The Huron Expositor, 1953-07-31, Page 4«13 Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates fl SALE, WANTED, LOST AND. FOUND, ETC—Per Word: lat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week l4 Gent Minimum charge, each insertion.. , 26 Cents !Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. inquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Jaen cents additional will be charged if ads in above «lass are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. --Rates on application. Coming Events •EAT THE HEAT AND ENJOY A 1A'. treat, 'dealing every Friday night at the Cryatal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, to the music of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4460-5 For Rent FOR RENT - APARTMENT. PHONE 669 r 33, Seaforth. 4464-1 FOR RENT -COTTAGE AT $AYFIELD ; three bedrooms and bath with Shower. Month of August. Apply Box 245, . HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4464-1 Fan. RENT -DEA 1'>!,71 APARTMENT, kitchen. living room, bathroom, sun - ,Porch ; downstairs; 2 bedrooms. Now vada n1. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth. 4464-1 R REND -TWO APARTMENTS IN Seaforth, one upstairs and other down- v%p'D-A PLAY PEN. APPLY TO stairs; both four rooms, and bath. Newly MRS. J. JANMAAT, R.R. 4, Sea - decorated and floor coverings. Available forth, one mile east of Kippen Road. September 1. PHONE 679 r 14, Hensall. 4464-1 4464x1 • Help Wanted FEMALE HELP WANTED-RELIARF.F waitress. Call R.ETHERS' COFFEE SHOPPE, Exeter. 4464-1 COOK WANTED -GOOD WAGES. NO baking. Apply RIVERSIDE REST HOME, Mitchell, Ont. 4468-2 WANTED - WOMAN CAPABLE OF taking charge of kitchen ; must be between the ages of 25 and 45 years. Ap- ply J. C, CRSOH, Seaforth. 4464-1 Tj ULL OR PART TIME LOCAL SALES, representative required by sales or- ganization is Waterloo. For further in- formation please write BOX 184, Water- loo. 4462-3 REQUIRED FOR PART-TIME BMPLOX went. Goad remuneration for 8 to 10 hours per week. Will not interfere with household duties. No investment re- quired. Car required. Apply BOX 242, HURON F,X PoSITOR, Seafortb, 4464x2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE -AN- AUCTION SALE of the Cbiselburst Malted Church Shed' will be held on the premises on Tuesday, August 4, 1953, at ejght o'clock in the evening, D.S.T. This shed has a good rock 'elm frame, corrugated steel roof, cement block foundation ; size approxi- mately 80 feet by 95 feet, and is in good state of repair. This shed will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Terms -Cash. THOMIAS D. WREN, Secretary -Treasurer, Cromarty, R.R. No. 1 ; Phone: Hensall 688 r 16, Dublin 14 r 12; Percy Wright, Auctioneer, Cromarty, RR. No, 1; Phone, Hensall 690 r 22. 4463-2 Property For Sale ij OR SALE -WHITE FRAME HOUSE IN Brucefield. Immediate possession. PHONE 659 r 22, Seaforth. 4464-1 rj OR SALE^ROOM FRAME HOUSE, tneulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 855-W, Seafortb. 4489-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE -TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room, den, 8- Wanted piece bathroom, oil heated house, including Gil three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON 'EXPOSITOR, of Phone 41, Seaforth. 4431-t1' Notices WANTED -HAND WOUND RECORD 1a•3'er. to play 78 R.P.M. records. Apply ROSS GORDON. Phone 849 r 21, Seaforth. 4464-1 NTICE 1112, SEAFORTH PUBLIC NI%ANTED-COMPANSON BOUSEKEEP- Library will be closed from July 27 to er for elderly lady in town of Clin- August 8, inclusive. G, THOMPSON, ton Write Box 244, HURON EXPOSI- Librarian. 4463-2 TOR. 4464X1 NOTICE- EXCELLENT CARE FOR (WANTED -USED BEATTY PUMP JACK elderly lady or gentleman. Apply to . oil bath. Apply FRANK SEI$ERT, Box 241, HURON EXPOSITOR. Iran bell, Ont. Phone 604 r 2. 4463-2I 4464-1 IVO TRESPASSING ON OR AROUND Bell's Dam. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. STEWART BELL, Hensall. 4462-3 ANTED TO BUY -IF YOU HAVE any old building of light colored 'brick, or salvaged brick in light color, call .41 r 8. Bayfield, or write H. H. ' ORMOND. Bayfield. 4462-4 R ADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS ORWANTED-BY WOMAN CAP - of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- WORK able of doing washing, sewing, Phone 347 -R.47 -R. �`H PAIR, to Disk House, Seaforth. such as children's wear, making dresses • and alterations. MRS. J. JANMAAT, 11, NR. AM PURCHASING BOARS. R. 4, Seaforth, Concession 5, Tuckersmith, at 10c and 13c per pound, live weight, one mile east Kitppen Road. ' 4464:1 Phone or write, LEROY ACHESON, At- wood, 37 r 12 collect. 9467-8 F] A•RMERS REQUIRING HELP FOR harvesting for the first two weeks in TTUSBANDS1 WIVES( WANT PEP? August, PHONE 141-J, Hensel]. Two men Thousands of couples weak, worn-out 'will be available for those two weeks. I because body Iacks iron, get vim, vitality 4404-1 taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory . size ONLY 60c. At all druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed 'envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples '01.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, 'NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, .Hamilton, Ont. Personals. PAINTING - SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunwortby wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensall. Phone 196-11, Hensall. 4425-tf EASTERN STEEL PRODUCTS -S r1!:k:L, aluminum and asphalt roofs sold and put on. TOMFLANAGAN, 37 r 17, Dub- lin ; FERGUS HORAN, 81 r 8, Dublin, Agents. 4463x2 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd.r d 48994f ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please ealI STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; local 252. 4436-tf Livestock Wanted MEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. Tor prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED ATTENTION, FARMERS1-McKILLOP GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD IN - Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' vites tenders for painting S. S. No. 1, Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- interior and exterior. Please state cost son. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, I separately. Tenders will 'be received until Accident and Sickness Insurance. and August 3rd. North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 894-M. • 4456-tf KEY CUTTING AND LOCK RESETTING ALL TYPES OP KEYS CUT -CAR, POST office, nightlatches, padlocks, trunks, eta One•sninute service. Cylinder lock resetting, combinations changed, locks cleaned and repaired, locks keyed alike. Nightlatehes without keys re- set same day. Your security for tomorrow is our business today. Ball and Mutch Hardware PHONE 195 - CLINTON, ONT. 4464-2 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith TTPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COLIN- • cil under authority of By -Law No. 13. 1952, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and idarpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1953, to November 1, 1964 Owners or harborers of dogs contraven- ing the, provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of $50.00. (Signed) D. A. MOFFAT. Township of Tuckersmith, 4457-tf Try Huron Expositor Want Ada. ,Phone 41, Seaforth, CARL HEMINGWAY, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 3, Brussels. 4464-1 SCHOOL TENDER QBALED TENDERS WILL"BE REQEIV- ed by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Monday, August 10. 1955, for alterations to the gymnasium Seaforth District High School, to provide classroom space. General contractors may obtain plane and specifications upon deposit of 415.60 from the Architect, Charles H. Gillin, 284 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MR. MERTON REIT), Secretary, Seaforth District High School, Seaforth, Ontario. 4464-1 `TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR 1•r1E CONSTRUCTION of Pryce Drain, McKillop Township, according to Engineer's specifications• will be received until noon August 9, 1953. Estimated excavation and levelling ma- terial is 2,100 cubic yards on 5,270 lineal feet. A marked cheque of 107 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tender to state when work will be done. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Twp„ Seaforth, Ont., R.R. 1. Executor's Auction Sale Residential Property and Furniture Seaforth, Ontario (South side of Goderich Street) Saturday, August 8, 1953 • REAL ESTATE: Subject to conditions of sale and reserve bid, the residence of the late Walter G. Willis will be offered for sale, This large brick home contains 10 rooms, 3 -piece bath and washroom. Lot is attractive and has a frontage of 66 feet. FURNITURE: Sofaeoccasional tables, fire screen and irons, small desk and chair, rockers, lamps, piano, chairs, 6 dining Chairs, china, bedroom furniture, rugs, drapes, battleship linoleum 6'x6', metal ice box, electrics stove,. 2 Quebec type kitchen stoves, porch furniture, garden tobls and many other miscellaneous items. TERMS: Real Ektate.--1O%a on day of sale, balance In 30 days.' FUr iture--Cash, do reserve. The CANADA TRUST COMPANY lldxecutor of Walter G. Willis Estate London, Ontario 'avoid 3aekson, P. D. McConnell, ctioneer Solicitor for the Estate • FOR SALE -LARGE FRAME HOUSE and lot "in Egmondville. Nice loca- tion, near church and school. Water pres- sure and good well. Recently ,wired. Up- stairs suitable for apartment. Good gar- den; new garage. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS. Phone 649 r 12. Seaforth. 4462x3 FOR SALE -PROPERTY IN THE VIL- lage of Egmondville, close to church, school and store, consisting of 3/5 of an acre of land witb 8 -room frame house, never -failing well; also •a small frame barn. A small quantity of small fruits, raspberries, black and red currants, a few apple and plum trees and a nice large garden. Immediate possession, For full particulars apply to EILMER SHADE, Eg- mondville, 4464x1 For Sale INLAID JASPE TILE FOR A BETTER floor. At TUDOR'S in Hensel], at only 15c. Good range of colors. 'Ron SALE. - MCCLARY ELECTRIC range, in good condition. PHONE 370-W, Seaforth . 4464x1 TTtj OR SALE -13 CHOICE PIGS, SEVEN weeks old. Apply HAROLD HUGILL. Phone 616 r 5, Clinton. 4464x1 TRAILER FOR SALE -SUITABLE FOR carrying grain, 125 bushel capacity: equipped with truck tires. Apply Box 246 .HURON EXPOSITOR. 4464x1 S TILL A FEW SUMMER DRESSES left at sale price at TUDOR'S in Hen- sall. Act now and get in on these bar- gains. FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF 1952-, ON- tali- wheat for feed. Apply'JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16. Sea - forth. 4464x1 FOR SALE-GLOXINAS IN BLOOM and bud: five colors: 01.00 each. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. 4464-I Q +UMMER YARD GOODS CLEARANCE. C"<t is forgotten -they must be clear- ed. Values to 1.49, to clear at 1.00, at TUDOR'S in Hensall. (?IGS FOR SALE -ONE LITTER OF' 10; one litter of nine: weaned and eight weeks old. Cross -bred Tarn and York. Ap- ply J. W. CRICH, 617 r 23, Clinton. 4464x1 STOP CLAW -RIDING. MILK WITH genuine tug -and -pull. Surge Milkers are adjustable to the individual cow be- cause of their hanging arrangement. Call collect LOVELL McGUIRE, Surge Service Dealer. Phone 593, Winghans. Cards Of Thanks MR. WILLIAM MacKAY DESIRES TO express his sincere thanks to his many friends for the treats, cards and visits paid him while he was a patient in Scott Mergorial Hospital. 4464x1 M'RS. AMEX McGREGOR. tels17S . TO thank her Mnany friends and neigh- bors for cards, treats and flowers "sent her while she was 4 patient in Scott, Mem- orial Hospital; manythanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. C. Elliott and the nursing staff for their kindness. 4464x1 Mb, a110 Mrs Laird 144i9 fauli1 #4,Ve returned . hon .4P,Fs three week ' vacation ,'at Svhade Vie Ort Lake Hurou, 'Mrs'. 'George Wakgdeld, Shel- burne, is visiting with ilex dai.i ter a,nd Sian -inn -law, Dr. and'_Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, and .'anally. Mrs. N, Blatchford bee returned home after visiting with relatives, in Toronto and St. Marys. Miss Betty Miekle, nurse-in•train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, its spending a three weeks' vacation ;with her parents and friends. Mrs. L. Simpson, who has been confined to cher home for the past two weeks with illness, is able •to be out again. Mr., and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, Toronto, are vacationing with the latter's mother; Mrs. James Smil- lie. Misses Marion Irwin, Wingham, and Phyllis Erskine, Atwood, were guests last week with Miss Betty Mickle, Mr. Don Bell and Mr, and Mrs. Al, Bell, Toronto, were recent visl- tos' with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie were in Toronto last week attending the American Veterinary Medica) As- sociation convention at the Royal York. Mr. William Hyde celebrated his 89th birthday Thursday, July 23. Miss Betty Mickle and. Miss Phyllis Erskine are guests this week with Miss Frances Gibb, in Wiarton. Service in Carmel Church 'last Sunday morning was conducted by Rev, W. J. Rogers. Mrs. James W. Bonthron sang a pleasing solo and Mrs. C. Kennedy took the solo parts in the anthem. Services for August will be held in the United Church. .Rev. J. B. Fox will be the minister for this month. Miss Kathryn Sells, London, was a weekend house guest with Mrs. Agnes Laramie and Greta. Mrs. William Pepper was a week- end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison 'and Patsy •at Waterford. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, Goodwin and Mary are vacationing for two weeks at Schade View, Mr. George Ibbotoson, Kincardine, recently visited with his mother, Mrs. William Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dunlop and daughter, Kincardine, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, William Pepper. • Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard and family have arrived .borne after a Month's vacation in Kelwona, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Geiger left Tuesday morning for a six weeks' vacation with their daughter and • s Births CARNOCHAN-At Scott Memorial Hospi- • tel, on Jely 28, to Mr. and Mrs. John Carnochan, R:1. 3, Seaforth, a son. CRONIN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ' July 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cron- in, Dublin, a daughter, HENDERSON-At Scott Memorial liospi- tal, on July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Seaforth, a son. NIOHOLSON-At Scott Memorial' Hospital on July 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nich- olson, Egmondville, a daughter, FOR SALE The little cider mill I made .a few years ago, and which has been ad- mired by so many who brought ap- ples, is now for sale. Also a good iron well pump and a small Coleman oil heater, in good Condition, Also a good supply of sledge and hammer handles—all sizes and good quality. JOHN ELDER HENSALL Dr. Bruce Eickmeier wishes to announce the opening of an Office for the practice of DENTAL SURGERY on the corner of Huron and Main Streets EXETER, ONT. Phone 669. f 1 A Complete Line of All Building Materials • O. OPEN EVERY DAY --All Day —Except Sunday • Seaforth Lumber Ltd Phone 47 e e Seaforth So inniaw, 1t'tr, valid 11f •q , `Ve 1Q#4 Spray, and •gax ilj', in,,�' EitiSolitog,,' They will aleo'vil;it With relatiyes. Of Mr. •Ge1gexs at Vancouver ikn4 Sacramento, Oil, ,Miss Marlyn Eyre and Miss '1V,iaja Roo11o1 have returned after apend- ing an enjoyable week's vacation at Ridgetown, Postmaster Cecil I;Cipfer is on va- cation. Mrs. Lawrence Baynham is relieving during his absence. Mr. E. R. 'Sh°addick, who has been a patient at .South Huron District Hospital, Exeter, 'with a heart con- dition, is improving nicely, and 7s now able to sit' up. Rev. J. B. Fax Mrs, Fox, Robert and Shauneen are spending the month of July vacationing at the Hess cottage, at the Pinery. Miss Pauline Bell spent last week with her sister 'and• brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Guy Bedard, Londoan. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard (nee Kay 'Bell) will be held at the Pavilion, Bayfield, Thursday night, July 3e. Mrs. James McAllister, who un- derwent •'a serious operation, has returned home •after spending two weeks in Victoria (Hospital, Lon- don. Bowling Tourney Notes Results of the Irish trebles mix- ed jitney held on the local bowling green last week are: Cecil Van - borne, skip, Mrs. Lorne Luker, William Henry, lead, 2 wins plus 6; A. Kerslake, skip, Hugh Love, lead, Lorne Luker, 1 win plus 4; John Henderson, skip., Mrs. G. Thomp- son, lead, Wes. Venner, one win. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Hugh Berry leaves Sunday for Seattle, where she will visit relatives and friends. KIPPEN Miss Marilyn Eyre attended a week at summer camp at Ridge - town, Mr. and Mrs. William Horney, Exeter, and " Mr. Albert Coiling - Hamilton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Gackstetter, A number of little girls from this district have attended Bible 'School at Cromarty for the past two weeks. They were surpervised by the }Viinnonite Young People of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Good, Auburn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Els- ton Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and family, Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cud - more.. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchin- son, St. Thomas, were weekend vis- itors of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellia; Mrs. Wyman Sparling, London, accompanied by Mrs, Geo. Thomp- son, Hensall, were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle includ- ed: Mr, and Mrs. Anson Wolfe and Grant, Melbourne; Mr. and Mrs Allen Meier and Doug, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, Clif- ford. Miss Saunders, Guelph, returned home Tuesday after spending a week with Mrs. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Eigie and two children, London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. Elston 'Dowson was unfor- tunate in .falling and breaking his elbow. Dr. McMaster, Seaforth, attended him, placing 'his arm in a cast. Mrs. Alex McGregor returned home Saturday after' being confin- ed to Scott Memorial Hospital a week. Mr. Ross Green, Ridgetown, and Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Beaton, God- erich, visited' Sunday with the Tat- ter's father, Mr. Jonah Green. Sunday visitors of Mrs. MCCly- mont included: Mr, and Mrs. Bert Simpson, Guelph; Mr. and' Mrs. J. Simpson and family, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Haugh and daughter, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Len Wagner, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mc- Clincbey, Varna; Mrs. Jenny Schil- be, Exeter, A large number from here at- tended the McBride reunion recent- ly in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Aneroid, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Robert Mc- Bride • and other relatives in the district', Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and family attended the Ferguson reunion at Springbank Park, London, recently. Catharine Gackstetter, near Exe- ter, is holidaying this week with her cousins, Gail Anne and Lynn Gackstetter. Mrs. Albert Anderson,, Ypsilanti, Michigan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dowson and Mrs. Winder, also oth- er relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, 'Miller McConnelI and two children from Detroit were. recent visitors of Mrs. Dinsdale•and Miss Mabel Whiteman, and, on Sat- urday •Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Stratford, Were visitors. Broadfoot Reunion About 35 relatives of the Broad - foot family met relently at Spring - bank Park, London. Those attend- ing'from Kippen were Mr. and"Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Margaret Jean and • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deitz and Garrq, Anderson Reunion The Anderson reunion wag -held - at Pine Grove Park, Port Huron, •Michigan, on Sunday, dlily26. It was the fifth reunion 'and Was at- tended liy 611. Those attending from Kippen and vicnity were Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson•, 'lvtr 'and Mrs. Emerson Anderson and fam- ily, Kat'hryp and Keith Anderson, Mr. and TVirb Eldon Jarr'oth and fondly, 'Mrs. William 'Finder, Mr. and Mrd. Robert t10.41411 arlit Ger- ald, also Mr": al(iti' Mrs. E1ldoltl',' Kerr, iV'anthrop. el -0,40* Artilal 1 Calf, 314 •FalPositar ,bjr;Aibelllt ;. ay* Viae. u1r'ef, B?0;,,allt ;i. tii",e. of NL'aERT%) township and a son'of the late Anthony Boyd'. ' A brother, DAM Boyd, lives in McKillop:' He has live sisters, Mrs. Susan Dundas, McKillop;. Mrs. R. Johnetn, Stratford; Mrs. E Godkin, Saskatoon; Mrs. McKenzie and 'Mrs.. A. Godkin, Vancouver. William, 'Charles and John Boyd, all of M.cKiliop, are nephews of Al- bert Boyd. The article tells of Albert Boyd's reunion with .anr other brother, Thomas Boyd, in' Yucaipa, California. after 47 years. I•t has been "old home week" for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Boyd, 616 California Street, for .several days now, since ,the arrival last week of his 'brother, Albert 3. Boyd, of Van- couver, B.C., whom he had not seen for 47 years. —Thomas "must have 'been about 12," he said, when he left his home and the family in Huron County, Ontario, about 61 years ago. The older of the two, he will celebrate his 73rd -birthday on July 20. *r 'ile Albert ,passed .the 70 mark t M'arcb 2. On his first visit to California, Albert stopped in San Bernardino at the home of a nephew, Morrie Godkin, who brought Albert to Yucaipa "to start • where they left off 47 years ago," die said, be- fore either of them were married. Their last visit 'was in Milestone, Saskatchewan, Canada, where Al- bert had a wheat farm. When the San Bernardino boy brought the Canadian visitor to Yucaipa to see his 'brother, he said "he had brought a man to look at the house," and after the two had engaged in conversation for sev- eral minutes, Godkin •asked his uncle Thomas if be had "ever seen this man before," to which the re- plied in the negative. "Not even when you were a child?" he coun- tered. "Did you ever play with him when you were a small boy?" By this time 'Thomas "smelled a mouse" and answered, "not unless it is 'brother Al." From that minute to now, Mrs. Boyd says, the two men have dely- ed into the past, boyhood days, family affairs, kid pranks, and com- pared •life in Canada, where Al has made this home continuously, to Southern 'California, which has been the home of 'Mr. , and Mrs. Thomas .Boyd since 1923. (When Albert leaves the south - land this weekend to start on the return trip to his 'borne, he will take with ;him many pleasant mem- ories of "days gone by," he said. When Thomas left home he went er ears Presbyterian W.M.S. Enjoy, Afternoon At Cottage Near Bayfield About 25 members of the W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church motor- ed to the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling, near Bayfield, Tuesday and enjoyed• a pleasant afternoon. The devotional period was open- ed by the president, Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, with a reading, "Just For Today," and prayer. Twenty- eight calls were made on the sick and shut-ins. 'Mrs. Campbell re- minded the group of the Presbyter- ian 'rally on September 15. Mrs. Thomas Oliver read the 103rd Psalm for the scripture read- ing. Mrs. Campbell closed the meeting with prayer, after which refreshments were served. NOTIQE Township of HuIlett REGULAR MEETING Owing to Monday, Aug. 3, being Civic Holiday, the Council will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, August 4, at 8 p.m. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk. to Manitoba .for hhe summer» later the same year Crosaing the harder into Montana, where he ands ars.. Boyd later were marl'ied, T,t►ey have; lived in Yuea'ipa• .,aklout; six years; singe his retirement. Previous to that they Iived in San Bernardino, where •they were engaged in raising chickens. They have one daughter, (Continued .on,••'age 5) • Tuffy Tractor, Two -Wheeled 1 HY. TRACTOR ONLY $107.00 Use your. old Lawn Mower to make a Power Mower Attachments $12.50 Five -Tooth Cultivator Attachment, $7.95 ON DISPLAY AT DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Phone 102 : Seaforth NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK , Ehret Show ,8tarts Dueff - Thure„ Fri. "LADY IN 'fH64>i'I,oty,;,MAS,,,", ,(Cotour) Patricia Madina •LOttlit'.14,0Ym4714 CARTOON ' T. NEWS SATURDAY (One Day Only), Aug. 1 "FIREBALL" Mickey Rooney Pat O'llleffent CARTOON — NEWS MON. (Holiday) (One Day), Aa9••' "BABES IN'BAGDAD" Claudette Colbert,Gypsy Rose Leer Paulette Goddard ,CARTOON NEVVIB Tues., Wed. Aug. 4-5 "THE GUY WHO CAME BACK" Paul Douglas ., . Linda Darnell !CARTOON — NEWS Thurs., Fri. — Aug. 9.7 "BANDITS OF CORSICA" Richard Greene Paula Raymer CARTOON — NEWTS Children's Playground TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted &'REE Expositor Want Ads Bring Results -- Phone 41i Huron Farm Feeds Ltd. are .pleased to announce that they have been appointed dealers for the Famous Quality BRANTFORD BINDER and BALER TWINE Available Now! At Reasonable and Competitive I*iices Huron Farm Feeds Ltd. Phone 644 r 3 •Seaforth Potatoes FOR SALE We riow have new potatoes for sale in 75 pound bags AnyQuantity-Excellent Quality • McALPINE & DAW Phone Clinton 83 Victoria St. International -Harvester Dealer CLINTON, ONT. ro SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 OHEiV. BELAIR COACH 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE( SEDAN 1953 OHEiV', STANDARD SEDAN 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELIIVE SEDAN SPECIALS 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELLNE SEDAN - 1952 PONTIAC STYI1&ILINE COACH 1951 CHEV, STYLDLINE SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHEV.'PO.9VERr(I•LIDE COACH, with radio 1 1949 FORD SEDAN --895 1948 CHEV, $TYLEM'AGTEIR COACH 1948 CHEV. SEDAN, 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1947 Ck'1S V. OOACIH 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS ---m, 1948 %TON PICKUP 1938 CHEV. 4,4 TON A written guarantee for i!O days on all Late Model Care - MANY OTHER MOOEL8'TO CHOOSE PROM BRUS51ELS MOTORS ONTARIO PHONE 73 -XC "The Hattie tvi Fetter Used Cara" ,oPEly EVERV EVENUI • .,. s,.. ] T f r V • , • .1 4 - r t • 4 4 w