The Huron Expositor, 1951-12-21, Page 10SEAFORTH, Friday, December 21 HENSALL Mrs. R. Gemmell was hostess for Klippen East Women's Institute Christmas meeting. Miss Grace Tre- meer, president, was in the chair, and pre-sohool children were spe- cial guests. The motto, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," was taken by Mrs. H. McGregor. The Christmas story was present- ed by Mrs. E. Whitehouse. A dem- onstration of a table centerpiece \vas ably demonstrated by Mrs. R. Dalrymple, Egrnondville. Jean and Bobby McNaughton gave recita- tions, and Mrs. Fred Slavin contri- buted a poem. Ten dollars was don- ated to the Children's Aid Society in Goderich. and $25 to Korean Re- lief Fund, Members exchanged gifts Season s Qreetings! 980 CFPL's JACK JLLMAN and Santa Claus was present and distributed gifts to the children. Luncheon was served. Father Dies in Goderich Francis B. Riley, veteran of World War 1, passed away in God- erich Saturday after a long illness. Born in Kidderminster, England, he came to Canada 40 years ago and settled in. Goderich. He was a mem- ber of St. George's Church and of Branch 109, Canadian Legion. Sur- viving besides his wife are three sons; Frank, Ottawa; William, Hensall, and Leslie, Gode:ioh; three daughters, Mrs. John Turner and Mrs. Jas. Burton, England, and Mrs. Chas. Adams, London, Ont , and six grandchildren. One son, Ar- thur, died of wounds in World War I. The funeral, with full Legion honors, was held from the Brophey Funeral Home, Goderich, Tuesday at 2 p.m, to St. George's Church, where services were conducted by the Rev. B. H. Farr. Interment was in the soldiers' memorial plot, Maitland cemetery. Enjoy Turkey Banquet The Town Hall, Hensall, lovely with Christmas emblems, was the setting for a gala affair Friday eve- ning last, when a turkey banquet was enjoyed by members of the I.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodg- es, together with their husbands and wives who were the special guests. The banquet attended by over 150 was catered by Kippen East Women's Institute. For the program which followed Past Dis- trict Deputy Earl Campbell was master of ceremonies. S. G. Ran nae led a sing -song; Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Wm. Brown contri- buted a vocal duet; S. Rannie, a solo, and Mr. Jefferson, Clinton, P.D.D., a reading. Members of the lodge spoke briefly. Wieners for the progressive euchre were: Lad- ies, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs...Al- lan Johnston, Mrs. H. McEwan; Christmas Gifts for Him V -Master and Rollmaster CIGARETTE MAKERS Wallets, Tpbaccos, Pouches, Lighters, Pipers, Cigarette Cases CIGARETTE FLAT 50's Tobacco Half Pounds CIGARS in 5's, 10's, 25's, 50's CHOCOLATES Oke's Billiards Extends Season's Greetings gents, Bert Horton, Tom Meyers, Ross Richardson. Mrs. S. Rannie and Mrs. R. Richardson formed the decorating committee. Mother -and -Daughter Meeting The Christmas meeting of Zurich W.I. was held in the Town Hall, which was decorated with Christ- mas emblems and lighted tree, which was a mother and daughter meeting. Fifty were present. The president, Mrs, Gush Roche, tools the chair. Mrs. Newell Geiger, secretary, read letters of greetings from other institutes and apprecia- tion cards. Letters received from War Memorial Hospital, London, and Children's Aid Society, Gode- rich, expressed thanks for cash donations. Mrs, Milton McAdams presided for a program with trios by the Misses Eria Hay, Donna Desch and Sheila Willert; solos by Roy McAdams and readings by several of the younger folk. Mrs. James Kirkland, district president, of Hurondale, and Mrs. William Gaiser, Crediton, were the main speakers. A shower of jams and vegetables was riven to a new Can- adian family, the Walter Archer family, recently arrived from Ger- many. Lun-•heou was served by Mrs. Milton McAr'arrs, Mrs. W. Hay, Mrs. Philip Hartman and Mrs. Tetreau. Gifts were exchanged by the members. and gifts given to the child, en who took part in the pro- gram, BRODHAGEN Adams - 'Hinz I In a double -ring ceremony in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhag- en, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 15th, the marriage was solemnized of Betty Jean Hinz and Mr. Darrell Adams. Rev. Walter Becker offici- ated at the ceremony at 1 o'clock. The bride is the eldest daughter ef'r. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz, Brod- - =' hagen, and the parents of the IN bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Adams, reside in Mitchell. The ..+%, ..N ata+ ..4 law irr ,;<.r` ,a,:: ,T..,P faaa' iraf tr.A tr-ir T,. rang tea••C• R a.. Christmas greetings 980 CFPL's KEN ELLIS �reji„ma/ ;w I✓r1✓+ ;v,IP'r s- s , ,., ,-, MUCH AS WE'D LIKE TO PAY A CHRISTMAS CALL TO EACH AND EVERYONE WE KNOW IN TOWN, THIS IS OUR SUREST WAY OF GREETING ONE AND ALL TI 74 THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF h Seaforth Motors, Phone 141 Seaforth �55 church was decorated 'with chrys- anthemums and ferns for the occa- sion. The bride wore a gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with fitted bodice, nylon yoke and lily - point sleeves with French lace in- serts, Panels of French lace ac- cented the bouffant skirt. Her fin gertip illusion veil with lace edg- ing was ,held in place with a lace headdress trimmed with silver stars and pearls. She carried a 'bou- quet of white chrsyanthemums and fern. Mrs. Harry Adams, Mitchell, was matron of honor gowned in silk velvet in wine shade, with ny- lon yoke and silver bead trimming. Best man was Harry Adams, Mit- chell. Mr. and Mrs. Adams will re- side in Brodhagen after a wedding trip to Hamilton and Niagara Falls. VARNA A Christmas pageant, "Guests At the Inn,” will be presented in the United Church, Varna, at 7:34 p.m., sponsored by the W.A. Owing to this, the regular service -will be held at 10:15 a.m. On Friday night, Dec. 21, the Sunday School of the United Church, Varna, will hold their an- nual Ohristmas concert in the Township Hall. WINCHELSEA Miss June Walters, of London, spent the week -end at her home. A number of the young people attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs, Howard Dayman at Hensall Wednesday evening. Mr. Bert Dobbs, of Stratford, is visiting his sister and brother-in- law, .Mr. and Mrs, Newton Clarke. The ladies of the village packed a large bale at the home of Mrs. Newton Clarke, for Mrs. Frank Lee of Brookdale, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance spent Friday in Laindon, McKILLOP Koehler as floor manager. The bride and groom were presented with a davenport and chair. The address was read by Mr. Harold Caldwell. The groom replied, ex- pressing sincere thanks. Lunch was served. SERVE, 1 TRDE MARK REG. when friends drop in Wad Jidin9s 980 CFPL's ROY .11,WJ LL 0 A shower was held in Mitchell ' 44 S• Q Town Hall on Friday, Dec. 14, when 1 �ti''''^^�� Wat Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elligson were made the recipients of useful art-' isles, such as a floor lamp, desk, and various other gifts. in the Evangelical Church on Sun - A Christmas service will be held! WTiLLAIJE day, Dec. 23, at 2:30 p.m. i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rege, Mr. ' and Mrs. Harry Regele and 'Mrs. Chas. Regele were at Fullarton on Friday evening attending the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Stoskapf. 1 "Third Dimension Beauty" s KIPPEN Mrs. Ducharme, of Dashwood visited her mother, Mrs, McCly- mont, on Friday of the past weak. week. We are pleased to learn Mr., Dickert is home and much improv- ed in health since being in a To- ronto hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Burke and Mrs. Gibson, of Wroxeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mellis on Friday. We are indeed sorry to hear of Mrs. W. W. Cooper being on toe sick list, having been taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday. We trust she nsay have a speedy recovery. We regret having to report. Mr. ri Robert McBride fell down the cel- lar steps last Saturday and thus causing a fractured hip. He was taken to Clinton Hospital with Dr. 'Goddard and Dr. Oakes attending. We hope he soon may be restored to health. Mr. Thos. Butt spent a few days in Toronto, returning home Tues- day. Mrs. Stewart Beattie and chil- r'ren, of Wingham, are spending a few days at the home of her 1 I mother, Mrs. Robert McBride. Mrs. Robert Thomson, accompan. ied by her daughter, Mrs. Schnei- der, of 'Stratford, were in London on Saturday. f'j A large number of relatives and friends assembled in the Town a, Hall, Hensall, on Wednesday eve- ning In honor of Mr, and Mrs. How- ard Dayman (nee Margaret Wal- ters), who were recently married. Dancing was enjoyed to music by 'Desjardine's orchestra, with Glenn' Asked what be thought of two candidates for the election, an en- lightened voter replied: "Well, 1 when f look at them, Pm thankful that only one of them can get ,elected." U £7 PATTERNS GRAND BAROQUE STRADIVARI GRAND COLONIAL ROSE POINT Sblect your Christmas gifts today! SAVAUGE' 3 Jewellery - Gl'!"s - Fine China SEAFORTH