The Huron Expositor, 1955-04-08, Page 4seenee OA I t,: lassified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: lot Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Srd Week le Cent Minimum chile.). each insertion, 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts es one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoeiant Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 centa per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o Tho Huron Expositor. for 16 soars extra. Fifteen cents additional will he charged if oda In shove class are not paid within 10 -days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salsa, Notices to ('redit„rs, Etc. Rates on aPPlleatton. Coining Events 11051E BAKING SALE and Tea. in Northside United Church h,, r om amen tiered by Gratin" 1 of W A.. SUL111,13N, April 16, 8-5 Ron. DANCE EVERY Wdn„da to Earl Heywood and OKNY hale name. Bang, , 9:30 to 12:30. 3nturdav n yrhta '1 , Petrie's dreheetra, 50C -76c, MANTLE'S F•ilR SAIJ% 'v2uantity .lawn seal oats WAGON WHEEL. reelect Place, Aust- (,er sal•. ApplyKI1NEST ADAMS. Phone ford. C,.+2-tf 641 r 53, 4552-1 For Sale I 'OR SALE Timothy aed. Apply to It %RI ON 111 tI.ONNY. R.R. 5. Sawforth. "h.•ne s0 r nn.Dublin. 4552x1 Ft) 11 S: 1_F Quantity Alaska seed .at_. JAMES I. AN DS BOROUGH, 665 r 16. Sewforth. teelx3 DANCING IS ENJOYED by everyone •1 -Ole SALE -Holstein calf, two weeks at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every Fri- MAC WILSON. Brucefi; o55 r Y, day night. Music furnished1 by Clarence t'.11. n. 455E-, Petrie and the Night Hawks. Please note that the regular weekly danee will be F`OR e.. e --Used Coleman apace hCat- F?lday, 8th. Li held on Thursday. April 7th. Instead of erOX FURNITUE STORE. 4551-19 45514 Property For Sale FOR SALE -Timothy seed; also some alfalfa. JOSEPB CARLIN, 661 r 24, Seaforth 4662-1 -^-- - FOR SALE --Timothy and orchard grace FOR SALE OR RENT ---Frame dwelling semi. JOHN THOMPSON. Phone 633, r on Goderieh St. East : three bearmuna. 31. Saeaforth. 4552-3 modern kitchen : hath : large lit in0 exert. • PHONE 31, Seaforth. 4551-3 FOR SALE--7-morn solid brisk house in Fafmondvilte. with bath, toilet down- 5. 1R SALE-Rud*les and leatta leo: stairs. Su it able for an upatair apart- Harts Mountain Food, etc ERIC anent. Apply to ROPERT W. F:BER- 171Lx:ER-FLOWERS, Senforth, 393. HART. Phone 154, Senforth. Saa x1 45511-4.1 FOR SALLA- Two calv-ea. Apply GOR - 110N REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24. Sea - forth. 455E-1 Wanted WANTED-Houaework by the day. Ap- ply MRS. HAROLD COREY, corner Ad- am and James Sta. 4553x1 j FOR SALE --'22' Teases traetor, Row Crop , hydraulk wiuit.ts s . Like new. AP- I ply to A. W. DUNLOP, Saaforth. Phone Sib. 45:3x1 FOE SALEenure-bred -German Shep- herd' patee, two' months old. Apply ED- WARD MELODY, Dublin. Phone 2:2 r 10. 436112 WANTED --Ogilvie play money. FLORA ANNE and HELEN SCOTT. Tel. $3:e r 13. 4:52x1 WANTED ---Lawn mowers to sharpen.: DONALD J. litaeLEAN, Egnwndville. I Phone 649 r 3. Seeaforth. 4552-1 I FOR SALE -Apartment size electric stn,, lthree-wire nerv'ieel • electric re - ROOMERS. HOARDERS 2W ANTE I; (rirerator. Roth in excellent condition. Good resiiirnce: all conveniences. inelud- ph,,,, 394-31. 5, H. MLVNROE. ins TV. MRS. N. Mee ALLUM. Phone: , 4;:2-1 187-R, Seaforth, 4551x0 ' FOR SALE --Another pair of i-ex,d .. ... .. -..- -.. i broody Durham calves with Hereford -...._ ■ nus. Apply WII.RL'R KEY ES. Phone Help t'V an#; .-- I ;,6 r Il. Seaforth. 4:,.2x1 HELP WANTED -Girl or woman for ! MILhEB,S FOR SALE --More farmers mother's Nein, to live in. Stats salary are ewitchintc to Surae Milkers each mother t er help. live HU. S EXPOS1: month, Contact LOVELL H. 3IeGUIRE, eTOR. 4E51-3 Win, ham- Phone 593. New and used machines. 'We specialise ' in good sow WANTED --Organist and choir leader f milking. 4547117 for Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall ; i FOR SAI.+1;-A quantity of good cedar Hammond organ. Apply to MR. GLEN posts diresn from the swamp to your BELL, R R F o. 1, Hensel!, stating sal- • farm Order now. BORDEN BROWN, ars expected. Applications rece*ted until 1 Kinburn_ Phone 841 r 2, Seaford& April 12th. 4553x1 ! . 4548-8 WE NEED AMBITIOUS FOR SALE-Hardwoodn,Lot3, taps: Grey a red acre farm, Lot 2S, Raundary. Gies and I McKillop. east of Walton. Apply JAMBS , s-TEVF,NSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4. Brusseix, 4549x4 FOR SALE -15 spring tooth cultivator. made to fit Ford tractor. Apply to ROY LAWSON. Phone 669 r 16, Senforth. 4652x1 DEALERS eni 4�.) j Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDI CORS In the Estate of CLARA EDITH GRA- HAM MERNER All persons having claims against the F.state of Clara Edith Graham Merrier, late of the Town of Se*forth. In the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who diad ou the 8th day of February, 1955, , are hereby notified to send in full par- teethe.s of their claims to the undersign. 'eea on ar before the 29th day of April, 19.e. after whish date the assets will be distributed. having remould only to claims I thin leech ed. DAl'F.D at Senforth, this 4th day of April. 1015. M.-CONNELL @ HAYS, Seeforth, oatar(o, • Soli.itore for the Estate 45524 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of TERESA O'ROURKE ell permits bilving claims against the F+tete of Teresa O'Rourke. late of the Hinge of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Married 1�'oman. deceased. who diad on the 2day of March. 1955, are hereby notiti to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day • of April, 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Sea forth, dila 4th day of April, 1955, INcCON'NELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solkit„rs for the Estate. 4652-3 NOTICE to'CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET MALONEY All persons havin,r claims against the Estate of Marrtaret Maloney. late of the Toren of Senforth. in the County of Hur- on, Widows, deceased; who diad on the 7th day et' March. 1955 are hereby noti- fied to wend in full particulars of their claims to the undersien d on or before the 29th day of April, 1955. after which date the assets will be distributed, having reitoaoi only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of April, 1955. 5d5CONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solieitora for the Executors 4,152-3 Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SAL - Cir- Aue;jon Sale of Liteeetoek. rain an _ .---� Heuschole Effesta, at Lot 21. Con n 8. • Oliver No. 4 2 -mw corn picker (3 mullet Township. Iei south and 1'v eair'rears nld.: John Deere power mower. 7 - of Tonle born on Wednesday. April 13, foot cut; Cockshutt rake; bar bay load - at 1:30 p.m.: CATTLE- 3 Holstein cows. , , international aide rake on rubber; fresh with calves at .foot ; 2 blue cetwa Gehl hammer mill ( like new) ; 2 single • due to freshen time of sale: red Durham units Universal milking machine; 13 -disc .ee due in one week : Polled Angus cow Cockshutt fertilizer drill, power lift; 5 - due in three ss-eeka: 2 red Durham cows sections of harrows: 160 feet 7 -inch 1 due in three weeks: s Durham farrow threshing belt : 75 feet 6 -inch hammer I cows; (this is a wood herd of young rows) : mill belt: Oliver bean stuffier; sulky number of young Polled Anglia calves: 6 rape; rip saw with table; 100 feet of Poked Angus fed year-old, ready for mar- 3/8 -inch cable: 250 feet of L -inch cable; I kei : b PolledAngus and Durham calves, 1,2004b. scales; hog &tales ; pig troughs ; F to 6 hundred pounds, suitable for baby iron kettle: gas barrels; sap pan and � beefs. SHEEP -.o Leicester ewes with 8 buckets ; 19.51 Mercury 1 -ton truck (24 - iambs: 1 Registered Oxford ram, PIGS 000 miles/ : White cutting box and pipes: -'9 York and Tam ries 9 weeks old. 2 heavy duty rubber tired wagons, pine GRA1N-.-10 tons of choice mixed grain: flat rack: 9 -ft. grain elevator and auger; quantity timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD saw mandrill with boxings; 8 railroad EFFECTS--Ine•)uding kitchen, bedroom Iron rails 12 feet loser and 2 16 feet I and living room furniture: '22 bunches of long; 25 cedar end poste; quantity of 3 No. 1 grade cedar shfnrlees. and other art- inch maple planks and 2 -inch ash plank poles too immerses to mention. Terms- and 1 -inch elm - lumber SHEEP - 40 lash. ESTATE OF LATE THOMAS I.••ieester ewe. with , lambs ; Registered ADAM:: Harold,lac4:a.en. Auctioneer. Cheviot ram. 1 year old. HARNESS - 4552 -1 9,t ,f breeching harness (like news. SAWMILL with 2 saws, 156, 1 P-152 wild tooth saws: new track and leek ; 2 sawdust blowers and swing circular tail me; cable feed: cant -hook : swamp hooks, tongs. etc.. log binder, 2 drive belt (1 news. FAnetS: Parcel I --Lot 23. Con. 4, Stasi Tnwnahip: 100 acres. clay loam lard: ;1 acres workable: 50 acres piowM, and :; in grass: 25 acres second - growth bush: spring ereek hater supply. Parcel 2 --Lot 13. Con. 5, Stanley Town- ship: 100 acres, clay Loam; 75 acres workable land; 10 acres plowed; 2; acres in hay: approximately 25 acres second- •rswth hardwood bush: frame house: bank ba,•n : silo, henhouse, garage. Good wa- r supply Terms -Combine and John :mere tractor can be purchased with 50 per cent down. Rest of .chattels., cash. Property: 10 per cent down : balance in , 30 days. Immediate possession, Sold subject to reserve bid. WILLIAM CALDWELL, Proprietor: Harold Jack- ( son, Auctioneer, 4562-1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE on N.H. Lot 42, Conoteslon 4, Eaat Wawanosh, on Thursday, April 14 2t miles north of Blyth, on No. 4 Highway, commencing at 1 p.m,: 1 red cow, milking. bred Jan. 14; 1 half Jersey cow, to freshen at time of sale; 1 blue cow. milking, bred San. 10; 1 gra,, heifer, milking, bred Jan. 29; 1 red Jersey, to freshen last of April; 1 red heifer, bred Dee. 12: 1 red heifer, bred Feb. 10: 1 Hereford heifer, milk- ing, not bred; 1 Hereford heifer, bred Oct. 5: 1 Hereford heifer, bred Nov 12; 1 red heifer, not bred calf at foot; 1 black heifer, bred Jan 11; 6 yearling steers; 5 Yearling heifers; 3 baby beef heifers; 4 caws. Most of these cattle are vaccinat. ed. Terms of Sale -Cush. No reserve as proprietor has rented farms. WALTER H. MASON. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4552-1 ES'i'.A'l'E AUCTION SALE of Property. Furniture and China, in the 'Town of Exeter, on Hain Street, on Saturday, April 23, at 12 o'clock sharp: Oak dining room elite, including table, chairs, buf- fet and oral glees china cabinet; number of upholstered occasional chairs: rockers: email Mille; 2 couches; number of an- ti,tue occasional cholla: 6 cane ehairi 12 kitchen chairs; mahogany and walnut tsblear; butt walnut writing - desk and bookcase; antique walnut bedroom suite dresser with marble top; cherry anti•lue bedroom suite ; complete 8 -piece modern bedroom suite; 2 other furnished betl- 'Yuom suited; 2 writing desks ; walnut smokers and ovine cabinets; drapes and curtains; drophead sewing machine; foot- stools; pedestals; 8 feather and wool wreaths; 6 Wilton and Axminster rugs; scatter mats; 4 mirrors; porch furniture and awing: cherry dropteaf table; mantel radio; 2 8 -day clocks. 4 -burner electric stove; kitchen range; Eaay washing ma- chine; 2 tool chests; trunks; QWlt boxes; extension ladders; large quantity of fancy and antique china; china vases and orna- ments; table and bed linens; glints ; wool blankets; lawn mower: garden hose: garden tools. PROPERTY -At the same place. 3 p.m., the property will be of- fered for sale, situated on corner of Ged- ley and Main Street; 7 -room red bridle house. oak hardwood floors. 3 -piece bath, new oil furnace: garden and garage. Home is in excellent condition. Terms: Chattels wash. Property -10 per cent down : balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE MISS IDA GLASS LI,L.E ; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer: E. P. Chesney. Clerk. For fur- ther particulars apply to WILBERT CLAN VILIZ, Administrator• W. G. COCHRANE. Solicitor for Estate. 4552-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farms. Machinery and Sheep, at Lot 18, Conces- sion 3, Stanley Township, 11A miles' west and es mile north of Brumfield, on Tues- day, April 12, at 1 p.m,: MACHINERY --'_Hassey-Harris Combine Super 27, 12 -ft., with pick-up and straw blower mounted on combine; 12 -foot Massey -Harris swath- er %both like new) : John Deere Model 'R' Diesel traet.'r with power -trot. L.P.T,O„ 4 -furrow John Deere plow, 14e, bottom, Power -tool: John Deere 2 -furrow plow No. 52; Massey -Harris 32 -plate disc: 10 - foot Cackahutt cultivator; 3 -drum steel land roller: Oliver tractor. in good con- dition : smeller; corn planter: manure r: buck rake; steel frame circular In good .vacant territories. Dealers in- FOR 5.41-F t.exxi top soil and manure. ted communicatewith its right now General truckin r Ashes removed. Prime ' too reserve your territory. Good pr,duee_d reasonable. GORDON C. NOBEL. Rail - Advantageous sentmission. Guaranteed way St- Phone 55-R. seeress. Details: 4552x3 " JITO: 5130, St. Hubert, Montreal' FOR SALE ---1 young Yorkshire boar: 4549-4 3 poene breed mss. Apply CHARLES OFSER WOOD l'nneession 11. McKiIIon ------- • Township. 217 miles south and 21.. east of Walton, - For Rent 4552x1 t' 'ED PARTS for all makes cars and FOR RENT - 0 -mons house in Esmond- tnt.•ks. Axles and wheels for wsuons or cele. Apply ALVIN H, BEATON. 1067 tratl,•rs. Used pipe and steel. GLENN'S Maplewood. Detroit 4, Mich. Tyler 74965. AL'S'O WRFX'KF.RS. Phone 413, Exeter. 4547-13' Notices FOR SALE •A quantity of Mortselm • +seed barley. Alai a eke con,1'-tahle farm •' ; house with Hydro, for rent. reasonable. to reliable party Amer to PETER w• MALONEY & SONS. Lot 11, Con. 4. GET YOUR se age work done now, McKill°p.. Phone 64 r 10. Dublin. Only 12 per foot on rnntract basis,. All 4552x1 work guaranteed. Contact 650 r 38, Sea - forth. FOR :ALE- e Hereford Coves 4 years 45551-te of are, to eteee during summer. Also brick house to ,wreck, containing 10.000 COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stack, sees brxk and good flooring, -ApPLy to Nagle Nursery Cexnpans. Order now for , FRED DAWVSON. Exeter. 456 ring 6. Sewing delivery. KEN POWELL, Re-' 4552x3 Presentative. Seaforth. 4539.12 ' FOR SALE-- W.C. Allis-Chalmers trac- • dek and disabid horses and cattle ani•+tor with W.D sleeves. pistons and crank. rick bled out. Telephone LEROY : she:: Test installed. Selling a 9, 4, 4. AC.HESON, Atwood 153. colleen Hi ,° DALTON SM_A4.E Con. 4. 4.i41 -LS Hrbbert. Fbor.e s: r 4. Dublin. ESTATE AI'CT1ON SAIF, - Estate 4 -::tion Aa le ..f Farm, Farm Steek, 1larhinery and O,euseheid Effects st Lot IS. Concession 12. Hullett Township. 2 miles mouth and "_ miles ens: of Blyth, on Roinesday. April 20th. at -•1:00 p.m.: MOde i 'L' Csae tractor: 1935 Chevrolet Coach: International 3.forraw pima: stiff tooth cultivator , cultipaci.er : oil bath Me- Cormeld.Deering mower. a -ft cut : dump rake: hay loader: 9 farm wagons; 2 16 - ft. flat racks: ealkinc plow: to sheets steel roofing and ridge rail: cutter: sleigh: 7-s.rt ion hartv,vs; ^.Uhl.tb. scales. .STUCK-== Hcrseet,l and Durham cows: 1 Jersey .ns- 2 cal. es : year old: 2 work homes. Complete line of household ef- Atts. including 2 ranges : corner cup- board: desk: kitchen furniture: living room furniture: hdroom furniture: mats: uui;ts: diahes; radio. FARM -At 3 p.m. day of sale. the faun, consisting of 150 acres will be offered for sale, subject to reeer. a bid. Brick bons.. 5 rooms: L - bank barn : 20 acres bush; gravel pit ; 20 acres plowed, balance in hat and pasture. Terms: Chattels --Cash. Property -10 per • cent down ; balance in 50 days. ESTATE 0.F LATE HENRY S.A-NDERSON : Harold .Yacksolt, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk: GEORGE HOWATT and ALBERT SKELTON. Administrators: R. G Hays, Sob-citer 3552-2 NOTICE -Sanitary sewage disposal, septic tanks and ma -spools. etc., pumped and cleaned with modern +luipment Prompt service. LOUIS RLAKF, Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. Ont. 4544x1:. RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios. at TERRV-S RADIO REPAIR, otvoi Ate Dick House Seaforth. Phone 3.t7 -R, 45551-te COMPLETE LAVNDETERIA in Scn- tomb and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice Phone 3ie. ERIC MILNER PUPPY FOUND -Owner mac have FLOWERS, Seaforth agent for Brady s1i1Tte bs applying to Box 419, HURON Cleaners 8t Lsneeeteria Ltd_ Exeter. EXPOSITOR. 435211 43551-tf GROCERY. BUTCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register; type- ' writers, adding machines, meat slicers. !grinders, scales. Globe Stritapson equip- ment, Exact W eight industrial scales. Ser- vice errice to all makes, HORTON SAI £3 & SERVICE, 339 Wellington St.. London, Phone 33401. 4543x10 Lost and Found LAWNS ROLLELI-Lawn Bawling Club will be toning lawns richt sway Please get is tosook with man when he is is your district. SEAFORTH LAWN BOWL- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). LNG CLUB. Fre information. Phone 58. :tailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope 4a524 adth price list, 6 mamples 25e : 24 sam- ples 11.00. Mail -Order Dept T-79. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Bax 91. Hen9lten. Personals PAPERHANGING. PAINTING ttartish ar Spray) : exterior or iatnrier decor- ating. See nor 114.5.5 wallpaper ,. designs - Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 45,-51-41 ATTENTION, FARMERS I - Prompt eourteGux oalleetion of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call wrest, ED. ANDREWS, 831 r 11. Sea - forth or 24.5. Exeter. Associated with Darling S Co., of Canada Ltd. 4Seal-tf CALL SEAFORTH Concrete Products for ontraeting- Any kind of repair work, new buildings. barn repairs, cement floors (plain or 0viormie Ask us fee esti- mates. Plume or write SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, Sea - forth. After 6 p.m., Phone 45.52-4tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better nulls Are Used - Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle- For service or informa- tien, phone CLINTON 242, collect be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 s.rd. on week days and 7 :30 and 9:30 a.m. an Sundays. 4544-e5 FREE SERVICE To Farmers DObPT WASTE moves on Minerals roar land dma not need. We will. with - ant charge to You, take samples ofa the earth in your 02143 and Have them art. Want Topnotch Beds Limited F • ' nail Cards of Thanks MRS, FILEN. ROTES and family wish to express their sincere appreciation for al) the kinds none abown them during their reeen1 bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, the nurses of Scott Mem- orial Hospital, 0 A. Whitney Funeral Home Ivy Hendert,n and neighbors. and those who sent floral tributes and cards. 4552-1 In Memoriam BELL - --In memory of Mr. J. 1.. Ben, who passed away one year age, April 6. Farewell. dear father. thy work is o'er. Thy wiling hands will toil no more; A loving father, kind and tree. No one on earth well find Like you. --Sadly missed by Wife and Sons - 4582x1 Births HOEGY---At Scott Memorial Hospite1, on April 1, to Mr. and Mrs. La. -erne Hews. R.R, 1, Dublin, a sum SWAN -,At Smit Memorial Hospital on Marc], 51. to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Swan, Senforth, a can. STAPLETON--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Fer- gus Stapleton, Dublin, a daughter. armor *commemorated Deaths JOHNSTON--In London, on Tuesday. April 6, Alton J, Johpston. of Senforth. in his 5wi0d year. O'Fi2ARN-Ln Dublin, on Wednesdaq. April 8, Edmund 3, O'Heartt,. in ilia 70th sear, EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Tractors. Farm Machinery, Live- stock. Hay, G:aib and Household Effects. The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by- public auction on Left 2s. Concession 3. leaborne Township. 11, miles east of Exeter on Highway 53 and 11, mile; north. on Wednesday. April 15th. commerrin• at 13:90 p.m.. sharp: REAL ESTATE rostsisu of Lot 25, Con. 3, L'sborne Township. 100 acres of land on which is situated a 2 -,storey white brick dwelling, with all modern conven- iences, consisting of 4 -piece bath, Pres- cent on day' of sale: balance in 30 days. sure system, hardwood floors throughout. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, buih-in cupboards: large bank barn end if not previously sold. LIVESTOCK straw shed. All in good state of repair. Dairy Cattle -Holstein cow, milking, due Pleat of cies loam: 25 acres of hardwood in June; Holstein con•, milking. due lat- bush. beet], and maple; young orchard ; ter part ,1Q September: Holstein cow, due never -failing water sappy, Farm nicely to freshen April 30: Holstein cow. milk- situated and in good state of cultivation- ing. due in June: Holstein cow, milkhur 'Terms of Real Estate: 20 per cent on day of sale ; balance in 80 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, if not prey -kraals sold- TRACTORS -Minneapolis Staradard Tractor, Model "Z". used one season, like new: Avery Tractor, Model "A", used three seasons. in A-1 condi- tion, equipped with new 2 -row stuffier. F A RIR c er- FARIf IMPLHMENTS--International 3- rrow plow : Coa ct butt 3 -furrow plow ticfyeering "Fre." 16 -run double disc fer- ri`.ir.er drill on rubber, like new: Minne- apolis handen dise, IS -piste like new; atst)eering 6 -foot one-way .disc: John Deere tractor spreader. on rubber: John Deere side rake: Avery tractor power avower, 7.ft. cut like new: Allis-Chalmers bean puller. surer beet lifter: Bisdell spring tooth lever harrows: 3 -drum roll- er : M. -FL. stilt tooth cultivator; 5 -section daimond harrows: heavy duty rubber tire wagon with box : steel tire truck wagon ; 51-H. 7 -ft binder; Spraymotor high pres- sure sprawer. fully equipped. on rubber: Vast grain mender: McDeering hammer mill: ;0 t. hammer mill belt: circular saw: fanning mill: :.000 -it orales. Mc - Deering electric cream separator: root pulper: set of sleighs: : H . electric aaoter : emery: electric cattle clippers ; Jamesw.as electric chicken brooder. 500. capacity - chicken feeders: electric time a'd t sh Ter chicken house ; 3 shelters: electric fencer: shovels, forks, chains: many articles too numerans te. mention. CATTLE -Hereford cow. carrying second calf. due in ?flay: Durham mw. carrying fourth calf, due in May . black cow- car- mine fourth calf- (Inc in May: Durham vow-, carrying fifth calf, due in May : 5 Hereford heifers rt-sin5 2 rears old: Here- ford steer rising 2 years old: 3 Hereford baby beefs. averaging 750 IDs. met, ready for market ; 3 calves, HOGS --21 York chinks, averaging 85 lbs. each. HAY and GRAIN -700 bushels of mixed !rain; 75 bnshela Beaver seed Oats; 2160 bushels feed turnips; quantity of mimed her. HOUSEHOLD I1:FFECTS--Wingham cook move; oil burner; annex stove: oak elin- ing morn quite; 9 ethic foot Frigidaire refrigerator, like new; Mason-RISCH piano; dresses ; beds ; solid wk dining tattle: 055, 9x'12: Eureka pewter lawn mower, eta.. etc This is an extra large sale, Everything in first class condition, and will start attar) On time. Terms - Garb. EARL MITCHEL.i; Proprietor: Garnet Hicks. Clerk ; Aloin Wolper, Auc- tioneer. 6 1552-1 ' IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Truck, Tractor, Farm Machinery, ! Livestock, Poultry, Har,' Grain and House- ' bold Effects, on the premises. North Half of Lot 3, Concession 13, Tuckersmith Township, Ste miles northeast of Hensel). The undersigned auctioneer received in- struetions to sell by public auction on 1 Tuesday. April 12th, 1955. commencing at 1:00 o'clock p.m., sharp : REAL ESTATE-Coasiata of North Half of Lot 3. Concession 13. Teekersmith Township: 50 acres of land on which is situated a 2 -storey frame dwelling with red asphalt siding, with an modern conveniences, con- sisting of new sun porch, water pressure system- new furnace. built-in cupboards. ( The home is surrounded with fine lawn , and shade trees. Large well-built barn, new stabling, water pressure system. large new poultry house; all in excellent condi- tion. Land the eery best of clay loam, in high state of cultivation. This is a mod- ern farm. If interested, inspect before sale date. Terms of Real Estate -10 per due latter part of September : Holstein we milking, carrying second calf, due • Holstein cow, carrying third 'milking, due latter part of August part Holstein and Durham cow, milking, due in October. This is an exceptionally good herd of cows. high producers, and from good blood lines HOGS --York' now carrying fust litter, dee before sale date; York sow carrying fourth litter, bred 5 weeks: 11 York pigs 11 weeks old. POUL- TRY -100 Rhode Island Red yearling bens. TRUCK AND TRACTOR - 1949 Dodge half -ton pickup truck in excellent eonditioN: John Deere "M" standard trac- tor, equipped with power take -off, hydrau- be lift and 2 -furrow plow, like new. FARM MACHINERY and MISCELLAN- EOUS ITEMS -M. -EL cultivator; Deering mower: rubber tire wagon. like new: 16 - foot fiat hay rack, like new: McDeering team manure spreader on steel: Surge two -unit milking machine, completely equipped with 40-12. pipe, like new; coo- ing tank : milk pails: 11.41_ cream sep- arator, equipped for 111 ectric motor, <e new; 5 8 -gallon mil cans : large stone- boat; tone.boat; M. -H. root pntper, like new: 2,000 - Ib. capacity platform scales ; 32 -foot ex- tension ladder; oement lawn roller; colony home: 2 shelters: 500 -capacity electric chicken brooder: bag truck: wheelbarrow; crosscut saw: garden hose: carpenter tools: chains: shovels: forks, and many articles too numerous to mention. HAY and GRAIN -Quantity mixed grain. quan- tity choice hay; 2e bales straw. 1401j5"8- HOLD 01351HOLD EFFECTS -Westinghouse 9 cubic foot refrigerator. hike new : Beach 4-bnrn- er hydro stove: 3 day beds: 2 footstools; sewing machine; metal kitchen table; 4 bitten ebaira; 2 bureaus: complete bed- room suite: mirrors : end tables ; Wilton rug : bell earpet • centre tables; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner: Coffield electric washing machine; kitchen utensils; seal- ers: crocks; eke-, etc No reserve : every- thing will be sold. Terms--Caab. FRED 5140012. proprietor: Garnet Melts, Clerk; Main Walper, Auctioneer. 4552-1 Two tramps, out of food, were wandering in the woods. "Just think, Jerry, if I bad a big fat slice of ham, I'd have a ham sand- wich if I only had two slices of bread" HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Local GirlGuides Association are holding a piper drive Tuesday of Easter week,April 12, Please have papers tiein bundles; mag- azines and folded cardboard neat- ly tied or placed in cardboard box- es,-(Advt.) Thirty Easter boxes were given to the sick and shut-in members of the United Church. In charge of the project were Mrs. W. R. Dou- gall and Mrs. George Hess. The Misses Betty Mickle, Hen - LADIES' LEGION AUXILIARY The April meeting of the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary was held in the Legion rooms on the first Wednes- day of the month, with 26 members attending. President Mrs. J. Tay- lor opened the meeting with the Creed and prayer. Minutes were read and approved. The treasur- er's report was given and approv- ed. Plans were made for a hard - time dance in April. Applications for two members were accepted. Zone Commander Luella Hall, of Blyth, spoke, and Lunch was serv- ed. FIRESIDE FARM FORUM The Fireside Farm Forum held their annual pie and ice cream social at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Dalton. This was the last meeting until fall. The forum wishes to thank the weekly papers for their co-operation and space each week; their printing of the forum findings helps to make the forum a success. The social evening was enjoyed by all. Progressive euchre and crokinole were played and the wrestling on television was enjoy- ed. Winners in euchre were: high, Miss Marilyn Taylor and Harvey Taylor; lone hands, Mrs. James Howatt and Eric Anderson; conso- lation, Mrs. Mansel Cook and Neil Dol m age. Most games won during the sea- son was Mrs- Mansel Cook, and the lucky plate prize was won by Miss Marilyn Taylor and Nelson McClure. Prizes for crokinole were: high, Miss Marilyn Riley and Joe Babcock, Jr.; consolation, Miss M. Tebbutt and Tommy Riley. EGMONDVILLE Mr. Andrew Houston and Mr. James Doig have returned home from a trip by bus through the Western States and Western Can- ada. They visited with relatives and friends in San Deigo and Sac- ramento, California. Mr. Houston visited with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Roy and family in Calgary, Alta., and with relatives in McGregor. Man. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. A. Houston and Miss Frances Houston. Mrs. Broadfoot. of Walton, vis- ited recently with her sister, Mrs. Ivy Henderson, and Mr. Hender- son. Mr. and Mrs: Albert Clark and daughter. Barbara, of Muirkirk, were visitors on Saturday with Mrs. Clark's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saunders and family, of Royal Oak, Mich., visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey. CROMARTY John Houghton, of Mildmay, vis- ited his mother. Mrs• M. Hough- ton, on Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Wren is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. D. Bruce has left her home here to live with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs-' J. Jack- son, at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Binning and Richard. Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. James Ramsey, Georgetown, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ram- sey. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Margaret Anne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick, London. Mrs. Otto Walker is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillespie and family, of Komoka, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. LindaAnne Currie. of London, visited with Oswald Walker. The Young People's Society met in the basement of the church with George Vivian presiding. Patsy Ramsey read the scripture. Rev. Mr. Kerr led inrayer, and Alice and Anita Sorsdahl sang a duet, accompanied by Shirley Wallace. Mrs. Robert Laing pre- sented the topic. FLAX CONTRACTS I -am contracting Flax for a Toronto Elevator LOUIS LECHNER SEAFORTH : PHONE 298 Bible Book Room THE MANSE - EGMONDVILLE Visit ns for your small Easter Gifts Many suggestions fol every member of the family. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AltiD PLAQUES A SPECIALTY Call or Phone anytime Mrs. W. E. Milroy PHONE 666 r 12 : SEAFORTH mall, and Helen McKinley, Sarnia, registered nurses, and students at the University of Western Ontario, field work wi• at itt,.h �Victoriiiaonn Or- der of Nurses in Windsor. Mrs. Carl Payne has resigned her full-time position on the staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter. A number of friends of Mrs. T. Parlmer, upon learning that last Thursday marked the occasion of her birthday, met at her home and very pleasantly surprised her with an afternoon tea and to celebrate the event with her. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, of Exeter; Mrs. Lily Bissett, Brant- ford; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Redden, Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Redden and family, of Dres- den, spent the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Redden and Herb. The local Girl Guides Associa- tion are holding a paper drive on Tuesday of Easter Week, April 12. Please have papers tied in bun- dles, and magazines and folded cardboard neatly tied or placed in cardboard boxes. At the morning service in the United Church last Sunday, Mrs. G. Hess and Mr. S. Ronnie sang an acceptable duet, "The Old Rug- ged Cross." The chair chose the anthem,. "Ride On in Majesty." An appropriate message entitled, "The Sorrows of God," was deliv- ered by Rev W J Rogers . Dur- ing• the afternoon service at Chis- elhurst, the choir sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer." Next Sunday, April 10, marks Easter services, morning and evening, 11 o'clock and 7 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Rogers will be in charge, 'Special Easter music will be given. Communion will be observed in the morning. New members will Ile received. Chiselhurst service is 'lock, with communion. Sunday School meets at two. On Wednesday, .April 13, the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute takes place in the Legion rooms. Mrs. Geiger and Mrs. A. Alexander are hostesses. Roil call will be: How many meetings have I attended? and payment of fees. The standing committee's report will be given. A large attendance is requested. - KIPPEN Sunday visitors of Mr. Robert Thomson were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Stokes and Larry, of Lon- don; Mr- and Mrs. Priestap and family, of Mitchell. Recent visitors of Mrs. Neely- mont included: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schnell, of Saskatchewan; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch, Zurich; Mrs- Harvey Hurlburt, Zurich; Mrs. Alice Cook, London; Mr. J. Bowies, London, and Mr. and Mrs- M. Robb, London. Sun- day- visitors were Mrs, Jennie. Sebilbe and Mrs. Norman Fergu- son, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs- Arnold Gackstet- ter and family visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter. , We are pleased to learn Mrs. Wilbert Dilling is home from the hospital. The best of health is wished her. Mr.and Mrs. John E4oddiejonge .and children, who lost their home by fire recently, have moved into Mr. Jonah Green's house. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Clar- ence Smillie has been 111 and trust she soon will be better. State Farm Mutual announces NEW RATES on auto insurance averaging . 15% LESS Man rotes dtafged by mod other �� companies for liability, MWsiora, mad comprehen- sive coverage. CALL AAE FOR OETML* R. F.McKercher Phone *49 r 4 : Seaforth DO YOU- WANT A NEW HOME? We will build you a two-bedroom home on your iot-ready ' to move in -ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES $6,800 ASK US FOR FULL INFORMATION SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS Seaforth Ontario PHONE 740 AFTER 6 P.M., 22 DEMONSTRATION TRACTOR Massey -Harris '44' Special Standard Tractor with Hydraulic REDUCED TO CLEAR SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 54'1 Seaforth ATTENTION, FARMERS!. There will be a meeting of all farmers interested in growing Sugar Beets and in the installation of a mechanical sugar beet unloader in the Kippen area, on Wednesday, April 13th , TOWN- HALL, HENSALL, ONT. at 8:30 pm. Films - Talks - Discussions Refreshments BILL AMOS, Fieldman, - Canada and Dominion Sugar Company Limited Phone Write See Geo. T. Mickle SOns Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO : PHONE 103 for A MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT Don't Wait! Limited Amount of Seed Available We also Supply Fertilizer with Contracts Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USED CARS SPECIALS A number of 1954 Chevrolet Bel Aire Power - glide, fully equipped Sedans; and Coaches at $750,00 below cost. 2-1954 Chev. De Luxe Power -Glide 1995.00 "Sedans -Fully equipped U 1954 Chev- De Luxe Sedan 1895.00 • Fully equipped O.t��77aa��ii 1954 Standard F>� egped. Sedan 1 �'tJ.'s0 1953 Cbev. Sedan 1395.00 1953 Chev. Bel Aire Sedan, frilly equipped, 1953 1953 Pontiac Sedan Henry J., four -cylinder, overdrive ........_...._..____ 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Power Grade Sedan __... 1949 Meteor Com - 1949 Chev, Coach ,. 1948 Oldsmobile Fleetline Coach 850.00 1947 Chev, Sedan M ,, 795.00 595.00 1953 1/ -Ton Pickup ... ; 950.00 1495.00 7510.00 1950 Chev. 1 -Ton Stake ._. 1942 International Fire Truck, fully egllipped, 850.00 - SPECiALS- Cbev, 1295.00 1145.00 750.00 1953 CH'lV. BEL AIRE SEDAN..,,__ 12955./00 1949 ANGLIA ,.,__.. 245.00 A Written Guarantee ter 69 days on in Late Model Cars --Many Other Hoards to Choose Prove BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS a...1 ONTARIO PHONIC 73 -1 -"The dome of Better Used Cars" OM EVERT IIVIOUltu .f UA o .,.,.l, Ass ;.,a !OIL. _•, n� of ..,•. $�� 34 ou,1�dX.K:.