The Huron Expositor, 1956-06-22, Page 4,gAST grafi ii .c Stied Ads Inserted•'At NW Low Cash Rates )*':SALE, WANTED, -LOST AND WOUND, ETC. - Per Word: ;'.s. 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week Cegt 3rd Week ivy Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Csk4d of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. fquiries maybe directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Videos Genii] additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion:; Births, Marriagee and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events . GARDEN WARTY and Dance on, grounds of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, Wednesday evening. June 27, 1956. Norris orchestra. 4613-2 "SHARE - THE - WEALTH" BINGO - Legion Hall, Hensen, Saturday, June 23, 9 p.m., $65.00 jackpot in 53 calls; 55,00 added each week until jackpot wort; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admis- sion. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4614-1 For Rent FOR RENT -Four -room heated self-con- tained apartment, with bath. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth. 4613-2 FOR RENT -Heated 3 -room apartment; ground floor; furnished or unfurnished. Shared bath. PHONE 42. 4613-tf FOR RENT - Four -room unfurnished apartment, with bath and modern kit- chen. Apply to BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, 4614-tf FOR RENT -Well furnished apartment in Seaforth; heated; three-piece bath; one bedroom; large lawn. Box 557, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4612xnc HOUSE FOR RENT -Four -room house on Market St., Seaforth; furnished or un- furnished. Immediate possession. Apply CARL KNIGHT, '236 Tolton Ave., Hamil- ton, Ont. 4614x2 FOR RENT -7 -room house in Egmond- ville. Possession -1st of July. Apply AL- Sealed tenders mill be received for con - VIN H. I3EATON, 5067 Maplewood, De struetion of Agricultural Building at High troll 4, Mich. Tyler 7-8965.. School up to' noon, June 29th, E.D.T., by 4612-6 M. A. Reid, Secretary! Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to June 26th for painting the outside trim of Seaforth Public School, white paint to be used, the product of some well-known and reliable paint manu- facturer : same to be a brush lob. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. W. T. TEALL, Chairman Property Committee. 4614-1 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders for painting the exterior of S. S. No. 6, Hibbert, will be accepted by., the undersigned nntiI July 1, 1956. Work to be completed during summer vacation. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. JESSIE McCULLOCH, Secretary -Treasurer, Cromarty, Ontario. 4613-2 TENDERS WANTED SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TENDERS FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING APARTMENT TO. RENT - Five -room plans specifications may be seen heated apartment, with small sunrooin, at Plans andf Secretary. three-piece bath. Apply ROY LAWSON, a Goderich St. West, Seaforth. The lowest or any tender not necessarily 4614-1 accepted. Help Wanted HELP WANTED -Practical nurse for day duty, full or part time. RIVERSIDE REST HOME, Mitchell. Phone 69. 4611x4 WE REQUIRE A young lady or young man for office work. Must have a good knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. Apply in writing or person to GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS LTD., Hensall, Ontario. 4614-2 GET YOUR SHARE! -Sen wide range of householdnecessities in your surroundings. Wherever you may live, writein for details. Dept. .C. FAMILEX, Station C., MONTREAL. 4614-1 Applications Wanted Applications will be received from boys and girls interested in serving on M. A, REID, Secretary, For Sale FOR SALE -Part Hereford calf. W. D. WILSON. Phone 658 a 33. Seaforth- 4614x1 PIGS FOR SALE -12 chunks, Apply to JACK RIVERS, North Main Street. 4614x1 COW FOR SALE -Holstein cow. TED VAN DYKE, Mill Road. 4614x1 FOR SALE -Man's C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition. PHONE 669 r 4, Sea - forth. 4614x1 FOR 114.LE-11 York pigs 11 weeks old. Apply to J. E. McLEAN. Phone 665 r 21, Seaforth. 4614-1 FOR SALE -.Boy's bicycle, 28 -inch rim; completely reconditioned. Reasonably priced. PHONE 1184. 4614x1 FOR SALE -Asphalt and steel roofing for immediate delivery. For prices, phone BORDEN BROWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth, 4609-12 FOR SALE -General Electric refrigera- tor : Mason & Risch piano. W. E. MIL - ROY, Phone 666 r 12, Seaforth, 4614x1 FOR SALE -Used articles we have for sale are: Washer; eleetric mower; hand mowers; rangette; oil stove- CROWN HARDWARE. 4614-1 FOR SALE -McCormick -Deering drop - head hay loader. Apply FRANK MUR- RAY, R.R. 2, Walton, Telephone Dublin 45 r 6. 4614-1 FOR SALE -Flowers, Shrubs, Fruits. (Freereplacement guarantee.) Orders taken now for delivery next Spring. ERIC MILNER. Phone Seaforth 893. 4611-tf FOR SALE -Cement bricks, in stock at SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS; $35 per 1,000. PHONE 740, Seaforth. 4618-8 FOR SALE -Drain tile, all sizes. Or- der now, SEAFORTH CONCRETE • PRO- DUCTS. Phone 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 FOR SALE -One medium size tricycle, suitable for .child 4 to 6 years; in good condition. Reasonable. MRS. FRANK $MALE, Wilson St. 4614x1 FOR SALE -TV set, 21 -inch; child's crib' with mattress; kitchen table and chairs. 22 QUEBEC ROAD, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, or phone Hunter 2-7485, Clinton. 4614x1 FOR SALE -Late cabbage plants, Snap- dragon, Petunias, ,Tuberous Begonias, Canners and other floer plants. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE. Seaforth. 4614x1 4614-2' FOR SALE -1 purebred Scotch Short- horn bull. 15 months old, dark red in TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by Grey Twp, School Board for painting inside and out of S.S. No. 4 and S.S. No, 10, until June 26, 1956. Tenders will be received by Grey Twp, School Board for installation of a fur- nace at S.S. No. 6, until June 26, 1956. Tenders will be received, until June 26th. for the route at S.S. No. 2, by the Grey Twp, School Board. J. CARL HEMINGWAY, Sec.-Treas., Brussels,Ontario. 4613-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1941 Dodge car, four -door, in good condition. Apply DOUG WHYTE. Phone 596-W. 4614-1 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED -Cash paid for lead, old, sick, or disabled horses or cows, PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 the Life Guard Staff at the new Seaforth Lions Poet' Personals Applicants should indicate age and HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 81.00. Mail - Oreder Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 4614-2 4607-tf swimming and life-saving training. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB PARK COMMITTEE Notices MASONARY, Cement, Chimneys repair- ed and built. B. CHRISTENSON, Con- tractor, Seaforth. 4614-6 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE RADIO REPAIRS - For all kinds of Of Dairy Cows and Heifers, at Lot No. radios, at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, i 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, one opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone mile south of Porter's Hill, on TUESDAY, 347-R, 4611-tf ' JUNE 26th, at 8 p.m., the following: 80 young cows and heifers; 8 recently fresh- ened; 12 springers, balance milking and bred again ; young Holstein bull; 5 young calves. These cattle are of good quality and condition and mostly vaccinated ; 40 Susses and Rhode Island pullets (tarying). Terms"=Cash. A. E. TOWNSHENID•-'.& SON, Proprietors; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. s 4614-1 GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 52 per foot. on -contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 38, Sea - forth. 4611-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- fort3 ,and district and Dry Cleaning Ser. vice. '' Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria ,Ltd-, Exeter. 4611-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS -- Prompt, courteous. 'collection of all dead and disabled farm animalsand hides. Call collect, ED: ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Lt. 4611-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment, An work guaranteed. Esthnatee given. without obligation. LOUIS BLASE, B.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. 4610x12 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., 1VIi11 St, Hen- sen: Bring your livestock. Always a good mafket price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Hensall; VICTOR :HARGREAVES, HU. 2-7511, Clinton. 4608-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Rolls Are Ured" b'for artificial " indeniinatlon information oi' ,deitrice front, all breeds of cattle, Phone the' Wetetloo Cattle Breeding Association at ` C N:. -m3. 2-0441, between 7:00 e nd 9;80 Ceti We have all breeds avail- . able --•tap 'fidelity at low cost. • 4611.t1 NOTICE Tawnsllip of Tuckersniith qY ie 'i'oivnsiir of"luctterienitb Mun£cl- 1„ n9air itis`C4rottndti, ..9ltuated -one-half t of otrdvllle Cetr;,:$� gang., 9 brill';lio iYpbik ',ti, ateperre ef, eday die Neditai 'r ' b hdilr s a � � ii 7 ) prd AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the Village of Hensall, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, at 1:30 o'clock: Three-piece chesterfield suite; 3 bedroom suites; dining room suite; day bed ; annex ; 2 -burner heavy duty electric stove: Beatty washer; bookcase; office kneehole desk; kitchen table and 4 chairs; metal verandah swing; end tables; porce- lain table; hall tree; floor lamps; table lamps; rugs; mats; dishes; kitchen uten- sils ; sealers; garden tools, and numerous other articles, CECIL VAN HORNE, Proprietor ; P. L. McNaughton, Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4628-2 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, in the Town of Seaforth, on John Street, SATURDAY, June 23rd, at 1 p.m. : Library table; 1 small table; dressers; washstands; 2 wicker chairs; fernery; fern stand; rock- ing chairs; clothes horse; bird cage; tray chairs; baby bath tub; 2 iron beds; 2 spring -filled mattresses; felt mattress; 2 sets springs; oval table; 2 cupboards; kitchen cabinet; steel ice box; Raymond, sewing machine; kitchen stool; six kitchen chairs; Coffield weahing machine; copper boiler; assortment of tools; cross- cut saw; buck saw; butchering tools; oil lamps; china; kitchen utensils; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash. MRS, 301314 OURRtE, Proprie. tress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4613-1 CLEARING - AUCTION SALE Of 27 high class Shorthorn tattle will be sold by public nuction en Lot 8, Con. 10, Hibbert Township, 2 miles east of Cromarty, on TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1956,. dorirmencin'g at 1:30, the following: Five cows "with beifee calved., at ,foot 2', COWS ,.04f) 1lu11. :Salvos tit, f t'g• 2; eot>�s, bred c "cows t$ft Ing, $ ;;bele, -2 ytai+0 All 8. heifefs, ,," eitrlrngef' beg; dells lttiS tdn Skip per .chino tell 8 Peat'it ,8rla a real., etod bud l ,i bull 17 Menthe olid all' belied! ,f6ur years old ens UlfdcsF' oro frarn Ord imported site: ' All de'l'l, tested 158t week •A mod place to b ti Ehofthorn .oto»k, Tho a5d 5 40t the Ueed It the (Fell-krfd ttu sesta. biYedddr J- r� iledf 3ti1a 5'545 as the' (a�via ' u� ddld T`er�ar�--dlKbif,� �2S48EIl.T Inilr•oa<r an hlrn i1i112It1TON,- dh� b ' S� iii 'dta bl4r t I:: color and sired by Lauada Embassy. Ap- ply JOHN F. BHytL, RE, 2, Seaforth. Telephone 847 ring 4614x1 FOR SALE ne McCormick -Deering side rake, eight years old, in good condi- tion ; 1 16 -foot hay ,rack with sliding car. RAY MURRAY. Telephone 64 r 13, Dub- lin. 4614x1 FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to for a genuine ,Surge Milker Unit. Best investment to protect good udders. Contact LOVELL McGUIRE. Phone 693, Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days. 4600x16 SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS-Tiie'mod- ern manner is to , nave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and col- ors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth concrete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them water- proof and stronger than other makes. They are guaranteed for 5 years. Made only by SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS. Call for free estimates. Phone 740, Seaforth. 4613-8 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Elizabeth Margaret Scott. Late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, De- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 26th day of June, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1956. E. B. MENZIES. Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor. for the said Estate. 4612-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF JOSEPH CARLIN All persons having claims againstthe Estate of Joseph Carlin, late of the Town- ship of. McKillop, in the Counts+ of Hur- on, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of June, 1956, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re. ceived. DATED at Seaforth, Ont„ this 11th day of June, 1956. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate, 4618-8 Cards of Thanks I WISH to express my sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives fol' cards, flowers and gifts while a .patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 4614 71 MRS. AUSTIN MATHESON I WISE TO THANK all, those who visit- ed 'lie while a patient in the hospital; also the nurses • end staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and Dr. Ji A. Gorwin. Every- thing was deeply appreciated, 4614x1 ' _ FRANK KING I WISH to express my sincere thanks to the many friends for the flowers, gifts. and cards which I received while in Scott Memorial Hospital, and to the nurses and staff, the doctors, at the Clinic, also Rev. Mr. Pitt. 4614-1 GEORGE JOHNSTON WE WISH TO, THANK all those who contributed so generously in our rebuild- ing fend, as a result of the recent tornado. Special thanks to all those whose. work made this possible, MR. and 51R8. JACK LANE 4614x1 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. William G. Sienion wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the dotal tri- butes, cards and kindness shown in any way during their bereavement. Special. thanks to Rev. E. J. Tischer, the Choir "and the Ladies'. Aid. Everything was deeply 'appreciated. 4614-1 05Y7 SINOERE TtW9lt `lo AO • tett-. tieea, frierids And neighbors for ptyii'Lietliy shown in our recent midden bereavemefit, also td all thog '6vho Sbiit epitltdal Utes and flowers' ..Special thahkt ta"R6v- 9 •;Et •Baynard and k ev E E. Netenbani, Drs llrady and llelilietel', bl edfni a lldfe arld 141re. Iienald Skirlrteir, the Whitrre? ntnbulan'ee a d si5rvldb, lied . tliern6 wItn acted us pal ardrs L Lit14,0Anntitts icor 4#0,11i4140.1:711‘ Property FOr ;Sale- - FOR' SALE-.Eiglfst-room frame 'house on Goderia St, West; to be removed'-'Yronr premises. Priced low. DAI,Y' 34Q'1'QRS. Phones 102 or 266,' Seaforth, • 4614-1 FOR SALE -1 story asphalt roof frame 7 -room house ; brick garage, ,,barn and one -hail acre of land. Situated in the Armitage Survey, EgmondsilIe. Ap. ply ROY RAU. 461141 • For Sale or Rent • FOR SALE OR RENT -House has eight roomswith basement: electric lights and water; also a garden and garage, Im- mediate possession. MRS. JAMES BAR- RON, Telephone 195-2, Seaforth, 4614x2 Births DALTON -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 16, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dalton, Walton, a daughter, FLYNN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 14, to Mr.. and Mrs. Wm, Flynn, Constance, a daughter. JOHNSON -In Welland General Hospital, on Tune 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson, R.R. 2, Welland, a son. MILLER -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller, Staffs, a son, WALKER -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 15, to Mr. and Mrs, Carl Walker, Cromarty, a daughter. Mr: ai►s, iX ,R;Me'Rl tended t e ' iQw.=,i'oh 3$tls r unl4�, at-Seaforth 'Lice 'P. ark Satur�4 Mr: McEwen was lucky ilp winning a priZ0 0 . -„ Uensall bowlers . are einaoying bowling on Mondays, --Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays of each week on the bowling gfeen. Mr.. and .Mrs `.I, Stei!ie,:Mrs . E. Brigham 'and •Mr. AuStill Bail; all of Hanover,- were Sunday guests with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. d°' Mr. John C. Doig, of the F,B,L,, Grand Rapids, Mich., son or Mrs. Lydia Doig, of Kippen, will leave 'June 30 by' air for a month's long tour of the British Isles. Hold Decoration Service A smallattendance saw decora _, tion day service's. observed on Sun- day afternoon undet' the auspices of the 3iensall Legion and I.O.O,F. with a short service at the ceno- taph, 'Rev. C. D. Daniel, Legion chaplain, delivered an appropriate message at Hensall Union Ceme; tery, and Percy Campbell read the charge to the --Oddfellows.. Fred Beer, Dr. D. J. McKelvie and W. O. Goodwin sounded Last Post and Reveille. Flags were ^placed the night before the services at both, Hensall Union and McTaggart's cemeteries, and at the cenotaph by P. L. McNaughton and Wilbur Parker. Jack Simmons placed a flag at the cenotaph at the service on Sunday. Sydney MacArthur was parade marshall. Plan Congregational Supper , The Ladies' Aid of Carmel DISTRICT , CAMPBELL - TOMLINSON DUBLIN -Rev, Father P. J. Cos- tello officiated at the double -ring ceremony at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, London, adorned with peonies and ferns, when 'mar- riage vows were exchanged by Anne Marie Tomlinson, formerly of Dublin, and Harry Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, London. Mrs. Dorothy Wright pre- sided at the organ, and Miss Rose Marie Dueharme, Miss Joan Ev- ans and Miss Norma Barnswell, St. Thomas, sang the wedding mass, with Miss Barnswell as solo- ist. Given in marriage by her great- uncle, Mr. Michael Nagle, Dublin, the ride wore a ballerina -length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over taffeta fashioned with rows • of tulle and lace and a front panel of tulle. The formal lace bodice was topped with a short lace jacket featuring lily -point sleeves and a small lace collar. A lace and pleated nylon tulle .head- dress, trimmed with seed pearls, held her shoulder -length veil of tulle illusion, and she carried a car- cade of red roses with lily -of -the - valley. Miss Helen Horan, Brantford, maid of honor, wore a waltz length gown of deep blue taffeta with white lace overskirt, also a white straw picture hat, and carried a nosegay of lily -of -the -valley, Miss Sally Jeffrey and Miss Joan Campbell, sister ofthe bridegroom, as bridesmaids, wore identical waltz -length gowns of shepherd's check taffeta with white lace over- skirts, white picture hats, and car- ried lily -of -the -valley nosegay. Mr. Cecil Denommy was grooms- man, and the ushers were Mr. John Jones and Mr. James Bears. Receiving the guests, Mrs. Mich- ael Nagle. Dublin. aunt of the bride, wore a dress of Dior blue silk, pink and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom's mother chose a dress of Riviera blue crystalette with white accessories and cor- sage of red roses. For travelling. the bride donned a turquoise taffeta dress with Too Late To Classify FOR SALE -A number of used refrig- erators. Excellent buys. BOX FURNI- TURE. 4614-1 FOR SALE -Large tomato plants; spe- cial price, one cent each, NORMAN LONG. Phone Hensall 694 r 15. 4614-1 Deaths GIV'LIN-At London, on Monday, June 18, Mary Veroniea Givlin, formerly of Me- Killop, in her 72nd year. GRUMME'LT-In SVIcKillop Township, on Monday, June 18, John J. Grummett, in his 26th year. WEDDINGS matching duster coat, white ac- cessories and corsage, of-. whit, gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will reside in London HULLEY - WALKER CROMARTY., - At Cromarty' Presbyterian Church on Saturday at 4 o'clock, wedding 'vows were exchanged by Margaret Jane Walker and Robert Earl Hulley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Cromarty, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Hulley, Walton. The Rev. Sam Kerr officiated and Mrs. Ken McKellar presided at the organ. Mrs. R. D. Sadler, soloist, sang "The Lord's My Shepherd" and "I'll Walk Beside You" Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a Princess style white embroidered nylon gown with lily point sleeves. A flowered headdress held her fingertip veil, and she carried a white Bible with red roses and streamers. The maid of honor, Mrs. Hugh Currie, of Dorchester, sister of the bride, wore a mauve nylon sheer gown with matching headdress and gloves. Mrs. Harold Fischer, Carlingford, bridesmaid, chose a pink nylon sheer gown with match- ing headdress and gloves. Miss Alice Walker, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid and wore a green nylon sheer gown with matching headdress • and gloves. Jo -Anne and Fay Templeman, flower girls, were dressed in yel- Iow nylon and each carried a nose- gay. Mr. William Hulley, ' of Walton, was beat man, and ushers were Mel. Hulley and Kenneth Walker. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Assisting were Misses Patricia Ramsey, Al- ice Oneta Sorsdahl, Ethel Mae NorT ris and Valerie Cameron. For the wedding trip, the bride donned a blue dress with white jacket and white accessories and wore ,a corsage of red roses. Guests were present from Brant- ford, ,'London, Exeter, Dashwood, Dorchester, Stratford, Winthrop, Walton and ,Seaforth. The couple will reside on the groom's farm at Winthrop - thgi;ottu�il( b,�s���lPt�J'." a 11 The ida�d 4 ,and. ocla�, �e�e take3t b tiCs.o of ones Oup pSe 3i - tuxa�l a n were T.40: #1y Mrs GodoTroer? M> s al;olil,- Deli. led in grayer :Ac p ono'"Solo, alloi4e Sweet Deme,"' wa&, ay .n4. 401044 44 _Lt„QV Donald MaFDon al& w m, leaves Qn t e 25t11..of the, 'Scotll'.,:Pn arvisit to...fi,5 family iA tl n., M s. Lobo Selden read an artiele on' f`The..Glory. of the Springtime,"-TOM*582 closed this part of -the meeting: M„ r4. M. DQu- ga1. took •'tlie business. Reports from,balanel tJ a of tr$459easurer ,35 weto dre agiven.tewas A' shown. A, vote of thanks was p0.0y- ed by Mrs. Clarence Reid 'en be- half. of Mr. Alex McGregor, , Rev. Donald MacDonald, 'Hr. Harry Hoy and Mr. Lorne Luker for assistance given to the spring fair booth. A report. from the \assistant secre- tary, Mrs. C. Reid, was given on distribution of flowers and cards to the sick and bereaved. Plans were made for the congregational picnic supper to be held in Exeter Community Park on July, 11. There were -26, adults and two children present. The Board of Managers who were meeting at the same slime, joined with the group for luncheon and a social hour at the end of the meeting. Dr, and, Mrs: M. A. Hopkinson, Joan and Bruce, of Lions Head, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T.. E- Cook. One hundred and twenty pupils of Grades 1, 5, 6 and 7, plus kin- dergarten of Hensall Public School, received second shots of Salk vac- cine on Monday of this week. Dr. R. Ardis, of Clinton, and Miss Cun- ningham were in charge. Other district schools also received shots at the school- . Mrs., Margaret Hemery, of Carle- ton Place; Miss Anna Ellerington, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett, Thamesford, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and attended the anniversary services at Thames Road United Church on Sunday. Mrs- A. McTavish,. of Waterloo, is the guest this week of Mrs. James 'Bonthron. Miss Betty Mickle, B.Sc.N., To- ronto, spent Tuesday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and family. Mr. William A. Kerr, of Barrie, spent the weekend with his wife and family. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt, K-lppen, newlyweds (iiee Margaret Campbell), will be held Monday, June 25, at Bayfield Pavilion. Mrs. Robt. Reid, of Kincardine, spent the weekend with her son and . daughter-in-law, Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan.. Mr. and Mrs. William. ,&err, Car- ol Lynn and Mrs. Maude Redden spent Sunday with LAC. George Lefebvre, Mrs. Lefebvre and Bob- by at Clinton, - ' Arnold Circle Meets- DISTRICT eets The June meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church was held at the home of Mrs. C. Kennedy, TARO:0/04 lid, 10..1tday tlreSet t, lVlt's Mary al�dt, 4lpene the mecums and all. forced In singing the hyme, "Jesusa e very Thfiught Qf You.'} Minutes were read and roll; O.al answere4t withck we " wire threcorded," .fieri visTI its to .the: si(ehurcb picnic will be July 11. Rev, Dona14i MacDonald, gave a very Wspir; address •on "Vaeation.'Lelsure ci Mrs,, Shiralley Deitztus to reporteddate. onMrsthe' finan,sta, Rachael Schwalm gave short it- ems from, Glad` Tidings. The wor d, s. Sadieship Hoy,service . MissopeneIiannahwithMurMrray; Mrs. Irene Kennedy and Mrs. Gladys Kerslake singing the Crus- ade For Christ theme ' song, "Cleanse Me," accompanied , at the piano by Mrs. Edith Befl.-The scripture was read by Mrs. Sadie Hoy, followed by an interesting re- ligious editorial, "God is Closer Than We Know," by Mrs. Gladys Kerslake. Mrs. Irene Kennedy and Mrs. Gladys 'Kerslake favored with a duet, "Great is Thy Faithful- ness." Dr. Brigham}, Grand Bend, gave an interesting talk on "Re- ligious Psychology." . Rev. Mac- DonaId closed the meeting with prayer and a social hour was spent. A delicious luncheon was served under the convenersbip of Miss Hannah Murray. Name Winners At Hensall Bingo Winners of the Legion bingo, held Saturday night in the Legion Hall, Hensall, were: (1) Mrs. Roy Pepper and Fred Beer; (2) Mrs. Roy Smale and Jim Petty; (3) Mrs. Bob Baker; (4) .Mrs, Ray Foster; (5) Mrs. Malcolm Dougall; (6) Mrs. Alf Clark; (7) Mrs. Caryle Wilkinson; (8) Mrs. W. R. Bell; (9) Mrs. Wes Venner; (10) Mrs. P. Buchanan; (11) Mrs. Roy Smale; (12) Tom Kyle; (13) Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Ray Foster; (14) Mrs. Manter; (15) jackpot consolation game, P. L. McNaugh- ton and Mrs. Bob Baker. Next Saturday the jackpot will be worth $65 in 53 calls - IPE 1 A Mr. and O, 411, - (nee Margaret 'Crigppbe Bayfield Pavilion Monday ,, Jane 25 DISJARDINE ORCHESTRA PROFESSIONL WRESTLING with Television Favourites JULY 2nd -(Evening) at ZURICH Centennial Celebrations • AMIE wausmovimmortrioulmt Something to sell? .Something to buy? Phone 41, Seaforth. The classified ad section is result -get- ting and is economical too,' ELLIOTT'S DART-DELITE Give Yourself a Treat ! Try Our Milk Shakes - All Flavors Giant Sundaes, Floats and Cones TAKE HOME PACKS, PINTS and QUARTS The Aristocrate of Frozen Dairy Products ELLIOTT'S - BRUCEFIELD Highway No. 4 DANCE WITH Lionel Thornton Sunday, July lst (Midnight) ZURICH CENTENNIAL following Sacred Band Concert Morris 0 -Id Boys'. Reunion AUGUST 4-S,-6 LIST OF PRIZES: Floats Best Clown Best Decorated Bicycle Best Comic Couple Best Old Vehicle Oldest Vehicle travelling its own power Largest Family Oldest Couple Person coming longest lance On 1St 2iid 3rd 4th 5th $50,00• : "$35.00. $25.00 - 5.00 :4.00 3.00 5.08 4.00 - 3.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 4:00 3.00 5.00, 4.00 3.00 5.00" 4.00 10;00, 10.00 , dis- 10.00 BEAUTY CONTEST, open to Morris only Best Decorated Store Win- , or Place of Business in Brussels Best take of Glen ,.,.....,., 25.00 15.00 3.00 2s. io 10.00 25.0. i5pb 10.00 • Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1955 PONTIAC POWER GLIDE SEDAN -Fully equipped 1955 GnV. SEDAN fully equipped , 1955 CHEV. fully equipped 1954 PONTIAC DE LUXE fully equipped 1954 CBEV. DE -LUXE POWER GLIDE fullly equipped - 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1952 CI3h7V. CONVERTIBLE POWER GLIDE ---Fully egt(ipped 2095 1,952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1150 182E1950 PONTIAC 'uipped .....4...w 850 1895 1595 150 1095 1495 1952 prirmoUTH SEDAN 950 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS .." ..,....„„".... 495 '46 BUICK COACH -` TRUCSS -' 1952 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP ,. 1952 INTER.NATi1ON44 1-TO18- lltAllje With racks 1950 ,DODGEts--TON PANEL' A Written Gnaraldtee for' tlb itayS Late Aide! Cars -Many (DCII` 311lil'lE4y,tp Pg! i :) F1 ld. li