The Blyth Standard, 1907-03-14, Page 1be VoL. XX. lirlorromorm afb. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907, Western Canada 1 desire to call the attention of' my old friends and ac• quaintances to some nloney•nlaking opportunities in the west. 1-1 still have a few lots—money-makers— in "Glengarry" the famous Calgary subdivision ; \,rico, $GO for a short time. Calgary has grown from 4,000 to 20,000 in five years, 2—:1 chance for 81000 to make $3000 in a Winnipeg invest- ment without risk of loss, 3—Among many land snaps in my list I call attention to the S. and N \V,I of See, 20, Twp. 17, range 25 west of 2nd, only 1► miles from Moose Jaw—largest laity in Silekatchowan, 6 miles from Pasqua junction ; price, $12 cash or 814 on 1ernns—$7 down and rest in three annuals rat 6 per cent ; neighboring Iltl;d has sold at $18, A splendid half section in the Arcola district for $I 1, being the NEI and fractional Wi of Sec, 11 in Twp, 10, Range 7 west 211d. ( r * John S. Laidlaw 404 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. '%►� Grammar and Drugs I cough, you cough, he coughs, we cough. you cough, they cough. '('hat's before taking White Cltu Virgin Plne aril Tar I am well, you aro well, he is well, we are wen., you are well, they are well. That's after taking it. It Costs only 50c to snake the change, \Vo sell it, WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE BLYTH Exeter. Miss Jean Walker Exeter North, was suec°st•ful ill passing her examina- tion in Elocution at 'London. Garfield Shcore left .Saturday for Brantford, where he will resume his position with the Verity Plow works as a moulder, Daniel Prior, who recently received an injury to his leg returned to bus horse In Clinton 5111ui•day after It visit with his brother, Thos, Prior, David Gillis, received word last week from his son at Granite, N. D., that. the report that he wits frozen to death was wrong. Young Mr. Gillis is well and reports having had no such exper- ience, .1, .J. Knight, station toaster, was taking measurements of the station yard, etc., preparatory to putting in a switch to the cathing factory. Un- doubtedly the new station is being con- sidered es well. A meeting of the directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society was ho din Billet field on Friday, March 1st, for the purpose of tanking arrange - merits for the Spring Show which will be held on Aril 24th at I3rucefield, 'l'Ite directors decide(( to hold a cotnbin- e(1 seed, stallion itnd IiuII show. Subscribe for TIM STANDARD, SPRING SVITINGS What about your new Spring Suit, Just received a big shipment of new Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, also a full line of Black and Blue Worsted Trouserings, 50 Pieces of Fancy Worsted Trouserings The newest patterns at a reduced figure. Newest patterns in Fancy Cheviot and Rainproof Ovcrcoatings. In the Furnishing Line we have everything you could wish for. Try one of our new light -weight Stiff Hats.' Everything new in Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks. One thing that deserves special mention is our Dictator Shoe at $3.5o and our 'Turple Shoe at $5. This is a special line of American Shoes made in Boston, all the new styles and fists. Every Shoe is Guaranteed S1HCidIey • Blyth Goderich District Epworth League and S. S. Convention. GOOD PROGRAM AND INTEREST. INC SESSIONS. The annual Convention , f the Ep- worth Leagues lied Sabbath .Schools of Goderich District teas held in the Methodist church, Blyth, 011 'I'hut'Sday and friday of last week and the ses- sions were most interesting 1111(1 I11- structiye. '1'Itsty decorations were arranged in the form of white draping and small flags, portraits of Jing Edward, (ween Victoria and Rev, John Wesley, and 1t neat display of flowers. '('hero wenn also large sut'gestive mottoes ; '•Leek up and lift, tiv," "For Christ and tie church," "\1 ork for I I(nl with than Salt 11 the Lord," and "Christ is all end in all," A very oordial reception wait giVen the delegates by the Reception Commit- tee and the hospitality of the 13i,yth people could hardly he outdone. The majority of the circuits in the District were represented and curried hack with them. 1in doubt, many useful and help'nl hint;( that will be put into prnc• tice in the home Leagues and Sabbath Schools, THURSDAY SESSIONS, The first service opened at 1.115 by a prayer and praise service led by Rev, S. Anderson, ow,ng to the P,'esident being called t.o the telephouo. Litter President Reid took the chair, Miss 13e11, of Londeshoro, and hiss Pearl Gidl,•y, of 131,yth, acted as accompanist during the afternoon. The election of the Business Committee resulted as follows ;—Revs, Currie, Anderson and Reid, 31r. Gould and Miss Swann. The first tepie, "Row to make Junior League a success" was taken by AI iss Brownell, of Seltforth, who took the paper for 31iss Ada L. Beattie, who was absent, A few things the successful Junior League needs are : (1) a good leader or superintendent ; ('2) we.. def1ned pIRhnl of work, 111 the Seafortl League the first Tuesday wits a consecration meet- ing, the children answering with it verse, the pledge was read ; the second Tuesday was Alevoted to Temperance and the third Tuesday to NIissioes, and the last Tuesday devoted to literary or social work. Where there are live Tuesdays the meeting was entirely diff• °rent flo1 any other. The whole mem- bership should he a Lookout Commit- tee ; inculcate habits of promptness and regularity ; have the Juniors help you to plan for success ; the Superin- tendent should not do the must of the work, let the Juniors do it ; do not ne• gleet the boys ; let the children select their favorite hymns. This subject brought cntt It number of excellent points by different delegates during the discussion, (Rev, A. E. Jonas, of Auburn, gave an excellent address oil "Present Pro• gress and Outloolt of Epworth League." In his address Ire went back to tilt' time when the Leag.,o was first formed in the year 1889 in October in 'Toronto. 1n the first nine yeti's 111e enrollment of Leagues was 82,000 members but during the next four, yours 1.1,000 members were lost. The next two years 2,100 were added and Inst year the gain was 5,500. These gains wore brought about largely by the Forward Movement. Tho three things bete -ties should look after aro (1) instruction, (2) training, (8) action and service, During the past year the Epworth Leagues gave $15,000 to Missions. Rev, Jones dealt with the whole work of t he League and how. if they tvol'k, the League will adyaace, lie spoke at some 1011g1l► of the For- tran' Movement that Dr. l!'. C. Stephen- son had male such a success, The reading circle and the social evening were important in the the. The ye'hal reports of Sunday School work in the District from the delegates showed that they were in it flourisIieg condition and that good trod( was being 1101)0. Dr, Euune'sorl, of Goderich, not be- ing able to attend (tut'. ,31r, Curry, of L011(lesbol'o, took the subject "The Teachers' Preparation of the Sunday School Lesson," The teachers should be chosen carefully and those who flus to prepare their lesson sin against (lid and than, Some teache'slstudy as they go to Sunday School,- while sonl0 do not, study at all, \Vhat a teacher should (10, (1) Love the cause for it de - mantis time 1111d patience, (2) Study the lesson before you tench it, (13) slake a systorrlatie study, beginning at the first, of tile week, The way to study the lesson suggested by a noted writer is to take a pencil and paper and two 1)11)108 ; ono for the lesson and the second one for reference, and then write the ques- tions that the children would lltely ask and answer them. The teacher must prey for strength to have the power to give tho lesson to their pupil. A discussion took place on the sub- jects gi\'en by ReVN, JOIIOS I111d Chi'l'l' after which the afternoon meeting was closed by singing the Doxology and the dolegate8 repaired to 1 b hospitable homes of the Methodist people of Blyth, Tho evening sea8ioll opened at 7.80 the Blyth pastor conducting the open- ing services, After a seleutiop front the church choir stet', Mr, Jolliffo, of Clinton, arldrossed the Convention or. "Tho influence and power of the IIoly Spirit," which w1t8 greatly enjoyed 113 the audience. In the absence of Rev. 31r. Steadman, of liaylield. Hiss Moser and Mr, Wilford muttered 1t duet in good yoke. Rev, I)r, Stet,hencutt, 111' \veli kuutvll promoter of the forward 3lovenlellt, tvit8 not, able to attend and his place wits lakeu bs' Rey, It \W, 11'oudstvoir1, of Towle \vita dealt trenah,•ntly with the vital question of "Christian St.etv;11dship." 110 appealed for it rally round the banner of system- atic giving. A Iirmo 8010 was sung by Norman \lurch (111)1 w'as a fitting close to an evening of spiritual enjoyment, FRIDAY SI;SS1o\S. 1i, fly morning. the session opened at 9.1., wit 11 the usual devotional exer- cises, '1 hen followed 1111 address on "The relation of 1110 Sunday School to tho Eptyorth League" by stet'. JI r, Curry. 13. A,, of \\'niton, [t. ryas fall Of good things. 31r, Million, of Gude- ri,'h. introduced the inlportlult. topic '.The value of Decision Day and the hest tnet boil of co11duct.iug it," an inter- esting discussion following. A splen- did and replete 11(ldhe,1 was given by Alfred Llntield, of Nile, on ''The Ep• worth League as a Missionary F'01 ce." "Tho Epworth League its 1111 Evauige- listle force" was briefly hill pointedly dealt with by Rev. 11', E, Kerr, of Clinton. A number of practical point- ers were submitted in the discussions. Session closed by Rev. \V, 11. Graham, It A,, of Goderich, pronouncing the Benediction. Afternoon 80881011 opened with sing- ing and prayer by Rev. A, K. (Birks, L. L. 11., of S ((forth, who is chairman of the District, Reports from the otii• ('e1'8 of the District organization were given which, on the whole, showed in• creaked growth, larger missionary giv- illgs (111(1 real practical work. Rev, 31r, Clement, of Goderich, gavo 1t 00111- prchensivo address on "The Sebbnth 8011001 literature, its uationill, doc- trinal and moral influence." 31r. Cie - meta fil ed tho bill. An open Confer- ence on Summer Schools for 1907 was Introduced by Rev. W. 11, Graham and an animated discussion followed, A resolution was slurried empowering the Executive to tweet the Executive of Wiugharu 1)istrict as to holding a joint Summer School next Summer Alpert Wilford favored the audience with a c11uice solo. Hiss Carr presented the report of the Resolution Committee, It dealt with the distribution of the bal. once of the money from the "Stolle'' yacht .und. turning it over to the For- ward Movement, Advised the holding of it District Sumner School ; revon1- mended the securing of photos of 11ev, T. G. Barlow, 31 issionery rat Clltyo- (Wet, 13, C,. who i3 assigned to 0 ode• rich District Leagues to support, and League asked to secure ono for their church ; also that arrangenleets be made with 31r. Marlow for a quarte 1y letter, copies of the slime to be sent to 0(10.11 League and to the Dist riot press, A strong resolution was passed cine �lemniug tho three fifth ulojority de - mended by the present Local Option Law and Leaguers asked to press the Legislature for 111e removal of the obs j,'ctional clause. All were passed by the Convention, "'l'he importance of Ep• worth League reading course and hest method to cowl net it" Was the 101110 iu• tl'Odnc(d by Rev. A. H. Brown, of Varlet, Ile gavo many practical hints of value, Rev. Jnr. \Woodsworth gave the last address, the subject being "Christian Stewardship," lie was 11111011 at 1101110 011 t10 theme. A large and interested audience as- sembled at the evening meeting, Rev. E 0 Powell led in the opening ser- vices After President Reid had spoken briefly the Business Committee's report WAS pr08Notp(1 by 11oe, \V, E. Kerr. The officers for next year were introduce(( as follows :—Hon. Presi- dent, Rev, A. It. 13irks, I,. L. 13., Spa- fortl; ; President, Rev, J, C Reid, 13, A., Nilo ; 1st Vine, Miss K Swann, lfolmesville ; 2nd Vice, Al iss 13. (Greene, Clinton ; 8rd Vice, Miss 13. Carr, I3l,yth; 1th Vice, 11.1.v. U, N. limen, Goderich ; `eh Vice, hiss A. Brownell, ,SeatfortIs Secretary. Hiss 31. A, Bailie, Nile ; Treasurer, 31iss A. 13u11, Lou(leshoro ; Con'f, Jioprespntativ8, Ret', 11. E. Curry. Tho church choir .flat\; a good anthem. W, 1I Kerr, of Brussels, gave an address on Sabbath School effort. \V, Marland, of Clinton, sang "1\'leve is heaven" in his usual able planner. Rev, ale, \Voodsworth deliv- ered the third address on "Christian Stewardship," drilling with "God's challenge" ; .1. Leslie Kerr rendered a choice solo "Angel Land," Af 0r hearty totes of thanks were passed to the Myth people for their hospitality ; the Billet ting Committee for tlleex- cellent way they did their part ; and to the President for his efficient manner in which he did his work, A. 'I', Cooper, of Clinton, was introduced and dealt out hot shot on the Temperance question of the (sly, relating to Local Option, Mr. Harland's second solo was "Jesus Saviour pilot 1110," which was appreciat- ed "Goll bo with you till me meet ngaiu" and the Benediction by Rev 31t•, \Voods,vortll, brought the most successful convention ever held in Goderich District to a conclusion, SLRE1'L1.SSNRSS, Disorders of the stomach prr(luCe n nervous condition foul often prevent sleep, (lhaulberlain''s !stomach and Liver Tablets stimulate the digestive organs, restore the system to a healthy condition and make sleep possible, For sale by all druggists, NNW arommom No. 32. . . spring . Millinery Opening FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARJH 22 and 23rd AND FOLLOWING DAYS Every woman who has the desire to know and see what Millinery Paris, London, New York and Toronto will wear this season is invited to come Friday and Saturday and view the best and largest display the store has ever made. As the rainbow promises to n►ankind cessation of the rainfall, and the robin foretells the sure coming of spring, so Cham6zrs' Spring mlllineril Opening will be seoopted as announcing the commenoement of a new season, and promises, as well as leadership in display and se- lection, bettermenton even our own past best. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. Mir Why Is It ? W\'ithin two month, the Canada (%isle N.: Motor Co., Ter• •oto ,1 'nn'ion, has dw'w upon the Cr:x'rnnt.l3as1atss Cot.t,1:s10 f '1' 'r"ntc, for f tut' tnu.'g men for ollb'e work, 'J'%n are today g ging good serveand getting good salaries, Why a Our ct- talogu'' gives the re %ons, Yours on request, r■tsoserinemsmageint IlL1"1'ii 8011OOL IIE('Ott 1', The following is the report. of Blyth Public School for the Mouth of Feb- II. class ; Pt. A— ruary. ! Third class— jd°\Willie Burling147 T. 1fcL'aughlin 9i P. McCaughey 145 E, Wettlaufer 91 Vester Bell 185 George Sloan 88 James Hirons 184 \Visite Copp 80 Doris Scott 119 J. McCaughey 71 Cres. Anderson109 Annie Mains 70 Maggie Carter 108 Elva Fawcett 59 It1ts. G idlev 101 *Goo, Burling 44 L Wettlaufer 98 The number of asterisks is the num- ber of examinations missed. DIV, NO, III, class— Eva Henderson it. McKenzie Prod liitggitt Ithoda Phillips (i. K01•naghan Alex Butler Meryl Gerry Philip Willows Annie Robertson .Norman Holtzhanor Mary Milne John Cowan Freda Turner lays No. 1, Son iors— EIltTaylor 89) Anni„ Straw'\ 8818 Evva St"1 hers 311 Emile l 1,\oh1 252 Wilfred Weir 312 11yrtle Phillips 212 I11ter111011 tes- 11urinl Chill Into 3135 Erie, Anderson 239 Dottie Coteau 181 Jltn'nrs— 'l'. Edm°,ton 317 It ,v D''nhnlin 182 Art. 'ninthly!' 275 Grace Stewart 179 Pearl (11118)n 191 31 yrtle Morris 120 Clat'a Copp 18;, Wes. Campbell 91 111V, No, 2, Entrance dos.— Anti). \Walls (Is)280 Hazel 13011/1011 183 3ly'rtle Nicol 213 *13 Anderson 178 tete 11 1?st11cr \sell 171 Emma Leith 21352;1 •',101,1) I':n►igl 68 Gladys Cut 282 ��`'E. Campbell .1 (.,uulp sn 05 Fourth (Mass - 31,1 Ina Loon Scotr. 178 Anil'et' Coombe 1UU Jili011111 119 \\'altel. Cotvah Leila Be_ ley 1), Tierney Eva 318il18 L. Eva. :llaryl, (hurter I''lot% 'Ira m11 n C. Anderson Edger Bexley 110 65 (1(l 1)0 ,16 ,13 35 22 03 02 Elmer Nevins 99 Laura Johnston 81 Stanley CIIeIIow 86 Al. Johnston 81 ‘poli ie (loon ti3 'n L. Woitaltfer 0d •1, \I (1(Ji(15))1) 115 63 *"1t'uninliennedy37 `r(.race (;°oddity 12 Lena Burling Willie White Elute Cook Mena Barr G. Holtzhauer May Robertson Vary Potter Henry Johnston Minnie Fawcett, Leslie McElroy Annie Houghton Etnma Taman Wilford Nivins Annie Butler Eddie Mains Redgie Carter H. class ; Pt, B— llsio Fawcett \''erne. Johnston Katie Habl(irk Edgar Cowan Bertio McElroy Willie Anderson Tommy Murray Effie Rath Curry Campbell Berta Stothers DIV. NO, 4. Jr, 1I,— \\'illie Carter Lorne Burling Earl Taylor Daisy Mason Willie Taman Pt. I1,— Carrie Silas Pearl Haulm S Adios Andrews John 1311tint' Nolles Anderson Pt, i.— Elsie lioltzhauer 11 trvey \lasou Stewart Cowan 1IahoI11111 Harvey Nivins ) Grace Habkirk Charlie Potter Prod Mason Mary 'Mo31 nrchie Carrie Detnpsey Earl McElroy Willie Hamm George Eaton Wilson Rath Willie Kennedy Luella Cook Susie Phillips Spring Term Begins April 1st During January and F. bruary the 1Wingham Business 'College had t tent.3-live times a- ninny calls for Srenographerp, Telegraphers, Book. kueperts nod Coo i. g:' T.••tch. rs as we had graduates to send. Attend•tnee 18 rat .%,tl s •,mallei•\ during April, May and Juno, consequently each et u'lent gets more Individual attention, This is the best term of the year f 'r the student, Learn of the sut (10s' of our graduates by writing for a handsome eats. locate of the— Best Actual Business School in Ontario '('Ile "b tekward" 'hl' "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student Is In. wowed at his own de k by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher, Graduates guaranteed situations. Elver any time. WINGI1M I BUSINESS COLLEGE (Affiliated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL ThAW'S MIND CLOUDED "mare clatsunt" by neutralizing the etrnits, Thereby the 'Kaiser It to st't it effective protection for the German coast, end particularly for the port of WAGN[R. Diel, Meanwhile Germany has acquired u solid commercin1 footing in Denmark ! without attracting much attention abroad, Lnst year the German imparts into Denmark amounted to 220,(100,1111(1 kroner, out of a total of 11110,000,001) kroner. ,Some 1,200 German commercial houses are represented in Denmark, Mrs. Wm. Thaw and May MacKenzie to Testify --Battling Nelson Present. New York, March I1. ---Rattling Nelson, the pugilist, was the centre of attraction in the court taunt wilert: harry K. Thaw is on trial fur his life today, drawing the entire attention of the spectators up to the time the defendant was called to the bar and Justice Fitzgerald hard taken his place on the beach. Nelson was accompanied by his malinger, \Vil• 5e "t , seats s Inctwooulted t ' m :Volar ► and c u a juet behind the prisoner. In anticipation of a continuance of the dry expert testimony, the general public renta.itaal away from the trial, empty scats again being the rule.. Thaw once more came to court laden down with letters, which continue to pour in to the Tombs from all quarters of the globe. Practically- all of the let• ters are in praise of the defendant and he Manifestly takes great sntisfactiou in reading thein, Dr. Charles G. Wagner, of Bingham- ton, who has been under cross-examina- tion since Monday afternoon, was again called to the stand this morning, and District -Attorney Jerome began to ply him with questions regarding '.Shaw's will and the codicil. Dr. Wagner elaid he believed that when '\'haw wrote the section of his will pro- viding for o.. fund tor the prosecution of any one who might take his life, he had enough intelligence to know that murder was prohibited by law. 1)r. Wagner said that Thaw's mind was clouded at the time nod (lid not have as clear an idea of such matters as ;t nnin who was wholly sane, but that it was clear en- ough to be able to appreciate that the tnking of a human life was a crier(, "Doctor, when this defendant stood up to be married oil the sante day tbnt will was signed, did he know what he was doing?" asked Mr. ,Jerome, "I don't think his mind was entirely clear." "Was it clear enough to understand be was getting married?" "Tess he understood it." The long delayed testimony of 'Airs. 11'illia11l '.l'ltuw will probably he reeelied in the Thaw trial tt 'lav, JEROME DEFIED JUDGE. Refused to Submit Authorities on Point of Issue. New work. 'larch 11.-- While decid- edly dull in the matter of the testimony elicited from the 11'ittwes, yesterday's ars,i11n w'u� 1)01(1(2 uut.able by a dash between District Attorney Jerome and ,lustier 1'itzgernl(I, at the climax of which the prosecuting officer refused point blank to cite 10 the court the authori- ties upon which he %vas predicating an a11!1)111(nt. '•i have such a high respect for courts." said he, "that I will not. sub - /nit authorities 1)u a queetiun of law which is so (It 11191 l ilt character, and upon ehic11 the authorities arc so atm - (hint that 1 iiit•t presume the learned court know: of them." \\"jilt flushed face and :t sharp rap of Itis remit, Justice Fitzgerald sae!. that if the District At((1'In'1' did not submit the hr did not knew of Jul}`. \1r. Jerome he did not. know of any, IIr, Jerome dill not, submit the eutltroiti '. and Justice Fitigera!tl ruled in favor of the defence on the pint :It isle, which briefly Mated was the gee -firm (is to whether the State on crus. -examination should be allowed to r;„ further with an expert, dem counsel for the defence had been allowed to go upon direct, exainin- ni ion. I)ist'iet :At tomes Jerome concluded his eros -examination et I)r. \\'agner. at 12.43 p. n. 1)r. \Vaguer was asked but a few quos• tion, on re -direct all re-4russlexanlina- tion, and finally excused at 12.50 p, nt,, Ilnlcllcnn recess wee ordered. llr \Villiain '1 haw mill take the stand this afterlloplr, [IGIITING IN ST. PETERSBURG. Opening of Douma Occasion for Revolutionary Demonstration. Another Massacre Might Easily Have Been Precipitated. Prefect Dispersed Procession by Im- posing Array of force. St. Petersburg, March 11,—The open- ing to -day of the Douutn or lower Hulse of the Russian Parliament, although in itself devoid of incident, was made the occasion of a great revolutionary demon- stration by the St. Petersburg prole- tariat and the 'students of the city, which resulted in several encounters be- tween the police and the populace and more or less serious injury to a num- ber of the latter. The situation was ditch that the authorities were finally forced to fill the streets with military patrols, as in the days of the Trepoff regime. After the adjournment of the stssieu of the House, a tumultuous crowd of about forty thousand with red banners flying, and accompanied by the music ut revolutionary chants, started, like the followers of lather (.lapol, on Juiu- ary '�, 1905, toward the central quar- ter of the city, where the winter pal- ace of the Emperor is located, Few ele- ments of the prelude of "lied Sunday" Were lucking, and the command "Fire" would have precipitated a similar mas- sacre. 13ut the present prefect of St. Petersburg, General Drnclteffski, follow- ed another course, and dispersed the procession by charged of mounted gen- darmes orated with whips, and by an imposing display of force he presented the deuiuust•uturs from re-forming, During the duy the police guarding Lite Tauride Palace acted with great for- bearance, giving the spectators a tree reit in e1ugiug unll cheering, and wily interfering t1., prevent the people from forcing their way into the palace. When the Deputies emerged after the adjournment of the aeseiou the temper of the crowd was fired by several speeches from' social revolutionary mem- hers, after which the vast concourse be- , win to move slowly deem the broad 'ourehstudtskaia avenue, stopping at intervals to Bate!' to speeches and to sing songs. In the meanwhile the authorities had hastily concentrated a strung force of gendarmes, which charged the head of the procession when it reached the Lite• !ny prospect, one of the nruin business avenues of the city. The gendarmes plied their whips vigorously,, and in one asp need the flats of their sabres, The crowd attempted to retysemble in front of the ih'tention Prison, where hundreds of politiel1 prisoners are core tined, and nftaln in front of the general court building, where the political trials are held, but In each instance it Was dis- persed. The gelid:trine: by this time had been reinforced by dt'lnthnients of the creek Chevalier Guards, who galloped hither and thither clewing the roadway amid curses of derision from the sidewalks. Finally 0 large force of Cassocks, arra- ed Ivith lances, arrived in sight. The spiteful, red•pe11nuned weapons, which never before have been brought out in street demonstrations, took all the heart out of the crowd. Another monster demonstration was held at the university to celebrate the victory of revolutionary democracy," The quay along the Neva and the streets iit the neighborhood of the anis lersily were densely packed, but there was no interference by troops or police, who arrived on the scene in strong fusee only after the demonstration had conte to au clot, It was learned to -night that Premier Stolypin in order to diminish Itis chances of possible assassination would spend the night in the '1(111ride Palace, and it is understood that he has taken a suite of rooms in a wing of the palace which he will occupy as long as 1'a.rlinment is ill session. RIFLES HAD BAD SIGHTS, Criticism of Government at Rifle Ascociation, Toronto, :March 11.—Lieut,-C'o1. W. C. \Itudeettld presided ntthe annual meet- ing of the. (titlark) Rifle Association yes• today. I1 was stated by a member that young shots were discouraged itt their poor showing, when the fault WILS really with the Lee-Enfirld rill:, while com- petitors in rifle inetchrs invariably used the; best arms obtainable. There was some discussion 118 to debarring private nrllls: The diffieulty of getting a rifle ec,nde'rned 11.18 emphasized, and it was suggested that there should be repair headquarters at the ranges. Lieut. I'nin, of -the 13th, hfnniilton, and ('apt, Skeddeu, 91st, were appointed on the council, TO CLOSE BALTIC SEA. Kaiser Hopes to Protect His Coast by Neutralizing Straits. London. lfarelt 11. - The '1':n►es' corre- spondent, at Paris cables that he received 1(1 -day from n trustworthy source :throw' certain informn.tion of n serious notate. It is that one consequence of the. predolninent 110911 )0 Cernluny hos acquired in .I)entunl•h promises to be all attempt to (lose the. Rnitie Sen to for- eign fleets. Towards this grave modifi- cntion of Ow statue quo in Europe Ger- many is working, tooth and nail, under the very eyes of the other interested European stairs, Watch 8(11111 iidpless 1n htl pr nerve of the vigorous efforts being mole by that power, 'Theft 18 reason to believe the despatch of the British fleet in the. Battle tun profoundly in- censed the German l:'nlperor, who luta eve' Pince been steadily pursuing 1Ile end lir is now nn the high rood to attain, namely, the Making of the Baltic It CHURCH AND LABOR. PRESBYTERY OF TROY AFFILIATED WITH AMERICAN FEDERATION. One of Most Popular Clergymen in City Chosen as Delegate—Attends Meet- ing of Federation and Takes Part in Discussion. . Neel York, Matadi 11. --The Herald has r,','oived the fuliowing despatch front Schenectady; The I'r(,bylet't' of Tru}. La, been iiiuniztd. ';'ills is believed to be the first instance on record where ::n orEganization of churches has he- cunle affiliatetd with the aluerican led• oration til Leber, :111(1 (drivel' members in this section 111 the State are Watch. ing +vitt hill interest the result of the esperinlenl, J'hc actio: of the 'Troy Presbytery is in line with the pulley of the. Presby- terian Cheryl' 1n the I"nitell States of America, \Ihicti. it is said, is the first denomination to recognize organized labor in an official Ivey. It has or- ganized it special department of church and labor, lull IV ill do all in its Mower 10 elevate and improve the condition of the w'urkillgnll11l, The Tiny frees}'tory has affiliate<t with the ('enlrtd sideration of Labor of Troy :old has chosen 118 itS dt'Iegate the Hey. :\, l', Sewall, of the Second Street I're,byleri:tn Church, one of the most prominent and popular clergymen in the city. Dr. Sewall is a regular at- tendant at iile nu'etiugs of the Preterm• tine and takes an aetiye part in the (1isc11•1,1n118. TWO -POWER STANDARD WILL STILL BE MAINTAINED IN BRITISIi NAVY. Channel Fleet Now Stronger Than in Igor— Home Squadron Furnishes Additional Security Against Risk of Invasion—The Building Records. London, March i1. --in intro(luring the nifty estimates in the Iiouse of ('oil - mons tu-duy the Parliamentary Secre- tory of the Admiralty believed that the two -power standard would be adequately maintained by the proposed 'programme for construction. During the past ten years Great Britain had added 1,132,2011 tons to her navy, while Russia, franca and Germany together had added only 1,108,280 tons, Tile British navy was the cheapest, costing $445 per tun, 'l'11at of France cost $620, Jtussia $4111, nn(1 Germany $485. Two scant hence (lrtat Britain will have completed six new battleships, including three of the Drendnoughtciase and three nrn►ored cruisers of the In- vincible class, while neither France nor Germany would have at single ship of those types completed. The horse fleet was n Ingieal development of its eon• euilrntion in hone waters and furnished additional security against the remote risk of invei81011. 'Jite cluuulel fleet was stronger now thrill it was in 1905, KINGSMILL REPRIMANDED, Captain of Dominion Adjudged Guilty of Negligence. London, March 11.—At the Dominion court-martial, which w'118 continued at Chatham to -dray, Captain Kingsmill 1)e• cla'ed that, although it was certain that if the course had been slurped half a mile farther from the Souris light the ship would not have grounded, yet un- der the conditions prevailing nt the time the course set, Appeared to be the safe one. An allowance of two miles woe made for the i0druught into Cnscapedia Bay. ile personally satisfied himself that every precaution for the safe navigation of the ship wits being token before he went to his caLin. Other evidence went to show that n forest fire, mistaken for the Souris light, aid the .smoke from it which blew over the real Souris ligllt,d Masking the hind and completely obscuring the Pitspchiue light, were the immediate causes of the grounding, Captain Kingsmill and Lieut. Nonke, the navigating officer, were nd judged guilty of negligence nail severely reprint• ended. Lieut. Clarkson was acquitted, 1)•m QUEEN AIDS DANCER. Gives Patronage to Benefit for Loie Fuller and Attends Performance. Poria, March 11,-- A delight fill story of Queen Alexandra's self-sacrifice in the ent1sc of kindness and nto•ey is told In ronneetinn with Der Majesty's recent slay herr, 1t seems that a letter was sent to her lfujesty, calling attention to the ease of Laic huller, the fimntts (lancer, who hod fallen on evil times owing to illness, The dancer wits to slake a reappearance nt the Hippodrome, and it wase suggested flint the ruynl patronage would hrfp her greatly, Every moment of the 9ueen'8 time was already filled by prearranged engage - molts, but iter ,\[n jnsty cancelled severlt1 engagements and went, to the hippo- drome, POLICEMAN out doubt, to the normal effect of the llrigg election, the reduction of the Llboral majorities in A1a:rilecel and KILLS BUR6AR. Northenet 1)'erbyshire, and the 1'ro- groaesivu and Socialist rout in London, TROUBLE WITII FIREMEN. Attempt to Reduce the Brigade at Paris Resented, Brantford drspaleh: 'Photo is a row on between the Paris fire brigade and the'I'utvn Council. '1'h0 Council deter- mined upuu cutting the fire brigade from fifty to twenty-five men, and the oleo, believing I tveuty•five to be too small a number, have threatened reeignatiun rather than submit. Last night the firemen held a meeting, tit which they were to sell the billiard and pool tables, which they owned. 'Tile Mayor sent word that the tables were the properly of the Paris fire bri- gade, and not of the amen, and ordered the Chief of Police to prevent their re- inilvnl from tl:e rooms. The firemen se- cured legal advice, nn11 were informed that, as they had paid, for the tables, they could do what they pleased with them, and forthwith they curaac ed their removal from the rooms, The chief was reinforced by the May- or and town solicitor, and the rooms, were forcibly closed, the resident fire• 1111'tt being (11lipellell to seek Inlleillgs Encountered Two M n Robbing a Store. One Attacked Policeman and Was Shot Dead. Constable's head Battered With a Brass Coupling' Thi(Ittlo, \1nrclt 11.- At 11.15 o'clock this morning .Patrolman Cornelius Buckley while making his rounds value to the ship -chandlery of Roadie & Aloore, at 158 Ohio street and foald the door un- fits tened. Ile iuyrtigalc(1. but -Ir 1101 sn< pi(1011s, and came I1) the ronclusiun ihat the dour had been hit open by accident. Ile went to the putrid box and repelled to the station honk and Ives 11)1(1 ter go back and find a bill -head of the firm in the (iffier That the desk sergeant alight keine whom le. notify, Jlul'klry wed. beck tail was sta•rh- ing a'uul,l in the office 11 hen he heard voices :ld 51111' (WU leen slick up throngs t sash t,•, 1 b door. IIr drop- ped like a flash behind a desk and the two men entered. They walked quick• ly over to a corner. whirr they evident• ly had piled a heap of brasses 10 be carted away. Buckley then emerged with a drawn revolver :old one of the 'Wren, Charles ]ticket', bent hint neer the head with :1 bras; coupling. Buckley dropped ltickcy dead with 11 Phut, in the abdomen. The Miler man fled, Buckley steggered out In the pa. 1 rol box, for his heal. was severely bat- tered, and notified the station house. Ile nn►bultn(e was hurried to the spot, Ind the robber 11118 dead. 11 w'119 80010 time before the IN,liee identified hire as Charles Rickey, Ile has a puliee reeclyd, J'hn robbere evidently iied entered the place 11'it11 a key nod hn11 carried away one loud of plunder. They were gone when 13tickley fount the door upon and were returning for a second load when they were intern►pl<sl. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, Provincial Convention Opened at Brant- ford—A Big Banquet, Brant ford (despatch: The sec'nnd tri• ennial Provincial convention of the ltnighl c of the 11aten.hee3 of the World opened in this city to-day.'ith over two hundred delegates in attend: t ee from all parts o1' lhtted°. i'roe'edittgs to -day were of a routine n(11ilres llnyor litw'lby, on Betel' of the tits, delivered an n(1 - dr( ss of welcone. Provinejnl Commander 5, 11'. 'I'risler, of ('tutllttchie, presided, The afternoon was spent in organization, The feature tonight was a largely• attendell banquet at \'icloria. Hltll, nt w'hdell the delegntee heard eulogistic speeches from the officers and prominent members. The officers in charge are: Provincial Past Commander, \V. :AI, -\1e- Cleitont, Hamilton; Provincial Com- mander, S. 1V. '1'rusler, Canlachie; Pro- Iincinl Lirntemint Commander, W. R. Colby, Telndon t Provincial Record Beeper, George 11. 'Townsend. Pro- vincial Sergeant. W. 11'. awhile, 'Trenton; Provincial M. Iib, .1.. George 1[urray, \Vindsor; Provincial First AI. C,, V, 13, 1Veher, Merlin; I'rovinrial ,Second M. G., J. S, Found, Corrie; 1'ro'ineial (Sentinel, CUR Ante, 'Intuition; Provincial Picket, J, 'I'itterson, Peterboro, se•♦ CLAIRVOYANT WON SUIT. The Spirit of Dead Mother Spoke Through Medium. 14iverpoo1, llarclt 11: --`'Thr, bring bnek the spirits of the dead a niodiunt must herself experience the agonies of death," said :Mrs, White, a cluirvoy ant, in the (ou'se of the hearing of n' suit in court here today in which she wets the defendant. She explained that she had not only felt hot llu'uet cut while following her profession, but had also passed through all the horrors of hanging. The proscc11101 MUNI to r'eeiver a. 811111 of money paid to Airs. 1Vhite under the belief that the spirit of his dead ioblier, speaking through the medium, bade ]lila give the money for spiritualistic pur- poses, The Court ruled in favor of Mrs, White on the ground that her services had evi- dently given great comfort to the plain- tiff. m.aov.av BRITISH LORDS SAFE, The Imperial Government Han Modified Its Intention, •Lond011, Murch 11.—The innincerlty of the Government's nitu'k nu the noise Lords becomes continually more tip- rent, When gtoltioned to -day in the Mouse of Clommens as to when the Government was guilig In submit pro- posals to cut their Lordships' claws, Sir Henry Ca:nlpbellqliauunorhnam1 Milo Prime Minister, evtuled the issue, pleading that the financial proposals likely to ubsorh it large part of Ie 'labors of the }louse for some time to come, The Standard today any, there is good reason to believe that the Gov- ernment 1►n.s seriously modified its in- tention in regard to the house of Lords, Large numbers of Liberals, who were formerly x1810118 to promote agitation in the v1) nary ugninrit the tippler I[ouee, have conplef,ely alte•ttl their tone, 'J'llis ciretun::tlu:ce i.; flue, Iyith- 1'1('40'11 t'1'1•. ENTIRE BOARD HELD. New York Central Directors Must Face Charge in Connection With Wreck. New fork, March 11._ -The Coroner's }cry, which has been investigating the wreck of Feb. 111 1111 the New Tort ('en- trnl Railroad in the Bronx, as a result of which 23 persons suet death. returned n, verdict twilight, finding "that the New fork ('entrltl and Hudson River Railroad ('nmpany did net take all the necessary preeaIdions to gllau•d its pass- engers at this point, and, consequently, were culpably negligent, and that the responsibility for the existing condition seems to be divided between the eon• sIruetion and operating; departments,,, The (enemy,. ann,11nced that he would) hold the entire Board ref Directors 111 the New Tort ('entre!, and also the President, and would parole them instil to -morrow morning nt Id o'clock, when he would accept hail: Ile declined to say what charge would be laid, TEMPERATE VERMONT, Less Than Score of Towns and Cities Vote for License. Burlington, Al,. Math 11—Tho strong sentiment against liquor selling, which has been a narked feature of the ,March eleitiins in Vermont since the prohibitory Iaw, wits agrtin manifest today, less than a score Of towns vot- ing in favor of license. In the elections held n month after the relied of the law in 1903, ninety- two vides and towns voted in favor of license. According to returns rlx'eivcd at a late hour tonight, only two cities and twelve towns were recorded to- day as favoring the sale of liquor (lure, ing the coming year. ♦.♦ LED RESCUE PARTY. Woodstock Man Saves Detroit Motorman From Car Wreck, Detroit, llfich., March 11.—A 'Wood- ward car crashed Into another car of the sante line last night near the Michigan Oeutral's station. The voeetibule of the second car was badly broken, The stove was overturned and the debris caught fire. The moturmtul, Earl Dodge was pinned in the w-rty'kuge, and but for the prompt efforts of Joseph Bo* of Wood- stock, Ont,, a goers of the Wayne Ilotel nearby, who led • the by•etnntlers in Dodge's rescue, the latter would have been badly burned, As it is he is seri- ously hurt. A slippery track was she cause of the aceident. CATTLE LICKED THE POWDER, Death of a Number of Animals Near Odessa Explained. Kingston, March 11.-1)r, lligginson, Dominion veterinary inspector, was hero front Ottawa in,legnrll to 1111 Alleged outbreak of disease nni)ng cuttlt near Wessel. In company with local vcter- inaricls he visited the place and one of the local doctors on questioning farmer found that he had been rubbing some poisonous powder into the animal's skin, The poison went through the eynleril of the cattle owing to their lick- ing habit, and some of them died. LATE ARCHDEACON VINCENT. Death of a Pioneer Missionary of Prince Then the Patrol. \'innip(g, Marv!) 11,- -word was re, cen'ed here that Archdeacon Vincent, one of the greatest pioneer missionaries in the history of the diocese! of Report's Land, died at Albany January 20th from cold shock, ale retired four yelu(s lige and lived nt Stonewall, neer this city, Ittilwent to do sono brief, inksiona'v work at Chaplelul, Ont. From mere he made up his hind to visit ills old field, the Ilio• eerie of ,Moonmiee, in the James Bay dist= trice, never to return. Ile married his second wife when he wits 08 years Old. TRAIN RUNS INTO CUTTER./ Mrs, Moore, of Point Alexander, Instant. ly Killed, Pembroke, Afurcll 1 I,- -'.1'110 11'inuipei train, coming went this' evening, ran into a tenni of horses and cutter belonging to Abraham '.I'lu•anhrr, t)1, Iteuyh11urg, (:et, 1)110 of the ma:uplulle, Jars, ,Moore, of Point Alexander, (tl(t„ wee( killed out- right, Mr, 'Thrasher had an arm broken, nod rttelytd n Intl .4lial;in„ up, TIN horses were killed, DE WAS TOO STIFF. 1tOW I.AMARTINE SQUARED AC- COUNTS WITH BULOL, The recou1 appuintnic11 yl 1L 1''1811 ' ('latrine.- as lditer•iu-ellief of let Revue des deux .\lonles 11115 revived a x11;111 er .If eregll,ltes completing former elilses Iii this great periedieal, says 'I'rnns,tl'anlie I'mlr.•, Ilio el Giese Irlel(r4 In 1. epee. rine p 11 - rine end is pailiculdFIy I'Imnl1'une 011!n7, founder 111111 eilltul' ul Ln Rvue, Was by no 10 111, crl'brale1 fol' :his gellll'nsi11' 111 (ullll'Ih111n1',, (Lao' day, „ewe 1.‘• afll'r tie uubl1(at1un 111 "I.I•s (iiremlins," ;11141 (elide the Ii11'rary llorld teas ringing 111111 lilt' fume .,f i1- grral. :111111111, I)ul11z tl!(1d un kiln ;MI t:ke,i Ilial 11) 11'1111' nn articl0 1°,1.hi, magazine. I unmrlinr cun,eute,l, hal staled that he could net lute it re:lh fur some Neches, Ihlltlz, leering that this \'ns nu 5 1111 eMose end 1h:11 111 svllt!d 11111'1' gel the n IC ! IIII'r11 I.❑IIIIII`illle :111 mllta111'1', I1 ,,I hoppeu,d ilial 11) melee' ,las in mest r;t Iota til , n1l l francs u tied tiille, 11111 he •n IIIfe11111,1 I!It' l'llllnl', 11'hn :11 oee hit nd(;I I,ytl• the mole►•, Three ulo11tll, jaler he t.Ille.l Lontartine's ;it - tent ion t•teniioll to the fact that the cent rilooion 11x1! n'I 1,'; 1111n rel"'iyl,I. II 3v11:1In. Wl:r1 all' 111:111f 18I7. mill the ;;I'';ti 011- 1 hor u•11'1' votive lithe 11, ir'lll tics. "11'lii r Voll :111 \(,Jilin; 1111' Ila mill els, fru rale fur a 111111' 1„I,•,u 1 have here''" he :I,I;t',! liuluz. Ile cot to=i t (ic,l ll} replje'1 in 1 he a f - I i rnrU i VP. Months 111 1,T, when 1-anatth ie 11,111 h(• 1'1'+1111' .\Illll,lel' 111 I'',reirot Affairs, Iltd 1% aa;aju called upon. hint 1.1 remind 111211 of the premised contribution. ''11111 full •1'1' Illy pn•11I'11L" Ise nlilllrlor,"11rw 1)1'-1. 1 11111!" 11111111' t•oWnr d. 'lint, t'ilizeil Illilli•Ie1'.:I (el`I.li11 tllll„nut f IIIr1111'y WII, ;elven. 011 .1111 11(1 interests (if 1111• nllmrazilie Ian lot permit 111f' le. -” "111:5 ulnen 11:1; it ?" "felt I II,le.01111 Iran(• " I.unuu'lin1' Ti 1. This ,Imla', ,if nt'lla'1 I'r,nl Ihr till:aPr :hull 1:1111 i1 111. 11; 1111' desk, '1111' e1lil,lr, lee%He'r, 104441 .uulewhat 1'nitarrase•il, \\'ell, t1k11 more hill 1 111 fol Vnn' 1"(i11 have V1111' "1'111 fact j'. 1 us,,. 3(11 1111' .1 small puce,." •Uh! 'That's n,11 w ,111) 111(111,"nils,. I'll Make :o11 a present of il." 0111(17 dr11V himself np h:ulr llliiy. "citizen minister, I,:I lirvin 44 1)0118 :\1"11.11"! 11111'., 1111t 111'0'11t 111'1'v'Itt=. 11'111- 11111(11 1111 1 1111' 51111?" ails 5111, if volt iul•t'(n'• 1:1 nl:u'tint', dryly, n:"he lush 111, Ib,' form' that -:11111 V0pl:u'el tb.'nl in Ill di':1w'r. •'IPe VIA Pall it squtu'e," 11) 31,r1.1.11 **lb 1[IS MAJESTY OF CAMBODIA. Novel Decorative Scheme of the Latest Parisian Lion, Sisowath has a sepia cienpdesinn brightened en yellow, and rather thiel; lips, says London 'Truth, ()there is" he alight pas., for :1 European with ,t "po- tato" face, His 04 years and the vapor hath climate of his kingdom have not re• hexed the fibre nl' his well -knit erect fig- ure, w ilil•h is teat of a pocket I11'rl'ules, for he is short, Ile and all the upper crust courtiers of both sesc,s wear the sane sert of patent leather ,!Incl, ,how- ing 0 geed deal of the betel; silk stuck• ings between the tippers and the ankle slrleps, which ore fastened with bnehies. The Kim;': lard:lei are richly jeweled, those 1)I' the favorites less richly, and 1,1180 of the suite in silver, At, home they all thrust their feet into ;tipper.; of oaths' colors and bright with fanciful embroideries. 'file tl'ollseI•S ttl'1' the S:Ilue tele 111(01 and women except in color. They are in silk of the lib('rly ('lass, and furnl gravis fol and ample folds and drapery effeete Unite different from those of the'18111s, The I<ing'-i are of pule, violet, itis Prime .11inister's of orange, the Prince,;' of pile canary, and the Prince8es' and favorites 111' pii lash Iilae, ruse, deep yellow rind soft pinkish gray, '1'11(2 serving women Wear green trousers, the luusielaus si;y 111111. This garment, resembles the skirt, of the Norman Nonan nsslt e inclat hent up for 11 shrimp -gathering expedition, lied is formed of a piece of sill; d'n,leue(t in ink!: pipet, to a weistbanl.l, and re- sembling a very long raid \vide apron. 0111. 111(111 aright seem to us the front is Iltc Intel: part, 11'11ru fastened on 111. the waist the middle i8 drown np a•• might be the shrimp gatherers' starts, and fast- ened 111 the front part of the w'rtie1 •hand, There i, 0 loose girdle of silk of :t 1111- I'errnt rotor, with Ina; ends added when the trousers arc warn by the Ihut;ruse. The gentlemen adopt European cloth - her from the. waist up, and Melon felt hats. 'Theft ((1 the 'sing is adorned on the left side with n magnificent ilnekle end aigrette of diamonds. 'l'he ladies, h(.iid(s the trousers, wear light, sill: shirts with scurfs of crtpnn sill: dingon• all}' placed from shoulder to hip, :11111 nn overall rube of sumptuously (nlllreider- ed gauze res(lthling a (I:llulutic,l, Tile :trans are covered with bangles, The spiked helmet of the dancing girl, hardly differs in form from that of the Prussian soldier, They are all (lying to wear lulls trimmed 11 lit 1"iu•isienne, end (ol''e18, lilllt', l'llilil'1'ts has presented Il f11snrite corset mule of ribbon and it lint trimmed with feathers and flowers to the King's sister. ••e - :Complete Change of Climate, (\Vnsltitngton Herald). ("Filet Englislunan doesn't 111;e our di- nnte," 1iAmd our air is like wine too," "\Voll, we tnust remember that be owes from London, where the ul inns- phere is more like tuixed ole." litormsommosalsommeirwm. •.1 R1111101/01t.1111/I,na HEALTHFU Because of its Purity and Freer; m From Coloring I� ante Lend Packets Only. 25c, 3oc, qoc, 5oc, and 6oc per Ib, At all Gruceio, HIGHEST AWARD ST, LCIS 1004 t 11.111.•w.-v'o"1.'iv'w4INO,41.11o.^6,416.►.a►•'d1..411.41v+►,ro00,16.Ir.'91,1 J CQUETTA 1'11x'111(,► ilnwlily through the crowd, iulpnlie111e of yours till ten, limy you Lori( lleurgi w'wnded Ili, ways to 1hi, jure gntlig to apoingi%r for intruding upon (reen•rmonl by n side door, and, on en- her, 1 don't knelt', She ,(Bled when I tering, su' his friend in viulenl alterca• Told ler the dale of 11(11111 her appearance lion (vitt the manage(', Lord I'Lii'iecliffl' Lod llu'ulyn yell hit 0." IV/IS 1)II 1nn;Itely e\ritrd, Ili, fate Hind(), l)kle. ,Ive .I ill .11111111 alp 1111(1 Ilu%%n, like 1111111, his eyes 11'!111 111111 fierce, null his one 111'',11 -•ed, Lord Iic11r!:o tali'.%,' Ilial ...dude appearance ,o coulplel(ly change(( self Item a rho!!' and looked ;it Ilial. front the languid, indolent being lie had \y do:u' fl'Ilow, "'hill '1 u•easulc il "m seemed scarce nn linin' before, that 11 is 1'1'1'1 Ile 1" !"0111'b"otutlker, tf yon 1111' no (funder Lord Crnrge .trod fur n too. 111 the, habit mt' Inking sue), severe lulu, meta undecided whether it 1l•;ls his friend as III,! 'Isla(' Illy' II1111'l1'! 1 (11111'1 giye or somebody el;c, all the ,muse change I Intvc Whin! ate. to ',now tvItlt 1171s come t71 you so till(( - "1 say, I':urneelifl'i. \vital the iiia( firm( t!* ik% \‘.011.t1,ui go Itncl: to ow (bras are you raising such n run' for?, \Ir, (re lural neo the piny pblytwI nit \lnxwell, wind's 1111 • "No al w1111ld 111'11•( 1111 mall to "1'otr friend. lily Int'Ii, itl,i,ls on seeing lit, her there atoll'!" e,\I lainu'll I)a:t- Lelia; and it i, c'ontrury to her express brat%e. veheintilly, command lo admit mac. 1 lull .cony L.iril 1icorg11 stared mill iniltiI ell him. very sorry; bit I nssnrl' you it is quite Fell in :t lou' It :,lt'ric;i! whistle. iltt1111sii1111'p" said 1111' 11t1llagt'I'. ItM1'illg .111 hour a'l'l ;1 ball 111':1ggell all then' 1111 11•, d1'precittiiigIy, endless length heroic the 411,111:t w::, "l'ol;:et it:' Never, %Odle lair ret.l:tiu+, 1Vith a fierce exelclmaliun of angry 11111.1! 1)a.i,1ntt1' hail wrun;;!it 11aal,elI 1111 1111.,118118.1 to! you 1.11. ileo nut; ; 111;1y iii 1:III(III'i, J)isbru%e turned lu Lord 71 1/1'110C1irlrl. mf 1111 11,11 1s 11011 I not hope • •• Inbtrey 1111! nt;itt;;er mpproethed ahem awl ,al- "Lord earl, you forget yunJ elf!" ,•he "a tell willser her, in Imo 1111111111.11 the coming of Lelia. ilnpe;iuirly crawl. "Hope for nothin1;, of all the malingers from here to the Ind etch a; 111' Spoke, ,h1'. :.Ionil 1'11• from ole! Jnl I, De Vere i; Jack I)t' 1'1 r!' solo 1 beta, looking at I)isiittt vt tt ith Ler •.till" lulapnrlc's. 111111'1 .it 111'1', or I 'loll ,!" f:'"a! (8111( eyl',, Those rye ! what a "'Hint(( Heinen for that! 1,1,01, on hili.. mad!" spell they rust, over IIIIII, rallltllig dolt(( ,I:11.(ticitit, 1111! ,•41' if you I;tall% il• t'0;," "baht, 1 think you are that already! 111, 1118(1 (.flet of ill'liiiin:re oil;r ire Ile lits.% eat I I ''' 11'hnt, in lin 118111. tf 1111 I hat'•; nhsurll, 1 t 1)I ht t . t t t1•i1Jl din • ca.t un 1in'. 'l'bu,,c clear, bright, 111'111'• •IIID 1'01111' in you, I::nnerliffm'; \\'flat 1111 11atin� ryt•s, )tall( their untalhunable you want to see Lelia for:'" l,th of Iturkrry, hue• troll to, know "I l:now no Lelia, 1 came to it ,Tars 111111(111 1)e Vere; and ,1'e 111'1' 1 11111, in spite of earth and Ilades !" t11VIlt the demon is .he?? (III, Ilse man is Haul-fhnl'x flat! \In\well, you knaty ,...,•,.•.,,..,...,....,.....,...M,..r.,_..... it, "If, and I.:itching i'ttlt h•'t' hands in ?i Il,itn.'tl 1111 illtl, the ?Il::lot, I;l'ittltitl;:, lllleg I:Itll r, it 1, stir1i II Ctl''r 11'1111 I Wed. Ieariling }:,r te, "•1''.1'd, 11.'1 (1:111', 1.101 I'' (,1111, thin '11 1.,: 111'1 111'4' 11'1 ;'li i11'. It:, 1111•. I 1i!:, .10,111,,, .1 !,;,,t;;t•I1..! 1'':si1t pot': 1 at rntel' Iill I i!ut 11!'f. 'l:1' ,,1111.:1! u.:l •t' 1,1':it1,4,i , 111' 1, .I-0.1 ..1111, , 1:1:'.1::1•' la'. I ;!11111"11 Il 111,',.' ', 1!,11!' 'Ladi•ty 1..1•''! 1.,er her 1''•'.', shit or 1.,1'.•.0.1 I„1111', ;Ilial she IiiIt,i ;;t'„1 Il'i;l: . Il,o• "(111.1 hal, dreadful dead( sleep', Iluli. 111!11 vault that aivl t! ;it\,ILtitit;, ;;('8111 I ;((plat forget it !” Shp. it 11cr Ilan(!, liter her faces for ;1 moment and Ihet dropped them calla ',Iwo more. Ile started 111 his fort, a net. lit!!;Inning 11111111 hits, "Then you were not dead' lolly in 11 trance? Janine(to! Jtirltetla! w€t* it so?'' "Even so, Inv lord," much ml n Ir€':1•lire for any 010', i:11: Ile%: " CUT 1IAND;.E" OF SIIOVELS, y 11'•atiteiy not•, (lil'''t!; atilt 11,1• ,•)! ll; ; ( in i ,: .1 11 t':„ 1; ?. 1!`:1 1• I1'+• Workmen in Wiling \Tat tI;t `!..3t'e Ash . w1'' 1 , �yl,', 11:' , 4 r '1';,! 1 1:001:1li e::t \'t nil 1',..;•l. paint the ;isio lishltll'Itt, ;tilt i ..88.'llt, rot tit •,ly lull'"1•, of 111:11 11th((.' l:rllall 111 lo acing and sting it t Il:i.! The \I /POP l:11!_ni,ll !1111;'1 ;:It' 1,,111!11 ha t't bili 111.111•' 1111'110 ti the tits!: t:f ('xpre..miug has lee!” 1111'u -ding l:l, ((ilia into hi.. 1118.1;01,, Ile hc;.':ul 11111.I11ot% tlllll !!I" noYsl. piI'11'lli� ('mita.,(, -dol Isilt '.h.' ".111(1 Dom gui1 111.8(1111'. y"u tyerr . hurled alive?" Iiing,', ,G+,'1 uela looked ul Ilial null i tiiil(IL "1'0,, ,hl' x111!, with un'l;lu'J '(.1111;; I stltitltll'I'. !nl'(1,vll 11t:1111; ll, 4rJ%y 1!11 tit 1111:, 1111 "Brest heuyeis, "and how 1‘./.re you satei1 filial )aur aw'I'tI foto, .I:Ictlul'tto." "\\ell, .0,1 11}... snail Lural 11":1;:11, isl,- "111111 11%'r!,," situ '111(1, looking ulilt'!1', "1 alt not ,rt p rets I It,Irctt t" silt- verettly, Anil Illy .81!11' it111%('r tnitt mile.' .1"I1t that y1:n ;I rd; Cul toy' 1!111:1 it rel! •a1id 1 .(del it lie' lion's tt,•!t, lonalt 111;1 :I i'•, l!;:1 si,ni•• e; of u, 1!mre', i• from the depth of the ,rn, •tltrtl ,lar" :118 idiot, 1,,hi"11 one it i,, 1 an, not at gietta from her living twill),"liltlty ;,, say," "lint fila(' 8'1111 ail'. 1)e! 111',' Ills! Itilt. "11111:1', (;ttllt;t', 1111' ,!rill' f,,;;.,1'„ km"1%':,, claimed. 1)1':1;1,., I::, its" 1 1- 1.8.:11 11 'l:111 I' 'l 111t1dt.1.'.• /N'i•:1 '111,,. alt'! 1 ::III III ' "�u; 111( tt hat r;lll it matter to lull, I ! illpmae•I ft•Ilutt an the i, tole v;t.till: lord 1'111'1'' "ill', :11'1' '1"11';" "11 : 11 ''11, o f 1.""1*-''' i t i'' " 1 "11 'I hr old Icl; of .111(1 b;lutour 118,'1•'1 ,Iu;hi Ill I;11111( 1"'',I.' Lal I'll h,' h.lat^ �l ,11"1'r 111'1' 1:11'1', ,111.1 id'', IIII'llell iota1 11'1111 11 ! eau natio. !'111(of tall of ;til' 1\i1u11' 11 .1111111 1311111111'111, 1111111811, 'all, .I;u'gta'l1a4' Ito icprl.:trhi:;Ilt' 1;.81111II', cried. 11 Ig1,o(1 Illi:(', Illi' holt', ,i;I rr111r;1 11. yl.il 11111 , eine \11111 il, tll•III;.'lit y 111• "11'(•11, my lord,"' ;'lista uta! (111'11' :111(1 111. U1' V"rl' lire "11y 111.1E This friim you! 1 atm• .11 here'' (Jet!, 11111'1: ,111C111101 11." "1 I,I`7,1t 1 `a 111 111.111, \u Iso! t ' Flint time ha' =ell, !it' Lunt 1 ni,,hl, .11frr(1, 1 Iclt 1' 11'.11 }lilt my :III• t11'llmellllel 11 1111 1'1111 111111 111'111•I' fUl'_tdl'e'.; 4..1;,1', the \VIiu)t'I'f amu tm•Iltal'1'01V. i, (lot ll'fllll v2:11. I I in III:I a I, ii .8tl l'"1"1:°1 11"11! lm ere it''it '11.'11 ltiI.I111 r0nlilli'retlet, fur t'it11"r I -• t I I }tt ;11,11', It!I, .\If:I'd! it :Ili •''I'll• a ,'..list 1" tr:' II(atea. it is ;I rialit v! li'`•t, ,(;mutt(,(, 1vi11 yon list1 tell to" lil,tt 'oil tt eve ',11'1'11': ' "1;11111} .111111 'b. \fv father- s, ';I t hr. (';I 111:1 ill 1• s, lei: 'I'c:llpw'i"." avert toytoylift," ,. Pills. „11, 1 Iluwi'• 1 I)., 11 illa,l,is I all, nn! ns I 'It ;!pits:II'; 1!11 11.1, at ('Ir,•!\ :Lod niter, heard of the rola'., they t'llrt'Id, t In r. \ 1;'hrn 1 wa, ern;, yid ; 111111 11,,1111 ! (1.' tet du so. 1 only tool; eight ,1 1'1 111 11.11`; furious, tet lint! %That \)r, 101'x... liefurr 1 fuss 181'1'11.:81111 1.0•1111.). 1 l;t' Ver.. hall Ilan''. 111 firs:, he ta, 1.11)•;1111'•Ittu'tt than I rtes %:as, Aly tiia.'x• 111,1111114, and "Velli'(( it, diselo;l'd II .((tall .,,111'' I 1''llit'!!t% II 11,1 making' ;l ,r"lie tlrll 1, mood, :111.1 i 1';111 111111' gll llllllllt 1111' piece1'1still 1111 11'!IIl'h `l tett• faint. (11'11 11'1111 ill'.else; 11111 (11'11:%le II'ry,n1. ''''111.1; ttltutitii Iali!;ItJ'. I t,\ve tl drlrt "I ell markst811 .,tali l lingelt'i ,slit' tool. It; and ed tipae, him to Inti,, ;l 1111)1'0 pl'llda'Ili = 11(1111(1' 111 I).. 111111:IIII•' I'inl.; !'IIIb for III) 111er her 11114.1i, face ;and bruit' flus!1 ;It1'•w, ;1 11,1 sut'litnit, cunning for yin!• tth'tt tll:'y hay. (1ot for ate, 1111( ell a Ist, 4rin!•nn tide, eaec Ile r:,nlc lu 111((.1111 that 811(1'. 11(111•1, wen' siik!y "\ly 111111, lay 18111!" ,Ile 4ri,,d• in n sty alt( 'I'ribllhltion--- poor .1111r.''v • ; i :'ice lbcln :' (Jial. .(luting %11111., '1 Ilett naldeserved illi.! „.,,' -. imeans; •li I'll ury's tipsy i:: 1'u" ill' uulny (Lal. !tors,' 1111'1, Ili ul h 1101 ubt'1 in. 1 imsunr \%hen tlllll• 1111; %rittnn•'' 1'! 1111' kor (u 1 :011 lull cn'rro.!. 1111(1 lis. 1)r, 1Villi:nts' I'in'; fill; h::vm cured after"Then, lel 11111 ►lupe tau rue insane (1111;111'••' 111111 had 1,!1111!. 'I'111' slicer.'; of -Iltk 1) ,11, ,In011tteil€t, Int life, 111 I"yl', Illi -Heavens' :11 e 1.1111.1"sI: "( that 1111'8 "ruy-Heavens': .6 hat : 11111('8' for t'o'll 11au I leo I'll ILII I'l'l ('.Irl N'll;ll Putt 'awe R'r:i;'' "1 lll( 11';111'1 I\' l pals til 1•,'::1:7(' 1111 ^' l l!tr t'1••!IIt ;I l the i•n:,1 0l in'. t l'u111i'.• -" •Illltlltill1 fol' 1 111111 111-t a1t.1!;I'llcil (rite t I!1,, 111 oil, 11:811!' II"'llri:t :!11 1118 11eadi.like sleep- inv Ira nee, to what 1'11 tte st8 Mattis "I the 1.1,11;lit' 1 1(1 ever tlmi may 4,811 it : 1111.1 (':11111th 'I'I':u (list' !'! t", hill 'I" nal I ur,'. 1)••, 11'11- 11 est, who 41;1: 111 ,'t t. 1! 1111(1 sell "„<o, „! 18;111:1:1a' Piyatiil,!' f11il1l,^'( 118!,turn: I!etr Jic:l h;uer!. -. t Iles Ir',,' in n .rasa', nm1111; nm In -Ila abr•ni il, Ir,lt 1 1 t.l, nc�l:• envied Isle il(f, tlllll mit 111" 9 llhal',! Ihi, tllilll,:ll. :1111 "111111, 111':171 l,alilll;l!lu!I, head. I'iv-t �igI':, 1111111'1', II, tilt, a:t! Ili 111, 11.111'. 1„U!::11'!10 :;nil (11,' Ills I.f 1t'!,tt1011; surgeon. 1111(1'111 'molting .Illi''I beth %%:Is all Ill"„' :Ilse ('1111; "1 111•1111,1 blood, Fur hu'l'a'(( again!” sale ill druggists' o1' 111' mail at 5(1 P.111s "(lust' strange :Ill! terrible! 1 11;1to N bo\ or ,i>, 18,0, for _','i!1, 8'11:11 'I'lle "fire 111'1x'11 of 11111'11 11'0:1111y.Ie(p; 1111• I)r. \-11118 111'..' 111'1111'1111't'. i, llruc!;1'!11r, fore, 1;111111 ht'atcis! if Ito had not 1111(, 1 nil a per -.tonal friend of Lelia's, (817l privileged to see her at any time, 11.111 you fell her 1 w'isll (u .et' ,11t'1* linty?" "('erfniniy, lily lard, 1 have lin donbl Floe will see yon," ,ai(1 the Illllllllgl'I'. hastening off. Nett', l ntttecliffe.'vh,Il is the 1111th.? 11'1101. iu the aril! 118: ('11111. 11111' you all of n sudden?" ''1 cannot tell you 1 Cannot tell whe- ther I Inn sane or nim(. I), not nsl: ae, for 1 cannot tall: In you now," :1 den• iterate gesture, as he strode lip and down, spoke more than \'Inas, Lord (leorge looked at (lint, anti ill" 'lulged in it lung, lvaititg whistle, that plaint). spoke his conviction that his unhappy ynnng friend's brain of he ever Possessed such n toting) was rnnlpletely turned. At the sane (moment. the 1111111• ago. appeared. "Ily loth," h( said, turning to Lor! lieurge, "[Adis has ;lost • left the stage; and its she dot', n(11 appear in the next, seem., she will See your lordship now, \VIII you plcast to slop Ude tvnyy" 1)isln'mve started up In accompany him, lint Lord (George interposed. "Not iioty, my dela• fellow!. 11'111( iulil I .clam; 111111 if my elullnent'(' has any effect on Lelia she will set yam!" Ile followed the Intulngcr ns he spoke, mid Disbrow(' wits left pacing 1111 told dnlvi, with n burning heart and n 1%1111.1- ing brain, still striving to persuade hilt( - self thnl this \yrs Che wi1(1 delirium of n dream, ,Tncyletla alive 1111(1' well! Olt.111' lural, be is tainting,' she cried; he must certainly be mindt in alarm, The return of Lord Aislrcy aroused 1It' intuit m Glint motion with Iii.; hint, and he looked nt hill with 0,105 full hind, of dettllriltg impatience. "Nil "-it i•( abaft ;ag, .\ gill,: 111 ail!,';' 1111.111, Thine ,hurl, bri;:tt, vitt-tering turf••' 11111(• i•I,Inid, white toyi,I bJut','- • those-tveci, beautiful lip, that ...elm II, !rarcl'ml form, holy 1(0:'11 linty %ell ht' 11111'1( 1In'n1 Ili!. It .rented but ye,ltrtht\ slime In. had 1€1(1(1.11 her fait.tvell an aha parlor at Fon l.'I!e 11811-imri.rer, n., sal (llunglli ; and it'ilt lhmlskald farm In lave again. "'btr'lnotl;t, ,1at11uct1a," het pa't.iunalt'ly I•Jied, "harm wet 11u'tagain;" ohm j;l;ii roil at him 11111 II her calm eye:, and drelt bark in h:ut;:110y ,u•• In i.e. ".Ily lord, %lull (tom. t Itis meat she said, turning of Lord ,1n.irey, \r1' you nlud, h.:;'tit;elii t 11'11111. the foul fiend 1111 yon mean \Pith your ',las:tuella'?" said Lord ,1islrt.y, in a fierce whisper. Then aloin(: "\I:Idam, hill you exetl^c my frirull? t'111144S be 11115 suddenly gone Crary. I do not kutiv butt' lip account fin. obi.;. .\111w• etc (11 prn,c11t• Ilan(: Lard I?nit1('elll'1'r', )1ttl iuic 1.cliit." She il'Itt•ctl; and the fahllisl, 'bang• ens smile (teal wandering (wound her lips, 'I'Itlt ,:mile; had he not ;ern itit thousand linty; before? Ile 144,4,(1 his band across his bruit', lika one bewilder- ed. ".1111 1 sane or (1111!? Can the dead have arisen again? \laditt, for Ilttit•eits'81:11, answer sue, before 1, go tt'i1d--trete you ever culled Jtcquettn.,fr, She came over, and held out her hand, w'itli the old, bright, hull' -mucking 'little, "Vest And fie Cousin Alfred hes not fir',+ol len ,Incl: I)e Vere?" ile foul: her hind and tried to speak, but u, sudden faintness came over Ilial and, deadly pale, ht sank mule and ttittless into II ('Illtil'. 106'01,111 '1Velli" "Wel I have seen her. and Slit' tt'ill sr '' :Ill ranrlbt it i rlau the yof 01le1' the p111y; SO .milt in Ihni ntatl b:tnll, :1111 held it Io his lips, lie (Irani; n '•;r�J rI 0 D i C, J300004 0:tiOgg4 y00" otti 40. linked together. The girl who takes Sc'oft's n tx• she is t.s'z�has plenty of rich, red blood; 40' plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion provides her with' powerful nourishment in easily, digested form. Girlhood and Scott's Emulsion are 0 It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. ALL DRUGGISTS' 608. AND $1.00. 004000000010,04.0041.00 !'t,i,!` i GO. 'l l Al(' !,',c '1r ., ill •,. ,77, ...'l !I' 'a k 117',1 ' ' : ,:l 1 :1; • 1 11 0' 1181!,1 l:), •61:1))..•1',)11',... l' :'i t' ; 't,'tl 1, t: i. 1 1'.111 t LU1I "'•11,, '.;` 11 • !,,• Iliittl'1't'i ir:t •'€!t„ , ,»1,1'1+ 1;. 1,:i:i;,- , 1'• +' 5't1,I Il"`.t. 1. ,1 tt" f.(' (i• :I, ,til€! lila`; i:, ;tl no, -t 11 t', t.:' ('; r':I'::, ,ei'' t , s41t,'Ini 11'1' 11.1' In '' 1' ', ( ' i:f ltrt' (tv t'i t1l,: J•.t't•:.:tt\ iti!t t 1 'tri 11ii.t1, .11,1 !"11 1::: 111'; ilt'i,lt!:' : ,' 1, I.,.,71, „ flee ;:,511 t.i;i;llly s;.1!it:;' nit 'tl,'',t• ;.1;:eti "1.'!:;11 %1, ti:: t : Ilii l)' '+rt,,, , 1'11: h: , Leen 1.111 1,!I, ,slot heir,' the t:.tet`: t"tl !', whore it ;Jolt', iti'." 11.0111.F.11!„1. tit •,'!toil "'':,•t'•r ((1111(1, 1 tt'ill 1('11 >t .5 (11i!ay, l•\4tpt I€J li:e 111011 %.!n, simpe til€ tit! (;Itnil nil:hl, ,11frid - ;;oii,l night, niv lintitUc t'st;aliy !root tour t, 4i;;:it ^li, lel.'' Ivor!: in 1111'11 011Ill t, i;t 11;:1' 1,iiy tt tri flit- I '(' turn 1,to 1f11, 1)i8l,rr,tre tool; a der the din:.tiun Id a contractor, The tl! ;1 (1, 1 hr1', moll aretletc:,sai'ily industriousIte;nuse "Nr,1 with this cold parting, surely, their wurl;iug lout,, are limited to only ,t::eyneti8 ' seven its the d;ly'; i'borten old stow liar• "kc4(, 11!1' felt,•. 1111 the f11:1.1 (la)',” ries become eumtto,11, nut the;' make bel- laiwI:od :I:Ii,lltet1:1 :111'1 %vitt n \t'ar'e of ter pay than lou; w•iudrhuppers .or river her hand and a hritJhl, saumy gianre. shl' drlyrrn, nitht,ugh tl,cii' (cork is; inure 11';,s gone, laborious €old confined to u;tri(t(Vt'r law' (To he continued,) it'. 4 _ • 1'10 C0111111V11)1. receives (11) tents it rlez• en for his MLovel handles on board the ears. Usually he pays 1:.' rents a dozen to the !and owners tar the right 1:1 cut then( and 10 critic to teamster, for the ftei;:htin;t of them to the 1=.11141111; p::.'tits, lit -it 111:', :i;; 11,'11t ; a (1'I%:'11 fur ltiiii't f, out Of t. Ill( !I he w;l-.t p ty his 11111(1 111111 pro. vide (hent tt'it!t t:t,ll':I 0111 lo•!t!ing. i1 ;ulvthing the. life is \wilder than that of u"oudcii'tl.! i•r;. The men sleep in tents o1' I''!;latex, i)ttttt.e they Illi%(' alloit toe land, to c„t:!hli-ii comfortable log en:npri, and 11;11 cuul:iug is (lone Ilt 1,88 of 1118 pial;', \\!:u take, soli(:' time front !Lk work of slaking the handles to prepare the fund. Oc;a.ionnl!y n tvoinitu Is to he round 11'1111 it rump, out i d;e is ge'ner•- at' utt•r of Ilse contt;ttl!'r 88of our tlif Iiiloa m! r'm,if1','w" of the ;iced('. s'tx ran .taut( the turd life of this class of work- ers, living in a lent with the Hien anti allowed only the priva:'y worst 18 est;tb• listed 1t' a cloth partition. \'et it is 't of esi'lenr.e which Hire,' all ordin• al 1• tnllmn ills un'! the Candle makers Inc, 1 hcc:tnle dvipcpti'.' ;111'l lot all n:t' ehalthy if nothing more. •1re'11;1t1. I. tu1141111oll 11 (1ml'lur, %1111 1"11 .111 (Aped h.ln,llcr 11((11 manage to Il;e I was ."Iffi'rhitt front ;general debility.}11!11. Illi t+t'7{11' 7111%"li :I !1}'Loa a 11111, but 1 :,:s forted t" ,top 11'8.!; 8111 for three .haof hay, €tliiitiv ;Ir.. f...,,.. nu:! far b1'• lt!"!iths I followed the tin:'t€il•'s treatment, mon suit tt•aiatnn; hc;tl'fi', 1 %;Is ,:dt'i.ted to tt ! 1', : 4:1 t!: It„i :.:1'(.', d,)))11 11:, ! t t• ,• t;tt ! lit'• !'..td I,ti,' ri' ,.i ,,11. .t ui': , .'1:1,1;8 )' 1 11 ;!,f' 1) '1 t ', 'll ),. '1.1'1" ;',,11:0 1,'.: I:'.,.1'i, .111 ,...II •1,:11 KO AND WORN OUT. 1)i, Williams' Pink Pills Give Net; Strength to Overworked Women. The life of ;I !muesli,' is a hard one, SI11' toils front I'llrly intoning Instil tale :It nig:it ; her lvmrk is never Hone, Often ...lie is tau busy (u go( 1'111 of 1111111':+ fol' II lu'eath I.1 frt'•11 air, rides( her Moth(( i= kept rich an'! pure 1111; (i".e con- fiu"ntent wows tot her health. 1!'' -1rehgltt It ill 1';111:.he lilt• i t 111"). II"111111' 1,;111' :told dysltl pi fart sit,' 1, 1;1 flung(''' of tI g"11('1''.1l 111'•:;11:• doly'I. ;11411 'tt'1;:, the condition of \liss '•1u'iw ,',nn PIr1u't', 111' tilt'. .111111 de In I'er:tdc, (;ur,, Lifore she used 1)r, 1111- lilmts' fink Pills, tIhr says.: 'Tor a lutm- her of yeal 1 hays' !leen n Servlull. rit 11, 11 ye:Ir ago 1 had ;Iltt;tts enjoyed ilio best of health, but suddln!1. 1 w'ns seized \1•ilh vain.( in ntv side, Inv appetite left 111,•. I CI lull yon lute Ino .till; "Lord I'trtittllffe, du you dale to ,peal; thus to tat? I 1 you for:sit; the ,else(• of that lonely loop( III 141(1 Von- Irllr; "'i'hen, yutt !o not I:ow7 1111, Jae - (loci to, Ile i:. dead:" "Dead," she cried wilt it •,1:11.1, lIII u - 'mg fir,( real and Ilion ashen white. "(1;1, ,hart.(, I never heard this," "!It' has heel' dead nearly a year nuts. ;'mat an. fl'rr -..free lib air. ,inclluettit, \It hear!, nay hand, my forint»' -lily very life, lie; at your fret, till, 'lacgiet• tu!-pc,ll; and tell the I may lite." She Inukr'tl at. slim %vitt! it ,(Jan' glance, and her void !nil; softened a tit• de te, ,111' ,Ill"' 1117 eager, lvild, pm -.i1111 - ate gaze, "Then you 1111 1.1, not fii'talten lac- 7lnrtlu tet, int' lord? "I o,rrt gull, ill. I tolll;rlti, slerpili,' or waking, night lir dity', you have never fur one instant 1)1.1,11 forgotten.'' "Yon tr'e blessed %vitt n• good lnonlniy, I,nrll I'alrntcliffe; and yet flu't'e i'. One Ill CIO citvtt11lst1,11t40 yon !MVP co;lsed la ritimmibor fur n 1)11)111(111 it :\luno' ale to romin11 y''lu; you 11re n itched Crust told 1 1,11111, I be (11'(.11''! •, I'hnl. Ih'nlliug up of the ,1111111 delicate figure-- lhul proud life ul' the head -1 hal (dear, bright flash of the dark rvt',-•- ih,l.t stornliil end 01' the shut upper lip whit(, a world til' pride they betrayed. "Neither you nor I van, for Caul, ono draft ---ane whit! 11'wtlti and rank ;11'o collie, who, n filo' might hnyc 118th yours!" T11y Ship, "11'1 'till not think of it. heaven was (Ily Ella Wheeler Wilcox.) nlarrtful, 1)11 you know, (hut all the time 1 lay there fee dead I heard and Jack Hardwood was a bud one, tall stringy, fast attd gwue; understood everything that passed? I. iso never drew his gun loo Irate ..1111 never (:nein you wnteheol by lift '1(111 ill that nulled up lame, Itig, - id nigh( - I know they wore '.mi'l,,. The fighting men of Tut tr,u knew his record ill too well, lousy tic; hitt 1 could not. tillel'tl ((aril And when his horse loped Into tonin ;1 death• ink make the faintest motion, Life etas like silence fell. sti,ilellil81l, S,l'etliittgly; }'1st, 1111! Itow' 111'- Otee, lit 1(10 town of '1'onibtlone, 1101 Uilitiy idly it all cu((((ss block to me now! I 118 a11012w'ofrs aro dealers, and four Uren9er5 suffered nn age of .(gully in thi:e few' in n row hours," And once, at'I'win Duties mining camp, when \ft'• pour Jargiel(11! nay own 11:11!•things were breaking wrong, ill;:! Ti, think there should have ?well 'I'hree gnu men bit the HOW dust, nevermore such 't sh'a't}("'lest ttly l:l'1'pintt' II' .Evart. to 41'111' the gong. in Lias way; Truly, tht, tr'rl'i'! !s loll Jack wasn't altogether bad, ea his cons'iit- nf Il:til:'. walls!" twits said; Ills better nature showed at , ! imes-wl1e:t •1\w Int to irol;('11 (Esti .!11x'11 ;I1 I:Isi, ht, W(t5 In los Led, :till,"Ito atoll .11friil :''.tom! on Atli.(( And o, fur fifteen years or more, his for- tunes seeded to thrive, I:'n'I!Is IIow dithey mit';" ••III' soil, with BY reason (for the Most pati) of his light - .1 ,inial'. Ong forty-fivt', "1 Ica ieu 11 1)1':11.0(1 --;•-i':: I:n: ,1111 \1'llctt Phoenix Phil, the gambler, grabbt1 n;.'. Low come tau to stet: the st.ige;•' an nee off lIni'dw'octi's low, ole chuckled. "\Vat, n Jo!ce', n Joke:" III It It Ii;tlite 111((1 Iiittek !i'y! 11'!(11(1 1111 ill 11 11',11•. 1111' (1,"11115', I .Ili,l'o'l', I \l':I, l'lltit1tl;111(11{ 11'1111 €111r loft', loll alt' Ilei !" 11! ;r, ;'il ;'011,•'., ,:;11 !n.l ,1 11111111: I.''lill, 1111' ;I;•U(4., in ;Ill` ' l: ,!!'1' 'I: ' !,' "!.'!: ! ;1,111•-„ 1 u',: -(1111111, 1111"11,8 ill:! 'I:141!111'iin 111' !l,' I:IIt� !, '! ..i:! Ti , ,.I. , 0,';1:1 '.;,i Ilial 1.;1 I.,• Illy' 11;1111i1g -;III' 11;11' 101'1' ul 111Y IIII'! C!:I, r ,„It 1 ,111 :111':,i 4111!'I;,.I .latg11cl.l:l!' i',u'., pl'wlll' 1,1'141I 1111;' 10I11s. gal l It : ;111'11' , t v lir €!r;n' lard, \1'h.11 ;I , r;r.l. .111)'.,1, they t 11 n•r ;rur,c. ;!ale 11,11111 get into for ti'l't,' ta,1,ll 1, 1':1 801 1,1'11'1: a• h1' 1•. !811,.1"I; :rat! ! 1111' provoking'' ,Ittl!t' of other lid Irl'+(til' ;;,nn 1 (1:1!: at 'li'nlpt'sl ,II"'11;;11. 1'1:1 .I 111'('1' her 111'('1(1' til,'1',t '1.1'1 its ;all.(atm „ . 111„:„(1,1. „'.1, '1•;' •rn;t„ moll Matter over e:l!11:!v, '11(1.1";' :111.1 r :11' ;!' tt ,' .'III I nu: n .11 1 lent e out di i Iilla:'pul't'; for the Iiltr:,rt!t, ' ;',t 11'11 nit' 'its 11 ,'"11;:1 1 , T11111' 81'e 1:1111'1' bead to hal; iii„!t'la:,'81! t.,.l' 1!'t'' It''il \'” 1 111. iluut nue. 1 t:tl tall:sin Niel: '!' iul' I. i l!•I.:!tti! 1 H. 1` 1 . art daughter!"i isltro vt' ',yn l 6'8(11!;.:( I, 11!!• "II' I � 1'(111 1111'110,:Intl. 111,., -u• Bind wmy lc* (11'1(1,; hu,an11,s, 8111 r•'' I er••••f;d, 11. 8811 Luu't, 1 ut4t I•:t'k thlllllmu. 1,IIlu'1'11:11 iI : j ilea 1111;'1111.!, :IIID ,,,It ' tvitll !Irl' I” , r n u' "1 hal t ;II:'1 rod 1'n•( I (1 II .• II I t 1I 1.1 �II ' 11';111( to iL':iri'y (Illttttllt \lei, 1'1'Itipl'•' '' t! , .'1111 1811, 1'1'IiiC'•.; nil•. 11"tt oil 11:0 O!t, ,It;l'111a'tt11- J:1'11;1(Itllt 1'4111 Al(' I(t1•• ,,1.,11'1'1 .1:111' ('1111 :1":11! Y111.11111'11'1' 111 (Grill, alt', �!:e;lk I:ill tell P;', .:111 ! tat i:! -i'':' lien 111• die" • ; 151:1' itllrltt!l°! in 1!1!+ t'\'l'' Ili Ill, II:!•li1'ti 1.,;;I, rl,'• !. I' ! , 0 ! '11.1:'1 :II':!:.11;1.1'1 :1;tCi:• ,!1','�e 11'1',1; 1'11;'('1' Bails s'ai((('d mei,. sal bright l tl't%ttI'1;1 :IIT. !^m 1'11(1 1'rll:t cannot in its fervent, !.lending --unll snsi:,.rt 7''' she read th11re the strong, tuilyiltt Iol•1! int' 11111 I (811181,., that, 11'115 to bless her (%hods. lift..1 raft, "Upon (ruder 8(181. name to, hie lips.:;11:(4!:;!11,, like it fear' to her eyt,, nail layit;, her shall, ttllit11 10111,1 in his. slit, said, briglllly: ''l,iye, lay lord! hnreyrr uud Iter, 'In'' gtlrlttt I5 ylrtlt'n1'' It o.; impassible 1(1 ncc'tn'ult'ly dc9riibt! hut% 144)111 I?:n'nt'difft'• ft'il that. Iuolnclit.; It \vas aloe of tiros(' I11'il'f,•lllti.f;tl ill•• - ;lnuls ul' ullutiligilltlll t;lmsltine that ;hill( 1111 11s UVJ I'ill'ely' Imin't!'8 tltt' ill this this life; it tw•u of Chi' wautliwers 1n (tits ynl11 of tears werf', for flu; tittle "'Then I -hall not tel! )'I'tt._ perltap•I Norm:( may s"it i day, Bat tell uta, :1If- red, how i, Augusta'1 s,ly her in yule' !,fix, looking like 1. !11'111,; skeleton." "Yes; she is Mend ill lift(," "\ly pool', poor skier, ((live ihey iii!;• covered tine source of this lllt'xtcriitu,) ftt11'rtrly (11' i)('1'8 yet?'"I Inti 'e; she told me in eonl'idctcc, and I believe it hits ttm real foundation wlutl• (vets; yet you sea It in ;yl!Ill'illg II'',t%. life, 11'htit n pity 'ye cannot till bt !8111- 1')' Iu this world -••ns hippy n" 1 nal.'€ beim.', perfectly and contplutely happy. "1 don't know ns you ,hive any great But Lord itttstt'ey'1 ,11'lat w'orda'ttut cause far'liappineas after all. I ant not and added, "Let haul be!" Thus things went on front had to worie, ,)lir): living on tin 111113e, Gatll 110 Still:" It broni,iho turd ttas raptured 11'11)1 the Sallie, The trial was short and sudden"" -no nttori.y Weil I. IF. j:",'— Jack !itaudtn; pat, for 111.; defense, on "Tile i ltW Tillett 1411w'," 'l'bia wits the plea he uttet't d, nod l:i,; v'or'',; cut 11140 a Italie: „ I , 1 '111111 (hat 1.1'11.,111 from n marl 11:81 to steal my wife!" • . * Next morning Jllt'h was tv'l:1;!:g !:soca n little thus':: ertcti err:.( -- And this in hot'; "The Unwritten Law - Its 1:1:1,111 out i.•, eon, '11.11 ut•rr::'111 ,,,Irkel,i c:ut get 1141(1 111,1:t to len (111%(;r of the lengths in I'''8':i;Im`-M 1.8w the market, ten dozen it ata) 1. :1,1 111,1! 1','l!I'! regarded as 11high 11', eta'"e. The contra( for usually „nes trap of I!i, workmen 1111(1 ciits dawn the tree;, The!) the f;lt!owcr; strip, srpiore. nu:l cut the trees into the dc►irtd Ion^ahs 11'1x:111' lilt 'h::11 tvr ((tail 3 In1n1Jt'1• of parer; are (•rally, The htul:!Icx arc riot .101110:t'il 1111M11 ml' p((('as't' t•I'intt 1'(I; 1 hr'' 'i11tply 1.11,.1! Cul 11 ir0111'r:1I idea of lilt' .11,(1;8: lire mut to the tight length and t'!u:ti!t"'d t1il,ll a x•11;, of :t block at IL" end 1'rLl•1c the steel rcrinp !.( In 118 las:el:ed. The careful fini.sltiug is done ai flus f;l.t:ric, ,;hero the .,lin':1'l are e t:npitlod, Each luau will nycii1 (: from ;•;.1 ;t dor for the cottl•,Ict.ar af- ter the l:lter bra• cut the material and the lay nymr:€;;c.:1!81111 day 1 11 elan oesiiic.:: his borr:l. The season lasts until ht ^ '1:111(' g: t, tea Peep for s!ILr!iillg the .1ick.i nn too ground, nulla tril!Ing \':t,l!;er, having practically no expenses to Ctet'l, genu,:[(\ goes back t',1 cutili%u- lion with from "'_'(IO to 1i1300 in his 1'711111• els.--New Volt Tribune. Soap and' Water as a race Cleaner. £onp when used Intelligently 1s a good toulc for the taco and will clear the complexion. As there are few faces that can stand the bath of soap and water, good judgment must govern the using. in the first place the soap must bo chemically pure and the water soft. 'Once'or twice a week you can and;t4;e In the water hath; prouced 118 follows+: Pro- vide yourself with a Taco brush, the bristles soft, hot water,,the kind of soap to your liking, but Insist on Its being the purest of tho kited; scrub, but not as vigorously' as if you were scrubbing the flour, .ludo in hot water until every ;torticle of soap is ramotod, and the fact tae not that drawn fee1lug, 'rhea the cold wator, this is applied at toast five times, Iota the last cold water put a drop or two of bonzolu. In ordinary ca_303 this should be taken only once a weelt. Why soap and water injures rho skin 1; when used Mite nine of every ton people use them because the usual method of proced- ure In this: A wash cloth is wrung out of warm, hot of eold water (crhtcl:ovcr is at hand), then 801p Is rubbed on it (fl doer not make any difference what kind, jlutt su It Is soap), \1'1111 this ludtffercnt neap and cloth they attack tbt' face and where ever it strikes the Foal) remittal n:.d clogs the pores, and Chu result Is phnp1e; and blackheads. 'Tire usual Paula of attack are the chin 'too 111111111, of the furhenll and on ell!,!':• .tide of the tiu•,e. It' the blackheads do not appear there is a tlryut s of the ricin haus:ug ii:ac':i W1110:1 DOM deepen 10(0 wrinkles. `•o col!!:c'yntlmtly to avoid all these cnndltlonn 1 lidvi e the cl:"ans- lug cream at night, '11:11 the alternate usv of hot and cul,' water 1n tate morning, When there 15 a ttnder.ey It) a:;zeu1.'t, a n:•!r and €:u:'p should he avoided and with a gouty eendltton tkoy s::o'ald be i;lvru a vide berth. One the utbcr hind many cases of pimples and bliteliu'aus, alto none, would be ),a'isttly huil:ed t'y a heel!i lace it th. of 111':11, and 1;ntrwr, 1'kbest tutu':=.: to i!ui'sue to avoid thee() _....... enemies of the complexion 1s first to luko caro of the 111;4, t'1 keep the digestion as I� 5' . / " Ff' m,::rly torten lir, pos'r.lbte, novel. omitting r1 Jtl C 11� IJIi QL; . the d!111y w•Itrin tlrf115L11: oath, alto nightly r e face troll aura 'o nightly ly I 1 f u t t[ the I: • I .i tl o rot: 1 I t. weekly '(11111:;111,; and massage. €,t1tJt!ully' , 1,1',11„I'' Il;l lli, ,� it 1'I' "1'111( 11:1184'. •- ' 8 ronaplyln; vrllh rho In\vu lit hyg,eui clear it i • 1 nay 1111 sick .!111:1 th;;l. eri.'s :til soft Icmplcsleu 11111 be your rov+cu•d•-••::aoalt- I:n• 1,111 tv,tnt, to or Merritt. ., ,:!Coir .1„1 _ .F�1, l::l::p,y tt , r I I:t lit ?;;!1', ”. ,, ., It t'it's• lets.. there i' a siert in A lii::du.mahiuL lvnb employr11'vi!11 « e 'Inuit' torr ill! 110 ii�llt! lit!• working t:!cplattt in 1 uigkok, Siam. and 1111'111, ..f childhood arising till of 0 frequently ll.ed n _steel load in defiance l!isln'dcr:'tl tu8tli:iun of Ilse s:llni:t:'h of all Warning, 'lite 10:;1111 18ns that his 11' 111111111, i'ii' are ;;i((1 X1,1 all elephant made frequent it'1.1c'Jiplr; to kill babies, and ;use s.alil under the guar- hila 1111! finally the loan was dischar:rcrl, :111!11. of ;1 t;utmruun'uf analyst im Nearly four years afterward, by it host mor,tri t u'' I,'piiit vs or harmful .lru!g•1, remarkable coincidence, bath (dipllanl, Mrs. I'. I), Kirk, Dumfries, N, !�'• 11(1(1 mahout met 111;11111s IJI A1nuLriain, ays;; "1 111811); 115:' 1:;11(1'',1 O1yn !itll'tlttt, and no tiOnnV1' 11'ItB the big ttisk- 'I'nII,reL!; for the ailments ..of my bit 1. er (1111 of sii:;ht of tho enlynlill will well encs and find them n• splendid 111(811• 11111' the forest than he curled his trunk (lac. :1 f1'% doses always ..5(11.1" up backlmrd, seized his old persecutor them to pensee(: 'health. 1 would not by the neck, hurled hint to the ground be without; the Tablets in the and in an Instant a mighty fot'c'foot house.,' The i h,blets are e'oltl by had crushed out his 11 e, t!',uggists or -by mail lit 271 cents n �.� box from 'Isla' lh', Williams' Medicine Clo., When it, crimes to love tnotit girls Medallic; Ont. , aro right in it. JAS.McMURCHIEIthoo BANKER. PAGE; Fotut-THE MATH STANDARD ROBLIN SWEEPS MANITOBA' '\1 ncu 141 I I, 1907. Brussels. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. AGAIN, Ronald sitichtiv ie visiting relatives l 1 kviiirilvd 113, 2 7 to 10 with ' il,:.;1 1114",1f 1 i11.1111.0", MW street, has taken . - 111111 ItS 1/AY, M A R it. 1 907 i t we elections to Ite held. , t he posit ion of .1 mkr in t he 1 et ropoli• 6,1 ton 11anli lirossels, I io shonlil m31;,, •w, : A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS NSACT E 0, 111 EHflVIIflT 01' 11 LH0N. a hand, lv u skVenPin4 ijoiitv the ('''"" 1Ve Are sorry to stele !hut the infant servetive geverninenr- of P. sell born to Hugh end NI rs. Ramsey, earned NI anitobe lest 11101:1110 , I, ri' .1, , he 1) t du'r' inis oitirch, Tuesiiny hot, with Ho,. 1' 111111 lt.o1111.11.4 110111 lhot other eon i• 1:‘1:01111:til.,1.1‘;rog.1 ess 9 TresnYtPr.V Huron met in tlLyrrii ()NT. ENCleT, Illnder11101', and 1 olioneiros give the revisedn iejorit les Its w„ ,j1„11 10 NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sa m ale Notes epeclaity. Advanceemade to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required. a fair attendance or miiiistils fink i)"":-- , Thilesday evening of this week the elders present. Annual reports wei CONSEIL ATI VF,S. amnia I .1t 1101111 uf 1'es1 nen Star Lodge present ed. On tie bleu it Sehools, bv j ssie ihoia, A mie Bernal d .2701 No. He, I, 0,0, ussels, will he 'fey, t,. 1)avon, Varna ; on Young' , ,k vonde le, eines A relic 1118 twill in the Lodge Room. An enjoy able People's Soeieties, Itev. .Il. Urquhart, Beaman' ,j, ft j Lowder, 17,2 program will le, presented, L 111111 ; on Church Lire mei 1Vork, bv Brendou City, S. \V. 120 I A meeting of the heed (onserviitive • t .1, .Prefoionitie 70 ; .1ssocettion twill be held in the Louie INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rales Rev. NB. Sewers, Brueetivld, a ad Slat hit les. by Hey, r. 1u1 1 We oilier every accommodation con• co sietent with safe and couscrvative Egniondville. Confereuce committee banking principles, reported thet at the next ineetieg of j Presilvtery Rev, Mr. Lurk Si UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS would read a paper un '"I'lle Atone - To loan on Real Estate at lowest tutee v. E. Ma. Simi°, 1 lensall, I yvottet Remy on some tollaSe of the sub - of iuterest, jeet, aud others won Id be prepared to discuss these papers. Rev. Mr. Shaw, Egruondville, was appointed he Presbytery's representative on the Assembly1s home mission committee ; Rev. Mr. 'al rutin end Mr. NIeliaty1 older, of ; were appointed Presbytery's representative on the Synod's committee on bills and over- tures. The following commissioners were appointed to the Assembly to be held in Nlontreal in Julie : Rev. Nlessrs. Shen., Anderson and Fletcher and elders from Brucefield, Bly tit and McKillop. Rev, M. Anderson was appuinled on the Assembly's committee on bills and overtures, Rev. Mr. Small reported that the congregation of Blyth had by a very large majority voted to insert his own 1111111C in their call but that be preferred that another moderator should be appointed to issue the matter, and necordingly Rev. Mr. Leckie, Londesboro, was eppointed. kV. McLean was licensed to preach the Gospel, the moderator leading the serviee of licensing and giving him the right hand of fellowship. The next meeting or rhe Presbytery Will take piece on the second Tuesday in M fly ill Willis church, Clinton REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Periosts wishing to moll will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companles,and respect- fully solicit your account, ormcn HouRs: 10 A.M. to 3 P.M, Business cards. A. 13. 31 ACOONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Suc. eessor to 0. F. Blair. Ofllco over Stan. third Bank, Mussels, Solicitor for Metro. politan Bank. VIVA" 1 I FOOT, HAYS it. I LA 1 11 Bairkters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. ollees-Those formerly occupied b Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich. W. Proutifoot, ti.C. ; It. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. Obth Council. E, LONfl, L.D.S„ 1). 0.5. The regular meeting of Myth Corm - Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal cil was held in industry Hall last Wed - College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto Univereity. (Mice over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. nesday evening. The Reeve, 1)r. \', J. Alilne, in the chair ; Coitus, John- ston, Gerry, Chellew and Hill present. Minutes of last regular meeting, ad- journed meeting of February Rth, tee getter with special meetings of Pebru- W. I LN E, 0.C. ary 130i and 18th, were read and de- clared correct. Moved by W. Johnston, seconded by L. Hill, that the following accounts he paid. -Carried. E. Livingston, rleci lights...,$30 00 Tux STANDARD, print ing acct... 8 80 .1. Elder, writing Itill By-law agreenten t 5 00 V. .1. Dempsfoy, cord of ,‘'o0,1rol. 'CI C rr MI'S, FftWiltolt 2 50 Municipal World, election end lilt 1 'SSELS, ONT. assessor's supplies 5 .11 Folio Mains, teaming toe:omit, .. 00 Auctioneer for Huron County ,(4eortzli White, drawing lire en - I gine twice 1 5) Ternim reasonable. Sales arranged for agricultural Society, rent of fair ,it the office of THE STANDARD, Myth. grounds, 19013... „ . ,.......,1 00 5. Westlake, salary. February40 itu , A 1141cl-son, auditor A. IL Wilford, auditor, stetion- 8 (XI ery and postoge- . 8 59 --- elle 06 owed 1011, seconded by S. 11. Gerry, that the Reeve and Treasurer he authorized to arrange a credit at the Batik of Hamilton for 32000 to meet current expenditure of this corporation and that n by-law be prepared confirm- ing the sarne.-Carried. Moved hy it. ChelIew, seconded Iv W. .Johnston, that By-law No. 5, 1007, as now read three times bo pass- ed. -Carried. Moved by W. J./Allston, seconded by Hdl, that the Treitsurer hand over to F, Metcalf, Secretary of Blyth Agri- cultural Society, the lease of Agricul- tural Park, cancelling same end that acknowledgtnent of receipt of sante he obtained from the Society, signed by the President and Treasurer thereof, - Carried. Veterinary office at livery stable, Moved by L, Hill, seconded by W. Johnston, that we do now adjourn,- Carrried, Council then adjourned. Physician and Surgeon. 111.D.C,M., Ifni. varsity of Trinity College; M.D. Queen's University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Mice, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Myth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Etables 1 • Qi4 4)9 . J.N. Perdue, V.S. • PROPRIETOR. • Qi/Q Q4) Q Firetecless Home and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTIL A FAMOUS SCHOOL, Is recognized to be one of the leading commercial schools of Ontario. Our courses are thorough and praotie O. Each department 114 In the hands of experienced inetructors. Oar gritduates are in de. mend and are meeting with great 1111C. eese. Many leading Business Colleges employ our graduates ee teaohere. 1Vrite for free catalogue. You may enter at any time. ELLIOTT Et McLACHLAN, Principals, fAurz-M4Z cnumit NOTES. A congregational meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon at St, Andrew's church to sign the call for Rev, Mr, Small, Moderator Leckie, of Londes- boo), had charge of the meeting * Seernment mil at Trinity church last &utility morning. * * A full report of Goderich District Epworth League and Sunday School Convention my be lead on pee I. of this iliS11C. Owing to Rev, J. Somerville, 11, A., of Tomato, not 'being able to sup ply the pulpit of St. Andrew's church lastSundity, Rev. ;11r. McLean, of the Queen City was the preacher, He spoke in Ole morning from the text "Ood Jove'' end in the evening he gave 1111 address from the text "Behold 1 stand itt the door and ktiock," 411r, McLean 'trill occupy the JI.?! p11 this Sunday elso, A t. the hodiet church on Sabbath morning the pastor'e address was o those who during the revival SPI'VICCH hay° signified a desire to he followers of Jesus Christ. At the evening ser vice, which tens ver v largely at tended, thn subject was "The Unreasonable- ness of Utrighteon4ness" from Matt, 22-12. At the close of the evening service over eighty were received on probatiou. I flo.t:ss O. Steele 116 room on hitiny evoninu of this week. Fergusen 103 of the Riding Associationend others 0 0, 1, O1e1t1 35 eall dliress the meeting. li.illarney, (1, Lowrenee 152 Miss le lean Brown is visiting with Lakeside, E. 1). Lynell 25 ; friends and relations ot NVinghain, Cur. :1,a Verandro. .1. li, Lauzini 157 rie, Oranucville and Toronto, .‘lanit on, 11, Boaers 1100 Miss Vinie Edwards lies returned Minnedosa, W. 13, 11'ardell 201 front Blyth and has taken her old Niorris, Colin Cs emboli 2 , pois11011 at the ,'osr. Noll( lk, P, Lyons 151 ! Miss Margaret Brown spent Senday Pertege La Prairie, 11. Armstrong 111 22:1 Councillor Baeker Wa5 in Wing - Rockwood, 'Isaac ley .17 1 ham 011 Sunday, • ussel 1 , Bonn v cost le !I ▪ Boniface, J Bernier 71 River Hobson 27 South liratiton, A, 11. l;arrol1 29 Turtle Monntnin„1, Johnson 191 Virden, .1. 11. A anew 99 Winnipcg centre, Thos. 1V. Taylor 235 117innipeg north, 1. F. Nlitehell :139 Winnipeg south, ,l, 'I'. hordes 1:3I Total. 27. Coins, 6 Losses, 7. litifferin. R. P. Roblin 20(i hill, y Holmes, of 111 Ingham, 1 resident LI 13ER.1 LS. Arthur, Birtle, 0, .1, M Hilt, :122 1:Deloraine, It, S, 'Phortiton 10 Dauphin, Campbell 121 Emerson, Oeo. Walton 90 liladHlolle, Armstrong 62 :Lansilowne, '1'. C. Norris 90 :11or1en, 13..1. NleConnell ▪ llottutain. .1. li. Baird +• lihinelend, V. \\Tinkle'. (12 8pringliehl, 1), A, Ross 112 +.„.‘vinitipeg 11, Johnston 13 Tot RI, 12 ileitis, 7 Losses, 0 , • ElPfiti011 oli Ghillie. and (filbert Plains to be held later ; (lute not yet announc- ed, spring Show Ditto,. 1313111, Tuesday, April 2nd. Clint on, Th lIIslity, A pill .11h. Bruceneld, Wedneedny, April 2 10). SIX FACTS That Are Easy to Auburn. The Pre:byterinn congregation has decided to enlaree the eheils, so that ell be enclosed. Tentlers have been requested for the work, The railway bridge across the NI alt - land is tienrieg completion, 'lite last girdei5 Wor0 placed in loOsIti011 Ot TIleS(1113', 'Phil train wilbe able to cross in a couple of weeks. James Stewart, who intely sold out his hardware business to James Young, bade go 41•14,ve to Auburn on moving lliS foilllily 10 Wingliam, where he intend.: residing, for the present. 11'in. Sean 11115 suld his farm 1 miles East of the village to 'Ins. 11 owat t. 2111., Soot t '1,4iVCs llp pOssfos- SiOli ill allollt 11 month and 11101e4 to lilyi h, I l', llowett intends to fieisli his rental 11o1.111 011 the farm, WItiVII is 1W° VC111.8, and Will 1101 1110V1! 11111i1 it I•XpilIoS. n ,1101nlity of Inst. week it dozen R1111 a half of t he girl friends of Miss llorin- da Lawlor took possesson of her mother s home mid spent a social and enjoyable evening, They left it pile or miscenaheolis useful articles, therein hoping to show their respect mid sin- cere gonil will Inward 211 iss Leavlor, on her departure for the 11'4,st. It is our sea duty this week to chronicle the passion away of Miss Nlargai etlinhertsen, whose death took place on Morel2ni1 at tioderiee tel, where she has antic hopieg to he relieved from lifehmg seirerine. by sure ice I trent meet, h,, ‘.ing t IVO OloPi it111,4. 211 iss It • 'hie t son yva e born in the e01111.y limo., Sp. • land, it 187d, to Canada With Winn' 1111'1111111's of 110 family 111 181;9. Emir Itt or hers ..f t he fe Indy tite left In mourn her 1044. Thomas, John Remember and \‘'illiam. 01 Collo wino township, and ,ItionPS, Of Tie- funeral took place oil Merril it from the re..i• 41,elee o her ll --t \Viol.. dip 111. 11111111OTS lomb Itit 10111* Iona hog. MODIIPW9, El'onosl Hold John llobertsore A bea ut if al wren 11 %yes off et ed tribute to her memory 1,1' 1 he 1, idles' Aid of the Bose Line Belo ist (dun -01e of which elle wee a faithful 1110.11111(OT and other 1101111 (Alevines frotn a 'neither of friends were &geed open 1110 (11s!, et, The remains wen, followe.I 10 their 108 resting, pinee in Bs 11's cemetery by a large ('0110011 1I' of friends, who thus mutely offered a large tribute to 1111 111131110T3'. NV. Mr. Magee, 01 (2111)100, conducted the obsequies, assisted by Rev. Mr. JOI1CS, of Auburn, and 1litv. Mr, Iteld, of Nile. E1 IIST-That if there Is any particularly right place to do .Jewelry shopplug it Is here. SECOND-- That It is the right niece only , bemuse we eel! the right, goods. TB 1RD-And.don't charge too much for thet», FOURTH --We have special goods for all special occaelons such as birthday an- nivereariee, wedding souveniers and such like, FI 1"1.11-1Ve have confidence In every bit of our stock and ask you to examine it elide illy. SIXT11---There is no best time to call. Any day Is the right day. , FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Ilidlett up to 2 n. tn, on Saturday, the 30tn of Minh, 1007, for the erection of (=crate abutments to support two atcel bridgee. At the same time and place tenders will be rmlved for the steel superstructure of the said two bridge!), length between abutments being rel feet and 2i feet and 1-1 feet roadway. ()ie of these bridges will be over Sprung', Creek In the Maitland BIrck, and the nther will be on Sideroad 10 and 11, Con, 12, Tae lowest or eny tender not melee eerily accepted, Specifications for the concrete work c in be seen at the T.iwn. ship Clerk's Oise, Londe:horo.-.1ANIns Cameneet„ Clerk. ROBERT H. OARNISS 13 I.UEVALE ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terms reasonable, Sale,' arranged for at '1 HE STANDARD Offle , illyth. Brussels Monument, Works We bey by the carload dircei from the qitarits, (let our prieee. 11Te employ no agents, WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS -- ON"11.1 11 10. MARKET REPORT,- Wheat 70-70 ; Barley '18-48 ; Onte 86-86 ; Peas 74-76 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eg•gs 16-17. 11.a.411411.•-• WInaham. Samuel Birchen, a well-known en ti le denier in these parts, took it paralytic stroke on Smithey. A collection will be taken up next; Sunday evening 111 the NIetodlet °Introit in aid of the famine stricken Chinese, ,Mr. Weston, the C. 0, E. orgenixer, has succeeded so far in adding about 20 new members to the local court :nem- belrselia1!.)* lW, 0. Howson prenehee next Sunday in the North Street Methodist church, °aerie'', it being the first anniversary of the now church, Mrs, Lachlan ;McLean, en aged and respected resident of town, fell down cellar one (ley recent ly and received a severe shaking up, besides !Hiving her hip bone fractured, The Stone Block, which was pur- chased a few weeks ago by Jumps Chisholm and Walton NicKibbon, hes again changed hands, The new per. chasers are R. B. 1Il 1011 and 1', 1-1. WOgelloei‘.14%4-. 0, Hanna has purchased the property and building lying imme- d'ately south althe property. of Hanna & Co. He will probably Wild sit tip- to•da 0 store in connection with the & Uo's, new store. Duncan (41.0105, one of the earliest Deniers in Lower 1Vingliam, died on Monday morning 1 ti his 71st year, Flo twos 11 native of Ireland and ham been an Orangeman for 57 years., He came to Camille over 5) years, He leaves a Wife, tavedintgliters and four sons 10 monrn his detnise„ 111 politiche was a Conservative and a member of St. Paul's elnirch, On 11'hursditv afternoon of last woek the Business Oolleg,e hockey teem went down to give the Brussels team n genie end 1113 11104111G received a severe trim- ming. The return game wits played on the !oval ice on Nit -many evening, and the nollege boys didn't succeed, as they lied hoped, in 101 wiling the defent, but were 11 ga In badly defeated by a score of 7 to 1. Brussels hoekeyists will he booking for bigger ga me now, Subscribe for STANDARD, TUN man who has it message lie feels he must whimper to 111411811). Ints breath as bad RS his manners, eeeeeoree0000 Millinery and Dress Goods Opening Friday and Saturday, March 22nd and 23rd 0 CS ?4) (1® J. A. ANDERSON o tgle0 E 1L4V' rir I-1 -• • --• ^ -• y • • • rrIWING (57) {( Spring Is coming and with it 1, antes the usual amount of sewing. You will lInd good reliable machine a useful artiele In your house. We boll the Drop Read New Williams and the latest Improved NJw 11 tymond Al:whines. These mne'llites are sold with a written guarantee for lu year. You eau save from te5 to sill by coming to this store for a machine, J. H. CHELLEW - BLYTH a We are too busy to advertise. WEN *BsLY 116111.MIIIMMIONIIMO Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, L'var, Kidneys and for °tearing the Blood. 200 days' treatment $1, 10 days' treatment 25e, For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Stot'e Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. Our 25c Tea It's as good ne we sty it Is, Maybe bet ter than you think It is, Just one thing against it The price is too low I. keeps people who aro too parttcular from trying it. Our r«111 .st 1,8 prudent at d economicel anti 07 this 252, Ten of ours 0i lilile Flp of the stowed beverni o note than a tedunin of talk, Our other Teas at other prices are niro e lipidered to 110 of more than average merit.- CAS11 FOR ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE JAMES CUTT Esr...."srarix HOUSE AND LOTS 1fOR SALE, -The undersigned offers for male Lots 88 and 811, Weettnoreland street, In the riling° of Myth, 0.1 the promises thorn 14 a Lenient -block veneered residence 20x28, kitchen Itiz22 attsehed, hard end sat good ennent stable. Must bs sold as proprietor is going \Veit. F.n. tnrther particulars apply to Jolts F. NiviNS, Blyth. Rubbers needn't be flimsy to be etylisb ; needn't be clumsy to be staunch; needn't cost more to be better than you've been buying, They give you Double wearfrom every pair. Look for the trademark, The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario One of the 209 Daisy Styles. Ask your Dealer. Thislight storm• rubber 19 wads 41 the right torshope to fit YOUR shoes. Ann M,1I:t'll 19O 13IJY'I'I I S'I'AN DAR L)----PAc;vr, ► ► „0!.► 41d as.►zitll>rA it l i io c '1! t; 1..i THE RIGHT HOUSE kvA 0 A ItELiABLE STORE IVI'I'li WORT! [1' (1 (MS ON SA Li: 110II':fA'1'1a PIECES volt (last' ANI) )'.11[11 Pummel.:, SPRING . GOODS The constant growing demands on our stock has necessitated our buying larger and better assort- menta g ment of Dry Goods for the Spring of 1907 than ever before. It will ap- H peal to the one who is looking for the . best values and closest prices. E. -Emeg Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. kY4 Id BENDER, BLYTH u Poultry Wanted We want 1)ry Plucked Poultry, also Live Poultry, for which we will pay the highest (ash price. Next car here on Dec. 1(1111, Drain ekeoks paid after banking hours at our store, MoM1LLAM & CO. Dlnsley Street • Blyth TOWN TOPICS. T. \'oils anti lvork fur the Ry•lew, tll'I•:N1NOS next friday turd Saturday, A1111011 22111 and 20rd, DON'T 'forget the Spring Show to be held in Blyth on Tuesday, April 2nd, .1 011N \IAIN14 Iuts lensed tllo'I'a,ylor furls just outside the village limits for term of five years, Juni will move on to it in April. Tale agent of the linion Publishing Co„ of Ingersoll, was in town last \Vellnesdny working np Choir Directory for Middlesex, I[nron and Perth. SoI.1),--Thu house and lot which lips (leen advertised in'I')11'; STANDARD by .1, 1', Ctu'ter ' wits sold on 'l'uosdtty morning of this week to Mrs, Jos, Carter. 1Irs..1, 'P. Carter expects to move to NI kilned where her husband is, us so as a house is secured in [het town. They have been residents in Blyth for n. good many years and their friends u'i11 b1) serr,v to see thein leave the village, ON \I'etlnesdny evening of Inst Week at 11 p. M. the marriage of James Bar- ron, of 'I'urnherry, and Hiss 11II( Edwards, of Bo1inore, took piece in Trinity church, The Hector, 1{ov. W. ]1, Hartley, half-brother to the groom, otliciated. Ugly a few relatives of the contracting parties were present to witness the interesting. ceremony and extend congratulations nod wish tho 30(111(; couple the customary felicity. SrttzN(I Sitow.-.131yth Agricultural Society will hold a mammoth Spring Fah' in Blyth on Tuesday, April 2nd. A splendid list of prizes for entire stock It e. Horses -Clydesdale, Shire, Per - Otero!' 1(11(1 ltoadSto'. Cattle --Short. horn, Herefords, Polled Aligns. Grain seed etc, Industry Hall has been se- cured for the Seed and Grain display. 1'el'y liberal prizes in cash aro offered, No entrance foe ; no admission fee, Addresses will Inn delivered fn lnduFrry (lull at 2 o'clock by Government Specialists on sllbjeetS interesting to Agriculturalists, l'ot' prize lists and fullparticulars apply' to FrankAlot- eulf, Secretary, Everybody invited, 1'o•rIa for the I3y-fitly on Alarch 241•, Sul:1(nx0 is nearly it thing of the past, ',Awl' Morse fair of the ,Season wfll be hold on April :1rd, It NA1) the advertisements in 'Pula STANDAR') 110(1 you may save Some stoney. Btvrn Pall Pair this year will he held on Monday and Tuesday, Sept, 211rd and 21th, ,Now that the Council have cancelled their lease with (he /1ericulttIInl Society the young then of town are %wondering lvhet o they ere going to be able to enjoy themselves during the summer months in manly sports, It has been rumored that the Agl. Society will not allow the boys the privilege and as the Council was paying it rental of 81 a year, it seems n pity that the young men and boys have no park for recreation, 11'0 would like to Ilett' from 501110 0110 011 this Matter, Ilocicr:v MAi'c11,-'1'1111 long -talked of hockey match for the vilingo cham- pionship and 0 side bet of 500 cents %yqs pulled off at the Grande Rini: os Pridny afternoon. The contesting teams were the Blyth Regular's, who have only. lost two games all season, and a team composed of crippled, Inas-been, 110101• were end never -will -he hockey players, all residents of the village and over nine and tinder ninety years of age, No rule book lovas available, but this difficulty was easily overcome Iny the eaptain of the Regulars posting the re- feree -and he did post hits. The game started with rush, and afters few minutes of lightning -fast piny the Jiegs, scored the first goal when 31c• Anter was taking a rest ; a little while later the Scrubs shot one u'hicll looked liked a goal, but it Was not allowed. 011 resuming play the referee sent 111e1Cay to the fence for tripping hftnsel1; Davis made it rush no the ice and into rho snot' bank, The Begs, then took the lluck down and scored their second and ast goal while Anderson was off for roughing it, Play was no sooner started than M08011 registered a teller, This wits the :est goal scored as neither goalkeeper could get out of the way of the other shots, The genie was got - ting vory rough at half-time and the Regs. refused to play any longer so (he game ended 2-1 111 their favor, Tho teams lined up tts follows : IZegs, Scrubs II, Gidley goal 13, AleArter It, Sims point W. Davis S, Buchanan cover R. McKey J. Wanless rover.1. Bell M. Begleycentre 1I. Haines J, Carter left E, 111(801) McCaughey right 1'1, Anderson Rules-0i(ll0,y'8 Revised ; ltoferoe- McCouunins ; NI 00E0 and Weir ; 'I'iIne-Oen half of 45 minutes ; I'olalties-'Too nuntolIMns to mention. C - -. 011 common fences the continuous wire staysail) sure to bond and the looks to loso their grip under continual pres- sure of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wlro, 80011 followed by those below, will sag and destroy tho ell)Cicncy of your fence. Nothing liko that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence, The short, stilt hard steel who In our hinge•elnys cannot bond when thio !Metal wires aro A," weighted down, owing to their bolllg so short and Jointed at each stnnd•whro, Pressure of a horse nu the lop wire brings the "bingos" 111 1119 841011 hlto notion and prevents them front bending, Itll11 %viten pressor() Is, relieved the fence sittings back Into place again. The lateral wires are Illgh•Carhol Yard Steel and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by Twat and cold, and 111'0 11180 crimped at the linermeutloft of the 1IIi)'H and 81.1.0101H t0 prevent, the stays from slipping sidWv11y8-lhel'CfOI'0110locks aro needed, Buy (lin Dillon IJInge•Slny Nonce. IUs "twice 118 strong," 'Twice ns good 1111 iuv0Atn1Cnt, Catalogue free. • The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Onl. ILOH"VZkt, .AloPIIl:I1SON I3110S,, 1:3LYTII ; JOHN JOIINSON, LONDESI30110 ; AGi;N'I'S, \V(' are paying 70c for Wheat ('rrii Blyth flour Mills C. H. BEESE ((rani] bodge above [whirs the World's (Ir('II Ar''hitw't, Infg ns and rules for - 1 ver and eve), Again ns.urieg you of onr sincere sympathy, hraternelly wars 011 behalf n( the 1,1111:40, 1'. 1\ . Stolt, .1. li, Tierney and 11, 1I. Ilan, ton, 11. 1►, YII .H1)► V1/H1nI1 / /Yr V1 •111..1.1/./I fu,t,t3ttt! klt]tll]La*Lr/d f.4.11 14ta' fu t1 01,0,t•••••••• LIYIwI / /YI JY/oI IoI.r.1 fll f1 1 I'eOple \1'e fa; cKel 3118, 1'r'rter is on the sick list with 1t;i an attack ut (1)11nse5•, ful 31r, David Clark, now 01 (io(lericll, i was in (011'11 lust [l'ee'k, Ale, (;corge I)onstedl, (}f %v;1s in tn1Vn f 1118 %%Tel: 11r, A, I'oplestunc W11s in I:Neter on Tuesday of this week, :Ir, ;1, W. I;•Ihinsun was It visitor in Ltteknuly over Sondes. Srxl,.ty [fill be Si. i'ulrick'. Dat', J '1'111; Illlillllell' openines are twirl; ail vela Read t!in adlertiti('Illellts, :1 mem smart boy 1v;lnt,ll 10 lean ; '1)riI11l)l , Apply at 'Tom S1'1~1,.•1:(11, Now 1(11 suppose 1hat some romantic , lvuullul 11'114e.;lll 111'1. haps dllu ;1111. r, I•:t'Olyn \esti[ 'Phut[•, 'I'1111 county of 1'ertll is fishing 161' I,Cg15111I111'r! I0 Irel'lllll II to come tinder 1110 (food Roads Act, Ilnl, with 1ulvnhbil) control, :Middlesex 0h11tined an l)' I of this pilin last session, but itfs said Ont LO 110 V0 1vurlred satisfactorily, '1') Objection tu all slid) proposals is 111,11 they ((1141 to prevent uniformity and to Make it inure clitiicult to Inlvu 0 cunt- 111011 standard, S\1'F0 I'IN)1 st;WI teSoften reach further than intended, The l)olllinioll 1,111' against selling or dit•t•ibutiug 1)11111i• c(alf011.8 on Sunday wits intenllc(1 to ripply to uowsl oys selling Sunday papers. A 'Toronto solicitor has di5• coverall that it also applies to the little Susdny School papers given out to the children, 11'110111 aro nil classified as newspapers 11,y the postale() depart - mem . I1 would 111ad(0 1111 interesting case if some of the youthful vendors of Sunday pullers should (urn around end have ell our Sunday School ntlperin- tenlleuts hauled 11p ire police court for violation of the Sunday observance law,, MARRIED - The many friends of Adam Foster Brigham, formerly of this section and son of John BrighaM, Will be pleased to hear of his Marriage at Kamsack:, Sask,, on February '20th to Miss Grace M. McLeod, formerly of :Montreal, but 11'I10 was on the Mission staff at Kanmsack, ht' Rev. dl r, 11 e- 1\'11innev. The bride and groom were supported by Miss Sarah Dunbar, of the 3(1881on staff, and 31r, Stephenson, of liamsacic 'J'Iie bride and brides- n)nid 11'ere dressed 111 white silk, It is over •1 years since :Ir, Brigham left for the west. The happy couple will live nt Corn, Air, Brigham h1(; been recently appointed by the Dominion Government as Neral Superintendent of Indian Reserves, The groom's Did friends in this section hill tvfs!' himself and bride many happy end prosperous years, Taia following letter of condolence has been sunt by 1311111 Lodge of 0, (1, P. to 'Mrs. E. Loekie, I)e,mt 31.111,11[ : 1Ve the officers and members of Cowl, Morning. Star, No, 81), desire to extend our heartfelt sympathy with you and yours nt this time of your std bereavement in the loss of your clear son. Wo are none of us total strangers to bereavement 11)111 the memories of kind n'o'ds spoken in our time of need aro very fragrant with us and awaken the Trope that this dlesHnge of Syne• miry may serve to lighten your burden Iv the 1(5surnnce that it is shared at least in some degree by others. it is the earnest wish of Ibis Court tint the Divine Ruler may extend to you all 111111 grace and comfort, that you need in this time of trial. Assuring you of our deepest sylllpat lly werelntill, y0111'8 011 bnhnlf of CnnIt Morning Star, No, F(9, C, 0, 1''., 1311th, David Cowan, C. R„ John W, Bell, R, 8, ANNOUNCEMENT, N'r, - The 0alr 1)aily Reformer of Thursday, yl arch 701, has the following to say of the former editor of THE STANDARD :-The Re- former begs to announce to the public of Gelt and vicinity that tinder the re- o'gnnizatfsu of the sluff ,lir, Albert E. Bradwin has assumed the General Managership, Mr, Bradwin conies highly recommended as It newspaper man and a gentleman, 11e having been until coating to Galt, Business Manager of 'Toronto Seturdny Night, and for el(wen soars prnl'iouS to that was Editor and Publisher of THE BLYTH STANDARD. Mr. BradWin is also n consistent, Grit and will direct the I)oliey of the ltefo'mer along the seine lines, which have in the past made ft one the best exponents of Liberal principles in the Province, As n gentle- man and citizen we trust the people of Galt will welcome Mr. Bradwin to the town, and it is m,r earnest hope that the progress of (salt, :ism] industrial centre and the further success of the Reformer ander his direction es nm edrrcativo influence in t.ho community may go hand in hand, AT the last meeting of Blyth Lodge No, 808, A. P. (k A, 31,, 0, It. C., it with moved by IV, 13r'o„ P. 1V, Scott, seconded h,y 13ro, Dr, Hamilton, iha in view of the recent bereavement of W. Bros, Jes. Hamilton au(1 1)r, Carder that, the W, Allister draft it committee to prepare a suitable resolution of e,nn- dolenee, 1.1(.1d Std ,1x11 Bao, : On be- half of the officers and members of Blyth Lodge, No, 8011, A, i'. & A, 31„ G, R. 0,, two (IOSIIrl 10 express our heart -felt sympathy with you ut t.hi8 time of your sad be.renvemelt in the loss of your (lett' wife. \Ve are none of tis entire strangers 10 bereavement and the memories anti comfort of kind words spoken in our time of tribulation 1(1)11 s0'lOW are toilhusstill 111)11 awaken Lilo hopo ilt'It this Message frau your 1)111 kern in the lodge may Nervi to lighten in some measure your load of sorrow by the assurance that it is shnl'erl 113' ns all. :lay the Great A10hutnet of the universe who in his supreme wisdom hes seen fit 1)t this Cote to take from You n loving partner, extend to you oli the grata, comfort and held!, that you need in this your hour of deep sotf'Ow turd efliiction. anti When this transitory life for ,von is over may yen moil) l)c 111)ile(1 in the Miss Sandi K',Ott, (It Clinton, is visiting Miss Emilia llas(I». Jlrs. . , Ultendeu f8 VI8I(iI1 fu 1,(111(101) 1)Ioi'11a couitple (1.f Jliss Bessie U;tvis, of Clinton, is rhe attest of ,hiss Fanny Mason, 'Miss 1;ould, of Exeter, spent Still- y 118 the guest of Alks Livingston. Illi. It. Stewart is at present oil' duty nt the 13arlk on account of sicic- 11088. Miss Ella Anderson 11118 been on the sick list with the prevailing la• r;l'i;lltc, 31t', Win. Leith, of Stratford, was holidaying under the parental roof' fur a few days, Mr. W. W. Taman, of Exeter, spent Sunday renewing old friend- ships in Blyth, Miss Nellie L. Kelly, of Morris, spent last weep visiting. friends in Clinton and vicinity, Miss Baker, Miss Porter and Miss Anderson are busy preparing for the millinery openings, ,lir, and Mrs, Jesse Mountain and son Willie, of Dungannon, were Blyth visitors on Monday. Mr. 1l. Bradford, of Dungannon, is here looking alter the blacksmithing business of Mr. R. R. Doughlas, Rev, E, G, Powell and NI r. W. H, Kerr, of Brussels, were in tonl last 1''I'i(l)1y attending the Convention. hiss Rena Bennett left for Mit- chell where she liar a position as milliner in one of the stores in that town. Master Harold and Miss Gladys Bloor, of Ailsa Craig, are visiting / their grandmother, Mrs, Frances Mason. Mr. Vannater, of the Godcrich Sig- nal, called on THE STANDARD last Friday while attending the District Convention. Dr. McKelvey 011(131r, Wm. Smith, of Brussels, were in town on Tues- day evening ; the doctor was here to see lair, R, R. Douglas who is ill. The Gorrie Vidette of last week says :-We are pleased to hear that hiss Pearl Denstedt, who has been seriously ill with a severe attack of la grippe, is recovering, Mr. A. M. Babb, of Teeswater was visiting his sister, Miss Agnes Babb, over Sunday. Miss Babb is still seriously ill but her t»)111y friends hope for a speedy r'ecover'y, Announcements have been re- ceived in town of the marriage of the daughter of 1>'ev, J. and Mrs. Edmonds, Grace Muriel to Cholmby Elliott Strickland, on Monday even- ing, February 25th, at ,Sioux falls, South Dakota, Hiss Livinia Edwards, who has been employed at THE STANDARD office for the past six weeks, return- ed to Brussels on Saturday and will he engaged once more on the Post., Miss Edwards made many friends while in town. 1[r. Angus McMillan left on Tues- day afternoon for the Yukon and ex- pects to arrive there before n month has passed, lle was ticketed i)y. Agent llellurcl)ie fur the 0, 1', H. right to Skngway and the other 800 miles will be made by rail for 200 and the rest by stage, 311.. 3Ic31fl- ien hill Iind 0 difference in. travel - lin; 11o11' 111811 what 11e fond the first time he went to the fan' north, LONDON AND WINGIIAM BRANOIL, I[is thinly friends will wish hint 0 s)lf'c journey. ;ul LOTS of Goods w Lit Ladies' New Neckwear We hav(: re.ccived lately a large quantity Of ladil'S CoHilrs, in silks, Silk embroidered, plucn and turnovers, prices 25C, 35c, .Loc, 50c, 75c and $1. Ladies' New Silk . and Wash Belts Our assortment of Belts in silk, washable, elas- tic, leather and jets, is Larger than previously. Our full lines have all conn; to hand. Prices 20C, 25C, 35C, .}0c, 50c, 75c, $i, :1.25 and S 150. Cream Mirror Poplin Cream Mirror Poplin is something new because of its resemblance to silk, its reversible sides it looks like: gro grain silk, 1 t wear:; better, is double fold and fast dye finish, price 75e. Popular Goods at Popular Prices in 1.t.tstres, Mohair, P;Inllmas, Voiles, Broadcloths, Venetians, '1'weeds, Wash Goods, I\luslins, Organ- dies, Lawns, White Goods, Novelties in Cream Dress Fabrics, Long Silk Gloves, Lisle, Silk Taf- feta and Lace Gloves and Mitts, Hosiery in Cotton, Lisle, Plated, Cashmere. l; nderwear ill Cashmere, Cotton, Balbriggan and Union. Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs. if you leant a Man's or Boy's Ready-to-wear Suits, in 0 nobby tweed or plain cloth, at from $5 to $12, conte to us and we hill be pleased to show our goods. Men's Rain Coats, in greys and of $S, $10 an(1 $13 5(1. 11.,, •. nr1 /R►. 1 Yrl3n/%/r0VY►1 t Int n►IOV3/NIlYr 01PLY► 14iJr► N y)jL yx{fir' y` .y/.J+ I`I; I`: : i:✓ :i:,I\ f►: ; .: ?1141014\1I::, 4I0l4lr•/Y1. 4. 111[1'(► :. f POPLESTONE & CARDINER • Successors to McKINNON & CO. INNIMMEN 1 FY► HMRBAGEUM i3etter than all other Stock Foods, Nothing to beat it for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and fowl-5oc and 25c packages, FI -1 UR (lest Manitoba, made from No. 1 hard wheat, also Choice Family. I,I\'E111'()O1 S.51.'l' FO1d 131'T'I'Eil MAiCF,lis, Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR Londesboro. Mrs, Herman, of Clinton, is a of 31rs. Crittenden. 11ev, ,1, 0. Iteid, of Nile, visited friends here on Saturday. Miss E, lilll'tel'elltel'taiued a number of her friends on 'Tuesday evening. Iter, 31r, Curry, of 15' allot), preached to .t large congregation here of Sunday evening, The Londesbo'o derides bold their c01)0dl't t(11s Price ty evening, 3181'1311 15th, No pains have spared 111 prelim'. Mg the program, All who iniss this trill miss n treat, A 111118810u, 25c, E NO MIsATS, BLYTH pest CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. TIME TABLE. ECZEMA, '1.1(1.'1.:1[, MAl;i' 17110011, ITCH, itIN(I 11'017)1, 11E1R1'ES, 11,11111117S' 1'I'C)), All of these diseases ere attended by intense itching, which is almost, in- stantly relieved by applying Chamber- lein's Salvo and by its continued use a permanent cure may be eITeeted, 1t has, 111 feet, cured many cases that lied resided Illi other treatments, Price 'd;) cents per box, For sale by all drug- gists. sottrrl, 11111 11 .10 Il .l0 II 52 7 00 7 1.1 7 17 8 115 15 822 8 :I5 8 -III 8511 J 0.) 1)12 0 21 11 211 The Altar. a :ts pts , :10 03 I I (11 ii d7i 1.i 1)5 5 15 5 11 5 :31) ii:15::,(521111i1117,52711::5111111 17 553:1 521 5 68 BARTON - El)W ll(I)H - 111 'Trinity J 37 (/ 00 church, Blyth, un IVeduusdt(y, 1) '1' ti 10London 8 10 31111.011 Gti, at 0 p, 111, by Bol', W1, Connections aro inn a at Winghnmfor H, Hartley, half-brother to the all tstations on, the Palmerston and Kin- cardine groom, James Barton, of Turn - berry, to Miss Ella Edwards, of Belnlor0. 13lnnttAMt - McLron, - At Kltn1Snek, Sask., on Feb, 2OtI), by Rev. Al r, 111cW11innoy, Adam Foster Brig- 1))un, formerly of 13101, to Miss flrneo M. 31}'Leo:l, Nonan, am nm Wingham 11 10 7 35 Wink+uun.iut, II 00 7 25 Bh1.trave 1)) 50 7 13 Blv'th 10 38 7 (N) Loudesboro 1(1 :111 (h 52 Clinton 1015 (I 35 Bruceflold 0 53 If 1)) 'Kippen it 50 (t 11 110ns'01 0 11 11 05 Exeter I) :30 5 51 Centralia 11 18 5 530 Clandeboye DOJ 5 3d Luella Crossing 0 05 5 30 Denfield 8 no 5 25 lldet'ton 8 •15 5 15 Ettrick 8 35 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing 44 20 5 02 Hyde Park Jot. i; 21 5 00 .1 50 Connections are made at Clinton for all and Empire stations on 1110 Iiu11'ato and Goderleh ,The Standard and Daily Globe. branch, and all stations from Stratford to J Toronto. Send all subscriptions direct to Connections are made at Lucian Crossing for all stations 11'081 to Sarnia, Connections aro made nt London for all stations east and west on the 111100 line. The Standard , ... 81 00 'l'he Standard and Weekly A(lvor- tisor , 1 95 Tho ,Standard and Weekly IVit- ucssSstl...... .... , 1 fill 'Thu uldlu'll end Weekly Globo 1 85 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard mud Weekly Mail and Empire 1 05 '['he Standard and Hamilton Semi - Wee klyTimes ,,, 180 The Stnndnrd end Weekly Free Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week - 1y Sun , ,,, 1 80 '1'110 Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -ween: Spectator..., 1 80 News The Standard and'1'oronto DaDailyStan' , The Standard and Toronto Daily . 2 lir The Standard and f'armer's Advo• r,llte .,,. ,, 2 81) P1113 Standard and Dally Advor- ttset' .,,, ,,.. 2 50 1'1111 Standard 0114 Evening Free Pros ....., 2 75 The Standard and _Toronto Daily IVo'Id ,,,. ,.., II 25 The Standar(. and Daily Free Press , , ..... . 11 50 Tho Standard and livening Globo 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and EmpIire..,,.,,, t1 i)l) The Standard and Daily Hail 2 25 4 4 G54)O THE STANDARD, BLYTH, UNT, J 'CURRENT COMMENT I,;uttroltLtIin tale; up a lot of space In o'xplain 1hot the Jal'anes( won b 1',t';: they user( mare palriiIi0 711;.1 111;:1,1 311 n•( 1'.1IlaIII iy tllall 1111' Ihl,ai,:n•, This t,it in:,• cal nulo.:n., iu gifts Io cdu• e:ttinn:Il institutions is Iel'\'1(t;.l in its lay, but if -0:a1, of oar uuillinuuirr.; 11( lIld git,• freely of their t"ee"th to the xt•oek of hunting down the e:tu-e, and finding cures for cancer and consuntptitnt they might e,atfer aboon on humanity. , 4 .+ Einem. has it that Prof. 0s'1'r will quit Oxford to bevoIll( I)ean of N1C(iill mill• 11011140011.01 Accidents to your horses may happen at any moment. GET READY for emergencies. Buy a bottle of Fellows' Leeniing's Essence e,tl faculty. 'there is as yet no iifficiu1 For Lameness In Norse! con tinua1ion of the rumor, but gossip Only 50c. a bottle -and eaves has it that Prof. Osler finds Oxford a dollars worth of time by curing pretty (thiel berth, and it is IHMsible lameness of every description. At dealers, or from 12 that the rumor 1',f the change may be Tonal Drub li CMmtul Co., Umlted, true. MOMTMAI, /'QJ ♦•♦ .1 war on whisker; has hogii 1. 'I'lle Southern California 'Veterinary .Isso• elution at Los Angeles the other day re- DECALOGUE OF HYGIENE, Flavell that all dairymen should dispense with all hirsute adornments of Om fare, 13:ealth, and the health experts throughout, the Rules Which, if Followed, Insure Good Dr. Decornet, of 1'lerte sur Aube, France, State of 1\anias have taken the matter Woo anounced an the winner of a prizo of- fered by a well-known publishing house for up, I I the ten bast maxims for preserving the than (lid the veterinarians u( California.health, which were to bo publisher! in the "Anuuel Alumnae," Issued by the firer, The Kansans hold that no one wearing 1 These are the prize maxims: beard should he allowed to assist in the (1) General hyglenc.-Itise early; go to bed early, and In the meantime keep yourself preparation 11Lration of ally fool, as they believe occupied, that whiskers are the hiding place of all (2) 1teaplrnlory hygiene. -Water and bread sustain Isle, but pure air and sunlight aro sorts of germ, and bacilli. It's an ill wine" Indispensable for health. tont blows nobody good, and 1'115 reform (4) Gastro -Intestinal hyglene.--Frugality and sobriety are the best elixir vital for a will Ito doubt boon" the barber trade. long llfu. `•* (1) .Epidermal hygiene.•-(`leaul!nesw pre- serves nee from rust; the bort kept machines last The U. S. Ilaerrnnu'nt is to make an' 111¢051. other afro(" to break up tor. operations (5) hygiene of bleep. -A sufficiency of rest repairs and strengthens; too much rest weak - of certain padrunes who have for several ens and makes soft. pars been en'I'a'red in the traffic of lti) Jiyglene of .11d n n who kc' hIs bodyclothing. uf(I-cicuetlyIs +vnnwellnclothe, seta importing Greek bows, who are hold for guarding It from all abrupt changes of tem- perature, while at the sank time maintain - long periods in "what is said to amount to fag perfect freedom of motion. (7) Dwelling hygiene. -A house that Is clean and cheerful makes a happy home. (b) Moral hygtcne.-The mind reposes and resumes Its edge by means of relaxation and amusement, but excess opens the door to the passions, and these attract the vices. (9) Intellectual bygiene.-Gayety conduces to lore of Ole, and love of Ole Is the half of health; on the other hand, sadness and gloom Irclp on old age, (10) Professional hygiene. -if It Is your Flowery. I- ; brain that feeds you, don't allow your arms Lee i and legs to become anchylosed. 1)o you dig for a lirllhood, don't omit to burnish your intellect and elevate your thoughts. absolute slavery. '('hese buys are largely employed es bootblack; in shoe, -'line parlors, and are said to practically work for nullsing besides their keep for the first year or so, The (creek Government will assist the United States Government in putting 0 stop to this species of According to the Loudon 'Tailor and Cutter, there IN 11 probability of fa•)!It1111- t11i1e England adopting the kilt! The Daily Graphic iu contemplating -ne•h a sartorial revolution 111 the Sas-(:lash in kilts mildly remarks that the are draughty garments fur the month: 1,f I'etrn;u;1• and Aland). Lot perhaps the idea is that they shall Only L( worn th,' weft( her ill which, a; \I ark '('wain Illrl' said, (In' human skin i, the most comfortable of all costumes, 1Vhile it thinks tlit, ere "a Stell ill the 4111nel:tiled of the ideal," it laments that tltry give little scope for the cutter. ret There would be fewer murders and at- tempted murders if people did not rarry rcv:,lr(•rs or knives on their per,- 711.4. 1101'1:es1cr jull;;ei hare realized that for runic time, and with 11 view 10 put a ,tole to the practice 1111 lessen the num- her of murderous assaults, 1 hey imposed substantial fines 0n those found guilty "f currying such weapons, They began with VIII fines, then raised them to I'Lat dict out S^(m to hay,. initcl ( fleet, ,:n 1 they made the fine 4'.11). The other d:lv on( of the judges imposed ;I sentence Before deciding where to !cute In the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields --the richest grazing )and -are in province. Write us for full information about crops. (Iinrate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county. TELFER & OSGOOD Eastern Selling gents 218 CORISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL 1 lift; days in the i,'e)utentiary, in all- ditiou to the usual ybfi fin, IL i, bops11 Denmark's Care of the Aged. that Ilii; stiff sent(nee will heli, rotator - 1l11!1' to do,enlli'ago t1' 11;111g1'1•I/ll; 1111,11, ;.:1'lllg ((f"l"ea 111 that city, Canada is (•;upnrlli\ely free front 11nnrder; and as, los i11 the heat of passion. -imply Leo,lu•e the 11or41'1y airainzl 1'rrryi ig r,lllcalr';l weapons he,, had the effect of ln::'.;iu!, most. J. -(l go nnerrl;r.l, 'Fite unin who, came; arms i; "h1' nor' who f,rllor:,.11y meets into 111'4 lrulltlle, I'or- eignct.•• ',1I:n ('1110( I1 (';11,11.1 e:IIIIt^t. tiro „our, hall, ;ltllt the sti!('it11 are! 1111' 1'i lol are not n1,:' le 1 in old; country to tle lisp ut'!,, :1 (.'01101elicnt physician quints hove mired tl pneumonia case with all lnti•pnetimoni:t serum of whirl he is tit,. inventor, 11 world be a great trinn,J,!I to master pneumonia, Osler declare; it to be i.ciIf•liutited disease, 3ieldin; in no medication, 1)nrl to winch only (xp:'c- tent treatment can he applied, .1 good nonny physicians decline to ,tlserilo uu- hesitlttillgly to this theory, blll whether it is correct or not it Must he 1•aid that the battle is usually one betwc(n the patient and the disease, in which the physician is little more than n spectator whose sympathy is with the former. This Connecticut physivitun'S serum will hnvo to lie tested; it cannot 101 approved on the experience with n single Case. IJIII; if it prove to be 11'Iipceifie, the flot•ern• nm'nts of the world should Wako him n nhilIl000ire 117)11 erect statues to hint lin 'every capital. Stich it discoverer is worth at thousand great generals. to "Veterans of industry." A pretty phrase and prettily employed. It i5 what the ()ides call the old people of good re• cord who are forced to apply to the ;inlhorities for help. No shame attnches to such application; 00 ignoble depend- ance, corrosive of self-respect, attends the life which follows, Sllclt a person enters the home ns n sort of government pen- sio 1,r.--eleveland Plain Denier, Minard's Liniment for salt everywhere. Rules for Good Carriage, • H you are walking along the street and wake up to the fact that you are carryingyuurself poorly tuko the mental attitude of standing straight Its %well as the physical one, 1,0o1: at the men you meet and imagine that each of them owes you a dollar, Pitt• 01'(11 11 sugges- tion of arrogance into your position. 1fold your head well hurt; look people squarely in the free. '('his will not only give the irnprr'',;ion ta, others that you proses the pu11•er you (want but it will actually lend to bring( that power, Keep the neck against the culler, - -World's Work. aro Minard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia, -eel When Chinn Shall Be Strong. '.('lose who love, peace 115 well 115 •j ns• flee will r(',juien in the, military refor- mation of (Adult, As 0 defenseless na- tion it line already been productive Of many wars, and, continuing under the same eonditioiis, would be responsible for 116 nuns more. But 0 strung Chinn, armed fen• the protection of her rights, will give a quietus to those very amid - tions tont her military wenkneea has Invited, --World ' Poultry Institute, s; Spring Pointers. '{ bulk:Ju fruul the O;!I.Iriu cull oral (•cued(, Git'11111, ('an.) '(Tim %:Inion; invokers at the Institute s11on::iy emphasized the necessity cal iu1►ill 14:011( in the fluek. Willi strong 1,,,,,j(11.7.161,4the hest results could h( looked fur if L0'01 00'1.1' fell 1n11 housed, but ti 1111 stock that lacked 1Ml brisk appearance so 1I111I (teristic.of the Iny- ing hen, there 7'115 nut 1110011 hope for profit. The seleel111 of it fel' of the best "linter layers of good breed type was strongly recommended as one of the very best methods for improvement in breeding. 1'110 selected hens need not be in large numbers, a half dozen real good ones are plenty and these should be mated to a 101118 lrunl vigorous, heavy laying pa rents, Selection has been advocated by many for years but in nut all cases has it proved satisfac- tory, owing largely to the fact that the former confined the 5(10(ted hens to a small port and allowed the largo flock free range. The 'weaken; at the iusti• tute were all of one mind in regard to free range fur I1reders, Prneti(11ly ev- ery one's experience is that eggs front free range hens hatch best, therefore, et - would seem good business to allow the smell flock the range of the farm, \lush time was spent on incubation and breeding. Mr. 11•. 11. Day gave very pleasing and clear talk o7) the sci- ence of incubation, or hots n hen hatch- es eggs. 1t was shown that the sire of the air (ell it1 the large end of the egg !tight vary greatly in different eggs, even in eggs from the sante hen and ytt the pereentige hutch would be 0'10111 the sante. '1'hc ;weighing of eggs was re- commended to those who visited to hatch the best chicks, for the reason that it Ivens thought by many that rbicks ha (died under normal evapora- tion had 0 better ehnnee to live, A hen sitting out of doors upon the ground evaporates about 11. of the Weight of the eggs during the process of incuba- tion. It was demonstrated that the average ineubatnr evaporates the water from the eggs in larger (pie 111115. \Ther( one wishes to know exactly "what (wnpo• ration is taking place it is a shop!( ma- ter to weigh the eggs at the beginning, at the ninth day of incubation when the first lest is made, and also on the eighteenth dew or "bunt the time the machine is (dosed. I?.' i'ritn(nts appear- ed to indieste that moisture in Inrgc SHIM BLOOD TROUBLES BILE/! NS CLEAR THE SKIN OF PIMPLES, !turers and impurities in the blood furs( their 1wa'; hi the surface in the sprin) 11110' and 1';111,( 0r11pt17114 nod 110 - sight ly 7111'0;. Nadu'( 1001 provided a rrnu' !} in llilrnns, x'111'11 me 1doitsnn1 lu lake, Ilol unlrls:ls:ui1 in 1101111 un, 111111 :1 11' purely vegetable in c11nipusitiol. \\ 07t1(01 1(1111 (•hin'1I'.l1(11'; and vrnpliuns should prove how speedily Ilileans re• move (liens. One u1' two Itileans token just before retiring for the ni):ht (117(1 is all! \lorning sickness, debility, indi• )_mstil,n, biliousness, heartburn, head, 1101(, constipation, piles, and female nil. melds 1111 disapppenr, before n short (ours( of llileans, A11 druggists and Flores at 51) rents a box, or (non lliloun ('11.. Toronto, for price. Six "Foxes 84'111 for $2,50, Send le. at1110J) for free sample. 4•o Neither Easily Weaned, It often happens (hat a f rnier lien much difficulty in weaning a eulf, and the longt'r the baby eolw is permitted to draw its substance front the mnternal fountain the greater the difficulty be- comes and the more pathetic is the spoetaele presented, So it i8 171(11 human beings Ishii aro compelled to surrender nay special privilege Wi the enjoyment of ►which they have been uninterrupted for n. long time. They lose the capacity to distinguish between a privilege and a vested right, and they' set 11p it 1111110 ill \Odell grief and indignation nre so mixed ns to make a tear -pumping blend. - Visbington Post. - \linu'd's Liniment Co,, Limited, Have used \IINAItI)':S LINI3IEN'L' for Croup; found nothing equal to it, sure cure. C'11.1 s. 1•:, S11:1111>. 1laitli•hii0.'. N. 13,, Sept, 1st, 1(105, Cost of Living in Germany, There is It widespread complaint ;n (tnrmany over the high cost of living. The ,lfuyo1 of Stuttgart receully gate a public address on the subjec'l, prl:5ellt• iug calculations showing 11 derided in- crease in the cost of hent and provis- ions generally within n year --to env quantities 1w1l; u(ce=,ary ill many 1111.11lothing of the increase wit bin h wernl chine, right from the first day of incu- bation until the Inst (lay, to keep the loss in weight 119 low as in the natural process. The brooding of young ehieks was fully discussed at the meetings. '('here was a women idea among the speakers tint chicks should ,be retired on new ground every year if d pose"(, and un- der no circumstance; should young U broods of chicles 111' put upon the ground (There other broods had ranged that year. 31ant• weakling and sickly birds 7•ere due directly to the common practice of putting brood after brood in the sante brooder and ne'v'er !roving the brooder to fresh ground, when a new lot, wits put in the brooder, For food for brooder chicks, many of the commercial chicken foods were 1000110 111('llded unci when these e0uld not be 111111, dry bread crumb,. cracked wheat, small cracked corn, and pin heart oat- meal, were strongly endorsed by men of experience, '1'11( idea was adtn1eed by one speaker that some artificially hatch- ed chicks Inched for the first few dal'; of their lives the instinct of telling what was good food and subsequently would eat anything, For this rensoll it was advocated not to litter the brooder with anything undesirable for a chick to (ut, Cut hay and straw were considered best, 1V 11. (.lrnhlun, --llnnnger Poultry Department,' years, This advance 111 1114' price of ne- cessaries of life has compelled 1111 city to raise the wriess of nnwicipnl employ- ees, and the plight of the taxpayer, eatight between the two fires, erxms to be e-iweiully a matter Of commiseration. Springfield, ,111155,, Repnblienn. • ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or c.11louscd lumps end blemishes from horses, blood spavin, 0111'hs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore told swollen thront, coughs, etc, Save $50 l; use of one bottle. %Var. ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ewer known. Sold by 11roggi;ls, --o• a Too 11luclt of a Hurry, '('Hort Is nothing like king st,yiisli, even at funerals, An (xlinlple of this (ones from the. L'aok Bay, where investi- gation of the reported dent)) of It "roil- Iicmairo's wife, Icn00n to he very' ill, was found to have arisen through her hus- band having ordered mourning livery' for Hi butler, coachman and footman.---.fios- folt 1fern Id. C.ta IYlinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. In Doubt I'at•li or the Time, "There are 1 1111e aht.n 01ac17111ery seams nlnlont human." "Yes," tulsa'err-d the mute who smells of gasoline, "1 ern frequently unable to bu suer a•htther I 1111 fooling with my auto- mobile or 1t 18 fooling with me." Then 1t is Murdered, "11ow long is the lite of the average so-called popular song?" 'rill the girl who lives next, door to los gets hold of it."--lfutiston, Tex., Post, ff Spanking does not Niro d:Ildren of bed- wetting, There Is n const1tutlonnl cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, (lox 11'. 8, IVltrlsor, Ont„ wit! send freo to any mother her successful home treatment, with full Instructions, Send to money but write her to -day If your children trouble you In this way. Don't blumo the child, the chances aro It can't help It. 'rills treatment 1181 euro4 adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. A♦ 1. The Part That Willie Gets, 11'hen v;o have turkey (ain't. It nice, All cooked no fine end brown!) 31y pa he Cl:(H (14111 One a allrxi And pttt es 11 aroui'. Ile gives to nil of 'cul (but ole,) The part '(It they selec', An' when 1 para my 1,11111', ray:: he: Ah, 1wIlllc--•her,'; the I.ec1:1" Ma always says: "Olt, nn chin(;•" 1)th pa gives 111:r the brcnal; An' Undo .Inc Ile lake.': the sIptg (Tbo part 1 like bent;) An' grnn'pn an)s; "00, I du11,u, 1'11 take n leg, 1 5'10 o'." A11', pa, 111 smiling, rays: "Jos' t•o• Come, 11'11111' -here's the 11^1'1;7" When pr* asks Susan what's 101. 171'110 She says: "I'll have n thigh." Then brother tleorgo bo gets hl:r slice WW1 ruIffln' pile(" up high, 'An' so it goes until, oh, deer! 'I'hnt turk is twos' (1 wreck, When pa at last says: "Willie; here!" -An' Willie gets the neck, Now, I've been thlokhl' (Julio it while, (1 hope It ain't no 111)) Jos' s'pos'1 (arks (vent out o' style Alt' other birds coat In, An' s'poo'n 'stead o' turkey, Pa 1lad ostrich to dlssec' 1 wonder would ho say. ''Mtn! llere, 111111e -tulle the neck!" --Puck, Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, O • `, Ten Good Things, There are ten good thin;:a for which 110 ono has ever yct be qui :'01'), '('hero are: Foe- Doing 'o.-•Ruin; gond to all, Kpeaklug evil of 110110, flouring before Jett;i1e:, 'Thinking ht fore cpc:ii;In:•t• 1101r1Inll un angry ton);'ie. firing 1:1111 to file di i:; toted. Asking pnrdona 017 all wruru;t,. 101111g 1)1111711 10tvOril tweryhet:y. "hopping the (0)11 to a tel:•earer, lllsbvil(ving moot o1 iIie III-rrpurt9, Idleness as a Cause of Gossip. "1)o women gossip more Ilion men?" asks nn exeltr(11ge. 'They do, but that's b0eause they have more time and not becalm() they have the stronger inclination for it, An idle man eon beat 11 woman gossiping sever( (lays out of every w(0k, , Polly Life cf the Waiter, ISSUE NO 11 1907. "Why 110 the young men of Anrcrien sneer nl ilio w.; (;(Viii.' ' 51111 the 1 - HELP WANTED -FEMALE, 1116(1 non in the Idorl: swallowtail coal, ":1 oril(1' 0:111 il':irl'I all 11'11• ll( "."1'..1:1' V47 ANTE(, A (0.1010 GENERAL HrW- 1011) no washing or Ironing, a•a,1es '1("1"11' n ut(ld(rn ling" 1st anal 111 1) 0n il}' $1:'1, Apply to lire, i'owls, corner Aberd,x'n earn flout :25 1,1 r;tl) 11 week, ycl 111(1 1111,1100 1111(1 }11,su street, Iinuu;ton, Ont. 1tnnlg clerk 1r so with 'right per' find I:'1 111"111'( sneers al 111111. :Is a waiter MISCELLANEOUS. I travel 151) l ever I "wish. (Me7)11)) 1) Ent in Egypt, the next l'In on (lie Riviera. the 11,51 111 1111111', Spring finds all, in Paris, 171111 thence I leap the Chan- nel in (inn' for the London season, 111 the uulnnul 1 11111 hark in America 11((1111 with full pockets I have learned I'r(ncli, i.1 man and Italian. 1111 w( 110) 10 friends 171111 ninny rich, infrlligrut, nmilhle tleolllo. I have semi the world and earn C2.l)111) n year, (heioiootlly while 1 ant serving a meal 1 tun given n good pointer on the 1t(wk• market,. Yet elerks and :oml1r junipers titin": they can Sneer et toe. They tool I(t 111 learn lay trade:" --Pittsburg 1)esput(h. Dear Mother ►'!?. Le>1:OY'8 FEMALE PILLS A dare, euro and reit/o'n monthly owl*. tor. ThemI'lhe have been used In Frnnoe for over AR yuan, ami (weld Innoluabte kr the yurlrno de,l;{rtr,l, end aro gr,arra. teed by the outer*. Enalwe e)aop for 8!111(1 circular. 1'rlco p 08 poi Dot of ,,m11, r^surely scaled, oil revery* of 14 .. LE ROY PILL 00., Box 41, Hamilton, 0anaxla .01 Poor Christmas Fare, A delegation of fellow -townsmen re• mealy called on Rufus K, Combs, of Mid- way, "i3'„ to congratulate "lint on pito re- ceipt of a Carnegie medal. As his friends were taking leave, Mr, Combs wished then) all a morry Ohriet- Your little ones aro a constant care in 11)114. Fall and Winter weather, They will "And 1 hope," he ended, "that you'll catch cold. Doyou know about Shiloh's have a 111010 bountiful Christmas Consumption Cure, Cure, the Lung Tonic, and ncr 1114111 fell to the lot of a young friend what it has done for to many? It is said of mine lust year. to be the only reliable remedy for all ' "Ile, poor chap, was slopping at a diseases of the air passages in children, (heap New 'York hoarding house, and It is absolutely harmleu and pleasant to on (.thrist tans Day, after he had eaten take. itisguarantecdtocureoryourmoney a turlu!y neck, a potato and a splinter u returned. The price is 25c, per boule, of sodden mince pie, 1)10 laaudln.ly and all dealers in medicine sell 314 said to 111111, (IA he rol+e just RS the weak S0 coffee , was brought on: 11 10 "' Ohdon't leave the table, Mr.Smith,,, This remedy should he in every householder "'I must, ma'am,' said Smith, grimly, 'It.'s lural 7'0011, 61141 my teeth are not "Invalid Crawl" the i.atest Walk, n'lmt they used to be.'" (Philadelphia Telegraph.) :11as! Senn,lody in Ems hind 51•itI nothing better to do has invented a 118(5' (walk, and it is being taken up lure. At the sI nit of preel ice n girl must tie weights to the bottom of her skirt, In walking she must appear to he so Teary 1hnt she seurcely can drng One foot after nmol her, 1 to steps must be Ion:! 1)13(1 creepy, withal the slightest hint of on• ergo. Thus walks 1)111'(11 Alexandl•u, who idds n slight limp, ns she has been bone sine( infancy, It is hinted the languid ()remolds were designed 10 bide that foot. (towns !hist Le of stuff that gives It (tinging (fleet; then the slow, long seep, 1wit1 tt bending of the neck nt every stride, will be the moot tffcelive. Nurses' and others' Treasure -safest regulator for hnby, Prevents colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest --cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs, 42 Cures 25c. -at dlllg•stores. National Drug Fe Chem. Diarrhoeaiutico„ Limited, Montreal. No Death Penalty in Russia. The statement may appear surprising, In view of the net Ind I'rellueney of the death penalty in Russia, that there is 110 capital punishment there tinder regu- lar how. 'Co inflict death on political offenders the pru1tiee is In deplore 7111)r• Iiul 11)1w and try prisoners before mill. Chief Joy of the Sermon, 11113' commissions. :1 nntnriuns rriminnl, (Philndolpbla Preis.) famous for the number of 1111((14'(5 he has 3i1sa Jenke-I don't goo why you consider ft)utlnitled, is now under arrest, hitt 115 It e. pleasure to hear tion preach. I under- lie is tt non-political offender, he cannot and bo always talks about fire and brim- ! hanged, Ihlssion •jnriaprndenee is n ston1'. ilrl11(38 mixture of lenity and barbarism, Mlss 1'nrrasy-Exclly', and 11.1.9.such apletu+- - an It inmi'x N 4'w + tire to think of what's 111 (.tore for some peuplo yon know. TRADE MARK pLGliri 8cu, Ointment quickly cures Itching Piles, Eczeota, aid other skin troubles, Len Corrigan, 475 Ferguson Ave., N, Hamilttda. , had Enema since childhood. He conaslted tpecia!ifts-lay weeks and weeks in hospitals - anti despaired of ever getting better. "i Mouth( hfria would be lm.teoIAer rerrtrdia1 .lad Ined,11 he writes, "but, to my deli,hl, o few hours aflrr the fin" ajltlrcalmon I fell g,val r'eiirj 111145 tot ked ri oodn s./or me," Don't put it off --get a box of Mira Ointment al once and he relieved. Price 50c.--6 for $2.50. At druggils'-or from The Chemists' Co, d Canada, limited. Hamilton -Toronto, New Kind of "Leather." 'Phey are Working shoddy (cathed in New fork city now. It is worso than shoddy wool. They buy up all the old boots and oboes and throw thein into a machine which grinds them into a coarse powder. This powder the man, who is entitled to 0 medal mole from 11)9 own product, calixes with about '10 per cent. of melted Inuia rubber, and the mixture is pressed out thin under huge rollers applying 0 pressure of 10,000 pounds to the square foot. The composition is col- ored afterward and put on the market.-- Pi11sbur;; Dispatch. 4-I ITCH Mange, Pralrlo Scratches and every form of contagious itch on human or animals cured in 30 min':toe by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion, It newor falls. Sold by druggists, 4•♦ ASK YOU DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength Princess Egyptian Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Sill: Tips All Wool Fine Hosiery Mantilaotured for the Wholesale Trade by the C IIPMAN-HOLTON KNiTTING CO,, LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, r_.xaroncmrnv"emlea P4 1:q..1. 0 R '$.dt H Q,1ar W A X Ark for , mDT53 SAFETY =TOMS F017 ROTELS, WARE) OUSRS, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. Made of High Carbon WIre,-wo'11 prove it to you, COILED -not erlmped, Tb1a makes It still stronger in service. It stays taut, Painted WUITIH ovor heavy T.>B>E PAGE WIR$ VENCE COMPANY, LIMITED, 200 Bus In lmeritrdsGet Illustrated booklet and t10 17e j rice bolorol buyInW. a1Nurvillo, Toronto, Montreal, Ste John; Wilanipod ipdt*r Setoo! INTERNATIONAL LESSON I,--MARCII 31, 1(307, Jacu;.'s Vision and God's Promise,-Gon. 1,,5, 10.22, ( )illttl)':Il;ll'r.- 1. I°lII(' sends ,1111(11 ll, 111,0;'u (\s, 14.0), I,n,'lllli0se.,11 1,l It0II„k;11,' desire HMI 11,11(11'111 111;: e',.;tnl• ill" 1,l lilt' la: Orr .1111',11111111 III :;(aiding his sea to 11;11;1:1 111 laity 11 lvite (1'0111 among their (1',vil kindred, ''. I'a1LIil nrnln The null,' licquectly gil'I:l 11, (1' 'otIIIIl,v 104: Is.t„eel! the 1igril ,1141 Itiupllrate The same 1'rgju11 I, III:iU t t11ed 11hsn0ulainia. Horan sur 1'h;lrran), 1111 city 1,i `;;Ihw, \riltrl 140h,'l:Ill; relatives era,, Iuialcd Mels. The jrnrney from Iteer''Ieba to Horan leads in a n„rlh;'rl,y (,I((1(In through Canaan, 1lira, crossing the J11•(;3tla, it leads IIII',Illgll 1411,';III, 11;1,11:111 111141 1);IIIIa-20'11., (1 .\Ii.;opotaniia, The di;Illnce tea; pro- hnhly l(lwcri .10(1 and 1151) mill,. :1. 6(I .Illui+,hly 1111.,, 1110' 1III)II V, "I':I :slim: Lei." I his divine Il;lull is (1e same that ander a 112111 Je1"4111 appeared to .11;1;111;tn1 11'111';) 111 in.,t Hated the 1.1)r - 'maid of circumcision (chap. I.4, I), mill i1, 1:125 u,une I ;1,l' IIw in'ukli 01, J;1:u1) the blessing, there promised 11, :Hire• hang, Terry, '1 hat thud n'.t,yest he a multitude-. OI', 11 enllgl•',O(inn, 1111 ll,• 00,'11,1'. Ilea i, a pl0p)111'y and promise lun'll 1,l toe living God, -Ibid. 11. (;1,11 speak, to Jienh inn 111'03011 11s. 10-15). 111, ,1aro1 (veal 11'' went \t'ilhunl a s'lrant (1r any accommodations, except. ;1 ,(Siff ((1 1. Nxxii, Ill); on foot and ;slum' Ile pursn14 1,i; solitary jhul'u'y. „Nor can we doubt that he wits in\I•v'II- ly pained with the 4i,iling3 of his I':litll- Iul conr'rieuce," Bosh. 1I. .1 rennin place -Neut. Luz I4. 1111, 'I hi:1 Iia; be - 14\1111 fifty-fi14e and sixty miles nhrlh east of ilt'1'I'•,lel'll;l, I1 must 11)1'e bl'('ll he 141 hums. .1 he (;ale.: of the Illy waw' probal.Iy 'lo.ed f'.1 the night, )4'1'01(1 he vu, able to renal Luz, and thus he was 1•urIltl to remain iii the open field during the night. `1,u was set - 1 h.! gale, of 01" rily 4'(1'1 II0'I1I 111 the sot lilt:; (I the sun, 11111 this May lu'r11y mean that it 11,':13 1,110 anti lfllr'ftlt 1111(4' 1111' ,latah L(, still', 11)14 of (1e y1.01" (11 1'.) - "'I'his lv;li p1, h3rd,lip for Womb, as the ti'liatts du tie swine thing every might," ":sleeping on the ground in the open ;fir, where there i , nut (.4 en a bush for s11(I- ter, i; n (minnow thin;,'," Hall. "A pd. loo of stone l4); but as outward expres- sion of Ja1uh's fellings aL this lime. Ile was alone, pour, banished, undefended, %4'ith a long and dangerous juln'il'y hr for,' Kiln anaosg hostile trill's, and with 1111 uneasy 'un-lit'uct, 11ut all this was leading (lint to God, for in this night of dal lima he called upon (1041 in hi., ,12.14 Orsi (chap, ;t;), ;l), 1)ften front a pill,)w of stone' come the brightest visions of 1 lie soul, Nrnn► weariness, pail', and Iruull:e arise the slops that I'au to hea- ven, ' - I'eln1'tet,, Lay down in 111311, place --"Nu nue runt get much out. of this world who requires Hutch in it. The el• lemitsale lilt' that must have it, 1)'d of down and silken coverlet, it 4 .\Iorri 1 Chair (Jud l,'l'el slippers, i, not the life to which Uod elle give Ili, best 11k'.ssing:) Trail' ).ourself l0 13tre fcty physical wants, 1.1, Ix' ind(pl'nd(nl of 'irmulll- 81;1111:en, null yon triIl hare 111)1) fur caul• nnUliom with (io41, and 1'00111 fur angel 1'i1111114, and ('llt'1•gy to 11111'). their be- hests," 12,- -11) dreamed. -1;od has frequentlyappeared in dreams sincie Jacob's time. :1 ladder -The design of the ,ladder was, 1. To show that (;,,,1 was 4vatvhiug over and rIgnlaring all things, 2, it pointed out the chase 4nn'ttiun .bet wevu heaven and earth, 3, (ill was it type of l:hrist, "Jesus Christ is the grand cllulecling medium between haven and earth, 111171 11e111'1'011 (11111 111141 1111111. 1l,y' hint Clod 001110~ (1011'11 to nllut; 1111•0llgll hint Iran 11se011Qy to (Iod,'' 01111 origin of the ('l0'istian 'life I; frons heaven, The true life has novoys visions and ideals reach- ing f,i1 beyond our present state." 11'' should be always climbing upward; and the rising will be step by step, .ligels 1,l' Coed tvtluld leach 'bleu') the 001,- Ileetnl'' a1)11 living intercourse between 1413(4(3) and 1111-111, The angels descend- ing designate the rlydlntiuls, the words and promises of that; the ascending an- gels tndieale faith, confession, and pray- 'r.-- Llulge. Jacob had thought himself 1; fit. anddefenseless. the vision 1018 - tors armies for his safety. 1l' hail been conscious of but little connection with heaven; the vision shows hien 11. path from hire very side right into its depths, -Jlacllu'n. 13. Stood above iL---From Jacob's lad- der 440 receive the first definite intima- tion that beyond "Sheol," heaven i9 the loane of man, -Lange, To thee wi11 1. give it -Of all the desee11dmits of 41bra- 11 s ilio unu "Jacob lull been I selected n 11111! in whose blit! the coveifl1nt blessings ,hallkl flow." 1.1. And thy heed, etc. -Tete old pru111- is•,! Init(10 tti A.brahant about 150 yak's )'tare:, this (Gen, xiii. 14-17; xv, Hi) is here renewed. Of the earth -The ex- prl''tsie11 points 1,0 elle world-wide 11111• v':'- tlity of the kingdom of the seed of :Il)rohanl.-111n•p)ly. The fntfibnent of this 4'118 in (10411)4 (:1:1.2141, In C111i11, W1u) (10340011;1e(t ,from ,1aeo1) according to the flesh. shall all the nations of the earth lee blessed. 1 nm vilb'th(e, ole, -"1. will direct,, help. and slippurt, thee in a peculiar man- ner." ]le is assured trot he trill not be east nwny from the presence of Goll, 111. 'Jacob vows titan the Lord (vs. 16- ''21. 16, The Lord is in this place -God has mn(le this place his peculiar resi• • d'ot'e,--Clare:e, Goal is often ,very near \viten the trial is Most severe, and it seems to us that leo hug• forsaken tin en- tirely. 17, Ile 1118 11flnid-J110ob had 'finned and be knew it, and therefore was in 110 condition' to meet God. "Ilia heart 14014 not at Menta 11, the presence of God; 111)1' ('1111 any iteart; ile so until it has been thoroughly etttptied and broken" - C. IT. M. l fow dreadful -Awe-inspiring, commonly rendered fearful al' terrible. - .111001111H. TO he in the prl1ellr' of (;o11 dreadful Illing fora sinner, 'l'hn lions'. of Bull In what ever pl00( 1.1)) 50111 of 1113111 fnr'IH Ihl' 111'05011" and Pulver of Gr171, there is 1 he honey of God, 'Trapp. The gate of heaven Alluding to the holder he h;11 1lee11 111 his dream. A gale 1's :in mit and if ,1ngel$ 11414111 ascend on this hl(lller and enter heat en, it poor, Ilialrc(1e,l shutter alight ; ho ,1;10011 Ilcrillcll neat he 01')1!1 alrnrllingll, for 141,111) w1, ore hint entering in, Is. Set it up ---Ito 0130'11 the 4010' 111 101 erect 11)4,(Itl0)1, "ill! IIII'llell 1111' p11101%• Illlu a pill;(r," 'Tile :+1(111' 44'11; 11 lla'Inl1'nll. "1'.1'1'1'1' (;III'I14llllll 14111414111 :tot 110 memorial stones in his life +11(0!41 record the groat hl'1114n!gh (loll hc.;lowc,l upon Milo:" l'eas'h oil Thos consecrating it In Cid, so that it might he cln,id(rrd ;1,l 1111111% Jenny' 40'11.0 nllerw:lyd ,11111114 returnee! to this place and buil( 11 permanent altar. I0, I1cl h i'1 "House of I lull. The origiunl 110 m1' was Luz; but .(((b named the pin'' 1)11)41, Abraham 1)11311 111, altar here when he some front Masan, !It,, ,Incuh volved 11 volt' A vow is Il ,;ol(11111 promise by wlii1'11 a nun hinds) Ilimseif to perform certain nets, 11'11114 4:11111 1;l11l1. 1(1 Bet 11e1 he 141'5 ,1n mllenn• 1 I dell 1311111, 11 all h' 44'31:+ not converted 4'11211 111 tray errcuing, I;IHI savr5 111(11 when 1.110, are \Tide awake. According 11, the 1ii111r plan n1 person is (nnvcrll4l witIt'oil tl•1111 I.1'le'lltitllee, confession and faith. 1)141 ,Jacob repent, at this time? II seems clear that 111diel , 1'1:1,•,, (after• 1'r:1111 he d,'•;;0',1 to r(filln to 110Ih'I :Intl Mild 1111 1;1)11' In 1114' 1;1,d 40)14) lul,rvcred Niru in the 711114 of 1i, "distress" ((1)11. X\\V. 3). From II(is 00 5'e, 1. That he way in "dill ITSS" .101 10111 'gouty tint• r1t4'' II1. ('11', vii, 111) on accuaut of his ,:ins,2. II( )1(11)(1 1,11 the Lord and );od "nnww'r)il" hint. 'Plus God's appearing to hits was the rl'9ulL of Curliest prayer un 111-4 p:u'I. :1. J111.01 );ave himself to 1:041 and tool: the Lord 11, b( his (toll (v. '11!. .1. Ile even promised to girl' to (2011 ;I tl'nlh of all that l;wl alight give Milo, \14', here in ample proof of his emiVersion; for when 11 1'0110ntau1, 11030.1. 040)300 Ihuti to 1;01I, 111111 lullkI.; Ili; 1-1,1V 11, l lI 31, ,fa(0)1 Ilial, the Lord is always really to save. If (;1,d, )Ir. .1 better rendering is, "sine' Cull." Illy words are not to be run:(!41rr'(l 1,5 inlpiyin!; al 1101411, He (1111 11(11 IliItlIte I'ru113 111 lid, 1111 merely h'e11_'Ilizl'll the (Teat promises (;1111 had made Ilial; he really slid 111111. inas- much II; 1;111 11)11 Ilrl)IIII,o'I to sustain and keel, hint, therefor' In. 101111171 give himself to God )111(1 his h11.1'il',', J:;, (11111':; house --:1 pinct! sacred to the 111(IIIol'r of 11)411'5 p1''1e11e(, ,iaco1ll1). '1111' 1(.111 11 .1s Abraham 1(11 done Wen. sir, 211), :11'1'1,1(':1'I'IIINS. L Jacob's ladder as al type of Christ. "Jacob, ,llt•eanled, and behold a ladder" (vs, 10.12). 'Phis vision i; for u; as real- ly as for Jacob, it \vasa picture of the patriarch's life, but it trite; 3l type 1,l• the incarnation. 1t represents Jl':Its, ...rho way,' (,loin Nil,. 11), The new lural living way (Ileb. N. 20); the way of communication between sinful 111011 311111 11 holy (1011, A company o►' shipwrecked sailors 031141 011 the coast of Scotland at the foot of It high precipice, where the water would have broken their vessel 1111(1 llrotyacd theta, found a ladder hang- ing down the cliff, which they reached from the ship's 1111151 1111(1 by which they scapc(1 to safety. Christ in the way o1' lion from danger and death, ,Ine- ob'1 ladder 1011011es 1,a some lesson; f1(1111 1. Its appearame. (a) It, rose out of Ie darkness, "Jacob 4•ent out front Beer- s ielm" acer•slcba" (v. 10), 'l'hree days bef(r' 1114114) had kissed his mother for the last time and left his Monte for the first time, fleeing from the vengeance 1,1' his broth- ' Esau, (1)) 11 Iva14 1111 nnsw'r 10 pray• 01;' "Jacob/11..111y (1011'11 in that place 10 sleep" (vs, 10, 11). In danger fro tomb - laws, in peril from wild' beads; ,1141) s1, its from home 1)111 his brother alight pursue and over take hint, this fugitive coned 1101 have lain "down in that place to sleep" if prayer had not brought 1)0000. 2; Its position, (n) It tens "set up elf the earth" (v. 12), The Otte "JIl'tlintur between Cod and men, the 1111111 Chris). Jesus" (1 Tim. 11, 5), i5 the only Ionnds- lion of our 101111. Ile trim for thirty- three years glorified Cod "o1, ilio earth" (John xvii. 9) is the point of 011r de. 'nature to glory, (b) ''The top of it reached to heaven" (v. '12), 'I'lle (11111• true ladder is the one that r03cht, 1111 sky, Ladders of human hope reach such it little tvity, 1 young maul full of am- bitious dreams 1118 11Sl:ciI by his teach- er, "11'hat thou?" "1V11y, 1 shall finish my education lltlll begin life 11•i111 bril- liant prospects," "11'hitt, then?" ''1 shall choose a profession and have a splendid practice" "1Vha1 thea:'" "I shall marry and selt(e down.' "11'11111 then?" "f shall be rich and famous 11101 enjoy lift'," "11That teen?" ".I shall grow old and luke things easy i" "11'lult then?" 11'hy, 1. suppose 1 must die." "117hat then?" The young 2142114', ince grew pale, .Ills in41d'r did not tench 11e sky, 1)cies yours?" 3. Its glory. (a) "'1'110 angels of lend ns'rnding` and d"ren41in;; upon it" (v. 12). Not descending and ascending, nt- die tting 11 tr11113i('llt visit, bill: "ascend - big and descending," for the home and mini 4113 of II )gc111 2s bore, 11111 yonder. J'lmir 41141114 11,'' 10 II)lIV(1It, 01')'14 111'( sent forth 1.0 minister to (base who shall 110 heirs of solvation (Ilett, i. 1-1), 'I hey encamp about 14.4 to deliver its (Psi', xXxir, 7): rescue ns frau; (lltthtr, (Art y, 11); xii. 7); direct 111) ill 0111' wul'1: (:10114 )iti. 2(1, N. 7); allay our fears (A't,4 NX\ii, 2:1, 21); watch 20111' t'ic1or21; (1, curt iv, 1,1•1 1) ; comfort IIS 1)1 (h( Iuv14 of loud hill': (ActS i. II). I1)) "'('be Lord stood above it'' (v, 13). "The Lord," the Jchuvuh, the ' 1 nal'' (t•, 1:l), Lhe angel of the covenant, stood there not to eliarge with guilt, but to covenant in grace; not 1.1,1 punish; bot to promise, .1101 Ihr seven promises (Jud gave exnetl• Tillett Jaelb's forlorn condition: 1, lie had Sill. fled. Ile had cheated i1, 'toying the birthright from his brother, he 11101 lie• eel'ed i1, seeking the birthright from his father, Clod premised, "Tho land where- on thou liest, to thee will 1 give 11, 111111 Lti thy seed; and th,e seed shall be a3 the dust of the earth" (vs, 1:1, 1.4). 9, lie 141114 p0(1', Ile left hoatr, without even If you want A breakfast food that will mako your mouth water and at the samo time prove most healthful and nutritious . Ask yuurgruoer for "STERILIZED" RELIANCE DR1":AI('F'AST FOOD Nete, Dainty, Dellcloui Small ft Try 1t e f,' Pucka • ASK f'OR TIIiS PURPLE: PACI(,1GF: Thoro Is n baking-, powder It wilt pay you to try bocaucc it conte Toss to you, give' bettor results, snakes food healthful and Is oold on n Cash Guarantee of O;1tlofaction. Ask your grocer cur ELIANCE DAKIAG POWDER If you wont a net of Ballance Picture Pent Card., FREE Write 1,4 at oneo naming your Lrorer and ((119 rlur.ar and 4( 4•IiI ren,) you a het. of four, lit hogralrhetl in hrllli 1,)t. color -4, free; pu1•lago prepaid by t1', IterraUonaI Food Co. TORONTO, • CANADA r of clothing, (;1441 proinked, 'Hhou slant spread abroad to the west, x111 to the east, and to the north, 10111 to the smith" (v. 1.1), 11, Ile 4•14; hnnu'h' 11" 4;114 leaving home at tlo bidding o his (111101• Irl "1111:1 hint a wife" among his relations in 11 far enumlry 21;0'11: 14X4131, 1.111, (lull promised, "111 tiler a:,I hei0 illy seed shall all the Loutili/s; of the earth le hle,se41" (v. 1.11. 1, He 4a; alone. 111 %vase wililint friend,. God sail, "11(.10111, I lou 4'itl Oise' (4, 1;'). 2. 1.11 tv,t., expo -4 d, I),:ug.'r It:rt:411'Il 1 him. (1011 promi;(ti, "1.. , I4 ill ,1;1'111 Thee ill 11!I 1131001'; whit her than goest" v. 1;, 11c Iva:, a 4'11ul(r(r, Gull proiui;ell. "I.... wit bring thee again into this land," i, Ile was., defeat((1. Gull prim - 11411, "1 w111 not )ray' ( sec" iv. 15). Il..larlh ;Is a type of other 11111!. 1311 Ile 443(14 ('tn•(rainell 10 1'0 ).rni%c 1110 MT -1'1100 1,1' (4141. "'url'ly Ilse ltd 1; in 1111101'; ((ltd 1 know it nal" Ir. 11)) 111. linked the ho1...)' of (loll and the (4')111 of iwovell, (C) Ile rr'nlui'14' l End's 011(2141, 111 set 111) a pilon', Ile 14uIe4l n 4,1w. 11e offered) "the ten!h." T11 (10' (:1111.`11 Ian it is :1 jay 14) het 11-1114 a ;1110 (1'1 w1mk 100' til) Lurd'1 work, ELECTION IS VALID, Judge at London so Rules in Against an Alderman. I andon, (►1,l,, de -patch: Judge 311' holt hwldod down his judgment 1111 afternoon in the case brought against Case 11d. (;lu•ratt by ex -:\Id, . llu,truug, chaining the election of the defendant claiming the election of the teisn,1rnl six weeks before the nomination. '.I'he action is dismissed, without cuss;, 'I'lle judgment declares that the ('ity Clerk did right in accepting Jho declaration, his position being ministerial and not judicial. ]t is further held that the ir- regularity was, 1,t most, one which did not affect the result of the election, 10TEftR'S GRATITUDE 10 ZAM-BUK IT CURED ITER BOY OF PAINFUL SORES. Nothing i; more tlnpl'asltul to the rye and more painful to the sufferer than boil.; awl ulcers; -1t. this period of the 3('111. hinny 14,114110 14111110 Ili lit ply frh::t these painful outbrcnk;. \Then boils, ulcers, ((1'„ occur on children it is pitiful l0 see the little ou'1'sufl'or, `ti's, I?, Holmes, of :1(1 Guise street, Hamilton, i3 grateful for %vital. /,Hitt -111,1: 11141 for her lit Ile Lay 14'1'1 in this piti- ful plight, She says: "I wish to express my gratitude for 1Iit ben'I'it. Illy child received from your fi111W11S /anl•Ilul: 11111011, 110 suffered from spring eruptions and then boils broke out on his noel:, I tried blood purifying remedies, salves and ointments of all kinds, but nothing seemed to do )lint the desired good, The. buil, got 14'urs1 and became so Ioathsoflul null nosliglltly (hitt T could not send hint to school as :+01111? 1,t' the boils anti ulr(!r: could not cnuveni'nlly bo 001•ere1. :1b0111, t.bi3 lino 11 sample box of Zutn- Motu \4311 gjv(n to hint, and 4'e tried it. The small sample did lila 11 little good, s1 1 hnnglit 1 ,ill cent box. The result Oras really amazing. inside a 1V0011's (1 1110 111 1101114 had ))guilt 10 dry l) 111111 ill a very -horl lila' indeed every nae 1,l ,11.111 4'111 Ileal"d," Z111e•1flll: 13 11 Slu'(')t:';' i)141) (1)' (e/,1'11111, 111.11111 ,11'1'.14, rillg(V0l'lll, poisoned 4'(1111111. chronic 1,l"r., 0h11pp11I 11111171,, w'llpti"lls and pnslIlles 41111 to blond poison, ell'. 1 stuOs bleeding, and '110;, P'1' ' I. 1uht, ell', Is 11111l+eplit; an excellent "11114)•l;yery hoots 1111(1 farmstead 411011111 have its hu? of 7,lu11•ltul:, :\II druggists and 1411)1014 at .fill emits 0 'box, or from llun 13u1:(.m,, 'Toronto, fur price; 0 boxes for 11+2 ,l), Send le stamp for trial box, •4't ]lugs that curl up (18111 be k'pt dlnl,u by fastening pieces of'nrrligated rubber lit 1'11011 'ullier, The rubber should 'x• tend about seven of eight inches along the rug 1101'9 can In. bored in the rubber, 4'11101 'Jul lien ile selrn through Lilo (dale. PROGRESSIVE SWEDEN, I Electric Power Being Rapidly Developed From Iver Water Courses, '1 I ,' ..:s‘c111-11 state rllilll'livt , 11 tial ion. :11 4;,)r'vpri'+e, 1;81'0 ordered for ueli4'(ry ill !;I;I,y I )111: I'1,'„1,l 'l ll r,, k url11 001; ,i 1.‘ p,sr,'ll('I' r;14(1'14, worth 31 ' 0•' 1.11, ,ill 1 ;141 (;'eight ',4;13141414, lo 11'.3 ,:n;„1,0,111; 3)1 1111, '1,1i3:2,1.1!11 wull11 of 1,111111L, -10,•1%. 1'31,-'110!('1' 11x1(,'• Ia,'I"t'.I ,• ell ''i'' 'Irr,iiI la+l 0, ;41'1' ..‘111,i. the 11',troth,. e\cet111.4I h1l1 111or4 that i in', \ c,,rs 114 'ln,etluinee 01 1111 1'.1'ri•t , 11111110111 4 4l IIni11.11•I;,I ail id) y, Ili' )`11/01:11,1)111 r,11'r0^)) 111(11141 1,1 1111 1.1.11 ion Time-, TH. tlt:',,ti, 0 of \v)lot' 1110,1 r in ;•4'1'(1• 1•1i i, t''1')• 1111114. -lin; . Polly competent emit 0,.r. 'ay 1 11 1 there is )4ail,,ble at 11,1' pre,,' )1 time 9.111)(I,INa) halsl'-pu4•('1'. and that 1' regulating the 1:11:1', 10:1101'4)1', t;li,, (',III cnut,'nielltl',• hl' ill• cl'eas:',1 to ;l,ylltl,(111111 ise•p')lrer•, wit hoot ,Vin,: •mulle1' rivers11111 fall \4'112111 (tel ••p44i;11 difficulties in their 31413i111 11- (Hi il tta- (1c11 1,; 13'10011 sue inaccessible fl•'1111 the line; 1'1 moot;lull0311inu. The falls Ore 11 ,: .1t :11'Iall0 11'1,14 1(1g11. averapill1 ll'sh 111,11: (1114• fe,'I, loll the volumes of %vo- ter :Ir:' fairly ):r,l;l, and very 01.Il5:taut, L:1-1 •;,rile; the sunt of :`I,:;70,0;10 11':1.s 01rc.''1 1,t the disposal of the State 11)11- 4,34 ;t l(iiI1k11'0tio;l by isle 1 i',sdt" for 1)1, I'I'reha•e of waterfalls, 1,"1111' 2 ,•-• !' r•' 1,3,41') 14111 he devoted to (1ri11( 0 111" t'"I III; I.4• electricity, Pre; it11.;ly, in i!(' ,' int( r t•tf itati•(!li, s.'4cr:1.l prominent 1.-11 r,li1.11"1s engineers visilr(1 Schen. Pittshnrg ;1101 ((11(0)' ,1r11(rie:111 '.•0111, for lln!llnfa(t)lrillg electro' 3111(1 4U(\ III;IO;IIIIt'1'1 l' ile. early dal.; of State railroading i.. ; 40)•'le!1 ;1)1 the 1 o1 ,1 ire; were blade in 1I,Irt'!u'•;0 , England; liter 1,14 ,.0111)I %tort mui,' in Ilerliu, and, 'ix year- ago 4"'•1'1' onit'1''tI f+''1111 141e1:1,1o111I, 1a, 1 1110 11'.,lFo.clr4;rir 1'''''' is de - 0 ,41.''11 in ti1to110'11 Iha1 c:)ultlrc will ,rill 11111(:0; ! 0,,:11 (1'0111 l'.11,3.3 1:1 MI I1) .,2110,11 • the inert a' ell (Ionian 1 for 1'1141 f"r sili'lping till 1 ;;1,t down -( lute 1 wits in heel ;11111 1,11301' 111111) t,' 1'1' 4:;111'11 'll'•; 1'1'1)14 1o(• six Ivv,'ks, I had i 1')4llc;llllaliull c:011101 I'e l'.;II'l4)Iill(Iv 0,111. of doctors, and 11'4' -aid they could It Ii;t b'o'a t'• 2141411111 that ill the 11".t0' do nothing tots' for 1111., '1'10,11 I ,tart• 111!111'0 ti\'.'r11r:) will 1'-0 the following. 1'd to use l's,vellllll'. 1 tool: the Ilhvllt'Inl' 1 I'',';:11' !1'.4000: fol' 11101'0 113111 11 year. It l'l't't1Iillll' did Inhalers for 1110, 1 )Jul now as strong a, I 11'31- lil1')r' 111\' ,1('knes.,, '\ll!-. 11, 11(11'1;, "•Jlorpelh, (hat," 1''\'t'lline, l,runoutie(,1 -i-keen, 314 1111! rrrutlt of tunic. building up the 4ys- len), incrr:Ioing the appetite, purity- ing' the blood, aid.; 41lg1-,tion, and acts directly upon the throat and lune, giving tune wed rigor to the entire systelm. At all J1nggiht1, ,2Oc 30141 $1, or 1)r, 'i', 't, ) lcx'unl, 1.inlitcll, 1711 King street 4r'a, '1'1,0)10),, DOCTORS USING PATENT MLDICINES 1 The Honest Physician is Anxious to Cure and Uses the Best Available Medicines. NI' 1111 •I':i* !' IS 11 1111' II;11 11011• 111'I,)il' I,,1' 1,11/1)11.1,,11 1',11111111.111 1,11' 11u' 1'4,' ell l;l I Intl of the 111:111111;I.') 111'(' ;11111 sale mI p;llelll. 1rll oiu ilfary u.11i,'ine, is 111)! t1I 1111' p0 10.3110, IIIIp,t11.311111', 31101 1, receiving it gl'Itit 114'111 of attention, not uuly by the prullrit'tur)' lut•tli''lut' !mime lam uter-, but oho h',' 11:1 retail and 0l40Jtsa}e druggi,.,, 1'.1,•1)' lt.0nolo, tearer of relial, 111411 high ILses re- medies welcome, the hill as n sl': i11 the rirthl direction. The Ili -;a(-,20111 1111; bought out floe 1,4'1 that the host ph4• 0X2111114 11) ('311111,;,1 that all 1)0' c'11111111111 apprin0 of and 11rc,t:ih'c 1'.41112:3' in ('1130, of til' 1)11,1 ilit110,Id/ (i(:natter, 111 it recent iii') IIIc' 4i1 very rel'iull14 throat lural 11111)' trouble t.1)' 01)10111 had been using J',ycliiti;'. Two Punting I:like ) Stall(', specialist., 443'(1! ''11!I-.Stltl lit in ad11113 )11 1.0 (14"0 'nlinent llln:'ILlil1, p)1)'• siciwl', Upon learning It baa the patient was 11:41)11', 11 sample of 1'syi11ne 11',114 taken Joel analyzed, 1411)1 t!1,' result that, the physicians ndviscd its: continuance. '1'110y prescribed no ape's nit,l,'iue hilt 1',ycIia'. With tb1 1'c -lilt tint the pa- tient has fully recovei,.'tt 311)11 i, ;t splendid walking and talking adver- tisement for the wou111'lfill t'ura(ive p0\vcr of a r'Jn'1ly that will "stand up" before the kconc,t professional criticism and analysis, :11'; a builder up of the syl,tent and restoring all 4111104 cued}t}o11s, I's)"rhir.0 11111; 1411 ('final and the best )114d most 4.311lle,t physical's I.1'I.Y)glllze this fact, "At the age of 25 Illy lungs %vi'l'e 111 11 terrible state. 1. had Ill grippe 11e year before; it settled 1,11 my lung; and 1 kept steadily growing wars' 11.: I , r rail;ua11•. I t '. !'Iu.l::Illi" 011)31lail:'! ,Iib•;:incl', Iron ;011 010:1 sm'!ting .. .. \11,1',1. pull) and paper lil;llinfat.- 1 la'lu (3(1 inuoslr1014 c:0'hi'Ie, SIII:dry l'11•pr,se, , . . . , , . . 'Ir.l .... 1110,1;410 :11111,(100 200,110 200.)1011 150.000 50,1100 '1'1,:111 11.1 1f 1')41)Iil' polder 1,5011,0110 I'd.' great volume, equal to 1,Sll0,u00 h(:s'•11ow0y on the edible shafts, 'mild )alt; 141 nle1 by 1h' water }lower now ilnhl0, Su:11 after regulating the \Valo1' •' w011:41 still he left- for 11•' 2.1111II,ll0ll 11';t•..I.-power. Tempted by this :01'0)1 supple 1f (•11'01)) 1",w(1', i01higpers 110(% e,na11!i<II 100;:0 factories: in `w'11en. I'll(' t•:'l311(l1,1u110111 of 1'1:141;')1 elect}1 `11)111111, (0110 3)1111 tel' ))04'0' is sl) !:00 0311 1113(), incli;liug -talion: 111)10 rt rel} 1,r ('+'r 4rhi0h cap1(1,1 is already itnhlu!(dt :14 10(3 3s 14Int10m; prujr'ledl e1311.,laer,'d pail tical 1111,11' 143 not a 141110'' '.13' ' 11 1110 slop'; 0.31.1, 01' 1'(.14), wlIicll 34 tint within 1,r 1)401' to the sphere'., 01 11tirity of 11)) %%IOW!" p11•)r sl11i;;i,, The Stale institution, for ag1ic111tnral 10(1 inn nod•resear(11 in 11e 14111111 1f Swede'', at. .lhlarp, near 11)( 1)oiii;lt Sound, 11:1. proved t1::!I 'el(tric'ity 'an be 11141111 111•:10Ii(ally aV301111)l0 for 11)110 (0110)1)1 purposes by putting up all elec. (rival 1411)111 provided with Windmills, 14112(111 give 1110 power rcyuirctl for steam plowing, for reaping and 1biiv,hing ma - 'dillies for dairies and for general pltr• 1001 -. 11'11111 111001' i; wind al the time 11;1 i r,\4e1' is: wrrlu2r'd, the (41(4')13' )rower is used directly: why" t1)( 43 01 is strong wlli!l' 1)11 p0101'!• 141 I't'(lllil•1'1!, 11( ('llrrl'llt i. 1)1,1(11 1)1 !1('tnunlnt1r., If find 0111 3(e(Uu111131 1,I1 butte fail. the institution falls I;nek 1111011 ihr wins 112 tle 11(111'(,1 ('01111'111 p0 'r station, I;rid(nllt `ltrrdr)1 is not losing' her energy 111111 )urogres40l•e0ess, but, 1111 t1)( (4:!) rm•y , is increasing 1(1)11), 141)1'1 -1e I011, 1120urcc,( (001(1 Nnr4•lly, HURRY FUNERALS. Instructions That Sometimes Surprise a City Undertaker. "Life 811d dealt boils nye strenuous i1, A0\v furl:," said en uudertnkrr, "110 AIDS TREE PIA NIERS. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SUPPT,IES TREES UNDER CONDITIONS, The Ontario Provincial Government has instituted a r;l•n)'llati0e scheme for ,:•4i•'tin,t tarn!"1', it: the iwurolt'lInt of 1111'13' wood lots 1)1111 (Ile re-foresting 0t \'a•.;I1' portions of their farms. Sur}I 1011••11 p cations in('i11de 1a1141 nut f'rti:e enough for ;;rowing field crops and land \\ 11011 tllt'I,tgit its nlletttiltn (fol' txa11111le, 31 slurp hillside) ,11' some tether hinll- rink,(,, cannot ho 0rup}:(d---at all events, to advantage. Or, to quote their circa- recently helped, whom he loon d e l i v e r ed l0•, "tile 1/apartment ,ref1'r, to 111111:0 (runt the hand; of their adversaries., aril I 4'c are remindful that Jesus Christ i;:11111Ut1111114 all 1111111 11'llSli' 11(11'111113 4)f 1110 f:!101 1114 ste014 11141141lc,, light, sandy, 14001:14 o1' grace!ly ..p11s, swamp Ian/1, purtiia3 1f fw'nls 1':;t off by streams 1,r I;111(3'41•(' 1,l! uit3lb:(: .I1,, 11)011310 till- age," .1 fire=! nor„1'y \t1,, r'=lahlishe)l Qonle. 4'.w', a") at the 1/Mario .1gri'ntlural College, 'luring the ministry of Ilon, 1(;11:1 1)ry!en, and (f 1112; 31r, E, .1, /a4'• it z, it cradvate of 14)11. ,.f the hest schools of forestry on til. continent, has been pill 111 charge, II i, 1101%. tbr'e t'1..1,', -3101' t1)( nursery was sled 0'!, and n large uululler of white pine. bloc!; locust, tulip 101d other VIJrie•The lvriter of this series of Su'ti'fcs has 12,10 of trips an, 14'14' really for disfrihll' made 11 ;l1, outlaying rile to avoid t 1'l ti Ro's'in 3111 reference to religious 1,i tttvra 1''; top) nt t ( 4111 ..., furnish e (14 )til the eN.eptiun of the fcty conclttdifg (1121;)1 t.t plant 1 it ::c1'(, in :me >led i WUrd1), and to 1111111 his subjects to nat- ural p1c'nuuliu;t, or 0) topical and other any car individual, '1'112; (.ane au oh)) may. however, ))4' 14'111 tothe :'41111. 111 )1 matters of interest. In 1'1010, hu4'eyl't'r for several 3((411 in-ucr('a';i,11, ', I3' of the wide publicity uceorded by the t) Ili) 1,, tis„ press to the startling; opinions ill• 11 shock 1111\ '1111 ' Ili( hl I } 1 ( family 1110 asked 1,14 10 Make 3t hurry 110 111e 'spr.,, c!ull,;(,; 11, t1). 4 0111.1 .1'1,,; Itell Imre xen designated to his nearest railway e1' (''')r•' -s ' tlunl 'Theology," he ventures to ash the iudulg• juh for the Il.tsun that they had urr,ulr cd 10 (llil for J':nrop0 1110 (lays 111(01' 11101 1110,' didn't want 10 poslpune 010 00y• age, "\Vhnl 4"0)12(1 you think of It \roman wit() ask'd In have her Ilus!1:1 ,;d 13111 u d 3)1 (liiicl:ly :Is possible on the ground that a fel• days before his death they hail agreed 11, a separation and I hat she would Iil:e to put stwa,0 the (10'1),'(1 h.• fore (he new'pop'r; heard of their mar- ital lruuldes't '1'1111 iri (3x,1((113' 411311 11x11• JIl'llell, '''1'11.14 Ther' was this ease. .114 elderly anal, who hall been Jul invalid more titan 11 30111', passed 2111';\'. \\ e 1r1'1'n allkl'd 10 arrange for the funeral on the day of 1100 death, and when 4.e demurred 11010,• 1111'1'1' 41'1114 401114' Illlpol'tmlt, 1'11, -Uel 11'1 Smiles of Life. Give um the mon with the happy smile, Who 1;(uglw both In and out, And harbors not that artful gutlo Aud tube lulproselons flout. The man who smiles from worn '1111 bigot In tiappluc,,4 or woe, 1s 1,01 the 1111111 4.111131) 1101110 111 right Ills feelings Ivo don't know. , For he who laughs with heart and soul When happy mwuouts be, 1V111 rb(d hbs tears when sorrows loll Bells of adversity. Nor do I want the mall who shows No smile when joys abound; '1'111, 0111414010 oro his heart no'cr goes Tu those 111 Borrow found. 11(11 merry me while cur we can Prefer (0 laugh than cry. Bereavement comes to every man, No matter flow wo try. For happy we can make his life sly keeping conscience clear, Avuldlug vain and needless strife And deeds that rause us fear. -James Dour. Prayer, Lief14e11 c.o.!, our heavenly Father, 14 )10 Last, •'pok4ll lo 11; in many w)l '01. Sm,d 1111141 clearly by T1y Son • Christ 1'•014- grant that the ears of oto• tinder - 14 1l;'lill! 111:at• be opened 10 that toe 11111y hear 1II)' \rice, llelp un to de'ognizo the 4 rice' of I;1)11, and 4hc'u'1huu calleet n, )i\1' ns grace t1 reply with willing and I he'lient hearts, sped: Lord, for '1'11y ','1",;,1,l., hear. (111111. 1,h hitch faith in 'Illy wi'llolu 1111)1 '11)01 that whatever '1'111411 (lost l'otlullrunl we 11)11y Most eager- ly obey. If Thou dor; call us to surlrn- (ler'artIlly goods; 11111' 1',e 11'! (telly per- suaded that 'I'h•y favor and the blessings which '11211( 1111,1 ill 141„3)' for tilos' 41')10 trust 'Thee are worth f110 more than all. Life upon u, well 141.10 the Iighl. of Thy countenance, C Ulna, and grant that like '1.1 1 'servant Abraham 4•t' 111ay be. ) ers- 041 in 4)111 )4w13 1)111.; ailtl 111111• b1' ill! Ill,',) 1 4 (114• 1)1111101• (1,331, .!.1111 the peals( 11 101 1;101') sha11 be Thine forever, :1141')1. Honesty. Pres113 1(t'latl: \u 111.11 saunas :Cont. in the world, hut is brought into 0(1311io0st 1'.2111 1111 '1cr wi'0nirlg circle, the (3Hire of \\ !deli is the family. In :111 those 0010- pl'x relationships 10. i9 being tested. 1f he k a true 1111111 in the core of his being, his truth and integrity will manifest it. -0.11 i1, all his relations and he will b101 the hall nit11'11 of Uol's gentleman. .111'." d'feet 1,r taint i1, the inner life will le:l%e its blight upon the life in all ate will' ramification-, The psalmist spoke with a 11'1'0, trite ill,i3ht. 4'11011 10' !ALA: "11100 (1(sir(111 truth in the inward 'There is 110 noire fruitful sourer! of (1214• cord, and friction and crime in the world today that the lack of sinal/!), ciCnlent• all 11e relations cif life this old world that honesty' means a great deal naive than the payment. of our debts. If there could be absolute hn01r and integrity in all elm relations 1f life this 0111t')rl1 01101 scarcely be recognized at 1111 1!11141(. ft m111;11 seem like Paradise regained. The Advocate and the Judge, \1'e (:u0tot ir'huld :lbrnh;1114 iut(rCed- ing will( 111141 kr Scdoni'withont think- ing of Ilial 4' 110 is the Advocate with 1410 hntler for sinful 1000, We recall that :'tln'ahwo prayed for those whom he 0(411 11;11;4..: i,3.ercesr.ion for 11041 whom Ito 1111, 1'l:1lct'tu'(I. The Friend of God urged his plea upon grounds of justice, and mercy with a (lI d who 101114 merciful trod just; the Son of l0n1 urges Ibis plea with the swore God upon the same 310110ds, 1\•bat wonder, 111('{1, that, as the writer to the Hebrews tells us, "Ile is aide to save to the uttermost th('an that draw near unto God through slim, seeing Ile (a•er lived' 11, make intercession for 111'111!''-l)oberl Ilnddow, A Resuscitated Cult. 11('3-4 sometimes )111 111(1': ((14 ( r- I,). Il w'll k114)41'll 1'1'1'1' Church minister, "Not 1r.ng ;:go w1' hu11 a 0ell feint d 11)) 4•hugot s 11):' leer;. iF the mt,m'ent of 1 W i' 1 „ 'si rpal0d 1)10 '1N4IW 40001 ipfurul'd by a ntpla'w 111;11 1h(y were anxious to 011(Iw what'. 010,1" ill Lir will, 110 1110 11111r2141on2,11 '11h1c(s 1f :t 1101,0 (1011'1111)11 upon what. 5110, was 1(1 got, y'st(1'dny a 1)1101 ':ane 2nLn (1111• 0(1100 nud 1111111 (11111 his mother -in -low had ,just. (lied and that he would like tel send her body South as soon as pn!I;i1Ir! (1'011)1.0 his wife wanted to attend some sort of function three days later. "ll lie g10(l old days in some parts of the veno 1'y it used to be, 11' custom for friends of ole 1'111111114 214 141111) ;1 deal.:' m141111)11 to sit up with the corpse, In n ease given to us a few months ago w' were asked to semi u• 'nuple of genlet appearing, employees to tie lion se i;' beep 1.11' 41);11, 11'1 did 21,'1)111 10onf,114 to yin, it seemed to me rather heartless," ` Ile, uf'Inu':,', 2? also requited to prepare once of the editor, and of his readers, 1121 roil, plant and cart. fir the ! '!''4 11,11 it for once Ile ttutkes an exception to that ser 1h111 they are prott.ett'd n(ai:1,l 1,\c rate and devotes this article to a very t, 01;. 'I1)) ucpin i umnt 41'4'0 nu., 11)0 - brief l'nllMId('1'atioll of this re14ns'-itated 1'14'1', n11ta'I'lllk4' to fIn•ihi14h 11',!lI0)l_'N 1,t' illlxlletitllllC, 11111 trees, such :Is 4•abT1it, hick li , di?!t- j11 the first place the title of this 11111)1- ,,' real:: the most. -alb ;l,•to'•y way tlwdox cult i, 0 misnomer, for 11 1'1 nil. of Starting (1)c•.( I to !dant 1 11,' 11411 111' , Eller Ilett -fol till (10411 the 0'0. :twin it=elf. from the time of St, l'aul, (11. 01':1' i. Where there i14 of 1) \igol•010 18) to the present day there ha\•r 1/0011 those in the professing Church 1011;) olicy not the Gospel of um. Lord Jesus Christ, as set forth i11 the I1uly Scripture.,, Itis God -head, His supernatural birth, the atonement made by 1 lint on the cross for sip, and llit; resurrection 8101. ,tHcen- siop; slur cwt a creed which puts wide a personal (.tad. and merges (12:14' with mankind and will the universe and all they contain, 1a termed theology. 1'1r in the view of these theorists tite Ida - ',testy of (leaven, the Ahilighty Creator, the Lord 'Jehovah, w111 is from everlasl• ing to everlasting, is' but an immanent principle, an intangible 00401100 pervading 3)11 things, 111111 t111114 "thel'e Is 1101 real distinction between humanity and deity." (111 course a religion .which thus de - the Almighty refuses to neeept the holy 13ible as other than an ordinary Inan•maile book, 11e 001 Testament being ('nus/tiered a romance of the 'earlier age3 of the world; the Gospels a fanciful re- cord of events -bleb did not take place;' 1114(1 the Epistles list the opinions of or- dinary limn, which uay be accepted of not, at 11.111, 12.1.04Vt11 of w"lls 1114)011g the 11''19 FO 111;111041, (<pecialll) in plain;tli(1ns 1131111' all good ngrieullneat :oil. cultivation for the first year or two after I)Ii1l 11g is advised. ;\ number of per,un• 1100)01.1,1,1y tok- en advantage of 1h' offer made by the 111•)101'111)0111. 1111(1 4•itli gI(Itl results, so 011' 311 t':311 11110' 1,1' 31 1)'1'1,1111•'1, '1110 '110, fur plantations 111101e, lI; to 1h1 it v11111'01'1 1,0, 11'0111 1(01‘0 1till,i110%3 1,, sand plains 111111 tine lake. QUAYS OF CONSTANTINOPLE, a Load,lu,llarch 1 I, 'I hl l• nt.ln- 11els t, 11ople correspondent of the 1)aily 31t11 says the Bark of England and 111' hr'u1)1 )ranch of the Ottoman liana tuts' jointly bought the quays of, O4ut,moll• uaple from the Frmieli etnnp;1,y 0401131)3 thele, The purchasers have equal shares i1, the o0'acrship. • The 11141411'0 111'e 'it)l1 t1) 1.110 eommer4e of 1111) \('11' 1''at'it. and their pur,'hniie is probably the most important develop- ment in 1hit 1eh trade duet: the early eight ie'n. PAGE l;'. I G 111' 1I STAN DARD----M.1Rcu I.I"rll, 1907. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite •••cunt:e••• Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, Tile remedy is famous for Its cures over s largoart of the civilized world. It can alweye Ire depended upon. It coutelue no opium or other harmful drug end may be given as confidently to u baby es to en adult Price 26 cts; Large Size, 60 etas MONTHLY FAIRS 131_4'1(71 \\'cd nes( lay, t\i'ri1 ; , 1 007 All the leading horse and (rattle buyers are epeclnlly invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. A. \V. Sl.o.ts. President. 11'a1..I,t1'1csos, \'Ice•1'resIdent. .1, 1,1,0.1E KE:lnm, Secretary Londesboro. (Intended for hest issue) Miss 11'hitley gave a party to h,1' friends on Thursday evening. A number from hero are attending the convention in Blyth this svock. 31r. 1'irchie, of 1Istnlillon, is the guest of 1Ir. Chamberlain this week, \1144 V, I111(i4 who has spent the past mouth with friends in Leamington Inas returned. On 1'rillity evening March 15I11 our "Londeshoro 1)itrkies" will give their concert herein Brown's Hall. Admis- sion 25e. The lecture on \lo'dIy evening given by R.ev• llr, MIAs. T01'01(10, was it decided success. 1 Willi 0118 of the best lectures ever delirored hero and the program Was Splendid. Hensel!. .lose ('ooh, formerly harness maker here, %vas in town, A. \IcHeat1) was in t03VII. Ile IeaVQS next Week for i'osseu'at' near North Ba v, ‘where his greet• trill is located. It. 1[iggin:, left for the \Vest with it cur load of horses, Will Shepherd ac- companied the car. The shipment was nude at Glencoe. In less than ttwn months local opt ioe twill he ie force in Hensull, 11'hut a1' rangetitents are being rnado to enter- tain the travelling public. 'Phis is im- portant. just as important a5 the en- ) forcelnent of the act. file getting one it loud of gravel at the pit for the proposed new Methodist ehnrcll shell, J. 31c1 1. Wilson, of Titusville, (rail one of his ankle hones broken by a cave. in. 'J'he gravel pits are always dangerous place, to svo1'k in ! during i he 1V inter and several have had very narrow escape,. \Ir. 1Vilson ! drove to 1)1'. Ferguson s anti had the (lecture reduced but will be oil' work for some time. TURK E Y S , )4'Ies \[I,. l.etyis wiltse, of Clinton, is visiting at .ladles Midis', and other friends here. 1\'e want. Lo ;tiv vour 'Turkeys The toot of the, saw mill tvhistle is and twill pay the highcst markagain beer('. This se9son's stock is quite Targe and of good quality, 1)rit e \\'lith for particular and Ruv. A, McNith, 11, A„ attended the 1'011 have, \Initla1d Presbytery which 'let 111 \Vingl')4n un 7'nesda,v of last week. Quite a number from this vicinity at• tended the J.ihet'ul Convention held in Br'ussels'I'uesthty t0 nominate a 511111• ditid bearer for the Local Hoarse. 1)r. \Vsghurn is laid up, blood pois- oning having shirred in his ruin, We hope that he nnty 5000 be able to attend his practice as usual, A supply train on the G. & 0. was derailed West of here and was blocked for some days, It required a large gang of teen to clear the track of snow, '1'Iie 1Vebt fever is again on. James McDonald and ion Jollies left on Sat- urday last ; Joshua 1)0nnison and fam- ily ret urn Friday, and \miss Annie Campbell on J1')nday. Quite it number will forloty later, Walt oa. (;;ase is making fa Vora Ile NAT ANTED ow man The Canada Poultry & Produce Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont. For Settlers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and low Reached Write for free eoplrs of SETTLERS' GUIDE giving full parity - Warm of special train service for sot tiers travelling with live stock and effects to the North we'd .10 March Anil April, with passenger and freight rote.;, WESTERN CANADA 1.1)•t°.dal°dee• criptiun of the welt and we -tern conditions, $i+ parser of information invaluable to settlers. Useful neaps inti statistics, TIME TABLES i°gri nsdaily pnweetlner to Winnipeg and (.'algia'y, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave'l'orouto (fully, Comfortable, roomy berths at moderate rates. Fully equipped with bedding, cooking range and every eun- venience. Berths should be reserved (thrronglh nearest C.P.lt. Agept) itt ieaiit Iwo weeks before departure. Write to -day for free books and anything you want to know about the west anti bow o reach lt. Address C. B. POSTER, Dist. Paso. Agl., ('.1 .1t., Toronto Our Big n ;Ili 11C' nolo till lir • ibsc:rib(:rs from March 1 7th, 190; THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. est, igo8 for the small sum of 75c Subscribe No Wingham.' Nino years ago March 1st the present proprietor took charge of the \Vingham Advance. 11, If. Crowder Inas been confined to his home for two weeks, His numer- ous friends are pleased to know that he is now recovering, On Monday evening last while the Epworth League service was being held some person or persons took n horse and cutter from the shed and used them for their own pleasure. The owner of the rig %yarns them of the consequences if the act is repeated. Geo, H. David, of Hensel!, lute of Belgrnve, hits hon appointed as fore- man on the Junction section of the 0,'1', R. Mr, David has purchased a building lot on Catherine street and will build a nets' dwelling and inove his family to town. Oeo, l;, lCing, one of \Vingham's most prominent and highly respected citizens, diet) Sunday eveninu, He was taken to the hospital on Wednes- day last and nn operation performed 0n Tliiirsdity, His death is universally regretted. Ile was 50 years of age and leaves a widow, two lions and one daughter. The concert committee has(; week handed over about $100, the profits on the hospital course of converts to the Ladies' Auxiliary of the IVingliiun 33ospitnl. '\'Ile members of the conttnit• tee spent considerable tint° in Ponnec• tion with these concerts and they should reeeiye the hearty thanks of the hospital authorities. 4101.., The Taking Cold Habit The old•cold goes ; anew one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking -cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Askyour doctor about it. "1 bad a terrtbte cold, and nothing relieved me. I tried Ayer's cherry Pectoral p and 1t rr'ongbi, iodbeueed every peri or 1:17%.71 diToledod wondertatol work for Ine,"-M a. J. T. urn.', Oh, Made by J, 0. Ayer Of., Lowell, kw. Ales ■aaufactiorasA • SARSAPARILLA. LIR VIGOR.. Keep the bowels regular withAyer's Pills, Just one p131 each night, Dr. Sloeum's Great Tonle and Dlseaso Destroyer PSYCHINE (PNONOUNOID MAKIN) Used in Thousands of Homes in Canada THOSE IVI10 don't know what Psvchine ie and what it does are aekiug about it. THOSE WHO do know what Psychine is and what it does are using it. They regard it its their beet physician and friend. THOSE WHO use it ire being quickly and permanently cured of all forms of throat, chest, lung and s t o m a c troubles. It is u scientific prepara 1(01), destroying all disease germs in the blood and system. It ie a wonderful go to London for the examination, andtonic and system building remedy, and her complete, success is therefore all is a certain cure for the more creditable in view of elle lest Wright!skill!)has gathered 778 (leo, Dole, j1'„ of the Huron Host'I IA B 0 R ERS eu.rs from his hens luring February, \Vest, recently sold n very lino four FAR w'iich ha cotsi h'.rs a good record for so 1, year ohi gelding to \lessrs, 31c\11111 1, 1'0111 n 5en4on. for *21;0. Ile weighs about. 1,701) Ifs. John Young, of Porter's Hill, slip- Peter Dill 'mule a shipment of \Vhite ped on the Icy sidewalk in town last flock ('Nickels to Calgary, Alberni, Friday and sustained a broken leg. 1 sr week. 11 r. Dill has merle several S. J. Currie, httl' with the 'I', Eaton shipments to the \Vest for breeding Co., Toronto, hits tltke') IL position 114 purposes 1IIis \\Tilts'. salesman in Ilodgen's Bros.' (iry goods IVill Mcleod, Se11forth's well kn0tlil 8101'1', C0111' 11ill 11, who 1)115 been 1.011 rill;,' ill 1110 'I'110 Canada I'otuulry Co. pincl'd the (;wtnllian \fest for the past few last girder at the Guelph & (.1'ulnriell months with the international Inter• !tail way upper Maitland bridge et tehiers, arrived home or. Suturing, Auburn on ;1lundaV, and when the ,John floral), nn onnploy of the Roh', Bell IAigatie Company, was Molly !mulled while engaged ie cawing at the foundry un 'I'ur.gug, lin twill he laid rivet ting is complete li there the Coln- Ve pang trill nd i(4 noon b,ioL he In coml(:0)0 1 Ila hridgc across Ilte (l. 'I'. 1(. tri ed;.s, There is ills° a 5341)) to be off work for a 'mintier of days, placed at Sharp's creek. A. E. 0illson, who Inas been nulnneel' Hiss Norah Hurley, ten years of a;(', in the Seam tII brooch of the Senior -ill a pupil of the Sisters of St, ,losuph here, 1091)011 of the Dotminiou Bank for the pessed her first musical exem'latloes pest )Wo years, 1104 heel) nppoinlei In- twi.h lirst•clnss honor, at the Conger- spect0r of the 11'estern Division with t'atory of Music, Loudon. She heink headquarters at 11'innipeg. Mr. Gib - rhe only candidate from here she had to soil will be leaving tott'n in the (10111'se of it fete week.. 1115 successor here will be \Ir. Coulson, of Ilespelur, J 1'. Duncan, monager of tho 13unk of l'onttnerco at Ayl, tuns arrested 011 11 oliargo of signing false documents. COUGIIlS, Bronchial Coughs, LA GRIPPE, Chills and Fever, Colds, Difficult Breathing, Pneumonia, General Weakness Bronchitis, Female Troubles, Catarrh, Fickle Appetite, Weals Yoke, Hemorrhages, Sleeplessness, Night Sweats, Nervousness, Consumption, Malaria, Catarrh of the Anaemia, Stomach. .k1l there diseases are serious in them- selvea, and if not promptly rued in the early stages are the certain forerunners of way from her home surroundings, 1 1 the Divisional Court at 051400110 Hell hast week the ease of the (lode - rich Engine (L Bievcla Co. v. Metizie Paine tip on mined lir defendant from the judgment of .lustier Britton in favor of pleintifis for the ree.overy of Fr'I7`I.'2I) ;111,1 rots in an action for the pril•e of ):'i engine 1)4111 hailer, and I'ur tverk 1)11(1 I:ahm' Ilene and m'IIeriul for - 'fished in 1IIe fitting up of defeutl;ult'14 steam yacht 1)I•in1l11, ------ •parr• __.,._... Morris. \ll s Joseph Clegg is recovering from It serious attack of pleurisy, 11'11 hope she will soon he AS Well ns ever, Consumption in Its most terrible tonus. fun, !Beek, of '!'hessnlon, Algoma,I'eyehine conquers sad tures Cumuli)., ' Who Ila; 1101')) visiI leg 1'ellltives III 3111r - tion, but it is Much easier and safer to l'',';'‘,":10,.41,(,:,12;loft fur leis bona: on 11un prevent its development by using Priv- , - chine. here ie a sample of thousands of List week ,lamer Sherrie, Ili lion, voluntary and unsolicited blatenleltafrom l,archnsell an imported Yorkshire sett' all over f'uuada : from If. ,1, 1)1v'is, 1 he well known 1/r. T. A. Slocum, Minkel:IrrPedrr, of 11'nnllstrnsL, \I I'. SNurrfe, I;eutleuen,-1 feel It my duty to advise you of the remarkable owe affected l' retedbyyour.vehlnr I; •ieferlll(d In have 1Ile pest. and Uzumulelon, whlch have. conte under 1147 I iu.1110. nu11 Jlrs, \IeCtitchetl andpersonal observation. Threw men, well known to 'd(Ingltrr, I',yclVII, v; ho have herd me. Albert 1owuatud, Hazel Hipuou and John MIKay, all of Shelburne County, were pru• uouced by the best mo'lteal men to hive eou5wup101. and to be Incurable sod beyond the reach of feedlots! a1.1. They toed t'p eIllue and usooul,iun and they are now In good health. 1 feel 1t a duty 1 owe In suffering humanity 10 state these fonts for the benefit ul uthur s)Qerers trout til+ terrible dteeate. ]burs very truly, LEANI11:+It McKRNZII, J.P., (3reeu Harbor, H.S. Peychine, pronounced Si -keen, is for sale at all up-to-rlate dealers. 11 your druggist or general store cannot supply vou, write Dr. T. A. Slocu►n, Limited, 179 king Street Nest, Toronto, risitieg in this locality, for several weeks, left for their home in 1'rol)ishee, 5itsh., on Tuesday of this week. Mrs, (_'1lriiii:ioltain, SI'„ %vas Helen to the Mouse of flange, Clinton, on 1\'eduesd11y morning, tvlli, h she enters as n paying infante. She %vas dissatis- fied to remain til the home of her sols , (1 (1 chose to go to Clinton. Un January aril, in the city of Win- nipeg. diet'. 1)r, Sparliuu tied the near• rirt;.e knot between Rev. .. Jt, Hann• (fells, ( 1'TIII'lit1'I'e, ,\ Iluri 11. iltlll Miss Je,u: \\uIbate i',Irk, of Toronto. '('Ile groom is a former reside'', of 111is town - 'woo. 11111 friIn114 will Wish On 'Tuesday of last week a most en• Ile 111)11 his bribe a font', I0ltlpy and Loy'abie evening wn11 spent by the mem• useful life Iers of \Vingham Lodge No. 28(1, A. F. Sunool, Itr•:Potrr -The following is & A, 31, It was on the oecasion of the the row; of 5 ,S No, I, Skill. fpr the official visit. of D. 1), 0. M. Cameron, of til )nth 1'f I''eln purr -51'. 1 \'- Illy 11'iartol, After the lodge closed the ll.ogl'rsoo. ''"'1 Sr. 1I1- 11,t111'I members and thein' (Meets repaired to slough, 277 ; Thome..Plt'Ntll, the National hotel where 0 sumptuous Homier. Ifo1•('1son, IW). Jr, I 11 -Ella repast was furnished by Mr. and \11:5. Rogers'111, 15'2 ; 3111egie P whin. 151 ; Manson, tendo etre noted for excellence Itobert 1Vtlllece, till Si' 11 -Melville of table requirements on such occas- 'Taylor, 51. .Ir, II -Joules Brown, cions, 1?. Hill sang a couple of solos, 2 ; Harry y ilowlett, Intl; ' Clertia Nie - with Miss Houghton as accompanist, Call, l;)7. I't. 1I -C) ga Cu dough, The usual 101161,8 aware proposed and re- 2913 ; \Piffle Phelan. 28,-1 ; 1louler sponged 10 in excellent addresses, Brown, 2811 ; 'Tillie ltogorson, I1)5, lies, E. R Fit e,11 Ca 1110 up (101) 'Ino- ll..11c,11tr1•;tt, 'Teacher, ionto and took hi8 works in the Baptist. Church on Sunday last. The 111P111 hers of the congregation were sorry to hear 31r, ['itch tendo' his resignation its pastor itt the morning service, He has been only a little over a year pastor of the church and misdoing good work, Itis removal from town will be regret- ted by our townspeople generally, With his throat trouble Mr. Fitch finds it impossible to continue the work in \Vinghant, lie will have the best tt'isiles of IIIony friends in wlltttet'el' work he limy a ,gege in for the future, The resignation will bo dealt with at a ne, meeting of the congregation to be held oil Friday Peening, (--_..... Seaforth. 'J'lle l:gmoidvide Presbyterians pre having (heir church 91111 1111111141' lighted by elect rIGi1y, With lust week's issue of Ilio News the new proprietor made his initial bot' to the readers of that paper. Itobt, 13013.11ie had one of his thumbs badly injured by a saw in the furni- ture fnetory one day last week, The E, MoFaul Co, are replacing their Cush currier 8ystein and aro in- stalling a new and more up-to-date Clinton. Nnegle, of Auburn, hos taken n posit.i(,)1 in the millinery department of .1, W, Nntwcotnbe. The excellent town band has dis• handed ; it is pretty Burd 10 keep an oven nization of this kind going, 'I'I)n jubilee of IVillis church 0ecurs in July Hex t.-51) years -and speclul gel'• , vices will be held in harmony there- I with; here- with; During, the month of January. 11)1lr1. there was one burial ; in February of the same year there were three, Dik- ing January of this year there welt' 1 foto', and in 1'ehruir,y eight. ---three Clines ns 11+3)411' ns in last year. J. W. Treleaven arrived in tonna 0)r Saturday from Almon te, where he tt'9s poi )cipu1 of the high school for live seat's, and on 3ionday entered on his duties as classical master at- the colle- giate., a position he formerly held for seve►nl years. His engagement has strengthened the staff very materially. The flee farm on the edge of die can - portetin11, helolgieg to the Fair tinnily, tv)L), in order to (arilitnto the winding up of the estate. offered for sale b3' public Ruction 1Vednesday afternoon, There were a n(1n11101' of interested per- sons present and several bids were made, The (highest was $10,200 made by H. TT, Smith, hut a5 it did not reach the reserve price 110 sale was made, The lndiiut Henri Vidette of last we'e'k refers to the fact of 31r. and, illrs, Roger Item of tint piece having cello brn.ted their 57th wedding untlive'iIt1'y on Feb. 28t11, They were married in Stanley i' 1850, and for a Tong time re- pided in Clinton, prior to their removal West, The Videtlo states that nl- thoul;tt Ur. Leo is 82 )ld Mrs, Lee 71, t hey are enjoying the best of health, Mrs. W. C. Searle, of Clinton, is a (laughter. Goderich. M. 0. Johnston was appointed town engineer of sidewalks, Hewers, eta,, at a salary of $100 per annum. N000MESTICS I hat's been appointed by the 1)o - minion 1 0Vert'nnnt 30 place IIn- migrants from the United king- doms in posll(ons as farm lahurera or domestic teu wants In this t'iuin• ity. Any person requiring such help should notify me per:onallp er by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wanes t,1I•k•re11, The number ar• riving may not he 4u111olent to suppl) all regneeta, but every ef• fort will be shade to provide each applicant with help ct(tuired. ANI)1:F.\V \V, SLOAN (JAnadlan Government Employment Agent, Myth P, t), I'011 SALE.- Ilrick cottage, 0 rooms, (lard and soft water, new furnite', a good garden %skit it largKe and mall fruit rreer, also spall staple, Everything In No. I shone, For par'ieuiare apply to NIts. Juits T. CARTE'', Blyth. wenoklinakanowiwouseolliallMosomeeensionasmome Cne)1,1 1'.111, 1'P: :4.1u, WO )'01'A1, ASSETS : 'rbl,tytwo 111111un Uollera. Rl.stkwe trt'au r 500,UW BANK OF HAMILTON RECEiVES accounts of corporations, firms and in- dividuals, on favorable terms. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and highest current rate of Interest allowed, 96 Branches throughout Canada. \\'e kindly solicit your account at our ag(:ncv, Myth, Unt, T. W. scour, AGENT. our Printing SHOULD BE AN .INDEX TO YOUR BUSINESS ! Poor office stationery indicates slovenliness, "Tasty, well printed stationery bespeaks system and carefulness. ♦••••OStl••♦ The Standard Job Printing Dept. supplies only the better kind -won't pay us to turn out any other, 1 -nigh -priced, experienced workmen only are employed, because they should do -and do -..better work than inexperi- enced help. . We will convince you of this if you will trust us with your next order. " any 'Mink! Leaf' ,e -. Rubber° uud keep your " ,, feet dry sad warm." - Wireless from th°nld %moan who lived lu It shoe," 11[ado of the best Para guns, cut to fit snugly a n d accurately, " Maple Leaf i3ulllhe's" present tt thoroughly waterproof surface, Keep your feet (fry and warm in tho !wettest kind of weather, Rubber boot illusi rated is thoroughly waterproof and doubly strengthened at points where wear is greatest, Sold by S. H. GIDLEY