The Huron Expositor, 1957-11-08, Page 5Pt; 11, , X.' • '`cF.'" , » 4 kw • 4.54 • e • ',re A: -•,' • • , ' • •-• • • • • • / 1; t•A • .7;111. / • • A; .1.311,/ 4-• /. • • 1111 • .0 • ; H "ft . • „ ' ;• I 41111.110 AT PH 592 and we'll come out to see you t „ 't• 6 Service Station SEAFORTH • TjT,1 T Tj,„1',„TITITII Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty "NOW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE" Jut '2 More Days Left ! C H DairY Month October 10 to November 10 THERE -ARE JUST 2 DAYS LEFT FOR YOU TO BUY YOUR CATTLE FEEDS AT REDUCED PRICES! NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE' YOUR ORDER AND RECEIVE DELIVERY BE- FORE THE END OF DECEMBER. THERE 18 A SAVING OFF CARD PRICE OF: .15c Per Cwt. Dairy Month Discount .05c Per Cwt. Pickup at Mill $1.00 Per Ton in Ton Lots $4.00 Per Ton For Bulk Feed TOPNOTCH STEER FATTENER -20% TOPNOTCH CALF STARTER -20% TOPNOTCH SPECIAL MILK RATION -16% TOPNOTCH COW CONCENTRATE -34% TOPNOTCH BRAN.MO-LAS-12% CARD PRICE $3.70 per 100 Pounds $4.80 per 100 Pounds $3.20 per 100 Pounds $3.95 per 100 Pounds $2.20 per 80 Pounds ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON BRAN, SHORTS, OIL CAKE, BEET PULP and MOLASSES $ We are Buyers of Timothy, Red Clover, Mixed Grain and Oats OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 • Seaforth, Ont. "The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" TaTITIT&T,LiTitTIT tH PONTIACS ARE COMING! On Displaii''Saturday, November 9th Last W,e,4',S.1Eitra. Specials Ail -Gone, But We Have Lots More From Which to Choose! Pearson Motor_ Sales, Zurich 'PONTIAC BUICK - GMC TRUCKS ..PHONE: ZURICH 78 or EXETER 608 • XXTRA 'PECIAL BARGAINS 1954 BUICK SEDANHItadio, dyn'flow 1953 BUICK—Radio 1953 DODGE—Custom radio, like new 1951 METEOR COACH 1951: CHNIVLET COACH 195eFOLIVIOUTH—Only 50,000 miles CIAL — FACTORY EXECUTIVE CARS — SPECIAL Not one atliese tars has more than 5,000 miles on it. YOU SAVE UP TO $1,000 OFF. 1957 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN-8 cylinders, whitewall tires. 1957 BIIICK• CENTURY -4 -door hardtop, radio, whitewall tires, wheel discs, automatic drive. 1957 BUICK SPEC IAL -2 -door hardtop, wheel discs, whitewall tires, automatic drive. 1957 PONT1'AC 'PATHFINDE1C-4-door, 8 cylinder. 295 295 395 $1,395 895 995 MAKE ITS AN OFFER ON ANY OF THESE UNITS '1.956 P to 1956 BUIC exhatis 1955. DODO TH DELUXE SEDAN—Push but- 1953 PONTIAC *PATHFINDER COACH — Only Yte drive, 18,000 miles. 16,000 miles; original owner in Zurich. OOR HARDTOP—Dynaflow, dual 1952 WILLYS COACH—Radio, overdrive, 35 miles •peciattrim; only 8,000 miles. to gallon. DTOP—Radio, whitewall tires, 1951 BUICK SEDAN—Radio, automatic drive, like 1 '&1" new car warranty. 11955 PONTIA .p.ATTIfINDER—Deluo, radio. new. ,;• tic Wi tyattr;41rear speaker, whitewall 1950 MERCURY SEDAN—Radio, fender skirts. 1954 iviEnp.rVIONTEREY SEDAN—Automat- 1951 PONTIAC COACH—Clean car. , 4 41, tirek'' ' er Brakes. .. 2-1950 FORD COACHES 4953 DODG ,:1AY AIR SEDAN—Radio. . 1949 FORD COACH—Only 43,000 miles. 1 f Make ifs ii �ff4r ad Drive Off itt: Any of The se Fine Cars. All in good working order, winter./ , ized. Man* Wit athos! ' 141,48 9149.06' CH 1847, COACH 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1947 FORIrOOACH 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1948 PLYMOUTH • 194() DODGE — TRUCKS — We have the Largest Stock of Used Half-TOn Pickups. Check hefore yougmy. All prices. 1953 PONTIAC SEIDAN DELIVERY $795 1950 IVIERCURY 1½ -TON, stake l:iody Ifoacks, $395 Pearson- Motor Sa Zurich 1 4 AK h Phono igogieb/,78.'(coliect) and well come up, and s ovv you,i0e,car of e......T6ur_ehoice........„„.„ „appw vF,A.Y i!ir,,g,61$INcr Pi.,,I4 10 O'CLO .......„..,,,..,..,.. ,.d.tri, , ,q,v w,.',''' r•,.• : ' ''tf .144' ', . ''',461' '1' '.%.1,r ' : : ti,,44CUjrar."'''.'VNO:P''"'",tigi . '• pEoamt' PriVate SerWea .104,11 FO#114tPti,',1, Thursday afternoon;fropt, ikq,. Puliek4) Dedrait rk • OW; tkree-Year.44 daughte of Mr,i: and )±.0s. Gas, tie,WalLan.,forine4y ef' Seaforth: Bev: 1), Glenn „Campbell, officiated d, burial fOoNve4 t4, Maitlandhank cemetery. Dedrati dieitl i. Seott;.bleixtorial Hospital Tuesday evening following a two-day illness. She, is sur- vived by her parents and one brother, Garry, g, and a sister, Brenda, 1„. MICHAEL MALONEY • MITCHELL.—Michael Maloney, formerly of Logan and Ellice town- ships, died in Stratford General Hospital Sunday at the age of 79. He had been in ill health for the past four years, and in hospital for about three weeks. He was born in McKillop town- ship, near Beechwood, on June 15, 1878, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney. On July 26, 1904, he married the former IVIary Flan- agan. After two years in McKil- lop they farmed near Kinkora un- til 1951. They moved to Stratford in 1954 and resided there until moving to Mitchell three months ago. Mr. Maloney was a member of St. Patrick's Church, Kinkora, and latterly of St. Vincent de Paul Church, Mitchell. He was a mem- ber of the Holy Name Society of the church. Surviving besides his wife are seven sons: Frank, Ellice town- ship; Wilfred, Logan township; Lawrence, Detroit; Leon and Tom, Windsor; Gerald, Stratford, and William, Moosonee; five daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Mary) Brown and Mrs. John (Madeline) Wagner, De- troit; Mrs. 0. ,(Elizabeth) Thibi- deau and Mrs. Patrick (Lourdes) Bannon, Stratford, and Mrs. Hen- ry (Anna) Van Hoeven, Grand Rapids, 'Mich.; fifty grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. He was predecease& by one son, John, in 1936. The body rested at the Heath - Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, until Tuesday, when removal was made to St. Patrick's Roman Cath- olic Church, Kinkora, for Requiem High Mass at 9:30 a.m. Rev. T. V. P. Donnellan officiated and burial followed in St. Patrick's cemetery, Kinkora. MRS. WILLIAM ALEXANDER 1 gtet4i', rs, 11",:irkr. (By CRAIG 'WILLIS) Sport's Basketball season was pfficially opened Tuesday when the first game of, the "After - Dinner League" was played. The first scheduled game was won by Team II; Jim Crich, captain, with Bob Reith counting up the most points. The losing team was captained by Frank Bryans. The score -23-10. This group, which will be play- ing on Tuesday and every second Wednesday at noon, is the Senior After -Dinner League. They are boys of Grades XIII, XII, XI and some of Grade X. The Junior After -Dinner Leagu- ers are taken from the boys of Grade IX and those remaining in Grade X. During the game on Tuesday it was noticed that many of the rug- by habits appeared, unseen by the referees. This made it a, very interesting game. Practice for the school junior and senior ',basketball teams is scheduled to stall soon. Many are looking forward to playing basket- ball this year, and almost every- one hopes the. conclusion of the basketball season show better re- sults than that of the rugby sea- HENSALL.—Mrs. William Alex- ander, 68, died Thursday, Oct. 31, et South Huron Hospital, Exeter, •where she bad been a patient since November 2, 1956, after suffering •a severe stroke. The former Agnes Jane Thom - 'son, daughter of the late Robert Thomson and Jane Moodie, she was born on the farm in Hay town- ship, where she lived following her marriage to William F. Alexander of Tuckersmith township. In 1953 they retired to Hensall, and their son John, continued on the home farm, which has been in the same family since purchased from the Canada Company. In 1955 she moved to Exeter. During her life she was active in church work, being a life mem- ber of the WMS and a member of St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen. She had been a member of Kippen East Institute and later of Hensall Institute. Surviving besides her husband, a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, are, two sons, Norman, of Londesborough; John, of Hensall; four daughters, Isobel, of Toron- to; (Doris) Mrs Cecil Dilling, London; (Jean) Mrs. Robert Simp- son, Kirkton, and Ruth,.of Exeter, and her only sister (Elizabeth), Mrs. N. E. Cook, of Hensall, and ten grandchildren. The body rested at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Vensall, until Sat- urday, Nov. 2, where public ser- vices were held at 2 o'clock, con- ducted by. Rev. Alexander Rapson, of Main Street United Church, Ex- eter, assisted by Rev. McMillan, of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Pallbearers were members of the Session of Kippen. Interment was in Baird's cemetery. 1 First Church Marks 90th Anniversary son. No Questions Asked? The good news has reached all ears: two buses will be used this year to transport the lucky mem- bers of Grade XI. In one bus shall be heard the subdued talk of ser- ious young men; in the other bus, who can hear as the young ladies catch up on the town and country gossip? Everyone, except the lucky grade eleveners, seem to think the deci- sion to put the boys in one bus and the girls in the other, is the only possible division. But who knows? Some brilliant student may yet discover a more sensible arrangement. Until then, Grade Eleven, grin and bear it! The congregation of First Pres- byterian Church will observe the 90th anniversary of the church at special services being planned for November 17. The guest minister on that occasion will be Dr. A. Ian Burnett, of St. Andrew's Church in Ottawa. An outstanding minister in the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Burnett was born at the Blantyre Church of Scotland Mission in Nyasaland, Africa, the son of the Rev. Alex- ander Burnett, minister of Perth Parish, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Scotland. He was educated at Ed- inburgh • University and Divinity Hall and New College. Assistant to leading Scots divines following his ordination, Dr. Bur- nett was minister of Newhaven -on - Firth Parish, Edinburgh, from 1931 to 1937, then became minister of Springburn, Hill Parish, Glas- gow, one of the largest congrega- tions in the west of Scotland. Dur- ing the war years of 1943 forward, he served with the British Minis- try of Information in the blitzed areas, particularly around ' Clyde- side. In 1943 he was called to St. Andrew's Church in Ottawa. Since coming to Ottawa, Dr. Burnett has distinguished himself as an outstanding pulpiteer. He has a wide radio audience who listens to his preaching faithfully throughout the Ottawa Valley ev- ery Sunday evening. Dr. Burnett A new committee has been form- ed to lighten the load of the Stu- dents' Council, The new commit- tee will arrange the assemblies and do their best to,improve them. It is the hope of the assembly com- mittee, which met for the first time on Monday, that assemblies will • be held every Friday from 3:30 to 4. They plan to use, as much as possible, the talent of the school for their programs. A sur- vey is being made now to ensure that talented students are avail- able, for future assemblies. As the survey progresses, there is no doubt but that there will tie many surprises as to who talent belongs. Sees Future (Continued from Page 1) and that he was given to under- stand that the premium was made higher than it otherwise would have been, because the fair -day program included chariot races. POSTAL INFORMATION Monday, Nov. 11, Remembrance Day, being a statutory holiday, the main doors of the Post Office will he open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The wickets will be open from 12 noon to 1 p.m. only, when all phases of business may be transacted. All incoming and outgoing mails will be sorted and despatched as usual. Rural patrons are reminded there will be no delivery on this date. Preparations are now being made for the annual Christmas rush,. Deadline dates for overseas. mailings will soon be available, and mailers are reminded to mail early and avoid disappointment. Your complete postal address should appear on all outgoing and incoming mailings. Douglas Miles, Clinton, agricul- tural representative for Huron County, suggested that every fair board might consider the possi- bility of arranging .for a doctor to be available on the grounds on fair day. "If someone is hurt, and you have to wait for a doctor, it always seems like a long wait," said Mr. Miles. In a discussion period that fol- lowed it was found that attempts had been made to do this, but it was found almost impossible ,to get a doctor for the whole after- noon. Stratford reported that the St. John Ambulance Brigade takes care of this problem at their fair with trained men. It was pointed out that the St. John Corps receives no pay from the fair board. The Woman's Association of Dungannon United Church served dinner at noon in the basement of the church. Guests at the dinner included: F. A. Lashley, superin- tendent of agricultural societies for Ontario; Fred Ratz, reeve of Fullarton and warden of Perth; Harry Gowdy, reeve of Howick and warden of Huron; Ralph E. White, agricultural representative for Perth. Sydney Harlow, outgoing presi- dent, was master of ceremonies for the dinner meeting, and chairman for the morning and afternoon business sessions. Representatives attending this meeting from Seaforth included Agricultural Society President, Robert W. Campbell; secretary - treasurer, Earl McSpadden; wo- men's division president, Mrs. Joseph Grummett; secretary, wo- men, Mrs. Alex Boyes; and direc- tor, Mrs. John Hillebrecht. DISTRICT WEDDINGS SWAN—McLAUGHLIN, DUBLIN.—Rev. A. M. Williams officiated at the ceremony in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Stratford, when Theresa M. Mc-, Laughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLaughlin, Dublin, became the bride of James Robert wan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Swan, St. Marys. The bride wore a white semi- formal strapless gown with a white net bolero, white gloves and satin underskirt with ruffled net overskirt. She cried a bouquet of red roses. The maid of honor, Miss Mar*: McLaughlin, Stratford, wore blue crystalette dress with match-'' ing accessories and corsage pink carnations. Roy James Swan, of Toronto, was best man. The wedding breakfast was serv- ed at the Victorian Inn and the bride's mother received wearing a Queen's blue French dress com- pletely lined with matching taf- feta, fashioned with a square neck and short sleeeves, black acces- sories and corsage of American Beauty roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a magic crepe blue dress with corsage of pink carnations: For travelling to the'Northern United States, the bride chose a blue brocade sheath with black accessories. Guests attended the wedding from Toronto, St. Marys, Dublin, London. Seaforth, Mitchell and BUUCK—PRIESTAP BRODHAGEN.—Whits and pink carnations decorated St. Peter's Lutheran Church here when Mar - lean Adeline Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priestap, Brodhagen, became the bride of Franklin William Buuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buuck RR 2, Gadsbill. Bells with ribbon and Shrimp colored roses marked the guest pews. Rev. E. J. Fischer of- ficiated at the double -ring cere- mony. The organist, Mrs. Toleda 'Beuermann, of Dublin, played tra- ditional wedding music, and the Soloist, Miss .Carol Rose, Born- holm, sang "Wedding Prayer" be - fere the ceremony, and "0 Per- fect Love" during the signing of the register. The bride given in marriage by cascade of Talisman roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. John Moore, Dublin, wore a waltz -length gown of shimp nylon chiffon over matching net and taffeta with an embroidefed and rhinestone stud- ded bodice and shirred top extend- ing to a V -neckline at the back, white nylon chiffon pillbox hat, white gloves and shoes, and car- ried a cascade of white feathered chrysanthemums and shrimp baby chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid, Miss Joyce Querengesser, Stratford, wore a gown and carried flowers identical to that of the matron of honr. The soloist's costume was iden- ical to that of the attendants and e a corsage of white carna- The flower -girl, Beverley Sholdi e, Brodhagen, wore a white nylon chiffon dress over net and taffeta with a full gathered floor - length skirt and white velvet bows decorating the shirred neckline and sash at the waist, extending into a bow at the back. She carried a cascade of shrimp feathered chrysanthemums and white baby chrysanthemums, and wore a head- dress of green ivy and shrimp .chrysanthemums. The ringbearer, Master John Jacob, RR 5, Stratford, cousin of the bridegroom, was ,dressed in white trousers Ind a navy blazer, and carried the rings on a white lace pillow, Ken Priestap, RR 3, Monkton, brother of the bride, was best man, and the ushers were Carl Buuck, Brodhagen, cousin of the bridegroom, and Glen Muel- ler, Stratford, cousin of the bride. The wedding dinner took place at Fuller's Grove, Sebringville. A three-tier wedding cake centred the bride's table. The bride's grand- mother, Mrs. Annie Steinbach, re- ceived the guests, wearing a navy dress with white embroidered and blue and black accessories and a red Sweetheart rose corsage. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a black and white striped dress with black and white acces- sories and a red Sweetheart rose corsage. The reception was held at Hinz's Hall, Brodhagen, where Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mueller pro- vided music for dancing. For travelling to Northern On- tario and Eastern Canada, the bride chose a blue lace over taf- feta sheath dress with white hat and gloves and black shoes and purse, and carried a blue topcoat and wore a red Sweetheart rose corsage. The couple will reside in Brodhagen. Guests attended the wedding from Brampton, Kitchener, Co- bourg, Stratford, Milverton, Gads - hill, Listowel, Brunner, Staffa, trate their ancestry back 800 Yea* ttdded headdress. ' She wore a Dublin, Monkton, Sehringville, Pul- l:int can't tell Yet Where theilPeatT neeklace OOand earrings, gifts lartonel, Miteh, BOrnholni and children were last night. 41 the bridegrM, and tarried a trodhageni is not only a brilliant preacher, but her father, wore a white floor - is an outstanding administrator,length gown of net over satin with particularly of the Ministerial As- lace overskirt extending into "Points. The lace bodice was styl- ed 'with net yolk and lace Peter Pan collor&, decorated with small tetittitiSOOrig lily -nett sleeves, and 'her fingertip nylon illusion veil 'as held by a sequin and pearl- sistance Fund which was created by the gift of $1,000,000, to be used to assist underpaid ministers. Some of our leading Males tan The "flat fop"! a handsome new hat News for every style. minded mon is the lower crown, "flat toritat in rioh-toned felt . 'A•r"V",„ 0•P't . 4 • A/1 At A 6.50 to 8.95 SUPERBLY TAILORED TOPCOATS Hallmark of men's fashion! • With the arrival of brisk weather, you'll be interested in our pure wool top- coats in quality tweeds, herringbones and plaid. Light, warm, impeccably tailored. All sizes; colors. 35.00 55.00 Suburban COAT A European original now adopted here for its comfort, ease terrific ap- pearance. M a ste dully tailored. $12.95 to $15.95 $15.95 to $27.50 Stewart Bro fr• EXPOSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS — Phone 41 Massey -Harris '30' In Excellent Conditioh No reasonable offer refused