The Blyth Standard, 1907-08-15, Page 1VOL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1907. R[1TUmN SESSION Opens Sept, 3rd in all depnort• moms of the CHNTR.Ai, BUS!. NES1 COI.LI;(IE, Yonge and Gdrrerd Ste., Toronto, Our catalogue explains our super. lorlty In equipment etatl', methods and results. equipment, are invited to write for it if Inter- ested In the kind of ichoolwot k which brings hest seems. Atl dress W. II. Shaw, Principal. nR a so cents worth of Paris Green IIas often eased fifty dollars worth of potatoes. Bat If you've ever raised potatoes, you knew ,Wore about the wisdom of Paris Greening them than wo oau tell you. The only objeot we have in refer. ring to the subject at all --Is to caution you to wake sure that you get It fresh. We think we know Just about all tit re le to know' about Paris Orion, and ask you to put your tr at in what wo have for sale here now. Better get supplied the next time you are In town. 40 cents a pound. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Fall Term OPENS SEPT. 2nd This management during the past year mined oyer two hundred young ladies a n d gentle• m o n it s 200 stonograp h- ers, hook keepers and teingrepli' rs,' and placed them in excellent sitttntlone in lend}n " Cana- dian and American Citi s. Individual tnetrnetlon. Write for eatlogue. gINESS COLLECE Spottan, Principal Exeter. Flax pulling is the occupation of the boys now, August Guhr has secured a contract for dredging north of Stratford and last week moved his dredge to the point of operation. Victor Sanders, who has been learn- ing the drug business with W, S. Cole during the pest year, hits secured a position in London and went thorn Fri- day, Maniko Bolder has taken his piece at Mr. Cole'a, F, W. Gladntail addressed the coun- cil re the sale of debentures en offer being made or 96 wit ti interest, or tak- ing wordingof the by-law an offer of 911 saying e ,WAR prepared to take ono half at once and wished to take an op- tion for one week for the balance, A couple of young men supposed to hail from Clinton wore here !net week with several old equine relics trying to tendo them, 'Phey had it small pony which looked to bo the best animal in the hunch. Evidently their business was riot very thriving, The CNnning Factory finished up on peas and tiro busily engaged in canning beans. The work will then let up until the tomatoes and corn come in. The output of pears hes greatly exceeded the expectation of the company and to see the piles upon piles of canned peas is good evidence that the company will ha a success, A fire alarm was sounded last Thurs- d y afternoon on account of ,t binzn in Rowe & Atkinson's, The fire was started by a coal oil stove, but it was noticed before it had gained much headway and extinguished by a bucket brigade, The departtnant responded to the alarm but its services were not re- quired, Brussels. Milton and Mrs, McArter purpose taking a trip to the West and they may remain if they ,find what suits them, [toy Pugh has gone to Poterboro where he has taken a position in 14 photo studio, He has been in H. R. Brewer's employ in Brussels for the past year, Brussels Voters' List for 1907 has bo.'n printed and was posted up on July 29th. There are 876 names on it, 244 being in Part 1 ; 109 in. Part 2 ; and 28 in Part 8. Persons gtialified to serve as Jurors 128. - Rev. D, and Mrs, Rogers, of Sea - forth, called here on Wednesday while driving through to Delmore, The reverend gentleman was a junior pas- tor of the Nothndist church here in 1878 anti is kindly remembered by num' erous mnmb is of the church. Brussels won the football semi-final for the Ontario Cup by defeating the Stanford team by a snore of 4 goals on the round. Last Wednesday theyde footed Stanford tit Niagara Falls by it snore of 2-1, and on Monday night; in Brussels won by a score of 8.0. Brown Jackson, of Seaforth, was referee' The final game will bn played between a tram from near Markham and Brus- sels for the Ontario Cup. An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays. ?or quality and quantity ask your dealer for tho DPW big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing •to'lames, g O1othij'Sa1e W :; are bound to cls ; r out all Sum - Goods 're- ga dless of cost. I Shirts we have about 20 dozleft,` all patterns and .siz 'These are odd lines icre the range has been roken and we are going to +dear" -them out for less than 4",tt reduced rates not returnable, Anything boug s Fanov Oatbrio Shirts, eta attached or separate, mostly all slue from 141.2 to 101`2 Shirts that wit '$1,2ii,' now 90e. ' Oat. $1 Sltirl, not. UGo ,pfd'75c, gular The Shirt , now '• , u speolal lines, one w ill two cellars same as ehlrts separate, the other braces to match ahs ti. .',Phone lines were $1 and 750, we are now selling for 56e. alias Nealt ee .,,t lrte, with reversible Dollar attached, that we. bold from 75o to <Vee Aro sollIngnow from GOc to $1, , . , at lookrin our north wtndow:ansl see b'►rgeltis for yourself. • • hargaina 88 these mall summer goods, White Vests 76e to $2. mer Underwear, 60e a Cult to $1,'25. . t9 00.38 and' Brtys' Belts, Hate 10/1;11,, Ties Sox and Shoes, ' We ore ening to dear out to mc.ko loom for Fall Hate, A bargKain fir everybody. Remember wo keep the largest and beat range of Olothing and Gents Furnishings In town. "2"' HELP THE FAIR. l3Iyth Pall Pair will be held :his year on Monday and Tuesday, September 28rd and 246, The officers are ends+av- oring to not only increase the number and bettor the character of the ex- hibits, hut to enlarge the crowd that will attend the exhibition, This dis- trict is q►tite capable of holding and supporting a good exhibition of this kind every year, and it will do better than ever if the public would only take a keener interest In the event and en- courage the officers by helping to make it a success. The public should not lose sight of tho fact that they have a personail in- terest in the 'fair, and he success or failure ought to ho a matter appealing to their ,individual pride or regret, Too many people tboughtlessly get the idea that it fair is the institution of a few people who compose the scciety, or of its hoard of directors, and is con dnctod by them its a private money- making scheme. It is not. It would be just as reasonable to say that 1,e11oo18 belong to the board of trustees, or that municipal int#titutions belong to the councillors. The fair is a public institution, and more than that, it is it reflex of the thrift and pride of the community where it is located, It will be whet the people make it. It cannot rise'aboyo them. It ought not to bo permitted to fall below them, as a poor fair is an evidence of thesinahil• ity of the people to hold one, and a poor recommendation for any com- munity, , The fair is the people's, and upon them rests its success or failure. No matter how energetic or painstaking the director's ,nay be, they cannot suc- ceed unless loyally backed up the people, and they ask and expect the hearty co•eperation of all the farmers, and others within the district, This aid can bo given first by becoming a member of the society whether you have anything to exhibit or not, In the so and place aid assn bo g;von by becoming an exhibitor of contributing to the special prize list or attractions fund. Almost everyons has some- thing which, placed on exhibition, would add to the attractiveness of the fair, Then you can talk about tho fair, and induce friends and neighbors to identify themselves with the society and help it along., And lastly you can help' by attending the fair and taking with you as many as possible. . The directors are doing their best to make the 1907 fair a decided improve- ment on the last, They are making extensive alterations in the prize list, giving better and more prizes and ar- ranging them to bettor suit the exhib- itors, There is no doubt that a perusal of this year's prize list will interest you into taking something to the fair for exhibition, or if it does not it will at least bring you out to see what 'others have. placed there. Thorn will also bo attractions of various kind's to make tip a day that will bo enjoyable ns well as profitable,. Lot the people of the district do their pert and their is no foto' of the result. . _..•. Daly, of Guelph, Lands In Jail. Inventor of Estate -Dealing System Is Convicted, In Inst Sat urdat 's dailies the follow- ing appeared, it' d many in Huron Co. will know the eenttenete referred to in the article Uotivncted ilia he Police Court of va- grancy J. J. Daly was remanded in custody oil Friday for sentence, Sat- urday he wits tried for defrauding, or attempting to defraud Samuel Egan, of Maple, of the sum of 887 On the first chnrgoagainst him he 'was sentenced to six months at hard labor, and the second charge was dismissed, Tho prisoner is a middle-aged man of respectable appearance, and the in- ventor of a scheme of estate -dealing which ha put in operation at Guelph, some 10 or 17 years ago. Many far- mers In the counties of Wellington, Perth, Huron, Wentworth,. Bruce, Waterloo,Middlesex, Oxford and oth- ers wore i tdueod to test the problemnti- enl advantages offered by Daly, then trading t t,dor• the style of J. J. Daly & Co., res ;estate agents, conveyancers, valuators, etc. . Friday 'before Col, Denison, Daly was charged with • vagrancy, Soy sal hl- formu onm ihad sheen laid by larding houm 'koepors to`tho effect thus o nosh had leer bion received for tli tceatri- titnSi tiou .affordsd,. Ona cot 'nhsinent • • gav 1 credit Grout Juno 10 to J ; 15 Inst '1 on 1)40 mere statement of Dal ' that he had money coming from from an alder mart, "Why ho should give you credit on that I do not know," contniernted the magistrate on reading the information, In other cases two weeks appeared the usual period granted. No witness- es wore called for the prosecution, but Daly, tt'ho truss defended by 1-1 Kay Merl in, took the etend in his own ho - IW(, He told the magistrate that he was tho discpverer of u systan). the rights of which he had succeeded in selling in the United States, for nue stele alone, fol' 87000, of which he had received $80001n cash, The .acne sys- tem Daly, from affidavits put in, ap- peared to have tried to sell in Toronto for a few hundred dolltu•s. It had a strong resemblance to the Guelph sys- tem, which was then out•lined by the Crown Attorney in his cross-Pxgtinhtta. tion after Daly heti appealed to his counsel against being forced to disclose a gond to wealth to which he considered 'he had an exclusive right. • The Daly system, as explained in the police court, consisted of inducing a farmer to sign a contract to pay a cer- tain commission to J. J. Daly & Co, for the sale of his farm at a stated price. Thu farther stpin'oached, in most cases, signed the contmact as the sale price mentioned was usually a very liberal cne, The description of the farm given in the contract being very complete J. J, Dilly & Co. found no difficulty in registering theso docu- ments. That being done, they merely had to wait for the proper season to rear) a good harvest. 'There was no necessity to look up a client who had signed it contract, as he was bound to come to them if et any time he wished to sell or mortgage his farm, Before he could do anything he found that he bad to remove the cloud resting upon his title in the forth of the contract registered by J. J. Daly & Co, Fortunately, the latter were tot exacting, and were gouerally willing to remove the cloud for a consideration. However, tho system proved so enc• cessful that many thousands of dollars poured into the coffers of the firm. In fact Daly, the inventor, •looked around for now fields, and, securing advances on an assignment of his precious con- tracts, migrated to the States, The parties who tnade the advances, failing to receive ropaymppt from Daly, place their claims in tho hands of- Burns & McCollum, of Toronto, who instituted proceedings a few years ago against the unfortunate clients of ,T, J. Daly & Co. for amounts alleged to be dee ender their contracts. The law, however, proved to have certain loopholes, which were utilized to liberate tho farmers foto n very unpleasant position, The magistrate considered the charge made out, and entered a conviction, Morris. George Manning is home from Mani• toba and is assisting his brother herb on the farm in harvesting their Drop. Mrs. James Duncan, 4th line, hits been under the doctor's c,-ro during the past week but we hops she will soon bo all right. Postrnaster Watson, of Sunshine, has not been vory well and took a trip to Kincardine to recruit, Ho was away for three days. We hopo he may bo speedily restored to his accustomed activity. Wednesday of last week Rev. D. Rogers tied the matrimonial knot at the Seaforth Methodist Parsonage be- tween Hefty MoArtor and 3liss Mar- garet 3. White, both of Morris,' May their joys be many and their troubles few, :.1I•..•. Seaforth. Five rinks from Soaforth were in at- tendance at the Goderieh bowling tout'- unmett. Hear the 48th Highlanders Bind at the S. O. S, (demonstration at Seaforth on August 10th. - "Queen . of Woodoliffe," owned by D. T. Pinkney, won second money its the 2.25 trot at Aylmer races last Tties- dav, • Edge & Gattoridgo, who were award- ed the Contract for the macadamizing and anrhi g on Main and Goderioh stie'ets, w,ll ,teals' 464 'cet,ts a 'quare 3'ii d for ti ,t•adennix ti:, moo tail tube furnished by the town For the esu b- ring they will'steeive 25 cents per run - ting foot, they to supply materiel, The marriage of flims Grace Ellen \laFau1, of Seaforth, to James G. Mul- len, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, San Francisco, Cal., Was solemnized at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Los Angelus, Cal,, .Tulsa 80th, the ceremony beim; performed by Rev, Dr. Walker, The bride and gruotn have mew 'friends in Seitforth who,,,will unite in best wishes for it happy future. • . ' Honeall. D. Urquhart has a number ot; Indiana at work on his fhix near Kippeh and in other parts of this section; , 111r. Carlisle, of; Windsor, is relieving the ntanager.uf the Sovereign Batik, H. Arnold, who is awns, on his holidaiys, Heusall foundry ha's ahotlt eomp!l' ted n big order for casting for a building firm in London; They aro making big shippmeute thea .d1tyS, 1-Ieiaall will soon have from twelve to fourteen; thonsnnd dollnra worth ttf cement walks, and loss than-two'huti- drod dollars worth of fire 'protection to i • save four hundred thousand dollars worth of property, As N. Warrinar was driving ho►no 00 Thursday evening the strong wind up- set hie bread cart into the ditch but no merlons results followed. The roof of 11. Horton's barn tvay partly blown off and also ono belonging to Jack McLean suifered considerably. Godorich. Tim Kensington furniture Company expect to have their new pleat in operation before the and of the month. A refs of a million fret of logs reach- ed this port for the (:ioderich Harbor 31111 Co, The first cost of iron, about 7,000 lbs. was made at the new foundry of the Dory works Inst , nes Isis, and was quite a success, The building is nor quite completed, but the firm Wns wait ing for rise in,;, so the work had to he done. The test was a gond one for tin teachiiey, which torts found to be first classo, Thcement wally along the south side of the elevator, above the Gland Trunk track, are now completed, thus practically finishing the . contract of Pigott & Co, The construction train, with its strong party or mon, is mov- ing along this on(1 of the line, putting en finishing touches, putting down rho ties and rails, and ballasting the road. 'Picket Acenr Kidd announces in his office that the first train over the lino from Godnrich to Toronto will leave here on August 26th, All former students of the Goderich Grammar ,school, high school or Col- legiate Institute, and all prosect stud- ents of the Collegiate Institute, aro invited to be present at the reunion to held on Thursday and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd, The vote on the Power Bylaw last Saturday resulted in the defeat of that mensuro by fify votes on the number polled and fourteen on the one-third required. Voting took pisco quietly. The following shotes the votes by poll- ing divisions. Division For By-law Against 13y•law 1 134 69 2 46 58 8 47 88 4 G4 61 6 61 88 6 413 78 7 613 84 301 851 Majority against 50. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency," "Bobs" and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. — ..._- --Subscribe for Tnn STANDARD, We have just received another large consignment of elegant - Dinner .Sets We have 25 sets to choose from ranging in price from $6.56 Up. ()ASII FOR ALL KINDS OF PIRODUCE JAMES CUTT. Eg sY'grina Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do 'it?' Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's. Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction ! May the acquaint-, ance result In a heavy growth of rich,thick,glossyhair! And we know you'll never be gray. ..1 think that Ayer's NairtVigor 1s the most wonderful lutrgrower tbs$ wW aver made. 1 have used It ter some time and I can truth- tnllr aTMol::: malts plN/ed wttb 1t, 1 ebeerfnlrl.nd it as s apl.ndtd p pa• ration." --ifs S V. jiltto0II, Wayland, MM. Made u sJo 0a .aUn.w0.nnn, Mals. y"P Illarulau. arsf PecTARIL. Beauty and Style Some people object to wearing glasses, thinking they aro always unbecoming. They need not be so,' r.' See our Rimless Eye [ficoses for beauty and elegance. They really improve the personal appearance. All glasses pre- sentod by our specialists are made by `` THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL, CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS "•' 237 Dundas St., London,°Ont. ANADIA'N P A C. i F I ate: IIOMESEE Round Trip Excursistrp to Canadian N 0 ItT 114VE Leine Toronto TUESDAYS' JULY '-AUGUST .. SEPT'. 30 13, and 27 10 cad 24 ` within au ticketskticketsteed retur. iag q' da y!, VERY LOW.'NATES , for iecoadkdau tickets toWinnipeg .1;1alI lmpottantldmth• west lowna ;. TOURIST SLEEPING CAs4: on each excursion. Benin at small addldonal et j. Baths roustbe reserved early: very heavy demand, ;apply to local agent at least a week beton excursion leave % Ask nearest C.P.R. Ticket 111e !; tar.. more information. of write 11 C. B. FOSTER, Dist. Pass. Aaltt., C,P.R., To4eto For tickets and full Inf(r I'p attnn"twee". J. McMURf!II►]li AGI:N17':ITLXTIJ.'' CANADIAN ,..PACIFIC Leave 6.20 a. in. 3.00 p. m. BUT ,Arrtye` jA013,:';10.' 9,46 p, fur The only way to start a Savings Account lotto start 1t. 'Good Interm tlons''do not bear ,` interest=-nelther 'does idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high; est current rate, compounded' quarterly: 13L 1'1-1 13t' ANCH ....v rte -w4 .... • ...},t4 ',w" SHIPS SHELL Ian of the young ten for the purpose of defending the suit. The whole story, leading up to the CASA BLANCA.nulrriaso, which tookn place April 1n, 1000, Is one of boy and girllite luvcmlaktn, aur! the outcome of the romantic tendon• cies of the two schoolmates. It appears that the courtship began with young Parr's walking with .11 lid Fasken on the way home from Sunday school in More prior to the winter of 10Ot1, During the winter he sometimes walked with her after the afternoon session of the Elora High School, where they were students. According to the affidavit all these meetings were in the preemie° of the young lady's younger sister. Henry Parr, so the affidavit declares, know that the girl's parents would not sanction a marriage, and he had never even seen her home t Kills Large Number of Tribesmen and Destroys Moorish Battery. French Marines Cleared Kabyles From the Streets. Party Landed to Guard Foreign Consulates Attacked. Perls, Aug. 1I—A. special despatch re - calved here from Tangier eaye the street fighting in sad the bombardment of (lana Blanca, according to a refugee who arrived from there in the Ammar An- stele, continued throughout Sunday and new still in progress when the Anatole 1,Ieft at 8 o'clock Sunday evening. The (hhneneh alga fired a total of about >r,. 000 shells. The number of Moorish dead will nun into the hundreds A mingle party of marines killed 160 Moors. The French wounded number about twelve. No Frenchman was killed. The Marabout Sidi Marouf was wounded. On Saturday night the Moorish pasha at Casa Blame was advised that troops would be landed the next day. Ile gave 'assurances that the city would remain ' calm. At 5 o'clock Sunday morning a detaohenent of 50 French marines, in command of an ensign, landed in the city. This fordo bad hardly passed lb:mu the water Batt before it rocely ey fire a1` point blank range a detachment of regular Moorish pe. Five marines and the ensign were wounded. A Battle in the Streets. The ensign was shot through both bands, In apite of hie injuries he order- ed hie men to fix bayonets and charge. This the French men did, and in the fighting 150 Moors lost their lives. The marines continued their way, clearing the greeted of the enemy as they went until they reached the French Oeneulate , where the French citizens in Case. Blanca had tak.n refuge. The other European ' resident. !,id eought safety at their res- pective Consuletea. In the meantime the French cruiser Galilee had commenced shelling the na- • lire villages outside of Caaa Blanca to prevent armed Arabs from entering the city. According to the Anatele peseta - the shells could be seen ploughing up the earth and killing men and horses. At 11 o'clock in the morning the French cruller Du Cha.yla arrived. She had beers in wireless communica- tion with the. Galilee and as ebe steam - td in her gunners were at their sta. ' tions. Broadside on to the beach she open- ed an enfilading fire with melinite shells on the horsemen and natives on foot who were in the market place to the east of the town. The horsemen wero 'riding maaiy in circles, 1Zealanding Party. The Du Ohayla aleo sent a party ashore under Commandant Mangin. As they were landing theme men were sub - looted to a fire from a Moorish force, under command of the marabout, Sidi Belaut, but the rapid fire gwrs in "the bown of the French launches cleared the ground for the sailors, who 'made their landing tzpeditlously. They scaled the was of the Portuguee5 Consulate and 'reached the French . Consulate under item of the gusts of the marines al- ready there. A party of,/thirty men were landed hem aFeistnigh cruiser, but this ves- ee1 d , not take part in the bombard- ment. At , : f -past five in the afternoon the Fre th cruiser Fobin arrived, and ire- ' amei' Moly thereafter the Anatele loft. was requisitioned by the French nsul to carry despatches to Tangier, she left port she passed a German an English vessel crowded with ogee& END OF ROMANCE. BOY AND GIRL LOVE AFFAIR ENDING. IN COURTS, Changed Her Mind After Marriage Cere- mony—Father Seeks to Have Mar- riage Annulled Under New Act, as Both Parties Were Minors. Toronto despatch: With the brand new wedding ring just a moment before plac- ed on her finger and with the echo of the final words of the marriage cere- mony still ringing In her ears, seventeen- year -old Ellen Maria Fasken, of Pilk- ltton Township, Wellington County, eft her husband,'Henry Parr, aged eigh- teen years, on the stops of the minister's house, declaring she would have nothing to do with him, anll subsequently made an affidavit of the case as preliminary to the suit which her father entered on her behalf at Osgoode Hall yesterday morning to have the marriage annulled. The statement was sworn to before Henry Wissler, a notary public of Elora, and the action comes under section 15 of the marriage act as recently amended giving Judges of the High Court of Jus- tice of Ontario power to annul mar- riagee under certain limitations. The suit bas not yet been brought to trial, but in leo meantilaChief Justice Falconbridge has made anorder appointing Mr. Hugh Guthrie,`ba1•rister, of Guelph, as guard - 1\ 1 it Miss Fasken swears that the marriage was never consummated and that she is not influenced by others in her deci- sion regarding the marriage, Her par- ents, she says, upon learning the facts, told her she might live with Parr if she loved him and could really be happy. "I only realized," pursues the affidavit, "what a foolish thing I had done when tho minister pronounced us married. I gave the ring to the defendant, also the marriage certificate, and have never seen them since," The marriage was conducted by a min- ister whom the affidavit does not men- tion on April 10, 11)00. Mil► WILL PAY Venezuela to Hand Over $2 000 to Belgium. 00, Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 12, Satunlay, via Willumstadt, Camcoa, Aug, ;.'•-Von- ezuola advised Belgium last Wednesday, July 31, that iu recognition of the prin. ciple of arbitration site would pay the disputed claims of Belgian creditors, amounting to $2,000,000, in confornity wtlt the decision of The Hague tribunal. This act on the part of the Govern- ment strengthens Pr( sident Castro in Itis refusal to reopen the matter of the five American claims against Venezuela which already have been arbitrated. The National Congress adjourned to- day after having abolished the cattle shipping monopoly. Last month Venezuela intimated very broadly that she would not pay the Bel- gian claims referred to in the above de- spatch, whereupon Belgium intimated that if Venezuela persisted in refusal eho would protest to the powers, and also take up the matter with the United (States. ROBBED SLEEPING -CARS, Serious Charge Against Porter on the Intercolonlal. Ilontreal, Aug. 12.—H. B. Williams, twenty-eight years of age, colored, was arraigned in the Police Court this morn- ing on a charge of having committed numerous robberies on the Intercolonkal Railway. During the summer months the accused was working as a sleeping car porter between Montreal and Ca- couna. Complaint after complaint was received by the railway officials from passengers who had been victimized. Some had lost money, others jewelry, and, although a vigilant lookout was kept, the articles Of • va,lue ,disappeared. Detectives, however, got a clue,• L(1, fvl-. lowed it up so closely that they arrested Williams yesterday afternoon at his boarding house on St. Antoine street. When searched nineteen pawn tickets wero found in his possession. These tickets showed that articles of jewelry, such as diamond rings, signet rings, chains, watches and trinkets had been pledged in Boston, New York, Detroit and other American cities, as well as in Montreal. The police, who regard the arrest most impatient, say to avert suspicion the accused had never robbed his own car, The accused pleaded not guilty this morning and was remanded until Fri. day. SECURED SPECIAL AWARDS, Canadian Exhibit Greatly Admired New Zealand Exhibition, Ottawa, Aug. 12.—Mr. 1V. A, Burns, Canadian commissioiner to the New Zealand Exhibition at Christ Church, has returned home after an absence of thirteen months. He says the exhibi- tion, which lasted six menthe, was great success in every respect, and was an unfailing source of interest to the two millions of visitors, The Cana- dian exhibit was generally admired, None of the Canadian prodnets aro entered' for competition, but the directors of the exhibition were so well pleased with the display that they decided to make four special awards to the Domin- ion Government, one for minerals, the second for manufactures and ono each for Inetallatlon and comprehensiveness of the display., �•• HIGH PRICE FOR PAINTINGS. Million Pounds Paid for Kann Collection in Paris. London, Aug. 12.—One million pounds sterling is the pr:co paid down on the nail for the famous collection of paint- ings gathered together in Paris by Rodolphe Kenn. This probably creates 'a record in the matter of sales en bloc of art collections. This particular ono was begun only in 1880, but of its kind it is by all odds the most Important and mese carefully selected in Franca ftembranllts are its chief feature, and this master is shown at the height of his powers in eleven canvases which aro representative of his most diverso man vers, { SHOT HIMSELF INSTEAD OF WIFE. PITTSBURG MAN CAME TO DO MIR-. DER, BUT WAS FOILED And Committed Suicide—Bared Breast for Ball—Harry 13, Moore Ended His Life in Dramatic Fashion After Vio- lent Assault, Philadelphia, Aug, 12. --ilia purpose to murder his wife having been defeated by tho intervention of her parents after ho had conte from Pittsburg with that ub• jest la view, hurry 11. Moore last night killed h1nurulf at the horde of his father- in-law, William S. McCormick, No. 5400 .Meter stret. lie snot hiuuelf through the head and died ulntust instantly. Moore was known to posess a most violent temper and is declared to have treated hie wife in brutal fashion ever since their marriage, seven years ago, and had threatened bier life on numerous occasions. He bought a revolver in Pitts• burg, which he carried about continually, and is said to have flourished it in rite of temper. Fearing for the safety of her children and herself, Mrs, Moore on July 20th left Pittsburg and carte to the home of her parents. On Sattirday Moore followed her and was keenly disappoint- ed at finding her out of town. Last night, about 8 o'clock, she re- turned from Conshohocken, where she had been since last 'Thursday, aud as soon as Moore caught sight of her be attacked and bent her until her par- ents forced them apart. IIo snatched her hat from her head and her clothing was torn to shreds, "If you don't re- turn home at once 1'11 kill you," he shouted within bearing of the neigh- bors, Mrs. McCormick advised her daugh- ter to ask the police for protection, but fearing the notoriety, Mrs, Moore uredo attempts to quiet her husband by prom- ising to return to Pittsburg with hint this morning. At 0 o'clock lest night Moore asked his wife to accompany him to an upper room, as ho wished to converse with her on private twitters. ]Ier parents cau- tioned her not to trust the ntnn, where- upon he attempted to assault the father - In -law, but was forced to deslst. He then wc went patsies to the morn of Miss Edith McCormick, a sister of his wife, and, taking a revolver out of his grip, stood in front of a mirror, opened his hart and bared his breast, He then placed the revolver over his bredst and fired one shot. The sounds of the shot and the fall ttracted the attention of the people downstairs, and his wife fell to the floor in a faint, exclaiming; "Oh, I am sure ho shot himself!" Mr. McCormick, his father-in-law ran up and found the man. In bis last moments Moore cursed his wife and her parents. Then, hearing the cries of his two children—Vera, 5 years, and Harry, 3 years—he opened bis lips to say something, but then sank on the floor and was dead when a physi- cian arrived. The patrol wagon of the Twenty-ninth District arrived in n few minutes and took charge of the body. The coroner was notified and an inqueet will be held today, "I believe the suicide was duo to a most violent temper and jealousy," said Mrs, Moore Inst night, after tho trap• ,edy. "When I left Pittsburg, a little '''eek ago, it was with Mr, Moore's entire pe,;:gipplon, Shortly after my arrival I receli'vd letters and then tele - ams from him, nsktng me to return th the children at once, My parents advised me to stay with them, and, thinking it best, I remained. On Thurs- day I went to Conshohocken to vielt a friend. I did not know my husband had followed me until I saw him to-, night as I was entering the house. I saw he was in a bad temper and tried to run out of the house, but ho caught enc, tore off my hat and hurt me. "I tried every means of quieting him, and when he asked to go upstairs with him I feared for my safety and refused, During the recital of her story, her two children were sleeping peacefully on a lounge, Tho suicide has relatives living in Cen- treville, Md. He was a picture frame gilder and earned a good lining. ♦•a FATHER'S MAD ACT. Family Wiped Out—Appalling Tragedy at Bath. London, Eng., Aug. 12.-A shocking tra- gedy, which roust have occurred during Wednesday night, was revealed at Twer- ton, a suburb of Bath, when Arthur Mose, of Coronation avenue, his wife Florence, and two children, a buy aged seven and girl aged five, were found with their throats cut, Moss having apparent- ly murdered his wife and children and af- terwards committed suicide. In any case, the deed had evidently been committed with a large carving knife, and appearances indicated that Mrs Mose and the children died iu their sleep, there being no signs of a struggle. Tho, children were in a back bedroom, an' their fakes had been carefully hidden by turning back the bedclothes. Mrs. M s was lying :n the front bedroom, with her hands folded peacefully over be breast, and :Glow lay near, partly un (reseed, aud with the knife ,close to hie hand. The family went to Caine on M iuday to see the King, and were not sen on the 'Thursday or Friday by the eighbors, but the latter heard no noise, loss's absence from the market garden- er's stall which lie had latterly kept in the Bath provision market, however, xclted some continent on Thursday, and yesterday afternoon a lad he employed resolved to go to the house in Corona - tion avenue. Aceompuniod by a neigh- bor, he made an entry from the back, and the terrible tragedy was discove el. A lengthy note written by .Moes was found addressed to his relatives, which clearly indieuted that lie had been in a distressed state of hind consequent upon financial trouble and pressure from at least ono creditor. Muse wrote that he contemplated suicide, but could not, bear the idea of leaving his darlings to bear his trouble, Ile referred in tutors of touching affection to his darling }'lo,, his wife, and expressed sorrow in causing his relatives so much trouble. According to his relatives Moss had complained that trade was bed, and had said that ho burdly wude a living out of his busi• nose, A JEALOUS GIRL HANDS LOVER LEMON, THEN STABS HIM. Insanely Jealous, She Also Wounds Her- self, and Will Die—Stabbed Herself Twenty Times. Lancaster, Pa,, Aug. 12.—Sho handed me a lemon and then stabbed me." do- clared George Nehr, son of the lute Ald- enn:ul Henry Nehr, to -day, explaining a -remarkable tragedy that occurred last night when his sweetheart, Miss Agnea Carruthers, tried to kill both Neter and herself. Nuhr will recover, but it ie prob- able that the girl will die from the self- inflicted wound. Therl is believed to have been In- sanely jealous, She lust evening aceused Nehr, to whom she was engaged to be married, of paying attention to other girls, and a serious quarrel ensued. Fin- ally, according to Nehr's statement, she placed a piece of lemon in his hand and then, passing around his chair, threw her left arm about his neck. Responding to the supposed caress Ile arose and took her in his arms. Hardly had he clone so when she drove the blade of a knife into his breast, inflicting a three-inch wound over the heart. She tried to strike again with the knife, but the man seized her by both hands. Tho girl screamed turd her mother and slater rushed into the room. Neter hurriedly left and went to a physician's office. lie was later taken charge of by the police and sent to a hospital. After the mus was gone from the house Miss Carruthers rushed out, de- claring that she would drown herself, Instead she went into the yard of her uncle, John K. Trewetz, where she tried to commit suicide, inflicting about 20 stab wounds. A policeman discovered her when she had almost succumbed to lass of blood, The girl declares she bought the knife because her lover bad threatened her life. '!'his is denied by Nehr. ••► DROWNED IN THE RAPIDS. Queen's University Graduate Swept to His Death in Kootenay River. A Roseland despatch: David Noble was drowned in Kootenay River, nt a point about two miles above Castlegar, on Sunday afternoon. IIe was fishing down the river from Slocan Crossing with John F. Miller, Noble was taking a canoe, which was of canvas, through the rapids at that point, •while Miller was fishing along the banks. Tho canoe overturned, and the last Miller saw of his companion ho was clinging to it and being swept down the river, It was' impossible for a swimmer to live in the boiling waters in Ole portion of the river. Noble was nn assayer in the employ of the Consoli- dated Company at, Trail. IIo was 20 years old, a graduate of Queen's Univer- sity, Miller is superintendent of tho lead refinery at Trail, ♦•• B, N. A. ACT AMENDED. It Passes British Commons From Lords. London. Aug. 12.—The bill to amend the Britiah North America Act with relation to provincial subsidies, as fin- ally amended, has passed the House of Commons, There appears to have been some difficulty over the bill, as the lm- porinl authorities omitted from their draft all reference to the final and un- alternble feature of the scheme, Thia created the impression that it was the intention of the British Government to leave the matter open to further agita- tion by the Provinces, particularly Brit- ish Columbia. Tho Canadian Ministers ln•g,riginnd strongly objected to the bill'4‘;11 this form, and in consequence of their repro- eentatlons respecting the necessity for recognition of the final and unalterable purpose of the arrangement, the whole address of the Canadian Parliament, in- cluding the words In question, was made part of the bill in the form of a schedule, on Return HOSPITAL FOR WELLAND. Trust Incorporated and Order Given for Drawing of Plane. Welland, Aug, 12.—Welland !respite Trust has been Incorporated with the following - officers: President, W. E. Phin; Vice -President, A. Griffiths; Trea- surer, George' A. Browe' Secretary, Dr, W, K. Colbeck. Althou h the hospital project hes boon under w y for almost a year, it is only just now lthat any deft- ulte step has been taken. 'Those behind ihe movement declared ,'t,hat nothing -ould bo done until $10,00`i was avail- able, and tide amount has +now been inched. A committee compo ed of War - lin Sutherland, George C. . rown and D . Garner was appointed \ o consult lth an architect and have ' ho piens own. . HARD ON THEM. Escort or No Meals, Rule of New York Cafes. New York, Aug. 12,—That ticklish old question; Shall women unaccompanied by mon be permitted to dine in public restaurants in this city 1 may bo settled by the courts, A woman's ire has been aroused and she demands, not Money damages, but a judicial determination of the right of women to dine In the public places of Now York when and how they please, hire, Harriet Stanton Blatch, the writer, suffragette, clubwoman, daughter of tho Into Elizabeth Cady Stanton, is that woman, and those who know the prominent part sho has taken in several fights for tbo peoples' rights do not doubt that she will push the suit which she says site Is about to begin against the Hoffman House, Mrs. Blatch, accompanied by a Quaker woman from Long Island, went to that hotel one day last week very hungry. A young roan at the desk told them that they could got dinner on the roof. When they had seated themselves at a table, Mrs. Blatch says, a waiter came along. "Got an escort 1" ho asked. They told him they had none. "Are you guests at the hotel?" They admitted they wore not. "Then I cnn't servo you," tho waiter said. A bead waiter came along and sanctioned the decision' of the under - strapper, So rude was the shock that the Quaker lady was made ill and could not return to her home until the next day. The case is of unusual Interest he, cause the incident occurred in brae daylight. ':hero aro many Broadwa:, restaurants that refuse to servo women who aro alone after 0 o'clock at nigltl,• but nobody he questioned the viable of the rule. Mrs. Blatch is a Vassar graduate and has received tire degree of Ms ter :rt Arts, She is a member et the :stellar.. board of the Woman's Trades U.! ;OR League of Eng'rind aud of the Women's University Cluh, thv feek,'ue of self -fond porting women, tee Vn'lia►•I°.n !'','trh rza. many other etoregriest organiratives SCCO..;71 S!IIP i.111Kt11:+ From Forth !l/ li'e; reeooi Sclasna. London, Aug. I2.- llivi reefs trayea e the construction of u bhi►: k"ra! wm• netting the Ford eel 4 Clyde tees given at a sitter of kis rS.'" i maw o• :ion on Canals •,is v•IwH.i+i^n, held at Westminster Falser: ,E, el, undw the presidency 1 !,••.ord .^iD.uttloworta, ohalrmae. The fleet ert!tsr,e 'ante Provos'. Arr,:-r bald Christie, el Inkildri~., 8410 prawisted the caro for t, r..ri! ship r::le. The present Forth and (lido barge canal, he said, rut taritugt, *alkirk, {rei was of the greatest :►.at!u a t! its commerce and that al is dis-,•&1,. The canal connected the, Earth ua t1~ -e t1%4te at Grangemouth ea Dowling 7ame- tively. The question..if a ship canal tis. tween the Forth !mit. Ctf:t !Ad Ions been before the pnbth end at the roubas suggested that ''ons! it•"eRed 'i'as the one between Oeveseemeetl9 Mid 'Yoker, or practically oa rte Vase of the ;resect canal. It v' s US/lrrStOge. that t i r'Juta offered no engineering difLon/ttrm, are: that its length esseld to tee) awl is halt miles, e.nd wed ,'u"a £0,600,000 to £7,• 000,000, The ms"s objel * of tt, ship canal would 1. ,Le connectii:; lit the Forth and (kydo (.r sea-vc':ig lease% and the development, of natiera1 itna local commerr-i. l,ia,:+ c; 'unul '.could in- crease the rr.Jiub a* Scotland's Steele, and besides tiler. wtuld II, of great atrat egic importance. The line of route would pass through Vs, contra of the Scottish iron industry., dee tvould also be in 'rect touch with the Scotch mineral fields, The canal ....nue.: br,,',p�g shlpg • right int* the centre of .tli. 'eau t 1,y► nd carriage by sea would bye otoaper ian carriage by land. It you'd put 1 and el' trio!e in a better position t:, ':tr.es, wits coast towns, and would reduce tariffs between central Sentlnnq ►nd ��►; thr�: Europe and America. 'f? •eitnoes rt.• garded a ship canal ne of . ch national importance that ho though it tete tho duty of the Govern:tent to 'ertake Questioned by the ehal as to whether a less nrrb;ttr;;tr home than and costing about t'O,f,( would not suit Falkirk equally %Vele r o'rost Clarks tie said it wouM stir, a fur- Ong itc.11ey to adopt a coraprehee iv►. 'teem now than undertake soma temp—oar? ?stens dituro on merely improving the preecra canal, Answering questions /r'ml ':'ii.r OMD• missioners, the witness, said it..;waeld bF the duty of towns on the ;ruitte''•!o cao- tribute to the cost of the canal. Other witnesses feilte ell. ***- GORED •aGORED BY A BUT&, Thos, Shannon, of Sunbury, ?'bund ; Dying Condition. Kingston despatch: Thomas ahana.A a well-known femme 11 -it:; near ewe bury, meet a shucking; death '? Tues'• day morning, lie wits w:tkinF 7= tea farm of his brother, i'tobert, Awe alt Stortfilgton. Ile went with a der; to drive a bull and ehut it,, ae, To occurrence had no witnesses, leen elieette afterwards his brother fount hire leht,g on the ground in a dying r..onditfon, The dog was keeping the angry bell rt: esti and saving his master trot further at- tacks, In reply to questions thea LI? said that the bull had attaike'i esti/ rod,, ed him, It is thought he way throwC' . forty feet. Iiia side wea hefty oi•ushed. The unfortunate man yeas car;i'r to t 'MF house ou an inipruvl:+sd cl;o!,:bnr ori-: laid upon a couch., Vit°,r; br, e-s:r, Swede - Ing the attention tt,r, ,1:a?'es. he aud, denly breather.! 1►s i. AN )EXPRESS SIDE-SWIPED. Four Persons Killed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburg, lug 1':.- The 'Titusville I:xpre•si, rullthlee lull, on the llutfalo and Allegheny division of the i'enn;ylvania liailioad, was wrecked near I<ollv's Station, tiro mile from ICiilanning, I'a,, aboral 1.311 o'cloel: to -dna' by be- ing side-swiped by a freight ear that had broken away from a northbound freight train. This engine was derailed, and two baggage ears, a smoker and pas• setlgel' 1'111' 1V1'el'I:ed. Four 11(R•ri0lli 111e (kid Il nil about hlventy five 111, The train on leaving Kiltnnniig t► behind time, and it is stated that it was running at is high rate of speed. The aeeid,'nt occurred at a sharp curve of the road, which prevented the engineer from seeing any ellltikb'ii blo dist;nii'o ahead of hint. TO HELP MINERS. EFFORTS FOR SYMPATHETIC STRIKE AT NORTH BAY, Strike of Railway Employees is Being Organized by "Industrial Workers"— Engineered by Roadhouse. Cobalt, Aug.. 1•2 --Organizer ltoadhouee and other members of the federation come back from North Bay today. they have been holding meetings with the purpose of bringing the Iso repairers on the T. S N. 0. out on n sympathetic strike with the Cobalt miners, the in- tention of the federation in so doing is, 101 course, to prevent trains ruuuinn be- tt►•een here and North, tiny, so that slrike•brenkers cannot, be brought• in - The nve►•ngo wages of ear men at North Bay is stated by the wl•ou to be IUs an hoar and ten hours a day are worked. The vermeil at present belong to a craft union only, but uu.mbl.ts of the federa- tion . I I,ltion here declare their intention of form- ing a local branch of the purger : n'iety at North tiny, and sus low wages are he• inq paid they do not iulticipate any great difficulty in getting the cosinent out. The union men state that a picket in the C. 1', 11. shops at North Iiay ads arrested on the charge of Irving an agi- tator, but released next morning. Last night it was stated on the Square that the mine nmuwtgeis lyres indim:tI breaking the immigration laws by .send- ing over to England for men to work in the Cobalt nines. \len are coating into the camp fast, but do not care to nark in the mines Hent' Cobalt, as they would be more liable to the ettentiois of the union then, "Quite a number of men from ,llichigun have gone to work nt the mines in the Cross Luke district, The Rochester Silver Mining Company, which has been shut down slues the strike, starts again to -morrow, 'I'u•duy the big plant Of the Cleveland Cobalt Company was throning for the first time. H0% CUPID'S' NET. A LOST DIAMOND RING LED TO A WEDDING, The oser Was a Young Canadian Girl, t nd the Finder a New York Doctor They Are Now Man and: Wife—A. 4. P. R. Romance, Meet real, Aug,, hirersitin;,r; story is "'told 3 \li•, (hr est nrtiele department of the eifie Pailway. Mr. Cool look after countless or picked up and turned ov conductors and %re iters Slone time ago a .\e inougllt to the do.,iiu: pretty diamond ring] picked up in a car or west, iis the course of ltiml claimed by its owner,, w' a pretty and attractive the small towns on ;lion basil lull Toronto., ly overjoyed to get h had probably nevea- agnin, and in her gi the doctor's address), b might thank him for hi turning the article to All. Cooper untwist pened after tlio young lye with the doctor's adders only 11 vert' hazy idyll a 'hole thing might have what hu sloes know is that ago it happy couple called in nl their wedding journey, li i lied to recognize in the for and the young Indy who 1 rin'r. The meeting nJtts nature ttnl air, Coop( proud of his work its a match P. ISONEk FSC ,� Arrestersor reaking Int R. Stati> tat New Ha • New Hunnburg, Aug. the more desperate of the cgs arrested yesterday, char breaking into the Grand '1.'runl: here, Houle his escape from the lock-up last night. It was expee a G. '1'. detective would be sen the charge, and the prisoners il;e tried before the local Mnglett day, The other man, giving Wei Fred \Vilfred, of St. 'lltonta.s, Wit to Berlin this morning: The Rightful Keir "11'ell, sir, sun hod better sit flown 11 um the bench, for you don't, look able 1 J to st:uul;, 111141 he indicated n rnslit bench near by, and the young elan sank w•eahly (pun it, ntelionieg his cumpiniun to proceed, "I don't Enos•, sir, hew 1 ho old rector managed that bnoines!, but 1 du know lhnt alley that young couple bud entered the eluting 1 creptsoftly up and looked in through lel open w'indow, lull --1 hiln•d his revereu(e marry talent good and strong as ever a couple was married hi flit world," "Ate you sure?" demanded his 11;t1'n- er, act .ually gasping for breath at this startling ,ung unexpected Ilinutlnee- mint, while 111, wwiped:away- the ;,reit any.- of sweat that hntl gathem' upon Iii brow, "AS sure, sir, 1111 that, 1 clan talking l0 ,t"rI ul this nlulacat," .11'1 11 the erl1l 111na, corfidcnt.!'y, "1 l'nuhl rite\ see the reel (r, it is true, for the (get,put was 11 dirk, but 1 Ell's the good old, 11.tn'i Voice ''411, Incl I know (hitt, instead of Ilio yolrIg nlnWI's c11'N'y1111uu-•if 11 o!er;;y• lu:ln the hal with 'Will nt' 4114.--nu:lu'rviug 1114111, the rectus of St. Jihn'e chapel Kehl the ceremony' over Linen himself." ".1111, if sten could prove alis to mel" llnl ion's sun said, an agony of loiyging in IiiUIi()lll I1 t( ib tum'.. The sextan shoot: his head with an air of li 'piexity, •'I cameo. prove it, sir, ('xc(pt 1►y my wu,,I, and 1'we never 101x(1 lulynaI lefnre; but you, sir, being the Hun of 11111! potty yenieg lady -I 1111d seen her before, stroll- ing s cab \111! ;,t i11•!i ii ,in -)'1111 'being Ivor child, have a right to know it." -Tay rectus! the r(•t'(url 'w'1iei is he? If this is true, 111e can prove it!" his enol• 110P,i1111, 01i141, sl:r•tiii ill, with excitc- 110at. ,':111, air, the has been +I(•cuI thee.( ten yelp s, !111(1 thee' 111 his place who (01!1 not know any -thing nIon:. this," the sexton replied, :with a look of pity' at the handsome ;vintner, stral_rer who was so painfully n.gitated. ".Intl there were no ubh'rr w'it.,l; cs-- you eyterc the only one who fats and hear.' ttbi.;'l" "Yes, tie', f Inas the only One :Is fair as I know; but," with sudden thought, "rye hea,nd t ho t the old scoter. Clever went. to bled at night (without fine\ writ- ing down overylhing that had. 1i 1,j en(d dlritLL the day, 1191 penleaps Miss Isabel --ohm's the 1'retll•'t4 thing -Mori 111, tee ('100 with you hither, bless her kind. h, art 1--p0r!eipe she could tcitl you some- thing ast'o itbuu( til." "Tenni: you. \\'blit you tha►•o told ale t4, n;. i1 is of the most vital importance, as you have doubtless judged by nay un- ayoidltl,le excitement, If \vilest you say cell be proved, it will repair one of the gel-ntest wrongs ewer committed upon this earth,," \hr•ion', soli replied, very gi a rely. 1 feared it -I feared it nt the tume- 1aay laud ftrr;;i1'0 alt for ever 'bietntylln'g by tritest," m►tniltarc(l the old man, I►rok• cagy, "gut you atoned for it -(you were le e:pied as 1111 ort liable to be tomptl+ll, and 1 .hope anal trust that your repent- ance may be the means of slev1ng a proud relete front diellonote" "-11is,( 14nbc(1 can trill you, if anyons 1) cin," answered the sexton. "1 wili wait, then, ta til she comes front the cott,lig., and arch an interview ii t'h herr,,, returned the youth," lied, though hie stock of money, WIIS 110110 100 largo, ht generous/1y dropped a gulden gui11(m into the old mat's ,11x11(1, and then, (fro deeply 'ntowell to renalin quiet, he puce'(! ,back and forth ibc ieanth the tree;, while waiting for the rector's daughter to appear. CII:11''I'I'at XXIV, The street -faced Miss Isatbecl did not IIs 'his llrttiease lung, Sic had 'been.deeply int crt'iited ht Lire young 111141 ihalldoullie :stranger, \wUrllder- 1 g \\ ;to lie was, and w^he 1,e he (alone, n1, we•ll as why he should seek their quiet little ohape1, 1111(1 'ellen the olql sexton, .-se had heard his last words to the old maul, and knew that lie was desir- ous of speaking with her. ,511e at once Incise, Inid, 118 soon ns she clime 1 fo th from the cottage, he ituniediutely ap- pr0e.chcd }ler, '•1'urdou," he. said, courteously, lifting ,his hat, "but uuty I have It little con- yerslttion with you?" f• "Certainly," she answered, withl a wed graciousness that male him think of his mother, - ' Ile then stilted something of his ob- ject in coming there, and also the start- ling revelation of the sexton ,as well as whet he had said regarding the rector'( dingy, and begged her, if it was in her power, to let hien know the truth of the 11111(1(1. J -ler face grew snd and foil of pity ns she listened to hini, and realized convinced rue of the feet already -and any words tnuk immediate tft'eet, for, with a muttered imprecation, he tura the benril and wig front hie bend and face, and throe (111,111 also upon the floor le - Hills the rube hurl surplice, "'hrienll,' I then demanded, sternly, 'are you a minister of JemuB " lie muttered, \villa a vile eat II, ''flee yon were mutt\ to perm:nate n bishop of the church turn commit siteri- lege. I will relieve you from bulb the nnu'kory nod 1 Iii sin, i will myself per- ▪ . ▪ form this marriage ceremony.' something if the \\•rung that had been suffered for so many years, and when he bud fini,hel she said simply: "Yes, 1 eau give you teeniest. Come with tae," Ilo\y his heart bounded at the lynrd.4, "I can giwe you comfort ;" and, lien ving 0 breath that \gals itIonost a soh, a 13' of 11111 n!;fnlnrss wont air t( (10:1 from his helot for the light that, \vas begin- ning to shine upon his darkener( life. 'hiss Isabel (lrnflun, for 111:11 ''1144 the lat!'.'e name, led the w•11.w toward a shall ",lint bels he began, in an cx• cited unnnr'r. "'Yell '•1 1 1 \ ill tell please 11 1 1 . 111 1,9 11 1 111 i t names give 1 of Iht parties 11 kill to be united, and I 11 correct ones,' I Interrupted, perenlp• torilt'. "lie gave them, and, lighting a taper, 1 inserted then) in the blanks of the tur- 1ifieale with which I had provided myself beferc IIa\'ing bonne.' "'Now you can g",' f lidded, and pointed to the rca' diol•, which led into the chlnrll,l'nrd, "Ho hesitated, and login to stammer ►ills, built in the Gothic ,;tyle, teen by. something 111(111, some one being very It writs 11 t'h;41nlin;! little iiken, covered anlgl} itt 1)eInrn 1ffnirs sero \"king, with yin(4 nuJ cra ling ruse; lull sur. I.nonglIr 1 MINI, Sternly. 1)o not dare to interfere with 111'; you can ronnd1.lf l�' r.uhl( trees, wilt herr and (rich • retire 1 leave ly 1 ell . all a, lluu;,Y to lul:e their ('(I11's11; or, Hint'e 1 110w recognize yell as one of the strangers visiting itt ligo for 1110 sullrucr, 1 Will c;ttiee you to he arrested on the morrow fur site ilcgc, and having tempered with 1biingH 1n iiug- iii to the house of (nod. 1larl:l' 1 added, there 0 pet(1' of gay flowers adding a brieliti(r4 to the scene. tiiu' invited Ilial to enter and ushered hint into a roil anal shady parlor, when she well-\ d herself for a few' moments, C1c sins 1.1,1 ;,1(ne Icrg, \and \shot I#;o 1(lur01'11 ~l, call•i(11 two or 1liret: large hanks in her hand, ,ehupel; 'they have come; ehoiese f uick• 'flies,' books,' she explained, laying Iy and go; or, if yon fen, to do that, „4,, them easefully 111)011 the table, as if they lenowlo(Ige, in the presence of yonder as wen 11 (.111'11 steps (tarring 11111 were 0 precious treasure, "comprise any couple, the fraud you were about to runt father's diary, 11111, I think, never dm.- alit, I will not have so foul a wrong per - lug his life did he unlit the record of a pt'trnled; if n young and trusting mnid- single day, 1 lease take, it stud pleas- en lolieees she is nhnut, to become It ere," she continued, with a starting lawful wife, a wife Hhe shall he; will tem*, '`in rending there since his death, not 011ov her to be (leeched.' and I also think that there is consider- "A moment longer he hesitated, ns if able here regarding the events of which undecided which course to pursue, then, you speck. Now, if you will please with a terrible imprecation 011011 me mud give ale the date 1 will see if I can find the whole proceeding, he tn•ned away it for you." and glided forth into the darkness, n;itl Ile toll) her, and then set in painful I sally him no more. suspense while she tinned those pages "It tuns but the work of an instant for penned by a hind long since Imlsicd 10 me to don the robe and surplice which he death and which might conlniu so much Iia} dropped in his fright and i was at of (lope for hint, the altar in time to receive the stranfec "\ es,' 11\4 splen at last, "1111.0 is one 00111)10, 11111! of ►1h(IimI 1 WAS 11044' eWIIlilIl • entry -elite first, I plink, since it car- eel ►vas n designing villain, the other his re:Tends with t- e date you gave ate!" victim. and she p1te4ed kiln the hook to let (lint "'\'Ice maiden was npparently very rend for himself. young, and my heart wns pained for enuition was so great that at first her; her voice was sweet and chililieh the words seemed blurred and indistinct, as she mode the responses, and 1 felt in and it weal a minute or two before his my soul that she Hurst be motherless, or vision became clear enough to react, she would not be there in any such tray -Then he readthis-1114 that. ".august 11th, 1 -. A strange thing "The propriety of my adopting the occurred today. Thomas 1\right, the course I dill might be questioned by some eextun of St. John's chapel, cause to the a111(1 the thought arise why 1 did not in - in evident distress, and confessed a con- steal denounce the villain std save t110 spiracy in whirl he ►yn5 concerned, or child. i had reasoned all that within uly- rntller 0 wrong into which he had Leen ti('If, and was convinced that if she was tempted by the offer of gold, and which stn infatuated with her lover that he lay exceedingly heavy 011 his heart. A hal won her consent to it secret mar - yowl.' man had hired hint to leave the doge, it would not he diffiwult for hini ('hnpcl open after dark that eveniulr, to win her ngnin to his will, and ,even that he alight, tomo to be married secret- 111 Lh0 face tf any 1'ew01 4h i ll to do her ly' ton young and beautiful girl, and he the (0171 wrong he had plaided. f judge, told him, moreover, that he would bring That the greatest kindness f could do her his own clergyman with hint to perform would he to make her really a wife. the c(r4nu01V. Ile paid the sexton n "In less tllnn ten minutes the. \401'9 gul(1on 4tgle to do hint lite service, which which made them ane were pro ieuteed, the poor fellow, conseiettce•sinitten like and they were ns truly mann and wife ns ,ludas of old, clone «1111 delivered mp to any who ever took upon themselves the we for the poor. 1 resilyed vows of mnt•intony; 111141, put Ong the certifientc of isle talsuction in, the nt once in investi!,'nh' the :lffnir, for it T.(tting or.me's hand, T sang them go forth nnnellred to me ns if n wenn!' of some foto their 114\\ life, feeling that ►ehn( hind was loin\\ perpetrated, wherein n t',re 1111pp(ned, 1 hnd done what. 1 could, \'111'v, trusting nn11 perhaps motherless el- did no htii4ye flint with that cer girl. like rue own fair 114111141. was twins: tifiente in her possession, whereat 111v deceived, The result, proved even ns 1 name w'uR wren iu n1y hnld4st hand, 1 1)0110a -se romance begun, a wrong he' t11(ii)prnl•e 1,170 trnnittSnct inn, 1 hnf, nay ve't.v headed. great hnrin could come to that ebild- "An hour before the time that Thomas wife, 1 returned to the robing•rooi, re - Wight (.old ale wits set ape rt for the moved my vostures, !tidied ue the wilt s11111(1411Ile to come 10 the csIr1 1 n111 ,ltd which rl et ill Inv there, n\ld repaired thither and concealed myself lee brought then( home with nae an t•opllieS hand 1110 drapery of a ('nrini,' in the rob• of a strengc ndt'entare. They are locked Mg roost. 1t was 110x'13' dark, but not within the third drown,. of the old Graf - so dark lett flint 1 entad distinguish ton benne. Cod bless and spare that in - objects quite distinctly, fwd 1 had not nocolt maiden; my heart yearnetlh over been (.here long befog a young term, of her." perhaps thirty yci08, quietly entered, aid Thus ended the bishop's first entry immediately proceeded to disguise hint- regarding that strange ndventnre, and a self with r. white wig and n full, flowing long, sigh, ns if some henry hili len, had white heard. I knew then, beyond it rolled from his heart, burst from Afa1•- dollbt, that a great wrong wits content- inn' \Tui00e's son ns he finished readingpin1ed, for the heir and ben rd lwero nn it 11111 laid clown tile book, eine\ counterpart of my ova, Ile then "Thank God!" the said, devoutly, approached any private (.10S:11, took down "Antal!" murmured the $wcet•fneril the robe and nr•plioc, and was about to Miss 'fsnbel, write had sat silently watch' put them on when f stepped forth from ing (nim as he rend, and who seemed to my hiding phren and addressed him thus: 00.nlprehend 1111(1 syinprt.thize with all "'Friend, what are thou about to do that that burst of thanks menet, with these emblems of n sacred office? "There is something more. I believe, '-('hose are hely vest tires w•hieh none but n little fertile,' 011 ' she said, after a a priest unto (lull has a right to wear,' 81010cot 01 silence, and retching' for the "The rule dro!lped from his nerveless boot., Ile•e it us, She nddetl, after turn - hand upon the fluor, end be turned n ing several pages. I have rend it n greet white, stn't.Ied face to ane. many tittles, and }loped that that young "'Who are yen?' he nt length demand- girl might have been happy; find yet I ed, with 1111 effort to recover himself, feared for her -there is'so touch that is "'1 ant Bishop (lritfton, the reel or of and In the world," sheconcluded, with St, ,ohm's parish, \P110 arc volt'!' 1 asked a sigh. mildly, in return. 'Tile excited youth ngnin seized the ''It does not matter who I ant,' he bwoh eagerly, and rend: muttered angrily, and standing before me "`tcptcnlbcr 10111, i8-, \1). heart has With un exceedingly crest-fnllen air; and been unaccountably heavy to•dny for 1 proceeded, with solemn grnaity: that ,Young maiden wlton I so st•atgely "'Friend, I learned tan's afternoon that wedded nitwit 9 month ego, .Pe'Imps the n great wrong wits to be committed here event was recalled by my meeting the this evening, and 1 cultic here to stop it, vi1In111 who w1ts to perform tho nnocl: if possible,' ceremony. Ile avoided me with a blush "f spoke the words at n venture- 1111d of shame, turning sort in his tracks as not so, either, for the mat's tunnner hnd he saw ale approaching. It is well that he car feel even shame for his 811, But something impressed me that that young wife might some time need even stronger evidence than the certificate I eeive her -it might be lost, destroyed, or stolen, and then there would he noth- ing lo prove her position if I should die; and so 1 resolved to make a record here of their names, and the date of their ulnrriuge: "lltrried-in St. John's Chapel, \Gin- eltelsen, August 11th, 18-, by the llev; Joshua Grafton, bishop, and rector of St. John's parish, George l uuuet•, of Rye, to Miss, i\Inrion Vance, also 'Of qty,:, 1. take my oltlh that this is a trite sentement. "Joshua Grafton, Rector," "September lOLIt, 18-," That wens nal; but was it not enough? 000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scott'.: Emulsion.' Result: She gained a pound a day in weight. ALL DRUGGiSTS s GOc, AND 3140 smut( heavily the hear: of the gentle \\roman hitting su silently in the gather• Mg iwili:4.11l. neer hint, "Int, 10(,11(1- neither!" 11 was as t.h,u;gl he rnlllll ung Is'a' 11., 114,1 rile 141(1 "'IV10 '.noire 11 with him444-66666 Inldy j,l,ti(e', this bll'es(d res''• The disease known as blackleg in ciao' a Inli'ul. Ili., 1';111 11;1, (11141 atrltosl (' 111,, although entirely unknown in many i.,.ut I pointing ani flee 11,;' ;_•. , f'11g lording bill) ~lief Ilea she sh'tlld have exteneire agricultural reolio115 of ('1411 1+'llll tLe 141,(1 tient r114Il,,1(1111,1' ffere,l 011 Ilan.,' 1111^ ,~14;11.14, hexing 111141 and not t►t 1111 wnlcspreull in any' 1''tl iressure, wl►ico Ims 1'011x• 1,. is ,041- distriel or province, mutually (•Reset t Sid1•1'0,1 I,y the Scoltioil Jl'I (0 0t: the guile extensive losses to cattle rai,''rs. a n01!t,ual f4)1, %vas the perstwei rnogri Andra►, which is quite a dillcreut dim- ; "I 1111, Sorevrign, nod stent" 111'1 bo Iwo eeeept by Ilial ur (a uubdings +�-• $4+14'1 • • • •.-+44-444-646•64 Vaccination for Blackleg and Anthrax in Cattle, T1{1T. RO'%AL STANDAI(1:, 1ho:land the Pian:,:; �' s.gp of lt,o Soveeign. Some little 11 ;t!, ;ll Ihr lil�l.., a of hllr;;• petiently h41 burden of shame, when she n,i;:llt \•ret new he living, him fired mei respected. He, was only 1111411• four when I•he. (lied -ju,l 11(4 tinge lolit'n life 14leuld 1111'1' been its II .I 11' l l prime. She 114;1- leanlifnl 1111(1 se (orl•tilptedl tlotl >he coup! !1:11) elii"1•e,l (( the full est extent all Il" ;.e„41 things that 1,,• lulled to 111.1' 111;;11 I„witl"II ie life; 1111(1 it se'emi l 1,; , lewd; when they Might all have been hers- -when they w0r0 hors ly rie1,1 that she shodd have lawn rr, l'1'II,In'll, ;iiul her 1114' 1411 eurroile11 and early dostis:yitl by this foul wrung, Itill 1lanieen 1'11111.1. had learned subnlis• - mien lent hats11i1'. frost 111.1. life of trial• ,111, tell learned) l4* 1111-1 where (he way was so tl,r•h \lest ale could not set', and she hail toll ler s in on ler deathbed that. net uithetauliug she could not furl• ell) 1!,1, 04- It1() of 1114 !•'s -nu of sorrow Ihet ,ht' had had tee leen, yet seh did not doubt that it would all result for i'tt.! ill \l;1, tend. "1 ou inn \' I t (till 141, n nnller Inas,,, sae L,ul -I!1. 401It lel' 11;111(1 ~(tiling fuu(1• !y ala his t!Ies.11llt '04.14, "for h11v111g keel rest eta III 4 1,e111'll ,", lll�ltVld of II11 heir to 1.14.0:14 p",sess1(1 14; yes twill. 11\ :1111 events, reelize that a 111(111 character is more t•; le desired than a mere noble• seam lin;; manic. and if you will not fors- eet the le;u•liigs ,1,f your mother, and thee- 11:1! hell, to keep yea in (he path ul Ire'lltlld( nd honor•" Ile rwa(nlLert!d aho00 (1st words now, :and (lou;b Le w•Its 111 W11, 11011 forted 4.11,,1 loe tl!:4u�!It of thein, yet he could not keep down the wili that she might liay.' lived, un+l ale 11(40 permitted to sec ler face light np'.virtu hope 1111(1 Jo•y ll;tt there hit., no 14(811: Iseling upon her or ltll', I,ul doubtless sale knew it all in lea• 1'11 slew•, ant was rejoicing 011 his me 1!• 11.1. ito I •Ieee a n.o:;ele nf;!e:l,t frill: eeciely; he 1011111 now wild his 110)1(1 al.:11 wire; the proudest in the lar,1 --- hr had nu cause for elianoe save tit• knowledge that his father had leen one of the ail• est villains who walked the face of the earth, "Where was he now?" he wondered, a hot flush of anger mounting to his brow, as it always did when he thought of him. 1\'as he living or (lend? 1)4114, he }loped, but that was a thing he had yet to find out, He (wondered hew the lfa'quis of W;'- Cliffe would receive the knowledge that he had gained to -day. Ile could now seek hint and claim his inheritance if he chose -there wens no reason 1014,• he should not do so, except that his heart shrank with indignation and bitterness from file stern slat who, with n face of flint, had sent his moth- er, n tender, suffering woman, so cruel- ly into the world to wrestle with life's stern realities, with neither sympathy or love to smooth its rough twny. Ile knew that he should claim his in• heritatre some tint(; it belonged to him ns Marion's legitimate sot, and accord- ing to the conditions of the old marquis' will. TIe would go and rule at \1'yolifie some day', and 811nw' the world how 'Marion \-111144, the despised 81111 Scorned, hall reared her son, Oh, if she could but hove lived to bo proud of 111 good that was coating to him, This was ever the :burden of his thought, but it, n to could only strive not'he and l could y to remember be, follow her pure teach- ings, and win for himself the respect that had been denied her, Taut first he had work to do. Ile could not go to Wycliffe yet, touch as he tae.• sired to re-establish his mother's romp lotion, Ile must first find the nun who hnd sought her ruin, to "puss away n summer holiday and to have a jolly good title." If he were dead be would find his grave and bo satisfied. if he w•ns living, be would senrch int5.1 jlle found hbm, brand hint with his trn'tor• ons designs, and prove to hi mthlnt in his wickedness he had overreached dinm- self. Then, and not Until then, could he pre- sent himself before the Marquis of Wycliffe and demand to be acknowledg- ed ns his }heir, CiIAPTLll -XX\', He did 'not realize how tom' be hnd been sill ing there noising over i liese things until a slight niovennent of Nmss Grafton's aroused hint, "Thank you, and •pardon ole for my nbsent'mindedneess," he said, Startin*, "1 shall not soon forget your kiu,l'hess; orad may I trespass upon it still futthcr. Wil} you allow me to make a copy o`. wltnt I have rend?" "Certainly, if it will be of any bene- fit to you," Miss Grafton answered, the look of kindly synlpntily still '.11 lin. f nee, He noticed it, and after n moment's thoughtful hesitation, said, with a ris- ing flush: "This young bride of whom the rce• tor has written was any mother," iTn bo eortlnn ed,l Wiles That Women Work: Very few remember the existence of a certain remarkable statute which was passed in the early Onsets of Georg? 111,, if, indeed, they ever heard of it. It rums to the effect that if any W01111111 'entices Huy of (lis :Va•jesty'1 male subjects into marriage by the use of any powders, or paints, 0r false lair, nt -wool on the 'checks, she shell he prosecuted for sorcery," \\'hat n. cause 00leln•e it would he if any of his present ,Majesty's nude subjects. were to endeavor' to put the Ins' into action, What It rush there would be of fashionable' Indies to secure *OOI1) I*OO:106:4OlalgO$OOOOs 4 The book dropped front the 'y'outh's sent( in court for the hearing. -London • nerveless hand, and his involuntary cry Tattier, 0ase, nithoogh frequently eonfueed with ! I" \elen he' is present, Tide r' stri! tion laused considerable a,r! dls.ln.,nt I,t,.'',I on eeeveru) occasions, '1'10 Seeret1tt'y for Seel land hes now recalled his blackleg in them s of many cattle U raisers, is also the cause of melons loss of stock. The former disease is abm(st eel)r41r (untined 10 ferule under three yeur8, 11111 is generally toren. The hater r\ circular issued from the Sottish nttneks usher (111445(8 of fere\ cu(tle, and (1(111N' gives this information, la the 1be hereat sulj(el i8 illi exempt frunl of it the statement is trade: its infection, \h1(11 generally results 44,'141. tithe y1r, Sinclair 1I►inks it desirable• to ously, tithe this means of intimating that al - ' the Hill of silence euttIt' ru18015 are though the flag in question represents Hary onull(1 t( b''' (41 their slue\:. enc quartering of the !Oyu) Standard, against these nlltladios, :1s the humsin II"' consideration referred to in the family is wne'einntr'd against smallpox.in former circular does not apply with the sane manner (aril( are renderer, , equal force, and that there is therefore immune trent blackleg and anthrax. 'I'hc nn u(ces,ily to discourage the di. -play J)cparlm'rt of A;-irieultlire nt Ottawaof this flag. through the health of animate branch is 1 nut to odd that the full Ruy'II 1':tnrl' new in a position to supply preventive arilis the personal ting of the ,Sovereign vaccine for each of these diseases ul ill( ill S(utlu1(1 118 in England, and that the uuminnl rest of five cense per does., lentil flying ofOdeflag by unauthorized r - sons eu11etitutes an informality, of \vllich lake cu0uiz;lire: by drawing the nu: u - lien of the re-:punsille persons to, 1!ie Ir - 1 regularity, but. without, challenging it in ally 111(11'(' formal manner, I ate to explain that the fore,re::ng hoi(ing the Royal Standard on t Lee- i1 1:!;{- an(1 1hltl there is nu ul:j :Linn dre4,4.0( 44 pnrpOSes, Thus the deg that has by (wins 01110' to le Regarded ars the tllttl'tn,11 with it; fe,nr ornate cluarte'ing4 re- irei14 prohibited, ♦ t t- t•evently, by special arrangement w•illl extensive ntannfllrtur(s in the ('1111(11 States, these produces were 14('1(1441 all a redneed cost, 0 11(1 \;erne 111111'1'1 111 tale' hands of Canadian cattle raisers 111 let cents per dose far blael:leg var•r'inc and fourteen vents, per fitly( for nn11aralx ante eine, 11. is 111111 t1,, 1il:! I:101 that thus(' prrparnl lnn� are now being mole nt the bioloelenl Iaborntery in emine'lion with the health of alia:ais,Iranell that -they can he supplied et fire rents per dose. The vaccine for btuekleg may be nil - ministered by any intibli;tent person 111' meals of ah instrument suppii •d by the department ill fifty. cents, Anthrnx vneeine, which is also siini ied nT, five cents per dose, is more diffi(nit to administer, r1'gttirieg al qualified yet• crina•!nn to beet 111 animal. ('nitle raisers who have fear of an attack of either llaikleg or en...lir:lx w'nnld do will to apply to the veterinary (lireotnr-g mer::! at fitlitwa for tile proper r preventive ire it mint. MOTHER'S ANXIETY. The summer months are 0 lime of itiodely for mother,, beelu.se they ere tete (1( 1141 d.tll,le'rulli months III the year for talks and young cluildr!'r.. Stomach and bowel troubles emit, gnicl:ly during the hot weather and almost before the mother rc•11i<os that there is (limper the little enc lmty be beyond aid, Italy's te.sai 'lub- icts will prevent summer (nual*lailts if given occasionally, because thee. keep the stomach and bowels free from ()ffunl- ing netters And the 'I'Itblets will cure these troubles if they co:tle snit lent',. 'fhe \vise mother should keep theo, 'fell - lets always at hand and give thele (fec:l- sionally to her ellildren, The Tablets eau be given with equal succee4 to the new born babe or the well gruvru caii(1. They ul\ynys do ;!uud-they cannot pu: 8114 do b:u'nt, mad the mother 1:11, thje guarantee o1' a Government analyst t b :l this medicine does nut contain one par- tiele of opiate or lun•n►fu) drug, Sold by all medicine dealers or 1y mei) at ''•i cents a box from the Ihr.'Jedi- eine Co, hrocl:sitter, (ant, 4.6 SHE'S A STONE -CUTTER And She Has High Hopes of High Wages. Utica, to single N. Y.. has nt lens in ele sP eci• sten of the one end only variety. It is a well-known fact that \iiss Agatha '.Troy, of that city, is the one and only girl marble cutler. Of ,just what arca of mile; it might, however, be unsafe to state, for in these days of feminine progress there may be n score of others before this busy old earth has finished tw'o of its daily spins, -bliss Agatha is n native Sicilian and her father is the owner of the shoji in which she is his first Assistant. She, is n little slip of a girl, less than five feet high, but she can wield a five -pound hammer with ease, 'and her work com- pares favorably iu gree( and delicacy with 111111 of tiny young main in her father's employ, "M am sixteen years old and I love sly work," the girl stales with evident truth- fulness, "It 010,y be unhealthful work under some condition, 1 don't know, say's the New York. Evening Sun, 1fere we are, as ,you see, in the country, and the shop is open on all sides to the air. 'They tell me that stone rutting iS one of the best paid of all trades, and 1 don't sec why n woman shouldn't do work that pays as well as nen, Some day -well, there are n few other women in the work who make $115 n (lay. They are very skilful, of course, and do beautiful things. l'ni working hard, and some day 1'11 earn as much myself." The average man isn't satisfied to hold his own. IIe watts to -hold his.neigh. bon's, too, orsoIriammorfor Who? I orr::c in with cul, and slu!li aline 1181:! t!,t' 1!1: cl Anil dig the hast, grave. 1',4,'1' 41.41, Low yt11Ulg ;ala 1. \1 halt varied reL:tiol,5 1 „u-taia lir:; and low, fan and l;,'urs 11;' v:lrii,I iu pursed, p'aee, ,Ind [ilial. 1 0111 1 chili( of Clue syl;eg•1;7,::", ►t f t'.1, dun' (errs I 1,';;e lt"ili0 teen i,': Jr'i�:,ll and with John its \',:`.leas 1 ;tat: a fido.e ran, and stand by when ;ln! net is let down ell the mlloiht (;.e''.! of tl:1 Alp for a draught, 1 love the sa,:or., a:baling with hill on deck 111 clanger, lu1.l \Vitn bin( 111 delight on the' ;pore, 1 x111 a bond ,-1 t1i, 1111(1 al 5011 of (hr free:; hew eft, 0 ant I found in darkness, and 1 :y ey0 !., fa:iilia)• with thw light sic;ch newer 1115 lel seal. or land. 1 dweil in Moab in ar,,wer.to prayer. l 10.1 the of the pli0ouers, an'dilei 1! a haul cairn jeweled crowns rattle on fhe g"lrieu flour. 1 wipe the tear frons the w:idoy's ere, nn(1 coyer the naked with w•atrnitl!. I stand sentinel i.1 the king's gale, :11111 strong i111nIisters !110 lilt elt the ,1,01e•., of the bake of t'irc, \!y irn• 10(111111 i ,s gl'u.It, 1 help angels to weave ):omelets of eequisite beauty, nod 1 ars i1rc'(llt when death x\111 11'.11 are away. \\'hl(t is my name? Al..; 1:1:11,0 is C:45t, V0.11,11 as maul 01151S away his c";rfi• tl(]lre, I tun sad, for it lath g:c,tt re• \roil !„ roe of reward, 11'hen 1( 1n11n casts away restraint 1 stn in terror, for I know what the end will he, \\ellen 1 see met catsting away care with a light heart, 1 look for those rare¢ to ret111'11 with multiplying power.:,luny say t:ll:e thine ease;1 say take care the 44:\1:00 on 11 raft in Will 0(1:111, a Shirt on n llnml,pil:e his only signal, is n 1•(8114 aw•11y, iudced, and I nm confounded with the mystery of pain, fuel - can o ll wait. 0, the tortures n, l h: u I ties of nn' heart, het. I stand cor- r0ctesl, rind say, 0, the gladness! trip mission is magnificent, The pr -••'^•:.t wort: that comes upon me daily is she 01.11: of piling up the care of the s.nints \lira time llivin4 a•nl. and sounding out I'lie word, "Casting all your care upon 1lim, for he Gareth for you." Tn eolt'm•ersy, they sty bewi?re of the man of one, book, let the iiihilbitants of doubting castle. give hcc'41 to ln�• ane ' 113:t, Mushroom Breaks Asphalt Walk, Illustration of the wonderful Strength of grew•iag y(getnlile'nuitter is afforded in la forceful manner by n mushroom troieellt to the office. of the News by T. .1. 'I'ruslot•, The 1111s1roo111,' which is of the edible kind, grew under the as' p!In1tpavement of the Middle drive, Its strength in growing was sufficient to bulge up the pavement for n radius of more that tw'o inches and finally to break off the lnnnp of asphalt, Imbedded like a cnp in the centre of the mass of nsphnit is the pileus of the mushroom. This is perfectly formed. The stip( or stens is slender all only ("r ht - !y bent. The cirenler piece of asphalt • displaced is about four inches in thane• tor nn(l about an incl( and n half thick. The surface is filled with Setons nail cracks, showing tint the nsphnit gave way slowly under Lite. gradually increas- ing pressure of the mushroom belien1!i Indianapolis New'S. ••� Alias Was His Real Nam'.. In the South 'Orange, N. J„ •police eon•t recently a prisoner on being asked Ilis 11x414 responded, "Alias Shaheen." "Aliases don't go in this court, said -Justice lltll, with some ' asperity. "What's your real n11nle?" "Alias Shaheen," reiterated the nes cued. Of course, no justice would ever sub- mit linnets to Sucli foolishness ns that, and the offended was standing face to face with trouble when it police officer• 4xpl�in4d that be was a Syrian' and told the literal truth 111)0111 his 111411\0, lanai n;•wilif11'4, J115(i(s! Itoll ex:trncted' $., from . :\lilih filrepellling, towels wItltnut a 111 (0u4e attd;nliuw'cd hint to go on Itis Wii 1'c'jNotes, i i'©bt:..-TI-IE BLVTI•I ,STANDAkr) --AU(au; I x 1 07, JAS. McMUROHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, MATH, on. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers ou their own noted, No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rues We offer every a000mmodatien eon. iletent with safe and oonservative banking principles, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persona wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our fiat for sale. Renta collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance cow panics, and reaped. fully solicit your mount. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.x, to 8 r,m, usinoss Bards. A, B, MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suo• owe( to G. F. Dlair. Ofaoe over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. Pii0CDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publlo, Eto. Offices—'those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Ooderioh. W. Proudtuot,NS.C. ; R. 0. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeon& An honor graduate of Toronto Univerelty. Office over James Outt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 &m. to u p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C,M, Physician and Surgeon. M.D,C,M., Uai• varsityof TrinityCollege; M.D.,queen's Univesity; Feow of TrinityMedical College, and member of the College of Phyalolane and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. oner for the County of Huron. Woe, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Myth, F. ice. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terme renewable. Sales arranged for at the office of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery ,....,AND Sale stables Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. • Firat•olase Horses and Riga for hire at reasonable rates. Boat of acooibmodatlon to Comments' Travellers and othere requiring rlge. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 3rd This school by being the beet has be. oorne the largest business training school in the Crest, Wo have three departments --Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. If Interested la obtaining a praotioal edit. eatlon write for our new oatalogue. Graduates assisted to positions. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principal•, I upward' Jtutit gxtttlt%aYo. J, L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1907 People We Kno Mies Lulti McDonald, of Cron - brook, is visiting Miss Gladys Cutt. Mrs. Lett was visiting her hue - band in town over Sunday. Mr's. Harvey Morris and baby, of Turouto, are visiting in town. Miss Ella Goldthorpe, of Godericb, is t[iu guest of her friend, Miss Funny Mason. Miss Funny Mason and Miss Nettle Brown were visiting friends in Clin- ton last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Kerr, of Brae• gels, were visiting at the home of the I'.ditor on Friday lust, Mr. Jos, Acton, of Chesley, spent a few days lust week with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Bainton, nod Mrs, Anderson, of St, Thomas, are visiting at the home of their son, Rev. S. Anderson, Misses Ella Taylor and Annie Stuart havo returned home after holidaying in Lucknow, St. Helens and Fordyce. Mrs. Craggie, of Guelph, and Mrs, Manna and Wise Fisher, of Wingham, were guests of Dire, Robert Slater last Wednesday. Miss Amelia Hope, of Chesley, who has been spending a mouth with her sister, Mrs. Frank Buluton, returned home lost Friday. Mr. and Mrs, S. II, Uidley took In the Sarnia -Detroit excursion and will make a visit with rel tives and friends before retnrning. Miss Margaret Anent and Miss Nettie Brown, of Brussels, were in town last week assisting Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr with her reception. Mrs, Gibson and two daughters from Evansville, Ind., U. S., are visiting at the home of the former's parents, her. and Mrs, A, McCrelght's. The Exeter Advacate : — ,Mire I.ivingeton, of Blyth, visited in town over Sunday. Miss Livingston will have charge of Mr, J, A. Stewart's millinery department next season. On Wednesday of hale week Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Cutt were at Moles- worth attending the wedding of their neice, Miss Godetha Coutubee, to Mr. Mlltchell of the saute village, Miss R. Jackson, of the Minaico Industrial School, returned to her position last Friday after a visit with her brother in town, Mr. Wm, Jack- son, and other relatives in Morris township. M1'. and Mrs, Jos, Wnlker, of Chicago, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jabez Walker, ol'town, Mr, Walker is manager of the International Harvesters' Co's, printing plant in that city. Mr, and Mrs, J. L, Brown and children, of Toronto, were visiting for a few days with Rev. and Mrs, Anderson. Mr, Brown has been owner of n job office in Toronto but has sold out recently and is takinga holiday before starting in business again, Oath CiminoII. SPECIAL MEETINO, A special meeting was held July 17th, when the members 11111 and Gerry were present, the Reeve, Dr, W. J, Mlilne in the chair, It was moved by L. Hill, seconded by N. B, Gerry, that the Treasurer return to Mr. Elam Livingston the $100 marked cheque held by this corporation as security for submit- ting and carrying out of the by-law for a loan of $3000. Carried. The regular meeting of Council was held in Industry Hall last Wednesday evening, Councillors Hill, Chellew, Gerry and Johnston were present, Reeve Milne in the chair, Minutes of last regular meeting and special meeting of July lith were read and conflmod. Moved by W. Johnston seconded by L. Hill that accounts as follows be paid t -- Trutt STANDARD, printing 200 Voters' lists i 10 00 John I', Nlvins, 4 months salary 1 st Eugineer, ,11 ........ 21 65 Al Elder, postage, writing mat- erial and books Clerk's office,. 0 85 13e11 Telephone Co., not Juno and July 1 16 The Canadian Rubber Co., 100 feotflre hone.,.,„1.... ,.,., 100 GO Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, Legal advice 1905.06,,,. 88 00 Canadian Fairbanks Co., 5 ton scale 0, & 0, By yards. , .. 1 1 , 104 00 9. Westlake, salary July 40 50 Win, Sims, hoist for tile ate,,,1 05 S. H. Gidlev, suit of clothes for John McDonald.,,, . 7 50 George White, drawing ea giuo twice 1 u0 George White, drnwingdirtfrom f01140 14 60 C. 11. Besse, 1180 Om coal fire hall and 5 weeks' water for (streets.,,. •..... 29 80 John Stewart cement and work on tank and work on G, tut 0, Ry. scala ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, 14 40 Joseph E. 'Taman, ploughing ditch for piping to tank 80 Carried, $500 65 Mr, W. F. Hearns, of Milverton, appeared before the Council asking for a license for a pool and billiard roots iii 13lytli, hit,ved by N. B. Gerry seconded by J. II. Chellew that we leave the matter of granting a license to puol and billiard room over for a month for consideration. Carried. Mr. Jahn T. Carter applied for leave to build n stable within fire limits. Treasurer's report for 1907 re Sinking Fund and Debenture In- debtedness was Iuid before the Council. Three petitions for cement side- walks were presented from the following Arch, Taylor and Mary Culclougli Joseph Carter and John Wilford Alexander McKellar. It was moved by L. Mill seconded by N.B. Gerry that the Clerk order 18 iron corrugated plates fur cross- ings 12 inches wide and 4 fent long, Carried. Moved by N. B, Gerry seconded L, Hill that wo do now adjourn until Monday evening the 12th inst., at eight p. tu. Carried, AOJ01.111NEU MEETING, Held Monday evening of this week present the Reeve, Couucillors Chellew, Hill and (ferry, This meeting was Balled to con. sides' sidewalk petitions No 29, 30 and 31. Petition No, 31 not being suf]1ci. ently signed no action was taken. It was moved by L. Hill seconded by N. B Gerry that petitions Nos, 29 and 30 for cement sidewalks ho accepted and that the work be pro. cecded with, Carried. Moved by L, 11111 seconded by N. B, Gerry that tate Court of Revision re cement sidewalks be held Friday evening August 30th at eight p. tn, Carried, Moved by J. H. Chellew seconded by L. Hill that the Clerk purchase a those expander for tills corporation, Carried. It was moved by N, 13. Corry seconded by J. H. Chellew that Luxton hill bo nppointed Engineer on sidewalks. Carried, Moved by L. Hill sedonded by J. Chellew that we now adjourn, Carried, MARKET REPORT.— Wheat 85-85 I Barley 90-40 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 16-17 ; Eggs 16-17, LEAVE your order for job work at THE STANDARD office, Very best in type, paper and workmanship, Subscribe for Tun ANDARD, FOR SALE IN BLYTH.-8h acres of land, with comfortable frame house ; barn with stone stabling underneath ; cement pig pen with frame hen house above ; good well ; small orchard of apple, pear and plum trees and a lot of small (rutty. Situated north of the old r•chool house, For other information apply to N. Curring, Blyth, POLLED ANGUS BULL FOR SER. VICE —Toe undersigned has for her• vice on 1ot 39, eon, 14 Hullett, a R vitt. tered Polled.Angus iiul1.—JouN WAI.. AF.N, VISITORS To our city are especially invited to inspect our Ladies' Gold American Watches, Dia- monds, Etc,, Souvenir Spoons and Mementos of our beauti- ful city. Dazzling Diamons, in pure white and blue white gems of all sizes, in solitaire, cluster and combination with other precious stones, in all varieties of mountings. Special reductions on Dia- monds during August. FRANC ETCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ti mut. ttiootof't'f j i gnttorritter As we havo not placed your name on our list to the Publishers' Collecting Ag. ones, we wish to state that after Sept, 1st, 1907, wo will have to do so if the sub- scriptious are not paid up, 1011 will save expenses by calling in and settling at our 'Alice, even if it is only a dollar, One dollar scattered over a hundred people nacos ono hundred dollars that we should have, Kindly cull and help tho Editor run a good live news- paper by keeping your own piper paid in advance, • 1_. . .N. . .► . i► iii f BASE BALL n• .rt .r . nn ► The Blyth Juniors went to Wing- hnln on Friday evening to play their return match in baseball and came back slightly disfigured but still in the ring, The IVingliani boys had two changes un their team and the boys took a butting streak and coup'cd with the errors the visitors mado won out with a score of 19-10 and an innings to spare. Umpire Robinson gave out his decision and no disputes were rnised, The Blyth teats started to bit Drummond in the last innings but could not keep it up. Following are the names and score ; Blyth— n 0 Mill, 11) . 1 8 Somers, 2b,.,, 2 8 'ralnnu, p..........,.1,,, 1 4 Carter, Bb .. 1 0 Buchanan, c 2 2 Craig, Cf,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 1 0 S1111s, IL,, 1 8 Wambold, rf 0 4 Coombs, ss ,,1. 1 10 27 Winghnm— 11 0 Roidcf.,,, , .5 o Knox 11...,,,1,,,,,,.,,,. 2 4 Fleming ss . 2 1 Aitchison Oh . , 2 4 3Louthier c.... 8 1 Boil)! 2b....., ,,,. ,,,, „ 1 3 }3titton lb...,',,,. 2 4 Campbell r(........•1 3 Druintuondp ,,,,, 1 0 19 24 WinR11am,2 4 0 1 7 1 1 11 x-10 Blyth ,,,,1 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 8•'10 CiIUITCII NOTES, A Gospel Temperance service will he held in the Methodist church this Thursday evening conducted by Mr, H. Barney. *** Rev. 8. Anderson occupied his own pulpit last Sunday, * Th© annual Convention of the County of Huron Sabbath School and Christian Endeavor Association will be held in Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th. *"`* The Pastor of St, Andrew's church finished his series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer at the morning service hast Sunday and in the evening preached un "`flee Harmonic Life,” * Miessi's, Peter Gardiner, Alex, Elder and James Cutt will ho ordain- ed to the Eldership of St, Andrew's Church on Sunday morning August 25th, Tho Altar. MnLi4EN—hiaFAUL,—The marriage of Miss Grace Ellen hieFaul, only daughter of Leonard L. Meteaul, of Scaforth, Ont,, to James G. Mullen, of the Can. Minn Bank of Commerce, San Francisco, Cal., was solemnized at Emmeline! Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, Cal,, 30th of July, 1907, the ceremony being performed by ltey. Dr, Walker. MIcARTEit—VlrltrrE,--At the Parson. • age, Soaforth, on August 7th, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr, Htinry McAI'tcr to Miss Margaret J. White, both of Morris township, 25 .Cents gets The Standard balance of year •"•.- '•rerg• ♦ ge,•le'•i• •i• •1 •ij' e• •!•/e BARGAINS in WHITI3 WAISTS and GINGHAMS We want to clear out out the balance of our Summer Waists ; that is why we are selling $1 and $1 25 Waists far 89', $1,50 and $1.75 Waists for $1,05, $'l Waists for $1,17, A lot of Good Wash Ginghanls left ; we are selling the 16o G bighorns for 11e, the loo Ginghams for th ig the 12c Gleghame for 7c. ee the bargains in the window 0)0 J. A. A.''w+.:tP:*RSON iB T}I (i iN r fir- y t r'rr r , r r r, a, .t r ar a ar a.tr .r .. •.t .,rpt s'WOW .WAi...,t) rA a This Clearing Sale will be contin- ued gn from Saturday till further notice. Everything must go. FOR SALT,—The following are to be sold before the first of August as the pro. prietor Is leaving town :—A good driving snare six year., old, 1 cutter nearly now, 1 open buggy, 2 knitting machines nearly new—teose machines will bo sold (keep and full instruction will be given haw to operate them. Terms cash.— GEO, DAWSON, Blyth, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries. Get our prices, We employ no agents, WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS — ONTA.RIO. ow Telephone Directorij The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to publish a now issue of thio Official Telephone Directory for the dietrict of Western Ontario, in- cluding the town of Blyth. Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes of street rad - dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to Frank Metcalf, Local Manager, a ROI3ERT N. OARNISS 1]LUEVALi: — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terme reapenable, Sales arranged for at Tri$ STANDARD ofllcr, Blyth. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . . 31 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness The Standard and Weekly Globo 1 05 Tho Stantbard and Family herald and Weekly Star Tee Standard and Weekly Mall and Empire 'I'heStenrlru'd and [3utniltouSenli- wnekly 'I'itnos. The Standard and Weekly Free Press,..... 1 80 The Standard and Toronto 1Veek. ly Sun The Standard and Hamilton 'I'wic6-n-week Spectator,,,, The Standard and Toronto Deily Star The Standard and Toronto Daily News , , , . , . 1 0 , . 11 0 0 1 1 0 , .. . Tho Standard and Farmer's Advo- ante ,,, 1 05 1 60 1 70 165 1 80 The Standard and Daily 'Adver- tiser The S:nndnrd andEvening Free P1'ePn TheStnndsrtl mid Toronto DailyIVorld The Standard and Daily Free Ps Tho Stasdard ari vnno ThereStanndard jai E i EvenieinggGlMaboil an'd ►re The StE111anrinrid and Daily Mall TahondStEm andard sapire..ri ., D „ aily Globe, Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTII, U 1 80 1 80 2 26 2 25 2 i0 8 4 4 t Auctwr1STiI, 1907---T1HS fILYTH STANDARD,—PAGE FIVE, AviEgEtnarigraEi,,,,Emantimmani FAA V1 THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE; STORE WITH WOIt'TIIY GOODS ON SALE AT MODICItATIO I'RIOICS FO1t CA811 AND FARM PRODUCE. PRIESTLEY'S NEW VArAl DRESS GOODS A chAjr Al Al We have received our first shipment of Priestley's New Dregs Goods for Pall and, as usual, aro agait► in the lead. Priestle%'8 Dress Goods, which are well known all over Canada as well as in the United States, are unequalled for beauty and dur- ebilit,y. You will also ho euro to tind the lending shades as well as weaves in Priestley's Dress 000(18, Call and see tho Now Browns and Now Blues alio tho New Burgundy shades, Prices no higher than ordinary dress good, but superior in quality. For a fashionablle costume buy Priestley's Dress Goods, For a good black dress buy I • Priestley's Dress Goods kyi v A V Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. V.1 E. BENDER BLYTH t a a 0 meq BUTTER & EGGS I N7iT AN'TEYD As we make a specialty of handling produce we are paying the highest cas prices for Butter and Eggs at our store, When you have any of these for sale get our prices before going elsewhere. Grain okeoks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILLAM & CO. Winsley Street • Blyth FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3rd It pays to attend the a it iott 13'usinoss Depose Toronto, Ont. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. The school that ranks first in thorough - nese, popularity and genuine merit. Our attendance is greater, more students were placed in positions and at better salaries than In any previous year. Write today for handsome catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal, TOWN TOPICS, REMEMBER Blyth Fall Fair Sept, 23 and 24 ARRANGEMENT.i are being made fur the opening of the G. & 0, Ry. to Goderich on Aug. 26tH, Tuts week N. B. Gerry moved his household effects into the house recently vacated by Jno, Ilartley on Dinsley street. WA NTED,—Large qua ntities Butter and Eggs, Clearing sale of all Summer goods during July and August. Gico. E. KING, Wingham IN the results published for the Junior Teachers' examination four pupils from Blyth pltssed out of seven who wrote. Following are the names of the pupils who passed : —Evva Stothors, Ella Taylor, Myrtle Phillips and Muriel Chellew. RrTN-OFF,—On Monday afternoon as the C. P, R. train was backing up off the siding the passenger coach and the back wheel of the baggage car ran off the track owing to the switch being open, After a delay of thrce•quartors of an hour the train loft for Guelph, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF RE3VISION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the sitting of the Court of Revision on Friday, the 30th day of August, 1907, at the hour of eight o'clock p. tn, in Industry hall, Blyth, for the hearing of appeals In that behalf respecting the proposed eetnent sidewalks and crossing as defined in the following. schedule, and the special assessments of the costs thereof' upon the lands immediately benefited, pursuant to the reports of the Engineer, now on file in the Cler'k's office, and is now open for inspec- tion during office hours, The estimated costs of the said improve- ments are as set forth In the following schedule payable in 15 equal annual instalments of principal and interest combined, interest being at 5i per cent per annum, and the lands proposed to be specially as. tressed therefor consist of as set out in the schedule hereto annexed, Blyth, August 14th, 1907. A, ELDER. Cleric, Petition No. 29 for a cement sidewalk on the north side of Drummond street from Mill street to Queen street, as reported on by the Engineer, August 18th, 1907. The estimated cost of the said iuiprovetnent is $270 67, 1 SSESSMENT SCHEDULE, Fractional Part of PROPERTY, OWNER. Total Assessment. McDonald's Sy. part lot 64 Archibald Taylor.,,..,., 280/1860 Al cDonald's Sy, part lots 82 88, . Mary M. Cu clough 628/1860 AlcDonald's Sy, part lot 64 ,.Charles Burling ,.48/1866 JUL/weld's Sy. part lots 8184 85.Blyth Estate......., .... ,,,.....792/1880 McDonald's Sy. corner allowanco.Corporation of Blyth,... ,.,. ,.., 218/1866 Petition No, 80 for a cetnent sidewalk on the north side of Victoria street from Queen street going east to the centro of Lot No. 140, McDonald's survey, as reported on by the Engineer August BOth,'1907, The estimated cost of the said improvements is $165,00. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE. PROPERTY. • OWNER. McDonald's Sy, lots 188 and west half 189,... 5 ....Joseph (tarter McDonald'sSy. lots east half 1 of 139 and west half of 140 ....John Wilford..., .,., ,.. McDonald's Sy. lots 121 1 and 122......., S ,.,.John Henderson McDonald's Sy. corner al-IS lowanco.... ....Corporation of Blyth Fractional Part of Total Assessment. 400/1210 ,201/1240 828/1240 .... ,248/1240 Engineer's report to the Council, crossing on Mill street north side pf Drum - ' 1! mond street. The estimated cost of thorsaid itnproyoatont is $48,07. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE. PROPERTY, OWNER, Mill street ,,,,Corporation of Blyth.... Fractional Part, of Total Assesstnent. ....,.,....209/209 'I'IIE high Court of the 1ndepen• dent Order of Foresters will meet In Berlin on Aug. 28th and 29th, BASEBALL to day at 6 p. m. Goderich vs. Blyth on Agt'ictlltural Park, Admission, 10 and 15 Cents, 1)oN'T Walt for 115 to call on you, but hand In the names of your visit• ors as early as posslhle. We ere only too pleased to publish them, IIow about your fall advertising you intend placing in 'l'l1E STAN- DARD ? Get our prices an(1 place your aid, before the public before the Fall I air, '1'rlEREj;were sixty-eight tickets sold at the G. 'P, R, station here hist Saturday morning for Sarnia and Detroit on the excursion under the I. 0. 0, F. of Wingham. No one ever saw a person who liked fruit who had an tip - petite for strong drink, and no one ever saw a drunkard who liked fruit. Fruit freely partaken of will cure the drunk habit, Cut this out and think it over, 21 YEARS '1'o-DAY.—'1'(i-day Tine BLYTH STANDARD has reached its 21st birthday arid Is still living, We hope our reader's will strive to help us make the next year the banner year for THE STANDARD, We will try to do our part and hope the readers will do theirs, A nickel two•cent piece may he introduced into Canadian coinage with the opening of the new taint at Ottawa in November or December, It is felt that there Is a need fur 11 penny piece in Canada, and the use of nickel would afford another mar- ket for the home production, HAND Cul',—Last Wednesday while working in E, Livingston's mill at the hoop machine George Burling had his first three fingers cut on his left hand. The first tin. ger was nearly severed but the doe. tors sewed it up and hope they may be able to save it. This accident will lay George tip for some time but his friends will hope for no seri- ous results, CONVENTION WILL BE HELD AT BLYTIL—Last Friday the Executive Committees of the IIuron Co. Sunday School and Christian Endeavor As. sociatons convened in Wesley church, Clinton, for the purpose of arranging for the conung convert. Lion, In response to an invitation tendered by Rev. J, L, Small, of Blyth, it was decided to hold tho gathering there, The dates chosen are Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo- ber 8th and 9th, the first day's ses- sion commencing in the afternoon, A good program was drafted in which well•known outside workers are being asked to take part, and the names will be announced as soon as arrangements aro completed, A rescilution of sympathy was passed to D. E. Munro, of Auburn, n well. known Sabbath School worker, who Is ill in Clinton hospital, nn motion of W, II Kerr, of Brussels, and Mr. Dustow, of Nile, and the Secretary was instructed to send Mr, Munro a copy of the same, With the two railways in operation Blyth should have a large attendance at the con. vention, Local committees will be struck to arrange for billeting the delegates, receiving the visitor's, decorating and taking charge of the servlce of song. Rev, and Mrs, Small, of town, attended the Execu- tive on Friday. BOwLIN(i,—The two rinks that went from here to Goderich last Tuesday to attend the tournament were not very successful as far as getting the prizes, although J. Mc- Murchio's rink went into the semi. finals for the trophy. Following is a summary of the games won and lost by the two rinks from Blyth :— Trophy—lst round— J MoMnrahie sk 16 ; London Thistles, F. (1 Browne, sk 14, F, Anderson sk 18 ; Hensel!, H. J. Billings sk 18, 2nd round— J, ,McMnrchio sk 21 ; London, J. Mc- Nee sk 11. 8rd round— J. Mclllurchie sk 22 ; Wingham, F. Hepburn sit 16, Semi finals— J. McMfurchie sk 8 ; Wingham, A, M. Crawford sk 16. Association -1st round— F. Anderson sk 11 ; Stratford, Dr, Gray sk 14. Consolation—lst round— F, Andorson sk 15 ; Goderich, It, Mc- Lcan sk 8. 2nd round— F. Anderson sk 18 ; Goderich, Proud foot sk 14. Brd round— P, Anderson sk 0 ; Seaferth, Willis sk 12, •411i round— F. Andorson bye, 6th round— .F, Anderson sk 8; Stratford, P. A. Copus, sk 10, RtsNaw 101' Tate S'T'ANDARD. IF some other woman has gotten greater service in her shopping out of five dollars than you have out of six it probably was because site spent a little more tithe in reading the ads. than you did, Los't'.—Last Saturday driving be. tweet] the home of Geo. Bowes on the boundary, on the Garlock side. road and down the 13th to h'loody's sidoruad, a gold band bracelet with 3ti little stones on the ba':k, hinder will kindly leave it at TIiF. STAN• D.tttn office, Suitable reward offered. ToNY IN 'TROuBLE,—A stabbing affray took place at Sharp's Creek, near Goderich, when Conductor Bag- nall, who is stalled there at present on account of a leaky engine, suffer- ed a severe wound at the hands of Tony, an ltallan workman well known all along the line of the G. & G. railway. The conductor's story is that Tony was abusing a boy, and when rebuked by him followed him to the van, when the slashing took place, Tony was arrested un Sun- day and is now lying in Goderich jail awaiting trial, PRESENTATioN AND ADDRESS,.—A meeting of the directors and friends of the Blyth Branch Bible Society meet in the vestry of the Presbyter- ian church on Friday evening, Aug- ust 9th, for the purpose of present- ing llugh McQuarrie with a life membership certificate from the Up - pet' Canada Bible Society for the lnr►g services rendered at Treasurer of the Blyth Branch, extending Into the forty•sixth year, and also a pre- sentation of an address from the Blyth 13ratach in connection with the membership certificate. In the ab- sence of the President the chair was taken by the fast President, Joh n Brigham, who ably tilled the position of honor, and in a stirring address suitable to the occasion reviewed the history of the Blyth Branch and the worthy part Mr. McQuarrie had taken in furthering the interests of the society and other good causes in Blyth. The chairman then called upon Rev, S. Anderson, Rev. J. I.. Small, J. Wilford, II. Young, Jas. Smith, li, Slater, A. Elder and a lady friend, who in turn suitably spoke of Mr, McQuanrie's well deserved honor from one of the greatest so- cieties in the world, his long and faithful services as Treasurer of the Blyth Branch, his untiring qualities in other Christian work, together with reminences of the past in Bible Society work, and all wishing Mr, iMcQuarrie many years of usefulness in the future. In reply Mr. Me- Quarrie gave a retrospect of the past speaking of the number of good men closely identified with the work of the Bible Society hero who had gone to their reward, and the honor he felt in the privilege of helping in a measure the good cause, He closed a very appropriate address in thank- ing the donors for the life member- ship certificate which he highly prized, and the Blyth Branch for the complimentary address and the many kind works spoken by. those present. Tho address was read by A. Eider and the life certificate framed was presented by the chair- man, John Brigham. Following is the address :— Dear Sir and Co-worker,—It is under most pleasent circumstances that we are mot this evening as Officers and Directors of Blyth Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society to con- gratulate you on the honor bestowed upon you by tie Bible Society in re- cognition of lona and faithful services as Treasurer 0f this branch, In look- ing over the old records of Blyth Branch we find your active interest and support almost from its inception 47 years ago, Such faithful services will deserve the thanks of this branch es well as this token of the esteem in which you are held by the Society ; who can estimate the good done by the contributions given to the Bible Society of which you have been a constant contributor. The giving of God's Pure Word to the benighted hes under Di- vine blessing surely brought consolation to many. Then we have the sure promise in sending out God's Word that it shall not return unto Him void, but shall accomplish that which he ploaseth and prosper in the thing whereto he hath sent it, In the ,pork of the Bible Society here you have act- ed your part faithfully and well and it is the prayer of this Society that this Word of 'Truth may sustain and com- fort you in your declining years, and give you abundant entrance into the Heavenly Home at last, In Windt of the Bible Society we now present y.iu with a certificate of lie membership for long awl faithful services gratuitously given by you as Treasurer of Blyth Branch ; expressing the wish that you niay lm long spared to assist in all good works in which you may be interested ; and while younger men may take up the active work they may have for many years the value of your ripe ex- perience. Signed on behalf of the Blyth Branch Bible Society. A. Elder, Secre- tary ; John Brigham, John Wilford, Henry Young, James Snaith, Robert Slater, Rev. S. Anderson, Rev, 3, L. Small, Kharanta Dress Goods Manufactured by Geo, Carr & Co., Bradford, Eng. K haranta stands for beauty and finish. K haranta represents style K haranta means durability and satisfaction. K haranta Dress Goods are controlled by us in I3lyth. at 50c 75c I.00 and I.25 NONE BETTER Kharanta Dress Fabrics --CONsIaT OF -- Crepe Bengaline Figured i3arathea Corde de Chine Corde de Soie Silk Warp Henrietta Wool Corkscrew Satin Amazon Silk Grena- dine Voile Mohair Stripe Voile Mohair Bayadere Etc., Etc. Our Whltewear Sale continues until the end of this week. Cor- set Covers, Underskirts, Night Gowns, White Waists. Drawers, Che - mimes, at the prices advertised last week. Buy your Whitewear now, you will never buy cheaper. 75e White and Print Top Shirts to clear at 25c—We have a num- ber of white unlaundered shirts, also a small quantity of colored cam- bric bhirts for men, to put out at a big loss. Each shirt worth 75c to clear at 25e. 50o Black or Colored Dress Goods at 20c—We have added a num- ber of pieces to this lot of Dress Goods, giving you a good selection of Dross Goods at per yard 20s. 15c Black and Navy or Navy and White Stripe Skirting at 120— We have 3 pieces of Underskirting, in navy and white strip, navy also black, mohair or watermark skirtings, well worth 15c, at per yard 120. Bargains for Saturday, August 17th, 190, 5c Cake Sunlight Soap 100 can Richard's Lye 6 cans Pork and Beans for 4c. for 8c. I for 24c. 15c package Grape Nut Corn or Peas 3 cans 250 pall Table Syrup or Oranee Meat 14c. for 25e. 1 for 20e. 12p!can Tomatoes tor 5o bar Lifebuoy Soap Oo. for •to. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. POPLESTONE & CARDINER 01 ************************** Successors to AZcKINNON & CO. TABLES AND CHAIRS Extension Tables, 5 legs, very strong, will seat from 12 to 16 men, prices $7 5o, $8.5o and $Io. Dining Chairs, high backs, large seats, 50c, 6oc, 85c and $1. Leather Seat Diners, polished oak, at $2, $2.5o and $3 each. Come and see the goods. J. H. CHELLEW CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINE Of F"res]. craoeries ALWAYS ON HAND. Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLOR BLYTH w Wrn N travelling by the C. P. 11. purchase your ticket at town ticket office. All information as to rates, time table and connections cheer. fully furnished by J. McMurchic, C. P. R. rail and steamship agent. DURING the past years the Blyth Fall Fair has only received as a Gov• eh'nment grant $130, but this year the Government grant is raised to 8214 and the society also received $57 for the Spring Fair, making a total of $271, a difference of $141. CHATIIA;1[ WEDDING.—We clip the following• item from the London Free Press which relates to the wedding of a former Blyth boy on August Gth : "A quiet wedding took place at the groom's home, Joseph street when Miss Labadie, of Blenheim,' and Thos,' Higley, of Chatham, were united in marriage, Only the im- mediate friends of the contracting parties were present, the ceremony being performed by the groom's father, Rev, T. E. Higley. Tho newly married couple left on the evening train on a honeymoon which will be spent in Buffalo and Cleveo land." The groom's many friends in town will wish him much joy and happiness with his bride. GODERICII COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE REUNION.—The reunion of former students of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, for which preparations have been in progress for some months, will take place on Thurs- day and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd. Tho program is to be as fol- lows : Thursday morning, reception to ex -students at Collegiate Insti- tuto ; afternoon and evening, re - grata and acquatic sports at the lake front. Friday morning, athletic sports and baseball match ; after- noon, presentation of testimonial to Dr, Strang ; evening, banquet. Graduates of the school are, coming` from all over the continent, and a very interesting time is expected, The railways are giving special rates on the certificate plan. • .1110 +++++++++++.644+++++++++ CURRENT COMMENT ? N++++++++++++++++++++++++ >t Perbaps after all there was no cow spiraey, no reign of terror and no mur- ders in the Coeur d'Alene distri:t. Mity• be Orchard dreamed it all. That Carnegie Temple of Peace at The Hague will be all right till some amn.ri- tious and self-seeking toverciga meta- phorically smashes it with a 12•inch go'i. If that story of Sir \\'illiam Ramsay transmuting metals turns out to be true, we shall have to cease laughing at the old alchemists. If precious metals can be de;frndQd, we may some day learn how to render baser tectal, into finer. The Bellerophon, an 18,000 ton warship of the Dreadnought type, but with im- provements, was launched at Portsmouth on Saturday, and the '1'tuleraire, a sis- ter vessel, will be !noodled next month. Of the building of 'pcacenn:tkeru there is no end. 4.♦ The United Staten army surd navy departments now cost the people of the republic over $200,000.1100 a year, or about 40 per cent. of the national expen- diture, and at Nast $150,0011,000 of that is worst than (wasted, :ind the sinful and criminal burdening of the people goes on, Irhile those who profit by it seek to provoke bloody wale to keep up the expenditure. 4•. The 1uri;d story of City Clerk Pay, of St. Catharine, who rase two-thirds of the peach trees of the district perished last winter, is being contradicted by many fruit -grower(,. Some Fay not more than one per cent. of their trees died, while 10 per cent. is the outside estimate for the district. plumy peach trees die each year, an:d much depends on the cul- ture and cure given then(. The Standard Oil Company has been found guilty of granting fright rebates on 8650,000 worth of oil, and a Chicago judge has fined it $20,240,000. It is hard- ly likely that the fines will be paid ovor without a struggle. If a reasonable pen- alty had been imposed the people might have reason to expect that good would resit, but as it is the proceedings savor of farce. The United States National Bureau of Labor Inas issued a auminar ystatemeut of its report devoted to labor troubles of the twenty-five years from 1881 to 1905, and while it is not easy to interpret notch of the mass of statistics presented, some of the outstanding facts may prove interesting to Canadian readers. There were, in the period covered by the tables, no fewer than 30,757 Strikes and 1,540 lockouts, affecting respectively 187,407 and 18,547. establishments. The number of strikers was 6,728,048, and of those locked out 716,231. The average duration of strikes was 25.4 days, and of lockouts 84.0. '191e greatest prevalence of strikes and lockouts was in 1804 and the least in 1005. The greatest number of strikes was in the building trades, being 211.02 per cent. of tine total, and the greatest number of employees affected was in the coal and coke industry, the building trades coming seconu and the clothing industry third, About 70 per cent, of the strikes in number, with 00.34 per cent. of the establishments and 70.60 per cent. of the employees effected, were ordered by labor organizations. Of the results Of the difficulties th report indicates that the strikes sue- seeded in 47.04 per cent. of the cases; partly succeeded in 15.28 per cent., and 'wholly failed in 30.78 per cent, The employers succeeded in 57,20 per cent. of the lockouts, pertly succeeded in 10.71 per cent. and failed in 32,00 per cult. The causes of strikes are thus clas=i• fled: For increase of wages, 40,72 per cent.; "recognition of unions," 23,35 per cent.; ngninst reduction of wages, 11.00 per cent.; for reduced hours, 9.78 per cent. 771e strikes most successful were those for higher canoes and ngninst reductions of wages. Strikes for recognition of unions and union rules have been in- creasing in number and becoming less effective, while sympathetic strikes are rapidly decreasing and mostly fail. There is more inclination to settle labor iron - hies by negotiation and arbitration, and thus avert much foolish loss, As, to whe- ther the workers are gainers by the net result of the struggles chronicled by the Bureau it is not easy, to decide, but it is very much to be dobuted, 'floe day when strikes and lockouts become a bad memory will be a joyful one for modern industry, and none will benefit more than the innn who has only his labor to dispose of. And the public will welcome any less foolish and wasteful system. NEW CHAFING DISI,, Mounted in Copper That Like Bronze. The chafing dish Bugg, Atli bachelor oomfortx; nevertheless t ,here is ninny a household where the 1l enedict shows his ekill as chef with th',e saute apparatus on evenings when e, few choice spirits aro gathered togeth er. handsome enough for a wedding prr,b,ent, albeit an expen- sive offering, is the new dish for cook- ing "Welsh ral,t fit," seen at the silver• entith'e. It is toe very sublimation of a chafing dist,(, and is handsomely mount- ed in tinted copper that resembles bronze. The chafing dish is set high, apparent- ly supp erted by the figures of three in- quieitive•looking rabbits. They uphold In their paws the erutnieled pan in which your eggs are to he cooked or your sweet- bread to be stewed. The wise bunny faces p over the rim into the chafing dish. e an is, of course, enameled. t 1a very hard to give up the ides of purchasing this chafing dish, once you view it. It would snake such a delight- ful gift to the right person. 4.. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Stemovee all bard, soft or calloused lumps sad blemishes from horses, blood spavin, ourbe, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, Bore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Bold by druggists. His Useful Strong Head. "Ever take notice how much strength a negro has in his head?" said a man who is always looking out for unusual things, "Well, I had ample opportunity to test a certain negro's head carrying capacity while I was in charge of a largo printing establishment in Texas, "We had received a large shipment of paper of extra heavy weight, and none of the men employed b3' the firm sceined able to handle the bundles. Of course we should have had a freight elevator, but we had none. Well, about the time I had given up hopes of getting the paper up to the third floor a negro came shuffling down the street playing a har- monica. IIe inquired if I wanted any one to do a day's work, and said he was a hodcarrier, but was willing to do anything for a dollar. I thought of the paper and the third floor proposition and engaged him, "Well, sir, he took to it like children to candy. Maybe he didn't shame the rest of the negroes around the plant) In less than no time be had the paper atm. - ed away, and the work didn't seem to affect him in the least. The result was that he got a steady place and was dub- bed the Heavyweight Nigger. The fellow toted every ounce of it on his head."— From tho New Orleans Times -Democrat. 4.• -. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 4.• Deprived of His Flogging. The Lord Mayor's barge is being brok• en up for firewood at Deptford. The first Lord Mayor to deviate from the customary pression by water from `Veetmitiley'iIall ' i3i(13 Alderman Wood, in 1810, and superstitious people thought this wicked innovation was the eailse 91 a curious disaster that befell him, During his term of office Wood committed a journeyman sugar baker to jail for leaving his employment in a dispute about wages, But ho forgot to specify that the prisoner should bo also flogged, as the statute provided. On his release the sugar baker, with grim humor, brought an action against the Lord May- or, ayor, and recovered "moral and Intellec• tual damages" for being deprived of his flogging! This episode iluetrates the genial relations between capital and la- bor in the brave old days.—Westminster Gazette. t Discretion frequently gets the repu- tation of being the better part of valor when it is really lack of nerve. Talks on., Banking by Mail On "Easy Street" The saving habit is better than the legacy of a Fortune. k inrseua the desire to practice economy and thrift in man, woman or child — thus enabling the periutent saver in the autumn of life, "when energy walks on crutches," to live on "Easy Street." Money— Raped — Honor —In- fluence—Independence I What a family of splendid words! How every human heart hungers for those priceleu Westing, I 4% Compounded Quarterly Cultivate the saving habit. There is nothing to be gained by waiting -- start to -day 1 No matter how small your deposit, we will give it the same careful atten- tion as is given to the largest amount. `Start with a dollly if you with. Our booklet E sent free on re- quest, siva full information on Banking by, Mall at 4 per cent, interest. Write for it today. The "UNION TRUST Company Limited TEMPO BUILDING, TORONTO' Capital sad Reserve, $2,900,000 i Just send us your name and address on a post -card and we'll mail you a Painting Book for the little folks and uartcr- ou d pack- age age of Celluloid Starch. That means fun for the children and satisfactory starching for you. Celluloid Starch requires no boiling, gives a perfect finish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write to -day for this free book and sample. Tho Brantford Starch Works, Limited Brrntlord, Ontario aoe What Whiskers Once Meant. "Whiskers" was a word formerly used to designate the hair on the upper ►rp. Scott more than once speaks of "whis- kers on the upper lip," and so does De- foe in "Robinson Crusoc." Johnson de- fined a "whisker" as "tiro hair growing on ,the upper lip or cheek unshaven; a mustachio." It seems to have taken its name from a fancied resemblance to a shall brush, to "whisk" properly mean- ing to sweep, and a "whisker" having been a particular kind of feather brush— aleo, In the slang of a former time, a switch or rod. In the seventeenth cen- tury a "whisker" signified among other things a brazen lie, a "whopper." FOR ALL HUMOURS Eczema, Salt Rheum, Pustules, etc.—no reaody bush more quickly has Mira Oinneent. Mira relieves inflammation, soothe, pain, cusses sew tissue to cover raw sudaca, and rc toes the skin to healthy smoothness. Ain. J. Wedb els Dove:o l Street, Tsrsafi, ser+t'u r "!t ti a wondul cum" J. Tramiel,. NonrUlon, rays r "1 Aigh trcorrrwerrdyear Mie Orir,avee,l, (or Buema.' Tablets ablets and Blood Tonin help to a more thorough cure. At d giRr—or from The Chemiea' Co. of Canada, r HamUton— Torocto. Insist on getting s t Should Givt Aid to the Weak. Slowly and painfully but surely humanity is supplanting greed and bar- barism in dealing with the rising genera- tion. Poverty is no longer regarded a sufficient excuse for robbing childhood of its rights; even the poorest boys and girls must have their chance to play and grow and learn unhampered by arduous toil. In this way we shall have better men and women In the near future and leas of sin and shame, disease and drunk- enness, Righteousness makes it manda- tory for the strong to fight tho battles .of the weak.—Troy, N, Y., Press. AN NISt6RlUr I CITY. Is quaint old Quebec, whose winding streets and frowning battlements are pervaded with the atmosphere of depart- ed centuries. Here is the spot where the refined luxury of the Old World first touched the barbaric wilderness of the new, A delightful way to reach this most interesting city is via the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co, Ask your nearest ticket agent, or write II. Foster Chaffee, A. G, P. A., Toronto, Canada. The Ways of Women. A Laplander bold fell in lord I am told Wltb a maiden who lived near the Pole. Their engagement to bellow, be made her a tallow Dip -candle (and went in the holo. For there tallow's expensive, and trade not extensive, Though some say the tallow he stole). Said be, "011, be mine! And thls candle Is thine!" And right here the real tale won begun. She gave one coy look. and tbo candle ohs took, And the man thought hie wooing was done. She sat down on the toe and she ate in a trice His candle so greasy and yellow and nice. When ho asked for the wick oho said, "No, not a lick! For you gave and I took, That Is Love." Then oho shook Ott tho crumbs an she rose to her feet, "Olod I mot you," she said, "Can I get you your sled?" And a the pointed the way down the street. Back to Lapland he wont, indeed, he was sent; And be sulkily said as he slid, "Of all the bold minxes! Stip'e sharp as the lynxes( Tho game's not worth the candle, 1'11 skldt" Which be did, —From the August Bohemian, 4•• Pray for Peace; Exalt War. That war, though sometimes Inevitable, is always an evil, tow will deny. If anyone doubts 11 ho will probaoly bo converted by the eight of the field after battle, of a hos- pital full of wounded, or of a country ravag- ed by an Invader, That the war passion ex- pels the meaner passions is a fallacy abun- dantly confuted by the annals of the com- missariat and the stock exchange, All the churches pray for peace, though some of these, the State churches especially, do not patronize the object of their prayers. That the citizens of a free country should be trained to arms and capable of taking part in Its defence In case of need Is very well, But the cultivation of tho war passion In the minds of children, thus filling tho veins of the nation with It and Increasing the nation- al proclivity to war, which seems now to be coming into vogue, Is surely not so well. Nearly All Liked It, '•r'"°' --- (Philadelphia Record.) ' 1.ngllah doctors aro carrying on a violent dlecuselon over alcohol, many of the most eminent practitioners condemning pts use entirely. At the dinner of the Modleal-Psy- oboleglcal Sonloty Sir Junes Crichton-Browne got hie information from the chief butler, and then astonished the dinner company by tailing them that of the eighty-four members of the association present only 9 per cent, declined alcohol entirely and a largo major- ity had taken It In several forms. Ifo had recently dined .with elentoen sclentltlo mon at Lord Kelvin , and every ono took some ervil o, N.J,, and stopped the operation alcbhol, No urged keeping alcohol la Rs proper place," of the woolen mills tiere. IMMENSE SWINE PAVILION. Iowa State Fair to Have Three Acres of Hogs Under One Roof. The largest "swine pavilion" in the world is the latest Iowa. It is being built on the State fair grounds at Dos Moines and when finished will occupy three acres ufnder roof. The judging ring occupies a square almost surround- ed by pens, This will bo tato centro of attraction for1 W v Iown people at Statecx expo- sition sition this year,says the Clinton Herald. Fanners interested In 840110 breeding have been urging this improvement it long time. Last year they brought 2,- 700 ;700 hogs to the exposition and many others were sent back for lack of space. This is a lager exhibit of hogs than at all other State fairs together. With these Improvements the Iowa State ex- hibit will be kept not only at the head of the list, but far in tho lead of al) others. $IO AT1AANDTi� CITYRETURN I 0 From Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, via Lehigh Valley R. R. August 0th, 30th, and Sept. 0th. Tick- ets good 15 days. Allow stopover at Philadelphia on going and return trip, For tickets and further information call on or writo llobt, S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 54 King Street East, Toronto, Ont. Foreign Trade in Uruguay. Figures of the foreign trade of Uru- guay for tie first half of 1006, just is- sued, and the first trade siatistica that have appeared of that year, show a de- crease in Great Britain's trade with that country, I1►gxlrts total $17,000,000, of which Great Britain supplied $4,000,O00, or 27 per cent, Her previous percentages were 30 to 33, Germany luta risen from four or fifth place to eeeond place, sup- plying $2,750,000, or 10 per cent. The next, in order as named, are France, $2,- 100,000; 2;100,000; United States, $1,600,000; Ar- gentina $1,600,000 and Italy $1,400,000. Tho half yoa.r's exports amounted to $20,000,000, Fra►ce took $5,000,000, Bel- gium $3,000,000, Germany $3,000,000, Ar- gentina, $2,800,000 and Brazil $1,800,000. Only $750,000 ,worth was taken by the United States, Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest —cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicine,; containing opium or other injurious drugs. 42 Cures tic. --et drug -stores. National Drug & Chem- Diarrhoear'g& �lte The Union in Strength, To tho Editor of the New York Sunt Sir,—Having been under the caro of doctors lately, I am told that if I wish to keep in good health I must follow these instructions: 'Eat only a light breakfast"; also, "Breakfast should be the beet meal 'of the day," "Run or walk two miles before break- fast"; also, "Never attempt to do tiny- thing nything on an empty stomach." "lake a cold bath the first thing in the morning"; also, "Remember the shock to the system of suddenly enter- ing heat or cold is very injurious," "Never use a pillow"; also, "The most refreshing sleep is obtained when the Load is elevated,' "Do not get into the habit of sleeping in the daytime"; also, "Always take a nap in the afternoon," "Eat only at meal times"; also, "Eat, whenever you feel hungry." "Get up at 5 o'clock every morning"; also, "Sleep until thoroughly rested, no matter how late it la." When doctors disagree—oh, but what's the use? Valetudinarian. 4.. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta ♦•• Not Detrimental. Chicago News: The proprietor of a sumer resort hotel had advertised for a clerk, "Aro you good at figures?" he inquir- ed of an applicant for the job. "Can's be beat for accuracy," replied the applicant, "but I must admit that I'm a little slow." "Oh, that doesn't matter," replied the boss, , "The time consumed in making out the bill is included therein, you know." 4.• Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. *.* Electric Cara for a Funeral. A wealthy Burmese lady having died on April 3 in Rangoon, her relatives de- cided to have her body conveyed to the cemetery by electric tram. Six cars were hired, and with a band playing *lie British Grenadiers" the party mer- rily bowled along at twelve miles an i,gLtr4 flowcrr:I were scattered by the fu- neral party de they proceeded rapidly on theri way, to the great delight of 9 children en route. A 13ur►nan never makes a melancholy party at a funeral, but this is the first time in tho history of Rangoon that electric cars haro Leon hired for a funeral procession. --Corea Daily News. 4.O • To make his 2,000 acre park look like a fairyland for his bride, James 1. Duke pumped the Raritan lover dry at Bom- /LSON'S FLY PADS Ivory packet will kill more Moe than aoo sheets of sticky paper — BOLD DY — RUCOI8Te, 0R00ER8 AND GENERAL $TORE$ 104 por packet, or 3 packets for Raa will last a whole season. Ether a Festive Drink in Russia, The habit of ether drinking is extreme- ly prevalent 111 some parts of Rusela, as of East Prussia, and all the efforts of the authorities to combat the evil have hitherto been almost fruitless, An idea of the extent to which the habit prevails Inay be gathered from re- ports given In the Russian nCWspapors of a recent occident which occurred at a place called Trossno. Ether is drunk by taunters on festive occasions, when it ap- pears to be consumed in pailfuls. A far- mer celebrating his 8041'8 wedding In the fullness of his hospitality got in two pails of ether. During the process of de- canting the ether into bottles a violent explosion took place, by which six chll- dreu were killed and ono adult was dan- gerously and fourteen others more or less severely injured,—Front the Family Doctor, Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited: Gentlemen,—In June, '08, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly man- gled, by a vicious horse. 1 suffered great- ly for several days, and the tooth cuts refused to Ileal until your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I began using. The effect was magical; in five hours the pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds had completely healed and my hand and arra were as well as ever. Yours truly, A. E. ROY, Carriage Maker, St. Antoine, P. Q. Use Reasonable Caution. (Montreal Herald.) There are seveml ways of not being drowned, One is to learn to swim, which is effective in most respects ex- cept when it tempts the swimmer to try things beyond iiia powers. Another way is to avoid going on the water with persons In whom you have not the co►npletest confidence. A third is to stop on shore altogether; but that is pushing caution to the length of folly. All that is necessary to prevent at least nine -tenths of the drowning accidents of the last few weeks would have been eom- mon oarcfulnese, r•� ROOF for t e Years to Come Just one roof Is a; a a.tnrms In writing to be good for 25 years and Is really good for a hundred. That's a roof of "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Put them oayourself--common sense and a hammer and snips does it. The building they cover Is proof against lightning, fire, wind, rain and snow, They coat less because they re made better, and of better material. Write us and learn about R O O F I NG R I O II T. Address soy The PEDLAR People t';" (,hews Montreal Ottawa Toronto London winnlpe{1 "Indeed, you shall not kiss me, Issehie Feathertop," indignantly exclaimed iho young girl, repulsing hill with n hauplity gesture. "Why not?" he deivandid, "Because you—you haven't shaved 1'' -- Chicago Tribune. i.♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. 4.1 Wise Precaution, Little Ethel —"Mamma, don't people ever get punished for telling the truth?" Mammar-"No, dear; why do you ask?" Little Ethel—"Cause I just tooked the last three tarts in the pantry, and I thought I'd better tell you.' —Cleveland Plain Dealer. ISSUE NO. 33, 1907. Great Britain's Customers. ;The London Economist soya that in, the quarter ended !larch JI the United States was for once Great Ilritail►'s best. customer, the value of British exports thither amounting to $+12,257,730, against 8.11,4811,080 sent to Germany, which is usually first. The increases were $8,- 704,000 8;7(14,000 and $4,003,500 respectively. Am- r(c , s o bloat td tallngaw� u chiefly icfl y In. trig iron, while Germany took much larger quantities of cotton, woolen and. 1i11611 yarn. Russia, France, Italy and other Euro - peon countries each bought more. Sub-• stantial increases occurred with Turkey,. Egypt, China and Japan. A good export trade oleo took place with the principal South American Republica, the order being Argentine, Brazil, Chill and Uru- guay. Kendall's Spavin Cure 4 �e !fere is jest one case out of tlrouasuds— ILit1oTa, MAN.. March 1 Thin is to testify y to the value of Kendall's Spavin Cure as a Spavin Remedy and Liniment for general use. I used it for Spaviaa on a colt two year' ago, and found It a complete cure," Ivan. Jwng�ern. dare your horse with Karrdal!'e—the sure cure for all Bony Growths Bwellintp and Lameness. $r a bottle -6 for Our great book- "Treatise on the for free from dealers or eo Dr, I. 1, [sedan Co., babel fans, Vont Y.I.A. • Japanese at Home on the Sea. Tho Japanese are natural sailors and they swarm on the Nene because the scanty economic resources of their mom - try and their insular and contracted gee - graphical position make the 1104) their birthright. Tho lesson of their success in handling a modern navy in the war with Russia is that they are equally ad- apted to handling a merchant merino In competition with the world. '!'heir spe- cial advantages on the Pacific we con- spicuous, and they aro not a people to neglect the advnattages which nature has given to them. Other countries may ex- clude Japanes immigrants, but on the high sons they must expect to meet Jap- anese competition that may let all the fiercer because of the land barriers being erected against the Japanese laborer,— Springfield, Masa., Republican, 4*. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not euro children of bed- wetting. There Is a constitutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions, Send no money but write her to -day 1f your children trouble you In this way, Dont blame the child, the chances aro It can't help it. This treatment also,. cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night, Lost Race of Indo-China, The great mystery about Indo-China and ono which must ever be insoluble is the story of the lost race and the vanish- ed civilization of that strange country. The mighty walla of Angkor•Wat, ris- ing,in the inidat of sparsely settled jun- gles, remain as the memorial of a groat empira which has utterly disappeared and is altogether lost to history, No one will ever know who planned this gi- gantic temple or what tyrant hounded on his myriads of people to build up • those immense blocks of stone and cover then with the most elaborate of soulp- tures. Angkor-Wat was ono of the moat astonishing monuments in the world, and this forgotten temple was built so u to - endure as long as the earth itself were it not for the irresistibly destructive ef- fect of plant life on the strongest walls - that man can raise. Only a highly civilized and very weal- thy people could have erected Angkor- Wat, a very different race from the An- namite of modern days. The whole na- tion has disappeared as utterly aa the. busy myriads who once populated the. Maidenly Reserve. wastes ar►d solitudes of Memphis. --From, the Singapore F ret Press. ITCH manse, Prairie &crotchoe and every form 04 contagions Itch on human or animate cured' In 80 minutes by Wolford'a Sanitary Lotion, It navor falls. Hold br druggists, 4.• The Seven Ages of Man. 1. Rock Age: The Infant. 2. Copper Age: Tho Kid. 8.. Brass Age: The Adolescent Period. 4, Iron Ago: Sad and Flat for tiler wife, 5, Steel, or Steal Age: The Trust Dir- ector. 0. Silver Age: Small change. 7. Golden Ager Death always precedes. it.—From the August Bohemian. e Hail from Hull and Want Grocers and MI Other Users Everywhere to see that they are fully stocked with EDDY'S f -op ening, square bottom Paper Baqs the stronte'at ana most perfect bap made 4). Alevays Everywhere In Canada. As1!< for EDDY'S EIMIS Supday_Scbool. LESSON IX.—AUOUST 17, 1907, The Two R3ports of the Spies,—Num. 13; 17.2o, 23.33. Commentary. entall'v. --I. 'file spit's sent 0111 (vs, 1.'2(1). The people were afraid to go folt'a'll and hail asked .Muses to send -91111' a to s. ;arch nut the hold Dent. 1, t "2), Although it would 'sive (leen better for thein to have had faith in God and to have rat (1ice entered 1111(111 abed' prom• iced possessions, yet in order to satisfy the people the Lams ordered Alu5e5 to send ta,' 2110 '.i. Alus:'s selected twelve 1 ailing :nen "1'vely one a 'trines" (it, V,), ill urger that the host possible results might be realized. It is well to 'villein• her that in numbering the tribes the tribe of .16seph had become tw'o tribes, 11ecol ding to the prediction of the dying Jacob (lien, 48, 5, 6), and the tribe of Levi is not counted. "The object of the expedition 1v.15 (1) to learn whit were the utt'actiol.s of the country, (2) 0) (liseovcr the difficulties in the way of taking possession, (3) to find out the best way of reaching the country, (4) to learn what 11l'C'p)111'11t1011s It was 110ees5al'' to make." 111 versa 4.15 Ire have the names of the spies. In verses 17 -20 Alose8 gave then) especial directions. They were to travel the whole length of the land to the Lebanon mountain region, and find out all about the land and the pew 1)1e, and to bring bick some of thio fruit of the land. On their return they' would be expected to make a detailed report. 11. The spies return (vs. 23.25). 23. Brook of F,sheol—.\ stream near Hebron, kliegs means "n cluster'," 011(1 Was so mooed by the spies because of the fine clust:t' of grapes they found there (v. 24). They, plucked the grapes on their return from the north. Jia re it between talo—'dais w'115 111)t necessary. bee'lluse of the great weight, but to protect the grapes from being bruised. 'There are clusters of grapes producod in Palestine which weigh twelve pounds, a►(1 by cu'c• fill cultivation bunches have been pro. duced w'eighliug over twenty pounds. Pomegranates—:\ fruit of the apple kind. 25, .After forty day:;—"Forty days were sufficient for n journey of 2.50 miles—into the vicinity of 1Gtnat'1 -- and the. return. The, spies could rest six Sabbaths and travel 500 miles, going at the rate of less than fifteen miles a day, 1t is not probable that they went in a body, but singly ur by twos," 111, The report of the spies (vs. 211.29), 211. to lindesh—J.leven days,' journey from Sinai (Dent, 1:2), in the desert of /,in, the northern part of the desert of Partin, is a lovely oasis "of at New Eng. bind aspect," surrounded by (111Is which form the southern rampart of l'alestine. It is several miles Wide, large enough) for 1„r1101's camping ground. A pure $trema flouts front a cliff and fills two wells and a large pool. The Arabs call it Ain Qudees, "tile holy hell,,, and 1)r. Trumbull has identified it as leafiest' "the holy") Barnet ("tie desert of wan- dering"). This leautfiul place because the Israelites' pivotal petit ,through their remaining thirty-eight years in the desert,—l'eloubet, unto all the congre• gation—Imagine the eager throng gall. ered to listen to the report. showed theta the fruit --Tey had brought back grapes, pomegranates and figs. The bund of grapes was very large (v. 23). 27. floweth with milk and honey—This is a poetical description of a, country rich in pasturage and produce, ''Thus fur the reports of the spies agree, They all commend the richness and . fruitfulness of the soil. 28. nevertheless—The report was given publicly and it was artfully arranged to begin with commendations, in order that their subsequelit slanders might receive credit,—J,, F. & 13. This word introduces the godless majority re- port, there is in it no reference to Julio. va1i.—Steele. strong ---Large and trained to war, cities are walled—Well forti. fied. The Israelites had no means of warfare by which they could bo taken, children of Anak—"Long•neeked, famous giants, descendants from Arbil, founder of the city of Hebron, The spies were terrified at sight of tient," 29, the Anlalekites, etc. --These people had already attacked tho Israelites once before. Tito 10 spies nre inerea$ing in their opposition, The cr►,+i,i of file nation's 11111101) js ribitol ), titaulhlinlg on the v(+ry Borden, of Canaan the pe,.111e evince an 111111Ile'45 for the promised inheritlulee and exclude t.hvin 'Ives from its posses• sion. llad the Is►'nelitos ben tu►in►at+'d by faith in God they alight have nmu•ched straight into the bund and inlnm'diatcly subdued its inhabitants, but the nation was not equal to this and accordingly dress' bock to the wilderness 11.(1 to death. 32. Evil report entoth up— Ilow unbelief grows, At. first it was only suggestion io 1 28,29),abecame a n �l I 1s, then1 gg it 1111 assertion (v. 31), then It aNstu1e11 the form of an "evil report," The spies cannot mean that the land was barren and the inhabitants dying of famine, for the fruit they brought with them and their first report would contradict this; but it has been thought tlutt there 11-x19 It pestilell(ee in the land at this tittle, (ind also that the ,•pies had neared that the people were olmstantly engaged in war to maintain their independence.. Great stature—Tutt is, tall men. See the dimensions of King Og's bedstead in Dent, 3. 11. When through the camp there rings at cry for 'Egypt!' And all the tribes sway bail:ward i:l despair, 1Ve tern 14) you who beau' the purple clusters, Fur still ye say, 'Surely llu' laud i+ fa ir' " The minority report of the two spi••• was, 1. Ileal. "Go up" (v. 30), The t,so did not deny the (ails. 'l'h:'y I luaitled it was an ascent and involved diffieult.y, They told the truth, Itnt Lb.'s' ignored the dangers and dis'ouragenu'at1 nn l dwelt upon n thldelights (1 7•10). lase ('lll'ollralgoiin'nts to holy Iivi ng, Joy, (wave, rust, comfort, fruit, reward, lire con• stuntl,v set before us in 'the word. 111 Jesus' last words to 111s disciples Ile dill say, "The words huteth you," and "They lyill also persecute you," and "In th world ye shall have tribulation," hal 110 told thele of 1 lis coining again. of "grist t• 4'r works" even than Itis, of answered prayer, of the Father's love, of His owe peace, of the joy of abiding and fl•uit.• bearing, of 11is deathless love, of GIs Comforter, the Guide, the Teacher, Christ was never discouraged, 2. Resolute. "(10 33, Ax grnssboppens, etc,—"The fears up at once." Delray in following God of the unbelieving spies magnifier) their fix's, They who do not respect t•hemsehvas will fail to gn.in the respect of others. The 1111111 w'l10 counts himself as a grass- hopper when he i9 sent to represent a groat cause is apt to be counted as a graasehopper by those who oppose hint," ssttcntion should be called to the events recorded in chapter 14. The people became despondent and wept all night. '111ey wished they had not left Egypt and actually. appointed a captain (Nell. 1); 17) to lead there back to the taskmaster's lash. .Moses and Aaron fell on their faces. Joshua and Caleb rent their clothes as a sign of their great grief, and made at strong appeal to the congregation in favor of taking the land at once. slut the people like a frenzied slob tried to stone them, and were prevented from so doing only by the glory of the Lord shining forth from the tabernacle, God threatened the na- tion with destruction, and they would have perished but for the prayer of Masses, 'J'he ten spies were smitten with the plague and died, Even' person over twenty )'esus cf age, except the two faithful spies, was to die before the nation entered Canaan. As at reward for their faithfulness Caleb and Joshua were permitted to enter the promised land, Caleb received Ilebron as his pos- session. Joshua 11118 his name changed from ()shell tai Joshua, which signifies 8;avior, and was also honored by being chosen las Moses' successor to lead the Israelites into Cannan. 1. 'Their commission. "Go" (v, 17.) "See" (v, 18.) The proposal to search the Innd cause from the people, and be• t'ay'ed distrust of the Lord's promise and 1011 1101'811111. God had commanded, "Go in and possess the land" (Dent, 1; 8, 21.) But they said, "We will send leen before us, 1111(1 they shall search us out the land" (Dent. 1; 22.) So when God 811s' they would send spies, lie pet them bavtheir way (vs. 133.) So it was in Israel's choice of a king (I. Sam. 8; 19. 22.) They demanded it, and God permit- ted it, and they learned how sad it is to forsake God and lean on the arm of flesh. Ile lets us hove our way, to let us see the folly of not walking in his way. "Ile is not afraid to have his promises investigated, Ile proved them by their own heart's desire, At every stage of advancement we show ourselves qualified or unqualified to go forward, Where God's command and promise are clearly given, the greatest boldness is the truest wisdom," After Pntt1 had "assuredly" gathered that he was called of God to Macedonia, his was "u straight 0011.80" 111 the way of obedience (lets 10; 10, 11.) lie did, not send Silas or Luke or Timothy over ahead to see whe- they they were equal to the work. 1L'1'heir charge. "13e ye of good cour- age" (v. 20; Psi, 27, 14; 31, 24.) Ono who is of good courage is resolute, un- daunted, bold as "adamaltt" (Ezek, 3; 0); like the rock that blushes not, shrinks not, moves not, meets danger and difficulty with firmness and without fear. II, "Evil report" of the ten. 1. Con- firmatory, They said, "Surely it floweth with milk a.11(1 honey, and this is the frttit of it, Nevertheless the people be (15xo((, 17:8.1(1), The Hittites were a strong" (vs. 27, 28), They confirmed strong, warlike people. The Jebusites the truth of God's ,word, but ignored Ilis held the region round about Jerusalem. !power to fulfil it. 2, Contradictory. '1'I►e The Amoritns were mountaineers. Refer. hind "floweth with milk and honey" (v. ince is made to there {n Ainos'2:9 "The'27). The people be strong" (v, 28, The truth is told respecting the strength of "11111(1 euteth up the inhabitants the walled cities and the Cauulanitislt thereof" (v. 32). Well fed and strong, yet "eaten up," 3. Confusing. They saw the people as "giants" .and themselves as "grasshoppers" (v, 33). They looked at the things "that are seen" (2. Cor, 4 18). Instead of measuring giants with God, they ntcastu'ed themselves with giants. They magnified the difficulties and minified God's strength, 4, Costly. The unfair report of the ten misled 000,- 000 00;000 amen, It turned all lst'oel from the path of faith (Dent, 1, 28). 1t prevented them from claiming God's promises, 1t kept them out of Canaan (14, 21)). It led to their own chastisement, They "died by the plague before the Lord" (14, 37). IV, Good report of the ttvo. Caleb means "whole hearted," and lie "wholly followed the Lord" (Dent. 1, 30). And 11)43 mine is third in the first three of the twelve (v. c). Joshua's name is sec- ond {u the second three (v, 8), It wits changed from llosluta, salvation, to Joshua, Jehoalt, Saviour, for he was to be the temporal saviour of his people to lead thele into rest (v. 10). Ile who led Israel to Canaan bore the sante 11111110 as the angel commanded to be given to the Sou of God because he should save his people from their sills (11att, 1, 21), "0111 thanks, and thanks a thousand times repented) We know your names, ye' gallant, faithful two; Potts lowest t1'orlls are like a song from heaven, tribes occupying different parts of the land. But the opinions expressed aro glaringly disrespectful toward hint who had led Israel out of Egypt, and had pro- mised to drive out all enemies from the ,, promised land. Men are as culpable for their opinions as for their Acts, since opinions are the roots of conduct."— Steele, IV, Courage and faith (y. 30), 30, (:aa- lib—The spy from the tribe of Judalr. IIe begins the minority report with an unwavering trust in Goll. Joshua also joined with glint (14. 0, 30), Stilled the people—A bitter wall of despair was go• ing up front the vast throng of people., Let us go up at once—Genuine faith grasps at present, God and an instatntnnc- ou13 salvation, 'There is no better cure fot' fear than action. Ohl soldiers say that the trying time is when waiting for the battle to begin, Hesitation weakens resolution.—\\'Ji('ai, Coln. Well able — In chapter 14. 8, 0 we have the ground of Caleb's faith, "It was becalm Caleb knew that he was, only the conducting wire, through which the alight of God wits brought to bear upon his ndversna'• lees' that Ile sats so bolrl "—Taylor, To overconie it—Forty years later, Caleb, then an old mast of eighty, prol:ed his k.. brave wotdts by conquering the very re,- t. gion that hand terrified the ten spies, ' driving out tic gigantic Annhcim, and making Hebron his own (Josh, 14. 0.14,) V, Discouragement (vs, 31.33,) 31, We Ye searched the land out better 1'x11 r, be not able—This had not keen asserted ye knew l . may be fatal (Ile', 3, 13; .Ins, 4, 13, 14), and always adds to the difficulty. 1Ve are to "redeem the tine' (F,ph. 5, 10; Col, 4, 5), buy up the opportunity. ‘‘'hen God opens a door and we refuse to go in, the door classes and we are shut nut altogether or enter after long delay and heavy trials, Afterward when Israel would, they could not enter in (14, 49. 45). This wits not an nrbi1ra)')' decree; they had proved their unfitness. Such n disobedient, unbelieving people could never have taken impregnable Jericho, 3. Rewarded. Long years afterward th,4 two who brought as good report were abundantly recompensed (Josh. 1.1, 0.15; Dent. 31, 7; Josh. ID, 49). (kat Never fails to reward the fidelity of his set.. vents. "A man any 11)5x' for Christ, but in the long run shall not lose by Christ." A, C. M. A MARINE BATTLE. THE BIGGEST FISH STORY OF THE SEASON, Fruit Steamer at New York Brings Word of Fight Which She Witnessed Between Four Gigantic Whales and Two Sharks, New York, Aug., 12,—Obliged to alter the course of his craft at lcilst six times because of a mighty battle always ahead BODY IN TRUNK. G}IASTLY FIIiD OF A BAGGAGE - MASTER AT MARSEILLES. The Owners Are Arrested—Middle-aged Couple, of Monte Carlo, Tell a Story Which Fails to Hang Together. Marseilles, Frame, Aug. 12.---A trunk belonuing to a man and a W01111111 Who h nrri41.11 her)' today from :Monte Carlo atlraetl d the attention of the b.►ggse- master, wile caused it to 11e opened. It was 11)111111 to contain the Lolly of a wo- man, cut to pieces. The 1111111 111111 W"• 1111111 owning the trunk were arrested. They had assumed that it had been forwarded to 1.u'ulol. The couple, who nre middle-aged, gave the manes of Jlr. and ,M1'5.(1041, residents of Monte Carlo, denied that 1114')' committed any crime, and informed the examining magistrate that they only knew (Inc victim slightly. \ 'Itile the patter was at their home, the Villa llenesimy, on Sunday last, Mr. and MI's, (cold added, the woman's lover arrived.there and blew out her brains. The Golds,' fearing they would be emu - promised, u►•promised, tried to get rid of the corpse. The head and feet were in the Golds' va- lise un(1 the rest of the 'body was in the trunk. The autopsy seemed to upset the story told by the Gelds. 1t was shown that the murdered woman was seized front behind and held while she was stubbed to death, A commission has been sent to Mento Carlo to invcst1' gate the crime. 4.♦ BURN AND KILL. Turkish Troops Kill Men, Women and Children. Teheran, Persia, Aug. 12. --The latest advices from the frontier say that the '1'urlci.s'a troops which recently crossed the northeast frontier of Persia are wangling on C'runliuh, burning and de- vastating villages along their route. The Christian village of Almon is reported to l:avo been shelled and ninety persons, including 111)11ny women 111111 children, are said to nave been killed. Ten girls were carried off. .\ panic prevails at L'run%th. Prince Firman Firma, the Minister of .lustier, hits been appointed Governor of of the vessel between four gigantic the Province of Azerbaijan, the scene of whales and two sharks, Cuptaaiu ,Jame• the trouble, and has been ordered to take sun, of the fruit steamship Amelia, 01 up his duties immediately. the Donaldson Company, brought the best fish story so Aar told this season, when the Amelia tied up to pier nine, East hives', yesterday. The story, wily nae -third fish, beeais3 the whales were not fish, was told by Thomas J. Jones, Treasurer of tis steno:ship lilts, and there has no gain3.ly- ing 11r, Jones, 11.3 110 18 a cost' estiltable young moot. When two days out from Port An- tonio, at about 0 o'clock in the evening the lookout reported at strange disturb - once dead ahead, and as the Amelia op- A LOVE SCRAP pronched, four whales, about forty feet 011011 in length, and two man-eating sharks, each at least fifteen feet long, were discovered in mortal combat. There was 11 terrific hashing of th:' water by the flukes of the whales and Suicide. the tails of the sharks, and the mar{110 fight spread for hundreds of feet across the path of the fruiter, Captain Jame- son saw an opening in the whirling, diving, plunging 111156 and ordered full spied ahead, when • suddenly the con- testants turned and came together just ahead of the steamship, Fearing the Amelia would cat n gory path should the vessel steam ahead, Cap - thin Jameson was obliged to proceed slowly, and at least six times brought the ship to as stop to avoid striking the monsters, who paid no attention to she Amelia. According to lir. Jones, the fighting whales would jump out of the water, fol- lowed by the sharks, raising such waves that they rocl:0d Jile ship, For hun- dreds Of yards the sea was at white foam tinged with red. e.P TOWN COLLECTOR SHORT. Deficiency in Thorold Said to be Nearly $3,000. Squadron on Way, Tangier, Aug. 12.—The semaphore sig• nailed the passage of Admiral l'liltbert's squadron on its hay to Casa Blanca, at 10.30 a. in. to -day. Minister of War Gibbus has doubled the night guards here, has disarmed the soldiery belonging to the tribes around Cassa Blanca, and has forbidden the guards on the outskirts of 'Tangier to al- low any European to leave the city. o+♦ Shoots His Fiancee and Atte is St. Catharines despatch: After many fruitless efforts the town of Thorold has at last secured the- eollector's rolls for the years 1904, 1905 and 1000, and ttftet' an audit Collector P. C. Creeggaut is found to be $2,000,13 in arrears, and 40,060.82 having been collected in these years, while only $44,210.09 has been paid over to the treasurer, and the e{ti- zens have produced rceipts for $1,053. At a, meeting of the council last night n motion was adopted to compel Creeg• La1's bondsmen to nuke good the amount to the town. •.♦ MISS CADENHEAD'S DEATH, Investigating Court -Martial Concludes Taking of Testimony, A Sault Ste. Marie, i\[ich., despatch: Tho taking of testimony before the must -martial investigating the killing of Miss Cadenhead, a Canadian, by Pri- vate Cyrus Gillette, of the United States army, who was shooting nt a prisoner escaping from Fort Brady, was concluded yesterday, The decision will not be made public until it is re- viewed by the army authorities at Wash- ington. -*.l Blobb8—sy friend ]3,jones is an Mat0- grnpll hunter, Slohbs—Why, I thought he has a bill coleletor, Illobbs--So lie is, Ile gets autographs nt the bottom of cheques. Middletown, N. \',, Aug, 12.— Miss Laura Wright and Floyd Upright are in a critical condition in Ulster heights, near Ellenville, as the result of pistol wounds inflicted last night by Upright while in n jealous rage, .hiss Wright, Nebo lives in Yulnn, Sul- livan county, has been stopping at Ulster heights and Upright has been employed at lalenville, He bought Miss \\'right an engagement ring and thein' marriage was expected soon, 1t is said she gave to him n letter to until, addressed to n girl friend, and that he opened and found it contained n letter which the girl friend wits to deliver to another man. A week ago, as Upright was going clown the 11101111tain 8i(10 after a visit to _Miss \Vright, he was shot at from ambush, his cap being torn from his head. This en• rnged 11im, but he still professed love for his fiancee. With Andrew McConnell, n boy, le drove hh8t.night to the boarding house of John Donovan, near Ulster IJeights, where Miss Donovan was, and took her for a walk. They had proceeded but a short distance when Upright shot Miss Wright through the ares and abdomen and himself through the lungs, just above the heart. Miss 1Vt'ight staggered hack to the house and collapsed, but Upright fell in his trucks, PETTIBONE DEFENCE Darrow Cut of it --May Have Richardson. Denver, Aug. 12.-1t was reported last night that the executive com mjttee ni the Western •Federation of Miners will meet soon to determine on counsel for Geo, 1I. Pettibone, who will be tried in October at ]noise, Idaho, on the same charge that Secretary Maywood was a4'. quitted of. '.l'he report also lies it that Clarence Darrow, of Chicago, who assisted in the defence Of Haywood will not be retained in the Pettibone ease, but that E, E. Richardson, of lh'nver, also of counsel for Haywood will handle it, • NOTORIETY PAYS. Offer Haywood $15,000 for Forty Lectures. Delver, Col., Aug. 1' 2.---;1lnong the many offers which William 1). Haywood. has received is one front/,ick Abrams and 1). J. Grutrnmun, of the National Theatre r ( 111 .anal a San I n l of . lv OU ) for n series ( e 1 s 1f 40eat •( lc a s. 1 he promoters have offered to place the Money with any reputable bank or pereol designated by Mr. Haywood, Mr. Haywood has telegraphed back in newer that as secretary of .the 1Vestern Federation of Miners he can do nothing without consulting the executive board of the organization. offerIle s.has had a large number of similar THE CATTLE EMBARGO. Admitted in British Parliament That Canadian Cattle Are Not Diseased, London, Aug. 12,—Jn the Ilouse of Commons today, 1Valter Long moved an amendment to the small landholders (Scotland) bill, providing that it should in no Way affect the powers of the 13011rd of Agriculture tinder the diesels• es of animals act. AL. Long said the protection of the health of our cattle w'ns vitally important. 1\'hntever tli health of cattle in Canada, the Domin- ion's artificial bordl r rendered them liable to disease and made rest'ictions essential. 111r, John Sinclair pointed out that the admission of Canadian cattle Was governed by statute, 1111(1 there could be no change 1111(1er the net. Mr. Henry Chaplin, referring to the probability of a measure readmitting Canadian cattle, admitted that there was no danger of a plague, but it was otherwise with ;ileum -pneumonia. The anwnd:).ent Was rejected by 1713 totes to 120, MARSHALL ARRESTED. He is the Matt Wanted in the Fur Smug- gling Case, A Lindsay despatch: Sinton Marshall, whose mune 11115 been mentioned in con- nection. with the alleged smuggling 01 beaver skins from Algonquin Park by luny of Lindsay', was formally placed un- der arrest Saturday evening by Chief Vincent. lurshall is the man who left the 13arri0 hospital suddenly lust week. The Lindsay police have known of his whereabouts and were only waiting for s11c11 time as l:e was in fit health to travel to bring 11in1 here before County Magistrate Moore. On Saturday evening Marshall came to Lindsay and 11'118 taken in charge. Owing to the serious illness of the prisoner 110 was allowed out on $1,000 bail, $500 of his own surety, and $2.50 each by Robert Naylor and Andrew Marshall, 1110 accused will appear before the County Magistrate at Lindsay Police Court on Tuesday, August 13th, It is said that there are trine or ten witnesses subpoenaed in connection with the case. o.♦ NECK BROKEN BY LIGf1TNING. Bolt Comes Down Front of Building, ; Enters Door and Kills Boy. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 12.2—Lightning to -day broke the neck of (Lulea Ia, Eddy, jus., at Fulton, 15 miles from here. The bolt ran down the front of a build- ing and entering a door struck the boy on the neck, breaking the spinal cord. Three others in the building who were struck, were rendered unconsicot 3, but all t•eeovered within an hour, here the lightning set fire to the large Armour Fertilizer plana and destroyed the building, which was valued at $80,- 000, and damaged the stock of fertilizer and fertilizer material, $25,000, all co1'- ered by insurance. s.♦ MAYOR RESIGNS Was Afraid of ° an Overdraft in Kansas City. Kansas City, Aug, I2.—lhtyor Dud- ley E, Cornellof Kansas City, Hauls., last night resigned because the expense of the city are greater thin' the reven- ues. The Council refused to accept tie \layor's resignation. The revenues of Kansas City, Kans., have ben greatly re• llttced by the sltpressiun fo liquor trnf- tic and gambling. DOG, IN PLAY, DROWNS MASTER. Foils Attempt at Rescue, Which He Considers a Lark, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 12,— H. Wil- liamSmith, 20 yowls old, was drowned in the Agawam River yesterday, was drugged to his death by his faithful bulldog. The efforts of Smith's compan- ion, Roy Dunning, to effect a rescue were unavailing because the (log, think- ing the situaation a lu'k, repeatedly jump- ed on his master's shoulders end finally dragged Hint beneath the water iia play. REPLIES WERE NUMEROUS. Flood of Inquiries Regarding Teachers' Positions in Saskatchewan. London, Aug, 11— Mr, Tinemont Thompson, Secretary of the Empire Edit- cutional League, recently published two letters in The London Daily Mail res• pecting the present demand for teachers in Saskatchewan, He now finals it 110ce8- 8111'y to write an article to the Mail as a reply to some 1,200 correspondents who have asked for further information. Prayer. 0, God, we pray Theo to enrich 115 with that knowledge which makes '1'hy children wise --wise unto salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus. 1 otos b necessity May1 1. our guilt the s lese g y of the atonement by which alone it can be removed, We may feel our sinful- 1le85, and our neod,of Thy truth, and of the indwelling of Thy Holy Spirit that We clay be renewed in the spirit of our mind. May we grow day by day in such experiences. We confess, 0 God, that the fear of Thee is wisdom, and that to depart from evil is understanding, and we pray that this heavenly wisdom may abound in us more and more, to the glory of Thy name. Amen. An Open Bible. There is no other book that has such a message for man as the book we call the Bible. There is no other book that has been so violeptly attacked, and so savagely criticized; and there is no other book that to -day possesses such a hold upon our race, And we believe its study is most intimately connected with the upward progress of man. To some the book comes with no credentials and they feel free to deal with it precisely as they would deal with any other book; with results, unfortunately, that do not tend to recommend this method of study. To the Christian, however, this book is not same as other books, and cannot be, In his own heart its credentials have been written in living characters, which he cannot misinterpret. And the study of i# will probably soon become a close book, and the Christian life will go out in darkness, When the Bible ceases to be a delight, there is something wrong either with the reader or with his method; and a change should be made at once, If the life is at fault, there can be no re- turn of Bible -relish until sin bo put away. If the method be to blame, we should change it. Sometimes men are so busy finding out the correlation of 13ib- lieal facts that they fail to catch the book's sweetest, richest message. We do not worry much over the costume of a singer; we do not criticize too closely her defects in form or feature; but we let the sweetness of the song flow into our souls in all its uplifting power of hear - mastery. The God of all the ages has a message for us in this Bible of ours; and if we will but sit silent and reverent enough, that message will prove its di- vinity by its power, This is the message ' for to -day and all days, the immortal truth, instinct with race -regenerating power, the mighty message upon whose accents hangs the redemption of our race. Let us listen to its vdiotl, "Kgtp your Bible open, and try. to catch its di- vinely -human message. Through it God still speaks to men.—Christian Guard- ian. A Demoralized Planet. ,) Is the axis (By of tiae Bankerglobe suddenly alter- ing its position; or has this poor old earth of ours become utterly demoraliz- ed? We know that the "precession of the equinoxes" greatly changes the cli- mate of certain portions of our planet, but that is an extremely slow movement requiring Inure than twenty -nye t11ous- and years to complete an entire cycle. But in the Northern Hemisj<lhere a most strange variation in the climatic condi- tiotla of a considerable portion of the earth's surface has of late occurred, in- volving a complete reversal of the or- dinary state of affairs. For instance, during the intensely cold weather of the past winter in Southern Europe and North Africa, the thermome- ter in Iceland registered as much as be- tween fifty and sixty degrees higher than in the Province of Venice; and in the city of Venice itself it was impossi- ble for a time to perform any funerals, 118 the canals were frozen hard, and gon- dolas could not be rowed to the ceme- tery. And in Constantine, an inland town in North Africa, ninny of the palms, and other subtropical trees were appars ently killed by the frost, while the snow which had fallen there was described as having been nearly a yard deep. 'Tliis, however, has probably an exaggeration. All down the Riviera, that region of slut and genial lvarth, too, it was at tinges intensely cold au.1 inclement, And in England, at nearly the end of June, fires in the rooms were almost a nem - say; while in Scotland it is recorded that heavy snow las fallen on some of the mountains; although at the saute tine at Trontsoe, two hundred nod fifty miles north of the Arctic' cirelo, the weather Was described as having been glorious and delightful, with the ther- mometer at seventy, j Or is the glacial period againiaapproaelt- ing, and England instead of bang a land of sylvan glades and shady 'groves, of heath -clod hills and flowdr•bedecked lanes and coombs, and of lovely fern - adorned glens and vales, once more to be mantled in a shroud of lee, every liv- ing creature driven from her drear and inhospitable shores, and, tot' an epoch, but a gelid wilderness, All ice -bound, stores -swept waste, And {n other respects too, alas, the earth is becoming more and more demor- alized The so-called "N(w Theology" is causing the unstable top lose their faith 'in the holy Bible; tie Lord's day is be- ing desecrated ever more and more; and in mousy of the pulpits! of the land the great atonement for Sin male on the cross by the Son of ('god ih utterly ig- nored, and Hero etlles turd morality— though lmpe(ative of course, to those who would attain to eternal life—aro slubstitute(1 for faith. in the Redeemer's sacrifice. For through that alone can an entrance bo gaited to the glory - and. • PAGE EIGHT ---THE BLYTH STANDARDAUGUST1Sr11, 1907. Fall Fairs for 1907. 1 Grow Ontario Wheat. Toronto... .. . . . . . . . .. Aug 20 to Sept 9 London .. . .............Sept 6-14 Exeter Sept. 16.17 Seaford) Sept. 10.20 Blyth , „.Sept, ,Sept,' 2)-24 'k,ipiey.,......,Sep 24.25 Ooderich Sept, 24.25.21 WIngbarn Sept. 26-27 Milverton . . . ......... . Sept, 20 27 Atwood .. , ... Oct. 1.2 Bruseele Oct, 11-4 Teeswuter , ... Oct. 0-4 For years the farmers of Ontario have heard of the pllonontensl produc- tion of the \VFstel'11 wheat fields, and have resignedly accepted the much advertised superiority of Western flour a9 a conclusive (ant. All over Ontario the dnntend for Ontario wheat hes fallen off, with a consequent loweriug of the price paid to the fanner for hie grain. In addition, bran ]cud shorts have become so expensive es to serious- ly reduce the Margin of profit for the dairyman and stockman. Now, the inose prect teal discovery of the lust decate, the one most far- reach-ing in its results to Ontario farmers, Is that known us ''tlunr•blending," Western flour has been popular in On- tario on account of its large percentage of gluten or "strength," which chem- ists call proteid, although the western product lucks both flavor and color. ].Flour made from Ontario winter wheat is Oat so "strong," but has a peculiarly ettrnctiveflavor, When a little West- ern wheat ie added to the Ontario product, 1 he peroentege of gluten is increased, and all the flavor retained. The practical results of the discovery are certainly noteworthy, Ontario Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of I)oml- talon Lands In Manitoba, Sask*tche• wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may bo homesteaded byany per- son who Is the sole bead of a family, or any wale over 18 years of age, to tho ex- tent of one-quarter section of 160 acres more or le88. Entry must be made personally at the local land otlIee for the dletrlut In whlcb the land is situated. Eptly by proxy may, however, be made on certain con- ditions by the Lather, mother, son, daugh- ter, brother or slater of au Intendlog homesteader. The homesteader le required to perform the homestead conditlouaunder one of the following plane : (1) At least six month'e reeltleuce upon and cultivation of the lend in eaob year for three yeare. (2) It the father (or mother If the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm In the vicinity of tho laud entered for the requlrelnente as to reel - dance may be satisfied by nob person re- eidintx with the father or mother. (3) It the settler has his permauent reel- deaoe upon farming land owned by him lu the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements se to realdenee may be eatis- tted by residence upon eatd land. Six months' notice In writing should be given to the Cominlesioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister Ioterior. N. B.—Unautborixed publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stemaob, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days' treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont, TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. SOUTH.AM pm 0 40 3 30 643 333 0 52 3 44 700 356 7 14 4 aft 7 47 4 23 8 05 4 39 8 15 8 22 8 35 8 46 8 59 9 05 9 12 9 21 929 9 3.5 9 37 0 45 NORTH, am nm Wingham 11 50 7 35 Wingham Jot. 11 48 7 25 Belgrave 11 1 700 Londesboro 11 20 0 52 Clinton 10 15 11 05 835 Bruoefleld 0 53 6 19 4 47 Klppea 9 50 0 11 4 52 ' Iiensall 0 4.4 6 05 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 51 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 5 26 Claudeboye (1 09 5 34 5 30 Luenn Crossing 0 l►., 5 80 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25 5 46 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 5 54 Ettrlt+k 8 35 5 07 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 26 5 02 600 Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 500 0 10 London 8 15 450 millers who have rnatle a specialty of the now flout' have driven out Western ilonr from the Maritime Provinces, They Have been compelled in some instances, to double their already extensive plants, find IMO created suet' it demand in Toronto that the most popular lonf sold today in that city is made o[ Ontario blended flour. What is true of Nova Scotia and Now Brunswick, whore an unprejudiced 1►nbile have decided in favor of the deeded flour of Old Oetarin, ought to apponl to Ontario farmers generally, Buying Manitoba flour is Clientele( folly, when the purchase of the On- tario product gives better breed, and helps to create a demand for Ontario wheat, When pPople all uvor Ontario realize this fact, the farmers of Ontario will not only be tho emitters of several uullions of dollars, but will find that the cost of bran and shorts will drop to the normal figures of ton to fifteen dollars a ton. And, surely, the On• tnrio farmer should bo the first to set the good example, buying only the flour grade largely from Ontario wheat, Thomas Canderoon,of London, was poisoned by eating a raw peanut. Connections aro made at Wingham for all stations on the I'almeretou and Kin- cardine branch. Conneotlons are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderloh branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Conneetlons are made at Luoan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at Loudon for all 'tattoos east and west on the main line. Our Big ..Offer To all new subscribers from . now on THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 19o8 for the small sum of 25c 4.000___ Subscribe Now John MoClary a Great Captain of industry. HODS FIRE ALL NIGHT The good housewife always feels like bestowing upon Pandora n cheerful "good morning." Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed ...__4), of hot coals as a reward for checking 0r the dampers closely before retiring to rest. in five minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good, strong Fre. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. The fire -box, flues and dampers arc so scientifically arranged that the Pandora can be Former Owner of a Small Tinshop Now Head of the Largest Stove and Tinware Concern Under the British Flag. '1'o very few then is the privilege given of witnessing such a celebration its that of which John A1cOlary, of London, was the centro during the week that ended 011 July !Nth. For during that week a series of splendid jubilations marked what was the SIX. kit nnniverslu'y of the MCClury Manufacturing Co, This sixtieth anniversary Is note• worthy, not only because it relates to the largest coucorn of its kind under the British flag, but because it Inas thrust. bvfure 11)0 attention of the people of Canada it man whose echievements make hint one of the very greatest captains of industry this country has yet produced. To John llrClary the past sixty years has meant a change from rho control of a small tinshop to the pos- 80891011 of the largest establishment of its kind in Canada. This company's plant in London now covers two enor- mous blocks o[ land, while there aro also important estubll811nlents in Montreal, 'Toronto, Winnipeg, 1'a n - couver, Hamilton and St. John, Over 1300 employees are on the company's pay rolls, of whom over seven hundred are married men, supporting homes, More than $61'0,000 is paid in wages annually. 'There aro n few figures which will give the reader an impres- sion of the size of the plant as it is at present and of its importance to the community, 11r. McOlary has always leen and is still the guiding head of this tremen- dous business, Ile remains even nt his present nge a man of remarkable ability sparing no money or pains to attain en end that his judgment told him could be won. This is well illus- trated in the magnificent advertising campaigns thi8 00)11 pally has entered into in all Canadian papers, which will have made the 1IcClary products known in all homes from ocean to 000811, 'Plough the 1icClary Co. is Mr. llc- Clary's first caro it is not, the only sac• cessl'nl company that shares in tho benefit of his business acumen and ex. perience, 1Ie is also President of the Londou Life Insurance Co. and the Ontario Loan and Debenture Co,, end a Director of the London and Western Trusts Co. regulated to hold a fire from 24 to 35 hours, Pandora owners never have their sleep disturbed with dreams of malting u new fire 111 the morning. If your local dealer docs not handle this most perfect of all ranges, write direct to us for Free Eoo1 let. London, Toros!., Montreal, V9tbsiped, Voncecver, St. Joho, flamllloa McPherson Bros. Local Agents. For 11 kinds of Belting .—for Breach, Biscuits and Pan Cakes—for Pies, Cakes and Fancy Pastry—no flour, milled of a single kind of wheat, compares with a BLENDED FLOUR. It bakes whiter and lighter --it contains more nutriment—and it yields MORE bread etc. to the barrel. "Made in Ontario" Use A Blended FLiur (or Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) and you use the perfect flour. BLENDED FLOUR combines the splendid food properties of Manitoba wheat—with the lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario wheat. TRY A BLENDED FLOUR—the result of your first baking will PROVE its superiority. Tins trademark is on all ins BLENDED FLOURS. It is the sign of quality. Look for it on every bag and barrel you buy, 4car .. r,ii4;sii�r nr,rartr. iu iLi►�Sil+,;I3 r �� iu► .r►r . � r . r)4) --THE -- ?1. K 1 GAY WORLD. �*�i.r�r. . rt .► r r nr.r, .► �r1 �� ►r. The Summer Vaoatlon. 40 weeks' anticipation, 10 of bustling preparation, 1 to pack and roach the station ; 1 of final realization. 4 52 r The Standard will be sent for the balance of year to all New Subscribers, in Canada only, for We want 400 New Subscribers and this will be easy if the parents send The Standard to their children in the Northwest and other points. Figure it up and see what the postage will amount to if you send it yourself. —*— Members of the male sex who are looking forward to a matrimonial venture, should remember that peaches are likely to bu scarce for tho next few years. Blohbs—Do you think it is true that sausages aro mode from clogs ? Slobbs—Well, I've noticed at my hoarding house tint when the boarders get too much of that Bort of diet they commence to growl about It, —*— Modest Tommy. The Camel has nine stonlaclls— I heard it at. the ;foo, Now, wouldn't I be lutppy if I had only two 1 Oh yes, 1'd brim with gladness Anil call my life a dream, With one for just toast turkey And one for just ice cronin, —.— The Model Dad, Lives there a de I with noel so dead Who never to hie eon hath said ; "When 1 teas your ago I would run To do the thing I had to do ; I never till my work was done Found any pleasure to pursue ; My parents never had to scold, And every rule they ever made :For Ise was honestly obeyed ; 1 never frowned and nel'ee told A falsehood when I was a boy ; I gave my parents daily joy By doing well turd being kind, By being truthful and polite ; My speech was proper and refined, 11 v heart contained no room for spite 1" If such there be, go (nark him well, For lie's It bird 1 But none Such dwell Upon this earth—unknown, unsung, Such wonders all die very young, . -.— It wasn't it Missouri editor but it printer's devil who was going through his first experience on "making up" forms. The paper wits late and the boy got the galleys mixed. The first part of an obituary notice of a pectin - ions citizen had been dumped In the fortes and, the next handful of type 081110 off a galley describing a recent fire. It rend like this : "The pall hearers lowered the.. body to the mom and it was consigned to the flames, with few if any regrets, for the old wreck . had been an eyesore to tho town for years. Of course there was individual loss, but that was fully covered by insurance," The widow thinks the editor wrote the obituary that way because the lamented part- ner of her joys end Borrows owed him five year's subscription. The Standard is the only thoroughly in- dependent paper in Huron County and the circulation is increasing steadily since last September. Do y ou wish to reach the people? This is the first consideration of every advertiser. The next is what locality to cover. The homes in Blyth and surrounding country. are reached each week by our paper, You {� ave `J','',of Your Eyes on ''his dvt. If it were only your own, think of the thousands that would see it and read it and come your way to buy your goods. Advertising pays when insert- ed in a home paper like The DO IT NOW. tandard Your Printin 'Phone No. 4. SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness, The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind—won't pay us to turn out any other. High-priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do—and do—better work than inexperi- enced help. 0.00000000000.00* We will convince you of this if you will :trust us ,with your next order. i 1 • St,P11.MBER 3, I9Q$-THE B t `;,YTS-' STANDARD PRIESTLEY'S NEW DRESS GOODS FOR FALL Priestley's Dress Goods as usual again lead in the new shades and weaves, of which a full assort- ment will I)e Lound in our stock, I)riestley's Dress Goods are unequalled for beauty and durability, Igor a fashionable costume buy I riestley s Dress Goods For a good black dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods. Highest prices paid for Farm Produoa. rAl �•� E. BE•E9, BLYTH r.i TABLES AND CHAIRS During the threshing season a good table will be found a useful article. RSP have strong, well finished tables, which extend from 0 to 10 feet long, at $0,00, $0.50, $8,50, 810.00 and $15.00 each, Dining Chairs at /5c, flO', 85c, $1.00 and $1.'-'b. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH tra r 1 V nr rarHar ra a1 r I tar ra aI ar IarNV r rr r a ra ralV al n ra gilt 4�c���1dRSrS:r�1:►�l:nxt�1:?�fr1•?r�sq�lf�?:riKct:'ztr:�cr?�s�lz?t�f���tS�zcris�r �ldt ��� !III IN�r Ha/►IMI►I NEWS AROUND TOWN /►Ia1NH Jai►I�r► al /al I / Jal�lar►1al►J r 111 ar lar►/11 IYI / I►/ I is �r ra/an H I a fin► raryrall/il�ral\► I�rV ar a r r/ aI raI I I I n larir / ;r1� SEP [EMBER, (;oUNCII/ will meet on Wednesday cv'ening of next week. Tuts week C. I1. Reese slopped two errs ul' flour to Montreal. THE freight truii up Isom Guelph did not get in at all on Monday ow- ing to a breakdown at Guelph, carpenters of the C. P. R. were Isere last week placing new props under the tarot at the station, TWo YEARS 1!AVE l'A�sr;u.-1Vit11 this issue the present Editor lies Passed two years In this village and our only 1ep,l'et is that we lin ve nut become a millionaire yet, but the hope by the time a number pay up their subscriptions to be on a fair way to becoming' one, '1'o our friends who help us every week by handing in locals, pmsonals, etc•, 811(1 [0 our C0I're8p011(I01rts we are indeed thankful for their help, and only hope it may continue, GIANT Olt PIOMMY,-What are you I1+ your business -•glans or pigmy, -- an ace or 8 ten spot ? Judicious advertising in TEE STANDARD will make you a power In the commun• icy- it will make your store the goal fur the dully crowd 01' shoppers -it will increase the volume of your business and make you satisfied with ourself and your efforts, Only see that your advertising Is done rightly and all willthc well. 13LY'ria 18 111'.-0)1 Moedny of this week four rinks of Clinton bowlers crow to town and 118(1 a a friendly game with the home club, and were defeated on the round by 13 shots, Following are names and score ;- Clinton- Blyth -- A, Alorrish j, Riona'y J, Raison bury J H, Challe►v W. Jackson F. A, Anderson 1). A. Forrester S. 1-1, (lidley skip 18 skip 17 3, (1 Curtis D. B. McKinnon J, Hamilton Geo, Powell J. Johnston J, 31, Iinmiltun J, Harlunj'; 1)t', G. E. Long skip 8 sklp.21 D, 3[cCorvie .T. Ein gh A. li.olmes Dr, Cliau'lnsworth W. P, Spalding J, Carter Dr. Agnewskin 15 '1', ,1 V, Scott skip 16 IVtn, Graham A, 11oKollar A, Strome 3, Stulkor J. Wiseman 1;, 3, 3lason J, B, Hoover A. W. Sloan skin 20 slop 18 Gt 74 Tits: baseball boys ge to (loderlch 00 Labor Day. '1'llis ought to be n red hot match as the last two games pl yed in that burg were excellent, A number will go along to cheer the boys, Sonoor, REi'oitTS,-We will be pleased to publish all 8011001 reports that are sent to from the surround. Ing schools. If parents would Itke to see how the boys and girls stand in their various/ 01118Sed see the teachers and ask talent to send the reports to 'fleE S'r•ANDA8D office. A Snu'r On'r,-Last'Thordday Myth, took the final game from Luck now by a score of 11-0. 'I'Ite visitors were without two of their players 1111d "Buster" AlcQualg, a youth of 12 years, and Alallough filled in mid played well, Tanin, who is away, Willi tau only change On the Blyth team, and Andy Coombs took charge o1' third hates and delivered the goods. In the 8th' innings S. Buchanan "brought down the house" by 11 0110 halal catch that placed the visitor's In the safe column, 131yth storied hitting the pitcher in the fh'bt inilings although they did not score, but .opened up in the second and secured five, Umpire'Alglo, of Goderich, made good 88 a Lakeside League umpire. Following is the line-up Score and summary :- Blyth- 11 0 1), Sommers, C 2 2 E, 3Iu8Iillan u(•.,,, ,,,, 2 8 \V, Watson, rf 1 1 R. Sims, lb 8 2 J, Hell, 2b 0 4 11, Begley, If, ,... „ ., 0 4 A. Coombs, lib 2 1 S. Buchanan, ss ,.. 1 8 13, McArrer, p 0 4 11 24 Lucknow- R 0 Dl cCoy, c 0 8 0 2 Habbick, t'f Hud ss 0 'ti Thompson, 2h,,.,, 0 4 3lcQuuig, ss and rf0 [3 W, Johnston, p,,,,,0 8 Rollinson, Ib,,., . 0 8 H, Johnston, 11.,,, ...... 0 11 A1allougll, cf.... . , . 0 II 0 27 Blyth 0 5 1 0 2 2 0 1§-1t Luc1(now 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0- 0 2 buss hits -Somers, 31e31111itn, Wat- son. Bases on halls -Somers, Coolnhs. Left on bases-lilyt1i 7, Lucknow 6. Struck out : by AleArta'r ('l)-Thoinp- son, Raid, McCoy, Robinson ; by John- ston (0) : Sims 2, Buchanan, Begley, McArtor, Coombs. THE Division Court gal calls for a sitting of the eo Blyth on Friday, Sept, 25th, it 11, 11), 1'r?tcCv Mcif.WA1N, son of 11wain, of Nile, and a forme ()cot here, died 111 0udericll It 011 3lon(lty morning from feV01'. 'I'rIE regular 11100thly Ineotin tin vino McMILLAN & 00. 'WANTED Ary quantity of Eggs and lilittc• at the highest cash of ht'icer, Blyth Lodge, 1,, 0. L. No, 963, will Standard Butter Ilexes for sale. be 11(31(1 on Monday evening Iii the LAN& CO,Orange hall. All members are in- 11IcM 1 l. vasd to attend. MARKET REPORT.- WVheitt 80-80 ; Court of Revision Barley 50-50 : outs 3f1-36 ; Peas 80-80 ; Bran 22i-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Voters' Lifts Butter 10-20 ; Eggs 18-19 ; Flour C. P. R. - Toronto Exhibition Notice Ishereby given that a Court will $2.50 -See advertisement, vel'tisement, Pur. be Actheby Illrsuat Ilonoro the Judgesof ,tai 01111x91' tickets at town ticket office, .T, County Umlrt of the County of Iluron at MeMu1'chle, Agent, Office open 8 a, Industry Hall, Village of Myth, on the ilk (luring exhibition. 21st day of September, 1908, at U o'clock a. m,, to bear and determine comelalnt4 DoN''I' forget to make your entries of more and omissions In the Voters' early for Illyth's Iii Voir. A gocd the 1008, Municipality of the Village of brass band is being' engaged fur the Dated this 271h day of August, A. 1), 1908 day ; a gland concert 011 the even- A. Elder, Clerk of 131)th. fug ot'the second day, it 0(1 speeding -- ---- - _ : contests o11 the afternoon of the fair. ON Tuesday Dr. Charles worth sold Don't ('ail to come and enjoy it day's his driver to Thos. Swarts, of Gude- outing. 11011, AN OI'1'uu'rtn'Itry Volt NEW Son- Stu 1Vtt.rnrD hAURIEIt is to visit Hcun11:as,-1Vo ars making a special Clinton on Sept, 23rd, lie will be offer of THE STANDARD and Family accompanied by Ian. 0, P. Graham, Herald & Weekly Star to the end of LAHT week ,Tos, Carter placed ono the year for the suet of 40 cents, of his boiler cleaner's on the boiler Or if you are already a reader of in the factory of P. Atnent, Brussels. '1'IIE ST&NDAnn you can have the Tim Court of Revision on the 01he1' journal (or 15 cents, Johnson drain in East 1Vttwanosn FARMERS who have strayed cattle will ho held on Saturday of this 0r other live stock on their pretnlses week, the Gth lost., at two o'clock should not target that it Is unlawful p, m, t0 hold them without advertising the Tug Editor received • two large fact 111 the local paper. Or, il' cattle hen eggs on ' Atoriday from one of have strayed away, 8 small adver• Tw STANDARD readers, each, meas- tisenlent In printer's ink Haight save uring 7x6 Inches, Each egg a big bill for their keeping and ex- contained a'(Ioublo yoke, pensee later on. If' you lose ,toy- JuuoE DOYLE will hold a Court of thing or find anything, don't fail to Revision for Blyth voters' list In let it be known through the columns Industry hall on Monde y, Sept, 21, 01 TIIE STANDARD, at nine o'clock a, m. There aro 27 DIED, -011 Sunday evening, Edda appeals in file handl of the Clerk, Valentine, Intent daughter of John COME along with the others and 11, and Mrs. I31001' passed away at take advantage of our offer to put the age of 6 months and 16 days, your 1181116 on our subscription list The baby took sick Saturday, The from now to January, 1910, for cause of the death was meningitis, 81.15. This, of course, only holds The funeral took place from the good for Canadian subscribers, parents' residence on Tuesday after- IIo11oN OLn 13oYs,-The Huron noon and interment was made at Old ;toys' Association of Toronto the Union cemetery, The sympathy will as usual have 8 tent on the ex - of the community is extended to !libido') grounds during the two the parents. weeks of the fair, It will be locat• BI.Y'I'lr Bowling 1.'lwn, while ed in society row opposite the trans - being at all tirnes headquarters for portation building,,tlld all Iluronites genuine good fellowship, is at pres. are requested to snake the tent tl►oir eat the centro ut' great excitement' headquarters. 1. II, Chetlew has presented the ARK you interested in good print - club with an arm char' as one of ing ? If you are, an order sent to the prizes to be competed for in the our job department will convince Scotch doubles which are now under' you that we excel! in tato "art pre - way. 'Phis arm chair is a genuine servative." The certain tact In the work of art, being unique in con. arrangenient of the type, so marked struction'and original in design. in our work, is a sign of art, Let The chair may 10 800n in Mr. Del' us fit you out with buslness•bringing lew's store window, S. 11. Gldley printing, Call at Tfllt: STANDARD 1188 also donated a fancy' vest to go office and get our figut'es, as a companion to the above, It town. will be one of the best,autd made•to- 3iv friend, listen to Inc. Ills order in Mr. Oldlcy's well•known your girl appenred all at once to up•to•dnte style, lose interest in you ? Is her epee:h Inuquury 'l'Ai(E ,TAI'S' SCALPS.-- telt 110(1 nay, hag she 0 faraway The report 1n the Goderich Signal look in her eyes, does she shudder last week reads as follows :-On 'Tuesday afternoon the Iroquois base hall team of' Goderich ,journeyed to Blyth and .won from the Japs by a score of 7 to 1, Ed's, the Iroquois southpaw, was the star performer of tl;e day, striking out ,just ,13 men in the nine innings. Blyth played 11 good game until the Gth innings, when the pitcher got wild letting 4 Men go to bases on balls. Until this .game the 131yt1► Jups claimed the Junior championship of Huron, having won nal their games. They can trim the Russl:uls all right, but the hams are too notch for them, CouN'I'X BoA1(0,--'1'11(3 Board of I11xaIII MCrs 1'o1' the County of Huron met art Seatorth on Saturday, Aug, 29tli. There were present D. Robb, 13, A, ; .T. Elgin Tom tut(1 J. 11, Cameron, After routine business the board considered the case of hose who had passed the Model School examination in December last, but who hnd not obtained their non-professional standing. By re. gulatlon of the education depart. meat, county boards have now no authority to grant third•class cert[. ileates ; such certificates are in f'utur'e to be granted by the depart- Inent. The secretary of the board WAS therefore Instructed to get the non'professional certificates of those who had obtained them, send them to the education department with a statement that they had passed the A1(fdel School examination In De- cetuhee, and get third class certifi- cates for them. The board also de - aided to grant extensions of third class certificates 118 heretofore, Ger, 13aird, Sec,, Clinton. ► at your approach? 13e not down cast. It may be it button which has failed in its duty ; an elastic may have snapped ; or it may he at pin -for rt pin, like at woru1, %III turn, Go away for half an hour, and come back and It will be aril riglht, Two of the leading hotelmen of Goderich were lined on Monday In the pollee court fnr infraction of the liquor act, In one case the fine wiis $50, being at first offence, and In the other else the line was dcuhle that amount, the accused admitting 8 previous conviction. In each 0880 costs were nrlded. '1'I►e convlctioils crate as the result of a visit to town a month ago of a couple of detec• rives from Toronto. -..-.. • w--.... Took Poston by (Mistake. Monday morning at Listowel when the loan returned to work at the woolen mills they found Arthur I'.ruuk, son of the proprietor, about 24 years of age, lying on. the floor very ill, It was learned Lacer that he had taken sulphuric acid in mis- take for medicine, from 'the effects or which he died about three hour's and a halt' alter being discovered. r-iM• 13u91NEss men or others requiring office stationery "daily kind will find n complete stock of note heads, env°. lopes, bill heads,' statements, circu- lus, etc., at THE STANDAiin office. Satisfactory work and reasonable. prices, Don't order from outside travellers, Subscribe for Tan STANDARD. lei Wehave been particularly careful in selecting our New jackets for winter. We. feel we have gotten the'correct styles, bought goad cloths and secured goo&fitters, Every coat marked at close prices. Wool Kersey Maine, 44 to 46 inches long, neatly trimmed with stif strapping, $8.50, All Wool Kersey Coat,47 inches long, with self 'strapping on back and front, o oo. • All Wool Kersey Fly -front 1M trimmed with fancy stra will be a favorite, $12.00. Ale, 47 iochcs long, icig and .stitching,-,, Other lines of Jackets at $6.5o, 7.00„ 9 oa, w`'l;,00,' 15.0o and 17,00 �. ,,,. Ladies' Cravenettet r a Ladies' Oxford Grey, Fawn, Twee Coats, 47 to 5o inches long, nicely se1fgtr good weights, at $7.5o, 8.50 and 1 o.00, Rain 75e Ladies' Woolen Vests 50.0 12 dozen Ladies' Wool Vests, in plain and 4 Boston ribb, unshrinkable, good weights and soft wools, worth 75c, for 500, 1, POP1ESTON1kCARDIN ,„ ,t.7 (*Li ffon. • IItghest prices for butter sal, �(J /O KA,rri(%Yn/,Loie„'0 o000.()O5 �V H AitfX fomthe Corner Go Where you + •e S to rocery get Fresh Stpl Well cured MEATS, the healthiest MAD ([) and thc'best Family FLUS:' Coal 011 handled to perfection, A. TAYLOR goods promptly delivered: Cash for Butter and Eggs. Corner Store BLYTH Every order left at Tip: itYit tiU.''. o fffcc+ whether large or small, is turned . out Ili, fai'stclass • style. We have the plant, we ha'C.th'e workmen, and we have the experience, and These three very important factors enable us to keep ;pace with the times. ( ip gjtt)tbR1' I is one of the most progressive newspapers in Huron County incl we would like to have your name on our subscription list if it is not already there. ' LADIES Send your attune' and address and you will re• also 11 Ileo sample of S1.001J111'S COMI'(1CND PENNYROYAL '1'I':A, A powerful but harmless vegetable modiciuo for sickness peculiar to women, and all diseases arising therefrom. All druggists sell at tic, or postpaid for price frau 1)r, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Spad1tua Avenue, Toronto. VirmsrmiCtisnAMMIMItanamcivatamornigl AFRICAN MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. and Di 1 uthlvest Aisles ore in many cast •ulittr, The)' differ, Of course, i1) dif ' el'ttlt' (tihe,, but: 11111"u 1,rudd IIID! 1 conlr:an. ,f t;unt,tnl tril,e 1t1'.yuy's ransiders itself xing the Social Status of the Bride -Question of Dowry Divorce, he marriage eustonms of West and fiYOU -BEV. l l ,Slee --•i 8111\vt 1' (11111: nt no l l)l'Ill It8 the puetry:,ol lnutioU. If lfe- •1'es, a til the machin' • breaks inLutd (mitt. au.l I t, ,t elf (,11(\11. ''t,'i'sritIr to ,mit m tl, (; !1'CU Lt ti ldallk.. ; +l1) I higher - , IUt':illl.it 111('llr 1 y ;11111: IU ra11K Candid Confession,' ,lhan the most p'''\erful In:ut in an up- nr1 in stti' ir.ise -"\Mutt! Lott i ',smithy tribe. :\ m1u1 may iii it any wutnau he likes of any tribe, it/being le ''that young -iliut. kiss ,vuu? \jolt)•, iI e1d that hr' gives her his (twit status, 1'>< nt S( 1'prtsed, D trt't;yOlt snow telt) ; 1('1'1'1' aha 111111' be, but It •la almost t'plos o'. our club (:rally stab that luny nhclud of fur .m wonutn to ytnrry "be - girl It Co lets •:i. yr rung inutt kiss 11 sr ''1 heath" her. As a rimtnit 011ie of the , .•Will )o.rltSpel1 lode` women of the most superior cu,i8t tribes. Rt by= ---"\\'tell, 1 was sttsliemuled, ` \like the Mpollgwe, look to marriage with dei X ,will in It ltamumocic•" white men and frequently (ttnin to it. The parents on both sid''s rule nbso- Letting Well Enough Alone, lately in the stinttul' of uutrriage betvicen His \\'ife-''Wt. uld you marry again ! natives. es. Firsitntl ties d toift do theconsentif I should titer of he bride's father. Then he hues agn!i ! Her Husband -"What nonsense, Ivy \vitt gifts, and the father calls in other too ddie. t "1 nm not tont anxious for you members of the family to viewthe gifts. 1)n the third visit he carries trade gin, a Explained, sufficiently pui.oluus conipr,untl, 'genet.- ally fromIIaubarg'• In the old days it was 'illi tally or wine, . On this occttiiou he pays over an in- sta s»ent of the dowry. On the fourth visit he fakes his ,lutrents with him, and 1 !s permitted to see t he girl herself, When next he culls his prospeetive niother•in-law provides n feast for hint•' self and his relatives, the host and hos- tess eating nothing, but taking a hand in the drinking. Finally the man goes with gifts and the balance of the dowry and takes the wonian away. On arrival at his village sit' is welcomed with sing- ing and a strenuous dance called "nknnjn." For three month; the bride is not re- quired to do any hard work, but u fter that she buckles to with his other wives at gardening and earning burdens. Polygamy is general and the number of a man's w-iVeS if, limited only by his re- souri•es in the platter of paying dowries. The limn may divrrrce his wife whenever he ('looses and for almost any reason. But it is rare for a woman to ire mile to obtain divorce e oma ish. Divorce nt her a entails the return of the tlowry.---Lon• dots Standard. COMMuN AFFLICTION. Jack -This paper says if spots ap- pear before your ayes it will give you a headache. George --Yes, they gave me a l4end- Itche Inst night. Jack -What kind of spots w'ero they% George -Seven spots -the other fel. low held aces, ----r•o - • All Druggists, Grocers and general stores sell Wilson's Fly Pads. -4., Almost Cheerful Over It. re had ,just killed t•he eat. 'rot an, the uses. of adversity!" med Care, smiling wanly, many an exasperated neighbor ed in vain to do it. Mistress--Vuu -(cited to be enjoyi:l;; yourself ll: t evening, llridgct. I heard loud laughter itt Cat' ki?diel,. Bridget 1',, nnuu, \Ie polio, -nal cou- sin \t'.1.: after droppill' 111 to aril Ilse of me uncle's death,-`lhtrper's l;.lz a r. Diagnosed. Judge -What is your profession? Witness ---I tau a poet. Judge---Th:i'r, not tt prntc-'ion; it's a dis;':ts: --.Judge. Supererogation. Ararclti,t--Shall we il. mo ite ‘)ie can- didate \Olen he -arrive,? 0 ' Chief --Why should rat• ntix oursel'Ves up in it ? The citizens oft going to give a huine-coming.--Puck. The Supreme Test. -Is Gladys pretty?'' r . "Why, old man, ,he's alit )st as pretty as' her mnothor thinks she i ''--pa'per's Batar. Insinuation. Ivo "'Here is a book of dove poems," ,::1)d the leading lady. ''1 have kept them i:n• der my pillow for seven moons." "Holy thoughtful!" laughed the 'o\t 'comc'kl$an. --"Thougliful?" "les, you know they say all po't•y iti►proves with age." • ALL IIE COULD 1)0. She -A week ago you told ale my husband couldn't live, and now he's nearly well. • Dotttor-I can only express my regret! The Largest Giver. 1 want to tell you of an inquiry- of II inv.little 5 -year-old 1felen. She attenil., ;- • Sunday School regularly. Retur.ti'.ig liolne on Sunday, she said: "Jima, every Sunday the loan voids how much ptoney each elass•gives, and lthen ho tells how much 'Total gives, and Total gives more than any one. He must ' be a rich man. Who is Total, Mania?" - The Delineator, Life -Saving a La Mode. ".The victim -Help!, Help! I'm drown- ing, \\'quid -be hero -Courage, my brave roan! Just • wait ,until 1 get a rope, a .' measuring rod, a Carnegie application blank, two witnesses and a notary pub- • tic,-lBolicniitin iagazine, tf By Mail, Ln0 (to oreiladen letter carrier) - What in .the world causes such a heavy mail at this season? Postman -Oh; the Gettlleze Correspon. dente School is holding', a letmnion.-Bo- 11entian Magazine.: Righteous _Resentment. "-You may put that back in th(j show- case*, how•case;:' said tete' indignant :Mrs. Lapsling to the milliner.. "I wouldn't even wear, much less buy, a ]amt named in honor, of that horrid murderess, Charlotte Cordu- royl„ Insisting on Ac Tracy. ".Uid you , ,1.•,t this man?" asked time pollee justice, "1 did not, yl' .tr honor,o answered the officer,',forllierly a resident 'of Boston. • "Obvioutily 1. could nut arrest\hien, for lie was not in motioin at the 'tint. I • merely effected his capture, your.honor." The Variable Feminine; Dora' (at -':;t!1 llal'ty)-Geoffrey, you mustn't monopolize me, you know. Geoffrey -why, dear, I haven't been inonopolizing you. Dora -Well, wby haven't you, you sttl. pid thing? , Bless` You, Yes! "The question is,S1ta11 the people rulet" The 'PeerleSs'Leader thundered. \Vhy, yes, dear sir -as in '110, And again in 100(). • Premature Explosion. "Madam," said the strut. car conduc- tor' "is this your boy?" "Yes, sir, he ii 1' she snapped. "_\ud 1 am not gent •,to pny tiny' fare for ilium. either! ITe isn't five years old yet!" "1' didn't dream of asking you to pity . ''fare for hiin,.tn'm, I '.vas only going to tell you that he's the brightest mot linudsontest Mottle' fellow love seen for tnQtmy n day," - ,:j.:`>!lietl ire pnstsed on 'down the al sirs, lenv- tiq,:),he mdi'tly dame 'Speechless ;and gi s1)• 1 r. n'en'tli. • - Liniment Cures Burns, etc, Time and Money. The flowers bloom; The flowers die, Vacation days Go swiftly by. They heard hila murmur \With a sirrlm "'.I'he days are shorter - So am 11" -Washington Star. This woman says she was saved from an op ration by Lydia E. , inicham's egetable Compzound. t Mrs, Fra k Emsley, Lindsay, (){itario, wr s to Mrs. I Inkham :. When I rote to you some time agdl I was a ery sick woman suffering trot>X,female roubles. I had inflamma- tion of the eminine organs and could 'not st nd or walk any distance, At last I N as confheki to tny,lied and the doctor i .1would'have too throe h an o er n butqq gg this I refused to do. P + "A fribend advised Lydia 11 Pinkham's Vegetn11516 Compound. After using three --bottles of it, I feel litre a nt woman. " I.most heartily recommend Lydia E. I'inkhain's Vegetable Compound to all women who stiffer with female It oubles," `'ACTS. FOR SICK WOMEN. 'tor thirty years -Lydia 1C. Pink- hal's Vegetable Compound, made frog roots andherbs, has been the sten, and remedy 'for female ills and 1lhs positively cured thousands of won)el\ who hrtve been troubled with (lisplaetinentH 111flanlmation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that 'bear- ing -clown, feelitlg,'flatulency,indiges- tion, dizzi>, ess or nervous prostration. Why "dont you try it? rs. Pinkfialn invites all sick women to write her for advice. Site has guided thousands to health, Address,,Lynn, III SI CATARRH OF HEAD Which Pe -r1) iia Relieved in a Ekorg Time, MISS SUSIE M. KINGSWORTH. • C Whitow line 1 among' 1 pc11114a(' Wt ii :l discast wtl1t'r the full: -9. Miss Susie M. Kingsworth, 400 Que- bec street, London. Ontario. writes: "i began using Penne last January, when 1 had such a bad cold, nail I could not get anything to help me. "My nose and head were all stop- ped up, so that, i could hardly get: my breath, 1 thought. at tinges that I would smother, espeeiall\• at night. "I have no trouble with that now. 'rite noise in any head has all disap- peared. "I know Perurits will do lust '.shat you 'say it does. I cannot praise Peruna too highly. as it has dole so much for Inc. 1 hope iny letter will reach other sufferers." Mrs, S. J. Koontz, -1015 Scovel street, Nashville, Tenri., writes: "i have had a very had cough near- ly all my life and I nm` -forty-five. y ft'. e• years old. l have taken almost every kind of cough medicine flint hes ever been made, but none did tele "(touch gond. 1 would have spells of cough- ing that 1 thought I would cough my- self to death. 1 took Peruna, and last winter and this winter 1 have had no cough and 1 know that Pe- runa cured me." • The' Sweetest Songster, •Over breakfast, '.liss 15orothy, the enthusiastic ornithologist of the board- ing house discussed the merits of the nightingale, lark, thrush, and so torttlr "And which, \Ire hunker," exclaimed Hiss Dorothy, "which t.f all the song- birds, are you fondest (1?' "I prefer the lien, \Iiss Dorothy." "But. the hen isn't a song bird at all!" object 'ed \1iss 1)oroths•r 'Well," replied !ltulker, tapping an- other harrl•bnil(d egg. "it's tile only bird whose lay I care fur!"- I'ltilajel- phia In;uirer. s.♦ Tice best of Ceylon is in her teas, No- where else do they grow to such ;wave - lion. The pest of Ceylon's tens are in "Saluda." o --s The Greatest Swindle. "11'.,," said I3eerlock Runes, detective; "1 have seen n great many queer things in ink\' Bare,• its you can guess," "Discovered some gigantie frauds,' I'1l lay!" said Poston, "Well, I should say so'" answered 1kc'nes1 puffing at his opium. "13ut, be- tween you and nu', the 111(I5t complete pier(' of deception 1 ever came across was perpetrated by n woman -young, pretty, and, 1 should htiv'e shorn it very, angel. But she wasn't ---my giddy nunt! she wnsn't She had it temper like' a whirlwind, and an arm like an earth- quake!" "Good gracious! And how did you come to find out her true character?" "Well---ahem!-the fait is, my dear Potson---- I married '.lel'!" Little Items of a Big City. ' Every year New York city throws into the junk heap enough buildings to i ceommodate a small city, or a popul,ltinn of 50,000, In the last ten years there have been torn down enough buildings to house 500,000 per- sons, There is inti :(verge of need.- two persons killed each day in New York city by falling from windows, down st(Ts, into excavations or in some subh manner. A large majority of aliens admitted to the port of New Toric are under fourteen years of age, There is evidently a largo growth in the use of opium in New York city. It is estimated that at least five thousand white persons use the •drug. Coni pitrisci.m of prices shows that 1iv, ing expenses in New York city are twelve per cent. more than they were three years ago. New York druggist who has been in the business for forty years says that there are thirty-five thousand propriet- ary medicines for sale in the city. •,, Conscientious Verger. After being conducted through an old dwell by the„ verger, a visitor was so pleased with the (ffi(i:l's courtesy and information that he insisted on giving hint half a crown. The mann shook his (head sadly. "Thank you, sir," be said, "but it's quite against tete ('ales,,, '"('tn sorry for that," said the visitor, about to return the half-crown to .his pocket "But," added the nnoger,' '•'1f 1 were to find n coin, lyinit on the floor it would not he against 111' rules for inn to :lick it tt i! --'i"t vise_...... RA AND THE GANGES. tORNS CURED IN 24 HOUt1S shin the Reputation of the hlui oft (inhll(t IlYgr(ny ipplyln (14 ittIther Sacred River. Corn Extractor, 1t never burns, leaves no scar, ev'oltiug eualums !ilbgriuls ti, the ({tise ntahlrnoileitis ;isharmless !wettestcomposed ,nwgeh:icihucprlted'.i;iIiiity°ii4llftutsh ('inc0 healing gums halms, lhy elldrggist lues hatpin!.; by those 11!1 , are ire. bottles. refuse substitutes, l thus( t,ho are suffering frnin PUTMRn s PAINLESZ3 rt ore of all is is and the drinking or , r 1'((111 '.til! I.ti1llll , l,t;lr.' Illllkl' COR E Y RACTOR ,tying item from the Indian Ito• t,le 1bll c(ptllntiuu 1 i' tit,' tenter "t lite II is ''111.1"'s(d by t'alO(Ilers that till' l;;;ug($ tuuung the Ilinr;u uli!lit ns til 11) nto dia is known to all, and must of us \sere Tong who ttlsittcd England summ. A er r(tIllialt ll) h(Ile1'e (lilt in a hot 11(1(1 a ,'ill's to think that county is the thirsty' goal Bite uortl(rn intim such it elril,ntpi"tl lipt;ll:yr, and 1 I relates stink Ilial lllllcellt riycl' •as the (Inlig,es had many (dailies to Ise highly. thought of; "t hi. e l'cri(11 l'8, but it would appear as if modern sci(li "\\-ell, L had tipp(d oi'l'y man, (1.0111 \a, coming to the aid of ancient tend: the swell gent who seemed to own the tine in nl;tiul:linio a special ble„ednoss 111,•use of ('t,nrnun, (loon to the hireling 0f the 1v;ttcr ill the Ganges. E. It. mu- wilt l, utuiuetl the wrong luhels on Illy In;":i g(r and 1 went into the waiting' lin, in the preface 10 the fifth edition g h t of his excellent pamphlet "n 'The ((1180: ryonl on tilt. landing -stage at Iriscrj,nul lei 1'1'1'\'t'lltnll of (,hl/lyra,' writes 11,,tel wadi Illy }minki't everytllltl! Engtullu\ s: list: and what do you think stared ole in "'Sinc(1 nri;;inally'.stntr illi, pamph- let the face when I had finish'd'!•A placard let 1 huvo ili- - it;:rest that t11i wit_tyt' of 6:i tl:r t;ani,Le- and tiro Juion,t is hostile to the grit tit of t ht' cholera microbe, not roto' ow'img to the absence of food ma- terials but alio owing to the actual presence of .In antiseptic that has the poor of destroying this Inii'robe. At present 1 can slake no suggestion as to the origin of this mysterious anti- septic,, ••_+.- Tried Ito "`\'lint" cried the genial 1'opkins, slap- ping his friend Jobson on the hack. "You are in lure with \laud Dawson, ;tad tau bashful to propose to her! Phiak shame of yourself, Ulan! Just you fellow guy n lady., wbo is naw m;y'.vife, 111(1 w( (amu' to a jt.'.vellet•'s 81101), anti 1 pnttl) 1 to the engagement rings in the window, and said: '\Wonlln't you like one of tiles,'';' :\md slie said, 'les,' and so it was set - "Capital idea!" tried the bashful Job - son. "i'll try it this very night!" "Twenty-four hour,( later the two friends (toot once more. "Well, Jolson," cried l'opkins, "did the plan work?" r1 11 nil:„ groaned Jolson, "I should think itidid Just listen I took \laud along high street, and stopped tit (.old - s'tein's, The jeweller's, and i pointed 'lo the engagement 'rings in the window, and asked her if she would like one, cull she smiled and blushed, and put her Intuit on my arum;; ANTILE TRUST CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED OFFICES AND SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS amilton Building, - - - - Hamilton, Ont, AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS or, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian, Assignee, Liquidator, Receiver, Transfer Agents, Registrar of Shares. ust Company Doing a Strictly Trust and Agency Business CORRESPONDENCE INVITED WM. GIBSON, President S. C. MACDONALD, Manager • 1111).•/' eitini11g tu' loeke,l ,n Itilg,'1'11,' , ",\ Ills(. `',11',1!1, 1 most +hn\t you \\ 11111''., liole'1'nu wll, Yon hart, ex4t•I' ('fussed the said Tiling• ; I:I1,'•1 po.•el, It i- 1•.111('11 '.\ R;liuw I):ly,' o(!I, Iteryi:.(\1oa i;lti (`anti '1(.11' _ h(t!+t !'het ,tied at her in consternation, -.lot It.•rvl, 'she (4;110(1 into the library ,n)ll y"", will ,'ills,.' it, Think of •inn alio '-et clod 1'11!4'; e\11:11111('(1, -11111111;111 \'.it11 111'( lig!II, '1111('1; 11(•11, allot (':1111,: runty; 11,1x11• \'vitt\ it r',',•6ty tlatil'1'•e1 ll.'r !!:Blit. "\X"' 'toil" "1!xri1 it aloe L" +aid,.lunt '•;\r1.:ji, tvI}/ q' did nut l•imit tht'In; ,he h,i)h.•II t\,:. ,I1 lit:irt '(!!lits• :1,'r,In;,i:iiir ,I- her 'ager(\• at Iter kind !Ticlid, .\toil `'.;Ilan, \,11UIr !dere, `h ;iilul'r!I 1,1!,•;1'\• ;l,1'1 1111• n cis of. •n,1,P ;1,II,,i;4t' •Italltc,p li'i "!lear .\1111(' ~:11';111, Full promised to Irl':,11th it x!1.11111i1,1.; til,') .Itxl\t - ,111.1 (1 , 11,,,,H•,11.,, ; ,,i,,, t„II !,'Ie nlet ,i, 1,,,1,,,,,„,e,'Ie° i„,,,, poor, friendless \!\ Tall to '0111' 11,1ve :1 t,',1-1 110 ;i In',4•1. • it -,1 cal..- I.L' May) ;l; 111': ilar!:L"r" ;11111 !wort a, yotll' adupied cliild," she said Ilett ,',\r"t .!:1,1 1.111' troll y.ill.1g'Ho 111• r1nu11P,1 in vary,- 1llx,!'11'f, (Hifi ,1-: yri "1'011 %yin i.ln\) lour Iuv1' How, 'Nill 'Poi ;i1'l I'•u1.:,1,'iil;ll_ i.,•,"le ;lip ill ' ISI til' ,1,i,141 Ito(' -1)1..1k, -l(,' 11;1• +o ((1!111\, r,,' - not? 11,11 \1i',1 i,ikr !`Ie1' *n,1 the 11, 1n•,iiidiai ,Tutsi l‘ :Ili tot' til!'Il, !I: ,n,.: ;aa;•s!x,ltlt' ICI !hv, Italy, that I may piaci, my child ill her lu,.; to, II,•l 1 :t 11!;'.1 1.,c" ,t'141 goltt'n hair. 1 II.\i''i'i';It 1.I\'. tather's ;11':11•';' Ile t,ol'e it soft white 1):l iimere 111x-, !'1•,111 111'('(1 11!,1 not r\' -silt in the t; 1.a 1 II ( 'n 1l' Ise I '\ II 1 I t mean (telt 1 II l ill .1 '{.'llxAtl'11' I'111bIo11Il'I,'11 111 11'11111' ;1111, 11111• !wing' \' ,,,,,AI in 1111•' Ill;)-:'t'1"f ll! I- ;I,t s:,,„. 11'1111, 11•, \Ir., \'1141), - that Voll \\'iii 10;1,1,, .\ ,!tit 111110' ,;I-II held the rut (,, I ho; 'l alt' 1"0-'' e' ;sive ItvI' tse, that. Ill'elelt':' Itl'ryl ('Piet(.., ttaist, :1111! li!Itx Illrboll, l0••tr11f'1! 111'• •;fill h,1;yi'•, :11(11 -lc, \,!s iso et,e41,(ion Illlii;!I:,IIIII\, ('l;l,tltit Star to her breast loose plait- 1,1 4-11111111!' Ilan•, Some inigIli 111,• 1'11!1', `11,' ,;:t1 1)11 1:011 ti !I1+ fl.'ll- ns If she would never let !Il'I' go ;11!!1111, ring, of'Intt\ gold 1\aved'tel' If11' i:ii,n. 11"1' :I -,\'!'hull that tile\ IPCe,I Iso ii 01.11;•1"1 \'hi:ln turned to her with a stF,le2' cont ((•!lite brim, beneath wind( 1114' itt and Mould 1 limine i some day: +411) smite.bine rtes ,hue(' \lith a ['learns light) It bJ:, 11 her golden head against hi, •!)sill•., "\Vi' will hakell I'atil away from that \t:l- just ,1X11 a lole!y, serious lace ;i.; it ,:,.1. ;!;Tillie' \1 it 11 .1 g1;11.1 P1110110 111:1( t, 110111;111, (11'111' !t'1'\'1," ,Ile ,:I 111, , poet could not kelp hilt loving, and fl'•I' 1i,. I. ;til 11;'1. 01111 ilei' 11;11111 nin , tacit"lint he (!'IIIc([ prin. (!;!till, deal'. 1'i'- voice was lull fit !divot( -x10116 tenderness i '•1"I \� !III", Iter 11'(1,1 t,,n'I IuCI''I'. , minded the young' girl, gently. as she read he lover's terse', to the apo 111, t. hat happi" moulltii- those \t'e'rn '0 "Ile will not d,'uy u; both, 1)cryl. IIx preciutiyc listeners: t.4 limited; . iha1 pa--c..d.in the in \t half hour a- thr •- cannot he so cruel, \\•hell I liuxel- below ' .\ll day long on my window pule • \ „op:. .,yi'rs f lilgxr,',1 1,,,,,,;(1,,,,, in on; , ' AlANUPAC'1'U1th1 S, 01""r4/5�t1"1►t©t414"'tg9'Oj�o61s'-�!eb.t 'i.•t0 bile With this (111111 iu,m�' alum, \l'ie'n Drearily 1,;111„r; the coli[ \I;Ir`th rale;' l,' .. .I Illi ,nx•h 111, „mi„ thx 11,11!1 b_• TORONTO and WINNIPCG N 1 `_���, M ,he ,peuli, t0 hila in a twice +u like hi, NO 11111.1.1 111g I;ly; through tit dart( i;tul r!, ,111 in" crept '.1 ti all thiur lll:w a, da �) 0\511 that it slant 1141 nit' Who'll. it til'St' nlollois -Ilia-, it ! I \ ! ty''(, ,;, 1_ it �t;,t'.1 !. )ti , : 1"\ Ii'' m t Illi, each fill; it. fenl tall my ear , \\111)11 ,110 looks ;It 111111 \'1 sunlight 1, Ilnndlll!! this III';(!'( of '\1 •; I ,,•; e� the 1'al!!!Ilt of to\'e \ll'll- wiF A \ejfh eye.; til) Ijkr itis u\t'n, bo' (*11"111)• lune!'; • a i;ai. Il'illin L;.- - ',v1'rt' 1.i 'J/1PAN ESE H'J`i!E. iii).A d1,ey hi, rlltld, hot)' can he deny lee, I Ion front the beaotiltll laud tit' always pre..,., -.4 1 I!1ryl's etllui•itx til!,! (:1w upon him so stidttt'lli\• before that She 11:1+ sent 111,' ;1 letter to ;lay! I'In'on"II 11!1 'heir future (111, nl1'ulnr\ 'uf Lac!(' Ornament : fid Extw. ,"`,!r, he \tu, dazed, bewildrrrd'; he Ivo her ,�,�..4 pas•fon 001111111111 his; judgment. It will 1 "Dean' little !totter, more • he dillcrnttt 110w, 11' 1108 tial[' lithe t.) I'1'h;ln all mt tit•' gook! 111,1 O1dellirtt,t1'1111`•ttdir►'f0}441►.t1'1410e.60f gliftw il'I1\.t1"11ir110 rvile't, 11 ' knot(; tint all 'our friend; i ,1)11, Wer logit'" 111101 11:.• -•ell. \11111 111! \cavo• i lll,rlitlirii"' ill \'NI:' x,IT- ;Inti 1111 • 11:4111 (1(.1 !tl' It,noll I11l 11111'' 1.1.10,\ 1111111; 111 wttiljd •'11„':1 ! ' I ;!t' \ I,,I ..it tltlhit fill ena4.4..srmaelamo.0441.104.....Mr1144.11.41101111.1a j •.1 �- fi�rr.+ i��}i4'� 1'1 .1 .' tYll t, !l kf'•v!i, 1)1 •f1.' \ t:'1, l._, i cul -d Y ;Kti'Jut find t,f lhuy 131111ding), FORGNTO FAIR IT'S FIRE, LIGHTNING: RUST and ,STORM !?ROOF Metallic Roofing Co, 1 111V, 1112 ln•:u11 "Yes, 1 ,!'•+pi;ed her, cruel etiquette I "II, t\ sweet and shy she k! 1 wonder, have acct.ptnl me as \'iv'ilul Vane, that \\'ho \lila tuns laiig!I ,at nae !fir beim.! •0 il' •t it:";1 to. „!• 1111) Ir't.-x, and tr•+:dl n of 1I ,li" I'rI. oats IIIA' love, this blushing lot Une ilk dtiu 1vit/'tl 111(' bolt hill;e) and w'1,;Ik :1'. t\;,1�.1n4. ,1 intgti le ul ' •1' !;i:,,_ (SIC '' tb,lt slit' \tot-. \''( I %oath! 11;1\'1) +*err i " Lorniue, Ile )sill rr,cuC"11'bal \\i!I in,lnnn:I +a\':" Il1rv1 ask ; L0" I;;i\l :11 itiill 1111) iI'mt before, • o+l'„ U, of ;1 111'1''" 111' thought, tenderly, } , Ill, 11'111 1111:. ms `1\ 11111' 1Val's !lot fit grief 1iiekle titer !111' eel, p!l'•,'il!11, 411',11 :t 1lltle ';1" i of itis 1 r bird my elf t„ ,;111' 111;11 fa,r �lltnlg girl ,nnkim, Hp id, Mind that he would soon to his ieart_--his wife' and child!" cheek, unai": cost t!"' /owl ;ul5wxr�il,lll'ii11 ;1 !I,utd: ;,f ,r. ,1 1.1.,1: drlvx ;u tl Iaeli t, Ihty gazed ,It )ler 111 fight( e, \1► one ')lost' 1',!It Ile ne.•,11 s„ 1111', 1i they -'I1•, 1ailighl: \1'111,'!1 \,;!+ dl'a5('Il Ill' a ,i,lo:ti t'+, post!\; l l'olll •nl'1'n\4 ." .� !,III It l 0 1 ill' (1),l by' asking 11('1', 1'111' hi, i,' •' t l ,' .' • 'lul.'" filtered 11 )surd of dissent, '!'heti here 1111,,! 11'11}' not t i, u letter lu iti' "Slit, •aiI! -;i thin this is• a +ttj,r'i,e to' "•"11' :-,it t 1 1'1 ,1 !l;irk-1)111' kit""'"' d• 11;1• growing impatient. of suspense. 11, 1 •her; 111111 hr 1i111'llut think 111 p;ll'l" 1;:;1 •l,i'u'mll Ie': with al t,'ito, 111• gl'Ooll►, ''Ilt'1'c let 111,• 11'eil-ilre lie 1'111,' t') 1111' 1iit!1 h,'i' little girl so swat Iliat> ii !i!•''•„'! UI t!fx -:1111(' y,',ly, ell 1!,x box, heart, y., cir;n•' to t!le two honor (1114' va4 Month i, a -totally inadequate"tim e -"to t 11(11 11 ,('ell)., fit Ill( henlg .1 11;11'(, pr't,,tr' yu11P trntt••('all' iitt! that-Iltt'1'e 1"i''"iu'•11i: NI ,.('11th' things. (vide the another other. ill „in e ,11;111 l'olllr all, -111 1„ ie• a lulleel' raga r111eI1t .tiff` that\111! .I thy owner 1 lived, 11';18 light of 11'1' far south- \t1. ,light 111041 earl) olhl' hetter.'' inlg 'tvet'tly !1011' 111111'11 \nil feel Int" .\ti's, a i.1 \\'illi) Ilennrr', 0111e0.1 n\et't(4 11111 it happened that they arrived at ''utrtd ,111,1} b, Cue (e•I,tless eloqunuce holy Ii"ht fit se11-sittttice III the ste' .'1,)„,111,of 111'1' looks and words. "ht" *stied the hon+e .Ill,( after 111,+ and mi.,. J t -nlendid brown eye;. Vane had come, and just as Vivian \vas lhenlselte5 if her tvaswliug ,night not "Intl ,!I'1) right," said Eugene I'a irlic. elllbriie,ll;t' little t'tal', her strangely res. 11,' right. Iii, dark. handsome Inco \vn• alums! � 'gel c 't \\'hat 11;1; there mull' heaven that cued hell, transfigured trill' the ,duty of emotion 111','\1• ;11.1' wife so ileitl' to Ilei' husband's I' (:11:11''1'1:1{ 1.11. r")le,•te'l from his heart, ile le„Led at !wart as the holy bond of motherhood. friend t)t `+:!.'mit ' a moment, as if Vit inn rose Iluicl:ly, with the ellild in Could Paul Vane turn wide from his in inilt','i+i0n, then ;aid, hu-ial:, : her ;1niit'. and )net l'ulnnei I':(irlii' with bol, tit? Could he (lens \vire and child "1'1llllt', keep this linin\ scorer. of !tilde ,1 -mile of eager welcome, for the sake ut a luring siren's 11'l1es? leepl bncied ill yon' nolle bt',aast: I lose "'liar friend!" ,he cried, impulsi4rly, Every honest heart, in that room throb. \l1.-, \'ane, since the fir+t hour that 1 i and raised bei beautiful eye; to his lave ' bed as indignant denial, It seemed tliat 1 Ilitve known onothe t'.ith such a light tf leudern,:-; in their it Vivi:tit bumbled her pride and \wilt ut '\\unlnn tat Tar! , fur file the one : flue 11,'1(:!1, dont bis he:u't brat wjlttIv, to bei 1111,1111 1111 1 111' 111.ul ivbu had once 11,,„,„„ 1 lould hd\'r luyrd *lull nulrrietl 1 she called !,inn her friend with a heart i been ,o hugest, earnest and trite, with I,1 1 ,lel her (111111) ,he iv i- tet fro.', ! tone its 111,1. voice. and her swe:'t est'- - her child in her arid;, forgiving his I."riling, in her jenl0u+\, -n+pit' l i this; Inikrd into his 11'ftl! owl: frank joy in asking only that he should repeat, tied we with i1, In her fury •bt Hutt !I" I;ue\v oho held hint dept ars 1' ,h() could nut fail, she nuts( conquer. +refire ,lit' w utld flirt will, I'nnl \'nut' to tri1,nd :utd brother, !luny ,much that tih1 went to \lit=, Point's side; site !'Vert: Inst winter \vh!le you \)'ere du\tn i!I 1n11,11 1 10 bung wife for \\ tuning Inv \vo• to till, loyal heart. th;it, thrilling I;nelt down ht:5id() her, n ;liul, I(iyeI' 1'ir;,/iuia," '• ,1.!nlirntion an a+lnliralion .l1. lchixh 1 \\'1111 n I"yr it could not cl,ugn1,r. krill singe in her dark -6111e U'ateling gown, "Ilb•h•li. .Hutt `i;u•;Ih!'' the girl fried, {rad and lu ,ul l Flushed with the ii I I ca ch holly', !'frit'- .11\1)x5• hutch Lt 1 it (:lin, on ion\,' :t-: hal I a; it 10:11', t IIIotigll tie. rt,•tin, \\'Ity should 1 e,urY 1'‘e a lett,'' to• I (1'n be eontintl"11.1 day!" Beryl's \'oleo ct'a-ed, hilt 010 Poll;cloll� 0!' Jc•hwav an' color on her cheek was so itnigllt th it. J she would ant Innk til,, aad it grew t.v' iatt .10'1 Ctuut ts:trit 1' ''ill n, .1n:lt `;:11th t;tI:: All. "It is )cry pretty, tut' tical', Ala1 )tut 11.,.11 1,'. tutitt ,e• dour( bi utmir 1titi tui' l,Itlulliltg.' Of e tut'S1: Ill' t:.ly tlL';: oe.,I'I}' gull I t•i;i,L,) •I;.'s Le.1d, alt s( \lith() R't'tltt' rt about O11() nl Voll(' tet :111' ttih(l It!;'htrt )u 1 :c1.; 1111 one; (hal. weal to hint 1)(x11•l':izt' 1,:•. \r:eitt't ut;t,u (t1) R1'fa' d" ',to ntnt down, i�;11 +nrr, Ott' 1ny1,1y 1'il•inu \\;Is 11111'011. 1hx nobix 'Will of ('nett(') (ill it, pa•• -inn Il it 11 the tangle of gold ,Tort; falling I't'!tt't.ytchfnlly; turd rveh' \•isins ;Id an ions, \\•oils '•he snet•cx11x11, 1!01l 111'11 11. 11 111 fiend; but ie nrt'cliing Mrs, Vane', life she brought down de,t met i,1n „i tier owl), `h) x;111111(1 ;1111':!1s hold Vine's heart by her sham smile. .1 re - ;1.'11111 11111;1. (mule some day• 11i; man - la -al will assert itself, Ile \will forsake her for his first )lure luv1. '!'bell think of i ht' hell in \t'Iliell Lorain() 11mst live!" "IA 1k "f yoUi.t'aesa1., and yam' Napo - le, t , Lot), i, the most cruel tyrant that tot .1 reigned over the world!" exclaim) 11 "\'on i:nuly all?„ \I ilii' limner+ "t.t i k at Iii, ningniti• ".\II, 11x,. Vane; but lot us hope •,ut woman, Loraine !.isle, how she has everything \till coin() rtglti smun;' it' re - 111112 Iii':!y Pverylhin,t of \•aloe in this pltxtl, \title a rhet'rfttlntss hr )ltd nut world tier the ,;tkc of this unhallowed revel They sat duty, and little Star passion," inlmedi:ttel\' slipped dntviu from her "And glories in her shame," said l'n!:I• mother'; lap and toddled over to the ,1,1 hairlir, f have seen herr, I home ming port. with 11•hum ;111 \5'n" 11 grun(' -i t t tux' to tare \' ilh her, nod told favoritt , she began at uuet' to set'(''.; 11x1• i1..),al 11 ,11111('1' she iv,l;, begged her his poell't, tot' ('*1111\', and its pain. Ile clasped tightly the slender white band on which the tvedding ring bung sit loosely that he tvondert'd why she did not lost' it of tlli'oty it aside in scorn. 11' murmured some low words of greet- ing to her, but he was so agitated that he could never aiter\t,u•d recall (chat he -aid to her at that moment. It must hate been syu!,:Ithetie, fur sir murmur- ed, faintly: down her bat'!; like sunshine, her ex- she 111;, smiled as sit:' ~:lid: quisite face, now so ethereally 1111n and "Du not Illi,1 us,' dear. \\'( are ie• pale, lifted b('eseehiugly, (nested in you troth, and titer,. 1; nigh - pale, "You 11111 (111:1) ill!' at'o'lls' the l+P;l tlil „ t;that pleases me' noire ditto to ii';11('11 Inv lul•!;1nd7" :,he pleaded, "1 shall net- the progress of so pretty a Iuil'.11rt';Int -- rl' know \'est 111' pealeP until I have ll'1 'i pu'r'Pt''.; ltlyt'•dl':":)til, 141' I;llgtlt to ('.III iimphed over 11' enemy_ --until I hit\,c this, taken I'anl from her told made her asll II t'0'I ', stn \4a mills flushed, went over desolate a, 1 tun ttmw•!" her blue `eyes to her and I:i;;x(! her, then slipped out of flashing. Aunt Sarah wiped away stone quick tern's that were shining on 1101' lashes, and, leaning forward, kissed the pure white brim, "Yes, Vivian, i will tnlce you to ,your husband," she said, tenderly, "I t!did: perhaps rtou are right about it:. Surely Paul Vane can not be such a fiend as to (ieny you both! But, my dear, you must be patient and wait a few weeks until to Lily,. u , her Blain, alma paid vane \'iv'ia n Ii;oked at the child andthen you 11x1) stronger, before \t1) sail," and ,end kiln latch: 111 Ili; first )low al colonel I!tirlie, her ret) lip; parting "flet\ can I wont, Aunt Salah, 1 "tun ,he 111111111(1 at fie' 'Its ;he stool) !tt the in a \\* CA Itnd lulppy '.utile, garden of the old Italian villa tinder the "There is one thins' you du ttot. knm\\• cdoruu, lime trees, She (dung to into ---lit yet " ,111 said. "The little one is mine. (11(11 Itiutdsunu', perjured Paul Vane; and She was born that day while l drifted \ ill the sinking \ 1 511 ht and \ n I ,toy ( earth , n II i\1 - between � he t o"t t drank h ►, I►, a in ad ora- inn of her splendid, luring black eyes, balloon, and she was stolen from me I no longer wnudtred why Aittooy lost by thr I'ilrrr Pllglc that iuttackltl you oho world 1.01' t'lelptit'an'; dazzling'sntile. and that followed ns'ior miles, :111 this A11nlt, either waw useless, 'h� ,lg/:•1, I t been !, to me, To -day persisted in denying \'ivian's identity, found her aguiu! 'I'eII hitt) the \omit! ,tory, dew' .\int Sarah!" cried Vivian, leaning back ill Iter chair, pall and faint, \Pilin emotion. Never were more earnest 'listeners than Colonel Fairlie and 1\'illi( Bynum's, never more ,inrere enntralIan(ions !loin \\ hat wits there for me hal, tm come 11\\;1y *1111 Icy to find her• -10 see if by any sat•rifice I could put one spark m1 bright lie,s into her desolate life," "\'(tit will find it impossible to do s), 1feau'. Hiss Point urged her to seenre strong (')lough !low." "Humph! very strong indeed! Only a few days out of the Iced where you have been ill for almost 1.11••; Months, No! 1 cannot think of your .8otng until (April. \'ou must get rested and regaitt your old beauty before suit measure' again with that cruel woman, m t1Lu(\the men, 'rimy all i beauty, and you have got to dazzle 1'anl Vane's eyes before you move Itis heart," said )wise Aunt Sarah. So it was settled tmtt Vivian should follow her husband, with, the little child from she )roped so much; but a few weeks must elapse fir.;( ---\vectis in which 11 d!yort't' from her mind husband, and they showered on the tui' young crca- Vivian was to gain strength for the I'reu': forever from the cruel past: but lure into whose darkened life had come journey, and, to try to win hack some she absolutely declines to entertain the this gleam of golden sunshine, I of the lost color and brightness that had idP;1. \li' awn fear is Ih,ll. ,he flay die "1t. 14111 s,ne yon(' helm from break- liven dear to Paul Vane's heart in il►e of hParl l" nns\yerrd the rmnuultic I in"," 1'olonrl I'alirlir said to Ivor) lender- I old din's vie Ldiitine's wicked plot had yulIth ;' pull, s;u111'; slut 1 iti tiet Fairlie Iy / '•tUh, I titti;ik t;utl that you found , panted lieu( forever, shout; laic hon(\, little Ntar!" .1nd when ho relin;tuishc(1 "So \Tillie l;cuuers still comes to see "!;1'\5' people die of heart•lreak," he lit wilt( hand, J , 511 id. "11111111(11 That'll!That'll!van endure i ell, and one of our must gifted poet.; has t tole M'o'il eft: "'The heart may brenl:, yet brokenly lice oil.'" "Well, let lis go and see if .lb's, vaneante bus ar'ived," said the poet; and as the two handssbnre men in their long, fur - trimmed winter oyereottls,walkvd idong the street in the icy llnt'clt wind; more than one pair of feminine eyes looked bite!: 11dntir'ingly, though without elicit- ing a glance in return; for the soldier's 'thoughts were full of :Airs, Vane,Vane,and impui ii't' 1\'illie Minters 11as dreaming of tteryl's shy blue eyes that drooped su (1111(1`13'l(1:13' \viten they met his ardent t "1 am going to him. 'I ata going to gaze' my husband with the little child for ' l that Willie Iitnners in ou ,13er ,1" Aunt Sarah ol)scrye(1 turn might express big joy. he took the quizzically, when the gentlemen were Tittle one fondly into his arms and kissed gone. the rus()hud face 11111 11Y film's, wh!I() he ' Beryl, sitting .on a low ottoman and prayed it()d in silence that, she )night he looking with tender dreary eyes into a comfort to Vivian's darkened life. the bright, leaping' flanges of the open Suddenly Vivian turned to Ilio and coal -fiat;' started anti blushed, betray - asked with a sadden cumprissiui of her !,'In'b plainly where her thoughts had beautiful lips: been. "Du you know whore 1113' httsb:ul(i is "Yes; lie ,is here every day," site ails - now?" weird, wishing desperately that her "Ile is in Italy, where 11() has taken a hot (leeks would get cool under the beautiful villa on the Arno." laughing eyes of )lel' aunt and the sad "With her- \\ilh Loraine?" she asked, ones of Airs, Valle as bout sat opposite. her cheeks whitening; and he t1'as cone But she added, ill it moment, with pri'- pellel to ausdyer; tended carelessness: "lie lives very near "res." -is quite it neighbor, in fact ---and he and Ilia are so fond of each other." I"He and Berry are so fond of each other, you metol," laughed the spinster. "Never mind blushing so, iny pet. 1 "Beryl, look 111 me one iiniment, don't blanc you for liking handsome, please," !h'•said, softly. "I want to see talented \Vill, 1 11111 fond of him myself, how you like this idea: and theists blue and if 1 were n girl again }Blight tall in eyes of yours, so pure and truthful, will 1 love myself with the dear, boy's 'laughing \'ell (ni' the t'i;uth at once. \1'uuld it not I block eyes. Vivito( likes flim, too, nut,) hi) pleasant, dear, for you and I to go well she may. For if he had not gone' abroad next month; w'itfl Aunt Sarah and, out that stormy night and rtsetted her, site Would have frozen to death "ill the (hurling?" show," . Ili' cattghl. ,way .the litije•:hnilid that "les, lie will nhvnys be a. Hero 111 my was shading her (,tee ' front "bis' artleh1, eyes, for he sawed my life," :said Vivian, 1 glitnce,.iuul went 101.1, softly: " ", ; gently, watching with tender eyes Iter -,I "Of course „y111 are going to marry yl's happy smile at their praise'; of her lower, : "Oh, how sweet is !o\rfll. How sweet, and yet how ihitler!" thotlg1►t the dis- owned wife, mournfully. Soule' sad words from the pu't't laureate flitted through her Mind: "Sweet is true love though given/ ill vain, in vain, And sweet is dearth tl►ttt puts ail A? to Indoors or outdoii'r there is nothing quite so lgootl as Triseuit-the Shredd41,, b,sat Wafer, 'which ,tontains sr in smallest bulk all' the muscle -building, bran =produc- ingqualities ,of whole wheat. TRY It: AS ATOAST WITH BUTTER,ICHE ;EI OR FR U IT, ' SOLD 13Y ALL GROCERS. 11,: look It r olio east all. 1 Ali, ht• trate hi,- hl:n' ,.)Cin;-' Sun," Sin, o, '•1 w 111) 1 -!lite u:m hi), ;ut' (71-any(71-any down to eaati, a1)' r A little while \r•id (lie, 1'11 pit you 11 frac an' big A1, 'tot it what! ,alt Ian 1)e' \furs lots and' Utlit, , cloy.:, • An' tack a little ease, A1)' 11 hen he )tot too aw 11.• up o11' ltl'er'13r `'ly time 0 Shutt," si•z de lilt,, ! zee, "An' you bt ttcr .du yo' do, the room and sought. the I►hl'at'1', eager ICazt Ian frelln' like 1 wantt-r ace to 1.:' itloll:'--;l lone In tint sweet holitu'.lr Ui., mor:u:ll scuffle throe!" s'm drat' to Ictvt' s,llttnlc til!'1 with )yell, c)xy fit all' fit an' fow•t 113' fowl thou !boli( dal' In (10 11! 1t (' de Stitt, hta of Ule 11elol'ed ojie,lou; .insh0'ay intiircf nun out 111)' 50011 De Sun, I.:- Harris.) . ti -at;; a:"tt;►' 11• ' I i.i, he.ld, I' leen 1111 ter See 1::i,: .10haw •:, • Il;,,;in retnovrd vii' shoes, a e \t ere t:!t•.en ()ler it, 1 i\ i-1 I crud desilio" it', i;t-riil.ttion,: but inhere there \sets' p:,- ore;t:runt,, no furniture, fit: lbietnt'es say), a I;'tkx:uultn Isere. and . tint re, no • eltl'tai'!-. 1.o (-olio. au) \viten), it, I. difficult to. -.1y \;11' x'10 lay Ow , clt:t ruts. 1'Itl Ext it i\'a; ch:irntine, l: (' , ,. - tit • lir i1:! I;;:itiltg, Ito, !1' .,tC o1 l', ikitl:IG,t•t?:t o1 lit(' \'"1),i\i,,t'I:. ''!n Ir.cm()rr fran!es of tilt •!•re"ns, w'bixh ''.el'e ;0 adjt!•,1ed till' 1 .'•t• 1,1•'11(( •'I II toiteh it',th,tllt it i ttttitd, i !tt 1)i t t' i' - l',; lltry cleanliness every« x!•,•, ^'111, 'above al), the different little , mirk on tvh!elt the rooms looli)(l, teen') ilebelit- fol. '!'!t1) bathroomo !ri'tlenlari\' rl�;;-b•i' 1),l tin', -.Halle of: some litrl,t-e..lor)ul 41.1 ';', t•' "'!, it shoat* like' i=lititt nn(1 f'l+ )il:) it. :1 delicate enrvinir natio?' the h,., or '1' Sim t•0alc !11() 11';1!1. 1.4 pt'esenttnr flights of �irds, formed :I ,1;'nl: twd Int''rr (sonde!( t•'!hs of the ,sag" (coed stood at the enol of the room. eir'irclid by 111•nss h'tt1l9 be;intifuliv. polished. and half a 41 -'"n !obs of different sizes stood n:; a 1 tw Ii'liIt: • tihe window' looked out wool, a 'In:411 eonri with one l:u•_Yt ,. '.,lulu I'hr 11hletnuuu w',1.5 far adw+uh'ed And the long shadows of the early March twilight were alread •stealing" room, hitt the light 'of the Hazing fire Ile had um on run.. , Rii t: Sun, he say, "Fin overdue' Crory dar whar do niglit'r:.ntill blaelt, ]h: fulki, will wake to' de chickens crow 1 ' b clocks bac An put h fK (I k It. ' t'1N+,"r 11111 1' vrl't• 0111 gro y;f (1111' 1 1,,, "i't. Alultll'1' room: ti sanctum ‘anei•''•' '1, ivht't't' tile. ;'lea. ceremonies" were 1)'•1,1, 1,•:1x,, til:on n ,y:ild se,'ti( 10 feet sqn ;re, 1 1111(1 the where agtged rook;, prickly bit- ws, ,hone cheerily on the 'dart(, rich furnish• of ,Icehway thanked ilio( ninthly ol)t• auul rlt-lung torr -fit; s;,ann)d !)i st'1ne , inga of the liltlnry \vitt► its r}th s (' no' ax him ter cane! x'!;in;' ) 1,11,1;,,,,,,, (until the urbanites and rigid . 111 hooka. ' Beryl sli !led down '1• t fie Kilo! son, 1!1) Pay, "i spiv d.lt. 1 ,'ll(illPllP )f .111PSP� 1'!'1'e!iln'lli'N :Ii!•)^11. I1 l ito n ilo! be what. I've I spa been.", to punstP tiro .contrast. '11111 lnul;;i)ai great arnt•clut!t• lt'hu,ie cal)ttelol)s'depth, Ii)n tit tntt.:)ed off, lt,;i e he ain't (tot time i•ouij nuc 1)b\• o!rni1lg and clt!si'nr ai uluelst swli111)111(1 up her slight figure, i t'1.txt.s(t nn' laot Ila s;ay; I 1 1 !111(1 PP11 to musing', with her pltlk t'hi'nk' lit \tante' n" off w11;11' th' ltgilt ?,!)1'111')1 screen, ei'olinakl(1 11111111 i. 1!111`-P ;11''111•"'f!1' in tor' hollofl' of at diol )led• Iitlle nn' :-.tart ter br1t11;iu' tiny. :old (Jet ell. pla!nl1d, \4ith b);rnt,iful "1\'11111 it•' n'et1\' II h.und, (� tl to be ht o pool:( lure durum!" she nun•mur('d softly, ":111 1 , boli' sweet it were" be n', poet's) love. Does he (live me, 1 wonder, ) ' i • ' or is it 011IS', friendship? , , II 1 fids ,. , hl, , !hc It I can be nothing uhontt nye, simple little ?iei'yl '.\1emdow's, it girl w'Iio loves music 'turd poetry and ro- mance, u but who hit!; so little talent her: self to 11ttraet a ratan of intellect who hitt s0 nuul,t• litiinst'y friends to•choose from hilllhu►t women whose thoughts are as henntiful as his own. No, they are mistaken! • lie tides not love 1111'; it is only their fancy!" and a long 'sig)! brl.'ttiled over 'the rosy lips, while Beryl's fair 'bend dropped dejectedly in the soft glow' of the fire -light, • A slender white hand, 011 which gi1110r• ed a sparkling diamond,. fell softly on the bowed ]tend. , "licryl;'thttling1" said that clear, mils- ical' voice she loved so well, and she Iift- ed her heal! with it. :start. ' 11'1111' Jlenners had entered the room so softly 'that his presence was unno- ticed by the girl in her preoccupation, and sitting clown now on a low Otto- man that brought his face just on n level with her pt'etty,'startled one, he said,' smilingly: . "I thought of something „lust now, 1iol;vl, that pleased me sit notch 1 left Fiddle in the street and (mine yet: to tell ,\'011 about it." • : "\1'1)11?" she *Shed, looliiug past' him into the leaping fire -light to avoid meet- Catholic, ing the eyes that were looking into leers with such dangerous softness, She could not, would not meet (them, lest hers, in this tender mood, sitoltlti tell tont n secret. F :111 \\'all, time run an an' l,col;le ':;tote 'Rout .1o,hy;a}• ::a' da an. Solite' ray' diff a111' Sulu(' i=iy 'tat, why , ' ms'a ', \volt • An' Slrlaln t It, 1 t } . 8rinat!ul(s triton be w'uz oxalo' tuna' 11'h:n• lie couldn't. 1111:) bit hear, • T1e'dt•ny, "Go in de scufir' room an' S)1'. the set,-rnd'11+ Ilett he Scol•chtd my big arar•hocr!" o , 1v11tPh d the( fish e l :a: n 1 It mus'S \lt s, _tnc; \\')tlkwtr round th The source of all intestinal troubles 111';111\ dark,. `''` ('t is the common •liouse 'f!3'; his buzz is the first syntj)tom of t}'phoi(1. 1Vil.on's Fly Pad is the only thing that kills then( all. tree; an!d , s (''fil), on its 'midis. 11 1111 tock' mf ,ora ,1"1) a11ti \';1('11)11 1'0101'i. I'hes,e me ks, ; i(lnP cost a frtba:M1S • a I fin brought 1 from aIc. ! d sia(lI !Trent di -Lance. The la1;;) was fed from II' stilt 11"1' netting Pitt mining high ill' the sir. ‚itt t'tht'iis 1111.1l 1t was, urn of the t •1 ,, (1're- h • An Interesting Countess, Tit!. countess fit \V()xburongh, buying expi()swvt n desire to present htr conn• tryntrin, 1)nrnudo, the Italian runner, will' a gold' watch uiukchain, naturally receives one of those little biographical paragraphs which tall to the lot of ntent- hci's of the nubility \who happen tocome into .moutenitu'y prominence, Incident• ally the paragraph illustrate, in a p(). initially happy fashion the cosmopolitan character of smut' of i:ul3;unl'n' aiiairut and noble families, The (laughter of a Neapolitan fight(', sent )d x;11 a'so1n111 1 .:1• 1)11'' \'all'll'ty'11910r 111:11'i'Plol\f:' Y Ic fill,\ ;old bmnSry eoi'ot'ed 24 neves and cd' four' tin(:; that size.- -.1igust C t 111.3'. • Rattlers- Keep Away' Fishermen. There 'is a'j;ooil fishing place over in Greene county .w'hieh is but little \•i5•' ited and where there fire 'staid, to. be black bass `los long ns your tllltt," it it( •called Mack Lake, a short (lis- fance beyond Greene'tt Lake, 111)1C'!to' get to ,it one has to go among rattle- snakes, and it is the snakes that, keep, the fishernutt3 m\vay front the lake. :1 !Gertllrtn \v110 11118 11 truck farm near' the lake and who hrings loab of vegetables to IIudson every spring , and suntner says the raltle'nakes '( she was the widow of an English captain are -So numerous that he !las' been when she Harried the 14:art of \Texlor• I trying to get soui of his neighbars to ()ugh two(, years ago. The Earl, who married ft 1{o111t Ciithmlir,, in him SOH a Buddhist. Itis mother was the dntighler of a doll' who bei',uile al Boman Jlrn. 1'ti,nc on ,uta'., wedding 10,111', my , I . patin: inow' not which is sweeter -110,11 age, some tiny, dilitlr. \\'(oT,love ette11,otht'a', don't' we? \\'t'' hll\•c li,uuwn it all along w•ithomt a' word, haven't we, llery;l7-And it was so sweet for heart, 1tt spe)tk to heart, in that eloquent• fashion, while the lips were silent, wasn't it? 1t tilt a poetic fumy of mine, Beryl, bot I have grown hungry at latst for isotu' lips to speak what 1' have nh'endyi.rectd in your. sweet, shy e '•ca, And yo ' will marry me next ntontl , won't y( 111• ?'tuously, '1.\\'e will > o to Rol t1. t • Zinc and Copper Coffins. Zinc , coffins are largely , hoed, in Vienna,' but the more expensive ones. nre made of copper, and cost ns much 115 ,£500,, while a bronze and copper coffin recently made' 'for a Russian ',lrchduko 'cost over 't1,000, combine with hin -and' buy half it dozen razorback hogs to let loose in the neighborhood and ' destroy the * snakes, 'but his ndighbor; d0 not :ee1 , so inclined, and the snakes ilrur- ish.-Front the 1'oughlii't'l, sae Press, *di.* db. Mending Rubbers. \\',e have found that'• thin spots ie our • rubbers can be n►e1t10(l pt hulue, by 111)ply- iug a tement:,made frnul.111')! cents' iwurth,:•:> of real i'itht i•''llissbli•► in elder •fo'itt. 11;ecp'the 1)011le'contn g the, cement tiglttil' corked and app pith a mucilage' brash as quickly ns ole that it may Aid. harden, \\'c use ler dart, for 1111 tictttitl hole. Gut:-.' of the c, -,i, it .•� tihe • Might ' ,size;.'it•.u`itll a .1 titehes over the', fid btnsh \v( lie cement,' '13otlt ,of, i;tt bei+-nin ate obtained', from: , - =y-.ftiAile list; ' stipplie/s, lln)tper't; it T'6o :11 xTiisjietr, i, Ilii}It'tt� posit ;'' hunt .111 4111111111111,100.' "11101101111111111111111011111111110114. JAS. McMUROHIE BANKER. ''`/A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAC'PED. BLYTII, ONT. • •-00-11... NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes aspecialty. Advances made to farmers on their owu uotes. No additional eeourtty required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current hates W. offer every accommodation con• sietent wltb sate and conservative benktntt prtuoiplee.• UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To IOin on Real Estate at lowest race of Interest. HEAL ESTATE AGENTS, • Perilous wishing toiell will do well to place their property on our list for - sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all'klnde promptly attended to. INSURANCE, A; We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance oompenlee, and respect. , fully soliolt your account. i OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.x, to 8 P.H. BusiTs tarda, PACE FOUR THE BLYTH S'T'AN DA I DSLrrr.mi.gR , lgoS, ttr>e Jtjttt ttanbitrb. J. L, KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, SEP. y, isus 'eople We Know Miss Emma Leith is visiting it Toronty, Mr. Fred McPherson is holidaying in 'Toronto. lir. John Weymouth is all smiles lately. It's a boy, Mr. W. W, Taman, of Exeter; was In town over Sunday, Mr, Leo Reynolds, of New York, spent Sunday in town. Mr. James Findlater, of Lucknow, spent Sunday in town. Mrs, D. D. Crittenden is spending u few days At Toronto. 'lir. R. H. Stewart is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. A. B. Carr and Miss Lilly are visiting friends in 'Toronto, Mr. S. 11. Gidley made a business trip to Clinton on Tuesday, Mr, J, G, Moser is at Toronto fair with his patent coal cleaner. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1[. Beeee are tak- ing in the 'Toronto exhibition, Miss Lou. Stalker left Tuesday t.o visit at Newbury and Detroit. ;Misses Annie Buchanan and Lily Burr spent Sauday at Westfield. Dr, J. C. Brown, of Detroit, is holidaying with 1 is mother in town, Mrs, D. Kelly f the north end is at present vision friends in Luck- 11Uly, Miss Maggie F oudy took in the exhibition at Tpronto for a few days. ' Miss Maud Mc'Keozie, of Galt, is vtih'' visiting ith :r aunt, Mrs. A, Winton, Mr, John 5, McKinnon, of Toronto, pent Sunday at the home of his father, Postmaster McKinnon, Miss Carrie Stesieart, of Wingham, and Miss May Fcr user:, of Auburn, were Blyth visitor ! on Friday, Mr. A. H. Wilfu 'd has gone to Wingham to start t le apple business at the evaporator 'in that town, Mrs. Hall,,off Pittsburg,' Mrs, Bun- thron end. 'Ars, Youngblu6,:of [ionsttll, were' guests at Mr. J. G. Moser.'s. 'The Editor a::d Mrs, Kerr 'spent the week -end at Stratford, guests of the former', uncle, Po tmaete`r Kay, Mrs. Hind and Miss Daisy Hind, of Harriston, and Mr. Herbert Ilobklns, of Toronto, are visitor's at the Rectory. Mr, 1Vm. Mitchell,'s fernier resi- dent here hut now representing the London Litho Co., was in town last Saturday,. Miss Maud Cerradiee, who lots I een visiting friends in Blytlt, left for har limo in Toronto Saturday' •lit"ro:M n. Miss lona Stothers end Miss Elsie' Bradford, of Dungannon, have been visiting friends in town during the pest week, Miss Kute Barr, of Goderich, wA' in town Monday, and' attended the funeral of the late John It, (Javier, of Mullett, Miss Bertha CovenAry, of Nev York, and Miss Rose, �Vinghatrr, spent Saturday wits, -their cousin' Mrs, 3. Mason, Messrs. White and Clark, students of the Baptist College at Woodstock, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moser, Dr. and Mrs, Long and Master Genige are away at Ifnrrieton, at- tending the wedding of Mrs. Long's sister, to a gentleman from Brandon, Man, Mr. R. M. McKay attended the ,jeweler's and optichlno' convention in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednes- day of this weak. Ile wsts acenm• panted on the trip by Mrs, McKay, Mr. Charles' Scott, of Milton, -who has been' visiting in., and around 13lyth for the past two months, re turned home last we8k, He -wns accompanied by his nephew, Mr. C. D, Scott, of Wawanoslr ,Mr. P. Willows received word on Se urday of the dent!: • of his grand- son George W. Latham, sols of Mr, a Mre. G. 3, Lnthnm, of l3irming- hu , Alnhnma. Mrs, Latham wns formerly Miss Clara Willows, Mr. Elarry, F. Logan, of I3rantfurd, was here .this week collecting for the British Methodist Episcopal Murch, In aid of the colnred people. The church is now entering its fifty- first year, and iselolhg good work weals nnng thotie people.` LcnitL,t;' bete a Ti .3c STANDAAD to • •-' - "I to new sub- FHOUDFOOP, HAYS & BLAIR. Hatrtetere, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 'Mos Offices -Those formerly oocuppledi�bj� Meters. Catneron and Holt, Goderiob. W. Proudtoot, K.O. ; R. 0. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.I.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of • Dental Surgeons. An boner graduate of Toronto University. ; Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to5p.m, W. J, MILNE,* M.D.C,M, Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M,, Unl• 'emit of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's University.; Fellow of 'Trinity Medical • College, and member of the College of Pt/Adana and Surgeons of Ontario, Cor• oner ot'tke County of Huron. Orrice, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, B1y' ' Mat. TORONTO, 0 T. (q' Ilse high grade courses; superior fool. '5 and uusurpaseed 'aohulg talent. Lady (to o4,R1- students out annually 11'liut in .the a oolleg UMW positions. Let Mail at thitoyou r profitable eu,ploymen Postman, 1,t right CatAIogue free. Enter �Ienee Scho . inr, Ma az W, J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpsl, ;_onQe and Alexander Ste., Toronto. RO ERT H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at Tula S'rANnAan office, Blyth. F. iii COT BRUSSELS, ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County Terme reasonable. Sales arranted for it the office of THE STANDARD,' Blyth. This School Bases .Its Clrim for Support Upon MeriVione .1 EtLIOTTrr VV. ,sera h Livery • AND '" Sale Stables . 0 , 0. 0. . N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. • aelos eee First'olwss Iloreee and Rigs for h 11414n4ble rates. + Beet of aonommodatlon to Commero•. Travellers and others requiring rigs. •t tl 1111 ''`)1%eterinary office at livery stable, IL AND AND QUER'` STREETS, BLYTH. inil gyp► 1y , ,•e enlissil '9 Best nd 0 a tor, iI{11 ► s.i, jJ1-i r� / 11111 1, � ' "' fit re for citbcr'� t( •}setts old yet;',, i • "i; didn't ung you to ' fare for him,.ann'nin. T wns 0111 pest, Fest, beet and to tell you that he's the briglitert rAfntng school handsomest li'itic' fellow I've seen, snlpsrtmente hinny n any," 'then he 'missed on down tlw ,1i ile, leax- InR the )►u`rtly (lame speechless ;and 0:sp• breath, An Hdvertree►nent In TIM STANDARD 23 OR NTH gels'I'IIE STANPAan till the end of, the year for all new sub- scribers in Canada. If you want cheap rebding'look at our clubbing list. n FALL FMR PRINTING The Biy'th fell Show will soon , to Isere and no doubt you will require 801110 special priut,ing or itdvontiNing for the occasion, 1Ve are splend- idly equipped to do any work and can guarantee to give ilatisfacti0u. Nu work too small, lot us have your orders early so we can bare theta out iii time. NaTICE Notice 1e bersby given that a Court, will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' tete Apt; by 11le honor the Judge of the 'County Court of the County of 11urop at I;ondeRboro on the 10th day of Septenntler, 194, at 10 (Akaa. W. to bear and deleine cnmplainte of errors and omiaulone Iq the Voters' Liet of the Muntolpillity of the Township of 1lullett for 1908. Dated the 20th day of August, 1008. .1AAIES CAMI'IIELL, Clerlr nt the Municipality of the Town. ship of Mullett:. 1111 FOR SALE The business stand of the late John W. 13,11, Ileruea,,usker, being part lot 5, Mo. Donald's gui 1'ay, Blyth. Otters will be reoeivkd-by the undersigned until August 15th, 1008. The estate is being wound up and this clearable property must be sold, Full partloulet'e on application to F, Metcalf, l A, Ulder, Administrators J Farm for Sale That very valuable farm belonging to the undersigned, situated three tulles from Auburn elation, six miles from Blyth, 200 acres, school at corner of lot, 20 sores of hardwood bush, 2 acres of orchar), iret•clsas buildings, well fenced, yell watered, Iota high state of cultiva• don and excellent Moll, one of the beet farm• in the country, Terme easy. Ap. ply THOS. BROWN, Blyth. DONT FORCET M�.tcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for Everubodu -All lines. of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off. ' Watches 1 5 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent off. Everything must go. Come and see, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. BOOMIN LIME WORKS le headquarters' for Fresh, Pure, No, 1 Lune, Iilghestreconlmends given as to the quality of It, hav- ing proven itself No. 1 on Govern• ment buildings, 13y purchasing from these kilns you patronize home industry, 250 per bushel, delivered Write or Telephone to A. NiCHOLSON '& SONS BI;LORAVB •••• ••••••••••• •••••••••• • • Tell it to the• • • STANDARD ' . • • ••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••• While the Public Is invited to make use of this column for the eipreeelon of pereonall views on publlo matters and Inblio m n, personalities are debarred and n all, e) do the euitebillty of the nom. ppurr� .:''Ltin for publication Is it matter to be tfeofded the Editor„ tl 1 OI'lthout trerenoee of ' opinion there would, of c Fee,. be no correepondenee, RHJM1IP,M1l ;It Blvth's Big Fell Show nd for the Won of out' oorrespondPnte on 'Tuesda� and Wednesday, Sept, nd ,heir mutes with our own THE ,,y ;yl „ Sr' • ,M ;`it Kelmltr�'reeponetblllty. ,, ,, i, -_1100_- 11110W... t>`Iv') 'tub %wools. Ott. Out -boor gpttt't0 Tho minding of the Lakeside League so far Is :-- Club Von Lost to piny i,uderich 8 8 5 7'27 1Vinghnul 9 131vth 8 Kincardine 4 Luck now 4 o li4 •� 5 3 (i 15 10 '' 285 i 0 0 285 -•- Luck now defeated Kincardine in ucknow on Monday by a score of 7-5, -•- At \V1ngl►nm un '1'hprsday lest, the home teem defeated Kincardine by a score of 8 to 6. -•- At Goderich on Monday of this week the home tenni defeated Wing - ham in a ten innings game by a score of 5-4. The Vinghnm Bowling Club will hold n touranment on September 70i 811: )tad Jth, There will he com- petitions in the trophy class, enn- snlation, Scotch. singles and doubles, Suitable prizes will be awarded In each event, the prizes in the trophy being four beautiful Morris chairs. Thrt erndle, FLoony,—In L'►ndesborn, on Thurs- day, Aug, 27th, to Mr. sand Mrs, David Moody, of Blyth, a son. The Tomb. I3i.00R,•-Irl Blyth, on August 3001, Etna Valentine; youngest dau- ghter of John and "Mrs, 13Ioor aged 6 months and 16 days, GovlEIt,—In Mullett, on August 28, John II, Govier, aged 56 years, .10 months and 3 days. CHURCH NOTES, Rev. Mr. Cooper's subject next Su:'day evening will be "The Duties of Children to Parents" or thu fifth cotutnnnd:nent, * * Rev, 1V, 1L Cooper and Wm, Jack son are delegates this week to the District meeting of Goderich, held in 1Iolmesville on Wednesday. . . ,,* Jubilee services in connection with Brussels Methodist Sabbath School on Sunday, Sept. 6th, when C. E. Ger- man, of LobdOn, will preach, Moto day nfternoon following a program of games will be held on Vlctorin Park, followed by supper and muss cul rind literary entertainment in the church, * * '1'Ite Presbytery of Huron in et it Exeter' on 'Tuesday. There wits the usual routine business, M, Y. Me - Leen, M. P,, of Seaford), was present and spoke on behalf of the Augnlen t:ttion Fund of the church, urging greeter liberality.' Rev. W. M. b1ni thl's resigmttion of the pastoral charge of Exeter and Chisellturst was accepted to toke.effect about the first of 11'ebruary. Mr. Diartin lois been In Exeter over 25 years. The Presbytery wns entertained to dinner and ten in the basement of the church by the Ladies' Aid Society, * ** The Ministers of the vllla�c met on Monday forenoon et the Parsonage and formed themselves into n Ministerial ,Association, 1V..11. Ilnrtley wns chosen President and .1, L. Smell secretary, The Associ- ation will meet again at the Manse on October 501 at 2 p, n1. The neighboring clergymen will be tit• vited and It Is expected that Mt'. Leckie will rend tl paper on ''Mes- slsuiic Prophecy." Next Sabbath morning Rev, J. L. Small will take ns his morning tol,ie "Obadiah," His evening subject will be "Duties of Children," * Trinity church will hold their an- nual Harvest Thanksgiving services on Sundny, Sept. 2Oth. The Rector will conduct the service in the morn- ing and Rev, 1V, Henderson, of' Winrton, who was rector of the church when it wns built 30 years age, will conduct the service h1 the evening. A special offering is asked for, Gond tousle is being prepared by the choir. in the morning and afternoon Rev, Mr, Henderson will preach at I3elgrnve and Auburn, Wm. Curtis, a farther near Frank ville, ejected a tramp who was sleeping in hie burn, and in reveneo the fellow set tiro t,i+ the building, and Mr, Curtis lost ti •tis o(itbu11(1111gs, Don't Get It 1 Your Head "I' Iat because our hi;; thirteen illy sale is over ilia at'C Iiow no bargains to 1)c had, ill a big stock 11 IS 11 ible to run off all the summer goods in that short tinge, is quite a lot left yet and as we (1(01'1 want 10 Carry over )Bore than we Call 11,11) the bargains in summer goods fr Holy, 011 will be (�treate1' Than Ever. l he first lot of our Fall Dress Coods are here. Came in and have a look at them, Apprentices wanted in the lllilll(. 1•y 1)ehattment for the fall ,erica.aOgf J. A. ANDERSON BLTH illessuinemmumeammellellIneimemimilimemA Did You Ever Stop to Think ? That a well printed mice, of Office Stationery— Letter, Note r or 13111 head , Statement of account, or a Business en rd —gives your business a souk of quality, tis much 50 08 a well -made suit adds to your personal appear:0am ? 11' you have not thought of this matter, do so, and enll on as, WE CAN HELP YOU 'tVc also print 11'edding in- vitations, Announcements, Calling Cards, Catalogues ete—and in co1n- position, makeup, and presswork our Output will compare favorably with that of any printing estnblish- ntent in lluron, Su if }you Iinve anything in this line let us make you an estimate. You don't have to send to the city to have goad work done ; we can do it for you ADVERTISING THAT PAYS Is the kind you t„*et in The Standard i1' you doubt it, to us71.1111 we en con 1'IInce you, .An advertisement is as ne.c essary to create an ever-growing business ns the tiigii over your dour front. 11' you want hell in prepay• ins; your ads. 've 01111 helu, stij gest etc, 1t' you want to Sell, 1311', 'tent or exchange anything slake the fact " known in the BLYTH STANDARD and keep the money at house,INCIMENUIMINMENSIMPOEN >g • Don't Cost Much, Either To have the best class of work done, and our prices are as reasonable as are consistent with good work- manship and first-class material, Call or write The Blyth Standard HARVEST SUPPLIES c r iS S Pure Manilla, British Manilla, Siele all sizes Hay Fork Pulleys and Hooks. Hair Forks, Scythes, Snathps and Rakes 1�NDER TWINE, INE, We are handl i', Massey I1a'I'tjs.A.Il w• . i'.oints and. Soles for all makes, M6RH Hardware ij�