The Huron Expositor, 1954-03-26, Page 4iciassified Adsl riled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: I Cent 2nd Week §. Opt and Week it Cent Minimum charge. each insertion26 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards •t Thanks. In Memoriam Noticrs. Coming Evente.--1 cent per word. Minimus GO cents per week. 10111Wr'Iea may be directed to a Box No., c/o Tbe Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra Telt cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days el date of final insertion. Sheba Marriages and Deatha inserted free of charge. Auction Salm, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. • Int Week Coming Events AN INVITATION 18 SENT TO ALL 1'O come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawke. For Rent ROOMS TO RENT—TWO NICE COM- fortable rooms to rent; heated • Breakfast optional PHONE 64 r 3. Dub- lin. 4495-2 Property For Sale port SALE—SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ON r Centre St.; insulated and in good condition. Apply FRANK SMALE, Wil - eon St., Seaforth. 4498-tf r -R SALE—FRAME RESIDENCE I14 r Village of Dublin; seven ' rooms, in good state of repair. Situated on two lots. MBB. JOHN DARLING, Dublin. 4498.2 FOR SALE—HOUSE AND DOUBLE garage; three bedrooms upstairs, front room, bedroom, living room; kitchen and bathroom; full basement. C. P. VAN NIL, Seaforth. 4468x8 FOR 8AT,E—LN HENSALL, 7 -ROOM solid brick hoose with garage and large garden, slate roof, heavy duty wired. four -piece bath with copper Piping ; butlt- in cupboards in kitchen with tiled floor; hot air furnace and full basement Close to church and post office and well Located For information apply to Box 306, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4498-4 FDR SALE — 200 - ACRE HIGHWAY farm. with good buildings: hydro; water; 35 acres bush. Must be sold. 100 -ACRE Highway farm with very fine modern buildings: hydro; water: good sell. Be sure and see this farm. Terms. 75 ACRES, 5 acres -bush, balance good t'workable land ; good buildings : hydro. On good road. close to school and highway. DWELLINGS in Blyth, Dungannon and Wingham. Farm listings wanted. CECIL WHEELER (Realtor) Blyth, Ont. Phone 88 4499-3 Tenders Wanted SEPARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES ill BBE R Goode), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with prloe lint 6 samples 25e. 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton,. Unt Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. i'or prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" ,ollect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Farms For Sale pante FOR SALE -40 ACRES, LOT 28, boundary Grey and McKillop, east o4 Walton. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 604 r 4, Brussels. 4499x2 FARM FOR SALE -140 ACRES, MORE or lees, of choice farming land; two miles went of Seaforth on Mill Road, Tuckersmith Township. known as the Charters farm. Frame barna. brick house and good water supply. Immediate pos- session. For further particulars apply to HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth. 4499-1 For Sale WORMWITH UPRIGHT PLANO, 114 good condition, but needs tuning. PHONE 618 r 3, Clinton. 4499x1 FOR SALE—CALF FOR SALE. COR- DON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth. 4499-1 • FOR SALE — QUANTITY TIMOTHY 1' seed; 85 bushel. LEWIS BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22, Seaforth. 449854 FOR SALE —4,000 USED WHITE bricks for sale. 3 Bents each. Apply to GEORGE SMALE, Hensel]. 4496x4 Help Wanted ACCOUNTANT EXPHRIENCED ACCOUNTANT FOR office and credit manager of progres- sivewell-rated manufacturer Western Ontario. Must be good cost man. Ex- -llent future for alert, resourceful, am- '•itioua man. Kindly enclose photograph •nd give full details and salary desired to first letter in confidence. Box 806, HUR- "N EXPOSITOR. 44982 FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC stove, four -burner. good condition: 660 for quick sale. NORMAN MacLEAN. Phone 0-2. 4499x1 FOR' SALE --YOUNG SPRUCE AND cedar trees,. about seven years old. D. J. WOLTERBEEK. R.R. 4. Seaforth. Phone Dublin 22 r 14. 4499x1 pall. SALE — McCORM]CK-DEERING cream separator. in good shape. Apply CLEM KRAUSKOPF, Dublin. Phone 40 r 21. Dublin. 449951 FOR SALE -800 BUSHELS FEED BAR - ley. Apply to EARL DICK, Cromar- Township of McKillop ty. °Phone 14 .r. 5, Dublin. 4498x2 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RE- OR SALE — 1948 ?�_-TON DODGE pair, according to Engineer's sPecifi- F truck, in good condition : also Walter - cations, will be received until April 3rd, Woods refrigerator. 6-8 cubic foot, three 1954: years old, in excellent condition. PHONE 19, Hensall. 4499-1 YOUNG MAN For Employment in Newspaper Shop The person we are thinking of is prob- ably in his teens and is one who has a sincere desire to learn a trade. Apply in own handwriting. giving age, education and salary expected, to 1. Keys Drain -2,245 lineal feet of ex- cavation and levelling material, etc. 2. McQuaid Drains -5,000 lineal feet of excavation and levelling material and brushing, for digging, laying and back- filling 911 lineal feet of 7 and 10 -inch tile and pipe, three field stone protections and two catchbasins and brushing. Township to supply pipe and tile within one mile of drain, except 10 -inch tile, in Township yard. A marked cheque for 10 per cent, with a minimum of 5100.00, to accompany each tender. " Tenders to state when work will be done. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, specifications, etc, may be seen at the Clerk's Office, McKillop Township. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk. McKillop Township, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 4499-1 TWP. OF STEPHEN SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- ed "for crushing. loading and hauling 9.000 cubic yards gravel. N -inch size, from Monteith's pit. flat rate anywhere in the Township. Also rate for crushing and loading township truck. Marked cheque of . 3200.00 must accom- pany tenders and be in the bands of the Clerk on or before April 5, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - , F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk -Treasurer, Crediton, Ontario. 4499-2 TENDERS FOR TRUCKS THE HURON EXPOSITOR BOOKKEEPER-CLERK FOR EM PLOYMENT IN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OFFICE Apply in own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary required. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 4,0,- Ontario Auction Sales P DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE OF Dairy Cows and Young Cattle, at Lot 4, Concession 13, Tuckersmith Township, 3 miles east of Hensall, on Wednesday, March 31, at 1 p.m.: 6 Holstein cows, fresh and recently fresh; 4 Holstein cows due time of sale; 2 Holstein cows due in May ; 1 Jersey cow with calf at foot; 2 part Holstein cows, fresh three months and rebred ; 1 Durham cow, fresh with twin calves; 1 Jersey heifer, bred; 1 Guernsey heifer to freshen in June; 7.0 Hereford heifers and steers from calves to year olds; 400 bales of mixed hay; 16 tons of mixed hay, loose. Terma—+Cash. THOMAS SLAVIN, Proprietor; Harold Jactcson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH - Inge, on Louisa Street, in Toa. of Seaforth, on Saturday. April 3rd, at 1:30 p -m.: McCiary 4 -burner electric stove; kitchen extension table; 6 antique chairs: dropbead Singer sewing machine; Fess oil space heater ; 2 oil drums with taps ( like new); mahogany settee and 2 chairs; oc- casional chairs; house plants; small tables: hall seat and mirror; Rogers radio,; table lamp; floor lamp: organ stool ; sin- gle bed kith new mattress; dresser; beds; washstand: spring mattresses; Beatty washing machine; clothes horse: step lad- der: lawn mower; shovels: garden tools: quantity dishes and kitchen utensils; quilts: many other items. Terms—Cash. MISS EM1t4A HEADMAN, Proprietress: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. Ff OR SALE—ZIP-GRIP CLOTHES LINE; needs no clothes pins; lifetime guar- antee. Good Housekeeping sea] of approv- al. For home demonstration, Phone 296.' HARRY JESSOME, Seaforth. 449853 roe SALE—USED CAR PARTS FOR Fords. 19.29-1940: Chews. 1932-1941: Plymouths, DeSotos. Dodges, Olds and Pohtiacs, eta Our location saves you money. .-.CUDMORE'S GRAVELS Phone 171 r 3, Exeter. 4499-6• Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES J. CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS HAVING C L AIM S against the Estate of Agnes .1. Carno- than, late of the Town of Seaforth, Spin- ster. deceased, who died on or about March 2, 1954, are hereby notified to send. in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of March, 1954, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after. the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims tf which the undersigned shall then hate notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DAIL-i at Seaforth, this 11th day of March, 1954. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4494-8 Notices VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-tf RADIO REPAIRS=FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4368-tf TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE supply of one to fourtrucksand will be received by the undersigned until noon, Monday, April 5th. New 1953 models, where available, also to be submitted. " Motor Size --'Approximately 360 cu. in. displacement. 10.00 x .20 12 -ply tired. Heater and de- froster. Rear view mirrors. Reinforced frame. Direct in 5th trans- mission. Two -Speed rear axle. Cast spoke wheels. Electrical direction- al equipment. All marker lights required by law. Dark green in colour. Two units are to be equipped with 6-7 Yard capacity Galion dump bodies. Two units ,to be equipped with neces- sary trailer brake and lighting equipment Lowest or any tender not neceasarily accepted+ Farther information may be obtained at the canoe of the undersigned. ' bit D. PATTER.SON, Huron County Engineer. (ioderleb, Ontario. 4499.2 Ty fluran Expositor Went AA* Phone 41, Beetorth. BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, STENO- grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write CAN- ADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 4499x2 WILL THE PERSON OR PERSONS that took a- pair of new pillow cases and a light brown and white tanned rab- bit fur out of a trunk in a private home. please return to Box 308, HURON EX- POSITOR at once and save further trou- ble. 4499-1 THE HURON EXPOSiITOR CROMARTY HENSALL The Mission Band met in the Opened! Carol's Beauty Shop in basement of the church on Satut- Bonthron's rear apartments, Hen - day afternoon. On account of the sail. For appointment phone Carol weather and road conditions, the McMurtrie, Proprietress.—(Adnrt.). attendance was only flair. Iiugh Scott presided. Mrs. R. Duncan- son :read the chapter from the stu- dy book and also told some Bible stories. Alice Walker read the of- fertory prayer. We are sorry to report Mr. Thos. Scott is still under the doctor's care, Mr. Arnold Storey visited Sun- day at Kinburn with Ms brother, Mr. William Storey, and Mrs. Storey and family. Mr. Alex Gardiner, who has spent several weeks in the South- ern States, has returned home. Mr. William Hamilton and E. Ross Houghton attended the fire insurance convention .in Toronto last week. Mr. Alex Walker, son of Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker, has joined the Armed Forces and is stationed at Wolsely Barracks in London at the present time. - Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg visited Sunday evening with Mrs. M. Houghton. The members of the Young Peo- ple's Society held a bowling pasty at Exeter and were entertained af- terwards at the home of Miss Shia ley Wallace. AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE, MAC4i- inery. Feed and Household Effects, at Lot 13, Concession .6. Tuckeramith Town- ship, 884 miles south and ? _ mile west of Seaforth, on Thursday, April 8th, at 1 p.m_: CATTLE -2 Durham cows, one fresh: 3 choice thoroughbred heifers; 6 Durham heifers 1 year old, vaccinated : 1 steer rising 1 year; 1 calf 2 weeks old. MACHINERY — Ford - Ferguson Tractor, A-1 condition, step-up, lights: Dearborn manure loader, almost new, with dirt at- tachmen: D.B. mower, 6 -foot, almost new; D.B. wagon. almost new, rubber tired: Ferguson plow. 10 -inch, good shape; 1 trailer in very good shape; 1 oil bath pump jack. A-1 condition: 1 Cocksbutt manure spreader, good condition; front- end seed Ford tractor; end bean puller to fit drill, double disc; some borse-drawn im- plements ; 1 wagon on steel: 1 Beatty bay car: set of hay tongs; 1 fanning mill with screens; 1 sugar kettle; 1 cream separator. FEED—.A quantity of good baled hay: 550 bales of straw: some good Clinton oats. SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS : also 1 chicken shelter, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. REG. ALLIN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer;., E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk, ATTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 8.51 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 439 -tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 14, Concession 9, Hullett Township, 1 mile south, 3 miles east of Londesboro, on Monday, March 29, at 1 p.m.: Dearborn combine, 6 -foot cut. used only for 170 acres, motor driven: Ford -Ferguson trac- tor on rubber,, in good condition; 13-L,oth Ferguson cultivator ( like new) ; 2 -furrow Ferguson plow: 8 -foot fertilizer spreader (like new) ; 13 -run Massey -Harris disc drill; rubber tired wagon ; Massey -Harris hay loader; :5 -foot cut Big 4 McCormick mower; l0 -foot Masser -Harris dump rake: 7 -.foot Deering binder; Clinton fanning mill with flat pulley: single furrow walk- ing plow : 16 -foot sliding hay rack; root pulper : Pump jack ; 2 H.P. gas engine; large steel stock trough; manure sleigh: hay car with ropes and pulleys; set double harness; 3 horse collars; crosscut saw; forks: wheelbarrow: shovels; barrels; 700 bushels Clinton oats. suitable for seed ; 3 mows mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS—Colonial player piano; dining room table and chairs: 6' kitchen chairs; baking cabinet; 2 sideboards: small tables; Edison Victrola with 300 records; cup- board: 3 bedroom suites; cherry antique settee with 2 matching chairs: chest of drawers; pictures: sewing machine: meat grinder: sausage filler and lard press: 50 sap pails and &piles; wood heater: fruit ars, .and other household items. Terms— Cash. WILLIAM and GEORGE FAIR- SERVICE, Proprietors: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Cards of thanks MR. AND MRS. HARRY REGELE wish to thank all the kind neighbors who helped to do our chores during our recent period of bereavement; it was deepply appreciated. 4499x1 She: "I guess I'm just a babe in the woods." He: "Honey, meet an old forest ranger." T WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE woo so kindly remembered me during any recent stay in Scott Memorial Hospital with cards. treats and cigarettes. Also Drs. Elliott, Oakes and McMaster, and the nursing staff of the hospital. 4499-1 CARL KNIGHT Euchre & Dance THE LAST OF .THE SEASON Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, MARCH 26th Cards at 8:30 MURDOCH ORCHESTRA Auspices Seaforth W . I . Admission 50 Cents — Lucky Lunch Ticket — Ladies please provide Sandwiches THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Elizabeth Regele wish to thank all those who sent flowers, cards and treats and visited her during. her illness, both at I home and in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McMaster, Dr. Elliott and Dr. Brady, also to her special nurses and the hospital staff. ' 449951 ACCO(14GMODATION REQ'IHItED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. 14 yon have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please tall STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; Local 252. 4486-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON"- WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Top Notch Feeds Limited puma 15 or eve RECEPTION for Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gibbings LONDESBORO Community Hall WEDNESDAY, MAR. 31 GOOD MUSIC I^0 Ladies please..bring Lunch EVERYBODY WELCOME! MR. AND M,RS. HARRY REGELE wish to thank Rev. Brox, T. W. Heath, pallbearers, flowerbearers, soloist, pianist and all those who loaned cars: al- so all those who sent flowers, Mission cards, and all the kind ladies who helped in any way at, our house during our re- cent bereavement. 4499x1 MR. AND MRS. MATTHEW ARM - strong wish to express their sincere thanks to their relatives and friends who sent them lovely cards and treats on the occasion of their 66th wedding annivers- ary; also to express their appreciation of the Certificate teceived from the Province of Ontario. 4499-1 SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY is again sponsoring a FIELD CROP COMPETITION This year we have obtained Registered No. 1 Beaver Oats Anybody wishing to enter, get in touch as soon as possible with: ALLISTER BROADFOOT R. E. McMILLAN KEN STEWART WILBER.KEYES JOHN McCOWAN HAROLD PRYCE or MERTON KEYES • To Get the Most Out of Your Pastures The Misses Betty Mickle and Viola Crtlmb, nurses -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent he week -end with the former's ,arents, Mr. end Mrs. Laird Mickle rid family. The Girl Guides held a succese- ail paper drive on Monday evening after school, collecting nearly three Lone. 'rhe Community Ladies' Choir, ander the direction of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., will present a musical concert in the Town. Hall on Tues^ day, March 30, at 8:80 p.m. Carol Brown, nine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, plac- ed second in the finals at the Ki- wanis Music Festival at Stratford last week in the piano solo class, with 87 marks. Carol is a pupil of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O. Mrs. W. R. Bell, wiho recently underwent a major operation in at. Joseph's Hospital, London, is improving nicely. Miss Katie Scott, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, returned home on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and family and Mr. L. Roy, of St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Mr. David Foss, of Toronto, a former well-known Hensall resi- dent, passed away in Toronto last week. Funeral services were held last Wednesday. Word has reached here of the death of Mrs. Tate, of Mimico, a sister of Mrs. Bertha BelL The annual birthday party of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held Friday evening in the Sunday schoolroom. The guest speaker is Miss Bessie Mat Murchy,. London. The Community Ladies' Choir, under direction of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., will present a musical concert in the Town Hall Tuesday evening. Lodge Holds Meeting The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 349, was held Wednesday evening in the lodge rooms with Vice -Grand Miss Mabel V/lhitman presiding, During the meeting the charter was drapedin memory of Mrs. Christena Land, a past president of the Rebekah Assembly, w'ho passed away Feb. 13. T(he next meeting is to be held on April 7. This is the official vis- it of D.D.P. Mrs. Kay Cann. Expressions of thanks were giv- en to two members for the dona- tion of cakes to the last social eve- ning and birthday party of the lodge. Mrs. O. Chipchase donated the birthday cake and Mrs. A. Par- sons, the angel cake that was auc- tioneed. Mrs. E. Caldwell express- ed thanks for cards sent to her while ill lately. The memlbers' are to send a shower of cards to Mrs. W. R. Bell, a patient at St. Jos- eph's Hospital in London. Mrs. Leona Parke was chosen as the scholar to attend the Assembly Session at Toronto in June. Wanted WANTED—A YOUNG MAN BOARDER. Apply Box 307, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4499-1 WANTED TO BUY—GOOD USED CRIB. PHONE 446-W, Seaforth. 4499-1 YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY BIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS. Phone 785 between 6 and 7 p.m. 4482x1 WANTED — WORK ON SATURDAYS. Apply to CARL VANDERJON, Rail- way St., Seaforth. 44.99x2 T WiSH TO EXPRESS THROUGH THIS column my sincere appreciation and' thanks to all neiehhora and friends who sent get -well cards. fruit and flowers dur- ing my stay in the Hospital and since returning home. Also the nurses and staff of the hospital. who were ao kind. and to all others who helped in any way. A sincere thank you. 4499-1 FOSTER HARBURN Baby Chicks CHICKS BRAY CHICKS — DO YOU WANT 'dual purpose' birds—for Grade A Large markets—good markets—or hefty birds for the table markets? We have them. Immediate^• shipment. Day-old, started. Canadian Approved. Breeds like Barred Rocks, Columbian Rocks, Light Sussex. Black Australorp, N.H. or N.H. crosses. Many others too. New price list starts pullets from 516.90. Get our full, complete price list soon. FRED W. BRAY LIMITED, 120 John N., Hamilton, Ont. (If you know a good man who would act in this locality as our agent, send us his name. Good commission, with advertising to back him up). T WISH TO THANK ALL MY NEIGH - bore and friends who so kindly re- membered me with cards. lettere, flowers, treats, and who visited me while a,patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to the 'nurses. staff, Mra, Hugh Ball. W.A. of Constance Church, Farm Forum and Dr. Oalcee. 4499x1 EPHiRIAM CLAIRI E In Memoriam WHITMORE—IN LOVING MEMORY OF the late Christena. M. Townsend, be- loved wife of Samuel Whitmore, who pass- ed away April 1, 1949. 'Until the day breaks and shadows flee away." —Lovingly remembered by Husband and Family. 4499x1 BAKER—dN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear mother, Mrs. Catherine Baker, who passed away five years ago, March 28, 1949. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother : It is ei0-eet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. A little regular care or manage- ment of pastures ina way of per- iodical mowing aontrolled graz- ing will incR2ae production sub- stantiaily. as both experiments and practical farmers have proven. Selection of suitable land, and seeding with proper mixtures of graded No. 1 seed are of great lm- portance, but proper management is also an absolute necessity if maximum benefit is to be expect- ed. Sprink or fall planted pastures, whether sown with or with a nurse or companion crop, should with nor- mal growing conditions be ready fro grazing by the August immedi- ately following. As a general rule, spring planting seems to be most desirable. If seeded with a grain crop, an early variety of oats is recommended. Growth of the pas- ture a&ture will be retarded somewhat un- til the grain is cut, but will be quite rapid thereafter. In any case, whether sown alone or with a grain crop, the pasture must •be clipped at regular intervals — as often, - in fact, as is required to keep the various grasses from go- ing to seed. It is the 'bottom leaf growth which provides the abundance of nutritive pasture, but once a plant has gone to seed' its life function has been fulfilled and the bottom or leaf growth quickly disappears. Grazing itself helps to a certain extent to Check seed forming, tut grazing is seldom, if ever, uniform. When mowing, the top quarter or third only need be taken off and if done at frequent intervals a thick bottom growth can .be main- tained just as with a lawn. Controlled grazing will also pro- long the life of a pasture. New seedings should be protected from continuous and heavy grazing un- til well established. Alternate graz- ing of established pastures has proven practical and yields -have been increased eight to 12 per cent over that of continuous grazing. The pasture may be divided by a temporary electric fence, the ad- vantage resulting in the grazed area recovering while the other is 1 being grazed off. Dividing the pasture in this man- ner will also follow for a cut of hay where the growth is very abundant. The new growth will then provide pasture later on and in this manner help to extend the grazing period. Carmel Church Notes At the morning service in Car- mel Church the choir rendered the anthem, "Were You There Wlhen They Crucified My Lord?" Mr. Fox's theme was on the same subject. In the evening Mr. Fox took as his theme, "While He is Near," The Bible Society canvas's in., Hensall and district will get off to an official start on Sunday night, March 28, when a united service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church and the canvassers tom missaoned for their work. Rev. H. Knox, minister of St. Paul's Church, Hensall, will bring the address. All friends of the Bible Society are invited to attend this service. On Monday night the Young Peo- ple's Society of Carmel Church are sponsoring a crokinole party in the Sunday, school rooms, to which all are welcome. Friday night, April 2, at 8 .p.m., will be 'preparatory service in Carmel Church, and April 4 will be Communion Sunday. —Lovingly remembered by her only daughter and family. 4499-1 Births ZION Mrs. Jambes Malcolm is spending a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. George Pepper, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wernham and family, Denfield, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Roney. Misses Gloria Ann Pepper and Bonnie Barker spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Ftoy Hannon and Dav- id, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bushileld and Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Barker, Terry and Ray visited on Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. Archie Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Keith and Bruce spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb. Mrs. 'George Graham spent the weekend with Mrs. James Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, on Sunday. HARKNESS--Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hark- ness, Hensel], announce the birth of their son, James William, at Clinton Public Hospital. on March 18. A broth- er for Dennie and Sandra. MoCLUF.E—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen •M.cClure, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a daughter. MEAGHER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John .Meagher, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. SCOTT—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott (nee Frances Hamlin), Niagara Falls, an- nounce the arrival of a daughter on March 21, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, 9t. Catharines. •- BRUCEFIELD "Is the procedure quite clear, ma'am.?" the shipyard superintend- ent asked the woman who was about to christen her first ship. "Not quite," site repliednervous- ly. "How 'hard must I hit with this bottle to knock it into the water?" FOR BETTER DEALS in Used Cars it Trucks SEE Rowclirre Motors We have the following Cars and Trucks on hand: 1953 Dodge 4 -Door, 1952 Plymouth 4 -Door (Radio) 1951 Custom Dodge, radio 1951 Dodge 4 -Door 1951 Plymouth 4 -Door 1951 Pontiac 4 -Door 1950 Dodge Custom 4- - Door (Radio) 1938 Chev. Coupe Mr. and Mrs. David 'Nixon, of Vancouver, B.C., have returned to Toronto after visiting Mrs, Stack- house and Eva. Mr. Will McDowell has also returned to his home. Mrs. Ivan Wightman visited with her father a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Paterson, Lon- don, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Pat- erson on Sunday. - Glen Zapfe spent' the weekend with his brother, Hugh, in London. They also attended the Toronto - New York hockey game in Toronto Saturday night. There was a good attendance at the dance In S.S. No, 3, Tucker - smith school, on Friday evening. Mrs. Vic Hargraves and Brenda Ann have returned: from visiting her parents,. Mrs. Tough was visited. by Mr. and Mrs. Jepma, Brantford, last week. • TRUCKS 1947 Chev. 3/4 -Ton Pickup 1947 ' Ford Panel 1946 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1951 Dodge 1/2 -ton Pickup • We are Contracting for 5 Malting Barley For The Canada Malting Company The barley grown from this seed will be delivered to the Seaforth Plant; where NEW and MODERN UNLOADING FACILITIES are being installed. TopNotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376 Seaforth kr Dennis Electric All Types of WIRING AND REPAIRS We Also Stock Electrical Appliances Agents for VISIONAIRE TELEVISION SETS DEEPFREEZE REFRIGERATORS • Dennis Electric Shop and Sales — Commercial Hotel PHONE 487 - MAIN STREET Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 - Seaforth QUICK. START Feed PURINA (all Startena Calves Need I7 Calves Go For IT 1. Very Palatable. 2. Aids in Development of the Rumen. 3. 300 -Pound Calf, from 400 Pounds of Purina Calf Startena. GIVE THEM A QUICK START ! Inquire and We Will Explain To You How To Feed It Our Service 'NO One Beats FOR BEST RESULTS — FEED PURINA Geo.T.Mickle& Sons Limited PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT , Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHET. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAS SEDAN 2-1962 maw STVIELINE MANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1951 OBEY. DE LUXE SEDANS—Fully equipped. 1961 OHFIV. POWEROLIDE F4.18117PLtN, SEDAN--i31uy equipped. 2-1950 CHEV. STATION WAGONS 2-4949 01101V. SEDANS - 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1948 PI EEPLINE COACH 1940" 3rnimV, SEDAN SPECIAL=New No. 20 Cockshutt Tnantor A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Mode( Cat's MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1947 DODC)IFI WASH 1946 PON'14AAd SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC COUPE 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN TRUCKS 1951 OBEY. %-TON PICKUP 1949 G.M.O. 1 -TON STAKE TRUCE 1946 OBEY 2 -TON STAKE TA,IIMS 4 -2 -TON STAT E BODY (ARMY TB,UOKf) BRUSSELS MOTORS PHONE 73-9(—'The 'Home of Better Used Cr*"a OPEN EVERY EVENING