The Huron Expositor, 1952-10-03, Page 4VAI ) THE MIAOW E,'X'OSITOR OCTOBER, 04 0:: ( • • ossified ds. Classified Ads Inserted At ew Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.,—Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 94 Cent Std Week 46 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Ceuta Each figure, Initial and abbreviation coauta as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum,. 50 cents per word. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra, Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of urge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events IITOMENS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO • Scott Memorial Hospital will hold a Rummage Sale Saturday, October 25. Keep all good used clothing. 4421-1 a GRAND FALL OPENING OF THE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday. October 10, intradueing the Night Hawks, featuring Clarence Petrie with the very latest in Western dance tunes and the best in square dancing. 4421x2 Wanted 'W ANTED — WOMAN 'OR GIRL TO care for ane child.PIIONE 138-W, Seaforth. WANTED --RAUSE WORK BY THE • month. Apply to Box 187, HURON EXPOSITOR. 44214 •WANTED — 150 RAILS FOR RAIL fence. Quote price. Apply Box 186, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4421x1 Poultry oR SALE -X1,100 HARP X ROCK pullets, starting to lay. Apply to WILLIAAM HENDERSON. Phone 0834, Seaforth. 4421x1 {R SALE -200 RED ROCK PULLETS, + six months old; laying. ANDREW E. CROZIER. Phone 567 r 22, Seaforth. 4421x1 FOR SALE -100 SUSSEX -NEW HAMP- ahire pullets six months old; laying. PHONE 651 r 13, Seaforth. 4421-1 r10R SALE — THANKSGIVING TUR - keys, dressed, oven-ready. Special pric- es for suppers and banquets, Phone BERT SPENCE, 190-M, Mitchell 4420-2 Property6For Sale pore SALE -7-R000,1 HOUSE ON GOD- erich St. East. Immediate possession. Modern conveniences. Apply IGNATIUS O'LEARY after 6 p.m. Phone 661 r 22, Seaforth. 4421-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R UDDER Goode). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00, Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Help Wanted LTELP WANTED — MAID, GENERAL, "1 family of five; all conveniences; Ben- dix. Live in or out. Liberal time off. Good wages. At Seaforth. Apply Box 129, HURON EXPOSITOR- 4421x1 D120031-TO.DOOR SALESMAN W ANT - ed to sell our. 225 well-known and guaranteed products including: cosmetics, eulinaries, medicines, tea, coffee, etc. Large discount •Splendid vacant territor- ies in your neighborhood. Unlimited in- come for the ambitions person. No risk— very little capital needed. Particulars: JITO: 6130 St Hubert, Montreal. 4421-4 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of Hullett THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of-Hullett will receive tenders for the digging and laying of approximately 6 632 lineal feet of tile drain on the Whyte FI OR SALE -1200 LIGHT SUSSEX AND Municipal Drain ; also six catch basins. Red cross -bred pullets, 5 months old Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk Vaccinated for Newcastle's disease and in- on or before the 6th day of October, 1952, feetioua bronchitis ; $2. ROY BROS.. All work to be done to the specifications ' Londeaboro, Phone Blyth, 8 r 6. 0 of the Engineer. 44_02 g Notices RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers, Sign painting a specialty. ED, (BUCK) LIT- TLE Hensall. Phone 196-R, Hensall. axroon FOR SALE—APPLY TO CECIL 4421-4 YY LONEY. Phone 332-R, Seaforth. ATTENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, 441826 courteous collection of all dead and P{ OR SALE—BLUE SUNSHINE BUGGY. disabled farm animals Cali collect, ED. C PHONE 4844. Seaforth ANDREWS, 851 r I1, Seaforth, or 236. 4421x1 Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Certifietd cheque for $100.00 to accom- pany tender_ GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, Londesboro. 4-421-1 For Sale NOTICE mon SALE—LARGE SIZE CRIB IN • good condition. PHONE 597-W, Sea- forth.4421-1 TRADE IN YOUR OLD PIANO AND FOR SALE -13 CHUX'IK3. APPLY TO clicar.•fieri '-t the Mildmay Furnitu-e EL WIN WILSON, Harpurhey. Store. Select from six new pianos, 141 4421-1 used pianos, 18 beautiful new chesterfield and davenport suites. Free delivery.I GODFREY SCHUETT, Mildmay and Mount Forest. 44214 CEMETERIES AS THERE IS 1YLUCH, CONFUSION with regard to the responsibility and , care of unused cemeteries, the following VOR SALE—MAN'S WOOL GABAR- iirformation has. been forwarded to all dffie fall coat, size 42; perfect condi- municipalitica in the County and is here tion ; -$20. May be seen at SCO NS presented for the benefit of the public. 1 CLEANERS; 4421.1 "The Cemeteries Act (R.S,0., 1950, c.1 46) spedifically requires: EW KNO-RUN NYIONS AT TIMOR'S 1. All parcels of land used for ceme- N in Hensall. Guaranteed never to run; tery purposes must be retained as such 51 gauge, at 1.75. What every woman unless all bodies or remains have been re- wants—a nylon that won't run I moved, and the. necessary authority ob- tain6'd. I FOR SALE — OIL SPACE HEATER, 2. The management and care of these, Fras make used very little ;' -reasonably cemeteries rests with original owners. If II priced for quick sale. Mso 5 cords of no other ownership can be established this !maple and elm wood. JAMES ELLIOTT. responsibility reverts to the municipality Phone 249-W, Seaforth. 4420-tf in which the saaid cemeteries are located. Etp 3. Care includes: Control of weeds, 1 1 R SALT 30_WATT PUBLIC AD - keeping fences to exclude animals, and dress ,system, with two sneakers, micro - maintaining the cemetery in good order phone and floor stand. PHONE 235-W, and •repair. Seaforth- 4421x1 VOR SALE -BABY BUGGY IN GOOD condition. Apply Box 188, HURON EXPOSITOR- 1 4421-1 nit. DENTON SLEEPERS WILL KEEP the kiddies warm all winter. Extra bottoms may be purchased too. Exclusive with TUDOR'S, in H'ensalL QAFE FOR SALE—ONE TAYLOR SAFE about 24 x 24 x 36, suitable for small business or farm use. FRED S. BEAT - TIE, Seaforth. 4421x1 1 OR SALE—OUTDOOR TOILET, GOOD wndition. Reasonably priced for quick sale. PHONE 176, Seaforth- 4421 4421-1 POR SALE—COLEMAN OIL HEATER. • used short time. Apply A. HUNTER, East William St. 4421x1 The public is asked to support its local FOR SALE—wHTrE STROLLER WITH municipality in the proper care of unused FOR runners and parcel carrier. Price oemeteriea. 822. Also blue evening dress. 'size 14, R. M. ALDIS, .610. and black seal coat, 12-14, 610.00. Medical Officer of Health, Hui•on County PHONE 2834- ` 4420-1 Health Unit; W. R. DOUGALL, Weed Inspector, County of Huron. DATED at Goderich this 1st day of tate- ber, 1952. 4421-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM L. ANDERSON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William L. An- derson, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the 19th day of May, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day, of October, 1852, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of September, 1952. MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 44214 NOTICE to CREDITORS In • the Estate of MARIMN SROLDICE Att PERSONS HAVING CL AVMS against the Estate of Marlon Sholdice, iitd Of the ToW'n of ,Seaforth, in the Co my of Huron. Widow, deceased, who dl on or about the liith day of Jul', 1952', aril hereby notified to send in full altticuleVa of their dialing to the under - Weida bb or before the 10th day of Octo- e.. 1 ; after which date the assets will lie . distributed, having regard only to shines then received. ti't. Sdefoirtli this 16th day of t, YeK2, 44194 NEW FALL DRESSES AT TUDOR'S in Hensall- Priced from 6,95 to 14.95 and sizes 9 - 22'k, AD good values—see them now, FOR SALE—BOY'S STATION WAGON coat, Rize 7; lady's black striped suit, 36-38 size. PHONE 235-W, Seaforth. 4421x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re. pairs to all makes. RINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1185. 4895-tf NEW LOW PRICE ON KNITTING yarn. Nylon ,blend at 27c a bap. Yes. just 27c at TUDOR'S, in Hensall. .)den) for kiddies' wear, socks, sweaters. Shrink resistant, too, 4421-1 HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE — WE have secured a permit and have im- ported flowering bulbs from the gardens of Jae De Vroomen, Liege, Holland, and are ready to give yon the beat bulbs at the right price- Darwin Tulips, King Al- fred Daffodils and Hyacinths in separate colors. ,Plant come this Fall and have your flower beds greet you with a blaze of glory in the Spring. Open every evening, BAKER'S GREENHOUSE ,Seaforth. 4419x5 FOR SALE TWELVE : 000n 'MED RED CEDAR bridge !,lank, 12x12x2. Apply B. F, CHRwSTIE, Chairman Property Committee. Tower of Seaforth. 4421-1 FOR SALE 'TUCK `SMITH TOWHBHIP SCHOOL. Board offers for sale .by tender, One finale bnflditig. 12x24xB, located) at S.S. No. 2, east of Kipped. Touters will be received up to Tues- day, Oteder 7, ,1962, W. P. 1t0 ` Sec.-Treas., LK, ft; 2eeforth, Ont 4421•: For Sale FOR SALE HARDWOOD SLABS, mostly maple, 410.00 per load of ap- proximately two cords; mixed wood slabs, $8 per load, approximately two cords, de. livered in Seufortb. Let us figure ou your sawdust requirements. Prompt •delivery, FRED RUDER Phone 662, Clinton. 4420-8 PRIVATESALE—M: H, 7 -FT: BINDER; mower: M.-13. fertilizer hoe drill, 11 -run; 3L -H. bay loader; M. -H. two -row corn cultivator ; 10 -ft. hay rake; three-quarter wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; land roller; 5 -sections diamond harrows; Que- bec riding plow ; wheelbarrow ; harrow cart; extension !udder, 28 -ft.; cutter; sleighs; electric fencer; team harness and collars ; electric washing machine • and wringer; cook stove, coal or wood. W1L- LIAM BRITTON, Con. 7, Lot 8, Hullett. 4421x2 Fixtures - Furnaces Filters - Fittings G'IO&LPLETE BATHROOM FIXTURES— BATH (41/,,' or 5'). BASIN, CLOpSET, Powder room sets,—white or color with chromed fittings KITCHEN SINKS, white or color,—chromed fittings and KIT- CHEN SINK CABINNIb for porcelain en- amel drain board tops or plastic tops. F URNACJ'E—goal and oil gravity or air- conditioning with controls and replacing FIBERGLASS FILTERS for forced -air fur- naces. FITTINGS and pipe in copper, cast iron, black and galvanized steel. Laun- dry tubs, shower cabinets, electric ranges, refrigerators, ..pressure systems. oil burn- ers, FREE CATALOGUE. Write or visit our new modern showrooms. We deliver --;you pay na freight, S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Stsneixville, Ontario. 4421-5 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE --The SALE OF CHAT - tela owned by Mr. James' McFadzean will continue on Monday, October 6, at 1:30 p-nl., at his residence in Brussels. included in this sale will be an excep- tionally good line of all kinds of tools and other equipment JAMES McFAD- :LEAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. no-tioneer. (ILEARTNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery at Lot 4, Con. 17 Grey Township, 1 mile east of Walton, on Thursday, October 16, at 1 p.m. CAT- TLE -1 black cow. 3 years old; red cow 6 years old; 3 black cows, 3 years old (all cows due to freshen in February); 1 black heifer, due to freshen in March; 4 year- ling steers ; 5 spring calves ; 8 pigs about 100 pounds. HORSES—One work horse. MACHINERY—Rubber tired wagon. 11 -ft. rack ; 6 -ft. mower, Frost & Wood; sulky rake; walking plow; riding plow: disc; set harness; acufiler; hay fork and rope; 1955 Chevrolet Coach; cream separator; quantity elm plank, timber and lumer •. 2 oak barrels; wheelbarrow; set sleighs:. neckyokes: whiffl'-trees; kitchen range; heater. Terms—Cash. W. J. BENNETT, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH - ins i theVillageo Ines, n of m ndville Eg on Saturday, October 11, at 1:30 p.m. Walnut dining room oval table; 6 chairs; cherry glass cupboard with spool corners ; antique dresser and •washstand with mar- ble top; number dressers ; washdtands : beds; springs and mattresses; inner spring mattress (like new) ; sewing machine; chest of drawers; corner brackets; drop- leaf table; oval walnut table; arm chair ; sofa; member antioue occasional chairs; small tables; wardrol7e: 2 -burner hot- plate; electric heater; hall rack ; clocks; toilet sets; quilt box; writing desk: trunk ; verandah furniture; china; antique dishes; kitchen utensils: tubs; sealers; chest of carpenter tools; lawn mower; garden tools. and other articles. Terms— Cash. ESTATE OF LATE LOUIS FLEUR- SCHUETZ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E, P, Chesney, Clerk. AUCTION SALE—A CLEARING AUC- tion UGtion Sale of the Effects of the late A. E. Rudd will be held at the home of his son, R. B. Rudd, corner Goderich and Church Streets, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 4th, at 1:30 p.m.; Dresser and mirror: hospital bed 'and springs ; single h -d size inner spring mattress; metal bed and serines: double bed spring mattress; pillows; odd cushions"; walnut tables; end table; plate glass mirror; walnut fernery; pictures; frames; rocking chair; kitchen chairs; walnut side chair; lamps; dressing table and bench; bedroom chair; kitchen stool; ironing board: wash board; step 1„dder: coal stove; electric stove. nearly new• Astral refrigerator. nearly row: ice refrigerator; Westinghouse roaster; "1 sew- ing machines, 1 Singer; linoieum; Lim- ogrs china • miscellaneous dishes, eta, crow bar: shun ds ; lawn chairs; 'Thistle baby stroller, gr -y and other articles. HAR- OLD JACKSON, Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. at Lot 25, Concession 14, Township of McKillop, on Highway, one mile south of Walton, on Wednesday, October 8, at 1 :30 p.m.: CATTLE—Z Dur- ham cows, freshened a month ; 1 Durham heifer, freshened a month; 1 Durham X Holstein Cow, due in March: 1 Holstein cow due in Mar,h; 1 Ayrshire X Here. ford cow• due in February ; 1 Holstein X ,Jersey, due February ; 1 Hereford heifer, rising two; 7 yearlings; 3 spring calves; 3 calves one month old ; 1 Hereford bull eligible for r, - atratibnrising 2 years. MACHINERY—I950 Ford Tractor with hydraulic rlow (like new) ; 1 Frost & Wood 5 -ft. mower; 1 Massey -Harris hay loader; 1 Maaaey-Harris 11 -hoe seed drill; 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader; 1 Mas- sey -Harris side rake; 1 set of light sleighs; 4 -sections of diamond harrows; 1 inthrow horse disc; 1 galvanized drum, 50 -gals.; 1 Massey -Harris cream separator, No. 7. with power attachment; 1 sugar kettle; 1 wheel- barrow; sacks; chains; whiftletreea ; forks; shovels: pails and many other items; 1 set double harness; 1 set single harness; 1 cutting box; 1 fanning mill; 1 farm wag- on, steel tired ;. several lunches of new cedar shingles; 1 Jamesway oil brooder; oil drum, 15 -gal. ; •1 good two -wheel trail- er with rack; 1 C.C.M. man's bicycle; 1 electric pail heater; 1 pair of Stewart electric clippers; 1 gas engine; 1 block and tackle; I poathole digger; 1 set rope wire stretchers. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --1 parlor table; 1 kitchen table and chairs ; 2 lawn chairs; tables, and other articles. Terms—Cash. MRS. J. A. MAR- SHALL and BARRY MARSHALL, Pro- prietors; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Cards Of Thanks . THE .FAM -LY OF THE LATE MRS. Riley wish to thank their neighbors, friends and all those who sent flowers, cards, loaned ears and all other acts of sympathy during their recent bereave- ment; also Dr. Stapleton, staff and nurses of Scott ,Memorial Hospital and Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. 4421x1 MISS MARY I ->;E WISHES HER MANY fri'nda and neighbors to know that her sorrow was greatly alleviated by tlse kind concern and thoughtfulness shown in her recent sad te•eavrment; speciai thanks for all the beautiful floral tri- butes; also special thanks to Rev. C. L. Langford, Rev. .1. Fox, the naiads, the pallbearers, and the Bonthron Funeral Home. 4421.1 MRS. JOHN RICHARDSON WISHES TO .thank the many Mende for all the kindness and aympathy shown her during her recent sad bereavement, for the beau- tiful ftbtal tributes and messages of spm. eathy, and thanks to Dr. P. L. Brady, Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. J. C. Goddard, the Rev. Norman .McLeod, the members of Presbytery of Perth and Huron, the Rev. R. B. Cummings and'the President of the London Conference. 4421-1 1x7E 91113H TO EXPRESS OUR GRATE- " Cul thank(' and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness; also for the many floral tri- butes and messages of sympatliy, in oar recent sad bereavement. A apodal thanks to Dr. Goddard the 'Clinton Hospital staff, the Rab. C. L. Langford, Mr. 11- Bontlitott, the pallbearers, and to those who loaned ears.Aissoo Masers thanks to the eympa. tbette neighbors, and friends who took charge 62 at'tan4tofnents in the home after the funeral eervfee. the kindness abosen ug lir the Kitchener, Preston and Galt relatives la also deeply appreciated. WILLIAM and GEORGE OT'PlitBEIN, noncan. Flensall News of the Week Postpone Paper Collection Awing to poor marketing condi- tions for waste paper, the Hensall Girl Guides will be unable to make a collection this month. An an- eouneement will be made when the collection is to be held Betty •Mickle, nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week -end at her home, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Mickle, of Ridgetown, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle. Mr. Stan Tudor and Mrs.. C. Cooper are patients at Victoria Hospital, London. Linda Mock, 5, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Ron Mock, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last • 'Adetion Sales ',LEAKING AUCTION SA,.E ;`6' FARM, Farm Stook, Implements and House- hold Effects, at Lot 4, Concession 12. Tuckeramith, 3 miles east of Heil - sail on County Road, on Friday, October 3rd, at 1 'p.m.: • VAVrLE--2 Holstein cows, 4 and 5 years old; 2 whiteface year- ling heifers. IMPLEMENTS--,Allis-Chal- mere C tractor, full hydraulic P.L. (like new) ; Allis-Chalmers plow, hydraulic lift for C tractor; acufler for C tractor and puller, complete; Cockshutt cultivator; Bissel roller ; McCormick mower; drag harrows; Massey -Harris binder, tractor hitch; walking plow; Massey Harris seed drill; Massey -Harris .manure spreader: rubber tired wagon ; fiat hay rack ; Fair- banks.Morae hammer mill, 1 year old ; fan- ning mill with screen, motor driven; set 2.000-t6. scales; bag truck; wheelbarrow; set sleighs; trailer, complete with stock rack ; gravel box; 3 milk cane and strain- er; 8 milk pails; 3 logging chains; cant hook; 50 feet belt, like new; 145 feet hay fork rope; milk cooling tank: 4 steel pig troughs; set doable harness; cutter; 4 sling rupee; 2 steel troughs; root pu}per: 25 -gallon Gil drum; stoneboat: milk cart: M.-11. cream separator ; range shelter; Mother Nature brooder; 1 feeder; 2 eight - inch hay rack sills 16 feet long; 1 roll barb wire; grass seed sower; number of bags and sacks; shovels; forks: whiffle - trees ; neckyokes: quantity • household of-. fects. FARM, -70 -acre farm, large bank barn, all dement 'stabling, drive shed, gar- age; 2 -storey 'brick house; Hydro through- out buildings. Farm in good state of cultivation. Terms• --Chattels, cash. Prop- erty sold subject to reserve bid: 10^fr down, balance in 80 days. ANGUS ROBERT- SON, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, , Auc- tioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Tuesday for treatment and x-rays. Mr. Robert Traquair, 'a laboi+a4 tory technician in the Polymer Corporation at Sarnia,, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Taragnair, Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Goodlwin and Mary visited 'Sunday with relatives in Harrington, and also viewtd the new dram being built there. Cpl. John Beer and Mrs. Beer left Wednesday tor Winnipeg; where they will reside. 'Cpl. Beer is in the recruiting office at the R.C.A.F. Station there. The 'many friends of Mr. Jarvis Horton, were pleased to see him at the United, Church Sunday morn- ing, after a lengthy and serious ill - nese. Busy Week For Carmel Presbyterian Church Rally Day services were observ- ed at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, last Sunday morning, with scholars of the Sunday School' oc- cupying seats in the church audi- torium and assisting with the see vice. Gladys Moir, Billy Brown, Gerald Regele, Billy McKinnon and Bill Kerslake read Scripture les- sons and gave prayers. The choir sang an anthem, and Rev. J. B. Fox .delivered the sermon. Next Sunday Holy Com'munion will be administered at both servte- es with preparatory service held Friday night, Oct. 3. Evening ser- vice will commence at 7:3D p.m. The Women's 'Missionary Society at their October .meeting Tuesday, had 'as their guest speaker Miss Margaret Ramsay, a returned mis- sionary. ' Thursday night the Arnold Cir- cle entertained at Cavan Presby- terian Church manse, Exeter. WIN CHELSEA Mr. and Mrs, Richard Johns and Bessie,' Exeter, visited Sunday at CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, I,Splements and Household Ef- fects, Thursday, October 9th, at 12 o'clock sharp, at Lot 9, Concession 13, Township of ILullett, 1 ,mile west of Harlock School. or 6 miles southeast of Blyth: HORSES - 1 matched team of black mares, 6 and 7 years old, 2800 lbs.; 1 Percheron gelding, 6 years old: 1 driving mare; 1 yearling filly. HEREFORD CATTLE -16 cows with calves and rebred; 5 twq-year-old heifers, bred; 9 bull calves ranging from 5 to 11 months old; 6 heifer calves; •$- year-old registered herd sire. This is an exceptionally good herd of Hereford cat- tle from registered stock. POULTRY -25 hens. MACHINERY—'Farmall A McCor- mick -Deering tractor in good condition ; 2- furrow McCormick -Deering plow on rub. ber; 6 -ft. McCormick -Deering tractor disc; 7 -foot M. -H. binder, cut 70 acres; M. -H. mower; McCormick -Deering side rake; M. - H. bay loader; 13 -disc grain drill; 1 steel roller; M. -H. manure spreader 2 years o] Lion diamond h arrows ; cultiva- tor; horse disc; walkingplow; scutfler ; turnip drill; farm wagon and box ; rub- ber tired wagon ; 16 -foot hay rack ; set of farm, sleighs with Rat rack: cutting box fanning mill: cream separator ; cutter buggy; 2 iron kettles; bench vise; exten- sion ladder; 5 1LP. electric motor with grain grinder and grain roller; pump jack and motor; 1940 Willys Sedan car; forks shovels, chain, tools and many Miler articles; - set backhand hajneas; 1. set single harness; 1 -set of double driving harness; number horse collars. Full l'ne of Household Effects, house furnishings, including living room, dining room chrome kitchen set, bed room furniture, Finlay kitchen stove, Beatty electric wash= er, Newcombe uf,rikht piano and bench; dishes, • kitchen utensils and other house- hold effects.. Terms --Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE ' REECE FERRIS; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. E. 8. •Knechtel, Executor; A W. Sil}ery, Solicitor for Estate. In Memoriam the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Deibridge. ,. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Brock and family and Mr's, E. Dobbs, Credi- ton, ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey and Betty visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Brock, Zion. Mr, and Mrs. John Batten were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Ke'lett, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dobbs and family. Hamilton, and Mr, and Mrs. Bev. Morgan, Thames Road, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Clarke on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Newton • Clarke spent Sunday with Mrs. Bert Kestle, Crediton, and attended an- niversary services there. • BRUCEFIELD Mises Janet Watson, Alymer, spent the week -end with herr par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Watson. Mr. Ed. Noonan, London, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mra A. Zapfe. al Mr: and Mrs. Alex. Mustard have . returned from a trip to ,Calgary. Miss Marjor'e Mustard also spent the week -end at her home. TO8NSTtate IN LOVING MEMORY OF Mrs. J. Wellington ,Johnaton, who; passed away -October 3, 1951, and for Mr..! J. Wellington Johnston, who passed away November 9, •1947, You can only have one Mother and Father, Patient, kind, and true; No other friend in all the world Will be as kind to you. For all their loving kindness, They ask nothing in return ; If all the world deserted you, To your Mother and Father you can turn. So all we can do. desrr Mother and Father, Is to go and tend your grave, And leave behind a token of Love, To the best Mother and Father God ever made. —Always remembered by Peree and ^iara, Slim and Rena, •Melvin and Cas- sie, Harold and Margaret, Lloyd and Rachel and Grandchildren. 4421-1 Births- BARRY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept, 25, to lire, and Mrs, Kenneth Barry, Seaforth, a son. BLANCHARD- -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on October 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Blanchard, R.R. 4, 'Walton, a son. DAUPHIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept, 26, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dauphin, Staffs, a daughter. ELLIOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital: on Sept: 26, to' Mr,' and 'Mrs, Earl Elliott, Dublin, a son, FRIEND --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sent. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend, Dublin, a daughter. SWINKELS--,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swinkela, R.R. 1. Seaforth, a daughter, ZEIGLER—'At Seott .Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 27, to WO.2 and Mrs. Eric Zeig- ler, R.0-A.F. Station, Clinton, a son, Rev. Williams, .Goderich, had charge of services in the United Church Sunday morning, choosing for his sermon, the subject, "Straight Ahead." Mr and Mrs. Earl Craig and Bradley are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott were in Detro,it lover the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnston and ohildren have returned from , a EVENTIDE - , (Reproduced' from the September 13 issue of the Salvation Army's "War 'Cry," where the .poem, writ- ten by John Beattie, Seaforth, ap- peared on the front cover). Seeing Gods at the' break of day, Hearing His voice when skies are grey— Walking with Him along the way At Eventide, Never a road but has a bend, Never a road' but has an end, Never a soul but needs a friend At Eventide. Teach us to walk by faith, not sight; Hei,p us to, turn from wrong to right, Make of us victors in the fight Till' Eventide. This is our ptrtion if we will Listen and hear him say, "Be still": Just ahead lies the star -lit hill, Blest Eventide, THANKS! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who so kindly assisted in any way dur- ing the disastrous fire at the Planing Mill last Sat- urdag. Words cannot express the kindness of all those who so willingly • helped at the bee on Mon- day night. Special thanks to the Hensall Fire ;Brigade, the Chamber of Commerce, the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary, Radio . Station CKNX, . and 'hose who loaned trucks, tractors and. men. . 5!• t•!'., ,i Wing to the fact that the stock of Lumber, Wall- board, Asphalt Shingles, Cement, etc., was jot damaged, business will Continue as usual. A. SPENCER & SON ,1lermall• lommoiftopproommowalawomouriomoory holldaar to bile Lal$, 'CR;lalt, 'M a. A. 114-Q0,een hits been able to ;Jeaye the hoslPitatli 'and is con- inhuming onvalisscing at hbr Brute. Mrs. P. Dayapsan wan visited by her Water from. Detroit list week. CROMARTY Mr. John Houghton, Mildmay, called on Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Hough- ton and Mrs. M. Houghton Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. 'Scott Barr, Mitchell, visited. Thursday with Mr. and- 'Mrs. Middleboro at. Owen Sound. Messrs, Alex Gardiner and 'Bob Gardiner are on a, business trip to the Western Provinces. Er. and Mrs.' Earl Treftry and Mrs. - hos. Laiilrg have returned af- ter a month's vjsit at Brandon and Moose Jaw. Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Dow and family visited Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Eldon Allen. Mr. and Mrs. James, Miller at- tended lite Tinning and Scott wed- ding edding at Munro -Saturday. Miss Jean Shute Kirkton, visit- ed with Mr. and Mra. Dave. Gard- iner o nSunday. Mrs. M. Houghton and Frank Stagg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-. Jack Kemp and family. Mr. and Mra, Garnet Cockwell, Exeter, visited rids Ms. and Mrs, Otto Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Calder 'McKafg spent the week -end In Fergus with Mr. Wm. Thompson and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McGill, of Waterloo, and Mrs. J. Fulton, Mit- chell, visited with Mrs. D. McKel- lar, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace visit- ed isited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wal- lace at Carlingford. Ratty Day Servicer Special Rally Day services were conducted Sunday morning by Rev. R. Duncanson. Diplomas' were awarded for the Memorizing of Scripture verses to Sandra Ram- say, Margaret J. Russell, Margaret Coleman, Arlene Hoggarth and Alice Howe. Phe infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman. and Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Miller were baptized at the morning service, w KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weeks re- turned after spending turned home to p g sen al weeks visiting relatives and friends, in Calgary and Edmon- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Switzer spent the week -end in Kingsville. Mr, Samuel Cudlmore celebrated his birthday on Sunday, having with him his two eons, their wives and fatuities, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Cudmore, London, also Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore, Kitchener. "Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rickert, $450 CASH BITITGO Blyth Memorial Hall TUESDAY, OCT. 7th $150.00 Special 2 $75.00 Specials 1 Share -the -Wealth 15 Games for $10.00 Each Room for 700 players, Entire Building Comfortably Heated Admission at Regular Bingo Prices. Merle 4/44,W. hurray Tyudal vis- ited Sundley afternoon with reelar fives in Clifford. Ur. and 'Mrs. Wm. !Clark, Gpde- rich, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson one day last week. Communion service will be ob- served- next Sunday ,morning in St. Andrew's Church and anniversary services will be held on October 19, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Ma's. Gordon Wren, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wren, -attended the wadding Sat- urday of the ,former's son, Mr. Ivan Wren and 'Mica EIeanor Graham, in Owen Sound. Mrs- Darwick, 'Sudbury, who spent the past month with her cousins, Mrs. Dow.son and Mrs. Wunder and other relatives, return- ed to her home on Saturday. The manly friends of the Rev. Al- bert and Mrs. Hinton, forulerly of Kippen, and now of Birehton, Que- bec, have received word they are settled in their' new home and are in good health. Mr. and Mrs. -McDonald and Mrs. Alvin MoDon'a1d, Walton, also Miss Laura Mole and Mrs, Moore, Sea - forth, were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.-Cudnlore. Mrs, Fenwick Stewart and son, Brumfield, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson. • Mr. Morris Long, Bothwell, and his mother, of Owen- Sound, called on Mr. and Mra. Long Tuesday af- ternoon. Mrs. Catherine Jarrott entertain- ed a few of her -friends on Friday afternoon. Mr. John Wagner, Guelph, is spending a few days with his sis- ter, Mrs. McClysnont, and she in- tends returning with him for a few weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Orville ¥eClinchey spent Sunday evening with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Meclynlont. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Hood on Sunday. Mr. • and Mrs. Stokes and son, London, also Mr. and Mrs, Cornish and' family, Goderich, were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Thomson. We are sorry to learn of Mr. Bert Thomson being ill and trust for a speedy recovery. Mrs. W. R. Cooper has returned) home after 00end111.8 a week wilt* her daughter and sonrinlawr and Mra: 4Ja Abell, In Mewl . 'Me, Bob ,Love Left 'last week attend the Universit r of Torontil. Zurich, and Teeswater Pairs wore well attended by people from Kip - pen and the surrounding area. Observe Rally Day Rally Days was held in 'St. Alp- dreW s Church last Sunday. T11e choir rendered an anthem,' w1tir Miss Helen Love at the organz„ Miss Turner read the story, "AI Wises Comes True"; '.Bonny Kyle read the Scripture, . and Margaret Elgie gave a recitation, Mr. and. Mrs. John Anderson had their lit- tle ittle daughter baptized, Debra Mete tine. " lJt1/ YOUR FAVOURITE VE RAG; KIST 7 LEMON -- LIME WANTED TO RENT A House with Modern Conveniences Suitable for a family of fare, - Apply: R. S. THURFELL c/ -o Bank of Montreal Hensall Ont. USED CARS FOR SALE • 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN • 1950 CHEV. COACH SPECIAL • 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN • 1946 FARGO 1/2 -TON PICKUP Also NEW 1952 CHEV. COACH AND SEDAN in stock O 0 Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phone 141"' Seaforth FOR SALE 90 Choice Hereford Calves 15 Calves Will Be Placed -in Six Community Townships Interested buyers should contact as soon as possible: JACK KINSMAN, Chairman; NEIL CAMPBELL, Secretary; AL. MORGAN and AL. WALPER, Directors; or, ROBERT MCGREGOR, Tuckersmith; ROBERT PARSONS, Hibbert; BA,R,O AD ELDER, Hay; MAC HO,DGERT, Usborne; S'TEWART BROAD - FOOT, Stanley; WALLACE ,DECKER, Stephen; or any . Director of South Huron Agricultural Society. NEIL CAMPBELL, Secretary, Hensall Calf Club — Kippen Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet " CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 C1*IV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN - '52 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH two•'tone, Loaded with extras 2—'51 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS Mr Conditioning '51 CTEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH '61 OHEV'. STYLELINE COACH '51 CHEV, FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH '50 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '50 CHEV.-STYLELINE -COACH '50 ,CHEV. S'TYLELINE SEDAN '50 °HEV. DE LUXE FLE'ETLINE 'COACH '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '49 METEOR SEDAN '40 CHEV. COACH • '39 CHEV. COACH '48 CHEV. 1 -TON PICKUP—Price ;660 WE HAVE A NUMMBER.OF '51 CHEV.,, sg, ANS AND COACHES, TO CLEAR AT $1850 A written glgarante 60 days on all late Model caro. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM - BRUSSELS MOTORS . - B1USSSi$.. ONTARIO - PHONE ,78-X "'The Horne of Better Wed Ctire" • OPEN EVERY EVENING aeseariseestesOasessommeoweemelesseses t • • •