The Huron Expositor, 1953-11-27, Page 2!iA rot 1860 Werth, Ontario, ev- fternoon by McLean , Y. McLean, Editor iption rates, $2.50 a year in ee,. -foreign $3.50 a year. Single 1 , 5 cents each. ember of Canadian te. kly Newspapers Association. Advertising rates on application. PHONE 41 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa BAFORTH, Friday, November 27 `TELL -DESERVED ICOGNITION It was a well-deserved honor that befell Mr. A. H. Erskine, the County Clerk and Treasurer, when members of County Council took advantage of Abe Warden's banquet last week to present him with a fitting memento 'of his twenty years' service to the County. When Mr. Erskine was appointed Treasurer in 1933, the affairs of the county were in an unfortunate state. n an administrative sense they could hardly have been worse. Mr. Ers- kine, with hisbroad knowledge of municipal finance, his tact and com- 3non sense, was able to advise coun- •41 in such a fashion that today Hur- on, in every respect, is recognized as using among the most efficiently op- erated counties in Ontario. During the years, Huron has been served by many able and conscien- tious councillors, who have been zeal- ous on behalf of the citizens of the county. But it is fair to say, and the councillors would be the last to deny it, that had it not been for the con- tinuity, the planning and consistency which the presence of Mr. Erskine made possible, butfew of the pro- posals of council would have reached such successful conclusions. Citizens of Huron will agree with those who took part in the presenta- tion when they said it was hoped the County could look forward to many more years of the outstanding ser- vice which Mr. Erskine had contrib- uted in the past. CANADIAN EGGS RECOGNIZED Recognition of the market which quality Canadian eggs can demand is contained in a recent statement' of the Department of Trade and Com- merce. New Yorkers want more Canadian eggs and are willing to pay good prices, the department says. The department warned, however, that the New York market was a highly competitive one. The volume and regularity of demand made it so. "For those who can compete, how- ever, the time is opportune to enter the market," the department said. "Many first-class agents are anxious to buy from Canadian sources." "Canadian eggs have a reputation for quality which sometimes permits sale at a premium price and helps to offset the costly transport to New York," the department added. "The big demand is for mediums, but pul- lets sell well in season and 'A' large are becoming more acceptable as the high breakage formerly associated with this size is gradually being overcome." • As one of the top producers of eggs, Huron County can take some satisfaction .in the fact that the premium quality of Canadian eggs is once again being recognized. CAUSE AND EFFECT? ' The Acton Free Press wonders and rs whether there is a connection be- tween the increased wages recently anted, pulp and paper workers and ale fact that publishers were notified this: week of an across the board in - •crease in the cost of paper. 'The Free Press goes on: "And, of course, the increase will go on down "line ;to be paid by the user of fine erg. We We don't just '.know how it 1 finally reach back to those who ,t.; the first .iiierease, but in the urge cf ewehts it surely will get ere.' se,°. there's, no harm clone yaies,as long as we ie paper we iinereaae c n le;..ri -. es when paper makers from other countries decide they can produce and lay down in Canada products at a lower price. That's what's happen- ing today in the textile industry in this country. Textiles can be im- ported cheaper from other countries than they can be produced in Can- ada. It's the old law of competition and now that European countries are back in production again and not fighting we are going to see more of it whether we like it or not. It need not be lower wages but the answer may easily be in greater production." WE HOPE FOR SUCCESS We join with the London Free Press in hoping that A. M. Buraglia, of Bathurst, N.B., is successful. Bur- aglia is a civil engineer, who is pray- ing for a heavy snowfall. He seeks to test a new anti -ice formula on the highways of New Brunswick. A stretch of road near his home has been treated with this mixture which it is supposed will melt snow as soon as it falls. It is the formula of Wilhelm Rade- macher, of Buttel, West Germany, and is based on the theory that it will draw heat from the sun. The Free Press properly con- cludes: "Icy roads are one of the - great hazards of winter driving and if we can get rid of them we shall enter a new era of safe and comfort- able motoring. It would prove a vast boon as a sidewalk dressing." TOO EASY LICENSES? There are many occasions when we find it difficult to agree with the conclusions which the Toronto Globe and Mail reaches. In fact, it would be more nearly correct to say that there are very few times that we, a regular reader of the Globe and Mail editorials, can subscribe to the sentiments expressed in them. All this makes it more interesting when we came across something with which we are in agreement. Such was the case when we read, with complete approval and agreement, the follow - in "The Ontario Government spends large sums to promote highway safe- ty. Yet it licenses motor vehicles without the slightest knowledge of their condition; the make and year is all it asks to know. ,A "As for drivers, the most cursory of tests gives them their permit; and after that they can renew it any- where they please without re-exam- ination—unless in the meantime they have had a serious accident. "The result is the kind of thing that happened near Cornwall last summer. The result is the kind of thing that is happening all over the Province, all year round, and that by the end of 1953 will have run up a toll of more than 1,000 dead and close to 30,000 injured. Why do we let it go on?" The answer, of course, rests with the Frost Government. What Other Papers Say'. Exceptions (Cornwall Standard -Freeholder) In these parts, a person can have nothing but praise for the weather this-Fall—unless he is a farmer con- cerned about falling water in his well, or a clothing merchant trying to sell overcoats. Ignorance At Home (Pembroke Standard -Observer) Once in a while Canadians are moved to scorn for residents of the United States who appear to know little or nothing of Canada or things Canadian. Ignorance of things about Canada ' which should be common knowledge can be found, however, a great deal closer to home. Way To Be Rid of Wires (Winnipeg Tribune) An Italian inventor living in Genoa claims that he has succeeded in trans- mitting electricity without wires. He told Genoese reporters that electrical energy transmitted without wires had been operating an electric motor for about two months. So far we have no way of knowing whether or not the claims of the Ita- lian inventor are well founded. But we hope they are. It would be an invention at least equal in gun,im . ort- aneee t the'l' Gat 1n lamp g'I a p cords, trolley wires and light poles were on their way out. INTHE COUNTY' PAPERS Receives Medal Ona of the three teachers in Halton County to be awarded the Queen's Coronation Medal was Mee Nellie Jardine. Miss; Jardine has taught in Hornby for the past 23 Years, but is now retired and liv- ing in Brussels. --Brussels Post. Marks 94th Birthday Mrs. E. W. Carrie, widow of the late Rev. John Carrie, marked her 94th birthday last Friday in Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital where she is a patient. Mrs. Carrie is well known in Goderich and dis- trict. • Her husband was an Angli- can minister in ' the Dungannon area before retiring to GoderichL— Goderich Signal -Star. Pin Boy Injured Pin boy Glen Irvine received In- juries to one of his fingers when it was crushed 'between the pin and a fast moving ball at the local bowl- ing lanes. He was taken to South Huron Hospital where lDr, M. C. Fletcher stitched the gashed fin- ger. Glen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irvine, Main Ste—,Exeter Times -Advocate, Have New Writing Instrument Advertisements in daily news- papers announce the introduction on the Canadian market of "Fine - line 500" Retractable Ballpoint, a writing instrument which is the product of the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company of Canada. Manufacture of this item will be started_ this week in Goderich and will be com- pletely -manufactured initially in the program now under way in the temporary Ceoderich location of the company in the old Goderich Col- legiate--Goderich Signal -Star. Find Some Loot From Post Office Part of the $5.000 loot taken from Exeter Post Office on Novem- ber 3, was recovered last week south of Simcoe. Postal authorities said a number of postage stamps and\ some opened envelopes which had contained registered letters, were found on the side of a 'Arind- ham •township road. The articles were turned over to London postal inspectors who are continuing the investigation.— Exeter Tinies-Advo- cate. Were on Fishing Trip (Messrs. Stanley Smith, of the Blue Water Highway, and Darl. Zim- mer, of town, spent a few days at Bayfield Inlet, Parry Sound District, where they were Whiting with the Milligan's Fuferies, who were for- tunate in catching toms of choice whitefish on the reefs at their spawning grounds in Georgian Bay. It was a beautiful sight to see so many choice quality fish, which were trucked to Parry Sound, some 35 miles, and from there shipped for cold storage.—Zurich Herald. Children Baptized At Caven Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, five children re- ceived the rite of baptism by the minister, Rev Donald Sinclair. They were: Pamela Mary Bird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williams B1rd; Stev- en James, son of Mr. and Mrrs. Peter Ellis; Pamela Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. Clifford Ersman; Peter Eq'erett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason; Allan John, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McLean,—Exeter Times-Advoate. Best Dressed Cowboy Cliff Dow, who with his wife, spent the summer at Lloydminster, Sask., must have entered whole- heartedly into the spirit of the com- munity for, according to the Times of that place, he took part in the Barr Colonists Golden• Jubilee par- ade, and took second .place as the best dressed cowboy. The event lasted for three days. Mr. and Mrs. Dow are back in the Stara community for the winter. — Mit- chel itchel 'Advocate. Boy Injured By Car Teddy Wormworth, 12 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Worm - worth, was admitted to the Wing - ham General (Hospital on iSaturday night with a broken left leg be- tween the hip and the knee, after a collision with a car driven by Harry Rintoul. According to police the boy was riding his bicycle north on Diagonal Road at about 5:30 Saturday evening, when he was in collision with the 'Hinton' car at the corner of Diagonal Road and Shuter Street. The driver of the car was making a left hand turn when the accident occurred. Upon admission to hospital Teddy was found to be suffering from a frac- tured leg and shock.—Wingham Ad- vance -Times. A Hibbert Review (By ISABELLE CAMPBELL) 'In 1903 Tom Hamilton remodel- led the old frame store. From then it was brick, with comfortable rooms for various purposes up- stairs. Letitia Norris shortly after used part of it for a dressmaking shop, and Dr. Mair also had his of- fice here, Iu later years it has been an apartment, occupied by Walter O'Brien, George Wilson, :Melvin Gray, Walter O'Brien, Bur- ton McDonald and Glen ,Storey. From 1945Burton McDonald used the store for an egg grading sta- tion, and in 1949 added a locker. service. Little, except the locker service, has been carried on here since McDonald left in 1951. Occupants of the Hamilton Store —John McCurdy (R). Alexander El- liott (R), Mrs. Alexander Elliott (R), Edward McFaul (R), Richard A. Kinsman (R), Daniel W. Dul- mage (R), .Alex K. Ferguson (R), Thomas Hamilton, Frank and Wal- ter O'Brien, Frank O'Brien and George Wilson, Melvin Gray R), Walter O'Brien, Burton 0. McDon- ald. Dave Oughton, who came from near Dublin, lived from an early date in a small house near the back of the next lot till she died in 1866. His son, !Michael, had it next, Dave Oughton was assessor for Hibbert in 1854 and perhaps longer, as there are few municipal records of the early years available, Jimmy iHamilton bought from Mich- ael Oughton in 1869, and some time after, built a frame house on the lot. Only a narrow passageway sep- arated the house from the old store. This was his home till he died in 1911, also the Thome of his song Torn, after he married in 1894. It was Tom who made it into a two-storey house a few years after his father's death. In 1928 the post office was moved by Frank O'Brien from the store to this house, where it still is. Occupants—Dave Oughton, Mich- ael Oughton, James Hamilton, Thomas M. Hamilton, Frank O'Brien, Mrs. Frank O'Brien, Wal- ter O'Brien. (Sack of this lot Frank O'Brien built a grist mill after 1923. He had a new higher -powered engine installed in April, 1925, and he ran the mill till it was burned on July 23, 1938. A street led to this mill from the Centre Road. Across the street from where the mill stood is the brick Methodist Church, which was built in 1877 un- der the direction of Rev. John Fuller, superintendent of the Hib- bert Circuit of the Methodist Church. The following were on the building committee: John Yeo, sec- retary; John )Kemp, treasurer, Rob- ert Webb, A. C. Jones, John Norris, Christopher Fellow and George Hutchison. The cost of the church, including the furnishings, did not exceed $1,320. This church replac- ed the frame Wesleyan Methodist Church which had been built lmi 1861 by W'iillam Hill, a (Mitchell con- tractor. The frame one was built shortly after the Bible 'Christian Church was burned, before it was dedicated, le the fail of 1860 on Lot 17, Concession 8. Tide frame church was just east of the brink, which is -still in use. Lt is believed the Congregation was established as early as 1863 or 1854. ''he 75th anniversary of the opening of the brick, hhtirch was celebrated on August 10, 1952. Rev, R. B. Cord- oning, a former pastor eand, now ,resident of AO •tendon f ontet= enoo of 'the t7ftited lehuroh of Can- ala Wait the giieo s'.peitirer: On the corner at the front of this lot, John Allen, an Englishman from Yorkshire, built a frame house at an early date. He died here in 1912, aged 100 years. His wife was Elizabeth Pedrick. They had two children—William and Jessie, a brother of Mts. Allen's, William Pedrick, often called Petrick, lived with the Allen family. He was one .of the early mail carriers. The one, it is told, from whom two youths stole the mail bag near the Mountain, but seeing the serious- ness of their prank soon returned it to iPedrick. After the parents died, Jessie lived here till she died in 1922; and that year the property was thought by the Methodist Church. The house was moved farther back on the lot, and for a few years was used as a clubhouse and recreational centre for the young people. John Leary bought and tore it down later. Occupants—John Allen, Jessie Allen, Methodist Church. The next lot had several owners before it was bought by the Metho- dist congregation as an addition to the parsonage property. No build- ings have ever been on it. Occupants—Dave Oughton, Mich- ael Oughton, James Hamilton, Alex Ferguson, Methodist Church. John Rath owned the next lot and also the next one to it before Rev. Isaac Aylesworth took up the farm lot in 1856 Rath, another Mitchell resident, helped survey Hibbert Township. This survey was com- pleted in 1835, and there is a pos- sibility he owned these lots from the days of the survey. No build- ings were here till the Methodist congregation bought it and built a parsonage, at a cost of over $2,000, a few years after their brick church was built. William Dinen had the contract to build it. From then a long List of Methodist ministers lived here, and also the Staffa United Church ministers from the time_of Church Union in June, 1925, till 1952. The parsonage was vacant almost a year after Rev. A. H. Daynard moved to his farm near the village before Hugh Spence rented and moved 'into it for a few months in 1953. Occupants—John Rath, Rev,Is•aac Aylesworth, Ambrose Tuffin, Mrs. Alex .Ferguson, Methodist Church, Hugh Spence (R). A street comes next, then the other lot owned by John Rath. Af- ter I. Aylesworth, James Hamilton also owned this lot 'from 1873 till 1879. When the first owners of the lots sold in the early days, it will be noticed that Ambrose Tuf- fin, James Hamilton and Alex Fer- guson were in most cases the pur- chasers, After Jim Olver got this lot in 1883 he built a frame house —the first on it. He lived here till 1886. OccupantsJohn Rath, Rev. Isaac Aylesworth, James Hamilton, An- gus McDonald, Jim Olver, Josiah Izzard (R), John Livingston, Henry Harburn. 'the lot back of this one was first owned by a John MItoheli, unkown to all today. (He owned it from an. early date till 1865. 'this house was different from the others. It was built into 'the hill and had -an underground kitchen. It was Wil- ilam Wallace's Koine 'before he went to the,• George Robertson farm ctt dromnarty shorn' y after 1865..• This,. William. Wallace's son, Malcolm, when ip' the b$tateb in later year», graduated as an elect ie+aal engin (' ti111tied on tkge "i) . LINGERIE HOUSE COATS TOWEL SETS HOSE SKITS and BLOUSES' , WE HAVE TICKETS ON TrIE FREE TELEVISION DRAW Ask for Gift Boxes With your purchases. PHONE 70 TUDORS HENSALL' LADIES' WEAR DRY G000$ Crossing the street is safe enough If only you watch your step. Butyourpassage across can be mighty rough Iftosafety you're not hep. Dept. of National Health and Welfare Years Agone Interesting Items Picked From The Huron Expositor of Twen- ty-five and Fifty .Years Ago From The Huron Expositor November 30, 1928 The euchre and dance held in the hall at Winthrop Friday was well attended. The ladies' prize for ,most games was won by •MTS. E. Ttoil; lone hands, Mrs. Percy Lit - tee; gents, moat games, Hugh Ross; lone hands, Joseph McFarlane, Joseph Dolmage, J. Watt, T. Watt and J. Ferris, Winthrop, mot- ored 'to Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. iDolmage purchased a valuable York hog at the Fair. •Mi'. J. E. Ferguson has sold his farm, lot 15, on the 6th concession of 'McKillop, to Mr. Wm. Storey, who will get possession on Decem- ber 17. Mr. Ferguson has accepted a position in. Elgin County with the Canada Life Assurance Co., and will make his headquarters inAyl- mer. Mr. Gordon Cudmore, London, son of Mrs. Alice Cudmore, .Hensall, had the misfortune recently to have his face and hands severely burned while trying to extinguish a 'fire which did considerable damage to an oil station, of which he is night watchman. The residence above the gas station was also bad- ly damaged. Yungblut and Diechert, who have conducted a butcher business in Zurich for nearly 25 years, have dissolved partnership. Byran, son of Mr, David Duch- arme, Zurich, had the misfortune to have his arm broken while play- ing at Zurich school on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Clarence ' Parks, Hillsgreen, entertained about 30 guests at their home Monday eve- ning in honor of .Miss Grace Love, bride -elect of this month. The first part of the evening took the form of a mock wedding, Mrs. J. H. Cochrane acting as the bride and Miss Elva Anderson, as the groom; Mrs. W. Homey, bridesmaid, and Miss Anna Love, the best man; Mrs. Hugh 'McMurtrie, the minister and Miss Eleanor Fisher, the pian- ist. Mrs. L. Eiler sang a solo. Mr. T. O. Drummond, Hensall, has sold his share of the butcher and meat business• to his son, Er- rold, who together with his father have conducted a large meat busi• ness for a number of years. Mr. .L' Forrete, agent for radios at Brucefield, installed a radio in the homes of Rev. W. A. Bremner and 'Mr. James Berry. • From The Huron Expositor November 27, 1903 The first sleighing of the season was ushered in Monday morning, November 23. An unfortunate accident occurred at Kippen Tuesday evening, result- ing in the injury of several per- sons and the almost total destruc- tion of the handsome new Sunday School attached to St. Andrew's Church. A number of persons were in the room helping to feast en the fragments of the tea meeting which had been held the night before. About 7:30 some one .complained of smelling gas and in two minutes there was a terrible rumbling sound —everything was in darkness and the building was tumbling into piec- es, Of those injured, the pastor, Rev. Mr. McLennan, was perhaps the most .serious .case. His face and bands were severely burned and his eyes injured. The others injur- ed were Mrs. J. W. McLean, Miss Nellie Cooper, Mr. Moore, the care- taker, Ethel Elgie, Allie and Flora Taylor and 'Maggie McLean. Mr. Charles Wilson bas had a set of new scales erected on the street near his hotel stables in Brucefield, and is having them housed in, so as to have everything in connection with them snug and comfortable. The following were ticketed to distant points this week: Harry Watson, Jr., to Detroit; Miss Jen- nie Gray, to Aitkin, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber to Snn'Franeisco, Calif.; James and Jgqhn Dorrance to Ayr, N.D.; Mr. and We. (David Dor- ranee t,o Steven's Point, Wiis.; Mr. Pi. .E. Brown and .M!isa'fSSarah Dor ranee to Buffalo; Mrs, Jefferson t.. Hope, ND. While workmen were making preparations to excavate for a fur- nace under the Bank of Commerce house, occupied, by M. Parkes, the manager, they struck a real curio ,in the form of a petrified eaf, The skeleton of the animal was perfect in every detail and the skin cover ed the bones as, completely and perfectly as in life, while the al, ems was es rigid ,at ;stone.. It 3vas Lound lying in a bed of limb left there by sseine pen who had been making repair's to the house some years' ; ago In was turned over to l Rogers of the d' e1Iegfaate, to be p sebdt iii t e ibusea here, FREE TELEVISION DRAW BY HENSALL MERCHANTS Shop at the business places displaying the Big Yellow Sign. Free Coupon for every dollar purchase or paid on account from now till 'Christmas Eve. , SHOP IN HENSALL AND SAVE! SPONSORED BY MERCHANTS' SECTION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , HENSALL STORE HOURS FOR DECEMBER Open eveery Wednesday all day. Open till 11 pan. Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24 case your parincr..., and have a Coke Look around. The familiar recr cooler is only steps away, ready` to refresh you with the unique.. flavor of the world's favorite soft drink...delicious ,Coca -Cols: R -3B -X ladidiag Federal Tarts, Authorized bottler of Coca -C•1• under contract web teat -Cele Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED 658 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD. ONT. — PHONE 78 "Coke" Is a registered trademark ...en, jny ywr/rjo Train travel is fun for the whole family,— and low in oosc., too ... you pay only half -fare for youngsters 5 and under 12. - Under 5 2.- Under.5 they travel with you free. You can relax and ehjoy your- • selves in soft "sleepy -hollow" seats as the nines slip by and " you roll along to your destination on dependable schedules. Read, watch the scenery , stroll to the dining car for a grand choice of 'wonderful meals — with gay, colorful menus for the kiddies.' Your ticket entitles you tofree baggage checking • ithroifghto destination, up to 00 pounds. You arrive fresh , and rested a god at niajoi points you can have a drive -yourself car waiting for business or pleasure. FURTHER INFORMATION FROM ANY C.N.R. AGENT AN Aal�� NATIONAL. fist ONLY IIIAIi Wi4Y E%tV/iiffr, ALL ins PIjti'Vt1i $ •