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The Blyth Standard, 1907-06-06, Page 1
Often means so much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote for our catalogue as the first step to- ward a good salaried position. Take the step to -day. Address Central Business College, To- ronto. W. ll. Shaw. Principal. viiimminialmemeihol tb. VoL. XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1907. N0.42. *********************** Western Canada Lands I take this importunity of notifying my friends and the residents of this district. that I have Lately opened offices in the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Live Stock Exehengo Bldg., and in partnership with Air A, Al. Lundeen aura pushing the sale of Western Canada Lands exclusively. We have many largo blocks for sale suitable for subdivision, also many smaller improved farms and Tots in the growing city of Calgary, Al. biota. Wo list only such properties as we consid- er of special value and have on hand now ono or two snaps which aro dirt cheap and will give a largo return on the purchase price. One Special Snap—Section land, 11 milo4 from Calgary, all fenced, good hoose and well, $17.50 per acre —homnstoad in adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purchaser of the section, Land all around this section selling at $25 per acre. We invite all those contemplating settling in the West or who are looking for investments to cont• nitmicato with us at once. No better or more profitable Investment can bo found than IVestcrn Canada Lands, John S. Laidlaw LUNDEEN & LAIDLP W Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock Yards 17.20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago *************************: How Much are Tooth Brushes ? That depends. Depends quite a bit on the KIND of a brush you want. Not a bad one at all for 10o— We a real good one for the money. But around a quarter we prom - Ise you something really extra —brir,tles of the finest nutter - !al and there to stay. Small brushes for the children from 5o up, And by the way, you'd save dentists' bills if the children were taught to take proper care of their teeth, WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Summer School A special course of instruct- tion during July and Aug- ust for Publlo School Teachers, Enter any time. Individual instruction. WALKERTON BUSINESS COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal Special IIseesocoresres a a le For ten days—June 5th to 15th -- we are going to clear out our immense stock of Spring Hats and Caps 15 to 40 per cent less than regular price. 2 dozen Marlor's and Wilton Stiff Hats, regular $2.5o and $3, for 1.50 to 2,00. 2 I-2 dozen Rosebury Soft Hats, Fedora and Stitson shapes, 1.25 to 2,00. I I-2 dozen Rosebury's celebrated Crush Hats, grey, fawn and black, 75c to 2.00. 6 only Marconi Italian Felts, regular 3.00, for 2,2;,. I dozen King's Pocket Hats, regular 1 5o, for I,00. i dozen White belt Crush Hats 75c each. Auburn. Rev. A. E. ,Tones attended the con- ference in Goderich, Miss Gordo Mcl3rion, of Clinton, is spending a week at Thorne, Butcher Youngblut has nearly 45 head of cattle on pasture. Rev. .1, AlcKinnon, of Pinkerton, oc- cupied the pulpit of Knox chore l; on Sunday. James Rnithby is making prepara- tions for building a new house in the village. The social at the residence of John Pinglttnd was quite a success. Tho sutra realized was $28,89. which is to bo applied to the shed building fund of the church. Mr, and Mrs. Paterson, of Balt, vis- ited the former's brother, William, in this village Last week. They were nc• compenied by thoir sister•in-law, Mrs. Paterson, who is a sister of Mrs. Ping - o( the 18t1 con. of Hullett. Morrie. Miss McCracken is home from Lon- don. A new roof has been put on the barn of James Davis, 5th lino. AI iss Edna Watson spent Victoria Day in London visiting relatives. i11rs, Laird and ,bliss Nellie, of Ethel, spent the 24th itt John Manning's, bth line. Mrs. Duncan Alurcltison, of Glen• annan, was a visitor at James Shur- rio's, Mrs. Janes D. Shurrie and Mrs. Jno, Sherrie acro visiting relatives and friends at Goderich and Clinton. Mrs, I1, V. Patrick and Miss Irene, of Woodstock, aro visiting at the for- mer'e horse, John Mannings, 5th line, Work is proceeding on the now rest. dance of James Nichol, lot 17, Oth line, The stone foundation was completed by A. J. Lowry and the bricklayers are now at work. Tho house will be a modern two story cottage. Sono!. Rnroit',—'Che report of 5, S. No. 1, ,Morris, for May. Those marked with an asterisk were absent for part of the exam. ;—,JF. I`— x3Iabol Colclough '252 ; Florence Rogerson 210 ; Thomas Phelan 177 ; xLuella Parrott ; xBailie Parrott 85. Sr, III—Maggie Phelan 270 ; Ella Rogerson 271 ; Robert. Wallace 382. Sr. II—Gertio McCall 295 ; James Brown 270 ; Harry Howlett' 202 ; xMelville Taylor 178. Jr. II—xOlive Aiken 105, Pt, II—Alga Colclough 271 ; Willie Phelan '215 ; Homer Brown 170 ; 'Tillie Rogerson 109 ; xJooeph Aiken 70. Pt. 1—Lillie Rogerson, Irvin Wallace, Olive Par- rott, 31, MCA1tTDR, teacher, Walton. Miss Jewel McKim and Miss Annie Hoard spent the 24th with friends in Blyth, Miss Lyla McLeod left for Toronto last week where she has taken a posi- tion, D. A. Lowry and stuff have com- lnl ted the brick yen oriug o[ Dr, 1V ghorn's new residence. Last Sabbath Rev. J. E. Maunders, of Brussels, supplied Rev. Mr, Currie's work on Walton circuit, The marriage ceremony of Miss Alice Dundas and Rev. George A. McLain, of Cooksville, was solemnized on Wed- nesdlay. '['bio sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Duff's chu'.ch on Sun- day. Preparatory service was hal s on at urday. Al ass Alar'garet McDonald, who has for some time been in Toronto, and Mrs. P. Sills and family, of Seaforth, are visitors under the parental roof this week. Miss Margaret returned to To- ronto on Saturday. J, W. and Airs. Morrison, of Milver- ton, aro with Mr. Hoy this week, Mr. Morrison is hero (nuking over the work on the G. & G. railway. The Italian force will move in this week and .work will he pushed to completion as quickly as possible, On I'uosrlay evening of last week the members of the Young People's Guild drove over to Blyth to visit the Guild of the Prh.sbyterian church where the regular topic ''Now to realize the pres- ence of Christ" was taken up, V iss Anderson, of 131yth, and Miss Somer- ville, of Grey, each gave excellent pap. ors, Rev'ds. MacNab and Small gave short addresses. Lunch was served. All report a good time' Goderich. Goderich will celebrate Dominion Day. R. N. Mckenzie, of Ashfield, has pur- cased the house on Cameron street Inte- 1 occupied by Airs, AlcLennen and will I 1-2 dozen Linen and Crush Hats, four shapes, 50c to 90c. 1 move to town in the ftf Milner &Sons En lish Straw Sailors oc e 1.00, The members of Court Goderich, No, 2 dozen g , 5 , 75 1.50 and 2.00. About 5o Fancy Tweed and Black Caps, regular 5oc and 75c, for 35c and 5oc. Job lot of Caps, regular 25c and 50c ; we have put these at your choice Ioc. Straw Planters toe each. Remember the date—starting June 511, ending Juno 15th. Everything cash and geode bought during this Salo not returnable. EVERYTHING FROM IIATS TO SHOES. S. H. GIDLEY - Blyth 82, Canadian Order of Foresters, will attend the Baptist church on Sunday, June 9th, at 11 a. m, when Rev. Dr, Torrio will address them. W. Garret summoned Miss McKay last Wednesday for trotfpatss. The charge was heard by Police Magistrate Butler who dismissed it, the only wit - misses heard being the plaintiff anti defendant. On Monday evening the schooner Kahtadin, lumber laden,dropped her anchor just off the outsie breakwater and rode there till Tuesday evening when she sailed for Sarnia, but the storm forced her to drop anchor to save I herself from running on the break - ,eater, Rev, Alexander Torrie, B. C., Evan- gelist of the Baptist Church in Ontario, will hold evangelistic services in the Baptist church for two weeks, begin- ning Net Sunday. The Torrey -Alex- ander hymnal teill be used, and the song service led by a choir organized especially for this work. \Vhr'rever 31i'.'1'orrio has held services his efforts have been wonderfully blessed ; and the Baptist church hero consider them- selves fortunate in being able to secure him so sr,on after the dedication of their new building. Constance. Mrs, S. Pollard is now ably to he out after a long illness. Airs. Dale, sr., is visiting friends in Clinton and Goderich township at pres- ent, Robert Rogerson took the topic at the Epworth League on Tuesday even- ing last, We had a real storm with high wind on Monday of last week which lasted all day. George Stephenson is under the doc- tor's care with a sore eye. Wo (lope nothing serious will result as George is a general favorite here. George Taylor left for Vancouver on the 24th after paying a visit to his parents here. George says he prefers the climate of Vancouver to ours. Henry Cole, of Orillia, paid his brother, Wm. Colo, a visit last week. It was 50 years since they had seen each other and both aro now aged men. The many friends of L. Farnham here will be pleased to know he arrived safely in Shoshone, Idaho, on the 15th of last month, and speaks favorably of the country. Bonsai!. Tho sad intelligence reached here on Monday of the death of Mrs. Ab. Keis- er, of Sarnia. A by-law to prohibit cows f'om run- ning at large on any of the highways and streets of Hensen, except when in charge of it herdsmen or other person, was road a first and second t ime and on motion a third time and passed at the last council meeting. This by-Inw takes effect on ttnd after June 15, 1907. Thursdity morning about 1.45 the cry of fire aroused the village and it was found that the Queen's Hotel was ablaze, Fortunately it is on a corner and detached, end was veneered about two years ago, The light wind was blowing the sparks over the G.'1'. R. yard so that it was not a hard task to SIM 1110 Karn and shed T. Murdock's livery on the opposite side of the street was next and he had all his rigs out. Local option came in force horn on May 1st and Mr. Bice, who had a lease of the hotel till November, 1908, had a sale and moved out. Since that time it has not boon occupied. Seaforth. William Ireland, a well known mi. dent of town, and stn employe in the Seaforth flour mills for the past twenty years, left hero on Wednesday of Inst week for Brandon, Manitoba, Mr. Ireland has secured a good position in the Western Canada Flour Al His, of that city. His numerous friends will wish bim success in his now posi- tion. John Steet, who had been ill for some weeks, passed peacefully away on Friday last, Heart trouble was the cause of death, Mr Steel was the second son of the late John Steet, of Egmondvilln. Ho was born in Eg- moncivillo fifty years ago, and has re- sided in this vicinity nearly all his life, and has been engaged in the mer- cantile business. W. Wadsworth, of Bracirbridgn, was a visitor in town over Sunday. He was it former fot'mau in the spinninir department of the Seaforth Woolen Mills but now holds as similar position with the Bird Woolen Mill Co. at Bracobridgo, at a more lucrative sal- ary, In addition to his regular pay he also receives a sunt equal to all de- clared dividends of the company, as a compensation of the spare time which he expends for the interest and gen• oral success of the firm. At a meeting of the Catholic Order of Foresters held on Tuesday evening, MIty 21st, the members of the order presented Provincial Organizer B. J. Asselln, with a very handsome Meer• schatun pipe, the gift being accompan- ied by a well worded address, express- ing the gratitude and appreciation in which the organizer is held by the C. 0. P, of Seaforth. Mr. Asselin made a suitable reply in which he thanked the members for their kindness towards hint during his visit to the order in Seaford. Our citizens were surprised and pained on Friday last to learn of the death of Airs, Robert A[itnson, of Sea - forth, which occurred on 'Thursday at the residence of Paul Madge, Thames Road Ushorno, Airs. 1"ansou had not been well all Winter and- about a month acro with Mr, Fttnson went to 31r, Aladge's on a visit with the hope that the change might prove benefi- cial, Their hopes, however, were not realized, as despite the best of care and nursing she continued to grow weaker, although the last call came suddenly and unexpectedly. Att adver'tlsornontnt n Tiu STANDARD pays, Special Store News Dias you ever picture to yourself a perfect costume? prom the top of your head to the foot of your gown. This week we call your attention to some new lines of Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery. Millinery novelties, new shapes and new trimmed hats at moderate prices. Dress Goods Specials Tweed Dress Goods 10 inch Tweed, in nice light greys, check,' soul stripes, beautiful doth, at per yard 05e, Dross Goods at Gk. 1 piece only dark grey Venetian finish, 40 inches wide, regular price k51, to clear at per yard title. Dress Goods 12 pieces Mohair Dress Goods, 48 inches wide, In black, white, green and brown stripe goods, value to clear at per yard 25e, 35e, 50e and 75c. 50 inch Tweeds at 90e. 5 pieces Light Tweed Dress (coeds, pure wool, 50 Inches wide, regular $1.25 goods, special this week at per yard tile. Venetian Cloth at 50c and 75c. :t pieces Venetian Cloth, all wool, 10 Inches wide, colors green and taw n and black, at per yard 50e and 75e. Black Voile at $1.50, Black Voile, 48 Inches wide. This Is ono of the nicest cloths we have ever shown, very special at per yard #1,50. Eoliennes at 75c. Silk and Wool Eoliennes, in all the delicate shades, old rose, new green, blues, biscuit and fawn, at per yard 75c. Embroidery New all-over Embroidery, in waist lengths, very fashionable and durable, at per yard 50e, 75c and $1. Ladies' Neckwear and Bolts. We have an attractive range in the very newest creations, see our special wash collars and belts, at each 25c. Lace Curtains If you want handsome, stylish curtains cheap, hero Is your opportunity. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. BL"5''TH Brussels. The annual meeting of the East Hu- ron Conservatives was held in the town hall here un 'Tuesday. Councillor Bellew yno has removed the fence in front of his residence on Quenu street and will straighten up to the hedge. Brussels will play a football match with Attwood. in the latter place, on Friday et ening of this week in con- nection with the Intermediate series for this district, Sarah Forbes and her nephew, Stewart Ferguson, aro here from Win- nipeg, reaching Brussels 1Vedncsday evening, for a holiday visit with re- latives and friends. The little lad is at son of Daniel Ferguson, a one time Brusselite. J. D. Warwick and his brother, A. M., who disposed of their sheep in Southern Idaho, will likely buy some land in the Canadian West, The for- mer carne to his home in Brussels and will remain until about the middle of July. Warwick Bros. had some 2,800 head of sheep for which they received n good price. The purchaser was James Laidlaw, who cause from Scot- land 15 years ago, and after working around fur a time gradually worked into sheep ranching. Although he is only 87 years of age ho has 22,000 sheep and is ostiilutted to ho worth $150,000, This is a great record. 11..11 Exeter. One day last week while Harry Gould was laying some flooring in place and Wall using an adze, when in s01110 mart - h er it turned sideways cutting the flesh to the bona. The proprietors of the drug stores have anuounceJ that their places of business will be closed at nine o'clock every night, except Satutdaty. The Town Clerk, Joseph Senior, re- ceived a cheque for 850 last week from Dr. J. A. Rollins, of Raymond, Alta , to he placed in the cemetery perpetual fund. Tho interest of money in this fund is used for the caretaking of the lots at the cemetery for all time. . Fred Luxton, of Usborne, was the unfortunate victim of a painful acci- dent last week, Ino was working around the horses when one of them kicked fiercely at him, striking him on the leg and causing a nasty wound. As a result he has since been compelled to hobble around on crutches. One of the young men accused of throwing "ki-whoop" on the horses during the parade on the 24th, was summoned to appear before the ma- gistrates on Monday to answer to the charge. The case was settled by the accused paying a fine of $2 and' costs. The extreme penalty is $50 or 8 months in jail, '1'110 principal officers of Exeter Lodge I, 0, 0. P., wore elected Tuesday night as follows : N. G,, Tiro. W, Frayno ; V. 5., 13ro. Dr, .Kinsman ; R. S., Bro. R. N. for ; P. S., Bro. A. E. Puke ; 'frets., Bro, E. M. Dignatn ; roprosonta- ti\'es to Grand Lodge, Bros, J. Hind and W, .T. seaman ; delegates to Dis- trict Meeting, Bros, Thomas Boyle and It. N, Creech. 1Vhilo 1300 children were dispersing from school last Thursday, a cow. being led by a young man got enraged and charged into the crowd, It carried one boy for a distance on both horns, and throw hint to the ground, and then pinned a 12•yea'-old named Welch to a fence, The horns, however, es. caped her body, but she had a leg broken. A horse was slightly gored before the cow was lassoed, The First Step r Sowing Time Is At Hand Going to sow any Field or Garden Seeds ? These warm days tell you that it's time to begin thinking about it if not to com- mence to work. We're interested, because we oan sup- ply the seeds. They are the dependable kinds too lvhich is quite important. The Iled, Alefke and Lucerne Clovers and Timothy are the highest grades, and the Mengel, Sugar Beet, Turnip and Car- rot are all new stock. Also a full line of Flower and Garden Seeds. . When you are ready to sow call around. CASA FOR ALL KINDS OF PIRODUCE JAMES CUTT BI rTII FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place Im- migrants from the United King- dom In positions as farm laborers or donncetio servants in this vioin- ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally or by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all requests, but every ef- fort will be made to provide each applicant with help required, ANDREW W. SLOAN Canadian Government Employment Agent, Blyth P, 0. AIWRIONOtanlIMOOMMINIOSAMOMILINNIP NO SU\M[R W[ATII[R YET IN SIG Frost Warnings Issued --High Areas of Cause Cold. North Winds. Washington, Wile 3,- Remarkably nn• seasonable weather, with a cold wave ex• tending through the region vast of slat Rocky mountains lull thermometers in some genions registering the lowest tens• peratur(>,i for the season in many years, is reported by the ‘feather Bureau. Last night the Bureau issued the follow• ing Rpeeia1 forecast: Frost warnings have been issued for the middle Atlaretn' States and the vest - ern lower lake region, western Colorado, east Wyoming, Utah and northern .tri• Rona, and mutinies of freezing tempera• ture for western 11'y'olllillg. Weather Bureau official; gay Ont. there i3 no immediate prospect of any soother weather any'sliIc', The present T I/ and it Neu neenmp111ied by hard frost. j'1'Ile weather continued 4'o cold, aceurd- I ing to the repro., ilresprt'rtl, that sev• ern( drys elapsed beiore the snow dis• ap1111lId, ('urn and other crops were Pres5tlrc killed, and the s highlands the (cove of the trees withered and fell off. The most, retn)rrknlde depreg'iuns of temper - attire in the summer months known in all the history of thcrutomethie utensil's, iis11ts occurred in the period from 1811 to 1817, the minor n11011I , of 1812 and 18111 dein'; the (oldest. "NVliatdo you ray ;shout the theory that certain types of ))481 her 00111 at intervals of Std or 72 year;`" "'There is a su+pici,,n 114 that effect, replied Mr. ,'lupart, "hut it has not yet been deulottstrnle4l beyond doubt. Go- ing hack 72 year; -that is, to 1838---1 find that the spring of that yeir wits not abnormally (sold, neither was that of 1834, nor that of 18311. In 1871, again just a+i years ago, there was nothing very remarkable about the spring or summer. :1t• the game tittle, there are undoubt.('dly cycle:,, Sometimes these interfere with each other; at other times they work in one direl'lion. Then not infa•equently we find a group of years with a common (shamanistic. Thus in the early seventies there was quite n series of late springs, Those of 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1878 were extreme- ly cold, and then came a change." 14411 w•1ye, ale's 11.11. ila.s pret,iileil most of the pre,,'nt nl'lnth, Heavy frosts are reported to the \\"Pallier Ilureau from \lirhi;tua anal other States of the lake re iun. '1311•4 /lulu w'ay,' is particularly Severe in the southwest, and is doe, ae• cording to th,' weather experts to the heavy rains itt that part of the country. I'oreca,ter harry V. Prank field, of the \\'rather Bureau, said Inst night: "The reason for the volt weather Ire have had during the past two or three Month; i4 that 1Iir high areas of pressure have moved isashvard from the northern portion of the country almost continu- ously, and iheSe hays callSecl cold north Wilds. That i+ the only reason I can give for tics cold weather areas. .\s to what 'mikes these high areas Iceep up all this season, is more than I can tell." LOViNG'S TRIAL CHANGE OF VENUE GRANTED TO CITY OF HOUSTON, Sentiment Said to be Against Man Charged With Slaying His Daugh- ter's Alleged Betrayer—Excitement in the County is Intense, Lovingston, V:1„ June 3,—sludge \\', G. Loving was not indicted toplay for the murder of 1'11e41doro Estes, \thou he shot Ia14t mouth, after having heard that Elites, while out driving with lois daugh- ter, Elizabeth Loving, hal drugged and attacked her. n • utrnl('nl in the enrols is intense. There is 110 d utgcr of an outbreak of any character, but the-,ontiment against Loving is very strong, and his friends admit it is well nigh unanimous, Notwithstanding his long prominence in the business and political affairs of the Bounty, it is admitted that the over• whelming sentiment of the county is so strongly against hint that a jury cannot bo obtained here, and will have to be obtained from another county. The prosecution will not oppose a 1))n• tion to get n ,jury elsewhere, but will fight a notion to have the rase tried elsewhere. A hundred citizens were sum- moned by the commonwealth to testify tbat In thir opinion the prisoner cnn obtain a fair trial in this county. The C1130 may be taken to Halifax county. Crimes of n capital character are not uou:illy regarded ns bailable., but the practice in Virginia is to leave the scat- ter with the judge of the court, A hard fight will be made over the question of bail. Lovington, Va,, \Ie.y 20.—Later•—The trial of for►ner Judge W. G. Loving, charged with the murder of Theodore Bete, will take place at a special term of court to be held at Houston. begin- ning ,Tune 24. 'fudge Barkesdalc's deci- sion granting a change of venue was announced at the opening of the court to -day. salt OUR DEGENERATES. A MODERN SCHOOL PROBLEM RE- QUIRING SOLUTION. Paper by Dr. R. W. B, Smith—Doctors Will Consider the Suggestions Made —Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of Ontario Medical Association Opens. Toronto despatch: The problem of the 'degenerate, one of the greatest of mod- ern a ciology, was dealt with in a pa - only successful method of dealing with the defective clmssn;, An interesting diicneiiun followed, in which 1)r. Burgess, of JIontrt'(tl, 1)r, J. 1', Mitchell, of lirocl:ville, :tel 1)1.• 1V, C. Henderson, of Kinu,oton, took part, and a resolution was adoptod submitting the matter to a ,penial committee for con- sideration of Dr. Smith's paper and to report at thr next meeting nf the asso• (dation on the suggestions, The afternoon session took the forth of a symposium, the papers submitted being based on the relation of the pro• fession to the piddle. Dr. G, Silverthorne of 'Toronto read an interesting paper, in \thick he dealt with eustotns of sari• oils countries in regard to what aro known in Canada as Coroner's inquires, Dr. J. \V. S. )ic('ullough, Alliston, in a paper ndvoeated the adoption of a sys• tens of county nuvlieal officers of health exclusive of the largo cities, with sill. uries ratlging from x•5011 per nnntnn for the first thousand sof pnpul.Itinn and increasing at the tate of $IOO for es")) additionll thousand people until $1,500 syn ( reached. Profel-1)r Oldrighl, 'Toronto ['nit•cr- sity, ranted 1hat the cnnunillee on pub. lie health should take 511011 steps as were deemed best to induce the organ- izing of a system of roomy medical officers of health, The resolution was adopted. In a paler on ideals in asylum work, Dr. C. K. ('lark niVed the importance of the estnhli.ghnlent at university ten• fres of institutions where the study of the care of insanity whieh had not be. come eliron10 might he scientifically pursued. The infection of drinking -water was the subject of a paper which was teat! by Dr. ,J• -I. .Illlyet. ♦ • 1► COLD SUMMERS. DIRECTOR OF METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE NOT DESPONDENT. Coldest Spring for 75 Years—An Ameri- can Prophet's Portentous Forecast —A Wet Period Predicted—Fruit Growers Especially Warned, Toronto, June 3, --With winter linger'. ing in the lap of May, and threatening a flirtation with ,June, it is little wonder that the city dweller line abandoned all hope of the weather clerk, and that the fruit grower and fanner oro beginning to take an alarming yi'w• of the future, To find a parallel to the conditions that have prevailed during the past two months it is nec.issury to go back at least seventy-five yeor6. The records of the meteorological department at the Queen's Park extend from 1830, and fie - cording to Mr. R. 1'. Stupart, the di- rector of the service, there luxe not been two colder consecutive months than April and May during that period, Anvil, 1874, wet, colder th;(n last month, pw' read by Dr, R. W. Bruce Smith at but it was followed by n modf,rately tate opening session of the 27th annual warns May, and, while there are in• meeting of the Ontario Medical A.ssocia• stances on record of a lower average tion, which commenced at the University temperature in May, they appeared to have been preceded in every case by a more favorable April. Warning to Fruit Growers, Profe.;.i'n• 1)nnold C. Clark, of Racine, Wisconsin, who claims to (las(s had sev. Medical building yesterday morning. 'rhe subject of Dr. Smith's paper wits `"1:110 case of the degenerate, with suggestions for preventing the propagation of the species," lit the courl;e of Itis remarks Outs• yrnts' experience of weather nbser the lecturer referred to the continue,( venni', lies fevered the. (Ilnbe with few predictions which may well give tho fruit grower and fanner cause for mis- giring. Ile writes; ''I ant anxious to warn my friends in the fruit districts of Nitlgant. Weiland and Lincoln of the probabilities of a killing frost during tho last days of \fay anrl'the first days of .Tier• Your wenther comes from this part of the United States, and takes two days to reach you. Remember this fact, that 'Toronto weather is on record for many years at, the observatory, and if you look for the hate springs you will find that they ncenr at interval:) of t.hirl.' ix or eeventy•two veers, Re- member, this yen). and next, still he, stark - ed well with storms, Witte)) for Medi - eine !fat, cold w•rtVe riming the latter part of 10x1. work, Weather forecast for Toronto—five drys' rain. You will have a wet bine, Just watch and Ree ,how the Panama wet suits you." Something of Past Weather. Nfie Rupert referred to the recor(1t9, end pointed nut, whnt has already hr^:1 stn•tNl, that not for 76 years have April and (fay', taken consecutively, been so relit 119 the prat two months• fro far ns facnitin4 of children. The burden W11.9i :lmeril'mn meterologieal history went, one to be borne equally by physicirtnes, the coldest yearon record was 1816, teachers and parents. All who had stud• when, i); is stated, snot fell and frost led the question were Agreed that segre• oecirred in every month, On ,Tune 91.11 gnlion or colonization of the nnfortun• snow fell in tunny parts of the State of sate in Indnstrial settlements was be Vermont to a (depth of five or six inches, increa% of the degenerat class, which formed a great charge on the public funds, and also seriously affected the race, while tho influences recognized ns fee- tors n:-tors in producing degeneracy seared to eevepe the attention they deserved, One of the grentet, of these factors was here- dity, and Dr. Smith pointed out that many of tate States of the Union Inul enacted lows forbidding any persons tainted with insanity, or with any of those physical coalitions which are k.no\yn to be likely to he reproduced in the offspring, to marry. Ile nlso dis• (miser( the impol'tnlure of providing 8n industrial institution where all feeble- minded women who are not properly proter'tod 1111.1\' rncoivo C111410(1ia1 car!, and time he prevented from becoming mntl:ol•s of imbecile children. "What wars the age." be argued, "of building asylums when we neglect to use preventive ninesures, and to edu- ante public opinion to the fact, thab much can be done In check the. inerry.ts! in the nrlmber nf degenerates in the country? ile alluded to the import- ance of properly estimating ehilri char iwtcr, and the training nf the ment'll BURGLAR CAGED. MONTREAL WOMAN LOCKED HIM IN UPSTAIRS ROOM. Found Him in the House on Her Return, and Cut Off His Escape Befove Call- ing the Police. (1ont1'eal, dune 3, Oycor Uerube, lalwrer, eighteen years of age, 130 that• hunt street, appc red before .lodge La• turnable to -day, charged with breaking into the house of .1, lig Mack, 1 Sep 111(141 avenue. 11e plk:uted not guilty to the charge, and ons remanded. for eu- yuete. \.esterday afternoon Mrs. \11111: had been out making a call, 01111 011 her re- turn found her parlor and kitchen in a wonderful state of confusion. Orna- ments had been taken front their places and the contents of the dresser and cup- boards scattered nbunt the floor. Hear- ing a noise upstairs, she crept rip on tip- toe and observed a nun in the front room. 11'ith great presence of mind she pulled the dont' of the room shut and turned the key in the Ioek. Knowing that she had the noun safe, unless he broke open the door or jumped forty feet to the ground, she hurried to a neighbor's house, and telephoned for the police. Captain linker, of No. 10 station, with several con5l8bles, responded to the call and took Benito! in 1hurge. The prisoner had packed up quite it quantity of valuables, its addition to having a. bundle of stuff with him when he enter- ed the house ile at first (;ave his name as .John Brown, told said he had thought the house 13as his OWU. 'Three years ago, on Jute 10tll, Writhe was sentenced for breaking inlo•the sante house, which at that time was °celtpied by another ten- ant, t -• CHINESE CHINESE REBELS. PLOT TO OVERTHROW GOVERN- MENT AND BURN YAMEN. Swntow, Chinn, .lune 3,—A prnolan1a- Liou issued )1y the `eve) C:4)► Revolution- ary Society (le•ht•ee tint the uprising is not directed against foreigners or ordinary Chinese citizens, but against t.ha Government, the intention of the revolutionists being to attack and burn every Yemen and exterminate the offi- cials, with the object of overthrowing the Government, The missions, with the exception of the German mission at Lieu Chow, have thus far been insmolested, but slue mis- sionnrics are abandoning their stations and seeking refuge here. The local officials take a serious view of the eituailotn, and are urging the authorities at Canton to despatch gun- boats here. Incoming and outgoing Chinese pits- senl;ers o11 the lima ('hon?u Railroad are setu•ched. o+♦ EVELYN THAW TO LIVE WITH MRS. WM. THAW TO BE NEAR THE PRISONER. New York, ,lune 3. --Mrs. Evelyn Nes- bit Thaw, who has (nude the Hotel Lor- raine her home during the Many months her husband, Jlnrry 1(, '1'hnw, has been in the Tombs tar the murder of Stan- ford White, has, with her mother-in- law, Mrs, \Villinnt '19taw, takers up her twine in a house in fart: avenue, near Fifty -Ninth street. 'There the two w0- nle') will remain in seclusion for the summer, it is 81(1(1, s0 as to he within call of the prisoner and to n.wait events in his case. The second triol of Thaw will not be reached until fall. 0.♦ NONE BUT THE BEST. Chicago, July' :1.----1lecauSe of the en- forcement by the hig packers of their nil0 mile requiring post-mortem iuspec- tin11 of cowls and heifers a3 (t condition of purchase, only the high class grades of beef were sold 111; the Stock Yards yesterday for the Chicago trade. The hig packing firms did not succeed In buying a solitary cow or heifer, None of 3,000 animals numbered in the list of the day's receipts ns "cow stuff" remain- ed unsold, however. NEYS IN BRIEF CANADIAN. A Rn t tonal Sunday League hes been formed at Ottawa. di'. James Italkwell w118 killed at a railway crossing 11en1' SL Rev. li. 11. Hamilton has resigned as Ircasurcr of the Toronto Presbytery, The fort .lrthur Sobonl Board has awaited a eonlrncl• for n $30,000 school for the South Ward. It has been deckled to hold a national dairy show in 'Toronto during the last %eeck of January next, .in inquiry has been opened into the fire 11(1)1 occurred in the ,jewelry store 4)t 420 Yonge street, 'Toronto, in April. South Oxford Liberals have nominat- ed Mr. M. S. Schell, 11.1',, for the 00111• mons, and I)r. A. MInckny i'or the Ls/lis- le tore. 1 dcpettition of the 1Vest.eru 1Atiry• men's :Issouintion asked the Govern- ment, to have the testing of milk and prosecuting em)ducted by the inspectors solely. The Police Magistrate nf Whitby Now mitten Conductor ('ook for trial on a charge of neglect of duty in connection with the railway collision (11, \lyrtle, En- gineer Pyle WAS discharged. Purl Arthur is Wrestling with the power question, whether it, will develop Silver halls at a cost of a million dol- lars or allow a, company Io do 80 and purchase power, the minimum rate quot- ed being $15. • Cecil IL Elliott, Albert .1. Hopkins and Norman Hopkins, who are jointly chnrg- ed with conspiracy to defraud the To - rent o o•rento Railwriy Company and the Anglo- American hire insurance Co„ were yes• terdny ngain remanded for a week, Bail wee refused. Lawrence 1 11)01end, hag cnnfeesrd to the horrible crime of Assaulting and Murdering Ileorginn Brown, neer 1(iI- larney, Jbin., Iasi. week. Ile is nearly recovered from the 4ffeets of his own wounds. and will receive n preliminary herring to -morrow. tames H. hrinkwal('1', the general mer- chant front ('eulreto) who was arrested in the Toronto Non -Jury Assizes last week at the ingtnne0 of lir. Justice 'I'cctzcl of the charge of forgery, ens yesterday hauled over to the nnthori- ties it Coboilrg, The Department of Justice tit Ottawas has decided that the \linister of Rail - (nye has no ,jurisdiction in (dealing with the railway npplieat.ions concerning the enstern entrnncc to 'Toronto, and as there is doubt about the Railway Cont- 1019si011's jurisdiction also, the matter will be hung up for A time. :Another recluse has been found dead in his lonely nhode, Mils name (0118 .10)107. E. Davis, who had n claim on Village Isinnd, Lake of the Woods, death by nnt•nru1 ctl,see having overtaken him probably ten days ago, but he \ens last seen alive three weeks ;Igo. He seas a graduate of Trinity College, Toronto. 'I'llc \Vinuipcg LleeiI4 (' C.'onuuissioners have decided to follow the example of Ontario in refusing licenses in the area immediately tributnry to railway con- structio nwork enst of there, and, ac- cordingly, cancelled seven licenses, name - at Dawson, the ifotel Loretto; Red Meer, hotel Tyndall; King Edward, Beausejour; Lorne. 1VhitemouLh; C. N. A., Ste, Anne's; homestead, Tyndall, and llergers at lieltuse.,jour. BRITISH AND FOREIGN Mayor -McClellan, of New York, has vetoed the public utilities bill. The couatitution of the Orange River Colony will be issued in the course of a few days. The pretender to the throne of Moroc- co has beaten the loyal troops in a se- vere battle. The Russian Dnnrn has decided to table indefintely the diseust)ion of the question of terrorism. Henry 1'. Anderson, erres10(1 in Cana- da in ,7uly last, hna been remanded at Munehester, charged with stealing ,1,- 081 front the Manchester Dank. The \rife of Admirnl Chadwick, of the United Stales navy, 11116 iuve111ed a car- rier by which disabled soldiers may be borne front the battlefied in an upright position. Twelve Indian girls of the Chickasaw Nation, in Indian Territory, have written to President Winstone, of the State Ag- ricultural College, requesting his aid in getting while husbands. Pittsburg an uukno'wn Italian spode nn attempt yesterday to assassin - etc M. Cancelliere, Proprietor and editor of the La Trinacria, an Italian paper. The men slashed C ncelliere across the right side of the face w'1111 n small sLil- leto, inflicting a painful but not seri- ous wound. and escaped. 44g6, DARING REPLY TO POPE. Italian Clergy Make Accusations Against the Pontiff. Rome, June 3.—A group of llnlin.n priests levee issued a renuu'la►ble open letter to the Popo, It is a daring reply to the censures Uttered by his Il.oli ness in his allocution of April 17, againat the meet modern 13011001 of ecclesiastics, and it licensee the Pontiff of violating the rights of conscience in his treatment of Father Alum, who was 9nspended from the priesthood for criticising the Vatican's policy, tend other priests• 'glebe letter contends that Catholicism should alx►aldon lta nrohnlc position, but a Retticmeut to probable, apd in any and by recognizing the claims of ease the ttgr•oencent with the employers science and democracy regain its hold provides for the reference of any • dts )utc on mankind, Its vindicates the fight of to arbitration, d . young men in the church to a ern -Cain amount, of liberty In their work for her, this yindlcntion being bused on the opin- ion of 1A'0 X111, that, the future of the Church depends epon them, Certain Pon- ta1n IhoILificel appoint men IA to high dig- nn1ties are strongly eriticiaed, Jlls 1loline.ei is ehnrgetl with para• ly'zing the work and institutions of his predecessor, and pitrti1nlurly of having introduced renctinnnry theologians in- to the Biblical Commission, while it ie complained that the Pope only al- lows ('nlhnlies to vote when the can- didature of 501110 conservative 1s 011- dangedcd, The writers repudiate the idea of re- bellion, and nppenl to the Hioly Father for wisdom, equity rind elemenney, WELL PROVIDED. BEJEWELLED SYRIAN LADIES AR- RIVE AT NEW YORK. Wear Wedding Presents Valued at $4,000 on Arms and Fingers—One of tho Brides Cooling to Toronto With Rana Marroon, New York June 3. --:Adorned with jewelry nntl glittering finery worth sev- eral thousand dollars, two Syrian brides, who, with their husbands, were pas• sc►Igers in the stet'regc of the Celtic, which arrived fronl.,'out.han)pton ycstcr• dus, excited the wonder and suspicion of the customs inspectors. !111 were taken before the lleputy Surveyor ill charge to explain the unusual display, Saline Sor(1r1, one of the bridegrooms, cxpinined that he had left ,his be- trothed, Marie llndnd, the beautiful daughter of the princlnl barber in 114sy'ront, Syria, eight years ago to conte to America and snake a fortune. Salim is now ;4)l American citizen, and resides in San Antonio, 'Texas, Ile said he was taking his bride to hor new home, liana \1ru'roun, the other Syrian, said that he, likewise, had left Nahmae El- ias, one of the prettiest girls In llutrmite a village thirty-five Miley from Beyrout, three years ngo and had recently re- turned to be uuu'ried, lie lives now in Toronto. The two newly wedded couples had mol on the Rbip at Cherbourg. As to the five jewelled bracelets that were on emelt arm of Inch bride, together with several (diamond sledded rings and. e(4)' rings, they were wedding gifts, the bridegrooms said. The inspector, 8, 1)oetzel, estimated the jewelry ns worth at least $4,000, but as no customs laws had been vio- lated the four were allowed to go after a severe questioning. HIS SILVER JUBILEE. People of Arthur Honor Rev. Father Doherty. Arthur despatch: On Sunda morn- ing Rev, Father Doherty, who )itu been pastor of St. John's Roman Catholic Church at Arthur during the past twenty-five years, celebrated itis eilv0r jubilee. Immediately after high ntass an oration was delivered by Rev. Dr. Schwytzer, of St. Jerome's College, 13er• lin, who highly eulogized the work of the pastor. He was presented with a sterling silver chalice, gold plated, with precious stones, and a purse of gold. On Monday evening the Protestant section of the town, w)th whom the reverend gentleman is very popular, at a banquet held in the Arlington Hotel, presented Rev, Father Doherty with a gold•hended cane, bearing the following inscription: "Presented to Rev. feather Doherty by his Protestant friends of Arthur, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his pastorate, May, 1907," Speeches of a highly eulogistic cbtrao• tor were delivered by the leading pro- fessional and business leen of the town, and the banquet was considered one of the most sucoessftll functions for years, e•fe CHURCH SPLIT IN CHATHAM. Some of Young People Secede Owing to • Quarrel Over Reception. Chatham, Juno 3.—A serimike split has occurred in the William Street Baptist Church, of this city/Some time ago there was a differeico of opinion among the members of the church over the arrange- ments which were being mode fur a re- ception for their new pnstm'. 'J''his trouble spread until it hos been the corse of an open quarrel between the Ladies' Aid and the Young People's Society. 11 ended in about 75 of the 400 member; leaving the mother church and establishing themselves in the 1, 0. 0. F. Auditorium, where rerviee is be- ing held each Sunday. 1L is understood the breach is widen- ing, and that the young people will soon extend a call to a permanent pastor for themee'Jves, ►♦ ACCEPT UNDER PROTEST, Toronto Printers to Continue \Vozk and Appeal to Union, 'I'orouto, Juste 3.—'The members of the '1'ypogrnphicnl Union itl a very largo meeting held Inst night at Victoria Hall decided that pending the decision of Pres. ideaLynch, of their Inte('ltiltional Union, they would eonthnue at work o11 the terms arranged by Vice -President Hays Iasi week, The local 0111014 expects that Mr. Lynch will endeavor to have a better set- tlement, but if he should uphold the ugreement mode by Mr. Nuys, then the only course )eft to the 111011 will be an appeal to the annual meeting of the ln- ternationnl Union, to be held in Hot Springs, Ark,, in August 1(ext, The stetootypers 04) nesssspap1 r work are still negotiating with the employers, A RAILWAY DEATH 'TRAP, Ja111es Bellcwell Killed at Long Crossing, tlitie,l de•e,ltc!I: Choi', !tall...yell, illtrilri', t,)- fly 11 II.IIiI al !•n'I: 1'4: • 2.) 0;,.111:111'1., %%1.1 of SI, :le 11:1(1 14)11,' to 111 !:o,I!r8 tIIll:: f4)nl•, :1 1111 ir,t, all VIP 11:21' 114)111 11 1101 Ow ;welt:1.01 11•Illill.l'e,l, I1 (11•; 4.1111 in,; :11'1 blo\ring N1i1111v ,II the 1i111', :1041 to Ih. cr 101011111• s1;1:1c 1; :rl 11'11111 ft,' 131.1 11 ;11he 1o', Ow 1Inill, Ii.i11:\1011 w•ae (ear• 11001 -1'1.11111 1:1111 11.141 feel, and usher 00!.'11 up \;a., ion i!1Iy' ❑,a:,_Iid, but dill 1 IP, e, `n far 1;:1) 1'•' learned none but Ilie 1;.ieper n 114 fireman asst• the iiecit'1?, though -lVcr81 farmer's mei the unfor• Illultt0 11:1'1 lifter he left (4)4311, 111 sves taleei to (I1Uiten, blit died hefne er- ri3in!.;' 111194'• 'Th4' hers, eels hilted i1• !•holly, baviug hetet thrown :I hundred :Ind fifty feet, Long Crossing 18 11 Vel'y (1:1 111,1;1.1'011i pinee, 111111 1; the reeve of ser4'r111 111:1111i(0;. The Inlet: I':11%111'18 the 114:(11 for 40i1)0 (1i,1111ee, 11 11(1 111 see if :1 train 14 vowing (Ili' (11'iVer 11118 to tarn :1 1'1)1111(1 111 1114 ri;t, )10.1 fnrlurrs, ko011'in;r the )11111, entre 1,0 11 full stop :11111 lank carefully around hefure eros- iII!!• ...•• VEGETABLES PREVENT CANCER. Scotch Physician Says Civilized Diet Causes Many Ills. London..lime 3.- 1)1', Hobert Boll, for• 11:illy prominent mining Seolti.sli physi- cians, who is 11011' Practising in London, maintains that 1:110'er i.: nut caused by !Icy Hliero•org1ni.1i1l, but results 110111 (111)11,' diel and improper sanitation of the body, Lecturing before the Psycho• Therapeutic Society, he algid that self• indulgence (vas one of 111r 011111 Inetnrs 111 (he prodl/lion of (stover, 11'11111 01 are pleased to call civilir,l• lion. he said, 11811 a great deal to answer to:•, and certainly 1nne1'r was attribnl• :able to flagrant errors of diet, for tvhich irilizalinu was directly responsible, t(4),, of the prim:1.y causes 5,144 the ineesliou of too much red butcher's meat. People who 411.111;(' mill: wore very liable to saucer. Plenty (4l' vogclables wire among ills necessities 4)i a cancer00resisting diet, in ' his long experience he had only' mel with on" cancer patient (114) was a vegetarian. and 8111' tens 111 troll mho's' ('808(s, Sino!•:ing, although at excitant of 180 07• in lhr ey'etcnt, 10111)1 not produce it, Ile dirt out hesitate to 1)84191 Ilial cancer was preyentnbl(, and he was <:►n• gain' enough to predict that before ten years passed it would be as rare 114 It 18 11(1(4' prctalent, 4.0. MARRIED JAILER'S DAUGHTER. Convict in Belgian Prison May Titus Gain Pardon, i BrusseIls. .June 3. .1 conyir't, 01114 is nl'I'villg 11 life tern) Ill Ypres, has just married the jailer's daughter. 'Their attachment, began through the girl taking the convict's meals l4) his ceII. Eventually the prisoner asl:ell the jail. ('l''s ('nt1Sent to his marrying his daughter. The father at first ref:1'• (Q. Fut finding Ihnt his (laughter was enitnlured, he finally (onscnt(11. ' The prisoner was driven in a cover - oil wagon, escorted by ;:ene111rH10:, to Ito' Irmo hall, where the civil mar - Hoge w'118 p('I'ft11111111, The religions ceremony followed in the prion cha- pel, whence the convict was taken to Ili; cell, 'I'Ile incident is r('gallcd !ovally as justifying the convict's pardon. and a. petition for this i, therefor() being 4.14' ('Hutted• 4.0 OUTSIDERS GET PRICE, But Local Men Cannot Get What They Ask For. Si, Catharines, ,lune 3.--1•0c;ll 51rik• Lig cal'pt':Itors )'omlllllttin Unit, t1lelll!;h ('111• ploycrs are mmilli:ig to grant 1110111 ;15 cants per hour asked for, the pricer i; tieing paid to outsiders, A day of s(1 ago 11 (.Irpen(el' named 11cl,:(ren was ;'vis to rhe \\'illon Jinilllittg and ('un• t roil ing Co, from a 'I'urnoto employment y;1111 instructions reading: "iii':trey (;4' ;end you ns carpenter at ;15 )'1115 per 111211, I1;; per your tel1'phuue 1.111/1 of Ivor 11',1,;,'" llclrtren, wh"n he reeehed lila til\', refitasl to \Tort:, as he is a 01'iult 1811)1, ands' 51'318 11'11 still lite!: employ- ment, others having lett Idle cits• WIIEAT GROWING FAST. rtt Crop Prospects Continue to Improve. \\innipe , ,lune :I.. (Tulp prospect thronehout the we41 10e improvieg rapid(\ under decidedly' 1':lyurnbli' secant• 4'1. conllitiu:1, \Vhcut i.; growing fast, mid in some loco lit ies, especially tin•oitglt !million' Manitoba nnil `'lslnttchew:u(, i; rip 1111'1'1 of lou' holies. Frost 4)21 :x'11I• Illy Mehl, tripled it slightly, but will not =ericusly 11fleet this crop. Every (1ay, however, i, 'nlnnble. and 11ythine 1, 0(,111(;:' in r!'t it I 111'1',1'4!1 is I111't 11,1:!::11 t , the :4)t;:icly 141' harvest 11111', 4.0 4t4 COOK'S HARD EXPEP.IENCB, \i'i tlt Both Feet. Scalded She Spends Hours in Small Boat. Port 1lnro11, Mick„ ,lune 3,-11areerpt 11 marine cool:, 11)81 both her fret through amputation here t1•day, *sirs, Belly ens mole Hu the barge billy S1101 114 which ens benched in Georgian I1::y Inst Nridny. 11'lu'n the boat struck a reel: n tank of boiling (\1(11)1 W1:8 (111'011'11 000-r the wuuuuc, whiell scalded 1101' feet and legs, .• She lay for several hours in the 0111811 boat In which the cress made- their es- cape, 11;1 i• 111!1 1 110 9110,li�lnshe inter - 1.1;1,1 ells "11' 1'1,11 Welt. pleading Ilse 1'a •e tui' ''' 11:' 4 Ile 4.1.1', 1111 %VIMIII,I Chilli 111:11 iln '!41'nrf Bill Ilnl lll'11111 In 1111 1.I1.1 111„i, u1lhlll Anes((.;n„ I lulu nn light 111'1•' '•cl' 11, 1:1141-;'1` toter• side ;--H(., n- Ihe1' S0 4' in A'I r111'i, -1101; err iII,. 111,1111, it y011 1)!1':10." Ile ;!'.,1111 11141 rraple11; "I4.111' I not skit. e(.iLetruth:•" :1111 1)I li...)eiI t'1 101111 ; Ih;lt 1'1111 11;1\1 Let, I'llilha, I Ito nal \41101 the III'11;e;, , Illnll,ll 1 ;1111 'el'1' grateful to Ali). ier fel' iii.; 1:'111Th , ill remember.. lag 111e, 0111,1 In r011 for 41'i4hing In carry ell(. !:i; n'i41e, ,n I'.I'Ihfnllv," "1'111110, 1':alae, take',; 1 (411111 you to have it, and 1 s'i'll to 110 just 114 he loll) dn; Fall \rill 1400011 Int, deeply if 1'1111 rein -e i1," she orae((. II 1\'„ ;I 1'11'4' ,\4et't, earnest file, 11111) )n 1'J l up into his, and, had slit, pleadc11 for 0 111014 x11\ Ihilg )140, 1'.nrl) \y11uld Ini4o found it inlpo,-iIle to resist her, Ili• 1.',411 fare grey,. grove,/(1111051 carroty• I'hl ,a, he returned: 'I \timid; not 11111.1 1011 11 111oul0nt'll nlnll 1','7,,11'1' 11:1111, Edit 1111, hell 1 nta;1 1.,e fire: in this (l1t,i•-ion. Forgive on, if I uoundl you; but, on the \'114,1e, 1 lou gen(' I11,0 Mr, 1011ton reflst,41 to slimy you to 110 this iltiit1, fl' it leaves IIIc 14) till a mime ;1101 no,ition entirely 1.1,' my own 111"1'11 JJl' 1111' strong 111'111 1 will carve 0111 1114" 1111111'0 111111 14111 111 \'Si1t' ill the 11orid; by 111\ own indomitable 1\111 and and help of 11 greater thlal 1, 1 ; 'Ho to honor, and not upon the fomn- 11a1i111 that 1111111111' has 111411, 1)' eon - eluded, +till' an earnestness and solentn- 1Ir 111,11 11111,10 IaitIiI I100rl 1 11111 \Pith ' 1'1. :,t ' )11; 1 1 110 4oa•r1eti'111 of lei; 111ti0late -1101.0••-, 8,11,1, '1111 111111111';11, 1,111 -ilii 41'1'14111 ('1'1.' „11111 ,.1111/0•0 1'11010 I::e11a1',I !,a:i all'll'11 ;t 1.1111• I''! l 11 11', (rill in your favor. a ha, , hell :" .1 ,::'i'' 111 :imuarmee( eurlr;l 1.:i, lip '.•1.1,011 I-1:41im-:' the ,bee!, 1)1 111\• ear 01 ::n1');til'n 441141111 have helm 'Ina\l111- a!)!v , 111 ;I d 41;;11 1hi, flirt tine, 11 ,4411:1!•1 nut 1 11'll 11.141 Leen optional iril,!1 nu' )V114111'1' I •,fool(( 4.':)f) it 1r nal." "It sit;,ll lint be 11011': 1111 ,Ilona'' I:: not Irvine 1 4\111 not keep it. I -Mudd 11,::1.+ ball ;1,, 0:0.0' s I'4tehe, ':ill robbed' 31-, 1)111 then left you to stiffer for their crime." }.I'1141) /xe!ainl'•11, pns,''')u;itoiv, 111111 1111a0:t in tles'pair at his, obstinacy. ,1') ,let set, 110(4' you ('113 (10 0th.;r• \44.1 1111111 LOe,I it ; 0e.yn11e y1 poi Esti, it i, legill • your,," f'core i- ntlnv x 111ur111 \Vaal:; P"rpe• 11)11!'1 tinder the cloak of '!'e.:llIt4•. ' ,he h. ',nl..,:Iacw.liat .area-Iilally, then vont holed. more ):I1'ne,l iy: ''sly proud. �e!f 11'illell I:niel31l, \\'hu -o v:att'Il\4o:11; ;ire truth ;1.1411 honor, 41'1111,1 life i; to be 'foursquare,' da you thin(: (her;' arc no ()there 11'1111•.1' nature.; are 1'e:lehillg out nater the same heights'; there are oth- er,. I'1.1'!)," she .,;:lid, more softly, lvitlt 44'41 ill•! cheeks 0101 drooping 1111;, "441111 11:111: lril!l Iult iia: 4.y); 1tm'ard the ',las- per w;1;1,' 1;1111 'tial.!'+ of pearl,' hill call one to 'true' ';x111 'honorable' luul k(:'I' 1411.11 Does not !It'1ull,'.; to one?" "1101 can 1 eonv'il:er yah, l':)lit ha, that I e:6Caot 1.11.(' this money?" ..,tut 44'11;111 41)1'!'1 ;\1111 (1o, 1:11'):'? lio41' 4yitl you begin lite again?" she 41414111, "I have 11 little, enough for that, laid 1►'; ;11411 II'Ir4', '(villi tea''(' years' intrr(',t 1(4111)'!, 11 \(ill 1, hnf1.1(11(111 1 l') give me 11 start, ;Hid 1 :;hall Ito \Try 1641. 1)) not mtlosv Jay refusal to comply' 1'111 your \lii'hr'.; to disturb Try to hung -hie that i1 ;Mr. Forrester 1'011 never ktrown it t hl' 1110?) 11411''1'. 11411•' 1 1)on;41ht of 11141;.,11!x' 41 clt1dl'gl: 111 the disposition of .heti pruJ.::l'ty," Earle concluded, lightly. "lint the if exist;, nevertheless. Il' 11111 ,hake 1111' change; a1111, once for all, I 11'1!'1 11ot, 11;11'1 Jlly' v;lls11iIIl;') burdens. 54'1;4 1\11..1l Is hall 114 'i (t.',1::, 1;6':1:', (III 1)' '144v'lllietiI of nest Novo ,'her 1 ',toll d'• , First ' 114 \'xiionnl Raid: 1t this )11•,'4'0 111c 1 I 0 city ten thousand lul1ar , with a 3'el11''43 interest, to your credit," :111e asserted, resolutely, 1 Atea hi:')," she added, 14x. I i It in tubi ln' to say 411 yu1) 1hilt 11' thought ho could 0rrlingis 4141111' way for you 411 keep your 114':1(11 above 'hoard, if you will go to 111101." "1 thank .Mr, 1'1c'11ull, lint I think the term 'self5villed' nr.l'y be ;tpplled to smut.. one (1)4(4 besides myself," 1?(tele ans\v sea, r.11liliIigly, "Earle," cried the lovely girl, turning roll:,roily 014)111 hi'm, ;111+1 with srnr.'tling of her obi gll'ii4h inlpit'ese, laying one ',virile haanl. 'fru his, "if you won't do a:; .1 441)11 for your mn'II lslal:e, won't ,von for Jain? 111111'' -the color int.nrirting to her forehead as she made the delicate offer' -"nnl;l the year expires, \l'en't \'oil Ideasc go `o Mr. Felton lull get whit• '\'ter y)1 31 need .10 If Kirk, \vasever Impatient, mini rebel - loots i11. his life 110 was at that moment ht lac' cruel fate that kept 11;111 from 1. •441''1'.! hi; 111':1111' I ,:I !1i• ; 10 :!:, 1 11';.1 1111 1,111' '•1 ),I• ;1.,1! LeJrl. 1...1 !h•U!N 144'"1'! �!.,' !1'i I ;1411 1• ,(' , 0, Irl'ell ;'r :4.' :11111 , llr'1' 1;0.44 !, 1 0,1;1 'h 1'0;41 , ! , .;u:, 111.4:1 hi ,1'11:;1! .1. 1x'1'1)11±' i „i1 :1P:11 ; .It .'hl' 11 d !hall.' 1i;. !.;11'11 111:(1 !,110 11)4) 1 4.4111, 141:,1 ',;111,' 1'.'!1•'11 11' I:. 411' a 1 „11141''.1 ",1111'11 -;:1 I ..:4 f ill 411,\ 1111111 141• )1)11.-;'ll'4i1' 141114. , , III• 1111'!1 101'2111 I,, •t1i1i,'r 1 1i1011 1.1' i ,Il o 1,1111 ill 111ieI' t1,0 14111' 4., U„lt 6,101111; 01/111.1 e -I0 1)',i•11 Vim.; :1 jn Ill 101,1 1,'11 11) 114111, i Ile 1;ntlr(11 IU 1,4)1:' 11)411 ,111111 4111411 ; '1111, 11:' lett he had 1111 right to, 4111 11,:' 111)1 1 re , It ,1 141)' ('011111 h,.' 4'111411' 1 11,10 1.1 'I•:(hl!;.I,' 111' •-ti 1, l4;1, 1,1 ("41!4 ! •1,1111 r,'1'llg 1111)111 11, i:III 11, 00(1 0= 1111 Ili 1'1' i' let 110'.11nl ",' ' ;..111,1'1 1) tooting 111111 pl'x'tIl'e 111 thef reipl',II, i 11111•(` repeat Ib,' 4 414 4 11 41) ' ! 1101.11 style,, 4\'1111111 4\1111'llllt h1.; I14,11114: 111:11 for the 111,11, I entreat you II'14 file ;;I'I,lul'I'at14 )lls; !),Illoit to In. III, to t1':11I ,1 nee, for I 1:100111 (ell 1'041 holt Ili(.'. 11 54:1, 111111!, Ilp-11'11 R'Ul'k, 11051 • 11111'11 It i• 11, I'i`111,' anything you ask 1111', 1141'1'. 1,11' not 15 itllrl:iitthitig he had 1111471111 :11111 )an't'e,:at.!\' in that 1\,a1•. .1, t',1 ; ;1 Irllli:)Il, exit:l:(alien ;Hull 11)111 the illli'1', 11:,11'1 14id ;be to, Iv' 1, 1 11'11••1, admit le.! to 1111' 14,tr, yet i1. ....veined as It 1o1' 1 :1,1) 1 el!o ll! IIT al 1111' ell'+'"eII! ;01111' ,((Leel( force 1)l' ellelll ' 11'1)71 ;11 4401'11 11,(1Ils, 1':111 before that is ;,'ace 1 110) 1 to to 1,1'1'•4, 11'm 111)15'11 111111 keep hint 11.0111 b' in a 45114• to lHpply 1111 1n441re 111':',) . (41iu11'iu the !adder of either tante or I:dithlt Ivvl, but -•1/'o' 411.14 h': 114'. i- ; wcullh. i ,hull 44,1• nl'i,1iterIlrlc,:01d 7') lel the Itl,ll• ' :11id 11110)1' 41';15 sur')) all elll'lll4! ler d.01 for the time. ii~lone) I)IIIU) hila. 110 !x1111 '1'1111' 111)tded for :111 hoot. on yarwll; him tor 4411111 he had so di5huuulltl'I} (It the inlrrr0st the n(11111 manifested is In11'ic,, ;111,1 then 1,),;(1.1„;Ira 11) !:Ike 11), + 11')110111 el. .11'11101 hila 441111 lull 44)3(1 1•:170 so 11111'r }List, Ica \•c. the curl 'dor, calling hitt pllper. "1 shall he 44r)4ked '0111111 If 1 en n• 1101 have the duly net's," Earle ruin, bit- terly, a5 hl' spr:llIg impnlil ally In his feet, 11,' p'4!;ed 11p ;1 bit of silver, and, ell• :F^ to tial' 11101', hn1I211t 1) (;1111'1', 1:11; :11111, 114 if 10ei•:I''., of he 41'.4:1.•, 1111'1'• itr.1 ('n the full 111;11,' and then seatiat: llial'1!I' (',oultllrl4hli• itt Mlle choir :11111 plitt11ig his fret in ;mott., be 1101.'.)1 111 11;111, `11':Ir1114' 11;111 Ili' done '11 \(hell he 105;11'1' :1 shuffling step outside 111 the ,orritlor )11111 then there e0u11' a rnp on his do111'. 11-onlierin!tl'hn should seek. flim ;It 1111at hullr, lie arose and opened it, •'.11!, t!0ll•1'I-:1'411',1, 011'4' 1111, (11 111',‘,11t 11(1 v, 4 0 11 OU11) ml, 11 4411 a little 1)711 of hi4 head, he said, in :( 111i1't, a, ,(lin a1: 11'.5 for"; -You're the chap 1!1:11 conducted the ( ILirell east', al'('11'1 you?" '•1'0,, sill; 1'111 you 1'11110 ill 11111 11;141. :1 1)l' IS:II 1,1' 141;!'ed .)'Mill yet 4414!i :I 514 rhe rnli!e at ill:' 144)4 he hid x111111' -•r') him, 114') 5v,ii l,1in'. 54h4)1 1111; ratIll't' ,c 1111,,' 1111'1-nu;lge loll'd de -ire of boll. he 1)1:111 entered ,11111. -.I I (1,14)11 1111;1 hi, 14:11 on, 141'02 Earle 'la)' :y tel„ 1.4, 14..:11, 1111' •',1111'1 111611;r 1111)1! 1117't 11154'?" Ile -act, Iii4 •11)11'11 1'1'1, s'1111(b'rlllg from 1)411 11, 111, 1:11)14 1111.!0, noti0'm!! the )11!4.4 551;11 its. scall( eontl'nts, 1(1111 tion at the hoot.; un11',t111001 1111 their slu'I4e,, '•\n, sir, I 'L:1.4. 11(11 he'll 1-1 th'; 11'l.4k," 1':arlc r)nill.11' 11)1'),1, "','hal (1;tlt.1'1'll 4.4)1(! t4,ly .I 1011',41 0110, 011'4" 1110 111,111 111)0 rtlu0u•ke,l, 11111111,111', "11.1 10.4 1) knotty 111'11000111, 411:11 1= :1 1114)111))1 Ea 41C, „In)u'h:tt su:J,rl•(' 1 he tial; --- ant( 1111' 141, 1'0!x111111511') 4111'011 "11'oull ;loll Ilk' ;Illil!lel• Uf elle 5'1111' ;ti!1' lon�'11 411 nil: Ilial 10 eonlo n!:rul ; he Ie t4/ 111114 11100 %%Idyll h) had seennnl\ n limos l tL(nis:au; ,'urs(:" 'hr 011 1110 111'01'1'(1\1' 111 I1i111, 115 71111 1111'1 p!;114- ill 1)1; lu1•.,tl'rio,1- );111:' "('• uskell, with a keen 1141 (hill 0)11( 1:II01‘111;4 11011' lonely i4. 540111(1 be' I Ile hate(( hila for the interest 1\•hili!, "1 want 141x1:, ,i1, let it 1H. of 1411:)1 NIIII'll I'1'el'1'lpnll' 1'!ti1' If.I; SII g11y; Illi I a manifested in Ilius, ;lad also Irl'- 1:'0'1 11 111111'; and 111111 tf'1'ling to Ito 111• van lill'llald Forrester 101(1 1!1'7111•('11 him 1110.1 111141!I!I!,, in 1111 lIUll111':Ilt!e µ'0y," for hint 1:1 0411:'1 All', 1):111011 in hip 111.0.;• :int• mood:1100Int s)ll ,lid A•'I: h;411 In cell { I I 11;140 0 portion of hi.; ca,1 Fortino','•11•'11, 1 n, I :'11.0 give i1 td) you, I've 11:111 the former la) 11;11'071 1)) oppose and 11 1,1101 1:III 1 1 1501'1 11111'111 00111 whenever 111' 1)-a., at 1'1.^1',and ;h,' :1,1.1- 1 111111' 11th( r gplt'diiig ihf 'natter. 1 than tuft\• (101'11.1;111 klllll, 1'1,41'11 into 111, 111111 111!', t1'! her charming 71111,4 1 lit' Pili'(! 111401' 111'(101: 0 r Iebllion II'';i: 1:", ;11111 11 yuii pall Iant;e it, 01' '14 0 1:1! "1'1:1'!1' Ilieh!lyd's II'..II:, ;n'1' ;ell hove; ! 11 it ,t-411 ,'r for nu', ;1, AleS0 Ili.( it 14on't yon 10)1:1 ;11111 )1'.111 uill••1'!f of 1 a:11' one, and he ,lad al\1;11•.; poAses•:'(1 a 1)c a );' let 0 tun ;ulr- 1'1'1, ::1.11 1).;'14 11:0 11f the' fiN 1'111 in, 1 I 1 in:; 10.)11 ;.40.±;;"14 1,)11 • r4111ti.:n;! 11,1:1.!• Ill' 1;:'''n':r'I')I"I' 10.1 11 ,1 lee!( 111)11. buoy 11'11(1 .,1'11111, in Illi 14111' 111 any infill ( ehe,-',4 hot ;1,,,1in; x11,1 thele alrt' sl•': ' sll;ltel'rl fel" !"l' 1'11;;1 tl'1:1!.!ti) 11 41',1101 11111 110 for 111)11 tel 1'"411 :' 141111' st:it")n"Ilt '::;c'= riot 71111111! 41'1'1' ('ll 1111:1 111 11'.111 a moment ;11:11 she 14nii� 4141 1';11.11111!C n. l' „;1 Ir:'t'!J' ;111!1' (:1 14,1 :4141 bri!I;! 11'111 hi, p.;e1:01;4', ti u' ll;;: rr,ut: , Ilinl •111 ,lir' 1111' 011011 J?11ith1(, fur ;h", I •'r,e'r ti'r'e ...1.,11"i 1011 111''', ,-',,,, 41111 1111 Ilex menet', \vas aIln!rtI(4 (4 11111., 1 eau 111, I:;n,1' repl'e,l. 1,l, 1;101. .; (hell) '1!'1 n'4e1' 11n1 til. .,111111.:' Ile, 1. I ! I ;wt.% 1.4 ). It 111 17111! It 1111141 :111111 Hu, !'7Cl'0. 111101 taut a 1R'I'sittl)11' to 1:1:11; 1)111 rte 111'11'111,'x7 and :111\11'11" 11l'(411111.'71P;2; to 01111' I ± I:I1 1` 111 c0a111 )o tie 11HI1relll1' Alli,',(:!'I 1101 of hi- 1.1 ' , '11.11'.1 10, t 111, 11::).1).1 1.'•,l !Ill.' bouquet Illl.l,;la;l.i„' lIl 1.11' j 4141 ooh':,L E;;;"11., 101 11so .;(1 himself to \•roil. !o 14;111 a look 011 ktt,'11,11ess ;4:111 11 41s;. enu'l.o-etl of 54'1'1' 11'04!\. 1^.11•)4 1 crush 10111, lit the thoo_llt of 14,:1:. . ill 1 sheen 1111 III','^ht "401 1.'):1:.•, llll'011.II 1:15 efI',)1(.;, ninny It c!i• 1!t, '111 up in Ili; chair 11 111 1) time)'- (1.'1 T ""'' ( , 141, and d rh.i,l 1 1 eat, 51'1'1) 11'OUII! have gl:uli\• 14;111(.11 ltt;'a:• 11111111 full 111 ell:1'�5', :1101 1)1)) :01(11'11 4414'4 I,l''It,•, 411..1 11,'1 I 11 511" xs Inv1411• ;I 1.;:l nt :'1i5"4' 111 the 117'illiAni y1111ng 1a144)r-: 001•- f:;1;1I1 l.11ld cl"Ill „ 4 1.:1 1.1,e i;:ul 1'4('1'see1), ' 111111 their 1(4e3, 411)1(41) \4•olltl 11:11'&' 1111111 11':1 !11 11 1 'l l',''.t''1) :1'llllll'i(1;',!1' 11; 1!11'1' 1'1:'1` , v..).1.1.' influenced to go ')il'111.,re, t.1:•l 1') ''m it, :,veil :l help 10 1'.1)•11' it: (1(4.41' fir.•, .101.0 f4 ' or 4,7;1 !::)'i " I?!1114'.1 ,'1''1.. (!;;1'. rent to enrich the ltlrea;ll• 0111'• It I ',r;I11J►11', •Ilei!';; 1,1; 11)11!', 11;01. ILImllllt, 41 t him. '. 1' I for `:1)41 this 11:1):::- 111 ,1, "I 1.h. I l h;;(lir.! yl 41 \vom':I 111:11' today. You 44 ;11 :4,' .., 1.1 : ! me to 44'•,11 post :I 'lite.-r1'y (,_'!1 ,tlllas, 1111,' 1;1 1111•', 444: '1 Iai01. , "1 will .'.1y in 11111, .114.)1114 !270,1 \4':11 tit (tars( 0:1041 1?:(1'i' 4', .l ivo 111'1;',, :,111`11.1 t') 411/1:vi. til. 'l11,l'i :0,11;i1:',:1; (0)1111 111;1)11 (1'. :ala 111'11. 11 11:1..;4 111(,1' hi, 1'1•"; i11'spit:, of 1,114 111,1;101)11, 4111'1 '44'11 : -i1): 01' ;u 045 111411, for 111;:'!•.4•' )rile;un.: lord; \vlricll toll, flim Le ILl)I burn ''';Ilt 01.)'I,•;I 114,101) 1i' 11;4.; she had ''1114.:11 it fur )11!nt 1111114 11101'11- '11011:111Z 111' 111' 0110.1 101110 st1)-41',11`1" had 1'ul every ,'!ix- bl Spr.ly ;n ;15 place, and she 11,1.;1 tkon.61l 111 11'01 11;':' 4411 i':r. could not 1110ls 11 better living; but then (111, wIrr mitis( Le sdan'I there with ::e.'1.• people trent apt to be 811,4' of e11lployin;-r 411:111 he longed to say •,:0 1111:1., 'pri4on•bird5,' the old proverb 'set 0 thief 1\'00?11 not 111010 hint '444th the 1n 'etch n Thief' to the contrary not- r,•'nal ('lu'i.;t1):rt,; 1'ur',nn'r.t; but. '001,: wilh,t.tuullttg,Jr 01111.01 ;rave 10'1111 sweeter or 111111') 112l'.I'J- 1'1''1110' (.11,111 (11'' '1'1.,1'', good \1'i11 (nwt'',I men," ]1' 4111 pr'.I 1l1lr packla;;.' into an (.1o'ket, 11:'\•41' m;str0:d,inr_ I0..111 it, 111l1 been LIu1J'atr1l w'1:1, nil• that it, (.o11 - tent: 11:4.11 11nioek;:'.,I for Stunner I)altun the (11:'11' 1,) ;1 1111•."tery t4)lieh he had In1111 En11ght to penetrate i1) tonin. "'flunk. 41):141" h(' ..add, It; la, t:ti111114'' 1 ;Toying cof.,I'r:i or 401111' 1111111' 11010,1 111111 •44;)111)11(1(1" 1)')111itiu!'r of 1'111141:• 11411, for all this, he wall for Ilial.'!( (1011' )111'1;'e, in 54hic'll 111 lh•nv'd hi4u• t,lf ver•, 5ti11(4s.;t1l, 1130) not 11ufreipteat- 11' .r,lld)'d elle ;llllllll'xllnll nt Judge. j141'' 1!111) spectator: 114 h4.; Illtl'lllgell'.', lid ;!Il'1'll'11t;:'•H 11011 eloquence, Mt a (04)1 i' Sneer Illwa3.5 followed 1'y;':4 effort. 114(1h'r lawyers shrugged their shoot. dors 1110) r)m1!11'k''!,''0hat. a pity it 4l'es that sin 0111111 talent, 45115 not, better n)lrreei111'd, 1111d that the taint upon his name must always 01111' Itis life!" it was "a. pit}', ton, that so fine a young man otherwise to all 0utivn►•d appearance it 14ns Sunnier J)alton 14110 had set, this hall n -rolling, Hud had kept it in 11101io1 until the day ('111110 44'11011 1:ar1' 44;Is obliged to sit from morning till night in his office, 111111 110 one came 10 hila for 110viee of (4011119(41 Ile remembered 41'llnt 1?dilhlt had told him to do if he had need-gn to Mr. Felton Hud get enough for his 441049; but 1!e ting too proud to do ibis -he 10:11. ''I: fur til;5; ;t ;s very would be dependent upon no one but him - to 11.e; 1111'll .41)1141' (toy 1 wt1;'l tell self le enlFld have gone and asked '1114.4 von \\'hy and show you its contents. 1 n 1. u 1 n k 1 Phis 1111)1 114'11 411) yen 0')1'414-- 111111 al lnwyer In ;rife 11u'of:, nS he 1)1111 111 Ind n1' 11:4.;1.-rny)11, Int• iilt'uI 'l v he 4'ould (10; 1)1);1111 if he11111(1 r'colrsc t;(1o unld x•!sn 11.141 been d': tau}cul." his offer. 1':dulho would doubtless hear w !':11'14.•)1 Innisell 1)P i'n s111'pri5) At 111 4 of it, 0011, thinking hint in be 4111 need, n ' there \ynrdi, bol r.h0 l4 11'41 no Ill4e4tin11. I\ 11111 be and, unhappy th to 1 101'11 11)511'0\ /110 11'0; it pis )lhuly n time the tempter whispered, _Ills id'1)10 there was scarcely a dollar left in �iblr that Sumner ])Itlton s 111(0 eyes his )nese: ':);Id have il:0-scel ;)1;lthirst, of impure i ((\etre 111 1110, 111 n few more months any' 14''111'0 1)11)11 package? j 1'011 will hawe 1(111 to retch forth y0111' 1:11'1110 :u'cunlP;ulie(1 Dint lH the dont, 1)1111(1 and pluck the golden harvest which and milled 111(111 Ilial will, a,simple"good ri4hnrd ]''orfcsto' has set npnrt for you, night," niid thcn,\vcnl quietly and grave- ' and all yam, trials will b0 at 1111 01111." 11' to her own room. ,Jut silo hal; sent 1 TL needed but hditha'3 majority and 111111 forth full 141 cutn'n a ;lad hurl' in her signature to insure hint independence. spilt' of Its present_ loneliness and 1111- , But be would ant. Field. p1't)mi8lig future; and that bunch of "i will build 1111 my own foundation, holly 1•;±143 111e most Precious thing that or T will not build at nil," he \You'd say the 51or0l held fur hint that day; the nt such times ,with gloomy brow mill firmly compressed lips, but with un- daunted resolution, 011e evening 1.m sat in his office more Several m01(1)4s passed, and bravely did thnn usually depressed. Earle \\'ay;e battle with the world and ile had not had it .single call during fate, the wee(:, and now, ns it \1'as beginning Chollfull}', too: for, although 14e did to grow dusk, he yielded himself up to hat Permit himself to see much of Jsdi- the sad thoughts that oppressed hint. 41111, lest lis purpose not to speul: of Tt 1'tns 1)eginning to storm outside, amt 101'' should fail 11'111, ye:, in his heart he 119 he limited forth into the d1s nal street, u feeling of desperation and dreariness Ca1110 01'01' 11)111, 811(4)1 ns lie lend not 'x• pericncell before, 111'9 office was excessively gloomy, for Ile did not (udulgc much in the iluxury of gas 11owadnyS, since he hail not the ,wherewith tai pay for it. ]lis Purse lay upon 1,1)0 table before 16111 -he had loam inspecting; fig contents and counting los money, All that remained to lain( in the world 41119 !t. two -dollar bill and sonic S11mli 1)1cecs of silver. "It 0011 ]keep me ,jIIS1 one 11.1(41: longer, not counting (n any Iviishiug," he mut- tered; then adding, will' a grim smile; "and it lawyer with dirty lyrist bands 1171(1 cnllnr is not likely to invite many fair giver l'Sc111ted. CHAPTER, N:11. 0000 t x'}00000,;:; 000 Consumption is legs deadly than it 11)1111 to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery • will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and -Strom`'., Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS; 60o. AND $1.00. 0000 4 ; I1'y1.:r 00': 3 O '' 0000 Is) 0 0 0 0000000 "Let 111, take your list, sir; 10131711111114 Ila' this 4Sl,:IIi(4lltd knot 01 your.;, ;111,1 110'11 se). t'; I::I t 1'111) 111 doe,: trit11 11." ''1'11:' ,Han rem,)ved 16, lull, 111111 Earle Il''s' 'dint it was 10)1):1 (111 0( H:1)el'1•', . t• which he 404111)1 0111, 11pr-11 1 el.' 1111)1(', 1)101 111411 ))11111";tee;I to 11111.041 111'0 cnri, u''hie'll lie 1651eti the }''ono:, LI\v'ytr t0 take c4.3iig' of, A long conference fol',lwi,1; r)ue•ti:m after, question Iva); pat ;old au'swered, ;11111 115t)•y );iper 100001 ill10 1011,1 PX - 0010111, ;11111 1111' chock on tin. Ir,''.t v it,rrl.r llt:nr by struck the hour of 111.01- 1li i4!. !1111')' ,:1F04'71 :;:r,It,;e visitor ;ell, bin;, 01:'11 a '1011°.;::1);me rclairin•,; ler ::; 11 1':1, This he Alit! 'trot denuaul, but the hl:111'0 I:cen eyes (rail more 11;)10 nn,) rested on that '11!711' pocket 1)010 lying 11)11) 1 the twid'i', ;ra;i 'lie dultl)LI(''s knev thut it wet!'k! Ilett come :,(hiss. .1111' t.4.',' n":;t four 1100'!ho; Farb. 11:)11 no 111:!01 to c,lmpl:;,in of a Lick of 0.1x1:-- nigItt and 11.11• I:le l'ok:), (Iui'l:'y, steal!11y, )41'.J•tlally, ;1 ,114411 1+;11110.,4 11 '.ire:' 111 11:5 1,411', a 10 .11 in 1115 fine ('11:5 1111;:'11 11;4':1111 "1'i( 109'1'," 11 ,:1:14 ;1 1 c5u'il wits 'Phis (,1st', lyil'cll )tarttl proved 0 01117.1 imrl;;esin,; 1)111', 1.;0 fi!t 11,I,1a'(,I Hien',, either -make or tiva'' 111,; 110'41);' fat tire; ,)1;1, if there 441):;11;4 such 1:! l;'; 116 4\'in easily handled at (lice the lige ,riven fling, 11.E was dt4t'.'rn:intd 111 coil11uer. for iHra)Iexvid seeill1nge, because the It was 10 1.104[. 10 1 1111 1 1110 first of (•outtl llrl";1;11', Ile had lam( about four months to Ivor!: (elle':, pri..e It Illll'llh the 11141 few day. of l i1e 11;111, (To be c.nrltinnl'il.) A�.� AS A COR, Pit's r rot:g'14t ,lac]: eke 1'uddy t;l.)yi of Health, ') „1,, •1414. )11 1 ,4. 11' 1,'0'. Po 411'4 11-0 !hill' 1,.00'1. )t 10:1 111(1 4414 1,, •11:41 :11 ale lul:'I'il' 4,0 1111'', 10'1'51', :IP. Ila (1'1)1 , III, 111'0 LI11 ; bl'l 1114+{; -;I 1;,1 Cu' I ;,J!I'141I'I 11111(1)lly :44 1110 11•:11 4•„'1'l ill, -11101', 1411:' ;:1111 1i II:,I\' 111-V0'I0J) 11111) 1'011- 114110•-, 111- I'l:ll,l Aril 1"110 •, Il;'Iriil11t 14' ;wended lel)'ll'd 1,1, ` il,,enlia moon-, h11,,elle" ,ce4=, 1.)r. 11-1I I' (:,:•' 1 1(11: ('ills Mak,' pure, rel! blood 1.00'• 111 101 rel of their 511(4''46, 11 iloue :',Ilea, .11nn!r4al, 1401,, -.111' "f 44,1 -0 11('111; ;11)x) 1'1111 1111\1'11 (11x1 111' 11'1111,1. 11('111:111 1 54:1; goiig jut)) con' e 11:1'111 11111. I 141Is ' ' )1111 114 11 4) 1'p,e, f{l4; 1.!x,(4 1!11'11' 1.111111:IIti poll( through, 11;1,1 lin 1'11)0!:i 111111 111'1 11(71- Slee11 well. lite, 'I11(':1' Ill;it, 4'ellusl' 1(11(1 blltck 1)11- 1';''! e' 1'1'11011 tired no. 1011 1'.1111 11 I a -, 1•,'1,;('11 illumine 11111' IV:ly 111:e a f 4.)11!;111 a °en' I1lo,'k. 1 v.oi 111;''11: t el ''11 t.,1 1'111' meteors, have indeed u 0;' !tllle..: 114 s; -:I ,'r 11'141 -ell 11:1 to 44,.01!"rfl l power, fur will) ti, light 1141•:,' 1)t., 1'.'ill;;un•' 1'1110 1010. 111141 11(11'4 \.'1141 ;I thl'1 plod,'' 1+'ilhin their own nr11);.r 1'11'1)1 fox n fes• 41'1"'1::+ 1 :111) x41 11 !',,lies In 11 00111 ;;11115', (174;111}' Illll('I'l.'llt (r, 111 11),' fire of 1/111111111 agency. 111 many species there 4:)1)1171 to lee 11 rein:mint reason for this brill':ulcr, 1)0 W11 alli1)ig the truss ,)lades are lowly, tying - less ercu1!io' , the female fireflies, which, 1.1., twilight. f:1!is, leave ticir earth'rn h41rro\f, i41 the turf and, c1':lwling slowly t, the summit of the. plant, disphty the lint• ,:)Meeh)( 1vll;ch nature hits kindled s\''t 11;1) 1 Ilei i,l:d'ew, l ,u overilead )10)4)1 the 41rungr•\vinged !Hales, seari.1'u'_ for (heir minute insect (1'1 t he wra)ip41. 111'11111d every 1(1)x- '11111- 11101!, 11,'111;; gii'Sitig 1)111'.1 115'(41' 4111 111(3 11,1'(111= 10'141'1' cured :1114' 11111' 11101 sow"- ,h1111nu'y ton i4e;i!re ((1111 apparently heed - limn': they Ito 10(1111 harm, If your deal- er' (toe; not kelp the genuine ,'ill:+, they 44111 111' ':II 01 sot cents :1 1101 n1' 51x b'r:c for ''''.5t) front the ler. IA111'1)1111.; \l'''!ieinr ('o,. 11roelIville, (int, ROMANCE OF T11" FIREFLY. Lightning Hugs Do Their VIit ling \Vitlta out Artificial Illuiu1:i tat, to 11!1 5viltl'rentores fire 114 le niyuteri• 1,11:; :1011 11141('41 1hiog,althongll 11 i.'c often : u fii,eiulll.iu;:' 111111 they a ill s114ivi trans- fixed, 1, p1//lug 11t the stl':111:!(' 1114,1., the hoolr'I', ,IIIIIt101II, creeps op 1Ntlllllll )10111 4.11,)011 101111, Jn the depth of the ,•t,41, where the son is. )111',1'l I'll'-' to 71'1411 11 nlll,rl4 1.1)1' of 10)1)1 1(11! 51:11'111! ll, 11141,' live 111:111 t.1;';itegt. 1h'111,s, fish 1(1td %vitro's, which It1 1111;11111 f lel, n^l'llnlenl9'lll. spot), and patches 1111'• lush their 11510 light. Of these 1')'a (ell: 441' 0110+5' nnl.hi11g, ('x)4)141 froth the 1'1'11;;• ,('e1as 154,0'!1 141)' hrnu;;at 10 1110 surface Ir\• 1111' 1)1'111'_1'; kit 01'11• 1,111' !11'111.7 11111 Ilrl)_e,, 1:1: oll:!,!111116 111(! 6111111111'1' 111)4013 511' (nay 0.1.' sail, dull(' most itltere.-ding ex,n;!pl)' of creatures which produce their own 11'!111, 1'1111,4' of 41'i;t'll,•'1' the moon shines 411114' it ',1'hothl'r an u1'crcn7t sky the 1111tdcl:1 of nights, the fire. 1 1(4)414 iii 4 ;'11orl health, ;1101 111141` :I good colic,- 1411;1111 every wea0, Biel;l4 girl .^1,,'1'111 1 ,): ' I)r. 1t'illia11l,' pink ,'ills'' til. \',illillnl,' Fink Ili)).: 1111)1:1 Hell 11')1 blood 0)1,1 in this 14114' 1111111' fight 111 111'- Dv:), 1''f 511111 tl'nlll,le; 01111Glenll;l, Pion. rhe1171mtiSnl, `I, \'ilu; dance, .31•• 5111'.'1 i!4.4 of girlhood 111141 \'nlll;tll- hoo:! 111,1 :1 hall of otlui' every day 11r'1'I1!es, and curl. them. 11)11. you 1111151 'r 't the genuine 1'''111 the full 1111110' 1)r. 11';iii;11ns' I'inl; ilius fl'i' fate 10'11)14" YOUNG MRS. ARE Pi. 1'E:NED FOR FOREST PLANTING -THE REASON WHY.. Por1•U'1• planting (litter, 011:1.0 friss(( ,',her tree :1:it;t111 111 the 41'1.15 of the I 1104 of all 1)1'01)1 thele, 1•'t when the ,1;111 1'4114 hlal,'n hung out 11•'411 110111)- 1 0Pe. 11!411175 11',111 the gl'11"5 hull!(' is seen, 1i11 el' -4 is forgotten and the beetle descends top!\ court. to the poor, wormlike crew• tour, so mnhke Ilius ill appearance, but 4111',-e lilt;' illumination is ht's it lige of nnhil;1.14, The gallant. suitor is as devot- ed 1:- it the object 1.,I' his affection 11'(11'(! ('1141 'n all the gay coleus 4,1 a butterfly, Le i fortunate if, when he has 11;1('11'11 the 71111)101 nnlollg 1114' grosses he 1', 11!:1 find a hn!f dozen fireflies be- him. e- l'1' !11114 11'!1111 insects seek their elates by day their r•),:l11,'!(30tic e)I'rs or forms only 1;•res II;In1c11. 'file 1re4: e lei ,111y ti: -^d Le confused 1'1;111 tell surrrlauliug oh- (1 ei1•r 114e1'A.;1 ((hull' ;1 (1101 J('1''•°; ()1' (hose R•1111:!) 1)y ,light are ((1(1e for tali, m1' in t1:ut marvoloas 4vay to fallow the 1gl;l, lltlil 1101\' (1111 L' 1 11) )l0lltl.'1ll 11 i 1nin,rsf. 711''04 up 54'1011 ,nay have diff'. evergl'e')n 111' 1'lalltl'i'111i-, ti'l'e;, 1 ,:II i" 4y1!va (Toss e'llr rl'Its of ;111' are etl- 114 rnn ,!nil) a 1)11)4 1)1'1115'; (bila (I,'tilter)d. But the female firefly, wait- ' t , • . are severale.o-oai 4'114• .11:'1) 1 14111 1,;11'))1411' 11041 h)1' 101111' leaf, 11113 114' .1)c I In('rlll:t',)d (;Ppurlunil ' for winning her sr,all 11415 me m ed, \'cry )r,wiucmt nlntt,, 1'.114 I n•nr,der�ii Soule firefly h11s 140)1 n. these i; 4l') Iluc�liun of eh11 11(lll'73 11111 h:lst('uod dt wuw•ar.( tuwlu'(1 the 111 raking, handling :1(01 tl'allsp:rl'lillg the fit l';Mitre g)n1 11111'1 Ave sometimes see ill ,,::edl'tlg tree,, 11 sues without saying, for instance, that it 14i11 be cheaper to have ground occupied by s,e)liug4 only ttvo }');urs and then have it free Ior ;(11- nt11'r lot ofseedlings, rather than to, keep these lit 111 seedlings over for 1t 41:0• or two 1nu1e a 10 hay) 4110111 oonhl, I:1olad that might he used meanwhile in raising more seedlings. There also sav- ed the cost of trade,), Il(tIng which would b) 00('4'1;..at. if (sorer ('111(1 54ei' taken of older seedlings. Seedlings of hardwood or broadly:;4;''l trees older than t11•) year; 11114 seldom used in forest planting. 'Phis is because 1)10 040414.111.41 101 tree; fiery "11'11• d"(1o1) 0 44rollg system of rout;; and 11n (40k, for in -ince, or 11 hl4I.nry or a 1)11(10 lo- cust of over two years i4 not at all 4114' tela heart of decayed wood, mistaking ;( patch of fuxfire for the 1ov)light of which he was in search. In other species the Indy lightning ling is 111n1•c fortu- nate in p('ssesi tg wing 81141 is ilble to fly abroad like het• mate, .1IILnu111 Alis phnphorescenve leas been nreros'opically cxnuijnrd, it is but sli;',Ltl14 under4tood, 1.1'e know, how• ever, that it i8 a wonderful process of couIl4St 0)11, by 11111011 a. bright light is J,rrnit:41'11 11;!10111 heat, smoke or, in - (114)')), fuel, );cepa that provided by life processes in the tiny body of the insect. _.- :4145• \loll(. 11151. Where Do the Old Thing's Go? People kept old things a generation to get 111' 0111 (el' the ;_round 1111(1 pot in ago because they 514)1 1141(1 time to keep again• to ,nets nut tree.4 rot pretty .:t''' Mein, They 111)4 ill h because they ly b) planted Ii1lhe there 1; danger fro'n animals to th' ymu;g4 (ve't's) by hall time to !muse the sentiments that making a hole throe or four inches deep come! of the sense of association -which with a pointed ;tick or iron moll 0!111 sense nmt(11' 411(4)10 want to I:Cnp them. phicirg in or, hull, olive io. fourEvergreen (or coniferoli,,') trees eau ne (indent lives 1111ve to attics, any .more 1111111 modern 1(01171(443, They haven't the, space to spare. They don't keep old dio1'1.3 on 111011' 011.11 fernnnt, 1101' •lin, 1.1)14 ore of 11110')) 5111\'(11' 4)1(1 letters, ribbons, tl1•i1kott5, photo - 1 (111(1 do not login these roots le on their friends' account. nearly a• rapidly ns brllndlenred .II (s. l,,,p'ciall mol 1)111 photographs, Friends up in, and low, on (1)c last nigh( of \ otll_' 111'5 till the 11_1)' 0010)'41 x41011) 1114 Interest to 1,11' really modern person `;r'�It'n41„g, he sol, u'rnin alone in his t>!' irxnsP11rlt111!' 111111 putting o11t on 1111 11'11011 they are of the type, whose various Iic,', 1111)1 I'o111)'d 11)10415'11111 weary brain, area. to 1(c planted better better than actlunotp)lns'3, us link )40d'r, un, 0111, Lot 4+'111 It smile of s;lli5falt.inn lighting elder tree; do, and the runt, ore Iots of 1111 rapid'uu(1 p11inless sort, 0011 who, u)) 1,1., 1'hii il.IL.,is l of hire weary wl.e 01• li0:elr to h) Iujmr''ll' 1l ro11..;li 1(11 chn.11'ges, kccp nl)•e'ast with ,011 if b'tt'rnl.i5 1'11;111 rested 11011' 1111 11"illi Ltoe's m:Iy b' 1171(? 1171 will 11:1 i.hc 110111'. \Vhy, 1.1011, p1111t I'8Pl'r•, all. - that dreary night \\'hon be r(((ifch 41)71 stuck hoopllt from a nursery. This !0:ly Q1• nny other memorial, of perinas ,In first visit from the thin -visaged ratan. often be got along I'(tal1idh; or nal the tecc(1I'1 to 1111 actual moment - 4 I 110'1 r'.: nl' wncdl:uld5, '1'141 "ling tret'1; (earl,( 414;'143 a (liffef. He was r.asonabll , 4111 n[. 011116,, 0414 t I I r ))tiudi( 41•hcn vow 1 mll.h4l;ulding lilac the opposing council . enc .11,(1 'Yll 41115 one of the oldest 0011 11111051 lawyers 11114 4411(11. 110 all Il things go? i! 1110 city, and he 085 a4\•ure 111114 it' 110 ;satiny( 1110 4110. against hi111 he (41)111(1 1104 the intrri(r 111' the woods'. 1l c)1011'!'' 1)1511 paper Uasla�t, along wlih the ftti,11,'d to b0 looked upon with respect in (011140, 1310 111.1111 suffers, i favors sono F(lntut t 11, preserved for it n (maple. for example), should 0141111'7; he taken front 7111'0 open )Mules rather than from deep \Y)nd if they are taken from being, 4vere, -von? where i t the old They cannot. all lightly (110:1 into the It proved la 10dious trial, for n. \vholc week wits occupi'11 in hearing the cast.', 11101 ns point AfI11' point, taunting 111111 'on1i111en11(1 in the extreme, came up in opposition to the prosecution, and was 1:111111,' and carefully rebutted and overthrown. it was plainly to be 9cen that the tilde of popular favor 1405 turn- ing in favor of the young 111111gif (4) is 0111 In b1'• too violent for them, :1501 wetly dross of menus and cotillion 1'11 a V reserve ,._- __4111.•.. _ half a soon, Apt i;l'd:n•i101r}' mter�r ii know that since the poor 1►aue )icer growing richer it is 11111th atom, difficult to give away 111(1 things "advantageous - SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. llnl,y's own Tablets contain no opiate, no 11111(401;1, no poisonous drug The ly"nlonning old c101.111471 nypeetnlly. Some mother 11•ln) uses tile,:' 'tllhlets for her of 11:x, T non sure, 11'enr (410111 3 indeed children has the g11nrnnl1) of It Govern- df which we feel that our s'erwamt5 would went analyst as to the truth of these 1101 approve for th'lnlsclwes Th the key ( statements. :451'"r, land Early felt 111)14 hitt \Y)nry ln• f,,u,' he used with absolute safety, and subterranean business (it nulsh be vast, ','his m<'lIeile eon there- ) to the mystery to be found in that vast hr.1. of 111111' 1110111115 hall leen 1011 Spe111, it. always 'titres such troubles las indi- 1 since we are ',.old that millions are 'n- it' it gllilled hill( even this. ;,e1lion, sour sto aeli, constipation, dint'- I vested in it) which nets ns an int4'nn(ll- :1nd who shall describe the eloquence ,hoc:' and yolk., The '.,';tints cure slut-iary between what 601110 011111 110 cast off that flawed from his lips,, l s, with 11:1 p!„ fevers. 1)'('1(14 u) '01(13, dcst.rny I and ahem want to ncquire? And who whole heartin his work, he stood up b'- worms and m114e teething easy. Mrs. are the. people who 43II to the seller of ('11111 111' multitude and 0111110 hi9,plr'1'• W. 11. Young, Bodin) till('... 110;143: "1 old. clothes? From 1111104 class. or classes 11 was clear and 14131ci51, witty Anil hive used Baby's 115140 'i'nblcl.s as 111'1411'11 docs he recruit the 11Pp(tr elemcsntR of Lr;;:i:1111---;t lun.71lcrpi:'c1' of rllotaric, l:':;;1', fur ,nor' than 11 y)'1)' 0011 4\onlll Hol, he )1i'; ,rude? Tilts nut 1114,)141 to be fir.' )11'11 )''ulche:ile evidence, co:niin)(1 tyi!h n :itlient them in the house. '.They are n'f nil perishable ncennutlnki0n,9 per the:1' 1)l ;ll knowledge of :tel ih' int 4i:'4 ',..•:0 1114' thin;, for teething babies an(1 cl'ptibly enlarged an industry which, (.."'4, (.f (i!' 1:!41, ;(1311 4411;:'11 1111 11111 hill ;.;I!': I;;icor l'1lln4nt.l(.'' 'I'h4'I'(bllls cost after :1111 is in the 'nail chiefly of n. (fac0 11) nlpr145 "%ery hearer: nn;l, when 1:'. 011)" 1).4 cents 11 box and may be had whose le(11sel to mix the thing's of sen - List ile sant down, cheer lifter (fu'Ir (Ivry, ;16:0 1;lctli(in4' (1c':11cr4 01' 1'y- "1.111 (runt tint(nt with material things is one of :11"1 ti Perfect, s10'111 of 11P1)11111" that the 1)1., 11'illi:tnls Nellie;nc Cu,, Brock.its great powers? \14111 not the 1040 r ' PD , vip,,,, R since , spirit things, 911 51v)nl11 not b( stayed testified In the 011- \t4.•. 00441 nu\dial ..Pnit 01x1114 old to ;, , mirntinn nnli conviction which 110 11011'x• '-- we decline to be unduly sentimental riled. Both Out of the Same Can. )1101 1110ro nbnttt our pose Plrne(�w in It was 0. proud nutm'uf for lane('' (1108(011 Trnuse'rlpt.) g;eneral?' )1'nyn', Poor• d('4pis111 'olri'I, nn'1 Star Actor -1 must blsls( ?!r, Stager, on ]�1'on1 "The Point of flew," i11 the 50041114 -11)1:11(111nn, 711t'ing; thnr/, 11'0)1(1 all, 1101101 ron1 food to the bnnquot scone,110 y Scribner. ;1101 ground his teeth 111 fiercest. rip,.�Uuull;l1'-Verb well, 1,ions If )1/u 111911i. .pee ll) hnd not I4rtow11 of the cage 11o( 11 111• on (hot yon 101 be supplied with real poison Each Willing to Wca, Iti the (tenth (013710, g . most the la;st', having been ngnni at New-d•� ' (ltetigondorfer 171netter.) 1)01111 11111 !t' ha dgot 1)11.0 till. 1)111)1'14 1'c'• Gently, and ]r.arle's name nA Barefaced Act.s counsel for (Toronto Star,) Malden Indy (rescued from drowning, to clients." the n'osecution had attracted his Alien I her rnsruer)-110117 can 1 over thank you, 1 l ((teen cents for n shave! It's bare -faced noble young man? Aro you married? Just then n newsboy passed through tion, 0011 ]►e had returned to the city and robbery, "No; have 'you a grotty daughter?" • PAGE FOUR---TI>IE BLY'1'1I STANDARD --DUNE 6'1.1-1, 1907, JAS.McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING 13USINESS '1'RANSAO'1'ED, 8 LYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons Melling to sell will do well to place their property ou our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respoot• fully solicit your aocouut. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to 3 P.M, Business Cards. A, 13. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, lite. Sue - tutelar to G. F. Blau', Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. FROLTDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR. liai Asters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Otflces-Those formerly occuppied by Messrs. Cameron and bolt, Goderioh. W. Proudfoot, K,C, ; It. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. 0, E. LONG, L.D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Au honor graduate of Toronto University. 0111oe over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. toop.m. W. J. IIILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M., Uni- versity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Con oner for the County of Huron. Otl'iee, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of THE STANDARD, Blyth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables O 0000v0Q I)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. Q Qv00000 First•class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others regith'ing 'rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. __.---___-.-- KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTII. • Was estnbllshed 20 years ago and by Its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become oue of the largest and most widely known onmmer- etal colleges In the province. The de- mand upon us for commercial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Cata- logue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. 7,(71-i-n-reaiD .ve.h) s1 upwards mtje gtuttl gtattbarb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. 'I'HUIISDAY, JUNE 6, 1907 London Methodist Conference Meets at Goderich. ttuv. W. J. Ford, L. I,. It„ of Glencoe, 1• the President The ministerial session of the Lon- don Conference opened at Goderich ou Wednesday morning lust at 9 o'clock, The president of the conference, Rev. David Rogers, presided. The secretary of the transfer com- mittee reported that Rev. George 1'. Salton, Ph.B., Rev. James Charlton, and Rev. John Lawrence had been Maly transferred into this conference. The number of ministers now on the conference roll totals 239. A unique feature of Wednesday's proceedings w.ts a jubilee service, which was held from 4 SO to 6 o'clock, in honor of the following named min- isters, all of whom have spent 50 years in Ole Illirlistl'y :-George Brown, Dr. McDonagh, Dr, Langford, I•:, Kershaw, John Kenner, S. Bond, Dr. Williams, E. Hoboes, 'Minn Kennedy, E. Fes - sant, .1. C. Pomeroy, On the second ballot Rev, M, J. Ford, L. L. 13., of Glencoe, was elected president. Mr. Ford's opponent was Rev, A. H. Going, of Exeter. On the first ballot Mr. Forel secured 10.1 votes 114 votes being necessary for election. AI r. Going on this ballot. secured 49 votes. On the second ballot 31r, Ford secured 159, Alr, Going securing 48. REV, W, J. FORD, L.L.D. The new president of the London Methodist Conference, Rev, \I', Ford, [,.L.B., of Glencoe, has been a member of the conference since 1881. Prior to that time, however, he had been stationed in another conference. He has occupied a nunther of import- ant charges, His first station in the London Conference was Berlin, where he spent 1t39t and 18fS2, front there he went to Port Stanley, remaining two years, going in 1835 to Essex Center, where he was stationed for three years, In the order named he spent one year at Forest, three at Parkhill, three at Dresden, two at Clinton (Ou- tario Street Church), three at. London (Centennial), three at Essex, and tiro at Glencoe, his present charge. He was financial secretary of the Windsor district for two years, and he occupied the same position in the Exeter district for one year. Mr, Ford has also been chairman of the Sarnia, Chatham and Windsor districts, He was iu •1891 assistalit secretary of the conference and a year later tilled the position of secretary. The ceremony of the laying on of hands was followed by the presenta- tion of Bibles to each of the eight candi- dates for ordination, the Bibles being tokens of authority to preach the Word of God, and to administer the Holy Sacrament in the congregation. Special music was rendered by the choir of the church, assisted by Rev. H. D. Moyer, of Kingsville, and Itev, W. E. Millson of Rodney. The young men ordained were Messrs. W. A. Gifford, Stratford ; F. Racraft, Wheatley ; J. F. Knight, Cranhrook ; Robert Pearson, Calaary ; R. J. Currie. Walton ; David Hicks, Itodney ; George Sperling, Alberta, and W, J. Walden, Toronto. Messrs, Spading and Pearson aro going West, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, submit- ted a resolution petitioning the Con- ference Programme Committee to give the laymen an evening session during the Conference. At present, Mr, herr and other laymen pointed out, every- thing was arranged to suit the con- venience of the n►inisterial members, Hamilton Conference wits said to bo one of the best from the laymen's stand- point, Laymen, it was thought, ought to be given it chance to take part in the Confereuce devotional exercises, The new officers are as follows: -President, W. J. Fawcett, Brussels ; Vice -Presi- dent, W. H. Korr, Brussels ; Secretary - Treasurer, E, S. Bunt, Llunbeth ; Ex'• ecutive Committee Messrs. J. H. Chap- man of London, Dr. Bartlett of St. Thomas, Wm. Ward of Dresden and 0, 13. Keonleyside of London Ont. Mr. Korr, speaking for the new Presi- dent, who was absent, thought there would not be the best results until t he same interest was put into Christian work as there is in the stores, farms and other lines of business. Much valuable information was con- tained in the Statistical Committee's report, whidi showed it total member- ship of 50,400, a net increase of 1115. There wire received on trial 2881 per- sons, 1985 by letter and 791 on proba- tion. The loss by certificate wes 7740. The missionary givings totalled S48,017 an increase of 52014 ; the superannua• tion fund 812,021, inereuse $4111. Small decreases were noted in contingent and suyteritation funds, The Sabbath Observance Committee commended the work of the Lord's Day Act and the Ontario Government for refusing to allow Sntidny cars at Port Arthur, The new law, it was pointed out, excluded thousands of United States Sunday papers and gave it, rest day each week to 75,000 Cenadlan workmen Sunday cars, visiting din- ner parties, grave decorations end fun- erals were Iisapproyed. Ministers were recommended to preach on Sab- bath observance at least once a year. A request will be sent to Wingham district to pity a deficit due the super- annuation fund, The Women's Illissionttryl Society asked for the practical sympathy and support of conference in the work. Rev. W. H. Graham, of Goderich, the Conference postmaster, was pre- sented with a purse of gold in appreci- ation of his untiring efforts to please the delegates here, The presentation was made by Kenneth Beaton, A hearty vote of thanks was pitased to F F. Lawrence, the local Grand Trunk Railway ageut, for tho many courtesies extended to members of Conference, Probably the most Interesting figure in Conference, Albert Tobias, of Mora- viantown Indian reserve, joined in the discussion which followed on tlhe sale of alchohol to Indians, Mr. Tobias believed it would not do to pot an Indian in jail and keep him there till he told where he got his liquor, The white men who bring it around, he thought, were to blame, Conference decided to meet next year at Exeter, [Owing to some difficulty in the ar• rangement of stations we aro ►maple to give the final draft, its the report has not reached us at time of going to press,1 CHURCH NOTES, Communion service was held in St, Andrew's church Sunday when 13 new members were added to the church roll. The evening subject was "The Elder Brother." Rev. D. Carswell. pastor of Duff's church, 3icliillop, and Cavan church, Winthrop, will preach in St. Andrew's church morning and evening next Salo hath. The members of Trinity church are preparing to give a dither on .Iuiy 12.111. Londesboro. 11... J. 't' o► ► 5 M. Crawford fo d iy t lot G } t with muscular rheumatism at present. Miss Smith, of Clinton, was the guest, of Mrs. itobertson over Sunday. Mrs. 11'arwick, of Seaforth, was the guest of her brother, Mr. Melville, this week, Mrs. Coventry, of 1Vingham, was the guest of her sister, 3Irs, Bell, on Sunday last. Rev. H. E. and \frs. Curry returned from the Conference on Tuesday. Our Methodists are preparing for a lawn social to ho held in the near• fu- ture, The Presbyterians will hold one on the first of July. The Cradle. Love, -In Blyth, on Saturday, ,Tune 1st, to Dr, and Airs, G. E. Long, a Soo -George Stuart, Mc\'iTTI1:.-In East \'awanosh, on Nifty 23rd, the wife of hfenr•y 31c• Vittin, of twins -girls. Sco'rT,-In Blyt h, on Nifty 22nd, the wife of Richard Scott, of a daugh• ter, Tho Altar. SMA r,t,-McDoNAi,D.-At Knox church, Auburn, on Julie ,nth, by Itnv, Dt'. McLean, Rev. John Lincoln Small, B. A,, of Blyth, to bliss Edna McDonald, of Auburn. KElta-BitowN,-At the residence of the bride's parents, Brussels,,, by Rev, A. 0, Wishful, on June 41h, Mr, J. Leslie Kerr, editor of THE BLYTH STANDARD, to ,Miss L. Jean Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Brown, The Tomb. 111cDoNAI,D,-In Hallett, on June 1st, Malcolm McDonald, aged 61 years, 01.0 newspapers for sale, Good for putting under carpet. 5 cents a bundle at TIIE STANDARD, MARKET REPORT. -Wheat 85-85 ; Barley 40-40 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 21-22 ; Eggs 15-16, CE 1VI ]E ]STT $2.20 at Me PHERSON'S. POLLED ANGI,S Bi?LL 1FOR. SER. VIDE. -The uuderl.igned has for ser- vlue on lot 39, con, 14, Hullett, a Riggs• tered Polled -Angus Bull.• -Joni WAL• DEN, AN OPPORTL'N ITY for you to secure a Manitotro ]Farm at an exceptionally reasonable figure. A quarter section, 4 miles to railway, all well fenced, 00111• Portable house and stable, also granary and piggery, plenty of good water the year round. This farm, including this season's crop of 60 acres, can be secured for $3250, 'The pureheser may secure a free homestead within 16 miles, Apply at once to R. A. McQuarrio, Clanwll• Ham, Man. SHINGLES. -Red cedar and New Bruna- wiek white rrdur In abundance, N. Clnfl' & Sons, Planing bull and Lumber Yard, Seaforth. New Wall Paper In which your choice can certainly be found Tho new design s draw t xelualvenees o administration from all who see them They are not simply pretty they are really beautiful. We have pretty dainty stripes, realastio floral, Dresden and chintz et - foots, tapestries, artistic two -tones, silk and brocade effects, 111 fact everything you could ask for to decorate the walls of your house. These papers besides being remarkable for their beauty have the additional at- traction for a remarkable low price. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. West Huron Liberals. The annual sleeting of the West Huron Liberal Association was hell in iloderich on Jlondny, The convention was largely attended 11,1(1 the r;everal iill8S110118 111041 enthusiastically dis- eussed, The election of ollieers for the ensuing year resulted as follows ; ' President, heaps Young, Auburn, Vice -Presidents, 11, J. ,Morris. Loy- al ; \\'nl, Bailie, Dungannon, andJohn 5tilotx, liin►ail, Treasurer, Jos. Bell, Carlow. Secretary, Chas, (,arrow, Goderich. Auditor, W. J. Paisley, Clinton. Chairmen of Alunicipalitiers Colborne, Alex, Young, Carlow. •\slitield Chris, Stewart, liintail, West\ 'awanosh, John 31eNabb, Dungannon, Goderich '1'p , John Yeo, 11oln1or- villo, ILullott,'Thos, 31c31illan, Sen forth. East \Vatvatiosh, 13, 11, Taylor, Bel - grave. Blyth, 1Vin. C,lmpbell. \Vingham, Richard Clegg, Clinton, Ur, J. W. Shaw, Goderich, \V. L. 'Lorton, The following resolutions were unani- mously passed :- "We, the Liberals of west, ituron as- senlbled, hereby express our unbounded confidence iu'the Government of the Right Hon, Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The country is art the present time prosper- ous, duo in a great extent to wisp legis- lation and the progressive policy of the Laurier Government, \V0 are pleased to see that our honored leader has oc- cupied saes a prominent position its the recent conference of colonial Premiers, and trust that he may long be 'spared to guide the destines of our lair 1)o - minion," Moved by \Wm. Bailie, seconded h,' Win. Al orris : "'That we heartily en- dorse the action of the Liberals of the Legislature in selecting Bon, George P. Graham its leader of the liberal party in the Legislature, During his short time its leader ttitll his liulo band of followers he has shown that the Liber- eh in the local House aro wide :untie, a11(1 got. (1 results may be expected 111 the near future." Moved by 11. McPIiee, seconded by 1I. G. Elliott : "'I'lutt we express un- qualified disapproval and condemnation of all unfair and illegal means of se- curing the success of a candidate at political elections, We further con- deme in no unmeasured terms the means employed by sone of our politi- cal opponents in their efforts to secure party gains by slackening the reputa- tion of honorable, capable and useful !nen, as instanced in the cases of Unsays, Hyman and Emmerson." It was proposed by Win, Proudfoot, of Goderich, and seconded by Thomas McMillan, Reeve of Hullett, that Robt, Holmes, of Clinton, he the candidate to bear the standard of the Liberals of West Huron et, the next general elec- tion for the Ilouso of Commons, This !notion received the enthusiastic sup. port of every member, THE STANDARD u scription price to United States readers Is now $1.50 per year. The new postage regulation requires 52 cents postage, THERE was a new time card on the Grand Trunk on Sunday. No change, however, is anticipated in the arrival or departure of trams at 131vth, WATFORD GUIDE :-An agent is working in Western Ontario re- pairing sewing machines, Ile car- ries all sorts of castings whin,' nye needed for machine -repairs. 1le works his gaine by slipping in broken parts he has with hint in place of' good parts on the machine, Ile charges the people as high as $10 or $12 for repairs, and then leaves the house and drives away, Look out for him, A MAN from Toronto who was enjoying great sport with the finny tribe at Stanley Park lake one after- noon last, wee'., went to the tele- graph office and wired his wife as follows :--"l've got one ; weighs five pounds and it's a beauty." In reply came the following signed by his wife ;---''So have 1 ; weighs ten pounds ; he isn't it beauty ; looks like you," Billy struck for the Globe Motel and rang for a bracer. 'Piiitrtr are lots of lucky fisher- men this Spring if' we may judge by the stories'told, Some are cant- fons'about naming. the number they catch, but specify to tt fraction of an ounce the size of the largest tl'oilt taken, The law allows only thir- ty to be caught in one day ,by any one person ; the total weight of the catch should not exceed ten pounds and no trout measuring less thitn six inches should be taken from the water, Ws heard a young man remark last week that. The world owes me a living, It is hoped that, that young man will get the 11011011 out of' his deed. It's a mistnlce,•a grave mistake, IIe never entertained a more foolish idea nor one which will bring to hitn a smaller measure of respect, The world owes him nothing but instead he owes the world and society an active, noble manhood, a steady honest energy which will enable him to associate with decent men and wotnen in true manliness of character that will make his friendship valuable and his companionship desired. When c `Y til'/. e0 00Q 0 . ,'/,.` 0 0 i0 (Q22► (Ol cryry l poi MILLINERY DEPARTMENTQ • yQi roti Oy Q3 ou uy Buy 10 the best advantage, Conit.', to the store that gives you best value for the least money, Have, you seen our line of White Lawn Waists Some extra special Talus at ,1, and some beautiful styles for $2, A full lisle of _.... Boys' Clothing always in stock. ,See the new styles in two-piece Suits, the rush, still on t h is 1 , Shipments of new styles arriving every day, J. A. ANDE Lilelt-4E IN•1•1•11•111•1•.r SON 00 $00 o" 0 0--,0✓v0 0,000.000'000000.0000 •-. 0.. ,0-.,:0o0._ '0 (0 00 00,•-v.0^ 00 0 C* Warns weather is now upon us. The next thing is some- thing neat and cool for summer, White Canvas Shoes will be worm this season ; we have then) in all sizes, Infants' White Shoes ,50 Infants' white Ox. Shoes 75e and .85 Child's White Ox, Shoes .85 Misses' White Ox. Shoes ,.,,,, 1.00 Ladies' white Ox. Shoes ........ 1.''5 Ladies' Gibson Tie Turn ........ 1.50 Men's Bluchers, extra Gee 1,50 Lily White Shoe Dressing keeps then) clean and white, quick, no trouble, ioc a bottle, We also have a full line of Shoe Dressings, iu tan, patent leather, creases and black, Trunks and Valises, a full assort- ment always on hand. G LIEN MATH THE LOST NUCBER FOUND As A'Ir, George Denstedt has declared the exchange of business off, I take pleasure in announcing to the people of Blyth and vicinity that I will still be doing business in the old stand, and will do my best to please and make dealings the most profitable to both customers and myself. Cash is the word. Thank the customers for the past, and invite all for the future, Yours sincerely, Hardware & Tinware, N. 13. GERRY High Court Sitting. The non•jnr,v sittings of the High Court were held in Goderich last week, The only eitSe that went to trial was the suit of Ivers v, Township of Col - borne for damages sustained through the death of the late Wm, Ivers, of West Wawanosh, .ludgII ent,was en- tered for the plaintiff for 51000, to he divided as follows : Sr00 to the widow, $50 to each of the t wo older children, and $100 to each of 1110 four younger children. Dickinson & Garrote for the plaintiff, Proudfoot, Nays & Blair for defendant, The case of Campbell v. 'Tilden was settled out of emit . In the case of Quaid v, Hamilton an order was made at Osgoode I1all dur- ing the week setting aside the notice of trial, on !notion of W, Proud foot K. C., for the plaintiff, • Scott et al., v, Smith was an notion brought by the executors of the will of the late Win. Scott, of \Vest Wawa - nosh, for legal distress of goods and chattels, Judgment was entered by consent against the defendant for $380,10, he to have the right of action against the third 1)11113', The trial judge was the I-Iono'ible Chief Justice Si'iW, It. Meredith, It is stated as likely that the Town- ship of Colborne will appeal the deci- sion in the hors carve, Air, Iters, it will ho remembered, met his doath 011 October 8th last, by at load of lumber gut was taking out from (10(lorich being upset upon him, The night sus dark and a defect in the road (its alleged) was the cause of the upset, The ling from the Exeter, England, school which was expected here for the 24th has not yet arrived, It is thought the longshoremen's strike at 13[oiitl'eal wits the cause of the delay, FARM FOR SAi;E.-Tho undersigned curers for sale her splendid farrn of Iltl aores, ertst•hnlf' lot 40, 1st eon,, East 1Vatwlteoah, Good brick house, bank barn 40e00, ('rive shed, pig pen, all on good stone foundations and cement floor, 1 acre of orchards and small fruits 15 acres of bush, Farm is well watered and in good condition, 1 mile from Myth and 1 mile from school,-Mtts, 0. JI:NICIN1, Myth P. 0. ROBERT H. GARNISS I3LUEVALE - - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at THE STANDARD office, Blyth. JUNE GTii, 1907 --TINE I3LYTII STANDARD --PAGE FIVE, A V 1,74 A THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE S'N'ORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MoDERATia PRIDES FOR eAS1i ANI) FARM PItOr:t10E, IAN Specials in .Boys Suits rA e Two piece Norfolk Suits, to lit boys seven to fourteen year's, consisting of all wool English and Canadian tweeds, assorted patterns, light grey mottled effects, luso plain dark grey and gray and black mixtures, made up in English Nor- folk style, with box pleats and belt sizes, 2.4 to 30, selling at prices to clear. Colored Shirts Men's Fine Colored Negligee Shirts, with cuffs detached and attached, perfect fitters, in light, medium and :lark, A largo variety to choose from, you will be sure to find just the shirt you are looking for, Sce our special offers in I\ien's and Youths' Clothing. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. kit 1' AI PAr po l'il E. BENDER, BLYTHH 2 gartimatignrimaranns13Enj BUTTER & EGGS WANTED As we slake a specialty of handling produce we are paying the highest cash prices for Butter and Eggs at our store. "When you have any of these for sale got our prices before going elsewhere. Crain ekcoks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILL,AN & CO. Dinsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. ON Saturday McMillan & Co , shipped two tons of butter to Mon- treal. Arr'ni:NTreE girls wanted to learn tailoring ; will pay wages from start to one that is a fair sower, S. II, Gfd1ey, '1'HIE annual meeting of' the West Huron Conservatives will be held In Goderich on Tuesday of next week for election of officers and general business, GENERrtI. servant girl wanted by July 1st ; willing to go to Bayfield during July and August. Apply to Mrs, Jas, licNiurchie, Wnt.N Taube & Son attend to your eyes you get the beneflt of over 35 years' experience. Call and consult theta at the Commercial Hotel on 'Thurs. June 13th. THE semi-annual meeting of the North Iruron Orange Association will be held in Winghrun on Wed. nesrlay, June 12th, at 2 p, m. Final arrangements will be made for the coming 1 2th. 85% of headaches tiro the result of eye strain, Proper fitting glasses will give permanent relief. 1f you are troubled that way consult Taube & Son at the Commercial Hotel on Thursday, .Tune 1 3th, Tim Exeter 'Tunes of last week in their write up of the League an- niversary services of Main street lllethodist church, has the Billowing to say of a Blyth soloist :--A pleas- ing feature was the singing of Mr. N. L. March, of Blyth, who sang solos both *morning and evening, Leis rendering of "Dream of Pau'a• disc" and "'Tete Holy City" were in excellent voice. SI! A1.1.-MoDoNALD. --Art Knox church, Auburn, at 4 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon, Rev, J, L. Small 11. A., pastor of St, Andrew's church, Blyth, and Miss Edna McDonald, of Auburn, were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock, Rev, Dr, McLean, of Goderich, Mr, Small's predecessor in the pastorate of St. Andrew's church, performed the ceremony. The bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss Turah McDougall; of Bolton, while Walter Mc.Lertn, of Goderich, acted as groomsman, Miss Young, of Auburn played the wedding march. Tho church was prettily decorated and there was a largo crowd in attendance, The bridal pair will be away for a week or more,. visiting among other places the groom's former hone in Arthur, Wellington County. SEE "ad" on page 8 and take a cheap trip to Detroit. Seftonr. Board meets Friday even- ing of this week. THE football boys will begin prac- tice as Boon as a football arrives in town, THE STANDARD from now till the first of next,Tanuary for fifty cents. Subscribe now for it, Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload three', from the quarks, Get our prices. We employ no agents, WILSON & HUNTER BIIL'SSI;LS — ONTARIO, Tar: County Connell is meeting in Goderich this week. DoN'T forget to come to I3lytlr on the 1 2th, Loss of eyesight is worse than loss of fortune, No matter how small your eye trouble may be have it corrected, Sce 'Taube & Son at Commercial Ilotel on Thurs, June 13th. D R. 1�'ofuBES GODh'11Nv, it roan well known here and who still owns property here, was elected to re. present West York In the Ontario Legislature on Saturday. The doc- tor's majority was over 2,000. I1i,ru.'s A CHANCE,—Tho Clinton I, 0. 0. F. Lodge has formed it base- ball team, Now what is the platter with the Blyth Oddfellaws arrang- ing a game with the former town, Blyth could put out a good team, MED. --On the 7th of May Jean Johnston, beloved wife of Robert Ilubkir'k, died at the home nt her daughter, ,Airs, Dykeman, ']i18011— burg, aged 76 years and 4 months. She had been fel for about 2 weeks. No particular ailment. The fun- eral took place in Toronto on the following Friday from her Baugh• ter's residence, ,Mrs. Murray, 1 4o2 Brunswick ave. In addition to her husband she is survived by 5 daugh- ters and a son, Mr. and Mrs, IIab- kirk were former well known rest. AGE your glasses right ? Vision dents of Roxboro', McKillop town- ship. Deceased was a most excel• lent person and was beloved by a wide circle of friends, She was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church for many years. Airs. llab- kirk was a sister to Mrs, Margaret IIabkirk, of Brussels, and Mr. Ilab- kirk is a brother of the late Joseph S. IIabkirk, of Blyth, and Geo. Hab• kirk, of McKillop. DRUG STORE CHANGED ILANDS.— Tlle Gorrie Vidette of last week re• fers to the sale of the drug store to Dr, Whitley, well known to many in Blyth, whose home is in Londes- boro', and to R. 13. Carter, of Blyth This week the Gort'io Drug Store took another change this time pass. ing into the hands of Dr. L. N, Whitley. R, Carter, a Blyth young man, has been secured to manage the store and coupes highly rccom• mended as a graduate druggist and optician. We trust the Dr, is flue. cessful in his new venture, R. 13, Carter, graduate of Toronto Uni• versity, Ontario College of Pharm- acy, Canadian Opthahnic College and Canadian College of Optics ar- rived in town last week, from Tor• onto and tools charge of 1)r. WVhit- ley's drug and optical business on Monday, We welcome this young gentleman to our town and wish him success, MATRIMONIAL,-- An exceedingly pretty wedding ceremony was that which united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Lottie Jean Brown, third daughter of Mr, and Airs. Geo. Brown, of' Brussels, to Mr. J. Leslie Kerr, of Blyth, Editor of the Blyth Standard, only son of Mr. and Mr's, W. 1I, Kerr, of rho Brussels Post, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., of Mel- ville church, the bride's pastor, The event took place 'Tuesday morning, June 4th, at six o'clock. The bride, carrying a largo boquet of cream and American beauty roses, entered the drawing roots on the arm of her father to the sweet strains of music of Meldclshons Wedding March play. ed by Miss Margaret Brown, sister of the bride, taking her place by the groom's side under rt huge wedding bell of maiden hour fern, roses and lily of the valley. The bride was gowned In a brown eton broadcloth with a waist of cream real Irish lace, She wore a sunburst of pearls, the gift of the groom, IIer hat WAS cream silk braid with ostrich plumes, brown roses to match her very pretty costume. Only the imme- diate relatives were present at the ceremony, The presents wore ex• ceedingly choice consisting of cut glass, china, silverware, furniture and it cheque, The happy couple left by the early train for Toronto, Hamilton and Dundas for a wedding trip. changes as ail things do. See 'Taube & Son at Commercial Hotel on Thurs. June 13th. THE ballasting train is at Walton now and should be in Blyth before many days, WOOL WANTED, -- Any quantity, highest prices, also large quantities I3utter and Eggs. GEO, E. KING, 1VIngham, THE storekeepers in Blyth have adopted early closing. The most of' the stores are closed before ten o'clock, except Saturdays, BLyTII baseball team will play in Brussels on Dominion Day, They play a gauze in the morning and if they win will play again in the af- ternoon, THE Walkerton Business College is giving a special course of instrue. tion during July and August to public school teacher's, Sce advt, on first page, REMEMBER the date of 'Taube & Son's visit to Blyth and if your eyes bother you in any way do not fail to consult them at Commercial hotel on Thursday, June 1 3th, THE principal dicers of Blyth Lodge I. 0. 0, F. were elected last Tuesday night as follows :—N, G., hL L, Ihtines ; V. G., A. W. Robin- son ; R. 5 , F. Anderson G. E. McTaggart ; Treas., Jas. Cutt ; representative to Grand Lodge, 5, A. Poplestone ; delc gates to District Meeting, Jas. Cutt and J. S. Golden. COMING, —Dr, AI, S. Taube, of Taube & Son, eyesight specialists of' Toronto, will be at the Commercial Hotel, on Thursday, June 1 3th, If there is anything whatever wrong with your eyessight, do not neglect this opportunity of having your eyes properly attended to. All work absolutely guaranteed, Orders to be lett with our agent, Mr. Jaynes Hamilton, Druggist, Tar Livingston by-law is this week published on page eight, React it carefully and also hear in mind the agreement published last week, One thing we can say with. out Hesitation is that Mr. Livingston is one of the best men we have In our town for tho promotion of in- dustry, He has paid more money in wages than any other person we have had located here, and now we have an opportunity to assist him— or ratlier assist ourselves --by keep- ing hint with us. Ile is a man who understands his business from A to Z, and has the energy required to place the production of this factory on a par with the greatest competi- tors. In reading over the by-law and agreement the only conclusion we can arrive at is that the village of' Blyth has much to gain with no chance of losing anything. Pr's better to smile at nothing than to frown at everything. SATllnl►AV USher('d ht tthe ntnnlh of June—the month of brides and roses, Mou'i' tor: sale at. the Commercial 1lotel on Friday afternoon at 1.;30 o'clock. 1'', S. Scott, of Brussels, in the auctioneer. IN uur last weuk'S edition in the Livingstone agreement with the town, the sentence (large boiler valued at $200) shoul'l have read large bolter valued at $200, 1)oN'T take 'cru off yet. Apart from any change in the weather that may happen along this morn. ing, sunlrner will not corse in its ol'iicia1 capacity until .funs 22, at :1.23 a, nn. 1st':EKA:El'Ens report that the sea. son has been unfavorable for Gres, and that on moue. of the cola .April the colonies Iry vc at least been re- duced two•thirds, This 10dientes ;t shortage in the honey crop. 0t tsi''('Itii'i.11$ "Uttrt'enrv," "Bohm" and 'Stag" chewing tobaccoes, iu big plugs, Quality always the same. i�s�Cr yr•r;rrr rrr�r•r;r•r�•rrzr.rir etre► err err err �' i i � 7L ii S ii`ii�]5 � :t;I)�1t:t1;u;It:tl:tt;:�;ttslls�Zlr�jftl�it�..t1 � t►. r.. : �: . Intl • rt ; it r :tsC (:: r rul ii00' ffsl t?tl till tit: f:11 i' till `♦:1I f:41 t::1 00 tic 00 to taus ill 41: fu: People We 1{.>`iow [113 Prof, Glenn Campbell, of Clinton, t41; ttr' ;113 =013 fl' t:13 was In town on'1uesday. Mr. and Mrs. 1V, A, Carter were visitors in Brussels on Sunday. All', and Nil's. ,I, 13. Gardner, of' Clinton, spent a few days in town, A number from town are attend- ing the 1Vinghani races this week. Mr. and Mrs, Adam McKenzie and children were in Brussels over Sunday. Mr. and Airs. 1V, Emig!) and maS• ter Jim Sundayed with friends in 1Vinthrop, Mr, A. Jackson, of Brussels, is employed at Tete: STANDARD office this week, Mr, 1V. 11, Kerr, of the Brussels Post, was a visitor in town on Mon- day evening, Dr. R. P. Feild and Mr, F. Stret- ton, of Brussels, were in town last Thursday evening. Messrs. Win, Dempsey and 1Vm, Sanderson attended the conference at Goderich this week. Mr, and firs. W, I':rnigh and Miss Aliic accompanied a fishing party from Walton on Friday, Mr. James Barr and Miss Kate Barr, of Goderich, were visitors at their home here on Sunday. A load of young people of the Methodist church attended the con- ference in Goderich on Sunday. Rev. 0, 0, Laine and Mrs. Kaine, of Corunna, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs, John Mills, in Hullett, Rev, John IIolrneq, of Dorchester, formerly of Blyth, is renewing old acquaintances here on his return from Conference, Messrs, Wm. Campbell, Thomas Brown, Alfred Carr and Albert Robinson attended the Liberal con. vention In Goderich on Monday. Reeve Milne is attending the County Council In Goderich this week, IIe makes the trips in his auto, returning horse each night, Wo congratulate Mr, E, C. Wil- ford, now at Red Water, on having successfully passed his third year exams. in the faculty of medicine at Toronto University. Mr. Jos. I3urgess, son of Mr, Jno, Burgess, of Bluevalo, and now In- spector of Cold Storage Cars under the Dominion Government was in town Inst Thursday. Miss Mabel Caldwell, of Londes• Imo', is visiting at her brother's, George Caldwell, We are pleased to Bee Miss Mabel so far recovered as to be able to be out again alter her recent illness, Mr, and Mrs, 0, A, I-towe left this morning on an extended visit to friends in the Eastern pl'a't of the Province, That they may have a pleasant journey and safe return is the wish of their many friends, Mr. 1i;. Watson arrived home Fri- day afternoon from Glenboro, Man. Mrs. Watson is remaining out there with her daughter who has been seriously ill, but who is now recov- ing we are pleased to (teat', Mr. Watson still thinks the sun shines in Huron Co, and prefers this part to the West, Mr, John C. Brown, 'a well known former Blvth boy, is for the Sum. mer months engaged as exterminist in Solway hospital, Detroit, Our old friend John expects to take a position in the Fail with Dr, J. C. Davis, chief of staff' hn the Red Cross and Mercy hospital, We cer- tainly wish Mr. Brown cycry sue. coss in his chosen profession. For quality and quantity asic your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes, 1 Sale of Ends From Thursday, June 6th to Wednesday, June 12th, we will set at Greatly educed Prices tis All goods consisting of ends ;Il of tiri: rl,r 't4. Ci; t:11 r1 till r .■ oollen, Cotton and Linen Coods [1(3 _' You will get bargains in in, these goods as we wish to [lb Vii;: clean up the stock. illi r� Y I\ 4Z RII ;s= ; tel Successors to McKINNON , Sr CO. I ailimmintimizSiMiiwiizirgiiiiipgggrzycEmon§rrrvr► err nrrryr ► r••�• r. ♦ r . �1 � ?�ASL:11Iri;rgii:4i"hiss}FY.' :rz r► S�K� n§ (:ASIA PAID FOR I3l;TTEP. AND EGOS. POPLESTONE & CARDINER CIaellevcr Eargaiatas Verandah Chairs Tapestry Squares Iced, green and natural 11111611, regular Fancy border, several patterns 9x9 feet, $2.00, for $2,50. regular +0, for $1. Dresser and Stands Reversible Wool Squares Oak and mahogany finish, large bevel Fringe and border, made without seam, glass, regular $12 and S13, for SI 1. fix I yards, regular $10, for $8.660. Rocking Chairs Smyrna Matts ((olden oak finish, strong and comfort- :ix(' feet, beautiful patterns, worth $5, able, regular $1.25, for ;+I. for S4. (loom 'Moulding :le per foot. Plate flailing, 4 inches wide, worth Picture Framing and Repairing. 121c, for 10e. J. H. CHELLEW Butter and Eggs Wanted Cash or Trade, le more for pound prints of butter. A full line of Groceries and Woodenware at the cheapest Prices. Safi arid. A. 1 F'loaui.r A. TAYLOR BLYTH Are You in Business For Business? It you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people in a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that address as interest. ing As possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit by it, It is just the same with an advertisement in THE STANDARD. Youhave the privilege of talking every meek to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and toll the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons iu preparing their advertisements—yes, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to $20 if a city advertising expert woreconsult- ed—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no roan can got out as good an advertisement for your business as you can. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargala, and all that, Just drop in and have a talk about it, The Standard, Blyth, Ont. �1�-•Z _ l'il't,.. l CN it ➢81EN9° COMMENT 1 tthi ,. t (' lu•1^,e,,, 1, 1. .•11' 11: 1, , as 11,11e! ,:I nlll' ;Ilill;l111 1!'115._. 11. „ trot er ,r, Ihal hate irek, it dr.•l e ii'. pit,,,I ul;,rd i,t_ . Alli, principle a a• il: Ihr the I',wid ', J,.-ci at '\:I;;,,,,I. 111111 n The 1'I,Icti,',• 1t,1- eortiane.l in 1'1,1!1 .'nth pll!di,-i1ed t!,„ t1,'rl,!• i,• n d' t The of the ('uie!l ill lti•'�, In the fate 111' the -.e 1;11';1•. Ilei; 11,111 1'x•!1!1_. lwio.se l:0silh,ll 111 Ile' mai. ter \rip, Itvil I.11ollu, 11;1, tni''1' app,'i 11- 141, '.,'illi the eult•e1,t 1,1 the ratite. Iir't I illmuie. and :ilt:'ru.Irl: b1 i'' ii!el;t Pierce, ti he ti:e 1;1,wer1 1., of tit,, '1'1'1'1'1 lol'y, it twa nu( .lilt i 1 •1, chit t oag!re•• enacted, it late fol pl:i,li ul,llli;l_e , '!')lir. lalw 1lie list,"r 1),t% int• tlnlscienlieusly di'ret:,ullc,i 111 t ilelr 1.L•e: va sa e of a principle 111 red I,\ their rcli`iiin." ii1' „'lill't', e'll's ort t i tit' Ilial 1111, di -regard of ti:e la\(- .tits ill tde of I;;,'. I i;lllllll`' 1-eligiolla right.- ;1111i.'r l',1L,-11tll.r'il,tl ;_iiiii-llltlte.• and mit in ;1111' ili',iam:0 o1' til-ley"al! 1 lis :!]ru sa; 1 Lr "a11,!'il!0:i people in:t1 e h'11'; ed ill -:11,,iii••ii Il to the las- cons':. 1. against plural marriage. 'A llile it urn: ,iI.i ter w;uiy wears tiler contest: ntest- t',i lite 111i litl!tiollti11t1 of 111+' law ',1 l'ou !t acid (luring that time ill In ru,t,uw twill! til :I' 1't•!il loll^ (.111\ iC j lluli' j:l upic..ldi!Ig h1" practise. ;i- rte'.; iicd t'li and 'written 1',0l'll, 11 1rr:nr,l'L' col;:lolt::'il to thein from 1;otl..,:iii. ever..,- skean- of eollstittiti011aI rlefew-i. II;t1l Lira c::hail-1)'d. the Lhnrcll uLan el tilt' c.1;tt!1:rr,-t and annon:;e''1i it nul'fllt'ilt t11 1111' the !a.tl. SCI, .'11 i, 1'111 1 1','In'11 „'1' .1 for tail I,t't•anit.. a 1,1).`:•,L!::! 1 1111 : I;' • 1 cr,mlitilnl that her e1,n•titutil;l! by 1,111ilIa! ii'rt'\ti:•.aids (wiI;Wl11 the 1 :filed :Male,, :lust 11! It1'l1, !;t "),1:1own" pt'nple ;icri•i11''il 1:1„ iii v011,1;6)11 i:1' Poi iC I i pl' the ,,I1op111111 1 1 the it I:. I rein 1ht ii:n1' 1;nt1! nn1C, the distill li:;s hewn trll' i„ 1- 111P11 1' le-!icetin_' lin' iliiidet11111III the pl.:, .rte r,i p!nr:l i:,nrlia . Ii is I. urged that tlle!'e have Iie1'!I I:n-taller, of the tiilt•ltii,n of tip.' ;ilii p1,lw_aiu': ht v:•. :til•i I:In1 •...:.' 11•'1''0!:- \chid!! the i'1Ilil'1'11 haw,' i•IIi!,ht in !)wade the rile ;plop:. -1 'I b1' her, proilihif ins plural marriage's. t'le plain a1:-\%er i; that in ewers tate 11!111 + nation ;I'!;'" ore indirill:ltl!• twist till it - he' in .pil: , f all cite ho e. ! h:it i'11 ,e i:1., ih i a 1•01111;1unilw or :p •• it. 44. 'Pr!! l'iirilt::il F.. !", f, „1.1i1;, it Ili,;; Ilc "'.:11 believe- hi p1,w.':111• iter :11.,rri:ptl' a• a principle commit- ted opI 11'!r, fr. i:1 140t1." gild 1 It infer ! if the Inn'= of the Foil,'.! it. plural marria•,e- 1r„n 'I -till he enatrrrt"d. .\s it i• these wore Irdlieed filen 2,I.'1 in !SNP to 1!17 '1.11i plural nuu'ri;l 1e qu' 1i,In Ila- added IIli1.l't'rl for II- (;1117 11:1 i; : 1r11,n ti'!, fart lilat there i- i1 \l Ir!11 •r setilene...!t ;u tho Nnrthtwr=l, ;I:i:I 1:.,. from line to time vague stato!i::'Ills , 1r i mail,' Pm hilus given that pl,I;:;.'any i, ! not I,,:ku1)tt'n among them, itelt• ruperi11- tcctit'.,i of Police, hit started out to nlal... that place a eleau city. in in ad- iter-. to the police h • �.titl; 'f!,c duties of a good poi::1':::iln :uc ul:t,i 1'ir,t ;: 1uu-1 it Ito a .,;(.111 :1 suss!, It I! .',n t r1„t it;1,r!1 and it :Jot,- a 11;11 'won, 't,,,:e i' t.o 11,1 ulorc i 1 ,tla I:, ;, til,)!, ;y ;Iltblli:0:, lis :11' p. •,i0;ria npp,•..,,.:,ce, 1 01 i;'t like ;1 ,lol:ci;' 1,o• ',"11';1 1 ii ,;I i1'.. 11 I', tae 1• 1,i it ,ei ;i a tail ; i club 11:11 -asp', , It1.1'011w „1: r t �Ilp.'l l 'I' to 1!i t'it' : it '"1„I (1(111, l0 C',tl• tiler ;tip. .1 % rti .., .,,:.. 1 p1,. til ' Thera ;i}e Lim 1;1;11 t, iit t•ll, ):I'si's 1:,'• serving; of noti!•e, .1 g.:t:ll plilte''P1111 11111st ho a gentl..l.an. '1'llk Lind Pr a 'policeman !11;x; t ;ti l' f: v't' ;priests thatn the oti11•r hPt:l, i,nt he wriil keep hotter order oil it : leeat; will have OP top,:ti twill tlf the intuit :old 11iy inr"ltit'ue.! :unl,n� the tau;;!I class will be 11ni:1liu._ dnstealj of ex,l':pr'r.il!u , 'I'll. „hulls'” I)n)n'11Inat1 S.4 11 ,111,11 tt'!10 Ii lllt'itty.i glrt- ling into hot Crater, Inchs di.4ercliou, and makes Lr(ttible for himself and others, +++++++a+++++++t+++++� A STEEL CANAL, ACROSS TSE SAHARA. +tut+P+++++++++tttDttttt •1 tt'o important contrasts Ilsley t•t'• (111,1,` 1},'en e;tll'1111 ":i Int' ❑ (.1) if,'tlepl- iwe it'I'irali:!: school,' in IIl11p.'1' Icy which I_':',uil'I ,!,'r,', twill Le ewrutnally irrigated and dill under etl:tiwatinn, Ihr plan 1, Due of the !:Ir_ .-,t irri;g.tt:pii ?olivine,' eve)' 1:i'u:i:ul,' l Ill that t'otllllrt'. .1 Itltlnun 0l Atte NI11' stored 11p hw• the :1 —into li,!l'r;lr!t' i4 now being utilized. The irrigation estate is ho11111ted and the east h1' the Nile :Ilot o:t the east by the great de,orI. The soil is dry 111111 parched and is supposed to have received 110 water for the ht,t 3,11011 or '1,1)1111 years, The r::'lt haul: of the Nile :it iCoiii'Unibo is too high to allow of the hind living irrigated at hood time in the usual nutnucr, and in order to ob- tain a sufficient supply of water for the continual irrigation of the entire tract, it was neves,:tri• to 111,,111 pumps, '1'hest, pumps discharged the ,water into riveted steel rising noon:, which in turn deliv- ered into a service reservoir ,111114 reser- voir is connected with the great steel clidal, which delivers the water into dis- tributing earth canals or culverts, from which it flows onto the land. The canal is constructed of riveted steel and is nearly semi -circular in form, measuring 10 feet S 1.4 inches in diameter, total length 517 feet. It is built of seven plates around the cir- cumference, the plates being connected by 1.2 inch snapped head rivets of hwich it total of ,1,')0,000 was used. 7'o allow for expansion and contraction the canal is subdivided into seventeen sec- tions. Thee ,were connected together by masonry basins and packed expan- sion joints . At. the end of each section of canal :ts it entered the masonry basin u stiffening band ,was rivetted on, the external rivet heads being countersunk flush. This hand is made to slide in and out of the basin on short sections of rail let, Into the masonry. The joint is kept tight. by meats of tarred or tallow• ed rope packing enclosed illtwveen two light semi -circular angles played back to back with bolt;) passing through theta. The weight of the water flowing through keeps the canal floating on the packing, and each section can therefore expand or contract, according to temperature. Seven hundred men, including eight Englishmen, the remaittdt r being chiefly Arabs, with a few Greeks and Italians, were employed. The work was conlplet• ed in five months, working day and night. 7'he loose, shifting sand founda- tion caused much trouble and tools were constantly being lost and buried. The natives did not like night work and it was difficult to make the Arab "holders - up work nt night underneath the canal on account of the scorpions in the sand, The Arabs were also fond of drinking the machine oil and anointing their bodies tido it, tine of the chief troubles wits the nittarnl inclination of the differ- ent tribes to engage in petty warfare, and they would frequently fight with sticks, knives or stone --1 ileal Power, FOR. ALL HUMOURS Eczema, Salt Rheum, Puaulca, etc.—no remody drain mom quickly than Mira Ointment. Mira rel cvcs inflammation, soothes pain, causes new tiamt to cover raw surfaces, and textures the din to healthy smoothness, 4frs, j, lkrbb, i7,5 Dorrrourf Street, Toronto, tivrites: "/1 is a wonderful cure." f, TremMnl, llamrflon, .rgys: '• / hill y recommend your Ointment for Eczema,' Mira Tablets and Blood Tonic help to a more dtorouth cure. At druggiSls—or from 'Ube Chemie,s' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton— Toronto, hnd t on g,:(ting awr.a*, MN.wa.nw• 14,MAIM11Y.w..sa..a..t/ A Secil Offer For Aho month of ,}un„ a rho., iuursi L1 1 :i 1'11tt;;lt a'l,t Jl tis - ng ,1'111 bo utitpttt f,r I1r11trs, Inclulllaa I'r,Ir1t I'Itltur nws• trio, You can ay for you (Ow wi11 br tnurht for $:tot) an,1 ':11'11 of the 10. 1013 cur ;t c,l. li o'fet• i5 only ;;asst! fo; a snort till,. All those wlt411111:; 10 leuru, twrlty to-dlty, ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL .''Ills 1'I11('1n.4, Instructot' P. 0. 90X 01 4J 6V A E -s, NIT . Fund' Peasants Odd Business, "in hrtnte, at this season,” said a bird dealer, "the hanks of the stre:ins are yellow titch bonfires every night. !)bout the fires loaf pett14auts, men and women, smoking, chattering, spooning, "They keep the blaze going all night, and nt dawn, behold, the grmtnd is an inch or 1 AVO deep with 1111y flies, fire- flies ,Moths—little ereatnres that, ex- pecting some unknown and divine sensa• tion, flew out of the darkness into thtose clear and goatlike flames, fluttered forth again in agony, fell and died. "The tiny corpses are sold to the French bird dealers at 5 or 0 cents n pint, and :re resold for food to the own- ers of pct birds, finches, thrushes, can- aries, IIIgfittItti!all'y ittld (111.' like."—New Orleans 'fifties -Democrat, Before deciding where to locate In the West, let us tell you about these lands, The best wheat fields —the 110110st grazing land—are in this Province. Write its ror full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, ete. Local reprelentntivc wanted hi county. RISER & OSGOOD Eastern Selling Agents 200 CORISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL Kept Ten Dollar Bill Forty Years, Obit) Smith, at farmer near fudinna,po• 1, called at the office of C. 1V. Morri- this city, and asked hint if he still ,)rusted in the lord. \lurrison replied in the nf1from t.ive, whereupon Smith said: "1t was the lord that sent the here to return $I(1 of your money. I have kept it for forty yea's," 11r. rIuiti... then explained that one day in 18(17, itt \1', :1. )iodine's story, at \Iorris.tutwn, he sato' Mt'. \lorrisun drop $10 bill from a roll which he had re - 'vett from the merchant. Smith picked up the money and on this occasion he carne here to return it,—Indianapolis News, t RADE I1.'RI4 RGGIST Proper Care of the Young. Care for its young is n distinguished mitre of any progressive society. The helplessness of infancy and its prolougn• tion as n phase of high culture are incul- cate! by biology and recognized by com- passion. Science and sentiment alike force the fact upon the intellect and the emotions and if parents cannot or do not fulfill their part Wren will provide these philanthropic and state agencies to take their place.—llncnlilhus's Magazine. $ .-41--- 1Tc�7 Mange, Pratrle txratchee and every form of oontaglous Itch on human or animate cured In 30 minted; by Woltord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails, Sold br druggIsta. 4.a Why He Got Degrees, Woodrow 1Vilson, President of Prince. ton, was deploring the promiscuous giv. ing of honorary degrees. "Our, universities have learned of Irate,” he ;ahs, 'lo distribute honorary degrees judiciously, But in the past—" Ile smiled. "\Nell, in the past 1 root nit uncouth person at a dinner, rind, being told by an ncquaint.ance that be lend three de- grres, I asked whey it was, "'Well,' said my friend, 'the third was given hint because he I:ad two, the sec - end becnnse lie hnd one, and the first boonnute 110 had none.' "—Providence Journal. H b Keep Minard's Liniment in the heuse. 6>* Murders for Revenge in Corsica. Fortunately the dark days when Cor- sica resembled n huge battlefield survive only rvt a terrible tucntory of the 'past, Today we can hardly credit the fact that between the years 1530 and 1720 300,001) people were murdered out of re• range, and that during thirty-one years of last century—Iron) 1821 to 3852—the number of murt;.trs was estheatod at 1,1300,—Wide World Magazine, *•A ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Remove.; all hard, soft or calloused lumps end blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore nail swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save ij1 0 by use of one bottle, War. ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. •• • Knew Neither Nurse Nor Baby. "What a bright little thing!" exclaim - el the society woman, patronizingly cooing at a baby out for an airing in the park. "Whose little ono is this?" "Yours, ma'am," replied the nurse. "I'm the new nurse that kem yistherd'y." —New York Press. Ask for Minard's and take no other, 414.• ' Shameful Waste of Money. (Judge.) Pa Smith threw down his newspaper in diaE'uat, "It's shameful," Ito exclaimed, "tho way these 'era colleges waste money on furniture! here's an neoount of somebody giving Har- vard'200,000 for a new chair." • • Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. In a Studio, (Translated for Tmnrratlantfc 'rales from "La Snota.") "I ordered you to paint mo aomo cows lu n ,.table, I see Ula stable, but where ora the cover,?" "They aro 1'11 the (table." "So In your ))ay for this pluton, You had better bring both out," .w WINNIVAIIMMO. 4.40 Ant* r,o..«,....-,n,..rw.a1111•-ww.. SAIIARA'S SCNETS UPVEILED, Underground Villages in the heart of the Desert. interesting details have reaehetl Lon- don eottet!rllills tI!1' 1':':I':11.10ole 1Fllt1.4• 1 tlhllrltn journey niderinkt'n by Th., 1E. \'ischer, one of the protectorate residents in Iloilo!, from 'i t'ipnli and through the "Forbidden Hinterland" of 'Tripoli to Lake (11:1(1. The sores, 41,11 rant jdution of 1hit ,journey urns tuutonnti.i in tie' Over•Seas Daily )loll in 1)eeent1er, In the mountains of (lh;rian Mr. \'iseher ft -mud people living in sunt errs - !wal dwellings. 'Through mit renew; II'n Ards long and one yard broad he tine nano n square courtyard, which was in reality n. great hole open to the sky. ('pan this all the rooms and stables ct,nrerged. The rooms were very dark and there were no windows, but the Most absolute clemtlincss prevailed. Beyond (Marian the (Xp(afitinn pro- ceeded over rising ground to the hills, where fig and olive groves lay ntnnng Roman ruins and underground villages, Nearing )fnrttkr, 1fr. Vischer calve upon strelehes of petrified forest. I was cured of Bronehilis anti Asthma by 11 N A ED'S 1.1N 1\ 1ENT. 11115, A. LI\'iNC1Si'ONE, Lot 5, 1'. E. 1, T was eared of n severe nitack of Rheumatism by 11INAR1)'S LiNITENU. 11ahoue clay. 1(11IN \1.11)E1. i wns cured of n severely sprninrd leg by MiX:11{D'S 'I,1N1111;N'I', ,IOSIII'A A, Bridgewater. Cow Testing Associations. Dominion Depar(tnent of Agriculture, Branch of the Dairy and Cold Stor- age Commissioner. At ('otwnnywillr, Que., the average yield of 111) cows for 31) Clays, ending 27th April, is 567 lbs. milk and 2.2.8 Ili;. fat. The highest individual yield is 1,300 lbs. milk, testing 4,8., The Shearers Ont„ :1ssociation has nn average yield for the same period of 024 lbs. milk and 18.9 I1;. fat. The best in- dividual yield here is 880 lbs, milk, test. ing; 2,7 only. In the :lsoei;t1ion at ('rtlloden, Ont., the average of 200 cows'is 750 lbs, milk and 25.7 lbs. fat for the period ending 7111 .1111x, 'There nee several individual yields ]fere of over 1,000 lbs. )silk. The highest bring 1,385 Ahs„ testing :1.2. The 100 cows in the Spring Creek As• sociatinn avernge 702 Ihs, milk and 20.4 lbs. fat. Several individual cows ]fere go over the 1.100 Ib .marl:, one good yield being 1,470 lbs., testing 3,0 for the 30 cloys ending 1st May. At llatley, (,nue., the nv'erngc teat is tine sante as at Spring Creek, Ont., name- ly 3,4 for the same period, but the average Yield is only 513 lbs. milk rind 10.0 fat, '[itr highest, production of any one cow is 1140 Ili;, milk. testing' 3.1. St. Armand, One., from 101 cows aver - egos 48 ills. mill: and 18,8 lbs, frit. 1Cnndhurn, Ont.. with 79 cows, ltns nn overage yield of 071 lbs, milk and 22,2 ibs. full-' Catching the Sunday Worm, Alntnzd all the dilly nranizrd ns•socin.I \iinister (n'erlirlg ;atoll boy on Sun• 1.im18 nee nota nL ,sink, the members i day tifternoun carrying a string of fish) sending. in their 1)0ttles of coinpo411(1 I--Joltnuy, Johnny, do these belong to samples promptly. Tn another two weeks ntneh fuller and better records than the you? Johnny—Yoe•s, sir. Yon see, that's above may be expected. what they got for rinsing; worms 011 a ,;undo~,—Philadelphia inquirer. Fine muslins, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, loolc better, last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling starch that really saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get Hero Died Hero's Death. Private Kennedy, V. C., of the High- land J.ighl Infantry, who has just stet with it fatal accident- in isdinburgh, showed conspicuous bravery in the South Arfican ,war. At 1)ewwetstlorp in November, 1000, he ecrid n comrade, who had been dangerously wounded and wt"as bleedings to death, from (libraltnt• 1Till 11) the hospital, 11 distance of three- quarters of a mile,nnd all the way tinder a hot fire. On the following day, when a volunteer was called for to 1'1.034 an exposed space, with n ntes•zago that, it sus almost certain death to deliver, Pri- vate Kennedy lit once stepped forward. Before he had proceeded twenty yards he wits severely ,wounded and unable to l►roeecd; but the daring will sus meso fur the daring deed. Kennelly met his death in Edinburgh while endeavoring to stop it 1.111111 tr:1 y bet's(', tl ' Food Products Libby's Veal Loaf With Beed and Pork Do you like Veal Loaf ? You will surely be delighted with Libby's kind, macic from choice fresh meats, its Libby's spotless kitchens. It is pure, wholesome and delicious in flavor. Ready for Serving At Once.—Simply garnished with sauce it is an appetizing entree for luncheon or dinner, A.Ic )'our grocer tor i.II,b,J's and Wilt upon getting Llbbr',t, Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago A Praying Church, (Christian Onardinn.) The minister may he ;t man of God, Intl he cannot do the playing for hie congregation, Tho aggressive power of a churoi► will depend very much upon' the iudividuul prayers of its members; and every prayerless or seult•prttyerlt.'aa mem- ber will be a source of weakness, But then—we fear tetany, ielto complain that the claire!' is not a praying churoi, them- selves spend more lime in g t'outnbling than in praying, It is eo easy for a sinner to grumble and so hard for a sin- ner t0 prey; and, by the way, it should he true, that it is hard for a saint to grumble and easy for a saint to pray. Let us quit our complaining, and get down upon our knees, 11'..' are persuaded that the great cure for the ills of the church is to be found in ecnstant and full cominunion with our Lord. True, there are prayers that s'.mply tell tho Lord what He ought to do, but such prayers are vain. True prayer brings men into direct contact vr.lh the infin• Ito purity of Cod, std )tumbles man into the dust; but out of the durst ho rises, a pure,' mats one who has power with, God end men, '1'1lis etmimunion Is not a metd•er of privilege alone, but a real necessity 10 true spi►'ttual life. The man who talks with Go,l will wall( with God. The man who walks with Cod will not stoop to meanness or dishonor; he will not, he cannot, be :1 bare and fruit- less tree, but God tv+ll work through Itis► to make the kingdom conte, o.c• Saw His Way Clear, A Leesville physician, who called re- cently to attend a wealthy stoclunan who lied n pain in his side, diagnosed the ease as appendicitis, secured the pa- tient's permission to operate next week, and then went house and wrote to Den- ver for en automobile price list,—Denver Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Post. t"'IC'r7 ISSUE NO. 23, 1907. FORE CARTRIDGES FOUND, 210,000 Seized This Month in North of England, Another seizure of secreted entlridg#es hn4 been !mole at Edinburgh. The pollee visited a. hlarkyntilhs stitre in the Piers• hill district and took possession of 20,000 Jtlan,er earl ridges, The complete list of seizures made In different parts of the country is its fol- lows: hunde►'land, April :1 .. , . ... , 111,000 N wcttstte, :\pri1 0.. .. .. ,,., 31,000 i\'eweastle, April 10, . .... .... 100,000 Glasgow, :\111'11 12. .. „ .. ., 15,000 i;dinburgh, April 15., .. .. ., 15,000 Edinburgh, :April 10.. .. .. .... 20,000 Total number of earl ridges , .. 210,(100 As already recorded in the Over -Seas Daily Mail tho cartridges ore imported from the continent anti secretly conveyed by trawlers to the cnasl of Finland, where they are delivered to Hessian revolutionaries. ..o......O..: end©ll's Spavin Cure PORTAGII ltrvaa, March 5 'Ib, "I am using your Spavin Cure and can arty there is nothing to be compared with it." Gilbert Muse, all. Cures; Spavins Thoroughpin Curb Splint Ringbone Sores Swellings Sprains Bruises and all L.amcness a hottle—L for $5. Our great book— "Trcatine on the lIorse "— free front dealers or 32 KEUDALL CO,, Enasborg Fab, rermonf, 0 BUTTERIN CASKS. BOXES NOT WANTED—LESS COLOR AND LESS SALT. ,1. 11. .Iar'kson. l:ilnudian commercial )milt at Leeds. England, writing Immo, says that ('atlatdititt btltt('1' shipped to the north of England markets should 1;0 ,rot 111 casks, Practically (very dealer makes this suggestion: "Pox packing has so long been asso- ciated wilh inferior baiter in lin north of England that Canada's present system of sending battler to thio country in boxes is simply ruining her chances of mucking any decided impression on the large imports of continental end other foreign butters. In fact, it is said that for this reason alone Australia's at- tempts In compete in the north of Eng- land markets in box -pricked butter has not been so successful ns expected," The reason is not far to seek; tin north of England is the stronghold of the Danish butler trade. Two-thirds of all the Vanish butter imported into England is received from special butter sten niers nt Neweastlr'-on•'Pyne, )lull, Goole and Grimsby, mid immediately on being landed is distributed by fast ex• Ness trains on the different railroads to Ow various centre.i. Canadian butter also would appeal intiell more to the public in the north of England if it were not so "highly colored." 1( should be made as near approaching,' n very pale straw color IIs possible, and should not be salted Inure than one•lutlf as mucic ns in ' Canada, lroax—Bright, children don't: all de- velop info smart incn, Joax—I know lL Sumo of them become WOMCn. Many tt ,;elf -trade man marries a tailor-made woman. ASK YOUR DEALER II O H Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hou Strong u Gribraltar Limit of Strength Princess E iypdan Ws For Children's Fin(►. Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Sills Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery Manufactured for the Wholesale Trade by the IPMAN-HOLTON KNITTINO CO., LIMITED, HAMILTOItI, ONTARIO, SFS fn three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of rummer houses, refrigerator plants, eta GPT OUR PRICES. I , .1 I The a C e Lirnjted IIULL - - CANADA Agencies !a all principal cities. Natio of High Carbon Wiro,—we'll prove it to you, COILED• -not crimped, Tills makes it still atrouger !n nervico, It stays taut. Painted WH1TH over heavy THE PAGE,'WI1Fd<111: TENCIIC COMPANY. LIMIT$ galvanizing—rust proof, ICxperlonoed (haloes to nroot it. Lends all in enlol 209 —aa in merit, Got illustrated booklet and 1001 prices before buying. a koz vfllo, Toronto. Montreal. St• John, WisalaSpagi ::112—•JUI,E 3o, 1D07. 1111. - L Ccr, lo: 143-33, ..1 , o I 4' . • I1 'v Piot ro- t .• ... !. ..s. cil.t11t.3'r s: 13 , 111.1'11 11.141 is tier It) j41ui. , 111 1414,'• : .01:!11 01:1,11. L4 :f,..•' 1'i 1,1: 113' (.111'I'; s fit! !' ' ' 1 in.: jl ),ill... 111 tuna, '1;11 ,:!1 ,.., li. I: '1%oCld 1111:' h;' ll'4.oItt. ',( :111 1111:11•'' I should o;,..,,: ;11111 grisve Iu,u1}' \'.1':t1; is; :..' '1!1111,'11 i; 1141} Is. admitted 111,'1 It 4tl',.l'. (a\yrtti to eat tlll'at, •,' yet 110'1'4 111'1' `l roll'_ 11.,•1.,., 1111\' j1 i4 inr,lll'dirnl, 141111 (lu;,i' I I, .'1 11; ;111. t11 1111yl' 1110 binding force 111 i,t\}', ;1141'11:1. nal rxpedi(nl _And , i'":1)a uuplufitlllc and injurious, 111!1}` :!1'11111 becuuu' unlawful, 11'!11111. e'Ijiy uul--:\ll things do not tend to hail 1 up the cause of ('Ilri;l, and there - f"1 ' sr'. not expedient. 24, his own— '..s. no allot consult his own happiness, 1'i''41s111'e or convenience, but let 111111 ,k %\nal \rill be for the good of others. "SI. rule is 11tid down abort, eating or toot I:fling any kind of fool ns IL natter I' i1 ! llY'laner in itsaf. 11'il.h such 111111 the wisp.' has no concern. \\'huts 11all does pr1'scrihe relates to the e1• f•'rt 111 our conduct upon 44(11(1'4."— ('1111. PP "1.'t eves). man live not for him - hit for ',story part of the great 1111 - nein family with which he is snrrotind- ((1." another's \\'(141111---"1111l 411' a his neighbor's (,rout!." --11. V. This ':tits'.' 1111e happiness, 1j• rot' 111123' a( :.:11112'i1111',"• 2111 \',1'1!11 (v-. is ,.u111 '1'1:1. 1!lenl4 of 111o1 4!.116';4 4.11.1' often esp11="II t1) sale in the I:1111'• I:•'1 •, I • isTialiy by the priest; %the;! I11")' 111 ! till hard 1 s10•pl03, '1'11 the 1'1111"• GIN this \%I4 as 111\1(111 as any other Inrn 11'hcd"n,-1iatllb11's- '!'he ►ural. si(11- 1(1 the 111!l:'l:"t. asking 111, ,Isles• riot. I'ul' ,1:'''., N'.:.' 1'\011 4ti:ll it.a!:i!I• (said. . , 11,!11.•:; \1 is l4 1.'•-14'l t 1.4 inn :11111 11.'1'4' :Iri'i0,tuil44'd to :1411 111(111' 11111'11hou: 1(111)111 tll,'ll' 11)1111, as to \'!1;'1'e It 14.11 1111011'11, 111111' lln'•Iltll'1'(l, I'll's; 111! of 1111.1. :-(cri11111'.; 41111 (111,'4t11111ng.4 lite ,1'1'1 (tbn1ib111. Thr cun4cieuce need r, wit 1,1'=ell,itI','I''II 11115 11111111. 2I;. eastII j; tj11' Lord's •-,'1.e I' .1t, 2'1:1. This meat 11'1; a: to the Lord and is ;nada for Il'; 1(: cal.. "II, does not, belong to the idol even though it has Lyon 01(1(111 to it, I; may therefore b1' partaken of its 11((11 gill. 27. hill...,f''t'.l--'I111:3 refers to a feast in a private !11:11. In year; :)11!,"110 sey)r(ly rebukes the 1'!('140 1)t' 4'01111,, 114 tell -tri III heathen 10,111111'.5, bt'• t1115 \yrls one 1111.1 111 id014ttr0us NOV-flip. 1f a pagan f•ien11 invite a 2 In.'s I1.ut to 10) home to (Hoe he should is., %v!1(l In sot before 111(11 without 1'"1• nig his host with questions :!lout his loud. Put there i, nothing het', cu10• mauled which would require it person to ('111 or drink that \dijch is harmful, '1''0111('1111(0 Instruction,--"Ulie1•e i 70 111!1'1 Ilius; that we should shoo a!; \veil its alcoholic dl'itIls. 'I'ub:u'cu c(ltai11' 4111 nay' poison, which injtirionsly affects the (Ise using it. 11 tends to impair the t'se•i,ht; it tyeaken5 the 1111111 of the heart, nod tends to bren11 down the nits your, .sysl1'm, '.11114 tobacco habil once 1'0111:'11 is diffiel'. to liven li,•but it eau Ise b1.0het!r The 41(1,1 way 11) deal \vitt this thin;; is to let it slime. It is a sin 11) 1ve(kc1 and defile the body \\'ilh lo• I,O ).l. :1 man, who was :1 41411. to this filthy habit, w114 Very 11111(11 1isp1enscd 11'11":1 ))11.1111111g \ras 511111 6101 the p1111)jl 1lgainst it, at111 1411111.'tal2a l'::1,1'ess2.11 IIi43 di' pll'ls:n'o 1,1' leaving the church seryic;. 1\i last he became cunvelled and ;stye tip the use of tobacco, The Lord relieved him of the appetite for it eulh'ely. This is not (1 solitary case. \\'bile we rejoice that Goll %yill in mercy bring deliverance 1'r01 the chains of evil habil, we insist that il, is much better never to learn or pr4cti;e the use of the unclean tiling. "There are (h'llgs such as opium lull cocaine that have Ike quality of enslav- ing those who use them for some time. :Because by their use pain i.4 101' n time relieved, or there.is n feeli)1g of hiIoy• un4'y, lilt' habit is formed 1vith all its evil results, 'J'Iu' mind end bully are 110111 affected, and the Moral nntim! is weak- ened. 1\re must he\vIli'e of the use of the.e dugs, its 11.1 %slue our 1:ullh, judgiuenl un( freedom, ".I 1117 11111101 traffic is the greatest e1'll of this ago. Alcohol is the 01101113' of mu!I, it is destructive of life. It pre- serves dead bodies, but it kills living 0114.s. \\'lien talion into the system, it Iltta'::1s the brain 111111 nerve tisanes, etuslug impaired tisioe, Uncoln'011ad mo- tion, ital. senseless words and .,ctiois, '1:11.! delicate tissues of the hotly become inl'1:hoed and int'apiu)le of perforating 1!14'11 propce functions. lolg•continled )144. 1)l al.ullulic drink llriilas \veal:noss, diA(,!1::0 and death. ".'15 n natural result the purse is un• favm'a1ly affeetel, .t'overt7', useless pu\',l;y, 1011011'5 the trail 0f the 4l'ful traffic. The slave to drip!: does not re- gard the value of 101103', Only as It pru- 4'l!:'l'i w!iet, ilia! 1 IIPellte craves, 1louses, farms, )lulls, stores, clothes, Iiitve gime for 41111111, and poorhouses ure1'flow be- cause of it. "It is ball enough that poverty, disease 111(1 (loath result from intemperance, but these are only a part. 'J:hc family of the drunkard all\'ay.; suffers, The father, the Mother, the brother, the sister, the \viI'.', the husband, the son, the daugh- ter are needlessly pained, \\rant, dis- grave, 4110 sometimes death are endured bccnnse a. member of the family is a (ruin!:Aril, Or brother s(uniblol:I, •)r is offended ''Boyond all this is lilt' less of the soul. (11• is laude weal:" (1(011, 1'k 21), 1,o'e (lad's 1410(1 12114 119 that'druuikar'ds (11) to 011' neighbor is linked with lave to not gti to heaven. Alen cnpab10 of 1)c• (lull. "13ebo•ed, let Its love one. ntiother 1 oFto .tt1'1 ;(ir.r el d!� ::�4 .-1 ,,.. , y ,.•,,1',1 y The Right Paint Whether you arc going to paint the w'ho!c house, or only the porch—the interior woodwork, or u floor—there's the right paint in Ramsay's Paints. Just the shade, tint or color you want— mixed just right—in the right proportions. And it paints right --looks right—wears 111;111, 'fry them this spring, '1'lten you'll say—as folk have said for more than 05 years — Ratnsay's Paints are the right paints to paint right, 11'ritts. for Post Card Series " C," showing hour some !louses are painted. !, A. RAMSAY ti SON CO, - MONTREAL. i3 Paint Makers Slncc i842. (444'I l.!11')}t' of the 11',11111' sod 1011' :'ll` its i 1111'1);III'' (If4)111' 11)10 to others 1; the iiitai!til:11111i"---1), S. 11', measure (1f our love to Ilud, 'Ni 11'11) 1''1v 71020 you 'Thai is, it' one 'If tuly 1(vos 11011 41•111) 110.14 not 101'0 Ili: y,!I::' follow guests should (1(41111!3' 14110• 1(Iluw-men, 112411 24o one 104114 hi; 2,'11(.‘•,"' 1,i.: 111 1'1)71•„'1('11,'1, (11' (1 !(:!then 411(111111 114,11 111 (111' highest sense %1'!!11 111)1'14 not I!. !ii:ell• 11) 111'111',' 1lie Illferelll4' 1110) you 1"4'4' (11,21," a;';a•44eei1 of 1•1111 .worship, 1!414 nl111gil1'r•}.14.011(11 is the curse of the 4411114. It till,'4 1111' 1,1;1, s'04,11'1 )1u 11)110'1' "jots 101:111 the glun• of !width from the i,nl,ly 1,(ting 111111 1 Ilaltl:fnhu's; the 41)1411 and plau'ud there the hue u( 1111' 11 1d se: before }•11(1 it, I lie Oft of (11)11, ''1'1111'•('111)l 1111,1'11 the 1114te1' (1'11111 till' ('1')' 11::'!• ti. 1 4 f 1114'1-211.1' 114' thy ,..,.„.,,,.i11., Ino' Ilr 1110'4[0111 11( idolatrous worship math. it 11jm and 1,IloI,1ut: 101;1'11 l'nr'r '1''n'. I'lli's 411-;'(,e has 11111 \'1101111 (1'"111 till. 1(11:011 01111 Illleil It w::11 1 4'• 1''11 I,1' Mhos. (111)4 11`1''•1 for more , 14 I:114%' bo1'udlU'Pn. � 11111' 11:1111)('1 11111\' 1'1'11 111111! 11 to 4111111');1 that, you 11' 1:'111: 1)l' di;c;lsc and 11.:11 !; .11111111 the ti'.o' ,.!•' 1111n'b3''101111 it i; likely ;r.11'41'11 !:Irlll'lil(1 tl1111 ill' worship 4 ! 111'11111, the templeof thought ; 1101111'l,L'I! 1 1 4 1. !11!1!1!'' 10 do •o, 11'1111. ',Ion!, 111'110'1 I I ! 1 leasu)1 .11141 11111(1)1 it reel with fully; till:• l'f :11%-0(11', 1l” t•'o., 431110111 be 1(1'!1111.11 1.;111; ns p.'rnli;si.,,e to 4 1'.1'1,113+!, - ! ,,I l'll IIII(Ilig'ileC (1'1)111 (lie l'\'14 1111(1 ex• \ 11' 0• flet' •, e•-'!ltl', ll'•s,'!I 11:,' rim), MI), _J, For )thy, etc, '1'1,14 verse I 71!1'1 till' 1)'11 :;1'1'' 11 111111 (ll4('ll!'q, 'lilt'1'!1111,_1'11 It frit' the stupid s(:11`1' o1 111!'1•j111 :1111!11!1 1 ) 1771' (opt 1,011 tit -1 '"! -,' 4 144 11 that i0) 1(11111 has 4'1•; taken beauty from tie (111'1' 1!1111 1.'i; 11'' ','11 ''1!t, j2'. ;I.:doily 11'•1'1• ,I';'1., 411 11 , 1'!)) 1.11. 0 it jl1-,111! ed and biolted; lake!1 fii' nn" ! 1!s: 1 '' ' !! 11 11::111 In in1,'rl'rrr \11111 t!' I!b1i•i1' ell• I ' II I 1 1 11 Win I,i' r t 1' till Ili -''\1'1.11` 11.1 h1 (ant ler, '1IV' s1) f:1)' 11; his 14t11 111111 I !a Iticily 8'011 til( 51op3 1111(1 11:!11,, I. 1_' 11,:i :l'! ;'; in w1101 1:11•''1'11 '1111 .'11'114' 144111 i,„n,'h'llill'lls 1'u!:yl,'linll; (111111 1.1,101'111!; 111111 ll'l'.I,•!111'0114; 1::k1'11 ' 1 1 f' :1., Cit. 13,-11‘,.,..: of-'ri.o1= 1!I• 1 fn 11 1134'( 111, 111' l.1-,' 11')1111 11)0 111'!11 (111)1 left R•I'0k111'-+• ! :11 )''' 'II'''), 11- ('110 1,1':tl!ell 111'1}• Is. ,.1•,' iiLl'I1 to14111 1 1 � , !' !1'1!,1',1 the tongue t(1 flit!')' 11{01III11•, 111:1 I 1 f11' 2 1 ;(:1.1 1!"I 111,' 1,2,1'1•!' ,:IL! !' 11;1. 1,:1•1 '11:1:•41 1H. 11:,1111, (1( y'il'1;jw, to 14!1•„ (.111;'1''.; 4'I)))(( ll'll")', 1,'1' N'0 1!:111' h': 1'11'`.'• '•!'-Il:'_ ;,i'!I I- 1', 114 )1('3 111:' II'!',' 11111', •111" :1 111:111', 1111„' 1'1111 I' 114. eol:Ill'Iil 1114 .111113,1 11':1(!"11; Int' ':"II-; ih!I".4 1.!!'! '1' 1. If 1'1,weve' the Ile,' j4 If i'Ilk!' rl:(1:_ Iuy; to cl'ar'ity. .\ , .1 oiler t'f! 1 1,1''1.! .1 -inn!,.. a:! I infection lake= til I•('oi!ral 111` l'�I;I.I fill.,,. moral. i,1' :111 I,'1 ,,21,;111' • .I; 1 411'(;11.(' '11 t!1,'„L41,i111'l'1'Idtltl4.t 11,'!11. In. ,";l'1' ..l,., i i•':'4. .:i ,!!I' 11'.1,1,'1', (lir 111-.:,,l' III1( Pill! I I I I ! 1'111!11 !'!.'stip!' too I!Il1.Xi1!.Ill'211 t(4 111;1!1,! ,' , '.'1 . i'" 1!1:1111 1'1;1111 :111111 11,4' 11'01' 1'.' 411111 Ulilnhl'ulne4,'' 1;. 1'. � I ,;4'll 111 11 11111111' 4 0 1111111 -•-,1 i:1211!'1. 13:1'• ' jlosll'11'od, In aldlti1111 to 17!1'.'111;( 1)21'))! I i I. '1'111 1111"1 rale u( 11/111111e1 (1144, I ill', his tllrl'l'•vou1'•o!lI child 114114,0., 113 1'.11!1 ;1 4:1''} ' 134',('.1 o1' ll"!111'1111'." top It 51 l',3), :i!, 1'a: 41:1:i drink: '''1111' "!o:'1' 1;1 God 01411 11141111'11111' reeled !111;1 fell. It 11141 :I i- :11!'.'',Ilan:to 1..,4'1, -.11:'1301'' o'1' 41111('1 is to he til;! e1111 1)t 1111 (441 (1 timl5. In dilution' 1.1.1 all its fav( like that of a 4 1;14•:,4,:- renew, 41. a- 1!,:',l' 1(1(4- carry hi- 2l"!IiselvI'4 (11;111g and drinking l'i'e ,'(':14111•':1 :Ia'l)I'11t;' , Although (.o1, (:111:'!1 ) irel13.: II' 1111 1411:11411121i..1 1114111 1!'1!111; 11)111 ill” 11,1;(41'1v l'('1' 21•' ,. 11 1 r, trailer tic. 1011111':101' to 441411111 1!•1 111.' f.1• 1'" '1'':1'1'1'1',1. 1'1'111 , .114 -111111111 11)11 ..111,;,., iu'li;'irrenl, , tit dere I.4. eirrunl• 1 , � p 141:11144 111 \'1111111 2:114 may 114' mutters 1111'!' k!'1)2 'Jiving I1 111111)1', \yhlly U stupid 1' ' 7'11 11 ':11' 1171. .1411!,':!1)11 Of Ila' 1>1':1111'!1(`; 1)l' the 111,211(' 41 jnln111i1u13'e. in our 011.11 l'ro%yd stood and giggled as though 1!.1. .1 . ;L ' 1! 111 trunk, if the e are ,t 1• l, o w4143 eNl'4'udingly 1'llllll(`al, 1:'•':''I 1::.' 'li' ' —e 1113\,-;,:'t 11) 1111' 11:14111 411.y, for instll-e. the question of eating 1.11' 1154t:li!4ll!g fl'.111 intoxicating 111111ors 1, '1'0:10 heed, 1'al!I:44'l11'I', lest 1!' .1:(4' iI 1i'"1''' „ I,q- 1, i, o!!)' 41'11it'!I ought to he dealt 1wit11 (07 ,.11'1'9., 1111; 1111:'11,1 (0 40111,1, 1.flyt'll 11• ihl' ( �''1,, y:ti'i'l11', 11f pelt': a1. ,1 .-11 I t the some principles 0111(1 Paul 1411.; laid 1 4.,lls 111 :1 l'Iuisti:11 (Y)• 11.11111. !11,,1111 i i'cl t•1 1.111111 11141! 1:(!!:'1',, (11111`, Ihe:;c 1! '•0'11 I:1 this (13 111ter, "1;.'11 41 question !dock , ..t ... 1:1,11 ,11.' 1,!1(1 In (11'111'! 11.1 out' ground alum., )4t'0j., :1 c11jl4I lay dein;;, !ler lather i \','13t'I `;,'Ii;, :uul 'I''so:, ''1110 the 11'01!"1 '. \\in.! 171'1' hl• 11-111'; i 111'11) 01' 111)- hid =2:11,:1: Int')' it 11101' ,011 11,, 4!11!1,, 4111111' I • ' I'2!' 2; ,'1,'1 2'1.11)1) 41•( two of those ''!'1I 11'1' 1)111-1 :111,jlel to it, it 1111)3' rilililllll;r 11'11111 1111`1!1 \I't, !17!1!1 111'141 1)1'11- 11;,;11' 114'111 (Int' i111iia•II1.'., Ui 1'11111. 2i , 11 , 1, t!e•Il';:I!le ')I 11141111 1111! vitriol it's phot,. the glory of Coll.' ..1.1:14, Do 1111 .141,,,1" 114::,. wltu 011.!.1011 by 1) 1' 1,1',1• yl ;t!! 1:1'4' !col snidest t1 114! au'lot,o. --'•'11114 requires that I1'1' should plan 14'11.' 111 1:1(' eX('itilillellt 4;1414 Illi' 111:11;eller t 1 \!!',11;1'1 11!1!1 44,111141 Ile l4) lop gr::ft lb, 1113 ardor unr \vliolelife in tic �.hu !1111 11cnit uul the 11111111 to til. fol 1111.1,' :'•:''1111!,1. y1u'ihtilK on the mnlr (11'"an:'e \ri1It (1011'5 I114y. 11111.3' of 1her 44bo loved 1115 child. Ile dre}y near i•t•.j..' :l kill:. n'', tie ehanc('s of the Guth- 'I'1) live to 110d's glory should b1 the (kith -bud, and heard a 44atelter, , the high 411111 of 1'1'1'1'1 III,I14IIIUill. "'1:is 4(1'al:lag (1o' (111141'5 hl'alltlfill fact', 4:14', 111!4.!11 21')'' 1)1'111'1 l';'"r""" 11111111 n. lit, is 14 s;nfficienl rile to rcgnlatc every' "'J'hat holy killed her,” 'J he child cau.ritl c'.,n,i','.'r:lh13 11....•0111'1. I'll, fib .14111 n': mnn'S ronsri2'nre 11111 practice on all in• law 44111spur, nod, rai.;in;, h.1' cyc • to tma '( hiss! 0(1'.11, apple Ileo, I tl different thin”; where there are no ex• 1.1111=eller';' fake said,"You dill it," 11;121 :I.:'' di..'1!"':, 111.44 commands or pru'.libitiuu.'' died. `'p:ayi1g \vita 'ionicnnx mixture has Il, apparent effect 11111.41 it. 1111. it is l,1'• Clarks. JI, I1k1. !1111, (1 411 in authority, lest " 1 ;,,, c,•, y, ,1:'\l',! 1:7:11 ti Ijn,l 11141 1111hnr wash (ilwl. 111'111( offence t� Jtr 1'. you, 111!\'1!111 loom -made 411111'4 111141 sweet n r ( 1 ''')'hungh you may Inc nn h't.ter 1)r wor4l' 1:114'1 and br4uul ' 1;11111 upon your (nrnlir•' i1 cu4'tjn 441101 till. hark n4.• for .alio" 1(1101 1)r not 1'.11111'1, yet If l y 11 111)11, }"III 111 51111,1' eluent ill. entrance of the become it :4tuubling blucli t0 1111'111 that' 1.1iol!t :,(1111, pair ',militia injures others and loads are weak. 1 Ilostu:1 clergym•an gide a III" 14 )11 1111 1)1 grim of 113 Prat' or )hero into sin you should abstain en- pal t;; un 1111 td1)11y•tifth anni4er'al"!' 1)1 htll 11Ijcht 111114 it, way into til. tree 4'(. )t,l „I( 1' flu' more important 1!141 his 4'('1)114)113 day. 11'it t w118 served. 1)'1'' Pt (ll'.' 'tt'n11er,'G1 npd le,ist protected pall! .Ill,tlll 41:1111111 not, IT 1(11 111111 ;III 11r,('11I''lil41 41)ked co in 4:141114:',at :11- (111111•. :11111 it 14 I1;'lll'1'l'll 111' 11117',.' !111" th,.11 114(1t yeti should partake u► meat (!ce..!I d 1ht. '111111, 111114 11111141: 111011 1,401 I a Ca 1.111111 tndy of it !hill 10'!111!11 you :11'lintl\\'11'11 1'l! L4 111 1141'11 cif , 1 „ I 11111'" 11:11)11 •` h all the rest. 1f'' (11,iu k 1"41111 that nig'it n•n(ti.411y ell the infection is done by 110 0 4411111 should„ I'1i1 1111 }.neral 1111(1, 111 know, fn a 4444.!: he 4411, 41 Ilite:l 111,1('14 or 1;11114, and 1!111 til. (li;ca.;e i4 (•1111' which 11regulate (7' I to m1;n1:;11i, 10 ), month Inc wa.43 dislui:,41',! x ull!luyt. at all times, 1'huuga you ala iir,in 1 (' '' ,l not, carried to ,1)!y 1x1:'11. bs %rind, In ''s ,114 111111114 it l I 1.111.1 41!411 lie had 11(11 :1 sects carrying iufcciion !tart! to the lips 143 ('0x111 front4'1) superstitious illi 4111uc41 ml'!mh.r 1I11' (414cm ye1',i'5 10' 11,1;1- of .;ncoulonl shunts and the germs find is co1 11 i i1) the spirit II 1)l' !1)y. to been 1"''':'1''.1,1(11 in .41111 ti:1'. The 1 1 11)1x• i oli act throne h the Inds tit lit; 11:1114 ^t 1!11,11.1 tla(Il.11l %1'111) 1.4 111 1'.l 1.0 farlion (at that evelIIIug ,1'44111'11 2441 4tr4.411 11111'1'4, 111111 at any 101111 11'11('1'1 (ho 11,1111 Lllllg!Ililll'll, You 4!01111 not bin 511111 f11' Ilial, 1114 uN'u �Lih11r ruined 11,41 b'okrn, 'flu. chill' 4111111' of infection Mina block- -a 11llie of throconfusiof which J I I, .14!131 heel) minor I'.Illkr's 4111.1 :n)• of bearing tees is though the flowers, might lend 11) the o4lrthro►s of 1'111111. , , , n 2111'1:1, 14';41 y.�11, tallilllg 1111 (!('(`a Aioa.:l to shell 111111e 111;1('14 Io,oi'ing the 111,s- Jl•l'1s- "The apostle 4.4.1 avoided of[euco 11354 h:cnnle a stumbling alum to the .1);e, to 1114 kinsmen 111'1.1 the flesh.” (len " 41', blight is usually first noticed in 1,113 (11)1G11!,t 1111)1 of !heir prcjudiee3 41401:.11111 your c'hildlt'n i1l.lit 4111 41111'1' 4 the they cannot 0(111tid, :1 (Mil:110:1 the spring on baring trees, when flow - 33, l'l ilea'.; ltw (lues not require ill` 'rntlearul 41'u� til. intlie1 of 41 8)11111 ' of (4r.; (111)1 (10\11'1' ('1)1;1.1(4 41111013 h:,rc been :13 1' 110:11 all men---Ilet1.o l dol this so inn' r'J n:; !Ie cunl;l 1i11btruti117'. \illy le saved healthy, inl:lllgent children, :15 11101' 1)!ighl((I wither end 110 not vat fruit. --Ili:; 111:1111 objacl \\;ts to seek the sal• ea u. of age they nii s111)0ed a 1421':11,,• boon ill' fruit spurs nip noticeably nf• 1113111 for alcoholic drinlia, 1114 1llrc0 feats! and also 1111' 11141 wood, The 1114• 41.11111 o1. till 1(1 01 This \w.1s the end in •:,,,!s o 1 r( drir11:11'ds, One daughter (1:411, starting at the tip of the shoot,, 0:o y. SnIritl1111 .11111)1" mutt to set aside ,ht.r 11111'• r `ileir o\1(1 41'0,1'.i 111 014'to uplift an- HodHod11411, hitt (-Add !!4'•t lea'n' ti,( c:?:•„ ' 1/01111/ 11111,1 (10\\•11, although it 41111 Hui l 1 I :11(211', 21111' became 2111' 1'11'1):11 111 doh,. in I'4l'ry (10'('.11(111, 4011)1'111111'4 1111:,?111,•1 (111 11111'1, !!rife 04'4 unn•cs1) the 111 it:111 tremens 1111(1 commit .'411X1'1:', 2a!I,, to the main branches snit to the tank of 4;211,3'4 rather than builds, tip the \York of left two little 1307'.1 and 11 a••;1't-hrok'n til. 11.1', 'The (1jsense "ries in 11w 111(1 (114;1. , ) ). 1 r. )NS 11 11 5 11 0 1111. 'filo catise of 1111 tilis 11114191'' 11 ''1'1'1':1113, tillllll'lllll!'G 1)1111' ill. 110001'4 1%11:1CTio:iJ, .1.1.11,fC-lli(. y ore affected, or the fruit spurs or ;:call- , . N' :; :1 l l.':l of 111'•'7' 111'1111;ilio •in t!I" y'4.ri 1.,1' love seryl one whither"11(('s(I• > 111::!! the chjldrcm %4'111' I!nrn. A. (:, 1,!, .r iwj.', (u' 1)11 1 14.)1 1(bOnt. n place on ..» ....... .. «1+0..10..,,,r4WPP.414u0w1.0s,•44 (;, i:'linutl!' j1) w.l l'1', our Pia( III Unl' t 11011.'1,1 1,1 •I.4 %,1y !u' 1 Ill al!,'d 1((1,4 (111 -14.4• , 11111('!) 1110 of 1 rl!Il 'fl,'!II -,.;,' 11111'11 1,, 11)'1111' 111(' .II 111111- 1;1111. 111!I,4 -1i1' .11',il!',al' 11x,1 -till, 11-.11'1' -;1'1111,1 1),' I:'!'"111'11 It !1'111111 141,1 hi' 1',1'11'.1 in a ;41.1,1? I II.. 111111.1 . 1 ',1 .o :. 1'.I 11'•'!;' 1'1'1,! • 1!;I::"n i0 %11I1,'r 14 (1111 it 1101•'1 11' c.'11r 1','I', -I !mu! til Ir' (•11e1'tlye, .', •I,;311 '((:141,!! In 1 1I,i1(40:I to 1„114;4 "ol !III. 11' •'', 1'1''1 ►601 4(401-Y6►1006►►441.6.01♦ • BACft!,US )4l4YLOVORUS Petr Blight—Fire Blight, 1(160( 4♦ 6-.f•-0tf••0♦♦f'+i-.-(H1H 11:1(•„111.) 111. 11'11' h!j;l111 4111, 4111111' 111;111 ti -1111• !;. 111'• 1!HIV,' 111 Ile peal' )I1•II`II'1, Uf ,111:jlo III 17'1111, ((lode ureha1,1,5 11 )1(13 11 •1 1"'r' t§!, 1110! 111;111 \- trees t 1,01 Ile,. 1111' 1111)tii t; Il: ,, 11:!1: 1. (}!11 :0 I!1.'. 1:,11 ,'1• ..en,,''rjr.1! Joie.. The 111',11' :I i3''l1'1::l.l 111,1',1,' and i; one of t!1" !.I.1.1 difficult to control. '1111 e 41:1}' of r1111t'1111111g It I, l0 1(• 111'17; 11jSen•I'll 11)'1 111 b1'11!•'h (111111 1110 111111;11'11, :11111 if the 1111111 js ,41(1','! l'.1 1 11 1/.111111/' 1111 111-(.11-411 1131.1.4, 1' 14'12! he re:Illjl4 ..ern Mat naless tlu It,1rl, j: 11011' 111 11 4cry thorough amt •leln;(1 de manner it i4 praeti4'.1.11y 111• !0--jhl. 44) voile %%illi 111. (liscusc. ;\$ u general rale, hi't's tvhich are growing rapidly are mut'-e affected, the s(111)y \11111 !wing very susceptible to the 11'14. l':1,,', Item.( any system of (ultnr4 that %till cause 0 healthy, Intl not strung, ,ero\yth is to be pref.rrc1, It is ruttier difficult to grow good iM'ux> in 0011 111 the pear districts, (4tlel\\'i'o the oreb- 1;111. 11101) lo' lot I4.1'114y in grin. Ville!! 1.111:'1 cheek the !'Tuo'll 0041 render the 1 r. e, molt, hollow, .1 het ler plan (night ;,, lissse11 ll' 1'1111111 III !lie spring by eII!Ii(':Ilitl,r and 111111 s"1',1 11 111''1.11 to selll' covet' ('1(11), as 11y this 111(:! 11(((1'1001 131(101111 01113111 I)i' 116414' to -irwl fl'n t and 1110 gr'Iwlll 4.1 t!" 1111' w-'11!11 le rlerl;I:l 111 1131 ex - 13.) \111I'tuit Scott, the I c t Mr'mt boy, the sleeping sectincl, saved 1, 4' .I,incnlu reran 'being shot, lold the story thus: .Lincnl0 Ivey very gentle. Ile said. 4'1'e not ;;ling to he slot to -morrow. 1 r!:, '+111:';t to (.11:.1 1014 ;til'1 •:::d 1.1111 24 10111' regiment, 1 11:11'. ('.1114. 1'1111 11'ushing!('n, 1,11d 1 11(111 11) 1:1101'1 if you nuc ruing to pity my hi!!.' '.)'here wits it. lig Iuulp hi my throat. I could ),car:'_'• smarting, blisterul hand from 0 sough 11' 141(10111, 12111 1. 1i1111111n('ll t(1 G,ly, '1'111'1'@ 111111.110 la ,at once relieved 111' 11 little is 11:e bounty in the 5114111/34 1,01113.' '1'11011 1:141)-1211;, .A 11111!11, a "811,110i n ;}11, 1,111110111 io,1!il'(t into 11!1' fits(' Int:11 1lo' 11!!111 from 1',1501'1 stie;i4, 11 sei, 11,1'1• said: ':IIs bill is n large 0n', Viso. 110:111- ri1(14('rt h',' 1t (dialing shot., a. lora 411 a l,' cannot pay i1. If from this 3:ly 711)1 ° llienic fire—furall these Llllll•Jhlli is a )'our dols then 1y' debt will be pont.' quick cure, 1 said 1. \\'Dull Ill il, and n'ith (.lull's Don't thiels because Zt1u-1201: is 1)1211) 1 44111.'' Gel ibed by doctors and used for the most ".If any man 1;ay„'1'111:, k offered in serious 141:1)1 diseases and injuries that il, sacrifice to idols eat not for his sake” i4 only useful for serious ('41(44.5 11'!111 (v. 28). "rake heed lest by 11117' !titans (tir('s a serious akin injury 1111 scion cud this liberty~ of yours become a sluutb• a loss serious one. ling 11011: to thnnl that are \yeti!:” 1, :11uthers will find Znm•lhlk useful for Cor, 8, 11. "1t is good neither to est flesh the hent rashes and akin troubles to nor l0 drink 441)11, not anything \diesel's \Illicit young cltillreu Oro sebjcc1 in the bol, \wrather, Remember always that /.nal -11111: 15 made from Imre 1101.1)411 essences, contains no mineral coloring matt(')', owl is thus best for (Ito tender cOnlpludiilg (;lent things for (Jolt and for 1010 i,t of 00(1....110 thltt lovelli not 41:1114 of infants, humanity are losing their 04vu (;oils knovetli not God... . ,if 11117, man soy, All shores 01111 druggists sell tit 60e, through ar1n1. I love Cod and 1111111 his brother, he a box, or post flee from the Zant•L'uh. ".C: 11 we do less 11)1Ul pray for the i3 a lour" (1 . John 4. 7, 8, 20). 'l'lte Co., 'Toronto, for price, 23 boxes for $'?.!ill, CANAVIAN GIRLS AND EAP�i-1+1)K. (:111't) who are fund of canoeing, tenni!;, rowing. golf and other outdoor spurts find Zai i•lhik invaluable, as well as Ito I!uir !bale friends, 441)0 are engaged in the sang! spar!;, and baseball, ctt'. :1 the brnnclt('s of t'1a11 lint have some Ally=iulc;;ie41 injury. '1'1141' germs 1)•e (111111 in a guano). substance 1)r 015(1(14• 111111, and this is carried b)' the in)eets from one flower 0r tee to 1(1101!1(, 1'!141 lmatcrm increa=c ycr ' rltpidl i' by 01111 (11101' 1111 tree is iilft'etl'(I 111; disease 1111(3' scull spread over a large area. As has leen stated, the best method known Of controlling this blight is 11\' sot11 r out the (Ii;4.(14(11 park. '.I'0 do this thoroughly it is pcecsrnry to begin in the winter, going (1101the 1)l. chill se.verill 1)1015 111 be .41111 that ell the diseased wool 11.1s been I.hs:1'v. t. 'J'his should be, followed up in the spring and summer, and evel;ylhieg showing (t sign of the blight should bo cat un1, not 104,3 than 14115 illchrs !whim the 11f- feeted pari, or lulu heallay wood, possible, it is wise to cut as much as it foot below where there i4 evidence of the disease. It has been proved by ex - 'aliment that infection is carried on the knife 1)r saw. especially in summer, hence after 10(11 !thin'll i, cut tine I1nife should be disinfected. The disinfectant 1•(110111• mendc(l lit Professor \I. 11, 11'nit1, %who has given this disease vers caroftil Andy and who Is confident that it can bo con. trolled by taking pioper ct1'1.' in 1111,1111}4 and dniit the work systematically told thoroughly, 1.1 ''.1 141)1)711)11 0f corrosive 11 !I', (11. ,1.';11 41 ((,l': 1;1'1!11'!1", ;11'1 l4111')) 111'•,11. 11•lll'l' etre:, it j4 1,''2,'11 II and horned. 1'11111 111}1,'1, ill Hie 1'1"11' Ili-tl'icts of ( 11;)1'1 „honk! combine in 11)1 endeavor 1,, ''1101.11 the 1)11131)1, iedi\ 1111:11 etIurts art"4! 1i(tl,' (v; it if til are ntt'ler( ed. g o1"lLtl'IL4 PRIEST'S MURDER, 3EAP.CII:NG FOR TIIE MEN WHO If.:D THE TRUNK. Suspeeted Cwaaot ~:;cap:—Every .4\',11'): of 1'. ;iht is Being Closely 11'14.:1:111 ;.r.ct a Dozen Cities Arc :1. 11'111 t!1, 1,1 „ -,',10 til 1.11 a• .11)l(,!:;IL 1!;I' .41111 Lill 4'':!1111- 111 1211 11' .'1•,!:1'11"ll IIVI ('I'4' 111,1111111!11 111;111 I'll 1 1)1,1;111) Ail Cif" 111;1'- •2144 \4olj,j,l j!1 .1','N 11- 1- I` 1101"i011 1l,..1. 11:1' 1111'01' 1411'11 14,'111-- 1.1 111 (1!,' 111111111'1 01 1'111111.1' 1\11•!101' 1•,14'' 1,11 11111, 411,11)•," .1- 11.11:1,! 111 :1 11'1t!1i: 1-11 11111 ,•,''II I:,: 11:,11"I\. 11' 11'1 ,111' LI Ila' " ,l int l; it ,[14,110111 t1114 -Ilol, !2 11114!',1"I :11411,'01",111'4 1,111 !'1411 t,1' 11:1'10 111ItI4' \:11110 I. 11.11 Tl' 1111p1 :Orli" 111' 1111'111 •Ii,1 ;1110 .1111 I'.Ii1'1111'1111 In.:'t iIL'ob^ 14.,'1! . ('1,11IL11!•••1011oi' I:III_ll.ln 11:1''11'11 1':1111:01( .414', .1111'121 11) •1.1111! 111,1111118 111 hi" 'n11''n4fir 14 1,111,111 1.1;1' 19114. 1'111' ',;'der i- I)"jl':: (11'v1'11. E1111"y The )softest 141.9 Lowliest Gifts, ,lutea :41,:or41ndj(1u :1111 1':111 i�lll 41:111':11 :Illytyllore 110'1• \1'111 ll' ulh'!t'!'Ire loftiest ;!jfl,, the !mist '01151,1111• 111 ell •)'' 11', I'll' III' -1 ( 41, 11,1111 I I'nn"l1' 111x1. 1111;ll l,1n, have no ot!n I' purposl' than 1111'11 III;II'hY11 1;111", II,I' I::-1 11': I,'' gist. It 1. 11'!1•')'.4 )I'll)! (11:11 I'a:!:1'1' 1: 114;1= 0lfl',111'1111 j1 Ilob( kis, 'Elie !a.1 11'11' 1.11' was -1'411 1111,1' i11 'Manhattan lo' 11'11; Prayer, Almighty 11(11, our IIt'i1}oult' Father.. 10I(Irl' ('11'4 111')' I't•cl'1'\vile',', 11'11,"1' ilol'; 01' i; boundless, 111)1 11ho")' lure is over all, amid life', 1111ngres :1'111 II'nlpt1li11114 we 1ornnlil inrsel5e; and IIIc=r 411' Inwe to '1114' most g1'lici))Ils (':1 '1'. 12,' night 1111.1 7' day, il1 ,iclinclr,; 11 41(1 l:'Till11, in pro+• perity, %rhea we are alone and when w(1 mingle %11111 unr jvit) . 1•)10, (2 Father plant '1'11}' children and 'reel) lheni from all sin. 1'roln the t(nlp•'et of passim', from the blight of iinhe!ief, from the deadly cold of selfishness, () gl'11111 us 'I'Ihy proteetiull, Ai11 wl'alr4•er till' cx- perienc' through which Thy providence) 1(1(1y lend us. let 1111 things %vcrk together for our good that, we may grim' (1nily in likeness to Jesus our `aviolu' and in fitness for !lis service, Auten, My Bark. , . cool Pet my hark aflolll, 1'pun Life's morning sea, .11141 gave for captain !cope 'l'o sail my Lark for mc. 11'e voyage past rock 111111 reef Its tide winds blown afar, 12en,'ath the ancient ami. itcneatlt Ih( 510111(:1;t star. 11'1 coast, by phantom shores, 11'1, 1'014.' the isl,' of Dreams: 11'0 plow 1',rough wide wectes lit )l1' phosphite;'('tit gismos. .41111 1.'1 ill we heli (1441 .11.11'. .41111 41 ill. 111'10_111 44'1 rr'5 11 ( 11'14111, I'ul enldncll \rill) Content, Vol. 'lope is at the h1.'n. 11141 through hi, 1ni'1nIi I' stslulcll I feel, at (Cod's decree Fair Jaren T 44a11 find Beyond I,jfc's Sumer :.ca, --('1110111 Seolla111. N';Ill:;lig 111'.1'411.11 114 11'w.t Putt 1'•.r',")til! -i 1441 fel'I'4 with a man (117 t%"01'il1Q 11:u1'i:ll('r de-erilltir,n and 11 \to111 )it. It is belieyr'I the exbre4.•nlall 1411,1 brnn43!l( 11,' 11111(1; to tic h' nn' 1)l \Ir,, til.rrrr. at :i:f:l \1'4..( 'I'iljrl y -•:'(cul l 1(111 1111!11 til`; 'N' .111,•1}' 441;7(, aL l 110 1111111'. 1114' r':I rl'll l ll!4 111'1.1' 1111'1''. Till. 1114• 111:10, It 1- 11(11!1;'111. )Hight 1111}1' 1'14'11 a 1111'1 2) ::01 the 11111'•1 4(1'1 1Iio river. 1111141}' 1i, 11raltin,! of Il' 11(1 i'a. ••1,1011 1'l•-1111,John lin(Ijnl. thirty• till -1'111',1 1'(11'!11'1' 111,4 1111,:111 111 4i11).41'ryl', 11.' 11110 l61. 111 Hing Spirit 1114'111(4 11) 14111 211311 :ev4ralil as 11; 413111; (111(1 \1.131• Cher be endows 1111:1 with starlike gifts, which soar above, and blaze over half the 11011:1 with last'. (11111 lives through 1l:' centuries, or whether he sot him tit 60llll' ((11(0'_4' N'i1111ow to 1401111 Out 11 (1113' rant of li ht 111411 pierces n little 4141•1 into the night for 1n hour or two and then is quenched --it i; all one, The manifestation of 111)! Sllll'll Is given to every III:;11 for 111(' s41)11e 1,111'114431'---10 11(1 )0)1(1 wit!), .411)1 144. have all one office 111111 fpnction In lie discharged b,1' each in his u%yn fashion --:lankly, to give the (i t1' t':1)•: 4,1,1. of No. 22!) .111"111111 sl IltI. light of knowledge of the glory of Clod 1,1'1111.11'1), }1111 i •, :111 .lrinelllal, %c:ls IIl ' in the Ills':' (11 111`5114 Chl'15tr—:111\1411(!'1' ee•1401y for a fell' hour., 1:1.;t night he - cause cell -e 1. 11014 n ('1311:( rc=cn,bl:Ince to "no of the missing 111.1. Mr,, Sherrer'5 won! re!3a-41 114111. o.1. TUR:,ED ON THE GAS, HANDSOME YOUNG WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN NEW YORK. \ .w lul'l'. Jam. :1 .1(11'1 dest1'0y• :'lulu,! .1'011' elm' 11) 1101' identity, a handsome young %ro111IIn, about 03 33111'.4 44111, 11111,1.11 1111 (111' Sas 10 n room jn 1':115„ (!110 Hundred 11111 'I'wcnty-Fourth street, which she engaged yesterday. %%as dead 0lieti the nccnpnntsl of I!1. 1,1)11,.1', who hail liven attracted to the odor of gas, burst in til( :loos to- day. It is !.'li1'vell 11111 she 4:144 n resi- dent either of Itrouklrn or of Montreal. '1'11,lt she hall been in comfortable dr, cttn:dances seemed apparent, Ilex cloth- il1,; 111;15 of fin); lextu•c, the condition :f bel' !,lips indicated that 1110y had been given 10114.11 care 1111(1 never hail done lien v1 \cork. Among the personal effects of the ,voting woman l(rl'(' 4t purse. in 'which (1.4s found ?111,(1l, a gold breast pin and a gold 111)tih, seemingly of Swiss 1111111- 1(1ttu')', bell ring the 1114011' Jul 10.111)1, 1111 tle. n;nol..1' :11,7 1i. 04d LITTLE BOY DROWNED. Sandi McKinnon FaL's Into the Milldun at Erin, Ont. :111 Erin, lint., despatch: This afternoon 111111 I-::111:13' .'Ilel\inmin, son of ;lames 11cii.ilupl, 44(.3 playing along the banks of the rave leading to the grist mill and fell in 1)11!1 14';12,1 carried to I he screen in lion1 of the Mill 11(04(0 lc was notiee11. Georg' 11.11 r(s1,•nell line from the water, and immediately summoned I)1'. Gear, win, trio.! ('1ery pis:11)10 way of ro,lor• iv I:1111 to life, but 41jlloul, avail, JUDGE INDICTED, I''ORZ MURDER:. iie Pleads I'Iot Gui1'ty • .hLli is Released on aril.'•` ('l,viill;ton. 1\1'„ ,limn(..;2,• .lodge \V. i,'11'1:11 \ia•• (0-(109 jllllill :'ll for the 1:11114!.'1' 1:1 Thunder'. (oils, whole in. 11,! '; ;:'' 1 with %41'1411;! 111 L'' 1114 I I It 1113'11 f.!' 1', Judge Loving pleads(' not guilty 0 114 was bailed jn 17.(1(4O. the s:411014 ll'hl.; lull; ;r 1)111111 1). 11 u'sl:y. of I,y1'1illln';s, e •e STOLE I'MCIIJ S. 1.01(11011, .Irate 3,---.\Inmst inter the 11)11(14 1)l' thp ounce, who wore guarding (.lc ll1ya; :leadenly p!ctlli' .s,14044. 011 cs- hil:jl.!nll 111 I1 11•1ing1u11 11015e, one of lie P11"4111.' galleries in ltniid street, just 1lrmml the corner \yn4 swept clean of its pictures d)ring tIi night. The thieves y' 14sway \til:b ,141 1111114/1303 With. out ieaving a clue to their identity. The pictures behmgod• t0 an artist who was (0 have opened an exhibition of them today. ICeeping Young. The struggle against growling old be• comes mom and mono 14'tenusu'4. Ever) -thing is dune the: eau be done to keep the body front decaying, and when thew efforts fail 5,'1111 try 1u Make bit)e 1 0ll'cs appear young when they are old. No cue can wonder at .this unwillingness to grow' old. '1'o the eye of one who lives for. this world nil the sweetness of life, is in youth and the early years. A Methodist bishop 4:1111 the other day i1) one of his conferences: "The devil has no happy old 1111' 111 Ills ser- vice, This was said itnlld:atcly after one of the fathers had spoken „vitll rap - lure of his peace and hope in Christ. A popular novelist 11.1; represented 41 magician as administering to a com- pany of decrepit old hien a secret elixir which suddenly restored their youth. The wrinkles were 4m(mtbr.d frons their faces, their white hair became black and brown, their nerves became steady, their hearing keen and their sight clear, Their voices rang out like thi) voice of youth, and their thoughts \1110' the thoughts of twenty-five. But this amazing transformation' did not abide. 'ile charm soon spent iti:cif 111(1 left the poor pilgrims as it fount then!. 'l'liere is a secret of happy old age. \hurry sten become old at thirty, soul many are 301111g at fourscore years. Youth is not in the b';dy, but iti the tipirit, '1'111 body will become feeble and decay. The outer 1111111 „sill perish, "Yet the inward man is renewed dui, by slay. "They that wait upon the. Lord shall renew their strength," It is the Lord that "st1is1•ieth 1117' mouth with !tinny good things so that the 3'))))111 i44 renew' ed like the eagle's." They 111111 serve 1114. Lord in sincerity '1•41 troth, "shall bring forth fruit hi old age," "blit; leaf also shall not saber, and what.- soeset• Le 41)0(11 shall prosper,', The pence of Christ Lt'eJ's ' fresh i11y heart, A fountain ever springing.—Selected. What Makes a Boy Popular. 11111114 it boy popular? Surely it is manliness. During the 1)•m• how 1111113' ,school dull collegeys followed po- pular boys? These young lenders, were the manly .bays whose !arts could be trusted, The boy who re'1peets 'his moth- er has leadership in dint. '.1'11e buy who i4 careful 1)1' 'Itis 411;111 is a knight. '.t'tc bov who will never violate 1113 word and who will pledge his honor to his own hurt, and change not, will have the con- fidence of his fellows, The boy who will never, h1r1 the feelings of any one will one day fin(! himself 11,1(4sw•vi1g all sym- pathy, 1 t' yon want to be It popular boy, be loo 111111117' and generous 111 unselfish to seek to be popular; be the soul of honor; love others 'better than 7'ctrr'sielf, awl people will give' you 2Iteh' hearts, and to. to lake you happy, '1 hat in what nmk(! 3 a boy popular',--.11,hles of Gold. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Demi. mien Lands in Manitoba, Saskatuhe• wan and Alberta, excepting 8 end 26, not reserved, may be bomeeteadod by any per - sou who is the Hole head of a fancily, or any male over 18 years of age, to the ex• tent of One•(luarter Section of 1(30 acres more or leeH. Entry may ho made personally at the local land aloe for the district in which the land la situated. The homesteader Is required to perform the conditions therewith under one of the following plans 0) At least six month's residence upon and cultivation of the land In eaob year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to reel. dance may be satisfied by such person ro• aiding with tho father or mother, (3) 11 the settler has his permanent rest• dunce upon farming laud owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re• quiretnents as to residence may be setts• iced by residence upon said land. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Coiurnlssioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. 13. -Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood, 200 days treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. TURKEYS WANTED We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many you ba\'e. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. IONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. so117'N. NoKTn. ant psi am psi 8 41) 1 31) Wingham 11 10 7 35 6 43 1 33 Wingham Jot. 11 00 7 25 8 52 3 14 Belgrave 10 50 7 13 7 tfi i 5(1 Blyth 10 38 7 00 7 14 4 W Londesboro 10 30 6 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 0 33 8 05 4 30 Brucofield 9 53 0 19 8 13 4 47 Ktppen 9 50 6 11 8 12 4 52 Hensall 9 44 8 05 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 54 8 46 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 8 59 5 26 Clandeboye 33 09 5 34 9 05 5 30 Lucan Crossing 9 05 5 30 9 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 23 9 21 5 46 Ilderton 8 43 5 15 9 29 5 51 Ettrick 8 3.3 5 07 9 :13 5 58 Ilyde Park Crossing 8 28 5 02 9 37 6 00 Hyde Park Jot, 8 24 5 00 9 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin- cardine branch. Conneotlons are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderloh branoh, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luoan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line, Our Big ..Offer To all riew subscribers from . now on . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 1908 for the small sum of 50c Subscribe Now PAGE EIGHT—THE BLYTII STANDARD--JuNF: 6T11, 1907, Clinton. Alex, Robertson has purchased the Commercial Hotel at Rayfield. While 1)r. McRae was playing foot- ball recently he got a blow in t he chest Irons some one's elbow, fracturing a couple of ribs. An eleven year old daughter of Mrs, John Elliott, of the London ]Road, had the misfortune to get her ankle broken last week ; she was riding on a. wagon and got her foot caught between the spokes of tt wheel. Ale Kenzie & McBurney, who last fall bought out the livery business of Har- vey Davis, have sold out to (Jt•.orgn L. Walker, brother of Wesley Walker of Walker & Ross. Mr. Walker formerly carried on a livery and sale stable in Brussels, At the regular meeting of the I, 0. 0, F. last week it was decided that they had a baseball team in their lodge that can heat any other team from any other lodge or organization in town, and Lou Doherty was appointed captain to errang:i a team if any acceptance to this challenge comes forward, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson removed last week to the What. On their way they will spend a short time with friends in Chicago. They have been respected eitiZeils Of \\rit:gliatn for ninny years. Tho cogregation of Wingham Baptist Church tendered their pastor, Rev, H, E, Allen, and M l s, Allen, a reception on Monday evening last, 'There was a pleasant social gathering, addresses, music, refreshments, etc. A very pleasant evening is reported. Mr. A- len is meeting the expectations of his congregation, This wed: we are called upon to chronicle a very sad death in the pass- ing away shortly before noon on pass- ing nesdny last of Leonard B. R. Anderson, youngest son of Richard and Mrs. An- derson, in his 20rd year. 1 he young man had been living in Detroit for some months past and last fail con- tracted a heavy cold and he was unable to get free of it. Tuesday evening pre- vious to his death he returned tomo and on Thursday had two hem .prhagea and from that titno he gradually sank until the end carne, Leonard was horn in Wingham and spent his early boy- hood days in this town until the re- moval of the family to a farts in How - ick. He was a bright and active young man and was held in high esteem by the largo circle of friends with whom he was acquainted. His death at so early an age is a severe affliction to his bereaved parents. Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, Harry, of Port William, and two sisters, Mrs, ,Tames Belden, of Winnipeg, and Mrs, Lowery, of Orillia. Tho bereaved fam- ily have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sudden and severe affliction. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser.,, The Standard and Weakly Wit- r1ea9 The Standard and Weekly Globe The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star The Standard and \Veokly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times The Standard and Weekly Free Press Tho Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun The Standard end Hatnilton Twice -n -week Spectator.,, ,.. The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and Toronto Daily The, e Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 60 The Standard and Evening Free Press The Standard and Toronto Daily World ......,, The Standard and Daily Freo Press , , , 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Etnpiro 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, $1 00 1 tis 1 60 1 35 1 70 1 65 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 25 2 25 2 80 2 60 2 75 8 25 By=law No. 6, 1907 —OF THE - VILLAGE 01? BLYTII A by-law to authorize the Village of Blyth to aid Elam Livingston to erect a factory and dry kiln for the purpose of manufacturing handles, pulleys, sling sticks, cantehooks, peavys, whip- pletrees, neckyokes, hoops and heading within the said Village of Blyth by a loan of Three 'Thousand ($3000) Dollars and exemption from taxation, except school taxes, and to provide for the issue of debentures for the bor- rowing of the said amount and for the levy to meet the same, WHEREAS the said Elani Livingston has entered Into an agreement to erect a factory and dry kiln tor the manufacture of handles, pulleys, sling stioks, pante• hooks, peavys, wuippletrees, tit ckyokes, hoops and heading, in the said Village of Blyth, and has requested the said Corpor- ation of Blyth to aid hint by a loan of Three Thousand ($3000) Dollars to be re• paid with interest, thereon at the rate of three (3 ) per centum per annum in fifteen annual tustalnents of Two Hundred and Fifty-one 30;100 Dollars each, the first of such Instalments to be paid on the first day of November, A. 1). 1008, and the bal. anoe annually thereafter on said date and Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. "I lad a terrible mkt and Nigh sad was t»stwl w1tl cafe. I triad d.erry T aI ft tetatok feet treUet. It oera a maM t wonr(uI gym, lel ."-1tu WrnT�t,Sieex NIL Ms, .O..t7. Oa. Zotn. rsaaa1Wtaaere ex arc 8Aa9APAR11dJ. YR no of Ayer's Ptf11s at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently Watt" HOMESEEHERS' r.,1NnnIAN PACIFIC DATES SECOND-CLASS ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Excursions leave Toronto Tuesday. June 4,1111 July 2,16,30; August 27) Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good to return within slaty days from going date, RATESAre the same from all points in Ontario ranging from 332,00 round-trip to "--' Winnipeg to $42.50 round-trip to Ed- monton. Tickets to all pointe in the North-west, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will he run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. smart porter in charge. Bertha must be securer) and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. COLONIST BLEEPERS In which there is no extra charge for bertha, passengers eupplying their own bedding, will be used as far as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Rates and full Information contained In free Homeeeekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. went for I copy, or write to 1.11, FOSTER, Distt"lot Pies Alt., C.P.R,, ToPonti For tlokets and full information see J. 11IcMURCIIIE AGENT I3LY'1'II, 6ODERICll'DETROIT $1.00 EXCURSION A SBIG AbEER GREYHOUND MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. in., leave Detroit for Codetich, TUESDAY, JUNE 18th, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderich for Detroit. THURSDAY, JUNE 20th,1:00 p. m., leave Detroit for Goderich. FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderich for Detroit. WINGHAM and STRATFORD Special Train leaves Stratford, June 18th, 6:40 a. m., Wingham 6:40 a. m,, stopping at all Way Stations to Goderich. Returalae,,a ►pews true will have Goderich on arrival,t steamer Thursday emotes for Canton sad way swims to Winal,i a and Stratford, Goderich Band Moonlight Excursion, 8 p. m., June 17th, 25 ccs. WHITE STAR LINE E. H. AYER, E:'a Agent. to secure to the aald oorporation by fir mortgage n on parts of lots number 16 1(11 and 165 McDonald's survey, in t Village of Illyth, and more particular described in an agreement made and e tared into, and dated the 28th day of h):: 1907, together with the buildings ercc't thereon and all the narhinery and app miens contained therein to full amount $3000 ; and by an insurance thereof to t full amount of tho loan, or as the interns of the Corporation of Blyth may epee!' and to further aid the said Elam Li vin aton by exemption from taxation, exco on a fixed yearly absersnent of Off oThee and (8101X)) Hellfire (except school tnxos) the avid factory, dry lciln and machine therein for n retried of ten years, AND \VIiEREAS it is desirable th the held Corporation should grant ti Bald aid, ANI) W111;IlEAS in order thereto will be necessary to Issue debentures the said Municipality for the suer of Thr Thousand Dollars as hereinafter provide (which is the debt intended to bo create by this bylaw) the proceeds of the as debentures to be applied to the purpos aforesaid and to no other. AND WHEREAS it Is desirable to ism the debentures at one time, and to mak the principal of said debt repayable 1 yearly stuns during the period of fiftee years being the currency of said debei tures, said yearly sums being of such r spectre amounts that the aggrogat amount payable In each your for prhtctp and interest In tespect of the said del shall be as nearly as possible equal to th amount 50 payable in each of the nth fourteen year of said period, ANI) \VIIE:ie1;AS the total amount r qulred by the Municipal Act to be raise annually by special rate for paying th said debt and interest as hereinafter pr vlded is $280,03. AND \V1IERI;AS the whole rateab property of the Village of Blyth, aceort ing to the last revised assessment re theronf, 1' +201,08'2, :1ND \\'11I:1tl AS the amount of th existing debenture debt of the said Mun cipality is $29,155,00, of which +9850,53 for local Improvements, and there nothing in arrears thereon for either pri oipal ()DrInterest, AND \V11EREAS the total annu municipal taxation of the said Mnniclpa ity Is $6.321,3(1, and tho annual levy r qulred for similarbonusea already grente by the Municipality after deducting th amount to he paid annually in respec thereof is $305, and the amount of Hue annual levy required for the payment o the debentures now proposed to be issue after deducting the maid amount to bo re paid annually is ;137.73, making a tote levy less thou ten per cent of the maid tax an, 'TlionEREFOIIE the Municipal Council o the Corporation of the Village of Iilyt enacts as follows :— (1) The Municipal Council of the Co poration of the Village. of Blyth she advance to the said Elam I.ivinasto the sum of 'Three Thousand 033000 Mims by way of a loan to and the sal Elan Livingston in the eonstructlo and establishment of the Bald factor and dry kilo, payment of amount due t bn made in 31 days after the rompletio of said factory and dry kiln, nachlner and heating appliances therein and it running order and upon the terms ant conditions in an agreement made, an in the pr'eamli a hereto set out ; an for the purpose of raising the said sum debentures of the maid Corporation t the amount, of .;3000 In sums of not It's than 000 each shall be Issued, each o which debentures shall he dated th 15th day of N ovembar, 11)07, and shall b payable within fifteen years therealte at, the Bank of Ilamilton in the said Village of I3Iyth, (2) Each of the said debentures Rhal be signed by the Reeve of the said Vil lage and by the Treasurer of the hair Vilinge and the Clerk shall attach there to the corporate seal of the said Muni cip(:1)ality. The said debenture debt shall ben Internet at the rate of five (3%) per ten tum per annum payable yearly at tho said bank on the 15;11 day of Novenbe in eaoh year duriug the currency there of. (d) During the currency of the said ciebentures there shall he rallied an nually by special rate nn nil tho rateable property in the ►•aid Village of Illvth the sunt of Two hundred and Eigthy. nine 03/100 ($289.03) Dollars for the pur- pose of paying the amount due in snob of the Raid years for principal and in- terest in respect of the said debt. (5) And the Raid Muninlpal Council of the Village of Blyth doth hereby fur. ;,her enact, that I ho said factory and dry kiln HO to be erected and operated, as aforestaid Including heating appliances and machinery he exempted from a fur- ther taxation other than a fixed -erase. ment yearly of .81000, except as to school taxes for a period of ton conaeoutive years commencing with and including the year 100350 long as the said buttery shall he operated in accordance with an agreement entered into and upon the term and conr}itions set out In the preamble hereto, (0) This by-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof, (7) Tho votes of the electors of the said Village of Blyth shall be taken on this bylaw on Tuesday, the 25th flay of June next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock In the forenoon and con- tinuing until five o'clock in the after- noon of the same day, by A. Elcder,,re• turning cfli er, et Industry IIall in the said Village of Blyth. (8) Ou Monday, the 24th day of June 1907, the Reeve of the said Village of Blyth shall attend at the Council Cham- ber at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the polling place aforeenid, and at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of tho persons interested in pro- moting or opposing tho passing of this by -law respectively, (0) The Clerk of the Council of the Raid Village shall attend at the Council Chamber in the said Village at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the 20th day of June, 1007,to sum up the number of votes for anagainst the bylaw, DATED at the Connell Chamber in the Id Viliego of Blyth the 28th day of May, 1), 1007, Reeve, Cleric, sa A TAxe NOTICn that the above lea true copy of a proposed hylaw which has been taken Into consideration and which will be lin- ally passed by the Council of the Munlel• p.altty (in the event of the assent of the electors thereto) atter ono month from the Brat publication in The Blyth Standard, the date of which first publloation was Thursday, the (itis day of .lune, 118)7, and that the votes of the electors of the said municipality will be taken thereon on the 'lay and at the hours and place therein fixed. A, ELDER, Clerk. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat lacks ; What Ontario fall wheat lacks, Manitoba spring wheat supplies. The right blend of the two makes the only perfect flour for all bread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. "Made in Ontario" e ou ave :ot Your Eyes on This Advt., If it were only your own, think of the thousands that would see it and read it and come your way to buy your goods. Advertising pays when insert- ed in a home paper like The Standard DO IT NOW. - - 'Phone No. 4. Your Printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness, Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness, The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind --won't pay us to turn out any other. High-priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do—and do—better work than inexperi- enced help. 40•41•00•`•0o•••0♦ We will convince you of tliis if you will trust us with your next order.