The Huron Expositor, 1952-11-07, Page 4• r jl s,.:„„,,.,„,,„,„.,',,,,,,.,,„,,:„,,. i d x e asa ted Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETc,—Per Word: r list Week 1 Cent 2nd Week Cent 13rd Week ee Cent - Minimum charger each insertion25 Ceuta • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts ea one *ord. Cords of Thanka, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events --1 neat per word. Minimum. 50 centli iter word Enquiries -rimy be directed to a Bess Na, e/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents iztie. Ten cents additional win be charged if sin in above elan are not paid within 10 dye of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages end Dwthg inserted frac of chaise. amnion nano. Notices to Creditors.'Ete.—Bata, eat envileathg. Coming' Events • YOU WSLL ENJOY DANCING AT THE popular Crystal , $slate Bal11I•oom, Mit- chell, every Friday night, to the music of the Nighthawks. featuring' the Very latent in Western .dance tune° and the beat in square dengue. • 4426x2 Property For Site FAR SALE --DWELLING ON LOUISA Street.; aophait siding; 3 bedrooms and bath. Immediate 'possession. Apply MISS EMIMA READ(MAN, Seaforth. Telephone 56941. 4426x2 PROPERTY FOR SALE—TRIO-STOREY, three b.droonis, living room, den. 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land. edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply, Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 4,1, Seaforth. 4426x1 Wanted POSITION WANTED — EXPERIENVI:1) saleslady. APPly to Box 201, HURON EXPOSITOR.,, 4426x1 COMFORTABLE ROOMS I N IIEN- sall, with care sod .board; can accom- modate five people at reasonable rates. Apply MRS. Wet. COMMIT, Henault. Box 142. .Phone 126. 4426-4 Lost and Found Notice NOTICE --QUALIFIED STENOGRA-- pher Svailable for general stenographic work- PHONE 187.8. Seaforth, 4426-1 For Sale F OR SALE — 23 PIGS, READY ' TO wean. JAMS HARRY, Egmondvilie. Phone 668 r 15, Seaforth. 4426x1 poR SALE—BABY CARRIAGE, BLUE, 1 in excellent condition. PHONE 760. Seaforth. 4426=1 FOR SALE—COAL STOVE, HEATER. Apply MRS. TOM PHILLIPS, Sea - forth. 4426-1 FOR SALE—REFRIGERATOR IN A-1 condition; tri -light lamp good as new. Apply to Box 191, HURON EXPOSITOR. 442241 wOR SALE—SMALL QUEBEC RANGE, meal or wood; also child's sleigh with rack. PHONE 666 r 24, Seaforth. 4426-1 FOR SALE VACUUM CLEANER, AIR - 1. way Sanitixer. late model, excellent condition. Will sacrifice. PHONE 670 r 2, Seaforth. 4426-1 NEED A PAIR OF NYLONS? SEE the new shades of Holoproof Nylons of Note at TUDOR'S in Hensall. Ask to sae the new run -proof nylon in 51 gauge. 4425-tf STRAYED—.GN HALLOWE'EN NIGHT, "Trixie," a dog with long black hair FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING and fox -like face. Children's pet. Anyone machines, electric and treadle. Re - knowing wherea'tout of this dog, please °airs to all makes. SINGER SEWING PHONE 247, Seaforth- 4426-1 MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1135. 4396-tf Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. S, samples 25c: : 'vole --1 e SALE934 FORD COACH IN EX - 24 samples ,51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73 1 cellent condition • new battery, seat NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton,) covers, seam l begot lights, fully winterized. Ont. 1 PHONE 597-W, Seaforth. 4426-1 • 'jR O. SALE—IOLSTEIN JERSEY COW : also saddle mare, 3 years old, sired be Pinwheel." Phone 633 r 31, Seaforth. W. .1. THOMPSON. „ , 9426-1 Help Wanted 'WANTED — HOUSEKEEPER-COMPAN- �rrr ion for a refined elderly lady in Eg-� mondville. Modern home. Apply Box 196, HURON EXPOSI,TOR. 4425x2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Furnishings, Etc„ at the residence of W. C. Bennett, in Walton, on Wednesday, November 12, et 2:30 p.m.: One bedroom suite, including dressing table. high boy and dresser ; 1 kitchen suite, folding table, KLDDIES' CORDUROY OVERALLS AT 1.98. Yes. an unheard of price on corduroy overalls! See them now et TUDOR'S in Ilensall. Size 2-6. 4426-1 FOR SALE — 5 STEERS, DURHAM - Hereford, four 600 lbs., one 1.000 lbs.; also three Resole pups 4 months old, reg- iste'red. JAMES EAST. Phone 807 r 6, Clinton. 4426x1 FOR SALE -4 PAIRS TUBE SKATES: 1 pair men s, size 9; 1 pair girls' (white). size 2; 2 pairs boys. size 13. AP- I my MRS. A. E. CROZIER. • Phone 667 r 22, Seaforth. • - 4426x1 buffet and 4 chairs; 1 sewing mac,iine; 1, HOUSE DRESSF'81 HOUSE DRESSES! easy chair; 1 dining -room suite; 1 hot- 11 House Dresses! TUDOR'S in Hensall plate (Sunshine), 2 -burner; 1 floor lamer;, have a big assortment of them from 12-52 1 Sunshine electric stove, heavy duty, 4- • feom 2.98 - 3:95. Long sleeves and short burner (like new) : 1 coal and wood kit -)sleeves- 4426-1 chem range 1McClary) : 1 electric steam ; radiator (like new) ; 2 portable olothesj' '0R SALE—PRINCESS BETH COOK closets; 1 dresser with' separate mirror; P stove • will burn" either coal or wood; 1 ironing board; 1 Westinghouse electric wood baker; and a 2 -burner electric plate. oven (like new) : 1 hand floor waxer; 1 herb in gond c^ndition Arps+➢ to MRS electric 'stove, heavy duty, 2 -burner (see- WILLIAM PEPPER, Hensall. Phone 41-W. and -hand ): 1 teflon thermos jug; 1 Astrol 4425-2 refrigerator, new; 1 shotgun; 1 platform scales ; 1 A.B.C. washing machine (used) ; FOR SALE -2 DUAL-PURPOSE RPOSE SHORT - 1 lawn mower; 1 extension ladder, 32 -ft.: .F horn heifers from an accredited herd. 1 library table; 1 electric iron; 1 large due to freshen soon. Apply A- E. OROZ- meat grinder: some dishes, and. many TER. Phone 667 r 22, Seaforth. articl•.s t',o n.emerous to'mention- Terms— Cash. W. C. BENNETT, Proprietor • Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer, . 4426-1 Notices To Creditors 4426x1 I A REAL BARGAIN IN KIDDIES' ^LONG rntton hoar, Fizea 61h tot 9 at'Or, G t two on,ethree pairs, now at TUDOR'S in Menge* . ,Brown only. 442611 NOTICE to CREDITORS; In the Estate of MARGARET ANN Mem' GEE, Widow of the late James Sproat,' of Seaforth, Deceased. -: • ALL PERSONSHAVING e� L AIMS against Estate of above deceased are required to file ,the same to undersigned for . said Estate, on or before the 20th day , of November, A.D. 1952, after which •date the assets will be distributed amongst' the, partits entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of which notice has been given, FOR SALE—MODERN DINING ROOM to nearly new: Quebec heater, m"dinm size; baht' tends, in good condi- tion. Amply to MRS. BOLYEA, McMaster Ants.. Market and High Sts., Seaforth, 4426x1 FOR. SALE — HARDWOOD SLABS. m na.ty maple. ?'O.'O ner load of'ap- nroxireately two cords: mixed wool slabs 98 Per load, apnroximntely two cords. de- livered in Seaforth. Let us figure on your vawrtust re"nirements. Prompt delivery: FRED HUDIE. Phone 362. Clinton. 44204 DATED Seaforth, November 5, 1952. I _. R. H. SPR OAT, Seaforth J. R. SPROAT, North Bay Executors. In Memoriam 4426-2 T IfcCLINUHLlf ' The dearest mother this world could hold, With cheery smile and heart of golds To those who knew her, all will know How much we lost .four years ago. RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- —Ever remembered. by son Nelson, PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. daughters Bernys and Virginia, sons -in - Phone 347-R. 43634f law Howard and Murray, ands grandchil- dren Ray, Carl and Dianne - PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH ; 4426x1 Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty, ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensel]. Phone 196-1*, Hensall. 4425-tf Notices • A rl'k.NTSON, FARMERS 1 — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, "ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 439941 VOTERS' LIST POSTING Township of Hullett T. GEORGE W. COWAN, CLERK OF THE Municipality of the Township of Mul- lett in the County of Buren, declare that I have posted in my office, in the ViDage CIEORGi; LEIT+CH WISHES TO THANK of Londesboro, the Voters' List for the all those who sent cards and fruit and Year 1952, and I hereby call on all voters visited him in the hospital; also to thank to take immediate proceedings to have any Dr, P. L. Brady and Dr. E. A. 'McMaster omissions or errors corrected according to and the nursing staff. 4426x1 law, The list was posted in my office en A-"' E UP—IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear mother, Mrs. Dan Dupes, who passed away eleven years ago on Novem- ber 5, 1941. Her thoughts were all so full' of us ,She never could forget. And so we think that.. where she is She must be watching yet- As etAs Angels keep their watch up there. Please God jest let her know •.That we down here do not forget, We love and miss her so. —Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed by by Husband, Family and Grandchildren. Cards Of Thanks the 20th day of Obtdber, 1952. GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk. MBS. A. ' DUCHARME WISHES TO thank all who so kindly remembered her daring her recent illness al Scott Memorial Hospital. She also wishes to 442e-5 thank the nursing staff and Drs. Brady and McMaster. 4426x1 MEETING OF" HURON COUNTY'COUNCIL' ►HE NET MEETING Oli TAS B:L112ON County Council will be held iii the Connell CSambera, Court House, GBdeiieb, cosnf8citt'ing • DAYy„ 24Oiie'1 von 11, i06'i at. 2105 P.M, fltire �ql sns' irl�ibbtii da v il diTe�inOff ill ? anion ld Tae in", they ° nI the 'Cle'le'sinot lat' Births BUECHLEI1—In Stratford General Hone - tai. on Novt4nber 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beecher (nee Barters Sproat), Ottawa, a son. KENNEDY—In Woodatpek Hospital. on Nove ober 3, to Mr. and Mra. Frank Kennedy (nee Mary Stewart), Bright, a daagbter. WHITE—In District Memorial Hospital; ,hcantinigtosi qtt Sunday. November 2 to 404*. ' and ,1tR"r8. A`.: G., ,White • (nee lean Yrvin), KingnviUe .e daughter, • Deaths A.MENT—'in Seaforth. on Saturday, Nov. PINLAYSE Seafetth, on Frid ayd.Willi� mant in his 84th Year. October imam Finlayson; in his 6814 rear, J1A i 'P—In St.•Jiaenli's 1%spital London, do i aradnlr6, •Janerl aHalt, in. his 5 it�X froso reslden'co of bis r 1.(lnlumhati, on 01*4 40400). 1 . 11011 yen Sundays I ave 2.• ` wiltal+f d 7GditaWr ittx hit' ktir yranti • Tiffany 'cosmetics Middleton's BRucEFIELD ,Drug Stare, 'Hensall, carries a Com-, $►fete stock, of theati, lhldhest•.sivality I Product6.. The prices, am moderate. Cleansing .(dream, 51.28; Tissue Cream, $1.50; Skin b re$hner, Come in and talk your beauty Web - lents over with our trained staff. Get that Tiffanycomplexion now. --(Adv.), Miss Minnie Reid and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron agent a day recently vla- iting with Goderich 'friendly. Mr. Jack Lavender, who is at- tending the Ryerson Institute of Technology, Toronto,. . anent the weekend at his home 'here. Mr. Robert McDougall, Moose Jaw, who hasbeen visiting his cousin, 'Mise Minnie Reid, left for the west coast Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest and Clerk and, Mrs. L. ,Clark, Sr., spent the weekend with relatives in St. Clair, Mich. • Miss Lapp, Toronto, the Tiffany .cosmetician, received so many re- quests from the ladies of Hensall for personal consultations about beauty problems, that Middleton's Drug Store engaged her all day last Wednesday. This was her sec- ond stay within a week in Hensall. Mitchell Nursery & FLORAL CO. Mitchell - Ont. Established over 50 years - We grow our Flowers, and Supply forall Occasions' You are as near as your telephone. Telephone 37W MITCHELL ownesillIMInwainpmwaramspeseelinammili 12 N months- to pay for your coal down payment Nen you join... The Old Company's 10 mo• i a.wm..,. . COAL: %,CLUB: HO 11 OOkH, . 46% PArmar 1°1 Coal Club Seaforth Lumber Ltd. tr. and lM4rs. Jim Llyingstone.and David, T,oncign, Viaitt{,l Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs.. Abe Zaple; and faintly. ,There was a large 'crowd at the fowl supper in 'the United Church last Thursday evening. The ladies of the W.A. 'catered to supper for Y.P. Calton meeting in the ' church Monday evening. Theer were over 2&0 present. Mr. and Mrs. B. Sholdice` ha•'ye returned to their, home near Ailsa Craig after spending tido months with Mr. and Atte:A. Paterson.° husband Of Fortner, Local Girl Gets Post Walter J. Tardift, husband of the former Marguerite 'Williams, Sea- forth, was recently appointed gen- eral manager of the Caliada Paint Company. Mr, Tardift has been an active figure In the paint .business for 28 years and has held several important positions,,in the industry. Walton -Friends Fete Mr. and Mrs. Ci. Brown M. and Mrs. C. Brown were en tertained 'by a large crowd oC friends and neighbors Tuesday eve- ning, prior to their leaving Wal- ton. They were presented witha purse of money. Dancing was en- joyed n joyed to Wilbee's orchestra, and later George Kirkby and Ronald Bennett presented the couple with a gift. McKillop Speaker At Church Ladies' Aid Mrs. H. E. Smith, president of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyter- ian •Gehurch, Seaforth, was in charge of the meeting Tuesday afternogn, when Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mc- Killop, gave an informative talk on the New England States. She spoke of the museums and homes and their historical. interest. During the program Alice Ann Nixon and Marlene Miller sang, "It's No Secret." They were ac- companied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Homemaking Clubs of District, Town Hold Joint Meeting Here At a joint meeting of the Sea - forth Sewing Sisters, McKillop Busy Bees *Ad Thrifty Kippenettes in the High School here Tuesday night: Jean. Steckle, home econom- ist for Huron County, spoke on the value of homemaking clubs. As well, Miss Steckle demonstrated correct po,5ture and, assisted by June Smith and Jean Scott, showed the club members present the mehtods of adjusting patterns. • Catherine Campbell was nomira.t- ed secretary for the meeting. Joyce Wilson and Betty Goudie sang a duet., Betty Campbell, McKiliap, reported on her visit to the O.A.C., Guelph, on provincial homemaking club's' day. Joyce Wilson led a sing song and the clubs spent a so- - Phone 47 i tial half-hour with the. Junior In- stitute and Junior 'Farmers, meet- ing in another part "of the school. A nn iveraYp- ervices FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH Sunday, November 16 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Guest Speaker— Rev. David Gowdy, Th.D., of Central Presbyterian Church, Galt, at both. services Rev„ Gowdy was a Padre in World War Hand• is a fluent speaker The Choir will be assisted in the morning by Mrs. Ross Hamilton, and'' in the evening by the Seaforth Male Quartet—James T. Scott, Fred E: Willis, M. R. Rennie and D. L. Reid. COME AND ENJOY THESE SERVICES .+ REV. D. GLENN CAMPBELL STANLEY J. SMITH Minister Organist & Choir Leader 43 '1 Used Cars FOR SALE 1951 Chev. De Luxe Sedan 1949 Plymouth De Luxe Sedan, with radio, sun visor 1940, Ford Sedan W -A -N -T -E -D - 1946-47-48 CHEVS. on NEW 1952 DE LUXE SEDAN Also Special. Sedans NOW IN STOCK! Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Seafol°th Wa tip versa' 112rt and ' Nr's. SAaa Johnston+ Walton, 7nar'keU `'the 50th aj)nivex- ary of their "wedding' \Vodne when; a family dinner was hell.,. i Daft's Church ,basement. Phe.'1a er,, received friends and, neighbors at their' home. Among the •giftn efe flowers in 141tICQ. r'I!b 1 g,'oug$11o4 ai; lkliidnaay cit Oen aa.• Mrs. r ''C,oi�e, noire (eiirge Har- pi?i' and ¥ra, ±�• uk Aelland, 1- e0e Mill, visited for 'a few days iadtt°jsryveek with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 'i e4 + anfl,'Mra. Thomas. Laing vis- tedyj):day with Mr. and Mrs. NeilS Oeks, Thorndale, and Mrs. Walter '11 ontagne and family at and w , f$11 a Tplatnesferd. many useful a>=ides. , Fiye ;(,.Local., Teachers ...Attend Region 'Meet rt' U1 'll$nt t . UU'UO. ib}':th, Mr. and .I re. Wesley Green, Region .one oR 'the Qntarig: Wo- 'Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert 4444,,Teachersl 'Federation' met in Green, London, visited Mr. Jonah Winghalii Town' 1td.1i`. last Satiirday Green, oil Sunday. with Louie' Robinson, Godericli inn -MO• MeClymonttiemphohrs returnedding the chair, • ` pa' devotional tiered few week's witheatter tbrotherai Mr: was in '.Charge` of Roberta Eldonllll Wagner, who returned to visit with stone, 'Owen• ,Sound." 'her. Local teachers' attending were: , Joon Bell, Jim 'McGregor, and Mrs, Agnes Mason, Miss • Mab Stewart Wilson, Brucefield; 'Mac Turnbull, Mrs. Elva Ellis, Mitt—.lir. Speirs and, Stewart Stiles returned J. Weber and Mrs. 'Ruby Dundas. ' home Saturday evening • after ' a Church, where Mrs, Agnes Mason, At noon a luncheon was served , two-month motor trip to Vancouv- the 104' h'teachers in • the United er. and 'California. They .returned ere ' Seaforth, presided. Guest speakerlthrough the United States' was Elizabeth Taylor, Federation Mr. and Mrs. . Norman Rickert, lieadquartere. Miss Taylor stress -1 Merle and Murray Tyndall attend- ed the Murray - Geisel wedding in Kitchener Saturday, also the recep- tion at . the Haceinda, Waterloo. On Sunday they visited relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons at- tended the auction sale of Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson, near •Mitchell, on Friday. Late Williaign Anent Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman, and children, Exetervisited Sun - Among those Trow out-of-town day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold who attended the funeral of the Jones. , late William Ament Tuesday after- Friday evening visitors with T. . noon were his family: Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Jones included' W. W.• Ament, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Love and family, near Mrs. W. K. Anent, Waterloo; 'Mr. Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West - and Mrs. Arthur R. G. Anient, To- lake and family, near Bayfield. ronto; Mr. and •Mrs. F. Karl Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. Schnell, Cam- Ament, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Stan- rose, Alta., left for their home al- ley F. Grainger, London. I ter visiting a month with the lat- Also 'Mr. Guenther F. Hess, Nia- ter's mother, Mrs. Robert McBride. gara Falls; Mr. and Mrs, W. R. "' Mrs. Ducker, Toronto, is spend - Veale, Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. A. ing a week with her friends, Mr. E. .Coates and Mr. Dolph Coates, and Mrs. Norman Long. London; Mrs. Arthur Hawkshaw,) Dr. James. Jarrott, New York, is Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grain- visiting his mother, Mrs. Catharine ger, Gorrie; Mr. and Mrs. George Jarrott. Dawson, Atwood; Mrs. Robert Win- Miss Helen Turner, Goderich, was ter, Goderich; Mrs. Mervyn Grain- a recent visitor of Mr- and, Mrs. ger, Wroxeter; Mrs. George Fee, Robert McGregor. Hensall; Miss Frances Ardent and, Mr. Robert Love, who .attends To - Mr. William Ament, Detroit; Mr. ronto ••University, returbed to and Mrs, E. H. Hodgins, Toronto. school -'after visiting his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. . KIPPEN Miand Mrs. Charlie Green, Sea ed that teachers "be professional," in taking their place In the com- munity as well as the classroom. Region one extends south to Lon- don and north to 'Meaford and Owen Sound. • Attend Funeral Of Mr. Norman S. McLeod., Lennox- CROMARTY ville, Quebec, , son of Rev. Norman Miss Mabel 'Cameron, Seaforth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Lasing. Mr. Gus Hoegy and Mrs. Angus Ballantyne, 'Stratford, and Mr. Tom Wallace, Carlingford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr.'and Mrs. Hugh Moore, .Neil, Donald and Wayne, of Lindsay; Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ernie Armstrong, Fraser- ville, and Rev. and • Mrs. Orville Locke, London, visited with Mr. . and Mrs. T. L. Scott on 'Sunday. i Mrs. M. Houghton, Ross Hough- ton, Dianne, ,Billie and Linda and Frank Stagg visited with Mr. •and e "Lest We.. ,Falrget" BALL - MACAULAY LUMBER YARDS at Seaforth and Clinton WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY Tuesday, November lith Armistice Day and, M. Mn/mead, i@. 41ak4 b!s (fiche with dg. ararRIIIe Mrs,. Orval McClinghe3r a,a d daughter, Donna, Varna, •visited Mrs. McClymont Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinknei' Smd family, Toronto, spent the weekend with the, latter', parents, "Mr. and Mxs� Samuel Cudmore. Mr. and Tsrd.' Stewart Cud'lnore and Lorne, London,also visited with them Sunday; Silnfay, visitors of M. and Mia. Dowdon included:. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer and Mr. and Mrs. O. Cooke, Goderich. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cornish and family iGoderieh, and .Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne (Schneider and ' Indy, Stratford, were 'Sunday, visitors ',sink their father, Mr. Robert Thomson., Hensali Aristmas Photos For appoJntmmente Phone ' 30 Bayfield Ann's Studio Bayfield, 'Ont. WILL BE CLOSED REMEM$RA11I'tE ;:DA Tuesday, November 11``1 A DURING THE 1VIORNING . . Stores will be Open 1 p.m to'6 p.m. DANCE TOWN HALL — HENSALL Friday, November 7 Music by Earl Heywood and CKNX Ranch Boys SPONSORED BY HENSALL FIREMEN — General Admission — WEEK -END FOOD SUGAR—Pure Cane ' • 100 lbs. $9.0Q Maxwell House COFFEE 1-1b. Bag 94c ALL -SWEET MARGARINE.. 1-1b. Pkg. 35c ,CRISCO 3 -Ib.• Tin 99c Medium CHEESE—June flavor Ib. 43c Ellmar PEANUT BUTTER . • 16 -OzJar 32c JELLO JELLY POWDERS . • • • 3 Pkgs. • 29c REDBIRD MATCHES 3 Boxes 27e Australian Fancy SEEDLESS RAISINS lb. 21c tt FRUITS and VEGETABLES Florida JUICY ORANGES Doz. 3 c 3 Dozen for ' 95c' GRAPES 2 lbs. 23c P.E.I. POTATOES 10 -lb. Bag 59c CLARE KEITH We Appreciate phone Orde*s PHONE 8 '• — ;T=REE DELIVERY IN $150.00 IN CASH COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1, 1952, until DECEMBER 24, 1952, Each Buyer of a Car Pur- chased at BRUSSELS MOTORS At a Value of Over $300.00, is Entitled to Enter the CASH PRIZE DRAW, To Be Made Christmas.Eve, 1952! USED CARS 1952 ➢C`HEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH •' 1952 , CHEEV. STYLFILLLNE SEDANS' 1951 CHEM. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN.-- Plowerglide; $1,995.00•••-. 2-1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS an $1,850.00 1941 IC)1)FIV. STYLELINE COACH at $1,850.00 2--1951-CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS 1950 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN— " folly equipped AND TRUCKS 1949' i(IHIESV • &PASSENGER COUPE - Fully equlpped--=$1,405.00 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE Sk7AiN-41,895.00. 1949 NLETEOR SEDAN"-Com.letely recondi- • tioned—$1,295.04 1940—PLYMOUTH COACH TRUCKS •—y-- 1948 ,CHEV. rya -TON PICKUP Many Older Models To Choose From BRUSSEh, •ONT. • { (HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST USED CAR DEALERS '1,pen Eve>y' E veniing • • es PHONE 73-k, 4