The Huron Expositor, 1957-05-24, Page 4)„1'+M�iPii XPOSITQR, SEAFORT?'I, ONT., MAY 24, 19S7 ed Ads Inserted At New Low- Cash Rates SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent and Week Cont 3rd Week Cent Minimum churge, each insertion,,, 25 Cents . Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. lil¢b of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, e''b0 cents per week. 'ttilitiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 Dents extra. een cents additional will be charged if ads in above clase are not paid within 10 day. of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. 'Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application - Poultry FOR SALE --10 and 12 weeks old DeKalb pullets, raised under ideal conditions, Available May and early June. Debeaked and vaccinated. Contact MOORE POUL- TRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 x:13. 4660-tf BRAY CHICKS—For all markets. Pul. lets. Started. Broilers, Prompt ship- ment. Wide choice. Ask agent: MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brueefield. Phones Clinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-23. 4654-13 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE --1946 Chevrolet Sedan. in excellent condition. Has to be seen to be appreciated. ANDREW MOORE. Phone 647 r 31, Seafurth, 4660-tf FOR SALE—'51 Chev. panel in fair condition ; '53 Chev. panel in excellent shape. Cheap, for cash. J. C. CRICH, (Seaforth, 4661x1 FOR SALE -1955 Chevrolet four -door Sedan, carefully driven, two-tone paint, Power Pack twin mufflers, turn signals, Bun visor, whitewall tires, slip covers. Cannot be told from new. Will accept Wade -in and finance can be arranged. Box 214, Hensall Ont. Phone 1164 collect. 4660x2 Help Wanted WANTED --Girl wanted to live in and to assist with housework in Seaforth home. All modern conveniences includ- ing automatic washer -dryer. Good wages. Apply to Box 624, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4660xnc EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER or good man to learn this trade. Also one experienced woodworking machinist. We are expanding and need good men. Pleas- 'renders will be received by the under - ant working conditions, good wages, abso- signed for pressure system, drinking foun- lutely steady employment, group insurance, lain and flush toilets, for S.S. No. 13, etc, JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM- McKillop, on or before Wednesday, June PANY, Ingersoll, 4660-2 e, 1957, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ,Property For Sale A CHOICE BUILDING LOT for sale, }'HONE 597-W after 6 p.m. 4661-3 FOR SALE --Comfortable 5 -room cot- tage with bathroom and furnace, in Eg- mondville. PHONE 668 r 25. 4659-tf FOR SALE—Six-room white frame house an West William Street. with three- pirce bath, oil furnace and garage. Phone •,63.1. 4661x1 FOR SALE--8-room solid brick house, on North Main Street. Former McNab residence. Apply to WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth. 4661-2 HOUSE FOR SALE One hundred and sixty-five foot front- age with extra lot; seven rooms. All modern conveniences. Oil heating. Sit - fated on No. 4 Highway at Kippen. Apply: SAMUEL CUDMORE, Kippen. 4661-2 Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam- ples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T - 73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 4659-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED HELP WANTED HELP REQUIRED IN THE LAUNDRY Apply: SUPERINTENDENT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 4661-1 Wanted WANTED—An old-fashioned pin and chain for eye glasses. Apply Box 625. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4661xnc WANTED—Good farm home for my dogSears oldblack and white male Collie. Fond of children. PETER WIL- BEE. Phone 5994. 4661-1 WANTED First Mortgage of 62,000.00 on good 60 -acre farm. without buildings. in, Hib- bert Township. Interest 6%. Repay- ments to suit lender. McCONNELL .& HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, 4660-2 DEAD STOCK WANTED For prompt removal of dead or disabled horses or cows in sanitary trucks, phone collect Seaforth 146. WM, STONE SONS, LIMITED Ingersoll, Ontario. 4658-9 Notices BICYCLE REPAIRS—C.C.M. parts and accessories: carriage wheels re -tired: 3 used tricycles for sale. CHAS. PINDER- 4661x1 NOTICE—For service for the commun- ity, a good Yorkshire boar. Apply to PETER HICKNELL & SON, R.R. 6, Seaforth, 4661x1 NOTICE—FYI/1y experienced carpenter, now Neff -employed, wishes repair work of any kind. PETER MALCOLM. Phone 574-M. 4659-1 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4659-tf COMPLt I'i. LAUNDETERIA an Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4659-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL --Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Eetimatea given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 ATTENTION, FARMERS — Prompt. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 4669-tf CHANGE OF NAME—Take notice that the application of Arthur Murray Riley, Of the Township of Mullett, in the County of Huron, to change his surname to Hog - part. tefll be heard by His Honour Judge Frank Fmgland, in his chambers. in the Court Mouse, Goderich, Ontario, on Wed- nesday, June 12th, at ten a.m. ALVIN W. SI;i.L1I RY, Barrister, Etct, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Applicant. 4661-1 NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuclous pith Degnping (henna will be openon Wedlhetday'and '$titnatilay afternoon, from 1 to 6 Pi.. ifstii farther notice, ' Y t E P. OIFE8NE Meet , 4659-tf SAM J. SCOTT, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4661-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders are invited by the Tuckersmith School Area Board for the supply and installation of water pressure systems and flush toilets in Schools, S.S. No. 1 and S. S. No. 7. Work to be completed by August 15, 1957. For installation particulars, contact Mr. Ross Forrest, R.R. 2, Kippen, for S.S. No, 1, and Mr, Chester Neil, R.R. 3, Sea - forth, for S.S. No. 7. Closing date for tenders. June 5, 1957. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4660-2 TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of two concrete culverts, one 8, x 4e x 441, at Lots 5-6 Con. 11, HRS.; the other, 8, x 4e x 40, at Lots 35-36, Con. 2, LRS. Completion date. August 15, 1957. Township will supply cement and steel required. Marked cheque for 10'': of the tender to accompany all tenders. Separate ten- ders must be submitted for each culvert. Tenders to close June 4, 1957, at 8 p,m. 10.5.7'. ). Plans and specifications may be ween at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith, R.R. No. 4. Seaforth. 4661.2 CANADA TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE' OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.D,S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of On- tario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St„ Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein, The Department reserves the right to demand from any sueeess- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on a bank incorporated un- der the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the RECEIVER GEN- ERAL OF CANADA, equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender, in accordance with the Govern- ment Contracts Regulations now ih force, or Bearer Bonds, with uli"- matured coupons attached, of the Gdvertlment of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Corla- pany and RS constituent eompan- ies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Government of Canada. The lotted br any tender not lleceSkarily ccepteth e, terVt bt'etdb i�' g: For Rent FOR RENT--One-room furnished apart- ment. Phone 160-M. ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth. 4659-tf FOR RENT --A five -roam apartment in Dublin. Apply to MRS. T. J. MOLY- NEAUX. Phone 28 r 4, Dublin. 4660-3 FOR RENT — Four -room apartment: running water, bathroom, kitchen. Apply 10 ANDY VAN KEMPEN. Phone 660 r 14. 4661x1 For Sale FOR SALE- Choice tomatoes and cab- bage plants. N. LONG. Phone Hensel' 694 r 15, 4661-' FOR SALE --Quantity of buckwheat. Y AROI.2 BOLGER, R.R. 5, Blyth, 4661x1 FOR SALE 115 seven -months -old Red X Reek pullets, laying 50x;1. PtIONE 22 13. DUBLIN. 4661x1 FOR SALE- Outboard motor, 30 H.F. Johnson Javelin; electric starting; neve: used. Reduced to clear. SEAFORTI M O'l'ORS. 4661-• FOR SA1,F--- Rodney oate, timothy seed flax seed and baled hay. JOHN W. 'InOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. }'hon 833 r 31. 4659-t1 FOR SALE—Several used television sets :sed washing machines and used retie orators. at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4639-t THREE VASES and cake tin left of the Round House from the Fall Fair car be had by calling at MRS. MAE DOR- RANCE'S. 4661x1 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock ' le. suvings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin, 4659-tf FOR SALE --45 York and York -Tarn hogs, from six to 10 weeks Did, ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, R.R. No. 2, Hensall, Ont. Phone 683 r 11. 4661-1 FOR SALE—Any one of three good cows: fresh about a month. Apply to ROY LAWSON. Phone 669 r 6. Sea - forth. 4661x1 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00 per load, approximately 2% cords: mixed wood, $8.00 per load, approximately 214, cords. Prompt delivery, FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton HU. 2-6655. 4638x10 FOR SALE—No reasonable price refus- ed for Goodison threshing machine in good working shape. If you need a cheap machine. don't fail to see this one. Apply ERVIN SILLERY, Brucefield, Ont. (1?4 miles east, 1 mile north). 4660x2 FOR SALE—Vacuum cleaner in excel- lent condition with all attachments, in- cluding demother and paint sprayer. For- tunate in winning new vacuum, so am selling the above one. MRS. MAX CAR- TER, Egmondville. Phone Seaforth 434-W. i 4661x2 FOR SALE -1 Easy Spin dry washer; 1 Westinghouse refrigerator with automatic defroster: 1 bed, Simmons Slumber King springs, Simmons spring -filled mattress; 1 Loyalist maple dining room suit; 1 single bed; 1 chest of drawers painted grey: 1 large pressure canner; 1 studio couch; 1 kitchen table. May be seen at the Manse Kippen, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MRS. (Rev) N. D McLEOD. 4661.1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the Village Brucefield, on SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 1 p,m,: of at Three extension tables (1 round oak); 1 glass cupboard: 1 chest of drawers; 1 kitchen cabinet: clock ; small tables; card tables; 2 bedroom suites; rocking chairs; beds; mattresses; feather ticks; dressers;: washstands: 4 walnut chairs; 6 cane bot-: tom chairs: 1 leather couch; 3 toilet sets; Victrola and records; trunks; 2 leather club bags; quilt boxes; pictures; pillows: 1 easel; Hotplate; coal oil heater; ice cream freezer ; 2 sets dishes; sealers ; 1 crocks: quilts; lamp shades; 5 -gallon oil can ; 2 rugs, 9x12: space heater : 3 -burner gas stove :like new) ; settee; commode chair; 1 cutter, buggy ; cart; 32 -foot ex- tension ladder; set team harness; cutting box: sink and cistern pump; several an- tiques; oxen yokes, cradle. TERMS—Cash. MRS. JEAN CAIRNS, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4660-2 PRODUCTION SALE REGISTERED YORKSHIRES at farm of J. Scott Cluff Seaforth MONDAY, MAY 27th 1 p.m. (D.S.T.) Farm located 1 mile south of Seaforth 29 bred sows, 9 boars. number of open gilts; also Smoker bale elevator, 26 feet long. % H.P. motor; 8 -foot steel water trough. All pigs are from a herd established 11 years ago. They have been inspected by a veterinarian and declared free from disease. These pigs are also backed by Advanced Registered Ancestry- Present herd sire is MEADOWBROOK PRINCE 741, by Sunny Cedars Prince 139G, His clam is Meadowbrook Sue miss. Catalogue on request, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4660-2 ESTATE AUCTION of Desirable Bayfield Cottage and Furnishing at premises, Lot 233, Clangregor Square, in the Village of Bayfield SATURDAY, JUNE 8th at 1:30 p.m. I have received instructions from Wil- liam Middleton Prest, Administrator of the Estate of tbe late Harry Ahrens, to offer the property and household effects, as be- low, at 1:30 p.m. No reserve. Terms— Cash. The property with the furnishings will be offered in one lot, subject to a reserve bid and subject to conditions of sale. Ten per cent (i0%) of the purchase price to be paid as a deposit and the balance with- in thirty days thereafter. In 'the eveitt 'of the- property and con- tents not reaching a reserve bid, the cote; tents lulu- then be offered for saltie. Terme This is a wen -kept cottage in the Vil- lage of Bayfield, roofed and covered with Men) brick. Situated' on a splendid lot immediately across from the new public seliool. The property has a double garage, heavy wiring and would be most desir- able either as a reaidence or as a smatter home. Por futher particulars,apply to „HAYS ' and PRE i4Nltoitoref ycrypt WY, a 4abtrsoit !4tlotidt e& .. sitA 'Gill 1.0. 0060 40, 4 . Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farms. Farm Stock and Machinery. at Lot 35, Con, 7, Logan Township 4 miles north of Dublin, on TUESDAY, JUNE 4th, at 1 P.m.: HORSES -1 Clyde gelding, 10 ygars old, 1800 Ms. GA'N'LE-7 Durham cows, fresh in April and May: 2 Durham cows—due time of sale; 2 Durham cuwa due in No- vember ; 1 tat cow; 1 Durham heifer due in June; 2 Durham steers rising 2 Years old; 4 Durham steers 1 year old, ready for market: 4 Durham calves six months old; 7 Durham spring calves. PIGS -1 sow due July b; 4 York chunks 75 lbs. HENS --200 Hybrid hens one year old Quantity Cut and long hay. MACHINERY -- Deering binder; hay loader; 6 -ft. cut Deering avower; Deering manure spreader ; side rake: 3 -drum kt.ei roller; 4 -section harrows; spring tooth cultivator ; scutiler : seed drill : fanning mill; 2,000-1b, scales; electric cream separator; Universal milking machine double unit; rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; plows; pony buggy and cutter; quantity of lumber and plank; team harness and collars; colony house and rain shelters; forks, shovels, chains; '39 Hudson Sedan, and other articles too num- erous to mention. FARMS -100 -acre farm, Lot 95, Con. 7 Logan Township; 90 acres of workable land, good clay loam; well drained; 10 acres of hardwood bush ;-.good water sup- ply; bank barn; good stabling; henhouse, garage; 1 Vi storey ,brick house: Hydro throughout buildings. 50 acres, west half of Lot 34, Con. 6, Logan Township: good clay loam; 43 acres workable; 7 acres of bush; all in pasture at present. Good water supply ; windmill and tanks. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Property, 10% down, balance 30 days. Immediate pos- session. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE LOUIS DILLON Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. P. D. McConnell, Solicitor. 4661-2 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock. Machinery and HouseholdEffects, at Lot 30, Concession 10 Morris Township. in the Village of Walton, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, at 12 o'clock sharp: Barbara Gratton, 3 years old, bred by Victory Bars and dam Babe Chilcoot ; Easter Eve, 5 years old. by Shelton, dam Roseanna Abbe --record 2:11; Babe Grat- ton. 2 years old, full sister to Barbara Gratton; 1 year old filly—sire Sam Hy. dam Babe Chilcoot, These 3 colts are full and half sisters to Vicky Bars with a record of 2:06. General purpose gelding 5 years old. CATTLE -3 Holstein cows recently fresh; 5 Durham and Hereford steers ris- ing 2 years old; 11 steers and heifers 1 year old; 2 spring calves. PIGS—York sow, bred; 9 York chunks, 80 lbs. Major Fordson tractor in good condi- tion; International. W30; International 3 - furrow plow ; Bissel tiller. 8 ft.; Min- neapolis tractor disk: diamond harrows; fertilizer 13 -disc drill: Cockshutt drop - head hay loader (new); International 6-0. mower (oil bath) : John Deere side rake (new) ; 7 -ft. McCormick -Deering binder: 6 -ft. Allis-Chalmers combine; Litz feed grinder; drive belt,; manure spreader;, Rite Way pipe line milking •machine: Clipper seed eleaner; electric cream sep- arator • milk Pails 2.00041e scales1949 Dodge 1 -ton truck with stake racks; 2 - wheel horse trailer: rubber tired wagon and hay rack ; rubber tired wagon with good grain box; forks. shovels, chains, etc. Portable granary; 3 sets of racing har- ness; 2 sets of hobbles; other racing equipment; racing sulky: 2 half speed cutters; set of team harness and collars. Quantity of baled hay and straw. HOUSEHOLD -17 -inch Admiral televi- sion and aerial; 9 -ft. Frig: rangette ; cook stove; kitchen table and chairs: electric washing machine; pop-up toaster: 9 -piece modern dining room suite: 3 -piece chester- field (like new); Bell upright piano; mod- ern small tables and occasional chairs; table lamps and floor lamp; '2 grey rugs; mirrors; hall tree; rockers; 4 furnished bedrooms, including beds. dressers. stands, chest of drawers, springs and spring mat- tresses, bed linens, table Linens; sets of dishes and other dishes; kitchen utensils; drapes and many other articles. FARMS—Parcel 1: Lot 80, Con. 10, Morris Twp., 50 acres more or less clay loam. good water supply. large bank barn, silo, frame house, drive shed. Hydro in house and barn. Parcel 2: South half of Lot 26, Con. 10, Morris Twp., 40 acres more or less, spring creek- all in grass, clay loam. Terms—Chattels, cash, Pro- perty, 10% down, balance 30 days- Of- fered .subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE ROBERT KIRKBY P. D. McConnell, Solicitor; Frank Kirk- by, Administrator of Estate; Harold Jack. son, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4661-2 Cards of Thanks I WOULD LIKE TO THANK my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kindness during my long illness, and also for cards and flowers when I was in Clin- ton Hospital. 4661x1 M.R.S. ED, CHAPPEL THANK YOU! We would like to thank our friends and neighbors for the sym- pathy extended to us in our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Gor- will and nurse, Miss McLeod, who ac- companied us to London. 4661-1 THE BROWN FAMILY THANK YOU! We sincerely want to thank everyone who sent cards, letters or treats to Lois and Leslie while in the hospital and at home. LILLIAN and GEORGE BERNARD 4661x1 THE FAMILY of the late William H. Montgomery wish to extend their sincere appreciation to their many friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy ex- tended to them in the loss of a dear hus- band and father. Special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, the doctors, nurses of the hospital, the pallbearers tbe Box Fun- eral Home and those who assisted in any way. 4661x1 THE NIECES AND NEPHEWS of the late Alice Kyle wish to thank the many neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral tributes and cards of sympathy dur- ing their recent bereavement; also for the, many kindnesses shown Aunt Alice dur- ing her long illness. Special thanks to Mra. E. Heywood and staff, Dr, J. C. Goddard, South Huron District Hospital, Bonthron Funeral Home and Rev. Daniela These were mndb appreciated. 4661-1 MRS. LOUIS DILLON and family wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffonikes, Dr. M W. Stapleton and the Burke Funeral Home in the death of a loving husband and father. Special thanks to all who. so kindly gave Vass offerings, floral tributes, sympathy cards staff and students of Stratford Teachers' College, and all the friends a n d neighbors, who assisted at the house or. in any other Way. Everything was greatly appreciated.• 4661x1 MR, ARCHIE SOM:ERVILLE and fam- ily who recently lost their barn , and Live- stock by fire, would like to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to all kind neighbors and friends who so gen- erously 'gave of their 'tiim'e , ♦ted equipment in cleaning up after the fire, and to ev. ersono who helped in any way: Special thanks, goes to those , *ho collected and cointrt"bnted to the large, wart of money :which *As rtreaented to them. 461x2 Sett that ttnneeespary l►lei a .of tirrnitere , titrbugh a Rerun Ettpaai f0t 4 ah A..A4.11i014.41., Kippen Gun Club To Hold Shoot. The Kippen Gun Club will hold its eighth annual trap shoot for the Venner trophy on Sunday, May 26, starting at 1 p.m, There will be two events, a 50 - bird 16 -yard for the trophy, and 25 -bird handicap with motley •op- tions for any shooter wishing to play them. The annual meeting of they club will be held in the clubhouse on Friday, May 31, and a practise shoot will follow. All' members are urged to attend. BRUCEFIELD Mrs, Don Pentney, of Longlac, returned to her home on Satur- day. She was accompanied as far as Hamilton by her mother, Mrs. Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Anderson and daughter, Ina. of Toronto, spew the weekend with Mrs. Anderson'; brother, Mr. Alex Paterson, and Mrs. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires were weekend visitors with Mrs. Squire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, in the village. Mr. Morley Taylor, Sarnia, vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and family, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs, James Steifler, California. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, S. McKenzie. Mr. Robert Davison, of Toronto, and Miss Mavis Maidens, Leam- ington, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neale, Ronald and Pat, of- London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and family, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Mrs. Haugh, Sr. Miss Ina Taylor spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mrs. David Tough has returned home after spending the winter with ber family at Delhi. WMS Has Meeting The May meeting of the WMS was held in the church schoolroom Tuesday afternoon with 20 mem- bers present. The meeting opened with quiet music, and Mrs. H. Dal- rymple read the third verse of Hymn 511. Mrs. N. Walker gave the Bible reading from Matthew 25:31-46. A service of intercession for Home Missions was in charge of the leader. This part of the pro- gram was concluded with the hymn, "From Ocean Unto Ocean" and prayer, Mrs. S. Davison took the chair for the business. The roll call was answered with a verse on "Mother", and the treasurer re- ported the Easter thankoffering was $93.70. Arrangements were made for the affiliation service of the CGIT. The girls will provide the program and the WMS mem- bers will serve refreshments. Thank -you cards were read from Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. S. Baird, Mrs. E. Thomson and Mrs. Ivy Johnson. The Community Friendship sec- retary reported four calls made, and Mrs, T. B. Baird gave a splen- did reading on Christian Steward- ship. The supply secretary dis- played and dedicated gifts for five girls at the Indian Residential School at Alberna, B.C. The programe was Home Mis- sion Fields, and Mrs. L. Eyre told of the work in Labrador; Mrs. W. Scott, Newfoundland, and Mrs. E. Allen. the story of a student mis- sionary. The meeting closed with Hymn 500 and the Mizpah bene- diction. Hensall Tumble Hospitalizes Man Mr. Earl Burtt. operator of the Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall, was rushed to hospital Wed- nesday after falling down a flight of stairs. He was taken by ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Burtt complained of severe pains in his back. X-rays are to be tak- en Thursday, Mr. Burtt stumbled on the base- ment stairs of the nursing home and tumbled to the concrete floor below. Births CLARKE—At Kingston General Hospital, on May 22, to Rev. and Mrs. Ernest G. Clnrke, a dnuehter. MILSON—In K -W Hospital; Kitchener, on May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Mil- son (nee Shirley Love), a daughter— Beverly Jean, PICKARD—Clifford and Helen Pickard, formerly of Seaforth, are proud to an- nounce the birth of a son, Alan Clif- ford, on May 16, 1957, at Victoria Hos- pital, London. SEGERENf--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on,. May 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Segeren, R.R. 1, Staffa, a son. WILLIAMSON—At Seott Memorial Hos- pital on May 17, to Mr, and Mrs, Jaa. Williamson, R.R. 3, Walton, a daugh- ter. p'1 YOUR : k-4 NEWSPAPER ri r-';4., - PACKS ......,, ,-„,est. .......„. POWERI4 d, Kathy Henderson, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, entertained several of her little girl friends at a party at her home Tuesday afternoon, in honor of ber seventh birthday. A period of games were -enjoyed, followed with lunch which included a birthday cake. Mr. Frank Bean, who has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, returned' home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Manns and Donald, of Mimico, visited over the weekend holiday with Mrs. F. Manns. Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, who resides ones mile ,and a quarter south of Hensall on Highway 4, was admit- ted to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, last Saturday, suffering a fractured ankle, sustained when she had the misfortune to fall at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren, of Goderich, attended anniversary services at Carmel Church here on Sunday, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid,. Jerry and Allan spent Sunday with relatives in Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr spent the weekend with relatives in Han- over. Messrs. George Hess, R. H. Mid- dleton, T. Sherritt and E. Rowe enjoyed a, fishing trip to Eugene Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, Karen and Kevin, and Messrs. Vernon, Lloyd and Orville Hedden, of St. Catharines, spent the week- end holiday with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Miss Ruth McLean and Miss Vel- ma Hepburn, of London, spent the weekend holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- KIPPEN Mrs. Margaret Johnston, of To- ronto, visited Thursday evening with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and' Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Anniversary services will be held Sunday, May 26, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pan. in St. Andrew's United Church. • The speaker for the morning service will . be Mr. Kenneth Ashton, of Clinton, who is studying for the ministry. The Young 'People will conduct the eve- ning service. An invitation is ex- tended to all. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes, of London, visited Sunday with Mrs. Stokes' father, Mr. Robert Thom- son. Rev. Tavenor, of Grand Bend, was the guest speaker Sunday in St. Andrew's United Church, and has accepted an invitation to preach for the month of June. Mr. Peter Gridzak has been in a Sudbury hospital with an arm injury. Mrs. Arthur Keyes and Mr. John Keyes, of Varna, also Mrs. Ross Chapman, of London, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson. Mrs. Joe Ducharme and daugh- ter, of Dashwood, visited Monday afternoon with the former's moth- er. Mrs. James McClymont. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Cudmore and • daughter, of Kitchener, ac- companied by Mr. Samuel Cud - more, spent Monday afternoon in Kippen, the latter remaining at his home for a short time. Mrs. James Webster, of Amber - ley, was a weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Y.P.S. Plans Anniversary The Young People met in the Sunday schoolroom on Monday, May 13. The meeting opened by singing "In Christ There is No East or West," This was followed by the Lord's Prayer. The scrip- ture was taken by Marjorie Char- ters. The hymn, "The Church's One Foundation," was sung and Phyllis Lostell led in prayer, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call, "My favorite character in the Bible," was answered. Keith Love, the president, intro- duced the guest speaker, Dr. J. Semple, of Egmondville. who gave a most interesting topic. The busi- ness part of the meeting was used to make plans for the Y.P.'s an- niversary, which is on May 26. The Y.P. will hold their next meeting Monday evening, May 27, with Group E to bring lunch. Ev- eryone joined in singing, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus." Games were enjoyed under the direction of Harold Parsons, A delicious lunch was served by Group D. Lean. Mr. and Mrs. Don. Perdue and family, of Camp Borden, visited with Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Mr. !and Mrs. Bob McKenzie over the weekend holiday. Bible • study will be held in the schoolroom.:of Carmel Church .on Sunday evening at 7:30. Everybody is welcome. To Fete Bantams Hensall Bantam hockey team, who reached the semi-finals this year, will be feted at a banquet this Thursday, May 23, by the Hen- sall, Kinsmen Club, who sponsor- ed them. The team, comprising 22 boys from 12 to 14, were coached by Robert Reaburn, principal of Hensall public school, Dinner speaker will be Mr. Weichel, of the Ontario Hockey Association. Guests will include Hugh Hawkins, of Clinton, presi- dant of the O.H.A,; Rev. C. D. Dan- iel, and Rev. Donald MacDonald, of Hensall. Hockey films will be shown. The affair will be held at the "Cosy Korner Restaurant. LAKEFRO iT • DANCING Bayfield "Pau l o.n , Every. Friday Night Ken Wilbee's Orchestra BARN DANCE Tuesday, June 4th Arthur Finlayson's Barn on 4th Concession of Tuckersmith Dancing to DON ROBERTSON ' AND 1115 CKNX - TV RANCH BOYS LiberaiWomen! You are invited to hear Mrs. A. L. Caldwell from Saskatoon, Sask. President of the National Federation of the Liberal Women of Canada LEGION HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY, MAY 30th at 2:30 p.m: who will address a meeting in the interests of ANDY McLEAN Liberal Candidate in Huron Published by the Huron Liberal Association) USED TRACTORS 1 Massey -Harris "22" 1 Avery "A", with Hydraulic Plow 1 Avery "A", with Hydraulic Plow and Row - Crop Cultivator 1 Allis-Chalmers "C" with Loader 1 Allis-Chalmers "C" with Row Crap 2 Ferguson Cultivators for Row Crops 1 Case 2 -Furrow Plow 1 Dearborn 2 -Furrow Plow Dactalloy Plow Point for Ford, Ferguson and Cockshutt Plows BOYES' FARM SUPPLY Massey -Harris -Ferguson Sales & Service Phone 110 Seaforth COME iN! CASH IN! DRIVE OUT IN ONE! Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1956 CHEV. SEDAN fully equipped 2100 1956 FORD. FAIRLANE SEDAN automatic transmisSien, fully equipped 4004 1956 fully llNTIIAC DELUXE SEDAN ped 2150 1956 CHEV, DELUXE SEDAN fully equipped :L 2150 1956 CHEV. 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