The Huron Expositor, 1956-04-20, Page 4Il I;I i• Ie„ ITOIR, SEAFoU'rfI, MT. APRA,• .20, , e44 fil, p WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE `::1!YING AND SELLING! 1364A AdClik 0. •i( Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates ALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week 1• Cent Minimum charge, each insertion..- 25 Cents Each figures, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per wordy Demum, 00 centg per week. ;gustuiries may be directed to a Box No., e/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. E'ifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. • „Bfrths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, • Etc.—Rates on application. For Rent For Sale FOR RENT—Modern, furnished resi- FOR SALE--Electrohome car radio, at donee; Goderich St. Available May lst. DUBLIN ELECTRIC. 4605-1 PHONE 126-W. 4605x1 FOR SALE --Good clean alfalfa seed and timothy seed. Apply WM. MARTIN. Phone 690 r 13, Hensel!. 4604x2 FOR RENT—One three-room'apartment; 1 one -room apartment. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4503-tf FOR SALE -180 bales of mixed hay. Apply to GRANT MCLEAN. Phone 684 r FOR RENT—Modern brick residence on 31, Hensall. 4605-1 .Adam Street, one biotic from Public School. J. W. THOMPSON RR. 2, Sea- FOR SALE—Some baled hay and timo- forth. Phone 833 r 31. 4503-tf thy seed. JOHN W. THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31. Seaforth. 4605-1 FOR RENT—Maintained apartment on James St.; two rooms and bath. Separ- ate entrance. PHONE 782. 4605x1 FOR RENT — Three-room downstairs apartment. Immediate possession. PHONE 582-W, Seaforth. 4605-1 Help Wanted FEMALE HELP WANTED for office work in Seaforth business. Experience preferred. Apply to Box 526, HURON EXPOSITOR. 9604-2 WANTED—For part-time work in Sea - forth office, capable typist. Apply in own handwriting to. Box 536, HURON EX- POSITOR. 1 MEN NEEDED To help take care of our expansion program. Ages 26 to 60 with car, neat appearance and good character. If your present earnings are not enough for present-day living costs, and you are ambitious enough to be willing to do something about it, we can offer you the opportunity of earning at least $100.00 per week, as many of our men have earn- ings well beyond this figure. Why not take one day off from your present job to investigate. Tt could easily affect your whole future. Apply for personal interview to:. BOX 532 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4605-2 Lost and Found LOST—A well-driller's wrench, between School 3% miles south of St. Columban and Egmondvllle. Finder please contact W. D. HOPPER, 669 r 13, Seaforth. 4605x1 FOUND—A bracelet at Seaforth High School night of "Crossroads." Owner may FOR SALE—Quantity of Beaver oats have same by proving property and, pay- and Montcalm seed barley. Apply to ing charges. Apply Box 536, HURON LESLIE PRYCE, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone EXPOSITOR. , 4605-1 840 r 14, Seaforth. 4605-1 FOR SALE—Riding type garden trac- tor, 7 H.P., complete with plough, drag harrows, cultivator and disc harrows- Us- ed one year. CROWN HARDWARE, Phone 797. 4604-2 FOR SALE--Sparton records, latest bits: $1.98 for eight"'tunes. DUBLIN ELECTRIC, 4605-1 FOR SALE—One furnace blower in good condition. TELEPHONE 134-R. Sea - forth. 4503x3 FOR SALE -,Red cedar posts, all sizes. IIORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Sea - forth. 4503-8 FOR SALE—Three sows, CARL VAN- DERZON, North Road, Seaforth. 4605x1 FOR SALE—Piano in good condition ; recently overhauled. CALL 39.2-R for particulars. 4604-3 WANTED—Two calves, suitable for baby beef. Apply to JOHN CALWILL. Phone Clinton HU. 2-3204. 4605x1 FOR SALE—Three 17 -inch TV's, in good condition. Reasonably priced. BOX FURNITURE. Phone 48, Seaforth. 4605-1 FOR SALE -10 York pigs ten weeks old. Apply to JOHN BROADFOOT, Drucefield. Phone 658 r 31. 4605-1 FOR SALE ---Single bed, springs and mattress, in good condition. MRS. CLARE KEITH. Phone 331-W. 4605-1 GLAD BULBS -10 for 75c, or 10 for 90c; packaged. 25 for 90c. ERIC MILNER, FLOWERS. Phone 393, Seaforth, 4503-tf FOR SALE—Seven choice steers, weigh= ing between 800 and 850 tbs. Apply to URBAN DUCHARME. Telephone Zurich 91 r 7, . 4605x1 FOR SALE --250 bales of mixed hay. Apply to . D'ARCY RATHWELL, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton HU. 2-3384. 4605x1 FOR SALE—African Violets, plants $1.00; small plants, 35c MRS. STEW ART HUMPHRIES, Teachers Wanted SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 3, Hal- lett Township, in the Village of Coo - stance. Duties to commence September 4, 1956. Single -room school with all mod- ern conveniences'. Apply stating quali- fications and salary expected, to W. R. SCOTT, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. 4605-2 Poultry 'BRAY CHICKS Mixed. Cockerels. And Pullets—day- old and started. Hatchery has full range breeds, crosses, and specials (Ames In - Cross, etc). (May -June broilers should al- so be on order). Let us know your needs, we'll quote prices, order, agents: JOHN LUBER, R.R. 2. Seaforth Phone 845 r 12 MRS. AL,F7f PATERSON, Brueefield Phones : Clinton 618 r 28: Seaforth 669 r 28 4605-1 Personals, HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price Bat. 6 samplee 26c: 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton, Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS 1n the Estate of JOSEPH E. DRUAR All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph E. Druar, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 6th day of April, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th day of May, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED 'at Seaforth, this 18th day of April, 1956: MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4605-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANK JOSEPH BECHELY All persons having claims against the Estate of Frank Joseph Bechely, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Dental Surgeon, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1956. are hereby notified to send in full .particulars blooming of their claims to the undersigned on or and 50c. before the 5th day of May, 1956, after Walton. which date the assets will be distributed, 4605x1 having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. • Wanted WANTED—Youth wants work; any type. TELEPHONE 664 r 13. 4605x1 WANTED—Good baby stroller; reason- able. Phone MRS. BO1"I'8MA, Hensall, 694 r 21. 4605x1 WANTED TO BUY -8 or 10 good beef type calves, weighing 400 to 500 lbs. Apply Box 533. HURON EXPOSITOR, 4605x1 WANTEP---Grass wanted for a number of head of cattle. Apply to MARTIN MURRAY. Telephone 23 r 9, Dublin. 4605x1 WANTED TO BORROW—$3,000.00 first mortgage en 100 -acre farm, 51/2%. Box 634, HURON EXPOSITOR _1 4605-41 Notices RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REP,1IR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-1s', 4598-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All work -guaranteed- Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4598-t£ NOTICE, POULTRYMEN --For highest prices for fowl (hens or roosters), con- tact MEL DALE or G. McLLWAIN. Phone Seaforth 590-W, or 841 r 14 after 6 p.m. 4503-4 COMPLETE LAUNDETER1A in Sea - forth and' district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd-, Exeter. 4698-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS t — Prompt, eoarteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call eoilect ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4598-10 LAWN MOWER and Small Engine Ser- vice. We specialize in sharpening, over- hauling, parts and repair service on all makes of lawn mowers and small en- gines. CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797. 460216' SANITARY SEWAGE DIS•POSAL—Sep- tic tanks, cesspools, etc, pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. .Phone' 42 r 6, Brussels. 4600x10 HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill St., Hen- nal1. Bring your livestock. Always a good• srarket price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Bengali; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 685 r 81, Clinton. 4591x12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used"' Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattl . For service or informa- tioo, phone C NTON 242, collect, be - *Ween 7:80 and 0:00 a.m. on week days said 7:80 and 9:80 a,m. on Sunday". 4698-tf -SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED Notice is hereby given that SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED will make an^appli (cation to His Honour the Lieutenant- tternor for leave to surrender its Char- ' tte�i r BilifY1t at Torinto this 12th day of Avii1r 1956. SPENCER R L. UODWAY, ecretaty. 4605-1 rl . brrA4lgr�. ,lb'k fNH lar „r:,,ti ti ,11'iu� FOR SALE—Medium gladioli bulbs: 50 large '$2,50, 50 medium $1.50. Apply to MURRAY TYNDALL, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9831. 4605-1 FERTILIZER for immediate pickup or early delivery available at special spring Prices from SEA.FORTH. FARMERS' CO- OPERATIVE. Phone 9, Seaforth. 4605-1 FOR YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN— Fertilizer, garden peat, bone meal, sheep I manure, liquid fertilizer and soil condi-1 tioners. Lawn roller, lawn sweeper, fer- tilizer spreader for rent. CROWN HARD- WARE. Phone 797. 9604-2 FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil, -,arnia's Mast from top of vat No. 1; and government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4598-tf FOR SALE—All-wool gabardine topcoat, lined throughout with rayon satin; size 38. Taupe in color. Good as nee,. Coat ton small for owner. Price $10. Can be seen at DALE'S PRODUCE STORE. 4605-2 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, 810.00 per load, approximately 31, cords: mixed wood, 68.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 862. 4594x12 FIVE DOLLARS down, up to 24 months to pay fonnka genuine Surge Milker Unit. Best invesf4nent to protect good udders. Contact LOVELL MCGUTRE. Phone 593, Wingham, Surge Dealer; in shop Satur- days, 4600x16 MILKING MACHINE --De Laval Speed- way magnetic, stainless steel, 2 single un- its complete: in excellent condition: also McCormick -Deering crearn separator, hand or power driven. Apply ALEX 0. PEP- PER, R.R, 3, Seaforth. Phone 536 r 41. 4805x2 FOR SALE -6 H.P. Simplicity garden tractor, three forward speeds and reverse, with lights and stand wheel weights and counterweight; 10 -inch plow, cultivator, disc, scraper. snow blower, seeder, roto mower ; used one season. Also 71/2 H.P. Firestone outboard motor; both in excel- lent. condition. Apply MAX CARTER, Eg- mondville. Phone 454-W after 6 o'clock. 4604x2 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED --Cash paid for dead, old, sick. or disabled horses or cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, collect. 4598-12 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 30, Concession 2, I..R.S., Tteekeremith Township. 1 mile east of Brueefield, or 5 miles southwest of Seaforth, on THURS-. DAY, MAY 3rd, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE— Gurnsey cow (fresh).; red cow, due en ,June; 2 -year-old Garnsey cow due in Sep- tember; 2 cows, milking; 2 fat heifers; 2 fat steers; 2 two-year-old heifers; 5 yearling steers and heifers: 1 calf. POULTRY -05 Leghorn pullets; 30 year- old hens. MAGHJNERY—Massey-Harris binder, 6 -ft.; Mower, 6 -ft.; Massey -Har - ns 4 -bar siderake on rubber (like new); Fleury-Riase1 spreader on rubber (like new) 2 -drum steel roller; cultivator ; bean cultivator; 4 -section harrows; plow ; stuffier ; disc: 13 -run fertilizer drill ; rub- ber tired wagon and rack; 2,000 -ib. scales; wagon Ibox ; stock rack ;, fanning mill ; Vi- king electric cream separator with motor; 10x12 colony house; shelters; cedar posts; 30 rods woven fence; barb wire; grain bags; forks; shovels, ropes, pails, hatness, horse collars, hag truck, 8 steel barrels, churn, robes; some household effects. Terms --Cash. No reserve, farm sold. WILLIAM NESBI;T'ry Proprietor; Haloid Jackson, Auctioneer; 8l P. Chesney, Clerk. 4005.2 DATED at Seaforth, this 10th day of April, 1956. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, 4604-3 Farms For Sale FOR SALE -40 -acre farm, Lot 28, Boun- dary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON. Phone $0 r 4, Brussels. . 4601x6 FOR SALE --Frame house and small barn, on seven acres of land; 2% miles west of Egmondvllle and 2 miles south. Contact JOHN SMITH. ' Phone 651 r 2, Seaforth. - 640448 Property For Sale FOR SALE -17' acres of land, con- sisting of 12 acres of bush and tops. Ap- ply to W. STILLAR, Listowel, Ont. Phone 973-R. . 4604x2 FOR SALE --White frame house on West William Street; three-piece bath and oil furnace. PHONE 568-1. 4605x1 HOUSE FOR SALE—House has 8 rooms with electric lights and town water. Pos- session immediately• Apply to MRs. JAMES BARRON, Seaforth, 4606-2 PROPERTY FOR SALE—Two-storey frame house containing nine rooma; oil heating furnace and bathroom. Centrally located. MISS L. FAULKNER, George St. Phone 23 daytime. 4606x1 Cards of Thanks MY SINCERE THANKS to Doctors of Seaforth Clinic, nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for kindness rsceived while there; also those who sent flowers and cards. 4665x1 MRS. MILDRED WALKER THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Charles Riley wish to thank Rev. White, also neighbors and friends who sent flowers and cards, or assisted in any- way during their recent bereavement. Everything was deeply appreciated. 4605-1 In Memoriam LAMONT—I"n loving memory of Archie Lamont, who passed away on April 22, 1955. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget you, now you are gone but we will remember, no matter how long. —Sadly ,missed and ever remembered by his loving wife, sons and daughters. 4605-1 REDDEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and 'father, George Edward Red- den, who passed away in- St Oatharines, April 19, 1927. Gone, dear father, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember, None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still; But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. —Always remembered by his Wife and Family. 4605-1 Births DUCHARME—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal; -on April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ducharene, R.R. 3, Dublin, a daughter. SILLERY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 13, to Mr and 'Mrs. Erwin Sil- lery, Brueefield, a son. D2cCLURE—At Scott Memorial . Hospital, on April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McClure, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a son. BEFORE SELLING YOUR POULTRY Contact The Seaforth Farmers Co-op Phone 13 FOR TOP PRICES NEW and USED FEATHERS BOUGHT But be sure -and phone us as to price and delivery date. Market Your Produce the Co-op Way FEED MILL Phone 9 EGGS and POULTRY Phone 13 / ONLY 10.00 DOWN WILL BUY ANY ONE OF THESE ' FINE RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED USED CARS '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '40 FORD COACH '53 FARGO PANEL MECHANICS' SPECIALS '47 KAISER SEDAN '40 CHEV. SEDAN Seven Brand New Buichs and four New Pontiacs from which to choose. • Come in to -day! Let us tell yon for how little you can buy a Reconditioned Guaranteed Used Car at nson Gilbert Motors ®r Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks Phone 461 d Seaforth • y 1 1: 4';1 ay' vk,r�:",�,. .i , {` MINS,�1�NNEST 1EAPPE, DASHWOQD• Mrs Ernest" W, Rader,. who died suddenly at.Dasb wood Monday, 'at the, home of her laughter, Mrs. 1Vliifred Merner-, was the former Margaretha Halt- erer, of Hay Township. Her hus- band died in 1951. For more 'than 40 years they `farmed in Stephen Township, and she was a member of Zion Luth- eran Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M. Merner and Mrs. Harry Hayter, and one son, Albert, all of Dashwood; itffour• grandchildren ; one sister, Frieda Haberer, Zurich, and five brothers, Fred, Edward, Ferd, Theodore and Jacob, all of Zurich. Resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home, a service was held Wed- nesday at 2 p.m., followed by ser- vices in Zion Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m. Interment was in the Lutheran Bronson Line Cemetery by the Rev. L. Higenell. I£APPEN Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of Dash- wood, visited on Tuesday with'ber mother, Mrs. James MeClymont. Mrs. Fowler, of Aurora, visited a few days last week with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis spent the weekend in 'St. Thomas with the former's sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long spent a few days last week visit- ing friends and relatives in Berk- ley and Owen Sound. Mr. Shaver, who has made his home during the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, has returned to Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Mrs. Dickert, mother •of Mr. Nor- man Dickert, all of Harriston, vis- ited Sunday with •• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstet- ter and family visited Sunday af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter. Sunday evening visitors includ- ed: Messrs. John and Edward Gackstetter, of near Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter, Kath- ryn and Henry, of near Hensall. A ills Victor liergreeeeS spent. weekher parents in .last with b pa is In- gersoU. Little Bernie Lobb fell on a bot- tle, cutting het- hand severely,. necessitating a numberof stitch- es. - Mrs. Bert Sholdice, of Brinsley, is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs- A, Paterson. Miss Margaret Zapfe, of -Byron, spent the weekend with friends in the village. Miss Alice Caldwell, of Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Mr. Robert MpGregor and Miss Jean McGregor" were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doan, of AI- vinston, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert- son, of Michigan, visited a few days with Mr. Doan's sister, Mrs. Robert Dawson. The many friends of Mr. S. Mc- Clung are sorry to hear he is con- fined to bed for six weeks with a heart condition. Mrs. Reg Clark, of Glencoe, spent Friday evening with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dal- rymple. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and family, Master Fred Lobb and Mrs. H. Berry spent Sunday with Mrs. Berry's brother, Mr. Alvin , Smith, Bluevale. - Mr. Robert Broadfoot is in Scott Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, hav- ing hand an appendix operation. Miss Verna Eyre spent the week end with her parents, Mr. ali11 Mrs. L. Eyre. Rev. and Mrs. Davison have as their guest this week, Mrs. Davi- son's cousin, Mrs. W. A. Knight, of Windsor. • Mrs. Alton Johnston visited -with her cousin, Mrs. Frank McGregor, for a few days last week. Mrs: Robert i awson is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. _ W.A. Meeting The April meeting of the Wo- men's Association of Brucefield United Church was held on Tues- day with 24 attending. Mrs. James Thomson and Mrs. Goldie Graham had charge of the devotions. After singing Hymn No. 467, Mrs. Thompson read the Scripture. Mrs. Goldie Graham took as her topic, "Victory Over Death." The W.A. Creedwas repeated in unison HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. William Pepper received word this week of the death of - her sister -in` -law, Mrs. Robert Scott, of Kincardine, who passed away in the Kincardine Hospital Friday ev- ening. Some 40 Easter boxes were dis- tributed to sick and shut-in mem- bers of the United Church. Mrs. W. R. Dougall is convener of this project and the boxes were deliv- ered by Mrs. William Forrest and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell. Mrs. Mac Greer, London, and Mrs. Norman Peppier, Mrs. Edgar Peppier, Mrs. Graff, all of Han- over, were guests on Monday of Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Miss Gladys Luker, who has been in poor health for the past few weeks, was taken by Bonthron ambulance Sunday evening to South Huron District Hospital, Ex- eter. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook return- ed home Sunday from a delightful six weeks' vacation spent at St. Petersburg, Florida. Their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett, of Toronto, flew down by plane to join them for a week's vacation, motoring home with them. Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. an.d Mrs. E. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick re- cently returned home from a pleasant three weeks' holiday in Florida, and had a most enjoyable vacation, The Misses Joyce and Marilyn Helm, of Milverton, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan. Mrs. P. Graham has returned home after spending some weeks vacationing in. Florida. . "The Sweet Adelines," a group of 60 ladies, wives of Barber Shop Choruses, of Toronto, captured sec- ond place in a contest at the Ma- sonic Hall, Detroit. There were nine choruses in competition and one of the members of the group which, took second prize was Mrs. J. L. McCloy, of Toronto, the for- mer Ruth Hess. of Hensall. Club To Observe Anniversary President Bill Mickle chaired the Kinsmen's Club supper meeting on Thursday, when several major it- ems of business were discussed, in- cluding plans for then annual On- tario Bean Festival to be held La- bor Day. The club will observe its second anniversary of its forma- tion on April 26, when Governor Jack Nelson, of Chatham, will be guest speaker, also other plans are .being outlined for that event. At the May meeting, election of offi- cers for the 1956-57 slate will take place. The attendance was 91 per cent. Hear Seaforth Speaker The Easter Thankoffering meet- ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of Carmel Church, Hensall, was held Thursday afternoon. The program was arranged by Mrs. Inez McEwan and Mrs. Harold Bell, with Mrs. McEwan presiding, who extended the welcome to mem- bers and guests and offered pray- er. Sacred passages were read by Mrs. Glenn Sell, and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Harold Bell contributed a vo- cal duet, "When I Survey the Won- drous Cross," and Mrs. J. W. Bon= thron a sdlo, "Sunrise Tomorrow" President Mrs. Sam Dougall in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. D. Ritchie, of Seaforth, who based her remarks from the theme, "The Women At the Cross" Mrs. B. Edwards extended courtesy re- marks.to the speaker for her fine and inspirational address. Rev. Donald MacDonald gave the dos- ing prayer Luncheon and a so- cial itou'r Were enjoyed. Spring #'ioWers iIttadg n attractive •totting ( is'Off cojittiobs. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Doan, of Wat ford, were recent guests with Mr.' and Mrs. G ,Hess. ' Mrs. Southen (nee Lydia Pope), of London, was a recent guest with Mrs. T, C. Coates. Mr. W. R. Dougall was in Guelph and Toronto attending the Wheat Inspectors' conference last week, held in -the 0.A -C., Guelph, and Parliament Buildings, Toronto. While •in Toronto, Mr. Dougall vis- ited with his daughter, Phyllis, on the teaching staff, and his brother, Dr. R. P. I. Dougall, and sister, Miss Alice Dougall. Friday, May 26, has been set for the mass TB X-ray at Hensall, in the Hensall Arena, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and 7 to 10 in the evening, Officials in charge at Hensall include: chairman, Reeve Norman Jones; supply, R. H. Mid- dleton; census, P. L. 'McNaughton; clinic, Mrs. D. J. McKelvie; secre- tary, Mrs. Walter Spencer; public- ity, Mrs. Maude Hedden; transpor- tation, Harry Hoy. On the occasion of the third lec- ture of the Ground Observers Corps held in Hensall Legion Hall Friday, the following were, present- ed with their Wings by F/O F. M. Hewett, London: Mrs. S. G. Ran- nie, S: G. Rannie, Sydney McAr- thur, Ed. Munn, William Aikenhead and William Brown. The presen- tation was followed by a lecture on Aircraft and Recognition by F/O Hewett, who also was in charge of three films concerning aircraft. The fourth lecturewill take place in the Legion Hall, Hensall, on May 18. Miss Martha McDonald took the chair in the absence .of, tate pre-% dent, Mrs. Norman Baird. Mrs. W. McBeath gave the secretary.'s report and the treasprer"s report. was given by Mrs. H. Berry. The offering was received by Mrs. L. v 1'ilson. Thankryou motes were read from Mr. Robert Watson, Mrs. Cornish and Mrs. J. Berry, Mrs. Walter Moffatt reported for the manse committee. The meet- ing closed with the W,A. Prayer. Group No. 3 had charge- of the lunch and program. Mrs. Alex Mc - Beath favored with a reading and Mrs. Murdoch sang a lovely solo. '• A meeting 'Rf AO' SAI Dairy Calf Gslub vun� rXlfllsi nt tlbkl - S.D,H,S. sell Monday evientng, milli .. Qpened by veryOne renes g the 4-11 ' IrwinPledge.Trc'wartha introduced. the giyles,t speaker, Dr. Joseph G: De 1?ape, ,wbo, ilY an.., informative explained the tore stages of e stoginache of a cattle beast, a, .d what 'to feed at the different age, and how' 1lnuch to feed. Orders for 4-11 sweaters, crests, gate signs and pins Were tale - The meeting was adjourned .on motion of Marjorie Boyd and sec- onded by Louis. Murray. The Young People of Brucefield United ,Church are sponsoring a PAPER DRiVE IN BRUCEFIELD AND DISTRICT Saturday, April 21st - Papers will be picked up. Have them tied in bundles and ready for truck. NOTICE TO CREAM PRODUCERS As of this date, you will receive a good price for your cream. The floor price for Butter is set at 58c, which price is established for two years, to April 30, 1958. OUR PRESENT CREAM PRICES ARE TRUCK: Special Gfade First Grade DELIVERED: Special Grade First Grade SEAFORTH CREAMERY Phone 80 .63c .61c .66c .64c Harvey Leslie, Proprietor Proclamation Town of Seaforth DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare DAYLIGHT SAV- ING TIME, adopted for the Town of Sea - forth, during the period of Monday, April 30th at 2:00 a.m. - -- to -- Sunday, September 30th at 2:00 a.m. and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same. DR. E. A. McMASTER, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" CARNIVAL F VALUES ' • Our prices are the lowest. • . �.'zi, xtrom`iilxis.�iJ iUSED CARS Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1955 FORD CUSTOMLINE 1995 FORD SEDAN fully equipped ��� 1954 fallH CHEDE V. POWER GLIDE 1650' c851C0 2-1954 CHEV. SEDANS 1495y equipped �i11949 °HEV. COACH 695 fully equipped 1954 OHEV. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE 1995 1947 DODGE 5 -PASSENGER 49'5 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1295 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS 495- 1953 CHEV. SEDAN Special 1695 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 495 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1295 795 1952 CHEV. COACH 1195 1/2 1949 FORD -TON PICKUP 450 fully equipped gp� 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 90,0 1949 CHEV. 0/4 -TON PICKUP 395 1947 DODGE 140N PICKUP 395 A Written Guarantee fir 60 days on all L9.0 Model Cars—Many Other.Models to Choose From BRUSSELS 1.iSSEIS . ► ONTARIO PHONE7iC 73- ` ,,,liOpt o£-Eetter Utled C 1rs EVER it E 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN fully equipped 1952 cHEv. 1/2 -TON PICKUP 1951 CHEV. COACH De Luxe f:;