The Huron Expositor, 1952-12-05, Page 5•°,A',•, fSi
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PJsii' �Y*f$l : 7A
Week Att`tke
' Sl?3bT
alio/ding the lfinelight, around the
"°Old .Square Box' last week was the
3oetball teams/ annual dance, The
' auditorium had: a real football
mood, with helmets, footballs,
,;sweaters, and a drawing of a pow
email SG.olden'Bear. 'hanging on the
wall. Althoggh Seaforth High
choors Golden Bears didn't quite
Seaturth sigh so : 'p
appear lilta this one, ,the streagth
was there.
Preparation for a:ebig dance ie
no small job, but with sohooi-epic-
ited students like Gor b Rowland
and John .Laudenbach at work, less`
energetic participants at the, dances
are assured of a good tittle.
Cars will be available..
.,on Election Day:
Wednesday, Dec. -10
Phone 26
At school this week is one lucky
young lady, Leona Johnston, who
will take in the ,scenery at the Chi-
tago Winter Fair.
Leona won the trip at the Huron
Junior Farmers' Achievement Day.
Standing 'highest in points entitled
her to...represent Huron County at
the International Fair. The 4-H
Congress of -the United States is
meeting in Chicago the same week,
and 25 representatives from •On-
tario will meet with them.
Seaforth is fortunate to have
such an „active Junior Farmer as
Leona. Not ohly will she repre-
Yote McMaster
presented by the
— in —
Friday, December 12 •
8:15 p.m.
el re , ..,,° , .. n' Irre(1 ..A 1 ..x I .rd l .Ii (..n' t ..A , ...r' r � * , .;1 , ,4 tT.n` 1 ..;t t .r.° ,r,v � aiQ ..,r' ,
u•.• t if,. , i. •••••.. �.:.",. � ,rr1, - , ,!.• w r •r , •.:� : w , ;w,1, ;x1, ,;)%•••41 u-1,,:1, .-.6 w t ,,w
Be Practical
This Christmas
Give Useful Articles For the Home That
Every Member of the. Family May Enjoy!
TRI - LIGHTS ., --
Come in and browse around the Friendliest Store in Town
Box Furnture Store
Funeral and Ambulance Service
Come in and see our selection before they are picked over
Sole Agents For
"Qfialfty Gold With Quality Service" •
PitUMf1MG -
Sills St Sons
nilly+ r�his lYnnit wan: -Ont Qp'
grade X„.0,0, t v thi otic, of the44*P ogx*ro yQt , Atli*wail
wee'- mg** of cerenntini a114
an entot+t fuing talent *941 170
-question of the week; I it nen- drat' this week tIwaso
rest that, Bob, Scott will quarter- one of the high-ranking
back next year's.''( olden.Beare?
iciala of
the a ivers4ty down itt;Londor. We
were discuss1ng a friaeu0 or Qurs---•
a journalist.
Industrial, League " '$' a 'fedora' I like to keep on
the Standing the Pond: side of,' said the uni-
versity man....
Merchants P W T "w!hy?" I asked. ' "He' seems
M . than an 4 3 1 '0 7 harmless enough to we."
. 4 • 3 0 1 6 "Well, yogi neves lc4ow, He could
Winthropdville 4 1 1 2,' 3 do a lot of harm iiq that column
Winth 4 0 0 4 0 of his.,,
Monday Night — Winthrop . Vs..( You, know, I never thought of it
Merc+hants;• St. Co1um',an vs. Eg- that way. I've been wri
mondville, ting news
School News •
(By Marian and Alice)
paper columns of various kinds for
quite a few . years now and never
yet have I thought of myself` as a
potential threat to ,anybody or any
institution. If 1 were going around
looking for to Menace, 1 certainly
wouldn't suspect soma newspaper
columnist. Of the three I consider
the best in the country, two are
stoutish, good-natured gentlemen
with loving wives and adoring chil-
Santa's on his way, and so is dren who wouldn't 'hurt a fly. The
the Carol Service. We're busy other•9a so little, thin and insignifl-
with practices, usually on Tues..! cant you wouldn't look at him twice
days for the seniors, and Thursdays in any crowd of Ohrietmas shop -
for the junior's, and some times pers. He too has at1 ever faithful,
more often, so that we will. ,be loving wife and family.
sure to know our songs. Just the same,.I suspect that it's
• I possible for newspaper people to
get an inflated ego, without ever
The Carol Service will be held knowing it themselves. Maybe
Friday, December 12, in Northside they get so that they think- they
United Church. really can control the destinies of
men and affairs.
Take municipal elections for ex-
.Thursday night -of last week we This is the time of year when
had pictures at the school. A large the mayoralty contests wage hot
crowd turned out. 7lhe pictures and heavy. There was one such in
were about the Zoo, The Seven Toronto. One paper there fought
Ducklings and Across Canada By for one man; another plastered the
Air. front page with provocative,
3 I fighting speeches from the other
the art classes the children candidate. This is the usuasl prac-
Inare making Christmas decorations tick. But verythis year, eti deedd paper
for trees and little ornaments to took a high' tone indeed. From
hang in windows. its editorial ivory tower it declared
loftily that it didn't consider either
man worthy of the job and would
take no .part in the wrangle at all.
Grade III is making a plea for But, it concluded in one of its
plastic toothbrush holders. Why? Olympian editorials, "we will abide
We'll tell ydu at Christmas! Any-, by the electors' decision."
one who has one to spare, please Now that's right decent of them,
notify one of the children, or Mrs, i isn't it?
Ellis, and we will gladly pick them ' For this time, these fanny artists
up• in journalese will not interfere with
+ our legally constituted democratic
rights. With condescension, they
will "abide by the electors' deci-
Seaforth W.I. Christmas
Meeting Next Wednesday Just who do they think they are
The Christmas meeting of the anyway? And what in the name
ofSeaforth Women's Institute, and they
all that's Sn and sneer al coved
their families, will be held Tues- the do?itSniff and' sneer alle over
day, :Dec., 9, at 8.;15 p,m., at the the editorial page? Or were olu-
h.onie of Mrs. Elmer Cameron, The contemplating a journalist's To-
tion call will be :answered with a tion which would take over the gift for a child,. Every member is •ionto City Hall and say to the pogo
asked to be responsible foxy a nuin_ electors, "There was no one fit. to
her 'pit the program. Members not be your mayor on the ballot this
otherwise contacted are asked to year,• so we're .just going to run
bring a loaf of bread. in sandwiches. things for you the way we think
Maybe that sound's fantastic, but,
you know it's not so far from what
Evening Auxiliary actually happened once. At one
Party in Hensall time another Toronto paper actual-
ly had almost a stranglehold on
The Evening Auxiliary of Hen -
sail United Church will hold their
Christmas party in the church
schoolroom next Monday. Mrs. J.
C. Goddard and Mrs. B. Horrton will
be hostesses and Miss M. Ellis will
give the devotional. Program con-
veners are Mrs. S. Rennie and
Mrs. H. McEwan; recreation, Mrs.
R. Mock and Mrs. P. McNaughton.
Watch for the . Money -Saving
Christmas Sale at F. KLING''S•. A
good place to buy -gifts at very
reasonable pricesee(Advt.).
The W.A. of Ontario St, Church
catered to the Crop Improvement
Association with a turkey dinner
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lobb visited
with Hamilton friends over the
We hope for an. early recovery
of the sick in our vicinity: Mrs.
Olde and Miss E. Plumsteel..
The W.A: and Girls' Club of On-
tario St. Cburch are holding a
bazaar in the council chamber of
the Town Hall next Saturday, from
3 to 5 p.m. There will be apron,
fancy work, home produce, candy
and .home -baking booths. After-
noon tea will be served.
Vitamin D is the rarest among
ordinary foodstuffs.
Community Centre
Dancing 10 until 1
Auspices Tuckersmith
Ladies' Club
Wilson & Stewart
Admission 50c
To facilitate snow removal --/No Parking
on the Streets of this Municipality will
be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m.
and A a.m: -
This order will be strictly enforced in
accordanetV with the Highway Traffic
Act, Section Q3, Subsection 9. .
NOTICE IS hereby .given that the said
Municipality will not be responsible for
any damages ,caused to parked vehicles
as the result of snow removal operations.
mtunieipai--eleettOrte. -.if' they did
not' itippert" u eand:idafe for mayor,
time 'Pat Rat<k up` and So
home i ins year, in tact, tl}Qy
couldn't find any titan they wanted
for the office, so they actually did
pick &reporter from the paper, put
him up- and—by—golly—he was
Yessit; a newspaper` can Some-
times have 'too much power. I'm
all for papers taking. an active part
In discussing the pros and cons of
municipal questions, but I • think
theycheck.better keep their pewer in
You're darn right! They better
abide by the electors' decisions.
7110 a�Ru&}' g4trAn C
k`es2ixal w,lli;' be h )�(
2X and frons May 25 ..t 2$
The adjl dicahor for 14144_,classei
will be John d WOati}erseed, et
the FaatiltX-nf yal Cionse.? lat,0#
of` Muted, J oronto also pant: press..
dent of the a Untarie Registered
Music Teachere''Assoelatien.
Other classes will be additdicatecl.
by George A. Swale, director of
music for Ontario School for the
Blind, and conduotor of the 'Cock=
Shutt Male Choir, in Brantford.
Client: "How can I get this mes-
sage to every married woman?"
Publicity Man: "Very simple. We
just address letters to every mar-
ried' man and mark them 'Person-
O.A.C. Professor' Speaker -
To County Crop, Soil Group
Addressing the first annual ban-
quet of the Huron County Soil and
Crop Improvement Association at
the Ontario St. United Church,
Clinton, Wednesday night, Profes-
sor 1V. 11. Richards, head of the
soils department, Ontario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph, told the 150
members present that should the
construction of the St. Lawrence
Seaway become a reality, it may
quite possibly change the position
of agriculture in Southwestern On-
tario. �G. W. Montgomery introduced the
In all likelihood both urban and new 1953 directors as well as the
rural population will increa e, two executive members, I3. H. G.
which will mean that competition Strang, Hensel', who is also a pro -
for land will increase, and the farm
unit may not continue. to become
larger and larger which appears
to be the established trend at the
present time."
retiring president, who acted as
chairman for the banquet, was
presented with a.. -past president's
pin in a[rpreciation of his services
the past two years. Russell Bol-
ton, 11„R. 1, Dublin, newly -elected
president made the presentation.
Report of Activities
Chairman Alvin Betties gave a
report of the past year's activities,
which all proved to be successful.
Huron in Hub
"It. is within this area that the
vincial director, and W. R. Dou-
gall, 'Hensall, county weed inspec-
tor. ,
Harvey McLagatu, R.R. 4, Mit-
chell, as president of the Perth
County branch, brought greetings
from his county and congratulated
the meeting, remarking that farm-
most versatile land in the world is ers in Huron County are 100 per
to be found. Land capable of grow- cent behind a good farm organiza-
ing a wide range of crops if prop-
erlyall managed is capable of praduc- America has lost one million acres
ing high yields. Today we hear by erosion, (now down to three
much talk about industrial' basins. acres per man, woman and each
The agricultural basin of Canada child, to feed them on), and that
can be Southwestern Ontario—the there will be a great demand for
area in which Huron County is lo-
an increase in food to be produced
cated," he said. in the futur.e The Crop Improve -
Professor Richards, who was mont Association' has a job of not
ably introduced by G. W. Mont- only produciug food, but also the
gomery, was thanked by Harry responsibility of lowering the cost
Sturdy, Auburn, second vice-presi- of production per unit. "By using
dent of the branch. every advantage, such as our O.A.C.
Alvin Betties, R.R. 2, Hayfield, offers, we should be successful," he
Fifty Ministers and
Lay Delegates From
District Guests Present
Others who spoke briefly were
Warden of Huron County, Harvey
C. Johnston, Blyth, who told that
Huron Meet in Exeter 'in Morris township, 148 farmers
availed themselves to the so.1 sur-
vey service; Thomas Pride,'31:P.P.,
South Huron; John Hanna, M PP.
Huron Presbytery. Huron North; Steve Stothers, Lurk -
now, first agricultural representa-
The. Rev. W. J. Moores, of . five 4for Huron County, who re -
Thames Road, was chairman, andlma`Fked that back in 1918 a crop
the Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Eg-,and soils improvement association
mondviile, was the secretary.
The reports of committees were
heard. The Rev. C. J. Scott, Blyth,
and the Rev. Glenn Eagle dis-
cussed the summer camps held at
.Goderieh and stressed the need for
leaders. The financing and main-
tenance of the camp were dis-
cussed at some length following :agrtculturalsupervisor, Clinton
the Rev. W. J. Roger's financial ! District High School; Gordon
report on the camp. 1 Greig, 'Bluevale, secretary field -
R. P. Watson, secretary, gavr
the report of the layman. He re-
commended rearranging of charges
to make more ministers available
for areas in need of them.
The Rev. Carlyle H:usser, of
Hyatt Ave. United Church, London,
spoke for the Christian Education
committee on "Family Life,"
Fifty Ministers and lay delegates
meein Thames Road United Church
Tuesday for the winter meeting of
was never thought of.
Other guests present were Ed-
ward Gregg, newly -elected reeve of
Goderich township; John Butler,
assistant agricultural representa-
tive for Huron County; Lawrence
Plumsteel, principal, Seaforth Dis-
trict High School; Pat Humphreys,
man,, Huron County Federation of
Agriculture; Cecil Johnston, reeve
of Ashfield township; Orval Tay-
lor, reeve of East Wawanosh; John
Cruickshank, Wingham.
Farewell Party Held
For Dublin Couple
STAFFIA farewell party was held this
week for Fred and Eva Jones at
the home of Andy Whetham by the
parents of local Boy, Scouts and
Cubs. During the evening the .cou-
ple were presented with a table
lamp in appreciation or their work
Mrs. Walter O'Brien and Mrs. as Scoutmaster and Cub Mistress.
Earl Treffrey visited with Mr. and Martin Klinkhammer, current
Mrs. Arthur Treffrey, Flint, Mich. Scoutmaster, made the• presenta-
Mr. and Mrs. James McKellar tion. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are mov-
and Billy, London, visited with ing to Melton where Mr. Jones will
Mrs. Drake. work.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott visit- -
ed with Mr. and Mrs. William thea- "My - grandfather," boasted a
sell, Mitchell. nouveau riche, "fought in the Zulus
Mr. -and Mrs. Tony Braite, Chat- war,"
ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Sam "You don't say," drawled the
Norris. other. "On which side?"
Watch for the Money -Saving
Christmas Sale at F. KLING'S. A
good place to , buy gifts at very
reasonable prices.—(Advt.).
Clinton S. S. Teachers Hold
Pot -Luck Supper, Meeting
The December meeting of the
Exectitive of the Sunday School of
Ontario St, Church, Clinton, . took
the form of a pot -luck supper in
thechurch hall Monday. evening.
Several` mothers of Sunday
school children, including Mrs. Geo.
Levis, • Mrs. M. Batkin and Mrs. L.
Batkin, offered to prepare and
serve the .supper.
After the supper, the business
meeting was held, with Mr. C.
Stewart presiding- The regular re=
ports were received and it was de-
cided to hold the Christmas con-
cert 'iDeeem,ber 18. Reorganization
of classes will be left until after
the election of officers.
Bob!' Elliott read his altnual re-
port, 4selosiaag the average attend-
ance as.• 94 and weekly offerings
almost . double .that of- a year 'ago.
Minor details in connection with
White'' Gift Sunday were attended
to and the date set for December
14 at the evening, service.
Rev • E. `Eagle pireeided for the
eleetkin df bfff+ners, With the fol-
lowing Slate presented; superin-
tendent, C Stewart; assistants, F.
Towzend It's Powell;, secretary,
Bola, licit ass3statit; Arthur tyre
8tlil;'"treasurer, Mrs„ Arthur Aiken,
tattern dlterittne, ken dtiirbia 'y
asis'taii i b'U g.bPi tY
Miss Lucille Grant; assistants,
Miss Ruth Glazier, . Miss Marlene
Jervis; Miss E. Plumsteel; cradle
roll secretary, Mrs. Roy Connell;
executive secretary, Mrs. F. Towns-
; end; primary teacher, Mrs, 11'.
Powell; assistant, Miss 'Gladys Ilab-
Primary Giria: No. 1, -Mrs. D.
Johnson and Miss Doris Tyndall;
No. 2, Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Gil -
bank. Primary Boys, No. 1: Mrs.
Aar Aiken and Mrs. Schoen.hails;
No. 2, ;Vers. Hoggarth and Mrs. C.
Proctor; Junior Girls: No. 1, Mre.
Sbrobbrook and Mrs. Murch- No.
2, Mese Sly and M4 -s., Cecil Elliott;
Junior Boys: No: '.f, Misi Ruth
(`glazier and Mrs. Stewart; NQ. 2,
Miss, L. Freeman and Mr. A. pout+-
Intermediate Girls: No. 1, Miss
Joan Thompson and Mra. D. Sym-
ons; Boys, 1 and 2, Geo. Levis and
F. Powell; Girls No. 2, Mrs. El-
liott, t�. ,
Mr Ball and Miss Plum -
steel; senior adult. girls, Miss
Grant and Mrs. VanEgmond; deal-
ing teacher, Miss B. COurtlee.
The cammittee, consisting of Mr.
Stewart and George Lavis, was
appointed to 1111 the vacancies of
cl v'ebo'pe steward and sealer boys'
tbadher. A hymn• and biray*er by
king.Courtiee closed the, medtil'tg,.
r„ 4,
New plastic finish and smart linen coverings ,
in Quality Luggage by Langmuir. All qualm
ties come in 21" Mirapack,''-18" Overnight
Cases, and 13" Train Cases.
Choose from Solid Leather Gladstones or
Zipper Bags in luggage tan or black.
Also New . Nylon Zipper Bags in airforce
blue and brown,
Priced from
15.50 to 45.00
tewart Bros.
..f •�i�,�'tr„- .;%' .a= �T.6'ee,r-.''ea ,T , i , ..,J (-e' �' ee Tee �%,,T, a', �,V , .;r .• , y.
Washing Machines
with Wringer -
used very tittle — ONE-HALF PRICE
S�aforth Motors
Phone 141 . Seaforth
We Pay
The Best Prices for Good
Quality poultry, Fowl, Ducks,
Chkkens, Geese and Turkeys
Ducks, Geese and Turkeys bought
Up to and including Dec. 16th only
Dublin Creamery..
& Poultry Packi
`elephone; DUBLIN 68
r-.Ua.vur, •�t.