The Huron Expositor, 1954-06-25, Page 4) ,77 ossified Ads Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 1/4 Cent 8rd Week 1/4 Cent Minimum chants. each insertion... 25 Cents lach figure, initial and abbreviation counts aa one word. Mardi of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum. 40 cants Per week. Enquiries may be directed to • Box 140.. .Jo The Huron Fonsoeitor. for 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ada in above class are not paid within 10 days of data of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deathe thserted free of charge. Amnion Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Mates on application. • , Coming Events 'FIANCE TO THE MUSIC OF CLAR- ."-" ence Petrie and the Night Hawks, every -Friday nische from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace. Mitchell. 4505-4 ARECEPTION FOR MR. AND MRS. Bill Evans is being held at Dublin Parish Hall on Friday, Jtuie 25. Every body welcome. 45124 1,0R SALE --Two FIELDS FIRST-CU'e red clover. Apply JOHN McCLOY, OnRANGEMEN, PLEASE TAKE NO- Hensall. Phone 101-W. 4512-2 Lice I—The District Orange Lodge of Millen will assemble at Victoria Park. poi; eAL51---30 PIGS READY TO WEAN Seaforth,.. on Sunday, June 27. at 10:30 -L" Ajaily VINCENT MU RRAY. Phone a.m., sharp, led by the Clinton Orange 40 r 16, Dublin, , 4512x1 Band. They will march to the United Church. Visitors from other Orange Lodg- Leoll. SALE—GESTETNER DUPLICA- ea welcome. Come and join us in this .I - tor, No. 26, in excellent eandition, $75. service. MEL. DALE, W.M. Seaforth phone REV. 2. B. Fox., Hensel'. Lodge. 4512x1 451.2-1 For Sale PULTER Q UEMN VACUUM CLEANER, almost new. Will sacrifice. PHONE 162-W. 4512-1 pOR SALE — 8 YOUNG PIGS SIX weeks old. Apply CARL VANDER- ZON. Seaforth. 4512x2 For Rent pool RENT—FURNISHED ONE -ROOM apartment. Available June 27. Ap- ply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4512-tf pOR RENT—CABIN TRAILER, SLEEPS " four. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS, or Phone 160-11I. 4512-tf 'OR RENT — 'THREE -1200M APART- " ment in Seaforth: downstairs. Hot water: bathroom. Available now. PHONE 679 r 14, Hensall Central. 4509-08 A PARTMENT FOR RENT — CORNER ."" John and Main Sts.: for rooms; hot water heating ; garage. ,Available July 15. pOR SALE -7 ACRES OF GOOD HAY, clover and alfalfa mixed. BRUCE McLEAN, Phone 23-J, Seaforth. 4512-1 pOR SALE --CEDAR POSTS, 4-7 INCH - es. 55 cents each, delivered. BOR- DEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Seaforth Phone 841 r 2, 4511-tf POR SALE—MIXED HAY IN THE "- field; also 10 pigs seven weeks old. W. MONTGOMERY, R.R. 4, Walton, Phone 854 r 4. 4512-1 pon SALE—BOY'S BALLOON TIRED • bicyele and medium sized tricycle. in good condition. PHONE 678-M, Seaforth. 4512-1 PHONE 297. 4512-1 !'p -,OR SALE -18 -INCH POWER LAWN mower for sale, almost new: used one month. CHARLES ADDICOTT, Goderich St., Seaforth. 4512x1 Property For Sale pOR SALE -30 ACRES OF RED CLOV- FOR SALE—A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, ' er and timothy hay. Apply ALEX to be moved. Lot 18, Con. 6: McKil- BOYCE. 647 r 14. Seaforth. lop. For further particulars apply R. G. 4512x2 DOIG, RR. 1, Dublin. Phone 849 r 11, Seaforth. 4512-1 -"g'OR SALE—MgCLARY ELECTRIC 4- ' burner range, in good working order, T_TOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, including two new elements LAURA " three bedrooms, den. 3 -piece 'bath- MOLE. Phone 370-W, Seaforth. room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy , 4511-2 'wiring. insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 1 220. PHONE 31 Seaforth, or Box 324.IC PECIAL--HARD, SOFTWOOD DELIV- * HURON EXPOSITOR. 4506-08 1-..) ered 04 and 55 cord: sand for kid- thes Playpens; other pickup jobs. Work done at reasonable rates. A. DELLOW Phone 207. Seaforth. 4510-7 von SALE — SEVEN -ROOM FRAME dwelling. situated on Coderich Street West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heating with oil; two bathrooms. -peon SALE—RX.A. 45 R.P.IVL RECORD Garage and small garden. Very oonven- player, plays through your radio. lent to shopping centre. Box 621, HURON Mao plastic ukelele. Apply JAMES WAL- EX POSITOR. 4509x4 LACE. Phone 582-W, Seaforth. Agents Wanted A PROGRESSIVE COMPANY IS OF - j“. tering you 225 well-known and guar- anteed products such as: Toiletries, medi- cines, culinaries, domestic, farm necessi- ties, tea coffee, etc. 518 will enable you to earn from 550 to 975 per week. Good vacant territories. Money refunded if you do not succeed. Details: JITO: 5130, St. Hubert, Montreal. 45124 Wanted TIOUSEWORK WANTED BY, YOUNG girl. to live in. Apply HAROLD GOREY, R.R. 1, Steil -a. 4512x1 BOARDiRS WANTED IN A GOOD, quiet Christian home. PO. BOX 55.8, Seaforth. Phone 678-R. 4512x1 WANTED--MIDDLEAGED WIDOW RE - quires part-time work. Apply P.O. Box 55e, Seaforth. Phone 678-10. 4512‘xl FOR SALE—W-40 TRACTOR, GOOD rubber: starter. lights and road gear: also 60 All -Crop' Harvester, fully equip - Ped, in real good condition. GORDON SCHWALM, Hensel!, Ont. 4512-2 q,LABS FOR SALE—HARDWOOD, 510 per load. approximately 2 cords; mix- ed wood. 68 per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4509x4 pOR SALE—TRUCK PLATFORM 71.'2P x 124. complete with sides and tarp nipes Lot 17, Con, 14. Grey Township. Phone Brussels 43 r 8. JAMES KNIGHT. 4512x2 port SALE—OLIVER RED RIVER SPE- cisthreshing separator. siyee 2206. with Ebersol shredder and Ebetrl grain thrower: machine:. thtee Years old. Used on one farm only. Apply HAROLD COLEMAN, Staffs. 4512-1 pOR SALE—BIG PARTS AND LITTLE ,arts for Fords. Chev.. Plymouths, Desoto's, Dodges. Olds and Pontiacs. C,om- nlete front-end for trailers. An s-ssort- 'ment of good tires. Our location saves WANTED--BA.BY BUGGY. PLAY PEN you money. CUDMORES GRAVEL. and baby crib, in good „condition, rh4ne 171 r 3 E. eter 4512-6 Apply MRS. NOBLE, Seaforth. 4512 xl WAN-TEM—OLD HORSES FOR MINK 7, feed. GILBERT BROS., Goderich.' Phone collect 936 r 21, or 936 r 32, Gode- C A FtS FOR SALE—'46 PONTI AC SED - rich. 4512-08 an delivery: '40 Dodge sedan : '39 Ford sedan. in good condition ; priccd to sell. CUDMORE'S GRAVEL. Phone 171 r 3. Exeter. 4512-2 Motor Cars For Sale ear:PARMA WANTED — WE'LL FURN- ished bedrorain. Meals optional. Ap- ply Box 340, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4512-1 WANTED .TO BUY—ONE TO FIVE " acres land near Seaforth. interested in cheap house or small farm. Write to PO: BOX 40, Seaforth, 4512x1 FOREMAN FURNITURE, FINISHER, fully experienoed for top-quality, pro- gressive manufacturer in Western Ontario. Our foreman retiring through age Pleas- ant working conditions. steady employ- ment, group insurance, etc. Kindly give full detaila in first letter in confidence. Box 839, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4511-2 ,L. Poultry ) FOR SALE -300 RAMP-WYANDOTTE Pellets, starting to lay. Apply ;WIN MoDOUGALD. Constance. 4512x1 wion SALE—PULLETS, ALL BREEDS and ages, and eight -weeks -old cocker- els; also seed buckwheat Apply LLOYD bieCARTHY. Phone 36 r 4, Dublin. 4512-2 poULTRY—a NUMBER OF ARBOUR- "' Acre White Rock started pullets, ready for range end of June. Price 51.00 each. at 10 weeks old. Please phone orders now to R A. MOUSSEAU. KiPPen. Phone 694 ✓ 5. Hensel) Exchange_ 4508-5 plan SALE -150 RED ROCK PULLETS. 516 months old. starting to lay. and 1 large dining -room table in good condition G. REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24. Seaforth. 4512,1 Livestock Wanted MAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS 'f-• removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service. phone -STONES' eollect. Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 665 r 2. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN HARRISON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS " against the Estate of William John Harrison, of the Town of Seaforth. in the Count/ of Horan, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of May, 1984, are hereby notified th send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or betere .the eth day re July, 1954, after w hith-drde the assets will be distributed having regara only to claims then receiv- DAITID at &afore]. tbia 8th day of ./tirie. 1054. ALVIN W. SMART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solieltor for the ninth- 46104. Auction Sales UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - i'' fects and Automobile. at 1:00 p.m., in Henson, Saturday, June 26th: Three-piece ,ehesterfield suite. like new: Dominion or - Ivan : dining room table and 5 chairs; ,studio couch : Raymond sewing machine; single bed: three-quarter bed. springs and ;mattress; iron bed. springs and mattress: d reesers : washstands: bedding: feather ; ticks : small tables ; rockers; platform ' rockers: settee and 3 chairs: 2 rugs. 9, 1012 and 9x12: congoleum rug 9x14: Clair Jewel cook stOve: Acme rangette; Conner electric washer: kitchen cabinet: cupboard: dishes : sealers: lawn mower: garden tools, and other articles. Also a 1946 Ford Coach car. in A-1 condition. Terms—Cash. MRS. ALFRED VEI R. Proprietress; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer: P. L. McNaughton, Clerk. 4512-1 USTION SALE OF MODERN HOUSE. hold Furnishings. on East William St in Town of Seaforth on Saturday. June 26. at 1:30 p.m Two-piece chesterfield suite: 2 oecesional chairs (like new); General Electric radio (new): electric fan; 4 -burner electric stove; magazine rack; chesterfield table: coffee table;., trilight lamp: floor lamp; table lamp.; modern dining room suite. 9 pieces: table, buffet, china cabinet. 6 chairs: flat -top six-draw- • deik • 6 -piece maple dinette auite (like new): mirrors: 9 -foot Firestone frigid- aire (like new) ; white enamel Westing- house washing machine, new motor: mod- ern walnut bedroom suite; bed, chest of drawers. vanity: Borings and inner spring mattress 5 modern bed, springs. inner spring mattress, chest of drawers; ward- robe with mirror; Airway sanitizer: vacuum cleaner with all attachments (new); scatter mats; Axminster rug: Devon Rose pattern set of dishes: quan- tity other china and ornaments: kitchen utensils; step ladder; garden hose: tubs and stand ; garden tools: other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. FRANK GRTEVE. Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4-511-2 ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE - hold Effects in the Village of Varna, on Wednesday. June 23. nt 1:30 p.m. Que- bec cook stove; 3 -burner coal oil stove; coal oil heater: drop-leaf table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet: kitchen cup- boards; extension table; 6 dining room chairs; sideboards; studio couch (like new): hall seat and mirror; 3 -piece ma- hogany parlor suite; mahogany music cabinet; organ and Stool; number of oc- casional chairs: rockers small tables: magazine rack; end tables Pedestals; flower stands; lawn chairs; hall tree; 12 scatter mats; 2 furnished bedrooms, beds, drethera, stands, apring, mattresaes, toilet seta, inner spring mattress (like new); Inrge quantity of bed linena, blankets, siilts; coal oil lamps; hanging lamp; tures; oil paintirtg: mirrors: 2 num 9 x 10; vacuum cleaner; trunks: cruilt boxes; sten ladder; garden tools; quantity of dishes; glaaaware; sealers; crocks, and many other articles. Terme—Cash II:S- TATE OP LATE MRS. SARAH RATH- WELV; Pred Rathwell, Efecutor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 45114 Notices NOTIMI — POSITIVELY NO TRE13- wining on or around Bell'a Dam STEWART BELL, Heneall. 49104 MOTICE — WILL SHARPEN LAWN •"' mowers. Will pick up and deliver. Phone JOHN MaoLEAN„ 649 r 8, Sea - forth. 450141 ATAOULTIII CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 92 years' experience. We Pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth, 45074f N0 TICE — CUSTOM IlAY BALING, wire tied. Every effort to do it at your convenience. Phone JARROTT BROS., at 678 r 28. Hensel!. 4511x8 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS -"`" of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-10. 4868-08 WILL Tiiit PARTY WHO TOOK THE ornameht off post at Mrs. Mary Reeves' home, return the same and avoid further trouble. MRS. MARY REEVES. 4512x1 WHEN IN GODERICH VISIT THE Opportunity Shup, where you will lind good used clothing at reasonable prices. Located on Newgate St., next to Ryan's Feed Store. 4511-2 CUSTOM BAL1NG--ON WAGON OR IN barn; price per bale. Will also cut and rake hay SF desired. JOHN McGAV- IN. Phone 832 r 33 Seaforth. or 19 r 26. Brussels. 4512id A TrENTION, FARMERS: — PROMPT, ` '• courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREW'S. 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of - Canada Ltd. 4899-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP ••••• Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0. A.A. ). Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE. Seaforth. A CCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR ‘ -‘- Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please tall STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. 4436-tf NTOTICE—GET YOUR PATIOS, TER- " race and sidewalks fixed up now. Use Seaforth Concrete Products flagstones. Cement floors. stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles. 10 inches and over for ilcuinage now in stock. Phone Seaforth az-m. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. 45084 FREE SERVICE To Farmers nOWT WASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need. We will. sithout charge to you. ,take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 376 44844f THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Notice of Hearing TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ONTA.R10 A Municipal Board has appointed Mon- day. the 5th day of July, A.D. 1954, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, Daylight Saving Time (1:00 p.m., D.S.T.) at the Council Chambers in the Town of Seaforth, for the hearing of all persons interested. in support of or opposing the application of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth, pursuant to Sections 66 and 67 of The Ontario Municipal. -Board Act for an Order or Orders. (1) disposing with a vote of the ratepay- ers with respect to a proposed capital expenditure of 095.000.00 for the con- struction of sewers on (a) Lane West od• Main. Huron and Main Streets, (h) Elm. Oak. Willow and crossing under the Canadian National Railway; Sew- age Treatment Plant for the purpose of primary treatment and 'chlorina- tion only: for making all the neces- sary private drain connections there- with and for acquiring land in the municipalite. 2) approving the said undertaking and capital expenditure. DATED at the Town of Seaforth, this 22nd day of June,, 1954. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Applicant, The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth 4512-2 TWP. of TUCKERSMITH By -Law No. 9, 1954 A BY-LAW TO RAISE 650.000 TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TILE, STONE OR TIMBER DRAINS. The Council of the Townshipof Tuck- ersmith, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Reeve i Or Mayor) may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the cfedit of the Corporation of the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $50,000, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter pro- vided, issue debentures of the corpora- tion in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrow- ed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 of the said Act, 2 THAT, subject to Section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of the opinion that the applimtion of any person th borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part. the Council may, by resolu- tion, direct the Reeve (or Mayor) to is- sue debentures as aforesaid and to bor- row a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Passed this 1st de; ov June, 1954. (Signed( JAMES DOIG. Reeve ' (Signed) E. P CHES44EY, Clerk (.8EAL) Corporation of Tuckersmith Towriship TAKE NOTICE THAT TH'E ABOVE IS 1. n true copy of a Ry -La* passed by the Council of the Township of Tacker - smith on the lot day of June, 1954, and all persona are required to take notice that anyone who desires to apply to have the By -Law or any part thereof quashed, must serve notice of his application upon the" fiend or Clerk of this Municipality within 20 days after the date of the hist publication of this notice, and must snake his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice writ; first published on the 10181 day of June. 1954, and the last publication will be on the lat day of July 1954. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk. 4510-8 Deaths CRONIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June /2, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. KIPPEN TRE HURON gxpourou serviecs at St. Andrew's Church was well attended on alln- day, Father's Day, 'When the new Hammond' organ, presented by Mr. W. J. F. Bell, was dedicated in memory of his father, the late All - drew Bell, who had ,been a faithful member of ,the choir for 60 years. It wa.s accepted by Mr. Emmerson Kyle on behalf of the congrega- tion. The service was conducted by the Rev. Norman McLeod. Miss Jean Ivison presided at the organ. The choir rendered an anthem, "We Strawberry Festivai wlth SPRING CHICKEN BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, JUNE 25th Supper served indoors 6 - 8 p.m. Variety Program Admission: Adults $1.00 Children 50c Personals. r_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Handlton. Ont. Notice PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith TTPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- k-' cil tinder authority of By -Law No. 13, 1952, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and Hstrpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1954, to Noyember 0, 1954. Owners or harborers of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this -by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of $50.00. (Signed) JAMES DOIG, Reeve, Township of Tuckersmith. 4511-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE BEING CALLED BY " School Section- No. 3, Hullett, for the installation of two flushed toilets in the school, work to be completed by Septem- ber 1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by July 7, 1954. For farther details, apply to WA.LTER' SCTT, , R. R. 2, Seaforth. 4512-2 TENDER Township of Tuckersmith fTIENDERS ARE INVITED BY THE Township of Tuckersmith for the con- ateletion of two concrete culverts, 8,x24? and 16ec24f (approximately 172, cubic yards for the two bridges). Contractor to furnish all requirements, except cement and steel, which will be supplied by the Township. Marked cheque for 10470 of tender price must accompany the tender Tenders to be sealed. marked "Tender" and in the Clerk's hands by 8 p.m.. July 6, 1954. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 4511-2 TENDERS WANTED Scott Memorial Hospital TENDERS FOR PAINTING AND DEC- ' orating the exterior of the Nurses' Residence. Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned for the exterior painting and decorating of the Nursere Ftesidence, Scott Memorial Hospital, until July 3, 1954. Tenders may provide for: Ill Complete job, time and material, o (2) Separate tenders for material only, and time only Specifications may be had upon applies tion to the Secretary of the Board, Miss Jean Flynn, at the Hospital. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES M. SCOTT, Chairman, Property C,omrnittee, Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, Ont. 4511-2 Cards of Thanks T woULD LIKE TO THANK MY friends for the lovely treats and cards I received while I was ill; also a very special thanks to those who helped with the chores and in so many other ways. 4512-1 ELDIN KER,R T WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to thank all those who sent cards, treate and tower e to me while in Clinton Hospital: special thanks th my Walton friends and to Dr. W. Oakes and staff of Clinton Hospital. 4512-1 MRS. W. C. BENNETT 1,,TRS. ANNIE RICHARDSON AND Mrs. Annie Noakes wish to extend their thanks to the many friends for kind - nese and floral tributes during the lengthy illnees and demise of the late Thomas Richardson. Special thanks to the staff of the Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell: Rev, N. D. Knox, for his kindly ministra- tion. and to the pallbearers, 4512-1 T WISH TO SINCERELY THANK MY " many' kind neighbors and friends for the visits, treats, Farris, gifts and .gowera given roe while I was a patient iZ Sea - forth Hospital, and to also thank Dr. Brady, Dr. Elliott and Dr. MeMaater and all the nurses that so patiently waited on me, and 311/40 tO thank Rev. Scott. or Blyth. Rev. Stinson and Rev. Campbell, of Seaforth, for their visits. Words can- not express my appreciation. 4512x1 MRS. JOHN MeNICHOL Births LANDSBREGEN—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on June 17. to Mr. and Mrs. Landsbregen, RM. 2, Domlin, a &moth. ter. CRONIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cron- in, St. Colornban, a son. _ McKENZTE--Born to Rev. and Mrs. An- drew H. PreKenstie, of hitherto% at To- ronto General Hospital. on June 111, daughter-43°mile aeon. Hensall News of the Week Mrs. Charles Fiford and son, Mark, returned beme by plane on Sunday from a two months' holi- day with her parents in London, England, and Mr. Fiford's parents on the Island, of GuernSeY. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and family returned Sunday from a few days' holidays in Marlette, Michigan. Mr. Ron Passmore left on Satur- day for Toronto, where he vvill take an eight months' course in radio and television at the Radio College of Canada. Mrs. Pearl Case spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. John Reid, London. Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb were visited recently by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims, of Crediton. Mrs. Myrtle Then, of Saskatoon, is spending a vacation .with Miss Greta Lammie, Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb and also with other relatives in Centralia. Exeter and district. Dr. and Mrs. Ross Dougall, of Petrolia, 'were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall. Would Be Building," and Don Bell sang a solo, "Bless This House." Miss Kathryn Howard, of Lon- don, and Mr. Robert Gabriel, of Sarnia, were weekend visitors of Mrs. Charles Switzer. Mrs. B. Brightmore, of London, is visiting her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Coch- rane. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Gail and Karen returned home from a three weeks' holiday in Hamilton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell spent a few days in Buffalo recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson vis- ited Friday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Winthrop. Mrs. Harold Kyle, of Winnipeg, visited a few days with Mr.. and, Mrs. William Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle, Vv'hiteman and his daughter, of Picton, were weekend guests with his sisters, Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss M. Whiteman. Mrs. Duchailne, of Dashwood, vis- ited on Wednesday with her moth- er, Mrs. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper vis- ited a Couple of days last week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and family, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mr. Dexter Jarrott, son of Dr. James Jarrott, of London, is spend- ing a few days in Xippen. Sunday visitors of Mrs. McCly- mont included: Mr. And Mrs. Bart Simpson, of Guelph; Mr. and M.r;s. Orval McClinchey and Donna, of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Heidelman and daughter, of Zurich; Mrs. Jen- nie Schilbe, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Mousseau and.Mar- ilyn spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Elgie vis- ited friends in London on Friday. Miss 'Merle Dickert spent the weekend in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert at- tended a family reunion of the Dickert family in Clifford on Sun- day afternoon. A num.ber of local schotychil- dren, accompanied by thei teach- er and, some of the parents, went by bus to Detroit On Friday and visited at the zoo. Everyone had an enjoy -able trip. EGMONDVILLE Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Hen- derson last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Churchward and Jo- anne, Toronto, and Mrs. Ella ,Far- quharson, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Toronto. WINTHROP 'Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Glen Haasd in the passing of her mother, Mrs. Alex Murray, of Wal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Broadfoot, of British Columbia, were in Picker- ing over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrick and family and Mr. Sam Pethick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stevens, Peter's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McSpadden visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, Lobo. A number of the Junior Farmers took in the trip to Guelph on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dodds, of Buffa- lo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dodds. Miss Roma Johnston visited with friends in Galt last week. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Nelson Coultes returned to her home here after spending the past three months in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Miss Anna Routly is spending a few days this week at Guelph, hav- ing been chosen as delegate by the Junior Institute and Garden Club. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, Stephen and David, of Kirkton. were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen. ; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Pilling and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pilling, of Lon- don, visited with Mr. Ross Pilling in Toronto, who had an appen- dectomy operation in Toronto Hos- pital last week. The Elimville W.M.S. and W.A. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Gilbert JohnsMts. W. Rout- ly had charge of the program. Mrs. A. Cooper read the scripture and Mrs. N. Clarke read from the study book. Mrs. H. Ford gave readings; Grace Routly, a piano solo, and Mrs. Moores gave a talk on World Council of Churches. Misses Grace Johns, Grace Routly and Marilyn Moores, of the Mission Circle, gave a skit, prepared by Mrs. Moores. A ten -cent tea Was served at the close. Hr. atoll Mrs. Clarence Redd, Jer- ry and Allan. spent Sunday with relatives in Tiverton. Menthe* Of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church realized $25 from their cake sale held last Saturday. Mr. G. M. Drysdale, 'who was tak- en ill at his summer cottage over the weekend, was reported improv- ed on Monday, his many friends will be pleased to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean were in St. Catharines. on Saturday attending the wedding of Mr. Mc- Lean's nephew. Mrs. William Pepper has return- ed home after spending a week's vacation with relatives in Kincar- dine, Part Elgin, Tiverton and Stratford. Bingo Car Goes to London Over SOO attended the bingo held at the Hensall Arena, Monday eight with $3,500 in prizes given away. Winner of the 1954 sedan car was Margaret Deyfreys, of London, who won it in 53 calls. Other winners were: $200 special, Mrs. Fred Cole, Exeter, and Mrs. Robert Sangster, Hensall; 6100 special, Roy Bell, Hensall; $100, Mrs. Nora Mothers, Listowel; Mrs. Powell, Lon.don; A. Beauregard, Listowel. There were also 15 regular games at $30 each. The bingo was sponsored. by the Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, with Dave Sangster as master of cere- monies. At the next bingo, July 5, all proceeds will be donated to the artificial ice project. Circle Meets in Grand Bend Mrs. C. Kennedy, of Grand Bend, was hostess at her home Monday evening for the June meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- byterian Churoh, Hensall. Presi- dent Mrs. Harry Hoy presided and opened the meeting with prayer. A report of the cake sale held on Saturday last and a report on sup- ply money, which disclosed that $20, plus a layette, had been sent to headquarters. It was decided to -hold no picnic this year, but to join in with the congregational pic- nic on Friday, June 25. It was al- so decided to have a travelling ap- ron for the summer. Ken linear, of Grand Bend, ren- dered a lovely solo, "The Kashmiri Song," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Hannah Mur- ray very ably presented the topic. Sacred moments were conducted by Mrs. Kennedy. Alm. C. Forrest, of Sarnia, read the Bible lesson and Ken Flew- sang, "Lord, Let Me Live Today?, Following the meet- ing a social hour was spent and lunch served, convened by Mrs. Harry Snell, assisted by Mrs. R. A. Orr and Mrs. L. Tiberio. Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt was program convener. There were 16 present. www Outstanding TRUCK BUYS 1952 FARGO ,Y2 -TON STAKE Low mileage; one owner V body, 36” racks; good tires A Terrific Bargain! $1 O95 1950 CHEVROLET DUMP , Two -speed axle 4 -speed synchromesh transanission Wood all -steel box and hoist Excellent tires A Real Buy S1395.00 1950 CHEVROLET COMI3USTATION DUMP Two -speed axle Four -speed transmission Ideal for farm, grain or general purposes A Bargain $896-00 1947 MERCURY TIIREE-TON STAKE New motor Thoroughly reconditioned A Buy at $550,08 JACK RICE Phone Collect 2-1147 LONDON - ,ONTARIO Form Equipment For Sale 2 NEW M. -H. ROPE HAY LOADERS For below cost to clear asmogulammiimum0111•• 1 USED M. -H. SIDE RAKE Seaforth Motors MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERVICE Phone 541 Seaforth Try These Values Peameal Cottage Roll 65c a lb. Mother Jackson's Jiffy Pie Crust • - - - 29c a Pkg. Jell -o Jelly Powders 3 for 29c Delmar Margarine 2 lbs. for 55c Talisman Marmalade (three fruit), 24 oz.• • 33c Burns' Spork-12 oz. 2 for 69c Royal Instant Puddings 2 for 27c Nabisco Shredded Wheat 2 for 33e Our Own Blend Tea -1 Pound 85c Clair Haney Egmondville Phone 72 : Free Delivery N.:0x0x00.moccomoom MIME'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall - .• Phone 103 Check Closely. For That Profit.! You can't .boost the price of eggs, but by culling you can lower your production cost. It's wise to study your production costs, then to determine the production rate necessary to leave you a profit. Holding production at 60%, 65% or 70% may take some close cull- ing, but it's the best way I know to protect profits. Ever watch lice eat money? Actually you don't see them eating holes in your profits, but that's exactly what takes place whenever lice get ahead of you. At this season lice are most active, but with Pur- ina Insecticide Poultry you can knock 'em cold! Painted on the roost, with brush or oil -can, the fumes rise and suffocate the Tice. It's the sure way. It's easy, and the cost is low., They'll knock production it you don't knock them first. Many Poultrymen around here, both those with laying flocks and those who are sell- ing hatching eggs, have fed Purina Booster Checkers at noon through the fall and win- ter. They find that Booster Checkers help to keep them up in good body condition. Feeding Poultry Booster Checkers is very easy. Feed according to production of egge and. feed only once 'a day, us- ually at noon. Poultrymen me ing them say: "During hot weather my production does not vary very much as my birdie get that protein they need for production in Poultry Booster.** Once before I mentioned the necessities in management of chickens on range. These UPS should be followed to get you the best bird. possible for the laying pen. Shelters should be cleaned and disinfected before use an& all wood painted Once a year with Insect Oil,- 'used according to directions. Provide one acre ef good. pas, ture and one 10.* x 1711 range shelter per 100 'pullets. Have Si' to 8" roost space per birda depending on breed. Bach 100 pullets will nee* three 4 -foot double -sided feed - era or their equivalent in Mee" Two 3-5 gallon founts. Alf equipment should be portable and should be moved often en- ough to prevent wet and con- taminated spots forming around and beneath. Freshness in feed Is a MUM"' If you want chickens to PM - duce eggs, palitabillty due to fresh feed is a necessity. We are able, due to volume, to sup- ply you with daily mix' ed fresh feed where palitability mixing and quality of the feed is a premium. These rations mixed according to Purina specifica- tions with Purina Ooncentratea, assure you of the Best to be Bought for your 'Poultry, Hogs and Cattle. We try to give you the best at all times to !Br sure that you will get the best results. Drop in and see us some time and talk over with us your feeding troubles, if you have any. We are look., Ing forward to seeing you. Geo. T. Mickle Et Sons HENSALL, ONT. LTD. PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED SPECIAL..–.A nu:b194 Chevrolets; guar. anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, 5. 1953 cum. DE1 L1TXE SEDAN 1963 MEV. STANDARD SEDAN 3---1952 CH:EV. STYLELINE SEDANS 195.2 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 MEV. %-TON PICKUP 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 OBEY STATION WAGON 1950 OMIT. DE LUKE COACH A wrlften guarantee for GO MANY OTHER MODE CARS 1949 CHBV. PLEINIIINE COACH—Irally equipped 1946 PONTIA41 SEDAN. 1940 PONTIC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH TRUCKS -- 1948 .c}rEw. i-troN PICE-UP 1951 0.M.0 %-TON 5 -2 -TON .STAKE BODIES 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCE SPECIAL --Now No, 20 Coelothutt Treater days on all Late Model Care L8 TO CHOOSE FROM 'BRUSSELS MOTORS BRIMISIRLS r ONTARIO PHONE fl -X --"The Nome of Better Used Cr OPEN EVERY EVENING • • 5 1 4 A