what the saving; is then. Let's work it out. The saving of one ('up of tea by every Can - mien, taking 200 cups, as equalling one pound, means a saving of 32',2 loos of tea every day. A ton of tea uccull,cs approximately 100 cubic feet of cargo space --.- a0 our one cup of tea Saves 3,230 cubic feet. What can a stttcdore do with 3,250 cubic fe'et': Well, rueighly : peahing, that is a pile eight feet high, 20 feet wide and 20 feet long, It would accommodate two Valentine guilts or goodness knows how many cases of rifles or Breit guns, The stevedore could load about 80 one ton aerial bombs in the same space or eight universal t'arrie's. One cup of tea a day. Multiply it by 3105 day:! Not bud? No, it's nut bud but it's only u frac- tion of the Burgo space that can be aln'ed if we all o1' us cut our ten consumption ill half! Of course it isn't spectacular, thie voluntary contribution that works no hardship on us, but it is another way in which the Indi- vidual Citizen's Army can make t possible for our sons and broth- ers and sweethearts and husbands to do the spectacular war work because we are willing to stand behind them even in the little things, Interne Japs Who Refused To Work Japanese workers at Geiltie and Deeolgne, two road camps near Jasper, Alta., have refused to work, a spokeemall of the British Col- umbia. Security Commission said recently, and 13 of the ringlendera have been arrested and are en route to internment at the Cana- dian immigration detention sheds in Vancouver under guard, The arrests bring to 20 the num- ber of Japanese now being held. Sixteen others were interned at Vancouver after what appeared to bo organized outbreaks at other attnps. The work strikes lure iu protest against the separation or Japan - sae men from their families and delay' in receiving pay cheques. "The commission le handicapped to removal of Japanese from the British Columbia defence area," said Major Mellor, epokesmau for the commisalou, owing to the re- Itlotanoe of citizens in proposed settlement areas to accept the eYacu eee, "Many people are blind to the tact that security of the Pacific coast is a national, not a local Mb) ean." Att extensive building program to accommodate evacuated famil- ies is contemplated in Brinell Columbia and the prairie prov- inces before the winter, but the sine of Mese operations cannot bo determined until Ontario farmers deedde how many workers they require on sugarbeet fau•nts. Approximately 7,600 Japanese remain in Vancouver awaiting re- moval, Old Navy Signal "Greek" To Yanks The old and always welcome signal "Splice the main brace" Dame from King George's ship atter he reviewed British and Un- tted Status naval forces recently, American ships all obediently hoisted the same signal but no one knew why, Then it was explained it meant every British Bailor got a double issue of rum to drink the Ring's health. It was suggested that may- be the crews or .the liquorless United States warships got double ice cream sotlns, WELL, WMT DOWT YOU TAKE ME TO THE MOYIES, TOO i' I CAN PUT MY CLOTHES ON IN A JIFFY/ THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current L' encs Black Sea Repair Base Lost When Sevastopol Fell The tall of Sevastopol, accord• ing to the Christian Science Monitor, may have left the Iles. elan slack See Fleet without e base where repairs esu be midi taken. All during the nwuUlr; whin en- couraging news came from Russia concerning the successful stood the Solicit; were slaking against the Nazi advance, naval obsert• ern viewed Nits npprehcnt;ion the failure to dislodge the Germ:ins from their hold on the Crimean Peninsula, and the attendant threat to Sevastopol, the only ade- quate base left the Russian Nilly 111 the Black Sea. This Ilett has made no 1n1pul• Utnt contribution to the liur„itul war effort other than presenting a lierlous obstacle to Gorman ,io• initiation of the Mitch Sea. It is composed of a heterogeneous 001• lection of ships, which at the out- break of hostliitiec, with Germany, consisted of one old 2;3,000 -ion bat• tie cruiser armed with 12.111ch guns, five small modern cruisers, three old cruisers, and some 0111 dewt -oyers and subulu'1110s. At vedette times during the past year the (i'rnlalls have claimed the destruction of several units of the fleet. by airplane bunibe, none u[ w'hicli have: been eunfh'nled by the Russians, Con- sequently, no one knows the pre- sent strength of the Soviet Black Sea force, However, it is sale to assinne that it still has a strength far superior to any 0111er force in that area, Italian Naval Ruse At one time there was a rumor- ed attempt to coerce 'Turkey into permitting certain units of the Italian Navy to pass through the Dardanelles under the guise of having been transferred to the Rumanian flag, but, if this effort actually was made, nothing calve of it, and the ltussian Fleet con• tinned to control the Black Sea, Thele is no question but that Nazi strategy includes a drive on the oil producing regions in the Near East, and it may have even the more ambitious design o[ striking across southern Asia. Should Japan be successful ii ite effort to dispose of serlous Chinese 1'osietallce, it in turn will then be free to begin a push west• ward, which it successful, would permit these bizarre allies to join haude. Each will then have access to badly needed raw materials which the other possesses to consider- able quantity, and the prestige attendant upon the control of lel area extending half way around the world will undoubtedly have a far-reaching effect on their reht- tions with the few nations which have managed to remain unin- volved in the gargantuan conflict that has spread all over the globe. Despite the former pessimistic opinions of experts, Germany seems to have all the oil and its derivatives that it requires for the stupendous military efforts it exerts at several widely separated war fronts. "Scorched Earth" Effective In vlew of the very effective "scorched earth" policy heretofore carried out by Russia, the Nazis can have no hope of obtaining oil for a long time to come from the Caspian area should it pass into their control. It would seem a simple proce- dure to carry oil across the Black Bea from Batunt to Galatz end thence up the Danube by oil barge. Iiowover, the oil comes from the shores of the Caspian Sea, and Datum int the Black Sea Is mere- ly the terminus of a 400 -mile pipe line, none of which would be in existence by the time the Germans laid hands on it, In addition, the wells themselves and their fedi. Ides would have been thoroughly wrecked. It appears more probable that Goimany's immediate objective in the Black Sea thrust is to deprive Itussia of oil rattler than an at- tempt to bolster its owu supply. It might also be part of a plan to isolate Russia from United Nations help by disrupting all lines of communication with the outside world, Rostov, %diich is almost within Nazi grasp, is located un an oil pipe line whence 011 is distribut- ed thrutighuttt Russia by rail. DONT BE SILLY./ PAPA AND I ARE qop4q OUT ALONE AND IF YOU'RE A V(RY qOOD BOY WE, MIC)HT BRINCt YOU BACK SOMETNINq NICE,/ \\rigs Hnsluv and lir 1 •,', ti p( '54'Sslull, hiss i +I1' 1'1 '' unity lung 1.0 rtnrce 1.t e • '•1 'i'I• )'rant the field at the ' of the 111,pl;nl, ails".i}', collo po51lllltl "Ih4')' ((1I el''V'elnptllellts ext`! lir ti G'rior 0f Itu-oin 1.r in S i' 1 Nazi's Loop Lunt If Germany enol, ;t el. .111 plates ;1 1111`11 ell lit;. 1)l I, Id-)tel'e•1' Fpl'I IIgbl;(I l 1' i (111. , ' 1•, 1!1. it 11(43 pl or the 1'11-:, tt of file 131:1t h ieil, 111'111'1' a 11• I i 11otillies i1. the 10111 ]111e.a 111 C11111111111I1t"IIIc;, 1111.01reil, 1 -II 101'1 1111/11 614'll1 111 11.: 1(1)11' 10 11)} iy i(1lpuiblc IMP` ,111.1 hwc :1'1(111 pot' , 'Allred military ,11!1,'1:1!i ' • on e '.11g 101''111 two :hehet dons with 1111110 !, 1 1)11111ary teuet5. .".'e'v -theles (01)1. lion rI mains the cd`.e- ('Itrt'y troop:, and r1);'• ' , control of the Hlacic ''., '11. ,,'o- mit the quirk and ',Me., • I'1 transfer of Nazi hur'll'• •' 1),.'nit and ('elle' eastern Reach i •1 !(;, To obtain this adlaltat''' 'le 1):i- fiiw Black Sea Fleet n:. - mobilized, and one (v,iy ;1 ()Li ;in 1111 result. 1., to deprive tt1 h- Few Natural Hari.cit l'equeetionably X1,1 i en hate 1(110)1) a h;lublen : Ih•- ;a• tensi)0 naval base 1.i• , .til . r, Sela8Uglul, bUt 111 lilt ,';IN' It 1us51ans 1111 1 0 proved +' ,11,•111, In moving; 1na1Ufact)ring .''''i' 1(Nt in h:i 1.0 101a110118 1(11..11 !'e' 1 )18 evident 11:11, they were• "' ;' 111- (-1 by the forward si :'-, "t ; e. 1111111 :U'lllieti I'onseq!!i!•'i+, quite possible that repae 141111,44'i , ins and even One or the siz:Mlle 1',011• lttg tlry docks :at Sev,,,:,•'I.,l; 'tad been moved to 4)1111(0 111'• 1110(111 Sea port before l;euu:1' boailtt could reach thele, The lilac)( Sea has , , I ow natural harbors of 111' • ze 10 vnstopol being the on, consequence. lh;lctlei, e "Iry other lmrbor in the esti '' 1.r••,, is sheltered by break w'(lt".. with..., 01 e nue lure large, Northern Route Mere—etc, Thu situation 1n the 11,;"'1 tun. has 11o1)' become ('1111111 in 1(.1W or recent 13ritie;h and Ito -•i;)• ,'e• verses, 'l'ucliey, whatevr. . 1.,a ilte its inclinations, will not 4)41- 1) rdenclles to the 11:);, 1 sot in fact, were thio; 18001.1! l;; eL 'v0, British ship„ would unable to run thu (41111 ' of - :1,,) phlnes 11. negotiating 1b( At.: tau and the Dardanelles, The railroad from .\lo• already menaced by lite te,n. eta. Should their push front aucccssfUl, railroad (•Elsner' .eie with Archangel will hi- Inc objective, and should -I. lits break Into the Caspiti; . lit.':01. will be in danger of 1051;4• „11 :'004) of communication over 441-111 eta plica flow from its Mite 1 ') Turns Out Ship Every Three Day Canada is now tutu:,},' 0'•, 't new merchant ship evcy three days, and during the ei untl' it June ten will have heel) as compared with five ;n Hon, C. D. Howe, Mli:stet 0f Munitions and Supply, 'el e elect recently, 111 the program, Cana ei i5 olp.• posed to provide 1,000,')t10 1 -on of merchant shipping ;Her, plainly of 1 0,000 -ton demie ',:'ht vessels, with some 4,700 -ten odea Up to the present in rle':,ens ship-huilding, the Donl'1l:ern nus 20 of her 10,000 -ton 01.1 go '08- sols in actual service, S)!e .Ol,S 17 more launched tont' water, and being fitted. 'I':10'0 ore 33 more building, -el;e'her with seven of the 4,700 -tee tents - When the program ;;tet ut'te'r way there were only eight heir;;ha capable of holding the 10,000 -ton ships in building'. NOW ; l,el't' 1.'e ,Vrey, N'Ith eleven moil. ion 'Am 4,700 -ton vessels, stated liow,t Of the merchant shift, beingg turned out, 05 percent el She Moor told materials, ;powwow steel, is Canadian. One of die 10,000 -Lott vessels cut I'o ,11u10)) - ed in eighty days, and mom' re edit for actual seltl'tu'ing' it; 1111e'heeli thirty-five days, By GENE BYRNES WELL) BE .SURE AN' WAKE. ME UP WREN YOU COME. BACK t:'AUSE L NEVER CAN SLEEP WHEN YOU AN' POP C,0 OUT,/ -'7 W, e 1. 1.a. Oh.. AC 'ii i twirled -n'•�S OE4T 1w/ fa) . 7g-/fri CR/SP fit.Fo speavan. /an sr 70 Zr4,57/ "Rico Kt•ispies" is a registered trade mark of Kellogg Com- pany of Canada Limited, for its brand of oven -popped rice. (.sot some today! What 'Science Is Doing WHOOPING -COUCH PREVENTION No. 1 killer of U.S, babies k whooping -cough, which takes a heavier toll than scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and infantile paralysis combined. Recently, doctors at the American Medical Association meeting in Atlnntie City heard reports on (1) a now wily to prevent the disease 111 new- born infants; (2) the serious mental effects of whooping -cough, Newborn infants have a na- tural immunity to ninny infectious diseases, but they cannot bo vacs 'hinted against whooping cough before the age of seven months, Apparent reason: their bodies aro Incapable of producing the anti- bodies, Doctor( Philip Cohen and Sum. uel Jerome Sca(dron of Manhattan told how they solved this grave problem by vaccinating two hand• red mothers in the fifth and sixth )loath of pregnancy, About 150 billion whooping- cough gonna were given to the mothers in in- Tjections at two-week intervals, he mothers developed antibodies In their blood stream, passed thein on through tho umbilical cord to their babies. The inoculations had no effect upon pregnancy or dl'hvorv.--Time, DEHYDRATED BUTTER Dehydrated butter as develop. ed in New Zealand may be ship- ped without refrigeration. According to the Dairy News Letter, only pure, unsalted whey butter is used for dehydrating, although experiments are being 0(1111ed on with creamery Mutter. "The butter le 1110111(1 over a et of steam," the Dairy News Letter said, "and the melted fat end condensed sterni are run into a cylinder which automatically separates the water that sewed by gravity from the butter -fat - water solution." After several other steps, the material is subjected to a special technique of cooling, filled into sterile cans and sealed, The Dairy News better said the product could be used in its dry Mato by pastry cooks and ice credal man Ufaetul'el'5, Conversion 'back into butter is achieved by adding salt and water. U. S. War Output Headache For Axis President Roosevelt announced lust week that in May the United States turned out nearly 4,000 planes and nlorc than 1,500 tanks, Releasing:' official war produc- tion figures for the first tiulu since Pearl Harbor, the ('resi- dent asserted in a statement that the United States also turned out nearly 2,000 artillery' and anti- tank gene in May, and these were exclusive of anti-aircraft gone and those to he mounted in tanks. The May output of machine guns exceeded 50,000 weapons of all types, including infantry, aircraft and anti-aircraft. If sub- machine guns are added on, the total passes 100,000. Mr. Roosevelt released these figures because, he said, they are going to give the Axis just the opposite of "aid and comfort." "We are well on our way," he declared, "towards achieving the tate of production which will bring us to our goals." The last announced objectives of the war production program, told in the President's annual message to Congress last Janu- ary, were 185,000 planes in 1942 and 1943, 120,000 tanks, 55,0011 anti-aircraft guns, Sevastopol Ono hears the name pronoun*. ed in four different ways: Sevast- opol, with a v, accent on second or third syllable, and Sebastopol, with a b, accent on second or third syllable. Presumbly there ie some authority for all, but this column votes for only two, says The New York Times, It a persons says Sevastopol, with a "v", which la fairly close to the original Rus. Sian, then the accent should be on tho third syllable, "tope", which Is where the Russian accent falls. But if ono clings to the old Sebastopol, with a "b", about which wo learned in school in con- nection with the Crimean War and the "Charge of the Light Brl. gado", then the accent should he on the second syllable, "bass". Paid $5 Fine For "Heiling" Hitler It made John Nauss $5 poorot to say "Heil Hitler" and give the Nazi salute on a Halifax street. .1 sailor took a swing at hien, and they were brought into court yea• terday, Nauss was fined $s;, The sailor got off free, HOW CAN I? Q, llo,v can 1 make it good treatment for the skill:' A. Use the following treatment 0(1(0 0 week: Mix with the yolk of an egg one tablespoon of skin tunic, applying to the lace and allowing to dry, Then apply the beaten white of the egg over this, Allow to dry and rinse off. This will eradicate the small \stinks le, and refine the texture of the skin, Q. How can I avoid evaporation when cooking soup? ,t, Bo sure never to let the roup boil. Allow it to simmer slowly. If it boils, much of the liquid is wasted in evaporation, and the best of the flavor is lost, Q, Ho(v can 1 matte a good hot weather bath powder:' A. 13y mixing equal parts of cornstarch and talcum, Q. How can 1 eliminate odors in the refrigerator? A. Morax and lukewarm IVILIOr is 0 good solution for washing the inside of the refrigerator. It not only clean, it wonderfully well, but tends to eliminate any stains or odors, Q. How can 1 prevent burning when baking cookies, and honey is used for sweetening? A. When baking cakes or cook- ies in which honey is used as a soeetening, be sure to usu a ra- ther moderate temperature, as they will burn if the even is ton llot, LTS Abdominal Supports , For All Deformities Write For Catalogue To S. J. Dew 149 Church St., Toronto 25 Years Established THIJSSES SWIFT SWEDE Holy -eight honks after lower- ing world mile run record to 4; 00.2, Gunnar llagg of Sweden with 8:47,8 cut 8,2 seconds off Miklos Szaho's recognized two- mile mark and 5.4 oft figure hung up by Talmo Maki. Have You Heard? l'ho church service was pro- ceeding successfully when a wo- man in the gallery got so inter- ested that she loaned out too far and fell over tho railings, Her dross caught in a chandelier and she Wad suspended in ]aid -air. The minister noticed her undignified position and thundered at the con- gregation: ,'any person who turns round will be struck atone blind," .1 aunt, whose curiosity waa getting the better of him, turned to his companion and said: "I'r'a going to risk one eye." Valerie: "What sort of a chap is Rupert?" Verona: "Well, when we were together last night the lights went out, and ho spent the rest of the evening rs• pairing the break. .4 clergyman noticed a W011111 II named 11rs, Parker, whom he much disliked, coiling up his front steps, 'faking refuge in his study, he left hie wife to entertain thso caller. half an hour later leo emerged from his retreat, listened carefully on the landing, and hearing nos tiling below, called down to his wife: "Has that horrible old bore The woman was still in the drawing 100(0, but lila minister's wife proved equal to the occasion, "Yes, dear," she called back, "she w'e'nt long ago! Mrs, Parker 1 hOl'e 1111W." A little boy was saying hie prayers in a very small voice. "1 can't hear you, dear," his mother said. "Wasn't talking to you," the small boy replied, After pulling up a young ',tidy who was driving a car, the police- man said to her sternly, "And, Miss, did you know that not only were you on your wrong side, but you were travelling at 50 utiles an hole' in a built-up area':" "Oh, isn't that marvellous?" exclaimed the sheet young thing. "And 1 only learned to drive yes- terday!" es- tl'1'day!" A New York columnist tells about, a woman who tried to turn over Iter husband to collectors for old 1'1111her, "We can't take hint," one of the collectors argued. "Why not?" demanded the wo- man, "He's u heel, ain't he?„ Maybe he wilts a wooden, not a rubber heel. "By Jove, Mac, you've holed i1) one:" "Aweel, it saves wear and tear on ma wee ball." HARNESS & COLLARS Fanners Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only' through your luau Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are light, and S0 are 001' prices. 11'e manufacture in our the - tunes - harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse plan• kots, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get. satisfaction, Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto ,You GIRLS WHO SUFFER DY$MENORRHEA It yon suffer monthly cramps, back- ache, 'distress of "irregularities," nervousness -duo to functional monthly disturbances -try Lydia E. Plukham's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added iron). Made especially for women. They also help 41. told up red blood. Made In Canada, >✓ MODERN ETIQUETTE 1, Is it proper to thank a float• sen for a meal? 2, Isn't it a friendly gesture to hold u per'son's hand, or place a hand on his aril, while talking with hint? 3. 1a it permissible to use the knife and fork when eating fish! 4, 14 the word "stationery" proper when referring to olre'e paper that i.9 used for social cot• respondence? 5, Are there any certain gtlest4 who should be the first to lease a dinner party? 6. is it 1111 right to ann"'ulce a wedding engagement at a tea or card party" ANSWERS 1, No; the only person %she gives thanks for a meal is a beg- gar. Du not say, "'Thank you for the delicious dinner," hut instead "I've had a delightful time; it is nice being with you," It is more proper to indicate your enjoy. inert of the visit than of the fact that you've been fed, 2, It (lay be 9. friendly gesture, but it is very annoying to some people and should be avoided, 3. The fork only is used. 4, 1t is better to reserve "sta. tlonory" for a commercial term, and refer to the paper used for social correspondence as "note paper, writing paper, or leiter paper". 5. Yes; the guests of honor eliould be the first to depart, ti. Certainly. Jap Wasn't Quite Loyal To Emperor This glory was being told in naval circles recently. When the United States Navy attacked Japanese -held Wake Is- land, February 24, one of the American fliers was a Japanese - language student, He overheard is conversation between the pilots of two Japanese bonbera which had been damaged and were going into crash falls, The first pilot said: "1'111 now going to crash into the sea to honor of the Emperor," Tho second pilot's reply freely translated: "Go ahead, fool; me I am bailing out," Every time a voluntary 3ysteat fails it's as 11111011 a defeat for democracy at the fall of France, Hong l:ong, Bataan or Singapore. Czechs Toss Pens And Wreck Train (;onto along with a Czuu1io-910• oak patriot aa he blows up a Neal freight train with fountain pens. It's deep midnight when a Mo- torcyclist epood1 up to the leader of a group of Czech saboteurs In the (lortntul-occupied land, and, ac- cording to the account received in Now York by the American Friends of ('zec'Uo•Slnvakta, hinds him this message: "Tomorrow at 4.10 u 111., a freight train leases slatlon -for the ltue• Man trout. See that It clow no: amt r:' Saboteurs Called Together That 111(1, uu'.igucd order, borne by au duidt+utifled courier, Ruta Um 1 uief saboteur in motion, Rlw• ing down the street to 111 11111, 110 'muttons a taxi dieter and tliey 011 out to tilt) cd;1) of the wood. Thu ,:Iboteur, a young sUldeul stands in a cleating and makes a sound like a hoot oa'I. The eerie call is 0119mired. Then, the: account of this par- ticular instance geed on, the stu- dont °niters an 0111 gaud warden'e cottage and is w'olc"nled by the housewife "with the look of wo- men whose husbands have beou dragged off to concentration caln ps." The housewife takes the patriot to the cellar where, from a 'holt behind 9otaa barrels, he selects ole fountain pens of unsorted sizes. Ile rejolud his driver and goes to am other wood near the railway, hid• tug lu the bush along the right• of•way. Train le Wrecked "A little after four in the vara• iug," the report says, "a freight traiu appoare(I--coal care and then tank cars. The student took a pun marked 'K' from his pocket and threw la onto the entail plat- fortu of the tank car. Ills second pea landed on a flat car od straw. The third and fourth landed on two More tank Cars of oil, The thickest 9011 lauded on the root of u box car which he rightly con- jectured wan loaded with ammu- uttlon. 'Tho tuella came out next day when the grapevine peered along word that there had been a serious railway accident at Lvoy. A freight train rolling toward the Russian front had suddenly and Inexplicably exploded In five places. A Gorman troop train crashed into the wreck and some 800 soldiers were lujm•ed, Inauy of them very seriously." Thus does a beaten people write had news for their opprosaor, with pelts of explosives far More indel- ible than ink. r BIG TIME CHEW Human plans fail when human character fails. We must build 83 strong in belief as In body. STOPITC of/nsecli' Bites-- HeatRash For Quick relief from itching of Insert bites, hen, rash, athlete's foot, eczema and other e(terna)l( eaused akin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, tad• acetic, liquid 1), 1). 1). Proscription. Oresselese, atalnlcm. Soo( hes irritation and Quickly stops intones itching. 35o trial bottle proven R, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. r R CSC RIPTIOM. ...CLASSIFIED AIIVERTISEMENTSP.. 1(5111' LIMAS Clllt:ES, PULLETS, IJAVOLD OIC at aided, and dnyold cockerels. I'l°mot delivery when you want them. It looks good policy, if yuu't e the equipment, to stock illlficlent lu 111011 the good alai'- kers fur hone and overseas con- sumption, Order in advuucu if `u silo. 111;0 II tchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, 11.1111' CII111 0 $T.11(TI;U CII ICES 1 AND 3 WEEK old tar immediate delivery. Duly it limited supply 110 order at once. ;cud fur special price list on 2 and 3 week old W. Leghorn and 11. )rim. X (V, Leghorn pullets B. Rock nun -sexed, pullets and cockerels. 1' r u to p t delivery. 'P(vrddl.• Chick )Ial,heries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. 111111' clacks STARTED t:11 ICES, TWO ANL/ duce v,eek old in the following breeds in nun -sexed, pullets and cockerels, White Leg horns, Black .1liaurea x White Leghorn, Bar- red Rock, Light Sussex, While Wyandotte, 1Vhile !tuck, Ncw Hampshire X Barred Ruck, White Leghorn X Carred !tuck, Light Sussex X Ncw 11a141(1011(0, Barred Hoek .X. New Hampshire. Nu tinning. C'am ship the day we receive your order. Send fur re- duced price list today. Ttvedd(2 C'itick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, OiOttrio. SPE( 11.1. l'J110E 0\ Clllt'hS 1'1114 110 i'1'It 01' 011,4 Blit' L1tl 11DE1; F.1.1151 QVAL1T1 blood tested 11.0,1'. Strutt Chick, immediate 111 later deliver), 199(150 quantity of lemons Leg - horns, be; Pullets 18e; Cuckctch 2e; Barred Rocks, llantpshh•us, Hybrids, 15e; Pullets Ile; Cueicer- els 7e. Also started Pullets for immediate delivery prices - 3 week old 32e; 4 week old 36e, 6 week old 45e. 10th deposit hal- alive delivery. Order from adver- tisement. l'atalugue free. Monk - tun Poultry Farm, 11uu1cton, On- tario. RAKED, 4 Eli U11'11411'1• BAKERS' OVENS AN1) MACHSIN- ory, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged, Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Cu., 103 Bathurst Bt„ Toronto. CARS -- USED AN 1/ NEW 61UUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., '1'u101110'8 oldest Chrysler, ('i) m- outh dealers; threw lucnteu,, 551 Mt, Pleasant Ruud 1040 1unge St. encs 1650 Danturth Avenue. Our Used laws make us 1145(13 friends. 11 rete tar our Free Bunk• lel un pedigreed 1011ewed and tut• alyzcd used cute. ISSUE 29-'42 fit 1C'tiS - 1'U'.1'L1CS ANDERSON 11cLAUGHLIN BU1CK- Puntiae Ltd. thu largest dealers in Canada for 1Jutcics and Pott• titles are located at 1029 Bay 8t., Toronto, (uu cull always be sure of real high grade used caro, at t ery reasonable prices. Cars that you can depend on for real ser- vice and with excellent tires. We enjoy a very large out-of-town clientele; built up through yearn of serving well, 11 will pay you to visit us when it) 'Toronto, be- sides wo are sure we can ■ave you money', COOK WANTED EXCELLENT t'UUK IN CHIt1$- ttutn Hume. Sleep uuL js(1 to start. 1'00(1) 51L 5003 for appoint- ment ur write 11 Park wood, To - 101110. DUBS 11 ANTED WANTED PUPPIES ANI B1tEED, preferably thoroughbreds. Give lull details, Ontario only. DUU• DU51, 560 Bay Strout, Toronto. D1 ELM.: .r CLEA\1NU HAVE 1UU AN ?THIN( NEEDS 0.01115 0r cleaning? Write to ue fur information. \\'e ars glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong. Street, To- ronto. 1'.tI111 EQI11'111:'6'1' 11Eta 1lit ;'.3 111', LISTER FULL, D119,01 11(511', complete with 1111 1111 :111(1 cooling lattk14 22 11.1'. Blackstone; 25 111', Deutz, Marino engine 2511 11,1',; nut :old Ionic harrows; Lutz Ootubin- :tiuu h'eud 11(11; 1935 stake bud) international 'Truck; demonstrat- ing and rebuilt 1leluttu Creatu Sepalaturo; paha, whtlu 11. 19.21, gl.5l per gallon. The above are all specials for July and August. 51eiutte, Magnet uud Premier Crean' Separator 1'urts;• .dyers Water Systems; nue only, Htun- ntcr 51111; one only 26 cyclo Portable \ltIker. 5, _1, Elute!, Stowe t Street, 'Toronto, FA lin PROMOS. STOCK FEED; ANALYSIS 1'101t• comings, p0oteln 14.65, fat 1.27, crude fibre 1,98; puffed wheat siftings, thoroughly rooked, $16 per tau. liavanugit Food, Toron- to. FOOT 11A1.31 BAt'511.EKA FOOT 1IAIM destroys uffeneltu odor instantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, (titan a. 1111:I1 CA'r.t1.0(it.l•; 1111111: CATALOGUE OF ItAIt1: and !':).citing books. Rev. Tyler's Great Norte on 31arriage Rela- tions, 52.4:1. SUPER 11.51 I, UR - DE It, 57 Queen Sueet West, Toronto, Outfit lo, 1111111110111) 111.1.LS 1'U1t1Jlt1t11D HEREFORD BULLJI (or immediate service, Due to w- gtnsitlon of the herd of the lute 11. 1, Thompson of Montreal, we have a large selection. yearlings IOW older hulls, all of excellent breeding. !'rices from glue up.. 11. Crews, t'aiabugls Stuck farm; llentl'ew, (Jut, Telephone item• fres 537. MEDIUA1, 1'1"5 IIXt'L:t.1,ENT, I.IE.11, Reil -- sults after taking Dixon's Retn•- edy for Rheumatic Pains ane Neuritis, S1u11l0 0 Drug Slorb 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. MOTORS UVERH.IUL YOUR 510'1011 1V1(1LIr you're driving ; save 311;5 gas and oil -guaranteed to restore 110nt- lrussion. 52,00 delivered. Mika, !gnash, 441 Manitoba Ave., Win • nipeg, Man. 01.1) ILL(.S REW 01, EN N 111 1(1305, NE\\ 111305 MADI; 1ltUM old, Dominion Rug Weaving Cora. puny, 1154 Queen St. W., Toronto. Write for bookh.i, IIIIEUM A't'IU PEOPLE AltE 'TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheuniatl0 Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Divot Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa, Pos paid $1,00. WA\'PED-El,1:1. N001) MAPLE AND MIXED CORDWOOD, also }lard and Sol twod Slabs AI Bundled Edgings. Give full par• Oculars. Walter 3icttiesa, Nineteen Melinda Street, Toronto. TEACHER 15 ANTED -A qualified Protestant. teacher for S.J. No, 2 South Sher- brooke. Duties to commence Sept. 1. Apply stating salary to J. N. 1(itchie, Sec. -Treats,, Mtaher- ly, R. 3. PAT ENTt• 1'E'1'IIL1(S'l'UNItAUW.1 d'c CUMI'AN11(f Patent Solicitors. E2tubl(sued 189U; 14 lung West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re•• Quest. l' 11('1'0 (t IIA 1'111 (1111 1'A1 All) RE? 101.111 FlI M8 developed and 8 glossy vetos. prints only 25e. free 4 x 6 en- largement included. Write for Dee mailers, Nation Wide Photo Service, 3U James St., St. Cath, urines, Ontario. l'IiO'l'OtiIIA1'11V ' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 1'he tient, (lain, or 111,11 HAVE YOUR SNAPS Ilelllered by Mail Any 6 or 8 exposure filet perleetly developed and printed for only 26a. Supreme quality and fast set vice gum anteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto Page B. THEANDARD • ....,...,s,...l. - .•.••• ICIMIREIVNIRRIWIRREtIttC4441,011*(100144VCRtOCKNIRDRIC111111111100411414RPIPIPIIIR, • ;t• :_ HOLIDAY NEEDS MISSES ANI) WOMEN Slacks, Overalls, Sweaters, Slack Suits, Bathing Suits and Caps. MEN'S AND BOYS' Tropical and Cotton Trousers, Sweaters, 1Vindbreakers, Bathing Trunks, A Good Atisortlllent of I3all.lriggan Underwear, Olive McGill f6 01 fYliNii? iii) -(IN kok(Th.,a7k7`datiliii21?i,irs(1171i 3-Nhi1i?7i1177tiV)(sA al)444lali73 is .aM.17iat, SIMS GROCERY GOODS DELIVERED. TELEPHONE 14. Spaghetti per tin 10c Aylmer Peaches . per tin 17c Crosse & Blackwell's Lime Cup --- For Summer Drinks ZINC RINGS AND RUBBERS. \lrs. Ih,trolll 1'otldcil r'c.nd Brock, the holidaying at (iudenich 111:s \reek, Read N'cl.11aufet's ndverlisoment ;e 1 =,f this Issue, \1r. anti ere '\I 1.s. +Robert Jnh l"t; n \1 r. L(Ituh of Oadashlels, Seo0(11uI, Is .111,itfng Wilk Urs, 'I'ltotldis 1[11(l1(. 'Mrs. It. M. At(liay Is visiting 1'or a fete clays in Kincardine. ('apt, ('. I). I' llpa1rielt, of Desert, N,S„ is vacationing with his wife and family in town, Ilre(lnes{Iay, July 1, tttQ Kt4!QI£rCKKIQtCtCK141Ckih;tR!Ct4 !C!CwtC EtCIG!;r't,'.tE;1.2'r ' ru :,l4tatHIHICrH !3!Rt4k 4J Ho11yan's BAKERY g • AND CONFECTIONERY. V The Hoche of Good Baking, Soy Bean, Whole Wheat and White Bread. Also Buns, Cookies Pies, Cakes and Money -Dipped Doughnuts sJ J Wedding Cakes a Specialty. V Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Ala,;tcr Douglas KI)pltrick has r(• W111 !IRE AGENTS FOR turned house, following a period as a patient in 1'ictoria libSpital, London. :318114 from 1!13111 and di,;lrict 81- te1)dr1 the Limas hrolIe in Seaford' this \Vrdnesalay evening. ,\Ir, llob Gibbs of lJaanllton, vi=licd •er the weekend ‘with \1r. and 'Airs. Jams \lul'rlil. ,Urs, George Cunningh((1u and 44111. of flelg(ave, Spent Sunday at the (tome 'of 31r, and \Irs. Art Barr, Mks 1\'Ilttta \\'itoon left Alouday on and Toronto fora vara - Cheddar House Cheese 12c and 20c Certo ........................... per bottle 27c Kkovah Jelly Maker 15c Aylmer Infant Food 10c Raymond Bowyer of Windsor., vis - ited, Jean Crawford. Miss Marlynn Bowyer of Windsor ding the holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Crawford, Aircraftsfan Sidney Leggett Of To- sI Itc'd 11'11.11 his ,Mr. Legge! l, over Hie twet'k•end, Brussels Couple Married WARWICK • BAEKER A pretty summer wedding; twos 1311ss Ruth Leggett 01' Toronto, Is _ Fpniling \1 a creel\ with her parenIo, Mr. Ictal party' and -a ___ ;launch I'r(sbylcr•land ',i, Eiii st 1,eglgot1. IIan. Ile was a member of Melville Airs. J. II. .\ruston and children of 1'i e 'yteriaii' ()hunch, Brussels. and Toronto are visiting whit the former'.s the Masons and Odd Fellows Lodges. nrcther, 111.4;. A, 11, Ticrnoy, :141 admirer of horses, Dr, 31elt.:te euln'ized in the t'i; ,ted C'hin'ch, Itl•t;s• owned several valuable anlmais, the Fels, when Rev. Ilugh \\'ikon unitedmost noted of which were 'Elsie Jit marriage Dorothy Helen, older ('aun(,bcll' and 'Mack Night. \laughter of 3i1..;. Backer and the late Alfred C. Baeker, and Lougtas Charles Ile is survived by his widow, for merty Kate Smith, daughter of the Warwick. of Cwen Sound, youngest late 31 1., and \urs. .1, IL Stnilll, of Fun of Urs. .L 1). \Varwielt and the late Ilruss(1s: oue,son, Dr, L'onald Smith lir. 1.1. 1). \\.. roick, 1..f ilrussels• \leftae, It,C1.'. \\'eybnrn, Sask.; two 3lary 1)aV ti 011 pre;lrled at the I I;is.ters. Mrs. (Dr,) 1Lu'ry Lackner, organ daring: the ceremony and 31iss Kltchetter; Urs. .1. ,\. Fleming, Jar- IC'a:.rie Huston sang "Because" dor•'v,is; and one brother, John McRae, Mr. Earl Iteii(ley ing the signing ut the reg'i:;ter. The of Vaa:ouver. Lull( to fall from e Ur. Elliott Richmond is visiting ills brother, 31 r. James Richmond, and other relatives, Airs. \\*ill.iant 31115011, formerly 311ss \1•>g.;ie Brigham, visited relatives dw'• tl:`, the pa.11 week, Rev. and \1 es, Del.Sdon. of lirigdcu, visited for a day recently tut the Houle cJ' 31r, and 31 rs, \V`11, (;ow. church was decorated wllh vt(1I:lard4 of blue and orchid delphiniums and The funeral .service will he held white lili, :47!1.1 while condos to sit- , from the Monte, Ilras:ads, at ': p.nl„ on yet' caudc;,lbi;l, i'I'tulr day. Rev, \f', Kerr, of 411e The bride, fv(u in marriage 1114 her i Melville Church \vitt officiate, rider brother, George, (hose for 'her gown, t'renc'h net over petal wwhitc Iafteia with sweetheart nueldlne and deep ruffled .'Jilin ending in a sll':hl 1 Legumes Grasses train, Ifer \oath :1111( veil of t ills l Makes Good Shale had the utlsfor• load of hay 1't'• cenlly and fracture a bone in his a rm. Sant 'Mittel!, I1.C.A,II'•, at Halifax, is hoarse on leave, and tt'rs good to see Sammy.'s smiling countenance lolghteulug up main street again. \f r. Neil tequ;u•rle, of Sfartford, Is renewing- - old acquaintances in town, He Is Stopping at the home of Alr, and Urs, tiaut Creighton. Plymouth and Chrysler Cars Auto -Lite and I-iart Batteries. Goodrich & Dunlop Tires. White Rose Motor Oil, PHILCO RADIOS ANI) SUPPLIES. Acetylene and Electric Welding. Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, NOME -MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" II. T. VODDEN. Celebration At Lucknow (continued from page 11 .4 if Summer Necesities For Use Around the 1Ionle Or On .Picnics VACUUM 1301111,ES ,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,„r,.,,,19c THERMOS 1301" 11,ES OI1'I'iN(' JUGS (one gallon) , , STA -WAY INSECT REPELLENT ... ANTI -MOSQUITO C1tEi\ 1I , , 1VELC'i-I'S GRAPE ,1111(']; LIME JUICi: - MON'I'SI';ItRA'I' , $1.00 .$1.75 1.75 ,39e 4 LIME JUICE - ('ORI)1A1, . . . . . ... . . ... . ... ..190 'PAT AN'I"I'RI'S ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:10c SPOT REMOVE1t 15c and 39c Fi1111s, All Size; --- Eastlllilll and Selo, Developing and Printing, Done Quickly & Expertly R, D. PHILP, Phm. B. is DRUGS, SUNDRI1S, \\'AL1,t'APIR-'HONE 2P, tfi 1'i7'fir' f'u 7<is lci' ,; Ic1c:u7ii7i ,;vlSl`r.',, 7nli .'a,rJ,'i+7u.aiY'7,iImi»•,, .l .i' I' .s,r.LS,,`;,::Is,i31; i,:1.`'r 7':'i` U':,ml:,iii J itfitir4ilitltil( a((P1 Ipc, rs',1K-itni'*s !{it.^a'tpi!a!i'xi'-.^i +a'u ;•i.'+}' w .n' r.N1 4 'ir, :t .lots ,i',.rs.,,+,. ,rar ;;•rm"4r yt,yf 7µr rw^tit iliows 1.1 Pr id rd i to ty 1.1 tl l4 b4 14 11 11 !1 (f 1) iR •, , •, R ., .., r~ ,. •, ,. , 44,44.. .. ,. . • ~n..,, . ,>:, ,z._1....,alar,01✓7t, ,117 •,a, ,:,7 ,<., ...,. , i: ; ,..._,r..,.:7, , .':, i:.......,_.-. ,>......,..,..,::7y,^ ,»i Drugs, Tobacco, Soft 1)1inks-Phone MS. 13ackrite Kidney fills ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,• 50c 1Vampoie's Milli of Magnesia 25c a11(1 50c 1Vampole's Magnesia 'Tablets 1(111 for 50e I)icksoll's Stomach i'o1\ {lerf11c. ......... ' ..,.., Fenno! 14axa(INT Tit 50c "IT" `\'fife Shoe 1)res,iing 15c Bathing Caps ...............2; e, 29c, :15c and 10c Paler Plates, Cups 111(1 Serviettes. VitamTtin IL, Plant 13a1);; each 35c Sweet Peas, 1l1crnin;.;' Glory, Zinnias. (1 tw iliil s,µ,c,µ, ta7y1'a'4i %!: 'iat%,•u e...ti 'n!"'': , ., .. -'ti ,4,4,,••47., ...: ... a. 1.4 w V '1 1l it Ignorant of what the Bible contained. w Hy being a wide-awake Orangeman we 4 can help enlighten 0(11(4.6. "Ever) c'P Protestant should he an Orangeman,' stated Itov, .1, 11'. Stewart, the final. spcalrer on the .lay's program. "The 1.i 0 Orange lodge vtand5 for freedom and V it Is the duly of every loyal Orange. nP 111 Hoot to see Ih;rt freedom Is su`(lained,' 6a 31i', Stewart. urged all present to stand for religions treedoln, loyalty to our is eomitiy and loyally 141 our God. The s r Aker In closing "' -- P ,, gat'(anum- o, her of figures ju<t released showing. the percentages of enlistments in Oil• i! Lounge Firnture We offer 1l pleasing variety in Studio Lounges fitted with Spring'-1''ille(1 Mattresses 11nt1 Cushion-, covered in durable 111!)1•ic's, 1)run-hacli a11(1 Single 1)11\' Stuart, Bright (1mve1'Ing't;. 'I'11C 1)l'1CCS aJ'e reasonable 1111(1 111(5(' Lounges are ,lint the thing for Indoor, Porch o;• ;;111ntner 1-Inme use, 5. 'tl in illusion was w'ef5t length and (alio and llut'lec. Enlistments In On- 1114 carried a Iroleluel of Ilrlar(Ilff ru5:'(I 11 Is only in colnparat itely recent Lark, showed 4:' 031 (11. I scry 1,1 1',1 a1.-1 blur r.^:rrflnwl`r;. \lies 31ary; )0.1 •s That grasses and (legumes have 11 Mm. G, lt, .Augustine and ch`Ilih•on, while in Quebec, the .Itonran ('8010• ;p Horne 1 urnisher TIaekci•, of London. 1415(01• DI 11r, t been used e,xlluII4lvcly 101• sileage. l l)'hh, '4peu1 a eouple of days last 11c.; have 01414 e11nt0')lnled 11 out of 1'Ve urge you to coal(' in ill1(l iii i)t't.'t them. 40 C -••- Phones 7 anti 8 - irnneral flireetnr. 7 (4 rd 1') ;bride, w8.. her. anendant, g • snc'rl in I Il(.IIIS to IJr,,,, little grass ((Rage \\tela with 311, and \its. George Cow• every 1,11(10 up mil 11 the 21 1ill of June, (1i,11!rl 111,1 n\(r lark to w:th 11110 bat I4111 111:1110 on the North American ID1. 1;)'1.', of ma`', Ilfr; 11.1 me! a Intl' 14(1 ph), lcoutinr'nl, and since that lime the ih( gift of the bride, 'title caviled yet. (practice of treating legumes and :.bC'. Huffman, of Port Colborne, new stationed at Centralia, visited low queen Elizabeth rc.tie; and orchid f 'asst•; with molasses for silage lou Sunday w(th 31r, and Mrs, George No 011e Looking For Ilclp- (wcet peas, Ronaldnt+bden. of Lon• p:: -0S leas buccal( Popular 011 1118114 Cow and family', And No One I -Id)) (ion, 403; b7`5t man, The nr•,her; were farms. It is now difficult, if not an- Wanting , C'harlcs 1' avison, of Brost.;• and Pte. Possible, to obtain utolasies for ase Pte. Lois Robinson, C,\\'..1,C„ of l'p until 'Tuesday night cher( had iWiilfaut Dow -Joni, of I iStow'el. In agriculture, but, as pointed out In Toronto, spent the \week•cnd with ',been no enquiries from 10081 farmers A we,: Jug reception was 1101(1 at the !hr t ;1. zda1 \\'artiste Production Ser. her parents, 31r, and \urs, R. I1. Rob. asking for help in haying operation , !lane of the 11\1104 I urnherry street, 141,, pamphlet, No. 61, 4117 M1aking 11151..1\. '1111e bride's mother wore u pow'd(r (irate and Legume Silage 4vithout 1(hle gown of crept. lir.mein,. mid Preservatives', the want of molar ;t's \ills \tory and 1'.'Iwa I"aulpey, Ala'. ma,Ichln; but cf \',::ren ,Iraw fibre amt should not prevent the nae of grassers \1'lllIam Itubeartson, Ingersoll, and sl;• e1., at It, 1)Illolt, and no nue had offered their ser - fur (lie 0011 of llle r1Iii 1 ellli- ;curd ug 14to Village \'lids, J. II, co:rag' of lJutttrfly ruac'14. T h e and Ieg.tanes for silage,, Although I('1', 111.5. Davidson, of Toronto, \•1511• KI nom's 71 •Ither 41.0 a black lace mil nlulat. ies Is a valuable aid 111 improv- o"I on Sunday at •Clic home of Daviel _ 'As itnnnmtced last week, elle(. flcorde lgth tiro ,:, nt,•leaing hat fog the (11111 Illy of legume silage, it and \tS. (.41"g.eminent. rcpresent8Iivc was to f'y g (t se w'orltit' toothe hirer 1wi1h n1. '1 I ;led purple trim ;I „I , .1r.fa n it necessary, if unite].melhmethod(I 31rs. 1larry 31t(;ulrt au,1 da (gtit(rs• togethertu((1111Iall l rrlf(ularls (ung 1 41• li a Gov In lo\\•n e.l:,P (If pink to 1 and orchid 444.111 ,tic followed in ensiling. of Belgrave, and 31r, John Ziinm'rmi(11 =unities were to be made Through the !1" , bon - Several simple but Important rule;, of I (tlgraw(, \11.x. ll:n elle and d(ulgfi• .11 Wage C'lerk's office. As one farm reLr '^I ,-rPr r,ll>„>.,,,, ,_le , >, ,>I Mr. a8'.1 \it•:;, 1Cla,wicic lett on a bon- • • l•dn Y,, ..1. • .. .I..KIloOinw'w.I..,o ..••., ni,l„ P .11•'.nI. ,I- •-.iJ I-.•«t,w`.411054. I -Jll.l l.si,,.,',.Irnv.,1 W.r14,.6J ..xAMrIILlOi.IM•IY. at HURON G.'JLL 131,1"1711 --. ONTARIO. ,14EN'P 117001). (i0O1) SERVICE, Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor . r wt,' PIC V. I... 1.L -..., r. li,,.. i..i ..4 wool . o.. ,..I., u.1.,,,., /. I,+e6,J ,. r.-i,J,., row ,.1..,u ..,14,Ir.1 .ji,r,ri,.'i•y,.y41/r/ y -,r 7 d ! v Sa .rm f1. u n ., a1.:,•v ^ :.I'Inl^a! rylal'+o1•.i ry,i+'ini r4yyla, .rc•I?', m•.Ist b( ubscrwcd ht mai ill • ter, of Pan' y Souu,l, were visitor.; on el' sa1(1 11) 415 Tilv.Alay night "11' f9 eynlunu 11.1, the brl+ie goinx away 111 ti grns.; it dre cf pe' b!e sand crepe with I (low, come, in hit be ensiled with the propel and 1€'-Ilmu silage: 11) The erup!Sunday evening with Mr. and \11's, caul hire them it they brig( and brown accessories, Kolhlskyn f'; awl cm4agcrof t)ph0lla roses. The. amount of moisture: 121 \lust of the A1r. awl Urs. lt1:-tiell \Vordeu. Shur-' euclpli will reside at ISi Tenth street, air utast be excluded fl,•ul Ia. 51!'1Sc fl, and Mr, and Mrs, \\'Illlam Mont.! . (lw'cn :•:unn'I. Gtests \wet•( 17.(1(111 Illass; (a) The crop should he cut at grintery, f5rantford, vIsllcd James from Loudon. Hamilton, Toronto (Ind ill'' Pru•per Stage or nlatn'ily; and It►uhmond's, over the week -end, \llsses Fergus. 1 (fours Provision must be made for IJoye Craig and Shirley \loutgoinery, !sugars or carbohydrates In the mit• l \'1nthrop, returned with Ur. and 311.s. !tergal to be 03uverted into desirable 'TTonhgornery for a holiday. 'acids to a.t as a preservative. TheseI 13russels i)octor Suctulnbs 1.11(5 1(1 (xplalucd 111 detail in 110; Guest; at the home of 31r. and Urs. Dr, Thome( T, 31cltae. of Ih'ussels, pamphlet. full details about the Robert 1l'ight.ninn over the w'cek-ent1 t•on of t'1„ late Rev. and Airs, B. IS. tnr'.;tin•P, the (xeili'fun of 011•, tui , `wr're, 311.5. Melvin Tyndall, Carlow, 31:11;. u1.:,ruuk. Med Snuday at Butting at the to (per stage. the 111x• Iter, and MPS. ;Milton Tyndall. Prince St, ,\!:c'hael's Ila. ; it(II. 'J' lrnutu. Ile ing or farm (rep: to provide preset• Albin'\, Sask., Airs. Alex. \'hung, Pcl- 11(1`1 !I,`1.':1 1:1 I,1r f 7nr weeks, 'at.ivt materials for hie silage and grave, Ur. hurl Airs. Bertram Carr, other information will be fotuul In ill( ;l1r, Douglas Carr, Pte. awl Airs. Keii- ;h•. U(Itae graduated trim Lha l'uivcrsfty of Toronto f❑ medicine in Pauaphlel whish truly le nhfaincd by ucth I,,ncsteel, all of MRersoll. I'•lc writing to Publicity and J xleuslttii liou(s'tee1 is with the 1'leld 1lyglcttc 1:111,;. ile interned at St. \Iluhael's Section, and J1 r. and AI`rs. Ilowind Division, Dominion Department of Hospital in Torw,tu for one year, Trewartha, aril Mr. Loren Tyndall, of A.grieulture, Ottawa. aft(; which he was associated with Clinton, the late Or. William Gunn, of Clin- ton, for two years. Since that time he has practised in Brussels. and wrapped around a ri(lrhing po:41 Dr. McRae was past president of serve/5 as an easy and falrly effective th0 Huron County ;Medical Assocla• way of controlling lice in pigs on tion. He was a member of the 14b• large farm?. A sack soaked in crank -vaso oil SAVE FOR YOURSELF -AND HELP 8 • YOUR Estate is Different from every other. Many prob. lams ore Involved -,family and financial conditions, requirements and objectives are different. No one person could be expected to effectively deal with the many duties required of an executor. The Sterling Trusts Corporation brings to theses problems the combined experience of a staff fully qualified to administer your estate promptly and efficiently. Name os your Executor THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION WIN THE WAR 371 OAT ST., TORONTO H'Gr au) 6g011f1W yg Pal mill 1 ESTABLISHED 1911 iU ft 'r SO Phone 156 for Prompt Delivery. Market Price for Eggs According '1'o Grade. BLUE RIBBON COFFEE , , 1 lb. sealers 55c (Refund on all empty sealers of 5c each). per tin 15c pkg. 15c 1Oc MIXED PEAS AND CARROTS per tin 15c Shoe Brushes. Stove Brushes. Nail Brushes. 2 -IN -1 \VI-II'('E SIiOE POLISH 15c HAWES LE11'ION 0i1, 15w and 25c SHELL MACARONI per Wig. 13c VI -TONE 25e and -15c Pr'me Bread, tin, 15c. Seeded Raisins, 11). 1Sc 11: Coils, 2 for Sc. Wilson's Fly Pads Bug Killer 5 lb. 25c, 10 lb. '15c COIN NIBIIJ;'1'S , Continental Noodle Soup _Mix DICED BEETS su A X h R ' R 1 F O •, n R n• a I,it111 161.1 'i ic`ll:`J7ZIa: x-,cis,ZiuJ lc•74rs(`r,'''Jni',ci`r ' 7 ,4c1al"Ici;.r. it c,.:10'1"21'caln:a7`c'•1a1i1Z1411:i'alTZ.7I •