The Huron Expositor, 1955-10-28, Page 4TaiHURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTlI ONT., OCTOBER 2$, 1955 r:13WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE .BUYING AND SELLING! Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week b Cent 3rd Week )fz Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week, Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to 'Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events $70.00 JACKPOT BINGO -Full house in 54 calls wins the jackpot; $5,00 added every Saturday night until someone wins jackpot; also 14 games of "Share -the - Wealth." No admission ; 10c a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, October 29th, 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4580-1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. apposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4577-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea - forth. 4577-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleapers & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4577-tf CEMENT WORK -All types of brick and block work, for general building work and repair work. Call BERT CHRIS- TENSEN, Railway St.. Seaforth. Phone 75. 4577-tf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING (brush or spray): exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG DALTON. Railway St. 4577-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! --- Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Cu., of Canada Ltd. 4577-tf FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Ser: ice with complete Insurance Coverage. W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, phone CLINTON 2242. collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10:0.1 s.ot, on week days and 7:30 and S:3!) am. on Sundays. 4577-tf COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth The Court of Revision for the Assess- ment Roll of 19.37 for the Town of Sea - forth, will meet in the Town Hall, Sea - forth, at 3 p.m., on Thursday. November 3, 1955. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4.579-3 TWP. OF HIBBERT Notice of Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Township of Hibbert on the Assessment Roll of the said Town- ship for the year 1955, will hold its first sitting at the Township Hall, Staffa. on Monday. November 7. at 3 o'clock p.m., to hear and determine appeals to the said Court. Last day for filing appeals was October 14, 1955. DATED this 25th day of October. 1955. ROY Rl'P(NrT.T. Clerk, R.R. 2, Dublin, Ontario. 4580-1 VOTERS' LIST, 1955 Municipality of the Township of Hibbert County of Perth NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Section 9 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act 1951, and that I have posted up at my Mese at Lot 17 Concession 4, on the 26th day of October, 1955 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I heresy rail upon all voters to take immediate prareedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 11th day of November. 1955. DATED this 26th day of October, 1955. ROY BCRCHILL. Clerk of the Township of Hibbert. 4580-1 NOTICE Township of Hullett A Court of Revision will be held on the 1956 Assessment Roll of the Township of Hullett in the Community Hall, Londes- boro, on Monday, November 7. 1955, at 8:00 p.m., in the afternoon. All appeals most be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 31st day of October, 1955, GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, 4578-8 COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop The Council of the Township of Mc- Killop will meet as a Court of Revision on the assessment roll of 1911-56 at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, November 7, 1955, at 10 a,m. Parties interested should govern them- selves accordingly. 3. M. ECk1`Wr, Clerk, MGIC holy. 4678-8 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e : 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. For Rent FOR RENT- An apartment for rent. Apply to ALEX McDONALD. Phone 660 r 14. 4580-1 FOR RENT -Two apartments on John Street. Apply after 5 o'clock. M, LAY- COX- Phone 380. 4579-2 FOR RENT -Three-room unfurnished apartment; also one -room apartment. ORVILLE OKE, Seaforth, 4577-tf FOR RENT -Two apartments. each suit- able for one or two adults: oil burner stove installed it) downstairs apartment. PHONE 833 r 12, Seaforth. 4580-1 FOR RENT -Upstairs apartment : furn- ished or unfurnished. Apply to FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 669 r 33, Seaforth. 4580-tf FOR RENT --Self-contained apartment, upstairs. four rooms and bath. Goderich Street East. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4579-2 FOR RENT -2 -room apartment. fully maintained: separate entrance. Posses- sion November 1, PHONE 782, Seaforth. 4580-1 FOR RENT -Furnished 8 -room house, in- cluding bathroom; for rent in Hensall un- til the 1st of May. Apply to MRS. GRACE HARPOLE, Hensall. Phone 112-3. 4580-1 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Drainage Tenders Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6:00 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 1955, for the construction of the Soldan Municipal Drain, consisting of approximately 4.315 feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at the offices of the undersigned, or a complete set of plans and specifications may be obtained by writing to the Engineer and enclosing a deposit of $5.00 (deposit not refund- able). A marked cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Hay for 1'e r. of the amount of the bid must ac- company each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk. Township of Hay. Zurich, Ont, Help Wanted WANTED AT ONCE-Seaforth family of five requires woman to help in home, All modern conveniences Box 481. HURON EXPOSITOR. • 4579-nc W ANTED AT ONCE- Rawleigh Dealer in Huron County, Write RAWLEIGH'S Dept- J -363-R, Montreal, P.Q. 4580-1 WANTED --•Girl or woman to mind chil dren in Hgnean while mother works; live in or out. Liberal time off. PHONE 5, HensalL 4580-1 HELP WANTED -Woman or girl for general housework ; middle-aged woman preferred: for work in town house- Ap- ply Box 482, HURON EXPOSITOR 4580x1 WANTED -Companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Egmondville; modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 463. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4577-tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY Hucband and wife combination : wife to take care of cooking and household duties; man light caretaking. Living quarters Provided. References required. Apply Box No, 484 HURON EXPOSITOR 4580-1 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AT CLINTON, ONTARIO Require CLERKS, GRADE 1—$1500-$1920 per annum CLERKS, GRADE 2A—$1800-$2400 per annum Further particulars on posters displayed at Post Offices and Of- fices of The National Employment Service. Application forms, ob- tainable thereat, should be filed with The Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Ave E., Toronto 7, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN NO- VEMBER 4, 1955. Please quote competition number 55-T1094 for Clerks, Gr. 1. Please quote competition number 55-T1095 for Clerks. Gr. 2A. Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY of the late John Elder, of Hensall, wish to express their sincere thanks to all who assisted in any way and appreciation for the beautiful floral tri- butes, messages of sympathy and kindness during their recent bereavement. 4580-1 Auction Sales SALE OF REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORTHORNS GEORGE L REID & SON Reidcroft Farms, 2 miles south of Varna SATUR^AY. NOVF,MTtER 5. at 1:30 p.m. Sale will be held under cover. 31Head-8 cows with calves at foot, re - bred ; 5 bred heifers; 4 open heifers; 5 bulls. serviceable age, Including herd sire, "Sunny Hill - Baronet 20th". grandson of "Edellyn Roman Mercury", an Interna - C, P. CORBETT, P.Eng., tional Grand Champion: 3 steers, about Consulting Engineer & SurHeyor, "50 tbs.: 23 pigs eight weeks old. Terms Box 75, Lucan, Ont Cash. Poor health has forced me to re - 4580 -2 dace the herd. JAMES McKINLEY. Mor- --eth. Auctioneer, 4580-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALICE HARRIETT BLACKWELL All persons having claims against the Estate of Alice Harriett Blackwell, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, whe- died on the 28th day of September. 1955, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 4th day of November, 1935, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth this 11th day of October 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, 43783 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELLEN LOUISE SHANAHAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Ellen Louise Shanahan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased. who died on or about the 31st day of May, 1955. are hereby noti- fied to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November. 1935, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ont., this 15th day of October. 1955, ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Estate. 4578-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of IDA MAY PALMER All persona having claims against the Estate of Ida May Palmer. late of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of August, 1955, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersign- ed on or before the 14th day of November. 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont„ this 17th day of October, 1955. ALVIN W. SILLERY Seaforth, Ont... Solicitor for the Estate, 4575, 3 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of BRIDGET M, DALTON All persons having claims against the Estate of Bridget M. Dalton. late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth. Retired School Teacher, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of August, 1915, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th day of November, I955, after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of October, 1966, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4580-3 Ru A CLEARING AUCTION SALE will be held for Harvey Johnston, at Lot 28, Con, 8, Morris Township. on Friday. October 28th, at 12 o'clock sharp: CAT- TLE --1 pure bred Shorthorn bull, 2 years old : 1 pure bred Shorthorn cow, 3 years old: 16 grade cows to freshen in February and March: 1 heifer due in December: 19 Spring calves. PIGS -1 pure bred York- shire boar; 3 pure bred Yorkshire sows, bred : 1 pure bred Yorkshire sow and 12 pigs, ready to wean; 1 pure bred York- shire sow and 11 pigs, 2 weeks old: I pure bred Yorkshire sow. open. MACHIN- ERY-M.-H. ACHIN- ERY-M:H. 6 -foot combine with motor, used three years; Ford tractor bought in January, 1950; Ferguson manure loader, 1 year old: Ferguson power mower: Fer- guson disc; tractor cultivator; tractor grader: tractor Cockshutt manure spread- er: Ford tractor drive pulley: set heavy duty tractor tire chains: 2 drive belts; cab for Ford tractor: tractor poet -hole auger, new; McCormick binder, 7 -foot cut: M, -H. No. 4 side rake: M.-11. fertilizer grain drill ; Fleury-Bissel 10 -foot packer; Cockshutt farm wagon: 4 -sections John Deere harrows, new; dump rake: drag saw ; buck -rake; cut hay conveyor ; Woods 2 H.P. electric grain grinder; Internation- al 1948 t(, -ton truck with grain box and stock rack: fanning mill with bagger: 30 - !foot ladder: 2 ladders; 2 colony houses; electric brooder; quantity of lumber. HAY and GRAIN -150 bushels fall wheat. about 2,000 bushels mixed grain; 55 to 60 tons hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Beach cook stove; heavy duty rangette: 5 dining room chairs; I dining room arm chair; 6 l kitchen chairs: writing desk and bookcase: I writing table: 3 beds: 3 bedroom dressers I and washstands; 2 cupboards; bed springs: wood heater: coal heater: number of tables: sap pails and apiles; 8.650 pounds of hard Blue coal. No reserve as the farm is sold. HARVEY JOHNSTON, Pro- prietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Ed. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4579-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm implements, Choice Holstein Cattle, Poultry, Hay, Grain and miscellaneous items, etc., on the premises. Lot. 7. Concession 4, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles north of Kippen, 2 miles west, The undersigned auctioneer received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on Tues- day, November 8th, 1955. commencing at 1:00 o'clock p.m., sharp: HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS, POULTRY, ETC. High Grade Holsteins --Cow, milking, carrying third calf, bred October 3; cow carrying second calf, due December 24th: cow, milk- ing, carrying third calf, due March 25th; cow, milking, fresh since end of Septem- ber: heifer due December 14th; cow, milk- ing, fresh since August, bred October 6th; cow carrying fifth calf, doe December !4th : cow, milking, due March 21st: cow, milking, due April 14th: cow, milking, due March 23rd; (this is an exceptionally good herd of cows front high producing blood linea) : 4 Holstein heifer calves: Holstein bull calf ; 2 part Holstein and Hereford heifer calves. - POULTRY -445 choice Rock and New Hampshire pullets, 5 t e months old; a black Collie dog. HAY and GRAIN --Quantity of loose hay: quan- tity of mixed grain: 10 tons of cob corn. TRACTOR and FARM IMPLEMENTS- MeD. Farmall tractor Model 'C', in new condition ; International 2 -furrow tractor low, like new; M. -H, binder, 7 -ft. cut: Deering mower, 5 -ft. cat; MeD. 73 -run disc fertilizer drill. like new; Internation- al 4 -bar side delivery rake, used one sea- son : M. -H- hay loader ; M. -H. spring tooth eultivator; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; Cockshutt 2 -section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon : 16. -foot hay rack; Ren- frew electric cream separator; 8 eight - gallon milk cans: Cockshutt root ruiner; 75 feet endless rubber belt; hay fork; 150 -foot hay fork rope; shovels, forks, chains, and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash, ROBERT FLOOD, Proprietor; Rosa Love, Clerk ; Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer, 4580-2 Wanted WANTED - A used electric train. PHONE334. Seaforth. 4590x1 LIVESTOCK WANTED -Highest- cash prices paid for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly. LE - ROY ACHESON, Atwood. Phone 153 col- lect. 4570-13 For Sale FOR SALE -Two Collie pups, about 3 months old. HOWARD HUGILL, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 616 r 5, Clinton: 4580x1 FOR SAL -Girl's figure skates, size 12• • es size 6. Would boy's skates, buy girl's figure skates, size 1 or 2 and boy's, size 7 PHONE 124. 4580x1 FOR SALE- -35 Hereford steers, between 790 and 8110 pounds. Apply to JOHN LANE. R.R. f, Seaforth. Telephone 46 r 15. Dublin, 4580x1 FOR SALE -- Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain F o o (1, etc. ERIC M1LNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, 4577-tf FOR SALE --New cylinder type vacuum cleaner with attachments; never been us- ed. Will sell for $32.00 Box 483, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4580-1 FOR SALE --Pair of boy's hockey skates, size 6; only used one seastli. Price $4-00, GORDON FERRIS, Jr. Phone 771. 4580x1 FOR SALE ---Pure bred Boston Bull male pup. four months old: nicely marked. Ap- ply HAROLD MALONEY. 4590x1 FOR SALE-- Six good stocker' steers about 800 pounds. Apply to WILLIAM LITTLE, R -R, 1, Seaforth. Phone 840 r 11. 4580-1 FOR SALE --Child's snow suit, size 1: red nylon, white fur trim, MRS. ROSS GORDON. Phone 849 r 21. 4580x1 FOR SALE- Boy's winter jacket, fawn gabardine, size 10: also child's one-piece snow suit, size 2, navy blue gabardine. PHONE 832 r 11, Seaforth, 4680x1 FOR SALE -Six chunks of pigs and is little pigs; also 4 stocker steers. Apply "•ACK FLANNERY, Dublin. Phone 40 r 14. 4580x1 FOR SALE -Clean, bright fuel . oil. Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1 ; and Government -tested coal. screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4577-tf FOR SALE -Sprayed applesfor sale: Spies, Greenings, Delicious, Peewalkee, FOR SALE - Quantity cider apples. Baldwins and cider apples Phone Clinton JOHN BELL. Phone 847 r 4, Seaforth. 613 r 24: FRED'McCLYMONT,-Varna.- '9580x1 4580x2 HENSALL NEWS Recent -gueests with Mrs. James W. Bontlsrollt were: Mrs. Norman Peppier, Mrs. Edward Peppier and Mrs. Kerr, all of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Goderich, and Mrs. Mac Greer and Mrs. Young, of London. The 1.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodges are sponsoring a Hal- lowe'en dance in the Town Hall Friday evening. The children of Hensall and com- munity will be treated -to a Hal- lowe'en party in the Town Hall on Monday, when prizes will be awarded for fancy, comic and character costumes. A film, will also be shown, and candy and treats will be distributed to the children. The event is sponsored by I.O.OF. and Amber Rebekah Lodges. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Davidson, of London, spent the weekend in Windsor and Kings- ville, spending some time on Satur- day at the Miner Bird Sanctuary.,_, Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Bill Mickle, Hensall, won a deep fryer in a. draw at Drysdale's Hard- ware. The winning ticket was drawn by Reeve William Parke. Mr. Mickle's name will go in on a draw for a deep freeze, and while attending the regular fall council meeting, of the Kinsmen Club in Sarnia over the weekend he won a popup toaster. Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle and, Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie spent the weekend in Sarnia and attend, ed the regular fall meeting 'of the Kinsmen Club. Boy Scouts Hold Apple Day The First }}Hensall Pack of Boy Cubs, looking very smart in their uniforms, and decorated baskets, For Sale FOR SALE-Phir Barbara Ann figure skates: size 41/.. FRANK ROBERTON, Phone 324-W, Seaforth. 4580-1 FOR SALE --30 good chunks. JACK McIVER, St. Columban, Phone Dublin 22 r 21. 4580x1 FOR SALE -Oven-ready ducks. MRS. GORDAN PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13, Sea - forth. 45.80-2 FOR SALE -8 yearling Hereford heifers. Apply to JAMES MORRIS, Seaforth. 4580x1 CAMDEN R. C. A.) RECORDS -78, 45 and 33 1/3 r.p.m.; popular Western, Sym- phonies, Operas, show tunes.. On sale at OKE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth. 4577-tf SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, $10.00 per load, approximately 2 cords; mixed wood, 88:00 per load, approximately two fiords. Prompt delivery, FRED J. RUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4582x12 FOR SALE -Windmill tower, 40. feet high; Beatty pump; two-way pump; pump jack ; also brass cylinder, 2t,4 - Itch; Ren frew cream separator, practically new. Apply JOHN BEATTIE, R.R. 4, Walton, or phone 846 r 5, Seaforth. 4579x2 FOR SALE -Boy's dark blue nylon snoer.. suit with quilted lining, full length zipper, helmet to match. Would fit child of 1 fo 2 years; also a pair of girl's fleece lined rubber overshoes with fur trim, zipper closing; brown: size 11. All in like new condition; reasonably priced. MRS. JAS. LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. No, - 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 16, 4579x8 Lost and Found LOST -Small white dog. strayed from the farm of Gordon McKenzie. PHONE 852 r 2, Seaforth, 4580-1 LOST -From Concession 10, Lot 27; 3 pigs 11 weeks old. Finder please phone 839 r 24, MRS. HELEN KALICKUK. 4530x1 Births BOSWELL-To Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Boswell, London in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal. London, on October 15. 1955, a daughter, DIEGEL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piegel, R.R. 4, Mitchell, a son. 'POLICE -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Polick, Egmondville. a daughter, STADLEMANN- At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on October 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Stadlemann, R.R. 3, Blyth, a son. •HALLOINE'N SPECIALS Hallowe'en MIXED CANDY 32c 1'b STOKELY'S PUMPKIN -28 oz. 2/35c Fluffo SHORTENING -2 lbs. for 49c Crisco SHORTENING-3-tb. Tin 89c Red Bird MATCHES -3 for 25c White Swan .TOILET TISSUE -2 for 25c Aylmer TOMATOES -28 oz. 2/49c Aunt Jemima PANCAKE MIX .19,c IBEX FLANNELLETTE BLANKETS 70 x 90 — $5.49 (Cash) CLAIR HANEY General Merchant PHONE 72 EGMONDVILLE This Oldsmobile Sedan will be awarded on Friday, Oct: 28th at 11:30 p.m. BUY Tickets NOW ! 25 Cents Each 5 for $1.00 25 for $5.00 LIONS HALLOWE'EN FROLIC x OF THE WEEK did a rushing business disposing of their apples in the Boy Scout Apple Day on Saturday. Approxi- mately $65 was realized, and the. Cubs were very pleased with the reception received as they made their door-to-door canvass. Flt.- Sgt. lt:Sgt. L. Tiberio, of the R.CAF., Centralia, is Cub Master, and Jack Simmons, assistant. Mr. Ern Shaddick has accepted a position as bookkeeper with the.. Hensall District Co-operative, and commenced duties Monday of this week. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hodgins, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. George Parker and Ricky, Hold Rally Day Service Rally Day service was observed in Carmel Church last - Sunday morning, with the scholars of the Sunday School and their teachers occupying seats in the church audi- torium. Rev. Donald MacDonald, minister of the church, preached very effectively. Scholars of the Sunday School took part in the service, and the junior girls sang. Certificates for first and second parts in a memory course were awarded to Colleen Baynham, Bar- bara Schwalm, Gerald Volland, Danny Cameron, Brian Fink and Brian McArthur. '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN '52 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '47 CHEV SEDAN If These Cars are fully Reconditioned and Winterized The Best Deal is Here Anson Gilbert Motors Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks Phone 461 : Seaforth WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT US . . . Hensall 5c to $1.00 Store Opening Thursday October 27 - 9 a.m. SPECIAL OPENING EVENT DOOR PRIZE A Beautiful Satin -bound Blanket will be awarded Saturday Night A Complete, Stock of Novelties, Smallwares and Clothing Items — More Than 2,200 Different Articles - Hensall 5c to $1.00 Store CLENDON CHRISTIE, Prop. HENSALL, Ont. FOR ONE WEEK MORE AT BRUSSELS MOTORS REDUCTIONS UP TO $400.00 Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1955 CHEV. SEDAN -8 -Cylinder Automatic 1954 CHEV. SEDAN—Special fully equipped 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR POWER GLIDE fully equipped 1954 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN fully equipped 1954 DE LUXE CHEV. COACH Power Glide; fully equipped 1954 CHEV. COACH—Power Glide fully equipped .. - 4-1954 CHEV. SEDANS fully equipped 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN . . 1951 CHEV, POWER -GLIDE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. COACH De Luxe A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all 2295 1395 1795 1650 1650 1695 1495 1295 1095 950 900 1949 CHEV. COACH 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN 695 495 495 395 350 350 TRUCKS 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ............ 1947 DODGE SEDAN " 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1955 CHEV. PICK-UP 1295 1954 CHEV. PICK-UP - 10195 1947 CHEV. 3/4 -TON .PICK-UP 1942 CHEV. 1 -TON .PICK-UP Late Model Cara—Many Other Models 225 125 to Choose From BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 73 -X --"The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EvEnv EVENING a Se 5 S • r a,