The Blyth Standard, 1907-05-02, Page 1VOL, XX. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1907, No. 37. ***********.gow************ Western Canada Lands I take this op 'rt unity of notifying my friends and the re- on ,f this district that I have, 1, I oly opened oflie III he Union Stock 'Yards, CI►ieits;o, Live Steele Issehange Bldg.. and in partnership with Mr A. 11. Lundeen nun pushing the sale of Western Canada Lands exclusively, We have many largo blocks for sale suitable for subdivision, also many smaller improved farms and lots in the growing city of Calgary, Al - bona. We list only such properties as w•e consid- er 01 special value and have on hand now one or two snaps which are dirt cheap and will give a largo return on the purchase price, Ono Special Snap—Section land, 11 tails,♦ from Calgary, all fenced, good house and well, $17,50 per acre —homestead in adjoining township 17 miles from Calgary free to purchaser of the section. Land all around this section selling at $26 per acre, \\' invite all those contemplating settling in the W(storare looking investments 'o who l0 6u for inv(, tm It to t, I, t a Ill rnunicnte with ua ar once. No better or more profitable Investment can bo found than 1Vestern Canada Lands, John S. Laidlaw LUNDEEN & LFrIDLRrW Live Stock Record Building, Union Stock 'Verde 17.20 Exchange Avenue, Chicago *** e*** e*********ee*** *** How Much are Tooth Brushes ? That depends, Depends quite a bit on the KIND of a brush you want. Not a bad one at all for 10e— it's a real good one for the money, But around a quarter we prom- ise you something really extra —hri4tles of the finest rueter- lal and there to htey. Small brushes for thu children from Go up. And by the way, you'd save dentists' bills if the children were taught to take proper pare of their teeth, WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Belgrers. Janes 11'ilki11so11 is improving nice- ly atter his into illnoes. Mrs. M. Walsh is suffering from a felon on her thumb, There were 8 car lends of rock elm nquere timber shipped from the G.'1'. It, station. John Slloebottotn has purchased a now Sarnia threshing separator for the coaling season, The excavation for the new s('hool house is done, and material is being rapidly laid down, so that the con• tractor can go on with his work, Archie sand hfrs. 13rydges experienced an exciting little runaway. While turning rat Sproat's corner the horse tooji_lt'fl:11t at some ohstruclion of the side of the road, but fortunately the spirited animal was brought under control without harm, 111111.1, VYI 1'I BEM Man Afllli ttcd with Clinton R. C, Individual lost ruot.on. write for handsome 0,411 Geo, Spotton, frau. 1 A elan should be very par- ticular in selecting his fur- nishings to select something that is becoming to hind as some men can wear what other men could not wear at all, We have a bigger and larger range to select from as we devote all our time to this one thing, viz. To dress you from Hat to Shoes took at our Marconi Italian Felt IIat, our Mar. lot's English Stiff' lint, black or brown, big variety of Light Linen and Straw I-Ints, our Perfection Brand Clothing, Ties and Shirts all newest designs, also our Icing and Dictator Shoes from $3 to $5. Remember we are the Only Exclusive Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers in Blyth S. HCidley • Blyth Honsall. The Patterson planing trill was offer- ed for sale on Saturday afternoon, but was not sold. Il. lCaublefleish, of Zurich, took It now threshing outfit from the station here on Tuesday lust, John Mosseou came to town with his team but the tempting offer of $''25 fur one of thein sent hint . home with it single horse. A number of our citizens went to C1oderieb as witnesses in the (l,-or'te Perkins case which was tried before Judge Doyle. 'P. Welsh is getting in a new boiler which will bo here in a few days. Ho Will thou have 150 horse power at, bis disposal, the new one is touch larger than the one now in use. Charles Cook, who has been hero for some months essistilig his brothers fu the mill. leaves for Chicago in a few days. His many friends here will see him depart with sincere regret. .sats Exeter. The sprinkling cart was out Monday for the first time this year. The Exeter Lodge, I. 0. 0. F„ at - ten led divine service in the Trivitt, Memorial Church on Sunday morning, James Belback, of London, formerly of Exeter, was sentenced to four years at Kingston for bigamy on Saturday by Judge Macbeth. Hon. 'Phos. Greenway, of Crystal City, Man., was in town It couple of days during the past week. While hero he gave an order to Weekes Bros. for It black honnacord Scotch monu- ment to bo sunt to Crystal City for erection. Mrs. H. Gidley, who recently pur- chased the house on William St,, just south of Station St., is having the building torn down to make room for two cottages which she intends having built. The brick is already on the ground for the foundations. A life full of usefulness and energy ended on Wednesday, April 17th, when John Muir, one of Exeter's most re- spected business mon, passed away to his last reward at the ago of 69 year's, Tho cause of death was pneumonia, contracted while administering to the mutts of his beloved wife, tvho died on Friday, April 12th, from the sumo ail- ment. During the illness of ,Mrs. Muir, the husband was a constant watcher at the bedside, doing every- thing in his power to prolong life. Af- ter her death Mr. Muir was compelled to take to his bed, and expressed a be- lief that his end was not fur distant, ....... Wingham. Ted Elliott left lest week for Toron- to Junction and wi I be in the line-up of the Charm ion Shamrocks, ,Miss Robson, who has for some time boon bookkeeper with the Western 1'bundry Co , hits returned to her home in Durham. Laurence Porrin, who has been night-wetchtnau at Boll's factory, has )accepted 9 81,ua110n in the Walker & Cleve factory, The annual excursion to Sarnia nia and Dol roil, under t he auspices of Minerva Enciuepnl0lt I 0 0. 1''., will he held 111is yew on Satur(dity', June 8111, ,I. .1. 11 ',moth contemplating re- moval to Toronto and hits sold his resi- dence '0 Mr, 11'vies, electrician. Mr, and Mrs, Ii un' 1 have been respected eased' utsl of 11'iii'Ilnnl f r teeny soars, 1'he menthe's "f the Ii..opwodent 01 - ,ler of Orldfellowsof th s tory!' will colt, - la do, elt'- 1 a,,to ths itt,rlivetsets of the male. by ai.tc'u,l'ng divine serve'( it Sr. Paul's Chttr,:h,01 Sundit% (afternoon, \lay 12i11, Oben Rye '1' 5. 1303'10 wi11 preach a special •r tenon, 1)ix'o \V ttson (a forum resident of \V'ngliaun). tvho has heel) for 35 y ears Clerk of the 'iupr„11ie ()our at Regina, lists tot ii from nctive service and the Provincial Legislature has voted hits $25110, It is iledersteed ihat 11 r. Wat- 8011 is accepting a position whew 1110 (duties aro not so heavy, its the(4ov- ertlinent is elisions for hist to remain it the puhlia service as long as poss- ible, Ooderioh. Hilton Holmes Iefs for Owen Sound, where he joined the steamer Alberta, as purser of that vessel, The roof the passenger depot is nearly slated, ancd the outer work is being preceded with quickly, Judge and Jlrs, Doyle announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, 111ity Caroline, to \litjor F. S. Bourns, of Seattle, Wash. The last of the Goderich sailors left on Wednesday to join his boat., thus donning out eVnt'y 1narinttl' not having captain's papers. ,M188 Leckie, late head nurse at tho Poughkeepsie (N. Y,) hospital, has joined the staff of Alexandra hospital, Miss Leckie is a sister of 'l'. '11, Leckie, of the railway mail service, The I, 0. 0. P. celebrated the 88th anniversary of the in81itution of the lodge in America q a dinner at the Bedford hotel lust Friday evening. On Sunday they attended divine service at St. George's church, The Goderich Elevator is now ready to receive and ship grain in quick or- der, for, although there are two or three small things to finish, It may be said that the 8!)lendi(IIy °qui )ped. fire for the lacrosse club ;—)lnitortu'y presi- dent, E. N. Lewis, M. P. ; honorary vice president, Mayor Elliott ; presi- dent, Dr, Charles E. Sale ; secretary treasurer, William Johnston ; manager 'Phos, Morrow ; captain, .John C. Tait ; executive committee, William Ilutchi- s011, John C. 'fait, Norval Davis. R. Carr Harris and .John lino on two members of the 0. P. R engineer- ing staff. who have been residents of Ooderich many months, will in it few days depart for Chinn, via Vancouver anis Hong Kong. 'I'he•y leave the C. P. it. to join the Chinese staff running a It R. Zine from near Canton inland for a long distance, end they may be en- gaged 011 the work for many years. Mr. Harris will he particularly missed among hockey players for his playing and staying powers, and both gentle- men for their amiability and the hearti- 1)ese Wltll which they backed Goderich in all its athletic and other under- takings, Mr. Hutton is also said t0 have drawn the plans for the Goderich station of the G, & G. railway so that he is engineer and architect, Morris. Spring tvc rk will now go on with a Push, Some farmers complain of clover be- ing badly heaved this Spring. Recently R. Scott, Lith line, (lite posed of four horses to a Sea fort h hay- er for the tidy sum of $1225. lie re- ceived 8600 for three of thein, the last one reaching $325. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well is an old adage. Mr, Scott evidently believes in it. Wednesday of last week an old and highly respected resident of this com- munity passed away in the person of George H. Rutter, He was in his 91st year, The funeral left his late resi- dence, south -half lot 80, con. 1, on Saturday, 27th ult. Interment was made at Brussels cemetery. Onrr,—Ona of the most highly re- spected residents of this community passed peacefully away on Saturday tnoruing, April 20th, in tlio person of Mrs, ,John Boll, sr., 5th lino, Deceas- ed had an attach of bit grippe and bron- chitis during the Winter which left her heart in a weak condition though only laid aside from active duties 10 days cad in spite of all that medical skill and kind friends could do she passed peacefully away to the land whore there ''remaineth at rest for the people of God." Mrs, Bell's maiden name was Prances Shaw and she was born in the Co. of Wexford, Ireland, in the year 1810, and at the ago of six yours emi- grated with her parents, fou' brothers and a sister to Ontario and settled at Kingston. After 7 years there the family removed to Hihbert township Perth Co., where deceased was marriecd at her father's home, the late Jane, s Show (then it local preacher) to her now bereft husband 53 yours alio and they settled in Iiibbert, Nino children blessed their anion, being bereft of two of the:n, They moved to Logan town- ship where they passed through n heavy affliction, diptheria clttimine four , f their little ones within a few nary; of one another, Shortly itftorwards ►tn- other child and a daughter in mature yours Wel'e called 1)Way Renlovoll to Morris township 20 years 0Ro and set- tled in their tato home Mere they iso passedthronth a severe affliction, a a'ialir promising 1 ohne 111(111, their .:011 Prod, heiva' hdcen front then) just a short time 1100, Deceased connected with the \letlio,l,st church in her girl- hood and was of rat unus11ally bright and cheorfnl disposition. i.oing11 great reader he was up teedete on all the quest ions of the day hat more than all dad she lead and meditate on her 13ible. Mer life was in keepitg with the life our Saviour led while More 011 earth, '('1.111 ' she lived in it spirit of devotion and self sacrifice fur others being 0110 who knew 1101' 9h,)ke ill of others but life of Felt') on the Son of God Her death has cast it t:i0t)111 oVor the noigb- borhood and leaves a vacaur'y rant cat - Mt he filled, 'girl, the curl say "her works do follow her," The remaining children are Mrs. McGee, of Bluovalo; Charles, in Belgrnve ; John on the homestead and ,Hiss Mary at stone, who wit It the sorrowing fart her have the sympathy of the c')minuuity, Rev, Mr Rivers conducted a 111081 appro- priate service at the house, Rev, Mr. liurwash addressing words of counsel (111(1 svtllptathy to the bereaved relatives awl friends also giving It strong testi- mony of deceased's life, The remain, wore followed to their Inst resting phaco in I3randon cemetery by a large com- pany of sympathising friends, It Wilt Pay to 8prny Your Orchard. Tho Minister of Agriculture for On- tario hes for the past two yea's h'd under consideration plans for further assisting the fruit growers of the pr • vino°, Spraying has now become in producing a superior grade of fruit, the tnost important operation of the year, and while widely practised in cur tttin sections. The advent of the power sprayer is of such recent date that the advantages it gives, especially in the spraying of apple orchards, aro not yet appreciated, Por many years the Department of Agriculture has been advocating more and better Spraying, Demonstrations proof building 8 pram welly finished in the use of hand and power outfit and '1'llo followings, dicers were elected the preparation and application of the • Lrke r.a c .,,„, This is the store to come to if you are look- ing for tastefulness and quality. Our new Spring Curtains are the best we have ever shown, exclusive designs. If you have any idea of purchasing curtains, see ours. Lace Curtains at 25c a pair 'Two+litl'etent linea of Larcurtsies, 21 yards long, good width, r.pecial at 2' 3 and ase per pair. Nottingham Lace Curtain., :1 yard's long and 12 inches t♦ ide, very epeetal at 30e per pair. Lace Curtains at 75c Nottingham Lace Curtains,yards long and 42 laches wide, special at 75o per pair. Lace Curtains at $1.25 a pair Nottingham Ince Curtains, :0, yards long, 48 inches wide, edges all lock stitch• rd, beautiful design, exceptional value at $1.25 per pair. Lace Curtains at $2.50 Double Thread Curtain, nice deslvn, splendid wearing curtain, edges wrll Ill. 'shed, extra well finished, extra value at per pair $2,30. Lace Curtains at $4 One of our special fine, double thread Nottingham Curtains, plain centro with beautiful border, exact copy of the real Brussels not, very special at $4. Lace Curtains at $6 :I!, yards long, extra llne thread, Batten• burg pattern. Ask to see this line, splen. did value at $0 per pair. Bobbinette Ruffled Curtains Plain net with rutile edges, with lace and ono row of insertion, 42 inches wide at 13c and 25o per yard. Swiss Curtain Muslin WO have a full line of Swiss Curtain Mu -lin, all size spots, 12o to 25c a yard. Door Drapes 2 special llneo at $1 and $2 each. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. 13I.J1 5'TI3 ►j►!iA►!40405►l4►74.1'40N►•.e►!ir°Aerie4d • To Subscribers in 4 the United States t By the new postal arrangements 14 ► between the Canadian and U. S. 'ss ►. Governments all Canadian papers 14 mailed to the United States must, ►i on and atter May Sth ensuing, be 1, prepaid with postage stamps at the d rate of ono cent each before they e will bo rocaived In Canadian post- olflces, • At one dollar a year no publisher 14 can pay this postage, and all sub. scriptlons to the U.S. must here- i4 after be paid at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents to year, 14 J. LESLIE KERR, 1,4 I'unt,istt►:a, X11 ►7;►<►e w►11►014Ne014►,rOat•`e►•V►le► ► 4to►j,1oh tnost effective mixtures, have been given throughout the province with satisfuctol;y results. It is now felt thitt such itiforruation has been sufficiently diffused and another step forward is propos -d. The Provincial Fruit Growers' As• sociation Inas within 11)0 past three years assisted in organizing a large number of fruit growing associations. One of the thins of those associations has been the co-operative spraying of orchards of their members, and it is now proposed to assist these and kind- red organiziations in such spraying work. With this airs in view, the Minister of Agriculture has asked the Legislature for a grant of 80000 to be devoted to the (assistance, of fruit grow- ers in the purchase and operation of power spraying outfits. Many associ- ations already own end tiro operating such tnnelniues 1(1.11 these will receive the Sarno aid as those organizing during 1907 The conditions under which the grants too available hey() boon made es 811111110 1t8 p0ssib10 with the hope that it decided stimulus will be given to the proper spraying of orchards during this and denting seasons, 1''ol- lowing aro the regulations covering the payment of the grants : A grant of $50 will be trade to any five or more farmers who unite to form it fruit growers' association for the purchase and operation of a power sIoayiug outfit during the season of 10117. These associations need not he incorporated to qualify for this grant, though incorporation of co-operative associations should be obtained if the full benefits of co-operation aro desir- ed, Co-operative fenit growing associa- tions owning and operating two or morn sprayers will bo eligible to draw a grunt for each machine operated. Tho number of such associations re- ceiving assistance during the present year shall not exceed 100. At least 25 ncros of fruit trees must thoroughly, sprayed during tho proper season with each outfit, A reasonable portion of such spraying must be done on the farms or orchards of each of the parties foraging the aSSOClittiOt), Such ns: ociations before r'ceiving atiy portion' of the grant shall satisfy an inspector of the Deparment of Ag• riculturo that rho above conditdous were complied with, and shrill melte such reports as 811811 satisfy the Min- ister of Agriculture, SPRING TERM from April 2nd merges into our summer session for July and Aug- ust. Enter any tlrne. No vaca- tions. Clip out, sign this and re- ceive our catalogue by return mail. Name Address Send to Central Business College, Toronto. W. 11, Shaw, Principal. RR WILL KISSIN6 BE PROIIIBITED The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dangerous—How the Dan- ger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on by some of the best scientists as t(► the danger and "crime" of kissing, led by Dr. Somers, Health Officer of At- lantic City, and Dr. Nalpasso, of the Medical Faculty of Paris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, ery sipelas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and tnany infections skin diseases. They suggest legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway sta- tions, stroet cars and other puhlio places, but they say it would bo use- less to post thorn on verandahs, in cosy corners, porches, shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose compulsory legislation for methods of (disinfection of tho mouth and purify- ing the breath, especially with a view to the protection of the innocent babies who aro particularly subject to infec- tion, Tho greatest and most effective purifier and gorm destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat and breath, as well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is Psychine that triumph of tho medical world that is attracting almost universal attention because of the tvonderful results at- tending its use. One of its recent tri• uinplls is told as a matter of experi- once in the following brief atatement:i Dr, Slocum Co. I atm sending you photo and to timonlal'bere• with for your great remedy 1'SYCIIINB. Your remedies did wonders for me. I was about 28 or So years of age when 1 took PSYCIIINE. The doctors had given mo up as an incurable consump- tive• My lungs and every organ of the body were terribly diseased and wasted. Friends and neigh- bors thought I'd never get better. But P8YCHIN)if saved me. Iffy lungs have never bothorod me since, and Psychiuo is a permanent euro. MRS. LIZZIE GAIt8IDE, 615 Bathurst i8t,, London, Oat Psychine, pronounced Si -keen is add mitted to be tho most wonderful of all disease and germ -destroying agencies. For building up the run-down system and ousting all forme of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lungs or head, It is simply unapproachable. It is a reliable home treatment. For sale at all drugggists, fi0o and $1.00 or Dr. T. A. Bloom, Limited, 178 Mug Start Net* Up onto., MRS. PERKINS N I T GUILTY Jury in The Canfield Murder Case Was Out Four and a Half Hours Considering the Evidence. A Cayuga despatch: After being out four hours and thirty-five minutes con- sidering the evidence, the jury in the ease of Mrs. Mollie Perkins, charged with murdering her husband, 1 lenry Pot. - kilts. of Caulfield., last Christmas Day, returned a verdict of; "Not guilty." The verdict %vas rendered shortly after 11 o'clock last night, and there .was a ilnrgo crowd of auditors in the court ,mons, mast of 5vhoin had waited from three to four hours to hear the words that were to give the unfortunate vo• mutt her freedom or seal her fate. 'There was no demonstration, as the gathering had been ‘yarned that ;Lily person w•Ihe Created a disturbance tvuuldl be taken before his lordship for punishment. \\'hen the jury filed in the foreman was asked if the jury had agreed 011 a verdict, and he simply replied, Not guilty." Ills lordship then commanded the fair prisoner to stand( up, an11 he said: "After a very Tong and careful eon• sideration of the case this jury has been able to take a most humane and merciful view of the evidence adduced on behalf of the Crown and on your ow•11 behalf, Your counsel in a most able and eloquent appeal to the jury very truly stated that the real truth in this matter is only known to you anti yogi. Maker. 1 sin- cerely trust fur the sake of your pcaco of mind during your remaining years and for your soul's sake hereafter that it is in truth and fact 'nut guilty.' You are discharged." Turning to the jury, his lordship said: "On behalf of those concerned in the administration of justice it is only fair that I should thank you for your careful attention to the case, 1t is undoubtedly Lt source of satisfaction to bo able to teach such a conclusion. 1 ani unable to say I disagree with yon. There are a complicated set of facts, and I am thank- ful that you were able to arrive at a verdict," Jurors Wanted Overtime, Mr. Marshall, foreman of the jury, thanked the Judge for his remarks, and on behalf of himself and fellow jurors asked that they might be paid for the night session.;. Ile said the jurors served at considerable loss to themselves, this 'being seeding time, and he thought they should• get extra remuneration. Ilis lordship said he would look• up the law, n.nd if he could allow then. ex- Mr, E. F. 13. Johnstcm, who defended Ira pity for the evening sessions he Iseeihl certainly du ,u. Congratulated Idrs. Perkins. A; soon as the 'helve left the years, 1'o114t,lhle Alclndu;, who hurl the accused in charge, during the evening, shook hal; will) her and se did Mr, Gideon Gran, \Ir. Johnston's partner. She was 50011 surrounded by relative.; and friends among thele being AIr. and Airs. (I. E. \le.\rthur, of 'Thorold, the Tatler being :1 cousin. Shy 1001: her aequilttl quite molly and the first reninrk that she made %all,: "i %tits just getting ready to go leiok Ilp•Inir;, meaning to the cell she hid 0i-et:Heil for Ile past two months, Did Perkins Suicide? :\'keel if AIrs. Perkins hail ;t statement to make to the press, \II. (irart said she had nut, but that he would make one for iter. It was that since ye -ter• day noun, %rha the ease orals elo-ed. Ile had obtained evidence to support It new theory --that Perkins had taken his own life, \\•hen Airs, Mattis. feritins 5%;15 told of .that had been found she said to ]dim that. she remembered Perkins telling her something un lfnnday which she now believed indicated that he knew he w•as Iihnul to die. It Ives in regard to some wood which lo' haul removed on Saturday night. Air:. Perkin; :tad her sister and cousin then went to the residence of 1 .115e Curry, Alio. Perkins' father. in the ail• lege. Discussing the Verdict. For hours, till after 1.30 o'clock this morning, crowds st41od around the Court Iluuse, street corners and hotel:, discuss- ing the verdict. Some of the jurors got very talkative and it was stated that when the juror; first retired, only lite were in favor of an acquit tel. The fore- man, who ,hutted Tii.s ithi'ity to talk acw- eral times, woo strongly in fever of nc- quitttl and he :ulll the (.sera who were e of like mind talked the rest over in the four hours that they considered it, after (having their supper, '.I'ha argument they used \as the Judge's renntrl: that the Crown had failed to show that the pri- soner lead sought strychnine. One by one the others brcnune convinced it was their duty to free the accused. They \yore ready to report at 11.10, but at that hour the Judge was out for a walk. Ile was Soon found and advised of the fact that a verdict had been reached. Was Always Sanguine. GUOST FRIGIIT[NS NEWLY WED COUPLE Startling Apparition Meets Philadelphia Pair When They Begin Housekeeping. Philadelphia, Pa., April :.'---Afyster- ing out of bed, rushed to the csentent. Jolts manifestations in a pretty little ' As he approached the ghostly visitor villa near \1'isS.zhicknn Drive, in Chest.,! shook her head, closed her eyes and van- villa Hill, have nearly driven a young (shed. Astonished and puzzled, Mr. Ca - nut turned to his wife, who was weep- -bride insane. She is now a nervous d ing and almost in hysterics. They could wreck, and nothing could induce her to arrive nt no solution of the affair, but return to the bona' from 5vhieh she and detcrntif'd to ;.wait further develop. herr husband fled early yesterday morn- maids. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred ing. 1 of Saturday until die couple retired. The holot?isatwo storey stucco villa in ;']'here is no gas in the house and as Ilillcrest avenue and surrounded by ; lir. Cnbre placed a lighted lamp on the ono and a half acres of ground. To it last bureau the latter rocked like a ship at Friday went lir. and ,Mrs. William (.a- sat and the light was soddenly extin• bre, newly married, The place suited gllished as if blown out by a broth them and with bright plans for the fit. ' from invisible lips. 'Ilion, as the frigh- ture they started hnusekeopiug. ' tened• bride caught her Iiw band's arm All went well until night, The couple in terror. came the some peculiar noise were sleeping quietly, when Mrs, Cabre i and at the window appeared the same !F'as awakened by a peculiar noise. ; ghostly face. king toward the window, she was ; Thoroughiy shaken by her strange ex - rifled torro the face of it woman prfence l9vowed, Cabre she would 1ataring in at her, With a cry she woke ; never spend another night in the house, .her husband. 'lir. and Alrs, Cabre aspent yesterday with, The man saw the same face and, leap- George Johnson, n neighbor. the accused w•ns not in eourt whon the verdict Iviti rendered, having left for Toronto as noon as the sludge's eharge was delivered. Ills partner said his c'lie.nt was always sanguine of the result; she nnnintatirusl not only that she was Mew cent hat that the jury would declare her innoeent. That in the reason, 110 said, that .he Ivo, throughout t he I real, 'She is a l ender•heaHod wo- man," he said, "and cried. internally,,, Alas. Perkin, sal within three fool of the 'I'inlc;' rt'p„rtor dnringr the 11•41 and while evincing it deep interest. in the ease, she wept only two or three times. ller throat !wielded liken steam pump a good pawl of the Iinto as if she was swallowing her sobs, 1\•hen old 11r, Ale- 1/mold collapsed on the witness: stand 4111 Salurdhly slit' '•ns somewhat exeiled meet remarked to Air, Grout: "My, sly, you shouldn't have called him, This will kill him." ♦--- t1 TUE MARVIN CASE BOY SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN AC- CIDE1VTALLY KILLED And His 13ody Hidden Through Fear of Blame-Vlarrant Now Out for Deck - hand of Steamer Who Worked on Farts on March 4. Dover, 1)01., .\pail ? - -.1 Dew• move has been made in the \larvin ease, bused upon the theory of Detective Lore, of New Jersey. .1 tvlu'rato for Ile arrest of a (leek -heel employed 011 it steamer running het%vern Lebanon, Ilii, and 1'Jili t lel11111 hits h•'on issued i11nl \vill be served when the boat entero Delaware svi1ers. The (leek -hand 40rl;d en the \larvin farm on ..,arch -1, helpi'eg in the tr:illsfer of the hi :414mi;l geed: the (tut• that the ellild disappeared. Detective Lore's theory is that the boy, while ,linnbinee ab it the wagon, fell and was killed. and t11 1 the man, fearing he would lie !denied, concealed the holly and hove made wet• with it, 1'hil;ulelphie. Pa.. .1pri1 21.-- 1'rank If. Butler, the Wel:oh:Hi l for whom a %yarrault is sni11 to have been issued, this niternnun denied that lie bad any thing to do with tine di,inilp,llrnnee of little 1Iortce Alarvin, STEAL IMR ON EIRE. NEW YORK FIREMEN IIAD A HARD TIME V/ITH BLAZE. New York, April 21I. ---The harbor fire- men lull a hard) fight today with a fire which dostroseil the freight steamer Pioneer, causing a Io.,s of $75,000, The Pioneer arrived here last night from .Newark, N. .1,. with n miscellaneous cargo of cotton, red lead, cylinders of oil, carboys of acid, and cylinders of car- bonic acid gay for transhipment. '1.'he fire started while the stennier was lying at her pfor in the North River. When the fireboats arrived she was almost en- tirely enveloped in flames, The noxious fumes and dense black stroke which rolled up from the burning stennier made the firemen's work extremely diffi- cult, They worked in relays and several of theta were overcomne. The flames were prevented from spreading to the pier and other adjoining property, KING LEOPOLD GUARDED, The Socialist Leaders Threaten to March on His Palace. Brussels, April 29. --King Leopold to- day held a lengthy conference with M. De 'frees, the Minister of the Lnterior, who has been attempting to fora a new Cabinet, and in well-informed circles it is considered certain that he will accom- plish his task. Troops were encamped throughout the night in Lacken Pau -lc owing to threats by Socialists to march on the palace. After midnight the So- cialists held it nleeting, nt which violent speeches were delivered, but the knowl- edge of the troops' presence in the park probably caused the leaders to change their minds. tt Y our Grandsons Will 3 e Old Men Before This "Oshawa" Roof Wears O u t Send for FREE book -- 'Roofing Right,"--, worth your reading. The .'f.4, Get the facts 13a al before glou rao! • ng. Papp].thi of 0r3hawa 081.8 UrMontr t0. lw. • 1(NTTw 61. OIitthw81 to den 70 Lott Q. 0V6eProu9 t. lop a Jnr -f• a, t Y r Roof your buildings with "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles this year, and that w111 be a GOOD roof in 2007. We will gir' you a written guarantee backed by $260,000, that such a roo properly put on, will needno repairs and no painting for at 1 -- twenty-five years. 11 �y1 ,r , M w $XYII71Z2d raj) rriTEFL make roofs watertight, wind -proof, weather-proof, rust -proof, fire -proof for a oentury,--our plain guarantee keeps it so for. 25 years without a cant of cost to the man who buys it1 L Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY, --of 28-guagc' semi -hardened STEEL double -galvanized They lock on all FOUR sides --the ONLY METAL shingle that need,l NO CLEATS. Easy to put on -a ham- mer and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Cost LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the Ifurface area of any roof on your place and we will tell you exactly what it w71 cost to roof it right. GENERAL STAFF pbcnil, the constructI flltill. it ,vettld lxt im- pboutle eofflid any mothl boots p- other covering for the font to enable FOR [I1stream m and it go molal the afd the stream and direct its ernurwc toward the g lost level, Such footgear would be too heavy. ;Some 1ight4'r material is 111) pet -olives n for Uniformity in Imperial De- There is only one wood that can re- sile the hent of It lava fluor, 'This 13 fence. from the ironwood tree, it is now rug• gested, if the lava. breakwater is nt- 1i inplyd, to train a fordo Of nen to walk Borden in Favor of Scheme for Ex- ml Ironiwond stilt; of varying height, NO Thal they can wade through the hart change of Officers. st•rennt of lava, But the order for the nuuntfn)001)rl.luegivenof ironwood stilts has not y, former Boer Commander Invites et 1 Pla Laurier to Visit Transvaal. London, April 29, -1'o -day's sitting of the imperial ruufiieii e was devotul to discussing matter, cuunex'ted with the defence of the Empire, The resolu- tion providing for the creation of at gen- eral staff of the Empire, which NVIIS tab- ien April 20, was again bre igr it up toll finally adopted, willt a tow verbal changes. The 1)lsolution declares: ''•J'hia con- ference 4eleenic s soul cordially ap- proves the exposition of general grin eiplais embodied( in the statement of the Secretary of ;Mate for \\'ttr and without wishing to commit any of the Government, represeettel, recognizes and affirm:, the need of the develop- ment for the service of the Empire of 0 general staff, selected from the fort's of the while Empire, which shall study military seienco in all its brauchels, shall cahoot lull ',disseminate to the various Governments military information and intelligcnee, shall un- dertake 1111' prepnr:Itien of schemes of dofcove on 0 common 1)11'1(74)1e, and without in the least interfering with questions conuectiel with the command end administration, shall, nt the re- quost of the respective Governments,, advise as to the training, education and war organization of the military forces of the Crown in every part of the Empire." I`'aval Defence Plan. The Firs(. Lord of the Admiralty. Lord '1.weetimouth, outlined a scheme for Imperial naval defence and length- ily die)cussed its general trend. lie explained the general principles upon which the Admiralty held the defence of the Empire should • he organized. lie specially insisted on the necessity for tont. of control of the fleet, and expiniued that the one ails of the Ad• tniralty was tdf maintain the naval forces on such n scale as to ensure re- tention of the command of the Sea in 1anty rca5ot5tbly probable eontingcnlly. Ile staled that he did not desire to press for further contributions of men or money, but cordially welcomed the co-operation of the colonies in the fortn most agreeable to themselves. Whether the colonies contributed or not the Admiralty would do its hent to secnro them from oversell attack. After n. general dioeussion it was de- cubocl that the question of naval do - feel -N.1 should be adjourned, the col- onial representatives being men.nwhile invited to confer separately with the Admiralty regarding the position of the re peetive colonies, The confer- ence adjourned till Thursdny, The ranmrks of the. colonial Premiers on the subject wore in favor of a discontinuance of the colonial contri- butions, which hitherto have been reink in the genernl naval expendi- ture, and the substitution of n system by which the colonies may 'non and keep up n carton) number of ships, to be supplied by Creat Britain and un- dertake to maintain coaling stations and ammunition and fond depots avail- able to the Imperial navy, General Bodoa, snid that in the Trans- vaal the existing defence arrangements were untsatisfnetory and tho position would be bnznrdons if the Imperial troops were withdrawn, South Africa should, at any rate federate in the mat- ter of defence.. Sir Frederic!: Borden referred to the discussion at the conference in 11;02, when he expressed the opinion that no set of men Shedd be labelled for nny particulnr serviee, but that the Canadian militia should be made nbsolntely cf- tive. so that when the moment arrly istance could be reiul ed the Im- perial army by voluntary enlistment. Lady Clloucnn.ts held a brilliant recnp- ion for the Premiers. Several Cana- dines, including Aliso Edith Miller of Ot- tawa, entertained the guests. Observers note the extreme cordiality ieh lies sprung up between Premier Laurier and Premier Botha. members of races formerly not owing allegiance to 1hu British Crown. and both now the first cit izens of their respective coun- tries. General Botha lits been so int- preer,'ed with Sir 1,1'ilfrid Laurier's deep inosight into nffait's appertaining to n self-governing colony that he has given him a pressing invitation to visit the Transvaal, believing that the spectacle of the brilliant ami accomplished states- man of foreign devecnt, yet an advocate of the )highest, traditions of the British Emipire, will )rove n sp1enr111 effect on the people of Or 'Tumor:in]. Tt is noted also that both Laurier and Botha In- variably agree in tihe diseureions of the conference, 4.r BRICK -TIAL. CHARGED WITH ROBBING THE WAMPOLE DRUG COMPANY. The Information Contains One Hundred and Seventy-six Items- Evidence Given by Thomas J. Maher, a Clerk, at the Inquiry at Perth. A Perth despatch: The preliluinary hearing of W. II, Briek, former Alan - ager of the Gan:uli:ut office of /hairy K. W o111 0l0 S. Company, Philadelphia, against whorl tvere issued last Thurs- day informations covering 17(1 items, each of which is ohargel to have leen it (heft, was vola IIoiid; before Magis- trate 'Taylor this morning. The, first in- formation taken up covered those charg- es of thefts: Proceeds of ehoquos is - shell flay 15, 1000, $(150; elute? 14, 11)00, $2,500; ,luno 15, 1900, :x'2,500; ,lune 19, $3,2511. Brick pleaded not guilty. '.Phenol.; .1. Atelier, clerk, swore that none of the four timelines passed through the 1L K, 11'alnpn!e & C'dml- )1)11V's hooka;, :111 cheques wore etelosesed by If. K. 11-anpn',e & Cunnpany per Brick, and deposited to prick's ore:lit in the ,.IM1•opollito1 Bank, 141 cross- examination wil1141)✓ staled that nouns were charged against special account of If. K. 11'a0.pole & Company. The de- fence have prndliced a llotropolitint ehegle for $2.500, dated June (1, 1000, drawn by 1I. 11'. pI�lrick, made' payable to IL li. 1Fd1 ampole Co., and endorsed by .bat Ili. in I'hiladlel,phin, land another one forfi4.1.,500, ((III wit ,fano 0 by If. \V. 13ricl: in favor of I1. K. \Yampole & Go,, and endorsed "II. It \\'ampule dC Com• puny'" They also prodeused two cheques, dat- ed ii1ay 8th, each for $2,750, one on the Imperial Bank, the other on the Metro- politan, drawn by Ilrick in favor of the company in Pbikidelphia, and endorsed there by the company, all in :mower to theft chargers. Many items in dispute were gone Into and finally seventy-oeven of the charges made were withdrawn, these amounting to nearly $50,000, At the end of the investigation It committal wn.9 amine on four of the charges, Mr. Brick to be tried by the County Judge, without a jury, at a date to ♦•be0 approved by the Crown. FOUR THOUSAND OUT BUSINESS PARALYZED BY TIIE MINERS' STRIKE. President Sherman Denounces the New Labor Disputes Act -Opening of the Conference Between Operators and Union Representatives at Fernie, Ferule, B, C., April 29, -Four thou - send miners are on strike and it is esti- mated that between ten and twenty thousand other men are idle west of the great lakes tts a result. 11 threatens to completely paralyze the mining, smelting and lumber industries of Brit- ish Columbia and increase tlio losses, 1lannger 'Phomas, of the Dominion Cop- per Couipaly,is reported to have timid that this company would be obliged to blow out its two furnaces at Boundary Fella smelter, having neither coke nor ore, and being unable to get either. l'resident Sherman is bitter in de- nunciation of tine new Federal labor law, which he characterized Its one against the right of freedoms of cru- pluyment under the British principles of law. The conference between the opera- tors and union representatives opened to•duy, It is said in the neighborhood that if :Messrs. Lindsey and Sherman were ex- cluded from the dispute alt easy and early settlement might be expected, it being alleged that there is a personal animosity between the leaders of the parties. 4.0 SUICIDE OF CHINESE, The Coat and Hat Found Near Toronto Waterfront Identified, Toronto despatch: '1'hnt Young Chong a C1liuunnun, missing from 181 11cLaut street since Sunday nigh1, has committed suicide l)y jt111tping into the 1IIty, 5001119 probable, The overcoat, lint and gloves WILL TAP THE VOLCANO. found on the bay front about twenty. five yards west of Nicholls Bros.' motor- boat establishment, by P. 8, Sandell on Monday morning were this property. water, Young Chong, who is betwe('li 22 and w YelfIc April 20 -Iib. Herald 24 years of lige, and who had been cm- earrespondertt at Honolulu sends the ployed in several Toronto lnttluleries dttr- following: The announcement from the ing the past three years, is said to have mainland that Milo rcnidcnts were con- been demented .luring the lust few 8idoring the ndvisIId11Ly of trying to months, About five weeks 41gn ho left tap the live volcano of Kilauea, run the Sing I.ee'S laltndry, nt 314 Spading ave. molten lava clown to Hilo Bay told con- nue, and lived with a relative, George suhrenktvelits sed great ug,►, I.'nu. deatrl ct to conmenntt hreren. Ocauno veray ill- YoStnlndatyat nig181ht. h!(Ce leftlthis place, and brio portant fent ere of the rrrntra'ct would not since been heard' from. He had with be the ability of the laborers to work ,Wet $30 and a gold watch, BRITAIN AND JI1[ 3O[F WAR WAR SECRETARY TARY MAI)I: CONFES- SION BEFORE BOTiIA. The Boer Premier Tells )low Britain Blocked His Way to the Sea -Can- ada and the Schemes for the Defence of the Empire. Len110u, April 11) It is nal it thio 111;1t I'renlier lamb r has Lib.,erved cunt- ptete silence during the di,ees4ion of pan; (1' defence at the sittings of fie. Imp( r;al Conference, :Ilthotedi every 01 h. ti Premier :polo. en thi., subjcel. I1 1s un+ier;l1;1r11 that Canada dia.; lett favor participating ill the otliI I for Imperial defence, t tenerll Botha, when the 1)1)• t ion 411 la.11:ll 4(d'1:1'114'e 1110.14, 1•l'111:1r::d'l 11741). 4111 1111 111•I 1n•i ' need -lull. 1 Ircat 1'.ril:lill lladt L•10'1'10'11 'Tr;nn•v;la, -b 4414' 111 the The presents. ofIlene:rid Ilu1 int ewe ;hello to supply the Conference 41111 :,all:e dram:ilk mewled,. e; on Satin.- 'I:i n \\':Ir ' 14 ta•v Il ibIl;Liu', -it 'Ili' nppu,ite la1d lun6:iu;, :1niig;lll, into (;10, 'cal Pee etas, cunf,'s.i I t lint llreel Britain had d'Int111.1 upon the lull'. '';Ir 4it1nml ndletitilie prebtr4'.iot1, hitt 1;11 the lesso❑ of propiu•edne,s it t1) bet's 1t el le;ll'lledl -Mee by but 11 1 he late and -eat Coovcrnnunt'. MOTIIEP.-IPI-LAW'S FANCY, George lilanchet A cquitted of theCitargr of Cruelty. 't[entreaI, .\Orli lite yen r; of ;lee, •I",4 ('h,unburd lace '.I, (u-d:It• 1116111-1 I ,11111^,, ( ld".glli'1 to of the ell;t l•ge Lit erinl'lt %• to his Hite needs,' oi'i ehii 1, Ill;Nichol %ti, ;irre.-t,'d o;I .1 4;irrlut ,\vert out 11; the "el'etero 01 the i'4. I'. ('. \\. 1'. u int r,e� iuu Inid bt' his iiiel!ier in lair, ehorgin;; Ilius with having ))Diced the (111111 in a ba.;kot, lighted the I:itehen ir1•,;MC I n, snug ;1, the ,t41%e oras li tt ! plad'ed t he I i,l:,'l 1:'.11 bill in the oven, Ill; nehel', rant her- in•law 10111 the rola t:.:ll she had had ru%w; 4ilb planchet ;'nt '•anted to s, p,:rile hint front Itis wife. Mr.;. Illanehel denied 111:1t her sus• bend pltl the child in the ,timte. 1114 plaerll the child iu n basket near the ,(lite, boll .lune ;l fete ii' h s :i41y fr"n1 t lu11g'e 1'hlionettie in acquitting it!,Ineet, wlrncd 110' itt) ler-in-law to helve Idle lulsh:old and wife alone, and they y; 011!11 gel un ell Held. Ill:melee tool; n little ton time!! drink, but, there 4a:: no found:d inn fix the rhaiese of woolly. LES' I' A Mil. UON. 14 liOW TIIE WEALT:I OF A CIIARIT- ABLE MAN GREW. Pittsburg, April 2)I.- -Hying in the b;•• lief haat he had bequeathed shun $175,- 000 to chnritt', John Porterfield, the Allegheny hanker, really left about $1,000,000 for philanthropic purposes. \\ hen \Ir, l'orlerfield flied, his \rill in 11)01 ire estimated his estate at, $-100,000, .\fter his death a few nunllhs ng11 Itis executor iisd'u%'erod Hall the. Bonin in sleeks, bonds undl real estate had in- creased the value of the estnte to nt heist .;,'1,01)0,000. Mr. ['nitcrfield's only .relative is 0 sister, 1'o!• whom he pro- vide(' )iy lenving $150,I)U11 in trust, WOULDN'T SERVE. r is i i WANTED HUSBAND ARRESTED FOR EATING WITH ANOTHIER WOMAN. Pert, Huron, Arndt,. .\pail 2:1. --Airs. 11::1 .`:!t('lcii.t!1, Islets' from Mount For- est, Ont., rushed excitedly into the police stlttinn Inst evening; and asked if she • edit Imre her husband arrested for eating with another woman, The police 1)01)1 not help her. Airs. AleC11'pitll is employed as a flailress in the 1Earring- fun hotel, 1\'hoi her husband, ocean• ponied by it woman, cattle into the dining 1'00111 and 10 her fable, she refueled to nail upon the pair. She said she had trouble with her htisbnnd several months ago, while living nt Aloud Forest. RUSSIAN BRIGAND CAi'1'UR D. \\'I•sa1 , April 20,- .1 notorious liri- ;fund, Sl:lnkbutts 1,1s, the author of many (Thiess, has hien captured at .Lublin, 115 miles front here, mortally wounded, af- ter the house hi \vliielt Ile had sought refuge, had been blown to pieces by ar- tillery fire. Lis, solicit 101 saw ttntt a them:hliient of 'pollee Ives advancing on the house, barricaded himself with- in tat loud opened. fire on the police, killing; several of then(. '.l'rups were summoned to the assistance of the police, bitt they %sere nimble to II:kludge e the bandit. Finally several (quick -firing field -pieces were brought up and (rained on the house. Eight shells hit the building, ivhiclt was demolished, After which the infnnlry stormed the ruins and found Lis des. politely wounded trying to reload 11.9 revolver, which he had emptied at the attacking .party, e.e Another Point, (LIN.) "IIubl" growls the )irsslnnlel, "every time Rockefeller rnalces it donation the price of kerosene .toes up a few cents," "AIL" rnllos the optimist, "but think of the many lines rho price of kerosene goes un when there Is no dotnallon," �.i GREEN TEA Is Preferred by Fortner Japan Tea D' Because of Its Greater Purity e s LEAD PACKETS ONLY. 40, 60 and 60c Por Pound. AT ALL GROCERS. HIGHEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904 11111111111111011111111111111111111111111111811111.11110.1111111111111 The Rightful eir reserver) this (Oil i!Hifi:;uul (4) he givetl will !MVO 10 4ndt4 for it, until ( 41m 111 1:11 11.14'. SIn•ely he had 11 right to 410 tw'I4bty•l11e, 1 111 the very day 1.halt. 1 at• with his °w4( a:• he would," lulu my majority I shall go to \!r. Iied• "Very true; but yeti forget - - Ilia ton and have Ilius make (+ver ten thou twill was made years ago, giving you eV. rand dollars to Earl() \\'yore," and the erytlung,'' gentle blue opts met, his %vit11 4) lout: "lie did not 1:11(11)' 1..;(111' thl'n: lilt 111' 111111 1.0141 hint she would do jlIht :Is she said if he could only have 1141(1 the use had said. of his hands, he w'olild have added a c°• "J)o ''°u defy Inn, there? You will not (Heil to hi4 55111ill his favor." (tare,' 110 0'1.111, actually quivering %titli "11111 110 dill 1101 do il, The will sl1111119 anger 141 her words. .111,4 is it always 11115, 111111 ho (1111 41111111 "1 ]►aye 11111111150(1, caul- 1 shall dare to millibars \0 part of your fortune 19 keep lay pl(xlge.' legally his,' Edith;. h 4)l (mourn voty P:110, but she "ile told me it was iris wish, and T spoke very firmly' and steadily. !hall give 1:414'11' the money,' I?dil11) 1111• Summer 1)4111011 shot a (lark loot: 41t swerell, 64'0111. the defiant lilllo figure standing s0 "You will not;" asserted Mi', Dalton, quietly erect opposite 111111, and mat - tenni an 0:11111 under his breath, "Papa, do CII1I !:now how smell 1 awl 'I'Ilcll apparently thinking it unwise v,ort11 in ,ill!" to say more upon the subject ilislt. then, ".\ hundred and seventy -fire Ilion - ands tr11ng- a handsome fortune, ;t very handsome fortune for a voting girl like you to possess," ht: said, rubbing his hand; together with 1111 air of satisfac- tion, as if he (xpeett'd to reap 4)o little "1 wonder what lhtn'c i5 in it?" 110 benefitfrom the said fortune himself, said, curiously, "'!'hal i, 1100'(' than l'ncle Richard (ice lip ethic(' al little, but she malle thought, owing:, 1111 doubt, to the sac- loo reply, .,till standing with outstretch• eessfll sale of that • block I dill not eel hand, wailing for hint to give it to iris)) l4) keep and lir. Felton 4)d• her. 1is('d ale to sell, Uncle Richard "1'vo half n )Hind to op011 ft," he told 1110 there wmtld 1/e more than a muttered. hundred and fifty thousand; but you see "No, indeed," she 0111)1, in nlarng, 11.1111 I have nearly twenty-five thousand more taking al step forward. than ho expected; and, even after giv- "I'sh,nvt d1. can do no Irarin--it cannot ing 'Earle what he wished, i shill in:a.vo contain anything s4) wary r0111(rl::abs.',,, 11101'0 1.1l1,11,7)e thought." "Sir, pray do 1401 allow ine In lose :1.11 "\\'lull nonsense, child." the repeat, 1 have for illy own father,' "It is not, nonsense, The money was Editha cried, sternly, her eyes ablaze, her rr't iip:l.nL for 114111, (411(1 1 ;11011111 N.' a filen flushing a painful crimson, her form thief and a robber not to do with it ns dilating lvil!1 surprise, i olilsm:lion, and I was bidden, I have promised, and T grief. Rshall fulfill," 1';1ith1L r(eurncd etendi• •1 peculiar, modzing laugh 111)4 nu the ly' reply he 111:1(10 to this, but he handed "Not with my consent; inks," .lir, Niel,: the package; an),, however, with- out in\urfdly resolving to ;ascertain, bi- lll('il'Itlrl' 111 the gayeties of till' 1\(111(1. 11,'(' l„ r/' ;I i;al• 4' (t:11e;.'pe, (..?41 :I:IIII'.; a stir )e:I1111'r11 al I11•o1.1'-1 )till II 11r. [hit t' N' 1' I- ::.'1•;,.., .I ,I ! a 11'4y 1,1',111' I'I;', r a,' Of III', ill! 1.111j1111,(, 111!1 III' Ile. .�: 11'.. •I"!,"11 '1 .1,:'1' • ;s1' ('•14''Cia''.1' 'I I II11,I011!1'-111'a4l'lyl 111'1' 11)' ;!•1;111" 111 ,1 .I:: , ' ' ,d.' , ( - - --_ 1' I i. i)e I Ir.k', 1wi'l'' :11:1 1'I» I. , sb1' '1„•1'11 ,L1' 1'11 Can Lc Ilur.iet,rd by 1110 Rich, Red !' III 10 11:11'1' '1'- . l 4)C 1 ,l,'il 111 �'1'l' „I • U..; 1' 1', tri li:t loth( ss. ! Mood Ur. \';%i;Jia!as' l'inl: Pills Ac - WOMAN'S TkkIALS el'w11111"'; 111'4' 04411 )1':I,' '41111'1' Ill' 114111 g'1 11,'11 1.0 Ir" 1:11 .. L:' :1' • 1 4:,'I ! 11!aily 111N1: 11' 14111 111'1111'11 her wrry moll)', :11111 (: •.!11:1 1 Ir':''1 11.1, ; e n ;1:!: 1 t ' ., 111!111 I 11111 !1:111111111.,1 UI "I"4114bo ' 1111(1peva111) 1 111' r U\'ll; 1:14'1111 ..41'. 1) bol' s :111(1 w4', ';all pf Inalllle ya:U's do ,: II';, :111,! 1:;1111('1' !1!4.11'1 1')'1'1' IIIc(' ll,at. e:(1(11111,1 111, 140 IIIIU;n'l•,41rr ( ('i 4411' to II, !.41`11' II?ori :.:o 111001 ,,11111111, '1'Iode 15 I11!I'I'VII'w I'e1(;II'11111,' 111('II:II'll 1'illll'1!lal''A "'! II 0110 1 1,' ;1111 11:'1'111-I '111' 4(l 114111 111 111 ill.' ill.' 0( 1'11'(4' w'11U:11: 1144('11 4114'1'1: !(('+Ic"•t to Ear!(' \Vrivrio, 111 I',e Jld. l:�r^.'. 11'1' I;I•I I,';,�I11� he:111 ,1c11e, :1;1 111 I('1::11.'lll'r;; I';(lit ha 4a; (loelll�' hurt. that he should `1111' 1)',- 1.141' 1:e 10111: f 14:':11 11;1 an,l. !11:1;,• eonsid(r her s"1 ,:elfish (111(1 willful 111111 ,'I C..,'u. 14:41• '. 11 rya., !))'hen life' see°!; n. 1104'(1('11 au(1 14'4010 soune 1 finally said 5114' would g4) to Newport if 1!1'1', a::,l ).her '.,, ',• ,,1,,, il} ?ietur'', '•I ' 11unlen H,11111 lhreatcne(l 1it: cued the he lvished, lo e1i,1,'uti;. ss: (1f )heir rr,lsu°. it i; at !!lis ?044' (1 0 "1 d0 1'41511 it i 111111, Edith, 1 11•;1!11 1(1(1 '.11 of 1�' 1 !d''ri, )hal lir, 11 illi:4)u,' Pink J'li , prove a blessing to ))01110:1. 1'.1 err Hose increases the ri1'hnese and the redness of the blood l4) 1ca11' all that 44o!brc black lrunlpl'ry .\1 :41• l 1:1' (.fine I,4 11'11:11 ..' Tr": 1.,1 at. 1101111', Mild put 1(11 511111('thlllg 4'111' 111111 '0" 0:;" y.14'.'lR!.y 4 11 (!('•. 'I a:l .i '1:1: 1:1�: I pre1 lull 1.114 11('11' 1,10011 strengthens glance t I I 4(l 0,111111 robes, 1, of. 110'1 i 111'4 I° 11111 1'' i the orguu4, /tables them (u throw off I fere( nom maim:i nts an( oaclutcbes nod ?reit',' he added, )11th a disappointing 4:44'1'op-. "VAN'. 5111'1')\ you (1(I 11(It 1 mean 1111' to conk :at., were will(111rv! :(!Mill, 11i1';1 l4,- Imekaehes and dizziness and secret Immo like off lily 111o111'lllllg!" she exclaimed, ,u(: 11.1 141.. ! that have made life a burden. There are in Haul: astond4hnu'111, •;Ink' pretty [4111 4110 baa can'ed "1'11; 1 d4(; 11104'0 eau he no possible )lin buyds'h !;014'1, 11'110 1:n(1w aptb;:uttIl j Lhuus,uldlr 11 11/1 t11011138111171 of grooving 8,0°11 in 51e:)l'ing Rlleh glom:1w-Io°1:111g • girls and %%olllall ill (',4114(1114 44111, owe things; they are pot f('etly hateful," "11111 mamma has only been gone about eine months, and Uncle Richard nut'lnit'' throe ,null----" 1\ ,suit l: rush of tears into the sad blue eves and n. greatchoking lump in her hire:l1. sulldr'nly stopped her, "Your »hiller would not wish to sec you in sorb dismal garments; she could never endure black, any way; and your 1'11'1(' Ilichard would much prefer to see won honking bright 111111 cheerful," replied 1!4', Halton, I':ddtha knew this was true, but, it '1'l'nled alines(. like treason to her b('1°v• ('11 one., to lay aside all evidence, of Ler 4orr(1w and go back In the gay habili- ments of the lvorld, But she submitted to this edict of Dalton also for the sake (if ?care; and though she could not lo.ing her mind to assume gay color:;, •Vet 5111' bought charming suits of finest white ea :nitric and lawn, awl 0111,14114 delicately sprigged with lavender, with richer end more ('iegallt d&unl(19se ,silk !1111( lace, 1111 while, fir evening 'year. It was; an exc('vdilhly simple wat'd- r,It, vet rich and charming withal. ami even iter fastidious father could find no fault when he saw her arrayed i4) it, '1'114. night before they were to leave, :at midnight, Sumner Dalton alight have he lnrned his attention again to the 111 11 s'44'n creeping slcall111ly (hall 4lairls Package whi(•h he still held in his hand,. and into Editha's private library. f?diblla'4 o\'('s followrl(1 his, uiid she 1; was :I room that had once been her held out her h:uel, saying: nlelher's morning. sitting•ruom, and if you please," where she had all her uncle's books, pie• lures. and 4,LI1' removed after his death, and here she spent, much of hor time, reading till' books lie had loved, sewing a little, painting n little, and thinking u great deal of the friend who had 110011 s4) very dear to her. Mi', 1):Iltnn acted a4 if he felt vel•)' moth like an intruder or a thief ns he giided noiselessly into this room, cies• ing ::11(1 lucking Om door after him. I!0 41111. (144'00111 In the sole, IIt11, talk• inr as lmielt of keys from his pocket, lie selected one and proceeded to unlock it. "!)id, the foolish little chit think to keep 11e1' sce!'('ts from me?" lie sneered, as lie cnsily turned the lock and the door swnnr noiselessly hack, "She'll find she will 111' obliged to we more stratagem 111:an she possesses in her small head before she can outwit an old one like miuc," he continued, 114 he proceeded to s(141(14 every drawer the safe contained, None *were locked 4014.1' the 111'1"11 1C (1111401' i11 which lie had seen Editha Mar' I':arlers package, mei he fuitnd nothing of interest in any 0I' 111e111, Selecting another key from his 1)1111011, b» liuielay °puled Ulu privntc drntwer, and 1a grunt of satisfaction immediately e,enpcd him, :puling that 11°11' be brut fund what he wanted, ile tool: it out, mill the light revealed the pncl:age which Editha had sought to treasure s) sacredly, "'111(':1.0 4':15 always 4 olu('t'll'ilbgr m!)•,¢ - h 4.:ol;a :1111101 (ila.t proud 44.4ll1 ." he eyeing the pari:nqr variously; '`,1)1:1 now, .11 (11('re 14 all:)"tlli:!g tilere I0 I 0!'I 1110 41.!1;0 1!11;1 w'1::It he is, 1 :4'111 11'9111g t4) Ictn\v it. Ile saa'ill his business lhul he contiu'n((• rrflei tiwel;w, "aun• (•l'!')L011 only his own private interests, and wa., connected w•i111t 414 enu01'y life; paha ps 1 shall 'learn something more, :about those 'private interests' :end that 'curdy life.'" '411104'0 14'' 14:141 put it to 400 1.4) 1111100: 111(14 's11(0, t° the table, seated :1)in►sett comfua•lalbly l4) n. revolving o.ht':r, took out, :L ll:uldl-0me pool:et•k'n'ife, :Intl' in titer 11101, (;1('('('411 and delicate manner imaginable. removed entire the 110awy 41'ill of WAN lhvn1 1.111! Tlacl:a.re, 1'1111!1,.4 th.d:; ill :1 11:11(04' 4)1 5:4fet.y 1411,11 no 1:11'40 alight come to it, the 'removed f!tx' 'snipping of )heavy rave' and Ill,:! 111 l4) iau-i4'ad 'dos ('4)141e)tts. T'ilev 1.o -it'd -led chiefly of th'4leis ad- '(trr' ehd to Earle, in a delicate, feminine hand, )the s''d_'IIL of which made Summer Dalton 5(11t violently and grow al suds (lett crimson, "11s.ha'I," he rsaill, impatient 1y, arnll. dl:rwiug :t d:'1rp breath, "there are Iron• (14(41,- of women w1(, write, a s,:tnr!'ar Ile opened one or two of (rhlo 11'011(')•( al:d real them, Dalton creed, hotly. "'!'hen it will have to be done wiUmnt it," she 41119werarl, sadly. "'nut cannot iw; you are tinder al{,rli; you are only nineteen, and it will be more Limn a your before you are free to net 111,011 your own nntllorily, 114'01• time, 1 nm your legal guardian, and yon can transfer no properly without my ec'an401t,' '1(04' father replied, triumphant- ly, "Is that) so?" Edilhn, nsl:ed, with It, startled look. "That is so, according (4, the law of this State." "Papa, you cannot mean what yrat say, You llillst (plow 1110 to do this thing you would not be so dishonorable 413 '10 1111 11110111 this money from l?aa'le when it is really his. llo has only about, )line months longer to slay-" "A year, you mean," lfr. I)nitou i4)• ter) -opted, "Aro; his clays) of grace amount, to three 111(11Lths, and so h4( will be free in about nine; and he will be absolutely pelmiles.s-ho will. 110.v'e nothing ui)0)1 which to begin life. Tt would ho cruel to keep this money from hill) when it is rightfully his, and he will need it so much. Pray papa., be kind and reason - as clear as either yours or mine is 4(t wished," pleaded the fair girl, earnest. ly, "Diehard Forrester (1i1111't know what he wished himself, or he would never have been guilty (If smell folly." "Papa, you know that his mind erns n3 clear as either yours o 1114011'0 is 4(.t thin m0mrn1." ]?ditlh;L exclaimed, nearly randy to weep at 14)1144 cruel opposition. "11; docs not matter; 1. shall never tam - sent to your fooling away ten thousand dollars in any ,such manner; so let this end the controversy 4(t once,' he return- ed, doggedly. "Poor Earle!" sighed Itldiblia, repot. fully; "then hell have t0 'unit aL 14.11010 year for it, It is too had." "1Voit a !whole year for it. -what (l0 you mean?" demanded 1)1.I. Dalton, sharp- ly. f. mean, papa, that if L cannot [rive it to hint without your consent, t!hn1.hc fore very long. lvhnt it (nntnin0d, 1;(14(1111 hastily returned it to the pri- vate Ilrr.twer. locked it. and the safe se - (golly, and 1111'11, without a w•or(1, left the room. (11.11'TER VE, Sumner 1)allora was a supremely seIf• ish 111111►, hr(un his earliest boyhood his chief 111111 lead been to got gold, no matter 11144', that he might fill hi.s life to the brine 4vitll pleasure, and his highest am- bition 11114 to 411111 among the ?rondo'+t of the land, and mingle in their enjoy• accts 114. 1111 equal. ;Intim but 11. golden 1:ey would um luck: the dour leading into those (dram- e(lregions, therefore gold became his idol, Ilion everything went 911100 WS, lie lens opposed or ddsnpointe(1 by any one in itis plana or schemes, it Was 11113'- 1 Iii1V 1113'•1llinft' hut, pleasant fir those around n1,01(1 him, 1111(1 he did not allow nn op - pert unity to puss to revenge himself of the ((fens». ile did not believe in grieving Ills life alw:l3, for the, dead; people must die nal be buried; the 11'04'1(1 4115 made for the enjoyment of the living', and it 11'414 his maxim to improve those pleasures to the tamest while he liver). ]lis wife diel) the last of Ortobc'r, Iliohnrd Forrester the following April; :Ind in dune, when the hot weather 0:one on, he told Editha to prepare for the season (1t X('W11ort, as he intended spending the 54111)01' there 114 usual, 11.1111, perhaps, n trip to Saratoga, un(1 Long lIrenrli, by way of v)triety, ]114tH with her heart saddened from her recent bereavement, 11.0)11(1 have 11111011 preferred remaining quietly at her house; fooling, too, that, there was more of comfort there in its large, airy, and beautiful rooms than in n. r'rolwded, flsh- ]onalhle hotel, where, at the most, she conlll have lint two or three npm•tnlcnts, and those conIp:ralively shall mull close., Then she had no heart for the glitter it'd confusion of •soctiely; those w'1n dead flop:;, no (told 111111 11411'0, Were 1100 fresh in her nl0nlnry for her to take any to) 0 0 • 000000000 04f( 0000 e, 0 :.4 o Scoff Erna L5'!©r strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provide baby with the ncsc.w ' S and mineral 0 ALL I MMO= L ' WmIND 4'P'; 9: 0000000000000000000000 '1'•!101 1'1•(10 :111 1,Ita,1 from a. 1ittde 14,41.11 (1(4.11' sin." and sdnlply'sirur'(, "\'oar 1ov- ring 111(11her." Illrrat'e 41114 1401 11411('11 of interpsl in 414'4'.01 (4) 16111, only lrntw and then there 14115 ((11' expl'('r„•il.11l 11'111e1h r.('efled 44) 1.011011 s'0111e Inn;;' .dormant chord 01 nleul''.Iry, and lint,! 111111 41hiver a: ler 4'5,4'11, Il» 5414(11 !.'rem• Weary 4)l' Cris uepair:(4 (0 ,hcwpv('1, 41,1) •1 laid the I('1ler.i 1('((k. In exltnliue fart4h'er. '.1'10('.0:0 414'10 ?4. V('r:ul :pretty (lrruwings wrapped in fds5tua paper, a sketch. 'in w111.'r•e(11urts, of 11 charming little cot- tage, 111111E h'iddon by vine,' ,last climbing 9'00'0,;, and. i4) one corner of tilis 1(1(54re we're three t in'y Iai't Huts, 'Sumner Dalton nearly buu3Ldwl frond his duds 141 1:1e, staid them, repeatang theme aloud' ah' he. did so. The color folt;nlolc h.i4 !ruler, this 1'ip4 twitchlwl mov0u.41;v, and al startled, anx- ious (xp1'014l ion Irl'lttlr.f to 1114' cep,. Ile h14.;ti;(y hhrest the drawing t0 one sixty 11'tel 11.01 it o1 flow' more (9111(91,4' 11"11 his que4lt, The only relmniiinq thing 131 the patctc- :Ir:y be 44 pi,'la;rc of !':dil 11101-tel':'4'l', with al scornful ,!Mile at, the ('til` IIr,Ll11fest ed. Ile P(1110%041 till' wrapp0a', and two a:c- ture., dropped, upon the (al!s., :1.11(1 a1-1 a luck of auburn. hair, tied Mull n blue 'ribbon. .Ile took lip one of the pictures wall a 1.11111. Surely 018 1y11s not worth the loss of so much sleep and the treachery he hu( employed to satin hies object. Bul-wloLt is this? ,iunullhdng that makes the bl(4(u1 rush back upon his heart with suffocating force, his eyes t) dart with 11011(11', and a clammy moisture to ooze out from every pore, It. is the face of a beautiful woman "rf perhaps t11irty•fi\'r 14'11'44, 1)11114, abundant. hair crowned the small shapely head set most gracefully upon :1 pair of sloping shoulders, Grave, sad oyes loot:rvl up at the hnr• er-striel:0n face with :111 expression wfiich strangely moved the s)1•ong man. .\ straight, delicate nose. 11:111 a mouth ,;;feet and gentle in (41press.iol, but deep - 1y lined with suffering, completed Ihn picture. Underneath, and 41110011 in the same delicate elthslgrllphy which the let- ters bore. tvere the words: "\loth(sr, to her dear boy,,! \\'!lh troubling 1181014 Suuune; 1),11• ton laid it down and took up the ut.h,-r piclnr0, and razed as if fasc•inale(1 up+,n it It 11"14 the Same f'o'p only evidently their health and happiness to 1)r, 1\'iI• !dans' !'ink; !'ills. Mrs. James 31cf)on• aid, of 1u;,'ar t.'nulp, Ont., is nuc of these. She Nays: "1 ton, h;uIly run duel!, felt very weak and had no appetite. 1 suf- fered from headaches and backaches and a feeling of weakness. 1 could scarcely drag myself about and felt that try con- dition 11'1(4 growing worse. 1 decided to try 1)r. Williams' !'ink Pills and got it dozen hoses, but before they were all well 1 had fully regained my health, and was able to (u 111v housework without the least fatigue. 1)4'. 1Villinnls' !rink ('ills have beta a great. blessing to Inc." 1'011 ran ret 1)r, 11'illinmN' Pink ('ills for Pale People filen any 111(diebie deal- er or by mail from The 1)r, Williams' 1ledicinc Cu., Brockville, (.1nl., at 110 its a box or six boxes for 4'2,4':O. 1f you are 14.0:!1: or ailing Five these pills n fair 141)11 ---they will not disappoint Ott. FOREST PLANTING.; CLOSE SPACING PRODUCES BETTER TREES THAN WIDE SPACING. The, elosen04s of planting and the �!nadl size of 1111: nee5 planar 11 ;(1e ?114014', ;:bout tor''slry tree planting that are usually 1'(1'y I,II•Iklllg to :1 mall used to 4.1..... fifteen or twenty ce1i4 previous.111:1111 141); tree,, for lel orchard 04' for or - It was a nmrde fact Wile 4:1 bewilder• nllmenial purpose;. .1 f 4I'140r, in his ,t'111111r� 111 trees, 11„)1111 lulu I11511(la Ing, entrancing beauty, I1:ld full of mirth 1.'`'I "'' lo all(! careless glee. 11'(1111 ll)' to six feet 11p:11•t each 1yay. Rippling curls that caught 4114' sin• 1):,l:Melt; le.,, or grt'atur than this have their advocates, but the spacing given light, with every breath; dancing ey101 of loveliest expression; the same straight, delicate nos; a4 seen i4) the 011111 likoness 1)11(1 (4 sWent month, Whose bright and careless smile told of not at care in all the world. This was the pie - lure that held Sumner 1)altoi spell- bound lvith 1a strange horror. Undementla, in the same delicate hand, were the three tiny initials that ile had seen n?on the sketch in watercolors, The strong 1111111 groaned aloud as he to (1,1,:011; the photograph dropped from his nervous fingers, and loo shook like 0110 With the nrne. 11e wiped the sweat from 1!is brow; lie rubbed his eyes as if to e10111' his vision, and looked again, comparing the two facts. But only to groan again more bitter- ly than before. '!'here could he no doubt, that both pic- tures were of the sante person, only tak- en at different tinges; one during happy girlhood days, the other at aL matures age, and to gratify the wishes of her son, "P'a'le Wayne hor sag! Earle 1Vnyne, the ?4'1501101', 110--0111111101 1. ClrOat Bea - 1 -en!" ile cried with ashen lips, and in tones expressive of intense horror (Ind fens. '.!`'hen with a. round oath, he threw bol'll pietures from 11in1 as if they hurtl- ed hint, and, leaping 111 his feet, J0gan pacing excitodl, bac): and forth upon the floor. "What shade of evil has hent, this thing 10 001(r)111 111e (1l. Ibis Irate 110111' of 111;1' life?" he cried, with exceeding bit- tel'11r5•S, "Did I not have enough of dis- nppoiILt.mr'nt and regret to beer at that, time wit.'hout being reminded of it in Lida way nolo? 1 was cheated, foiled out of what T would nlnl0sl have given half n. life•tinle to have attained. Oh! if T had only known -win' w•as there no one to tell ale? Why-" He Flopped in the midst of his walk, ,ind clutched his 114111(15 and ground his teeth in fiercest. 4rnnh. "f Was a fool -an idiot. I. 'hale myself. 1 bate her --1 hair all the World, wlln knew end did not loll ale, And lie is her 8011; he is - (To be continued.) ♦• • Eetter Than Pauses, (Hartley, Iowa, Journals) The Journal has contracted with the stock Island Railroad Company for a certain num- bet' of Inches of display advertising to bo run regularly for a year and to ho paid for In cash, coin, bullion, shekels, dough -that is, the real thing -gold, silver, currency, ox - prows money older, bank draft-so:nothing ono cin buy bread with, also railroad trans- portation, boons, potatoes, lemons, chewing tobacco and othos necessities. Tho anti -Toss bill 11111'01' 10001141(1 u9, Blissful ignorance is often allcceeded by knowledge that blisters. ah(wp is :he one genei'ally 1154,1 no11'- :rla ys. For special purposes other distances luny ho employed. In planting mit maple; for a sugar -bush, for instance, the di"lances would be considerably grea- ter than those mentioned, hut i11 thie rase tiro plantation would approach the character of an orchard, dith0r than that of a )v10(1•101 )where timber is the thing nm51 desired. (111e 1'11.011 for 1111s ('ios(' Jdlglltillg 14 that heifer limber will be produced by thus crowding the trees. The tree 1vi11 grow taller and straighter, as %t'ilI be found naturally in a thick 11(10(1 a44 com- pared with 11 more open ono. The (lead branches, will fall otf better On other twists. the tree will prune itself better), and so the timber will be freer from lovas, Another reason for close planting, i4 thtat the crowns of the trees Inns' come together within n rensonnble time, It is n. giln1 principle to lay- clown that the distance 11e1wc0n the tires should be such that the 04'011'11; can conte together in at least, six to eieht years if in less time, s4( much the better. The good results of this meeting of the crowns of the tmcr;, both to the 'nil e1'1 1° ihp grmflh 1m height of the tyres, have illrea:11 been uot1(ed in these isthmus. In region' 1111^re cultivation is ill• 00;snry.-.-115 in the prairie country - for the first few years after pinntine, close planting shortens the tinge during \'hick it is necessary to eultiwate the planktion. \flier() a plantation hal; been planted with the trees four feet apart 0x0)1 way, in the Province. of Manitoba and Ses1; atch('wnn, at icltnt, it is found 11011 three years' cultivation trill sif- fire; if the tree, were put six fool. apart 1'01'11 way, cnl1iwnlinu would be necessary for twice the time, of longer. -4+4 MOTHERS FEEL SAFE Mothers who have used Baby's Own 'Tablets, for their little ones say 11103, feel safe with the Tublcls al laud, fur they are a noire). failing cure for all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood. .4li's, Cri145 ('resslnal.n, New Hamburg, Ont., says; ''.I have used liaby'„ 1)1vn 'Tablets for stomach trouble and constipation With ;larked 4414(11ess. I. al4wny4 fool that 311y' lift Dae is safe When i have a box of the '.Tablets in the house," Baby's Own :Tablets ire sold under the guarantee (.11 a Covernnlent nualyat to contain neither opiates nor other poisonous (11.414n9, They always (l0 good -- they can't possibly do harm. For sale at druggists or b- 141:111 at 21 cents a box Win The 1)r. Williams' -Medicine Cio,, llroek►'illt, Ont. 4•o The Progressive Squaw. !;t !,0avcntvort1) ;'e:te1(lay Cui'1('y tovsley, a Creel: 111(1'41111 woman, shot and faintly 401111'acd n main, she (41:4.1014 ).hal he insulted hal, 1114'. 1n+liau4s have dropped their blanket;; for dross suits; lbadr tomahawks were discarded rears )Igo for guns; 1'04' years' they have lived in house.;, With art w'indow's. instead of tenl.5, and their daughters play 111e pi- ano and the sound 4('f 1110 taint -am is for-., gotten, bet nothing they have done so Well i11114trate4 their readilics3 to adopt the 111n1171e1's of the civilized people as this action of an Indian woman in ((hooting n moat. She . had beard that white women •did it., ,that it bad becwuno. 1)4 fns}liouable 'as elbow sleeves, so when she got 31111(1 at 'a man she adopted the fashion by pulling the triggor.-Alo1L1' con, Kan,, Gibe. CA IkNIVAL IN SPAIN. Wl:t l All I,iadrid, Including the King, 'i: 4;4'11); Out for a Good Time. ''I''N'I'le, e"I. ('I(1 414:,1 I;1'e(!,' 11141,ts! -'l'.'.11''le 11,.,.,11s ;5 1i,i; 11,111(1,:.2011 1'(11:(4' (1 Ow .)101101 ' lcig n ::cel:lio0'd )fit}1 41 Il'r fe4o1' 111,111 i4) lladrill in drill' of 1113 1414'1 Wit, liberty of speech 111 (((:4 4')r, JI"4)l ical !:;' (:epr vett tors g e;l1. :1u°ua1 er,'ut ',f notch of 41s ow. 101', r'rl11411',:11('0. 1'1,11 '•1:1,.,1! 111,40114 do J,ea•,:11'' 1s'111,:� 11,1 1,111•'''1' 1!11:1(1 1:4llil' by pl('111pt r111111n1,11,1,1•411, the cal'nivlII („Inc), 1101 4(011 111 Ila' Pk(' 01 41' 6a1e1)" 1':111 (1 1.0 ( nose who (input'. (+Ila 1.1: \ ua11g 'I'"' 01 to-d,ly our 104)' 11:0'c Ito rc.1- 1',011 14, 1(01d lh('lll.;e11/1.5 i11 11U41u(.LyO for (54)1110 eleven months i41 order to blow off the Isteltul utulur cover of mask 011(1 domino during the tlJlsyturvyduul of the twelfth. But if it has hanged to be u beJLN011 of Jeslitcial liceese, it has yet lost 1101)1ing of its Southern gayety -4)f its dash and ices brat's spirit 4)t revelry. 1 t is, in fuel, the 0411'11 1leruld 't rprlug, eayrl the 1,14e.tmtluiter Gazette, 'l hose cutting blasts and driving hnovstorms hailing front the bleak Guardufrunia no longer sweep all before the rudown the streets of old Madrid; the sun's rays 1101.0 re- gained their nlrenglh, and the flu4ers in the Bum lietiro blossom forth in al- most tropical luxurialice--for February is Spain's )110111(1 o1' flower:`] 11'IIe11 roses and violets speed their sweetness and strew IL veritable path of iluwe:'d fur the guy king of the hurls, to \vholu in- deed none pay's 1)1010 1L9idtiola hunntge 110111 (hual; young King .Alfonso, whose position 111 his ('api11'1 the 14lel!I•y 111(11411rch 114)411(1 tcnlJ•or 1141 seem completely to \\were the mimic fight is thickest there is sure to 1x1 S043(1 1110 King of Spaill--dui11g battle to, right manfully - picking out his 1nus11 and directing his 114111 -he it with flower or confetti -with a Slue hand and that quite infectious laugh which people in this country have becd,nlc almost equally familiar with, This yen('41 carnival, to be sure, heed King Alfonso for the first time in the role of a be11ed]e1; but there will be m111ll who remember with what a ready (wit he has been 'Punt to answer joke 14;111 joke, and even' bandy a playful blow for blow with his subjects as they crowd about the brae of the royal plat- form, where for u span etiquette in its precise acceptation i5 suspended -for is he not, tun, a subject for the nonce of his Supreme .Majesty King Carnival? .\nd wlult should here 11101.4 particular- ly be munitioned as redounding alike to the credit of suscreigu and people is that at a time of liberty and popular excitement, such as above described, oat a rude word or unseemly jest has ever been directed toward Alfonso X111. by roan or woman from behind those shelt- ering masks. 1t, is the 014440 in the Retie), that the fun rages most .furiously and all the splendors of the Nesta are best seen. A few pence entitlo any mask to talc up his position here -"carriage folk," how- ever, have It fur heavier toll levied, on them, :mooting indeed to several hun- dred pesele,but as your Spaniard loves aL show, and 111>(ne 111l figuring in one, the town authorities net a handsome amount over the transaction, while it i; whispered that that "poor and proud" fmilies+ :Mint themselves for the 'best part of the twelvemonth i11 order to shine "for this occasion only," From the Corso the route lies down the Camino de Alcatel, through the Plaza de Faroe, rad along 111e I'red0, one be• 4ilderil>; swarm' of costumed figures, The .b01)1un1w1 senor, in doublet and hose with rapier at, side, may of course be the barber 11.10► shaved your excellency that. very morning. The dark eyed nu111- 1.illaL Wrapped beau1.y-for you take it for granted she is a beauty by that gleam of even white teeth seen through the inch or two of lace fringing her black matin mask -this (senori1.8, 'then, who mischievously whispers some astounding fact regarding your private affairs, may be no other than the little laundress whose mission on earth you have taken to be that, of robbing your shirts of their appointed complement of buttons; but, after all, what of that. Are they both not the gayest of gay company, and on the best of terms with you, „ themselves and all 1lle land, merry world around? ®•4 A Deceptive Phrase, (Goodwin Smith). Public ow'ners'hip of public utilities is a taking phrase, and perhaps not the less taking in certain quarters because it is slightly suggcstir e of coufirlcatiun, But who nets for the public? That its the main question. Is it likely, for instance, that the municipality of 'To- ronto will run an electric power system bettor than a private company and its experts operating under public law? On what principle are the Mayor and Council elected? On that 0f fitness for the nnutagement of great and conpli- catcd concerns? Fleeting as ulnar tenure of office is and multifarious ars' are their duties, 0(414 1111ey be CX1)1Cte(1 to acquire anything. like the requisite knowledge and experience? Is public IIIl11111gelllellt 5oel11'0 ;tgiliuht j(W1J0ry.?' 111 1.011d011; r England, the ' policy of municipal' tradiu has beenoverwhelni- iligly condemned 1>y expertietllde, In England generally the policy, to any tine 1cust, is still on its trial, though in English cities 1. class of 111034 is gener- ally available for municipal adminis- tration such as is not available Lore. 'There appears to b.' a general' preval- ence of . financial embarrassment front which Glasgow, the vaunted paragon of the policy, is not free, Lot us, at all events, not be carried away by a phrase. ♦$* 1V4hy x'boul(L-m 1111111 slake a try at sitanding )prosperity when be can just as well sit down and take it easy. LIAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. B EATH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a speolalty.Advances trade to fanners on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Currant Rates We offer every a000nunodatton con- sIHtent with safe and conservative banking priuoiples. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS '1'o loan on Real E;itate at lowest rates of iuterest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their prouorty on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended gij.e 1t1th gtttitbar . J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY J1 AY 2. 19u7 l'IICRCII NOTI.N. The (Quarterly t)fli, sal Bosu'd of the Methodist church will meet on !Jia►dl►y, Kitty 6th, at :.80 11, IN The attendance at Sabbath School and Sunday wile the la years. the Yre.ebyterian Bible f`htse htet Nest in several The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of new members will be held in the Methodist church on Sun- day morning next conunenc'ing; at 10 o'clock, :R ? "The privileges of God's ehildren" based on !tom. : 16-17, was the theme discussed in the Methodist pulpit Sun- day Morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, General Sec- retary of Sunday Schools and Epworth to. Leagues of the Methodist church in Canada, left on Monday to attend the INSURANCE, World's Sunday School Convention in Rome, We represent the leading Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M, to 3 P.M, Lusiness Bards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suc- cessor to d F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank, FIi(L'DFOOT, IIAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc, Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cainerou and Holt, Goderioh. W. Proudfoot, K.C. ; R. C. stays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Au honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.D.C.M,, Uni- versity of Trinit College • M.D., Queen's University; Fellow of '!rinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. onor for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commerolal hotel, Queen street, Blyth. S. C o°TC°T BflUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tun ,STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Rabies O cryo iv0 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.&. PROPRIETOR. Q 00 QD 00 fail First-class IIorses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commerolal Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. • KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, Was established 20 years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known colnner- etal colleges in the province. The do- mand upon us for commercial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. \Ve assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Cats- logue free. ELLIOTT & McLACNLAN, Principals. t si upwards f :,: :M The Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London met in Chatham on Mon- day,'Tuewlay, and Wednesday of this week. ltev. W. M. Martin, of Exeter, was elected Moderator of the Synod on Monday. Next Sunday is Missionary campaign Sunday throughout this.\rchdeaeonory. Rev, John Berry, hector of Seaford), will preach both morning and evening in 'Trinity church. Rev, Wm, H. Bartley will be in the parish of Bay- field, Goschen and Varun. The pastor occupied the pulpit at both services in St, Andrew's church last Sabbath, His morning topic was "The Holy Scriptures" and in the even- ing he spoke on 'The parable of the Sower," Mr, S. Poplestoue, leader of the choir, sang an appropriate solo at the evening service. The congregations were large at both services, * * The May meeting of the Goderich District of the Methodist church is to be held in Wesley St. church, Clinton, May iGth. The Goderich District W. M. S. will meet at the same time in Ontario St. church and in the evening a joint meeting of the bodies will bo held in Wesley church in behalf of the W. M. S. when Miss Preston, returned Missionary from Japan, and Rev. J. C. Reid, of the Nile, will address the ineeting. Tho Sunday School Convention and Ruri-Decanal meeting of the Deanery of Huron will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at St, John's church, Brussels, when the following program will be followed ::['uesdtty-- 12,00 a. m., Holy Communion ; 12.80 p. m., luncheon ; 1.45 p, ill, Devotional exercises ; address of welcome ; Con- fereuce-2 p. in. "The relation of parents to the Sunday School," lt. L. Taylor, London ; 2.45 p. m. ''The Prayer Book and its use," E. Nash, Wingha►n ; 3.30 p. m, "The home department," Miss H. l:. Wairond, Exeter ; 4.15, "The Advent Collects," Rov, T. 0, IVright, Walkerton ; 5,00, business meeting ; 6,00, tea ; 7,80, Evensong in St, ,Tohn's church, ,Sermon by Rev, Canon Tucker. D. C. L., of Toronto General Secretary M. S. 0, 0. Wednesday - 8,80 a. in., Holy Communion ; Con. ference-10 n, m., "Prayer 13ooL• Re- vision," Rev, M. 'Turnbull ; 11 a. m., "The Catholic Faith." A review of lir. (1riflith-Thomas' book, .Rev, W. H. Bartley ; lit, has been suggested that the Clergy procure and read this book before tho Conference,1 ; 12 a, tn., busi- nese; 12.30 p. m., luncheon, Discus- sion will follow every paper, It is hoped that every one will come pre- pared to contribute in this way to the program. Speakers will be allowed five minutes each, Tho S. S, Con- vention is held Tuesday and the Dean- ery Chapter on Wednesday. Auburn. A number of our citizens are house- cleaning and the carpet switches raise quite a dust. We understand that Roy, Mr, Hamil- ton, of Leamington, has declined to consider a call frotn the Presbyterians of this place, The business then have come to an agreement to close their business every Wednesday evening from May to Oct- ober, at half -past six in the evening. On May 20th, Itev, Benjamin Cle- ment, of Goderich will give an address in the Temperance hall and we expect hear something real good. There will not be an admission foe, but it collection will be taken up. A large attendance is expected. Rov, W. H. Andrews, M, A„ of Tor- onto, who just graduated recently, preached on the Auburn circuit last Sunday and trade a favorable inr- pression, Mr. Andrews' father, who was oleo a Presbyterian minister, occupied the pulpit at Keene, near Peterborough for 51 years. Brussels. A few cases of mumps In town, Art. Taylor has engaged with Jas. Moore, of Morris, for the summer, Bishop Williams preached in St. John's church last Sunday afternoon, Mr. Cook and bride, of Hamilton, spent their honeymoon at his home in to wn, The members of Western Star Lodge, No 149, Brussels, will attend service in St. John's church on Sunday, May 5th, 1907, at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Lang-Ford will preach the annual sermon. PACE FOUR --THE BL'TII STANDARD MAv 2ND, 1907, TENDERS NOR DIIE1)(iIN(1, 'I'ENDERS addroesed to the undersigned. and eudoreed '"fender for Dredging'," will be received up to and Including .\lou• day, May ttth, 1907, for the dredging required at, the following places In the Pruv'tnoo of Ontario during the pretieut Myrtle Phillipe yens : Nolle Diver, Menai I:oarte, Dade- A unit, `moils rich, Kincardine, Port Elgin, fort Hut.. Emanuel Lyon well, Point Edward, Port Stanley, non• Beau, Diver Thames, Whitson, Blind Rver, Syydenbaut Diver, Ilea venni), I)ronte, 13racebrldge, Meatonl, U,t'eu Sound, 'Thornbury, Toronto, \Vauban shone, Wingfield Basin, Nigger and 'felt• graph Islanda, Trenton Harbor and lMik Channel, 1'enotangulshene, Midland, llarnilton, Cobourg. Combined sg:ecllication end form of tender can bo obtained at the Department. of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders must IMudo the towing of the plant to and from the works. Only dredges can be employed which are registeroct in C.Inada et the time of riling of tenders. Contract. ors must be ready to begin work within thirty days atter the date they have been notllled of the acceptance of their tender. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed fora) supplied, and signed by the actual signature of the ten- derers. An accepted cheque on it chartered bank, payable to the Ilonourable the Min• Iter of Public Works, for one thousand dollars ($1,000) )rust accompany each tender as security deposit in connection with the dredging to be performed. The cheque will lie returned Iu caseof non- aceeptanct: of tender. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest nr any tender. By order, FRED, GELINAS, Sect etary, Department of I'ablio 11'nrkl, Ottawa, April 17,10107. Newspapers will not be pnld for this ad- vertiMe.ment it they insert It without authority from the Department. lrl.l"1'll NCIIOOi, ILEl'O111', '1'Ilr, following i5 1he report al Myth Public School for the mom h of April 1111', N(1, 1, 5ilili0l'S- Ella Taylor . ........ 25:) Es't'lt Stothers L,) \iIiI el l'hell =ty 281 \Vilfred weirt•1 DEBENTURES FOR SAID., -Sealed ten- ders will bo received by the under- signed to Tuesday, Inclusive, at 8 p. in., the Ilth dry of May neat, for the pur- chase of 83000 Village of Myth dehen'- uree, dated the 15th day of May, 1407, bearing interest at 5 per cent., repnvnble yearly in 15 annual payments of $239,03 of principal and interest at the li uik of Hemiltou, 131yth, Any tender not ue• temerity accepted. Further informa- tion may be obtained by calling at the Clerk's ollioe. A. ELDER, Clerk. In Every Hone There are generally a number of articles of jewelry which aro laid aside because of Homo little break that they have sustained. Sore of these are prabably quite valuable and would again be of service if a few cents were spent in having then! re- paired, Our repair department will be glad to attend to any of your requirements In Its line. It will give you careful worktnanlike attention. This is n good time to bunt up and bring in that thrown -aside .jewelry and let us lit 1t up for you. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. ROBERT M. (IARNiSS BLUEV ALE -- - ONTAIIIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Tears reasonable. Sales arranged for at Tun STANDARD office, Myth. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . $1 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tisor 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit- noss 1 00 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Stru' The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'Times The Standard and Weekly Free Press The Standard and Toronto Week- ly San The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Spectator..., .... The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and Toronto Daily News. The Standard and Fra'mer's Advo - The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser The Standard and Evening Free Press The Standard and Toronto Daily World ..... . Tho Standard and Daily Free Press ...,...... Tho Standard and Evening Globe The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire Tho Standard and Daily Mail and Etnpil'e The Standard and Daily Globe, Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. 1 70 21)rl ,19:1 12.2 Incernlediates Erie Anderson. 1",1 Jobe SIorritt .112 Dottie Cowan ,,.,1u7 Leon Scoi t t;:) Andrew Coombs . tie uniol•1-- Tette. l:dtneston 280 Arthur Tarn blyn....17'1 11oy Denim! 01 ,...106 Churn Copp , , .. (1,1 \V0;Icy C,unpbell 7i) "u Petal Gibson 14 1111'. NO, 2. Entrance die -a: - Archie \Veils.. Bernice Anderson ... .219 Emma Leith 199 (Bialys l.;utt ....191 Myrtle Nicol...175 Lldle \\'unless 168 Hazel Bennett 167 1.,t her 13e11. 141 Fourth class - Walter Cowan, 165 Leila 13egley 161 Dorothy 'Ttoruay 163 Lizzie Lawrence 117 Wiliio mains 141 Florence Taman 129 Laura Johnston .114 Carman Anderson-. 109 Mary Carter 9i *Stanley Che+lloty ..... 95 ,11 nggie Johnston 87 Lily Wettlaufor 85 4..1\ell10 Moon .. 56 ,1i1)1111111 ,\IeCom mins 55 ' Edgar Begley 41 ;:/'Elmer Niyins 80 Third class - Prim k 2ICCiutghey 157 Willie Burling; 1i;5 Janes Hirons 11x1 Maggie Carter 183 John McCaughey.... 1131 Annie Mains ... 129 '1'eressa M0L11ugh lin . 123 Laura '0,'e Wattle'. 121 Doris Scott ...IIB Elva Fawcett . .113 Ella \Vettltulfer 101 Russel Oidloy. 100 Creswell Anderson98 Vestey Bell ,... 91 •\Villie Copp 05 111V, 'O, 8, I11, class -- E. Henderson \\fury Milne Philip Willows John Cowan G. Knrnaghnu It. McKenzie Fred hlag;g;itt oryl Gerry Alex. Butler N. Iioltzhtuter Rhoda Phillips Auuio Robertson Sr, II. Pt, A- (1 race Stewart 225 \Villin white Henry Johnston Lena Burling Emote 'Parent' May Robertson Annie Butler 0. Holt ?Atelier Mary Potter I't, 13 - Fern Johnston 13ertie McElroy Edgar Cotvan Elsie Fawcett Wilde Seward Tom Murray. DIV, Jr, II. -- Lorne Burling W. Carter 1 E. Taylor S equal Fred ,Mason Harold Bloor Sr, Pt, 11, - Pearl Ilau in Nellos Anderson Amos Andrew Tolnl Butler Elsie IIoltzhaucr Jr. Pt. Harvey Mason A. Creighton Susie Fawcett Stewart Cowan Pt, I,- Iontt Stothers Alvin McNally leltna Gerry Leslie McElroy Minnie Fawcett Eddie Matins Angio Houghton Redt;io Curter Wilford Niyins Rena Barr Elute Cook Willie Anderson Ellin ltatlr 13orttt Stothers Curry Campbell Katie HabLirk No, Harvey Nivius Daisy Mason Charlie Potter Grace Jlabkirk \\'illir,1Ilan►n Carrie Simrs Earl McElroy Carrie Dnnlpsey Mabel Hill Nilson Ruth Luella Cook Willie Kennedy Susie Phillips A. McKenzie Fred Fawcett Morris. Mr, , Bennett, of Dotl'oit, has been 1 05 visiting her father, Janes Clontlan, 7th Ream - line, Mrs, I3urice, who has been keop- 1 80 ing house for some time, will Rea m- lany her father to Detroit where her 1 80 1101110 iS. Tho Kato John Tay1ot', who recently 1 80 passed away at the home of his daugh- ter; Mrs!. Thomas 0GRmrtn, lot 1, con, 7, was born in tlrg;yleshire, Srotlnud, in 1827. He was Ova years old when 2 25 he came to this (lout]try where the fam- ily settled in (Nark township, County 2 25 of Durham. After living there for 80 years he moved to Morris and 10 years 2 130 ago moved to Blyth and have prncti- cally lived in town ever since. De - 2 50 cottsed teas nuu'ried in 1850 to Mary Armour, who now Survives him. The 2 75 children living aro .-Alex., of Port Stanley ; John A., Priecipul of Wing• 3 25 hail) High School ; Jamie A., of Oak lend, Caltt, ; \Vm. and Neil and M rs, 8 50 Thos, Gostnan, of Morris. Doconsed's 8 50 death was clue to heart, failure, 1-1e With a member of the Presbyterian 8 50 Church and n Conservative in politics, The funeral took place on the 19th inst. 4 50 to the Union Cemetery where interment 4 50 was glade, Rov. Dr, McLean officiating, 1 80 Subsoribo for TUN STANDARD, Brussels 'Football team plays their first glare on Thursday evening with Atwoo 1 on the park here, Jas, Straelnul has gone back to Tor- onto hut may bo hack before the foot season is over to give a helping hand. 0100/000e0 0 ..<, (o'ilt4Y<ti 00 02 Oe e • 0 Y'' • • our T welling pecials a.a.aaa ..a... ...oa_. A Fancy 1; inches wide, should 1)( sold at Sc, Our price 5c per )'ai'd, Heavy Pure Russia Crash "Towelling, IS in, wide, It looks like I2C goods, Our Brice loc. Glass Towelling, 23 in. wide, good weight, s111ooth ,just what you want for dish tow- els, roc per yard, 1 H uck-bac!; lint., 24 inches wide, worth 20c. Our price 15c per yard, Immaliarar Ent_glerrlif BABIES' CO:''I!ORT \1'E ASK YOU '1'O INSPECT 01:it Carriages, Folding Go -Carts, Folding Carriers and Wagons Never have we offered such fine goods for the price asked. J. H. CMELLE`C' c.7F11 gyJ ' L'I Y ,,\ Bantu incl Wear - Yat a Sion Bojnijinallon WOMEN DELIGHT "Tar WEAR 01PRESS . SHOO ()< It snpplics all that buyers ('(luld demand, A Shoe designed niter tla' latest, reside'', hon. cstly 11)a(le and honestly sold, sail ds for all that help, to make shoe c'xccllcuco, The Einpres Shoes for women sold at the following prices -82.50, w,:.' 75, 5;3,2)5, 83.75. Also Empress Oxfords, turn soles. dainty, $2 25, Gents' Furnishings See our spring stock of Men's Fancy Shirts, fast colors, good large littera, till sizes, tell!' $1, GROCERIES IT IS OUR A fall and complete stuck always on hand. SPECIALTY 13utter and Eggs wanted, FOR WOMEN G-OLDN Ent Are You in Business For Business ? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people In a hall with the privilege of delivering an address on your business and the wares you sell, you would be apt to make that addre;s as interest• ing as possible, so that your hearers would listen and you profit b y it. it is just tho same with nn advertisement in '1'ut. STANDARD, You have the privilege of talking every reek to hundreds of people .and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. Wo stand ready and willing at all 111)105 to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisnmente-yrs, give them assistance that would cost from $5 to 520 if a city advertising export were consult- ed -and do it free of charge, But bear in mind that no man can got out as good an advertisement for your business as you can. You know all the little details, the goods you bought at a bargalst, and all that. Just drop in and hstve a talk about it, The Sta,ndat°d, Myth, Ont. 7 .-•- .0.0.11._,.... MAN' 2ND, 1907—THE BLYTI--I STANDARD--Pma DIVE. a Rina an.t. noqz.sopa .gui our Greatest Display � of Wash Goods g.� kv� THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STOR1 WETIf WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT etonh,RA'VIJ PRICES FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE. Never were we better prepared to meet your wants, if assort- ment waft all you wanted it would pay ynu to come here, but the qual- ity behind and the bottom Prices, Your advantages here are indis- putr,ble. stake up your mind that you want nothing but the newest, both in fabrics and pent terns and you will not be disappointed when looking through our assortment. Lace Curtains `n0l'P. N r n cilias the newest designs in C.urtnins. When you comp you mill observe that our Targe assortment In this line will give buying a pleasure and a satistnntlon, We are ready to show you goods you will sett nowhere else, and ready to show you prices that you will not duplicate. Wm carry a full line of Carpets, Floor oils, Linoleum and Floor Rugs. ()tit and get our prices on Itugs, hor a good dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. Po A E. BENDER, BLYTHggLniwn c3sturirzErtivj BUTTER & EGGS WA.NTEOE As we make a specialty of handling produce wn are paying the highest cash prices for Batter and l;.cirs at our store. When you have any ot these for sale get our prices before going elsewhere. Grain ckecks paid after banking hours at our store. MoMILLFN & CO. Dlnsley Street Blyth TOWN TOPICS MAY, ICE cream Is e.nce more to the front. COUNCIL met on Wednesday of this week. l' IS(IING w118 on the program of the children last Saturday at the creek, h' .it SALE. —Some second-hand buggies for sale at my livery stable, J. N. Perdue, V. S. THE third session of the tenth Parliament of Canada was formally prorogued on Saturday afternoon. MARKET REPORT.— Wheat 70-70 ; Barley 48-48 ; Oasts 36-30 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 21-22 ; Egge 15-16. • THE horsemen are leaving in their bills to be printed by THE STAN- DARD. A notice in the paper goes with each one, SOME old fogys tell us that away back in the last century somewhere there was a year In Canada in which there was n0 summer, there being a snowfall every month in the year. These :indents have great memories and never forget any event and per- haps remember things that never happened. W. J. FI4EUTY, formerly an em- ployee at THE S'T'ANDARD office, but for some time past has been pro. prietor of the: Brigden Progress, lately sold out there and has pur- chased the Raymond Record at Oak- ville, and will re•nanlo it tho Oak- ville Record, The inhabitants of Oakville will find him a good Citi. men, a practical printer and thorough newspaper MD. '11IE STANDARD wishes him success. Senoot. Bard racers Friday even- ing. THE Orangemen are preparing for the 12th. Miss CowAN has given up her, dresslnatk1ng business, How does your label read ? Do you owe the Editor anything. AhvJr.wI'ISEHs find that it pays to use the columns of 'THE STA N DA HD. DURING the past week the engine and (idler roans at C. 1!. Bcesc's fluty mill has been over -hauled: WE have still some STANDAHnS left with the induction of Rev, Mr, Small at St. Andrew's Church. LAS'. Saturday W. A. Carter re• celved some buggies off the 0. P. R. This was the first shipment into town. TIIE tender of the ballast train got off the track at the water tank on Friday morning and delayed operations till after live o'clock. FOR SALE, -1 kitchen range, 1 benne.r with oven, 1 gashing MA - Chine, l wooden tub and wringer— all practically new, :►pply to L, Goodday. Rise N'l'LY John Denholin pur- chased the barn, near the G. T. H. trecl%, from A. Steinhoff and has fitted it up for it sale stable, Mr. Denholm shipped a number of' horses on Satul'da3 to liippen where the purchaser will ship then out west. WE are called upon to record the the death of 1V. 3, Fenwick who passed away from this world on Sunday Morning about 8 o'clock, after an illness which lasted all win. ter but he had only been bedfast for the past four weeks. The cause of his death was anaemia and stomach trouble, ile leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs, Mason of Westfield, to mourn his loss. 1Iis younger days were spent near Toronto, after which he moved to East Wawanosh and then to Blyth where ho has resided for a number of years, His age was 61 years, The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Westfield cemetery, The service at the house wab conducted by Rev, Mi'. Ander- son who spoke on the words "I go to prepare a place for you." Friends and relatives were here from to 'Toron- to and Wingham to attend the fun- eral, "HIND .8TAY8'a MAKE DILLON TWICE AS STRONG Short, stiff, hard, stool wire staysmako a"hinge•liko" joint at every lateral wire on the Diplon fence. These "Hinge•stayu" give our fence a greater degree of elasticity—enable it to withstand greater strain. They act Into, and really aro, hinges—make ottr fence swing or spring back into shape after receiving n hoavyblow,orthounusual pressure caused by a furious bull or other animal endeavoring to push his wnythrough to freedom. Catalogue tells more about this "twice as strong"tonoo. Tiro Owcn Sound Wire fence co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Mo1:'HRRSON 111108,, BLYTH ; JOHN JOHNSON, LONDESB0I10 ; AGENTS, THic S'T'ANDARD lends in all lines. SUNDAY was the first nice day for the Indies to appear In their new Spring teats, Sol,n.--The house and lot Owned by Mrs. A. V. Brown, on Queen St., has been sold to T. C. McElroy for the suln of $500 LAST Friday was the 88t1 anal• versary of' the institution of Odd Fellowship in America, Blyth Lodge is one year old today, LAST Saturday the furniture of Frank 13ennett was shipped from this station to Cornwall where Mr. and Mrs. Bennett now reside, AFTER It the heavy rein Monday night, with warns weather every- thing should freshen np, It was a good rain for the farmer. On Saturday evening Mr. A. 11. Jacobs returned from his trip to California where he has spent the winter, Mr, Jacobs looks as if the trip agreed with hits, THE news has reached hero o1' the death at Ciai' , Mich., on Friday last of Mrs. Joseph England, formerly of Morris, The deceased lady was married to a brother of Rodulphus Englund of this village, THE ballast train is busily en- gaged hauling gravel for the 0. & G. railway, There is considerable work to do yet around the station yard before it will he in ;irst•class shape. There is a big gang of Olen employed. WHAT about early closing ? Some of the business Olen should make a trove, In most of the towns the stores close at 6 p. nl. sharp, except Wednesday and Saturday and the evening before a holiday. The business than needs a holiday the stone as anybody else, IIY�u.xrAL, — Wednesday, April 17th, ,Nil's. Carrie Phillips, daughter of Mrs, John Nott, of' Clay Center, Kansas, was united in marriage to Frederick Lovejoy. They will be at home after June 15th at 513 Dex- ter street, Clay Centre. Tho many old friends of the bride here will be tt unit in wishing her raid her bus. band many happy and prosperous years. Mrs, Phillips is well known here staving spent considerable time at the home of her stunt, III's. F. Mason at the Queen's IIotel. GoDEHICII Ex -STUDENTS' REUNION —A reunion ot former students of the Goderich High School and Colle- giate Institute is to held in Goderich on Thursday and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd, 1907. Ex•students are requested to send their present address to Wm Lane, Secretary G. C 1. Ex -Students' acumen, Gude. rich, stating in what year they en- tered the school. On receipt of this the secretary will forward informa- tion in regard to the reunion, special railway rates, etc. It is expected that the gathering of 111r, Strang's old pupils will be a large and notable one, '1'trr many friends in this vicinity of James A. and Mrs. Crerar, of' Shakespeare, were grieved to learn of the death of their only child, Lil• Bain, a little girl of five years of age. On Sunday, April 7th, she first felt unwell and on Monday a physician Ives called in and he thought nothing of' a serious nature was wrong and that she would be better in a day or so, but on Wed. nesday •811e was much worse, when it was discovered that she was suff- ering from appendicitis and from that time she gradually became weaker until she quietly passed away early Friday morning. The funeral to St. Andrew's cemetory on Sunday afternoon lit two o'clock was one 0f the largest seen in the vicinity for some time, The services were colt - ducted by Rev, 1', J. McLaren, as- sisted by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, of St. Andrew's, Lillian was an excep- tionally bright and attractive child and will not only be greatly missed by the parents in the home bat by all who knew her, The many beautiful floral offerings were ex• pressive of the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Crerar and their little daughter were held, The four little boys who acted ars pall•bcat'ers were : Percy Crerar, Robert Hamilton, An- derson McLaren and Allan McTav- ish. 'Those from at distance were James Crew, Stratford ; Mr. and Mrs, Smith, Innei'kip ; Miss Cuttel and Miss Weson, 'Toronto ; MISS Hamilton, Guelph ; Jas. and Mrs, Wilson, Miss Martha Wilson, Robert and 1118.Vint ; Thomas and Mrs, Bell, Blyth ; Aliss McKenzie, Listo- wel ; Mr, llueston and Misses Hues - ton, 'Thorndale. The sympathy of' everyone is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Crerar it their sore bereave- ment and trust that tliev inay be Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries, (Jut our prices. We employ no agents, WiLSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS ONTARIO. People We lit'. S. Martin, of' Exeter, was in town this n'eek. Mr, Hohn. McKay was a visitor in Wingham on Sunday, Miss Elva Fawcett was visiting at Clinton over Sunday. Miss M. Ross returned on Monday evening from at visit to Goderich. Messrs D. S. and C. W. Scott vis- ited friends in 131yth on Monday. Mr, and MN,. T. E. Mckenzie, of Clinton; visited In town on Sunday. Miss Etelka Hamilton was visiting in Wingham during the past week, Mr J. Norman, teller in the A1et- ropolitan Bank, Brussels, was in town on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Eaton moved to Wingham last week where Mr. Eaton has secured at situation. Mt'. Jahn E, Fells, of East Wawa - nosh, visitl•d his father, Mr, Samuel Fells, Drummond St., lust week, Air, and Mrs. Jahn Scott, of' Alin. ris, and Master Clarence Symington, of Auburn, were Blyth visitor's on Sunday. A number of his old friends and neighbors from East 1Vawanosh at- tended the funeral of the late W. J. Fenwick on 'Tuesday afternoon. Mr. W. Heil, of the 1VInghaun branch of the Bank of 1liiinilton, is the acting manager of the Blyth branch during Mr. Scott's holidays. Mr. and Mrs, A. 13ainton and sun arrived, home last week after a month's visit with relatives and friends at Galt, Brantford and other places, Last Friday Mr. L. Goudday left for Ottawa where he has secured a Government job. Mr's, Goodday and family will leave in at few weeks. The people of Blyth will be sorry to see the family leave town but hope they will have prosperity in their new home. Mr. E. C. Wilford was home dur- ing the past week from Toronto, but will return on Saturday to write oe his exams, During the holidays tie will go to New Ontario where he has secured at government position. We wish him success at his exams. and in his other work. Know Confirmation at Auburn. Tho I3ishop of Huron was in Blyth on Monday and in the evening was driven over to Auburn where a class of sixteen received the apostolic rite of confirmation and were admitted into full membership of the church. Not- withstanding the disagreeable weather the church wits filled and the hearty service was enjoyed by all, The Bishop's sermon was upon I'l'im, 1.18, and was listened to throughout with Interest, being a clear and forceful exposition of the text and practical lessons to be learned therefrom, Ile explained that St, Paul's moaning when he wrote to Timothy the words "that thou mightest war a good warfare" was an exhortation to Timothy to carry on a good campaign in the foreign country he was placed in, 'I hen the Bishop wont on to illustrate that christians aro soldiers engaged in 0 foreign campaign against evil. This eiu'tll is 110t our home ; wn are heal' to bring the world into allegiance with God, Tho qualities of the earthly soldier will be useful, and must be found. in the christian soldier, He emphasized three qualities (1) Obedience full and implicit, to our Divine Com- mander ; (2) Courage to say "No" to oneself to temptation from without ; and (8) Selfsacrilice willingness to suffer for the cause of Christ. At the end of the confirmation the I3ishop gave eaeh candidate a certificate and welcomed them into the church. The choir from Trinity church, Blyth, help- ed nl the musical part, of the service and n number of the I31yt11 congregation were also present, Rev, Chas, Gunne. M A., of Clinton, was present and assisted in tho service, whom the Bishop accompanied to Clinton for the n fight. Londosboro. Rev, 11t E Kerr, of Clime'', gave two excellent sermons hero on Sunday hist. On Sunday next Quarterly meeting will be held in the. Met hodist church. Mrs. Bradford, of Dungannon, is the 1211e81 of her parents here. (1, and sirs. nlartln, of Worth, were visitors with relatives hero this week. 1lastnr Artie I3rundson is at present assisting the station agent at Clinton. Quito a number aro improving the sustained by Ilial who is aur rep) a�ppauranco of tl►oir residence by a coat 0 p. land ud strength, ti vet's preaeiat hole in AMTraisn,t'i'houlas Crisp who has been U'oultle. I very 111 is able to bo alcouud sgatn� n's Shoes AT CLOSE PRICES Men's Shoes at $1.25 11t.u's Medium heavy Solid Leather I3oots, -tr.udard screw soles, heels well slugged, made •r► a comfortable last, a good show for little money, uer pair $1.25. Men's HelV r 1Vrtr tine' m' Walking llootti, mark from bi•,t pilau(,('tnuck boli'-, well stayed and Leavy soler., good .ttoable wear, pair $1 50. Mens' Shoes at 1.50 Men's Shoes \le'n's Soft Fine I)ongola Boots, laced, very at 1.75 `►' a• ll .lags extension sole edge, sewn or stall- ' (1,.rd screw, per pair $1.75. 41.111•100 01111.1•41.41.. .11111111411, M r''s Cho'otr 11,x U.►ltskln Boats, laced heavy of light. w lt'�, .xte. bion edge, at $2 and nhd 52.25 per p,►h. ,1 n'a `e r) F , 1).n ,.uln Roots, laced, light medium and heavy sole •, adapted for dress or business wear, per pair $2'and $2.25. Men's Shoes at2.00dc2.25 Kt, Shoe for gentlemen, laced boots of ex. King Shoes at ra II Flack kid, adapted for business or dress 1 3.00 & 3.50 w.•at, go,$3.0 ar and $3.5 , with slight extension cd,.e•, 10 $3,00 $3.50. C� ? 01, t" . 1I rsrl (1l'3 i?:+z •43 r?v tel: c q1.1 ark Mr l/ cls: Cr) iltp Successors to McKINNON & CO. i?3 i' • .rl..,•(, �, fir �. ♦r.r r� rr r�r�tj( �jj,rj �itii%:.i�ila::i�::,r►:ir:?1rellej?1Liiii"'"'i�J•r�iiil�i 4W 4lV► r► itd % r „, 11 Albert Shoe.. (to g -tit lern!11's wear, in black kid or tine tiox a lt,kin, tt rude (Loin choicest leather, oak rant ed, hat,d- ew", good-) ear welt, at per pun 44.00 Albert Shoes at 4.00 Albert Patent Shoes at 4.50 Ge-tlemen's high-grade Patent Coltskin La: (1 13 rat•, with medium round box toe and up, .tour, 11 xnble, good -year welted, single ole•+ with edges extended to prevent shoe from losing its shape, at per pair $4.50. )nlv expensive bench work can match the Albert Shoes in making, material and dressy appearance. Victoria Shoes for ladies have given us great satisfaction and to -day we have stocked heavy with confidence that we will have a big demand for a good article Prices $2.5o and $3 per pair. hing Shoes for ladies at $3 and $3.5o per pair. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Butter and Eggs Wanted Cash or Trade. le more for pound prints of butter, A full line of Groceries and Woodenware at the cheapest Prices. Salt aria .A 1 Flour A. TAYLOR - - BLYTH Your printing SHOULD BE AN INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness. Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness, The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind—won't pay us to turn out any other. High-priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do—and do—better work than inexperi- enced help. ev6406•000•o•••oe0 We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. jCURRENT L,OMMENT 31ore than 1011 foreigners acre held in New York police court; the ether day for c:iryingdcudly tve:tpuns, mill thirty twerp sent to 11'64101. 'I'hc just ice; ltrutu- ist the ntnutst sct'ctily in dealing with those who carry concealed %vet:puns, 1)r. Sheard utd Prof. Ellis, Of 'rerun - to, ridicule the aslt-hurnbtg theory. Whey say that beyond as-sisting in burning the ►•csit}uum of uncuir:,unted carbon and u chemically produced gas the trealauunt dots not affect the ashes, and the salt added to thetu ulay affect boilers melee. which it i. phased. •.• Tho Noiseless Car Wheel ('oullutuy has been organized in Detroit. The tvheel it nntuufacl are, i& uat,ie in two parts, the centre and the tire, tvhich are Molted to- gether with it cloth c.utillsietrt1 packing between than. The whip's are already ftl use in crap of rho most important, ruburbta.n roads in the dates and have attracted ranch atttunliun, it is said, among railroad men generally. - - -4•• London Baptists have passed a reso- lution condemning the colored bupple- Iucnt, issued on Saturdays by one of the papers of that city, as ''pernicious in the extreme to tho youth of the comutun- ity; because it gives a wrong ideal of life and presents a low Standard of mor- als." Bttt perhaps that newspaper isnot after right ideals or morals, but subscrip- tions. And some of that class run lot- teries it aide issues, • - s. Judge Adman, of an Indiana circuit court, has given a decision the substance of which iy that "the saloon or dramshop business has no legal standing, because it is not one of the inherent common law rights of citizenship, it being a business dangerous to public health, public mor- als and public safety. It is unlawful and a Legislature can not make lawful that which is unlawful." If that should be sustained it world effectually outlaw the traffic, But it is highly improbable that it will be ssutained, 'The superior courts have already rendered judgments that forbid it. The Western coal strike—perhaps it should rather be called at cessation of work, as no strike has 'been formally or- dered—is causing nmclt inconvenience, and the Government/is being pressed to provide for operating the mines during 'negotiations, That tvould be a bad pre- cedent. Surely it ought not to bo im- possible nt•pos ible for operators and miners to agree to go on working pending arbitra- tion. If they do not, it is probable that snore drastic legislation will follow, What the authorities should do is to provide for the fullest protection of all who want to work, If the operators can- not get men to work then, it will be plain that there must be itnprovement in wages and conditions. That is the nat- ural teat. ••4 Front the annual report of the 3lottt- renl C181111toritnn, Limited, it is learned that there have been sixty-four bodies cremated since the organization of the company in 100.4. The people of C'ttnttdu do not take kindly to cremation nti a method for the disposal of the dutch, nor indeed do many people, judging by the fol. lotting figures: In about the same per. iod there were incinerated at \Volving, London, England, 100, or about one-third more than at Jlont•cal; while in the United States, the first crematorium es- tablished at Washington, Pu., in 187(1, had up to 1001, only 42 cremations; and in Buffalo, N. Y., in sixtoen years, say from 1885 to 1901, 534, or an average of 33 per auuunt, and for the first five years the figures at Buffalo were I, 8, 1 i, 10, and 22, or a total of (tl. • 098 The immense flow of immigration into the large cities of the !notes is said to be creating alarm among the Protestant Churches; by ronr,nn of the settlement, of large districts hy foreigners to the exclusion of the native population. In five years it is said that thirteen .I'ro- t0statt churches in South Philadelphia have had to be ubaudoned on that ne. count. Six of theca were Alethoctis1. Churches, and four other churches of that denomination are doomed, to exline- tion gutless something is clone to sustain thein. Other churches are ,suffering in like manner. A Toronto clergyman told the, writer of this paragraph that his congregation was talking of selling its present place of worship and building in the suburbs owing to the fact, that the present building was surrounded by a foreign population, the majority of his own people having moved farther out, Celluloid Starch rtrt� Easier ironing gives better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no - boil cold -water starch that can't stick, You will like it best, once you try it. Buy it by name. Any good dealer. Saves Labor— Ti Labor— Time— Linen, Too see An Improvement in Texas. (Boston IleraW.) They go at the thing In very simple Mah- lon In Texas. There la a 2 -cent -a -mile bill before the Leglelature there, and the rail- roads meet it with an otter to spend 715,- 003,000 An oxtenolons and improvements within the next fourteen months if the bill Is defeated. If tho bill paseas tho projects will be indetlntely poseponcd• There is sense in this way of meeting objectionable legislation. It is open, fair and above board. A 'treat improvement ou maintaining an ax - Delusive lobby of shyster lawyers to work secretly and underhandedly ageAnst any and every measure the railroads regard as harm- ful. Why not copy Texas up north! YOUR SUMMER OUTING 1T you are fond of fishing, canoeing, camp. lag or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your mummer outing. A fish and game preserve of 7,000.000 acres Interspersed with 1,200 Takes and rivers in awaiting you, offering all the raltreotlons that Nature can bestow. Mag- nificent canoe trips, Altitude 2,000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place for a young man to put in his summer holidays• An interesting and pro - lively Illustrated descriptive publication tell- ing you all about It sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto. Ont. 4.4. ON HANDLING CHILDREN. Children should be handled as little as possible. When they get bigger they won't stand for it, preferring to handle themselves. The handling of children has now been reduced to a science, of which there are three distinct branches, viz.; 1 ;idling, joggling and chucking, To handle children properly, first fondle. To fondle, encircle the child twice with both arme and press tightly against the breast or some other part of the an- atomy. Continue until the child shows signs of suffocation. Then joggle. To joggle, face the child, leering, press the thumbs firmly into the child's trunk midway between the pit of the stomach and the short ribs, with the fingers deep- ly imbedded in the small of the back. Then shake the child vigorously up and down and sidewise, until the child froths at the mouth, Then chuck, To chuck, extend the fingers of the right hand and strike tho child sharply on the face, preferably under the chin, This; may be done with perfect safety to very young children, as 'they can neith- er strike back nor, having no toeth, bite the tongue. Continue until the child tem- porizes and grows red in the face. Then fondle as above and repeat ad libitum, This rule is for your own childrea or vice versa, For the children of others or vice versa, add fifty per cent. —Ellis 0. Jones in the April Bohemian. ITCH 3iange, Prairie Scratebes and every form of oon oue Itch on human sr animals cured In 3 m1a'rtes by Woltord's Sanitary Lotion, It ne'v.r fails. Sold by druggist. • •• Bays' Love for Sunday School, Dr. Edward Everett Ilale, whose eighty-fifth birthday )las just passed, Bald at a dinner in Boston: "In say ideas about birthdays I am like a certain schoolboy. "'Which do you like best,' I asked the boy: 'day school or Sunday school?' "'Sunday school,' ho answered prompt- ly. '\why?' "'Because it only comes once a week." e.4 Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend, 4•11. STORY OF THE TOOTHBRUSH. Once Regarded as a Luxury Fit Only for Woman's Use. Colonial diaries and letters make it plain that our unfortunate ancestors suffered much from jumping toothaches, swelled faces and the early loss by forc- ible extraction of teeth which at a later period might have been saved to render their owners many years of further ser- vice. No wonder, since the care' of the teeth was little understood and that lit- tle often but negligently practiced, Toothpicks were known, the tooth- brush was not, although rough substj• tures were employed, made of flattened sticks, split and pounded at one end to a stiff, fibrous fringe. Toothbrushes when first, introduced were regarded as by no means important accessories to the toilet, but rather its minor luxuries and sultnble for women only, l'1i diary of n London merchant trad- ing to the colonies has this entry: "Bought ct toothbrush for my wife, 'which, used together with suite water, very strong, and wassllo from herbs, she is told will keep her teethe from falling nod or getting hollowe. The salt and heroes cony well prove i' engtlacning to her gununes web, rine lender, but for the brush. It seems but c, Billy toy, hardly tike to flim• iiia worth of its price and scarce cleanly sure tion new. But she meet have it, bdttg a new thing late ;vont t+ r,c•r,'' 't'intth's CotnTmnfon. The Baby Said "Goo." :\ tvonttut, carrying ti baby in her arms, boarded a car at Colfax ,utd Broad= wily the other day and tool; a seat in the front end, \\'lien the eonducta;.r came for her ftte the woman put a nickel in the baby's hand and said: „Dive it to de conductor, sweetness." The baby said "Goo!" and waved its arms. -Hand de eondnetor de motley, peaches," said the woman. Another "Goo" from the 'Baby is n bad child," said the woman, "Dive de conductor de nickel." The conductor was becoming slightly exasperated. "(fou, lino," said the baby, The woman enught the baby's wrist and the conductor held out his hand for the fore. "lion," said the baby. Then the nickel fell to the floor. The woman picked it up again and put it in the baby's hand again. This time the baby waved its arms and then put the nickel in its mouth, "Fore," please," said the conductor. The woman tried to get the nickel, but BETTER TITAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting, There le a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 8, WIndeor, Ont., will send free to any mother ber euecessful home treatment, with full lnatruotiona. Send no money but write her to -day if your children trouble you 1n this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are It can't help it. Thla treatment also curse adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night, Feared to Disturb Her. In the village of Poitou a woman fell into a trance . After the Poitevin cus- toms, she was wrapped in a sheet and car- ried to he cemetery, but as the proces- sion was passing through a narrow road a thorn of the wayside ffiirced the sheet, wounding her so that the blood flowed, and she awoke, Fourteen years later the wonttut really died, and again was borne toward the grave. As the procession passed through the narrow road the husband cried, "Not so near the hedge, friends! Not so near the hedge!" To keep baby's skin soft, and pink, and healthy — all you need is "Royal Crown" Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap It's a medicated soap and a toilet soap—two soaps in one, for the price of 'one. toe, a cake, 3 cakes for 25c, Ask your Prayed for "Royal Crews" Mies • 8axel Vette kap. a Big 'Bounty on Coyotes. The depreciations of coyotes on tho cheep ranges hnve become so frequent in the llontezmna district, in the eastern part of the county, that sheep owners are offering ,$30ct' head for the scalps of the destnictive little animals, It is thought that this will be an ins ducement for the hunters to have a lit- tle sport and at the sante time earn re- tnnnerntive wages. --Suisun correspon- denco Sacramento Bee. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Diabolical Cruelty. . (Cleveland Leader.) "The meanest fiend I ever know," said a member of the Century Club, "was a fellow who used to belong to this club. Ho used to bore us for (tours telling of the smart sayings of his children, It wets something fierce. finally ho left town and wo discov- ered that ho had no chlldron—he was an old bachelor. He'd heen tspringing that line of stuff for years Just to watch us writhe," Accidents to your horses may happen at any moment, GET READY for emergencies. Buy a bottle of Fellows' Lee ng's Essence For Lameness in horses Only 50c. a bottle—and saves dollars worth of time by suing lameness of every description. At dealers, or from 1 e National Drug Chemical Co., Limited. Lip, $0a1TREAL ELITE DREGSMAKINGSOHOOL Tenches Dress Cut- ting and Malang In nil its hranr'hcs by mail (8 lessons). The best system over In- troduced In Canada, Cost of full course Is now only $1E, Includ- ing one of the most perfect tilting systems In use given free. Adopt this method incl Inereaao your In- c o ret e. Satisfactory bank references given es to your safety In remitting money to us. For full particular. write to -day. ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL 311ex Vtslonx, Inxlruotor P. 0, BOX 91 DUN0AS, t, NT. That Was Too Much. (Scotch American,) It is told of a Jura. Ilighlander who had been drafted into the Glasgow po- lice force, and had got his instructions about not allowing people to obstruct the thoronhhfnre, that he accosted it knot of Young men, Wi10 htul gathered on the pavement, with the words, 'say Inds, if you'll be going to .stand here you'll have to be 111011ng on." 7'hn young men began to chaff him, and very speedily roused hie temper. ile repeated lois warning in sterner tones. "Bits why?" demanded one of the 3'outtg men, "Isn't this n free country?" "Title is not to country at all, you pig sheep's head," retorted the enraged policeman. "This is one of the largest cities in the town of Glasgow," ••♦ ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sure and swollen throat, coughs, etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. 4 .0 FLAT FOOT. A Painful Affliction Remedied Only by Wearing a Support. Flat foot is a very common affliction. It is also one which is frequently over- looked by physicians, says the :Medical Brief. The patient complains of pain in the heel, the ankle, the inner border of the foot, great toe, the tnuseles of the calf, the knee or even the hip. The busy prac- titioner notes these symptoms in a Mir - Tied, casual way, attributes theta to rheumatism, prescribes salicylates and what not, and another flat footed indi- vidual plods his weary way. Increased deformity is added to that may have been merely foot strain in the first place. A curable case lets become welinl4,rh incertb)e, and the medical pro- fession is again justly liable to well de- served censure, Any factor which tends to ditninia'lt the muscular power of the foot may cause Pint foot, A great increase in the weiglst borne by the foot may cause it. This increase in weight mny be actual, such as occurs in people who put on a great deal of frit, or it may be relative, such its occurs in athletes, jumpers es- pecially, But by far the most common cause is n cramping.of the foot, brought about by improper shoes, For treatment of this condition me- chanical support to the deformed foot is practically all that is necessary, This mechanical support is best afforded by means of the footplate made from high- ly tempered steel and moulded upon a plaster (sett of the foot, Tho footplate should be worn ae long as it is required, but acs longer. Addi- tional wearing of the plate beyond the time necessary, us indicated by the symptoms, is simply an additional cause of harm. With the 'footplate a shoe should he worn fitting the normal con- tour of the foot. Ask for Minard's and take no other. • VEGETABLE CROPS IN ONTARIO. The crop correspondents of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association report that the nutrket gardeners nre planning for a good season this year. Weather conditions so far, however, have not been conducive to active work. For work with hotbeds, the weather has been par - Ocularly bad. The season, 08 11 whole, has been late. Not much plowing has been clone, Even greenhouse crops have not clone req well as usual, but there fa a good demand, especially for radishes, lettuce and rhurb. tt onions will be It is ptobublebaHu planted extensively this spring. The acreage will be increased on Account of seed prices. A large acreage of potatoes also will bo planted. Other chime of vegtnbles will be planted ns usual, but it is rather early to eslinthte the extent of the crops that will be grown, -1 1. 13, Cowan, Secretary. Ontario Vegetable (growers' Associa- tion, Toronto, Ont., April 22, 1007. 4. Exasperating in the Extreme, "Ohl how my wife dons aggravate mei" "You surprise mol She seotna so mild al - ''that's Just 111 -iter awful meakneas. Whenever wo have nu argument and I'm Is the right alio alwayn sighs and says. 'Ohl tory well, dear, have It your awn way,' " •—+. As tho Mere Man Views It. "What's your opinion, does the man or the woman have the better time in life 7" "That's req old ns Adam—and every- body knows he got tho worst of it."— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Not a Matter for Experiment. A young man who had inherited a large fortune from a rich but very econ- onthva.l relative decided to live on a scale commensurate with his greatly increas- ed 1ueorne, and wits snaking arrange - menta to build at fine mansion, buy an automobile and invert in other expen- sive luxuries, when nn elderly friend who had nlwuys been 0110 of his udt►'isers undertook to remonstrate with hiss, "What's this 1 hear about your squan- dering the money your uncle loft you, Barry?" said lite elderly friend. "I 4111 not going to tpllnttder it," llo answered, "but I'm guing to get some good out of it," "It's enough to make him turn over in 11la grave. Didn't your uncle prove in his own case that a man could live on a personal expenditure of less than one thousand dollars a year?" "Yes,,, "Well ?" "Well, he proved it to thoroughly that I accept it 119 demonst.rated. Whitt ie the use of my continuing the experi- ment?"Youth's Companion, A SALLOW SKIN meats weak blood, general debility, impaired di c ion. No one need have these—so long as such an excellent blood and nerve remedy as to TRADE NMI( RLGIUTL Tabled are to be had, They supply tho blood with red eoripuscler and restore health, ckaring the akin—punfyut. the whole system, They build op train and muscle, and make life wdl watt living. 504 n-bo:—G boxes, $2.50. Miro !)food Toxic and Mira Oinlonenl anal:* xuatenl for blood and thin !roubles, TRY Mere. Al slru``riat—or/rom The Chemists' Co. q jCasada, Lisrlled, II4Ndlion—To►vrrto. Toronto Dialect. (W. Gabrtel in Toronto Saturday Night,) Tho dialect of Torouto folk sounds more curious to the ear of n Cockney or true Lon- doner. and native of our English tomo• counties, than to north -countrymen, because many words aro sounded as in our moro northern dialects, such as ''sha-ret" Instead of "whot" and "do -ant" instead of "don't;" the Introduction of supernumerary vowels, as In "agean" for "agora' (again), and "the -ere" for "there," and so on; a free rolling of the letter "r;" and a nasal twang that I, ns n stranger, should roughly style "Ameri- can," did 1 not notice that Mr, Dixon In his article on "Nova Scotia" says the Nova scoliaas rather irreverently herrn "the On- tario twang." All theao peculiarities of stench taken together form what I should call, for want of a better tersn, 'Toron- toeee " •.• Keep Minard's Liniment in the house, Bathers Groton More Wary. (Washington Star.) "There is as notch watering railway stock -s as ever," remarkec'. the fin4tncier, "Yes," answered Dustin Stacks, "but a little herder to convince the small investors that the water's fine and they ought to cone in." • ISSUE NO. 18, 1907. HELP WANTED FEMALE, ANTIII)--GOOD PLAIN 0001( FOR (sadly of five, on the mountain top, 1!01011ton: 1111 modorn convontenoee; house- maid and gardener kept; goo,' wages. Ad• dress Mrs. It. hi, Breckenridge, Hamilton. MISCELLANEOUS, OR, LEtROY'8 FEMALE PILLS Am* .o'ae,l rellwl. tor. Ilwo 1111 baro boon to tears s fig wover Any )oars, 1e+q tpvablu lorlhe pure'. deanau.,L tent Ly tho rnakota. .wled rarwlar. PTO@ 4r y mall. 'trimly .al.d, ou ts..1)t et lam LE HOT PILL 00.. Boz 11, Maritlboo. masts Saloon License as an Asset. (Philadelphia hedger.) Uiskr the existing law a license to. sell liquor in London is regarded as a vested right of which the holder oan not be deprived without eotnpetwat.ion unleea• he has violated some penal statute. :Niftily of the London licenses are of very ancient dates and they have given value to the premises. Tho new statute per- mits the nuthoritiest to reduce the ntltn- bt r of inns where they aro no longer ne- t'e stu•y, butwhenever n license is ex- tinguished the licensee, the brewers and the owners of the premises are warded a certain amount by way of damage,.. 'The list of houses that have ceased, to bo licensed shows that many of 114 reeorte are of no great present value, but the aggregate cumponeation allowed is con- siderable , 'J'be damage awards are col- lected equitably from the innkeepers who aro allowed to retain their licenses. Tfinard's Liniment Oo,, Limited, Yar nout.h, N. S. Gerltleuten,--In January la.tt, Fronde Leclare, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a• treys fall on hint, cruahfng him fear- fully. ile was, whoa found, plated on a sled end taken home, where grave fears were entertained for )lin reoovery, his hiss being badly bruised and his body turned black from hire ribs to hie foot, We used MINAIII)'S LINIMENT°) on hint freely to (leaden the pain and with the use of three bottles he wan complete- ly cured nnd nble to r4and able to returntahiework SAUVEIJR DUVAL. Elgin ]load, 1.'islet Co., Quo. Not the Same Old Name. (Princeton Pilger.) Old Robinsou (Itlepecting young It's "personal expenses" accounts for last term)—Whitt do you mean by $40 jot tennis? • Young R. (easily) --0k, that'a for a. couple of rackets I had to have, Old Gentleman (severely)—Yes, I un- derstand, but I think we ttsod to call them bats, t LAMENESS Whether itis a fresh Braise, Cut or Strain—or an old Spnrin, Splint, Ringbone or Swelling—yon can cure your horse with Kendall's Spavin Cure Thos. Castles, of Newark, N.J., bought a horse --lamed with a act Spavin --for $100, He cured every sign of lameness with K 'a Spavin Cure—won five races with the horse—then sold the animal to L former owner for $1,000.00. '.1 Wisraino•mx, N.7,,1Nov, and, 'es. "I hove found your Spavin Cure a very fine reused for all sorts of lameness in horses and I am never without it." I?. J, wrsnitY. Get Kendall's Spavin Cure—the remedy used by two nations for two generations, $1, a bottle -0 for $5. Our book—" Treatise On The florae" --will save you many a dollar if carefully read and acted upon. Write today for a free copy, DR, B. J. KENDALL CO., 27 Enoeauna FAUX, • Venuo,rr, U,o.A. SPAS k,E rt, .1 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Lieut of Strength Princess Egyptian Uzlt For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and SIIk Tips All Wool rine Hosiery Illlanufaotured for tho Wholesale Trade by the CHIPMAN-HOLTOIV KNITTING CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. ..,•.".._..0101•,...,.. • In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining pur- poses, inside walls of Bummer houses, refrigerator plants, etc. GET OUR PRICES. 1 I t l The. n.D}Y COLimited MULL - - CANADA Agencies in all principal titles. aaan,.es•101e 5iday5coo1. Lrti;Si7N VII[,-LIAY xai, I9o7, Chlhl 4411 an;! Education of 14'osC5- 1.:.1/d. is i•15. ('onn:Ieul;try, 1, .11uscs' birth and. iii• fa:,cv (%t, 1-8l, 1, .1 malt •-- Itis name l'w'11 i .1111•:1!171111 ;:1141 his w1(4,',,, Ilillne %tai JuehrIid (1'.,(111, II '2(l; Num, :a,, 59), ton -e of I,t.l l - '1 l.us Alusr,' parents w, both of the tribe of Levi, '.1.; a Ile\% law was to le, given Enol tl new priest • 111/1,! •,'1)rlll'd, tail! I'llo,e a relic 1)11., f,hlll- ilr nut of N% hid) the I:1 0.1111 c17ul 1lie high plass. Here !loth to :spring;," 2. :1 roll 'thele were two chaldron nodi titan 'Allows, Alirianl (15, 21)) who tool I,rol,::l,!y from eight to ton years olds r, end .1,1ron (i, ') \%hu w•I:s three yar, older (7, 7). (loudly child ---"The text, simply sacs islet he teas good, which hlglllfies il:at he wa1, not only ct perfect, well•forei.,d child, but that Ii1' w:ci %Try 1)01111 1 11.111, ,J Ili.; Peery (Ireton -Anne,- NrilS wi-1'ly ordained I;v Ibe I:iui1 I,ro%idence of 1;ml to he 1)G. means of his pl'e,el'1':I- 1ion, Scarcely anything interest, 1114 110tht more that the sight Of a lovely babe ill distress. His beauty watlld hi• duce even his pareets to double their ex- ertion, to Saye hint, told was probetl)ly the solo motive which led the Egyptian princess to tltke such perihelia'. care of hila, and in educate him Its her son, lvhiril in all likelihood she would not have done hod he been only an ordin- al'y child," Hid hint -Thal is, kept hint within the 1:4!1..4, a, Arl:- :\ small 'l %. 1.1111 huff 1/l' ha,kTl. the pill/M.141 it fol' plu'pI{•e. Uf 1111111)-)1 ---'Il 1)0py1l1,: plaid, a tl{ie!:, strong and tough reed, tvl:ivii sometimes reaches a height. of from t(: to fifteen feet, "The F,gyp11an paper \1 ;1s ul.:de from its pith; our word 'Palter' i; derived from the 11•ul•IL 'pap)'' - t us.' '1'!4' rit, !: it -elf tv:l • used for %ars• all; purpose,,, onedeg utitoI', for boat banding!, :1, it appears 1r44111 tile 111111111- :nei I •, It ',!,Hill( h(' a %TI'y goo l Ilt,ttt'{'• iud lit 11.0 1,11 1111' purpu,;c 1(1 1vItirh Joch- e11o11 :111111.'d ih " 1'nlpit (',nu, i"1il11e.-- '1'he .,:)'111 1)1 Nilo, which, \%hen Ila 111011, I very tenacious, I'ileil --"`dines! tar, floats, o (this description ore seen daily floating on the-nrfaro of the river, with 411 utIi r ealking than Nile mud (I•:I. 1:?, 2), and they are perfectly water- tight unless the c,,atiug is forced off by eteritil' w'Tathe,'," flag.i--":\ general torn) for sva or liver weed. 'lobo :-pot i; traditionally said to be the Isle of 11!l',d:l, near 11l4( Cairn," •l, His si,ler-.11irlun, 1t appear.; that \Muses had only one sister (NOM. '211, 1/9), Mir off - :••', : ; not to show her anxiety. V. it wily her (duly to see w-l:'thel' M'hlruah's daughter found I:inl, and tvhoti'er he was in 11:111- gor Iron1 any (141:1, "11) tale of rum. :tree ever described at plot more skilfully laid or more full of interest in the de- veloi,tnenl. The expedient of the ark, the slime :old hitch, the ehuiec of the litre and 11x1'1, 1ho appeal to the sensi- bilities of tho female breast, the station- ing of the sister as ;t watch of the pro- ('(('ding5, her timely Sltggestiell of a 1,10.0, :cud the engagement of the mother ller;e!f, all bespeak a more than orcein. alts luvas:u'o o 1ingcnuity as well 3,3 in- tense solicitude o lithe part (if the par. pill's. But the origin of the scheme tyns allost probably owing to a divine sugges- tion, us it:; 500)5:4 w1; due to :111 over• ruling providence," --if,, 1 , & 11. ,i. 1)iii 1tcr of l'h:raoh-lt has been estimated that 21110 \var about : ixteven yea, of ogle at this time, and that ,11u,I:s wag` 1):111 in the sixth year ell' the r( i r:i of 11:;1,11,•1,; 11. '.I'o bathe (it, women of l grypt are now ke111; ,jeal•In:ly selh:d.,'(I ill harems, and it is not ouslomary fur thein to bathe in 1 ho Nile, 1;1)1 it has been shots•» that the women of ancient 1'11)..cypt were eluate ulrau1.laiued. and haul lib0rtio 1, ).,u:11 as women in Christian lands do 1104r, and bathing in rho river was a common practi5c with. them 41t that til::(:' :1t, the river ---"The \safer was 1.hrrc fenced off 1):::1 protection from the cr000diic..,, and doubtlei:6 the prin. (ess4 1:141 an 'o>clliutire n(41rvcd for her ow')) a -s, the rend to which +•.een114 to have been I;t;a\r1) to Jneheb0lb" \Valk:I aluug-]knee ,the discovery of the ark w•Il; not glade by them, but, by the prin- crr;•s rei:svil, :t providential elrcnmstm:eo, a, !t. 1('d her to it personal interna Jn the lecke,--,J,,nl-on, Sent het' hand - (11. ', ,) Igor inlnu!1linte attend - l1/;!, Ftuw' 1111' chi!';%- :1.5 (4lint 06 she S'.1,\‘' the child )1114' I:!ew that it was one of tl;r llcbrow children, for only a ilebrew intl.ther would hay() n(5(1 to hide her (11E11 11) 111,1; manner. '.I''ha babe wept - '1111) sight Of at beautiful babe in IIistre93 could nut but fail to ounce the inlprc3• 1•.ioll here. mentioned. See v, 2. 1t ha1; boon eunjrctured that the cruel edict of the 1?gyptian king did not continue long i4 forte', 1411 chap, i, 22, 1l td eonlpas- (,ion--".Hhn( the babe ft told a1 protector in the very C:n11iiy of the kin;; wise de- creed its death." '1'horo was a great toy•: and pity !shown by this young wo- 411a11, yr'ry le\v of those 1l'l10 are k1112(4' daughter:; would thus stoop to show pity on the child of a slave. 7. Ibbs .sig 111-,llirinn4 laud drawn near enough 't1) see gad hear everything. No doubt the chilli had been earefnitly instructed by her Walther. But (Gal's 111141 'svnli di - reeling; matters, and to hail, rather than 11) any human wisdom, mna91 the praise be given. lf. Moves training (vs. 9, 10.) 9, Nurse i1 -11y Ih115 'taking the child the nrullncr bee:luta' from tittle to 11int0 lin Some seine the recognized servant of the princess; but otherwise, how would )41 enjoy more sitfcty with her bubo .than before? --Alford, Thy wages -She we,' doubly paid. She hod not only the emg es which 1na1110 her safe noy the ser- vant of the royal princess, but she, lutd the infinite bebter wages of seeing her son safe, iud haying; the privilege of C(L)- (j'':" ✓r { 11 µlb yltd4Mr:5{ yS, , + ii ,e; r `r;4{11 1 7./ JYLti1, Pk' rft 1a . '' 1./i 4': i :f .ei r Spring Painting, Whether you are going to '( touch up" the woodwork, paint the floors, brighten the porch, or stake the whole house fresh an' -1 bright as .dew -get F'tiu.rtsay u Pitint.:;. 'i'ilcrc'5 the fight paint -the right tint or co!or-for every use. Mixed just right - of the right ingredients -to wear right and look right. 65 years of paint mating have taught u, the right way to mix paints, 65 years in business prove that 1';e nlix them right. Write us for Post Card ,".•,rrie 'h C," 511070'lnIt:)v,r .io11IC houses are lj i1)lcd, 1; FLORA WOLFE COMMON WIFE Or LORD D. J, 13EREFORI) CLAIMS S1HARE OF THE ESTATE. Negress Says She Was His Lordship's Common Law Wife -Property in the States and Canada- Other Claimants, 1'a'o, 'I'e\as, ,April 2,1. 4'ridilurs of 'lie (:I,Il' of the late Lor'I 1), ,1, 11or. '-feid, who s1•als killed in a. Irvin wreck 1);l l±rr. 21111 ltltni, in North Dakota, filed an .:pplie;llinrl in 11111 di,triel (, tort here for the appeintineilt 111' 1144 vol• elin1-tr:llo0 and pr0hale of the will, .Moot:g t!1/• plaintiffs is (''lora. 11'olff, ;;0. n'J11'", who 010110s 1) have 111'en the ',mono' law wife 1)1' Iter -ford, and to \slam] he willed 14'n 1huu-:1m(1 dollars. 7n11 ON ! rt • p The 4111010 :Ire 11,'',' \%huN1! el:limy n .. / i'(t.SA'/ LS: ,JCO. n T,IONTR2.AL. I: . 1 w Holl: lawyer reprosenting 1110 1311'• { :, ^4` . C2 (-1i)1.111anlily ntlen114(41 to diu'u{mf. 1•i•• , . - 'gi; .> .•;,, Pain Makers Imo• .? I r144731,4',+ 1 H. 1'..1:1111 i; salved 1)t over a nhillion tu1i11.(:trsirrth& .ii lfw :4 ` " ^ ¢ ' tri 1:,11111',.1, :tall eou i-t,t 111 11111118 111111 cafllr V: ,uL.la.. r ,ec:. : 111/.1 l'un:111:1, .11'101 brgn'nlh w.• i4;: ten thousand dollars to flora 11'olff, f,'1):•iit;; 111,11,1'1 Irai::eel her child very some one to read to you, 1'11 pay you 1111' wail loft the remainder of the prop - Children :,1141UI11 he %,'ry ufl," '.Tile child's mother rend l(4 him, :( erly to li(re,f(rrd's awe brothers, The 11101,1!1 l whlu they havet hrist'i:1/l par rent dent, especially on the Ina'1l',; d,(':, 11'' itf \11'41:1/l 41e'lin'll to a("'pt the 111)1• (1)t, who Il IlI4 Iju•m) up i1/ a hu, 'l• %lis own efforts were s1) slot., he (-11)141- 'o) a' left her, 'l,limingIt wife'.,.411;)r44un- 1,1 four of (1)1, cd to np1)11T1:ate haw gond 1115 111ot11(1• der 1b' la\rs of JI'xi'o, 111, 1'1110 Pharaoh's daughl(1- "'I'hougll was to him ,Ilnd that, smile time in the Admiral i.ord Iltresford, when hero it most. h1)%„ Hoot nearly as seVer0 a future he alight return 1100 kindness, '•1'11 +Intl;' u, eks ago.fuilyd to 1'1';11'11 .i 1on1• trial 1':'.r ,I,(ll'l),11 to pert with hint the pay you off, mother," he cried with 1, 14:1. ' with I l o l \\'elft :1441 !eft the 50eon11 tins' e-; the first., she Isels, dunbt 0hildi.i11 r,tti:facL!otl, Little eve, d1) 1c,u : • t!','r (1:1.11114 to be adjusted by his at- h's;s, r'ennciloll )u it by hill. 1eli01 11) his know tho only way ill which yon '11/ , 1 i1•:l0 ,1' 111 'NOV fort:, high destination 113 the suture deliverer ever pay off mother? By loving Jesus ' •+-- uf Ismer 11' l000luc 1s.r run--.,•1ay' crud doing his will and prep:tying fur (. (` D y NRIT p (; v 1doplion; end the high raid: afio;dell heaven, just as little \lows did, <4.E drEl''! i'141,)of I1 hill) advantages in edu1ation which, in 1I. Ahoses' sister. Miriam was pullout j tae Providence of (1111, were trade sun,- and loving (v. 4), willing and faithful AND THE MINERS, 0011 irnL 11) far different purposes from (vs. 7, 8). '1'nu5 she \t;ls at Iiul: latwee:I what Ili, royal patroness intended." ll'e baby Af(Ses and hi; Egyptian home, e WORD - ran 01:11111) (11 idea of whit. his'dueatiou Thus the identity of Aiose; caul tooF,lE, ID` .ZTT STA.IJ1)S BY WORD- \ras triol Acts 7:', ', "laving; adopted knowledge of the brotherhood of :toren CALLS ;',MINERS' LEADERS BAD, into the royal family, he \\a s 710 (10111)1 became possible, whi'h was of great int• __-_-- ree ;%e 1 boo the pri"tly-este, and portagen in the later history' of h ill, Pcft's:s to Bacot Downnn State±,.cot l, -.new all the secret learning of the 1.ho life of Caroline II'lr'hel tell; how Egyptian priests. His experience of large a place a sister may fill. From Caacerninr Meyer and I 1)y\seed Egyptian life must have been wide." dusk to (lawn the great, ustruuo11s,'r Novi on Trial for Murder of Idaho 1;11 Moses had not only n moral and w•onld shunt at the telescope narrating Governor, an intellectual training;, but, according the wonders he raw. All through the to Juseplins, he had also IL practical pre• winter's night his faithful sister \vrut) i,:ration for the great 1(01'11 that calls 1)e• down his observations until sometime', \1'aallinr;lun, faro hiol. Called Ilk mune--11'hit name the int: froze in her pen, She ,;pent many dr;,,rod to Honore ,larrs(n1, 0t t'hic'a r1/. he had from his parents \ve I:now not; hours of the (any making the ncee.ssary cllair4nan of the ('nett County 'Mover - ever :11!01 lust in the nauul given to Liar tchel and his wonderful 011111 wnr1:1,11l:tylcoo eonfironee glade pulrli' to -day, 111 the I'riii,,' of Egypt, thus together, ]lis many and nurval„Ils il!enl lhulse%elt replies to the criti• l 111, Muses slays the Egyptian (vs, 11• discoveries could never hn(14 been Glade l;:-1)1; of hi-; 10(1,11 It'""‘ r in which he 15), \Then Moses was about forty years but for her ministering presence, relerrc.l t(1 Meyer 111,(‘ .laayw'und, alta old there came a great crisis in his life, 11I, !,Iur(:,' protector, (go(' i; ever o1/ '1.51, 111 the \\'c -ilii Federation of Alin- al,out whit's we learn in 1101. 11: ''41'27, the side of the. children, 1io planned n 1 cr:,, l'h:rgi!d s%it11 implication in the 1)r' not told what, \vas the occasion way of safety for the babe which w•01)1,1 lei1r111.0 of farmer (Governor 5tcunbel;g, of his derision to abandon the Egyptian never have occurred to Munn!) sagacity; " I-l:lhu, 1455 undesirable citizens, court at tat!., time: but it is clear that not by miraculous 11genci„s, no, 1)y 1.10, '.1'111 president says be regrets any Coral \vas leading hits to forsake the simple, natural instrnnte.ntalities of ills' t illy of 114'1) should so fan' fer;1,t their idolatrous :onto humeral influences with providence, (Ind delights to 1/w: the groat: ;1141y 11) their (0untry as to, by forma - he was surrounded. Because of 1111(1 foolish things of this world (1 Cur, t i1):) cl .,4;'ivli,•.; and in oth'r wove, en - his rash net Afoscs %vas obliged to flee 1. 27). Iie tlsed a. baby's beauty (y, et, 1 III•,lvur to influ'110)' jn:l!c' and coerce for his life, 0!01 he went to the borders it woman's faith (v, 3), 1) tiny irk (v, j 10111'1 01' jIlIS'; that they',not h',nr0 tay. 11, 0sister's love (v. 4), a woman's heart lug to inftwice ,justice, :nal he. 'on- (v. 5), a baby's tears (v. (1), the cruel ' de0114 !stint he calls theif flagrant int• king's own daughter (t'. 9), ('\arse, it 1,1'epriety in the matter, Ile says that for me," the princes said, :old those lie indicated in, opinion as to their guilt words girt th0 babe about with safety, of the Sheinberg murder, Inst, that it "Every soldier in the land grasped, his was it simple absurdity to suppose that weapon now for iris defence, All the 1 0eange 11_ maul is, on triol he is free from wealth of Egypt ministered to his 4111114:, eriti-isiu is to his manner of life. All the might of Pharaoh availed for his Ile said Ile alight as well be accused protection, '.I'll( poor (hill of the iie• of trying to induce the suits against trews %vas the son of 1'11111':toll's (laugh- 111)t•ritn:ill, ;1441)11, of whlr•0 friends have ter." (toil's love is over n11, (God's 10(0 :has•, e1111(1zed Lim, lac t;0i41 that lf'yer is with nal, :and Haywood stand as rel I'e 'utativas of 11"1 .,0 who habitually appear 14.s guilty Will Anti -Friction Axles Ever Come 011 11:11(1 ttrcat to or npolog;y for bi(ml• h(.1 ant violent( ll' adds 11 that hl Into General Use ? \vel,' plot ,;Moll\' indiff'r'It 10 the eon, d'u,naliun of hint for his criticism of The p11111ic have fur some gime heel] 11)0 me.14.Sira!(le types of citizens, re - for an :(}:1e that s'i11.110 114'13 same 'col 1111048 c:f the power of either labor w'0l•li on carriages and wagon:. that t!4: r.1- rap if;:L ball-bearing dues on the hic'ycle. on this stl1joct at prominent authority' says: For years mechanics and engineers have ceaselessly lout their eenrgies to design and (develop an noti•f1'icliun :1)10 that would he cheap nod durable 11, sv011 as easy -running. 'there have been many flit failures and partial 6014....sses. Uuc thing at least, has been dc:uunatratld clearly, :1/:d it i5 that where weight has to be carried, a sufficient beau'ing 1ur)'nce roust be provided, and as only 1110 mini - hearing surface tall be obtained 111 a Ball-lcuriog the future axle must be of the roller type. '.%'here is Ito doubt but that it is merely a matter of Bale when 801110 clever uleeha17lie will produce 1w anti -friction roller hearing axle that will have the ueces5:ry b1), iugl su'lace, simplicity of construction and durability. \nett such an asie c(n:s' on the 101(1•- 1:c1, at :1 pr!:•' that the },.neral pul)liv 411.1 :ti;ord 1;o buy, it will not be pc::,yible to sell :t %chide w I 1 lin! 111ai11 3':I.' :nay noire than it i.1 possible Cooley to belt al bicycle without the ha a+fir SWEPT OVER FALLS, hit wll:tt'%'r 11 !Hilda, have been it MILS cnnculalllmns, bur act:n'ly forts scans Igor of the Alidi:nnites, in the southeastern Part of Arabia, where there was a well for the watering of flocks, \\'bile Moses was sitting hyo the well the seven daugh- ters of Reuel (also called Jethro) came to water their father's flocks, They had filled 1 he troughs with water when some rude shepherds came nn(1 drove them away. At this Moses mule to the rescue and,,.nmde the shepherds stand aside 40101(4 he walered the 1100145. The result of this action %sus that he entered the 501(40)4 of 1011100, and married his daugh- ter Zillionth, PRACTICAL Al'1'J.ICA'1'IUNS. i, ,!ose:i' mother. 1. 1U1111•filled , "11y faith Hoses, when he was conte to y10l':4, refused to he celled the sols of Pharaoh's (l:ulghter" Hoeg. 11, 2.1). \'\Pas it not becau40 this godly mother (v, 1), duri:I' those months while liar baby Ivy so close to her heart (v. 2), and during those three months while he was "hid' !n 11.!0 Monte (v. 11), sent cunatantdy up to the throne a ireyer ;or her little one? Whoa Bishop 81nlpsuu Wass a young; Inns he stent to his mother and said with relit(!• ta:1(10 and diffidence, ''.11utlt;:r, 1 feel iulpr:'4tcd that .I ought to preach the goopcl," !ihu threw her arms about 1hi.i neck and answered, "11,y boy, 1 prayed for that hcI'ure you were hrn," "Ily 1111111 ,Moses, 1(11011 he w113 born, \onS hi:1 three Inn;ltls of pia parents, , ,and they were not afraid of the King's eanunUnd• meat" (Itch, 11, 23), ,)ochebcd \0,15 mut nervously (anxious at the approach of a strange footstep, or at the sound of {1/i unwonted voice. 1'e711' is not faith, 1ihe took every precaution, she told nu• (:t(' of the advent of the haply boy, she never exposed him to the public gaze, ,Ila hushed the infant's cry h0101'e it left his lips, but site \(;1.; "10)1 afraid." ;lotto 1(111'11 the time cluh:c she "brought !tint 1(1110 Pharaoh's wi iglihoi'" (v, 111), and left hila thele in the palace of tho prin- cess and ('114)114 away honeying (gll(1 that, tho aced sown Ju his tender !h'a't in talose early yew's wonid spring 1111 and bear abundant fruit. No luting instruc- tion of at faith•filled mother is cy'r wont• ed, "wad yet by moue it is considered a trifling thing to teach little ones," 2, Faithful. "Th( maid went and call- ed the child's mother, , l0ud the woman took the ci(ild and nursed it" (vas, 8, 0), Here is It hint that God 11111171(4 that the baby's mother 10111111 he the baby'u nurse. There is not a. spot on cartlt nearer to heaven that) (t child's cradle. '.Cohere is no mission on earth more sacred 111,11 the care of 11 little child. No duties that are God-given ever lend t1 Mother to neglect her child. Above all others, to the little ones home should be the place of care- ful training, love, prayer 1111(1 blessing. 3. Rewarded. 1141 baby was laid back in her mother arils, money was provid- ed for the household necessities, the boy grew to bo one of the great ones of earth and heaven (1tev, 15, 3), and Jochebed found. a place among the her- ing for him and training him,-Pe1iotl- - otw of faith (IIeb, 11, 23). "Another," said bet, Took the child --No (doubt this God- a little boy, "when you get old and want Four Men Drowned in Cope Fcnr River, North Carolina. llnlei;;h, N. C,, April 1 J. ---Swept over the falls, foto' leen were drowned in ('ape Fear ]giver teelay a1; i'n'khorn Falls, thirty miles from liuleigh, '.11110 -dead are: Hans Thorson of 5t. Paul, Minn,, general foreman o1' a 1.011• htrnetion company erecting; 11 1:14(4')' plltnt; 11. Brady of Alon.eurt, assistant I'oronlnn, and two negro laborers, The men were in a1 scot' trying with poles to force it front the river haul!, in- tending to 1-0001) it lower lending, The scow \vas cnu'ght, l,y the current and carried over the falls, The bodies have not yet been recovered, Thorson was to have been married here Sunday, and leis fiance, \Miss Thelma Leudgren, left St. I'lklil t0 -d1) to join hint in Raleigh, 4.0 Experiments !node at Toronto by the melt for „?I)l) don;a„rs, Amig'o.McHugh Cnnndinn Pncifie with horning ashes grave hutment in Aleir's favor, hut did proved to be failures, n01 specify the amount, TIIOUGHT KING A BURGLAR, Neapolitan Monk Refused Ilim Admit- tance to Church. Napiers, .'April 2!), --The King 1111(1 Queen of Britain, 11.110 are h('ro on the royal yacht Victoria and rllberl, spent the day in sightseeing. They visited various points of interest in the city, Their majesties approached the. Church of Snide. ('bins, with the intention of visiting it, but found it closed, Its the monks in charge \sere tatting their mid- day ileal, A member of the royal purl}' knocked o11 the 110441' for 2dnlil• t11nee. .\ monk cause to the dour, milt, thinking those outside were beggars, (lid not lrenble to open i1., but called out so that they might hear; "Begone in peace; there is nothing for you here," 'I'ihis rc'nlarl; 1110100,1 icing 1;111(01-11 im- mensely, anti he lain:lied heartih', The vioitor.•s then lhnn,'l•cd again and ex• piainT l their d':;ir' 10 (kit the church, 121)1 the sacristan, irritated at their per- sistence, shouted ung: "Don't bother me; this is no time for sightseeing. The brothers are at: lunch," CAT GRIMY. TENANT NOT LIABLE FOR CARE OF THE PLACE, l•1uIIi,'i'll, (hat., April 2I,--.1telg;e Aro- 1L)l l) 11:111 dec!ded 1.11111 Joseph Best (1)111(1 not Lc held 1101114) for the care of a e:1L, doh, and bird e1 meter)' on the farm of :\le)ahndcr Altar, near here. Best leased the place from Alar, and there \Yes a stipulation lllatt he should keep the grass mil null place flowers on the }'ravel of :11)1)0'5 dead pets. ,\lmr found that Lest ue!tleeted this work, and us n resnit fired the latter off the farm, Best; Do Your Children Cough in the Night? 11•l3t mother's or Lather's 11081%, has not into I:. it 11:x1) Mien they have Leen 5111l,1,e111ti' nosy 1 101:,1 11 in tin' nig'lit h;. That hat 11 nod i,r, longed, 0r that 5:ll"t h1'ring, ehnl:ln s, 1 0 1411)'' 0)01!!!1, (!1,11 llolukl'n, the most ; I'riolts results hole:. relieved et ()nee? 1','111 t shall 1 do? i; the lir t 1111nI;Ih1, {h-4(1 w•il-huut Ito effeeti'.T 111111 11'1!1111' rnnledy of point (h1' 1!1111! limy pllf i('I' or 1111' !0.'1111!' relief Tall he SI OCUM's Coltsf e XPd CTORANT is a 1311ick and absolutely safe, reliable and ((42114 1 01tre for all forms of Cough, (;old, Sore 'Throat, La Grippe, Croup, 11'huoping ('uugfll, I;ru1ehiti5, :lsthn)a, turd 1111 irritated and inflauted e0:ulitione of the throat 1)1' theta. 11 \sill r1.11. • mother many a sleepless, anx- ious night, :old tho children 11,3 10(11 413 11d111ts 1(2:111)' an hour', suffering and illness, "I had bccn suffering for over two months 11.1th an obl;tlnnle cough, uH Will 1(1140 ITh' 111tle I:Ir1. 11'o trioti sQveral rel edify. co:u- moa to any drug star( without obtaining ((1)y ap,nrent. Punct, hl fact w" were %;row - In woti:-e. 1 tion it bottle of Coltr,lootu lsx- t,ectoral t from Ivy druggist and Inntdo of two day, the trough w{la cured, and the roiolit:+ (n i.crnlnnont and rapid that w1) doclded to keep Cult::f(xlto I':xtx:ctoruut lo our Home continually." HOIBERT PALEN, ('.A.1t. Station, Ottawa. No home should is' without it. 11 is the greatest family medicine for slime troubles the world has produced. Keep it o11 Jrn!1!, 11 i.1 it never -failing friend, 2:o', at your dealer, GOOD FOR OLD AND YOUNG. PERFECTLY i]ARMLESS. CIIILDREII LOVE IT. DID S1LA00i'HIM? • BARONESS IN ON TRIAL FOR MER LIFE, N'11' furl:, April 20,-1fandsotue, triol end l-tyli-llly (tressed, tic Baroness 1)0 ,11:1ss ' went to the bar before Justice 1d:well:ad te•clly to /lie tried for her life for the murder of (Instmy Sinton, n very wealthy shirtwaist II;al111lfaCtlll'el' at No. rail 1 1road‘ray, `u Lir :Is known, She is tho first woman of undeniably nohle title who has (ver been placed on trial for mur- der at n court in the United States. ('onfide:'e was given the black•eyed piquant faced Mlle woman by know!. ell -e that, Support and. fioaneinal ns• sist:11104 i5 being extended to her by wealthy and influential connection( in e'rauce. .lar. Jtborbier intim:lied to -day that the case lrould furnish remarkable de- velopntents and that despite every I:T':Hing; e%0leneo to the eontrarv, the Baroness 1)e 111154y dirt not shoot Simon. Prayer. holy and most, merciful father, 'Thou who art 1.,oundl(sa in wisdom, luso laid i/ower, into Thy keeping Me would NMI - ear lives loot fortunes, Our lived urn in Thy hand; 'Thou (lost appoint our (14519( illy; and we are well (iesured that if we trust 'Ghee perfectly and 410 Thy will 'Phan wilt lead uss in a good way and bring us to eternal bless('dness. Therefore w. pray that 'Thou %%amidst in- crease our faith and make u:; willing and uboylionl. if we:)lIli 111)41 success slhuuld cunt' to us, may our hearts still be 111:e t.hos(' of little children; if laver- 14it% should he our lot, grant us the light of 'Thy c.nlntmin nee that our courage may not fail, and that the elulrihine of life may glial remain. with 11.5, not only for oar 01(11 K{tk1, ,buil for the sake of others. 11ny the poacc t17td joy of J(5us Christ Ix! %vit:t' us always, Amen. The Praying Spirit. flow many ur1!e us by tongue and pen to enter into this wonderful exercise. Judging by their attitude they assume that Ilcau•ers and readers are poorly fur- nished for this snored duty. They seem to move in an atmosphere of spiritual pauperism which it is painful to contem- plate. They use the whip and the ox - goad to urge men onward mud upward. We challenge this attitude. 11 is tut - seemly, innulcquat', and largely untrue. 11ow fur is it from earth to heaven? Only n cable's length. The true evangel is a whole Christ for a whole soul, for both are indivisible. 11'e are on the brink of the world unseen, e1.0 are on the very verge of the spirit realol. Everywhere around us is God, The human touches in the divine, Mao's spirit rays, is it the uplift of human energy, feeling after (Jed? Nay, rather, it is "the Spirit making intercession fur us with groauliugs that cannot be uttrcd." Surely there i3 in- timacy holy, nearness, large acquaint- ance with deep conditions. Like ns a father and mother, like as a physician and advocate. The relation, so close, so dear, as if the mind of mall were hardly to be distinguished from the mind of God. if this is r=e in every regenerate soul, where is the place for the vast am- ount of exhortation we receive from lip and pen of good but Mistaken mels? What is 11 Christian? Is he a helpless creature looking up from earth to hea- ven, 1/l• is he not rather a well furnished saint looking down from 110140011 to earth (as Lady Powerscourt has it), esteem- ing lightly the censure, the wonder and the praise of this world? If the teacher takes for grunted that the soul is self starved, raid frames his teaching accordingly, people will fall in with the conclusion, and wasting (if not destruction!) will be found lvithin the borders of Zion. What if souls are frill instead of near- ly empty; is it not the way of the Ifoly Spirit to fill, to mako men com- plete in Christ? Paul said: "I am full." Is not this a snnlple copy? Is it not Ills pleasure to fill the hungry with. gond things, while tho rich are sent empty away? (Luke I, 53), Let us go on filling, filling up to the bran, and bear to the govolitor of the feast, so s11a111 we multiply gladness be- yond computation, II, '1'. Miller, ].3eanlsviilc, Ont, Beauty, Whitt an inheritance of beauty is ours. ♦ee Out of Zion the perfection of beauty God hath shined, The eye is not satisfied Athirst for beanty in the human heart. Magistrate with seoing, beoause of the undying s ,,!! 1 •' Q M Ip until we ]]nye taken the form of Christ, i'7 .st gate) Z buf'1 es f inquire in Itis temple, Let me hear the music of the stars, and see the Uiou- enud hnn(L3 holding silver chains of light SAYS IS A WONDERFUL HEALER to draw up illy ambition to Ilimself, and AND DOES MORE THAN IS bind my chaste affections to Iiis throne. CLAIMED FOR IT. Let tut behold the temple 50111 adorned, with iuunort.al love, seeking immortal aims, stretching away in boundless Probably no household remedy in ex- space; conscious of her celestial birth, ist mien h:15 worn such glowing tributes breathing a larger life in her native air, frons people in high places as has Z)ull• feeling herself at borne, 1;111:, 11 r, 114'1(1 h, 1'crr\ Justice of tho stars glorious is tae mind of man; the stars and planets roll within their sphere. ' Ponce for JIrilisli Columbia, recently great object=s make greet minds, enlarg- tested this famous balm, and this is ing as their views enlarge, making (divine wftnt he sirs of it: inheritance near and clear and sure, "The Pavilion, 1)ow11 the steep of IIeaven bright le- gions swum unseen and sing,* unheard; bringing joys t hat satisfy with, magtti- "'l'o the %,1/u-13tik Co, tulle that confounds, and a glory that Gentlenlen,---After n. very fair trial I humbles and exalts. Oh, to feed on the have proved 70)2 -]auk eminently satin- beauty of the Lord with breathless gaze factory. In 1)1y ease it has cured a skin tool feel this fire consume the passions rash of five years' standing which no of the earth, the grosser parts of love doctor had been able to do any good for. ddi1ihtssnrc ; incl mental gummata "I would certainly cu0our11ge tiny per- glow with rays sublime. son to keep/,1)11)-Intl: in their home. It Lot tele in humble measure reflect tato truly dors even more than yott claim for light of Iloly Presence, and by kindly It. For guy own part I would not now be searchlight cheer the soul in 4107110 great without it in the house. Yours very agony, lift to larger life, widen tho hori- zon of the solid's vast ream!, inspire (Signed) .Roger F. Perry, sweet reverence for the face of Ood, and Justice of the Peace for 13. C." bless the eyelids with tender grace. Zoni•Buk differs from ordinary salves The hing's daughters are all glorious 51111) )nbrocatio;l9, for while these mostly within, contain nubile' oils and fat, %am -.Bilk is 'lis the stainless soul within purely label, 11 closes and heals cuts, That outshines the fairest skin! festering sores, ulcers, eruptions, boils, Let me bring garments of praise to beau- («111'nla, chafing sores, ele. In the house- tify the meek, diadems for youth, white halal it is the handiest possible remedy C1'01111s for the aged, May I see the King for burns, scalds, 'hildt•en's injuries. 1t in hie beauty; Zion in her glory, saints ins(14)1I 1 cleanses any wound to which in their holiness, angels in their excel - is applied, prevents, festering infltun- lence. Let me dig (loop, below pain and illation or blood' poison. It clues piles, sorrow, dig till I find the joy: deeper %nricosc ulcers a111 fistula. All druggists still, dig till I find the beauty. Joy is and stoma sell at 51) 00nls tt box, or a. fruit, beauty is a tree, it means, dig- . from the huul•Ituk Co,, Toronto, for nity, order, purpose, supremacy, pros - price, li boxes for $2.50. verity, peace, purity and truth, To crown all may I see the perfection The Tor 1 301d of polka Commis- of my inheritanc0l Progressive mecum - shiners yesterday refused to accept the Illation has too often beclouded my pat- l'Isigllutiou of Inspector Cuddr; of 1110• %'irony and left the soul half empty. It :Agnes Street Station, u•ho Inuits to t;in.ndatlt not alone, it 19 double: Ile is leave the (once to take the local super- aline and I am Hie. Invin Himself intendancy of the Canadian Detective He'hlus given all, Ise can give or I can Bureau, possibly* rc0cive PAGE lIIGIlr---THE BLYTH STANDARD—MAY 2ND, 1907, Sowing Time At Hand Going to sow any Field or Garden Seeds ? These warm days tell you that Ws time to begin thinking about It if not to com• thence to work. We're interested, because we can sup• ply the seeds. They are the dependable kinds too which is quite important. The Red, Alsike and Lucerne Clovers and Timothy are the highest grades, and the Mengel, Sugar Beet, Turnip and Car- rot are all new stock. Also a full line of Flower and Garden Seeds. When you are ready to sow call around. CASH FOR A[.I, KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days treatment $l, 30 days' treatment 25c. l' or sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERS AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. TURKEYS We want to buy your Turkeys and will pay the highest market price. Write for particulars and state how many you have. The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. 9OtITH. NORTH. am pm am pm 6 40 3 30 Wingham 11 10 7 33 6 43 3 33 Wingham Jct. 11 00 7 25 6 52 3 44 Belg rave 10 50 7 13 7 06 3 56 Blyth 10 38 7 00 714 4 01 Londeeboro 10 :10 0 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 6 35 8 05 4 39 Brucefield 9 58 0 19 8 15 4 47 Kipper' 9 50 0 11 8 22 4 52 Hensall I) 44 6 03 8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 51 8 16 5 15 Centralia 9 18 5 43 8 59 5 28 Clandeboye 9 00 5 31 9 0.3 5 31 Lucan Crossing 9 05 5 30 9 12 5 :i7 Denfield 8 55 5 25 tl 21 5 411 Merton 8 45 5 15 9 21) 5 54 Ettrick 8 :15 5 07 9 :g.) 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 211 5 02 9 37 6 00 Hyde Park Jot. 8 2.1 5 00 9 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections are made at Wingham for all atatlons on the Palmerston and Kin- cardine branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all atatfone on the Buffalo and Goderich branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. Dur dig ..Offer _ :.••••-- To all new subscribers from . . now 011 . . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 19o8 for the small sun of 75c Subscribe Now G. & 0. may Be Opened June 1st The party of C. P. R. officials, in- cluding General Superintendent Os- borne, Superintendent Sullivan, Divi- sional Superintendent Murphy, Divi- sional Eugineer Fairbairn, Chief En- gineer Peterson and Col, t1aedonuld, who yesterday made a tour of inspec- tion of the Guelph & Goder-ich road, returned last evening, passing through tho city about 8 o'clock. The special train tet right through to Blyth, which is only about 18 miles from Guderich. 'filo rails are all in position up to this point, and the bal- lusting has been partially completed. On Monday an additional gang of la- borers will commence on the work, which it is proposed to rush through with all. possible spud. The stations all along tho lino are completed and Mr. Osborne yesterday stated that it was hoped to be able to open the road to Blyth by the 1st of June or during that month. Ho also trade the statement that tho G. & G. when completed will beolletuf the finest if not the finest piece of road in the Do- minion. (Guelph Mercury.) Licenses Granted. Last week the different License Com- missioners met in their respective Rid- ings and granted the following licen- ses : WEST HURON. Clinton --C. W. Brown of the Nor- mandie ; J, Weis of the Commercial ; 1t. Graham of the Graham Heuse ; A. Robertson of the Battenbury ; George Stewart of the Waverly. Blyth—J. J. McCaughey, Mrs, Mason, Colborne— J, Miller, W. Glazier. Dangnnnon— Mrs, ,:11allough, J, Mountain. Port Albert --N, Pierson, Alex. Young, of Kintail, was given three months to put his place in repair. EAST HURON. Dahlin—L, !Wolfe. Walton—Wm, Emigh. Cranbrook—J. Long. Brus- sels—George Brown, J. Querrin, Harry James, Ethel—J. A. IRitunp. Moles- worth—Mrs. R. Seehaver, Fordwich — H. Otto. Gorrie—A, G. Howse, G. Cook. Wroxeter—A A. Esty, W. C. Currie granted 8 months extension as population does not permit of 2 licenses. lielmore—J. Kirkby. Bluevale—John Johnston. Belgrave—'I'honlas Hill. Jamestown—Thos. McEwen, bear and wine license, '!'here are 15 licenses in all, one less than the past year, OU'1'II HURON. The licenses to be cut off by local option aro two In Hensall, two in Stan- ley, one at Varna, ono at Kippen, and one in Osborne at Woodham, Tho Comissioners also refused licenses to Albert Moser, of Corbett, and B. Cun- ningham, of Khiva, both in Stephen township ; and the Metropolitan of Exeter ; and there will bo only one shop license in Seaforth, instead of two as formerly, and only one tavern li- cense in Bayfield instead of two as for• ►nerly. The following were granted li- censes for the year : Seaforth—Queons, Royal, Commercial and Dick House ; Fitzpatrick, of the Orip House, was only granted a three months license. Exeter—Mansion, Commercial and Central. Crediton—Hill and Redfearn. Dashwood—Zimmer. Grand Band—C. Fritz. Shinka-••Branner. Mount Car- mel—Dortriieh. Centralia—W. Mof- fatt, Brucefield—Dixon House, Tuck- ersmith—ltod Tavern. Zurich—John- son and Rau. Blake—Mrs. Nicholson. No action was taken in the St. Joseph application, Subscribe for THE STANDARD. Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it — Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. 'We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. This 10 the Ant questlon your doctor world ask: "Arra your bowels regular?" He knows that doily art'eu ot the bowels 1. abeolately essential- to recovery. Keep your lire? attire and your bowels regular by taklug laxative doses ot Lysyl PHIL Dude by J. 0. Ayer Co.. revolt, Kam Llsv asaatoaturera it JP HAIR VIGOR. ers A"" CU1ie. CfIEARY PECTORAL. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS [ have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to plaoe Im- migrants from the United King- dom In positions as farm laborers or domestlo servants in this vioin- Ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me personally or by letter, stating fully the kind of help roquirod, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may not be eufiletont to supply all requests, but every ef- fort will be made to provide each applicant with help rt:qufrcd. ANDREW W. SLOAN Canadian Government Employment Agent, Blyth P. 0, Tho Dead Un. Breathes there the man with soul so dead. Who !lever to himself had said ; "My trade of late is getting Ito 1, 1'11 try another tea -inch ad ?" If there be, go mark hint well ; For hint no bank account shall swell, No angels watch the golden stair, To tvelconle home the millionaire. The many who nhvor tasks for trade By local lino or ad, displayed, Cares more for rest that wet idly gain And patronage but gives him pain. Tread lightly, friends ; let no rude sound Disturb his solitude profound ; Here lot hint live in calm repose, Unsought except by 'nen he owes. And when he dies go plant him deep That nought may break Itis dreamless sleep, Whore no rude clamor may dispel The quiet that he loved so well. And that the world may know its loss, Place on his grave a wreath of moss, And on a stone above, "Here lies A fossil who did not advertise." —M. 1.. Carey in The Sportsman. Blyth Manse Improvements. (Composed by 11. Sellare.) Behold the great and marvellous change Which has took place right in our town, And makes it look so note and strange '1'o see the trees and vines cut down Around the .Presbyterian manse, Which must have meet some heart -felt wants. For many years it long was hid Beneath a lot of vines and trees, But now just see what work men did For to lat in the summer breeze, And with the chango that came to hand You'd think it wits the promised land. Most all the trees have boon cut down And plowed and levelled is the ground It brings more honor to the town When with such beauty it is crowned And with this change the people knots "I'is like all Eden here below. For now it wears a better face With all the trees and brush cut down You'd really think another place Had sprung right up within tho town And now it's caught the public gaze And ail give it the greatest praise. And say it has a bettor look Than what it had for years gone by, And by the work they undertook Makes it more pleasing to the eye, And now its value does enhance The marvellous chango around the manse. Now in conclusion let me say La fixing up for your divine, Fix up in God's appointed way So in God's glory you may shine, So when that you are called to die May meet in that sweet by -and- by. An Interesting Report on Pub. Do Libraries. We have received the annual report of the Inspector of Public Libraries for the past year. The phanpphlot is hand- somely illustrated with half -torn and zinc etchings of the principal Public Libraries In tho Province, The report, contains much valuable information relative to Public Libraries of special value to, not only librarians and the members of library boards, but also to the general public, especially parents desirous of securing tho highest liter- ary advantages for their children, A number of important changes in the administration of public libraries are suggested, while during the past year several improvements have been put into operation. A chatlgtn has been made in clnssili• cation which will materially reduce the volume of fiction in the near future in many of the smaller libraries, A sys- tem of travelling libraries has been in- augurated for the benefit of struggling libraries which will enable such li- braries to renew the hooks for its read- ers at a minirnum expense,, thus ,soly- illg a serious financial problem con- stantly confronting libraries in small places. We note that the Education Depart- ment, has decided to encourage and de- velop the children's section of all li- braries. This is a step in tho right di- rection and should anent with tho ear• diad co-operation of sill library hoards. Copies of the report may ho obtained by addressing the Inspector of Pu hlic Li. braxies, 'Toronto. Grow Ontario Wheat. That the people of Ontario rely upon the prairie provinces for a cousideru'ble portion of their flour is to -day it filet that few would caro to deny. It is equally trite that the loss of the husno .market has been the cause of the diver- sion of money from Ontario and On- tario industries to build up the hustling West, '!'here are today in Ontario thousands of farmers who grow kiss wheat than formerly, and then grumble because the price of bran and shorts has advanced from twelve or fifteen dollars a ton to the :almost phenomenal figure of twenty or twenty-two, In spite of the apparently substantial showing ,nada by our province in thn production of this our most valuable of grains, when viewed comparatively flan output is limited and so far from satisfactory that millers can only run from eight to ton hours a day. NNotwithstanding the free advertising of tho western wheat lands, western flour could never have gained the foothold it has in the On- tario market if it had not been systern- atieally advertised and was a "strong . floor rich in gluten. Thus it has won considerable favor, which has caused n decline in wheat growing from Glen- garry to Desex, and the loss of millions of money to Ontario during the last fifteen years, all owing to a ntiscon• eon ion on the part of the cunsunler. That 3Ito Ontttrio lvheat can he blend - rd before grinding with just enough of its western rival to bring it up to the proper percentage of gluten, while retaining the superior flavor and colur 01 the Ontario grain, in fact which has n direct heating on the increase of the market. for Ontario wheat, In the Maritime Provinces the Ontario blend- ed flour won 'uvular favor, and the time i,s rapidly approaching when Ontario people will give the preference to their home -trilled wheat combined in n•r.per proportions with that of the vest. An enlarged market. (or Ontario wheat. created by the demand for blended flours, means increased enrnin;, powers fur Ontario farms, and implies a weleotne decrease in the prices row paid by stockmen for feed, The use of the blended flour is, in fact, a matter of economic import atrl00 t0 everyone interested in the financial progress of old Ontario. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID 91) TERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. >-COTT - AGENT PROGRAM 01? EAST HURON TEACH 1+;I S' CON V ENTION. Agricultural College, Guelph, :11 ay 2, and 23. Index to Plan of Grounds, A—lfacdonald Institute, B— Macdonald 111111. C—(',onsolidnted School, 1.)—Main College Building. E—Cllentieal Building. 1''—Gymnasium, G—Agricultural hope rtment. II—Horticultural Department. I—Massey Hall and Library. J—Biological Build ing an d M u s 011111, Dairy and Poultry Denrrtmeuts in South East of Grounds. M— M annel Arts Buildings. a fella :;I ONTARIO A TiGUUi11;1Uki. COJJ.t:GE CUI:1 J't } CANiVD/\. _L*:a. -4. it .osis'strao. c4 .rt,lil_ TRANSPORTATION.—•Buy a first'clnss full faro ono -way ticket to place of meeting and snC11113 front your station agent a certificate to that effect on standard certificate forth. If less than 50 attend return trip tickets will cost two-thirds of lowest regular one-way ilrst-class faro, If 50 or more attend return trip tickets will cost one-third one -wily fare, If 800 or more attend return trip tickets will he free. Esech person trust; pay 25 cents to the special agent of the Rstilwny Co. for issuing S • r; r.t git __ j`�� {1,�.f�`...♦ :5 ,.sass..__..-`_ --•. rr.•,. tA,lt'E II a certificates. Bring your friends, PIto01tn91,—May '2'.n(t : i.ItO-- Ms of in Macdonald '1st 'Lute Assembly hall ; address of welcome, Pres. Croehunn ; the work of \lacdouald Institute, Prof. McCready ; 2.30--Inspeetinrl of Mac- donald Institute ; :1.80—Inspection of \Isu'donald hall ; 11 15 — 11acdoenld Consolidated School, gardens. children leaving school ; 4.U0—Inspection of the school and address on consolidntioli. Principal Howes ; 500 --Visit to dairy stables ; 800—President';, address, M r. ENE ST !,URSER'. Moffat ; agricultural education, Pres, Gryphon!' ; nature study, Prof. Mc. Cready ; manual training, Prof, Evsuss ; each address May 23rd ; 11.1311 to 10410 --Association meet- ing in Massey ilsall, election of officers, 010, ; 10110 to 12 00—Visit to library, livo stock, ag;rienitn►•n1 and horticul- tural dnplu•tnseats : 1.110 to 4.(X)—fleet in \i as c'y Ball ; visits to forestry, chemical, botanical, pltyslc'nl, MI101110• logical, dairy and poultry departments, See Our Catalogue of Cuts before placing your order for Cards. We h, ve the largest and best assortment in this part of the country. You will make no mis- take by leaving your order with us. Route cards printed on short notice,