The Huron Expositor, 1957-04-19, Page 4klj tl, gu)i its cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 a of date of final insertion. Marriages and Deaths inserted free id charge. uetiiX.,Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc --Rates on application. ds Inserted At New Low . Cash Rates , WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC, — Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion, , - 26 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. anks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, gets per week. may;be. directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 cents extra. 3; ip Coining Events "ljf1.ONEL THORN.TON and his Band will Iv playing for dancing lin the Crystal. ;Ralace, Mitchell, Wednesday, April 29; 182'.00 per couple GODERICH PAVILION—Cabaret danc- ing every Saturday night; Don Downs and his Orchestra, threagh April. Easter Teen - Age Record Hop, Friday, ApriT'26, with eIoitnny. Serene disc jockey and M.C. of Aosort . Phone 6'1$- or -419 :r.. 4654x4 Used Cars For Sale THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE as Statutory Committee of the estate of George E. Drager offers for sale 1946 Ply- mouth Sedan, Serial No. 9625851, 1956 licence No. 723068, located at M. E. Clarke's Service Station, Seaforth. Terms cash. Offers to purchase should be for- warded to The Public Trustee 145 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ont. quoting file No. P. 23158-D-JHL 4655-2 Property For Sale FOR SALE -8 -room frame house with 8 -piece bath, oil furnace, cupboards; in- sulated. DON WALLACE, George St-, Seafortb. 4656-1 FOR SALE—In*• Hensall cottage with insul brick siding; has 3 bedrooms, 3 - Piece bath. basement, and also small barn. WILSON ALLAN. Phone 58, Hen- sel). 4656 72 FOR SALE—Eight-room frame house in Walton. in good condition; three-piece bath. pressure system; good well on pro- perty; also double garage. Good loca- tion. Apply to MRS. F. H. MILLER. Phone Seaforth 832 r 21. 465.5-2 FOR SALE—Six-room frame house, bathroom and basement; newly painted; newfurnace; one block from Main Street. May be seen Saturdays only by appoint- ment Possession May 15th. Apply to H. G. MSIR. Phone 78, Dominion Bank Bldg. 4654-3 HOME FOR SALE- -West Goderich St., Seaforth, Ont.; comfortable storey and half stucco, 6 rooms including 3 bedrooms, glassed in front porch; large open ver- anda;attached garage, overhead door. Heavy wiring; roomy three-piece bath with cupboards. Living room and dining room hewly decorated; interior and ex- terior in excellent repair. Corner lot, approximately 160/ x 70r with established garden and fruit trees; two outbuildings. Contact B. M. FRANCIS, Mox 103, Exeter, .Ont. Phone: Office 24, Residence 164. 4656-3 For Rent FOR RENT—Three-room furnished apart- ment.- ORVILLE OKE, .Seaforth- 4655-tf FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT for rent, available the first part of May. Phone 4814. MRS. CARL DALTON. 4656x1 FOR RENT—Eight-room brick house, close to Hensall ; newly decorated; hydro. Also good garden. Available May 1st. PHONE HENSALL 35. 4656x2 Notices NOTICE ---Would you like to have your ashes, dirt or garbage taken away or your basement cleaned up? CALL 7454. 4655x2 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R, 4654-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4654-tf NOTICE—Gravel, fill, top soil and cement gravel. Manure loading and lawns filled. Any kind of work with cat, trac- tor and trucks. by job or by hour. JACK McLLWAIN or HARVEY McLLWAIN, Seaforth, ,4653x8 NOTICE—We have a large stock of paper on hand- We. will supply and hang paper in any room up to 9 by 10 by 12 for 55.00 per room. Painting,paperhang- ing, graining, glazing. Fast service. 50. T. KENDRICK, Centre St, Seaforth. 4655-4 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—SeP- tic teaks, cesspools, etc., vamped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. 1,OUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4646x24 Al°1aNTION, h'ARMERS — Prompt, courteous' collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4654-tf NOTICE Seaforth Seed Cleaning Plant open for spring business. Phone: HECTOR CHESNEY-298 or SEAFORTH LIJMBER-47 4654-2 NOTICE Twp. of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, froin 1 to 6 pm„ until farther notice. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4654-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION lotto.. Better Balite Are Twee' rtriieIxi fns; R'>ft flop p;'ittiTd>t Lost and Found LOST—A email black purse containing a sum of money. in Post Offiee or on street from Post Office to Longstaff's. Finder please return to MRS. SAM Me- PHIERSON, R.R. 1, Walton, or leave at HURON EXPOSITOR. Reward. 4656x1 For Sale TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE—Apply LOU BOLTON. Phone 840 r 2.2 Sea- "orth. 4655x2 FOR SALE El :tric range. in good shape. FRANK SALISBURY, John St., Seaforth, 465651 FOR SALE --10 pigs six weeks old. NIC VAN VUGT, R.R. 1. Seafortb. Phone 849 r 22. 4656x1 FOR SALE—Spring coat, size 8 or 9, '•hie and white check, trimmed with vel - et PHONE 50-W, 4656-1 FOR SALE --A quantity of timothy seed. '9 00 a bushel. Apply to ORVILLE VORKMAN, Kippen, 4656-1 FOR SALE — Martin Senour paints. -?ORDEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 841 r 2. 4654-tf BRITISH KNIT NYLONS are guaran- teed to wear a DEFINITE time. BAR- BARA MILNER. Phone 393, Seaforth. 4654-tf FOR SALE—Part ayrshire cow, fresh; rood milker. Cheap without the calf. Apply ROY LAWSON. Phone 669 r 16. Seaforth. 4656x1 SPECIAL—New Emmerson combination TV radio and record player. Regular 8439, special 5375, at DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Dublin. 4656-2 FOR SALE—Registered German Shep- herd female pup, eight weeks old. ED. MELADY. Phone 83 r 10, Dublin. 4656-1 FOR SALE—Pasture-bred Durham and Hereford heifers: also play pen in good condition. GORDON SCOTT. Phone 836 r 33, Seaforth. 4656x1 LAWN GRASS SEED. nursery mixture, for sun and shade. H. C. Downham Nurs- ery Co. ERIC MILNER. Phone 393. 4654-tf FOR SALE --A quantity of alfaVVa seed and timothy seed. Apply to HARRY JOHNSTON. Phone 840 r 23, Seaforth. 46e6-1 FOR SALT: --Girl's navy blue all-weather coat size 12. Apply MRS. WM. LITTLE. Phone 840 r 11, Seaforth. 4656-1 FOR SALE—A quantity of timothy seed, well cleaned. WILRFR KEYES. -Phone 656 r 11, Seaforth. 4656-1 FOR SALE --Registered Shorthorn bull, one year old; red. Price 5150.00. FRANK FALCONER. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9128. 4656x2 FOR SALE—Gerard-Heintzman upright piano, in good condition. Reasonable. Box 616, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4656-1 FOR SALE,—Six-year-old Holst' in cow : will freshen in three weeks: also 250 hales of hay. Apply to FRED HELLINGA, R.R. 3, Walton. 465652 FOR SALE—Two bushels power -cleaned Red Clover seed at 520.00 per bushel. HUGH CORDON and SON, phone $49r21, Seaforth. .4656x1 FOR SALE—Rodney oats, timothy seed, flax seed and baled hay. JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 31. .4654-tf FOR SALE -1500 Maidstone Cross pul- lets, five weeks old; also 200 twelve weeks old. GLEN MCNICHOL, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 831 r 24, Seaforth. 4655x2 FOR SALE—Several used television sets, used washing machines and used refrig- erators, at special prices. Apply DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. 4654-tf ORDER YOUR FURNITURE from Dub- lin Electric. TV swivel chairs in stock at big savings. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, Dublin. 4654-tf FOR SALE—Several used and recondi- tioned milking machines of various makes st bargain prices. Distance no barrier. Phone or write IRVING KEYES, Glamis, Ont. Tel. Paisley 114 r 4. 4652x11 FOR SALE -20 bushels of timothy seed, 89.00 a bushel; cleaned at Jones & Mc- Naughton, Exeter; also 300 bales of second cut hay, at 40 cents a bale. Phone 831 r 11. EVERETT BEUERMANN. 4606-1 FOR SALE—B. F. Goodtrich 600x16 4 -ply tire and heavy-duty tube, never been nn wheel. Both ordinarily sell for 825. will sacrifice for $20 cash. Also Trico vacuum defrosting fan and tubing: metal 'an has protective cover, fit any car. CALL 495J Seaforth. 465651 FOR SALE Twenty chicken range shelters. 1956 Pontiac, with 16 000 miles ; 1954 Buick, both cars in excellent condition. Apply to: HENDERSON'S STARTED CHICKS, Seaforth, Ont. 4656-1 Personals TF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS and help yourself to re- lief from pains and aches. Aslc your Druggist - 4656 -1 HYGIENE SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price List. 6 samples 25c ; 24 sam- ples 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T - 73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EMMA WILLIAMS All persons having claims against the Estate of Emma Williams, late of the Town of -Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on. Wide* deceased, who died on the 18th day of March 1957, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their itiati8e inforhlatto'n claims 'to the undersigned on or before ai 4$ .Attie ri'hofye the lith clay of May 1067e after whidh Rhee tl Acelektatiott ante fire assets Will he diettilinted, hays ¢41 •Wtwsen'„7 3o big rettartt only to elatnl4 then received. ll' breeds iidait , 4ia s s tl'E1)' at Seaforth, this 16th day of 465'44 ' :. 1957. 64 #d sot} i� l8ottt to dGS, 61(L'icj!l xecu#nl,: 1 �raW'0CV eri Help Wanted AGGRESSIVE men and women. Make interesting profits on each 4 you sell. Well-known manufacturer or finest house- hold necessities and toiletries has openings in your surroundings. Write for details and free catalogue to 1600 DELORIMIER. Dept. C, MontreaL 4656-1 EXPERIENCED Woodworking Machinist as assistant to our millroom foreman. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, absolutely steady employment, group in- surance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4656-2 Wanted WANTED --A roomer; breakfast if de- sired. Apply to Box 617, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4656-1 WANTED—A number of cattle to grass. JACK McI VER St. Columban. 4654x1 Cards of Thanks 1 WISH TO THANK all those who sent me cards and gifts and inquired about me while 1 was a patient in the Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. 4656-1 CHRISTOPHER COOMBS 1 WOULD LIKE to express my sincere thanks to all those who sent cards, treats etc., while we were in Scott Memorial Hospital. MRS. DOREEN BAIRD and Daughter. 4656-1 1 WISH TO THANK all those who sent cards and visited me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also' to thank the nurses and staff of the hospital. Everything was deeply appreciated. 4856-1 ROY DUNGEY I WISH TO THANK all those who sent gifts, cards, flowers. etc., and visited, me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal: also to the nurses and doctors for their kind attention. They are all ap- preciated. 465651 KAREN PINDER THE FAMILY of the late Albert Kraus- kopf wish to express their appreciation to all those who expressed sympathy and assisted in any way in their recent sad bereavement. Particular thanks to the stall of Scott Memorial Hospital, Dr. M. W. Stapleton and Dr. Ffoulkes. 4656x1 3- 1 WISH TO THANK all those who sent me cards flowers and fruit; special thanks to Mrs. W. Hodgert and Miss Park. the nurses and staff of the Seaforth Hospital; also to Drs, Brady, McMaster and Malkus, while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospi- tal. Everything has been deeply appreci- ated. 1650x1 MRS. WILBUR MILLER I WISH 7'O offer sincerest thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for cards flowers and gifts sent me while I was in Stratford Hospital, also to all who assisted at home, to Drs. Lindsay Scratch, Sproat. Stapleton, Penistar and Nichols, all special nurses and hospital staff, C.W.L. of St. Joseph's and Box Ambulance Service. Heartfelt gratitude to all blood donors and to Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, Rev, J. L. O'Rourke, Rev, Fr. Williams and Mooney, and Donellan for all kindness. 4656x1 LOUIS DILLON, Dublin, Ontario In Memoriam LA1+TONT—In loving memory of a dear husband and fathe6;` Archie Lamont, who passed away two years ago April 22, 1955. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall ; There is nothing left to answer. But his picture—that is all. - Lovingly remembered by his Wife and Family. 4656-1 REDDEN—In loving memory of George Edward Hedden, who passed away in St. Catharines April 19, 1927. He bade no one his last farewell, He said good-bye to none: The heavenly gates were opened. A loving voice said come. I often sit and think of you, The things you used to say ; I wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say good-bye. Though out of sight you're ever Still missed, still loved, still mine; You will live with me in memory Until the end of time. —Ever remembered by wife Catherine and his family. 4656-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth Saturday, April 27th, at 1:30 p.m., on John Street: ... . Three-piece chesterfield; 1 end table: 8 lamps: 8 -piece oak dining room. suite; 1 mantle clock; 3 rocking chairs; 2 occa- sional chairs; 1 library table; 2 small tables; 1 kitchen table and 4 chairs ; 1 day bed : 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and stands: bedding; down comforter : lawn swing and mattress: lawn chairs; mirrors ; bath tub; Coleman space heater; Propane gas cook stove; cooper boiler ; crocks : dishes ; cooking utensils; trays; scatter mats ; sealers: rubber -tired lawn mower, new: curtain stretchers: garden tools: other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS - Cash. MRS. .I ACK SCOTT, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. - E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4656-2 AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects, in the Town of Seaforth, on Crombie Street. oh FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, at 1:30 p.m.: HOUSEHOLD EF'r'J!,CTS — Upright Piano; living room tables; antique wal- nut sofa and chairs ; writing desk ; china cabinet; dining room table and chairs; day b -d ; sewing machine; kitchen table and chairs; cupboard ; 2 bedroom suites; 2 chests of drawers; electric lampsi,,.,kit- chen stove; kitchen utensils; china, and other articles too numerous to mention. PROPERTY—Six-room frame hoose on Crombie Street; Hydro; 'bathroom ; hot water heating system. immediate posses- sion. House is in good condition. TERMS -•-100/ down ; balance in 30 days. Will be Bold subject to reserve bid. Chat- tels—Cash. , ESTATE OF LATE MRS. EMMA WILLIAMS Proprietress. Harold Jackson Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4656-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for painting of the in- terior of Duties United Church, Walton, and also the ,basement, Also estimates for the varnfahin'g of the church. B'ER'T JOirNSTON Seeretai:•y of tie Board of •,§tetaarcle, it R. 2,' troot'ere, ,flirt, 446-2 lc�.,,rr.:,,t•r Poultry BRAY CHICKS—For all markets. Pul- lets. Started. Broilers. Prompt 'ship- ment. Wide choice. Ask agents: MRS, ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield, Phones Clinton HU. 2-9232. Seafortb 659-28; or JOHN PRUIN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 845 r 21. 4654.-18 Births ARMSTRONG—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 16, to Mr. and Mrs.' Moyd Armstrong, Zurich, a daughter. - BENN1NGER—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April Le. to Mr- and Mrs, Hugh Benninger, Dublin, a son. COYNE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coyne, R.R. 1, Staffa, twins—son and daughter, ECKERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eck- ert, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. HALEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haley, Seaforth a son. HOPF—At Clinton Public Hospital, on April 9, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopf, formerly of Seaforth, a daughter. HULLEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a son. MUIR—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. David Muir R.R. 1, Walton, a daughter. SULLIVAN—At Stratford General Hospi- tal, on April 12; to Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan (nee Betty Dunlop), Stratford, a son. A brother for Maxine. Deaths McALLISTER--Suddenly, on Wednesday April 10, 1957, at her home, Main St. North, Georgetown, Helen Mary Mc- Allister, beloved daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Arthur McAllister and dear sister of Jean and Arthur E. Resting at the Harold C. McClure Funeral Home 34 Edith St., George- town, from Thursday evening. Service on Saturday, April 13, at 2 p.m. In- terment in Greenwood Cemetery, George- town. Norman 'Snide , Bxa l#oln: lal nt the weekend lilt Mr ante; 1G,lyrs. G llendeirson. 1VTissot Katherine Mc regor, Wins HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. E. Appleton„ Of Flxeter.were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Robertson, of Listowel, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Jinks. Mr. and.Mrs. Keith L�indsay,,.of Thamesville, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs., Sohn Henderson. Hear Goderich Speaker CROMARTY Rev. R. G. MacKay and Mrs. MacKay, Thamesford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott on Thurs- day. Billie Houghton spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. and 'Mrs. MacKellar and family, Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsey spent the weekend with Mrs. Ramsey's parents at Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillespie and - two daughters and Mrs. Gillespie's father, Mr. Grant, Komoka, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Laing and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. Lin McKellar. accompanied ' by Mrs. Verna McKellar visited onues a Y T d with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar, Seafdrth. The W.M.S. are holding their Easter service in the church on Friday evening. Mrs. D. Ritchie, Seaforth, will be .the guest speak- er. Special music will be given by the male quartette. The Young Peoples' Society have arranged their Easter meeting to be held on Sunday evening in the church. Special, music will fbe supplied by the members of the society. The meeting of the W.M.S. on Tuesday opened with the Easter poem by the president, Mrs. L. El- liott, and a hymn. The secretary, Mrs. Carey, read the minutes of the last meeting. Roll call was a resurrection verse. Mrs. J. Miller gave the treasurer's report. Mrs, Eliott welcomed the Mac - Dougal society from Mitchell and then asked them to take charge of the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. R. Homuth presided for the MacDougal Society and expressed appreciation for the opportunity of being present. The origin of the name of the MacDougal Society was explained by Miss Muriel Stewart. Mrs. G. Lamont took the devotional period, urging that Christians do not sleep as did the disciples in the Garden of Gethsem- ane. Mrs. Cameron gave interest- ing news items and a description of Boldt Castle on Heart Island in the St. Lawrence, Miss Muriel Stewart chose for her topic, the Easter story and its significance. Mrs. O'Donnell gave the Easter message in her solo. The meeting closed with Hymn 192 and the Lord's Prayer repeat- ed in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess society during a time of fellowship. • BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Re -opening THURS., APRIL 18th DOUBLE FEATURE ($1.00 admits a carload') "FURY AT GUNSIGHT PASS" ' David Brian Lisa bavis "NEW ORLEANS" Arthur Franz B. Garland CARTOON Friday, April 19th "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" Bill Haley The Comets Plus Two Added Features Saturday, April 20th "LAWLESS STREET" (in Color) Randolph Scott Two Added Features Sunday Midnight, April 21 and Monday, April 22nd Double Feature "MAD AT THE WORLD" Frank Lovejoy Cathy O'Donnell "NIGHT HOLDS ERROR," Jack Kelly Hildy Parks CARTOON `The Arnold Circle of Carmel. Presbyterian Church, Hensall, en- tertained the ladies of Caven Pres- byterian Church, Exeter, and the Women's Missionary Society of their own church Monday everting in the basement of the church for their Easter Thankoffering. The president, Mrs. A. Orr, opened the meeting with an Easter poem, "In His Steps," followed by a hearty welcome to the guests. • The roll call was answered with an Easter verse. The report by the treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Bell, was given and em- bers are reminded to have their gifts for hospital's (toilet. articles, baby clothes, etc., unwrapped) in at the May meeting, along with their supply money. Mrs. B. Bea- ton and Mrs. Glenn Deitz, very cap- ably conducted the Worship period. Mrs. Harry Snell 'read an Easter verse, reminding us not to be lax in our 'Christian spirit and work, but to let our light shine. Mrs. E. Munn contributed a lovely piano selection. A quintette from the Arnold Circle sang a selection, "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Beaton introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Gordon Kaiting, of Goderich, who gave an inspiring message on "God so loved the world that He gave His only Be- gotten Son." "What are we giv- ing to Christ?" The speaker said all have been given talents, some given many, some few, but to live happy, meaningful lives, God ex- pects us to use the talents that He has given tis, and in using them we will find they will be developed more fully. Mrs. Donald MacDon- ald thanked the speaker. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. A delicious lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mrs. Wm. Brown. Funeral of Mrs. A. Shipley Funeral service for the late Mrs. Alex Shipley, who passed away at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on April 14. in her 66th ear, Sunday, Y was held at the Stoddart Funeral Home, Paisley, on Wednesday. -In- terment was in Paisley cemetery. Attending the funeral from Hensall Mr. and Mrs. were Clarence Reid. -Tuesday and Wednesday, April 23-24 "PRIZE OF GOLD" (in color) Richard Widnlark May Zetterling Tho Cartoons Please ask for your Itr$graft ofd Coliiillgtvblits at the 4cO. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber, accom- panied, by Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch and Mrs, William Oesch, spent.. Sunday visiting relatives in Kitchener. Miss Lois Jane Martin, Harrison- burg. Virginia, is spending a week visiting her girl friend, Carol Fab- er. Dr. Dobson, Alma College, St. Thomas, will be the guest speaker at the Easter service April 21 at St. Andrew's United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride and Sharon visited in Kitchener over the weekend. One million Canadian men. wo- men and children depend directly on the pulp and paper industry for their livelihood. spent tke': weekend with her ers, .Frank and John McGre- r, Wesley Watt of .Cocilr'ane,. ;spent .a few days with his mother, 'Mrs Charles lain, and his aunt, Miss Mary Ft. ; Swan. Mr. Ham is e1}lwith the Department of H,gh'wployedsays aad. is being transfer- red to North Ray. - Mrs. Wm Sinclair, Clinton, spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. Wm; Fotheringham and Mrs. Foth- eringham. - Mr, and Mrs. George Mustard, Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mus- tard and M1,.,_and Mrs. Thorton Mustard, Weston, and Mr. Robert Mustard, Margaret and Gordon spent the weekend with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mr. Allan Keys, of Ottawa, -and friend of Toronto, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Ben Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, Blue - vale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Elliott. Mrs. Lorne Wilson visited for a week with her daughter, Mrs. Wal- ly Bain, Stratford. • WAS. Meets The W.M.S. met Tuesday after- noon, in the schoolroom • of the church. The devotions were in charge, of Mrs. W. Fotheringham, with `yrs. J. Cairns reading -the scripture from Matthew 28:1-10, and John 20:19-21. Mrs. S. Mc- Kenzie read Acts 1:1-8 and 12-14, and the leader from Acts 2:41-48 and Acts 4:32-35. This part of the program was closed with a hymn and prayer. The president took the chair for the business. Roll call was answer- ed with an Easter message. Final arrangements were made to hold the thankoffering service Sunday evening, April 28 at 7:30. Mrs. Mc- Donald, of Hensall, will be the guest speaker. Thank -you notes were read from Mrs. N. McLeod and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirk- by, Mrs. J. Aldwinckle, Mrs. J. Cornish and Mrs. A. Ham. The members were asked to bring their Lenten pennies to the May meeting. Mrs. E. Allen brought a good report of the morning session of the Presbyterial meeting, and Edith Bowey reported the after- noon session. A splendid Easter meditation was in charge of Mrs. T. B. Baird, who read, "Let us remember the day that changed the history of man- kind has left a scar on everyhu- man heart." Mrs. Ham gave, "Let us rejoice, joy broke over the world that Easter morning, joy which is ours today." "Now let us resolve that we will be His faith- ful followers," was given by Mrs. er Easter G. Graham. Several hymns were sung during the program. Mrs. Davison closed the meeting with a parting blessing. Observe Paim Sunday A large congregation attended the services of Brucefield United Church when Palm Sunday was fit- tingly observed. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was also ob- served and a reception of new members. Thirty-three united with the church; a communicants' class of 15 and 14 adults joined by pro- fession of faith and four by cer- tificate. Music included an anthem, "Hosanna," by the choir. The minister, Rev. Davison, preached on "Palm Sunday Meditation." On Sunday, April 21, services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., will be in keeping with the glad Easter Day with special ,music by the choir, and an appropriate message by the minister in the morning, and in the evening a very beautiful service will be held. An Easter drama, "The Challenge elf the Cross," will be presented by seven young ladies, assisted by the choir. The public is cordially invited. COW POE INSURANCE COVER GE vat M''.iitIro'eShorty �.H. GENERAL INSURANCE, �N�u Goderich St., Seaforth HENSALL HOBBY FAIR HENSALL TOWN HALL Wednesday, April 24th, 1957 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by the Hensall Recreation Committee 1. Rest Model Doll House—Cardboard or Wood. 22 Best Woodwork Model. 3. Best Shop Work Article—Practical. 4. Best Leatherwork Article. 5. Best Shellwork Article. 6. Best Metalcraft Article—Any metal. 7.—Stamps— Best Displayed Collection Best National Collection. Best First Issues. 8. Coins—' Best National Collection. Best Collection of Rare Coins. Best General Collection. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. Best Dressed Doll—Clothing made by owner, Best Needlepoint Article. Best Crocheted or Tatted Article. Knitting—'Best Displayed Article, Best Article of Embroidery, Best Bird House. Best Model Plane, Boat or Car. 16. Art—' Best Cartoon—}Rust ,be original. Best Water Colour Painting. Best Oil Painting 17. Best Displayed Acle—Anyrtiother hobby not specified above. Competition Open To All Age Groups (Adults or Children) Entries should be brought to Town Hall between 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. April 24th. malmmoimmimammias Easter Parade of W. G. THOMPSON and Sons Limited' a ';c s-?' .�a'�X..•^,Ih4s'',::: CLOVER and GRASSES SEED OATS and SEED BARLEY We have ample stocks on hand. FERTILIZER All Analysis Available. CEMENT Bag or Truckload. Discounts on quantity orders. We Are Still ' Contracting Seed Oats and Malting Barley Seed supplied. SEED CLEANING and TREATING SERVICE FEED OATS—Recleaned Ontario Feed Oats $45.00 Ton BEAUTIES Just Like a Woman, Paint and All! Some have Sun Bonnets (Sun Visors). They all talk a Iot (Radios). They all have a warm heart (Heat- ers). Some have new slippers (Tires), with shiny buckles (Chrome Wheels) '57 OLDS AMERICAN '88' SEDAN—Jetaway transmis- sion; radio; W.W. tires; disc. $700. '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE SED- AN -6 -cylinder; like new. '56 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN 8 -cylinder; W.W. tires, etc. '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4 - DOOR COUNTRY SEDAN— A popular 'but scarce unit. '55 DODGE CRUSADER SED- AN—Less than 14,000 miles, '54 BUICK SEDAN—Automatic, radio, two-tone. None better. '53 DE SOTO SEDAN V-9.—Au- tomatic; all power equip- ped. A car you can be proud of. '53 METEOR CUSTOMLINE HARDTOP—Two-tone. etc. '53 PREFECT SEDAN — An ideal second car. ,'53 PONTIAC SEDAN — Two- tone; Easter Bunny Special! '52 FORD SEDAN—Like new ; one owner; low mileage. — TRUCKS — '56 FORD 1/2-TON—Long box; custom cab; air-condition heater; side mirrors; low mileage. '52 DE SOTO SEDAN—Automa- tic; radio; sun, visor. '52 CHEV. SEDAN—Radio; cen- tipede tires. See this one. '52 DODGE -SEDAN — Thor- oughly reconditioned. '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN— Lots of extras. Make us an offer. '51 DODGE CORONET SEDAN -Automatic; tops in beauty. '51 CHEV. SEDAN — Motor re- conditioned. '51 FORD SEDAN—Spotless. '51 METEOR COACH — Over- drive; original finish. '50 CHEV. SEDAN, DELUXE— Driven by a lady school teacher. '50 '50 ,50 '50 ,49 '49 '49 '47 OLDS CLUB COUPE—Ra- dio; one owner. under, 29,000 miles. FORD SEDAN—Clean FORD COACH — Pep at a price. STUDEBAKER SEDAN DODGE COACH DODGE SEDAN MERCURY SEDAN 'FORD CLUB COUPE—Very clean. THE ONLY WAY To Really Tell the True Condition is to See These Beauties Yourself ! It's the Difference That Counts! COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPARE! Dollar For Dollar You'll Get More BOB COOK MOTOR SALES Phone 178 Hensall for Demonstration or Transportation Open Evenings -- 8 to 10' p.m. Located Next To C.N.R. Tracks THREE "SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU. • Il ,1:a,,v_li6rY.t,� eel r r,T?l {ty� oat • ei teleleite .;0 ra i+r t