The Huron Expositor, 1956-07-06, Page 4ed At New Low Cask Rates. OR SALE *Om0,4-0yor AND FOUND, ETC. Per Word: • t• Week • 1 Cent wok Y cept Srd. Week ' MinitntPa charge, each insertion25 Cents .!1) Eachfigare,,initial and abbreviation counts as one word. • garde of Thanks, In'Mentaiiana Notice. Wining Events -1 cent ler weed. Minimum. cents '-Per week. ..EMpsiries be directed to a Box No.,'cia The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. yitGe011 cents additional will be .cherged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. blarrirniea and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salea, Noticea to Creditors, Ete.—Rates on apsdicatical. Coming Events GODE,RICH PAVILION every Friday, 9 to 12, Teen-age Record Swing with John- ny )3rent of CKNX as M.C. Every Satur- day daneing to Bill Stuart • and his orch- estra. Special midnight dance August 6. 4616-4 "SHARE".THE-VITEALTH" BINGO — Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, July Ith, 9 p.m., $75.00 jackpot in 55 calls; $5.00 added each week until jackpot won; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admis- sion. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4616-1 For Rent FOR RENT—Store on Main Street with apartnaents. Box 564, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4616-1 FOR RENT—Heated 3 -room apartment: ground floor; furnished or unfurnished. Shared bath. PHONE 42. 4613-sf FOR RENT — Four -room unfurnished apartment, with bath and modern kit- chen. Apply to BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2. 4614-tf FOR RENT -7 -room house in Egmond- ville. Possession 1st of July. Apply AL - VIN 11. BEATON, 5067 Maplewood. De- troit 4, Mich. Tyler 7-8965. 4612-8 FOR RENT—Completely furnished four- bedroom lakefront cottage, south of Gode- rich plumbing, throughout. Situated pri- vately. Available July 8th to the 28th, and August 19th to the 31st. Apply to DONELDA ADAMS, Phone 754-W, Sea - forth. 4616-1 Prqperty For Sale FOR SALE-7-roorn house on Market , St... Priced very reasonably. Apply MRS. MARY WALSH. Phone 281, 4016x1 FOR SALE—Cottage on Centre Street, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply to ALEX McDONALD. Phone 660 r 14. 4616x1 Farms For Sale FOR SALE !Dairy Farm. complete and machinery. Immediate Apply: For Sale FOR. SALE -10 acres of baled alfalfa hay. Apply to KEN McLEAN, Phone LADY TO TRAIN to earn worthwhile 692 r 13, liensall. 4616-1 income. For appointment, write MRS. NARGANG, NINE YOUNG PIGS for sale. Apply to Box 561, Huron Expositor. HARRY NESBITT. Phone 835 r 15, Sea- 4615x8 forth. 4616-1 Wanted WANTED—Sma11 girl's biescle. in good condition. MRS. LEONARD STRONG - Phone 655 r 21, 4616xl. DO YOU NEED a baby sitter? - Reli- able girl to baby alt. KAREN BUTT. Phone 581-J, Seaforth- 4616.1 WANTED1 A juvenile or sidewalk bicycle. PHONE 934 or 540. SEAFORTH 4616x1 Help Wanted FOR SALE—Eight Pigs, Apply JOHN CALWILL. 2-3204, Clinton. HELP WANTED—Practical nurse for 7 weeks old. day duty, full or part time. RIVERSIDE Phone HU. REST HOME, Mitchell. Phone 69. 4616x1 4611x4 l FOR SALE—Asphalt and steel roofing forth store A:ply to Box 663, HURON EX - BORDEN BROWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 POSITOR. 4616-1 r 2, Seaforth. 4609-12 FOR SALE—Flowers, Shrubs, Fruits. (Free replacement guarantee.) Orders taken now for delivery next Spring, ERIC MILNER. Phone Seaforth 393. Capable girl with typing ability requir- 4616-tf ed part time for Seaforth office. Apply in own writing to Box 562, HURON EX - FOR SALE—Cement bricks, in stock at POSITOR. 4615 -no SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS; 535 per 1,000. PHONE 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 CLERK - TYPIST HELP WANTED FOR SALE—Drain tile. all sizes. Or- der now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- Girls for plastic moulding shop and DUCTS. Phone 740, Seaforth, 1 assembly plant. 4613-8 Apply to: ROSEDALE PLASTICS INTERNATIONAL LTD., Seaforth, Ont. ORDERS TAKEN for 2545. pails of Pitted red cherries at 4.95 each; delivery to be approximately July 12th to 18th CRICH'S BAKERY. Phone 34, Seaforth. 48151 FOR SALE—Dining room suite; quarter cut golden , oak; bow front buffet ; glass china cabinet; table and 6 chairs. Priced at 570. PHONE FEENSALL 678 r 23. 4616-1 4616-1 UPHOLSTERER Experienced Or youth to learn this trade. Pleasant FOR SALE—Plain cskes for strawberry working conditions, good wages, very shortcake, 30e each. Crich's White Clover steady ,entployinent, group insurance, etc. Bread, fresh daily; delicious with straw- Serry jam. CRICH'S BAKERY. Phone JAMES 34; we deliver. 4616x1 COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. 4615-2 FOR SALE—Massey-Harris 12 -disc fer- tilizer drill, 'horse-drawn, nearly, new; al - an Ebersol grain thrower, Apply to CRVAL GREER, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone BE YOUR OWN BOSS! 655 r 24. 4616x2 FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months No time clock, independence! Make at to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. least 575. weekly. If you have selling Best investment to protect good .udders. ability and a small capital write today. Contact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 593, Openings in Seaforth and surroundings: Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days. 4600x16 IF YOU are interested in setting out a new patch of Raspberries this fall or next spring, contact the Meadowbrooke Nursery, with livestock ' Box 357, Trenton, Ont., for new heavy Possession. bearing varieties; full planting instruc- tions and care cultural management sup- plied. All replies must be in by July 23r4. 4616-1 JOSEPH GRUMMETT, 2 mile west of Seaforth on No. 8 Highway. 4616-1 rirry-ACRE FARM FOR SALE—South half Lot 6, Concession 6, McKillop Town- ship; 4 miles from Village of Dublin; 1/. mile from Separate School. Modern farm home, good buildings. hydro throughout. All modern conoeniences, including pres- sure system, bathroom, built-in cupboards, etc. 78911 ell with nr without imple- ments and ciao. Possession September 1. Apply to MRS. WILLIAM MALONEY, R.R. 1, Dublin, Ont 4616x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up until July 14th at 12 o'clock noon, for the in- stallation o? pressure system and flush toilets and lavatory basin, at S.S No 1, Stanley, Contact Mr. George Cameron, Brucefield Ont., for plans and specifica- tions. T. B. BAIRD, Sec.-Treas., Brucefield, Ont. 4616-2 TENDERS WANTED For transportation of pupils in Town- ship Area No, 1, Hibbert. Ditties to com- mence September 4. 1956. Tenders to be presented on or before July 14. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to: IVAN McDOUGALL, Sec.-Treas., Mitchell, R.R. 3. 4615-2 Notices,' MASONARY, Cement, Chimneys repair- ed and built. B. CHRISTENSON, Con- tractor, Seaforth. 4614-6 RADIO REPAIRS — For all kinds of radios, -at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, opposite Dick House, Seaforth: Phone 847-11. 46164f GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 52 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 38. Sea - forth. 461646 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sess forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 898. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 46164f NOTICE—David Kreller is the newly appointed Rawleigh Good Health Dealer for Seaforth, and is here now for good service. Please co-operate when he calls at your home. Thank you. , 4816x1 4 ATI'ENTION, FARMERS -- Prompt, coritteous collection 06, all dead and &gabled farm aninials and bides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Aseociated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 46164f SANITARY SEWAGE HIPOSA.L—Sep. de tanks, cesspools, ec pumped and cleaned with Galante modern ettitlinnent. MI work guaranteed. Estimates, given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, .R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6 Brtfasebt 4610x12 1lEistSALL SALES Every, ,xlit..440 atkr'2 piii., Mill St, Hen., OM Bring; your IlyMibele..A1Vitres tidod Market Mice:, HARRY SMITH, Phone 18/, vter6n; HARGREAPES., HU. OflfitdiS/ 460842 WATERLOC) eiej iietta "A4 "Argit8litt,5' 0s5*Udit. zuval itt SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS—The mod- ern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and col- ors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth concrete flagstones are manbfactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them water- proof and stronger than other makes, They are guaranteed for 5 years, Made , only by SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone 740, Seaforth. , • 4613-8 Poultry ASK US FOR BRAY Complete List Chicks Available For prompt shipment they have pullets, dayold and started, including Leghorns and Ames. 'Mixed chicks, broilers—let's have your order in advance. Full infor- mation. agent— MRS. ALEX PATERSON, Brucefield Phones: Clinton HU -2932, Seaforth 659-28 STARTED TURKEY POULTS Broad Breasted Bronze non -sexed, one week old, 80c; two weeks old 82c ; three week old 87c. Toms, one week old 70c, two week old 72c, three week old 77c. Mao day old turkey poults and day old 'chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries LIMITED, FERGUS ONTARIO 4616-2 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED—Cash paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses or coVra. PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 91.00. Hall - Oreder Dept. T - 78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects for John Walsh, on Goderich Street East, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, JULY 7th, at 1:00 pen., the following: One 3 -piece chesterfield suite, new; modern II -piece dining suite; modern 3 -piece bedroom suite; kitchen table and 4 matching chairs; heavy duty McClary electric stove; 9 cubic foot McClary re- frigerator; Beatty washing machine; studio couch; 8 chairs; 2 dressers; large wardrobe with mirror doors; tables; lawn mower; 76 feet garden hose; electric Lux; new floor coverings; drapea; 'four venetian blinds; dishes; tools, and nuns - mous other articles. Everything without reserve as property is sold. Terms—Cash. JOHN WALSH. Proprietor; Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer. 4616-1 Notices To Creditors _ NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Hannah Maria Craig, late of the Village of Hensall, in the Cdnnty of -Buren. Spinster, Ds. ceased. All Petioles having claims against the rotate of tire Mame deceased ara requited to (fie the same with the undersignd Sollci- tir fon the said Egtate, ,on or before the 20th day of Jib', A.D. 1956, after which date!the vegeta will be distributed amongst the 14,111mq:entitled thereto, having regard) only, to theeliding of *Isiah' notice elm)] "here' been given. UAT'ED at Clinton, this 26th day tit 1056. rs. a a' MENEM% Salleighrtit?ilitairditEetate. ,1..0 FAMILEX. Dept. 1, Station 0, MONTREAL 4616-1 Two Experienced SALESMEN Investigate this tremendous opportun- ity with Canada's Number Ons Member- ship Plan for Farmers and their families. • $20.00 Family Membership gives many Personal Benefits such as Legal Assistance, Theft Reward, Ambu- lance, Funeral Benefit and insures. each member of the family for injuries and accidental death, Sight, Dismemberment, etc., for up to $10 000.00 each for Farm and Travel Accidents. Highest Commissions' CM new and re- peat renewals. All leads supplied sales- men with direct mail advertising. Car essential. Enclose recent photo. For personal interview apply stating all Particulars to TRANS -CANADA • SERVICES Box 1115 London, Canada 4616-1 OPPORTUNITY FULL or PART TIME Canadian Corporation HAS EXCEPTIONAL OPENING FOR RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN in this area. WORK CONSISTS OF ,DELIVERY AND REPLENISHING STOOKS OF THE World's Leading Cosmetic Line IN EXISTING RETAIL STORE AC- COUNTS. • Absolutely No Selling Or Soliciting A5 ALL SELLING IS HANDLED HY OUR HEAD OFFICE STAFF., AGE, EDUCATION or PAST EXPERI- ENCE is not important aa full training is provided. Can be handled in 3 to 5 hours a week without interfering with present employment. (Full time, If desired), With up to $100.00 a Week to Start. • Enquiries are invited from persons able to post 51098.00 cath for bonded products covered by a re -purchase agreement and backed by a Multi-million dollar advertis- ing programme. • Persons available immediately, that have the necessary capital and desire a steady dependable incotne, should send Name, Ad- dress and Telephone Number for details to: PERSONNEL MANAGER NAIVIERCO (CANADA) LIMPED 892 BAY STREET TORONTO 1, ONTARIO 46164 Cards of Thanka. WE WISH .to thank thafrienile and „neighbors and. alto liltApletton: for the ',roans, acts, of kindness rendered during Eleanor MnIcabied *lliiteaa 1tdbereit MR. AND: MRS. "PEEUtl#' UAW 46161 s BLAKE. Visitors over the holidaY were Mr, and Mrs. joules Burdge and Mary Ellen, of Cobourg, aml, Mr. and !lifts. C. Meyer and Ronnie; of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Man- son and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Rowe and family;,.Mr. and Mrs. Will Manson., all with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger and fam- ily. Misses Emma Oesch and cousin, Dianne Faber, of Kippen, are boll - flaying with their . grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Oesch. qt: e 404 sYetit 10144Klirfte ,y4tki wife ainlian.4., Ms a Ain& t414., Toronto, where An, summer course in teaChlug, will teach .at a rural school at Thorndale thisfall. '1‘ Trees were aPreilted and ROW Of hay levelled during the severe electrical wind, rain and; bail storm that. PaSSett over4be area Sunday evening. Many towns were blacked out and considerable dam- age caused. - Cars Crash, During Stor A two -car crash on 83 iitghway, four miles west of Exeter Sibulay evening at -the height of a severe electrical and wind storm, caused damages estimated at $300. Cars involved were driven by Harold Willert, R,R. 2, Hensall, and An- drew Snelgrove, Exeter. The ac- cident was investigated by C. John Forde, of Exeter. MRS. ANDREW BUCHANAN, oldest Hensall resident, who passed away at her•home Saturday morning in her 99th year. She was a, native of Hay Township. SENATE CAME -INTO ITS OWN (By TEMPUS, in Montreal "Financial Times") What a nasty experience the pipe line was. All honor to the Senate that put the thing through in one day after the Commons had made a beer garden out of a leg- islature for three weeks. ,Each side blamed the other for defying democracy. For my mon- ey, the Liberals invoked closure, but the Conservatives wrought plain obstruction. The debate produced strange bed fellows when the Tories bundled with the Socialists. This may well boomerang unless they see a glimmer of hope by coalescing with the C.C.F. Maybe M. J. Cold - well would be glad to take the Tor- ies in, at that. It would not be the first time the Conservatives had been taken in by somebody else. The Conservatives talk of re- forming the Senate. After the Commons performance, it seems they are the ones to be reformed. The Senate can -travel on its laur- els for years on their calm and dignified conduct. If you want to get things done on Parliament Hill, send the Commons home for a year but keep the Senate here, on a 52 weeks a year shift. Never has the second chamber and the traditional second look been so useful to Canada as it has been this week. Premier Drew, sensing he has little hope in 'a national general election, hopes to force an elec- tion now and maybe produce a miracle. My guess is that every day he obstructs the estimates, the Tories will lose votes. • Meanwhile the Liberals are lick- ing their wounds, analyzing their mistakles, and crying, "Never again!" I can remember few cases in re- cent years where the Conservatives won the battle of headlines, and In Memoriam MELADY—In loving metnory of a dear husband and brother, Joseph Francis Melody, who passed away one year ago. July 4, 1955. We little knew when we woke that morn The !sorrow the day would bring; For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Sometimes it's hard to understand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom. Gefi has planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose him, No one will ever know. —Ever remembered by his wife Marie, Brothers and Sisters. 4618-1 r Births ARMSTRONG—At Scott Memorial Hospis tal, on June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Armstrong, R.R. 2, Walton, a daughter. DUCHARME—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, cm June 23, to Mr, and Alm. Urban Ducharnte, R.R. 1, Hensall, twinis, son, and daughter—Darwin and Darlene. ' HENNIGAR—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 1, to 11,1r. and Mrs. Ross Heimigar, Seaforth, daughter. KRAUSKOPF—At Scott Memorial Hoot, tal, My 1, tO Mr. and Mr, John Krauskopf, Dublin, a daughter. ideCLURE-,-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .Juiie 30, to Mr. and MM. Nelaon Mc- Clure, RIO. 2, Seatoith, non. WAI.S11--At Scottlitiemoriall HotiDital, On /tilt tO Mr. and Mrs. 4oint Walsh, Dublin, it daughter: Deaths , ,utiLoAn-r—b, opxorth; 4.11 Pt-taity, „Tune 1 Vv1Por PfillpOY he Obtli 4tar where, in my opinion, they were led down the garden path. Before it was over, most of the journalists were bleeding for the poor Opposition minority, and all but booing in type, the perform- ance of the Liberal majority. The newspapermen hereabouts put the Tory -Socialist junta on a white horse, and depicted the Liberals as a Nazi -minded bunch of politi- cal thugs. For my money, it was the opposite. Hon. C. D. Howe actually lost the battle of the headlines and edged close to disaster by failure to re- alize what a desperate. Opposition could—and did—do. First, the Conservatives tried to make out that a majority was a bad word, an evil thing. Yet the fundamental of democracy is that the majority shall rule. Of course it is true that, when a river flows, nobody mentions it. But if a river stops flowing, ob- viously that is news. Only, some- how this got metamorphosed into kind of David and Goliath se- quence, with the Liberals, being the big bad Goliaths, and the Tory- C.C.F. combine being -gallant little Davids. To, me it does not make sense that the majority should necessar- ily be wrong, and the minority should be equally right. If you went that criterion, then the French minority would run Can- ada, this would be a French.speak- ing country, and Canada would be run by Qnebec City. Naturally it is nonsense to suggest this and it is equally nonsense to imply the majority was wrong. Where the Liberals did make the mistake was in not permitting the Opposition to filibuster, and is not giving them a full chance to say all they wanted. Then and only 'then should the Lib&als have in- voked closure. * * * However, the Conservatives had one superb achievement to their credit. They convinced the usually hard-boiled press that they were right. What is more, it has been as Much as a inan's reputation is worth to say you felt the Libirals ere right. A few brave veterans iike the courageous Alex Mimeo of the Ottawa Citizen, stuck tcY the St. Laurent regime, but most of .them deserted the ship. The able Messrs. Fulton and Knovvies took the boys down the garden path, and last time I look- ed, they were still there. * * * sonie here thought that Don Pleining, the gadfly from Eglinton, was a bit unfair when be accused Hon. C. D. Howe of being Ameri- caii"born. It is true he was Ameri- can; having been born in Massa- chusetts, But then what has Don Illeinbig got to say, about bis on deputy speaker, the American-britin. Hon; Earl Rowe. The Tories' star, stump speaker first saw the light of day in Hull, Iowa, on MO 13, 1894. HOW dome it's bad for Howe to, be born in the -States, but OZ. for Bari Rowe to have bad such a start? .- Is ,TOrsfr better for being born a ViinitAthile a 'Grit is Worse tor. beinOliniti. a tank? asketInhe �b er'-liere. While ori,thitlheitie it bane a Stigina to haVe been "". An At tatesi a 6 les the C. .:deptitty SkidefP0Av 0, 46,'130111 UtAos ' go160; , • , , •"'" • •"'' •;‘). , J417.0„ rna-V14461%741:1)..e•P:A §f4PRAIIii-Punue 91eCXeery are sP01:04Pg tlIOW110141,5's with their sister and brother -1a* Nr,'and. M. Re4.,:''RXmliMair, Sari*. 'Mr,' Mid Mrs. Shertliouse anti, faluPY, at. Cath., ar_ines,-have rented the dwelling beside M. C. Redden, and are, getting settle& Mr's- Shertileilao is a daughter of Vernon Redden, Mr. and Mrs. George Redden and Laura Lee, Lloyd HOOP, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Kay and Steve, OrvMe Redden, Mr. and kfrs. Russell Redden, Kev- in and Kareu, all of St. Catharines; and Mr. and 'Mrs, Harold Hedden and Jimmy, of Dresden; spent the weekend holiday with Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden and Herb. Bingo Whiners - Bingo winners at the Legion bin- go last Saturday were: Mrs. A. Simmons, Mrs. Wes Venner (5), Mrs. Wilkinson, David Smale, Mrs. Bob Baker, Mrs. -William R. Bell (4), Mrs. A. Baker Jr; free bingo, Mrs. William. Bell, Mrs. A. Clark. The jackpot thii Saturday will be $75 in 55 calls. Kra, Redden, fpes BatWome!i' In t*' "U0100 :A0401004 •)3 4.51 404 "Ineettlig - be.held: Illt Friday, 1, at' the home 4. lierrY Caidtvell. • Co;bostess Will be - Mrs. -Wleetee WOrlrinae; Roll call will be, "Ciire. fOr the blues," and the motto„ "Good health and good sense are: two of life's gre,atest .blessings,-".• Wilt be, tajd by,3/tia. 3101,e.od.".-::Tbe speaker be Mrs: Earl. Mills,. Of Walton, •with, current events by Mrs, Eldon Jarrott; music, Mrs. Ross ,Breadloot and Mrs, Bruce McGregor; poem, Mrs. Rena Cald- well; contest, Mrs. Verne Alder - dice. Menibers are asked to bring their old Christmas cards to this meeting. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Mrs. Morley Cooper, Mrs.• W. Mellis, Mrs. Rena Caldwell and Mrs. Rus- sell Brock. - Manufacturing in Alberta goes back_to establishment of a wollen -mill near Calgary in 1883. More men hunt ducks and geese in Canada than any other kind of game. Sell that tzutepeasary piece furniture thro 'ugh a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 41. THE Huron Expositor SEAPORT% ONT. •OPEN OUSE The public is cordially invited to visit our new enlarged plant and see how GENERAL MOBILE HOMES are manufactured. We are holding Open House on SATURDAY/ JULY ith from 3 to Svp.m.* GENERAL COACH WORKS of CANADA LIMITED HENSALL • • ONTARIO Huron County's Finest Used Car Market • 1955 PONTIAC POWER 4IL1DE SEDAN—Fully equipped 20'95 1955 CHM!. SEDAN fully equiptied 1955 CREV. equirmed 1952 CHEV. DErilDIE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. 1/2-10N PICORP.,_ 1952 cozy, CONVERTIBLE POWER ' A GLIDE--M#Y equippo 1495 1952 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TO 8 with raeka ... 6 ..... .6•4664.66•614.. A6e• r • 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN forty equipped 850 1925695 1949 CHEV. DE LUXE ... .• 1895 1095 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS — TRUCKS . •-• 485 rtainkicaYrrt SEDAN 1950 DODGE1/2-TON PANEL littritten Giaranteo Mr 60 drown wa all Late Model cars.ifitity 66.004A Clawilie Ikon" , • , • :)',"*..), • lafi • ,••' ' • " , 4 A t • /