The Huron Expositor, 1954-09-10, Page 4TIDE HURON EXPQSITOR. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion . , 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 chnts per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Birtha, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. AuctionSales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coining Events EV.31Y FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 FIDELITY LODGE No. 66, meets first and third Wed- FOR RENT—SPACIOUS APARTMENT, nesday evenings of three or four bedrooms. Family with each month at 8 children preferred. Apply H. G. M.EI'R. p.m. Noble Grand, I. Trewartha; Record- Phone 306 evenings. 4522x1 ing Secretary, Harry McLeod. 4493-18 For Rent APARTMENT FOR., RENT.—APPLY It. S. BOX, Seaforth. 4522-1 poR RENT — TWO APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4522-1 Poultry FOR SALE -100 RED X ROCK PUL lets, 'six months old and laying. WIL- MER BROADFOOT, Kippen. Phone 651 r 11, Seaforth. 4522-1 FOR SATE—RED ROCK AND RED Sussex pullets, ready for range. Priced for quick sale. Apply W. C. HENDEltc- SON. Phone 683-3, Seaforth. 4621-tf Wanted WANTED—OLD HORSES, 3 CENTS per pound; dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. 4522-tf WANTED—OLD RIFLES, SHOT GUNS and pistols, muzzle -loaders, registered or unregistered, shot and powder flask. powder horns, molds, parts of guns Any type of condition. Apply ALLAN HAUGH, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 23, Seaforth. 4521x2 WANTED --GOOD WARM ROOM AND board for an elderly man. In a home on ground floor that has central heating and modern conveniences, and in a town or village. Prefer with someone who can give liver hypo once a week. Will pay extra for good warm place. Write to Post Office Box 67, Hensall, Oat: 4522x2 Agents Wanted GOOD DEALERS wanted to establish a business of their own with our 225 guaranteed and well- known products such as: Toiletries, Cul- inaries, Medicines, 'Domestic Necessities, Tea, Coffee, etc. Excellent opportunity to earn from $50 to 675 per week. `Specials each month with free products. Substan- tial discount. Exclusive territory. $18 needed. NO RISK. Details— JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4521-4, Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE -,FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or write Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4521-tf FOR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ling, situated on Goderich St. West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. .- 4521-tf Notices VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL; makes; 22 years' experience, - We pick up and dellvet PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 1 4521-tf p ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL .KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. - - 4521-tf ' VOR RENT --MODERN COTTAGE ON the lake : all conviences. Half price for September. PHONE 128, Exeter, Ont. 4522-1 FOR RENT—APARTMENT, SELF-CON- ta'ned ; heated. Available October 1. Apply JOHN TREMEER after 6:30 p.m. 4522x1 APARTMENT FOR RENT—COMPLETE- ly self-contained apartment,' one bed- room, three-piece bath: heated. On ground floor. Available October 1. Ap- ply in writing to Box 357, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4522x2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects in the Town of Seaforth, on North Main Street, on Wednesday, Sept. Lend, at 1:30 p.m.: One chesterfield and chair; walnut coffee table; 3 dressers, stands ; settee; 3 small tables ; occasional chair and rockers; 1 fernery : drophead Singer sewing machine; wardrobe: day bed : 6 kitchen chairs ; modern brown bed, springs and mattress: maple kitchen set: table, buffet and 4 chairs; Finlay Quebec beater; white enamel Wingham Clipper cok stove (like new); 2 -burner electric ra' gette (like new): white enamel elec- tric washing machine; clothes horse; tube; floor\ polisher ; garden tools; garden oulti- vator' coal oil stove. Terms — Cash. JAMES PRETTY, Proprietor ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4522-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects in the Village of Egmondville, on Wednesday, September 15th, at 1:30 p.m.: Wingham cook stove: Quebec heat- er; Coleman camp stove: 2 -burner hot- plate; kitchen cabinet; glass cupboard: 'chrome kitchen extension table; 6 kitchen chairs: arm chair; 8 -day mantel chime clock ; Raymond drophead sewing mach- ine: modern walnut china cabinet; exten- Ision table; 6 chairs; bookcase; radio: ' buffet : number rocking chairs ; occasional chairs ; small tables; . mirrors: day bed hall tree ; modern iron bed: springs and 'mattress: single bed; dressers; 12 hooked rugs ; 5 electric lamps; electric tea ket- tle1; toaster ; iron ; Coffield electric wash- ing machine; sealers; fancy china; kit- chen utensils; curtains and drapes; bed linens; pillows: cushions; quilts; blank- ets; carpenter tools; garden tools. Terms —Cash. MRS. ROBERT STRONG, Pro- prietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4522-1 AEF UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD E- fects it; the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, September 18th, on Goderich Street West: Antique walnut sofa; 2 walnut occasional chairs; leather ,platform rocker; oak parlor table; antique walnut steeple clock ; walnut table; mantel clock ; mahogany settee: walnut platforrock- er; rocking chaim rs; hall rack: large ex- tension table: 6 oak dining room chairs: oak buffet; china cabinet: walnut drop - 'leaf table; 8 walnut dining room chairs: erarnel Beach cook stove; 1 glass kitchen cupboard ; 6 kitchen chairs: McClary 'stove; solid walnut bed. springs and mat- tress ; 2 walnut cabinets ; walnut bedroom table; walnut chest of drawers; walnut table and antique mirror; walnut ward- robe; 5 walnut chairs with cane bottoms; 3 linoleum rugs; rosewood antique chest of drawers; Axminster rugs, 12x10; Ax- minster rug. 12x14 ; wool carpet, 10x12 scatter' mats : carpet sweeper ; pillows-; blankets; quilts; curtains; hammock ; china, including Lernoges' set of dishes, sherbet glasses. number cut glass dishes : ornaments ; pictures`; flower stand ; tubs: pails ; 2 -burner hot -plate: scales : 26 -foot extension ladder; step ladder: lawn mower: trunks: garden tools: kitchen utensils: other articles. Terms — Cash. MISS MARTHA FOWLER, Proprietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. .1522-2 For Sale NOTICE — PAINTING, PAPERHANG-' ing ; interior and exterior decorating. FOR SALE—ASTROL REFRIGERATOR, See our 1954 wallpaper designs. WAL- in good condition. PHONE 216. Sea - TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9, 'forth. ' 4522x1 Brussels. 4521-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS : — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 351 r 11. Seaforth, or 235 Exeter, Associated with Darling & Co., or Canada Ltd. 4521-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—SEP- tic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., Pumped and cleaned with sanitary mod- ern equipment. All work guaranteed sat- isfactory. For quick service, write or phone LOUIS BLAKE. Brussels, Ont. Phone Brussels, 42 ring 6. 4519x4 ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life insurance- Cocsult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. 4521-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 382: local 252. .• n 4521-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- sle your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields , and have them analysed. GALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4484-tt PROCLAMATION Township of T ickersmith UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- d11 tinder authority of By -Law No. 18, 1952, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby proclaim Ethat glitandviland Harpnrhey hamlets areprohibi d front; running at large during the period front -Jane 1, 1054. to November 1, 1954. 0 cis or Arboreta of doge contravefr- Irit+f e`proYrliotib of, this by-law will be Yule.ffC1 g igaignigth Pernik, of $50.00, "a;fglSiie .. DOM of ltb., 11.61 FOR SALE—HIGH-TYPE BICYCLE; 2 sets Lynn oil burners with gravity feed control. PHONE 192-W, Seaforth. 4522-1 FOR SALE—QUANTITY CORNELL 595 wheat for seed, grown from rel ister- ed seed. JAMES soIjANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Sea,fo 4522x2 WRECKING '42 HUDSON, '42 DODGE. '4.1 Dodge. '41 Chev., '91 Fords and many older models. CUDMORE'S GRAV- EL, 171 r 3, Exeter. 9518-6 SALES AND SERVICE ON -ALL MEAT and grocery store equipment: cash register and adding machines. L. NOR- TON, 339 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-1401. 4520-4 FOR SALE -TWO REFRIGERATORS, one 714, cubic feet and other 91f1 cubic feet. Cheap for quick sale. Apply WM. HOEGY, Seaforth. Phone 588-W. 4522x1 15e: THE NEW 1955 NORTHERN ELFC- tric TV. We handle complete anten- nae installations. Prices on request. F. A. DUTTON, Bruccfleld. Phone Clinton: 634 r 4. 1521-tf a FOR SALE—QUANTITY HARDWOOD slabs, font long; also quantity hard- wood tape. McKillop -Grey boundary. Ap- ply .TAMES STEVENSON. 'Phone 604. Brussels. (t_ 4522?2 WOOD FOR SALE — HARDWOOD slaps have been piled all summer, $14 per load, or $5 per single cord. Ap- proximately 8 cords .-per load. Apply WM. CALDWELL, Brucefteld. Phone Clinton, 627 r 8. 4518x7 Fj OR SALE — DUO THERM SPACE heater with pipet. and Empire coal and wood range: both in excellent condi- tion. Also n 90 -gallon nil tank. Reason- able. Apply MAX CARTER. Egmondville. )'hone 454-W. 4522,2 FOR SALE—QUEBEC COOK STOVE: also Quebec heater. Both in gond condition ; elan electric two,Mtrner hot- plate; R.C.A. car radio. 12 volt. PHONE SEAFORTH 661 r 22. 4522-1 Fj OR SALE — GALVANIZED. PIPE; sealers and some_ lantern glasses ; 2 cools stoves and 2 heaters: 2 wooden tnhles : 2 cloth rugs ; 2 house doors. Ap- ply CLARENCSE REEVES. Seaforth. 4322x1 HONEY FOR SALE-2fOW POURiNO plover honey. 22 dente a pound; Sep• temiber honey. 16 cents pound in ymfr own containers. This September honey is recommended for hay fever. Honey is in short Supply this season. Orders accept- ed. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. Phone 1064, Seafm'th. 4522-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LI B B E R Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 scrapies 26c; 24 sannplee $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. TJ73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Help Wanted HOUSEHOLD HELP WANTED FOR family of two adults in return for rooms and board. Apply Box 869, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4522-1 WANTED — MAN OR WOMAN TO grade eggs : also help in store. Box 358, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4522-1 HELP WANTED Experienced Bookkeeper State age and experience. For local grain elevator. Apply in writing only to BOX 356, HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth. 4522-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JEAN FREEMAN ALL PERSONS HAVING C L A IMS against the Estate of Jean Freeman, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of August, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of September, 1954, full particulars of their claims, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 23rd day of August, 1954. ALVIN W. SI4.LERY, Barrister. &c.. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4520.3 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tenders For. Municipal Drains SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, will be received un- til 6 p.m., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1954 rnr the construction of the following drains: 1--SCHWALM MUNICIPAL DRAIN, approximately 4,500 lineal feet of open drain, 3.980 cubic yards. 2---ALDWORTH MUNICIPAL, DRAIN, approximately 6,200 lineal feet of open drain, 5.370 cubic yards. Plans and specifications may be, seen and tender forms obtained at the office of the undersigned. A certified cheque for 10' of the amount of the bid must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. P. CORBETT, P. Eng. Consulting Engineer, Lucan, Ontario. H. W. BROKENSIURE, Clerk, 'Hay Township Office, Zurich, Ontario. 4521.2 Births BALL --At. Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 4, to Mr. and Mrs, William Bali, Seaforth, a daughter. KEYS --In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, September 3, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keys (nee Nora Eyre), Varna, a son. :VIZIR—At Halifax, N.S.. on September 3, 1954. to Leading Seaman Jerrold Meir and Mrs. Meir, a daughter—Patricia. First Church Choir Honors S. J. Smith Members of the choir of First Presbyterian Church recently held a picnic meeting at the cottage of Mr. and MPs. David Stewart, Bay- field. During the evening Mr. Stan- ley J. Smith. who has been choir leader and organist for a number of years. and .who left recently to accept another position in the In- gersoll district, was presented with momenta by the choir. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell spoke briefly, and Mrs. John Cardno, on behalf of the choir members, made the presen- tation. Smarty: "After the rain falls, when does it get up again?" Professor: "1n dew time, my boy, in dew time:" • HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eller return- ed Tuesday from a pleasant holi- day trip into the States. Mrs. L. Warren, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and daughter Grace were Sunday guests. with Mrs. L. Doig and Janet. LAC. Don OIT, of the R.C.A.F., has returned to Beaver Bank, NS" to resume his duties. Labor Day visitors with Mrs. Catherine Redden were: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Redden, George, Pat- sy, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hed- den, all of St. Catharipes; Harold Redden, Dresden, and Catherine and Patsy Carter, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hill, Strat- ford, visited with Mrs. J. A. Tay- lor and Iyer. and Mrs. Norval Reid and family last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cook and Carolyn ,have returned after spend- ing a week vacationing at Balan, Honey Harbor and Lions Head. Mrs. William Pepper left last Thursday for a week's vacation with relatives at Kincardine and Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, Lin- da and Sam returned home to St. Catharines after spending a week vacationing with Mrs. Catherine Redden and Herb and Mr. Fred Kennings and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsman spent Sundae? at Niagara Falls. Mr. Harold Greenhaugh and Mr. and Mrs. William Prescott and Jef- frey, of Toronto, and 'Mr. George Foster, of Windsor, spent the week end and Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron and Bob. Mrs. Alex Shorthduse and fam- ily, who have been spending their holidays with the former's mother, Mrs. 'Catherine Hedden, have re- turned to St. Catharines.' Mr. Alex Shorthouse and Mr. Orville Redden. of St. Catharines, spent the Labor Day holiday with Mrs. Catherine Redden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton haye returned after spending a de- lightful week's vacation at Bala at Muskoka, and Winona. United Church Notes Rev. J. B. Fox conducted morn- ing service in the United Church last Sunday morning. Mr. S. Min- nie, Mr. Ron Mock and Dr. McKel- vie sang a pleasing number, "Show Us the Way," accompanied by Miss G. Laramie at the organ. Next Sunday, Sept. 12, Rev. Fox will oc- cupy the pulpit in Carmel Church at 11 o'clock, with services in Chiselhurst Church at 9:45 .a.m. and in Hensall United Church at 11 o'clock, both in charge of Rev. Rogers. Each Sunday Sehool com- mences its pre -holiday program un- der the direction . of the regular teachers, Northerner: "The Maine winters are so cold we ,have to put heaters under the cows so we can milk them." Sotitherner: "That's nothing! The Texas sumers are so hot we have to feed the hens ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs." Convener For Kin Banquet Named By Hensall Aux. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion of the Hensall Blanch 468 met in the Legion Hall Tuesday night with the president, Mrs. S. Rennie, in charge. Fol- lowing the opening session, the president brought up the matter of catering for the Kinsmen banquets. Volunteers were Mrs. G. Munn, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. D. McKelvie, Mrs. J. Drysdale, Mrs, W. Brown, Mrs. J. 'Taylor, Mrs. L. Sangster, Mrs. le Davis, Mrs. Inez McEwan, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. K. Buchanan and Mrs. W. Clement. Mrs. L. Sangster will be convener for the banquet scheduled for this Thurs- day night. Accounts were read by the treas- urer, Mrs. 'D. McKelvie, who pre- sented the financial statement. Letters were received and read, showing list of boys and girls who won scholarships, made possible through the support of Legions and Ladies' • Auxiliaries. Resolutions were read to be presented at the convention. Thank -you letters were read' from Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. C. Ken- nedy, Mrs. T. Kyle, Mrs, A. Scholl and Mrs. A. Noakes. Mrs. Ida Dick expressed thanks to the group. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Keith Buchanan. Mrs. E. Davis presented the re- port for the sick committee. Mrs. K. Buchanan submitted the report for the recreation committee. Next item on the agenda was the wreath for Remembrance Day. The presi- dent voted thanks to the ladies for their support given to the bingo, and to the making of candy, etc., which was sold on Labor Day. Mrs. Ida Dick will be unable to attend the convention in Toronto, and it was decided that Mrs. L. Sangster go in her place. The oth- er ther delegate is. Mrs. A. Clark. The convention will be held Sept. 20 to 23. Miss Gladys Luker will con- vene the lunch committee for Oc- tober. Assisting will be Mrs. Ed- na Jones, Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. S. Dougall, Mrs. H. Bonthron, Mrs.; R. Taylor, Sr.. and Mrs. E. Munn.: A delicious lunch was served, in- cluding turkey and buns. Cromarty, and Exeter Induct New Minister. A special meeting of 'Cromarty and Exeter congregations was held in Caven Church, Exeter, when Rev, Samuel Kerr was inducted in- to those two charges. Rev. Lewis, of Atwood, was the speaker of the evening. Other ministers' taking part were Rev. N. Reid, of Avon - ton; Rev. R,° Isaac, of Monkton; Rev. Barr, Stratford, and Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. of Seaforth. Mrs. G. Lamont, of Mitchell, favored with a solo. A social hour was spent, with refreshments being served ie the basement of the church. "Is he a hal'd drinker?" "Certainly not. It's the easiest thing he does." Hensall Library Replenishes Shelves With New Books The following new books have been received at Hensall Public Library: Fiction—Never Victorious, Never Stranger, Thompson ; Against Wbom? Bottome; Beyond the Hun- gry Country, Slinetorf; The Song of Ruth, Slaughter; A Flange For Doubting Thomas, Llewellyn; To the Wood No More, Raymond; Lord Vanity, Shellabarger; Love For Lydia, Bates; Vale of Tyran- ny, Butler; Bless This House, Lofts; Captain of the Medici, Pugh; Mary Anne, Du Mamier; The Spider King, Schoonover; The Royal Box, Keyes; The Quiet Wo- man, Fisher; Royal Child. Bros - ter; Dorothea Kirk, Swan; Carl- owrie, Swan; The Blue Sky Above, Warby; Navy Nurse, Humphries; Great Heart, Dell; The Parson, Coiver; Digby, Walker; Spring Green, Cadell; Kay Comes Home, Warby; The Intimate Journal of 7 SEVEN 7 Big Specials (ALONG WITH OTHERS) 1 used M. -H. Baler, with motor 1 used M.H. Baler, with P.T.O. 1 44D Tractor, 4 years old 1 No. 64 Combine (International), with pickup, Skour Kleen, motor, flax foils. 1 M. -H. (dipper, P.T.O., Pickup and Skour Kleen 1 M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor 1 8 -foot International Binder — AT - Brussels Massey -Harris SALES AND SERVICE ICE ELMER SOMERS . Phone 55, BRUSSELS Warren Winslow, Leslie; Set Love in Order, Sharon. Western—Law .ane Order Un- limited, MacDonald; Meet the Tig- er, Charteris; Guns Make Justice Tuhlble. Fiction—Green Country, Austin; Cinnamon Crossing, Cartier; Cam- paign Train. Gordon; Border 'Am- bush, Tonikins; Outlaw Trail, Hal- lerman; Gaptown Law, Trimble; Border Graze. Bennett; Ambush, Short. Mystery — The Kahama Killer, Sheridan; Mrs. McGinty's Dead, Christie; Haze of Evil, Lowe; The Loft Down Under, Creasey; .A Pocket Full of Rye, Christie; The Grim Ganle, Horner; Caven, Gibbet, Chance. Non -Fiction ---Saddle Hag Surg- eon, Tyre; As It Happened, Attlee; Far, Far From Home, McKenny; The Royal Family, Berton; Hey Ma! I Did It. Aitken; The Ascent of Everest. Hunt; Canada's Lonely Neighbor, Hutchison; Mr. Hobbs Vacation, Streeter; Reach For the Sky, Brickhill; Renown at Strat- ford, Guthrie; I Married An. Art- ist, Button; No Thought For To- morrow, Jowett; The Pall of a Titan, Gouzeuko; Boldness Be My Friend, Pope. Juvenile Fiction — The Bobbsy Twins At Big Benn Pond, Hope; Honeybunch and. Norman, Thorn - dyke; Cherry Ames, Rest Home Nurse, Tatham; The Clue in the JeVrel Box. Keene; The Mystery at Lilac Inn, Keene; The Secret At Shadow Ranch, Keene; The Brown- ie Scouts in the Cherry Festival, Wirt: The brownie Scouts At Silver Beach, Wirt; Buddy, -At Red Gate, .Garin; Buddy At School, Gar - is; Buddy At Lost River, Gaels; Pocomoto, Brush Popper. Dixon; Pocomoto and the Canyon Tres, sure, Dixon; Bombo the Jungle Boy in the Steaming 'Grotto, Rock- wood; Bombe, the Jungle Boy in the Land of Burning Lava, Rock- wood; The Haunted Road, Sutton; The Happy Hollistera, West; 'Gfm- my Gordon and the Lending Lite- rary, Campbell; Children of the New Testament, Ellsworth; Come To the Farm, •Knight; The Little Dutch Girl, Cramer; Joel Spends His Money. Corcos; Their First Igloo, True; The 'Happy Book, Pease; The Tree in the Trail, Hol- ing; Make It Book, Peter; Golden Book, Guelle; The Story of Mar- garet Field Mouse, Cann; .Bili Frog to the 'Rescue, Cann. Everyone makes a Gift . Especially When. It's PARTY ACCESSORIES PERSON- ALIZED WITH 'NAME OR ]MONOGRAM COCKTAIL NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 In varied colors, with printing in gold, salver, Ibhse :m' Ted. Box of 5e ..................... '$2.00 Monogrammed PLAYING CARDS 2 Decks $4.50 Cards of top quality and distin- guished design. In yellow with grey and blues with red, with lettering is gold or eil•vcr. Personalized Coasters In pink, yellow, dark green, brown, light 'blue :amd white, with printing in contrast. 50 for 100 for 7- $1.75 $2.75 LUNCHEON NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 The larger size in the same as the cocktail napkins. Box of 50 $2-00 Box of 100 $2.75 shades Personalized Matches 50 for $2.25 Choose from white and seven col- ors with contrasting printing, at 50 for $2.25 Metallics -50 for 2.50; 100 for 4.00 Personalized Informals 50 for $3.00 For brief notes, ttrffese little stationery folders, with writer's name imprinted, are smlartly correct. And such a clever Christmas gift idea! 50 Informals '(with-:envel ) 33.80 WEDDING STATIONERY Invitations, Announcements — Many styles and type arrange- ments from which to choose. BE SURE OF DELIVERY — ORDER NOW! The Huron Expositor PHONE 41 — SEAFORTH SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED SPECIAL --A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar. anted(' mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, etc. � i o a a As (ow as 1959 CEiiey. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 Jt11l'V. STANDARD SEDAN 3-1952 Com►, STYLELINE SEDANS 1151 PONTIAe SEDAN 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON CARS 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH 1946 PONTIAC) 5 -PASSENGER. COUPE SPECIAL -46 CHEV, SEDAN 1931111 k Number of older models TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS—Ranging from Pickup to 5 -Ton Stake A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Care MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 7-X—"The 'Home of Better Used Cars„ ennessmemelememer WTw OPEN' EVERY EVENING 4 a • 4 . 4 4 4 • 0 t$