The Huron Expositor, 1957-05-17, Page 41, SEAFORTH, ONT., AM. 17,. 1$? ib; r,�i>ftlig,, Marriages and Deaths Inserted free of charge. 144fion, Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. e inserted At New Low Cash Rates $,_ WAlsraD, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 'bat Week 1 Cent 2114 Week Cent $rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. of Thealca, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events—1 cent per word. GQ scents per week. q�p3*riga may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Iiuron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. 4#4„ie.n eenta additional will be charged if ads in above claps are not, paid within 10 Aare of date of final insertion. Minimum, Coming Events fj HOME BAKE SALE on Friday, May 31, Erma 5 to 5 p.m. in the Anglican Church .'Parish Hall. Under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary. 4660-1 PARENTS—nosh forget second polio clinic for Seafeatia,ctiildrep on Thursday, May 23rd, at Seaforth Public School, from 1:15 to 3:00 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT. 4660-1 For Rent APARTMENT TO RENT—In the Town of Seaforth. Apply to HAROLD 'JACK- SON. Phone 474. 4660-1 FOR RENT—One-room furnished apart- ment. Phone 160-51. ORVILLE OKE, Seaforth. 4659-tf FOR RENT — Four -room apartment; running water, bathroom, kitchen. Apply to ANDY VAN KEMPEN. Phone 660 r 14. 4660x1 FOR RENT—A five -room apartment in Dublin. Apply to MRS. T. J. MOLY- IIEAUX. Phone 28 r 4, Dublin. 46604 FOR RENT—•4-bedroom lakefront sum- mer cottage on Lake Huron, Goderich. Large, comfortable living room with na- tural fireplace; 3 -piece bath; hot and cold running water; electric stove, refrigerator. Cottage privately situated. DONALDA ,ADAMS. Phone 754-W, Seaforth. 4660x1 Help Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY — Capable woman for housekeeping in Dublin. PHONE 28 r 3, Dublin. 4660x1 WANTED—Girl wanted to live in and to assist with housework in Seaforth home. All modern conveniences includ- ing automatic washer -dryer. Good wages. Apply to Box 624, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4660xne EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER or good man to learn this trade. Also one experienced woodworking machinist. We are expanding and need good men. Pleas- ant working conditions. good wages, abso- lutely steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll. 4660-2 HELP WANTED HELP REQUIRED IN 1't1k. LAUNDRY Av: SUPERINTENDENT,ply SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 4660-1 Wanted HOME WANTED—Will pay cash for modern three bedroom, one -storey brick house in Seaforth. Apply Box 623, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR 4660 ?I. WANTED First Mortgage of $2,000.00 on good 50 -acre farm, without buildings, in Hib- bert Township. Interest 6%. Repay- ments to suit lender. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. 4660-2 WANTED EGG GRADERS and TRAYERS Apply: SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Produce Dept. Phone 13 or 331-W 4660-1 DEAD STOCK WANTED For prompt removal of dead or disabled horses or cows in sanitary trucks, phone collect Seaforth 146. WM. STONE SONS, LIMITED Ingersoll, Ontario. 4658-9 Notices NOTICE—Fully experienced carpenter. now self-employed, wishes repair work of any kind. PETER MALCOLM. Phone 674-M- • 4659-4 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE. opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 647-R. 4659-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- Vice- Phone 893. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4659-tf NOTICE --Gravel, fill, top soil and cement gravel. Manure loading and lawns filled. Any kind of work with cat, trac- tor and trucks, by job or by hoar. JACK M4LLWAIN or HARVEY McLLWAIN, Seaforth. 4658x8 . • SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Sep- tiie tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and C1eatte,3 with sanitary modern equipment. Ml' work guaranteed. `katimates given Without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 A.P ENTIO ' PA/ S — Prompt, courteous cQUeMBR 8tion' of all dead and disabled farts 'animate and hides Call Collect ED ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Sea - forth Associated .witli Darling & Co., of Candi:; Ltd. 4659-tf NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of TneJsei;ae thi .1 011/1109.1t'o G'mtd' will be olieh on Wedhebday Ind Qat efflay af'ternobn, from 1 to 6 ams., littiteY farther, notke, E. P. (.uliANE4, Clerk. 486948 For Sale FOR SALE—Used rubber tired lawn mower. PHONE 96 r 16, Dublin. 4660x1 USED CHESTERFIELD suites, used gas range. used annex, several used TV sets. BOX FURNITURE. Phone 43. FUR SALE—White ankle -length formal. .ize 12; worn twice. PHONE 38 r 6. Brussels. 4660x1 FOR SALE—Rangette in perfect condi- tion, with automatic control. PHONE 513 r 31, Seaforth. 4659-2 FOR SALE -Child's ear, like new con- dition. ERNIE WHITEHOUSE. Phone 684 r 21, Hensall. 4660x1 FUR ,SALE—Quantity of feed grain. Apply to DON CRICH, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9252. 4660-1 FOR SALE -5g rass steers. GORDON PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13, Seaforth. 4660-1 COMPLETE LINE of firecrackers, in - ding family size packages. WEBB'S :LLIARDS, formerly Oke's Billiards. 4658-3 BRAY CHICKS—For all markets. Pul- lets. Started. Broilers. Prompt ship- ment. Wide choice, Ask agent: MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield. Phones Clinton HU. 2-9232, Seaforth 659-23. 4654-13 Property For Sale FOR SALE—Comfortable 5 -room cot- tage with bathroom and furnace, in Eg- mondville. PHONE 668 r 25. 4659-tf Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED for S. S. No. 2, McKillop. Duties to commence in September. Three miles from Seaforth; all modern heating, etc. Twenty pupils expected. Apply to the Secretary, stating qualifications and sal- ary expected. ROBERT E, MCMILLAN, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 4659-2 Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1946 Chevrolet Sedan, in excellent condition. Has to be seen to be appreciated. ANDREW MOORE. Phone 647 r 31, Seaforth. 4660-tf FOR SALE -1955 Chevrolet four -door Sedan, carefully driven, two-tone paint Power Pack twin mufflers, turn signals sun visor. whitewall tires, slip covers. Cannot be told from new. Will accept trade-in and finance can be arranged. Box 214, Hensall Ont. Phone 1164 collect. 4660x2 Poultry FOR SALE -10 and 12 weeks old DeKalb pullets, raised under ideal conditions. Available May and early June. Debeaked and vaccinated, Contact MOORE POUL- TRY FARM, RR. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 13. 4660-tf FOR SALE—Young sow, six pigs, ready to wean. Apply JAMES LANDSBOR- OUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4660x1 FOR SALE -50 . bushels of commercial lax seed: 1 Underwood portable typewrit- :r with key blinds: new. PHONE 830 r 24, Seaforth. 4660x1 FOR SALE—Quantity of choice mixed ;rain. Phone 834 r 22. ROBERT K. 'rl•eF'ARLANE, R.R. 1, Seaforth. 4660x1 FOR SALE -2 -year-old purebred Dur- ham bull. JOHN BEATTIE, R.R. No. 4, Walton. Phone 846 r 5, Seaforth. 4660-1 FOR SALE — Mc -Clary coal and wood range, like new. ROSS MeNICHOL. R. R. 3, Kippen. Phone Hensall 679 r 13. 4660x1 TWO USED 21" Motorola console TV sets; Locomotive washing machine; num- erous Heavy Duty electric stoves. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 4660-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the Village of Brucefield, on SATURDAY, MAY 25th, at 1 p.m.: Three extension tables (1 round, oak): 1 glass cupboard; 1 chest of drawers; 1 kitchen cabinet; clock ; small tables: card tables; 2 bedroom suites: rocking chairs; beds: mattresses; feather ticks; dressers; washstands: 4 walnut chairs; 6 cane bot- tom chairs ; 1 leather couch; 3 toilet sets; Victrola and records; trunks; 2 leather club bags; quilt boxes; pictures; pillows; 1 easel; Hotplate; coal oil heater; ice cream freezer; 2 sets dishes; sealers; crocks; quilts; lamp shades; 5 -gallon oil can; 2 rugs, 9x12; space heater; 3 -.burner gas stove (like new) ; settee; commode FOR SALE—Rodney oats, timothy seed, chair ; 1 cutter, buggy ; cart; 32 -foot ex - flax seed and baled hay. JOHN W. tension ladder; set team harness; cutting THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone box; sink and cistern pump; several an - 833 r 31. tiques; oxen yokes, cradle. 4619-tf FOR SALE -500 geraniums in seven col- oura; also a complete line of flower and garden plants. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth. 4660-1 FOR SALE—Several used television sets, used washing machines and used refrig- erators, at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4659-tf TOURISTS—Just what you need for that summer cottage, a good rangette and a wine colored chesterfield. Apply W I LBER KEYES. Phone 656 r 11. 4659-2 ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4659-tf SLABS FOR SALE --Hardwood, 810.00 per load, approximately 2t/• cords ; mixed wood, $8.00 per load. approximately 21/2 cords, Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton HU. 2-6655, 4658x10 FOR SALE—Several used and recondi- tioned milking machines of various makes at bargain prices. Distance no barrier. Phone or write IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont. Tel. Paisley 114 r 4. 4652x11 FOR SALE—No reasonable price refus- ed for Goodison threshing machine in good working shape. If you need a cheap machine, don't fail to see this one. Apply ERVIN SILLERY, Brucefield, Ont. OA miles east, 1 mile north). 4660x2 FOR SALE—To be sure you receive your supply of the best Hybrid seed corn available, place your order now for Funk's G Hybrid corn. Phone W. A. HAUGH & SONS, Brucefield, 638 r 23, Seaforth. 4659x2 SPRING The Annual LE of the Huron Hereford Assoc. will be held TUESDAY, MAY 14th in the Clinton Fair Barns featuring 8 bulls and 20 females. All bulls eligible for the government prem- ium. 4659-2 THE Grey - Bruce Hereford Breeders' Association are holding their Annual Spring Sale of 14 Bulls and 16 Females at MARKDALE ARENA Thursday, May 23, 1957 at 2 p.m., D.S.T. All bulls are eligible for 25% grant up to $75.00. JAMES A. LEMON, President, Balaclava. 4660-1 PRODUCTION SALE REGISTERED YORKSHIRES at farm of J. Scott Cluff Seaforth MONDAY, MAY 27th 1 p.m. (D.S.T.) Farm located 1 Mile south of Seaforth 29 bred eows, 9 boars, number of open gilte ; also Smoker bale elevator, 26 feet long ; �4 EL P. motor; 84oet steel water trough. All pigs are front a herd established 11 years ago. They have been inspected by a veterinarian and declared free from disease- •Thele pigs are alio backed l$3 Advanced Registered Ancestt'y, Present herd sire is; MF3At1AWBROOK PRINCE 741, iter Steely Cedars Prince 189G. His diirpr is 14Iead4wbrook Sue 208E. otNe; ori I request A'CKSOtr Auctioneer. Chestim11,4,,Clerk, 466Q-2 TERMS—Cash. MRS. JEAN CAIRNS, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4660-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders are invited by the Tuckersmith School Area Board for the supply and installation of water pressure systems and flush toilets in Schools, S.S. No. 1 and S. S. No. 7. Work to be completed by August 15, 1957. For installation particulars, contact Mr. Ross Forrest, R.R. 2, Kippen, for S.S. No. 1, and Mr. Chester Neil, R.R. 3, Sea - forth. for S.S. No. 7. Closing date for tenders, June 5, 1957. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4660-2 SEALED TENDERS will be received by Stanley Township School Area Board for the decorating of Schools Nos. I, 10, 14, inside and out- side, tenders to be in the hands of Sec- retary -Treasurer by 12 o'clock noon, June 1st, 1957. The schools may be seen by contacting the Trustee of each of above schools. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer, Brucefield, Ont. 4659-2 CANADA TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above. will be received 'until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S,T.), TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of On- tario. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. Tenders Will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on a bank incorporated un- der the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the RECEIVER GEN- ERAL OF CANADA, equal to ten per''ce11t' of'lite ''amount of tender, in accordance with the Govern- ment Contracts Regulations now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with un - matured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Com- pany and its cotlstituent compan- ies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the verrintent Of; d'inada The .owes'!^!or ny ra elider not seess'alOyT3��e�dWA;, Chien tri Aditit iStrauve rServices .,*eat nle�lf of huMill arks, th 1$5't st; Personals HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price fiat, 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T- 78 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 4655-tf "OLD AT 40, 50, 60 7" Man! You're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ost(ex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking irbn. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get -acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. Cards of Thanks MR, AND MRS. JAMES KELLY wish to express appreciation to their many friends and all those who remembered them on the occasion of their recent be- reavements. 4660x1 1 WOULD LIKE to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and the nursing staff. 4660x1 MRS. FRED COOPER I WISH TO THANK all who sent flowers, cards and gifts while 1 was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and nurses of the hospital. MRS. R. JAMES WALLACE I WOULD LIKE to thank all those who visited me, sent cards treats and flowers while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses. neighbours and kind friends. It was all very much appreciated. 4660-1 JOHN CUMMINGS THE KEANE FAMILY of Centre St., Seaforth, would like to express their most sincere gratitude to all kind friends and neighbours and indeed to everyone who helped in any way after their home was burnt out Special thanks to the Seaforth C.W.L. and Red Cross Society. 4660x1 Births BAUER—At Clinton Public Hospital, on May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bauer (nee Stella Armstrong), of Bornholm, a son—Brian Glenn. BEER—George and Lucelle Beer, of •Hen- sall (nee Lee) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Lee, at Clinton Public Hospital, Wednesday, May 8, 1957. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Lee, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall. CHRISTENSEN—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christensen Seaforth, a daughter, LAWRENCE—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence, R.R. 4, Mitchell, a daughter. NASH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. James Nash, R.R. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. SHARON—At Grace Hospital, Windsor, on May 10, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sharon (nee Betty Kirkby) a daughter. Granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kirkby, Walton ; great granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Somerville Wal ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby, Walton. SMITH—Wayne and Marlene Smith (nee Petzke), of Hensall, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Deb- bie Pearl, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don,, Wednesday, May 8, 1957. A sister for Danny and first granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke, Hensall. Deaths CHRISTENSEN—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on May 8, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christensen. Brodhagen C. of C. Rural - Urban J. S. Whyte, Stratford, spoke re- cently at the newly organized Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce, outlining organizational details ap- plicable to such a group. The Brodhagen C. of C. is un- ique in that both rural and urban areas have equal representation, Five of the 10 -member group are farmers. The unit was organized just ov- er a month ago. HARLOCK Mr. Robert Reid left last Thurs- day to go to Orillia, where he will be working with a construction gang. Mr. and Mrs, John McEwing motored to Toronto last Wednes- day, accompanied by the latter's brother, Mr. George Bernard, of Winthrop, to get Leslie Bernard, who had been confined to Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, for two weeks due to an serious eye injury. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Carter of Hullett, and Mr. and. Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid and David. The regular meeting of title Burns-Londesboro Y.P.U. was held Sunday evening in Londesboro Church with 27 present. The sing- song was led by Jane McCool with Marguerite Lyon at the piano. Harry Lear, the president, was in charge of business with Leilman Westerhout acting as secretary in the absence of Beverley Wright. Worship was in charge of the citi- zenship and community service commission, under Marilyn Riley and Lenora Hamilton. Noreen Mc - Ewing read the scripture; Carmen Riley and Tom Denzer took up the collection: Marilyn Riley and Len- ora Hamilton gave the topic; El - da Riley gave the prayer. Recrea- tion was in charge of Doug Riley, Barry Pipe and Leilman Wester - bout. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with "Taps." We specialize in modern business stationery—one, two or three color print- ing. PHONE 41 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 7i 'Rei. ,A. E. A. Menzies, of Ailsa Craig, will be guest minister this Sunday. Rev. C. D. Daniel will take his services at Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett and Bryan, of Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. E Cook. Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby. end Donna and Mrs. John Rigby; of Blenheim, visited over the week- end with Mr. and -Mts. Harry Snell. Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Hopkinson, of Lions Head, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bonthron and Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt spent Monday at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jer- ry and Allan spent Sunday with relatives in Teeswater. Mr. Wayne Smith left Sunday for Blind River, where he has accept- ed a position. Mr. R. Y. McLaren is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dorland Evans, at Kitchener. Mrs. Wayne Smith and Debbie returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Pat- rick and Michael attended the graduation services of the 1957 clas sof nurses of .St. Joseph's Hospital, London, held in Thomas Hall last Wednesday evening. Miss Helen Spellman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Spellman, of Kit- chener, was a graduate. Mrs. Gor- don Clemas, aunt of Miss Spell- man,held a reception n at her home 429 Pioaker St., London, immediate- ly after the exercises for friends and relatives. Mrs. Chester Lee, of Parkhill, is spending a week with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and Linda Lee. Mrs. Ralph McArthur, the form- er Elaine Beer, of Hensall suffer- ed severe back injuries when she had the misfortune to slip and fall down a flight of stairs at her home Sunday' evening. X-rays have been taken to determine the full extent of her injuries. She is the wife of F/O. Ralph McArthur, stationed at R.CA.F. Station at Centralia. She is a patient at South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter. Plan Booth At Fair The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church held their regular meeting Monday evening in the church schoolroom. Mrs. P. Campbell presided. Mrs. J. Soldan's group were in charge of the meeting. Mrs. John Love gave the devotion- ; al topic; Mrs. Harold Bell read sacred passages and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau led in prayer. Mrs. Ed- gar Munn contributed a piano solo and Mrs. Robert Madge gave a reading., Bills before the meeting were ordered paid: Plans were made for a booth at the spring fair, to be convened by Mrs. Alex McGregor. Bibles for regular Sun- day School attendance .are to be purchased by Mrs. Clarence Vol - land. The meeting closed with prayer led by Mrs. Donald Mac- Donald. Evening Auxiliary Meets The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church met for their May meeting on Monday evening with the chair taken by the president, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, who read sacred passages taken from Deut- eronomy. chapter 5, verses 1-22. Miss M. Ellis read an article en- titled, "Religion and Life," writ- ten by Padre W. A. Young, of the Ontario Agricultural College. The president gave a report on high- lights of the Presbyterial meeting held in Clinton recently, The stu- dy book. chapter dealing with In- donesia, "The Young Republic," was ably presented by Mrs. E. Chipchase. Pleasing vocal duets were sung by Mrs. Milton Lavery and Mrs. Carl Passmore, Susanne Kyle and Joyce Flynn, Nancy Kyle and Suzanne Rannie. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. B. Horton and Mrs. P. McNaughton and their assistants. United Church Notes Christian Family Day was ob- served in the United Church Sun- day morning and,was largely at- tended. Rev. C. D. Daniel occu- pied his own pulpit and for his theme spoke on "Mother's Day Meditation." The choir for their oon'tributiom. 'Sang, 4!I C'nkeel For Jesus," soloist 'being' elson Mc- Clinphey. The foUgwing babies re- ceived the. nitre of baptism in a bap - of Drand yrs . J. C.Goddard; . ahetha.DPgh.of ly andJaners,lizJohn, "deal;ter Richardlr. John and Alexander Ennis, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ingram; Ralph Duncan, son of WO. Ralph and Mrs. McArthur: Paul. Doug- las, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reaburn; Kevin Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Buchanan; Wil- liam Craig, sonof Mr. and Mrs. William Clement. The W.M.S. bale for overseas re- lief will be packed this Thursday. Don't forget the children's cloth- ing. Anniversary services will be held Sunday, June 2. Guest minis- ter will be Rev. Andrew Boa, ;of Empress Ave, United Church, Len- don. Amber Rebekah Lodge, ; held, 'a; very successful bake sale and var- iety ariety table in the lodge hall on Sat- urday and realized $46. Chiselhurst United Church ob- served Christian Family Day Sun- day morning. Rev. C. D. Daniel, the minister, was in the pulpit, de- livering an inspiring message in keeping with the day. Miss Doro- thy Parker sang a solo and the junior choir sang. Miss Faye Ross was at the piano. The following babies received the rite of bap- tism: Cindy Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker; a John Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinsman; James Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson. .1666D District Obituaries k MISS ALICE ELLEN KYLE HENSALL. — Miss Alice Ellen Kyle passed away in South Huron Hospital Exeter, Tuesday, -May 14, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks, in her 89th year. Previous to that she was a patient at the Heywood Nursing Home, Exeter. Daughter of the late William Thomas Kyle and Agnes Cochrane, she was born on the town line west of Kippen, where she lived until taking up residence in Hensall some 35 years ago. She was the last of a family of thirteen. She was a member of Hensall United Church. Surviving are two nephews, Wil- liam and Emmerson Kyle, of Kip - pen, and a niece, Mrs. Agnes Hill, Seaforth, and a number of nieces and nephews in the West. Resting at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hensall, public services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m., with Rev. C. D. Daniel officiating. Burial will be in Baird's cemetery. Something to sell? Something to buy? Phone 41, Seaforth. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON Thursday and Friday, May 16 & 17 "THE DESPERATE HOURS" Humphrey Bogart -- Fred. March (Two Cartoons) Saturday Only—May 18 — Double Feature — "TOP GUN" Stirling Haydon -- Karen Booth "OVERLAND PACIFIC" (Colour) — Jack Mahoney (Cartoon) Sunday Midnight and Monday May 19 and 20 "TO CATCH A THIEF" (Colour) Carey Grant -- Grace Kelly (Cartoon) Tuesday & Wednesday, May 21-22 "THE ROSE TATTOO" (Adult) Burt Lancaster -- Anna Magani.- (Cartoon) Box Office opens 7:30 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK. HEAR EL$TON CARDIFF AND OTHERS Progressive Conservative Radio and TV Broadcasts CKNX-TV CHANNEL 8 Tuesday, May 28 — 6:25 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 — 6:20 to 6:30 p.m. CKNX RADIO DIAL 920 Monday, May 20 — 1:20 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 28 — 1:20 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 — 12:15 to 12:20 p.m. Friday, June 7 9:50 to 10:00 p.m. Published by Authority of Progressive Conservative Association, Federal Constituency of Huron. COME WITH THE CROWDS TO Western Ontario's , Biggest Cash Bingo 3 Cards for $5.00 Admission Entitles You to Play on ALL 16 Big Games at the $5,000 Cash BINGO CLINTON Lions Arena FRIDAY, MAY 31. Doors Open at 7:30 p.m. — Games Start at 9:00 p.m. $500 DOOR PRIZE Each Copy of this Advertisement presented at Arena Door gives you an EXTRA CHANCE on the $500.00 Door Prize. 2 GAMES for $1,000 2 GAMES for $250 2 GAMES for $ 500 10 GAMES for $100 EXTRA CARDS, $1 EACH Also Good To Play On All Games ALL PROCEEDS FOR THE CLINTON SERVICE CLUBS' SWIMMING POOL FUND For Advance Sale Tickets: Write to Frank Cook, Bingo Chairman, Clinton, Ontario. Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime SEAFORTH and DISTRICT LADIES You are invited to attend a meeting of the Seaforth Liberal Women's Association in St. Thomas' Parish, Hall WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd at 8:15 p.m. The meeting will be ,addressed by W. P. ROBERTS, and matters affecting the cam- paign of Andy McLean will be discussed. ALL INTERESTED ARE URGED TO ATTEND. Ti, TJ, Tj, Tj, TJ, Tj, I'ZTyTj, Tj, TiTyTyTyTyTyTyTyTyTj, Tj, Tj, Tj, T1 :37 SAVE $$$$$ BY FEEDING PELLET and CRUMBLE FEEDS — No Waste A Complete Stock At All Times Topnotch Pig Starter Pellets .... 4.35 Cwt. Topnotch Chick Starter Crumbles 4.35 Topnotch Chick Grower Crumbles 3.75 Topnotch Laying Crumbles, 20% .. 3.95 Cwt. Topnotch Laying Crumbles, 18% .. 3.85 " Topnotch Laying Crumbles, 16% .. 3.80 Ask About ' the Extra Saving On • Bulk Feeds PN OTCH FEEC S CLTD. Plio0 775 yfret�''` Ont. 75 fl