The Huron Expositor, 1952-09-19, Page 4ssifiea Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETCH,—Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week r %, Cent 9rd Week: 14 Gent Minimum charge, each insertion,'25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Card, of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eveata--1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 oenta per word. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Tam cents additional will be chased if ads in above clam are not paid within 10 days Of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salve. Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application` Coming Events • Help Wanted YOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT THE HELP WANTED -WOMAN FOR LIGHT popur Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- housework. Start September 22. Ap- chell, every Friday night, with Don Rob- ply Box 176, HURON EXPOSITOR.' 4418-1 ertaon and his Ranch Bora4415sj6 IW ANTED -,MAID GENERAL FOR FAM - 1 ily two adults, three small children. For Rent I All conveniences. Six-day week, one week- : end per month. Most evenings free. Good wages Apply to Box 176, NUR - HOUSE FOR RENT. IN HENSALL.' ON EXPOSITOR. 4419-tf Apply to ALEX MaBEATH. Phone 681 l r 11, Hensel. ROOM FOR RENT -WITH BREAKFAST if desired. Apply to Box 179. HURON EXPOSITOR, 4419-1 POR SALE -MODERN 7 -ROOM FRAME t hopye. Owner leaving town. For fur - RENT - .6 -ROOM APARTMENT, ther particulars please write Box 178, - heated, modern conveniences; furnish- HURON EXPOSITOR. 4419-2 ed or unfurnished. Apply to Box 181,1 HURON EXPOSITOR. 4419x1 HOUSE FOR SALE -.8 -ROOM FRAME house. Railroad St. Modern conveni- FOR RENT -4 -ROOM APARTMENT IN ences ; furnace, heavy wiring: garden. Ap- home, or will rent entire home- Ap- PLY to C. J. DENNIS, Box 319, Seaf rth. ply Box 182, HURON EXPOSITOR- 4417x4 4419-1 Property For Sale Poultry FOR SALE -:75 SUSSEX AND ROCK Cross pullets, six months old- JAMES BARRY. Phone 663 r 15, Seaforth. 4419x1 mew SALE -200 SUSst• 'C - NEW HAMP- shire pullets, laying. APPLY ROBERT UpSHAT_L Phone 651 r 14, Seaforth. 4419-1 For Sale FOR SALE -COOS STOVE, GOAL, IN geed condition. MATT KELLY. Har- purhey. 4419x1 'real SALE -SO -POUND ICE BOY, 114 .1 good condition- PHONE 324J. Sea - forth 4419x1 THE HURON EX.POSfl OR News Items of Hensall and District J..Blatchford Visits , - Sister; Away 24 Years Mr. James Blatchford, Vancouver, B.C., • is visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, C. Ie Jinks, Hensall It is 24 years since Mr. Blatchford and this sister have seen each other. Mr. Blatchford, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard lalaatchford, was born in Hen- sel". He notes many changes since he visited here last He is also visiting with other friends in the village and community. Hensall Ladies Meet To Organize A Choir Mr. J, L Nicol, A.C.C.O., who is organizing a ladies choir, called the first meeting in the school Tuesday night, with an encouraging number present. Plans were dis- cussed and suggestions were out- lined for the fall season ahead, and a 'practice held. The following officers were ap- pointed: President, Mrs. L. Tile erio; vice-president, Miss Ellen Love; secretary- treasurer, Miss Mary Goodwin; assistant, Mrs. H. McEwan. Practices will be held every Tuesday evening. All ladies inter- ested in singing are urged to at- tend these classes. Hensall Arnold Circle Fall Opening Meeting Carmel Presbyterian Church was the setting Monday evening for the fall opening meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary. "Mrs. C. FOR SALE -OIL HEATER; CHINA Forrest, president, took charge of rafainet: small buffet Will sen cheap- the meeting. Mrs. Roy Bell pre - PHONE 790-W, Seaforth 4419x2 sented an inspiring devotional mes- FOR SALE -WELL GROWN. RANGE- . reared Red X Rock pullets are now WOOD FDR SALE --APPLY TO CEC L. sage, "Faith in God," and Mrs. A. pr available at an attractive ice. scam' LONEY. Phone 3S2 -R, Seaforth. 'Kerslake read the Bible lesson. An POULTRY FARM. Phone 853, Seaforth- 4416x$ appropriate duet, "Sweet Hour Of 4417-3 Prayer," was sung by Mrs. C. Ken- poR SALE -TWO -WHEEL TRAILER. -MOIL SALE --60 RED .ROCK P032 Terre, r ball hitch. Apply to W. oRLAND nedy and Mrs. C. Forrest. Articles five months 61d, laying. Phone 841 r JOHNSTON, Snarling St, Seaforth. from Glad Tidings and the Record 23, Seaforth. LORNE LAWSON, R.R. 1, 4416x1 were read by Mrs. R_ A. Orr and Clinton. 4419-1 FOR SALE -DRIVE BELT. 50 FEET BY Mrs. Harry Hoy. Mrs. C. Kennedy FOR SALE - 200 SUS'6FX X NEW 7 inches four -ply. Like new. Phone gave the topic from the study book. Hemp pullets. 6 months old. laying. CALVIN HORTON, 673 r 31. Hensall. I The thankofferingand supper meet - Also four York sows, one due in two 4419x1 my will be held in October with weeks, second litter. Phone 343 r 11, Sea - forth. DON DENNIS. Walton. F -- OR SALE -INTERNATIONAL CORN members and their husbands, Home 4419x- binder with wagon loader, good as Helpers and their :husbands the new. Apply JAMES CARNOCHAN. special guests at this meeting. Re- freshmentsSeaforth.4419-1 were served. Wanted FOR SALE - McCORMICK-DEERING Mrs. William Otterbine is a pa - corn binder and loader. Used fivetient at Clinton Hospital. Her many 1x7ANTED-CABIN STEAMER TRUNK. times. .Can be seen at JAMES BLACK'S., friends hope for a speedy recovery: " PHONE 3S. Seaforth. 4419-1 R.R. 3. Seaforth, or phone 66a r 13. 4419-1 Mr. Jack Heal, Wingham, licens- TiTANiet --A TWO-BEDROOM HEAT-' ed embalmer; has taken a position Y- ed apartment in Seaforth. PHONE HONEY FOR SALE -CLOVER HONEY. well Mr Harold BnII.IhTOII- 292. Seaforth- 4419-1 20c: light amber, 15c, You will on1F ,have next week to have your ot{n eon- Visitors last week with Mrs. Vio- WANTED--STEADY WORK AS A'tainers fines at the WALLACE ROSS let Schwalm were Mr. and Mrs. laborer. Apply to Box 150, HURON APAIRIES, Seaforth. 4419n1 Harold Hanson, Paula, Gerald and EXPOSITOR. 441z1 :FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING Arlene; Mr. and Mrm Austin WANTED --A ROOMER: HOME- HAS, machines, electric and treadle Re- Schwalm and Susan, Stratford; modern conveniences. PHONE 6S3 -J. IPaira to all makes SINGER SEWING James White, Fullerton; Mr. and Seaforth. 4419-1 MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1135. I 4395-tt-Mrs. A. Pfaff, Zurich, and Miss Zli7ANTED TO. RENT - 3 OR 4-11001t1 FOR SAID - SUNSHINE ELECTRIC Alma Pfaff, Zurich. fY apartment or house, in or near Sea- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark are forth. F/O. SHEASBY, 161 Bro Elimville W.I. ladies Mt the Grand Theatre in London recently - Mr. L. Gilfillan, Blyth, returned home recently, accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. C. Gilfillan, Grant, and Mrs. �j'. F. Batten. Mr. nd Mrs, 13. Church spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil - titian and family. Messrs. W. Walters, W. F. Bat- ten, Ray Cottel, F. Walters, P. Hern, and H. Roe spent a recent week -end at Stokes Bay. Mrs. J. Horne recently visited with Mr. and Mra. F. Horne. Kansas Banker Likes Hibbert Farms, People Mr. Joseph Yager and family, of Atwood, Kansas, where he is presi- dent of the Kansas State Bank, re- cently visited Hibbert township and relatives, whom he had never seen before, in Toronto. Mr. Yager's mother was Mary Ann Montgomery, raised on concession 3, Hibbert, at the farm presently occupied by Joseph O'Reilly. Mr. Yager was impressed by the fine farms and friendly attitude through Hibbert. Mrs. Cornish and family,etederich,. were "Sunday'- visitors -•with' -their parents, Mr. and Mra Robt, Thom- son. Rev, and Mrs. Mcleod• attended the meeting of General Council of the United Match of Canada at Hamilton last week, Mr. and Mrs_ Zankowski ,Bind children wee Sunday guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stasik. Rally - Day services will be ob- served at S. Andrew's Churoh, Kipper, on Sundhy, Sept_ 28, at 11 g_m. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chea ey cele- brated their 40th wedding Annivers- ary last Sunday with their family, with Mrs. James Thon3l son and son, Alex Thompson, being present. Old Friends Gather At Goshen United Services There was a large attendance at the anniversary services in Gosh- en United Chufch last Sunday. The guest speakers, Rev. Wm. O. Rob- inson, of Manitoba, and Rev. W. Maines, Brucefield. were both Hur- on Old Boys, who spent their uni- versity days together at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Bruce - field, attended throe services at Goshen and were guests' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braun and fam- ily, of Forest. attended the service and also visited with friends in Zurich. CROMARTY . Vis'tors with Mrs. D. McKellar Monday were Mrs. J. Fulton. Mit chell; Mrs. Carl Stoskopf, Sebring- ville, and Mrs. Wesley Scott, Brit- ish Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Binning, Mit- chell, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. K. Hogg at Thorndale. Rob Hamilton has returned home � after a fishing trip to Lake Nipis- i sing. Mrs. E. MacDonald. Wingham, visited last week with her sister, Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and family have left on a motor trip to visit their parents and other rela- tives in 'Saskatchewan. STANLEY spent the week -end, with Mr. and Mra. Rohert 1 Clure. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown and Jim, of Lobo, visited with their 'brother, •Mr. John McClure and Miss Belle McClure and Mrs. roadfoot at 'Roxboro, Sunday. `&Mr. and 'Mrs: Ralph Davidson 'vis- ited with friends in Monkton Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George McClure and family visited with Mr. John McClure, London. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watson, Fern- dale, Mich., have .been visiting with Mr. and Mrs Lee McConnell and other friends in Stanley.} Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Rahinson are their ,brother -in, law, Mr. Frank Mills, Carlyle Sask. and Mrs. ,Robinson's sister, Mrs. Wilfred .Dalgleish, Shilo, "Man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'McOlinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck have, returned home after a pleas- ant motor trip to Eastern Ontario and Montreal. KIPPEN Mrs. Mrs. Horner and Mr. ugh$ 8-3 range apartment aux. used reg and Mrs. Simmons, Exeter; Mr. and Ave., London, On. 441€3 ata fora few days enjoying a va- years: also used electric with a pump y Mrs. Arthur Ashworth and •Carol (shallow well), complete with 60 -cycle cation. � WANTED -USED MEDIUM-617.r.t1 OF- motor. PHONE 118J, Seaforth. : fice safe. in fair condition: alsorolli 4419-1 top desk, adding machine and typewriter.' Apply Box 177, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4418x2 Personals FOR SALE-URAILER WITH PLANK box. 4 feet by 9 feet; heavily reinforc- ed: wired with tail -light; new axle and wheels. Suitable for farm hauling. carry- ' Ino oats. ctr : tires 6,00x16. Apply EM- ERSON DURST, Seaforth Machine Shop. 4419-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES tB U S B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c -a 24 samples 21.80. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 01. Hamilton, Out. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED rpENDERs WILL BE RECEIVED FOR caretaker of Duff's United Church. Walton. Duties to commence October 1 - State State salary in application. All applications to be in by September 30. BERT JOHNSON, Secretary of Board of Stewards. a R.R. 2. Brussels 4419-2 Notices CUSTOM COMBINING -FOR CLOVER and feeds. CLARENCE MONTGOM- ERY. R.R. 1. Clinton. Phone 841 r 31. _ Seaforth. 4417-3 S DtATED at 1Seaforth this 16th CUSTOM CRUSHING ---GRAVEL ORU5H- ed and delivered at any time. EV- ALVIN W. SILLERY, ERETT R. SMITH. Egmondville. Phone Barrister, Etca 663 r 4. Seaforth. 4419x2 Seaforth. Ontario,. Solicitor For the Estate HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE - WE have secured a permit and have im- ported flowering bulbs from the gardens of Jac rte Vrooaren. Lime, Hollandand are ready to give yon the best bulbs at the right price. Darwin Tulips. King Al- fred Daffodils and Hyacinths in separate colors. Plant some this Fall and have your flower beds tweet you with a blaze of --1nry in the Spring. Open every evening. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE ,Seaforth. 4419x5 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARION SHOLDICR ALL PERSONS HAVING C L A IMS against the Estate of Marion Sholdice. late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. Widow, decease]who died on or about the 13th day' of July. 1952. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 10th day M Octo- ber, 19052, alter which date the a-<ets w:11 be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. NOTICE -ON AND AFTER THIS DATE 1 will not be responsible for any debts day of 4419-3 incurred in my name. LOUIS EBEA- ---- .--- - HART. Seaforth. 4419x2 Auction Sales RAD10 REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS' of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REI AUCPION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. ferts in the 'Village of Brussels. on Phone 347-R. 4363-12 Wednesday, September 24th. at 1 p.m.: Full line of good bonne furnishings. in - ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - PROMPT, eluding Easy washing machine: vacuum , courteous collection of all dead and . cleaner: chest of drawers; electric rang - disabled farm animals Call collect, ED.: ette: cook store; living room furniture: ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 253. ' radio combination: china, and s ard'ea Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of 1 tools Tis - Caah, JAMES McFAD- Canada Ltd. -1 4399ZEAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4419-1 Miss Betty Mickle, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle. Mr. Clarence Billing,and Miss Margaret Wilkins, Sania, spent the week -end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert billing. Members of Hensall Legion Lad- ies' Auxiliary were guests of Brus- sels Auxiliary Thursday night. Miss Jean Meletzer, London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Melet- zer, of London. while spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray, of Edmonton, Alta_, was stricken with polio while on a vis- it, and passed away Saturday, Sept. 13, at Edmonton General Hospital. Mrs. Spray is the former Mary Geiger. VILLAGE of HENSALL Court of Revision NOTicE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A 1 Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Village of Hensall for the year 1953 will hold its first meeting on Tues- day, September 30. 1952. at 8 p.m.. in the Council Chamber. JAMES A. PATERSON. Municipal Clerk. 1 Dated at Hensall. September 16. 1952. 4419-1 NOTICE To the Ratepayers of Hay and Stanley Townships O Municipal Council of the Village of FOR SALE -2 AXLES AND 4 WHEELS Hensa1i has given the Municipal Councils 'E 1 TO THANK 01711 MANY for 110x3!4 ; suitable for trailer. Ap., of Hay and Stanley Townships ample time friends 'and neighbors and the mean- ply J. C. CRI(SH: 4419x1 to come to an Agreement over the matter bet's of the .Blyth and Seaforth Fire ,Bri- aef FIRS PROTECTION and have been rade; who su ably fought the lire at our! nimble to 'Let any satisfaction as regards place last week, and wbo assisted in clean- iiae same from either of the Municipal Ina up afterwards. Courant: therefore, after Camber 1 1952, MR.AND MRS. WARD KNOX 4419x1 WING TO THE FACT THAT THE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fecta itf the Mown of Seaforth. on Saturday. September 27th, at 1 p.m.. on North Main Street: Electric Singer sew- ing machine: bed, springs and dresser: GeneraltEtectric stove in perfect condi tion: Beatty washing machine: cherry drop leaf table: 4 chairs; Northern Electric refrigerator, used one year: radio and rec- ord player; 2 single beds and dresser: studio couch: oomseonal ehair : gate-leg table: trilight lamp; coffee table: electric lamps: magazine rack and table; stool; 3 -speed record player: television set, aerial and booster, complete. would be installed free of charge in vicinity of Seaforth clocks; seaters: garden tools; tool cab- inet: 0, H.P. motor; saw and '5 H.P. Leland motor; Plover 14 H.P. G.E. motor, table Terms --Cash. W MASSEY. Pro- prietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Cleric- 4419-2 ematommitmes Cards Of Thanks Mixed Jitney Tourney A trio skipped by W. 3. Jarrett, was tops in a mixed jitney tourney at the local club Wednesday eve- n'ne. Other members of the win- ning team were Mrs. E. Munn and T Butt. Second prize winners were Mrs. G. Walker. J. A. Paterson. ship. Carmel Session Meets At the Session meeting held in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sun- day afternoon, members discussed approaching the congregation with a view to having four elders elect- ed. Holy Communion will be ad- ministered Sunday, Oct. 1, morning and evening services. Evening ser- vices, beginning Oct 1. will com- mence at 7:30 p.m., instead of the usual 7 o;clock. Ilderton, and M•r- Amos F guson, Ilderton. visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter Sunday. Miss Merle Dickert returned home after speudins a few days with relatives in• Clifford. We regret reporfing Mrs. Elston Dowson ill and a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and sons visited Sunday with Mrs. Par- sons' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden, of Denfield - Miss Florence Haake. Niagara Falls. N.Y.. is spending two weeks with Rev, and. Mrs. Norman Mc- Leod. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and Judy, Stratford. also Mr. and District Obituaries EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and Joan, Windsor, and Mr. Stuart Keys, (Millie, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Nelson Keys. Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto, visited with her mother, Mrs, W. F. McMillan. EDWARD D. HOCKING FULLARTON. — Edward David Hocking, estimable Fullarton town- ship resident, passed away Monday afternoon in St Joseph's Hospital, London, where.he was removed one and one-half weeks previously, af- ter being 'confined to Stratford Gen- eral Hospital since he suffered a severe heart attack on July 22. He had been critically ill since that time. Appoint W. Chalmers District Relief Officer The late Mr. Hocking was born in Hibbert township on March 7, 189'5, the son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. William T. (Margaret Adair) Hocking. He was an active mem- ber of Roy's United Church, assist- ant superintendent of the Sunday School there and had served as a member of Fullerton township council since 1947. He was also a member of the Mitchell branch of the Canadian Legion, having serv- ed in the armed forces for two and a half years during the First World War. The Honourable W. A. Goodfel- low this week announced the ap- pointment of Walter Chalmers to head the District Welfare Office• lo- cated at•Wingham•. Mr. Chalmers will be,Fesponsible for provincial welfare activities in the Counties of Bruce, Huron and :Perth. In ad- dition to t±he.a, Wingham office, local offices will be maintained at Wal- kerton and:Stratford to serve these areas. On September 24, 1921, he mar- ried Mary Catherine Baird, after which he continuously farmed on 'lot 30, con. 10, Fullerton township. Surviving are his wife, two sons, William E. Hocking, Toronto, 'and Donald B. Hocking, at home; one 'brother, StanleyvHocking, Mitchell; one sister, Mrs. John Dalrymple, Fullarton township, and one grand- son, Bruce Hocking. The body rested at his late home where service was conducted Wed - 1 nesday afternoon, with interment in Roy's cemetery. cabinet, magazine rack and an esu anent for the table. Mr. and Mrs. Buuok have three sons, 'Martin, Gerald- and Carl, and one daughter, Rose Eva. Among those present were Mr. and Mra.. 'Martin Buuck, 'Milverton; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Buuck and Mi. and Mrs. Henry Busick, Rostock. Duff's W.M.S. and W.A. Complete Plans for Sale Here in Early October Plans for the bazaar and home baking sale October 11 in Dublin Produce Store,.Seaforth, sponsored by the W.M.S. and W.A. of Duff's Church, McKillop, were completed at a joint meeting•held last Thurs- day at the church. Mrs. Gordon Papple, vice-presi- dent, read the call to worship and a hymn was sung. 'Mrs. Leslie Fete Mrs. S. Lefebrve Before Journey West Mrs. Robert Charters was hostess last Friday afternoon to .about 25 neighbors ' and friends of Mrs. S. Lefebrve, who has been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown. Mrs. Lefebrve left Satur- day by plane from',London for Van- couver, B.C., where she will live with her grandson, Mr. Fred Din- woodie. During the afternoon ..she was presented with an attractive set of writing needs. After refresh- ments served by Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Charters, the group bade farewell to Mrs. Lefebrve: WINTHROP • The W.M.S. of Cavan Church will hold a special meeting Monday eve- • ning at 8:30 in the church. The girls who attended Alma College, St. Thomas, will give their reports - ,All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Bili Forrester, Al- ice and Barbara, of Zurich, called on friends in the village recently. Miss Agnes Broadfoot, London, "!r 8R: ERS, X952 . Pryee read the fleriptllre le oa a*i the •nimttes ofthe previ n , mec s Apt were re1,4d and' adopted '$ Catherine Campbell and 'ean . presented reports of 'thein' txip to Alma 'College at St. Thomas, Z91ea thankoffering was discussed alert Mrs. Gordon Papple,. Closed ,a* meeting with prayer. J KIST CREAM I DA I McKillop Couple Feted For 28th Anniversary By Friends, Relatives A large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck last Monday to spend a social evening and mark the 26th anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Buuck was the former Lena Dietz, daughter of Mrs. Henry Dietz and the late Mr - Dietz, also of McKillop. Cards and dancing were enjoyed during the evening. Later, Mr. Martin Diegel read an address and Mr. and Mrs. Buuck were .present- ed by George Rock with a sewing Sunday Services Conducted In Hensall District Churches The Rally Day program, in charge of the Sunday School teach- ers and scholars. was featured at the morning service in the Hensel] United Church- Mr. J. Corbett, Sunday school superintendent, pre- sided. ro-sided. The guest speaker was Mr. Ben Smillie. Toronto. son of the late Rev. Ben Smillie. wbo spent many years as a missionary in -India. Mr. Smillie delivered an inspiring and challenging address. Mrs. T. Coats was soloist, and Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ. Services will be held as usual next Sunday morning, with Rev. W. J. Rogers in charge. WIN CHELSE A Mr. and Mrs. William Brock and family and Miss Wilma Walters,' London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, Mr. Emerson Gunning, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey spent Sunday with relatives at Forest Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke vis - 'ted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, Crediton. Miss Betty Bailey spent the lat- ter part of the week with Miss June Waiters, of London. Mr. Colborne Vance and Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Batten called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. Hensall. Sunday evening. Mrs. N. Clarke, Mrs. T. Creery, Mrs, ,J. Coward, Mrs. I. Brock and Mrs. P. Kern accompanied the For Sale fro S1 ids will be answered ... from either Tbwn'sh'iyf by the Hensall Fire Erigade. tMxid tsie nate that both Cottneiis have beet ,delved of thin., 1r1G1 al alma of the tli eek. Births LARKTN--)Mr. and Mrs Richard H. Lar- kin announce the birth of a son, Freder- ick Ring,.Septetnber 10, Grate Hoepital,, Deaths Windsor. McCLIMB--At Scold. Memorial Hospital on ORIADMUO1-In Session, to Sunday, Sept. 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Donatd Me- Seis 14, Heisry OrtOrmolc, Bihar father Clete. ILK. a Walt'pn a daughter. of Aged Giiaitiooai l of Win]etn, i'iNIINEW In Strapme General. ospl al,' Siteuteliewatt: Poole. Tokonto; deairt , on Tot dtt, 16 to SKr. and* nd Mra, liroilter..tIO ipCrl neadOlii /dot*, '`Ssato0tb DRAM At Pits seratfo+rd. a dwell• In Ms Stith into to Hers Jatce: is Chiselhurst Anniversary Rec. N. McLeod. Kippen, con- ducted morning worship in Chisel - burst Church where ,be ably dealt with the ,text: "Whosoever shall fall on that stone shall be broken, but on whom it shall fall, it shall • !grind him to powder." Mr. Rogers will be in the pulpit next Sunday let the usual time. On Sunday, October 5, Chisel - burst anniversary services will be observed afternoon and evening. The guest speaker will he Rev. R- A, A, Brook, Blnevale. Carmel Services Rev. J. Fox conducted morning hand evening services in Carmel Presbyterian Church. To the jun- ior congregation Mr. Fox spoke about "Echoes." His morning theme was entitled, "Recapturing the Dream of the Individual, Have I Not Sent Thee?" i Local Legion Host To Zone Delegates Under the direction of Mr. Nicol, organist, the choi rrendered the anthem, "Does Jesus Care?" Miss Jean Henderson sang a beautiful solo, "The Better Land." Services as usual will be held Sunday. WHEN AT THE SEAFORTH FALL FAIR, SEPTEMBER 18 and 19 . - . BE SURE TO VISIT OUR BOOTH and Get a Ticket in Our Free Draw •a. Ball - Macaulay Seaforth • •Clinton Phone 787 BU1 tiers SupptI�.'SPhone' 97 Lumber - Lime - Cement Tile - Brick :d i t i t w 'rcr Monster Bingo $1,600.00 IN CASH Plus a Draw for a 1952 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN HENSALL ARENA Friday Setpember 26, 1952 Extra Special $1,000.00 — 3 Specials at $100.00 15 Games at $20.00 — $1,600.00 Sponsored by Hensall Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary 468 Members of Seaforth Branch 156 of the Canadian Legion were hosts Wednesday evening to delegates from branches in Zone C-1, at the semi-annual zone meeting. Comrade J. T. Scott, president of the Sea- forth branch, opened the meeting and the guests were welcomed by Andrew Y. McLean, M.P. Guests included Comrade Ted Evans, Toronto, second vice-presi- dent Dominion Command and Chair- man of the Ontario Poppy Day Committee, who stressed the neces- sity of there being active organiza- tion in the sale of poppies and wreaths; District Commander Har- old Gallaty, of Kitchener; Russel McLeod, district sports officer, of Preston; Scotty Forbes, Legion Pensions Officer, London, and John Hills, D.V.A., London. Oh''airman of the meeting was Zone Commander. George Wylie, of Howick. A -bout 90 were present. The meeting adopted a resolu- tion urging that municipal council declare November 11 a full holiday.1 No action 'was taken concerning another resolution that would have had the effect of criticizing the in- crease in war veterans' allowance approved at the last. session of par -i liament The spring zone meeting will be held in Kincardine, while the zone l drumhead service will take place in Tiverton next June. Should Tiv- i erton not wish the service, it will i be held in Seaforth. The Seaforth Women's Auxiliary: to the Legion served refreshments 1 following the meeting. of El mu A SMART ELCO AUTOMATIC WRIST WATCH Just guess how many Hours, Minutes and Seconds it will run after it has been fully wound and set at 10 p.m., Saturday Night, September 20. Make your _FREE, guess at our booth at the Fair, or at our Store any time Saturday, §eptember 20, before 10 p.m. • • The Watch will go to the person whose guess is closest the actual length oftime the watch has run, as above. ONLY ONE GUESS PER PERSON • • SAVAUGE'S Jewellery - 'Gifts - Fine China Our Store Will Be Closed Fair Day, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. "WE'LL SEE YOU AT THE FAIR" USED CARS 'OR SALE • 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN • 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SPORTS COUPE • 1950 CHEV. 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