The Huron Expositor, 1956-07-13, Page 4ti ftp" null+1 rir Nl 4.. 7 RE MORE PEOPLE PO MORE BUYING A ;'M pserted At New Low Cash Rates 0,4"1'1fD, LOST AND FOUND, ETC, .-. Per Word: 1$t'Week 1 t 4a,4a,Week �t CeCenut S;tal Week t, Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Eaeh figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. 01` Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word, Minimum, ItrttlWries rt?a3''be'directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra, 'x tees gents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 day. of date of final insertion. ciths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Aitetion Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. 6044 Iter week. Coming Events ENJOY DANCING from 10 to 1 at the Crystal Palace, 'Mitchell. Friday nights with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys, 4617-8 THE ANNUAL Crioh reunion will be held at Jowett's Gkove, Bayfield, on Wed- nesday, July 18, 1956. at 1:30 p.m. Sec- retary, HELEN TURNER, K.R. No. 3, Seaforth. 46171 "SHARE - THE - WEALTH” BINGO — Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, July 14th, 9 p.m., $80.00 jackpot in 56 calls ; 45.00 added each week until Jackpot won; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admis- sion. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4617_1 GODER1CH PAVILION every Friday, 9 to 12, Teen-age Record Swing with John- ny Brent of CKNX as M.C. Every Satur- day dancing to Bill Stuart and his orch- estra. Special midnight dance August 5. 4616-4 Wanted WANTED—Used coal and wood fur- nace; medium sized tricycle. ADRIAN TIMMERMANN, R.R. 3'. Kippen. 4617-1 Poultry FOR SALE-•-•450Red Rock pullets, 51,4, months old, laying, Phone Blyth 28 r .13. Apply to DON KENNEDY, Londesboro. 4617-2 STARTED TURKEY POULTS Broad Breasted Bronze non -sexed, one week old, 80c ; two weeks old 62c ; three week old 87c. Toms, one week old 70c, two week old 72c, three week old 77c. Also day old turkey poults and day, old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries FERGUS LIMITED, ONTARIO 4616-2 Property For Sale FOR SALE—Cottage on Centre Street, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply to ALEX McDONALD. Phone 660 r 14. 4617x3 For Rent FOR RENT—Three-room apartment; heated; three-piece bath. PHONE 485-M. 4617-1 FOR RENT --Modern furnished or un- furnished six rooms: bath, oil heating. PHONE 126-W. 4617-55 FOUR -ROOM anartment for rent with bath. Apply to MRS, JANET DALTON. Phone 481-J, 4617x1 FOR RENT — Four -room unfurnished apartment, with bath and modern kit- chen. Apply to BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. 4617-tf FOR RENT — Three-room' apartment, "" downstairs ; unheated. Immediate posses- sion, PHONE 250-R. 4617-tf FOR RENT—Downstairs, street open- ing, four -room apartment. Very central- ly located. MRS. THERESA RAY, Gode- rich St, East, Seaforth. 4617x1 APARTMENT FOR RENT—Five rooms and bath; heat and water. Available August 1. Apply J. C. CRICH. 4617x4 FOR /LENT-7_room house in Egmond- viile.. Possession 1st of July. Apply AL - VIN H. < BEATON, 5067 Maplewood, De- troit 4, Mich. Tyler 7-8960. 4612-8 FOR RENT—Two-storey brick house; all modern conveniences; bath, furnace; 40 rods from school; 3% miles from Dub- lin. Can have possession September lst. Apply JOSEPH RYAN. Phone 40 r 5, Dublin. 4617x2 Notices MASONARY, Cement, Chimneys repair- ed and built. B. CHRISTENSON, Con- tractor, Seaforth, 4614-6 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Diek House, Seaforth, Phone 847-R. 4616-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4616-tf ATTENTION. FARMERS — Prompt. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co-, of Canada Lt. 4616-55 ASPHALT DRIVES Ask for free estimates and find out for how little you may have neat, convenient asphalt drives at your home. JACKSON HOMES LTD. Seaforth, Help Wanted For Sale BOSTON BULL PUPS for sale, Phone 19 r 23, Dublin. 4617x2 FOR SALE — Crich's White Clover Bread. a premium loaf at 19c. CALL 34. We deliver. 4617x1 FOR SALE—Used upright piano. Ap- ply MRS. JOSEPH ROWLAND, Phone' 210-M. 4617-1 FOR SALE—Choice Yorkshire purebred boar. Apply RUSSELL T. BOL'roN, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 840 r 40, Sea - forth. 4617-1 FOR SALE—Four - nice heifer cows. Can be seen at ANTHONY VAN LOON'S. R.R. 2. Seaforth, 4617x2 FOR SALE --Fresh cherry pies, 50c. A LADY TO TRAIN to earn worthwhile delicious treat with vanilla ice cream. income. For appointment, write MRS. CRICH'S BAKERY, Seaforth, NARGANG, Box 561, Heron Expositor. 4617x1 4615x3 FOR SALE—Asphalt and steel roofing for immediate delivery. For prices, phone BORDEN BROWN, Kinhurn, Phone 841' r 2, Seaforth. 4609-12 HELP WANTED Five or six men wanted immediately, SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 740. 4617-1 MEOHANIC--Prefer one with Ford ex- Perience. Highest wages, group insurance, new garage, ideal working conditions, ac- commodation available. A pleasant place to live. Apply to REG, McDONALD, Larry Snider Motors, Phone 624, Exe- ter. 4617 - WANTED FOR SALE—.Case drophead hay loader, in first class condition. Apply to JAMES F. SCOTT. Phone 851 r 4, Seaforth, 4617-1 FOR SALE—Quantity of mixed feed grain, barley and oats, at Lot 15, Con. 4, McKillop. PETER E.. MALONEY. Phone 64 r 10, Dublin. 4617x1 FOR SALE—Boy's bicycle, 28 -inch rim ; good condition : reasonably priced. Apply KEN COLEMAN, R.R. 4, Sea - forth. Phone 652 r 14, DATED at Clinton, this 29th 4si7-1 June, A.D. 1956. day of E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 4616-3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CAROLINE PORTEOlgEl All persona having claima against the Estate of Caroline Porteous, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 19th day of April, 1956, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of August, 1956, after which date, the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this lith day Of July, 1956, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate, 4617-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Hannah Maria Craig, late of the Village of Hensel'. in the County of Huroa, Spinster, De- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersignd Solici- tor for the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of July, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. FOR SALE—Two purebred Yorkshire boars, eligible for registration. These are Applications wanted for Manager of a long. fast-growing pigs. JAMES LOBE. newly -acquired Brucefield Branch of the Phone HU. 2-3342. Clinton ; 1 mile west, Hensall District Co-operative, Should 3!_, north of Clinton. 4617x1 have some experience in feed mixing, Applications to be in the hand of the FOR SALE—Flowers, Shrubs, Fruits - (Free replacement guarantee.). Orders taken now for delivery next Spring, ERIC MILNER. Phone Seaforth 39s. 4616-tf secretary by July 17, 6:00 p.m., stating qualifications and salary expected. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Bertram Klopp, Secretary, R.R. No. 3, Zurich, Ont. EARN $75 AND MORE WEEKLY Sell guaranteed household necessities 'in your surroundings. Wherever you may live, there is an opening for you, FAMILEX, Dept, 2, Station C, MONTREAL. 4617-1 TWO MEN REQUIRED For wages. Year in emp oyment. company pension and health insurance plan. Also several men required for harvest, from July to October, -'W. G. Thompson & Son LTD. Phone 32 — Hensall 4617-2 OPPORTUNITY FULL or PART TIME Canadian Corporation HAS EXCEPTIONAL OPENING FOR RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN in this area. WORK CONSISTS OF DELIVERY AND REPLENISHING STOCKS OF IHR World's Leading Cosmetic Line IN EXISTING RETAIL STORE AC- COUNTS. • ,• Absolutely No Selling Or Soliciting AS ALL SELLING IS HANDLED BY OUR HEAD OFFICE STAFF, AGE, EDUCATION or PAST EXPERI- ENCE is not important as full training is provided. Can be handled in 3 to 5 hours a wsek without interfering with present employment. (Full time, if desired). With up to $100.00 a Week to Start. • Enquiries are invited from persons able to post $1098.00 cash for bonded products covered by a re -purchase agreement and backed by' a multi-million dollar advertis- ing prograrnme- • Persons available immediately, that, the necessary capital and desire a ;"easy dependable income, should send Na e, Ad- dress and Telephone Number for details to: PERSONNEL MANAGER NAMERCO (CANADA) LIMITED 392 BAY 'STREET TORONTO 1, ONTARIO 4616-2 4617-1 IF YOU are interested in setting out a maHiled IENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Good), new patch of Raspberries this fall or next with postpaid i6 samples seared 24vglop- spring, contact the Meadowbrooke Nursery, Plea $100. ice ]raMaii-Oreders Dept.24T-73, Box 857, Trenton, Ont„ for new heavy NOVA -RUBBER CO.,r Box 91, Hamilton. bearing varieties; full planting instruc- tions and care cultural management sup- , plied. All replies must be in by July 23rd. 4617x1 Livestock Wanted Personals SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Sep. LIVESTOCK WANTED—Gish paid for tic tanks, cesspooh, etc, Dumped and dead old, sick, or disabled horses or cows, cleaned with sanitary modern equipment, p io s ATWOOD 158, collect All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAI E, R.R. • 4598-12 2, Brussels, Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, 4610x12 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 s.m„ MBI St., 8en- sa1L Bring your livestock. Always a good trlhrket price, :HARRY sMrrR, Phone 187, fen6all ; VICTOR HARGREAVES, n17. 2-7611, Clinton. 4616-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bola Are Used" lheeOollbrdstifInformation H froM aeeocattle, o ter db C&tite Br eedin e Assoofa" . flF$ Ci. -244t; t tid► 7 so YY((r11i7. Wb Item ill,'br hll kl 84 tiltllity' N1 tbr► L�dst-. . 44184 Cards of Thanks I WISH to thank my friends and neigh- bors for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since coming home. Everything was much appreciated, 4617-1 MRS. BARBARA CUDMORE r. Pearson wishes to thank friendY of s ¢nlate e andneighbors for the many kind expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement; also thanks to Dr. Gorwill and the nurses at the hospital and Rev. Watt at Auburn, 4617x1 Use The Huron Expositor classi- fieds d columns regularly. Somethingsell?' to Sdmett1911g to buy? _ Phone 41:, Seaforth. The classified ad 'section is redtageta ting and is e'eenotnic'al too FOR SALE --Cement bricks, in stock -a SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS 535 per 1,000. PHONE 740, Seaforth. 4613 - NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES GIBSON MULLEN t All persons having claims against the estate of James Gibson Mullen, late of Seaforth, Ontario, deceased, who died on 8 or about the 6th day of April, 1956, are hereby notified to send in to the under- - signed Personal Representatives of the - said deceased on or before the 3rd day of August, 1956. full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date' the said Personal Representatives will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, FOR SALE—Drain tile, all sizes. Or der now, SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO DUCTS. Phone 740, Seaforth, 4613-8 FOR SALE—Massey-Harris 13 -disc fer- tilizer drill, horse-drawn, nearly new; al- so an Ebersol grain thrower. Apply to ORVAL GREER, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 655 r 24, 4616x2 FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to ,pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. Beat investment to protect good udders, Contact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 593, Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days. .4600x/6 FOR SALE—Walnut bedroom suite, con- sisting, of bed, spring and spring -filled mattress, vanity dresser and bench; 4 - drawer chiffonier and 3 -piece lamp set, $65.00 complete One only double bed with spring and spring -filled mattress, $12.00 complete; 1 new hand lawn mower, 58.50; 2 square wash tubs, 65.00." Call after 6 o'clock. :.ADAM AST, Egmondville, 4617-1 SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS—The mod- ern manner is to pave with flagstones,. n a choice of 49 different sizes and col- ors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth concrete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them water- proof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for 5 years. Made only by SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS- Call for free estimates. Phone 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders for oil furnace for S.S. No, 3, Tuckeramith, Work to be completed by September 4th. Tenders to be in the hand of the Sec- retary by July 30th Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN BROADFOOT, Secretary, Brucefield. 4617-2 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up until July 14th at 12 o'clock nope, for the in- stallation of pressure system and flush toilets and lavatory basin, at S.S No 1, Stanley, Contact Iyir. George Cameron, "Brucefield Ont., for plana and specifica- tions. T. B. BAIRD, Sec.-Treas., Brucefield, Ont. 4616-2 TENDERS WANTED For transportation of pupils in Town- abip Area No. 1, Hibbert. Duties to com- mence September 4, 1956. Tenders to be Presented on or before July 14. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to: IVAN McDOUGALL, Sec.-Treas., Mitchell, R.R. 3. 4615-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to and including Saturday, July 21. 1956, and from whom specifications and further particulars niay be obtained, for the construction of a concrete founda- tion and floor. shingling and certain other work necessary in connection with a gar- age building at the Nurses' Residence, Scott Memorial Hospital. Lowest or any tender not neeeasarily accepted, LLOYD HOGGARTH, Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Ontario. 4617_2 In Memoriam HIUSSER—in loving memory of Fred- erick J. Hiuseer, who pawed away one Year ago, July 13, 1955. One year has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away, --Sadly missed by wife Margaret and Family. 4617x1 Births BETTGER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ,July 10, to Mr, and Mra, W, H. Bettger, Seaforth, a daughter, KF,NAHAN—On Sunday, July 8, 1966, at WinMrs.K WilliaJ. Keahan General Hospital, (Maryr Ken- nedy), St. Augustine, a daughter. STRESLER.—Mr. and Mr,, ,Tames Strealer (nee thebir hi Moffat) adauaherson tJulyannounce n 8th, at St- John's -Hospital, Santa Mantua, California, - Deaths ABERIrART+-lit Loado' tMonday July 9th, Charles Abexliart, formerly oil t3eu forth, 0 hhl Sard year, Bk5TrGLn, --At Scott 1Vlotriorial i%spi , Mt duly 1,1, infant dati er of Mr. and Mt*. W, 1T, Bettger; Seaforth. DATED at Seaforth, thin lith day of July, 1956. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED. 20 King St, East, Toronto, Ontario, and Mrs. Grace E. Mullen, Seaforth, Ontario, Executors. By MOCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Their Solicitors herein. 4617-3 Agree On Plan (Continued . from Page 1) and in addition it cost $58 to fences. Mr. Leyburn said he sold at a reasonable figure didn't think it fair to have to $100 for negligence. There been no reduction in taxes. C Wilson is ,to check with the so tor to see whether the contra is liable. A delegation from the. Agri tural Society, J. M. Scott and J. Bolton, asked for an increas grant from $250. The fair seeking to enlarge its prize lis qualify for a Class 'B' rating. would result in increased pro cial and federal grants. Wh Reeve Scoins pointed out Seafo tax rate was already too high, Councillor Close recalled oth had cut grants, council agreed leave the grant at the amount as previously. Agree On Town Hall ' Chairman Frank Kling and C missioner D. Sills, of the P.0 discussed with council plans reallocation of town hall acc modation. Council agreed to m land available for an addition P.U.C.- would erect at the rear the hall. The P.U.C. would occ the north area on the ground 11 and the town the south area, ditional accommodation would provided for fire trucks. Entrance would be gained by new central entrance. The proposes the elimination of existing outside wood portico the front of the building. In reviewing the proposal, Kling said additionaLthought m be given an inside stairway to t second floor, as well as the trance to a council chamber be created on the ground floor. The cost was estimated at $1 000 each. The town's portion, was explained, would come fro fix had and had lerk ctor cul - R. e in was t to This vin - en rth's and ers to om- .C., for om- ake the of upy oor Ad - be a plan the at Mr, ust he en - to 0, - it sa me surplus, approval for necessary transfer having been received from the municipal department. MayorMcMaster explained the P.U.C. was faced with obtaining enlarged accommodation. If an agreement was not worked out the P.U.C. would be required to seek space elsewhere, and the town would lose revenue from rent. It was suggested rent could amount to $75 per month. Reeve Scoins agreed the stair- way needed to be improved, and that thereshould be a public en- trance to the council chamber. Preliminary architectural work had been carried out by R. O. MacTavish, of London, and it was agreed that the P.U.C. and prop- erty committee coj suit him fur- ther regarding a proper stairway aryi interior arrangement. Pleasant Advice Council was informed by the P,U,C. that a reductionin hydrant rental from $75 to $37.50 per year, had been authorized. It means a saving of $2,025 to the town each year. per- mits Applicationsfor from RobertWatsonngarage, $500, and Topnotch Feed Mills Limited, six silos, $20,000, were ap- proved. Civic holiday will be held on August 6, it was decided as coun- cil passed the necessary resolu- tion. Councillor Leslie, chairman of the sewage committee, said all properties had been Surveyed and levies coil ld by applied. They Would be retroactive to January ], 1b56. Mind) adjourned at 10:30 p.m. The :annud1 •Chappel ,' akniO r • 're a e Q �> . pns 4atici• Mr.SKill !chick 11I"r, union was held t nth Park Sunday afternoon Q 1 g bad weather some ,of thh 4b tier members were unabls to attend, Winners in sports "'Were: • Chil- dren under five, Elgin Dearing; boys, six to 11.0 years, Bruce Wat= son, Jorbin Haarby; girls, six to 10, Adeline Chappel; boys, u to 14 years, Billy Jacques; girls, 11 to 14 years, Mary Dearing; young ladies, Adeline Chappel and Mary Dearing; young men, Donald and Jack Dearing; married women, Janet Chappel, Janet Clearing; married men, Norman Ferguson, Ed. Dearing; spot race, Ed. Dear- ing; needle and thread race. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques; tie race, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques; shoe scramble, Janet Dearing; kick -the - slipper, Olive Ferguson; b a 11 throw, Olive Ferguson; guessing candies in jar, Doreen Chappel; youngest member present, Douglas Ferguson; oldest member present, Mrs. Edwin Kemp. During the supper hour the elec- tion of officers was held for 1957 as follows: president, Will Fergu- son; secretary, Ellen Vivian; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Chappel; lunch committee, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Chappel. The picnic will be held in Sea - forth again next July. t'1'r�i,irf? I3enA, t ere, %ruee ,00r tlr, 1Mr4 , a... lEzw W31m,r McGregor, .KOpe, t4? chit a� d $. r Coat e;rick mended the " *Greif) fitter wedduig .In1 carnia 4 , We neaday evening,,"Only 11, ;` Mr, and Mrs. N. E.Coon return ed home after a week's va eatio spent with their daughter and son in-law, Dr. and Mrs- M- A,„Hopkin son, Joan, and Bruce, at Lion Head. Mrs, Wilmer MacGregor, of -Ki pen, is assisting in the post ,offic while Postmaster Cecil Kipfer on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould an Dianne, of London, spent the wee end with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. Robert Lippert, 31, wife of Dr. Robert Lippert, of the Ma Clinic at Rochester, Minn.?w was killed in a freak plan"acct dent Monday, when a proplle flew off a four -engine Trans -Can ada Air Line plane whil', h rile wa in flight, parts of it tear`lnl' like bullet into the 'fuselage, -2 Ipl9irl Mrs. Lippert, is the daughter of Mrs. Norman Peppier, of Hanover a former resident of Hensall. Sh is a niece of Mrs. James W. Bon- thron, cousin of -Harold Botithron, of Hensall, and a cousin of Mrs. Mac Greer, of London. She was on her way to spend a month's va- cation with her mother at, South- ampton. Her two sons, Robbie, 3, and Richard, 14 month, were' ad- mitted to hospital suffering shock The Hensall 4-H White Bean Club met on July 4 with 18 mem- bers present. The club looked at Jim Broadfoot's beans, and the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is August 1 in Hensall Town Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noe, Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Underwood and son, Clif- ford,' Mrs. John Davis and Mrs. Stella Ferguson, her daughter and two children, of Ingersoll, Were OF THE WE.EK1 N. McLeod. Refreshments were served on the lawn. ' S.S. 14, Stanley, Picnic Mrs. Allan Johnson, teacher of S.S. No. 14, Stanley, with her pupils and their parents, held a picnic in the Lions Park, Seaforth, last week. Following a sumptuous picnic supper, the following sports were enjoyed: Girls, six and under, Karen and Kathy Hendrick; girls, eight and under, Ann Clifton; boys, eight and under, Billy ,Farquhar; girls, 10 and under, Dianne Faber; boys, 10 and under, Jerry Johnson; girls, 12 and under, Gail Farquhar; boys 12 and under, Garry Jones; .girls i over 12, Eileen McLean; boys,ov- er 12, Ralph Triebner; three -leg -1 ged race, Donald Johnson and Peter Imanse; wheelbarrow race, Donald Johnson and Peter 'Im- anse; pie plate race, Donald John- son, Peter Imanse; ladies kick the slipper, Joan Triebner. A ball game brought the enjoyable eve- ning to a close. 1 The soldier had been out on a spree, and to finish with, he hired a taxi. Unfortunately, when the taxi came to a stop. he found that he hadn't a cent left and he ex- plained to the driver: "That's the position, old man, and you can get blood out of •a stone." "No," agreed the 6 -foot 4 -inch taxi driver, rolling , up his sleeves ominously, "but what makes you think you're a stone?" KIPPEN NEWS Mrs. Allen Parker and Mrs. Bessie Mahler, of Chatham,. visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Lov- ell a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Dyer Hurdon of Detroit, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Miss Louise Hyde is spending the summer months at Elim Lodge, Peterboro. Rev. Albert Workman, of Tillson- burg, is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. William Workman, ''also Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workan, Miss Vera Colbert, of Upper Canada College, Toronto, is spend- ing the summer months with Miss Etta Jarrott, The Misses Evelyn and Jean Hyde are spending July and Aug- ust in Halliburton County. Miss Etta Jarrott has sold her home on the London Road to Flight Lieutenant Thomas Reid, formerly an adjutant at Clinton Airport, He will take possession August 25, when the family will move in, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson included: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tovell, of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mero and Mr. Wm. Mero, of Zurich, and Mrs, A. Keys and Mr. John Keys, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson and Mrs. William Winder spent a day in Goderich last. week, Miss Pat Lovell spent the week- end in Clinton, the guest of Miss Carol Chiller. Mrs. James McClymont left Sunday to spend a holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, of London. We are pleased to report Mr. Dick McCabe, who recently had the misfortune to break his foot at the General Coach Co., of Hen- sall, is slowly improving. Miss Joyce Hood is holidaying this week with her friend, "Miss Berva Switzer, at Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stokes and Larry, of London, visited Sunday with Mrs. Stokes' father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of, Caro 'Mich,, were weekend guesfs of the latter's father, Mr, Robert Cooper. Mr. J. Pietrus and Miss L. Sask, of Toronto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. Miss Cheryl Little, of Hensall, is spending this week with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs: Emmerson Kyle visited friends in London on Sun- day. Bible School is being held this week at St. Andrew's United Church- and is well attended, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell spent the weekend in Chatham with Mrs. Lovell's parents, Mr. Bud McLeod, of Ottawa, vis- ited his parents, Rev. and Mrs, McLeod, over the weekend. A number from this district at- tended the water sports day in Goderich on Sunday. The W.MS. met on Wednesday afternoon for their annual Baby Band picnic at the home of Mrs. Emmerson Anderson, with Mrs, E. Jarrott as co -hostess. Mrs. J. McLellan presided and opened the Meeting with the singing of chil- dren's hymns. Mrs, H. Finkbeiner was in charge of the worship, .Mrs. E. Jarrott and',Mrs. N. McLeod's Sunday School class were appoint- ed to arrange flowers in the church for July. Mrs. John, Anderson and Mrs. Allen Johnson conducted sports on the lawn, which resulted as follows: Girls, four and under, Dianne McKay; boys, four and under, Kenneth Jones; girls, six and un- der, Gwenneth Hendrick; •boys, six and under, Carl Finkbeiner; boys, eight and under, Grant Jones; girls, 10 and under,. Gwen Jones; girls over 10, Margaret Jean° Broadfoot; pass the bail {relay',, Keen Mcll;ay's side;' *roe -pate;: C°l N race~man; EdchiDeits nldren'$ pia ande Grant Sones and ,Garry Ander iv shoe scramble' Mila Col�>�.r3 three-legged raeer.awen Jones and G. Hendrick; kick theslipper, Norma Chile tuan; 'Witt plate, Mts. v � cead guests at the man vv�Ui est: Rev. and Mrs C paniee and, nd enloYed a picnic supper at the n; Daniel's summer cottage g ode an rich, a Bobby and Jean Lammie, iiop- ar trali'a, . are spending this week d- holidaying with their aunt, Miss, Greta Laramie, f - Kathy, Jimmy and Christine Mc - n Cloy, of Toronto, are holidaying - with their grandparents, Mr. and. - Mrs. George Hess, at their Ruin- s s mer cottage at the Pinery. Miss Amy Laramie, of London, p,. spent the weekend with her sister, e Miss Greta Laramie. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan, and Janie Smith spent Sunday with relatives in kTeeswater. To Take Part in Broadcast Pupils of Miss Greta , Lammie from Hensall and district will pre- sent a program on the Kiddies' May Studio Party at CKNX Saturday hO morning. Those taking part are: /- i Elaine Keys, Keith Stephenson, r I Anne Mickle, Grace Clifton, Di- ' anne Faber, Patsy Schwalm, Doro- s , thy Parker, Sharon McBride, Mar- a , leen Dignan, Barbara Schwalm, g Charles Stephenson, Anne Stephen- son, Peggy Goddard, Sharon Mc - e, Bride and Bobby Mickle. 1 • -= It's • WILLIS SHOE STORE A/. ti Reception & Dance For Mr.' and Mrs.; John Tayioe (nee Dorothy Pincombe) y Hensall Town Hall Friday, July 13th DESJARDIIVE 'ORCHESTRA Everybody Welrz'enle ! Ladies please bring lunch. Seaforth Hockey Association HOME BINfiO Prize Money Growing ! Every card sold increases the jackpot. With today's number, 45 numbers have been called to date and a winner is expected next week. It Is Not Too Late To Purchase Bingo Cards Back numbers are published to bring you ups, -date. GET YOUR CARD 'NOW ! HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SUNDAES? If you haven't, you have a treat in store ! COME, BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO OUR 2FOR 1SALE (2 Sundaes for the price of one) Friday, Saturday, .July 13, 14 Topped with Delicious Hot Fudge, Butter- scotch, Strawberry, Pineapple or Fruit Salad. Try our Milk Shakes, Cold Drinks, and Hot Dogs ELLIOTT'S',DARI - DELiTE Tut ARISTOCRAT OF FROZEN DAIRY PRODUCTS No. 4 Highway BRUCEFIELD v Huron County's Finest Used Car 21--1955 PONTIAC SEDANS 1895 1955 PONTIAC POWER GLIDE 2095 SEDAN—Fully equipped .... „ _ 1955 CHEV. SEDAN 1955 ifCAE`Y. nipped ..._.. .. w...._ ac 1895 —TRUCKS — 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN ........„..._-,.,--,.,. w.._ 1 �'a7 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON gi'Agti with ,racks ....:.., s 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN .. 1095 1950 DODGE3-TON PANEL .........-....e—........250 1952 CHEV. CONVErcruitL' TOWER GLIDE—Fully equipirl l' 1480 1949 CHEff. 3/4 -TON PICKUP Market 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN p 'A fully equipped ate850.: , '---'1.-...... 1949 CHEV. LUXE SEDAN 808 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS ._. 495 300 n 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 050 1946 CRE'V. 1/2 -TON PIC$UJ _ 30 A written t vI r'antee fur RO days Olt all Lat. Other Models to Choose fo e Model Cars—Many TORS ON -�- 's NONE 224Cadait'lIb” Morinc6froi Setter U!:e Cars"i4 ; f r� .a, OPEN Il�ilt�` isnot,